#he’ll literally always be
artofdansan · 1 year
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day 6 of jashtober!! featuring illustrated versions of all the VGM references in Nerd (each inspired by the original vids’ visuals!!)
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thwackk · 10 months
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warmup turned into my personal hairchart for Guy
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inklore · 2 months
tyler owens is so girl dad coded.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
I'm reading the whole Mockingjay fluffy/hilarious headcanons, but defaulting to horror...
Am I the only one who thinks Jason, himself very messed up, teaching a mini Bruce that killing is okay if it's a "bad guy" is going to end with a lot more bodies than even Red Hood would be okay with?
Yeah, Bruce is a smart kid, but he is an eight year old kid, and very traumatized. Kids tend towards binary good guys and bad guys thinking. Elite kid Bruce is... not that likely to get why some bad guys should be spared, or why he can't have fun with (torture) all the bad guys.
I'm picturing Mockingjay killing some teenaged would-be mugger in Crime Alley and being utterly puzzled why Jason thinks this bad guy didn't deserve death.
He was just hungry and desperate? He needed the money to live? Well, some bad guy who was hungry and desperate killed his mom and dad! Would Jason have helped Joe Chill escape if they had caught him?
In Antithesis of Magic Bruce is currently ten! (I think. I haven’t checked but he’s either ten or eleven)
Very young, I agree. But despite his age he has a good sense of right and wrong, and all Jason’s influence did was make him become more flexible in how to deal with the really bad people.
Right now we’re still at the very beginning of the story, and there’s a massive amount of world building and character development still ahead of us. However, Bruce does not kill people himself. And he doesn’t like Jason doing so, either. He understands why Jason does it, and he trusts him enough to only kill the people who truly deserve it, but at the core of it all Bruce would still opt to take the non-lethal route. Which means he probably won’t fall into the rabbit hole too deeply.
Jason and Bruce balance each other out like that. With Bruce’s insistence on keeping it to necessary kills only, and Jason’s refusal to stop killing. A fragile balance, yes. But also one that allows them to harmonize as well as they do.
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Thinking about poor, doomed Young Griff and how it’s not even important if he is or isn’t Rhaegar’s real son. Because what makes him a fake goes beyond blood - it’s really down to intent and experience. He’s a poor rich man’s Aegon V, but like without the organic hero’s journey.
He’s a lab experiment pretty much. However well intentioned he is, there isn’t much indication that his journey has been authentic. Varys and Illyrio are trying to recreate Aegon V with a fake...literally down to the “let’s hide his hair” scheme. They even gave the boy Aegon’s freaking name (it’s a king’s name after all so I can’t blame them). But they missed like the biggest, most important lesson of all. Aegon V CHOSE to go out. HE made himself, no one else did. His journey was organic as it was derived out of his own autonomous decisions, not manufactured down to the smallest detail (does YG really know what it means to starve and be homeless and hunted?). And there was no promise of a reward (I.e., kingship). Egg didn’t know that he’d be king and even after his dad rose to the throne, there were a ton of people ahead of him. FFS he’s called Aegon the Unlikely. Bro just woke up one day and was like “ay wouldn’t it be nice to actually experience this realm from the perspective of a disenfranchised person?”
Meanwhile, our poor Young Griff is being made to go through all this with the expectation that it’s all going to pay off when he becomes king. BUT (big but!), who’s to say that he actually gets it? Like does he really get why he needs to see how this horrible feudalistic society preys on the smallfolk and makes corpses out of them? Wait, does he even know or recognize that the system needs changing? Like did Varys and Illyrio just tell him “people poor” and leave it at that? Why are they poor Young Griff? How did they get there?! Do Varys and Illyrio even get it? Do they understand that Aegon V was a radical change maker?
How hollow is it that it’s not Young Griff making the conscious decision to actually try and see how his subjects live. He’s not making the conscious decision to be a change maker, no matter what Varys and Illyrio say. People in this fandom will talk about how Young Griff will be the perfect king but…perfect for whom? In what way? In a series that critiques this entire system, what about YG screams that he’s going to actually tackle some of the systemic issues that need tackling - the systemic issues that Aegon V tried to tackle after organically going through his own journey?
WELLLLL….isn’t it cool that Jon and Dany are the true heirs to Aegon V’s legacy not because of blood, but because they actually get to the heart of Aegon V’s journey? Say what you want about them but they are radical as it gets (Jon at the Wall and Dany all over Slaver’s Bay). No one manufactured them. No one told them they had to care about people. No one told them they had to do this lab experiment to become king/queen. They actually did their own thing, while themselves being disenfranchised (GRRM identifies both as outsiders). And without the expectation of a reward (like Jon is literally told that his entire life will basically amount to nothing).
And it’s even better that they were unlikely. Young Griff is meant to happen - well someone is pulling the strings to make sure he works. He’s taking the role of someone who was always meant to be king - for Rhaegar’s son was meant to be king. But Jon and Dany are actually following the Aegon V blueprint because they weren’t meant to happen. Jon is a second son who is presumably a bastard with a contentious claim, and Dany is a daughter who was never meant to survive being sold off to slavery let alone rise to queenship. Neither one of them was meant to be on the throne. No one told them to do the things they did. No one took them and placed them in the positions they’re in. They rose to the occasion by themselves and made changes by their own volition - just as it was with Aegon V. And what makes it even better is that just as Aegon V was chosen to be king, so were Jon and Dany (Jon was literally elected into office and basically won over the wildlings while Dany was dubbed “mhysa” because of her actions in Slaver’s Bay).
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sanasanakun · 11 months
You ever think that the Dark Urge looks at Dame Aylin and her lesbian superpower wings and is like…damn…thanks lord dad. Where tf are my lesbian superpower wings??? Why do I only get the lame salamander of death form??? After all I’ve done for you???What the hell😒😒
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dayurno · 3 months
omg you’ve read erha! chu wanning and kevin day really are the same type of character. they’ve even got the same problem of making men insane and obsessed about them, often one-sided ways. 0.5!ranwan is really what kevriko would’ve looked like in the alternate universe where riko had as much power as taxian-jun huh
THE CHU WANNING OBSESSION BEAM IS REALLY just as crazy as kevin’s its really really really bad……. theyre so alike! strict teachers with no tact that make their pupils think they hate them…… i was immediately in love w chu wanning the moment he opened his mouth but even more so i think there are some little moments where he’s also so kevin day……. when he tries to make jokes but they come off rude and dry…… when he stumbles over casual affection…. chu wanning was even raised in a cult. its really fucking crazy how alike they are
AND YEAH 0.5 ranwan is remarkably kevriko to me like yeah my buddy riko moriyama WOULD make kevin wear an earring with his blood that doubles as an aphrodisiac. i also think the way txj was losing his grip on his sanity so he’d hurt chu wanning then immediately go out of his way to seek comfort from him… so kevriko………. does this make neil shi mei? lowkey i see it
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death-himself · 11 months
so glad that i found out about the whole robert manion situation after watching TGWDLM 50 times
that combined with my face blindness i see nothing but hidgens, who’s robert manion? never heard of him
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buddiekinard · 23 days
honestly some of the shit i’ve had to read about eddie diaz on this thing from BOTH SIDES of fandom there’s like 10-20 people who i trust with him and they’re all my mutuals
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prayer request
my grandma basically got diagnosed with dementia today. She’s 91. She doesn’t have it very bad from what we can tell, so it seems like we’ve still got time.
I’ve posted here before about me being scared for her salvation. So some prayer requests: 1. That God would give me wisdom or even a sign of what to do here. I’ve been asking God what I should do for years, and I don’t feel like He’s said anything. So I might just bite the bullet myself. And also for IDEAS of how to start this conversation.
2. That any conversation I have with her will be as comfortable and natural as possible
3. That I’d get a supernaturally good feel for where she is spiritually. Either so I can try to do something to help or feel confident she’s saved
4. That I’d ask the right questions and share the right things
5. That I’d have time to do this. That it won’t be too late.
6. for courage for me. Religion is kind of taboo in my family. We are all Christians but we almost never talk about it (weird dynamic, I know).
7. That God saves her if she’s not saved.
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akkivee · 7 months
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so like, via canon and arb, we’ve seen kuukou guide, seal, and banish supernatural stuff; he helped a ghost pass to the next life peacefully and his hypnosis ability is to seal lol
it’s only in arb that we’ve seen the need for kuukou to banish spirits, and tho technically those instances never happened lol, he’s been shown to be bad at it. which i think is pretty interesting!!!! so he’s good at leading and perhaps keeping, but bad at sending away huh 🤔
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honey-olive · 1 year
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Trouble in paradise 🫢
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rystiel · 5 months
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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Ending it with Miles 😭🫶🏽🥹 we’re gonna cry so bad.
But also I love this so much cause like obviously the band and the management heard all the hateful ‘fans’ back when they had to cancel Marlay Park because Alex dared to get laryngitis and this; giving them not only one but 3/4 shows with Miles and an access code is so hilarious to me cause like yeah you very fuckin nasty and disgusting but here ya go ya lil shits now what do you say (pretty please) like this makes all those haters look sooo incredibly dumb and childish (like no patience at all obviously they need time to schedule and arrange all the venues and what not, like have some faith in them just lean back and trust) anyways long story short love this move
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I’m having a mental breakdown
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Miles via email
#22/08/2023#holy shit I just woke up#Arctic monkeys#also love that picture of Alex#only Alex could feel so bad about having to cancel one show that he gives us 4 shows 🫶🏽🥹 and Miles#uff the car is not gonna be the first tour without Miles as support/opening act#ending a (near exact) year long tour in Miles’ arms for four days befor riding off into the sunset with him 💅#I would seriously go complete ignoring my bank account but Uni starts literally that week and I can’t miss that first week for my life fuck#Instagram#I can’t wait for their smiles and hugs#all his friends posting bout miles joining AM 🫠😭🥹#I’m counting on Rosie to be mothering and giving us videos backstage of them two#I died dead#how Alex probably returned from his holiday in Italy and then met up with Miles when he had finished his promo tour and they were#just sitting on the settee drinking and chatting and then Alex asks him if Miles would like to join them for Ireland and on both their faces#a gigantic smiles just blooms and they grin at each other like the stupid lovesick idtios that they are before going in for one of their#trademark hugs and just cuddling and whispering to each other what they’ll do in Ireland together and and 😭😭#also like this screams we needed to find a opening act in short notice so we obviously Turned to Miles and that’s so sweet it’s like yeah we#know he’ll always have our back just like we have his#Miles kinda feels like the peace offering here 🤣#also like yes they’ll have endless time after the fourth gig but also before that because the monkeys are done on the 7th in America so they#have an entire week before that first Ireland gig just to practice (new/old songs) and spend time together#okay but hear me out what if: Miles Kane and the death ramps comeback ?!! huh what then
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muirneach · 2 months
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mistergreatbones · 6 months
Someone on Twitter confused Jason for Dick and asked why he was going grey before Bruce and I can NOT stop thinking about it
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