#he was a dude I dreamed about back then
lord-prey · 1 year
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Robot bitch, does Creep even have a tag on here or have I never mentioned em by name or anything?
Edit: he has no tag, time to fix that
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post-s11 Tami definitely gets tired of Lip and leaves him.
yes, I do like them as a couple, I think it is an interesting dynamic and that Tami is good for him honestly, even though they lived completely different lives and crash so many times because of it throughout the last seasons.
fact is Lip won't ever change and will keep making the same kind of mistakes and she will get fed up with it eventually. they'll go different ways, maybe keep a somewhat friendly relationship, and she will get a new partner and Lip will have a Sean kind of relationship with Fred: that kid is the most important thing in his whole life and he's constantly hunted by the fear of drinking again and hurting Fred.
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yabakuboi · 4 months
rating: G tags: established relationship, fluff, smooching prompt: Love is being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time. @steddielovemonth
Eddie wakes up to a heavy weight flopping gently down on top of him. He comes to with a hum and a stretch that pops down his spine even as Steve wraps himself around Eddie, his face pressed into Eddie's neck.
Steve is already dressed for the day, green vest and jeans, his hair a little crunchy with spray, his deodorant fresh and bright compared to the warm smell of sleep. Eddie has to wiggle a bit to get his arms from under the blanket to wrap around Steve's shoulders in return.
"Mmm, you're a jerk, waking me up so early," he whispers, even as he shifts them until he can hook a leg around Steve's hip, blanket and all.
"It's eleven, lazy bones," Steve whispers back. He lets Eddie move them more, until they're all tangled up again. Steve will have to fix his hair, but Eddie doesn't care. He should have thought of that before waking Eddie up.
Not that Eddie minds—would probably call Family Video as soon as the door closed behind Steve to make sure he wasn't mad at Eddie.
Eddie starts kissing a path from the top of Steve's forehead down to his lips, tasting toothpaste and mouthwash, and wondering if Steve's ever grossed out by Eddie's morning breath.
He must not be, because he returns Eddie's lazy kisses with a happy sigh, holding Eddie a little tighter. It drags on like that, and to Eddie it's timeless, too short and an eternity, bliss in just being able to kiss Steve like this, the smell of Steve in his sheets and his toothbrush in the bathroom, and his millions of hair supplies in a basket under the sink. Wayne's no doubt asleep in the front of the trailer, and Steve would have been as quiet as a mouse getting ready before he snuck back into Eddie's arms to say bye before leaving for work.
Eddie loves this. Says as much into Steve's mouth, swallowing it up when Steve says it back, whispers lost between them and the morning sun.
"Gonna be late for work," Eddie sighs, even though he doesn't move except to run a hand down Steve's back.
"Robin shift," Steve murmurs, moving in to kiss Eddie again, like he can't get enough of him, the same way Eddie can't get enough of Steve.
Laughing, Eddie kisses him more, addicted to the warmth, the wet slide of their lips, the heat of Steve's breath. "Gonna get fired one of these days," he says when Steve has to come up for air. Laughs again, when Steve just dips back in to start it all up again. "Steeeve."
"Don't wanna go," he whines.
"I know," Eddie says. This time, he shoves Steve onto his back to he can press him into the mattress, peppering his cheeks and nose with kisses. It's gotta be going on 11:30 by now, and Steve will be a whole hour late at this rate. "Just for now, baby, and I'll come visit you later."
"Promise?" Steve does this thing that he must have picked up from a girlfriend, where he looks up at Eddie with big eyes and pouts his lips and bats his lashes at him, and it shouldn't work. But it does. Every time.
"Promise," Eddie breathes, smiling, and leans down for another kiss. And another. And another, another. And Steve doesn't get to work until well past noon. When Eddie comes to visit around five, Robin chews him out too.
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m0nsterjuice-art · 11 months
I followed you originally because I'm a Springtrap simp but now I'm becoming an Alex simp as well. HOW??? IM NOT EVEN INTO STONERS
I was trying to figure out what it is about him I find so attractive, besides the obvious stuff, and I think it's his confidence and general bravery/"don't give a fuck" attitude. both incarnations of him he's very confident and sure of himself, and... yeah.
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leprosycock · 4 months
i fucking love BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
Opinions on Dream? :^
SO many feelings about him omgg rant under cut please forgive me
okay so i don't really talk or draw him much cause honestly,,,most of the times i just think he's a bit....boring? or more accurately plain? not in a mean way either but just in a 'fades into the background' type of way like don't get me wrong!! he's a really nice friend to his peers, his feelings about his powers and aura making his relationships harder to navigate and trust along with his whole conflict with nightmare and morality about what's good and bad IS very cool!! and i love it whenever they write him to be complex and not on this black and white mentality or when he's just straight up following along his friends with no free will or with a dubious purpose without ever addressing his issues or feelings! it's just unsatisfying to me :')
or when they're making him the 'naive' and oblivious, (sometimes childish?) character being marked as the obstacle and villain along with the other star sanses from the fic's pov, always talking about doing good things while fighting his brother and not hearing him out about the balance, (and for weak reasons most of the time. like it's been so long and you STILL haven't sat down with him when he's, generally, basically begged you to just have a talk? guys please :'( ) or when they go for the victim sad dream always missing the old nightmare, where corrupted nightmare is the incarnation of evil, with no sympathy or emotion except anger and sadistic glee, killing and hurting everyone and dream's just trying to protect the multiverse and dream's always been in the right. such extremes!!!
LIKE!! i hope i'm not the only one that thinks a 500+ year old should have had enough time to idk. learn things? about people and manipulation and deceit? after knowing what the villagers did to night? about the bad things in the world and how there's a lot of grey areas in life and that he maybe reflected on his past enough to process and ask himself if there should to be a convo to settle his differences with nightmare (and you can make nightmare the stubborn one too! or have them BOTH be petty and imperfect and have some things wrong and some right at the same time like why do i always see the good guy vs bad guy cliché with these two when they're the perfect example of why positivity doesn't have meaning without the negativity!! as long as there's a satisfying evolution or growth that doesn't leave me empty i'm good yknow?)
plus i believe dream really isn't as dumb as people view him. i do get some of you saying he probably can't read or write since that's actually a pretty interesting idea to explore! but in general please let him have emotions other than pure sunshiny happiness or endless sadness like he's gotta have more depth than that! let him make mistakes, have flaws that don't just make him the bad guy that's always in the wrong by default, and be angry or suspicious or jealous or bitter or battling his mental health problems/depression or malicious or smart or witty or mischievous and silly or sarcastic or ANYTHING dude i just want him to be put into different scenarios where he can be serious or lighthearted like it doesn't even have to be long or perfect but make him feel real.
it could definitely be that i don't read or see much art about dream or really look for it hard enough but also i just. i feel bad for even saying this fr and i wanna be honest about why i don't enjoy most stories about him cause he always gets the worst treatment along with ink!!! especially ink omg the poor guy has it the worst i think like wow do they mess him up :'(
always one dimensional in non shippy fics, or too plain or easily replaceable by other, more entertaining people in the significant other's life in most of his ships like man. i have read fics out there that made me genuinely FEEL and root for him and love his character so much it restored all hope for me!!! but i can only name one on top of my head and the others? it's been so long i don't even remember their names i just legit feel terrible cause i love him still and i can't find many headcanons that fit my interpretation of him yknow?
not to say people who write him very happy, mislead or sad are ruining him like that's silly- if i see something i don't like i just. move on bro i wouldn't force people to feel or think the same way i do about him cause anyone can have whatever headcanons they want!!! just talking about what i personally look for in him and why i can't exactly find it since most of the stuff out there just isn't my cup of tea :')
hopefully i didn't set anyone off with this rambling opinionated essay i just pulled hhh xD i know i know he's a popular character and i know a lot of people like dream so *sobs* please please recommend me artists and fics about him that you think is good it's been so looong since i've read or seen anything new that makes me attached to this little guy aughg<33333
#ask#rambling#delete later?#probably xD i just wanna love him SO much but sometimes he's just *sigh*...forgettable#i tried to explain myself but also it's like 4 am and i skimmed through the proofreading so don't take this too seriously HHH#like really even when i do read good fics about him he's not on the forefront of my mind and it's painful to me :'(#i used to see him as my third fav but now? ever since i've read and seen characters who get heavier more in depth plots?#i can't say it with as much confidence :') and dream lovers out there i am not bashing your choice or even your headcanons#to each their own but i really wanna hear someone be passionate about him in my feed or askbox like TELL me about him#i've seen ink rants out there that are FIRE like so true!!! but where's the dream defense team???#maybe it's just me tho :') btw i still like cream but not the same way as before if i'm being real#it feels the same...all of it and it makes me wanna bite something ARGHGG#i know i know i ship some stuff that's basic too hhh but dream and cross are always written the same and dream is too innocent#and nightmare is too weird in some of these fics like if MY brother ever tried to literally attack my hypothetical partner????#i wouldn't give him the :'((( sad face and weakly tell him to 'please stop...you're hurting him'' like NO girl they're TWINS#they're the same age i would tell him to BACK off and not insert himself in my love life after years of ignoring and fighting LIKE#especially since most of the time cross is actually good to dream and all- so he doesn't have a good reason to disrupt his bro's dates#UGH i just have so many opinions but basically i would love him a lot lot more than i do now if they also let him be more flexible#and shake things up like with shattered and stuff! gimme alternate versions of him even if it's too ooc like we do for all the other sanses#jaa i am SO sorry you had to read all that dude thank you so much for passing by :'D
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bigfrogdraws · 8 months
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#macs doodles#oc: fadedheart#sorry this dude was me chewing up couches that how crazy i am rn#PLAY THE LIFEGEN MOD FOR CLANGEN ITS SO GOOOOOD#lore dump:#okay so fadedpaw was the medicine cat but was alligned with the dark forest#basically just learning the ropes that kinda thing#a morbidly curious guy#he would walk in the dark forest in his dreams with his brother- racoonpaw- because racoonpaw was a dream walker#and basically acted as fadedpaw's safety net in the dark forest#the two of them kept it a secret- fadedpaw curious about the dark forest and racoonpaw being deadly protective over fadedpaw#however during a particularly brutal leaf-bare night fadedpaw froze to death right there in his nest#and because of his journey's in the dark forest- thats where he was sent#the clan mourned- and moved on#but the dark forest had big plans for fadedpaw and didnt want to loose their greatest clawhold in the clan#so moons later- early spring- a ragged cat comes lumbering into camp#covered in dirt and thin as a twig#the whole clan is shocked and confused and some even scared#but racoonpaw- now racoontail- BEGS for fadedpaw to be allowed to return to the clan#slipstar reluctantly agrees and puts him back into his medicine cat training#logflare- the medicine cat and fadedpaw's old mentor- is cautious of fadedpaw's return but continues their training#and after just a halfmoon fadedpaw graduates- with logflare naming him fadedheart- a reminder of his past death#the clan can never decide what actually happened to fadedheart#some day he didnt actually die- and was buried alive on accident- and clawed his way out and somehow survived on his own#others day he did die but starclan brought him back- as it wasnt his time yet (close but not quite)#some even say that his spirit still dwells in starclan while his body roams the land of the living#as he is completely different from the fadedpaw they knew before his death#yeah but bascially he has this contract with the dark forest now- where they let him live in his clan again#but in return he was to do their bidding and train in the dark forest#and once he dies for good he has to return to the dark forest
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grand finale ! BITB!! rand is the spiral. kian is the corruption. rolan is the stranger.
#my post#THIS IS MY FAVORITE ONE I THINK. THE ONLY ONE IM 100% CONFIDENT ON#rand is spiral because. dude#hes already losing it before the campaign starts bcus hes spent this whole time mourning his sister blaming himself and trying to figure ou#what the fuck even happened to her. hes deep in research into the occult and cults and conspiracies.#he thinks the mindflayer from dnd is real and in his hometown.#and then of course. the fucking ending. 0 sanity he doesnt know if hes real if his sister is real if hes dead or if any of that happened.#hes the spiral.#kian was very nearly also the spiral but in the opposite direction. where instead of not knowing what was real he was the one doing all the#lying. HOWEVER hes the corruption.#from the tma wiki- the corruption is the 'fear of the feelings of disgust revulsion and the things that might evoke such feelings'#he doesnt tell anyone he never made it as a rockstar that he has a boring desk job. he couldnt. how could he possibly tell them. what would#they THINK of him. kian stone who gave up on his dream and is playing pretend? he couldnt.#ANDDDDDD rolan (/the hive) stranger!!!#i very much almost made these guys the corruption because theyre bugs. and while that does fit i think theyre more stranger.#the fear of the uncanny the unknown the unfamilliar.#the wearing the faces and taking the places of people theyve killed is also such a stranger thing.#'come back to us as our rolan' but he couldnt because he never was.#its worse that he got away and tried to differentiate himself. at the end of the day he was still just a part of the stranger and couldnt#escape being pulled in to the show.#also?? something something. the stranger is associated with performance and bees communicate through dance#also thinking about how originally corruption was Hive and Filth. i think if itd stayed like that they couldve been Hive.
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awesometothe3rd · 1 year
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“When were you going to tell me that the pond can send me ahead in time?”
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miguelsquash · 1 year
the timeskip was done so perfectly I think it leaves a lot of room for a spinoff showing the inbetween parts where the isles are being rebuilt. Like it'd be a good opportunity to solve some unresolved bits in the show- unraveling the mystery that is hooty, wrapping up unfinished things like the Caleb storyline, etc. Something slice of lifey that picks up the pieces left behind by disney cutting the fucking budget/runtime. Is it unlikely since Dana left disney? (good for her tbh) yes. Do I still desperately want it? Also yes.
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speakercrab666 · 5 months
lmao mum was talking about these friends of friends i’ve met like twice ever and i didn’t remember who they were until i remembered being 12 years old and repeatedly whacking the dad with my book (while still keeping my page) for making a gay joke, after sitting through like an hour of the intensely feminist mum (heart in the right place, very misguided) insisting that i was oppressed and subconsciously ashamed of my body (i wasn’t) bc i refused to shave my legs but also ‘hid’ them by wearing pants a lot.
shaving is pointless if ur 12 and autistic and have no concept of the social expectation that gives many young girls that final push to start shaving, and pants are great when ur 12 and autistic and obsessed with collecting as many different colours of skinny jeans as possible bc they’re comfy and u love colours.
also their daughter was ANNOYING. she has a baby now tho which is alright bc i do actually think she’s smart as well as annoying.
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running-in-the-dark · 6 months
damn. I woke up around 13:00, was happy it was so early (for me) and felt really motivated to get some cleaning done. just... maybe a couple more minutes. I'll set an alarm, it'll be fine.
I think we all know where this is going. 😭
it's 17:30 and I'm so annoyed now.
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scolek · 6 months
also i ended up figuring out what rei means when he says mamas his successor. because before and during the war he had to leave a lot, go abroad and do whatever he did abroad before the war and put out fires at the affiliate schools after, but post war and into ! rei doesnt leave as much, but guess whos away a lot? its mama. he took over for putting out fires and whatnot.
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what's the first anime you remeber watching?
dragon ball z! i was immediately exposed to it growing up because my older brothers were hugely into it, so it's one of the first pieces of media that i was exposed to.
#ask#anon#i remember we had these old wall stickers of most of the characters on the wall next to our bunk bed.#but yeah i remember having dreams and memories of wanting to be trained by piccolo but uh#i was far too young to understand what piccolos actual intentions were for doing so#as a kid i misinterpreted a lot of stuff about DBZ because i didnt have the right contexts#like i thought yamcha was gokus brother. i thought piccolo and goku were really good friends.#i though raditz was tricking goku when he said he was his brother#i thought kame house and kami were related. and i was always so confused why god had his own merch and a house he didnt live in#oh. i thought ox king was like. a dude chi chi was dating while goku was gone. or like goku just lived with them.#it took me a really really long time to learn who ox king was. and that he was chi chi's dad.#but anyway yeah. we had a fair ammount of DBZ merch and games. though the games were region locked#so my brothers had to use something that hooked into the ps1 to play those games#i dont remember what or how though#we had... Ultimate Battle 22 and... Legends? the latter had a dark gray border around the screen and icons of the characters faces#but it wasnt until i owned DBZ Budokai that i fell in love with the show#and was my first exposure to Zarbon#it came out in november 2002. so i was 4 when i got it. cause i let my cousin borrow it for his birthday when he turned 3.#i never got that game back from him cause everytime i asked back then hed always make an excuse to never give it back#he doesnt know where it is these days which sucks cause i want a physical copy again...#and btw its not an exaggeration when i say Zarbon is the reason im the way i am#literally the moment i saw him i was like ''wow. he has long hair. jewelry. pink attire. and a regal voice? wow. a guy can be that?''#and then he turned into his monster form and i was like ''oh this dude is so fucking cool''#and now i am bisexual because of him#anyway thank you for asking anon! :)#sad to say that idk what other animes i wouldve watched around that time if we wanted to put up another likely source#i also didnt know what an anime was as a kid. it was just cool brutal cartoons to me
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rosicheeks · 10 months
1. What did you dream about last night?
Uhhhm I’ve been having these weird dreams about this dude I knew senior year of high school.
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oceansquill · 11 months
I need someone who is okay with/likes dream, enjoys mcc and will watch & discuss streams/vods, and is a qsmp enjoyer. Are you out there? Do you exist? Please dm me I'm begging
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