#he prevented her from buying too many strawberry shakes
Toga: [running towards Tomura with open arms]
Tomura: [moves out of the way]
Toga: Hey, why'd you move?!
Tomura: I thought you were going to attack me.
Toga: I was going to hug you!
Tomura: Why would you hug me?
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ererokii · 4 years
Sweet Like You || Eijirou Kirishima
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Eijirou Kirishima x Fem! Reader
Warnings: cursing (?)
Word Count: 2462
Synopsis: Class 1-A decides to help a local animal shelter by doing a bake sale, and you and Kirishima are in charge of the baking.
Taglist (message to be added): @shoutodoki @shoutosteakettle @sugacookiies @saltie @fryingpanitachi @kingtamakimurder
➺ Note: This is for @bnhabookclub​‘s bingo event! The prompt is Baking Sweets. This is also for @pixxiesdust​‘s birthday! I know it’s a day early but I wanted to post it now cause I couldn’t wait! Happy birthday Ze! I love you so much and I’m glad we became friends, enjoy your day bb <3
Bingo Masterlist
You couldn’t remember how you ended up in your position. You came out of your room, sleep still flooding your body as everyone started yelling at you for no reason—well, there was a reason behind it.
Aizawa thought it would be a good idea for his class—you guys to hold up some fundraiser for anything, but nothing dumb. He said it would give you guys a good insight on what it would be like when you got to be pro heroes, always helping those in need. Without a choice of course, you all had to decide what would be best.
“Why are you yelling at me?! I just woke up!” you yelled, furiously rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand to erase the remnants of sleep within your body. “I didn’t even get a good morning!”
“There’s no time for good mornings, Y/N! While we’ve been trying to figure out who we should help while you were sleeping your ass off! What kind of commitment is that, huh?! Do you care?!”
“Oh, shut up, Kaminari!” you groaned and plopped on the couch, not caring if your shirt rode up slightly. “I’m here now! Get it over with then!”
“She’s right! Stop the yelling, and we can get on with it!” Iida fixed his glasses as he held a clipboard in his arms, tapping a pen against it. “Alright, so far, we have some good ideas! There’s a local soba shop, a bookstore, an animal shelter, a beauty salon, and… a grocery store?” he trailed off at the end before shaking his head. “Alright, let’s vote! Who wants the soba shop?!”
Only Todoroki raised his hand, his face slowly falling in the area of disappointment when he noticed no one else was raising their hand. 
“Book store!”
No one raised their hand. 
“Well, that makes it easier,” Iida muttered, crossing the word out with his black pen. 
“An animal shelter!”
You shrugged and lazily raised your hand, noticing a handful of your classmates also raised their hand.
Iida nodded and counted each of you, his tongue peeking out from the corner of his mouth in concentration. “Twelve of you! Alright, beauty salon!”
Mina’s hand immediately shot up in the air, a goofy smile on her face. Iida breath hitched as he shook his head, erasing the other topics as well. “Animal shelter it is! Okay, that’s settled! What should we do to raise the money?”
“Sell cold soba on the streets.”
“Icy-Hot! No one is going to buy your soba! Especially on the streets!”
“Well, do you have anything better?”
“It doesn’t matter. No one is buying your stupid soba!”
“How about a bake sale?” you threw the idea out there and immediately regretted it. Pairs of eyes kept their gaze on you as you slowly cowered back into the couch. “W-What? Stop staring at me like that!”
“Oh yeah, that’s a good idea! I’m with Y/N on this one!” a certain redhead said from behind you, his hand grazing your shoulder. You tilted your neck upward and caught a pair of vermeil eyes, a vivid grin sent in your direction. You could feel bursts of heat erupting in your cheeks as you smiled back quickly. “Y-You mean that Kirishima?”
“‘Course! Baking sweets has to be one of the manliest things out there!”
“Well, is everyone okay with that?” Iida asked, turning around to face the rest of his classmates. There were nods of approval, spoken words of support, or just silence. 
“Then that settles that. Since both of you were so happy to take this on, I’m leaving the baking to you two!” A finger was pointed in your direction. 
You stopped your mouth from moving as your eyes gazed at his finger. “J-Just us?! How many would we need then?!”
“Well, if you make popular sweets according to the web, plus traditional based ones…” Iida paused for a moment, his mind wandering to calculate. “I would say maybe fifty for each.”
“Uh-huh! Best get started now!”
You groaned and squeezed your eyes shut, tossing your head back as you were met with the couch's cushion. You slowly opened your eyes, cerise orbs gazing back at you. 
“It can’t be that bad, right?! Come on, you were made for this Y/N! You’re a great baker! I love everything you make!”
A nervous laugh escaped your lips as you scratched the back of your neck, feeling the flesh there heat up from his compliment. “T-Thank you, Kiri! It shouldn’t go bad, right?”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The kitchen smelt of raw eggs, flour, vanilla extract, and a hint of something burnt, which was just a batch of cookies in one of the old ovens. Splotches of white powder were scattered across the wooden floor, some residue from the eggs forgotten on the counter. The buzzing of the electric mixing bowl could be heard from the other room along with your shrieks.
“C-Cover the top with a towel, Kirishima!”
“Right! Sorry, Y/N!” 
A small ding went off, indicating that the second batch of sugar cookies was ready. You rushed to the oven, your oven mitts on already as you opened it, watching the smoke emit from the interior. You quickly grabbed the baking pan and shut the oven door, placing it on a stand to cool down. 
“Kirishima, did you finish with the brownie batter?”
He grunted in response, pouring the molasses-brown substance into a glass pan, making sure to scrape the leftovers off with a spatula. “Yeah, I got it.”
“Okay, while those cool down, we can work on the cupcakes,” you muttered, slicking the small strands of hair that fell in front of your face back to where they should have been. In the corner of your eye, you noticed Kirishima putting the batter into the oven after fixing the timer.
“Cupcakes, you said?”
“Mhm,” you sighed, grabbing a new glass bowl. “Can you hand me the ingredients while I mix?”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind doing this one instead, you’ve been making different batters since we started. Why don’t you just hand them over to me.”
“A-Are you sure?”
He nudged you with his shoulder, a goofy grin on his adorable face. “I offered, didn’t I? Come on, just do it, Y/N.”
“Fine, fine! Just don’t mess ‘em up.” you huffed playfully, taking a seat on the stool beside the redhead. He nodded, placing the bowl in front of him. 
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you handed him the correct measurements for each ingredient. 
You watched him mix the substances carefully, his eyes squinted as he concentrated. His tongue peeked out and licked his lower lip as his whisking only got faster by the second. The muscles on his bicep flexed with each flick of his wrist. 
“Kirishima, I think you’re mixing it too fast.”
“Nonsense! This is the perfect pace—“
You scooted back, wincing when the batter splattered onto his shirt and the marble countertop. 
“—for it,” he whispered, finishing off his sentence, the whisk falling from his hand as he let it rest in the bowl. “...maybe that was a bit too fast.”
“Ya think?” You huffed and grabbed a towel, handing it to him. “Hurry and clean it before it stains your shirt.”
“I think it just did,” he sighed, taking it from you as he dabbed the mess on his clothing. “I’ll just change when we finally finish, whenever that is.”
You grabbed the bowl and brought it in front of you, wiping the handle from the excess cupcake batter and began to whisk slowly. “You see, if you move your wrist too fast, it’ll go everywhere just like it did. You have to have slow and precise flicks,” you told him, feeling the warmth from another body behind you. 
He leaned over your shoulder, looking at your movements. “Can I try again?”
You realized how close he was to you. You stopped your movements, licking your lips nervously as you nodded. “Y-Yeah, here you go.”
You shakily handed him the utensil, your hands brushing against his larger ones. You quickly moved out of the way once more, allowing him to sit there. “H-How about you do that, and I’ll make the frosting?”
Before he could reply, you rushed away from him with your head down as a blush tinted your cheeks. God, he was so close to me. I could practically feel his muscles on my back, you thought, clumsily taking the needed things out. 
You turned your back to him, taking a deep breath before slowly exhaling. “Okay, just brush it off,” you muttered and unwrapped the butter, placing it in the electric mixing bowl. Soon you added everything that was needed. You set a towel to cover it, preventing another incident like last time and flipping it to the lowest setting.
The sound of something snapping caught your attention as you looked up quickly. Kirishima stood in front of the oven, wearing your strawberry mitts, too small for his big hands. He caught you staring and rubbed the back of his neck, his face becoming as sanguine as his tufts. “I finished, so I put them in the oven.”
“O-Oh, that’s good!” you chirped, looking away from him as you focused on the frosting being made. Kirishima’s smile faltered as he walked over to you.
“Are you okay?”
“‘Course! I’m fantastic! Why wouldn’t I be okay?! Do I not look okay?!”
“N-No!” he gasped, placing his hands defensively in front of his body. “You just look off is all! Like you’re thinking too hard about something!”
“Oh,” you whispered and rubbed your temples slowly. “Just seems like a bit of work when it’s only two people is all.”
He pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah, I get that. But I’m glad it’s only us, though.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“I like spending time with you, Y/N.”
Your mouth went dry at his confession, staring at him with confused eyes. Your heart felt like it could leap out of your chest and let him grab hold of it. “Y-You do?”
He nodded, slowly walking in front of you. Kirishima peered down at you, noticing the twiddling of your thumbs. 
You could smell earthen savors of cedar and lambent notes of mandarin peel when he stood close to you. He was driving you crazy without him even knowing. Kirishima was the puppeteer, and your heart was his puppet. He continuously pulled at the strings of your heart, and you let him. 
His scarlet orbs gazed into your own before quickly glancing at your lips, then back at you. Your eyes widened when he leaned closer, shakily bringing a hand to rest on your elbow. Knowing his next move, your finger dipped in the buttercream frosting as you scooped some up and placed it on his nose, shocking him in the process. 
“I am so sorry! I have no idea why I did that,” you said quickly, out of breath, but did not attempt to clean it off him. 
His confused look got wiped off, a naughty one taking its place. “You wanna play like that then, huh?” He suddenly reached in the bowl, scooping a handful of the cream and smeared it across your face. Your eyes widened as you stared at him, dumbfounded. White streaks of frosting covered the area from your nose and below. You brought your hands to your nose, wiping the substance from your nostrils from blocking one of your airways.
“It’s on, Eijirou!”
Squeals and laughs resonated through the kitchen, each shout of the latter’s name bouncing off the walls. Bags upon bags of flour and baking soda was thrown across the room. The room was becoming more of a mess than it already was when you got in there.
You coughed into your elbow, waving the area from the fumes of powder that was fogging the air. “T-Too much!” You squint your eyes, hands reaching up to your head, and immediately patted it down, shaking your head to get the powder out of your hair. Trails of melted butter dribbled down your face, the baking soda sticking on like glue.
Kirishima wasn’t far behind you. His clothes and hair were dusted with white. 
“Wow, you look bad,” he blurted, pointing a finger at you. 
“Me?! Have you seen yourself?!” you laughed, wiping the dried crumbs off your arms. “We both look like crap, I bet.”
His thumb caressed your face as you quieted down, your orbs locking with his. “You know..” he trailed off, “you look adorable, especially like this.”
“Just shut up and kiss me.”
His eyes widened as choked noise left his mouth. “H-Huh?!” Oh, he so desperately wanted to kiss you. 
“I said what I said,” you whispered, wrapping an arm around his neck and bringing him down to your level, your lips grazing his honeyed ones before intertwining. His arms encircled around your lower back, bringing you flush against his chest. You ran your fingers through his rubescent tufts, lightly tugging on them. His grip around you tightens. His heartbeat could be felt against your chest, your beating heart matching the rhythm of his. You felt like you were on the highest mountain in the world and could scream to anyone who had to know about your vibrant, romantic feelings for Eijirou Kirishima. 
Unfortunately, oxygen was a thing. You slowly pulled away, small, balmy puffs of air fanning your face. Both of you had equally flushed cheeks and a small goofy smile on his end. 
“Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?”
“Didn’t you just do that?”
A pinch to your side caused you to whine and shift in his arms. 
“Can I take you out this weekend?”
Your face brightens as you nodded frantically. “I would love that!”
Your nose twitched as you sniffed the air, your eyebrows furrowing. “What is that?”
“What’s what?” Kirishima asked, following your eyesight that landed on the counter. “What’s wrong?”
You sniffed the air again, pulling away from him. “It smells.”
“Wow, if you’re gonna talk about me like that you can do it nicely—” he murmured sarcastically before you let out an agitated cry.
“No, not that!” You huffed and scratched your head in thought. Kirishima seemed to notice your thought process as he began to think of any possible outcomes. Was it the kitchen that just started smelling? Was it the both of you covered in raw egg and baking products? Was it—
Oh no.
You gasped in unison as you grabbed Kirishima by his shoulders, shaking him violently. He seemed to be on the same page as you, placing his hands on your elbows to steady himself.
“We forgot the cupcakes!”
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neon-junkie · 4 years
The Last of his Kind - Chpt.1
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Summary: A handsome young man approaches you at the bar after catching you checking him out. Names are exchanged and drinks are downed, and you seem to have fallen for him a lot harder than you realize.
Pairing: Jack Marston x f!Reader
Word Count: 3941
Rating: SFW
Tags: Post-RDR1, Saloon, Drinking, Flirting, Slow burn, Strangers to lovers, Gambling, First dates.
Notes:  finally, some Jack Marston content, because this man deserves some love!!!!!!!!! to clarify, this is set after RDR1 and the epilogue, so Jack has already killed Ross and is now just trying to move on with his life.
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To everybody's surprise, you'd done it. You'd managed to move out of your parents' house and buy a small home on the edge of Blackwater, with a chicken coop and a tiny garden around the back of the house. It's homely enough, perfectly decorated and surprisingly warm, even in the winter. The fireplace provides more than enough heat to keep your one-room house cozy, and you always get that wholesome feeling in your chest as you sit against the window, watching the snowfall with a hot beverage in your hands. It was nice to be able to work in the town that you live in, your place of work being less than five minutes away, and sometimes you like to shake up your morning commute and walk along the docks, overlooking the water and the land in the distance. The view is beautiful during the day but even more so at night, as an array of lights dance along the horizon. You'd heard about a city across that lake called Saint Denis, and although people have told you time and time again that it's huge, you can tell from how far across those lights go, as well as how bright they are. Maybe you'll visit that place one day. The furthest you'd ever traveled was up to Strawberry, only because your parents live there, and down south was a complete mystery to you. You're aware of that place called Thieves Landing, and you dare not to travel south because you fear that everywhere else will be as chaotic as that place.
Your closest friend and co-worker, Belle, had told you that the land down south was actually quite nice. Well, the scenery was, but Armadillo was almost always riddled with some sort of plague, and the other town down there was completely abandoned. The name slips your mind, but it's no matter as you'll never head down there. She's been to Thieves Landing many times for gambling trips and has egged you on to come with her one day, but you worry that it'll be your unlucky day and you'll end up in some sort of mess, so better safe than sorry. Instead, Belle likes to play her games at the Blackwater Saloon whilst you mingle and relax. She's tried to teach you before but there are so many cards and so many rules. You've gone this far in your life without getting addicted to a fun way of losing money, and you're happy to continue living your life without it. And that's where you are now, sitting at one of the tables with Belle, having a rant about some customer you served today who has his own nose way too far up his ass. A few drinks have been shared between the two of you and you can tell from the way Belle keeps looking at the Blackjack table that she wants a game sooner or later. Blackjack was the only game you knew how to play, only because the dealer does all the work, though you'd still rather save your money, even if luck tended to be on your side and you'd exit the game with a small profit. "Shame I was in the back when it happened," Belle tells you after you've finished laying out what happened to her. "What would you have done? Barked at him?" you say with a laugh. "I would have!" Belle says proudly, then lets out a bark, a surprisingly realistic one that catches the attention of a suited man at the table next to you. He pulls an odd face but turns his attention away as the two of you laugh. The town knows by now that the pair of you are a little odd, but times are changing and women seem to be asserting themselves more and more every day. Just last week, you saw a woman dragging out her husband after she'd caught him chatting to a woman at the Saloon. Normally, men would step in and try to defend the husband, saying the woman clearly wasn't 'doing her job' as a wife. But a bunch of men had stepped in and told the man off for being unfaithful. You're welcome to this change, and although there's no man in your life right now, you hope that he'll be a kind and gentle soul. Well, you wouldn't marry anybody who isn't, though you'll always have that worry of marrying a man who lets himself go the second the wedding rings are on. Let's hope things are different for you. Belle snaps you out of your daydream as she perks up again. "Ugh," she says as she rolls her eyes. "Another cowboy. I thought they had died out. He must be a wannabe, though I'm unsure why anybody would want that life." You're about to ask who she's on about but your eyes drift over to the bar, fixating on the stranger leaning against it. He's tall with sun-kissed skin, his cheeks a little rosy as he's just walked in from the hot evening outside. For a cowboy, he's clearly got good hygiene, as his hair falls nicely against his shoulders, his facial hair is neatly trimmed, and his clothes are perfectly clean. Maybe he's just trying to look the part but is a little too soft for the lifestyle? Either way, he looks young, maybe around his early twenties. The way his brows naturally furrow brings a soft smile to your face, as he's clearly trying to look a bit tough but he's quite adorable instead. "I'll give him credit, he is handsome," you tell Belle as your eyes stay locked onto him. "He's probably the only handsome cowboy to ever exist then. They're all so dirty and smelly," Belle shakes her hair. She's clearly not had a proper look at him, though you're thankful as you're definitely calling dibs on this one. "He doesn't look it," you tell her, your eyes briefly flicking over to her. "He's only just walked in and you're already planning the wedding, aren't you?" Belle says with a laugh. Belle's laughter has caught his attention, as he looks over to your table, his eyes locking onto yours. You gulp and quickly look away, giving Belle a small kick under the table to stop her from laughing. "What?" Belle asks. "Your laughter's caught his attention," you tell her, your eyes wide and glued to her. Belle looks over at the bar and grins as she looks back at you. "My laughter may have caught his attention, but his eyes are definitely fixed on you, sugar," she chuckles. You can't help but peek over at him once more, instantly looking away as you realize that yes, he's staring directly at you. You see his head move and check again, letting out a sigh of relief as he's now turned his focus to the bartender as he orders a drink. "What perfect timing. There's finally a space at the Blackjack table, meaning you'll be left on your own, looking all pretty and available," Belle says with a chuckle as she stands. "Belle, don't do this," you sigh. "He's just a boy. This ain't the first time you've chatted up a stranger at the bar," Belle replies. "They were different! Well, this is different. He just seems... you know," you attempt to explain. "You've caught feelings already. I understand." You're about to jump on the defensive and say you haven't, but Belle cuts you off as she hands you some change. "How about you go get a drink for yourself and if things go south, get one for me too and use me as your escape route, alright?" A long sigh escapes your lips before you respond with "fine." You stand up also, Belle flashing you a smile before she turns and heads to the Blackjack table. As you walk over to the bar, you count through her change, checking to see how much she gave you but to also prevent your eyes from awkwardly catching the strangers. He's stood at one end at the bar, yourself at the other. The bartender serves you your drink and the leftover change is put into your pocket. After taking a sip of your drink, your look out the corner of your eye at the stranger, noting the way his head quickly turns. He was definitely staring at you again, but you're just as guilty as you're now staring at him. The sight of a pair of guns on his hips tells you that what Belle said was true, that he's definitely a cowboy, or whatever they now call themselves. The gunbelt he wears is worn down and you assume it's been passed down to him, meaning at least one of his parents lived the same lifestyle. "Something catch your eye, Miss?" somebody asks. You shake your head a little as your eyes trail up his body and oh shit, he's speaking to you. "What?" you blurt out, the panicked expression on your face making him softly laugh. "I said, has something caught your eye, Miss?" he asks again, a lot slower and clearer this time. You suddenly realize how awkward you must have looked, staring down at his gunbelt, though he may have thought you were staring at something else instead. "Oh, I was... admiring your gunbelt," you honestly tell him, though it sounds odd saying it out loud. "My gunbelt?" he double checks with you. "Yeah... it looks well worn," you tell him as if he doesn't already know. "It is. Was my Pa's," he tells you, his eyes briefly flicking down to the piece of equipment. "Was that really what you were staring at?" he asks you with a soft smile as he looks back up and draws his focus back to you. "Yes!" you say with a nod. "I promise." "Heh, sure," he laughs again. "I ain't ever had a woman check me out before," the stranger tells you as he bridges the gap on the bar, taking the few steps over to you and leaning against it. His body is turned mostly towards you, but his elbow rests on the bar top. He crosses one ankle over the other, his spurs clinking as they move, sending a shiver down your spine. You've heard many stories about true cowboys and you've seen the odd wannabe or bandit, but something felt authentic about this stranger. "I promise you, I wasn't being perverted," you explain. "I don't view checking somebody out as perverted. You're only admirin' them, no harm can come from that," he says with a shrug. "But I can see how flustered the thought is making you, so how's about I buy you a drink to settle your nerves?" the stranger offers. He adds on a "sweetheart" at the end, the sound of that petname coming from his voice draws you to him even more, and you find yourself agreeing to his offer in a heartbeat. He's polite when he orders, using his manners and checking with you on what you'd like. You finish up the drink you currently have as he pays for your next one. Either you didn't hear, or he snuck this in as you were occupied with downing your drink, but he orders a shot on the side. At least he ordered gin, as despite it still burning, it doesn't burn as much as whiskey does or leave that awful feeling in your throat. "Thank you," you say as he slides your drink over to you, followed by the shot. "May I know your name?" you ask him. "Marston. Jack Marston," he tells you as his attention focuses back on you, the bartender moving away to serve somebody else. "And yours?" "___," you tell him. "Pretty name for a pretty woman," he says with a smile as he picks up his shot. You can't help but shake your head a little at the cheesy comment, but you pick up your shot and clink it against his glass, both of you necking the burning liquid. There's that nasty feeling in your throat, trailing down and settling in your stomach. You lightly cough, placing the empty glass on the bar top and taking a well-needed sip of your drink. Jack doesn't seem phased, taking a much smaller sip of his drink and licking his lips, probably savoring the taste. "You alright?" he asks. "I don't often drink liquor neat," you explain, letting out a small cough and chugging some more of your drink. "I'll get the next round," you tell him, deciding that shots are definitely off the table. "We're doing rounds? I can't take money off you, sweetheart," Jack informs you. "But you can take drinks off me instead," you correct him. "Alright. If you insist," he says with a smile, shaking his head at you. "So," Jack begins after having another swig. "I noticed your friend went straight over to that Blackjack table. You not much of a gambler then?" he questions. "Oh, Belle? Yeah, she loves it. I just can't wrap my head around it, apart from Blackjack because I'm not doing any of the work," you shrug. "I could teach you sometime? Card games just kinda click without you even realisin'," Jack replies, shifting more of his weight against the bar as he relaxes against it. "She's tried to teach me so many times and I just can't figure it out," you say with a soft laugh. "She's tried to take me down to Thieves Landing many times, saying I'll definitely win there as apparently they're a bunch of morons, but I just don't trust a place with a name like that." "I don't blame you," Jack nods in agreement. "But the folk down there are nice, despite the name. It's more of a lawless place but the area has its own morals and codes." "I dunno," you drawl, nervously fiddling with your drink. "Trust me, it's alright. Maybe you'll head down there one day and bump into me," Jack tells you. "Do you visit it often?" "I'd say I'm a regular there, yeah. I tend to visit a lot of places down south," Jack replies before taking another sip of his drink, finishing the bourbon off. "What're they like?" you question. "I've only been up north to Strawberry as my parents live there." "I haven't been Strawberry since I was a kid..." Jack pauses. He's clearly having a flashback moment, though his attention quickly turns back to you. "Down south is alright. There's the occasional bandit that you bump into on the roads, but the town folk are kind." "Occasional bandit?" you question with a concerning laugh. "You make it sound so inviting." "Well, down there is 'uncivilized', or at least that's what rich folk describe it as," Jack explains. "And what would you say?" you question, finishing off the rest of your drink. "Me? I'd just say it's a different part of the land," he shrugs again as he gives the bartender a wave, who nods in return to indicate he'll be right over. Jack turns his attention back to you. "But if you ever want me to take you down there, I'll keep you safe," he says with a wink. "Ain't you a bit young to be tryna keep me safe? 'Specially from bandits?" you tease. "I may be young but I know how to work a gun," Jack informs you. "It's in my blood," he adds on. You're unsure on what exactly he means with that last comment, but you decide not to press into it. Thankfully, the bartender comes over to serve you and you buy the next round, without any shots this time. Your stomach has barely settled down from that gin, and your body feels sickly enough from being chatted up by this handsome stranger. The drinks go down quicker than you realize. Jack seems well-composed, though he's beginning to slur a few of his words and stumble whenever he excuses himself to the restroom. You, on the other hand, are struggling to keep yourself sober-looking. This stranger has scrambled your nerves and you've fallen into the liquor for comfort, and now you're having to deal with the outcome. You stumble back into the Saloon after taking a leak. Jack is still at the bar, leaning against it as he swirls the booze in his drink, fiddling with something to pass the time. Belle had found you moments ago to inform you that she was heading home, giving you a nudge and wink as she tells you that you look very happy with this handsome stranger and that she assumed you wouldn't be needed her back up plan. You'd said goodnight to her after insisting that you weren't just going to take this one home, that something about him feels different and you want to see where it takes you. Jack flashes you a smile as he notices you approaching, trying not to laugh as you narrowly miss stumbling into a stranger. "You alright?" Jack asks as you. You're about to reply that you're just fine, but as you go to lean against the bar, you stumble over your own feet and almost fall flat on your bum. Jack's reaction times are still immaculate, even whilst tipsy, as he manages to catch you before you can hit the floor. Your eyes lock onto his as you realize the pickle you've gotten yourself into, and both your expressions turn nervous once you notice how close your faces are. Jack helps pull you up to your feet, though an arm remains around your waist, your hand resting on his shoulder to keep yourself up. "I'm gonna take that as a 'no'," Jack tells you. "What? Oh! I'm fine, trust me. Just a little tipsy," you reassure him with an embarrassed laugh. "I think you mean 'drunk'," he says as he shakes his head. "Maybe I should get you home?" Jack suggests. "You don't have to walk me back," you tell him, but Jack quickly shakes his head and waves his hand, dismissing your claim. "Not only is it the right thing to do, but I doubt you'll make it home on your own," Jack comments, concerned for your safety, not just from strangers, but from the liquor in your system. "If you insist," you shrug, taking up his offer. "I very much do." Jack gently removes his arm from around your waist, only to offer you his arm instead. You link your arm through his, your other hand holding onto his upper arm as he walks you through the Saloon. As you exit the building, you notice your reflection in the large windows, and your stomach begins to spin at the sight. You quite like the look of yourself and this handsome young man, a curious duo but you fit together like two pieces of a very odd puzzle. Is it wrong to already take a liking to him? Especially when you only met him a few hours ago? You'd heard about 'love at first sight' and all those other cheesy terms from the books you read, but maybe they write about those things for a reason. You're snapped out of your daydream as Jack makes a clicking noise with his tongue. The sound of hooves clopping against the stone floor makes you snap your head over your shoulder, noticing that one of the horses that was hitched outside the front of the Saloon is now following closely behind. "I assume she's yours?" you ask him. "She is," Jack confirms as he leans his other hand out to loosely hold onto her reigns, leading his horse as well as leading you. "So, you don't live in town?" "I don't," Jack tells you. "I live on a ranch in the Great Plains," he informs you, tilting his head down slightly to look at you. "A ranch? That must be hard work," you let out a sigh. "It.. erm... Yeah, it can be. There ain't really many animals there anymore. It's hard to run a ranch by yourself," Jack replies and you notice the darkened tone to his voice. "I won't ask," you tell him, not wanting to pry into his private life. "I'll tell you about it someday," Jack tells you. He catches your eyes and gives you a smile, reassuring you that you haven't accidentally stumbled into anything too personal. "So, who's this lady then?" you comment as you peer over at his horse. "Oh, I just call her nag," he shrugs. "You haven't named her?" you say with a slight laugh. Maybe he'd only brought her recently, but from the way she's sticking beside him and loyally following, you assume otherwise. "Yeah. I ain't really sure why, I just haven't," he tells you. "Well, we've gotta name her!" "We?" Jack questions. "So, you want to see me again?" he says with a smirk and a flirtatious tone to his voice, making you softly laugh. "If you'll let me," you flirt back. "Of course I'll let you, sweetheart. How about I take you out some time?" Jack questions, coming to a halt outside your house. "I'd love that. You know, there's a nice Bistro in town that I've been wanting to try out. We could go there?" you suggest. Your arm slips from Jacks as you talk, standing in front of him instead. You can't help but reach out and gently stroke his mount's nose, picking up on how well-groomed she is. "Sure. When are you free?" Jack questions, watching you pet his horse. He can't help but smile at the sight, his nag warming up to you quickly. "Wednesday?" you suggest, giving you two days to mentally and physically prepare yourself. "Wednesday it is," Jack says with a nod, his eyes trailing back to yours. There's a slight pause as you move your attention back to Jack. You try not to smile too much but you can't help it; this handsome young stranger is making you feel a hundred things at once, but he seems the same, flashing you a smile in return. "Thank you for walking me home," you comment. "It's no problem. Now, you should get yourself inside before you stumble over something else," Jack teases, enjoying the way your cheeks turn red. "Alright," you say as you roll your eyes, walking up the steps to your porch. "Does 5 sound good? for Wednesday?" you ask as you turn back to him. "5 is good. I'll come by here," he says with a nod as he climbs up onto his nag, shuffling about in the saddle until he's uncomfortable. "Now go on, Miss. Get yourself to bed," Jack tells you. "I will. Goodnight, Jack," you say with a smile. "Goodnight, darlin'," Jack says as he tips his hat at you. He taps his spurs against his mount's stomach, his horse slowly trotting away. Jack's eyes remain on you until you enter your home, ensuring you're safe inside. Once inside, you lock the door and lean back against it, holding your chest like a cheesy girl who's fallen in love. You can't help but smile, though you think you're only swaying about because you're still tipsy, but who knows? You get ready for bed, Jack staying on your mind the whole time. It's incredible how one person has made you feel this way in such a short amount of time, though the nerves of your date have already begun to sink in. Hopefully, the date will be just as good as tonight, maybe even better. But you have tomorrow's shift to get through first.
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qtheronie · 4 years
Dazais ill-fortune
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Warnings; fluff to angst, mention of death, some cuss words.
Yuh girl back at it again with some angst!
And I’m sorry if this is super crappy and if you find grammar errors, the thing I use to help with my writing has disowned me!
My goal in life was to get enough money to buy a cure for my mother's sickness. So that's why I started working at the armed detective agency. I became friends with a man named Osamu Dazai then soon became lovers. I’ve made so many friends and memories apon working here. My first memory was when I first met Osamu
{February 14th, past.}
I pulled the doors open to mine and my boyfriend's favorite cafe. As I walked in, I was greeted by one of my ideal workers, Amani Takahashi. She immediately grabbed two menus and walked me towards my usual booth.
She had sat me down and grinned, she pulled out her little notebook and grabbed the pencil from her ear and asked me what to drink.
“The usual?” she asked, and I nodded in return. “And for the special boy?”
“The usual for him as well, a black coffee.”
Amani smiled and scribbled down the request and ran off to the kitchen. I had pulled out my phone and looked at the time. (7:30) It flashed. I sighed and turned off my phone, waiting for him to come.
Amani came back with our drinks and set them onto the table. She pulled out her little notebook again and asked if I was ready to order. But I told her no and to wait for (Boyfriend's name) to show up. The waitress nodded and put her notebook back into her pants and walked off to more customers.
Thirty minutes had now passed, and they're still was no sign of him showing up. I let out a soft groan and rested my hand on my cheek and looked out the window. ‘He’s going to show up! I know he will, I just need to wait.’
I sighed and looked at my phone, an hour had passed and still no trace of him. Not even a text. The bell on the door to the cafe had rung, making my head peep up. I was hoping that it was him, but it was a boy with shaggy brown hair with bandages wrapped around his arms and face making it look like he was heavily injured. I cringed at the scene and wished that he was doing okay.
He looked over at my way and made eye contact with me; he showed a soft smile as I did in return. I felt a notification go off on my phone, which caused me to break eye contact with the boy and look down at my phone.
I had received a text message from (boyfriend's name). I smiled a bit. I opened my phone and went into his contact and called him, which he picked up seconds later.
“Hey!” I heard his voice from the other line, “I'm sorry that I didn't show up today. I was uh, a little busy.”
The small smile on my face had dropped. Of course, he was busy. He always is.
“It's okay. I should’ve known that you were busy.” I was going to ask him if we could replan, but I heard the faint voice of a woman. “Are you at work?”
“No, I’m at home. Why?”
Now, I didn’t want to be one of those girlfriends who assumes that your partner is cheating on you, but why was there a voice of a woman on the other line? I shake my head at my thoughts and respond to him.
“No reason, just making sure you’re safe.”
There was that voice again, but this time it was louder and was calling out to (Boyfriend’s name).
“(boyfriend’s name), is anyone with you?”
“No.” He responded, “God, you’re getting nosy.”
“Oh- uh sorry, I was just wondering.”
“No, you think I have a girl over don’t I?”
Well yea kinda, I’m not dumb I heard a voice. I thought.
“No! Of course not.”
“I know you’re thinking that I do, you think I'm cheating on you?”
“(boyfriend’s name)-” But I was too late, he hung up.
I set my phone down on the table roughly and curled my hands. Tears threatened to fall out of my eyes as time passed. I folded my arms on the table and let my head fall. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to prevent tears from falling.
“Whats a beautiful lady like you sitting here all by yourself and crying due to boyfriend issues” I heard a voice ask. I lifted up my head to see that same man who I saw earlier. I quickly wipe away my tears and straighten my back.
“How did you-” I started but was quickly cut off.
“Waitress” the strange man called, “Can I get a cup of wine, and this beautiful young lady a?”
“You don’t need to get me anything, i'm good.”
“Please, I hate to see such a pretty face cry. So Please, what would you like?”
I looked at the man shyly and then told him what I wanted, “A strawberry milkshake, please” The waiter smiled and took note and left to the kitchen.
“Why are you doing this? We don’t even know each other.”
“Well, we can solve that problem! I am Osamu Dazai”
Osamu Dazai, I thought. He looks like one. I look at Dazai once again. Now I can see more detail of what he looks like. He had gorgeous brown eyes that somewhat matched the pale color of his skin. He has bandages wrapped around his arms and face. He had also had a little gauze patch on his cheek and was even wearing a black trench coat.
“Well, m’lady, you have a name right?” Dazai asked, breaking me out of my train of thought.
“Oh yea, sorry. My name is (Your name), (Last name).”
That was the day that I had met Osamu Dazai, valentines day. Where my boyfriend couldn’t join me because he was busy with some girl or something. I’m almost glad that (boyfriend’s name) didn’t come. Dazai made me realize that I didn’t need such a person that I didn’t need someone who didn’t love me. Cause one day, he's going to wake up and notice that he should’ve tried. And that I was worth the fight.
The only person I needed was Osamu.
That brings us up to the next important memory I had of Osamu.
{ May 30th, past }
“Osamu, how much longer am I going to have to wait?” (Your name) asked, trying to adjust her seat in the car while being blindfolded. “My butt hurts.”
(Your name) heard the man beside her chuckling before the car came to a stop. “You don’t need to wait any longer! I shall come and save you, my belladonna.” Dazai unbuckled his seat belt and got out of his car. He then opened the door on (Your names) side and carefully helped her out.
He grabbed onto her hand and led her through what felt like sand. “Osamu Dazai, I swear if you’re going to try to make me commit double suicide with you, then I am not interested.”
Dazai once chuckled again, “Don’t worry. It’s not going to be a double suicide this time. Though I wish you would just let me die in your arms, then I would be at peace.” he slightly pouted.
“You know, if I wasn’t blindfolded I might’ve just happened to take that offer”
“My sweet belladonna, would you really!?” Dazai’s eyes had lightened up in excitement.
“Just kidding.” Dazai groaned and mumbled a few words under his breath.
After a few minutes of walking they were finally there. Dazai had (Your name) stay in place as he stood behind her and untied her blindfold. The girl felt Dazais fingers slowly untie the knot. Soon light quickly invaded her face making her squint as she slowly started to adjust her eyes to the new light her and mouth dropped.
He had taken her to the beach. He knew that she loved midnight walks on beaches so when he finally got some free time from the agency he would take her to the beach at midnight. And then confess what he longed to do. His love.
“You might wanna close your mouth before bugs get in.”
(Your name) chuckled and slapped his chest playfully, she then felt dazais back press onto her chest. He wrapped his arms around her figure and rested his face between her neck and shoulders. (Your name) rested one hand on top of dazais, and the other went up into his hair. “My, my, someone's affectionate tonight.” Dazai left an “mhm” for a response. His grip onto her waist had grown tighter as if someone were to take her away from him. He buried his head deeper between her neck and shoulders and let out a soft I love you. He wasn’t thinking that he was going to get a response, but when (Your name) said that she loved him too, his world stopped.
Dazai took a deep breath and pulled away from (your name) and made her turn around. Dazai closed his eyes and let out a sigh before starting. “Maybe it was your laugh, or your eyes or your smile. It could’ve been your hair, or your voice, or your personality. Whatever it was, it made me fall. Pretty damn hard.”
“I love you. I don’t ask you to reciprocate the feeling. All I ask you is to respect what I feel. Because falling for you was never something I planned.” Dazai had finished, he had a small spark of hope that the girl who he felt so desperately in love with would return the feelings, but her silence was beginning to make him doubt the little faith he had.
“(your name),” He started, “I'm sorry-” But he was quickly cut off as he felt her lips on his.
(Your name) had placed her hands on both sides of his cheeks and pulled away but close enough that she felt his breath on her lips. “I love you,” she said before placing another kiss on his lips before pulling back. “Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.” and she kissed him again but this time it was longer.
Dazai had put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him, then he pulled back from the kiss.
“Then would you do me the favor of becoming the one who I can commit a double suicide with?”
“Depends.” (Your name) giggled, “will you become my boyfriend?”
Dazai smirked and kissed her again, “I think you already know the answer to that, belladonna”
Now, we’ve come along this far, and you’re probably thinking that I fulfilled the goal I had for my mother and married Osamu.
Everybody has their share of life before they have to leave.
So this is the last important memory I had of Osamu, the day I died.
{June 19th, past}
We were walking down the road hand in hand when it happened. If it wasn’t for (your names) special ability, it wouldn’t have been dazai instead of her.
A white-looking car had sped down the road with the windows down with two men in it, the driver and the passenger with the gun. As the car drove past the two couple (Your names) ability had activated, making the world slow down. She had looked to the left where dazai had been at, which was next to the car. The person in the passenger seat had fired the gun rapidly. The girl let go of dazais hand and latched on to his arm, making him stumble back, making him nearly missing the bullets.
This wasn’t (your names) plan, her plan was to take him home and grant him his wish and start a family with him. It also wasn’t her plan to get shot at either.
(Your names) ability has disactivated making the car sped off and dazai falling to the ground with (your name) on him.
“(Your name)!” She heard dazai scream her name. He quickly got off the ground and pick (your name) up and into his arms.
She had felt dazais chest rise up and down quickly, and his grip on her tighten as he runs. The girl looked up at her boyfriend, gazing at his face that had the sheer look of panic.
“Osamu.” (Your name) whispered, she lifted her hand and caressed his cheek. “I’m not going to make it.”
This caused dazai to look down at the girl, tears running down his face. “No! Don’t say that, we’re so close to the agency! Yasono will help you! She’ll heal you!”
(Your name) smiled and coughed out a little blood, “Osamu, you know I love you. I love you so much, so very much.”
“Please just a little longer! I can see the agency from here!” Dazai cried. He was never like this, but he couldn’t care less that people could see him scream and cry. The love of his life, his girlfriend, his soon to be wife, and his baby (pet name), was dying in his arms.
“Osamu, you’re..so..strong..” (your name) whispered, letting her hand slowly fall from his face.
Dazai got to the building where the agency was, and kicked the door open, “yosano!” Dazai yelled, which to his luck, the doctor rushed out of her office.
She looked at the boy with the girl in his arms and ushered him into her office. Dazai had set the girl onto the bed and backed up, letting the female doctor take over.
It had only been an hour or two, but to dazai, it felt like the entirety. Yosano had opened the door and looked at dazai with pain in her eyes. Dazai stood up from his seat and ran into the room, and there she was. On a bed, she was barely breathing. He knew that it was only going to be a bit until she had to go.
He walked to her bed and sat on the chair beside her. Dazai reached over to (your names) hand and held it. He then placed his other hand on the side that he was holding and brought it up to his head, “Of course I’m strong. I’m your..your Osamu.” He finally spoke, answering (your names) response from before.
He had heard (your name) slightly and quietly giggled. She turned her head and lifted her unoccupied hand and placed it on dazais cheek. “That’s right. You’re my Osamu. Don’t ever doubt your strength even though you don’t feel it.”
“I love you (your name)! You can’t leave me, please. I don’t know what I would do without you!”
“If you’re going to leave me, then at least let me come with you!”
“No Osmau..it isn’t your time yet.”
“Please..” he cried out
(Your name) grabbed his hand and pressed his palm agasint her lips, “I love you so much.”
Dazai had let go of her hand and placed his on her cheek, rubbing his thumb on her cheekbone. “I love you too”
“I’m glad that I get to die by your side. I do.” (Your name) smiled, and used the last of her strength to kiss the man she loved so much, dazai quickly pressed a hand on her back and head.
Dazai pulled back to look at the girl “(your name)?” Dazai asked, but got no response. He slowly laid her down. “You promised (your name).” He mumbled, “you promised that you would commit double suicide with me.” Dazai looked down at the women he loved and grabbed her cold hand. “But you forget that you can’t do a double suicide alone.”
This is the end of my story, the story that took so long to start and finish too fast.
We learn that some stories just don’t have happy endings, and sometimes that’s okay, cause one day you’ll meet again.
Haha, thank you for reading this long angst and sucky book. This took me about a week to complete, and this is the longest story I have ever written.
Quotes I used: “you’re..so..strong..” “Of course I’m strong. I’m your..your..” -Mikhail and yuliy, Sirius the jaeger.
“Maybe it was your laugh, or your eyes or your smile. It could’ve been your hair, or your voice or your personality. Whatever it was, it made me fall. Pretty damn hard.” -unknown
“I love you. I don’t ask you to reciprocate the feeling. All I ask you is to respect what I feel. Because falling for you was never something I planned.” -unknown
“Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.” -unknown
(I got all of my quotes on Pinterest)
Big thanks to @xxxlilacskiesxxx skiesxxx for letting me use your Oc, Amani Takahashi.
And a big thanks to @tea-memes for helping me correct this and giving me ideas for this. Big help :)
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its-flicked-switch · 5 years
Just Because
Mulder surprises Scully with an early morning breakfast.
Rating: Teen and Up
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This short, early morning drabble is a gift to @kikocrystalball and @kyouryokusenshi, who have both been huge supporters of my work and also happen to be huge fans of Mulder/Scully family/baby fics. Ladies, this is your ‘just because’ appreciation story. 
Set early January following the birth of baby girl Mulder. Enjoy.
When he hears the first whimper, Mulder rolls and reaches for the monitor, stilling himself on his side and breathing out a soft sigh of relief when the warm body nestled behind him remains unmoved.
Thankful that he had been able to reach the monitor in time, he gets out of bed as stealthy as possible, careful not disturb the sheets or comforter beyond what is necessary to exit. Experience has taught him that there is only a short window of time following the initial whimper. His daughter is a lot of things, but patience, thus far, has not been her virtue. Grabbing a pair of sweat pants from the floor, he tip-toes across their room and closes the door lightly behind him before making his way into the nursery.
Pulling on his sweatpants, he silently celebrates his impeccable timing when the beginnings of a soon-to-be cry face immediately shift into an opened-mouthed grin as he reaches the side of her crib.
"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers to her.
Returning her smile, he picks her up and cradles her onto his bare chest, placing kisses along the beginnings of her fine, strawberry blonde hair as he takes in her scent. The fresh smell of clean baby still clings to her skin from her bath the night before, but he also smells Scully, who had bathed and fed her before putting her down for the night.
Her happy coos and early morning babbles fill Mulder with a sense of happiness and contentment that he has never experienced before. Rocking her gently on his chest, he carries her over to the changing table and lays her down. Every time he looks at her, his heart threatens to burst. The fact that she's here and that she's theirs still shocks him in the best possible way.
Before Scully, there had always been layers of protection to ensure that a pregnancy was not possible. As traumatic as his own childhood had been, the prospect of having a child of his own had terrified him to no end. It wasn't until he fell in love with Scully that he came to understand the desire to procreate. His love for her had filled him with an unquenchable thirst that he had never experienced before. The desire to please her and fulfill her desires had negated all of his preconceived notions and fears regarding family. All these years later, Mulder has many regrets, but combining his DNA with Dana Scully's has never been one of them.
In the years that followed William's adoption, he and Scully had done little to prevent additional pregnancies. Though they had never spoken about it in the traditional sense, he was not naive to Scully's desires or intentions. The hormones he found in their medicine cabinet in combination with the subtle, almost indistinguishable dots and lines in her planner had required no translation.
She wanted to be a mother. She wanted to try again.
In his own way, Mulder had prayed for another miracle just as she had. The silence that followed had only served to solidify to him that there was nobody up there who was listening. Until, of course, the day that there was.
The little bundle in front of him had changed everything. Scully had taught him what love was, but even his love for her hadn't prepared him for the love he felt for his daughter. Katherine Margaret Mulder's entrance into their lives had been a shock. Being in their fifties, a baby had been the furthest thing from either of their minds, but now, neither of them can image their lives without her. She is Scully made over but with his goofy disposition and sense of wonder.
"Not too loud, Kit-Kat," he says softly, in an attempt to keep her coos quiet. "We don't want to wake Mommy — again."
She looks up at him with an expression of pure delight, smiling up at him as if he has told her the funniest the story she's ever heard as he seals her new diaper and puts her tiny little feet back into her footed pajamas.
"That's Daddy's girl," he says, lifting her to his lips and kissing her little nose and forehead before bringing her back to rest against his chest.
Taking extra care to avoid the creaky spots on the stairs, Mulder carries her downstairs and retrieves one of her pre-made bottles out of the refrigerator to warm. Keeping her cradled securely in against his chest, he turns on the burner beneath the tea kettle and begins to gather the ingredients he had hidden the night before. Warming the bottle just as Scully had shown him, he shakes it and then tests it on his forearm before offering it to her.
"Now, I know this isn't the same as Mommy. But Daddy needs Mommy to sleep a little while longer, so I'm going to need you to be a team player this morning and take this bottle like a champ, okay?"
When he brings the bottle up to her lips, she fusses a bit, but with some gentle rocking and soothing whispers, he's able to get to her settle enough to take it. The first time he tried this, she had outright refused, her Scully temper flaring at being denied the comfort of her mother's breast. But with Scully working again, she has gotten a lot better at taking a bottle in her mother's absence.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he lowers his head to kiss her little head, stilling his movement when her tiny hand comes into contact with the morning stubbles on his chin. When he looks down at her again, she stops suckling with an audible pop and smiles up at him. Tears threaten the edges of his eyes as he runs his thumb across her cheek and nestles her deeper into his embrace in a way that encourages her to continue to suckle.
"You know, there was a time in my life that I didn't believe in miracles," he whispers to her softly. "I've always wanted to believe, but deep down, I didn't. Not really. The power of belief … I didn't have that until I met your mother. I was broken, damaged, and flawed beyond measure, but she loved me anyway. Her love was my miracle. It's what gave me the courage to believe."
The room is silent as he continues to rock her and watch her feed.
"When I look at you, I see her … which is why daddy keeps buying guns."
"Ah, so that's why," a voice from behind says softly.
Her voice is raspy from sleep, but there's underlying emotion to it that brings a soft smile to his lips. He doesn't have to turn to know that he's made his wife cry.
"How long have you been standing there, Scully?"
"Long enough."
Having heard her voice, their daughter begins to squirm and turn her head away from the bottle.
"Well, now that you're here, this just won't do. Though I can't say that I blame her. Daddy prefers the real thing too."
He turns around to find Scully leaning against framing of the entryway to kitchen clad in a robe and fuzzy house slippers that help to explain her silent entry. He starts to rise from the chair, but the nod she gives him as she begins to move across the room, stills his movement.
When she reaches him, she bends forward and gives him a lingering kiss as she takes their daughter from him.
"Good morning," he says to her as their lips part.
"Good morning."
Bringing the squirming infant to her chest, Scully settles in the chair next to him.
"Patience, Katie …. patience," she says, chuckling at the impatience their daughter is displaying as she undoes the sash on her robe.
The sounds of her impatient fuss are quickly quieted and replaced with the sound of suckling as she latches on and settles in her mother's arms. Watching their daughter feed is something Mulder will never tire of, but his love for his daughter doesn't overshadow the fact that he is still very much a man.
It had taken several months for Scully's body to recover from Katie's delivery, but last week she had surprised him in the shower and announced her body was ready, coaxing him into pinning her up against the shower wall and having his way with her. He has had trouble keeping his hands off of her ever since then. Last night had been no exception.
Looking at her now as she feeds their daughter, it's quite apparent that she's wearing nothing aside from her robe, slippers, and a smile.
What's all of this?" she asks, nodding her head towards the various packages on the countertop.
The light in her eyes as she speaks only makes him want her more.
"Just a little something," he replies with meaning.
"Hmmm … just a little something?" she asks, raising her brow.
"The plan was breakfast in bed, but I guess me and Kit-Kat weren't quiet enough, huh little one?" he asks, standing and raising his hand to brush across his daughter's cheek as she continues to feed.
"It was actually the quiet that woke me. That and the cool sheets behind me," she says with a smile. "You should have woken me."
"You've been working long hours, and I kept you up late last night."
"That you did … but I didn't mind."
Chuckling, his mind drifts back to the night before. After putting Katie to bed, Scully had put in a movie and joined him on the couch. If he were to be asked at gunpoint what movie she put in, he wouldn't be able to answer to save his life.
"You could refrain from looking so pleased with yourself," she says, her eyes following him as walks over to the countertop and begins to organize the ingredients he has pulled out for breakfast.
"I could."
Her hearty laughter diverts his attention back to her. With her sash untied and their daughter cuddled up against her breasts, she is a vision. In the comfort of their own home, there is no need for modesty, but comfort isn't her only motivation. Scully knows damn well what she's doing. If she weren't feeding their daughter, he'd lay her out on the kitchen table and wipe that teasing smirk right off of her face, but there are certain things little eyes don't need to see, even if she is only two and half months old and unlikely to remember.
"What's the occasion?" she asks, eyeing the pancake mix and fresh fruit out on the countertop.
"Breakfast in bed?"
"Does there have to be an occasion?"
"No," she replies, her voice dropping an octave as she questions me with her eyes.
Before she can question him further, Katie becomes restless, wiggling in Scully's arms and demanding her attention as she unlatches and begins to fuss. Shifting her in her arms, Scully raises her onto her shoulder to burp, which only serves the intensify the level of fuss.
Knowing she will quiet when Scully repositions her, Mulder continues to gather ingredients without offering assistance, pulling out a few eggs, fresh strawberries, and a package of bacon from the refrigerator. Pans, utensils, measuring cups, and a mixing bowl follow. By the time he's gotten everything organized and the first few pieces of bacon in the skillet, Katie has quieted and is contently feeding.
"I could get used to this. You, shirtless … making me breakfast," she says.
To this, he can only smirk. He's frying bacon with no shirt. He fears nothing, and she has made him this way.
"You could, but then it wouldn't be a ‘just because’ breakfast anymore. It would just be breakfast."
"So that's what this is? A ‘just because’ breakfast?"
Yes, he thinks. That is precisely what this is.
Giving her knowing smile, he doesn't answer with words. Instead, he cracks eggs, flips bacon, cuts strawberries, and mixes pancake batter. Surprising her in bed would have been fun, but he is by no means disappointed in the view he has as he works. If the smile that adorns her face now is any indication, Scully is perfectly content to let him keep her guessing, which is good, because he has significant plans for the whipped cream hidden in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator.
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thebechloemixtape · 6 years
THE NEON LIGHTS shaded the girls face in an odd and contorted way. Almost like the bright red and green morphed together to show different sides of a personality. One was calm and collected, thoughts put together like a perfectly edged puzzle. The other was reckless, taking commands from the side of the brain that had experienced too much of the wrong thing.
Instead, it was just the flickering sign of the motel, it's green "Great Pines" logo starting to dull due to the thick fog that rolled in past hot asphalt. Underneath was a flickering crimson that barely read vacancy. Beca couldn't tell why anyone would want to subject themselves to a night stay at a fleabag motel anyway.
The sound of compressing air ripped through the length of the bus as it's spotted doors opened to the night. An overwhelming sense of dread washed over the girl, her nails digging into her stained jeans as she averted her gaze to squiggled patterns that were on the seat in front of her. The bus wouldn't have stopped unless someone was taking up the one remaining seat. The seat next to her.
Crickets were making themselves known in the surrounding areas of the bus. The dull yellow light sparking their interest, she supposed. The muffled and gruff words of the driver filled her ears. It was the normal speech. He warned about the last stop being the only option. The stranger didn't say anything- not that Beca could hear.
"Excuse me," a soothing voice pulled the teenager from her melancholy thoughts. They were distracting and overwhelming. She flicked her gaze over to the girl who stood with a green backpack over her shoulder, a pensive expression on her face. "Is this seat taken?"
She was pretty. Gorgeous in the broken kind of way. She wore a tattered pea coat, a black one that smelled of cinnamon. A dark red shirt was under the jacket, a button hanging on by a thread preventing her from closing it completely. Deep strawberry blond hair rested messily under a mustard yellow beanie. She had her thumbs looped on the pack's straps, a set of fingerless gloves wrapped around her palms.
"No," Beca scooted closer to the cold metal edge that the bus had to offer. She didn't need to push herself away from the girl, but did anyway, out of courtesy maybe. "Go right ahead."
The stranger thanked her in a light manner, pulling the bag from her shoulders as she lowered herself into the seat. There was an armrest dividing them, one that Beca wasn't willing to fight over. She could have it if she wanted to, but instead, the girl just placed her hands on her lap. She was probably cold.
The bus let out a groan. It was probably cold too. It's inner workings squealing as the driver pulled back onto the long and dark road. A light dusting of snow was interrupted by tracks from other vehicles. Pine trees stretched for the miles ahead, adding a darkness as the pale moonlight cast a glow on Beca's face.
"Where are you heading?" The stranger asked.
"Hmm?" The brunette snapped out of her thoughts once more, cocking an eyebrow as she stared at the ginger with curiosity.
"Do you know where you're going?"
"No," Beca responded somberly. "No, not yet. You?"
The girl seemed to take a few seconds to respond, even though she was the one to pose the original question. Beca found it odd. Most strangers offered up small talk in an attempt to talk about themselves. But this one didn't. This one was interested in her.
"Me either." She admitted. "I thought I had it all figured out but turns out I don't."
Beca nodded. She didn't know what else to say. That was a universal feeling. Having the world that you know, and love ripped out from under your feet was a common enough feeling that it almost seemed like second nature. She didn't have a car; forty-five dollars was only so much. It could buy her one more greyhound and a warm place to sleep for the night, but not much more than that.
"Oregon is an odd place to end up," Beca spoke finally.
"A cold place." The girl snorted. "I grew up here, you know? Thought maybe if I came back there would be something left here. But there's not. Not in that shitty little motel, or the five star one about half a mile up the road."
"Oh?" Beca raised a brow, a bit of a smile on her face "So you willingly chose to stay at Great Pines?"
The stranger mirrored the small smirk, shaking her head as she let out a noise that was a mix between a scoff and a snort. It was almost adorable- the way her cheeks heated up due to something other than the cold air that was slowly getting warmed by the heaters behind their ankles.
"Willingly is a bit of a stretch." She bit the edge of her lip. Beca watched her curiously. She had a whole story behind her cobalt eyes. They were kind, the blue mixing with green closer to the edge of her irises. "How about we start with a name first? You know, before I dig too far into my psyche."
"Beca," The brunette stuck her hand out, a lazy smile on her face.
"Chloe," She responded, taking the hand. Her glove was warm against bare skin, an odd shock rushing along Beca's elbow. She ignored it, drawing in a soft breath as she nodded towards her seatmate. "You have a pretty name. Is it short for anything?"
"I guess the right answer would be Rebecca, but my parents wanted me to suffer when they gave me an eternal nickname."
"I think it's cute." The red-head lifted her chin slightly "There are too many Rebecca's in this world anyway."
"What about Chloe then?" Beca asked, turning to face the stranger. She felt the cold edge of an unused buckle seep through her clothing. It sent a chill up her spine, but she stifled it. She had her hand on her knee, grasp tightening.
"Louisiana," the red-head smiled softly at the brunette "My parents met there a long while ago in a little town called Chloe. They fell in love while sitting on the edge of some river. It's romantic really."
"That's nice," Beca mused, biting the edge of her lip. She was curious about it. Every love story she had heard lately consisted of an online password and the hope that the person on the other side of the screen hadn't embellished on their profile too much. "No one just meets anymore."
"Right," Chloe let out a small but contagious laugh "I'm just lucky they didn't meet somewhere like Rhode Island. Who knows what I would be named?"
Beca snorted as she glanced out the window. The deep green trees were passing in a blur. Snow collected upon branches and weighed them down as the headlights of a passing vehicle passed over the passengers who rode in complete silence.
"Do you ever think about going back?" Chloe willed herself to ask.
"What?" Beca asked, knitting her eyebrows together in confusion.
"Home, I mean." The girl responded timidly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"How do you know I left one behind?"
"Your bag," The ginger adjusted her position in the seat slightly. She looked uncomfortable, or at least not as confident in herself as she was a few moments ago. "Your name is written in sharpie across the side of the tag."
The other girl scoffed, shaking her head. "That doesn't mean anything. I could've written that."
"You don't care enough to," Chloe spoke boldly. "It's written on the tag of your hat too... which matches the stitching on your gloves. Someone knitted those for you."
Beca stared down at the navy gloves that were draped across the edge of her bag. She had gotten too hot when she stepped foot on the bus about two hours back. Now they just stared up at her, turned inside out to reveal the same messy signature from her mother. "Are you a detective?"
"No," She shook her head "I'm just someone who knows the difference between a girl who's missed, and one who's not."
"Oh," Beca wanted to be mad at the girl. She had no idea what she was talking about. How it felt like she would suffocate under the weight of the small fishing town she had fled from in the middle of the night. She had left a note. But she knew it tore her family apart. Just like the fallen stitching on the hat she wore. It would come undone eventually.
"You should go home, Beca."
"Maybe I should," She stared out the window once more, this time not squinting away from the golden light that swept over her. "But what about you?"
"What about me?" Chloe asked, "I'm a stranger you met on a Greyhound in the middle of the woods."
"What will you do next?" Beca ignored the obvious. "You don't have anyone to go home to, do you?"
Chloe swallowed roughly. No, she didn't. That much was apparent by the little things she noticed. The warmth and love that she craved was never just around the corner. It was never a slight dial from a risky payphone at a gas station. Once this bus reached its final stop she would climb onto a new one and struggle to find another journey.
"You're a good person, with a good home." Chloe spoke, "I'm not someone you need to concern yourself with."
"I am not a good person, Chloe."
"You let me sit next to you, didn't you?"  
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
Sesame Street the get healthy now show
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-for-beginners/sesame-street-the-get-healthy-now-show/
Sesame Street the get healthy now show
nemours health and prevention services helping kids grow up healthy and kids healthorg providing expert information about caring for children presents The "Get healthy now show" the show that helps everyone get healthy now! starring Elmo Telly Monster Rosita The Count And the not yet ripe fruit and vegetable players and now here's Elmo Elmo´s here! Welcome to the "get healthy now show" You know fruits and vegetables? Well, Elmo´s favorite fruit is a pineapple, but my favorite vegetable is broccoli You´re not moving your body all about my gift We just get something that keeps us healthy Yeah Moving your body is a great way to get healthy now in the "healthy show" is all about getting "happy" There's our special gest! the big and juicy and happy fun sensation The big tomatoe! Yes! Hi! It's the big tomato himself
He's not here yet quiet!! Who is talking to Elmo? The big tomatoe is stuck behind a split milk truck?? Ok! mmhh Elmo will think of something bye! What did he say? Well, the big tomato is going to be late! He stepped behind spilt milk Oh, no Don't cry Telly! it´s ok what's up with the big tomatoes on next? what do we do? I can do my yodeling act Oh stop being such a yam! No no! wait a minute! wait a minute everybody! Mr Yam is right! the show must go on! How? the big tomatoe is our star! and he knows all about getting healthy now Hey! We're up on healthy! "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" Why not do as much of the show as we can until the big tomato gets here? Yeah! the fruit and veggie five have to perform pay attention everybody! the show is going on! I hope they clean up that spilled milk soon We need that tomato everybody! The "get healthy now show" welcomes to the stage: "the fruit and veggie five!" Yeah! Let me hear you say Apple! Eggplant! Pineapple! Carrot! Broccoli! you gotta eat your five fruits and vegetables every day Five fruits and vegetables, the healthy way You know five fruits and vegetables that's the way to go! (that´s the way we go) we come in every shape and size, in all the colors of the rainbow five fruits and vegetables! one, two, three, four, five we come in green, red and yellow! Five fruits and vegetables, we're nature's dream! we're every color in the rainbow
It´s so good to be! Five fruits and vegetables that make your day complete! we are all so very colorful! And our flavours can be Red like a reddish Green like broccoli! Yellow like pineapple and orange like me! Purple like an eggplant! Blue like blueberries! Pink like watermelon! We are so very very good for you! They can be So good to me! Five fruits and vegetables! one two three four five! Hey, you forgot the red bell pepper right? The veggie five everybody! So, how many fruits or vegetables should you eat a day? Let me hear it! Five! Watch this Let's go buy some fruits and vegetables I go shopping with my mom, and we find our five fruits and vegetables together It´s called eggplant We're Gonna have some of this, okay? Yeah They are different sizes Some carrots Different shapes What color is this plum? and in every color of the rainbow Purple? Purple! I'm a lover for breakfast What do you like? Fruits and oats they make the best meal of the day? Breakfast! Hey, Banana Strawberries Blueberries Now we're gonna pour yoghurt in each plate together with yoghurt We also have whole grain toast and low-fat milk I love to eat dinner with my family! We have a healthy meal Eat brown rice and lots of vegetables Check out the picnic! A picnic in the park is yummy and fun don't forget the water! I'm the least to move! How do you move your body? You can play all kinds of fun things The fruit and veggie five are finished! The fruit and veggie five are oh You ok? Somebody has to get on a stage right now the show is not going gone, it has Stopped what? Oh no! Who's up next? we are Telly! whoa! are we ready? Oh thank you! The Big Tomato is still on his way What´s up next, guys? Sometime, anytime food game! Sometime, anytime food game! Hello everybody! Welcome to the "Sometime, anytime
food game" Yeah! Let's meet our contestants First from the beautiful state of Florida Señorita Miami Orange! I'll give you some sqeeze! I am so happy to be here Well, thank you very much! Señorita Miami Our second contestant is your friend and mine Yes! ladies and gentlemen! Telly monster! Thank you! Thank you contestants! Let's get ready! Okay, Do you know the difference between a "sometime" and " an "anytime" food? Oh! Yes! yes, I do! A "sometime food" you eat just once in a while, and usually it's fatty, sugary or salty And I guess that an "anytime food" is so good for you, you can eat it, like, at anytime! Yes! Yes! That's right! And it keeps your body healthy and strong Thank you very much, señorita Miami Orange! and now this wheel has pictures of blueberries chocolate cake whole-Grain bread Yes! Low-fat milk, and a lollipop When I spin the wheel it would land on one of these foods Contestants, and you friend out there! You have to guess what kind of food it is "Sometime" or "anytime" all right? Let's play! Look at it go! see, but where's it supposed to land? I have no idea! You don't? Me neither! And the food is A glass of low-fat milk! Señorita Orange, is a glass of low-fat milk a "sometime" or an "anytime" food? Well, mmm I'm thinking that a low-fat milk is is very good for you It keeps bones healthy and strong and it's important to drink every day So I'm gonna say it's an "anytime" food! That´s it! I'm feeling all pumped up! Telly, your turn! Chocolate cake Telly, is that a "sometime" or an "anytime" food? Oh! Me am uh oh I love chocolate cake! it tastes great! But I only eat it once in a while, like at birthday parties and stuff, so that meansI'm guessing it must be a "sometimes food" Yes Telly, you're right! Very good Chocolate cake is a "sometimes" food Good for you! Now it´s time for the final round I'll spin the wheel and when it lands on a food you must press your buzzer to answer! are you ready? Yeah! Got it I press the buzzer! the the buzzer here we go Señorita Orange! Is a blueberry a "sometime" or an "anytime" food? Well
A blueberry is definitely a very healthy food Full of vitamins, and I just love that blue color! But what is the answer? Oh right! Right! A blueberry is an "anytime" food! You are right! Señorita Miami Orange! You are our winner! Really? Oh, wow! Did you hear that mamma? I won! Tell everybody down in my room And your prize is this beautiful and colorful ball! Uhm, you hold this Telly Thank you It's great to play with and you can get some exercise too! Oh! a beach ball! Fantastic! Hey let's play catch Telly! Okay! Thank you! Hey! Rosita! Rosita! Who's up next?! I don't know! do you? I have no idea! But I do It´s the Count! We are ready to be part of the "Get healthy now show" Super! Take it away Count Von Count! I'm here with Joey, Anna and Michael! Now who knows where in your body is your heart? show me Your heart is right
Huh, here Mmm, here Yes! it is right there in your chest, and do you know what I love to count? Heart beats So with this heart beat counting stethoscope I will now count Joey's heartbeats Do you hear that? It's Joey's heart Amazing! Now let's count the beats you too, ready? okay! One Two, Three, Four five six seven, eight, nine Ten! Oh! Wonderful! Now What do you think will happen to Joy's heartbeat if he jumps up and down? Any guesses? Well, I think that I'll get louder, maybe? Well, let's find out! Maestro! jumping music, please! Start jumping! you too! get up and jump! Are you jumping? Excellent It is really good for you, you know? The more you move and jump the healthier your body is getting! Okay, stop the music Now, Let's listen to Joy's heartbeat What happened? He's faster! Yes, it is beating faster That is why moving and jumping is so good for you It gives you a healthy heart! So keep on moving your body! And now it's back to the show! Pstt! Elmo! Here you go! The big tomatoe! He called again They had not cleaned up all the spilled milk yet! Don't worry Don't worry How can I no worry? I seems very very bad to me! No big tomato, nobody to go on next, to business is hard! It's gonna be okay! Yes? Yes! It's gonna be okay! So professional! The next group is ready Are you ready? Tell us what you do to get healthy! We love to move at my house It starts with my brother turning off the TV and I turn on the music and we do all kinds of funny dances Then, out we go! Raking leaves! Jumping on leaves! Chasing the dog, the dog chasing us! Hula-hooping! My brother's just learning how to do it And then there's always a good walk around the neighborhood I don't know if I walk the dog, or the dog walks me! Yeah you can do all kinds of fun things to move your body and get your heart beating That was fun! Ay mama! That's the last act we have! And the big tomatoe still isn't here! I guess the show won't go on anymore, Elmo
You hold the curtain! this act hasn't gone on! Telly! No, it's Telly Asparagus! I will go out there and entertain the audience until the tomato shows! Wish me luck I need it Good luck Telly! Good luck I'll just tell him if he needs some help! Great idea Elmo, come on! And the Teddy Bear says no, thanks I'm stuffed! Get it? Get it? He wasn't hungry 'cause he was stuffed! like stuffing her with food See? It works both ways! It's funny! Okay, all right, all right! Maybe you didn't like that but here, here's an there's plenty more where that one came from All right, all right! Go on here's a surefire winner all right How do you fix a flat pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch! Hey guys any sign of the big tomato?I'm wilting out here! Have you heard this one? How do you make a strawberry shake? You put it on the refrigerator! Hey! It's my old friend Elmo broccoli! Hello Telly Asparagus! And Rosita A Whole Week Tortilla! No!! Kidding! We may not have a big tomato for our finale But we've got a big asparagus, a broccoli and a whole week tortilla! Yeah! and very healthy! Okay! Let's sing! So, let's get healthy! let's get healthy! So there are some ways to feel good every day You can do it too! It's not hard to do! So let's get healthy, let's get healthy! Ending, dong ding ding Let's get healthy Did you hear that? It's the big tomatoe! He's here? He's here! You are the big tomatoe?! The healthy food sensation? I thought you would be a littleyou know a little bigger Yeah,! Sorry I'm late Nice costumes ! Very appetizing Hey! Mr Big Tomatoe sounds very healthy Well, you can be a healthy food fan no matter what your size! I may be small, but my message is big Take care of yourself! you're the only you you've got! Let's get up and move everybody! Every kid can get healthy now! So let's finish this show Let's get healthy! -it's the big tomatoe- Come on! Let's do it everyday! -do do it everyday!- This is an invitation -it's an invitation- To join the healthy clean sensation -healthy clean sensation- Come on and move your body! You can do it! Make every day -make every day- A healthy day! -a healthy day- You gotta try to be healthy every day! Be healthy everyday! Come on get up and move! -it's the big tomatoe- Come on let's do it every day! -do do it every day!- The Big Tomatoe sends an invitation -it's an invitation- To join the healthy clean sensation! -the healthy clean sensation- You can do it! Let's get healthy! Start today! Oh, yeah, you got that right? Elmo is riding his tricycle! Oh, hi big bird! Hi Elmo! Oh, Elmo sure loves riding his tricycle Riding the tricycle, feeling so proud! Riding a tricycle, easy to do Do the fruit dance! Everybody jump and dance Move your feet and shake your hands! Freeze! Grapes! Do the grapes dance! Everybody jump and dance Kick your feet and clap your hands! Freeze! Strawberries! Do the strawberry dance! Everybody jump and dance Spin around and touch the ground! Freeze! Watermelon! Do the watermelon dance! Everybody jump and dance Shake your body Freeze! Cherry! Do the cherry dance! Everybody jump and dance Reach up high and touch the sky! Freeze! Do the fruit dance! Everybody jump and dance Move your feet and shake your hands! I love fruits! Do the veggie dance! Everybody jump and dance Move your feet and shake your hands Freeze! Broccoli! Do the Broccoli dance! Everybody jump and dance Kick your feet and clap your hands! Freeze! Mushrooms! Do the mushroom dance! Everybody jump and dance Spin around and touch the ground! Freeze Cucumber! Do the cucumber dance Everybody jump and dance Shake your body swing your hands Freeze Corn! Do the corn dance! Everybody jump and dance Reach up high and touch the sky Freeze! Do the veggie dance Everybody jump and dance Move your feet and shake your hands I love veggies! Sesame Street dinner theater is proud to present that famous play about a man who could not make up his mind We bring you Omelet Prince of Dinner As our drama starts, Prince Omelet must choose which vegetable to have for the family dinner
Broccoli or peas The Peas or not the Peas? That is the question Choose a vegetable Prince Omelet! We're all hungry! Sweets broccolis out of any tasty tree with calcium rich and Vitamin C and E We'll eat this with this fish He chose the broccoli! But wait! Oh! He changed his mind! Oh! Daddy! Behold the candied mussels on this plate! Green pea is so small and yet so round and sweet with C and folic acid so replete
I've changed my mind Fair Peas, please you will eat? Okay! it's the peas! Yet He changed his mind again! Well, you do this every night! It's still a small voice inside I hear Just whispering broccoli into my ear peas broccoli peas Broccoli I've made my choice Whoo! which will it be? the green peas or the broccoli? Y'all is very layton by my truth I am so hungry We'll eat them both! the vegetables! Yes, yes! the children: Elizabeth the First Henry the Second and Richard the third Very well! Hello! with feats of broccoli and peas So sweet and now we'll need no more to eat Rosita and I have a little problem here It's kind of a¡dance fruit problem I love to eat a mango She loves to dance the Tango, but I can't dance the tango As well as he eats a mango If I'm dancing a tango What are we going to do? Let's both eat the Mango -Let's both dance the Tango- Oh wait! Eat your mango while we dance the tango! No! that's way too messy and difficult too! Oh, what are we going to do? You know that eating mango is healthy for you Well, dancing the tango is exercise too! Hey! Let's both eat mango And then dance a Tango That what we should do! And the problem will be Mango! Mango! Mango Mango! Mango! Mango Tango Tango Tango, Tango We worked our problems through Now we'll eat mango! Dance Tango! Eat mango! Dance tango! Happily ever after! with you Like I always said! It takes two to mango Hey! What that? That look like bunch of fruit! Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, oh yeah? Cookie!! Oh! Me so hungry yeah yeah yeah! What should me eat? Fruit or cookie? fruit or cookie? Fruit? Cookie? Fruit? Cookie? OH! This tough decision! Wait! What me saying?? Me cookie monstar!! Me eat cookie!! Hey, Cookie monster! my man monster! what's up? Me about to eat delicious cookie! What about all that? All the good stuff over there! You see there's grapes, and there's apples and bananas Me no so Oh, well won't you listen to what Hoot's to tell you
And don't you cop an attitude? Try not to A cookie can be crounchy, sweet and yummsy! But A cookie is a "sometime" food! Yes! A cookie is a "sometime" food! There are plenty other fruits and vegetables! That are healthy for you all the time! They're delicious, they're yummy A cookie is a "sometime" food! Yes! a cookie is a "sometime" food! If you're looking for something to snack or for something sweet you're in the mood Try an orange, or some cherries Try a melon or some berries 'cause A cookie is a "sometime" food! Yes! a cookie is a "sometime" food! Yes! a fruit is an "anytime" food! Me get that fruit is anytime food Cookie: sometime food That's right Yeah Yeah, yeah It's time to actually retraction Jackson It's nap time Barney What are you having ? Barney! You had a cookie yesterday
Why don't you try something new like fruit? Like fruit Trade your cookie for mango tastes so good and makes you tangle Have an orange! That's the way! Meet Super Windy She's a superhero and she leads a [super] heroes life Mmm There's nothing like a healthy meal to give you the energy you need for a full day [of] superhero activities I'm full think I'll save the rest for later Waiter may I take the rest of this in a to-go box, please Here you go Hey Thanks slater
That's game You know I'm feeling hungry now I'm ready to eat the food I say from this afternoon Yep, there's nothing like a healthy meal to keep you going when there's work to be done Wake up time for breakfast Ernie [it] is in the middle of the night I know bert but I can't wait because breakfast is the best meal [of] the day oh Breakfast is the best meal of the day [you're] singing advising practice gives me energy to play Wakes me up from head to toe it Even helps my body grow breakfast is the best meal of the day I was sleeping I know that bert, but how could you sleep at a time [like] this? Because it's bedtime Ernie It's not breakfast
Do you see breakfast anywhere here as a matter of fact I do Breakfast is the best meal [of] the day breakfast gives you energy to play I do not make this [ancient] [I] put new [-] don't you'll have homes to go [to] healthy food [it's] good for you breakfast is the best All right, fine Fine Fine Fine
I give up I give up pretty fine the score of breakfast come on Come on What birth way to save you you said it was breakfast time Well, it was time to sing about breakfast bert we don't eat breakfast till the morning Could you get the light? Yeah, sure Hmm Hey excuse me This is [my] bed And [amen] thank you for eating your vegetables instead of throwing beautiful
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