#he wasn't the one I expected to crack first tbh
ahlaway · 9 months
Tubbo: so we are going to build a SECRET bunker that is going to be a SECRET from EVERYONE. Ramon: failed step one
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professional-yapper · 9 months
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Aonung x Human! Reader
Summary: Aonung is curious about the sky demon that came to his village with the Sullies.
Warnings: Aonung not respecting boundaries like at all, treats reader like an object kind of, manhandling, nothing serious tbh, Spider gets ragged on repeatedly
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It's late afternoon, the sun at its peak, bathing the Metkayina village in warm gold.
You were enjoying yourself thoroughly, floating on your back and letting the sun warm the parts of you that weren't submerged in cool water. Your exomask was gathering a little condensation in the heat, but not enough to disturb your relaxed state.
It had been a good day. Neytiri had been growing warmer towards you as of late, though you suspected it was mostly born of a desire to please Kiri, who felt Spider's absence sorely and had turned to you to fill the gap of her token human best friend.
A position which you didn't entirely appreciate being thrust into, as a matter of fact. Sure, you missed Spider too, and you were as close to her as you were to her other siblings, but you weren't him. You didn't want the sudden responsibility that came with being their fill-in human. You couldn't crack gross boy jokes with Lo'ak, couldn't comfort Kiri over the shared lack of parents. And you definitely didn't paint yourself blue and act totally feral.
Like you said, you liked Spider, but that was something about him you never understood.
So you were happy to have this respite, even if it were a brief one.
That is, until a shadow fell across you. A large one. You groaned at the disturbance and sudden lack of sunlight, opening your mouth to tell whoever it was to fuck off, when you found that it wasn't Loak, as you had expected, standing on the platform above you, but the son of the Metkayina chief. Onung or something.
"Can I help you?" you asked, trying your best not to sound too irritable. After all, his family was hosting you and the Sullies. He was a dick, but it wouldn't do anyone any good if you mouthed off at him. Not that the desire wasn't there.
"Do you have to wear that mask all the time? I've never seen you take it off," he commented, ignoring your question as he lowered his bulk into a crouch, tail swishing across the ground behind him as he looked at you with genuine curiosity on his face.
You squinted at him, shifting onto your front and treading water as you did so. "I can't breathe your air," you replied bluntly, then, unable to resist, added an "idiot" after for good measure.
He scowled briefly, ears flicking backwards.
You huffed out a laugh, rather pleased with yourself for managing to get under his skin. "Now, is that all? Because I'm trying to enjoy the sun, and- hey! Hey!"
You cut yourself off as his large hands hooked under your armpits, lifting you clear of the water. "What are you doing, dickhead?!" you snapped indignantly, trying to pry his hands off you, kicking at his arms. "Put me down!"
It was his turn to ignore you now, instead carefully adjusting himself to sit on the edge of the platform, legs dangling above the water.
He lowered you onto his lap, and you briefly considered stomping on his dick once you found your feet on his broad thighs, but settled for folding your arms and glaring at him. He shifted his hands to your middle, presumably to keep you from falling or jumping off, and continued to stare at you.
Your cheeks grew hot almost immediately. You felt beyond exposed as he observed you, standing there on his thighs with his hands on your body, only in your damn bikini. He was just looking at first, but then began to touch you, taking your arm between his forefinger and thumb and holding it out- as much as you tried to fight it, you were simply no match for this big blue idiot's child-like curiosity in your alien form.
And it wasn't like he was unattractive. It was just that he was Metkayina royalty or something, and dumb as a rock, and you weren't Spider and you didn't have a massive boner for every Na'vi under the sun.
So maybe you were a little bitter towards the idea of human/Na'vi romance. After all, you were the unlucky bastard who'd had to sit through Spider's long talks about his various crushes. It had started with Neteyam, mature and kind and confident and altogether a pretty good crush for a young human boy like Spider. Then it had been fiery, playful Lo'ak, then dreamy Kiri, and at one horrible point you remember it being Jake. Yeah, Spider went through the Sullies like he had a to-do list.
You were nothing like that. You'd never had a crush on a Na'vi in your life.
And you weren't about to start now, even if his eyes roving over every inch of you with genuine interest made you squirm and flush.
"Do you mind?!" you said waspishly, finally getting fed up with his intense scrutiny as his hand travelled down your leg, dwarfed in his massive palm as he tried to examine the limb in question.
"Not at all," Onung or whatever his name was replied, grinning at you, teeth flashing. Jesus, they were sharp.
"Look, Onung, you can't just-" you began indignantly before he interrupted.
"Aonung. My name is Aonung," he corrected.
"Aonung," you repeated back to him, rolling your eyes. "You can't just-"
"You're not saying it right," he pouted like a little kid. Did he honestly think you cared how his name was pronounced?!
"Shut up and let me speak!" you snapped, hand lashing out and grabbing him by the ear, making him yelp as you dragged his big head towards you. "Listen, you big blue jackass, you can't just pick people up and start examining them like that! I didn't consent to it!"
"Let me go," he hissed at you, fangs inches from your face.
You stared right down his throat, unafraid. "You let me go. I'm not a toy you can fuck around with."
"Fine," he huffed, his tail thumping behind him irritably as you released his ear and he set you down beside him.
You stood for a moment, the seaspray-wet platform cooler on your feet than his thighs had been, and resisting the urge to shrink into yourself as the wind hit the place where his hand had sat around your middle.
He kept sitting there, looking rather like a kid that had been sent to time out, frowning, ears flat against his head and tail still twitching.
"Why did you wanna look at me, anyway?" you asked abruptly, looking at him. "You seemed pretty set on drop kicking me into the ocean when I first came here."
His ears drooped even further and he didn't look at you. "Cause," he grumbled.
"Cause why?" you persisted, reaching out and pushing at his broad shoulder, feeling a little braver now you were no longer at his mercy.
He glanced at your hand, then at you, a weird expression on his face that you didn't feel like unpacking.
You withdrew your hand. "Sorry."
"It's fine," he grunted, then heaved a sigh. Your eyes followed his chest as it rose and fell absentmindedly, before you caught yourself and gave yourself a firm mental telling off for checking out the big blue guy who'd just handled you like you were an object.
Not that you'd hated it. It was just... unexpected.
"You can look at me if you're that curious," you relented. "You just had to ask first. I get that you'd be curious but-"
"I didn't think you'd mind," he muttered.
"Didn't think I'd mind? When a guy twice my height literally snatched me out of the water and started handling me like an object? Aonung," you say severely.
"You're still saying it wrong."
You roll your eyes so hard it hurts for a second. "That's the best I can do."
"No, it's not."
"Oh, yeah, since you've got your degree and know every fucking thing."
"I don't know what a degree is," he pointed out, looking at you steadily.
You huff and glance around, then back at him. "Teach me, then. If it's such a big deal. Teach me how to say your name."
He just scoffed at you and looked away.
Okay. Rude, considering he'd been bitching about it nonstop.
You took the initiative and climbed back into his lap to make him look at you, gripping his shoulder tightly for balance as you stepped back onto his thighs. Thankfully of your own volition this time.
"What are you doing?" he asked, sounding mildly irritated, his hand cupping your hip instinctively to steady you.
"I said teach me," you repeated firmly, poking him in the chin. "I'm sick of you nagging me about it."
"I've only said it twice," he huffed.
"I've only said your name twice," you countered.
You stared at each other for a long moment. His hand was warm, gentle on your hip, and you still had your hand on his shoulder, his skin sun-warm and slightly gritty with sea salt and sand. Okay, so maybe you were kind of attracted to this one Na'vi specifically.
He sighed, looking away from you, then back at you, adjusting himself to be more comfortable, leaning back on his other hand. "Aonung," he said clearly. "Ow-noong."
You made a rather feeble attempt at imitating the sounds. You were used to the more blunt names of the Omaticaya, but the embarrassment of not getting it right was killing you a little inside.
He chuckled, thighs shifting under your feet a little, making you wobble and glare at him.
It takes you a few more attempts and much laughter from him, but you get it, or as close as you think you'll get.
"I think that's about as close as we're gonna get," Aonung said finally, voice warm with amusement as he looked at you.
You blushed despite yourself. Eywa, what was happening to you? This wasn't like you at all.
He was still gazing at you, and you realised his thumb was rubbing lazy circles into your hip.
You sighed deeply.
"Something on your mind?" he prompted.
"You're more tolerable than I expected."
A grin spread across his face as he tilted his head, ears tilting forward. "Should I be flattered?"
You just shrugged, smiling back a little.
"Well," he continued, shifting once more beneath you, heaving a sigh of his own. "I guess you'll be pleased to know I find you tolerable too."
"Well, isn't that convenient?" you snickered. "The human and the Metkayina's precious little prince-"
"Ah, shut up," he murmured, sitting a little more upright, bringing his face close to yours, before he stopped himself.
You didn't dare to move. "And what are you up to?" you whispered.
"Nothing." He smiled, slow and lazy, still rubbing soothing circles into your hip, tail beginning to thump again behind him.
Then he moved his hand to your mask, still watching your face. "Take a deep breath for me," he hummed.
You did so as your heart began to thump insistently against your ribs, hoping- no, praying that he was about to do what you thought he was going to do.
He lifted your mask off gently, and leaned forward, covering your mouth with his.
Like everything else about him, his lips were warm, firm, tasting of sea salt and some Metkayina herb, the name of which escaped you.
You sighed contentedly into his mouth, looping your arms around his neck as best you could, leaning your body against his chest.
You wanted this to drag on forever. There was no great realisation, either, beyond the simple oh. I have a crush on Aonung. No desperation in this.
It was just nice, to be here, standing on his thighs, kissing him slowly and peacefully while the brisk sea breeze enveloped you both.
He eventually pulled away and replaced your mask, looking down at you with a serene, content expression, tracing his fingers down the glass.
You couldn't help smiling, cheeks flushed as you shifted your hands to his shoulders.
"That was nice," he commented, trying to hold back a grin. "We should do it again sometime."
You laughed a little breathlessly. "Definitely."
His laughter mingled with yours, his chest vibrating a little as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the glass of your mask above your forehead. "I'll hold you to that."
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I love dumb hunk himbo Aonung can y'all tell
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lovelyykrystall · 11 months
nyaho ! i saw ur request is open . this has been on my mind for few days now ,, i cant stop thinking abt scara "accidentally" cumming inside you while cockwarming him hehe. thats my request, feel free to ignore this when you feel uncomfy tho! \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
ahsshdj tysm for the request !!!!! this is my first time doing one so i hope i understood it well enough and made it to your liking!!
🎀 cockwarming him ...!
cw ... established relationship, cockwarming, unprotected sex, creampie, degradation (terms whore + slut used), reader uses afab terms
synopsis ... scara makes you cockwarm him while he writes a thesis paper for the akademiya <3
another kinda indulgent one tbh. scara and creampie is such a good combo 🤤🤭 god that's so hot,, i definitely had a lot of fun writing this if u cant tell hehe 😋
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scaramouche was sat among one of the comfortable cushions facing the table of the kotatsu inside your shared home, his hand holding a pencil as he gracefully wrote down upon the paper he was writing his thesis for the akademiya. the only thing different about today was that he had you cockwarming him as he wrote – you were sitting in his lap facing him, his length buried into you to the hilt.
"...try to stay quiet now, alright?" he teased, his lips just ghosting beside your ear as you shuddered from his voice.
oh how he hadn't expected it to actually work though – surprisingly enough, the sensation of his girth settled within you seemed to help him focus – so long as you didn't move.
your arms are wrapped over his shoulders, your face buried into his neck as you tried to refrain from fucking yourself on his cock right then and there. the only thing distracting you were the small kisses you planted on his neck, a feeble attempt to get him riled up as much as you were.
you grind down onto him slightly to test him, rolling your hips against his, whining quietly as you tried to pleasure yourself. his hands slide down to your hips to keep them in place, his voice sending a shiver down your back as he whispered into your ear harshly.
"if you move i won't hesitate to punish you after, whore..."
– before picking up his pencil again and going right back to his work. it just wasn't fair! your quiet whimpers and whines for him didn't seem to have any affect on him either!
"mmm p-please, please..." you begged, it was just too much, and you just wanted him to fuck you senseless already. your cunt ached for release, squirming against him while your heat clenched around his twitching cock.
"f— fuck, don't just tighten like that, slut..." he breathed out, his voice cracking under the sudden pleasure he felt from your wet pussy squeezing around his shaft.
you took advantage of this opportunity, biting your bottom lip as you raised your hips slightly, before dropping them back down, a muffled whimper behind your lips. you threw you head back, his name a chant on your lips.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, so good, sc– scara, scara..!"
his writing became scrawled while his breath hitched, hot against your neck as he almost whimpered, trying his best to keep his focus, but failing miserably. he finally dropped his pencil to the table, hands coming to grip your hips as he thrusted his own up to meet yours, suddenly giving into his desire to fuck you.
the grip he had on your thighs was agonizingly euphoric, pressing crescents into your skin as his nails dug into the supple plush of your hips – there was sure to be bruises left afterwards. but who was scaramouche to say he didn't enjoy the sight of you having subtle marks on your skin to prove how you were his? it didn't take long for the pleasure to build up, feeling his orgasm approaching rapidly while he guided your hips to meet his own thrusts up.
"s- shit, fuck— gonna c– g-gonna cum...!" his voice was music to your ears, a groan mixed with a moan as you felt his cock throb inside of you before coming undone, his warm cum spilling into your tight walls, coating them white. his hips stuttered as he rode out his orgasm, fucking his cum into you.
the feeling made the knot inside your core snap, drawing a lewd moan from your lips from the absolute bliss, repeating his name over and over like he was the only thing you could think of. coming right after him, your cunt pulsated around his cock as you squirted, the combined fluids leaking out around his dick as you both came back down from each of your orgasms.
"hah, made such a mess..." he whispered, his voice filled with lust as you could almost feel his lips curve into a smirk against your neck as he pressed a kiss to it, his teeth just barely grazing against the sensitive flesh. "...guess I'll just have to punish you now..."
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© lovelykrystal 2023 • do not plagiarize, repost or copy my works.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 5 months
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[10:14 pm]
(cw: reader is a little delusional or lovesick tbh)
a/n: muahahaha I've been wanting to write some angst
You were fairly certain Johnny Seo was your soulmate. You were also fairly certain that whoever was writing your love story was making it a slow burn, childhood best friends to lovers, with humor and fluff. You'd known it since you were 14 years old and he was the gangly, wannabe emo, with a voice that cracked more than someone's back at the chiropractor. Though you were positive you had actually been in love with him since you were 7, when he helped you build your brand new Lego set, but you were too young to realize. The only problem, well among many other problems, was that Johnny hadn't yet figured that out.
This was proven by your years and years of pining and his general aloofness. And well, he was currently on a date. A date he'd been gushing about all week to you. You who painted on a smile and wished him all the best while inside you were screaming and praying for his date to leave him hanging. Then, he would come over and seek comfort in your embrace and while you had his favorite movie playing he would realize that you were the one for him. How could he have been so stupid for so many years?! Yeah- it was something you'd thought about a lot.
You were busy chewing on your thumb nail, you had almost bitten it down to the skin while you waited for Johnny to call and invite himself over for you to mend his hurting heart.
A call never came, instead there was a knock on your door 2 hours after the date started. You cautiously walked to the door and breathed out a nervous breath when you saw that it was Johnny. Johnny leaning forward and back on the balls of his feet. That could mean anything!
You pulled the door open with a smile, "Hey, Johnny. Are you okay? I wasn't expecting you!" Lie, you were. That's why you had your cute lounge wear on and not your high school PE shirt and grungy shorts.
He waltzed past you, plopping right onto the couch, "God, that was a great date. I mean it. I like it's been a while since I connected with someone like that."
"Yeah, I mean we have all the same interests. We laughed the whole time and the conversation flowed so easily. Is it stupid to say I might be falling in love after the first date?" Johnny looked at you with raised brows and a smile.
Your mouth open and closed, you willed your brain to send the signals to your vocal cords- speak! But nothing came out. Instead the signals got mixed and your eyes were filling with tears.
Johnny's eyes went from humor to concern, he stood immediately pulling you into his embrace which only made you cry harder. "Hey, hey, hey, what happened? If this is about you being single again, the right person will come around like they did for me," he cooed softly.
And if you weren't in love with him, his words would have made you laugh, but you are in love with him. Instead you just cried harder and tried to pull away from him.
"I just know that the perfect guy is out there for you. I know it. You'll find him when you least expect it and he'll just fit with you like a missing puzzle piece. Seriously, he's going to be great," Johnny reassured while rubbing a warm hand up and down your back.
A missing puzzle piece, a perfect fit. But you and Johnny were the perfect fit. You fit perfectly in his arms, against his side, hugging him. Who could possibly be a better fit than you? Who could be a better match than you? Who could be a better match for you when Johnny was always right there?
You pulled away, wiping your tears on the sleeve of your shirt. "I just started feeling so sick. I'm gonna go to bed. Lock the door behind you please?"
Johnny eyed you warily, choosing not to press, "yeah, of course. I'll text you tomorrow alright?"
Your heart skipped a beat, of course he'd want to talk to you tomorrow, "yeah, hopefully I'll feel better."
And hopefully by then he'd realize his date wasn't that great.
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stellar-skyy · 11 months
MECHANICAL HEART - Platonic Ei & reader
i. SUMMARY: After she discarded her first prototype, Ei created a second. ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: Dehumanization (is it dehumanization if they aren't technically human?), mentions of abandonment, implied emotional neglect. Ei isn't the best parent in this one tbh. iii. NOTES: Platonic, angst, puppet!reader, gn!reader, 0.8k words. iv. A/N: ok i said i wasn't gonna write this week cause i'm busy but in my defense i've been procrastinating a lot and this is the result.
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When Ei sought to create a body to withstand eternity, she didn’t plan to create two prototypes. She only needed one vessel, and any excess was unwelcomed. What she didn’t account for was failing miserably at her first attempt, and having to redesign her plan entirely.
You were the stronger one, if only by a small fraction. You had stared up at her, wide and unblinking, and something changed behind her eyes. She brought you close into her arms—gently, for any more pressure and you might have cracked into two.
It wasn’t quite love. She cared for you the way an inventor cared for their creations, all out of a sense of duty and a desire to preserve what has been so carefully built. There wasn’t a single ounce of maternal affection behind it.
She looked after you of course, like any good inventor would. She’d repair the cracks across your arms and legs, and test each one of your joints to make sure they were in working order. Her hands would trace around your wrists, feeling exactly where the ball-and-socket connected with an unabashed sort of curiosity. You were a source of fascination for her, a wonder of her own invention. How could it be that she created something like you from parts of her inhuman self: eyes glistening with tears that felt real, staring at her with such childish innocence.  
You were so human—perhaps even more so than herself—and yet you were completely synthetic.
She didn’t love you. But she held you in her arms and pressed gentle kisses to your forehead when you cried, and was that not close enough? You could forget how cold her lips were on your skin, and try to ignore how limp her hold was, if it allowed you another moment of believing she cared for you.
It was a sort of care, you reasoned. An emotion so raw and tender, one might mistake it for love if they were desperate enough. Deep down, you knew better. You knew that all the love Ei had to share died with her sister. If there was any left, she would have taken pity on the other prototype—your brother.
He was a soft one. Round face, long lashes, hair falling down his back in waves of indigo. His sobs spilled freely from the moment he was created, covering his cheeks in tears. An emotional creature, Ei had called him. Too fragile to rule a nation, too weak to be used as a reference for her final vessel like you had become. Almost as quickly as he’d been created, he was whisked away and out of sight.
“Safekeeping.” She said. She didn’t tell you what that meant, or which corner your brother had been tucked away into.
But even gone, his presence never truly left you; he was always there as a cautionary tale for what could happen if you failed to live up to Ei’s expectations. He was the example, the proof that if you weren’t enough, you would be discarded like the simple puppet you were.
There wasn’t any love in her eyes when she looked at you, but she still spent time at your side. She’d sit with you for hours in the Plane of Euthymia—whether it be out of some misplaced sort of parental instinct, or a deeply rooted guilt at creating you in the first place, you wouldn’t know—not saying much, but content for you to exist within the same space as her.
The entire occurrence felt a touch too normal to feel natural. You were just two inhuman creatures, masquerading as mortals for each other’s sake. She kept the visits brief, and always dismissed you first.
(And if she embraced you as you left, a suspicious glossiness over her eyes, you didn’t comment on it.)
It was observing the humans themselves that made you realize how unlike them you truly were.
They lived so carelessly, talking loudly amongst themselves and living blissfully without the crushing weight of the world on their shoulders. Women would walk with children balanced on their hip or clinging to their hands. They’d ruffle their hair and laugh at their antics, and there was a distinct feeling that you couldn’t quite place. No heart lay in your chest, but there was a phantom heartbeat thrumming in your ears.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be treated with such… what was it, love? You had never experienced such a thing, not from the person who acted as your ‘mother’. She could do the exact same things they did, but you would be able to tell there was no emotion behind it.
You were her puppet, her creation. You were born from parts of herself, cobbled together into something resembling a person. And no matter how tightly she held you, no matter how many times she looked at you with an unreadable look across her face, you wouldn’t truly be her child.
It wasn’t love. She made sure you didn’t get it mixed up, telling you bluntly that there wasn’t room for love in eternity.
That didn’t matter. As long as she still took care of you, you could pretend.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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its-all-papaya · 2 months
wait i have to add: "I'll write that injury landoscar for you down the road as an apology" NO IT WAS PERFECT THANK YOU !!! but i won't say no to injury landoscar so if you want to write it 👀 (i would be happy!) that's an ask i'd like for the I wish you would write a fic where... ask game tbh!
maybe like. one of them hears that the other crashed or sees it happen and finishes the race on autopilot, frantically asking if the other is okay over the radio and not getting a straight answer (like ferrari: we are checking) and after the race not giving a SHIT, running directly to where he's told by someone the other is although maybe having a podium finish? or media duties?, ignoring everyone on the way there and then seeing they're alright and just. taking the biggest breath ever known. and being overwhelmed? and then just. kissing him in front of the medics? idk. but! it could also be soft, finding the other after all the media duties and after the other was cleared for visitors and they're sitting there under shitty hospital lighting, one of them cracking jokes about being not life-threateningly injured and the other just shaking because he could've LOST him and it all suddenly shifts and makes sense in his head and there's never been a world in which losing the other wouldn't break him. and then it's the most important thing in the world to be able to taste the breath in the other person's lungs and feel his heartbeat quicken and have PROOF that he's alive and warm and not dead. is this too much? probably. but i'm DYING to hear your thoughts on how YOU would write it PLEASE!!
Okay, yeah, Landoscar injury fic lfg, let's do this. Here's how I'd do it:
The thing about me is I always have to have An Angle. I can't write straight-up fluffy comfort, I've gotta make the characters THINK first. So this is kind of not the exact same as your description, but I think I'd write it from the POV of injured Oscar. Hear me out, hang on.
tell me what you wish I'd write
So Oscar gets hurts in a crash and he's sent to the hospital, obviously. The whole way out of the car and on the way, he's like... not panicking, but not feeling well at all. Nothing makes rational sense in an ambulance, everything feels high-stakes and scary and serious and the shock is still setting in, so he can't process that well. Oscar obviously isn't very open about how he's feeling, usually, either, so being noticeably affected by things is just more stress on top as he fights to keep the cool, calm demeanor people expect out of him.
See, generally, Oscar tries not to need too much from anybody. But he's hurt and a little scared and lonely and the lingering shock combined with whatever's in his IV drip is making his emotions stronger and closer and not anywhere near as manageable as normal. Kim is there, but Oscar wants Lando telling him jokes and giving him soft eyes and holding his hand and telling him it's going to be okay, because Lando always knows how to handle new situations Oscar hasn't been in yet. And Oscar's trying so so hard to be normal about it all, but he's actually Not Okay.
I wasn't around for Vegas '23 (ironic because I was accidentally in Vegas hours after the GP, but I didn't follow F1 yet, so) but I've read a lot of post-vegas fic and it's all cute and needy Lando, which is a great genre. But I think I'd set that as Oscar's mental backdrop for this. Because they weren't even them yet in Vegas, weren't like they are now, and even still Lando asked for Oscar in the hospital and had no problem reeling him in by the hand and taking comfort from him when he needed it. And they're much closer now! Lando definitely cares a lot about him! Oscar knows that! So why is he so nervous to just ask for him?
Oscar would spend a decent amount of time trying to figure out how to ask Kim to get Lando there: thinking up excuses for why he needs Lando for something specific, reasons it makes sense, or why it might benefit everyone, but when he finally gets up the nerve to just ask, Kim is like "?? yes? Lol. Obviously Lando is coming. He's been asking about you nonstop, drove both Will and his press officer up a wall asking for updates every five seconds. He's texted me 400 times in the last 20 minutes. Lando is for sure coming, you actually don't really get a say in that one. Silly goose."
Oscar is usually so unbothered, but as soon as Lando shows up, he knows it's going to be a struggle not to lose it, because like... Lando's in the door looking adorable and concerned and Oscar NEEDS Lando so much closer. Immediately. He needs Lando holding his hand and petting his hair and whispering to him even though they don't even really do those things normally.
And Lando's worried, so he gets to Oscar's bedside and is restless. Hand on the covers, eyebrows pulled together, trying to straighten things and fluff pillows and asking about Oscar's pain levels and where he's hurt and eventually he just goes "Fuck, Oscar, can I just- I need to hug you. Please. Is that okay?"
Lando's so gentle with it, trying not to hurt his boy, but Oscar like... cannot hold it together. And so he starts breathing a little funny in his effort not to cry or do anything to show how everything is hitting at once, how he wants Lando, but Lando of course notices that something is wrong. Probably assumes he's hurting Oscar, so he pulls back, but that's the opposite of what Oscar wants. So suddenly, horrifyingly, he's tearing up, and that makes Lando panic more because he's probably never seen Oscar cry. Didn't think that was a thing Oscar did. And Oscar's shaking his head, and his heart rate monitor does not sound normal, and Lando's like "...shit. Fuck. Do you need me to call the nurse?" and Oscar is like "no, just come back. please, lando."
Lando goes, obviously, sits on the side of Oscar's bed and picks up Oscar's hand in both of his own and starts rubbing his wrist a little and saying "hey, it's okay, buddy, I've got you, I'm right here. Deep breaths, you're gonna be okay, I'm not going anywhere."
It should feel patronizing, being talked to like that, but instead it takes the anxiety back down a few notches, outside the range of imminent panic. Oscar feels like a little child again, needing to be held after scraping his knee, but he does. Need to be held, that is. So he's fighting this internal battle between needing comfort and wanting to be good and normal about the situation, and his control is softened by his pain meds so he can't school his expressions as well as normal, and soon Lando’s asking “What is it? You need more pain meds? Kim? What do you need, Osc?”
Oscar can’t look at Lando when he says it, but he finally manages to mumble “can you come lay with me?” at the ceiling. Lando doesn't spare him a moment to second-guess before he's kicking off his shoes and climbing up, arranging Oscar's limbs a little so they’ll both fit. His arm’s around Oscar’s shoulders in a blink, and everything’s a little less overwhelming when Oscar can turn his chin just a little and smell Lando’s body wash, can twitch his fingers and touch the soft hem of Lando’s sweatshirt. Reality gets a little more tangible again, and Oscar thinks it's funny, how he feels a fraction more himself when he's pressed to Lando's side.
The beep of the heart-rate monitor fades back into ambient noise as it settles towards normal. Or normal for them, Oscar supposes. In the middle of his contemplating, Lando starts tracing the vein on the soft side of Oscar's arm, wrist to the crook of his elbow. Two fingers, one on either side, raising goosebumps across the exposed skin. The disconnect the crash had rattled into Oscar's brain shifts a little under Lando's attention, gets a little floatier and a little less disorienting. He's getting sleepier, and it's probably the last of the IV bag dripping steadily through the back of his hand, but it's nicer to believe it's Lando, chasing the drugs up towards his heart with those same two fingers. Oscar gives up one more piece, a little more control, as he snuggles a little deeper into Lando's side. He's allowed to, he thinks. Here. Like this. Lando must agree, because he hums happily at the movement and hugs Oscar even closer. Through the fog in his brain, Oscar thinks he feels lips at his temple.
"Thank you," he mumbles into the collar of Lando's t-shirt.
"Of course," Lando says, and "thank you. It's nice. To lay like this. Was worried about you."
And then, after a long moment of silence, "It's okay to need things, Osc. From anybody, but especially from me. There's not a lot I wouldn't do for you. Okay? You can always ask."
Oscar frowns, because "I don't need anything, it's not like that." His forehead wrinkles as he bats the exhaustion back. The excuse is sitting at the tip of his tongue, but he can't quite feel it out.
Lando gives him a second, then takes over again. It's a reversal, Lando finding Oscar's words for him, thumbing worries away like sweaty hair from his temple.
"It's also okay to want things, Oscar."
Oscar, feeling a little braver or maybe just a little less afraid, palms his way across Lando's stomach, curls his hand around Lando's side, taps his fingers against the warm space below Lando's ribs.
"What do you want, baby?" Lando asks into the skin above his ear.
Oscar lifts his head a little, blinks through his lashes up at his teammate. He's hallucinating, or the concussion is worse than they thought, because there's no way that those words are coming out of Lando's mouth in that tone with nobody to hear them but Oscar himself. Lando's fingers drag a bit firmer against his wrist, the catch of nails sending little shivers through Oscar's limbs.
Oscar remembers Las Vegas, remembers how the same fingernails had left little white half-moons in the back of his hand, how they had taken hours to fade, and he gets it, finally.
Lando's fingers come to rest in the middle of Oscar's wrist, right over his pulse.
"Stay? Please?" Oscar says. The lips on his temple are firmer this time, impossible to explain away. "Until I can go," he adds. Lando's still pressing little kisses down the side of his face, so Oscar sums up the rest of his courage and finishes with, "And tonight." He doesn't say forever, but it's only a breath away.
And then Lando takes him home and takes care of him and it's soft and cute and Lando falls asleep listening to Oscar's heartbeat and kisses him awake in the morning and makes sure he takes his pills and he heals up and they become boyfriends the end <3
Thank you for the ask !! And for the compliments in general !! Hope this was nice for you even though it was STILL not desperate. I'm too Soft (TM).
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
oooo can I request angst w keith? Maybe unrequited love ? Like reader and keith are childhood friends or sthm.
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I ACTUALLY HATE WRITING ANGST. but it has to be done. i'm finishing writing a smut for him so 🙏I'LL TAKE THIS ONE. hint of klance?? really implied klance??. tbh i might make a second part if enough people want it
not proofread/really short because im ass at anything other than romance and smut
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today was the day.
you straightened up from where you were sitting on your bed, holding a little letter in your hand. a letter you would give to keith if you were too scared to even say it straight to his face.
"i like you." it read. you slightly cringed at how it sounded like a middle schooler's confession letter.
but it was straightforward and got the point across. if it backfired, you could always make up some crazy backstory to the note, but you were sure it wasn't going to get to that point.
you were hoping it wouldn't.
you and keith have been basically tied together for as long as you could remember. you went through elementary school, middle school, and even the garrison academy, until he eventually dropped out.
somehow you had managed to follow him into space. a chance of fate, that one night you managed to follow lance and hunk and pidge.
now basically a medic, since you weren't meant to be a paladin and this was the best job you could fit into. and so far, you've been having the time of your life for the past few months.
of course, that didn't mean you were entirely relaxed all the time. it seemed way too often that one of the paladins have to come to you to fix up an injury they had received, either on a mission or even just practicing. keith was your most normal visitor, and you definitely weren't complaining. (but you were always worried for him.)
letting out a huge sigh, you stand up from your bed and make your way to the door, it sliding open once you were in close proximity. you began sweating as thoughts raced through your mind.
what if he genuinely doesn't like you like that?
what if this ruins what you guys have been building up for years?
what if this disgusts him and he never talks to you again?
what if he does something worse than him saying "no"?
you shook your head. you weren't too confident, but you also weren't going to dampen your mood. all you have to do is go up to him, hand him the note, and wait.
you were about to go search for keith, when it turns out you didn't have to move at all. he was making it down the hallway, and he perked up a little when he saw you standing there.
"hey, i have a question," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck when he had finished jogging towards you.
he noticed the envelope in your hands, but paid no mind to it as you gestured for him to come inside your room.
"so, what do you want to talk about?" you held off on confessing, opting to hear him out first since he did come looking for you, and you were curious. you placed the envelope on the drawer, right next to a picture of you and keith as kids that you had always kept on you.
he slumped onto your bed, letting out a big sigh as you could see he was struggling to find words for what he wanted to say.
"i don't know what to tell lance."
"tell lance?" you questioned. maybe he needed your advice to just talk to lance about something important.
"well. . ." he hesitated.
"you can tell me anything, keith," you made your way over to him and sat next to him.
"i don't know how to tell lance i like him."
you sure as fuck weren't expecting that.
your jaw dropped, and keith watched as you turned away from, not wanting him to see your glossy eyes.
"w-well." your voice cracked, you quickly covering it up with a cough. "sorry, allergies."
when you finally faced him again, you saw him looking at you questioningly. "you alright?"
"yeah, yeah." you rubbed your eyes as if they were itchy, playing into the 'allergies' cover-up. at least he won't ask why your eyes were red and teary.
(but you knew he was smarter than that.)
"hm, well." you tried not to think about it too hard, lest you start tearing up again. "just be bold and do it. you miss all the shots you don't take."
very ironic.
he grunted as he sat up. "as if i haven't been telling myself that for months.
you've been pinning for a man who's liked someone else for months. all those years of childish infatuation down the drain. all the years of thinking about a future with him.
you wished you never met him.
quickly standing up so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall, you excused yourself.
"i have to use the bathroom. sorry keith, i'll see you later." right before you left, you turned your head at an angle so you could see him from the corner of your eyes.
"and remember, what could go wrong?" everything went wrong for you.
but you couldn't be mad at him. you were mad you didn't see the signs. it's not his fault he wasn't in love with you, and there was nothing you could do to change that. the most you could do out of love for him is hope that him and lance get together.
the door shut behind you, leaving a very confused keith on your bed.
he also made his way to the door, trying to build up confidence to ask lance out. his eyes trailed to the picture of you and him, and he smiled. he loved you like a sister, and couldn't imagine losing you, although you did seem a bit more distant after he. . .
he realized.
looking at the letter you left on the drawer, he saw that it was addressed to him.
he didn't bother opening it, because he already knew what was in it.
"fuck," he ran a hand through his hair. you were the last person he should've asked for advice. rushing, he went looking for you.
you on the other hand were in a random hallway, rubbing your wet face to make it look as presentable as possible before you went to the training deck to work out all your feelings. is it a healthy coping mechanism? probably not. but you didn't care.
how did you not see the way the two of them interacted? they were obviously a lot closer than with the other paladins. you were stupid.
never would you ever be blinded by hopeless love ever agai-
"something wrong?" you lifted your head to see shiro gazing at you worriedly.
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part 2 with shiro!?!?!?
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Never thought id be here today, waiting for more Coopee Howars foot fetish content.
Tbh its not even that I want someone sucking my toes, i just love how into it he gets.
As always I speak for the however many of us when I say I love your stuff I cant wait to be fed again<3
Oh, this one's going up on the shelf. Y'all are really turning me into wretched little goblin who enjoys corrupting people, even moreso than I already was! And yes, I feel like not enough people consider the "receiving" side of foot fetishism. Having someone you really like and trust be into your feet (which aren't usually in anyone's favorite physical features on themselves or anything) is so fun and strangely ego-feeding. Go on and get someone hot to rub your feet or pay for a pedicure or something, friends. It could change your life!
"You really don't have to do this, you know." you muse at your narrowly-focused boyfriend as he cracks his neck for the fourth time in the last hour.
Initially, he had offered to rub your feet. After a long day of walking and standing, your ankles are often tight and your feet ache, and he's sweet enough to help you out when you're spending the night together. You'd been very eager to accept; you remember it well. It was only a while ago. How it had turned into all of this was still somewhat of a mystery to you.
You'd offhandedly mentioned, right on the verge of falling asleep in sheer relaxation at his massaging of your lower body, that you'd been intending to take some time to paint your toes for a few days, but you'd been too busy and tired to get around to it. Before you knew what was really going on, he was asking where you kept your polish but insisting you didn't get up, leaving you directing him through your bathroom, under the sink to find what he wanted. When he sunk back onto his end of the couch, the small wire basket, the one that contained all your nail polishes, clippers, emery boards and such, fills his hands. You try your hardest to not squirm at the idea of him digging around in your meager little bathroom.
It's almost surreal to see him dressed so "working class", reclining on your couch in a pair of blue jeans, a braided brown belt, and a white tee shirt. He had been wearing a fairly nice short sleeve button-up when he'd first come over, but the late summer heat inspired him to remove it. Your air conditioning works, but it doesn't work that well, unfortunately, leaving the place just a hair below "muggy". He's polite enough to not complain.
He's always a very gracious guest in your apartment, but you still find that you always feel a little embarrassed at your accommodations. You don't live in a hovel or anything, and you keep your place clean and work hard to make it homey, but knowing how much higher a standard of living he's used to never fails to fill you with mild shame. He wasn't born wealthy, though, and even now his split with Barb has left him somewhat hamstrung financially, so you know that he at least respects how hard you work to have the few nice things you have. It's a level of down-to-earth that you hadn't been expecting when the literal celebrity had initially begun to woo you, and it made you fall for him all the quicker.
The two of you choose the color together from the options, settling on a nice, bright white. He says it compliments the tone of your skin beautifully. Your place is filled with companionable silence as he sets to work, the only real sound the buzz of the multiple fans you have running in each room.
You're rather surprised at how well he seems to paint the nails, at least at first. For one, he has incredibly steady, nimble hands, working the tiny brush with practiced ease, so the little dots and streaks you usually leave along the cuticle and nail bed are nowhere to be seen. You suspect that he may have done this for Barb a time or two, but if he has, he doesn't volunteer it, noticeably quieter than he's been all night. You don't press, often afraid to breach the subject of his ex for fear of ruining the vibe.
Secretly, you also worry, deep inside, that he might think about going back to her sometimes. While he seems relieved by the finalization of the divorce most of the time, there are moments, vulnerable moments, where he openly misses his family. You want to be fair to him, to give him the space to express and process his feelings that he needs, but he and Barb had only been separated about a year when the two of you had begun to date. Head over heels in love with the sweet, sexy, thoughtful older man at this point, you fear ending up a rebound, your dreams sometimes plagued with visions of him leaving you to reconcile with her, or simply deciding that he no longer wants to date anyone, period.
You keep these annoying little dreams to yourself, by and large.
"Alright, they seem dry enough." he says finally, poking at one nail gingerly and distracting you from your rather grim thoughts. You watch him inspecting his work, and it makes you beam, a reaction that only intensifies when you notice his erection. Its presence doesn't necessarily surprise you.
Several times now, he's sort of goaded you into letting him suck your toes when he has you in certain positions, usually when he's got you folded in half like a lawn chair on your back and you basically can't stop him (or properly kick at him, accidentally or otherwise). It's not something you'd seen coming from him, but the way it makes you feel leads to you letting him do so whenever he wants, rather happily. He's very adventurous sexually, and the two of you enjoy trying new things together, so initially you'd taken the experimentation as just that; messing around, testing, teasing. But he seems to really enjoy both the act itself and your reaction to it, slowly adding it to his regular repertoire.
Two can play at that game, though, and you've begun to use his own moves against him.
You let the soft arch of your foot play over the now-straining bulge in his pants, a smile playing coyly at the corners of your mouth as he barely withholds a groan at the feeling. For a few silent moments, you toy with him, examining the white polish that perfectly coats each of your nails, nudging and petting at him as you do.
"Quite a bold little tease." he chuckles, the sound low and licentious. His left hand still dances around your feet as they rest in his lap, but the other dances down and quickly works the mahogany colored belt open, the hiss of his fly coming undone making you shiver.
Wordlessly, he tugs his cock free, staring you down all the while.
"Mmm, I think your initial foot rub offer may have been just a tad self-serving, Mister Howard." you muse, your voice low and rich in your attempt to be seductive, your eyes glued to the hand that's slowly, teasingly stroking himself at you. The head is already flushed a deep red and leaking generously, and you feel drawn to it, pulling yourself up into a sitting position to get a closer look, but you're quickly rebuffed.
"Not done yet." he responds, his hand leaving his erection, which springs up to lay flat against his stomach as he playfully pushes you back into your spot, his palm warm against your exposed skin for a brief moment. Giggling, you humor him despite the heat you feel rapidly consuming you, gnawing away at your lower lip as you watch him closely.
Reaching down into the little metal basket on the floor once more, he produces a bottle of lotion that you often use to finish off your at-home pedicures. His demeanor is all business as he sets to applying the thick cream to your skin, starting at the ankles and working his way down, gently massaging his way as he goes. It feels wonderful, just as his massaging earlier did, but at this point, you're beyond distracted by the very minor view of his cock you have at this angle, pressing your thighs together as best as you can to try and relieve the ache building in your clit.
"Mmm, needs just a little more lotion, don't you think?" he asks, thumb pressing right into the center of your heel and drawing a sigh from you, the sound of the cap popping open snapping through the air. He watches you closely as his grip eases, both hands moving up to warm the glob of the stuff he lets fall into his palm. Watching raptly, you finally slide your own hand into your sleep shorts, grunting quietly at the sparks that shoot through you as you begin to slowly rub at your puffy slit. His eyes are following you, and his already throbbing erection jerks visibly at the sight.
Both of you let out a low groan when one of his well-lotioned hands wraps around his cock, stroking it lightly a handful of times before quickly grabbing your feet once more, applying the extra product mostly to your toes and inner soles, which you watch with a delicious combination of lust and squirming bashfulness.
"God, you have such sexy feet." he murmurs, entirely to himself.
The two of you are often surprisingly in-sync for a couple with a not-insignificant age gap, and sometimes you feel like you can see his thought processes perfectly.
This is one of those times.
You've never given a proper foot job before, but the whole thing isn't really as complicated as it seemed in your mind once you pull yourself close, your lover's eyes glinting with want as you experiment with your body's position, the angle of your legs and ankles, trying to find what's most comfortable for you both. Eventually, you settle for sitting up and facing him, balancing on your hands and ass on the worn cushion as your legs extend forward, resting lightly along his own, spread open along the couch frame.
"You'll tell me if I do something wrong, right?" you ask, and he laughs at first, but when his eyes meet yours again he must see the sincerity there, because his tone is earnest when he responds.
"Of course, sweetheart."
Trying his best to help you, he cups your heels and supports your lower legs as you gently begin to rub against him, starting with your inner arch. He hisses at the contact, watching you very closely as you pet along his shaft with your lubricated toes, tracing the head with care. You can feel his precum cooling on your skin as you tease him more and more, building him up into a groaning, lowing mess, begging you for something he doesn't have words for.
His moans only increase in volume as you press both arches around him, squeezing his shaft as best as you can, raising and lowering yourself intentionally, trying your best to stroke him with your lower appendages alone. Your lover is frozen as he takes in your efforts, quickly becoming more and more coordinated, your skin becoming slicker and slicker as he leaks continuously. As soon as he regains any composure, his only move is to grab onto your ankles and hold on tight.
Spurred on by the wild look in his eyes, you press your feet together as tightly as you can, still balancing on one hand and your rear as your lover slickly fucks the gap between them. It doesn't feel like much to you, save for the slight tickle of the friction of his skin on yours, but watching him writhe with pleasure, his chest heaving hard as he breathes fast and shallow, groaning and bucking as you both glisten with sweat…the sight of it pushes you rapidly towards the edge.
"Fuck, baby, I love you." he growls almost absentmindedly, feverish with lust as his hips snap against them faster and faster, your hand between your legs racing to catch up as you both speed towards your finish. The confession makes you flush and clench hard, and a split second later, you're cumming harder than you have at any time in recent memory, finally losing your balance and spilling backwards, flat and staring up at the ceiling as your body twitches and jerks out of your control. Cooper continues to use your appendages to please himself, and you can hear him muttering incoherent obscenities under his breath as his whole body tenses, tight like a cobra ready to strike.
"Lemme see it, Coop." you breathe.
Still riding your incredibly tense high, you fight to keep your eyes open as you watch him toss his head back, his squared jaw falling slack as a low, deep, guttural bellow spills forth from him, filling the room with sound as the first shot of him hits your skin. Jet after jet of hot, sticky cum paints the tops of your feet, your toes, your inner soles, dripping hotly down onto his covered stomach as the head of his cock rubs against you a final few times.
As you both work to recompose yourselves, he pulls his soiled shirt over his head and uses it to crudely clean up the mess, enough that you won't be dragging it everywhere, at least. It's your turn to admire him, then, drawn in as always by his enticing physique. He has a very nice body, painstakingly crafted and meticulously maintained with hard work, and you know he's very proud of it, so you let your eyes linger rather obviously. It earns a wry smirk from him as he leans back a bit. You want to kiss him breathless.
"Well." you say after a few more silent seconds, a sly remark loaded that dies on your tongue as he pulls himself to his feet rather suddenly.
"Yeah, don't 'well' me, kid." he retorts, tucking his visibly still-hard cock back into his pants, his clothing disheveled, open belt buckle clanking back and forth as he leans down to take your hand, quickly yanking you up onto your own.
"Cooper!" you cackle as he holds you steady, eyes running hungrily up and down your body. His voice is deadly when he responds, his free hand coming down to slap your ass hard as he jerks his head towards the back of the apartment:
"You'd better get your ass in that bedroom, girl."
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joanofexys · 3 months
you said you were thinking about Florian a lot so please tell me your thoughts about Florian <3
Florian!!! Okay his relationships have been rotating around in my brain so much lately
I meantioned in another post that Florian falls in love so easily, he's just a tiny bit in love with everyone, and it will not leave me alone. so warning for cringe oc x canon posting ig
Florian and Jean and Florian and Kevin are the biggest ones for me at the moment but other dynamics that have given me brainrot include Flor and Neil, Flor and Andrew, and Flor and Jeremy
Florian has a level of love for Jean that is so impossible to erase that it is forever etched onto his heart (Jean's handwriting is tattooed on the left side of his chest). They're so unbelievably tender. Gentle with each other when no one else had been. They're barely there touches and kisses when no one was watching and silent "I love you"s they could never choke out out of fear of being heard.
that love doesn't go away after the nest. Flor does not move on. He is so terrible at it. And he is still head over heels in love with Jean.
It becomes meetings in empty hallways before games, gentle kisses, and words Florian can finally get past his lips. He knows things will never be the same between him and Jean. But they're still soft as they've always been. Flor still cups Jean's face in his hands. This time with tears in his eyes. "I know it's what you deserve, but I don't know if I can let you go."
That's in part where the Flor and Jeremy brainrot comes in. He's so good for the both of them tbh. But focusing on just him and Florian they have an incredibly interesting dynamic. Jeremy doesn't have the privilege of already knowing Flor. He gets all the attitude and anger and apathy. He has to earn Flor's sweetness. But he does. Idk I just think they're neat.
Florian and Kevin are so, very different. They're hotel rooms and bruising kisses and neverending heartbreak. Flor will never get what he wants from Kevin. He knows Kevin loves him, it's not in the way he wants. But he'll take what he can get. The bridge of Free Now is so them. They share so much of their pain. Florian feels that they understand each other in a way that no one else ever will due to their injuries. And Flor is bitter in a lot of ways but that will always get shoved aside the second he's actually with Kevin. And for a fun little addition: Kevin's handwriting is tattooed on Flor's collarbone
Flor and Neil also fall into none of those. Not as soft as Florian and Jean, with none of the past and heartache of Flor and Kevin. They click in a way I wasn't expecting when I made Florian's character. Neil's handwriting is tattooed on Florian's ribs. Which is actually the first tattoo I knew Flor had and inspired the idea of him getting tattoos in the handwriting of the people he loves most. They exist together very naturally. Matching snark, but delivered with a fondness that lets the other know they could never mean it. I'm not sure if they're platonic or romantic or what but they're sure in each other's lives for forever.
Andrew is someone Florian defers to easily. He's steady, as he is for so many people, and once Flor has even a bit of his trust he doesn't hesitate to lean on him. It's a hand tangled in Florian's hair when he's had a couple drinks and needs Andrew to ground him, or yanking on the back of Flor's shirt to keep him from walking away even when he thinks the conversation is over. He's not one of the monsters. But he's Andrew's. They have their fair share in common but have come to deal with it completely differently. Yet it still manages to give them common ground. There are things, mostly triggers, that only Andrew really gets. Moments where Andrew can be the only one sitting on the couch waiting for Flor to steady his breathing, to look up and meet his eyes and say his name. Voice cracking over two syllables. I'm ngl Florian and Andrew honestly compete with Flor and Jean on what dynamic drives me more insane. And it makes me so mad cause I can't word any of it properly
I hope you enjoy me talking abt oc x canon cause it's scary and embarrassing and i'm gonna pretend i didn't say any of this
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Here's another fic from my AO3! I'll also be posting non-GO writing soon! :)
This one is supposed to be silly and light hearted, if ever it comes off as insensitive, let me know. For the record, I hate the prison system, please know that 🤍
The silliness and playfulness is taken from my own, two and a half years long (so far), relationship. My partner got me into Good Omens, and I will always be grateful to him for that. He's also just the best tbh and I love him so much ❤️❤️❤️
CW for swearing, neck kissing (briefly) and brief NSFW implications (nothing happens nor is implied to happen, just some suggestive flirting).
Bon appetit! 🫶
Crowley and The Mysterious Case of The Disappearing Sunglasses
It was a sunny afternoon, and a certain demon and angel were peacefully gardening together. At least, until something rather weird happened. 
It had started out with a kiss. Aziraphale hadn't joined Crowley for while, instead opting to recline leisurely in a deckchair, sipping wine and reading. He would pause every now and then, to look up and inquire about Crowley's progress with the garden. That aside, they hadn't interacted until Aziraphale had brought his baking, alongside a glass of cooling lemonade, out to him on a tray. That's when Crowley had decided that perhaps, it was time for a well-earned rest. 
Instead of sitting on the chair next to Aziraphale's, he'd decided to sit on his lap. Not that Aziraphale was complaining. Not at all, unless kissing him had counted as complaining, anyway. The thing was, just before he'd kissed him, Aziraphale had removed Crowley's sunglasses, which he'd been wearing not to shield his emotions, but his eyes, from the glaring sun. This was not an uncommon occurrence; Aziraphale frequently removed Crowley's glasses before they kissed, if Crowley didn't do so himself. 
But this time, when they'd broken apart, the glasses had been nowhere in sight. The garden was officially a crime scene-the sunglasses had disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
Aziraphale, former angel, was a key suspect in their sudden and mysterious disappearance. Given that he was of an unusual, unpredictable nature, Crowley had to resort to using a variety of investigation tactics. Tickles, first. This had only succeeded in getting them both breathless and slightly distracted. 
Time for a new tactic: holding his book hostage. 
"Crowley!" Aziraphale had whined. "Give it back, now!" 
Crowley wasn't about to crack under the pressure. "Nah," he'd responded, with a cheeky grin. "Not until you tell me where the hell my sunglasses are! These are my only pair nowadays!" 
Aziraphale had raised an eyebrow at him in response. "Can't you miracle up or buy a new pair?"
"Nuh. Not allowed that many miracles since having retired, and there are no shops around here selling sunglasses.
Aziraphale frowned. "It's a tad odd that they don't sell them around here." 
Crowley stared at him as though he lacked brain cells. Which perhaps, in his own way, he did. "We're in bloody England! What do you expect!? Give me my sunglasses back!"
"Give me my book back!" Aziraphale pouted. 
"I swear, Crowley-!"
"You started this!"
Aziraphale took a deep breath. "You give me no other choice," he replied, his face stoic. A sudden rain cloud appeared over Crowley's head, soaking him in seconds. Crowley gasped. 
"You bastard!" he said, throwing the book onto the porch. "Come here, you little shit!"
"Absolutely not!"
That's how they ended up chasing each other around the garden.
Ten minutes later, and they had stopped. Right. Time for yet another interrogation tactic. "Angel," Crowley purred into Aziraphale's ear, "if you give me my sunglasses back, I'm sure we can find another way to...unwind." 
Aziraphale blushed. "I know you, you wily old serpent. You're trying to tempt me to get me to give them back," he said, pausing. "It might work."  
Crowley sat on his lap and started to kiss Aziraphale's neck. "My angel," he murmured. "Look at you, you're gorgeous. So pretty, so good." 
The perpetrator cracked. "Fine," he admitted. His breathing was heavy, yet he didn't even need to breathe. That's how his interrogator could tell he'd got him. "Check your plants." 
Crowley fell off Aziraphale's lap. "What?!" he exclaimed. 
"Check your plants," Aziraphale repeated, smiling now like the deviant, the criminal, that he was. 
"Angel!" Crowley shouted, with no real maliciousness in his voice.
Right there, on his prized sunflower, the tallest one, sat his sunglasses. They must have been miracled on while they were kissing. The worst part of all? He hadn't even noticed. The next investigation, he decided, was going to be a murder investigation.
Aziraphale bolted indoors, Crowley hot on his trail. Oh, he would pay for this...
"No kisses for the rest of the day? Crowley, that is so unfair!"
"That's your sentence. You must serve it."
After a bit of tempting on Aziraphale's part, he was bailed out of his cruel sentence in less than an hour, with a strict warning to not do that ever again. He didn't re-offend, so Crowley decided he was reformed. Good. Couldn't be dealing with all that.
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Could you do some headcannons for Oliver Wood dating a Slytherin? (No smut please!)
Sure thing!!!
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Pairing : Slytherin! Fem reader × Oliver Wood
Warnings : none I don't think. Mentions of toads ass???
Would walk you to all your classes, even if it means he would be a little bit late.
Study dates in the library
Hogsmead dates, takes you to stores and buys little trinkets for you.
You guys can't go into each other's common rooms so you'll have a bunch of secret meeting spots. Like you'll meet in the myrtles bathroom sometimes or some other far off place.
Would always be talking about quittich, you enjoy the talks because of how determined and passionate he is about them, however I feel like it could get annoying when you wanna talk about something else.
You would wear his quittich jersey during the game, or make poster boards for him. He likes it even though it's cheesy, but it makes him feel loved.
Whenever there's a quittich match and it's all rainy and cold he gets gets worried, because he knows that youre watching. He is a little less worried when he sees you with your coat and scarf huddled in a blanket with sowm slytherins.
Gryffindor and Slytherin matches always get intense. But the day of the game you guys will pretend have a rivalry? "You're going down Slytherin" "Hm.. we'll see about that Oliver." Lasts all fucking day.
You call him Olly. He fucking melts. Hands down his favorite nickname. Other people call him that, but when you do it it's just special.
His love language is most likely acts of service and physical touch. So expect him to want to do stuff for you, even simple stuff. He would help you study, or take notes for you when you're out sick. Also expect him to always want to be touching you.
Mcgonagal got so fed up with it after everytime she saw you two together he would always be super close, holding your hand, hugging you, kissing etc. She gave you both detention for a night. After that you make sure that Mcgonagal isn't around while you guys are touching.
He isn't clingy, but he does have small streaks of jealousy. But doesn't everyone?
You'll catch him looking at you from across the room, and when he notices that he's got your attention he'll wink at you. Also, when you're staring at him and he notices he'll wink. Dude is always winking.
When you blow kisses, he'll catch them in his hand and put them in his pocket. "For later." he tells you.
You'll be walking around, waiting for class to start and he'll break out into spontaneous dance and make you join him. Not like sweet slowdancing, no he's like almost breakdancing. People look at you guys weird.
People don't really understand your relationship. But who cares, they dont need to.
He would always be bringing snacks to you.
Stupid cheesy jokes.
He liked pulling pranks on you. Nothing that will make you too pissed off though.
He really likes looking at you, if you have freckles he'll touch every one, he likes tracing your features.
He also likes watching you do your makeup, not that you need it or anything. But he also likes it if you don't wear makeup.
I think that he would prefer it tbh.
He likes humming songs, and he also likes singing. He is a very good singer, who would have thought? So he'll sing to you. Which is usually interrupted by giggling from you both.
He is a very willing and attentive boyfriend. Like if you are in any extracurriculars, you've got his full support. Need pictures for Yearbook? You got it.
He really likes it when you bake for him. Because even though he doesn't really like sweets that much, he really loves yours. He swears you put crack in them.
You guys talk about the future a lot.
Even though you guys are in dif houses you guys would always eat breakfast together. When you first got together he would sit right next to you at the slytherin table. Some of them were pretty pissed off about that, but after a week they realized he wasn't gonna leave anytime soon and gave up.
His favorite part on you physically is probably your hands or your eyes.
He also likes it when you touch his hair /rub his scalp, or when you touch his cheeks in a gentle way. It just makes him feel all warm and fuzzy.
Lots of nicknames for you. Sunshine, sunflower, my love. He also has some kind of "mean" nicknames for you, that he says with love ofc. He'll call you a toads ass while smiling like an angel.
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magebunkshelf · 1 month
Kinda wonder, do you have any bloopers while making your audio's you'll maybe share one day?
I wouldn't expect a full blooper reel tbh, I don't have that many interesting bloopers. I make a lot of mistakes during recordings, but I don't really react to them, just take a moment and re-take, just in an effort to keep the things I need to edit down.
That being said, the most interesting bloops are the ones that for whatever reason actually got left in, and I guess those are already out there! There was the one in Obsidian Lantern's blooper reel, where I left in a silly "exit character" pttfthththh~ noise from the end of the recording.
In my first Wounded Elf audio I ad libbed around my stomach growling loudly (I recorded before breakfast) because it happened right when the character was talking about how he wasn't actually that hungry I promise! (but he really was though). That wasn't planned, but it was so incredibly perfectly timed I just trusted the mic picked it up and skipped a few lines in the script cos reacting to that worked way better than what I had planned
And then in Atonal's recent supervillain audio he kept in a deadpan "Ow" which was actually me verbally reacting to my shoulder cracking really loudly and messing up a take. I originally said that to remind myself to cut it out, but I left it for Atonal to laugh at
And in Gator Boys 8 when Marco says his heart stopped, that was also me breaking character (my heart skips beats sometimes - it's not a medical concern, dont worry) and Obi thought it worked well in the scene XD
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 year
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𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕒 𝕗𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜
𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕀'𝕝𝕝 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕪… ⋭
(so, where to begin? i guess from the simple fact, that i wanted to do smth fun with this clean-cut parallel. at first, i wanted to make some quick edits, but then, i decided what the heck. i might just re-draw it! *or sort of re-draw it anyways*
the shippy stuff is shippy, but really it was hard not to be all like *insert dicaprio pointing meme* when i was reading the venom comic, and flash just pulled a batman on me. beat jack up, n’ then instead of killing him, like he wanted to, he spared him. took him in his arms all gently-like n’ carried his sorry ass into the dawn. like man, it just hit the cords within me! i was all like oohhh, it's like in one of my most fav scarecrow issues! i wasn't expecting this from the comic, even less so from flash, who always had a bit of bipolar resolute, when it came to jack. 'he wanna kill him, he wanna kill him not'. that sort of thing. yet, this moment kind of shown, that he prob will always find a reason to talk himself out of putting him down.
that's aside, another part of why i love those stories, is that both issues felt personal. both, jon n’ jack had personal grudges, both batman and flash were struggling with personal darkness within them. both overcame it, n' literally had to beat up their personal walking-talking nightmare *flash even refers to jack as that later on*. like, it was pretty great, honestly. all that emotional baggage, uncanny kinships with their own twisted mirror, which resulted in them actually feeling sympathy for scarecrow n' jack. giving them a small speech, that they couldn’t hear *bc unconscious*, sort of implying that maybe ‘they’re not beyond help’. it's almost bitter-sweet. even if most people would argue, that both jon n’ jack are way-way too far gone at that point. even if 'solution' sounds too unrealistic to be true. still, if someone like batman believes in you, then maybe, just maybe there is a chance. n’ if someone like flash spares your life, even though, he’s nothing like bruce *he actually killed people before*, then perhaps, there is smth beyond projection, which made him do it. 
all 4 characters are very different, n’ thb the context in everyone’s motivations n’ struggles are very different too, but i love how bruce n’ flash came to the same conclusion. took the same route with their respective twinky ghoul. showing mercy is noble, n’ it’s pretty sweet tbh. one of my fav tropes in fiction is when the hero/protagonist shows kindness/empathy toward their villain *who in most cases doesn’t ‘deserve it*. that whole cop out thing about 'evil should be punished by death' in fiction really takes away the romantism n' bendiness of fiction as whole tbh. esp with heroes. they supposed to be able to do 'impossible', including 'forgive the unforgiving'. this is why i prob will always advocate for the ‘no kill’ rule for super-heroes. i mean, it makes you have moments like those. smth that is actually emotional n’ also shows the cracks in heroes themselves, bc usually they can only truly relate to their rogues, someone who is usually designed to be a warped up reflection of hero’s own weaknesses, struggles or traumas. n’ while i always see jack o’lantern as spiderman’s villain *he’s one of oldies, a classic villain after all*, i suppose, that this version of jack was tailored for flash’s venom specifically, n’ i *unexpectedly* i loved it. daddy's issues run deep in this one for both of them. meanwhile, bruce be out there lecturing jon's school bullies, after he nearly killed them. what a man lol.
now, the comic panels themselves. just for better visualisation.
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i didn’t include the first bit in my lil art thingy above, but i love how not only the venom mirrors batman in actions, but also how they’re even facing opposite sides, playing around with nearly opposite color pallets in each fight too. caters to the mood, but also it just looks nice side by side tbh. the blue/black/grey for batman, and orange/dark brown/yellow for venom. a dark knight / soldier n' maskless halloween villain. this prob the only point, where they connect narratively n' thematically, but it's a major one.
anyho', i didn't had a hardcore goal to re-draw those scenes to a t, just make it recognizable for the most part. but it was fun! also gave me an execuse to stare at those comic panels some more.
as for the song, it popped out inside my head kinda randomly. but it fits them, i think. even the tune itself adds to it. somewhat sad n’ slow. but the meaning of it, not fully hopeless. at least, they will always have someone there for them. after all, guys like jon n’ jack will always come back, seeking ‘their hero’, hungry for punishment or other things. n’ for someone as crippled as bruce or flash, it might not be the worst thing, really. usually, the hero is stuck in the same miserable 'unchanging', unwinnable situation as their villains are. be it outside forces, fate or sickness, that keeps them bond. it's still better to try and make the best of it, right?)
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charmixpower · 1 year
You said you were happy to give more ,so I'm back for the sweet sweet child Valtor HC's (any plans for writing a fanfic? ). You've opened pandoras box and you can't close it now.
Muah! I'm so glad you're enjoying this little crack au that I got WAYYY to attached too and am now taking seriously XD
I could do like a one shot fic or something but my main concern rn is surviving s6-8 and wow
Anyways here's some SWEET headcanons
Not all of them are nice bc I cannot be dragged away from the angst but most of them are!!
Valtor is legally a ward of Light Rock and will be until he turns 18 and competes in his rehabilitation. I imagine that Light Rock is actually a nice place, the Trix just did not jive with it or the concept of becoming better people. He does therapy at the compound, and his favorite type is art therapy. Valtor really likes it there with his 76 well trained older brothers who are also technically guards
He picks up a bunch of different hobbies at Light Rock. He loves all the activities. They introduce him to theater and it goes exactly like you expect. He LOVES it, and invites the winx et al to all of his shows. He loves the costumes and dramatics about it, and eventually he's listening to Stella talk about types of stitches so he can make his own clothes too
You know those magic limiters the Trix wore on their foreheads at Light Rock? Valtor wears one but he can break it and take it off whenever they want. They're still trying to find a way to actually limit his magic, at some point Valtor got involved in the process
People were first really worried that Valtor could take off the magic limiter whenever he wanted but it slowly became clear that he's perfectly content to stay put so eventually no one cares. The Light Council even gives permission for Valtor to use his magic eventually, despite the fact he's supposed to be limited
Valtor was the one who told Bloom how to get to Obsidian. Like he was there when that happened and he spent all his time after the Ancestrals got trapped trying to get them out so he can just tell the Winx
He obviously doesn't go with them, just because he has the ability to use free will and the obedience built into his essence is now gone doesn't make him immune to mind control spells and he'd rather not. He also REALLY never wants to be face to face with Belladonna ever again, Icy was bad enough tbh
When Bloom puts her hacks powers back where they belong (in Domino) and becomes a normal ass (still stupid powerful, shes related to Daphne AND part of fire mixed with her magic at this point) fairy, she has to learn how to fight like a normal person instead of abusing the fact she doesn't get magic exhaustion. She spars with/around Valtor, primarily because as the Wizard of Magic he can tell her when she's getting exhausted bc she doesn't notice
When the Winx practice group combat they usually spar with Valtor too, who is ecstatic to spend time with the Winx AND use his magic, and they're all there like "if you didn't pull your punches for most the year and have an obvious exploit in your design (aka if you were a nomral born person) we would of never won."
Valtor is technically transformed 24/7 and can straight up die from magical exhaustion. Unlike other magic users who would just detransform, collapse, and pass out, he's far too sustained by his magic to survive without it. This is one of the said design flaws that could be used to defeat him, please note how both this and ripping his elemental components apart would both kill him
He's a kid but he's the WIZARD OF MAGIC, literally anything that's magic is under his domain and he absolutely treated their fights as games bc he COULD curve stomp anything. Belladonna wasn't fucking around when she created him
He still considers Bloom his sister after she gives up her HAXXS that makes her magic feel like his. Bloom thinks this is adorable and takes him out for family time. Valtor looks forward to whenever anyone comes to visit him, especially when he gets to leave the compound (it's nice there but he's used to having access to a lot more space) but especially when Bloom does it
Magic attaches to symbols easily, and Valtor made his mark to make really complicated magic (like Witch magic mind control and Fairy magic power boosting) easier on himself. He made the symbol at like 4ish and has been using it since. Sometimes he makes the symbol from his hands when he just shoots magic at the problem bc he thinks it looks cool
Eventually Helia takes over administration over RF from Saladin Valtor likes to hang around the place and he gets to help out with combatting magic lessons! Exciting for Valtor, terrifying for literally all the students. Riven and Diaspro tend to be around™ bc Helia harasses them into being around and they do not help the situation. The staff at RF uses Valtor to haze the freshmen. Valtor eventually notices this and is stuck between intentionally freaking them out and not wanting people to be afraid of him
Bby Valtor is Belladonna's biological son, no father. He's made from a combination of all the elements instead of just fire and his true form is more uncanny and otherworldly instead of chthonic looking. A very strong "I shouldn't be looking at this" energy, his appearance sets off the flight or fight response but it's not incomprehensible or anything. He's still humanoid it's just when you're a creature closest in make-up as all 5 of the gods of your world you end up looking weird. Still dragon looking tho
Nabu comes around often to just chat with Valtor about his magic. As a scholar Nabu is thriving asking questions about Valtor and Valtor loves the attention, everyone else is a little concerned if Nabu should be getting child that nearly took over the dimension thinking about how to use his magic more efficiently but it's fine. Valtor is a good kid now
Btw if the planet of Espero (where dimension wide government buildings are hosted, including Light Rock) was ever attacked....no it wouldn't be <3 Valtor would put an end to that shit so quickly it wouldn't even be a fight
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murkystarlight · 17 days
Dreamzzz season2 spoilers
(Tbh. This is just me writing down my commentaries while watching the episodes)
Episode 14
The cat is adorable. And pretty..(I say this word a lot)
Zoey having troubles.
Yo-... I wasn't paying attention for a split second, and I thought she jumped out the window-(cause the cat was looking out of it 😭)
Also- how is Cooper's mom letting him go out to places every night? Does he sneak out? What about all the other ones? What do they tell their caretakers?? "I'm going to sleep at an observatory with my friends that my science teacher owns. See you tomorrow! Bye~"
Cooper is trying a lot of new things. Good for you. Very good.
Those two make a nice duo
The Never Witch probably is like a... some sorta.. memory bank. She would do great at tests. Can she help me with my tests??
Make more of the dopples? Oh-
Oh he is jealous- also, potent biofuel made from dream trash? Nice. ...does. does pollution happen in dreams too?
Okay- so.. hammer? And key leads to orb. The key looks pretty
Dad's birthday! That's cool. Okay. Um.. how is that related?
Cooper's being alone and lonely
Oh- Astrid has to sleep at a different time- of course.
Same every year?? Jasmine? And some.. weird red hulk versions of-
And Cooper has done it again! He does most the stuff around here doesn't he
They got Zoey's cape- so... is the one still around her neck a different part? Or is it the same but torn off
At least Z gets the credit
Oooh~ pretty
They just pushed eachother inside-
Duty Decimal System. New knowledge people
Z-blob can be used as a... backpack?
The spinning dots thing is coool. How do you do that??
Also how do they hold the paper while it's spinning??!
Cooper's brother?? Do we actually get to meet- at his place?? Holy- ah thank you riddle
Izzie is now besties with Jasmine
And Mrs. Castillo says something interesting again. Something is up with that woman! I swear
And does this mean.. we aren't going to Cooper's place after school to crack the riddle with his brother?
Dallas! He's trying to sell scarfs- in.. not very much winter. Nice to see him again. Still selling his knitting. Only making the same scarfs...
Rock n roll realm? Okay- there's a lot of cool realms. And we don't know them all!(Wow. Logan sleeps well)
Mateo! You can't just cut him off like that..
Don't worry Cooper. It means you're getting more spotlight and focus. And not going to be abandoned after getting your character arc finished in the first two episodes.
"When you said you've been trying new things? That.. worked for you. Right?"
"Yeah. It's been great. But while I was trying new stuff, i think everyone else moved on. I feel kind of... alone"
"Alone isn't so bad. Nobody around to hurt you. Or for you to hurt"
"But it hurts. When the world keeps moving on without you"
I love the dynamic here. Those words are... kind of- hitting the spot but.. uh. Yeah. Nice. Very nice scene
"That's it!"
"You seem.. very happy about my pain"
"No, the world did move on! Stuff changes."
Then lore. But I really love this conversation guys. It... augggg
"The eye of the storm?"
"Bad weather? Need a scarf??"
(Okay. Dallas is also very adorable now)
Slept all day? Wow- that is some skills
And look at them dopples sleeping- omg--
The maze is pretty fun
Aannnd they're getting sucked in
Mrs. Castillo?? ...I'm telling you. She has something going on
And Cooper and Zoey is stuck together again.
And no- you aren't exactly giving off new best friends vibes Zoey. I thought you opened up. And he notices it too. Probably everyone else did also.
Okay it would be such a shame if we lost that thing. Because all the puzzle and stuff the time? So hard to find it. Lunia did some really good defense systems. Without booby traps
Okay. What happened to Izzie? What is that eye?!
Omigosh! It's Pye! Sick ...motorcycle? Okay... not what I was expecting honestly. But nice! That's awesome
That eye is messing with everyone's head- so... complicated. What is it supposed to be??
Um... doing the opposite?
"Aww... you called me Diz. I love it. are we besties?" That's adorbs. What? Huh? And she's crying? So many- confusing- ugghhh
"Wait. Why are you crying? If you're crying... shouldn't I be crying?"
💗(I used the word adorable or cute too many times-)
"Wait a second. If you understand me.. does that mean you understand everything I ever told you?"
Woah- lol. Your cat knows your secrets
"Not. One. Word. About the bathing suit incident"
...what bathing suit incident. What's that supposed to mean- Zoey! That was totally unnecessary! Why did you- Ugh. Now I'm curious- what do you f-ing mean???
That ball is making things really fun. I love it. Don't understand it. But I love it
Oop- Mr. Oz- I.. think... we owe you... another apology. Haha...
"[Laughs] pretty colors" yes indeed Cooper. You did a good job on that colored smoke
And now they're fighting- and Mateo is getting pulled into the mess- and... they're friends again. Welp- not sure what I was expecting. But they're having a bro moment. He has the smile on his face again so.. yay
Crocodile car!!
Dizzy is... still here?
Oh- the eye of confusion... it just... it literally just makes them confused. Oh. Okay. Yeah- that's it. Confusion. Mhm
The troubled look on Madteo- it's great
So many things packed into one episode geez-
Episode 15
Okay, Zoey. Are you sure it's a good idea to go meet your dad while he is.. dome-ified?
Also- why does he look... older?
The lip motions when Zoey and her dad meets. They're new. Cause... they be fed up and pouty and... twisted to the side?
Take care of Zian? Well. That's good. He- I like him. I like this guy.
He is trying Zoey. He... he admits his mistakes and try to apologize. Like.. genuinely. That is- something amazing
Gnorf's! Yayyy
New looks out of nowhere. Okay-
They caught Dizzy captive oohhhhohh
Cooper is not liking the sappy stuff
And now we're trying to find out about the crown.
Logan and Astrid~ they're really cute. Isn't too weird. Kinda forced and quick, maybe. But I think it's a good match
Astrid is kind of like a Cooper style
"What we face in the forge is not fear. But the thing we must learn to face within ourselves."
Interesting..... humm.... so the forge... then what about in the first season- okay. Cooper, um.. makes sense. Izzie... maybe she needed to like... let her mom go? I really don't understand Mateo's though.... maybe it's something like.. you can do it! Yayy (idk. Lol)
Oh here we are. The norfs
I loves theses dopples- seriously
And- Cooper is just.. chilling in the back. Okay. Well- yeah. He can do that. Do everything you want. He doesn't make a good cop does he?
So apparently the dopples still have the same interests and everything else. They're just... evil
"You like anime? Give up the Intel and we'll let you watch the Bunchu Bunny season finale. Episode just dropped last night"
"Oh, I helped Doom Dome the writer of that show. Made him tell me how it ends. (Spoilers of the anime)"
Well. That plan backfired. And bad. But at least we know? Nope. Doesn't help. She is the worst- (and we have two offended friends. Who love watching that anime. And got spoiled the ending-)(look at Cooper panting. So frickin cuuuutte. He's like- "no- you did not just do that to us-!")
And the bonus scenes?! No- she did not! How could she- but I need to know the plot and story of Bunchu Bunny now. It sounds fun-
Astrid has character building! Yayy let's see it
Logan has a interesting one too
You smell him on Zoey? What- and how did they know Zoey was using the watch for dream bandit stuff? Suspicious why they suddenly showed so much interest when Mateo opened the bag and showed them the eye too..
Logan!! Good, good
..another maze? ..did Logan just break the wall? He got an hourglass! Astrid needs to loosen up
On the table. He has had enough. And Izzie has a plan.
Look at Dizzies eyes going wide- dang... both Izzie and Dizzy sure love their pickles...
Logan grows! Whooo (I love that jacket-)(and the tail- holy. A tail??) Look at those two- finding true meaning, giving your hourglass. Blue and gold- mmmnnh
Uh oh-
"Promise me Teo. Promise me we won't ever become bitter like the GNORFs"
Why.... does that sound like... um... let's say- foreshadowing. .....it.. it sounds bad (also, what are you? A couple? That sounds so much like a couple in fanfics or smth-). Mateo doesn't even answer it
Eye twitch- Hehehe Yeah... yes. Use it agaisnt her. Savage- the give(not really) and take.
New look for Astrid too! So this is where she gets the new haircut!
Alright. We got two successful teams and one unsuccessful team
To the Nightmare king?? Him again? So is that what his crown is??
Episode 16
'Grim vengeance'? Please tell me Sneak is here again?
The snippets of info the dopples are giving us? They are delicious. Thank you dopples. So... what happened the last time the Never witch fought the Nightmare king?
Apparently the crown the Nightmare king originally has is not the crown we're looking for-
I can't tell if Cooper is shuddering because of the weather.. or....
Just keep away from the lovey dovey stuff they're portraying. If you don't like the sappyness
Susan! Snivel!! (Shoot- almost forgot about them) your babysitter hasn't come in ages, has he? Awww you poor things. They look so bored
"Anyone else think it's wack the Nightmare King had the crown of control this whole time but never used it?"
Exactly Logan! Ugh- it's weird. Right?? But Dizzy said from what she knows. Maybe someone else took it again?
Ruby in her staff? That's padt of it too? The ruby? *sigh* didn't know that
Susan carrying Snivel-
"Okay- maybe I should really stop throwing rocks-'
Eyes wide Susan. That was surprisingly cute
Sneak mentioned! Yay
A closet die hard vegetarian- holy- Oh my gosh
"Sneaky- sneak!"
Susan was shocked. But then realized this is worth bullying him about
Rainbow dance kitty-
Oooh Sneak has got some serious blackmail
Z-blob robot!! Yeahhhh
Susan helped! And- Snivel's just confused as heck
Okay- Cooper. Does have the fear and horror from when he was first captured. ...thank you
And Izzie just restarted Cooper's trauma
Darn it Izzie. Think a liiiittle bit more. Will ya?
"Did you miss me? I've been looking forward to this for days"
"You've been looking forward to seeing my for days-? Awkward~!"
Yes Teo! He is arrogant! He loves himself! And you technically count as himself. Duh-
"That's not what I meant! Tell me what you did with Dizzy"
Aw. So they do care for eachother
"Don't worry. She gave up real easy"
Zoey kicks Never Witch butt!
...uh- what happened?
Oh- they're in the Never Witches mind. Yes! Lore. Maybe we can see what the cloning herself thing is
So.. pretty and calm and peaceful
Sisters? Twins? Oh-
Helmet! Finally! Cooper! You have your helmet on!
Oh. Is that what the Never Witch means by the beginning? She used to be alone with that other purple hair girl. But other worlds started appearing and purple hair was interested and wanted to go explore. But the Never Witch didn't like it. Doesn't like change. Like we kept getting informed on
The islands are so pretty though
Accepting mistakes... hmp
Snivel keeps getting thrown-
Oh- sister... okay. But wow. If you love her so much. Let her do what she wants. And what do you mean 'if you go, don't ever come back'. I never understood those-
Uh... she just.. withered the flowers and made lighting crack? Anger can do things to people
Sandman!! Ahhhhhhh I missed you man
She went everywhere? Became one with the Dream World?? Whaaa??
What do you mean bring her back to me? You told her never to come back to you!
I like how Izzie and Mateo is heating the Sandman's words and thinking of their mom(I think)
So... I guess the Never Witch is a child playing with Barbie dream houses
Ah- we got babayaba's moving house(I don't know the name-)
Snivel- wow. We are really throwing away their trust for us
Oooh. The Nightmare King and the Never Witch! The fight. And it has something to do with the crown- the Nightmare King was keeping it away from her! Exciting
The crown looks cool-
So... she is blind?
"Welcome ba~ck! And... goodbye"
The sword! Oh yes! Those look so pretty! So Cooper's staff and Mateo's sword is also going to be here. Right? Right??! It's also very pretty (and Mateo made a... blob blasting thing)(looks like the Ghostbusters)
"I. Am the FIRST DREAM" WOAHHHH so anyways guys-
Did- what- um.. okay. So...
The Never Witch was just about to zap Logan and Cooper, Cooper jumps into Logan's arms amd the two wake up screaming. ...isn't it bad if they wake up in fear??
Also, why were you sleeping in your gym shirt Cooper? Is that your pj's? Or..
And seriously! Again? Why can't it be both Izzie and Mateo he says. And hugs. Why can't they just- why do every animation or movie or anything, do that! I want them all to be smiling and hugging, asking eachother if they're okay
Okay. But good job at reading the memory
We are going to.... the Beast realm!
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My breakdown and my thoughts on the ending of Bittersweet Chapter 3. (PART 2)
Ok so we get the story so far, Jessie kills Derek and takes his spot. And once the trio gets there I bet 100% she was not expecting it. You can just tell by how she wasn't too eager to turn around, even when Seth was demanding it.
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"It's just ketchup, Seth! I promise!"
I just love the look of pure relief Seth is giving knowing that his mom is ok, to the sudden horror of knowing what she did.
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And tbh I think she did this not only to get revenge on Derek for hurting her son, but maybe her thoughts were.
'If I get rid of the person tormenting my son and who he loves, maybe he can forgive me for what I did to him.'
Idk and I have no idea what is gonna happen to Jesse. Either she's staying there or going back with the boys cause she's on the run or something.
But I doubt she's on the run because she has Auron in her corner, but if she does go back with the trio then it could allow more time for her and Seth to try and fix their bond.
Then if she does go, it might be hard cause of Auron. Cause he said that Jesse can do a better job then half of his goons singlehandedly.
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And this is what I mean when I said that Auron probably tortured him.
HE FUCKING JESUS HIS HANDS TO THE DESK. When I first saw Derek's dead body nailed to the desk, it made me scared of Auron.
I think Mark got off easy.
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Then we have Finn and when I saw him in the back I was like 'Why the fuck are you here bro!?
And you can just tell that Finn doesn't like Auron just by the look he's giving him.
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Then you can see the shock of 'Oh shit!' When he spots the book.
Speaking of
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Derek knows about Finn and the other world. And my only conclusion was that when he died and then got resuscitated.
Once he died he saw Finn and the power he had over this world. Or Finn saw what happened to Derek and decided to give him another chance by turning back the clock.
From what I gathered from Derek was that he is a man obsessed with power and enjoyed having control over other people.
So by seeing Finn and all the power he has over this world, we can understand why he talks so much about death and power.
Thus leading to my questions on Finn.
I can go on about Finn and I know that within time (HA) we will get more answers about his world and his powers.
But I can't help but wonder why is he in Bittersweet and Why is he so obsessed with the trio.
My guess and this guess may sound crazy, but what if Finn's predecessor was Alphonse and not Faust as we have all been theorizing? To me, that would only make sense why he's obsessed.
But again idk.
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Then we have this last shot of Auron looking into his reflection. Seeing the man he has become and broken away from the dreamer self that he was.
The ending gave me an eerie feeling because of the clique feeling of being watched when there's no one there, and the sound of the glass creaking and giving away.
Also, the cracks of the glass remind me of the crack marks of the Promo we got when Chapter 3 was about to start.
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Then we have Shattered
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Which I'm pretty sure will be mostly about Auron and his story. I'm pretty excited for shattered because hopefully, we'll get more backstory with Auron and why he is like he is.
Tbh Auron reminds me of Gus Fring from breaking bad.
Anyhoo, I'm ready for 2023 and excited for the next chapter of Bittersweet and the Beginning of Shattered.
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