#he'd be someone who knows what they're doing and could provide support
miaclemeverett · 2 years
Summary of Dream's livestream with Techno's father if people can't or are unable watch:
Most importantly, please support Techno's family and the Sarcoma Foundation by buying merch here: (You can also donate directly to the Sarcoma Foundation here)
Dream is streaming with Techno's father & staying with the family
Techno's father met Skeppy, for the Sarcoma Foundation Gala he asked for Skeppy's favorite video with Techno and Skeppy said it was the "skeppy tries to troll me but i troll him first" video
Techno's father has been intentionally pulling up memories and stories of Techno's whole life which was "a speedrun" and full of joy and happiness, rather than just focusing on the last week
When Techno and his younger sister were diaper age, she fell down the final 2 steps of the staircase (completely fine) and while their father was trying to explain to their mother what happened, Techno walked in and said "baby fall down CRASH"
The first message that Dream sent to Techno was trying to Trojan horse his way into Minecraft Monday by playing with Techno. Techno's reply was "maybe next time" and Techno kicked his ass in Dream's first MCM. Sapnap thought Techno was overhyped but then Sapnap watched the next Techno MCM and changed his mind
Techno's father didn't really watch or understand Minecraft, he watched Techno 1v1 tons of people without losing any hearts and asked him "Do the other players even know you're there?"
Techno vs. Dream $100k duel: Techno's father never saw him stress about anything in his career except for the duel. Techno's father was competitive on Techno's behalf like "who is this green smiling man gaining subscribers faster than my boy?!" Techno texted his dad as soon as he knew it was at least a tie and he couldn't lose.
Dream saw Techno release "death merch" and thought that was the coolest, most Technoblade thing he had ever seen
Techno's entire family loved the "no one took the news harder than my health provider. they're the real victim" joke
Dream did an elbow reveal in honor of Techno
Techno's father made a joke to Dream about getting ready to do his (Techno's father's) own face reveal
Techno's father made this joke: "This video today is sponsored by cancer, without which this video would not have happened" and Dream called him an idiot
Techno's father thinks Techno would have done a proper face reveal. There were a couple of months where doctors were saying the next step would be to amputate his entire arm and shoulder. Techno joked that it was going to be the most epic elbow reveal ever and that they'd "traumatize millions." Techno's father was as positive as he could be without being fake and he got Techno a present ahead of the surgery (which never ended up happening), a 1st edition printing of Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms."
Dream and Techno teaming in MCC: This is when they really started becoming friends, before that they had been more rivals/frenemies. Techno also never said or joked about giving Dream his first MCC win.
Techno was whitelisted for way longer before he actually joined the server, back when it was just a few people (Tommy might have asked him to whitelist Techno).
Techno had a Minecraft account called "Whitelisted" when he didn't want to be recognized, just to make the joke "You can't do this if you're not whitelisted"
Techno's dad has GOTTA tell dad jokes
When Techno was young, he would always talk to his dad about being a gaming Youtuber and Techno's father would tell him "no one would want to watch someone else play a video game" lmao
When Techno was young and he'd be building for hours in Roblox and they'd have a power failure, Techno would complain to his dad about all of his work being wasted and Techno's dad would say "all of that PLAY wasted"
Techno talked to his dad about what circumstances would lead to him face revealing, he would have wanted it to be funny and memorable but he never had a clear plan for it
Techno had a front bedroom with a TERRIBLE desk. Techno's dad told Techno to come to the studio to pick out any chair he wanted, Techno went into his dad's office and picked his dad's chair LMAO. Techno's dad offered for him to work on a soundstage because their house had horrible acoustics but Techno said "eh." At 2am when the family was trying to sleep they'd hear him screaming and yelling, it was so annoying when it happened but so painful when it stopped
Techno's dad would text him a meme and Techno would call him a loser, he'd ask him to watch Hunter x Hunter together. Techno couldn't eat without watching TV at the same time
Techno's dad sometimes sees posts on Reddit and his instinct is to send them to Techno. Techno's dad has come close to making a reddit account, he said hello and thanks to Techno's subreddit and he reads their posts a lot when he can take it.
Techno's dad knew Techno had a big audience, but he didn't and still kind of doesn't understand how he meant a lot to people in ways that have nothing to do with PvP or funny jokes. He's proud of Techno and grateful to everyone. The executive director of the Sarcoma Foundation told Techno's family they haven't seen anything like this before with regards to fundraising, she told them that a little kid ran a lemonade stand and raised $150 for the Sarcoma Foundation in honor of Techno.
Techno's dad: "If we do the call-to-action (to donate to Sarcoma Foundation) 10 times, I should get 6 of them" (referencing Techno beating Dream in the duel 6-5). Dream: "I see where he got his humor from"
There has been a refresh today of the merch store so GO BUY THE MERCH!!!! Techno didn't like when there were delays in people receiving merch, so you can only order when it's in stock so GO BUY NOW
Dream will be signing some unreleased merch concepts to include as an extra in some orders
Techno's father thanked Dream and he appreciates everything Dream did for them, he also loves Skeppy
Dream wants to get everyone together and do a massive fundraiser
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zzcrypticcoyotezz · 2 months
random jp headcanons lets gooo
gonna have lots of alan stuff because i have like. a whole backstory for him lol. he just like me fr so i get to make him trans and autistic.
this is mostly for before the events of JP1 and right after. ian doesn't know he's nonbinary yet. doesn't know until probably... after jp2 i think, when his books become more popular. so i'm gonna be referring to him as a man in this post. (see my post about my nonbinary/genderfluid ian headcanon if ur confused)
- ian makes jewelery as a hobby in his spare time. made his turquoise necklace himself. LOVES turquoise.
- ellie has a houseplant addiction. don't ever send her to home depot, she WILL rescue all of the succulents. and once they're healthy, she gifts them to her friends. alan complains and insists he can't take care of a plant, that he doesn't have a green thumb, that he would somehow kill it accidentally within a month. but every time ellie stops by his trailer to come and visit, she notices that little plant thriving, for years.
- alan hyperfocuses so much on his work that he often forgets about everything around him. he could sit in the dirt for hours without end picking at fossilized bones, scrutinizing every tiny detail. at least he remembers to stay hydrated, though, always has his water bottle with him. dehydration is no joke, kids! especially out in the desert!
- alan was raised in a rural christian family. they never understood him or any of his interests. in high school, he had a very kind geology teacher who happened to be gay. he helped alan figure out his identity and get into college to become a paleontologist. alan's parents ended up kicking him out on the morning of his 18th birthday, since he just couldn't be the perfect christian daughter they wanted. without the support of his teacher, alan would've never won a college grant, and he would've been homeless. alan truly put everything into his career. every single time alan tried to write a letter home to his parents, it would be returned unopened, so he had to give up. alan started testosterone at 20 years old, it took him two years to find a doctor willing to help.
- alan and ellie met in college. alan was already a few years into his studies by the time ellie got in. alan had never had very many friends in his life, he tended to keep to himself and work alone. ellie's persistence eventually paid off, and after an expedition to the hell creek formation with the rest of their class, he was impressed with her knowledge of mesozoic plant life, and they became good friends.
- a couple years into their friendship, they realized they both have feelings for each other. alan comes out to ellie, terrified she'll leave him, but she doesn't. she doesn't understand at first, but she tries to, and she does her research (she LOVES researching things). she ends up helping alan a lot, making him a couple of proper binders (no more bandages or tape!) and helps him do his testosterone shots.
- they've dated on and off for a long time before the events of JP1. however, the traumatic events of isla nublar were just too much and put a significant strain on their relationship. their feelings for each other never went away, but ellie just couldn't do dinosaurs anymore, after all she went through. she felt she needed normalcy, but alan is alan and he wouldn't be himself without dinosaurs. so they mutually called it off. and she also always wanted to be a mom. and alan insisted he couldn't, he could never provide her what she wanted. yes, there's other ways to conceive, but it's deeper than that. deep down, he was afraid of turning out like his own father. heartbroken, he had to tell ellie to move on and find someone better for herself. after she began dating mark, alan became distant and isolated himself.
- before ian came into the picture, the only person alan had ever dated was ellie. alan's old fashioned, he never thought that someone like him could also like men too. he'd always distanced himself from anything 'queer', more for his own safety than anything else. but he also struggled a lot with internalized homophobia and transphobia. he thought it was a sign of femininity and pushed aside his attraction to ian for a very long time.
- alan is definitely an unsafe binder. he would often just forget he's wearing it while he's out on a digsite. when ellie's around, she would often have to remind him to take breaks. but when it's just himself, he's stubborn (and extremely dysphoric) so he usually forces himself to power through the whole day, ignoring the discomfort. it's easy to ignore when you're uncovering the remains of long extinct animals.
- thanks to his digsite getting enough funding from hammond, alan finally manages to save enough money to get top surgery about a year after the events of jurassic park. ellie takes time off to help him through recovery, but after that, they unfortunately become distant again. he tells ian he's recovering from carpal tunnel surgery. ian knows he's not telling the full truth, alan is very easy to read, but he doesn't press for more, respecting the man's privacy.
- and yes, this means he was binding almost the entire time while on isla nublar. he was in survival mode, only focused on his own safety and lex and tims', and absolutely nobody could know he's trans, so his stubborn ass powered through it, adrenaline blurring any pain. by the time everyone was rescued and off the island, it turned out that alan had bruised and cracked his ribs.
- for a month after the isla nublar incident, alan and ellie stayed with ian, helping him through the worst of the healing process. there was no way they would leave him alone after such a horrific, life-changing leg injury. it was difficult for alan, juggling a sexuality crisis and having to hide his, well, transness, in another man's household, the same man who caused this sexuality crisis, but he made it work. the memory of that time is a huge blur to ian anyways thanks to the pain meds. during this time, the three began to feel something more for each other, but it remained unspoken. alan doesn't even know that there's anything other than monogamy. unfortunately in my headcanon dinot3 doesn't become real until dominion 💔 i'm a slut for slowburns lmfao
okay, this is all i'm gonna write for now! i'd love to hear anybody's thoughts on these. i love these bitches sm they live in my head rent free. honestly i've been tempted to like... make a fanfic rewriting jp1 but with my headcanons, but that's too much work and i have a very bad habit of starting projects and never finishing them 💀 so probably not gonna happen. it's also very difficult trying to find any resources about how life was like for trans men back in the 80s/90s.
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ckret2 · 10 months
Does bill have "a type"? Since you said he only dates every millennium, what kinds of stuff would catch this lunatic's eye? What would motivate him?
You're getting a read more because I listed every single blessed thing I could think of. The tl;dr:
artists (who depict him)
hot eyeballs (subjective)
no head
bright natural coloration
emotional doormats
party animals
nerds, provided they're also attractive other ways
things that can injure him
getting gifts
someone who expresses interest first but lets him take the lead
really tacky expensive displays of wasting wealth
someone he thinks is similar enough to "understand" him
This is the first point because it's the answer he'd give: if you ASK him, he'll say he's "a complete sucker for those deep, brooding artist types." He'll say this like it's his biggest weakness. He says it like it's a charming little character flaw. This is the narrative he tells himself. What he ACTUALLY means is if you hit on him, and if you have created art of him (visual art, sculpture, music, poetry), the odds that he'll return the interest go up by 1000%. He is incredibly vain, he loves art of himself, and "willing to give Bill art of himself" is an insanely attractive trait.
Some species have sexy eyeballs. Other species don't. It just so happens that Earth, as a whole, has evolved an array of eyeballs that are by and large pretty sexy when compared to the multiversal baseline. Those little, like, thready filament things in the irises? Mesmerizing. Visible veins?? Drive him crazy. Bloodshot eyes? Gonna be haunting his fantasies for weeks. Top tier is those frog eyes with multiple colors or crazy crackly-looking patterns.
He's not a fan of heads. Like, when a species puts a face on a little bobbly looking thing separated from the rest of the body, rather than right on the torso where it belongs? Looks weird. It's not a dealbreaker but he's definitely more attracted to species that put their faces where they belong. Similarly, a mouth without an eye in it looks weird.
Big fan of bright colors. You know what's attractive? Looking like Lisa Frank colored you. Wearing bright colors isn't as good as being bright colors, but he still finds wearing bright colors to be an attractive trait.
If you combine the last three points, I think that I accidentally made Bill's ideal lover a poison dart frog.
Usually at some point pretty early in the dating process he's gonna say something like "Just so you know—really, I'm not as bad as all the rumors and gossip and ancient legends and globally-broadcasted warning PSAs make me sound. But: I am totally crazy. You wanna stick with me, you've gotta be cool with crazy." What he's looking for is someone who says "oh I am SO cool with crazy, I am the MOST cool with crazy, crazy is GREAT." When he says this, he's not saying "I'm actually mentally ill and need someone who's supportive and understanding." He's also not saying "I'm a wild crazy fun party guy and I want a partner who can keep up with that lifestyle." What he's saying is "I am an inconsistent and inconsiderate asshole who will show no regard for you, and in a year when you're complaining about the selfish harmful things I'm doing, I'll get to roll my eye and go 'I THOUGHT you SAID you were COOL with crazy. Are you NOT cool with crazy??' And then I'll complain about you to my friends." So: he'll focus on naive emotional doormats he can push around. He'll probably draw back from someone who stands up to him, unless he got seriously interested in them before they grew a spine.
But that said, he is also more likely to show interest in people who can keep up with his lifestyle. He parties with apocalypse machines. If he sees an alien at a party where three absolutely wasted demigods started mixing sink chemicals and accidentally set off a big bang that took out half the neighborhood, and the next weekend he sees that alien at another party? That means they party hard, they don't scare easy, they don't die easy, and they avoided the cops. That's somebody he wants to spend time with. If they're not lover material, they might be Henchmaniac material. Similar opinions on substance use and mass destruction a plus.
He's kinda into nerds. Not in and of themselves, but if they already hit other traits he likes, that's a plus. If he has a choice between two identical people and one's dumb as a rock, he prefers the one who knows lots of things and likes to share facts and trivia. Bill goes for long, long stretches without feeling curiosity, and those stretches typically coincide with when he feels most depressed; someone who can drive him to think a little bit is a godsend.
If someone literally worships him, like as a god, he's into that. It's not partner material but he'll put a star next to their name in his booty call list.
Any novel Extreme Sensations, he likes. Particularly pain. Not a lot of stuff can hurt him in his true form. If someone can make him feel pain, that's interesting to him. Not even necessarily in a BDSM way. If holding someone's hand feels like being electrocuted, or they give off a gas that makes everything too loud and makes him see weird colors? That's someone he wants to touch.
I think I've just added another trait to the "poison dart frog" column.
His love language is gifts & favors, both giving and receiving. If somebody gives him a gift, he'll remember them positively. Even if it's a kinda lame gift. It makes him feel liked. Roses & chocolates would work on him.
He's not liable to be the first to express interest, because he finds being rejected utterly devastating. On the other hand, he prefers to take the lead/call the shots in a relationship. So if somebody lets it be known that they're interested in him, but then hangs back to allow him to make the first move? Appealing.
He's a sucker for gold and tacky displays of wealth. Like he's sort of disgusted by wealthy people, but he's very into wealth. If you're rich have fun with it. If you're not ordering a $900 sundae coated with gold leaf just because you can then what's the POINT. Also, Bill is tacky. If some multidimensional billionaire decides to show an interest in him by gifting him an extremely ugly diamond-covered top hat, he'd probably let them do things to him that he wouldn't even confess to his doctor. (He doesn't have a doctor but.) I think what this boils down to is that he's only into rich people who are living like they want to go broke as soon as possible.
He goes through most of his existence feeling like Nobody Understands Him. Part of this is because he's bad at communicating his sincere feelings & emotional needs and even worse at relating to or caring about other people; but part of it is just because there's not a whole lot of people who can directly relate to "my ambition drove me to destroy my entire universe and ever since then I've been grappling with the paralyzing guilt while struggling to find a new universe." So when he DOES meet somebody who he believes can really, truly understand him the way most people can't? He emotionally latches onto them HARD. Not necessarily romantically, but it easily could be. This is last on the list but probably the most important point to getting a genuine emotional connection rather than fleeting physical attraction from him.
Example that hits multiple of the above points: one of his longest & most emotionally meaningful relationships was with a sentient black hole who—quite literally—destroys anyone who gets too close to her, and is constantly wracked with chronic pain due to being a fucking black hole. She did poetry at open mic nights. She'd go up to a mic and say something like "this poem is called The Taste Of Unwillingly Consuming The Solar System You Called Your Home" and then scream into the microphone for five minutes without pause. Bill was like "she's the only one in the multiverse who Gets It." He is a sucker for brooding artists. She let him get away with unspeakable things because he's one of the only entities powerful enough to get physically close to her and survive. Which was incredibly painful, but hey, he was into that too.
Maybe they'd still be together if she looked like a frog.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Platonic Yandere Quicksilver and baby reader who's his from a one night stand
Oooooo! It seems y'all have baby fever! (Platonically speaking!) I'm glad to hear from you! Let's see what I can do:
So, Pietro was known to be fast. The fastest there is. Quick. Fleeting.
Apparently he was also fast in the, em... Baby department.
Yeah, he ended up with a baby.
Look, he didn't know his ex got pregnant! Or that they'd dump the baby with him. Or that he'd be their sole supporter and provider. But he sure would try his best!
The good news with being super fast is changes don't take long. Neither does rocking a chair or his baby. But he has to be slow when it comes to feeding them. Go too fast, they could choke or get sick. Going slow, though, feels near impossible. But he tries.
They sure do like it when he plays peek-a-boo.
They'll happily gurgle as he pretends to have disappeared, only to reappear and be met with delighted noises.
And they're such a sweet baby. Who could say no to such a little angel?!
They sleep pretty soundly (he watches them for hours sometimes just to make sure they're breathing), they don't make much of a fuss when eating (they're quite the hungry little thing), and they are awalys happy to see him. It's nice to know someone is.
The best moments are when they're napping on his chest and he can feel their little heart beats and soft breathing against him. It's sweet, gentle...
Everything he has ever wanted.
He may not know what he's doing all the time, and he hates to slow down... But for them, he'd happily stop the world and melt with them💙🤍
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
i literally can't stop rotating hunger au worldbuilding and lore in my head. forgive me if you've ever touched on this in an ask before, but... re: the existential horror of being a parasite that has the sense of self of the host it ate. if one of grian's friends ever did get taken and used as a watcher larva host. how do you think he would feel about the watcher that came out the other side? would he want to see them as still the same person as his friend, or...?
Ive been staring at this ask since i got it with like. I need you to picture the most comically heartbroken expression right now okay. like this is me reading that and thinking about it in great and terrible detail:
Tumblr media
Gods he would be devastated if this ever happened. He knows what thats like. He knows just how much it hurts-- and that its not a hurt that can be quantified, because its just that intense, that scalding, that encompassing of an experience to go through. I think, genuinely, Grian would be so utterly horrified and grief-stricken for whichever friend went through the Watcherification process that it would trump every other potential feeling on the list
But i think, ultimately, he would still view them as his friend, and treat them in the same way. There's a little bit of hypocrisy in Grian's character that i enjoy engaging with while writing him, and a good part of that in hunger au is centered around how he's firmly designated himself as the monster, and everybody else is the victim, and theres no room for nuance because he sucks and theyre the only people who are valid. When in reality, yes he hurt them, yes he did terrible and invasive things, but he did them out of pure survival rather than maliciousness, and that does make a subtle difference. And... hes not the only one who has fucked up, either!! The entire point of hunger au is how everyone has fumbled the bag in various ways and now they're all trying to clean it up together. Its just, yknow, Grian is so wrapped up in his own pain that he cant see those grey areas yet
And the thing is, if one of his friends got Watchered™, so to speak, and was standing in front of him, i think he would treat them with SO much compassion. Theyve been through possibly the worst thing anyone can experience and come out the other side-- at his core, Grian is i think a character who wants to do good, and do good by other people, and in this hypothetical that would translate into a lot of kindness he doesnt usually afford for himself. Honestly i think he'd spend the time trying to show them the ropes, get them set up in a better position than he found himself in, and provide his own fumbling emotional support as best he could, just out of sheer solidarity. Like, he gets it. He's been there. He may as well help out.
And i think he wouldnt even realize how hypocritical he's being until someone else pointed it out to him, about how he treats this friend with so much care but is simultaneously cruel to himself. I dont think he'd know how to handle that-- he's sort of dug himself a rut in the road with the way he thinks about and treats himself, and the cognitive dissonance would be really uncomfortable for him. Ultimately a good thing!!! Growth is often very uncomfortable. But imo Grian has a tendency to run from things like feelings of discomfort, so i think it'd take him a while to reconcile his previous ways of thinking with whats being presented in front of him essentially in the form of a mirror.
So uh. tl;dr: he'd be a little hypocrite about it and would feel a lot more compassionately inclined towards the friend than he does himself, and would try to help them out as best he could. Thank you for the incredible question that has given me the opportunity to rotate this worm at even higher speeds than usual inside my brainpan DKNFEKNDSKDJKDKD
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mswyrr · 1 year
sejanus plinth: doing good vs feeling good
It's necessary to start off by saying that Strabo, his father, really failed him. He brought Sejanus to an entirely new culture at an age when that is difficult. Not only that, but it was a culture, in the Capitol, that Sejanus had every reason to be repulsed by and yet Strabo didn't provide his son with support in adjusting.
Strabo should have arranged special tutoring, arranged advantageous friendships, and provided his son with mentoring and emotional support in making the adjustment. He failed his kid and, since Sejanus dies before he gets to grow up, the fault is mostly with his parents. And given that Strabo and his wife seem to have a marriage where "the man" makes all the decisions and Ma was treated more like another dependent than an equal partner, the responsibility falls on Strabo.
All of that said: Sejanus could have done a lot of good long-term and instead he focused on short-term making himself feel good.
He was the heir of a munitions empire, the heir to the power of District 2, which is the military might the Capitol relies on to maintain control. If he'd been more strategic, he could have ended the tyranny in a matter of decades by decapitating their military power.
He was also "best friends" with a Snow, someone with the family name and social savvy to become president one day. If Sejanus had effectively cultivated that relationship--like, say, noticing that his best friend's family was going hungry/barely scraping by and helped out--they could have worked together to basically change the place without too much bloodshed, the president and the guy with the munitions power. By the time they were in their 80s (Snow's age at the time of Katniss' first Games), the place could have been a democracy.
My read of Coriolanus is that he's not ideologically driven, he's driven by what gives him comfort, safety, and control. A better person than Dr Gaul could have offered him those things, but it would have to be a better person who possessed those things. And the only one with that was Sejanus, but he didn't know how to use it.
Instead, Sejanus consistently makes moves about morality that are about his short-term emotional satisfaction. They're about feeling good. He says things instead of holding his tongue and actually making things happen. He makes dramatic gestures that are easily subverted (going into the Arena). And all of these keep costing other people--his father and Coriolanus--in ways that further diminish his ability to do long-term good.
All of this is why I don't think he's like Katniss Everdeen. True, they both seem to struggle with social skills, a situation I sympathize with. But it is possible to learn to at least recognize and deal with those kind of politics as someone who isn't naturally gifted and Katniss does often desperately try to learn what she needs to do on that level. Sejanus seems not to be interested at all; he refuses to take what little guidance someone is offering, when Coriolanus points things out. Katniss actually tries to listen to Peeta and other people who are trying to give her a clue. She holds back in moments when doing something she wants to do would have knock-on effects politically and for others. Sejanus seemingly refuses to think of the consequences, politically or for others.
She also has none of his potential power. Sejanus had a tremendous pool of power, money, and privilege at his command; he is the heir of of it and he wasted it all. Katniss had nothing and yet did the best she could with it, often prioritizing doing good over feeling good, or else she would have just, like, shot someone instead of shooting the apple out of the pig's mouth that one time.
If Katniss had his kind of power available to her, I think she would have done better with it.
It's not his fault, and he's not a bad guy or anything. I like the character. I think he's well written and interesting and I feel for him. And Strabo is the ultimate one responsible for putting his son in such a no-win situation, but Sejanus, while feeling morals deeply, doesn't actually take advantage of all the ways he had at his disposal to actually make Panem a better place. And that means that he fails entirely to do good in the pursuit of making himself feel good and righteous.
And it's a bitter, horrifying irony, that Snow ends up the heir to that huge pool of power because Strabo failed his son and Sejanus did not have the natural social social and political insight to manage despite being failed. On some level, Strabo wanted a son who was naturally pragmatic and socially gifted like Snow so much that he refused to actually raise and love the son he had, so Snow is what he ended up with.
It's pretty cool that, in the "friendship" between Sejanus and Coriolanus, Collins set up all the ingredients for the two of them to remake and improve Panem and yet the tragedy is that, due to circumstances and personalities and choices, that possibility dies in District 12 on the hanging tree and another, far darker, future is born.
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20001541 · 3 months
What do you think afo would have been like if he'd been raised under better circumstances
depends on what you mean by better circumstances; there's him being born in a stable home with all his needs provided and there's not being born in a time where everything went to hell while also having a stable home. I'll discuss both here.
for the first one if shigamom had gotten support and had somewhere to live safely with her babies I think there's a lot that would change but also some that stay the same. I don't think afo would feel this desperate need to have everyone's eyes on him because he has a mother who loves him and cares for him. she protects her children and makes sure they're safe so he doesn't feel ignored as his needs are being met. he isn't the main provider for him and his brother so he would have the chance to act more like a child rather than having to grow up fast in order to survive.
however.... I don't think shigamom is prepared to handle everything that comes with having a child with a powerful quirk. people with powers are new to the world and were thought by many to be diseased so she would most likely encourage afo to hide/suppress this part of himself out of fear for his safety. of course suppression can only lead to deep unhappiness and dissatisfaction in ones life so afo would feel miserable. it might also cause a rift between him and his mother as well.
I like to think that after years of trying to suppress it he decides to go out one day and secretly use his quirk to explore more of what it can do and get relief from not having to suppress this power he's had all his life. maybe then he'll start secretly dabbling with groups that advocate for quirk rights and try to position himself as leader as a way to have full control of what happens to people like him and not to be at anyone's mercy (still has his more control freak tendencies here). with how powerful his quirk is, it'll be hard for anyone to challenge him so he succeeds in doing this.
maybe he becomes a big player in making quirks more accepted in society. he's doing this far more out of self interest, but it does help a lot of people who are struggling with the changes in their own lives and in the world. idk anything could happen really, but whatever happens in the end he comes out on top and ensures him and his family are able to live comfortably. I do wonder how encounters between him and destro in this au would go....
for the second scenario where he isn't born in a time of chaos, lets say he's born in the same time period where the plot of bnha begins in, I still think he would struggle with that suppression aspect I spoke of earlier. we know how a lot of people viewed toga as a freak for her own desire for blood. so someone like afo who has the ability to give and take quirks would be deemed a deviant by most of society. I can picture baby afo sitting in quirk counselling and told he needs to wear gloves so he wont feel tempted to take someones quirk :( the only thing good here is that he isn't at the risk of being killed by anti quirk users for having this type of quirk.
buttttt you know I feel like with a quirk THAT powerful he is bound to capture the hero commissions attention. they might coerce shigamom into giving up custody of baby afo to them so they can groom him to do their bidding and this may inevitably lead afo to the path of villainy as he's sick of being used by people who could care less about him as a person. plus they never let him see his family and he misses them greatly.
now what would his attitude towards yoichi would be like then in both of these au's? well I don't think he would be extremely codependent as he is in canon. perhaps there would be some codependency as I think he would struggle connecting with people socially so he had no friends and he often depended on yoichi for company (he didn't start making friends until he learned how to present himself in a way that appeals to many), but his dependency wouldn't be to the level we're familiar seeing him with.
its not just him and yoichi alone in the world, he has his mother here too so he has more than one source of love available to him. a large part as to he became so dependent on yoichi in canon as yoichi was the only one he had the entire world. I do still think afo would get jealous of yoichi hanging out with people other than him, but it wouldn't result in him becoming murdery. unless there's someone who gets really close to yoichi then he'll start wishing death on them on the bright side yoichi wouldn't feel as suffocated by afo and afo wouldn't feel the need to be super controlling in his life.
yoichi is also very supportive of afo and tells him how his quirk isn't something to be feared and could do amazing things in the world. though afo doesn't care to use his quirk for the greater good, he still appreciates hearing yoichi accept him and his quirk. I think they would get along better generally, though they would fight in how yoichi thinks afo is too selfish at times while afo argues yoichi needs to worry more about himself and the family rather than strangers who don't care about him.
but if afo does become a villain after being taken in by the hero commission then it would change their whole relationship for sure. there's relief and tears at seeing his brother again, then worrying about how much he's changed since then to the point where he doesn't recognize him anymore then complete horror when discovering the truth on yoichi's end. cue yoichi getting angry at everything with how the hero commission hurt his brother and caused him to become who he is now and him desperately trying to save afo. not a great time for either of them. as to what happens with both of them in the end here? who knows, there's a lot of variables to consider and I'll leave the rest up to your imagination as I might end up typing out a whole fic if I keep going.
anyways that's just what I think on how it could go if afo were raised in better circumstances.
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snootlestheangel · 1 year
🗣️🗣️ no time like the present to get writing!! (coming from someone who.. also.. should be writing..)
but i'd like to hear more about the wolfshifter au idea if you don't mind!! very intriguing stuff
Thank you for the ask, my friend! Now that you have summoned every thought, here is a dump of the wolfshifter au!!!
So, for starters: The MacTavish family and their history of caring for wolfshifters. Since the discovery of wolfshifters about a century ago, there's been a huge stigma against them in the broad scope of modern society. Something about them never really being "human" and are typically reduced to nothing but savage beasts. But Scotland, having a high focus on herding, accepts the wolfshifter population the best. They're not exactly buddy buddy with them, but most wolfshifters find easy work doing stuff for farmers and whatnot. Granted, most of their jobs are like "guard dog" sorts of jobs, but hey, in a world where it's really common for wolves to be fired, refused a job, evicted, etc. just for being a wolf, work is work.
Then came along Great-great Grandma MacTavish. Something happened with her husband and somehow, a wolfshifter was the one to provide the best support for the young family during their difficult times. She ends up convincing her husband to start a business; basically a support/help center for wolfshifters in need. They provide basic medical care, food, clothing, shelter, etc.
Skip to modern day and Soap's family is still very heavily supporting this 'little' business. It's grown a significant amount, obviously, and it's the largest of a handful of wolfshifter care centers in the country, all others younger and operating independently. Soap's parents still run the "soup kitchen" that provide homemade Scottish meals to any and all wolves, no questions asked. Soap's eldest brother and wife are in charge of the medical facility that provides care for both human and wolf form. The brother (Oliver) and his wife run the "human" department specifically, and one of the two MacTavish sisters (Sarah) is in charge of the "wolf" department. Tiffany, the second MacTavish sister is in charge of the housing for displaced wolfshifters.
Side note about wolfshifters in this AU: they all are required to wear identifying tags/have ID chips for what's considered "safety" purposes. Ghost, being the legally dead menace to society he is, no longer wears his ID tags/dogtags (military ones), and because of Roba, his chip had been forcibly removed so he could never be identified; he'd just die a nobody.
Then we got Simon Riley. His father, being the absolute abomination he is, never knew his wife was a wolfshifter until after they have kids. Simon got the brunt of his abuse for being a wolf, and he eventually just became so numb to the abuse he gets from everyone that he eventually stops transforming. So much to the point that Price is not aware of his shifter status, but he's definitely suspicious.
But not as suspicious as Soap. Soap grew up around wolfshifters, and he knows there are certain behaviors and whatnot that are noticeable even in human form. He picks up on a few, albeit very subtle, behavioral traits from Ghost that just scream "wolf" to him, but he knows not to approach him about it. He grew up around wolves that had nowhere to go, no one to go to, traumatized and broken regarding their true nature. Ghost is like a poster child for it, so Soap keeps his distance from that topic.
They still end up having a very unique relationship, but it's not established when Ghost goes missing during a solo mission. Their intel was wrong or something else of the sort and he ended up getting captured.
The problem? They're a group trying to weaponize wolfshifters by forcing them to remain in wolf form. There's a special drug that was supposedly lost/abandoned that can induce transformations in wolfshifters. This group has mutated it to the point that wolves cannot physically transform back into human for several months at a time with only one injection of an amount that's in ratio with body weight and stuff.
Ghost ends up stuck in wolf-form, he's injured, and he has no clue where he is. Turns out, he's stranded in what's considered the world's "safehaven" for wolfshifters all because of the MacTavish family.
Soap's siblings end up having to take him in, obviously not knowing who he is because he has no IDs or anything.
Basically just a really fluffy and angsty story about Ghost finding family with the MacTavish's and Soap just having absolutely world-destroying realizations of his love for Simon Riley. Ghost being soft with the young nieces and nephews, being fiercely protective of his new found-family
Yeah, I clearly haven't thought about this AU at all. Nope. Not a thought going towards it
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stars-tonight · 29 days
Hi! Me again! Could I please get a romantic matchup this time? I don't mind whether they're long or short (whatever's easiest for you).
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Ennegram: 5w6
There aren't any characters I particularly don't want to be matched with.
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often. With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. I have a high sense of self worth but as part of that, I set very high standards for myself. I also usually meet those standards though. People say I have a good poker face/a scary glare but I've never seen it. People also say I look like someone who "knows what they're doing".
Love Languages: Words of affirmation (written, not spoken) and quality time (giving) and quality time and acts of service (receiving)
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, writing, anime, video games, and listening to music (musicals, pop, and rock typically but I have a pretty broad style). I want to be a fantasy writer and I am currently studying an English major at university.
Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about. I'm also not too fond of really deep water.
What I look for in a partner: Someone honest and caring. Someone who treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I don't really have a preference on appearance; personality is far more important to me. Hopefully I've put a good amount of useful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
Ideal Date: My ideal date would probably be a going to a cafe and getting afternoon tea before walking around and talking for a bit. Something where we can get to know each other better.
Hopefully I've put a good amount of useful information! I hope you have a lovely day and that life is treating you kindly!
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🥛 i feel like your personality is very similar to that of akaashi's: you're both introverts but aren't opposed to having a conversation; you can be sarcastic with your friends; and you have high expectations for yourself
🥛 akaashi is very good at words of affirmation and acts of service
🥛 definition of a gentleman and princess treatment lol
🥛 akaashi is honest and caring and wouldn't hesitate to always take care of you or protect you
🥛 like he'd definitely be in charge of getting rid of the spiders in the house since you're scared of them lol
🥛 you would definitely leave each other cute notes or messages around the house when one of you needs a pick-me-up
🥛 since akaashi is a big overthinker sometimes he needs a bit of comfort and encouragement
🥛 and ofc he'll always be there to provide that for you too
🥛 post-timeskip, he works as an editor, so i'm assuming he studied literature in college and had a great time doing it
🥛 so you'd definitely be able to connect over your love of books and literature
🥛 akaashi would be your biggest supporter and always offer to edit or help you write essays or other assignments
🥛 he'd also always read any drafts of things you've written on your own time
🥛 akaashi on a cafe date 🤌
🥛 the coffee shop au suits him so well
🥛 but i definitely think he prefers tea over coffee which is nice
🥛 and he'd also want some time to walk around and get to know you properly on a first date
runner up for you was iwaizumi hajime!
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A/N: hi eren! second part of our matchup exchange 🫶 i hope you liked it and thank you for doing the exchange with me!
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Found this on Pinterest and it's not meant to be taken too seriously, but yeah, I get where this comes from. Usually you see Zoro being pictured as either a sex machine or as aromantic/ace, and literally never anything in between, and I personally believe that either of these takes is true. It's a manga of the shonen genre and follows the respective, genre-based rules. My interpretation of the character is that he undoubtedly puts his goal(s) on top of everything else. Luffy gets to become the pirate king. Zoro himself is going to be the world's strongest swordsman. Period. BUT. These ambitions go hand in hand with a sacrifice, at least to Zoro. This is going to be a long read and I have to digress a bit so please be patient lol.
Zoro has lost the person most important to him and there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He couldn't protect Kuina. Now, we don't know his own knowledge of his parents, but I always assumed that his desire to become stronger and stronger is a direct result of the loss of his parents, something he witnessed, but couldn't do anything about it either. So he chose to follow his father's footsteps and became a swordsman, trained in Koushiro's dojo, driven by anxiety. He made friends with Kuina who died too. And then he swore to himself that never again he would anyone ever become close to him. He traveled alone and at first and kept his distance to Luffy, Nami and the others.
But there's no way to fight human nature. Slowly, he allowed himself and them to get closer and he found it comfortable to be around them, but accepting that they're his friends also multiplies his anxiety and ultimate weakness: losing someone again. He not only wants to become stronger to be the WGS, he also thinks it's the only way to protect his loved ones. When he struggles with an opponent, he can be seen training even harder afterwards. He takes the night's watch. He guards the ship. He only sleeps when someone else is awake. He tells the others to escape when it's dangerous. He tries to take incoming damage alone. He refuses that anyone sacrifices themselves and knocks them out should they try (Sanji @ Thriller Bark). He keeps things a secret. He holds back emotions to remain collected and supportive. The further along they travel, the more of his humanity he has to lose in order to keep them all safe.
Back to the original intention of this post. Zoro has kind of a soft spot for women who need help with something. They just trigger his protective instinct. But he also tries to keep away from any woman because they'd weaken him. And he can't afford to be weak. A woman by his side would mean he'd have to look after her, provide for her, protect her, make sure she's alright, take better care of himself in order to be there for her, all things he simply can't afford and which distract him from his goal (he would think that way, being a bit traditional). Maybe he doesn't trust himself to remain as determined as he was once he's in a relationship. Maybe he's afraid that his partner would try to talk him out of his goal and stand in his way. Which leads me to think how a woman has to be in order to be a good match for him?
We've covered that a woman often triggers his protective sense, I'm not sure though if that is what he finds an important trait. I like to imagine that a woman he'd be interested in has to be similar to himself - independent, strong, able to defend herself, not afraid to put him in his place, self-confident and courageous and most importantly be supportive and understand how he rolls. He wouldn't have to worry about her as much then (he'd still be worried though of course lol). So yeah, ZoTash all the way!
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However, even if they'd fall in love during the series, he'd not give in to his feelings before he would have reached his goals, due to the above mentioned reasons. He'd ask her to wait or he wouldn't open up to her until he's the WGS, and then reunite with her and be like "Hey sorry you had to wait" and you know how loyal he is, he'd stay with her until the end of his days. And I think that's another reason why he's not dating a woman - he wants to make sure that she's THE ONE. He's not interested in an affair or something not serious. He's there for the long run. He doesn't give away his heart so easy. He could even play hard to get, to check if his love interest really means it. He wants to protect himself from heartbreak and loss, afraid to experience it ever again.
He wouldn't be a perfect lover, but try hard to be the best version of himself.
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lord-rosenth0rne · 1 month
Replaying the Stormcloak Civil War side again and I have to sit back and realize... The Empire won't be able to go against the Thalmor if they won the Civil War. In fact, the Empire winning would have worse consequences in the long run, like playing Plague Inc. and getting a foothold in every country through the backdoor before it's too late. I see a lot of Imperial supporters talk about "the bigger picture", but what good does that do if you ignore the elephant in the room?
Thalmor will quash any and all attempts to gather power to oppose them. They have eyes and ears everywhere so what makes Tulius or any Empire supporter who hates the Thalmor think that they have any chance to gather a power separate from what the Empire has without the Thalmor noticing? Several spies in the game aren't high elves so it would only take one of them to destroy any attempt. You would just need someone greedy or desperate enough to take a deal with the Thalmor to backstab everyone. Tulius, if he survived the Civil War, could be taken out at any point if the Thalmor believed that he was too dangerous to keep alive or he served his purpose and wasn't needed for their plans anymore. We're dealing with a dangerous group who will stab people in the back the moment they know they can.
The only way someone would amass an army that would be a somewhat threat would be to go to the territories that do not allow Thalmor intervention. Allowing the Stormcloaks to win, which the Thalmor DO NOT WANT according to Ulfric's Dossier, would be the first place to start to drive them from the providence. Skyrim has a strategic position with its harsh terrain as well as people who can use it to their advantage. Think of real-life conflicts where the smaller side won against a larger army because of their terrain and fighting tactics. There is an issue on the Stormcloak Civil War side where the aid the Imperial side desperately needed was stuck behind an avalanche, a situation that could be manmade if needed.
Skyrim does have resources, such as Silver that the Empire kept taking. It's not like they're hurting on resources.
With enough convincing and emphasis on its necessity, Ulfric could accept allegiances with others if they were willing to fight against the Thalmor. It's part of the reason the Dark Elves aren't getting as much attention from him because they refuse to help the cause and believe they're owed things that they did not earn. He accepts a Dunmer (myself on my Ze'erith run 8D) who will fight against the Empire, so I doubt he'd turn down anyone who has beef with the Thalmor. He can be weaponized further against the elves who turned him into a sleeper agent, as well as teach others to use the Thu'um.
Alliances and truces MUST be made, including with the Reachmen and Orcs, which I know is like corraling cats, but it shouldn't be impossible. Any traitors found should be swiftly dealt with to minimize the chance of Thalmor spies.
Pardon me while I plot the downfall of the Thalmor if my Dragonborn took charge of Skyrim... I'd utilize the College of Winterhold, the Thieves Guild as informants, and the Dark Brotherhood to target potential spies. The Blades will be revived as well to focus on any dragon conflicts as the rest of us are focusing on the Thalmor and will not be allowed to down any dragon willing to help our cause, Partysnacks and Odahviig as major players.
The Thalmor better hope I don't get into a dark mood and go to either Sheogorath or Hermaeus Mora for help. I know Mora would love to get more information the Thalmor may be hiding...
I'd also stop Ulfric from killing Tulius and Rikke and fake their deaths to get them out of the situation they were in if they were willing to listen or if you were able to show them the dossiers from the Thalmor Embassy.
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Giving him flowers
notes: some headcanons about what kind of bouquet would fit pantalone based on the flower's meaning and how he'd react to you giving them to him! might make more of these with other characters! ❤️
contains: pantalone x gn!reader
warnings: none
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╰┈➤ red tulips — perfect and deep love
the most common symbolism of tulips is "perfect and deep love". red tulips in particular stand for passion and eternal love. they're perfect to convey your feelings of love to pantalone, signaling the wish for your relationship to last forever. your bond with pantalone is one filled with passion; constantly supporting each other to reach new heights of greatness. his business partners and wealthy aquaintances commonly regard you two as a power couple; passionate about what you do and capable of shaking heaven and earth if someone dare challenge you. pantalone is on a path to pursuing radical change; however your love is something both of you wish to remain as solid as stone. you may be a force to be reckoned with in public but when the two of you are together in private, one could practically feel the deep adoration you feel for one another. when he's alone with you, pantalone only has eyes for you and he wishes for nothing more in those moments than for these feelings to be returned in full. when he's with you it's like everything glows and your love has a strength that may outlast even the hardest times and disasters.
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╰┈➤ alyssum — worth beyond beauty
alyssum as a flower means "worth beyond beauty" and "sweetness of soul". day by day pantalone moves in a world that is quite shallow and superficial; attending gatherings for the wealthy is a big part of his job and as such, he witnesses the full spectrum of vanity. aside from himself, you're the one reminding him of what truly makes him remarkable; the qualities hiding beneath the surface, always there and present in his schemes but truly visible only to those he trusts fully. you're privy to seeing into his heart, witnessing the full extent of his intelligence and also the sides of him no one but you gets to see. how he can actually be very sweet and how much he adores you whenever he has the time to. in private, pantalone is sweet. he prepares baths for you after a long, stressful day with only the most luxurious products; he has his moments of holding you close in his arms and telling you what's on his heart; all the unconditional love he feels for you and tries to put into words once in a while. he's mindful of you and your needs; he makes sure you feel valued and appreciated. he doesn't shy away from complimenting you and letting you know exactly what he loves about you. pantalone is so sweet to you and only you; he's sensitive but hardly fragile and he's so much more than a pretty face with worldly power. you make sure he never forgets that.
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╰┈➤ california poppy — true gold is in the heart
you see through pantalone's shady business man facade and treasure him for who he is deep inside. similarly, the most precious gift he can give you is his love. he still hasn't quite gotten that yet. pantalone's love language is gift giving and he has a habit of taking that to the extremes with how wealthy he is. sometimes you don't even know what to do with all the gifts he gives you. but he feels like this is how he can show you how special you are to him. nothing is too expensive for this man when it comes to spoiling you but he does need a reminder once in a while that that's not what counts for you. that the affection he gives you and the love he feels for you is all you'd truly need and that you'd love him even if he was back to being dirt-poor and destitute. because it would still be him and that's all you need to be in love. what's in his heart is so much more valuable to you than anything he can provide to you with money. and even though he won't stop his lavish spending, he's grateful whenever you convey that to him. he treasures you so much; you who appreciates all sides and secrets of him and chose to love him not despite but because of it.
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╰┈➤ peony — good fortune, wealth, love
peonies symbolize good luck, wealth, honor and love. they're perfect for so many occasions; especially anything containing well-wishes and congratulations. they can stand for everything you and pantalone have in your relationship and intend to keep. they're a celebration of where you are in your life; more than well-off financially and deeply in love. of course pantalone should have a flower symbolizing wealth in his bouquet, as that's the thing he worked so hard for; getting from the bottom to the top. he wants to share all of that with you. and he considers himself so lucky to have met and fallen in love with someone so honest and true; especially considering the type of people he's usually around. and so do you. you hope to retain all the happiness and the life you currently live with him. and you only want the best for him too; prioritizing his happiness and making sure he's as content as you are.
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╰┈➤ ivory roses — luxury, thoughtfulness
roses are a symbol of love and ivory roses in particular stand for thoughtfulness and gracefulness; traits that pantalone embodies perfectly and just some of the many things you love about him. additionally, ivory roses also symbolize luxury and charm. they make you recall the memories of how you fell for each other; him taking you to balls and banquets out of custom only at first; then realizing you genuinely enjoy each other's company and could talk about pretty much anything. you think pantalone has a beautiful mind; for someone who pulls strings behind the scenes and doesn't show much of what is going on in his head usually, he has so many interesting thoughts you were ready to hear more about. you loved to talk to him; especially when it was just you and him cuddling in bed and discussing whatever came to mind. you also appreciate his elegance; the way he'd walk into every room in public dressed in the finest of clothes like he owned the place made you swoon and feel a sense of pride over being with him. it was also a facet of him and it was one of the ways he'd be unapologetically himself in public; that you couldn't help but love this side about him as well. his confidence, elegance and the way he'd flirt with you even after getting together with you; as a way of still conveying his love to you in public even when he couldn't be as affectionate as he was in private.
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"Pantalone", you call out to him as you opened the door to your shared living space, "I got you something." You chuckle at how he instantly walks towards you, his curiosity getting the better of him. Even though he could get anything he wanted with the wealth he had, he still loved when you surprised him with a gift, especially when it had meaning or you put thought and effort into it.
"Now you're making me curious", he admits, giving you that warm smile that was reserved solely for you and that you loved that much.
You pull the bouquet of flowers out from behind your back, handing them to him in anticipation. His facial expression softens even more upon seeing them. "Thank you so much, my love", he wraps an arm around your shoulder and presses an appreciative kiss to your forehead. You can feel him smiling against your skin; obviously happy and feeling honored to receive affection from you in this way.
Pantalone puts the flowers in a vase and listens attentively as you explain their meanings to him. His smile gets wider as you continue on and whenever he feels particularly touched by the thoughts you had while picking out these flowers for him, he leans against you and nuzzles your neck happily.
"I know it's not even close to the expensive gifts you-", you can't finish your sentence as your lover is too busy pressing his lips against yours and kissing you sensually. You bury your fingers in his hair and smile into the kiss.
"They're perfect, love", he reassures you and squeezes your hand, "I can tell you put a lot of thought into this and I feel honored receiving such a gift from you. I love them." He presses another kiss to your lips sinking back onto the couch with you to cuddle. "I love you", he looks into your eyes and softly kisses your hand while holding you close.
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author's note: i hope you guys liked this one. i'll probably do capitano next because giving the buff scary man pretty flowers and watching him feel loved is a big yes. 👀❤️
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I don't know if you mind me asking this, but how different would things be if Jeong-Jeong accompanied Aang, Katara, and Sokka to the North Pole? Would Jeong-Jeong be ok with Pakku's sexism or would he against it? Also, would Jeong-Jeong try to save Zhao from the giant ocean spirit or would he let him die?
i don't mind at all! if you ever sent me an ask and i didn't answer it's probably just because i forgot.
i've thought about jeong jeong joining the gaang before (i think he and toph would have a fun dynamic) but having him along for the northern water tribe storyline is something i haven't really explored. i think he'd be very eager to visit the north pole, to see waterbending in action and learn more about it. the pakku dynamic would be interesting. on one hand pakku would be the person vouching for him not being a dangerous firebender (since they're both in the white lotus) but on the other hand i think jeong jeong would support katara. under different circumstances, he might be like "healing is better, why do you want to bother with combat?" but he's seen the war, he knows what she's up against and why she wants to learn to fight. and i think pakku's condescending attitude of "go back to the healing huts with the other women" would piss him off BECAUSE he respects waterbending healing. how dare you act like that's an inferior place to be!
i've mentioned before that i'd love if we had another episode in the northern water tribe exploring
why the north & south gender roles are so different
pakku actually reforming, becoming less of a mean teacher
aang learning healing
and i think jeong jeong would be especially relevant to that last one. after burning katara in jeong jeong's episode, aang is scared to firebend for fear of hurting someone again. learning waterbending healing might make him more comfortable learning firebending because he knows if something like that happens again he can fix it. and jeong jeong would want to sit in on the water healing classes out of curiosity, and maybe he'd figure out how to adapt their techniques for firebending. it could help heal both of their relationships to fire and make them more capable of being teacher and student again.
(jeong jeong still might want to hold off on lessons until after they find an earthbending teacher though. like he's got a point about learning the elements in order)
jeong jeong's role in the siege of the north would be interesting. his wall-of-fire style isn't exactly suited to defending a city made of ice, and as a former admiral of the fire nation navy he could provide information that could help them take down the fleet. maybe he leads the undercover plan, and it's more successful bc his intel is only 10 years out of date as opposed to 80. or he might avoid active combat entirely, staying in the healing hut and using his new fire-healing to help with battle injuries. in any case, i don't think he'd affect anything that goes down at the spirit oasis. whether he's in combat or not, his knowledge would probably make him more useful closer to the front lines.
throughout the whole thing, he'd definitely have this feeling of "if i hadn't come to my senses that could've been me". i don't think admiral jeong jeong was like zhao but i do think jeong jeong sees some of his past self in zhao. as a character, zhao is a one-note imperialist, existing simply to represent the fire nation's cruelty, to be the embodiment of their ideology of relentless conquest. jeong jeong as a powerful firebending military leader was supposed to be that person, but he eventually realized that's not who he wanted to be.
i think if you asked him he'd say his past self had to die. but in the moment, like zuko, he would reach out a hand. he's not cold-hearted - that's why he had to leave - and he might deep down have some compassion for his past self. caught in a horrible system, made to be a horrible person.
but zhao would reject him just like he rejected zuko, because he's not jeong jeong and he's not zuko. he'd rather die than touch a traitor. he'd rather die than show any ounce of vulnerability or regret. he's just not that deep.
...this was a really good ask thank you
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zilabee · 2 years
Read an old post of yours about "what if the Beatles were androids built by Brian" and just wanted to share the thought that it sparked! Please consider:
First Brian builds John, not to revolutionize music but to be the perfect boy (by Brian's standards, you know, which is why John is rough and mean on the outside and soft and sensitive on the inside). The musical subroutine was an accident! Brian thought he deleted that chunk of code! And at first it's all fine, but soon John gets lonely being a musical android all by himself, so Brian builds him Paul, to be his ideal friend. (This time the musical programming isn't an accident. That's why Paul is Like That.) And of course android John and android Paul get on like a house on fire, as they were meant to, and get so into making music together that they decide they need to form a band…and every band needs a proper good lead guitarist, right, so they gang up on Brian to cajole him into building them George. Only it turns out that they're rather volatile as a trio, so by the time the three of them demand a drummer Brian can tell they need someone to provide stability! So finally he builds them Ringo, to be their Beatle glue.
(And of course as soon as the band is complete they go and get runaway famous, which Brian didn't code them to be able to cope with! Because he wasn't expecting it! He wasn't actually trying to make history's greatest band, you see, he just kept building more androids to make the ones he already had happy.)
Oh anon! Yes yes. Yes. Like maybe he initially made John to help out at NEMS, and he only gave him a basic musical subroutine so that he'd know what he was talking about enough to help people in the music section, but working there he absorbed everything he heard and fell in love with music and Brian was all soft on him and couldn't make him work when all John wanted to do was play music and paint and be Ridiculously Cool, but then he couldn't leave him home on his own all day either. So then you have Paul - and ksjdofiwjefsd I love that it makes sense for him to be the way he is, because the music had to be hard wired into him <333. (Also beautiful android John seeing the blue prints and being like '... maybe just a little bit like Elvis?' and Brian sighing but agreeing to try.) And then I love the idea that he makes them a George, who is absolutely 100% going to grow up feeling like 'so you made them to be soulmates basically and I was just an ADD ON AFTERTHOUGHT????' Like I can't even imagine the brilliance of the chip on his shoulder if he was literally built just to support them. I love it. And all that time, Brian's watching them with hearts in his eyes because they're his boys and they're so beautiful and young and bright... but he comes home from work and they've set fire to stuff, and stolen records, and reinvented rock and roll, and spearheaded a british invasion, and the neighbours are furious because they play nine hour sets in the backgarden, and crowds gather in the street to listen to them, and they're just playing until their chips overheat and they get louder and more obnoxious until eventually they start fighting and throwing things at the crowds. And at first he'd be like 'no the neighbours will kill me if I build you a drummer' but they threaten to kidnap a real live boy if he doesn't, so he's like 'fine just a little one then'. And you're so right because by then he's had lots of practise, so it makes sense that he could finally programme in things like calm and ease, but he can't offer the others any upgrades to their own emotional disaster areas because it sounds like criticism and obviously it's wrong to pretend any one of them isn't already PERFECT.
(Also love the idea that John at some point sort of realises he's an android, or more than that, suddenly understands that not everyone else is - maybe when he meets Stuart and realises how different they are and decides that he can never be as ~real as Stuart - and he'd get all angsty and melo about it, and probably blame Brian for making him, and then decide it means nobody could ever really love him. All while Paul is just watching him confused, because he knew he wasn't real from day one, so he doesn't know why it matters, because he's like John and John's like him, so that's the best way to be. And George feels like he can very easily be an android and still be real, so he's fine too. And Ringo's okay so long as he's drumming and doesn't have to think about any of it or what it means, so John is all hidden pain and lonely confusion while he pretends to be Just Fine. I love how much themselves they are no matter what you do to them.)
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cass1x1 · 1 month
🩵 for the relationship hc meme~ | nico + knox (:
who curses more?
hmmm nico at first and then knox starts outdoing him to make a point
who is more patient?
knox. no one is more patient than knox
who does the driving?
probably knox unless nico specifically asks to. partially for guard purposes and partially because knox is a very good driver
who is louder? who is quieter?
knox is probably quieter? which makes nico louder?
who is more physically affectionate?
hmmmmmmmm......nico? is my guess? but i don't know
who is more likely to tease the other?
that's stiff competition tbh. i think it could go either way depending on context
who is better with time management?
hm. they're both very good! nico is both a musician and a chef both of which involve sense of time, and knox is just kinda vaguely responsible
who wins the arm wrestling matches?
oh that's not fair idk
who controls the music in the car ride?
knox lets nico but secretly bc he wants to learn cool music from him
who covers dinner when they order in?
nico????? pays knox's salary????
who is more outgoing? who is more shy?
i don't know. i think they are both good at faking being outgoing?
who has the more outlandish fashion sense?
knox is just like gonna wear what the people around him are wearing. nico probably has a bigger chance of surprising someone with his clothes
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them?
i literally cannot imagine either the answers of these questions
who has the darker/more “edgy” sense of humor?
hm ok. another tough competition but probably knox
who is more competitive when it comes to games?
nico i think because knox just like lets go so easily
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth?
knox has a bigger appetite but nico has a bigger sweet tooth???
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public?
nico! knox would keep that shit to himself forever?
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them?
nico hosts because again he pays the salary. knox would organize if asked but prefers not to
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other?
nico obviously and yeah i think he does
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior?
pfff nico but knox would aid and abet
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other?
knox notices right away but probably nico does as well?
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)?
hmmmm...knox would if nico wanted him to but he'd def follow nico's lead on that
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support?
to one another? both? to like strangers??? knox idk
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it?
i don't know. genuinely no idea
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hopeymchope · 7 months
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Caught this in my inbox after releasing another rant on nagito’s lack of development and I thought I should let you know about it what do you make of this
My first two immediate reactions to this person were:
Jeez, just let people have opinions you don't agree with on some things in your fandom. Happens all the time. Chill.
I don't exactly harp on or even talk about Komaeda much, so I'm not sure why they're singling me out in particular. (I guess just because of your previous ask regarding the TVTropes page, lol.) Or @freezethunder for that matter; I don't think they've said much about Komaeda, or at least not that I've ever seen?
I get that Komaeda has stans. He's hot, he's weird, he's a meme, etc. But I think it's a BIT reductive to write our own justifications like this. The line "someone who was manipulated into believing they'd done those terrible things of their own free will and tried to kill them to prevent them from doing so again" is basically doing work FOR the writing.
Remember: At no point does Komaeda have reason to believe whether they WILL or WON'T fall back into Remnant-y habits. If anything, the evidence is AGAINST that, because when he finds out that he used to be a Remnant of Despair, he himself rejects that in every possible way. So why does Komaeda assume that nobody else in the group would make that same decision? (Given his love of "hope," you'd think he'd ADORE the opportunity to see the group choose to be better.) And if anyone in the group could easily make that same decision as him, why must they all fucking die regardless of who they decide to be??? The result is that his actions come off as "assholeish" at best. .......... But of course, by this point in DR2 we already know that Komaeda is both mentally unstable AND prone to dangerously extreme courses of action, so it's not like his decision to just murder-suicide the entire fucking class is out of character, either. :P
I do think that line in there about him being "manipulated into believing they'd done those terrible things of their own free will" makes an interesting argument, though. Right there, this person is arguing that when it was later confirmed via DR3 that brainwashing was the primary reason for Class 77-B's psychosis, that removed the threat of the group lapsing back into Remnant-y behavior in the post-DR2 timeline. And by extension, they're ALSO seemingly arguing that if Komaeda knew the class' despairful behavior was primarily driven by the brainwashing, he might not have taken the extreme steps he did. Although I can't say that the actual text of the games or anime supports OR disproves those interpretations, I think those two interpretations add up to a decent enough way to hand-wave away the potential danger of Komaeda in the post-DR3 world. So they provide a somewhat decent argument for why his classmates could forgive, forget, and just let him be back in the squad.
(As y'all may know, I opted to lean into Danganronpa 2.5's events as my own method of justification.)
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