#he looks so done with everything i love him 💕
misshoneyimhome ¡ 1 day
Inexperienced reader seeing him riled up from the game after being out due to injury during the playoffs, and she gets so hot and bothered she would not be able to keep her pussy out of William. After the two of you wake up in the morning, you mount him for your 4th round in the past 24 hours. Your cervix hurt, his cock was sensitive, and you couldn’t take any more stimulation, but whenever you looked at him and saw his beard, rings, and muscles, you couldn’t help but think about your pussy. You're riding relentlessly as William admires your ass as he leans up against the headboard with his hands squeezing your hips as he watches you. Your pace quickens as you approach your climax. You let out a loud moan as he grasps your hips tighter and fucks you with more force. You ride him until you finally reach your climax, and he follows suit and pulls out, releasing his load all over your ass. I apologize I had to share my Sunday slutty thoughts, especially after last night.
Alright, darlings, we're back again 🤍
Truth be told, I found this chapter a bit challenging to write 🌺 Part of me didn't want to use William's difficult times as a source of entertainment, so I want to stress that this chapter is written with nothing but pure love for him ❤️ My heart truly goes out to him, and honestly, I'm just glad he pulled through 💕
Furthermore, clearly I don't know the full details of the situation, so what I've included in this chapter is based on rough information found through social media - Please, don't read too much into it ❤️
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy it 😊
Warnings; where to begin - 18+ smut; fingering - vaginal and anal; *rimjob* (f receiving), anal toy (butt plug); unprotected vaginal penetration (in combination butt plug), protected anal sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), more vaginal fingering; unprotected sex (p in v), cum shot; please, let me know if I missed something;
Word count; 8K+
Combo of other requests: [taste so good] [riled up]
「Inexperienced!reader x Willy」
Taglist; @couldawouldashoulda50 @findapenny @Fortheloveofnylander @justwanderingbutneverlost @cixrosie
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you pt XVII I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️💦🌶️ 🌶️ 🔥
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You never imagined your heart could ache this much for a man. After your latest break-up with your ex, you were certain you had built a strong enough wall to prevent anyone else from controlling your deepest emotions. But then along came William Nylander.
William was the most exciting, intense, thrilling, and concerning relationship you had ever been in. The turmoil of your time together was much like to a roller-coaster, with breath-taking highs and gut-wrenching lows. Yet, most days were filled with pure joy. The love between you, the connection you shared, was so profound that you were convinced you could overcome anything together. However, this situation, you had no idea how to navigate.
You had done your utmost to support your boyfriend through everything. Through thick and thin, wins and losses, you always stood by his side. You had learned the hard way what it entailed being an NHL girlfriend, both the good and the bad. And just as much as you relished the highs of the celebrations, you had grown equally fierce and strong to keep yourself steady during the tough times.
However now, you were seeing William at his lowest. The worst you had ever seen him, and you had no idea how to bring him back, how to be the support he needed, the light to lift him. He had always been your rock, the one to pull you out of your darkest moments, but now the roles were reversed, and you felt helpless.
You tried everything: comforting words, silent companionship, even giving him space, but nothing seemed to work. The weight of his struggles pressed heavily on you both, and the feeling of inadequacy was overwhelming. You just wished you could do more, to be more for him.
And it was in this moment of despair that you realised you couldn’t do it alone. William's father had always been his anchor, the solid ground and mentor he could rely on. And knowing William had already had numerous calls with him about his emotional state, you understood you had to call in stronger forces: his family. So, you reached out to his mother, with whom you already had a good relationship, explaining the situation and hoping that their presence and unwavering support would be the key to bringing William back to his true self.
The love you had for him was boundless, and you would go to any lengths to see him smile again, to watch the light return to his eyes. 
The Toronto Maple Leafs were heading into the first round of the playoffs, and everyone was beyond excited. Despite the several losses the team had faced in the final games of the regular season, the players did their best to keep their spirits high and focus on bringing their A-game to the first match.
And naturally, they had to face the Boston Bruins—a sworn enemy and one of the toughest teams for the Leafs to beat. Yet, as with most sportsmen and women, the challenge often served as extra fuel, igniting a strong determination to beat the unbeatable.
It wouldn’t be easy; everyone knew that. Despite all players putting in extra effort to train and prepare, anxiety still lingered, the fear of the outcome hanging over them as they geared up to bring their best, knowing otherwise it would be final.
And you did everything you could to be the greatest support for William. You knew how hard he’d worked for this, to play his best in the playoffs and possibly take the team further this season, especially after his contract extension.
You had just had one of the most intense nights together—remarkable, considering how most of your intimate nights were rather intense—sharing the deep connection that had bonded you from the very beginning of your relationship. However, what followed was something you had never seen coming.
The following morning, the atmosphere was different. William was unusually quiet, his face a mask of concentration and underlying tension. You tried to engage him in light conversation, but his responses were short and distracted, and you could see the weight of the upcoming game bearing down on him, the pressure mounting.
In an attempt to ease his stress, you decided to surprise him with his favourite breakfast. And as you moved around the kitchen, you kept stealing glances at him, hoping to catch a glimpse of the carefree William you knew. But instead, his eyes were distant, lost in thoughts of strategies and plays.
And when you finally sat down together, you reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Hey, you’ve got this," you whispered as you flashed him a soft smile, your voice filled with all the love and encouragement you could muster. He looked at you then, really looked at you, and for a moment, you saw a flicker of the man you loved so deeply. But just as quickly, it faded. “Hey, what’s wrong, babe?”
It was the first time you’d ever been this worried about him. The empty look in his eyes, his pale skin, and the fact that he hadn’t taken a single bite of his food had you beyond concerned. You could almost feel your own stomach turn the more you looked at your distraught boyfriend.
And the worst part? He didn’t even say a word. Instead, he just poked his pancake with his fork, letting out a deep sigh.
You reached over, gently placing your hand on his again. "Willy, talk to me," you urged softly, hoping to break through the wall he seemed to have built around himself. "Whatever it is, I’m sure we can handle it together."
But William just let out another deep sigh, rubbing his forehead with his free hand, and you could truly see his distress, something you’d never experienced before with this usually cheerful and strong man. This morning, he just seemed like he’d been run over by a bulldozer.
And knowing William well enough not to pressure him into talking more than he felt like, you let the moment be silent, offering him time and space to breathe, trusting he would eventually talk when he was ready. But he still didn’t say anything. Minutes went by, and only silence hung in the air.
It was almost unbearable. Seeing the love of your life in pain like this, not telling you what was going on within him, what he thought, made your heart ache. You felt your palms getting sweatier and your eyes welling up a little as you awaited his words. But still, nothing.
You only felt a small relief when you watched him take two bites of the pancake, but then he quickly put down the fork and rested his face in his palms. Letting out a deep breath, he hid his face, and that prompted a tear to escape from your eye.
“Willy… what’s wrong?” you whispered.
“I don’t know,” he mumbled into his hands.
“I said I don’t fucking know!” he suddenly shouted, looking up from his hands and sitting straight in his chair.
You were baffled. William had never yelled at you like this before, and you didn’t know why he did. You were aware of the pressure he was under due to the impending games, but you also knew he was more than capable of managing the situation. After all, it wasn’t the first time the Leafs had been in the playoffs - in fact, just last season, they even progressed to the second round. So, why William was suddenly furious and behaving in this way caught you completely off guard. And you were unsure of how to respond.
So, you found yourself holding your breath, then exhaling deeply as you maintained your gaze on the man in front of you. You had to swallow hard, attempting to meet his eyes, yet he continued to avoid yours and glanced around. You could sense his frustration. He couldn't remain still, his head moving from side to side, up and down, his hands combing through his hair, and then back to staring out of the window as he nervously bit his lip.
Once again, there was utter silence. Only the faint buzzing noises from the outside world hummed in the background as you allowed another tear to trickle down your cheek. This was unlike anything you had experienced before. This wasn’t one of those situations where one of you was jealous because of an ex or an attractive person flirting. No, this was something different. This was William in anguish and distress, and clearly struggling to cope with it.
And a part of you simply wanted to walk over to the other side of the table, embrace him, kiss him passionately, and let him vent his frustrations on you. If releasing his anger through a good fuck was what he needed, he could direct it towards you. Regardless of any bruises or other consequences he might inflict, all you wanted was to comfort him.
But you sensed that that was not what he required at this moment. So, you allowed him his space. Remaining still in your seat, you simply observed him with a defeated expression, waiting for him to speak. However, the only interruption to the silence was the ringing of his phone.
Releasing another heavy sigh, William answered the call. “Hey… yeah… sorry… Hmm, yeah, I’m… I’m on my way.”
You could hardly find your voice. Your heart skipped a beat as you watched him walk away without a word, and once again, you had to brush away a tear. You knew it likely had nothing to do with you. You hadn’t done anything wrong, so you convinced yourself he was probably just frustrated. Yet, as you remained seated and wiped away a few more tears, you felt a pain inside you. Like a dagger to the chest.
Minutes went by after the door shut close before you rose and cleared the table, your movements mechanical. You needed to keep yourself occupied, to divert your mind from the tumult of emotions, and as you washed the dishes, you replayed the morning in your head, scouring for any signs you might have overlooked, any hints to what was truly transpiring in William's mind.
And when the kitchen was all cleaned up, you leaned against the counter, gazing out of the window. You understood the importance of resilience, not just for William but for yourself as well. This wasn't the first obstacle you had encountered together, and undoubtedly wouldn't be the last. You had to trust that your love was strong enough to withstand whatever this was, that you would emerge even stronger on the other side.
Choosing to give him some space, you only sent William a brief text. "Take your time, I'm here when you're ready. I love you." You hoped the message would provide him with any kind solace, even just the tiniest bit of reassurance that he wasn't facing this alone, even if it felt that way to him.
The remainder of the day then dragged on, each moment stretching like an eternity, as you attempted to occupy yourself, yet everything served as a reminder of him. The vacant chair at the dining table, the echo of his laughter reverberating in your mind, the lingering fragrance of his cologne. It all became overwhelming.
And just as hope began to wane, your phone buzzed with a message from William. "I'm sorry about this morning. I love you too. Be home soon."
Relief flooded through you, the tension in your body easing slightly. It wasn't a resolution, but it was a step forward. 
However, the days following the morning turned out to be more challenging. And what made it worse was the uncertainty of what to do. Even William himself was at a loss, as he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what was wrong.
All he could articulate was a sense of unwellness. Initially, he mentioned discomfort in his shoulder, feeling unable to engage his physique as usual. But then, there were mentions of stomach issues, or perhaps it was his lower back?
One thing was for sure: you were clueless about what was happening, and you lacked any guidance on how to navigate such a situation. Neither the team's medical staff nor the physiotherapists could provide William with any relief. He was simply in agony, and the cause remained a mystery.
In fact, he was in so much pain that he missed out on the first two games in Boston. Despite attempting to train, hoping to find a workaround on the ice with slow, controlled movements, he still couldn’t function properly. His usual precision in aiming and shooting was compromised, and his body continued to ache.
The frustration was tangible, evident in every crease of his brow - he, a seasoned warrior, found himself side-lined by an invisible adversary. And the uncertainty surrounding his condition only made his distress worse as his customary confidence was replaced by a haunted expression that tugged at your heartstrings.
So, when he phoned after the Leaf’s victory in Boston while his teammates celebrated, expressing his reluctance to join, you took action based on what you believed was best and reached out to the person who knew him best: his mother. And it didn't take long for his family to arrive in Toronto, just before the team returned for game three.
And fortunately, it seemed that their presence brought a measure of solace. Camilla, his mother, with her nurturing nature, immediately took charge of caring for William. And as she prepared his favourite meals, ensured he took his migraine medication, she provided the emotional support that only a mother could offer. Meanwhile, his father and siblings lent their undivided support, engaging him in light-hearted conversations and reminiscing on shared memories.
"Thank you, y/n," Camilla spoke softly as the two of you stood in the kitchen, her words barely audible amidst the distraction of the TV captivating the others. "For reaching out – we all know this isn’t easy for you."
You nodded, offering her a gentle smile as you found solace in witnessing your boyfriend's gradual improvement. "Well, thanks for arriving so quickly," you sighed softly. "I'm not used to this... I mean, I just want to support him so desperately... but I feel fucking helpless," you admitted, feeling the tears welling up again as the depth of your emotions for William overwhelmed you.
"Simply being here means the world, dear," Camilla reassured you. "Trust me – sometimes, there's nothing more you can do, no matter how much you wish otherwise," she added, briefly glancing at Michael sitting on the couch, the man she had supported through the peaks and valleys of his hockey career.
"I know," you almost whispered, your gaze fixed on William. "It's just..."
"You love him," Camilla finished your sentence, offering you a compassionate smile as you turned back to face her.
"Yes, I really do," you affirmed, returning her smile.
"Good – because he loves you too, and you being here for him through it all, that's what he needs most right now."
The sentimentality of the moment was palpable, and thankfully, despite his lack of good sleep lately, you even managed to earn a few smiles from William's lips. You simply made sure to demonstrate that you were still by his side, and he even reciprocated by kissing you goodnight before the day of the third playoffs game, which was to be held on home turf in Toronto.
All of you went about the day slowly and just taking a moment at the time. William was finally eating properly again, and you sensed that his pain was gradually fading, smiles softly curving on his perfect pink lips as he looked at you with nothing but joy. 
And before the match, you and William took the dogs out for a stroll to soak in some fresh air, just like you’d usually do before you’d send him off to a game. Meanwhile, his family ensured everything was set for some quality time together, as they were all aware that watching the game from home wouldn’t be easy on William, understanding his longing to be back on the ice. Nonetheless, supporting the team was paramount at that moment.
And as you wandered through the park, William's hand sought yours, giving it a tender squeeze. "Thank you," he murmured softly, his eyes reflecting the gratitude and affection he held. "For everything."
"You don’t need to thank me, Willy," you simply responded, leaning closer to him. "I’m here because I love you. Besides, I've already told you, we’re in this together."
William nodded, his expression softening as he gazed. "I know we are. It's just tough not being out there, you know? Watching the team and not being able to help... it's hard."
"I can only imagine what you’re feeling," you confessed. "I know I don’t fully understand what you’re going through right now, but you'll make it back onto that ice – I'm certain of it – and when you do, you'll be stronger than ever."
A genuine smile graced his lips, warming your heart as the two of you walked alone with the doodles by your feet. "I hope so."
And upon returning home, the condo was infused with the comforting scent of dinner, as his family had prepared dinner, and the atmosphere exuded warmth and unity. And as everyone gathered around the table, conversation flowed effortlessly, and for a moment, it felt like normalcy had returned.
Then, after the meal, as game time drew near, you settled into the living room along with William's family. Sitting next to William, you could sense the tension in his demeanour, his eyes fixed on the screen, every muscle in his body tensed with anticipation.
And as the game played on, the room buzzed with a blend of excitement and apprehension. Every shot, every save, every moment on the ice was observed with held breaths, and William's family alternated between cheering and groaning with each play, striving to maintain high spirits.
"Come on, come on – you've got this," William muttered under his breath as the game drew to a close. However, as the final horn sounded, the score stood at a disheartening 4-2 victory for the Bruins, eliciting deep sighs from everyone.
The disappointment etched on William's face was evident. It wasn't solely the disappointment of his team's defeat, but also the frustration of being unable to contribute. And you knew that no words could assuage his feelings at that moment. All you could do was exactly as Camilla had advised: stand by him and reassure him that regardless of the circumstances, you weren’t going anywhere.
So, as the night drew to a close, you bid farewell to his family, allowing them to retire to their hotel room while you and William sought solace in the comfort of your bed. And amidst it all, you found a glimmer of comfort when William enveloped you in a tight embrace.
"Thank you for being mine," he whispered. "I don't know what I'd do without you..."
"And you’ll never have to find out, Willy," you responded, your heart swelling with love and pride. "I'll always be here. No matter what."
Fortunately, your plan appeared to have worked just as you had hoped. And the following day, William was up and about, eager to give his all and return to the ice as soon as possible.
Perhaps it was the solace of his family's presence, perhaps it was your steadfast support, or perhaps it was simply William being William, pushing himself as he always had. Regardless of the reasons, you remained by his side, and the moment you witnessed his determination to return to the playoffs, you knew he was fuelled by nothing but resolve.
His usual confidence had returned, his gameplay was stronger than ever – just as you had predicted – and as he laced up his skates, William couldn’t shake the thought that he needed to express his gratitude to you once the season concluded. However, that moment was not yet at hand. Right now, he needed to concentrate on the game.
Yet, focusing was easier said than done. Despite William's triumphant return to the game, effortlessly gliding over the ice, the match evolved into a fiercely intense and frustrating contest. Van Riemdyk's goal served as the first setback for the Leafs, yet it paled in comparison to the gut-wrenching blow of the second Bruins goal, scored by Marchand. And to top it off, William's old friend and now rival, David Pastrnak, extended the Bruins' lead to 3-0.
William wasn’t just frustrated; he was furious. Furious that despite giving his all, his heart pounding with every shot on goal, and his adrenaline surging with every miss, he found himself on the losing end. His anger simmered, and he lacked the energy to even attempt to conceal it.
And the dynamic on the bench shifted dramatically when Mitch then voiced his complaint about a missed penalty for the opposing team, asserting that he had been unfairly treated by the referee. William, feeling the weight of the game and the mounting frustration, reached his breaking point. Without hesitation, he delivered a swift remark to his teammate, reminding him of the high stakes they were facing.
"Stop fucking crying, bro!" William's outburst echoed across the bench. "This isn’t junior!"
You had never witnessed William in such a state. While he had been fired up on occasion during your time together, frustrated by the game, this was an entirely different level. Sitting just a few seats away, watching his heated expression on the big screen as the game progressed, you found it difficult to tear your eyes away. He wore his emotions on his sleeve, the tension and intensity of the playoffs were clear.
And, if you were being honest, it ignited something unlike anything else. Whether it was due to ovulation or not, witnessing this side of your boyfriend stirred something primal within you. You found yourself clenching your thighs together in your seat, biting your lower lip as your mind wandered to the untamed fantasies of what he could do to you in such state. 
"Hey, are you alright?" Sanna's voice broke through your reverie, concern evident in her tone as she noticed your distracted state.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," you breathed out, offering a smile. "Just nerves from the game…"
Sanna nodded in agreement, sharing the same level of anticipation as the game went on. "Yeah, better get used to it. Nothing compares to the playoffs, believe me," she attempted to lighten the mood with a touch of humour in her voice.
However, unbeknownst to her, your thoughts were elsewhere. You had already witnessed your boyfriend at his lowest, offering him unwavering support and reassurance of your love, promising to face any challenge together. So, that wasn’t it.
No, what truly had your mind spinning, was the arousal stirred within you as you watched him take to the ice once more, utilising his size and strength to navigate through the opposing players. His prowess, especially evident during his penalty in the third period, left you in a state of heightened desire, causing your thoughts to wander into forbidden territory. And you caught yourself pressing your lips together to suppress any sounds that might betray the illicit fantasies running rampant in your mind.
However, as the final whistle blew, you were jolted back to reality, shaking your head to clear the haze of desire. It was then that you noticed Mitch had managed to score a goal while your mind had been preoccupied. Yet, it proved insufficient.
Tonight, had undoubtedly been one of the most challenging experiences you had experienced with the team. And you feared that more such nights lay ahead. The only comfort came during William's post-game interview, where he explained that the heated exchanges on the bench were just part of the game, and the team understood that no one took it personally. 
And as William's reassuring words to the press echoed, dispelling any doubts about his relationship with Mitch Marner, your mind continued to replay his earlier display of raw emotion. The way he had unleashed his frustrations had left you throbbing with lust, yearning for his touch. And given the recent lack of intimacy between you due to William's struggles, you were eager to feel your boyfriend's closeness sooner rather than later. 
Despite your longing, you made sure not to pressure William. You understood the challenges he had been facing, not only with physical pain but also with his reluctance to seek assistance, so you respected his need for time and space.
What you didn’t consider, however, was that William was yearning for you just as much. He knew his focus on himself was important, recognising his priority was his health. Yet, he also craved for release, and more significantly, he hungered for the euphoria that only the two of you could reach together.
So, as you stepped inside your condo, the air crackled with tension. William quickly closed the door behind you, as he drew you into a passionate, fervent kiss, and his hands explored your body eagerly, grasping your waist and pulling you closer.
"Willy," you gasped into the kiss. "You don't have to... it can wait."
"No, I need you," he murmured against your lips, his voice thick with longing. "Baby, I need you so much."
You sensed the lingering tension from the game still simmering. Despite the soft words he had spoken during the interview, there was an undeniable intensity of frustration brewing within him, seeking release.
So, you nodded, your breath hitching as his hands slipped under your shirt. "I need you too, Willy," you whispered in response. “You’re so fucking hot when your mad during a game.” 
And without another moment's hesitation, William lifted you effortlessly, carrying you to the bedroom, his lips never parting from yours. As he gently laid you down on the bed, his eyes smouldered with desire, his touch a delicate yet commanding caress.
In a flurry of movement, your clothes joined his on the floor, and as he hovered above you, his breath hot against your skin, the anticipation surged to almost unbearable heights.
"I've missed this," he confessed, his lips trailing down your neck, igniting a fire within you that had long been dormant.
"Me too," you breathed, your fingers threading through his hair as he continued his exploration.
He savoured every moment, rediscovering your body with an intensity that reignited the flames of thirst between you. The warmth of your skin against his, his growing hardness against your thigh with each kiss and touch. And you had just the idea of what would satisfy his needs. 
William had broached the subject some time ago, before facing his recent injury. However, you hadn't felt ready at the time, and William never pressured you when it came to such matters. You had only done it once before, and he understood that you needed to prepare yourself before considering it again, mentally, and physically. Yet tonight, it felt like the perfect moment to allow him to touch you in that way once more.
Truth be told, the need had been brewing within you too, longing for the kind of intimacy you could only share with him, to reach such heights. So, as you both were entwined in each other's heat, sharing passionate kisses, you leaned back slightly to meet his gaze.
"Willy," you whispered softly. "I want... I want you to... make love to me... the other way..."
"You mean?" William's voice was barely above a whisper, his heart racing with anticipation.
You nodded gently. "Yes... like that..."
William hesitated for a brief moment, wanting to ensure that you were absolutely certain about your request and that it wasn't just about fulfilling his desires. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice laced with concern, yet hints of excitement. 
Once again, you nodded, offering him a reassuring smile. "Yes, I'm sure."
With William, you always felt safe, and you appreciated how he always double-checked to ensure your comfort. Yet, in this particular moment, you were more than certain about your suggestion.
So, William then withdrew slightly, the air between you thick with unspoken desire. Slowly, he moved away from you, reaching over to the nightstand where you expected him to retrieve the handcuffs, as he had done countless times before. However, to your surprise, he retrieved a small box, a soft grin spreading across his handsome features.
"I ordered this a little while ago... but I didn’t want to use it, because... you know," William confessed, his voice trailing off as he knelt in front of you, his gaze fixed on you as he placed a small box before you.
His eyes bore into yours as you picked up the box, opening it to reveal the dark blue butt plug, adorned with his golden initials that shimmered under the dim light. A surge of anticipation rippled through your chest, causing your breath to catch slightly. Seeing his initials on such an intimate item filled you with a mix of arousal and profound emotional connection. It was another layer of your shared intimacy, a testament to how well he understood your desires and how eager he was to explore them with you.
"Do you like it?" William asked, his voice low and filled with desire.
And you could only nod, locking eyes with him as you softly spoke. "Yes, I love it."
A soft smile graced his lips, transforming into something more possessive and heated. "Good. Because tonight, I want to remind you just how much you mean to me. I love you so much, baby."
His words sent a shiver down your spine, your body already responding to the promise they held. And moving closer, William's hands then caressed your skin with a tenderness that left you yearning for more. He set the toy aside for a moment, his lips finding yours in a slow, passionate kiss that left you breathless, making sure you felt completely at ease. 
"You’re mine," he murmured against your lips, his hands tracing every curve of your body, igniting a fire within you. "And I’m going to make sure you feel it."
Your heart pounded in your chest as he guided you on the mattress, gently positioning you on your knees and elbows with deliberate movements filled with intent. The coolness of the sheets contrasted with the heat building inside you, and as William's hands then trailed down your back, his fingers slowly grazed over sensitive spots that elicited gasps from your lips.
Your knees sank beneath you and your hips arched into the air, as you felt a wave of anticipation wash over you. Peering back, you watched as William sat up still on his knees, his hand running over the curves of your ass. "Such a nice fucking ass," he praised, his voice thick with desire. "Do you like it when I play with it, äskling?"
You responded with a nod, pushing back against his hand as a silent signal of consent. His palm smoothed over the curve of your cheeks, sending tingles of excitement coursing through your body, and when his finger then very gently pressed against your tightest entrance, your breath caught in your throat. It was a kind of pleasure unlike anything else. And only with William did you feel yourself ease into the moment. 
Taking in a deep breath, you concentrated on relaxing your body. And only when William sensed your comfort, you felt the sensation of his hot saliva dripping down your opening before his finger slowly and carefully pushed inside, making your body tremble with pleasure.
"Relax, baby," William encouraged softly. "You've done this so well before... I'm sure you can do it again..."
And as he gently buried his finger inside you, passing through your tight ring muscle, a rush of pleasure washed over you, causing your toes to curl and your fingers to grip the sheets. Paying attention to your soft moans, William then began to work his finger in and out of you slowly, each movement sending waves of ecstasy through your body. And squeezing your eyes shut, you surrendered to the pleasure.
**Then, to your surprise, William gently pulled out his finger, and you suddenly felt the new sensation of his hot tongue against your hole, eliciting a whispered expletive from your lips as you bucked forward in pleasure.
“Oh… oh yes…” you moaned under your breath. 
His hands roughly gripped your cheeks, spreading them apart to give him more access. "Do you like that?" he murmured, his voice sending shivers down your spine as he continued to lick and kiss you. "I knew you would." 
The work of his mouth caused you to let out a loud moan as your body rocked with pleasure, the sensations coursing through you overwhelming in the best way possible. William then looked up at you with a satisfied smirk, his eyes gleaming with desire as he moved his hand to your face, his thumbs caressing your cheek as he whispered, "You taste so good."
Unintentionally, you pressed your body against him, feeling his throbbing cock behind you, dripping with pre-cum as your eyes locked, and you both knew it wouldn't end there.**
Then pulling back slightly, William then reached for the plug once more, coating it with lube before positioning it at your entrance. "Relax for me, älskling," he whispered, his voice both soothing and commanding.
And again, taking a deep breath, you allowed your body to yield to his command. Slowly and carefully, he began to insert the plug, creating a sensation both unfamiliar and intensely arousing, and the stretch and fullness drew a soft moan from your lips as your body adjusted to the feeling.
"Good girl," William praised, his hands gently massaging your hips as he pushed the plug in completely. "You're taking it so well."
The feeling of being filled, combined with his words and touch, had you trembling with need. You felt your cunt tingling in anticipation, yet you knew tonight you were taking it slow. 
William then leaned back on his heels, admiring the sight of you with the butt plug in place, his initials marking his claim on you. And leaning over, his lips brushed against your ear. "How does it feel?"
"A-amazing," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper. "I want more."
William’s chuckle was low and seductive. "Don’t worry, älskling. I’m not done with you yet."
He then positioned himself behind you, his hands spreading your cheeks apart for a better view. The sensation of fingers running up your wet folds, briefly stretching your vaginal entrance, sent shivers down your spine. And soon following you felt his hard cock pressing against your entrance, the anticipation almost too much to bear.
Then with a slow, steady thrust, William entered you, the fullness from the plug in your ass enhancing the sensation of his cock inside you, causing you to moan loudly, your body arching back to meet his thrusts.
"Fuck, you feel so good," William groaned, his pace slowly increasing as he lost himself in the pleasure. "So tight and perfect for me."
The combination of the butt plug and his cock was overwhelming, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your body. And as your chest was pressed into the pillow below you, your fingers seeking comfort in the sheets and William’s motions quickened, you felt the pressure building inside you. The knot in tummy forming, and your orgasm was approaching rapidly.
“Oh my… fuck… Willy…” 
Words were long lost on your tongue. Only the rush of a high taking over as your boyfriend pounded into you from behind, his hands holding you in place as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge. His cock offered the perfect stimulation of your walls inside you, while the butt plug offered an extra intense sensation. 
And as William’s hands gripped your hips tightly, his movements becoming more erratic, he could feel you nearing your release. "Come for me, älskling," he commanded, his voice strained with desire as he slammed his hips against your buttocks. “Show me what a fucking good girl you are.” 
And your body almost instantly obeyed, the tension snapping as your orgasm crashed over you, causing your head to sink into the pillow below you, your fingers clenching the sheet as you cried out his name. Your body convulsed with the intensity of your release, feeling completely filled and utterly consumed by pleasure as your mind went into a blissful haze.  
William couldn’t contain his smirk as he felt you clench around him, the sensation of the butt plug touching him inside you driving him wild as well. Yet, he wasn’t ready to finish yet. He knew you wanted more, and so did he.
So, as he sensed you were slowly calming from the intense rush of an orgasm, he then tenderly withdrawing from you, letting your fluids trickle down your inner thighs as you whimpered in pleasure. He returned to the bedside table and retrieved a condom, before wrapping himself up, and then applied an extra layer of lubricant, ensuring your comfort and safety.
Yet just for a moment, while you were still refilling your lungs with air, William paused to admire your body before him. You were stunningly beautiful, and he had to remind himself that you belonged to him. Then, with careful precision, he grasped the anal plug, his initials shimmering as he delicately removed it.
"Oh, fuck baby," he murmured, observing your tight opening ready for him. And your gentle moans only spurred him on, his erection throbbing as he set the toy aside. "Remember, use the safe words if I hurt you in any way, alright?"
You nodded, breathing heavily, as you prepared yourself for what lay ahead. And then you felt it, the tip of his cock pressing against your anus, slowly and very gently penetrating.
"Yes, please..." you whispered softly, clutching the mattress as William tenderly entered you. The blend of pain and pleasure as he stretched and stimulated you was exquisite, and you couldn’t hold back your moans, signalling the pleasure he was causing you. 
And William had to release a deep growl of his own, feeling the tightness around him igniting intense arousal within him. But he knew he must maintain control. Though a part of him was still fuelled by the earlier frustrations, urging him to increase the pace, intensity, and depth, he was also determined to make sure your pleasure matched his own. So, with a desire to avoid causing you any discomfort, he moved his hips slowly, allowing his length to glide gently in and out of you.
But it was a lot for both of you to handle. Though the motions were steady and controlled, his thrusts gradually increased in speed, hitting you deeper and overstimulating your inside with every motion. And as you soon sensed another orgasm approaching, you knew you couldn’t hold back for long.
"Willy... oh fuck god... keep... keep going..." you moaned breathlessly, closing your eyes as the overwhelming pleasure almost consumed you. It wasn’t painful in the slightest – just pure, intense pleasure, as William felt nothing but incredible inside your ass, and you could feel how stretched you were.
"Fuck it, baby..." William grunted deeply, unintentionally increasing his speed even more as he pounded vigorously into you. "I can’t... hold back. You’re so tight," he almost spat out, feeling his climax building with each thrust.
His fingers dug into your hips as his pace quickened, and you couldn’t even alert him to your impending orgasm. A rush of pleasure surged through you as your mind blurred once more, your toes curling, and your fingers gripping the sheets even tighter than before. The wave of passion was more intense than anything you’d ever felt before, and as the world around you faded away, you cried out loudly. "Willy... I’m... oh god..."
You reached a peak of ecstasy like never before. Everything from the work of his mouth, the stimulation of the butt plug while he penetrated your cunt, and now, his vigorous thrusts pushed you once again into a euphoric state of mind as he made love to you anally.
However, as much as William enjoyed turning you into a mess below him, he longed to see your radiant face as he reached his climax. So, with as much care as possible in given situation, he pulled himself out, then swiftly turned you onto your back. Leaning over, he kissed you deeply, before guiding his cock towards your anus and penetrating you once more.
Your hands instinctively grasped the back of his shoulders, your nails leaving marks on his skin as pleasure surged through you once again.
"You’re so incredibly beautiful, baby," he murmured into the curve of your neck. "I fucking love feeling you around me... shit... love you so much... baby, I’m going to..."
And before he could finish his sentence, William released a deep growl and spilled himself into the condom.
It was a mind-blowing experience for both of you. The anticipation from the time you had spent apart, the intensity of the game, and the profound connection of your bodies in such an intimate manner. You both needed several minutes to return to reality, and while William stayed put inside you for a little longer, attempting to regulate his breathing, you both simply enjoyed the moment before withdrawing slowly and deliberately then collapsing beside you.
The air hung thick and heavy; the room permeated with the scent of sex. You felt your body tingling from the intense stimulation, your mind still spun in a whirlwind of ecstasy. And it was all worth it.
William had always prioritised ensuring you felt nothing but pleasure under his touch, and tonight was no exception. Even as he gallantly escorted you to the bathroom for clean-up, delicately rinsing your tender skin from the remnants of lube and sweat, in the shower his movements exuded genuine care and affection.
However, despite the gentle caresses and tender gestures, along with soft kisses and a romantic ambiance charged with desire, both of you still found yourselves unable to suppress the lingering mutual yearning.
Hands roamed eagerly over each other as your lips vied for dominance. You felt the hair on his chest beneath your palms, the warmth of his skin scorching against your touch, as his strong, muscle-defined arms pressed you firmly against the cool tiles of the shower wall. His beard was rough and scratchy, grazed against your cheeks as your hands cradled his face, drawing him nearer.
Despite the lingering soreness from your earlier activities, your body throbbed with a craving for more. And William wasted no time in fulfilling your desires. Tracing his lips tenderly along your jawline, he knelt before you, his gaze never wavering from yours. He planted kisses on your lower abdomen, his strong hands parting your legs gently, as his mouth then found your sensitive clit, eliciting electric waves of pleasure that surged through your body.
"Oh yes, mmm Willy," you moaned loudly, your hand entwined in his blonde locks. With your eyes then instinctively shutting, you leaned your head back against the tiles, the cool surface offering a refreshing contrast to the heat building within you.
And it didn’t take long for William to introduce two fingers into the equation, effortlessly sliding them into you. And with expert precision, he stretched your walls once more, bringing you to yet another orgasm. He knew your body like a map he had personally charted, every curve and sensitive spot committed to memory.
So, when it was your turn to reciprocate the oral favour, you did so eagerly. Switching positions, you skilfully took him into your mouth, your tongue and lips working around his already hard cock, as you relished the taste of him while he moaned above you. 
And just like yourself, William came harder and quicker than he’d usually do. "Turns out, I'm not the only one who tastes good, baby" you smirked up at him after swallowing his load.
That night, both of you slept deeply, sinking into a peaceful slumber that had been elusive for so long. The stress of William's injury and the intensity of the playoffs had weighed heavily on both of you, and as you were finally able to give into the much-needed rest, William’s arms held you closely to his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his breathing. 
As the morning light softly filtered into the room, casting a golden glow, you awoke with your naked bodies wrapped in each other, the memory of the previous night's passion still fresh. William’s morning erection stood proudly under the sheets, and as you watched him still peacefully asleep, your own cunt yet again pulsed with lingering desire. Yet, you waited patiently, taking in the serene sight, and reminding yourself that he was your boyfriend, a reality that sometimes felt too good to be true.
Minutes went by, but then William slowly stirred from his slumber, his ocean blue eyes opening to meet yours. He curved a faint smirk that melted your heart and soul all over again, and as his hands instinctively began to roam your naked curves, just as they had the night before, both of you leaned in to share a passionate morning kiss.
No words were needed. Everything in that moment was perfect, as you once more shared the lustful connection between you. Despite the soreness in your cervix and the sensitivity of his cock, the sight of his beard and muscular physique ignited an insatiable desire within you. Just like within William. 
So, with sensual motions, you gently pushed him onto his back, climbing atop him, facing away, to align your already wet core with his hardness. And William was quick to respond, sitting up slightly to lean against the headboard, watching you intensely as you lowered yourself onto him, allowing him to fill you up again.
William admired the view of your ass, his hands firmly gripping your hips as you began to slowly rock your hips. And he couldn’t help but bite his lip as he watched your cheeks bounce up and down his shaft, both of you edging closer to yet another climax.
With your hands braced on his thick, muscular thighs, you felt your climax gradually approaching, a moan escaping your lips as you intensified your movements under William’s guiding, tight hold on your hips. Desperate for more, as if you had been deprived of sex for weeks, William began to thrust into you with increased force, his hips slamming upward against you as he too approached a release.
And with his forceful thrusts, he drove you to orgasm, loud moans escaping your lips. As he too got closer to his own climax, with a dominant motions, William then pushed you forward, withdrawing his cock from your cunt before letting out a deep grunt and releasing himself onto your cheeks, marking you as his with his sticky, white cum.
It was another intense moment, your third or perhaps fourth sexual act since the game last night. Both of you were completely exhausted, out of breath from the intensity, yet still found space for soft cuddles.
And as you calmed down from yet another high, William held you close, your eyes meeting in a gentle gaze, sharing smiles and giggles. It felt like falling in love all over again, riding the high of a honeymoon phase as you savoured the moment, holding each other.
William’s thumb softly caressed your cheek, and as your breathing steadied, he broke the comfortable silence.
“I can’t describe how much I love you, y/n.” His voice was raw, low, and husky, his eyes deeply locked onto yours. “With everything I put you through… you still choose to be with me, and I can never tell you enough how much I love you for that…”
“Willy, you don’t need—”
“Shhh,” he pressed his pointer finger against your lips. “You don’t have to say anything, älskling. I just need to tell you that you’re the love of my life. I’m sure of it. And… I know you called my family to help –which I’m really grateful for – but you need to know that you’re truly my anchor. You make me want to be a better version of myself. You make me feel calm, make me feel like a good person, and there’s no way in this world I can ever show you how fucking grateful I am for that. I don’t ever want to be without you.”
You were lost for words. This man kept on surprising you, and you didn’t know how to articulate the fact that you felt exactly the same for him. So, simply placing his hand on your chest, you offered him a soft smile, and all you could manage to say was, “My heart belongs to you.”
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darylbae ¡ 2 days
hiii, could you write something fluff with vamp daryl and a fem reader that really likes to stay in the sun? and even tho daryl cant stay for long in the sun he likes watching her enjoy herself for afar💕😭 sorry for the bad writting english is not my firt language
my girl and her garden — daryl dixon🩰
in which vamp!daryl just loves to watch you in the sun
note: i dont have a specific kind of vampire in mind when i write this, so none of my vamp!daryl stuff is really the same.
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It never took long for you to understand what Daryl was. You'd grown suspicious long before he'd admitted it to you, noticing he'd never eat around you and would always go out to find his own food. He'd find reasons to stay inside if he could, not that sunlight burned him alive, but too much of it was harmful. It terrified him when he finally told you, worrying he'd be go back to being alone again. He didn't want to, but he enjoyed your company, he enjoyed waking up and working around you, surviving with you. So now the pair of you were stuck together. Of course, you had a lot of questions. "Will you outlive me?" "Will you stay the same forever?" "Will you get sick of me and eat me?" And he answered them all however he could. Daryl loved how different you were to him. He found comfort in staying inside, keeping to himself, and that had all changed when he'd met you. You loved being outside. You loved the sun kissing your skin, you loved gardening and doing everything you could outside. The cabin the two of you shared was fenced in and kept safe, thanks to Daryl. And had a lovely open area of grass, you'd even built flowerbeds, to plant and watch over your food. Even as it had been raining a lot, you enjoyed at least being on your porch, watching your crops flourish in the rain, listening to the heavy thrum of the rain against the leaves and trees surrounding you. It had finally starting to shine again outside and you almost leaped out of bed to get some UV on your skin. Skipping coffee and breakfast, you'd put on a summer dress you'd kept over the years, and off you went. The sun was beaming down onto your skin, onto your plants, fruits, and vegetables. You couldn't be happier as you bent down to admire the growing strawberries. Daryl had only just rolled out of bed, feeling the vacant space beside him and worrying. Only to see the door to your cabin open, and could hear your sweet voice humming quietly in the distance. He'd poured himself a coffee, standing at the door frame and fishing into his pocket for a smoke. He could do this for hours, he could make a profession out of this. Watching you, studying you, the way you smile at every bit of progress your garden was making. If he were to eventually die, this is what his Heaven would be. You looked up, to see the moody shadow at the door frame and smiled sweetly at him, lifting a hand to wave. He'd returned the gesture, flapping his fingers at you and inhaling deeply on his cigarette. You'd leaped up from your squatting position, running excitedly up to Daryl to show him your work. "Dar! Look!" He stubbed his cigarette against the wall of the cabin, not wanting to blow smoke around you. "What is it, honey?" You lifted the strawberry, a large, deep red, juicy looking one, and held it up to his face. "I know it's not to your taste, but try it! Look how amazing it's grown!" You held it to his lips and he'd taken a bite, holding your gaze almost seductively. You wanted to drag him to bed and show him a good morning. But there were more exciting matters at hand, like your marvelous strawberry. "That's amazing. Well done, my girl." He cooed, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you into him. Your stomach tightened quickly at the praise, and you'd accepting the affection from him. Daryl always knew how to make you feel special. "Better get back out there!" You hurried back outside, after handing him the rest of the strawberry, and got back to work. Daryl stayed where he was, comfortably inside and had the perfect view of you. The sun lighting up your skin, making you glow as if an Angel had come and roamed the Earth. A small part of Daryl resented what he was, it limited what he could do, especially with you. If he could, he'd eat, sleep, bathe, and make love under the sun with you. He wanted to enjoy it as you did, but he was content with watching you for now.
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tayytayy12 ¡ 1 month
Bad for business | PG10 x Reader
Summary - Reader and her boyfriend Pierre have a larger age gap than most relationships, and that causes people to leave some hate for them both, but they don’t care, they have each other.
Warnings - Age gap (everything is legal, imagine kika and Pierre), small but if hate, swearing
Type - SMAU
Requested - No - Yes
FaceClaim - Olivia Rodrigo
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Liked by - Pierregasly, Lilymhe and 1,082,197 others
Tagged | @/PierreGasly
Yourusername - A week off well spent with my love 💕
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User1 - My parents
User2 - This is just so icky ugh
User3 - Y/n and her grandpa 💕
User4 - I love Y/n and her music but promoting her relationship with a big age gap to her mostly young audience isn’t it
User5 - Finally someone said it
GracieAbrams - My babyyyy 💕💕
Yourusername - I miss youuu 🥲
User5 - She’s so pretty
User6 - I need a relationship like theirs
User7 - A weird one?
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Liked by - Yourusername, CarmenMundt and 972,992 others
Tagged - @/Yourusername
PierreGasly - A week without racing, a week with my love 🤍
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User8 - Oh..
User9 - They both know that this very public relationship with this age gap can’t be good for their careers
User12 - What would be jealous of?
User13 - The fact that no one your age wants you, let alone someone that’s A FEW years older xx
User14 - Ppl can hate all they want but he makes her happy, she lit wrote Enchanted about him after one interaction, he clearly means a lot and treats her right
Liked by author
User15 - Fr and from then on she’s wrote Paper rings, YOU ARE IN LOVE, and so many other songs about him
User16 - And she wrote ‘This Love’ about Y/ex/n, then proceeded to write ‘All too well’ about him, people can hide shit stuff relationships well yk
User17 - FR, we’re just looking out for her
User18 - Pierre needs to learn this girl is bad for business
User20 - I need your guys relationship
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Liked by - PierreGasly, LandoNorris and 1,927,939 others
Yourusername - As many of you know me and my boyfriend, Pierre, have an age gap of a few years. We understand that it’s maybe bigger than most, but it’s legal, we were both fully grown adults when we met. We didn’t jump in head first like everyone insists we did, we actually care for each other, a lot actually. We don’t care about your hate, it doesn’t affect us, but any of you claiming that your ‘looking out for us’ when your just leaving vile comments aren’t fans, you’re people who can’t tell that we’re happy exactly how we are.
I deal with shit by writing about it, so my brand new song ‘Bad For Business’ is out now, hope you like it.
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User21 - She didn’t put one heart in that whole thing you guys pissed her offff
User23 - “He’s good for my heart but he’s bad for business” STOP IT.
User24 - She shut you haters downnn
User25 - As she should
User26 - Where all you haters at now
User27 - Oh she ate with this one
PierreGasly - Mon ange 🤍
Yourusername - My love 🤍
User28 - “they don’t know me like my baby” devoured
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Liked by - Yourusername, Charles_Leclerc and 1,001,010 others
Tagged | @/Yourusername
PierreGasly - She was right, if you’ve ever hated on us for being happy, you’re not a fan, you’re a bully.
I love you, Mon Ange 🤍
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User29 - All the haters a bit TOO quite now hmm
Yourusername - I love youuuu 💕
PierreGasly - I love you more 🤍
600 notes ¡ View notes
littlexdeaths ¡ 1 month
scotty doesn’t know - e.m. ii.
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eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: all characters are 18+, some angst, no use of y/n, cheating, protective eddie, shitty boyfriend behavior, unwanted touches/advances, underage drinking/partying, grinding, fingering, light praise kink, biting, unprotected piv sex, cream pie
series masterlist
based on scotty doesn’t know by lustra
a/n: god i feel like this took me forever, so apologies for that. but i just need to thank both @undead-supernova and @xxbimbobunnyxx for helping me so much with getting this fic put back together. i love you both so so much. 🥹💕
word count: 8.3k
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Out of all the places you wanted to be on a Friday night, Jason Carver’s house wasn’t one of them.
The party was in full swing, music blasting from the speakers in the living room. Red solo cups and beer cans littered every available surface, as your classmates drank without a care in the world. Between the loud, synthy pop music and the constant chattering, you felt incredibly overwhelmed.
Parties were never really your scene.
You wanted nothing more than to go home and put on a film for the night. But dating a popular basketball player brought you out of your comfort zone more often than not. While that could be seen as a good thing, it was the opposite in this case. You never got to do things that you wanted, the plans always revolving around Scott.
However, there was one good thing about the party tonight. Or rather— someone.
Eddie Munson.
He’d kept his distance of course, so as not to raise any alarm bells with anyone. Most likely using the excuse of a good sale to be there in the first place. If anyone bothered to ask him. He rested his shoulder against the living room wall, a bag of freshly rolled joints clutched in his hand.
Eddie had surrounded himself with Robin and Steve the entire night, looking like he wanted to be there even less than you did. You can’t help but steal glances at each other from across the room.
Eddie looks good—he always does. His long curls are tied back in a low bun, sporting his signature ripped jeans and a Metallica shirt that hugs his broad shoulders nicely. You’ve wanted nothing more than to jump his bones the moment you got a chance to be alone.
The idea of sneaking off with him to one of the many guest rooms became more tempting as the party raged on.
You’ve secluded yourself on the sofa in the living room, adjacent to the makeshift dance floor. Thankful that most people are having too much fun to notice you there. You’ve been slowly sipping on a now watered down mixed drink, finding yourself feeling less and less in the party mood. However, your boyfriend seems to have other plans.
Scott is plastered. Irritatingly so.
You spent most of the night hiding from him, knowing how handsy he liked to get when he was drunk.
And as much as you’ve tried to pretend that everything was fine with Scott, your ability to fake it has become much harder. Especially knowing what you could be having instead.
So for the past week you’d avoided being alone with the basketball star. Ever since that fateful phone call the weekend prior. While you had still gone to the party that night, Scott eventually noticed something was up with you. Mostly due to the fact that you hadn’t let him touch you in over a week.
That was the driving force behind his drinking rampage tonight. The male had done 3 keg stands (that you’d witnessed) since he’d been here, on top however many beers he’d consumed. You’re exactly sure, but it’s the worst you’ve ever seen him.
Part of you does feel guilty, but a bigger part of you is starting to care less and less.
Ironically, Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money starts playing the moment he finds you again. But going anywhere with him is by far the last thing you wanted to do. The male slurs along to the track as he plops down next to you, nearly spilling his entire drink in your lap.
You can’t hide the grimace on your face as he leans into you, his breath reeking of stale beer. You grab the cup out of his hand before it spills everywhere. Huffing in annoyance as you set it down on the side table.
You really aren’t in the mood to play babysitter.
Scott’s hands, now empty, immediately grab at your hips to pull you in closer. His lips easily find your neck, the feeling of his hot breath making your skin crawl. You gently shove him off, but he leans back into your space immediately.
Normally you’d let him wear himself out, but you really don’t feel like it tonight.
“Scott, come on stop,” you sigh, no longer able to hide the irritation in your voice.
But your boyfriend is clearly not listening, continuing to press sloppy kisses along the exposed skin of your collarbone. A muffled moan leaves him as he guides your hand onto his lap.
You’re no longer able to conceal the alarmed expression that appears on your face as you tug your hand away. “I mean it, Scott.” He just groans in annoyance, feeling his fingers hook into the loop of your jeans.
“You’re too drunk, I said knock it off,” your voice drips with malice, despite how panicked you feel.
The male would always listen if you ever told him off, but his current state of intoxication clearly overtakes any rational thought.
“Oh come on, babe. We haven’t fucked in over a week, I have needs,” he slurs.
Before you have the chance to respond, the weight of his body disappears. You quickly glance up, your eyes widening in shock. Eddie has pulled your boyfriend up by the collar of his polo shirt, and suddenly it’s like the air is sucked out of the room.
Scott is fuming, a slew of curses leaves his mouth as he attempts to shove him off. Eddie is stone faced as he releases him abruptly, causing Scott to stumble backwards. He recovers quicker than you expected, raising his fist to aim a punch at the metalhead. But Eddie’s reflexes are much faster, catching the closed fist and knocking it away.
Scott was good in a fight, but he’s too inebriated to do much damage at this point.
“She said to knock it off, Scotty. I know you’re stupid but are you deaf too?”
You quickly get up and squeeze yourself between the two males, a clear pissing contest about to ensue if you don’t intervene. Your back is pressed against your boyfriend's chest, as your eyes plead with your lover to calm down.
“She’s my girlfriend Munson, fuck off,” he sneers.
The music has suddenly been turned down to a more tolerable volume, the focus of the party now shifting onto you— much to your dismay.
You can feel Scott’s hot breath against your neck, as his hands wrap around your middle to pull you further against his chest. Eddie is furious, his jaw clenched so hard you can see the muscles straining underneath his pale skin.
If you weren’t in this current predicament, you might have found it sexy. But you’re far too anxious to focus on anything else right now.
“Doesn’t matter, she doesn’t want you to fucking touch her,” Eddie’s voice continues to raise, until he’s almost yelling over your head. “No means no, dickhead!”
You can see Jason beginning to push through the crowd, Steve hot on his heels. The last thing you wanted was for this whole situation to escalate further. But judging by the look on Jason's face, you don’t know if you can stop it.
The crowd is clearly itching for a fight to break out, the whole atmosphere of the party shifting.
“Hey, freak! Who even invited you here?”
Eddie doesn’t even flinch at Jason’s insult.
“I did, Carver,” Steve answers, inserting himself in the already strained situation.
The tension between the four males is so thick, it makes you wish the ground would open and swallow you whole. Steve glances down at you for a moment before continuing, “But it seems to me like you need to get McGuire here in line. She’s clearly uncomfortable.”
You feel multiple pairs of eyes flick back to you, your shoulders slouching in an attempt to make yourself appear smaller. You catch Jason’s gaze, knowing he can clearly see the distress flitting over your features. The blonde sighs deeply, resting a hand on Scott’s shoulder.
“Scott, come on, just let it go,” he says, beginning to tug the male away from you. “You’ve had too much to drink.”
Before your boyfriend can even begin to protest, Jason and a newly joined Patrick lead him away. While you’re quite shocked that he was willing to break this up, part of you is thankful. Normally, the pair would egg each other on to keep a fight going. But as big of a prick Jason Carver is, he knew Steve was right.
You can feel the tears welling in the corners of your eyes, the party seeming to return to normal. While Steve has also disappeared into the crowd, Eddie hasn’t moved an inch. His eyes follow the group of jocks as they filed out of the room, casually flipping them the bird.
But his focus quickly returns to you. You can see in his eyes how he so desperately wants to envelop you in his arms and kiss your tears away.
But he knows he can’t. Not here.
Those protective urges are getting harder and harder for him to fight.
He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can say anything else you’re rushing past him. Pushing through the sea of drunken teens and to the front door. Your fight or flight instincts are finally kicking in, and you know you have to leave.
Anywhere is better than here.
You’d hitched a ride to the party with Chrissy, but you’re not about to try and find her now. You need to be alone.
You run for almost three blocks before you have to stop, resting your hands on your knees as you try to catch your breath. You take a minute to let your heart rate slow to a more steady rhythm before you start walking in the direction of your house.
While Hawkins is a relatively small town, your house is still a couple miles from the party. Walking the entire way isn’t the most ideal plan, but you didn’t give yourself much of a choice. And there’s no way you were going back there now.
You can only imagine the rumors that will be floating around the school come Monday. As much as you try to put on a brave face, you care too much about what your peers thought of you. You can already hear the kind of insults that would be thrown your way.
Skank, prude, lying whore.
The possibilities of cruel words were endless. You let out a small hiccup as you continue down the dimly lit street, finally allowing the tears to roll freely down your cheeks. You don’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing you cry too.
How did you even get to this point?
Two months ago you couldn’t have foreseen yourself in this position. Falling for another guy, whilst simultaneously falling out of love with another. If you ever loved Scott to begin with. You’re not entirely convinced of that fact.
It felt like the easiest option, being with someone like Scott McGuire. He’s well-liked, a person your parents approve of. But you weren’t really happy, just going through the motions instead of chasing what you really want.
Perhaps that was what Eddie had really witnessed that night he had stumbled across you and Scott. Someone who was desperately searching for a way out. And he’d given it to you in ways you never expected.
Eddie was kind, attentive— cared about your feelings and desires.
What started off as just sex quickly snowballed into something much deeper. You had never really given much thought to your own needs. Maybe that was why his offer was too good to pass up, it let you indulge in uncharted territory.
You’d been labeled as a good girl your entire life. You never rebelled and always do exactly as you’re told. To the extent that you never felt an ounce of control over the trajectory of your own relationship. Or many other facets within your life.
It was whatever Scott or your parents thought was best for you. They’ve never taken into consideration what you had actually wanted.
But being with Eddie was like a breath of fresh air. It filled your lungs, greedily inhaling everything he has to offer. After struggling beneath the current for so long, there was no way you would let it pull you back under.
A cool breeze suddenly whips across your face, stinging your wet cheeks. You wrap your arms tighter around yourself to stop a shiver. Thankfully, you had forgone the usual skirts or dresses you adored, in favor of a sweater and jeans. Grateful for the extra layers to combat against the sudden drop in temperature.
You keep your head down as you continue to walk further down the quiet street. Only the sounds of your sneakers padding against the concrete and your soft sniffles fill the night air. It’s almost peaceful.
You make it another block before that tranquility is interrupted. You hear the loud rumble of an engine as a vehicle approaches you from behind. While not many people would be out past midnight in this sleepy town, you don’t think anything of it. You figured they would continue driving down the empty street.
That is until that same vehicle begins to idle next to you.
You glance out of your peripheral and curse softly. You would recognize that van anywhere, having found yourself in the back of it more times than you could count.
The window is cranked down as you turn away, beginning to walk a little faster. But the van keeps pace with you regardless. Eddie calls your name, but you keep your eyes trained on the ground. Tears are steadily streaming down your cheeks now, smearing your mascara.
While the brunette has seen you cry before— it was under very different circumstances. This feels different, like he’s seeing you naked for the first time all over again. Only this time you don’t feel ready for it.
You feel vulnerable and exposed.
You hate it.
Eddie proceeds to plead your name, as you continue to ignore him. He let the upper half of his torso practically hang out of the driver’s side window. The theatrical nature of it is almost enough to make you crack a smile. But you know he wasn’t going to give up until you at least tried to talk to him. With how he had stood up for you, he at least deserves that.
Having made up your mind, you suddenly stop in your tracks. The van squeaks to a halt beside you, the male flinging the driver’s side door open. You see his scuffed Reebox’s first, letting your eyes linger there for a moment. But you immediately squeeze them shut as his fingers softly grasp your chin, tilting it up.
“Sweetheart, look at me, please.” His tone is gentle, but still laced with concern. “It’s just you and me, you’re safe.” The sincerity behind those words has your heart skipping a beat.
You let out a shaky breath as your eyes begin to flutter open. His face is blurred from the tears flooding your lash line. You slowly blink them away until he finally comes into focus.
“There she is…” he declares, the indent in his cheek deepening as he smiles.
The male cups your face between his palms, letting their warmth seep into your cheeks. His thumbs swipe away any lingering tears as he presses a kiss to your temple. Eddie envelops you in his arms, letting you bury your face into his chest. You breathe in the familiar scent of his cologne, letting him hold you like that for a while.
The glow of the street lights cascades down on both of you. The night air only seems to grow colder the longer you both stand there. A shiver runs through you despite the heat radiating from his chest, something he doesn’t miss.
“Alright, time to go, doll,” he mumbles softly, “Can I drive you home?”
You are silent for a moment, mulling over your options in your head. “No,” you finally say, untangling yourself from him.
He looks a little hurt as you turn to walk towards his van, that hurt morphing into confusion as you yank open the passenger door.
“I don’t want to go home,” you explain, seeming to snap him out of his frozen stature. Eddie quickly climbs back into the van, the door barely slamming shut behind him before he pulls back onto the road.
He keeps one hand on the steering wheel, the other tangled with yours on the seat. When you left the party, you had fully intended to go home alone.
But being tangled up with him sounds like a much better option.
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You had never been to Eddie’s trailer.
Whether that was intentional or not, you’re not sure. But it’s the one place that he has never taken you to.
He seems nervous as he leads you through the living room. Your eyes wander curiously around the room, taking in the large collection of coffee mugs and hats that decorate the walls. Eddie sheepishly begins picking up some discarded food wrappers, junk mail— all in an effort to tidy up a little.
“Sorry about…” He pauses, hands full as he motions around the room. “All of this." You refrain from rolling your eyes. Tossing some items into the trash, he jokes, “Goddamn maid left us high and dry last week.”
“Let me guess…she ran off with some wannabe rockstar?” You smile, watching as he leans against the kitchen counter with a matching grin.
“Something like that.”
Despite what Eddie has implied about his humble abode, you liked it the moment you crossed the threshold. It has character, a clear representation of the two men who live there. But it also feels warm and incredibly inviting, something your own home hasn’t felt like in quite a long time.
His uncle already left for the night shift, which means the two of you have the place to yourselves. Eddie shows you to the bathroom, giving you a moment alone to collect yourself. But mostly to clean up the mess your mascara had made on your cheeks.
You emerge from the bathroom a few minutes later, Eddie nowhere in sight. He didn’t tell you which room was his, but it doesn’t take you long to figure it out. The door at the end of the hall was left slightly ajar, golden light spilling out onto the shag carpet. But it’s the strum of a guitar that ends up being your guide.
You push open the door to his bedroom, unable to help the small smile that graces your features as you take it all in. The room is a little messy and cluttered— something you expected.
You let your eyes roam over the many posters splayed across the walls, Metallica, Slayer… and one handmade one. Corroded Coffin. You knew Eddie was in a band—it was the one of the things apart from DnD that he seemed extremely passionate about.
Eddie’s quiet as he sits on the edge of his unmade bed, an acoustic guitar perched on his lap. This machine slays dragons, is painted in white on the side of the instrument. You find yourself suddenly mesmerized, watching as his fingers slowly brush over the strings.
He finally notices how you’ve planted yourself in the doorway, glancing up at you from underneath his lashes.
“Make yourself at home, sweetheart,” he smiles, gesturing around him. “What’s mine is yours.”
He focuses his attention back on the instrument in his lap, testing out a few chords as you shut the door behind you. You step further into the room, letting your fingers trail along the top of his desk.
Being alone with him like this suddenly feels more intimate than any other time before. It’s like he’s letting you peek inside his mind, showing pieces of himself that not many others get to see. Only those that he trusts. And you can’t deny how it warms your insides.
You’re a little too busy exploring the rest of his room that you don’t notice when his eyes have drifted back to you. The brunette gazes at you fondly when you spot a pair of handcuffs dangling next to his mirror. His soft chuckle fills the room as you reach out to run your fingers over the cool metal.
“We can definitely put those to use, doll.” Those words have you squirming, warmth spreading through your limbs. You shy away as you take a seat in the chair next to his desk. “If you want.”
Eddie grins at your flustered expression, glancing back down at his guitar. He’s playing freely now, the chords unfamiliar to you. But they’re beautiful nonetheless.
“You’re really good at… uh,” you trail off softly, gesturing to the instrument.
You notice how the tips of his ears flush pink from your admission, although he acts unfazed by your compliment.
“What, fingering?” he teases, purposefully pressing his fingers down onto the guitar strings in a dramatic manner which makes you giggle.
The song he was playing quickly morphs into something else, something quite familiar. But you can’t quite put your finger on it. You lean forward to rest your chin in your palm.
The moment he begins to hum the lyrics is the moment when the song becomes abundantly clear.
I, I will be king… and you, you will be queen.
“Heroes,” you murmur, the word almost becoming lodged in your throat.
You had mentioned to Eddie in passing a few weeks ago that it’s your favorite Bowie song.
You never expected him to do anything with that information, or even remember it. But he kept finding ways to surprise you. This small act alone proves that he truly cares about you, that he listens to you. It’s overwhelming in the best way possible.
Your body suddenly feels too warm under the thick layers of clothing. Rising to your feet, you grip the hem of your sweater and pull it over your head. You let the soft material fall to the floor, joining a heap of his own clothing. Standing before him in only your bra and jeans.
Eddie seems to fumble over the next few notes as he takes in your newly exposed skin, averting his gaze as he clears his throat. Now it’s your turn to make him flustered.
But he can’t help but glance at you out of the corner of his eye, as you begin unbuttoning your jeans. You shimmy the denim down your legs, kicking them off to the side. You felt emboldened as you strolled over to the brunette’s dresser. His eyes boring into your back as you rummage through his drawers.
You’re in search of a particular item, a smile stretching across your face once you locate it amongst the various band tees. Reaching behind your back you unclip your bra, you let the straps slide off of your shoulders. The item quickly joins the rest of your discarded clothes on his floor.
You don’t hear how his breath hitches in his throat over the strum of his guitar.
You pull Eddie’s faded hellfire shirt from the drawer and slip it over your head. The soft fabric glides over your skin, the hem falling just past the curve of your ass. It smells like an intoxicating mixture of his cologne and laundry detergent.
You hum softly as you breathe it in, turning to face him again. His dark eyes are blown wide, the guitar now almost forgotten in his hands. Just the sight of you in his clothes is making him feel things he’d be too afraid to admit out loud.
You saunter towards him, carefully grasping the neck of the guitar and leaning it against his dresser. He seems dumbfounded as you climb into his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. You tilt your head down towards his ear, lips grazing over it. Enjoying the way he almost shudders beneath you.
“I just want to thank you properly,” you whisper, nipping at his lobe.
Your lips continue to trail across his jaw until you reach his mouth, unable to hold back any longer as you press your lips to his. The feeling of your mouth molding against his own seems to snap Eddie out of whatever trance he was in. His large hands easily find the curve of your waist, gripping the fabric of the shirt in his fists.
Eddie kisses you slowly but deeply, trying to savor the taste of your mouth on his. Your fingers slip the elastic band out of his hair, letting his curls cascade wildly over his shoulders. But the longer he kisses you, the worse the ache between your thighs becomes.
In desperate need of some friction, you grind your hips down against his crotch. Whining as you feel his hardened cock through his jeans. He’d been struggling with it ever since you took that first piece of clothing off. Initially, he was going to ignore it, but then you climbed right into his lap and he lost all sense of logic.
But as much as he wants this to continue, he knows you’re not in the right kind of headspace for more. He groans into your mouth as you continue to rub yourself against him, but his firm grip on your hips stops any further movement. Your eyes flutter open, confusion filling them.
“Slow down, sweetheart,” he pants, one of his hands lifted to carefully cup your cheek. “We don’t have to do anything tonight.”
The look he’s giving you has your heart stuttering, but his words are throwing you for a loop. The whole basis of this… arrangement was sex. The fine line between a casual hookup and a relationship have been blurred for a while. But tonight has made it crystal clear that this has evolved into something much more than that.
Even if neither of you wanted to admit it.
“Do you not want…” you trail off, unable to hide the sliver of hurt in your tone.
He shakes his head, leaning his forehead against yours with a strained sigh.
“Trust me, doll. I definitely want to.” He chuckles, shifting his hips beneath you. “But tonight was… fuck, it was intense. And you can't expect me to believe you're okay after all that. I just want you to have a clear head, is all.”
You mull over his words for a moment as the weight of what happened earlier crashes back over you. And with it, squashing any urge to finish what you had just started.
"I'm not that asshole,” he continues, unable to make out your puzzled expression. “You don't have to fuck me just to make me happy. I'm happy just being with you, like this."
You’re willing yourself not to cry again as he gently presses a tender kiss to your forehead. Eddie basks in the scent of your strawberry shampoo, feeling you start to relax against his chest.
“Now, I don’t know about you.” He yawns, nuzzling your nose with his. “But I think we’ve had enough excitement for one night.”
You laugh quietly, nodding as you climb off his lap. Draping your body over the bed, keeping your eyes focused on him. The male stands to strip down to his boxers, in such a hurry to get back to you that he almost trips over his jeans.
“Down, boy, I’m not going anywhere.” You giggle as he slips under the covers with you.
A sheepish grin tugs at his lips as he clicks off the bedside lamp, bathing the room in darkness. You reach for him just as he does for you, your hands bumping together clumsily.
“Scoot closer.” You can almost hear the pout in his voice, eagerly moving forward until his bare chest is pressed against your clothed one.
“Much better,” he hums.
Eddie slots one of his legs between yours, snaking his arms around your waist. There’s no part of you that isn’t completely entangled in him. You can feel his clothed erection pressing into your hip, and that sense of guilt washes over you again.
Knowing you’d left not one, but two guys pent up tonight.
“I’m really sorry for everything tonight,” you whisper into the darkness, feeling his arms tighten around you.
“Hey, don’t do that. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for.”
You nod, but those feelings welling up inside you don’t dissipate. Not completely.
Eddie begins to rub soothing circles over your hip, continuing up your side. Your body tenses as you try to stifle a laugh. The male doesn’t realize that his touch isn’t exactly… soothing. But the further his hand creeps up your side the more you start to squirm and a small gasp leaves your lips.
That sound alone is enough to tip him off, now well aware of what he’s done. You can vaguely make out his mischievous grin in the dark, calculating his next move. Before you have time to react both of his hands are trailing up your sides, tickling you.
“Eddie!” You squeal as your body thrashes in his embrace, rolling you underneath him in the process.
The chain of his necklace dangles in your face, his fingers unrelenting as he pulls giggle after giggle out of you. This is a sound he’d vowed to hear as often as he could, his own laugh mingling with yours.
“S’not f-fair!” you squeak out between fits of laughter before he finally lets up so you can breathe. You’re panting a little, your noses brush against each other.
“I like making you laugh,” he admits, almost shyly. “It’s cute.”
You reach out for his face in the darkness, leaning up to press a gentle kiss to his jaw. You can feel the warmth that’s radiating against your lips, allowing your lips to linger there for a moment.
Coming to the realization that you’d just made Eddie Munson blush brings a wide smile to your face.
“I just want to say thank you for earlier… and for letting me stay the night. I really appreciate it.”
Eddie settles back down next to you on the mattress, your palms resting against his chest. His lips search for yours in the darkness, leaving kisses all over your face in his fumbling attempt to find your lips. Another round of giggles escapes you from the tender gesture.
His ability to make you feel so safe and secure is still so new to you. You don’t want this feeling to end— you never want any of this to end. However, you know this isn’t fair. Eddie doesn’t deserve to be someone’s secret.
But as time passed and this relationship continued to progress, the more you began to realize that you didn’t want to keep him a secret anymore.
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he mumbles, his voice thick with sleep.
You snuggle yourself further against him, limps tangling together. With your ear pressed to his chest, you can hear the steady beat of his heart. The way his breathing starts to slow and become more even.
“Goodnight, Eds,” you whisper, stifling another laugh as a soft snore answers you.
You allow your eyes to slip shut, exhaustion finally overtaking you as his heartbeat continues to lull you to sleep.
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Sunlight streaming through the thin curtains is what awoke you that next morning.
A sigh falls from your lips as you attempt to stretch out your overly stiff limbs. Which is when you feel a stirring beneath you. Your eyes fly open as the events of last night trickle back in.
The party, Scott being a grade A asshole, Eddie taking care of you...
If your body wasn’t currently draped over him, you might have convinced yourself it was all a dream. That Eddie dropped you off at home, and you were snuggled beneath your floral bedspread. But to your relief, that clearly isn’t the case.
Your body stills in an attempt not to stir the sleeping metalhead beneath you. At some point during the night you must have gotten yourselves into this position. Laying on his chest, with his arms wrapped securely around your middle. But you don’t mind in the slightest.
In fact, you feel more rested than you have in quite some time. You just wish you could stay like this forever, wrapped up in him and only him. Lifting your head, you rest your chin on your hand and begin to study his sleeping features.
He looks completely at ease.
Faint freckles are scattered across his nose and cheeks, his long lashes fanning over them. His dark curls are wild from sleep, fanned out over his flannel pillowcase. Pouted lips slightly chapped, but kissable all the same. He really is beautiful.
You continue to watch him sleep for a while longer, the morning sun cascading over the tops of his cheekbones. But his breath remains even, small snores slipping out every so often. As you gaze at him, you can’t help but silently scold yourself.
You’re falling for Eddie Munson more and more each day, and you know you can’t keep this up.
You have to end things with Scott.
And as much as you want to stay snuggled up with Eddie, your body has other needs. You don’t exactly know how you’re going to get up without disturbing him, but your bladder is in desperate need of relief.
You sigh as you begin to shimmy further down his body, your legs falling on either side of his hips. A squeak of surprise leaves you as you feel his hard on pressing against your inner thigh through his boxer shorts. It shouldn’t have been that big of a shock to you—morning wood is normal, right?
But you didn’t have much experience with sleepovers of this nature. Despite dating Scott for well over a year, you’ve never spent the night with him like this. So it’s something quite new to you. While you silently ponder over this, Eddie begins to stir again.
A soft moan tumbles past his lips as you accidentally press yourself harder against his boner in an attempt to swing your leg back over the other side of his hip.
“Mm… where do you think you’re going, doll?” His voice is thick with sleep, an octave lower than normal. The gravelly nature of it makes heat shoot between your legs.
You curse softly as you glance up at him, those chocolate hues gazing back at you. Eddie’s fingers splayed across the tops of your thighs, sliding up to encircle your hips. You feel your body flush, his eyes darkening as he looks you over— straddling him, wearing nothing but his shirt.
When he lifts his hips to grind you against him, you can’t stop the whimper that escapes.
“Eds, hold on. I have to pee,” you mumble, feeling embarrassed as his hips still beneath you.
He just lets out a deep laugh as his hands release your hips. You climb over him, quick to scramble off the bed.
“Alright, I guess I’ll allow it,” he teases, the tips of fingers brushing against yours. “Just hurry back, sweetheart.”
Your heart warms at the sight of him, his brown eyes filling with adoration as they look up at you. Leaning over the bed, you press a small kiss to his mouth. A giggle leaves your own as he gives your ass a small pat before you book it to the bathroom.
You feel much better after finally relieving yourself, washing your hands as you glance into the mirror. Your eyes almost sparkle in the muted light, a dopey smile stretched across your face. Is this what it feels like to be in a healthy relationship?
You don’t dwell on it long, far too eager to return back to him. You slip out of the bathroom and tiptoe back to Eddie’s bedroom. Taking extra care to be quiet as you weren’t sure if Wayne has returned home from work yet. And frankly, you’d be mortified if you met him under these conditions—with you clad in only Eddie’s shirt and your panties.
What a great way to make a first impression.
You close his bedroom door behind you slowly, letting the lock click gently into place. You turn back around to face him and lean against the door. Eddie is in the same spot you had left him, only now he’s leaning halfway up on one elbow. That hunger hasn’t left his gaze as he beckons you over with his index finger.
Looking at his hands makes your thighs clench together, knowing all the wonderful things they were capable of. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as you approach him, stopping at the edge of the mattress. Eddie’s fingers ghost over the plush skin of your thighs, leaving goosebumps in his wake.
They continue up until they reach the elastic of your panties. He gives you a look, silently asking for permission. You guide his fingers beneath the fabric, aiding him in sliding them down your legs. As you step out of the material, your eyes glance back up to meet his.
“Come here.”
It’s spoken softly, but the command in his voice makes your breath hitch.
You move on instinct, your desire fueling your actions as you straddle his hips. There’s a fluidity in your movements as you rest your hands on his chest. Your manicured nails gently trail over his stomach, watching the lust continue to swirl behind his irises.
While this wasn’t a position you’d dabbled in up to this point, the way he’s regarding you has your confidence flourishing. He wants you, and he wants you badly.
At this point you’d give him the moon and the stars if he asked.
Once you’re settled on top of him, you can feel how his cock strains against the fabric of his boxers. Testing the waters, you glide yourself along his shaft, his hands reaching up to encircle your waist. He simply rests them there, allowing you to take the lead.
The worn cotton of his briefs provides some much needed friction against your clit. You bite down on your lip in an attempt to keep a moan from slipping out. But the male isn’t having any of that. He reaches his hand up to remove your lower lip from between your teeth.
His calloused thumb brushes over your mouth, slipping the digit past your lips.
“No need to be shy, sweetheart. I wanna hear you.”
You nod your head, humming as your tongue swirls around his thumb. You eagerly suck it deeper into your mouth, which pulls a low groan from him. But Eddie can only take so much of your teasing, removing his thumb to grip back onto your hips. Your lower lip juts out in a small pout, which causes him to chuckle.
“Now none of that, or I’ll give you something to pout about,” he quips, giving your ass a warning smack.
The hint of a threat in his tone has you whimpering, guiding your hips harder along his shaft.
You grip the hem of his shirt in between your fingers, beginning to lift it over your hips but he stops you. A brow raising as you look down at him.
“Fuck, keep it on,” he says with a groan. “Wanna see you riding me in it.”
His confession has you feeling timid, letting your hands settle back at your sides. Eddie’s fingers begin to trail over the top of your thigh, before dipping between them. His digits glide between your slick folds, brushing over your bundle of nerves. It causes your breath to hitch, eagerly grinding your hips back against his fingertips.
“Eddie, please,” you breathe.
“Use your words, pretty girl,” he hums. “Tell me what you want.”
Impatience gnawed at you as you lifted your hips, your fingers dipping past the waistband of his boxers. You tug them down to release his cock from their confines, your actions surprising you both. As much as you loved when he touched you, your body was already craving more.
Wrapping your palm around the base of his shaft, he groans. His jaw slackens as he watches you guide the tip through your drenched folds. Nudging it against your clit once…twice…a third time.
Before you finally line him up with your entrance, guiding your hips down.
“Shit, hold on doll, need a condom.”
Eddie holds you in place with one hand, as the other reaches over into his night side table. He’s blindly searching for one of the foil packets when you blurt out, “I don’t want it. Need you to fuck me raw, Ed.”
Your words stop him in his tracks, eyes widening in almost disbelief. You suddenly feel nervous, praying you didn’t just ruin everything with your admission.
“Are you sure? I-I wouldn’t want to risk…” he trails off, licking his lips as he regards you with a somewhat guarded expression.
You nod, leaning forward to whisper in his ear, “I’m on the pill. I just… I want you to be the first one to do it, Eddie.”
His groan rumbles through his chest, the implication behind your words only makes him want you more. Scott never got to do this.
This is something that would be his, and his alone.
His hand cradles the back of your neck, guiding your face towards his. Crashes his lips against yours, the desperation behind them telling you his resounding answer. But you want to hear him say it. Nipping at his lower lip, you pull away to sit back up and rest your palms on his chest.
The male is panting beneath you, his flustered expression only causes your confidence to grow. A smirk adorns your features as Eddie lifts his hips upward in an attempt to grind them into yours, but you push back against his hip to stop the movement.
“Nuh uh, handsome,” you purr, your fingertips gliding through the hair just below his navel. “Tell me what you want. Use your words.”
Eddie’s brain nearly short circuits as you use his former words against him. A slew of curses tumbles from his lips as you grasp his cock in your hand, rubbing it through your folds but not yet breaching the entrance. Awaiting his response as you continue to tease him, feeling his fingers grasping onto your ass.
“Fuck, I wanna come inside you so bad, sweetheart,” he whines.
You hum in approval, leaning back down to press a sloppy kiss to his mouth. Eddie instantly reciprocates, his tongue working its way past your lips. You teasingly suck the muscle into your mouth before pulling away. A string of saliva connects you as you sit up fully. Eddie curses again, his hands gripping onto your ass even harder.
“Fuck— come on, please.”
Hearing Eddie Munson beg is what finally breaks your resolve, slowly sinking down onto his cock.
It didn’t matter how many times you’ve had him, he always made you feel so full. This time feels…different, though. It’s as though you can feel every vein and ridge of his cock caressing your inner walls, the sensation has you gasping. Your body stills once he’s fully sheathed inside you, letting your palms splay across his chest.
“That’s it, takin’ me so good, doll,” he grunts as his head falls back against the pillow. His praise has you beaming.
You stay like that for a moment until you become familiar with the feeling of him inside you again. Beginning to lift your hips slowly, his cock nearly slipping out of you completely. As you begin to lower yourself onto him again, his face contorts in pleasure—now hiding those beautiful irises from you.
“Eddie… baby. Look at me,” you coo.
The pet name slips past your lips almost too easily, enjoying the way it sounds on your tongue. Eddie’s eyes snap back open to meet yours. His pupils are blown wide, the black nearly swallowing the brown of his irises whole. The male peers up at you in a mixture of lust and awe as you continue to take him deeper.
If he could watch you ride him all day, he would.
However, your leisurely pace is starting to drive him insane. The brunette begins to buck his hips up into yours, swift but deep thrusts that take you by surprise. A moan gets caught in your throat as he rams into your sweet spot, eyes rolling back into your head. Witnessing your visceral reaction, he continues to repeat the action as your chest starts to heave.
“Christ, you look so pretty with my cock inside you, baby,” he moans, his fingers digging harder into your hips.
Any thoughts of remaining quiet are thrown out the window the moment he speaks. A loud moan rips itself from your throat, filling the silence of his bedroom. His praise has your walls tightening around his shaft, your head falling forward as you open your eyes. A smug look adorns his features, eyes falling to where your bodies connect.
He looks so good like this— underneath you, eyes wide and his cheeks beautifully flushed.
“You like that don’t you? My pretty girl…”
The sound that leaves you is borderline pornographic, nails digging into his shoulders as you ride him faster. You can’t disguise the way your body reacts to being called his, your arousal making a slippery mess between your bodies.
You reach for him, coaxing him up until your chests are pressed together. Lips find each other instantly, tangling your fingers in his already wild locks. One of his hands travels between you, rubbing at your swollen bud.
“Fuck— Eddie,” you cry out as he massages your clit faster, simultaneously bucking his hips up into you.
You meet each of his thrusts by slamming your hips back down, thighs burning with the effort. One more brutal thrust into your cervix has you seeing stars, your head burying itself into the crook of his neck. You bite down onto the flesh of his shoulder to muffle a loud cry.
Your thighs tremble as your body slumps forward—unable to continue.
But Eddie keeps going, chasing his own end as he guides you further along his cock. He isn’t able to hold off much longer, as the constant fluttering of your walls becomes his undoing. He spills inside you with a deep grunt as you cling onto his biceps.
The male soon collapses into you, his chest heaving as he captures your lips together. You sigh into his mouth as he holds you tightly against him, breathing the air back into your lungs. You stay like that for a moment, locked together in the most intimate way possible.
Eddie carefully ushers your hips upward, coaxing you back onto the mattress. You whimper softly, already missing the feeling of him inside you. His cum has begun to drip onto the bed sheets as he kneels before you, spreading your legs so he can admire the mess he’s made.
Eddie’s eyes are still wide with lust as he takes in the sight of you, dipping his fingers between your thighs to gather some of his cum on the digits. He slowly eases them back inside your entrance in an attempt to keep anything else from spilling out. You whine his name, reaching out for him as he gently removes his fingers from your center.
The male presses multiple kisses to your shaky thighs before he crawls his way back up your body. Just as he goes to wipe his fingers on his sheets you grab onto his wrist, slipping the digits past your lips.
“Jesus Christ, sweetheart,” he mumbles, feigning hurt when you playfully nibble on his fingers. He starts to pull away, ignoring your pout as he gets off up off the bed. You’re about to protest but he hushes you with a kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
Eddie quickly fixes his boxers before he slips out of his bedroom, returning moments later with a damp washcloth. He’s back between your legs, gently cleaning up the dried arousal on your thighs. He takes his time, making sure every inch of your skin is clean before he tosses the dirty rag in his overflowing laundry basket.
Eddie helps you into a sitting position as he cups your cheek, thumb brushing over your lower lip. He smiles fondly at you, dimple indenting his cheek as a familiar look flashes through his eyes. The one you had noticed the week prior when you were draped across his chest in your bedroom. A look he seems to give you almost every time you’re together now.
You still aren’t sure what exactly it means. All you do know is that you want to see more of it.
Eddie tries to hide it as he presses a kiss to your nose, chuckling as you scrunch it beneath his lips. “You hungry? I’m not the best cook, but I can definitely whip you up a nice omelet?”
You beam at him, nodding your head as he gets up to rummage through his dresser drawers. He eventually finds a pair of shorts for you to wear, handing you the garment as he pulls on a pair of sweatpants. You glance down at the ground, attempting to look for your discarded panties, only to come up short.
“Eddie? Have you seen my panties?” You sigh, beginning to look through the clothes scattered across the floor. Hearing him chuckle you glance up, a small smirk stretching across his lips. It’s then that you notice the black lacy fabric clutched in his fist.
“These are mine now, sweetheart,” he winks, tucking them into his bedside table.
You feel a little flustered as you pull the shorts up over your legs, playfully swatting his chest as you stand. Eddie just laughs, pulling you into arms and kissing you again. He eagerly threads your fingers together, leading you out of the room.
However, once he begins to guide you through the trailer— there's only one thing on your mind.
Scotty has got to go.
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sdk taglist: @xxbimbobunnyxx @munsonhoneybaby @mugloversonly @lemme-slytherin-that-dick @transparentenemypenguin @calumfmu @vamp-bunny @eddiesxangel @nailbatanddungeon @deathst9r @comeonatmebruh
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529 notes ¡ View notes
wroteclassicaly ¡ 8 months
For The Record
(Steve Harrington x Female Reader)
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Summary: You have a surprise for your best-friend Steve.
Word count: 1,647
Warnings: Language, NSFW, creampie, vaginal sex, slight choking, slight breeding kink if you squint, and fluff.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Female Reader
A/N: Just a filthy little thing that I’ve been nurturing for a few days. No point to it, just showing Stevie some love! Haven’t written anything this lengthy in a while, but I hope y’all enjoy? ;P 💕❤️🥰♥️
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Steve. Steve-fucking-Harrington. The heart of your group with a head of hair (that you’d washed, brushed, picked monster guts out of, and pulled, one too many times), a comforting smile that reminded you of Summer’s fading sunsets that give way to fall colors. All copper, rust, orange, mossy caramels swirling together, deep browns that look like cinnamon (smells like the gum he chews, or the breath spray he carries in his back pocket), sometimes even red in how his cheeks tinge on cold days, the way he makes your body warm. To his protective - fighter mode, like a crafted out of the finest marble guardian-angelic-god.
You’d worship at his temple. All day. Every single day.
His mouth has been in as many places as his hands. He knows every scar, just as much as he’s aware of spots, in which kissing you will cause goosebumps to electrify, sparking themselves known across your skin, or where his fingers will cause that high pitched whine to come from between your lips. You can’t really fathom that it’s been happening, especially for how long. There’s been no talk of labels, what anything means, it’s just been two friends crossing a line and fucking one another on it. You don’t know what you would’ve done, had it not been for Steve-the-hair-Harrington, King Steve, your extra heartbeat, your best-friend, your everything.
And that’s what led you to your current predicament, your planned leap of faith. Wrapped in a maroon colored mini gift bag, you had placed the packet. Steve arrived not long after, movies and pizza balanced in his massive hands, keys dangling from the middle finger of his left hand, a cheesy grin pressing into that beautiful mouth. “Hey, honey,” he had said. “Really missed you today, you know that?”
You’d taken in his appearance of dark Levi’s and a black belt, his signature Nike’s, and a low dipped white v-neck that he’d thrown a plain blue button over, leaving it open, his gold chain visible, nestled in that patch of chest hair. Salivating more at him than the food, it took you a second to help him inside.
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You ate in avid chatter, watched one of the lamest, but most comforting horror films Steve could find on the shelves (that no one rented but he knew you’d appreciate), whilst being tucked beneath his bicep, warmed at his side. That’s when you’d retrieved the gift off your coffee table, his palm rubbing circles across your spine, kneading tension until you returned to your position. You handed him the bag and his bushy brows had pinched together, an adorable confusion clear. “For me? What did I do?”
“Just open it, Harrington. Before my nerves make me take it back.”
He cradled the parcel protectively, a pout forming as his watch strapped wrist dips inside. “No way, no how. Nope, not now.”
“Steve…” you laughed lightly, suddenly swallowing as he pulled the packet out, trying to make sense of the name.
“Contraceptive? I don’t… Isn’t this birth control?” He shook the packet before planting it in his massive palm.
You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, choking you like a vice, preventing you from answering in a full sentence.
“So, it’s yours? Why did you wrap it up and give it to me?”
“There’s a few missing already, Steve. I just wanted to get used to them before… Before I told you.”
“Told me, what?” He still looked puzzled, seeking out where you’d opened the package and taken a few tablets.
“That I just wanna use these from now on. Nothing else. If you, if that’s okay with you...?” You had felt the sharp claws of the butterflies, threatening to demolish your remaining courage. But this was Steve, you needed to remember that.
It took him a few moments, but then his pupils expanded within the enriching mossy flecks of his irises, at a rapid pace. His tongue licked at the five o’clock shadow above his upper lip. His voice, you’ll never forget how it sounded. Honey-hot and hoarse, raspy with bitten want, raw fucking desire. You’d clenched your thighs together, tongue eager to lick him… every-fucking-where — the burn of it felt on the muscle’s tip.
“Isn’t that something you do with a boyfriend, though? Not casual sex with a good friend, one of your best-friends?”
And you nod, vision swimming with shapes. Had you messed up? Fuck it. “It is.” Is what you’d responded with, taking the packet from him and tossing it with the bag back onto the table. The movie was rolling credits in the background and you were watching Steve’s dotted jugular as he swallowed, showcasing those tendons, all the way up to that stubble bitten jawline, dotted with freckles and moles.
“And who is your boyfriend, honey?” He had to hear you say it. If it’s what he thought it was, or you’d simply break his heart and move on to this guy. Could he really believe in a good thing again?
You leapt off that faithful precipice, years and feelings following, eyes locking, gaze unrelenting. “I was hoping it would be you.”
He was obviously choked up, orbs alight with mirth and excitement, among other things. “Funny that you mention that, because I’ve been hoping for the exact same thing.”And he’d fallen into your arms, seizing you with a kiss, noses nudging, tongues eager and messy. Clothes couldn’t come off fast enough.
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The king sized condom lays unopened on your plush blush rug. Having fallen out of Steve’s wallet, that had also tumbled from his jean pocket in haste. Everything was out of control in the best possible way. You could’ve sworn you died a few minutes prior and came back as immortal — able to see through particles that floated on the air, hear cars, horns, music from houses all across town, smell the leaves that clung to the trees, damp with rain water and Autumn air. Your eyes roll back, perspiration damp behind the backs of your knees, where he’s got his current pinching grip, the fat of your thighs pressed into your tits, squishing them.
You realize in the moment, that you truly loathe condoms. Because this? Feeling that wet pre-cum smear down his shaft and around your opening as he pushed himself into you without a barrier for the first time, it was an indescribable experience. Each ridge, every vein, so hot, soft, and fucking, soaking wet. You aren’t sure where he ends and you begin. It hurts like hell, aches in the deepest parts of you, a place you know that he could easily put a child if you slipped up on your only remaining protection.
That thought makes you tighten around him, cream spilling out and further slicking back the curls gathered at his base. He drops your thighs, sweat-slick pelvis smashing into yours, stimulating your swollen clit. His chest hair scrapes against your pebbled nipples, making you arch your back and your toes curl, legs locking around his lower waist. He whines, palm coming up to grasp at your breast, calloused thumb strumming around your areola. “God, honey, your fucking nipples were made for my mouth to suck on.”
And he’s descending, his lips closing over one, tongue flicking and stimulating. You cry out, hand fisting into his honey streaked, chestnut locks. His shoulders work and bend, the dips and freckles and moles visible, glittering with the salt of sweat, his gold chain swaying out from his hairy chest and back again when he stops, nose bumping yours, hot breath on your mouth. “This pussy was made for my cock.”
And holy hell, his vocalizing focus doesn’t cease. “Who took your virginity, honey?” You both know it wasn’t him. But you are well aware what he’s getting at, and as he gives a harsh snap, those full and fat balls smacking your slick ass, you lose further coherency. “That’s right,” he’s speaking again. “They don’t matter, but I do.”
You weren’t aware that you could make the noises that you are. Only able to speak once Steve’s tugging himself and pulling out, stringing from your cunt to his shaft, a squelch echoing. You both groan, emptiness already jumpstarted. You plead for him. “Please, Stevie, need you! Put it back in —“
“Say it, say you’re just a hole for me to fill. That you’re only mine, baby.”
“I… Fuck! Stevie, all my holes are only yours, I’m only yours!”
He sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, before his jaw drops open and he whimpers. His hand leaves your breast and slides across your sternum, your collarbone, and settles at your neck. You nod to encourage, and those defined digits wrap around your throat.
“Tell me you love these big hands, sweetheart. Because they’re for you. They belong to you!”
“Want them all over me, Steve. All the time. Can’t get enough of you.”
He’s holding firm to his cock, stroking and teasing. You lick your lips as you stare at it, drooling. Reaching down, you tap his wrist (his arm, all muscles and tendons, thick and available to trace with your tongue), as he presses the thick red head into your clit, smearing the combination of you two all around. You mewl in appreciation, legs stretching so far apart that your muscles protest. He’s speaking next, panting out, “Like that? Hey, look at me. He grabs your chin, thumb tugging down your bottom lip. “Like. That?”
Your lip releases with a plop.
“Yes, yes! Don’t stop, Steve, never wanna not feel you again, baby boy!”
“That’s a good girl, that’s my girl.” He circles your sore opening and slips back inside with a loud, wet ease. You bite back the burning pain, welcoming the damp tears of pleasure along your lashes.
Your manicured nails cling to his back, his chest gliding along yours, heartbeat to hammering heartbeat. It’s frantic whispers and begging cries. And when he’s close to coming, you find his cheek with one hand, holding. “For the record, you’ve never been casual to me, Steve Harrington.”
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// Eat me paragraph //
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kneelingshadowsalome ¡ 1 year
Oh GOD, breeding kink with Ghost but he's actually determined to get his darling pregnant because after everything they've been through together, how much he loves her and vice versa? I could go on but it's just something to think about. I also strongly believe he'd be that kind of girl dad heheh
Couldn't Love You More (Ghost x F!Reader)
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Left pic credit: @ vhenan_virabelasan on IG
Word count: 3.7 k
Tags/warnings: Tooth-rotting FLUFF. Mild, soft smut 🔞, crying (from joy), breeding kink (obv), comfort no hurt. All the softness and love.
A/N: Excuse me, more soft!Ghost coming through! I hope you like this take anon 💕
"I'm tired of using those things."
Simon rarely whispers, hardly ever murmurs, and never coos. But this time, his voice is deliberately soft. 
You sigh and put the condom package down on the table. This evening had been a nice change, a pampering for your poor, stressed-out nerves. He had done his best to take your mind off work ever since he got home: he took you out for a 3-course dinner – which reminded you of the early days of your dating – and it was all supposed to end in a good stress relief of a fuck.
You'd sent him suggestive texts all morning, knowing he was coming home today. Those messages were extra naughty because you happened to be ovulating, and juicy, and horny as hell.
And you know he has waited for this moment as well. Which is why you can't get your head around why he wants to raise the subject of using other methods of contraception right before you're about to have sex. 
Why would he suddenly start complaining when both of you are already naked – practically seconds before you're about to roll down the condom for him?
"You know I've tried, Simon," you sigh again – you don't even bother to disguise the annoyance in your voice. After all, you've tried basically everything to make it more pleasurable for you to make love without the risk of getting knocked up. You hate the rubber between the two of you just as much as he does, if not more. Apparently you need to remind him how the last attempt with the pill went.
"I become a bloated monster," you say, realizing you're pouting only when he laughs.
You absolutely love it when he does: it's a rare thing, even with you. Even after all these years of love and dedication, the warm, husky chuckle at the back of his throat makes your heart flutter and your head feel dizzy.
"That's not what I meant."
"Then what did you mean…?"
The man has a tiny twinkle in his eyes, and the flutter in your heart turns into something heavier, more serious. He looks you up and down as if to weigh whether you're ready to take in what he's about to say.
"How about we just ditch the bloody things?"
Your heart is truly getting it today: it skips a beat or two from what he says. From what he implies.
"But you…” you whisper, still unsure if you're truly discussing the same thing here. “You said that kids are a bad idea." 
"They are." 
The twinkle in those eyes turns into an amused gleam, the corner of his mouth lifts up a bit from seeing you so shocked. 
And Simon never said he didn't want children.
It's just that he has avoided the subject like it's a seasonal flu he doesn't want to catch. 
He would make the perfect father: you just know it. Sad to say, but it was one of the main reasons you fell for this man. It's stupid, but it's true: women look for these things. They can tell if a guy would be a good choice for a father. They notice safety, security, the willingness to support and provide.
Biology and instincts be damned, you simply can't deny that Simon is the first man who made you think about what it would be like to have children. And of course the perfect candidate for a father thought that kids were a bad idea…
It seemed like a cruel joke, the way he brushed you off when you first approached him with your shy request. You pussyfooted around the subject, were as delicate as one can be, knowing it might make him uncomfortable. 
And it did. It more than just did.
He freaked the fuck out, went to work, and worked himself nearly to death – literally almost got himself killed, and you understood that this was serious. His childhood, his past, the dangers of his work – of course he thought himself unfit for the role.
Infuriatingly, it only made you more convinced that he was the perfect choice. The man was just so fricking responsible.
You barred your mouth shut after that. Instinct told you Simon might just leave if you continued the talk about having kids. Not because he couldn't take it, but because he would want to give you a chance to find someone to raise a family with before it was too late. 
It was his view of unconditional love: he was ready to let you go if need be. He would set you free if he suspected it would make you happy.
But then you saw him look at tiny kids – usually the ones that had just learned to walk – with a fleeting longing in his stare. It always turned into a withdrawn sulk, the gaze of a man who has accepted his fate.
He seemed to have the softest spot for little girls, especially when they were laughing and giggling or being unruly rascals, and sometimes flinched when a baby started to cry in the store. He looked a bit distressed for a second, and not because of the noise – but because he couldn't locate the immediate source and go and calm the baby. 
That's when you realized he actually wanted kids. The biological clock on this man was ticking just as furiously as yours. 
Years passed, and you silently buried your dreams of raising a little family together. He was enough for you, more than enough: you would not break up because of this. No man could ever replace Simon. 
But it still hurt. It was like a wound that never healed.
Until this night…
This night, it seemed he would not only cure it but heal it so well it wouldn’t even leave a scar. 
You suddenly find yourself under him – his moves are so quick that it's almost like you're teleported there. He sometimes does that: lets you play with him for a while, have your fun on top before reminding you who is in control here.
And this time, he won't even let you play.
"Simon, what are you doing," you sigh with barely concealed exhilaration. 
As if you didn't know exactly what he is about to do. 
He looks at you with that possessive look he sometimes has when you two have been apart for far too long. And there's something more behind that stare. It tells you that this is serious; this means business. The package you placed on the nightstand remains unopened and, apparently, will be the witness to his mission tonight. 
Serves the damn thing right…
You take in the absolute beef of this man: the bulk of pecs above you, the wide, solid middle that nearly swallows you every time you're under him.
You almost disappear between him and the mattress when you two are doing missionary, and it's one of the best feelings in the world. You've wanted to sink your teeth in to those huge, solid shoulders for god knows how many times. Once or twice, you actually did give him a little bite, only a nib, really, during a good pounding – and giggled at the breathless grunt of "Hey" that followed.
The trail of hair, darker in tone compared to the hair on his head, spreads over his abs which rest under a thin layer of fat. The happy trail, as you call it, runs down until it meets the heavy cock that always makes your mouth water like it's your favorite meal.
His hand is weighty, adoring when it comes to rest on your waist – the callous of his palms feels just the right kind of rough as he gives you the softest squeeze and a caress.
And he must know from the wanton looks you gave him all evening that he can just walk right in. Probably knew from those texts already that you've been wet all day long.
You try to spread your legs wider than they can go as he grabs himself to be positioned to your entrance. The fat tip of him feels heavy on your folds as he lazily slides himself up and down your slit, teasing the opening but not going in. It feels heavenly to sense him, all of him, with nothing there between you. There's no lifeless rubber: just his thick velvet meeting your wetness and silk.
The darned man won't even answer your question… Probably knows it's not really a question, just an astonished sigh of love.
"It's…not safe," your head falls back as he pushes the first few inches in – teasing you still by not giving you the full length and thick of him.
"Tired of safe, too," he rumbles softly above you, feeds more of himself in, and you tighten around his cock: receive him with fierce love and yearning. He groans at the sensation – it must feel divine for him, too. It must feel like it's meant to be this way. Now and forever.
You sigh as he starts to move, slow and intense, just the way he knows you like it when there's been too much stress and life has been a bitch. He always makes you feel better, always makes you melt in his arms when you run to him from the unfair, fucked up world. 
He's got some bad days too, and that’s when you ruffle his hair, scrub his back in the shower, give him a sloppy little blowjob, or make him his favorite dish, anything to make the tension in those mountains of shoulders disappear. 
You two worship each other; there’s no question about that. 
"Simon–ah… Truly, are you serious…?" 
"Hell yeah."
The idea of him cumming inside you is thrilling enough, but it's not just about that. 
You're ovulating, and he's a man in his absolute prime. He reminds you of mountain lions and snow leopards, living their life in harsh conditions and in wandering solitude until… Until the perfect companion comes along. He's simply the most virile male there is; broad, wide, and heavy, always ready when you are.
A man like Simon just cannot be infertile.
His eyes are half-lidded already, and those pale eyelashes make you bite your lip and grab his butt like it would be a life or death situation if he chose to withdraw.
And you know he loves it when you grope his ass and try to assist him with the thrusts. 
His little helper, indeed…
"Bloody fucking hell, you feel good…"
His head rolls back, exposing the tendons on his neck, thick, like the rest of him. Everything in this man is thick and broad and good – and fuck – he glides in and out like a dream. Somehow the extra layer of rubber has taken the brunt of his thickness away, but you feel it now, all of it, and it's something you could die for.
He grunts and thrusts, then halts for a while, chuckles all breathless…
"It's gonna be one hell of a show, sweetheart."
He's talking about what comes after. How it will be when there's a new addition and not a crew of two anymore. It brings tears to your eyes to see how he's already thinking about the future – and how he does it with a smile and a pleased chuckle.
"I'm used to sleepless nights," he reminds you softly. "You're not."
Ugh – he's thinking about your well-being when it would only make you the happiest woman on earth to take care of his children. Your children.
"I'll manage," you whisper.
"I know you will."
The tears are so close now; he’s simply the one and only person in this world for whom your love is boundless. It’s endless, overflowing.
He pulls back a little, raises your legs to rest on his shoulders, then crawls forward – he’s about to go deep, and the indecent but insanely sweet position makes you quail from him at first. It’s just too much all of a sudden.
"The boys said this'll do the trick," he explains, waits until you adjust under and around him.
"The–the boys?"
He had been discussing this with his workmates…? 
Discussing which position is the best to help conceive?
"Yeah. Wanna do this properly."
This man might actually be serious… He just might be serious about this, and you still have difficulty grasping it.
"I can't believe you want this," you whisper, still trying to catch your breath on what's happening.
"Believe it or not, it's gonna happen now."
The smallest tear escapes, and you purse your lips, shut them tight to prevent a tiny little bawl from erupting. 
"I've always wanted you, Simon," you breathe into the air between you as he starts to make love to you, fill you with intent. "Just you, all these years…"
He rarely whispers, but this time, his voice is the softest hush.
"Right back at ya, darling."
"I–I want to give you… want your kids," you whimper, tears coating your voice as he continues the torture while the sweet, tight love surrounds you both.
"I want a family, Simon," you pant weakly, almost distressed. So urgent, desperate, like the wound is yet to be healed. You've never said those words to him before because you were afraid he might leave. 
"Love… fuckin' hell."
He has to stop to catch his breath, to catch the truth. Of course he has known it all along without you telling him, because he simply has those instincts of a wild animal. 
But words are powerful… They are magic. And this magic wants itself spelled out.
"I'll give them to you," he promises. "All of it. I swear."
Your eyes drift closed from the full wave of his vow. This mission is a crucial one, then, one of his most important ones. The man loves challenges; he loves when you up the stakes. Perhaps that's what this is about: he doesn't want to be a coward about the thing you both want. 
The skulls, the brass and death that always surround him can't take away the fact that he's a lifegiver. No matter what anyone says, men can give life, too. He has already given you so much, and now he's going to give you children.
A few more tears push through, and it's one of the sweetest things in your life: to get fucked by him so good while you're crying from joy.
"Luv. You trust me?"
You open your eyes again, and the sight of him is crystallized through tears. It's the most beautiful thing. 
"I trust you," you answer with a shaky breath.
Your trust is even more drugging to him than the tightness of your cunt, it seems. The corner of his eye twitches once, his brows knit together, and a pained look passes in his stare: but it's the sweet kind of pain, just like yours is.
"Feels so good," you whisper, looking up at him with devout love. "So, so good…"
"You're damn right," he sighs, panting with strained, short breaths. "Never felt this good."
He rocks you like you're under the sea, at the bottom of the ocean where the waves are mellow and the seabed is made of the softest sand. You're squeezed between his arms, tightly; he pins you to the bed with his body. The flutter of those pale lashes with every thrust is illegally sweet.
Your lips are bolted shut from the raw sensation, the swelling waves, but when a noise finally erupts, it does so with force. 
You know it makes him wild whenever you cry and plead under him. You know it sends him straight to the edge, too: when you moan and tighten around his cock, spread yourself for him to plunder while you're clawing at his back. You were so embarrassed the first time you noticed the red marks on his skin after your little sessions, but he was only pleased and said you should never apologize for that. His body is full of past pain and torture, and still, still, he allows, even wants you to destroy it even more.
"Faster, Simon, please…" 
"Yeah, that's it. Beg... Beg for me, love… "
And damn right, he's eating up your wrecked state like it's time for Christmas dinner, and the table is brimming with his favorite food. You're close, so close it would be torture, devastation if he stopped. 
"Ya want me to give it to you?" His voice is more rough, more commanding. God, he's close too.
"Yes–give it to me, please–"
Just don't stop, whatever you do, don't stop…
You beg some more, but it's incoherent. Just the way he likes. 
There's no reason to it, just ah's and fuck's and love's, all knit together in a sweet, heady mess as you come– 
…the orgasm is so intense it points your toes, makes you wrap around his middle with what little strength you have in your arms and fingers and those tiny little claws. Your nails sink in, somewhere between his shoulder blades: he's so wide you can't quite reach to hug him, but you latch onto him like a drowning person nonetheless.
"Oh–oh fucking god…!" 
He comes, right after, buries himself so deep that it stings a little, but you would never, ever complain. He pumps you full, doesn't even move, only arches his back to go even deeper, although he's already buried there to the hilt.
And never has he in all your years together sounded so vulnerable. He usually just grunts and huffs when he comes, but now you get a whole string of words and a fragile, broken pitch. He sounds as if he's near the point of breaking into tears. 
It must feel divine to cum inside you instead of a condom, and what's even more, with the intent to fulfill a mission with that shot. Give life.
If you don't get pregnant from this, well… you doubt you ever will.
He's lying on top of you in a heavy, panting heap, sounding like he's just done ten deadlift PRs in a row. You can't help but laugh, breathless, too, and caress him as he comes down from his sex high.
"You can let me go now," you ghost your fingertips up and down his back when he still doesn't move. It's not that you want him to release you, but he's simply too heavy to be lying all over you like this for long periods of time.
"Nah not yet. Gotta make sure..."
He thinks you want him to pull out, and you giggle some more.
"You're crushing me," you laugh. "And we can do this all weekend, silly. If you want to make sure."
His middle contracts with a silent laugh, too.
"Got a fair point there, love."
Finally, he lets you out of the spread. He pulls out, too – that's not necessarily what you wanted, but when he takes you in his arms, you don't complain.
"That was… so nice," you say, suddenly shy. As if this was the first time he wrapped himself around you in a post-coital embrace.
"That was the best."
He's so warm, and the arm around you is heavy, even when lax. Especially when lax. You feel soft and sweet in his hold made of pure strength.
"I'd be surprised if not. You were very determined."
"You think that did it..?"
He's suddenly shy, too. You could swear he has never asked such a fragile question during or after a mission.
"No half-assing with my sweetheart."
One could say he really used his whole ass on this. You know it, because you're the one who spurred him on with weak but eager hands.
"...but I think it would be best to try again tomorrow. Just in case," he suggests, and you can hear the smile. God, that you love him.
"I wouldn't say no to that."
You imagine him waking up to your baby's cry with a sigh and a jaw-dislocating yawn, hushing you back to sleep by telling you it's his turn to go. He would finally locate the source of crying and make it his mission to cradle the little breadcrumb back to sleep, too. You just know Simon would sometimes fall asleep on the sofa while the baby is still in his arms, sound asleep just like their dad.
And you also know the child would make him laugh more. He would have the greatest time hearing all the silly (not to talk about the clever!) things the kid comes up with once it started talking. Simon would listen with a straight face, at first – out of respect – but then he would come to you with an unrestrained smile and a comment: "Did'ya hear what that little thing just said? Unbelievable..."
Whenever the kid had a tricky question, you would send them to Simon. It's decided already. You imagine him explaining things to the child with his steady and calm briefing voice while you're trying to keep your giggle in.
And when the little one was big enough to run around and poke things off the shelves, Simon would embrace you from behind while you're pouring some morning tea and say: "Should we make another one, hmm?"
After all, your little troublemaker would also need a friend to play with...
There's a gigantic, peaceful smile on your face, and Simon should be snoring by now… But he's still awake, and the arm around you draws you closer. He even tucks his hand partly between your body and the mattress. It's the sweetest prison from which you never want to escape.
"What if… What if I get grumpy when I'm pregnant?" You start to chit-chat nonsense while he holds you against a solid chest. You know he will fall asleep soon, and you wish to voice some fragile concerns before he does.
"I'll bring you ice cream to keep you nice and calm," he mutters in the back of your neck, sounding drowsy already.
"What if ice cream won't help?"
"I'll bring you chocolate."
You smile at him having a solution to every problem, no matter how minor. 
"You're really not afraid…?"
"Of you being grumpy? Nah I don't think so."
"No," you laugh at him joking around. "Of… changes."
"After all that we've been through? No." He brushes his lips over your neck, and you turn a little to look at him.
"Simon... What made you change your mind?"
He thinks on the answer for a good ten seconds. You know that inward look, which is both a gaze to the past and a shaky, hopeful glimpse to the future.
"Don't wanna die without knowing how our kid would look like. What they would be like."
You swallow past sorrow – it's such a beautiful thing to say that you have to catch your breath for a moment. Then you put your hand over his arm, the one keeping you close to him.
"Guess I got tired of living in fear," he sums up the change of heart, and you have to blink back more tears.
"I'm tired of living in fear, too," you whisper, and he entwines your fingers together. The kiss that follows is like a seal to your change of plans. It's pure hope.
"Could you... Could you say that we'll be fine?" You speak on his lips as softly as you can. You sometimes worry that he's annoyed by your constant need for reassurance, but he sounds as solid as a soldier can be.
"We'll be fine like always. Promise you that."
He doesn't seem to mind: if anything, you could swear that giving you encouragement only makes his chest puff up a little. The man gets satisfaction from you needing him in your life like this.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of us."
You ease fully into his embrace. He has said he'll take care of you many times before, but now your world is changing. It has changed already; you just know it. There's no more you and him, a team of two. 
There will be a tiny little breadcrumb too.
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inkdrinkerworld ¡ 27 days
I saw you're looking for more post prison spencer and sunshine reader!
What about sunshine reader having a badass moment and save spencer from an unsub? Spence would definitely be worried but amazed at the same time
Only if you want to write it haha thanks! I love your writing always ❤️ 💕
cw: mentions of episode '300' and Spencer and Garcia being taken by the cult. Spencer suffers from a busted lip, broken nose and being in love, so does the reader :)
You were cold with worry and anger. They’d taken Spencer and Penelope from right under your nose. You were gone twenty minutes and the entire BAU is shut down and ripped open because they’re gone. 
Then Penelope came back, disheveled and shaking and you were seeing red. “We’ll find him, Penny.” You whisper to her as you strap your kevlar vest on and set your guns to your hips and boot. 
“Be safe.” She says, gaze wild as Tara ushers her to a seat and you all begin filing out to an SUV. 
When you get to the field, you can hear Spencer talking but you’re not focused on that. 
Emily would have you sit down in her office after this is all over to tell you that you were militant and that you probably hadn’t done everything by the book, but you don’t care. 
You take down two of the guards Ben’s believers have hovering the entrances, and you wait till you catch Spencer’s eyes before breathing out slowly. 
Emily and Matt cover your sides as you sneak around to the back of their altar. 
You’re moving outside of your body, your mind just focused on freeing Spencer and getting to him safely. You just feel your body, using your training to knock them out rather than shoot at them. 
“FBI,” JJ announces and then the gunfire ensues. 
You’re aware of taking down two more members of the believers who try aiming their guns at you and Spencer before Emily, Luke and Tara are barking orders. 
“Hands where we can see them. Everybody on the ground!” Your ears feel stuffed with cotton, all you can see is Spencer; his face bruised and his nose looking a little more crooked than it usually is. 
You cut Spencer free of the rope, arms around his neck as you hold him close. 
“They burst your lip.” Your hands bury themselves in his hair, holding his face close to your shoulder. 
“I’m okay,” he whispers back. Eyes closed and breathing you in. “How’s Penelope?” 
You sigh, “She’s okay, a little shaken up but I’m gonna call her. Let her know we saved you.” 
He breathes a laugh through his nose, pulling away and finding you more worried than he’d expected. 
“It’s not the first time I’ve been with them.” You know Spencer’s trying to make this situation seem lighter but your frown worsens. 
“Spencer, that is not the comforting thought you think it is.” 
He laughs outright this time, walking with you back to the SUV. You call Penelope as soon as you’re back in the car. 
“Hey Pen, we got him and we’re on our way back to you.” She breathes a long sigh over the phone. 
“I’m okay Garcia, thank you for helping save me.” 
The phone call doesn’t last much longer, and you use the time to just stare at Spencer as you sit next to each other in the back. 
“They broke your nose. And you’re going to mottle on your pretty cheekbones.” 
Spencer rolls his eyes. “I set it already, plus the bruising can be helped if I ice.” 
It’s your turn to roll your eyes, your hands hovering near Spencer’s face. He leans into your hand and you smile, your thumb grazing his bottom lip and your index finger brushing his nose. 
“You should take martial arts classes,” you say softly. 
“I don’t like cardio, not that type anyway.” He says the last part so quietly you almost miss it, but you choke on your gasp all the same. 
“It would help stop all these abductions. You could disarm your attacker much easier if you did,” 
“Jiu jitsu, I know. It’s too coordinated and I’m too clunky at that sort of stuff.” 
Your eyes glint with mischief as you pull away your hands from his face. “But you’re good at other types of cardio?” 
He smiles, his dimples popping out making you want to poke his cheek. 
“How’re you feeling? No shaking with the adrenaline comedown?” Spencer deviates from your loaded question with one of his own. His eyes scan your entire body, focusing on your eyes and your hands. 
“I’m just tired now, Spence. Kicking ass is tough. Is the adrenaline supposed to do that?” He nods, you lean your head on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, you can sleep but I think it might be better to stay awake so you can do your reports once we get to Quantico.” Spencer knows how anal you are about doing your reports right after wrapping a case when the memories and details are fresh and unstained by how you wish things went. 
“No, I can do it. I won’t forget it if I sleep,” you yawn. “Plus, I could feel your eyes on me the entire time so you can look it over to make sure I didn’t miss any details.” 
Spencer laughs, Emily and Luke filing into the SUV as he strokes your arm, lulling you closer to sleep. 
“You’re ridiculous, but I’ll look it over for you, sweet girl. Get some sleep.” 
Emily cuts Spencer a look from the rear-view mirror that has his cheeks flushing but he ignores it in favor of setting his cheek to your head and closing his eyes as well; the smell of you flooding his senses as he starts dozing off.
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celestialprincesse ¡ 1 month
If you’re still taking fluffy Simon requests… I cannot stop imagining Simon who is your biggest protector. As someone who gets stressed and anxious easily, and the thought of being able to let your guard down around him makes my heart flutter 💕 also, telling him this while you’re wrapped in his strong arms would definitely make him blush.
He's definitely so so happy if his partner feels safe to just shut their brain off around him🤭 Makes him feel like he's done something right💕
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The moment you and Simon are at home with one another, you're able to check out into that quiet, peaceful, fuzzy spot in the back of your mind where everything is gentle and easy. You know he'll be there to look after you. A hand on the corner of the table when you drop something to make sure you don't hit your head, your phone put on charge when you drift off, a gentle hand guiding you through crowds.
"Still with me, hm?" You're snapped from your daze with a gentle hand brushing an errant strand of hair behind your ear.
The minute you shimmy over to sit beside him, Simon opens his arms to bundle you into his strong side, nestling your head under his chin. Calloused fingers card absently through your hair, slowing to match the pace of your breathing, the rise and fall of your chest against his.
Whatever plays on the TV, some documentary, is completely forgotten as you sit blanketed by his ever comforting presence and the soft haze that fills your brain. He's perfectly happy to let you check out, dropping the occasional kiss to the crown of your head, reminding you he's there, fingers drawing patterns up and down your spine as he watches his show.
If you could spend every evening like this, you'd be happy. Happy to sit in the peace and quiet that only comes from being surrounded by love and safety. Happy to get lost in your thoughts alongside someone ready to pull you back if you ever drift too far. Happy to just be, without any pretences or awkward small talk. Happy to have found someone who lets you have that.
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gtgbabie0 ¡ 1 year
Can I pls have "Look at me" with Carlos Oliveira or Leon Kennedy? Make it fluffy!
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Ethereal Beauty
{Leon sometimes can’t believe you’re his}
Please sobbing! This man won’t leave my brain, Hope you enjoy my love!💕💕
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Leon doesn’t have a lot of people that he can truly confide in, pour his heart out to and cry, no one brings him a sound mind like you do, and no one makes him feel truly loved, flaws and all like you do.
And when he comes home from a mission you’re the one he seeks out, you and your love.
He’s not a religious man, but he swears up and down that you’re his angel sent straight from heaven, this wonderful being of ethereal beauty, that blesses his soul every day.
He worships your body, heart, and soul, and gives you all the love he possibly can in hopes that it’ll make up for everything you’ve done for him, but yet it still won’t be enough for the countless times you’ve lulled him back to sleep after a nightmare, stayed up with him, let him soak your shirts with his tears.
Leon finds himself taken back by you, how the sun sits so heavenly against your skin, making you glow, an angel, he thinks noticing the blemishes that adorn your face as he watches you turn the page of the book you’re reading, so completely wrapped up in a world of your own.
He watches the smile that teeters against your lips, you continue reading, a giggle bubbling out of your mouth, and gods, he thinks that sound could fix everything wrong with him and his tainted heart.
He feels so hopeless, he’s a broken man perhaps doomed from the beginning and you, well you’re perfect. How can he be with someone so perfect?
“You’re so beautiful,” he says, earning your attention as you look over at him, a loving look swims within his eyes, he hasn’t spoken much since he returned home, you give him time, give him space until he’s ready to speak.
You smile kindly placing your book down, eyes not meeting his, feeling suddenly bashful realizing he must have been watching you the entire time, “Thank you” you smile, eyes wondering everywhere but to him, and he knows you don’t quite believe his words.
“I mean it, you’re so gorgeous,” he says, his tone so promising that it fills you with love, but you still don’t look at him, you can’t his words too much for your bashful heart.
He moves closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek as his thumb grazes the warm skin, “Hey, look at me, sweetheart” he whispers so quietly, words for only you to hear, and maybe he’s doing it to remind himself that he has you, you’re still here with him.
You slowly turn your head to meet his adoring gaze, his soft eyes that scan over your features, “Look at me” he prompts one more time and your eyes finally lock onto his, and he smiles, you’re here.
“You’re so fucking pretty sweetheart,” he says pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, his hand still resting on your cheek and your body fits against his like puzzle pieces as you lose yourself in the warm kiss.
He pulls away, forehead resting against yours, “You mean the world to me” he whispers, lips grazing against yours, his words are truthful laced with a genuine tone, and your belly flutters with butterflies.
“I love you” your hand brushes his fringe away from his forehead.
“I love you more,” he says, and you don’t fight him on it this time, knowing that whatever happened on that mission must’ve gotten to him, so you let him empty his heart out, pouring all his love into you until he can’t anymore because god knows he’s got a lot of love to give you.
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daycourtofficial ¡ 2 months
Amber eyes, looking into mine
Summary: Eris finds something in his study that triggers him into a frozen state of panic. Who better suited to pulling Eris from his past than his future?
Author’s note: I wrote this in under an hour so please be nice and if there are any typos, no there aren’t 💕 Also technically this is part of my gingerfucker series, but can be read alone and she doesn’t make an appearance, it’s all Eris and the baby okay byeee
TW: panic attack, mentions of being whipped and being burnt
Word count: ~1k
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A trade agreement sat on his desk, one that predates his tenure as high lord. Eris had found the document stuffed away in a drawer, abandoning what he was searching for as soon as he recognized it.
His father’s large, obnoxious signature at the bottom, the ridiculously high tariffs on imported goods. He could hear the whip in his ears, feeling his body tense with memory.
It was all too much. He had spoken with his father about the deal, wanting to give incentives for traders to come into Autumn rather than deterrents. Beron had laughed at him, telling him that everything anyone needs can be found in Autumn.
The night hadn’t ended there.
Beron had whipped him for having such a ridiculous idea in front of the other courtiers.
“No son of mine will appear so idiotic before others,” he had said, his voice ringing in Eris’s ears. 
Eris was seated in his chair in his study, but his mind was elsewhere. Down deep, deep in the dungeons of the Forest House, a trek he made many nights, his blood dripping through the house as he limped back to his own chambers.
Chubby hands grip the fabric of his trousers, a body too small traveling up his legs, climbing for what they love most in this world. Little feet find their footing on his thighs, hands leaning against his torso to support their weight.
Amber eyes look at him, searching for praise at the impossible task they just completed. 
His eyes.
What his eyes used to look like, before Beron burnt the joy out of them.
Eris is frozen in place, caught in a spiral of hatred and loathing by his son. His beautiful, wonderfully funny son, who looks at him with the love and adoration his mother looks at him with.
If his son knew all that he had done to prevent Beton’s ire, would his eyes still look for Eris in every room? Would his eyes still fill with tears, his lungs exhaling every breath at bedtime, unable to sleep without seeing his father one last time?
The spitting image of him, his mother finding an old portrait of himself at this age, his son a direct image of the portrait. Was this how he looked when Beron began his tirade of cruelty against his family? Did soft coos of a babe turn into wails at any contact with Beron?
All he had ever known was the flame, the flame within himself that refused to be extinguished, and the flames his father tormented him with for centuries.
He feels those flames on his skin, his own flame desperate to fight it. He feels the heat licking up his forearms, he feels it cascading down his back in waves, searching for every inch of unclaimed skin. He clenches his fists, desperate to bring himself back to reality. Instead, his breathing becomes more ragged, his jaw clenching.
He can smell the flesh burning off of him, feel his stomach churning, his throat filling with bile at the smell, so strong he could taste it.
Tiny fingers grip into his hair, yanking lightly, trying to find balance. The feeling jolts him back, back from the past, back from a place that doesn’t exist anymore. 
The babe stands in his lap, toes gripping his trousers as he tries to learn how to use them. A warmth so unnatural from something so young radiates off of his son. A tear splashes onto the little foot, which the babe immediately burns off. 
Giggles fill the room at his show of his powers and Eris is finally able to move again as he wraps his arms around the young princeling, so unaware of how the world can burn.
He holds him in a tight embrace, squishing his face into the tiny neck, breathing him in. He gives himself five seconds, clutching the clothes covering the babe’s chest.
He breathes in deeply, his chest heaving with sobs that escape his mouth.
It’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair. It had never been fair. Nothing was fair.
It took hours to kill Beron, centuries of scheming, and his presence was still felt throughout the court, throughout him-
He feels something cold and wet on his neck, tiny hands still gripping his hair, but his son is slobbering across his neck, his cheek, the movement tickling Eris’s neck. He laughs as he realizes that his son is mimicking how they make him laugh by blowing raspberries into his neck, his cheeks, his stomach.
He delicately pulls the face from his neck, leaning his forehead against his firstborn’s forehead. His eyes are wide with wonder. Everything is new to him and the worst thing he’s experienced is dropping his favorite toy in a mud puddle.
He looks at his father, not sure what to make of him, until Eris slowly smiles at him, his eyes lightening with fondness, catching a bit of the spark from his son’s eyes.
And the baby in his arms smiles back, grabbing Eris’s nose in excitement as he babbles noncoherent sounds. Eris stretches his legs out, sinking into his chair a bit, letting his back relax into the chair. Eris responds to the babbling, occasional hums and responses to whatever he was trying to convey to his father. 
Someday, the words would come. They would flow freely, spilling from his mouth in anger, in sadness, in disbelief. They would come more easily, small things setting off his memories and not allowing him to think of anything until they left him. He would share the burden of his memories.
Someday, the words would come. But not today. Today the incoherent babbling was enough.
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lvlyghost ¡ 9 months
Hello do you take requests cause I had this idea in my mind but I suck in writing
how bout a ghost x reader where he had a bad day and takes it out on his beloved reader who he's been in a really long relationship with, by starting an argument and maybe saying some really mean and bad things that break the reader. Like the reader is only a shell of herself and completely ruined by ghosts words and just crying or sitting completely still staring off the wall or just staring at nothing just being numb.
What would be interesting is Simons reaction when he realizes the damage that he's done, maybe he would cry/break down idk when he sees the usually happy reader being so dull and almost lifeless yk
But Pleasee don't do this to our hearts and write some comfort and a happy ending please I couldn't handle too much angst❤️😭
The Weight of the World
PAIRINGS: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Reader
SUMMARY: You promised to always lean on each other but sometimes love isn't enough.
TW: heavy angst, literally got some mid anxiety writing this🥴 swearing, self-doubt, hurt-comfort and slight fluff towards the end. lmk if i missed any.
A/N: finished this in one sitting lol, also not proofread and poorly edited, i've been having a shitty week so expect more angst lol. meet me in therapy. Enjoy anon!🤍🌟🫶🏻💕
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You hesitate right outside Simon's studio, the place where he secludes himself from everything and everyone. Ever since he came from his last mission he seemed to be on the edge constantly. The usual softness that he reserved specifically for you was... absent.
Still you wouldn't let that stop you from approaching; having dating him for a few years now let you know so much of that. You knew when he was hurting. When he was sad, angry, jealous or even happy. Little to no people could say that.
Somehow this was different. He wasn't even letting you in, constantly keeping you at arms length and that hurt. How were you supposed to get to him this time? Get him to talk to you?
To look at you again with that same glint in his eyes, the spark that you ignited in him and that won't fade away even years after.
The sound of a chair creaking startles you, the same time the timer in the kitchen goes off. You walk back, turning the oven off, and sticking out the apple pie you so happily baked for both with hopes that you'll get him loosen a bit that dark cloud that's been looming over Simon these past few days.
The door of his studio is yanked open the heavy stomp of his boots resonating across the small apartment you two share, then his bulky frame appears just to grab the keys to his black motorcycle.
"Simon!" You call him, burning your hand in the process. He stills halfway through the living room, waiting for you to say something else. Wetting a cloth hurriedly and wrapping it around the burnt skin.
"I made something for us... maybe," standing behind him you leave a reasonable space between the two. You swallow down hard. "Thought we could have it together and just, you know spend...-"
"I don't have time for that now." His voice is cold and monotone. "Don't wait for me."
"But Si-" he turns on his heels, eyes hard and unyielding. He approaches slowly, making you gulp. "What's gotten into you, Simon?" You fight back the tears, this was the man you loved so dearly, the man you knew loved you back; there was a reason for the golden engagement ring on your left hand. "I..-"
"Fucking hell would you stop that? Please just..." he notices the wetness in your eyes. "I can't do this. Not anymore."
"Whatever it is I promise we can work it out together!" your lips quivered. "Just talk to me!"
"I don't need to talk about anything girl!" He seethes, one finger pointing at you. "Think some cheap counseling with you will make things right? Bloody hell no. Neither some homemade bread, this isn't fucking working and it won't until you learn how the bloody world works."
It breaks your heart into a tiny million pieces, breathing becomes a challenge and the injury in your hand can no longer be felt. Simon's words were worse than any physical pain. Where was the man you loved? The man who used to lift you up and kiss you on the forehead? The man whose hands couldn't stop roaming your body late at night? The man who'd helped you reach out for things he probably put away in the highest shelf so you'd ask for help. That same man that had proposed to you no long ago, right before he was deployed to a special op God knows where. The fabric of his mask moves when he keeps talking but you don't listen. You can't. Just like you can't stop the tears dribbling down your cheeks and the tremble of your hands. Simon's jaw clenched, brows furrowed as he takes a step back and leaves.
You walk sluggishly to where the dessert awaits. It's when your knees buckle that you finally let out a loud cry.
Simon knows he isn't a good man. He's done quite questionable things that he could never say out loud. He knows he's fucked in so many ways. But he also knows that there's one thing that kept him from spiraling further down into an abyss of death and self-loathing.
The woman he decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The girl that didn't care about his past, the bad moments and his complicated persona. You who would selflessly love him without asking for something in return. What had you seen in him in first place? Even now after three years he can't wrap his head around the fact that he has someone who waits for him.
Simon knows how much he loves you, but what he doesn't know is how—or in what earth—he deserves every part of you.
You've been avoiding him ever since that horrible night. Words he can't take back. Looks that haunt him every time he closed his eyes. He hears you cry when you go to sleep or when you're taking a shower. Muffled sobs and wails that will come for him until the day he dies.
You avoid him like a plague, when he walks in. After all he's the one to blame. He wanted to ask you to tear him apart maybe that'd feel less painful.
The last remaining of sanity that was left in him came crashing down when he began to notice how you stared off in a haze, numbly looking at the window. He was losing you. Destroyed the one good thing he had. So, a few days later, despite his own demons. Despite the things that broke him all irreparably during the last mission in Moscow, he comes to find you. Sucking in a sharp breath as his eyes set on your left hand.
The engagement ring was gone, forgotten someplace unknown. Simon felt the panic wrenching his guts.
It's all on him.
He whispers your name, calls you softly. Slowly sitting in front of you, the coffee table creaks under his weight. Words get caught in his throat.
"May I take your hand?" He pleads, not getting an answer. Simon sighs, lowering his head as silent reigns yet again. "I don't deserve you." He murmurs, eyes bored into the floor. "I... I ruin everything I touch. Just never thought I'd ruin my girl."
Your eyes flutter shut, wet tears clinging to your eyelashes. Simon watches as you stand and leave without a word, he follows close behind to your shared room.
"Don't call me that!" the hurt in your voice... the resentment in your eyes, he's earned it.
Simon reaches out for your arm, grabbing you firmly but gently, mindful not to harm you.
"Right I deserve that." If there's one thing Simon regrets it's being the reason that your eyes no longer shine. "What I said... what happened I...-"
Shaking your head and biting down your lip.
"You never gave me the chance, I thought we said we'd always find a way."
"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry baby." in an instant he's pulling you close, although you want to push him away, scream at him, slap him for the calvary he made you go through. "I'm not good with words, and I'm no good person." You feel his body shaking with anxiety as your eyes widen in shock. "I tried... I can't forgive myself for my mistakes."
"Simon..." he hushed you, cradling your head with his big hand. "I can't sleep knowing I can't protect you from what's out there, couldn't bloody protect that kid in Moscow, or my family."
You guide him to the bed, sitting down side by side and holding onto each other.
"Said I would always be with you Simon, why the hell did you push me away?! Have I not given my everything to you? We promised to always make it work!" He grabs your face staring intently into your eyes. "What happened there?"
He blinks, deciding how much to say. There was no need for you to know the entirety of it. He wanted to shield you from the horrors of this world, and he would as long as he lived.
"A young lad whose life's was cut short because I wasn't there on time. How can I come back to you, be happy when someone else just lost their kid..."
"That wasn't on you! Simon Riley you stop that now." He inhales, cinnamon and vanilla flooding his senses. It's you all of you. "Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. We do that together, yeah?" Your chest hurts from how hard it's beating. "You've done far so much. You won't lose me."
A rumble in the sky and cars passing by outside your home is all you hear. Brown eyes like honey stare back into your soul.
"You took it off..."
"I burnt my hand, it wasn't healing properly. And you know what?" He quirks a brow. "It wasn't homemade bread. It was an apple pie, you silly."
"You'll never forgive me for that one won't you?" He doesn't chuckle but the air feels lighter.
"No. Probably won't." Simon takes your burnt hand bringing it to his lips, they're soft against the marred skin.
"But we're still getting married, yeah?" He asks.
You smile fondly, humming when he kisses your forehead, tears have now dried.
"Yeah. We're still getting married."
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readychilledwine ¡ 2 months
Mister Grumpy Pantseses
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Summary - All you wanted was a day in the vegetable garden with your husbands. Your husbands just wanted to spend the day at each other's throats.
Warnings - a bit of a communication issue trope, grumpy sunshine, reader is Tamlin's sister and uses one of his tactics, jealousy, name calling, Fluff, reader is a literal ray of joy
Prompt - Day 5 - Favorite Tropes
A/N - Happy @polyacotarweek day 5! I am running a little behind, so my other fave trope will be up later, but enjoy a little grumpy azris with their sunshine reader with a bit of miscommunication
💕Poly+ACOTAR Week Masterlist💕
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 “Fucking asshole.”
“Eris!” You pouted at your mates, sighing as they glared at each other. "Can we please have a nice breakfast? We have so much work to do in the garden if we want the vegetables ready in time to take to the hungry. We need to have energy."
Azriel grumbled an agreement while Eris rolled his eyes. “I am more than happy to spend time with you, foxling. It is that one I can't stand the sight of right now.”
“Eris, our mate is asking you to stop being an entitled, self righteous, snake for one day. Surely you can handle that.”
“You're the one who set me off this morning, Azriel. Must you always run around brooding?” You felt yourself slowly sinking into your chair. The males you love most were both tired, so very tired. They were stressed from their duties and all you wanted was to love and help them.
They had not spent time with just each other in a few weeks. Eris had been too heavily scented on their last night together. It had been Azriel's way of telling you hello, but it lingered, dancing into the air during breakfast at the Forest House the next day. You had glamored it well enough from everyone but his mother. She seemed to see through you and Eris. Almost like she knew you two were hiding something or someone. Eris had caved, telling her everything about Azriel. Her advice had been simple, protect him. 
And Eris had taken that as, “Avoid him.” 
You looked between your two glaring mates, heartbroken at how their sadness was turning to grumpiness. “I'm going to go to the garden. Maybe you two should talk.” You left before one of them could respond then smiled, warding them in the cabin. If they wouldn't talk willingly, you'd force them to!
Azriel glared at Eris, and the heir returned it fully. “Our mate, our beautiful, selfless, and kind mate is outside by herself. Working in that damned garden. Because you want to be a grumpy asshole.”
Eris looked shocked, eyes wide as his jaw dropped. “I haven't done anything! I tried to greet you last night, and you ignored me in favor of y/n. Then this morning you wouldnt even kiss me good morning!”
“Can you blame me? She at least answers when I write.” Azriel watched the hit land, watched as Eris seemed to deflate. 
“I missed you. Regardless of how you feel, I missed you.” Eris stood to go out the door and jumped back as he was shocked. “Oh you have got to be kidding me.”
Azriel felt his face fall as well, walking to the after he did and jumping back as he was shocked as well. “Took that straight out of her brother's book, didn't she?” 
Eris couldn't help but laugh. “She doesn't even know he did that. I keep her here and away from him and Rhysand lately. It would break her heart all over again."
Azriel then began to laugh too, “She hates when we are mean to each other.”
“Because the world should be sunshine and rainbows.”
“And we are grumpy.” 
The ward seemed to lessen as the two males laughed before moving to the large sliding door that overlooked your garden. You were laughing, the rays of light seeming to want to follow and dance with you. You were such a breath of air. Untouched by the cruelty of the world and sheltered. It had turned you into the happiest female the two of them had ever met. The glass was always half full in your mind if you didn't decide that it was already running over and just a teeny tiny cup. 
Being paired with them, two grumpy and brooding males, seemed unfair to you most days. You were always laughing, always making jokes, and for 300 years, Eris had protected you from it being any other way. When he had taken you to a diplomatic meeting pre-Amarantha though, that had all changed. 
The bond snapping between you and Azriel had been difficult, life changing, and rewarding. He pursued you, regardless of your known status as Eris's wife and mate, and his pursuit paid off. It had kept you safe from Amarantha, and once they all had been freed, the bond between him and Eris snapped. 
That had been a different journey. The two of them were constantly butting heads, constantly arguing, constantly making you cry. It all ended though when Eris had been brave enough to bluntly address the situation. He had pulled Azriel to him, crashing his lips down on his, and the rest became history. Where everyone else saw a fight during the High Lord's meeting, you saw foreplay. 
Azriel sighed, watching you, and then turned back to Eris. “Why did you avoid me? I worried I had hurt you.” 
“You scented me too heavily. She could hardly hide it.”
Azriel nodded, a scarred hand then taking the other male's calloused one. “Did he hurt you?”
“No. She focused on hiding it from him.”
“I am sorry.”
Eris whispered the words back before leaning his head on Azriel's shoulder. “She's so beautiful and happy.”
“You are also beautiful,” Azriel looked him over. “Though, you are as she says, a grumpy pants.”
Eris huffed. “Odd. She says the same of you.” The ward seemed to drop fully. Allowing Azriel to reach his hands out to door and slide it open. “Brat.” He muttered.
“You'll take care of that later.”
“And you will help?”
You smiled as your mates walked out before jumping with glee. “Eris! There's a bunny!”
“Yeah? I'm sure we have many bunnies, my love.”
You glared at him before turning to Azriel. “Azriel!” You paused dramatically. “There's a bunny!”
The shadowsinger looked to the heir, a small smirk on his face as you stuck your tongue out at him. “Show me, starlight.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria
Poly+ACOTAR Week Taglist
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Ps- I had to fix the tags! I apologize!
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babyjakes ¡ 6 months
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | knotting
pairing | alpha!steve rogers x omega!reader
warnings | omegaverse elements: knotting, mating press, breeding (and me not knowing like anything about the omegaverse.) unprotected p in v. clit rubbing. multiple orgasms. overstimulation. crying kink. breeding kink (like fr he wants her pregnant lol.) he comes in her. some brief aftercare. alpha!steve is so hot and powerful it's ruining my life.
word count | 859
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an | i've wanted to write something substantial for an omegaverse au for sooo long but i've just been so hesitant to bc i don't feel super well-versed in the genre. shoutout to @starksbabie, ao3, and my google images search for teaching me everything i know about knotting LOL. and @brandycranby for teaching me about the mating press lol. if i got anything wrong, please let me know!!
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imagine being alpha!steve's prized omega and mate, being fucked and bred by him during your heat 🤤 (nomad!steve is what comes to mind first, but i've also had a soft spot for endgame look for the longest time, so i'll let you take your pick 😉)
steve's the kind of alpha that doesn't let you lift a single finger (in or out of heat); everything's always done for you because duh!! you're his baby!! this is especially true when it comes to sex during your heat. your only job is to be pleasured and bred. your alpha will do everything for you, no need to worry your pretty little head 💕
thinking about him spreading you out on your back, bringing your bottom up to the edge of the bed so he can stand over you and pound into you as you lay there and take it. he gets you nice and comfy, laying a blanket down beneath you and positioning a pillow under your head to make it easier for you to look up and keep eye contact. of course, he knows you'll spend much of the ordeal with your eyes closed or rolled back in bliss 😏
the number one thing you crave during your heat is the feeling of being filled up, and by now steve's fucked you enough to make you crave being filled by him specifically. he's massive, even for an alpha. long, thick, and unbelievably powerful. because of his overwhelming size and strength, he has to maintain a good balance of fucking you hard enough to satisfy you both, but not too hard to prevent injury
the look on his face as he's ramming into you is a mixture of such pure love and authority. he absolutely talks you through it 😔🙏 you're so overcome with pleasure, he understands it's hard for you to do much talking back
sliding in and out of you at a steady speed, watching as your face is washed over with relief as you finally get what you need. "there you go, honey," smiling as he sees your tummy trembling as it's filled up, "gonna keep fucking this pretty little pussy, just keep being my good girl and taking it. let me give you what you need, doll"
bringing his thumb up to swipe over your quivering clit, always a little eager and impatient with how much he loves to see you come. crooning as you whine and wriggle at the burning feeling he's creating, "i know, baby. i know- so sensitive there, aren't you? look at this pretty little clit. so needy for me"
"nng... n-nnn," he loves the soft, weak little noises you're making. and he loves it even more as they gradually grow louder and more desperate, signaling your building climax
he's working his thumb quicker over your slick button to help keep the pressure rising, "c'mon baby, almost there. you gonna come for me? let's see if we rub a little faster-... oh-" he gasps almost mockingly with a smug smile, praising you heavily as you clench down on his swollen length
and god he could never get tired of seeing you coming. watching as your little face scrunches, your toes curling up in delight, your tummy spasming helplessly as you stammer through a string of angelic, breathy whimpers
"goood, so good for me, baby. keep coming for me, that's it," he draws out his words as you're coming down from your first high. your big, watery eyes and soft little squeaks, paired with having just seen you come, and knowing how sensitive and overstimulated you feel now?? it all makes steve's eyes burn as the heat and primal urges within him rise
it doesn't take long for him to near the edge himself. his large hands come down to manhandle you into position, grabbing under your thighs to force them up, your feet splaying out in the air as he leans himself down over you, his speed and forcefulness bringing tears to your eyes
"gonna come, sweetheart. you want me to fill you up? wanna carry my pups in that pretty little tummy of yours? come on, baby-... shit, that's it-.. f-fuck-"
the feeling of his base rounding out inside you has you crying out weakly, your entire body bracing as you feel the pressure in your core reaching its limit. as the heavy band snaps, your poor, helpless form seizes and spasms beneath your alpha. steve's heavy load shoots into you, the tight mass bulging just inside your entrance locking him inside, forcing you to take what you're given
seconds feel like hours. eventually everything fades to soft tingles as the silence is filled by your and steve's heavy breathing. as soon as he's able, he's shifting so delicately hold you against him, his thick knot still pulsing inside you hard enough to let you feel his heartbeat. "shhh, shhh," he's wiping away the tears that escaped down your cheeks, letting you rest your face in the crook of his neck to breathe in his familiar scent. "i got you, doll. just rest now. close your eyes, i'll take care of you"
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset ¡ 2 months
okay hi just a warning rq my autocorrect is off bc it autocorrected my friend’s name to fuckin malayalam on accident. i dont like autocorrect.
ANYWAY! ive been listening to my lovely olivia rodrigo lately, specifically her new song obsessed. i wanted to know if you could make a fic with Ethan x fem! reader where readers bitchy friend has this ex (Ethan) and she made him out to be a real dick. like, manipulating and everything.
reader eventually meets him and it turns out that she remembers… a lot about him considering her friend is a constant yapper and cant shut up about him. Ethan actually turns out to be a real cutie patootie and could literally never hurt anyone.
a few days later theyd meet again at some club or party maybe where they end up hitting it off… a little too well.. yeah so she ends up in his bed (smut part, very dom ethan plspls 😛😛). they could be talking about something really random and then reader brings up how her friend basically completely lied about him and said he was a piece of shit when he really wasnt. like a realllll fluffy end before a small cliffhanger thats never gonna get finished where her friend ends up finding out and texting her.
so sorry if thats too long or confusing idk but i actually love your work so much im lowkey your #1 fan. 😍😍😍
HELLO! I switched this up a little, I hope that's okay! 💕
Also, I fucking loved the 'leave it on a cliffhanger part that won't get finished' because WHY IS THAT WHAT I DO lmao
Obsessed - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 1
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Part 2
Summary: Your friend told you horrible lies about her ex-boyfriend, and once you get to know him, you realize he's not the monster she made him out to be.
Contains: Mentions of a toxic relationship, Dom-ish cocky Ethan, rough-ish sex, oral - f receiving, p in v, fluff (If I missed anything, PLEASE let me know. I'm sleep deprived atm)
A/N: This was the one that pulled me out of my writers block, lmao. It's still not where I want it to be, but I'm TRYING. I'll try to post more this week, but I will be busy so bear with me haha.
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You didn’t know Ethan Landry, but you knew you didn’t like him. He used to date one of your friends, and after hearing all the horrible things he’d said and done during their relationship, you thought he was really scummy.
They dated in high school and couldn’t get enough of each other, so they wanted to go to the same college. They broke up right before freshman year started, and after almost a year, she still talked about him every chance she got. She’d tell you how controlling he was. The things he’d call her when he was mad. How he cheated on her. You couldn’t believe that she stayed in the relationship for as long as she did, because she never had anything good to say, except that she loved him.
You’d seen pictures of him, and after walking into one of your classes at the start of the new semester, you saw him in person for the first time. He was so shy as he took his seat in the lecture hall, some of the girls making their little comments about the rumors they’d heard about him. He didn’t seem like the type that would do the things your friend said, but maybe he was just really good at playing innocent. All you knew was that you needed to keep your distance from him.
When you met up with your friend later that day for lunch, you didn’t know if you wanted to bring up Ethan being in the same class as you, but once she brought him up, you decided to tell her.
“Speaking of Ethan…I saw him today,” you said, before taking a bite of your food. Her face dropped as she looked at you.
“Where did you see him?” she questioned. You explained that you saw him in one of your new classes, and she rolled her eyes. “Can you believe he still tries to text me?”
“What I can’t believe is that you haven’t blocked him,” you said, “I know I’d hate to see someone that treated me like shit’s name pop up on my phone.”
She started to giggle as you curiously stared at her. “I have him saved in my phone as ‘Tall loser with a small dick’, so I laugh every time he does text me.”
“That’s not toxic at all,” you said, as you started to think about what she’d said. “Wait, he treated you as bad as he did and has a small dick? What the fuck were you thinking?”
“All he had going for him was that he was cute,” she said, “But seriously, if I were you, I’d stay away from him.”
“Oh, please. Like I’d even want to be near him.”
Your morning wasn’t going as expected. You slept through all of your alarms; you didn’t have time to stop for coffee. You didn’t think your day could get any worse, until you walked into class and noticed the only empty seat available was beside Ethan. You took a deep breath before you walked over and sat down. Once you reached into your backpack, you realized that your laptop wasn’t there. You were in such a hurry when you ran out of your dorm and didn’t even think to grab it.
“Shit,” you whispered, “I’m so stupid.”
“Here,” Ethan said, passing you a notebook and a pen. You curiously looked at him as he offered a weak smile. “I always keep an extra notebook, just in case.”
“Thanks,” you said, a half-smile playing on your lips.
Once class started, you were taking your notes, but you kept glancing over to Ethan. He was so focused on typing that he didn’t notice, but you couldn’t help but wonder if everything your friend told you was true. At that moment, he didn’t seem like a jerk. Then again, he had only spoken a handful of words to you.
Ethan was aware of all the things that were said about him. He hoped that after a few weeks it all would’ve blown over, but once you have an angry ex-girlfriend paint you as some horrible, emotionally abusive asshole, it’s hard to come back from that. He knew that it was best for him to just keep his head down until he was able to transfer to a different school, where no one knew who he was. He was miserable at Blackmore, and he really had no reason to stick around, aside from the few friends he’d made.
After class was over, you tore the pages of notes you’d taken from the notebook to give it back to Ethan.
“Thanks again,” you said, as you handed it back to him.
“You’re welcome,” he said, shoving it back in his backpack. “I thought about just emailing you my notes, but I didn’t know if you’d want that.”
“You’re telling me I didn’t have to spend the last hour trying to write that fast?” you asked, as he flashed you a sweet, genuine smile. “Why wouldn’t someone want that?”
“I don’t know, maybe it’s because most people here hate me,” he said, sliding the straps of his backpack over his shoulders. “You’ve probably heard things about me.”
“Yeah…are they true?” you asked, as he shook his head.
“You’re the first person that’s asked me that. Everyone else just assumes everything is true,” he sighed, “But no, I’m not a bad person.”
You started to feel so guilty. You’d said plenty of bad things about him, but you only heard one side of the story. With your friends’ story changing so many times, getting more dramatic each time she told it, you were starting to realize that it was all bullshit. You still didn’t know exactly what happened, but you were curious to know what the truth was.
“You okay?” Ethan asked, noticing that you were lost in thought as you stood in front of him.
“I’m friends with your ex,” you said, as his smile slowly fell. “What’s the real story?”
He sat back down in his seat as the other students piled out of the room. You sat beside him as you waited for him to speak.
“I really loved her…but she was just so controlling. Then she cheated on me when she went to the beach with her family. I didn’t find out about that until right before we started college,” he said, looking over to you. “She was pissed that I broke up with her, then all these horrible things about me started going around.”
“That’s fucked up,” you said, as he nodded.
“Yeah, she’s still been trying to text me. I finally blocked her a few days ago.”
“Wait, she said you’ve been trying to text her,” you said, his eyes growing wide at your words.
“Her number’s been deleted from my phone for months. I have no interest in talking to her,” he said, “I know this must be weird for you since you are her friend, but I think it’s cool that you wanted to hear me out.”
“Well, I feel like I need to apologize…I’ve said some things about you that weren’t true.”
“She’s a good liar. She has almost the entire school hating me so it doesn’t surprise me that her friend does, too,” he said, as he stood back up.
“I don’t hate you,” you said, smiling at him. “I don’t know if you’d want to, and I know she’d kill me, but if you ever want to hang out sometime, let me know.”
“I’d like that.”
Ethan was kicking himself for not asking you for your number, or shit, even your social media so he could DM you. He thought you were beautiful, but he knew that hoping for a chance with you would be a reach. He really just needed more people in his life that believed him to make the time he still had at the university more enjoyable.
Your friend begged you to come to a random frat party that you didn’t feel like going to in the first place. After your talk with Ethan, you weren’t even sure you wanted to be around her. You still went, and after searching for her for almost an hour, you checked your phone to see a message from her that she wasn’t coming, and that she ran into one of the guys she’d been hooking up with on the way to the party.
“Why the fuck am I even here?” you said to yourself as you locked your phone and slid it into the back pocket of your jeans.
“Hopefully to hang out with me, if your offer’s still good,” you heard from behind you, recognizing Ethan’s voice.
“Hey,” you said as you turned to face him. “I didn’t expect to see the most hated man on campus here.”
“My roommate told me that if I stayed in my dorm tonight, he’d throw my Xbox out the window,” he said, glancing over to the muscular guy that was watching Ethan talk to you.
“Ah, so you were threatened into being social,” you said, as he started to laugh.
“I guess you could say that. Do you want a drink?”
Ethan wasn’t much of a drinker; you could tell by the sour look on his face every time he took a sip. It gave him a little confidence though, as the two of you talked and got to know each other a little better.
“I don’t think I can drink this anymore,” he said, sitting the cup down on a table. You sat yours down too, and as soon as you did, someone bumped into you, shoving you into Ethan.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you said, looking up at him. Your chest was pressed closely against his, his hands on your hips from catching you.
“Don’t be sorry,” he said, “You can stay this close to me all night, if you want.”
“Are you always this smooth? Or is it the alcohol?” you questioned as he smirked at you.
“I’m only buzzed,” he said, before he leaned down, placing his lips on yours.
Chad was still watching Ethan from afar, cheering and thrusting his fist in the air once he saw Ethan kiss you. He started to laugh against your lips before he pulled away to stare daggers through his roommate for interrupting the moment.
“I can’t take him anywhere,” Ethan said, as you smiled at him.
“We could go somewhere more private,” you suggested, as he took your hand in his.
“Want to go back to my dorm? He’ll be here for a while so I know we can talk without being interrupted.”
Once you made it back to Ethan’s dorm, you were starting to think that he really did just want to talk. You enjoyed listening to him, though. He was telling you about all his hobbies and interests, and you were telling him yours. You started to glance around his side of the dorm room, noticing the cliché, dorky things you’d expect to see.
“Nice Star Wars poster, nerd,” you joked, as he smirked at you.
“Oh, I’m a nerd?” he said, as he nudged you back on his bed. He was hovering over you, his mouth inches from yours. The sexual tension got so thick as his eyes looked into yours, his hand rubbing your hip.
“Mhm,” you said, the corner of your bottom lip in between your teeth. “A hot nerd.”
He felt his cheeks start to heat up, and he really didn’t want you to notice, so he leaned down to finally connect his lips to yours. It didn’t take long for the kiss to get more intense, his tongue brushing across your bottom lip. You let him deepen the kiss, his tongue moving with yours as his hands started to roam. You whimpered into the kiss once his hand squeezed your thigh, your hips started to squirm underneath him.
He pulled away but still stayed close so the two of you could catch your breath. You were reading each other’s faces, and it was obvious that you both wanted more.
“How far do you want this to go?” he asked, his breathing still heavy as his eyes looked into yours.
“As far as you want,” you said, your sweet tone making him groan.
“That’s not what I asked you,” he said, as he leaned back down to kiss your neck. His curls were tickling you, but the only reaction you had were the soft moans slipping past your lips from how well his mouth moved. His hips were rutting into yours, showing you how hard he was for you.
“I want you to fuck me,” you said, as he pulled away to look at you.
“You sure?”
Ethan was a little, well, very eager. He got you undressed in what felt like seconds, leaving you in just your panties. Once he stripped down to just his boxers, you got a little curious. You glanced down to see his hard cock straining against the fabric, and started to laugh to yourself, your gaze going to the ceiling.
“What’s funny?” he asked, as he hovered back over you to take one of your nipples in his mouth. Your laughing stopped, a gasp slipping out when he started to suck. “I asked you a question,” he teased, before moving to the other side.
“She really does lie about everything,” you said, as his tongue swirled. “She said you had a small dick.”
He started to laugh against you, before he pulled back. “That’s funny, because she couldn’t take it.”
“I can,” you said, his smile turning to a smirk as his hand trailed down your body to rub you over your panties.
“We’ll see about that,” he said, as he moved lower down the bed to position himself between your thighs.
He slid your panties down your legs, before running his fingers over your wet pussy. Your eyes stayed on him, your bottom lip in between your teeth as he teased you. Your anticipation just kept building as he moved down the bed, positioning himself in between your thighs. He leaned in, slipping his tongue inside your entrance.
He was sloppily eating you out, his head moving from side to side. His arms hooked under your thighs to pull you as close to his face as he could as your hands went to his hair.
“So good,” you whimpered, your breathing getting faster as he worked you closer to your orgasm.
He slid his tongue out of you to focus on your clit, quickly replacing it with two of his fingers. Your back was arching off the bed as he moved his arm back and forth, applying as much pressure as he could to that spongy spot inside you as he sucked on your swollen bundle of nerves.
“You’re gonna make me cum,” you babbled, as he started to chuckle with your clit in his mouth.
That was all it took for your legs to start shaking and your grip on his hair getting even tighter. Once your pussy started to clench around him, he slowed his fingers to a slow roll, not wanting to overstimulate you. His tongue gently licked your clit as he worked you through it, your whimpers getting softer as you came down from your high.
“That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had,” you admitted through your shaky breathing. Ethan started to laugh a little as you looked at him, your eyes hazy. “What?”
“Just wait until I’m inside you,” he cockily said, “You still confident that you can handle it?”
“I know I can,” you said, your legs instinctively spreading wide for him as his fingertips ran up your thigh.
“What are you going to do when no one else can make you feel as good as I do?” he questioned, as one of his fingers started to rub circles on your clit.
“I guess I’d have to keep you around then,” you said, as he shook his head.
“You’d only have me until summer starts,” he said, his finger moving faster. “I’m transferring to a different school after this year.”
“No, you’re not..fuck. I’ll convince you to stay,” you said, relaxing into the bed as he teased you.
Ethan pulled his hand away from your pussy before he slid his boxers off. He crawled back on top of you and reached over to his bedside table to grab a condom.
“I might let you convince me,” he said, as he lined up with your entrance. You tensed up a little because you knew how big he was. “Relax, baby.”
You did as he said, taking a deep breath as he inched his way inside of you. You were moaning as he stretched you out, and when you thought he was all the way in, he just kept going.
“Oh fuck,” you whimpered, feeling so full as he finally came to a stop, wanting to give you plenty of time to adjust. “Told you..Fuck, I told you I could take it,” you said, already struggling to speak.
“Don’t get cocky,” he said, your mouth falling open as he started to move. “I’m going to ruin this pussy.”
“Ruin it,” you said, challenging him as your lusty, hooded eyes connected with his.
It took everything in Ethan to not immediately start pounding into you, but he didn’t want to hurt you. He started slow, your eyebrows already furrowing together, low moans slipping past your lips. The head of his cock hit that special spot every single time, but you needed more. He sped up a little as your legs wrapped around him, your hands gripped tightly around his biceps.
“Maybe you can take it,” he said, his breathing getting heavier. “Can I go faster?”
“Yes,” you whimpered, as his hips moved quicker.
Your brain was starting to turn to mush, the babbles slipping past your lips making absolutely no sense. The only thing your mind could process in that moment was how good Ethan was making you feel. He thought you were adorable, already so cock drunk, and he wasn’t even close to being done with you yet. He kept his pace, but occasionally thrust a little harder to see if you could take it, the loud moans slipping past your lips as your nails started to dig into his arms letting him know that you could.
He angled your hips to go even deeper. His pace was a little slow as he made sure you were okay. Your eyes were pleading with him to go faster, because you knew the words weren’t going to come out of your mouth. It was getting so hard for him to hold back, so he finally let go. He started to pound into you so hard that your skin was tingling, all the nerves in your body on edge. Your toes were curling as he slammed into your g-spot, your whimpers turning to cries as you felt your orgasm starting to build. It was hard for you to keep your eyes open, and you were sure Ethan was going to have your nail marks on his arms forever with how hard you were squeezing him.
“Fuck,” was the only word you were able to get out, your legs wrapping tightly around him as your body started to involuntarily jolt. Ethan was sure that everyone in the surrounding dorm rooms knew what was happening, because you were being so loud. He wasn’t letting up though. He loved that he was making you feel that good.
It only took a few more deep thrusts before your entire body started to tremble, loud whines flooding out of your mouth as the wave of euphoria washed over you. He chased his own orgasm as he fucked you through it, your pussy clenching him so tight that he was moaning himself.
“I’m almost there, baby,” he said, a slight rasp in his voice from all the panting he’d been doing.
You went limp, your grip on his arms and your legs around his waist relaxing as his hips started to falter, a loud groan slipping past his lips as he released into the condom.
He took a minute to catch his breath before he slid out of you. His abs were burning and his arms were sore from your nails, but he quickly got up to take the condom off so he could take care of you.
He crawled in the bed next to you as you adjusted to lay your head on his chest, still so fucked out that it was hard to process your thoughts. Ethan just held you close, his hands softly rubbing over your bare back as you relaxed into his touches.
“You’re okay, right?” he asked, after a few minutes of you not saying anything. You lazily nodded as your hand moved to rub across his chest.
You laid there in silence as you started to think about what’d just happened. You knew your friend was going to be pissed if she ever found out, but did that even matter? She made almost the entire university hate Ethan for things he never did, and it made you sad that he felt like he needed to switch to a different school so he wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore.
“So…” you finally said, “How can I convince you to stay?”
He let out a nervous laugh, not knowing the best way to respond. “I can’t take people talking about me the way they do anymore.”
“Even if I convince everyone that it was all lies?” you questioned, your tone playful as you angled your head to look at him. “I think it’d be awful for you to leave because of her. You could miss out on someone that would treat you right.”
“Someone like you?” he questioned as he looked down at you. You nodded, before he leaned down to kiss you. “You’re good at this whole convincing thing.”
“Does that mean you’ll stay?” you asked, smiling as you sat up to look at him.
“Yeah, as long as you don’t break my heart,” he said, wrapping his arms around you to pull you back down to his chest.
“I won’t.”
You stayed in Ethan’s bed for a couple hours, making plans for all the dates he wanted to take you on. It felt like you’d known him for way longer than just a few days, the two of you having an instant connection. You hated to pull away from him, but you knew you needed to get dressed before his roommate got home.
“It’s late, can I walk you back to your dorm?” he asked, as he started to put his clothes back on.
“I can’t believe I thought you were this horrible monster. You’re so sweet,” you said, as he smiled at you. “Yeah, you can walk me home.”
Ethan walked you to the front door of your building, pulling you into a gentle kiss before he pulled away.
“I’ll text you,” he said, as he started to back away.
“Yeah, let me know when you make it back to your dorm, please,” you said, as he nodded.
When you made it upstairs and got settled into your bed, you heard your phone vibrate as it charged on your bedside table. You grabbed it and saw a goodnight message from Ethan, a huge smile on your face as you responded to him. You were so exhausted from the time you’d spend with him, and you soon felt yourself start to doze off. You heard your phone buzz again, your eyes lazily opening to see if it was Ethan. You took a deep breath once you read the message that was sent to you.
‘Why the fuck were you kissing Ethan at that party?’
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suskz ¡ 12 days
anon ask: Hey pookie 💕 Can I pls request boyfriend Chan while his girlfriend is working on her bachelors project because I’m about to graduate and I’m STRESSED 😭😭😭 Can be any genre you want tbh, fluff, comfort, smut whatever you feel like atm
pairing: Bang Chan x Fem!Reader
t/w: fluff ; clingy Channie ; stressed reader ; reader is not good at taking breaks.
w/c: 1.4k
a/n: I hope you like it! And good luck with your graduation! 😊
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When he returns to the living room, you're still sitting on the couch with your computer on your lap and the low noise of the TV in the background.
His hand stops rubbing the towel on his wet hair and he sighs through his nose, looking at you.
He approaches the couch slowly, getting behind you without being noticed. His hand lands under your chin and tilts your head back, gently lifting your face towards the ceiling, where he placed his smiling face so you can look at him.
You're taken by surprise, but you don't startle, you don't have the time.
"It's not good to keep your head down like that for too long." he informs you, observing your upside-down face.
"Nor is it good to keep it like this.” you affirm, easily removing his hand and returning to look at the computer screen.
He huffs, "I just wanted a kiss." He pouts and walks around the couch to sit next to you. And he looks at you.
For a while, you pretend his presence doesn't bother you, but you feel the weight of his eyes on you, and eventually, you give in. You turn towards him and kiss away that cute pout from his lips. "Happy now?"
He smiles at you. Finally.
"No, I want more." He tries to kiss you again, but you move away and don't let him.
"Later," you return to typing on the keyboard, "And you still need to dry your hair."
"I want you to do it for me. I prefer it when you do it."
"Chan, I can't right now, do it yourself." You try to make him leave, but he doesn't give up.
"Pretty please?" When you look at him, you can't resist his puppy eyes.
You sigh, "Bring the hairdryer."
At your words, he smiles widely and quickly gets up from the couch to fetch the object from the bathroom and bring it to the living room to you.
You put the computer aside and plug in the cord while Chan settles between your legs, sitting on the floor with his back against the couch.
You turn on the hairdryer and start drying his hair. Your fingers move through his curls, grabbing and slightly pulling them, while the warmth spreads, slowly returning them to their fluffiness.
His body relaxes at your gentle touch, his eyes close, and his mind empties. He loves it when you touch his hair; he could stay there all day with your hands caressing them.
But everything has an end, and you turn off the hairdryer when his hair is completely dry. When you're done, you ruffle his hair aggressively, affectionately.
His head gently falls back, resting on the couch between your open legs. When you lower your gaze, he opens his eyes and smiles at you, his dimples showing on his cheeks.
Your heart fills with affection. He's so cute and pretty and you just want to kiss him all over his face.
Instead, you smile at him and place your hands on his cheeks, gently stroking his cheekbones with your thumbs.
When he stands up, he steals a kiss from you before bringing the object back in its place. He's cuddly.
Indeed, when he comes back to you and notices that you've already returned to the computer, his face falls and he approaches you.
"Y/n," he whines, sitting on the couch and looking at you, again, "Give me attention." He buries his face in the crook of your neck, hugging your waist, consequently causing you to take your fingers off the keyboard and raise your arms a little to give him space.
"Chan..." you call him, exhausted, "I have to work on the project, you know; I can't get distracted." You affirm.
It's been a few days since you spent some time with him, but only because you have to work on your bachelor project for graduation. You procrastinated, thinking it would be easy, but you regret it because it turned out to be harder than you thought, and now you have so much to do, and you just feel stressed.
"Yes, you can," he says, looking up at you, "Leave the computer for a little while and be with me; I missed you these days." He says the last sentence with a lower tone, pouty.
Guilt washes over you; you didn't want to stay away from him, but you thought it was necessary until this period is over.
"I missed you too, but you know how hard this work is and it takes time." You explain to him, as if he hadn’t already understood.
He sighs. He's trying to get your attention so you’ll take a break. He's not actually good at it himself, but when it comes to you, he knows what’s best for you and he’s always ready to help you understand it. But you didn't listen to him, and now he finds himself having to force you in a way that doesn't make you understand his true intentions.
But you understood. "Are you trying to distract me from the project?"
He keeps his gaze low and he’s silent for a few seconds, and you can clearly hear the thousand thoughts running through his head as he searches for a good answer.
But he doesn't find it. "Why should I?" He asks instead.
"Because you've been trying for days, and you're insisting too much on needing attention, it's unlike you." It's true. Chan can ask for cuddles, but he's never too insistent if he sees that you're busy doing something else.
"Uh... maybe?" Then he groans, "Yes, you’re right." He admits, "Can you take a short break now and spend time with your boyfriend? Please?" He asks pleadingly.
You're ready to say no, but then you stop to look at him. You sigh and chuckle slightly at his desperation.
Actually, thinking about it, you're tired. It wouldn't hurt to detach yourself from the subject that has kept you busy and isolated from the rest of the world for days.
That's why after saving the progress of the work on the document you were writing, you lie down in bed with him.
Your head is resting on his chest, the steady beat of his heart serene and soothing to your ears as he places an arm over your body in an affectionate gesture.
His hand caresses your hair as you gently scratch his still arm.
“You should never forget to take care of yourself, even if you’re busy; it worries me otherwise.” he says seriously, looking at an indistinct point in the room.
“That’s why you’re here with me.” you indirectly thank him, kissing the bare skin of his chest.
“Yet you don’t listen to me.” he disapproves, but it’s more playful now.
“Now you understand how I feel every time you work too much and don’t listen to me.” you tease.
“I’ll listen to you more often from now on.” he promises, but you don’t believe his words. You won’t until you see actual actions, but you know he really wants to try and will do his best.
“You need to keep your word though.”
His legs shift in the bed, rolling to one side and then returning, “I will.”
You bring out your pinky finger from one hand and present it to him. He looks at it for a few seconds, surprised, then crosses his own finger with yours, smiling at your cuteness, “You know it doesn’t mean anything to me, right?”
“But it does to me,” you say, “So commit to keeping the promise.”
“Right now, it’s you who needs to keep that same promise, though.”
“I never promised anything.” you speak the pure and authentic truth, but naturally he doesn’t like this.
You understand it especially when you feel his hand on your hair stop at a point, grab some strands, and pull slightly but enough to cause you pain.
“Ow!” You complain, giving him a light slap on the arm resting on you, then sitting up to look him in the face, “Why did you do that?!” You snap at him.
He gives you a fiery look, “You didn’t promise, but you’ll do it anyway.” He tries to sound serious and threatening, but seeing how cute you look while massaging your head, he can’t help but chuckle and wrap his arms around you in a loving embrace. You always get your way with him, even without trying.
“What, you love me now?” You say, offended, making him roll his eyes and ignore your dramatic words.
“Will you give me those kisses I asked for earlier, now?”
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tootiecakes234 ¡ 3 months
can i request a scenario of bakugou with a chubby!s/o who's confident in her body type?
@burgvndy this is for you. Thank you so much for the inspo💕
You’d always been a plus sized girl and you loved everything about your body. The only person who loved your body more than you was the man you were in love with!
Katsuki was not the biggest fan of PDA this is true, which is probably why all the hero blogs and Stan pages thought he was so uninterested in you. They were always questioning how you got him and why he stayed around.
But they don’t know!!! No one but your close friend really know that this man is WHIPPED!
One of the first times Katsuki had seen you, you’d had on this short skirt with your thighs all bare and you nearly sent the poor man into cardiac arrest.
Your size never stopped you from wearing whatever the hell you wanted and Katsuki was attracted to that confidence too.
Every time you made the slightest move he swore you were gonna flash him and it took every ounce of willpower to keep his eyes off you.
Then you went and sat down! The way your thighs spread out on that chair. For the first time in his life, Katsuki found himself wanting to switch places with a goddamn chair…. He asked you out that same night and the two of you have been together ever since.
One night you stayed at his house and you’d forgotten to bring clothes to change into.
This man had the nerve to tell you to just throw on one of his shirts. Instead of correcting him and telling him to be so fucking fr, you went and grabbed one in of his tshirt and slid it on.
The damn thing looked like a crop top. You walked out to show him was a joke it was and the way this man laughed in your face almost made you end his life.
“You look like fucking Winnie the Pooh.” He was wheezing.
“Are you fucking done jackass?” You say as you pull the shirt over your head and drop it to the floor.
Once his giggling subsided he said “you could’ve just said they wouldn’t fit. I’ll buy some larger ones to keep here.” And he’s wiping tears from his eyes.
While you were walking around to your side of the bed he said “you look better naked anyways… hell maybe I won’t buy the shirts”
“Maybe I won’t ever sleep with a guy that get his jollies off to making fun of me” you grate out as you climb into the bed facing away from him.
His voice is right above your ear when he speaks again, “did I hurt your feelings princess?? Let me kiss it better”
He also did this thing where he’d run his fingers up and down the stretch marks on your side and stomach all the time.
When you ask him about it one day, all he says is that “it helps calm his nerves.” Whatever that means.
And don’t get started on when he fucks you. Hitting it from behind, he hands are planted on your wide hips and his favorite thing about this position is watching how your ass jiggles when he pulls you back on to him.
He also loves your soft saggy titas. Will lift those things and suck them right into his mouth happily.
Going back to that ass of yours, there’s so much surface area for him to slap and leave hand marks on. He’ll have the whole surface area stinging by the time he gets done.
Your thighs are another thing entirely.
He was nervous one night while you two were getting hot and heavy in bed. You could tell.
“Kats, baby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothin” and he tried to bend down and kiss you again but you stopped him.
“Talk to me or we stop.”
“You’re gonna think I’m fuckin weird. Hell I think I’m fucking weird.” He says.
You wait for him to continue.
“Iwannafuckyourthighs” it rushed out of him in one word.
“What? Slow down”
“ I. Want. To. *whispers* fuck your thighs.”
You let out and a chuckle and obviously that was the wrong thing to do because says something unintelligible and starts pulling away.
You rush and wrap your legs around his before he can get up.
“Don’t leave. I’m only laughing because we’ve done some pretty dirty stuff together, and this is what you get nervous about.”
He rolls his eyes, “well what’s your answer?” He grunts at you.
You pull him down to your and whisper against his ear. “Katsuki please fuck my thighs.. I want them all wet and sticky with your cum.”
And you feel the shivers that runs down his spine.
Katsuki loves every inch of you, he has zero complaints. He’s constantly touching you and showing you how perfect he thinks you are
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216 @kxtsxkii @liliththeunqualifiedsimp @burgvndy @fluffismystaplefood @yoyolovesdaiki @zaiban2989
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