#he's my treasured OC and I can't get enough of him
sweetainwen · 1 year
ᴜɴᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴsɪɢʜᴛ [WANDERER/SCARAMOUCHE]
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Summary: the creator just wanted to find the reason for that system error, but she had brought with her an unwanted insight into the game itself, causing a dangerous and unexpected collapse within him.
Pairings: yandere!Scaramouche/Wanderer x fem!OC (you can think of her as Y/N)
Genre: sagau, yandere!au, isekai!au, futuristic!au, sci-fi!au.
Warnings: jealous!wanderer, fluff, angst, d^aths (no blood tho), wanderer losing his mind, noncon kissing.
Word count: 12k+
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A hand gently, lightly brushing his hair. The humming of a sweet, soothing tune tickling his ears. A smile, a face, a calm voice and muffled words.
His eyes struggled to focus.
Everything was blurry, but he could catch those details of the one who was tenderly lulling him.
She was moving her lips, she was talking. but he did not understand. He was still groggy. Nevertheless, he sensed it.
It was home.
“Here, your food.”
He snapped his eyes open, staring at the bowl in front of him before looking up at the arm holding the item and finally at the person sitting to his left on a medium tree trunk.
The Wanderer saw her give him a surprised look, blinking.
“Oh, sorry, did you fall asleep?”
He let out a grunt, almost snatching the bowl out of her hand and spilling out its contents, causing her to gasp slightly.
“My, how grumpy,” she snickered amusedly. “It seems like I'm putting you through torture. You can't call me a bad cook, big hat guy.”
He took the spoon between his fingers, sighing annoyed at the way he had been called for the thousandth time, “Quit with that name.”
“I would if I had a real name to call you by,” she shrugged with a smirk on her face, the spoon playing with the food in the bowl. “But since you won't tell me, I had to give you one. It suits you, doesn't it?”
Her eyes were fixed on his hat at that question, and the Wanderer preferred to ignore it, causing her to put on a feigned pout.
She took a bite of her lunch, "Is this how you treat your travel companion?"
“You are not.”
“But we are traveling together to Sumeru!”
“You have decided to join. Without my consent,” he reminded her, his gaze now on her.
“You didn't refuse though.”
This time her sullen face was genuine.
He stared at her without arguing back, the impulse to leave her there on the spot taking over. However it dissipated shortly after the lively gleam in her eyes struck him.
“Stop talking and eat up. We need to get back on the road.”
He brought his gaze back to the food, but he could feel the young woman's victorious smile.
She was truly a whirlwind in perpetual motion. She got into constant trouble between hilichurls, treasure hoarders, and even fatui.
It was better to call her a loose cannon.
That was just how he had met her several days before, though the hilarious part was that the hoarders were running away from her.
And he even ended up in the middle of their battle when those bandits had tried to use him as a shield.
It had been a scene comical enough to almost make him sneer.
And that was when she proclaimed herself as his travel companion, since they had to go the same way.
“Have you gone freaking nuts?” he blurted out with crossed arms.
She blinked before putting on a huge smile, “Why not?”
“I could kill you too.”
“You don't seem like a bad guy at all, hat guy," she shook her head, stretching her hand toward him and eyes twinkling like stars. “I'm Clara. No last name, just Clara. It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
And he had let her come with him.
He felt a kind of force drawing him toward the young woman. He could not respond in any other way to her gestures and words than with indulgence.
And it irked him that it was no problem for him.
Those eyes on him now accentuated the annoyance he had been feeling for the past few days.
As a result, he put into action what he thought whenever he was stared at intensely by her before continuing on his journey.
A movement of his hand was enough to create a vortex that surrounded the young woman and carried her away from him.
The gasp of surprise and words of displeasure never failed to be heard.
But she always managed to return and take him wherever she wanted to go.
Such as booking a room at an inn for the night.
“Using your element to get rid of me is completely pointless. You are perfectly aware that I'd be back on my feet in no time,” Clara sneered at him, sitting on the windowsill with one leg toward her chest as he lay on the bed far from the open window.
“And you acknowledge the fact that I could harm you with that.”
She giggled in response, and he saw that particular glint in her eyes again that if he could lose his breath, it would have happened by now. The smile that followed it made the picture even more vivid.
“You would have already done what you had to do, Hikaru.”
He frowned, astonishment at hearing that name, “What?”
“Oh. Calling you big hat guy all the time doesn't seem appropriate, and since you won't tell me your name, I decided to give you a real one. Why?” She brought her arm on her knee before resting her chin on it. “You don't like it?”
“Why that name?”
This time, the smile she showed him was a sweet one, devoid of any malice.
“Because you remind me of how a person can emanate their own light, and head towards the end,” she explained in a soft voice, her face now turned up to the night sky. “Like a bright star high in the sky.”
Silence filled the room.
The Wanderer did not know what to answer, and he did not want to answer. The name said so lightly, but with meaning, was the same one the traveler had given him.
It was so strange.
“Although... these stars and this sky seem to have something wrong with them.”
The Wanderer sat on the edge of the bed, confused by the sudden change of subject, “Wrong how?”
He watched carefully as her expression became thoughtful, almost serious, absorbed in finding an explanation.
“It's as if ... you want to go one way, but you are pushed in another. Determined to follow that set thought of yours, but it gets diverted, and you don't know whether to continue or not. A false sense of control. A purpose-built hope.”
She went back to look at him. And the feeling he got from it was totally different.
She seemed to be observing him, seeking something deep within him. Like an astrologist reading your future.
“Well, it's probably just my mindless reasoning," she shrugged, her facial features softening. “I'm going to go to sleep now. Good night, Hikaru.”
And as she got up and headed for her bed, that feeling vanished along with her no longer being in his line of sight.
He lay back down again, confused for the umpteenth time by their interactions. There was definitely a double meaning in what she had said, and he even began to believe that it had some connection to the reason for her journey to Sumeru.
And at that point, after days and nights together, he was wondering: what was she looking for?
Everything was dark, he could see nothing. He could only hear murmurs and noises.
But then there was a gentle touch, his hair being tousled by her hand.
All went quiet, and a faint, sweet chuckle echoed in that darkness before making way for a soft, muffled voice.
He felt it. Deafening and overpowering. That strange feeling.
“You're such a good boy.”
Like it was home.
He snapped his eyes open, and the first thing he saw was Clara’s surprised and slightly worried face.
“Is everything all right?”
Disoriented, he tried to grasp the situation. One of her hands was at the side of his head, while the other was in his. He couldn’t blink.
And Clara, surely noticing his inquisitive look, was quick to explain.
“I saw you stirring in your sleep. I thought you were having a nightmare so I tried to wake you up, but you grabbed my hand,” she showed him their intertwined hands. “Then I tried to soothe you with caresses and reassuring words. And it worked.”
She gave him a smile, but he said nothing. He only stared at her.
Clara tilted her head slightly to the side at that reaction, not understanding what else he wanted to know. Or he probably didn't believe what she had told him.
She did not give it much thought.
When Clara felt his grip loosen, she gently freed her hand from his, standing up.
“I brought your breakfast. It’s on the bedside table. Eat with no rush, I’m going downstairs.”
And she walked on, closing the door behind her.
The Wanderer sat at the edge of the bed and sighed deeply, his eyes going to the tray with his breakfast mentioned by Clara.
He had been experiencing those moments for days now. It was beyond annoying.
Dreams that showed scenarios that then affected him emotionally and psychologically when he woke up. Not just any scenes, but of himself in situations that seemed familiar despite the fact that he had never actually experienced them.
It was also strange and impossible. Because he was a puppet. He could not sleep, consequently neither could he dream. However, he was doing both, and he was unaware of how he was doing it.
What was he to expect now? That he would no longer have to pretend that he had to eat?
Of one thing he was sure though. It had all started after the arrival of the one he was now watching chatting and giggling with an inn employee outside the inn after leaving the room.
He sensed it. That greater force pushing him back toward her.
Uncontrollable and domineering.
And another emotion mixed with it. An emotion so strong that he wanted to rip off the head of that young man standing too much close to her.
Instead, he moved closer, catching their attention, and with a movement of his fingers, he made a vortex appear around the young woman that dragged her away from the guy, leaving both of them stunned and confused.
And after throwing a glance that made the unfortunate man shudder, he went behind the whirlwind with Clara rolling her eyes.
He just sneered, feeling a little better. Clara huffed after being released far from the inn, adjusting her disheveled clothes and walking toward the direction they had come from.
Knowing her intentions, he stepped in front of her and before she could even open her mouth to argue, he revealed the object of interest and threw it at her, watching as she tried hard not to drop it.
“Your bag,” he informed her, putting a hand on his hip.
She just shot him a glare, her eyes almost twitching.
“What am I surprised about? Your social skills certainly can't improve in a snap of the fingers,” she muttered displeased, fixing her shoulder bag over one shoulder and checking the contents for possible breakage. “Be more careful when holding other people’s things! And stop frightening people for no reason at all! Poor guy was praying that he wouldn't end up in pieces.”
He did not speak, resuming his walk as if he had heard nothing.
“Ignoring my words, are you?” she gave up, going after him.
“Just a little while and we will arrive at our destination,” was what he communicated instead.
He suddenly felt himself grabbed by the arm, almost causing him to lose his balance, and caught her radiant face a few inches away from his.
He could tell he had had a heart attack at this.
“Really?! Finally! Then we must hurry, I can’t wait to get there!”
He frowned, trying to break free from her grasp, but was taken aback by her sudden jerk forward before she started running and dragging him with her.
She was too enthusiastic for his liking, a child in an adult's body. Hopping here and there like a rabbit with a goofy smile and sparkling eyes through the streets of Sumeru.
He felt like a nanny and couldn't say he was pleased about it.
“Sumeru is just as it was portrayed to me. I love it!”
“Your elation over a city is quite childlike. I could swear I'm dealing with a child.”
She hopped in front of him, stopping him in his tracks and puffing out her cheeks, “And you’re too edgy and grumpy for my liking. Change your mood when you’re with me. I won’t tolerate a gloomy atmosphere.”
“You’re such a-“
“Cute, lovable, little person? I am, thanks for noticing that, Hikaru.”
She stuck out her tongue at him before a smile spread across her face, and he grimaced at what he called her antics. Realizing the presence of the god of wisdom coming toward them with her lips upward instead made him roll his eyes.
“I take great pleasure in seeing that you have finally found yourself a friend.”
That sweet, little voice made Clara turn around, and was taken aback as soon as she saw who was before her.
The Wanderer placed one hand on his hip, shaking his head at her words, “You shouldn’t.”
Nahida slightly giggled, shifting her focus on the young woman by his side, conscious of how she struggled to conceal her astonishment and nervousness in her presence.
“I’m- I’m honored to make your acquaintance, Dendro Archon! I’m… I’m Clara!”
“Very delighted to meet you, Clara.” She almost cooed at her reaction. “I’m hoping he’s not causing you any distress.”
She gesticulated, eyes wide open, “Oh! Of course, he isn’t! Our traveling proceeded smoothly! Not one person was the victim of his aggressive look or word!”
The Wanderer gave her a look and Clara pressed her lips together after the gaffe she had made.
The little Archon cocked her head to the side, entertained by their interaction. But the most interesting behavior was that of the former balladeer, somehow influenced by the young woman to be more calm and condescending.
“You seem to get along pretty well.”
The duo looked at her, baffled. Before they could comment, the clatter of rapidly approaching wheels against the ground alerted the young man.
His hand was quick to rest on her hip, bringing her closer to himself and thus preventing her from being run over by the wooden cart.
The man carrying it apologized several times under Hikaru’s grim gaze, and Clara and Nahida’s surprised eyes before going on his way.
Clara thanked him and, moving slightly away from him, turned to Nahida with a curious look, “There is a lot of movement around. Is there any celebration going on?”
“A festival. Would you like to partecipate?”
Her eyes sparkled, “Can I really?”
“There is no prohibition on this,” Nahida giggled. “Everyone is welcome. With Hikaru's company, it will be easier to integrate.”
“Excuse me?” his eyebrow shot up.
“She’s not familiar with Sumeru. Consequently, someone who is should be her guide.”
It wasn't the beaming face and the implied order of the Dendro Archon, it was Clara's eyes filled with expectation and eagerness to witness a common joy that dragged him through the stalls ― one of which she had almost ended up being scammed and if it hadn't been for her stopping him, he would have probably literally blown up every one of his pieces for sale and the seller himself ― and ultimately among the people moving to the beat of the music.
But he had stood on the sidelines, leaning against a tree and watching as she laughed and got involved with the locals. On her head the hat she had snatched from him.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.
Her face that showed eyes like sparkling gems filled with life, red cheeks, and lips fully spread in a joyful smile.
She was some sort of flower in the midst of the desert. You found it strange that it was there and at the same time you thought it was wonderful to see it there.
It led you to get closer and stand there admiring it. To cup your hands at its sides and hide it from any intruder.
A sight that you wanted only yours to witness.
And the way he was thinking irked him.
His ears sensed a shift in the air, and Hikaru was able to quickly catch the hat Clara had thrown at him with one hand.
“Guess you’re not fond of festivals. Or should I say people in general?” she remarked, moving to his side and placing her elbow on his shoulder. “Oh, look! I can touch your shoulder even like this!” she added in mock surprise.
He didn't speak, but Clara saw him raise his arm slightly and form a small swirl of air from his hand. She stepped back just far enough not to be blown away with her hands in surrender ― although she didn't think he would really do that.
She tried not to laugh, but it was impossible.  
And it was in that instant that Hikaru saw all around her become blurred and overlaid by an environment all too familiar to him. Her clothes replaced by others and her laughter accentuated.
It echoed in his ears. Overbearing, piercing.
It mixed with the muffled music and chatter in the background of the festival.
A desperate cry broke in, words overlapping each other. Distorted and almost inaudible.
His head began to ache, his eyes squinted, and an annoying ringing thrummed in his ears.
And it became more and more unbearable.
He wanted it to stop. It fucking hurt.
“Please! Please, don’t leave me!”
“Are you all right?”
The suffering vanished as soon as her hands touched his cheeks, bringing him back to the present.
“It's better if you reach a quieter place. Or maybe go straight to bed. It's pretty late, I'd say.”
He didn’t utter a word, completely disoriented by this event. And with no hesitation, he agreed with her suggestion, leaving that chaotic place under Clara’s attentive eyes.
She crossed her arms pensively.
“I assume that your research is not bearing fruit, given the way the situation is somewhat out of control.”
Clara looked at the Dendro Archon beside her, blinking away the fear from her eyes and with a hand on her chest the near heart attack she had from her sudden arrival.
“Don’t ever do that again if you do not wish for my death!” She exhaled, “I cannot ask such questions without having at least a phase of knowledge and trust between us. It will just take a little longer because of his wariness. Nothing is out of control. What gave you this impression?”
Nahida didn’t look away from the crowd and Clara followed suit, “Is this the first time he has shown himself like that?”
Realizing that she was referring to how Hikaru had grabbed his head with one hand and his face had distorted in pain, Clara cocked her head to the side, not sure how to respond.
“I think it is. Although he had a pretty awful nightmare last night. He wouldn't stop squirming and at one point wouldn't even let go of my hand. The situation is indeed quite strange.” She shook her head, crossing her arms again, “He should not experience this kind of thing; he is a puppet. Still, seeing him trying to hide it is very amusing.”
She smiled, amused by the memory of him eating and sleeping like a normal human being.
Nahida hummed thoughtfully, “It may be a consequence of your closeness.”
Her gaze ended on her again, and Nahida did the same.
“You two share something deep,” she replied at her silent question. Something that both unites and changes you.”
“Like… a connection? Are you trying to say that because of this connection that we have,” she pointed at herself in a surprised manner. “I am instigating a change in him? He forgets everything if I get out of the game and then remember again if I go back in?”
“A deep connection. The more you feel, the more intriguing and dear is something or someone to you,” she clarified her hypothesis. “You must remember your effect on the people of this world. Your presence can be sensed by every single individual here. You are the creator. A powerful figure, more than us Archons. We are not fully aware of the influence of each of your actions. And I forewarned you of my inability to help you in such dangerous cases. What I see is total blackness; you are not part of this world. That’s why you have to be careful not to ruin the balance of Teyvat more than Dottore and Wanderer have discovered. Do it for the sake of all of us.”
Clara let out a sigh, and nodded.
Her voice was sweet and gentle, but the weight of the words spoken was not light.
The things that were taking form in this game were not supposed to occur. Having real interactions with people here was not an expected possibility, because it was a game.
A game that she herself had given shape to and was having huge success.
She was living in an era where technology was overdeveloped, it could very well be compared to a sci-fi movie. Time travel had been discovered, even flowing into parallel universes. Computers were no longer cumbersome but a small device that showed you in hologram what you wanted, like the keyboard and the mouse itself.
Being a video game producer, she had in mind a game that would bring back the old days, a gacha style of gaming that had gone out of fashion long centuries before, leaving only complete games to continue through time.
Thus, she had shared with her co-founders this idea of hers, which was accepted with some misgivings.
She did not have many expectations either, nevertheless people had liked it, taking her by surprise. Probably because this generation had never seen any, except in documentaries or such, and wanted to experience what it was like to live in an earlier era.
Some time after the game was released, she had thought of creating a more realistic alternative of it using VR headsets to engage even those who had felt no interest.
However, something had gone wrong, because she had experienced firsthand one of the scenes she had intended to include in the game that was still far from being added: the Tatarasuna Mistery. In which a mysterious disease had infected, killed many locals and scarred Hikaru to the core.
She hadn’t been an exception.
The crying, suffering, screams, desperation.
It had been too much to watch and had nearly given her a panic attack.
And she had done the only thing she believed was right: use her VR headset to get out of there. When she did, she was wearing the clothes of that world and had some small wounds on her feet from running on the ground barefoot in terror.
It was then that she realized she had created a parallel universe of that game. The game codes had been mixed up and incorporated by the three-dimensional-capable machine she had used as a technical test, bringing to life the scenarios that were still being designed.
This discovery was too dangerous to share; in fact, they decided never to talk about it again. The fright and concern her co-founders had felt after seeing her in that state had been enough to agree to keep quiet about the matter.
Unfortunately, a problem occurred when an event came out further on, in which Scaramouche, the sixth fatui harbinger, made his first appearance.
Some of the scenes were not what they were supposed to be. They had changed. Scaramouche should not have said that the sky was fake, a hoax. But they had let it go; it gave a sense of mystery and decided to go with the flow.
After that, Il Dottore said the same words. It was not a simple concidence. Her game had a reality on its own and was writing its own story. Even their employees were beginning to detect strange things.
She wanted to solve the issue, but she did not know whether destroying that universe would bring consequences in the game and be discovered by the S.T.C.C.O., the Spatio-Temporal Continuum Control Organization.
Wandering between worlds must be authorized by them to prevent ill-intentioned people from changing parts of history for selfish purposes, and if they did not show permission they could shut the company down.
Risking a life of progress was out of the question, consequently the only option was to look for a foothold in that same world and figure out how to fix it against the disagreement of her co-founder friends.
The only way she believed possible was to ask for help from the one who had wisdom and knowledge on her side, The Dendro Archon Lesser Lord Kusanali.
She smiled. Kind, welcoming. And a small movement of her head in a reverent greeting.
“Welcome, outsider.”
She was petrified of Nahida’s awareness of her. It showed her skill as the ruler of a region, but it was all the same frightening how her identity could be so easily discovered.
She found out later that not everyone could do that, only the archons, so she had breathed a sigh of relief, hoping, however, that she would not one day end up buried alive for all the pain they had felt because of her.
Her explanation of the events, where she came from and who she was, had left Nahida speechless. She had understood she was a foreigner, but not the significance of her presence there.
Everything about the young woman had some kind of wall blocking any outside access, and the reason she could not was precisely her provenance.
The Dendro Archon had then taken her to Hikaru while he was still Scaramouche, and the sight of him lying unconscious after the battle with the traveler had made quite an impression on her.
Everything here was real; you could talk to them, joke with them, touch them.
Remorse had made its way into her, and unconsciously she had approached and reassured him of his rebirth.
He was now Hikaru, the Wanderer.
She still had to find out what made him think everything was fake before releasing another region and archon quests, though it was proving quite difficult to do so.
She just had to try several times in different ways until he gave in.
That was why she had asked Nahida to send him on a trip and have them meet in the least forced way.
It would have taken her longer, but since in this universe time seemed to pass as it did in his game and unlike his world, she didn't mind.
The same could not be said of her indecision about whether or not to knock on the door of the room where Hikaru had decided to rest.
She could feel tension in the air. It was strange. And… intimidating.
Especially after talking to Nahida.
“Are you coming in or not? Don’t have any hands to open the door?”
She almost let out a scream at this sudden voice, a hand on her chest.
The way both of them made her almost die of a heart attack from a fright was really impressive.
Opening the door slightly, she let only her head pop out, almost shy, "I just wanted to know if you're feeling better."
“What do you think?” He articulated sharply, not even glancing at her.
“Well…” She entered the room, walking towards the bed where he was sitting and standing a short distance from him, “Is it a headache? Do you want me to fetch some medicine?”
“It’s not necessary. It will go away on its own.”
“Oh, good.”
Silence built between them.
Perhaps it had not been a good idea to visit him now, he was definitely not in the mood for small talk or anything else ― as he always was ― but she could not leave him alone.
“What’s your purpose here?”
After the initial moment of stupor, with a blink of her eyes, she could only say, “What?”
He looked at her, and almost took a step back because of how dull his eyes were.
“Sumeru probably has something to do with your traveling. What is it that you’re looking for?”
That was totally unexpected.
She thought she would have to work her way up to simply have a reply from him without creating suspicions. Even though it didn’t look like there wasn’t any from his intense gaze.
He raised an eyebrow, a slight hint of amusement in his hollow eyes at her short response, “Answers. To what? The bright star high in the sky and the feeling of being controlled?”
He was definitely mocking her and the metaphor she used to express her opinion.
“Precisely that one.” She tilted her head to the side, “What do you think about it?”
“Everyone is controlled by someone one way or another. Willingly or unwillingly.”
“That makes sense. But how are you aware of that control? What signs do you see to come to that conclusion?”
“I don't know. Your instincts?”
She opened her mouth to retort, but closed it again, sighing slightly.
It was too good to be true. It was Hikaru they were talking about. The personality could not change.
She had a pang in her heart. She had given him that personality, like every character in the game. She had caused trauma and tragic experiences.
And that struck even deeper.
Everything in the palm of her hand, but as soon as something was out of control she wanted to fix it right away.
It was also a logical consequence of her work environment; she could leave nothing to chance.
The guilt still consumed her from the inside.
She realized only now how they had remained silent and with their eyes on each other.
He seemed to want to peer deep into her. To look for behavioral changes, for a weakness, to give certainty to doubts.
Or perhaps she was influenced by her own guilt.
It was suffocating.
Her hand moved, slowly, giving the puppet the choice to shrug it off, but he did not. It rested on his head and began to gently caress it.
“I’m sorry.”
It was a faint whisper, but a strange glint flashed through his eyes at it.
“For what?”
“I don’t know, just… I’m sorry.”
It had been spontaneous. She wanted to tell him, even though he did not understand the act.
And again, the same gaze as a few moments ago was on her. This time it was less oppressive and more… soft.
He reached for the arm of her hand still on his head and put it down, before pulling her close to him and resting his head on her stomach. His arms wrapping around her waist.
The word astonishment did not fully describe how she felt about this gesture.
It was completely out of character. Nonetheless, she had to remind herself that he was no longer a mere character in a game and that anyone who got an aloof, arrogant and conceited attitude could fall apart.
As a result, she encircled his head with her arms, attempting to convey comfort and reassurance.
She felt his grip on her waist tighten slightly, but was completely oblivious to the effect her words had on him… and the sudden change in his eyes hidden from her sight.
Thus, when he was standing at her heels the following days, it had her somewhat confused.
Scratch that. It was really confusing how calm and kind he had become to her.
It was likely due to that moment they shared together a few nights before, but the shift was…
Well, at least he had not completely changed; that would have been unsettling.
But she did not expect that he would even lie beside her on the grass, on a small slanted ledge of a hill, to watch the sunset together.
A bird flew in front of her and, following it with her eyes, she saw how it landed on Hikaru's head.
He sighed but did nothing to get it off.
It wasn't the first time this had happened; even if he tried to make it leave, he wouldn't succeed like he did with the others, and that made her laugh.
“They love you, huh?”
He didn't look at her, “Shut up.”
He raised his hand, ready to make her fly faster than a bird, but she surrendered by shaking hers.
“Oh, my! You should calm your horses! There's beautiful nature here contributing to a breathtaking view and you want to sweep it away? That's so cruel!”
“I eliminate possible contamination.”
She blinked, “Wait. Me?”
With his eyes now on her, he cocked an eyebrow matter-of-factly, “Who else? The bird? Is your brain a decoration by any chance?”
She snorted, sitting down on the grass, “Then you should avoid associating with a person who has her brain as a decoration. That way you can avoid becoming dumb yourself.”
She was about to get up, but Hikaru's hand putting her back down blocked her from doing so.
And without saying anything, she smiled, bringing her arms under her head again and closing her eyes. A slight smile took up the young man's lips; she would not find out though, for it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.
And after he did not know how long, heavy breathing of a sleeping person could be heard instead, and when he looked to his left, Clara was completely in dreamland.
Hikaru let out a small snort of disbelief at the scene.
The sound of stepping on grass behind him caught his attention.
“You like her company now, don't you?”
He sat up, watching the bird finally fly away, “She is bearable.”
Nahida giggled, “So bearable to follow her around, right?”
He reimaned silent as he got up and brushed off his clothes from the dirt, but didn't miss to give her a side-eye.
The little Dendro Archon observed as a small wind began to rise with a movement of his hand, lifting Clara into the air and carrying her directly into his arms; one below the crook of her knees and the other wrapping around her back. Her head drooping before resting on his chest.
With a nod toward her as a sign of goodbye, he jumped up into the air and flew away, leaving her alone.
Along with her worries.
She sighed slightly, “Seriously, I hope nothing happens.”
It could not be said that something was not wrong, as doubts had crept into Hikaru's mind anyway.
Such an answer as Clara's would have pleased no one; it was too vague.
That was why he had changed his attitude a bit, to get more informations.
Laying her on her bed, he took the bag off her shoulder without waking her and sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze drawn as always to her face.
He had a gut feeling of her being involved in those chaotic and confusing fragments of situations he was recalling, although there was a certain confidence ― which by now had wavered ― that he had never experienced them.
Getting closer was the best method to piece together those called fragments, but the more he did, the harder it was to detach and stay focused.
She was the one distracting him.
A few strands of her hair had fallen across her face, and his hand reached out to move them aside. After that he heaved a sigh, realizing that he had been staring at her for he did not know how long before he recovered from that strange state of daze.
He was definitely losing his mind.
He stood up and walked over to the chair placed by the door to put Clara's bag, which he still had in his hand, on it.
Before he could open the door a sudden noise stopped him. It had echoed in his mind, like a jingle.
Familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
Another forgotten memory.
Looking behind him, he spotted the bag upturned on the ground with something out of it. It almost seemed to shimmer under the moonlight coming in through the open window.
And as soon as he took the fallen object in his hands his brows furrowed.
It was big, almost as big as half his head, and black. There was some kind of rope tied to the ends of it and eyes in the center of that small bizarre thing.
He recalled Clara’s exaggerated care for her bag, figuring now that it was most likely for this item and its possible fragility.
The more he stared at it, the more there was something tickling his mind.
And it turned into a deafening ringing that caused him to blink several times before he heard a muffled voice and saw blurred images of that same object and a young woman showing how to use it.
“Bring this to the back of your head, then this to the front.”
Like a puppet, he led that rope behind his head and the large part in front of his eyes. It fit like a glove.
“And press the button on the left side.”
He skimmed lightly for a prominent spot until he found it.
Through that device, a spiral of colors appeared before his eyes as the ground beneath his feet seemed to disappear into thin air before he felt it again.
Now he could only see white, and he quickly took that thing off, finding himself in a completely white and empy small room. A sliding metal door opened ahead of him and he hesitantly stepped out.
What he saw left him totally shocked.
There were pictures and drawings of a lot of people posted on the walls, but the ones he recognized immediately were Lesser Lord Kusanali, the Raiden Shogun, the traveler, their fellow flying being.
And himself. In all his forms.
To his left was a chair that had small wheels instead of feet and a kind of desk with another strange invention on it; there were almost transparent windows in which one showed a picture of flowers and writing in a small square while the other showed letters and symbols.
They were not part of the alphabet of the Teyvat language, so he could not tell which letters they were.
Next to them was yet another one with an almost mouse-like shape.
Attracted, he tried to press the arrow symbol pointing to the left located in the middle of that rectangular window, and a female voice suddenly boomed in the room.
She had used a welcoming tone, however, he did not understand what she had said except for a few words.
Xu Shi Han.
He was sure it was a name.
It was then that his gaze landed on a frame. A picture frame where Clara was smiling together with other people.
What was a picture of her doing here? Was he going insane?
Where the heck was he?
Raising his head, he looked out of that large window that gave a view of huge, long, light-filled buildings and the dark sky.
This made him come to a realization.
He was in another world.
He looked at the picture frame again.
Clara’s world.
She had gotten to Teyvat with that same machine that had taken him here.
He clutches on it still in his hand, overwhelmed by that discovery.
Then who was Xu Shi Han? A friend of hers? A workmate? Both?
Or was this all a hallucination?
Sudden sequences occupied his mind, almost causing him to lose his balance and grunt from the incessant pounding in his head.
He cast a glance at the device in his hand and decided to go back and ask the young woman for an explanation.
It was better to be direct this time, she might even have a solution for those headaches and disconnected memories.
It was beginning to irritate him.
However, as soon as he entered that white room again, put the object on and pressed the button, he had to grit his teeth and hold his head.
It felt like it was being hammered. Repeatedly and relentlessly.
A searing burning melting his brain until it reached his legs, which gave way under the weight of the pain.
There were voices.
It was unbearable!
Voices. Images.
He wanted it to stop!
Giggles. Cries. Screams.
Stop! Enough! No!
He inhaled deeply and his eyes were drawn to someone standing in front of him with their back to him.
Trees, plants and bushes began to dip into scenery.
Tilting his head to the side, curiosity crept in at the sight of that person dressed in clothes he had never seen before.
She had also removed something black and large from her head and was looking around. He could only see half of her face but wonder and excitement were visible on it despite standing slightly away from him.
Adjusting the basket full of harvested fruit on his hip, he moved a foot forward but found a small tree branch under it, alerting the young woman who spun around at the noise.
It was like being struck by a lightining. She was really beautiful.
“Oh, forgive me! I didn’t mean to frighten you!” he exclaimed in a soft voice, shaking his head. Confusion was visible in her features, and his fingers began to play with part of the rim of the basket, feeling shy, “Are you lost, by any chance?”
She let out a sigh, “I… think so. Am I on a island?”
Even her voice was melodious.
“You are. Kannazuka, more specifically in Tatarasuna.”
He saw her eyes widen and look at him intently, almost as if she wanted to see through him.
“What’s your name?”
“Oh! I’m Kabukimono, pleased to meet you!” he smiled, enthusiastic about making new acquaintances. “And you are?”
She seemed to have relaxed a little, smiling back at him, “Shi Han. The pleasure is all mine, Kabukimono.”
Technically it was not a lie, yet she was puzzled by the situation because it was not supposed to start that way.
Had she gotten the main settings wrong? A reversed scenario loading? She recalled checking several times before putting the machine into operation.
Glancing one more time at the trees, the bushes, with the chirping of the birds around and the sound of their shoes against the ground, the feeling of experiencing such a realistic sensory stimulus never ceased to charm her.
Her gaze fell on the puppet leading the way to the village after telling her that she could stay with them as long as she wanted. The shy but lively way he interacted with her turned the corner of her lips upward.
“We’re here!” he informed her, quickening his pace.
Chatter and laughter reached her ears, and she stepped out of the way in time to avoid being bumped by two children chasing each other.
She followed Kabukimono with her eyes as he walked over to this familiar young man with a red lock of hair to show him the basket of fruits, being repaid with a smile and probably words of praise.
After that, his attention switched to her, thus bringing the other to look at her as well, and she decided to approach for introductions. She then understood why he looked familiar; he was Niwa Hisahide, the one she would blame for the island tragedy in the game.
They appeared like real people. Having them face her really did have a strange effect.
She certainly could not say that they were fictitious characters and was trying out the game in virtual reality to attract more players, so she had opted for a simpler and quite believable explanation: she was traveling but had gotten lost and her possessions had been stolen.
She had also immediately found a bag to put her VR headset in to avoid curious questions.
Kabukimono had already thrown a quizzical look at it, which was not supposed to happen, since it was not meant to be exposed to the eyes of the characters.
Even if there were inventions here, explaining the use of a VR headset could have involved complications in the game which she was not inclined to have.
Everything had to go smoothly, and her intent had been achieved.
She wore the local clothes, got along well with the villagers, and helped with whatever errands were available.
Still, Kabukimono's reluctant behavior around her had not escaped her notice.
Conversations were brief ― almost nonexistent ― and he would run off, yet he had been so friendly during the first meeting.
These interactions were odd; she did not remember including them as options. Actually, nothing was as she recollected setting them up.
As he was now with the elderly women who spoke to him as he smiled and listened eagerly.
“Don't worry. He had these reactions with us at first too,” Niwa's voice caught her attention as the young man walked up beside her with a hand on his hip. "He just needs some time, you'll see how he won't pull away again."
"But it's been days," she sighed. "And I'm not doing who knows what action to deserve this attitude again. I'm approaching in a gentle way."
He hummed thoughfully, “You are right about that. But... it may be that you are different.”
He smiled, “Sometimes we have different impressions of some people. Honestly speaking, yours leaves its mark, Shi Han. You release positive energy that relaxes and makes one feel at home. Apparently, your energy has a powerful effect on him and that makes him shy and clumsy.” Niwa chuckled at the dumbfounded face she had while he was talking, and shoved the sheath with the sword inside into her hands. “Now take this and hand it to him. He lost his previous sword and had asked me to forge another.”
Awakening from her initial astonishment, she tried to speak but he was already on his way.
So she huffed out a laugh and the only thing she said to him was a "thank you!" to which he responded with a shake of his hand.
She hadn't really noticed that he had a sword in his other hand, caught up as she was in the Kabukimono dilemma.
Niwa's confession had left her speechless. So much for the fictional character!
If they had told her that she would hear such a thing from a nonexistent person, she would have laughed in their faces.
Glancing at Kabukimono, she caught him staring at her before returning his eyes to the women who were walking away after the talk ended. She almost chuckled as she walked toward him to fulfill her errand.
“Hi. Here, from Niwa,” she spoke kindly, showing him the weapon he then took from her hands. 
“Thank you,” it was almost a whisper.
“I heard you practice sword dance. It must be difficult.”
“Not very.”
“You put in a lot of effort, though”, she smiled. “This is not to be underestimated. Although I have never seen you dance, I know enough about this.”
He had not responded, he just looked at her. She seriously believed that she was hated at this point and that Niwa's words were just to reassure her.
"Would you like to... watch me?"
That caught her off guard, but she widened her smile, "I would love to!"
She hadn't really expected that! It was a really huge leap of progress!
It certainly had not been easy to ask her to see him dance, but she was really happy about it. And now that she was witnessing that dance, to say that he was talented was an understatement!
The smooth and accurate movements, the relaxed facial features, and the passion-filled eyes with which he performed the poses was nothing short of mesmerizing.
As a backdrop, the trees, the river and the light wind that had risen made it almost magical.
She couldn’t stop looking at him.
He was so immersed in it that he seemed to have forgotten her presence after ending his dance, so she applauded him, catching his attention.
"That was... magnificent. I don't know what else to say.”
His eyes drifted to the sword, playing with its hilt, “I’m honored to be complimented.”
Shi Han was completely taken hostage by the tenderness he had awakened in her, and without thinking about it she had mussed his long hair in an affectionate gesture.
Kabukimono had only blinked in surprise.
"Oh, forgive me!" she pulled away, raising her hands in surrender. "You were so sweet that I moved unintentionally. Please, don’t hate me!”
“Hate you? I would never!” he quickly shook his head, almost offended by that.
“Oh. I thought… you hated me.”
“Never! I’m just…” now he looked anywhere but at her, what was probably embarrassment invading him. “You are so beautiful and kind…”
She would have had an explosion of diabetes if he had not stopped!
How in the heck was he so, so sweet? He was a precious cinnamon roll!
“So it is not a disturbance if I request to see your dance again?”
“Absolutely not.”
“That’s a relief then. And… thank you for your compliments.”
The response she received was sparkling eyes and a toothy smile.
And the following days Kabukimono had left all shyness behind and kept staying close to her like a child trailing after his mother.
He would smile constantly, seek advice on even the smallest things, ask to pick fruits or just go for a walk together.
A total different character.
You could not look at him and not think of protecting him from any danger.
To think that he would change his personality after that tragic event that he would soon have to endure was really a shame, yet the story had to have footholds to continue.
Every action and reaction was calculated and giving them drastic plot changes could have consisted of inconsistencies in moving forward.
Messing up was not an option.
She was going to enjoy the course of events without a hitch.
And watching Kabukimono had become her favorite pastime; he was so adorable and innocent. Like now as he placed the firewood under the cauldron.
Surely he had noticed her fixed gaze on him, for she could see him playing with the sleeves of his robe.
“Asahi is late.”
She chuckled, “He wants to do it himself, as small as he is it will take him a while. He wants to be useful, like you.”
“He shouldn't tire himself though, since he's not very well.”
“I know, but let him do it. It's really cute to see him so hard-working.”
Asahi, the sick child who would add to Kabukimono's suffering when he would pass away.
He was already ill, that tragedy would take place sooner than later.
Another detail she did not remember at all was his name, because she had not given him one. He was just supposed to be an addition for the character that would become Scaramouche.
But if she dug her heels in over everything, she would start to get headaches, so it was best not to question and just comply.
“Water is here!” the small enthusiastic voice of Asahi caught their attention and they saw him almost trip and tip over the bucket full of water.
“That's too much water, Asahi!” Shi Han burst out laughing, helping him move closer to the fire.
“We still need it!”
“Yes, yes. Pour it slowly or you'll ruin the firewood.”
The teasing, the smiles, the chattering, the caresses. These heart-warming interactions had always fascinated Kabukimono.
Every human feeling and emotion captivated him.
There was something mysterious and inexplicable about the way they worked and manifested themselves.
However, the one who attracted him like a moth to a candle was Shi Han.
The manifestation of her emotions was a subtle but strong trait; the change of them could be sudden or slow.
He often found himself staring at her more than he should, completely invaded by a strange feeling that a puppet should not experience.
He had no heart; it was impossible.
Could it perhaps have been her aura? It was not to be ruled out. The villagers also felt at ease with her and almost considered her family.
“Is something wrong?” Shi Han's gentle voice and her face so close to his made him pull back a little from the sudden entry into his view. “I called you several times. Do you feel strange?”
“Oh, no. It’s just… You seem to feel so much happiness…”
“Are you not happy?” Asahi asked confused.
“I could, if I didn’t have…” Unconsciously, his hand went to his chest. “… a void here.”
“You mean, you wish you had a heart?” He nodded and heard Shi Han sigh, sitting next to him. “Mmh, have you ever heard this story before?” the question gained their attention as the child placed the bowl of food on the floor, “There once was a puppet soldier whose greatest wish was to be with a ballerina doll forever and ever. But the soldier didn’t have a heart and didn’t know where his feeling came from. One day, his owner didn’t want him anymore and threw him away into a fire. But even in the flames, his eyes never left the ballerina.” He smiled, ”The next day, the people found a tiny heart in the ashes left by the fire.”
He exhaled, sadness filling his voice, “Probably ashes in the shape of a heart, but that’s not a real heart.”
“Maybe. But what if…” He tilted his head to the side, “… hearts can be born from ashes?”
That would have changed things, but he was not sure.
“You don’t need a heart,” Shi Han spoke, grabbing his hand and slight sparks orerran his body. “The fact that you worry about being empty and that you might not reciprocate in the same way shows that you feel something.” A tender smile played on her lips, eyes looking at him with affection, “You are able to express emotions without it. You are more human that most people. Am I right, Asahi?”
“She is!” he had almost shouted it while nodding firmly.
Her face lit up, as if he had remembered something, “Oh! Asahi! Your handmade gift!”
The child made the same expression, got up and ran to a wooden box, pulling out a doll.
Kabukimono was quite confused.
After the child had gotten closer, he noticed the details of the object better. It was him. Its hair and clothing were the same as his, and it had what looked like a small tear under its eye.
“I'm aware that it didn't turn out that well, but I still wanted to give you a gift.”
He was at loss of words. He had a knot in his throat and his eyes were stinging.
He grabbed the doll and stared at it, a smile forming on his lips.
“Look, you’re smiling,” Shi Han rubbed his shoulder in a comforting way. “You’re happy, Mono.”
She sucked the air through her teeth before grinning, “Kabukimono is too long. Mono is better.”
He smiled back, feeling shy again but with a tingling sensation.
He heard Asahi giggling, but a coughing fit struck him, bringing Shi Han to stroke his back and him to look at him worriedly.
“Everything is fine, just coughing.”
“You should still get back into bed. I’ll accompany you.”
He followed them with his gaze until they vanished into the other room and went back with his eyes on the doll. He touched its hair, its trim and stitching.
A gift made with affection.
A goal he did not think he could achieve. He thought people would not consider him; lacking a heart he might not feel empathy, or understand certain actions dictated by certain feelings. Consequently, causing estrangements on their part.
Yet they were friendly, loving, and hospitable. They treated him like a son, an older or younger brother, a friend. He felt loved and always wanted to be loved.
And very much loved by Shi Han.
It had become a permanent fixture. He did not want to do anything that could lead her to be bothered by his presence; he wanted to be praised.
More and more.
She had become the first person he spoke to as soon as the sun came out. A strong force continually pushed him toward her. And he did not mind.
Just being near her gave him warmth and love. He could sense it.
Like now, as the sound of the flowing river was heard, sitting at its bank and looking at the night sky.
It was better to say that he was watching her admire the stars.
“I love this view. I've never seen so many stars light up the night.”
“Where you come from there aren't many?”
She shook her head, “No. Let's just say they've… dimmed over time.”
“You will see them often by staying here then.”
She had opened her mouth, but had not spoken. This jolted him slightly and he began to feel a squeeze in his chest at that nonverbal response.
“Are you… leaving?”
Shi Han had definitely noticed the sudden change in mood, because she was hesitating, but she eventually nodded.
“I’m traveling, so… I’m moving all the time.” He turned his head to the other side and pulled his knees to his chest. “I also have to stay with my family. They definitely miss me. But this doesn’t me- wait, what’s wrong? Are you crying?”
Hearing her concerned voice gave him a sense of victory.
First she would sneak in and then decide to leave without thinking about what she had left behind? Without thinking about how he would feel? Was she really going to leave him? Why?
He didn't want to!
Her hand moved his shoulder slightly so she could look at him, but he resisted. He heard her calling him, but he did not answer.
He felt betrayed.
“Mono, please, listen to me!”
“I am.”
“You aren’t. You didn't hear a word I said because you’re still like this.”
He stood up abruptly and looked at her, taking steps back before halting and showing her bag in his hand.
Shi Han had widened her eyes, taken aback and confused by his action.
“Speak the truth. It has to do with that object you always carry in here with you, doesn't it? The way you take care of that thing has always intrigued me. You never show it to anyone, you keep it hidden and you seem obsessed with it.”
She let out a long sigh with her eyes closed, sensing the situation getting out of hand.
She was probably thinking that she would never have thought of such an overreaction on his part and that she didn't even know how they had gotten to this point.
He didn't know either. All he knew was that a trigger had been set off.
“It is because it’s an important object for me. It has an emotional value. It’s a gift.” She explained in a soft voice and stretched out her hands, “Come here, I’ll show you.”
He kept looking at her, stalling for a while until he gave up.
Shi Han reached into the bag and pulled out the object.
"Bring this behind your head," she had lifted that thing above her head and brought with one hand what looked like a strange rope behind it. “Then this to the front,” the large part went in front of her eyes. “And press the button on the left side,” her finger stayed on that specified spot but didn’t press down. “That’s it. But since I break a lot of things, and you know that, I don't use it much to avoid breaking it.” She took it off and smiled at him before putting that thing back in the bag and slung it over her shoulder. “Sorry if I startled you. I was going to talk to everybody about it these days. And I was telling you earlier that I would come back to visit anyway, and we may as well write to each other.”
He lowered his head, distress overtaking him.
Of course there were these options, but they were not like having her by his side all the time.
It was different.
“But I will not see you every day.” his voice had come out hoarse, as if he were tearing up.
“You can travel with me. And we can take Asahi with us, too. If you want, we can ask Niwa as well. I don't know if he would agree to travel, but it doesn't hurt to try.” He raised his head, stunned by the proposal. Shi Han cupped his cheeks, her fingers wiping away tears he did not know were coming out, “There, there, stop crying. Have you calmed down? Do you like my idea? No more sadness?”
He nodded, inhaling a deep breath to cool down.
This myriad of emotions were making him dizzy. And what she did next almost caused him to lose strength in his legs.
She giggled, tousled his hair and rested her lips on his forehead. After that, she hugged him. His face leaning against the crook of her neck, warm and soft skin touching.
“You’re such a good boy.”
Her fingers run through his hair, stroking gently and slowly.
He couldn’t think straight. He was over the moon.
He hugged back, tightening his grip as much as he could without hurting her.
It was like being wrapped in a cocoon of warmth, comfort and fondness. Safe from any danger, feeling special, and have no negative thoughts.
She was the last piece to complete his wish.
Like it was your home.
It felt like home.
He had attained peace. A feeling so wonderful that he wished it would last for eternity.
But against his every thought and will, that newly completed paradise was gone.
Black smoke had begun to surround them, and the villagers began to get sick. They were getting worse and worse, and no one knew how the heck to stop the disease.
And they were dying. They were dying and dying one by one. A chain reaction that had spread terror and despair. And the helplessness about the situation didn’t help.
Hence, he decided to ask for help from the one who had created him, the Electro Archon herself.
He did not want to leave Shi Han, Asahi and Niwa alone, but he had to do something.
When he arrived in Inazuma, no one would let him in to have an audience with the Archon. With tears in his eyes and desperation clouding his senses, he did not for a single moment stop asking about his creator, displaying the golden feather around his neck, left by her in his hands.
Even though Yae Miko appeared in Ei's place, he begged to save the villagers, on his knees, his hands grasping her clothes. Shepromised help, and he believed her.
After returning to Tatarasuna, he saw Shi Han standing outside the house in the distance.
“Shi Han! The shogunate will come here! Let’s inform Niwa and-“
Now close by, he could notice Shi Han's dull eyes and bare feet. A bad omen took hold of him and he ran toward Asahi's bedroom.
When he saw him, Asahi seemed to be asleep.
Deeply asleep.
He had a lump in his throat, his hands began to shake.
That was a joke, wasn’t it? Asahi was definitely joking. It was not the best moment to do that, but he was playing around.
For sure.
“Asahi, it’s not good time to play. You need to wake up. The… The shogunate is coming and…”
One touch and he suddenly pulled his hand away, as if electrocuted.
Asahi was cold to the touch. Too cold.
No. No! No! No! Please, no!
Why? Why was all this happening? What had they done wrong to undergo such a thing?
The child’s words crossed his mind and he smiled through the tears.
He was here. Asahi was still here. His heart was still here.
And without a second thought, the flames enveloped both him and the house. He waited, waited until he could see it, but there was nothing there.
No heart from the ashes but anger and sadness made an appearance.
He clenched his hands into fists, tears that would not stop falling, “How dare you die like this, and break your promise to me?” He sneered, “What a joke… It’s just ashes, nothing left but ashes.”
He lifted his head up, a deep sigh leaving him. He stayed like that for a while before walking out.
He still had his Shi Han. He needed her hugs and sweet words.
He needer her.
However, he did not expect to see her with that black object on her head, her hands still on each side of it.
Hesitantly, he spoke, “Shi Han?”
Their eyes met, and what hers conveyed made him even more desperate.
“What… are you doing?”
Shi Han gulped, lips quivering and voice shaking, “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”
It was too much.
Tragedy was to come, but she did not imagine it so suddenly. She had not even had time to breathe. It was all going too fast, and witnessing it firsthand had never been in her plans. To see the life of someone you spend time with vanish before her eyes without being able to do anything to stop it was the most deplorable torture there was.
Waking up from the catatonic state with the smell of smoke from the flames Kabukimono had started burning the house in which she had memories was another pain.
She could not take it.
It was all too realistic; she did not even believe she was in her own game anymore. Maybe she was and there had been mistakes during the data transfer.
She didn’t care anymore. She wanted to get the fuck out.
If she had entered in the game with the VR, she could as well come out of it.
Fear was dominating her and she didn’t give a shit about anything or anybody else. She couldn’t.
She was doing what was right for her sanity. And she also felt so bad for that.
“What are you saying? I… I don’t get it.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I can’t stay here any longer.”
“Wait, wait! What do you mean? What are you trying to say? Where are you going? Where-“
Adjusting her VR, she pressed the button and everything was reduced into a spiral of colors. Seeing the familiar white room again, she collapsed on the floor, relief taking over her senses. Hearing her friends' and co-fonders’ voice put a definite end to that long moment.
But for Kabukomono had been an istant. A light and then nothing. She was gone.
His Shi Han was gone.
Where? Where had she gone? What had she done to make herself disappear? And why? So was it a lie? She did want to leave him?!
His head hammered incessantly, it felt like needles penetrating and pushing deep. His pupils constricted, a silent scream leaving his body, his hands clutching his head to try to stop the pain.
It hurt. It was unberable.
“Shi Han! Shi Han!” he sobbed. “Don’t go! Come back! Why are you doing this?! Please! Please, don’t leave me! Shi Han, please! Don’t leave me!”
Shi Han exhaled, almost running out of air. After regaining oxygen, she sat on the edge of the bed and a sigh of relief left her lips.
She was in her room, probably after she fell asleep and was brought in.
That was terrifying.
Dreaming of those events was not really something she expected. She had had nightmares after returning from here, but they had faded after a few months.
Guilt was kicking in again.
She needed a glass of fresh water for her dry throat.
Movements alerted her and she got up, spotting Hikaru under the moonbeams picking up her bag and placing it on the chair.
“Oh, it’s you. Was it you who brought me here?”
“Did you think it was someone else?”
“I… never thought you would do that,” she giggled. “but thank you.”
He just hummed, “Your bag fell and this thing slipped,” he lifted one of his hand to show her VR, the other one on his hip. “Nothing broken, you can rest assured.”
She let out a sigh of relief, “Ah, thank God- Archons. It’s a precious item for me.”
She walked over, checking that nothing was really broken, and put it back in the bag, then holding the latter to herself and returning to the bed to place it on the nightstand.
She wanted to hit herself because she had almost made a stupid mistake. Here they were not thanking God but the Archons.
It had never happened before, but the air was imbued with something strange.
It was heavy, tense.
“Is something wrong? You look nervous, Shi Han.”
“Oh, it’s al-“
Her heart skipped a beat, turning pale. She turned around to look at him, searching for something in his eyes that suggested she had heard wrong.
She had certainly heard him wrong. A trick of her ears. He didn’t know her real name.
“What…?” it was almost inaudible and she saw him tilt his head to the side. “Oh, sorry, Hikaru. I thought- nothing, don’t worry,” she shook her head and gesticulated with her hands. “I really should sleep.”
“Hikaru was the best name you could have chosen. I really had an enlightenment in my life.” One step forward, one more, another, as he continued, “But giving it to me through the Traveler was not necessary. I would rather you had given it to me in person.”
He was there, close to her. Too close. She was petrified.
His irises seemed to glow in the dark. Threatening, smothering.
She did not know how or when, but she felt pressure on her arm, was pulled to the side, and the sound of something being broken echoed the room.
Her eyes settled on the nightstand, where her bag was no longer. Her lips began to tremble, her face to distort with fear, and her breathing became labored.
His foot was still on top of it, the VR inside shredded.
He knew. He knew her real name, about her.
Fuck! Fuck!
How was this possibile? How did he find out?! Did her presence really lead to this? She had been careful, avoiding anything that might spoil the plan. Really!
Realization kicked in and she stared at him, while his eyes had never left her and had watched her every facial change.
“You used my VR!”
“Is that what it is called? It is certainly a wonderful invention.” With his hand still holding her arm, he drew her to him, chests touching and faces a short distan apart. “It made me see your world. Our past.” She could feel his breath against her lips. “You don't know... how painful it was after you left me. Asahi, Niwa, you. I saw the darkness, and called your names. Yours especially.” His other arm went around her waist, pressing their bodies together as tightly as he could, ”I wanted your hugs, your caresses, your reassuring words. You were my support, my fixed thought. But after a while, I began to forget you, only you. Probably because you are connected to my world and can manipulate a few things. And I bet the stars and the sky are part of it, aren't they?”
She gulped, trying to push him away, but she couldn’t.
It was happening too fast, she couldn’t react. Her head was spinning, her pupils shaking.
“But I’m also aware of how what happened has worn you down. You tried to make things better, giving me a new rebirth.” He gave her a knowing lopsided smile, a sinister glint in his eyes, “Everything is okay, honey. Your suffering is coming to an end. You will be reborn with a new you. I promise.”
A flashback of her stroking his hair and humming a melody while he was in a coma popped into her mind. He had recited the same words she had said.
He had heard it all.
“I'm sure you didn't do it all by yourself. Someone helped you. But even knowing the current situation, Lesser Lord Kusanali did not act on it. I assume that no one can do anything if you are involved.” His hand left her arm, which fell dead weight, and moved towards her chin, cupping it, “Am I right, Clara?”
She coudn’t breathe.
Demanding, controlling, out of his mind.
“Am I right?”
She breathed out, “Yes.”
“It means no one can meddle between us. Is that correct again?”
“... Yes.”
His face lit up, a smile making her skin crawl.
He giggled, caressing her cheek. He placed his lips on her forehead, before cupping her cheeks and kissing her.
She was squeezing her eyes, paralyzed.
He nipped at her lip, causing her to flinch and taking advantage of this, he swept his tongue between her lips, tangling and tinkling their tongues together.   
He broke the kiss, staring at her with eyes filled with confirmed madness.
And hugged her. Her face against the crook of his neck.
“You’re such a good girl.”
The paradox was paralytic and finding a way out erased.
She realized that she had taken Nahida's words lightly.
But what could she have known? How could she have known that he would behave this way? These were not excuses! She could not have foreseen this!
But unconsciously she had believed that she would not arouse suspicion. Foolishly she had gotten too close.
And she had brought disaster with her.
Memories had surfaced that should not be there.
An unwanted insight into something that should not have been there.
He was so attached to her that his affection had transcended time and space, outclassing that betrayal and seeing the positive side of her redemption toward him that would also be projected onto her game, having a close connection between parallel and video game realities.
But she was the culprit. She had decided to test the waters by prolonging her stay in a place that was beginning to seem strange to her.
And she was paying the consequences. Willy-nilly.
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i-am-vita · 8 months
Ghost Rose musings: Loves and Friends
Some shorter Headcanons for OcReader because I have too many ideas to concentrate in my actual WIPs. And I still have to finish her bio and family. And her Phantom Pirates crew because stupid overachieving brain has to create full Ocs and lore. I swear I worked on this a normal amount of time.
Based on my first OPLA older menxfemreader headcanons
👉 Masterlist
Phantom Pirates Crew already.
Soon the Strawhats.
Characters: Shanks, Beckman, Mihawk, Bogard, Garp, Buggy, Zeff, Kuro, Crocodile, Do Flamingo, Big Mom.
Warnings: Swearing, back at excessive and unnecesary use of the word Fuck. Suggestive themes. Some spoiler of future OP (for the just OPLA readers).
Expect: Use of You, not y/n. Still bad english. These are not the Consistent Time Tenses you are looking for. I wrote half of this instead of working.
Still not beta'd because I exist in the void.
Redhead "I Ran Away with Him not Abducted by" Shanks
Bestie (with benefits most of the time). The person you trust most in the world. Always there when you need him, somehow. You love him to death, as a friend because man’s anti commitment in the best of days and you know it.
He is NOT jealous that Mihawk is interested in you and you reciprocate enough to have ended his benefits indefinitely. Not at all... Of course you deserve someone who loves and cherish only you as the treasure you are, to wake with you in his arm for the rest of his life... Fuck.
Fave of your Captain Erik. He still believes he can convince Shanks to settle down with you. Maybe he should arrange more jobs where you end up stranded somewhere and Shanks has to pick you up.
Benn "Hang in There, Old Man" Beckman
Just marry his Captain already so he has another babysitter that's not him, damn it! Give a man a break. May teams up with Eriksson to rid Shanks of his libertine ways.
Totally not getting Shanks all riled up by wondering out loud if Mihawk would actually propose to you. Should he tell him about the Bathhouse incident?
Dracule "I'm not Falling for Him" Mihawk
Woman, you stole from him, cinderella-ed him and he keeps looking for you. Get your shit together and fuck him already instead of running away after smooch him and heavy making out with him every time he finds you. It's not like you're falling in love with him. Nop... Fuck.
He is absolutely not so head over heels about you that has started to name your future child. Damn, you want to bring over your redhead plaything idiot from time to time? Go ahead. That Marine fucker better keep away from you. No, he’s not drunk in your favorite sweet red berries juice wine that he despises but still drinks because it reminds him of The Day You Met and the taste of your lips… Maybe.
Fave of your captain's wife. Full going for he's-the-catch-of-the-season victorian-matchmaker mode. May be arranging an unusual amount of balls and inviting him. Has the wedding planned already.
Bogard "It Would Never Have Worked" Rick
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We don't talk about Bogard. Too sad and guilty for leaving him hanging in your youth. You can't help but still care for him. Maybe still love him. A little. Let's not think about him.
He's not dying inside to have discovered you're the Ghost Rose and you may be in love with Mihawk. Absolutely no... Fuck.
Wait until he finds out about Shanks.
Monkey D. "My Son is the Most Wanted Man in the World" Garp
He is all for Bogard to "go fight for her, you idiot". Actually likes you and your boss.
If the Duchess arranges a ball, he's sending Bogard undercover to inform him if he notices some "suspicious activity". Bogard isn't getting it, would just byronicly sulk in the noir corners, doing his job and longing for you from afar.
"And why didn't you dance with her, moron? yOu WeRe DoInG yOuR jOb... I didn't get married and had a son by staying away just doing my job." Wait, was he married to the mother of his son? "Am I a barbarian like Roger? Of course I am married to the mother of my son." Wait, is she still around? "Like alive? Of course. She left and hates the guts of me for being absent all the time and driving our son away to an anti-government life but... still!" Hence...
Neither of you knows what is your bosses deal or history but Garp may be the only Marine in the world who knows that Duke Shostakovich Eriksson is the Phantom Captain. And gives no shit because he's a pal.
Who else is going to snitch all the gossip from his son's whereabouts and the marine highest ranks info they try to hide to him? All those jobs of sneaking in Marine Bases to get intel? They didn't come from him. Not at all... Oh.
Buggy "It was Just One Time" the Clown
You were wasted-drunk and freshly dumped Kuro!!! Not happening again because STANDARDS. Just don't let him sweet talk you and look at his pretty blue puppy eyes at the same time. DO. NOT. LOOK.
Somehow, your captain adores him, thinks he has potential. For what? You have no idea. Outdo him in extravagance?
Buggy kisses the ground your captain walks on. Even when he already told him that Roger never confessed to him about the One Piece. Doesn’t matter. Eriksson rocks. Yes, he knows his identity as does Shanks since he was besties with their captain. Never telling, clown’s promise!
Your crewmates Raoul and Carlotta may or may not have a crush on him. They can have all his chop-chop parts for all you care.
Red "I Ate my" Leg "to Save This Little Flirty Gremlin" Zeff
Eriksson's old bestie. Worked together for a while to seek information about the All Blue. They just talk in insults to each other.
They were supposed to meet that time his ship was wrecked and looked for him for months until your crew found him in that rock with his new kid. "And why the fuck did you tough it was a great idea to raid a ship in the middle of a storm, you mangy landlubber?" “There was something suspicious! Germa 66 was in the area some weeks ago, gossip said they may have planted something important there, you hornswogglin' son of a biscuit eater!” *Kid looks around pretending not being there*. "And that's why the intel dealer is me, not you, scurvy-ridden old sea rat!" *Eriksson looks pointly at kid while Zeff isn't looking*.
Helped him to retire and open his restaurant. His kid may have had a massive crush on you.
Kuro "Fuck That Guy and His Fucking Plans"
Except you did. Literal and metaphorical. And then dumped him for being a piece of shit. But the guy dared to threaten your niece and spat your identity in front of Bogard. Now they can truthfully give him up for death.
Sir "I Hate that Guy" Crocodile
He DARED to mistake you for an escort and groped you when he went to try to make a deal with Eriksson (as the Duke, not the Phantom Captain, he’s unaware of his alter ego). You almost beat the shit out of him (Gara vs Rock Lee style, see: Naruto) but ended up very even at the time.
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(Doesn't look like I thought about this obsessively.)
After that, he actually respected you but still ogles you shamelessly. Not forgetting it for the rest of your life. It goes without saying he never got a deal from the Duke.
It would be a shame if in the future it reaches the ears of a certain Best Swordsman to whom Croc is allied.
Don Quixote "That Fucking Bastard" Do Flamingo
Your captain despises him. They have history. Say no more, for you that's enough.
Charlotte "Big Souless Ugly $%&! Bitch Mom" Linn Linn
Hate her with all your being. No more comments or you may stab someone.
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Prismo the WishMaster as your boyfriend
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First off, just a fact, chillest dude in all of Ooo
Like, if you guys broke up (not that you would, but-) he would be the kinda guy you would actually be friends with
Because he is confined to the time room, dates are limited
A lot of indoor dates; home-cooked food, board game nights and, of course, watching movies (or alternate realities on his TV)
The man always has your favourite snacks at hand (and most other things for that matter)
Honestly, your presence brightens up his day
Like, he could be having the most boring/hardest day at work, but you sending a quick check-in text really makes his day
Once you two start getting more serious, I can see him using his powers to spoil you (which probably is a violation of the rules, but oh well-)
Oh, you saw a dress you wanted that was out of your budget? Magically in your closet
You wish you could style your hair a certain way? Bam, new doo by the morning
There's a book you're dying to read that hasn't been released yet? it's now on your bedside table
on that note, with your consent, I think he would like to use his powers to play dress up with you, as long as you're both having fun, and it's not just you treating him like your personal tailor
And as nice as it is to have a cosmic sugar daddy, please reassure him that you like him for him, and not his powers.
Like, this man deals with crippling loneliness, you gotta let him know that you're there for him too
Maybe you can't give things to him like he gives you, but you can be there to listen to him vent or just say sweet things to him (COMPLIMENT THIS PINK STRING BEAN)
This man loves your praise
he barely gets enough recognition for his job, so please tell him you love him and that he's a sweet boyfriend
you automatically get an invite to all of his parties (but understands if you don't want to go)
if you make him anything home-made, dude is going to treasure it
like, he would make a whole ass room just to put the things you give him in it
Has defiantly used the pick-up like: "if everything around me is a dream, then you're the most beautiful thing I've ever dreamed of"
Guy can be suave in his own dorky kind of way
He also likes cooking for you
he does it with zero powers, he just wants to make something for you
his cooking isn't always the greatest, but he does get better over time, you just gotta stomach it for a while til his trial-and-error phase ends (spoiler alert: it never does)
And, this goes without saying, but he makes you pickles
one time he made a special batch for you, with a note that said 'for my sweet pickle'
He's also tried to write you a song on his banjo
he's got spirit and it's the thought that counts anyway
I also see him having the love language of quality time (He's in a time box, I don't think he has much of a choice)
If you stick around long enough, he will give you a guest room
He will occasionally ask you for feedback about his stories
oh, and it's totally obvious when he's written characters that remind you of you two a little *too* much
If you are a writer or an artist, he would love to know all about your stories/OCs
or if you're a creative at all, would love to know more about your work
Super supportive (again, will use his powers to get you the most expensive materials)
If you guys are serious, he will introduce you to jake, assuming you didn't meet jake earlier at his parties or just because Jake just dropped in to say hi
Has defiantly told Jake about you at some point
So when you introduce yourself to him, Jake defiantly embarrasses Prismo about it
"Oh, so this is the girl you've been telling me all about?"
you guys have a dinner planner. It avoids having the same talk about what to have for dinner every night
After some time, he does decorate his time room a bit more
It's still minimal, but now there's a plant and a bookshelf or something
Is the kinda guy that's shy about dancing and singing, until a few drinks, and then he's doing karaoke like it's no one's business
Not the kind of guy to raise his voice
like, even if he was mad at you, would never do that. i see him responding in short sentences if that's the case
He's a god, you're a mortal, y'all definitely have existential conversations
But he's also so chill that they never feel depressing
Even though the relationship may be a bit strange to navigate because of the whole God/Mortal thing, you wouldn't have it any other way
He may be a God, but you are his Heaven
This is my first time posting headcanons like this, hope you all enjoyed it. If you want more or have a specific scenario you want me to write about, don't hesitate to ask (I'm always looking to sharpen my writing skills)
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mahs-dumpster · 6 months
a/n: help me this is so cheesy. Uhhhh anyways based on that one Aladdin scene y'all know the one
CW: oc x canon (Kalim x Jeanne), gold digger..........? Is this a content warning. I mean she ain't digging that much gold in this story– [GUNSHOTS]
🏷️: @viilpstick @justm3di0cr3
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Jeanne and Kalim were finally finishing up their… hang out. Kalim’s magic carpet guiding them to Savanaclaw where he would drop Jeanne off for the night, despite her insisting it wasn't necessary and that she could take perfect care of herself.
“I know, but I still want to make sure you get there safely.” Was what he said, a soft smile adorning his face.
And, if we're being completely honest, Jeanne wasn't all that bothered. I mean, this was the first time a guy had been so gentle, so careful with her… people were usually such brutes around her, she guessed it might've been because of her tomboyish personality and appearance, but come on now, she would still like to be treated as a lady… so of course that Kalim's actions towards her made her happy, he treated her like a wonderful jewel, a precious treasure, as if he already didn't have enough.
Jeanne's grip on the jasmine flower he had gifted her tightened, her eyebrows furrowing as she remembered Damali and Jamil's faces when they left. She can't believe she's been so careless to the point that they noticed her schemes… her blue eyes traveled to the back of Kalim’s head, his short hair moving with the wind and Jeanne felt like something was caught in her throat.
It's fine. Who cares if he was gentle, kind and lovable? None of it mattered, he was simply a means to an end, a mere toy she would discard as soon as she was able to get her hands on his gold. She had to keep that in mind.
“Ok, let me help you.” Kalim got up on the carpet, holding out a hand for the girl that just sat there staring. She cleared her throat and hesitantly grabbed his hand, the motion of getting up being so fast she needed Kalim's help standing straight, his arms wrapped around her waist as he laughed sheepishly. “Are you alright?”
“Yes.” Jeanne says firmly, hoping her face isn't too red as she finally gets out of his grasp and gets down from the carpet onto her small balcony. Kalim’s hand helped her the entire time. “Thank you for tonight.”
“When are we going on another date?” Kalim asked, his arms on the balcony, his body being supported outside by the flying carpet. “Surely it won't take long, right?"
Jeanne couldn't help but laugh as she fiddled with the flower in her hands. 
“These aren't dates, Kalim. We’re just hanging out.”
“But– what? I gifted you flowers and showed you my favorite place.” The white haired boy said, his voice a bit saddened as his red eyes looked at her with worry. “Do you not like me?”
“I–” Jeanne was going to deny it, to refuse, but instead she held her tongue, deciding it’d be in her best interest to not reject him just yet – or that's what she told herself as her heart raced. “It's complicated.”
Kalim hummed, but soon smiled, smaller than usual, but still a beautiful smile. 
“Well… I can wait until you sort things out.” And Jeanne laughed, though her heart broke a little. Foolish boy… Why did he have to go and fall so easily for someone like her? 
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” She walked closer, her hook moving to caress the boy's cheeks. He shivered at the coldness of the metal, and for a moment Jeanne almost retracted her arm, until Kalim held her wrist, making sure she didn't move. “Isn't it cold?”
“A bit. But it's a part of you, so I still want to feel it.”
Why did he have to be so loving? So wonderful and kind? She felt her cheeks going pink, she was slowly going crazy and if this got any more out of hand she would be caught or worse… 
She opened up her mouth to say something and Kalim seemed to move his head upwards to give her his full attention, but before any of them knew it, the carpet decided to give a little help to the complicated couple.
With a push, Kalim crashed onto Jeanne, their lips finally meeting as they both stood still in shock. Kalim was the first to close his eyes, his hands moving to hold her face in place gently. Jeanne stood frozen for a moment, until giving up and following her emotions, her hook and hand going towards his shoulder, resting there as if unsure of what to do or what to hold. Once it was over, they both separated, blue and red met and Jeanne cleared her throat, moving out of Kalim's grasp. 
“It's been a pleasure, Kalim.” She said, cursing herself for how shaky her voice sounded and just how red her face probably was. “Be careful as you go back to Scarabia.”
With that, Jeanne basically ran inside, the door to her room closing loudly, making her roommate groan in annoyance. She quickly apologized and went to sit on her bed, her gaze going to the flower she was still holding.
A jasmine flower. Love, purity and grace.
She dried a tear that dared to fall. She was nothing like that flower. Nothing at all.
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shootingcookielover · 3 months
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Introducing: Jay!! My ducktales oc!! (If it wasn't blatantly obvious lmao)
Do you want to know more about them? No? Too bad!
Jay, aka January was the first ever clone F.O.W.L. created. However, due to a lab accident, Jay ended up not only with scrooge's DNA, but also Bradford's. Deeming the clone a "failure", Heron drops the created baby off at an orphanage.
(Bradford becomes enraged when he later learns of this - a child with his and scrooge mcduck's dna?? Just out there??? Has Heron no concept how problematic that could shake out to be???)
Jay spends the first 9 years of their life kinda bouncing from foster home to foster home (kinda developing a bit of a thing abt people seeing them eat. Because of how their beak is a bit weirdly aligned, they can't eat quite the same as most others, and people stare.). But eventually they scrape together enough resources for like, one of those online-dna testing kits that spit out who you're related to.
Turns out their parents are Scrooge McDuck!!! (And some random vulture guy? Weird)
Thus, Jay sets out to become an adventurer like their dad, to meet him one day on their adventures!
Except, first adventure they immediately get trapped in a parallel, kind of very hellish dimension. They get out after three years, but they're pretty traumatized - and pretty much pu off of adventuring forever.
(Though they do find and keep a magic amulet in [hell dimension] that they use to cast spells. Mostly teleportation spells, really.)
Deciding they don't really want to meet a guy who's whole schtick is adventuring, they instead begin their search for dad#2, that vulture guy.
They find out he works for scrooge mcdad (of course he does) but don't judge him too harshly yet. From what they can find online (public libraries for the win!) the guy doesn't really... Do anything. Let alone go on adventures.
So Jay decides to find out where he lives and well, just kinda shows up at his door.
Much surprise is had, it's not quite the family reunion Jay was hoping for but they haven't been kicked out so they count it as a win.
Staying with their dad is pretty great, actually. He even hires a private tutor for homeschooling, since Jay missed 3 years of school and has a lot of catching up to do.
(they definitely hoard food in their room somewhere, just in case. They also have a bug-out bag ready at any given time. Just in case.)
Turns out, Dadford doesn't only also hate adventuring with a passion - he has a whole secret organization to take over the world and stop all adventuring! Forever!
(Jay found a secret stash of files on the computer they use for video games.)
Thus, at the ripe age of 13 they become the youngest FOWL agent ever!
And because they are kind of a big security risk now that they know, they get moved out to live in the outpost at the library of Alexandria instead, together with a bunch of the villains Dadford recruited.
(including Phantom Blot who Jay has an ongoing rivalry with just because they use magic sometimes lol)
(they and the villains play mario kart/party together on sundays)
Eventually, (three years later) season 1 happens and seeing the mcduck family successfully overcome the rift that della's absence left, dadford decides to put one of his better pawns into play.
Through some posturing, magic pyrotechnics and a fake mystical artefact, Jay gets planted into the mcduck family as scrooge's "magic child/clone".
(this happens during the episode "The Depths of Cousin Fethry", while huey and dewey are out meeting their cousin, scrooge, louie and webby go to find an invaluable treasure and return with Jay. Cue scrooge introducing Jay as his kid and Huey and Dewey going "wtf did we miss")
They go along on an adventure or two, mainly because saying "I hate adventuring and I don't want to do it because I was traumatized and hate it" doesn't make sense for someone who was just created from an ancient magic artefact. But after a couple adventures they can finally just put their foot down and stay home. It's chill.
They draw sometimes, do a few commissions.
Scrooge wants to bond with them so they teach him how to play video games and they watch some shows together.
Eventually, the last adventure rolls around.
At the point where Webby pretends to be June and kidnaps... Herself (yknow what part i mean. Probably) Jay comes with the clones, obviously shocking Webby.
But they make it to the library without any particular incident - except Huey getting discovered, obviously.
Jay stays behind to "escort June and Webby". They've very much realized the switcheroo that Webby pulled and use their (thus far mostly benign) magic to switcheroo back.
They nod to June, explaining that they didn't say anything earlier so that Director Dad doesn't get on her case too bad about "failing".
After that, Jay kinda just goes off to hang out a bit. Drink some pep. Chill.
On the way to Webby's cell, she wakes up and takes out June. (Because of course she does. She's Webby.)
Cue the rest of the finale.
Right up until Dadford is fighting McDuck and his fam. Because now, he calls Jay forward, who kinda immobilizes the fam with their magic for a bit.
Dadford throws his employees into the death pit, but oh shock! He picks up to throw Jay in as well.
And he does. He does throw them in.
Luckily, Jay is a master at magical teleportation and nobody realizes they weren't, in fact, erased from existence.
Bla bla bla, scrooge signs the papyrus, "family is the greatest adventure of all", boom the other vilalins show up to defeat dadford once and for all.
But what's this? It's Jay, with a magical barrier, protecting her dad from being turned into a non-sentient vulture!
They teleport themself and Dadford outta there.
At this point they're assuming they got thrown in the pit as a sort of surprise/back up, to make everyone think FOWL was already defeated when they were still there and alive. Yknow, a backup plan.
They live on the street for a bit, but Jay manages to get a job, securing the two of them an aprtment.
Dadford doesn't rlly come out of his room for a while.
Jay gets it; having ur thirty year-long plan derailed like that couldn't be, yknow, pleasant.
At some point, Louie finds them at their job and basically blackmails them into helping him out during adventures. (They kinda hide in his shadow, basically/louie summons them, so when something particularly dangerous happens they can subtly magic it away.)
Dadford eventually emerges from his room and drops the bombshell we all already knew: he very much did intend to kill Jay that day.
Jay is kinda shellshocked. They sort of robotically just return to their routine; go to work.
Louie summons them to deal with an adventure again, and wouldn't u know it? Its an adventure in that hell dimension that Jay got stuck in as a kid.
This, coupled with the revelation that one of their dads tried to kill them, kinda makes them very uncareful. They get revealed to the rest of the family but manage to get everyone out of there.
They reveal that Louie's been blackmailing them and the fact dadford tried to actually kill them sorta spills out in the same, emotionally charged rant and to their surprise scrooge offers to allow them back in the mansion, despite everything.
Jay hesitantly accepts, but mentions that they would like to keep working their current job. This is agreeable to everyone.
Jay returns to their apartment later, under the cover of "going to work" and find dadford packing his things.
They're like, what r u doing? Where would u even go?
And he's like, idk, i'll dip into my grandma's account or smth, its not like u want me here anymore, what with the attempted murder.
And Jay's like, I didn't say that.
Stunned silence.
So anyway, Jay sighs and tells dadford he's allowed to stay at the apartment and that Jay will stay at the manor again.
This is how far ive gotten. If u have any ideas/thoughts/complaints, drop 'em somewhere i can see 'em!
If anyone's even read this far lol.
If u have, have a virtual cookie, you've earned it🍪
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boopshoops · 9 months
Ok so hi this is Ezra Goldspire. He is twisted from mother Gothel from Tangled >:D. He is the Art and Music teacher in my fic The Creation of a Villain, and he is pure(?) of heart, dumb of ass <333
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He is inspired by changeling fae, having been raised by humans. He is still rather young in fae's terms of aging, and he only just began teaching. He's been instructing at NRC for about three years now, and he is pretty well known for being easy going and lenient with lectures.
Despite only being around 300-ish years old, he is very self conscious about aging and mortality due to his upbringing. He takes great care of his appearance, and often struggles with insecurities of how he wants to display himself. This is especially true since changeling fae are known for their shapeshifting abilities. Would people like his real face??? What does his real face even look like??? Who fuckin knows!
He also truly cares for his students and fellow staff a LOT. Almost to the point where he gets ridiculously attached. However he is more familiar with human lifespans and mannerisms than most fae, he can still be possessive enough to the point where he will position himself in a guardian role, "hiding" students away from dangers when in reality, he's just limiting them.
And uhh hello again, this is Joel Bullion. He is twisted from John Silver of treasure planet. Given the existence of robots n such in Ignihyde, I was like... wait, why can't cyborgs be a thing?
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He teaches a multitude of different subjects, including astrology, culinary crucible, technomatic enchantments, and aids Coach Vargas with joint P.E. lessons on occasion when he's not too busy.
Opposite to Ezra, but not quite like Trein, he has a reputation for poking at and picking on students. He doesn't really get along too well with his other colleagues due to his antics, but his position in the school is highly valuable seeing as he teaches various subjects.
He's mostly in this teaching gig for the cash, not gonna lie. It feels more like a side hustle for him, honestly, as he's more focused on procuring his own wealth and adventure outside of NRC. Does this mean he doesn't care for his students...? Not necessarily, though there are really only a select few he enjoys speaking with, and most the time it's because they speak more like friends than teacher and student. For most of them though, their struggles are free entertainment. Suffering is fun. 💕
Anyway ramble over LMAO
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katenewmanwrites · 2 months
OC Interview
Thanks for the tag @jev-urisk
Alice Robinson before the start of Treasure Hunt is going to be answering these questions.
Do you have any hobbies? If so, what ones?
I definitely have a few hobbies that keep me busy when I'm not buried in my history books. For starters, I absolutely love exploring the outdoors. Growing up in a small town surrounded by forests, I developed a deep appreciation for nature. Hiking and camping are two of my favorite ways to unwind.
I also enjoy gaming with my friends, Dean, Zach, and Emily. We often get together for gaming nights, exploring virtual worlds and solving in-game mysteries. It’s a great way to bond and have fun, especially when we team up to tackle challenges.
Reading is another passion of mine, particularly historical fiction and adventure novels. They fuel my imagination and often inspire my own adventures. Plus, I love curling up with a good book after a long day of classes.
Be honest. Who could you trust most with a secret?
That's a tough one because I'm really close to my friends, but if I had to pick one person I could trust most with a secret, it would be Dean. We've known each other forever, and he's always been there for me, no matter what. He's reliable, understanding, and has this way of making me feel safe when I share something personal with him. Plus, he knows how to keep things private and respects my privacy, which is super important to me. So yeah, if I had a big secret, Dean would be the first person I'd go to.
Do you dream often? What do you dream about?
I do dream quite often! My dreams are usually pretty vivid. A lot of times, my dreams take me to far off places and times. I'll be in the middle of an archaeological dig, uncovering some incredible artifact, or maybe I'm exploring a hidden temple with secret passages and long-lost treasures. Sometimes, my dreams are more personal and I'll dream dream about fun adventures with my friends, or school.
Have you ever been in love?
I think I might be experiencing it now, actually. It's with Dean. We've been friends for so long, and somewhere along the way, my feelings for him started to deepen. It's like I see him in a different light now, noticing the little things that make him so special.
It's both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. I'm not entirely sure how he feels about me, and I don't want to risk our friendship by confessing my feelings if he's not on the same page. But there's something about the way he looks at me sometimes, or how he's always there when I need him, that makes me hopeful.
So, while I haven't had a full-blown, movie-style romance yet, I think what I'm feeling for Dean might just be the start of something really special.
What is your least favorite thing in the world? What is your pet peeve?
My least favorite thing in the world is probably dishonesty. I value trust and openness so much, especially in my friendships, so when someone is deceitful or hides the truth, it really bothers me. It feels like a betrayal, and it's hard for me to forgive and forget when that trust is broken.
As for a pet peeve, I can't stand it when people are consistently late. I understand that things happen and sometimes people run behind schedule, but when it's a habitual thing, it just feels disrespectful of everyone's time. Punctuality shows that you value and respect the other person's time, so when someone is always late, it really gets under my skin.
Would you team up with your worst enemy if it was your only option?
As much as I might dislike the idea, I think I would team up with my worst enemy if it was my only option. In the end, if the situation is serious enough—like if it's a matter of life and death or something really important that affects a lot of people—I'd put aside my personal feelings and do what's necessary.
I believe in the greater good and doing what's right, even if it means working with someone I don't get along with. It wouldn't be easy, and I'd definitely be cautious, but sometimes you have to make tough decisions and put your differences aside for the sake of the bigger picture.
Tagging @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @drchenquill
@kaseylynnwriting @silent-oakster @bellascarousel
open tag
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tamlinweek · 1 year
Tamlin Creator Appreciation: Fanfiction Authors
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Thank you all for your submissions for your favorite Tamlin creators! In the lead up to Tamlin Week (June 18 - 24, click here for prompts and rules!), we wanted to take a minute to highlight some of the amazing authors who have written Tamlin stories in the past. Here are some of the submissions we received, listed by ship, with some honorable mentions:
a quiet, distant treasure (when you rise) by @yourethehero​
Rating: Mature, Words: 12k (multichapter, ongoing)
Summary: The truth is - Tamlin knows he failed. He knows he  could beg, and plead until the sun burned its last flame, and it would  get him nowhere. There was only the future, the one he could build for his Court, and for this child.
“I love their fic! It's such a unique take on Tamlin's redemption arc and the interactions between Tamlin and his adoptive daughter are very heartwarming”
Tamlin/Briar Honorable Mentions:
A Dream of Roses by @isterofimias
A Court of Love and Healing by @readingwritingwatching​
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I Will See You Again by @goforth-ladymidnight​
Rating: Teen, Words: 2k (oneshot, complete)
Summary: ACOTAR AU - Mere days before the seven times seven years are up, Tamlin decides to send Feyre back to the mortal lands. A glimpse at what might have happened if Feyre had opened her heart and said those three little words that held more magic than she thought possible.
“This creator is AMAZING, BRILLIANT and a great addition to the pro Tamlin community!”
lovely and lonely by @praetorqueenreyna​
Rating: Mature, Words: 24k (multichapter, ongoing)
Summary: "In hindsight, Lucien thinks he fell in love with Tamlin the moment he first laid eyes on him." *** Lucien Vanserra must come to terms with his sexuality, and his complicated feelings for High Lord Tamlin.
“My favorite takes of the characters and Tamlin specifically by far.”
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My Sun Shines Upon Me by @toast-com​
Rating: N/A, Words: <200 (oneshot, complete), Summary: N/A
“Her creativity and descriptive writing.  Tamlin creators, I am high-fiving all of you.”
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Hyacinth by @suckerpunchfemale​
Rating: Mature, Words: 90k (multichapter, complete)
Summary: Hyacinth, known as Cin, has seen the once thriving and prosperous Spring Court fall into ruin and lawlessness due to the absence of their High Lord, Tamlin. But after two years  of waiting and hoping, Cin has had enough. Can these two trauma survivors,  Cin and Tamlin, save each other and their home?
“I don't usually reach for fanfics with OCs, but you can't help but root  for Hyacinth (aka Cin) as she tries to fix the very broken Spring Court  in the wake of the war on Hybern. What I like about SPF’s portrayal of  Tamlin is how she doesn't shy away from showing his suffering, but she  doesn't let him wallow in his misery, either. He made mistakes, but he's  not the villain here. It's a good and proper redemption arc! :D”
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A Court of Lies and Resurrection by @ashintheairlikesnow
Rating: Explicit, Words: 193k (multichapter, complete)
Summary:  AU: Feyre is dead, torn apart by Amarantha when Tamlin did not send her away in time. Tamlin, forced to submit to Amarantha's terms, finds  himself looking for help (and finding affection) in places he never expected.
“IT IS THE TAMSAND MULTI CHAPTER FIC!!!!! Their fic actually opened my eyes to Rhys potential post Amarantha which I didn’t realize was POSSIBLE”
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Thank you so much to everyone who participated! Look forward to more pro Tamlin content by our wonderful contributors in June!
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madamecerberusfanfics · 2 months
Can You Love Yet
Tom Riddle x Reader/OC
Ch. 6 New School Year Master list
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As Tom stood in the living room of the Grimm manner staring at the painted family portrait of said family. It must have been done when Rowan was four or five from just how young she looked & from the inclusion of who he had come to find out to be the eldest child, Cypress. He had to be eleven or twelve in the portrait, taking more after their father with big round eyes & strawberry blonde hair, more akin to Killian's ghostly white than Holly's fiery red hair. Rowan had informed him that Cypress had succumbed to the blood curse that wreaked havoc on the Grove family, their mother's family.
Tom broke his gaze from the painting to look out one of the south facing windows, far outside he could see the cypress tree the young boy lay beneath. 'What a twisted curse' Tom thought just before the sound of footsteps caught his attention. "Alright everything is packed up, we should head off now, we don't want to be late." Rowan approached him, only now did Tom realize as he looked down in her pale grey eyes just how much he had grown & how short Rowan really was. "What is there something on my face?" The redhead inquired as she put a hand to her face.   Tom simply patted her head as he walked away. "No you're just short."   "I-I am not that short." Quickly defending as she ran to catch up to Tom. In no time they were outside with Rowan's parents by the carriage.   "You're just really tall." Crossing her arm over her chest as she tried to stand as tall as possible. "Well yes but you are still short" Snickering at her as they both entered the carriage with Rowan's parents already inside, ready to depart. The ride was filled with talk of the up coming year, hopes & expectations for themselves being expressed. It was long till they had arrived, exchanging goodbyes while Killian tried his best to not get to emotional as he did the year before.   They were finally on the train looking for an empty compartment for themselves. " Your father is such an emotional man its hard to believe your related" Commenting as he opened the door to an empty compartment.   "Why Tom am I not emotional enough, oh what ever will I do if I can't match the emotional intensity of my very own father, gasp." Putting on another one of her exaggerated dramatic displays as she entered the small compartment, complete with her hand on her forehead & even saying the word gasp at the end there.   Tom just rolled his eyes as he closed the door behind him, " You know what I mean" his annoyance evident on his face as he sat down across from her. " I do but I just love the face you make when I act just ridiculously dramatic." She couldn't help but chuckle. Of course Tom couldn't help be roll his eyes once more.   Rowan continued with a more content tone as she pulled out the box of jelly beans they had gotten just the other week. "Truth be told it was just the way we were raised. Having known the concept of death before we even knew to speak, we were taught to savor the little things things in life, moments that we might take for granted later in life." Gazing at a light green jelly bean in between her two fingers transfixed in her thoughts. "All in hopes of fighting off the depressing weight of knowing when are loved ones lives will end." Finishing her thoughts as she placed the jelly bean in her mouth, humming with enjoyment as the flavor of grass brought forth treasured memories.
Her words lingered in his mind, they had both known of death from such a young age. He still remembers how the caretakers & even some of the children at the orphanage would gossip about how his mother ended up there only to giving birth to him then die all within span the  of a day. Whole heartedly believing that his mother had chosen death over him. Leaving him in that horrid place with no one to help this young child to prosses such heavy knowledge. Resulting in this view, this fear of death, blaming his mother for being weak & for leaving him in such a place. Having experienced death far before he was even really.
Rowan even though knew of death for as long as Tom, she had the the support & family he did not. Even before the death of her brother she had known it was coming for her whole life & had her family to support her through it. Having been raised to just accept whoever death comes for & not to fight for life. It was almost pitiful.
Giving her a hum of acknowledgment before turning toward to window gazing out at the passing scenery. "Oh please don't go all melancholic on me now, here" rummaging through the small box in her hand she quickly pulled out a brown jelly bean, "I this one's your favorite, reminiscent of a Hogwarts feast." Holding out her hand with that same old smile, waiting for him to take it. With a sigh he reluctantly took it, popping in his mouth. It did remind him of the feast at Hogwarts, it was the only one out of the bizarre box of beans that he enjoyed. He was surprised that she had actually remembered such an insignificant thing.   Brushing off the gesture Tom changed the subject. "So any idea idea of what your going to this year in regards to your little plan?"
"As a matter of fact yes," as often as she smiled around him & others it was only specific things that made her smile reach her eyes. Teasing him & magical research & experimentation, specifically when it came to that cure for her mother. No matter how much the teasing annoyed him or how frivolous that so called cure for her mother was he couldn't help but be drawn in by that smile.
"As much as I enjoy the research & the theoretical of potion making it won't do any good if we don't start putting it to use." She continued, lost in her own excitement to notice Tom's transfixed gaze.
"Good to know all that studying won't be for not." Trying his best to hide this growing connection of sorts that annoyed him to even think about.
"Since we're on topic of our little projects, have you found anything about your parents?" Setting her box of jelly beans aside as she leaned in closer. "Sadly no," crossing his slender arms in frustration at the fact, "I couldn't find anything about any other Riddle that attended Hogwarts or in any other magical documents."
Giving a light hum as she thought about his words, knowing he'd get upset even if inferred the thought that his father was a muggle, she decided to suggest something else. " How about trying to take a break for now & come back to it later with fresh eyes." Giving him a light shrug of her shoulders as she leaded back & resumed eating her jelly beans.
Sighing as he realized the train was just seconds away from stopping. "You may be right Grimm." With that the loud horn of the train went off as it came to a screeching stop.
 It wasn't too long before they were back in the great hall taking their seats, waiting for everyone else to settle in & the yearly ceremony to begin. With Emlyn Avery & Reinhard Lestrange joining them at the Slytherin table. While Avery took his seat right across from them, Lestrange decided to sit right next to Rowan. Completely oblivious to Tom's disapproving gaze.
With the sorting ceremony commencing it was quite obvious to both Rowan & Tom that Reinhard kept glancing at Rowan, wondering if she would look his way. As far as Rowan was concerned the dark haired Lestrange was smarter then most but nothing to note worthy of beyond that. Tom however saw him as an almost perfect follower, almost, he was quite oblivious. Having to be told some things which Tom saw as obvious as day, no doubt irritating him in the process.
& This was no doubt irritating Tom, just the way Lestrange was looking at her brought forth a feeling he didn't quite know where to place. Finally with the ceremony over everyone was now able to enjoy the feast laid out before them. Lestrange looking towards Rowan once more only to be met with a death stare from Tom, strong enough for the message to be understand clearly by Lestrange. All the while the redhead between them added food to her plate in amused silence, completely aware of the two fools besides her.
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sacredglitch · 2 years
alerudy proposal blabber
This was wayyy longer than I expected it to be but listen I had to get it out of my system. If you don't like long posts, whoopsie I guess.
We're gonna spit ball this because I thought of this at like 4am as well as another proposal with Henry my OC and Price which is a little...steamier. But I digress.
For context, I've got a lot of HCs with almost all the main characters in MWII but for this specifically, know that after Rodolfo came out, his family cut him off from some contact, his Abuela being the only one who actively stayed in contact and supported him and in turn he stayed in contact with his family for her sake until her passing (sometime after the wedding we'll say) but he's highly welcomed into Alejandro's family which is big enough as is, but Mama Vargas has always stated Rudy was a son that regardless of his sexuality, any family should be proud to have.
After x amount of years of them dating, and the ring Alejandro's own Abuelo passed down to him burning more of a hole in his dresser on base pestering his mind, he decides now is the time to propose to Rodolfo. However, with the workaholic both he is, he's been making excuse after excuse to his parents on why he hasn't done it yet. "Las Almas needs constant protection." "There's a new unit of recruits I have to train." "We can't afford to leave our guards down." Anything that seemed plausible of an excuse to cover his ass on why he just didn't gather the balls to finally ask the man he considered his soulmate to marry him.
He knows Rudy deserves it, they deserve the happiness marriage can bring but it's the fear of losing him. With their career, they could lose either one or both in a blink of an eye. But if Alejandro was to lose Rudy so soon after marriage? He couldn't live with himself. And sure, they're both aware marriage isn't necessary or pivotal for their relationship, but he felt he should so Rudy could have the one blood relation that's supported him for so long be with him on such a special occasion. Abuela Parra isn't getting any younger, despite the compliments Alejandro passes to her.
So, coincidently on the anniversary of them making their relationship official, his mother invites them both to a feast to catch up after half a decade of not seeing one another. Was it really that long since he saw his own mother? He was very  aware he lacked communicating to them on if they were still in one piece but seeing that the last photo he had, perched on a shelf in his office, was from his Tia's wedding that was even longer than that, he knew that would most certainly need to change, especially if he goes through with this. So, on his own and Rodolfo's behalf, he accepts the invitation,  clears time off their schedules for a long weekend and informs his beloved that he's going to need better dress wear than their dress uniforms.
Anniversary rolls around and in true Vargas tradition, Rudy is the center of attention for questions since, in best efforts made, getting updates from Alejo was as futile as getting blood from a stone. The Sergeant Major doesn't mind it, it's comforting in a way to him, that such a big and accepting family is actually interested in hearing about what's gone on in his life without some snide remarks thrown in.
That wasn't to say his own family was always like that...things just changed when you apparently 'warp' loved ones perceptions when they made the assumptions on his love interests in the first place. Even prior to coming out, he felt overly welcomed in Alejandro's family and always treasured that feeling as close to his heart as the Colonel was, hence the almost joy he had in informing whoever asked about their job or lives and all the endeavours they went on (ones he could actually talk about of course).
The encaptive way Rudy would talk about shenanigans on base or near death experiences they endured also warmed Alejandro's heart, delighted that he was able to provide that to both parties in the first place.
Of course, as much as he'd love to watch his boyfriend talk, the weight of the worn box snapped him back to the other reason they were here. Whilst Rudy was packing up his own duffle bag, Alejandro took a moment to call his Mama to clear one thing with her, just in case this feast was really for something else or if it was because it had been so long since everyone had been together. He explained that yes, they were both still coming, yes, they'll both happily stay for a day or two in his childhood home and yes, he's gonna change such a big gap in contact or visiting for now on, but the reason he called was because he was finally kicking the fear down and making Rudy his husband, and thought if everyone who can be there from his family will be attending, why not make it happen there?
The ringing in his right ear from his mother's scream still hadn't quite cleared up to that point, but he took that as a yes, he's in the clear to do so at the gathering (of course she gave a verbal confirmation once she settled down, her lil Andro finally growing up and growing a pair). He just needed the right moment to do so. The Vaquero was very aware his lover would be stolen by his relatives until dinner so he couldn't just pull him away from their talks. He could  but he knows well how much Rudy deserves the family bonding, so he chanced it for after dinner.
The build up to post dinner had Alejandro feeling as if he was back in recruit training, heart racing as his Major screamed drills and commands at them all. It has been far too long since he felt this nervous, over essentially just talking to his boyfriend and making a major step in their relationship. In front of his family. Nothing big. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a quiet deep breath.
You've brought your own soldiers into cruel fights with the cartels and gangs littering Las Almas. You can do this.
He just needed some way to get everyone's attention without overly making it obvious in his plans. Brown eyes landed on the woman across from him; his elder sister. Perfect.
Kicking her ankle gently, her eyes snapped to him, brows furrowing in confusion. "Aleja-" "Outside" was all he said before moving to the courtyard. It had enough viewing space for everyone inside to see out but still enough privacy to not feel as one was being watched by dozens of eyes. And with his darling sister involved, he knew the perfect way to grab Rodolfo's attention.
"Pretend you're pissed at me, I need to get Rudy out here." Alejandro explained, seeing his sibling's brows furrow in even more confusion.
"Get him yourself, and I certainly don't need to pretend, what the fuck was that for?" She folded her arms, not pleased that the first conversation she has with her brother after so long involved him kicking her like a child. The taller sighed, glancing at the open doors.
"Just...entertain it, please. I'm about to do something I should have done a long time ago, but I don't want him to catch on." That made her tilt her head in slight surprise.
"You mean you're-" "Yes! Yes...Please?" A grin reaching her matching brown eyes formed. Fucking finally. "Very well, Alejandro."
With a light but still meaningful shove, his sister began to rip into him on anything she could think of, mainly his lack of communication (such a theme the past week) and how he needs to step it up on letting them know, especially with how El Sin Nombre's cartel has been lately, if they're still kicking, and to visit Mama Vargas at least once a week or a month with Rudy in tow. Upon hearing their respective names, both Mama and Rudy looked to the 'commotion' out in the yard, with Rudy excusing himself to see what the matter was. Stepping out, he smiled wearily before asking if all was okay. The siblings looked at the Sergeant before Alejandro's sister groaned, moving past him. "You try and get through that thick skull of his, Dolfo." Confusion but slight understand filled the younger's face as he turned to his love.
"What did you do?"
"Nothing!" A pause. "...Okay maybe she's pissed at the fact that it's been over five years since we've visited. And...have talked to my family." He glanced back, seeing most eyes on them now. His heart was ready to break his sternum in two with how fast it was beating. "I tried to explain but...she didn't wanna hear it. I understand, I-...I should have done more."
"Love..." Rudy began, linking their arms, "You really should have."
"Ouch, honey, thought you were supposed to be on my side." He joked, moving to face the smaller, linking their hands instead. Rudy let out a small laugh. "She's in the right, you know. Trying to get a response that isn't work related from you is a struggle as is." His tone was just as jokey as Alejandro's was, eyes admiring his lover's face with a matching smile. This is it, Alejandro. Now or never.
"So I should change things, yeah?" Another soft laugh. "Of course, Alejo. Everyone would appreciate it."
Deep breath. Here it goes.
Alejandro's hands cupped Rodolfo's face ever so gently, making sure he was watching him and only him. "Well...Better start changing things off right, then."
As steady as he could, despite every nerve wanting to vibrate from the pure anxiety he felt, he moved to his knee, reaching for the box that was the cause of it all. The only part of Rudy's body to move was his eyes, widening in realisation. Was it planned all along? the thought running quickly through his mind while he watched his love, his partner in crime, his soulmate, open the worn box, revealing a just as worn but clearly loved ring.
"Rudy...Will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?" Alejandro rasped, only himself and his partner hearing the phrase. Everyone inside waited with baited breath as Rudy processed everything before him.
Alejandro. Asking for his hand in marriage. In front of everyone he's considered found family? If this is a dream, I'm never waking up his final thought before the flood gates he didn't realise he was holding back opened up, collapsing into Alejandro's arms.
"Yes!" the younger sobbed, "Yes...I will, Alejo. My love, yes!" Celebratory cheers filled the area as Alejandro pulled Rudy in as close as he could, tuning out his family just for a moment. He knows once they stand up, everyone was going to be congratulating them until they were hoarse, so he was taking this moment to soak in the bliss of finally conquering the fear that plagued him for years. Arms wrapped back around Rudy, burying his face into his shoulder as his own tears fell.
"My God, Rudy," The Colonel whispered, pulling back to meet emotional eyes, "you have no idea how scared I was of you saying 'No', no idea, love." Rudy couldn't help but laugh, pulling his fiancé (that's never going to get old to either of their ears) in for a kiss, letting him take his left hand to place the ring on his finger. Pulling back once more, he cupped Alejandro's face.
"For you, my dear? Never. I would never say no."
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lyramundana · 1 year
LOVEEE hi!! I hope you're doing good!! I'm currently obsess with this video of Jisung as he was rapping/recording (THING THAT I'M MY OPINION IS TOO ATTRACTIVE) and I thought..... why don't ask at my favourite blog about it......
the video: https://www.tiktok.com/@leeknowscutie/video/7261487507651513605?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7235493142752839195
so my mind thought of f!reader as a friend with minsung, a stay that just became friend with the couple and she usually make company to them when they record, and jisung - he's a brat ofc - need to tease them both and he do that gesture to provoke them. I thought of f!reader as a fan of chase Atlantic and in that moment her mind need to go CRAZY with fantasies and Minho need to enjoy Jisung's tease.
THAT'S IT LOVE let me know <333333
asdfhfh your favourite blog?? you're too sweet, i swear🥺🥰 (but pls keep going i get off praise) Also how the fuck did you read up my mind? Chase Atlantic is one of my obsessions, so much I made my oc a big fan of them too because I couldn't help it. Literally half of my playlist is filled with them. They're so😳😳
Well, back after watching that sexy tiktok..
As a Stay, Reader lives for these moments. To her, there's no greater honour than getting to see the song recordings and dance practices in person. Of course she doesn't have absolute freedom there and there's a number of things she can't do while she visits (you know, privacy and all), but at least she can keep these memories for herself and treasure them. Obviously, she's always with Han and Minho since they're the whole reason she's allowed there, and most times they bring her in when the members aren't around, so they have some company and hear second opinions from a fan perspective.
It's only an excuse for them to have her close because they're pining heavily and don't know how to handle it
Reader is happily attending the recording with Minho by her side, both watching Jisung do his part with the rest of 3Racha supervising it. Before that, she had been with Minho in the practice room admiring his dancing while the rest of members were out for a break (they all know what's going on and they secretly agreed to give Minho some privacy with her), and when he deemed it enough work for the day, he got a message from Han asking them to come because he feels more confident when they're there, and of course Reader couldn't refuse seeing 3Racha in action.
So there they stood, Reader sitting on the couch with Minho right beside her, her legs over his lap as he traced lines from her ankles to her calves. Haven't she been so focused on the other boys working, she wouldn't have been able to hide her nervousnes. Just his posture alone made her squeal internally, with one strong arm casually thrown around the couch head and his legs spread, and those smooth patterns he draw on her with this delicate fingers were going to kill her. His outfit wasn't exactly helping either; the infamous black t-shirt with a par of damned shorts. Luckily, his gaze was focused somewhere else too, because if their eyes locked she would've crumbled right there and then.
Thank god Jisung's voice brings her back to reality, smiling when the boy makes a goofy sign to them as he enters the recording booth. Minho shakes his head, but he still chuckles fondly at the display. As soon as Jisung got into action, all attention was on him. Reader was in awe when he started rapping and fixed her posture to watch him closely, missing Minho's pout when her legs fell off his lap. However, when Jisung threw a mischevious look at them while doing that gesture with his hands, both of their minds freezed.
It was only when he repeated it that Reader knew it was real and not an hallucination from her delulu brain. She felt Minho tense beside her, and her skin felt like it was burning. She could have let is slide, convince herself it was a random motion the boy did with his fingers and with no subtle meaning, but his small smirk and his gaze pierced on them told a different story. It wasn't really the first time. You see, there has been this...tension between these two and her for the past months, and so it became somehow usual for Jisung or Minho to pull stunts like this that made her melt inside. But they never did it in front of others, in a public space, while working no less. God, Chan and Changbin were right there too for fuck's sake! She felt embarrassed, but looking at the men, they didn't seem shocked or disgusted. "He probably does this often when Minho is around" her mind supplied.
Minho wasn't doing it much better, although he wasn't as surprised as Reader. Of course he was used to his boyfriend's antics already, and he knew the boy didn't care about having public. He felt glad the weak lighting and the pillows hide his arousal, his mind running wild at the memories that gesture illicited. However, there was an added allicient this time: Her. His head drifted to her squirming form, her cute eyes wide open and her legs kicking subtily. He notices her reddened cheeks and has to repress the urge to touch her face, to see how warm she got. Knowing Jisung caused this, that they both can cause it, only fuels his desire more. If the other two weren't present, he would've succumb to his instincts.
Meanwhile, the rapper was watching everything unfold from the booth and he couldn't hide his satisfied grin. He barely listened to Chan and Changbin's instructions when he ended, his attention mostly on his handsome, aroused partner, and their lovely friend whom they fantasized of turning into something more. They knew the effect they had on her, they just wanted her to break first. She was still a Stay, after all, and they used that fan-like adoration for them to their advantage.
Reader tried desesperatly to be unbothered, but her brain betrayed her. She pictured hundreds of hot, spicy scenarios after what Jisung did and she had to turn her head sideways to hide her blush from them because holy shit, she thanked god humans weren't telepaths. She imagined what it would feel like having those fingers repeat that same motion inside her, feeling them curls withing her walls until they found her g-spot. Imagined how it could be to have Minho's muscular legs caging her on the sofa, preventing her movement, while his hands travelled her sides and Jisung had his way with her. Maybe he could use that quick tongue of his for something else, maybe...
An exagerated couch disrupted her increasingly horny imagination, and she turned to see Minho's amused eyes watching her, his mouth cocked into that half-grin that drove Stays mad. His hand slowly moved towards the back of her knee, tracing circles there, as she felt her breath suddenly stop. He pull himself forwards until he got her trapped in the couch, pulling her knee to close the distance.
She was so busy trying to breath again that she didn't notice Jisung out of the recording booth and standing at her side, watching her from above with a dark smirk.
She felt dizzy, and the pool of warmness on her face went straight to between her legs.
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sixknight · 10 months
A Moment's Peace
Media: Court of Darkness
Pairing: Fenn/OC
Illya doesn't attend classes everyday, but when they heard that Toa was substituting for a teacher offering C class students a magical history lesson at some old ruins they decided it might be a good opportunity to learn more about this realm.
On the day of the outing, they met with Aquia on the way to the ruins. Once there they both find Toa and Lance waiting for them.
"Wasn't expecting to see you here." Illya says, looking at Lance who is leaning against an old wall.
"Same could be said for you." Lance responds without even a glance.
“Fair enough.” They respond, pushing their glasses up.
"Well I'm happy you're both here." Aquia grins, "I was afraid I'd be attending this lesson by myself."
"It seems Dia is absent again." Toa interrupts, "We will proceed without him." He turns and leaves. Aquia and Illya immediately trail behind him as Lance takes his time to catch up.
Toa goes over a brief explanation of the kingdoms of Tristitas and Vanum. Explaining how they were absorbed into the current kingdoms of Akedia and Qelsum and how The Isle of Colde was once part of Vanum.
Illya listens intently, hoping that understanding this land will help them learn how to harness their power and get home. They feel sadness upon hearing about Tristitas and Vanum though, almost as if they can feel the very sorrow of the souls that were lost in these ruins. They're so caught up in the history lesson that they don't hear the footsteps approaching from behind.
"Treasure!" Fenn swoops in, wrapping his arms around Illya and rubbing his cheek against theirs, causing their glasses to fall lopsided and he lets out a playful laugh.
Toa turns around and gives a deep sigh, "Fenn I am in the middle of teaching a class here. I would appreciate that you not distract my students."
"And the student would appreciate it too." Illya says, trying to pry themself out of his grip and fix their glasses.
Fenn pouts, "But I am bored."
"Then go to the class you're skipping out on." Toa frowns.
"I do not see how that would cure my boredom."
Toa sighs again, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just don't interfere with my students while they're trying to learn something." Toa turns his attention to the three C ranks, "You three may explore these ruins for the remainder of the class. If you happen to find anything you think may be important then you can bring it to my attention."
The three part and begin inspecting the ruins on their own.
Fenn pouts again, "You're really going to scold me then send them off on their own? How cruel."
Toa frowns again but tries to ignore Fenn. Fenn then turns his attention back to Illya, who is already wandering through the ruins.
Illya places their hand on the cold marble of what was once a pillar for a building. How sad... This was probably once a thriving town and now it's been reduced to nothing more than some broken stone and marble. Illya wonders how many people were buried at this site. And how many people weren't buried…
How many bodies were left to pile up on the ground, only to become the unfortunate prey to the wild, scattering their bones to never be found again?
They stand there, wondering what horrors went through the minds of those struck down in their last moments.
Then they feel a hand on their shoulder and let out a shriek.
"Oh?" Fenn gives a shocked look before laughing, "I'm sorry treasure I didn't mean to startle you that much."
"Fenn!" They turn around to face him.
Fenn smiles at them, "Although I would like to make you scream, I would prefer they were screams of pleasure."
They give him an unimpressed look without a word then turn back to the ruins.
"Aw, treasure, are you cross with me?"
"Fenn, I'm supposed to be learning."
"And what exactly are you learning?" He wraps his arms around their waist and rests his head on their shoulder.
"I'm learning that you don't know what personal space is."
He chuckles, "I can't help myself, this spot is rather romantic is it not?"
"Yeah, nothin’ beats intercourse on the site of war torn ruins where thousands of innocent people were slaughtered." They deadpan.
He lets them go and stands upright, "I suppose now that you mention it, that is a bit of a mood killer." He remarks, glancing to the side. But a smile quickly crosses his face once again as he hops up to what was once the floor of a building. He extends his hand out to Illya, "Come. I want to show you something." Illya hesitantly takes Fenn's hand and he helps them up the ledge. He doesn't let go of their hand as he leads them onward, "Come now. This way."
"You better not be taking me to one of your make out spots." Illya huffs as the follow along.
"Haha, would it be a bad thing if I was?"
"Fenn…" Their voice sounds very stern and unimpressed.
He simply chuckles at their tone as he pulls them along. He stops at the edge of the ruins and hops down. It's at least a foot and a half drop. Illya glances down and wrings their sleeves in their hands nervously.
"Do you need help down, treasure?"
"I-I'm fine…" They say, crouching as they start to climb down. They dangle their legs from the ledge but find themself starting to rise in the air, "What the!-" And then find themself dropped into Fenns arms. "Fenn!"
He laughs, "I would never let you fall down."
"That's not-" Fenn lets them down out of his grasp, much to their surprise "Fenn you should ask someone before lifting them in the air like that."
"But if I had asked you would have denied my help and you could have slipped."
Ok… he has a point there. "Well… thanks." They say, glancing to the side with a slight blush dusting their cheeks.
He smiles again, "You're very welcome," he winks, "Plus it was a good excuse to hold you."
"Ugh, Fenn!"
He laughs and grabs their hand, "Now come along, the thing I want to show you isn't very far."
Illya complies and follows Fenn on a trek that leads them to the forest at the edge of the ruins. Fenn brushes some tree branches out of the way to reveal a small dirt path that the two take. They walk in the forest for a while, Fenn reassuring Illya that he knows where they're going when they ask if he's sure about this. As they trek further into the forest Illya can hear the faint sounds of what sounds like water crashing against rocks.
"Fenn, are we almost there?"
"Almost, treasure." He looks back and winks, "In fact we're merely just a few steps away from what I want to show you."
They blink in surprise as Fenn brushes back some branches once again to reveal a grassy meadow. He allows Illya to step out of the forest first and follows behind them.
"Whoa…" Illya lets out at the sight. In the meadow is a bunch of small colorful flowers that look almost like daisies. They notice the meadow ends at a cliff, where they can see the ocean for miles and miles on end. The sounds of the waves gently crashing against the cliff are louder below them.
Fenn walks up behind them and puts his hands on their shoulders, "Well? Are you glad you decided to trust me this once?"
They look up at him and nod, "Yeah! This is beautiful Fenn!"
"I knew you'd like it." He smiles.
"How'd you find this place?"
"I like to wander around the island when I get bored." He responds, "Come." He says, taking their hand again and leading them to the middle of the meadow. He then sits down and lies on his back in the grass.
"Hm?" Illya cocks their head to the side before sitting next to Fenn.
"This place is relaxing," Fenn says, "I like to come here when I'm stressed and let the sound of the ocean wash my worries away."
"You get stressed?" Illya raises an eyebrow, "You barely do anything." They joke.
"How cruel," he dramatically turns his lips downward, "I share one of my favorite spots with you and you berate me?"
The two share a look before bursting into laughter together.
Illya lets out a sigh and lays back with their arms behind their head, "Thanks for showing me this spot. It really is incredible. I can see why you'd come here to relax and de-stress."
Fenn raises up, his cheek resting on his fist as he keeps himself up with one arm. His amethyst eyes stare down at Illya, "Are there places like this in your world?"
"Yeah." They respond, "Although… I didn't get to visit places like this often. I was stuck indoors inside classrooms or work most of the time."
"That sounds so dreary." He sighs.
Illya lets out a little laugh, "Yeah I guess. Although to be honest it wasn't always school or work's fault. Sometimes I just…" They trail off before taking a deep breath, "Nevermind…"
They can see a look of curiosity on Fenn's face from the corner of their eye that quickly turns to sadness, "You do not want to tell me?"
Illya stares up at the sky at the clouds casting shadows down upon the two as they pass by, "It's just… everyone in this world already sees me as weak… I-I don't need to give them a reason to-"
"I don't think you're weak, treasure." Fenn offers a soft smile.
"You literally gave me the nickname ""treasure"" because I am ""something fragile to be protected"", you said that yourself."
Fenn's smile deflates at their words.
"Plus, you told me you're a liar."
He gives another smile, a weakened one this time, "Then how do you know which one is the truth? Do I see you as fragile? Or strong?"
"Do you even know?" They turn their head to look him directly in the eyes, causing him to stiffen up.
Devildom that gaze is so fierce… do they know what they do to him when they look at him like that? He quickly fakes a smug smirk and changes the subject, "We should probably head back soon. Toa may have already figured out you're missing and he'll blame me."
"One; you're dodging the question, two; it is your fault I'm not at the ruins."
Fenn laughs, "Ah but it was worth it, wasn't it? You couldn't have this sight at the ruins." He waves his hand out to point at the sea.
Illya closes their eyes then raises up and smiles, "Yeah, it was."
Fenn's gaze softens on them as they stare out the ocean, "I really have changed my opinion of you, you know?"
"I really did think of you as a frail and fragile creature when you first arrived, but you've proven that you are stronger than you seem. Perhaps not in magical abilities, but in resolve." Fenn raises himself up and stands, stretching his hand towards Illya, "Come now, let's get you back to Toa."
Illya looks up at Fenn with a mix of awe and confusion as they take his hand and allows him to help them up. Unfortunately, they stumble forward. Right into Fenn's chest. Causing the man to laugh and wrap his arms around them.
"Treasure if you wanted a hug you just had to ask."
"That is not what happened!" They say, their voice cracking as their face burns bright red and they try to snake out of his grasp.
"Illya?" A familiar voice calls from the forest.
"Drat," Fenn sighs upon hearing and recognizing it, "The fun has been cut short."
Toa emerges from the bushes, his demeanor quickly changes from his usual unreadable self to annoyed upon seeing them stuck in Fenn’s embrace, "I should have known it was you…"
"Toooaaa..." Fenn whines and pulls one arm away from Illya to motion towards himself, "Join us!"
"No thanks. Now let go of Illya. They still have studying to do."
Fenn frowns and complies, "Fine."
Illya braces themself with Fenn's help then heads towards Toa, "Sorry for disappearing like that, I'll head back to the ruins immediately." They say with a short bow before entering the woods.
Toa turns to step into the woods as well but turns his head to look at Fenn, "Aren't you coming too?"
"Oh? Is this an invitation?"
"Then I think I'll stay here a bit longer."
"Fine. Just be back before dark." Toa remarks before disappearing into the forest.
Fenn looks down at the ground in front of him, pondering what Illya was going to tell him earlier.
Pondering why he opened up and told them the truth.
And pondering if his definition of a treasure is changing from something fragile to be protected to something beautiful to be cherished.
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amratriad · 9 months
The Simple Visit
This is for the lovely TK Layla! I wrote a short story between our WOL/OCs! This is my lovely xmas gift for them! Happy reading everyone!
In the depths of the Central Black Shroud, a pair of laughter echoes throughout the silence. The leaves shiver from the autumn wind as a few of them fall down on the dirt path. A cottage resides in the deep wood. An empty teacup is poured for a pot of Ishgardian tea as the Viera takes a sip of the fresh brew. The host smiles at the sight of satisfaction and sets the teapot down. The cottage is rather small, but comforting that is filled with a tiny kitchen and across is a reading room with books unattended on the soft wool rug. 
The second floor is no better than the first, the bedroom is filled with scrolls, letters, trinkets and even small notes that are jotted down hastily and the worst of all the bed is left a mess, miqote fur and all. That is unfortunately the usual case of Amra Tinuviel. The man with a gentle smile, yet so fierce with his passion for botany and magicks. Yet he has a fondness for making tea and sweets for his friends.   
Avalon continues to talk about her treasure hunts and as usual Amra sometimes quips in as if Emet's spirit comes over to tease her. Amra grins at her with a mocking voice. “You see! The vegetables will not be denied.” He could not contain the sassy tone and burst into laughter. Avalon frown of dissaproval, but she can't deny that the miqote is not wrong. A chuckle escaped from her lips and was quite entertained at the sight of Amra can't contain his laughter and holding his stomach. The laughter eventually fades back into silence and Avalon continues to tell their stories andAmra told his adventures in exchange. 
He talks about the tales of possible hidden magicks on another continent, but even the old libraries of Sharlayan would not permit him to search further. “I strive to learn more. I am not afraid of my magicks any longer. X'rhun Tia taught me how to utilize both White and Black magicks and so much more. I cannot thank him enough.” Holding back the tears and pondering if his teacher is still adventuring around in Ala Mihgo. Amra knows that he is no longer a student, but an ever-learning Red Mage. The silence settles once again, Avalon understands Amra's concern. She does use Red Magicks as well, but the miqote shakes his head and puts his focus to continue to talk about more of his other adventures. 
As both of them sipped more tea and ate the delicious scones with cotted cream and jam that Amra struggles to create. The sweetness of the cream and jam and added to the earl grey scones were perfect. The sigh of relief as Amra takes a bite that the scones were not burnt into a crisp this time. He was not familiar with making desserts, but Tataru encouraged them to try. He loves to cook for others and he would never refuse the Lalafell's request. Then a thought crossed his mind, a habit that he never spoke of to anyone, not even to the Scions. 
“Avalon, have you ever....Dreamed of Venat?”
Avalon almost spat out her tea and coughed as she took the napkin to wipe off the mess. With a baffling look and slight concern that he asked such a question.
“I...Beg your pardon?” 
Amra pauses before he responds to her question, then a blush of pink rose on his cheeks. In a flurry of panic as he quickly sets down his cup. Shaking his head.  
“Oh! Sorry! I-I should have reworded the question!” 
Babbling along like a madman and apologizing several times, but Avalon felt a bit of guilt and knowing that Amra still retains a little bit of innocence inside him. “It's okay Amra, do not worry, I-I understand what you are saying.” The questionable phrasing still lingers in her mind, yet she starts to blush for a different reason. 
Amra tries to think of a different subject, but none comes to mind. The mention of the Mothercrystal reminds him of something. Taking one more bite of his scone and wipes his hands with a napkin and gets up.
“Avalon, I know this sounds even more stange, but I would like you to come with me.” 
Avalon's concerns is neverending after all, Amra is one of the Champions of Eorzea. Yet he is more than a warrior, but a traveller with the thirst of knowledge. Y'stola's horrible habits did seep into his mind and the chaotic mess in his cottage is the proof. Avalon nods in agreement and decides to follow him. He leads the way through the back door and leading into a precious small garden that is filled with florals and vegetables.
 It was absolutely made of love and his younger brother and even his mother helped out tending the garden when he was away to travel. But this wasn't the surprise Amra wanted her to see. He opens the back gate of the fence which leads further into the woods of Central Shroud. The Viera brims with curiosity and walks with him. As the two go into the woods and the path seems neverending, but on the end of the path is a small clearing. Avalon continues to speculate as Amra looks at her back with a rather nevous look. Avalon notices this.
“Amra, are you okay?” 
He broke out a small meek laugh. “I-I'm fine, it's just a little further ahead.” 
As both of them reach to the end of the path, a welcoming warm of light shines through their vision. Avalon covers her face for a moment. Her vision clears away and looks down at a familiar sight with a gasp.
It was a huge patch of Elplis Blooms.
Amra knew that there was a connection with Elpis and Avalon, yet not knowing how much of a deep connection what Avalon was a part of. Not even Venat would tell him, not even in his dreams. Even in his last encounter with her when spending the night in Old Sharlyan, Amra no longer sees the Crystal, it was a familar sight. He was seen before the beginning of the Final Days in Etheirys. It was an Ancient dressed in a white robe surrounded by the fields of the white blooms. The words were soft, but yet Amra still remembers those words by heart.
'You are not alone. Remember that.'
And he never was, Amra was never alone. He carefully walked forward and to not step on a bloom and stood in the middle of the field to see the work he had produced. He takes a deep breath and sighs and looks back at his friend with the same bright smile that he always has. 
”Well, here it is....This was a long project I have been working on after I took care of the Final Days.“ 
The Viera's shock wore off, yet the confusion still lingers. She finally blurted off a question. “How in Etheirys did you even produce these blossoms?” 
Amra laughs once again nervously. “Well I had to beg for approval from the Forum if I can take a few seedlings of the Elpis blooms for a personal study. Well, after many trials and errors, this is the best result I have made. I just wanted to share with you Avalon and I hope you appreciate this.“ He beams a proud smile back at her.
Avalon sighs and smiles in a bit of relief that he wasn't in trouble this time. But as she blinks....
....Something else happens.
Instead of a Miqote, there is a Hyur, dressed in a greenish gray robe and a white mask. It was a rather wild looking man, yet there are still feminine features from their green and white highlighted hair and a pitch joy of laughter. Then looks back at Avalon with those big bright brown eyes and freckled face. 
She started to remember clearly who this Ancient is and called out to them.
“.....A-Azem? Chloris?”
The Azem's smile faded too quickly as if something bad happened. An expression that is too familiar for her as if the Final Days we're upon them.
“...Avalon? Avalon? Are you okay?“ 
She shakes her head and looks back to see Amra. Confused that the Azem is gone and is replaced...well...what is part of them.
“I'm fine....Thank you Amra. This place....” She approaches the flower patch and follows carefully next to her friend and looks at the blooms lovingly. Oh how she misses the sight of these flowers. 
”This flowers...Brings back so many memories.“
Amra did not say anything, but with an understanding smile and not a single clue about what happened. As the two silently looks over the Elplis blooms and a small breeze shifts through the wood once again. In the end, both of them are always open to hang out and chat for another cup of tea. 
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tendebill · 1 year
What would happen if you threw eveyone of your ocs in a room together?
Im just askin for... research... purposes...
Lets go with that.
ok i have some silly and light-hearted ideas for this actually xddd
(also im limiting this to main ocs or ocs i consider to be important or fun enough for the purposes of this)
if not for the way the entirety of the main plot plays out, i think Maffi and Huen might've gotten along. if this was in a vaccuum and not in any particular spot in the story, i think Maffi and Huen (and maybe even Seph who knows) would be in a corner just fucking talking about politics and philosophy and shit.
Ellie and Bitzy would probably be making friendship bracelets, or talking about comics or any sort of pop-culture interests that they share. probably would recommend fanartists and fanfics to each other too. a few people would try to join them, but they either dont understand the popculture of their worlds (which is very similar, if not the same) or dont care enought about it. theyre mostly left to their own devices. overtaken by the 'tism.
Angelica would probably be telling stories of her time as a treasure/artifact hunter and an actual godslayer. if Hinata's there with Bitzy, they would probably catch up and tell the stories together, since Hinata went on a lot of adventures with Angelica when they were younger.
David would be very... put off by Huen's mere presence. even if all of the plot didn't happen and this whole "get-together" wasn't canon, i think Huen's aura would just scare David shitless. you could even say he dislikes her on the basis of bad vibes alone. which is mutual, considering Huen HATES when someone is taller than her, and David's got a solid 10cm on her. yea, he avoids her like the plague and she does not mind (maybe intentionally sends him threatening looks across the room). actually i think almost everyone would avoid Huen to the best of their ability.
maybe Dots would hang out with David a bit? they have a sort of reluctant friendship in the later stages of the story. she feels pity for him, despite his own actions being the main reason why he suffers, so she helps him a bit when no one else is there to put up with him anymore (i might elaborate on that in another post, cuz i think its interesting lol). oh, i like to think she'd share her recipies with him? he can't cook, but he'd like to learn and she has a whole backlog of healthy meals to share :3 also she definitely recommends him some cool self-care products. also i think they share a love of home makeover shows (tho David wouldn't admit it). just wait until Ellie introduces them to the sims.
if TomJulCent are there... i have a headcanon that Thomas and Seph get along really well. in general i think Thomas Julia and Vince would like Sephoras and vice versa. Tom would drag Seph away from the debate going on in the corner and they'd get up to some tomfoolery (more or less legal, depending on the mood) or just talk and joke with each other.
Oh, Vincent would probably have a lot to talk about with Cyan, since they're both musicians! i can imagine them first hitting it off and getting along really well, until one of them says some "controversial" opinion about a certain artist or even a whole genre of music and all hell breaks loose. Julia and James (or Angele) would probably separate them, but it'd be too late and now they're sworn enemies.
speaking of, Julia and Angele would get along. they've both got "i am done with these idiots, but theyre my idiots" as their life motto and i think they would have a lot of fun complaining to each other, considering they would understand what the other has to put up with.
also, since David, Huen, Maffi and Seph all like playing chess, i could imagine them staging a mini tournament. no idea who would win, but it'd be worse than playing uno. Huen would definitely underestimate David, who is REALLY GOOD at chess, and it would piss her off. Seph and Maffi's duel would be the least "aggressive" and all in good fun (they probably play chess together anyway regularly so yk), Seph and David would insult each other (in good fun too, but it'd get brutal at times), Seph and Huen would be filled with easy conversations with an underlying meaning behind every word they say, trying to throw the other off (Huen would outmanipulate Seph pretty soon though, lets be real), Maffi and Huen would be dead quiet, not even a twitch of an eyebrow in sight, stone faced and focused on the game and nothing else, Maffi and David would be tense as fuck, but not in a negative way, since the two of them have played against each other countless of times, so they have a lifetime long score to keep updating.
James and Dots would be checking up on everyone. Lucy would be sitting quietly in a corner with a guitar or a ukulele to provide some ambiance, since she's not much for socializing in big groups. Angelica and David would have an arm wrestling competition at some point (David would call bullshit on some part of Angelica's stories and it'd escalate), which both Maffi and Huen would scoff at (but Maffi would obviously be on her wife's side all the way) while Seph would be ALL IN for this, give him front row seats and some popcorn, he's placing bets as we speak.
if Dominica got involved though.... pure chaos. she would shapeshift into every other fucking person and slowly, overtime make people think they were losing it. hallucinating entire conversations, missing important bits information, learning things that turn out to be untrue, until, eventually, everyone's at each other's throats over something they allegedly said or did. by which point Dominica would sit back and enjoy the view, with only Seph and Huen remaining, as they'd be pretty used to her bullshit and antics by this point and would have refused to fall for them again.
also i always loved the idea of my ocs singing and playing music together. ive had an idea of Lucy teaching Seph the basics of how to play guitar (he's horrible at it). i think Cyan would have the most random assortment or "hey I can play that", and so on. also i made Cyan James and Seph (and Ellie) into a band AU at one point for funsies but thats besides the point lol
also if this happened at ANY point in the story it would be a category five shitstorm, tears shed, feelings hurt, someone would die, the room would be trashed.
tysm for the question bro!! i hope my answer was to your satisfaction xd (if im crazy enough, i might use some of this for oc doodle inspo)
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krys-loves-otome · 1 year
Different Universe, Same Love: Angels and Demons AU
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"Don't! Don't look at me!" Harr shouted, making Maddie step back.
In front of her was the man that had taken her in when she had fallen into Cradle, before his words were gentle and quiet, now they were tinged with pain. His fists were clenched, shaking.
Behind him were two wings, large and grey like a bird's wing. At one point, they made have been beautiful, but they were certainly not now. Feathers were barely hanging on if not lost all together. Fresh blood was also dripping down his back, dripping into the dirt at their feet.
Harr was breathing hard, his pants shallow and quivering. His eyes were glowing red, pulsing with his fast heartbeat. He took a step forward, shaking on his legs, teetering to the side, before falling forward.
Maddie gasped and ran to his side, catching him as he toppled to the ground.
"Mad… please…" Harr said weakly, the glowing stopped, going back to his soulful grey eyes.
"You saved me, Harr. I can't just leave you like this!" She put one of his arms around her shoulders, lifting him as best as she could. "We need to get you out of the open at least, in case the Magic Tower is still looking for you."
Harr groaned, trying his best to stand on his own, but kept slipping, unable to keep his balance for long. Maddie put an arm around his waist, sucking in a breath as his warm blood slid against her arm, making him hard to hold onto.
"C'mon, just lean on me. Let's get you out of here-!" He slid again, hitting his knees.
"Leave me, Mad," he said, "Run, while you still can."
"No! I'm not leaving you for the Magic Tower to be killed, or worse!"
"You'll be killed too, if they find you with me."
"And you think I'd be okay with them killing you?!"
"You'll be safe with the Black Army, Sirius will look after you-"
"I'm not leaving you! If I have to drag you by myself, then I will!"
She gathered what she could of his wings, bending them closer to his body, blood and feathers sticking to her. Harr grimaced as she tied them together with his scarf, keeping them off the ground. She then turned around and pulled his arms over her shoulders and pulled in his legs, taking a minute to adjust to his weight.
"You made this look easy, Samwise Gamgee," she muttered.
"A character from a famous Land of Reason book. A series of books, actually. I tell you about them along the way. To the tree house we go~"
She took a step forward, then another, trying to keep steady. Harr wasn't exactly heavy per se, he just had longer limbs than she did, making it awkward to move quickly. Maddie did the best she could, moving Harr towards safety, the questions whirling in her head. Harr had saved her from falling off the Magic Tower, revealing himself to having wings. As if having magic wasn't rare enough in Cradle, Harr had revealed himself to save her. She bit her lip, keeping her guilt to herself. Harr needed to be fixed and safe first, before they could talk about what had just happened.
"Tell me about the books, Maddie." Harr said quietly, resting his head on top of hers.
Maddie smiled sadly, glad for the long journey ahead of them. Sam's journey was a long one too, she remembered, to help his friend on his own long journey. He couldn't carry the Ring just as much as Maddie couldn't take back what happened in the Tower, but she could carry what she treasured most to their destination.
So, in my baby creator days (when I was teenager, basically) I was obsessed with vampires and angels and demons. I had a ton of ocs that were angels (and some that were a combination of all three), so seeing the Angels and Demons prompt made me squee in nostalgia and pretty much solidified itself, especially when RNG gave me Maddie as to who would receive this prompt, not to mention how well Harr can fit into the fallen angel trope.
So, that's basically what brought this on.
Many thanks to Julie ( @queengiuliettafirstlady) and Mo ( @xxsycamore) for holding this challenge again this year and I'm glad to be a second year participant!
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kwillow · 2 years
Also kinda funny thing, my oc is also kinda girl crazy like Ambroy lmao she likes girlies as she grows up (dragons kidnapping maidens much you need a tower to hold a pretty woman in?) but she's respectful never bothers his staff she knows he'd kick off but absolutely would check out other woman with him at events he's like ooh she's not bad. And she's like oh yea that dress compliments all the right places. And he's what. Harlot wench whore cease. And she'd laugh and assure him oh what chance does she have against such a gorgeous refined man such as himself so dazzling everyone in the room keeps looking at him they know they can't rival him.
Slightly NSFW following up on devoted anons whore daughter lmao I'm gonna do a few spaces then put it so hopefully you don't have to see if you don't want to
But also sometimes has girls in her room and Ambroy probably gets jealous lmao. She is a thot affectionately likes girls will love on girls likes one little bastard unicorn man. Would tease if he's getting huffy like aw my golden treasure don't be so jealous, you can come sit on my face too if you want. Cause she's a whore she's nasty she knows vulgarity and it's probably a bit flustering tbh like ma'am I do not wanna know what you're doing to those girls! I can imagine him shoving her face away lightly smacking at her lmao or who knows maybe he's into it just a little
Oh that's fun, hahaha!
I mean, she's better than he is for keeping her hands off his staff - er, at least when he was younger, he would get frisky with the female servants at times, to the point where his father refused to let him have personal female attendants. When he's older, though, he learns to maintain more professional boundaries... though not so professional that he would think better of having his maids wear ludicrously low-cut dresses, it seems.
He's enough of a lad that he'd enjoy having someone to check out ladies with, but you're right that too many compliments towards others would make him flip to "okay shut up about her what about how pretty I am"
Such language direct at him would fluster him for sure. He's certainly no angel (haha) or prude; he can be shockingly vulgar himself, but he's more used to being the pursuer than the pursued. There's also the matter of her being physically larger than him - he's used to being much taller than most people and especially women, so having someone who can look down at him and say such things, well, it's not a power dynamic he's used to. Is that to say he wouldn't secretly be kind of into it? Well... his aasimar version has a secret shameful attraction to the monstrous feminine, so, one could extrapolate certain things from that. What things - perhaps I shouldn't say on a good wholesome website like Tumblr.
(Oh and no worries about salacious stuff when it comes to my characters, I don’t bring such things up on my accounts often just because I prefer to write and draw my guys to be amusing and terrible rather than arousing, but it is a factor in their lives, and it doesn’t bother me.)
A lot of mythological creatures seem to have a particular fixation on girls, don't they? (Pardon the meme, couldn't help myself.)
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Oh also completely forgot but important she has a forked tongue not immune to wiggly forked tongue which she has superb control over so she will stick her tongue out at him and move the forks to make a <3 shape at him with her tongue cause I think it's funny
That's super cute. I'm sure he'd be jealous that his tongue is weird but can't do anything cool like that.
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