#he's a big boy who needs to deal w/ the consequences of his choices
darkpetal16 · 20 days
So we've got mafiafell wingding and papyrus headcanons, but what about mafiafell sans? Even a crumb would be very appreciated
Oh man. I put these HC undercut for 1.) T/W for toxic relationship and 2.) Spoilers for one of his bad endings in the game.
Mafiafell!Sans is a hot mess and puts the yan in yandere.
Ooooo boy. He’s a walking, talking red flag.
He’s a Judge: a monster born with the Judgment ability. His magic is toxic to anyone with EXP or LVL (including himself, although he has built up resistance) and he can see the truth of anyone’s SOUL.
His ability awakened at a young age in an unexpected outburst that resulted in the death of one of Asgore’s Royal Guards. By consequence, in order to avoid execution, he had to become the newest Judge.
He, essentially, became a glorified hitman for the Dreemur family at a young age, with the added bonus of each of his kills causing magic whiplash and damaging himself in the process.
He’s seen a lot of awful things, and done a lot worse things.
It. . . Doesn’t sit well with him.
He never wanted to take a life. He never wanted to hurt anyone.
But he had that choice taken away from him, and now he’s in too deep. The EXP, in conjunction with his Judgment ability, has warped him in a deeply disturbing way.
He’s volatile, violent, and viscous. And bitter. So, very, very bitter.
He’s got a short temper, but how he acts on it depends on the severity of his rage. For “smaller” issues, it’s an instantaneous reaction of violence. For the big issues, it’s something he’ll stew over and take his time to seek retribution. Basically: If he gets loud fast, the person will probably make it out alive. If he gets quiet though? They’re dead. And they’re not dying easily.
His volatility is a big reason why he always has Papyrus or Wingding nearby for important events.
This does mean that early in the relationship, when none of them know how well he can control himself around you, all of your dates will be secretly chaperoned by either Wings or Pap. You’ll likely never see them, but they’re there for your (physical) wellbeing and Sans’ (mental) wellbeing.
After a lifetime of absolute garbage thrown his way, you are a desperately needed breath of fresh air. He was drowning in misery and you’re the lifeline thrown to him. He will latch on with a zealous fervor.
Any bit of happiness and affection you give him, he’ll greedily devour. The more you give, the more he’ll come to need you until he literally will not tolerate you out of his life.
So do not commit, do not engage, do not give this man any type of hope for a relationship unless you’re ready for that level of emotional dependency. Breaking it off once it’s too late won’t end well for either of you. Because he’s type who can love a doll as much as the real deal.
But if that’s your thing too? If this is what you need too. . . ?
He’s your guy. Loyal. Ferociously loyal. Would fight an army for you. Would go to war for you. Would break any law for you. He supports your wrongs and your rights equally, as long as he gets to be by your side in the process.
He didn’t have money growing up (all money earned had to go into paying back his “debt” to the Dreemur family), so now that he has it he likes to spend it. Especially on loved ones (you & his brothers). Shopping trips are a bi weekly thing, and they always end in a fancy dinner date.
He wants to travel the world, and he’ll gleefully take you with him. He wants to visit a place that’s always dark, and someplace where the sun never sets. He wants to see the auroras, and an endless sea of sand.
He’s always wanted to go to school to learn. Always wanted to learn physics, mechanical engineering, and astronomy. Never could, and he thinks it’s too late now. He’ll always brush it off if you try to encourage him.
But if you take him to college lectures on the stuff, he’s like a kid in a candy shop. You’ll see a glimpse of what he was like before he became a Judge; a childlike level of sincere happiness, and a small smile on his face.
Dates are extravagant. He knows he’s fucked in the head so he’s hoping to keep your attention by impressing you. Maybe if you’re wowed enough you’ll forgive his cracks.
Speaking of cracks, he’s got the most broken bones in the family. Most of the time, Wings or Toriel can heal such injuries but ones caused by his Judge ability don’t heal.
If you ask about them he’ll give you increasingly crazier stories. Anything is better than the truth.
Speaking of stories, he loves to tell them and loves to listen. If you’d like to read, he would genuinely love it if you read him. It doesn’t matter the genre, he just enjoys them with a pure sincerity.
And if you want him to read to you? That’s fine by him. Although you’ll probably have to pick out the books… And forgive him when he stumbles on words. He didn’t have a proper education growing up. What he knows is what Wings has been able to teach him in their very limited free time. 
He can sing! Specifically lullabies, because that was the only thing that could sue Papyrus when he was a toddler. It’s not something he likes others to know, however, he’ll make the exception for you.
He can also cook. Very well. He learned along side Papyrus as something for the two of them to do together. He didn’t have a lot of free time and he didn’t want Papyrus to feel lonely, so he would learn how to cook with him. 
Very good at reading people. Even without his judge ability, he’s an expert at reading, micro expressions, understanding someone’s tone, and interpreting body language. His intuition is above reproach, even Asgore trusts it. 
He learned sign language when Wings lost his voice for a few months. Sans thought it would be come permanently so he stayed up late to learn it and be ready to teach it to Wings. Thankfully, Wings recovered so it’s been a rarely used skill.
Quality time is important to him. If you have something important in your life that you want him to attend, absolutely nothing will stop him from being there. 
Don’t try to get him jealous. Not only will your suitor be killed, but if he thinks you’re doing it on purpose, he won’t let it go. He won’t lay a hand on you. . . he doesn’t have to to discourage you from ever thinking about doing that again.
He’s a hot mess. There’s no getting around this. There is no therapy in his time, and the toxic masculinity expected of him will prevent him from ever admitting his emotional vulnerabilities in any way that matters.
He’ll be tender for you. He’ll be soft for you. He’ll be kinder around you. He won’t raise his voice. He won’t lay a hand on you. He’ll support your dreams, financially and emotionally. He’ll start with you if you want.
But that’s the extent of what he can do for now, and for a long times
And that’s the best he can do.
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
Before I go to bed too late…
… On the rerewatch, I wish Sara had had to learn about El being kidnapped. Bc if I’m gonna throw Neal under the ‘should have said something to Peter’ bus, I gotta throw her under as well, no special treatment. This is a massive case of young(er, in Mozzie’s case) people not considering the consequences of their actions. Despite the fact that Keller had Peter kidnapped, apparently no one considers he might target the Burkes again. ‘Ooooo he talked to Sara’ are you forgetting he’s well aware that the Burkes are your parents. Keller won’t try to touch Sara, she’ll beat his ass, but it’s easier to go after a civilian. Like this is literally no one considering the stress and harm they are causing the parents. Mozzie and Neal are being self centred, Sara, I don’t know, gets caught up in the romantics?
A running theme w/ Neal is that he rarely considers how his behaviour will effect those around him, and I feel like it’s esp clear w/ Peter and El. Maybe it’s the little kid in him, but he seems to take them for granted, likely not helped by Peter’s dedication to him and ability to manifest whenever he’s in trouble. Neal doesn’t think about Peter and El getting blow back from his shit and esp doesn’t register the danger he causes them early on—when something happens, he’ll come through, but he just… Doesn’t seem to take them into account sometimes and, like I said, not just on the ‘going after them to get to him’ angle but in the ‘they care about you and you being reckless is stressing them out and making it hard to trust you.’ It’s a lesson El, bless her heart, tries to give him multiple times but I think he… Doesn’t totally understand the implications. It’s not just that they could get hurt, literally or reputation-wise bc of him, it’s when he does reckless, impulsive shit it scares them, whether he’s putting himself in dangerous situations or keeping secrets and acting suspicious. Perhaps a better description would be he doesn’t realise how those effects change as they get closer—it becomes more personal for them. It’s more painful. That’s why I love s3 bc of the oblivious and sometimes intentional guilt slinging. Sure, Neal didn’t ask for this, but he also didn’t walk away, and he didn’t tell Peter the moment he found out. If he had, Peter might’ve kept Mozzie’s name out of it (and yeah, part of this is Mozzie being a bad influence, he’s lucky he’s likeable the rest of the time). It’s like my post about Honour Among Thieves; the reason Peter is suspicious is bc Neal is suspicious. In so many ways Peter throws himself all in on this and Neal just… Doesn’t reciprocate. And the more Peter cares about him, the more harsh the possible/apparent betrayals are. And Neal… Doesn’t seem to entirely clock that. Peter’s clearly out of sorts and overly emotional about the whole thing, and Neal’s initial response is being all shocked Peter ‘turned against him,’ just keeps trying to deflect suspicion. Predominately thinks Peter is going after it just bc he’s Peter, doesn’t seem to realise Peter is so obsessed w/ this bc it’s personal, bc to Peter this is not just a crime but a massive, very personal betrayal. Again, it’s Mozzie and Alex and Adler’s influence, but Neal just… Doesn’t seem to get how badly lying and deceiving can hurt people. It’s not just that he’d do it, Peter acknowledges early it could have been Mozzie or Alex who actually pulled the theft, it’s that Neal would keep it from him, outright hide it from him, and participate in the plan to run at all. It’s that Neal doesn’t tell him things until it’s critical, that’s why he’s so cagey during s4. Bc he loves him. And I don’t think Neal really gets that that’s love? I dunno, I’m rambling now, but while his relationship w/ Ellen was sweet, I think it’s telling of how he turned out that she acts like Peter was in the wrong for arresting Neal, too. Most of the people around Neal enable and/or encourage his reckless and more self centred behaviour, even the ostensible parental figure; Peter and El are the first ones to hold him to a higher standard not based on allowance or conning, as Peter says, trying to help him be the man they think he can be, give him a future where he doesn’t have to run all the time. What started as more a matter of convenience and fondness goes into them being full blown invested in helping this kid change his life. They’re the first ones to care about him and just. Be there, even when he makes being there really hard. They are literally his parents. And maybe partially he’s not used to having parents this invested in him but… Look, I’ve lost my train of thought but it’s like he sees some levels of consequences, but not all and not the right ones. Expects a level of separation that’s no longer there and doesn’t always realise the everyday pain he causes w/ his behaviour, and doesn’t seem to realise how much not knowing hurts, and definitely doesn’t always think about the fact that they’re intense connection to him makes them even bigger targets.
And he really doesn’t get the stress his improvisation and wonton nonsense put Peter through on a regular basis. Like how does Peter even sleep at night having to put up w/ that?? It’s no wonder her wants to put a tracking anklet on the second kid, Neal’s gotta be responsible for every single grey hair on his head and a few counts of high blood pressure. How has this man not had a heart attack yet, I would be dead.
#White Collar#Neal is such a weird study#like he's a fully functioning adult mentally and physically and all that#but on some levels like emotionally I think he kinda stalled out at eighteen from running away#so he's the uncontrolled impulsivity of a badly raised teenager w/ the mind of an adult#he's a big boy who needs to deal w/ the consequences of his choices#and ESP needs to learn about dealing w/ people#for a guy so charming his social skills are actually shit#and he's clearly not used to being really held accountable#people like Mozzie and Alex encourage his more uncontrolled behaviour and antics#they think of him as a good conman but neither of them care for being a 'good person'#neither are monsters but they're selfish and they encourage Neal to be selfish#Adler's just a terrible role model James is also right out#his mother mighta been okay but she wasn't really around#Ellen was there at least but I don't think she was really holding him accountable either#but Peter and El do#they care enough to want him to be better to be the person that's definitely in there somewhere#and when he screws that over there are and should be consequences#and Neal's… both not used to facing consequences and not used to other people facing his consequences#at least not having to witness it#that's why I also love 3x12 bc Peter TALKS about that#how Neal gets away w/ things bc he's 'Neal'#fortunately in this case I think having El kidnapped AND having to watch Peter go through he kidnapping was a good scare#it's horrible but it was a wakeup call#like I mentioned in another tag if anything happened to either of them it's a double whammy#bc not only would he lose one he'd have to watch the OTHER go through it#like Neal cares about all his friends and coworkers even if he's bad at it sometimes#but I think Peter and El become something esp precious and important to him#like see my analysis that what Neal REALLY wants is his parents back#he still has the little kid dream of having a loving family
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
A tattoo for a lost bet - Fd!au (2 / 3)
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Techno and Skeppy bet on stupid things, and sometimes their bets can have very severe consequence if lost.
If you want to, look at what Minetra’s desing of Techno tattoo
Tw! Betting, swearing. Btw, this is very long
<---Previous part - Next part --->
It was quite hard to keep such a big tattoo hidden from everyone, that was probably the only regret Techno had, but apart from that, he was actually quite enjoying his “rushed” decision.
It had passed enough time that he could carry his bag on both shoulders and didn’t have to put bandages anymore, just moisturizing cream and avoiding the sun.
Apart from some curious stares from Tommy, everyone else didn’t suspect anything… well, that was what he hoped.
He was expecting Skeppy to laugh at him for getting a floral themed tattoo, but on the contrary, Skeppy loved it very much. He was also the only one that knew about Techno’s tattoo, so he felt special when Techno changed next to him or took off his hoodie to reveal it, it felt like one of those pinky promises girls made with their BFF's. There was no denying that Skeppy was a bit clingy and overprotective with Techno, so it really felt special.
But of course, to keep that secret a secret, Techno had to get some habits to avoid showing his elbow and shoulders:
Taking off his hoodie if he had a t-shirt was a bad idea, so if it was a little warmer he had to deal with the heat, nothing too bad. Before and after P.E., he had to change in the bathroom stalls, sneakingly taking his clothes and changing without any teacher noticing, it wasn’t hard.
T-shirts were a no-go, but it was autumn, he would have thought about how to deal with the heat when the situation arose. The only time he wore t-shirts was as a PJ, but he made sure to wear it once in his room right before jumping into bed.
The few time he slipped up and was about to get caught were pretty stupid: One time Wilbur walked in the bathroom while Techno was having a shower, good thing he was on his phone though, so he walked in, gave Techno a minor heart attack, brushed his teeth while checking socials and walked out.
Another time was during P.E. he was so concentrated on dodgeball he didn’t realize that he had rolled up his sleeves, he didn’t notice it for about thirty minutes or so until Skeppy walked up to him, softly smacked him and pointed at his arms, good thing everyone else was also pretty concentrated and there was too much pressure and adrenaline to notice a small hint of ink on his arm.
It was a pretty chill morning, the alarms didn’t go off yet but Tommy was already awake.
After taking his time in the bathroom, enjoying the fact that for once he wasn’t crushed by his brothers rushing to get out before they were too late. He almost went to have breakfast but stopped, noticing that Techno’s room wasn’t locked.
Techno had always had this habit to lock his room’s door before going to bed, yes, Phil allowed him to do so only because all of the door’s keys were the same.
The young Pandel couldn’t stop thinking about how Techno’s left shoulder looked a little bit puffier, it had returned to normal recently but Tommy couldn’t help but worry about his brother: He knew by experience that it looked awfully familiar to a bandage, did Techno get hurt? Did someone beat him up? If someone had dared beat him up he was going to-
His mind was too offuscated by worry and anger to think straight, so he carefully entered Techno’s room, he was a pretty heavy sleeper so the chances of waking him up were slim, but he still approached him carefully.
He was laying on his stomach, sheets unpinned from the mattress and his small crown pillow and pig plushie were at each side of his head.
He walked up to the right side of the bed to notice something coming out of his sleeve all the way to his elbow. In the darkness he couldn’t see what it was, but the small strays of light coming from the blinds made it look like… Ink?
Tommy shook his head and took out his phone to use the flashlight, there was no way Techno had gotten a tattoo, Phil would have never allowed it, plus he didn’t tell them about it so-
His eyes widened in shock as he covered his mouth to avoid screaming, it took all of his will power to not drop the phone.
T-Techno had a tattoo? HIS nerdy brother Techno had a tattoo?!
He shined the light on his elbow again to see better the simple floral design contrasting on Techno’s pale skin. He lightly pinched and moved the hem of the sleeve to find that the tattoo kept going.
He gulped in anticipation and grabbed the collar of his t-shirt to reveal his shoulder.
Tommy emitted a small noise after dropping to the ground and pushing himself all the way to the wall behind him.
What the fuck?
He quickly turned off the light and placed his hands on his ears, but instead of blocking out noises, he wanted to keep his thoughts away.
What was happening? Why did Techno get a tattoo without asking and without telling?!
Tommy’s head started spinning, he needed fresh air.
After bolting out of Techno’s room and opening the window in his room, taking long, deep breaths, he decided he couldn’t keep this for himself, if Phil found out Techno was going to be in huge trouble:
He had to speak with Wilbur.
Wilbur meet me in the cafeteria at
lunch, usual table.
Wtf do you want gremlin?
I’m serious Will, meet. me.
Fine, but listen to your
lecture. Gremlin child.
Rolling his eyes, he placed the phone in his pocket, how was he supposed to focus on the class when Techno could potentially be in big trouble?
Yes, he was mad that Techno had gotten a tattoo without asking and he had gotten one before he did, but he couldn’t let him get in trouble with Phil just because he was jealous.
As soon as the bell rang and the class ended, he b-lined to the cafeteria, grabbing his lunch and sitting at the table he and Wilbur usually met at.
While waiting impatiently, out of the corner of his eyes he noticed Techno sitting alone, reading a book while listening to music.
Wilbur sat down in front of him, “What do you want” Tommy took a deep breath, placing his elbows on the table and allowing his forehead to lean on his intertwined hands, he started speaking.
“Techno betrayed us, Wilbur” the brown-haired boy bent his head to one side, “and he could potentially be in big trouble, big I tell you” Wilbur shot a glance at Dream who was approaching Techno’s table, sitting next to him and taking one of his earbuds and placing it in his ear, Techno didn’t seem to mind.
He now also placed his elbows on the table and intertwined his fingers in a reflecting pose, “Elaborate”.
Tommy took another deep breath and started explaining to Wilbur what he knew. From his suspicion of the puffier shoulder, to the thought that it could have been a bandage, to him seeing the tattoo this morning.
Wilbur’s eyes widened, going back between Techno and Tommy, “T-there is no way Techno did such a thing Tommy, don’t be childish” he tried to regain his composure, “W-Will I’m not lying! You have to trust me it’s true!”
Wilbur didn’t want to believe Tommy, but he felt that what he was saying was true.
“There is only one way to find out” He got on his feet and walked to Techno’s direction, Tommy doing the same.
“Hello Dream, hello brother” He greeted the two boys, both too concentrated in their books to notice the world around them.
“I need to talk to you Techno, mind if I take him for a few minutes?” Techno leaned his head to one side, when Wilbur called him brother it was never a good sign.
“Oh sure, we weren’t doing anything either way.” he gave Techno the left earbud back and greeted him as he left with his two brothers. They looked awfully serious, hopefully, Techno wasn’t in any trouble.
“Take your hoodie off”
They had locked themselves into one of the supply closets, the smell of pavement cleaner and bleach filled their nostrils every time they inhaled.
“Why not Technoblade?” Wilbur had a very serious expression on his face, Tommy wasn’t talking, too scared to interrupt any psychological trick he was probably pulling on his brother.
“Why should I?” The older brother exhaled audibly, “You don’t have a choice Techno. Take. your. hoodie. off.”
Was this the end?
Techno took his red hoodie off, revealing a dark grey shirt with a white print spelling “Whatever” with three dots.
“Where is it Tommy” He looked back at the young blonde boy almost hiding behind him, “l-left arm” he stuttered, Wilbur looked back at Techno and looked at him right in the eyes.
“You either pull up your left sleeve, or I pull up your left sleeve” Wilbur didn’t like to be this threatening, but he knew that if he wasn’t, Techno was just going to ignore him.
This was the end
Looking down at the floor, Techno sighed and slowly pulled his sleeve up to his elbow, he couldn’t look at his brother’s reaction, but he could feel their gaze of disappointment, shock and betrayal on his skin.
“Why did you get a tattoo Technoblade?! Are you mad?” “I didn’t have a choice Wilbur” “What kind of excuse is that?! Of course you had a choice! Why did you not ask first” “Phil wouldn’t have agreed-” “There is a GOOD FUCKING REASON WHY HE WOUNDN’T HAVE AGREED!!!” Wilbur slammed his fist on the metallic locker, making a harsh noise that made everyone jump.
Silence fell between the brothers, none of them was able to look at each other. Tommy was expecting Wilbur to get angry, but not this angry.
The sound of the bell announcing the return to class, made Wilbur straighten his back, “I will tell Phil about this when he comes back, I’m sorry to give him this news after a tiring day of work, but we will talk about this more after dinner.” He unlocked the door as Techno put his hoodie back on, “After school, you’re coming back straight home, even if I struggle to trust you right now Technoblade, I trust you to do as I said.” Wilbur nodded at Tommy to follow him out, leaving Techno to grab his backpack and leave after them. He wasn’t hoping it would go like this.
After sitting down in his class, he took his phone out and texted the only person he could think of right now.
If I die tonight, you get my
potato farm.
Why lol
Don’t tell me Phil found out
about the tattoo
He will when Wilbur tells
I’ll pray for you to come
back alive tomorrow at
You’re not helping me
The professor entered the classroom and started his lecture, Techno left his phone in the pocket of his hoodie for almost thirty minutes. He was about to place it back in his backpack as he glanced at the notification coming from Skeppy:
New message from Nerd
This is also my fault, sorry dude, I’ll help you
tomorrow with anything I can
Techno smiled and slipped the phone in his backpack, Skeppy was chaotic, but when he wanted, he could be very thoughtful and nice.
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rotationalsymmetry · 4 years
General gripes about DS9 and gender (some spoilers) (content notes: some references to sexual abuse/trauma, and specifically spiritual abuse/sexual misconduct in religious leaders, also death/murder):
I swear to fuck these people do not know how to write female characters without shoehorning them into romance plotlines. (Or weird fucked up stuff, like when that Cardassian serial murderer kidnaps Kira.) Especially noticeable with Ziyal -- when Kira takes her to DS9, the writers apparently can't think of a single thing to do with a young woman other than ship her with a much older Cardassian. Then, she's starting to get her own life and make a name for her as an artist, and they fucking refridgerator her. The fuck. (And: the focus is on how her death affects Dukat, that fucker. Which, obviously sure it's going to affect him...but it's also going to affect Kira, who sees Ziyal as like a younger version of herself and was trying to protect her. And then Ziyal dies. That should have some sort of effect on Kira! And did no one else on the station make any sort of connection with her when she was there?) This is arguably not primarily a gender thing, but it is partly a gender thing: the show keeps demanding Kira find sympathy for her oppressors, over and over again. (This is a gripe fest: of course there's a lot of things about Kira's character that are done really well.) She keeps getting thrown in situations that show (some) Cardassians in more nuanced lights and that more or less force her into relationships with them, while meanwhile her old resistance cell friends all get killed off, her parents are dead, if she has any other family we don't hear about it, and she's basically left with no Bajoran friends even, as far as we know. She gets Bajoran lovers who... OK, about that. First, Vedek Bareil. Now, Bajorans are shown to have a pretty relaxed attitude towards their clergy (eg Kira is frequently rude to Winn even after she becomes Kai with apparently no consequences) -- but still. Vedek is roughly equivalent to, what, cardinal? He's high up in the heirarchy. And, he's put himself in a role of spiritual authority relative to Kira: she gets access to one of the Orbs through him. They've got a power imbalance and one that's connected to Kira's ability to do her religion. I don't care what the social norms are on Bajor that is 100% sexual misconduct on Bareil's part. If something went wrong in their relationship, it could fuck up Kira's connection to her faith. And in the show it's presented as no big deal.
(Star Trek seems to be aware of this when it comes to ship's captains! For all that Kirk notoriously fucks everyone, he never voluntarily (/outside of the mirror universe, outside of odd transporter malfunctions that split him into two parts, etc) came on to a crew member. But it's no less important for religious authorities.) (Also: this has nothing to do with celebacy. I'm fine with Bajoran religious figures being allowed to have sex and being allowed to have sex outside of marriage. But: a religious leader having a sexual relationship with someone who they're in a pastoral relationship to is wrong, and while Bareil isn't exactly Kira's pastor I think there is some level of, he's providing spiritual guidance to her. That means she's off limits to him, or should be. In the same way that bosses shouldn't fuck their direct reports, college professors shouldn't fuck their students, therapists definitely shouldn't fuck their patients, etc. Regardless of how they handle their sex life outside of those restrictions. And regardless of whether there's love involved or not -- romantic love absolutely does not make it better.) And then there's Shakaar, the former leader of her resistance cell. That she joined as a teenager. It's...yeah, it's been many years, yeah she's not directly under him any more, and yeah goodness knows a band of resistance fighters is probably not going to have a clearly written up sexual harassment policy so it's not necessarily unrealistic...it's not as blatantly "oh god no" as Bareil, but it's got some...is anyone thinking of potential abuse of power issues here? Anyone?
There was one episode where Jake and Nog were double-dating and it goes badly due to Ferengi, uh, gender roles not meshing well with Federation egalatarianism. And, then the rest of the episode is all about how they're going to repair their friendship. And I was thinking: we didn't see either female character either before or after, and why is a sexism issue being shown from the lens of "how can I, a nice guy, stay friends with my male friend who has sexism issues" and not "how am I, a young woman, going to deal with this affront to my basic personhood" or "how am I, a young woman, going to repair my friendship now that I talked my friend into a double date so I could date the guy I liked but his friend turned out to be garbage?" Like...out of all the potential relationships there, why is Jake's friendship with a guy with sexism issues (who's made it clear he's not going to change, at least as far as dating goes) the one presented as being in most need of preservation? I know, it's because Jake and Nog are more central characters and their friendship has been significant in the show for seasons now. But...that just brings up more questions. Like why does this show have a significant bro friendship between two teenage boys, but there's no friendship between two women (or between a woman and a man for that matter) that's given as much weight? There's some bonding between Kira and Dax, but it doesn't have the same presence and significance as Jake and Nog or, say, Miles and Julian. (I'm having first name/last name inconsistencies here. Ah well.) Keiko has no on-camera friendships. Kira has no on-camera friendships that have Jake & Nog or Julian & Miles weight. Dax maybe does with her Klingon buddies from Curzon's lifetime. (Benjamin Sisko also doesn't.) Ziyal could have, but doesn't. Molly could have, but doesn't. Miles doesn't seem to have any (on-camera or otherwise acknowledged) parent friends (like...there's one couple mentioned who can babysit Molly at times? That's it? We never even see them?), which is weird because fuck knows parenthood can make it hard to have any friends who aren't parents. Odo's got his weird frenemy thing with Quark. Garak has his standing lunch with Julian (if you read that as platonic, which ... yeah, there's not a lot of arguments for seeing it as platonic beyond "they're both men.") I am, don't get me wrong, extremely for showing male friendships. Very much for it. It's just...I want friendships that aren't between two guys also. And I want them to be shown as significant and meaningful and worth overcoming obstacles for. Friendships between women, friendships between people of the same race or culture (or alien species, since we are talking Star Trek here), friendships between men and women that aren't just a precursor to romance. And...parenting that isn't just...I want to see Keiko have problems with parenting that she overcomes with help from other people. I want to explore the emotional ramifications of Kira being a surrogate mom to Kirayoshi or being a semi adopted mom to Ziyal and then having her die. I want Kira to talk about how her own upbringing in times of famine and war and occupation affects her sense of her ability to potentially be a parent. I want a female character to calmly talk about her decision to not become a mother and have that decision be treated with the utmost respect. I want the sort of struggles that male characters have with parenting on the show, like Worf's difficulty connecting with his son or Benjamin's conflict over watching his son grow up and get less interested in spending time with his dad, be shown for female characters as well. And the joys, like when Benjamin remembers holding Jake as an infant, like when they reunite after Jake gets caught in a war zone. Rather than parenting be this thing that mom characters apparently do on autopilot without any internal conflict or feeling out of their depth or particular moments of joy and amazement. There's so many plot lines and moments and bits and pieces that could be amazing moments that give
mother characters balance and nuance and characterization, but they only ever get shown for fathers. (And this is not just Star Trek either...look at all the kids movies that are about father/son or father/daughter bonding, and somehow the moms...just aren't there. It's so good when there are single father storylines, just...where are all the mom storylines that could be like that?) And why do teenage boys get focus and their own stories (especially with Jake in DS9, but also TNG has Wesley Crusher and Alexander, and TOS had one story centering on a teenage boy) but girls either aren't there at all or don't get to have stories that are about them? Ziyal's stories aren't about her, she doesn't get to form her own friendships and only barely gets to develop an interest of her own before her life is taken away from her. Molly doesn't get stories that are about her. (And yeah, Molly's a lot younger than Jake, but those are still choices: DS9 could have been set when Molly was a teenager, or the show could have introduced a different teenage girl as a significant character, or Jake could have been a girl rather than a boy, or Benjamin could have had two children...)
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phairfantooooom · 4 years
Obey Me: Garden/Idol Event Thoughts
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Alright Kiddos lets get into this shall we?
So ignoring the obvious red flag (aka Satan shenanigans) I noticed in the event lets start with some of the smaller questions I had never gotten answered.
Who told Lucifer that the flowers were stolen? How did he find out?
Diavolo takes the flowers without telling anyone? On his own? Where the fuck is Barbatos???
Why are the flowers endangered? Why is this a big deal? Why are you so nervous Lucifer?
Alright so the first question seems like it should have been Diavolo that told him yeah? But its not, cause he was the one that “stole” them. So who is Lucifer’s informant? We know its not any of the brothers because they were just as shocked. Now, we could assume that Lucifer discovered this himself, but then that raises the question of why was he out in middle of the fuckign western forest? 
Now then. Diavolo. My guy. My pal. My dude. W h a t  are you doing? 
Side note: i just realized what he fucking did might have been symbolic and fucK i’ll get to it in a minute
Anyway- We learn at the end of the event that Diavolo is the one that took the flowers. You know, without fucking telling anyone??? I mean seriously, if something is endangered you kinda need to tell people your gonna take it before you do so. Now, Diavolo acts as if he didn’t do anything wrong but like... dude. The Devildom is your OWN kingdom, you can’t convince me that he did what he did out of ignorance.
Not to mention that Bephie straight up says “Lord Diavolo’s always been one to stir the pot.” And I agree completely. Diavolo seems to be more interested in entertaining himself rather than, oh you know, running his kingdom? He doesn’t use his authority as prince except for when he wants something.
An example of this is that he didn’t lock Belphie away for treason even though he KNEW what Belphie was trying to do to stop the exchange program. It was only when YOU got involved that he came in, with Barbatos in tow, that he laid down the law and took Belphie away.
Suspicious, yeah?
Movingggg rightttt alongggg. The flowers. The whole story is about them but we don’t learn jack shit about them other than:
They are endangered
They grown in the western forest
Its a crime to take one of them. Especially for personal gain.
We don’t know Why and How they got endangered.
Just... give it some thought. The more you think about it, the worse it gets ;)
And to think that that is not even the scariest part of this event. oh boy.
But before I continue to the part that just. alarms my ‘oh no’ senses I wanna draw a connection i didn’t notice before.
You and the flowers.
You and the flowers and Diavolo.
Diavolo goes out of his way to get flowers that could possibly be a hazard to RAD. Again, we don’t know what they can do or what sort of consequences having them there could mean. If we assume based off of the name that these flowers cause Mirages then that could mean that students will start seeing things that aren’t really there.
Now compare that to:
Diavolo goes out of his way to make the exchange program. And somehow, by some weird twist of fate you start going to this school. And for those that argue that Lucifer choose you, he merely opened a window and a gust of wind blew all the profiles around and yours just happened to land at his feet. The chance and luck that would go into such a thing are extraordinarily high...
Someone with the powers of altering reality and/or time travel just so happened to exist in this universe. *cough* Barbatos *cough*
We are “supposed to be” the descendant of Lilith (Which if you have read my other stuff you know just what I think about THAT) which is bullshit in my opinion and im electing to ignore it for a much more interesting idea.
I mean think about it, if Lilith wasn’t attached then where do our powers come from? Even with Lilith slapped on there are a shit ton of questions that don’t get answered. God do I fucking hate the Lilith bullshit
You, who have the capabilities to power up the demon brothers to high levels. You, who transcended death. You, who has defied logic and made pacts with all seven of the brothers. You seem to have some dormant powers that you can’t use unless you have a direct conduit (Aka Solomon)
There are alot of unknowns at play but I’ve noticed that there are little bits and pieces being left behind in the events that could be possibly cluing us into what could be possibly happening in future story chapters. But that is an entirely DIFFERENT theory post in itself.
So now on to the finale and probably the most interesting thing that caught my attention during the event. The conversation with Satan.
Chapter 1-7 or as I like to call it “What the actual fuck”
The short of it is that Satan tells us about a legend that surrounds the forest, and just like the feather in the Detective Event it is never brought back up again.
Satan: We have some time to kill. Would like to hear a story? It’s a legend surrounding the forest.
There once was a child that found themselves lost in this very forest. They were inexpressive and had a hard time empathizing with others.
Choice: Like Lucifer?
Response: Haha. Exactly.
Choice: Like you?
Response: Are you trying to say that I have a hard time expressing my emotions?
Satan: Fortunately, the child was found before too long, but...
...upon their face was the most unsettling of smiles.
It was as if someone--or something--had taken the child’s place.
What would you do if you found out there were another person out there impersonating you?
Choice: I would get the authorities involved.
Response: A surprisingly measured response.
Choice: Sounds scary...
Response: Heh. You’re pretty cute when you’re frightened.
Satan: As I said, its nothing more than a legend.
Yeah, hey Satan, What the fuck. That’s basically a compressed version of something you’d find on r/nosleep for fucks sake
Like seriously. You seemed just a tad too serious for it to be just a legend. And also hello??? Something had to of caused the legend???? It made me realize that while we know the brothers well, we don’t know Devildom well.
We know alot of surface level things but nothing... truly substantial. Its all brushed off. Like I want a FULL map of Devildom. I wanna know where the abandoned or forbidden places are. I wanna know why and how they got that way. I want that rich worldbuilding lore that they have been hiding from players.
Demons exist. Angels exist. Magic is a thing. Monsters roam around. We have fucking avatars of sin and you are telling me that this legend is just a legend?
A/N: I wanna go off more but this getting long lmaooo
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yandere-ac · 4 years
Hello! I really love your writing! May i request a Yam Dobie? I really love the guy. Thank you
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Platonic Yandere Dobie X Reader
I hope it was okey that I made this into a familial story. Also heads up. This one gets dark, like really fucking dark. Not as dark as like Bitter Raymond levels of dark but far darker than my usual content. But with that, I hope you enjoy.
His pup
“Where are you going little one?” Oh boy, here we go again. You’re shoulders tensed up as you heard the voice of your caretaker break through the silence. You thought that you were quiet as well. “I’m just gonna go to Eriks place. No need to worry about me pop” you said as you gave him a heartfelt smile. He gave you a tired one in return. “Oh Erik! He’s a nice boy. Tell him I said hi” he said as he petted your head. “Oh don’t worry pop, we’re gonna come back here after a while” you said as you gave your old man a goodbye hug. And with that. You left.
You loved Dobie very much.
After all, if it weren’t for him, you’d be dead. Or worse...
It had been a cold and rainy night when a wolf was rushing home. The raindrops were hitting his fur, making him damp. It had been a long and tough workday and he just wanted to go home and relax. That wolf was Dobie. He took his umbrella out and was about to start running when the sudden sound of high pitched cries pierced through the air. That made him stop immediately. Looking around for the source of the crying and screaming he found a small alleyway in witch the cries seemed to come from. As he approached the alleyway the cries only got louder until he stood before a small cardboard box. His eyes widened as he saw what was inside it. Inside of the box was a human baby, incredibly frail and thin. They were wrapped up in a red blanket, barely protecting them as rain poured down on them. Did someone leave their child here?
As he approached the baby, their cries started to die down as they looked at him. Their eyes were big and glossy. He made sure to shield them from any rain as he inspected them closer. This child was in an even worse condition then he first thought. They were not just skinny but they were practically skin and bones at this point. It made him wonder when they last got something to eat. Gently searching the babies blanket he found no note attached to them. Leaving his umbrella over the child, he walked out from the alleyway, looking for whoever coukd have left the baby.But there was no one around. No one around to help. Soon he walked back to the cardboard box, looking at the tiny human. They looked so small, so fragile, so completely and utterly helpless. He knew if he left them here, they would die. So, with a deep sigh, trying to ignore the possibility that someone could be looking for their child, he picked up the kid carefully. His arms felt shaky, it felt as if he would drop them if he weren’t careful. The baby let out a string of happy giggles and joyful gurgles as they were placed his his grasp, he could feel them curl their frail fingers around one of his claws. As a wolf who never had the chance to have children, maybe this wasn’t so bad. He decided to take care of the human like his own. His child. His pup.
And that human was you. Y/N. Growing up with Dobie was a delight, he had managed to nurse you back to health and he tought you about everything you knew today. You had so much respect for him. But you weren’t a small helpless baby anymore. You knew how to take care of yourself and there was no need for him to protect you, especially since he was getting older nowadays and you didn’t want him to strain himself for you. But this is how it went, he would often want to know where you were at all times and you just had to deal with that.
Walking towards Erik house it had starter to rain, and so, to sheild yourself from the water droplets,
you pulled out your umbrella. But as you walked you couldn’t help but feel a strange feeling of someone...or something looking at you. You tried to shake off the feeling but it followed you all the way to the park. But as soon as you saw Eriks eyes light up an d run up to you, the feeling disappeared completely. The moose tackled you into a hug as he yelled out your name. “Y/N!!!!” He did this any and every time you met him but it was always just as charming. You spun him around before bringing him closer to you body. The two of you giggled before disbanding the hug to look into each other’s eyes. “So! What’s on the agenda today?” You asked your friend as he grabbed your hand. “I was thinking we could go to your place and watch a movie? I’ve picked out a goodie!” He said, jumping up and down slightly. And so the two of you returned to your place, walking up the stairs to go to your room Erik noticed that Dobie was staring at him rather intensely. He had no time to think about it before you dragged him up to your room.
“Okey so what movie are we gonna watch?” You asked him, he started to blush at that as he took out the dvd. “I-it’s uh...it’s the notebook...I’ve actually never seen it but Isabelle recommended it to me! And i trust her taste in movies!” He said as you sat down on your sofa in front of the small tv. “Sounds good! Put it in!” You said. This made Erik tense up. “I-uh what?” He asked. “The disc Erik. Put in the disc”
And so the two of you watched the move sitting next to each other. After a while of watching, you felt him put his hoof in your hand. Looking up at him you could see a tiny hint of pink brush his cheeks. You gave him a gentle smile and rested your head against his shoulder. You could feel his heat radiating off him as he slowly returned the gesture. About 10 minutes later he looked over to you. You turned your focus off the movie and towards Erik, his eyes were soft and looking almost adoringly at you. He took in a deep breath, almost as if hyping himself up. “So...umm...Y/N...theres something I’ve wanted to tell you for a very long time...” he said, looking down at the ground. “Go on...” you told Erik. “Well...the truth is Y/N...I like you! Like! Really really like you! Every time you smile, every time you laugh, every time we see each other! It fills my belly with butterflies! A-And I can’t keep all of the butterflies inside of me any longer! How will I make room for food if I don’t?” Erik said, trying to ease up the tension with some jokes. It failed as the serious aura persisted. “...I’m....I’ve just been so afraid that you don’t like me as much as I do...and I don’t want to ruin our friendship! I would never forgive myself for losing you or scaring you away. It’s just, your so much cooler and better than me. Every thing you do is jus-“ his trail of thought stopped as he felt warm hands grab ahold of his hooves. Looking up finally, his gaze was met with your glossy ones. Tears threatening to spill as you embraced your best friend into a big hug. “Of course I like you, you big doof! I’ve liked you ever since I met you!” As Erik heard this he embraced you, letting out a breathy and relived laugh. What you said was true. You’ve had a crush on Erik ever since you met him. It was only when he started to support you and hung out with you when that crush developed into love. You had needed a lot of support as of lately, as anyone you got close to suddenly moved out without even saying goodbye. Erik has helped you through out the whole ordeal and you were so grateful for it. And now here you were, snuggling next to each other while watching movies.
That’s pretty much how the night continued. The two of you watched movies all while spooning, neither of you were really paying attention. At the end of the night Erik left to go back to his place. You were asleep by then, having fallen asleep while watching the movie. Erik had carried you to bed and quietly gone out. Strange, walking to back to his house he had gotten a strange feeling up his spine, making him shiver slightly. It had almost felt like...like someone was watching him, it’s two eyes carving into his body like a predator stalking it’s unsuspecting pray. Just waiting for the perfect moment. The perfect moment to-
“AH-“ Erik felt himself being tackled to the ground. But before he could scream he felt a large hand cover his mouth. “Don’t. It won’t end good for you...” he heard a familiar voice call out. Dobie? “I am going to turn you over and remove my hand, you aren’t gonna scream unless you wish to lose that thick skull of yours. Capiche?” The only thing Erik could do was nod, his breath feeling more and more shaky as dread creeped up his back. “Good” was the only thing Dobie said before letting go of Erik. He was still towering over him, making sure he couldn’t run away without getting killed. “W-What are you doing?” Erik asked dreadfully, his voice cracking multiple times. “Making sure you stay away from my pup. You see, Y/N thinks that I can’t fend for myself any longer. That I’m to old. But this is far from the first time I’ve done this Erik. Do you really think tens of people that all were close to Y/N just mysteriously moved out for no reason? No, that’s not what happened...” Dobie said, leaning dangerously close to Erik, eyes bloodshot and wide open. This was the first time Erik had ever seen him with his eyes open. And it scared him beyond belief. “What-what did you do to them?” He asked nervously. “This exact thing happened, I gave them all a choice, stay away from my pup...or face the consequences” Dobie said. “Now, I’m gonna ask you to move away tonight, I don’t care we’re as long as it’s far away from my Y/N!” Dobie said breathing out hot air, showing off his terrifyingly sharp fangs in the process. “That’s not fair! Y/N should be able to live as they want!” Erik said, protesting against these outrageous demands. “I would choose my next words carefully if I were you boy. Are you gonna move or what?” Dobie asked once more, putting more enforcement on the “what” , clearly getting agitated.
“Listen Dobie! I would never hurt Y/N! They’re my best friend and...and I live her!” At that Dobie slashes his claws against Eriks face. The last comment clearly struck a nerve. Erik let out a painful yell but was silenced once again by Dobie. “You know what kiddo, you’ve always been on my nerves. The only reason I kept you around was because Y/N was happy around you. But now you’ve done it, you’ve pissed off the wrong wolf!” He said. Suddenly the atmosphere got a lot more sinister as Dobie leaned down to Erik. “You wanna know a secret? I lied before. Not everyone moved out when I told them to. There was another pest just like you who were stupid enough to defy me. I think his name was moose or something. Such a small thing has no rights to try and act tough. I must say, I did enjoy what I did to him a little to much. I think it’s sort of an animalistic instinct. I’m sure you’ve heard stories about the big bad wolf, and how people like you end up in those stories? Well, how about we reenact those stories huh?” At this, Erik started to struggle and thrash and scream. “Oh quit that, it’ll only hurt for a second”
Erik started to panic, Y/N! What about Y/N! Did she know any of this?! She had to know! This was only gonna repeat over and over unless she finds out! Y/N! Y/N!!! Y/-
Eriks eyes went wide for a few moments before all of the life ran out of them.
Down on the ground laid only a husky of the moose that were there just seconds before. The metallic smell lingered in the air and it awoke something in Dobie that he hadn’t felt in a long time...the feeling of adrenaline of both the killing bite, the smell and taste of blood, AND the feeling of being able to keep Y/N to himself. It was something he had missed. No one would take you away from him again. And no one ever will.
After all
You’re his pup
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alixanonymous · 4 years
How A Demon Commissions An Angel ~ A Daminette FanFic ~ Chapter 5: An Exchange Of Information
Date: November 5, 2021 5:30 P.M.
Subject: RE: The Plan
Dear Marinette,
(Am I assuming too much by addressing you by your first name if you’ve already addressed me by mine? If so, that would be a little hypocritical, wouldn’t you agree?)
Just as a general rule, I probably won’t get any references you make to any kind of children’s show (I had to look up Arthur after your first email). Like I mentioned before, I lived with my mother for the first part of my life and the idea of her ever even considering letting me watch cartoons is laughable. I did look up what you were talking about however and it seems like you were describing when shows try to portray a person’s conscience by putting an angel and a devil on either of their shoulders. In that case, I would agree with your assessment: between the two of us, I would definitely not be the angel in this case. 
I’m grateful for that fact too as it seems that your kindness has only helped you to be so easily taken advantage of by those closest to you. You asked me for my thoughts on your situation so I trust that you won’t hold anything I say against me (again) on account that the whole point of this is that my opinion will obviously contrast with yours. 
Here’s how I see it: Your friend (although I hope you will choose not to call him that any longer) is simply not in a position to offer you friendship and so in any case he cannot be angry at you for not accepting whatever he can give. What are you, a dog? What can he expect, that you will come when he can call but accept being ignored the other half of the time? Surely you have more self respect than that if your first email to me meant anything. 
As for feeling guilty, he chose to put his needs above yours, if he blames you for doing the same, then he is a hypocrite. He made his choice and he will have to face the consequences for it; in no way is any of that your fault. 
After reading your last email, I must admit that it’s relief to see that you at least have some idea of how this will work because saying that all this is new to me would be a gross understatement. As for the aforementioned incident that started this whole ordeal, let’s just say my family’s lecturing on the subject more than sufficed. If I come across any situations that I could use another opinion on, I will let you know. I confess that writing to you is far more preferable than being chided by any of my idiot brothers.
On the subject of idiot brothers, for the commission, the sweaters would be for Grayson and Drake and the jacket for Todd. I trust your judgement when it comes to the designs and will be ready to give my disapproval should anything on the sketches seem off-putting. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. As for the NDA, I’m afraid you’re right in that I cannot oblige. I trust you understand. 
Damian W.
Postscript: Considering what happened the first time I ended an email 
to you with two initials, can you really blame me for not taking any chances, especially when you take into account my “snobbish” self, your word not mine, and the fact that my self-esteem is still suffering from your first email. I mean if you really want something to feel guilty about… 
Date:November 6, 2021  1:30 A.M.
Subject: That’s Not How This Works
Dear Damian,
I’m afraid that simply saying you “trust my judgement when it comes to the designs” is not going to do it. If I tried to design anything based on the information you gave me, all I would have to go on is that you want two sweaters and a jacket. Do you have any idea how many types of sweaters and jackets there are?
On top of that, didn’t your father say these gifts have to be sentimental? If you really want the pieces to be meaningful I’m going to need a lot more information on your brothers. Tell me about them. What kind of relationships do you have with them? How would you describe each of their aesthetics? Imagine what you think would be their ideal sweater or jacket and then describe it to me, the more details, the better okay?
As for what you said about my uh maybe-maybe not a friend, I won’t deny your thoughts were somewhat valid if not a little harsh. I just need some time to think it over. I guess, beyond the guilt, I’m having a little trouble moving on. I mean besides the fact that he’s practically my only friend left in the class, he was also the first boy I ever really liked. Once upon a time, I thought I was in love with him even… It all seems so silly now. I’m just struggling with the fact that so many people in my life aren’t who I thought they were. Anyway, I don’t need your opinion on any of that last stuff, okay? I think the rest is up to me and like I said, I need some time to figure this out.
Thanks for listening, Damian. You do have a way of putting things into perspective. Now please, give me a better understanding of what I need to make your brothers so we can get this show on the road. Love,
Marinette (Which you can call me!)
P.S. I like how you lectured me on how being kind allows people to take advantage of me and then proceeded to try and guilt trip me into ignoring your past misdeeds. Fyi, Mr.Postscript née Blackmailer? It didn’t work!
Date: November 6, 2021 5:30 P.M.
Subject: What The Hell Is An Aesthetic?
Dear Marinette,
I understand that I’m not a fashion designer myself but I really can’t see how much answering your questions would help with the design. How will knowing about my relationships with them help you make their clothes? If I tell you I don’t like one in particular, are you going to make theirs out of a scratchy material or something? Are you sure that question wasn’t posed out of curiosity because you gave me more insight on your personal life but I didn’t offer anything on mine? I assure you it’s nothing personal, I simply like my privacy.
As I’m sure you can guess from the subject line, I had a little trouble researching what aesthetics are because nothing seems to make sense. It’s as if a lot of people collectively decided to use a word wrong. I don’t know what you want me to say. 
In hindsight, I can admit I didn’t really give you much to go on but in all honesty I think my brothers will probably freak out simply over the fact that they’ll get to have MDC originals. If I were to guess what they’d like, I’d say Drake could really do with something comfortable, Todd’s wardrobe consists mainly of biker jackets and I truly couldn’t see him wearing anything else, and Grayson? He’s the easiest to please but if we’re going for sentimental value I think a Christmas sweater would do, the tackier the better. 
Is that enough to work on? Sincerely,
Postscript: Have you yet to realize that while you let your “friends” walk all over you, you seem to not let me get away with anything? Is it also too much to assume from your email that you’ve since discovered you can do better than your good-for-nothing friend?
Date:November 7, 2021  12:01 A.M.
Subject: (Sigh)
Dear Damian,
No, that was not nearly enough to work on. All I have to go on at the moment is that Drake wants a comfy sweater, Todd’s fashion sense is limited to leather jackets, and Grayson wants a “tacky” Christmas sweater. I don’t even know where to start with that.
Now because it’s taking us so long just to sort out the basic details, I was going to suggest we exchange phone numbers to make things go a little faster but as it seems that you think I have nothing better to do than wonder about your personal life (I do by the way), I’m worried you’d accuse me of being a stalker. So, let me try to be a little more clear.
Sentimental value comes from using what you know about a person to give them something that would mean more to them personally than say a random stranger on the street. I can’t help you much with the design because I don’t have a relationship with your brothers. I don’t know them and I have no clue what they like or want. Still with me?
The reason I asked about relationships to them is because the more personal you make the gifts, the more thoughtful they’ll be considered and, here’s what your stake in this is, the more likely you are to not be sent away. I was looking for details like inside jokes, common interests between your siblings, maybe things you bonded over in the beginning. A lot of my inspiration and artistry comes from little small details expressed in the design through methods like stitching or embroidery. 
I can now see that it might be hard for some people to know what might provoke inspiration. So I’ll start with some small specifics: What colors are their favorites? Hoods or no hoods? Zipper or buttons? Pockets? Like I mentioned before, it would be a really big help if we could set up a time and just hash this out through text messages. It’s important that we’re on the same page here. If you don’t like the first few rounds of designs, well then we’d really be cutting it close for time. I’d normally be doing this kind of a commission in person or at least over the phone or skype. 
That being said, if it’s truly something you’re not comfortable with, we can totally find a way to make this work. Okay, Damian? Love,
P.S. I’m beginning to see that there’s a difference between writing to you and dealing with my classmates. I don’t know if it’s because we’re not face to face or the fact that you’re still practically a stranger. Something about our emails makes me feel, I don’t know, self assured again, maybe your arrogant manner just trumps any restraint I’d otherwise have. And as for if I’ve learned I can do better (Now who’s more invested in the other’s social life?), you might be interested to know I’ve stopped replying to my no-longer-a-friend’s texts. 
Date: November 7, 2021 6:30 A.M.
Subject: Let’s Get This Over With
Dear Marinette,
I see I may have overlooked a little when it comes to the designing process. I didn’t mean to insult you by saying your questions weren’t valid. In my defense, I may have been a bit frustrated after failing to learn what an aesthetic is (you still haven’t explained that by the way). I also think I’m beginning to understand what you mean about sentimental value and of course I want to maximize my chances of staying.
So, here’s my phone number: X-XXX-XXX-XXXX. I will make myself available today from 2:00-5:00 p.m. Gotham Standard Time which is 8:00-11:00 p.m. Paris time I believe. Does that work for you?
As for your smaller questions: Grayson’s favorite color is dark/ navy blue, Drake and Todd both like red and black. On the subject of hoods, possibly one for Drake’s sweater, perhaps the kind that has those ties that can be pulled to close it, and for Todd’s jacket, definitely. If a zipper or button is needed then zippers would be preferable. As for pockets, perhaps we could go over them later. I suppose it would depend on the design.
I trust this email was a little more helpful than the last few and look forward to your further contact, if the timing’s to your liking. Sincerely,
Postscript: I can’t say I entirely understand what you mean but our emails are definitely new territory for me as well. I couldn’t imagine talking to my classmates the way I write to you. While I am satisfied to see you made the right choice (with my suggestion mind you) about what to do about your no-longer-worth-a-thought peer, I find it quite misrepresentative for you to say I’m invested in your social life when this whole deal of ours was your idea in the first place. 
Needed to go over this while writing chapter nine and figured while I had the document up I might as well repost it here. To any of my AO3 readers, guess what? Chapter nine is practically finished! I still have a few more details to work out but it should be up either today or tomorrow! I’m both nervous and excited to finally have it posted! Anyway, see you soon!
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fawnhunter · 4 years
Oh shit my first post.
Hi my name is Claire and I present to you my A-Z fluff headcannons for Bakugou Katsuki. My king.
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A= activites- what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
— This boy enjoys anything where he has a chance to make you smile and see it happen. He doesn't enjoy things like going to the movies because he won't be able to talk to you, but things like coffee dates and going to the mall he would be totally down for.
— Bakugou is one the kind of person where even though they have free time, they still have things they may want to do. That being said, he always makes sure you are at the most 15 feet away from him while doing said thing. Even if he’s just trying out a new recipe and you're sitting on the couch fidgeting with your phone. That's all he needs.
B=beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
— This may be weird but he admires how much common sense you have, being he's the one that runs head first into crazy ideas and issues, having you gives him the feeling of being balanced. He always trusts you to make the right decisions for the both of you.
— The thing he thinks is beautiful about you is your shoulders and your back. He enjoys how you relax around him when he pulls you into a hug. Again, you give him that sense of being balanced.
C=comfort- How would they help their s/o during hard times or when they need it most?
— LOL. This man can barely handle his own emotions, how do you think he is going to handle yours. But in all seriousness as soon as you started crying he would have not the slightest idea of how to help you. He would probably try hugging you, but in the most stiff and awkward way. So awkward in fact it even stifled a laugh out of you.
D= dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
— As a person who really doubts himself deep down on the inside. He decided that once he found that someone who really loved him for him, he was never going to let them go. This being said he already decided he IS going to marry you, it's just a matter of when.
E= equal- are they the dominant one or are they more passive in your relationship?
— I see him as the one who is always on you about your well being and not about the things you do. He has enough respect to understand that just because you're his, it doesn't mean he owns you. Still, he just always wants to know you're okay.
F= Flirting- how often do they flirt or tease their s/o? How smooth are they?
— This smug bastard is a damn good flirt.
— He is the smoothes man on the freakin planet. He KNOWS what he's doing.
— Will not hesitate to drop his voice a few octaves, wrap his hands around your waist and growl in your ear just to get what he wants.
G= Gratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o does for them?
— Katsuki is extremely grateful. His mom raised him to be thankful if nothing else.
— He notices the things you does for him, and always expresses how lucky he is to have you
H=Honesty- do they have any secret that they keep from their s/o or do they share everything
— If there was one thing he would keep from you, it would be how he treated deku when they were younger. Although if you were to come and ask about it, he wouldn't lie.
I=Inspiration- did their s/o change something about them or is it the other way around? (it could be personal issues or just trying new day to day things)
— To him you make home feel like home. Before you moved in with each other, he would have never called the place where he lived home.
— But now you moved in and added a little bit of you everywhere. Your favorite blanket on the couch, your shampoo next to his in the shower, and his favorite pictures of you two on the wall. He noticed all these little things and loved them all.
J=jealousy- do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
— Whew… here we go.
— First off it's never your fault, most of the time you were completely oblivious. Just walking into places with you he could see the way heads turned to look at you, all the while you were playing with the veins on his hand as you held it. It made him content in a way. It warmed his heart how you were only focused on him.
— But also how dare those people look at you.
K=kiss- how do they kiss? What was the first kiss like?
—I love the idea the katsuki tastes like caramel and brown sugar and HEAVEN and im gonna fucking stand by it.
— He's very heavy on the tongue. But he's not sloppy and overwhelming about it.
— Kisses with him rarely stay on the lips. Kisses on your jaw and neck.
— Enough to leave you flustered but not needy.
— When he's done he always kisses you on the forehead.
L=Love confession- How did it go down?
— It was your sixth or seventh dinner date, this one was at your place because you were trying to convince him you could cook just as well as he can.
— There you guys are sitting on your couch after dinner snuggled up watching a movie. You had fallen asleep on his chest. Hair tickling his nose. He looks down to see you snoring, your serene face looking so content. He leans down and gives your forehead a kiss.
— “I love you y/n”
— The look on this man's face when you snuggle in closer to him and whisper.
— “I love you too Katsuki”
— Is one of pure bliss.
M=Marriage- do they want to get married? How do they propose? Wedding day description?
— When he proposes, he does without a care in the world. Just one late night on the couch when suddenly he asks
— “Can we get married now?”
— The way you choke on air is hilarious
— “LiKe right NoW!!?!”
— “No dumbass in a couple of weeks or months..i don't know,,ANSWER THE QUESTION”
— “Yes, we can get married sure.”
— And from that point you didnt lift a fucking FINGER. He called his mom the very next day telling her you were going to need a dress (completely ignoring the screaming coming from his mother's end) Called his friends and asked Izuku to do all the intense planning.
— There was lots of orange and green
N=nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
— “You look cute baby”
— “Love ya....dumASS!”
O=Obsessed- how protective are they of their s/o? How much are they worried about them?
— He would end the fucking world for you. NO questions asked. Whatever you needed he would do for you.
— He knows you can protect yourself, hell, you remind him of that fact constantly. However he likes to make in known that he is there as back up as extra consequence
P=PDA- are they obvious about the relationship? Do they talk a lot about his s/o? Are they okay with affection in front of others?
— A doesn't feel the need to hide anything. If he wants to kiss he's going to, and that just fact.
— Will definitely boast about how great you are and rub it in to his friends all the amazing things to do for him.
— Will not admit it out loud but this man is putty in your hand and your wish is his command.
Q= Quirk- some random ability they have in a relationship
— Gives the BEST massages. His hand are already so warm and huge and…(this is fluff and i almost forgot)
R=Romance- how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o smile? Are their ideas rather original or creative?
— Not the most extreme romantic. Can be when the time calls for it, but mostly enjoys that fact that you are there with him, rather than focusing on anything else.
— He finds that when he complains and bitches about his day it make you smile. (he has heard that he has a very expressive face)
S=support- do they push their s/o to do better? Do they believe in them?
— Katsuki is the one person in your life you will alway be able to depend on.
— WIll do whatever they need to do to help you achieve your goals.
T=thrill- are they okay with a certain routine or do they need some spice every once in a while?
— Routine is this boy's best friend. He likes coming home knowing what to expect and what to prepare for.
— All though he doesn't hate surprises and is always down for some spur of the moment fun.
U=Understanding- how well do they know you? Are they sensitive to your emotion?
— To Katsuki keeping you happy is his number one goal. This means he knows all the things that you love and like to do, and he tries to bring them up as much as possible.
— That being said, your happiness is really all he understands. I mean he can tell you are upset. But would have no clue how to go about it.
V=Value- how important is your relationship compared to other things in their life?
— In his mind, as long as he has you, everything will be alright. Meaning he puts you above all else, because you lead him forwards.
W=Wild card-Random Fluff bomb!!
— Katsuki likes to spoil you. You mean the world to him, and he knows he doesn't say it enough.
— Which means clothes, shoes and maybe even that new mixer (which he kinda wants as well) will just appear in your house giving no choice but to accept them.
X=XOXO- how affectionate are they? Are they a cuddle bug or do they like their space?
— Shows you he loves you more physically than saying it out loud.
— Will take any chance he can to cuddle when at home.
Y=Yearning- how do they cope when they miss you?
— Like shit. You are a big stress reliever for him and he normally has you there to make him feel better. But if you're not there not only does he miss you but he also has no one to really talk to. Therefore turning him into a grumpy monster
Zzz- how do you both fall asleep/nap
— Is the big spoon.
— He likes to sleep behind you so he can place his head in the crook of your neck.
— Other times he likes to completely lay out on top of you with his hands around your waist and his face on your stomach or chest.
Thanks for reading babes.
MY REQUEST BOX IS OPEN PLEASE IM SO BORED AT HOME. ( I do Headcannons, short blurbs, and maybe scenarios) 
Also be chaotic in my ask box I don’t mind ☺️
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sparrowwritings · 4 years
Final Fantasy 14 Writing Challenge Day Eleven: Heart of Gold
Day Ten -- Masterpost -- Day Twelve
As devoted to her work as she was, Moenbryda was well acquainted with noticing when others were paying attention to her. Then again, she thought as she gave a sidelong glance through the curtain of her hair at the two who were trying and failing to not be seen, at least they had innocent intentions.
Roger and Lara, the two Warriors of Light, were shoving each other and bickering in whispered tones. Their “hiding place” was just behind one of the bush planters that the Rising Stones had placed around it as more natural dividers. For as young as they were, the two would have to crouch to keep their heads from being spotted. They were too focused on their heated (if quiet) conversation to notice that it wasn’t concealing them at all anymore. From the way they were pointing, clearly it had something to do with her.
She might as well have some fun with them. 
Gently easing herself out of her chair, Moenbryda padded over to the “hiding place” of the Warriors of Light. Neither of them sensed her as she got close enough to hear what they were talking about. “--don’t see what the big deal is, you should ask her!” Roger hissed.
“It’s your question, you need to ask.” Lara whispered back just as fiercely. 
“Yeah but you ask this stuff way better than I do! And! I’m the one that keeps getting scared by him anyway so I shouldn’t have to ask!”
“All the more reason for you to do it, Roger! You’ve got to show you’re braver than that! Sh-she’ll just think it’s stupid if I ask.”
He stared at her for a few seconds before he responded. “...so you’re whole reason why you won’t talk to her is because you think she’ll think you’re stupid. And that’s why you’ve been getting all blushy around--”
“I don’t! Get that blushy around her!!” Lara whisper-exclaimed, whilst her cheeks grew a darker and darker pink by the second. She seemed to be in the process of hiding her face behind her fingers while she rambled. “Moenbryda’s just! Really amazing and strong and smart and gosh all I did right was fight a few nasty things.” 
It was a choice between giving away her position by laughing or giving away her position by commenting on the not-very-secret conversation happening right in front of her. Moenbryda chose the latter, if only to spare the girl’s feelings. “Well aren’t you just the sweetest thing.” Both Warriors of Light let out a very squeaky yelp before simultaneously running their backs into the planter they had been hiding behind. This had been the right call; Lara’s face had only become pinker instead of pale with shame. Moenbryda gave the two of them a wink. “Don’t knock what you’ve done, though. Primal slaying is far more impressive than what I’ve been up to.”
“N--you, uh,” Lara mumbled, her voice getting quieter with every attempt at a word. “R-roger wants to know why…” 
Either in response to getting caught or as a reaction to save his best friend further embarrassment, Roger blurted, “Why is Urianger so weird?” Moenbryda blinked. He continued on when it was clear she had to think on an answer. “He talks in riddles and is always so serious and he always scares me cuz I forget he’s in the room half the time so like why is he like that?” His large green eyes stared up at her own silver ones. “The other Scions say you’re the closest to him, so...?”
What a question. “If I’m going to answer this, we’re going to be sitting at a table instead of crouching behind a planter. With some tea, preferably.” Moenbryda reached down and picked up both Warriors of Light by the arm until they were able to stand on their own. Roger had the more defined musculature, but otherwise the two young midlanders were pretty lightweight by her own standards. Lara was stuck in admiration again until the seawolf had sauntered past her quick enough that the girl had to scramble to catch up.
Not much longer after, the three of them sat at the round table that Moenbryda had taken over for her research. Books and papers were gathered up and set aside, far away from the cups of steaming hot tea that she’d poured. After getting settled in, she looked from boy to girl and back before raising a gray eyebrow. “So. You want to know why Urianger is as eccentric as he is.”
“W-well…” Roger couldn’t meet her gaze, instead scratching at the side of his face. “I just...don’t know much about him. All the other Scions trust him so I know he’s a good guy, but…” He trailed off.
“He’s like a really tall brown wall.” Lara finished for him. When the silver gaze came to rest on her own dark blue eyes, she fumbled for words again. “I-I mean, kind of like R-roger said he’s just...just really hard to guess at what he’s thinking. Even without the…”
“Pray tell, whatever dost thou meaneth, young Lara?” She fluttered her eyelids, putting a hand to her chest even while imitating Urianger’s usual tone. “Surely thou canst thinketh that this manner of speech be...obtuse?” That got a genuine giggle out of the girl. Nothing like making fun to offset nerves. “Surely one such as thee can fully grasp the intricacies of language far better than that of thine peers! Oh the youth of today hath fallen in scholarly pursuits! For shame!” The extra drama Moenbryda added got both of the teens to laugh. A success if she should say so herself.
“In all seriousness, though, Urianger has always been more in favor of keeping to himself than spending time with others. I’d say it was miraculous that he’s stayed this long in the company of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, except that our Master Louisoix helped bring them together. And he’s grown fond of them since.” She blew at the hair that partially covered her face. “Ever loyal to those he deems worthy of loyalty is our dear Urianger.”
Lara and Roger looked to each other. There was something of a silent conversation between them before he seemed to lose and so spoke next. “Is that also why he sneaks up on people so easy? Because he keeps to himself a lot?”
She couldn’t stop the grin from growing on her face even if she wanted to. “He’s perfectly capable of making noise while he walks. I suspect he stays quiet around you purely for the amusement that comes when you discover him, though you’ll never be able to suss out that confession from him.”
“What!” Roger stood in his seat, getting dangerously close to spilling what was left of his tea. 
“Did you not think him capable of humor?”
“Yes! I mean no! I mean--” The boy sat back down hard and dug his hands into his red hair as he stared at the table. “Oh my gods he’s been laughing at me this whole time.”
“Now now, he’d never laugh.” Moenbryda pointed out. “Smile, maybe, but definitely not when you could see him.” 
“He can smile too?!” 
“Wonder of wonders, I know.”
“Loyalty and humor…” Lara mused. “Well that’s two things we learned about him that we didn’t know before.” She carefully looked at the older woman out of the corner of her eye. “...Is there anything else you want to add?”
The possibilities of further embarrassing her childhood friend were laid out in front of her like a feast. Anecdotes from their shared past. Hilarious mistakes on his part while they were both under the tutelage of Louisoix. Odd quirks from childhood that he most certainly kept even after having not seen her in so long. Any of that could become ammo for the Warriors of Light to use in order to fluster and annoy him like he deserved after being particularly difficult to understand. 
With a monumental amount of restraint, Moenbryda settled on a far more mature tact. Even Urianger would be proud, were he privy to her current thoughts.
“Loyalty and humor is fine and all, but one must take care if that’s all one knows about a person.” She took a sip of her still-warm tea. “A person of ill intent can still be loyal to their unrighteous cause. Humor can just as easily be derived from cruelty, not just harmless pranks.” Roger looked like he begged to differ, but she continued onward. “It’s the core of a person that one should look out for most of all. What they choose to do, again and again, when there is no reward to speak of or even if they are aware that the result will lead to negative consequences for themself.” 
Looking between the two teens again, she smiled gently. “A concept you two are already familiar with, I’m sure.” 
This time, the quiet was contemplative. 
Lara spoke first. “But...we haven’t seen him doing a lot that involves his core. He’s always so...closed off. Or like he’s hiding, I guess.”
“Well then it’s good you came to speak to me about that.” Moenbryda winked. This time, the girl merely jumped instead of froze. “If I had to say any one phrase fit Urianger well, it would be that he ‘has a heart of gold.’”
“Really?” Roger piped up. 
“Absolutely.” She nodded. “He will always put the wellbeing of others long before he thinks of himself. To his detriment in some cases, but admirable nonetheless.” Pointing a thick finger at the boy, she added, “Even his scare tactics, such as they are, are minor in nature. Enough to make you jump, but not enough for you to go for your weapon, right?”
It took him a moment to think back that far. When he finished, he sounded awestruck. “...yeah. That’s right.” 
“See? You already had some of the evidence in front of you. All you both needed was a fresh perspective.”
Roger stared openly at Moenbryda before turning his gaze back to Lara. “No wonder you like her so much.”
The brief moment of respite for the girl’s poor face died as the pink came back in full force, even darkening into red in places. “Roger!” She shouted at him. 
Moenbryda gave a happy sigh to herself and leaned back a little to drink her tea while the teens argued again. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the far more stealth experienced members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn snickering at the scene. 
She might not have known the Warriors of Light for long, but it was good to see that such responsibilities hadn’t weighed them down enough that they forgot how to be their own age. Now if only someone would stop pretending that he was twenty years older than he actually was around her every so often.
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pennywisesbarbie · 5 years
Ajá, bueno(?). Mi pedido era un Arthur/Joker x lectora, donde la lectora sea una enfermera en sus veintialgo en arkham asylum, o en algún hospital random donde Arthur haga sus rutinas de payaso y, bueno, algún otro paciente esté acosándola frente a él. Si quieres
This blog moved to @little-lily-w​
Translation: So my request was an Arthur/Joker x Reader in which the reader is a nurse in her twenties in arkham asylum or in another hospital where Arthur does his clown routines and another patient is harassing her in front of him. If you want. 
A/N: I changed the patient for a doctor. 
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Afternoon is not over yet and sweat is already running down your forehead. Why do you always have to end up like this? Trapped in the corner of the room by the disgusting colleague who is always making slightly (well, he thinks they are slightly) movements towards you, turning you uncomfortably nervous. It has become an unbearable situation that you feel forced to endure, him being the chief of pediatricians section, you are in no position to complain. And even if you reported it, nobody would take you seriously and you would certainly lose your job. The 25 years old? The fresh doctor a victim of the honorable 60 years old eminence? Come on, she probably flirted with him to get a better payment or a promotion. And you can already visualize the titles in the newspaper “Infamous young pediatrician: a Gotham´s daughter”.
But you´ve already contemplated quitting and honestly, If it weren´t because of how you love the children and the joy you see in their faces every time you visit the hospitalized ones, you would have done it long before. There is, besides that, another reason that you sometimes find hard to admit: the clown. That cute skinny clown who visits the hospital twice a week to make a silly show for your beloved children.  He is not exactly what you´d call “good at his job” but he has such a tender mien that he usually makes you forget about the stalking situation you have to deal with day by day. You never talked to him but you use to find yourself smiling from the corner at his clumsy routine.
And today he has arrived twenty minutes ago and has managed to earn a nice smile from a little boy as soon as he gifted him a dog shaped balloon. Despite that, you couldn´t contemplate the bright in his eyes as much as you´d have liked it because again, the chief is taking advantage of the nice situation to put his arm around your waist, pretending to be hugging you and threatening to make you ashamed if you say something in front of everybody.
What you don´t really know in fact is how Arthur´s life has started to change the last couple of days, how he has bought a gun and how he has been well aware all this time about the disgusting man and his actions towards you. And today is not like the past time where he would be also scared to lose his job.
-Well, well, well – he claps three times getting the children´s attention – Who knows the story about the big bad wolf?
-Meeee! – the boys and girls exclaim with enthusiasm.
-Oooh! How silly of me! Now I have to think of another story…! Oh, yeah, I know one! But for this one, I´m going to need these doctors here.
The children start applauding and cheering you two to get in the center of the scene and despite the bad mood of the chief because he is “interrupted”, he has no choice.
- So there was a nasty old man… come on, doctor, you have to make the pose of the nasty old man – Arthur tells him and the pediatrician is forced to follow his game adopting a bending posture – So there was a nasty old man who lived in a dark cavern and he always loved to trap princesses in his dark place to make them sad before he released them. One day, he trapped a beautiful princess – Arthur takes your hand to kiss it and then proceeds to make you do a turn earning a smile from you - and he was so enraptured by this beautiful princess that he just decided to keep her in the dark cavern. The poor princess was getting sadder and sadder day after day.
-Nooo! – the children whine in a sad complaint.
-Wait, wait, wait, here is the funny part. What this nasty old man didn´t know is that the princess was being looked for by a prince who came for her from a far far away kingdom. So when the prince found the cavern, he heard the princess crying and getting on his tiptoes he walked to the old man and surprised him. KABOOM! – he exclaims taking out the gun from the back pocket and putting it against the doctor´s neck.
The chief is frozen and you gasp at the situation but the children haven´t noticed that the gun is real so instead of creating silence in the room, they start to yell animating the scene to continue.
-AAAAAND?  - the little voices insist.
-Oh, and the prince was so gentle that he spared his life but he made him promise that he would never ever ever hurt a princess again or he would suffer the consequences. Isn´t that right, nasty old man? – Arthur´s ask, jaw tighten, and the chief nods eagerly. He puts the gun back in his pocket and lets the claps fill the room.
The chief exits the room running but you stay there, surprised but at the same insanely captivated at what you witnessed, at that clown’s transformation. Arthur is ready to run away too knowing perfectly that the police is going to come for him but you stop him for a second grabbing his hand.
-          What happened to the princess?
-          She walked away with the prince.
This blog moved to @little-lily-w​
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
ask Two for the angst ones this time: 13 for raini, 5 (possibly will be pertinent come the end of this minicampaign) & 29 (she literally has Any Weapon w/ her pact so it's fititng) for ayen, 7 & 10 (hehe I know there's trauma in this one) for cog, and then mix and match 4, 17, 18 between Caspian, Ryker, and Brilliance bc I don't know them as well and I would Like To
My life is just below readmores now, I guess. Will I ever learn to shut the fuck up? No! And that is a promise 
13. What does it take to make your character cry? Oh boy. Raini definitely isn’t a big crier, because she a) doesn’t really let herself get to that point and b) hard pivots into “angry” over “upset” and she isn’t an angry crier. She’s cried twice in game so far, and probably not many times before that. In both in game cases -and likely the always alluded to but never seen “before times”- the catalyst for her crying was being overwhelmed. In a good way, bad way, whatever, but that’s the trigger. Just- Looking at something, not knowing what else to do but let yourself cry about it, and not seeing any reason to stop yourself.  (shfjsdjkfh the funny answer is: during sex. But can you IMAGINE jskdfskjdf)
5. Would they ever turn on someone they just met in order to save themselves? Oh for sure. Without question. Not without guilt, in fairness, but without question. She’s pretty well adjusted, pretty “go with the flow”, but she did grow up in a pretty cutthroat world. She was spared from having to make those kinds of brutal decisions from a super young age by Shadow Mom, but she definitely saw the fallout of those choices and learned that, while it’s all well and good to do the “right” thing, it’s much more important to do the right thing for you. If that means condemning some stranger to die so you and yours don’t have to? So be it. Better people have done worse, because that’s sometimes just how things go.  I’ll be honest! This character decision was a completely on the fly one when we were having that debate in the library about what we should do with the information we learned in the library. But I stand by it. In character, Ayen 1000% sees whatever’s going on as Not Her Business. It’s fucked up, sure! But, you know. Not her monkeys, not her circus.  29. What is their weapon of choice, and what weapon do they dislike using the most? Bro I love that Ayen doesn’t have A Specific Weapon SO much. Especially because Pact of the Blade specifically makes it so that, whatever weapon she summons, she’s proficient in while wielding it. So she sees somebody using a weapon, goes “oh! cool!” and summons it herself, and then just. Intuitively knows how to use is. How fucking funny is that conceptually??  Her go to if things are serious or she doesn’t have time to pick something obscure is a longsword. Dad uses a greatsword, and a longsword is pretty close to that! Image how cool they looked fighting off assholes, back to back, with two bigass swords? Is that the only reason it’s her favorite? No of course not!!!! That would- that would be silly. And childish. Swords are just cool is all.  She hasn’t used any in game, but I think she honestly just doesn’t like any kind of polearm. It’s like, is it technically safer to be a little further from your enemy? Sure. Does it give you a small tactical advantage? Maybe so. But they’re so uglyyyy and they look weird and you have to use both hands and the balance is weird and >:( Spears can stay because you can throw them but you’re on thin fucking ice.
7. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would it be and why? Thank GOD Alex I wanted this one for Cog SO bad!!! Valentine WastelandGame! If you can read this! You’re a dead motherfucker!! This is for a variety of reasons including but not limited to: - Is responsible for the deaths of at least 3 separate world leaders! Uh oh!  - Asked for my blood one time! To do Science on! Not cool! - Ace doesn’t like him. Enough said.  - Called Ace “hotheaded” and “brutish” keep his NAME out of your MOUTH - Is fucking Maelo’s ex I think? Honestly I lost that plot on that one a little bit - Keeps taking Sunny on dates! We’re protective and Jealous?? Hard to say! We don’t have time to unpack this one let’s keep moving - Is convinced aliens exist? And are coming to attack the world? OKAY  - Talks in fucking circles about philosophy and the greater meaning of “good” and “evil” in the context of the world. Like, no sir! Good is when you help people and evil is when you kill them! Except unless it’s me killing you which is going to happen because I can cast Finger of Death now and you better believe that spell has your fucking name on it. Freak boy. - Just like. Eats straight raw steak. Not Evil but really weird and probably not great for you? - Overall just a very bad slimy manipulative and stinky dude. 0/10 I’m gonna put an arcane bullet in his skull. Like. Everything Valentine does, everything she learns about him, convinces Cog more and more that the world would be a better, safer place if he wasn’t allowed to exist in it anymore. She was kinda neutral on the guy until he gave his grand speech in Cormir about how the only way to save the world is to ‘conquer and subdue it’ and tried to talk her in circles enough that she had to agree with him or seem like a hypocrite. Since then, it’s been a slow creep from “I don’t trust this man and don’t want to work with him again, even if it makes our lives harder” to “he’s dangerous and needs to be stopped” to “...if given the opportunity, I would kill him myself”. And now that she has our new friend the Shadow Demon whispering in her ear, telling her that “the world will tremble and change before her” and that she should “stride boldly, and fear not the consequences that may follow” honestly? The next time we see Valentine, he might be in trouble!  10. What were the character’s parents like? What was the affect the parents had on the character? Oh, is there trauma in this one? Is there? Alex? Is there? Maybe so!! We’re gonna talk about Cog’s dad first, because he’s a) still alive and b) I KNOW you’re fishing for more mom angst. Cog’s dad name is Conrad Grace! He’s the head of Lafaroh’s town guard, whatever that means for a town of maybe a hundred people. I feel like his day to day really consists more of making rounds to check on people than dealing with criminals, although he likely has to break up the occasional disagreement or toss somebody in the drunk tank for the night. He’s also in charge of making sure the Guardians -the gods that live deep in the swamp outside Lafaroh and protect the town in exchange for food, building supplies, the occasional corpse, and other resources- get their offerings (This is Important, because he does Stop doing that soon). He married into he Grace family (that’s RIGHT he took his wife’s last name because it’s 2021 and he’s Woke not because her family like runs the town okay moving on), initially because I genuinely believe he fell in love! They were probably pretty young, because Lafaroh is very much a Deep South Swamp Town Analogue, but I don’t think it was just a social power move. The most important Conrad fact? He told Cog that he became disillusioned with the Church when she left home, because he couldn’t imagine continuing to support something he could now see had so clearly been hurting her. And I, Rebekah, a homosexual who has had Words with my Christian parents about the way their religion has hurt me? OH buddy we were a little bit of a mess about it. DM Ryan! Don’t you know I’m projecting!! Please be more careful! (Editor’s Note: This is the moment that made me realize I was projecting. Whoopso!!) Cog’s mom name is Charlotte Grace Sr. because, I guess, we’re freaks. I hate that this makes Cog technically a junior because the thought of anyone calling her Charlotte Jr. makes me break out in hives, but it is, technically, correct. The distinction while Cog was growing up was, instead, “Charlotte” and “Charlotte Olivia” because, again, we’re southern as hell. Charlotte Sr. is, unsurprisingly, the head of Lafaroh’s church, which means she very much has more actual power than her husband does. She did love Cog, I think, but in a way that very much more felt like someone guarding an investment than raising a child, especially when Cog became a teenager. She had high, exacting expectations, and grew more distant from Cog the older she got. Whether this was an unintentional side-effect of Charlotte Sr. becoming more engrossed in the preparations necessary to allow Cog to become the “Conduit”, or whether it was a purposeful decision because she knew she would lose her daughter and wanted the sacrifice to hurt less is unclear. Cog’s dad is kinda just a dude, but we KNOW this bitch has mommy issues. I also think an important distinction to draw between the two is that while I’m willing to give Conrad the benefit of the doubt and say that he may have just wanted Cog to stay in Lafaroh when they party returned because he was worried about his daughter and wanted her home, Charlotte Sr. wanted Cog there because it was Where She Was Supposed To Be, because she had a destiny to fulfill. More than that, when Charlotte Sr. found out that Conrad had stopped sending supplies to the Guardians when Cog left and had instead been selling them to Bandits to get money to rebuild the town, she was not nearly so understanding. She accused him of heresy, and ordered for him to be, uh. Flayed alive. Which wasn’t great. It’s what got her killed ultimately; Cog had to choose between her parents, and after watching her Mama summon a shadow demon that very nearly choked the life out of Sunny? It was a choice with only one possible outcome. 
18. Would society call your character a good guy or a bad guy? What would they say they are? Caspian is. Caspian is Just a person. Like she is just out here doing her best, trying not to get killed by, idk. Pirates or ghosts or w/e. This is an endeavor that, statistically, could be going a lot better.  I think the more interesting angle to look at this question from is the fact that she’s a monk from a well known monastery, and that there’s Expectations on how she conducts herself in the world as a result of that. She is Just A Person, but that’s not good enough. Not when she’s running around wearing Pelor’s holy symbol, representing his monastery, reflecting on him. For a long time, I think Caspian resented the expectation that put on her! Why can’t she just be a kid? Just a person? She didn’t ask to be raised by these monks in this kind of life. But when she left home and realized how suddenly lonely she was, there were quiet, sad moments it was easy to soften with prayer. Rekindling her relationship with her god was her way of staying connected to home, and I think it also made her want to go from being Just a Person to actually wanting to take pride in being a Good Person.  And then her campaign lasted for two fucking seconds lmao so it didn’t even matter hahah! :)
4. Has your character ever been hurt or betrayed by someone they thought they could depend on? What happened? YEAH BOY rye-bread got his SHIT handed to him lmaoooo His whole “why are you adventuring?” deal is that he fell in love with the noblewoman he was hired to escort across the country to her betrothed’s estate, and she played him like a fucking fiddle and convinced him -after her wedding, after she was pregnant with her husband’s first child and therefore heir- that she was in love with him too. But of course, because she was married, her husband would never let them be happy together. She talked Ryker into killing her husband, and promised to meet him the night he did it with horses and supplies for both of them. Anyone reading along at home with even a shred of common sense probably just said, “uh oh!” And uh oh indeed; she fully sold his ass out. There’s something emotionally devastating about slipping out of the bedroom of the man you just killed, his blood still on your hands, to find the woman you love standing between two enormous guards, but I can’t quite put my finger on what.  Ryker figured out her plan in the following days he spent in a cell, awaiting execution. She didn’t love her husband, but by playing the role of grieving widow and anxious mother-to-be she could ingratiate herself with his family enough to be allowed to take control of the estate while her son, the true heir, grew up to run it. It was cruel, and clean, and if Ryker hadn’t managed to escape it would have gone off without a hitch.
17. Is your character afraid of death? Why/why not? Brilliance isn’t afraid of death, she’s afraid for what she’d leave behind. One of the songs on her playlist really leans into this (and I’m very excited to be posting her playlist soon! Stay tuned!), because she is terrified of what her death might do to Sienna. She never planned to become an adventurer, much less travel to the Hells to try and save an entire city. She was content, more than content, to guard Sune’s church, to help the people that came seeking her goddess’ blessing and guidance. When her city faced a sudden influx of refugees from Elturel after its destruction, she was even happy to volunteer to help the Flaming Fist keep order and root out would-be troublemakers. She never meant to get caught up in a job that would take her out of her home city, much less out of her home plane entirely. Every fight she got into in Hell, every time it seemed like she may be staring down something that might kill her, Brilliance had to swallow down the overwhelming guilt of knowing that if she died here Sienna would never know what happened to her. The image of Sienna, worried and pacing, looking toward the door to their apartment every time there was so much as a whisper in the hallway, desperate for any sign that Brilliance had come home-- It wasn’t delusions of self-importance or self-preservation that had Brilliance taking Glasya’s deal to save her from the narzugon’s clutches; it was the image of Sienna collapsing onto their bed and sobbing because she finally admitted to herself that Brilliance was never coming home. Still. Sienna needs her, but her party needs her too. They’re counting on her to be there for them, to take the big hits that they can’t handle. First one in, last one out; she doesn’t leave until everyone else is safe. She wants to survive, she wants to go home and marry the woman she loves, but she couldn’t live with herself if she did it at the cost of the life of someone who was depending on her. Brilliance isn’t afraid of death; she would die for her party members, even the ones she doesn’t particularly like. She just knows exactly what the cost of her death would be. 
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Charity: Most People Are Good - Emmett Dutton x Reader (Australia)
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Author’s Note: I HOPE YOU BROUGHT YOUR INSULIN!!!  What have I done-!? This is ridiculous! I just really love writing him like this, he’s the perfect Mendo for it. I’m really surprised that I’ve only written him once before this! So Thank You for requesting him! Because he deserves a lot of love 💕 And the other was your idea too... sooo...
Disclaimer: Characters from Australia not mine / Requested Plot Not Mine / If you don’t have a Luke Bryan song in your playlist what kind of Mendo are you-!? AKA: Lyrics not mine
Premise: As Requested by @3134045126 😘 After the bombing everyone is leaving. A whole bunch of boys have been rescued - who's going to watch after them? Cue Reader! They make it to Adelaide; cue Reader who takes on the job of watching over the rescued boys who have no family, other than Brother Frank- Reader is sweet, and kind. Basically mothers all the boys. Giving up all her time, energy and resources to make sure the boys are well taken care of. Enter the Captain who notices  her and all she's doing for the boys and decides to be as helpful as possible. Cue a gentle, sweet romance started from these two taking care of the children.
Words: 4490
Warnings: N/A... But I meant it about the insulin... 
I believe kids oughta stay kids as long as they can ...Go climb a tree, get dirt on their hands I believe we gotta forgive and make amends 'Cause nobody gets a second chance to make new old friends I believe in working hard for what you've got Even if it don't add up to a hell of a lot I believe them streets of gold are worth the work But I still wanna go even if they were paved in dirt I believe that youth is spent well on the young 'Cause wisdom in your teens would be a lot less fun I believe if you just go by the nightly news Your faith in all mankind would be the first thing you lose I believe most people are good And most mama's oughta qualify for sainthood I believe you love who you love Ain't nothing you should ever be ashamed of I believe this world ain't half as bad as it looks I believe most people are good
an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.
the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.
Adelaide. Dutton didn’t think he’d ever seen something so beautiful in his entire life. Having said that it could have been anything. After Darwin. But, they were due to meet the main convoy here. So… Adelaide was the place he decided was the most beautiful. It's been a long hard journey. 30+ hours would be had enough if he only had his troops to think about. But Emmett Dutton now had a group of Mission Children to think of also. And any time he could he would have the convoy break to let the children be children. Even if that only lasted 10 minutes at a time. He was plenty glad for Brother Frank at all times. Because Emmett couldn’t look after all these kids alone. Much as he would like to try. It surprised him even more how much he found himself caring for these kids. He wasn’t never a kids person. He just wasn’t at all sure he was good at it. Frank was nearly 100% sure that he was. And even other members of his troop took time for the children. They didn’t have much considering all that had happened in Darwin, but… Everyone shared everything. It was on one such break that Emmett contemplated the future of the children. Usually if he wasn’t amongst the children himself he would stand watching them with a smile. There was still innocence at a time of war. Or he would just be happy… that there were good things. He had to continue to remind himself that there were still good things. However today Emmett Dutton looked worried. And Frank noticed this, wandering over; “Penny for your thoughts, Captain.” Emmett chewed his lip thoughtfully “…Brother Frank… tell me, when we get to Adelaide… what happens to the children?” Dutton already knew it was likely he would have to move his troops on. The convoy was not about to just end in Adelaide. It was likely Australia would play a bigger part in the war now. Would he have to travel to Europe to fight? To the USA? He shook that thought away as quickly as he could and turned to his companion for answers. “Well… Adelaide is a big place. It will have a Church.” “Surely the church cannot look after so many…?” It wasn’t Emmett didn’t think it possible. But the money, the people, the resource? …The fact the children were Aboriginal?... He’d seen so much injustice already done due to that. And adoption was so hard he didn’t expect anything to happen there of any consequence either. He’d explained that to Sarah many times. (And watched her fight it, though… He had to admit as much to himself). It certainly hadn’t deterred her, hopefully they would find more such people in the city… What Emmett thought they needed was another woman like her. “Well. God works in mysterious ways…” Emmett raised an eyebrow; “Indeed he may, but… Don’t these boys need a mother as well?” Frank’s face suddenly beamed; “I’m sure they will get one Captain. It’s only a shame I am not able to call ahead!” *** So now he was here in Adelaide, Emmett hoped that Brother Frank’s promise would pay off. Dutton wasn’t worried. But, now it was like these children were his. And he wanted to make sure they were well looked after and taken care of. The majority of the main army convoy was already here; but he was told that those from Darwin were allowed respite. Thank God. And rightly so after what they had been through. This gave Emmett precious time. And now he was tailing Brother Frank through the streets. “…So… Will they go here? Not the Church?” “If she can take them all. I’m sure she can! She has… the room, and the monetary resource at least.” “How do you know all this!?” “She does a great deal for the Church that is well documented. I’m sure she will be up for this too…” They continued on walking, and ended up a little way out of Adelaide… And Emmett couldn’t help but stop dead. Frank continued on; happy disposition as always, through the front gate and down the path. Emmett thought Faraway Downs was big; but it had nothing on this. In fact this was like taking Faraway Downs and planting it in the middle of a city… Maybe it was even bigger than the Administrators property in Darwin. “W-Wait… She lives here!?” “That’s right!” “Alone!?” How could one person manage an estate like this all by herself? “Yes.” Then Frank corrected himself; “Well, she probably wouldn’t by choice!!! But does, by circumstance.” They weren’t even all the way down the path before you were outside. And Emmett discovered the second most beautiful thing he had seen today. Your eyes flicked between them, amused. “You gentlemen look like you could be here for completely different reasons… And that you’ve seen better days. Should I invite you in, or are you simply too busy…?” You walked down the steps to join them on the path, addressing them correctly “Brother, Captain… How may I be of assistance?” You looked between them again. Okay, fine. He was cute by the clergyman was off limits, but the Captain... Well, someone that easy on the eye couldn’t have been single. “Actually we are…” There was a second pause, before the sentence was clarified “Here for the same reason, I mean!” “Oh!” You smiled, what could the Church and the army have in common? If the Captain was about to ask you to host troops that would make sense. But what did the Church have to do with something like that? “We have come from Darwin.” Your eyes widened, and you placed a hand over your mouth as you gasped; “Oh my goodness! I heard-! We all did! Oh-! Wow, my goodness… I’m… I’m so sorry… Are you all, okay?” “Those of us that made it… But, there were some children sent to mission island. It was hit, but, the majority survived.”  Your expression instantly softened, and Emmett took instant note of this as Frank continued; “I heard you might be the person to talk to…” “You want me to foster…. Children?” You tilted your head, but you were suddenly beaming; turning back to the Captain. “But what is the Army’s stake in this?” “Personal only… Ma’m.” You smiled; “Y/N. Call me Y/N… Please.” Then you realised “OH! I didn’t ask-!” “Oh!” He held out his hand instantly, manners maketh man, Emmett!! “Dutton. Captain Emmett Dutton… And this is Brother Frank.” “Emmett…” You liked that, and showed it by saying his name with a sweet smile; you took his hand “Thank you, for your service.” ***
 It surprised you that he was still around, so you certainly hadn't expected to run into him in the middle of town; "Oh! Captain Dutton! I expected you to be long gone by now..." "No no, not yet at any rate. Just waiting for the next posting... And please... Call me Emmett..." "Emmett..." you agreed, "I like that, it's a nice name..." You weren't sure if you were really complimenting him or it was just inane babble, but he seemed to turn a faint shade of pink anyway. "Thank you... But I shall not be taking the credit there..." he smiled "Can I be of any assistance...? You must have a lot to do, all things considered...?" "Oh... That’s sweet of you, thank you..." you let him walk in step with you, smile on your face "I'm just letting them settle right now. Brother Frank is a good help too... But... You have done so much for them already Captain, bringing them here... That’s very heroic..." you looked to his face for a minute; his hesitation. Probably to correct you on his name again. "Emmett! Sorry!" "That's okay... And I don't know about heroic... But they certainly needed to be far from mission island and Darwin..." "Mission Island... Oh. I see." you shook your head "They should be allowed to return home, don't you think?" "Well, maybe we can do that together..." You weren't sure if he was being truthful, but by the look in his eyes you would believe anything Emmett said, and that intensity. That belief as you had that that would be the right thing to do, took your breath away. "Y-yes... When all this is over..." Dutton nodded; “Well, hopefully that won’t be too long… I would hope humanity would have the decency to put a stop to this…” He shook his head “Maybe I shouldn’t go on believing it, but…” Emmett shrugged almost helplessly “When that’s all we have…” You smiled despite this; “You’ve not given up your faith in us all yet… Even with what you must have seen in Darwin?” “If anything it’s only made me more defiant. The world will get through this… They said the last war was ‘the war to end all wars.’ Maybe this one will actually do it.” You tipped your head “…Will we win?” “If it was all so black and white…” but he laughed “…I would think, in the end, the people who are meant to prevail will… But our most immediate problems… The things we can change…” He paused his walk, and turned to you – inspired “…Are right here!”
Emmett and you continued to wander around town together as he helped you run errands and shop for groceries. You hated to admit how much you enjoyed his company. Not because you wanted to come off standoffish, but because you knew that one day he would have to leave. And it would be soon. He wouldn't have reason to be here, in reality if they stationed him back up north... If he was so used to Darwin, he'd be so far away from you. You didn't want to start something just to see it all end. But you couldn't help falling for him. He was charming and sweet. How could you not?
 "Emmett, come in for a little while, I'm sure they'd like to see you..." "well, I suppose I have time. Are you sure you don't mind?" "i just invited you didn't I...!?" you quirked your eyebrow - "Of course, also its only polite that seen as you helped me with all of this." "Oh no! That's nothing, any time..." You folded your arms with a subtle shake of your head; "That's not nothing... Anyway, please, just accept my gratitude and come inside!?" He laughed; "okay, you won't need to tell me twice..." Of course as soon as you got him through the door and the children realised, they were all over him. "Woah-! Woah-! Okay...boys!!" Emmett was laughing again, which you loved; it made you smile. So much it started to hurt to smile for much longer. "Just let me help Y/N alright then I will come and see you..." When he finally got some of the younger children to let him go, with a little encouragement from you - you both slipped into the kitchen: "I suppose you get that a lot?" he straightened out his shirt, looking curiously back into the corridor where several of them were watching you both "Less than you would think... But you? Oh, they talk about you all the time..." "Really!?" "Mmm, oh, Captain I know all your stories second hand. Granted there's some variations on what actually happened, and I certainly wouldn't pass up the opportunity to hear them first hand, But! Yes, they certainly like you a lot. And you obviously care for them deeply..." He turned back to you, and that look on your face he hoped he might be reading correctly. But also made him bashful: admiration? Why? Hadn’t he done what any decent human would do? He felt he'd done far less than you... “Oh I…” he struggled with what was best to say, so he opted for a simple “Thank you…” instead. “No… Thank you.” Emmett set about helping you put things away, but you realised pretty quickly that you had gathered a small audience, laughing with him like this. That was understandable, they were equally curious on what was making you so happy (not that you weren’t always) and Emmett himself. Eventually you pushed him gently towards the door “Go on…” “We aren’t even finished-!” You waved away his protests “Go on, they want to listen to you… I’ll come through when I’m finished…” He hesitated “Y/N… I… Are you sure?” “They want to see you! Go on, I mean, how much time may you really get with them?” “I suppose you’re right… But I…” “Emmett…” You pushed him gently again; “Please, go!” He looked like he didn’t want to leave you, so even when he walked from the room, he did it slowly – almost pleading with you to pull him back. You couldn’t help your cheeky wink; “I won’t make you wait long!” He had to laugh again; and turned back to the children once again clambering all over him to pull him through into your extensive living room. “Okay! Okay! It’s alright! I’m here…” You tidied away and then wandered through. Each and every one of them was engrossed in every single word. And you sat yourself on the arm of one of the sofas with some of the younger children to listen too. You barely heard a word that Emmett said, and he barely registered that you’d even walked in, but the way he told it… The way he wasn’t even that animated, but his passion, the way he spoke… everything had everyone in that room hanging on his every word. You weren’t surprised that when you finally had the inclination to look at the clock it was late; But you still waited until the appropriate time to interrupt his story; “OH! Boys… Dinner…” Several of them leapt up immediately to eagerly assist you.  Emmett stood “I suppose I better get going…” “Nonsense, Captain… Would you please join us? It’s only fair, considering all your help in town and telling us such wonderful stories… Also, you can finish them over dinner… What do you say boys?” “Yes! Please! Please stay…!” The clamour of voices all politely asked the same thing. And Dutton wasn’t about to resist them or you; “Oh… Then, I suppose I better stay… Thank you…” You grinned; “I better ask now if you can cook!” “Oh I---” he laughed nervously “I… Suppose I can… You do tend to pick up a few things, here and there…” You nodded, that would do, all you really needed was another pair of (firm but fair) hands to help you out. “Well, Captain, I suppose it’s time for you to put those skills to the test…” “Oh. If I’d have known there was a test… I’m not sure I would have accepted the invitation!” ***
Turned out that his ‘you pick up a few things’ was neither wrong, nor exactly truthful. "Why don't you stop acting so humble?!" you giggled slightly, "At this rate its gonna turn out you cook better than me!” He laughed, but blush swept his face “No! Oh gosh! I wouldn't want to show you up..!" "Too late captain!" but you were both laughing. You had some of the boys help you with the easier things and then sent them on their way again before returning to cooking. Emmett let himself just watch you for a minute, how you made 10 things at once look easy.
He couldn't help it; "You're amazing, you know?" it was quiet, like a thought he hadn't meant to slip out and yet he wanted to You turned to him "Me!? No... I'm... Doing what anyone would do..." "No, no... This... Is amazing. Those boys deserve a mother and... For sure you are one... They couldn't have done better than this. But you must have helped so many people... Brother Frank alluded to it but... You are nothing short of incredible." "Captain, please..." you pressed your hands to your face, feeling it heat up, you'd never been very good at taking compliments. You didn't do this to be noticed after all, but so that other people could live a better life, or pick themselves up. He crossed to you for a minute "All you're doing, people should just thank you more often." "Well, they think I'm crazy for doing it..." His voice was quiet again "Well, I don't..." You looked back into his eyes, still blushing. Well I don't was possibly the most significant thing he'd yet said. And he'd said a lot that meant something to you. He still had that ever so sweet smile of admiration on his face. And he was getting to you. You were close enough to feel the heat from his body; and something within you was pining for that closeness – for his touch… or his love. But it couldn’t have been just you, you couldn’t have just been imagining that he was leaning closer to you. That made you instinctively lean into him. And this could happen, you could kiss, and it could be like some kind of fairy tale. And all this went through your head very quickly. Of course, reality had something to say about that – as the timer in the corner of the kitchen went off. SERIOUSLY!? He pulled away from you and took a polite step back as if he was forgetting himself; “Oh… I… I’m sorry…” You wanted to tell him not to apologise; you wanted to grab him and tell him to kiss me, dammit! But you couldn’t. Your face was still flushed and what you did do was say “It’s okay… don’t worry…” NO! DAMMIT! Y/N! IT’S NOT OKAY! IT COULD HAVE BEEN A PERFECT KISS!!! No time to dwell on that, with dinner ready, but both of you did. Standing looking at each other, hesitant for just a few more moments… Until one of the older boys cleared his throat; “Should I tell everyone it’s ready, Miss Y/N?” You didn’t want to tear your eyes from Emmett, but you had to; “Yes! Thank you!” *** Dinner passed quickly, but Emmett continued his anecdotes to the boys. Every so often one of them would pick up on a story thread of his and begin sharing a story of their own; and Emmett liked watching how you gave it your undivided attention. You reacted appropriately, and asked relevant questions. You made every boy around that table feel special. And when you caught Emmett’s eye and smiled like that, that number included him.   He stayed long after dinner was over, and helped you both tidy away and put the boys to bed. Which he found was not an easy task. “Drink?” You couldn’t help giggle at his slightly bedraggled exhausted look as he tried to neaten his appearance; “Please… I don’t know how you do it! You’re a Saint.” “Oh-! Sometimes I don’t think they’d think so-!” You gave a wink, “Can be the total opposite if they won’t behave!” He shook his head, mocking shock; “I don’t believe a word of it!” You sat him outside and handed him a glass as a night cap. The air was still warm even though the sun had long since set, and it made for a pleasant evening. There was comfortable silence as you both admired the scene of your garden, lit every so often by the glow of fireflies, and you could think about the evening in a little detail. Eventually you broke the silence with a hesitant question; “Do you have kids?” He turned those inquisitive blue eyes back on you, “NO. No… Single…” You wondered why he’d added that statement, because that wasn’t what you had asked. Single wasn’t a qualifier for if he’d ever had kids. And unless he meant always been single which you couldn’t believe for a moment, it certainly had no relevance. “You’re good with kids…” You mused, finishing your glass and setting it down “That’s worth something?” You smiled back at him, gently “I think it is…” His next smile was significant as he fielded your compliment back; “You’re a good mother.” You opened your mouth to respond, but it was like it suddenly all hit you, and you took a noticeable deep breath out “I learned from a good mother…” “So you aren’t one?” “No… I had a lot of younger siblings who moved out… They are all around Australia and Europe now… some of them…” You looked back to the house “…I stayed to help look after my parents… and when they both passed on… I thought what better to do with their house than look after people…” “You really are a Saint.” You turned back to him; how he seemed to voice some kind of clarity that hit you again, full force. And your heart yearned for him. To have him here to tell you things you so desperately wanted to hear… “Maybe…” Your voice was quiet, and when you looked away from him again he reached for your hand; “Not a maybe… you have compassion and generosity that you can’t show gratitude for with mere words… And yet you do this all without shouting it from rooftops.” “I don’t do it to be noticed, I do it because, like you, I want to believe there can still be good in the world – even if I have to do it all by myself…” He set his glass down; and took your other hand in his; “Y/N… Believe me, you are not alone.” And in that moment, what you knew he meant was you have me. *** It was a few days later when Dutton found the time to wander back to your house to see you and the children again. You were out in the back garden when he arrived; still expertly keeping the attention of all the children. Engrossed in some story or other you were telling. Acting out scenes here and there with the help of some of the older boys. Emmett couldn't help but laugh to himself as he watched from your porch, relaxing himself by leaning against it. From here he was in the shade from the hot afternoon sunlight but it didn't seem to bother you or them in the slightest.
Eventually your eyes caught his, and you turned to the older boys to keep the game going whilst you took a breather; "Captain! You're still here!" The way you were beaming and the sunshine hit your hair and eyes and made you literally glow, was the reason that just this once he didn't bother correcting you; "You always sound so surprised!" He turned his full attention from the children to you as you joined him. "Well, I just don't want to get my hopes up that you'll stay..." Emmett tried and failed not to read too much into that, and his smile was gracious "Well... You never know, perhaps you should..." He nodded to the children in order to swiftly change the subject, "they all seem to be getting on well." "Yes, thanks to you." "Me!? You-!" "Emmett you rescued them!" "Not I... A good friend of mine... I simply delivered them into your care... You have saved these children... You have given them a far better life that they would have received on mission island I can tell you that..." You shook your head, placing your hand on his to turn him back to you; “But as I say, they always ask after you... Emmett... When you're coming around next, if you’re going to spend the day here... Every time they see you... I wish you would stay..."
He watched the way that your eyes nervously left his, how you bit your lip and stared at his chest instead. From nowhere he gained a moment of courage, and instead of the nervous laugh he felt, Emmett spoke up, this time entwining your fingers properly with his. "Is that the only reason you wish I would stay?" This time you did blush; those soft blue eyes and that sweet smile became too much and you could feel the heat from his face at your almost kiss again. “Maybe not… But it shouldn’t always be about me…” He couldn’t help his chuckle, you were probably the most charitable, unselfish person he’d ever known. How could anything you did ever always be about you? “Then tell me…” Tell me what I want to hear; that’s what he was pleading with you to say… But you weren’t hearing that, because you didn’t want to believe it could be true. “You told me I was a good mother…” He tilted his head, “I did. And meant it…” You decided there was no time to be bolder and looked back into his eyes with confidence; “Well… I figure those boys need a good father figure too…” “Heh…” he bit his lip gently, but smiled through it “That’d require me to stay.” “No… Just be there when you can be…” “Well what about you?” “What about me…?” He tried again, this time more obvious “Maybe I would hope you weren’t just saying that… for them…” “…Why are you asking me to say it?” Emmett gave a little shrug; “Because maybe if I hear you say it I will know it’s true. What you really want.” You took a breath; “I don’t know what I want…” You shook your head “I want you to stay, if you can stay… of course I do. But if you must leave, then I want you to come back… But what I know for sure, is that what I wanted the other night…” You hesitated a moment and swallowed “I just wish…” You shook your head “I should have kissed you.”
For a moment he couldn’t believe that you would be that forward, but he liked it. He loved it. “Well, I feel we should rectify that situation… If you would allow me to kiss you?” Your eyes widened slightly, you knew it! You’d known it… You should have done something then… But he was doing something now. So your smile was confident as you looked back into his eyes “You may.” He kept your hands respectfully in his, and leaned in slow and gentle, you closed your eyes. Hardly daring to believe that this was real; that it was really a dream that you were about to wake up from. But as his lips touched yours you held his hands a little tighter; and pulled him in closer. No dream would compare to this. The kiss was just as soft and sweet as he was, and you kept your eyes closed as he broke it and placed his forehead gently to yours. You realised that you didn’t need to ask him to stay, that that kiss was a promise. No matter what the future held, he would return to you.
--- 🙈 Was that too sweet?! Ah! Sorry babe! But thank you for requesting him! As ever 😘💙💜 Eeeeek! 4 Virtues Down!
#MendoTagSquad! @dennismitchell @krnncsbtch @happyskywhale
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feel199x · 6 years
♛┈⛧┈┈•༶to protect our district ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ chapter VI
ceo!au, mafia!au, ceo!hwang hyunjin, mafia leader!hwang hyunjin
I  II  III  IV  V  VI VII  masterlist
a/n: ohohohoho it gets w i l d
warnings: themes of sexism and violence
Nobody spoke, nobody even looked at Hyunjin as everyone quietly climbed back into the van. Whatever sense of equality, whatever feeling of friendship and teamwork that had sprouted these past couple days was completely obliterated. Now it was clear, painfully clear that Hyunjin was the leader, and everyone else? Everyone else was under him, the ground beneath his feet. This was a side of Hyunjin that you didn’t want to get to know, but you didn’t have a choice.
That was the whole thing, wasn’t it?
You knew there was unspoken anger in the car, the tension weighing down on you, making it hard to breathe. Changbin was gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were turning white, and Jisung was shaking his leg as he looked out the window. Even Chan, by far the person who seemed most mature out of the group was struggling to even out his breathing. But you couldn’t afford to be emotional like them, you had already made that mistake once. You knew they saw you as weak, as emotional, you knew that’s why Woojin targeted you. Sure, you had basically confessed your love for Hyunjin in front of him and that was certainly part of it- but it wasn’t all of it. And that was the problem, you were stuck between putting on an act, a facade where you would eventually break character and being yourself- and being punished for it. And you suppose that yes, all the members of the team struggled with this, but not at the same level, not at the same extent, it just wasn’t the same. So, you didn’t say anything, you didn’t react. You did what not even the boys were doing, you pretended.
Shakespeare said it best, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
You were deep in thought when you heard the clicking of the gearstick as Changbin pulled it.
“Be up by six,” Hyunjin ordered, “we have business to do.”
At that, everyone filed out of the car. No one looked or interacted with each other, everyone sauntering off to their rooms. And so you went to yours, greeted by your quiet mother- still mourning. You rubbed her back as she sat crying on the table, holding tightly onto a family picture you had taken years ago. You tried to coax it out of her hand, but as she refused to let go, you had to take it out of her hands and nearly carry her back to bed. You sat on her bed, stroking her hair as she cried herself to sleep. It wasn’t difficult not to cry, and you wanted to- you wanted to completely break down and let it all out. But nothing happened.
You didn’t have time to mourn.
You weren’t even sure you had slept, you had been staring at the wall for so long that time seemed warped. Even as you heard your phone ring from your bedroom, all your actions seemed automatic- as if you were on autopilot, and you were. It was a coping skill, not a good one, but a coping skill nonetheless. You didn’t have to deal with reality, it didn’t have to be real if you didn’t allow it to be. You wanted to be early this time though, so your routine was slightly rushed. You were rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, making your way to the meeting area so you wouldn’t have to take the bus again. That was the plan, of course, until you felt yourself slam against the wall. Sir Hwang’s hands were around your throat, but he looked calm, nonchalant like he always did.
“You’re a stupid little bitch, huh?”
“Yeah,” you said between gasps of air, “a big old bitch, you’ve caught me!”
His hand tightened around your neck as he smiled, and you gave him a sweet smile back. “You’ve got some fuckin’ nerve. Didn’t I warn you? I was so nice, so civil.”
“Maybe if you kill me you’ll make a better point. You know Hyunjin needs me on his team.”
“Does he? Couldn’t I just get any man, who would be so much better than you?”
“Some old fucking geezer? Be my guest, asswipe.”
“You better watch that pretty little mouth, baby. Hyunjin might not be able to keep you in line, but I can.”
“Is that so? You better kill me then, ‘cause you’re doing a shitty job.” You were trying to control your desperate gasps for air, but your vision started to fade. Still, your pride would rather you pass out or die by his hand than beg him to release you. So, you spat on his face and he let you go as a reflex, pulling out a handkerchief to clean the spit off his face. With that, you collapsed on the floor, rubbing your neck.“You’re lucky you’re pretty. Your mouth is only good for one thing, remember that. Next time, you’ll be in 4419.”
You knew he wasn’t lying as he put the handkerchief back in his chest pocket and winked, sauntering off to do whatever inhumane thing he had to next. You should’ve been terrified, completely shaken. But instead, you were angry. The tears slipping out of your eyes? They were of rage as you stared down the hallway, rubbing the handprints on your neck.
You were going to destroy that man, and his district. You were gonna burn it the fuck down like hellfire.
You got up like nothing happened, making your way down the hallway and the stairs to where the boys were. “Boys,” you nodded, wanting to be the first to speak and acknowledge your own presence. Chan and Changbin turned to you.
“Your neck-”
“Sir Hwang,” you explained curtly, “I’m fine.”
Chan nodded, looking slightly worried. “Can I check? It looks pretty bad, how are you feeling?” Before you could answer, he touched your neck and you couldn’t help but wince. “It looks bruised,” he commented, “And your eyes are bloodshot. You should call out, we’ll cover for you.”
“Chan’s right,” Changbin added, “You should take a break, I’m sure everyone will understand.”
You shook your head, “No way. I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.” They looked at you worriedly but didn’t push. Jisung finally came by, apologizing for running late and raised his eyebrows at you.
“I’m fine.”
He looked at Chan and Changbin, both of them shooting him a warning look and Jisung nodded in understanding. Off you went. The day was ordinary, but you were feeling the consequences with your encounter with Sir Hwang soon enough. You hadn’t even checked in when you ran off to the bathroom, feeling dizzy and nauseous
“Must be that time of the month..” you heard someone say as you desperately pushed your way into the cinema, “Must’ve got knocked up.” The laughter was muffled as you collapsed in the bathroom stall, hanging over the toilet bowl as you taste the throw up sitting in your throat but just wouldn’t come out. You leaned against the wall and wiped the saliva from the side of your mouth.
You were gonna burn this shit down.
You returned to your desk, sitting down and taking calls- organizing meetings. It was boring, tedious work. But you would rather make schedules for a lifetime than kill someone who didn’t deserve it. Hours had passed of doing this work, putting up with comments until finally, finally, lunch break came. You were going to leave as soon as the clock turned to signal noon, grabbing your bag and coat. You wanted to binge on some takeout in the park, you wanted a break. But Hyunjin tapped your desk, and you spun around slowly- leveling your eye contact with him. You thought he was going to apologize for his little tantrum, but he did quite the opposite.
“You can’t go to lunch. Meeting with Third Eye in five.”
It was impersonal, Hyunjin staring right past you. His face was blank, devoid of any tell-tale emotion, but most of all, he wasn't tapping his thigh. He didn’t linger any longer, checking his watch and putting his hands in his pockets, walking off into the hallway back into his office. Instead of going to the meeting room immediately, you went back to the bathrooms.
“I thought you’d be here.”
“Must be intuition.”
“What do you think they’re gonna say?”
“Nothing good. Got my ass kicked yesterday.”
“I guess we both look rough.”
“We haven’t even begun to pay the price.”
“Can I say something, something fucking insane?”
“Depends on if you trust me.”
“I do. Do you trust me?”
“With my life.”
“I’m gonna burn this shit down to the ground.”
“You’re gonna need someone to douse it in gasoline.”
Without another word, you went to the meeting room and sat down in your seat, somehow still one of the first to get there.
“How’s your day going, Chan?”
“Boring. You?”
“Not any better.”
“Guess I’d rather argue with corporate lawyers than plan an operation, though.”
“Like we have a choice.”
Jisung and Changbin came in together, and the rest of the members of Third Eye filed in, sitting in their seats.
“That was something big you pulled off there,” a guy you recongized as Seungmin, spoke up, “Surprised you aren’t dead.” The rest of the members shot him a wary look, but he just shrugged. You crossed your legs, leaning back into the chair and placed your hands on the parallel armrests. “Is that so?” you said, “And why’s that?” It was you turn for your team members to shoot you a look, Chan nudging your foot as a plea for you not to push on further.
“Just an observation.”
And you didn’t, you had to play the long game here- even if that meant bowing out of verbal battles. You had to pick your battles, and you couldn’t choose all of them. So, instead, you reinforced whatever idea he had in his head.
“I’m surprised too.”
Woojin was watching the entire conversation very carefully, and you pretended not to notice. However, you made sure that the outline of Sir Hwang’s hand was visible to everyone, the blue and violet splotches of bruised skin disgustingly obvious. Hyunjin appeared, taking a seat in the head chair and stared down Woojin. Even though you had only seen Hyunjin a few minutes before, he looked overtly happy. A small and friendly smile plastered on his face as he leaned into his chair, taking the hair out of his face.
“Mind telling me why you called this meeting Kim?”
“I have a proposal.”
“Oh? Do tell.”
“Let’s join factions, divide and conquer.”
“How does this benefit me?”
Woojin scoffed. “We won’t have to resort to petty battles like this, Hwang.”
“For a mafia leader, you wear your heart on your sleeve.”
You expected Woojin’s face to tighten, even a little bit, but he remained blank like unused paper. “Better than acting like my father, don’t you think?”
“I think it’s a lot better. Your father wouldn’t have surrendered so easily.”
“And your father didn’t have to pretend,” Woojin sighed, and quickly added, “We have problems bigger than us. Seungmin got a notice that the feds are thinking about investigating.”
“I’m aware.”
This was news to you though, and you weren’t very fond of paying the price for sins you didn’t commit. You and Jeongin made quick eye contact.
This district was gonna burn in hellfire.
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timeclonemike · 6 years
Delta Rune Speculation
So it’s been two weeks, and there’s already 200 plus fics on AO3 and dozens of remixes and arrangements of the soundtrack on YouTube. That’s not even touching on the theories that are coming together. I recently saw one theory that double downed on the whole discarded classroom with toys thing, with the Darkners basically being a “Toy Story” scenario and the Spade King trying to pull a “Small Soldiers” scenario.
And while the parallels between the Darkners and assorted toys, and the layout of the Dark World and the Classroom, are all too much of an overlap to ignore, I suspect that there’s something more to the whole game than simply toys coming to life and wanting revenge for not being played with. I had some thoughts that I contributed in my reblog of that person’s theory, but this post is a little bit more meta, and concerns itself primarily with the tone of the final game, if and when it gets completed. But first, we need to talk a little bit about Undertale. I’ll make it quick, I promise.
Simply put, the big thing that made Undertale stand out was how your choices distinctly affected the world you were in, and the way people responded to you based on those choices. The sheer difference in tone and content between True Pacifist and Genocide is about as different and distinct as you can get in any game that features multiple endings, especially when many games opted to make the multiple endings contingent on last second choices (Deus Ex instantly comes to mind) rather than being something that you had to commit to. Not only that, but even the small choices in the sense of dialog, the order in which characters were spoken to, and even the use and contents of your inventory meant that the game had more “immersion” in the sense of responding dynamically to player choice than a lot of Triple A games with hyper-realistic graphics engines.
The way Undertale responded to different choices was a twist, then attraction, and finally a statement about how people saw the world and interacted with it. Especially those who thought that actions taken in this isolated digital environment had no consequences beyond that environment. It was a game about how people acted when they had tremendous power to influence the world.
Therefore, I think that the meaning of Delta Rune’s “your choices don’t matter” and “nobody can choose who they are in this world” is that the game will be about how people respond when confronted by circumstances they can’t control.
For more of my rambling, click the link below.
I’ll be addressing three main points: The nature of the Dark World and the Fountains of Darkness, the Dichotomy between how choice is handled in the Light and Dark Worlds, and the few clues that we have about W D Gaster and his influence.
1. The Nature of the Dark World.
The playing card themed enemies, the puzzle pieces, the chess board and the crowned checker piece, plus some of the hints about Ralsei’s nature and origin, all indicate that the Darkners have some connection with the toys in the unused classroom and probably the materials and objects in the supply closet as well. (I still do not know what those things were in the opening area of the Dark World that shot bullets at Kris, or the significance of all that black gooey dark stuff apparently coming out of the eye shaped structures.) Susie is not the type of person to let her guard down and just skip class with Kris while playing make believe all day... at least not at the start of the game... so the events of Chapter One had some foundation in reality.
This brings us to the fountains and the legend Ralsei shares. Everything hinges on a classic balance between opposing forces, in this case Light and Dark. Too much of one or the other will break the world in some way, and in this instance, there is an excess of Darkness. Under the direction of the mysterious Knight, and the Queen that only Jevil mentions if you kick his ass, the Spade King is seeking to upset the balance by increasing the Darkness. Assuming that Kris, Susie, and Ralsei don’t stop these fountains, then the same force at work in the Dark World that drew Susie and Kris into it will spread beyond the school, and into the rest of the town.
It is my position that Darkness in this case, represents Imagination, and its ability to create worlds symbolically. Keeping a balance between the physically real and the mentally real is important; too much of the physical and you end up in an All Work And No Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy scenario. The other way around, you spend too much time daydreaming - or consumed by anxiety - to deal with the actual problems in front of you. And just by talking to the people in Hometown after school, we can find all sorts of stuff that bothers people. Toriel and Asgore’s estrangement, Noelle’s father and her worries about him, Alphys being lonely, and so on. In a Dark World where people’s thoughts and ideas take on physical forms, these everyday worries become living nightmares. It is THAT scenario that the Fun Gang will have to prevent or reverse from Chapter Two onward.
2. In Which World Do Choices Not Matter?
No matter which way you play Delta Rune, you leave the Dark World at the end. In that sense, none of the choices you made matter. Only if you did a pacifist run, you have the chance to go back and say goodbye to a number of characters you encountered before. Sort of an Undertale Epilogue Lite. If you went to town on everybody, you get chased back to the Light World instead. So in a way, your choices DID matter.
On the other hand, no matter what you do in the Light World, you’re still Kris, the token human in a monster town, with estranged parents and an older brother that probably outshines the heck out of you if all those trophies and award certificates mean anything. You can’t help smooth things over between Toriel and Asgore, you can’t even hint at Undyne and Alphys getting together, and no matter what you tell Noelle, she’s still got a one track mind regarding Susie and is concerned that you are pranking her again. About all you can do is choose to be mean or nice to Onionsan; everyone else still thinks you’re some weird creepy human kid with a history of pranking, whose main redeeming feature as a person is apparently some skill at the piano. Nothing you do can change that, even if being more talkative than normal is out of character enough for folks to notice.
But then again, in the Light World, nobody can choose who they are. Choices don’t matter because so much of Kris’s life is defined by everyone else. And even those lives are more defined by primal fears like Toriel’s loneliness and deep seated resentment, Asgore’s pushover-ness, Mr. Holiday’s health, Alphys’ anxiety, and so on and so forth.
As the Dark World starts to influence the rest of town, and imagination and thought starts to overwrite physical reality, the Fun Gang’s choices will suddenly carry more weight. Maybe not enough to change everything once the Fountains are sealed, but enough to make a difference. Such as the difference between Noelle being totally inconsolable over the loss of her father, and Noelle having the opportunity for closure. Or Toriel at least agreeing to be civil towards Asgore, even if they still never get back together. Or Burgie being able to find a much better job. :P
Or Kris being seen not as “the human” or “Asriel’s brother” but as Kris, a person in town with more depth than just a history of pranks and a creepy disposition.
3. Oh Gaster, Where Art Thou?
The announcement for the Demo, the “character / vessel creation” process at the beginning, the music playing during the vessel creation sequence, the Man who gives Kris an Egg if he is found, the Entry 17 Sound FX from the cell phone in the Dark World, and the slowed down version of the same sound playing around that Mysterious Bunker south of town all point towards Gaster’s involvement in the events of Delta Rune, one way or another. Given the limited information available so far, it’s not entirely clear if he’s working towards increasing the amount of Darkness, towards stabilizing the imbalance, if he’s simply observing events with no regard for the outcome, or if for some reason he requires US as observers for the events of Delta Rune, whatever they are.
But using what little we know, we can make a few educated guesses.
First, the Egg Kris can get from the Man behind the tree, who cannot be seen and will vanish if the Egg is not accepted, is the ONLY item from the Dark World that stays the same back in the Light World. The swords become pencils, and all the other stuff accumulated in the Dark World becomes the Ball of Junk that Kris does not want to throw away, but the Egg is still an Egg. Sort of. It can be put into Asgore’s Fridge, but if this is done, somehow it turns the pickle jar into another Egg. Which raises a number of questions. Unless you hold onto it for later in the full game, or throw it away, this is the only thing you can do with the Egg as far as I know. Almost as if the only reason it exists in the world is so that Asgore can have something to eat besides pickles.
Second, Jevil’s misanthropy follows his interaction with a visitor to the kingdom, and I do not remember if this visitor was specifically stated to be the Knight mentioned by Jevil or the Spade King. The way he treats the entire world like a game fits the same meta as Flowey’s attitude after being stuck in a Determination fueled time loop for ages in Undertale, but it also aligns with the Darkner world’s toy theme. And of course Seam drops the “darker yet darker” line on us regarding his view of the world after dealing with Jevil... but at the same time, this is a literal Dark World. Kris and Susie noticed that the light was getting low in the school hallway before they even stepped inside the supply closet, so it’s not out of the question that Gaster’s experiment, whatever it was, involved discovering the Dark World.
And, while this is purely me stacking conjecture on top of conjecture here, keep in mind what I said earlier about the Dark World being a world where the power of Imagination can literally create a world. Then consider one of the lines of the Gaster Followers from Undertale: Gaster fell into his own creation. As Gaster was the Royal Scientist, it seemed logical to infer that his creation was some sort of machine or technology, such as the CORE or whatever is under the sheet in Sans’ workshop in Snowdin Town. But maybe what he fell into was a completely different reality... possibly one of his own design.
(Note to self: Undertale / Secret Of Evermore Crossover Fic. Add it to the list.)
Third, the vessel we are asked to create at the start of Delta Rune has the word Goner as part of the filenames of the assets. Its appearance also matches that of the other Gaster Followers in Undertale; greyscale, uncanny valley, and just different enough from the character we end up seeing in the game (Kris) to make the similarities stand out. Keeping in mind we still don’t know what the significance is of the Gaster Followers or Goners is in Undertale, or how exactly they relate to Gaster himself. In the completed game, though, we may have the opportunity to find out... behind the bunker doors south of town, where the slowed down Entry 17 sound is playing. (It’s also location 17, so there’s a definite number element going on here.) The thing about bunkers if that they are almost always made to protect something inside them. So unless this is a fallout or storm shelter for the folks in town (and we can’t read Gerson’s book in game so we have no idea what the political climate is between humans and monsters is in this world, though if they were really bad then somebody would probably mention it in dialog) then it’s probably intended to keep the people of the town from finding something. Like an experiment that went wrong. Or went right, for that matter.
Or, maybe the bunker is one of those less common cases where it protects everything outside it by locking something inside, for any of the reasons already stated. Either way, there might be a real True Lab situation down there.
Finally... has anyone else besides me noticed that the graphics in the background during the Vessel Creation Sequence look almost exactly the same as the background of the Fountain of Darkness that Kris and Susie use to go home, just without the playing card suites? Where exactly is that taking place?
One last thing that brings my whole post full circle; regarding the ending cutscene before the credits and Don’t Forget song, I wonder if the entire thing isn’t just Kris’s nightmare; the body rips out the Soul that used to be inside and locks it up, and is free to do who knows what after that. If Kris is aware that the player is influencing them in any way, that whole sequence could be brought on by their fears about losing autonomy, either partially or entirely.
Which brings us back to the whole “your choices don’t matter” thing.
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libvrtines · 6 years
                          hewwo  i’m  felix  ( 20 ,  he / him , gmt )  and  i  just  realised  my  fc  has  no  mf  resources  that  aren’ t from  him  as  a  fetus  and  will  therefore  b  spendin  approximately  all  my  free  hrs  cranking  out  gif  icons  ,  so  lets  get  it  *  pained  laughter  *  !  this  is  my  boy..  except  he’s  not  my  boy  and  i  take  no  credit  for  who  he  is  as  a  person  because  he’s  the  personification  of  a  flaming  dumpster  fire  ,  xu  yuxian  .  his  pinterest  board  is  here  ,  i don’t  have  a  full  amazing  wc  page  but  i  do  have  some  wc’s  beneath..  so  if  u  jus  wanna  stick  around  for  that  i  won’t  blame  u  bc  otherwise  this  is  just  a  Wreck .   (    i  literally  just  had  to  search  up  my  muses  name  bcs  i  forgot  it  but  i  know  he’s  a  scorpio at  least  so  if  that  is  any  indication  of  how  this  is  gonna  be  then  yeah .  this  is  gonna  be  the  Worst   ) .  drop  a  heart  if  you  would  like  to  plot  ,  or  just  add  me  up  on  d*scord  no anime pls im christian#1950  for  quicker  messages  !  TW  :  mentions  of  drugs  ,  violence  ,  death ,  blood  , manipulation  . 
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scanning XU YUXIAN, they are TWENTY FOUR year old and read as CUNNING but DECEITFUL, which explains why they are referred to as the VARMINT. before virtual reality HE was IMPRISONED FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF DRUGS and living in QUINGDAO, CHINA. they’ve been said to look incredibly similar to HUANG ZITAO, but they’ve never seen it. in this new virtual world, they plan on DOING ALL OF THE CRAZY SHIT HE'S ALWAYS WANTED TO and hope to NEVER GO BACK to reality. 
*    BACKGROUND    !
tl ; dr . “ the best way to solve a problem is just to eliminate it . " in thick accented mandarin. the roar of a bike kicked to life with exhaust pouring out of the tailpipe and the low graveled hum as it idles way past midnight. charcoal ashes and heavy-lidded eyes. teeth stained red from marlboro's and split, bloody lips. baseball bats through car windows, the scrape of a bic as it lights. the smell of cigarettes burned deep into veins. the drag of a knife light across a throat. knuckles blooming purple pressed into nose bridges, a smile with a pair of pliers knocking against porcelain teeth. THIS vine. 
so as formerly stated this is yuxian, the worser half of the xu siblings. disruptive and dangerously reactive to any sort of aggression, he's adapted to a reality reliant on violence and force over patience and rationale. he's an overall shitty guy, with some even shittier habits. street smart and instinctive, his world works in harsh turns and bared knuckled fists. 
dropped out of high-school.. was one of those ‘lunch is my fav class’ kids except he got dragged 2 school by the ear when he was younger and then people just. stopped giving a fuck  ! 
so he did what most boys do in big towns with no proper parental guidance: raised a little hell, drank a lot of alcohol when his liver was barely formed, fixed bikes and engines, and beat up a few rich kids who looked @ him the wrong way. speaks like every mf villain in an anime ever. over-enunciates vowels and suffocates his consonants. acts like the stray he p much is w parents as shitty as his. 
the xu family had earned themselves a nasty reputation in the community they lived in. they're tough, they're intimidating. they do things their way. xu’s speak with their fists and their knives and their brass knuckles and their bats, not known for thinking out their actions before acting out. violent. horrible. the worst People™. 
yuxian’s parents owned and operated a dim-lit, greasy restaurant in the heart of their community, once used to deepen the family's pockets as they sold some choice off-menu items, they were offered a deal by a rich family that bought up their block when yuxian was around 15, selling their enhanced drugs imported from europe behind the grime-coated counter. yuxian saw the $$$ and didn’t think abt how risky it would b, or that they’d be the ones caught red handed if they were ever raided. being able to label himself as a drug dealer just made his reputation in the community go up.. and he was livin la vida loca 
along with working as a drug-runner, he liked to fancy himself as something of a debt collector, making sure to "follow up" with anyone who hopes to evade payment to the family. weapons of choice include a baseball bat to the kneecaps and automatic knives. has he actually hurt anybody ?? absolutely Not. he a puthy ass bitch... but don’t say that to his face unless u wanna end up like that ‘what are u gonna do? stab me? guy who then.. got stabbed 
basically yuxian will do whatever it takes to get what he wants and to survive. he never considers himself a bad guy; he considers herself bold where others find him brash. he thinks that he's tough where he's really just a brute. he's never a bully, it's never unjustified, but if he ever is he doesn’t think much of it bc he’s never gonna change , ygm ?? 
he ended up in prison when he started selling drugs to the rich family’s only son, who lbr, became quite a decent friend to yuxian. the son in question had a bad side - effect to the dodgy drugs they were dealing and died of cardiovascular complications. worst thing is that the last memory xian has of the world before virtual reality is waiting for his parents or siblings to come visit him at but being stood up. next thing he knows he’s in a world where his freedom hasn’t been taken from him and he can. he’s Extremely Bitter, and very Chaotic, my guys. so watch out
honestly and truly, at the end of the day, yuxian is not a good friend to have. xian is not friendly. he will never say the thing you want to hear as opposed to how he is feeling, he'll never sugarcoat anything, he'll never be a listening ear. encouragement and support don't exist here. he is fickle and fair-weathered and will use and use and use until there's nothing left to give. 
self-serving and self-invested to his core, he cares so little it's essentially nonexistent for anyone other than himself. not even his family, given the circumstances. he is opinionated and reactive. volatile. if someone is looking for an influence in their life that will give no fucks and encourage even the smallest whispers of an impulse, yuxian is The One™. 
every bad influence every mother's warned about, everything you know you should say no to: that's her. he has nothing to lose and lives his life accordingly. those in his periphery, he encourages to do the same. respect and admiration are not easily earned. he needs to be impressed. the grander the debauchery, the more points earned. but of course, don't try too hard.. bc that’s corny and he can sniff someone simply trying to impress from a mile away. 
still, to those that he's aligned himself with and chosen to befriend – xian can be loyal the way a snake is to a pack. his trigger-haired temper and baseline defensiveness makes him a good rabid junkyard dog to have in any corner. loyalty is mostly reserved for those who benefit him or to those who serve his best interest – contrary to popular belief, he's not entirely stupid. but definitely has been called a bimbo a minimum of five times in his life. 
simply put, he's a thug. his family has terrorised residents and he hasn't fallen too far from the tree, reaping the benefits of everyone's worst expectations. he's vindictive, manipulative, short-tempered and callous. he'll go to extreme lengths – which often include coercion via intimidation or violence – to get what he wants. he has little regard for other peoples' safety, well-being, or feelings. he lives to ruin lives; not in that fuckboy-esque i'm-going-to-steal-your-gf-and-ruin-your-social-life kind of petty bullshit. he IS a fuckboy but that’s besides the point.. 
every action is based on gut-impulse, acting purely out of unfettered emotion without thinking of what the consequences might be down the line. just pls hate him bc he really deserves it. 
speaking of Love.. with a reputation that followed him from a few years into high school for being tht guy who makes u feel good abt urself then leaves u on read, he's learned to embrace it and accept that people think he just can’t commit. xian is not good in relationships, he doesn't quite know how to show affection in a healthy way. he gets possessive and jealous and easily poisons everything from the inside while trying to sort out the subconscious overbearing fear of this person realising how shit he is or actually realising they’re worth more than his half-assed attempts at affection. so instead he keeps it at an arm's distance before it gets that far. 
bad influence ( somebody he is corrupting essentially ) friends who like to crash parties / slum around bars  perhaps people who he knows from before and were aware of his ugly reputation ?? idk this is gonna be an area only open to a few but if they ever lived nearby or in the city where he did then it’s a possibility  ! friends who like to smoke weed behind dumpsters people who he can con  someone who tries to see the good in him but beneath the dirt there’s just more Dirt enemies / frenemies violent low-lives who he can connect 2 on an emotional and physical level fwb / one-night stands / some sort of violent dislike in personality which in turn results in sexual tension  ?
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
1, 9, 17, 31, 43, 62, 74, 110, 111, 113, 118, 124, 141, 142, 143, 157 Jamilams were john js secretly adopted by the laurens family and they knew his parents who had died when he was very young, he is also magical and stuff but he doesnt like to show it off and he had known for a while but he had to have special permission to tell anyone so he hadn't told thomas and alex but they find out and get upset about it.
(1: “Give me a chance.” 9: “I can’t believe you!” 17: “Are you upset with me?” 31: “I fucked up.” 43: “You’re special to me.” 62: “I want to protect you.” 74: “Of course I remembered!” 110: “You did what?!” 111: “You have… Superpowers?” 113: “Where did all these puppies come from?” 118: “Are you mad at me?” 124: “Take that back!” 141: “Did you hear that?” 142: “It’s just your imagination.” 143: “Just how stupid do you think I am?” 157: “I read your diary.”)
“Please, Henry. He has nobody else. We’re the only chance he has. Nobody else will know about his powers. Imagine how confused or scared he’ll be..” Eleanor looked down at the baby in her arms, watching as he reached up for her.
“I’m too busy to deal with a kid right now. He’ll be too much trouble.”
“I’ll take care of him. You don’t have to do anything, I promise. I’ll take care of him..”
Henry sighed. His wife was too stubborn. “Fine. As long as I don’t have to deal with him, fine.”
Eleanor smiled and went out into the hall, calling the social workers back in and making the adoption final.
As promised, it was her who raised John since he was a kid, having no trouble, even when his powers began to manifest.
A four year old John looked over at the teddy bears for sale and smiled, concentrating and making one float towards him. He giggled as it reached him and hugged it, trying to hide it from his mom as she came back to the cart.
“Johnny? What are you hiding there?”
He giggled and turned it invisible.
“Johnny, show mommy what you have or no ice cream after this.”
John pouted and showed her the teddy bear. “Sowwy…”
She took the bear and kissed his forehead. “You’re not in trouble. Your powers are special, but that doesn’t mean you can use them to get what you want, okay?”
Eleanor sighed and gave him back the teddy bear. “Just this once, okay? I’ll buy it for you.”
John gasped and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, mama!”
She smiled. John really was a good kid when he wanted to be. But with those powers of his, he could be difficult.
“Come on, Johnny. You have to go to school. You can learn fun things and make friends.”
All twenty of five year old John’s clones crossed their arms, the real one hiding somewhere among them. “No school! I want to stay with mommy and my future sister.”
Eleanor sighed and rubbed her belly. These last few months hadn’t been easy and now, with John starting kindergarten, they would only get that much more difficult. “Please, baby? You’ll learn a lot of things and it’ll make you a better brother.”
“… Really?..”
She smiled. “Yeah. Everyone wants a smart big brother.”
The clones all joined back into one, who went forward and hugged his mom’s legs. “I’ll go to school..”
“Good boy.”
John never meant harm with his powers. He always used them for fun or to get himself out of trouble, but never to hurt another human being. He didn’t understand why nobody else had the same powers as him, but he accepted it as truth and promised his mom that he’d never show them off to strangers. He kept that promise for years and planned on continuing to keep that promise. He planned on keeping every promise he made to his mom when she passed.
“Mama?..” John called timidly as he walked into his mother’s hospital room. He was only eight, his three year old sister waiting with his father. He told him that his mother needed to see him, that maybe he could use his powers for something useful.
“I’m here, baby.. Thank you for coming to see me.” She smiled weakly.
John frowned and went up to her bed, his eyes tearing up. He’d never seen his mother so hurt…
“Don’t cry, Jacky.” She opened her arms and helped him up onto her bed.
“You’re hurt.. I’m going to help.” His hands glowed white as he got ready to heal her, but she took his hands, shaking her head.
“No, John. It’s my time. I’m going to go now.”
“But you can’t… Who’s going to take care of the babies?” That’s how she got so badly hurt, after all. Giving birth to John’s youngest siblings, triplets.
“You are. I’ve taught you everything you needed to know. They’re going to be good babies, just like you were. Everything’s going to be okay now, understand?”
“No..” John began crying, holding onto his mom as tears streamed down his face. “Please, mama… Let me heal you…”
“It’s too late for me, baby. It has been since you got here.. It’s not your fault, okay?”
John nodded, though he wished that she would at least let him try.
“I’m going to go now, okay?.. I’ll see you on the other side.” She kissed the top of his head. “I love you.”
“I love you too..” John choked out, sobbing as her heart slowed to a stop.
Doctors and nurses came into the room, one of them getting John away and taking him out to his dad.
Henry frowned and grabbed John’s shoulder harshly, pulling him close to talk to him where none of the staff could hear. “Those stupid powers and you couldn’t even save your mother? I knew it was a waste adopting you.”
“You don’t really think a freak like you came from normal people like us, did you?”
“But… I… Momma?..”
“Not your mom. Your parents were experimented on like the freaks that they were. Like the freak that you are.”
John whimpered as his grip on his shoulder tightened.
“You aren’t going to act like that anymore. You will act normal, unless you want to see your parents sooner.”
What choice did he have? John learned to suppress his powers around people, around everyone, even around his siblings. He didn’t use magic near them, he raised them on his own with hard work. His father didn’t do much for them, they reminded to much of his wife, as he harshly reminded John whenever he asked for help. It was exhausting and stressful and John couldn’t have done it if it hadn’t been for his hideaway.
An unfortunate consequence of his mother’s death was having to leave South Carolina and move to a new, bigger house in New York. It sucked, it always sucked being the new guy, but John did find one upside to it. His closet had a small door hidden away in the corner. It led to the area above the garage, but that’s not what he used it for. He made a space all his own, leaving the real world outside and the magic world inside. He escaped every time he needed a break, time stopping in the real world as he spent hours in his room. It kept him sane.
But he still wished he could tell. He wished he could tell the friends that he made when he moved to New York. He wished he could tell the friends he left back in South Carolina. He wished he could tell his siblings.
And, god, he wished he could tell his loves.
Alexander and Thomas. Maybe it was strange that he had two boyfriends, but it was perfect for him. Perfect for them. They had all met freshman year and were dating for three years since. John was in love with both of them and they were both in love with him as well as each other They were happy together. John just wished he could let them into his magical life.
Of course, three years with them felt magical enough. They even loved his siblings. Naturally, they started the day of their third anniversary, when Henry Sr was coincidentally away for a week, by playing a game of hide and seek with his siblings.
It… It started out normal. The problem was that children were far too curious and far too creative.
John was hiding under his bed when it happened. He was silent, but something still managed to find him, licking his face. “What the..?” He used his phone flashlight and saw the beagle that was in his face. “Where did you some from?..”
But it wasn’t just him. He heard other voices in the house reacting to the same thing.
“Woah, where did all these puppies come from?!”
“There’s so many of them!”
“They’re so cute!”
John moved out from his hiding space, the puppy at his feet, and watched as at least ten puppies attracted his siblings and boyfriends. And the kicker? James was in his closet and Henry Jr was nowhere to be found. “James. Come here.”
James shyly stepped towards him. “I read your diary and opened your little door.”
James nodded and gave him his spellbook. “I couldn’t understand your secret code. Are you upset with me?”
John shook his head and flipped through the pages, James unconvinced because of the look on his older brother’s face.
“Are you mad at me, then?”
“No, it’s fine. How much did you read?”
James took the book and showed him which spells he read. Magic realm available to normals and summoning puppies. The two first two things that caught the attention of a couple of ten year old boys.
“And Henry is in that door?..”
John went in and brought him out. Of course, there was another batch of puppies around him. “Alright guys, fun’s over. Say goodbye to the puppies. You know dad wouldn’t like this.”
They all pouted, but knew John was right, Alexander and Thomas just looking at him dumbfounded.
“What are you going to do with all of them, hon?” Thomas asked.
“Just trust me. Nothing bad.” He pushed everyone out of his room and made sure three times that all of the puppies were in his room before making them disappear. Once they were gone, he opened his door again and let his siblings back in, erasing their memory of what had happened before bringing his boyfriends in.
“Jack, we need an explanation.”
John tried his best to ignore them and cast the spell. It hurt, but it was necessary.
The rest of the day went smoothly, but the guilt ate at John the entire time.
The next day, they hung out again, staying at Thomas’s house since his parents were gone. Neither of them looked happy when John arrived.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just how stupid do you think we are?” Alexander snapped.
John frowned and took a step back, shocked. “What?”
“You heard me! You have to think we’re idiots to think your little hypnosis trick worked on us. We’re not kids!”
John furrowed his eyebrows, his expression shifting from confusion to shock seconds later. “You remember?..”
“Of course we remember.” Thomas frowned. “Why wouldn’t we?”
“You’re not supposed to..” John looked down at his hands, then back up at them.
“Why not? What’s going on, babe?”
John shook his head. This couldn’t be happening. His hands glowed white and he wiped their memories again. Or, at least, he attempted to. Both of them seemed to be disoriented, but their memories were definitely intact.
“Why do your hands glow like that?!” Thomas asked. “It happened yesterday, too. We forgot it for a bit, but we both remembered it this morning.”
“It’s just your imagination.”
“Bullshit.” Alexander grabbed John’s wrist and showed him his glowing hands. “This is our imaginations?”
John took a deep breath. Okay. This was no time to panic. This was just time… for the truth. “Okay… The truth is… I’m magic.”
Thomas furrowed his eyebrows. “You have… Superpowers?..”
“No, not super. Magic. Those puppies that appeared yesterday? Magic. That memory lapse you guys had? Magic.”
“Oh,” Alexander began sarcastically, “did you hear that, Thomas? All that craziness can be explained with magic. We’re dating freaking Harry Potter.”
“I can’t believe you! Of all the lies you could’ve chosen, magic is where you go to?!”
John frowned. “It’s not a lie. I know magic, real magic. I can show you, just give me a chance..”
Alexander opened his mouth to yell, stopping as he felt Thomas’s hand weighing down on his shoulder. He groaned and rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
John smiled weakly and his hands glowed for a second, a rabbit manifesting in the white glow. “Tacky, I know. Bunny trick..”
Thomas hesitantly stepped forward and pet the rabbit, shocked to feel its warmth, almost as if he hadn’t been expecting it to be alive. “Wow…”
Alexander joined him, petting the rabbit between the ears. “I fucked up… I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that…”
“No, it’s my fault. You guys are special to me… I wanted to protect you..”
“From what?” Thomas asked, leading John to sit with him and Alexander on the couch.
“Magic is tempting, especially for those who grow up without it. I didn’t want to see you guys corrupted by the power it could bring or ruin our relationship by not doing anything for you guys.” John sat with his Alexander on his left, hand on his leg, and Thomas on his right, arm around his shoulders.
“I promise we won’t ask for a thing, sugar. You’re still our Johnny, the exact same as before.” Thomas pressed a sweet kiss to John’s forehead.
Alexander nodded. “So… Can I ask what you did to us yesterday?..”
John smiled a bit. Nobody ever liked this detail. “I, uh… I tried to erase your memories…”
“You did what?!” Alexander gasped, clutching his head.  
“Just the part with the puppies! I didn’t erase anything important.”
“Easy, kitten. You know Johnny wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
Alexander glared lightly at Thomas. “You know I hate that nickname…”
Thomas shrugged. “I don’t know why. You’re feisty like a little kitten. And you’re adorable like one, too.”
“Take that back!” Alexander pouted, proving his point.
“Just sit down, kitten. Come on. Johnny needs both of his boys right now, don’t you?”
John nodded and held his arms open for Alexander. “Come here.”
Alexander tutted, but sat down, leaning against John.
“You guys have to swear that you’ll never tell anyone about this. I’m not even supposed to tell you. But, for some reason, I can’t erase your minds.”
“Of course. I wouldn’t tell anyone.”
“Me neither. It was just weird to learn about.”
“Good. I love you guys so much.” He kissed both of their cheeks as they returned the sentiment. As they laid there, John had a thought. Maybe he couldn’t erase their memories simply because he didn’t want to. Deep down, he didn’t want them to forget. He needed to tell someone and they were perfect. Or, maybe, someone was keeping him from erasing their memories. Someone who loved him and who knew that he needed to tell someone else, like them. Whatever the reason was, John didn’t care. He was happy. His boys were happy, even knowing what he was. That was all that mattered.
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