#he talks a lot of shit here for someone in biting range
cannibalisticskittles · 10 months
He’d had her pegged as an easy mark from the beginning, so quick to forgive a knife at the neck as she was. Quick to offer that neck for a bite, too, and to defend his continued presence to the rest of the group. 
True to form, it had only taken the suggestion of an evening to themselves and she was hooked – all wide eyes and hitched breaths, reduced to stumbling over her words as her face slowly but steadily flushed from its usual purple to a deep plum. Even through today, she’s had trouble looking him in the eye, flushing faintly each time he’s entered her line of sight.
But it still comes as a surprise when, the very moment that the first of the tent stakes breaks ground in camp, Amity stands up and declares, “I’ll scout the perimeter. And Astarion will go too.”
He’s almost impressed – he didn’t think she had it in her to be quite so bold. A little annoyed, too, if he's honest. He isn’t as prepared as he'd like to be; so much for setting a scene. But he'll manage. Let it not be said that he isn't resourceful.
And she's already started scurrying to the treeline around camp, heedless of the eyes on her back, so – why not?
Astarion – far more aware of the presence of prying eyes, but uncaring – follows.
It takes some effort to catch up with her, though it isn’t exactly difficult; as far as she’s gotten, she is anything but subtle, and the sound of her movement is a beacon leading him straight to her. There won’t be a twig left unsnapped by the time she's done here.
She’s out of breath when he finally matches stride with her. Amity doesn’t even fully turn to look at him, just glances askance and returns to forging boldly – and loudly – ahead.
Where exactly does she intend to go? There’s nothing but dense trees in this direction for – miles, most likely. He hadn’t had the opportunity to find a nice, secluded spot like he had intended, but as far as he’s aware, she never had the opportunity to slip away from the group to find one, either. Unless she’s been sneaking away in the middle of the night, only to return before dawn and make a show of sleeping in later than any of them – but no, those snores of her always seem genuine. And consistent. 
They’re unlikely to just stumble upon a clearing, blundering through the underbrush as they are. All this accomplishes is taking them further and further from the relative safety of the camp. With this in mind, when she next reaches up to push aside a low-hanging tree branch, Astarion catches her wrist gently before she can duck underneath.
She looks back. Her eyes flick to his, briefly, and then away again. 
“Now, Amity, dear, don’t you think that’s far enough?”
“Is it?” She peers around, as though there’s anything to see but identical trees in every direction, then lets go of the branch. “You’re probably right. It’s been a while since I've done this. And I suppose distance is sort of arbitrary at a certain point anyway; covering enough ground is at odds with covering a manageable amount of ground, and it can be difficult to know how far is too far as opposed to not far enough, and–”
He can feel another outpouring of words beginning. She’ll go on at length like this for far too long, he knows. If he lets her. 
So he won’t. Luckily for him, he has recently discovered a way to still her speech. Still holding her wrist, he strokes a thumb over the delicate skin there, feeling the way her pulse flutters in response.
Whatever words she meant to say die unsaid. “...well. Um. As long as we stay alert, I’m sure it’s fine. Even a small perimeter is useful, once it’s been secured.”
“Hmm.” It’s almost a hum; a tuneless little noise. Is that really what’s on her mind now? Or – is she just putting on a polite front? Difficult to tell when she refuses to pull her eyes away from the greenery surrounding them. “I can’t make any promises about that, darling.” She angles her head, and he answers her unspoken question with a soft chuckle. “We’re finally alone, after all, and I would much rather focus on you.”
Immediately, a deep flush creeps up her cheeks. How easy it is to elicit a reaction from her. 
“Oh,” she says, “I–” Though she struggles for a moment to put voice to that particular thought, she seems unable to. “Oh,” she simply says again. “Well. I… see.”
There’s a slight pull against his hold as she leans back, and he releases his grasp on her wrist obligingly. She immediately sweeps that hand through her dark hair, pushing it away from her eyes – though she still does not meet his gaze directly. In fact, she locks her eyes somewhere off to the side. The motion reveals the remains of her gift from the other night – puncture marks, faded from that initial raw red to a fainter pink around the edges, though they do look just a touch raw even now.
Astarion takes a half-step closer. Amity tenses, her breath stuttering, but she does not move away – and, for the first time tonight, she looks at him and nowhere else. Her eyes are golden and wide – at first. Then her lids flutter as if in anticipation of his touch as he moves closer again, a mere hairsbreadth separating them.
“I think,” he murmurs, raising a hand to trace the column of her throat, feather-light, as she shivers, “you would prefer that, too. Wouldn’t you?”
His fingers come to rest over the marks. He could freshen those up for her. Astarion knows she’s aching for that, if the way she squirmed beneath him that night is any indication – and of course it is. 
“I think,” he says softly, “you would. I think you want to be the center of attention tonight. You deserve it, after all. I think you want to be seen. To be known. To be tasted.”
She swallows hard. “I… want…” He angles his head ever so slightly closer, and for a moment, her eyes slide shut. “I want–” 
And then she shakes her head and seems to find the will to open those heavy eyelids again, though the act appears to take a great deal of effort on her part.
“–to… talk to you, actually. About that. I want – to clear things up.”  Amity straightens and ever-so-gingerly pushes his hand away, then quickly clutches her hand close to her chest. She draws in a deep, bracing breath. “Astarion, you don’t have to do this. You don’t owe me.”
…what? “Is that what you’re worried about?” He tilts his head as he regards her carefully. 
She frowns, then nods. “Before, you said… you said you wanted to repay me.”
“Darling, that was more of an excuse than anything. Think nothing of it.”
“I – I have to think of it,” she protests. “I don’t want you to feel like you owe me. And I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do out of a sense of… obligation towards me.”
Astarion tsks his tongue. “Obligation? Perish the thought. No, darling, I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this for far too long. If it makes you feel better, then fine, don’t think of this as repayment, think of it as… an indulgence.”
“An indulgence?” She repeats, looking fully befuddled. 
“In you, my dear. In each other.” Gods above, she cannot truly be this naive. 
“No, I – I gather that, yes,” she says. She pinches the bridge of her nose briefly before continuing. “What I mean to say is – why?”
“Why does anyone do this sort of thing?” he asks breezily. “For fun. Isn’t that what you want?”
He hadn’t thought it was possible for her to flush any darker, but she does now. “That’s – besides the point, and also, not what I meant. Why do you want… me?”
Now, what kind of a question is that? “Can’t you imagine why?”
She shakes her head firmly. “I cannot.”
Of course she can’t. He huffs, but is quick to paste a charming smile on his face once more.
“Well,” he says, “where to begin? After all, you're a vision. You really are something to behold.”
His mind kicks into overdrive. Now, what is she most likely to be receptive to? Bearing, general demeanor; something about finding that irritatingly persistent streak of charitability irresistible? Or… perhaps it’s better to single out something present from the very beginning. People do like feeling special after all, and to be seen immediately taps into that sense quite nicely. So, then, what? Complexion, eyes, hair – well, hair might be a difficult one; it looks like someone has haphazardly taken a knife to those curls. Assuming she recognizes that fact, she’s likely to see through that one. But the rest should be easy enough to inspire some honeyed words. 
Eyes are always a safe bet. The window to the soul, and all that. 
“…your lovely eyes, for one,” he says. “Such beauty could not be overlooked.” 
“My… eyes,” she repeats flatly.
He pivots smoothly to the next point. “And how could I ignore the temptation of that finely-crafted body of yours?”
“Hmm,” is all she says. 
It’s difficult to parse the expression on her face; her brow is slightly knit, as it was before, and her eyes, pupilless as they are, reveal nothing. But… it’s a far cry from the enraptured, doe-eyed look she’d given him the other night, so perhaps a change of tactics is required; a move away from specificity.
“But really, there’s just something about you – it’s difficult to put into words, but I knew from that first moment that you would ruin me.” The flush returns; her brow unknits. Good. He’s on the right track at last. “It should come as no surprise; I’m sure I’m not the first to be drawn in by your particular charms.” Though perhaps they, too, were driven off by the intensity of her questions, if she demands this level of reassurance from all her would-be lovers.
“The first–” And she frowns deeply. “…Astarion, what are you playing at here?”
He blinks. “What?” That’s… far from a warm reception. 
“Where is this coming from? The – want? And the, the flowery words?”
His pulse cools. “Coming from? Whatever do you mean? All I intend is to share a night of depraved carnal lust with you, is that so hard to believe?”
But the hard line of her brow does not soften. “Yes.”
A flicker of frustration. Why must she be so – obstinate? It’s not as though she’s been particularly discerning about the nonsense she accepts from anyone else throughout their travels. Why does she have to choose now to grow a sense of doubt?
“If words alone aren’t enough to prove my desire,” he says, as slowly and patiently as he can manage, “why don’t you allow me to show you?” 
“I – n-no. No, I don’t want that. And I – I – I don’t think you really want that either.” In an instance, all that hesitation turns to fury, as she turns now-accusatory eyes on him. “So what do you want? And don’t say it’s me.”
“What am I meant to say, then?” he snaps. And where on earth is this hostility coming from? “I don’t know what more I can say to convince you–”
“Oh, so you didn’t have more pretty words prepared?” Amity snorts. “What, weren’t you going to compliment my horns next? My fangs?” Her voice takes on a singsong, mocking tone he’s never heard her use before. She reaches for her tail, and lets the length of it slip through her fingers. “My tail? Come off it, Astarion, what do you really want?”
“You–” The word comes out in a hiss he hadn’t intended, but it’s too late to pull that back now – particularly when he sees how her lip curls into a smirk at the sound. “–are infuriating.”
She lets out a short, sharp laugh. “That feels honest, at least. Go on, then; tell me how you truly feel.”
“I think I’ve been quite clear about that already,” he snaps. “And yet here you are, demanding still more from me. What will it take to satisfy you? How much praise do you demand?”
“To satisfy–” She chokes on the words.
“Yes, dear, something I gather you have trouble with, hmm?”
“You–” She gapes at him. “You’ve done nothing but spout trite lines! What am I meant to think of that?”
“And you were hoping for something else then, is that it?” Irritation flares hotly in the pit of his stomach. 
“That’s not what I meant.”
“And what did you mean, exactly? What more would you ask of me?”
“I don’t know, something other than – than–” She throws out her hands. “–than whatever in the hells this flattery is. Astarion, you can’t really expect me to believe that you knew from that first moment I would ruin you? That you really were lost in my eyes when you were sizing up the angle you needed to press your knife to my throat? That’s absurd. So – some honesty would be nice!”
He laughs, a sharp, bitter sound. “You want to talk about honesty? How about this for a start: what exactly were you expecting to happen, hmm?” Astarion waves a hand, gesturing broadly around them. “That we would come out here and… talk?” The word comes out sickly, stickily sweet. “Really?”
Her mouth opens, but no sound emerges. She blinks once, twice, a third time. When she finally speaks, her voice is reproachful. “…yes?”
This time, his laugh is drawn out – and markedly harsher. “And that merited coming all this way? Leaving the camp behind? Wandering into the woods to be alone with me, all so you could – divest me of the idea that I owed you?” He adopts a slight lilt for this last phrase, a tribute to her own way of speaking. She does not seem to appreciate the gesture, if the way her eyes narrow is any indication. “And then everything would be right as rain, and we’d… walk happily back to camp together? 
This time, her answer is a touch less reproachful and much more hesitant. “…yes.”
“No, no, no.” He points an accusatory finger at her. Amity’s gaze flickers to his hand as her mouth twists into a scowl. “You shook and shivered like a leaf in my arms and now here you are, acting as though you’re so above it all.” There’s a slight twinge of satisfaction in the way his words make her lips twist. “So unmoved by my trite lines. And yet…”
Astarion begins to lean closer. As before, she tenses but does not move away – but he can see her breath quicken, and can almost hear how her pulse stutters in response. 
The more he prods at this, the more she shrinks back. She has a certain naivité about her that suggests inexperience, so he… ventures a guess. 
“...and yet you’re here. Seems to me you weren’t just hoping to talk, were you? No, you wanted something more – you’re practically aching for it. But you're frightened.”
The baring of teeth this remark earns feels like it’s hit its mark, and spurs him on to continue. 
“You were looking for a reason to back out all this time, weren’t you? And now you blame me because it isn’t whatever grand romance you’d built up in your head and you can’t bear to admit that. How’s that for honesty?”
“I – you can't be serious,” she blanches. 
“Oh, but I very much am.”
“Astarion, that’s–” She frowns, but something softens in her expression as she shakes her head. “That is not what’s happening here.” Her words are gently delivered – unbearably, patronizingly comforting.
It's awful.
“Isn’t it?” Astarion tilts his head, watching her closely. “Maybe you’re right.” Something like relief crosses her face at his words. “Perhaps… you don’t even know what you’re after. Is that it, then?” The relief in her expression disappears. Good. “Has anyone ever measured up to your lofty expectations? Or have you been too uptight to let them get close? Too… needy for your would-be lovers?”
Her first attempt at a response only elicits a strangled, reedy squawk. “You really think that I – that I–”
The fact that she can’t even bring herself to finish that thought convinces him that yes, he’s got her figured out.
“Oh, yes, I very much do think ‘that.’” He pulls back and pretends to examine his nails. Though – ugh, there is some dried viscera there. “If you’d told me earlier, dear, I wouldn’t have bothered. I don’t often make a habit of defrosting frigid little ice queens; I do have better things to do with my time, you know.”
“You are such a–” She bites back whatever she was going to say next in lieu of a scowl, but he can’t help but to goad her on.
“Such a…?” he prompts, a hand cupped around one ear to better hear her answer.
“Bastard!” She bites out.
“Why must you be so – so–” She hisses out a breath through her teeth, drawing herself up to her full height – though this still isn’t nearly enough to raise her past his eye level. “Vexing!” And then she huffs, turns on her heel, and abruptly stomps off deeper into the woods.
He doesn’t bother to quiet his laugh at this rather uncharacteristic display of vulgarity from her.
“I was just trying to help, and you – you –” She hisses out a breath through her teeth, drawing herself up to her full height – though this still isn’t nearly enough to raise her past his eye level – and then she huffs, turns on her heel, and abruptly stomps off deeper into the woods.
He calls out after her as she goes, falsely cheery. “Ta-ta, darling; maybe you’ll find someone more to your liking out there!” He doesn't let his smile drop until he is sure she is well out of sight.
So much for that plan.
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illusioninfnty · 1 year
day 12 ; public sex
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↠ billy hargrove x reader
fandom: stranger things word count: 1k warnings: nsfw 18+, mean!billy (pretty obvious), no prep, no aftercare (damn double homicide), dirty talk, degradation, spanking, slight hair pulling, unprotected sex, creampie
kinktober m.list || read on ao3
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“I swear to fucking God, if she’s not out here in the next second, I’m leaving her ass.”
You roll your eyes. “Billy, it’s been two minutes since the bell rang.”
Neil had yelled at Billy to go and pick up Max, so you decided to accompany him, since the two of you were just hanging in his room and making out the whole day. Plus, it had been quite awhile since you’d seen the kid. You missed her spunk and funny quips at Billy.
He clicks his tongue. “Too fucking long me for me.” He flicks his cigarette out the window of his Camaro. He shifts the gear and backs out of the parking lot, driving away from the school.
“What—Billy? What are you doing?” You cry out, grabbing onto the sides. “We need to get Max!”
“She can walk.” He drives for a bit, eventually parking in an empty alleyway. He gets out of the car, slamming the door. He leans into the open window, looking at you expectantly. “Get out.”
You stare at him puzzled, but still comply.
When you walk around to the hood of the car where he now stands, Billy grabs your wrist, turns you around and pushes you down against it.
He grinds on you from behind, and you can feel the growing erection through his tight jeans. “Here? Seriously?”
Billy paws at your ass through your shorts. “C’mon princess, it’ll be fun. Lighten up for once.”
You roll your eyes and sigh. Billy always liked to experiment with you when it came to sex, but being in public had always been something you were hesitant about. It was already heavily frowned upon that you were in a relationship with him; you didn’t want to imagine the outcry your uppity father would have if word caught that the two of you were doing indecent acts out where everyone could see.
But thinking about it more, you didn’t really give a shit. You loved being with Billy, and if he wanted to fuck you in a dingy alleyway, you would happily allow yourself to be fucked in said alleyway.
You shimmy out of your new designer skirt, a birthday gift from your parents, balling it up and tossing them aside. Billy smirks from behind you and you bend over to push yourself against his erect cock.
“Get to it then,” you tell him. “I’m not giving you much time.” A dark chuckle leaves his lips and you can hear the zip of his jeans as he pulls his cock out.
Within seconds he’s slamming into you, and you let out a sharp cry of pain from the lack of prep. You begin to adjust slowly, as Billy starts to fuck his cock into you. Your walls suck him up all the way to the base, squeezing him as tight as you can.
“Such a fucking slut,” Billy hisses. He grabs your ass in a handful, rubbing and squeezing it.
You gasp and bite your lip. “You’re one to talk.”
He barks out a laugh from behind you and spanks you hard, causing you to go limp under his hold.
Your front rubs against the hood of his car, breasts bouncing with the force of his thrusts and hardened nipples pushing against your top cause you to shiver. You reach your hands out to ground yourself.
Just then you hear the sound of a car whizzing by, and you tighten up around Billy in fear. 
“Yeah, fuck, just like that babe,” he groans out, unaware of your fear. “So tight.”
“Billy!” You scold him, stretching a hand behind to smack him wherever you can reach, which ends up being his lower stomach. “There was a car!”
He doesn’t let up with his thrusts, instead flattening a hand on the small of your back to hold you in place. “What’d you fucking think was going to happen?” He scoffs. “You were the one that said we don’t have time.”
Suddenly you weren’t so confident in your initial response. “W-what if someone walks by?” you whisper out.
If it was possible, BIlly somehow seems to get more turned on, his cock pulsing more inside of you. His balls slap against your clit as he presses himself further inside you, burying his cock to the hilt.
“Then I’d cum inside you and then beat the shit out of them for seeing my girlfriend looking so cock hungry like this.”
Although it was probably in no way his intention, Billy’s words both calm you and arouse you more. You feel your pussy relax a bit, letting him slide in even further, before tightening once again like a vice.
Billy laughs mockingly. “Does that turn you on? Someone else watching you act like a slut for me?” He fingers his hand through your hair, grabbing it by the root to pull you up. “I don’t think you want me to leave this filthy pussy,” he whispers in your ear.
“No!” You moan out weakly, not exactly sure which part you were saying it about. Billy pushes your face back down on the hood, cheek pressing up against it. You make a strangled noise as your movement is restricted even further, but he pays no attention to it.
Your body spasms uncontrollably with the weight of his thrusts and cock filling you up to the brim. Your eyes roll in the back of your head as you bask in the pleasure of it all.
Billy starts to go piston even faster than before, and you can tell with the way his cock throbs furiously and the uneven rhythm of his hips that he's going to cum.
He empties himself inside of you with a low groan and a string of curses, pulling out completely after he’s done. You could feel his cum as it drips out of your pussy and down your leg.
Your legs shake from his brutal intrusion and the abrupt stopping of your own orgasm, unable to chase the high of it after the loss of Billy’s size inside of you.
“Fuck, that was good.” Billy slaps your ass one final time as he zips himself back into his pants, causing you to let out a yelp. “We need to do that again some time.”
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drefear · 1 year
Sister's Mister
Summary: You and your sister are having issues now that Miguel and her are official. Your friends have some opinions, and things finally get heated.
TW: smut, masturbation, drinking, arguing, family issues, pining.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
The world was painful, too bright for your eyes and your heavy hangover. Everything felt achy and your body was like lead. Soft breathing could be heard from the corner of your room and as you looked up, you saw Gianna sleeping in your little lounge chair. You began to nod out of it again when her eyes opened and she moved to sit on the bed with you. She held your hand and smiled. 
“Went too hard last night, right?” She laid her head in your lap and you nodded, barely having the energy to speak. “That’s so unlike you.” 
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” You drawled on, moving the blanket to cover her as well and sleep in the same bed, something you two did often in highschool. Gianna was like having an annoying best friend around 24/7. 
Once you woke up again, Gianna was gone and you were alone in the darkness of your room, your sister having pulled your blinds down to help you sleep off the hangover. Getting up, you blinked and grabbed your doorknob, needing a bit of balance before you could keep going. Practically waddling to the kitchen on sea legs, you squinted towards the fridge, seeing someone already in it. 
“Try again.” The voice gave away who it was and you pouted, agitated that he was the first person you had to see when you woke up. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Gianna had class, so she asked me to stay and look after you.” Miguel closed the fridge and handed you a cold bottle of water. “She loves you a lot.” 
“I love her too.” You answered in a short manner, not wanting to continue to speak to the massive man in your home. 
“Why’d you get drunk?” He asked and you sighed, turning towards the exit. 
“Because I can.” You spoke as if biting him, harsh and intent on being painful to hear. His face scrunched in a way you could only explain as both confused and angry. 
“No one just gets blackout drunk because they can.” He kept pushing, like a child trying to find their parent’s boundaries. 
“Why are you asking? I’m not the sister you chose.” You walked away before he could press on, and you hurried towards your bedroom, closing the door and locking it. You held the water bottle to your forehead, needing some relief and silence as tears pooled in your eyes. You missed the buzz that the alcohol gave you from last night, warmth making you feel light as a feather. Now, you just felt like hot water sloshed back and forth in your body. You laid on your bed once more to try and fight the massive, tequila induced headache. Nothing felt right and you couldn’t put your finger on it. You memory was hazy, bits and pieces of things coming back as if they weren’t even from your eyes. The last thing you remembered was a stranger touching your face before you yakked on Miles’s grass- 
You quickly grabbed your phone to see all the phone calls you’d missed. Gwen texted you three times and called three times, Miles called twice and left five texts, and Pav, who you don’t remember giving your number to, called twice. The line rang as you called back Miles and he answered on the second ring. 
“Oh my god, you’re ok!” He spoke and you let out a pent out breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Your sister came in last night like a bat out of hell and was screaming for you, and then I saw that big, mean guy from Alchemax carrying you out and when I tried to ask him what he was doing, he told me to be a criminal with someone else, and I-” 
“He said what?” You began to feel a familiar upset grow in your chest as you heard Miles. 
“Who gives a shit? I just wanted to make sure he didn’t, like, kidnap you and sell you to El Chapo or something!” You laughed at his dramatic jokes. You loved Miles like a brother, someone who’d been there when you needed him most and vice versa. 
“No, I’m fine. That’s my sister’s new boyfriend.” You heard quiet on the other line. “Hello?”
“She’s dating that guy? Miguel, right? Didn’t he fuck around with Mrs. Olsen?” He asked and you twirled a piece of your hair in your fingers. 
“Don’t know, don’t care. All I know is he’s got my sister in some fantasy land and I have to listen to the stupid details. ‘Miguel this’ and ‘Miguel that,’ she won’t stop talking about him and-” 
“You like him, don’t you?” Miles asked and you practically choked on the sudden gasp of oxygen you took in, coughing a bit. “Sorry, sorry! Just… sounds like you have something else going on when it comes to him. Is this the guy you used to talk about liking in your chem classes?” 
You didn’t answer, you didn’t need to. Tears broke through your ducts and dribbled down your cheeks as you realized how you felt. 
“Miles, it fucking sucks so badly.” You whispered, wiping your eyes on your sleeve. “It’s my sister’s boyfriend, ya know? How am I supposed to act?” You asked desperately, needing him input. 
“You don’t. You gotta forget it, he’s off limits now. Plus, if he’s as terrible as he seems, you don’t want him in your life anyway.” Miles went on and you knew it was true, but a knock at your door made you almost nervous. “Miles, I gotta go. I’ll text you later.” 
“Yeah, come over later and we can go in the pool. You can clean up all the throw up you left outside.” He laughed as you practically shrank into your blankets, embarrassment turning your cheeks pink. Hanging up, you got up and went to your door to see Miguel standing too tall in the doorframe. 
“Why don’t you know how to act in front of me?” Miguel asked, and your heart stopped. He heard you.
“That was a private conversation. Now, you can tell my sister I’m fine and get the fuck out of my house.” You slammed the door in his face once you were done speaking to him, waiting to make sure he left. After a long few seconds, you heard his hefty footsteps retreat and the front door close. Today was too much. 
You left for Miles’s house later that afternoon, getting there to see your sister’s car outside. Great. You slightly dreaded how intertwined your friend group was getting, all because of Miguel. Another reason to absolutely despise him. You wished you could.
You had on your purple swimsuit, something unique and new that you were excited to wear. Miles had said that he was inviting a few extra friends, and you were hoping one of them was cute, so you had pulled this one out to don in case your hopes came true. Now you had even more reason to push out your chest and be cute, to prove to Miguel that the conversation he heard was actually nothing. He was your sister’s boyfriend, just your sister’s boyfriend. Not the man you pine for in the dark of your room at night, not the name you have to bite your lip not to moan while your fingers circled your clit. 
Walking through his gate to his backyard, you waved at Gwen and MIles, then Hobie and Pav, and Peter. There were a few other faces you didn’t recognize and then there was Miguel and your sister, making out in the pool and looking like the beginning of an amateur porn video. You cringed as you turned away from them, trying not to gawk at their gross display of affection, but you couldn’t blame her. If you were in Gianna’s position, you’d fuck him everywhere you went just to show other women that he was yours and yours alone. 
You shook that thought from your head and tried to listen to what Gwen was saying. 
An hour later, Gwen introduced you to someone named Ben. he was tall, built nice, and seemed to be quite cocky, but you just needed a distraction. The two of you flirted back and forth on the pool ledge as you moved a hand to your waist, pulling you into the water and playfully splashing you. Continuing to soak each other, you felt a presence behind you and suddenly, you were thrown across the pool. Sputtering up to the surface, you looked around and found Miguel smirking, arms folded with a confident roll of his shoulders. 
“What the fuck, Miguel?” You yelled and he just laughed. 
“I wanted to play.” 
“You weren’t invited!” You barked and he rolled his eyes. 
“Don’t be so dramatic, I just wanted that constant screaming to end. It was annoying.” 
“Then maybe use your words, you barbarian.” 
“Oh, ouch! So hurtful, did you learn that word in the library you lock yourself inside of every night?” 
“Are you really making fun of me for being smart?” You didn't realize you were walking closer to him until you were a foot away, and he finally stepped closer to look down at you, making you crane your neck up as he spoke. 
“No, I’m saying you’re a loser.” He narrowed his eyes and you couldn’t find the words to answer, hurt pooling in your stomach. You didn’t even realize everyone had started to watch you two arguing until you both stood in silence and felt everyone else’s eyes on you. 
“I’d rather be a loser than a whorish prick.” You spoke with sharp words and checked his shoulder as you walked past him, flipping your now soaking wet and messy hair out of your face and stomping to your towel. Your sister moved to grab your arm, but you jerked away from her. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You screamed and saw hurt flash across her face, but you couldn’t see through the seething rage that MIguel had begun to boil inside of you. “You did this, you brought him into my life. As long as you two are together, stay away from me!” You hurried inside of the house and into the bathroom, hearing someone follow you and slamming the door in their face. You sat on the edge of the bathtub and cried. All of the frustration and upset from the past few weeks poured out as you shivered from the AC blowing directly on your wet form, overwhelmed and afraid. 
Meanwhile, the pool area was quiet as Gianna was frozen in place, then looking at Miguel. She got an angry look on her face as he got out of the pool, starting to feel bad. Had he caused a rift between you two? He held his hands up, “Baby, I’m sorry-” 
“Fix this! Now!” Gianna pointed inside and he nodded, just following orders. 
The truth was he didn’t know why you bothered him so much, you just did. Everything about you caused him to be annoyed, and caused a stir in his pants. 
He liked your sister, she was pretty and funny and nice. She was easy. He didn’t mind, he wasn’t used to having a girlfriend either. He didn’t like the feeling that much, it seemed too much of a hassle. 
A few months ago, he’d seen you in his class wearing just a t-shirt and jean shorts, but your soft thighs made his mind go to new places. He’d always chased his own pleasure, not caring much for making the girl’s he bedded orgasm. They always did, but that wasn’t his goal. He just needed to ‘get his and get gone,’ as Ben once said to him. 
Then he saw you, and his first thought was how those thighs would feel on his shoulders, how you’d taste on his tongue with your hands in his hair as you screamed his name. He kept oral sex for relationships, but god he wanted to eat you out so badly, it was driving him mad. 
And then he saw your tits in that low cut top you wore when it started to get warm out, and he lost it. 
He always thought about you as he fucked other girls, railing them from behind and tilting his head back to pretend he was inside of you. He didn’t even know your first name, which was fine by him, and he had planned to keep this going until he met your sister, Gianna. She looked similar to you and that made him satisfied. 
And then he found out she was your sister, and he became hungrier. Being in your house, seeing your family, knew he’d fucked up when he saw you at the club. You were dancing with Hobie and he was feeling up Gianna, but he couldn’t stop sneaking looks at you. The way you swayed your hips, how you held Hobie, how the dress was tight around your chest. He was ging insane and that’s when your sister brought him over to introduce you two. He heard your name and it was like butter on his tongue, smooth and rich. He was hungry for you and the small tastes weren’t enough anymore. 
Dinner at your house was practically painful. He was trying so hard to drown you out of his mind with your sister, wanting nothing more than to have her be what flooded his brain instead. Her hand on his thigh was the only reason he even remembered she was in the room while he watched you eat. 
Arguing with you about Miles fucking Morales got him almost rock hard in his pants, watching you bitch at him, showing him something he’d never seen from you: anger. He saw you shy and awkward, saw you focused in class, but now he saw you spitting words of upset at him and the passion that filled your eyes as you sneered. God, you were like a drug. 
You laid passed out on the grass of Miles’s backyard and he just watched your form for a minute, the rise and fall of your busty chest in that tight top you had on, you were mesmerizing. He made his way to you and bent down. 
“Get up.” 
“Lay down with me.” Those words went straight to his cock, wanting to hear them come out of your mouth in a much different scenario. “Look at the sky.” 
“Your eyes are closed.” He answered, and you hypnotized him with that sweet little laugh. 
“The stars are beautiful.” He couldn't help it, his body moved on its own. He nuzzled your face in his hand, your soft skin feeling like heaven against the callus of his fingers. 
“So are you.” He whispered and sadness filled his chest. He’d made the mistake of entertaining your sister, and now he could never have you. You began tossing up your dinner and your sister came just in time as he waited until you were done, then moving your passed out form into his arms and carrying you out of the house. As he stepped to his car, your sister got into the backseat to hold onto you, but he heard someone shouting. 
“Hey!” It was that Miles kid he couldn’t stand. 
“What?” He asked, moving his arms to tilt your head upward instead of leaned over his arm. 
“She’s not ok, you can’t take her-” 
Miguel was about to bark back, to protect you with every fiber of your being against this stupid law-breaking twerp, but your sister jumped in and started talking to Miles, in which he calmed down. A frown just sat on Miguel’s face, bending to lay you in the car and not saying another word. 
The next day, your sister had left Miguel at the house with you to make sure you were ok while she was gone. Well, he actually volunteered. Which wasn’t weird at all. 
And then there was the phone call her overheard. 
“Miles, it fucking sucks so badly.” You whispered, making Miguel’s heart want to do jumping jacks. “It’s my sister’s boyfriend, ya know? How am I supposed to act?”
This made him almost happy, but conflict began in his head. This was so wrong, so so wrong. 
But then there was the pool, and that gorgeous little bikini you had on, and how you acted with Ben. Fucking Ben. First Miles, then Ben? Were you trying to pick the worst possible choices in men? 
He meant to be playful, just to see that angry spark in your eyes again, but then you both started saying things that couldn’t be taken back. 
“No, I’m saying you’re a loser.” The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them and suddenly, the world was quiet. Everyone stared at you two and you frantically glanced around with humiliation, but he only watched you. 
“I’d rather be a loser than a whorish prick.” You spat back at him and he stood still, unsure of how to go about everything that had just happened, unsure of how to fix things. 
You and Gianna had harsh words as you ran into Miles’s house crying, and Miguel felt everyone glaring at him, but he couldn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Gianna yelled at Miguel and that’s when he followed you, seeing you run into the bathroom and shut the door. He heard a small thud and knew you were leaning against it, knocking gently. 
“Leave me alone, Gianna.” You sniffled and Miguel sighed. 
“I didn’t mean to say that, I’m sorry-” He started to apologize and the door flew open, your crying face scrunched up at him with a fury he honestly hadn’t seen in anyone but himself. 
“You’re sorry?” Your tone mocked him and he clenched his jaw, nodding. “What are you sorry for? Calling me a loser? Embarrassing me in front of my friends and family? Driving me insane in my own home? Which one?” 
“I didn’t-” He huffed. Miguel wasn’t good with talking about his emotions, and as he heard the laughter from the backyard, he pushed you forward into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. 
“I’m sorry for it all, but it’s your fault too!” 
“What?!” You whisper-yelled and he rolled his eyes, leaning on his shoulder against the wall. 
“Oh, c'mon. You know you’ve been driving me crazy.” He sneered and you glared up at him. 
“I have not-” You stopped short and thought about his words. “How?” You tilted your head to the side. 
“You’re just- you’re so fucking- perfect!” He shouted and put a hand on the wall above your head, bending down to get closer to your face. His eyes burned into yours as he studied your expression. “You’re all I think about.”
“This is wrong…” You breathed out and felt his breath tickle your cheek, eyes fluttering a bit and nose almost touching his. 
“Stop me then.” He whispered and you bit your lip, a constricting feeling in your chest tying itself around your lungs and making you shiver. “Tell me you don’t want this.” He moved his hands to knead the squish of your hips, water dripping down your legs from the still wet bathing suit on your body. 
“Miguel…” Your voice was shaky as he inhaled your scent, moved the tangled mess of damp hair from your shoulder. Loud knocking made you both jump a bit, his hands pulling you closer as his head snapped to the door. He grabbed the doorknob to make sure whoever it was didn’t try to open it, or succeed. Your name rang out in your sister’s voice and your legs wobbled. 
You were in here, being felt up by her boyfriend right after you’d screamed in her face, and she was looking to comfort you still. 
Tears filled your eyes again and the door knob jiggled, Miguel’s hand making sure it didn’t open. Your heart thudded in your chest when she repeated your name, and you tried to clear your throat. 
“G-Go away!” You shouted, trying to still sound upset. Miguel’s other hand stayed on your hip, as if he couldn’t take it off of his own free will. 
“Please, can we just talk? Let me in.” She begged and you broke into tears finally. 
“I said go the hell away!” You screamed, leaning your head into Miguel’s chest and trembling against his large body as he finally let go of your hip and pet your head. 
“I love you, I’m gonna go look for Miguel, ok?” She spoke softly and that made your body heat rise once more. 
“Miguel? You’re going to look for Miguel? Yeah, go fucking chase your boyfriend, go find him, Gianna!” You shouted, Miguel now holding you back with his one arm, pulling you closer to his body to try and calm you down, but you pushed him away and fully faced the door now. “Go fucking find him and tell him that you forgive him and then fuck him and text me about it after! Go, Gianna!” You hit the door with a fist, angry sobs on your lips as everything was quiet. After a second or two, you heard her footsteps walking away from the door. You panted and hung your head. 
“Are you ok?” Miguel’s low voice rubbed your ears in a way that you couldn’t explain. You just shook your head and he released the knob, then cradling you in his arms and holding you tight. “I’ll fix this, I promise.” He whispered, then opened the door and walked out.
Tags: @ihateuguys @spontaneousleo @ginger23 @y2cade @alex110370000 @winteringfalls @neverlandlostchild @haileycannotcometothephonern @loser-alert @idk-sam @bunnyrose01 @minalovesyoubabes @thedevax @arquiiva @freehentai @vonev @rue-ting @darkfairy102190 @iamv1n @teresalesbian @killykstudio @topreice @artyanimi @hrlzy @mikotoguilty @ceoofmiguel @amylasagna
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sanspuppet · 9 months
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GENRE: fluff, smut w a lot of romance (?)
PAIRING: Heesung x afab! reader
W/T: university au, lil bit of jealousy, unprotected sex, biting, swearing, pet name (princess)
A/O: i know that Hee doesn’t have much to do with my blog but this is the ff i wrote for my bestie and i’m just gonna post it so yeah, remember that i’m a multi-stan so i write for many other groups apart from ateez
enjoy <3
"come on! it'll be fun!" Jeongin tries to encourage you, his hands begging at your pissed expression because of his hundredth attempt to invite you at his party.
"i don't want to! i don't know anyone of your friends" you reply back with a sharp tone, it’s almost a week that he keeps asking you to come, and he can’t comprehend that you have no intention to go.
"Oh yeah! there's one: Heesung! that guy from class 3B" he winks at you with a smirk already trailing on his face.
"Another reason not to go there!" you quiver, body stiffening the same second he pronounces his name. Actually, if there’s Lee Heesung too, you could think about it a couple times and accept. Through all, he’s the finest man at your university, no doubts he’s your secret crush, well not that secret because it seems that Jeongin has already found out.
"But it's a good opportunity to talk to him!" his voice booms inside the classroom, all of your classmates turn back to look at you, your professor violently slams his palm on the desk: "You two! Better keep those mouths closed during my classes!" you hush a quick "excuse us" before turning back to focus on algebra.
Hours later, when the last school bell rang, you leave the university, arm crossed while walking down the street, with Heesung's smile pictured in your mind and dangerously lost in yourself while fantasizing about him. The stoplight turns red, which unfortunately you don’t pay attention to, you’re about to cross the road when someone thoughtfully grabs your waist, fingertips gripping at your skin, trying to stop you. Your heart flutters intensely, goosebumps on your body as you hear a familiar voice beginning: "you should pay more attention while walking" oh no, you perfectly recognize that voice, sweet but at the same time extremely attractive, you can’t help but turning your face to look at him, panic already flowing into your body. "U-uhm... sorry" Heesung smiles for a millisecond before turning back to his serious expression: "you don't have to be sorry, just wanted to warn you darling" maybe how he called you is the reason why you keep stuttering and trembling like a shy kiddo: "Y-yeah..." you suddenly grimace, confused: "w-why are you here?" you question. "Oh, you didn't notice? i live near your house" you mouth a small "o" before you could even realize what he actually said: "Wait- what?!" he blinks twice, his hands involuntarily still gripping at your waist, a strange feeling intensifying inside the core of your stomach. “i. live. near. you.” he repeats, marking every word, not in a arrogant way, but in a beamy one. When he realizes that you aren’t going to say anything, he approaches you with an another argument: “Well, wanna walk together? I.N. told me that you’ll come at his party” you wide your eyes, following him hesitantly as he crosses the road. “What? No! Nono i don’t like that kind of party” He raises an eyebrow:
“…what kind of party do you like then? like a… uhm” he bemuses, you shake your hands, trying to clarify: “No! I mean… I’m the only girl in the group and i’m quite worried about it” when he turns his head to face you, you can’t believe he purposely holds your hand. “I understand, don’t worry! You know i wouldn’t let anything happen to you, right? Such a good girl, you don’t deserve to get into that kind of shit” you can hear your heartbeat booming inside your head, mind blank as you keep repeating his last sentence to yourself, barely capable to think at any reply. “Please, i want to know you better! Come with me, and you’ll be sure no one will make fun of you, or touch you in any way” he insists, tightening the grip on your hand.
okey, are you dreaming? are you in a coma, after a car invested you? What the hell is happening? All of your day dreams about him seem becoming reality as he’s begging you to accompany him. You’re not conscious of your blushing state in this moment, smiling pathetically, lost in yourself as you’re trying to realize your current situation. And you finally cooe: “Well, if you say so… i’ll be more than glad to come!”
Heesung raises a fist happily: “That’s my girl! i mean… happy to see you again y/n” he stops in front of a small, cute little house. He sighs, taking a heavy breath before continuing: “i live here… alone, so if you need something, you can find me here.” you bow slightly, smiling uncontrollably. “Got it! See you at the party, then.” He keeps staring at you without leaving: “What? So i’m not gonna pick you up?”
“Oh… uhm, yes! yes, sure. Sorry” you beam back.
“Okey, shall we share our phone numbers?” he asks, taking his phone in his hands, ready to take notes. When you’re both sure that the other has the contact saved, Hee shakes his hand and heads towards the door of his home.
The evening of the same day, you can’t help but keep fantasizing about how would it be to spend hours with Heesung at your side. Having him that close to you, would probably drive your mind nuts, but what if he was talking seriously hours before? He seriously wants to get to know you better? Well, if so, you’d surely go to that party. Knowing that it’s quite easy to convince you in anything when it comes to Heesung, you already start choosing what to wear at the party of the next day.
“Mmm” you scratch your chin, looking at your dresses hanging inside your wardrobe. “What should i-“ the loud sound of your ringtone makes you suddenly hop. You check the name written on the screen, snorting when you see the name of your best friend.
“What do you want?” you tilt your head to squeeze your phone between your ear and shoulder, picking your favorite dresses and throwing them on your bed.
“You’re coming?!! God, you fucking drool for Heesung, don’t you???” you hear Jeongin beaming through the speaker.
“Me? No, no absolutely.” you find yourself staring intensely at one dress in particular: the fabric of a soft white, its skirt’s quite short and has elegant lace sleeves. You choose that one, while keep listening to Jeongin freak out from happiness.
“Well, whatever. You’re gonna come too!!!” he starts to giggle joyfully.
“Yeah, now please calm down. Also, i have to go now, bye!” you end the call without even waiting for him to say anything else. The only thing you want right now is staring at the selfie of Heesung that he has set as his profile picture. So you did, laying on your bed, after putting carefully in place your dresses again.
“Ooh… he’s such so handsome and cute”
You whimper seeing the notification of someone texting you appearing from above the phone screen. A pang hits your heart when you realize it’s Heesung.
< Hey, tomorrow the party begins at 6 p.m. Imma pick you up by 5.45, is that okay? >
You smile like an idiot while texting back: < Perfect! >
That night you fall asleep, lost again in the thought of his cherishing smile and how simply gorgeous he always is.
And as soon as you do, as soon you wake up, squeezing your eyes from the warm light of the sunrise. You suddenly grip at your hair, your heartbeat starts accelerating as you process: “The party is today!”
Now that you have realized it, you can’t stop waiting impatiently for afternoon to come. You force yourself to distract your mind, doing chores and your homework, listening to music and practicing the dance steps you learned at your last dance lesson. Doing that you don’t even feel the hours that have passed, making you bounce slightly on the spot as you read what time it is.
“God i have to get ready!” you jolt while running towards your bathroom, starting to do your makeup. You keep checking the time on your wristwatch, and once you have your look done and prepared all the stuff you’d need, you leave the house and chuckle shyly as you see Heesung standing in front of his car a few meters apart from you.
“Hi y/n! How are you?” He approaches you, giving you his hand to help you get inside of his car.
“Pretty fine” you affirm after he joined you inside it.
The short journey was something you could define totally embarrassing, you were frustrated because you couldn’t do anything but stare outside the window and tap nervously your fingertips on the handle. He was the one that after some minutes that seemed eternal hours find the courage to speak:
“Uhm… that dress is so beautiful, matches your vibes a lot” he turns his head to take a quick look of you before his gaze could go back at the road. “Thank you, Heesung” you smile genuinely. He giggles back: “Oh please, just call me Hee. We’re friends after all, right?” what your previous smile seemed full of happiness, it quickly turned into a wounded one. “Yeah… friends”
Once you enter the apartment, you didn’t expect it to be so well organized: cute colorful balloons fill the living room, yummy snacks all over the table followed by soda and other drinks, background music to keep the welcoming atmosphere. When you step out the entrance you immediately see Jeongin’s friends casually chatting on the small couch.
“Naur way look who’s here!” Jake exclaims as he notices your figure standing in front of them. You chuckle at his funny Aussie accent.
“Yeah personally i know you couldn’t wait anymore to see me” Heesung smirks, heading towards Jeongin who’s trying to inflate other balloons. “Hyung i think these are enough, yeah?” he whispers at him, noticing his red, overworked cheeks.
Jake turns his head to look at Hee, grimacing: “What? No i meant y/n! Didn’t expect you to come” He approaches you, with the intention of hugging you friendly. After he pulls away, the other boys stand up to do the exact same. You thank Jay, Chan and Beomgyu as they compliment your curated look.
You spent a couple hours on watching a comedy show and laughing together. Your body stiffened any time you felt Heesung’s hand resting (apparently) innocently on your knee, when you saw him facing you while giggling as he enjoyed the film, it seriously looked like you were a couple, and you weren’t the only one who noticed that:
Chan’s gaze suddenly went to your knee, as he saw Heesung rubbing his hand on your skin.
“Are you hiding us something, guys? Seems like you’re very comfortable together.”
Chan’s your ex, so you could tell that his voice had some point of annoyance when he spoke.
“Yeah! I was about to say the same thing” Beomgyu smirks, moving his eyes on you and the fine guy who’s sitting next to you.
“Oh, it does? Sorry if i might stole her from you” Heesung appeals with his cocky smile.
“It’s not up to you, Hee” Chan replies, a slight look of arrogance on his face surprises you. “Right, y/n?”
“Uhm… well…” you struggle to find any appropriate answer, but nothing comes to your mind. Jeongin fortunately saves you from that embarrassing situation:
“Let’s play a game!” He stands up, turning off the tv. Jay and Jake that were still focusing on the program, whined at him.
“Fine” Heesung stands up, searching for your hand and heading towards Jeongin. A smirk pops into the childish friend’s face, he crosses his arm looking intensely at the both of you through his hooded eyes.
“Y/n, truth or dare?”
The moment after the other guys heard that iconic question, every one was sitting on the rug in a circle, waiting for their turn as they joined the game. It was quite fun, most of the dares were hilarious that got you almost rolling on the floor from laughter, but once it got repetitive and your friend seemed bored, Jeongin once again proposed you:
“Y/n, truth or dare?” this time his gaze is mysterious enough for you to suspect he planned something.
“Uhm… dare?” you murmur, not sure if you chose the right answer to keep your dignity.
“I see” Jeonging looks straight at Heesung on your left, before moving his gaze on you again. “Kiss Heesung”
Loud “Uuuh” fill the atmosphere as the guys find finally a captivating idea, everyone but Bangchan, who seems about to kill Jeonging with his stare and choke Heesung before he could touch you.
Panic starts to rush inside your veins as you turn your head and see Heesung smirking, you can feel the eyes of all the others stuck on your lips, waiting impatiently for you to make a move, but nothing, you couldn’t even elaborate any conscious movement. You’re like a greek statue, immobilized, your eyes focusing on nothing but Hee’s lips, your hand standing steady on the ingenious intent of wrapping it around his waist. Heesung chuckles: “y/n? are you’k?” he snaps his fingers in front of your face. “Fine, I’ll do it myself.”
What it took least than two seconds, felt an entire minute for you.
You feel Heesung carding his fingers through your hair, before falling on the nape of your neck to pull you closer to his face, the tip of your noses rubbing against each other as he’s moving his lips closer and closer to yours. It felt warm, and soft, something you never experienced in that way, you could immediately tell that you would be addicted to his lips, if only he could be yours.
Heesung pulls away, exhaling a soft laugh as he holds your hand. “You good?” he asks, you nod: “Yeah. Yeah i’m good” you murmur, smiling a little before turning your head to face the others. Beomgyu, Jake, Jay an Jeongin are hyping the both of you, on the other side you can notice Chan squeezing his fists as he keeps staring at you. “What’s wrong with him?” you question yourself.
Jeongin giggles at you and Heesung: “I meant a peck on the cheek but well, this proves that you like each other! Thank me later guys” he stands up, taking the bowl of chips and starts to chew a few.
“W-wait- What?” your mouth hangs open, while Hee is simply smiling at you.
The rest of the party went great, you had funny conversations and ate tasty food.
Later, you head towards the exit, where you left your jacket and phone, you barely even check your new notifications, that you feel a hand resting on your shoulder, you expect it to be Heesung and uncontrollably smile, but once you turn your head to see his face, you find yourself a few inches away from Chan. He’s moving closer to your lips to steal a kiss from you. You pull him away, smacking your palm against his face.
“What the hell are you doing? Huh?” you screech.
“Come on, don’t act like you don’t want it, we were so perfect as a couple, you look better with me than Heesung” He gets closer to you slowly once again, but you’re too concerned to move. You jolt as you see someone pulling Chan away from you by grabbing his shoulder.
“What’s going on here?” Heesung looks at you before moving his annoyed gaze to Chan. “Why would you care?” he replies, with his arms crossed.
“Because she just rejected you a few seconds ago, don’t you get that she doesn’t like you anymore?” you can’t articulate anything before he wraps his arm around your waist and yell at the others in the living room.
“Guys, it was fun but now i have to take y/n home, see you on Monday” Heesung takes your jackets and leaves the house with you squeezed in his arm.
Not long after he stops in front of his house, you’re still confused from why he reacted like that before, you don’t realize that it isn’t actually your house. Heesung gets out of the car. “Come with me” he called you, heading towards the door.
Once you’re both inside, he turns to look at you, taking your hands in his. “You’re not interested in Chan anymore, right?” you nod: “Yeah, i’m not.” he lets out a relieved sigh. “Good, because i like you” you start to mumble incomprehensible words. “U-uhm…” Heesung notices that your cheeks are turning into a blushing state, making him chuckle. “You don’t need to say anything, just kiss me already, okey?” he slowly approaches you, getting closer enough for you to feel his warm, deep breaths against you nose, his hands are trailing soft lines on your back, sending you shivers down your spine. You automatically raise on your tiptoes, holding yourself onto his shoulder. You start to leave small pecks on his hot lips, struggling to stop because of the warm feeling of his body. Hee chuckles between every kiss: “i see, you love me, don’t you?” you giggle against the crook of his neck: “Yeah, so much.”
“May i take care of you? Show you how much do i love you, too?” he leans over you neck to inhale your sweet scent. “Mark you as mine, so you won’t get bothered by other guys?” you take a few seconds to realize what he actually meant with those words. “Uhm… i don’t know…” He caresses your cheek, attaching his lips on yours another time. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. Please, let’s be each other’s first” You chuckle: “I can’t believe you’re still a virgin” he wides his eyes, smiling: “Why?? I had only a girlfriend when i was 14, you’re the one i fell for, after a long time.” you bite your lower lip, looking down to avoid eye contact. “It’s just that… i’m worried i won’t be good enough” he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he walks backwards, heading towards what you figure to be his bedroom. “You’ll be perfect as always, my little princess” you can’t help but blush at that new petname, that stole another smile from you. A few seconds later he’s opening the door with you still holding at his waist. He sits on the edge of the mattress, looking up at you with doe eyes. You suddenly get shy as you realize that you started unconsciously to strip, hiking up slowly your dress as you expose your bare legs and stomach to him, the man that you craved for three years. He holds himself on his wrists, watching carefully every detail of your body, already struggling to contain any reaction from his body. “Oh god, you’re so beautiful” he murmurs, biting his cheeks to avoid any flustering sound. You jump onto his lap with your legs wrapped around his waist, Hee starts to kiss you deeply as you busy yourself by unbuttoning his shirt. Your tongue dives into his mouth, while trailing your hands all over his naked chest. You push him, getting him completely layed on his bed. You’re still asking yourself where did you find enough confidence to do all of this, when you bite on his neck, smirking against his red skin. “Untie it, Hee” as soon as he hears you, you feel your bra falling off of your body, hearing it thrown on the floor. Heesung grabs your waist, forcing you to switch your positions. You see his unmistakable smirk glued onto your face, but it doesn’t take long before he moves it down your breast. “Are you sure you’re ready, princess?” he asks you, caressing your waist side. “i trust you” “Glad you do, baby” he stands up, untying his belt before unzipping his jeans. Not long after he throws them on the floor, then focuses again on nothing else but you. Hee leans over you, making his way down your body with small kisses, once he reaches your lower abdomen, he slowly drags you panties down your legs. “So pretty, tell me…” he stops by biting slightly on your hips. “Want me to wear a condom? I’m clean, just to let you know.” you shake your head. “I’m too, and on a birth control” Heesung nods, positioning himself between your wided legs. “Got you” you breathe heavily, when you watch him dragging down his boxers, inhaling the air deeply to force yourself to slow down your heartbeat. You squeeze your eyes when you get to see his cock standing between your wet core. It’s just about a few seconds that you finally feel him burying himself inside you. He lets out a sweet groan, holding his breath when you involuntarily squeeze around him. “Fuck, didn’t expect it to be this good” he slowly pulls out, trying to feel every sensation. “Do you like it?” He watches your aroused face. “Yeah, please, go on” You watch him smirking through your eyelashes. “Didn’t hear you, may you repeat darling?” you sigh, smiling. “Huh, please i want you”
Heesung holds onto your knees, making sure you stay spread for him, while he slides into you another time, then out, repeating the same movements as he speeds the pace. You try to stay still, gripping harshly at the sheets beneath you, your eyes roll back as you feel him touching your sweet spot with every thrust.
“Fuck- just like that, please” you mewl, letting out whimpers when the pleasure builds tension inside your lower stomach.
He moans back once. “Never thought you could make such sweet noises.” he smiles, eyes shut as he feels himself getting closer to his climax. Surely the way you keep clenching around his length doesn’t help him to last longer, and surely the fact that his tip’s kissing your g-spot continuously from minutes is getting you to the edge very quickly. You let out a broken, high pitched moans when you feel pure arousal hitting your body, making you arch your back from pleasure. “Fuck- faster, now!” he does immediately as you say, slamming his pelvis against your thighs gap as fast as he can, the sound of your skin slapping against each other’s booms inside the room, followed by nasty, squelching sounds at every pump. Heesung leans over you to help himself thrusting into you better. “So close~ cum for me princess” Your breathe loudly, as soon as you cream around him you feel hot ropes of his cum shooting inside you. His thrusts become sloppy when he slows down, pulling out after a few more pumps.
“You’re so beautiful right now, all fucked out because of me, i think i like you better like this.” he leans over to steal another deep kiss, his hands reaching instinctively your bare breast. “You did so good for me, you need a treat babe” you smile the best you can, still trying to get down your high. “Like…?” Heesung leaves a small peck on your right cheek. “What about a warm bath? I said i’m gonna take good care of you.” he cards his fingers through your hair, caressing your forehead.
“Will you let me do it forever?”
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
pretty baby (got a funny feelin')
Okay so here's the deal. I haven't been able to write anything consistently for the last month, and then yesterday A Demon possessed me and made me write 3k of Steddie + Gareth, and it's surprisingly helping me get out of my funk, so here's the first 1.1k which is all just Steddie fantasizing about fucking Gareth while getting off. And since it's not actually mentioned in the story, Gareth is 18 and Steve/Eddie are 21/22.
This fic is 18+ | CW: Includes cis female Steve, heavy daddy kink & splash of mommy kink, Dom Eddie & princess Stevie, vaginal fingering, fantasizing about someone, a singular affectionate use of slut, and a shit ton of dirty talk.
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“Hey Teddy, do you think Gareth is cute?”
Eddie looks up from his laptop, from the campaign notes he’s been working on for the upcoming Hellfire session, just as his girlfriend drops down next to him on the couch and asks the question from out of nowhere.
“I mean, yeah? He reminds me of you, actually, with the baby face and the nice hair. Why?”
Stevie grins and bites into her lip, and she has that sparkle in her eye that usually means trouble. Eddie braces himself for whatever could possibly come out of her mouth next, but he isn't expecting it to be “We should fuck him. Like, invite him to join us.”
The man blinks and lets that process for just a moment, before he asks a simple “Huh?”
“Baby, he obviously likes you,” the girl replies with a shrug and a grin. “And he clearly thinks I'm hot; I've caught him staring at me during pool parties more than once.”
She leans forward to rest her chin on Eddie's shoulder, hitting him with the full force of her gleaming hazel eyes. “He's such a darling, and gets flustered so easily. It could be so much fun, daddy, having a sweet baby to play with.”
Here’s the thing. Eddie won't lie and say he hasn't thought about it before, not when the boy is so clearly in the range of Eddie's type. It's not something he's ever lingered on, Gareth's age always being a deterrent, and then Eddie's relationship with Stevie. Still, he meant it when he said that Gareth reminds him of Stevie; their soft faces and gently curling hair, their bright smiles and sweet pouts.
Just the suggestion is enough to kick Eddie's overactive imagination into gear, instantly conjuring the image of the two of them, of Eddie's sweet, pretty babies spread out on messy sheets, babbling and begging him for more more more. He inhales sharply and pushes a hand into Stevie's hair, tugging just enough to make her gasp.
“Is that what you want, sweetheart? You don't just wanna be daddy's babygirl anymore? Wanna be a mommy with your own sweet baby?”
That must strike a chord with Stevie, because she whines high and shakes her head as best as she can. “Our baby, not just mine. Want us to fucking wreck him, wanna see him cry and beg for us, daddy.”
Holy fuck. Eddie's princess seems to have a sadistic streak that he wasn't aware of. Knowing how bitchy and condescending she can be in the right scenario, it's something he can't wait to cultivate and grow, to teach her how to wield it to wring pleasure out of someone else. 
Eddie moves his laptop to the side so he can grab Stevie and pull her into his lap, her gorgeous, plush thighs straddling his own. The shorts she’s wearing are fucking tiny, and he uses that to his advantage as he slides his hand into them - no underwear today, god what a sweet, eager slut she is - and pushes two fingers into her without preamble.
“Shit, babylove, you're so fucking wet. You've been thinking about this a lot, huh? Thinking dirty things about our little Gare Bear?” he asks, and grins when she nods. “Yeah, you have. C'me on, tell daddy what you've been thinking about.”
Stevie hums and pushes her hips down, grinding her pussy onto his fingers as her hands find a home on Eddie's shoulders. “Been thinkin' about lots of things. I want him to come in me, then I want you to fuck him while he eats me out, cleans out my pussy. Wanna watch him choke on your dick while I jerk him off, make sure he doesn't come until you do. Want him to ride you while I sit on your face, daddy.”
Jesus fucking Christ, she's really out to kill him. Eddie uses his grip on Stevie's hair to pull her into a searing kiss, needing to taste the inside of her filthy mouth. He pushes his fingers deeper into her, rubbing up against the spot that makes her whole body jerk in pleasure and swallowing the needy moan it earns him. 
Nails scrape over his neck and Stevie gives a sharp bite into his lower lip before pulling back. “'m not done yet, daddy. Thought you wanted to hear all of my ideas?”
“Oh, I do, baby, I do. Tell me what other naughty things you've been thinking about Gareth, sweetheart.”
She grins and keens when Eddie adds another finger, finally fucking her properly with them as she goes on, “Want you both in me at the same time, want you to fuck me and come in me, stuff me full. Want him between us, our own lil’ daisy chain, want him so fucked out he can’t even think.” Fuck shit fuck.
Eddie can tell that she's close, the way her nails dig into his shoulders and her thighs start to shake are all the warning he needs. He doesn’t let up at all, and the sound of skin meeting skin rings though the room under the sound of their talking. “You gonna let Gare fuck your pretty tits, princess? Gonna be a good mommy and let him suck on them while he fucks you?”
The nod she gives is eager, perfectly matching her needy “Good, I’ll be so good, daddy. Gonna come, can I? Please let me come, daddy.”
"Yeah, Stevie, come for me. Come on daddy's fingers, baby."
The girl gasps as she peaks, then lets out a long, high whine as Eddie fucks her through it, drawing out her orgasm until she's trembling in his hands. Eddie could probably wring another one out of her if he wanted to, but he's so high strung himself that he's dangerously close to coming in his pants. Instead he pulls his fingers from her and scrambles to get his sweatpants down far enough to grab his dick with his slick-covered hand, needing to come as soon as possible.
Stevie whines again and drops her forehead to his shoulder, watching as he fucks into his fist. "Fuck, give it to me, daddy. Love your cock, can't wait to see Gareth crying on it like I do, all whiny and needy. You're gonna fuck our pretty baby so good right? Fuck him good for me?"
That's all Eddie needs, the mental image of his dick filling the younger boy up so good, stretching him open, and he's fucking gone. He spills over his fist with a punched out groan, stroking himself through it until he's completely wrung out. Stevie is pressing a line of kisses along his jaw as he comes down, and he hums, leaning into the touch.
"So, I think you're just as into that as I am, huh daddy?"
Eddie just chuckles weakly and wipes his hand on his pants, knowing they're probably about to head up to the shower. "You know what that means, right?" Stevie gives her own questioning hum and Eddie turns his face to kiss her. 
"We need a plan."
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cato616 · 1 year
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roman roy x fem reader
• note! : so i know it isn't A LOT of people who has seen this but, i actually thought no one would've come across of my blog soooo i made a part two!
• also: don't forget english isn't my first language lol
summary: roman roy has now taken you to his office, of course it's still about buying your shop, but why all of the sudden decided to take you there?
warnings: nothing,, just roman being roman :) and maybe some heat ;)
You finally arrived at the grand building. If the Range Rover wasn't fancy enough for only a 10 minutes ride (actually even less), you could imagine how uneasy you felt while entering such a place like Waystar Royco; you felt pretty unfitting right there, and you think, thank god i remembered to take the fucking apron off.
You entered the big doors slowly, like if it was a new world for you, having your arms crossed against your chest, basically thinking, i know im unwelcomed here and im practically super uncomfortable with all this so im gonna make myself look intimidating. well you think that but your face is having a panic attack. You stopped moving to look around the place, so many people, i mean, you were an insecure introverted gal surrounded by so many people above your level, and that got over your head, shit... i showered today, right? without anyone notice you sniffled your hair to see if you were correct. "great! so let's keep moving" said roman from behind making you jump a bit. shit. you were hoping he didn't see you sniffing your hair like that. "yup, coming- going i- sorry... im following you" you make yourself cringe, felt caught in the moment and got tongue tied.
You step in the elevators with roman and some really jacked security guy, now that guy seems intimidating. Roman couldn't hold it and started laughing at the awkwardness of it all. You can't help but making a weird uncomfortable smirk at the situation. "you realize we don't bite here right?" said roman. im pretty sure you do, you think for yourself. "a lot of... floors" you said quietly, really impatient to get to his office. "now, we're here" roman said a few seconds later being a little cocky about it.
So you enter the floor and roman suddenly put himself in front of you stopping you from moving forward. "first I'd like for you to meet someone" and then you start moving to his direction; he opens a big glass door and let you come in. You first took a glance over the office turning to the right; then you hear a voice from the back that makes you jump again. "that's some first level jeans you got there" you turned and it was fucking logan roy sitting at his desk, that made you jump a little bit as well. "yeah well im not usually dressed for this kind of occasions, see, i only ran a café" you awkwardly laugh at yourself feeling pretty threatened by his presence. "let's talk about that" he seemed serious the whole time so your smile disappeared trying to be more in the moment, you sit down, you frown and tense your lips, and try to make eye contact, but it feels like he's looking at your soul. "your dear lovely, um... coffee shop, it's uuh cute" he smiles at you, you don't say anything because you know he's going to keep talking. "it is also a nice location you got yourself"... he pauses, damn he likes suspense you think. "right next to fucking corporate buildings... that must get a bit annoying doesn't it? so big... over your little humble shop" you silently nod agreeing, you can't fight that logic. And then he tries to get to the crucial part of the conversation. "You could get any part of the city, nice view, where a building doesn't cover all of the sunshine, you can make it bigger even..." You don't say anything, you just keep staring at him, maybe even considering what he's saying, but you don't want to. "how about... 40 mil..." he said. You have your eyes wide open, stayed completely silent. "dad, come on" roman said to logan. "fine, fine, 45 mil then".
You now have roman roy and the emperor of his father staring at you waiting for you answer, at the same time you're feeling like you're sweating under your blouse; The only thing you can think of is not only the fact that the café means a lot to you, but also, why your coffee shop? why do they want that spot or is there something else i don't know about? You haven't said anything yet, you're terrified of making a sound. "you know what? how about you get yourself a nice cup of coffee while you think about it huh?" Logan said trying to be nice?. "roman go with her somewhere around here, in the building" Logan asked roman. "great, im now the service dog of the fucking definition of anxiety here" while he points at you with the palm of his hand. I'll try not to get offended... but maybe you're not that wrong.
Roman decides to take you to his private office and have one of his assistants to bring you two some coffee. He offers you to take a seat in front of him at his desk, where he then sits. The assistant comes back with two coffees on each hand and leaves them on the desk. You rapidly take a sip and of course you drip a bit of coffee, somehow that usually happens to you; you usually get to be a bit awkward around people and somewhat clumsy, nothing wrong with it obviously but, roman can seem to take advantage of that. "fuck, don't you know how to drink coffee? you're dripping like a fucking baby" you ignore his teasing while trying to wipe the coffee out of your blouse but there's no fucking napkins around you. "here... i- i can help" roman said very decently; he stood up, and obviously takes out one of those napkins stored inside of those fancy suits; he took it out, and while you were still sitting on the chair, he stood in front of you, slowly lowering his torso, then gently starts to clean your blouse, very focused on his duty.
You realize how close your faces where to each other; you could feel his warm breath hitting your chest. He still didn't take his eyes off his mission, taking those stains off your shirt; he was frowning the whole time. You didn't want to move, it was taking a bit long, but there was something inside of you that wanted this to last forever; you start staring at him, analysing his whole face, and you could feel your breathing getting stronger. There was a moment where your heart stopped, when suddenly his eyes meets yours and for a moment there's nothing but silence between you two. You felt so much tension that made you intensly grip onto your chair. He suddenly breaks the tension and warmly says, "well, it's off" while he goes back to his chair. Before sitting down he says "well not that much actually, but it looks fine".
After that situation you can feel yourself relaxing and your heart pounding no more. So that's when you start going on about it, thinking, roman roy had let down his guard and had a little moment with each other, but none of you said anything about it, like it was nothing; however, you thought it was, fun. You liked the adrenaline of it, with him.
"so i think we can ta-" you interrupted him when you realize it was getting late, knowing you were supposed to close your café because you promised your co-worker Liza she could leave early today. "oh- shit shit sorry" he looked stunned by your sudden cut off as you look over your watch while quickly getting up from your seat. "actually i think I should come over another time, i ought to go back to my shop- tomorrow! I'll come back tomorrow, Sunday" you tell him.
You rapidly leave the room and not looking back since you were in a hurry. You find yourself unconsciously smiling while you walk to the elevator; you're looking forward for this kind of moment to happen again... and so does roman probably.
continue ✧⁠*⁠。
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shinjisdone · 3 months
I've been inflicted with VS brainrot and am currently in progress of making an oc. Also, I read all your Thorfinn series, and oh my god, that was so good. I need to share my brainrot about that later, but I'm sharing this for now.
This probably will have a lot to do with how I characterize my oc, but hear me out: feral dog x feral cat type energy. Like, yes, Thorfinn does have cat tendencies, but he's 100% more of a dog to me.
So what if someone joined up with the band who's sort of weird, for lack of a better word? (I'm using female pronouns because my oc will probably end up being a girl. We love weird girls.) She doesn't seem to speak to anyone, no one is really sure if she can even talk, period. She just sort of stares at them, not really acknowledging them, but she is, in fact, very aware of their every move.
No one can touch her in combat. Either she's too fast or she cuts down anyone who gets in range of her spear. The way she uses it is different from a normal warrior, at least among the band, she moves in a deadly dance that indicates expert training.
She eats her meals alone and practically refuses to eat in any other scenario. That's also really the only time anyone can understand her, despite her eternal quiet, she makes her displeasure known with a glare almost as deadly as Thorfinn's. Or if someone keeps pushing, a good stab wound will keep them away.
Despite their similar ages, her and Thorfinn don't really get along at first, if at all. It could be said that they're too similar that they clash. They both are quiet and deadly fighters who have difficult pasts and trauma that led them here. The difference is in how they deal with it.
Thorfinn is consumed by his rage and emotions, despite trying to appear unfeeling most of the time. She appears to be the opposite, seeming almost like an emotionless doll who's logic and motives are difficult to understand. Lashing out vs Repressing every feeling till numb.
I think that attitude pisses Thorfinn off, how she seems to just blindly follow orders without thinking for herself. While she just quietly takes whatever verbal attack he throws at her with that stare of hers. After this initial confrontation(?) they don't really interact outside of maybe being paired up for one of Askeladd's schemes.
I feel like it'd take something similar to what happened in your story, an unexpected act of kindness, to start breaking the ice between them. Maybe Thorfinn gets injured badly, and she basically has to force him to let her treat it. I'm talking, having to hold his stubborn ass down to deal with it. Maybe this is the first time she actually speaks, a simple "Let me help you."
Things start to shift between them after that, the first step for the cat and dog to realize that they never were enemies.
I didn't really get into the weird shit they'd probably do, as the resident feral cat and dog they are but I hope you see what I'm trying to convey.
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putting on my reading glasses
honestly, an reader who is just as hostile as Thorfinn and even better, silent and hostile to the rest of the band is really good. it makes the angst and slow burn write itself.
also yes"!!!!! Thorfinn IS dog energy! But the bad, barking and biting kind!
also their different approach to deal with the violence and trauma also leads to really good conflicts on who is doing what right and while the other tries to understand the other, they cannot meet eye to eye and sliiiiight resentment might start to build ooooooohh
and honestly it would be peak, it would be mwah chef kiss if the oc is kept as mysterious and closed off to keep Thorfinn and others guessing and for the angst to consume all.
mwah mwah very nice big red stamp with 'approved' slammed on it
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xbeezchaos · 2 years
BPD! Scaramouche pt.3
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A/N:Y’all are eating this up and I like writing this so here you go. Today we’ll be focusing on two specific symptoms of bpd. Self image and disassociation episodes. How he experiences them (not really. A good chunk is my own experience) and things he does.
Notes: scara x reader, no pronouns used, you helping him through these different episodes and emotions, cuddles, pet names , etc.
He often goes from this depressed and disassociated state:
Staring off blankly at everything and inspecting his surroundings
He ca. be very irritable and snappy with basically everyone because he’s in what he calls “The void”
Touching, hitting and pulling at his clothes, skin and body parts because he cannot fathom how he’s a solid being
Everything being loopy, twisted and feeling distant from him
Having irritability due to how slow everything feels. Even when it’s not slow. To him the worlds in agonizing slow motion
Everything being too loud or too quiet
“Sweetheart, can you pass me my headphones?” He’d hold his arm out, patiently waiting for you to hand them to him.
Not being able to pick up or hold many or a single conversation for hours to days at a time
Struggling to get out of bed or complete tasks
“My love, come back. I need you in my arms, please.” He’d practically whined out the last word.
“You know I’d love to but then good going to make sure that gorgeous face eats and drinks anything at all today if I don’t?” You kissed the top of ups head and left the room to go Make breakfast for you two
Sense of time being jumbled and confusing to him. So he uses way more timers and alarms.
You help by trying to run bu the same schedule. Setting the same alarms so you could shoot him a text to make sure he was on track with his day.
If he was he’ll text you back a long message about wanting to kill someone or himself. Sometimes both or in order of some sort of plan he’s devised on his breaks.
You find it funny and concerning how a simple comment would trigger him to say the most in response.
“Eat rocks and die.” Then he’ll proceed to ignore everyone with his noise canceling headphones on blast.
To this self image crisis and Euphoric mindset;
Cutting/dying his hair cause he realized how good he’ll look with the new image he has for his hair.
I mean. Do you think someone else besides himself picked and did that haircut?
Of course he’ll eventually ask for your help once too much damage has been done. But you’ve grown very skilled with fixing his hair
Getting new piercings. He will think on it first then do it as long as he has money ofc.
Loves getting his tongue pierced. Even if it took a few days before he could talk right again
Buying tons of things he may not need or use later
Likes spoiling you too. It can range from big to small things. Whatever he can think of to make you happy.
He loves the rush he gets when he sees the new things he has or how happy he makes you with the gifts.
Will last from hours to minutes so please be ready for him to come down from it.
Gets tattoos. And will bring you along, so you watch as the excitement slowly morphed into euphoria and he begins to shake and bite at the skin on his nails
How else did he get the gorgeous marks that illuminate in the dark?
He likes having you touch his tattoos once they’re fully healed.
Makes impulsive travel plans and follows through with them.
Tries new makeup or style or something to alter his appearance
Has constant thoughts of not feeling like he’s really himself. More of somebody else impersonating the real version of him.
Can’t look at himself for too long in pictures or the mirror for too long because in his words “that’s not me. It looks like me but something is seriously off. And I don’t like it.”
“I need to be. Not me. I’m doing too well and I’m tempted to fuck that up.” He says that a lot. Mainly to himself but on occasion you’ll overhear
Take his phone, laptop, wallet and whatever else away because he can and will but shit and dive into his savings without a second thought
“Cmon. It’s to cope! I deserve it!”
“Really? What you deserve is a fucking nap, let’s go!”
He proceeds to fight his way from sleeping while you lay your full body weight on him to keep him pinned to the bed with all of his electronics besides the tvs locked in another room
When he came down from this euphoric feeling. He was lucky to have you there because more often than not. He’d start crying.
Note!!!!:So that’s all I can think of right now and I don’t proof read but I’m hoping you guys love this one just as much as the last. If there’s anything else you wanna see or bpd Scara travel on to my ask box cause I’m running out of ideas.
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broodybuck · 11 months
Breaking Up the Neighbors | Series Part 2
Series Summary: Steve moves into his dream home and falls for his engaged neighbor.
Series Tags: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | Rated E | Tags: 18+ explicit smut, consensual cheating, pining, neighbors AU, no powers AU, top Steve, bottom Bucky, established Bucky and Zemo
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[PART 1]
Zemo’s away a lot, it ends up. Which is a cruel curse because Steve quickly learns Bucky doesn’t like to be alone. He could have figured this out on his own when Bucky continued to invite him over nearly every night his fiancé was away. But he goes so far as to admit it one night.
“I just hate being alone.” 
He says it so casually and quietly, Steve wants to hug him but he stops himself. He has to stop himself.
“There any time Zemo’s work lightens up and he’s home more?”
Bucky shrugs, “Sometimes but not usually. But I’m used to it.”
Clearly, he’s not happy about it, Steve can’t help but think. He finds himself once again wondering how these two make this relationship work. It always sounds like it’s not working for Bucky and yet the stupid wedding is still happening. 
Well, he’s pretty sure it is, Steve thinks to himself one guys' night he's sitting on the couch overhearing Bucky on the phone with Zemo.
“What do you mean, you can’t make it,” Bucky hisses from the kitchen.
Steve waits out the pause, uncomfortably clasping his hands in his lap.
“It’s our wedding. We should both be there — no, you do this all the time!”
He hears Bucky groan and then the slam of what sounds like his phone on the counter. There’s a silent beat. Then Bucky walks back in with the beers he was fetching before his phone rang.
“You okay?” Steve asks. He accepts the beer as Bucky sits down beside him.
“Zemo…” he starts and then sighs agitated. He pauses to close his eyes. 
“We don’t have to talk about it,” Steve offers but Bucky looks over at him and frowns. 
“I just… don’t get it. He’s the one who proposed, he tells me all the time how excited he is for the wedding and then he does this shit over and over again.”
Steve bites the inside of his mouth, he doesn’t have a defense for Zemo and he doesn’t want to defend the guy anyway.
“I’m sorry,” Steve says. “Maybe the wedding can be pushed back?”
Bucky shakes his head, “We shouldn't even…”
He goes quiet.
“What?” Steve prompts.
“I thought we were breaking up,” Bucky spits out. Steve’s eyes go wide and Bucky’s head drops. “We weren’t doing so great and getting married was something I always asked for. He’s the one who was always working or away or found some other excuse not to propose. Then he proposes…”
“I don’t know what to say,” Steve says remorsefully.
Bucky thumbs the rim of his beer bottle, still not meeting Steve’s eyes. Steve can’t help but push a little.
“I mean, maybe the proposal was to avoid the… inevitable.” 
“What do you mean?” Bucky asks, eyes snapping back to him.
“You said things weren’t going well so much so that you thought he was breaking up with you and for the guy who put off proposing all this time to propose on that night… I don’t know, I’m just speculating here.” 
“He thought I was gonna break up with him?” Bucky ponders, eyes widening. 
“Possibly,” Steve shrugs and tries to think of what he can say to keep the conversation moving toward: break up with the guy already, cancel the damn wedding!
“But who would use a wedding as a distraction? You don’t just commit to a person forever to avoid getting dumped," Bucky argues.
“It’s hard when you’ve been with someone for so long, I imagine."
Bucky merely shakes his head still processing. 
“You two probably need to talk.”
“Yeah, we’re gonna,” Bucky snips, anger trailing his voice. 
Steve turns back to the TV to hide his disbelieving smile. 
Zemo stays home for the next few weeks. Apparently, when his fiancé is mad at him all his business trips cease to exist. 
Steve selfishly misses his guys’ nights with Bucky. He keeps waiting for his phone to ring or for a knock at his door but with Zemo home, there’s no word for a while. 
The knock he’s been waiting for finally comes after three weeks of not seeing the beautiful man next door. Steve swings his front door open to the sight of Bucky and smiles with relief.
“Hey Bucky.” Bucky has a frown plastered on his face. “Do you want to come in?”
“Yeah, thanks,” Bucky says. They walk to the couch in Steve’s living room and sit down together. 
“Did you and Zemo talk?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, we’ve been talking a lot… we’ve decided to take a break.”
Steve greatly tries to hide his delight and keeps his expression steady. He nods and tries to look remorseful, even.
“Sorry to hear that.”
Bucky shakes his head, “I can’t do it anymore.”
“Do what?”
“Be with him. Deal with this constant up and down shit.”
Steve’s eyes widen.
“So have you told him that?”
“I can’t yet,” Bucky says, his eyes staggering to the floor.
“A thing you should know about me,” Bucky starts uneasily, ”I get… attached to people. Like really attached. I gave everything to Zemo and so, even when it’s bad with him, he knows me better than anyone. And that's a comfort for me. It’s hard to let that go, you know?”
“That’s why you’ll take your time to get to know the next person,” Steve tells him.
“Right. And then I got to thinking… I’ve gotten to know you.”
“Yeah, it’s been fun getting to know you too," Steve smiles genuinely.
“We have a lot in common,” Bucky says staring off into the other corner of the room. 
“Yeah, we’re both from Brooklyn. Both like art and reading,” Steve concedes.
“Exactly,” Bucky says and finally looks over to meet Steve’s eyes. His gaze suddenly intense. “I need to know I can move on.”
“You can,” Steve encourages. 
“I…” Bucky says and blinks back down to the floor. “I’ve only ever been with one man my whole life. I don’t— I need to know I can be with someone else if I’m ever gonna move on. I thought maybe you…”
“Me?”  Steve asks, the excitement so heavy in his throat he can barely get the words out.
“I know this is a lot to ask but I trust you.”
“Does Zemo know about this?” 
“No. The plan is to break up with him. I need to. I can’t keep doing this anymore but it’s like I said, I’m too attached to him even… in bed,” Bucky’s voice cracks slightly. “I need to know I can do this with someone else.”
Steve stops his eyes from going wide and scoots over a cushion, closer to the man. Bucky looks up, his face reddening, but he doesn’t look away this time.
“I know you can be with someone else,” Steve tells him again.
“So would you… consider…” Bucky hesitates so much that Steve nods confidently.
“I would,” Steve states calmly although his insides are erupting.
“Just to be clear, this can be a one-time thing. Something to help me out. It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
Steve frowns but hides it quickly. 
“Of course, whatever you need.”
Bucky nods and then stands, “So… the bedroom?”
Steve motions to the stairs and Bucky moves toward them, climbs them one at a time. Steve follows right behind, his stomach dancing with excitement. He’s finally about to have his hot neighbor in bed, how did he ever get so lucky?
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
never be me / eddie munson
one shot
cw: angst, painful as heck, cursing, tears galore
eddie decides he’ll never be good enough for you and refuses to let you believe otherwise.
a/n: i want to include this in a possible future fic i’ll be writing so here’s a sneak peak of the pain it will cause :) also i wrote this in the car on the way to tennessee so if it sucks or has a lot of errors im sorry
eddie knew it was a dumb idea from the start. you were pretty, popular, a token good girl. and he was him.
you deserved one of those preppy boyfriends who took you to nice restaurants, wasn’t afraid to hold your hand in public, and one who didn’t have a reputation as he did. he couldn’t even let himself make it official with you. he was too scared.
now he was making it to your house as he did almost every thursday. except today it wasn’t for a study session. he’d graduated, because of you. you’d both graduated that previous weekend. he felt terrible as he thought of how to go about this. he’s never broken up with someone before, shit he’s never been this involved with someone before. he’s never loved anyone like this before.
he wanted to be selfish and keep you forever, but you had such a big future ahead of you. you’d been accepted to harvard, your dream school, and he didn’t want you having to worry about him. he’d corrupted you, so badly, and he regretted every second of it because all along he knew no matter how much he wanted too he wasn’t going to stay with you.
he’d changed you from your parents golden girl who never put a finger out of place to one who constantly defied them. you drank, you smoked, you began questioning your beliefs in god that you were so firm in when you first moved here, you were different. he took all those qualities away from you, but the thing he regretted the most was taking your virginity.
he held your purity ring in his hand as he walked up towards your front door. his hand was shaking while he stared at the dainty silver ring he wore on his necklace for the last two months. he took your virginity, something that was super important to you, just because he was selfish. he wanted to live in ignorance as long as possible, but he couldn’t spend any more time pretending like he wasn’t going to break your heart at some point. he took a deep breath and rang your doorbell.
it took a few moments and your door was flinging open. “eds! i didn’t know you were coming,” you say, smile covering your face as you fling yourself into his chest. eddie closes his eyes and gulps.
he lightly rests his arms on your back before pulling out of the hug. “sorry, i was just wondering if we could talk,” he says weakly. you nod, standing on your toes to press a peck to his lips before grabbing his hand and guiding him inside.
“oh, i was going to call you earlier but i’ve been cleaning all day,” you began as you guided him to your bedroom. “i was thinking maybe we could go to that one water park outside of indianapolis on saturday? i know you’ve never been, and we could take robin and steve too?” you asked excitedly, recalling eddie previously mentioning how fun a water park looked.
eddie feels the inside of his nose burn as he already feels like crying. he wills them back, wanting you to believe he wanted this breakup. “i can’t,” he says firmly and you half turn to him on the stairs with a frown.
“oh, well then we can go sunda-“
“i can’t,” he interrupts you and you close your mouth slowly.
you reach the top of the stairs at this point and pout. “maybe we can go next weekend then?” you suggest.
eddie feels the pain in his heart intensify already. “uh, no, y/n, i don’t think so,” he says and your pout turns into confusion. “can we just- please sit down i have some stuff i need to get out,” he huffs, more frustrated with himself then anything.
“yeah, um, o-okay,” you stutter nervously. you finish walking him to your room, dropping his hand as you sit on your bed.
he bites his lip, pacing and rubbing his hand over his face as he tries to compose himself. you look at him with concern, worried something was wrong. he looks into your eyes, faltering as he sees the worry painted in them. he wanted to back out, maybe spit out that he loved you and finally wanted to be what you wanted.
but he couldn’t. because you deserved better than him. he walks up to you and holds your ring out to you. “you should take this back,” he says shakily.
you look from his eyes to the ring. “why?” you ask.
eddie grits his teeth nervously, looking away from you. “i um-,” he starts, having to stop and take a deep breath. “whatever we are… i want it to be, to be done. i-i’m breaking up with you,” he says, looking anywhere but your eyes.
the whole world around you went blurry. your ears started to ring as a huge lump took hold in your throat. you’re silent for a moment as you process what he just said. break up. he doesn’t want you anymore. eddie looks to you and when he does his heart crumbles. he wants to take it back, but it’s too late. “b-break up?” you whisper and eddie winces.
he nods and looks off to the side again, tearing his gaze from your broken expression. “this just isn’t working, y/n,” he says softly.
“w-what isn’t working? i did- i did everything you wanted,” you ask, desperate. eddie closes his eyes as a knife digs into his already torn heart. you were right, you did everything he asked you to and here he was, saying you weren’t enough. fuck.
“we just aren’t meant to be together, okay?” he says, grabbing your wrist and placing the ring in your hand. tears stream down your face as the cold metal makes contact with your hand.
you looked up to him, swearing you saw the regret in them. “but we are, you-you said so,” you say and eddie furrows his brows.
he shakes his head, “i never said that,” he whispers, wracking his mind to try and remember if he did.
your lip quivers as a sob threatens to spill from your lips. “you did,” you sob out and eddie resists with everything in him to keep from scooping you into his arms and telling you it was all okay, that it was just a mistake. “after graduation, when we all got drunk at steve’s, you told me that you never wanted to be with anyone else. that we were-were made for each other,” you cry and eddie’s entire face falls.
“i-i did?” he chokes. he didn’t think he got that drunk that night.
you nod your head yes before standing. “take the ring back, it belongs to you now,” you say, holding it out.
his guilt filled eyes begin to water. “y/n, no, that’s yours,” he whispers.
a bit of rage enters your bloodstream. “no, because you took it, remember? i let you because you made me believe you cared about me! so, this is yours,” you say, slamming it into his chest and waiting for him to take it. he does with shaky fingers, intimidated by your small outburst. you never lost your temper.
you turn around, pulling at your hair so hard you feel like your scalp could bleed. eddie feels himself collapsing on the inside at the state of you. he reaches out towards you, wanting to pull you into him. “you told me you loved me… you lied?” you ask, refusing to turn to him.
eddie doesn’t know what to say. he does love you, but he doesn’t want you to convince him to stay. “that doesn’t matter,” he dismisses, resting his hand on your shoulder.
you fling his hand off you and spin around. “doesn’t matter?! are you fucking serious?” you scream, causing eddie to physically jump. oh fuck, you almost never cussed.
“y/n…” he starts carefully.
you shake your head, fists clenching. “no, eddie! you mean everything to me! you’re- you’re basically all i have. yeah there’s robin but she doesn’t know me like you do, i told you everything. everything! i let myself fall in love with you because you acted like and told me you loved me too. and now what? you just wanted to get to me, change me, corrupt me? take my virginity, make me need you, and then leave?” you scream.
a couple tears trickle down eddie’s cheeks. “no, no, baby, i promise you that’s not it,” he says, taking a step towards you.
you shove him back with the little strength you can manage. ���then what the fuck is it?” you cry.
“i had to leave you before you left me,” he admits and you turn to glare at him.
“what?” you ask.
eddie closes his eyes. “it’s not just that, but you’re going to college, y/n. harvard for fuck’s sake! i can’t keep you when you have all these opportunities. and-and i don’t deserve you. you deserve someone so much better, someone who can make you happier than i can,” he explains and you stare at him with disappointment in your eyes as your heart splits further.
“since when did you think you got to make this choice for me? i don’t care what i deserve or what you think i deserve. i want you, eddie! i only want you,” you say, choking on your words
eddie shakes his head. “you’d be making a mistake if you stayed with me. there’s so many guys so much better than me. you said it yourself i corrupted you. you need someone stable, someone who knows how to care for you, someone who’s everything you need. and it’ll never be me. i’ll never be able to be that for you. i’m not doing this because i don’t want you or don’t love you, i’m doing this because you need to realize you can’t love me,” he explains, watching you cry.
“that’s such bullshit,” you scream, face soaked in tears.
eddie lets out a small hiccup and shakes his head. “baby, i’m doing this for you,” he says.
you cover your face with your hands as you try and grasp this. “you can’t decide this for me. i-i know what i need and i want to work on it with you because i want it to be you! maybe i wanted to be corrupted, did you ever think of that? i don’t care if you’re stable because in relationships you care for each other when you’re not. you are everything that i need, eddie,” you beg, trying to get it through to him.
eddie closes his eyes in a mix of pain and frustration. “no, i'm not. you’re not thinking long term, baby. i can’t follow you to school, you won’t even have me around and i can’t support you from hundreds of miles away even if we could work this out,” he explains.
you go quiet and let out a sob. “i denied harvard,” you whisper and eddie freezes up.
“you-you what?” he asks, stunned.
you look up to him, pain pouring from every pore of your body. “i told harvard no, eddie. i’m going to university of indianapolis, it’s like less than forty five minutes away,” you say, picking at your nails.
eddie feels his chest deflate. “why’d you… harvard is your dream school,” he says, confusion filling his bones.
you looked up at him with empty eyes. “harvard is a dream, you’re real,” you say quietly and eddie’s whole heart shatters.
“you didn’t go to harvard… because of me?” he asks in a whisper.
you nod, biting your lower lip. “you begged me not to go… told me you needed me and shit and that everyone else always leaves. i didn’t want to be everyone else, and honestly i’d rather stay close to you that start over again completely in a new state,” you admitted.
eddie closes his eyes. “that’s so,” he starts, “stupid,” he exhaled. you narrow your eyes at him, you did it because you loved him.
“i did it for you, for us,” you say, anger filling your blood again.
eddie shakes his head. “no, i-i’m not holding you back. call them, write them whatever. you need to go to harvard,” he demands.
you furrow your brows. “no, eddie i want to stay here, with you,” you say.
he shakes his head once more, swallowing. “you can’t stay here with me. be-because we’re not even together, at all anymore. i'm not changing my mind. i’m sorry, but, there’s never going to be an us,” he says, really only saying it so you’d go. he couldn’t be the reason you didn’t go to harvard. he was nothing compared to that school. that was your dream, not him.
“but, eddie, i love you, and i know you love me too-“ you say but eddie holds up his hand.
he knows you’ll probably know he’s lying, but he prepares to lie anyway. “no, i don’t. no matter what you do, i won’t be with you. just- i-i never want to see you again. goodbye, y/n,” he says, turning and bolting out of your room.
your heart shatters as he leaves. “eddie!” you call, bolting after him. “eddie, wait, please,” you say, running down the stairs after him. since when was he fast?
eddie tries his best to tune you out, tears falling freely from his eyes. “eddie, please, don’t do this. please, don’t leave me,” you scream, sobbing as you blindly run out the door he left open in his rush.
eddie chokes on his sobs as he hears your pained cries. “eddie, please,” you sob, as he opens the door to his van, hopping in and starting it. you reach his passenger door which was locked but you put your hands to his window. at some point, it has started to rain and your tears were starting to bleed into the rain drops.
eddie takes one look at you and falters, he was breaking you. and it hurt like hell. “please, i love you,” you sob, hands slapping on the wet glass. it’s for your own good, eddie tells himself. he throws his van in reverse and floors it out of your driveway.
you try running after him, but he’s peeling out of your neighborhood like he was running from the police. eddie lets out a sob as he watches you fall to your knees at the end of your driveway, crying into your hands as the rain soaked through your clothes. “god damnit!” he yelled, slamming his hands on the steering wheel.
just about twenty four hours later there’s banging on eddie’s trailer door. he groans, burying himself further into his depression bed. he was currently laying in just his boxers in a mess of tissues, snot covered sheets, a blanket you’d left in his van, and holding one of your sweatshirts you kept here to sleep in. the banging doesn’t stop and suddenly on his window, causing him to jump.
“get out here, munson, i know you’re in there,” steve harringtons voice yells at his closed and covered window.
“fuck,” eddie mutters. he was definitely about to get his ass beat. he stood up, pulling on a stray pair of pajama pants and wiping his nose for the millionth time. there’s more knocking on his door and he groans. “i’m coming!” he yells hoarsely. he marches to his door, swinging it open to see robin, steve, and dustin standing at his door.
dustin’s jaw drops at the sight of eddie. his face was beet red, his eyes were swollen, red, and glossy, and his nose looking raw from rubbing it, not to mentioned his bloody lips for how much he was biting them. “where’s y/n?” robin asks directly, looking around eddie.
he furrows his brow, maybe she hasn’t told them yet. “not here?” he questions, voice nasally. robin pushes past him, deciding she needs to search for herself. “hey, what the fuck?” eddie says, stumbling back.
“she’s not with you?” steve asks, looking at dustin who looked panicked. “that’s your girlfriend, man, you’ve gotta know where she is,” he continues.
eddie coughs into his hand, eyes stinging again. “she was never my- doesn’t matter. we broke up, yesterday,” he says, crossing his arms and looking down to his toes.
“oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. that’s probably why,” dustin says, slapping steve on the arm, an alarmed expression on his face.
robin comes back to them, tears in her eyes. “i don’t know where else to look,” she whispers and eddie looks between them all.
he starts to panic, what were they talking about? “wait, what’s going on?” he asks, looking to dustin knowing he’d be the first to spill anything.
“y/n is missing,” he says and eddie’s eyes widen.
“what?” he yells, fear flooding his entire body.
robin and steve look between each other and steve knows he has to talk because robin’s about to start crying. “y/n was supposed to hang out with us last night and take dustin to breakfast this morning. she didn’t show up or answer any of our calls. we went over last night but no one answered the door. about an hour and half ago i took the hidden key they have and just went in. she’s not there but her car is and we-we found this,” steve says, reaching into his pocket. he pulls out a crumpled piece of notebook paper and hands it to eddie.
i need to be alone, please don’t look for me x -y/n
eddie feels like his soul leaves his body as he begins to shake.
oh god.
oh no.
what did he do?
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bunnirs · 2 years
Your Honor // Nakahara Chuuya x Reader
Synopsis: Chuuya’s home late, and you’re certainly not the forgiving type. What the fuck is keeping him away so late? What the fuck could be so important?
Warning: Cussing, Murder of a really good cheese pizza I was wishing I had in my freezer, Makeout session?
It was getting late, dinner was already cooked and set out on the table, a large spread of decently made food, something you had put a lot of effort into making though you wouldn’t call yourself the best cook.
But, nevertheless, you did your best in preparing a suitable dinner for your lovely boyfriend, who was taking his sweet fucking time getting home. It was already past eight when you decided to give the bitch a ring and chew the fedora off his head. And to your growing rage, the call rang through to voicemail.
Pushing yourself away from the dinner table, you stood up and walked to the couch, throwing yourself down as you went to find some shitty TV show to pass the time until Chuuya could get home, only for you to kill him for real. You found yourself dozing off until you finally heard the door open and the angry stomps that followed the sound of it slamming back shut.
“So, what? Mori hold you back to talk about the Monster High reboot or some shit? I went through the trouble of cooking your bitch ass a full course meal and what? You wanted to shoot the shit or something?” You snarked as you stood back up to face him, surprised when you saw him striding towards you with an equally pissed off expression.
“Excuse me–” You started, but were cut off as he took your face with both hands and forcibly dragged you downwards, crashing his lips with yours. Blushing in return, you go to lean into the kiss when you taste something strange on your lips. You put your hands on his chest and push him back slightly causing him to groan in disappointment as you surveyed his face.
“Chuuya, what happened?” You asked in a concerned voice, looking at the busted lip and purple forming on his brow.
He seemed pissed that you would even notice, too proud to bring it up to you in the first place. “It’s nothing. Come back here.” He went to grab for you to embrace you again, but you had already slipped away to the kitchen to find him something to put on his face.
You rolled your eyes, “Stop thinking with your dick, I’m just going to grab you some- uh-” You searched around the freezer. “Would frozen pizza work?”
“Are you stupid? No, frozen pizza wouldn’t work–” He hissed in pain as you shoved a Red Baron Four Cheese pizza onto his face.
“Care to explain?” You gestured at him.
Chuuya groaned as he pulled out a chair from the table, sitting down and taking a bite out of the spaghetti that you made for him. He grimaced in disgust. “Why is it cold?”
You plopped yourself down across from him, your anger slowly returning from when he was late. “Well, it would’ve been hot a couple hours ago but someone wasn’t fucking here to eat it.”
He glared at you. “Whatever.”
Later, you would surely laugh at the sight of your boyfriend twirling noodles with one hand and holding a frozen pizza pie to his eye with the other, but your current resentment and concern took precedence. “Seriously Chuuya, who fucked you up like this?”
He almost seemed hurt that you would think he could lose to anyone but his natural anger came through. “Well, maybe if someone wasn’t coming into headquarters ass out, I wouldn’t have had to deck a motherfucker.”
You sputtered for a second. “Huh?”
“Last friday, when you just had to come in wearing tight pants and that stupid fucking shirt you just had to walk by some shitbag lackeys, didn’t you?” He grabbed the already open bottle of wine and pulled the cork out with his teeth, sliding his chair back and propping his legs on the table as he drank straight from the bottle.
This didn’t come as a surprise to you, as you knew that he’s had issues with your outfits before. Not you specifically, of course, as he’s always held a certain appreciation for your body, but rather when the both of you were in public and you’d get quite the number of unnecessary stares from others.
“I told you to stop caring about what others think of me,” You rolled your eyes. “I get it a lot anyways so I’m used to it by now.”
“What? Having creepy ass men call you a whore?” You watched as he kicked his legs off and stood up to walk around the table to you, grabbing your chin so you could meet his eyes. You could very clearly smell the wine on his breath and smirked as you watched his attention slide down to your lips.
You turned your face away, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of some anger induced make out session. “I’m not in the interest of kissing brutes at the moment, try again later–” You were cut off as you felt his lips on your pulse point, causing a squeak to come out of your mouth and your breathing to turn shaky as you stuttered out. “Beside that, that pizza in your hand is a little unflattering.”
He groaned as he threw it away from the both of you, and you gasped as you felt the cold hand slipping up your shirt to grasp your waist. “Come on, let’s just make love. It’s the only thing that’ll make it better.”
“Stop changing the subject,” You stood up abruptly to glare at him, “I’m not in the mood when my boyfriend looks busted as hell. You shouldn’t fight for honor ‘cause we’re all born sinners.”
Chuuya bared his teeth at you as he grabbed your wrist to drag you back. “You should've heard the shit they were saying about you, calling you a fucking whore, I’m not just going to stand around and hear that from some shit eating lowlifes.”
“I know what I am and I know what I’m not, Chuuya, I don’t give a fuck what some nobody’s got to say about how I look,” You rolled your eyes as you lifted your hand to his face and ran a thumb under his eye. You huffed a laugh as he winced slightly, resting your forehead onto his.
He brought your body closer and eventually turned the two of you around so he could sit down with you in his lap. You hugged him as he shoved his head into your neck and mumbled quietly into it.
“What was that?” You question as you bring your hand up to play with his red hair.
“I said I fucking love you,” Chuuya grumbled. “And my hand hurts like a bitch.”
You giggled at his betrayed expression as you stood up out of his lap, leaning down to kiss him sweetly. “Hold on, your honor, I’m just getting some ice for your hand.”
cross posted on ao3: here!
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Half of
Danny Fenton was half ghost. Or something.
No one was quite sure what that meant exactly or if it was even true. A ghost in a pure white suit had announced it during an attack on the town until he was beaten and silenced by Phantom. It’s been three days since then and the nerd hasn’t been at school. Not that Dash was looking for him or anything.
Dash worried, for just a second, that something bad happened to him. The Guys in White creeps had been asking questions around school the last few days. There’d been a noticeable lack in ghost attacks around town, maybe another ghost got to him? What about his ghost obsessed parents? Surely they wouldn’t have done anything to their own kid...
“Think Danny will be in school today?” Kwan whispered nervously, leaning in close to Dash’s side. Talking too loudly about the elephant, or ghost he guesses, in the room got people very forcefully interviewed by the government. 
“Why the hell would I know?” Dash grumbled, shaking his friend off to shove his hands deep into the pockets of his letterman jacket. “No one knows what’s going on, Manson and Foley haven’t shown up either.”
“I hope they’re ok,” Kwan said quietly, looking down at the floor. 
“Why do you care?” Dash grumbled, harsher than he meant to.
“You and everyone ditched me for Danny when Paulina was dating him, remember? Sam and Tucker were real pals and Danny, well he’s weird but not really that bad.” Kwan said bitterly before his eyebrows twisted in confusion. “That was actually pretty out of character for Paulina to date him now that I think about it, maybe he was, like, using ghost magic to control her?”
“That’s stu-” Dash was interrupted by the usually noise of Casper High going dead silent. He and Kwan shrugged at each other. He saw Star down the hallway, staring at something. He caught her eye and mouthed What is it at her. Her eyes slid back over to the hall before mouthing Fenton back. 
“Shit,” Dash couldn’t help but mutter under his breath, “Fenton’s here.” He glanced over at Kwan, trying to hide his nervousness. “Guess we’ll find out if he’s some sort of ghost freak after all.”
Kwan eyed him for a second, “you know if Danny really is half of a ghost then maybe you’ll want to quit it with the names.” The warning bell rang for first period. “You guys have homeroom together with Lancer, right? Just, I don’t know, don’t make him mad or anything.”
“Man, don’t even joke,” Dash said with a strained smile. “It’s Fenton, what’s the nerd gonna do?”
Fenton always sat in the back right of the class so seeing him there wasn’t that strange. What was strange was that he was there before the bell rang, not looking sweaty or exhausted or beaten up. Seeing him sitting there with an almost bored expression, casually leaning one arm over the back of his chair. It was eerie, seeing Fenton try to act normal. Dash felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on his head as he stiffly walked by the nerd he usually smacked when he walked by. He thought he felt Fenton’s icy eyes following him as he passed. Dash made sure he didn’t scurry like a wimp to his seat but it was a close thing.
“Class, please stop staring at Mr. Fenton and let us begin,” Lancer sighed, unsuccessfully trying to start the class.
“Do you know the ghost boy?” Paulina asked, slamming her palms on her desk and ignoring their teacher. “Because if you’ve been holding out on me-”
“I mean everyone in Amity Park knows him,” Fenton shrugged. He’d been so chill this morning, like the whole thing wasn’t bothering him. It only made Dash more antsy. He bounced his leg under the desk.
“Can you do anything cool? Like fly or shoot lasers from your eyes?” Mikey asked, leaning forward with curiosity.
“I can do lots of cool things,” Fenton sniffed. “I know a lot about the space program and local astronomy. I draw sometimes and I’m think I’m pretty good. I also have super flexible joints so I can do this.” He grinned a little as everyone squealed when he bent his thumb back so far it nearly touched his wrist. “Of course,” his grin turned into an eye roll, “no one really cares about that only my supposed superpowers.”
“What is a half of, exactly? What that ghost called you?” Dash found himself asking. He almost didn’t want to be heard but Fenton turned to look at him anyways. 
“What do you think it means?” Fenton questioned back. Though he had a teasing smirk, his eyes looked dull and dead. Dash couldn’t look at them and ducked his head. 
“Alright, alright, enough with the questions. The Fenton’s gave Danny a clean bill of health and allowed him to rejoin class so that’s all you kids need to know. Now, back to what we were actually talking about.” Class continued as expected but everyone still snuck glances at Fenton. He’s not sure what they were all waiting for, him to suddenly turn green or sprout horn or whatever. But Fenton just sat there, still as anything, trying to act normal and it just didn’t fit him right and it was all just. Wrong.
Dash was relieved Fenton wasn’t in his second or third period classes but they did have the same lunchtime. For the first time since he was skinny, bucktoothed 6th grader, Dash wanted to hide away and eat his lunch in private. But Fenton wasn’t the only one trying to keep up appearances.
“Alright, what has everyone got,” Paulina was whispering to the table by the time Dash was sitting down. “The day is halfway over, someone had to have seen him doing something ghostly.”
“I mean we don’t know how long he’s been like this,” Star commented, flipping her hair as pretense to sneak a glance at the loser trio near the back entrance of the cafeteria. “He could’ve been hiding his for a while.”
“Fenton’s always been weird,” Dale commented with a sneer, stabbing at his beefaroni. “Since day one, he’s been jumpy and clumsy and goes through weird mood swings.”
“Maybe he’s never been normal,” Kwan said with a little frown. Now Dash knows this wasn’t true. He was the only one at the table who’d gone to the same middle school as Fenton. The nerd had talked too much about space and was always tripping over something but he’d been like all the other annoying brats in middle school. Dale was onto something, Fenton had changed once high school hit which means whatever is up with him as been going on for a while. Years. 
He suddenly felt eyes on him, a cold, crawling feeling that made his breath catch in his throat. Dash squeezed his eyes shut and breathed a silent sigh of relief as the eyes turned from him. They didn’t return but Dash found he couldn’t eat after that.
“Dude, did you hear about Fenton?” Victor said in an excited but still hushed whisper as Dash was leaving fifth period. 
“No, what did he do?” Dash asked with dread.
“He had gym last period and apparently he’s been faking his loser weakness. He crawled up the rope climb like a goddamned spider monkey and then slid himself back down. Don’t know how he didn’t have intense rope burn from that. He also beat Charlie, Katie and Veronica on the sprinting portion. Must be those ghosty genes.”
“Fenton did all that?” Dash asked, he bit the inside of his cheek. Hard.
“Yeah it was crazy, I thought Tetslaf was gonna pass out,” Victor laughed. “Maybe we should get him to try out for the football team, he’d be a great running back or-”
“Come on, Vic,” Dash laughed but the sound came out wrong. “Why would we want Fenton on our team? He’s, he’s Fenton! Just a skinny, weird little wimp.” Vic side-eyed him a bit before clapping Dash on the back.
“World’s changing, Dash. First ghosts, now half ghosts, it’s all wrong but you just gotta roll with it. All I know is I have 2 years left in this hell hole before I leave this miserable place for Chicago and never look back. I recommend you do the same, after all,” Vic grinned again but it was sharper. “Fenton’s always been your personal punching bag, not every day you learn your victim has superpowers.”
“We don’t know what the hell is up with Fenton,” Dash defended. Vic just shrugged.
“Yeah but he’s always been a freak now we know he ain’t human. Who knows what else he’s hiding?” Vic said with a smug smile before wandering off, giving a halfhearted wave over his shoulder as he left.
Dash stood in the hallway, trying to get himself under control until the warning and late bell rang. Only then, when he was certain he wouldn’t run into Fenton, did he head to class. 
“Should we follow him, see where he goes?” Paulina said, biting onto one of her nails in nervous excitement. Paulie was gorgeous and overall pretty cool but her thing with ghosts sometimes tired Dash out. Now more than ever. 
“Come on, that’s like stalking,” Kwan scolded. “Even if that wasn’t illegal or whatever it’s just not cool. They had a rough day today, leave ‘em alone.” That icy chill returned and Dash looked out of the corner of his eye to see Fenton and his cronies walking out of the school. 
Truthfully, Dash didn’t think Fenton had that bad of a day. Yeah people were asking questions but he’d side stepped them all, gave non-answers. Other people talked about Fenton’s supposed strength in gym but there’d been conflicting reports, some said he flew up the rope climb, others said he levitated doing his push ups. Dash really didn’t know what to believe. Fenton was just acting, well, like Fenton. He paused for a second, stopped walking before catching up with the group.
Maybe... maybe Dash was getting caught up over nothing. There really was no proof Fenton was this ‘half of’ other than what one dumb ghost said. He thought back to Fenton’s grin during first period; stupid nerd was probably milking his 15 minutes of fame and bully free time. His earlier fear and uncertainty burst into flames until a familiar anger was burning in his gut. Now this he knew what to do with.
“Yeah, well his day is about to get rougher,” Dash heard himself say as he stomped off to where Fenton was smiling tiredly at something Manson was saying. “Hey Fentonio! Think you’re pretty cool with every paying attention to you but I-”
Fenton gasped suddenly, like a hiccup only his breath misted out in front of him cold as a winter’s day. Dash stopped midsentence watching as Fenton’s whole face twisted. His earlier weary but tolerant annoyance that he’d been projecting all day was stripped away. He glared at Dash with an expression that was hard as ice and full of an exhaustion and bitterness he couldn’t begin to understand.
“As payment for being forcibly outed,” Fenton spoke up loudly enough that most of the school yard could hear him. “I was promised a week.” His eyes slowly but methodically scanned the crowd who had frozen in place at his authoritative tone. “Where I didn’t have to deal with ghosts, so I want to know... Who is trespassing on my haunt.”
Fenton’s mouth opened impossibly wide revealing what seemed like rows of sharped teeth. He curled his fingers into claws and, looking closer, his fingernails had indeed become real claws, as sharp and deadly as his teeth. His eyes blazed an impossible, ectoplasmic green and his dark hair developed streaks of white. He was terrifying, monstrous, but he was still Fenton. That feeling that had been eating at dash all day came back full force. Not the realization that Fenton had powers or whatever but that he had been hiding it in plain sight through ghost attacks and bullies and failing grades. This had always been Fenton, they just hadn’t seen. Until now that is.
And now the script had flipped and Dash didn’t know how this Ghost Fenton, who still was the same Fenton Dash had wedgied last Wednesday, fit. A green blob ghost materialized over by stairs, quivering and wailing in some ghost language. It turned and fled, presumably in the direction of the Fenton Portal to escape Fenton’s wrath. Fenton’s glowing eyes tracked it for a moment before he straightened up from his hunched posture and... was human again.
He brushed his hands through his black hair, lazily blinked blue eyes and, when he smiled, his teeth were normal. But Dash had seen, they all had. He’d let them see but to what end, he had no idea. Fenton turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow and another small smirk, just as tired as earlier.
“Sorry about that Dash, I take my vacation time very seriously. You were saying?” Fenton said with a smug lilt but his eyes were still dead and there was a bit of fear in them now. Despite his powers, he still gripped his backpack tightly.
“When your dumb little vacation’s up, Fentionail,” Dash said with a shaky voice. “It’s-it’s back to business, okay? Punches and wedgies and locker shoving. You,” he voice cracked a bit and he fought it down. “It’ll ramp up now that I know you can take it.” Fenton blinked, once then twice before he smiled. This time it wasn’t annoyed or scary or fearful but like the dumb grins he usually gave his dumb friends. 
“Yeah okay, we’ll start back up next week. The usual time?” Dash nodded, not knowing what else to say. “Alright, see you around.” He turned to walk away before pausing and turning back. “Actually you should be careful on who you shove into lockers, it can get hard to breathe in there and not everyone can phase out of them. You never know who’ll turn up dead,” he grinned and his eyes flashed green again, “if only half.”
That said, he and his friends walked away, ignoring the stares of the entire school on them. “Oh and it’s halfa, not half of,” Fenton called out over his shoulder. “I’m not half of anything, I’m just a whole me even if the details get a bit complicated.”
“Bye Danny, see you tomorrow,” Kwan called after with a grimace. No one else said anything for a minute until Dash found the strength to move his legs from where they’d been planted. He clenched his fists to hide his shaking and continued his walk home. Everyone else slowly did the same, talking quietly among themselves.
“What the hell was that?” Dale asked in a nervous high pitched voice. “What the hell did I just see?”
“Fenton being a weirdo but that’s nothing new,” Dash shrugged with a confidence he didn’t have yet. But if Fenton could show up to school after being outed and then willingly show them his inhumanity, then Dash needed to up his game. Couldn’t let the nerd be cool or anything. “So what if he glows or whatever, he’s still Fenton. Look I gotta get home, it’s Pookie’s feeding time and he is NOT going to believe the day I had.
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Sequels Suck
Part 16
word count: 5,327
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Randy sulked on the raised stone that surrounded the trees in the middle of the campus park. Dewey had planned to meet up regardless...He didn't expect anything from today to happen. Let alone the complete disaster brought upon him by his own impulsive decision. 
'Nice going. Real smooth. Real smart. Seriously, how is she or any other women not groveling at your feet for a chance with you, Randy?' He sarcastically scolded himself as he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands. 'What hurts the most is the idea that she might be with them…That she's lying to me. Just tear out my heart and stomp on it. It'd have the same effect.' 
'I can't blame myself for trying...Someone is going to die whether YN admits it or not. Might as well try before one of us bites the bullet.' He felt his fingers clench in his hair at the thought. 'Please god just don't let it be her. I don't care if she's lying or not...She can't die. Not after our argument...Fuck Randy! Horror movie arguments always end in a blood bath, what the fuck were you thinking?!...If she isn't involved and dies because of me-' 
"Huh?-" He jerked his head up to see Gale raising her brows at him as she puffed on a cigarette. "Hey, Joel has been asking if you want coffee or a damn donut for 5 minutes." 
Dewey glared at her but Randy threw up his hand. "I don't care. Whatever. Thanks Joe." 
He raised his brow. "The names Joel. And you're getting jelly filled and you're gonna like it...Now, when I get back; we are talking about something pleasant and more saved by the Bell-ish." 
Randy gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry, Joel. I'll take whatever…Thanks." 
He shook his head and walked away as Randy went back to staring at the ground with his brows furrowed.
 Dewey nudged him. "Hey...You okay?" 
"No, Dewey. I'm not. Me and YN had a fight and I'm fucking fuming at this whole situation right now. I just want to get this over with!" 
Gale huffed. "Yeah, be careful what you wish for...So, what about?" 
Randy side eyed her. "As if I'm sharing with you...Why is she even here? I thought this was just a meet up with me and you, Dewey." 
Dewey gave a slight shrug as Gale's phone rang. She answered just to hang up and smoke her cigarette.
She huffed. "Look, Xander. I'm your Buffy whether you like it or not. I have all the knowledge of these murders and I am the freakin' media powerhouse that is going to get shit done, okay? You need me." 
Randy scrunched his face. "...Who?" 
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer? It just aired last year. Live under a rock much?"  
"No, I know the show...But Gale...Buffy? We both know you're a Cordelia. You know, the popular mean girl that thinks she's the one doing the most." 
Gale rolled her eyes. "Spare me. All I'm asking is what was said. Any info can be used. YN has a target on her back…" She shrugged with a disbelieving raise of her brows. "Well, so she says at least." 
Dewey lightly glared at her. "What is that supposed to mean?" 
"Hold that thought-" Gale held her finger as she answered the phone again and Dewey rolled his eyes. She hung up and started talking again without missing a beat. "It means that my book wasn't a fabrication. I saw what I saw and after some digging it's obvious she had something to do with the killers." 
Dewey shook his head furiously. "YN? She's a good kid. I told you before,  she was playing them so we both could take them down...It...Obviously didn't work but she wasn't in on it with them." He openly argued with Gale who scoffed at him. 
"Wasn't she? Or was she playing you? She spent an awful lot of time with them. She had on the outfit. She even prevented me from killing Billy Loomis! Think about it;  once her friends were out of the way two boys that plenty of people saw her with would be single... Who's to say she's not faking this as revenge against the accusations? Or better yet; they lived and she's helping them." 
Randy looked startled by that, blinking repeatedly. "...Huh?" 
She gave him an annoyed look. "Oh, don't play dumb. YN has been telling everyone all over campus she's seen Billy Loomis and Stu Macher." 
Dewey licked his lips as he and Randy exchanged a look. Randy gave him a silent warning but he ignored it. 
"Well, what if she did? What if they did live?" 
Gale chuckled with a smile. "Well, then that's going to be one hell of a book sale for me." 
"Yeah, not like that's a giant danger to us or anything." Randy gave a stern glare her way. "YN is not a killer and she's not involved. Give it a rest." 
Gale raised a brow as she took a drag from her cigarette. "Are you sure about that?... What was the argument about, Randy?" 
Randy swallowed, sitting up and gripping the stone ledge under him. He hesitated...Wondering the same thing himself. What if you really were still with them? That the hickey was a willing hookup and not them trying to play a trick like you claimed? What if you chose to save them again at any cost? What if that's really the reason you rejected him earlier?...What if he didn't know you the way he thought he did? 
Regardless...He would never throw you under the bus again.  "Nothing...YN isn't involved, Gale. Drop it." 
Dewey chimed in. "Besides, why would she go saying they're alive if she's involved? That would just put a huge target on her head. And if they are in it together, why would she want to draw attention to them?... It doesn't add up." 
 She sighed as her ringing phone interrupted them again as Dewey leaned over to Randy.
"When did she start smoking?" 
"Ever since those nude pictures on the internet." 
Gale slammed her phone shut and gave them both an unamused look. "It was just my head. It was Jennifer Anniston's body...Can we get back to what we're here for? Let's assume the killer is copying the names of victims from Woodsboro. Follow a pattern. Arthur Himbry the Principal at Woodsboro High was next-" 
Randy held up a finger. "No. James was." 
He remembered that day vividly. From the fear and accusing YN in order to solve it to Billy shoving him against the lockers with murderous rage in his eyes. 
Dewey lit up. "That's right. James Davis, YN's boyfriend. I never did like that kid." 
Gale shrugged with a shake of her head. "Okay, James is a common name. Who do we know with the name James?" 
Dewey shrugged. "Uh, well. I did hear YN mention a guy named James at the hospital. I don't know but maybe if we ask her she can point us in that direction?" 
Gale pointed. "Or we assume the killer isn't following an exact pattern and go to the next possible victim; Arthur  Hughes, The Criminology Professor...The same class as YN's major. How convenient." She gave a bitter smirk as both guys gave her a side glare. "Oh, don't give me that look. You can't let your attachment get in the way of this investigation! People's lives are at stack." 
"And all those bright, shiny book covers." Randy quipped. 
"So, we monitor YN's Professor...Joel...Don't tell him though. He is this close to bailing on me after he read about Kenny...The other victim was Tatum-" 
Dewey glanced at her at the mention of her name and Gale tightened her mouth into a slight frown. "And Sidney. Point is, we have a pattern and if we follow it then maybe we can figure this out in time before the grand finale." 
Dewey cringed. "I wouldn't follow a killer's pattern...Besides, it could be anyone of us. If they're after YN already...Maybe there isn't a pattern? I wouldn't waste our time." 
Gale's mouth dropped in outrage. "Oh, so what do you wanna do, bonehead? Sit here and wait to see who drops next?!" Her phone rang and she rolled her eyes.
 "Well, I don't know...Phonehead." He jeered back.
Gale and Dewey stared at each other as Randy felt himself getting more and more frustrated with the entire situation. After the fourth ring, he jerked the cell phone out of Gale's hand.
"Gale's not here!" He answered for her.
"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?... You three look deep in thought." 
Randy's face dropped as he heard the voice on the other line. He felt that familiar dread coursing through him that had become a common emotional response by now. He had plenty of prank calls...But this one wasn't one of them.
"Have you ever felt a knife cut through human flesh and scrape the bone beneath?" 
He now knew what YN had been dealing with this whole time and now she wasn't seeming so crazy anymore.
Randy swallowed, gently putting his hand over the phone to speak. 
"It's him…" 
You made it to the station where you anxiously waited outside the office. If it was Billy or Stu; it was a small win. It was one less killer after you. If it was Billy, Stu would get scared off. If it was Stu, Billy would have less muscle to help. 
You nervously shook your leg in your chair; springing up when Chief Hartly called you. You heard the voice from inside and got confused.
Chief Hartly spoke to you as you fully stepped inside. "We found him sneaking around the back of the building on his way out." 
You felt a heavy weight of disappointment as Cotton Weary huffed with a disbelieving smirk. "This is ridiculous, I didn't do anything!" 
The Chief huffed. "We'll be the judge of that and so will YN." 
"What? Are you a judge and jury? I'm a free, innocent man-" 
Andrews put his hand on the table to glare down at Cotton. "Then what were you doing on a campus full of kids sneaking around the building?" 
Cotton rolled his lips before nervously grinning with a forced chuckle. "W-What? What?! I can't walk around? If you really must know; I was originally looking for that bitch Gale Weathers who snubbed my chance at an interview-" 
"Watch your mouth." Chief warned.
Cotton threw up his hand in defense. "Sorry, didn't know cussing was breaking the law too. I was looking for Gale and decided...Well hey, ya know. What if I get to talk to YN instead?" He turned to you in his chair. "Dateline interview. Two victims here, getting their story out. You were wrongly accused just like I was!...We can make Gale Weathers the laughing stock of US Today and get the truth out-" 
Andrews slammed his hand on the table before standing up right. "Enough!" Andrews walked around Cotton's chair. "YN was attacked at the theater today. How unsurprising we found you lingering there-" 
"It's not him." You finally interrupted.
All the men in the room exchanged glances before looking at you. Richards spoke up. "...Are you sure?" 
"Yes. My attackers were two young guys here on campus...I couldn't completely recognize them but I know it wasn't Cotton." 
The officers all exchanged skeptical glances as Cotton gave a cocky smirk. "Ya see? YN says it wasn't me; then it wasn't me." 
Chief Hartley huffed, eyeing him as he and your Detectives led you outside the office. 
Chief Hartley asked you in a whisper. "YN, are you sure you can identify them? You're positive it wasn't Cotton Weary?" 
"Yes, I'm positive on both but not by name. I know what they look like but I don't want to alert them by searching." 
Richards urged you. "YN, neither do we but you need to at least give us a description. We are professionals;  we'll keep it discreet...YN...If you're hiding something, you're only hurting yourself and your friends in the long run." 
You bit your inner cheek in thought, fighting yourself before sighing and nodding. What did you have to lose? They were getting bolder and you narrowly escaped death today. You had to try something...Anything.
You sighed before nodding your head and finally talking. "Okay...One was very tall with blonde hair, a nose bridge piercing, a lip piercing and eyebrow piercing...The other had dark hair and a long thin scar on his right cheek." 
The detectives gave you a hopeful look. "That...
Is going to make our job a lot easier and faster." Andrews gave. Richards mumbled to you. "Don't worry, we will keep an eye out without alerting attention." 
You turned to them. "You have to come to me before arresting anyone." 
The Chief huffed. "Young Lady, I think we can do our jobs." 
 "No, you don't understand. They are not your average crook. If you arrest the wrong guy and they see that you're looking; I'm dead." 
They all exchanged looks before the Chief finally relented. "...Alright. We'll have you identify the suspect before making an arrest."
"Thank you." You softly gave as the detectives led you out. The minute your feet touched the steps, the media descended upon you. The detectives pushed them away as Cotton strolled up behind you as he exited the station. 
"Hey, YN. How 'bout a picture to get the press goin? Gonna be a lot of buzz after all this. Might be the last chance-" 
Richards shoved him away. "Get out of here. Now." 
Cotton looked offended at the shove. Starring the detective down before cracking a smirk. "Alright. Suit yourself, YN." 
You watched Cotton get asked questions by the press and smiling broadly. Loving every second of attention. 
You turned to the detectives. "I want to go find my friend Randy. I need to talk to him. He's in the courtyard with Dewey." 
All three of them stood up, looking around as if Ghostface was going to be right there. Randy gripped the phone tightly as Dewey urged him to keep talking before running away with Gale.
Randy's mouth hung open as Dewey and Gale left to split up. He covered the phone to hiss at them. "Hey! There's only three of us; don't ever split-...Up." He deflated as it fell on deaf ears.
He blinked before trying to act casual as he started nervously pacing with the phone in hand. "Uh...Hi...So uh...How's life been for ya?" 
"Not very good, Randy. How's yours been dodging knives and bullets? Constantly looking over your shoulder knowing your time is up?" 
"Not great. This has been a shit day." Randy gave in a jokingly pleasant manner as his eyes scanned around the park...Looking for any sign of Billy or Stu. "So uh...What's your favorite scary movie? Isn't that what we ask here?" 
"You'll never find me." 
Randy huffed, trying to be brave. Trying to not be the terrified teen boy he was two years ago. "Yeah, what do you care? Let them run around and have their fun...So, uh...What's up?" 
He saw Dewey and Gale looking at everyone on the phone as a suspect. It was an idea; what if Billy and Stu had help? 
"What's your favorite scary movie?" 
"Showgirls. Absolutely frightening...What's yours?-" He saw a girl mumbling on the phone and jumped at her to see she was just a normal girl talking. Randy gave an apologetic look and kept walking. 
Randy looked around himself frantically. The adrenaline getting the better of him. Trying to see someone with a voice modulator in their hand. Hoping to find Billy or Stu or even someone helping them. 
"Wait. Let me guess. The House on Sorority Row?...Dorm that Dripped Blood?...Splatter University?...Graduation Day?...Final Exam?...Come on! Give me something to work with after so many years of this crap!" 
Randy whipped his head to everyone on a phone but no sign of a mask or his two old classmates from High School. "Am I close?" 
"Closer than you think." 
Someone collided with Randy's shoulder and he yelped. Just to see a guy catching a football rush past him.
"Too slow, Geek..." 
Randy felt anger slowly replacing the fear as his adrenaline was skyrocketing. 
"Do you want to die?" 
"Is that the best you can do? God, you had two freakin years to perfect your craft and it STILL is the same generic bullshit you hear in some cheap B lister from the 80s...Get new material. " 
"Why are you even here, Randy? You'll never be the leading man no matter how hard you try...And you will never get the girl." 
He felt a sting in his chest at that remark that made him clench his jaw. Especially knowing it was Stu or Billy saying it. 
"FUCK YOOOUUUU!" He drew out low in his throat.
"Were you crying? You look like it. Was it over her? She doesn't want you, Geek. She wants that strapping Derek Feldman. The one with looks, a future...An actual man. Not some little wimp that can't even face his own fears without trembling...No wonder she wants him. Not you...Never you...She chose murders over you in the last movie...Maybe she will again? Maybe it's Derek? Wouldn't that be deja vu? Regardless, she's going to run right into his arms while you bleed out." 
It hurt. Every word felt like he was shot in the chest for a second time. He didn't want to think you were involved. The idea tore him to shreds that you were playing him for a fool like Billy did Sidney...He felt devastated that he was being played. But then he remembered your eyes and the way you looked at him. He saw the look you gave. How upset you were to see him upset. He saw the tears in your eyes and the soft tone you used. He saw how you seemed ashamed and repulsed when talking about what Billy and Stu did.
And he remembered one thing about you that made his heart twist with guilt but also gave him hope. 
'YN's a bad liar. She can't lie for shit...She was being honest with me. She may have been tricked but she's not involved…' 
The thought made him realize he needed to see you as soon as he could and make amends. Even if it didn't end in a kiss like he wished for, he would accept a hug and tell you how sorry he was. That is, as soon as they lured the killer out and settled this once and for all. 
The voice interrupted his thoughts. "What's wrong, dead boy? Scared that you're dying as the annoying sidekick?" 
"Oh yeah? Well, let's redirect here. Because at least I still have a chance after this shit is settled that you'll NEVER have again...Even if I don't. She cares about me as a friend..You don't have too many friends, do you? In fact, you have no one but each other. Must suck ass at Christmas time, huh?" 
Randy continued, pacing the length of the van with a cocky smirk. "Ya know what? I took rejection hard but not like you. You are the epitome of a sore loser! I got rejected, I got hurt, you don't see me wielding a knife and cutting people because I had a bad day... She had a normal fucking life, we all did until Billy Looney and Stu Muncher just had to go and fuck it up." 
The other line was eerily quiet as Randy felt a surge of defiance rush through him. Finally able to get this off his chest.
"While we talk about it; let's dive into that, shall we? Since Stu supposedly died in that fire; let's  discuss. Where to start?...Oh yeah, I know! Stu was a pussy-ass, wet rag that had one brain cell working at all times and Billy Loomis??-Billy Loomis? What the FUCK!? What a rat lookin, homorepressed, mama's boy! Billy; the Jason Dean wannabe that had more mommy issues than Norman fucking Bates!" 
Dead silence was on the other line as Randy gave a triumphant grin. "That's right, I said it assholes! You can chew on it! Why don't you aim higher and start playing with the big boys, huh? Because if this is all you got; you're gonna lose-" 
Randy trailed off, realizing he was breaking a rule...Turning his back on an enclosed vehicle or door or window. Killers usually didn't strike during daylight. But something about being away from people and secluded near closed doors had him bristling. 
He whipped around in time to see the van move and a door rip open.
"Oh fuck-" 
"Where are they? Randy said they'd be here...Oh, wait. There's Dewey...And Gale." You mumbled. Trailing off as you saw them searching for something, or better yet, someone. You felt uneasy at how frantic they looked as Dewey spotted you. You all jogged to meet each other halfway. Both were sweating and looked anxious.
"What's going on?" Andrews asked as Dewey continued looking for someone as he spoke.
"No time. We got a call from the killer and they see us. Right here, right now. It can be anyone here!" 
Richards and Andrews looked around themselves as Gale mumbled. "Hey, where's Randy?" 
Your eyes widened. "What? What do you mean 'where's Randy'!?" 
"Look, we split up-" 
"Shit." You cussed under your breath, instantly rushing away before Gale could even finish her sentence. Cupping your hands to call out to him. "Randy!" As loud as you could. Running and searching for him as the detectives trailed behind, calling out to you to slow down as you ignored them.
You may not trust the rules but you watched enough horror movies with Randy, Billy and Stu to know the one that was missing was almost always dead or in serious danger. It felt like pins and needles from your feet to spine as your nerves reached an all time high. 
You urgently whipped your head in every direction, yelling for him as a million awful scenarios ran through your mind. Most including Stu or Billy eavesdropping and knowing he liked you. Sending them into a jealous rage, or at least, getting rid of Ray for the same reason they got rid of Tatum...Easier access to you. 
You looked away from the park to see him on the phone pacing and yelling. You breathed a momentary sigh of relief as you made your way over to him and he seemed to not even know you were there. You wanted to apologize for everything you said or how it came out. Even if you weren't entirely in the wrong; you still felt awful. You didn't know if there would be a future with him but right now you had to let him know that it had nothing to do with him personally. That you weren't involved and that you cared more about him than you ever would Billy or Stu. You had to try and convince him. You knew that if they ever tried to kill him like they did Sidney; you were taking the shot or letting someone else. Randy and Dewey were your top priority with Hallie, Derek and Mickey close after. Right now, you had to go to him and make amends. 
Your stomach dropped when you were within earshot of Gale's news van that he was standing near. You saw Randy's face fall...It was for a split second before he whipped around as the news van opened and a pair of black gloves grabbed him.
You sprinted, not even feeling your feet hitting the ground under you. 
You watched him try to dig his heels into the concrete but lost balance. Being dragged in as he gripped the door frame. You saw his face contort in pain as they stabbed him in the back and he lost his grip.They tried to slam the door as his leg caught it. You descended upon the van right when they got him in kicking and fighting. They barely closed it in your face as you heard him release a cut off cry of pain. You wasted no time trying to rip the door open. The door wouldn't budge...Locked or jammed as you desperately jerked at it. 
"RANDY!! HANG ON!" You yelled as you tried prying at the passenger door...Locked. The van rocked violently as you heard Randy struggle against the killer inside. 
You gasped as Randy's body collided with the window. Shattering it.  You only hesitated a mere second before you saw an opportunity. You elbowed the cracking glass with your jean jacket on right when you heard the detectives yelling at you. 
The glass shattered all around you as you reached in and grabbed a hold of a black cloak. Right when Randy released a sharp gasp as the knife stabbed into his chest. You jerked the killer's cloak, pulling them towards you as they turned the knife on you through the now open window. You yelped as you protected your face from an incoming knife and their knife jammed into the side of your forearm near your wrist. Dangerously close to a major artery.
For a split second, time froze. The stab felt like a sharp pinch followed by numbness...You locked eyes with the killer. The sun making the mesh eye covers visible. 
You stared in utter mortification at dark brown eyes glaring back at you....There was no mistaking it. You saw first hand who it was. It was his eyes without a shred of a doubt.  
The knife was ripped painfully out of your arm. Feeling the cold metal rip through tissue as a strangled cry escaped you. It felt like it was on fire. You tried punching at the masked face with your good arm. When that didn't work you stared furiously trying to get the door open from the inside as the killer went to stab Randy again.
You heard Richard's and compiled as the killer jerked their head up to see a gun aimed at them less than 10 feet away. They ducked as bullets were released and you were crouched on the pavement, covering your head as blood dripped down from your arm onto your face. You heard the passenger window shatter as you hugged the ground as low as you could. You knew he was a good shot being a trained cop...You prayed you'd stand back up and see that damned mask with a hole through it. 
Richards cursed and put his gun down as they raced towards you. You stood back up as you saw them approach. Your stomach sank as you looked back into the van to see Ghostface was gone with the driver's door open. Leaving Randy to bleed out on the floor. Richards had his gun ready, muttering a code to Andrews before chasing after the killer.
"Fuck, Randy! Hang on!" You cried out. Frantically reaching in to fumble with the door handle. It was jammed from equipment being thrown in the way. You pushed it over and slid the van door open, rushing in to get to Randy. 
Andrews stayed back a moment as Richards rushed after the killer, gun ready. Andrews rushed into a walky. "Suspect in pursuit. We need medical help here at Windsor Park near the cafeteria building." He ended it and looked at you. "Stay here! We're going after him." 
You quietly released a small sob and urgently nodded. Hoping they shot them a million times for what they just did. Your arm didn't even hurt now, too hyper focused on Randy's blood soaking the carpet beneath you both. 
It was worse than Tatum...Tatum was already dead. Worse than Sidney...Sidney died instantly and there was nothing to be done. As you crawled over to Randy, you saw him gurgling and coughing up blood.
"DEWEY!! SOMEONE HELP!!" You screeched out the door, your voice cracking as you grabbed his hand. "Come on, Ray. Ray, come on, hang in there!" 
His breathing was labored as you ripped your jacket off to put pressure on the wound gushing on his chest. He was having a hard time breathing and the tears were flowing freely from your eyes.
"I'M HERE!...Oh geez, Randy!" He exclaimed, crawling inside to help you put pressure on the wound. He fumbled inside his jacket for bandages. He soon shook his head as he heard Randy's breathing stop. Gale and Joel stood outside, watching. 
"YN...He's not breathing-" 
You didn't even let him finish. Instantly crashing your lips to his to breathe into his mouth. Silently devastated that this was the closest thing to a first kiss he got from you. You breathed into his mouth and did light chest compressions. Trying to get his heart to keep pumping.
"Come on! Randy!...Dewey, help me!" You coughed out in-between sobs and Cpr. 
Dewey fumbled at first but helped. Putting pressure on his chest as he wheezed and took in a jagged breath. He blurrily looked over at you. Choking on his own blood as his hand tried reaching for you. You grasped it and shook your head at him. Throat burning and a pitiful whine escaping you. "I'm sorry, Ray. I never meant for you to get hurt or to hurt you. I'm so, so sorry. Please, hang on!-" 
Richards and Andrews came back to the van sweating and agitated.
"He got away while shooting at us. We think he escaped somewhere near the backlot...Damn it!" Richards slammed his hand on the vans frame in frustration as Andrews called in again.
"Where's that ambulance? We need medical help here right now!" 
A female voice spoke on the other line. "On its way, rounding the corner of Fifth Avenue." 
You forced a wobbly smile as you stared at Randy's blue eyes. Tears in them as blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. He was losing color fast.
"See? They're so close, Randy!...Randy?" 
You saw his eyes start to fade...The same way Sidney did. "DON'T!" You wailed and started cpr again as Dewey kept pressure.
Dewey begged under his breath. "Come on, kid. Stay with us!" 
You had no idea how long it was. It felt like 30 minutes went by when you knew it was less than 3. He was still taking ragged breaths as you finally heard sirens. However, the breaths were more shallow, gurgling and not as frequent. He was slowly choking on his own blood with a collapsed lung. His warm blood gushing out onto your fingers as one hand was keeping pressure on his chest and the other held his hand...Your face twisted in agony as his grip was slipping.
You shook him. "Randy, they're here! Stay with us! Stay with me...Come on, Ray!"  
You stopped breathing yourself when he took one last sharp inhale before his chest stopped moving completely.
You felt Richards and Andrews pull you aside as EMT'S quickly got him but you saw he wasn't breathing. You wailed to the top of your lungs as Dewey got out as well and Gale rushed over to him. Clutching him as Randy was put on a stretcher and you saw them stab him with a needle before trying to work his chest back into rising. Everything felt like a blur as you saw his unblinking eyes staring up and he was quickly shoved into the ambulance with the EMT's slamming the doors shut.
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thatfanficstuff · 2 years
Not About You - 23
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Pairing: Damon Salvatore x OFC
Warnings: nope
A/N: I literally almost didn’t post this here. Not really seeing the point since I’m getting like 20 notes per part. If you’re super into this story you might want to follow me on wattpad or AO3 just in case. 
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Lucy spent the night tossing and turning. She knew that nap was going to bite her in the ass. Awake far earlier than she liked, she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She pulled on a pair of pajama pants with the t-shirt she’d worn to bed. Only copious amounts of caffeine were going to get her through the day. Coffee. She needed lots and lots of coffee.
She opened her door only to jump back and yelp as something fell with a thud. Her hands were clamped over her mouth and she stared at Damon with wide eyes as he laid on the floor at her feet.
He scowled as he opened one eye to glare at her. “Ow.”
“What are you doing, Salvatore?” she finally managed to ask.
He pushed himself up onto his elbows with a smirk. “You didn’t want to sleep with me and I wasn’t about to leave you unprotected with Katherine running around.”
She couldn’t stop the soft smile that curved her lips. “You didn’t have to sleep in the hallway, stupid vampire. That was unnecessary. I would have been fine.”
After getting to his feet, he grabbed the blanket and pillow he’d been using from the floor. “Agree to disagree, kitten.” He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss. “Now, get dressed. I’ll make breakfast and we’ll have an overdue conversation.”
Her eyes searched his but saw no hint as to what was in store. Finally, she nodded. “As long as that breakfast includes caffeine.”
He laughed and sauntered down the hall to his room. “Get a move on, Williams.”
Lucy managed to swallow down two cups of coffee and three bites of pancakes before her phone rang. She answered on speaker so she could keep eating. “Hey, Stef, what’s up?”
“Caroline is in transition.”
Her chest went tight as pure sorrow swamped her and her fork slid from her fingers. She wasn’t bothered her friend was a vampire as much as the fact she hadn’t had a choice in the timing.
“What the fuck do you mean she’s in transition, Stefan?” Damon snapped. He moved to the table and rested his hand on the back of Lucy’s neck in a comforting gesture. “She was fine yesterday. She’s in the hospital for fuck’s sake. How could she possibly have died between then and now?”
“She caught a glimpse of ‘Elena’ right before the bitch broke her neck.” Stefan was pissed of course, but truth be told he sounded just a little heartbroken as well.
“How did Katherine know she’d had my blood?” Damon asked with a frown. “Only the three of us knew and it’s not like we went around announcing it.”
Stefan sighed. “I don’t think she did.”
Lucy blinked as she processed the fact that the only reason her best friend was alive was because of dumb luck. Katherine Pierce was officially on her shit list.
“Lucy,” Stefan said catching her attention. “Don’t come up here. I’m going to compel us out of here once it gets dark. I’ll bring her home with me. You can see her there in a more controlled environment. Damon, could you come? She’s understandably freaking out. It would do her good to talk to someone besides her boyfriend about all this I think.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit.” He left the room to get ready to go.
“Hey, Stef, you should know that while this is a shock, Caroline and I had already talked about her changing,” Lucy said.
“You have?”
She smiled though he couldn’t see it. “It’s one of those topics that comes up when you date vampires. You either think about changing or face the fact that the relationship won’t last. She was more than willing to change. She’d just intended to wait a few years. So don’t let this destroy you. And for gods’ sake, don’t distance yourself for her own good, Salvatore.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” Stefan’s tone was lighter, less tense.
“Good. Tell my girl I love her and I’ll see her soon.” Lucy ended the call and looked up to see Damon in the doorway watching with a smile.
“You’re good people, Lucy Williams,” he said. He walked over and gave her a kiss when she tilted her head back.
She grinned against his lips. “So I’ve been told.”
He stepped away with a sigh. “I’ll be back. Keep your phone and one of your guns on you today, please. I’ll lock the door on my way out.”
She nodded and he gave her one more kiss on the top of her head before he disappeared. Once she’d heard the door shut Lucy sat up her phone to facetime Elijah. She needed another favor and they needed to have a conversation about both doppelgangers. Lucy’s patience was gone.
He answered almost immediately. He looked pleased to see her but tired. “Hello, little one. It is good to talk to you.”
“You look exhausted, ‘lijah.”
He lifted his brows in acknowledgment and nodded his head. “I’m overdue to get some sleep but I was taking care of a pressing matter. How are you?”
Sadness suddenly swamped her as the last few days caught up with her. She pressed her lips together as she tried to regain her composure. A tear slipped from her eye before she could stop it and she hastily wiped it away.
“What happened? Are you alright?” His voice was sharp, worried. Lucy didn’t cry often so he always panicked when she did.
She took a deep breath. “You remember my friend Caroline?”
His brow furrowed. “The excitable blonde, yes?”
“That’s her,” she said as she smiled softly at the description. “She was in a car accident the other day and would have died if Damon didn’t give her his blood. She was killed in the hospital last night and is in transition.”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
“Katherine’s the one that killed her.”
Elijah shifted so he sat straighter and his jaw went tight. “Katherine Pierce is in Mystic Falls? Do you know this for certain?”
Lucy made a sound of agreement. “Seen her, been threatened, got the t-shirt.”
His gaze narrowed as he ran it over the part of Lucy he could see. “She threatened you?”
She shrugged. “She’s very possessive of the Salvatores.”
He ran his tongue along his teeth and pursed his lips. “I can’t come there. Not right now. If you encounter her again use her true name. She was born Katerina Petrova. It’s a name she hasn’t used since she first ran from us. Infer you are connected to my family. If necessary, call me and I’ll talk to her. Try not to spook her off if you can. I’d hate for her to disappear before I can have a conversation with her in person.”
“Speaking of Katherine, the boys had always told me that Elena looked like her. I didn’t realize they were literal mirror images. Doppelgangers. I am assuming Katherine running off and becoming a vamp is why you want us to watch the human one. Why? What do you need her for?”
A smile curved his lips and he gave a little shake of his head. “I sometimes forget how intelligent you are. What I am about to tell you can be repeated to no one, including your Salvatores. Understood?”
“Of course.”
“The doppelganger is needed to end a curse involving my brother. As I have been unable to locate him on my own, I intend to draw him out using her as bait. He will be weak during the ritual and I will be able to kill him then. If something happens to her, I will lose my chance,” he explained.
There were still a lot of questions but Lucy knew he’d already shared more than he’d intended. “Why do you want to kill him?”
He sighed. “Niklaus effectively killed the rest of our siblings.”
Her eyes went wide. “I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you tell me?”
His gaze softened. “You were still a child at the time, little one. Besides, my family dynamics are a bit odd to put it mildly. There is much that would need to be explained for you to understand it all even now.”
“So explain.”
“Maybe someday,” he said with a laugh. “Just keep Elena Gilbert safe until I need her and call me if I need to take a more hands on approach with her ancestor.”
Lucy nodded. “Okay. Could you please send me a daylight ring for Caroline? Make it something pretty.”
“It will be there by the end of the day.”
“Thank you. Love you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart,” he responded before disconnecting the call.
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Damon returned home early afternoon and found Lucy curled up on the couch reading a book with one of her guns laying on the table beside her. “Hey, Babe,” he said as he walked into the room.
She smiled and laid the book on the cushion beside her. “How is she?”
He shrugged as he poured himself a drink. “Confused. Upset. She’ll probably be moving in here. You know, since her mom’s a vampire killing sheriff.”
Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose as she wondered how they were going to get away with moving a teenager in with her boyfriend. It wouldn’t help keep them under the radar that was for sure. “I suppose it’s not as if Liz will notice.”
“Hey, now.” Damon liked the sheriff, but Lucy’s loyalties laid with Caroline. She shrugged. It wasn’t worth having an argument over. He studied her for a moment. “We should go to the Halloween carnival tonight.”
He leaned forward on the chair in front of him. “I want to know what’s going on with the Lockwoods. The device affected them but vervain doesn’t so they aren’t vampires. I stopped by Carol’s on they way home and overheard a conversation. I don’t think that Tyler kid knows what he is but I think that uncle of his does.”
“And let me guess, you won’t let it go until you know as well?”
He simply gave her a smile and a tilt of his head before sipping his drink.
She shook her head. “Fine we’ll go to the carnival. You have to buy me cotton candy though.”
She stood to go upstairs and get ready and Damon sped in front of her to stop her. “Where are you going?” he asked.
“To take a shower and change my clothes. Is there a problem, Salvatore?”
“Just a moment,” he said as he pulled her into his arms. “I’m about to do something incredibly selfish but I’ve already gone too long without doing it. I am 100% madly in love with you, Lucy Williams. I don’t deserve you and probably never will. If I was a better man, I’d let you go, but I’m not.”
Her breath caught. She’d hoped he was as crazy about her as she was him but she honestly never thought he’d admit to it. It just wasn’t who he was. She knew he cared but that was completely different than being in love with her. She grinned and leaned into him. Pressing her lips to his, she sighed in contentment. The kiss was soft at first then they were feeding at each other’s lips like they were starving for it. She pulled back and looked up at him through her lashes. “I don’t want you to let go of me, Damon. I’m yours forever if you’ll have me.”
It only took a second for the brightest, most beautiful smile she’d ever seen to cross his face. He gave her another soft kiss. “I’ll hold you to that, baby.”
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Viagra Prank - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: smut, f!receiving, male masterbation, needy Bakugou, sexual touching
Summary: After a dumb argument, Y/N decides to punish Bakugou by avoiding him while he’s superrrrrr horny
Bakugou and Y/N had been arguing for an hour already. They have been talking about Y/N cheating on him.....IN A FUCKING DREAM. Yes it really scared Bakugou and he did wanna talk to Y/N about it, but he just went about it in the wrong way and so, this led to the arguing and yelling. Bakugou knew he was in the wrong, but he was too stubborn to apologize, at least verbally. Usually, that was okay for Y/N, because at least he showed when he was sorry. But this time, all she wanted was a soft and genuine “I’m sorry.”
Instead of apologizing verbally, Bakugou attempted to make up for it through his actions. He bought Y/N another teddy bear to go along with the others he got her, bought her a bouquet of roses and gourmet chocolates, and spent the entire day with her. At night, he held you close and filled your ears with sweet nothings like “I’m so lucky I have you,” “I don’t know how you deal with me, Teddy Bear, but thank you,” and “I’ll forever love you, Y/N.”
After seeing he put a little extra effort into this very “Bakugou” apology, Y/N forgave him, but she still wasn’t letting him off the hook. She wanted to punish him at least a little, but the question was “how?” She discussed it with Bakugou’s closest friends to give her ideas.
“You could ignore him all day.” The red head said, “he has a free day tomorrow, so I can imagine he plans on spending every second of it with you.”
“Nah, since he has a free day, I would love to spend time with him too. I don’t wanna ignore him, just mess with him a little to get back at him.” You said.
“What about one of those kinky couples do? A sexual punishment. Orgasm denial, overstimula-“
“NEXXTTTTT” you, Kirishima, and Kaminari said, cutting off Sero’s nasty thoughts. Besides, you and Bakugou were that kinky couple. And you knew he enjoyed all that stuff. The freaky bastard. You were getting nowhere until Kaminari said something unexpectedly smart.
“What about viagra?” He recommended.
“What?” You questioned.
“Viagra. You can buy it at any pharmacy and just crush up the pill into a powder and give it to Bakugou in a drink. It’s gonna make this man insanely horny, and to punish him, just deny him every time.” He said sipping his drink.
“I-.....that’s perfect!” You said
“Wow Kaminari, nice plan.” Mina said.
“Thank you.......hey can I get some more boneless ice?” Annddddd dunce face is back. Someone get this boy his water.
Doesn’t matter though, now all you have to do is buy the viagra and you’re set. That night, you and Mina went to the pharmacy together and bought the pills. When you went to sleep, you saw Bakugou waiting for you in the room.
“Jeez babe, what took so long? I was waiting here for like 2 hours!” Bakugou pouted. You laughed and kissed him.
“I’m sorry Suki, but not everyone goes to bed at 8 on a Friday night.” You said taking off your jacket and changing into your pjs. You climbed into bed as Bakugou defended himself.
“Well neither do I, but I woke up mad early today.” He said wrapping his arms around you. You pecked his forehead and tried to get some sleep, excited for the next day.
“Yeah, yeah you big baby. Just get some sleep.” As you both cuddled up, you layed with a devious smirk as an unknowing Pomeranian slept peacefully above you.
That morning, you woke up early with Bakugou to work out together. As Bakugou got ready, you prepped his drinks. You placed 3 bottles of water in Bakugou’s gym bag and opened up one of them. Taking the viagra pill out, you placed it in a bowl and used the bottle cap to crush the pill to a powder. You poured the dust into the water, put the cap back on and shook the bottle. After seeing the bottle still looked normal, you subtly marked it and placed it back in his bag. When he came, ready to go you gave him the bag and you guys made your way to the gym.
After working out for a few minutes, Bakugou took a huge gulp of water. You noticed it was the bottle you marked and smiled. After a few minutes, Bakugou was starting to feel...something. He didn’t know what it was, but now he was staring at you...more than usual. Your body covered glistened in your sweat and the image of you like that was burned into Bakugou’s mind. The heavy breathing you did only accentuated his need for you and the way your body looked everytime you stretched or moved. God, he knew you were hot, but something about you today just hit different.
Bakugou walked up to you and held your waist.
“Suki?” You looked up at him with an innocent face that made him bite his lips.
“Do you wanna get outta here? I think we’re set on workouts for today, Princess.” He said while staring at your body and chest.
“Oh, sure! Let me just get my stuff and-“ you were cut off when Bakugou gripped your ass with both hands and tongued you down, he pushed you up against the wall and began grinding into you. You felt his growing erection press up against your sensitive heat which made you moaned into the kiss. This made Bakugou even needier. Unfortunately, you weren’t giving in so easily today.
“Hah...S-Suki..” you breathed out while pushing him off you slightly. “C’mon..can we at least get out of here and wash up.”
“Why? We can do that after I completely ravish you,” Bakugou smirked as he attempted to kiss you once more but you pushed him back smiling.
“Sorry Suki, but we need to get back. Okay?” You said and walked away as Bakugou rolled his eyes taking another sip of water. You both walked out but with Bakugou being a lot more handsier. You walked and he would jog up behind you and grab your ass, he would walk with his arms wrapped around your waist while standing behind you, and once you reached your dorm room, he shut the door and slammed you against it grabbing your chest and kissing you again with fervor and tongue. Sadly, once again, you pushed him off.
“Shower first Suki.” You said and walked to get some clothes out of your closet. Bakugou just sighed and banged his head against the door. He looked down and saw his friend creating a tent in his sweatpants and he let out a breath a horny frustration. Then an idea hit him.
“Shower sex?” He said hopefully like a happy puppy, and if he had a tail, please believe it’d be wagging.
“No.” Bakugou just growled and flopped onto the bed and face planted down on the cushion.
“Fineeeeee!!!!!” He complained while his voice muffled by the mattress. While you showered, you left a needy Bakugou on the mattress. He could only imagine what you looked like. Curvaceous body, covered in droplets of water, steam all around you making your cheeks red. Bakugou rubbed at his face. Why the fuck was he this horny?
When you walked out, you were wearing a small towel as you seemed to have used your wind quirk to dry your hair. Bakugou licked his lips as he walked up to your almost naked body and felt you up. He kissed up on your neck as you tilted your head to give him more access. You pressed your ass into his crotch as he grinded into you. You could hear his soft moans. His hand traveled to grope your chest and the other hand went to your clit.
“You want me to feel up on this sweet little cunt?” He asked as he pressed two fingers into you and you gasped.
“A-ah...” you moaned out as your tongue rolled out of your mouth and eyes rolled to the back of your head. You almost gave in to his desires until your phone rang, snapping you out of your trance. You pulled his hand away from you and walked to your phone but not before Bakugou tried pulling you back.
“Hey..where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you.” He said pulling you towards him.
“Please, Princess. I need you..now.” He said as he grabbed your ass.
“Baby, seriously. Get washed up and let’s continue our day. Please?” You pouted and Bakugou sighed and gave in. He grabbed some clothes he kept in your closet and went to wash up. You sighed in relief and checked your phone only to see it was spam, but still glad it snapped you out. As you got dressed, you cursed yourself for falling so easily for Katsuki.
‘That damn Katsuki. Knowing my body, using it against me. Who the hell does he think he is being built like a Greek god like that?’ You thought as you dressed yourself.
While Bakugou was in the shower, he realized he needed to calm down. Yes he has an amazingly hot girlfriend he could fuck to settle him down, but it was clear she wasn’t down for morning sex today so he had to solve it himself.
He let his head rest under the hot water as his hand went to grab at his length and move vigorously. He imagined the way Y/N would look with her pretty mouth wrapped around his cock, swallowing all of him. How she would take his entire length in her tight little cunt, squeezing him perfectly.
“Y-Y/N...fuck..faster..” he moaned out with a breathy voice as he moved his hips, fucking his hand. He groaned and threw his head back.
“C-C’mon baby...s-shit, c’mon. Oh fuck..I’m cumming! ....a-ah!” He said as his hips stuttered and his release covered the shower floor. He sighed as he tried to regain his breath from his orgasm. It wasn’t as good as it would’ve been if it was actually you, but nonethe less, he came. Sadly, he still wasn’t satisfied.
As Bakugou walked out in nothing but a towel, he tried to get dressed but the second he saw you, his hard on returned. Oh, this was gonna be a long day.
All throughout the day Bakugou tried his best to get you in bed, and when his advances always failed, he resorted to feeling up on you or running to the bathroom for release.
You had to admit, rejecting Bakugou’s attempts had gotten harder and harder. For each time he touched you, you basically had to leave yourself hanging. You felt yourself grow wetter each time to a point where even you almost went to hide away in your room and please yourself. Thankfully, it was almost midnight, meaning the day would be over and your punishment for Bakugou would be done. Then, you both can explore your desires.
It was late LATE into the night when Bakugou busted into your room as you were watching a movie. You paused the screen and spoke to him.
“Suki! You can’t just barge in like that, you’re gonna break my do-“
“Shut up” he said as he made his strides over to you and shut you up by tonguing you down. You fell into the kiss and returned it, kissing him with just as much passion. You peaked open your eyes and looked at the time. 11:47. ‘So close,’ you thought to yourself. You reluctantly pushed him away again.
“Suki, yes.” He whined back as he attempted to kiss you again but you stopped him once more. He was getting fed up. He lifted you by your hips, tossed you flat on your back on the bed, and used his arms to cage you in. His hands pinned your wrists to the sides of your head and his knees were pressed into the mattress at the side of your hips. He got close in your face before speaking.
“You owe me an explanation, princess. I get not wanting to fuck on busy days or during a certain time but all day? I’ve tried to get you right here where Ive wanted you and you rejected me each time. Tell. Me. Why.” He said each word with poison on his tongue. You cringed at what you thought his reaction would be, but soon came to the conclusion that you’d have to tell him at some point.
“...Punishment” you said with a hopeful smile, praying that your boyfriend won’t fling you out the window. Bakugou looked at you with wide eyes.
“What?” He squinted his eyes at you and asked.
“You were acting like an idiot the other day and it pissed me off. I accepted your apology and forgave you but you weren’t completely off the hook. So I put viagra in your drink to turn you on and deny you as a punishment.” You cringed at how easy it was for you to tell him the truth. Bakugou looked at you with a confused look, then a smirk.
“So...you drugged my drink to get me riled up so I could fuck you? Didn’t know my teddy bear was so freaky,” he said licking your neck.
“What?! No! It’s not like tha- ah!” You were interrupted as Bakugou gripped into your chest.
“Then whats it like, teddy bear? Rejection? Well you’re not denying me now. Why not?” He asked you. But you had no answer for him anyway, so as far as he knew, he was right.
“That’s what I thought,” he said while continuing the attack on your neck. “I’ve been so neglected all day, I think as an apology gift, you should let me have my way with you. Doesnt that sound fun, princess?” He said the last sentence while letting his finger press against your clothed clit. You moaned at the feeling and felt yourself growing wet.
“K-Katsuki!” You moaned.
“Please, Princess?” He asked..practically begged.
You bit your lip and closed your eyes. Enjoying the feeling of his pads rubbing into you. You arched your back and gave in, spreading you legs for him. Bakugou smirked and was quick to remove your shorts and panties. Excited, he went to feast right away. No teasing, no waiting. He’s right into it, enjoying his meal. Sucking and kissing your bud, his eyes shut as he enjoys hearing your moans and tasting your sweet nectar.
The sudden feeling of his tongue hitting you and eating you out had you shivering. The massive amount of pleasure was so sudden, you could’ve cum right then.
“S-Suki! ...m-more!” You said as your hands went to grab at his hair. Bakugou groaned as you tugged and sent his tongue right into your hole. You cried out in such ecstasy that you legs began to shake.
“Cum on my tongue, Princess. Let me taste you,” Bakugou said before he went right back in. When you came, Bakugou lapped up every drop of you, savoring your flavor. He went up to kiss you and allowed you to taste yourself.
“God I want you so bad princess..” Bakugou breathed out as he released himself from his pants and lined up with your cunt. He rubbed his tip up and down your opening and you moaned in excitement.
“Let me have my way with you, Y/N.” He said in your ear as he pressed in. You wanted and needed him now. You looked at the time and saw, 11:56. Screw it.
“Please Katsuki! Use me! Please fuck me!” You begged. Smirking at your neediness, Bakugou slammed into you. Not giving you any time to adjust, Bakugou kept to his word and had his way with you. His pace was going so fast it had you seeing stars.
“Y-yes Katsuki! F-uck.....Mm,” you cried out. Bakugou lifted your hips to hold onto you and fuck you in a deeper angle.
“Shit....like that, Princess?” He said said with a smile as he kissed your neck.
“M-more Katsuki!” You begged again. Bakugou held onto your hips and kept his steady pace for awhile. He smacked your ass and kissed you deeply, exploring every inch of your wet cavern.
“You thought it was okay to fuck around with me like this? Huh princess?” He said smacking you again. You moaned at the contact and he gripped your ass. He grabbed your legs and put you in a mating press. The new angle reached deep inside you and hit the most sensitive spots. You screamed his name as he continued to fuck you with his head thrown back.
“Gotta keep quiet now...can’t let the whole class know what’s happening in here,” he huffed out “or maybe you want them to know. Yeah? You want them to know how much of a slut you are just for me?” He teased.
“Ohhh..yesss Katsuki.” You moaned. His cock was sliding into you perfectly, making you dizzy and drunk on euphoria.
“Yeah, but you’re my slut. Right? My dirty little slut. All for me, and me only.” He said as he placed his arms next to your head.
“I’m yours Katsuki! Just yours...ah!” You clenched around him. You could feel the way his balls slapped your ass everytime he thrusted into you. The sounds of skin slapping and your wet cunt filled the air and made a melody you’d never forget. In the heat of the moment, you began to feel the familiar knot in your belly.
“F-fuck. Cum for me princess, I want you to spill in on me.” Bakugou said. He went deeper, harder, and faster. Whatever it took for your pleasure. As he went in, you felt the knot become loose as you came on Katsuki’s dick and your legs shook. You cried out in pleasure as Bakugou continued to chase his own release. After a few more deep strokes, Bakugou met his high and climaxed. He filled your womb with cum and layed there as he emptied his load. You both layed there in silence, catching your breaths as you both came down from the high.
Instead of pulling out, Bakugou stayed where he was and just leaned in closer to you.
“You done messing with me, Princess?” He asked you. You let out a breathy yes as he kissed your cheek and pulled out. He layed beside you and cuddled into you as he held you close.
“I don’t know. I’m kinda satisfied with how this turned out.” You teased. Bakugou only let out a quick laugh in disbelief at his wild girlfriend and just kissed her.
“You’re crazy.” He said while holding you closer.
“But you love me,” you said.
“Yeah..I do.” He said as he rested his head against you. While basking in the glow of the after sex peace, Bakugou realized something.
“Umm..Y/N?” He started.
“Hm?” You said in a sweet voice, with your eyes still closed and you still cuddled into his chest.
“I’m, uh...I’m sorry..for how I was acting.” He apologized. This made your eyes burst open. He was apologizing..verbally. You looked up at him and gave him a sweet, passionate kiss.
“Thank you Katsuki, but I already forgave you. Remember?” You giggled. A sound that Bakugou will forever remember. A sound he will forever enjoy hearing. He just sighed and leaned into you even more, trying to communicate all his love through the physical contact you were both having.
“I don’t deserve you, Princess” he said as his eyes began to fall heavy into a deep sleep.
“You deserve me and the whole world Katsuki.” You said with love dripping in your voice.
“You are my whole world,” he mumbled in embarrassment as a blush adorned his face as he attempted to hide away in your neck. You blushed and smiled at his little confession and allowed him to sleep. It was past his usual bedtime after all.
“Get some rest, Hero.” You said, pecking his forehead with a loving kiss. As he drifted off, you just smiled and rested your eyes as you thought about the next time you would drug his drink. This little viagra prank turned out amazing.
A/N: y’all this was so sloppy😭 it could’ve been so much better but it’s been sitting in my drafts mocking me. I just had to get it out here. I’m sorry it’s not spell checked but I hoped you enjoyed it none the less. (The smut was so bad😭😭) see you next time, Cubs💗🧸
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ot7always · 4 years
Ignorantly, Yours
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Word Count: 10.6k
Pairing: Alpha!Jimin x Omega!Reader
Genre: Wolf!AU, Best Friends to Lovers!AU; fluff, smut, angst
Warnings: dom!Jimin, sub!reader, A/B/O dynamics, heat sex, fingering, unprotected sex, dirty talk (including a bit of possessiveness), marking, creampie, hair pulling, degradation, praise, rough sex, multiple orgasms
Rating: 18+
Summary:  You never could have expected your best friend to show up at your apartment right as you were about to go into heat, but when he did, something in you just wouldn’t let him go.
A/N: Truly, this was never supposed to be more than drabble. Which truly became a nuisance once it grew a lot and I had to go back and change a lot of things during editing. This is my first fic with some sort of supernatural element to it, and I had a lot of fun! I hope you guys enjoy, and please let me know what you think!
Reposted without the header gif and without any links or taglist. Sorry for any inconvenience if you were already looking at the first post. I will reblog with the taglist shortly.
Maybe it should have been embarrassing.
Maybe it was, 5 years ago when the habit first started.
5 years ago, when you’d had your first pre-heat. When the world had quickly become too overwhelming, your nose unused to the myriad of scents that assaulted you in your sensitivity. Your skin feeling so raw that even the clothes on your back felt uncomfortable.
It was then, in your childhood bedroom, amidst everything else, you recognized a scent that accompanied you through your life for as long as you could remember. A scent that felt like home, felt like warm days under the sun and shared laughter under blankets at midnight.
Your nose had led you to the bottom drawer of your dresser, your hands digging through the mess of fabric there until you pulled out an orange hoodie. You didn’t remember ever having it, and it looked small enough to have been from years ago – maybe even from before he presented.
But as you pulled it out of that drawer, the scent that might have been faint to you any other day filled your nostrils. A blueberry and pine scent that left you feeling calmer instantly, safer. Whether that had to do more with your friendship or his alpha status wasn’t a thought that crossed your mind. All you knew at the time was that it made everything better – he made everything better, even when he wasn’t there.
That marked the first time you laid in your bed, curling yourself around that small piece of comfort, your face shoved into the soft fabric. The peace that washed over you then was addicting, and any thought of giving up that feeling was unfathomable.
And if Jimin noticed how you were covered in his own scent when he saw you after every heat since that day, he didn’t say a thing.
You missed him a lot.
It wasn’t as though his university was that far away, and you should have grown used to it after several years of living apart for most of the year. Weekend visits were hardly enough when you’d spent more time together than apart growing up.
It definitely didn’t feel like enough when you were lying in bed, surrounded by the products of your skillful swiping over the years during Jimin’s visits. Hoodies, t-shirts – you had at least a dozen by now. All of which were tossed across your bed alongside you, your upper body already clad in one of his oversized hoodies.
When your pre-heat started affecting you yesterday, you’d already emailed your professors to tell them you wouldn’t be able to make it to class for the week. They, of course, understood – every university accommodated for their students to get a week off about every 3 months for this exact reason.
You were already overcome by exhaustion, Jimin’s scent wafting around the room lulling you into a sleepy daze.
It was common for an omega to nest amongst an alpha’s scent before their heat, though said alpha would typically be their partner.
It wasn’t something you liked to think on very often. Something like this couldn’t be that uncommon, right? After all, he was your first friend, and that went beyond being an alpha or omega. Besides, if it bothered him, wouldn’t he have already called you out for it by now? Wouldn’t he have said something when he realized that even when you’d started spending every heat with an alpha, his scent was still somewhere in there?
You tried not to worry too much about it. It didn’t matter, anyway.
Based on how you were feeling, you knew your heat would probably be here within 2 or 3 days. Which meant you should probably call someone soon to ask them to help you through it. It was normal practice to ask a friend to help you with your heat, but it was a line you’d never crossed with Jimin. Rejection was never something you dealt with well, and you were too afraid to put him, of all people, in that position. Knowing him, he would agree even if he didn’t want to.
Who, then? Namjoon? Hoseok? Both have agreed before, though the notion of crossing your room to pick up the phone you’d so foolishly left on the dresser was severely unappealing.
Instead, you let your eyes flutter shut, your face nuzzling into a blue and red scarf Jimin had forgotten at your apartment last winter. As the tranquility washed over you, your mind drifted closer and closer to sleep, warm and cozy and surrounded by Jimin’s scent.
Until the doorbell rang through your apartment.
At first you elected to ignore it, hoping whoever it was would get the hint and go away. But when it sounded out 2 more times after you hadn’t moved in several minutes, you groaned.
Wasn’t it bad etiquette to do this to someone? Surely that had to be written in a handbook somewhere.
With heavy limbs, you dragged yourself out of bed, flipping the hood up on your (well, Jimin’s) hoodie. As much as it may have been a bad idea to answer the door by yourself in pre-heat, your scent enveloped by an alpha’s would be enough to ward off unwanted advances. Though there were definitely bad people in the world, it took a truly insane person to go after an omega scented by an alpha.
When you made it to the door, you took a deep breath, preparing yourself to ream out whoever was on the other side. While you could sense someone’s presence there, every apartment was insulated, scent-wise, for protection. You didn’t know what to expect.
But of every possibility, when you opened the door, you didn’t expect to get assaulted by the very scent you’d been basking in only minutes ago. You didn’t notice how his eyes widened or how his pupils dilated when your scent hit him, too preoccupied by your body’s visceral reaction.
The full force of his scent almost had your knees buckling, your eyelids growing heavier as every single part of you instinctively yearned to curl up into him. Maybe your heat was closer than you thought.
When you were finally able to focus your eyes on him, his teeth were biting into his bottom lip, the hand holding an overnight bag clenched so hard his knuckles were white.
You didn’t give him the chance to say anything before you were stumbling forward, colliding messily with him, only focused on getting as close to him as possible.
You barely heard a mumbled ‘shit,’ not registering that he backed you into your apartment until you heard the door slam, his bag hitting the floor.
“Jimin,” you mumbled, your hands grasping at his shirt, eyes closed as you shoved your face into his neck, sighing happily when you were finally as close to the source of your happiness as possible.
But much to your discontent, he pushed you from him, keeping you an arms’ length away. The whimper you let out in response sounded pathetic even to your own ears, but every cell in your body was screaming to get as close to him as possible.
“Y/N,” he said firmly, the unusual hardness in his tone snapping you out of your daze slightly, wide eyes fixing onto his face. He audibly gulped at the glazed look in your eyes, before continuing. “You’re in heat.”
“I’m not,” you whined, trying to push against his hands, but he was stronger than you were.
“You will be,” he responded, letting out an incredulous sigh. “Fuck. I meant to surprise you but I forgot what the date was, I’m so sorry.”
“But I’m not yet,” you complained, changing tactics and instead aiming to shove your nose into the wrists near your shoulders. When your hair swished with your movement, sending a whiff of shampoo and your scent Jimin’s way, he groaned loudly.
“God, I can’t be here, I should go,” he said through gritted teeth. But when he started leaning down to pick his bag back up, you panicked.
“NO!” you yelled, launching yourself at him with your whole weight, not at all concerned about how he stumbled back in surprise. Your hands gripping onto his waist, you looked at him with wide eyes, your irises barely visible around the black of your dilated pupils. “Please don’t leave.”
His composure visibly cracked at the desperation on your face, but the sensation of your hands trembling in their grip on him brought him back to reality. “I can’t stay, I know that you know that-”
“Why?” you cried, your bottom lip trembling. The logical part of you deep inside knew you were being unreasonable, but even that part of you was a slave to instinct. All you knew was that Jimin got you through every pre-heat, and here Jimin was in front of you now. He’d never seen you like this, not ever in the last 5 years. And now that he has, nothing has ever been more unappealing than the thought of him walking out your front door.
He was very clearly taking shallow breaths, eventually bringing his own wrist to his nose to try to drown out everything else. Based on the low grunt he let out, it didn’t seem to be working very well.
“You smell like you’re going to go into heat at any moment, fuck, I can’t,” he panted, every part of him resisting the urge to grab you and scent you until there was absolutely no question whether you were his.
Except you weren’t his.
“I-I...” he stuttered, the scent of you not only clinging to him, but everywhere throughout the apartment occupying every part of his brain. “I need to go, I’ll call someone for you, Hoseok or-”
But that was definitely the wrong thing to say, because you sprung back from him as though you’ve been burned. When you looked at him as though he’d betrayed you, he knew he’d messed up.
“Why? You’re already here,” you spat out. “Don’t go,” you finished in a much weaker voice, pleading gaze fixing onto his.
A flash of pain went through him when he saw you hug yourself around the middle, as though to appear smaller. As though to protect yourself. From him.
“You don’t know what you’re asking of me.”
“I know exactly what I’m asking of you!” you wailed, the space between you feeling wider than it’s ever been.
“I can’t,” he repeated, a tinge of desperation making its way into his tone. Why was this so hard? From what he knew about omega heats and pre-heats, without a partner or relationship you shouldn’t have cared this much about which alpha stayed with you.
“Aren’t we friends? Can’t you just stay?” you begged, eyes brimming with unshed tears. Something about him trying to leave felt like a hole was being ripped through your chest, even if you’d understand why any other day.
“Of course we’re friends,” he said incredulously, a conflicted expression on his face. He knew exactly what you meant, exactly what was implied within that statement. When something like desire crossed his gaze, you felt a dash of hope bloom within you. “But...”
And it was crushed just like that. “Why don’t you want me when I want you? What’s wrong with me?” you sobbed, the tears finally spilling from your eyes as you dropped to your knees.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
The smell of an omega in distress was always something that set off an alpha’s protective instinct.
But the knowledge that he was the one who caused it brought forth an ugly wrenching in his gut.
For all the required readings Jimin had done in the course of his life, nothing had ever taught him what to do when the girl you’re secretly in love with was on the floor crying because you refused to fuck her through her heat.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to. God, did he want to.
But you weren’t there begging for his heart or his love or his devotion – you were begging for his body. Which wasn’t the problem. It wasn’t that he was offended. The problem was that he wanted more than this, and that right now was most definitely not the time to have that conversation.
And it’s not that he didn’t think you knew what you wanted. He knew you knew that you were asking for sex, but he also knew that was all you were asking for. Pre-heat was about preparing for sex, not romance.
As much as a heat could completely fog an omega’s brain, in pre-heat they could still make coherent decisions. It was typically a time spent preparing for heat, a time to call an alpha or to prepare for the much more painful option of suffering alone. They were typically in a perpetual state of exhaustion, bodies crying out for sleep to save up energy for their heat.
But more importantly, it was a time where omegas were at their most emotionally vulnerable, where they gave in to instinct. A time where they surrounded themselves in the things that made them feel safest, most at home.
He knew – he knew you used his scent to get through your pre-heat, but he never thought it meant that much. You were his oldest friend, and the fact that you found comfort in his scent was never something he questioned. He was an alpha, and you scented each other often – it made sense from a biology standpoint.
And – oh.
It hit him then that this was more than an alpha’s refusal to help their friend through their heat. This was more than a refusal for sex.
This was your biggest security blanket pushing you away at your most vulnerable, the person you trusted most to keep you safe leaving you when you were begging him to stay.
He really, really fucked up by coming here.
He should have checked the dates properly in the first place, and now he’d have to deal with the consequences. There was an unbelievably high chance that if he walked out that door, you’d have a breakdown, and he couldn’t just break your heart by leaving now.
Even if it ended up breaking his own. Even if you ended up thinking nothing of it, and he would never be able to erase the memory from his brain.
Because you were begging him to stay out of instinct, out of need. Not out of love. Not that he knew of, not the kind he wanted, at least.
But there was no reason to go there or question you about it, because he knew you’d say anything to make him stay, even if it wasn’t true. Not because you were a liar, but because that’s what your body would push you to do right now.
Knowing that the smell of his own panic would just set you off more, he took a couple deep breaths before falling to his knees in front of you. He had to force down the rising upset in his chest at the scent of your tears, every part of him screaming at himself for upsetting you this deeply.
“Hey,” he called out softly, his hands reaching out to gently pull your hands away from where they were hiding your face. At the sight of your red-rimmed eyes and wet cheeks, his heart tugged. “Look at me.” He slipped a hand forward to cradle your head, brushing against the hair at the nape of your neck. He hoped so badly that he could be a comfort to you, even when he was the one who hurt you in the first place.
He waited almost a minute for you to look up, doing his best to calm you in that time. When you finally raised your eyes to look at him, the fear in your expression was something he’d only ever seen a few times in his life. You were an expert at putting on a brave face for the world, and seeing the uncensored pain displayed there punched him in the gut.
“Baby,” he cooed, pulling you into his arms. He carefully maneuvered your face into the crook of his neck, smiling as you melted into his hold, a content sigh leaving you. He wrapped his arms around you, face rubbing into your hair as he stopped resisting the urge to scent you. He ignored the shiver that ran down his spine at your scent that only seemed to be growing stronger.
The two of you stayed like that for several minutes, your body so limp in his grasp that he had to keep both of you upright himself. He couldn’t tell whether you were awake, goosebumps rising to the surface of his skin as your nose brushed against one of the most sensitive parts of his body.
But when he stood up, wanting to get you somewhere more comfortable than the floor, he felt every muscle in your body tense, a low whine leaving your throat. Your hands grasped onto his shirt. “Jimin-”
“Shh,” he soothed, continuing to nuzzle into you as he stood you both up. “I’m not leaving.”
“You’re not?” you repeated, muffled into his shoulder.
“I’m not.”
“Promise.” He scratched lightly at your scalp as the other hand stroked up and down the length of your back, humming when you finally relaxed again, your arms wrapping around to tug him as close as possible. “Good girl.”
Something in him awakened when he heard the hitch of your breath at his words, but he shoved it down. He had to keep a hold of himself while he still had the chance – because once you were in heat, there would be no rest for either of you. Not when it was taking his entire focus to hold himself back right now and it was only your pre-heat.
“I’m gonna take you to your room, okay?” he asked quietly. When you nodded, he scooped you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, head lolling sleepily against his shoulder.
You were very clearly exhausted, and guilt gnawed away at him for it. The emotional ups and downs of the past half hour must have taken even more out of you – while you tended to be quiet, you were never this quiet, not with him. You seemed to be asleep, steady exhales hitting the skin of his neck.
When he entered your room, his heart skipped in his chest at the sight of his belongings strewn across your mattress, a you-sized gap in the middle where you must have been laying. He couldn’t help the pride swelling in his chest, the possessive part of him thrilled at the notion of you burying yourself in his scent.
He supposed he should be happy you were asleep. Omegas tended to be self-conscious about their nest, which was why he was surprised you agreed to let him take you here so easily. The idea that you felt comfortable enough to let him in here without a fight brought forth a feeling in his gut that felt suspiciously like butterflies.
Easing off the shoes he’d never had the chance to remove at the front door, he brought you both down into the bed, careful not to jostle your form. He laid you down together, your body atop his, heart melting at your tiny noise of content.
He had to bite back a moan when you nuzzled further into his neck, your lips brushing against his skin.
Get it together, Jimin.
He didn’t know if he would ever be relaxed enough to sleep when you were on top of him already smelling like every sinful desire he’s ever had. His cock shouldn’t have been stirring when you looked so innocent, your hands curled up ever-so-slightly under his shirt. And despite everything in his mind telling him that he would regret this, his entire body was screaming in anticipation for this entire weekend.
This wouldn’t be the first time he’s helped an omega through their heat, but everything was different because this was you. Someone he cared about, someone he loved, and he knew you loved him too, whether it was in the way he wanted or not. Heat flared in him at the thought of you wet and desperate only for him, begging to be filled. He knew you’d be out of your mind with lust, and even before seeing it he knew it would be the most beautiful sight he’s ever set eyes upon.
Get a hold of yourself, Jimin.
It was absolutely no use to contemplate these things now, especially not when the scent of his arousal might wake you up and set you off prematurely. You both needed rest – he’d be damned if he didn’t make this the best heat you’d ever had just because he was tired.
And so he wrapped his arms around your middle, willing arousal from his brain and replacing it with thoughts of sleep. Luckily, his body must have been able to sense his need for rest before the upcoming days, and sleep found him easier than anticipated.
You awoke to your back hitting your mattress, the first thing you noticed being that your body felt like it was being burned alive. But when you inhaled, the scent of pure alpha overtook all thought, brain incapable of anything other than unadulterated need, arousal shooting to your core almost instantaneously.
When your eyes shot open, fire lit within you when they immediately locked onto Jimin’s dark gaze, his body hovering over yours like he was about to pounce. When he took in the neediness in your eyes, his lip upturned in a salacious smirk, stare burning holes into you.
“Rise and shine, little wolf,” he drawled, hands locking onto your ankles and dragging you down the bed until your face was right below his.
You shivered despite yourself at the predatory expression on his face, holding back the whine that threatened to escape. You felt incapable of speaking, every intake of breath only fogging your mind further, the fire in you becoming so potent it was painful.
You couldn’t help the keening whimper that escaped when he roughly fisted a hand into the hair at the nape of your neck, yanking until your entire neck was on display. You gasped and arched into his body with want as he leaned in to inhale deeply right above your collarbone. The feral growl he let out at your scent had you shuddering, trembling hands trying desperately to pull him closer, but he didn’t relent.
“Please,” you begged, shoving your body upwards as much as possible, desperate to feel his body against your own. At the feeling of his canines brushing against the skin of your neck gently, you felt new wetness rush from you. Your desperation was only growing exponentially with every passing moment, and it felt like if you didn’t get touched soon, you would surely die.
“You smell so fucking good,” he snarled, voice raspier than you’d ever heard it before. He sounded almost pained, and it only set you off further. Everything in you ached for his touch, your cunt clenching around nothing despite Jimin not even having touched you yet. You needed it – needed to be touched, you needed him to quell the ache.
“Hurts,” you gasped out, still trying and failing to grind against his body above you.
“Aw, baby, I’m sorry,” he cooed, pressing his free palm down onto your clothed centre. His breath hitched as you started forcefully grinding against it immediately, a choked whine slipping from your lips at the sudden pressure right where you needed it most.
“Alpha...” you moaned, rutting shamelessly against his hand as you pushed further against the hand in your hair, baring more of the soft expanse of your neck. Your eyes shut as pleasure rocked your system, but it wasn’t enough. You needed more, his cock in your drenched cunt, his nails raking down your body as he utterly ravished you. You whined loudly at the thought, arousal slipping from you. It was clear he noticed when he hissed.
“Fuck, look at you. You’re dripping, so fucking desperate,” he panted, somehow sounding almost as ruined as you. “I’m gonna fuck this cunt senseless, fill you up so good you’ll never ask for anyone else again. Do you want that, little omega? Want me to make you mine?”
Any other time you might have questioned his possessive words, but any rational part of your brain was long gone. No, all that existed was you, Jimin, and your excruciating need to be filled.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you cried, whimpering at the imagery he put in your head. You wanted nothing more than to be his bitch, to take his cock and his seed and his knot. “Fuck me, please.”
“You beg so nicely,” he breathed, and you keened at the praise. You gasped as he sat back and quite literally ripped the shirt from your body, following suit with the rest of your clothes. You didn’t have it in you to complain, not when he was yanking your legs apart, gaze laser-focused onto your centre. “Don't worry, baby, your alpha is gonna take care of you, okay?”
You only nodded furiously, hips bucking upward suddenly as Jimin wasted no more time, two fingers smearing through your heat before thrusting abruptly into you. You finally felt some sort of relief at being filled, but it wasn’t enough. The stretch wasn’t satisfying enough, and your desire for more only amplified. But it seemed he knew this, adding another finger wordlessly.
“God, this cunt is so fucking hungry for me,” he growled, pistoning his fingers in and out roughly before grinding the heel of his hand into your clit.
You cried out as pleasure reared on you embarrassingly quickly, but no part of you wanted to cum without his cock inside you, dragging against your sensitive walls.
“Jimin...” you moaned, arching your back as you sought to push yourself closer to the source of your pleasure. He almost groaned at the sound of his name coming so wantonly from your lips. “Want you, please.”
“Yeah? You want to get stuffed?”
The garbled response you gave was nowhere near coherent, but it didn’t take a genius to see what you wanted. When he gave a low chuckle and pulled himself from his sweatpants, you started salivating immediately. He was girthy, vein visibly spanning the underside beneath his hand as he palmed himself. The head looked almost purple, the tip leaking. You needed it inside you.
Before you even realized it yourself, you were turning over onto your front. By the time you’d planted your face down, ass up, Jimin was already growling, roughly digging his fingers into your asscheeks. As several more seconds went by without his cock in you, you arched your back further, whining as he only dug his fingertips in harder.
“Such a good little wolf,” he crooned, hissing when your arousal dripped from your pussy to the bed. “Getting yourself so nice and ready for me. You need cock that badly? Can’t wait for it?”
You could have cried when you finally felt the tip of his cock at your entrance, but you didn’t have time to do or say anything before he shoved all the way in to the hilt without warning.
You must have screamed then, but you hardly noticed anything apart from the way he set a quick pace, hardly noticed when the tears left your eyes, body swimming in relief and euphoria. Every snap of his hips brought forth a moan from your lips, fingers digging helplessly into the sheets by your head.
“Tell me how it feels,” he snarled, moving to hold your hips up when the overwhelming pleasure left you unable to do it yourself.
It was all you could do to whimper, body feeling as though it was in the clouds as your walls clamped down on Jimin’s cock. He was stretching you so well, the slight burn nothing compared to the waves of pleasure he was sending through your entire being. You took a breath to respond to him once you registered what he said, but when his cock brushed against that spot inside you, it only left you as a choked moan.
“This needy cunt just sucks me right in, huh?” he groaned when your walls clenched down on him again, as though to trap him inside you. But it made no difference to him, his thrusts only continuing, fast and precise as your walls fluttered around him, whines falling from your lips. Recalling how responsive you’d been to praise earlier, he kept talking. “Doing such a good job for me, baby,” he hummed, smirking when he felt the shuddering of your body beneath his hands. “So fucking perfect for me, taking this cock so well.”
His words shot through you like fire, and combined with the drag of him inside you, you were propelled toward your end.
“Alpha...” you whimpered, pushing back onto his cock, a particularly rough thrust pulling a shout from your lips. You were so close to slipping over the edge, the squeezing of your walls around him more and more insistent as you approached your end. “Please.” It was as though no other words existed in your vocabulary, but Jimin could read you perfectly well, as though he was made for you.
“What’s that, hm? Baby’s gonna cum?” he taunted before reaching around to rub at your clit. “Let go then, milk my cock. I want to hear you.”
The added stimulation was more than enough to propel you into your orgasm, your mouth agape as your walls clamped down on his cock. You distantly registered Jimin’s moans from above you as he held you up and fucked you through your it, the sparks of pleasure never-ending.
But while his thrusts became less harsh, they did not lower in their intensity whatsoever. And as the fog in your head receded some from your orgasm, you only felt that much more sensation as you regained your bearings.
Rather than a mindless slave to pleasure and want, with your brain partly yours again you could truly feel. Feel the cotton of the sheets where they were clenched between your fists, feel the slight strain in your knees as they dug into the mattress, feel Jimin’s fingers anchored onto your hips, as though you would float away if he let go.
You could truly feel every drag of his cock against you, every grind, and when he perfectly maneuvered to hit against your g-spot, you were left breathless once again.
But with your increased coherence, your body craved more than just cock – you wanted closeness, wanted Jimin’s body against your own, his groans in your ear, his chest against your back.
“Jimin,” you called out, voice needy but noticeably more present.
His thrusts slowed but didn’t stop. “Hm?”
Rather than attempt to formulate an answer, you blindly reached a hand in his direction and made a grabbing motion. It was accompanied by your best impression of some sort of demanding noise, but you sounded like a spoiled brat even to your own ears.
He clearly didn’t mind though, huffing a laugh at your antics before coming down to your level, pressing some of his weight into your back as he nuzzled your neck.
“This what you want, baby?” he asked, wrapping his arms snugly around your middle. It would almost be cute, if not for the snap of his hips he opted to punctuate his question with.
You could only shiver and take it as he set a slow but intense pace, his cock slowly dragging out of you before he thrusted forward quickly in one single motion. But even in its intensity it was intimate, his lips tracing nonsensical patterns into the skin of your shoulder, his moans increasing in volume as you whined your pleasure.
His pace slowly but surely built you back up toward a second release, Jimin’s thrusts growing faster as he approached his own end. It wasn’t long before your moans were increasing in volume again, hips squirming beneath Jimin’s as that pressure in your abdomen only built and built.
“Gonna cum for me again, little wolf?” he growled directly into your ear, digging his fingers in close to your scalp and pulling your face up out of the sheets. No longer muffled, your moans were loud and unabashed, your pleasure surrendered entirely to him.
“I’m gonna fill this cunt up, gonna stretch you wide, is that what you want?”
As much as you were more coherent than last time, the effect his voice had on you was visceral, eyelids fluttering shut and goosebumps raising on your skin. When you only nodded with what little movement you could make within his grasp, he growled.
“Answer me!”
“Yes, yes!” you pleaded, eager to please. “Want you to fill me up, Jimin, please.”
“Such a good girl,” he moaned in response, moving to suck bruises into your neck. The thought of being marked by him for all to see only lit a new fire within you.
But when you felt the press of his canines brushing against the sensitive part of your neck, it was as though something in you snapped. You almost squealed as the orgasm rained down on you unexpectedly, something resembling ‘Jimin’ spilling from your lips, though you paid it no mind.
You were so lost in your pleasure you hardly noticed Jimin’s gruff yell from above you as he came, only registering it as his knot started to stretch you.
He shushed you gently as you whined, warmth still spilling into you as it finished inflating. Panting breathlessly against your back, he softly cupped your face as you caught your breath.
The stretch was more overwhelming than painful, every tiny movement seeming to shift his knot inside you enough to make you gasp. You should have grown used to the feeling by this point in your life, but it managed to catch you off guard every single time. You never felt ready for the immense stretch or the soreness that lingered between waves of your heat.
After several minutes of silence, breaths finally quieting, he spoke up.
“Are you okay?” he asked, hands reaching to keep you from squirming too much under him, knowing you’d only make the discomfort worse. “Relax for me.”
You nodded in response, letting yourself release the tension from your limbs as he continued to gently nose at your neck. His scent washed over you, but in this brief limbo between waves of your heat it spurred only calmness rather than arousal.
For you, at least, the first wave was always the worst in terms of self-control and mindedness. That was why it was essential for omegas to share their heat only with someone they could trust – if not a partner, then a friend. While omegas were at their most emotionally vulnerable during pre-heat, they were at their most physically vulnerable during the heat itself. In theory, Jimin could have done whatever he wanted, and you would have begged for it.
He hummed in approval when you went still beneath him, rolling the two of you onto your side so that you were no longer supporting his weight.
“Sleepy?” he inquired softly as he watched you stifle a yawn.
You only nodded again, reaching for Jimin’s hand to make him wrap it around you more snugly, pressing yourself as close to him as possible. You shivered as his knot shifted with your movement, though it didn’t ache as much as it did initially. You felt so full, his cock still half-hard within you, release still painting your walls with nowhere to go.
You let your eyes shut, soreness and exhaustion taking up residence temporarily before the next wave. As much as a heat could feel so intense it hurt, you found that the time between each wave was truly the most difficult. It was the time where every ounce of muscle pain and sleep deprivation hit you, but it was also the time where, to put it simply, if you didn’t recharge you were fucked.
Heats were strenuous on the body, and it unfortunately wasn’t abnormal for omegas to be brought to the emergency room from dehydration and malnutrition from their heat. That was why the medical professionals tended to encourage of-age omegas to spend their heats with a trusted partner – it was just safer altogether. It was difficult to push past the fog of exhaustion to take care of yourself when you were on your own, though not impossible.
A tiny whine was the only acknowledgment you gave when you felt his knot go down enough to slip from you. You made a noise of complaint as Jimin pulled from your side, but he quickly returned to you, wiping away the mess that was now between your thighs.
“If I help you, can you sit up?”
After hearing your noise of affirmation, he pulled you up so that your back rested against the headboard, careful not to move you too quickly. But despite that, you couldn’t help the lightheaded feeling that came with the motion, reaching out to steady yourself on Jimin’s arm.
When he took in your rapid blinking and unfocused eyes, his concern grew exponentially. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Tired,” you mumbled, leaning into his touch when he moved to stroke your face.
“Let’s eat something and then we can nap, okay?”
He moved away from you quickly to grab things from under your bed. One of the first things they taught omegas after presenting was that it was essential to keep a food and drink store in your room during your heat. One of the most important parts of pre-heat was not only securing a heat partner if desired, but also packing enough nutrient-rich food and drinks to last through your heat if you’re unable to leave the room.
You hadn’t realized you’d dozed off until Jimin’s hand on your shoulder startled you awake. He took your hand in his own only to wrap your fingers around an energy bar he’d opened for you.
“Eat,” he commanded, though the soft, caring tone characteristic of Jimin never left his voice.
The thought of putting in effort to do anything was unappealing, but once you started, you realized how famished you were. When you finished your first bar within moments, he handed you a second, eating some for himself at the same time.
He didn’t waste any time with handing you a Gatorade bottle once you were finished eating, ensuring you could hold it yourself before getting his own.
As much as he seemed to be in a rush, this was a better safe than sorry type of situation. While sometimes you could squeeze in some sleep between waves of your heat, it sometimes felt like one huge gamble in terms of time. You’ve had downtimes of as little as 10 minutes in the past, so you were grateful that he was hurrying you along.
When he noticed you stopped drinking, he grabbed it from you to place it on the nightstand a safe distance away from the bed.
“Do you want anything else?” he asked, shoving all of the garbage into a bag to deal with another time.
He turned around quickly, thinking you were going into your next wave, but froze at the sight of you simply blinking up at him sleepily.
He bit down on his lip to suppress a fond smile when you reached for his hand, severely hoping his face wasn’t as red as it felt.
He let you tug him forward, settling beside you in bed before pulling you securely into his side.
As much as you might have loved to talk or quietly cuddle, you were out like a light as soon as you laid your head down on his shoulder, face tucked securely into his neck.
The next two days went by in a blur. You never tended to remember very many specific moments from your heats besides that you felt good, and were definitely sore after. The combination of physical and mental exhaustion along with the mind-numbing desire didn’t seem to be conducive to proper brain function.
Fuck. Eat. Fuck. Eat. Nap. Rinse. Repeat.
“Kiss me,” you demanded, pulling Jimin down toward you by his shoulders.
From what you could tell, it was the last day of your heat, also making for the most coherent day. The consequences of not sating your heat on the last day were more uncomfortable than painful, and the sex almost resembled what it would any other day.
He obliged you easily, mouth meeting yours as he snapped his hips, filling you up and stretching you all in one stroke. He nipped at your lower lip as you moaned freely, arching your back to feel as much of his skin as possible.
You couldn’t help the increase in volume when he settled with his length in you, grinding his pubic bone into your clit. It seemed that Jimin was feeling similarly, both of you simply panting by each other's mouths rather than doing any sort of kissing like you’d intended.
It was only minutes before you felt the familiar tightening in your abdomen, Jimin groaning above you when he felt you clench around him. You whimpered as he sucked new bruises into the skin of your neck, a shiver making its way down your spine as he reached the soft skin below your ear.
But every part of you was screaming out for more.
“Mark me.”
Jimin froze instantly at your words, but it seemed that you weren’t properly considering the weight of your words, only urging him to continue his motions in search of your high.
A mark wasn’t permanent, but it was no small thing. More than a mark of “possession,” it was a mark of an alpha's care and loyalty, a mark of an omega’s trust. It was only something ever shared in serious relationships, and it would sometimes take partners years to reach that point.
“Jimin,” you whined when he ignored what you said. Every instinctive part of you wanted it so badly, your head subconsciously tipping back to give him easier access.
“Don’t you know what you’re saying?”
“I said no,” he snarled, speeding up the snap of his hips enough that you were shifting up the bed. “Tomorrow, when this is all over,” he panted above you, teeth bared, “Then we’ll talk.”
He didn’t let you get a word in edgewise, continuously pulling himself from you fully before abruptly sheathing himself to the hilt once again.
You were left gasping for breath, swimming in sensation as your abdomen tightened, all else forgotten for the time being.
When he shifted to one side, a hand dropping to rub circles into your clit, you saw white. Your nails sharply dug into the skin of Jimin’s back where they were held, waves of pleasure battering you nonstop as he continued his thrusts.
But it was only moments later that he seated himself into you fully, warmth spilling into you as his knot inflated for the nth time since your heat began. It didn’t leave you gasping the same way as the first time, but a groan still wrenched itself from your throat at the sensation.
As soon as his body collapsed onto yours, you knew that your heat was finally over. The feeling was inexplicable, almost as though a weight had been lifted from the back of your mind.
You might have addressed the words uttered from your mouth only moments before if not for the debilitating fatigue that filled every limb and every square inch of your brain.
So, against your best judgment on any other day, you knocked right out.
When you next awoke, it wasn’t because desire ripped you from slumber, nor was it because your scent set off Jimin enough to wake you.
In fact, you were alone in your bed, immediately cringing at the sight of all the questionable stains dotting the sheets.
Good thing you had a mattress pad.
You sat up, wincing as every muscle screamed in protest. From your neck all the way to your fingertips, everything hurt. You’d probably be feeling this for days. It definitely didn’t help that the stench of sex was so strong you could feel a headache coming on.
You didn’t have time to ponder on Jimin’s whereabouts before he was coming back in through the doorway, half-dressed with water in hand.
He sent you a smile when you met eyes, but it was lost on you because as soon as he was here, every interaction over the past few days flooded your mind at once. And this time, there were no hormones to mask proper thought.
You asked – no, begged – him to stay. Even when he told you no.
You’d practically thrown a tantrum, what was wrong with you? Since when did your pre-heat make you throw respect out the window?
He wasn’t here because he wanted to stay, he was here because you forced him to. He was here because you were pathetic enough to get on the floor and beg him to stay, and Jimin, for the life of him, didn’t know how to say no to people. How could he look at you right now?
“Y/N?” he called, sounding puzzled. He must be able to smell your rising distress coming off you in waves, but you paid him no mind as you continued to recall the past few days, hating yourself more and more with every passing second.
You’d basically forced him to stay with you and fuck you for nearly four days without ever talking about it before.
It was more difficult to put together the pieces of what happened in your heat, memories mostly a blur of pleasure and then sleep.
“Mark me.”
Your blood ran cold instantly.
Were you fucking insane? You dug your fingernails into your palms harshly to check if you were dreaming. Unluckily for you, you weren’t.
Was there any coming back from this? You couldn’t blame him if he could never look at you the same, if he never spoke to you again. Who would tell their heat partner – the first time they spent a heat together – to mark them?
It didn’t matter that you’d known each other since before you were even forming proper memories. It didn’t matter, because that wasn’t how this worked. You didn’t just ask your friends to mark you, no matter how much you loved each other.
A mark was something you shared with someone you intended to be lifelong partners with. Someone you’d dedicate your life to, someone you might want to have kids with someday.
God, what was wrong with you?
You didn’t notice his approach until a hand met your shoulder, too engrossed in staring at the floor as thoughts whirred in your head.
“What is it?” he asked, concern quickly turning into panic at finding you in this state with no explanation.
But it was as though with one touch, the floodgates broke, and angry tears started spilling from your eyes. Tears that had nothing to do with Jimin and everything to do with yourself.
He jumped back slightly in surprise, and you didn’t give him the chance to touch you again before you were furiously wiping the wetness from your face.
“God, are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he questioned frantically, hands returning to your shoulders as he angled his face to try to meet yours, but you only kept turning your head to avoid him. He looked like he didn’t know what to do with himself, whether to join you on the bed or continue hovering awkwardly from the bedside. “Talk to me, please-”
“Do you hate me?” you choked out, eyes fixed on a random, insignificant spot on the sheets.
That seemed to quiet him instantly. “Huh?”
“I forced you here,” you whispered, though it seemed that the words didn’t want to stop once they started, volume only rising as you carried on. “You came here to be nice and then you tried to leave and I didn’t let you. You said no so many times and I begged you to stay until you couldn’t say no anymore! I don’t even know what I was thinking, I guess I wasn’t thinking at all-”
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know how you must think of me right now but I wouldn’t blame you if you thought I was disgusting, I think I’m disgusting, god-”
“Hey, look at me,” he urged, prodding lightly at your chin until you raised your head enough to meet his gaze. When he saw your red eyes and miserable expression, it was as though a piece of himself broke. “I stayed because I wanted to.”
“You didn't, I remember you told me no, you ‘wanted to’ because I made you.”
“It’s not like that,” he replied, expression almost pained.
“Don’t lie to me to make me feel better,” you snarled, though it came off more broken than aggressive. “Stop trying to protect me, tell me when you’re mad at me!”
“I’m not mad at you.”
“You trust me, don’t you?”
The sudden question was enough to give you pause. “You know I do.”
He took a moment to settle onto the bed beside you, stretching out an arm to invite you in to lay with him. After only a moment of hesitation, you did.
“Then trust me when I say I wanted to stay,” he said firmly, stroking calming circles into your side. “You know I don’t like lying to you.”
It was true, he didn’t. Which summoned the question – if he wanted to stay, why did he refuse so many times? Were you sure he wasn’t lying now?
No – that wasn’t Jimin. Plus, you knew him so well that you doubted he would lie to you about something this serious, not when he was such an open book. But you didn’t have long to think about it before he piped up again.
“You asked me something yesterday,” he started, and you could hear in his tone that he was treading carefully.
You tensed up immediately when you processed his words, breath quickening as you anticipated what he was about to say. Was this the part where he told you he’s not mad he stayed, but he never wanted to speak to you again? You’d relaxed enough in the past few minutes that you’d almost forgotten about what you’d said yesterday. Almost.
“Why?” he asked simply.
Why. An obscenely loaded question contained within one 3-letter word. And yet, an answer wasn’t so easy.
“I don’t know,” you stalled.
“Don’t do that,” he scolded. “Really think. I know you, and I know you’d never be that nonchalant about a mark, ever. What changed?”
“Nothing changed!”
He only turned to give you a disapproving look before leaning his head back against the headboard and shutting his eyes. It was clear that he wasn’t going to make any more conversation until you properly pondered his question and gave him a real answer.
Did you even know why?
You wished you could say it just slipped out, that there was no other reason.
Maybe any other time you’ve said something questionable or downright stupid that would fly, but not for something like this.
Even at their drunkest, people didn’t ask their friends to marry them with the full intent of following through and starting life as an actual married couple.
Just the same, an omega doesn’t just ask a friend to mark them, mate them, not even in heat. Omega heats made it a fairly common occurrence to fuck your friends (at least, a select few) while unmarked, and it wasn’t as though the desire to be marked stemmed from a heat. If it were, platonic marking would be a thing already. And sure, marking made sex feel better, but heats were sexual, and marks were... more.
That was the problem, wasn’t it? There was no easy excuse, no escaping this.
One might say an omega was a slave to instinct in their heat, but instinct didn’t come from nowhere.
The instinct to nest came from the pursuit of safety in a vulnerable time. The instinct to ‘hibernate’ came from the need to save up energy for a heat. The instinct to scent came from the desire for intimacy and comfort. The instinct to fuck came from hormonal cycles and the body’s inherent goal to breed.
The instinct to be marked as an omega? To ask for it?
The need for emotional security, to know that your feelings were returned – attraction, desire, love.
If your love for Jimin was supposed to be a secret, it wasn’t a very well-kept one. You talked every day since you were kids, knew each other's mannerisms so well you didn’t need words to communicate, gravitated toward each other in every group setting, cried together when you separated for university...
You loved him, without a doubt. It was obvious. But was it more than that? Was your body trying to tell you something that you didn’t even consider?
“I...” you started but immediately trailed off, limbs so tense you almost seemed ready to run away. This wasn’t a conversation you ever imagined could take place.
“Don’t be scared. You can tell me anything.” Were you imagining things, or did his tone sound almost... hopeful?
“I’ve never asked someone to mark me before this.”
He only hummed lowly in response. You knew that he knew this already, but it seemed that this time, he wouldn’t call you out for circling around the question.
“I’ve never met someone who I felt more for than you. Safe, comfortable, happy, loved.” You paused, taking a deep breath. “I love you a lot, you know?”
His breath hitched despite himself, even though he knew you didn’t mean what he wanted you to mean. “I know,” he replied, sounding almost disappointed.
“But?” he responded, allowing that tiny thread of hope to wind around his heart one more time.
“But I don’t know what I’m feeling,” you finished, panic increasing exponentially by the end of your sentence, your body almost feeling as though it was trembling.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he rushed, bringing you closer to rub his cheek into your hair. Was it cruel of him to feel some sort of joy at your words when you were clearly scared and confused?
His scent washing over you helped calm you some, but even still, you couldn’t stop thinking. What were you feeling? Did you want something more than friendship, or was this entire situation just putting thoughts in your head? Sure, you were undeniably compatible sexually, and sure, you found him attractive, but did you want a relationship? A romantic one? But even then, how much would that really change? What did you want? Would Jimin be disgusted with you? Let you down easily? It would have to be the latter, right?
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked-”
“No,” you cut him off.
“You should’ve. I can’t be stupid forever.”
“You’re not stupid.”
“I am stupid, what kind of person doesn’t know whether they...” Even despite knowing he could tell exactly what you were trying to say, the words wouldn’t come from your lips. Were you in denial? Embarrassed? Something else?
“Emotions don’t have to be straightforward.”
“I wish they were.”
He breathed a laugh at that. “Believe me, I know.”
“Jimin, be honest with me.”
“I’m always honest with you.”
“Let’s say, hypothetically, you have this friend. You’re very good friends – best friends even. You see each other as much as possible, all that. And she tells you one day she wants to talk.”
“Oh? What’s her name?”
“Uhhhhh...” you paused, pulling out the first name that came to mind. “Susan.”
He choked back a laugh, though you could still feel his chest bouncing beneath your head. “My friend Susan. Okay, go on.”
“And she tells you that something happened, and it spurred this huge train of thought that had never occurred to her before. Something that made her think about your entire relationship as friends, and made her think about herself.”
“Uh huh...”
“And she had to wonder, how much of her heart was invested in this relationship? That answer was easy – all of it. But what really had her confused was what parts of her heart were in it.”
You fidgeted nervously, but instead of saying something, Jimin only reached for one of your hands, intertwining your fingers together.
“But what really scared her the most was – how would you react? What happens when your best friend tells you that maybe your love for them extends beyond friendship?”
You took several deep breaths, trying to muster up the courage to finish the ‘story’ you’ve started. There was no backing out of this now. Your hand squeezed his hard enough that it must have hurt him, though he didn’t seem to mind.
“If she told you she thought she loved you as more than a friend, how would you respond?” you asked, trying to inject as much nonchalance into your voice as possible and failing miserably. You could feel your palms getting sweatier, and you thought your teeth might chew straight through your bottom lip. You held your breath once you heard Jimin take one of his own, preparing mentally for whatever was about to leave his lips.
“I would tell her I love her back.”
It was as though time stopped. “You... you what?”
Unwilling to let you hide your face anymore, he pulled you over so that you were straddling him, your heart filling when your eyes met his, full of honesty and understanding and... love.
“I would tell her I love her back. That if she wanted me, I was hers.”
Your eyes searched his face desperately for several seconds longer, waiting for the moment this bliss would break, the moment he took his words back, left you heartbroken before you’d even properly processed that it was his to break. But that moment never came.
“Really?” you whispered, eyes wide and screaming with vulnerability, but also wonder. The petty part of him wished he could fault you for being so oblivious, but it wasn’t your fault that you two had simply never outgrown the innocent intimacy from childhood, even after presenting.
“I do want it. You. I want to try. If you can be patient with me.”
“Okay. Give me a chance and I’ll make you fall in love with me for sure.”
“Oh.” As hard as you tried to purse your lips, the smile still broke its way through, eyes crinkling happily as every insecurity felt like it left at once. Was it this easy? Could happiness come so quickly in a moment, just like that?
“Oh,” he replied simply, beam splitting his face at your barely-contained joy, your expression so innocent even after all that happened the past few days.
“Oh,” you repeated, though this time the word undoubtedly seemed to harbour more weight, brows furrowing.
“That’s why you said no, isn’t it? The reason you wanted to stay but tried to leave?”
The sad smile that spread across his face at that was all the answer you needed, the briefly-forgotten guilt coming back instantly.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” he assured, pulling you close enough that your bodies were plastered together. “It all worked out anyway, right?”
You nodded, relaxing in his arms. If your brain wasn’t going a mile a minute right now, you were so comfortable you could’ve slept like this.
You allowed yourself several minutes to simply lay in his arms, that familiar blueberry-pine scent making you heart feel lighter and lighter.
“So,” you mumbled.
“What changes now?”
“What do you want to change?” he replied.
“I asked first.”
He chuckled lightly. “Fine. Well...” You leaned back in confusion when he started pushing you up and off of him. “I think being able to do this is a good change.”
He leaned his face into yours, giving you a moment to back away before gently pressing his plush lips to yours.
You’d kissed already in your heat – you remembered that much. But this wasn’t a kiss that demanded your surrender, nor was it fast, or rough. It was just soft, intimate – because sometimes, emotions were easier said through actions rather than words.
You slid your hands into his hair, dragging your nails against his scalp as you deepened the kiss. His hands traced nonsensical patterns into the skin of your back, holding you close as though you’d ever want to leave. It was so easy to get lost in him, in the way he held you, touched you, kissed you, as though you were something to be cherished.
It wasn’t long before the kiss started to get more heated, though, and you couldn’t help yourself from nipping at his bottom lip. He made a low noise in response, a hand moving to grip your ass as the other winded its way into your hair.
It was when his hand made contact with your bare ass that you remembered that you were naked throughout this entire ordeal. And just as you processed that, his hand started inching its way slowly but surely between your legs.
“I think the fuck not, Park Jimin,” you gasped, breaking the kiss and throwing his hand from your body.
He burst into bright laughter at your words, eyes forming crescents that would make any person’s day better. His happiness was contagious, and you couldn’t hold back the giggles at the sound of him.
“How sore are you?” he questioned, tiny giggles still escaping him. You thought you detected a hint of concern somewhere in there, but you couldn’t blame him for being in an obscenely good mood.
“Ugh. Are you not sore at all?”
“Not really? Mostly hungry, I guess.”
“I hate you. It feels like all of my limbs want to detach from their sockets, and don’t even get me started on what it feels like between my legs. You and your dick can go die.”
Your words only set off another round of laughter from him, his grin wide as he took in your fake pout.
“Are you sure you want that? You seemed to enjoy it from where I was standing. You’re sending me mixed signals here,” he teased.
You let out a childish noise of complaint. God, was this what you were getting yourself into? You were already used to his antics by now, but now you had to deal with them while he flirted too? Someone send help.
“Pity me a bit,” you whined, giving him the best wide-eyed pout you could muster. Though, it only seemed to raise his mood even more.
“I’m sorry I broke you,” he said.
You smacked him a bit harder than you would normally. “Jiminnnnnnnnn,” you said, stringing out the word for as long as a breath would allow.
“If I made you food, would you forgive me?”
“...I’m listening.”
“What if I said I already made you food?”
“What?!” you perked up, any grudge you might have held disappearing in an instant. “What did you make?”
“Lay down and find out in 5 minutes, I’m tired,” he responded, laying down comfortably and encouraging you to do the same. You didn’t require much convincing, cuddling back into his side. This position wasn’t anything abnormal for you two, but it felt different now. Newer, more intimate.
Needless to say, 5 minutes turned into 2 hours after you’d both fell asleep.
But when Jimin placed a bowl of re-heated stir-fry in front of you 2 hours later, you would say he secured his place as fully, unequivocally yours.
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