#he's right to be mad at the world and yet. he still finds kindness in it
aghheadhurt · 2 years
𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑔𝘩𝑡𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑙𝑦 𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙.
you've been hurt. what you're doing is wrong. there is no doubt. but it's what you need to do. you were not going to roll over and let it just happen. so you did what you had to. and you will continue doing what you had to. when you die, its with fury in your eyes. your opponent says you're stubborn, having kept this up for this long. you laugh, and spit in their face. you curse them until your very last breath.
TAGGING: @goldenloved ( kyokyokyo lux ) / @talahdore ( yesss ) / and you, pls tag me back. :U
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leupagus · 2 years
Anything involving Mary meeting Ed. I am but a weak Claudia O'Doherty fan.
Inspired by this glorious artwork:
If really pressed to think on it, Doug probably would have admitted that he considered Stede Bonnet a bit mad. In a genteel sort of way, although he'd never quite understood the chatter in town about how Stede was harmless. Sometimes Doug fancied he could still feel the bite of metal against his neck, Stede hissing down at him with the blank fury of someone who could do something very rash indeed.
The first time Stede died, Doug had rather thought that Mary and the children were avoiding his name as if they might summon him back into their lives, the way his grandmother never spoke of sea-monsters while his grandfather was out on the water. Which had given Doug a rather bleak view of what kind of husband and father Stede might have been, though it turned out that their misery was more akin to a canvas stretched badly on a frame unsuited to bear its tension; you could paint what you liked on its surface, but the picture itself would never hold fast.
But when Stede had died again, riding off with nothing more than half of Alma's orange, the remains of his family mentioned him freely, even fondly; his penchant for storytelling that would often give Louis nightmares and give Alma ideas; his high clear voice that would lead them in song at church, sometimes warbling a bit to make the children giggle when the service dragged on; his fumbling kindness that they knew was borne of love, but a stifled, miserable sort that could never find the right words. A dreamer, longing for something over the horizon, but anchored to a place that he could never call home.
So, yes, a bit mad, to want to leave Mary and Alma and Louis for the sea; but Doug wanted to leave his studio and his work for Mary and Alma and Louis, so perhaps all men were mad, in the end.
Then Doug realized what madness truly looked like.
"You would think, wouldn't you," said Edward "Blackbeard" Teach, terror of the West Indies, brigand and murderer, wanted by every navy in the civilized world, "You would think that the bastard would have the, the, the guts to sit down and tell you what he's feeling, wouldn't you?" He slammed his hand on the table, making his empty glass jump and tumble sideways. “Be a bit fucking emotionally available!”
"You would!" exclaimed Mary, righting and refilling it with whatever vile liquid was in that bottle Blackbeard had brought with him. One of the bottles, at least — Blackbeard had brought a lot of bottles, when he'd washed up at the Bonnet estate a few hours ago, a muddled mess of black leather and ash and hair, demanding to be taken to Stede Bonnet's grave so he could piss on it.
"Or cry, that's still possible," he'd admitted, swaying slightly on Mary's doorstep. Doug and Mary had reached out to catch him — but Stede, hurrying up from God only knew where, had beaten them to it.
"You can cry or relieve yourself on it if you like, but I’d rather you didn’t vomit on it," he'd huffed, slinging Blackbeard's arm around his shoulder with the ease of what looked like long practice. "Mary, my apologies for this, but he really kept insisting that he'd only forgive my corpse, and I thought this might be a good compromise."
"I've done the first two myself," Mary had said, holding the door open. “Haven’t tried the vomiting, though. Might help.”
Blackbeard had squinted muzzily at her. "I love you," he said, with the air of someone making a profound discovery.
Now, Stede and Doug were banished to the parlor while Blackbeard and Mary shouted gleefully at each other in the salon, though occasionally Doug peered through the doorway to see how things were progressing. There hadn't been any talk of going out to the gravesite yet, at least, and no one had vomited or relieved themselves. There had been a bit of crying.
"I'm sure Mary's just humoring him," Doug told Stede, wondering if he should pat him on the back. Blackbeard was roaring something about Stede's huge...solutions, or something.
Stede sighed, clutching at the tray of water glasses. “No, no,” he said, “I deserve this.” And in a show of bravery fit to rival any of the stories he’d told of derring-do on the high seas, he lifted his chin and said, “Refreshments, anyone?” as he ventured into the salon.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Following that "least favorite" request could we get their reactions to being to told that they're their favorite, but to not tell the other brothers so their feelings don't get hurt? Maybe because they relate to them the most or just get along really well. Thanks!
You're My Favorite! But Don't Tell the Others-
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
There are no words to explain the overwhelming satisfaction ion Lucifer’s face after you tell him that. Of course, it’s only natural that he would be your favorite, all things considered.
The Avatar of Pride won’t ever forget this moment. He carefully considers your words and agrees not to tell anyone, as much as he’d love to bring it up, because he knows more than anyone what kind of chaos would ensue should the others (especially Mammon) find out.
But they can tell something’s up when the eldest has been heard humming all day. He moves about the house with even more grace than usual, and hasn’t scowled even once.
But the REAL shocker was when Mammon tried hiding a bill right as Lucifer walked in... and the eldest let him off with a warning. A WARNING! The brothers thought the Devildom must’ve frozen over, but you and he knew different.
“MC, I would like you to accompany me to Le Pluvier this afternoon, once you've finished your studies. I've already made reservations, so be sure to get ready on time. I've made sure to consider the things you might like to eat, so I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. Don't be late." "...I'm grinning? I don't know what you're talking about."
The gigantic grin on Mammon’s face is so bright, it could rival the sun. You’ve seriously made his day. No, his year. Actually, he’s pretty sure he could ride this high for the next millennia! There’s nothing in this world that could dampen his spirits right now! 
He feels like he just won big at the casino! Of course he’s your favorite! He WAS your first demon, and now he’s gone and claimed his rightful spot as your number one! Good luck trying to keep him from saying anything. Mammon’s gonna throw it around in everyone’s faces for as long as he can milk it.
And you thought he was clingy before, just wait till you see how he treats you after hearing that. Despite always calling you his ‘servant’ or his ‘human’, you’d  think your roles were reversed. Mammon spoils you every chance he gets, buying you clothes and trinkets, filling the spaces in your room with the things he knows you like, monopolizing you completely until nearly everything you own is a gift from him.
Your words also help soothe that jealousy of his a little. Only a little, though. It’s easier to watch you talk to other demons when he knows he’ll always be your first man.
“Didja really have to stay after class that long? I know you were talkin' to that demon that lent you a book, but you outta ask ME for stuff! Tch... you're lucky I'm in a good mood today! But I guess I don't have to worry about some low level demon like that, seein' as I'm your favorite!"
Wait wait wait....Come again? Did you seriously just say what he think you said..? That had to be a mistake! Some kind of...uh..verbal typo! Because there’s absolutely, positively, NO WAY in all of the nine layers that he could be your favorite demon. And yet you still insist that you’re telling the truth, and Levi feels like he’s died and gone to heaven. 
Red faced and stammering up a storm, Levi looks like he might die. Is it really okay for a shut-in otaku to feel this giddy? Seriously, he hasn’t felt like this since he got his hands on a signed copy of a Ruri Hana audio drama! No no, this definitely beats that!
You’ve managed to inflate his nearly nonexistent ego, and now he feels like there’s nothing he can’t do! Maybe he could even go to Majolish right now?? THAT’S how good he’s feeling!
Almost as bad as Mammon in keeping it a secret. He doesn’t tell anyone right away, but they’re suspicious when they notice how much time he’s spending out of his room. And then when he and Mammon get in another petty argument, he drops the bomb that he’s your favorite demon in the entire Devildom, and you can guess how things go from there.
“Uuuoooo...!!!!! I've decided..! Since I've got a serious stat buff, I'm going to open a booth at the next convention coming up..! I'll sell my Ruri-chan fan art and spread her influence all over the Devildom! I'd never have the guts to do it normally, but I feel like I could do anything right now! Y-you'll go too, won't you MC?"
You nearly made this man spit tea all over his book, and now he’s coughing and spluttering and trying to figure out what could’ve prompted what he’s taking as a confession. You.. do realize what you’re saying, don’t you? And you know the kind of effect your words have on him?
Satan isn’t the type that wears his heart on his sleeve, so you have to look for his subtle expressions to tell how he’s feeling. But there’s nothing subtle about the redness of his ears and how he’s begging you not to look at him right now. For the sake of his sanity, give him a minute to recoup.
When he does recover, he agrees to keep it a secret for obvious reasons. And it’s hard to tell that he’s in a good mood, other than the fact that he hasn’t tried to pull any pranks on Lucifer lately. But Asmo sees all, and literally hounds him into spilling the tea.
He tells him a lie of course, but now the other brothers are noticing just how happy he is. Satan's smiling way too much today, isn't he? And he didn't even get mad when Beel got whipped cream on his jacket! Well, not THAT mad, anyway.
"Haaah... everyone's been harassing me all day, claiming I'm smiling a lot. I'm sure I look the same as I always do, but I'll admit that I've been happy ever since you told me that this morning. Wait.. you did think I've been grinning too, do you? I have??"
Asmo always jokes about being your favorite and announces it as if the two of you are married, but when you actually confirm that his longing for you isn’t one sided, he ends up smearing lip balm across his cheek in shock. Did you... really say that just now? He knew it all along, but hearing it like that is just...!
Ooooh, he’s so happy he can hardly contain himself! Asmo throws his arms around you, peppering your face in kisses until you feel sticky from lip balm, wipes your face clean, then marks it up all over again. Good luck getting rid of him, because he might never let go.
Immediately posts it to Devilgram. Did you really think he’d let such a momentous occasion go unannounced? You must not have been paying attention to the kind of person he is! Asmo would put you on a pedestal in front of the world like a precious jewel if he were able, but this’ll have to do. He won’t hide his love at all!
Of course, the others don’t take too kindly to it, not that he cares. He never leaves your side, pampers you like crazy, and has even attempted to get you to move into his room. Lucifer put an immediate stop to that, though. Boo...
“I just can't get enough of you, MC! Just being near you gets me so excited that I can hardly stand it! You'll take responsibility for what you're doing to me, won't you? And in exchange, I'll take my time showing you just how much I love you. After all, you're my favorite, too!"
Beel never has a problem with choking while he eats, and it comes as naturally as breathing. Unfortunately neither of that applies right now, since you just made him choke on a meatball sub.
He usually takes your words with quiet acceptance, but this might be the most emotion you've ever witness from the stoic demon. His eyes are wider than that time that laid on an entire gingerbread mansion, sparkling up with such deep emotion you wouldn't be surprised if he cried. Instead he softens up and immediately embraces you.
...And doesn't let go. Sandwich long forgotten, he's been carrying you around all day, and ignoring any questions or protests from his brothers. Also insists on feeding you throughout the day. The food tastes better when he can enjoy it with you, so why not just bring you everywhere?
When he isn't carrying you, he's following you around subconsciously, either close up against you like a protective wall, or just far enough that you're within his line of sight. As far as not telling anyone, he... tells Belphie immediately. It was an accident though, since there's not much he keeps from his twin.
"MC, I won a meal ticket for Godevil Chocolatier. Let's get something for dessert today. Ah, you can get as much as you want, too. I really want to see what things you choose. They might become my favorites."
There's nothing in this world that can wake Belphegor from his sleep, unless he allows it. No loud noises, no amount of shaking or smacking, and not even dragging him around the house. But the moment you whisper that he's your favorite demon, the Avatar of Sloth is wide awake.
Hey, you're not just saying weird things to get a reaction, are you? Because if so, this is a new level of cruel. Yet you confirm that you mean it and swear him into secrecy, and Belphie tries his best not to show how happy he is. A smile keeps creeping up on his face that he struggles to force down. It's annoying...
As funny as it’d be to tell everyone the news, he's good at keeping secrets. Instead, you've noticed that he's been sleeping a little less that before. When he does take one of his hundreds of naps, he finds some way to be closer to you. He's even been seen sleepwalking to your exact location somehow-
It's hard for him to believe that you're not teasing, though. How could HE be your favorite demon here? Belphie doesn't do anything special to win you over, yet after everything he put you through, you like him enough to deep him your favorite?
"You're weird, MC. I mean... me? I won't deny that I'm really happy though, but I guess I'm in disbelief. You should spoil me even more until I believe you. Lend me your lap for a few hours, okay?" "...I wonder what Lucifer would think if I told him, heheh."
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Two Sides of The Same Coin - Chapter 20: "Bad Blood"
"Did you have to hit me, where I'm weak? Baby, I couldn't breathe, and rub it in so deep, salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me..."
Pairing: Sunshine!Reader x Grumpy!Bucky Barnes
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Without turning around, you see a shadow loom over your flowers. “Sam, I’m not done being mad yet.”
When he doesn’t say anything, you huff. “I mean it, Sam. I’m still upset-”
Then you feel a sharp jab in your neck. Your vision starts to blur as you turn around and see a vague unfamiliar silhouette.
“Hello?” you croak, your eyelids so heavy you’re unable to open your eyes. “Sam? James?”
Your head lolls downward and your eyes open to see your arms tightly strapped down against a thick plastic chair. With your neck unable to support the weight of your head, your throat gets pressed against something metallic on your neck.
You hear footsteps approaching and in your peripheral you see a familiar face. 
“Brock?” you groggily ask, starting to hyperventilate at the feeling of being restrained. “What’s going on?”
“Don’t worry, you’re safe. I am sorry about all of this,” he gently states, gesturing to the derelict room surrounding you. “I told them to be gentle with you, but we did have to take certain precautions.”
“Precautions?” you rasp, finally able to lift your head. “You mean this thing on my neck?”
“It’s fascinating, isn’t it? One tiny little collar, taking it all away.”
“I feel like these should be harder to find,” you say, tilting your chin far back to look at the collar. “Can you just buy these from the store or something? They should probably be more careful with who gets one of these things.”
“It was a parting gift from SHIELD,” he cryptically remarks.
You narrow your eyes in suspicion, though you still feel the effects of the sedation, but still feeling more alert. “Was that sarcasm? It sounded like sarcasm.”
“It doesn’t matter where I got the collar,” he hisses, trying to maintain his patient facade. “I just need your attention.”
“Oh, well you could have just said that,” you groan, blinking your eyes as you try to shake off the fogginess. “I used to see you at the compound all the time.”
“I needed you without your little bodyguard.”
“Does James scare you? I’ve heard other people say he’s very intimidating. I don’t see it though,” you admit.
“I’m not scared of Barnes. He should be scared of me,” he grunts, exhaling deeply and shaking his head to focus on the subject at hand. “I wanted to ask you to join me.”
“To join you? Where are you going?” you ask, your foggy brain not following Rumlow's words.
He ignores your question, continuing on his tangent, “You’ve always been kind to me. The only Avenger who didn’t think they were better than everyone else. It says a lot considering you’re the strongest one.”
“You think so?”
“I know it. If only they didn’t resent you for it- If only they weren’t scared of you, you could be so much more. That’s why I need you on my team, together we could accomplish so much.”
“Your team? Like for a mission?”
“No. This is a new team. A different kind of team.”
“What about Sam? And James?”
“No,” he grits, tightly clenching his fists in frustration. “This would just be you. Think about it, we’d be unstoppable.”
“I don’t want to be unstoppable," you exhale.
“You only think that because they told you to think that. Can you imagine if Sam didn’t hold you back? You could rid the world of evil- all by yourself. Without Sam or Bucky getting in your way, you could have it all.”
Your eyebrows furrow, recoiling from the idea of being on a team without Sam or Bucky. “Without Sam? Or James?”
“You don’t need them. You don’t need anyone. All I ask for is your loyalty.”
“I’m loyal to Sam- I will always be loyal to Sam.”
“That’s nice, respectable even,” Rumlow nods. “But I have to wonder: does he share that same loyalty?”
“Yes,” you definitively answer. “He does.”
“Really? Because I’ve gone through your files, and the things Sam wrote about you, the way he treats you. It makes me sick, especially considering you’re so loyal to him,” he condescendingly sighs, stepping forward to stroke your cheek.
You flinch away from his hand and vehemently shake your head. “That’s not true.”
“It’s time to face facts, sweetie: you’ve always been an assignment to Sam. He’s scared of you. They’re all scared of you. Why do you think he made up those rules?”
“The rules keep me safe. They keep us safe.”
“Sweetie, they keep him safe. What were his words?” he asks, reaching to the table beside him and grabbing the thick manila folder. He opens the file, using his pointer finger to scan through one of the pages. “Right, an apocalyptic level threat, a ticking time bomb. Yup, right here, that’s what he called you.”
“You’re lying,” you mumble, shaking your head as your mind whirls with uncertainty. “He wouldn't- Sam cares about me.”
“You can’t really be that stupid, can you?”
“I’m not stupid,” you grit. And just like that, everything is suddenly back in perspective. Sam’s words ring through your head: never let anyone call you stupid. Never. “I’m not stupid.”
“Why do you think Sam’s always telling you what to do? Bossing you around? Yelling at you? Huh? He’s scared. Scared of what happens when he lets the reins loose. He’s scared of you.”
“I’m not stupid,” you repeat. You look around the room, your senses sharpening again. “That’s why you brought me here. That’s why you drugged me and tied me up- this isn’t a team for SHIELD. What are you doing? You’re supposed to be one of the good guys.”
“I am. I'm just the only one willing to tell you the truth- I’m willing to do whatever it takes to right the world.”
"How exactly did you think this would work, you'd kidnap me and I'd just join you? Doesn't seem like that great of a plan," you huff. "They'll come for me."
"I don't think they will. I think they'll be glad to be rid of you."
"You're a liar," you spit, finally giving Rumlow the reaction he'd wanted.
That's all he really needed: to destabilize you, hurt you, then he'd be the one to build you back up again - HYDRA would build you back up again. You'd proven that you could take on the team, he needed you to be willing, it was easier that way, breaking your loyalty while lucid would mean you could take on the Avengers and mean it. 
“I am one of the good guys,” he assures you. 
“This isn’t being a good guy. You kidnapped me!”
“I took you away from people that were taking advantage of you. Do you honestly think you’ll ever be one of them? Especially after what you did to Wanda? They’ll never truly accept you.”
“La la la, I can’t hear you,” you shout over him, your eyes squeezed tightly shut.
“Stop being a child. I’m giving you a way out!”
“I can’t hear you!” you continue shouting. Until you feel a sharp sting right across your face, a lingering burning sensation over where he just slapped you.
You brokenly gasp. “You hit me.”
“And I’ll do it again.”
“You’re really bad at recruiting, you know? How did you even think this was going to work? I was going to up and leave my friends after you kidnapped me and tied me up."
"They're not your friends. They tolerate you, just barely. It's why Clint hated you, why Barnes hated you. Even Wilson wanted nothing to do with you. I could give you everything you ever wanted. Take down the people that tortured you-"
"I don't want to take them down."
"You only think that way because they want you to think that way. All those ideas that they've been putting in your head, they're murderers, half the time they're trying to kill each other. And the second you don't do what they want- you'll know it. Because it'll be you they're trying to kill."
"Says the man that just kidnapped me."
"I'm offering you your freedom. I'm giving you a way out. It's more than they'll ever do for you."
"Okay," you nod decisively.
"Okay," you repeat. "I'll do it."
He smiles for a moment, though you can tell he remains uncertain.
"Oh, would you look at that," you snarkily quip, eyes flickering to your restrained right hand, your pointer and middle finger crossed. "Had my fingers crossed."
He huffs once in cold amusement. “I’m done playing nice," Rumlow states ominously, pulling a knife out from his holster. He trails the flat of the blade down the cheek he'd just slapped. "Now you’re going to do what I say or I’m going to make you.”
“No,” you state defiantly, shuddering as the cool metal trails down your face and neck.
The hand without the knife travels up your face again, you flinch away from him unsure of what his intention is. Until you feel his fingers tightly grip the roots of your hair. “You will. Or it’s going to get a lot worse for you.”
“No,” you huff, head jerked back forcing you to meet Rumlow’s eyes.
He nods, turning away from you for a split second only to return with a fist to the corner of your mouth. The familiar metallic taste overwhelms your senses as blood pools in your mouth. “Sam’s going to be so mad when he finds me.”
“You know, I think I’ve been going too easy on you. I can't kill you, but maybe this will change your mind,” he ominously remarks, twisting the blade in the side of your neck. The sharp side now beginning to dig into your neck without actually breaking any skin. The pressure never lets up as he trails the knife away from your neck to your arm. He follows the divot of the scar on on your wrist and forearm. You shiver as the blade trails down your scar, forcing you to relive one of the worst memories of before. He tsks once,  “Oh, but you’ve tried to do this to yourself, isn’t that right?”
Your eyes flicker to movement behind Rumlow, the figure moving so quickly you can’t make out if they're friend or foe. “My answer is still no. And I’d stop before Sam and James find you, they don’t like it when people try to hurt me.”
You see the movement again, this time you think you see the glint of Bucky’s metal arm just as he jumps behind one of the large metal pillars. “I don’t think Bucky will care all that much. I think they’ll all be happy they don’t have to deal with you anymore.”
 “You don’t know anything about my friends,” you spit, your words slurring at the pain radiating in your jaw. 
“Drop it,” Bucky barks, a gun to the back of Rumlow's head. 
“Go ahead. Kill me," he challenges. He smirks, knowing that even though he's been captured, he driven a wedge between you and the Avenger- between you, Sam, and Bucky. "Show her what a monster you really are. Show her the murderer. Like I told you, you’re no more free than you were in that room,” Rumlow says, squeezing in one last seed of doubt. 
“Can you shut up?” Sam orders, rounding the other corner. “Bucky, you were supposed to wait for me.”
"I thought you were going to go left."
"You went the wrong way!"
“I cleared the way!”
"I came out first, you were supposed to follow me- I go right and you go left!”
“How was I supposed to know that?” Bucky hisses, his eyes avoiding you entirely. He knows the second he sees what Rumlow did to you, he'll put that trigger without hesitation. 
“It’s in every action movie ever!”
“I told you they'd come for me.” you taunt, you words garbled. “That's friendship, bitch.”
"Just wait - they'll turn on you soon enough," Rumlow retorts one last time before Bucky punches the side of his head leaving him unconscious.
But the words couldn't be unsaid, the damage done wouldn't be easily reversed, that you did know. 
Next Chapter
"Two Sides Of The Same Coin" Chapter List AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
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skrunklybf-archived · 2 years
prompt: "who am I to tell you no?"
pairing: armin arlert x reader
warnings: smut!! semi-public sex (fondling), dry humping, he cums in his pants 🫶🏻
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It isn't hard to get Armin flustered.
His saintly smile melts into a look of curious bewilderment when your hand moves to rest on his thigh, shielded by the blanket thrown over both your bodies. You simply keep your eyes trained on the movie, even laughing quietly when Sasha gawks in awe at the gourmet food being prepared on screen. How you can act so innocent and naive with your fingers trailing up and down his leg, Armin would never understand -- he shifts his position just the slightest to make his shorts more comfortable. The man can be absurdly charismatic and bold when he needs to be, but in moments like this, he's putty in your hands.
Ten minutes later Armin finds himself nearly eating his fist, pressing it hard against his lips in an attempt to calm himself down. Deftly, your whole palm rests against the bulge in his lounge shorts, fingers wrapping around his meat and giving it playful squeezes now and then. Surprisingly, Armin hasn't shifted away, so you use the opportunity while you can. The fact that Sasha and Niccolo sit just at your feet makes it all the sweeter.
The blonde at your side shudders when your fingertip traces along the distinct ridge outlining his dickhead. He keeps taking peeks at you, though you have yet to return one, playing coy magnificently enough for an Oscar nomination. The lack of acknowledgment drives him mad, knowing he's all but writhing under your touch and you can't even spare him a second glance.
Armin coughs when you slip under his waistband. The heat radiating from his core makes you smile, creeping sneakily through his soft curls to meet the base of his cock. Almost by reflex, he flicks his hips up into your hand before remembering you were definitely in a room with other people -- a fact that has your tummy stirring and his face flushing all at once.
When Sasha suggested a movie night with her new boyfriend Niccolo, of course, that meant Armin was invited as well. A cute little double date in your cute little apartment: what could possibly go wrong?
Dick hard, mind reeling, Armin nearly jumps when Sasha lets out a hearty groan from the sea of blankets on the floor. "Now I'm staaaarviiiing," she grumbles, latching onto Niccolo's arm in lightning speed, "can we pretty please get food?" Puppy dog eyes stare up at her blonde as the world's neediest plea. Neither you nor Armin noticed the credits rolling slowly on the screen until Sasha momentarily lost her impulse control.
"I'll buy if you fly." You offer casually, wrist rotating just the slightest bit underneath the blanket. Armin's cock fills your fist and, once your other friends stand up in the semi-dark, a pearl of precum leaks from his swollen tip, trailing down to sneak between your fingers. The excitement mixed with panic mounting in his veins only doubles when you give him another firm squeeze.
Sweating, panting, Armin rolls your pelvis over his own, drinking in every mewl and moan you can offer. There's no telling when your roommate would stroll back in with burgers in hand, so you set a quick pace, rocking against the hard bulge in Armin's shorts. The clothes stay on to quell some of your favorite blonde's anxiety, but the friction is delicious and nearly nostalgic in a way -- you feel like fervent young lovers again, desperate to feel one another in the most inopportune times.
"You're kind of kinky, 'Min," you breathe against his cheek, "you got so hard, letting me touch you with our friends right there," a silky moan slips into his ear when his hands grip your ass a little harder than usual.
Armin groans, pressing you down onto him as flush as he can manage. "Who am I to tell you no?"
A hitch stills his breath for just a moment, his chest heaving erratically -- knowing all too well, you take him by the jaw and press your lips to his, taking in his moans and sucking on his tongue. Armin's gyrating halts. He squeezes the fat of your ass like a lifeline, eyes screwed shut and muscles tensed. Hot cum spills into his boxers underneath you. Armin's dick twitches to the rhythm of his slowing heart, his face relaxing and your kiss turning sweeter with every throb.
"That's it, that's my good boy," you whisper against swollen lips, earning a small whimper in reply.
It's not hard to get Armin flustered; it's not hard to make him cum in his pants, either, which is probably one of your favorite little hobbies you can't write home about.
He doesn't mind -- he's your good boy, after all.
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🫶🏻 reblogs & feedback are always appreciated 🫶🏻
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
Gannon who kidnaps his beloved, and keeps them locked away somewhere, absolutely convinced he's done the right thing?
He knows he seems like the bad guy. Locking you away, keeping your location secret, chaining you down when you misbehave and try to get hurt, the list goes on and on. You just don’t see the method of his madness, and with a heart as sweet and as understanding as yours, you’ll cry and scream you hate him when you find out the lives he had to take.
Ganon is by no means a saint, he’ll lick up the blood of his enemies while he holds you close, making a statement to the guards and other monsters who even think about trying to cross him. But he could never hurt you, not like he does his own minions and little imps. He likes to think he’s rather kind to you compared to what he does to others.
The only hand he’s ever laid on you is one of love and affection. He knows not to be rough with you, not unless you’re begging him to be, such as when he’s just too teasing in your shared “alone time”.
It’s always so delicious seeing you beg like that. Begging him to stuff you more, to let you reach that peak as you cling onto him and try to hide your face in his chest while he hammers away and breeds you. Yet, after the loving moments such as that, you still hide away and tell him you wish to go home, that he’s evil for what he’s doing to the kingdom.
It gets under his skin sometimes, seeing those eyes swell up with tears and that sweet voice begging him for freedom rather than for him to embrace you.
You just don’t understand. This is for both of you! For your safety, and for him to have the power to keep you safe and run the world as it should be run! The other idiots don’t see how much power they wield, they chose to play it safe and trust other kingdoms not to attack.
He’s no such idiot. He won’t be a fool in trusting other kings and queens not to take advantage and take more territory for themselves. Once Ganon’s in charge, he’ll be the only one with territory, the only one with power and authority, and with the triforce? It’ll be childsplay.
You’ll either come around and accept his plan, or stay just the same and assume he’s nothing but evil. Either way, he’ll have you. You won’t ever leave his side, He’ll make sure of that. After all, this plan was made with that very intention in mind!
(Ahh I know this is junk lskjdlsdj still I hope some beans enjoyed! -Mommabean)
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fartistt · 2 years
foxboy! ace hcs
gender neutral reader
owo get fucked -🍝
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Foxboy! Ace takes a lot of pride in his features. His tail and ears are the same shade of brilliant red as the hair on his head, and while he doesn’t obsess over grooming himself for the sake of vanity, he always makes sure that he looks as sneaky and sleek as any good fox would. Despite his bright and seemingly easy-to-spot features, Ace is actually a master at sneaking around and not getting caught. He’s a fox, after all—what kind of fox worth his salt gets caught while snooping around? If you can see his fluffy tail wiggling around or his ears twitching, it’s because Ace is letting you see him instead of sneaking up on you like he normally would.
Speaking of his prideful nature, Ace boasts that his tails and ears are the fluffiest on campus. He’ll always swing them in front of you to tempt you into petting him, and if he feels like you aren’t giving his hard work at grooming the attention it deserves, he’ll straight up ambush you and get you to admire him until he’s pampered to his heart’s content. Ace has a bad habit of straight up sitting on your lap and sticking his ears in your face for you to pet him for about an hour straight (which unfortunately leads you to being late to class on more than one occasion). 
Despite his cunning and bratty nature, it’s hard to stay mad at him. If he even so much as suspects that you might be upset with him, Ace starts pouting and offering up his puppy eyes. He’s perfected the skill down to a T, to the point that it’s impossible to stay angry with him once he starts trying to butter you up. He pinky promises that he won’t hog any more of your time and that he’ll do better! But you two already know that once he gets out of trouble, Ace is going straight back to annoying the hell out of you like it’s his full-time job.
Ace gets easily jealous if he finds you fawning over anyone else’s animal features. He knows his tail is the softest on campus, and he knows that he lets you have the most access to his prized features. So why would you leave his beautiful tail and adorable ears aside for someone else’s? He’ll stick his cheeks out and tease you like a middle school student with a crush, pulling out all the antics he has up his sleeve to steal the spotlight away from whoever’s taken your interest. It’s to the point that when he’s in the middle of his jealous fits, Ace will steal your pillow and hide it in hopes that when you ask him about where it went, he’ll conveniently offer up his bushy tail as a substitute for the night.
Another little habit Ace has picked up is biting you gently. His fangs are sharp, built for taking down prey like the predator he is, yet he loves nibbling at you affectionately. He never hurts you or leaves visible marks (unless you ask him to), but he thinks he’s being cute when he climbs into your arms and starts gnawing at your bare neck and shoulders. It’s his way of claiming you as his, and Ace simply loves being by you so much that it bleeds heavily into his physical affection towards you. If you softly bite him back on his nose or ear, Ace will be over the moon. You’re finally returning his feelings! How exciting is that for him!
His fur becomes incredibly fluffy and soft in the wintertime to adjust to the temperature changes, and Ace insists on staying close to you at all times so he can wrap you in his tail to keep you warm! Your flimsy jacket isn’t even close to competing with how cozy his tail is, and he loves curling up and cuddling with you in his room while it’s snowing outside. It’s easy for him to doze off with his head on your shoulder and his tail wrapped snugly around your waist, and Ace wants to forget about the rest of the world and simply soak up the happiness he feels in that moment.
Ace has a weird tendency to scent you and mark you as his, and while no one in their right mind would mess with you (considering that Ace trails after you every waking moment of his day), he still insists on doing it. He’ll rub his cheeks all over your face, grinning like the piece of shit he is when you get all flustered and tell him to back off. He loves teasing you as much as he loves lavishing his attention on you, and so long as you’re willing to accept all of his strange and foxy behaviors, there’s no one else who’ll be as dedicated and loving to you as this redhead foxboy is.
“Aren’t I the absolute cutest? You don’t have to be shy! Tell me that I’m strong and cool and cute, and tell me that I’m the best fox boyfriend you could ever ask for! You might not know it, but I work reeeeeeeeally hard to be a good lover, you know!”
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peeves-gurl · 2 years
Meeting the Juniors
Fred Weasley×Fem!O.C.
Preview: what's in store for Fred eight years after the war, when a new employee joins their shop?
Word count: 4.6 K
Warnings: age gap (legal), angst, mentions of food, mentions of war and injury, slight struggle with body image, family and kids, mostly fluff, mentions of sex, smut in part 3.
A/N: Hey! This is my first ever fic, so I'm very open to suggestions and feedbacks. Huge thank you to @sai-kida134 for editing the story. I hope you like it!
Part 2 || Part 3
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Fred Weasley had grown. Though he hadn't changed much, unless one considered the prosthetic limb he had to have attached to his left thigh once Percy had managed to dig him out from under the wall that fell on top of him during the Battle at Hogwarts. It was his only insecurity, even after eight whole years. There weren't many people in the Wizarding World who used a prosthetic limb, that too one that was of the muggle kind. He'd personally come across only one other person, Mad-Eye Moody, who had unfortunately been lost to Voldemort and his Death Eaters months before Fred lost his leg. Out of his insecurity, he used ample charms on it, changing it's colour to perfectly match his skin tone, changing it's texture to make it similar to his skin, and even getting Professor McGonagall to cast a special charm, that allowed him to feel all sensations on the leg, making it pretty much a part of his body, as good as his 'real' leg. But still, in his mind, it was a prosthetic, a weakness that made him different from other twenty-eight year old men, something that he considered a reason for his loneliness.
Ivy Roberts was the newest employee at Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes. For a twenty year old, her dreams were quite big and her achievements were running low. She planned on becoming a professional Quidditch Player, a beater, hopefully for the Hollyhead Harpies or Puddlemore United. Her in training seemed to be going pretty well, and with her newest job, she hoped to earn enough to pay her bills and buy herself equipment to keep it going. She mindlessly blamed her lack of achievements on her loneliness, rather than, what she was pretty sure, was laziness. Being the only child to parents who preferred to travel the world than support their daughter, left her alone in London. She had made friends at Hogwarts of course, and during her Quidditch practices too, but none of them could be considered close enough to share every bit of her daily life with. And well, dating had been out of question for quite a while, once she realised boys weren’t as important as she initially thought. Though sometimes, when she walked alone on the streets on Saturday nights, she imagined a handsome, faceless man, holding her hands amidst all the couples that frolicked down the street.
Fred loved the company of his parents, his siblings and their children more than anything else in his life. He spent his free time being the cool uncle to his niblings, spoiling them and playing pranks with them. And yet, each night, when George packed his stuff up and flooed back home to Angelina and their son, Fred was left alone in the old flat above the shop, hoping that someday, he'd find someone who would love him despite his apparent flaw, someone he could cuddle next to while he fell asleep.
Ivy's time at the shop passed rather quickly. She'd usually go to the shop around lunch time, right after her Quidditch training, and spend the rest of her day helping the twins around the shop. She grew close to the two very soon, unlike the three other employees at the store, who seemingly did not share the same closeness with their bosses. Ivy vividly remembered the time she'd told the twins she wanted to be a Professional beater. They seemed to jump out of their seats at the mention of being beaters, and quickly provided her with their best tips, from the time that they'd been on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
"Hold your bat closer to the edge, Ivy." Fred had suggested. "It's easier to move it that way. Less force, more impact on the bludger."
"Don't flick your wrist, you'll end up spraining it. Move your shoulders instead." George had said, demonstrating the movement and accidentally smacking his twin in the head.
She was glad to have them, honestly. Barely two weeks into the job, George suggested she should stop calling them 'Mr. Weasley and Mr. Weasley', like the other employees, and instead went with their first names, more like friends. The level of comfort that she'd achieved with them was something that she hadn't even had with her friends back at Hogwarts. And the fact that they were the best pair of beaters Hogwarts had back in the day, made her time with them even more fun.
And unintentionally, one Saturday, when she walked around the streets, once again imagining a handsome man holding her hand and guiding her through the crowd, her mind flashed the image of Fred Weasley, grinning down at her, sending tingles through her body. But it was just a passing crush, wasn't it? Fred was eight years older, had an amazing career, and was way out of her league. He definitely had a lover, someone as good looking as him, who truly deserved him. He wouldn't want her.
Fred, along with his twin, grew to adore Ivy more than just as an employee. She was much funnier than Michael, Josephine and Veer, their other three employees, and wanted to be a professional Quidditch beater, something the twins wanted to do before they came up with the idea of the joke shop in their fourth year. He'd seen her interaction with the customers, smiling and showing them around the store, confidence radiating off her. She smiled sweetly towards the children, sometimes lifting the tiniest ones up in her arms so that they could get a better look at the shelves, even though she had mentioned not being too fond of little ones. She would not only laugh at his and George's jokes, but instead add something of her own to make it even funnier.
Quite frankly, Fred thought she was amazing in every possible way and was glad to have found a friend in her. And the time she'd mentioned being a prankster at school, a pain in the ass to Headmistress McGonagall, just the way he was once, he didn't think she could get any better. That was until one night, just as he was about to fall asleep, alone as usual, she appeared in his mind for a fleeting moment, resting her head on his chest, intertwining her legs with his own. He couldn't fall asleep then. Why would she ever want him? She did flirt back with him sometimes, but he was always the one to initiate it, and it was obviously friendly, nothing more. She was eight years younger and whole, and she deserved someone like herself not like Fred.
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Ivy walked into the store slightly later than her usual time. She'd been hitting bludgers all morning and didn't take notice of the time until her coach reminded her to have lunch. She ran to the changing room, showered quickly and put on her purple uniform jumper along with jeans and immediately apparated to Diagon Alley. She opened the shop door and ran to the backroom, where she could find Fred or George and apologize for her unusual tardiness. Instead, she was greeted with an empty backroom. Setting her bags down in their usual spot, Ivy rushed outside to begin her usual work routine of counting the money at the cash counter and re-stocking the empty shelves.
Fred and George were walking down the stairs that connected the flat upstairs to the shop. Behind them was a very beautiful lady, tall, dark skinned, with beautiful natural curls up to her shoulders. She was sure it was George's wife, Angelina Johnson.
"Ivy." George greeted with a nod of his head and a smile.
"Good afternoon! I'm sorry for being a bit late today. I forgot to check the time during practice." She explained quickly.
"So you're Ivy," Angelina smiled. "I've heard loads about you from these two. Hope your Quidditch is going well."
"Thank you Ms. Johnson. I've heard lots about you as well." Ivy smiled back politely.
"Please call me Angelina!" She said, shaking her hand.
Just as Ivy was about to let go of her hand, her eyes fell onto Angelina's belly, and she was surprised to see the woman was pregnant.
"I have an appointment today," Angelina said, cradling her stomach gently. "And some work later on. George and I came to drop little Freddy with his uncle. He's asleep upstairs."
"That's great, congratulations!" Ivy smiled. "You never mentioned anything about the baby, George!"
"Oh no, you must've missed it Ivy. He talks about Angie and Junior and the new baby all the time." Fred spoke up finally, making George and Angelina blush furiously.
"We have to get going, or we'd be late." George said after a few more minutes of conversation.
"Take care of Freddy, please. Feed him once he wakes up." Angelina reminded Fred.
"Don't worry Angie. I'm the best Godfather." Fred grinned cockily.
"Thanks brother." George patted his twin's shoulder and clutched his wife's hand with his own, ready to disapparate. "See you 'round, Ivy!"
Work at the shop progressed as usual for about an hour, until Ivy saw the cutest child that she could have imagined, running around the shop. He had bright red hair, and hundreds of freckles scattered across his pale skin, and looked like a miniature version of George and Fred. Fred was chasing his nephew around, unable to do any work at the shop, leaving the four employees to manage everything. The toddler's giggles echoed around the premises each time he picked a random item off a shelf he passed, and tossed it in another direction, making Fred dive to catch it before it broke or hurt the child.
"Junior c'mon! It's lunch time, sweetheart!" He called out in his deep voice, earning nothing but another loud giggle from his nephew.
Ivy stood behind the currently empty counter, watching the exchange while twirling her wand between her fingers. Her crush on Fred had definitely grown over the past few days, no matter how much she tried to suppress it. And it was incredibly difficult to not find him attractive, especially when he showed so much love to the young child he was in charge of for the day. From her place, she admired the man, his brown eyes crinkled at the edges as he laughed at little Freddy's actions. He ran his fingers through his ginger hair, messing them up slightly while following the child's every action, preparing to get a hold on him when he was distracted. His clothes were crumpled, and his watch hung loosely from his wrist, and she found the sight more appealing than she could have thought. She was brought back from her thoughts when she heard a rattling sound from the row of shelves Freddy was close to, only to realise that he was shaking it, trying to get something from a height beyond his reach. Right as she watched, a few glass bottles of some potion fell out, headed right towards the boy. Fred was too far to get him away in time, and even though he ran to shield him immediately, he wouldn't be able to avoid the accident. Ivy acted on instinct, swishing her wand and making the bottles freeze mid air, inches from Freddy's head. Immediately, she saw Fred sigh in relief, before grabbing the child around his stomach and lifting him up in his arms. Another wave of Ivy's wand, and the bottles flew back to their shelves, away from the mischievous child.
"That's enough mischief for today Junior." Fred said sternly, and the boy flailed his little arms, trying to free himself from the tight grasp. He carried the child over to the counter in front of Ivy and set him down gently, holding him as he stood up on the wooden table.
"Thank you." He said, his gratitude reflected in his eyes. "He could have got hurt if you wouldn't have done that. Thank you."
Ivy smiled at him, her eyes flickering between him and his nephew, and Fred controlled his urge to kiss her out of gratitude.
"Uncle Fred! Leave me please!" Freddy pouted, stomping his little foot on the table.
"Not until you've finished your lunch." Fred said, pulling out his wand and summoning a little bag from his flat, full off Freddy's belongings for the day.
Freddy looked around for some sort of escape, turning around almost in a full circle, before his eyes landed on Ivy.
"You're new! You're new!" He shouted gleefully to the girl, making grabby hands towards her.
Ivy felt her lips curl up into an involuntary smile at the toddler's actions, and walked up to him to get a closer look.
"Hello!" She greeted.
"I'm Fred Weaseey Junior." Freddy said proudly in his baby voice, holding his hand out to her like he'd seen his father and uncle do when they introduced themselves to new people.
"I'm honoured by your presence, your highness." Ivy joked, taking his tiny hand into her own and bowing slightly. The child giggled at her actions and she gently steadied him on the table with her other hand.
"What's your name?" He asked through his giggles.
"Ivy Roberts, your majesty." She said, adding a quick bow, that sent him into another fit of giggles.
She felt Fred's gaze on her and nodded quickly towards him, allowing him to pull his hands away from the child and pull his lunch out of the bag Angelina had left.
"Okay Junior, let's see what your Mummy's got you for lunch today." He said cheerfully, "Hmm, pasta!"
"No! No dirty brolloci !" Freddy said stubbornly, pointing to the little pieces of broccoli in the pasta. "Ivy!" He pouted, tugging his newest friend's arm.
"What's wrong Freddy?" She cooed, gently running her fingers through his soft ginger hair.
"No lunch please!" He begged.
"Alright. What do you wanna do today?" She asked kindly.
"I... I want to work at the shop. Like a big boy!" He said quite loudly. "Tell Uncle, please!"
"Junior, you can work at the shop when you are a big boy." Fred stated, rubbing the child's back lovingly. "We're going to have your pasta now, okay?"
"No!" Freddy protested. "Now, Uncle Fred. Now!"
Fred looked tired of running around with the child. He was fit physically, so a slight chase with a two year old wasn't what had tired him out. It was the unexpected rebellion that the said two year old showed that exhausted him. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger and shutting his eyes to take a moment. Ivy noticed his weariness and decided now would be the right time to help him.
"Your Uncle is being a bit boring today, isn't he?" Ivy teased, causing Fred to open his eyes and cock his head to one side, shooting her a look, as if to say 'oh really?'
She subtly winked at him, turning her attention back to the child who was looking at her expectantly. "I think you'd make a fabulous shop worker."
"Faviolis," Freddy repeated after her, mispronouncing the word with such cuteness that both she and Fred had to stifle their laughs.
"Would you like to work with me today?" She asked him sweetly.
"Yes!" He replied, jumping on the table, causing her and Fred to slightly tighten their grips on him.
"Okay, give me a minute."
Fred nodded towards her with a smile, allowing her to do whatever she was planning. She turned around, picking her wand up again, raising the height of the chair behind the counter to what would be enough to let Freddy sit with his hands on the table. She flicked her wand, and the back of the chair turned softer when a cushion appeared, along with a buckle, making it look like a fancy car seat.
"I think this can be your special chair for the day Freddy. And you can be..." She paused, taking a minute to come up with a fake position for him.
"How about you becoming the shop's President?" Fred asked, playing along.
"Pwesiden." Freddy repeated innocently with approval.
"Then, Mr. President, is it okay if we put you in this special chair?" Ivy asked, earning an excited grin from the child.
She hooked her arms under the his, picking him off he counter and seating him in the chair, fixing the buckles quickly, afraid of letting him slip out and hurt himself.
"What's my job?" Freddy asked, looking at his uncle with utmost seriousness.
"I have the most important job for you sweetheart. You have to sit here and say hello to all out customers when they walk in." Fred said, mimicking his nephew's seriousness.
"No." Freddy said, squinting his eyes suspiciously.
"Yes, yes!" Ivy said, covering up. "It's a very important job, just for the President, Freddy. You need to charm all the customers into buying the products."
Freddy seemed convinced this time, so he sat patiently, waiting for the next customer to come along.
"There's just one rule." She said softly, once she had him settled. "The President needs to eat whatever his Mummy gives for lunch. After all, he needs his energy for the most important job in the shop."
And the President agreed.
Fred couldn't believe what he saw. Ivy Roberts had, somehow, managed to get his mischievous nephew seated silently in a chair, in middle of the joke shop that he wouldn't leave any opportunity to wreck havoc in. And now, she was feeding him dirty brolloci of all things in the world, without any tantrums. He leaned against the counter, taking up her place in case a customer came by, arms crossed against his chest, watching her entertain the child. He couldn't stop looking at her dark hair, flowing beautifully down her shoulders, looking perfect against the deep purple uniform. Her eyes shone with joy as she delicately wiped down the child’s face with a paper napkin, before smiling at something he babbled excitedly, displaying the deep dimples that appeared on her cheeks. And oh, that wink she gave him just minutes previously, even though it meant absolutely nothing, made his heart flutter in his chest. She was showing such pure affection for a child she was no way related to, completely forgetting her apparent dislike towards children. And the fact that this child was his nephew, whom he loved more than anything else in his life, made everything flawless. To him, there wasn't any woman as perfect as Ivy.
Some hours later, the four employees were busy winding up business to shut down for the day, as Fred sat at the counter, keeping Freddy busy with some toys from the shop. Ivy was working close to the cash counter, upon Fred's insistence, since she seemed to be the only one able to convince the child to do anything that day. She was busy restocking shelves for the next morning, stealing occasional glances towards her handsome boss and his giggly nephew, when she heard Fred's deep voice.
"You've been really nice today, Junior." He praised the child, and Ivy looked up to see he was placing soft kisses on his head. "How about we go out for some ice cream in a while, just Junior and Senior, hmm?"
"Mhmm ice cream." Freddy replied instantly, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "Ivy comes too!"
"Aaand you've stolen my nephew." Fred said dramatically, turning towards Ivy.
"Aww don't worry. I'm not going to intrude on your ice cream party." She smiled back.
"No, no you really should come along. He's not in a mood to listen to me today and I might need your help." He said quickly.
"I... Fred no, I can't."
"Yes you can. We're going to Florean Fortescue's, right around the corner." He insisted, and Ivy shook her head to say no once more.
"Pleaseeee!" Both boys said together in a sing song voice, looking at her with the same puppy eyes and their mouths curved into identical frowns.
"That's not fair! How do I say no to that face?" She scolded playfully, but agreed to the idea all the same.
Half an hour later, Ivy was walking on the street next to Fred Weasley, with his two year old nephew sitting on his shoulders. Diagon Alley was lit up with street lights, and she couldn't keep her eyes off the man she was with. The light illuminated his flaming red hair and highlighted the freckles against his pale skin. She felt butterflies in her stomach when she saw him looking at the child with a mischievous glint in his eyes, sharing a crooked smirk, before he sped up, pacing ahead of her on the sidewalk, Freddy bouncing and giggling on his shoulders. Ivy couldn’t help the way her mind drifted back to her own childhood. Her parents had made it very clear to her that she was an unplanned child, interfering with their plans to travel the world. It wasn't like they ignored her. They did love her, but they rarely made her feel it. But looking at Fred playing with the toddler made her feel all of his affection, even if it wasn't directed towards her in any way. Her heart warmed up when she saw the man tickle the boy, making his laughter ring around the street. The look of concern on his face a few hours back, when the glass bottles nearly hurt Freddy was one that showed pure love, something she'd grown up wishing for. Fred Weasley, with his perfect eyes and perfect smile, made her feel it, even though it wasn't for her.
"You're not paying for mine, Fred." She said sternly, standing against the ice cream counter with Fred towering over her.
"Yes I am. I got you here, I pay for it." He said.
"No, I came here to play with Freddy. It was my own choice."
"You came here because we insisted. No more arguments." He stated, handing over the money to the cashier, before setting Freddy down on a table and beginning to feed him the ice cream.
"Where's yours?" She asked, realising he'd bought only two.
"I'll share with Junior." He said, taking a bite when Freddy looked away, and she gasped dramatically.
"You stole a child's ice cream, you vile man!" She whisper-yelled.
"I'll steal yours too if you don't eat it quickly." He whispered back, rolling his eyes and taking another bite.
"Piggyback!" Freddy shouted when Fred tried to lift him onto his shoulders once they were ready to go back.
"Okay then, c'mon." Fred said, leaning a little so that Freddy could climb onto his back.
Instead, the child tugged Ivy's arm, pulling her closer and shouting, "Piggyback Ivy!"
"You love troubling her, don't you?." Fred said, ruffling his hair and looking at Ivy for a response. Ivy smiled, bending down and allowing him to climb onto her back, locking his arms around her neck and holding his feet around her waist.
"Thanks love. I'll take your bag." Fred said, casually slinging her handbag over his shoulder and holding the shop door open for her. He'd just called her 'love'. Out of all the nicknames he could've used, he chose 'love'.
Fred internally cursed himself for it. He thought it had come off as creepy and freaked her out. It might give away the attraction he'd been feeling towards her and that wouldn't be good. Keeping his composure, he turned to look at Ivy, who seemed to act absolutely normal, and he breathed a sigh of relief. She was probably used to being called 'love' by her friends. It's 2006 after all, and nicknames like that can be used in any context.
Ivy on the other hand, had never been called anything but her first name. Not even her family or friends used any terms of endearment towards her. And then Fred Weasley, the man who could make her swoon with one look, calls her 'love' of all things in the world. She managed to sneak a look at him, chivalrously carrying her purse over his shoulder. It wasn't that big of a deal anyways. He probably calls all his friends 'love'. He does seem to be a rather affectionate man, after all.
The three took a turn towards Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, just in time to see George and Angelina apparate back in front of the shop.
"First one to reach your Dad wins!" Fred shouted to his nephew, before darting off in the said direction.
"Faster Ivy, I have to win!" Freddy said, tightening his grip.
"Let's go!" She said, increasing her pace but not more than a jog since she was afraid to drop the child on her back.
Fred obviously reached faster, grinning proudly with his arm on his brother's shoulder.
"Hi!" She said, once she had joined the group.
"Hey! Up to mischief, are we?" Angelina said, kissing her son's cheek.
"Mummy, we lost the race!" Freddy pouted towards his parents.
"Your uncle's a cheater, don't worry." George said, slapping his twin's back.
"What? " Fred whined, and Angelina rolled her eyes, clearly used to the scene.
"Thank you for looking after him today." She smiled, carefully lifting her son off Ivy's back.
"It was quite fun, honestly. Hope your appointment went well." Ivy said.
"All's well." George replied, patting his wife's growing bump and taking Freddy into his arms.
"Am I having a niece or a nephew this time?" Fred asked the couple.
"For that, you'll have to wait. We're having a gender reveal party sometime soon." George said happily.
"That's new!" Fred grinned. "Just make sure it's not around Wood and Spinnet's wedding, or they'll go mad."
"Oh yeah, we forgot about that. Thanks Fred." Angelina nodded thoughtfully.
"I'm sorry, Wood and Spinnet? You mean Oliver Wood?" Ivy asked before she could control herself.
"Puddlemore United's Keeper, yes." Fred said.
"We went to school with him. He was our Quidditch Captain, before Angie." George added. "We're both his groomsmen, with Harry, and Angie is one of the bridesmaids."
"Wow, that's so cool!" Ivy beamed.
"I'll try to get you an invite, you know. There would be tons if Quidditch players, good for your career." Fred said with a smile.
"Have you found a date for the wedding, dearest brother-in-law?" Angelina asked, clearly thinking of something.
"Nope. I'll show up single, as usual." Fred shrugged.
"Well I've found you a date." She said, throwing an arm around Ivy's shoulder.
"No, no please! You don't have to do that for me." She said quickly.
"Of course we have to! It would be a great experience, meeting all those players." George approved, looking at Fred.
"Yeah, I think we could do that." Fred smiled.
"Okay then, that's settled." George said.
"We'll go now. It's almost dinner time." Angelina added.
"But I lost the race Daddy!" Freddy said sadly, burying his face into his father's chest.
"I have a treat for Freddy, if that's okay?" Ivy asked, looking at George and Angelina for approval, earning nods from them.
Taking her bag back from Fred, she unzipped one of the pockets and dug out a large chocolate bar she'd been saving up for herself.
"Here you go baby. Don't eat too much at once!" She said, handing the chocolate bar to the excited child.
"So that's how you won over him, huh? Cheater." Fred teased, and Ivy gave him a pointed look.
"We'll leave you to set him right." Angelina said, hugging Ivy, and George and Freddy followed. They bid their goodbyes to Fred as well, before disapparating with a crack.
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
tic-tac-toe | mcu
marvel cast x actress!reader
warnings: one swear, fluff, no plot
summary: you play aphrodite in the MCU and it's time for the press conference for infinity war. based off of this press conference
wc: 2.7k
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"Tom Hiddleston!" Jeff Goldblum introduced the man who was sitting on your right.
Everyone applauded before Jeff moved onto you, "Y/N Y/L/N!" more applause rang through the room.
"Sebastian Stan!" you looked to your left where Sebastian waved to the crowd as you clapped with everyone else.
"Anthony Mackie!"
After Jeff finished with the introductions, he explained how the panel would work. He would pull a ping pong ball out of a container and it would either have a name or category. The audience would be able to ask a question to that person or a person in that category after Jeff called on them.
As he pulled RDJ's name out of the container, Tom leaned over towards you.
"Does your water taste funny, too?" he whispered making you stifle a laugh.
You nodded, "Kind of like lemon, right?"
He shook his head, "Mine tastes like mint. Can I taste yours?" he held his hand out as you passed him your water bottle. He took a sip and spent a moment analyzing the taste, "Yours does taste like lemon! Why does mine taste different? Here." he passed you his water.
You took a sip and were hit with a strong mint flavour, "Woah. I think they're trying to drug you." you joked making him laugh.
"As I am answering this question, Tom Hiddleston and Y/N Y/L/N are discussing the flavours of the water behind me." Robert exposed you and Tom to the audience making the room burst out into laughter.
"They have fancy water. Mint and lemon." Tom spoke into a mic drawing more laughs. "Sorry. Carry on!"
As Jeff pulled the next name, you adjusted your dress. A white, long sleeve, blazer dress with gold buttons down the middle, the dress ended mid-thigh. The v-neck cut showcased your subtle gold necklace. Black stiletto heels covered your feet.
You unconsciously began bouncing your leg up and down in a fast motion. Sebastian placed a hand on your thigh, stopping your movements, "You're gonna drill a hole through the floor, Y/L/N." he chuckled.
"Sorry." you laughed quietly.
Sebastian pulled out a notepad and pen, "You need a distraction. Tic-tac-toe?" he offered.
You smiled with a nod before making your move.
"You absolutely suck at this." you chuckled as you won the third game in a row.
Sebastian scoffed, "You can't suck at tic-tac-toe."
"And yet, you do." you smirked.
He rolled his eyes playfully before you continued playing.
After two more rounds, your attention was back on Jeff as he pulled a new ping pong ball. "Ooh! You can ask a God or Goddess." Jeff announced, "So, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth or Y/N Y/L/N." he reminded the crowd, "Okay, yes, you!" he picked a woman in the front row.
"Hi, I'm Alexis with Forbes. My question is for Y/N." the room applauded as Jeff tossed the ping pong ball at you and you caught it with one hand.
"See, Robert! It's not that hard!" Jeff exclaimed making everyone laugh.
"Screw off, Goldblum! You chucked that shit at my head." Robert joked back. "Sorry, Alexis, go ahead."
"Um, I wanted to ask about Aphrodite's powers. We all know that she is the Goddess of Love and can seduce anyone with her beauty. We see in the trailer a small clip of her seducing men. How many people did you seduce in the film and were there any funny moments filming those scenes that you can share?"
Her question drew a mix of reactions from the cast. Some laughed, some furrowed their eyebrows and others were just confused. You took in the question before opening your mouth to reply, until you remembered that you weren't wearing a body mic. The cast laughed again before Sebastian passed you a mic.
"Sorry. Um, how many people did I seduce in the film? None." you stated drawing more laughs, "How many people did Aphrodite seduce? All of them." you chuckled, "I'm kidding. Although, I'm not sure what I can share because I don't know what's in the trailer." you confessed, "Kevin, Joe, Anthony, what's in the trailer?" you asked them making everyone laugh again.
Kevin picked up a mic, "I believe it's you seducing Spider-Man, Starlord, Drax and Iron Man."
You nodded, "I do have a funny moment that I'm sure Mister Holland will kill me for sharing, but it's too good to not tell." you smiled thinking of the memory.
Tom immediately grabbed a mic, "You wouldn't!" he exclaimed making the audience and cast laugh.
"I would," you retorted, "We were shooting that scene and, as you know, they have to act like they are falling in love with me. Like I'm putting them in a trance. Well, Tom took that a bit too seriously." you paused at the laughter that your sentence caused, "They're all on their knees in front of me, looking at me as if I'm their queen, because I am." you joked, "And then Anthony calls 'cut' and Dave, Chris and RDJ all get up and start chatting, but as I'm turning away, Tom doesn't move. Still on his knees, looking at me as if I hold the world in my hands." the room filled with amused laughs and chuckles as Tom covered his face with his hands.
"No, it was so bad because I just looked like a creep that couldn't stop staring at her!" Tom laughed at himself.
Robert grabbed a mic, "Very true. I was watching and it honestly had me convinced that Y/N had real powers."
"I have to say, I understand the kid's reaction. Y/N's costume for Aphrodite and the way they transform her only enhances how gorgeous she already is." Anthony Mackie spoke up causing the crowd to gush and clap, "I'm pretty sure we all had the same reaction when we first saw her while filming Civil War." he looked around as the cast nodded.
Scarlett picked up a mic, "Yeah. I remember her walking on set in this stunning white dress which made me extremely jealous," she confessed, "Because, one, it's so gorgeous and she looks absolutely amazing in it," the crowd and cast applauded again, "And two, it's made of the softest silk while my suit is leather and spandex!" everyone laughed at her comment.
Benedict picked up his mic, "Although, it wasn't Tom's first time seeing Y/N as Aphrodite. He was in Civil War and still could not contain himself." he teased making the audience and cast laugh again.
Robert spoke again, "Yeah, he did that during the filming of Civil War, too." the room hollered with laughs.
Tom's face was bright red, "I'm just a very committed actor. I really give all of myself to my work." his comment drew more laughs.
"That's why Sebastian despises Tom. It all started when Tom couldn't take his eyes off of Y/N." Chris Hemsworth added making everyone double over in laughter.
"I feel so loved," you held a hand to your heart as the room chuckled, "These are genuinely the best people in the world and I guess you could say I seduced one person during filming." you joked as the crowd continued to laugh, "Sorry, Tom. I'll buy you some juice, don't be mad." Anthony and Benedict laughed loudly. "Thank you for your question!" you thanked the lady as the cast clapped before Jeff picked out the next ping pong ball.
Next was Scarlett. You sat back and silently judged the man who asked about fashion. Scoffing with Sebastian at his question and laughing at Scarlett's sarcastic and witty responses.
Sebastian leaned over again, "I have to piss."
You stifled a laugh at his abrupt confession, "Go to the washroom, then." you nodded your head towards the exit.
"We're not allowed to leave." he frowned.
You chuckled and reached over, patting his thigh with your hand, "Don't piss yourself."
He rolled his eyes playfully before Jeff called out the next name.
"Anthony Mackie!"
"Hi, I'm Tiffany with Times Magazine. With such a star studded cast, do you find it difficult or any obstacles in developing your character with all theses amazing stories being told and struggling for screen time? Like, are there any obstacles or special difficulties or is it all just amazing?"
Before Anthony could answer, Joe Russo picked up his mic, "Are you asking Anthony Mackie if he has a hard time getting attention?" his comment caused the whole room to erupt in laughs.
Anthony nodded slowly as the laughter died down, "Touché, touché. Uh, well, Tiffany, a wise man once said that some men need an hour to make their presence felt and some need thirty seconds." there was an uproar of laughter and hollering at his comment as he dramatically dropped the mic on the table.
"Who are we asking next?" Jeff squinted at the ping pong ball, "Ooh! Back to the Goddess of Love herself, Y/N Y/L/N!" the room applauded for you as Jeff threw the ball to you.
Sebastian intercepted the toss and caught the ball himself with a smug smirk. You rolled your eyes, but smiled as Jeff picked a lady out of the dozens who had raised their hand.
"Hi, I'm Amy with Esquire and I wanted to ask about the relationship between Bucky and Aphrodite. We see in the previous films their awkward tension from their past history. They have a very special romance and their love story is a fan favourite in the Marvel fandom. What was it like building that bond and relationship on screen? And what do you think of the choice to match the two characters together, how did you react when you found out? Did the pairing of the two help build your bond off screen?"
Jeff spoke again, "I said 'one question', that was at least twenty." he teased the lady drawing laughs from the room.
You chuckled and nodded slowly as the laughter died down, "Excellent questions. Umm, I honestly really like the pairing of the two. I think it gives a great dynamic to both characters and reveals sides of them that we never would've seen without their relationship. It's a very 'good girl falling for the bad guy' trope. And if I'm being honest, I've always wanted that." you confessed causing the room to chuckle, "Their relationship is, without a doubt, one of the most complicated ones in the MCU, but I think that's what makes it so loved by the fans since there's not a dull moment between the two. It's nice to see Bucky have a sentimental side, in his own awkward way of course. And you get to see Aphrodite fall for someone who's not a God or a Titan." you turned to Sebastian, "What do you think?"
You offered him the mic, but he didn't take it, letting you hold it up for him, "Yeah, I agree. I never thought Bucky would have a love interest, if I'm being honest. But I'm glad he does because Aphrodite brings out the soft side in him and he brings out the fighter in her. They really balance each other out and Y/N portrays the character in such a unique way, it really brings a whole new fresh persona to Aphrodite and it's amazing having her as a partner on screen." the audience applauded at his words, "When I first found out about Bucky having her as his love interest—"
"—He called me screaming about how hyped he was." Anthony Mackie cut him off making the room laugh. "Anthony! Anthony! Bucky is gonna be with Aphrodite! That's gonna be sick!" Anthony mocked his voice as you were hunched over with laughter.
Sebastian nodded with a smile, "I did. Won't lie, I did. It's a really refreshing relationship and I'm glad that the fans love it as much as I love playing it. Back to you, you haven't talked about the development and our bond." he gave you a lopsided grin.
You chuckled, "I feel like I'm rambling, but yeah. Their development is definitely," you paused, trying to find the right words, "A development?" you settled on drawing more laughter. "Well, as I said, it's very complicated, but awkwardly adorable at times. Since Seb complimented me, I feel obligated to say something nice about him," you joked making them laugh again, "Kidding. He really does play Bucky with such passion and commitment, it's truly inspiring. And working with someone who loves what they do as much as Seb, it definitely motivates you tremendously and yeah. Um, I won't lie, I honestly was dreading working with Seb," you confessed drawing laughs and a gasp from Sebastian.
"Why?!" he exclaimed making you laugh.
You sighed, "Not because I think you're a bad person or anything, but you come off as very intimidating to people who don't know you very well. And I knew nothing about you before filming other than the films you'd already done, so you scared me." your confession caused everyone to laugh loudly.
Sebastian smirked jokingly, "I am extremely frightening. I understand." he shrugged.
You scoffed with a laugh, "I caught you sleeping with a stuffed turtle and whale noises playing." the room roared with laughter again, "That's when I knew you were a big softy."
Sebastian rolled his eyes playfully, "She's joking. I am the toughest man alive." he deepened his voice.
You shook your head with a chuckle, "Sure. Thank you for your questions." the room clapped for you as you set the mic down and relaxed back into your seat.
"Nailed it." Sebastian held a hand out for a high five and you chuckled before hitting your hand against his.
For the rest of the press conference, you sat back and listened to your friends answer questions. Laughed at jokes made and clapped when appropriate. Small tic-tac-toe games went on between you and Sebastian. Your attention was fully on your nails when Tom Hiddleston got called on.
"Hi, I'm Samantha with Daily Mail and I was wondering, since Loki is a very closed off and mysterious character, we never explore the aspect of him having a love interest. So, if you could choose anyone from the MCU for Loki to end up with, who would it be and why?"
You turned to look at Tom as he pondered on the question, crossing his arms and rubbing his chin, "Very good question. Umm, who would I choose for Loki? Let's see," he paused again and looked around the room until his eyes landed on you, "Ah, I'd steal Aphrodite from Bucky." he answered making the room laugh and Sebastian chuckled with a nod.
"Why Aphrodite?" Jeff asked.
Tom chuckled again, "Well, it's Aphrodite." he simply answered drawing more laughs, "They are so different yet similar in so many ways. Loki is never fully evil nor fully good, but I think Aphrodite has the best chance of turning him good. And who wouldn't want to end up with the Goddess of Love?"
The cast nodded understandingly before Chris Pratt grabbed a mic, "If you were to ask any person on this stage that same question, I guarantee the answer would be Aphrodite." the whole cast nodded.
"They're all trying to steal Sebastian's woman." Jeff teased.
Sebastian scoffed jokingly, "They're all jealous." he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
You chuckled with a shake of your head before Robert spoke up, "Adding onto the conversation. Miss Y/L/N, who would you want Aphrodite to end up with?" his question drew excited reactions from the crowd.
You let out a bark of laughter before looking from Tom to Sebastian, "Hmm, excellent question, Mister Downey." you rubbed your chin, "Stop doing that, Holland." you chuckled as you saw Tom point at himself in the corner of your eye.
He raised his hands in surrender before Anthony Mackie spoke up, "Spidey is five years old, kid." everyone laughed at that.
"I'd have to stick with Bucky. He is her true love." you shrugged as the crowd cheered.
Sebastian smirked from beside you as the men of the cast faked disappointment.
As the panel came to a close, you looked around at the family you were surrounded by. Friends you love more than anything. Hundreds of memories with the most amazing people you'd ever met. Your home.
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metize · 3 years
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Yagami Light/Reader Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Praise Kink, Yagami Light is Kira, L is reader's brother, but no one's supposed to know, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Blackmail, Coercion, Sexual Coercion, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, 'good girl's, AFAB reader - Freeform, Misogyny, Workplace Sex, Desk Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Vaginal Sex, this is filthy, I'm so sorry, Manipulation, Top Yagami Light, Jealousy
A/N: Filth! Absolute dirt! I'm the Trash Man! I come out, I throw trash all over AO3, and then I start eating garbage! Enjoy.
"You seem to get along very well with L."
You could practically feel your heart stop when Light said that. You felt so stupid, of course, this guy would figure it out. You tried your best to look unfazed while you panicked on the inside. The black-haired detective and you were trying to keep it a secret from the task force that you were siblings. You cursed Ryuzaki internally, he had been acting kind of protective towards you and it was bound to raise suspicion.
“You think so? I’ve just been trying to be on good terms with everyone.” You deflected.
The investigation room was empty save for the two of you, there was a single monitor showing the news broadcast reporting on the most recent Kira murder. You focused back on the files you were sorting through. Your older brother never cared much for organizing and that drove you mad. You glanced in Light’s direction again, he was staring at you, his gaze sent shivers down your spine, you just forced an awkward smile.
"Did you let him fuck you yet?" He deadpanned.
"W-What the fuck? Of course not!" You answered abruptly. You were offended that Light would even ask something like that. The crude way he said it too, made you blush in embarrassment. You found it weird he'd say something like that, usually Light was nothing short of a gentleman when addressing you.
"Don't get coy all of a sudden. Just admit you two are fucking already." He sounded annoyed now. He got up and got closer to your desk, his eyes never leaving yours. You sometimes felt intimidated in his presence, now in the middle of the night, alone with him towering over you, this feeling increased tenfold.
"T-that's disgusting! Why are you even saying that? We're just… we're just friends, coworkers who get along, whatever!" You started to crack under the pressure.
Light brows furrowed for a second and then his eyes widened in revelation. A grin formed on his face and he burst into laughter like he had finally gotten the punchline to a joke. His laughter was scary, loud and almost maniacal.  You didn't know how to react exactly so you looked at him nervously and confused.
Did he believe you? Did he find the misunderstanding funny? Was that it? You hoped that was it. You offered a weak smile as his laughter died down.
"I was so caught up in this… obsession… this feeling of jealousy… ah. It was obvious all along. You're siblings. Siblings!" He shook his head smiling "This is pathetic. You're becoming such a nuisance with your distraction."
He figured it out, of course it had only been a matter of time. But that realization took way too long for his liking. He was blinded by the rage of the idea of L having you and he didn't stop to consider any other possibilities.
"Excuse me? I didn't-" You got up and started to retort his rude comment.
"Shut the fuck up." And you did so out of shock. Light wasn't like this normally, he was relatively courteous and nice. Why was he so… brutish all of a sudden? He smiled at your obedience. "Good girl."
The praise felt so dirty, you frowned at him. Being infantilized was something you were used to dealing with in the workplace, being surrounded by older men. But Light was pretty much your age, what was he thinking?
You didn't have time to wonder because the man grabbed your collar and pulled you into a kiss.
You tried to push him away instinctively and ask what the fuck he was doing, but Light grabbed your wrists. He held them so tightly it almost marked your skin. Your lips were still closed so he bit them to make you part them. He kissed you aggressively as if he was punishing you for something. his tongue entered your mouth deepening the kiss and claiming your mouth for himself.
He tasted like coffee and sin.
"God, and I thought fucking L's girlfriend was a good idea, this is way better." He sounded extremely amused. "I wonder how is he going to react when he finds out I fucked his pretty little sister?"
Ryuzaki had always had a bad feeling about Light, he mentioned you should be careful around him, you knew all that and here you were. You thought he was being overprotective, to be fair Light wasn't the first guy L had a bad feeling about.
Light's hand was now caressing your hair, smiling content with your current predicament and very proud of himself.
"We… w-we can't." You tried to come up with an excuse. "We work together, so it would be-"
"I am Kira."
You heart stopped when you heard those words. Everything started connections in your head, every lead, every tip, every death. You still had many questions, some things didn't make sense, but as you stood there looking at that man's face it was clear that he wasn't joking.
"W-why are you… telling me this?" You tried to back away slowly. You could hear your heartbeat drumming in your ears.
"Because I feel like keeping you to myself." He smiled sinisterly, every step back you took he stepped forward to approach you again "I was contemplating killing you after pounding your cunt, but I told myself I deserved a little treat."
Hearing him talking about murdering you in cold blood activated your flight instinct immediately. You turned away and rushed towards the door, but as soon as you tried to twist the doorknob and open the door, it was locked. You twisted the knob again and again, desperately trying to unlock it with sheer willpower.
“Stop that, you’re smarter than this.” You heard his voice right against your ear, his hands now grabbing your waist and caressing you through the fabric of your blouse. “There’s only one way you leave this room” he placed a kiss on your neck and you shivered despite yourself “with my cum leaking down your thighs” he grabbed your throat suddenly “and invisibly leashed to me, like a good little pet.”
You were shaking, incredibly aware of Light's bulge pressing against your ass, one hand toying with the hem of your shirt and the other still holding your neck possessively.
"Are we clear, pet?"
You felt his grip tighten a bit so you just quickly nodded your head. It showed to be the wrong answer, because you were punished with a sharp swat to your ass.
"Use your damn words, there's a reason I chose not to gag you." He grabbed your face, forcing you to make eye contact with him. "Say 'Yes, master'."
He was a sick fuck. You wanted to scream at him and call him exactly that. You wanted to push him away and go home already. But god damn it, you wanted to survive this.
"Yes… m-master."
He smiled at your obedience and his grin made you sick to your stomach. He placed a kiss on your temple and pat your hair gently.
"There you go, good girl. That wasn't so hard, was it?" He turned you around quickly and pushed your back against the door. His mouth was on yours again, his hands slipped under your shirt and you shivered feeling his cold touch on your skin. The fabric was restraining his hands so he grew frustrated and started to undress you at once.
"Y-you don't… have to do this, Light. I promise I won't tell anyone, just let me go and-"
"Don't waste your breath. You'll need it when I get to choke you properly…" he answered simply, amused by your perseverance, all the while looking forward to breaking it. "I want to fuck you, so I'm going to do it. I have the whole world in my hands and it's not a little pet that's going to deny me what I want. Understood?"
He tossed your shirt on the floor and started pulling your pencil skirt up. He glared at you for not answering and you promptly spoke up.
He smirked. You felt his fingers trace your slit over your panties, you shuddered and instinctively tried to move away.
"Don't fucking move." His other hand grabbed your waist holding you in place. His tone was harsh and you were so fucking scared.
"I'm sure you are… Good girl, at least you have manners." He chuckled at that. "Not that your decency matters, look how wet you are for your master…"
He stroked the wet fabric to emphasize his point and you tried to hold back a moan, but it was useless. It felt good, of course it felt good. Light was a hot guy, he obviously knew his way around someone's body and you were only human. His lips captured yours again and he kept playing with your clothed sex as you made out. You could swear you were going insane, the pleasure of his hands on you was intoxicating and his mouth on yours had you gasping for air.
"Get on your knees. Now."
You needed to survive this, you needed to be useful to him. The way he ordered you around did excite you but you needed to stay focused. You were not supposed to feel good, you were supposed to find a way out of this situation.
For now that meant kneeling before Light as he pulled out his cock for you.
You gulped as you eyed him, of course Light Yagami had a big dick, you had to have suspected it. But now you had to give him head and you knew very well he wasn't going to go easy on you. He saw your hesitation and scoffed in amusement.
"Go ahead pet, you want to prove to me you're worth keeping around don't you?" He smiled devilishly at you.
"Yes, master." You murmured and licked your lips. You could do this. And, in a weird way, you kind of wanted to do this, you wanted him to praise you more, to call you a good girl again… you repressed the thought. This is disgusting, Light is disgusting and a murderer. You were strong you won’t fall for his games.
You grabbed his cock by its base and started to gently suck the tip. You looked up at him before taking the whole shaft into your mouth. You sucked him off to the best of your, limited, abilities, trying to get him deeper with each bob of your head. Maybe if he came in your mouth he wouldn’t touch you further, maybe he’d let you go.
Your hopeful thoughts are interrupted by the man’s hand grabbing your hair forcefully, you looked at him and he was grinning like the maniac he was.
“Sit still, let me use your throat a little bit.” His voice was unshaken. You felt a bit annoyed he didn’t seem phased by your efforts. You didn’t have time to dwindle on that feeling because Light was grabbing your face and fucking your mouth as soon as he finished his phrase.
His pace was unrelenting and you felt your spit dribbling down your chin, you tried to breathe in small intervals and you could see him laugh at your predicament. You felt rage but he slowed down his thrusts and started petting your head. Like a kid. Like a pet.
“That’s a good girl, such an obedient little pet…” he breathed and pulled out “Bend over your desk for me.”
Fuck. You were out of breath, you could only nod and do as he said. You didn’t even think of disobeying his order, he praised you again, you were doing a good job… You got up and rested your torso on the desk. He was going to fuck you. Light was Kira and he was blackmailing you into submission. This was an absolute nightmare. So why the fuck were you so turned on?
“You know where you belong, don’t you, pet?” You felt his presence behind you and he pulled down your panties. “Not above anyone, not next to your brother… Not even by my side.” He pulled your hair and you yelped despite yourself “You belong under me.”
He entered you forcefully and you couldn’t help but moan loudly at the intrusion, he didn’t prepare you with his fingers, he didn’t touch you properly at all, it hurt and he knew. But he didn’t give a fuck.
“You should be grateful to your master, whore.” His hand reached around your neck his grip making you gasp. “Tell me you can be obedient.”
“I can!” You cried and you felt his other hand reach between your legs to press your sensitive bud.
“You think you can be useful? Do you think you deserve to live to serve your master?” His thrusts were getting harsher and he groaned “Do you?!”
“Yes, master, please, master!” You begged. To cum, to live, anything. Light held your life in his hands and you were so scared, but so turned on.
“You better....” He grunted and kept on rubbing your clit “I fucking own you. I’m going to cum inside you, going to make you my breeding bitch.”
Oh no. That wasn’t good. That was a bad idea.
“N-no… please not inside” You heard him laugh at your resistance.
“Then tell me… tell me his name.” His name? Fuck. Ryuzaki.
You couldn’t tell him his name. Was he going to kill you if you didn’t? You couldn’t do it. You sobbed and grasped his arm in fear.
“No, I can’t, I can’t!” You cried out shaking your head. The pleasure was overwhelming and you came on his fingers screaming. “I can’t! Ah!”
You saw stars, Light never stopped pounding you as he laughed maniacally at your desperation.
“Know your fucking place… useless cunt.... Fuck-” His laughter died down and he pulled you closer as he came inside you.
You felt his spent dripping down your pussy, you trembled both from the orgasm and from fear of what came next. Light pulled out and turned you around, smiling amused at your scared face.
“Don’t worry, pet, of course I wasn’t counting on a dumb slut like you telling me this information…” He pat your head and you stood there with tears rolling down your face “You’re beneath me, I don’t need you, I don’t need your help. I’ll find out eventually.” He chuckled and wiped away your tears “But I do know your name. So you better behave.” He kissed your forehead. “Won’t you, pet?”
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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"The first time you hear Izuku moan your name, its with you hiding on the other side of his closet door, your hand clapped over your mouth in shock.”
A/N: im placing this before the sexual side of their relationship begins. A prelude of sorts, if you will.
Cw: voyeurism, smut, dekus secretly dirty mouth.
All things considered izuku’s room was...not as gross as you expected a staple college aged guys dorm room to be. It was cluttered but not disgusting, posters of comics and figurines and manga and some clothes strewn about, everything kind of frenzied and haphazard. It was so incredibly deku, a secret smile pulled at your lips, even though your reasons for being here were less than innocent
He’s wearing fucking pink. Because of course he is, of course izuku is humble and comfortable in his masculinity enough to pull off a bright pink t-shirt. It hugs his chest too, and you have to wonder if literally any of his clothes fit him and the tits he decided to grow in college. His image is so utterly imposing, his smile so bright, and laugh so airy, it sends butterflies flipping through your stomach at just the sight of him and that makes you want to vomit. Your lips curl in a sneer and you’re walking towards him and the group of friends he’s talking to as if on reflex. 
Stupid, lovely deku. You knock your shoulder into his as you pass, hard enough that his books clatter and fall to the floor, scattering. And then those green eyes are on you, giving you his attention and your body feels alive, your blood cells buzzing under your skin even as he frowns. The dimples on his freckled face fall as he takes you in. Yes, you think, look at me, see me, want me. 
Out loud you say. “Watch where you’re going, stupid deku” and you’re looking at him like he’s the dirt under your shoe. He’s not. He’s the center of your universe. Your world tilts around his axis. “Pink isn’t your fucking color by the way”. it is. 
Izuku huffs. He’s past the point where he used to turn as red as a tomato and duck his head whenever you stood in front of him, but he’s still deku at the end of the day. An easy target. “If looking at me bothers you so much you could just ignore me.” He crouches down to pick up his things. His words make you itch, if you could ignore him, you wouldn’t fucking be here. Its because he exists too much, that you want to push him down so much. 
You step your manicured foot onto his notebook right as he’s about to grab it. He tugs at it, you dont budge, and he looks up at you, exasperated. “Can i have my notebook, please?” 
Why is he so fucking pretty? God, you want to throw up. You dig your heel in further, covering the flutter you feel in your chest with a practiced sneer. “I like the way you say please, deku.” You lean down a little, “Say ‘your highness’ and i’ll move” 
It’s a thrill, seeing the way his jaw sets, his brow furrows, his eyes go annoyed. Sweet, sweet, friendly izuku. You’re the only one he looks at like this, like he wants to throttle you. But he won’t. You see his adams apple bob, his cheeks dust pink, even as he glares. “No” 
You pause. It’s not the first time he’s gotten snippy with you, but the conviction behind it is new. You feel something in your stomach give a jump, your blood thrumming in your ears. You jerk your foot towards you, sliding his notebook out from his hands and standing completely on top of it with both your feet now. Your sticky lips, glossy and plump, spread into a mocking grin, “No? Do i need to slam you into some lockers and take you lunch money?” You feel a thousand feet tall, towering above him still kneeling, you on the high ground, looking down at him below you, where he can’t reach you. Can’t ever see the truth. “C’mon pansy, you’re already on your knees anyway” 
But he isn’t anymore. He jerks to a stand, and now he’s taller than you, but you puff your chest out, not letting that affect you. It always affects you. Not that he knows or ever notices. Your eyes are widening when he steps forward so you’re practically nose to nose and chest to chest. “I don’t have time for you” he snaps, irritated. And then he’s stepping away as suddenly as he stepped up, the rest of his things gathered in his arms, he shakes his head at you, a tendril of that mossy mousey hair falling into his eyes. “I gotta get to class” 
And then he’s gone, brushing by you, disengaging. You stand there, your breath stuck in your chest, not moving. ‘I dont have time for you’ over and over again rings through your head like a mantra. You step off his notebook robotically and kick it across the floor. It bangs against a wall and you feel your fists clench, nail beds digging into your palms harshly. ‘I dont have time for you’ 
You turn on your heel, away from the direction of your class, fury blinding you. Anger in place of humiliation, vindication in place of being humbled. You don’t know what crawled up his ass and made him think he was above you all the sudden, but you weren’t having it, not the fuck at all. 
And that’s how you found yourself snooping through izukus dorm, with the intention of finding some kind of dirt, or something to hold over his stupid head. He didn’t have time for you? How dare he act like he was better than you, like he had things more important to do than to indulge you. You were still so mad you wanted to throw a tantrum, kick and scream and claw his eyes out. Straddle his stupid broad waist and shake him until all he saw was you, you, you. 
You really hated him. Hated that because of him you were basically a bully because any attention from him was attention you thrived and lived under. Maybe if you weren’t so prideful, so disgusted by the weakness of your own gooey emotions for him, you would have tried to be the center of his attention in a nicer way, but as it was you were in too deep. This was the sick game you played, and losing wasn’t an option. 
You hated how much that made you similar to bakugou in a way. You didn’t like that guy, and even weirdly so, you wanted to gouge his fucking eyes out for the way he treated and talked to izuku. Was it jealousy or possesivness that drove you to want to be the only one who could rile izuku? You wondered, sometimes, if bakugou felt the same way about you. 
It was the loss of control, for you. Better yet, it was the way you liked the loss of that control. You had always prided yourself on being strong willed and a perfectionist. But whenever your eyes so much as grazed izukus, all your emotions went rattling around your stomach in sick twisted ways, giving you goosebumps, making you...nervous. It was a crush that had turned into an obsession, wasn’t it? And you wanted to make izuku suffer not only for invoking those messy feelings, but for not seeming to return them as well. If he couldn’t love you or want you romantically or sexually, you’d force yourself onto his radar and into his head until thinking about anyone else was impossible. Until you squirmed under his skin as much as he squirmed under yours. 
Acting like you didnt exist was unacceptable. Obviously you’d slacked off on your taunts and actions, if he could just brush past you so easily, not taking your bait. You needed to even the playing field again, and by even you meant you needed to be towering above him again. 
Towering over him so you dont have the time to think about how much you want to be under him, your mind whispers at you as you pick through his room, trying to find anything incripting. Someone like izuku would probably have something utterly embarrassing like a diary or some weird porn magazines, shameless, helpless guy that he was. 
You huff as you open his drawer next to his bedside, nearly slamming it back shut in shock at what you see there. 
You’re not stupid. You’re a healthy, young woman with an active sexual imagination and access to the world wide web, to porn. 
Izuku has a fleshlight in his drawer. Izuku has a sexytoy. Izuku. And its green. 
Izuku has a sex toy that he probably uses. That he probably sticks his cock into and moves- 
An absurd laugh barks out of you, shocked and helpless. Because while in your head you knew izuku had to be some kind pervert, what other explanation was there for the way he blushed and darted his gaze around like a ping pong ball whenever you leaned forward and get caught a glimpse under your blouse, this is...unexpected. Imagining izuku in explicit scenarios, doing lewd things, it was something you didn’t allow your mind to wonder to often over. You didn’t like the way you got all squirmy and meek whenever you thought too long about izuku without clothes. 
You feel kind of squirmy now, hot and uncomfortable as you shift around and try to gather your wits back about you. Revenge, that’s what you’re here for. 
With a shaky exhale you turn away from his dresser, your thoughts flitting around your head like annoying gnats. What, who, does he think about when he…? What does he look like? What does his...c- You shake your head, slap your cheeks, trying to center yourself from the images floating around, flustering you and distracting you. 
You’re in the middle of lifting the covers on his bed to peek under it, see if there’s anything there, when you hear the handle on his door jiggle. You freeze, every muscle in your body locked frozen like a deer in headlights as the knob twists, and then catches. Right. You’d picked the lock with one of your hair clips and then made sure to lock it again behind you just in case something like this happened. And by the, “Ugh” on the other side of the door, yep that’s definitely izuku. You’re shoved out of your shocked state, and bolting for his closet door as you hear the jingle of his keys twist in the lock, trying your best to close the door as quietly as possible behind you, it swishing shut barely a second before the door to his dorm opens and you hear him step in. 
Class must have let out early or something, you think huffily, gently rearranging yourself into a comfortable position on a pile of his clothes as he shuffles around his room. You hear the thumb of him dropping his books, the shuffle of his feet, the clutter of him taking off his shoes and the squeak of his mattress as he plops down on it. 
You tuck your knees to your chest and roll your eyes, picking at your leggings as you wonder how long you’ll have to hide before he goes to the bathroom or something so you can leave. It’s fucking stuffy in his closet already, the air hot. Your hand touches the soft fabric beneath you, realizing you’re sitting on one of his hoodies. Its too dark to see which one it is, but you imagine it as your favorite red one. Maybe you’d steal it as compensation for him making you sit and wait in his dumb closet while he probably stared at the ceiling with no thoughts in his dumb brain.
You hear him sigh, loud and dramatic, and then a muffled scream/groan into his pillow. Your lips twitch, he’s such a fucking drama queen. 
Your little smile drops off your face when you hear the sound of his drawer opening.  
Oh god. Oh no. 
Your face feels like there are embers burning under it as you hear the unmistakable sound of clothes being shucked, a zipper and and then flop, and then….a slick wet sound and a sigh of relief. 
Your eyes feel like they are bugging out of your head. Izuku is really about to fuck his fleshlight with you hiding in his closet with him none the wiser. You feel suddenly embarrassed and hot all over, hiding your face in your knees as you hear him let out a moan. A loud one. 
You’re on fire, every part of you. You don’t think you can take this, don’t think you can sit through this and listen to this, think you should just burst out of his closet and use your bravado to somehow flip the situation and make him feel humiliated for getting off in the privacy of his own room, like he’s in the wrong even though you had violated so many boundaries for even being here right now. 
You could do it too, you know. You’re good at twisting things, at powering through the complicated mess of flustered feelings izuku makes you feel and making it his fault, making him back down and cower. You could do it...you’re uncurling your legs and pushing your hands under you in the middle of getting up to do so when- 
“Fuck. ___” Your name. You freeze, for an unholy, goldy second you think you’ve been caught, that he has acquired x-ray vision and has spotted you but no. His voice isn’t surprised or upset its...breathless, airy. He moaned it. 
The first time you hear Izuku moan your name, its with you hiding on the other side of his closet door, your hand clapped over your mouth in shock.
Heat immediately shoots between your legs, your core throbbing unbidden in reflex to the sound, helpless to stop it, to have any other reaction. Your ass plops right back down. You turn slightly towards the door, pressing your side against it, your ear smooshed against the cool wood as you listen, as if drawn under a spell. 
“You’re such…” You hear izuku pant, his voice deeper and more rough then you’ve ever heard it before. “A fucking brat” 
Wet between your legs, seeping through your panties at his words, seemingly ripped out of him. God, he sounds pissed, wrecked. He cursed. You’ve never heard izuku curse before, never, even when you’d pushed him too far. Something really was different about today. 
The slick sounds are more frequent now, steady and...and sounding like real sex you’d heard from porn before. Wet, sloppy, and slapping. Your knees knock together as you lean forward even more. There’s an invisible string pulling, tugging you forward, you want to see…
“Fucking slut” He grunts, and there’s a heavy slap, your breath catching in your fucking throat as you realize that...that must be the clap of his balls hitting the back of his fleshlight everytime he thrusts into it. “Always running your fucking mouth, looking down at me, so mean, you’re so fucking mean to me…uh..” 
The sounds of sex fill the room and you can’t take it anymore, you’re burning, burning, burning, fuck the consequnces. You hesitantly and slowly turn the handle of the closet door, letting it slide open just a crack, enough for you to peek through, to get a glimpse.
His lean muscular back is the first thing you see, he’s facing directly away from his closet, thank god but oh god, that means you see..so much. The flex of his shoulder blades under his tan skin, the smattering of freckles over his shoulder, the long slender slope of his spine as it curves down his broad back, the dimbles at the bottom of his spine, flexing as he fucks his toy. His ass, because of course izuku would have a perfect round bubble butt. There are freckles there too. 
Your eyes skate down, hungry to his large and heavy balls, low hanging and full, currently smacked right up against the base of the little pocket pussy he’s practically straddling on his bed. 
It hits you again than, that deku is imagining that toy is you, he’s imagining fucking you in this position on his bed right now, imagining its your cunt hes pounding into, and your face he’s spitting those filthy words at. 
Your hand is really moving without your permission when it slips under the band of your leggings into your panties, fingers immediately dipping between the slick folds of your pussy, silky and wet. 
“-Wet” Izuku grunts, as you dip a finger just barely inside. “Fuck, i knew you’d be so fucking soft and good inside. Such a bratty girl would have a sweet cunt attached to her, huh?” 
Fuck, where and when did izuku start speaking like this? His soft voice curling around such crude words is making you gush all over your fingers. You wish you could see the kind of face he was making when he said them. 
“Yeah, you like taking my cock don’t you, baby?” He croons and if you close your eyes you can almost imagine he’s speaking directly into your ear, behind you. His thrusts get heavier, rougher, he lifts his leg up on the bed and you see a flash of the little green toy being fucked on his cock, big and angry looking. He’s being so brutal, hammering the thing down on his dick as he hips rut to meet every downward tug. “Milk it. Milk my fucking cock you whore. Wanna- fuck, wanna hear you say my name when you cum, want you to know who’s pouding that little pussy. The loser you fucking hate, yeah? Gonna cum for me?”
Yes, you whimper in your head in answer to him, your fingers curling deep, deep, inside, fucking yourself on them in earnest. He’s so big and you only caught a glimpse, but it was enough. Enough to know he’d fucking cleave you apart if he tried to fit that monster between his legs inside your tight little pussy. But you want it, god you fucking want it. You wanna feel him splitting you open, making you cream around him, making you beg for it. Making you bleed. 
“One of these day” he says, his voice breathless but steady, even as it cracks. You know he’s close. “I’m gonna fucking snap. Im going to make you look me in the fucking eye and apologize for making me want you, and then im going to split that pussy open- fuck, im coming, fuck, fuck, fuck. Do you understand, b-bitch? Gonna fucking make you mine, yeah, take it, take your senpais cock you dirty fucking girl, ah!” 
He slumps forward, hips humping into the toy and balls spasming as he pumps it full of his cum, shuddering deeply with little aborted whimpers. “Good girl, good girl” he pants, trailing off, giving one last little jerk of his hips before stilling. 
You bite your lip so hard you draw blood to stop yourself from whimpering out loud. You pull your sticky fingers out of your cunt and shuffle back into the dark of the closet, curling in on yourself as izuku lays there, panting heavily for a few moments before moving. 
You stay stock still as you hear him get up and shuffle around, his footsteps padding into the bathroom where you hear the door click softly shut. You spring up to your feet and don’t care if you make noise as you dart out of his room and into the hallway, sprinting like a bat out of hell as you make you way to the girls dorms.
You’ll think about how to reevaluate and recoup later. Right now you just really need to get to your bed so you can rut pathetically onto your own fingers and imagine izukus fat dick breaking you open. Never in a million years did you think he had those kinds of feelings for you, and you know it changes the whole game, is a whole other level of playing field where you now know he wants you on a physical level. 
You feel powerless and lie you’re slipping again, don’t know how you’re going to point your finger at him and laugh when you know for every insult you throw his way, is another way hes fucking his toy at night, adding it as another thing to get you back for. If he ever snaps. 
If. you want it to be a when, so bad, not an if. 
You’ll make it a when. You’ll push him off the metaphorical cliff he’s teetering on to make it so. 
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moemoemammon · 3 years
How do you think the Brothers would go about with an MC that acts like a mom/dad? Who do you think would slip up first and call them that?(Although I'm pretty sure we all know it would be Satan 'cuz he is in desperate need of a parental figure-🏃‍♂️)
Parental MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Didn’t think much of it at first. You were extra helpful, and he figured your empathy and attentiveness was just another one of your unfortunate human qualities...Until you scolded him for staying up so late, and he felt kinda whipped? Hello who do you think you are????
Can’t even get mad at you because you’re right, and now for the first time he feels like HE has to apologize?? His brothers are 👀👀👀📸
As much as it bothers every fiber of his being to be told off by a human... you're also so affectionate and attentive that it makes his heart swell. But please stop fixing his collar in front of Diavolo he begs you-
You don't let him resist. This man doesn't know the first thing about self care so it looks like you'll have to beat it into him 💪
It's the little gestures, like making his coffee some mornings or bringing his breakfast to his room, folding his clothes for him and making sure his favorite suit is pressed to perfection, and- ...now he's embarrassed. Please leave him be...
There’s so much to get onto this man for its not even funny- His room is always cluttered, he rarely irons his clothes, doesn’t do his chores, his time management is nonexistent...
So you let into him and now he feels like he’s being torn apart by Lucifer-! What the hell is the big idea..?! Ya know you're taking to THE Great Mammon, right??
And when he tries to buck up and yell back at you? You take his PHONE. MC please it was just a prank bro please he’ll clean the tub he swears pelease...,,,
Maybe it's not so bad though. As much as you get on his nerves, you praise and encourage him so much that he can't stay mad. When he needs anything, he naturally just goes to you.
He's starting to get used to being spoiled by you. It's nice, you know? Having someone who derisively cares about his well-being and stuff... N-Not that he's happy about it or anything!
This man’s self care habits don’t exist, and that means he’s a victim of your parental instincts. His stuffy room needs a deep clean, he needs to eat proper meals, and he needs some fresh air!
Definitely rebels the strongest. There’s no way he’s listening to some normie-! ...Is what he’s say if you weren’t holding Azuki-tan hostage.
You tell him its for his own good and that you care about him, so he can’t really get mad. And this kinda...doesn’t this feel like a specific genre of manga..? Uwaah...
But seriously, being spoiled like this is way too much! You bring him meals to his room, sometimes you help him tidy up, you make sure he's taking care of himself... y-you're not trying to propose, right? He's not taking it the wrong way, r-right??
You thought he was clingy and needy before?? Just wait till he becomes attached to your hip because of all this love. He will literally do things just to get your attention. Oh nooo his room is dirty, please help him clean again oh noooo you're enabling him-
This man’s sleep schedule is so sporadic, and his room? Atrocious. You’re gonna fix that.
Not without ample resistance, though. It’s always “after this chapter, I promise”, and “Oh? Have you been watching those parenting videos on Deviltube again?” He's not taking it seriously at all-
Smooth about how he ignores your commands, but he finds himself bending a little... It's nice that you care so much about him, but only in moderation.
Satan likes being spoiled, but he'll become annoyed if he's coddled too much. Be careful not to treat him like a child. He's pretty independent in general and has his stuff together, and prefers to be the one spoiling you.
Calls you mom (derogatory) because it's funny-
He’s used to being adored, but this is an entirely new thing! You’re so thoroughly interested in his  wellbeing that he actually feels kind of... Embarrassed? What a weird feeling...
You coddle and adore him, yet you’re stern when he goes overboard. You nag him to study, and you carefully brush through the tangles in his hair, you fix the tears in his favorite outfits, you bought him that candle he was looking for...
His heart is so full, he can’t keep his hands off of you! Marry him, MC! Give him a kiss! Jokes aside, it's making him feel all giddy, even when you scold him for trying to start a party in study hall.
Really though, you're managing to tame one of the wildest brothers, and that's a feat in itself! Try not to let him take advantage of that-
He noticed how caring you were right away, and BOI did it make him happy. Beel seems naturally drawn to you, because of your gentle nature and the way you somehow get everyone into line.
They’re happier lately because of you, and he loves it. Even Mammon’s scummy behavior has improved! 
But what REALLY gets him are your homecooked meals. They carry that comfort food feel, and he can taste the love in every single bite. It’s so good, it’ll make a grown man cry...
You still scold him when he breaks into the fridge or leaves crumbs everywhere, and he actually feels bad for it 😔 Sorry mom....
Now he usually goes to you for help before he'll go to anyone else. Sometimes he prefers you over Belphie... sometimes. It's not that obvious, but he's definitely become clingy.
This brat could use all the gotdamn help in the world, but luckily you seem to have the tolerance of a saint.
His sleeping habits can’t really be helped, but you know he can do better about taking care of himself!
He’s annoying about it and asks you to do it for him. Brush his teeth please. Can you make his bed? Hey, have you seen his pillow? Let him use your lap-
Naturally drawn to you, too, like his bastard soul knows he needs a parental figure to set him straight. Does his best to have you spoil him, but usually falls flat
And when you scold him? He tries to ignore you like he does with Lucifer, but something about your lectures hits different.. Especially when you whip out the “I’m not mad, just disappointed”. He'll linger around and try to do little chores to get your attention, and forgiveness.
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cheesus-doodles · 3 years
It’s winky wink!
After I read Sugar daddy baji fic, I have no choice but to wonder what do the boten executives thoughts of the reader before and after meeting the reader? Surely, Baji would whine about every single day to them at work to the point they know about you more than you know about any of them.
sdjkfnskjnfdlksjnflsdj ahhh so many thoughts sighhh my beautiful bonten men… this was supposed to be short and fast but somehow managed to spiral out of control once more - now back to working on other fics
Recommended Readings: Yandere Sugar Bestfriend BajI
Bonten Executives' Thoughts on Yan Baji's BFF
Yandere Bestfriend Baji
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Thinks he already knows everything there’s to know about you even before he has ever met you. Despite having been friends with Baji for over a decade and a half, Mikey has only ever seen photographs of you and of course, listened to countless number of outraged rants and whimpered whines about you and how you were going to die in your office chair or starve to death. The you he had built in his mind was one who was a very kind but very naive idiot who couldn’t put together two dots if a line was drawn connecting them. Perhaps you were too nice to take advantage of Baji’s willingness to give you the world, and too stupid to see what’s in front of you. What was the chance that you still failed to notice Baji having way too much money for someone who ran a pet shop? Or that he stumbled home at weird times looking way too roughed up?
Very smug when he finally gets to meet you and turns out that his character assessment was mostly correct - correct in regards to your genuine warmth and concern that he felt from just you taking his hand and greeting him, thanking him for taking care of your bestfriend for you all this time. But you weren’t naive, Mikey mused, watching you fitting in with ease among the bloodthirsty killers that made up the Bonten executives: you were innocent of the vileness of the world. Sheltered, it was like you couldn’t comprehend that there were people like them around, people who only lived when others died. And then the jealousy sets in to this man’s chest about Baji having a bestfriend as soft and selfless as you willing to stick by his side all these years. Here his old friend had someone to take care of him and give him cuddles and hugs anytime he wants, but Mikey couldn't even trust Sanzu to bring him his slippers without licking them?
Can't help but constantly question your supposed loyalty every time you get brought up and he has to listen to yet another endless rambling and whining against his will (there's no choice in the matter of listening, Baji talks and Mikey makes sure everyone suffers together). There had to be some underlying motive for you to continuously turn down Baji’s offers for a comfortable life and wealth beyond comprehension - and by extension, Mikey's generous protection, which should have warranted an immediate death sentence in his opinion. Maybe you were seeing someone on the side and felt guilty about breaking Baji's trust in you, maybe you were just stringing Baji along for unknown reasons. Or you could even be a spy for a rival syndicate looking to topple Bonten.
But when the day came and Sanzu had the opportunity to speak with you, he couldn't find a single shred of unfaithfulness no matter how much he prodded and grilled (to the extent he could with Baji sitting right there next to you at least). It was clear as day to the loyal mad dog that you did truly love Baji in your own way, though nowhere as fanatically as he did Mikey of course. You cared deeply for Baji's wellbeing, and were more curious about finding out about the coworkers he spent so much time with rather than digging into what they really did for work to bring in obscene amounts of money that could afford Baji his salary. The skip of a beat in his heart when you unwittingly gave him a taste of the warmth you showered freely on Baji was enough for Sanzu to have to beat himself up later for his treachery.
One of two people who have actually paid attention and tuned into to at least a few of Baji's rants out of sheer curiousity. From what he has heard about you, Kakucho found that he really admired your fierce independence and your stubborn insistence on carving your own way. You seemed to be reluctant to depend on Baji's "newfound" wealth, didn't care for the comfortable, laidback life that he could easily afford to give you, instead wanting to try life for yourself no matter how rough it got, and keep trying to earn your own keep, which he could greatly respect. Rugged, tough and headstrong was the you he had imagined.
‎Pleasantly delighted to find out that he was correct in all the right things when Kakucho meets you for the first time, thought this man was definitely taken aback by just how delicate you looked when you walked through that door on the arm of Bonten's Number 2. You really were a person who deserved his admiration - despite your fragility highlighted around hardened criminals and being surrounded by very obvious wealth, you were still very protective of your ability to be independent. But far from being a diamond in the rough, you were a dainty polished crystal that had Baji wrapped around the ring finger of your kind self, one that he thought could be broken with just one wrong bump. Found himself quickly growing jealous of Baji for having scored in finding you - a willing party that stayed by his side all these years without question yet want nothing in return, not even money. The longing to have someone so close and affectionate to come home to everyday came roaring back up again as he watched Baji smugly snuggle into your side.
Unruly, outspoken, and rebellious was the image Ran created of you in his mind before meeting you, much like a child throwing a temper tantrum or a certain younger brother. You never seemed to want to listen to Baji's advice to step away from work despite how obviously exploitative and toxic your job was, never wanted to take accept being rescued from the desperate situation your life was in. Always insistent on doing things your way - maybe you were the sort that just hated to be proven wrong? Has definitely "advised" Baji multiple times that he should either step up and put you in place, or live with it and resign himself to clean up after you.
But a far cry from the tall tales that Baji whines about you, the last thing Ran expected to face was an instead gentle, soft-spoken, and most importantly, pliable you. Sure you had your own opinions and morals that you stuck to, as this Bonten executive quickly found out, but you were so easily convinced of everything else. Bestfriend ring was the most hilarious thing that Ran had ever had the pleasure of hearing, but even though you were originally skeptical, just one input from Kakucho - a man you have never met before and had no idea where his compass points - and you were swayed. Innocent, naive, so many words that could describe your general airheadedness about the situation you were in. But Ran couldn't say he disliked it - you were a rare sight in society, and even rarer sight in the dark underworld they lived in. Cute almost.
Wrote you off as someone weak pretending to be strong based on the stories forced upon him when he inevitably got sacrificed to be alone with a depressed Baji. To Rindo, you simply must have been aware of just how much you depended on Baji to get by - maybe not how much Bonten security did to keep you safe since that was kept a secret from you, but at least how much Baji has been funding your miserable lifestyle. Distaste in his mouth ever time you get brought up - he hated people who tried to be someone they were clearly not. These were the type Rindo took the pleasure to slowly peel back their layers until they were babbling like the weak sheep they were inside.
He got it right that you were weak, watching you looking around the intricately decorated dining room from your place next to Baji - a delicate little thing that barely looked strong enough to survive if the door closed on you a bit too strongly, let alone a punch from someone like him. But you were definitely nowhere close to pretending that you would be fine without your bestfriend, readily admitting that you would probably have been homeless and starving on the streets without Baji, and that you were truly grateful for his willingness to support you. Your ability to simply accept your own capabilities and where you were in life was almost jaw-dropping - not once did Rindo see any sort of resentment or envy in your eyes despite being surrounded with riches beyond your imagination. Combined with the tender way in which you took Baji's hand into yours, it was hard for Rindo to get you out of his churning thoughts.
Broke, very bad with money, definitely financially illiterate was Koko’s initial assessment of you when he finally managed to tune in to one of Baji's seemingly impromptu bursts of outrage and complaining. You always seemed to be - according to Baji at least - on the brink of poverty and starvation, no matter how much of your day-to-day expenditure was already (secretly) paid for by Baji and by extension the Bonten budget. It simply must be something that you were doing wrong. But that image was you recklessly spending willy nilly (much like your own bestfriend did on you with the syndicate’s money that is) only lasted up until Koko finally had the opportunity to meet you in-person that dinner.
This Bonten executive quickly realizes that far from being bad at money, you had been the one all this while that had been managing Baji’s expenditures and spending. You had been the reason why Baji pulled his request to buy a second luxury car even after Mikey bullied Koko into okaying it, and why he looked a kicked puppy walking in through Koko’s office door, sadly telling him that he could get rid of that order for matching top brand watches. Truly impressed with how well you knew your dollars and cents and market data just a few sentences into small talk: a new feeling for this money-minded man - but this didn’t add up. How could someone like you barely be able to afford your already split rent for that shithole you called a home once? Not until Koko finally took the time to scan though the payroll data from the company he had acquired to fire you from your job did he realise how miserably you were being paid, and how much lower your salary was compared to everyone else there - exploitation, clear as day. And now he had a new target to sic Sanzu on - no one bullied those under Bonten's protection then or ever, and absolutely not those with as good money sense as you.
Not the least bit suspicious about you or your intentions when it comes to Baji - after all, having been bestfriends for over a decade now, there was no way that Baji wouldn't have noticed if you held any ill-will to him. Chifuyu's a lot more curious about what you were like to be able to infuriate Baji the way you did, yet still continue to live rent free in the mind of one of his closest friends. Definitely thought you had to be somewhat cunning though to be able to keep someone as clever as Baji stumped as to how to convince you to just listen to him. Had seen you around from a distance a few times back in the Toman days, but never had the chance of meeting you before.
But it wasn’t a sly fox he found on his first face-to-face encounter with you. In fact, Chifuyu realized that it was because you were so wholesome and delicate that Baji literally didn’t know how to move around you - you fried his brain. The Bonten Number 2 turns to mush around you, unable to assert any kind of demands, so far removed from the heartless, cold man he is at work. This old friend is actually very impressed with how well you handle Baji and his impulsiveness, settling him down with barely any effort. Even though the sincerity you showed blood-stained men like him and the sincerity with which you interacted with Chifuyu was even to take his breath away, he knew better but to keep himself in check - from then till now, no one messed with Baji's bestfriend and walked away unscathed. But he couldn't help but wonder and envy the life that Baji led with you by his side.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
ooo requests opened back up at the perfect time i had the cutest idea just recently
Murdock coming back late from Doing A Murder to find reader asleep curled up with like, a pillow or stuffed animal bc he's not there for them to cuddle?
I was thinking like, maybe his reaction and a bit of cuddly fluff from that if that's okay?
"Another night, another murder in the books..” Murdock mumbled to himself as he snuck back home, finding the house to be eerily quiet.
He wondered where you were, but decided to just wash off his knife and gloves before he went searching for you, scrubbing away the blood. Of course, he knew the best kind of chemicals to use to eliminate any traces of it.
He’s only done this a dozen times.
Unfortunately this process took a bit longer as his recent kill was...quite a messy one. The contractor specifically requested for it to be clean and quick, so they only paid him half of what they offered, greatly annoying him.
Maybe he’ll hunt them down next.
For now though, he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep in your arms.
As he entered the bedroom, he stopped short as he realized it was already occupied by you. You had dozed off, completely unaware that he had returned home.
‘Look at them. So vulnerable, so peaceful....god, they really trust me this much, huh?’ The murderer couldn’t help but feel a tug at his cold dead heartstrings as he observed you for a few seconds longer. 
You were fully aware of the violence he was capable of. Yet, you were sound asleep in his home without a care in the world.
And to think he once tried luring you here as a victim who was in the wrong place at the wrong time...
Shaking away the thoughts, he shrugged off his trenchcoat and shoes, laying his glasses and ouija pendant necklace on the nightstand. He also felt a little jealous of the teddy bear you were cuddling with.
Yes, the teddy bear with the creepy face he gave you as an anniversary gift. He thought you’d hate it, but here you were holding it tightly. That just warmed his heart a little more..even though he wanted to be in its place right now.
Murdock just quietly slipped into bed, arms wrapping around you as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck, relieved to be home and not get any calls for once. He did feel bad for not being here as often as he should.
Being a murder-for-hire was hardwork, and sometimes things didn’t always go the way he planned, even with careful calculations.
Even so, he's certain you're tired of the excuses.
Opening his eyes, he pulled back a little to see you looking at him with a smile. He just stared back blankly.
He was still learning how to..properly express other emotions besides stoicism or madness. So while his cold red-eyed stare might terrify anyone else--especially if they rolled over in bed during the middle of the night only to see him--you weren’t afraid. You loved him too much to be fearful anymore
“Sorry I'm late again,” he whispered. “It’s just-”
“You don’t have to explain.” You brought him into your arms, kissing him on the forehead. “You’re here now, and that’s all that matters to me.”
Although still feeling a bit guilty, he just lightly smiled against your chest, humming as you ran your fingers through his hair. Like magic it melted away the stresses of his job...and eventually lulled him to sleep.
The teddy bear had been long forgotten about. He was a much better person to cuddle with.
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
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love-hate relationship | bucky barnes
word count; idk it’s 120 bullet points so
summary; bucky is pretty sure he hates you, but, he could be mistaking those feelings.
notes; look, I really don’t know what this is. but, I think you’ll like it. sometimes I just come up with shit like this on the spot ad roll with it, so, treat yourself, ig.
warnings; none, really? well, mentions of cheating, but thats it.
okay, so bucky doesn’t really like you at first
in fact, he pretty much hates you
but you’re sam’s friend and you start having something on and off with steve
so you’re always around
you’re annoying
he doesn’t like your sense of humour, you’re way to peppy for him, and you always just seem to be around
he thinks you’re bossy and that sometimes you tease steve about not being adjusted to the modern world but it offends him too
and steve seems to like you for some reason, so he gets kisses to ease the joke but bucky gets nothing
he just gets mad
so, he pretty much just tolerates you
because, you know, technically you haven’t done anything wrong
and yeah, alright, you’re a damn good cook and baker so you bring a lot of food and treats around
but you just don’t fit into his life
he doesn’t have a place for you
you make him think of everything he isn’t
you’re always wearing some kind of fancy outfit
you never seem to be upset, you’re always just as bright as goddamn sunshine, which he really hates
“it’s like she has no off-switch for happiness. sometimes I wanna’ be moody!”
so he simply tolerates you
but then, during one of the seemingly off periods, right before yet another break-up, a little friendship comes
he would never call it that
but it happens
because bucky catches steve texting sharon
and he gives him an earful for it
“don’t be such a punk. if you’ve got a girl, no matter how annoying I find her, at least treat her right.”
and, of course, a few days later, steve does break up with you
for what he thinks is the third time?
he really hopes it lasts
even if he does feel something in his gut when he watches you walk away with teary eyes
he’s talking to nat when he finds out the next thing that makes him feel guilty
“she bought such a pretty dress, and she was so excited, and now she won’t go, not even when me and wanda offered to ditch our dates and go stag with her.”
he’s not really sure what possesses him to do so
maybe it’s seeing sharon later that day in a dress store to buy a fancy dress while he’s getting his afternoon coffee
but he texts you, and asks if you’ll be his date to the party
besides, maybe then you’ll feel obligated to stick by his side, and at least he won’t be totally alone when he sulks in a corner
when he picks you up, he really does feel a little breathless
he can’t really help the “woah, you- uh, well, you look beautiful.”
he lets himself dance with you, hates to admit that he even has some fun
but he sees how miserable you are
and that sharon really doesn’t treat steve right
so he does his bets to get you both back together
it works
a very strained friendship begins
he finds you a little less annoying
but maybe it’s just because while drunk he confessed sometimes you talk to much, he needs to think about what you said, and now you slow down, and try not to be quite as chatty
and maybes it’s because after two shots, you told him that you know he doesn’t like you, you can feel him glaring all the time, and he felt guilty
so he tries to glare less
when you come on your first assignment with them, it’s not so bad
and then you start coming on multiple
he lets you in a little bit, because you’re damn good at your job and you’re actually kinda funny
when you mumble darker jokes that steve disapproves of into the comms
and shit, there’s a while different side of you he never knew
you’re all sunshine and rainbows because steve is
you take a bullet, not a big injury, just a shot to the arm
it’s a graze, just a couple stitches and you’ll be fine
bucky still gives steve an earful about it, because had bucky been the one closest to you, there’s no way he’d have let that happen
“why do you care, she’s fine, and you used to threaten to shoot her yourself.”
“those were jokes, an- y’know what, punk? I don’t have to explain myself. she’s my friend, and you let her get hurt.”
one night at sam’s family’s late summer bbq, he catches something he really wishes he didn’t
everyone is drunk, a little asgardian liquor really helped out, and down by the docks, he finds steve
kissing sam’s cousin
“we’re gonna’ break up anyway, we all know it! she’s been different lately.”
“she’s been better, lately! maybe it’s just because she’s finally starting to fit in!”
“I’ll sort it, alright?”
sorting it means breaking up, again
which apparently came as quite a shock to you
because there you are, at his apartment three days later
with tear-filled eyes and you’re asking him if he knew
and he can’t lie to you
he doesn’t know why because you’re just a friend
so why is it killing him so much to see you like this?
but you don’t scream and yell at him like he expects
no, you just fall into him, and let him walk you into the apartment as you cry
so you share a couple of beers, and he tries to talk you through it
at just past three in the morning, he has his arm around you
and he’s tucking your hair behind your ear and whispering
“you’re gonna’ find someone better, okay? you’ll find someone great. someone who deserves you, someone you don’t have to break up with every five minutes because something feels off.”
and you try to kiss him, because, okay, maybe he can see how intimate it had gotten without him realising
he hates how embarrassed and self-hating you look when he turns you down
“god, I-I am so sorry, that was so stupid of me, fuck, I should go.”
“no, it’s- just don’t feel bad, alright. you’re on the rebound, you don’t want me, I don’t want you to do anything you’re gonna’ regret.”
but it hurts him to say it and the way you look at him makes him melt
he lets you sleep on the couch
you’re gone by morning
and he’s so fucked, because sam finds him sitting on the couch with the blanket you slept under staring at a blank TV screen at midday
“thought we were going for breakfast, what happened, man? why didn’t y- was (Y/N) here? that’s her perfume. couldn’t ever miss that-”
“it smells good. really good.”
“yeah, I never said it didn’t, but-”
“I can’t like her. right? no. she’s so preppy and way too friendly and pretty an- no, fuck. no. if I like her, shoot me.”
sam makes a finger gun and says “bang. you’re shot. ready to go get food now?”
and it kinda hits him like a tonne of bricks
the worst part is that it’s so wrong
you’re his best friend’s ex
you only ever did right by steve, but he couldn’t do that to his friend
could he?
maybe just a little bit?
no, no, definitely not
so he backs right off
but then, at dinner with sam and steve, he kinda has enough
because steve is talking all about his latest date and how much better his new girl is
it’s an argument. a big one.
they yell at one another
he says somethings about steve pre-serum that were maybe a little out of order
he definitely deserves that black eye
bucky leaves the damn restaurant
and sam texts you everything that happened
because, sue him, sam liked you, and he doesn’t like having secret coffee dates twice a week just to see his friend because steve dumped you and bucky is pining in misery
you show up at his place
“I brought bruise cream, for your eye.”
he really doesn’t have the heart to tell you that the bruise will be gone within a few hours, and it’s nowhere near as bad as it was, already
because you’re sitting on the couch with him and rubbing in onto his skin
telling him you know exactly what happened when he tries to explain
“I kinda’ wanna kiss you again, but last time didn’t go so great.”
“last time, I was an idiot.”
oh, he fucking kisses you
he really can’t stop, actually
like, he really can’t stop, he can’t let you go, he can’t get enough
“funny way to show you hate me.”
“something tells me I never really did. you annoy me, because you’re everything I always wanted, and steve had the good fortune of finding you first.”
“you got me now, didn’t you?”
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Steve is angry on you for behaving recklessly and you decide to let him take his anger out on you in a very unprofessional way...
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: Unprotected sex, spanking, shower sex, rough sex, hair pulling, handjob, choking, PWP (porn with a very little plot... wait who am I lying to? It’s porn.) 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙎 𝙋𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀 𝘿𝙉𝙄!
For my sake, your sake, your mom’s sake and for the betterment of the entire world, if you are a minor, please do not read this!🔞
Beta’d by the wonderful @lex-the-flex But all mistakes are mine
This is my first time writing smut, so please be kind 🥺 It’s filth... absolutely filth, even I can’t believe I’ve written this 🤦🏽‍♀️ I hope to god my mom never finds this and Marvel is probably gonna sue me for writing this.
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You exclaimed as he shut the door right in front of your face. Closing your eyes, you pressed your face to the door and sighed. You wanted to bang the door until he opened and explain Steve that all you did was your job. But you didn’t, instead you went to your own room next door and sulked.
You and Steve were on a mission to take down a hydra base. For the first few days, all you both did was map out the building. Once sure enough of your plans, you had finally breached it this morning.
In the beginning everything was just as expected. But then during the fight, you had spotted a man aiming his gun at an unaware Steve and like the love crazed woman you were, you shielded Steve with your own body.
Gladly Steve realised it before the damage was done and quickly held the shield in front of your both, deflecting the bullet. At your stunt, he had clenched his jaw and given an angry glare to you and had resumed fighting.
You had thought that was the extent of his anger at your carelessness, but apparently you were wrong. Steve hadn’t spoken a word to you after that. He had been silent throughout the entire ride to the hotel.
As he kept on fuming with unspoken anger, you tried your best to mend the situation by repeatedly calling out his name and talking about random things to yourself.
You actually didn’t know why he was angry. Agreed it was a stupid decision to be standing in front of a bullet, but you did it to save your teammate, at least that’s what you justified it with.
The truth was you were hopelessly in love with Steve Rogers. Soon after you had joined the avengers, you and Steve had become best friends. You hadn’t even planned on befriending him, forget about falling in love.
But with all his charm and naivety it was impossible not to fall for him. Not to mention his godly body. With the way he sometimes got flustered in front of you, you thought he felt something for you too, but you canceled it down by calling it wishful thinking.
While you both shared all your problems and worries with each other, you kept your emotions under wraps.
When you had seen the man aim his gun at Steve, your heart had literally stopped beating. The thought of living in a world without Steve in it was much more harrowing than your own death. So you did what you had to.
But now his silence was speaking louder than his words. It wouldn’t have felt this bad if he had scolded you or given you one of his long boring lectures, but this tactic of not talking with you was hurting you much worse.
The entire time you stripped out of your Kevlar suit and bathed, your mind was occupied by Steve’s silence. No matter how much you thought, you still couldn’t understand what had made him so mad.
After all, signing up with the avengers meant you would get into fights and get injured. The mantle of being an avenger came with a few broken bones.
And you weren’t the first to make such risky decisions during a mission, there had been many before you and there would be many after. So what was all this fuss about?
As you were pacing around your room, chewing your bottom lip, you stopped suddenly and took in a sharp breath. You couldn’t go back with this mess. Whatever it was, you had to sort it out and for that you needed to talk.
Deciding that it was now or never, you stepped out of your room and stood in front of Steve’s. You placed your ear on the door to check for any activity but there was none. You hoped to god he hadn’t fallen asleep.
Gathering all the strength you had, you knocked on the door, once, twice... thrice. But there was still no response. This had your mental alarms ringing. Steve sure wouldn’t ignore you this much, what if he was in danger?
Thinking of the worst case scenario, you crouched down and started picking the lock with your hair pin. As you opened the door and entered the room, you finally heard the noise of cascading water.
You huffed out a breath of relief. All this time he was just taking a shower and you thought about the possibilities of him getting murdered; you sure were an over thinker.
You didn’t know why but your feet weren’t retreating from the room. The sane part of your brain was telling you to go and come back later. And yet you stood awkwardly straight in the middle of his room.
You didn’t know how it happened, you swear to god didn’t realise. But all of a sudden you were standing in front of the bathroom door. You were burning with warmth from head to toe and you could listen to your heart beat in your ear.
Placing one hand on the door and the other on the knob, you tried to think for a moment. But somehow, your brain couldn’t process anything, except Steve. You slowly turned the knob and the door creaked open.
If Steve asked you what you were doing, which he definitely was going to, you would answer that you were sleepwalking or maybe you were possessed by a horny ghost. You wondered which one was more plausible.
The sight which greeted you was better than any you had ever seen. Steve was standing with his broad back facing you, glistening under the trickling water droplets.
His muscled expanse was stretched out magnificently under the shower, the water making rivulets into the grooves of his chiseled back. He straightened visibly under your watchful eye as he became aware of your entrance.
You waited for his scolding as you nibbled your bottom lip. You waited for him to tell you how immoral and indecent this was. You waited for him to fire you on the spot.
But nothing came from his side except strained breaths. It was as if he was doing some physical exertion by standing ramrod straight. As he tensed, his back muscles flexed even more and you wanted nothing more than to lick up the water drops.
Your mouth had fallen open and you were already panting and his body wasn’t the only thing wet. Seeing that he was neither bursting with anger nor reprimanding you for your actions, you decided to let your eyes wander further.
Your body lit itself on fire the moment you eyed his sculpted glutes. It was definitely, undoubtedly America’s ass. God, the things you wanted to do to him and the things you’d let him do to you.
You looked up to see Steve had turned his head a little and was staring at you through the corner of his eye. Taking that as a hint, you walked further until you were inside the shower.
The water seeped through your clothes as you stood right behind Steve. You were so close that the only thing in front of your eyes was his broad back. Yet he didn’t turn to face you.
Your hand shivered despite the warm water as you touched his back. That simple contact passed an electric current through Steve and you could hear his audible gasp.
Keeping one hand on his back, you moved your dominant hand further onto his chest. After palming his abs for sometime, you snaked your hand further down.
But before you could reach your destination, a strong hand curled around your wrist, limiting your movements. “Don’t.” It was the first word he had said to you after the mission.
His voice was hoarse and deep and you wondered if it was possible for you to come just with his voice. “But what if I want to?” You really were possessed, because you definitely didn’t have this much confidence.
Unexpectedly, your defiance worked and he loosened his hold, though he didn’t remove his hand. When you finally touched his warm cock, which was standing hard proudly, you moaned and buried your face into his back.
“Fuck.” Steve cursed as you rubbed him. You had heard him cursing a few times before, but listening to it now just melted you into a puddle. You pressed your face further into his back as you kept palming him, his hand was still on your wrist as a reminder, though he wasn’t guiding your movements.
You wondered how he would fit inside you, as you were barely able to curl your hand around his massive length. One second you were jerking him off and the next you were pinned to the wall, facing him. You blinked rapidly to steady your senses.
The hand he had used to pull you forward was now held against the wall and you had placed the other on his chest. His entire body was blushing hard and his face was just as flustered as yours.
Steve placed his hand gently on your cheek, a stark contrast to his previous actions. He bent down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips as first but he didn’t go any further.
Looking up at him through hooded eyes, you stared at him in confusion. Noticing the question on his face, you realised he was asking for permission. Nodding your head rapidly, you replied with a breathy yes.
That’s all it took for him to smash his face into yours. His kiss wasn’t a perfect or a practiced one, but what he lacked in experience, he made it up with his passion and edge.
You were actually tongue fucking each other and you didn’t regret a moment. You were close to eating each other’s faces off when you finally parted.
You panted and arched your back, exposing your neck as he sucked down your jaw to your neck. Without giving you a moment to gather yourself, he tore your tank top right through the middle.
And the only thing your mushy brain capable of saying was, “Holy shit.” It was the hottest thing you had ever seen. The way his arms flexed as he tore the fabric made you gush.
He discarded the now useless tank top carelessly on the floor and bent down to suck your nipples. You were about to go to sleep and thus weren’t wearing any bra. You let out an unholy moan at the sensation and the sight of him suckling you.
You carded your hands through his hair only for him to take your hands and pin them back to the wall. “Oh Steve.” As you moaned his name, he looked up at you through his lustrous blue eyes.
All of a sudden he let go of your hands and nipple and as you whimpered in dissatisfaction, he quickly tugged your pants down. He practically growled at the sight of you naked in front of him.
He placed his hands on your ass as he knead it while simultaneously kissing you stupid. He shifted his hands from your ass to your thighs and in one swift motion picked you up.
You hadn’t ever been picked up by anyone before and for once you were glad that Steve had taken the serum. He carried you out of the shower and into the room.
You were going to complain about how you were going to ruin the carpet with water when he all but gently threw you into the bed, face down.
You gathered yourself on your hands and knees just as he positioned himself behind you. Steve didn’t know what got into him when he saw your ass perched up in the air, but he went absolutely feral.
He wanted to talk and tell you things, but currently he was incapable of doing anything but devour you. He placed his huge palms on your ass and started kneading, but the thing he did next, took you by absolute surprise.
He spanked your ass, hard. At the contact you let out a loud surprised shriek. You had no idea captain America was a kinky little shit, not that you were complaining.
While you were turned on beyond your senses, Steve mistook your surprise for pain. He snapped out of whatever haze had taken over him, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
You looked back at Steve with confusion. “God. No. Steve, you didn’t hurt me. I liked it.” You said with such shyness as if you hadn’t just given him a handjob moments ago.
“Do more.” You asked and he delivered. Steve understood that you wanted it rough, and who was he to deny. He spanked your ass thrice more, alternating the cheek, in quick succession, only to rub it gently later.
He kept up with the contrast of quick spanks and gentle kneads until you sobbed with wrecked pleasure and delightful pain.
When you came back from your blissful high, you realised Steve was pressing soft kisses to your back. You strained your neck at an odd angle and pulled Steve in for a kiss.
It was gentle and filled with adoration and love, a great disparity to what just happened. Steve was rutting against your ass as he deepened the kiss.
Parting from the kiss, he took hold of his cock and jerked it a few times before rubbing himself against your drenched folds. You were already so dripping that you didn’t need any extra stimulation.
Finally he pushed in the tip and you moaned like in heat at the sweet pressure. Gladly he gave you a moment before pushing slowly further, inch by inch.
No matter how wet, or in a sex haze you were, you both knew he wasn’t easy to take. All the while, Steve was muttering praises and soft words to you.
When he finally bottomed out, you both moaned out with pleasure. After giving you some time to adjust, he pulled back only to push back in with a measured but powerful thrust.
“Oh fuck!” Overcome with pleasure, you slapped a hand on the headboard to hold yourself steady while you clutched Steve’s ass with the other to hold him as close to you as possible.
He began with slow yet hard thrusts but soon he changed rhythm and started fucking you in earnest. The headboard rattled against the wall as Steve held your shoulder with one hand and supported you both with another placed firmly on the bed.
You had got a hundred dreams about Steve railing the shit out of you. But nothing matched the actual thing.
Steve experimentally wove his fingers through your hair and when you let out something between a moan and a demand for more, he clutched and pulled it tightly making your eyes roll back with euphoria.
“Stevveee, I... Stevie, I’m close,,... oh fuck!” The only thing you could do was moan wantonly and take everything Steve gave you.
Just as Steve felt your walls quivering, he pulled out. He groaned with frustration as you were so so close. But before you could formate any words, he flipped you around.
“I want to watch you as you come for me.” He said bending down to press a kiss. This time, he entered you in one swift motion.
Curling a hand around his neck, you held the head board with other as you arched into his touch. He was grunting loudly and his voice was having more effect than it should have on you.
You were close, so very close, but you needed more, something more. “Steve, choke me.” You whimpered. Steve faltered for a moment before realising what you had said.
When Steve placed his hand delicately on your throat, which you had exposed to him, you knew you were going to have the best orgasm of your life.
Steve squeezed your throat, and at that very second, you orgasmed like never before. Your toes curled and legs shook uncontrollably as you babbled nonsense.
You felt as if you saw the deepest crevices of the universe and snorted the most powerful drug as white pleasure enveloped you.
Steve, in spite of his super soldier stamina, gave in to pleasure as your walls hugged him tight. With a shout, he came deep within you.
After the pleasure faded and the fatigue had set in, you both laid limply within a tangle of limbs and in each other’s embrace.
“Steve.” You croaked as he kept on prepping you with kisses. He only hummed in response. “I love you.” At that the kisses stopped.
You worried if this was the end of everything, but when you looked up in his eyes, you knew it was just the beginning. His eyes were filled with love.
“I love you too.” He smashed your lips once again and you responded just as enthusiastically. “I can’t think of living without you. You mean everything to me.
When I saw you in front of the gun, I was so scared. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to save you.” You caressed his face as you said, “But you did. And I know you always will Steve.”
“That I will.” You knew that Steve would keep you safe. You knew that in his warm embrace, nothing in this world would touch you.
“Steve, if you ever get mad at me, talk to me, scold me, give me on of your boring lectures if you want, but please don’t stop talking to me.”
“If ignoring you is going to lead to this, then I’ll probably give you the silent treatment.” He chuckled as you punched him playfully.
You couldn’t believe you were in love with this goof, or that he was just as in love with you.
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