#he says casually about the aliens they just met
gemini-sensei · 1 year
Prime | Jaime Reyes x Chubby!Reader NSFW Headcanons
Fem!Reader ○ NSFW but cute n' funny (IMO)
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💙 Khaji Da is keen on certain human interactions; others not so much. So sometimes there's restraint on its part, like not wanting to totally rip apart a threatening foe. However, sometimes it misses the mark, and being in tune with Jaime, it knows when he is totally in love with his girlfriend. So the comments it makes about a certain subject are still a little out of pocket, but at least it waited for the right time. Maybe.
💙 Just on a chill afternoon, when nothing is bothering literally anyone, Khaji "casually" brings up Reader's current state of being - that being in the middle of her cycle and "prime for mating."
💙 Jaime literally spits out his drink and anyone nearby gives him weird looks. Like, the Scarab on his back just says the most bizarre things in this completely serious way, and he can't act normal about it ever.
💙 He has to leave the room to have an argument with Khaji Da about what is appropriate and not appropriate points of conversation. Also scanning his girlfriend to check her fertility is out of line in his opinion and should not be done (I'll go ahead and tell you that Khaji does not listen to this tidbit.)
💙 "But Jaime, now is the time. The next natural step is to mate and produce offspring. Reader is not only in her prime state to mate, but she is a perfect partner to reproduce with-"
💙 "No! We're done talking about this! And don't say it like that! What even-"
💙 One time, when Reader is grinding down on Jaime's lap, hard-on trapped in his pants as they're just having fun, Khaji brings it up again: "She obviously wants you to mate with her, Jaime. Her body is ready to relieve your-"
💙 "Stop it!... not you, amor."
💙 Khaji Da literally never stops though. Uses the "It's in your best interest, Jaime" line a lot and Jaime gets annoyed with it every time.
💙 Don't get him wrong, Jaime wants a family of his own one day. He would just rather have that conversation with Reader and not the world-destroying alien weapon under his skin.
💙 Khaji Da knows Jaime wants a family and thinks he's in the perfect position in life to start one - meaning as long as he is alive and healthy then that's all the conditions that need to be met. Jaime disagrees.
💙 On the other hand, sex still happens even when Khaji is being persistent. Jaime just tries to ignore it. However, all of its suggestions and encouragement lead to a slight breeding kink.
💙 Jaime will have Reader in his arms, curves in his hands, chest to chest, making out, and Khaji feeds him ideas of what positions to be in and all of that fun stuff.
💙 Khaji says one thing about a mating press and Jaime has suddenly found his new favorite position.
💙 Now Jaime can go for multiple rounds, probably thanks to Khaji and all the energy it gives Jaime. Reader, on the other hand, cannot go as many rounds as him. So Khaji is constantly watching her vitals, her hydration levels, her energy levels, and more all throughout sex. When she's spent, it stops Jaime from giving her another orgasm, though a little overly cautious about it in the way it will physically make him recoil to get away from her.
💙 Khaji is always looking out for Jaime's best interest, so this includes looking out for Reader's wellbeing. (Also, Khaji likes Reader, so of course it's going to look out for her as well.) (If Khaji didn't like Reader, then there'd be some problems.)
💙 Aftercare king Jaime Reyes. He's so good at aftercare, but Khaji accidentally insults him when it tells him how much water Reader should have after they finish having sex. He mutters under his breath about how he knows how to take care of Reader and Khaji goes on a little spiel about her hydration levels and how they need to stay hydrated if they're going to be so "vigorously sexually active" and "conceive offspring."
💙 He tells it to shut up and brings Reader her water.
💙 Khaji brings up the "mating" idea every time Reader is "prime and fertile," and Jaime just has to deal with it. It becomes a one-note sort of thing after a while, like, it'll come up and Khaji will say something, and Jaime is just like "Uh huh." But once he and Reader start talking about it themselves, better believe that breeding kink is creeping back up and about to go full force.
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lokigodofmyheart · 2 months
Pairing: Loki x Stark!Reader.
Words: 9.281.
Summary: After the attack, Y/N offers Loki a deal for some short of freedom. A lot can happen when two people live together.
Warning/Content: small angst, smut.
A/N: Song: Like Real People Do - Hozier.
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After the attack, they had locked Loki on a short of cell in the tower. After a couple of hours of being locked, Y/N went down to where he was. She walked in the room, nodding at the guards and stopping in front of his cell. She was a new face, one Loki didn’t recognize from the fight. Loki eyed her and raising a brow in slight confusion. He stood up and looked her up and down. 
“I don’t think we’ve met yet.” Y/N says, with a gentle tone. 
Loki smirked a tad, crossing his arms as he looked at her, tilting his head a little as he did “I suppose we haven’t, I would have remembered you if we had. And who are you?” 
She gave him a polite smile “You can call me Y/N.” 
He smiled a little at her.  “Y/N, it’s a pretty name.  Do you have a last name?” 
“I do.” 
“And what exactly would that be?” Loki leaned against the wall behind him. 
“You don’t need to know. For now.” 
Loki chuckled a little bit, finding her attitude rather amusing and entertaining “That’s not very nice. I want to know it though” 
“So...” she starts “big attack with aliens and all, huh?” 
He shrugged, crossing his arms behind his back as his gaze turned to the cell door for a moment before back to her “Yes, yes. My plan didn’t quite work out as I hoped for” 
“I can see that.” Y/N gave a small chuckle. 
Loki couldn’t deny that he found her chuckle endearing. He hummed a bit in slight annoyance as he moved slightly “You’re quite enjoying my current situation, aren’t you?” 
“I little, yes. I do recall you throwing Tony out of his own tower.” 
“And I recall him annoying me” Loki said, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. 
“It’s his specialty. Annoy people.” Y/N shakes her head. 
Loki chuckled a small bit, finding that statement to be very true “Worried with your boyfriend?” 
“He’s not my boyfriend.” 
He nodded a little, taking that information and processing it. It made his smirk shift slightly “Right. And what is he to you?” 
Y/N smiled a little “Someone close. That’s all you’re getting from me.” 
“That doesn’t say much. How close?” Loki moved a bit, now walking around the cell slowly as he looked at her, his tone was rather casual, and it also held a slight hint of curiosity. 
“Close. And that that will never happen between me and him. It’s actually disgusting to think.” 
Loki chuckled at her statement, finding it quite interesting that she was grossed out by the idea. He smirked a little as he spoke “Oh? You’re grossed out by the thought? Why’s that?” 
Y/N chuckles, changing the subject “Aren’t you curious about what’s gonna happen with you now?” 
He hummed “I am curious. I figure I’m not gonna get a good future though” 
“Your lovely brother says he wants to take you back to Asgard, something about answering for your crimes, a trial and a cell...” 
Loki rolled his eyes as she told what his fate was gonna be, crossing his arms as he spoke “A cell in the dungeons of Asgard… of course. It was to be expected I suppose” 
“It didn’t have to be like that.” Y/N spoke, looking at him.  
That got his attention. He raised a eyebrow at her as she spoke, tilting his head slightly “What do you mean it didn’t have to be?” 
Y/N grins “What if I could offer something a little different. Not a cell...” 
He shifted a little bit on his feet as he spoke “What exactly are you planning on offering me?” 
“A bedroom.” 
Loki was surprised by that answer, to say the least  “A bedroom? That’s what you’re offering?” 
“I’m not offering you freedom, if that’s what you’re wondering. I’m just offering you something better than a cell in the dungeons of Asgard. Better food. Comfort.” 
That definitely made Loki quite curious. A cell in the dungeons of Asgard and going back to Thor and dealing with the rest of Asgard… or whatever she was offering. He weighed his options in his mind, before speaking  “So I get a bedroom. What’s the catch though?” 
“Well, the bedroom is in this tower. And you would have to live with the rest of the team.” Y/N spoke. 
He chuckled, not liking the sound of having to live with the rest of the team, but it was better then going back to Asgard “I’ll be staying in the same place as the rest of your precious avengers?” 
Y/N also chuckles “I guess I could get you a room in my floor, if you promise not to kill me in my sleep.” 
There was a grin on his face as well as he spoke, his eyes flickering over her  “I see. I won’t kill you in your sleep. You have my word” 
She nods “That way you won’t need to interact with the team if you don’t want to. Oh, also you cannot leave the tower alone.” 
Loki nodded in response, listening to her as she laid down some basic rules for him. It sounded like a pretty sweet deal actually. A private room and no interaction with the team often, that sounded like a great deal. He smirked a little “No big interactions with the team and I can’t leave the tower without any of you. I can do that” 
“And not kill me. Or anyone else.” She smiles, having a litte of fun in this. 
He waved his hand in a ‘pft’ motion “No killing you or anyone else. I’m a man of my word” 
Y/N nods “I’m trusting you on this.” 
Loki gave her a small smile in response, finding it interesting that she was trusting him on it.  “I’m curious. Why exactly are you offering me something like this? It doesn’t make much sense” 
“The team might need your...how can I put this...your expertise sometime in the future.” Y/N says as she signals for one of the guards to come to them. 
He nodded “You expect you’ll need my magic at some point?”  
“Exactly.” Another nod. 
Loki chuckled at that, feeling a sense of pride knowing that she saw his magic as useful, and that he could be a powerful asset “So let me get this straight. I get my own room, you need my magic for the future, I can’t leave the tower by myself and I’m not allowed to kill anyone.”  
 “Oh, and no pranks. Thor said you used to do a lot of those in Asgard.” She chuckles. 
Loki smirked. Of course the thunder-brained oaf would say that. He huffed in annoyance at the fact Thor had mentioned them, rolling his eyes as he responded “Oh of course he mentioned the pranks. Well I suppose I can promise no pranks.” 
“So, do we have a deal?” Her tone was more serious now. 
He took in everything she had given him, making sure he remembered everything. He then gave a slight smirk, nodding his head “We have a deal.” 
“Great.” she smiles at him and nod to the guard to open his cell. Loki pushed himself off the wall as he watched the guards open the cell. He stretched once before walking out of the cell and standing in front of her, giving a small smirk as he looked down at her. It was a bit intimidating considering he had quite the height advantage over her. 
Y/N pulled an ancient bracelet out of her pocket, looking at it “They said I should put this on you...but I think I can give you the benefit of the doubt.” 
Loki looked at the bracelet in her hands, raising a brow slightly. He glanced at a guard that was near them before looking back at her  “What does it do?” 
She looks back at him “It blocks your magic.” 
He crosses his arms over his chest as he spoke  “A magic blocking bracelet. I see. Very nice.” 
“Can you blame people for not trusting you that easily?” Y/N asks but Loki just rolls his eyes. “Should I put this on you? Or can I really trust you?” 
Loki tilted his head as he looked at the bracelet and then back at her. He looked at her for a few seconds before sighing and hodl his hands out to her “Fine. Put the bracelet on me.” 
Loki looked at her for a second before rolling his eyes. The sooner she put the bracelet on, the sooner they would be out of here “Are you really going to question why I’m letting you put a bracelet on that clearly blocks my magic?” 
“Yes. I was expecting you would put more of a  fight, saying ‘yeah, you can trust me’ or something like that.” Y/N was clearly surprised. 
He rolled his eyes again, sighing in slight annoyance, before looking at her and speaking again, in a slightly exasperated tone  “Can we just put the stupid bracelet on? We’re wasting time.” 
Y/N nods and closed the piece around his wrist carefully to not hurt him and immediately Loki felt the effect of the bracelet blocking his magic. He tried to make something with his seidr but when he tried to he felt the magic hit an invisible wall. 
"Come.” Y/N says walking to the elevator and Loki followed behind her. She looks at him for a few seconds after the elevator started moving. “Does it hurt?” 
Loki looked down at the bracelet again, feeling it’s slightly cold metal against his skin as he walked. “No, it doesn’t hurt. It’s just...limiting” 
Y/N gave a small nod, before she starts speaking again “My floor is one of the most privates one in the tower. I have my own kitchen, living room, two bedrooms with private bathrooms, one if mine, of course...”  Loki nodded as he listened to her explain the floor she was leading him to. He found he was quite okay with the sound of all of it. He’d have his own room, access to a kitchen and a living room. It sounded good actually. “Oh, and there’s a small library too, if you’re interested in reading.” 
His interest was peaked as she said there was a library too. A library? That sounded good. “There’s a library too?” 
She chuckles “Like I said, a small one.” 
Loki let out a small chuckle as well, the image of a small library was already in his mind “I must say, your floor does sound rather nice” 
“Well, you’ll see.” 
He nodded in response to that. “How often do the rest of the Avengers use your floor?” 
“Not much. We usually hang together in the common one, where there’s the meeting room, gym, a short of cinema room...” She explains as the elevator was almost stopping. 
Loki leaned his back against the elevator wall, continuing to look at her. He watched her silently for a moment, taking her in as he spoke  “A floor all to yourself too. Quite a luxury if I’m being honest. Stark must be really trying to conquer you.” 
Y/N chuckles “He isn’t.” 
Loki chuckled at that, finding it hard to believe that the great, egotistical and cocky Tony Stark, didn’t have at least some sort of crush or interest in her “You expect me to believe that Stark doesn’t have some sort of interest in you?” 
“Yes.” Oh, if only Loki knew. 
“You can expect me to believe that a man like him hasn’t at least attempted something with you?” He says studying her. 
Y/N laughs a little “Maybe one day I’ll explain why.” 
Loki looked at her as she spoke, curious to find out the answer to his question. He shook his head a little as he shrugged slightly “And why don’t you tell me now?” 
“It’s a conversation for the future.” Y/N knew that if she told him in the cell or now that she was Tony’s litte sister, Loki would never agree to this, he would think they would have a hiding agenda or something, since he clearly couldn’t stand her brother. Just in time to save her from this conversation, the elevator dings and open the door for them in her floor. “Come on, I’ll show you around.” 
Y/N showed him the whole floor as he followed her, looking around and seeing everything. She showed him the kitchen, living room, the small library until they stopped at the door of his new room. When she opened the door to his new room, he looked in and saw it. A large bedroom area, with a king size bed, a night stand and a dresser. A walk in closet and a private bathroom too. It all looked rather nice and comfortable “This will do nicely” 
She nods, looking around until she looks back at him in his Asgardian armor, groaning a little “I’m so stupid.” 
Loki tilted his head as he noticed the look on her face. There was a look a realization. “You look like you realized something. What’s that?” 
“I forgot you don’t have any clothes...or anything.” 
“Don’t worry about that.” Loki says, a hint of sincerity in his tone. 
“You still need clothes to live here, and product and everything. You can’t possibly be comfortable in that.” She points at his leather clothes. 
Loki huffed “Well I suppose you’re right. Do I have to go out? Or can I just order things to be brought in?” 
Y/N was already typing in her phone “No need to, I’ll ask someone to go buy it...Any color preferences?” 
He thought about it for a moment. He had always been a fan of the color green. It had become almost his signature color. “Green. My favorite color is green. Also some dark colors. And no leather.” 
“Why not?” She smirks “You're using a leather armor.” 
Loki chuckled at that “Exactly, it’s a armor. Is not really comfortable as clothes.”  
“Okay. Dark colors, no leather.” she keeps typing “T-shirts, jeans, jumpsuits...suit, shoes...shocks...boxers?” At this last one she looks at him to confirm. 
Loki raises a brow slightly as he listens to her list off what he needed. All of it sounded fine to him. “Boxer briefs will be fine, yes” 
“Okay, I sent the list. Probably will be here in a few hours.” Y/N says, looking back at him. 
He nodded in response and turned and looked around the room he’d be occupying I suppose I have time to just lounge around here until they get here then.” Loki looked away from the room and back at over her “I do quite like the room actually. And the whole floor really. 
“Thanks.” She smiles. 
He smiled back at her for a second “What now?” 
Y/N looked at the time, noticing it was almost dinner time and she was already hungry “What do you like to eat?” 
Loki raised a brow slightly, not quite sure why she was asking this. Nevertheless, he answered the question “I eat mostly anything. Why do you ask?” 
“I was just wondering if you have any preferences.” 
He shook his head. He didn’t really have any preferences when it came to food. He chuckled a bit before speaking again “Well, I suppose there is one food I do have a strong disliking for” 
“Let me guess, prison food?” She chuckles. 
Loki chuckled softly at that, his mind going to the food he’d been fed while in that cell. It had been absolutely revolting “Yes. Prison food is terrible.” 
Y/N laughs a little at this. “I’m guessing Asgard doesn’t have pizza...?” 
Loki raised a brow, looking at her a bit confused. He’d never heard that word before in his life “What in the nine realms is pizza?” 
“Just the best food you’ll ever eat. I’ll order for us tonight.” Y/N says excitedly. 
He chuckled slightly in response to her excitement, but mainly due to the fact he still had no idea what it was. Nevertheless, he nodded he head “I suppose I can try this pizza you speak of.” 
She smiles, getting her phone and ordering the pizza “You’re gonna love it.” 
“We shall see.” Loki chuckles again. 
“I’ll go finish doing my...stuff. In the meantime, feel free to do whatever you want. There’re books, a TV in your room and one in the living room too...” 
Loki nodded in response to her telling him to do as he pleases “TV?” 
She noticed the confused look on his face “You don’t have television in Asgard?” He shook his head, still confused as he looks at the TV on the wall for a second, trying to figure out what it does. “Okay. Here.” She got the remote and started to explain to him what it was and how it worked, how he could watch movies and shows, and everything. She even taught him how to use Netflix. 
He listened intently to everything she said, trying to understand what the hell it all ment. After a few minutes he spoke again “So you can just watch movies and shows on here all day?” Y/N nods at him. Loki looked back up at the TV on the wall, imagining himself just lounging in the bed watching whatever movie or show he wanted, anytime he wanted “I could get used to that.” 
“I think you will also need a phone, I’ll ask to my- uh, Tony, to get one for you.” Y/N says.  
Loki raised a brow, confused again “A phone? What in the nine realms is a phone?” 
Y/N showed him her phone, and briefly explained what it was. “I’ll teach you later how to use it when I get you one.” 
He nodded after she was done, looking at her “I see. So, I’ll be getting one of these as well then?” 
She nods “I’ll go meet the team, feel free here...” she smiles “and if you need me, you just have to say it to JARVIS, the AI, and he’ll let me know.” 
“Alright. I’ll call if I need you” He nodded his acknowledgment to what she said 
“I already ordered the pizza, it must be here in an hour or so.” She says. 
“Alright. Have fun with the others in the meantime” 
“You too. I mean, have fun here.” Y/N smiles before she left him. 
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After more or less of an hour, Y/N got back to her floor and went to his room. She found him on his new bed, with a book in hand. When he heard the door open, he glanced up from the book and at her “You’re back” 
 She entered his new bedroom with a lot of bags in her hands “I am. And here are your new everything.” 
Loki marked where he was currently at in the book and set it to the side as he sat up. He looked at all the bags that she had come in with, his interest peaked at how much there was “All that just for clothes?” 
She chuckles softly. Probably a prince of Asgard had never gone shopping in his life “Clothes, shoes, undergarments, hygiene products...everything is here.” 
He was a little surprise at the sheer amount of stuff she had brought in. He watched as she set the bags down “I didn’t realize I needed so much stuff.” 
“And this.” She handles him a cellphone. 
Loki took the phone from her. He studied it, looking at it up and down. He’d never held one of these before “And what am I supposed to do with this?” 
“I’ll teach you.” She sat by his side on the bed and turned the phone on. There was a cat picture on it. 
“Interesting choice of a lock screen picture” Loki raised a brow as he looked at the lock screen. 
“You can change it.” 
Loki chuckled a bit. He looked back down at the phone, his finger tapping around on the screen, trying to figure out how to change the lock screen “Alright. How do I do that?” 
Y/N then explained and teached him how to use a cellphone, how to make calls and how to text and use emojis. Her contact was already saved as “Y/N S.” Loki listened very carefully to the explanation of how to use the phone. His fingers tapping and moving around the screen as he followed along, exploring the apps and what they did.   
“Okay. Any doubts?” 
He hummed, thinking for a moment before speaking “No. I think I’ve got the basics of this down now...But what about that pizza you said you ordered?” 
“It must be arriving.” She says. 
Loki nodded when she said it would be here soon. He set the phone down, his mind going back to all the clothes she had brought in earlier “Oh and…where am I suppose to put all of that?”  
 “In your...closet?” Y/N was holding a chuckle, like it was so obvious. 
Loki mentally face palmed himself. That much should have been obvious. He had completely forgotten about the dresser that was in the room. He chuckled softly “Right. Of course.” 
“You should try them. See if everything fits.” 
He paused a moment as considered it. It would probably be a good idea to find out now if these clothes were too big or not after all “Fine. I guess I’ll try some of it on” 
“I’ll call you when the pizza’s here.” She says before leaving him alone to try the clothes. 
After almost 15 minutes, Y/N called him from the kitchen “Loki!! Pizza’s here!” 
Loki was still looking around the mirror at himself when he heard her call his name and call that the pizza had arrived. He had found that they were pretty good fits so far. “Coming!”  
 “Ready to try the best thing you’ll ever taste?” She says as she offers him a slice. 
Loki took the slice, still smiling as he held the pizza in his hand. He looked at it for a moment before bringing it up to his mouth. He took a bite and let the flavors and texture swirl in his mouth for a moment as he chewed. Once he had swallow that bite, his mind started processing the taste. It was actually quite good. Not at all what he was expecting. He looked to her, a smile back on his face “Well, I suppose this pizza actually is quite good” 
“Oh, come on. You can say it’s your favorite food from now on.” She smiles back at him. 
As they both continued to eat the pizza, Loki started thinking. He was enjoying this, the pizza and company both. The casualness of it all. It was nice. He took another bite before breaking the silence “Is this what it’s like for you all the time? Being able to eat pizza and chat and laugh like this?” 
“Mostly, yeah.” She nods. 
Loki hummed as he took another bite out the pizza. He swallowed, his mind still working as his gaze fell on her. He was just so curious about it all, this regular normal life. “This casualness. This normal day to day life…it’s so different to what we do and deal with all the time” 
“What was it like on Asgard?” 
Loki thought for a moment, trying to think how exactly to describe life in Asgard to a Midgardian “Not casual like this. There were no pizza for one. Life was much more formal. Always some kind of event happening or some sort of thing that we had to attend to” 
“Well, if you live with Tony, you always have some party invitation. He’s quite...popular around here.” Y/N chuckles. 
He chuckled at that “I suppose that’s unavoidable when you live with Stark” 
After a few more minutes of silence, Y/N spoke. “You know, for what they said, I was imagining your different.” 
Loki raised an eyebrow at that “Different how?” 
“More arrogant and difficult to deal. But you’re actually quite...nice.” 
Loki hummed in response.  “Maybe I’m just being nice out of politeness? Who’s to say I’m not actually like my past reputation?” 
“You’ve known me barely a day and have already made such definitive statements on my personality hm?” He says with a small smirk on his lips. 
Y/N chuckles “I’m good at seeing through people...I’m gonna sleep, I have to wake up early. Try not to destroy my floor. Good night...” 
He nodded slightly in response to her good night. He watched her as she walked away and then returned to his slice of pizza. Chewing it, his thoughts again going down the rabbit hole of everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. 
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Loki really started to grow quite close to Y/N over the months that passed as he was living with her. He quickly realized that he had grown quite affectionate for her, feelings of care and protective coming over him every time he saw her. Y/N had offered to him to take off the bracelet, but he still refused all the time. In this time, never left her floor and had little encounters with the others, mostly Thor and Tony. And he hated Tony. 
“Pizza’s here!!” Y/N called from her kitchen. 
Loki's ears perked up at the call. He had been in the living room, watching a movie, but as soon as she called out to him, he snapped himself out of it and got up. Making his way into the kitchen "That was fast.” 
“Right?” She chuckles. He moved up to the counter, his gaze drifting over to her a moment before he picked up a slice and Y/N did the same. “You know...I just realized you never told me when it’s your birthday.” 
“You never told me your last name either.” He says with a smirk as he eats the pizza. 
"So it's a tie" Loki chuckled, finding her response to be quite amusing. 
Y/N nods at him. Her phone buzzed and she already knew what it was. It was friday night, which means movie night for the team. Loki never wanted to go and that means she didn’t go either, because she didn’t want to leave him alone.  Still, they always texted her to invite. As Y/N checked her phone, Loki's ears perked up at the sound of it, curious as to what the message was. "Everything alright over there?" 
“Yeah...Nat’s asking if were going to watch the movie with them...” 
Loki found the others to be tiring, and the thought of sitting through a whole movie with them was almost unbearable "And are you going?" 
“Are you?” She looks at him. 
"No. I don't want to go to movie night" 
“So neither am I.” Y/N texted Nat before speaking again “You can’t avoid the team forever.” 
He leaned back against the counter, still holding a half eaten slice of pizza in his hands as he looked to her "I know… it's just that Stark…” 
“You really don’t like him, huh?” She chuckles. 
If Loki was being honest, Stark was possibly the single person he disliked the most "That man…I can hardly stand him. Everything about him annoys me. I don’t understand how you deal with him every day.” 
“My relationship with him is different...” Loki barely opened his mouth to say something, and she already cut him “and no, he’s not into me and no, I won’t explain.” 
Loki couldn't help but roll his eyes "I know you told me you won't explain. But it's strange. Especially with how annoying he is in general.” 
“Believe me, I know how annoying he can get sometimes.” She smiles a little. 
Loki's almost constant frown was replaced by a soft smile when she smiled. She was the only thing that could almost always get him to smile "Then how on earth do you handle him?" 
“Let’s just say I know him for a looong time.” 
He nodded slightly at her answer "That's fair. You still have my respect for being able to tolerate him for so long" 
Y/N looks at Loki for a few seconds... “You really hate him...” 
Loki's face and voice expressed how annoyed he was by the mention of Stark.  "I absolutely HATE that man. He truly is the most self-centered, cocky and arrogant person I've ever met. I bet his whole family is like that.” 
“Aren’t you exaggerating a little?” Y/N says. This would certenly complicate things between them. 
To him he was not exaggerating at all, and this was shown on his face "No. I am 100% serious. That man is insufferable, annoying, and cocky." 
“I mean what you said about his family.” 
Loki hummed, his expression still one of annoyance and dislike towards Stark "His whole family is bound to be like that. Look at Stark, his arrogance and cockiness, it must run in the family.” There was a pause for a moment, but he started speaking again, his tone going from mockingly confident to curious "Speaking of families… what's yours like? You haven’t told me about them.” 
“I have an older brother...” She speaks. 
Loki hummed, his head tilting slightly as his eyes stayed on her. He took another bite of the pizza slice he was holding "An older brother? What’s he like?" 
Y/N nods “Yeah...he always took care of me, especially after our parents die. I know he would do anything for me. He’s smart, caring…he always put me first, even if sometimes he’s a little overprotective.”  
A small part of Loki got a pang in his chest when she mentioned her parents being dead “Your brother sounds like a good guy. I’m sure I’d like him more than Stark.” Y/N just looks at him, not knowing what to say. He noticed how she seemed to pause after that last comment "You haven't told me his name, your brother's that is" 
She took a deep breath before answering “It’s...Anthony.” 
Loki couldn't help but chuckle softly at the coincidence "Are you joking? Your brother's name is Anthony?" Y/N just nodded. Loki had to hold back laughing as he processed the knowledge. The irony was almost too much to bear, but he was able to hold it in. His smirk growing as his voice came out, mocking and cheeky “How strange. That’s the name of our beloved friend Ironman...” She nodded again. 
He smirked again, thoroughly amused by this information "Your brother shares a name with that egotistical, arrogant, loudmouth… oh that is just…ironic, and hysterical.” Y/N just looked at him. He sure has realized...right? 
Loki chuckled, enjoying the irony and coincidence of her brother "Your brother seems like a much more decent fellow than Stark...”  
Y/N was still silent, just looking at him as she realizes he didn’t get it “Huh...Loki?” 
Looking at her, his gaze softened slightly “Yes?” 
“You didn’t get it, do you?” She says carefully. 
Loki looked at her for a moment, noticing the look on her face. He had been rather distracted that he had completely missed something that was rather obvious. He thought for a moment before his eyes widened and he suddenly realized “You’re kidding, right? Right?” His expression was one of absolute disbelief as it sank in “No. No, you’re joking. You have to be joking right now. Tell me you’re joking.” 
“I’m not...” 
There was a pause where Loki felt almost as though the room was spinning. He was trying to process this information, that his...friend, was sister of the man he hated the most, his mind in complete disbelief. He just stared at her, a dumbfounded look on his face. Eventually he managed to get words out “You mean to tell me, that your brother…the brother you were just talking about…is Tony Stark?” Loki wasn’t sure at this point whether he wanted to laugh, cry, or pull his hair out and scream “Oh this is…this is just brilliant…no…brilliant actually doesn’t even begin to describe this…this is…this is unbelievable” 
Y/N was confused. Sure, Loki hated her brother, but...why was he overreacting that way? “I think I lost something here...what’s the problem? Besides you not liking him?” 
Loki grumbled in irritation, trying to formulate his thoughts. He pushed back from the counter, turning to face her fully “The problem? Well, how about the fact that the man I hate is your brother. That definitely complicates the fact that I consider you my closest and favorite Midgardian” 
“So being his sister make us not friends anymore? Is that it?” 
He crossed his arms and let out an annoyed huff “That’s not the point. I’m not saying we’re not friends anymore…it just complicates things. It changes things… because you have a relation to him. I have very mixed feelings about this new information.” 
“You know what, I’ll leave you to think about it then since it’s so awful.” Y/N turned her back to him, walking to the elevator. 
He watched her walk towards the elevator, a pang in his chest as she got in and the doors closed. He was left alone in the kitchen now, still in disbelief at everything that just happened. Y/N decided to spend the night with the team, watching the movie Clint chose. They were happy that finally she was back with them. But of course, she didn’t tell anyone what happened. 
While she was with the team, Loki stayed in her apartment. He just sat on the couch, still in disbelief and thought. He was tempted to ask JARVIS where she was, but he didn’t want to seem needy. Ater the movie ended, she left them saying she was a little tired and went back to her floor. Loki was still sat on the couch when she came back. He heard the elevator ding and his head shot up. He sat up a little straighter as the door to the elevator opened. For a second, he just looked at her, unsure what to do or say. 
Y/N didn’t say anything. In fact, she didn’t even look at him as she walks past him on the couch and went straight to her room. Loki watched silently as she walked past, his stomach twisting itself into knots. He had never wanted to speak more than he did right now, but for once he was speechless. Watching her walk to her room, he waited for a second before deciding to follow her.  
He stood up, walking swiftly towards her room. He almost hesitated when he reached her doorway, he stood there for a moment as his mind went through what he wanted to say before he spoke in a soft and somewhat quiet voice “Y/N…” 
“What?” She replied without even looking at him. 
Loki entered the room slowly, a part of him feeling almost nervous “Can I talk to you for a moment?” 
Y/N kept her back to him as she was taking her necklace off “About what? That we can’t be friends anymore? That you can’t stand me because of my brother?’ 
His heart practically shattered upon hearing her speak like that. He hated how she thought that. He shook his head softly, his voice quiet and sincere “That’s not it. I never stopped being your friend, and I never will. And it doesn’t matter to me that Stark’s your brother, despite me despising him.” 
This made her finally turn to look at him. Seeing her gaze shift to meet his made his heart twist a little again. He took a few steps forward, now fully in front of her. He let out a shaky breath before he continued to speak “You’re still my friend. You always will be. Nothing will change that.” He looked down slightly, a pang of guilt hitting him “I…I didn’t mean it earlies. Not really. I was just…I was just in shock when I realized you were Stark’s sister. That’s all” 
He dared to look back up at her, his heart going as soft as his gaze. He took a step forward and was now standing right in front of her, his voice quiet and soft as he continued to speak “You being his sister doesn’t change anything. You’re still my friend. My favorite and closest friend.” 
Y/N sighs, her voice now gentler “I guess I should have expected that kind of reaction from you...”  
A small pang of guilt hit him when he heard her say that “I…” he paused for a moment, biting his lip as he looked at her “I’m sorry. For how I reacted. I should’ve handled it better…but I was just a little…shocked” 
“A little?” She chuckles. 
Loki chuckled too, a slight smile coming to his face now. He held her hand delicately, his thumb gently stroking the top of her hand as they spoke “Maybe more than a little.” 
They were looking at each other, holding hands, when JARVIS started to play a soft music and that made Y/N a little confused “JARVIS, stop.” But it didn’t.  
Loki’s head snaps to look at the ceiling when the music started. A small smirk came upon his face as he looked up for a moment “JARVIS is quite the wingman” 
Y/N shakes her head as the music kept playing. 
I had a thought, dear 
However scary 
About that night 
The bugs and the dirt 
Why were you digging? 
What did you bury 
Before those hands pulled me 
From the earth?
Loki couldn’t help feeling amused by JARVIS playing that particular song. He chuckled softly and looked at her, a smirk on his face “I wonder if JARVIS’S trying to hint at something…” 
I will not ask you where you came from 
I will not ask you, neither should you
 Y/N rolls her eyes “I don’t think he’s trying to make a hint exactly.” 
Loki chuckles again, still holding her hand, his slender and smooth fingers rubbing slow and gentle circles over the back of it “Then what would you call it?” 
Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips 
We should just kiss like real people do
 “I call it being direct.” Y/N chuckles softly. 
He chuckled under his breath again and smirked, his voice almost having a teasing tone to it as he spoke “I know one way to shut him up...” Before she can say another word, Loki does exactly what the music had suggested. In one quick movement he brought his free hand up to cup the side of her face. Within a blink, he had closed the small distance between them and connected his lips with hers. 
Y/N closed her eyes, kissing him back. He moves his lips slowly, softly over hers, feeling pure bliss. His fingers against her cheek were gentle while his other hand still held hers delicately. Y/N’s hand cupped his face as they kissed, making Loki smile faintly against her lips while he felt her hands against his cheeks. He parted his lips very gently, his tongue slowly and delicately caressing hers. He moved his hand from her face, up to her hair and her hands moved to the back of his neck. 
Loki let out a faint gasp, the action sent shivers down his spine. As he continued to kiss her, his tongue intertwined with hers and all his thoughts went out the window. The only thing that mattered to him in that moment was her. They kept kissing in a slow pace. Slow, soft, and gentle were exactly what Loki wanted. He was being gentle with her as always, yet there was a sense of passion and hunger in his kiss as well. He tilted his head and continued to kiss her for another moment, completely in bliss. After a moment he slowly pulled back, his breath coming out in a soft and shallow pant against her lips. 
He leaned his forehead against hers, his eyes half-lidded and a light, almost drunken-like look in them.  He was silent, his mind was still hazy from the kiss they just shared, leaving him speechless.  
Y/N smiles a little before kissing him again. A small moan escaped Loki's lips and he kissed her back slowly. He moved one hand and placed it on her waist, pulling her closer against him and bringing her body flush against his. Loki smiled faintly against her lips as he felt her hands start to move down his shirt. His muscles tensed faintly underneath his shirt, the feeling of her hands sending a pleasant sensation through his body. Y/N slowly pulls up his shirt until she took it off his body. He stopped kissing her for a moment to allow her to pull the shirt over his head, leaving his upper body bare. His heart was thumping fast in his chest as he felt his body exposed, her hands against his bare skin. He took a second to adjust before he quickly returned to kissing her again. He tilted his head and re-connected their lips in a gentle kiss, his hands going to the hem of her shirt, tugging on it a little. Just like him, she broke the kiss shortly to help him to get rid of it. 
He quickly pulled off her shirt as well, discarding it somewhere on the floor before returning his lips back to hers. He let out a small, quiet moan against her mouth as he felt their chests just barely touch. 
Y/N’s hand went down his chest until it stopped at his belt, slowly undoing it.  A soft, shaky breath escaped his mouth as his hips subconsciously bucked forwards a little as she started to undo his belt, making her smirks into the kiss. He was practically aching for her to touch him without the obstruction of clothes in the way. She slowly opens his pants, pushing it down, and Loki let out a quiet gasp. He was wearing thin, black boxer briefs, which didn’t leave much up to the imagination. 
Loki moved his lips from hers and started kissing slowly down her neck. His hand once again went to her hair, gently pushing it to the side to allow himself more access to her skin. He moved his lips to a sensitive spot on her neck and gently started sucking and biting on it and that made Y/N let out a soft moan. 
He smiled faintly against her neck, the sound of her moan was making him feel drunk. Loki continued to gently kiss down her neck until his hands started working on her pants too and slowly push them down. He pulled her even closer to him, his hands roaming up and down her body, touching her anywhere he could reach.  
Their joined their lips again, the kiss was slower now, but hungrier than before. The feeling of their underwear-clad bodies pressed up against one another was already driving him crazy with desire to be even closer to her. One of his hands started to move up her back, unclasping her bra and gently moving the strap of the bra off her shoulder until her upper body was more exposed. 
Loki broke the kiss for a moment, panting faint against her lips as he took the sight of her in. He stared, taking in every bit of her exposed skin, his mind practically blank, completely focused on her as he brought his hand up to her breast, gently but firmly cupping it with his hand, his thumb gently caressing it. That made her let out a small gasp, and it only made Loki want to hear more of it. He started to massage her slowly, his touch gentle against her sensitive skin, and his lips returning to her neck, gently kissing it. 
Y/N let her hand goes down to his boxers, slowly rubbing his bulge. A quiet moan escaped his mouth as he felt her touch, his boxer briefs now definitely more tight than they were earlier. He let out a deep, shaky breath, trying his hardest to hold back any louder sounds. 
She slowly pushed his underwear down. Loki shifted his legs to allow them to be easier to remove, the black piece of fabric soon being pooled with his pants on the floor left him completely on display for her. With his boxer briefs gone, he pressed his body against hers again. With his lower body pushed up against hers, he gasped again as he felt her against his sensitive member now. He began kissing down her neck again, his hands slowly moving to her hips and started to push down her panties. He was desperate to feel more of her skin against his, completely wanting all barriers between them to be gone. 
Loki slowly pulled down her panties, leaving them both bare against each other. He didn’t hesitate to bring her even closer to him. The press of her bare body against his sent a wave of pleasure down his spine, leaving all coherent thought lost in his mind. All that he could think about in that moment was her. Loki let out a shaky breath as he felt himself rubbing against her wet folds. His thoughts were a mixture of pure lust and want, mixed in with a strange sense of love. He continued to kiss her slowly, his hands gently caressing the bare skin of her back. 
Y/N broke the kiss, grabbing his hand and slowly leading them to her bed. She laid down first. Loki followed her and hovered above her for a moment, taking a slow, shaky breath before speaking again “You’re so beautiful…so perfect…” 
“So are you...” She says almost in a whisper. 
He slowly closed the small distance between them until their bodies were pressed together again, gently caressing her side and moved his head down and started kissing her neck again. His lips went further down until he gently started kissing her collarbone while his hand slowly started to travel further down her body. Another moan escaped her lips while she helped him fit better between her legs. 
Loki started to kiss down her chest, moving his lips to her breast and then to her nipple and gently started sucking on it while his hand continued to roam down her body, trying to touch her as much as possible. Y/N moaned again. After a moment, his mouth started to move over to her other breast and started giving it the same treatment. The sounds she made went straight to his ear and almost set him on fire, the hunger for her growing with every sound escaping her mouth. 
His lips were on a mission to continue kissing every single part of her skin, his tongue sometimes darting out to taste her. While his mouth started moving down her chest and towards her stomach, his fingers gently started to caress her inner thighs. His mouth continued to move down her stomach until he was in between her legs. There, he slowly started to kiss her just above her clit, his hands gripping her thighs very gently to keep her legs apart. Loki slowly started to move his tongue across her wet folds and her clit, trying to be careful and not to overstimulate her. The taste of her sent a shiver down his spine and he let out a shaky breath, having to keep himself from pressing his own hips against the sheets to get some kind of release. Each time he moved his tongue on her, she moaned.  
The sound of her moan was heavenly to Loki. His tongue continued licking her and his hands stayed gripping her thighs to keep her legs open. His own hips were pushing against the bed as his member was throbbing and begging for more, desperate for some friction.  He let out a soft, almost drunken sounding moan, his voice vibrating against her core. 
Y/N’s moans started to get a little louder, especially when he slowly pushed one slender finger into her. Loki watched as she closed her eyes and could feel her tightening around his finger. He carefully pushed another slender and long finger into her, wanting to give her as much pleasure as he could.  
He knew she was getting close by her moans and the way she was responding to his every movement. He felt her tighten around his fingers and a few moments later, she came. She pulled him back to her, kissing him again.  
Loki smiled faintly against her lips, returning her kiss immediately. His body was on top of hers, his hips in between her legs, pressing up against her but being careful to not actually push into her yet. As he continued to kiss her, he slowly started to move his hips against hers until he could feel his cock rubbing up against her, the feeling immediately making him gasp against her mouth. He broke the kiss for a moment to speak “Y/N...” His voice was a little shaky, the feeling of being that close to her yet not being inside her was almost driving him mad with need.  
“Yes...please...” Her voice was full of lust and desire, and she wanted nothing more than him inside of her. 
The sound of her asking him to continue made him feel almost dizzy with desire for her. He slowly lifted one of her legs a little more up and used his free hand to line the tip of his member up with her before slowly, and carefully pushing inside, making her moan. 
Hearing her moan as he pushed inside her slowly made him gasp, his mouth next to her ear. She nods at him for him to move. He slowly started to move his hips, being careful to be gentle and not go too fast or hard. His own breath was coming out a little in soft pants next to her ear, but he tried his best to keep them as controlled as possible to not be too loud and he kissed her again.  
The kiss was a lot sloppier than before, both of them breathing heavily against each other’s mouths as he kept moving. He moved his tongue into her mouth and tangled it with hers, desperate for as much physical contact possible. He picked up the pace slightly, the feeling of being inside her making his thoughts foggy. Y/N moans into the kiss while he kept moving in and out of her. 
The sound of her moans gave him all the motivation he needed to keep moving. His hips started to move a little faster, but still trying his best to be careful and not to move too forcefully or hard. He broke the kiss and instead started to slowly kiss and suck on her neck. She wrapped both her legs around his waist. He groaned quietly against her skin as he felt her legs wrap around his waist, practically forcing him to go a bit deeper. He let his head rest against her shoulder as he continued to move, the pleasure growing more intense by the moment. 
The new angle made Loki hit just the right spot. When he hit the right spot, he heard her gasp and felt her getting tighter around him, so he repeated the same movement again, the feeling making him bite down on the skin of her shoulder to try and muffle the moan from escaping him. 
He slowly picked up the pace again, now moving a bit faster. At this new rhythm and position, a few more thrusts of his hips and Y/N orgasmed again. He let out a shaky breath as he felt her climax around him again, her legs tightening around him and his name leaving her mouth like heaven. The feeling was sending him over the edge, it was too much, he couldn’t hold back anymore. Without stopping he let himself go, a deep, quiet moan escaping his mouth as he came inside of her. 
 His hips continued to move but much slower, riding out the last bits of pleasure. He slowly came down from his high, his body coming to a slow still as he tried to catch his breath. He slowly picked his head up from her shoulder to look at her. Her face was a little flushed from the pleasure and he smiled faintly at the sight. After a moment of catching his breath, he gently leaned down and kissed her forehead, a gesture that almost felt a little tender. 
Loki laid down next to her, gently pulling out of her and letting one of her legs still rest across his lower stomach as he laid down. He let his body rest a moment, still breathing a little heavily, before turning his head to look at her and spoke “That was...heavenly...” 
Y/N nods, agreeing but still weak from everything. She laid her head on his chest and Loki gently draped his arm across her back, pulling her closer to him so their bodies were even closer together. They both laid there quietly for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of the other so close and listening to each other breathes. 
He continued to hold her close, now gently caressing her back while he looked down at her. He was quiet for a moment, before he spoke “I didn’t plan on this happening when I came to your room, you know.” 
She chuckles a little “I guess we have to thank JARVIS for this.” 
“Indeed.” He chuckled faintly and continued to gently caress her back, letting his hand slide up and down her bare skin. 
“Are we okay? About the whole thing of me being Tony’s sister?” She had to ask it. 
Loki lifted his head up a little bit to look at her, a soft smile on his face “Yes, we are good. You being Tony’s sister isn’t going to change anything. I can promise you that.  If Tony has a problem with what we do in the bedroom, he can always take that up with me.” 
“Oh, so we’re doing more of this?” She smiled. 
He raised an eyebrow at her question, that faint smile still on his face ‘Of course we’ll do more. You think I’m going to let you get away from me now, when I finally have you in my arms?” 
Y/N chuckles a little “I guess I should tell you that unlike my brother, I don’t fool around.” 
Loki lifts his other hand to gently brush her hair away from her face, his fingers tracing down her cheek. He still smiled at her faintly as he spoke “Don’t worry, I have no plans of just fooling around with you. That’s not my style either.” He held her close and gently resumed caressing her back. He was enjoying the feeling of her bare skin against his and how she was laying in his arms.  
“What’s on your mind?” 
He didn’t answer at first, his hand still gently stroking her back. After a moment of silence he spoke, his voice a little quieter than before “Your brother is not going to be happy if he finds out that we’re together, you know…” 
“He won’t...” 
Loki stayed silent again for a moment, before he spoke in a quiet, slightly mischievous tone “Just so you’re aware, I have absolutely no intention of being quiet and discreet with you.” 
“Good.” Y/N smiles “Me nether. I don’t care about anything. I want you.” 
He felt that strange and pleasant sensation fill his chest again, hearing her say that. He gently pulled her even closer to him, her body practically flush against his and his hand sliding down from her back to rest on her lower back, nearly above her ass. His fingers gently traced her skin, his other hand still gently caressing her hair “Then you’ll have me.” 
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devilfic · 9 months
omg we need more of the honeymoon shot bruce and reader,, maybe a one bed trope if it’s not too much to ask no pressure obv!!<3
II. marriage bed.
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parts: previously / next plot: the in-laws are in town. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: arranged marriage, friends to enemies to (fake) lovers, implied history between reader and bruce, only one bed trope. words: 1.6k.
"I'm sorry" feels numb to say at this point. You still say it, standing at the foot of what should have been your marriage bed. It's been a long night and you'd wrung your hands of dish soap until your family practically barked at you to get to bed, to get back to your husband.
You can still hear them, cackling downstairs in the living room while your nieces and nephews tumble through the hallway. It must feel alien to have your childhood home, long devoid of familial joy, be suddenly bursting full of it. And have none of it mean anything to you.
Bruce stands shoulder to shoulder with you for a few more beats. Then he walks to the door, and you watch him twist the lock with a firm click. Your heart picks up a bit.
His steps are muted on the carpet and you take in his shoulders, the rolling hills of muscles in his back, and the pants that cling to the divots of his hip bones. The black cashmere is a gift from your mother, something preferable to his "ratty" sweats. He didn't like these very much.
Since you'd started living here, you caught glimpses of him like this. A heavy shadow of a man skulking in the darkness, waiting for you to leave for work before revealing himself. Rarely would you find yourselves crossing paths in the kitchen or catching eyes in the living room. And with each fleeting glance, he would escape elsewhere, receding into the tower the way a frightened cat might hide from strangers. Intruders. Funnily enough, you found avoiding eye contact helped that.
But now there was nowhere to run. Your family was here for the holidays and they were in every room. Eyes everywhere.
"Do you need to work tonight?" You'd started calling it that: "work". It made sense around the family (not so much your mother), and it didn't put him on edge when you skirted around the "B" word. "I can help you get downstairs."
He's half-turned to you, waiting on his side of the bed, so you can see the way his face scrunches up at a thought, "Gordon... told me to take time off. For family."
You snort, "You told him the in-laws were in town?"
You blink, "Oh."
Bruce had told you that between you and Alfred, no one else knew who Batman was. The lieutenant, trusted friend and ally as he were, had yet to join the ranks of your prestigious little club. It felt wrong to be in it when he wasn't; you'd forced yourself into it, and Bruce didn't even trust you.
You round the bed opposite to Bruce, and staring across it at him felt like staring across an ocean—he was so far away. You wondered how many people had shared this bed with him. How many he trusted as little as you.
You understand that the Bruce you remember was still a boy, grieving much differently than he is now, and had liked you just a little bit more.
You're the first to draw back the covers.
Bruce watches you settle in before following suit, reluctant, as if he were still wondering about the cons of sleeping in his car tonight. The weight of the bed dramatically shifts and you glide against the silk to his side when he lays down, your hand going for his upper arm to steady yourself. He jolts at the contact, staring you down like a deer in headlights.
Your second sorry of the night spills from your lips, and you squirm away from the warmth of his side and back to the edge of the bed.
You both lay like that for a while, side by side, neither of you particularly comfortable.
"Why didn't you say no?"
His question rocks the stillness in the air. You almost jolt. You turn your head and ask, as casually as you are able, "Say no to what?"
"The marriage."
Ah. "You've met my mother. It's hard to say no to her. Isn't that why you're in this situation in the first place?"
He remains looking up at the ceiling, but you see his jaw constrict, "The you I knew had a backbone."
He means it to hurt. Reminders of your youth together had not softened with time, it seemed, even if he treated you like a distant memory. You don't muster up the courage to bite back at him. Instead, you tuck your tail and keep the mist from gathering in your eyes, "...Yeah."
He doesn't seem to have expected that response. He finally turns his head to look at you, visibly confused. For a few moments, the two of you just stare at each other. Him, analyzing. You... mourning. "Is this what you wanted?"
It's becoming harder to hold back tears, "Not this. Not with her pulling all the strings. Regardless of what you think about me, or my mother, or my family, I didn't want any of this. I don't... want to be your enemy, Bruce."
You want so badly for him to believe you. You've never wanted anything more than for him to see you honestly, transparently, except perhaps to see him the same. To not have to fight.
He's about to say something when the doorknob wriggles, followed by a tentative knock. The two of you sit up and listen for who could be at the door, until a small voice calls your name through the wood, "My niece." You say, rigid. "She must be lost." You go to stand but to your surprise, Bruce is already at the door letting her in.
She stands at just about his knee, blanket clutched in her chubby arms and mouth hidden by the purple fleece. She has to turn her head all the way up to look him in the eyes, "Uncle Bruce," she says through a lisp, "where's the bathroom?"
You can't fully see Bruce's reaction from the bed. From the side, you watch his shoulders sag and his cheek rise in what you think is... a smile.
Very slowly, he comes to a crouch in front of her, "The bathroom?" He asks. She nods an affirmative. "Why didn't you ask Grandpa Alfred? He knows where everything is."
Her eyes dart to the side, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, "...Grandpa Alfred is scary."
Bruce laughs, actually laughs. He hasn't laughed around you. Hasn't managed more than a smile today, and only to placate your mother. He's warmer too, more open. You watch him. Mesmerized. "He is a little scary, isn't he? But I promise, he's really nice if you get to know him." Your niece doesn't seem so convinced. A moment passes as Bruce thinks of what to say, "How about I come with you to go ask him?"
Her eyes light up, "Really?"
Bruce holds out his arms to her, and though she's reluctant, you watch her tumble into them with arms thrown around his neck. He hops back to his feet with her perched on his hip like she weighs nothing—and she probably does, to him—and asks her in a hushed voice if she's holding on tight.
Her little head turns to look at you over his shoulder and he follows, his smile weakening some.
You almost ask if she'd like you to come with, but think better of it. In the time it would take Bruce to complete this task, you could try to fall asleep. Maybe then it'd be easier on him to share the bed with you, "Go with Uncle Bruce. Maybe Grandpa Alfred will show you the fancy swords if you're brave enough to ask."
Your niece beams, urging Bruce to take her to him this instant, and they disappear out of sight.
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You're half conscious when Bruce returns and shuts the door, but there is no click of the lock to follow after.
With your back turned, all you have to tell you where he is in the room are his small sighs. He's on his side, closer than you expected him to be so quickly, and you curse the carpet that hides his footfalls. You keep your breaths measured, pretending you're fully asleep, and wait for him to climb in.
One knee presses into the mattress, then the other, and you quickly remember the problem with this bed.
He's just laid on his side when you go sliding backwards, feeling your body collide with his chest. You force your eyes to stay closed but you are chilled with mortification. Should you move? Give up the facade of sleep and scramble for the other side of the bed? Would he shove you away?
You wait for his heavy hand to fall on your back, but... nothing. Seconds crawl forward at a snail's pace. You can feel the heat of his hand hovering over your hip where your night shirt had ridden up, but he never touches you. You take slow, deep breaths. You wait for him to wake you, then, if he won't shove you.
But that also never comes. The tips of his fingers lightly brush the skin of your hip, and then disappear. You feel his arm wiggle between the both of you, feel him shift a bit on the mattress, but nothing more. He doesn't push you away. Doesn't call your name. Doesn't shake you until you're forced to crawl to the other side.
He gets comfortable. Stiff, but comfortable, and he doesn't move you. You wonder, as the heat of his chest makes you conscious of your heart beating quicker, if it's too late to crawl back on your own.
You wait for what feels like hours contemplating it. So long, it feels like he might've fallen asleep behind you. So long, that you melt into his side of the mattress. So long, that sleep comes and morning soon after before you could even make up your mind.
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trexiejan · 6 months
Some Toxic Dickbabs moments that happened in canon. (LONG POST)
so i saw a dickbabs shipper talking crap about dickkory saying they're the most toxic nightwing ship? and they also claim dickbabs is the most healthiest ? it's ironic considering I've seen many dickbabs comic panels where dickbabs is being toxic towards each other plenty of times in the canon comics. Looks like Tom Taylor wants to brainwash people and make them believe that Dickbabs is such a perfect healthy loving couple since day 1, when that hasn't been true at all before he was put in charge of the nightwing comics to write dickbabs wattpad fanfiction in the book every single issue, this ship has done nothing but damage both characters even in tom taylor's run Dick is turned into a happy go lucky himbo who is incapable of accomplishing anything on his own without being monitored and babysat by barbara 24/7.
Anyways let's proceed with dickbabs history of being a toxic couple.
Remember those times where Barbara physically and verbally assaulted him when he was only trying to be nice and polite. She yelled at him, called him stupid, a crybaby and beat him up.
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Also they keep calling Kory a victim blamer for something that happened once in over 30 years ago but ignore the fact that Babs has victim blamed him and slutshamed him multiple times in the modern comics when he was sexually assaulted and raped by Tarantula and when he got shot in the head by the Joker.
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Dick just got raped by Tarantula and was traumatized by what happened but instead of comforting Dick, she has the nerve to mockingly say Dick likes his rapist. her jealousy always clouds her judgement.
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I'm sorry But Barbara is canonically a victim blamer and a slutshamer. Don't forget how she also insults and slutshames other women like Helena when she gets jealous of the other women in Dick's life. She called dickhelena a cheap one nightstand even though Dick clearly told Helena he doesn't do casual sex and and she mocked Kory and refused to help her on a mission when her people were dying.
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so yeah let's get back to her history with victim blaming Dick. She victim blamed him again after he got shot in the head and had an amnesia and when his memories was restored, she lashed out at him for forgetting about her when he had an amnesia.
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And remember that time when Bludhaven was burned down and Dick lost his apartment, he came to Barbara to ask if he can stay at her place but she kicked him out of her apartment the next day. She's totally fine with him being homeless but dickbabs shippers claim babs has always been very loving and supportive towards him while calling Kory a slut.
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Even in elseworld stuff she treats him like garbage. Aside from cheating on Dick with Batman and getting pregnant with Batman's baby in the BTAS universe, she's also very emotionally abusive to him in comics where dickbabs shippers brag about them having a kid in it like in whiteknight.
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Barbara was always out there acting like a toxic judgemental domineering bitch in the modern canon comics, Barbara behaved like this consistently for more than 30 years but Kory is the one we should crucify over something that she did only once from 30 years ago 🙄 Did they crucify Barbara too when she was ableist to Cass and called her stupid because she can't read.
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And they call Kory a sexual assaulter? Because she kissed him when they first met. Did they forgot that Kory was an alien, she was clueless about Earth laws when she first came to earth, she didn't know that you're actually not supposed to kiss someone without their consent, she had no clue that it was considered inappropriate and she kissed him not to sexually assault him but for her to learn english. Her people can learn other languages through kissing and Kory didn't learn anything about Human law until she officially joined the teen titans, so you can actually excuse her for her behavior what's not excusable is Barbara who was a human being who studied law for years, but still has the nerve to commit a sexual crime. As always, She violated Dick's personal privacy, she put camera on his apartment so she can enjoy watching him naked without his consent. Look it up on google the crime is called voyeurism. Barbara would considered a creepy criminal by human law. I'm not surprised considering I always think of her as a type of gf who has no respect for her partner's personal space especially when she's Oracle, She never respected Dick's privacy even in tom taylor's run, she keeps monitoring his every move in her computer, she always invades his personal space. Dick is trapped in this relationship. It's not a good relationship if you constantly watch your partner's every move and if you keep following your partner around like a dog wherever he goes.
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Many people think Dickbabs is such a healthy because of Tom Taylor's run. I think for someone who is a huge dickbabs shipper like tom taylor it's expected he's gonna try to convince people to believe that to to sell his favorite ship but in reality even in Tom Taylor's run Dickbabs relationship is pretty toxic and forced. It's toxic when your partner doesn't respect your privacy, when your partner constantly stalks and keeps an eye on you on every single thing that you do, when you wanna talk to other people but she's there lurking in her computer listening to your conversations with other people, when she puts a camera on your mask so she can always see what you see and hear what you hear, as if you're not a real human being who needs your own privacy, and constantly follows you around like a dog, like Barbara does to him every single issue. It really is a sign of an abusive relationship when there is no respect. How is Tom Taylor's Nightwing good when the book keeps destroying Dick's independece by having Barbara stuck to him like a leech 24/7 . The book is called Nightwing but Tom Taylor turned it into a Nightwing and Batgirl fanfiction series where 90% of the time Dick hasn't done anything on his own and where his IQ is chopped off in half to prop up Barbara as the smarter woman in their relationship. Dick can't even handle his own missions without constantly being babysat by Barbara in her computer like a sidekick who needs to be watched 24/7.
Poor Dick he became Nightwing to stop being Batman's sidekick and be independent only for Barbara to take away his independence and treat him like a sidekick again. Dickbabs has always been a toxic ship in any kind of form.
and don't forget Tom Taylor himself is a toxic misogynist slutshamer. He keeps throwing shade on Kory on twitter by liking comments that slutshame her on twitter
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You know what would be the best way to fix dickbabs? is by letting them move on from each other! Let them grow tf up and move forward in life outside this relationship.
Babs is an anchor that brings him down whenever she's too involved in his life and same with Babs because do dickbabs shippers even care about Barbara. I haven't seen any barbara fan complain about barbara not doing anything on her own other than chasing dick around like a dog in his comicbook every single issue.
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ellaa-writes · 9 months
Henlo!! I just saw ur doctor/medic reader story and i feel like they would all want to hear the absolute crazy cases and gossip from reader
Im a student and i work in a large hospital/shadowing some doctors aswell and someday’s these crazy things happen randomly. In the least expected ways. From getting a sudden code stroke to seeing 🪱🪱on body parts to hospital staffs gossips in the med room. Its so random sometimes.
Imagine doctor reader casually telling the time she caught so and so cheating in an empty room in between 2 codes. And shes so chill about it like shes seen and heard enough but the Kortac officers r eating it up like listening to Nurse John’s podcasts😂
Reader: yk this reminds me of the time i did my trauma rotation in—
Konig: wait! Let me get my snacks and tea👀☕️
Hello!! Thank you <3 This is so silly I love it. Decided to have fun with it. It's kinda gross but hey that's what happens. Lol.
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It's going to be a rough day, you thought. Not even 2 hours into your shift you had two concussed idiots sitting in your waiting room. This is gonna be a long one, you started at noon and won't be done till 4am the next morning.
Clutching your coffee you prayed for a miracle, an alien ship or a metor. Either one would do.
Later that evening, specifically dinner time. You were the last to arrive, having to help hold down a patient as another medic stitched up a gash on his forehead.
"I know, I know." you said as you sat you lunch down in front of your chair. Running off to grab a much needed coffee. It was your turn for the over night shift. It wasn't a bad shift, just babysitting the wounded soldiers that are currently being held. Coming back and setting yourself into your spot, digging into your food without a cause to the wind.
"You guys won't believe my day." you started off, slurping down your heart spaghetti. "Some rookies decided to play chicken and now they both have a concussion. And one probably memory loss. Couldn't even tell me his name." you shook your head, recalling the incident. "Than Hutch came in, complaining that he can feel worms crawling in him. I had to explain four times to that dense mother fucker that worms can not survive stomach acid." you stopped to take a big gulp of coffee. "But he wouldn't listen, said it wasn't in his stomach but inside his skin. Ran some blood tests and no hallucinogenic. But he could have fooled me." you didn't realise you were blabbing until you looked up from your plate to see a few of your team members surpressing their laughs.
"What?" you asked, mouth full of spaghetti. "Why don't you chew a bit more." one of them offered. Making the other laugh, "Oh fuck off." you spat. "Anyways, had to give Hutch an xray just to prove there's no damn worms in him." you explained.
"An xray? Does that-" you cut them off. "No, not at all. But it shut him up." they all bursted out laughing. "It reminds me of a patient I had back at the ER. Complaining about his ass itching. The other nurses weren't taking him seriously. Just sent him to the bathroom with some baby wipes." you stopped abruptly, this might not be a good dinner story.
"Oh come on Katze, don't get all shy on us now." König said, you didn't even notice he was there. You also didn't notice the rest of the mess hall getting quiet to listen to your story.
"Oh, well we're eating." you tried to explain but was met with loud booing. "Fine, fine." you yelled back. Wiping your mouth, your food finished, you pushed the tray away from you.
"Ok, so they sent him to the bathroom and he came back later saying he can still feel them."
"Them?" Horangi interrupted, and was followed by shushing. "Damn, sorry. Continue." he slinked back into his chair.
" So they put him in a room, told him to strip from the waist down. Another trainee and myself were assigned to this case along with a RN. She had him lay on the side has she spread his ass cheeks. Like you would a child." you stopped from dramatic affect. Watching as your tream and the rest of mess hall looked on in anticipation.
"We saw nothing. So she took a swab, had me spread this grown man's cheeks as she inserted it into the recum, shoveling out what ever was in side. Still nothing." a few people got up and left and others choking back a gag.
"She wet had him pop a squat over the trash can and cough. Sure enough a worm came shooting out. So did some green chunks, thankfully they were just some cucumbers. Guess the guy stole a cucumber from his neighbors garden not knowing it was infested with worms. He shoved the thing right up and it broke. He was like that for 2 weeks, worms up the ass. Still not the craziest thing I experienced, let me tell your that." you reached for your tray, but König took it for your instead.
"A cucumber up the ass?" Horangi asked. "I've seen people shove all sorts of thing up their butt. Idk what it is or why but it's way to common." you threw your finished coffee cup in the trash.
"Sorry I gotta get back. The results for mister chicken should be in by now." you said you goodbyes and waved to others, rushing out of the lunch hall.
"What a women." König said, hearts in his eyes.
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weepingflowerbonkcop · 8 months
What the Chain thinks about a Modern! Reader using slang/meme references:
Part 3
• He didn't know what Modern! Reader was saying either when they first met. He had a blue screen moment and just pretended that reader was talking to air or something. No thoughts just vibes moment.
• Despite having some slight difficulty at the start, he does catch up to what reader is saying.
• He doesn't really care all that much for the slang, but he does find the more creative insults and cursing from Modern! Readers world interesting.
• He doesn't use modern slang as much as Wild or Hyrule, but he does use it when he deems it worthy enough.
• He's also another one to translate to Time and Twilight about the terms.
• He also has his gremlin streak where he goes and teaches the older lot the wrong meanings of the terms, but he's more casual about it. He incourages Wild and Wind the most. He'll stay perfectly quiet when he hears Wild/Wind give the wrong translation too.
• Like staded previously, Warriors and him make bets on Time when it comes to readers slang. It doesn't just stop there, if Warriors has enough rupees they make bets on anyone that genuinely has a hard time catching what reader says.
• Now I don't see him as a fan of the meme references either. He probably thinks that people in Modern! Reader's world have really broken humour or that they're just dumb.
• He's the one to face palm in the background whenever Wild and Hyrule try to recreate/make their own memes.
• Some memes he actually relates to. It's more on the darker side of the genre though as well as being an adult and hating adulting.
• I'd give this prickly little man a 7/10. He should join Wild and Hyrule in their shenanigans to complete triple threat. It would've bumped him up to an 8.5 or 9/10.
• I can see Four being the third quickest to learn and understand Modern! Reader's slang.
• Him hogging the braincells of the Chain, he successfully uses it to disect the sentence and figure out what the new/interesting word means.
• He does, however not share this information for his own amusement.
• Having him hangout with Wind the most, they tend to use Modern! Reader's slang in their casual conversations to spite the old people.
• The colours however see it differently, I'll elaborate.
• Red is infatuated with the modern day language. He finds it interesting and unique as it creates a more casual and comforting atmosphere when Modern! Reader talks. He definitely looks at reader with sparkles in his eyes.
•  Blue kinda side eyes the new slang for a while before he gives in to the others interest in it. He finds it to be a more challenging when Modern! Reader uses too much in one sentence. It's silly to him that people have become lazy enough to just decide to shorten words as a whole. But he does appreciate the flow of how it sounds.
•  Green had a mild reaction to slang than most of the others. He does feel the same sentiment about the casual atmosphere that it creates but he finds it more cute in a way.
•  Vio caught interest the first time a slang word slipped from Modern! Reader's mouth. He would be the one to analyse and break down what reader says before restructuring it to make sense to them. It's like a guilty pleasure for him to do it, gives his mind a little bit of work to do.
• Four thoroughly enjoys the memes from readers world. His favourites are those that start arguments amongst the Chain. The flat earther memes.
• Four would be a 9/10 he's open minded to diversity and encourages it.
• Wind has everyone beat with how quickly he learned Modern! Reader's slang.
• Since he's still pretty young his mind still absorbs new information ten times faster than everyone else. So, I believe he'd be the quickest to learn and adapt to the way reader talks.
• He doesn't want reader to feel alienated in the group and tries to make it comfortable for them by learning things from the modern day. (My sweet baby)
• It quickly becomes a habit for him to use slang when talking, not just with reader, but with everyone else. He doesn't care if they don't understand and he'll even use it to his advantage.
• He called Time a boomer without facing any repercussions.
• Baby boy baby was surprised when Modern! Reader called him that and he was the first to ask about it. After readers explanation that its a meme from their world, Wind decides its time to learn every meme reference that reader knows and to use it to antagonise the old man.
• Wind jumps to every opportunity to make a meme reference once he's enlightened about them.
• Wind would be everyone's main person to translate - emphasis on the would be. But he gets carried away with his translations of the slang.
• Overall I'd say that he also a 9/10.
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moofuuu · 4 months
The Triple S
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The Triple Threat~☆
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And some headcanons below about these guys!! And I mean all six of them!!
V So a big post if you press past this point!! V
Here's some headcanons and other info I have for my own characters and designs in general to the triple S!! I am very passionate how I represent these guys, and I would like to note that now, before you guys read any further, I AM MYSELF A TRANS MAN!!! I DON'T SPEAK ON MOST PEOPLES BEHALF, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT SOME THINGS MIGHT BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME OF YOU IDFK
Now without further adoo, let's get on with the headcanons and information about the hedgehog's!!!
Sonic Headcanons
He/Him! Bisexual!
24-25 yr old
People say his boobs are growing, and yes I fully agree with that, and yes I do prefer him as a Trans man... but I love the idea of a strong muscle man with Trans scars is so goddamn UGH ♡♡♡
Sonic is getting built, growing some more muscles, and getting stronger with each series and or game!! It's the reason he's getting so big!!
He's also had both surgeries!
Top and bottom scars and also he's way more like the cocky type if you think Archie comics a bit, but of course he cares for his friends!! A whole lot actually and plays around with them too.
Amy gave him those knee and elbow pads to prevent a whole lot more scraping
even though it doesn't help much It still looks nice and it fits him, and the amount of times he slides against the grass and grounds a lot, of course he's gonna rely more on the knee pads a lot.
He wears hiking boots/shoes because they last way more longer than regular running shoes! It's something he prefers and well, the kicks have a lot more "oomf" to them when he does kick with those boots of his.
It takes a lot to take him down!! He's not your average soft man or gentle guy, he's more of your tough brother and he does get emotional!! But it's not usually the way you'd typically think, for he just gets a bit more colder to the shoulder when it's a serious situation with a more cutting edge.
Sonic's a goofball, just like it shows in the Sonic boom series, he loves just fucking around and doing silly things on the side really.
He's still learning a lot and still has that young college boy mentality to be honest.
Also well versed in close combat because of his best friend and rival Knuckles! He learned some moves from him when they met and all!
He has hyperactive ADHD!!
Sonic is a close combat character!! He prefers to fight his enemies as close as he can as he can hit powerful kicks and can throw powerful punches.
His relationship with Shadow is mostly rivalry, and the two butting heads all the time!!! But never actually hanging out casually as Shadow refuses to hang out with him, and Sonic is fine with that; besides, he gets on his nerves intentionally... Never unintentionally, and the two of them know when to take matters seriously. He also thinks Shadow has a thing for someone, but he ain't no gossip-er... though Rouge brings that out of him, and he hates it.
His relationship with Silver is casual rivalry, but he can't even trash talk with him!!! He takes things to literally and doesn't even understand half the words he's saying!!! It's like he's an old man!! But Silver isn't even the oldest of the three!! In fact, the youngest and yet Sonic can never find himself having fun trash talking to the guy, but he is fun to hug though and a great listener...
Shadow Headcanons!
Any pronouns
• [Usually default to he/him though]
30-50 yrs old
He doesn't really know nor really cares to know. Also, the oldest out of the triple S but not the tallest despite his alien genes.
He's in the middle... though mostly fighting close as he uses guns when necessary. Shadow is a close combat and ranged combat mobian, his muscles mostly in his arms as you need to keep your guns steady and able to handle the recoil in guns in general.
He has a bunch of old accessories! Like old patches from old bands, stickers and magnets but he hides those in small containers because he doesn't want to stick the stickers on anything.
It also usually works in the night!! He can't really work during the day as his black fur sticks out like a sore thumb and he also can't really sleep anyways sometimes.. as his nightmares sometimes gets to him.
If he doesn't have anything to do, he'll be pacing around in his office, wanting something to do, someone to talk to or listen to... but he's not about to go bother someone as his colleagues might be busy. Definitely won't go talk to Sonic as he's annoying.
He wears shades!! Mostly because the sun hurts his alien like eyes sometimes on some days where he pulled all nighters and hasn't seen the light of day.
He definitely has some routine going on as he has too stick to it, he's always so strict on himself because if he isn't, they would only end up thinking to much about their past and they're not about to deal with that.
They look great for their age, it only makes sense though as part of his life was in a tube, grown and raised in space.
After crashing into earth after escaping the A.R.K and leaving Maria behind [against his own will], it traveled the world for a bit, for Maria, for it... for itself as it was curious about the world... but eventually, G.U.N. caught up to him and, with the lack of fighting skills, eventually caught.
His shoes are bulky!!! Being made in the 1950s, there's no way his shoes look that sleek, and I will continue drawing them bulky.. also, I'm keeping the rings to how they originally looked in the SA2. Instead of straight-up rings on the hands... some rims are on the rings as they show that the ring inhibitors can come off.
Shadow is known to keep to himself most of the time and is close to his friend Omega and Rouge
He has autism, PTSD, and a bit of auditory hallucinations..
The hivemind is a part of the reason it's still there, but he destroyed that long ago! Yea, he did, but he's still needs to get used to the sounds in his head about needing to renew his own species.
Relationship with Sonic •
Its relationship with Sonic is... rocky, he gets that he's the hero and everything, supposed to keep the world safe, but he won't leave it alone!!! Of course he's better at everything than him!! Fighting! Guns!! He can do it all! But racing!! Gah!! He won't shut up about it! And how he won't shut up about how much shorter he is... but seriously, it seems like each time they're in the same room, Sonic's goal is to annoy him or get on his nerves... which works each time not going to lie.
Relationship with Silver •
For Silver, his relationship with him and all that, despite being the one to almost kill Sonic when meeting and killing him, he learned a lot, and he's glad to have shown the bad things and bad intentions Mephiles was planning. The fact that he doesn't even try and do anything suspicious either is refreshing... The fact that he holds no judgment to anyone too is something new and refreshing too, meeting Silver was like... for once someone doesn't judge him and just listens... he also lost a best friend, which was Blaze. He gets it.. doesn't he..? Why does he feel this way..?
Silver Headcanons!!!
Pansexual | He/They
20-23 yrs old!
Wears a jacket for warmth, a binder for comfort, and pants for comfort plus warmth as well! He wears these rings to keep his own magic in check, and so it's much easier for him to not always focus on the target he's holding.
From the future, but a devastating one... no matter what he did, no matter what he said!! The future never changed, and it was always some wasteland. He needs to check up on it every once in a while, though, to make sure the future is still the future and that he should figure out how or what to defeat their enemies with!! They don't know specifically or much details but with their small Itty bitty skills of detective work from reading books, they will be able to help at some point... right???
Shortest of the three and lacking muscle, but there's a reason for that!
They are mostly ranged fighter as they rely on their telekinesis a lot and can not fight close for the life of them.. can't even use a gun without being scared of it!!
They are well versed in the books, and had read a lot of things, when they read instructions, they can get it not instantly but with a few trials and errors they can actually perfect the thing they're learning. Cooking? Yes! Baking? Yes! Sewing?? Few pokes by accident but yes!!!
Though his build is small, he's actually pretty brave, as he grew up in an apocalyptic world, learning to scavenge and fast with food and water... learning about plants and all!
He infact... hates the cold but wants to see winter snow... he got way too used to Crisis City and its extreme heats!!! His body is cold like a fridge, but... luckily, he has friends that can keep him warm!
He lost his best friend and sister, Blaze; her sacrifice to sealing away the evil that was in the future and now wears red earrings to represent her. Though... the Blaze he met that's from another realm... reminds him too much of his old sister... though she seems a lot more strict with herself than anything.
Learned most of his knowledge in books!! No matter how bad the writing may have been, he would read it... and tries his best to keep an open mind to a lot of things... Blaze (from his timeline and world) had even helped him read and learn some things from the books.
They're indeed the fluffiest
Has albinism!
Got their powers from when they're young, telekinesis is actually quiet rare!![I rarely see anyone use this and just IMO!!! Concludes to being it a rare super power..]
Telekinesis/Psycokenesis is actually quiet rare, how he got it was through an attack, an attempt was made at his life by flames and Blaze wasn't there to help, but luckily his powers activated in time, blowing away all the flames that threatened him.. though now he's scared still
Has Audhd!!
Introverted as you can't just shove someone into a group of people even though they haven't even been around anyone but ONE person all their life!!
Though he does have lots of interest and loves listening in on everyone's conversation.
He thinks out loud to himself
PTSD as well...
Trust issues after Mephiles.
Relationship with Sonic •
His relationship with Sonic was rocky at first, and he hates how he was so mean to Sonic! Trying to kill him and all for the right reasons!! He swears it was for the right reasons!! He almost did it, and he was so glad Amy was there to stop him... though it was hard to understand at first, but lucky for his open-mindedness, he was able to get over it. Finding out Sonic was actually the good guy and learning that he was actually the one he read in all the books about the legendary blue hero and not the so-called "iblis trigger." To meet your idol and the hero, and he's so calm and nice and oh— never mind he's fighting with his friends again... well, at least he's so forgiving and forgetting... but Silver sure as hell ain't, he hasn't even forgiven himself yet for being so mean to him at first. But he keeps trying to do this trash talk??? Sometimes Silver gets it...
Most times, not getting it one bit. Though his charm and skills are very admirable, and they want to learn it someday.
Relationship with Shadow •
He's the reason he even got out of killing the blue hero in the first place and sure was cold-hearted and rude at first.. even kicked him in the head, but that was well deserved, honestly. But seeing through the lies and actually the original form that Mephiles had taken!! And to learn he was actually manipulating Silver!? Agh! It's hard to read someone, but... Shadow just looks like he needs a friend and someone there to show him it's okay to open up at least a bit! That's what Sonic showed him, and that's what Blaze did too!
Silver can't help but look up to Shadow sometimes though, admiring him and his work and how well organized he is! Better than Silvers chaotic schedule that they try to keep too!! But learning that Shadow had a friend and lost them ... Silver can't help but feel closer to him in some way after learning such detail.
v The Triple Threat v
Scourge Headcanons!!
24-26! He/Him
He's the shortest of the three cause, well, he's a hedgehog! He's insecure bout that, but not as much as you think. He is also a big-time flirt and puts up a big tough guy front. Has commitment issues and also hates really keeping up with any friends, especially after how many times he been fucked over.
But that didn't really seem to stop him getting to more other buddies, Venice and Terios, who's actually not as bad as the rest and actually have been on the same level as him
Terios is intimidating and strong, sure, but he Scourge can never get that guy to get angry at him and it's fair, guy seems like he's been through a lot.
Venice just so happens to come from some future, but he said he was sent back to save the past... but surprisingly, the guy just didn't want to and joined Scourge's ruling.
So his new friends are really okay to say the least, they can care less about others as much as him but no matter what Scourge is still some type of Sonic, so of course he has some respect for his two buddies...
Pathetic really as he can't get over his ex Fiona, and everytime he complains about it Venice is there to slap that outta him, he's not about to go through another pathetic crying session.
Scourge wears all this outrageous stuff because of how he has very much a identity crisis every other week, trying to separate himself and his own looks from Sonic, trying to remove the title of "evil sonic" off of him, gets mad each time he's even referred to the name as he screams out "IT'S SCOURGE!!!" Hating how he's always compared to Sonic as well as he's not at all like him!!
His quills are much shorter but well kept, despite the punkish look to him, he's a lot more cleaner than Sonic himself, as he also likes to plan ahead of time too, but can't really read people well like Sonic though..
Has a dead dad
Ain't as built like Sonic
Just as chaotic, if not worse, and evil at that, who cares about who gets hurt??
Other than his two pals.. don't hurt his two pals.
Venice the mink
21-24 | He/him
Despite the looks of it, he's not at all well put together, screaming and yelling at everyone who gets him pissed off, and even dares to make fun of his interests, very closed off as he's always pushing away everyone from him.
Note; as surprising it is, Scourge and Venice are still buddies, though, as their goals in life are really just the same.
Unlike Silver, he doesn't have that pretty privilege that the white hedgehog has, as he always thinks his scar is awful, tanking his insecurities more and how much he hates his looks.. so to combat this, he built his own body to make up the scar he's so insecure about, wrapping what he could in bandages.
He hates seeing Silver and hates how he acts as he sees too much of his younger self in him. He also hates how open they are.
Very much has inner homophobia of himself and has VERY FRAGILE masculinity
Venice would rather get shot in the head before admitting to himself for liking anyone, as he has his feelings locked away deep inside himself so even the smallest fuzziness he feels he would immediately try and push the person away or just be meaner. Self-destruction if you will.
Despite this Terios and Scourge stick by, it's not like they both heard worse and by this point they're starting to learn that Venice's aggressive behavior is also becoming a bit more like aggressive love..
Says lots of death threats to both Scourge and Terios but he can't actually kill Terios, and Scourge, he's why he's okay with being friends with at least a few people.
He hates the other for teasing him so much but it's not like he makes fun of the hedgehog back..
Keeps Scourge alive because Scourge is his kill, no one else's, despite how gay that might sound they're only just friends with benefits and rarely go at it anyways.
His relationship with Terios, he's also somehow less hostile towards the porcupine, but that's because of the power the guy has, and what he's capable of doing.
Terios the porcupine
40 to 50 yrs old
He/him Unlabled.
He's the tallest of the three and is the strongest, waken up too many times and also been resurrected to many times for his own good.
Doesn't like getting into fights much and rather avoid everyone at all costs, but because of Venice and Scourge freeing the guy from his prison, he's tolerant of those two, and ONLY those two.
Full of anarchy baryl, but is weak to the chaos energy from mobius...
He very much has a dad bod and he also just stays out of trouble for the most part because he rather be left alone in nature where no one's there to bug him and actually hurt him... mostly passive and he's also originally a porcupine that was swept off the streets long ago.
A science expirement gone wrong, and left alive for as long as they can... Lucky them, Terios got out, and the island blew. .. well not lucky for them nevermind.
They all said it was for the greater good.. science...
Terios hates technology... not because of his age and non understanding of it...
It's because of how much it terrifies him and actually what the thing is capable of, he's not about to go back and listen to all the humming and buzzing of machines.
Terios sneezes like a dad would, loud and noisy
He rather avoid everyone and everything, not really liking technology or even the city in general.
Has multiple bullet wound scars, but the fur has overgrown them.. but if you touch the body sure can feel them.
He was originally a normal porcupine actually, from the earth instead of space
Not many things can hurt or kill him like his counterpart... he actually died multiple times before but brought back alive each time.
The Triple Threat has a lot more headcanons, but I realize how big this post is getting lol
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guppybibi · 3 months
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It's Showbiz, Baby.
𖦹 pairing: Kita Shinsuke x fem!reader
𖦹 word count: 2460
𖦹 content: shinsuke is in deep denial, slowburn…very slowburn. hints(?) of body image issues and eating disorders. shinsuke is insanely oblivious. mild cursing.
𖦹 notes: a lot of the farming terms are from google…i i dont know how it works. Also just posted it on my AO3 ! (hearts4abbie). I apologize for any misinformation about the topics here, all of these are from google. next one is them having a silly 'date' tee hee:p
✧. ┊    Part 1 ┊ Part 2
It was the break of dawn, and Shinsuke was already up and about in the fields; sleep was still in his system. He yawns as he tends to his rice grains, spraying on some fertilizer to increase the yield. Adjusting his hat that keeps him cool while under the sun, he yawns while intently watching the sky as he waits for the sun to rise. To his own surprise, he was met with a light tap on his back which obscurely startled him. His body instinctively does a little jump, yet his face said otherwise as it was still the same as before. Turning around to see who it was, expecting it to be his family. You were standing right before him in humble clothing, one wouldn’t think of you as a viral sensation with how you looked like right now. Shinsuke mentally shook his head, he shouldn’t stereotype that all celebrities prance around in designer clothing..
“Um..Shinsuke, right? Can I ask you something?” You asked in a rather meek tone which Shin didn’t really expect, sure he had already met you yesterday but he couldn’t just automatically assume how a person acted based off of one single interaction. He won’t lie, he has watched multiple of your movies with his sister and you coincidentally played all of the roles that required you to be rude and mean. He just..expected you to act that way in real life as well since you were so good at playing those types of roles. It was like you were meant to be playing the role of an antagonist in every movie you star in, yet the figure in front of him tells him a completely different story. “Yes, what do you need Ms.- um..Y/N.'' He curses himself in his head when he slips up, he had permission from her to address her casually; after all they seemed to be about the same age as each other. “Well I’m sorry for bothering you if I did but I heard there’s a plaza nearby? Do you know the directions to it?” You ask, fiddling with your hair as you anticipate his answer.
“The plaza..? Well I’m not so sure which plaza you’re referring to but the nearest one here is about an hour away..” He replies and gets a disappointed look in return, hearing you mutter an “oh..”. The air of dismay surrounding you struck something in him, he wasn’t sure he knew what it was but he couldn’t stand seeing you feel that way. He assumes it’s just his hospitable nature striking a chord in his system, a lady was in need of help; his client out of all people so he needed to help. “I’m actually stopping by there later this afternoon to drop off some deliveries, maybe you could tag along?” He offers, quickly catching your attention. “I’d love to! Thank you so much, I’ll pay you-""No need to pay me with money, I don’t need it.” He bites his tongue to stop himself from offering her to help her around the farm or cleaning his home, remembering that she was a guest and a celebrity. He shouldn’t let her lift a finger, she was here to relax; not to scrub the floors of their porch. Though you notice he was about to say something, urging him to continue. Humans had the right to speak after all! Unless he was an alien–no that was stupid..You couldn’t help but visualize him as an alien though..”No no! Go on, I’m not that sensitive. I’m sure I can handle whatever you were going to say.” You insist, the white haired man still looking unsure. “I..Maybe you could help with scrubbing the floors..?” He suggests, his voice barely audible as he tries to avoid your gaze. “That’s it?” You question, tilting your head to the side.
Shinsuke looks at you, raising another thin little brow. You spoke of the chore like it wasn’t a laborious task, sure it wasn’t the hardest one but it still required a good amount of effort. “You don’t really need to-” “No! I- I mean, I’ll do it!” Shinsuke knew that he had no place to argue back, whenever he had disagreements with women he always somehow managed to lose. Whether it be with his grandma or sister, it seems like it hasn’t changed until now. “Alright, I’ll take the silence as a yes. When do I start?” You ask, looking oddly excited to do such a chore. Shinsuke thinks about how his whole family is still asleep right now, not to be awake in a few hours or so. It would be best if she started while his sister was asleep so she doesn’t go batshit crazy when she sees her idol scrubbing the floors of her home. “If it’s okay with you, you can start now. When you’re finished, come back to me.” He instructs while you nod in agreement.
“The things you need are in the closet over there, thank you. If you don’t want to do it, you can always stop whenever.” “I’m not made out of glass, I can scrub a few floors here and there! I’ll be back.” Then you set off, Shinsuke could see your figure from afar–on your knees as you cleaned the floors. He can imagine his dear grandma scolding him for making a guest such as her clean their home. Eventually, you finish the task given to you; putting away all the supplies you used and proudly standing before the now squeaky floors. Looking over to the field, you see that Shinsuke was already pretty far. Running over to him, following his instructions earlier; you weren’t so sure if you were panting because you’ve been running too quickly for a while now or if your body is just tired from the task you just did. You always felt tired, you didn’t know why. Everyday you just felt so low on energy, like you were about to collapse and fall asleep. It never really worried you, you weren’t a sickly person–even as a child.
You stop in your tracks once you reach Shinsuke, who is still doing farm work. Hands on your knees and sweat beading on your forehead as you pant, you looked like you ran a marathon. A concerned expression arises on his face, about to reach out to help you before you start waving your hands. “I-I’m alright! I finished scrubbing the floors, they’re squeaky clean!” You babble, hands on your hips as you finally managed to lift your body up. “Um..alright, thank you Y/N. I’m actually about to finish up so we can have breakfast together? It’s 7AM already, unless you’ve already had your fill before coming up to me earlier?” Have you eaten yet? You don’t really remember, it’s not like you keep track of everything you do daily. You shook your head no, feeling your stomach grumble at the idea of food. You blush as you hear your tummy growl, wanting to shame your own belly from loudly announcing your hunger in front of your acquaintance. Shinsuke just smiles though, almost identical to the one his grandma always has. He doesn’t really notice the sounds of your stomach, not that he cares–it wasn’t any of his business. “Very well, come with me. I’ll just reheat some of the rice porridge we had last night, if that’s fine with you?” Rice porridge..It sounded nice, considering that the rice was made by them; a bunch of well trusted rice farmers–it must’ve been good. Yet the next words you blurted out next were quite different from what was on your mind. “How many calories does that have again?” You swore you sounded like a crazy health nut just now, realizing that it may have been interpreted as something rude. “It’s about 80 calories, I don’t see why it matters-” Stopping himself yet again, something felt weird..Shinsuke has never doubted himself, never. So why does he feel like he’s walking on eggshells when he’s around you?
Is it because you’re a literal leading light in the entertainment industry and could quickly trash his whole family’s name with a snap of a finger? No, with how you’ve acted so far; he can safely assume you wouldn’t do that over something so simple. However there really is something churning in the bottom of his stomach, you didn’t seem right to him. “80 calories huh..Well since I’m on vacation, I should treat myself to a good meal!” You mumble to yourself, shrugging as you watch and follow Shinsuke while you both trek back to his family home. You were honestly pretty surprised how welcoming he has been so far, is this how all province folk are? Wondering if his family was the same and that Shinsuke wasn’t an exception. You might as well move right here, this instant! “After you,” The bicolored man spoke, sliding the wooden door open carefully so as to not wake up his still sleeping family. Looking around his home as you step in, awe fills you once you see the traditional interior of the home. It felt strangely comforting, nothing you’ve ever felt even when staying at the grandest mansions back in the city. Everything truly has its own charm..”Make yourself at home, I’ll just heat up the food.” As Shinsuke excuses himself out of the room, while he heats up the food; the feeling in his stomach wouldn’t go away. Perhaps it was just hunger, it must’ve been.
He’s never felt this way in a rather long time, the feeling has a similar tinge to when he was looking after his volleyball team way back. Watching over them like a proud father, feeling obliged to take them under his wing. Or the first time he saw his little brother, light shining on the swaddled baby as Shinsuke thanked the Gods above them. Care. That was what he felt. But why did he care about you? You were a mere client to him, ones he came across with everyday. What exactly made you different? He just couldn’t put a finger on it..He decides that he’ll soon do what he thinks is best, questioning his family about it.
Having breakfast with you felt natural, chatting about your two contrasting lives surely kept you both entertained as you gulped down the meal. The calming aura surrounding you both that felt just right was disturbed when Kimiko entered the kitchen, still in her pajamas with bed hair as she rubs her eyes open. She stood by the doorway, staring at you; recognizing you almost immediately. It took everything in her not to pounce onto you in excitement, she doesn't even know what to do first–is she still dreaming? She pinches herself, hoping she wasn't in a dream.
“Good morning Kimiko.” Shinsuke greets, interrupting Kimiko’s buzz as he drinks some water. Then you figure it was time for you to greet her as well, it’d be awfully rude not to. “Good morni-” “OH MY GOD! I- And you're having breakfast with my brother!?” She even takes a double take to make sure you were really eating together with her brother and he didn't even bother to tell her! She couldn't believe this, it was practically betrayal! “I’m Kimiko, it's so so so nice to meet you- I’m honored-!” She blurts out, taking your hand and shaking it instinctively. She was in such a thrill she didn't even notice she was crossing your boundaries a little bit.
What she did notice is how bony your hands are, a punch from you would definitely hurt..The inner Kita family hospitality and concern arises in her system, looking down at your linked hands. They were veiny but that was normal, but someone of your age and height shouldn't be this skinny. She slowly sets your hand down, apologizing for her actions. “It's alright, no need to apologize. It's a pleasure meeting you Kimiko, your family has been nothing but great since I got here.” You commented, flashing her one of your signature soft smiles that made everyone melt.
“And, thank you Shinsuke for the meal. I’m going back to my cabin, I’ll get ready for the ride later.” You then excuse yourself and leave the two siblings alone, once Kimiko makes sure you're out of the vicinity she gives her brother a knowing smirk. “A ride, huh? Got a date?” Shinsuke shook his head no, he was just doing you a favor after all. “No, she's going to the plaza so I figured it’d be best if we go together.” He gets a disappointed sigh from Kimiko, huffing as her excitement dies down. “Awh..too bad, I thought my brother actually scored a date with a celebrity!” The bicolored man was unfazed, used to her sister's teasing. Shinsuke never really bothered about his love life, putting his work and family as his top priorities. He knew it was important but he had to set goals first.
“Ya know I got eyes on the back of my head, I know you have a thing for Y/N. To be honest, you really aren't the only one so I’m not surprised. I wouldn't mind her being my sister in law!” Her words made the man think, he simply believed that this was just infatuation. She was a beautiful young woman after all, the whole world was aware of that so it really wouldn't be anything extraordinary. He wasn't one to believe in things such as ‘love in first sight’, those were just things entertainment made up. Kimiko knew what her brother was thinking, annoyed at it..or she's just a ‘little’ bit of a hopeless romantic. “I know you're thinking this is just infatuation again, and I’m not pressuring you to start a thing with her or anything–but if you feel something for her then go for it. Take the chance.” Again, this made Shinsuke think. He knew she was right, still–he never really had the heart to go further as ‘friends’ with the people he met. Not that he was uneducated about it, he was honestly just a busy guy. The part of her being a celebrity set him off a little bit though, her life was far from private and quiet. The complete opposite of what he desired, he felt like it wouldn't work out in the long run. “Um..yes, alright. Though I do believe a ‘crush’ of some sort is formed over time thr-” “Yes yes, we get it! No need to do some rocket science explaining, now go prepare the packages. I’ll have breakfast and clean up.” She cuts him off, pushing him out of their humble family home. Shinsuke grumbles under his breath..
“Maybe for once in my life, the results won't be just a byproduct.”
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drewsbuzzcut · 1 year
A Silver Lining In Ann Arbor
nick moldenhauer x dallas blankenburg
a so it goes blurb
warnings: uncomfortable situation, a guy being pushy, alcohol consumption, and i think that’s all, but let me know if i missed anything
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Blaring music pounds against the walls and reverberates in Dallas’ ears. It’s not that she didn’t want to come, because she did, but now she’s over the party that’s going on.
The girl walks to the kitchen, hoping to find some water to settle the couple of beers that she did have.
“Dallas, right?”
She hears someone from behind her ask, making her jump away from where she was rummaging through. She turns to make eye contact with the frat boy who looks like he’s been drinking way too much.
“Um… yes,” Dallas answers hesitantly.
“Let me make you a drink,” he says, walking closer to where she is.
Dallas fiddles with her fingers, not looking at the guy, and trying to figure out how she can leave within the next minute.
“No, thank you,” she’s about to turn around but his words keep her from leaving.
“I’m going to make you a drink.”
“I said no.” She reminds the boy.
“And I said I’m going to make you one, so you’re going to stay here and drink it.”
She starts to feel the panic spread through her body, feet feeling like they’re stuck in quicksand, not letting her move. Dallas makes a few stumbles backwards, running into someone’s body. She feels a set of hands land on her hips, but right away she can tell that their presence is calming, unlike the boy in front of her.
“She said no!” The boy behind her says, voice full of warning and maybe even daring.
“Whatever. She’s a bitch anyway,” the boy mutters, walking away, thankfully.
Dallas’ body deflates in relief, finally turning around to see the guy who saved her. She’s met with a tall guy with pretty eyes and pretty hair.
“Are you okay?” The boy asks.
“Yeah. Sorry, I think I just need a second to process what just happened. Um… thank you so much for coming to my rescue,” she blurts out, eyes widening at how fast the words were flying out her mouth.
“It’s really no problem. No guy should act that way towards anyone let alone a girl.”
She nods her head in agreement, taking a few deep breaths and trying to clear her mind.
“I should probably get home. Thank you again,” she says, walking away.
“Wait!” The guy blurts out, trailing behind her.
“Yeah?” She asks hesitantly, cautious of anyone else trying to force her into something she didn’t want to do.
“Do you have a ride?”
“No, I’m walking.”
“It’s kind of late to walk home by yourself. Can I walk you?” The guy asks, hand rubbing at the back of his neck in nervousness.
“I promise I’m not a creep or anything like that,” he reassures her.
“I don’t want to pull you away from the party,” she responds.
“I wasn’t having fun anyways. Oh! I’m Nick,” he introduces himself to the girl.
She smiles, thinking of her older brother when she hears that they have the same name.
“I’m Dallas,” she introduces herself.
“Dallas. I don’t think I’ve met a girl with that name before.”
“Good! I’m special,” she teases.
As they walk to Dallas’ dorm building, they go back and forth with asking each other questions, getting to know each other without even realizing it.
“How do you not believe in aliens?” Nick shouts and Dallas giggles, reaching up to cover his mouth with her hands.
“I don’t know. Maybe you need to make a believer out of me,” she says, a casual lilt to her voice even though she’s attempting to flirt.
“Maybe I do.”
“This is me! The walk went by really fast, and I had a really good time talking with you,” she whispers, the quietness around them setting in.
“I had a good time, too. Maybe we can do it again, say this Friday coming up at 5pm?” He asks, lips quirked up into a cute smile.
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you on Friday, Nick. We should probably exchange phone numbers, though. Um… you know so you can let me know that you got home safe, and so we can communicate about Friday,” she rambled. Nick finds it endearing and very attractive.
After they exchange numbers they exchange quick hugs and Nick even pressed a chaste kiss to Dallas’ cheek. She’s left with burning, flushed cheeks and a heart that beats a little bit faster.
a/n: First part, finally!!! It’s a little boring, but it’ll get better (hopefully) in the next part. Enjoy!
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Estrella | RotB Mirage x f!human reader | NSFW 18+
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Word count: 2600+
Warnings: Smut ( oral and spike penatration ), robot on human, language, some angst and mentions of abuse. NSFW 18+.
Notes: I've really been wanting to do a story for Mirage for so long. Thanks @lonetile for sending in your request. Hope you enjoy the read and sorry for the delay. Estrella is spanish for star, just thought I'd point that out.
Understand Mirage is already smallish for a robot but decided for him to use mass displacement with reader for this story.
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Who would've thought in an attempt to escape your shitty life you would end up falling from your low level apartment level window and would end up falling into the lift of a giant alien robot?
You couldn't take it anymore, the yelling, the abuse, you were losing your mind within the people who were meant to be your family and yet treated you worse than a dog.
In an attempt to escape you somehow get thrown into the new discovery of robots, despite just how hurt you ended up, the blue and silver guy had a much more tender face than anyone you've met before. As crazy as it sounds, you felt safe with him.
Your neighbour, Noah, was in on this secret as well and pretended to own the flash car when it was really an alien robot. Sure, why not? Both Noah and who's name you discover is Mirage both escort you to a hospital where you're treated before being given the all clear. All you were going to do was call someone you knew, not family, but you knew you would be safe with them if you don't piss them off.
Hanging out with a gang wasn't your smartest move but you are limited with options. Although you're surprised to find Mirage waiting for you. Noah has offered you to stay with him and go home to set up a spot for you to sleep. Might be close to your old home but at least they couldn't hurt you anymore.
You settled with Noah and his alien robot friend. Very normal.
Estrella. That's what Mirage keeps calling you. You try to tell him that's not your name but he only responds with a casual 'I know'. A nickname perhaps, but you've never been given a kind nickname before, so you weren't fully sure how to react or feel about it. He always looks out for you, making sure you are well and drives you to wherever you want. At first it felt like your own personal bodyguard, which quickly grew into a friend, and before you knew it you were gaining stronger feelings for Mirage. Probably not wise you thought to yourself.
There's no way you'll confess this to Mirage, convinced he'll think you're weird and that's it, friendship broken. It became harder though the more time you spent with him, how affectionate he was and funny, everything about him was the perfect boyfriend you think to yourself.
But that won't ever happen.
Your thoughts are interrupted by Mirage's voice echoing through the radio as he drives. "Estrella? This handsome guy is talking to you, and you're ignoring him and it kind of hurts?" Mirage sings along with a hint of playfulness.
"Shit. Sorry, Mirage. What were you saying?" You give a sympathetic smile as he now has your full attention.
"Well, firstly, what made you so distracted to not hear me? There better not be anyone more important in your life." More teasing. He always has such a strong effect on you.
"Just thinking about everything, my life before and how I ended up here, with the most badass robot ever." You nudge back through your words.
"Now that's more like it!" Mirage ends up giving a loud toot from his horn making you giggle faintly. "Now, as I was saying, Noah is busy with other things and I'm rather lonely, so I'm taking my favourite lady somewhere nice. Care to give this handsome guy some attention?"
His words always make you warm and fuzzy, an effect no one else has ever made you feel better, and it was so addictive. You craved more.
"You have my full attention now, Mirage. That sounds amazing. Where are we going?" You can't help but feel like he was taking you on a date. You can only imagine that, because surely it wasn't.
"It's a surprise." The rev from his engine sounds like a purr.
"I can't wait."
The drive was peaceful, even more with the soft jazz blues he was playing over the radio for you, the time with him is just what you needed and wanted. Upon arrival he asks you to close your eyes and you do. You hear him transform before gently guiding you forward. The salty smell hits your senses along with the silky feel of sand beneath your toes under your sandals.
"The beach." You give a broad smile while keeping your eyes closed.
"Oh what gave that away? I think you took a peek." He gives a sound like a pout.
"Nah ah. How did you know I love the beach?" You question curiously.
"There's a lot I know about you, y/n, my lovely estrella. Alright, open those beautiful eyes."
You do that. The beach, just as you knew, but you still give a giddy excited jump. You really do love the beach. There's a calming peacefulness in the air whenever you come to the spot, though this spot was new to the locations you already knew. He seemed to read this from you.
"This is our own private spot, no one ever comes here."
"Oh? Are we getting up to mischief?"
"So much mischief. But I have something else for you."
"Mirage, you didn't have to go through the trouble." However you did feel very spoilt.
"It was so troublesome, and I wanted our night to be perfect."
You did wonder what the guy was thinking. He was so fond of you and did so much just to try and keep you happy. Do friends just do that? Yeah, they could. Another gasp leaves you when you see what he has made.
A small sheltered spot just big enough for him, though he was already small for his size, with fairy lights and soft plush blankets covering a large mat above the sand. Your own little cubby house.
"This is incredible! I could just kiss you!" You burst out suddenly causing you to shrink down and try to hide your flushed cheeks. His answer caught her by surprise.
"Oh I wouldn't object to that." Mirage smiles before crawling under the cubby and sitting down with his legs stretched out, waiting for you to join him.
Standing there for a bit you let this process through your mind before giving a nervous smile and following in to sit beside him on the blankets.
"This...this is beautiful, thank you." You find your voice before looking at him. However, you are very surprised to find Mirage was now your size, maybe a little bigger, but human size. "Holy shit."
"You like? All for you, estrella." Mirage looks like a happy child.
"Me? I'm not sure what you mean..." Deep down though, you sort of had a growing feeling about all this tonight.
"Y/n, I really like you." The confession from him was so cute, and almost looks like he's blushing. "-
The silence between them hits, and only the sounds from the ocean can be heard while it adds the calmness between you both. Nibbling your bottom lip a little you ponder over your thoughts and go with what your heart was screaming.
"I would appreciate it, if you would kiss me right now.”
The second the words left you, you feel the warm metal of his servo against your cheek and turn your head to face him. He's so beautiful, like a dazzling star, though he might disagree and say you're the dazzling star.
He leans closer and much to your surprise his lips are warm against your own, slowly moving into your own as you kiss him back with a little hunger. It's you that deepens it as you gently push your tongue between his lips to coil with his own, an odd sweetness hitting your taste buds. Mirage let out a soft sound that might've been a moan but you're not very sure, although you are sure that he likes what you're doing because both his servos are holding you against your waist and roaming up and down your sides.
You find yourself laying on your back with him on top of you but keeping his weight off. Even though he was downsized, he didn't want to hurt you with his weight. Once the kiss breaks it gives you a chance to take a breath and gaze up at him lovingly, his smile shining down on you.
"So, was this a date?" You ask through a whisper curiously.
"Maybe..." Mirage was always so smooth, the dork.
"Well, care to make this the best fucking date ever?"
Mirage doesn't answer with words, but he does through his kisses and touches against you, laying you against against the blush blanket while looming over you. You don't care what others might think. Whatever happens tonight you hoped will happen again, and again, forever and ever.
It's only your clothes that need removing. Mirage tugs at the fabric, curious and wondering just how to get them off without ripping them, so you decide to help and toss them aside. You didn't think you could undress so fast.
"Oh sweet Mami." Mirage lets out a steamy vent as his optics gently rank across your perfect exposed body. He leans over and you watch as his glossa darks out, flickering across your perk nipple making your back arch and a silent gasp to leave you. "Does that feel nice?"
"Y-yeah, very." You manage to answer, voice shaky and full of lust.
Mirage lets out a satisfied hum that vibrates against your skin before he closes his mouth over your nipple and sucks, glossa swirling around the sensitive area. Letting out a moan you hand grip into the metal plating of his shoulders for leverage, toes curling into the blankets as the pooling arousal boils through your body. You're moist between your legs already, but honestly you've been like this since the car ride. It's just how he made you feel, you couldn't help yourself.
"Mirage, holy shit!" Your curses make him smirk against your nipple, his free servo massaging across your other round breast. Never did you imagine a robot to feel so warm and tender. Mirage is able to prove that theory without struggle.
"Y/n, I've always wanted to taste you, can I?" Mirage asks against your skin, optics looking over your breasts and assking a soft baby blue glow against your skin.
"Sure..." Your breath hitches when he suddenly moves down and you feel his heated vents against your thighs.
It happens so fast, and before you know it you feel his thick glossa dive into your core. You cry out, not caring who might hear, and hands grip at his helm as you start to rock yourself against his face, moaning lowly as your legs shake through the burning arousal that continues to build.
His glossa coils against your inner walls and lets out a moan that pulls from your bud up through your quivering body. If he kept doing that, you knew you'd cum very quickly, and you didn't want that just yet. So, you held out as best you could, riding through the burning pleasure he delivers.
Just when you thought you were unable to hold out for too much longer, he stops, causing you to whimper out like a wounded puppy.
"Oh don't worry my pretty estrella, I have something else better for you." He's purring, at least that's what it sounds like to you. He climbs like a snake up over you again, pressing himself between your legs and you hear metal plating shifting. The next you feel is something long, warm and pulsing sliding up against your thigh.
Looking down between you both you're enthralled by the beauty he possessed. You've never seen anything like it before. His length pulse lively, small ridges running along the base and what looks like veins brightly blue coloured made him look incredible. He notices your reaction and giggle softly. "Like what you see?"
"It's beautiful." You say through a heated breath before meeting his optics. "You're beautiful."
"Naw, thank you, but you're more beautiful darling." He gently pressed his tip against you, keeping his stare on your face. Shifting forward he enters you, slowly filling inch by inch and giving you a short time to adjust.
Despite being human size, he was still quite thick as you feel yourself being stretched more than you've ever felt before. It's not your first time, though you wished it was, just so you could've given yourself to Mirage. Opening your legs you give him as much space as possible, watching him move further forward above you before feeling him flushed right up against you. You can feel everything, every pulse and hear every sound coming from him as he keeps still to savour you.
"Oh y/n, so perfect, tight, feels nice." Mirage vents out before lowering himself closer and sharing a kiss with you, slowly withdrawing a little and thrusting back in, setting a slow and gentle pace.
Your head tilts back against the blankets with your neck stretched out, giving him the invitation to kiss and softly nip at the soft skin against your neck as he rolls his hips against you over again. Moving your hands around you place them behind his neck, still moaning as you feel yourself being filled gently over again.
Each ridge tugs at your inner walls as does every pulse shakes through, causing you to clench around him more and tighten your thighs.
"Mirage...oh fuck! You feel so good....fuck!" You chant over again.
"Oh primus, beautiful estrella, I've got you, Mirage has you always." He moans before he starts to pick up his speed, causing you to let out another lingering moan, gasping at each firm thrust he delivers.
This won't last long, you already knew this, because he's just so damn perfect and you are already worked up from before. Your thighs tighten around his waist, fingers digging into his soft metal feeling each thrust and hearing the clapping of his armour hitting against you over again, but it only added to the boiling arousal that's about to overflow any second.
"M-mirage...Mirage!" You chant his name before your body stiffens and you tighten around his thrusting spike buried deep in you, cumming hard and riding out the flooded arousal spilled from you.
Mirage is chanting himself, words you don't understand, and you guess are words from his language which you find quite alluring in your tired and blurry state. His optics shutter close and he's rutting against you, hard, before stilling and letting out a choked yelp that you find kind of cute.
Feeling his sticky warmness filling your core you feel every throb from his spike as he slowly pulls out from you, every bump tugging gently before he is gone, and you feel pretty empty without him. Though you do feel what he left behind pooling in your belly and that's a beautiful satisfaction.
He rolls and gently holds you close against him, planting kisses against your skin as his servos roam softly across your backside.
"I think destiny wants us to be together, and you should never argue with destiny.”
"You know what? I agree with that." There's no way you wanted to refuse this moment with him, or a chance to be his.
"If you be my star, I'll be your sky." Mirage whispers fondly, pressing his face gently into your neck while you caress his warm metal cheek plating under your hand.
"I'll be your star." You declare back softly, loving the idea.
"My beautiful estrella."
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Getou Suguru x Reader
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Suguru Getou:
You have a superiority complex, you're a massive germaphobe and have a soft spot for poor, abused children.
First Date:
You couldn't believe it. You had a date. Not just any date though. One with the hot guy that was a shaman. He was also a cult leader but you were willing to let that slide due to how attractive you found him. The two of you met on PlentyOfSorcerers.com and you hoped that you weren't getting cat fished again. "If he's as good as he looks than I'll let him expand my domain!" You waited for your date just outside your restaurant of choice. "He should be here any minute."
You were wearing casual clothing. The two of you had agreed that it would be better to dress like average people. You didn't want your dates monk attire to attract any unnecessary attention after all. You were looking through the crowd when you felt someone pat you on the back. "Yo ####. You look wonderful." It was Getou. His long hair was memorizing but you gazed down and couldn't help but notice the shirt that he wore.
It was a plain black t-shirt except for the fact that there was a large image of a dragon ball character. Freezer you think? Anyway it was something about an alien committing genocide against monkeys. You were dumbfounded. "... I thought we agreed to dress casual..." He rolled his eyes. "Hey, he's my idol." Geto than questioned where he was taking you. "Why KFC of course."
You noticed his face starting to go pale. "Is something wrong?" He quickly shook his head. "It used to bring me painful memories. But that's all right because now I have you." You couldn't help but smile. You took his hand and walked towards your destination.
The place was packed. Getou groaned. "Why must there be so many monkeys!" He then glanced in your direction. "####, why don't you find us somewhere to sit while I go and order..." He looked tense. He must not enjoy crowds you thought. You kissed him on the cheek and then went to find a place to sit.
Getou then took out his disinfectant and began to spray everyone in line while he made his way to the front. The patrons were choking and gasping for air but who cares about monkeys right? He went to order when he nearly had a heart attack. He recognized the man behind the register. It was none other than Toji Fushiguro. "WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?"
The man was used to angry customers so this wasn't anything special but then he looked up at the the patron in front of him. "Oh? I didn't expect to see you here. Anyway, I owe some gambling debt to Gege so he was kind enough to let me work here and pay it off. I have to support my son after all!" Getou spat at him. "You're a terrible father and you know it!"
"Hmpf. Maybe. But at least I actually fathered my children. Now, what will you be ordering today?"
Getou returned and dropped the tray on the table. "Is everything okay...?" He couldn't wait to leave this place. "It's nothing. Go on, eat!" The two of you ate your food and you noticed that Getou looked somewhat sick. His face was now a shade of green. He decided to answer before you questioned him. "This food tastes worse than curses do!""... And what do curses taste like?"
He then responded "It’s like swallowing a dirty rag that’s been used to clean up shit and vomit." Oh. Well you were definitely letting him pick the place next time. If there would be a next time... It was then that you noticed two small children. "Daddy, daddy! We want crepes!" Getou sighed. "Girls, I thought I told you to wait until I came back home..." Your eye twitched."
Your dating profile didn't say anything about having kids..." He knew he had forgotten something. "Surprise...?" You stood up to leave. "I think we should see other people." He then began to sob into the table. The two girls then hugged their father and asked what was wrong. "I miss my wife (Gojo) girls. I miss her a lot."
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loge2718 · 18 days
Guilty as Sin? 💙
Thrawn x Reader - A song fic!
Song: Guilty as Sin? - Taylor Swift
Summary: Moving to Lothal for a promising job that was given by the Empire was a bold move for you. Here in Lothal, you felt lonely. Until a certain Grand Admiral came into the picture. You wanted something more than casual. But, does he want it to? 
Tags & Warnings: No smut, just mentions of sex, slight angst at the end
A/N: I didn’t specify the reader’s gender here but, since this is purely a self-indulgence fanfiction and the art that I made for is also purely self-indulging, I imagined the reader here is female.
Word count: 1.6K
Y'all... I have not written any (fan)fiction in such a long time, so, apologies in advance... I'd be posting the video and the art that I made for this fic in a different post, in case you don't like the fanfic and just would like to reblog the art you can find it here (X)
Out of all the people in this planet, out of all the people in this outer-rim, out of all the people in this galaxy. You are in a situationship with him.
That ran through your thought as he traced his finger around your upper thigh. It feels like he was writing something, that you were not so sure. Perhaps something in his language?
What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh Only in my mind?
He is, of course, the alien that rose through the ranks of the Imperial Navy like it was nothing. The Grand Admiral. Mitth'raw'nuruodo from the Unknown Region. Or as he lay beside you, cuddling you in a desperate embrace… Just Thrawn. You wish you could stay in this moment forever, this will be the death of you.
One slip and falling back into the hedge maze Oh what a way to die
Thrawn, the man you met in an art gallery here at Lothal. You arrived at Lothal just a few months prior, still adapting to your new job, new surroundings. Your family and friends are all the way in the mid-rim. You moved here because the Empire promised you a better paying job. However, with that decision, it left you stranded in Lothal, alone. In a way, you both are similar. 
There you were sitting in front of a painting by a local artist hundreds of years ago. So focused on the painting, taking in every detail. Subconsciously, you started to zoned out with everything that was going on with your mind.
Moving away… Moving away has been difficult for you, you were born and raised in your homeplanet, you even got your full education there. The empire promised you a decent job with a good amount of money, but the catch was, the job was located in the outer-rim in a planet called Lothal. So far, the promise has been kept. Though, it did not hide the fact that you were lonely, very lonely.
"Do you like the painting?"
A smooth voice snapped you out of your trance. Yes. You did like the painting, it is relatable, you said. However, you continued, describing the one of the paintings that you were fond of from your home world. The one you often visit in the gallery, with family, friends and even ex-lovers.
"Interesting take" He said
"How about you, what do you think about it?" 
And with that, one thing led to the other. First, it was just a simple introduction, Thrawn, he introduced himself and so did you. Then, the conversation went on for hours, and a couple different places… One of them was your newly owned bed. To say that he was amazing in bed was an understatement.
He understood you. He understood your body, he listened to your body. His touch felt like a warm fireplace on a cold winter night. His kiss felt like Heaven for the longing sinners. Each movement of his felt like waves crashing in the sea, bringing you closer and closer to shore.
You felt like this could be a start of something, or just a one night stand. Nevertheless, that was an experience, a really good one indeed. Even so, you didn't know who he was. He was just another man you brought home that night. That being said, Thrawn. his name still echoed in your mind on some sleepless nights.
A few days later, at the grand opening of the Empire-owned factory where you were assigned as a project manager, he was there, accompanied by the Governor of Lothal. He was in his stunning white navy uniform. Ah so he works for the Imperial Navy, you contemplated. His uniform was also complemented with gold shoulder plates and… a Grand Admiral plaque. A Grand Admiral, you thought to yourself. Unbelievable, You have managed to sleep with him. One of the strongest, most influential and most adored people in the empire.
You must be… His voice came to a blur as he greeted you and introduced himself and you . That would not be the first time. Grand Admiral, it is nice to be acquainted with you, you replied. The days went on as usual, your higher up was luckily busy that day, so you were the one who was assigned to give the Grand Admiral a tour.
You were relieved at first, thinking that he would break the facade. However, that seems to be false. His voice stayed cold to you. He was really cold to you. As if you didn’t moan his name over and over a few nights ago. His demeanor was that of a stranger, even when you two were alone touring the freshly built factory. You understand that it is protocol, but it was torture. Before you knew it he departed, you thought that would be the last time you would ever see him.
Until it was not. 
Not long after you arrived home you were surprised with your doorbell ringing. Strange, you thought. You were not expecting a visitor nor are you familiar with your neighbors yet. One look at the door feed got you sprinting to your front door. There stood Thrawn. He stepped in, and without saying a word he passionately took your lips in a deep kiss. 
As the both of you broke the kiss, Nice to see you again… you said with a hint of sarcasm, but alas smiling. Then, he took your lips again. After all that, he carried you to bed. Surely the second time with him would not be as mind blowing as the first? No. You were wrong. It was, as a matter of fact, better.
"Thrawn, I thought I'll never see you again, especially after today…" you said while you were laying on his chest. 
He disagreed. He said he would love to continue seeing you, being with you. This arrangement was of course with an exception. Nobody else has to know that we are intimate. he emphasized. That statement was not a surprise for you. That's easy enough, a price to pay being in bed with the notable Grand Admiral. you thought.
I keep recalling things we never did
You reach for his lips in response and agreement to his words. You were right, this one night stand did turn into a friend with benefits type of situation. But did you really want that? Or did you hope for something more?
Messy top lip kiss
A month or two have passed since you two made that agreement. Other than your apartment, he had brought you to a few different places. Lothal's only 5-star hotel was one of them, the cabin he owns in the far corner of Lothal was the other and even his personal Lambda shuttle. This little meetup of yours got you excited every time you saw his flagship - the Chimaera above the capital. His ISD in the sky of Lothal meant that he would be meeting you soon.
How I long for our trysts
As it was your day off, your neighbors, the one you got close with, started to be suspicious and started to question you. Who is the Pantoran you kept seeing? She asked. Nobody, he is just a friend. You answered immediately. 
A friend would not have gifted you flowers. A friend would not kiss your forehead and lips before he left. A friend would not have fucked you so perfectly, so intimately. He would not have cared for you so gently too after sex. Yes. Just a friend. You repeated, reassuring yourself. You really wanted something more, did you?
Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
Later on that afternoon, as the Chimaera looms over the capital. He came to visit you. This time was different, this time he brought you flowers, not just any flowers that he often gave you. These were the flowers native to your homeplanet. He explained he had some work to do there, and might as well give these flowers to you, since he knows that they are dear to you. Thank you, Thrawn. you said as tears were forming in your eyes. You quickly ran inside and put them in a vase before jumping in Thrawn’s speeder. 
Then, as per usual, he took you out for dinner first, continued by walking you to his hotel suite that he rented for the night. That was before everything snowballed into the unholy amount of things you both did in that hotel room.
He sent me 'Downtown Lights' I hadn't heard it in a while
Out of all of the people in this entire universe, you are with him. Laying in bed with him, receiving tender kisses throughout your delicate body. His finger tracing every inch of your skin. Stay the night with me, Thrawn. You begged. He murmured something that wasn't basic. You did not understand him at all, but his body language said it all. 
He could not stay. 
He pulled you closer and murmured something else, kissed you on the forehead. Your peace was disturbed by a chime from his comm. The chime turns out to be an emergency call. Earlier to that he thought he could stay with you for at least another hour. However, that plan was cut short. He got up, tidied himself and in a blink of an eye, he is gone yet again.
Your thoughts came rushing through your head like a gust of wind, as tears started forming in your eyes. Could we ever be more than this? You sobbed softly to the empty room. From the kisses he gave you, to all the good times you both had, to flowers he gave you from your homeplanet. 
Could Thrawn and you be more than this?
Am I allowed to cry?
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mercedesvince · 1 year
Hihi I’m kinda new to requesting and I didn’t know if yours was still open or not. But you are doing the people’s work cause I can’t find x male readers anywhere 😭
Can you do a Kenny x male Reader where the reader remembers Kenny’s deaths but because no one talks about it, reader doesnt say anything
Then one night, somehow Reader bumps into Mysterion (not knowing he’s kenny) and asks him to look over Kenny to keep him from dying every day?
Thank youuu 🫶
Kenny McCormick x Male Reader
“Can You Just Watch Over Him?”
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Getting out of bed had never been this hard. Your alarm had gone off nearly 20 minutes ago, you knew you were gonna have to rush to get to school, but that didn’t matter right now. You couldn’t get over it. Your best friend in the whole world, Kenny McCormick, was gone. Dead. Some aliens who had also taken Kyle’s little brother had killed him.
The snow made a small crunch sound as you took steps towards your everyday bus stop. You reached your stop, only to be met with a.. pleasant surprise? “Kenny..?” you said, shock clearly evident on your face. “What’s up dude?” he muffled out. “What- Wait wait but you—“ you couldn’t even get your words out. Were you dreaming? No way Kenny’s here. He died. He literally fully died yesterday. “Hey [name] what’s up man?” Stan said. They all continued to carry out the conversation. So casually, did they not remember? No way, Stan and Kyle had to remember, no way Cartman wouldn’t bring it up. “Hey [name], are you alright dude?” Kenny asked you, with his muffled voice. Still in a phase of shock, you looked at all of them, they were all so nonchalant, so chill. “Yeah… yeah, yeah i’m fine,” you answered.
You walked your way out of the mall next to Stan, laughing at some joke he had made. You both had landed a job in retail together a few months ago, and as of recently your manager had been pairing you guys up for the closing shift.
Originally, you had asked Kenny to come into the job interview with you, not only because he was your best friend (and you may or may not have grown a thing for him in the last couple years), but because you wanted to keep a closer eye on him. You would continuously go out of your way to keep him safe, and prevent as many as his deaths as possible. He ended up turning you down though, something about how he was busy. He didn’t give too many details, but you didn’t push on it, figuring if it was something he wanted you to know he’d tell you. But Stan didn’t need to know he was your second option.
“Alright man, i’ll see you tomorrow,” “Yeah, goodnight [name], i’ll see you tomorrow.” Parting your ways with Stan, you pulled your phone out, shooting your parents a quick text that you were heading home. Putting your phone in your pockets, you kept your hands in them, making your way home.
However, your walk was interrupted when you suddenly felt a pull on your arm jerking you into a small alleyway. Immediately you felt your back slam against a wall, “Give me your wallet!” You hadn’t even processed what was happening, but in a second of your fight or flight response activating, you threw a kick at the guy in front of you. Catching him off guard you used your chance to escape and run up a fire escape a few feet away from you. you managed to run up a flight of stairs before the same man grabbed your feet, causing you to trip. In a panic you tried to wriggle your way out, ignoring the pain from falling on the stairs. You tried to kick the man with your free leg, but he just wouldn’t let go, dragging you down the stairs toward him, that is until he was suddenly pulled over the railing.
Still feeling the adrenaline and panic in your body you listened to your flight response and ran up the fire escape as quickly as possible. You only stopped to catch your breath at the very top of the building. Taking a minute to get your thoughts together you leaned on a small brick fence on the roof.
You had managed to calm down for the most part, that is until you heard a voice behind. You jolted up and immediately spun around, getting ready to make a run for it. “Hey, relax, i’m just making sure you’re okay,” You focused on the person in front of you, recognizing who it was after a second. The famous hero, Mysterion. “Oh my god,” was all you could get out. “I asked if you were okay, but looking at you know I don’t think you are”. You had heard about him on the news before, I mean which South Park resident hasn’t? “Your Mysterion,” you stated. Obviously. “You’re hurt” he responded. Adrenaline still rushing through your body, you hadn’t realized the stinging feeling on your lower face. Suddenly becoming self aware, you reached up to your face and looked at your hand, blood. “Oh my god,” You repeated. “Let me help you,” you looked up again to the hero, unable to say anything but a small ‘okay’.
The hero that saved you had gone to go get some supplies to help with a cut that had appeared on your chin. After he came back he began to clean up the wound, finally placing a small bandaid on it.
“Thanks again dude, you probably saved my life,” Mysterion looked up to meet your eyes, “It’s my job,” you thought for a second. “You mean it’s your job to keep the people of South Park safe?” the both of you just continued making eye contact.
“Can I ask you a favor then?”
Mysterion looked suprised, not expecting you to ask such a question. “Go ahead”.
“I have this friend, his names Kenny McCormick,” you had turned away at this point, unable to see the uneasiness in Mysterion at the mention of the name. “He’s like, my best friend in the world, but he’s always getting himself into danger. I don’t know how he does it, but he keeps getting himself hurt, damn, even killed,” Mysterion’s eyes shot wide open. No. There’s no way you knew. How did you know? How did you remember? “but he always comes back. I try to look out for him, but it’s like the world���s against him. I know this might be weird to ask and stuff cause I don’t know you and you don’t owe me anything,” you took a pause, and turned to look at Mysterion. “but could you look out for him? You’re the town’s hero, and you protect and save people and I know you’re busy, but could you just check in on him every now and then? I mean I know he’ll be okay, he always is in the end, but know one around us ever seems to remember and seeing your friend get continuously killed over and over again, it just, I don’t know, tears you apart.” you took a small inhale. “I can’t imagine it’s not painful for him either”.
Mysterion was taken aback, because he WAS Kenny McCormick, and ironically enough, he had spent the last few weeks watching over YOU. Making sure you got from school to you job and from you job to your home safe. All because you were his best friend. All these years, since elementary, he had been watching over you as Mysterion, only to find out that you had tried to do the same thing. Except you didn’t do it with a superhero alter ego, you didn’t do it as a way to also protect the people of South Park. You did it as his best friend, simply trying to keep him from pain.
The biggest shock of all however, came from the fact that you knew, you remembered, every single one of his deaths. Why didn’t you ever say anything?
“I know it sounds crazy, but i’m not lying,” Mysterion stared at you for a second, “Well, why didn’t you ever tell him you remember?” Truth is you had thought about bringing it up to him, but what if he didn’t want you to know? What if it upset him if he knew? Would he feel guilty? Would he be mad at you for not doing anything to stop it? “I don’t know,” was the answer you chose to respond with. There was silence between you two for a minute, before Mysterion broke it. “I’ll keep an extra watch on him,” was all he said, he began to walk off. “Thank you!” you yelled. He could hear the joy in your voice. You saw Mysterion walk down the fire escape, but when you went to follow him he was no longer there, you made your way home, unaware of the fact that you were still being followed by the hero.
Kenny kept thinking about you even after he saw you enter your house. All this time you knew? How much did this affect you? Him constantly dying has bothered him so much, but to know that you might share the same pain as him? Again the thought plagued in his head, as to why you never told him. Maybe he’ll talk about it with you, as Kenny this time.
When you finally laid down in bed, you thought back to your conversation with Mysterion, but as you went over your words with him, you started thinking. Why didn’t he doubt you? How did you immediately know who Kenny was? He had asked you why you never told Kenny you knew about his deaths, but… you never mentioned that Kenny was unaware of you knowing.
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atrophiedemotion · 1 month
okay doc *lies down on the therapy couch* tell me about aspd Ivan
(you don’t have to obviously I’m just curious)(love you)
hello valued patient, i will very gladly tell you about aspd ivan. (love you too tysm for the question)
before i start this i just want to add a disclaimer that i do not have aspd. if anyone with aspd says i'm wrong on this definitely believe them before me, this is just a personal headcanon. (i have discussed this with a friend w aspd who agrees with me and im in a similar wheelhouse to aspd, so i have a good amount of knowledge due to that and a lot of research, which is where the headcanon stems from)
okay, so to fully speak about how and why i see ivan with aspd i'm going to also mention the other pd i headcanon ivan with because i want to fully express my perception of him. i personally interpret ivan as having an aspd/npd combination (aspd im more sure of). i see aspd as something ivan was born with a predisposition for (reduced gray matter in the brain, less MAO-A, etc) that got solidified in his very early childhood growing up in the slums and going through the whole 'hung off the top of a building and threatened with death if he didn't make the cut' thing. genetics and trauma, the usual causes. npd is something i imagine him developing later on in life ofc, slowly over time. his chosen survival method being creating a fake persona others admire and his nonexistent self worth & horrible self loathing lead to him developing it (kind of as a subconscious coping mechanism).
okay, with that out of the way, why do i think ivan has aspd?
well. there are a lot of reasons. for one, vivinos and qmeng themselves say that ivan doesn't experience emotions in the same way others do, that he has a 'twisted' personality, he manipulated others to 'play with their feelings', that there was 'something off' about him, etc. while the way these are worded are a little,, derogatory,, it's all very important to ivan's character.
ivan's emotions are muted and dulled compared to others', he literally physically cannot experience them in the same way neurotypicals (in terms of pds) can. from that and other examples in alnst (setting up the wagyein incident w mizi & till, his reaction to his win in r3, his lack of care when it comes to lying & manipulation, etc) it can be pretty safely assumed that ivan doesn't really experience empathy. that's why he learns from other's visible emotions and mirrors them, because he doesn't feel them and instead adopts other people's reactions so he can react/act accordingly/'normally' (specifying here that not having empathy does not mean someone cannot feel sympathy or care about anyone. empathy is being able to feel/pick up on someone else's emotions it does NOT mean someone is uncaring okay thanks moving on).
ivan's tendency to manipulate and lie isn't really explicitly shown much in alnst but the implications are there and very telling imo. before i get into this i want to also specify that 'manipulate' is not the big scary evil word most people think it is and literally everyone does it. to manipulate is to try to have control over a situation, to influence someone/something to get your ideal outcome/get your needs met. many people with cluster b pds learn to manipulate from a young age as a survival mechanism because it is the only way to get the things they need. in ivan's case, his entire fake persona for the aliens and his placations and straight up lying to his peers/teachers/fans etc about his feelings and personality is all manipulation to paint himself in a more favorable light so he has a higher chance of survival. i also wouldn't put it past him to casually manipulate other students at anakt when he was younger so he could learn/observe more things (which was shown with the wagyein incident but i imagine that wasn't the only occasion). i've talked about ivan using subterfuge and disguising his actual intentions behind his odd behaviors which, yk, is manipulation.
when it comes to violence, ivan really doesn't seem to be outwardly violent unless provoked, but when he is he's uncaring about the pain he's causing the other (till lmao) and more focused on what he gets out of the exchange (till's attention & expressions and, imo, a physical stress release). i wasn't sure i was going to bring it up bc i wasn't going to get into the whole pwaspd are violent thing (i dont think it's true for everyone. thoughts and urges are different than actions) but i wanted to talk about ivan's lack of awareness when it comes to it. he impulsively fights back, doesn't pull his punches, and revels in it.
there's also his apparent lack of remorse for his actions (stepping on the flower crown, fighting till, leading mizi and till into danger, all that) and impulsivity when he's not masking (though i consider ivan to be a more calculating individual, a lot of his interactions with till show him doing things impulsively). his difficulty in forming intimate emotional connections with others, his lack of self worth and general lack of care for his own wellbeing, his fatalistic world view.
all of these are symptoms of aspd. im not going to pull out the dsm-5 (ew) because i hate the way it words things (love stigma against mentally ill folks), but all of the things i talked about go along with aspd, which is why i personally think ivan has it. a genetic predisposition, a fuckton of trauma in early childhood (qmeng refers to his time in the slums as a 'dark past') and onward through anakt and beyond, and his lack of emotional understanding. all of it lends itself to aspd. i think this adds a whole new level of understanding to ivan and his reasons for things and just. why he is the way he is. and figuring this out for myself made me love ivan all the more. all of the alnst characters are just traumatized kids who never learned how to live and be human and ivan having an even different baseline than most others put him even more at a disadvantage.
i just want to, like. give this guy therapy or at least make sure he knows that it’s not his fault that his mind works the way it does and there’s nothing wrong with it. and with that, i shall end it here LMAO. tysm rock for the ask ik i asked if you were okay with an essay but this is longer than i anticipated skxjsn i hope you liked it!! and if anyone has any other questions about aspd or npd ivan lmk personality disorders are one of my special interests i love talking about this stuff ajxnsn
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
Love Changed the Minds of Pretenders
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Pairing ▹ Bucky Barnes x gn. reader
Word Count ▹ 1k
This fic contains ▹ angst, fluff, songfic, unestablished relationship, mentions of sex, mentions of Joaquin x reader, mutual ending of relationship, light beta reading (even though there are no explicit mentions of adult themes, I do not want minors or blank blogs interacting with this fic)
Summary ▹ Do you remember | The 21st night of September?
Notes ▹ I should be asleep right now because I have work at 7am but I just had a random burst of creativity and I needed to let it out. Anyways, this is my submission for @bucks-and-noble Summer Send Off. Thank you @buckets-and-trees and @sgt-seabass for creating this challenge and refueling my love for Bucky. And a special shoutout to the book club! I am so happy I met y'all and I am beyond grateful for the bond we have created 💖 Fun fact: This is my first ever Bucky fic woop woop!! Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed! 😊
Prompt ▹ use a lyric [from September by Earth Wind and Fire] as direct inspiration for a theme/idea
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September 21, 2022. 10:02 pm.
The night you met Bucky Barnes. 
Of all places, you met Bucky at a bar. The same bar where your friend performed their first live show and they invited you to watch. You weren’t expecting to meet anyone that night. Your heart had been broken only a few weeks prior. 
Everyone thought: Was he a rebound? A distraction?
No. He was so much more than that. It could have been easy to feel that way fresh out of heartbreak. Even more so when outsiders were constantly questioning what you and Bucky really were. But there was clearly a reason Bucky showed up in your life after this period of hurting. 
Bucky gave you love and security. He made you feel safe when he took you to the movies, when he made love to you, when you slept peacefully in his strong arms. You always thanked him for the things he did to make you feel secure and loved. He’d reply with his typical phrase, “I’m glad I make you feel that way.” 
He welcomed you into his home, his life, and his heart after many years of keeping the door locked and the key tucked away. Waking up and stroking your face before pressing a kiss to your dry lips was something that made your love for him stronger. Then after an hour or so of getting tangled between the sheets, you both would jump in the shower, gently caressing one another with soapy hands. Breakfast with Bucky was another tender ritual that you cherished. Whether it was at 10 in the morning or 1 in the afternoon, you never skipped breakfast with him.
He challenged your negative thoughts and beliefs. You and Bucky would stay on the phone until 3 in the morning talking about the universe, aliens, and other conspiracy theories. The two of you would ponder on the purpose of your lives and the ways of the universe. One thing you both were certain about was that you wanted your lives to be fulfilling and meaningful. Your world expanded and bloomed with beauty and wonder because of him. You wanted to be better and so did he.
Bucky made you believe in love again. And you made Bucky believe in love again.
As the months passed, everything was splendid. Perfect, even. But with perfection, there’s always something lacking. Of course, you wouldn’t have seen what was lacking if it slapped you in the face.
After 10 months of dating Bucky, you finally revealed your love for him. Now, Bucky wasn’t the type to say it. Heck, he didn’t even say “I love you” to his sister unless she said it first. Yet that wasn’t a deal breaker because he expressed his love in other ways. 
“I love you, too. I know your feelings for me are strong, but I don’t know if I can give you what you want.” 
It was understandable. He did mention in the beginning that he wanted to casually date. You forgot that you wanted the same thing. Man that felt like such a long time ago. Time really does fly when you start to fall in love. And hard you fell.
You hid your disappointment by making more excuses as to why being committed to Bucky would not be in the cards. First, there was the long distance. Then, there was the uncertainty about both of your futures. For a couple that talked a lot about your ambitions, you both lacked the confidence in where you would go in life. As the list of reasons piled up, there was one that made your brain fuzzy and your heart swell.
That reason was Joaquin Torres.
You met Joaquin through your cousin. There was an instant attraction between the two of you yet neither of you pursued each other. If you had gone for Joaquin, you would not have created the world you had with Bucky. So when your feelings for Joaquin grew stronger than your feelings for Bucky, you knew you had to take action before someone got hurt. 
Contrary to your belief, no one got hurt. You were transparent with Joaquin about your status with Bucky, and he understood. When you revealed to Bucky your feelings for Joaquin, he too understood. 
“Listen, angel, I know you. You know what you want in your life and you don’t let anything get in the way of that. I do love you, but who am I to stand in the way of living the life you want. You’ve let people tell you how to live your life for so long and now it’s my turn to stop that cycle. If this is what you want, don’t let me stop you.”
You and Bucky shared beautiful memories over the 10 months of being together, but the words he said to you on August 8, 2023 will always be ingrained in your brain for the rest of your life. That night was the last time you spoke to him and saw his face, even though it was over a video call.
“I’m grateful for having you in my life,” you confessed to him, trying not to cry. You couldn’t figure out if it was because you were surprised this conversation went way better than you thought or because you were saying goodbye.
Bucky grinned, “No need to get all sappy on me, angel.” You shared a final laugh together. “Well, if you ever find yourself in the city, you know where to find me.”
Part of you wanted to make a joke about how you’d run into him at the bar where you met, but you stopped yourself. Instead, you replied:
“You got it, Buck.”
And that marked the end of you and Bucky. 
You and Bucky’s love was never meant to fail. Yet it was never meant to succeed. Perhaps it was just meant to simply exist. 
But who knows, maybe that fateful night in August was not the end. Only time could tell. That was the beauty of time and the universe. You can plan and make certain choices, but ultimately, the universe will lead you to where you’re meant to be.
Now, it’s September 21, 2023. No, Bucky is not in the picture, but your thoughts are with him. 
Do you remember? Yes, you remember. You always will.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Threadbare (3)
Steve Rogers x Fashion Designer!Reader
Part Three: Rupture/Fracture (see previous or series)
Summary: Steve skirts the line between protector and absolute doofus. Your fashion show begins.
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[Image submitted by ask and does not reflect reader's race or body type. It's just a visual of the gown described in this chapter. Also from an unknown source. Credit to the creator.]
Warnings for canon-level violence and some mild language. This story is rated Teen. WC 4251
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Captain America: Man of Action.
Steven Grant Rogers? Eh, not so much.
It’s a risky strategy—to do nothing—but Steve’s run out of ideas.
He doesn’t know what’s upset you. He doesn’t know what Tony does know. He doesn’t have a backup plan to his initial, lame, ‘date’-in-the-diner-downstairs idea, and yes, he knows that was pathetic in-and-of itself. Steve got the words out, though, didn’t he? That’s progress in the trench warfare he’s waging on the one thing that still completely intimidates him: womanhood.
That’s not to say Steve is fighting against you and all you are, but he doesn’t know where he fits in anyone’s equation of life and partnership. Relationships imply relating to each other, and he lives in a tower with superheroes, a billionaire, highly-trained agents who are all ranked above the other 99% of their classmates, and several legitimate aliens.
This does not instill him with confidence on his relating-to-the-average-human skills.
Before Steve was a super soldier, he was also pretty shit with women. It never got better because there was no time to try.
Since Steve has time now, he’s convinced he’ll do something stupid, and that’s really why he sits on his laurels.
This behavior apparently frustrates more than just Steve.
“So how’s your girl?” Sam Wilson asks nonchalantly, petting his beard while watching the final assessment of their newest recruits.
“Faulkner looks injured. His form is off and he’s slower than usual.” Steve makes a note on his tablet.
“Yeah, guy got kneed in the berries for a bad pickup line at the bar last night. Don’t change the subject.”
“Not necessary,” Steve grumbles in avoidance.
Sam scoffs. “You didn’t hear the pickup line.”
“Guy gets hit like that and you think that makes me want to talk about dames more?”
“Ladies, Cap, go with ‘ladies.’”
“Old-fashioned man with—“ he yells out “—find your balance, Pritchard, then block—“ then sighs “—old-fashioned notions.”
“This might surprise you, but we noticed. Maybe you should make some effort to be in her space, huh?” Sam jots something down. “I’m just saying, she spent weeks here. With you. Close. Convenient. Maybe it’s your turn?”
Steve scans the fighters across the room, his brain processing nothing he’s seeing for a moment.
“Maybe it is…”
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Steve isn’t actually doing nothing, per se; he’s simply keeping tabs (respectfully) from afar. He sets up an alert for your location if the posted cops call in anything whatsoever. He’s got an alert for Richard Fisk, too, and that has let him know that the man who threatened you has spent one overnight in jail on the opposite side of the city within the last week. It reassures Steve that Kingpin’s son is not wholly focused on you. Maybe this will all blow over? That’s good, right?
 Your storefront’s curb still sports a police cruiser, but inside aren’t the same two men from your run-in with Fisk.
Steve rolls the garment bag he brought off his shoulder and does not take an extra deep breath right before pulling open the door. It’s a normal breath. He’s fine. Fine.
Again, as several other times before, you’re nowhere to be seen.
“Oh my god,” your fourth assistant squeaks from behind the counter.
He knows his name. They know each other’s names—clearly—but have never met.
The young man stands taller. “Oh…my god. Hell-oh.”
Steve…is not sure whether the once over your youngest employee gives him is flattering or objectifying but rallies to get to his point.
“You must be Byron,” Steve tries casually, suppressing the awkward smirk rising with gentle heat to his cheeks. “I was wondering if the lady of the house was in to return this.” 
Steve’s glad he has the jacket as a prop, something to do with his hands as he nervously glances toward the upstairs where he knows you live anyway. You’re here. He knows it. You’re working, and Steve doesn’t want to interrupt you. He has no other options, or at least, no other options that don’t make him feel a bit creepy.
“‘Fraid not, sir. But—“ Byron gathers his wits more admirably than Steve seems to be “—I’m sure I can help with anything you require, Mr. America.”
“Just Steve is fine,” he smiles back. Steve scans the open fitting rooms for Dominica or any of the others he has a rapport with, but no such luck. “And just the jacket.”
“What seems to be the problem with it?”
“Oh, no, it’s not mine. I was just standing in for a fitting when I got called away and…accidentally took it.”
Byron eyes Steve suspiciously. “You…you stood in…for the fit of another client’s jacket? Another client that…looks like you?”
Steve rolls his shoulders in discomfort. “She asked me to,” he defends lamely.
Byron keeps looking at him as if Steve’s grown an extra head instead of just a head taller than his original stature. “Ok,” your assistant shrugs, “let’s see who the marker is for.”
Steve shoves the hanging bag in Byron’s outstretched hand, nervous again. He shouldn’t have come. This was a bad idea. Damnit, Sam, stay in your lane.
Deftly, clearly recalling a move he’s executed thousands upon thousands of times, Byron unzips the bag, tucks the opening under the shoulders of the jacket, runs his hand down the left side seam, and flips up the corner to peek at the lining.
Steve sees a glint of metallic he never noticed.
“Remind me of your middle name, Mist—sorry, Captain Rogers.”
“It’s Grant,” Steve blurts without thought. “Why?”
“This is your jacket, sir, down to the threads.” Byron smiles, a glistening white band of teeth bared for the enjoyment of all, and gleefully spins the garment around to show a delicately stitched ’S G R’ in silver against the deep purple.
Steve’s cheeks are on fire.
“But…” he stammers. “That’s not…” Steve hunches over the counter as if it will settle a bet his mind and heart are arguing.
You asked about the color…and he said he loved it.
You shyly asked if he’d spare the time to help you…and he jumped at the chance.
You made him a custom jacket and tricked him into having it fitted.
Steven Grant Rogers: Idiot.
“Captain!” a voice exclaims from the stairwell. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
Tarik shuffles down the last few steps looking a little worse for wear and sidles up beside his coworker. His gaze drops to the counter.
“Oooh, I see ma’m’selle went with the midnight—“ Steve doesn’t understand the next few words he uses and Tarik notices the glazed look. “The shine,” he clarifies. “Gives it that color-changing look.”
Byron leans to his left. “He says he wants to return it.”
As soon as Tarik tries to lift the hanger up though, Steve pulls it back.
“No, no. Not returning. I only…thought…” He tucks the jacket back under the protective liner, scrambling for an answer. “I didn’t know…it was for me,” Steve tries once more, like that helps to explain anything. “Hey, can I ask you both a question?”
The young men put on perfect customer service faces and wait.
“Is that unit outside keeping everyone safe in here? I mean, do you all feel, ya know, covered, I guess?”
They look at each other quizzically.
“Yeah, I guess,” Byron shrugs.
“Nothing’s happened,” Tarik mutters.
While Steve is pleased to hear that, his concern for you isn’t exactly diminished. “But she’s never here alone, right? Is no one staying overnight? You’re not…worried about Fisk?”
“We’ve been working some insane hours since the overhaul,” Tarik admits, but there’s no chance for Steve to ask what that means. “Doma was here until three in the morning, so she’s off today. Abby’s set to come in—“ Tarik checks his watch “—an hour or so for Ronny.”
“It’s family dinner night,” Byron jumps in. “Mom’ll kill me if I miss.”
Steve softens. His ma would be the same way if she… “Family dinner night,” he repeats, holding the garment bag a little closer. “Right, and no other unnerving customers bothering you?”
The younger assistant gulps and continues to stare.
Apparently, Steve counts as ‘unnerving.’
If there’s no threat anymore, then truly how the hell is Steve supposed to get closer to you again? In the most bizarre way, a villain looming over you was the perfect excuse for Steve to spend all that time and effort on you, and shifting back to ‘normal’ scenarios of dating a civilian isn’t exactly in his wheelhouse.
“Ok then,” he drawls, “would you—if it’s—if you wouldn’t mind letting her know I stopped by?” Steve waits for Tarik’s polite nod, fighting the urge to say you can call him. You could have called Steve this entire time. He left his personal cell at the fittings, so you absolutely have the number. If you haven’t used it yet, there’s probably a reason.
He finishes with a lame, “I’ll be on my way. Have a good evening and dinner with your family.”
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Steve’s being supportive. He’s just here as an extra set of hands should the need arise. He’s absolutely not being a creep. He only sits atop your roof watching one cop return from the routine perimeter check in case you need help.
He won’t bother you, he doesn’t expect anything, and he can’t even see you. There’s nothing untoward about it.
Steve crosses his arms across his chest and watches the sun go down but with much less of a view and a swath of boring gray clouds all over. “For safety,” he grumbles lowly. “That’s all.”
He justifies staying because the cops neither spotted him nor cased the top of the building. He’s filling a gap in your security. It doesn’t, however, alter the fact Steve is skulking around the rooftop of the girl he likes, but he’s here. He expects nothing in return except the piece of mind that you’re okay.
Maybe some would find his night shift boring, but Steve brought his sketchpad and can see just fine in the ambient street light. The freedom to sit and draw all night long is wonderful.
No one watches him. No one looks for him. His phone sits at his hip, and since the Team think he is with you, no one calls.
Abby finally leaves at 1am, yawning a goodnight to the officer in the passenger seat and walking away unfazed. Steve even hears the man ask if she wants an escort home, but your assistant says ‘no.’ From the way the offer is worded, it’s as oft repeated as it is rejected.
If Fisk were going to leverage one of your employees, he’d have made that move by now, and Steve’s impression of Kingpin’s son is the man enjoys direct control. He wouldn’t want you obedient to keep others from harm. Fisk wants submission. He wants you to do what he says for him, not for anyone else. The irony is that Richard Fisk isn’t intimidating enough on his own and uses the muscle of bodyguards to complete the illusion of strength.
Steve knows the type. He’s only worried when he’s not close enough to handle Fisk himself, if it comes to that. 
Luckily, the night passes quietly, and close or not, Steve doesn’t have to do anything. The rounds of perimeter checks are like clockwork while the lights glow from your apartment onto the thin windowsills below him.
Steve huffs. That means you never officially turn in. He crosses his arms again, wondering if you fell asleep at your drafting desk.
Byron returns, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, wearing an actual fur vest, at 5am.
The cops change shift at 6, the cruiser replaced by an identical car and two very similar passengers.
Byron emerges right at 6:10 with coffee for the officers in hand—two insulated tumblers—and fifty minutes later, one of the pair takes the cups back inside before his round.
Steve naps in the gentle spring sun as if this is truly a vacation, waking hungry enough for a late lunch and a walk in the park a few blocks over.
This is probably the park you stroll when overwhelmed, and stressed, as you probably are right now, but you never come out. He keeps walking, passing close enough to see your shop before another lap, and another. He gets a strange amount of enjoyment from trying every street vendor setup nearby until he’s back on the roof before sunset, remembering how you tucked your feet up on the folding chair and under the blanket about a week ago. It’s stupid that feels like forever ago.
Steve sighs before leaning comfortably on the cool concrete and his little bedroll.
He wishes he had the stones to barge in and demand you take a break, but the access door he’s staring at only opens from the inside and he doesn’t want to end up like Faulkner.
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The white noise of the city must have lulled him to sleep. He’s startled from his propped-up position by a thunk on the slab at his back.
There you are, letting go of the mug from one hand with a phone in the other.
“Hold your horses, Stark. Let the man get his bearings,” you hoarsely joke before pulling it away from your ear and extending it toward Steve. Your voice sounds good in the morning. 
Of all the things rushing through his mind, all he gets out is, “what time is it, Button?”
You give him a small, tired smile and stand back up from crouching at his side. Your bare feet teeter while one side of your open robe sash brushes the ground.
“Time for you to learn to take your charger on sleepovers, sweetie,” Tony’s voice blares. “No breakfast in bed for you.”
Wiping sleep from his eye, Steve focuses on you stretching your neck from side to side.
“You okay?” he mouths.
The same tired smile flashes as you nod.
“What’s that racket? You two sleep with the windows open? How hot did that room g—“
“Tony,” Steve interrupts, more forcefully than intended, “what’s happened?”
“Three ping fire.”
“Don’t you mean three alarm fire,” Steve groans and buries his face in his palm, shifting to wake his tingling legs.
“Location pings, Casanova, and as the dude with a suit intended as a walking fire hazard, I’m not exactly in a position to steal that department’s lingo. Ya feel me?”
There’s silence while Steve picks up the dead phone at his hip and pockets it. “No, I do not feel you.”
Tony releases a raspberry on the other end. “I am suppressing half a dozen jokes to make you feel supported in your romantic endeavors right now. I hope you appreciate that effort.”
Steve picks up the mug left beside him and moves to say ‘thank you.’ It’s not a travel cup like Byron or Abby brings out to the cops which Steve assumes means this was your drink. Tony must have called while you were waking up, too.
“Your efforts are—“ Steve turns to see an empty roof again “—unnecessary.”
You’re gone. The access door closed again.
“I bet you’re already halfway here,” Tony muses. “You doing that power-run thing?”
The call disconnects and Steve lets it fall with his arm, limp in his lap. He sips at the steaming tea for mere seconds before it occurs to him.
If he texts himself from your phone, he’ll have your number.
“Damnit,” Steve exclaims when the locked screen taunts him.
Thank god the Team doesn’t actually know how bad he is at this. It’s embarrassing, really. He deserves to skulk around on concrete treetops and sleep on stone.
He leaves the mug and phone by the door before rushing off. He notes how impressive it is that not only is the roof access door so quiet that he didn’t hear it twice, but that also counts as a security concern. He might just be splitting hairs. He’s also impressed by how you could sneak up on him. Perhaps he’s gotten too comfortable with even the fake idea of being with you, but the fantasy is pretty great.
As Steve runs back to the Tower, all he can think about is how perfect breakfast in bed sounds, and it’s distracting enough to slow him…just a little.
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Fighting helps. Kinda. Or rather, fighting takes Steve’s mind off of other things right up until the tide of battle turns and Tony Stark has a spare second to insert himself into Steve’s life as well as everyone’s comms.
“So what’s it gonna take for you to really do this thing?”
Steve doesn’t understand at first because he’s busy checking in on the agents around him like he’s supposed to be doing. Stark, on the other hand, casually flies toward the hidden base of their enemy’s operations.
“What? You thought you fooled anyone?”
“Not the time, Tony,” Steve gripes, sending the shield in a bouncing arc off two trees and three bad guys. Honestly, he also did think that everyone bought you two together. Why wouldn’t they? It was convincing enough to haunt Steve.
“Guy’s not usually jonesing to drive a golf cart if he’s already on the bullet train, if you know what I mean,” Tony blusters.
“Really, Stark,” Wilson yells from his position on the other side of the valley, “a train metaphor was your best choice?”
Steve purses his lips in response, slamming into one guy, using the momentum to jump, and kicking another guy dead in the chest. That guy ricochets back into a third. The third guy’s gun goes off and drops two more guys. Steve still doesn’t want to have this conversation, even if the actual attack situation is going well for his side.
“I’m just saying if he needs some help sealing the deal—“
“—leave him alone, Stark—“
“—then I can put in a word.”
“Oh!” Steve pops the shield straps back over his arm after mowing down another line of men. “Like you put in the words that made her leave?! What the hell did you say?”
Dang it. If you and Steve were really dating, he’d already know the answer to that.
“Easy, Straps and Abs, it was a test.”
Sam beats Steve to it. “And did she pass?”
There’s a burst of sound and an explosion in the distance.
“Um. She got pissed, for sure, but I don’t know yet. I may have suggested that she only liked Cap for being, ya know, a shiny, blond beefcake.”
“You used those exact words, did you? I take it back,” Sam mutters. “That is the most hypocritical thing Stark’s ever said.”
“Somebody’s gotta top me,” Tony snorts. “Might as well be—“
“Are you KIDDING?” Steve finally breaks.
“It’s important to me that she likes you for you. Sue me—though I’m obligated to warn you you’ll be stuck in litigation for—“
“Stark!” both Steve and Sam shout in frustration.
The leagues of bad guys lose formation as their base crumbles and their radios cut out. They exchange confused looks and disagree on whether to continue attacking or retreat.
“Relax,” Tony purrs before Iron Man touches down in front of Steve. The helmet opens. “I’ve got a ticket to the Tovarich Spring Show with your name on it, and I think…” Tony scans the floundering group just as backup jets arrive to help arrest the survivors. “We’ll be home in time for Rogers to put on a ballgown and hop in a pumpkin.”
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One spot of purple in a sea of white.
This isn’t how it was supposed to be.
“Ma’am, the screens you wanted set up are all positioned, and we are ten minutes from showtime,” the stage manager says in seeming slow-motion beside you. “Ma’am,” she tries again when you don’t answer. You’re too distracted by the wrong arrangements.
“I ordered butterfly bush…”
“I ordered…I didn’t order white roses,” you croak.
Fisk’s signature flower sits on every table, lines every aisle, adorns the entire rim of the runway, and you did not order them.
Richard ‘The Rose’ is messing with you. It makes your blood boil more than it makes your hands shake because he’s not going to get what he wants. You’re not going to give it to him, but you are going to show what you can do. He can’t take credit for your work. He will not own you.
“We don’t have time to change them—“
“He’s here!” Abby bounds over, gripping your shoulder, panting after running all the way from the press tent. “Captain Rogers is here. He’s wearing the jacket.” 
A nervous smile forces its way across your lips before you grasp Abby’s hand, quickly looking back at the single stalk of butterfly bush dangling in beautiful fuchsia clusters in a vase of roses. It’s a sign, proof that Fisk was able to rewrite your order, a threat that he can rewrite your life if he so chooses.
He’s wrong. You’ll show him. You’ll show everything tonight.
“Thank god for that,” you whisper, squeezing your assistant, “because Steve’s probably about to get a hell of a show.”
The stage manager calls for all the models to line up. You fuss with the finishing touches on all the men, asking how they feel, delighted when each and every one answers with some form of ‘great,’ ‘fantastic,’ or ‘never better.’ That’s what this whole line is about: confidence and comfort.
There’s no cookie-cutter mold for a handsome man. Every frame is inspiring.
You’ve explained to the models that they can reflect however they feel in the clothing on their walk down the runway. If they feel like strutting, then by all means. If they feel like beaming a beautiful smile, it’s welcome. Several pick a pocket to sink a strategic hand into.
A one-minute warning is given.
From your spot deep in the stage left shadows, you can see Steve front and center, pulling at his lapel anxiously before petting his thumb back and forth over the smooth fabric.
Nailed it, you think. He looks happy, so it’s just an added bonus that he looks so good and is covered.
Suddenly, his eyes find you and Steve sits straight up at the edge of his chair just as the lights go out.
The countdown softly descends from ten nine eight seven, the music cranks up above the short round of applause, and you exaggerate silent words, hoping not-quite-beyond hope that the super soldier can still see you in the dark.
‘For you, handsome.’
They’re off. Ten models. Slim and slight men radiant in perfectly crafted, fitted clothing that makes each look like a king in his own right. Not one is taller than 5’6’’ and not one weighs more the 130lbs. Next year, you’ll go bigger, but this statement is essential. One particular build is flawless to you, whether it ever changes or not.
Steve Rogers was just born to be loved by you in any body.
You get to watch it dawn on him, too.
Model 1: he’s a little miffed.
Model 2: his jaw goes slack.
Model 3: he’s transfixed and taking a shaky, deep breath.
By model number four, Steve doesn’t even see anymore, his head turning to where he knows you still stand, a soft expression in the soft glow from the stage.
Even in the dark and shadow, you feel pinned, flattered, and embarrassed. Your hands smooth down the navy overlay of your full skirt and tug at the thick structured cuffs to your metallic threaded bodice. It’s the same silver laced into Steve’s jacket.
Politely, Steve stands to cheer with the rest of the crowd, staring without demanding your attention, and you wait for all the models to start their final walk before stepping out into the cacophony of light and sound. The models flank you. Several grab your arm in appreciation.
It’s so bright. So loud.
The screens of fabric you had the crew raise are still visible at the back, lit through from the entrance where no one should be during the show, yet you see movement. Figure after figure files in, and then the noise shifts. Hands aren’t just banging together. Bullets are banging on the metal scaffold across the ceiling. Your audience’s screams morph from triumph to terror.
People scramble, knocking chairs and each other out of the way, pushing in opposite directions to avoid the same source of fear.
It’s chaos, and you can’t hesitate.
“Behind me,” you scream as loud as you can, and race to the edge of the runway.
Steve lunges for your feet as you pass, but you don’t let him stop you. Whatever he yells to do is lost in the din as you spin to flair your long skirt over the edge.
Rose stems snap and litter the floor.
Your back to Fisk’s men, you beat your fist to the star placard on your chest and activate the battery. It hums to life as electric current races through the silvery details on your chest and down your body, stiffening the thick, bulletproof fabric now on display high like a peacock’s plume.
And it works.
Steve stares up from the floor at a wall of red and navy around a silver star, and you have succeeded where Tony Stark could not. You created a shield not of metal but of thread.
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A/N: I made myself entirely too emotional with this, so I am praying that you all like it as much as I do. I seriously need to go scream into a corner now though.
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