#he did teach his assistants to draw just like him so that they could help with the manga before he passed
chlobliviate · 2 months
Wolfstar Microfic - World
Words: 977
Sirius loved his job. He loved working with tiny humans. He loved being one of the people who introduced them to the world outside their home. To show them nature, read stories, and chat with them while they drew scribbly pictures.
The plan had been for him to go into politics, like his father, and grandfather. And great grandfathers, back further than he cared to think about. But even Orion Black couldn’t get on board with his gay son inheriting his seat in the House of Lords. So they swiftly moved onto the spare, until they pushed him to rebellion too. According to the last email, Regulus was running a vineyard in France and was stunningly happy, which made Sirius happy in turn.
Each year he got kids from all walks of life. Kids with two moms, disabled kids, kids in care, kids with more energy than they knew what to do with, kids whose passions were adorably wild for four-year-olds, like cooking or cricket. His godson had just started in his class and was proving to be a handful, as he knew he would be. Any child that was half James Potter and half Lily Evans, with a healthy dose of Sirius’ influence could be nothing less.
But when he got word that he had a student starting the school year a month late, he mentally assigned Harry as his buddy. Within minutes of having Teddy Lupin in his class, he knew it was a good decision.
He’d been in a meeting when Teddy arrived. He’d meant to have a chat with Teddy’s parent. Dad, he seemed to remember the paperwork saying, with a name almost as ridiculous as his own. Roman? Something like that. He’d have to catch him at the end of the day. His teaching assistant, Dorcas told him that the dad seemed as nervous as Teddy, but that he was cute and sarcastic. If she said that with a pointed look at him, he pretended not to notice.
Teddy let Harry show him around the classroom, the reading nook, the ‘pretend area’ that was set up as a cafe this week, the toy cupboard and finally their table. Teddy asked lots of questions and Sirius took this as a good sign. Better he ask than feel like he couldn’t.
Once the class was settled, working on drawing their house and family, Sirius crouched next to Teddy’s desk.
“How’re you getting on, Teddy?” He said quietly.
“Good, I think.” He stuck his tongue between his teeth as he concentrated on drawing. “I only have to draw me and my dad.”
“That’s not fair!” Ron moaned from the other side of the table. “I think I need more Paper!”
Sirius chuckled, “But think how much your mum and dad will love this drawing, with all of you on it!” He’d taught Ron’s twin brothers a couple of years ago, and he knew for a fact that they had not produced any pictures like this for their family, so it would be a nice change of pace for them. He turned back to Teddy, “If you need help or anything at all, just let me know. There are no stupid questions, ok?” Teddy nodded, not looking away from his drawing.
Teddy was the last to collect his belongings at the end of the day, and Sirius helped him put his water bottle into his tiny backpack before they headed for the door. “Oh, wait! Your lovely drawing!” Sirius grabbed it off his desk. “I bet your dad is going to love this!”
“He does drawing. For a job!” Teddy shared, gleefully. “I want to do that.”
“Well based on today’s artwork, I think you’d be a fantastic artist!” He smiled down at Teddy, who beamed up at him. “Come on, let’s go find your dad.”
Teddy’s Dad, who Dorcas was, annoyingly, definitely not wrong about, was waiting on the playground alone, looking nervously at the door. He visibly sighed in relief when he saw them and walked towards them.
“Dad!” Teddy ran towards him and was swept up into a hug. “Dad! I did art!”
“You did?” Teddy’s dad asked earnestly. “Can I see it?” Sirius held out the drawing, which he took and examined. He crouched next to his son. “You drew the new house. Wow! That’s so much detail, Teds. This is amazing. We’re going to put this on the wall in the kitchen!”
Teddy grinned at his dad, and then back at Sirius. “Thank you for Today.”
Sirius’ heart melted a little bit, “Thank you, Teddy! Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“Why don’t you go and play on the swings for a minute, while I have a quick chat with Mr…”
“Black.” Sirius supplied, “Sirius.”
Remus nodded as Teddy ran to the tiny swings on the playing field. “Was he alright? No trouble?”
“No trouble at all, he’s a good kid.” Sirius smiled, “His art skills are so advanced for his age. I honestly wouldn’t blink if you told me a ten-year-old drew this. Must be genetic.”
“Ah, he’s been bragging about me?” His cheeks flushed slightly and it was possibly the cutest thing that Sirius had ever seen.
“Yeah, seems he wants to follow in your footsteps.” Sirius paused, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t ask your name.”
“Remus. Lupin.” Remus. That was it. Remus’ cheeks grew pinker. “Well, thank you. I was so nervous about him starting late. He’s my world, but we had to move back. My mum.” Sirius understood. “But it seems he’s... in good hands.” A slight smirk teased the corners of Remus’ mouth.
Sirius had plenty of single mums flirt with him over the years, but this was new. “I’ll tell you what, Remus. Why don’t I give you my number, just in case.” He dragged his eyes up Remus’ torso.
“Sounds good,” Remus said, breathlessly.
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ughgoaway · 5 months
need to see how teacher!reader met ross and hann
Omg yeah, I can't believe I haven't discussed this at length yet??
Hann’s story is very boring (sorry, bro), baby Hann goes to Annie’s school, and you once worked as a teaching assistant in his class! It was whilst you were still training, so you were just a helper, but you sometimes did hand off at the end of the day, so you spoke to Carly and Adam regularly. As well as being there on parents' evenings and things, so they just know you through school.
Ross is a little more interesting story though…
You met Ross a few months into your intense crush on Matty. You knew who he was after some intense stalking of Matty’s social media and some googling. But Ross had no idea what you looked like.
He knew Matty was falling in love with his daughter's teacher, and he told him over and over again that it was a bad idea. So he did no research into you, not wanting to encourage Matty into a relationship that didn't sound so sensible.
You blink heavily a few times, trying to process whether this man in front of you is actually the man you thought he was. But when you saw a flash of his phone background and saw a picture of all the boys and Annie at the zoo, you knew he was indeed the very same Ross you'd seen in many late-night stalking sessions.
So when he saw a pretty girl in a club, he didn't think twice before going up to her and offering to buy a drink. “Hi, bit of a boring pickup line, but I saw you from across the bar and thought you were beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?”
Ross decided to go simple that night after having spent too long chatting up a girl just for her to slink off with another guy at the end of the night (usually Matty…)
Whilst you were processing, however, you were silent. Which isn't exactly encouraging when it comes to picking girls up at bars. Ross starts to nervously move around, pulling at his shirt and fiddling with his hair. You can feel the nervousness radiating off of him, and you don't quite know what to do.
Part of you wants to be honest right away, tell him your Annie's teacher and you recognise him from her many drawings, all of which you now know are quite accurate as you stare up at Ross. But also, you know that as soon as you mention Matty, you'll get that stupid lovesick look on your face, and you can't risk Ross telling Matty that. You could try and hide it, but your face said everything your words didn't.
Ross can sense your hesitation and starts talking again before you can respond, “Let me guess, pretty girl like you has a boyfriend already, huh?” he laughs. You can tell he isn't putting too much pressure on this conversation, so you feel okay lying to him, just this once.
“Ah, thank you for the offer, but I do indeed have a boyfriend, I'm afraid. I would normally take the free drink, but you seem like a nice guy, so I'll let spend your money on a single girl, yeah?” You giggle at Ross and shoot him a wink, and you can't help but brighten even more when you see a blush come across his cheeks.
Luckily, Ross doesn't take it too hard and thanks you for your honesty before moving back across the bar. You don't pay too much attention to him for the rest of the night, dancing with your friends and trying to drink your feelings for Matty away (it doesn't work, and you start stalking his Instagram at 3 am until your friend forcibly removes your phone.)
But just before you leave the club you flick your eyes around the room looking for Ross, and you couldn't be happier than when you see a redheaded girl practically on his lap in the corner of the room. 
But the second his eyes meet yours, they widen and you can see all the memories flooding back. You consider pretending to meet all over again to avoid the awkwardness, but you can't lie to Matty like that so you decide to just be upfront with it.
You don't cross paths again until after you and Matty are finally together! After breaking the news to the boys and diffusing the small bit of tension, you re-meet them all.
No part of your brain thinks Ross remembers you, you assume he's tried to pick up many girls at many clubs over the years, and you remember Matty saying he's been in a relationship for a few months now so there's no way he knows your face.
“Nice to see you again Ross, heard you finally found a pretty single girl, huh?” You tease, and you can see his muscles relax when you make a joke of it, every bit of nervousness in him melting away.
“Yup, found her the same night I met you actually, guess you having a boyfriend worked out quite well in the end,” he smiles softly as he speaks about his girlfriend, and you assume the redhead you saw with her tongue down his throat that night is the very same one that you see flash up as his phone background.
Before you can respond, Matty is jumping in with questions, “Do you two know each other already? And what do you mean, boyfriend? I thought you hadn't had one in years before you met me?” Matty's face is doing that scrunchy thing he does when he feels confused and left out at the same time, and whilst it is cute, you put him out of his misery pretty quick.
“I didn't. Ross and I met at a club months ago. He tried to buy me a drink, and I was so hung up on you that I lied and said I had a boyfriend. Worked out well in the end, though, didn't it?” You slide into Matty’s side as you speak, placing your hand on his chest gently.
“Wait, so did you already know who I was that night?” Ross asks before Matty can cut in and ask 100 more questions.
“Mate, no need to get all alpha male on me. Never even bought her a drink, used that fiver to buy one for Hazel instead. She literally said no to me because she was in love with you, don't think I had much of a chance. You always ended up with the girls I went for first anyway.” Ross jokes.
“Oh I absolutely did, I must have seen about 100 photos of you across all of Matty’s socials.” You laughed as you spoke and hoped the mention of your late-night stalking would distract Matty from everything, but it didn't.
You could see he was feeling weird about it. He felt jealous but was not quite sure why? You had turned Ross down that night because you liked him, but he's still annoyed at the idea of anyone hitting on you, especially one of his best friends.
This makes Matty move on quickly, and soon enough you're grilling all the boys about Matty’s supposed “slut era” and getting all the juicy details of all those girls in the back of his van.
You and Ross make jokes about it from time to time, whenever you're at a bar as a group he asks if you have a boyfriend when he buys a round, and you ask if he's single when you buy them too.
Matty rolls his eyes every time, but he always fights a smile when you press a kiss to his cheek to confirm you do, in fact, have a boyfriend. And he smiles even bigger when it turns from a peck on the cheek to a kiss on the mouth and the wiggle of a wedding ring, telling Ross that you don't have a boyfriend, but you do have a husband.
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discordiansamba · 21 days
just some more spitballing about character backgrounds for the avatar Yue AU... some of this I've been over before but it has been a hot minute since I discussed this AU
Yue is still the princess of the Northern Water Tribe, though she was born a waterbender and did not require the assistance of the moon spirit. She was only taught to use waterbending to heal growing up, and her father had full intention of concealing the fact that she was the Avatar from her, fearing that it may draw their people back into the war. When she discovered the truth (as well as her upcoming betrothal to Hahn), she decided to leave the North Pole and head to their Southern siblings, with the hopes that they would teach her combat waterbending.
(She is unaware of the major flaw in her plan.)
Aang is her childhood friend, born into one of the small pockets of survivors of the airbender genocide. He grew up in the North Pole and became fast friends with Yue, who was drawn to his sense of humor and how free he seemed. He's not an airbending master just yet, but it's clear he has incredible potential. When Yue decides to run away, she turns to Aang for help, and he agrees- and also agrees to teach her what he knows about airbending. He's eager to go out into the world, and maybe even connect with some of the other Air Nomad survivors.
Officially, Prince Zuko was kidnapped and likely killed by Earth Kingdom spies. Unofficially, the newly crowned Fire Lord Ozai paid off a few of his most loyal subordinates to make Zuko disappear. His face was burned to make him harder to recognize, and he was cast out into the Earth Kingdom and expected to die. Instead, he was picked up by a traveling theater troupe, who took him in. He taught himself how to fight, and has taken up moonlighting as a vigilante, fighting against both Fire Nation forces and Earth Kingdom corruption.
Instead of being too young to fight, Sokka was just old enough in this universe that his father brought him with him when he and the other men went to war. It was still a sharp learning curve for him, but under the mentorship of his father, he's gained strength in confidence in his own budding abilities. However he's throw overboard during a storm, but ends up washing up on Earth Kingdom shores. His goal is to find his father's fleet, but before that, he finds the Avatar and her two companions, and since their goal is to go to the South Pole, he decides his new mission is to join them.
(He and Zuko butt heads at first, but eventually, they learn to get along.)
Katara has disappeared from her village. According to Gran-Gran, she believes that she left to seek out proper waterbending training in the North, but even if that were the case, she should have arrived there before Yue left, but neither she nor Aang hadn't heard a thing about her. So where is Katara?
(She got side-tracked by Jiang and her pirate crew. She's doing great, actually!)
When Toph ran away from home, she decided she'd stay away and began living with the badgermoles instead. Now the Blind Bandit wanders the Earth Kingdom, looking for anyone strong to fight. She earns money by working as a bounty hunter, so a clash with the Avatar and the entourage is in the future...
Suki decides to escort Yue as her personal bodyguard after she helps fend of Zhao's forces on Kyoshi Island. If there's one thing that skirmish has shown her, it's that the Kyoshi Warriors can't afford to stay out of the war any longer... and the Avatar's got the best chance to end it.
(Plus, she and that Water Tribe boy are both pretty cute. She wouldn't mind traveling with them.)
After the disappearance of his nephew, Iroh traveled to the Earth Kingdom to search for him. He always suspected Ozai was behind it, but he had no proof, and therefore could not publicly accuse him. He has settled into the life of a wandering tea merchant, refusing to give up hope on Zuko.
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komiloves · 4 months
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౿  ׂ   ִ        ⁀   ˳ ⊹⠀- General HCs ! || Ijekiel Alpheus, Lucas x Reader ⁀   ⊹⠀ Note: New writing style, no one cheered 😔 I barely see any WMMAP x reader and I'm deprived of it right now. Time to put tumblr on use 😹😹
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Ijekiel is the gentlemen every girl could dream of. That sounds much more cheesy than I thought it would be. Seriously though, his calm and soft face? His gentle yet can be teasing personality?? Whoa dude, it's 1 in the morning why is the sun so bright already? Wait, that's not the sun!
Imagine standing alone at the grand ball Obelia had held and then suddenly someone bumps to you and when you look up, it's the son of Duke Alpheus himself, apologizing and that singular apology escalated into a whole night chat. Since when did you get the main character syndrome?!
Ijekiel loves practicing ball dances with you. Gently holding you with his pair of warm hands while he teaches you how to coordinate your steps. He lightly teases you when you accidentally made a mistake such as stepping on his foot.
He loves doing your hobbies with you. Oh you like sleeping? He'll nap with you. Oh you like to chew on snacks? He'll bring you some. You like drawing? He'll watch you draw and compliment you even as simple as you drawing lines. You like to read? He'll bring you to the library and have a quiet pleasant date with you there. You like to gossip a lot? He'll listen to you the whole time with affirmative nods. You like to shop? He'll bring you to your favorite place and offer to carry your bags even if you insisted that you can do it yourself.
Ijekiel definitely introduce you to his family, even if you told him that he doesn't have to. The meeting felt like him proposing to you and asking his family for support.
Ijekiel would learn stuff for you. Oh you can't cook? Suddenly you're greeted by some delicious dishes on the table when you come over at his place. You fell asleep on your desk after doing some stuff overnight? When you wake up, you suddenly found some flowers with a letter on it tinted with his scent. He loves acting on assistant for you.
When he gets jealous, all he simply does is shoot the person you're paying attention to a passive aggressive smile before gently pulling you away from them, claiming that the two of you have some stuff to do.
Overall, a really sweet sweet sweet man. Ijekiel is a really gentle guy with you, he loves to show you that he adores you with his whole life.
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Lucas is a massive asshole with you. This man would stubbornly stand on his point. What point you ask? His denial of being in love with you.
Lucas has been alone and so unattached of his feelings for hundreds of years and suddenly a simple person like you who he would definitely belittle of is making him feel things?
He would definitely deny his feelings at first. The butterflies? Probably just his stomach rumbling. His heart beating fast? Could be a sign of fever, aaand you name it. At the end, he couldn't help but succumb to it. Your smile is more than enough to light his days up and he secretly really loves it.
This man is the opposite of Ijekiel. He shows his worries to you with snarky yet light remarks. "Holy shit, you looked uglier than yesterday with those eye bags. Did you get enough sleep at all??" And then you two proceeded to banter like you usually do.
Believe it or not, Lucas is very needy when it comes to your attention. When he wants your attention, he will do stuff and then make it seem like he didn't do it on purpose (he sucks at it). Accidentally twisting and knotting his tie so that you could undo it for him and put it back on his collar, his earring fell off so you have to put it back on his ear, and more.
This man somehow knows what you like and what you dislike, even if you didn't directly tell him. He catches you staring extra longer at a stuff displayed on a shop? You'd find that thing in less than a week in your room.
He loves using you as an arm rest. No matter how tall you are, Lucas will somehow look taller than you just for the sake of teasing you and using you as his arm rest when he's standing up.
When he gets jealous, he will make it clear that he does NOT like the person you're paying attention to. Send them death stares, glares, unamused yet condescending looks that says "I'm way better than you" before finally dragging you away, with the sarcastic excuse of "Oh sorry, they're busy, do you mind???"
No matter how flustered he himself could be when faced with his own feelings, Lucas absolutely, definitely, truly loves flustering you. He just loooves the sight of you denying your embarrassed state when it's as clear as an open book.
Overall, Lucas is the type of person to be conflicted of his own feelings while secretly enjoying the butterflies you gave him.
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latibvles · 3 months
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true north.
and we’re back! a little late but I plan on doing all ten prompts TRUST AND BELIEVE! on that note, this next one is wedding — so here’s inez, post-war, where the invitation to a wedding between friends pushes her to leave the nest for a third time. luckily alex’s door is always open. tagging @upontherisers for listening to me rock back and forth over them. I did an embarrassing amount of googling about trains for this one that's how you KNOW it got serious.
Maybe it’s not fair of her to say that the invite is what did her in.
No, the invitation was the most expected part of this — going to June and Benny’s wedding sounds and feels more normal than most things. It was always going to turn out this way, wasn’t it? A big wedding with everyone there, practically acting both as a celebration and a reunion. Most who wanted to keep contact, kept it, Inez herself included — but knowing June and Benny, they probably went the extra mile anyway to hunt down those who had disappeared.
The combination of June’s fierce determination and Benny’s kindness is a force in its own right.
Maybe it’s just the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Maybe it’s that Inez is walking into her family’s living room, and telling her mother she’ll be going to Chicago in next May for the ceremony — and then has to remind her who June Cielinski is.
“What classes didja have? Y’never told me about her!” She’s bouncing Judith on her knee — who’s entranced with her father’s car keys at the moment. Inez’s jaw clenched.
“No ma she’s— she’s from my crew. She was our bombardier.”
There’s a click of her mother’s tongue, a feigned recollection of a June and an unrelated anecdote about how she’d always liked that name, how it was a contender before they decided on Judith for her baby sister, who looks at Inez and smiles, showing off a missing tooth.
So maybe it’s not the invitation itself, but the reminders that stem from it. Everything, from the moment she set her bag down in her family’s doorway, has felt unequivocally wrong. She loves her family — Inez is sure of that — but maybe there was a reason Ben married so quickly and then moved all the way to Texas that Inez is only just now seeing. The only things that feel right are the things she’s done that are separate from this house.
The collection of letters she keeps under her bed, namely. She’d asked for Alex’s address impulsively, not expecting him to so willingly give it over. But he did — tore a page from his sketchbook and scribbled it for her, and she’d kept that piece of paper tucked in her pocket from the camp, to Paris, to London, all the way back here, until it was crumpled beyond recognition and the writing faded with time. That was when he was still living at home. Now they wrote pretty regularly, back and forth, which was… nice.
With a little help from his parents and after figuring out his finances, he’d gotten himself a place a little bit out of the city. I love Detroit, he writes, but I think the quiet’s doing me some good. Sometimes, he sends drawings. He tells her about how he’s thinking of picking up teaching, now that he’s in the Reserve, and she tells him to go for it. He’d be good at it. He has the patience for children.
She tells him about Judith, and how the baby takes after their brother Ben more than herself. She tells him about the job she’s picked up at the schoolhouse, as a teacher’s assistant and how grateful she is that she could find work after all this. She doesn’t tell him about how out of place she feels, how stuck she is. Some things you just don’t say through a letter, and some things you just don’t say at all.
That all sounds great, he writes, I’m happy for you, and she knows he means it. You spend roughly nine months with someone, you can usually deduce whether or not they’re saying things just to be nice or not. Alex doesn’t just say things to placate people. If you ever find yourself coming this way, my door’s always open.
She hopes he means that, too. If this were five years ago, leaving home might’ve been terrifying to her. Now though, it was thoroughly scratched from the list of things that made her sick to her stomach.
My invite to Benny and June’s wedding came in, she writes.
Mine too. Looking forward to seeing everybody, he writes back.
That’ll be May of next year. A nice spring wedding in Chicago — because some people really do have it all figured out. Inez is not one of them. Part of her, pessimistically so, thinks that she never will be. She’s not resentful of her friends for moving on with their lives. She’s just angry that she can’t seem to do it herself.
It’s funny how she can reach her limit and still endure. The AAF taught her that. She packs a bag, but it goes untouched in the back of her closet for two whole weeks. At the very least — it’s enough time to pocket an extra check.
It’s enough time to say that she’s thought it through. To have an epiphany — to come to terms with it. At least she remained time conscious despite the changes she went through. She was molded into a pot but cast so quickly that there’s a crack in her now that feels impossible to ignore.
Leaving feels more natural to her than staying, even if she’ll end up coming back to this place in a few days. That much she knows of. But as of right now, this house feels like a bird cage with the door left open; her parents were probably just waiting for her to leave.
She heads to the train station after helping her mom wash dishes, after Judith’s gone to bed. Inez doesn’t announce her leaving like she might’ve in the past. She just takes one of Alex’s letters and walks the length of the beaten old sidewalks until she makes it to the station. The last time she was here, she was happy to be home. Now leaving brings a strange sort of relief.
It’s three different trains she’ll have to take. She’d probably end up on his doorstep in the afternoon if her math is right. And it usually is.
Inez tries, feebly, to sleep on the first train — from Nashville to Louisville, but some habits she just can’t seem to break. Thorpe Abbotts and the air raids made her a light sleeper, and the Stalag made it worse. She jerks back into consciousness with every bump, every coo of a baby, every high pitched squeal of the rails when they roll into a station. She’s always half expecting to wake up in that block again to Savorre grunting in suppressed pain, or Harrie right next to her, face shoved into the flimsy pillows to muffle whatever onslaught of tears was overtaking her.
It’s never that, though. It’s always the dim lights of the train car, the quiet murmurings of its occupants, her bag clutched tightly to her chest like it was a person because she didn’t want to fumble with shoving it in the space above her. She’d rather have a familiar weight in her lap. Inez would hardly call it sleep, more like sporadic naps, broken up by her snaps into being awake and trying to make some sense of what state she’s in to little avail. She hits Louisville at 2:00am.
There’s still time for her to turn back but, well, that doesn’t exactly make much sense. Doesn’t sit right with her, so she doesn’t.
About halfway through the second train that takes her from Kentucky to Ohio — she’s a livewire really, bouncing her knee, rustling through her bag for a book Jo sent her a couple weeks ago. As 4am ebbs into 5am and the night sky starts shifting into the gray-blue of dawn, she’s becoming more and more restless, and by the time she’s getting on that last train in Ohio that’ll take her to Detroit, she can’t help but wonder if this is a terrible idea.
Her nail beds, already the subject of her merciless picking, are a nightmare to look at and she wonders if she can get away with keeping her hands hidden in the pockets sewn into her skirt once she gets there. If she gets there. She could ask about direct routes back home the moment she hits the station and it’d be like she was never even here. She hugs her bag tighter to herself, like it would provide her some comfort.
And by the time she hits Detroit, it’s almost noon, and the city is busy, and Inez is reminded vaguely of pins in a map — of her old pilot who’d smiled as she put her pin right in the heart of it. Yeah, this makes sense, is really the only conclusion she comes to as she tries to hail down a cab. She half expects her pilot to be the driver.
It isn’t though. His name is Frank. He’s nice. For the thirty minute drive out from Detroit to a more suburban area, something that looks a little more like home, he tells her about how business has really been booming in the past year with all the soldiers coming back from overseas.
He asks if she knew everyone who served. She nods and dismisses it with a “feels like everybody knows somebody,” that makes him smile and laugh in agreement.
But talking to Frank doesn’t much prepare her for pulling up to the house that matched the address in her pocket. It’s a small house with a bright green lawn — white siding and a small porch, a pair of work boots by the front door. A bag of fertilizer. No flowers in the boxes yet though. She can feel her heart in her throat as the cab pulls off and she stares at the path up for a long, silent moment.
It feels right, being here, but he could easily tell her to go away. What was she even supposed to say? Anything she could come up with sounded petulant. My mother forgot who June was so I left. My house feels like a cage. My parents keep pretending I didn’t go to war and it sucks. She eyes one of the spindly cracks working its way through the pavement and her hands ball into fists, her bag feeling impossibly heavy. She should go home. She could walk it, she was paying attention the whole drive over. It’s only noon, there’s gotta be a direct train from here t—
The sound of the screen door rattling as it opens and shuts is familiar. Her gaze snaps up.
Alex is in a white singlet and jeans, wiping his hands with a dirty rag when he catches her. The shock on his face is evident, then the confusion.
“Inez?” She thinks he’s beelining it towards her, but he stops by his mailbox first, opening it. “Did I– Did I miss a letter? I didn’t know you were—”
“No. No I just…” Inez cringes as she lets go of her bag and it lands beside her feet with a gentle thump, but she can’t help picking at her hands. “You said your door’s always open so I…” Her mouth opens and closes like a fish, scrambling for some explanation beyond a simple it feels right, coming here. He’s coming towards her now, with the familiar, friendly smile, and relief washes over her as he looks over her face, then reaches down to take her bag.
“How long are you here for?” he asks then, moving on from her shoddy explanation.
“I… I don’t know,” she admits, rubbing the nape of her neck. “It was a little bit of spontaneous decision making.” She elects to withhold the fact that instead of waiting until the next day for the next direct ride to Detroit, she’d taken three trains. That it was hardly impulsive when she had three train rides to think about it, and going home just didn’t sit right with her.
“Well you let me know when you find out. I’d hug you but…” He gestures to the state of him — dirt stains on the front of his white singlet, sweat from the August heat shining on his skin. Inez laughs, a little breathlessly and nods in agreement.
“Didn’t know you were a gardener.”
“I’m not. My mama says the front of the house looks too plain so she bought me a bunch of flowers to put in the front.” He lets her walk in front of him until they reach the door, and then he’s getting the door for her to let her into the small living room, bleeding into a kitchen. A couple dishes laid out on a towel on the counter, a blanket tossed over a moss-colored couch. The windows are open, letting in a breeze. She assumes the hallway leads to his bedroom.
“I can help with that,” Inez offers as he sets her bag by the door. “The flowers.”
He smiles at that, something wide and warm and familiar in a way that doesn’t hurt — and Inez finds herself smiling back.
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how would Heethan react to a hickey prank??
my idea:
when dropping y/n off at school, he briefly spots something on her neck but doesn’t get a chance to ask her because she gets off the car pretty fast so when Heethan texts her, she plays dumb the entire time and to make it worse, says it might have gotten from a guy 👀
well damn anon….😲😲😲😲 RIP to you and all the other readers…..at this point, you all behind saving. Not even I, can stop Heethan. Lol
Y’all really want to just experience Heethan’s brutality don’t you? Lol 😈 as you wish. One shot, not proofread so pls ignore mistakes. But this was a fun one… hehehe
nice knowing you…
April Fools
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The girls had introduced their traditional act of a prank draw for April Fools. Each person was to draw out a ticket from a fishbowl and commit to a prank against their boyfriend, and to your dismay, you drew out the worst possible one you could imagine, the fake hickey prank. 
Your heart fell into your stomach upon seeing the ticket, and you begged to swap it out but the girls were relentless in seeing you suffer at the hands of your man, considering everyone knew how Heesueng was with you.
He LOVED you…yet you felt like your life was about to be cut short after conducting this prank. 
In the girls bathroom, you became overwhelmingly nervous as it was closer to time when Heeseung would pick you up. The girls had collected a variety of purple, blue and even brown eye shadows and applied dabs of it on the side of your neck to make it appear as a real hickey. 
“Wow it really looks like a legit hickey.”
“Oh poor y/n hahahahahaha”
You stood there with your eyes closed, brows furrowed, and in complete fear as your hands began to shake. 
Not only did the girls enforced you to keep your ticket, they also made you wear one of Heeseung’s favorite mini sun dresses to add a bit of sting once you reveal the fake hickey, and tell him that you got it from another boy. 
“Okay, so you have to tell him that after he dropped you off, you skipped class with a boy. You’ll tell him that you were taking photos of you pretending to hug and cuddle with the boy as an “April Fools” joke, but then you got too carried away and let the guy continue in the midst of passion and he gave you a hickey. Got it?”
The girls scoffed and chuckled upon hearing the regulation of your prank. 
“I…I really don’t think I can do this…” you softly spoke, your voice shaken from the chills at imagining Heeseung’s face. 
“Come on Y/N, we all did ours. Just do it, it will be so fun. Well immediately tell and show him it’s fake after you pull his string for a few minutes.”
Nodding hesitantly, you reluctantly agreed. Suddenly H/N appears busting through the bathroom door. 
“Oh my God! Oh my God! Ethan’s here!” 
Your eyes widened and you grabbed on to one of the girls arms for dear life. 
‘No, no, no, no! God help me I’m going to die…’ 
They push you out of the girls bathroom, forcing you to make your way out of the exit. Seeing Heeseung’s car parked along the curb, you gulped. Unlike some of the other boys, Heeseung had so much on his plate that he didn’t even realize it was April Fools day. H/n made Jake promise to not reveal the date or the prank to him, since she had already got her fill and conducted her prank earlier in the day. 
Walking slowly up to his car, you wished, for once, that his windows were not tinted as you couldnt see his face through the glass. You wondered if he was already looking at you.
Your hair laid down, it was his favorite way of you wearing it, just all natural and free as it frames your face. 
Opening the door, you felt a chill run up your spine the moment you got a swift sniff of his cologne as you sat inside next to him on the front passenger seat. He was on the middle of sending out a mass group text to his peers to remind them of their assignments due date as he had assisted his professor with teaching and leading exam prep. 
As he remained focused on the screen, he speaks out, 
“Hey pretty baby, how was your day?”
You were so glad he was still staring at the screen, otherwise you would not have been confidant enough to answer right back. 
“…fine…how was yours?”
“Good. Just sending out a reminder real quick. Had a busy day.”
“Yeah, my professor left early so I had to-“
He glances up to see as your hair was all swooped over to the opposite shoulder, with some shorter layered pieces near the front falling along your neckline as it subtly covers the fake hickey…but not enough to go unnoticed. The very second he lifted his gaze he went silent, yet his eyes remained on your neck. 
Meanwhile, you tucked in your lips and stared out through your window, wincing your eyes shut as you took in the silence. You hear him put his phone down and as he continued to remain focused on your sight, you hear his hand lift up and reach over to you, in attempt to move the pieces of your hair away from your neck. 
“Uh I forgot something I’ll be right back!!”
You quickly ushered as you got out of the car and ran back inside the building. What frightened you even more was the fact that he didnt even try to stop you, grab on to you, yell or chase you down. 
‘He actually let me get away?’ 
Most times, Heeseung was quick to snag your wrist or your waist before you could even move an inch, yet this time, it appeared he was in such shock that he didn’t exhibit the viper strike speed of his hand like he normally did. 
You saw up ahead and watched as the girls all laughed and pointed at you, knowing full well they had watched through the window and were waiting for you to bust in, yet upon realizing that Heeseung wasn’t coming after you, everyone grew confused, as did you. 
“What the hell? Y/n, does he know it’s a prank?”
“No, I don’t think so…”
“Then why isn’t he coming for you?”
“I…I don’t-“
Suddenly your phone vibrates, a text from Heeseung came in…
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You nearly started to hyperventilate as you read his texts.
‘Oh my God…I’m dead…’
The girls all peered in as they took a glance at the text, which enabled them to enthusiastically remind you of the format in your prank. 
“Remember! You have to tell him it’s from a boy while you were skipping class!”   They all issued out and laughed, knowing full well that you were scared beyond shitless. 
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You stopped texting at noticing that Heeseung didn’t go on a rampage or rant out with his interrogational rant. There was absolutely no text back. 
After telling the girls of his lack of response, you began to tell them that the prank has to be called off, that you had taken it way too far. 
Suddenly the door behind you opens, turning around you see Heeseung walking slowly over towards you. His hat covered his eyes in their usual fashion, but there was something very eerie with the way he looked compared to how he normally did. And it wasn’t just the fact that his Ethan side had emerged. 
Not saying a word, his chin tilted down, he walks over, upon breaching you you noticed a pair of black, fingerless martial arts gloves adorning his hands. The sleeves of his black tanker jacket rolled a quarter way up, left completely unzipped as he displayed the semi-fitted white tee-shirt underneath, which subtly showed off his lean muscle. Earlier you thought he looked incredibly sexy with how his ensemble paired nicely with his straight jeans and boots. Now, you were terrified as he resembled a hit man for hire. 
The girls all rushed over to cover you and began explaining the prank as they hurdled around, taking notice of the man’s fierce demeanor.
“Ethan! Ethan! It was a prank! It was a prank, we all did the fishbowl prank like in high school. Remember? Remember Vicky used to do it to you?”
“Yeah it’s all good Ethan. It was a prank, y/n would never…”
They all fell silent and their eyes widened with fear as he ignored their words and continued to walk through them, his frame and slow pace pushes them off to the side as he walked into some of the girls that remained steadfast in blocking you, yet in the end, they all cleared the path at seeing his tenacity to get to you, despite how slow he was walking. 
You merely stood there with a look of fear and aloofness as your expression told him that you were flying the white flag of mercy. Your eyes began to start tearing up and getting glossy as he stood right in front of you.
He lifts his chin just enough to reveal and peek one eye from under his cap. The shadow still tinting his face as he looks into your eyes, a ghostly smirk appears from the side of his mouth. Reaching up, he gently placed his hand on the side of your neck, resting it on the corner of where the neckline meets the shoulder. With the extension of his thumb, he presses down on the mark, and drags it downward, smearing the eyeshadow, revealing that it indeed was fake, though it didn’t make you feel any better, especially at feeling the leather of those fingerless gloves, which you were deathly afraid at figuring what was going through his mind when he placed them on and came to find you. 
Still displaying his devilish smirk, he finally spoke.
“You in a mood to play pranks today, babydoll? Hmm?”
The combination of the low tone in his growling voice and the pet name reflected that he had totally gone to his Ethan side, lacking all the softness, rationality, and gentleness of his Heeseung side. 
You just stood frozen staring at him with the stinging moisture covering your eyes as you felt like you wanted to scream and cry. You felt scared…really scared. With your lips slightly parted, you watched as he slightly tilted his head to take a closer look at the fake hickey, before he shifted his shadowed eyes to you and grinned once more.
Upon hearing his question, the girls all started to rush in from behind him as they issued out words to explain yet again, that the prank was part of their yearly traditions. Yet the moment that Ethan snapped his head over, glaring a deathly gaze in his side eye to them, they all stopped, retracted, and looked away as they issued whispers of how great it was in knowing you. 
Turning his face back to you, his smirk re-appears. It was sinister, eerie, and teasingly deceiving.
You shook your head and finally responded to his question.
“Oh?” Here merely responds with his eyebrows raised.
He leans in and softly buried his face into your ear, softly taking in the scent of your hair surrounding it. You felt his mouth gasping open right over it, the vapor of his hot breath submerging directly into your ear canal as he softly kisses it in very slow motion. In between his soft and gasping kisses he finished his statement.
“I *kiss* think *kiss* you *kiss* are.” Each kiss was filled with a soft gasp, it was sickening and tenderly sweet with how his lips tapped on your ear as he softly and calmly spoke into it with his deep and alluring voice.
“Well since you’re in a playful mood, let’s go and…play.” 
Quietly taking you by the hand, he leads you out of the building, still walking at a slowed pace, which made you feel even worse. His grip on your hand tightened the moment you exit the building. Guiding you into your seat, he walks around and seats himself, driving back to his room as if nothing had happened. The car ride was silent and awkward, all you could do was sit there and stare at the flooring of the car while your hands remained on your lap. 
You tried to apologize, feeling terrible at how the whole thing turned out. 
“I’m sorr-“
His shushing cut you off as he stared at the road, yet the moment he issued it, his eyes widened and that sinister smirk re-appeared. Even though he was looking at the road, you felt ultimate fear upon seeing it from the side. 
Finally, you both arrived at the frat house. Getting out, he walks over and takes you by the hand and leads you out of the car and into the house. Walking in, you shuddered at the fact that he was still walking in a calm, quiet, and slowed pace. The moment he started to lead you up the stairs, you heard him humming…
Whoa, whoa, whoa
다시 chaconne now
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Chaconne now
“Ethan, what song are you humming?”
He merely grinned and chuckles without looking back at you. 
Entering his room, he guides you in first.
Reaching behind, without breaking his gaze on you, he locks the door, takes the key, and tosses it off the side without even looking at where it went. You hear the metal sound of the key bouncing off the floor, that was when you felt internal panic. 
Still humming and grinning, he passes you as he heads over to his closet, where he started to dig out something. 
“Ah-ha. Found it.”  He calmly stated, nearly in a whisper.
‘Found what?’ You wondered.
Taking out a gym bag, he pulls out something that you couldn’t make out. 
“Here.” He calmly states.
Tossing the item to you, he follows on with “Put it on.” His tone still deep, low, and calm.
You looked at him in confusion as you held the piece in your hand.
“Wh- what is it?”
He smirks.
You’ve packed his gym attire and did his laundry countless times, never have you once seen this item inside his bag, he must have gotten it within the week while you were so busy with your class work, it was the only time you hadn’t gone into his bag to clean his clothes.
Upon hearing your question, he tilts his head and smiles yet again. His grin was so….
“Ah, that’s right. You’ll need instructions on how to put it on, won’t you?” 
Devilishly grinning, tilting his head, bearing a slight bit of teeth as he eerily stares his smile your way, he reaches into the bag…not even breaking that sinister gaze or smirk away from you.  A chill stuns your spine.
Grabbing a piece of paper that was neatly folded, he tosses it to you. 
“Now…go put it on for daddy.” He chuckles.
You unfold the paper, it displayed instructions on how to put on the item properly.
It wasn’t until you saw the image of the item in proper wear that your body was jolted with lightening bolts of fear and panic. Your breathing heightened to an unsteady state.
Looking up at him, you saw that he stood, still grinning and looking at you with wide, piercing eyes while the shadow of his cap hovered over half his face.
Chuckling, he lowly spits out.
“Let’s play.”
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the next day….
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
UPDATED INNA PROFILE thank you to @solei-eclipse FOR THE TEMPLATE!!!!
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more down below!!!
Innamorati’s guardian, Dottore, was a scientist who specialized in human studies and biology. In order to further his research, he decided to buy a pet human.
This pet human was a girl, one who was quite beautiful and could be described as an angel. With curly black hair and fair skin, Dottore took a liking to her quickly. Not only was she adorable, she was intelligent, and able to learn materials far more advanced than most of other pet humans.
While Dottore still desired to learn about humans, he decided from that point that she was no longer a research subject but an assistant he can teach. He even started to view her as a daughter.
However, due to her intellect, she was held away from the rest of the pet humans. She was constantly with aliens who were disgusted at the idea of a human being allowed to be educated on their research. While Dottore tried his best, she felt alone and depressed. In order to pull her out of her slump, he got her a human for her own.
She named the child Innamorati, out of hopes that the name will ensure Innamorati to a fate where he will never be alone.
However she wasn’t able to stay with Innamorati for much longer, as one day when attending one of the Alien Stage rounds, rebels broke in and recovered many humans, however just as humans were saved, many were also shot dead, even if they were innocent. The guards could not tell as it was a massive rebel attack.
Dottore and Innamorati both lost her that day.
Dottore found himself to be in a depressive mess after her loss. And Innamorati’s presence wasn’t helping. Out of grief, he began to force Innamorati to wear the clothes she once wore at his age, even calling him by her name. But Innamorati didn’t look like her, sound like her, or even act like her. She was intelligent and mature. He was childish and was more interested on drawing instead of working.
He began to despise Innamorati, resenting him for even existing. “Why did she die, yet her useless pet lives?” He would often yell. When he would, Innamorati would cry, unable to do anything else. This only enraged Dottore much more, to the point he would lock Innamorati up in a room far away from his lab.
One day in the lab, he came up with an idea. He would try to create a daughter that was basically a clone of her. But there was a twist he wanted to add. He wanted to create an alien, who looked and acted like a human.
Was it even possible? many of his co workers asked. But none tried to stop him. He was a grieving father, best to let him mourn, they told each other.
But somehow, it had finally worked. He had created an alien hybrid. One that mimiced humans yet biologically was an alien. The child he had created was fragile, due to having a weak exterior of human skin. But he didn’t care. This was finally his child, he had her back (she’s never coming back)
When Innamorati had heard the news, he was excited. He wanted to protect the new child, and be there for her like an older brother. Maybe he would finally be able to prove himself to Dottore, and maybe he wouldn’t be alone much longer.
But Dottore refused him to be able to see the new child at all. Saying she was too fragile and weak, but he had another idea in store for Innamorati.
“You want to comfort her, correct?” He asked, already knowing the answer. “Singing is very comforting to children you know.”
Innamorati didn’t understand what Dottore meant, but he nodded his head. Dottore only chuckled, a sinister tone took over the room, as while Innamorati had no idea yet, but Dottore had planned to put Innamorati into Alien Stage, to finally get rid of him.
- Inna hates being called Innamorati! Only Dottore and Macbeth have called him by his full name.
- Inna carries around a scrapbook filled with drawings and pictures he finds interestinf as well as book quotes he likes. This is so he can show his little sister when he graduates Anakt Garden.
- When alone in the room, he’d hum to himself often, replaying the song that was playing prior to the rebel attack
- Inna’s favorite story is The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevesky.
- The first story he wrote was one that was meant for his little sister. He never got to tell it to her, but he was able to tell it to Nene ( @junebluues )
- He’s particularly close with Nene because of how excited he was to meet a little sister. Part of him wishes Nene was his real sister and then feels bad about it
- He never knew the names of his younger and older sisters. Dottore never told him
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annymation · 7 months
WAIIIITTTTT what do you mean Asha and Magnifico already knew each other before she was 18???? Explain this, explain yourself 🔫🔫🔫🔫
*raises my hands up* 🙌
Alright alright I’ll explain!
As I’ve mentioned here on this blog Asha interacted with Magnifico before the events of the story, it’s nothing major, just something that came to my mind, so here’s what happened
13 years prior to the events of Kow, when Asha was a little kid, she got to talk to the king during an event where he and the queen were pretty close to the people, a festival or something. Then again, they’re always pretty approachable to their people either way.
Anyway, this takes place before the talk she and Sabino had during Chapter 1 where she promised him she wouldn’t wish to become a great artist.
So the interaction would go like this:
Magnifico and Amaya were sitting on wooden thrones prepared just for them to get a view of the current festival of the month, the chairs are covered with curtains so people can only see them from the front view. It was just like any other festival and the king was frankly rather bored, even though his face wouldn't let it show.
But suddenly he hears a little voice “Psst excuse me, mr. King Magnifico!"
The voice came from beside him, he looks down and sees a smiling little girl looking up with her big eyes. No one else seemed to notice her there besides him since the chairs they're sitting on are covered and everyone else is watching the performances of the festival.
He gives her a friendly smile like he gives to any other subject "Well hello there, how did you get here?"
"I sneaked in from behind the curtain, none of the guards saw me heh heh" Little Asha giggles, proud of herself
"Oh my, a little scallywag got past my guards? Should I be worried for my safety?" He jokes sarcastically
"Heheh nooo I just wanted to make a question!" She says excited jumping up and down.
Magnifico smiles at her quite amused "You've certainly got my attention, so go ahead, ask away"
"When I'm a grown up, can you give me magic like my mama's?" The little girl's big eyes sparkle at the question
The king smile goes flat "... Your mother knows magic?" He asks back, his face serious this time, as it is strictly forbidden for anyone besides the king to use magic in Rosas.
"My grandpa says she could make drawings move, that's what I wanna do too" She explains innocently
The king feels relieved, it's just some made up story, nothing to worry about. His friendly smiles returns as he explains to her "I see. Unfortunately that sort of wish is forbidden, little one"
Asha looks downward disappointed "Aw... Okay"
Magnifico thinks for a moment and he has an idea "Buuuut who knows, perhaps I could make you my apprentice in the future, would you like that?"
The little girl eyes widen "*gasp*! Really?! Yes! I would love to!" She said jumping up and down
The king couldn't help but chuckle imagining how he could exploit this, maybe teach her magic only to steal her power later, or just have an loyal assistant would be fine too "Glad to hear it, if you prove yourself to be good I'll be more than happy to grant that wish" He boops her nose playfully.
"I will be good, I promise!" The girl says with her eyes shinning like stars and a big innocent smile.
Cut to 13 years later and the same girl is looking at him straight in the eyes with a burning rage
"I won't let you decide what I deserve! Nor what anyone else in Rosas deserves!"
The girl was good, alright? Too good.
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itsatwinthing4 · 10 months
What I Wish Disney’s Wish Could Have Been
(Just my thoughts on a rewrite) no offense if you liked the movie. I did not, to me the movie is mid. It’s not bad but it’s not good either.
Asha should have just been King Magnifico’s assistant from the start. You know runs around town doing task and all that. The opening number could of just been her on her way to work because it’s a wish ceremony day also maybe a star shower is happening sometime in a few days and one hasn’t happened in a 100 years or so so the town is getting decorated and excitement is in the air. Everything is festive. Everything plays out similarly in the movie. It plays out like an interview buts it’s more of a litmus test for Asha. The king ask her why she wanted to be his assistant? She is not 18 yet but what would her wish be? And she gives the answer because she loves the people of rosas and wants to do all she can to help them. Her wish besides having her father back would be to do what King Magnifico does. She is inspired by him to bring joy and protection the way he does. Obviously he likes those answers (tells her his own backstory) and promotes her to his apprentice. ( I like the mirror motif with Magnifico. I like the idea that he sees a lot of himself in Asha) He is going to teach her magic ( big deal because nobody but him is allowed to do magic) and shows her the wishes. Asha is over the moon. Having a great day loves seeing the wishes but as the king explains more about how the wishes work and how they are selected. She starts to ask questions and push back like in the movie. They argue and finally the king snaps at her and tells her he made a mistake and fires her and tells her to go home. ( this is him backpedaling because he thought found someone he can trust to do what he does, turns out it’s another person he can’t trust) ( one of the main reason I think the king keeps the wishes is because it was someone’s desire that destroyed his first home. So he now has major mistrust issues, not with his wife…yet, and doesn’t believe in his people. He only believes the worst in others if left to there own desires. Asha is different because she believes in the best of people.)
Scared and feeling she might have screwed up her life she heads to the wishing tree.
I think instead of Asha singing her I wish song and poof here is this little luma thing. I think the “I wish” song should have been the second song of the soundtrack and its her starting at the wish tree and her going to the castle to take back her deceased dad, and grandfather’s wishes along with her mother’s wish. We see her resolve to get back her families wish and backing into the castle, there needs to be traps/safeguards that she knows about, because she is a very observant person, very good at attention to detail, which is why she likes to draw( I like this trait about her in the movie). So when Magnifico was showing her to the wizard study/wish vault, she clocked a few of those safeguards. Now she finds her dad and grandpa wishes, and hugs them tight to her. They and, unbeknownst to her, her star heart start glowing gold. Unfortunately for her time is not on her side to unpack all that because now King Magnifico is on his way after having a nightmare (this could be where we see some flashes of what happened to his home) due to his paranoia/fear( it’s him being confronted with the differing opinion/fact that he maybe in the morally wrong. Confronted with oppositions with the decisions he makes, a challenge of authority , lots of things going on in his head)( the wishes seem to give off this comforting effect, which is one of many reasons he hoards the wishes, good vibes). he is coming up to the vault so Asha puts the golden wish balls in here bag but even in the bag they glow brighter and brighter. She try’s get her mother’s wish but she is out of time and it gets left behind. She is teleported back to the tree due to stray star magic and at the tree the bag explodes with a bright golden light just like in the movie. King is upset because magic happens that wasn’t his but more importantly when Asha regains her senses she opens the bag and instead of the two wishes she instead finds star along with a wand. ( in my version, unfulfilled wishes still exist even after the wisher is gone. In my head if a wisher passes on without fulfilling their wish it not like, oh no, a wish was wasted. Their wish instead gather with other unfulfilled wishes to become a star in the night sky. Shining so beautiful and bright to help guide and inspire others so their own wishes can come true. But with King Magnifico keeping the wishes of the departed they can’t get to the night sky. ) so her dad and grandpa’s wish combined, due to Asha deep wish to help the kingdom of rosas, to form star and her own wand.
So now we have a little star thing. Asha is dumbfounded but amazed at this little ball of light. Star on the other hand is freaking the heck out, it’s not suppose to be here it’s suppose to be in the sky, star is running in fear through the woods, magic going off here and there and Asha is trying but failing to calm it down.
On the other-side of the pond the King is also equally freaky out. What was that, is it a threat, he has never seen that magic before. He is looking around his study making sure nothing was missing, like the Forbidden tome. Cue his loving wife coming in to check on him and calm him down with her reassurance along with talking him out of using the forbidden tome. Cue the song at all cost. Magnifico singing it to his wife and Asha singing it to star. I like this song a lot and it gives off the feeling that the antagonist and protagonist are, at least in this moment, emotionally on the same level. This point onward that’s all about to change. Temptation has been set( evil book) and Asha is going to grow and rise to the occasion and Magnifico is going to fall.
Cue unrest in the town, manhunt for Asha, the people demand answers etc…Star’s magic is making people’s wishes come true. Things are getting a little chaotic and King Magnifico’s magic is not as effective against stars magic he hope and Magnifico’s is not taking that realization and the people’s unrest well. Cue villain song. I like the idea behind “this is the thanks I get” but it super needs to be completely reworked.
One idea I really like came from a YouTube video by Gotchu Entertainment “The Dark Hold on the Good King ( check out the whole video it’s really good and not to long) but he has the idea that to have the powerful forbidden magic you yourself have to sacrifice your own wish. And there we see his wish is to be a beloved king not just cause he can grant wishes, but just loved for just being a good king. I would have him look at this wish, pause for a moment in contemplation, then his eyes steel themselves, crushing his wish. Basically in the mindset that if he can’t have the people’s love, he’ll command their respect. I like this because this super makes it clear that this was a choice, a crossroads if you will. there were other choices, like talking to his wife, maybe having trust in his people and give them their wishes back but no this is what he has decided and it’s because of his choices and actions, that is what makes him a villain Boom, forbidden magic happens, temptation won. The power is his, and all his inhibitors are turn off. And now he is cruel, bombastic, angry, unhinged, uncaring, arrogant, and power hungry. He turns into a tyrant.
Now Asha has to rally her friends and the queen. And make a plan to free the wishes and stop Magnifico etc…put a song here.
The ending fight should have been Asha has her song reprise but it acts more like a second wind. It still frees star but due to people’s wishes Asha’s wand is fixed ( also add the starlights to her dress and hair here)and she can wield magic again. Now alone she would still be no match to Magnifico, a seasoned sorcerer, but because everyone is wishing she is not alone. Star acts as a manifestation of the people’s wish, star can now shapeshift. Like turning into a shield to block attack becoming steps or clouds so Asha doesn’t go off the edge. Scissors to cut her bonds if she is bond ( the look of the shapeshifting is golden stardust) . Give us a wizard fight! The finale thing I think star should shape into is a stardust version of king Magnifico, the version of the man the queen use to believe in , use to love. I think it’s just a poetic visual to see the Protecter he wanted to be vs. the tyrant/mad king he became.
So with Asha and Star’s power combined Magnifico’s spell backfires. He is trapped in the staff/mirror, the day is saved.
I would not have the queen be smug about her husband’s downfall. It should sadden her that things turned out this way but she is still resolute in her decision to stop him because he was out of control. You can still send Mirror Magnifico away to hang in the dungeon but don’t do a joke. just have him raving and shouting how he is their king and they are all ungrateful. How they are all traitors and thieves. Harking back to his paranoia and trauma that he has never learned to move past. I think this is a very satisfying ending. But also leaves room for continuation. Like if they wanted to bring him back as a villain again or a redemption arc in a sequel movie or tv series (like tangled did)
Idk it’s not perfect, I’m not a writer, but it makes sense to me and i hope it tries to play with interesting ideas. And honestly most of the songs would have to be reworked the music is ok at best.
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porchlightfairy · 2 years
steve harrington x sinclair!reader
summary: You ask Steve to come over and teach Lucas how to play basketball. 
a/n: just a quick fluff piece. thank you for reading.
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Lucas wanted to play basketball. Your family looked at him in surprise at the dinner table when he told you. Your dad was happy but Erica seemed to think it was a ruse to impress Max or something. You were unsure as your brother was not the most coordinated. And nobody in your family was good enough to actually teach him. 
However, you did know someone who could help; Steve. You and Steve became friends after high school bonding over your time working in the mall over the summer. While he worked at the ice cream shop you worked at the hot dog stand. Both of you wore absolutely ridiculous outfits so you couldn’t make fun of one another without the other doing the same. And that’s how you got close. Really close.
When he got the job at Family Video, you had gotten a clerk job at the library. You were like the librarian’s assistant running errands for the place. Sometimes old movies or documentary tapes were donated to the video store and you would be the one to take them.
You took the opportunity this time around to ask Steve a favor. “You want me to teach Lucas how to play basketball?” He sucks his teeth, “I don’t know if I can.”
“Please, Steve, you’re the only person I know who can do it. He really wants to try out for the team.” You bite your lip, “Honestly, I think it’s because of you that he wants to try out.”
“Yeah, you. You were really good on the team. And you’re the most athletic person he knows.” That wasn’t saying much as Steve was the only athletic person Lucas knew. “Please, just shoot some hoops with him in our driveway and call it a day. Just one day.”
Steve thinks about it for a moment. He glances at you to see you staring back intensely, Your eyes were like dark swimming pools trying to draw him in to say yes. So he does, “Alright, I’ll do it. I’ve got Saturday off, I can come by in the afternoon..”
“Thank you, Steve! Thank you, thank you!” You squeal, “You have no idea how happy Lucas will be to hear this!”.
Lucas was not happy to see Steve wearing basketball shorts in his driveway on a Saturday morning. He looks over at you with a glare. You throw your hands up defensively, “You said you wanted to learn. Steve is gonna teach you.” He just shakes his head before walking out towards Steve who tosses him a basketball. Lucas flinches before chasing the ball back down the driveway. You giggle, “I can’t thank you enough, Steve.”
“It’s no big deal. I had the time.” He smiles, “Look alive, Superstar!” He claps his hands together before taking the ball back from Lucas. They practiced some passes and Steve taught Lucas how to stop the habit of dribbling with both hands. No more traveling, and then shot 2 pointers. You watched from the porch, reading a book and listening to them. You were impressed with Steve’s lessons and how he was teaching Lucas. He showed him step by step and explained the reasons why. He wasn’t being a pushover and when Lucas fell he would pick him back up.
They played a one-on-one game and Steve seemed to show off. He would pass the ball between his legs and fake out Lucas. Whenever he would shoot the ball it would make a satisfying swishing sound. And without fail, he looks over at you every time to see if you are looking.
In the afternoon, you brought out some sandwiches and lemonade assuming the boys were hungry from all that exercise. “You guys head inside and wash your hands before you eat.” You call out. They nod and run inside then return with wet hands. They grab a sandwich each and a cup of lemonade. You all sit on the stairs and bask in the warm sun.
After they finish, Steve stands up, “Alright, we’ll play a game of Horse and then I’m outta here.” Lucas hangs his head, “No way, that’s not fair, we just play one-on-one.”
“Okay, then your sister will play on your team.” Steve points to you. Your eyes widen in confusion, “I’m sorry, I’m not a sports person, I bet I can’t even hold the ball right.”
“Sure you can, you watched me teach Lucas. You guys will be one team and you’ll play me.” Steve winks, “It’ll be fun.” Lucas narrows his eyes with suspicion. You were quite aloof to Steve’s flirtatious advances. It wasn’t your fault, he was flirty with everybody so it made no difference when he was doing it to you. But Lucas could tell he had different intentions. Steve wanted your attention. He wanted to be closer to you. “Fun for you? Or me? Cause I know it’s not me.”
“Okay, just one game.” You state before going to the driveway with Steve and Lucas. Steve explains the rules before you go to one side of the court. Up first is Lucas. He gets the ‘H.’ Then Steve does the same. It’s your turn and you are unsure where to put your hands to shoot the ball. “Here like this.” Steve comes up beside you and places his hands on yours, guiding them along the grooves of the ball until they reach the bottom and side. His hands were warm on top of yours. “There, you got it.” He smiles at you. Your heart flutters and you feel a smile tug at the sides of your lips.
You bend your knees and shoot the ball. It bounces off the rim and narrowly misses Lucas’ head. You cringe, “Sorry Lucas.” You all continue to play. Steve gets Horse before you do and you are all tired and sweating. The game took longer than you expected. It was almost like Steve was losing on purpose toward the end. Lucas huffs and puffs into the house for a glass of water. You invite Steve for one as well.
As you enter the house, you see the sun has set, “Any plans tonight, Steve?” You ask. He shakes his head, “No. Actually, before you came in my date was canceled on me. Talk about fate right?”
“Oh, I’m sorry about that Steve.” You pout.
“Don’t worry about it, I had fun today. Took my mind off of it actually.” He states with a smile.
“Was it all those silly tricks you were doing to impress me that made it fun?”
He laughs, “More like your face when I did those silly tricks. Guess they weren’t so impressive.”
“I didn’t say that.” You laugh, “Just wanted to know the game you were playing at.”
“Hmm?” He perks, “Well…”
“I feel like you said yes to teaching my brother for some other reasons.” You lean closer.
Steve swallows the spit in his mouth nervously, “Maybe I did. Would that be so bad?”
“No,” You shake your head, “That’s really sweet actually.” You rest your hand on his arm, “Thanks for coming to play basketball with my brother.” You kiss his cheek, “Maybe the next Saturday you’re off, you could take me on a date instead.”
Steve’s face heats up and he nods rapidly, “Yeah, yeah, absolutely yeah. Yes, whenever.”
“Okay, see you later, Superstar.” You lead him to the front door and bid him farewell.
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wifiwuxians · 1 year
I've been wondering who shio is since I saw u mention him first but kept forgetting ( the crowd is shocked ) so pls feel free 2 dump abt him bc I wanna knOW
OOH SHIO check out his little refsheet i was aiming for cartoony i promise his proportions are normal i just went spindly halfway through
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shio yomotsu! last name shio, given name yomotsu! a pretty terrible name for a sweet boy, like you coulda just named him yomi! i've posted about him on my main but this ISN'T MY MAIN so i'll retell in a sparknotes edition >:3
growing up in japan under the fist of an abusive father, his world was flipped when his mother finally had enough and killed the man in self defense. smuggling both herself and her son out of the country in a crate, she settled down in china in a tiny apartment, working cleaning jobs and keeping yomotsu a secret. he grew up in that apartment, keeping quiet and still when his mother was gone, and still remaining rather quiet and still whenever she was home. despite her barebones knowledge of mandarin and her lack of time to teach him, as well as her poor health and their meagre funds, the two considered their living conditions to be an improvement, and were happy, as happy as they could reasonably be. so, of course, i had to ruin that by killing her off LOL,, her illness caught up with her and she wasn't able to treat it. yomotsu had to live with her corpse for a while as he sank into despair, and only once the water and the electricity stopped working did he snap out of his stupor.
running out into the streets to beg for help, he was unfortunately intercepted by some thuggish men, thrown into a car and driven to his new life, where he'd be beaten, tortured, starved and trained into becoming a ruthless and efficient killer (and jack of all trades). i need to reiterate he had no idea what was happening to him, or why; up until one day, a young boy came into his small room to tend to his wounds and give him some food. this boy also began to teach him mandarin properly, and with the kindness and gentleness he showed yomotsu, he had no problem then becoming this boy's bodyguard and personal assistant.
now he's just about devoted his heart and his life to this boy, xing zhi, who is not the heir to the mob yomotsu works under, but may as well be since he takes on all the burdens. yomotsu, or shio as he's more commonly addressed, is a hitman, bodyguard, errand boy, shadow... you name it, he does it. keeping quiet all those years in his tiny apartment have made it easy for him to simply stand and listen during meetings, absorbing all information. he's the picture of devotion... to xing zhi, who wants the mob to collapse.
when his personality is able to shine through, he's playful, bubbly, charming and seemingly unaffected by all the bad things he's done or have been done to him. his devotion isn't restricted to xing zhi, either, though he is his treasure; if you are kind to him, if you give him the time of day, he is devoted to you, too. it's the only way he can feel good. it's the only way he can feel right. running himself ragged for the hint of a smile.
i usually draw him banged up in some way because he gets into very close quarters sometimes, and people don't like being told their business. people also struggle when they die, sometimes. and also he's being hunted LOL
this is only scratching the surface of all that is shio and his story (he's the main character!!) but it is a good place to start? maybe??? fkjsgkjga THANKS FOR ASKING !!!!!! <33333
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zestyaahbutler · 1 year
Howdy! Since you're friends with Athena and your askbox is open to requests, I just wanna drop in a proposal for a fun writing idea to take and run with if you want to! Think of it more as a proposal than a request lol. (You draw real good, too.)
Consider writing a bit of slice of life where a fatherly Walter teaches his not quite teenaged boss Integra a bit about gardening. Shows her a bit of gardening in the hopes she adopts a new hobby and won't grow up in a completely dark and dreary place as the new Hellsing heir. Those roses could always be an estate favorite.
Those That Grow in Their Place
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The successor of the Hellsing family treaded behind her butler while the dreamy morning sky was still waking up around them. Her usual confident pace was replaced with a much slower one. It could be the rubber boots that she was instructed to put on, it wasn’t something she would opt to wear on her own accord. Walter hadn’t even opted for a change in his usual attire. She could only wonder why exactly she was accompanying him to the garden at such an early hour. Integra’s hands occasionally went up to push up her glasses and rub her eyes. 
“Have you still not been sleeping well? You can always take a nap after we’re done,” he commented on her state instantly. For the past few months after what happened, she hadn’t been in the best state of mind to rest. Yet, resting was all she was recommended to do when she opened up. Any words of comfort he tossed her way brushed up against an already forming callous that served to wall Integra off.
“I’m not a child, I can manage getting up a little earlier than usual.” She hadn’t even stopped to look at him. It was scathing how prone she was to reject any sort of coddling now. Months prior, she would have begged her butler for five more minutes in bed or even admit she would take the nap.
The fear she must have experienced that day he was absent had to have been unimaginable. Running away from her uncle, someone who was advised to protect her and act as a guide. The irony of the situation was not lost on him, nor was his place of blame in the matter. But it never meant he felt no sympathy or guilt for what he organized.
What mattered was that she was fine. In one piece. If anything, with enough delusion and effort, he believed that same little girl he saw before could come back. 
“I thought you might enjoy helping me with the garden to start off the weekend, you’ve had quite the busy week so I thought it would help clear your head.” His tone was smooth as if what he was just thinking had never occurred. She didn’t say much to this, only reflecting on what occurred in one of numerous weeks of work. The two-day meeting she attended with the roundtable. As nerve-wracking as it was to attend as the leader of Hellsing with added expectations, she was still regarded as a child. Even Pennwood would look to Walter to confirm her statements on events regarding the supernatural.
“You seemed like you had a busier week than I did,” she almost pouted. Somehow what he had said soured her mood even more. The listless shuffling of her boots filled in more than she needed to express.
“I am assisting a busy young lady,” he attempted to soothe her. “It’s only natural to become busier as you become more capable, Miss Integra” Her brows softened. A tinge of hope of having diffused her mood glimmered as they came upon the gate of the garden. A large part of land boxed by white fencing. Vines from climbing hop plants lined parts of the front foreshadowed the already cultivated greenery inside. She had seen the garden before, but spring was still in its infancy so it was the first time since the late months of fall that she would see the area. Walter unlocked the gate, opened it, and motioned for her to walk through. Once inside, he shut the gate behind them and led her to the shed.
“Today you can choose your breakfast if it adds any incentive to help.”
She whipped her head at him as if he had something most unusual. 
“I get to choose?” Walter nodded to this with a small smirk. By this point, she had already caught onto his game. But she was not against humoring her caretaker. “…If that’s what it takes.”
“Then it��s settled.” He went into the shed and switched on the light. Integra squinted as she got used to the brightness of the fluorescents that lit up the entire inside. Walter grabbed an apron hanging near the door, tying it on himself while Integra stood and admired the various instruments organized. Almost none she knew the technical name for. She knew of a shovel, a hoe, or a rake, at the very least. An apron for her was hoisted over her head suddenly. She glanced up at her butler as her head was looped into the top. He pulled the braid he had done for her out of the loop before kneeling to tie it for her. Her gaze wandered down to the apron’s front which was adorned in flashy embroidery. Various flowers, insects, and even birds were sewn on alongside patterned stitchery. 
“Is the apron too tight?” 
She shook her head at this. 
“It’s just fine, thank you.” 
As soon as Integra turned around a small breath escaped Walter. She was a little tall for her age so the apron was nearly a perfect fit by now.
“The gloves should be in the front pocket, make sure you put them on.” 
Integra reached inside and pulled out a pair of floral patterned gloves. Once she put them on she noticed they were a little too big. The blonde tugged at the cuffs.
They weren’t unusable. 
The rustling of mulch caught her attention. Walter had already gotten a bag of mulch and a shovel. Walter led her out of the shed and to wherever he was taking her within the garden. Integra followed close behind, admiring the already blooming greenery. Some were native to England while others were more exotic. She quickened her pace to walk alongside him. 
“What are we doing?” Integra inquired, unable to contain her growing curiosity. He stopped near the large row of roses housing themselves in bushes.
“We’ll be mulching and pruning the roses for now” Walter dropped the bag down and cut open the bag with a simple swipe of his wire. The shovel he had brought along was dug into the bag and dumped onto the base of one of the roses before he dragged it out to the width of the bush. He did another in the same fashion he did with the first tone before tilting the handle of the shovel over to Integra. 
She gently took it from him, looked at the bag, and with a much more determined expression she stuck the shovel into the bag and brought some mulch onto the pale and dumped it onto the next base of the rose bush. A little more clumsy compared to him but nothing she couldn’t learn from. She dragged the pieces of bark out the same way and ended it by padding it a little. 
“Great, just do the same with the next one… maybe no padding” he instructed. “The mulch will break down on its own, for now, it is serving as a barrier to keep the weeds out and the moisture in when we water it.” 
Integra made an ‘oh’ motion with her lips and repeated what she had done before but more correct. Then again with the other bushes. Most were dressed in brilliant blooms of crimson while others had tint variations of apricot, peach, and lilac. Once she was done with the mulch Walter took the shovel from her and set it nearby. 
“Excellent, we’ll work on pruning next,” he said before handing her a pair of pruning shears to her while he kept another for himself. With a gloved hand, he pointed out one of many of the flowers, “This bloom is on the older side, if we don’t deadhead then it will produce a rose hip instead of more flowers that we can take and display here or in the estate.” He dragged a finger down the stem before taking it down to one of the many sets of leaves. “You find five leaves from the bloom pointing out from the center, this one is closer to the top while others may be different.” The clippers were put up to the plant, maybe a quarter inch up from the leaves and at an angle. Then snip. Integra blinked a few times at the explanation. As mild as an activity as it sounded, it felt much more complicated. “This will encourage more flowers to bloom in its place”
Integra got on her own knees and looked at the bushes closely. It felt wrong to cut off a flower. The rising anxiety of ruining the plant plagued her as she hesitantly took the clippers to it. 
“Is everything alright?” 
She paused and took the clippers back. 
“I’m just worried I may cut off the wrong ones.” 
“The one you had was just fine” he reassured softly. “These roses are Polythanas, they are much more hardy and forgiving so don’t worry.” Walter continued to tend to the bush he was on while carrying on the conversation. “Your mother had a remarkable knack for gardening but even she made mistakes from time to time.” Integra raised a brow at this. 
“She is human” Walter sighed at her second guessing. “Before you were born she wanted to net off some of the fruit trees so the birds wouldn’t nest in them.” Integra started to tend to her own bush, cutting off any growth that was damaged or too old to stay. “Sadly the holes of the net were small and the bird got tangled inside.” 
“Was she able to get it out?” Integra questioned and moved on to the next rose bush for trimming. 
“Yes, but not without sacrifice.” His expression change to that of melancholy as he reminisced on the event. “Your mother was a terribly stubborn woman, I told her I could cut the bird out but she insisted on doing it herself." Seeing Integra becoming more comfortable with tending to the garden helped sweeten the mood only slightly. “The bird’s neck had broke so there was no way for it to fly away.” 
“Didn’t you say you would have been able to get it out safely?”
A slight pause occurred. Birds could be heard chirping as the sun had risen higher in the sky. 
“No, I really didn’t want her to deal with the poor thing, she was already going through enough stress.” 
“Earlier you told me that it’s fine to make mistakes”
“It is,” he seemed much quieter now. 
“Why did you try stopping her from seeing what happened?” 
“That’s…” A much heavier sigh came from him. Integra took a meek glance at him.
“No, it’s a great observation.” Walter was able to put on a smile regardless of how much the comment pulled at his heart. Almost a decade had passed and those feelings never wavered. “Point is, the garden is a place for you to experiment: try and succeed, or try and fail.” Walter put the garden shears in the front pocket of the apron he adorned. “It’s a good hobby that may help you become a strong leader for the organization; you shouldn’t ever be afraid to fail, Miss Integra.” A giggle spawned from the young heir as she got up herself and dusted off her the front of her apron. 
“Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” she replied before even more laughter escaped her. “You sound like an old man.” 
A bold declaration. He raised a brow at her while having a much more sarcastic smile.
“Since I’m such an old man, I’ll have you fetch the garden hose,” Walter ordered. “I’m afraid I don’t have much time so I need you to hurry.”
“Oh, don’t say that.” Integra gasped after grinning so hard that her cheeks had become a little sore. She jogged off to grab what he had asked for. Walter couldn’t help but feel his mood was lifted seeing her act much more playful. Perhaps he was right in this being what she needed when growing up in such a dreary time in her life. 
A blast of cold water smacked into his back, making him stiffen. 
So much for wearing the apron protecting his clothes. 
“Ah-“ a voice squeaked from behind him.
He turned around to see Integra with a dumbfounded look holding the hose with the attached spraying nozzle.
“I was just trying to see if it works.”
A tinge of irritation shot at her excuse but he was able to blanket it under his many years of hardened professionalism. 
“While aiming it at me?”
“To be fair, you are in front of the roses, Walter” Integra looked away with a catty smile. He backed away from the roses. 
“Very well, hopefully, you can aim much more effectively with me out of the way.” 
Integra sprayed over the rose bushes while Walter stood soaked nearby. A hand ran through his dampened hair. As long as she was happy, he was fine with putting up with such petty pranks. 
“Did my father ever help in the garden?” Integra inquired with her voice a little louder to compensate for the spraying hose. 
“He was rather busy,” Walter relayed. But it was far too short and maybe would leave her feeling cheated. “As I said earlier, there isn’t anything wrong with taking a nap, she often fell asleep after gardening,” he explained his earlier point further. “your mother slept on the bench over by the fruit trees next to your father.” Once Integra finished her watering, he could see her eyes had truly lit up at the simple story he had given. Instead of the usual loneliness that ruminated in her pale cerulean eyes, they twinkled with contentment. 
“Do we need to do anything else for the roses?”
“Nope, you handled them perfectly.” He commended, giving Integra a thumbs up. “We’ll move on to harvesting the elephant garlic next.” 
His lids fluttered languorously at another drop of rain hitting his forehead. Even after drifting off twice already, the rain still chose to wake him up. He at least wanted a little longer here a hand went into his pocket gingerly so as to not wake the resting madam. Her head rested practically on his chest now. 
If the rain was bothering him, how much longer till she woke up on her own? It wasn’t in good faith to leave her but neither was it to get her up from her nap. 
So what if he had his own enjoyment in the matter? 
A rumble of thunder brewed over him, contradicting the desire to stay like this.
He ran a hand cautiously through her everlong locks. It was softer than anything he was used to feeling.  
More droplets started to patter down on him. One caught itself on Amulya’s cheek and seemed to caress it as it ran down. 
Her perfume didn’t fade even after handling the soil either. 
The rain started to fall at a light steady pace. The final sign to resist any decadence to keep their relationship purely ascetic. 
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Gorillaz Teacher! AU Headcanons
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🍎 Original headcanons ✏️
🏫 Ao3 version 🎒
• Wait, how did he even get this job and why hasn't he been fired yet?
• Teaching is honestly just a shitty day job for him. Once he earns enough, he's quitting to become a famous rock star with his own band! He could see it now: fame, glory, girls. It sounds like a dream come true. But until he had the money to make that dream a reality, he was stuck as the school's social studies teacher.
• When he quits his job as an "educator", it's going to be very similar to the fuck you scene from the movie "Half Baked".
• He is disliked by the students in all of his classes.
• He has a habit of arriving 30 minutes late to class. Sometimes he'll show up completely sober, while other times he'll show up drunk.
• The pickle has WAY too many political views that he refuses to keep to himself.
• If Murdoc falls asleep at his desk, one of the kids might try to either draw a dick on his forehead and take a picture of it, or they might try to put a 'kick me' sign on his back. But they have to be EXTRA careful or they might wake up the grumpy goblin!
• If he does wake up, he'll be extremely mad and end up giving the whole class a pop quiz first thing tomorrow morning.
• He finds grading papers to be too difficult, so he doesn't bother doing it.
• The only time Murdoc actually teaches his class something about social studies is when the principal or some other important staff member walks into the room to see what's going on. Once they're gone, he goes straight back to sleep.
• He believes that Stuart Pot, the new music teacher at school, is an idiot. He decides to give him the nickname '2D' because he feels that the man is too dense. Murdoc has walked by Stuart's classroom a couple of times before and has overheard him and his students singing while he plays the piano. To hear more, he would usually place his ear against the door. He had to admit that the guy had some really nice vocals. Plus, he's tall, pretty, has blue hair, and both eyes! Murdoc makes a mental note to remember to make that Stu-Pot guy the front man of his future band once he gets the money he wants and decides to quit.
• Murdoc only tries to 'befriend" 2D because he's a music teacher and also because he wants him to be his future front man.
• When he learns that the teacher of the class with the highest test scores will receive a large bonus pay, he decides to change his style of "teaching", forcing the students in his class to study intensely for the upcoming test. However, the kids end up getting low scores.
• He has been embezzling money from the 9th grade bake sale.
2D/Stuart Pot:
• He is the new music teacher!
• He quickly becomes well-liked by students and co-workers.
• Stuart is a nice teacher who carries himself off as a goofy professional who knows what he's doing.
• Believes that every one of his students will become a great musician one day.
• At times, he enjoys teaching while music plays in the background.
• He may accidentally give students test answers when they ask for clarification on a question
• He will write original songs for his class to perform.
• Has an after-school club where he teaches students how to play piano, keyboards, and melodica.
• I can imagine him being an actual teacher in real life.
• Stuart is a bit terrified of Murdoc because one time, when the two were on lunch duty together, Murdoc was explaining to him a dream that he had last night where he launched his car through a music shop that Stu-Pot was apparently working at and had knocked one of his eyes out! “ Oh, uh, o-okay… W-Well, it’s a good thing you aren’t actually going to run me over with a real car, right?…RIGHT?!”
• She has a full real name, but prefers to be referred to as Noodle, which was a nickname she received in her childhood.
• The children generally call her Ms. Noodle.
• She's the teaching assistant for Stuart's class!
• She's kind because she helps everyone in the class who needs it, even the spoiled kids.
• She's in charge of the guitar club after-school!
• She really likes the guitar club since it provides a safe and fun environment for students to come together and enjoy music.
• She's a master at playing acoustic guitar and ukulele!
• You'll most likely find her in the teacher's lounge playing on her pink handheld game player while drinking tea and munching on the candy and snacks that they have in there.
• The teacher's lounge is her favorite room to be in for obvious reasons.
• He's a no-nonsense math teacher who will joke around with his students from time to time, but then gets very serious with them when it comes to their grades.
• Mr. Hobbs is skilled at making math fun with a capital F!
• They didn’t do so well on a test? Not a problem! Russel will happily allow a student to retake it, as long as they go home and study.
• He will greet each student by their name when they enter his class.
• Russel has a general concern for his students and desires the best for all of them.
• His students can count on him being genuine
• Will bring treats for the class if they did really well on a quiz or test!
• Allows his students to use their phones once they have finished all their work.
• When his students throw him a surprise party in the classroom on his birthday, he breaks down in happy tears.
• Murdoc's classroom is situated across the hall from his own.
• Russel doesn't know why, but he feels that Mr. Niccals is teaching for all the wrong reasons.
• He really doesn't think Murdoc should be teaching teenagers, or really anyone. Russel couldn't think of anyone less qualified to be a teacher.
• Whenever he's in the teacher's lounge, he likes socializing with other teachers like 2D or Noodle, but never with Murdoc. Russel tries to avoid him.
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chrysoula · 28 days
The long day of training eased into afternoon and Kaeya finally allowed most of his soldiers a bit of rest and recreation. Then he strolled over to where Albedo was sketching some diagrams. “Keeping busy, I see. Well, since you’re such a smart guy, I’ll let you go work on the teapot for the rest of the day with Xiao, if first you help Zielle straighten out her map.”
Albedo kept his eyes on his sketchbook and did a credible job of pretending he hadn’t heard his fellow Knight. “Ah, Kaeya. I was just investigating a way to make a Geo construct ‘transport’ an elemental stone.”
Kaeya knew Albedo too well to be distracted, though. “I see your counter-offer and I raise you: if you don’t agree to work with Zielle in public, I’ll lock you in the lodge with her alone.”
That brought the alchemist’s gaze up from his work, his teal eyes very bright. Tension suddenly thrummed between them. In a distant, polite voice, Albedo said, “Oh? And how would you manage that?”
Leaning a little closer, dropping his voice just for the drama of it, Kaeya said, “How hard do you think it would be for me to convince the rest of the expedition that an appropriate punishment for your little experiment is a private half-hour chat with Zielle?”
Albedo’s eyes widened, and he took a half-step back. “Kaeya, no…”
Kaeya gave him a not-so-friendly smile. “Not that I get why you’re so afraid of her. If I were in your position, I’d be accepting whatever she wanted to give me.”
Albedo flinched, but from somewhere nearby came Xiao’s snort of disbelief.
Kaeya’s faint smile didn’t flicker. “She’s a nice girl, how bad could it be? And you’ve already spent so much time alone with her, right?”
Albedo looked at Zielle and wished he’d never been created; that his Master had died in her cradle; that Khaenri’ah had withered with the City of the Rising Stars. But he kept it to himself, because Klee was watching.
Instead, he walked over to where Zielle still sat on her table, staring at her scroll. “Hello, Zielle. I understand that you’ve been having some trouble making a map? Do you mind if I correct it for you?
She raised her brown eyes and studied him, steady and unsmiling. He waited, calm, attentive and ready to assist, without thinking about past or future.
Finally, she said, “I’d rather you teach me how to correct it myself. I know that will take longer, but you said you don’t want me to depend on you.”
“Ah, of course,” he said pleasantly. “I’ll need a moment to diagnose the source.” He glanced at the map, noting two different distortions: the skew that affected the entire map, and whatever had caused the village to pull away from the map’s edge. In his opinion, the skew was the real problem; the village issue just seemed like a copy malfunction, perhaps inspired by the overall skew. Now, how to fix that…
After a brief analysis, he said, “All right. I’m going to ask you some questions. Please respond to them however feels right.”
“Okay,” she said, still watching him with those serious brown eyes (that he’d once tried so hard to make sparkle.)
He arranged the photos of the playing field scattered around her into a mosaic image. “First, what shape is portrayed by these photos?
“A rectangle?” 
He raised his eyebrows at her questioning note. “Are you unsure?” 
“I mean, it’s sort of a kite shape but I know it represents a rectangle—wait, doesn’t it?”
“Don’t worry about it. Now, tell me. Where are you right now?”
“Right here,” she said immediately, an answer given without reference to her map or even her surroundings. 
Ah, thought Albedo. “Good. Finally, will you draw me a circle?” He put his own sketchbook and pencil down in front of her.
Without a word, she picked up the pencil and drew a decent mid-sized circle near the bottom of the page; he could see it was something she’d practiced as part of her doodling.
“All right.” He took the pencil and begin to sketch. “Now I’m going to create a little design for you. If you draw it several times before trying your transfer technique, I think you’ll get a better map of the Rumbleway.”
She frowned. “That sounds like a superstition for a child.”
“Just temporarily rewriting a tiny part of your brain. It won’t last that long; looking at nearly anything but your scroll will probably reset it. Why don’t you copy it ten or so times to learn the movements?”
She began to do so, asking as she did, “What about the village?”
“I think something else is going on there—”
Xiao was suddenly standing half a meter above the table. “Enough hand-holding. Alchemist, you will come with me now if you wish to work with the teapot spirit to repair the damage you did.” 
“I’ll do that then,” said Albedo, moving after Xiao as he began to drift away. “I suggest you try a fresh village transfer after transferring the Rumbleway, Zielle.”
 Barely audible, Zielle muttered, “Damn you Xiao, I didn’t get to hold even a single hand.”
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shrimplymoray · 1 year
HEHEHE TENA im coming in with another bimbovirus scenario request <3 Eri and Cody celebrating her birthday together in the lab, she’s blowing a small cake and making a sweet wish with him!! thank uuuu <3 (happy birthday to me)
I had wild ideas for this since u asked, but I think I found the perfect one AKA the one I drew for you. By the way, why don't I share that drawing?
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Birthday surprise - BimboVirus (and BEN)
It was coming the day, Cody knew it, and that made him nervous. What day? His stupid assistant's birthday. Eri was not the brightest person, by far, but she was still one of the closest person he had, though not by his choice, per say.
Cody had thought of multiple things he could do for her. Maybe actually teaching something, but that was gonna probably cause the 5th lab fire this week, and the fire extinguisher was running low already. He also could try preparing something for her, but his skills on the kitchen were not as good as one would expect. He was running low on ideas each minute that passed, until he remembered the person that was most likely able to help, much to his displeasure.
"So... You came here to ask me for help, huh? What will I get in return?" BEN asked, with his arms crossed and a grin on his face.
"Listen here I am not asking for help, I am asking for advice, fucknuts. You are one of the only person who know her good, since you track her phone. What do you think would be a good birthday gift?" Cody was red from embarrassment of just having to ask BEN of all people.
"She is a bimbo, dude. Anyone with more than two braincells can think of a pink dress to give her. Unless..." The elf boy went closer to Cody, nudging him with his elbow "you like her, dontya big guy? I can help plan a party for her if I can have a piece of cake too."
"WHAT NO I DON'T. YEAH SHE IS CUTE AND KINDA ABOVE AVERAGE STANDARDS ON APPEARANCE AND IS ENTERTAINING AND... oh shit I really like her..." Cody had to hide his face in his hands " fine you get a piece of cake, just help me with this shit."
Eri had gone back to the manor after going out with Nina, Clockwork and Zero to a birthday shopping spree. Though none of the girls shared the same aesthetic, they managed to have fun shopping each time, which always brightened the bimbo girl. She even bought this super adorbs frilly dress that she thought would look good with the lab coat Sir Cody got her.
Talking about it, she needed to get to the lab, she IS Sir Cody's super adorbs assistant, and he probably was having to handle all that brain consuming paper work. It's her birthday, but she needed to work. And maybe Eri really just wanted to be near Cody, but who could say?
When the girl reached the Lab, though, she heard another voice inside. Was Sir Cody doing an experiment on Toby again? No, the voice was different. Sounded like... BEN?
Cody opened the door to find Eri, which lead him on a spiral of thoughts before he mustered. "Finally you're here. I've been waiting for you to show for... Work. All day. I need you to come with your eyes closed. Don't ask questions."
"Oh okay Sir Cody! Did you... Prepare a surprise for little ol' me? Oh sir Cody..." The girl continued to blabber happily with her eyes closed, while Cody carefully guided her to a spot in the lab. He hoped she wouldn't burn everything accidentally this time.
He had to motion for Ben to put stuff at the right place quietly while he guided her to a beautiful cake that Cody bought.
"Can I open my eyes now?"
"Yeah just don't-"
Eri opened her eyes and let an excited happy scream of the lab being totally decorated in pink and with the beautiful pink cake. Omg did sir Cody do all of this for her? Oh and Ben is there too, what is he doing in here?
"... Overreact." Cody sighed "Me and BEN put this little party to you. For your birthday and stuff... And, uh..."
"Oh sir Cody I loved loved it!! Everything looks amazing! Oh i could give you a kiss from how happy I am!!"
Cody almost choked with what she said, and stood his hands up "not necessary."
"Hey, where is my payment for the help, 'Sir Codyyy~'?" BEN mocked, with a shit eating grin. Oh how Cody hated him right now.
"Ugh, fine, I'll cut the cake, let me just do something real quick." Cody, as quickly as he could, gave a kiss to Eri's cheek and but his mask up to hide his blush.
Eri... She was on the clouds and felt as if she was gonna faint from how much blood run to her face. He just... She...
"Dude you are going to kill her this way..."
"Shut the fuck up and get your cake"
"Can I blow the candles first?"
"Oh, uh, sure."
Eri held a deep breath before quickly yelling "I want sir Cody to kiss my cheek again!!" And blowing the candles.
"Oops, I guess now Sir Cody will have to kiss my cheek again..."
"... You have to wish in your head for it to come true, Eri."
Happy bday Eri, love uu/p and hope we will share more BimboVirus content with each other!!!
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kokorowoutsu · 7 months
-- RP: @skullboneandunown
"Well, 'mutant' is more of a general term, considering there isn't really an official name for it. Professor Xavier mentioned something about an 'X-gene'. You'll have to ask him about it. But Willow isn't a mutant. She's just part Fae." Flannery nods her head, thinking about what team she should use for this year's gym challenge. "I wonder if I should use Kotaro this year. He is a fire type, after all." Her eyes light up at the thought of Willow watching them battle. "Oh! That means Willow can watch us battle! That's going to be so exciting!" She claps excitedly, and smiles. Donovan's parents jump a bit when Ashe askes to talk to the Professor. "Oh sweetie, you don't need to ask. We'll be on the back porch if you need us." With that, they put their shoes and jackets on, stepping outside to chat. Professor Xavier turns his wheelchair to face her, giving her a warm smile. "What can I assist you with, my dear? How are you feeling after that little scare earlier?"
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Leon offered a interested expression, a smile on his features. "Kotaro is the Hisuian Arcanine, right?-- And yeah, that was the general idea Love and I had in mind when taking her with us. We want her to see how the Gym League challenge works. Besides, she can say she's been to Hoenn now besides Johto." It was clear both parents wanted to show their daughter the world and more, but knew very well she was showing signs of blanking out on memories and forgetting things much like Ashe did. Both knew it might be trauma and thus they wanted her to have a childhood as they could offer.
Ashe offered a shaky sigh. "... To tell you the truth, I feel helpless." She admits with a tired expression following. "I love my daughter so... so much... and i'm afraid that I can't protect her anymore... I can't teach her the things she's going to need to know to survive." She had picked up the knife on her way out of the room and she pulled it out to show it to him -- a fang that had been shaved to that of a child's knife wrapped in symbolic things and feathers hanging off of it. "I gave this to her to survive after I nearly lost her in that time distortion. These scars on my arms are from that event... and yet... I know she won't need to use this in the ways we trained there."
She pauses for a small moment to let her words sink in.
"She needs to be able to balance that instinct she learned as a child and be able to roam this world freely without drawing attention to herself... and I don't think I can teach her that. Leon and I both... we need to go through some therapy ourselves just to uncondition ourselves from that time distortion." She shakes her head and puts the knife away. "... So with that in mind... in the fall, i'd like her to begin attending your school. I've taught her all I can for now -- the rest is what others can teach her, so, Professor... please help my daughter. I want her to know a better childhood then I did at Blueberry Academy. She's so very loved but love can only take her so far. She needs to utilize what she can to be something she, herself, years from now, can be proud of."
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