#he's dealt with too many lost children
Yandere! Batfam x Reader
Batfam x reader or Batfam/reader
Yandere Batfam x reader or Yandere Batfam/reader
Word count: 8639 words
TW: GN reader, adult Damian Wayne, mentions drugs, yandere, neglect, angst and kidnapping.
You were Bruce’s youngest child, a year younger than Damian and several years younger than the rest. You were simply the result of a hookup on one of Bruce’s many business trips, it might’ve been to Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia or even just somewhere else in America. The point is, you didn’t grow up in Gotham until the age of thirteen when your mother died in a violent car crash, one in which you had also been involved. 
You had sat for hours in the backseat, slowly seeing your mother’s life drain from her eyes as the fire brigade did their best to cut their way into the car. It had all been for nought though, with her dying before the paramedics even arrived. You were physically fine except for some deep cuts and bruises, but your mother’s abdomen had been pierced as a drunk driver of a flatbed lorry carrying steel poles had backed violently into your car, sending the metal sticks flying straight towards your vehicle. One of the poles had gone through the window and hit your mother. It was a gruesome sight, so vile that you threw up several times as you were hauled out of the wreck.
Legally, you were supposed to go to your father, even if your mother’s parents, possible siblings or someone else were willing to take you, the law demanded that it’d be your father who took you. Bruce had signed your birth certificate, he wasn’t unaware of your existence, and he had since your birth sent monthly child support to your mother, but that was all you really were to him up until that point; A negligible extra expense. 
It wasn’t that Bruce disliked you when you came to the manor. You were simply a scared kid who had just lost their mother and was deeply grieving. He had dealt with plenty of those. He had just been busy… He obviously had his obligations as Bruce Wayne: CEO duties, public image and bundles of paperwork, but it was more so his obligations as Batman and to his other children, which pulled him away from you when you first came into his home. Damian, especially, took up most of his time. Not only did the two of them constantly train for protecting the city, thus developing a closer bond than you’d ever have with either of them, but Bruce was also very aware of how Damian’s childhood at the league weighed down on him mentally, so, he kept him close, let him vent his frustrations and slowly but surely get over his trauma. 
 From the very beginning, you became the forgotten child:
Dick was always so focused on Damian, singing his praises and always taking care of him. He usually forgot to even greet you whenever he visited the manor for a week or two, often going “Oh! I haven’t seen you all this time! Well, bye to you too Y/n”, whenever he left. Whenever the oldest brother was visiting, you’d stand in the doorway to the living room, observing with stinging eyes as he embraced Damian like the boy mattered more than the entire world. You had forgotten how it felt to actually matter that much to someone. You wondered if you ever had. Why you tortured yourself with watching the two, you didn’t know, perhaps because you longed to be in Damian’s position? You weren’t even sure yourself. The reason probably didn’t matter, as your forced your eyes to stay on the two, only leaving when you could feel silent tears run down your cheeks. 
Jason was the friendliest, not particularly caring for Damian and Bruce either, often calling the green-eyed boy “Demonspawn”, which you’d laugh loudly at, only to be sent to your room by Bruce for upsetting Damian. Jason understood though, usually going to your room to hang out with you and listen to your stories, unlike everyone else. He came to adore you. Damian might’ve been Dick’s favourite sibling, but you were Jason’s. Since Damian was called “Babybird”, Jason called you “Tiny tweet”, even though you didn’t hold the title of Robin. You loved the times when Jason was there, he made you finally feel understood and heard. Unfortunately, Jason was at the manor even less than Dick, (who spent 90% of his time in Blüdhaven), since he couldn’t stand the sight of Bruce for longer than an hour every other month. So, the brief moments of reprieve the second oldest offered were few and far between, still leaving you isolated most of the time.
Tim barely spared you a glance, too busy with his own school, vigilantism and friends. He appreciated that you weren’t annoying like Damian, who’d constantly attack him, thus automatically bringing you above the little devil on Tim’s tier list of family members… however, Damian was at the very bottom, which didn’t make it a great achievement. If you ever tried to converse with Tim, he’d dismiss you with a wave of his long bony hand, telling you to find someone else to chit-chat with. You stopped your attempts at befriending the middle child after a handful of unsuccessful tries, barely seeing him after that. As a matter of fact, whenever you tried to visualise a picture of Tim, it was the image of his slim dismissive hand which appeared. You had forgotten if his hair was black or dark brown, if his eyes were light blue or grey or if his nose had a bump or not. He bordered on becoming a personal myth to you; You knew he existed in a far-off world, but he wasn’t within your orbit.
Damian was at first fearful that you’d take his place, bullying you, physically harassing you and bringing up your mother until you were left wailing on the floor. When you told Bruce though he’d always tell you to, “Be the bigger person, Damian has been through a lot”. You wished you could have fought against your youngest brother, but not only was he older and stronger than you, but he was also a trained assassin and vigilante. You stood no chance. When Damian realised that you were no threat to his position, he left you alone, avoiding talking to you and interacting with you on the basis that you simply didn’t matter to him. He had actually once accidentally told a teacher that he only had three siblings, not realising that he had forgotten about you until he was on his way home, replaying the conversation in his head. Damian might’ve once tried to become closer to you after Alfred had given him a long spiel about how “family is important”, but quickly realised that you trusted him less than the thieves in Crime Alley, and so he abandoned the idea.
Bruce didn’t mean to ignore you, it was purely accidental, but he had on multiple occasions forgotten your birthday and even once failed to remember buying you any Christmas presents, leaving you as the only Wayne child with no gifts that year, to which you had simply muttered something along the lines of, “Of course”, not in a vengeful or angry way, instead in a resigned and understanding tone, before going back to your room that night and not leaving until a day or two later. Alfred had scolded him for that occurrence, there wasn’t really anything he could’ve said in his defence and even Dick had looked at him with disgust as they all took in the image of you standing there, alone, surrounded by gifts that weren’t for you. It had been a striking visual, yet not enough to make Bruce change his ways. It wasn’t that he held any animosity towards you, you were simply just air to him, he had no idea where you were at any given time or who you were, sometimes he even forgot your face.
Alfred was a kind man, an understanding man. However, just like Bruce, he also had others to worry about, and the more isolated you became in your behaviour, the less able he was to spend time with you. Not only that, but he also refused to hear you talk badly of any of your brothers, and even Bruce was off the table if you felt like complaining. Alfred was a sweet and patient man, but to you it felt as if he had lost the plot, as if he didn’t understand how badly you were treated, because his love for the others blinded him, making him an unfortunate enabler of your torment. Alfred was only really good for giving you a biscuit/cookie when you sat in the kitchen, apathetically staring into a wall, for venting your frustrations, however? He was useless.
Your father neglected to handle your trauma. However, somehow, in his messed up brain, he reasoned that any trauma which was vigilante-related could somehow be considered worse as it was on a much larger scale than a single individual losing their mother. This made you grow resentful of both Damian and your father, the careful way Bruce would adapt everything to fit Damian’s wants and needs, disregarding yours, slowly lit a fire within you, a fire which burned with hatred towards them both.
I could see you wanting to join the vigilante life when you’re perhaps fifteen. You had watched the others train for years and would often sneak into the bat cave after dark to train yourself. You were good, really good, so you decided that you might as well start doing actual vigilante work. You did realise that you hadn’t quite reached a fighting level where that’d be a good idea, so you decided to find a more seasoned mentor. A slight detail, which would become important. Your father didn’t have the time to teach you. So who did you call up? That’s right! Jason.
 Jason was reluctant to take you under his wing, at first. He even came to the manor to convince you that vigilantism wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. However, after pouring your bleeding heart out to the only brother who cared, he accepted, still apprehensive though.
Jason started his training from the top, getting into the basics swiftly. You got it down faster than he had at first thought, being an astoundingly quick-learner, something which the red-masked vigilante attributed to having Wayne blood in your veins. After locking down all the groundwork within a year or so, it was time to start your specialisation; Choice of weapons, fighting style and general tactics were all next. While training with Jason, you slowly moved into the spare room in his apartment. It wasn’t like you had a bunch of things to move, but what little you had, Jason helped transport from the manor to his primary safehouse.
When Jason considered you ready, you started working as his shadow sidekick. Never known by the vigilante community at large, but definitely a secret menace to Gotham’s criminals. Jason did a good job of keeping your vigilantism a secret After your first three years of training, you completely stopped visiting the manor, even on holidays. You were technically a legal adult now and felt no obligation to stick around a house whose inhabitants had made it clear that you were unwelcome.
No one except Alfred knew that you had completely left for the first long while, with him being the only one you had bid farewell to. The old butler refused to tell Bruce until the man noticed himself. That day would come approximately four months after you stopped coming to the manor, on Christmas eve:
Damian had been the one to notice your absence secondly, after Alfred. He commented on it during the Christmas family dinner, one which Bruce only held for his sons' sakes, and where the only two not attending were Jason and you. Even Dick was there, on a visit from Blüdhaven, spry and jolly around his favourite younger sibling. Damian. 
“Where’s L/N?” The green-eyed man had questioned loudly. Silence followed. Bruce took a look around, you weren’t there. They all knew that Jason wouldn’t be attending, he had declined Bruce’s requests every year since his resurrection, instead opting to go to Roy’s place. A lump formed in Bruce’s throat, yet he didn’t know why. “Damian, can you go get them down? They probably didn’t hear that dinner was served”, Dick requested kindly with a smile on his lips. The man in question would’ve usually complained, but since it was his eldest brother who asked, he got up wordlessly. Conversation at the table resumed, with Alfred biting his lips in contemplation. ‘Should he have informed Bruce of your absence, even though he knew you were at Jason’s?’ ‘Perhaps’, he concluded, deciding to keep silent about the whole matter, it was unfair to you. You had moved on, and even if he missed you terribly, it was not his place to demand your return. A piercing “What!” Stopped all the chatter at the table. Damian came barrelling back into the dining room, grabbing the side of the door with a tight knuckle to stabilise himself. “Their room is completely empty! All their stuff is gone! The only things left are the bed and closet!” 
Bruce had stood up immediately, his chair colliding with the ground behind him as he brushed by Damian, entering your room, his son had been right. Your room was empty. None of the posters you had brought with you from your life with your mother, no papers lying scattered around and no other signs of use. As Bruce looked closer at the remaining furniture, he found that a thick layer of dust coated every surface. The room was as empty as when you arrived as a child and something in Bruce’s stomach dropped. “Y/n!” He called out. No reply. Soon, the entire manor was looking for you, even Alfred pretended to do so as well, his guilt of knowing eating him up from the inside. None of them found you, you had vanished without a trace.
 Somehow, your perceived disappearance became the thing to snap your family’s collective consciousness. All hyped up by each other’s worry and driven into a frenzy. Bruce believed that you had gotten kidnapped or ran away, and it scared him. The thought of his negligence having brought you to extremes was like a spear through his heart, switching something on in his brain. He ordered his available sons to scour the entire city of Gotham to find you, completely forgetting about Christmas and leaving only Alfred behind to stay at the manor, in case you returned on your own. Bruce also ensured that most rooms in the manor were lit, like a lighthouse showing you home. Meanwhile, you and Jason were celebrating the holidays at Roy’s place in Star City, oblivious to what was taking place in all the major cities. You were playing with Lian as the two men chatted about old times and the poor quality of the beer they were drinking; Roy had let you two stay for a few days, so Jason could properly enjoy the festivities without thinking of his alcohol percentage as he was the designated driver. None of you had any idea of the ruckus going on only a few cities away.
It was after this Christmas that the family changed irreversibly. Suddenly, your safety became their top priority. Spear-headed by Bruce, who had a borderline existential crisis as he believed there was an equal chance of you being dead in a ditch somewhere and you being tortured by some rogue. Bruce was overtaken by guilt and challenged this feeling into pure rage as he beat up henchmen and rogues within an inch of their lives, believing them to have somehow connected you to Batman. They hadn’t and were entirely unaware of why the bat was so obsessed with this one person. Were you perhaps vital in an ongoing detective case? Or did Bruce Wayne tip him off to be extra vigilant when finding his youngest? They had no clue.
Well, obviously, Christmas was ruined. When all of the batboys and their father returned home empty-handed, they were in no mood for celebrations. Tim simply sat in a chair, lamenting, as he stared into a wall with something akin to resignation, running calculations in his head of where you could have possibly gone, before heading for the cave to view the security footage as far back as he had stored. Bruce and Damian refused to simply stop looking for the night, not staying long at the manor before they started searching other cities, making some of their vigilante friends aware of the situation. After staying in the nearest bathroom, and regaining control of his emotions, Dick joined his youngest brother and father in their quest for searching other cities. Bruce went to Metropolis, Damian to Central City and Dick to Blüdhaven. They had planned that they would each scour a city tonight and one the night after, it would be impossible to find you during the day, as there were way too many people wandering the streets. Alfred still remained silent, he didn’t think it was fair of them to bring you back, not with the way they had treated you and not when you had clearly left of your own volition.
Bruce had informed his closest friend, Clark Kent, of your disappearance, with the alien immediately insisting on aiding in the search. “It’ll be quicker if we both look at the same time!” Clark had yelled determined through the phone, his southern drawl helping to calm Bruce’s nerves, if only slightly. That was how not only Batman but also Superman started patrolling the streets of Metropolis, in search of a single person, you. Jon too wanted to aid in the search and offered Damian to take over looking in Central city, so he could look somewhere else instead, thus covering more ground, Damian agreed and went to Coast city. 
As the news spread to the citizens of these cities that the Supers and the Bats had teamed up to look for one of Bruce Wayne’s missing kids, it became the talk of everyone’s dinner tables. News channels ran multiple stories about it, despite it being Christmas, being hyped up in no small part thanks to Lois Lane, whose heart went out to the Waynes for losing someone so close to them. The story had slowly morphed from you having run away voluntarily, to you having been kidnapped as a ransom. Everyone who heard of your story believed it to be a tragedy committed by someone who couldn’t even hold up the sanctity of the holiday spirits.
Back at home, Tim reviewed all of the security footage and went as far back as four months, that was when he saw you exit the manor with multiple boxes in your arms, loading them into a red lorry. He kept looking at you walking back and forth for a while until a well-known presence stepped out of the vehicle. Jason. Tim stood still, you hadn’t just moved out of the manor, you had moved in with Jason. You had moved in with the second oldest brother, and neither of you had bothered to inform anyone! Tim seethed, he wasn’t mad at you, no, he could never be. But Jason, the mere thought of him now made Tim’s blood boil. He believed that his brother had borderline kidnapped you away from them. His ire intensified when he saw Jason enter the manor and come out with more of your stuff packed into boxes. That was enough evidence for Tim to conclude that Jason must’ve forced you to move out, that it really hadn’t been your choice at all… Skillfully ignoring how none of the people in the manor had ever given you a reason to stay, let alone noticed that you had been gone for over four months. 
However, knowing that you were with Jason made him able to conclude that you were likely in one of his safehouses or spending your Christmas with his best friend Roy, those two were inseparable, after all. He decided that he would look through Jason’s safe houses, then he called up Damian, “Go to Roy Harper’s place and look for Y/n. They’re with Jason.” Tim’s voice was dark, foreboding and it even made Damian’s hairs stand straight. Truly the stuff of nightmares. Tim explained the situation to both Dick and Bruce afterwards, as he glided through the air from safe house to safe house. Letting the two know that he had sent Damian after you and that they could come home now. Even if Tim currently held the desire to puncture Jason’s lungs for taking you away from them… away from him, he knew his older brother would never let anything happen to you. You were weak in his mind, and in the rest of the family’s mind too. Perhaps they would’ve worried less if they knew of your vigilante training… or maybe not. Vigilantism is dangerous, after all.
When Roy had turned on the TV briefly, you had all been bombarded with news of your disappearance. Your apathetic face from your last high school photo was plastered on every news network, big and small. News of an all-out search party with multiple vigilantes involved was outlined in great detail. Both Jason and you looked at each other with a mix of concern and confusion. It had been four months since you had last been at the manor, Alfred knew of your departure, what were they doing?! Lian had thankfully been put to bed, none of you wanted her to view the panic that crossed all three of your faces. “What the heck are they up to?” Roy questioned no one in particular. “It’s probably a façade, someone might have noticed that ‘Bruce Wayne’ was down one child and now he needs to find me to assure them that I’m not dead. It wouldn’t be a good look to have multiple children die in your custody. No offence Jay”, you postulated, it was a far reach but still the best explanation you could come up with. Jason had agreed with your assessment, giving you a light smack to the back of your head for mentioning his death. He wasn’t mad, but he always joked that it was a sensitive subject.
The three of you tried to come up with solutions to the problem at hand when you were interrupted by an impatient knock on the door. “I’ll get it”, Roy muttered. Making his way out of the living room, where you had previously stood, and towards the entrance. The moment he turned the lock, the door was swung open by whoever was on the other side, the wooden frame just barely missing Roy’s face. Heavy footsteps made their way towards the living room. Roy barely had the time to realise who it was before they were gone, striding towards where you were. 
“Damian?!” You exclaimed, confused. The green-eyed man stood in front of both Jason and you, wearing his full Robin costume. You wondered how he had gotten here so quickly, the news mentioned how he’d been to both Central City and Coast City, both were relatively far away from your current location. “I’ve come to take you home, Y/n. We have been worried for your safety and I see that Todd took full advantage of your little outburst.” Damian’s voice was spiteful, Tim had managed to fuel his ever-latent anger and direct it towards Jason. You tried to rebuke your youngest brother, but Jason stepped in front of you, ready to defend you against the green-eyed menace, “As if! They’re not going back with you, just to end up being ignored by everyone again! Just because Bruce needs his public image to be clean, doesn’t make it their problem! So run along, Demonspawn!”  Damian did not take well to refusal, let alone Jason’s uncalled-for name-calling. 
Damian marched past the taller man and straight towards you. As he tried to grab your forearm, he was thwarted as you defended yourself, blocking his arm and throwing him to the ground. Damian was shocked and Jason was grinning like a proud father. Roy came strolling in at the same time, having checked on Lian’s safety, no problems there. “What did you teach them?!” Damian screamed at Jason, blaming him for your newfound strength. “Everything, they’re a vigilante. I’m not gonna send them out on the streets without knowing how to defend themselves.” The second oldest brother swung an arm around your shoulders as you stood still, giving Damian a look that promised nothing good. 
Well, this was unacceptable to Damian, who had silently called for reinforcement, filming your entire interaction so far on a gadget connected to his chest plate. When Bruce heard Jason’s words, he felt yet another stone sink to the bottom of his abdomen, he had let you become a vigilante, his little Y/n… No, this would not do. All of them agreed on this. Once they had you again, they all decided that anything vigilante-related would be kept out of your reach. While both Dick and Bruce were flattered that you’d share a career path with them, they could not accept the danger it brought you in.
It didn’t take long for Damian’s request to be honoured, as Bruce and the boys took a zeta tube to Star City and immediately went to Roy’s. It took no more than twenty minutes, with Damian engaging in a violent screaming match with Jason, accusing him of kidnapping you, of forcing you to play his mock Robin just to spite your shared father and of many more heinous crimes, which the green-eyed man covered your ears for, despite your attempts to get him to stop touching you. When a barrage of impatient knocks sounded on Roy’s door for the second time, he didn’t open it. Instead, he opted for locking Lian’s bedroom door and grabbing his bow as well as a handful of arrows, which he had reverse-engineered from Oliver’s original ones, aiming one at the entrance. 
Of course, none of the dark-haired men on the other side waited for Roy to feel charitable enough to invite them into his home, as Dick harshly kicked the door in, wooden splinters spreading across the entrance hall’s floor. “What the hell are you doing in my home!” Roy screamed, hoping it wouldn’t wake up Lian. His bow was still pulled tight, an arrow aimed at the newcomers as a threat to not tread further into his flat. “Calm down, speedy. I will replace your door. I’m here to bring my youngest home”, Bruce muttered as he tried to enter the living room, only to be stopped by an arrow flying just past his nose. “Do not take another step. You are intruders”, Roy seethed, orange strands of hair swaying in the air as he made his way in front of the bat trio of Dick, Tim and Bruce.
Bruce was almost surprised by Roy's violent reaction. Almost. He was obviously quite aware of the redhead’s close bond with his second oldest, who had in turn evidently been closer to you than he had ever thought. You had moved in together, after all. Bruce did not blame Jason like Damian and Tim, instead, he simply saw it as an accentuation of his own failings as a father. Still, it was a very serious action to threaten the Batman, the very implications of which stunted both Bruce and Tim for just a moment. Dick wasn’t, however, immediately turning on his trusted secret weapon, skilful manipulation. 
With slow steps, Dick managed to get right in front of the archer, putting a caring hand on his shoulder. “Roy. Surely, as a father, you of all people must understand why Bruce wants his child back. Y/n and he needs to mend their relationship. For Y/n. Imagine how they’ll feel years in the future when they have no father to turn to? They have the chance to get a real security net, something which I know you always wanted at their age. Surely, you must realise that just you and Jason can’t be enough… Not to go into too much detail, but the two of you haven’t been known to be the most… how would you put it… reliable? Stable? …clean?”  Dick’s mention of Roy’s former substance problems broke his initial apprehension. Between Jason, you and him, it was a topic that was never mentioned, it brought back doubts and was probably his second biggest insecurity, his biggest one being… “Imagine if Y/n was Lian? You would want her to have a father, wouldn’t you? Of course, you do! That’s why you stayed. Y/n needs a father too, and not just that they need all of their brothers at their side, Jason can’t stand in for a father. Surely, you would know.” Dick continued. It was a dirty trick to mention Lian, but it worked as Roy lowered his bow, stepping aside for the Waynes to enter the room where Damian and Jason were currently in a screaming match.
Once Jason saw his other brothers and Bruce, he ripped you away from Damian and tried to push past them, holding your hand protectively and tight. It didn’t work, however, as Tim was quick to stun his older brother with a taser, right after Dick had tugged you securely into his latex-covered chest. You didn’t quite know what happened after that, Dick pried your lips and teeth apart, dropping a little round tablet on your tongue, before immediately shifting his hand to cover both your mouth and nose. Shifting the pill around in your mouth to not swallow it, while you tried to kick him away, did absolutely nothing. Dick was stronger and a greater fighter than you’d ever be, your attempts at resistance were little more to Dick than a cat scratching his arms. The blue-eyed man held you close with his free arm, gently cooing supportive reassurances as the pill melted in your cheeks, bitter and promising a nightmare when you woke up.
When your eyes opened again, you were laying in your old bed at Wayne manor. The window had been covered up with thick metal bars, spread no more apart than half of your head’s size. Much of your old stuff, which you had brought to Jason’s primary safe house, was back. They were nowhere near where you had put them when you lived here previously, a testament to how little whoever had reinstated your items actually knew about you. Sitting up, you found that your old cotton bedding had been changed for what you assumed to be silk, it was weirdly soft and you didn’t enjoy it in the slightest. Your duvet was a deep shade of green with golden accents, and you immediately knew who was responsible for the change. Damian. Perhaps he was even the one who had moved all your old stuff back. Their methodical placement, with very few items not lining the wall, certainly looked like how Damian had decorated his own room.
 A large red box, filled with all your old clothes, as well as a bunch of new items stood in the middle of your room. You ignored it as you swung your legs over the side of the bed, trying to stand up only to find that your vision was double-crossed and your breaths shallow, you were dizzy beyond measure and your head pounded like mad, not to mention the coating of glistening sweat, which made you feel gross just being in your own body. What in the world had Dick given you? 
Still, you attempted to move to the door, even if you realised you couldn’t stand up without fainting on the spot. Grasping your mattress tightly with both hands, you gently lowered yourself to the cold floor. Moving your legs under you, you managed to sit on your knees. Leaning forward, you took the fall with your palms, now standing on all fours. You hoped no one would ever see you in this state, it was humiliating not being able to move about as you normally did, but you had to get out or at least try. You had no idea what your father and brothers wanted with you, but you had a feeling it was nothing good.   
Sliding your shins forward and following the motion with your hands, you slowly made your way towards the door. Raising a hand to the knob, you were surprised when the door swung open by itself. In the door stood Tim, warm towels in his arms. “Ah! I saw on the camera feed that you were awake! I thought you might enjoy some pampering.” A beat of silence rang out as you met Tim’s eyes, pale blue like a summer sky. You almost impressed yourself as you jumped forward, drilling the top of your head into his knees, making the lanky man fall to the ground with a grunt, as you tried to crawl away as quickly as possible. Tim was quick to get back on his feet, running after you, but you had already reached the closest stairs leading down. It only took one look down the long wooden construction to realise what you had to do, even if it would hurt more than anything. Tim realised what you were trying as he saw your shifty eyes cast a sideways glance down the steps.
 “Y/n! Don’t you dare!” You didn’t let him finish as you closed your eyes and leaned to the side, starting to roll down the steps… or at least you would have, had it not been for the iron grip on your forearm. At first, you believed it to be Tim, but as you started to struggle, you realised that the hold was too tight and the hand too strong. Cracking open an eye, you could feel your heart sink into your stomach. Damian. Somehow, your youngest brother was the scariest one. The others were always ambivalent to your presence, but Damian had been openly hostile to you in your youth, oftentimes attacking you verbally or physically, and you didn’t doubt he could be violent towards you again. “What are you doing, Y/n?” His voice was no-nonsense, yet his eyes were soft. A strange dichotomy. “Getting away from you psychos”, you mumbled coldly, your throat was dry and the urge to cough arose as you spoke. The green-eyed man looked pensive, a tick in his jaw betrayed how he was trying to hold in his anger. He didn’t bother answering your insult, instead, he slung you onto his back and made his way back to your room, sneering at Tim when the two passed each other. Once back in your room, Damian held you down on the bed by your wrists, as he sat next to you. A general meeting was called, involving everyone in the family, except Jason, whom you had no clue where had gone.
Bruce had arrived almost immediately, with Dick prancing in not too long after. You weren’t sure what they wanted from you, assuming this was all to save Bruce’s public image, but even if that wasn’t the reason, you were sure that it was nothing good. They had all shown up on Christmas just to take you away from the only people you considered close friends and family. No one with good intentions would do something like that. As soon as the offending Waynes had all arrived, you spat out for them to announce the purpose of your kidnapping immediately. Both Bruce and Dick seemed disturbed by you titling their actions as a kidnapping. With the latter trying to defend it as being more of an obligatory change of scenery. It didn’t work, and you waited for someone to give you a proper answer with a deadpan. Damian had loosened his grip on you as the others arrived and all sat at the edge of the bed, surrounding you and making sure that you no longer had any possibility of escaping. It was claustrophobic and ominous.
Bruce was the one to explain that they had all led you back home to build the relationships, which you had all been deprived of in your younger years, expressing his regret and familial love for you, something which was echoed by the other men in the room. You were unconvinced. Telling them to drop the act and just tell you the real reason already, exclaiming how you didn’t have time to play charades with them. No matter how much they tried to convince you of their sincerity, you would have none of it, throwing their past actions in their face as proof of their dishonourable underlying motives. The meeting adjourned with no real progress made, other than the four of them deciding that you would be a danger to yourself if left alone and, therefore, making a schedule of when each of them would be by your side.
Bruce was shocked at your inability to believe in their love for you, his guilt multiplying by a hundred as he realised how untrusting you had become of your own family. He realised that he was to blame, attempting to grasp your hand, so small compared to his. Yet, when his fingers came close to yours, you jerked away, sending him a stare filled with nothing but disgust and hatred. He swore to change this, to do anything in his power to turn you to the truth of your family’s love for you, his love for you, his youngest child. The one he had almost let slip away. 
Dick was heartbroken, he had truly believed that when they revealed their regret, you’d accept them back into your life with open arms. At your apprehension, the acrobat felt as if he was brought right back to when his parents died. Once again feeling his family slip through his fingers. However, this time, he was no longer the innocent bystander, who had done nothing to deserve the situation. No, this time he felt just like the man who had cut the robes of his parents’ trapeze. He had been the one who sabotaged his relationship with you. Still, he refused to let that be how the two of you would part ways. No. He deserved a second chance, he was your brother, after all. Family doesn’t just split with each other because of misunderstandings. He promised you and himself that he would not let it end like this. The two of you would become just as close as he and Damian, no matter how long it’d take. Dick could wait... No, he couldn't.
Tim blamed Jason for your sudden unwillingness to trust their intentions. Not even giving their prior neglect any thought. It was funny how he had practically worshipped Jason when he was younger, but now? Now, he blamed Jason for having corrupted your mind. Tim had completely turned around the memories of you attempting to communicate with him when you were younger. Instead of him telling you to scram every time you walked into his room to talk, he had deluded his own mind into thinking that he used to welcome you with open arms. Certain memories of Conner and him playing video games for hours on end were changed into the two of you doing the very same. He did not blame you for your hesitance, he preferred to solely, yet delusionally, place the entire blame on Jason. The ex-Robin, who had once been Tim’s biggest idol, had now turned into his greatest enemy. The way he so readily placed the blame on someone else spoke volumes about his lack of awareness when it came to your lucidity. He was sure that he could turn your mind ‘right’, by that he, of course, meant, ‘make you believe his version of events’. Tim’s delusional memories might’ve started off as just a plan to manipulate you, but they almost immediately turned into his own perceived truth. Anything to place the blame on Jason and not himself.
While Damian also disliked Jason like Tim, he was nowhere near delusional. He was highly lucid and entirely aware that, yes, they had all treated you like you were nothing more than a nuisance. Yes, you were probably well within your right to deny them any affection or chances. Yes, their new-found obsession with your love had become unhealthy and guilt-ridden, and it was certainly to your detriment. However, Damian had always been selfish and spoiled, two traits of his that he was aware of, yet couldn’t find it within himself to change. He was brought up as a prince his entire life, first as the heir to Eth Alth'eban and then as the unofficial prince of Gotham. There had never been anything he wanted that he didn’t get, and he knew that you would be no different. He was loyal to any cause he set his mind to and now, you would be it. No matter how much you’d fight, he was willing to keep his course. It was better for the both of you, he would get to enjoy your presence, and hopefully your care, while you’d be protected from any and all harm. Damian would give you the world if you asked, literally, so he saw no reason why he couldn’t demand your affection.
After your initial shock at the kidnapping subsided, you came to realise that your family’s newfound care had nothing to do with their public image, but rather some psychotic break in their mentality. Their affections turned clingy and you slowly started to feel a sense of hopelessness. They never let you be alone and they were so demanding of your affections. 
Dick was especially bad in that regard, forcing you to cuddle and be physically affectionate, even if you showed an aversion to physical touch. He didn’t understand why you wouldn’t want to be close with your eldest brother, which meant he lent you little to no understanding in regards to any lack in the enjoyment of his company. Bruce never stopped Dick, always excusing his overly affectionate demeanour and encouraging you to do the same. Dick would in general be very open and clingy in his affection, barely letting you leave the couch or bed so that he could just encase himself around you like plastic wrap, rubbing your cheeks together and otherwise holding onto you tightly. It would really just be a way for him to make sure yiu were still there, that you weren’t missing like the night they brought you back. It really changed him deeply. Dick would also likely move back into the manor, much to everyone’s, except you, delight. That way he could be near you more often and better follow the observation schedule that they set up.
Bruce himself was much more willing to let you have your space, but there were certain things which he demanded, like you calling him dad, or at least father, or you eating your meals next to him. The eating arrangements always put you between Bruce and Damian, across from Dick. If that wasn’t bad enough, Bruce also enjoyed watching you eat, feeling a sense of fulfilment as he ensured that you stayed safe and sound. Of course, Bruce had cut you out of vigilante life completely, and if it had been solely up to him, he would’ve wrapped you in bubble wrap and kept you by his and your brothers’ sides forever. However, he realised that bubble wrap might be uncomfortable and probably wasn’t a very breathable material for your skin, so he did the next best thing. He made sure that you were constantly provided for, as well as spoiled beyond measure, giving you any gift that he thought you could possibly enjoy. It was, in a way, his way of giving you back what he felt he owed you for all the birthdays, Christmases and other holidays that he had missed out on. Not only that, but he also enjoyed the idea of him providing for you as a good father should.
Tim spent hours trying to ‘re-program’ your mind. He would describe in great detail how the two of you used to spend time together. He became frustrated when you explained how none of it ever happened and started to double down, blaming Jason for messing up your mind. Sometimes, Tim would even drag you to his room, which had become even messier as he slowly started to spend less time there and more time with you, and force you to re-enact ‘your old memories’ by playing the games he remembered the two of you playing. He would force you to sit on his bed, between his legs, as he caged you in with the rest of his lanky body and rested his head on your shoulder. It made you claustrophobic and uncomfortable, but Tim would get pouty and extend the gaming sessions if you tried to get away. The worst part of being with Tim, however, wasn’t listening to his delusional rants about your old relationship, no, that was an unavoidable nuisance at best. The worst thing was how he would dirty Jason’s name with the vilest of allegations, none of them rooted in reality. Everything from Jason kidnapping you, to Jason wanting to put your life in danger to punish Bruce and, worst of all, that Jason was somehow in a conspiracy with the League of assassins to kill you so that Damian would be Bruce’s only true heir. Whether or not you believed anything Tim said in the beginning, it was hard to entirely brush off all his claims as they were repeated to you verbatim almost every day. Sometimes Tim would even present ‘evidence’ for his claims, like videos of Jason acting suspiciously, or messages intercepted between Talia and Jason, written in their handwriting, mentioning you in a less than ideal light. Most of this ‘evidence’ was either taken out of context or simply fabricated. With many of the letters that Tim claimed were from Talia having been written by Damian, who knew his mother’s handwriting down to the smallest flicker of her wrist. 
  Damian was perhaps the most refreshing of them. He wasn’t nearly as overbearing as Bruce, nor was he as clingy as Dick and Tim. Damian was simply quite demanding. “L/n, sit next to me”, “L/n, come read with me in the library”, “L/n, come walk with me through the gardens”, and so on. His commands were easy to follow, and not to be questioned, Now, that was something you could do. Damian was less of an affection seeker, he was more patient than the rest, perfectly willing to wait until you were ready to get emotionally close to him. He would wait, with welcoming arms and a composed smile. If you ever showed Damian any affection, like a hug or putting your head on his shoulder while the two of you were reading, he would experience a brief moment of shock, before laying an arm or two around you, careful not to overwhelm you, but absolutely celebrating like new years in his mind. On the other hand, if you were to try and escape, Damian would have no qualms about breaking both of your legs with a sledgehammer, Annie Wilkes-style. Damian is deeply loyal, both to you and to Bruce, but even more so to himself and his personal beliefs. Once Damian sets a goal, he will not lose sight of it, this is also why he can remain so patient with you, but it also means that even if you somehow calm down the rest of your family’s yandere tendencies to manageable levels, this will never be the case with Damian. He will forever remain by your side, ready to protect and serve you. He does almost become reverent in his familial love for you, not in a deity-like way, but he does view you as one of the only people set above him, this reflects in the painted portraits, which he will no doubt create for you. Your room and his will both end up covered in your portraits, from different angles, with different hairstyles and so on, it is almost unsettling to see your own eyes staring back at you everywhere you go, almost like a 1984 Big Brother, only it is yourself. Damian will also take you to interact with his pets, he might keep both Titus and Batcow at a distance at first, afraid that they’ll hurt you, however, he almost transfers ownership of Jerry and Alfred the cat to you, thinking you could probably need some non-human companions to help you settle back in. He would also help you re-decorate your room if you’d like, only to sneak in deep green imagery here and there to remind you of him.
They are all exceptionally loving of you, you are their little prince/princess/royal, and they make sure to treat you like one. Alfred is almost embarrassed at the over-the-top behaviour, but he accepts it, as he feels obliged to always go with what Bruce wants. Bruce was once his little boy, (not biologically but in spirit), and he understands why the man acts as he does, even if he disagrees with the intensity of their treatment of you. He does, however, offer brief moments of reprieve, when he takes observation duty and simply lets you sit in the kitchen, munching on a cookie or two, doing whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t bring you in danger. It feels nice to just be yourself, even if only for a fleeting instant.
Jason had tried to get you back many times but was constantly being fought back by the rest of the family, physically and mentally. He had tried asking Roy for help, but the redhead was afraid of what they’d do to Lian, so he refused. The other Justice League members were of no help either, while they enjoyed Jason’s presence, they were first and foremost Bruce’s friends, and as such took his side in the matter. There was nothing Jason could do, he was powerless to help you as you were practically held captive within your old childhood home.
In short, the family made you the jewel of their eyes, your previous neglect was swept under the rug and you’re expected to forget it or at least forgive them. If I were to rank them from worst to best, it’d probably be Tim, Dick, Bruce, Damian and Alfred, (let’s be honest, he’d definitely turn at least slightly yandere after a while, even if you won’t notice. Heck, the fact that he lets Bruce hold you captive definitely screams “Not entirely against you being here against your will”). I think Tim would be the worst, as he often puts the need to convince you that you have always been close and his hatred of Jason before your actual wants and needs, and he will do things which you will find traumatic and uncomfortable, just to get you to agree with him. Dick is right behind him, as he puts his own need for extreme physical validation before your comfort and will expect you to forgive him relatively fast, as well as not being particularly sympathetic to your situation. Bruce and Damian are both tolerable, with Bruce being slightly worse due to his extreme overbearingness and lesser patience. Alfred is… well he’s Alfred, he treats you like a normal person would, while just being insanely enabling in his lack of action against Bruce. You’ll never escape any of them, so you better get comfortable.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Charles Leclerc x SchumacherDaughter! Reader
Lila is the youngest of the 3 Schumacher siblings, at 22 shes catching the attention of the public eye. With the new found popularity through Drive to Survive, social media has dubbed her the next ‘it’ girl despite her constant desire for privacy. When her love interest becomes more or less the most sought after man in F1, how will she cope with being the internets fascination? Both Charles and Lila have dealt with immense amounts of loss and trauma, so their mutual understanding for one another fuels their so called ‘friendship’. Part 1 - Just a Disclaimer- this will include no chapters where Lila will be interacting with Michael Schumacher, I don’t know enough about his condition nor do I feel respectful or comfortable writing about that! Everything else is purely fictional and I hope you all do enjoy this fanfic I’m planning on putting together 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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The familiar scent of petrol and rubber filled my nostrils as I followed behind my brother, Mick through the Formula 1 grid. The smell sent a wave of nostalgia through me as I deeply inhaled, reliving some of my best childhood years with just that one smell. The sight of the red Ferrari uniforms gave me the sensation I’d time travelled back to when I was still toddling around, my earliest memories of F1 being of the team.
I almost felt like I was betraying Mercedes by being in Ferrari garages, but I’d purposefully asked my brother to take me around the Monegasque track where we used to spend so much time playing in the garages, and on the sidelines as children. “Oh, Mick, do you remember when we used to draw all over that floor with chalk.” I pointed out to the floor below as my elder brother laughed, strutting past the exact same patch of floor we used to graffiti. “We’d always get in so much trouble!” He responded as I smiled, following after him, too caught up with all the different sights and sounds to realise he’d ventured off a little further and faster for my legs to catch up. “Mick!” I exclaimed, as I did, my body crashed into somebody else’s as I gasped out loud. “Oh! Only me, love!” I was relieved to see it was George Russell, hands on both my shoulders as he guided me to the side, steadying me from my almost fall. “Oh, sorry.” I laughed as he patted me on the upper back. “Don’t be running across here when there’s actual cars moving.” “I’ll try my best.” I breathlessly spoke, face heating intensely, before catching up with Mick who was already chatting away to somebody I couldn’t quite see, hidden behind my taller sibling. “Mick, I almost fell over, I’m embarrassed.” As my brother stepped to the side he revealed a dark haired, Ferrari man. Charles Leclerc. I had to do a double take, he was incredibly beautiful.
“This is Lila.” Mick gestured, as though he’d just been talking about me. I was momentarily lost for both breath and words. My eyes widened, eyeing up both Charles and my brother nervously. “Hello, Lila.” He spoke first as I offered him an uncontrollable smile, seeing him move forwards to welcome me in a hug. “Hi!” I borderline squeaked, inhaling his expensive smelling cologne. He’d kissed one of my cheeks in a greeting as I went to pull back from pure nerves but he went in for the other cheek, of course, we were European.
“Sorry..” I giggled, my hands on his shoulders as he laughed back to me, shaking his head in amusement as I felt momentarily lost in his gaze. Wow. He truly lived up to his reputation. He was breathtakingly beautiful, so cute. “It’s nice to meet you, Charles.” I was quick to speak, both our eyes snapping away at the same time as I fiddled with my bracelets nervously. I never was good at meeting people, no matter how many of them I’d meet on a common occurrence. Being around the public eye wasn’t necessarily my thing, it scared me too much, the attention of it all- I tended to shy away.
“Nice to meet you too, are you English?” His brows furrowed, hands tightening around his water bottle, his question meaning I could hold my gaze on him once more. “English? No, I went to boarding school there for a while, that’s with the accent, but I am German.” Mick let out a roar of laughter at Charles comment. “English? With a Germany brother?!” He slapped Charles’ arm as I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. Poor Charles, he seemed a little nervous.
“I know… stupid question.” He sheepishly spoke as my brother began speaking again, “I was just showing her around the grid and garages- we spent a lot of time here as kids.” Whilst he did, I dared to glance up at Charles again, I was stunned to see him do the same as we both looked away with a smirk. Oh wow…
“Oh yeah, of course, I bet it is strange being back here?” Charles directed the conversation back to me as I felt my cheeks warm further under his attention.
“It is… oddly it’s not changed that much?” I frowned towards Mick who nodded along. “It’s nice though, I have such a soft spot for Ferrari. We used to play in this garage so much.” I gestured, shrugging my shoulders awkwardly.
“Uhhh, a soft spot?” Charles looked back to me, a little confused as he practically giggled. “You know, like a favourite?” Mick spoke. “Ohhh, yes! Good!” Charles grinned as I too, giggled to myself, digging my white converse into the floor below.
“I hope not, what happened to Mercedes?!” Mick then asked as I playfully rolled my eyes. “Mercedes will always be my number 1, sorry Charles.” I teased. “Nooo.” He played along as I chewed down on my bottom lip, pursing my lips, anything to stop grinning like an utter fool. I couldn’t help it, Charles Leclerc was making me fluster like I was a teenager again!
“Good luck today, anyway, and to Carlos, it’ll be nice racing at home, no?” As Mick struck up a conversation with Charles my attention wandered to around the room, everything bustling, preparing for the practice and qualifying races that would be taking place later today. I hope we hadn’t come at a bad time, there was still so many people to see, yet everybody seemed so busy.
“Ah, thank you, hopefully better than last year.” Ah, of course, Ferrari’s infamous strategy failures. They’d been making a lot this season, I couldn’t imagine how frustrating that was for both Charles and Sainz. “I’m sure it will be.” Mick slapped his shoulder again. “We better head to find Jean.” My brother turned to me as I nodded.
“Good luck.” I turned back to Charles whose lips tugged up into a wider smile. “Thank you, it was nice to meet you.” He nodded, accent thick as I held eye contact, purposefully. As nerve wracking as I found it, I couldn’t look away, this time as he looked back I felt my stomach involuntary fill with butterflies. For the rest of the day it kept knotting whenever I thought about Charles. I’d found myself purposefully looking out for him, on the grid, when he was racing, in the garages- I was intrigued by the Ferrari racer, as was the rest of the world…
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sugarcloudsky · 1 year
Hi hi! Strawberry anon here. I was hoping if you can write OB characters so—
Fire spirit cookie, wind archer, and millennial tree cookie with an S/o whos like part of the Cookies of darkness or the child of dark enchantress cookie?
Its fine if you dont write these characters just replace them with dark cacao, and pure vanilla!
Thank you!
—🍓 anon
「Reader Who is the Child of Dark Enchantress Cookie」
characters: dark cacao cookie & pure vanilla cookie (+some bonuses bc i got a little off track in the middle) (all are implied to be platonic but pv and dc’s parts can be read as either)
wc: 1.1k
cws: dark enchantress is a bad mother, bit of a rushed ending
hello!!! went with the second scenario because it felt a lot more interesting!!! also i was originally going to include millennial tree here, but i decided not to because my characterization of him mightve been super flimsy lol… thank you for requesting!
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For as long as you can remember, you had been close friends with the five Ancient Cookies. You had been right there next to them ever since all of you were small children. The six of you were known for always being together, always laughing together, crying together, doing almost everything together.
Despite this, there were two of them you were especially close to. You were around these two the most, if you weren’t with all the other ancients, then you would for sure be with these two. Dark Cacao Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie.
You did everything with these two ancients, and they did everything with you. Out of the five, you felt the most comfortable with the two of them. They were your rock, and you were theirs whenever you all needed it.
Dark Cacao Cookie, who would listen to all of the stories you had, who would protect you from anyone who tried to hurt you.
Pure Vanilla Cookie, who would listen to all of your troubles and encourage you whenever you needed it, who would heal all of your pains.
And you, who helped Dark Cacao Cookie become accustomed to ruling the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Who helped him with his duties when he became too overwhelmed. Who helped ease his troubles when he became a father soon afterwards. You, who was there for Pure Vanilla Cookie when he lost all of his close friends. Who was there when he went into hiding. Who was there to comfort him when he discovered the truth of Dark Enchantress Cookie’s identity.
Your relationship was perfect. You cared for them deeply, and they cared for you deeply in return. You never kept secrets from them, and they never kept secrets from you.
Well, that’s how you wanted it to be.
But you had to keep one thing from them. One thing you believed could lead to dangerous situations if they found out the truth. One thing you believed could even completely ruin the friendships you had. You didn’t want to lose them or endanger them, so you kept quiet.
The reality was that you were the child of Dark Enchantress Cookie herself. The very enemy that the five ancients were spending all of their resources on to defeat— was your own mother.
You were never planning on revealing this fact about yourself. You weren’t close to your mother, in fact, you ran away from where the Cookies of Darkness resided, not wanting to follow through with your mother’s plans.
You weren’t very close to her anyways— always disagreeing with her views. You always tried to plead with her that there was a better way, but she always brushed you off.
There weren’t many good memories with your parent that you could remember. Most of the memories you had with her were arguments, or her sending Pomegranate Cookie to tend to you whilst she dealt with “more important matters” … that always stung. If anything, Pomegranate was more of a mother to you than Dark Enchantress ever was.
Pomegranate was cold and vindictive, yet she still showed you as much kindness as she could. Even as you were growing up, she treated you as gently as possible, even reprimanding the other Cookies of Darkness if they ever treated you poorly.
Even after you decided to run away from your home, Pomegranate never wished you ill will. She wasn’t happy about your departure, but she decided it would hurt too much to hold on, knowing how you felt about your mother. She truly cared for you, despite never admitting it. If she had to take Dark Enchantress’s punishment for allowing you to leave, then so be it.
It was after that when you met the other ancients. And the rest is history!
You were happy with how your relationship with them was. You didn’t want anything to change. You kept the story of your past hidden away, unspoken.
But of course, you couldn’t keep it a secret forever.
The first to find out was of course, Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao. They had found out after a brief encounter with Licorice Cookie and the Choco Werehound Brute.
The two had revealed your relationship with the Enchantress without much hesitation, much to your dismay. Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla looked at you in horror and disbelief at the news as Licorice Cookie and the Brute casually tried to make conversation with you to make up for lost time .
You were terrified now, this wasn’t supposed to happen, they weren’t supposed to know—
Your thoughts are interrupted as Dark Cacao grabs your arm and angrily pulls you away. Pure Vanilla follows shortly after, leaving the huffing Licorice behind. He didn’t even get to say goodbye!
Tears welling in your eyes, you begin to fear the worst: they’re about to yell at you, push you away, kill you—
But that’s not what happens.
After pulling you to a more secluded area, Dark Cacao finally lets go of you and demands an explanation. You look over at Pure Vanilla in desperation, but his face is twisted into an expression similar to yours, one of distress.
So, swallowing your anxiety, you finally explain the truth. The truth of your mother. The truth of your lineage. But you frantically tell them that you have no ties with your mother anymore! That you never agreed with her plans! That you truly wanted to help them with their cause!
Dark Cacao wasn’t exactly convinced right away, but Pure Vanilla quietly walked over and pulled you into a hug, patting your back gently. He allowed you to cry, patting your shoulder and listening to you earnestly. Dark Cacao huffs, telling you that if you ever keep secrets from them again, he won’t be so forgiving.
Pure Vanilla trusted you deeply. He would believe your story very quickly. Though it does take time for Dark Cacao to trust you fully again.
They both comforted you as you were reminded of what you had to go through with your mother. Pure Vanilla assured you that none of it was your fault, and that you can’t control who your family is. Dark Cacao vows to get revenge on that cookie once and for all for you.
Despite this small bump in the road of your relationship, the three of you still remained great friends. In fact, you would argue that your relationship became even stronger afterwards. Although, they did make you promise to stop keeping secrets, which you happily accepted whilst giggling gleefully
With time, your two closest companions came to accept you, and love you for who you were, no matter what dark things your past held. What only mattered now was the path ahead. Together, hand in hand, you will all continue to walk that path.
And once you all finally get to Dark Enchantress Cookie, you won’t be so easy on her.
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astroyongie · 1 year
could you make a reading on "what your stray kids bias says about you?", if it's not too much to ask? 🥺 your ateez one was rly accurate!!!
What Does Your Bias In Stray Kids Say About You
I know a lot wants me to say that "it's because you have daddy issues" but hey, yes and no? some of you just went through very poor interactions when children and lack of something in that aspect which lead to poverty in love and inner self 
also you guys are like him, workaholics and always trying hard to prove your point on things, projecting a lot on Chan like a role model 

most of you like to travel, like nature, the beauty of the landscapes. you always try to reach accomplishment in everything you do, because Minho is like a motivation that you see yourself in, someone that represents hard work, something you want to reach 
also a lot of you is just anxious kids, some of you struggle so much with mental health, depression, insomias, anxiety disorders. you find Minho reliable and confronting during those times 

He represents everything for you, not only because he can be an ideal self and a comforting figure but because most o you go a lot through inner conflicts, you doubt yourself, you sometimes hate yourself and you find that Changbin helps you learn about loving now self and being a better person
You like him because he is a very family guy and he represents the morals and the values that you hold very dear as well. mos to you are family-driven people, that want to have kids, marry, etc. also some of you might be religious or believers
some of you have a very strong manifestation and feel somehow connected to Hyunjin (delulu alert)
Also just like him, you have a head on the clouds, you are easily distracted by things, you forget things easily and you lack direction. if you don't have people nagging you or pushing you you are unable to do things by yourself
a lot of you are also very undependable just like him and enjoy your own freedom while others are social butterflies and just match his social skills and energy
Okay first thing is, most of you are sexy people, very feminine people
other than that, you mirror Han in a way, of being very co-dependable on people you love and care, as like without them you feel lost and without direction. you need them to live your life because your head is like Han's just free of issues and chaotic
also it feels like many of you avoid taking decisions, and avoid things that hurt, like him you withdrawal easily from things an that because you have a way too ùany difficulties on making decisions, you prefer others to do it for yourself
also a lot of you are also very loud people sine you mirror than a lot, you like talking and laughing loudly, you like showing happiness and jo and also are helpless romantics
Okay so you guys are also big delulus, and mostly you are helpless romantics and Felix's idol image represents everything you are seeking in a partner, someone nice and gentle, soft, deep voice that can take care of you. that's what you want, what you like. you have very high standards of love
but also Felix represents everything you have wished to be, someone that everyone likes, someone that is appreciated and talented. he helps you self develop in your own way and because of that you feel connected to him
You like him because just like Seungmin you feel like a cast ou in life. most of you have a lot of issues with your emotions, you represent them a lot and often feel disconnected from them; Seungmin is a way of comfort like a puppy that you need whenever your emotions don't make sense. a lot of trauma happened to you as well
some of you have dealt with very problematic and toxic relationships, either love, friendship, or family, and again, for you Seung-min is a reminder that you aren't alone int his world
You don't really know why you are attracted to Jeongin, there isn't an explanation for it either, because in a way you feel it's wrong to be attracted to him (especially if you are older than him) and he also makes you question all of your values. that because most of you are in total disharmony between what you want and what you have learned to be wanting. he represents the misalignment of values that you fight against
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mallorykeen · 8 months
that's season one over so here's my favourite pjo fics to fill the void with!!!
don't forget comments and kudos!!! and here's my pjo fic list if anyone is interested also
i've done my best to track down the blogs of the writers but i couldn't find all of them (if there are more) so please tell me if you know yk
bled into me
Ares has never forgiven anyone for stomping on his heart, but you think you’d let Silena Beauregard trample all over yours. (ruegard)
The Sebastian Figure
He never thought he'd end this way, in the airy throne room of Mount Olympus, with the sun shining and the birds singing and everyone standing in a crowd waiting for him to be executed. AU, post-TLO; Luke's POV.
A Family Resemblance
People can say that Percy really is Poseidon’s son considering how alike they are, but to him Percy will always be Sally’s son.
Children of the Sea
As he sank through the water, Percy grimaced, clutching at the wound in his abdomen that was spreading his blood through the water. There was far too much of it and the water wouldn't heal him in time he knew, but at least he would die in the peace of the water. He hoped that Hades would let him into Elysium after everything he had done as a hero.
light blue nail polish (and blood-stained nails) by @tragedykery
first: Charles and Silena have a picnic. then: Silena after Charles' death.
would you mind my hand stitched onto yours
Clarisse meets Silena and struggles with her feelings.
So Eden Sank to Grief by @cauldronoflove
Clarisse had always wanted a chance - and wanting a chance seemed to mean that she wanted battle.
There's No Dying in Dodgeball
University dodgeball is a very serious sport. No, really.
ruegard university au
They Lied about Oxygen
It's like they're the polar ends of magnets.
rachabeth, and a lot of kissing
If I killed someone for you (Would you love me more?) by @izzymrdb
Luke succeeds in killing Percy with the Pit Scorpion, but now he deals with the physical spectre of his guilt haunting him. Driving him insane.
like diamonds in the sky
“Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson —eye to eye, so alive/we're beautiful like diamonds in the sky; zoë in greek, means life.
take me to your best friend's house
Katie Gardner tilts her head. “I feel like he’s always hiding something from us.” “That’s why his tail is so big,” Silena Beauregard says, nodding very solemnly. “It’s full of secrets.” Or: Camp Half-Blood and the Mortifying Ordeal of Playing Spoons.
can't gamble the future
“Wait,” Beckendorf says, confused. “What does Connor have over Percy?” Luke sinks back into his chair. “Well, where do I begin―” “Five drachmas he mentions that one time Annabeth hugged Connor,” Thalia mutters to Silena, tossing a few gilded coins onto the center of the table. “He never shuts up about it.” (CANON DIVERGENCE ― The senior counselors don’t bet on trivial matters like childish, puppy love romances. No. Not at all. Of course not.)
Sweeter Than Cherries
Sweeter than cherries, better than Flash Gordon, and being in love with your best friend is never easy. (percabeth)
a hero's fate by @katiegardner
“I have had many sons,” Poseidon said. “Perseus is my favourite. Do you understand this?” “Yes,” Annabeth said. “He will be a god.”
Greek God (Good God) by @izzymrdb
Percy turns down immortality again. And again. And again. The gods never stop asking.
Green Ribbon
After the war in The Last Olympian takes place there is a lot of loss to be dealt with (ruegard)
Hunger on Her Lips by @starforged
Silena comes to convince Clarisse to return with her, but it ends as she imagines it would. Takes place during The Last Olympian.
Her Armor by @disregardcanon
No one can escape their destiny. Fate is written. History rewrites itself, and no man can escape it. Neither can a woman.
death is the road to awe by @callunavulgari
The first time you meet Silena, you shove her head into the toilet. You laugh at her as she struggles and you don't even have your brothers with you this time, no need for backup. She's just another silly Aphrodite girl. When you finally let her up, she's bright red and heaving for breath, a wet lock of dark hair hanging loose against her forehead. The first thing she does is clock you in the face, teeth bared in an ugly snarl. It's a good punch, so you grin at her and punch back.
She Does
She says 'I don't want this' but she does, she does, she does. (ruegard)
stay close, hold steady
“I can’t have you take care of us forever.” Poseidon and the three times he associated the word ‘marriage’ with Sally.
Bittersweet, Irresistible, a Crawling Beast
Again love, the limb-loosener, rattles me bittersweet, irresistible, a crawling beast. -Sappho After exploding a volcano, Penny Jackson wakes up on an island with only one other inhabitant, and she leaves with a better understanding of herself and her relationship with her best friend.
empty hearts on fire
Luke Castellan knows, from the very beginning, that he is going to die.
Le Morte d'Arthur
[“I’m like the Greek King Arthur,” Percy says. The slur to his voice and the flush to his face make Poseidon wince. Percy smiles, vague and hazy. “King,” Percy repeats. “Of course, little king,” Poseidon says tenderly. He is weak enough to curve a hand around a cheek, framing wan features. Pale, bloodless skin leached of all vitality. The water laps at Poseidon’s legs. No waves dare to form as Poseidon cradles Percy in his arms. He does not want to let go.] Or, wherein, others begin to fill in the void of Percy Jackson.
Packed and Petrified by @art-in-the-sunlight
In the lightning thief, Percy Jackson defeats Medusa and then promptly sends her decapitated head to the greek gods. When the olympians got a package “best wishes percy jackson," Zeus probably said something along the lines of, "At last, my bolt! Finally, your son admits to steali-" and then gets turned to stone for like five seconds.
popsicles by @chironshorseass
AU were everything’s the same except Percy was never born out of Sally Jackson’s womb. And now the camp never lets him forget it. Where do babies come from, anyway?
(part one of those cruel summers series which is just lovely percabeth stuff. go read all of it. now)
It is winter when Zoë Nightshade first comes to her. She is a young girl, -by looks at least- yet an old soul, dark eyes shining with wisdom, and Artemis immediately feels a sort of kinship towards her. She looks, lost, and dangerous, and yet despite that she is the most beautiful thing that Artemis has ever seen. And she loves her, she loves her, even if she doesn't know why yet. (part one of winter and everything after which is some amazing zartemis stuff)
Sand Dollar Child by @withay
There's far too much divinity in Percy Jackson. It oozes from him, to the point where he's sometimes mistaken for Poseidon. Percy doesn't know this yet. All he knows is that this nereid is asking to borrow five drachmas.
The End of Days
Percy tries to adjust back to normal life. It turns out, sometimes the calm is louder than the storm.
road trippin' by @chironshorseass
California, here we come. grover, annabeth, and percy and their roadtrip to california
Three and a Half Stars
Food is terrible, decor tasteless, weekend shifts seem to correspond with the onset of natural disasters??? Serving staff is pretty great, though, overall 3.5/5 would probably go again p.s. is tipping sand dollars standard now or is the creepy, semi-regular customer just crazy? percy's a waiter. he meets some gods
Home Is Where You Hang Your Hammer
A collection of moments from Frederick Chase's point of view following the day his daughter Annabeth runs away from home.
i'm lucky i'm in love with my best friend
The one where Percy and Annabeth were best friends who fell in love, and everything is absolutely perfect as they make their way through the most important moments of their adult life. That is, until it's not. Percabeth one-shot, AU
Percy Jackson, son of Sally Jackson by @izzymrdb
But we needed the help of a clear-sighted mortal to lead us through the Labyrinth and there’s nobody else we knew of that would agree to. Other than my mom - Sally Jackson.
Of Storms and Bloodlines
When people thought of Poseidon they thought of the sea; Poseidon, Lord of the Seas, Commander of the Waves, the Stormbringer. Upon consideration they would add Earthshaker, for catastrophic events such as earthquakes were hard to forget. Few remembered, however, that Poseidon was also Lord of the Horses. Stormbringer and Earthshaker tended to squeeze that one out. Percy had been able to talk to horses for as long as he could remember. He liked to think he understood them. Although he's not entirely sure why the new stallion thinks he's its foal. Poseidon is not jealous that Percy thinks a horse makes a better father figure than himself. At all.
the sun stands
Everything has a price and invulnerability is expensive. (percy, percabeth and chronic pain)
Trading Tomorrow by @loosingmoreletters (and Darkmagyk but I couldn't find the blog)
Percy Jackson arrives at Camp Half-Blood bruised and bleeding, with the knowledge that he's the son of a god and his mother is dead. His little display with the Minotaur has caught the attention of the camp. But he’s not sure it is good attention, yet. Only the Hermes Cabin's not-quite Co-counselor Theseus, ‘call me Theo,’ doesn't treat him like a fascinating zoo exhibit. Which would be a relief, except he looks exactly like Percy: same green eyes, same trouble making smile, same black hair. The only differences are the fact that Theo is six years older, covered in battle scars, and the black tattoo on his arm. A trident and the letters SPQR. Theo is eighteen, powerful, and unclaimed. And his resemblance to Percy could set a dangerous precedent.
Hold the hand of the god-child
Percy Jackson needs to die. Zeus knows that, and as his plan to kill him on Olympus is voted against, he finds another solution: there is a god after all, whose presence around his son Poseidon doesn’t suspect. Dionysus is ordered to kill Percy. He hides him instead, and everything changes.
The Marble King
Constantinople, 1453 After the fall of an empire, Perseus, son of Poseidon, and Annabeth Fredriksdotter, daughter of Athena, must put aside old rivalries if they are to survive in this strange new world. Medieval/Renaissance AU.
Percy was 12 when she was told she was a demigod. It happened on her last day of 6th grade after a very boring and very ordinary year, so maybe that’s why she sees her divine family members as the true monsters of the world.
Oh Yeah, No, I Totally Forgot
Amphitrite really had only gone to that particular beach to see if there was something special about it. To see if the surf was softer, the wildlife nicer, if the nymphs were maybe prettier. She needed to see if there was a reason Poseidon went there so often. But the stretch of sand she’d come to was truly pitiful, it wasn’t anything special or different, it was in fact boringly empty. Or it was meant to be empty. A small child stared up at her with big green eyes, a mop of dark curly hair, and an armful of various colorful buckets and a tiny shovel. Oh.
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crimson0lake · 7 months
BSD characters as parents
Summary: losing their child in a mall
Warnings: mention of kidnapping, going missing in a mall (is it considered as a warning or not? Idk so I'm going to put it here still)
A.n: requests are now open! Also don't forget to follow up if you are interested in the fanfics I'm making!
Characters: Ranpo, Kunikida, Dazai, Fukuzawa, Kouyou
Masterlist and Rules
Kunikida Doppo
It's a mystery how his child manages to go missing while he was there tbh
Mostly calm, calls the security and informs them about the situation.
He is a teacher so he most likely dealt with children getting lost random places during school trips before so not freaking out too much
Probably start to get nervous after an hour later
When his child is found and taken back to him, he scolds his child and thanks the security
His scolds aren't too scary but they are visibly spoken with care and worry.
Would be proud of if his child also acts calm like him like father like child-
Ranpo Edogawa
There's two options, one he knew his child left him to look for something/chase something and kinda let them go to see their reactions; or he joined his child while chasing something
He always has an eye on his child even when he is extremely busy due to some inner fear of losing his child but makes sure to hide it successfully
Knows where his child directly is, so he doesn't have any worries
Would start to get worried after half an hour of his child's absence and would simply get bored and find his child
This doesn't happen often cause probably his child is the one who follows their father everywhere, especially in the subway.
Dazai Osamu
Like Ranpo actually, knows where his child is so doesn't panic but still put a dramatic act when his child finds their way back to him
Doesn't let his chief get lost, mostly watches them afar to see his child's reaction and waits for them to find him.
He randomly disappears to see his child's reaction, so his child mostly get used to it by now
He would go to their side if they start to cry or someone he don't trust is watching/near/ in the same place as them
He is chill about it, even though he sometimes gets worried deep inside when his child disappears in the crowd but manages to spot them soon
Ozaki Kouyou
Looks around for her child, sends her men to find her child in a instant
She is scared to lose another person she loved actually, so she would freak out inside
When her child d back in her arms, she would pull them into a tight hug as taking deep breaths to calm herself
Afterwards, she scolds her child before teaching them to not let go of her hand in public.
She was low-key scared and panicked, and won't leave her child's side for next 2-3 weeks
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Another how
Probably didn't even realise it till 5 minutes later
Thought his child was kidnapped for a second before pushing that scenario back of his head and calling the security to find his child.
Still, the thought would be in his mind alongside with like 50+ scenarios.
He lets out a relief sigh when his child is found and taken back to him
Hug his child close and tight for a while to calm himself while murmuring small scolds to his child like "don't do this again" "didn't I tell you to don't let go of my hand?" "You scared me there, kid"
Thank the security before leaving, he lost interest in what he was going to do in the mall by now
Many scolds afterwards, man felt himself having a heart attack when his child was lost so not again.
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britishassistant · 11 months
The Villainous Paranoiac is Suing for Character Defamation
Vil’s agent is a competent woman.
There’s no way she would have kept her position if she wasn’t. A minor he may’ve been, but even when he was starting out, Vil Schoenheit knew better than to allow someone slothful or greedy to manage his talent and performances.
His father helped him weed out those burdened by these vices, even trusting his son’s judgement on those who tried to play on the long relationships his father had built with them, until Vil’s current agent was the last one left standing.
She was a protege of Vil’s father’s manager, one who already had experience managing older talent, but also a rather scrupulous set of morals concerning children.
Vil has always suspected this may have something to do with all the younger siblings and cousins she sometimes mentions. He’s not going to risk their professional relationship to confirm it though.
She calls him every morning to give him the rundown on his projects for the day, as well as any news that could be pertinent to him.
This morning, like many other mornings before it, she says, “You’re being scouted for several roles by a number of notable studios. Warui Bros. and Reynard Studios are still keeping the roles of the rival open—“
“Pass.” Vil states as he finishes daubing on his primer. “As I’ve said the last two times.”
“Well,” There’s the sound of nails tap-tap-tapping away on her tablet. “Akareiju Studios has a role they’ve requested you specifically for a new movie—!“
“With everything I’ve got on my plate?” He says dismissively. “Hardly. Send my—“
“You’d be the male lead.” She says.
Vil pauses for a moment, sponge hovering over his skin.
“It’s a movie adaptation of a light novel that’s been popular online lately,” She rattles off with her usual efficiency. “Lost Princess: Entangled with my Graceful Family. The premise is simple—Karatsumori Megami, a middle schooler mourning the death of her mother, discovers she is actually the kidnapped youngest daughter of a powerful family, and is whisked away to a life of luxury. Along the way she must adapt to the pressures of her new lifestyle, open up the hearts of her long lost siblings, befriend others at her new elite school, and thwart the bullying of her twisted, cruel stepsister, proving that she is worthy of her place in the family. The author of the novel has agreed to personally work on the screenplay alongside the producers.”
Vil is careful not to pull a face as he sweeps the foundation brush over his cheeks. Trite, as plots went, but that was what audiences enjoyed. Something uncomplicated for them to leave feeling satisfied as though the accomplishments of the fictional characters were their own.
“The role of the male lead in this film is filled by the female lead’s eldest brother.” She continues. “Gracey Enji, heir to the Gracey Corporation. Described as a princely, serious high schooler, burdened with the expectations of inheriting his father’s role as CEO and pushing aside his feelings to better protect the interests of his younger siblings from afar. He’s the one with the most faith in the female lead and does his best to help her out overtly and covertly, but doesn’t actually let his guard down until she recognizes his efforts and vows to support him.”
Vil tilts his head to the side, considering his own face.
Not this look, certainly, it’s too glamorous, too Vil Schoenheit.
But some more subdued makeup colors, while still tinted to enhance his natural features, a severe, almost-too-finely-tailored cut to his clothes, maybe a pair of glasses to emphasize the image of a hard-working professional…
Yes, he could see himself donning the mantle of “Gracey Enji” well.
But there’s still one quibble that needs to be dealt with before he can get too invested.
“Who else will be part of the cast?” His attempts to make the question sound light and careless fall slightly flat. “Anyone I know?”
She hems and haws, the clicking of her fingers flying over her tablet screen audible through the phone.
“Neige LeBlanche has been approached,” His agent says. “For a brief cameo during the funeral scene as the heroine’s childhood friend.”
A slow smirk spreads over Vil’s face.
“Send me the script. I’ll have a read-through.”
Idia’s been over the hype about LoPri since before it even got off the ground.
He heard about it through one of the threads he frequents on Dreddit, a recommendation from a well-known user whose opinion he’s kind wishy-washy on.
He tried it, found the writing bland, the characterization muddy yet restrictive, and really couldn’t vibe with the undertones of “nuclear family by blood is the best and only real family, any kids born outside of a conventional marriage are inherently thieving irredeemable scumbags”.
What kind of message is that in this day and age?? Even the gods had more liberated family relations than that. Idia will be the first to burn the world down for Ortho, but this depiction of siblings kind of pisses him off, a tiny bit.
Unfortunately, even though he’s written it off as barely-above-garbage-tier, all the normies online have jumped on the hype train to sing its praises.
He’d usually just avoid the fandom, block and move on, but it’s like a fungus. It keeps popping up, even in places that should be safe! Places that should be sacred!
MrLeotaGracey: how can you not read LoPri
MrLeotaGracey: were you born in a barn???
cLoThO115: ???
MrLeotaGracey: smh
MrLeotaGracey: leota-chan and megami-chan are the most beautiful in existence
littollethegurl: no one was talking about lopri tho??
MrLeotaGracey: literally actual goddesses
MrLeotaGracey: if premo has any brains theyll do a tribute for LoPri
MrLeotaGracey: its just common sense for a dying idol group like this lol
PreMo5Evrr: dude wtf
Places like the message board for Precipice Moirai!!
Idia sighs despondently.
What is the world coming to, that stans like this can come into a nice chat like this and begin trash talking like they own the place? True, this guy is more virulent than the average fan, but the fact that he can’t read the atmosphere is just depressing.
And some users are getting triggered, which will lead to them getting banned unless someone does something.
Gloomurai: lol imagine god defending a ln thats the embodiment of mid
Gloomurai: imo cant relate
MrLeotaGracey: kys
MrLeotaGracey: fucking virgin whore
MrLeotaGracey: cringe loser cunts who cant understand how amazing LoPri is dont deserve rights
And any second now…
*MrLeotaGracey was banned by Mod Rougelike105*
“Another thread saved. Thank you for your services, Mod-sshi.” Sure they won’t be able to see the little salute he’s giving them, but he’s in his room! There’s no one to judge him here.
Idia stretches with a sigh. It’s not much, but whacking LoPri trolls is honest work.
Ah, Muscle Red’s signed on!
Idia eagerly turns his mind to much more welcome matters, like smashing mobs, defeating bosses, and collecting loot with his best friend online.
Bella DeNiâmerée is a tolerable enough writer, though her penchant for constant similes leaves something to be desired.
Vil’s just glad the other screenwriters have toned down the worst of her literary foibles.
The rest of the cast and crew are pleasant, professional, and enjoyable to work with. There are a few roles that haven’t been filled yet—the kind elder sister, one or two of the heroine’s quirky friends, the villainess—but overall read-throughs have been productive and helped him gain a better understanding of the role he is to play.
And he is the male lead. Someone who will stand in the spotlight all the way to the end, a proud protector of this happy little family.
Great Seven, what an intoxicating feeling it is.
He’s read source material a few times by now, to understand the odd, tech-punk world that the story is based in.
It seems like it’s almost a carbon copy of Twisted Wonderland, but without the magic. Some of the terminology, like “Instagram”, “Siri”, or “motorcycle” is a little confusing, but overall it’s easy to understand his character’s motivations.
Maybe it’s because of however many times he’s been made to take up the role himself, but Vil seems incapable of not feeling…something for the villainess.
And yes, more often than not that something is exasperation or disappointment, but the point still stands.
A bastard child singled out from the others for her resemblance to her mother, the kidnapper who’d been raising the heroine as her own. Constantly striving to be recognized, to outdo the legitimate children through any means, returning their ire with blunt, cutting barbs.
And with the arrival of the heroine, the villainess seeks to oust the one aiming to usurp her place with a tenacity that is almost reminiscent of the Beautiful Queen’s own.
And yet she resorts to such ugly means to accomplish her end—bullying, cheating, even arranging for the heroine to be kidnapped! Of course, all this results in is her getting exposed at the heroine’s middle school graduation, rejecting her forgiveness and stomping off to disownment in defeat.
Vil despairs of her choices, even as he privately sympathizes with her motives.
Really, if Gracey “Yuu” Fuyuhime has just focused on proving her suitability over her uncultured sister rather than trying to drag her down out of fear, she would still be an uncontested member of the family. The levels she let herself sink to, those were her downfall.
Vil himself certainly would never fall to those depths.
Still, the new school year will start soon. Vil’s third year at Night Raven College, his last year as dorm head.
He’s going to do his upmost to ensure it’s one that everybody will remember and recognize him for.
There’s some commotion going on at the entrance ceremony.
Idia watches the feed from his tablet with some vague interest. One of the firsties has been outed by the mirror as having no magic in their soul, and now the familiar they brought along has set Kalim-sshi on fire.
Boy, is he glad he’s not there in person. Fs in chat for Kalim-sshi.
Still, he thinks as his fingers fly over his keyboard, his tablet taking a picture of the trouble-making first year and setting up an image search. It’d be troublesome if some magicless scrub tried to wrangle a monster to sneak in to orientation, hoping they could coast by to get in to NRC.
Still, a background check and confirmation of their status emailed to the headmaster should clean the situation up.
Though, isn’t it too much that he has to do all this for the headmaster? He really needs some kind of compensation. Perhaps an exemption from all of Vargus’ classes? Extra budget for Ignihyde? Maybe even some new specs for Ortho—!
A jingle erupts from Idia’s speakers. A match!
He chuckles to himself as he taps on the link his search has brought up. Honestly, if someone was going to break in to NRC, they should know better than to leave traces of themself all over the net, like some cheesy villain—
The image that has popped up is an illustration from a light novel. The closeup of a face filled with resentment and distrust, the kind of expression to send shivers down anyone’s spine. Overgrown bangs casting the eyes in shadow for that extra bit of menace.
The header at the top of the screen proclaims this image to be page 39 of Lost Princess. The introduction of the villainess.
The first year with the out of control familiar is shouting at Crowley.
“—and, as I’ve been trying to tell you, I do not want to be here. I don’t know who you are. I don’t know where I am. And honestly?! I’ve half a mind to press charges against you and your sham of an institution for abduction of a minor!!”
Crowley squawks some insulted response as Vil rolls his eyes. Honestly, who did this magicless potato think they were?
Even if they did have a vaguely familiar face, it’s disappointing to see they’re ignorant of the best school in Twisted Wonderland. Though, maybe this dearth of knowledge is why they thought bringing a familiar they couldn’t control to Night Raven College was a good idea.
“Pomefiore, this way.” He calls. “Rook, if you could take the lead?”
He needs to keep an eye on that poison apple who’s now going to be under his care. Make sure he doesn’t do anything foolish, like try to escape.
As he glances behind him, he can see the headmaster and the magicless potato asking something else of the Dark Mirror. The potato is growing more and more agitated.
Oh well. It’s hardly his concern. He turns to follow—
“Kyoto? Tokyo?! Japan?! Do those mean nothing to you?!”
Vil feels himself stop despite his every intention.
He stares at the teenager who’s thrown their hood back, desperation in every inch of their frame.
The teenager who is the spitting image of the villainess in the light novel he’s the lead in the movie of.
Who has just name dropped the fantasy land said light novel takes place in.
What the fuck.
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bu-blegh-ost · 10 months
EP. 113 spoilers
Sooo, we got a wild one, huh?
Price himself exists in a completely new context that we need to take into consideration.
Was him running a gang a product of his own vile personality, or a result of him and his mother's descent to poverty after Rose's disappeance? Did Rose support them financially from afar or were they self sufficient? If they were, was his mother's pregnancy the reason she wasn't able to work to support herself and her children? Did Price ever blame his elusive absent father figure for the cards he was dealt in life? Did he even know who Rose truly is? Was Reuben's decision to take Chip under his wing an act of kindness, an offer made to a boy just as lost and alone in this world as him, a carefully crafted revenge plan or... something else..?
And now there's a chance that we'll never know. Reuben is stuck, paralyzed for gods know how long, kept gods know where by those still loyal to him who would never let Chip get close again, and on top of that in a heavily guarded capital of Mana in which they are violently wanted. There is no going back for him and Chip, their relationship. Chip may not remeber all of it, but there is too much trauma, pain and betrayal between them to make room for conversation or understanding.
And if so, how is Chip to fullfill Rose's last request? How is he to bring his last words to his captain's family when the only member he knows, he can never reach out to again. Would Chip make different choices when dealing with Price if he knew? Should he have? Should his past matter in how he views him in the present, and are his circumstances a valid excuse for the person he chose to become?
Many questions on Chip's mind right now, many of which I'm sure he's been contemplating during that sleepless night.
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volterran-wine · 8 months
Hey there. Had been thinking about a little scenario and I'd like your opinion on that. What if Caius meets a little vampire who had met and been attacked by werewolves as brutally as he was? Like the scars and bite wounds all. visible and stuff but this vampire is just super chill about it? Makes fun of it, calls this their funniest memory, likes to show off the scars and is just generally extremely relaxed with the subject? Just someone who dealt with it all far better than he himself did?
Would he be surprised? Would Caius hate them for dealing with it so much better than he did? Would he not understand it?
Thanks in advance.
• — 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬 & 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
Alright, so this is a bit of a tricky question for me to answer; for I do not think anyone could walk away from a Child of The Moon interaction and joke about it.
To me, true werewolves seem to be absolute nightmare fuel when you read through canon.
One has to remember; being attacked by a Child of The Moon is quite a serious matter. It is probably more traumatizing than being attacked by a vampire, even a feral newborn. For us humans, I can only imagine it would be as terrifying as being attacked by a rabid animal that is hellbent on tearing you apart.
While Caius would never show it, he would probably be unnerved and concerned. Because in his mind there is no way that this vampire managed to walk away from that sort of situation with a blasé demeanor.
If the vampire made too many jokes about it he may be somewhat offended, after all, he has lost some of his best men and women to Children of The Moon.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Have a funny lil request,may I request Detroit become human Connor,Markus,hank and Simon meeting a Feral lil gremlin human child? who acts like a..a frickin animal with rabies? Maybe like somehow Markus and Simon befriended the child and now it acts as like a guard dog..well a guard human.Connor and hank get ambushed by a child biting there ankles :))
Aw yes the return of crack hcs!
Honestly he never knew human children could act as “feral” as you do.
You’re just running around without any parents or guardians, latching onto people (doesn’t matter if they’re humans or androids) and biting their ankles???
He doesn’t know how to adjust to your behavior, but as an adaptor to many situations he’ll be damned if he didn’t try.
Would be like “hey, let’s not do that bc you might get hurt :(” while holding you up by the armpits (after you yet again try biting his ankle).
You just huff at him and stare till he lets you go, sighing as you run off to cause mischief elsewhere.
Though he’s unable to hide an amused smirk when you go near Gavin and/or Sixty, seeing them freak out and yell “SOMEONE COME GET YOUR BRAT-”
‘What’s with this small sassy child?’ Is his immediate thought process when he sees you upon arriving to Jericho. It alarmed him considering you’re the only human there.
Turns out you only recently started living there and the deviants are just...used to your behavior.
Fortunately you have an understanding of the situation and don’t actually cause much trouble, only biting the ankles of humans who get nosy about the freighter--or just harass androids in general.
Markus is just worried about you being in danger bc you’re a kid, though some of the caretaker androids make sure you don’t go too far.
“For fuck’s sake who let this kid in the DPD????”
Great, first he’s got a plastic asshole following him like a lost puppy..and now you????
He’s clueless and isn’t sure what to do with you.
But luckily you don’t mess with anything on his desk or tamper with any evidence. So you have some self-control.
The fatherly side of him eventually comes out when Gavin gets angry with you, telling him to leave while keeping you behind him.
You hold back from biting his ankle--which is prob a way of expressing your thanks.
He decides to take you to Chicken Feed after that.
You were surprisingly sweet and gentle with Sumo, giving him pets and spending all of your time with the St. Bernard.
During his life prior to deviancy, he’s dealt with some rambunctious kids.
So seeing you, a human child with no qualms nor boundaries, running around Jericho does make some of those memories come back.
Of those kids running in the yard and playing in the mud even on Detroit’s rainiest days...
Although they leave him a bit sad, he shakes them off in favor of making sure you didn’t get hurt.
His old protocols take over. Yet this time it just feels more natural (or as natural as an android like himself could be). 
He tries discouraging you from biting anybody’s ankles. Though he can’t always stop you if you see a person harassing androids or Daniel.
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
Miles' love
There's days when Miles is overwhelmed with the world, where his anxiety goes haywire and got him going through panic attacks. Sometimes he just needs someone to be comfortable with or be by himself. Mostly he either talks to his Hobie about personal issues, sometimes talk to his parents like stuff about school and relationship advices.
Now, many seem that Miles' is the princess type always being taken care of, always spoiled with love and being cherished like a rare gem. That may be true especially, with his punker boyfriend. Hobie had always shower his Sunflower with gifts, love, anything and everything to make sure he is happy.
But, this isn't about Miles being taken care- No, this is about Miles' being a supportive and loving partner.
Now, many would assume Hobie Brown is a punker without no issues or problems, except if he's being Spider-Punk. All Spider-Heroes have dealt with trauma and lost of their loved ones, and being a Hero- err, he doesn't believe in heroism, anyway, the struggle of protecting the innocent is already relatable with Spider-people.
However, not many knows he too have his own depression, which Miles have been very aware. it started when Hobie mentions his neglectful mother and absent father, how much he hated them for leaving such a dysfunctional family. The worst part being poor with so many siblings and trying to survive dealing with an alcoholic mother. One of the major cause of his depression when he sometimes looks over a happy family, seeing both parents loving their child can hit a nerve.
He always wanted to be loved, to be hold and often to question if he desire it. Sometimes he believe he's trash and desire to be tossed aside, because of his abusive mum's words cut him like a knife. Many think words don't bother him, it's because he had the biggest BULLY of all, his mother! Foul words have been thrown at him in such an early age that he could remember his mom sneered at how much he look a lot like his father or how ugly he is. The distasteful foul slurs she uses in spiteful hate on her children shows how bitter she became when her husband left them- her!
So yeah, he never found loving parents, and his siblings can only do so much. He always wanted to have a family that would love him. In honesty, he does get jealous at his friends' connection with their families. Of course, he loves and cherish the family he build! That's the whole point, a person create their own community, their own family with trust and love. Yet...
Ha, it's always that yet, funny?
The punker yearn to be loved, to be worth it. There's times he believe he give so much and in the end he believe he isn't worth of love. Isn't worth of being with his Sunflowers. Too flawed. Too messed up to be with his darling Miles. No, he sees how much Miles can do so much better than him- WAY BETTER!
Ganke would be perfect him.
Is always his final thoughts or many a bloke with money and kindness would be better for his Miles. These dark thoughts got him restless, spend days not sleeping well. Smoking, drinking and doing a bit of drugs would help numb the pain, and he would carefully to use a little.
Don't want to tweet out being a crackhead on the slums of New York in his world. He refuses that lifestyle, he almost went there and it was hell crawling back out especially without support.
The Punker sat on the edge of his boathouse having a smoke; a little cigarette. Days like this makes him crave for a cigarette. Just when the twenty year old tries to quit, it always comes back to him.
Miles is gonna hate me for this. Nah, he'll for sure leave. i don't deserve him. I don't deserve to be love...
He looks at the river seeing how calm it is.
Everyone is only friends with me because I don't give a shit. No one ask for my opinion or how I'me doing... I'm a shit person.
He sighs feeling his depression hitting hard.
Maybe I should call Miles- No, he doesn't want to see me like this.
He always prefer Hobie when he's cooler. The Punker believed his Sunflower wants him to be the rock, the wall that protects the two.
It's better if I just deal with this on my own.
He had trouble calling out for help, too. It's difficult for him to talk about his personal troubles rather making everything into riddles or jokes. It's a way to shield him off from the world and from his Sunflower. He knows he shouldn't, before he was about to go to his bedroom.
An orange portal opens up right in the middle of the boathouse, Miles jumps out looking at his partner. This time the nineteen year old took off his Spider-man mask to show a frown, to go over to hug him.
Hobie looked surprised for the moment, "Luv, what are you doing here?" He quickly tap his cigarette bud out.
His boyfriend hugs him tighter, "I had a feeling you weren't feeling well."
"You're not the only that gone through this kind of stuff." Miles softly spoke, "I noticed yesterday you were quiet and distant like I was a virus. My Spider Senses been going off too. Hobie, what's wrong? You can talk to me." He kisses his Hobie's cheek, "Mi amor, please. I know, your going through with something."
"I..." The Punker frowns giving a sad puppy pout with his inky eyes looking teary then he sighs being silent.
Great, now he'll get mad and leave me. All because I don't want to bloody talk! Hobart, you are one fucking wanker!
Instead of Miles being upset with the answer, he completely understood. See, he had a feeling his boyfriend might be sensitive to talk about certain stuff, so he went to Dr. Sims for advice. Rather than demanding or expecting an answer so quick, it was best to be there to listen. Dr. Sims recommended to be patient. So Miles will, gladly being the partner his Moonflower needs.
Miles cup his punker's face pulling him into a gentle kiss on the lips. "Whatever you're going through, I'm here with you." He pulls him into another tight hug, "We don't have to talk, we can be quiet, snuggling together. You know, you have me to cry on. Take all the time you need, Hobie. I love you and I'm not leaving your side." Another kiss on the punker's cheek.
Hobie felt tears coming down his cheek as he sniffs. Miles wiped them away, and gave another kiss on his boyfriend's face. "Thanks, luv... I don't fucking deserve you." Hobie finally hugs his Sunflower tightly as he weeps to him. "Sorry...Sorry, luv. I just feel like shit today!"
Miles hugs him tighter, with his face being buries into Hobie's shoulder as he spoke, "Bae- mi alma, mi carińo! I love you, and everything about you that includes your flaws. We deserve each other! You're so worth it! I'm happy being with you." He took his boyfriends' face, again to say to his face, "Hobie Laurence Brown, I fucking love you! Your mine and I will never let you go!"
"Fuck, luv. You always have a way for words." Hobie gave a small smile through his cries, he sniffs before kissing his Sunflower. "You're my everything, luv. I just often think-" Miles cut his off, "Don't ever think like that! I will always be with you! You and me are soulmates, remember! You and I made a promise we riding this train till we die."
"Heh, you're right, luv. I just-" He buries his face into his Miles' chest to breaths in his scent. "I'm sorry..."
"Shh, it's okay. Come, I'll take you to your room! Did you eat anything? Had some water?" Miles picks his boyfriend up which caught the punker off guard. It's kinda funny seeing Miles being shorter than him picking him up like a girlfriend, especially when it's a hug carry style. Then again, Spider-man powers!
"Sweeping off me feet, Sunflower? To make me feel better..." Hobie jokes.
"We both know I wear the pants of this relationship!" Miles giggles as he happily carries his boo to his bedroom, so the two can cuddle and spend some quality time. This is the perfect time for Miles to show all his love, self care to his man, and cook for him! This is the perfect cure to making his Hobie feeling better. Everyone needs some self-care from time to time.
It wasn't long till Hobie his cuddling with his Sunflower on their bed having giggles and laughter in the room as they play with the electric guitar. Miles' love is always special to him, and he knows no one will never replace that!
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So Lil’ Lucky is a kid, we know this. What do kids do when they’re upset? They run away. So how do the Strawhats react when they realize that Lucky ran off somewhere and they can’t find her?
And I don’t want to ask too much, but I also wondered how the Whitebeard pirates would react to it. Like in that story where they take Lucky and say they won’t give her back to the Strawhats, what if she didn’t want to stay with them, wanted to go back to the Merry/Sunny, and she managed to sneak away when they docked at an island? I imagine that Marco, Ace, and Thatch are freaking out the most, though Marco is able to not visibly break down completely, and Whitebeard is also worried to his core but he’s able to keep his composure.
I don’t know what Lucky would be doing if she ran away from the Strawhats, but with the Whitebeard pirates I think she’d be sneaking around trying to find out where she is and how to find her way to somewhere safe, probably Water 7, as that was the last nice place where the people liked her crew. Sabaody ended badly and Thriller Bark is too scary for her… and now that I think about it I can only imagine how worried everyone at Water 7 would be if she managed to call Iceburg or Paulie to ask for help.
Lil' Lucky isn't all that prone to running away from the Straw Hats because she does genuinely love them and doesn't see anything wrong with what they're doing. At most she might hide somewhere on the ship as a little game/prank, which will have everyone ripping the ship apart trying to locate her. Namely Sanji and Nami, who are the fastest to panic about not being able to find her.
If she did ever run away (would become more likely as she gets older and more independent), she doesn't make it far. The Straw Hats are extremely difficult to give the slip to, she would be fortunate to even make it off the ship. She'll get scolded for the attempt and "grounded", but that really just equates to extra bonding time with everyone. Luffy really tries to meet her half way because he understands that she's craving freedom and independence, he just needs her to understand that this world is a dangerous place and that she needs to have at least one of them with her, even if they're at a distance.
If you thought escaping the Straw Hats was difficult, it's even harder to pull off on the Moby Dick. There more eyes from people with even more experience with children, so getting away from them is virtually impossible. On top of that, Lil' Lucky is always being followed around by Kotatsu, who would simply grab her by the back of her shirt like he's carrying a kitten by the scruff and drag her away from the escape attempt.
The Whitebeard Pirates handle a run away efficiently. Whitebeard himself really doesn't panic or worry too much. Look at how many kids he has, he has dealt with an angsty run away at least a few times in his life. He just calmly tells everyone to check places that have transponder snails because Lil' Lucky is more than likely trying to contact the Straw Hats. Marco is also pretty chill about it, he's flying over the town, using the aerial view to scope her out faster. Ace is the one freaking the fuck out about it. He suggested for her to stay with them because he was worried about her safety, and now he's lost her! He's a horrible uncle!
Similar to the Straw Hats, she gets scolded for doing something dangerous. Getting scolded by Whitebeard would be a humbling experience for even a grown adult, Lucky won't be trying to pull that stunt again after this. That, and Ace is now holding onto her like an emotional support plushie every time they dock at an island.
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angelique-fireheart · 1 month
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In Touch Bible Study Notes "Overcoming Inadequacy" 08/12/2024
"At one time or another, we've all dealt with feelings of inadequacy. Maybe it's because we lost our temper with our spouse, missed an important work deadline, or were too afraid to say yes to an opportunity at church. How did you feel afterwards? Maybe you were frustrated with yourself or felt as if you didn't measure up. In today's passage, Paul asks a question that points to this common insecurity. "Who is adequate for these things?" (v. 16)
Here's the good news: We are inadequate--but God isn't. And when we trust Him as our Lord and Savior, we become His children and He gives us His righteousness (John 1:12; 2 Corinthians 5:21) He empowers us and has promised to lead us "in triumph in Christ" (2:14). But unless we believe Him and step out in faith, we'll never experience the life He has planned for us.
Feeling inadequate isn't a sin, but using inadequacy as an excuse is. When God calls us to do something that feels beyond our abilities, we have two choices: We can focus on Christ and proceed in triumph or focus on ourselves and withdraw in defeat. It's really a matter of faith. God will always empower us to do what He asks us to accomplish. This doesn't mean we'll do everything perfectly, but each step of obedience is a victory that He will bless. (Psalm 128:1-2)."
My thoughts on this study are as follows:
It's okay to feel like we aren't enough. We are only human, and as such, we have emotions. But not allowing ourself to be the best we can be because we use that as the above study shows, "as an excuse," that is wrong. God has given us the power to do everything He set in our heart. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. We are inadequate, but we serve THE God of the Universe. He created everything, and us too. He gave us His Son, His only Son, Jesus, so that we may be able to be saved from our sin. Hell is a very real place, and unless we accept Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, and believe that He lived, died, and rose from the Grave so that He goes on living even today, for our Salvation, then we are just another one among the lost. We also have a given responsibility, and that is to share the Gospel with as many as we can, so they can experience the joy we do, and so they can know Jesus as well. God thought we were enough. He made us and decided to keep us. He loves us so much more than we can ever understand. So we should never think we aren't enough. We are.
Verses read:
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: to the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.
2 Corinthians 2:14-17 KJV
But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father.) full of grace and truth.
John 1:12-14 KJV
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, by ye reconciled to God. For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
2nd Corinthians 5:20-21 KJV
Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; That walketh in His ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: Happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.
Psalm 128:1-2 KJV
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There She Is
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I wrote this little one shot for my a03 and ff.net but I'll post it here for those who want to enjoy it! 💚
Through a crowded hall on return to Hogwarts castle, Draco Malfoy caught the scent of the most bedazzling, luscious smell of lavender and honey as it flowed through the air. It was unlike any smell he’d ever sensed. His heart started to race at the mere touch of it as his nostrils.
The dining hall held the entire castle. It was filled with such sparking energy. Another summer holiday done, the start of a new term at their feet.
Voices of the hundreds of students and their teachers all melded into one. A single tone lost on the wave of many.
            “What is that?” Draco said. He searched around the room for something that was different, yet nothing was. It was all the same Great Hall that they had the years before.
Blaise stopped his conversation with Goyle. “What’s that now, Draco?”
            “That smell. Don’t you smell it?”
            “No,” he said curtly. “All I can smell is Theo’s breath, Goyle’s sweaty pits under those robes, and that Merlin awful smell of rain that is everywhere.” His nose wrinkled as he sniffed it again.
Draco looked to his other friends. They all shook their heads.
No one smelled what he did. The sweetness of lavender on the subtle wings of honey, sun ripened and vibrant with color. It was a summer’s day, mid-summer, with a gushing breeze. That’s what it was.
The Slytherin fifth year boys moved together through the room. It was stupid mental near the doors. The further in, the less crowded it was.
It made a difference, one summer. Draco stood overtop of most every year below him, and some above him, too. He’d grown into his limbs. They matched his overall length, rather than too long and spider-like. His body thickened. The edge of his jaw became pointed. A drop in his tone came occasionally split with a high-pitched screech when he spoke excitedly.
The puberty stick had hit Theo Nott, as well. They were the two tallest boys in their year. Nott was still a gangly creature with a pair of hunched shoulders. His fingers were too long, nails chewed to the cuticle. Red splotches of blemishes filled the entirety of his cheeks like a jinx.
Draco was grateful that he only dealt with a couple near his nose. Easily concealed with a charm his mother taught him.
A rambunctious group of second years started howling. Their hands turned to werewolf claws as they raked at the air.
Blaise rolled his eyes. “We weren’t ever like that, were we? Salazar, I hope not. I’ll have to Obliviate the memory from my own head if we were.”
The Slytherin wizards leaned against the table farthest from the entrance. It gave a wide view of the entire room and their choice not to be apart of the mindless socialization.
            “Hate to ruin your fun, but you were.” A long-legged brunette stood in their path. Her robes brushed the floor against silver kitten heels. She wore a cropped bob just at her chin. The curves she’d grown the previous summer were more defined. A waist taken in from the gentle rounding of hips. “A lot worse, too. You thought ogres were cool.”
            “It wasn’t ogres. It was trolls,” Goyle countered.
            “Yeah. And trolls are cool. Have you seen their clubs? They make those themselves as children. Children!”
Pansy rolled her eyes. Her one hip popped out to the side.
            “Whatever.” She trolled passed Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise. Theo was glad to be ignored altogether. Witches made him choke up with nerves.
She took a spot near Draco. Her two palms gripped the edge of the table she leaned against. “Why are all the Slytherins such dorks?” She said with a sigh.
He smiled and said nothing. He was still in raptures of a smell he was certain that was all in his head.
            “How was dear old granny in France?” She asked.
            “About as good as visiting your sister was,” he replied flatly. “I couldn’t see one Quidditch match because of the endless events she planned during my visit.”
            “Like a lord, you went through them with a smile and never said a thing to the opposite.”
They fell into silence as the crowd dispersed to smaller, intimate groupings. The excitement of being reunited under one roof was short lived. Soon, their feast would start and all would crash down around them when the deadline and assignments started the next day.
Fifth year was the turn in their academic career. More assignments, more exams, lots of studying.
A few other fifth years appeared through the crowd. They were other players of Quidditch. One was Harry Potter, another seeker like himself. He was the best in the league. Not that Draco enjoyed admitting it. Draco was Slytherin seeker. It was an intense position to play. Every game rested in their ability to find a ball the size of a clementine all while flying and avoiding the other balls.
The other players were Weasley twins. Beaters for Gryffindor.
Pansy’s attention went to the two redheads in the homemade shirts. Her tongue ran along the inside of her upper lip.
            “Still smelling that smell, Draco?” Crabbe leaned forward from his forgotten space near them.
            “What smell?” Pansy perked at attention, pulled from whatever devious thoughts swirled in her mind when she caught sight of those twins.
He wished he didn’t notice her interest. It gave him chills to consider why she liked them so.
            “He said he smelled a smell,” Crabbe explained.
A blinding frustration raised to the witch’s eye. “Really, Crabbe? You riddle all that out by yourself, did you?”
            “Now all I smell is that ungodly stench of vanilla and cherry,” Blaise snipped. He knew very well who that scent belonged to. Pansy wore it every year. It was her favorite perfume. “Like unicorn vomit.”
Draco uncrossed his arms. The pair of them glared at each other from across his chest. It put a rather awkward tension at the back of his throat.
The scent was lesser now. It muddled in with the rest of the room. Yet somehow, he knew the source was in the room. Somewhere within.
He found himself searching for it. There were no words to explain it. A part of him knew that if he found the source of the scent, he’d know it.
            “Come on, Draco.” Pansy’s fingers tugged at his sleeve. “We’ve got better friends to talk to than these wankers.”
He heard Blaise repeat, “Wankers?” over his shoulder as they tread closer to the ranks of Hogwarts.
            “Salazar, how can you stand them?” She huffed.
Blaise Zabini managed to be under Pansy’s skin 24/7. It was curious. Upon sight, the two were at each other’s throat without provocation.
The two were instant enemies. First year. It was four years of their incessant bickering.
            “They’re not so bad,” Draco countered.
            “Nott is a freak with those legs of his. Crabbe’s head is filled with sawdust. Goyle can only talk about that weird game those boys all play. D&D or whatever. And Zabini. He’s a total wanker. Can’t keep his mouth shut for anything. I bet a Lockjaw jinx wouldn’t contain it.”
A subtle blonde brow lifted. He kept his eyes scanning through the crowd.
            “He’s only like that around you,” he explained.
Her dark colored eyes rolled away from his stare.
            “Lucky me,” she grumbled.
Draco and Pansy were friends from childhood. Neither had any siblings. Well, real siblings. Pansy had an older half-sister from her father’s first marriage. The witch was twelve years Pansy’s senior, and never bonded with the impetuous girl that Pansy was in her younger years. It left an empty void in Pansy’s life. A playmate, all her own.
The two saw each other most every week when their mothers – two high-class women without careers of their own – would have their tea parties with the other ladies of their society. Draco was more adopted by Pansy, than he took to her.
She dragged him along on her adventures, eventually making them an inseparable pair.
It was a relief when they were both sorted into Slytherin first year. The task of friend making was not an easy one. Draco struggled to express himself in a way that was absorbed positively by his peers. It was “the way he said it” that left other kids his age feeling taunted or mortified. Pansy diluted that.
Now, she steered him toward a group of Gryffindor boys that she had her eye on. Well, two. One for each eye, Draco guessed.
Something about twins fascinated Pansy, and the Weasley twins were an obsession. It started years before when they were young kids totally in love with their new school. She talked about those two nonstop. Over the years, she weaseled her way somewhat of a friendship with the pair of them.
It was confusing and beyond Draco’s interest. He merely stood at her side as a wingman when there needed some conversational support.
If he offered any such thing. Mainly, it was the awkward silent companion bit that he fulfilled.
As they stepped nearer, the scent gained in its strength. He felt the growing power of it.
            “There it is again,” he mumbled. His eyes looked frantically for explanation. Whatever was behind this scent was something. Something important. He felt it in his bones. “Where’s it coming from?”
            “What?” It pulled away from her daydreams.
            “You can’t smell that? It’s everywhere. It’s all over those Gryffindors.”
She shrugged. “What’s it smell like? Because those Weasley’s smell like an arse-load of cinnamon. I think they soak their jumpers in it or something. It’s delicious, isn’t it? I could make myself sick from smelling it.”
He scowled. That did not sound pleasant, or anything like the smell he held in his nostrils like a fox hound.
            “Like lavender and honey,” he said softly. “It’s so sweet and seductive. I can’t get it out of my mind. I smelled it at first when we got to Hogwarts, but it lessened when I stood back by the boys. But. It was still there. Just lighter. Now, it’s like we’re getting closer to whatever it is.”
Pansy thought a moment. Her mind worked in strange ways.
She tapped at her chin. “Is it a good smell?”
He swallowed thickly. “Yes. Very.”
            “We should follow it. See where it goes.”
            “Where it goes?” He touched her arm. “What do you mean, where it goes? It can’t go anywhere. It’s a smell.”
Her mouth opened in response, but words were stolen from her lips as a group of side smirked Gryffindors whistled in her direction.
            “Oi. Pansy.” That was George. The big G on his chest made that obvious. “Get over here. Settle a bet for us.”
Her shoulders clicked back in height as she strode forward, Draco’s sleeve still twisted in her grasp as a leash to follow, toward the Gryffindor Weasley bunch. There was Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, both their own year. Fred and George, the twins. Another red head Gryffindor with a homemade jumper with a bit more bounce of their step. She was the youngest, by far the best Quidditch player the house team had. Harry Potter was a fantastic seeker, one of the best, but it paled in the light of one Ginerva Weasley.
            “What’s that, boys?” Pansy smiled.
The Slytherin witch made a point to befriend many Quidditch players as to ease Draco’s friendships with others like him. She, however, preferred the company of those Gryffindors to any other team.
Her feet practically bounced off the floor as they met with the wave of red.
A final step into their confidence, and into the air around them, lavender hit Draco’s nostrils like a bludger. These Gryffindors were laced with it. Every ounce of them was blended into the scent.
Something like a dragon awoke to the closeness of the scent. It clawed and growled suddenly. Draco enraged at the fact they were not the source yet were covered in the scent of it.
His teeth grinded together, the only effort he had in restraining his anger.
            “Doofus and Dumbo here think their old switching places prank should be a favorite this year,” Ginny Weasley said with an eye roll.
            “It’s a classic,” Ron retorted. “No professor will believe it because they’ve moved onto more elaborate stuff.”
            “That’s what makes it so genius,” Fred, the other twin, said.
George bobbed his head in agreement.
            “No way. It’s so obvious,” Ginny countered. “Overused.”
            “We barely used it,” George retorted.
            “Right. Our entire childhood is just a smidge.” The redheaded witch crossed her arms.
An idea popped into Pansy’s mind. Her breath caught as she lost herself in thought, all too pleased that she had an opportunity to use their openness to make it benefit her. She casually leaned against Draco. He ruffled. He was not her piece of personal furniture to use.
A brightness came to her eyes. She tried to blink back her thrill. It didn’t work.
            “So what is it that you need from me?” She feigned indifference despite the shiver of excitement down her spine. “I’m very busy, you know.”
            “What say you about our plan?” Fred questioned.
George nodded. “If anyone knows a good prank, it is you.”
He could have dropped to his knees and kissed her shoes, saved them some time, if he wanted to kiss arse.
Draco shifted. He begged for an interruption. Anything. A troll. Ogres sieging the castle. A surprise visit from his parents would be welcome over the disturbing plots of Pansy and those twins.
            “You know I think there’s an old classic you two haven’t ever done.” Her hands raised. She stretched her fingers tall and appraised the manicure. “I’ve seen other twins do it, but maybe it’s out of your wheelhouse.”
It hit to their Gryffindor pride. Their faces contorted at the insult.
            “Nonsense,” George said.
Fred frowned. “We’ve done everything.”
The glittering dark eyes of the Slytherin witch stayed focused on her nails. “So, you’ve both had the same girlfriend?”
She finally raised her eyes. A brow quirked in challenge.
Draco himself felt his eyes widen in surprise at the suggestion.
            “Those Velarius twins at Beauxbatons dated that one dude for like two years,” she elaborated. “And they weren’t even pranksters. It was just to piss off their dad.” Her hands went to her hips. “But I’m sure everyone will get a good laugh out of your little switching prank. It’ll be like a reminder of first year. Childhood innocence, you know?”
Harry snickered. A slippery smile curled the Weasley sister.
            “That. I like that.” Ginny chuckled.
Fred and George watched the reaction of the idea spread throughout the group. It got their interest piqued. The deviant side of them stirred with their younger brother’s total disregard.
            “No witch would do it.” Ron scoffed.
Fred rubbed his chin in thought. “Oh, don’t be so sure, little tyke.”
Ron scowled.
            “There’s a fair number in these walls that are interested in us.”
It went all too Pansy’s plan. She primed for the lasting strike of her own plot.
She shrugged. “Hell, I’d do it just to see what it’d look like. Can you imagine Snape’s face? Or McGonagall’s?” A smile of cunning, confused with the love of chaos, emerged. “Salazar, I’d bet they’d have to have meetings to know if they would punish us or allow it to happen.”
Draco watched the words sink in through the Weasley’s twins. They exchanged looks. A knowing gaze between themselves, the only language spoken, as they finished their own plotting. One more than one occasion, Draco noticed their gaze on Pansy as she walked away. It was clear that something was felt for the witch. Whether it was lust or adoration, it was anyone’s guess.
He found other pursuits more interesting: Potions, Quidditch, Reading, Dueling.
But it seemed like the fiasco would be connected in his life thanks to her meddling.
            “What say you, Malfoy?” Harry Potter asked. “Think you could share the witch?”
He snorted. “I’d be glad to have a bit of quiet.”
Her elbow connectedly gently with his ribs. “Stuff it,” she murmured softly.
The group all shared a smile.
Fred stepped forward. “Not a bad idea, Pans. You got true potential.”
            “Potential we’d like to collaborate with,” George continued.
            “Interested?” They asked in unison.
Ginny chuckled. Her arms crossed in interest as she beheld the witch in her sights.
All manner of time and space stopped.
Draco’s eyes trickled through a passing crowd, their faces all a blur to him, until he landed upon the one. The one. That feeling surged up through his bones. His body knew that face. It knew it as a source of a smell that only compared to the heights of untamed ecstasy that had yet to be discovered.
He allowed that sense to seep into his soul. The instant their eyes met, it hardened. A spot reserved for only one.
            “Hermione. There you are.” Ronald moved aside to allow the new entrant into their conversation.
Hermione Granger. The witch in his sights.
Draco stiffened. Her presence set him on edge and confused his emotions all together.
A line of light circled her outline, gentle and soft, but the strength of the scent turned to a delusional cloud around his mind.
            “There she is,” he murmured.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 months
Dearest Ange, the final episode is upon us.
I too was victim to the spoilers via leaks, and I was really, really praying it was just a bad fever dream. I've accepted that at this point I will continue watching for a love of the actors and the characters, rather than for a meaningful, coherent storyline. There are so, so many things wrong with this episode, much of which we've discussed over the course of season two;
The horrible, horrible way that Ryan Condal and Sara Hess dealt with the greens. My heart really went out to Aemond in this episode because despite the fact that he's so, so messy, and flawed, he's the only one left of his family who's actually trying to keep them alive, to protect them even though he's not going about it the wrong way.
The way the show dealt with the aftermath of events
The horrible character development of so many characters
The terrible pacing
The annoying inclusion of the whole ASOIAF from the main series- please, please, please stop reminding me it exists
Aemond trying to kill Aegon on purpose.
And so much more
And while I'll get to the (few) positives, as I always try to do, there is one thing that made me have to pause my tablet in pure agitation and just being fucking fed up, and that, dear Ange, is that scene with Alicent and Rhaenyra.
What. the. Fuck.
Alicent just sacrificed Aegon for her own freedom, after forcing Aegon to claim a throne he didn't even want? Why is Rhaenyra still bringing up a son for a son? Did Jaehaerys's death mean nothing? Alicent only cares about Helaena and Jaehaera, but what about her sons? Daeron? Aemond and Aegon, despite their flaws, they are her sons, her children- where is the Alicent in s1 who screamed at Aegon that if Rhaenyra became Queen, they will die? It's more than butchering her character, it's just utter bullshit. I remember in season 1 I was such an Alicent sympathiser, I felt like the complexity of her character would be so interesting to see in s2, but my god was it a shitshow. Alicent takes one solo camping trip and she's ready to offer up her sons on a platter so she can try and absolve herself? What about her father? Her brother? All of whom are fighting for her son's cause? They don't have the luxury that Alicent seems to, if the greens lose, they will lose their heads. No question.
My heart ached for Aemond when he tried to reach out to Helaena hat one last time- yes, she has every right to be angry, because she's lost so much because of Aemond's actions, and yet, the look on his face broke me. He's trying so hard to fight for their survival, and not one member of his family cares. I've ranted on a bit about the negatives, so here are my few positives-
Daemon and Rhaenyra reunion, seeing them together again
At this point, any Aemond or Helaena screentime is a blessing, no matter what Ryan Condal's trying to do.
Daeron sneak peak
Rhaena and Sheepstealer
Helaena is so fucking pretty <3
Sharako Lohar (I wanna be one of her wives, thanks)
Ngl after Aemond burned Sharp Point I was ready to let him take out some more frustrations on me, hehe
I wanna say Bloodraven, but....that's not what I expected him to look like
Anyway, Ange, I've enjoyed our little weekly tradition. I'm looking forward to how the show is going to inspire the fandom for the next two years. I'll try not to disappear into a void, I'm still gonna hide behind anon for a while longer, but maybe by the time s3 rolls around, I'll be able to come out from hiding. I've written my own fics, though admittedly I'm only somewhat proud of one of them, that I'm not finished uploading from ao3 to tumblr. I feel some inspiration to write again after some time of no inspiration, so perhaps if I'm granted any time, I can finally write again. As always, look forward to seeing your takes, Ange <3
-🦋 anon
Hello, my love! I can't believe that after eight weeks of doing this, this will be our final one (until season three, anyway) - I hope you won't be a stranger until then! I will wait patiently for your first fic to post.
Anyway, on to my thoughts...
A lot of people’s gripe with season two of House of the Dragon has been its deviation from Fire and Blood.
I do not mind that. They did it in season one. My issue is that there is no consistency between the characters as they were presented in season one and how they behave in season two.
Alicent that put herself between a dragon and her son, that replied “you imbecile” to his question of “do you love me?” now offering up his head.
Aemond that toasted with his brother at the expense of his bastard nephews, and looked on in annoyance as Helaena danced with one of them, burning and torturing his brother and manhandling his sister.
This isn’t character development, it’s character assassination. Where is the family unit that closed ranks and defended one another when Viserys demanded to know which of them called Rhaenyra’s sons bastards?
The writers tore up the script for season one and said “actually, they all hate each other”. I don’t recognise these characters. They are trying to make the audience hate Aemond when he is the only one with any integrity, still fighting for his family’s cause.
And Daemon - Daemon’s defining quality has always been his ruthlessness, how cutting he is. They’ve softened him up to make Rhaenyra’s cause seem more sympathetic. Give me back the man that sat at the top table during a wedding feast and called Lord Royce an “old bronzed cunt”, the man who single-handedly took on the Crabfeeder’s army rather than accept help from his brother.
They’ve destroyed so much potential with the insistence on creating good guys. The whole appeal of the Dance is that everyone is shitty. We could have had that with the foundations that were laid in season one. I am so disappointed.
I'm annoyed that we didn't get to see Rhaena actually claim Sheepstealer, and when she does finally encounter him she reacts with wide eyed surprise? Girl, you're really shocked that you're seeing the creature that you've spent the last however long tracking and almost died of exposure for? That's like me looking around the supermarket for grapefruit and then screaming when I find it. That could have been way more badass, I'm not annoyed that they sacrificed Nettles' character for that.
What was the point of Aemond burning Sharp Point? Visually, it was stunning, but what purpose did it serve? Was that in place of him burning the Riverlands? We didn't even get to see him do it, just the aftermath!
Helaena telling Aemond how he dies, as well as Daemon seeing his own death were such dumb moves. Those deaths would have been epic for people who haven't read the book, and now they are spoiled. I am also now sceptical as to whether we will get Alysmond or not. It seems like they've stripped away the very foundation that made that pairing by making Helaena a seer and giving Daemon such a tight knit bond with Alys.
When I first read Fire and Blood I was very much Team Black. What brought me to neutral ground was watching season one and seeing how Team Green were fleshed out and made more complex. Season two has undone all of that. It feels almost like they are trying to turn the characters back to their book counterparts, but are making them into caricatures of themselves in the process.
They could never make me hate Aemond, and I think the only reason for that is Ewan's incredible performance of the character. He adds so much nuance to a personality that the writers are actively trying to destroy. I think if it were any other actor playing Aemond, I genuinely would not enjoy the character.
Anyway, so I'm not ending on a bum note, here's what I've enjoyed this season:
The acting - the cast have been absolutely phenomenal, every performance has been a joy to watch, despite the weak writing.
The lesbian fan service. I very much enjoyed the Rhaesaria kiss, though I am annoyed they never developed that any further. Sharako Lohar also - I know the character is a man in the book and making her a woman is very fan servicey, but I enjoyed her immensely.
Tyland Lannister. He has provided some much needed comic relief this season, whether it's being bullied by Aegon and Jaehaerys, terrorised by Aemond or mud wrestled by pirates, he's fun to watch.
Team Black - I was kind of "meh" towards characters like Baela and Jace in season one. I've grown to appreciate them so much more in season two, and I think that's because of the acting. Bethany and Harry have done an amazing job.
The dragons! I've enjoyed seeing them all, the designs for all of them are so interesting and I really like how different they all look. Caraxes will be my forever favourite, but Syrax has also stolen my heart this season, because of her cute little Boglin face.
I think that's it? My expectations for season three are low, so hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised. I will be knocking around in the meantime, writing fics as always! Lots of love to you xoxo
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
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Pt 3.5: Down by the Dragonpit and into the dreaming.
Pt1 pt2 pt3
Summary: lost in your thoughts as you fled, memories flash of a time where you met another young Targaryen who went by the name; Aemond.
A/n: a sort of shitty written filler chapter. I’m sure the next one will bring more fruit but as of right now I’ve got nothing worthwhile.
Aemond was a bland faced child in his youth. Though on some days you just assumed that was in due to his sibling and Rhaenyra’s own children ganging up on him with the teasing and taunting they’d do almost routinely at this point. Many believed that the prank the boys pulled on him down at the dragonpit was merely the beginning of his many forthcoming issues and misery; whilst others would claim that it was when his seemingly innocent obsession with you was what made him blindsided at a young age. After all it was an unspoken rule that a dragon was foreboded from moving in on another dragons property.
During the brief blips of time where Daemon was elsewhere you were entrusted by the king and queen to entertain their youngest children, Helena and Aemond, when royal duties became their top property. It didn’t take nearly as long for you and Helena to bond as it did for yourself and Aemond where you would spend days on end in uncomfortable silence with the prince. Until one day he finally brought himself before you in a state of vulnerability after a particularly cruel prank pulled on him that included some unsavoury elements. You remembered remaining within the confines of your chambers as you held the poor boy in your arms as he cried into your chest, questioning why he was on the receiving end of such fate and what he did in his past life to deserve to be treated and presented as a fool for his brother to publicly humiliated.
It broke your heart to hear his wails echo off of your chamber walls as he clutched you like a lifeline, his only source of comfort whom he could act himself around without judgment nor resentment. Like he was being refused the privilege of a normal childhood where he could make countless mistakes and not face such severe consequences for them but due to the circumstances of his birth and whom his parents are, or the house he was born under. He and his siblings were already set up for imminent failure should they besmirch the names of Targaryen and Hightower. However what broke your heart more was the fact that the likes of Queen Alicent didn’t seem to care about the wants or desires of her own kin and was more then willing to use them as pawns in her own political power play. Manipulating Aegon, Aemond and Helena however she saw fit in withholding her position in power against the threat that was Rhaenyra. So much so that she was willing to the madness bestowed upon her by her own father to consume her every waking thought. Unwilling to admit to the damaged she has already caused her own family.
In the case of Helena, you thought of her as nothing short of amazing and wilfully encouraged her interests, much to the councils distain towards unlady like etiquette, and consoling her when she began subconsciously showing signs of being the dreamer that Viserys wished he was. ‘Come too close to the fire and one shall be dealt a painful and suffocating death. Yet stray too far from it and one shall be dealt a cold so deadly, their own body is forced to reject the notion of fighting and die in their suffering.’ Helena once stated as she sat herself by your side on the castle steps that lead out to the courtyard. “Either way one is doomed to die a fate that is unbefitting.” You replied, leaning on your hands as you stared up at the darkening sky, “for everyone wishes to end on their own terms but fate only grants that wish to those fortunate enough to be born from unfortunate beginnings.”
Many people were perturbed by the words that Helena would say, claiming it to be witchcraft of the dark sort whilst you merely thought of it as her being philosophical about the fate that befell all living beings. You were born, you lived and then you died. Simple as that but it was in the way which you would leave the mortal realm that left much to the imagination, for death has a precedence of unpredictability that left many alluded by it’s mystical ways. So for one to talk about morbid topics such as death with such little reaction was off putting enough to even the strongest of men. Yet you and Helena would find yourselves within the comfort of the others company to talk whatever came to your minds and talk in manners in which would be deemed unbecoming by the council. You didn’t care for such things and you taught both Helena and Aemond that they shouldn’t either as it’ll merely strip them of what makes them Helena and Aemond. As future rulers of the seven kingdoms they should be granted the freedom to live life as they so wished without having the words of leeches, rats and snakes of the realms proclaiming otherwise. You wished them to be as free as the dragons that they will one day ride high into the sky.
Yet not long after your days of taking care of Helena and Aemond were over as soon as they started and you were back to being by Daemon’s side, picking fights with him over menial things. For whatever reason the Queen believed it was best for you to be relived of your duties and allowed herself to spend time with her children when they become of an age where they could think and fend for themselves. Daemon believed that this was because her children were favouring you over their own birth mother, craving your attention, guidance and comfort then hers and she feared that you held more power then you believed yourself to possess. Alicent herself had made you out to be a threat on par with Rhaenyra’s claim to the Iron throne because if she didn’t have reign over her children nor husband then who did she truly have reign over?
“Daemon your being ridiculous, how can I have so much sway over the queens children then the queen herself? They’re her children and will forever be her children and there is no bond stronger then that of familial ties, you taught me that.” You told him after he had sat you down to tell you his reasoning as to why Alicent refused you visitation of Helena or Aemond. At first you found his reasoning stupid but overtime and the longer you sat on it, it all began to fall into place in your mind that yes you did possess a bond more stronger then familial ties and out of fear of what those bonds would blossom into, Queen Alicent severed it. “See,” he said as he saw the realisation in your eyes, “she’s already forming a rift between you and the children that you care for as though they were your own blood. She wants to tear that bond down brick by brick until they can no longer remember your face, your voice nor your instillations of rebellion within them so they may become docile and complicate once more to her commands.”
Daemon wasn’t stupid, he knew you cared for his brothers children with your heart and soul and he never resented you for that. In fact it was another reason as to why he cared so deeply about you, the fact that you were allowing children, no matter their birth, to be children and allow them the ability to make mistakes, to be rebellious and to be proud of who they’ll soon become. You wanted children to be free from their family strife for as long as they could before it was too late because it will always be too late for someone within the seven kingdoms it seemed. Whether in times of peace or war, everyone looses and the victories easily to overshadow the suffering. Daemon vowed to protect the kind hearted that you possess, even if it meant slaying his own kin to protect it, for it was worth more then anything the seven kingdoms could ever bestow before him. The rouge prince knew he’d choose you over all responsibilities at a pubescent age and he wouldn’t dare want to live to an age where he would ever regret it. He’d spill blood and wage war for you if you demanded him to.
Pulling yourself back to the present you found yourself staring up at the starry sky above, groaning in pain as you slowly pulled yourself up to your feet. Your hand grazed something which set off everything within you to refrain from searching the cause for your safety; yet in the end your curiosity seemed to win out over your sense as you lifted your head just enough to see that you had landed in the riverbank where you had abandoned Daemon, your horse was nowhere in sight and as you reached for your dagger at your side for protection a series of growls could be heard from behind you, growing ever nearer until you could feel their breaths at the base of your neck travelling upwards. Frozen with wide eyed fear, you began to regret your decision of even evading Daemon in the first place.
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