#he looks teary eyed like he just cried im gonna sob
sunkissedlouis · 10 months
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ofstarsandvibranium · 11 months
Holy shit, Always on the Sidelines had to be one of my favorite fics. As a person with chronic pain I always feel like I’m pushed to the side and like I’ll never find someone who will love and care for me like that.
If you wrote more I would def be happy
(ok. im fangirling a lil bit because i absolutely LOVE your jamie tartt fics and i cant believe my fic has become one of your faves! anyway, here's a lil snippet after the events of Always On the Sidelines!)
Here On Out
Summary: You're out with Jamie and your friends, but then your leg decides to act up and you have a bit of a breakdown.
A/N: hurt comfort! also, i headcanon that Jamie is a 1D fan.
You're really fucking bummed out. You were having so much fun hanging out with Jamie and the boys, your friends, because, yes, his friends are now your friends and they all adore you and you them.
Anyway, you'd gone to a club with them that was having a One Direction night. Drinks were flowing and you were having so much fun dancing with Jamie, then singing at the top of your lungs with Keeley, taking shots with the guys. It was all so much fun...but then your knee started acting up.
You excuse yourself from the dancefloor and Jamie follows you with concern. But you brush him off, not wanting to ruin his fun.
"I'm just gonna rest for a bit. Go have fun." He hesitates and you practically push him back towards the dancefloor, "Go! I'll be fine!"
"Alright. But you tell me if it gets worse and we'll go, okay?"
"Okay," you shoo him away and as soon as he turned his back, you hobble your way to the bathrooms so you can cry.
As soon as you enter the women's room, you lean against the counter and let out a sob. You curse your knee for causing you so many issues. You can't play football, you can't be on your feet for long, you can't even last having fun with your fit as fuck footballer boyfriend! You felt so...broken.
Two women, a brunette and a red head, enter the bathroom laughing but then stop when they see you teary eyed. They immediately rush over to you, "Oh my God. Are you okay?" The red head asks.
"Do we need to kick someone in the dick?" the brunette asks.
You chuckle, "No. I'm fine...kinda."
"What's goin' on, babe?" the brunette asks, looking genuinely concerned for you.
You shake your head, "I had a knee injury a while back and it starts to hurt if I'm not my feet for too long or doing extensive movements."
"Do we need to get you someone?" the red head asks, wiping away some of your tears.
You shake your head again, "No. It'll go away eventually it's just," you let out a deep breath, "It just makes things complicated for me. Like, I came here with my hot boyfriend and we were having the best time and now my knee started hurting and I had to step away-"
"Why isn't your boyfriend with you?" the brunette asks.
"I told him not to worry about me. Didn't wanna ruin his fun."
The door opens again and Keeley lets out a sigh of relief, "Fucking finally! Jamie's looking all over for you! You're not answerin' your phone!" She suddenly takes note of your teary eyes, "Oh shit. I'm getting, Jamie."
"Wait, no-Keeley!" but your cries fall deaf on her ears as she rushes out in search of your boyfriend.
Red head looks back at you, "Wait, was that Keeley Jones?"
You nod, "Yeah."
Moments later, Jamie comes in, hand over his eyes, "Is everyone decent? No one with their undies down, right?"
You can't help but snort, "You're fine, Jams."
Jamie drops his hand and zeroes in on you, "What's going on?"
"Holy shit," brunette starts to freak out, "You're Jamie Tartt! You're-"
Keeley steps in, pushing red head and brunette out the door, "Right! Let's go dance, ladies!"
"But I still need to wee!" brunette exclaims.
"Hold it in!" Keeley replies aggressively.
It's now just you and Jamie left in the room. Jamie slowly approaches you, hands on your hips to steady you, "What's wrong?"
You let out a sob as you tuck your face into his neck, "I feel so broken!"
"Love, you're not broken."
"But I am! I can't keep up with you and I fucking hate it! I hate hurting all the time. I hate making you cut your time short when we're out with friends. I hate that you can't fully enjoy yourself when we're together. I-"
"Hey, hey. Look at me," he pulls back, gently holding your face in his hands, "You're. Not. Broken. Your injury doesn't define you. I mean, look at grandad! Sure, he had to retire 'cause of his leg, but he's still out there coaching us, giving us a hard time, still doing the things he likes to do. He doesn't let his injury stop him.
"And you shouldn't either. I don't care that if we have to leave parties or gatherings early because your leg hurts. All I care about is you and how you feel. I don't like you being in pain. That's why I always check in on you. I don't want ya sufferin'." He wipes the tears the slide down your cheeks.
"What if you get tired of me? Get tired of taking care of me?"
Jamie shakes his head, "Never. I experienced life without you and I was fucking miserable. Besides, like how cuddly you get when I take care of ya. Makes me feel loved and shit."
"Jamie Tartt, you're such a softie," you playfully say, nudging his shoulder.
"Only for you, love," he murmurs before kissing your forehead. You two stand there, just cherishing each other's presence for a bit.
Keeley then pops her head in and says, "You two coming out soon? 'Cause a line is forming and these girls really gotta go."
Jamie steps back and asks, "Can you walk?"
"I can limp," you reply.
He shakes his head, "Piggy back then," he turns his back to you, crouching down a bit.
You do your best to hop onto his back and he lifts you with ease. Keeley opens the door wider for you both, "Thanks, Keeley," Jamie says and his looks at the line of waiting women, "Sorry, ladies! Me girl wasn't feelin' well!"
Keeley follows the both of you to the booth where everyone was sitting and taking a break from dancing.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Dani asks.
"My leg again," you sheepishly reply and the boys nod their heads in understanding.
"Feel better," Isaac says.
Colin chimes in, "Do you need help to the car?"
"Nah, mate, I've got it!" Jamie replies and pulls out a few hundred notes, passing them to Isaac, "Hope that covers our drinks and some of you lot!" the guys raise their glasses in cheers to Jamie and wave good-bye to the both of you.
Keeley and Roy follow you two out just in case.
"Can this count as some of me trainin', grandad?" Jamie asks.
"No," Roy rasps out and you giggle.
"Prick," Jamie mumbles with a smile.
When you get to Jamie's car, he helps you in and then gives Roy and Keeley a d hug good-bye. Roy nods at you and Keeley blows a kiss your way. You wave at them until Jamie drives away.
When you get back to Jamie's, he carries you to the bedroom you share. You undress while he runs a warm bubble bath for you.
Once it's ready you get in and he quickly undresses, sitting behind you. You sigh in relief as you lean back against his chest and he starts to softly massage your knee.
"See? Cuddly," Jamie murmurs against your neck and presses a kiss.
"I love you," you whisper as you close your eyes and let the water warm your body up.
Jamie's smiling wide. This isn't the first time you've said it to him, but it still makes him all bubbly inside when you say it.
"I love you too. Always will. From here on out."
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
hot take anon back at it again with the brett brainrot- he's. a crier. not in a 'im not having a good time and need to take a minute' kinda way, but in more of a 'i love my s/o so fuckingn much how did i get this lucky' kinda way, both in general and when you're getting intimate with him. you intertwine your fingers with his while you're going down on him?? his back arches so hard you swear you hear it pop. you press your forehead against his? look at him all lovingly nshit??? he's kissing you like he'll die if he doesnt. just. god. god?? gd. god. i love him a whole hell of a lot and he means the world over to me ok byegsdJGKSDM--
he just,, has A LOT OF FEELINGS OK?? and sometimes it all bubbles up and just gets to be A Lot <3
So its no surprise that during sex he also?? gets teary eyed?
You’ll notice it first happen,, when you start kissing his neck? Something about how sensitive the area is makes his eyes start Tingling.
if you keep eye contact with him?? Whisper in his ear about how lovely he looks? Oh yeah expect some embarrassed tears!!
y’know when your face gets so red that your eyes start watering? <3 yeah. 
The moment he notices it happening he’ll,, 100% start apologizing bc.. He feels silly. He feels completely stupid for crying over feeling good of all things.
he doesn’t wanna worry you over nothing!!,,,, and he really, really, really doesn’t want you to stop just bc he’s getting teary eyed smdns!! The tears are good ones!! Please god don’t stop!! <3
Give Him Reassurance Please He Needs It
Genuinely just a little,, ‘its okay baby, let it out <3′ and he’s gonna be full-throat sobbing against your neck. <3 he bottles up his emotions,,,, and they all just kinda come out at once??? 
He just,, feels so cherished and safe?? That + the perfect physical sensations = some extremely happy tears. Eventually it peters out into these Lovely Long Hum-whines as he just,, lets himself enjoy the bliss <3333
If he’s getting railed??
Honestly that’s one of the only times his Filter slips, so expect some very shameless begging smdns.
Enough that his throat gets raw?? So his voice starts dragging n cracking??
He tends to get caught up in loops of,, a few words??? usually punctuated by sobs n gasps?? (need-it gasp need-it gasp need-it gasp). His brain is absolutely shutting down smdns its Essential Words Only.
He loves the kind of sex where its,, short hard thrusts <3 the kind that makes his legs turn into jackhammers bc it just,, Hits Right Where He’s Been Needing? Eyes rolled back, full sobbing. He’s in a state of pure bliss. His entire body is gonna be wrapped around you <3333 he wants you CLOSE dammit!!
His whoooole body curls into itself when he cums - might accidentally bonk your heads together, bc he just,, lurches <3. His fear of accidentally hurting you prevents him from digging his nails into your back - instead, lots of vvvv fast, light slapping?? Either open hand/fingers or his knuckles - never enough to hurt, just something to Work Through The High <3
He gets,, so mushy during the afterglow. Just quietly rambling about how,, special it feels to be loved by you, and how beautiful you look right now and Oh Look He’s Crying Again <3
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bnhatrashsammy · 4 years
You Think They’re Gonna Hit You
Includes: Izuku, Bakugou, Todoroki and my lovely Mina baby!
Warnings: ANGST but with a happy ending bc im baby, nothing too detailed though. Gender neutral reader <3
Mentions of abuse and cursing ofc (its me i always curse so like-)
  You had been in an abusive situation/relationship prior to your current relationship. You had yet to tell your partner.
You two were simply playing around, something very common in your relationship.
You were in his dorm, both of you going back and forth between tickling each other.
Your eyes were closed as you blindly search for his sides, your breath coming out in shrieks and gasps between you laughing so hard.
One you feel your lovely boo move so they’re hovering above you, rather than beside you and tickling the shit out of you, you open your eyes as you try to catch your breath.
However, once you see their position your breath gets caught in your throat, and your entire body freezes up.
They weren’t even in a very threatening pose, their face held a bright and playful grin. Yet, all you could focus on was the hand positioned like it was going to slap you. 
  It was practically coming for you in slow motion, you thought for sure your lovely partner was getting ready to slap you.
  Without even thinking, you automatically flinch, hands coming up to protect your face, your body trembling in fear.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku’s face changes from playful to concern very quickly, not that you can see from your tightly closed eyes and arms covering your face.
“Baby?” Izuku says softly, leaning back so he’s sitting cross-legged in front of your form. “(Y/N), baby, look at me please.” The utter concern and fear in his voice had you peaking your eyes open, looking between your fingers at the teary-eyed look he’s giving you.
Your body reacts before your mind really catches up to what the fuck just happened, and you sit up, crossing your legs as well and fiddle with your hands in your lap, looking anywhere but at Izuku’s gaze.
‘He’s gonna be so mad- he’s gonna yell and scream- I shouldn’t have reacted- if only I had just-’ Before you can even finish your rambling, terrifying thoughts, Izuku speaks up.
“D-did you think I was gonna hit you?” His voice comes out slowly and softly, but there’s not a hint of judgment. Only concern.
You slowly meet his gaze, continuing to fiddle with your hands. “N-not really you- It’s just what I’m used to so I just assumed-” You hurriedly try to explain before he speaks up again.
“Baby, you’re used to? How could you be used to- who did it? I’ll kill them, I swear!” Izuku leans forward slowly, as to not startle you anymore before pulling you to him, hugging you comfortingly, protectively. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong, (Y/N). I promise. If I had known I wouldn't have done it. I'm so sorry baby.” Izuku reassures you genuinely.
Izuku continues reassuring you, comforting you and caring for you softly as you tell him about your past. Obviously you couldn’t spill everything out all at once, there would be more of these conversations in the future. But it was honestly nice. To just be able to get it out in the open, to have him comfort you.
“I will never hurt you, (Y/N). Let me be your hero.” Izuku says after you had cried out all your tears and fell asleep on him. He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, before laying down with you and falling asleep himself.
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou freezes as the genuine fear he can clearly see on your trembling form. He’s quick to sit against his wall on the bed, pulling you into his lap as he comfortingly pets your hair.
You bury your head in the crook of his neck, a flurry of painful memories causing tears to build up in your tightly closed eyes as you grip onto Bakugou as if your life absolutely depended on it.
“I-i’m sorry- I didn’t mean too-” You try apologizing, but he’s quick to shush you, his voice gruff but gentle in his own Bakugou way.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, dumbass. Jus’ breathe.” Of course, Bakugou doesn’t blame you, but he also feels you thought he was going to hit you simply because of how angry he can be, he didn’t know of your past of abuse.
“I know i'm always angry and shit, but- fuck-,” His voice breaks, and he holds you the slightest bit tighter, more protectively. “I’d n-never hit you, (Y/N).” He tries to keep his voice steady but it breaks again as tears well up in his eyes. “I love you so much, I’d never do anything to hurt you, okay, baby? I swear it- fuck.” 
You continue to grip onto him desperately, opening your mouth to speak even though you know your voice is gonna be hoarse from your crying, “I k-know you would’t- it just made me think about when it did happen and I-I just reacted. I k-know you’d never, Katsu- I’m s-”
“No. Don’t be sorry. Just talk to me. Please?” He says sternly, but giving you the option object, to just stay within his arms protectively.
So you tell him some of the things you had to endure. He drops the name ‘dumbass’, giving you soft nicknames and encouragement to continue when you started crying too much to continue talking.
Aside from his encouragements, and hushing of your apologies, he just let’s you speak what's on your mind. It’s freeing, and honestly you feel a lot better when it’s over.
“Thank you, Katsu. I love you. So very much.” You whisper tiredly as you finish your hours long conversation. Bakugou shakes his head as he continues rocking you comfortingly.
“I'm here for you through whatever, babe. And I plan to keep it that fuckin’ way.” He says, the determination in his voice caused a small smile on your face.
You eventually fall asleep, Bakugou humming gently as he continues rocking you comfortingly. Honestly, you couldn’t be happier in that moment, with the love of your life caring for you with no restraints.
Todoroki Shoto
  Todoroki’s face instantly drops as he watches your reaction. He knows that reaction. He’s had that reaction too many times to count. 
He lays beside you, cuddling into your side, rubbing circles over your sides in a comforting manor as your breathing eventually returns to normal. 
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).” His voice sounds so remorseful, so genuinely hurt.
“It's not you- It’s just muscle memory- I know you’d never actually do anything to hurt me Sho.” Your voice comes out quickly, you turn over to hide into his chest as he rests his head against yours. He moves his hand so it’s rubbing your back soothingly.
“Talk to me?” Todoroki asks, and it makes your heart swell. He’s not the most emotional person, you loved him regardless of that fact obviously, but the fact that he’s offering to listen without you bringing it up first makes you a bit happier.
So you talk, telling him about different situations throughout your life that inevitably lead to the muscle memory reaction. Todoroki didn’t talk, preferring to just listen. He’d switch between rubbing your back, or running his hands through your hair, occasionally kissing along your hairline or kissing your cheeks softly as you vented.
Once you finish talking, genuinely too mentally and physically exhausted to continue, Todoroki speaks up.
“None of that was your fault. Those people- they were at fault. You had never done anything wrong, (Y/N). Thank you for telling me. Thank you for trusting me enough to talk about this. You’re so strong and brave. I'm so proud to call you mine. I love you, (Y/N). Thank you for allowing me to help.” He ends his mini speech by placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
You smile at him tiredly, before pulling the blanket from the end of the bed bed and covering you both with it. You snuggle into his chest, leaning your head up to place a kiss on his jaw, before allowing sleep to take you.
Mina Ashido
Mina pauses at your reaction, confusion taking over her features before the realization slowly comes to her.
“Babycakes, no, i’d never-” She says quickly, jumping to straddle your lap, wrapping her arms around you reassuringly as your thoughts turn dark.
“It’s okay, cupcake, I’m here for you, jus breath, I've got you.” She reassures as your wrap your arms around her, cries slowly leaving your throat while she nuzzles the crook of your neck.
Before you can even open your mouth in an attempt to apologize she starts talking, “Don't you dare apologize. It’s not your fault, love.”
You can’t help the chuckle that interrupts your sobs, she knows you through and through.
“You want to talk about it, babycakes? I’ll listen. Let me be here for you please,” She pleads, just wanting to calm your painful sobs, just wanting to put a smile back on your perfect face. Her own eyes start to tear up, and she sniffles quietly.
You hug her a bit tighter, nodding your head. Once your tears calm down a bit, you tell her. You relay some of the events of the past that have scarred you to this day.
And with everything you say Mina continues to reassure you, kissing all over your face and hair. She continues holding you, not letting up for even a second. It means the world to you, just the fact that she’s being serious about it for you. She’s genuinely trying for you, and it makes a small smile light up your face as you finish retelling your past.
“There’s that gorgeous smile I love to see!” She says, a bright grin lighting up her face which just causes you to smile more.
“What would I do without you, Mina.” You say lovingly, as she wipes your eyes for hopefully the last time of the night.
Her smile turns loving as she gives you a small, gentle kiss.
“Let’s not find out, babycakes. You’re just gonna have to be stuck with me.”
Well, you couldn’t complain with her on that note.
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i hc wilbur made tommy president because he planned to go and press the button while tommy spoke and kill him along with himself
wilbur wanted end all his unfinished symphonies and as the person who raised tommy- he raised him like he raised l'manberg. he doesnt care for fundy- not since he denounced him- so he wanted to end him :)
i need a fic where tommy is the one who goes to stop wilbur and wilbur fucking stabs him before pressing the button saying "it was never meant to be" tommy loses both first and last lives to that phrase
tommys last words are it was always meant to be fucking wilbur survives the explosion and has no one to kill him and now he has to live with the consqunces tommy becomes toast- short for ghost tommy i refuse to write so many letters each time- and immeditly looks for his older brothers and he finds wilbur first :) wilbur is exiled for his crimes and also out of fear- they tried to rehabilate him! they really did but then he freaked out over seeing toast... in a bad way.... and he and toast burned georges house on toast suggest (maybe we should burn something! that always helps me calm down!) this is after wilbur is trusted enough to be not... in a prison... after phil convinced them he needs help and toast tries his best ok- (WHO LEFT WILBUR WITH TOAST!) (I THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME! I WAS ONLY LEAVING FOR FIVE MINUTES! AND RANBOO WAS THERE TOO!) and toast tries to go with but everyone is like "yeah no" and toast is like "whhhhyyy i just wanna stay with wilby!" and everytime anyone tries to tell tommy about the wrongs that have happened to him he screams and clutches his head in pain and everytime he comes back he doesnt remember the convo toast,,, is the most BABY toast calls everyone cutesy nicknames unironcially he calls eret rere toast, chriping happily: TECHIE!!!! tubbo: TOMMY STAY AWAY FROM HIM! toast, in a very lost and confused voice: why? techno, freaking out: tommy? toast: hi!!!!!!! im toast!!!!!! :D techno: lowkey ab to cry toast: NOOOOOOOO DUN CRI! toast: there there techie... i know what will help! tubbo, sighing: arson? toast: ARSON! phil comes just in time to find tommys dead body and l'manberg gone hes not around for the withers neither hes there just to see the crater and wilbur in chains with blood on his hands trying to off himself phil will forever blame himself for not making it in time :> dream: taking wilbur away in boat toast, floating behind the boat: o^o dream do you have any games on your phone .///^///. looks at exileinnit hmmm spins roulette wheel who should i hurt... i picked d all of the above they dont let toast go with him but because he is baby and you can't tell him what to do tubbo: sighs finally now that the exiles done toast can you- tubbo: looks up tubbo: GOADDAMN IT
toast is promptly kidnapped back to l'manberg the next day toast keeps going back tho and no one understands why- he literally killed him! why does he keep wanting to go back! (toasts unfinished buisness keeping him tied was helping wilbur and l'manberg- he loved wilbur even at his worst)
toast vibes around everyone but he stays with wilbur- where ever wilbur goes is where he builds his home
its shitty but its an 'ome Toast, teary eyed: Dad? Why does everyone hate Wilby? Why can't I be with him... Phil, with no idea what to do: niki bakes cakes with niki whenever hes in l'manberg he keeps accidently setting her bakery on fire but hes sMOL AND GIGGLES A LOT AND HE HAS FLOUR ON HE GODDAMN SELF toast is a part of mexican l'manberg i dont make the rules mexican dream: AYYYYYYYYY HOMIE toast, giggling: 'OMIE!!!!!
Toast is wholesome while everyone is literally willing to murder Wilbur while also trying to stop him from khs toast is just a very happy lovely child and cries whenever anyone is mean to 'his big brother wilby!' and so they all constantly glare daggers over toasts shoulder wherenever he cant see em meanwhile Phil is just dying inside because Tommy is a ghost by Wilbur's hands and Wilbur keeps trying to commit suicide and oh god what is he supposed to do- he simply avoids this struggle by avoiding them toast, waddling up to philza: papa do you have any games on your phone? all im saying is that tommy called phil papa before changing to dad or fathercraft phil,in the tired parent voice: tommy please sit down- just for five minutes- at least for 5 minutes toast: sits down and then proceeds to struggle to continue to sit but he must because dad told him to toast is just ADHD incarnate wilbur, trying to end himself: im gonna escape my consequences toast: HI!!!!! :D wilbur: FUCK ITS MY CONSEQUENCES toast,,,, is so baby Wilbur is just not allowed to have anything remotely sharp i like how theres so much angst and im just hyper focusing on ba yby dream uses toast the same way he uses ghostbur! :D toast doesnt realize of course even after wilbur tells him dream is bad but he keeps forgetting!!! Everyone: da baby Dream: how can I profit from this oh dream is manipulating wilbur btw wilbur: suffering toast: i made you a card toast trusts eret wholeheartedly and this hurts eret because she knows if toast remembered he probably wouldnt- they wanted redemption but not like this- not because of death Toast: you look cool Toast: you are friend now Eret: sobs I don't deserve this Toast: what did I do wrong Toast: how can I help friend!!!!! Eret: sobbing more toast looks at everyone says "ah! friend shaped!" if ur wondering wheres the angst toast is the angst- toast is just tommy without any bad memories and hes so different they thought he was happy before they thought he was fine tommy was hurt too but since he internalized it no one cared toast sees wilbur being sad and goes! i know what will help! n-not arson tho people dont like arson when you do it.... BUT ITS OKAY! I BROUGHT A FRIEND! shows friend, the sheep and wilbur just fucking sobs Toast is wholesome chaotic in a perfect mix- toast is tommy but without the 'asshole on purpose as a self defense mechanism" someone mentioned something about Tommy masking insecurities once Toast doesn't remember. and he's fine with that he doesn't have any insecurities toast hurts because in retrospect toast, meeting bad: WOAAAAAAH! YOU LOOK SO FUCKING COOL! bad: LANGUAGE! toast, cringing back, looking at the ground: ..sorry :( bad: ...you can swear toast: :D bad: once toast hasnt sworn since "hes saving it for special occasions" sometimes he accidently swears and immedtly gasps and looks at bad and bad just sighs and is like "its okay it was an accident" bad never would have thought itd take letting tommy swear for him to stop huh... its almost like... hes a child.... and the negetive reienforcement.... was doing more harm then good.... toast: exists in an amount of happiness no one has ever seen him in before everyone: pain how much pain was tommy in before? they thought tommy was happy- was... was he not happy? he's so unabashedly joyful and energetic looking back they can see how forced every laugh felt, every smile- He's not afraid to just talk to people, make new friends he became so much more cautious after Eret, had it really effected him that badly? He's open. He never lies about how he's feeling, never brushes anything away how much was Tommy hiding, how much pain, how much fear- It's chilling. bone chilling. There's no way to fix what's been lost. No way to apologize to who Tommy used to be, to try and make it better. None of them every bothered to see him as anything more than a nuisance, an annoying child or cannon fodder and they'll regret it for the rest of their lives everyone: having a mental crisis toast: GUYYYYSS!! I MADE ANOTHER FRIEND!!!
"Wilby?" Wilbur heard Tommys voice say in an innocent tone.
Was he hearing things? Tommy's dead. He killed him himself.
"Wilby why are you in prison?" The image of his little brother asked, "Did you commit arson without me?" it asked in a pout.
"TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled running into the cell where Wilbur was kept, going through the bars with ease, "Tommy get away from him!"
"But 'ubbo!!!! Wilby is 'ere!!!!" Tommy (?) said with a smile Wilbur hadn't seen since Tommy was a child.
"Tommy, I understand you don't remember anything right now but you need to come back over here!" Tubbo demanded and Tommy flinched
Wilbur was struck with the sudden realization that this isn't just his mind- no no it can't be- but Tubbo acknowledged him he has to- Wilbur reached his locked hands towards Tommy only for him to pass through him. What? No no it was just his imagination that makes sense.
"Oh sorry Wil! I'm kinda dead! I don't remember how i died... but i think im a ghostie!" Tommy said plainly, floating off the floor. Wilbur looked at him in confusion. Whats happening?
the first time toast sees the crater toast srceams in intense amount of pain- its so loud you can hear it all over the smp- and just dissapears for a few days before reappearing with no memories of what happened toast saying things tommy thought but never said- he calls eret "big brother" and eret fucking d i e s toast cals all the l'manbergians older siblings He's far too honest for anyone to handle tommy was always honest too but he learned from experince that honesty only lead to hurt Tommy was like an enderchest, you could never see beyond the exterior, everything inside was exclusive to him and him alone Toast is like when someone dies and all their fuckin items explode onto the ground. you just see everything and most of it was  pain and everyone feels bad because they thought he was the only one uneffected that nothing had ever put a damper on his happiness and energetic smile- at what point had that smile became fake? also for angst reasons the last memory toast has is before the elections toast has uwu boy vibes but more chaotic toast goes to dream smp from logstedshire purely for sam nook toast starts making his hotel since he sees nobody has a home (including dream LMAO) (and he wants to make a safe place since everyone keeps saying something about war) and wants to make one and asks sam for help since apparently hes good at building and sam lets him pay after he finishs the hotel and sam nook is there since day one because i dont think i could handle a world without sam nook toast: biting everyone tubbo: wHY DO YOU DO THAT?????? toast: once techie bit all the cupcakes and then said it was his cuz he bit it so im biting everyone to show their mine!!!!! tubbo: i- tubbo: i am both flattered and disgusted everyone, remembering how tommy used to bite everyone upon meeting and then everyone would get mad at him and yell at him until he stopped biting people on meeting: sadly whips and nae naes hes a BABY toast deserves the fucking world also i havent talked ab it but there is wilbur and fundy angst here fundy confronts wilbur also not that fundy is angry about not not not getting murdered by his father but also why does he consider tommy his unfinished sympohny and not him? he raised fundy too- maybe he just only ever loved tommy (based off his insecurity of how close wilbur and tommy are based off wilbur raising tommy and wilbur only being there for fundy by the time he was older and also using hybrid age go nyoom for this dream manipulates toast during wilburs exile along with wilbur and toast realizes both of them were being used by him and fucking screams lourder than he ever has before and dissapears for a week and then shows up at technos house (he got lost and he didnt know why he was at logsted shire- he doesnt remember the place) on the day of the excution and tries to help technoblade but keeps forgetting that everyone is trying to kill techno the butcher army is hesitant when "hey why are you all attacking big brother Techy-" "HE SPAWNED WITHERS IN L'MANBERG!" "he did?" toast asked tilting his head in confusion "YES! HE DID! AFTER YOU DIED! NOW WHERE IS HE TOAST! WE NEED TO CAPTURE HIM!" whenever tubbo talks ab how theyre planning on excuting techno or how there was no trial toast has flashbacks to tubbos excution but hes never able to hold on to the memories just leaving him feeling bad toast sees anything traumatic and just makes the blue screen noise toast has to reboot every time anything truamatic happens and when he does he doesnt remember what happens after
toast hurts on a "THE FUCKING IMPLICATIONS OF THIS" level just.. everyone trying to make up for not noticing tommys hurt and trying to be good to toast when its already too late... far too late glatt is also here because whenever ytoast dissapears after something trauamtic he bounces back to the land of the dead for the bit and sometimes he drags glatt out to the land of the living with him only works bc toast has unfinished buisness so he can freely go between and just stays in the land of the lving until he can finish his unfiinshed buisness ghostbur and toast wouldve been good friends if they ever met anyone yells at toast and he immeditly starts sobbing
basically when everything is calm and peaceful and everyone is happy together after dream is in prison and toast is like "oh... this is what ive always wanted"
"toast?" tubbo asked, confused toast smiled softly, "i think its time for me to go" "what?" wilbur asked his pitch unusually high due to the fear lacing his voice "i think... i think this was my unfinished buisness... this is the last thing i wanted when i was alive, the reason i stayed... i think its finally my time to go now" toast said smiling tearfully "no! you vcan't go! we just got you back!"
basically when everything is finally ok, when things finally calm down toast fades back to the void/afterlife thing
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quillsareswords · 4 years
May I request angst? Like. Hard. Sad. Tear-jerking angst? Damian, related. Specifically with him breaking down into tears and Y/N being there to hold him and help him feel better. It can be about anything, im just. Really, really in the mood for some teary-eyed Damian and comforting Y/N (who might be crying too).
Prompt List • Masterlist (in bio)
For a whole of ten minutes, no one knows what to do.
Your bottom lip quivers, so you bite down on it.
Bruce's eyes are watering, but he ignores it and hopes everyone else in the room does, too.
You pretend not to see Damian's hands shaking, because you know acknowledging it will only make it worse. Everyone knows that.
The white walls and cheery sticker decals seem to mock the three of you on such a truly wretched day. People smiling and grinning with their pets, and here the four of you are. It's crowded already, but you don't relinquish your space on the floor. Your hand runs over sleek black fur robotically for too long.
Bruce stays behind to finish with paperwork and arrangements. You walk Damian out to your car, instead of the one he came in, with Bruce.
You drive home. You and Bruce both suggested staying at your apartment for a day or two, but he insisted on going home for the night. You don't blame him, wanting the comfort of absolute familiarity.
The twenty minute ride is silent. The radio isn't even on. Nothing can make this any better.
You all try your hardest, though. Alfred meets you both at the door with warm drinks and brownies. You accept the platter while Damian bee lines for the staircase.
Even Alfred seems deflated and tired.
He sits on the bed the minute he's through his bedroom door. Stares blankly at the hardwood.
You inhale deeply, doing your damnedest to hold it together, for his sake. He needs a solid reassurance right now, and you can't be that for him if you're a blubbering mess of mascara and grief.
You turn around just in time to catch his eyes drifting to the corner of the room, beside his reading chair. His gaze lingers on the fluffy, memory foam square for exactly 27 seconds before he starts to tear up. He sniffs a little indignantly, slants his eyebrows, and looks back to his hands. They jerk your way about the same time his lip starts to wobble.
"Oh, Dame," you breathe, half staggering toward him.
His arms wind around your legs and his face squishes against you. His shoulders jerk with a sob and your shirt is wetly warm.
You smooth one hand down his back and use the other to run between locks of hair in an attempt to soothe him as much as you can. You know there is nothing you can really do, but you do your best.
The room is too quiet. Memories are flashing through his mind, and he cried harder with each one. You've never seen him sob like this before: like his world has completely collapsed and there's nothing he can do to fix it.
Your chest aches for him. The way his face twists and his fists ball your shirt wrenches your heart. This is where you give up being strong and sink to your knees instead.
He follows you to the floor, until you're holding each other up, the choking sputtering sobs of lost loved ones stabbing through silence like an angry deer's antlers.
You loved that dog as much as he did.
You get a grip on yourself first. Your breaths are stuttered, but more even than his will be for awhile.
You resort to motherly comfort, because you don't know what else you can do. You pick a random tune and hum softly, rubbing long strokes up and down his back while you rock side to side. An image of Titus' great head in your lap catches your eye, up on his wall, and your vision blurs again. You keep it to quiet tears, though.
He eventually calms down enough not to shake so violently in your arms. His head weighs on your shoulder, fingers loosely toying with the cotton of your shirt. Much like yourself, his breathing is nowhere close to even or steady, but it's getting there.
You inhale deeply. "We're gonna be okay, Dame," you exhale slowly against his ear. "We're gonna be okay."
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anninhiliation · 5 years
Behind Closed Doors
A/N: I attached the requests on the bottom this time! Might do that from now on who knows
Tumblr media
Wordcount: 2.2k+
Warnings: There is smut, but it's over 1.6k+ wording deep mostly angst and some fluff  
You stayed up and waited for Chris to come home from the studio. It was 12:00 am, and he still wasn’t home and not a single text from him. You knew dating a musician entailed long nights and early mornings, the tours and promos but none of that mattered to you. All that mattered was that you would be with Chris even if it was just for a couple of months, and the occasional breaks in between tour. Chris was an amazing boyfriend of almost two years, and you were head over heels for him. Yet, you couldn’t help but think something was wrong in the relationship. It wasn’t what it used to be, and maybe you were just being paranoid but you felt as if things were different. As the night dragged on, hitting 1:45 am and still nothing from Chris, you decided to send him a text. 
Y/N: hey amor are you gonna be in the studio for much longer? 
As you awaited a response you went on with your nightly routine, trying not to think about Chris and what he was doing, fearing the worst. As you were brushing your teeth, your phone buzzed making your glance over the screen. 
Papito😘: No it ended early but we went out 
You read the notification, making your heart sink. You knew what we went out meant, and you knew how he was when he got drunk. Lately, you felt as if Chris was avoiding you, choosing to spend time with strangers or his bandmates than his own girlfriend. You were feeling abandoned by the one person you loved and trusted the most. You missed how he used to make you feel like his top priority, always going out of his way to see you, call you, text you anything. You left Chris on read sighing as you got into bed, in your shared bedroom. Laying in the darkroom, your thoughts clouded your mind. The room was infected with him, his scent, his things, a few pictures of him, and worst of all his presence. You fell asleep with tears streaming down your face as all you could think about was Chris and what you did wrong and where it went wrong. When you woke up the next morning, you were still alone just as he left you. With a sigh, you got out of bed completely miserable and drained from your crumbling relationship. After brushing your teeth and washing your face, you exited the bedroom and made your way to the kitchen. If you were being honest, you weren’t even hungry, you had no motivation to cook and just wanted to go back to bed. As the eggs sizzled on the hot pan, the front door unlocked and sluggish footsteps dragged themselves into the kitchen. You looked up from your cooking and there appeared a very tired and hungover Christopher. He poured himself a cup of coffee after kissing your cheek and saying good morning. When he embraced you into a hug, his scent pierced your scenes, but it was different. It wasn’t just his, you smelt the perfume of another. What was another girl’s scent doing lingering on him? Was he cheating on you? Was he so fed up with you, so bored of you he opted for someone new and didn’t have the heart to tell you? 
“Nena want to grab lunch today?” He asked interrupting your thoughts
You looked up from your cooking and at him, a little wide-eyed making him raise an eyebrow at you. 
“Nena?” he asked again 
“Y-yeah that would be nice wanna go to our usual spot?” you asked 
“Sounds good,” he smiled as his phone buzzed making him look over at it “listen nena I gotta go, but let’s meet at one”
He kissed your temple and rushed out the door.
You sat in the little quaint restaurant at bouncing your leg nervously as you waited for Chris. Little did he know, that before lunch you ran down to Adore Me and picked out something you knew he would love hidden underneath your sundress. Even though you were afraid that he was cheating on you, you couldn’t help but miss him, his touch, his attention and what you used to have with him. 1 o’clock rolled around, and still no Chris. Maybe he’s just a few minutes late, it is a busy day in the city after all. Then it hit 1:30 PM and not even a single text from him. Then the waiter came by at 2 with an apologetic smile. 
“Miss its been an hour, its either you order something or I’m going to have to ask you to leave I’m sorry its policy”
“Sorry for wasting your time” you mumbled as you gathered your things and rushed out calling Chris 
On the third ring he finally picked up “nena?” 
You could hear a girl laugh in the background making your blood boil. You were already suspicious of being replaced, but he couldn’t even give you the decency of ending things beforehand or hide things better. 
“Chris you said we were meeting for lunch! What the hell?” you hissed 
“Nena it’s only- oh shit,” he said “listen nena I’m sorry-” 
“Whatever Chris” you sighed, “it’s not like we haven’t spent time together in months or anything”
You hung up after that not wanting to hear another word or let him sense that you were holding back tears.
Back in the shared home, you gathered your belongings and prepared an overnight bag, for maybe a night or two. In truth, you packed so many things you could leave for a week without a problem. You needed to clear your head and see where you were going with Chris. It wasnt as if you could really have a heart to heart with someone who was never there. In a rush not wanting to walk into Chris you zipped up the luggage and beelined for the front door. As you swung the front door open you were shocked to see Chris on the other side of it, ready to unlock it. 
“Nena what are you doing?” he questioned looking at your luggage 
“I’m leaving for a few days not that you would care” you huffed as you tried to move past him
Chris blocked the door, growing slightly annoyed as his confusion grew. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked shocked 
“Chris, when was the last time we spent time together? You’re never here and when you are you make no effort to take time and do things with me! When was the last time you paid attention to me? When was the last time you touched me?” You spat out as you pushed him to the side walking away with tears streaming down your face. “We’re through” you said trying to not let your teary face become obvious 
Day 1: 
Papito😘 calling
Papito😘: Nena please im sorry
Looking at the notification you rolled your eyes and huffed. Did he really think such a cliche line would make you run back to him? 
Papito😘: Nena ill do better
You read the text again, thinking he should have done better when he had you. 
Papito😘: Y/N please I need you 
You turned your phone off after that text not wanting to cave in to him afraid that one of his texts would send you running back into his arms. Without Chris, you were miserable and even more heartbroken than before. You missed him more than ever before, he had nested a piece of your mind and heart larger than you realized. 
Day 2:
It felt like you weren’t getting better and Chris’s friends were now contacting you.
Richard started as you were closest to him out of Chris’s friends. He asked you to take back his friend or at least meet with him, telling you how unhappy Chris was without you. Then news broke out, shattering your broken heart into dust. Christopher Velez seen with mystery girl. Y/N and Chris over? Joel was quick to contact you after you drowned yourself in the vicious headlines. You cried yourself to sleep that night. 
Day 3: 
You stopped by the house to pick up the rest of your belongings and to return the keys at a time you figured Chris wouldn’t be home. You unlocked the front door, and quietly let yourself in.
“Nena?” a weak voice called out from the living room 
You froze in your steps, being completely taken back by Chris. His sluggish footsteps made their way to the door, as he practically froze in his steps. 
“W-what are you doing?” he asked 
You studied his face, his eyes were puffy, and baggy from lack of sleep. Chris looked terrible, making the ache in your heart grow. 
“I- I was just grabbing some stuff, I thought you wouldn’t be home right now” you meekly responded looking down at your feet
“Nena please don’t do this” he begged as he slowly approached you 
You stood there still frozen as he continued to approach you. He gingerly placed his hands around your waist and pulled you in to him. His face nuzzled into the crook of your neck as his tears hit your warm skin. 
“Nena please” he sobbed “te amo I fucked up...I fucked up”
Your arms slowly wrapped around him as tears fell from your eyes. 
“Chris” you whispered “you abandoned me”
He moved his head, lips hovering millimeters apart from yours and met your eyes. His big brown eyes looked into yours, silently pleading with you. 
“Nena” he whispered “I'm so sorry”
Looking down at his lips and back into his eyes, with your hands slowly traveling into his locks you tugged on them gently as you smashed your lips against his. Chris kissed you back as his lips melted into yours. This felt right to you, his hands roaming your body as you tugged harder on his making an ache between your legs. His hands went further down your body, behind your thighs and lifted you up as you jumped up. Your legs wrapped around his torso as he carried you to the bedroom. 
“Let me make it up to you nena” he said between kisses as he laid you on the messy bed
He helped you get out of your clothes as you helped him get out of his. He kissed your neck hitting all of your favorite spots.
“I will never let this happen again” he mumbled in the crook of your neck 
“You are my everything” he continued as his hands slid down your body 
“You deserve only the best” he whispered as he left a trail of soft kisses from your neck to your collar bones 
“You're so beautiful nena” he said as he grabbed your breasts, encircling one of your hardened buds with his mouth
Your back arched as your breathing hitched, hands tugging harder on his hair. 
“Chris” you whimpered creating music to his ears with every noise you made
He paid attention to the other bud making you moan as his fingers trailed down to your pulsating core. Your hips bucked as he teased your slit, as he continued his trail of kisses. 
“Please give me another chance nena” he groaned as he passed your naval 
“I will never disappoint you again” he whispered as he kitten licked your slit
“You taste as sweet as honey nena” he mumbled between licks  
Your mouth hung agape as he did all the things you liked, drawing your favorite pattern on your swollen pearl. He slid two fingers inside you and curled at the right spot. 
“Oh my god” you moaned as your toes curled 
Chris pumped his fingers quickly building up your knot. 
“Chris just fuck me” you whimpered as you wanted more, wanting to feel closer to him 
“Anything you want princesa” he said as he pulled away from you and slowly slid inside you
He kissed your neck and collar bones as he set a slow pace. You scratched his nape and down his back as your walls opened up from him. 
“Faster” You whined 
“Fuck nena” he grunted as he snapped his hips quicker and rougher 
His hand slithered down to your nerve endings and drew figure eights. 
“You are my everything I love you nena” he groaned 
He angled his hips and threw your leg over his shoulder, hitting right into your inner sweet spot. Your eyes were rolling back as a knot formed in your lower abdomen. Walls fluttered around his member, making his thrusts lose their rhythm. 
“Nena cum for me,” he whispered as he kissed your plump lips “let me see you make that pretty face” 
“Chris!” You screamed as your knot snapped 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as you entered your state of bliss. Your thighs shook around him as you left another trail of red marks down his back. Your breathing hitched as Chris rode you out for your high, and then slipping into his. You felt his warmth spread inside you as he released his seed in you. He slowly pulled out of you and lovingly kissed your lips before laying on the bed and pulling you on top of him. You nuzzled into the crook of his neck as your fingers twirled his strands of hair. 
“Nena I’m so sorry about everything” he finally spoke as he nervously drew circles against your hips “please give me another chance I’ll do better I promise”
You looked up into his big brown eyes and smiled. 
“Let’s start over”  you grinned
“I love you y/n” he said as he kissed the top of your head
Anon: Some sweet rough love making with Chris under the stars Bc a bitch is in her feelings 💕
Anon: hi queen! i don't know if you've already made this one, if not can you please write about having makeup sex with chris? like you both haven't seen each other in a while, but when you do your hoeing with other guys which got him super pissed... Thank you !
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the-bluerecluse · 4 years
Emile Is Not Okay
Lamp/Calm + Emile
Summary: Steven Universe ended and Emile is NOT okay, Logan struggles to figure out how to comfort him, the others know what to do tho
hey im not okay
Logan had been standing in the same spot for 10 minutes.
He didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t equipped for this!
He heard another loud wail and sob followed by someone blowing their nose.
Logan sighed and knocked on the door.
“Uh... Emile? Are you... oka-”
Logan groaned. “It’s a fictional story. All stories have to end.”
Logan slowly opened the door.
Emile was in the dark holding his cookie cat plush eating a pint of strawberry ice cream.
Logan sighed and flicked on the light. “Emile, this isn’t healthy. You’re a therapist! You should know indulgence in the dark only worsens your mood.”
Emile whined and hugged his plush tighter. 
“I EXIST because of Steven Universe, it’s what inspired Thomas to make my character!” Emile continued to cry before shoveling in another scoop of ice cream.
“That is... sentimental. Uh- there, there.” Logan tried. It didn’t seem to help.
“Well, distractions could help. How about we watch another show you like. You said you liked that- uh, Star versus the-”
“THAT’S OVER TOO!” Emile wailed and buried his face in his cookie cat plush.
Logan was out of ideas. “Uh... goodbye.” Logan dismissed himself, feeling awkward and helpless. He wandered to the kitchen looking for Patton. He was better with the whole comfort thing.
“Patton? Emile is-” Logan stopped as he saw the main room.
Roman, Patton, and Virgil were all setting up some movie night set up. There were at least ten large blankets, pillows of various sizes and softness, bowls of less than healthy snacks on the coffee table, and Patton’s personal collection of stuffed animals.
It was a mess, but it looked comfortable.
“Hey, Lo!” Patton greeted as he smoothed out a couple of the blankets.
“What’s this?” He asked, tilting his head in a puzzled fashion.
“Steven Universe Future aired it’s last episode. So our dear friend is going through what I hath deemed “The fandom finale.”“ Roman explained.
“We’ve all been there. A favorite cartoon ends and you’re left feeling bad.” Patton explained. “You should’ve seen me when Wander Over Yonder ended.”
“Indeed. And Star Versus the Forces of Evil’s finale was heart wrenching.” Roman bowed his head.
Logan turned to Virgil. “And you-”
“My Chemical Romance.” Virgil answered.
“Yeah he cried for HOURS.” Roman teased.
“Shut it, Princey. Point is we get it. Go grab our emotional Emile for a good ol’ fashioned binge.” Virgil stretched and snapped on his onesie. Patton and Roman smiled and followed, snapping to change into their onesies.
Logan gave a soft smile. He may not understand emotions, but it was comforting the others understood it and were willing to put effort into figuratively ‘lifting spirits’.
The logical aspect nodded and went to get Emile.
The scene was just about as pitiful as before when Logan entered. 
“Emile?” Logan spoke in between cries and whines.
“Yeah?” Emile answered with his mouth full of ice cream. 
“Please come with me, the others have attempted something to help you feel better in the living room.”
Emile whined but obeyed. Clutching his cookie cat plush, he joined Logan on the walk back to the main room.
The other three smile when they saw Emile, though he looked less than okay.
“Hey, Emile.” Patton greeted. “We know how it feels when something you love ends. So how about we rewatch the entire series, start to end? All together. We can appreciate all the foreshadowing and stuff you talk about, and anything you’d like. We even have some nice snacks set out.”
Emile smiled, still teary eyed and nodded emphatically before snapping on his pink lion onesie.
Logan was about to excuse himself before the four now looked at him expectantly.
“Come now, wonder nerd, join us!” Roman called.
Logan was about to reject until
“We’ll be talking about foreshadowing and themes, I know you like analyzing stories.” Virgil gave him an expectant smirk and patted the seat beside him.
Logan caved and gave a relenting smile.
“If it’ll help Emile feel better.”
The four cheered and Logan begrudgingly snapped on his own unicorn onesie before joining the others in their massive blanket and pillow pile.
It was a mess, but comfortable, and Emile already seemed to be doing better.
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yellowsugarwords · 5 years
Hey, what if the Ericson Crew was really determined to get Clem a prosthetic foot/leg and somehow all of them ended up in Richmond and Clem’s just like “hey I know this place and these people” and everyone just explores Richmond looking for a prosphetic foot/leg and it draws enough attention as to where Javier is called to deal with/help them? I think it’s a cool idea but I know that you may not agree with that.
IM DOWN AHHHH my heart this is so fluffy and sweet
Clementine was struggling.
She’d never admit it.
But everyone could see it.
She kept trying to do things she couldn’t do with one leg.
Hauling wood.
The crew continued to try and find tasks that would be easier on her.
She refused.
She wanted things to go back to normal.
Even if she knew they never would.
“We need to do something.”
Violet initiated the emergency secret meeting between Ericson members.
To make a plan.
To help her.
“I don’t know what we can do,” Louis said.
“She’s stubborn. She won’t accept any form of help.” Ruby added.
Stubbornness was in Clementine’s nature.
They’d all known it since day one.
“Maybe we shouldn’t be helping her adapt,” Violet began.
All eyes were locked on her.
“Maybe we should be helping her get back to what she knows.”
They cleaned up the wheelbarrow.
Filled bags with food and water.
And organized their search team.
Tomorrow, the search for a leg for Clementine began.
A makeshift one, at least.
Clem woke up the next morning to goodbyes.
To being eased into a wheelbarrow.
To Louis hauling her out the front gates.
She was teary eyed.
Staring back at the few they’d left behind.
They always went so far out of their way for her.
This was yet another one.
Their group consisted of a handful of people.
Louis and Violet.
Clementine and AJ.
And Tenn.
They walked for days and nights.
The group took shifts pulling the wheelbarrow.
And Clem took some shifts walking.
She always got mad at herself, though.
For how slow she was.
For how quickly she got tired.
For how much of a threat she was.
“I don’t know why you guys bother with me,”
They’d taken a pit stop.
AJ and Tenn were leaning against each other, sleeping.
Louis, Violet and Clem were up.
Around their fire.
Violet and Louis’ chests heaved.
“We care about you, Clem.” Louis said.
“We love you.” Vi reached out. “We only want to help.”
Clementine, teary eyed, nodded.
Then broke down.
And sobbed.
They didn’t talk about it the next day.
They didn’t want to worry AJ or Tenn.
They stumbled across a set of gates.
A giant set.
With a cement runway.
With guards patrolling a watch tower.
Clem squinted.
She recognized this place.
And she recognized it even more when the guards let them inside.
When she caught a glimpse of the streets.
All they needed was something to operate as a peg leg.
According to the guards, they could loot through old supplies.
Practically garbage.
But they needed a supervisor.
To make sure they didn’t steal anything.
Louis helped Clem to her feet.
Out of the wheelbarrow.
And AJ passed her the crutches.
A handful of people around the corner.
Clementine could hear them filling someone in.
“A leg?”
“Yes, a leg.”
Clementine recognized that voice.
The one being filled in.
Clearly one of the makeshift town’s higher ups.
“I’ll supervise them,” the voice said.
All nodded and vanished.
Then, Clementine could see him.
Javier Garcia.
Her eyes widened and lips parted.
And his his eyes settled on her, he did the same.
It took time.
A moment to look past the ways time had weathered them.
But it was him.
And it was her.
Louis’ jaw dropped.
Violet and Tenn remained still and waited.
AJ scrunched his nose, confused.
Javi lunged forward, accepting her elbows into his hands.
She abandoned her crutches to let him.
“Oh my God,” he said.
He brushed a hand against her cheek.
And squeezed her arm and shoulder.
“It’s you,” he managed.
Clementine smiled tearfully.
And let out a laugh.
Underlying a sob.
“It’s you,” she said back.
And clung to him.
“Clementine knows Javier Garcia.” Luis gawked.
“Who’s that?” Violet asked.
“An amazingly famous baseball player.”
Violet raised a brow.
Javier had an arm wrapped around her back.
The other wrapped around the back of her head.
Stroking her hair.
And looked up at study those she came with.
Her new team.
Her new family.
Gingerly, he pulled away.
His grip tight on her arms.
Holding her steady.
“What happened?”
Clementine’s eyes wavered harder.
“A walker.” She hushed.
Just barely above a whisper.
He choked.
The tears welling leaping forward.
“I’m okay,” she said, nodding.
Her own tears leaping forward.
“I’m okay. I made it.”
Javier squeezed her shoulders.
Reassuring her.
He had her.
She had been so close to giving up.
To letting the feeling that she was a waste of space get the best of her.
She felt like a chore.
She knew she was a chore.
And she was so close to letting it control her.
Then, there came Javi.
At the perfect time.
Right when she needed him.
“We’re gonna get you something better.” He said.
His voice wavering.
He waved his colleagues over.
His arm hugging Clem’s shoulders to keep her steady.
“Let’s go get you a leg.”
They didn’t just get her a leg.
They crafted her one.
All thanks to Javi’s command.
They managed to find a large plank of discarded wood.
One they’d used when redoing the watchtower.
Javi got the woodworker to work on it.
As well as with some tools from Richmond’s blacksmith.
“We’re gonna make it the best it can be.” Javi said.
Smiling and beaming.
So excited he could do something for Clementine again.
They stayed the night.
Javi brought them to the dining hall.
And sat with them to eat.
Kate popped in to join them.
From the other end of the room, Clementine spotted Gabe.
Who froze.
Locking his gaze with hers.
He practically dropped his food.
Instead, he ran to their table.
Collapsed as he hugged her.
And they both cried.
He sat beside her.
And kept on her leg all of dinner.
Just above the stump.
They stayed in huddles of makeshift tents.
Louis, AJ, and Tenn in one.
Violet and Clem in the other.
The boys were having a ‘boys night.’
Louis started it.
Tenn and AJ loved the idea.
He did it to keep their hopes high.
Clem appreciated it.
Even it they were giggling and chatting until late.
“Good night, Clem.” Violet said.
Softly chuckling at their neighbours.
“You’re gonna leave here tomorrow with a new leg.”
And Clementine smiled.
Her cheeks pushing out her tears.
Silently crying.
The next morning, Javi and Kate went to fetch them.
“Good news,” he’d said.
Kate helped Violet lead Clementine.
The boys trotted after Javi.
Louis fawning over him the whole way.
There, at their breakfast table, was a leg.
Partially wood, partially metal.
Pristine as could be.
Everything in place.
The metal parts were for sturdier support.
For movement around the ankle.
The rest was wood.
It looked fantastic.
And fit like a charm.
Even though Clementine would need to learn how to walk again.
All day, she fumbled with it. She took lots of breaks.
And the group would take turns holding her hands.
Helping her up.
Guiding her as she attempted to learn to walk again.
They stayed for a second day.
While Clementine fumbled to get accustomed.
While her and Javi teased each other like old times.
While her and Gabe caught up.
While her and Kate gossiped.
They stayed while Louis and Gabe bonded.
While AJ and Tenn met up with Richmond kids.
While Violet and Kate bonded.
While Javier tried to teach Louis how to play baseball.
And later, AJ and Tenn too.
While Violet found a role model in Kate.
The next day, they all woke up knowing.
They needed to leave.
They had a family elsewhere.
They couldn’t leave them behind.
Louis asked for an autograph before they left the next day.
“I’m never taking off this shirt,” he said.
“You haven’t in like 5 years.” Violet countered.
But as they were packing up to go.
Examining their now-empty wheelbarrow.
Clementine and Javier gave each other a look.
That look.
The look of new beginnings.
Clem and Javi cracked a deal.
Richmond and Ericson would share food and supplies.
Richmond’s young would migrate to Ericson.
Where they could train, grow, and learn in peace.
Without risk of an attack.
Ericson was less known that Richmond, and far more secluded.
Richmond provided more security.
Ensuring the school stayed protected.
Then, when older and trained enough, all went back to help Richmond.
The bigger, overarching group.
That way, they could stay family.
They could stay connected and supported.
This way, they could stay alive.
Then, with her new leg, they started off.
Holding onto Louis and Gabe.
With Violet keeping a hand on her back.
With AJ and Tenn leading the way.
Hauling a wheelbarrow full of supplies.
The first of many Ericson would receive from Richmond.
They were on their way home.
The first of many groups of young people heading to Ericson.
Feeling whole and complete.
The way it should’ve been.
The way it would now always be.
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duskholland · 6 years
heyy han, im sorry if this is a downer but could you write a blurb about stiles comforting the reader (aka me lmao but like you don’t have to say it’s me haha)(just making a dumb joke) cause she had a panic attack and he soothes her, i’ve had a long week and the next couple of weeks are gonna be worse, sorry i know this is kind of sad and angsty but i’m in that mood rn. hope you understand, don’t do it if you don’t want to! love youuuu
**I combined your request with @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone ’s (which included the dialogue prompt ‘you make me feel alive’ because you guys both wanted the same kinda thing (emotional upset followed by some lovin’ from our boy Stiles). I didn’t want to describe a fully-fledged panic attack, so I numbed them down just a lil bit! I hope you guys like!! Big love for the both of you
It’s been a long, horrible week. A week full of tears, heartache and upset, and it’s left you feeling as though you’ve been dragged through hell and back. Your mind aches and your chest burns and your mouth feels scratchy, and as you return home after an incredibly difficult Friday, it’s as though everything comes to a boil.
The moment you’ve pulled off your shoes and shoved your jacket on the peg, you’re padding through to your bedroom and collapsing onto the mattress, fresh tears stinging your eyes. You pull the fluffy duvet up over your head and bury your face into the clean surface of the pillowcase, not bothering to disguise your cries as emotion stabs through every one of your veins. It’s like there’s a dull ache in your heart, gradually growing sharper, pressing into your ribs and it’s just getting worse and worse and worse, and as your tears wet the linen, a feeling of utter helplessness overcomes you.
You stay there for a long while, feeling your body quake with heaving sobs as the tension and the pain slowly drain from your system. Soon, the utter despair shifts, replaced by a feeling of overwhelm. The tears lessen, but your fingers still clench around the sheets due to the pain of the noise rattling around your head, and you finally notice the scratchy dryness in the back of your mouth.
With reluctance, you stumble out of bed and stagger towards the bathroom, grabbing at a clean mug as you go. You thrust it beneath the cold tap and take a long sip, ignoring the reflection staring back at you. She doesn’t look like you - not with those bloodshot eyes and greasy hair and quivering lower lip. She’s like a ghost.
Dimly you’re aware of your door opening and closing, but you focus instead on splashing your face with the cool water as you try to instil some sense of life into the flesh. Your breathing still comes out ragged, but you feel a little calmer now. 
After about a minute of standing in quiet contemplation, a shadow flickers over the doorway and you startle, your fingers tensing.
“Baby,” comes his quiet voice, wrapped in so much love and care that it triggers another set of tears.
Stiles takes a large stride, and before you know it, you’re wrapped up in his arms, your cheek nestled against the warm expanse of his hoodie. He holds you tightly, one hand cupping the back of your head as the other weighs down your back, and he doesn’t seem to mind as your tears soak the front of his jumper.  “What’s wrong?” He murmurs after a few moments of quietly swaying together. You continue to nuzzle your face to his front, a ghost of a grin gracing your lips when you feel his warm mouth press against your forehead.
“Rough week,” you murmur quietly. He squeezes you again.
“What do you want to do?” He asks, voice tender and soft.
“Go back to bed, please,” you reply, a slight wobble in your voice.
Stiles treats you delicately as he leads you back to the bedroom. He bundles you up in one of his hoodies and tucks you beneath the duvet, disappearing for a brief moment before returning with two mugs of hot chocolate, giving you a jaunty wink as he passes you the cup. Once you’re settled up against the headboard, he clambers onto the large bed and shuffles up beside you, winding one of his slender arms around your back and pulling you close.
“I love you,” you murmur, eyes brightening as you take a sip of the drink. Stiles always makes the best hot chocolate - probably due to the fact that he heaps in twice the serving suggestion.
“Nah, I love you,” he teases, voice light. His fingers stroke over your arm as you drain the mug, and once you’re both done, he reaches over and puts the empty cups on the nightstand. “W’nna lie down with me?” He asks.
You nod quickly and throw yourself down the bed, giggling quietly when he mimics the movement dramatically. You’re still a little teary-eyed, but it’s less now. All the hugging and the forehead kisses and the warm cocoa have helped your heart considerably.
“C’mere,” he mumbles, pulling you into him. You turn to face him as he wraps you in his arms, and your head drops down to rest against his chest as he hugs you closely, your skin slowly filling with heat. The cold numbness of your heart moves out, being replaced by only warmth and love, and you take a finally shuddering breath before your lungs clear.
“Thank you, Stiles,” you say, gazing up at him. Your eyes meet, and a flickering of adoration passes over his face.
“I’m here for you, angel,” he promises, words gliding together. He leans down to kiss your forehead, and at the point of contact, sparks race loose. They fill your head before bursting down your spine, flooding every part of your system with uncontrollable love, your heart rattling against its cage. Stiles takes your fingers and intertwines them gently, and when he squeezes your digits, you know you’re going to be okay.
“You make me feel alive,” you breathe, words simply whisked from your mouth. Stiles hums lowly and pulls your hands up to his mouth to kiss over each of your knuckles, paying them all particular attention. You can feel him looking at you, watching your face, so don’t hold back the large smile that finds your lips. For the first time all week, genuine happiness rounds your cheeks, and you couldn’t be more thankful.
One person can’t fix all the problems in your life, but with Stiles around, you feel stronger. You know as long as you have him by your side, you’ll always have a set of warm arms to fall back into. 
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chimerabal · 6 years
Session 4 - So many geists.
We opened the session with a battle we set up the previous one: The party was traveling through a desecrated town seeking out any cult activity, and found two Really Angry Ghosts. Revenants? The party cleric, Mikela, tried to reason with them, failed, and was attacked- initiating group combat. My character, Uriel, took a quick 10 damage and fell prone dodging what would have been a lethal 16 more, she pretty much just cried the whole battle- got one or two mediocre hits in. The scaab, Ugly, was called from an alley over; a turn in or so he made a Grand Entrance to the battle- koolaid man style through an empty building.
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Mikela and our necro-alchemist Sibyl dealt an impressive amount of damage through radiant attacks and giest-powered-spells. Sibyl dealt the final blow with a spell that I imagined looking like a more fire-y version of the ghostbusters plasma streams ripping the hostile giests in two. Extremely cool.
Post battle Mikela tried reasoning with some non-hostile looking giests that were floating around watching the battle. Impressively- thankfully- three of them came around and spoke with the party. They expressed a desire to pass into the aether, which Mikela gladly offered to help them do. She set up and began a 10 minute ritual to help first of the three ghosts move on- one that required concentration. Sibyl, needing ghosts to power her inventions and all, also decided to speak with the geists in an effort to persuade them help us save the town in the form of boo-juice. The friendliest/most helpful geist declined politely, the third ghost eagerly agreed to avenge his town and stop the probably-cult we are building up to fight against. 
This could have gone nicely, but, our cleric really, Really, objects to the concept of necro-alchemy and using ghosts as spirits as fuel. While Sibyl was speaking with the giests- getting consent and all to turn them into a power source- Mikela was unable to stop her ritual and confront Sibyl... and was getting progressively more and more angry. Just as the cleric had finished her ritual, the necro-alchemist was starting one to capture the ghost. Mikela charged Sibyl and grabbed her super-cool-ghost-storing-but-still-decorative-broach and triggered a mini-combat between the two of them.
Mikela had the broach, Sibyl acid-bombed the both of them, the broach was dropped and kicked towards my characters, Ugly flung the broach back to Sibyl. As Sibyl paused to inspect the item for damage, Mikela quick started trying to set up a ritual and force the avenging giest to move on. This Really pissed off avenging giest, and it threatened to turn hostile- shooting out some fireballs at Mikela. Sibyl also got back into the frey to tell Mikela off and smack her around a bit (which is... all they did to each other this time. a small slap fight). Damage was dealt, yelling and tears happened, and my character- for the most part- was enjoying the show up until about now like
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However, with the two other party members were both crying, and the ghost was spitting fire everywhere, the whole ordeal had stopped being entertaining and Uriel was about ready to step in..... didn’t end up needing to though. Mikela finally, after a few solid throws, broke concentration on the ritual and dissolved into a blubbering teary mess. With Mikela having backed down, Sibyl was able to neutralize the angry spirit and absorb it as power. Both characters were Spent. 
Note: this was a great conflict and I’m counting on the character’s handlers to have all the details and arguments that went down because... I’m short on detail b/c I was building dice towers and this is actually a very interesting fight... and because this is the second time now the two have butt heads over Ghost Stuff :3c we have a Theme growing here folks.
Post fight Sibyl was staring into space (IS...pretty sure she ended the session Still In This State...) and Mikela was sobbing grossly on the ground. Uriel, despite this shit not being her forte at All, had to do something- suddenly becoming Party Leader. She approached Mikela and delivered silent paps, getting her pulled into a sobby bear hug. Mikela cry-ranted about hating the position she is in, having to fight and not being able to help anyone (ghost or not). She didn’t sign up for this shit. After some more (freaked and awkward) back pats Uriel summoned her monster over to take her place in the bear hug (unsure if this worked, I like to think Mikela koala clinged to Ugly just as quickly lmao).
Even after all this, that one friendly ghost stuck around with us. It tipped us off that “They are coming this way”. Uriel, staying true to last session’s decision of ‘not wanting to fuck with Them or That or whatever the fuck (cultists- its cultists)’ starts leading the emotionally broken/physically exhausted party back to town. Note: She’s the only one who realized we left some civilians we were traveling with along the cultists’ path.... but they’ll be Fine, they have an axe, we gave them an axe, they’ll be FINE. Sibyl doesn’t follow the group right away, so Uriel loops back around and offers consoling paps to her as well. When asked if she was okay, she says nothing but starts following the party.... which was good enough. 
Once in town Uriel starts knocking on doors and announcing that “The demon slaying heroes from yesterday need help, we helped you, please help us.” Mikela joins in, affirming loudly that, yes, we slay demons, and that we are with the church and would love some hospitality please. We get a dude to speak to us through a cracked door, Uriel manages to convince him to a point, but starts to flounder (largely due to my own not-great improv skills) and is backed up by Mikela. Sibyl I think is just... standing in the background, wall eyed, with the scaab and ghost... freakin’ this dude out.
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 He agrees to let us in if we ditch the undead we have in our party. Mikela doesn’t want to give up the ghost (lol) and tries to persuade the dude to let our giest friend come in- against Uriel’s sound advice, “enough with these fucking ghosts” (thats a joke I didn’t say that). She has the ghost tell what it knows about cult recruitment; the cult is gaining more members by terrorizing the town with devils and shit and making them question Avacyn’s powers and protection. They then prey on civilians who’s faith has wavered and introduce them to the cult. 
During her persuasion the LOUD EVIL VOICE from the night before starts speaking from an adjacent row of houses- out of sight but still getting Uncomfortably Close. It pretty much word for word confirms what ghost friend said, but in an insufferable boisterous evil way. Both Uriel and Mikela are about to change course and follow the cult- pretty much resigned that there’s no Way they’re getting shelter now- but the man allows everyone, ghost and all, into his home (We snuck Ugly in as well.... and by snuck we mean it forced itself through the door before the kindly dude could shut it completely). And that’s where we ended, in a random strangers’ home with cultists doing some recruitment outside. 
Note to myself: if I don’t get answers out of Sibyl during our stay here I’m gonna d i e.
And like last post- im tired and not proofreading this. good luck.
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rocharyn · 7 years
Lots of stuff about mom and the day she died and feelings under the cut.  I needed to write it out. 
It started off as a normal day.  I woke up, tired as usual, put on clothes and left the house for work.  On the way I decided to take a quick stop by my parents house, so I left the house a little early in order to do that.  I had a great drive to the parents, blasting music, singing along, and in about 15 minutes I was at the parents.  I went inside and Dad was already awake as he usually was early in the morning.  We talked for a while bullshit about the usual stuff, and then I told him I loved him and was off to work.  I didn’t think at the time how odd it was that Mom wasn’t awake yet, she was usually up early as well, but I passed it off as she was tired.  
 I made it to work, and did all the normal stuff, turned on the lights, clocked in, waited for the regulars to come in and buy their stuff.  Then, I got a call from Dad, which was immediately odd because he knew never to call at work, but I answered anyway and immediately knew something was wrong.  He asked if I was alone, and if anyone else was in the store, he said I had to come home. I had to come home right now.  I asked him what was wrong, and all he said was he had to come home.  So I was immediately I a panic, I thought something happened to my grandmother (she is very old and has dementia and also not good health).  So I called my neighbor/coworker/friend Weston and asked him to come in, and he did.  When he did I sped home.  Something in my soul told me something was wrong, I honestly thought it as my grandmother.
 Wen I turned on our street I saw the fire truck pulling away, but still 3 cop cars sat at our house. I was panicked, I was ready for mom-mom (grandmother) to go, but I knew it was still gonna hurt.  But when I walked in the house- I was not prepared to see my grandmother sitting on the chair looking at me, my dad, brother and aunt teary eyed, and for some reason I looked upstairs, and saw all the cops up there, and it still didn’t click until I turned back to my dad who choked out a- “Moms Gone..”  and I don’t know what took over me, but I wailed, I screamed, I sobbed a very loud, NO!  And I fell, Dad caught me, and I just sat there and sobbed, and screamed, I have never cried like that before, I lost some of my soul, I know that’s the sound that was escaping me, I was spilling my soul right then, and all my dad could say was “Im sorry- Im sorry”  I don’t know why he was sorry, I still don’t know.  I don’t know how long I sat there and screamed until I came back to reality, but I stopped crying for a moment, and looked at dad, who was also sobbing, and asked if I could go see her.  We did. And I was not prepared.  I did not scream or cry at seeing her there, I was numb, I did not believe that was my mother.  I turned and went back downstairs, and immediately comforted my brother.  After that it was a blur really, we called family and friends to notify them, it was all very surreal and I was numb through the whole process.  
 Later Dad told me he did CPR on Mom when he found her in the bed.  I cant even imagine what that did to him.  He found her.  He did CPR on her.  
 In between when the coroner said it wasn’t a crime scene and was a natural death- I went upstairs again, and her nose was bleeding.  I don’t know what it was from, maybe dads compressions, I don’t know, but I wiped her face off.  I wiped the blood from her face and I cried.  
 Later, when the funeral home guys came, I went up with Dad to help them get her downstairs onto the gurney.
 They didn’t have enough guys so Dad had to help them carry his dead wife downstairs.  HE HAD TO CARRY HER DEAD BODY DOWN THE STAIRS.  Then they got her loaded into the back of a very nice van, and before they pulled away dad said “Take care of my wife”.  
 These last couple weeks have been a blur- Im still numb, and cant believe shes gone.  I honeslty think shes on a retreat, or in the hospital again. But then it returns to me, her face, swollen and purple.  The blood running down her face that I wiped up.  And I remember shes gone.  Forever. I don’t have my Mom anymore.  She wont be at my wedding, or when my first child is born, or the next holidays-  she wont ever be there ever again.  I lost my mom.  My mom is gone.  I miss her so much, words will never describe the ache, the hole, the emptiness.  
  I cry every night.  Its been two weeks, but I cry every night for her.  I call out her name in hopes she’ll be there to say “Try to get some sleep honey, I love you.”  But she won't shes gone.  Ill never hear her voice again, feel her touch or her hugs, never get to tell her I love you one last time.  Im sad and angry, and confused.  Im LOST. I miss my mom. I NEED MY MOM.
Im worried for my dad, he had to do so much.  he did cpr on her and carried her down the stairs.  that would fuck me up.  
I need to talk to my mom.
I miss her.
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belladxne · 8 years
I haven’t even finished the intro and I can already tell it’s gonna be another episode where I can’t get more than a few seconds loaded at a time and I have to pause to buffer constantly.
Awww, Oscar, buddyyyy. I appreciate him he’s so smol.
...can these people find whatever the hell Ozpin is somehow??? How is one of them here??? and also leave Oscar alone he’s just smol???
If they share memories now Oscar shouldn’t ever have to ask “who is that” about someone Ozpin personally knows about tbh.
Just sort of cries on Qrow. Because I am always crying on Qrow, literally always openly weeping directly onto him.
Oh noooooo the sad bike.
“Do you know why?” “I think I have a pretty good idea.” well at least he’s not THAT dense, last ep I was like GUYS COME ON THIS IS OBVIOUS.
oh no the flashback has started im not ready iM NOT READY TO SEE SMOL BABBY REN
This must be one of those small sweet villages where everyone knows each other and sees each other as practically extended family if she’s willing to let her child run around on his own with money at that age.
L E A V E  M Y  B A B Y  G I R L  A L O N E
of course my baby girl bit people i Love Her but shE’S SO SMOL AND SAD SAVE HER
Oh shit Ren’s dad is Hot I know where Ren gets it now damn
“Sometimes the worst action to take is no action at all” look man you broke up the little bullying ring and that’s nice and all but you could have offered the clearly homeless little girl some actual food or stopped her from running to help her so I didn’t see you taking The Most action either
They just be leaving their kid all alone all the time no wonder his parents died and he didn’t they were probably across the fucking city from each other 90% of the time at this rate
Okay also as evidenced by Qrow’s muttering last episode, the poison is clearly giving him nightmares, and then these two are sad and worried, what I am saying is yeah there’s no way grimm wouldn’t be attracted to this Most Pathetic of parties
This is a Good Talk and I’m glad for it but it’s hard to focus on it when I can’t hear through myself crying on Qrow y’know
SHE IS SO SHORT AND JAUNE IS SO TALL I’M LAUGHING this is me with all of my friends
the video stopped loading for the umpteenth time once the flashback started so in theory if I don’t watch it nothing bad happens to Ren’s family and he grows up happy amirite...
I saw The Beast but we know from the symbol that it was Raven’s tribe that did this, so #Conspiracy Theory Time while I wait for the video to load, can EVERYONE from Qrow and Raven’s tribe shift into some kind of animal and someone can turn into a giant fuckoff beast that sucks???
I love bow and arrow action though I’m gonna focus on my love of archery instead of my physical pain in my heart
OH HEY was that his aura activating for the first time, his semblance activating for the first time, or both??? Either way I’m die??? And I’m love him??? and I’VE NEVER BEEN PROUDER OF ANYONE IN MY WHOLE LIFE. SOME DAY I WILL HAVE A REAL CHILD AND I WILL BE MORE PROUD OF LIE REN IN THIS MOMENT THAN ANYTHING MY CHILD EVER DOES I’M SORRY SWEETIE BUT YOU JUST CAN’T TOP THIS.
lies facedown on the floor and weeps openly and sob-sings YOU’RE ALWAYS THERE FOR ME, YOU’VE BEEN MY FAMILY, EVEN WHEN ALL OTHER HOPE WAS GONE
Lie Ren, my infant son, is already a better and braver person than you will have been, ever, in your entire life, and he deserves Better, and I’m love him,
“I’m scared” “Me too” IM SO SAD PLEASE IM GONNA LITERALLY DIE if you don’t love Lie Ren you can get the hell out of my fACE
“We never get the easy path, do we?”
they’ve come such a long way and i’m so sad i’m SO SAD I WASN’T EMOTIONALLY READY FOR THIS “You okay?” “Mmhm. You?” “I’ve got you here, don’t I?” IM LITERALLY GOING TO DIE HIS SMILE I HATE EVERYTHING
omfg “I suppose there’s only one way to find--aGH” im crying
Sure, walk in to the blood-or-something-splattered weapon graveyard cave, great idea, LIKE I UNDERSTAND THAT THAT’S YOUR DAD’S ARROW BUT PLS BE SAFE BE SMART
Okay so the thing we all thought was the symbol of Raven’s tribe WAS some sort of track... so does it actually tie into her tribe or did she just fuck up that village and it came of its own accord because of the negativity? I mean, we were told that is exactly how grimm work, so.
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chae-peachwon · 5 years
So I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile and I wanted to wait until I got home so I could be in the comfort of my house. But basically on Friday I had a “mental breakdown” about Namjoon and BTS as a whole and how much they have changed my life. I think this is gonna be pretty lengthy so I’m putting a read more
So this past Friday my friend and I were making a drive to our friends for our yearly Christmas party, which was about 4-5 hours (in reality it should’ve been about 2 1/2 but traffic was ass so). I might be saying stuff out of order, but tbh it was an emotional ride so I’ll be surprised if I remember every little thing that happened. Her sister is a fan of BTS so my friend has some knowledge about them. She knows a few songs (she likes Fake Love) and knows some of the members (she likes Jin lol). So we got on the topic of BTS and she asked me to play Fake Love since that’s the one she knows the most. So I asked her if I could play a few more of their songs and she said “go ahead!”. So I played Mic Drop, Epiphany, Euphoria, Boy With Luv, etc etc etc and then I said “Oh, I’m gonna play Spring Day because it’s one of my fav songs by them and the mv always makes me cry.” She laughed and said “Okay!” So I put on Spring Day and the part I always cry at is at the end when they’re all walking on the field and harmonizing and it goes all slo-mo (you know which part I mean) and I also explained that only the mv version has it but the songs keeps going after they finish singing and it’s just harmonization. I was also trying to explain the meaning of the song to her. So the song finished and then Answer: Love Myself started playing and immediately I was like “This song always makes me cry because of the concert.” And she asked for me to elaborate. I’m not sure if I’ve ever said it on here but I saw BTS last year in Texas and that song was the last one on their setlist.  So I went on and basically said something along the lines of: “Okay so last year was my second time seeing BTS and it was the end of the concert so obviously it was sad and emotional but idk what happened at the end but just hearing that song live really got me, as a warning I’m probably gonna start crying because it was for real extremely emotional for me. XX(friends name) in the chorus they sing ‘You’ve shown me I have reasons, I should love myself.’ and it was hearing that, seeing them right in front of me, and realizing this was the end of the concert that I just started crying. (at this point I was actually crying lmao)  It was like a wave of emotions just completely overtook me and the tears were just flowing out. Girls around me were crying too. I remember looking around the whole arena and then back up at them that the tears just started falling harder. XX I started crying out for the members, namely Namjoon and Taehyung because they were the closest to me at the moment (I was in the pit). And I reached my hand out to them like that would actually do something, and I just kept sobbing and sobbing and sobbing. At this point my friend noticed I was crying and was trying to comfort me. But it was so....I can’t even explain it. It was thinking that this might be the last time I ever see them live and also thinking about how much they’ve done for me.” My friend was trying to comfort me but she couldn’t do much because she was driving lol but she urged me to go on. I told her that I am so dedicated to these boys that I am 100% getting a tattoo for them. I know at one point earlier she asked me who else I love as much as BTS and I said Day6 and The Rose ( I also want tattoos for them) and she also asked me if they were all drowning who would I save. I said I couldn’t pick and she said “you would let them all drown??” and I said “XX I would drown with them”. But in the end I told her that BTS is my top top group.  I think it turned to her asking me if I could hang out with one of them who would it be and without hesitation I said Namjoon. She asked me if Jin was my favorite, why didn’t I say him. And then this is where the true mental breakdown happened. I’ll try to remember exactly what I said but no promises haha (also I was already crying from Love Myself but this convo just intensified it) “XX, you don’t understand how much I love Namjoon. Like it’s a different kind of love that I have for Jin. Jin will always and forever be my baby and my number 1 boy and will always be the first man I’ve ever fallen in love with, but with Namjoon...it’s a different kind of love. I love and respect him so fucking much, like he has gone through so much as a leader, as a person, and just in general. In the beginning he was the least liked member, which is so crazy right? Because he’s so loved now but it took him so long to get there. You remember what a fansign is right? Well this girl went to one and when she got to him, she said she got his photocard and he said “I’m so sorry”. Like really? He actually said that, and that just makes me so sad because he’s so amazing as a person and artist and he’s so smart and wonderful and creative and he does so so much for BTS.  Namjoon /hated/ himself for so long and he has a song called ‘Reflection’ and one of the lines is ‘I wish I could love myself”. (at this point I was sobbing) And XX it breaks my heart every time I listen to that song. XX I love him so so much that if I could have ANYTHING in the world (im actually tearing up rn as I write this) it would to be able to tell him just exactly how much he means to me and how proud I am and how much I respect him. (At this point in the convo I choked up on saying that out loud). There was this video I saw of one of their concerts and I think it was towards the end when the cameras were going on each of the members and it came onto Namjoon and everybody was cheering so loud for him and he looked so confused! Until he turned around and realized that everyone was yelling and screaming for /him/. And XX he got so embarrassed and shy and that was the exact video and moment that I realized I have this intense love that I have for him. And I think that’s when he realized that he is really loved too. I actually don’t remember if it was before or after that video but in one of his songs he changed his line to “I do love myself.”  Before I would always be like I love Namjoon so much yaaayyy, but I never really considered him a bias wrecker? But that video was the moment I knew that I have a different kind of love for him. And I don’t consider him a bias wrecker because Jin will forever be on top haha.” Guys when I say I was crying....I was CRYING. My friend was trying so hard to make me feel better and she was like “Please don’t cry, you’re gonna start making me cry.”  And I was like  “XX, these boys have honestly and truly changed my life and have helped me through so much. I discovered them through a friend and it was my first year of college and they have truly done so much for me. (this is where the convo got pretty dark). XX they have helped me through my happy days, my sad days, my depressed days and my truly lowest point days. When I say they have saved my life I honest to god fucking mean it. I promise you that if I never got into them, I would not be here today. I would’ve been gone long ago and I know it sounds dumb but they are the reason that I am still here today. (im crying rn typing this) The others( our other friends) know that I’m depressed but I don’t think they truly know to what extent. They’ve helped me through so much and that it’s okay to struggle and to not know what you want to do with your life. XX I’m still in the process of learning to love myself and for who I am and a bunch of other things” And at this point I was just trying to stop myself from crying because we were almost to our destination and I had to cleanup and stuff but the tears would not stop. I’ve always talked to my friends and sometimes on here about how much I love Namjoon and BTS but I’ve never really gone into depth about it, let alone said it out loud. That day in the car was the first time I truly poured my heart and feelings out about them. And even while writing this down I got teary eyed a couple of times and cried once. I’ve been a fan of BTS since 2015 and it has been a wild ride of emotions. They have taught and shown me so much and I can only dream about telling them how they have changed my life for the better. I’m not really sure why I wanted to write this down but I guess I wanted other fans to know that you are not “dumb” or “silly” or “over dramatic” for saying that a kpop group has helped your life. If you find that one special thing that makes you happy, then who the fuck cares what it is. As long as you know that that makes you happy and makes you forget about the world, then you hold onto that for as long as you need to.  I’m not gonna sit here and say that my depression is cured and that my life is sunshine and rainbows and that everything is perfect now. I still have my off days, my low days, my days where I really truly just want to say goodbye to everything. But BTS, among other groups, have helped me realize that not everything in the world is bad, that you can have your happy moments in life that make you say “Maybe life isn’t so bad after all.”. All in all, I just wanted to share my feelings and let other people know that you’re not alone for thinking like this. And I know I’m not the only one who says that kpop has been that /thing/ for people.  Anyway I guess this is all I have to say about this, I know I have more but I have too many emotions running through me right now lol.  Your feelings are valid guys, and don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise. 
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anxiousauthor89 · 5 years
48 hours had passed since Trinity heard the news about Shawn. She was sick. Two different counselors had come to see her. One for parenting. Because the nurses reported her not wanting to see the baby. One for drugs. Because they were found in her system. She was annoyed as hell and she told them her mom went to see about Shawn and she didn't wanna talk until she knew he was okay. Her mom had her on hold but the counselors were so demanding of her attention she hung up. After leaving Judith waiting for 15 minutes, a chaplin came and said he was no longer with them. Knowing what that phrase normally meant, Judith ran out of the hospital dialing Trinity on her cell, to deliver the bad news. The parenting counselor was in the room when her mother called, so Trinity didn't have to say a word. The entire maternity ward heard her cries as she begged God to bring him back. "Baby, tell me where you are mama will come get you. Im right here baby just say where you are and Im coming!" Judith pleaded as she felt her daughters heart breaking. "We wanna get to you honey where are you?" her dad asked. "Hush Elijah im trying to get it out of her we cant both ask the questions!" her mom snapped as they started the car. "Mama...mama...why? Why did I do this mama?" she sobbed barely breathing between words. "I was just mad but I love him! If hes dead I wanna die too! I did this mama!" She screamed drowning in her pain. "Give me the phone I can talk for you I know it hurts but.." the counselor chimed in which snapped Trinity back to reality. "Who the fuck are you hoe?" Realizing this was a different counselor she got defensive. "How many of you bitches they gonna send in here huh? I don't fuckin want it! My mind will never change!" she screamed as tears ran down her face and hit her chest. "TRINITY JOY STEEPLES! WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO LIKE THAT? GRIEF IS NO REASON TO LASH OUT LIKE THAT! AND WHAT DONT YOU WANT? WHERE ARE YOU LITTLE GIRL?!" her mother was now growing impatient. Trinity was so wrapped up in being sad about Shawn she forgot her parents still had no idea about the baby. Immediately having to calm her nerves, she said "that's my roommate mama she just all in my business you know I hate that."  she glared at the women letting her eyes tell them if they say another word with her mama on the line, they will blow her cover and she will slap spit from them. Taking heed to the hint they stood in silence. Breathing deep she said "give me ten minutes mama. I will call you back." Hanging up before her mom could say anything back she sat on the bed. Trembling. "Why are yall here?" she asked slowly letting out the emotion she just had to put on hold while ending the call. "Im Grace. Grief counselor. As soon as my partner picked up on the fact that you lost someone she texted me and I was already here for another woman, so I came for you, Ms. Steeples. Are you okay? Tell me how you feel." the hazel eyed ginger haired lady looked like she wanted to cry with her. "I feel like I wanna die." she whispered. Grace was no rookie in this field. She knew words like that would land you in a mental hospital. "Excuse me ladies, I want to talk to her alone." she looked at Trinity placing her finger over her mouth, turning around smiling at the unwanted help as they left the room. "Thank you ladies. Brunch on me later!" she said as she closed the door behind them. Wasting time was not on the agenda for Grace. Not when she saw a life she could save. She refused to let another black woman be another statistic.  "Listen to me Ms. Steeples. she knelt down in front of Trinity, pushing her curly hair away from her teary eyes. "Do not talk like that. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God loves you. And I know you know him I see him in you. You not going down like this. No matter what it looks like you shall live and not die. Now is not your time." For the first time in days Trinity felt safe. She felt like someone cared. Ashamed of her self, and her life choices, she confessed to the caring woman, "I don't want my baby. And when I plan to go home, Im not taking it with me. I was just going to leave." sobbing in embarrassment. "The daddy is dead and im not worth a shit. I cant take it home. I thought it was going to die! And it lived and now im a bad person because I killed the daddy and I still got a.." The conversation was cut short by her phone ringing. Her eyes grew big. "Sssshiiit that's my mama! She don't know about the baby..I...I didn't say nothing yet cuz Im scared and then Shawn got shot and I forgot and.." her nervous rambling ended when Grace grabbed her hand. "Its okay. Im here for you. We cant run from this baby. We can tell mama together. She loves you. I heard it in her voice. We not giving the devil anymore room in this situation. We gon tell the truth today." The look in Grace's eyes told Trinity she had met her match. It was time to come clean. The phone began to ring again. Trying to answer but an able to Trinity sat there shaking. Not wanting to keep ignoring her mom she slowly gave Grace the phone. With a single head nod, Trinity gave permission for the phone to be answered. Still holding hands, Grace answered the call. "Hi, Mrs. Steeples? Im Grace, a new friend of your daughter, how are you?" she calmly spoke. "Grace I don't know you but if you the friend that was all in my baby business you can back it on up unless you gonna tell me where she is!" the mother in her stood tall. "My baby needs me and I need to get.." "Wait...wait..Mrs. Steeples...with all due respect your daughter is my business. Im a grief counselor here at the hospital and she.." "What the devil is she doing at a hospital? She aint say she was hurt! her daddy got on the line. Rolling her eyes Grace realized they were completely in the dark. "Put me on speaker. You both need to hear this." Grace replied. "Oh yea?" her daddy said. "Well im listening and it better be good she got me so tight over here I got gas, just workin all my nerves gott doggit." Trinity let out a quiet chuckle as she gave another head nod, closing her eyes, giving grace permission to spill her beans. Taking a deep breath Grace squeezed Trinity's hand. "Your baby had a baby. Shes been here for about 4 days. The baby was delivered the first day she arrived. Shes not hurt. And the baby is doing ok too. Shes only 3 pounds, but shes strong...her ankle is broken due to a minor accident during delivery..." she gave Trinity the side eye hinting that it would remain their little secret "but shes so pretty and Trinity needs you. Shes afraid and she needs you all. More than ever before." The line was dead quiet. Growing fearful Trinity spoke. "Mama....daddy....I know yall mad but say something please...I didn't wanna disappoint nobody im sorry just talk to me I cant handle the silent treatment and.." "BE QUIET CHILD!" her mother yelled. Feeling like she was about to be disowned she put her face in her hands while Grace rubbed her back. "My Lord Jesus....ok." her mom took a deep breath. "We just trying to take all of this in baby I didn't mean to holler. Ya daddy over here letting out all his gas... in between him and this news I cant think!"  Understanding that it was indeed a lot to take in Trinity sat quiet. "So Im a paw paw...that's what you telling me Ms Grace?" Her daddy asked with a shaking voice. "Daddy don't cry I am so so sorry." Trinity said feeling like the worst child any parent cold ask for. "Oh Elijah stop dat crying. Big ol soft man" Judith laughed. "He happy baby. We are happy." she heard a smile in her mothers voice. "Ms. Grace where is my grand baby? You said she...I have a grand daughter?" Full of victory in spirit Grace jumped up from the bed "yes ma'am! Its a girl. I can talk to he head nurse and extend visitation hours so you can spend all the time you want! Are you coming?" she was so happy. "Told you its okay babygirl." she whispered to Trinity teasingly sticking her tongue out. Trinity smiled back wiping tears of relief. "Yes we are on the way right now! Oh my word Elijah!!" her mom laughed hard with happiness. "Trin had a baby! Oh thank you Lord you held my baby in your arms I know you did Thank ya Lord!" Trinity always cried when her mom prayed simply because she knew it reached Heaven. "Yes ma'am Ms Steeples. Hes good like that. Never failing. Im gonna let yall talk to Trinity while I extend the visitation hours for you." Grace was walking out when Judith called out "But wait!" she laughed. "You didn't tell me her name. Whats my grandbaby name?" " Yeah what we gon call her? Is it out the bible?" her dad yelled out? Not realizing she didn't even name the baby, Trinity was lost for words. She looked at Grace and shrugged her shoulders with both hands up while mouthing the words "I don't have a name". Walking back to the phone Grace replied in honesty "Well....she doesn't have a name yet. But shes the tiniest thing in the nursery. So for now... we call her Peanut
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