#he isn't a pedophile! <3
medusa-fem · 3 months
Not all trans women are innocent bystanders to the patriarchy
My trans girlfriend from highschool used to complain that I didn't want to sleep with her because "I didn't see her as a real woman". This was a coercion tactic, used against me as a traumatized female who simply did not want to have sex often.
Another trans woman I knew adamantly defended lolicon, stating that "they aren't real kids". Of course I later found out she got off to "legal loli"
Same trans woman as before adamantly defended the movie cuties. Did not give two shits about the exploitation of young girls. Even said that bullying maps online was wrong because "pedophiles need support to not act on their urges"
I have also had a run in with a male who clearly did not even care to be a woman, simply called himself one as a sissy to get a pass to get closer to female people. Absolute fucking freak. Abusive towards a younger female coworker using sexist slurs, kept touching me when I explicitly said to stop and said I lead him on after getting kicked out of my home, even used his fake label to try to get head from a trans woman he had known for 3 days who showed no interest.
I knew a trans woman who kept dating people younger than her. Saw a freshly 18 trans girl as a 23 year old. Consistently talked about how immature she was, which makes it clear to me she knew the power dynamic.
I had a trans woman I was hanging out with get permission from the other trans woman in the room to strip down to nothing, but did not ask me if I was comfortable with it. Then asked me if I wanted to see her botched circumcision scar. (I had only met her twice prior).
I had a trans woman use love bombing to manipulate me into jumping into a relationship with her. Once I realized how manipulative and mentally unwell she was I was going to break up with her. As soon as she figured out she drove to my house drunk to "get her things". She screamed at me and kept balling up her fist like she was going to punch me while I sobbed. I texted all of my nearby friends that if I didn't text them by x time the next day to call the cops, because I thought she was going to assault me.
I know of a trans woman in the area who was a friend of a trans man for about 6 months. He described them as something close to platonic soul mates. She raped him when he was too intoxicated to speak.
I knew a trans woman who would fully strip at any given opportunity while hanging out with a group of friends. Everyone was uncomfortable.
An abusive "friend" of mine from highschool began labeling himself nonbinary to sleep with traumatized trans men and nonbinary afab people who did not want to date men. He didn't do anything but use the label. He falsely accused me of rape because I began telling people about his abuse. He made comments about trying to get a trans male partner pregnant to trap him. Last I heard of him he was trying to sleep with my trans man friend, being extremely coercive, while I had to tell him to get the fuck out of there so he wouldn't get raped.
This isn't even all of it. I know some radfems who do not associate at all with the trans community may not realize it, but this is common place for trans men and nonbinary afabs. I have faced so much at the hands of trans women who were not held accountable for their behavior because no one wanted to hurt the reputation of trans women as a whole.
The concerns about bathrooms don't strike a cord because the trans community doesn't see it happen, that is actually rare. Please use the stories of the regular victims of trans women's actions, because these are stories I hope the lgbt community can take seriously. I'm not saying trans women as a whole are "men" or "just faking it", I'm saying they need to be held accountable just like other male individuals who harm female people.
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things that I didn't expect in each Lockood & Co. episode
E.1: This Will Be Us:
The intro is fucking sick
The Locket was changed to a ring?!????
Everything else was insanely accurate
"Lockwood's a dick"
E.2: Let Go Of Me:
Ghost-lock is like...a really big issue??
"Yeah, she can be a bit...quirky,"
Lockwood didn't use his smiley giraffe toy mobile😭
Uh Lucy was literally possessed~
"He's a little shit, sir."
The boys freaking out at the end when they find out Lucy had the ring the whole time
E.3: Doubt Thou The Stars:
"You've got a real hard-on for him, haven't you?" "Well, if you want to put it like that."
Combe Carrey Hall is ELEGANT
They got "arrested"???
Penelope Fittes just trotting up to them at the Fitte's boy's funeral??
E.4: Sweet Dreams:
Lucy wasn't at the wraith cemetery at the beginning of the whispering skull😭
"And you just wanna watch him...die."
Kensel Green was owned by the Bickerstaffs and their son - Edmund - was caught digging up corpses uhhhhh
Lucy's mental breakdown in kensel green
Bickerstaffs ghost being so fucking huge and like disintegrating lucy's rapier
The skull's voice being like warped and so fucking creepy oml
"and it proves that I am like-" "clinically insane?" "REALLY FUCKIN POWERFUL"
"I know I look like Anthony Lockwood, but I'm not. I'm actually a fully qualified doctor."
The episode went by insanely quick??? Like?
E.5: Death Is Coming:
The Tendy's badge??
Joplin is giving....pedophile
Also is her actor the same one who plays molly in sherlock????
Nahhh cuz winkman's freaking voice-
Leopold was abused😭😭😭😭😭
E.6: You Never Asked:
The ghosts of bickerstaff's patients like that was so creepy
The Golden Blade's manbun💅
Salt sprinklers instead of water sprinklers??? And they're gorgeous??!???
E.7: Mesmerised
Golden blade snapping Lockwood's rapier and then lucy hoping up behind him and absolutely annihilating his fucking back
Lockwood was wearing blue socks this time
E.8: Not The Eternal:
All of the circles George drew on the thinking cloth
Winkman taking his jacket off like a baddie💅💪
"And I'm Anthony bloody Lockwood"
Kipps having a panic attack and totally crying in the catacombs😭
Kat godwin being so fucking sexy with her rapier
"To save my friends." 🏃‍♂️"And Kipps."🏃‍♂️
Golden Blade shooting Lockwood and yeeting him down into the catacombs
Luce using the skull to look at the bone glass????
Lockwood in his normal clothes at the end and all of them bustling around like a little family😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Lockwood almost died a thousand times, but I think he's decided he's better off alive. Which is really good"
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cherries-in-wine · 2 months
I love ur posts on lolita the book- what are ur thoughts on the movies?
aw tysm anon mwah <3
(Made a few edits because my perspective changed a little)
I don't really like the movies- in fact comparing them to the masterpiece that Vladimir Nabokov wrote feels like an insult. Sometimes art can only exist in a certain medium and when you take it out of that medium it loses its integrity. Lolita is art that can only exist as literature. This is what I used to believe but to be honest even as literature it's being misunderstood a lot so it feels as if no matter what medium lolita exists in, it'll always be interpreted wrong.
It took Vladimir Nabokov 5 years to write lolita because writing from the perspective of a pedophile is tough- it's using the abuser to tell the victim's story but in this case the abuser is our unreliable narrator, he had to make Humbert Humbert charming or at least intriguing in a fucked up way enough that the reader would be compelled to read further (lolita will disturb you but you won't able to put it down) but any competent reader would will be able to figure out that Humbert Humbert is just spewing his delusional bullshit.
It feels as if Vladimir Nabokov predicted the romanticization of Lolita as soon as we started putting girls on the book covers- he intended on lolita being faceless
So much of what makes the book incredible lies in reading in between the lines to figure out what's actual going on. Think of it as Humbert Humbert is forcing his heart shaped rose coloured glasses onto you like "see it's a beautiful tragic love story" and it's your responsibility to take them off to see things as they are, a 12 year old child being abused constantly.
Unreliable narrators in general are hard to portray on screen (it's not impossible ofcourse, gone girl, 500 days of summer and black swan do it really well) but extra difficult in this case because lolita and Dolores are 2 different people entirely. Lolita is the persona, Dolores is the person. Lolita is the nymphet, the seductress that only exists in Humbert's twisted mind, Dolores is the 12 year old child. Humbert sees lolita, he wants you to see lolita, but you need to focus on Dolores.
Lolita 1962 was laughably inaccurate, they made Dolores look like an elegant woman when even Humbert Humbert describes her as a messy tomboy. Lolita 1997 is better I guess, it follows the book a little more accurately. The movie is definitely pretty to look at and I don't have a problem with Dolores being an icon or people taking fashion inspiration from her. In my opinion she is an icon, it isn't fair to reduce a victim's identity to their trauma and abuser. Also she's so funny and is constantly insulting Humbert so mwah love her so much plus I relate to her a lot as I went through similar things. I think some scenes of Humbert Humbert being an unreliable narrator were translated really well, for example this argument-
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Humbert gave a short description while the movie is more of lo's point of view, it's all screaming and shouting and absolutely devastating, Dominique Swain did an amazing job.
Both of the actresses were 14 during filming and that's just so unsettling to me. Sure you're using a body double for explicit scenes but isn't that just content for actual pedophiles, the closest thing to CP that's legal?. There are many older actresses that look younger but honestly that scares me more, because now there are no restrictions to the scenes they can film, which usually ends up underage characters in extremely exploitative scenes (think euphoria).
My feelings are sort of all over the place on this, I simply can't reach a satisfying conclusion- I don't think it's impossible to adapt lolita into a good film, black swan is one of my favourite movies ever and nina sayers is as unrealiable as a narrator gets, so it's not impossible to portray Humbert Humbert on screen but it will be difficult. On the other hand I just know that people will find some way to romanticize the movie- no matter how well it's written like in the novel it's so obvious Humbert is a pedophile that he might as well get it tattoed on his head but people still think of it as "aw tragic beautiful love story". But part of me thinks that if they write it kind of like gone girl, you believe nick is the murderer in the first half then amy's scheming is revealed in the second, just like that if lolita is shown in the first half but after dolores runs away her perspective is shown to audience, how she's so miserable and gives an accurate depiction of Humbert Humbert's abuse, maybe showing that horrifying reality of the story will end it's romanticization once and for all.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
idk if this is something you would answer but how do you unlearn shame of being horny 😵‍💫
hi anon,
this is a complex question. unlearning shame of any kind can take a long time to sort out, and will be driven more by internal work you do to challenge and shift your own thinking than by anything else.
a good place to start may be by doing some reflection as to what you find shameful about being horny in the first place and working back from there to recognize sexuality and desire as morally neutral things.
for instance, I get a fair number of people asking if it's okay to think about real people that they know when they're horny, or masturbate to fantasies about those people. they feel a lot of shame about this, as if they're causing harm to these people by imagining them in sexual scenarios. but making up funny little scenarios in your head to nut to is a harmless act that only you will ever know about. it's not like whipping out your dick (gender neutral) and masturbating at strangers on public transit; what you do to get off in your private time only impacts you.
a problem would only arise if you decided to start treating your real, actual acquaintance, not the imaginary sexy version of them, differently, for instance by making untoward comments about their body, treating them as if they are obligated to be interested in spending time together or having sex with you, or, god forbid, telling them in detail about your sexual fantasies. now you're doing sexual harassment, which is inappropriate because of the hurt and discomfort is causes the recipient. being horny isn't the problem here, it's how you're treating another person.
people also feel a lot of shame around many other types of fantasies, especially if they involve dynamics that are off-limits or illegal in real life. often, the worry seems to be that being aroused by these imagined scenarios is akin to expressing support for these things to happen in real life.
listen: sexual fantasies about rape are some of the most commonly reported among cis women, and that's not because tons and tons of cis women secretly think that rape is a cool thing that should happen more. the people playing Baldur's Gate 3 and fucking Halsin while he's wildshaped into a bear aren't all chomping at the bit to commit a sex crime against a real animal. noticing that "teenage" characters on TV played by actors in their 20s and 30s are hot does not make anyone a pedophile. fiction is a safe realm to explore and enjoy things that we would never in a million years want to see happen in real life. I love Batman, but I can assure you I would not be a happy camper if a real-life billionaire started running around doing vigilantism in a fursuit while endangering a gaggle of teenage sidekicks.
and if you want to explore some of the stuff you're into in real life, awesome! great! there are ways to go about negotiating a lot of different kinks safely and responsibly (although probably not the bear thing, sorry about that). the world is full of people who want the experience of being stalked, beat up, kidnapped, and sexually assaulted - all mediated through pre-negotiated arrangements with people that they have chosen to enact these fantasies with them. so what is there to be ashamed of in that situation? sure, the situation you're engaging in might sound scary without proper context, but so do a lot of things. a stranger cutting open my skin, very likely causing bleeding, and leaving me with a mark that I'll have for the rest of my life sounds scary, and it definitely would be if it wasn't a situation that I agreed to! but that's also what getting a tattoo is, and that's an experience that I love so much that I pay for the pleasure. nothing to feel bad about there as long as you're playing safely!
listen: there's nothing wrong with being horny. the human sex drive is a completely natural one born from biological need that makes getting off feel good. there's no more sense in feeling shame about being horny than there is in feeling shame about being hungry or needing rest, although people do of course manage to feel bad about those as well. regardless of what causes it, when you feel the shame well up you have to push back on it and ask yourself who actually directly benefits from you feeling badly about yourself in that moment, and who is actually tangibly hurt by the actions you're shaming. and if the answer is "no one," move it along!
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boss-the-goofball · 20 days
The Lorch 50 Villains Challenge!
Fuck it, I think this 50 Villain thing should be turned into a challenge.
I'm calling it "The Lorch 50 Villains Challenge!" where you have to name at least 50 villains who have a good point, but we'll actually give a definition for what counts as a villain with a good point and not use Lorch's three point margin.
Lorch's Margin/Criteria and what's wrong with it: 1. Have a point (Alright, that isn't the criteria we're looking for in the list. Any villain can or cannot have a point, but the point in question has to be Good) 2. Successfully avoid the issue of "Why are they a Villain?" (From a Meta perspective, it's because the writer wanted to have a Villain in their story that can challenge the Hero/Protagonist. 99% of the time the Villain is an Antagonist, but not all Antagonists are Villains. If the story clearly paints the character in question is a Villain, then that character is a Villain no matter what their motivations or end goal is. It's like trying to say a character like MCU Thanos is not a Villain) 3. Are Good (Subjective, not a valid criteria)
So instead we will be working with this criteria
The Villain has to have intentions that could be seen as Good from the viewpoint of an average person, but the way they go about achieving that end goal is what makes them a Villain.
Name 50 or more Villains who fall under that criteria and you have completed "The Lorch 50 Villains Challenge!"
I will give one example for if I were to do this list
Light Yagami - His ultimate goal at the beginning was to reduce crime. That is a fairly noble goal and can be seen as an overall good thing. But his methods of attaining that goal, using the Death Note to mass execute all criminals no matter what crime they commit, is not a good thing and what makes him a Villain. He views himself as the Judge, Jury, and Executioner and gives insight into how, despite breaking the law, the criminals are still human and we should value human life at the end of the day. And if those criminals were already on death row, then it should be left to the justice system that was put in place to make sure that the people are sentenced in accordance to whatever crime they commit. (Should one person decide execution for both a petty thief and a pedophile, thus making their crimes equivalent?)
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kittyit · 2 days
One thing I don't like about trans critical spaces is how they are focused on trans women being unattractive and 'cringe.' this is just my personal experience, but I have been sexually victimized by multiple trans women, most of whom passed, many of whom were skinny and beautiful and most of which had high brow tastes and no interest in anime or other cringe topics. one of these TIMs was a serial sexual assailant and I think probably attracted to underage boys, and she was also beautiful and charismatic. Meanwhile, I also know multiple trans women who are good people and don't infringe on female spaces but who are conventionally "ugly", broad-shouldered, and have masculine interests. It also seems like the only thing TIMs criticize about each other publically is being "ugly", large, or fat.
my position has consistently been for about 15 years that mocking someone's appearance is not a feminist act. it simply isn't.
mocking appearance is essentially a cruel hobby, it's primate social aggression we're using our huge brains for. it's really fun, and that's why almost everyone does it. i sometimes do it too, in private, in intimate company, and it's enjoyable. i say this to clarify that despite my position, i don't set myself apart or above from women who do it. i do it too. and it's constant in basically every subculture online. julie bindel actually posted on her facebook recently troubled about this same thing. as you said, it's so common in queer/trans circles too, the long-forgotten 2013 values of tenderqueerism fallen to the wayside. stan culture, politics, just basically everything...i really can't stress enough that in my opinion, it is a hobby
mocking appearances is not feminist or activism. it quite often is anti-feminist. it's kindergarten stuff to not judge a book by its cover. it doesn't matter what a male person looks like - he is still male and all considerations that apply to male people apply to him. i don't need to think a male person has a hideous appearance to criticize him for any of the oppressive acts he's doing. focus on appearance (or other unrelated personal attacks) often takes the sting out of a criticism of someone's character, morals or actions and makes your argument easier to dismiss. and of course the now mocked & dismissed concept that when you rip into someone's appearance, you do friendly fire to anyone around who shares those features. but of course this doesn't matter to anyone because it's 1. so fun 2. we're so used to it 3. everyone is doing it 4. so who cares? (I do. However)
i also just can't really scrape up that much finger wagging anymore at women who do spend a huge amount of time blowing off steam mocking the insane parodies that trans women present as. it's basically evil imaginative play. it's just not activism and acting like it is, as you said, is really detrimental to radical feminism being understood as a feminist way of thought that deeply affects women's lives.
as for the rest of this, have you read pronouns are rohypnol? you do not have to call a serial rapist pedophile you knew she. there is no one here but us, he cannot hear you. i encourage you to free up processing power in your mind, especially if you've survived trans male violence. calling the men who harmed you he can be a turning point in reclaiming your own sense of reality, it was for me
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gh-0-stcup · 1 year
Random list of things that bug me with portrayals of the Fanged Four in many fics:
Drusilla looking down on Spike/him not being "enough of a demon" for her.
Drusilla was thrilled with how Spike turned out. Seriously, look at their flashback scenes again - she adored him from the moment she set eyes on William. There are few moments of disapproval. When those happen she just looks at him with confusion and lets him get on with whatever he's doing.
Darla being (just) a materialistic ice queen. Super cold, barely any emotion outside of when there's torture or jewels involved.
Despite being very scornful of humans and sentiment, Darla was incredibly passionate and expressive. She was one of the most vibrant members of their family. This gal loved life. She could be very cold, but she was also often filled with emotion - she expressed joy, rage, sadness, even nurturing on occasion.
Darla blindly following along with Angelus or entirely letting him run the show. Often portrayed as her being too stupid/vapid to lead.
Darla was Angelus' sire. She taught him how to be who he was. She guided him along until he was able to stand on his own two feet. She was opinionated and had no problem leaving or killing him if he stepped out of line. Hell, she'd betray him just to add a bit of excitement to their lives.
The thing is, Angelus and Darla were partners. It may sometimes seem like one was letting the other have control, but their desires were almost always in sync. There didn't need to be a leader between the two of them because they were largely on the same page. That's why their relationship lasted as long as it did. I think this is one of the biggest things that gets neglected in fanfic.
Darla being less of a sadist than Angelus.
Darla was every bit as hungry as Angelus was. She egged him on, he came up with increasingly horrible forms of torture to entertain them both. It's not an accident that Valentine's Day was a very special holiday for Angelus.
Darla and Angelus being nothing but abusers to Drusilla and Spike.
There was friction between all members of the family at times. All were also shown to have some fondness for each other. Darla and Drusilla ended up being very close, as were Spike and Angelus.
Angelus (and sometimes Darla) despising everything about humanity and caring about nothing but hunting.
Angelus canonically had a good amount of appreciation for the finer things humans had created. He disliked how the Order of Aurelius lived apart from humanity in sewers, only going up to feed. He lured Darla away from the Master by promising her a better way of life, one where she could actually live.
Angelus cried at the ballet. He loved art, music, and having a good time. The two traveled the world. He's fluent in at least 10 languages, implying he had an interest in being able to communicate with people. Angelus and Darla were the OG party couple, committed to living their lives to the fullest.
Spike being disgusted by violence or having a genuine conscience pre-chip.
This shouldn't even need to be elaborated on imo. Sure, he was less into sadism than the others. But the idea that he had a shred of moral outrage over anything the other 3 did is ridiculous to me. This is the guy who gleefully hired a pedophile to torture Angelus.
Imo differences in his killing style isn't about morals or having more humanity, it's about what interests him. Like how some humans are super into football and others are like, "Ew, why? Sounds boring af."
Spike not enjoying Dru getting rough in the bedroom.
He is canonically a masochist.
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myths-tournaments · 1 year
Awful Characters Round 1 Part 2 (2/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
Yes, he's a horrible person but gd is it cool to see him get serious. I'm excited every time he shows up. Traumatised like The important character in the series and also multiple others. I still like him. He is canonically a pedophile so… understandable why people hate him but also he's fictional and a great character. And yeah, every time he gets brought up people will in fact get called bad for liking him.
The first thing that happens in new vegas is that benny fucking shoots your character in the face, steals your shit and leaves you in an open grave. Benny is by all accounts a bastard. He kills you, steals from you, he killed his last boss, he is the single most duplicitous man around. His gang are all about honesty- except him. He's a lying, cheating bastard. The guys who helped him catch you? He skipped on paying them and left them to get shot to death. His new boss, mr.house? He stole his robot, broke it open, got someone to reprogram it and decided to use it to TAKE OVER THE WHOLE OF VEGAS. Benny literally kills people, lies to people, steals their shit and takes charge. That's all benny does. He gets fucking CRUCIFIED if you don't help him out just because so many people fucking hate him. And yet. And yet. Benny is the single most compelling character in the whole game to me. He's just a little guy! He's just there! You can get shot in the head and come back and he goes "what in the goddamn" and then if you try and flirt with him he's like "uhhh sure? Okay?" And leaves you a polite note in the morning. He's fancy. He wears a stupid suit. He has a tiny gun with shitty bullets. He's catholic. He talks like an old timey news presenter. Literally nobody else in the entire game does that. He's got an intelligence of 3. He's my funtime boy. My silly little man. He's so funny. The antagonist in this game is a guy dressed like a tablecloth who looks at all times like a confused dog who doesn't understand what a tv is. And like. He's compelling. He robs from you, shoots you, but…. he never seems to actually wish you harm. He kills and robs and lies but like. He apologises for doing it to you. When he sees you again he doesn't attack you, he's just… confused. He tries to defuse the situation. You can convince him to talk to you, alone, with no guards and it's not that hard. If you spare his life, he doesn't go after you, like. Even if you sleep with him he doesn't take advantage of that and kill you, even if you try to. He… he just leaves. He gives you an apology. If he gets kidnapped by Caesar He just… apologizes again. He tells you his whole plan to take over the city, too. He thinks he'll die, and he wants something of him to survive. He's happy that you made it. And if you let him free, he just… leaves. He knows he's beat, he doesn't want to cause any more trouble. He walks out and leaves. The NCR will kill you if you cross them. The legion will crucify you. House? He'll blow you the fuck up. But benny, the guy who lies and cheats and schemes, he's honest. He's polite. He's… harmless. You can kill him with a single shot if you want. And he can't kill you. He doesn't kill you the first time, and he'll never really hurt you again. Benny just wanted to win. When he knows he's beat he just leaves. No lingering, no harm, he's off, off into the desert heat, and never seen again. Isn't that just insane? like have you ever known an antagonist so polite? He just leaves!! He offers you a drink!! His plan is genuinely probably the best one for the people of new vegas!!! He's. Benny is Benny.
Anyway if you want to see some REAL propaganda go to the blog @letmebegaytodd and look in the #benny tag. You'll Understand < https://www.tumblr.com/letmebegaytodd/717051175751614464/in-another-life-i-wouldve-really-liked-just> <- look at this shit man
pollrunner's note: yet again another case of ''it's all supposed to be one quote block, but tumblr hates me''
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stinkyonpawz · 4 months
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woof woof! (hello there!)
welcome to my blog! on this blog i'll be posting everything alterhuman. i'll talk about my experiences as a therian, cool mood/stimboards, and random barks!
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★ important information !
my name is milo, but miles if fine too.
he/it pronouns are preferred, though i'm alright with they/them. (please DO NOT use she/her pronouns on me, i'm alright with neopronouns)
i am neurodivergent, i also struggle with dyslexia so please do not type with any fonts when talking to me.
i am a minor. i do not care if your an adult and interact with this blog, but please do not interact with me privately. (comments are okay)
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★ therian/this blog information !
i am a polytherian, which means i have multiple theriotypes.
my currently known theriotypes are snow leopard, canadian lynx, northwestern wolf, and some sort of fox.
this blog is for any type of otherkin! you could be not part of the otherkin community and still interact though.
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any sort of nsfw blog/post nsfw.
basic dni critera; homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist, misogynist, sexist, paraphile (zoophile, pedophile, etc), abelist, zionist, islamphobic, proshippers etc.
anti-agere, anti-therianthropy.
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★ my interests !
some fandoms i am actively in (participating in the community), are the walking dead, fnaf, resident evil, animal jam, mcu, dc, south park (i know they're VERY controversial, but most of the community isn't.)
i really like zoology and learning about animals. i love sea life. 🐋
my favorite video games are fnaf, minecraft, stardew valley, resident evil remake (2-4), overwatch and sometimes fortnite! :3
my hobbies consist of drawing, reading, writing, and making kandi!
my current hyperfixation is wildlife!
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anamericangirl · 2 months
On the subject of churches being about love and redemption it really varies from one church to the next. I was raised baptist. My father went to prison for child molestation when I was very little. The congregation never even met him, but they made sure to let me know I was exactly like him, that I was somehow guilty for the sins he committed. I was tolerated for my family's sake, but there were only 3 people in that entire church who I felt really saw me as someone more than "the pedophile's son". My sisters blame all of Christianity for it and they have a deep hatred for it. I understand it was one bad church that got caught up in the "holier than thou" stuff. I've tried a few other churches full of friendly people, but they're overly friendly to the point it feels insincere. I'm sure my background influences how I see them but I feel out of place. Still I have faith the Lord will point me in a direction to a place I belong.
I'm very sorry about your experience and that your church failed you. It's a sad truth that Christians and sometimes a whole church can fall short of Christ's teachings.
It's easy in those cases to start blaming churches or Christianity in general, but I'm glad you are able to acknowledge that this isn't a case of it being the fault of Christianity and know that one bad experience does not mean all churches are going to have that reaction.
A lot of what you are feeling now and your perspective when it comes to churches could definitely be influenced by some internal factors but I am glad you are still trying and I will pray that you find the right place for you soon <3
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bibibbon · 9 months
Characters with wasted potential: Momo Yaoyorozu (rant)
Oh momo sweet, sweet momo and how badly she was done by hori. This isn't a suprise to anyone when I say that she definitely deserved better and had so so much wasted. Momo could of easily been one of the top 5 or 3 even STRONGEST in 1A but sadly hori just didn't wanna see her shine. I love momos character introduction and I love the fact that hori focused on how insecure she felt but he handled it so HORRIBLY.
HER CHARACTER DESIGN. That stuff is absolutely atrocious like what was hori even thinking she is also a minor and this is some disgusting and atrocious fan service. Honestly I have seen A LOT of good redesigns of her costumes which actually SUIT HER!! Also let's be logical momos quirk means that she has to have a lot of fat to create stuff right? So why isn't she a plus size character? Like its logical for her to be plus sized so she doesn't get quirk exhaustion and for her to reach her full potential
HER CHARACTER ARC. In my opinion momo has an enjoyable character arc that is somewhat well thought out in theory and could of definitely been executed in a better way. Momo is someone who got into the hero course through recommendations so logically she is stricter on herself and has high standards (she also thinks that people have high standards of her which they do but not as high as she thinks) so in the sports festival when she sees how "behind" she is, she ultimately starts to doubt herself, her position in 1A and her abilities with her quirk. Throughout the other arcs we slowly see her build up some confidence to where it's put to good use in the final exams when shoto encourages her and her plan. In my opinion, there should of been a lot more to HER POINT OF VIEW and how she felt surrounding what she considered her failures I would of also liked it if we had a teacher notice preferably midnight (considering what happens later) and actually comfort her and have momo confide in her. (Actually have the teachers being teachers)
HER INTERNSHIPS. We clearly see her discomfort and how she actually wanted to hero work like asui did and not just stand in front of people and perform and act for a shampoo advertisement this could of been good for her character if hori expanded on it
HER INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER CHARACTERS. Momo is kind and we see that through her interactions but sometimes and I only really remember this moment she is only seen as smart and not strong which irritates me sooo much or she is seen as someone who can be there for support just to make stuff
These are in my opinion, some big problems with her character and how hori treats her which are kind of easy to fix
Change her character designs I have seen some people change her character designs and make it into a completely better design overall the fan service in MHA is ridiculous especially when it comes to under aged girls. Majority of the time momo uses HER back, arms and sometimes legs to make something she rarely uses her front only when hori wants her to and CLEARLY shows it to us. Iam all for momo trying to complain about her costume and not understanding why she needs something like that to make her a good hero image and by using her in such a way it would help the world building in MHA how sexist and pedophilic the industry can be. You can also make her plus sized as it would make sense for her quirk and by incorporating that and those differences into how society treats plus sized people and maybe discussing the toxicity of how female heros should be presented and how society isn't as accepting to different body types you can make momo insecure and overcome that struggle and shine as her own independent character.
Make a few changes to her character arc. As I said before momos character arc makes sense in theory but was executed horribly when written out. Have intelligence be something that momo clings to dearly as it's the only thing she thinks she is good at and by having her fail and not live up to her standards have her struggle to accept that. (Hori does this very well) you can then have a teacher like I said preferably midnight comment and help her overcome it making her see her self worth and also try and accept her body a bit more ( if something happens in the internships that continues to bring her confidence down). By making midnight help her, her and midnight build up a good mentor and protege relationship which makes midnight's death and last words to momo a whole lot more impactful we will also see more of midnight's ideas and why she chose to be an 18+ pro through her convos with momo.
Change her internships/ outcome. Momos internships We're quite disappointing for her as it literally just involved her, her hero image and acting to please the public and almost no hero work. Have her comment about that and complain to 1A. Have her not understand why she as a hero couldn't go and do hero work like she wanted to and make her confused. To clear out her confusion allow her to research into the hero industry and find out somethings about heroics that could be slightly sexist when it comes to it like maybe female pros retire at a younger age because they can't maintain public image or people trash talking or even sexualising other female pros. Have her discuss this with midnight and midnight can tell momo about her own experiences. You can then set momo a goal for herself to change the hero status quo and society when it comes to their view of female pro heroes.
Change her character interactions. I have touched on this with the previous points like momo and midnight but I also wanna focus on other characters and how she Interacts with 1A boys. I love the interactions the hero class girls have and I especially love kendo and momo as cool duo. However, (I know this was supposed to be a gag) there was this one scene where a character broke something and then a boy from 1 A was like," oh, momo can fix that for you AND make you tea" THIS JUST RUBBED ME THE WRONG WAY I HATED IT. You can have something like that I guess but have momo fight back against it and assert her dominance how she ain't anyone's servant and doesn't work for them. This isn't with all the boys like we have her and shoto which is pretty good ( don't seem them as a ship MHA can't do romance) . You can also have her interact with jirou a whole lot more and have jirou teach her how life is outside of upper class etiquette and traditions. Have her interact and become a good friend to izuku they both share a lot in common I think it would suit them.
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Have her use her quirk more. Momo has an op powerful quirk that hori never allows her to use for some reason and just makes momo an intelligence character instead of one who can be a defensive and offensive character with amazing strategies (this is a similar problem with Izukus character but just the opposite) So have her use her quirk and develop it to making a variety of things.
Give momo a backstory. In my opinion momo is a great character to give a backstory to and this is due to her upper class status in the MHA world. You can easily have it so that her family wealth was based upon a successful quirk marriage (it always rubbed me the wrong way that quirk marriage is only a thing when it comes to shoto and never discussed or introduced to any other characters or villains). I personally would have it so that momo has good parents that do love her and try to protect her from things but due to her quirk she gets a lot of offers from all different types of people like heroes, factory owners, scientist and many others. This plot point can introduce an idea where her parents feared for her life so they hired someone to protect her and teach her hand to hand combat. Her trainer could of been a former hero and she is inspired by them to protect people and better society as a way for both female heroes to not have their job be based on just an appealing image and for her to raise awareness about children or people with useful and powerful quirks being trafficked and exploited due to the nature of their quirk. Due to this life she lived in a very secluded area where she couldn't really form actual friendships and bonds and had to follow upper class etiquette and traditions.
Overall, Momo could of been the strongest girl in 1A with a very clear and powerful message fighting to be one of the top heros while battling sexism, raising awareness about powerful/useful quirks being traffic and exploited and her own insecurities and even growing with her quirk yet she is the queen of wasted potential.
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florenceisfalling · 8 months
to my followers unaware of what the fuck im talking about re: toonimal, txttletale, and tyler
tw for csa and transmisogyny
edit: check comments after reading
toonimal aka ezra orena is a tumblr user who also ran a website for "big three" paraphiles (pedo/necro/zoo), including those who are pro-contact and including minors. this obviously led to a bunch of pedophiles sexually engaging with minors and exchanging abuse material.
ezra was already known for being pro-contact in some spaces and had been called out for it. ezra was thus banned on aethy, which is an 18+ proship website, i assume due to the following rules:
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there was mild pushback to the fact that aethy also banned ezra's callout, not just ezra; however, this was due to the fact that spreading a callout about ezra's website would also spread links to a pro-csa space:
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despite the aethy ban, ezra wasn't called out in the mainstream (to my knowledge) until more recently, when a super huge google doc rolled in with evidence of the abusive behaviors on his website
also despite this, when this doc dropped, some people targeted and doxxed a completely unrelated moderator of aethy for something they had no involvement in.
the google doc. is bad. i understand the good intentions, but it includes irrelevant fantasy as evidence and, more importantly, does not censor victim names. it also does exactly what aethy mods were seeking to avoid by providing a platform for this site, rather than sending it to the proper authorities and letting it get handled properly. statement from an aethy mod:
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however, the doc includes lots of evidence for toonimal and his site's users being abusers. its Bad. really really really bad.
because many people did not know toonimal was advocating for abuse prior to the doc being shared, toonimal had some popular posts on tumblr.
one of these posts is a post about "killing the cop in your head" re: accusing people of being degenerate or dangerous over fetishes and kinks that are taboo. while the post might seem weird with the context that ezra is a pedophile, this post was incredibly popular among people who didn't realize. it was just a solid discourse post at the time:
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in fact, i checked, and i reblogged this post back in the summer, before i knew that toonimal was advocating for pedophilic contact. this post was not part of some "niche pedophile community." this post currently has 19,000+ notes. it does not mention contact with children. it mentions kink and shipping. drastically different from the content on ezra's site!
and even if you did elect to check ezra's about page before posting, ezra isn't an "open" pedophile. there's a reason his site was secret.
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neither of these things mention paraphilias. you have to click on a separate link in the about page to see the tags/warnings that mention lolicon (which is fiction anyway) or illegal paraphilias. even after clicking on those, ezra still upheld on tumblr at the time that he was anti-contact.
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the above screenshot is from 3 months ago. now, ezra posts things in the pro-contact vein, but again: he was denying this three months ago. his post was popular even back six months ago. in fact, ezra denied he was pro-contact a week ago, but when evidence popped up he just resorted to insults.
now that we've established that ezra being a pedo was not common knowledge and his post was literally just a popular kink discourse post...
tumblr user txttletale aka healed, who is a trans woman, reblogged it with the following comment months ago:
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and later makes a post expressing her opinion on games like stardew valley having somewhat problematic elements to them. in response...
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random tumblr cis gay man gets mad and says that healed aka txttletale "markets incest shipping and loliporn as an inherent part of queer sexuality" because she reblogged the toonimal post with 19k notes MONTHS before ezra was called out
reread the toonimal post. there is no mention of loliporn.
even if there was, thats a drawing. its fiction. just like the farming simulator is fiction. who cares
roadhogsbigbelly then doubles down and says that, well, healed might not have mentioned loli, but ezra would support loli. the problem is, again, ezra was not even entirely open about this. why on earth would healed be endorsing that solely by reblogging ezra's post?
then, people start to accuse healed of being in a secret pedophile community with ezra and other popular trans women on tumblr, like predstrogen and maia crimew
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a bunch of them notably being from a group of bloggers who love to harass people over stupid shit, be exclusionists, and make conspiracy theories about "closet pedos" and generally just talk shit about anyone they deem below them - especially tgirl bloggers
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most of this harassment operates on the idea that healed was mutuals with ezra or aware of ezra's behavior, meanwhile she reblogged ezra's post 3 reblogs down a chain and literally didn't directly interact with ezra at all. neither of them followed each other
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people also brought up healed's past controversies, most of which have been apologized for or were simply not fucking relevant
even if healed did follow ezra, the insistence that loli aka drawings is what is sooo sketchy about ezra rather than the fact that he had a site full of ADULTS INTERACTING SEXUALLY WITH REAL MINORS is absolutely fucking batshit
also healed has posted stuff against loli and proship fic/art before. healed literally doesn't approve of that stuff fucking anyway which is imo hypocritical to the kink thing but still proves the accusations against her are false
roadhog guy continues doubling down on how ageplay/cnc/incest shipping/etc is Bad; yet argues that pup play is fine. he thinks ageplay is pedophilia but zoophilia isnt a problem to this guy i guess
despite the fact that the guy who made the pedo website is a trans dude and the victims in the doc were overwhelmingly transfem, random trans women who had no idea ezra was a creep are becoming the main targets of a ridiculous harassment campaign. its such blatant fucking transmisogyny it makes me want to crack my skull open
the neotrances/tyler friend group continues to be weird about it, including getting furious that healed defended herself from pedophilia allegations rather than vetting literally every blog she interacts with or trying to needlessly battle against adults engaging in consensual kink
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i hate all of this. so deeply
ultimately my opinions are
ezra has done so many completely fucking awful things and deserves every inch of the backlash he received. he deserves no support for all of this. avoiding him seems to be the best course of action at the moment. part of that involves letting the legal shit go down rather than trying to out-twitter him and his friends over sex crimes. his site probably already had feds on it tbh.
having paraphilic feelings isnt a crime, but involving real children is. genuinely fuck all of the adults on ezra's site
aethy and its moderators experienced targeted harassment over shit they were uninvolved with. this included doxxing and harassing their families. this is especially cruel since they seem to be one of the few sources of common sense in the situation
the targeting of healed, avery, maia, and others: completely just transmisogyny. this shit is insane and nobody should be held to the batshit standards they were held to. please pay attention to this shit and dont let it happen again. don't let stupid discourse un-person a trans woman for something she literally didn't do.
raging about loli/ageplay/whatever the fuck is completely stupid, especially in this situation. when faced with an actual group of pedophiles who are targeting actual, living and breathing children, why do people scream about the fictional expressions of abuse rather than the real-world examples of it?
again. so much of this is just transmisogyny.
fuck tyler and his little clique . all to hell
the people who spread the doc tended to treat csa as a joke. the doc put victims on blast. the doc mishandled evidence.
apologies for any inaccuracies im somewhat late to the ordeal
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babyy-rhett-x3 · 2 months
🚀⭐️ hiya! This is my agere acc intro! Pls read! (^o^) 🌙🛸 (I sadly lost my old one babi puppy:()
Name: Rhett
Nicknames: Bud, Mister, Little one
(P.s I rlly do pref nicknames! They make me feel safe & little ( >ω<) )
He/Him/His ☆ They/Them/Theirs
It/Its/Itself ☆ Star/Stars/Starself
Xey/Xem/Xeirs ☆ Zey/Zem/Zeirs
Paw/Paws/Pawself || + more!!
Gender: Transgender Male + Neo genderz!
Little Age: 1 to 10 (´ρ`)
Big age: 16
What to expect on this account?: Me & my alters posting/reblogging! We're an osdd-1b sys ( ^ω^ )
I'm also a flip regressor! Meaning I agere & am a caregiver at the same time!
I also have autism, adhd, & more
☾ 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 ☽
Colouring / Drawing
Arts n Crafts (o^・^o)
Playing w plushies, toys, sensory bin fidgets
LED lights & light up stuff
Glow in the dark stuff! (o´▽`o)
Baking & cooking w caregiver
Watching TV shows (^o^)
Naps (´ρ`)💤
Falling asleep on nighttime car rides
Sippys, Bottles, Pacis, Onsies, PJS! >:3
Snack plates
Making snacks
Bedtime Stories
Space ( ・ω・) 🚀🛸🌙🌌
Veggies (-。-;)
Bright Rooms/Lights
Flashy stuff
Horror games (when small only tho!)
Horror movies
Scary noises/sounds
Pitch black rooms
Being Alone for long periods of time
My fav TV shows (+ Fav Characters! (>o<)
Spongebob (Spongebob, Patrick, Gary, Squidward, Mr Krabs)
MLP (Fluttershy, Pinkie, RainbowDash)
Bluey (Chilli, Bluey, Muffin
Teen Titans Go (Raven, Beastboy, Cyborg)
The Fairly Oddparents (Cosmo & Wanda, Timmy, Poof)
Yo Gabba Gabba (Muno, Plex, Toodee)
The Loud House (Clyde, Lola, Luna)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Ralph, Michelangelo)
Fanboy & Chumchum (Fanboy)
Clearance (Main 3)
Summer Camp Island (no pref)
The Regular Show (Rigby, Pops)
Craig Of The Creek (Main 3)
The Amazing World Of Gumball (Darwin, Gumball, Nicole)
Pocoyo (Pocoyo, Pato, Loula, Caterpillar, Angry Alien)
Wonder Pets (no pref)
Phineas & Ferb (Ferb, Perry, Dr evil doufensmurchs (something like that..)
Dinosaur Train (no pref)
Masha & The Bear (Masha, Bear, Wolves)
Peppa Pig (no pref)
ni-hao kai-lan (no pref)
Jhonny Test (Jhonny, Dukey, the twins)
My Fav Movies (´ρ`)
Astro Boy
Spongebob Movie
MLP Movie
Happy Feet
Madagascar (all of them)
Cloudy w a chance of meatballs
Ice age
Chicken Run
Monsters inc
Charlotte's web
Finding Nemo
Disney movies especially lady & the tramp
☾ 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 ☽
● pedophiles
● zoophiles
● pro shippers
● pro ANA/ED
● racists
● abliests
● homophobes
● transphobes
● anti agere/petre
● fakeclaimers
● anti therian/otherkin
● anti furry
● anti neo prns / neo genders
༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
● Other Age / Pet Regressors
● Other Systems (only if ur acc is for Littles only tho sorry!!)
● Space, Alien, Star lovers
● Caregiver/Agereg/Petreg tip accs
● Anyone who isn't NSFW or mean!! >:333
To find out more abt us/me, go to my main acc! But it isn't SFW (but also isnt full on nsfw) ! Be warned<3
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gigicrazydraws · 1 year
very pedophilic art of Prowlbee
Very strange that you would say that considering that Bee isn't a minor. And on top of that you don't even have the gal to say it without being behind an annon. If you're gonna be stupid at least say it with full confidence.
Ok, I see a lot of people mistake Bee for being a minor, so we're gonna go over arguments and think about it for more than 2 seconds so that you can see how quickly that falls apart.
1) Ratchet refers to Bee as "kid". Ok, he also calls Bulkhead and Prowl "kid" and "young bots" at different points in the show.
2) Human Error. Bees Human Error design was meant to be a joke on his height
3) He acts young an immature. Ok??? So do I am I am an adult, it is literally just being called nerodivergent. That bot has ADHD and there will be no convincing me otherwise. On top of this, there are several times throughout the show where, when the situation calls for it, he will get serious and mature about a situation.
4) Bee was in the Autobot equivalent of a military boot camp for some time, and while yes, I know their society is different than ours and there is no reason for them to follow the same rules as the US when it comes to how old you have to be to enlist in the military, but at the same time this was a US produced and aired show and there is also no evidence to suggest that the Elite Guard was allowing kids to join.
Anyways, hope that clears things up.
I really need people to stop infantilizating Bee because he is nerodiverget, I have seen so much of that, and frankly, it is pretty disgusting. Adults are allowed to act immature and have fun, there is nothing wrong with it, and slapping the label of "child" on them for doing do is just wrong.
And one last thing:
You are allowed to not like a ship but if your reason for not liking it, isn't even there, or even worse, puts other people down or slaps bad labels on them then that is an issue and you need to stop. Just simply say, "I don't like the ship, it's not for me." And then cool that's it.
Anyways, I spent way too long writing this, I am going back to draw those boys kissing.
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yourlildolliewriter · 3 months
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Here you'll find all about me including what I write and what I don't write and a lot more! :3
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What I write!:
M! Reader
Cowboy m! Reader
Femboy m! Reader
Agent m!reader
Cop m!reader
Single dad m!reader
Assistant m!reader
Ftm m!reader
Basically any m!reader
What I dont write for!:
fem reader,anything related to fem reader. Just like. If it's a fem reader request I wont write for it. As we need more m!reader posts on here.
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I write for!:
Permission granted OCS ,COD, Criminal minds, Valorant, love and deepspace, Genshin, HSR, obey me, final fantasy,enstars, my OCS,non weird anime,tgcf
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I won't write for:
Weird anime, incest or stepcest, age gap, noncon, dubcon,weird relationships, killing stalking(ik it isn't requested on here but still.) the coffin of Andy and leyley, cheating, ybc, zoophila, grape (minus the g)
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Please don't interact with my page if your a:
-fem readers
-Andy and leyley fans
-people that read anything that's in my 'what I don't write for list'
-ybc enjoyers
-transphoic/homophobic people
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My pronouns are he/him
I run a character ai account
I'm in a lot of fandoms
I'm like... A booktok male, since that doesn't exist I think (I'M NOT LIKE THE ONES THAT READ SPICY STUFF A LOT AND ASKS IF OTHER BOOKS HAVE SPICE DW)
I like Halloween
My interests are a lot
I'm an introvert
I like listening to clocks ticking as it's calms me down:3
I LOVE to make playlists an Pinterest boards for my OCS!
I have a phone theme change addiction
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Character ai- @thisusereatsrocks
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Incidentally, part of the reason you know UDG was meant for a much bigger follow-up than the quick wrap-up that DR3 gave it is actually because of Haiji. The game's most despicable character.
We already know it wasn't meant to end here because it ends on a sequel hook. Nothing has been solved, Towa City remains every bit as much in crisis as it ever was, but Komaru and Toko will stick it out until the day is finally saved.
Then it gives us three images to tease us for what's to come.
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There's confessed pedophile and sister-beater Haiji looking absolutely sinister, leading the adults against the Monokuma horde.
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The sympathetic villains we've come to care about, fighting for their lives against the Monokuma Kids who are now thoroughly turned against them by Monaca.
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And Monaca herself, now firmly stepping into the role of Junko 3.0.
Of these three slides, Monaca is the one that gets the most focus in DR3. They spend a bit of time wrapping up her story (and I've spoken at length at how much I prefer their ending for her to whatever UDG was doing here).
The Warriors also get a quick bit of follow-up. We never find out how they got out of the whole "dragged away and beaten by Monokuma Kids" situation but they're shown to be alive, well, and 100% Team Koko/Toko now.
These four were always characters destined for a softer ending. UDG goes to great lengths to examine how sympathetic and tragic they are. But it does feel like we skipped over quite a bit to get from where UDG left them to them being best pals with Komaru and Toko.
But what really stands out is Haiji, who makes no appearance whatsoever in DR3.
They seemed to be setting up a three-way conflict with these slides. Haiji vs. Monaca vs. the Warriors of Hope, with Komaru and Toko caught in the middle and probably drifting to the Warriors' side since they're the ones who least suck here.
DR3 wraps up Monaca's journey and briefly sweeps the Warriors under the rug but Haiji is nowhere to be found at all. Maybe he died. Who knows. Ain't nobody got time for him in an anime that isn't even about these characters in the first place!
It's hard to look at what DR3 gave the UDG cast and believe this was always the plan from the start, when a significant 1/3 of the conflict is barely even touched on and another 1/3 is missing entirely.
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