#he wrote me a poem once too and i always wondered what became of him
The Cycle Never Ends.
Mother's Day poem (I cry every time I read so it must mean something. Wrote it all in less than 10 minutes).
From the tales of my time, I always knew I was the weaker, the unbearable daughter. My sister is the stronger one, the one who meets your standards and loves you both equally.
I will never be her; always the lamb, never the slaughter. 
I can hold as many grudges as you do, you always compare me to my sister and money always comes into play when it's me. You can’t feed off of love, that’s true; but once you die they all act like it was too late to say “I love you”. 
I can get why you feel disappointed in me for treating your husband like anything but my dad; the way your care was exchanged by your mother and siblings’ dislike, their envy never ceases to amaze.
When a child is blamed for their honesty, they start to lie. 
The way you discovered dad’s dirty little secret long after the honeymoon phase, and you just endure every single day of it because you claim to love him; it’s for a reason your favorite color is blue. You never had a future planned, not a single dream to pursue.
Just to be a loving mother and wife. 
Don’t lie to yourself; you know you’ve never been truly loved before, it was easier for your dad to tell you what to do. It was easier to suck up the despair my dad caused in your heart, and lie to yourself and your daughters too.
Maybe that is why I can't understand why you let Dad hurt you like this. 
I sometimes wonder what could’ve been of you if you were a bit more independent. I'm nobody's girl, I'll die without a name, without anything to call mine. The way you’ve told me how cruelly you’ve been mistreated just made me realize you’ve deserved better; a life better than just this. 
And I just made you mad every single time, because I let my true feelings and my directness win over. I got no true friends, and everything I love will go away. Just say you regret spending millions for me, just say it.
After a night of heavy drinking, he claims it won't happen again, but never means it. 
And you’re right, over time Dad hasn’t become any more relevant in my life, but because the sorrow that once became anger, finally ended up being disappointment. 
And to ask why I, in your words, hate him, takes it too far. I don’t expect you to understand, but the same way an abused dog is tricked into believe he’s being praised, I’m afraid you were conditioned the same way; you're just adding lemon to the fresh scar. 
You see, the thing is that we’re two different women. You’ve said it before; my dad’s alcoholism is something I don’t want in a spouse. I don’t need someone to feel complete, and I don’t ever fake anything; you can call it honesty, or impoliteness.
But the words have been spoken, life took up much of the purity I once had and made me stronger. Why do I even try to prove I do care for him, if all you and my sister think I feel for him is disgust?
It is all pointless. 
But despite everything, say that I hate my family just hurts, mostly because it comes from the person who sacrificed their whole life for mine.
Why would I ever hate you for doing so? 
I guess I haven't become smarter and stronger like I thought I was. 
The realization I’ve come to; the cycle never ends. 
-- Amy Jade.
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sadgurlsposts · 2 years
Usually ya don't want an ex or past beau coming back
But this one ....this one I'll accept lol. Nothing but good vibes w this one. I even got a little happy lol. Jeeze.
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lavenderlyncis · 2 years
F, R, U?? :)
This turned out so so long, I'm very sorry <3
F: a snippet from a dialogue scene that I'm proud of with an explanation
This was kind of tricky, because there are so many scenes from tbwb that I would love to talk about and explain. I decided on this one purely, because I can talk about it without spoiling too much.
"This one is called 'sunflowers'," Regulus began.
James wheezed at this. "I wonder why."
"Shut the fuck up." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, this was painted with only three shades of yellow. He demonstrated that it was possible to paint with one singular colour, without losing any amount of eloquence. The sunflowers represented a sort of gratitude for Van Gogh. He once wrote that in a way, he owned the sunflower. I believe that to be true. No one else has ever painted sunflowers quite like he did."
"I guess." The dismissal in James' voice made Regulus' blood boil.
He sharply turned to him. This time, James was looking at the painting and not at him, which was strangely disappointing. "Excuse you?"
"I mean, yeah, he owns the sunflower, but that's not a very nice flower to own." He shrugged and focused on Regulus again.
Regulus was shocked. The sunflower, not a nice flower to own? Didn't James have any eyes? He opened his mouth, but no words came out.
James, the tasteless prick, continued. "It's not as impressive as painting... oh, I don't know, water lilies perhaps."
"Excuse you?!" Regulus saw red. "You did not just compare Van Gogh to Monet, did you?" His voice became shrill, and he had half a mind not to actually scream at James in public.
"He is the superior impressionist," he asserted with mischief glinting in his eyes.
Regulus sputtered. "He is- No! What? How do you even come to that conclusion? The audacity! You come into this museum and disrespect the man himself?!"
"What can I say, I just always liked water lilies better than sunflowers." He shrugged and Regulus paused.
Was James trying to tell him something? This had most likely been some teasing on James' part, but 'water lilies'? James had to be a fool to not read the hidden meaning of that. Was this his way of rejecting him yet again?
Regulus had gotten the message the first time. James didn't need to remind him.
I like this scene so much because it tells us everything we need to know about James and Reg's dynamic and the cause of their issue.
On a surface level, James tries to get under Regulus' skin because he likes seeing his reaction. Regulus is very reactionary when it comes to James. Those two know exactly what they have to say to rile the other up and that's a very important part of their relationship. It shows how well they know each other.
On a deeper level, the entire core conflict they are facing gets demonstrated here. James says something random without thinking about it and Regulus, lead by his insecurities, interprets a deeper meaning into it, that James didn't intend. They face a major miscommunication issue that they need to adress, but neither of them have realized that it's even happening.
I also just really enjoy the metaphor of Lily being waterlilies by Monet and Regulus being sunflowers by Van Gogh. The sunflower motive is going to be continued throughout the entire story, which can be seen by the title of the very chapter that scene is from, "blooming of a sunflower", which is a reference to Regulus' feelings being rekindled.
R: are there any writers that i consider an influence?
I would be a fool to not mention @mcplestreet here. I think my love for their work is widely known, but they are singlehandedly responsible for getting me to post my work, so they definitely had the lairgest influence on me.
Another writer I would consider an influence is actually @wegkreuzer. She's not a fanfic author, but she sends me poems and sometimes short stories of hers that always inspire me in some way. There's even going to be one of her poems featured in tbwb.
U: Three of my favourite fic writers and why I love them so much
I don't think I can choose just three. I'm sorry. These are in no particular order.
@aureusprongs. I don't think I even need to elaborate. Omnia vincit amor is a masterpiece. He just gets the characterisations of these characters right.
@euphorial-docx just delievers the best version of Regulus there is, but what I truly admire her for is how they're able to set the atmosphere. I have such a vivid image in my head when reading their work and it's wonderful.
@plutosmoony has an amazingly artistic portrayal of Regulus' mental health, which is so addicting to read. I love it when people put work into their themes and motifs and Pluto does that so much.
@thebattlehamster. No one is surprised by that. I love it when characters lament about the past and when you were mine is full of that. Yaz is able to create a story that's so dramatically beautiful and I love them for it.
Yes, I'm gonna put @mcplestreet here too. How could I not? They're stories are pure art. I especially admire them for portraying the Jegulus interactions in such a beautifully romantic way.
I just realized that I can't actually name everyone that I wanted to name and now I'm sad :(
Just know that if I follow you, you belong on this list as well. And if I don't follow you, you probably also belong on this list. I read a lot.
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writer-panda · 3 years
Hit on the groom and what became of it - chapter 1/I will keep missing you (if you don’t stop running)
Disclaimer: I don’t own DC or Miraculous. I’m just playing with some crazy concept. 
Chapter 1 (here)  -|-  Next
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Ladybug landed on top of the Eiffel tower with practiced grace. An agitated worry roiling in her chest about the message Chat Noir left her. The urgency was one thing, but he sounded… pained. Like the weight of the world dragged him down type pain. 
Marinette knew Chat’s home life wasn’t perfect. Skilled at hiding it, maybe, but details leaked through the cracks. An offhand comment here, a muttered accusation there, a sour face yet again here. He lived in pain and tried so hard to work through it. 
She tried to help him whenever she could, both as Ladybug and Marinette. She may not return his feelings, but she always listened. For months during their third year as heroes, she left food on the rooftop when Chat’s suit revealed too many ribs. She wasn’t sure the reason and didn’t dare to ask, lest she learned too much, but she did try to help. There were times she thought she imagined the pained looks, and thin frame, and thinly veiled comments; maybe overexaggerating the situation in her mind, as she often did. After all, he always acted so cheerfully.
Then, Lila happened. 
The first strike landed swift, almost deadly, but she survived. It was what followed that made her reconsider. A prolonged fight, where Marinette chose to retain a cheerful mask to hide the pain. Along the line, she considered confiding in her parents. But what could they do?  Maybe take her from school, but that would mean Lila already won; the Liar would rule unopposed.
Which left Adrien, her last bastion of friendship. 
She still harbored a bit of a crush on him, but it was justified! Like a knight in shining armor, he stood, always ready to defend her. He always ensured her inclusion in class activities and saved her from several catastrophes. 
She still stumbled over her words with him, but when it’s minor stuttering or not talking to anyone, she forced herself to adapt. It was nowhere near as bad as it used to be. 
With the ability to spend more time with Adrien without acting like a spaz, Kagami also appeared more often, and proved to be a good friend. Marinette found a home with the two awkward rich kids ridiculously clueless and unaware of how the real world functioned. In the end, she even grew to accept Adrien might not be destined to be hers but chose to support him nonetheless. 
“My lady?” She was broken out of her musing by a familiar voice.
“Hello, Kitty-cat. I got your message… what’s wrong?” She turned to see Cat Noir slumped over the railing, with his ears tweaking nervously. She didn’t even know he could do it. 
“I… I’m sorry my Lady, but I can’t… I can’t continue to be your partner,” he declared.
“What?!” she squeaked. “What happened? What’s the matter?” 
“I’m… I’m getting married,” he announced, his ears drooping and tail tucked between his legs.  
Oh, that’s… not what she expected to hear. “Married? Congrat…” she drifted off, noticing his sour face. “Chat? What are you not telling me?”
“It’s… I… My…” He struggled to figure out how to say it, but ultimately remained silent for a moment. “There is nothing to be happy about. It’s a… business marriage,” he spat, his eyes narrowing.  
“But… those are illegal!” Ladybug protested.
“Not when you make it look like a love match. Especially if you insinuate at a scandal.” He sneered, jumping off the railing and pacing along the empty rooftop. “My father holds all the cards and I… I’m in no position to oppose him.”
“I’m sure we can…”
He sighed, walking over to her. “Please… M’lady. Don’t try to give me hope. I accepted what I must do.” With that, he reached for the ring, but she stopped him.
“Chat. We can try… You’re my friend. You can’t… We will figure it out. Together.” In all they’d endured, suffered, and triumphed - Marinette had never seen him this despondent… this broken. 
He sighed, his eyes flat and dull. “There is nothing to figure out,” he said, forcing the ring off his finger. 
The transformation fell, leaving Adrien Agreste materialized in place of her long-time partner. Plagg’s sharp cry cut off, as he’s sucked into the ring the second he popped out of it. She stood there, too stunned to notice the blond boy pushed the ring into her palm and closed it. 
Marinette wasn’t sure what thoughts decided to rampantly rage through her head, but the train of thoughts probably broke the collective speed limit everywhere in the world at the same time. 
“M’lady?” Adrien’s soft voice brought her to earth when she was one step from panic.
“A-Adrien?” She choked on the word.
“You heard about me?” He looked dumbfounded. Ladybug, too shocked to say a word, gestured over to the building line. Even from so high and far away, his most recent billboard advertisement stood visible. “Ah… right.”
“Who… who’s the lucky girl?” Inside her mind, she wondered if Kagami right now faced a  similar problem. It was the most logical…
“Lila Rossi,” Adrien admitted, his shoulders hunching. 
Marinette.exe stopped working. 
A moment passed.
“Um… M’Lady?” The boy tried to prod his ex-partner to respond by waving his hand in front of her face.
“That… that lying…” Ladybug saw red. This could not be happening.
Adrien nodded, the despondent look on his face growing worse every second.“My father deemed her a suitable heiress to the Gabriel brand… I tried to warn him she was a liar, but he… I think he actually admires her skill…” Tears built in his eyes, and Adrien covertly tried to wipe them away. 
“Maybe… maybe you could… I don’t know!” she screamed in frustration. Marinette had several ideas about what Adrien could do, but none of them would help. 
Running away would be a problem. Leaking the story to the press would lead to his home life growing even worse. After dealing with Gabriel Agreste’s parenting, she held no illusion Adrien could win a court battle. The rich too often got away with whatever they desired. She could try to sicc Uncle Jagged on the case… or maybe Clara Nightingale… Nadia Chamack would probably love the news-breaking story, but it would all put Adrien in danger. Who knows what would happen before they could obtain results or protection against Gabriel’s extensive reach. 
Adrien sighed as if knowing exactly where her thoughts took her. Chat was no dummy, he probably scoured over his options more times than he could count. His resignation, the last resort in a long line of failed plans.  “I appreciate you trying, but I already told you I accepted it. Just… take me down, please. I… I didn’t really plan the location well…” He let out a weak chuckle. 
“Fine… I’m sorry kitty...” She grabbed hold of him and swung to the ground. Despondently she watched her best friend, her partner, walk away into the night; resigned to a life of suffering and isolation. 
There must be something she could do, she thought. She closed a gloved fist around the ring. She was Ladybug, and if she put her mind to it, there was nothing she couldn't do.  
A week later the press learned about the upcoming wedding. Adrien and Lila both left school for home-school. The press and the general public ate up the news story about star-crossed lovers that met in school and became inseparable. It didn’t help that the class kept commenting about how good they were for each other. 
Marinette resisted an urge to gag whenever she caught the sound of the vicious lies and propaganda.  She was asked for comment only once but chose to refuse. It didn’t earn her any popularity in class. Luckily, she convinced Nadia to stop a nasty side-story about her jealousy from being published. 
No closer to a plan, she despondently continued to push through her life without her friend. She, unsurprisingly, hadn’t received a single text or call. Marinette didn’t blame Adrien; his position couldn’t be easy. A month after Adrien departed from her class, Marinette convinced her parents to also home-school her. Without a single friend, the school became a burden. Of course, her reasoning to her parents leaned into her focus on her fashion business. Which wasn’t untrue. It was starting to pick up. 
The only upside to this whole debacle was near-lack of akuma attacks. It seemed Hawkmoth found a hobby. Maybe he wrote poems? 
Nah. Not his style...
Two months after the announcement  Marinette woke to surprise guests: Adrien, his father, and Lila knocked on the bakery’s doors. The bride-to-be in an especially sour mood, as much as she tried to hide it. Gabriel appeared to be devoid of any emotions, as usual.
She seated them on the couch and asked if they would like a drink. She didn’t bother to offer food, not wanting to waste good cake on the likes of Lila and Gabriel. Although, Adrien’s thin cheeks and haunted eyes made her regret the decision. 
All of them declined the drink.
“Madame Marinette, I assume you have heard of the Wedding?” The capitalization clearly discernible in his voice. 
“Yes… Yes sir!” she corrected herself. Trying desperately to mask her disgust behind a layer of nervousness. She couldn’t risk a glance at Adrien, even if this was the first time she’d seen him since that night on the roof. Making it through the meeting would be hard enough without watching him suffer.  
“While initially, I planned to prepare the dress and suit myself, my son convinced me to give a chance to someone else to shine.” Clearly, whatever it was Adrien said, it didn’t include a polite request. “I have seen the dress you made for Rock Star Jagged Stone’s wedding, as well as the suit worn by Nadia Chamack.”
“They are designs I’m particularly proud of, sir.” 
Play the part. Play the part. Don’t send him to the hospital. Papa and Maman would be disappointed. Well, Maman would probably join me… 
Her homicidal train of thought ended as she forced a smile to appear on her face. Contrary to Lila’s stretched thin lips;  Marinette’s smile shines bright and could’ve been mistaken for genuine.
“Indeed… I’ve come to commission you to design and make the gown and the suit for the sweet couple.” He announced like it was the highest honor, but there was an amount of bile in his words Marinette used to think was reserved only for Nino.
“I… I’m… I’m honored, sir!” She beamed. The excitement only half-forced. Her moral compass told her even entertaining the proposal was wrong, but at the same time, her brain furiously flitted crafting possibilities. 
Gabriel nodded imperiously as if her acceptance merely added to a foregone conclusion. “Good. My assistant, Nathalie, will sort out the details. Lex Luthor agreed to pay for the pieces as his wedding gift, so do not be afraid to ask for full price.” He informed her t as if he believed she would give him a discount. 
For a moment, a singular reckless moment, Marinette entertained the temptation to voice her thoughts about Gabriel being cheap. 
She sighed, no, there would be another day for career suicide. The group rose to leave, and Marinette finally glanced at Adrien; his model-trained smile paper-thin. He caught her eyes, and if he radiated sadness two months ago, it didn’t hold a candle to the devastation swimming in his eyes. The exchange broke when Lila gripped a hand tight around his arm and dragged him to the door. 
Gabriel handed her a card, and the group departed. Marinette collapsed onto the couch, the makings of a headache building in her skull. 
This would be awful.  
A week later Marinette held a separate meeting, consisting of Nathalie, Lila, Lila’s mother, and Adrien’s aunt. And her, obviously. 
She first asked what kind of dress Lila wanted.
Lila’s eyes lit up in an unholy glee; and she started talking. 
And talking. 
And talking. 
And talking. 
After the long and painstakingly thorough description, Marinette felt faint. Several reasons contributed to that, although the most prominent were the materials, the design, and the way she spoke. Obviously Lila had feelings, the kind likely to trigger an oncoming Auma attack if Hawkmoth hadn’t pranced off to who knows where, about Marinette designing her dress. 
Marinette was happy Adrien’s aunt pointed out the request’s complete madness, but Lila’s mother waved it off, quick to declare only minor adjustments to the request would be needed. 
In the end, Marinette presented several dozen designs, both hers and foreign to have a basis on which she could work. Lila, of course, chose the one that would be hardest to make.
“I’m sorry none of your designs were good, Marinette…” The liar cooed with faked sorrow. She hid a smirk the designer could clearly see. 
The notion was born because it was a picture and not a sketch. 
Marinette smirked, and rose from the couch, ignoring Lila’s irritated scowl at her non-reaction.  
She liked it even less when the girl brought in the ready-made dress. 
“I made it as the first design for Penny Rolling’s wedding, based on Uncle Jagged’s suggestions. I should’ve known Penny didn’t approve of his idea, but…” she waved it off.
Lila, now actively glaring at her, sat back on the couch. All of which was mistaken for amazement by the adults.
Marinette ignored the girl’s dramatics, it was the only way she’d survive this meeting intact. “Of course, there still needs to be several adjustments and personalizations. I will also need to order the amber you requested. And the platinum thread. And the white gold. And probably an industrial-grade 3-D printer… Is that covered by the expenses?” She looked at Nathalie, who nodded. “Great! I will need just a moment.” 
The women watched as Marinette practically leaped at her notebook and added in adjustments to the sketch. Fifteen minutes later, when she presented a new design, impressing them all (sans Lila, obviously) with the flowing lines and intricate details. They praised her talent (even Natalie), and Marinette played the bashful young designer role to a tee. The liar kept glaring though. She couldn’t back away easily, since she already made a scene about wanting that specific dress. Marinette informed them beforehand she would need to know about her specific wishes before she made any adjustments. 
The final design looked pretty much exactly what Lila wanted though, but she didn’t want to give her nemesis the satisfaction. Her entourage did enough of this. 
Under the cover of being too emotional, they ended the meeting. Nathalie remained to finish the deal and sign the contract.��
After all of them left, Marinette collapsed onto her chair. An hour later a notification from her bank came. She received the first half of the payment. When finished, the dress would officially be the most expensive wedding dress to date. Blessed be Lex Luthor and his deep pocket. She chuckled, remembering how much the billionaire got kidnapped because of his money.
Then, an idea shined in her head.
She took off her earrings and dismissed Tikki, promising she needed a quick chat with Plagg about a new potential holder. When Marinette put on the ring, the Kwami of destruction popped back into existence. 
“So… figured out how to help my chosen?” he asked. 
What Tikki didn’t know was when Marinette said she intended to discuss potential holders for Plagg, they really worked on a way to save Adrien. It was their secret since Tikki would most likely disapprove. They didn’t want to risk her disappointment in them. Not until they crafted a fleshed out full-proof plan. 
She nodded. “I have an idea. Let’s hire someone to kidnap him!” 
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Did they hit you on the head, pigtails?”
“No. But look, the problem is whatever we come up with, Adrien ends up blamed or we land ourselves in jail, right?” The Kwami nodded. “So… if we make sure it’s a very public kidnapping and he disappears, we can stash him away until the heat dies down. After we dye his hair and apply fast-tan, he will look different enough no one will connect the two. I’m pretty sure I could get my hands on fake documents if I tried hard enough…” she trailed off thinking of all the minutiae to coordinate to pull this off. 
It would be hard. 
But it would be worth it. 
Plagg slowly nods. “Okay… Somehow, that both makes no sense and seems perfectly legitimate. It’s also your most chaotic plan to date, Pigtails. Let’s do it!” The Kwami cheered, happy to be soon reunited with his chosen kitten. “But what about the costs!”
Marinette already had an answer in mind for that question. “Even after I subtract the costs of materials and other supplies, the payment for the dress, together with my savings, will be more than enough. Now… let’s go wake Tikki up.”
That… ended with the Kwami of Creation vomiting a pile of handcuffs and other police gear at Marinette. 
“Um… Why?”
The little red Kwammi placed her paws on her hips. “Because you should familiarize yourself with those if you plan on going to prison for that plan. It’s no longer just a phone theft, Marinette! You’re talking about breaking more laws than I can count!” She dropped to the pillow below, bemoaning about where she went wrong. 
Marinette scooped up her wayward friend and tried to reassure her. “I just need to be careful. I’m pretty sure I can do it without detection. Maman taught me how to not be seen on the internet. Or in general. Come on. I need to order a secure laptop.”
“I will help!” Plagg offered. “I can cataclysm the internet after you do your thing.”
“What?! No! Think of the cute cat pictures!” Marinette protested. “And video games.” 
“Relax! It’ll just remove any trace of you doing anything online in the several hours or so…” He calmed her.
Tikki trailed after them, a bundle of nerves and worry. “Plagg! It’s irresponsible! You can’t possibly…”
“Pigtails and I have it all under control. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Turns out, a lot. 
Before Marinette put out the hit (kidnapping, she made sure that it was plain as day), she needed to set a price. That one was harder. It wasn’t like you could Google how much you needed to charge to kidnap a celebrity. At least, not without attracting a lot of unwanted attention. 
She asked her mother, under the guise of pure curiosity. It was a normal question any teenage girl asked her mother. How much does it cost to have someone killed, how much cheaper/more expensive a kidnapping is, how to acquire fake documents, that kind of stuff. Not suspicious at all. 
So absorbed in her rant, she missed a merry glint in Sabine’s eyes. She also didn’t question how her Maman knew those prices. 
Finally, she needed to fill the form. 
Assignment: Acquisition and Delivery
Asset(s): Adrien Athanase Agreste
Here, Marinette paused. 
Her mom gave her a lengthy lecture about pricing and all. According to her, a professional would take up to fifty thousand dollars for kidnapping and bringing the target to her. Marinette decided, since Adrien was a celebrity, she should double the price. More risks involved, more reward, right? 
But, she also wanted to ensure she hired the best of the best. Compare her work to Gabriel Agreste’s, she came to the conclusion ten times the price was reasonable to ensure only the best in the field would take the job. 
Then, there was the matter of safety and so on and so on. By the end, she settled on two million dollars, as her asking price for one Adrien Agreste. Plagg sagely nodded, agreeing with her assessment. Tikki didn’t comment, as she wasn’t speaking to the two, but also seemed more accepting after spying on Adrien and Lila’s home life. Not that she revealed that tidbit to either of them, lest they drop the plan and directly go at Gabe and the Liar. 
After a few more details and boxes in the form Marinette filled until she came to the end. Only one more detail remained: 
Marinette stared at the word for a moment. After a quick race of thoughts, she typed slowly. 
Sponsor: The Seamstress
Perfect. Nothing about this could go wrong.
Of course, how could she predict just how big of a mess she would make? 
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purplefair · 3 years
j.t. | all i wanted
pairing: jason todd x unrequited!reader & platonic!dick grayson x platonic!reader
a/n: dear fucking god- this hurt to write- and this is an au where all the robins are living at the manor. reader is close friends with the batboys. also “she” is the new batgirl- also, there isn’t a specific iteration of the characters that is mentioned, i left that up to your imagination. :) and i didn’t know how tf to begin this-
request: yes by @artistichoodiegirl : “i wrote a poem that reminds me of jason. can you write an angst fic based off of it?”
warnings: ANGST OMFG THE ANGST- also, i don’t know if i like the way this came out, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless. :)
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you wanted to deny your feelings for him, but being as that felt physically impossible, you felt like a lost cause. crying your eyes out almost every night all because of a stupid guy. your brain tells you that you’re an adult, that you shouldn’t be so messed up over a guy, that you’re pathetic for feeling this way.
this night wasn’t any different, laying on your bed, wallowing in your own self pity.
dick walked down the hallway to your bedroom to tell you that dinner was ready, but when he heard your sniffling through the door before he was about to knock, he became concerned for his best friend. dick knocked, not giving you a chance to respond before turning the handle and opening your door to find you and your room a mess.
tissues everywhere, empty water-bottles, and and dishes on your bed-side table. he sighed before asking the same question he had been asking you for days, “are you okay?”
you turned to him, and what he saw shocked him. your hair messy and all over the place, eyes and nose red, it didn’t look like you were just sad, you looked ill.
“yeah, i’m just peachy.” you replied sarcastically, trying to deter him from being serious with you. “y/n i’m being serious. you’ve been cooped up in here for what seems like days, the boys are worried about you.” you chuckled, still trying to make it seem like you were okay.
dick walked a little bit further into your room before closing the door, knowing you didn’t like your door open. he moves to your bed, sitting across from you, “is he worried?” you asked, already thinking that this certain “he” couldn’t give less of shit about you.
“yes, jason is. he’s been wondering if you’re okay, why you’ve been avoiding him, and why you won’t even so much as look at him anymore.” you keep your eyes looking away from dick, knowing looking at him would make you sob again. “you know i can’t tell him why.”
“why not? you aren’t going to ruin his happiness with her by just talking to him about how you feel. i bet you’d even find at least some closure by talking to him!” you know he’s right, he usually is about these things. you, again, didn’t respond. opting to keep your eyes away from dicks gaze.
“if you’re not going to talk to him, fine. but at least come out and get dinner, talk to the rest of the family for a little bit, please?”
“i don’t know dick-“ “please, for me?” you shouldn’t have looked at him, his gorgeous blue eyes are impossible to say no to. “…fine. but let me get ready, i look like absolute shit right now.”
“yeah, you do.” that earned him a pillow to the face.
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you closed your bedroom door before heading down the hall and to the kitchen. were you nervous, yeah. did you really want to speak to jason, no. but, you were doing this for your best friend and no one else.
and of course, the sight that you didn’t want to see the most was right in front of you, jason sitting on the couch with her in his lap, almost on top of him.
“hey, look who finally came out of hiding.” you mentally cursed tim for making it obvious. heads turned, but jason’s and hers stayed where they were, as though the couldn’t care less. you looked away from them and moved over to where damian, tim, and dick had been sitting after already getting some food.
you were 90% sure that tim knew about your feelings for jason, you didn’t know if damian knew or cared, and of course, dick being the emotional support friend, of course he knew.
you four sat in comfortable silence, occasionally hearing jason and her giggle, making you want to shiver from how uncomfortable it was. tim seemed to notice this and gave you a look of sympathy, damian lyes back on the couch and muttered to himself, “idiot…” looking at jason.
you chuckled softly, you didn’t know what it was, but damian had a way of making you feel better, even if it was unintentional. of course he knew, your moping had been kind of obvious.
making comfortable small talk with the other boys while eating, jason occasionally looked at you. ‘i should talk to her.’ he thought, before being distracted by the woman in front of him.
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laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling trying not be/ feel pathetic for being upset that he didn’t even speak to you during dinner. you grabbed the pillow on the other side of your bed and pushed it over your face, and screamed.
even though jason has never slept in your bed with you, it felt…cold and lonely. he was something you craved, but knew you could never have, like god just wanted to continue to fuck you over.
there’s a knock on the door and you’re sitting up very quickly, “hey, can we talk?” it was jason.
hoping you looked okay, you gave a little huff and said to yourself, “don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry…”
“come in!” jason heard through the door, turning the handle and making his way into your room. your eyes widened and tried to act normal, like his presence didn’t make your stomach do flips. he closes the door behind you and sits next to you on the bed, you of course still not looking at him.
“why have you been avoiding me? you haven’t talked to me in days, and you can barely look at me. what’s going on?”
you wanted to tell him, you really did. but you couldn’t ruin what they had, knowing it’d be awkward for you, jason, her, and the rest of the boys.
“nothing is the matter jason, i just…haven’t been in the best state of mind recently, that’s all.” you mustered enough courage to turn and look at him, automatically regretting it to find him already looking at you. his eyes full of concern, but void of love. sure, maybe an almost sibling love, but not romantic. before all of this you had tried to make it painfully obvious of how you thought of him. but after she showed up, there was nothing really you could do.
“y/n, i’m going to take your word for it, and not pry. but i still want to talk to you.” “about?”
he looked at you once again, “does it matter?”
no, it didn’t, all that mattered was that he was talking you, something you had tried to avoid but internally yearned for.
asking the most painful question, just to make it seem like you really were okay, “how’re things going between you two?” he laughed, his beautiful smile never failing to mesmerize you.
“they’re going pretty good actually, i think i want to marry her.”
why were you surprised? they had been going for awhile now and of course he’d want to marry her. she could give him everything he wanted.
you tried not to whip your head around at him, you also tried not to burst out in sobs upon hearing those words. he wanted to marry her? “oh wow, that’s…a big commitment.” you laughed, trying to seem normal.
he in turn laughed a little too, “yeah, i know, but she just makes me so happy. i finally have the chance to have the family i’ve always wanted,”
“have two kids, preferably daughters. i am definitely going to name one amber.” of course he would, he’d always loved that name.
the pain in your chest is indescribable, you had hoped that he’d be having that family with you. but , it seems as though you may have waited too long. “that sounds amazing…i’m so happy for you.”
the words sounded disingenuous, but at this point you didn’t care. it hurt too much to see the person you love the absolute most, talk about starting a family with someone other than you.
faking a yawn you stood up, “i’m pretty tired, so i’m gonna have to kick you out now.” jason gazed up at you, faking being offended. “wow, we just started talking again and you’re kicking me out? rude.”
you laughed as he stood up and walked to your door, you following not far behind. when he stood just outside your door and in the hallway, there was an awkward silence. “goodnight, jason-“
“before i leave, can i get a hug? i’ve missed you y’know.” jason held his hand between the door and the doorway.
you hated how much you loved those words, he said he missed you. “yeah, you can have a hug.”
jason pushes the door open and quickly wraps his arms around your waist, and you wrap your arms around his neck. “please never avoid me like that again.”
he muttered in your ear, sounding genuinely hurt by what you had done. “i won’t.”
it felt like minutes before he pulled away, looking down at you and smiling. “you should get some sleep, i can see your eye bags underneath your concealer.”
“shut up, asshole.” you laughed, knowing he was just teasing you. jason stepped out of your room and into the hallway, “goodnight, y/n.”
“goodnight, jason.” you both smiled at one another before he walked down the hall to his bedroom. you closed your door and suddenly everything hit you like a ton of bricks.
he was going to marry her, he wanted her children, and he’s going to name one amber.
he’s going to have the “big, happy family life”, something you knew you probably would be apart of. possibly babysitting his children.
you hated thinking about it, but, as long as he was happy. you’d do anything for him, even while suffering in silence.
now you were left to yourself, again, laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling, tears streaming down the sides of your face and soaking your hair.
“fuck, i’m pathetic.”
you cried yourself to sleep, for the 7th time that week. wishing you would have been brave enough to just tell him how you feel, but instead you’re all alone.
and who else is there to blame, but yourself?
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also, here’s the poem that the requester wrote! <3
I tried to win your love but
I can't compete
when she already won
god she's so much better
you should give her that diamond ring
I was begging for
I bet she's dying for you to get down on one knee
You probably already sing her to sleep
brush her hair
like you used to do for me
now i'm alone
got no one to hold
god my bed is so cold
But I still hope she's happy
make her smile when she's lonely
and give her a home
now that I'm alone..
imagine all of the little babies
you'll have driving her crazy
You'll probably have 2 daughters
I bet you'll name one Amber
you always really liked that name
you'll be such a wonderful father
I know you had those doubts
but I know she'll even them out,
And even though we aren't together
you always have my shoulder
for when your doubts
start to make the world dark
I just hope I'll still be around
to meet all of your little ones
but for now
I'll sit here and watch you…
be happy
I bet she's feels lucky
I'm glad you have one another
to hold each other
and keep the bed warm...
I hope you're happy
and never ever feel lonely
I'm glad you found a home
now that I'm alone...
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agathasangel · 3 years
leave everything behind but me- part 4 (diane sherman x reader) (NSFW moment)
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warnings: same as before, stalking (like full on irl stalking as well as online), drugging, some talk of emotional/physical abuse in this one, death mention. this whole fic is just kinda dark... sorry. Also brief nsfw moment.
summary: this part is from Diane’s perspective. as she looks for her neurotoxin ingredients in a panic, she reflects on how she came into contact with you in the first place, and all the highs and lows of your relationship up to this point.
where the hell are they? thought Diane, looking for the last, most important ingredient in her neurotoxin.
She couldn’t believe it had come to this again. Just like with Chloe.
Diane wondered where Chloe was, what she was doing. About five years ago, with an excellent defense lawyer, she managed to get out of jail for what she had done. She looked far and wide for her stolen daughter, who seemed to be nowhere to be found. She still worried about what became of Chloe, but knew she was probably doing alright. And one day, Diane found a new obsession by the name of (y/n).
It was nearly two years ago now. Diane was beginning to give up on finding Chloe, after three full years of searching anywhere and everywhere with no luck. But she did find something else. 
She was staying at a hotel in California, near the hospital where she gave birth to Chloe, in the vain hope that maybe, just maybe, Chloe would be around.
Diane didn’t find Chloe, but she found something else from her past. Her college reunion was being held in the exact hotel she was staying at. She didn’t plan on attending, but then she came face-to-face with her college rival. This woman was the only person who did better in her classes than Diane. Not only that, but she had multitudes of friends, boyfriends, you name it, while Diane had no one. The woman never let Diane forget how much better she was either. It wasn’t the worst thing Diane had ever been through, not by a long shot, but it was a disappointment for sure. College was supposed to be the place where Diane could finally feel like she belonged, and she always resented this rival of hers. 
“Diane! We didn’t think you were coming! Oh here, have a seat!” said the woman.
“I’m so sorry about Roger. It was such a shock to hear about.”, she continued, reminding Diane of her dead husband
“Yeah, I still can’t say I’m over it, all these years later.”
“Yeah when the love of your life just drops dead like that, you never get over it, do you?”, she said, far louder than Diane would have liked.
“Can we please talk about something else?”
“Of course, I’m so sorry, Diane, I know it must be so hard for you!”
“Yeah. Um... what’s your family like?”
“Well we have one daughter. Her name is (y/n), and she’s a senior in High School,” said the woman. She then leaned into Diane and said, “But can I be honest? I never exactly wanted kids. Never liked them. I thought it would change when I had her but it didn’t. She’s so... difficult.”
Diane’s blood absolutely boiled hearing this, but she managed to keep a polite face, “But that’s your child. Don’t you love her?”
“There are some good things about her, I guess. I do love her in my own way, but I can’t help but feel disappointed. She’s just not what I thought she’d be. I’m sorry, I thought you may understand. I never get to vent my frustrations about her.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t understand. But, do you, um, by any chance have a picture of her?”
“On my phone, somewhere. Let me look.”
After a while, she found a picture of (y/n). It was fairly recent photo of you at a restaurant, at what looked like a dinner with the whole family. You looked sad and lost, but Diane thought you looked sweet.
“She’s beautiful.”
“Thanks,” said the woman, almost stifling a laugh, as if there was no way Diane could have meant that.
“I’m sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.” said Diane, as she was starting to turn red in anger and the woman.
“I’ll join you, I need to freshen up a bit.”
So Diane walked straight into a stall while the other woman followed. Diane started to cry, so angry at this awful woman. She had a child, a beautiful, sweet, girl who was alive, for God’s sake. Diane would kill for what she has, in fact she had killed for it before. But this woman didn’t care about her child, she didn’t appreciate you one bit.
She didn’t deserve you. 
Then she heard the woman get into the stall next to her and she decided to leave. But the woman left her purse on the sink. Diane looked into her purse and found everything. All her information was in her wallet, and she took pictures of her address, phone number, and credit card numbers, as well as a couple of photos of you and your father. Diane quickly threw the last photo back into her purse as she heard her enemy get up, and she ran away, all the way back up to her room. 
Diane looked at the photos, and started to look for your social media. You didn’t seem to post very often, or have many friends. Most of your photos were of you by yourself, or pretty things you took pictures of, and even a couple of sad poems you wrote. Poetry written by teenagers was usually laughably bad, but hers made Diane cry. She saw herself in you.
Poor little thing, Diane thought. She needs some love. But I can do that for her.
Diane spent about a month following you and your parents around, without any of you even noticing her presence. One day she snuck into their house and bugged it, so that there were feeds of different rooms streaming to her computer at all times.
Diane noticed you spent most of your time alone. You wrote in a journal a lot, and cried fairly often, hugging a teddy bear you had. You just seemed so burnt out from stress from school, stress from your job, pressure from your parents. You fought with both of her parents often. Well... fight wasn’t the right word. Usually, one parent would yell at you and insult you, and you would choose to either take it or not take it.
There was one particular instance where you snapped at your father, telling him how he abandoned you so many times. He didn’t take this well, screaming all kinds of insults. How Diane wished she could hold you, rock you, comfort you and tell you that aren’t any of the terrible things your father told you, and that she’s sorry that you never felt good enough.
Diane snuck into (y/n)’s graduation, too. She knew she couldn’t contact you yet, but she got so much happiness out of just seeing this milestone of your life. All you did was walk across the stage and take your diploma, but Diane beamed with pride for you as you did it.
After graduation, your parents were constantly threatening to kick you out, and the fights got worse, they crying got worse. Diane wished she was there, comforting you, holding you and giving you all the love that your parents didn’t. Diane looked for a window of opportunity into this girl’s life until she found the perfect one. You had put out an ad on facebook for anyone on the east coast looking for a roommate, and Diane put her plan into action. She made a fake account on facebook pretending to be a college girl named “Anna Johnson” and responded to the ad, starting to talk to and getting friendly with you. “Anna” suggested that you take a bus trip and offered to pay the fare, but you refused because you wanted to earn the money yourself. Diane’s heart warmed at your sweet messages, even though they were to “Anna” and not her. “I’ve never had as good a friend as you before”, “Who needs a mom when I have you giving me such great advice?”, “You’re the best!”, every little message that you sent to Diane made her fall more and more in love. Diane bought a little house on the East Coast with the money she got from selling her old house, and hoped everything will fall into place in her new life with (y/n). 
Now during the bus trip, Diane needed to follow you closely in her silver minivan, and make sure not to lose track of you during layovers either. Her detour into the coffee shop scared her at first, but once Diane found you, it was the perfect opportunity to finally, after all these months of dreaming, meet you face-to-face. Her new little baby girl, finally. Diane slipped a powdered sleeping pill into her already tired girl’s coffee to make you even more sleepy and suggestible, getting you to come with her to her hotel room.
Back in the present, Diane found the rest of the powdered sleeping pills as she was searching through her medicine cabinet and closet. She got so distracted thinking about you, and all the horribly wrong things she had done to you. 
It’s for her own good, all of it. She needs to be protected, she’s too pure for this world, to good, too sweet...
Diane searched through the drugs she had given you, thinking of all the best times the two of you have had.
The first day Diane had been with you in the little house was heaven on earth. Finally Diane had everything she’s been working for for almost a year now right there, in her arms. Diane wanted to give you everything you didn’t believe you deserved. The only catch was that you belonged to Diane, and Diane alone.
She got a job teaching Chemistry at the local High School fairly easily, as she had extensive knowledge (even more extensive than she may have let on in her interview), of the subject, and the school district was completely desperate for competent science teachers. Diane found faking the background check easy, she used her maiden name and an incorrect date of birth and they didn’t ask her about her arrest at all. And now she had her new life set up. A house that she owned, a job to put food on the table, and you.
The next best day for Diane was the day you finally kissed her. Diane was starting to fall in love with you in a more romantic, even a more sexual way, but didn’t know if you felt the same way about her. Then, during one of your movie nights, you kissed Diane, and she felt overjoyed. She kissed you back and finally led you to the bed and fucked you, like she had been thinking about doing every night at this point but was too scared to actually initiate until now. She was in love with the feeling she got from kissing you, from pleasing you. It had been so long since Diane had been this intimate with anyone, and she was your first. And it was a real awakening for the both of you.
It felt so good, you felt so good. This relationship you had was so incredibly wrong in so many ways, but it just felt so right.
Why did it have to change?
Of course, there were still some hard moments. Even Diane admitted that there were times when she could be irrationally possessive of you, getting angry when someone even looks at you the wrong way. She knew that her possessive, obsessive attitude could scare you, and you would even blame yourself for it, but she didn’t know how to stop. She knew that you were getting scared she would become more difficult to please, like all the other people that have been in your life.
Or the times that you would cry, and it happened so often. You would get sad and Diane would hold you and tell you:
“It’s ok baby, you’re here now, you’re with me. I love you more than life itself. You’re gonna be okay, my little angel.”
One night Diane woke up to you crying into your pillow, and immediately grabbed you.
“What’s wrong, baby? What happened?”
“I- I was afraid that you might- that- one day- you might not want me anymore... what would happen if you d-don’t want me....”
“Listen, I will never not want you. You are all I have, remember? And you’re all I need. Come here, that’s right. You’re my baby, all mine.. shhh....”
Or, there was the time you asked about the scars on Diane’s back. She was mortified, but finally told you about her terrible childhood. The horrible abuse from her mother until her death, the foster home, everything. Her desperation to become the mother she never had. You hugged her tight.
“I’m so sorry, Diane, I had no idea... and to think I complained about-”
“Baby, don’t compare your life to mine. All that matters now is that it’s you and me, and I need to take care of you.”
“Sometimes I think I should be the one taking care of you, Diane.”
“Trust me baby, you do so much more for me than you think.”
Then Diane found it. The rest of the paint thinner. And she was ready to take away all your sadness once and for all, and make you hers forever.
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Hi! I've heard you're really into Jerbric, and I love Jerbric too, so... Jerbric for that ship ask game?
I am really into that ship! I’m not sure when I got so attached to them but god I love them so much, they’re one of my biggest comfort ships right now? I just… they’re so cute. Look at them.
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(One of these days that comm art is probably gonna get its own post but for now have it here)
Ship it
What made you ship it?
Kinda similar to the thing I wrote about Emira and Viney actually. I’ve liked the concept for a bit, but what got me really into it was actually writing them. There was this moment I wrote out where they just clicked and honestly? I can’t stress enough how beautiful it is to watch two characters fall in love so naturally as you write. It just flows, and they just… work, and honestly at this point I’m dying to talk about them more because this somehow became one of the ships I’m most attached to?
I’m huge on opposites attract. I also find Jerbo’s anxiousness very very relatable and I honestly think that would mix with Edric’s personality super well? Like, Ed has this confidence that he mostly uses to mask his real feelings because he’s scared to be vulnerable, and Jerbo’s whole thing is that he’s, yes, not very confident and nervous pretty easily but also very open about how he really feels. He, Viney and Barcus are obviously super close and always help each other out, while Ed and Em have this thing going where despite being generally supportive of each other they mostly just… ignore their issues by masking them with jokes. Behind closed doors, Ed breaks down a lot more than Em does, but publicly he always forces his emotions back in and honestly he’s miserable as hell with it.
I feel like since being made aware of it Edric like, constantly wonders if he’s a burden to Em and he really struggles with that, too. (Em wanting space is perfectly valid for the record, but I still feel like Ed struggles with that concept.)
I feel like Jerbo would help Edric a lot when it comes to opening up more, and also reassure him a lot that he isn’t a burden and in fact lovely to be around. He finds the more silly part that Em is always kinda annoyed with super endearing and cute and I just… love that thought. I also feel like Ed could help Jerbo learn to mask his feelings better in situations when it’s necessary (e.g. not seeming super nervous when he’s forced to do a presentation in front of the class), and he’d also help Jerbo be more confident in general. Ed jokes around a lot but he also seems like the kind of person that will not have Jerbo be self-deprecating. He picks up the difference between someone joking around and like, actually being anxious and hurting. Jerbo has moments when he’s like “what is there to like about me?” And he’s certain when Edric asks if he wants a list Edric is kidding, but he is in fact very much not kidding and comes back with a heartfelt, well thought out list five minutes later.
Ed is always, always encouraging Jerbo to talk more about himself because he likes listening to Jerbo. And he’s constantly cheering Jerbo on when it comes to… basically everything.
Also since Edric canonically writes poems, he leaves those everywhere for Jerbo to find. Jerbo keeps all of them, and has at least one with him at all times.
…this isn’t even about the question anymore, I realize that, but I also don’t really care that much, lol
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Jerbo just… melting over how good Edric looks in a dress gets me every time. How supportive they are of each other. Edric somehow being the more anxious one when they’re together. Flustered Edric. Flustered both of them honestly. They’re out shopping and Jerbo glances at something once and Ed immediately buys it just bc he can. They’re so soft and good for each other and I love it so much. Also I feel like Ed is a very cuddly person so just like, them hanging out and making each other laugh and eventually napping off cuddling…
Honestly I really like to imagine they get tired of Em and Viney being stubborn and eventually sic them on each other so they can hang back and just… nap, the thought is so funny to me
Edric taking Jerbo’s last name is so good, too… 🥺
Also Edric would so steal abomination books from his dad to help Jerbo study.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I got… so so attached to Edric wanting to go into plants when he was a kid. Jerbo is super patient but at the beginning also kinda confused? He can’t really imagine Ed wants to go into plants and kinda thinks he’s kidding, but Jerbo does agree to give him lessons Ed is so so excited and Jerbo thinks it’s really cute. They also kinda help each other study that way which I think would be very cute.
Don’t know if this is unpopular, I’ve just never seen this covered, but Jerbo’s family absolutely adores Ed. His little siblings absolutely adore Edric, and Edric is just like… totally amazed about them liking him so much. I don’t know why, but I feel like Ed would be really good with kids.
Jerbo’s moms love him too. Donna is an absolute tease (she never lets the poem Ed accidentally sent her go), but she also teaches Ed to cook and they joke around a lot. Ilana is a bit more strict but still very nice to him, sometimes they watch sports together and she lets him help around the farm and Edric really enjoys that.
Speaking of clothes, Edric keeps borrowing random clothing items from Jerbo and forgetting to return them, and Jerbo is too flustered to ask for them back because Edric looks so cute in them. (Edric just wants to wear oversized hoodies, really, so he’s very delighted that he finally gets to)
I also do like the concept of Jerbo eventually getting a bit more flirty? I don’t think he’d ever be like, Edric-levels, but in a long term relationship I can definitely see him getting better at that. Edric thinks it’s very cute.
Also they so have nicknames for each other. Edric calls Jerbo Jerbs one time and it unfortunately sticks 😂
And related to the plants track thing and also as a pun with his hair, Jerbo calls Edric sprout.
Can you tell I’m like totally obsessed with them at this point XD
I love them so much they make me so soft…
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Prunelle de mes yeux (Yandere Rook x Reader)
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When I heard the love of my life liked poetry, 😍😳🤤.
"Oh Mon cheri,
You are the one I wish to strike by my arrow of love.
Once you were in my sight,
I became blinded by your radiance and beauty.
I want to sing my love for you to the heavens above,
So that you could hear me.
Dearest love you are the one for me,
You truly are the prunelle de mes yeux.
So, won't you please accept these gifts from me?"
As the poem came to an end her face was redder than the apple mentioned in the text. The words were sweet and heartfelt but what was unnerving was the gifts had been placed in a basket.
Quite a few of her favorite things were placed in the basket, from her favorite flowers in a bouquet, to a few of her favorite snacks. Not only that but the admirer asked to meet within the forest of Pomeifore.
So does that mean her admirer is really handsome? Only good looking people get assigned to that dorm. It's far better than having to go to Savanaclaw at least.
She's still weary about the situation at hand though, on one hand her admirer knows a bit too much about her and on the other hand it would be rude to not show up considering they did all of this. Furthermore she really was curious about who this person was. It was already a given how eloquent they were to write ths poem in cursive none the less.
A little bit of doubt sprung up in her.
"Pomeifore, how can anyone so beautiful from that dorm possibly fall for someone like me?" She voiced aloud to the slight breeze she felt.
She wonders if her admirer could see her love for the gift she was given. How unaware she was that he did see all of it a smile gracing his lips.
"Aw ma chérie, I'm flattered to hear you think I'm beautiful. Truly such an honor that is from a graceful mademoiselle as yourself. Not even the heavens above will stop me from professing my love and affection for you.'
A figure stepped from behind one of the old trees in the area surrounding Ramshackle elated to have heard her reaction to his gift. A good hunter always knew to conceal their presence from their prey.
He would have loved to hear her reaction in person, alas that isn't how he planned it though. He had to set a trap for her in order to confine her from all others.
But in due time it wouldn't be long before his prize for being so patient would arrive.
. . .
The plan was to meet as soon as it was near sunset at around dinner time as the note instructed. She wondered if her admirer had planned to eat with her in beautiful forest scenery that surrounded her. She decided to go in the end cause her conscience wouldn't let her sleep to know she didn't thank the person who went through such efforts to confess.
More and more steps she traveled deeper into the eastern forest of Pomeifore hearing few birds chirp occassionally.
'Head straight from the right side of Pomeifore castle where you'll find a forest beyond the small tower, until you come up to a flat rock. Then you'll find a sign from me there.' Simple instructions.
She saw what she believed to be the rock mentioned and stood there for a moment.
"I wonder if your already here?"
She noticed a paper sticking up from a tree settled behind the rock taped there. It was folded in half and had four words scribbled on the front.
"Prunelle de mes yeux." Was what it said.
'That same phrase.'
She opened it to find even more words scribbled inside.
"You've arrived and have yet to see me, Mon chèri.
I'm sure you're eagerly awaiting my presence, as am I with my overwhelming desire to introduce myself to your wonderfully bright e/c eyes.
But as eager as we both are all good things come to those who wait, as they say.
How about we play a little game?"
Toward the sea,
You shall go,
West from thee
Is where you'll find me.'
She could see light trying to break through the foliage of the trees to the right of her.
"The sun sets in the west. So towards the cliffs."
As she walked past a few of the trees, she couldn't help but anticipate meeting this stranger. After crossing the threshold of forestry, she came to face with a sunset that was beautiful beyond words. She was so mesmerized that she didn't noticed the smile directed toward her.
Most definitely she didn't notice his footsteps, as silent as his true intentions.
"Enjoying the view, mon cheri?"
She jumped with a squeak in which had to pull her closer in fear of her falling.
As she looked back at her savior he found himself gazing into flustered expression, that was cute with a faint innocence and shyness that expertly glowed in Rook's green eyes.
She on the other hand noticed his hat that was about to blow off and fall into the sea. Which made her grab it before it could, slipping one of her arms out of Rook's hold. It definitely took him by surprise to see her act with care toward such an insignificant thing. His hold on her did loosen and she was able to get and face him with a reserved nature then the determination he had just saw.
"Ah, I'm such a clutz, here I wouldn't want you to lose such an important item just because you saved me."
"I'm flattered mon amour, but your far more important than some silly hat. Risking your life for something like that makes that beautiful visage shine even brighter." His bright smile definitely had her heart beating at a rabbit's pace not only that but his words weren't something you would hear from any normal student of Night Raven College.
The tone definitely matched the letters she had been sent.
"Your the person who wrote those letters."
"Dearest, prunelle de mes yeux you are indeed correct. Rook Hunt, a pleasure it is to finally meet you up close after seeing you afar." Even though she should've she didn't think too much about the last part of his statement only one phrase in particular.
"What does that mean, it is French right? You said that in your first letter, I recognize the common phrases of love but this one is more complex." As she finished her question she felt as though his happiness visibly increased.
He came a bit closer cupping her cheeks in his gloved ones, a subtle smile but with evergreen eyes that hid so much behind him.
"It means apple of my eye, I'm so glad you remembered that part." He was so close you could definitely see why his soul was chosen to be apart of Pomeifore.
Before she could take a second to admire him longer he had took her hand leading her about a few yards from where they were currently. When he moved to the side there sat a table, two chairs and plates, silverware, an appetizer and a small macaroon tower. Not to mention the small lit candle out of three in between, it was strange since the sunset provided a enough light already.
"Shall we commence our date then? How about we get to know you more personally and me the same?"
. . .
The date was enjoyable to say the least for both parties. She enjoyed his personality and theatrics while he enjoyed her company and entire being sitting across from him, listening to every word she said.
Even after the food was eaten and they stayed in each other's company. It was dark now and Rook had lit two more candles with his pen to add some extra light as he urged her to continue on with her story. The flicker flame kind of casted an eerie shadow over her companion.
Overtime she started to feel insanely sleepy. Yawning in the middle of yet another of their conversations. She apologized for the umpteenth time, as she believed it was because of her herself being tired. It was still rude of course though.
He found it cute, smirking with hidden intent as his plan was working. He was currently teaching her words in French upon asking for more terms he could teach her.
"It's okay, mon amour. You seem sleepy no? How about we get you home?"
The nickname still didn't sit in her mind in complacency causing her to blush. He had already gotten up from his place bringing along the candelabra closer to her face to extend a hand to her.
As soon as she took his hand getting up however she could her eyes automatically closing, and body shutting down. Before she could fully fall into slumber her legs were swept up into the arms of her captor who had placed the candelabra a far enough distance on the table.
Holding her in a bridal fashion Rook examined the unconscious female. As he gently caressed her lips and admired all that was before him in that moment he had her in his arms.
"Words enough aren't able to convey my love to you ma chérie for you are the prunelle de mes yeux after all, and one spell was all it took for me to be able to gain such an astonishing view of your visage." He held her delicately in his arms brushing away some of her hair on her face, gently laying her head on his chest.
"Too curious and naive for your own good, that is why I must take you away so that no one will ever taint that beauty of yours." He says with a calm smile painting his expression as he headed toward Pomeifore.
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i need a plot for this
yall so ive been trying really hard to get back into writing and i went to a writing camp this summer. im going to post a poem that i wrote there later bc im super proud of it but right now i have something else i need help with. SO basically there was a prompt about someone finding a letter or a note. that’s the prompt. so i wrote something, really liked it BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE TO TAKE IT FROM HERE. my basic ideas involve the two characters meeting each other again to do SOMETHING WHICH I DONT KNOW and slowly arcane (youll see when you read the story below) thaws and falls in love with kalon and kalon has always been in love with her and its like best friends to enemies to friends to lovers ya know? ANYWAY if you dont hate me for being inactive and needy, please read this and help me. 
Dear Arcane,
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? 10 years. Wow. I don’t even know if you’ll ever get this, you could’ve moved. You could be dead. Oh god, that’s dark. You’re not dead, someone would’ve told me, I’m sure. So that must mean that there’s a good chance you have this, but I’m not even sure if you’ll read it.
He was right, as he most often was. Arcane had not planned to read the letter from the moment she read her name on the envelope, written in a neat sort of messy handwriting that could only come from one person. The letter had been sitting at her desk for a week before memories began to drown her and she knew she had to open it.
That’s not the point though, I’m sure you’ll read this. You’ve always been a sucker for the intimacy of written letters. Maybe that’s why I wrote to you instead of calling.
Arcane closed her eyes, the pounding of the memories at the door slowly consuming her. She took a deep breath and let them in. The whispers started to fill the room, every word echoing off the walls, like her past had become a living, breathing thing in her room. How could he write her now? After all these years. Anger reared it's small head in the back of her mind. How could he be so casual as if he wasn't the boy who ripped her heart out and tore it to pieces. 
Maybe it’s because I did read all the letters you wrote to me. Even after the voicemails stopped filling my phone and the emails ran dry, your letters kept coming.
She remembers writing those letters, the pen shaking in her hand as it hit the paper. She remembers wondering what you said to someone like him, a friend who left you behind. The squeeze in her chest that tightened each time he didn’t reply. The break in her heart when the last letter she ever wrote was returned to her doorstep.
If you’ve read this far without tearing my letter to pieces, then I would say this is a good start to our reunion. I’ve missed you. Your stubborn ways, always trying to keep me safe. But you always came with me wherever I went anyway. I miss your secret smile, the one you saved just for me. The treehouse we built in your yard. Do you miss that? I wonder if you wonder about me. I wonder if I can even ask that of you.
She did miss them. But, those things that she missed were long gone. The treehouse was overgrown with vines, Arcane was sure you couldn’t even get into it anymore. She went with him on his stupid adventures because what would she do if he left and met new people? He would leave her and she would be alone. So she desperately followed him blindly, hoping it would keep him close. Arcane missed her secret smile, the genuine one she had always saved for him. He missed it. How could he miss something that he destroyed. With his one and only letter to her, he demolished any leftover love for him that hid in her heart. He couldn’t ask if Arcane wondered about him. That wasn’t fair. That night, ten years ago, was still a raw wound in her soul that she was pretty sure would never heal.
The rain was relentless that night, banging against every edge of the house, but a little girl was waiting by the door, not even flinching as the lightning and thunder clapped furiously. Arcane peeked her head above the window frame to find the mailman running through the storm, his frantic steps pounding through the floor of the house. Her eyes lit up with a hope that was slowly fading with each mail drop. She opened the door and hid the small smile that started to spread up her face with a cough.
“Hi, Dan!” Arcane’s voice gave away the excitement that was flooding her system.
“Hey, Arcane.” Dan couldn’t help the pitiful grin that he gave her. She waited by the door for him every day and each day there was no letter for her. It must be soul-crushing, he thought, waiting for a letter that never comes.
“Is there…?” Arcane was practically on her tiptoes at this point. Dan rifled through the letters, dread settling as her name wasn’t there. Again. And then there was a squeal. “Oh, Dan! I found it! I knew- I knew it- I told them!” Her sentences didn’t even come out fully as she beamed, her smile brighter than any ray of the sun.
Arcane had run into the house, a breeze following in her wake. Plopping down into the soft plush couch, she ripped open the envelope, not caring about the paper that flew everywhere in the room. A paper fluttered out, floating toward the ground. Arcane grabbed it, hands shaking, she could practically feel the sweat dripping down her face. Words were the easiest way to break someone. The letter only contained eleven words, yet they would stick with her for the rest of her life.
Stop writing me. None of it was real. You were nothing.
Eleven words. And they shattered her. Crumbling, shattering, a million pieces breaking. Sobs racked through her whole body, her chest shaking and trembling with each broken breath. She caught her face in the mirror hanging off the pale wall and didn’t recognize the girl that stared back. You were nothing. A scream tore through her, the ache of her heart so raw that even the sun seemed to cry, rain dripping onto the panes of the windows. And slowly, so very slowly, Arcane buried the ache and gathered the shattered pieces of her heart and encased them in an impenetrable cage, never to opened again.
The ache was still present now, ten years after the letter had arrived. The dullness of her buried hurt made her clench her fists around the letter that sat in her hand now, the same lopsided handwriting adorning it.
But, that’s not why I’m writing this letter. I’m writing this with an actual purpose, if you can imagine that. I didn't just write to rehash our friendship. 
Arcane could feel her eyes narrowing, fighting the urge to roll her eyes at the inanimate piece of paper. An actual purpose? To break her heart all over again? This time she did roll her eyes, even though no one was there to see it. But, it wasn’t the fact that he wrote her after all these years or that his tone was friendly throughout that made her body freeze. It was the last line that had the hairs on the back of her neck standing to attention.
In all the years that Arcane had known him, he'd never been very dependent. He often just struggled in silence and figured them out on his own. Not once, not ever, had has asked for help. But, there the sentence was inked in his slanted, loopy writing. 
I need your help.
  ~~everything below here is stuff that doesnt have to be a part of the story but i still liked it and where it was going (idk please give me ideas)~~
The quiet, shock of the room seemed to weigh on Arcane. She flopped back onto her bed, the soft pillows cushioning her landing. I need your help. Those few, simple words, tugged at the strings that bound her heart. He needed her. The thought was fleeting as just as quickly as it came, it left. In its spot was anger. Now he needed her? After all those years when she needed him? What did he do then? Nothing. And that’s what she was going to do now. She huffed in satisfaction, tossing the envelope to the side. Her fingers reached into her hair, massaging her head. There were too many things to think about right now. Arcane squeezed her eyes shut as memories stung her eyes in the form of tears. 
“Please, don’t leave me.” Arcane had whispered, her small breaths filling the one room of the treehouse. 
“I don’t have a choice. You know I don’t want to go.” Kalon’s voice broke and he looked away so Arcane couldn’t see the tears in his eyes. It was silent. 
“We’ll still be best friends right?” 
“Yeah.” Kalon’s reply didn’t hold much conviction, causing Arcane to look over at him, confused, glossy eyes narrowing. 
“To the moon and back, Kal, remember?” She said, her tone desperate. It was a promise they made one night as they were watching some cheesy movie on the old television set. The boy had told the girl that he loved her too ‘the moon and back’. Kalon had then explained that the two characters said that so that they would never be apart. They could meet at the same moon, always and then they could go back. And then, they would never be fully apart. Arcane had liked that. So naturally,  she had grabbed Kal’s face and made him promise that they would go ‘to the moon and back’ if they were ever apart. It became a goodbye for them, a way of saying ‘I’ll see you soon’. 
“Yeah,” Kal had replied, a smile barely curling through his lips, “I’ll race ya there.”
She wasn’t sure how long she lay there, letting her memories flow down her cheeks and into the bedsheets, but eventually she had to get up. She pulled herself up and off the bed, limbs protesting at the use. She just needed a few days is all, then she wouldn’t even remember what she was crying for.  Kalon didn’t mean anything to her anymore.
thank you for reading this far, i love all of you. just throw out ideas please. or give me some advice, i would love that. whether its about my writing or the plot i would love to have tips and constructive criticism on how to get better! tagging some moots who i hope dont hate me after this below the cut:
@natashxromanovf @pad-foots @griffxnnage @voidmalfoy @flxss-bxbblxs @alwaysreading @herondalesunsetcurve THANKS YALL I LOVE YOU MORE THEN I EXPRESS AND I DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT DESERVE ALL OF YOU AND YOUR LOVE
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uwuwriting · 4 years
The writings on his skin Shinsou Soulmate au
Soulmate au with communication via writing on their skin.
Oh god this is bad, I’m not happy with it at all. My original draft got deleted and I had to rewrite this at 2 am and I’m dead. I didn’t proof read it because I swear I’m gonna pass out so I’m so terribly sorry for butchering this. I love Hitoshi to the moon and back I hope he has the most wonderful birthday I LOVE HIM. Hope this doesn’t suck that much. Love ya. 💖💖💖💖💖
warnings: mentions of bullying, some angst, fluff
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When Hitoshi was young he used to believe in soulmates. He couldn’t wait to meet the person that would fit him like a puzzle piece. In the early age of five, Shinsou Hitoshi was filled with positivity and hope. Hope that in the future he would get to enjoy all the things he liked with someone special. 
He was so excited for the first day of school. some of the kids from his neighborhood would be in his class; they didn’t like him they were really afraid of his quirk and would make fun of him all the time, but he didn’t care. He would make new friends and just ignore them. Stepping into the classroom he was met with about 18 new faces. 18 possible friends. A smile spread across his face as he made eye contact with one of the kids. The boy was playing with some LEGOs as Hitoshi made his way to him. 
“Hi I’m Shin-”
“AHH IT’S THE MONSTER!!!” the boy cried out as he stumbled backwards putting a respectful distance between them. The whole class turned to look at them and one by one all the kids slowly took a step back. They were all afraid of him. They all wanted nothing to do with him. They-they.
“He’s a villain!!!”
“Someone call All Might!!!!” 
More children joined the mocking and the cries for help. A group of boys, two of which he knew, walked up to him growls leaving their mouths as -even though Hitoshi was a tall child- they towered over him. Pushing him to the ground, one of them snatched his backpack emptying the contents on him before throwing it at a corner of the room. 
“Villains are not allowed here! Jihiko-sensei will kick you out, villain!” Right on cue, Jihiko-sensei stepped into the room, her eyes landing immediately at his wide eyed face and trembling form. 
“Boys that’s rude!” grabbing his backpack she started putting back his scattered supplies.“Apologise to Shinsou right now!”
Reluctantly the four boys bowed their heads, mumbling an apology before rising their noses up in the air and walking away, leaving a terrified Hitoshi on the floor. 
During the first day of school he knew that he wouldn’t be getting new friends and with that his doubts of even having a soulmate bloomed to life. 
Middle school was not as bad as elementary. He had gotten used to the teasing and the name calling. He couldn’t say that it didn’t bother him; it really did but he had learned not to show it. Even now, years after that fateful first day in kindergarten, he had no friends. All of them pushed him away, some more politely than others, leaving the word ��villain’ lumming over their heads as they turned him down. He was fine though. No soulmate mark had appeared but at this point he couldn’t really be disappointed. After all, someone like him -a monster, a villain- didn’t deserve to have a soulmate.
It was a normal day in his boring middle school. So boring that Hitoshi had turned to doodling on his arm. It was not a habit, he hadn’t done it before since he saw the doodles as tattoos and he didn’t want to give others more reasons to call him evil. Plus he liked his arms clean. But he was bored and it was hot and he wasn’t functioning correctly. At some point during his history class, he fell asleep. He woke up to a light tickling sensation running up his arm and a dim shine appeared on a spot near his wrist. 
‘You can’t draw….’ 
He blinked once, twice expecting the words to disappear but they didn’t. They didn’t fade, they were real. Bold black letters stared back at him as he marveled at the sight. He … he had a soulmate and he could actually speak to them. Snapping out of his trance he scrambled for a pen and thought of a response. He didn’t wanna seem desperate. Deciding on sarcasm he wrote beside their own message. 
‘Well excuse me Picasso’
 He waited for a response for what felt like centuries. This was amazing, incredible, astonishing all of those long pretty words writers use to describe their female characters in poems. Would they want to meet him? Did they live nearby? Were they the same age? So many questions swirled inside his head he almost missed the mandala pattern that appeared on his wrist. The design became more vibrant and visible as the minutes ticked by. It was beautiful. 
‘What’s your favorite color?’
‘Be patient sweet soulmate of mine, you’ll see.’ 
His heart skipped a beat. Oh lord he hadn’t even met them yet and he was already getting butterflies in his stomach. Slowly purple highlights started to appear on his skin, matching the black outlines perfectly. They truly were a Picasso. 
‘There now you have true art on your hand.’
‘Confident are we?’
‘Only when it comes to inter-soulmate communications.’ 
He liked them. He knew that from the first moment. A smile took its place on his face as he saw new letters forming on his skin, warmth blooming in his chest as he stared at their conversation. Soulmate...maybe he wasn’t so lonely after all. 
UA High. This is it. He was finally here. A place where heroes were made. It’s his time to show all those pesky brats that called him a villain that he could be a hero. A fine one at that. Getting placed in the general department was a disappointment and kind of a let down. He thought he did well on the exam. Apparently, having a grape quirk was more hero material than his brainwash. He wasn’t fazed though and neither was his soulmate. They hadn’t stopped speaking since their first conversation back in middle school. His day would start with a small, sloppy good morning scribbled on his wrist. They were there for him whenever he needed someone to rant to and he was always their shoulder to cry on. Well inky shoulder? They had agreed to keep their identities a secret along with their gender leaving everything to the hands of fate. 
‘She shall bring us together, babe.’ They always called him that, not that he minded. 
‘Well she should hurry up kitten.’ And he in return he given them that pet name. They never complained. He hadn’t mentioned which school he applied to, only that he would be becoming a hero. So when they mentioned something about a Bakugou Katsuki he was intrigued. 
‘Yeah he is in my class. Super annoying 0/10 would not recommend.’
 They went to the same school. What a coincidence. Maybe fate did work fast. Choosing his next words wisely he replied. 
‘So you are in class 1-A huh? Funny.’
‘How do you know that?????’
‘I’m in the general department that’s why.’
There was no response for some time. He knew Aizawa was a harsh teacher when it came to discipline, he gets a taste of his discipline every afternoon at six,  so he didn’t write anything else. Later that day, during his training, the familiar tingle distracted him. Glancing down on his arm, he totally missed Aizawa’s capture tool coming straight for his leg. Before he knew it, he was swiped off his feet and started hanging upside down from a branch of a nearby tree. 
“You are distracted Shinsou!” Aizawa sighed below him. Hitoshi read the message quickly before turning his attention back to his teacher. 
“I’m sorry Aizawa-sensei.” 
“Yeah yeah just don’t be like that during your training with my class. You remember that it starts tomorrow right?” Aizawa said as he got him down, letting him fall with a loud thud. 
“Yes sensei I know.”
“Great, now go get some rest I don’t want you passing out the moment you step in the forest.” 
Shinsou had never gathered his things quicker. Draping his jacket over his shoulders he sprinted to his dorm, an idea forming in his mind. He didn’t know if you wanted to meet him yet but he sure as hell wanted to see you. Grabbing a pen from his desk he scribbled under your previous message. 
‘Can you draw one of your mandalas on my wrist?’ 
Y/N was late. Like super late. She had missed her first alarm and had only gotten up because of the pounding at her door. She had stayed up the previous night drawing something for her soulmate. She kept messing up and redoing her work one too many times. Reaching her classroom she slid the door open and tiptoed to her seat seeing as Aizawa-sensei hadn’t gotten out of his sleeping back yet. Sitting down she let out a sigh of relief as her friend leaned over to her. 
“Late night with your soulmate???” She sang teasingly which only made Y/N roll her eyes. 
“Shut up Sky!” Soon they were instructed to put on their hero costumes and meet their homeroom teacher at the edge of the mini forest right in the outskirts of the school grounds. 
Skipping out of the girls locker room she looked down at her wrist where the mandala from last night looked back at her. She ran her fingers over the lines wishing she could see the design on the recipients skin.  
“Come on man! We’re gonna miss the intro move your ass!” Sky grabbed her arm and yanked her forward, ruining her moment of longing as they made their way to the forest. 
Aizawa-sensei was accompanied by another person. A boy almost at his height with vibrant purple hair and the most tired eyes Y/N had ever seen. He was staring at the class giving small nods when someone asked him something. 
“This is Shinsou Hitoshi. Most of you will know him from the sports festival, he fought the problem child.” Midoriya hid his face in his palms at the name. “He will be joining the hero course come next year so have fun training with him.”
Shinsou raised his hand to scratch his neck, a nervous habit Y/N concluded, when she saw the intertwining lines on his wrist. The purple stood out. It was more vibrant on her design, slightly losing it’s shine on his pale skin possibly because he received it. Was that? Was he? 
“Who wants to pair up with him?” at that her arm shot up instantly, without even thinking. Aizawa motioned for the rest of the students to find their partner as she made her way to him. He was taller up close, her head barely reaching his chin. Extending her drawn on hand she greeted him. 
“Y/N L/N, nice to finally meet you Shinsou.”
The house was quiet. Oddly quiet. Hitoshi let his bag drop next to the coat hanger as he took off his shoes. The TV could be heard playing from the living room but no voices accompanied it. Where was she? Making his way to the kitchen he found a bowl full with steaming soup that looked like it had just been made. He left it on the table, his first priority being to find the girl he was looking for. Slowly walking up the stair he heard a humming coming from the room down the hall. 
Once at the top he made his way to the pastel violet door, grasping the knob and pushing it open. He was met with the back of his soulmate, humming the soft tune he had heard earlier as she rocked steadily back and forth. The mess of purple hair on her shoulder raised its head revealing those stunning e/c eyes he adored so much. 
“Daddy…” the little girl in Y/N’s arms let out a low sleepy mumble. Turning around she saw her husband standing in the doorway of the nursery, a smile adorning his face as he looked at Kei. Kei, at the sight of her father, started doing grabbing motions trying to leave her mother’s embrace. Hitoshi let out a low chuckle as he took the two year old in his arms, letting her wrap her chubby arms around his neck and nuzzle into his neck. 
“Happy birthday Toshi.”
Shinsou Hitoshi could have never imagined he would be here today, holding his daughter as his soulmate stared back at him. He was happy, beyond happy actually. Words could not express. Extending an arm out to her, she took it tucking herself under his chin as one of her hands came to rest on the back of her baby. Kissing both of his girls, he squeezed them closer to him.  
 “Thank you kitten. For everything.”   
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TAG TEAM AY:
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
a poem for small things
by Admin 1 & 2
The time has come, the first proper post for this segment we’ve settled on calling a poem for small things, a nod toward BWL and its Korean title. Like we said in our call for submission post, this is supposed to be something like a place full of positivity for vminnies (and perhaps the occasional namjinist) where you (and us) can share whatever we’d like in connection to vmin, both as vmin and as Jimin and Tae the individuals, and have something to raise our mood and also strengthen our vminnie confidence. We’ve gotten several wonderful submissions and quickly realized that for this first post the theme is mostly how I became a vminnie, even if three submissions talk more about vmin moments they enjoy instead.
I think it’s a really interesting theme, especially since everyone’s story is different, and everyone seems to find something else about vmin that captured their attention and hearts so sharing these memories and experiences is a great way to start off this segment. We’ve said it many times before, though I don’t think you can say it enough times, but this bond that Jimin and Tae share is truly special and so one of a kind, it’s wonderful to see how we all relate to and resonate with it in our own way and find something in it that makes us fall in love with their loves, regardless if we see it as platonic or romantic love. Love is love after all. 95z is love.
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For the order of these submissions, we’ll simply go in the order in which we’ve received them. Most of them came from anons, which is more than okay. We’ve also opened the possibility of submitting posts for those who would like to submit wordier posts/asks, should we do another edition of this. It all depends on how much you’ll enjoy it and if you’ll come through with more submissions that could be gathered for future posts.
Anyway, enough talking from our side, let’s dive into these submissions below the cut, shall we? Like we said in the original post (and demonstrated in the preview post), we’ll add some of our commentary and observations along the way, too.
From anon: This is going to be long winded story but Vmin is like a Serendipity to me. I've heard of BTS mainly from my hubby when he complains that times sq is packed because of BTS (when they’re in town and doing their rounds of morning shows). I knew they were very popular but it was a great surprise that i discovered them after watching ILand during lockdown. Their songs were great and i started playing their classics like Fire, DNA Fake Love etc. Then they did an appearance in the show...
I love how you heard about BTS because of your husband and Time Square being packed, this is honestly the most original and unique version of how I’ve come across BTS I’ve read over the years. Amazing!
I was drawn to Taehyung's beauty during their appearance in Iland. And my first Vmin ? moment was when Tae commented about being handsome and attractive are 2 things and being attractive weighs more - along those lines... then JM made a comment that its unfair that he's both and Tae was like Im talking about you... I went like ok he thinks JM is attractive- theyre good friends.... then Jimin did the FakeLove choreo and the camera focused on Tae and he had this wide smile...The Iland Tae/Jimin clips made me do a double take but I dismissed it since it was just only a few seconds worth of screen time but still...
I-Land vmin was really something else in both episodes. 
Fun fact: I-Land was the first Korean survival show I’ve ever watched, mostly because it had something to do with BH and since it was streamed online with subs in real time. Unfortunately, my faves—Daniel and Taki—didn’t make it into ENHYPEN, though I’m happy that Taki will be in a future Japanese BH group.
But, going back to vmin, that moment with Jimin dancing FAKE LOVE and Tae looking at him with that boxy smile as though Jimin hung the stars in the sky? I melted, even if it was just one of those brief moments, yet still it’s so cute! And it was all over sns being shared by vminnies and non-vminnies alike. What a great time that was.
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Then VMAs Dynamite perf happened- both Vmin looking good. I saw a lot of their promos especially the Jimmy Fallon interviews... and I noticed in hindsight how JF was so careful when referring to Jimin ... Since Tae was my first bias, I searched YT for Tae related content eventually saw in my YT feed Vmin moments. Theres a lot of Vmin content in YT or maybe the T*ek*ok ones didnt really register as extraordinary to me. But defo the Vmin moments were extraordinary to me,,,the BV4 sleeping together, kitchen role play & BV3 JM excited to see Tae and them holding hands and then Tae crying and then Tae's busking with Jimin cheering him on were all amazing to see. Up to this day this specific YT vid stood out to me first 
I actually went to check what video this is, and also looked at the comments where my favorite was this one: The staff member went straight to Jimin to tell him V was crying. That's all you need to know. They’re not wrong with that one, are they? That is pretty telling. BV3 vmin were a work of wonder, truly. Jimin watching Tae sing that Sam Smith song during the dinner in the sky looking all soft and endlessly fond?
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Jimin encouraging Tae to busk and gently petting his hair was just such a pure moment and showed how much Jimin appreciates Tae and the talent he has, how in moments when Tae might brush aside wanting to do something, is a little hesitant and unsure, Jimin will stand up for him and give him strength/encouragement, which reminds me of Tae’s vlive in April 2020 and the fact that Jimin had told him that he wants to be his source of strength. Beautiful. And it shows that it wasn’t just pretty yet empty words, but something he truly meant. They both do.
Then i came across vid trans of Friends & cried first time hearing it especially when it got to the part "One day when the cheer dies down, stay hey.." It felt raw and honest to me. Then there's MOT:E concert and that part in Dynamite where they bumped their heads seemed bizaare to me - i was like were they fighting? because JM looked really fierce(or maybe emotional) then i saw the close up. i couldnt remember the exact moment I became a Vminie but it made quarantine easier...
This, I’ve noticed, seems to be a recurring theme among quarantine ARMY and vminnies, the fact that becoming ARMY and vminnies made it easier, and it fits with what we’ve been saying about BTS for years: they will find you when you’ll need them most. And in these trying and uncertain times, it’s certainly proven true once again.
Thank you of much for your submission and sharing your story with us, and I’m glad they could make quarantine a little easier for you.
From anon: I've been following BTS on and off since BST, but only really consider myself a true fan late 2019. I can't recall having a bias at first, but I was captivated by Jimin's everything when I binge-watched all their content. I must admit, my first OTP is T*e/k*ok, where I fell down the route of considering Jimin 'an interfering 3rd party' in their relationship, and it shamed me. Since then I've been cycling through Jimin ships, namely yo*n/m*n, j*n/m*n, m*ni/m*ni, and I even thought that j*/k*ok was real at some point. Strangely, Vmin never struck me as something extraordinary. I don't want to blame anyone, but Vmin caught my eye after I watched official BTS content without filter (presumed bias/judgement) all in their glory. I realized that while other ships may go up-and-down as in one day there's a frenzy and another day quiet af, Vmin has been and is still going constant. That's what makes me love Vmin, and for the first time in my fandom life, I have no qualms about whether they are real or not. Their bond, whatever it is, is already precious and something to be cherished forever. Thank you for providing us vminies a special corner to speak up about our experience 💜
You’re very welcome! I hope you’ll like how this turned out as well. Thank you for sharing your story with us and personally I find it fascinating how, despite Jimin being the one who captivated you most at first, you still fell into the “he’s an interference for my ship” trap that’s quite popular with that particular ship. I’m glad though that that never ruined your love for Jimin. It’s also really interesting for me how you went through different Jimin ships yet it took you the longest time to notice vmin. I feel like, because vmin and vminnies are more “low key” than the other bigger and louder ships, as well as Tae and Jimin simply being quieter in their interactions (not always but you get the point) as compared to, for example, Jimin’s interactions with Hobi, Jungkook, or even Namjoon, it takes people a while to really notice them.
This is my favorite part of what you wrote, and I think it’s a great way to describe vmin in general and what makes them different from other ships in the grand scheme of things: I realized that while other ships may go up-and-down as in one day there's a frenzy and another day quiet af, Vmin has been and is still going constant.
From vminot7: So i fell into BTS hole after watching blood sweat and tears mv casually on youtube. Jimin immediately stole my attention with his unique voice, graceful moves and handsome features even though i didn’t know their names at that time. I watched more MVs and jimin continued to hold my attention but i was also extremely drawn to taehyung's voice and facial expressions. So i started looking for more content such as RUN BTS and other compilations and realized my love for all 7 of them. I also noticed how jimin always had a soft spot for taehyung and was curious about their dynamics. I started looking at more of vmin content and i was really surprised to see how in the early days they were nowhere near as soft with each other as they are now. I think they have a unique bond and i have never come across anything quite similar. Now vmin are both my biases and my bias wrecker is hoseok.
I admire jimin for being a hardworking, passionate perfectionist but also a caring soul who is always ready to offer love and comfort to people in need. I love taehyung for how he looks at the world in his unique ways and how he has a childlike awe for things and how he is so passionate over the things he loves. The thing i love about vmin together is how they are so different yet work so hard on their relationship when it would be easier to just not try that hard.
Ah, another mention of the queen that is Blood, Sweat and Tears. The MV truly is such a masterpiece so I’m not surprised that it caught your attention, and especially Jimin since he was…something else in that MV, or like Tae said, his eyes were temptation (this boy, I swear). Since you mentioned how in the first years they were nowhere near as soft with each other as they are now, I think watching their dynamic and relationship change and evolve over time showcases the one thing I think a lot of people (as well as movies and TV shows) forget or gloss over, despite it being so incredibly important: in order to make a relationship of any kind work, especially in order for it to grow as deep and strong as the one between all members and especially vmin, you need to put in the emotional work to make that happen. You have to make an effort, have to learn to understand the other person and teach them to understand you as well, learn to appreciate and love their little quirks and how to accept others. And it’s so clear that that’s what vmin did, continue to do, and it more than paid off in the long run. I’m glad you highlighted that in general but also as something you love about them.
While the overall bond between the members is a class of its own, I think especially what vmin have achieved is a whole masterclass in relationships and fostering strong ones, in and of itself. There is a lot I think we can learn from them and I’m so happy that people recognize how special they are.
Thank you so much for your submission!
From anon: There’s this small moments in Dear Class of 2020 that i just adore! I’ve watched it at least 20 times this past month
It starts with “Spring Day”- tae and jimin laugh and look at each other and it’s just so sweet!
Also, maybe it’s my delusional mind but after tae’s and jin’s small and adorable moment- it seemed that jimin did the same with junkook right after maybe out of i duuno if jealousy but like “pay attention to me too” kinda way- dont know really and maybe it’s me being extra🤷🏻‍♀️
I agree partially, in that Jimin watched Tae’s and Seokjin’s adorable moment, obviously must’ve thought of it as cute just like we did, and thought he could do the same with JK. I don’t think it had anything to do with jealousy, especially if we work off of the idea that vmin are a thing, but also because it’s a performance and these things primarily serve the purpose of being cute and entertaining use, in other words, it’s fanservice (which isn’t the evil word some portray it as). Also, within that same performance, Tae and Jimin actually sang some of the lyrics toward each other, therefore they, too, had a cute moment they shared with big smiles and everything, just like you mentioned.
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But we’ve gotten to see much more of Tae’s friendship with Seokjin in 2020, and especially the second half, so it was really sweet to see them interact during that song. Their friendship and dynamic is really a beautiful one, just like JKs bond with Seokjin, which I feel we’ve also gotten to see more of in recent months. Part of me (and that part can very well be wrong) feels that perhaps once the members caught on to Seokjin feeling the way he said he did/does, they decided to give him an extra dose of love and affection, off camera but also on where we can see it. That isn’t to say that they didn’t show him any of that before, but maybe they increased the intensity a little, a reminder that Seokjin truly is loved, that he deserves all of this, that it’s just his imposter syndrome (or at least what sounds like it) lying to him.
I’m still so touched and moved by the fact that he trusted us enough to share his feelings with us, to gift us Abyss and how it came to be, and that Bang PD was on his side and coaxed him into pouring his feelings into music, even if it would be “bad”, that the fear of it potentially being “bad” shouldn’t hold him back (and Namjoon helping in even if just a tiny bit with the lyrics). It was one of those times where I feel like we were all reminded that regardless of our opinions of BH and their doings, the members are surrounded by kind people who have their best interest in mind. After all what’s good for Bangtan is also good for the company, a win-win for everyone.
…wow, okay, I kind of went off on a tangent, I’m sorry…
Either way , then we have “Mikrokosmos” where we have a sweet moment at their part and towards the end where they switch mic and hear each other
I love this performance overall and especially “spring day”- jin’s and j-hope’s lovely voices and of course tae’s!! This song fits them so well and all the members of course
Well this is my rent , i love your blog and always wait for another post! Also i love the new idea and look forward to it!
Thank you so much for your submission and for bringing up their Dear Class 2020 performance. It was a truly magical one, and after reading this the first time, I did go and watch it again. To this day I’d still very much like to know how and when and why the mic switch between vmin happened, and I kind of hope that we might get a Bangtan B*mb or EPISODE about this eventually and it might shine some light on that question. Overall it was one of my favorite performances on 2020.
From Sky: While I enjoy cute, physical moments with VMIN, I really do value how emotionally attached they are to each other. For example (I don’t know if it fits as vmin moment but), I love how Jimin asked V to take the Promise cover photo, and how he ended up putting V’s name for credits on the cover. (Special Thanks to V, Best Photographer) This really shows a lot. Coz he can easily choose any Bighit photographer to take it. He could have chosen JK because we know how he takes good pics and vids too (and also apparently alot of people say that vmin had a falling out and that Jimin and JK were much more closer, lol). Or he could’ve asked Suga too bec he’s into cameras too. But he didn’t. He chose V, and chose to shout it out to the world how thankful he is for V’s help. RM co-wrote Promise, and maybe had offered more help in this project, but he didn’t put it in the cover. I’m not saying Jimin is ungrateful for not crediting RM in the cover. The difference is that he and RM had a vlive regarding the making of this song, a lot of people already know RM’s participation, he was officially credited as co-writer and Jimin really showed how thankful he is to RM. But no one knows of V’s participation (except for a snippet in that Run ep), so Jimin felt the need to tell it to everyone. I’m sure it’s not only the photos, I think he wanted to acknowledge how V helped him through the process, whether directly or indirectly. Also, remember this is Jimin’s first non-album solo single. By putting V’s name in it, he is sharing this very special song with his soulmate. How endearing it is! V also included Jimin in his first full English song. He used the two bears given by Jimin as Winter Bear’s cover photo and he included the photo Jimin took (sleeping V in the plane) in the MV. Like, seriously, they are trying to consciously imprint each other in their life’s milestones, openly or subtly. I’m crying. 😭
This was lovely, and yes, Jimin could’ve asked whoever to take those pictures, could’ve chosen any other ones, and yet he wanted Tae to be the one to take them, wanted those specific ones as covers. It’s very sweet and creates this subtle connection between Jimin, the song, and Tae. Sure, it isn’t the first time a picture Tae took is the cover for a SoundCloud song (the picture of JK on the 2U cover was also taken by Tae if I remember correctly), but it’s the fact that Promise is Jimin’s first non-BTS song, his first solo release, that makes it that much more special. Even more so when you think about how meaningful that song is to Jimin, and by having Tae as cover picture photographer, he’s in a way forever attached memory wise to that song as well, right?
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The same also goes with Winter Bear and the two ceramic bears. Remember how excited Tae looked when I kinda spoiled that gift being a thing happening in an upcoming RUN episode during Jimin’s vlive during the summer 2019? Adorable. It’s also curious how though the title is singular—winter bear not winter bears—there’s two ceramic bears. One for Tae, one for Jimin? Maybe, or maybe I’m reading too much into it. Either way, it’s really cute, and it was a very thoughtful gift, even more when we think about just how much Jimin loves that song.
From anon: Love this idea it's super cute!! 1st thing that came to my mind is a rather simple moment, jimin bopping taehyung's nose and making a lil game out of it
Taehyung asking for more and that dazed smile 🥺 he had the same expression in that concert when jimin placed his face just above him, tae's smile afterward... it was so pure u could almost read "love" in his eyes lol
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What a lovely note to end this post at, thank you for that. I don’t know what got into them during that photoshoot for Season’s Greetings 2020 but this was so disarmingly adorable. I remember when that moment appeared all over every sns and everyone just melted, myself included. Their smiles, the cute clothes, Tae’s head on Jimin’s chest, the softness and innocence of it, just all of it. It truly was so pure and like this sweet visualization of ‘love’.
And with that, we’ve reached the end. Did you like this? I had a great time reading your submissions and adding my little comments to them. If you’d like for us to continue this, same rules as last time, send in a submission marked with “VMC” and once we’ll have enough of them gathered, we’ll do this again, if you’re interested in more, that is. Send in whatever positive vmin you have, a thought, a moment, a memory, whatever you’d like.
Thank you once again to everyone who participated! :)
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self-titled-poet · 2 years
Right person wrong time,
That’s what he said to me.
I thought about it a lot after that,
Wondering if I believed him.
I thought about how we met,
Nearly six years to the day.
I was a naïve fresh thing,
Untouched and wide eyed.
He was…older, but not by a lot,
And beautiful, or at least I thought so.
I thought about how I always stared at him,
Like the moon was hanging above his head.
Except, i could not admit that to anyone,
As he already had someone who he adored.
I thought about how this did not stop us,
We became friends or maybe more.
Nothing ever really happened,
But I wished it always could.
I spent more time than I should have,
Imagining him kissing me in his car.
I thought about how he maybe felt it too,
This crazy electricity.
As if the songs he picked,
Were a secret message.
Or the clenched knuckles on the wheel,
When I mentioned Him were a sign.
I thought about how He took me away,
Banning me from him.
How too many of our fights,
Consisted of me saying my feelings were gone.
Yet I wrote secret poems and stories,
About the day I could kiss him.
I thought about how I moved away,
Dreading the day I would have to say goodbye.
Wondering if maybe there was a way,
I could fulfil my egotistical fantasy.
I planned on drunkingly confronting him,
Asking him if it was mutual.
But in the end,
I realised it would never matter.
I thought about how we spent the next few years apart,
Switching lovers but never to each other.
How I always wondered what he was up to,
Claiming him as my personal what if.
What if we had just kissed one night,
Leaning over the gears of his car…
What if we chose the easy way out,
Too scared to pick each other?
I thought about how, four years after we first met,
I messaged him from miles away.
How we become close instantly again,
Yet with a charged heated energy.
Except, it didn’t last long,
he once again chose someone over me.
It would never have lasted long,
As the whole world shut down.
I thought about how that short time,
Gave me the closure I needed.
I was ready to close the door,
To tie up the lose ends of the what if.
I thought about how my phone lit up,
On a random Tuesday afternoon.
his name displayed across the screen,
Two years later.
I was in shock, so sure we had both moved on,
So sure he had forgotten me.
Everything was different again,
But in a beautiful way.
That was when he told me,
I was his right person but wrong time.
I thought about how I believed him,
Because in the midst of everything else,
Everyone else - it was always him.
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self-shipyard · 3 years
"Strawberry Fields Forever" - A Self-Ship Fic
SYNOPSIS: A fic in which Lumaca discovers that Gh.iaccio used to write poetry... and that he recently got back into writing it because of her. All this was discovered through a little black notebook.
Word Count: 1044
CW: In-Character Swearing
Note: For context, in canon, he hates metaphors he can't understand. Because of this, and the fact that he can reference certain works (i.e. "Merchant of Venice Venezia"), I have a headcanon that he's very passionate about literature in general and that maybe he even studied it in college. This fic is based on said headcanon.
Lumaca stepped into the bedroom, intending to make a beeline for the bathroom.
It had been a long day for her and she was hoping she could get a quick shower before she could make dinner for her and her fiancé.
Just before she could, something on the desk grabbed her attention.
At first, she thought it was a sketchbook that she must’ve forgotten to put away. However, upon closer inspection, she discovered that it wasn’t a sketchbook at all; instead, it was a notebook with lined pages.
It must have been brand new, looking like it had been bought yesterday and even carrying that ‘new book smell’ to it. On top of that, she never saw this one lying around before.
Where did it come from?
Carefully, she opened the notebook just to get an idea of what it could be.
On the first page, there was a little note in what was clearly Ghiaccio’s handwriting.
“I’ve once again found the urge to write poetry,” it read. “I haven’t done it since I got my literature degree but my love for Lumaca gets stronger by the day, so I figured I ought to put it down on paper. Maybe it’ll help me figure out how to write my vows in the meantime.”
Warm feelings rippled all over Lumaca’s body and they all made her hold a hand to her mouth, closing her eyes tightly and humming joyfully in the process.
Even when he wasn’t physically around, Ghiaccio really was the sweetest.
She felt a little bad for continuing to pry, but her curiosity peaked at the mention of him having experience with poetry. Of course, it made sense to her, considering his lean towards older literature, but what did that mean for his poetry style?
She delicately turned the page.
Lumaca’s heart sunk when she was met with large streaks of ink covering the page, clearly in a frenzy. It sunk lower as she discovered that the next few pages looked similar to that one; big streaks covering up the free verse he’d written down.
“My poor Ghiaccio,” she thought as she continued to search. “What could’ve caused him to do this…?”
Finally, she found a page with a poem. It was titled “Your Love” and she brushed her fingers against its verse as she read it in her head.
My eyes were blocks of unloving ice
That dripped into puddles with your smile
My hands were frozen wastelands
That melted into green pastures with your touch
My heart was a miserable snowstorm
That gave way to sunny skies with your kiss
I was the bitter cold
That became warm with your love
With All My Love, Ghiaccio ❤
Immediately, she closed the book and held it to her chest, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red and her eyes shutting themselves tightly. If he were here right then, she would’ve held him and kissed him and told him how beautifully written his words were.
She looked down at the page again, only to discover notes on the sides of the poem that said things like “This sounds stupid” and “Would she like something this corny?”
To say she was surprised was an understatement.
He was always so good and concise with his words, so to see him express so much doubt in his own work… She just had to show him her appreciation.
But how?
That was when she eyed a small sheet of paper on the edge of the desk next to a pen. Looking at the two items together gave her an idea.
Ghiaccio stepped through the door to their apartment, closing it behind him.
“Lumaca, I’m home” he called out.
From where he stood, he could hear the sound of running water and the sweet sound of his beloved fiancé singing to the tune of “Strawberry Fields Forever”.
He hummed softly along.
“Fuck, what a beautiful voice,” he said to himself. “And it belongs to my future wife…”
With the desire to see her filling his head, he quickly made his way over to the door to their bedroom, pushing the slightly ajar door open.
He stopped as he spotted something on the desk.
It was his little poetry notebook just as he had left it before he went to work, but now there was also a neatly folded piece of paper on top of it. From where he was standing, he could see it had his name written on it in her handwriting, with a little heart over the “i”.
“Did she look at it?” Ghiaccio wondered to himself. “I mean, I don’t mind if she did, but what I wrote looks like shit and makes no sense. She couldn’t have liked it.”
Gingerly, he unfolded the paper to discover a poem in her handwriting. He read it in his head.
A flame blown out long ago
Reignited by your brave words
A heart locked behind fear
Freed by your strong hands
A flower with petals shut tight
Bloomed by your gentle lips
A girl lost
Found by you
A little note was left at the bottom of the page.
“Your poetry is beautiful, my love. May you always find inspiration to keep writing. Forever Yours, Lumaca ❤”
If he wasn’t so worried about damaging the paper, he would’ve curled up on the bed and grasped the poem to his chest, where his lovestruck heart raced and made his lips and hands tremble with it.
“She… she loved it…!” he whispered hoarsely.
Ghiaccio’s head whipped around in time to watch Lumaca step out of the bathroom, dressed and unaware he was in the room until she looked up.
A sheepish blush spread across her face the minute she spotted him and her lips parted. Yet before she had time to apologize for prying into his notebook, he ran up to her and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. His face buried into her hair, muffling his words.
“I love you,” he mumbled. “I love you… God, so sweet to me… My bucaneve…!”
She placed her hands against his back, feeling his heart beating wildly through her hand, and she smiled with her eyes closed tightly.
“I love you too, honey. I love you so much.”
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judediangelo75 · 4 years
Day Three: Birthday
Fun fact: October 17th is my actual birthday, I don’t know if anyone else gave their MC the same birthday as them 😅 but I did. I didn’t realize that it was also Professor Flitwick’s birthday until last year. 
Which I found pretty cool. If my character was a Ravenclaw (I was gonna choose between Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, that was her Hat Stall), she would’ve spent time in his office, eating cupcakes with him.
Talbott bit his lip as he stared at the calendar in his dorm room.
Today was October 17th.
In previous years when he became a student at Hogwarts, he wouldn’t really bat an eye at this. 
He would normally would tell his Head of House happy birthday and spend some time in his office.
So what makes this day suddenly different?
It was Judith’s birthday as well.
His girlfriend’s birthday.
For all the years that he known her, never once did he know when was her birthday. Until their night at the greenhouse on Valentine’s Day.
He just missed her 16th birthday.
When she saw the look of sadness in his eyes, she immediately tried to console him, telling him not to worry about it.
“It’s been many years since I last cared about my birthday, Talbott. Don’t worry about it. It’s just another day to me.”
She never elaborated further, so he went to the next best source. Her dead father. 
With Penny’s help, he managed to sneak into the Hufflepuff Common Room and dormitories. Once in her room, he found the safe she showed him under her bed. Whispering the password, he was happy to find the signature shark tooth necklace the deceased man wore inside.
Touching the tooth, he stood face to face with the elder Harris.
After explaining why he was there, Kendrick looked down at the Ravenclaw youth with sad eyes.
“The year of Judith’s 9th birthday was a hard one on her, Talbott. Jamal ran away exactly two weeks afterwards. Not too long after that I contracted my heart virus and died with her in my arms. Her mother doesn’t really care for her, often forgetting her birthday entirely. That’s when she virtually stopped caring. If I could come back just one year to put a smile on my little girl’s face, I would...”
It made sense as to why his little bird didn’t celebrate it or even make it known to anyone.
Two of the people she expected to be there, to see her grow, were gone. With her brother’s disappearance, yet again, he wouldn’t be surprised if she truly didn’t give a damn about the day.
Especially this year.
He was more determined to make this year different.
He thought long and hard for the past few weeks for what he can do for her. What he could give her.
Judith wasn’t a person who expects anything. Let alone asks for anything.
He’s come to know his girlfriend well enough. 
The girl was both practical and sentimental. 
She prefers things that she knows she can use or something that has a hidden value.
He had a few ideas leading up to the day...
He just hoped that she’ll like them.
Talbott was on a manhunt for his girlfriend. 
He barely saw her at breakfast and hasn’t seen her since he finished Herbology class for the day. He asked her Head of House if she seen her.
“Why, yes I have actually. She usually spends time with Professor Flitwick today. Since the two share the same birthday. And that she usually hides out from Miss Brown. I believe you can find them in the Charms classroom.” 
Thanking the older witch, he heard off to the Charms classroom. 
Standing in front of the door, Talbott took a deep breath and opened the door.
“Professor Flitwick,” he called. The short man in question was standing on top of his stack of books.
“Mr. Winger! What a lovely surprise,” his Head of House greeted with a smile.
“Happy birthday, Professor,” Talbott said with a small smile. The older wizard let out a laugh.
“Why thank you, my dear boy. To what do I owe to this visit?” Talbott blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. It looks like Judith wasn’t here...
“I was wondering have you seen your birthday twin,” he shyly asked. Professor Flitwick paused and let out another laugh.
“Ah, so Miss Harris has told you? Well, it shouldn’t surprise me, you two are dating after all,” Flitwick smirked. Talbott felt a blush rising to his cheeks.
“Yes... but have you seen her?” Before the man could answer, something landed on Talbott’s shoulder, nuzzling against his cheek. 
A Black Sparrowhawk. 
Talbott smiled.
“Hello, little bird,” he said softly, scratching under his girlfriend chin. The bird preened and cooed before flying on ground and transforming back into the Hufflepuff witch he came to adore.
“Happy birthday, Judith,” Talbott smiled shyly at his little girlfriend. The girl’s lips spread into a smile.
“Thank you, love,” she said. Talbott glanced at his Head of House.
“Professor, do you think I can be alone with Judith for moment?” The former Dueling Champion smiled at the young couple before him. Just a few years old, Judith was confessing her feelings towards his student. And now the two were happily together.
“Of course, Mr. Winger. Good day, Miss Harris. And happy birthday.” The young witch and wizard thanked the man as he made his way out of the room.
‘Ah, young love...’ he mused quietly to himself.
Once Professor Flitwick was gone, Judith turned to her boyfriend with an arched brow.
“Something wrong, love,” she asked. Talbott shook his head, a blush staining his cheeks.
“You know how I am with people around...” Judith took note of his hand reaching into his pocket, pulling out a neatly folded sheet of paper.
“What’s that?” Talbott swallowed, hoping to calm his nerves.
“I wrote you a poem... for your birthday...” Judith’s brows shot up to her hairline. She remembered Talbott telling her that he wrote poetry back in their third year, when they were trying to find his necklace.
He wrote something for her?
“Would you like to hear it,” Talbott asked slowly as he unfolded the piece of paper. He never read any of his poems to anyone before. 
To say that he was nervous would the biggest understatement of century.
“Yes...” Judith didn’t understand why she felt breathless, but something felt different about this. This moment felt rather intimate...
Talbott cleared his throat and began to read.
“Your name is like the sweetest honey on my lips,
You radiate with confidence with each sway of your hips...
With a single look with those mystical gold eyes, I am lost,
With the warmth of your smile, my heart slowly defrosts...
I constantly long to be by your side,
Be the one who you would confide...
Your secrets, your troubles, your beautiful heart,
Allow me to learn your mind, heart, and body like a unique piece of art...
I want to be the one who kisses away your tears,
The one who protects you from your darkest fears...
I want to be the one who holds you close,
For the all the times you desire it the most...”
Talbott can feel her eyes burning into him as he read his poem, doing his best not to blush. 
Which failed tremendously as he went on to read the next part.
"Mystical gold eyes, you have charmed my heart to its knees,
Can't you see what you do to me?
Your beautiful dark curls resemble an ancient waterfall,
The way how you look flawlessly breathtaking, no matter where the strands fall...
You possess sunshine within your beautiful smile,
Its loving warmth and brilliance make me want to bask in it for a while...
Your dark skin resembles milk chocolate: smooth, delicate and sweet,
With my undeniable sweet tooth, you might be my new favorite treat...
I desire to hear your lovely voice next to me every morning,
Feel your kisses along the planes of my face, lazily exploring...
I yearn to turn over in the early hours to listen to the melody that is your heartbeat,
Knowing I can find peace in that gentle melody and fall back fall asleep...
I wish to learn every dip and curve your body,
Whether it's to simply hold you or to worship you like you were someone godly...
I always look forward to receiving your sweet kiss,
For I believe you have the lips of an angel and can bring my soul eternal bliss...
Judith faintly wondered if her face looked as red as Talbott’s as he read this part. She raised a hand to one of her enflamed cheeks.
Never had she ever heard someone bare their feelings to her like this. She knows that Talbott is a rather private person.
She knew how he felt about her, but he shows it through more quiet gestures.
This was... wow...
“Sweet little bird,
What is this sad song I heard?
So heartfelt but heartbroken,
You feel pain that never seems to stop growing...
Heartbreak resides in your mystical gold eyes,
The same eyes of your father who now resides somewhere in the skies.
Beloved, turn those eyes to the sky,
Listen to the voices of your wise grandmother and dear father and fly high...
When you begin to feel alone,
Feel my arms around you and take comfort in my cologne.
When tears fall down your cheeks,
I’ll be there with the comfort your wounded heart seeks.
When you feel like all love is gone,
Then let my love be your new dawn.
My dear Judith, I wish to forever call you mine,
Let us create a love more addicting than the sweetest wine...
Queen of my Heart,
I await for the day where we’ll come together in matrimony and never part...
Happy birthday, my dearest beloved,
Know that while I don’t say much, that you are forever loved...”
Talbott finally finished his poem with a beet red face and slightly shaky hands. He wasn’t prepared for the full body tackle of his girlfriend, causing both of them to fall to the floor.
“Jud-MHM?!” Burgundy painted lips silenced the confused Ravenclaw. Her hands cupped his face as she straddled his hips. 
Despite the intimate position and her sudden kiss, Talbott melted into her. The embrace was slow and passionate, the two unhurried as they explored each other’s secret spots.
A hand massaging her lower back.
Another caressing the delicate skin of her neck.
One hand toying with the hair on the nape of his neck.
It’s dancing along his abdomen. 
The demand of oxygen finally made itself known and the two separated.
“I love it, thank you for sharing this with me,” she whispered, looking into those red eyes she’s come to love.
“Of course, darling. Anything for you,” he said softly, pecking her sweet lips. The girl let out a small giggle as she got off him. 
The two stood at full height, readjusting their clothes so they looked presentable. Talbott picked up the paper that fell out of his hand and handed it to her. The girl took it with a blush on her cheeks.
“I still have more planned for today,” he told her with a kiss to her temple. 
Judith narrowed her eyes at him.
“What did I tell you about my birthday,” she asked. Talbott chuckled.
“I remember what you said. But you’re not gonna stop me from trying to make it special for you,” he said. He can the locket that he intends on giving her later on in evening.
She sighed.
“Fine,” she huffed. Talbott chuckled.
“Happy birthday, little bird. I love you.” A small smile tugged on the Hufflepuff’s lips defiantly.
“I love you too, bird boy. And thank you...”
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dragonswithjetpacks · 4 years
I'm not sure if you've already done this yet because I'm still catching up on stuff (agghhh the past few weeks have been crazy!), but since poetry and songwriting has been on my mind a lot with my recent content (dang that stuff is so hard to do), I think a cute prompt idea might be Astarion trying to subconsciously one-up his former master by deciding to write a poem or a song for Ferelith to prove to himself that he can for her! Whether or not it pans out as he planned would be up to you!
I actually started thinking about this and decided alright alright. I gotta try this.
"I have something for you," he said, hands behind his back leaned forward with wide eyes.
"For me?" her face suddenly became concerned.
"A gift! A poem."
"You wrote me... a poem?"
From behind his back he handed her a crudely folded piece of parchment with his ink stained fingertips.
"I took your advice. You told me to try writing down what I was feeling."
"I did," she nodded slowly, looking at the paper as she turned it over in her hands. "Well, did it work?"
"I don't know," he shrugged. "Why don't you read it and find out?"
She lifted a corner of the fold before he stopped her.
"Not in front of me."
"Are you embarrassed?" her lip curled into a smirk.
"Me? No! It's a beautiful piece of literature. I would just prefer if you were... alone."
"Did you write me dirty poetry, Astarion?"
"No! Tch, for the sake..."
"Well perhaps you should be going somewhere, then... so I can read my not dirty poem."
"No need to be impatient, darling," he smiled. "I'll go soon enough."
But Ferelith was far too eager to read what he had put on paper. She had never seen his penmanship. And it made her excited. She wondered if he had small writing. Or large. If he wrote flatly, or with grand swoops. She tucked the paper into her pocket, knowing if she held it any longer she might give in to the restlessness in her hands. Astarion eyed her carefully from across the fire, shooting a warning glance as if he knew her thoughts.
As the moon crawled higher into the sky, he stretched from reading his book. It was very typical of him to make her wait this long. But, he was hungry. And he needed to hunt soon. Just like any other night, he put away his things. And simply... vanished. Not a word or a sound. Just gone. It took several minutes for Ferelith to realize he had left camp. The moment she had, however, she was on her feet.
She did as he asked and took the poem with her to the water's edge. Carefully she unfolded it and found the poem was quite small. He watched from afar as her eyes scanned through the words, her face dropping as she took each one in. Her eyes widened, lips parted, and she stopped for a moment to look out across the water. He wondered if she had finished. But no, she either continued reading... or read it again.
His ink was very clean. His lines were straight, curling slightly at the top in a way that reminded her of the curls around his ears. The motions of his hand were fluid, like water. She could tell. She could almost see his hands as he wrote it. Ferelith had studied writing and letters for far too long not to appreciate a good writer when she saw one. His handwriting was... beautiful.
Your footsteps follow into the shade, Mind never knowing the threats. Your heart is pounding, your mind is made. And I fear you have no regrets.
You follow the darkness, by whatever hand. You follow the shadow you cannot see. You follow to the river, the mountain, the land... And you follow it... to me.
The promise of the night is not one to take. Not for those who dislike the obscure. There are things that could make man break. Things the fey cannot endure.
And yet I find you always lurking, Always searching for the night. What you do not see is darkness smirking. It had never seen something so bright.
If you knew the heart of  compromise, Would you cast this burden of remand? If you saw well  through shadow of disguise, Would you still take the darkest hand?
"This is the worst thing I've ever read," she grinned, folding it neatly back and pressing it to her chest.
There came the sound of the fish out of water that reminded her that reality was still intact. And she reached in her pocket for her book, tucking the poem into it's pages alongside the dried purple petals. It was yet another keepsake of his she would have to remember. Once she found a shop keep, she would have to buy a bag to keep them in. And once she returned home... if she returned home... she would place them all in a jar.
Would you still take... the darkest hand?
My poem is shite. Please read this lovely poem An Invite to Eternity by John Clare instead.
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noona-clock · 4 years
The Writers Guild: Jackson
Genre: 1800′s!AU, Friends to Lovers
Pairing: Jackson x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Words: 3,902
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“Yes, sir,” Jackson murmured, unable to even meet his editor’s eye. “I understand.”
“By the end of the day tomorrow,” his editor, Mr. Springfield, repeated with a nod.
Jackson simply nodded before turning on his heel and leaving Mr. Springfield’s office. Actually, since it was currently getting dark outside, he kept on going past his desk and left the office entirely.
He didn’t need to turn in the article until the end of the day tomorrow, anyway.
Jackson’s mind was racing as he made his way out of the building; he would be ashamed to admit just how negative those thoughts were, too. He liked to think of himself as a positive, optimistic kind of person, but recently, his job at The Daily Post had a way of souring his mood.
Unfortunately, his mood soured even further when he stepped outside and saw a carriage waiting at the curb.
Before he could even take one step towards it, the door of the carriage opened.
“You’re off quite early tonight, aren’t you?” you noted as you descended from your carriage and waved to the driver to head back to your family’s residence.
“Y/N,” Jackson huffed. “How many times have I told you not to wait for me once it gets dark?”
“Well, however many times it’s been, you’ll have to tell me at least that many times more,” you replied with an angelic smile as you approached him on the sidewalk.
“You know how dangerous the city gets once the sun goes down!” Jackson hissed, his brow furrowed deeply as you stepped up to him and slid your hand into the crook of his elbow. “And if something ever happened to you while you’re waiting out here for me, I don’t know what I’d do.”
“Nothing is going to happen,” you assured him as the two of you began strolling in the same direction your carriage had just gone. “Nothing bad has ever happened to me when you’re around.”
“But it could. That’s why you need to stop --”
“My word,” you interjected. “You’re fussing at me more than usual tonight. What’s got you all out of sorts, hmm?”
Jackson let out a deep exhale through his nose, and you squeezed his elbow reassuringly. “Just... another political article assignment from Springfield,” he told you, muttering the words through his teeth.
A frown curved your lips, and you decided not to reply verbally. You would have asked ‘So, he ignored your request to write a feature news story again?’ and it was obvious what Jackson’s answer would be. He had been trying to gradually shift from writing political and economic articles for at least two years now -- and he had been working at The Daily Post for three years before that.
You had known Jackson practically since you were born. Your mothers had been best friends, and the fact Jackson was a boy and you were a girl hadn’t stopped the two of you from becoming best friends, as well. 
You had grown up together. You had experienced so many of life’s twists and turns together. Jackson had been happy for as long as you could remember, but now...
He wasn’t.
And, if you were being honest, you knew transferring from the Political department to the Feature department wouldn’t even help. Not in the long run.
What Jackson really needed to do was follow his passion.
“Why don’t...” you began cautiously, gripping his arm to give yourself strength to continue on. “...You try again to find someone to publish your poems?”
Jackson stopped walking, turning to face you with raised eyebrows and an expression most certainly meant to scold you.
“I know, but poetry is what you love!” you pointed out hurriedly before he could say anything. “If you could see the difference in you when you write poetry and when you write newspaper articles... Jackson...”
You turned to face him head on, letting your hand slip from his elbow and moving to grasp his fingers. You looked him straight in the eye, your gaze pleading as you spoke again. “Jackson, you are not happy right now. You cannot argue with me because we both know you are not happy. You haven’t been happy... for a while. And if you won’t do anything to try and find a wife like I’ve been pestering you to, then you should at least do something to leave that newspaper. If not for your sake, then for mine. I cannot walk beside you -- literally and figuratively -- for much longer if you continue as such. I will, of course, but it’s slowly breaking my heart to see you like this.”
These were words you’d been holding in for quite some time now, and while you weren’t exactly sure why you’d spoken them tonight, you were relieved you finally had.
Even if the look on Jackson’s face made it obvious that his heart was breaking, too.
He let out a soft but frustrated huff, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as his gaze flitted up towards the darkening sky. “I --”
You waited a few moments for him to finish his thought... but he never did. He just kept huffing and shifting, and when you finally realized he didn’t know what to say, you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling breathlessly.
“Are you speechless?” you asked with just the slightest hint of amusement. “Goodness, I’ll have to check that off on my list of things I never thought possible.”
Just as you’d hoped, one corner of Jackson’s mouth lifted into a smile, and he chuckled under his breath as he shook his head. “Be quiet,” he murmured affectionately. “I’m not speechless, I just can’t find the right words to say. Yet.”
“If you insist,” you grinned at him. “Can you please just promise me one thing?”
Jackson nodded without hesitation, squeezing your fingers.
“Promise me you’ll think about it. Really and truly.” And when Jackson didn’t reply immediately, you squeezed his fingers back. “Your poetry is so wonderful, Jackson. I know there’s a publisher out there who will take you on. Please... just think about it.”
Jackson hung his head to look down at the ground briefly, and when he lifted it back up to meet your eyes, his brows were raised about halfway up his forehead. 
“If I promise to think about it, will you promise me not to wait for me outside in the dark? By yourself?”
...You should have seen that coming.
You shot him a displeased expression, narrowing your eyes and wrinkling your nose before relenting. “Yes, I promise.”
A smile lit up Jackson’s eyes -- no, his entire face -- and he beamed at you. “Then I promise to think about it. Really and truly.”
While you were at it... you might as well try to wring another promise out of him. “Will you also promise to start looking for a wife?”
Jackson’s smile fell instantly, and he turned away from you, moving his feet and continuing the walk to your residence.
“Well!” you chuckled, picking up your skirt and hurrying to catch up with him. “You’re not getting any younger!”
“Neither are you,” he retorted.
“I will pretend you didn’t say that,” you stated as you once again slid your hand into the crook of his elbow.
“And I will pretend you didn’t bring up marriage. Again.”
“Fair enough,” you sighed.
For now, you were more than satisfied that he had promised to think about looking for a publisher. You knew in your heart of hearts there was someone out there who would recognize Jackson’s talent for poetry, and then your very best friend in the world could finally quit The Daily Post and be happy again.
That was honestly all you could ever ask for.
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As Jackson rifled through the poems he’d taken out of his writing desk drawer, he became increasingly frustrated.
It had been far too long since he’d written anything, and even if he did decide to seek out a publisher, he wouldn’t feel comfortable sending any of these to him.
So, with a sigh, he plopped down in his chair, reached for a pen and a blank piece of paper... and began writing.
Since it had been so long since he’d written a poem -- or anything that wasn’t a political article for The Daily Post -- Jackson figured he would sit at his desk for quite some time, stumped by writer’s block. But, surprisingly, the words flowed from his pen as easily as if they were the ink themselves.
He wrote one poem, and then two. Two turned into three, and three to four, until he realized he had been writing for some hours, and it was long past bedtime.
Before he extinguished the lamp and headed off to sleep, though, he decided to skim over everything he’d written. His eyes flitted across the sheets of paper, taking in the words he’d created... and as he read over the third poem, he realized...
All of these poems were... about you.
He blinked rapidly, shutting his eyes tightly and opening them again to look at the words on the pages.
His poems were... about... you?
That couldn’t be. 
Why would they be about you?
I mean, yes, he had written a poem about you before but it had been a poem about friendship and family.
These poems -- the ones he’d written tonight -- all of them -- were about love. Romantic love. True, undying, steadfast, passionate love.
So... how could they be about you?
But, as he read them over yet again, there you were. In every single one.
Not your name, of course, but there was no doubt in his mind it was you. He could feel it. He hadn’t felt it as he’d been writing, but now? Every word he read, he felt your presence. His heart rate increased. His anxiety grew. And... a pit formed in his stomach. 
You were, unsurprisingly, the first person he wanted to tell about these new poems. He had always told you first because you had always been his biggest supporter.
But how could he show you these? Even if it wasn’t obvious they were all about you, he wouldn’t be able to keep it from you. He was certainly capable of keeping a secret, but when it came to this? He knew himself. He wouldn’t be able to look you in the eye and not tell you the truth.
...Hold on.
What was the truth? What truth was he talking about?
The truth that the romantic, emotional poems he’d just written were about you?
Or... the truth that... he had feelings for you?
Jackson had to sit down the instant he thought that. He set the poems back on his writing desk and rested his elbow on the shiny, wooden surface, burying his face in his palm.
Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.
Since when had he had feelings for you?! He’d known you for as long as he could remember. Even in his earliest memories, you were there. But he had never, not once, thought about you in that way.
...Or maybe he had, and he just hadn’t realized it.
Obviously, that was the case because he had just written several love poems about you!
And... well, come to think of it, there had to have been a reason he’d despised it whenever you’d brought up marriage. He just hadn’t understood until now that the reason was... he wanted to marry you.
Jackson rubbed the bridge of his nose, letting out a heavy sigh at this sudden awakening.
It had been you all along. All these years. How had he never known that?
You had always been by his side, through thick and thin. You had always supported him, urged him to follow his dreams. You had always concerned yourself with his happiness -- you still did, to this day.
And, yes, you were beautiful. He had never wanted to admit just how attractive you were because you were his best friend, and being attracted to your best friend was awkward, to say the least. But he was admitting it now. He was attracted to you.
You weren’t just beautiful on the outside, though. Your heart was pure and generous. When you cared for someone, you cared for them deeply and for life. You were loyal and steadfast. And while you didn’t show it outwardly, you were passionate. Jackson’s passion was more obvious, but yours was subtle. Quiet. A simmering passion compared to Jackson’s bursts of flame.
Jackson quickly stood from his desk, knocking the chair over in his haste.
He had to tell you. He wasn’t sure he could go one more minute without showing you these poems and telling you how he felt.
His eyes flashed over the clock on his bedside table, and he saw it was well past midnight. The sun would be up in a couple of hours, actually, and... now was not quite the appropriate time for declarations of love.
As Jackson picked his chair back up and blew out the lamp on his desk, he decided to send you a message as soon as he woke up in the morning.
...If he ever got to sleep, that is.
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The sun was back up, and Jackson was back at his writing desk. Though, this time, he occupied the writing desk in his drawing room downstairs -- the desk he used for correspondence rather than poetry.
He had waited, very impatiently, until a socially acceptable hour to scribble out a message to you, announcing he would call on you at your earliest convenience.
But just as he dotted the last I and crossed the last T, Jackson’s butler appeared in the drawing room doorway and cleared his throat softly.
“Miss Y/L/N to see you, Sir,” the butler declared. “Shall I show her in?”
Jackson stood immediately, leaving his missive on the desk and instead reaching for his small stack of poems. “Yes, please,” he replied emphatically.
How typical of you to show up just when he’d been planning on visiting you. Sometimes Jackson truly did wonder if you knew what he was thinking...
A few moments later, you took the butler’s place in the doorway, your greeting smile outshining your yellow day dress -- Jackson’s favorite dress of yours, actually, though he hadn’t realized it was his favorite until just now. 
“Good morning,” you said as Jackson ushered you in. “I hope I’m not inappropriately early.”
“No, of course, not,” Jackson murmured. You took a seat on the sofa, and he perched next to you, clutching his poems tightly.
“I’ve been in contact with some of Father’s business associates, and --” Your brow furrowed slightly as your gaze landed on the papers in his hands. “What are those?”
“Ah -- these are... I wrote some new poems last night.”
Your eyebrows shot halfway up your forehead, and a beaming grin curved your lips. “Did you?!” you asked with excitement. “I was just about to tell you I think I’ve found a publisher! He’s a friend of a friend of Father’s over at JYP Publishing. I copied and sent him one of the poems you gave me years ago, and he’d like to see more.”
Jackson heard what you said, but... to be honest, getting published wasn’t the most important thing on his mind right now.
“I -- I would like you to read these,” he said, holding the papers out toward you and holding his breath.
You looked a bit confused, clearly wondering why he wasn’t more eager to hear about this publisher, but you took the poems, anyway.
Jackson’s heart began to race as you bent your head to read them.
It only took a few moments of silence for Jackson to stand from the sofa, shoving his hands in his pockets as he started to pace around the drawing room.
He kept glancing in your direction, seeing when you bit your lip. When you tilted your head. When you finished the first poem and moved on to the second. Once you’d finished the third poem just a couple of minutes later, you paused and lifted your gaze to look at him.
“Jackson,” you breathed, your eyes wide and filled with awe. “These are... beautiful.”
Jackson’s heart skipped a beat, and he stopped pacing.
“They’re -- they’re unlike any other poems you’ve written. You wrote these last night?”
He nodded quickly, finding any and all words had gotten temporarily stuck in his throat.
“I love them,” you said softly. You slid the third poem behind the second, moving on to the fourth.
But Jackson found he couldn’t take it any longer. The words became unstuck, and he hastily moved to sit next to you again.
“Y/N, I --” he began, and when you shifted your gaze to meet his, his heart skipped about five beats. “I have to tell you something.”
Your forehead wrinkled with concern, and you turned to face him better.
“Yes, what is it?” you asked gently.
Jackson searched your eyes for a few moments, looking for any sign that you really did know what he was thinking.
And then he took a deep, somewhat shaky breath.
“These poems... I didn’t realize it as I was writing them, but... they’re... all about you.”
Saying it out loud lifted the heaviest weight off of Jackson’s chest. He felt relieved, even though he may have just ruined your friendship forever.
The papers fell from your grasp, lightly floating down to the floor.
“I -- they’re -- they’re what?” you replied breathlessly, your features morphing into an expression which could only be labeled as ‘shocked.’
Jackson seized this opportunity to reach for your hands, taking them and holding them tightly.
“I had no idea I felt that way about you,” he explained, scooting closer to you. “But as I was reading back every poem last night, I realized I had written them all about you.”
Your eyes became glossy, though the shocked expression on your face had not changed in the slightest.
“Felt that way,” you repeated, though your lips barely moved. “Felt... felt what way?”
Here goes nothing.
“I love you,” Jackson declared, hearing the earnest passion in his own voice. “I’ve lived practically every day of my life with you by my side, and I want to keep living life with you by my side. Forever.”
Jackson had hardly finished his proclamation before you launched yourself onto him, abruptly pressing your lips to his.
It goes without saying, Jackson was taken completely by surprise. Before he even got the chance to think about getting his wits about him and kissing you back, you’d pulled away. But only just.
“I’m sorry,” you breathed, your voice hardly above a whisper. “I’ve always wondered what that would feel like, I’ve just never gotten the courage to actually try it.”
“Always wondered -- do you mean you -- are you --” Jackson stammered.
Another smile tugged at your lips, and you let out a very soft giggle. “Speechless again? Two days in a row, that’s definitely a first.”
Jackson lifted one hand to your face, sliding it over your jaw and cradling your cheek.
“So... you... feel the same way?” he asked slowly.
You didn’t answer right away, but you did press your cheek into his palm, bringing your own hand up to cover his. Jackson was sure you would be able to hear his heart pounding inside his rib cage through the silence.
“Well,” you began after a few moments. “I suppose I do.”
Jackson narrowed his eyes slightly and said, “You... suppose you do? I thought you just said you’d always wondered what it would feel like to --”
“I did,” you assured him. “I just... never thought that meant I loved you. I was just... curious.”
Oh, you were too adorable. A grin curved Jackson’s lips, and he let out a soft chuckle before he replied with, “So, you thought that imagining kissing your best friend was totally normal?”
“Yes!” you argued. “Look at you! How could I not imagine it?!”
Jackson simply laughed again, his gaze adoring as he met your wide, sparkling eyes.
And then you gasped softly. “You’re saying you never imagined kissing me?!” you asked, clearly affronted.
Instead of answering (because no, he had never imagined kissing you before last night), Jackson leaned in and captured your lips in a gentle but urgent kiss.
You returned his kiss instantly, apparently unfazed that he hadn’t actually answered your question and scooting as close to him as you could without crawling into his lap. As you placed your hands on his chest, Jackson felt his heart flutter as wildly as a large bird inside a small cage.
He felt your fingers gripping the lapels of his jacket just as you hesitantly pulled your lips away from his.
Jackson pulled you right back in, though this time into a warm, tight embrace.
“Thank you,” he murmured, feeling you let go of him as you slid your arms around his middle and hugged him back.
“Thank you?” you replied quizzically. “For what? For kissing you?”
“No,” Jackson chuckled. “For... always believing in me. For pushing me to write poetry again. For encouraging me to do what makes me happy. If you hadn’t, who knows how long it would have taken me to find out... you make me happy.”
You shifted in Jackson’s arms, hugging him closer to you and nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck. “You’re welcome,” you mumbled.
“And! This means I get to keep that second promise, after all,” he added, a smirk growing on his lips.
“What second promise?”
“You wanted me to start looking for a wife,” he reminded you. “Well, I have. And I’ve already finished looking.”
You pulled away hastily, meeting Jackson’s eager gaze with an incredulous one of your own. “Are you proposing to me? Like this? In your drawing room without a formal courtship or a ring or --”
“I wrote you several very romantic poems!” he interrupted.
You pursed your lips in thought and said, “Yes, that is true. I... guess that will do. For now.”
“For now? You want me to propose again?”
“Oh, I absolutely do,” you effused, nodding vigorously. “Once your poems are published, once you’ve quit The Daily Post, and once we have declared our intentions to our families, then you may propose again.”
Jackson leaned back, letting his head fall back against the top of the sofa. “And now I remember why I was so reluctant to find a wife,” he murmured.
He heard your soft giggle before he felt you cozy up next to him, your head fitting onto his shoulder perfectly and your arm gliding across his chest.
“But, yes,” you whispered, your breath fanning over the skin on his neck and sending a shiver down his spine. “Yes, I will marry you.”
Jackson wound an arm around your shoulders, pulling you as close to him as you could get, and in that instant... he knew.
Even if not a single one of his poems ever got published for as long as he lived, even if he had to write political articles until the day he died... he had all he ever truly needed right here in his arms.
Check out the other stories in this collab: Mark, JB, Jinyoung, Youngjae, BamBam, Yugyeom
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