#he's the character with the most ability to find joy in the little things?
chkn-soup · 6 months
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🎀The Radio Demon🎀
Warnings: Alastor is bad at affection, Alastor is awkward, Alastor’s dating skills are pathetic…..give him tips please..he sucks….
Syno: silly little Alastor dating headcanons, but I wrote him in character so he’s very…him🤨..
How you guys start
-Alastor isn’t really one for romance or catching feelings, but if he were, yoid have to be the most entertaining thing he’s seen in a while.
-I think he’s all up for giddy innocent people, people that smile a lot, people that laugh a lot, people that are carefree, and a joy to be around, even people who are crazy..crazier than him or just crazy. If you are those things then he’d take a great liking to being around you all the time.
-especially if you have dark humor, that makes him really laugh. As soon as you make him laugh the first time, he’d be around you a lot more, if being funny is your thing, he’d follow you around just to laugh again. He’d find you greatly entertaining.
-As soon as he notices that he’s taken a liking to your personality or just your humor, he’d begin to reciprocate, he’d want to make you laugh as well, and he’d often appear out of nowhere to tell you an “old timey pun”. That’s how you get the hint that he likes you..other than him just stalking you around the hotel.
-When he’s surely come to the conclusion of adoring you. Then he’d make the move..it wouldn’t be very..romantic per say? Like he wouldn’t ask you out with sparkles and kisses. It would kinda go like this
^Alastor waltz into the hotel’s lobby, shadow demon trailing shorty behind him with a big smile on its face, matching the same big one that Alastor is wearing. He finds his way over to you and sneaks up behind you, slightly startling you as he doesn’t make his presence known..you just have to guess he’s there by the chills that present themself down your neck. Once he knows he gotten your attention, he just stand there and smile at you..eerily..
“..How can I help you Alastor..?” You’d have to break the creepy silence, Alastor truly isn’t trying to be weird he just doesn’t know where to start.
“We shall enjoy breakfast together in my room, let’s say..tomorrow.” He doesn’t really question..it’s rather a statement. But of course you just nod a little off put.
“Lovely.” And with that he walks away.
-the date would go better than him asking you out though, he’s a old class gentleman, so he would come prepared with a bouquet of your favorite flowers..you don’t know how he got that information but he has it.
-He’d also thank you for dining with him at the end of breakfast, and pat your head with his radio cane as a sign of affection.
-the only way you’d know that was considered a date, or that you guys are even dating is if he tells you that it should become a regular thing everyday..that’s his way of asking you to be his partner.
-Like I said, it would probably take a couple of breakfasts together for you to realize you guys are even ‘dating’ because Alastor won’t straight up say it or call you his spouse.
-Even with him being very avoidant on the topic, he’d still be absolutely classy with you, he’d act the same way he did when you guys were just acquaintances but..notched up a little, so he’d plant kisses on your hand on special occasions
-Will compliment you the best of his ability, “Dear, you look absolutely deadly this morning.” ..please don’t take it the wrong way, he’s trying his best. Will most likely say shit like “You’d taste delicious” to compliment you..Will he eat you? Who knows it’s always a surprise with him.
-he will most definitely bite you though, I read it on @/Radioisntdead’s page, (creds to them), and I thought it was so fitting and cute, so yes he would definitely bite you uncalled for as a sign of affection.
-He showers you with flowers and small trinkets from cannibal town.
-You are the only one who gets to see his tail!! Will he let you touch it..maybe..but make him laugh first then you’ll get a two in one deal of touching his ears too.
-Will cook you cultural food from when he was alive, yes that includes Jambalaya, he makes his shit spicy so, if you aren’t into that, have milk on hand or be really nice about telling him to tone it down.
-Or if you don’t like speaking up about things cause you’re a people pleaser like me and will just take the pain of burning taste buds instead of possibly hurting his nonexistent feelings, then he will figure out by the red look on your face and your watery eyes..he finds it funny. But he doesn’t want to put you in pain for too long, so the next time he cooks for you, you can see that he’s toned down the spice a little..he will never tell you that he did it for your sake though.
-your special thing is eating togther because Alastor is a big foodie and will try different foods with you, also if you like cooking, Alastor would adore your food especially if it’s something from your culture.
-Alastor, will not be one for cuddles…what he will do is sit on the couch next to you and wait for you to fall asleep, the he will lay you down on his lap. He won’t ever physically wrap his arms around you or snuggle into you, he’d wait for you to snuggle into him..but then he’d sit perfectly still and not reciprocate.
-Alastor also doesn’t sleep…but when you guys are dating, he won’t have to stand in the corner anymore..cause he knows that would creep you out, so when you sleep in his room or when he goes to your room, he will instead lay on the bed, back against the headboard, but legs relaxed on the bed, and he’d read, while you slept beside him..he’d also be very overprotective and on gaurd for you while you are in such a pathetic state.
Tell me if I should do NSFW or Argument HC’s next!! Also, I am working on a part two of my Vox smut ‘Photoshoot’, so it should be out soon!!😙😙🫶🏼🎀
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Hiii, I don't really know if you made a post about this or not, but can I ask what you think of damian and dick's relationship? you have a really deep insight on the bat family's relationship, so I'm curious on how you would describe those two
Damian and Dick are probably the most important to each other in the family with the other being each other's most favorite person in the world. Dick is Damian's father, brother, mentor, and best friend. Actually it's reflective of Dick's relationship with Bruce but none of the toxic expectations and brute force of misplaced responsibilities.
Dick is loving and understanding of Damian and he's able to read him before Damian can even express his words.
For example, when the Black Lantern things open the caskets of Martha and Thomas Wayne, Dick asks Damian to help him wrap up the bodies but-
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Blackest Night: Batman Issue #1
He's able to anticipate and take care of Damian before Damian can even tell him what he's thinking. That's the level of love and understanding Dick has of him.
Damian is insanely protective over Dick. When Deadman, Boston Brand, jumps into Dick, Damian gets super protective of his Batman.
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Blackest Night: Batman Issue #1
Also Dick CANNOT STAND IT when someone hurts or insults Damian.
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Blackest Night: Batman Issue #1
Honestly I think Dick loves Damian's sass. Even when he says he wants to kill people Dick's just like, "not today another day kiddo" which is just super heartwarming when you hear their banter.
Anyways, Dick and Damian have the funniest back and forth!
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Batman and Robin (2009) Issue #21
Damian values each and every word of Dick's.
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Batman: Streets of Gotham Issue #1
While Damian respects Batman for what he created and wants to be appreciated as his son, Damian just loves Dick for who he is. I know some people think Bruce may be jealous of Dick and Damian's relationship, and while it's possible, I think Bruce is just super proud and happy. His greatest joy in life comes from Dick succeeding and he would have found it weird if Dick and Damian didn't get along because he inherently believes that Dick is the peak of goodness.
What I love most about Dick and Damian is that Damian is always shown as a loveable kid when he's with Dick. In the Batman and Robin (2011) comics with Bruce and Damian vs the Batman and Robin (2009) comics with Dick and Damian, Damian is much softer. Part of this comes from Bruce's refusal to treat him as robin originally, but their interactions are more stilted than the easy-going and funny ones between Damian and his big brother. But here's where it gets interesting. The writers write the characters in terms of how they would react to each other. What perception they would have of each other. So subconsciously the writers are creating the characters based on how they look at each other - meaning, Dick only sees Damian's good sides and finds his darker ones humorous whereas Bruce sees more of Damian's darker sides and has to rework himself to acknowledge Damian's growth.
I find that so fascinating how a character's personality in accordance with their relationships feeds back into the writer's writing rather than the writer influencing the relationships.
The most Dick has said about Damian willing to kill criminals is-
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Batman: Streets of Gotham Issue #3
Another reason why Damian values Dick aside from being on the receiving end of his unconditional love is that Dick treats Damian like an equal. Dick doesn't command Damian to stay at his side at all times, he send Damian to do one task while he finishes up the other half. This indicates the amount of trust and faith he has in Robin's abilities and Damian in turn respects that.
Something that needs to be brought to attention is that just as much as Dick stops Damian from killing people, he is also his number one aiding and abetting partner.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #1
My favorite part is Dick makes time for Damian just to have fun. He's a mentor and a father, but he's also the best brother someone could ask for.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #4
Honestly Gotham War Issue #138 was so confusing to me because there's just no way Damian would pander mindlessly to receive Bruce's acceptance. He literally broke from Batman to become his own person - he ran away - and suddenly he's back and begging for Bruce's love?? Even fighting over Dick is fine but the lack of connection between them?
Damian is single handedly the most important person in the world to Dick.
Damian is Dick's son.
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Robin (2021) Issue #5
I find their relationship special because this is the only in his entire time life that Dick has ever given away a family momento of his own volition first. His parents and his background mean the utmost to him; he cradles the memories with longing and love. But inspite all this, he's giving away the last piece of family history. No, giving away isn't the right word. He's passing down his legacy. Damian is his son, he's literally inheriting the Grayson legacy in the way that only Dick can give. Bruce gave the kids Dick's mantle but he cannot give any of them Dick's history but Dick gave that to Damian. That's beautiful.
He straight up says it too
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Nighwing (2016) Issue #20
"When your dad came back, there was a moment I thought it would be better for you if you stayed with me. As my partner. As my..." "Really?" "Yeah."
Damian considers Dick his father.
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Nighwing (2016) Issue #18
"Finding a new life. Considering a child to replace me. I don't know what I will be...alone. I need you here, Richard."
"Considering a child to replace me. "
Damian is heartbroken at the idea that Dick will have a kid and move on.
He loves Dick so much he goes all the way to Bludhaven just because he loves and misses him after Bruce took over as Batman.
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Nighwing (2016) Issue #20
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Batman Incorporated (2012) Issue #8
"Are you with me Nightwing? The odds are completely against us."
"When did we ever let something like that get in the way? Robin the boy wonder, Damian."
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Batman Incorporated (2012) Issue #8
"So far I'd say you've been my favorite partner. We were the best, Richard. Not matter what anyone thinks."
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Robin (2021) Issue #5
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #20
The world can stand against Damian but Dick will always be on his side.
Which is a problem in recent DC works because
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Dick & Damian:
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og panels Batman & Robin (2009) Issue #17
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primeofprimes115 · 5 days
A "Marvel"ous Discovery - Mary Marvel/Shazam x Male Reader
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Contains: Fluff 🥰
A/N: Something different for a change, about time I did a different character other than my girl, Kara. Now shall we??
Attending Fawcett Community College in Fawcett City was something of an experience for Y/N, he himself obviously didn't attend this College on his own, he moved into a dorm who was someone he had met back years ago, reunited at last when he wasn't expecting it.
Her name was Mary Bromfield, who was adopted at a young age before the both met in school, starting a friendship that sparked for a while until he had to unfortunately move out of Fawcett City, due to his father's business trips, cutting off contact with Mary but she'd always remember him...
And so did he.
The reunion was... Emotional, almost nerve-wracking at first since Y/N had known he'd be Mary's roommate, she was informed of having a roommate but the details were scarce, she had no clue until he stepped through the door to meet her, there was a moment of shock, then questions, then tears falling down her eyes before she walked over and gave him the biggest hug she could give him, if she was showing her 'secret' to him, she'd be floating off the ground with him in her arms.
"Y-Y/N?" her heart dropped like a rock hitting the pavement upon him turning around. Her eyes struck wide, looking at the boy in shock as he dropped his bags and hanged up his coat on the coat rack on the door of their shared dorm. "Y-You're..."
The young man turned around to face the girl he grew to love, at least in secret, or he did have a thing for her or two back then, never even saying one word about it. He looked at her with an inviting look in his eyes, and with an all familiar smile, one that she missed seeing.
"Hey, Mary. Been a while?" he quipped, talking a little step forward as Mary stood still, unsure of what to even say or do next upon seeing her lost friend's presence, standing in front of the dorm she was to share with the unknown assailant.
She planned out ways to keep her secret away from whoever it was going to be sharing the dorm with her, figuring out different excuses to use if necessary. Her secret was that she was and is Mary Marvel, the renowned Superhero that worked alongside the main Shazam for a time along with other Shazams that this main Shazam shared his power with, before they disappeared one day. It was revealed they lost their powers and superhero form due to losing a connection to what was called 'The Rock of Eternity'.
However... Some time later... Mary as a new adult, gained her abilities back and became the New Champion of Shazam, though many call her "Shazam" now, she was and always has been Mary Marvel, eventually leading down to her reclaiming the title of Mary Marvel again later down the line.
Things did get complicated now that she was attending College now, she used to go to a College down in New York, away from her family, but recent issues surfaced that forced her to move back near her family's home, attending Fawcett Community College to continue her studies in Science, mostly Biology and Medical Science, she already knew most about it and vowed to get a job with it. A proper job without being Mary Marvel all the time.
And the last thing she didn't expect, was finding out her new roommate, is an old friend she hasn't seen in many years, even before getting her full powers of Shazam.
Mary began to walk forward, her vision got a little blurry due to the tears forming up in her eyes and wrapped her arms around Y/N, giving him a big, strong hug which made him chuckle. In response, Y/N wrapped his arms around her as Mary quietly sobbed in joy, overjoyed to see Y/N again. She didn't feel like letting go.
Y/N remembered the Mary he knew all those years ago, the innocent, sensible and cute brunette girl, and here she was... And still is the same girl he had to leave his friendship behind with all those years ago.
The two eventually would catch up with all things that has happened in their lives since they last seen each other, Mary had to keep most subtle details out of being Mary Marvel/Shazam mostly, wanting to keep him out of that business so he didn't get hurt by her family's enemies, or anyone bad for that matter.
Low and behold, the whole reason why Y/N had arrived to study at Fawcett Community College was to study under Science, Biology also which sounded like music to Mary's ears, bringing the both closer to each other again.
Mary recounted all the times she had spent with him when they were younger, how she viewed him as this sweet, out-going boy who wanted to be her friend one day, she had barely any from what she recounted, only her adopted siblings she had much communication with.
He was always by her side, even at lunch, most boys would poke fun at him for hanging out with a girl, until Mary had, in her way' heard enough of Y/N being picked on one day and decided to take matters into her own hands.
In a way, it was a cute gesture, a sweet one at best.
With more revealed coming from Mary, Y/N had told her he took self-defense classes, under his father's guidance, his father's "business trips" weren't exactly normal, he worked under the United States Government and at the time, his family was in danger, the only suitable option was to move his family to a safer location, which Y/N had no choice in.
All the time for catching up came to be and the pair became friends again... Or so they thought.
Y/N's feelings for Mary soon came back up after two weeks, from all the times they spent with each other at the end of studying together, going out for lunch and all the teasing he did on her, he couldn't help but begin to catch feelings for the brunette girl again.
Even though she sometimes and oddly disappeared whenever something she was informed about was happening, or when danger was being reported, she'd later come back, finding Y/N all safe and sound, though one time... He was caught in the midst of danger - searching for Mary before a red blur transported him to safety from a villain tearing through the city, who had a grudge to settle with Mary Marvel herself.
He had heard about the Heroine before plenty of times, but never got to see her up close much, the only time he did was at that moment of the blur saving him, which was Mary Marvel herself, telling him to get to safety quickly, though her voice did sound very and oddly familiar, he listened and did as told.
Of course that day, he was going to confess his feelings for her and ask her out, though they've been getting lunch together and are living in the same dorm together, he really liked her and wondered if she felt the same way...
"In truth... Yeah. I did like you for a time" Mary gave him a genuine smile, shifting her hand over to his and planted it in his palm, feeling his warm hand close up against hers. She looked away for a moment as Y/N's heart paced rapidly. "And... I still do, I still have... Butterflies in my stomach every time I think about you" she admitted with her cheeks flushing warmly, her gaze coming back to him.
She still likes him to this day, she often hanged around in space, out of Earth's orbit or on Earth's Moon, trying to configure a way to even tell how much she had feelings for him, it felt like a weight coming off from her as soon as Y/N told her how much she meant to him. However... The other weight on her shoulder was her secret of being Mary Marvel, which is an even more nerve-wracking explanation to tell him.
Y/N's heart swelled in that moment, a part of him wanted to jump up and celebrate but that would be a little too vague, he was shocked to say at least, he'd thought it wouldn't end well and she'd be mad at him, but Mary has never gotten mad at him once.
Sure, she did tell him off for running into danger to 'search for her', though she was lying to him at the time of being safe at that part then, being Mary Marvel and all, she never raised her voice or yelled at him angrily. She was a pure and innocent person at heart.
The same could be said for Y/N, who's just defensive over her, especially around guys his and her age looking her up, though she could defend herself quite fairly which was a surprise to him to say at least.
"That's... That's great!" Y/N said, overjoyed. The two sharing a big hug afterwards on the couch...
Days turned into weeks after the confession, the two currently were holding hands, walking down the street. The pair haven't kissed yet but there has been some pecks on the cheek and on the hands. The both agreed to take it slow first to see how it goes.
And it was going well, very well in their experience.
Mary always had bad luck when dating guys, as she was inexperienced much, so was Y/N but the pair were happy nonetheless. They had to keep their slowly building romantic relationship under the rug in College, in case anyone would find out, as it was Mary's obligation to suggesting that idea, and Y/N agreed.
However... Mary Marvel was needed mostly than rather not very much, now that she was apart of this 'New Justice League' that's been set up and put together by Supergirl, the Woman of Tomorrow, who was a mutual ally and friend towards Mary. Which meant she had to skip dates unfortunately.
It was only a matter of time until Y/N was going to eventually discover that Mary Bromfield is in-fact Mary Marvel/Lady Shazam, the Marvelous Innocent Superhero, and it worried Mary.
But fortunately, today was a day for Mary to relax and not go out as Mary Marvel as often as she had to be, as much as she finds it enjoyable to fly around and keep the world safe.
She had rather a goofy, innocent smile plastered on her as she walked hand in hand with her boyfriend, who in turn looked back at her while she thought back on what had been going on in her personal superhero and normal life, while in the midst of walking back to their shared dorm.
"What's got you giggling?" Y/N's voice brought her back to reality, she looked at him and softly laughed to herself for a moment.
"Oh, sorry! I was just thinking on some things" she brushed aside happily, sparking Y/N's curiosity.
"And what may they be, mi-lady?" he cocked his eyebrow up with curiosity, smirking in her direction as the brunette giggled with her cheeks slightly flushing.
"Oh... Just back when I defended you from those rude boys back in Elementary" she replied softly, clutching his hand tightly and warmly before colliding her shoulder into him gently.
"Oh yeah, I remember that" he thought back on it with her, softly laughing at himself about it next. "For an innocent girl, you sure know your way with words back then".
"And I still do" she sent a wink in his direction.
"And it's cute, honest" he smiled in her way. "Have I ever said it's adorable when you come up with words instead of swearing?" he brought to her attention.
"Well..." she shrugged innocently before giggling and pecking his cheek.
The pair continued walking down the streets of Fawcett City, eventually stopping near an alleyway which Y/N thought of taking the shortcut.
Much to Mary's suspicion of seeing it completely empty, as any other alleyway would be but she had a feeling it was reeking of suspicion.
"Here, we can take a shortcut through here" he suggested.
"Uh, Y/N, are you sure?" Mary asked with a worried tone, looking down the same alleyway.
"Yeah, it's a shortcut".
"I'm not really sure, it looks... Ominous" she showed her suspicions toward the idea but Y/N rolled his eyes nonetheless.
"I've been using this route all the time, it'll be fine! Trust" he replied softly, holding her hand still.
"Okay..." she sighed after a few seconds of careful thinking, knowing if things didn't go well through this... 'shortcut', she'd have to reveal her secret as Mary Marvel at least.
And so... The pair walked in through the alleyway... All was going well...
Until someone stepped out from the corner, as another followed behind the pair.
"Ah shit" Y/N mumbled to himself. "Maybe I should've listened to you" he said towards Mary.
"What we got here? Two stranglers walkin' in our turf, huh?" one thug talked with a New York accent.
"Mary... When I say run, you run" he whispered to her.
"What?!" she whispered back to him, completely took aback by his suggestion.
"Just do it, okay? I can take these guys on".
"When they have guns and shoot at you?" she pointed out with her observation, the two thugs had sidearms on them, one aiming toward them and the other, his hand reaching the inside of his jacket where his concealed firearm was.
"Shit" he whispered again.
"So, pretty girl. Give us the purse, see what ya got" the thug who originally spoke walked forward, closer to them while backing the young couple in the corner.
"If you want to get to her, you'll have to get through me!" Y/N bravely defended her, opting to shield her like a real gentleman, as the thugs laughed at his eagerness to defend his girl.
"We got guns, pointed at you, you ain't some superpowered being".
"Ha!" Mary scoffed loudly. "Ironic" she then said with a sarcastic tone, while the boys looked at her in confusion.
"Enough talk, lady! Now give us-"
"I am a superpowered being" Mary then said loudly to them and to her boyfriend.
The thugs laughed at her, thinking her delusional, an idiot even, much to Y/N's displeasure of hearing them insult her.
"No seriously, let me show you" she was dead serious, walking past her boyfriend and out in front of all of them.
"Mary, what are you...!" Y/N immediately stopped himself from talking, originally he was going to plead her to not do something stupid like he was about to do, which was getting herself killed.
But the moment he saw a glint in her eye, like an electric beam phasing across her beautiful chocolate brown eyes... He saw it.
He saw what she meant and his eyes widened...
"You're -".
"SHAZAM!!!" with a shout out to the sky, and the magic word, a bolt of yellow lightning came crashing down onto Mary's body, blinding the thugs and Y/N for a brief moment with smoke covering where she was...
And when the smoke cleared...
Mary was wearing something different, clad in a white and gold outlined cape, connected to a clasp that was just over her left corner of where the lightning bold was on her chest, dressed in a red long-sleeved top and skirt with a gold outline on the basis of her skirt and red shorts underneath. A gold belt over her skirt and gold braces over her arms. And to top it off... Gold boots.
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She transformed into Mary Marvel!
"Alright boys, times up" Mary quipped while striking a superhero pose, before she zoomed her way up to the thug on Y/N's right and punched him once, sending him flying onto a dumpster down the alleyway as his friend watched in horror.
The thug couldn't even believe it... The boy he was about to rob was hanging out with Mary Marvel?! It seemed he didn't even know it was her.
"Oh, that's gonna hurt for an entire week" Y/N felt a little bad for the thug his now superhero girlfriend knocked across the alleyway, tumbling down from the closed dumpster and onto the concrete floor, groaning in pain.
Then, Mary zoomed near to the thug who was about to fire at her boyfriend, using herself to shield Y/N from getting shot with the bullets bouncing off her as she stood heroically.
"Did anyone tell you, no guns in my city?" she scolded the thug, zoomed up to him in a whoosh, her cape billowing behind her like her dashing hair, flicking away the last remaining thug into a nearby wall with her finger, knocking them out.
"That. Was... Amazing!" Y/N praised her girlfriend's efforts as she turned around with an all-around, guilty look on her face while she began walking up to him. "You look... Marvelous" he laughed at his own joke, making her smile and cringe a little.
"That was... Bad, but in a good way" she replied, before sweeping him off his feet and into her arms, before the wind began to get a little stronger.
It was then he noticed Mary was taking flight up into the air, while carrying him, her hair, skirt and cape billowing in the wind as she began to fly in the sky, above the city foremost with a look like she had been caught trying to open the cookie jar when she wasn't supposed to.
She failed to notice how optimistic her boyfriend looked currently, he had just witnessed his girlfriend turn into the superhero, Mary Marvel, confirming his little suspicion, and watched her embarrass the thugs that tried to rob the both of them on their weekend date.
"I... I know you probably have a lot of questions" she broke her oath of silence, Y/N seemed lost in thought of being carried by her, she noticed him blushing about it. "And... Whatever questions you have, I can explain... I'm so sorry-".
"Sorry for what? Being a superhero this WHOLE TIME?!!" he said with excitement in his voice, something Mary didn't think how he'd react. "This is mind-blowing! I never thought our relationship would be more magical, but this?" he chuckled very happily, gloating over the fact he was really close to a superhero this whole time. "It's... It's spectacular. I've never felt more safer until now".
Mary couldn't help but smile but a sense of dread came over her, she'd lied to him, when she promised she would never, NEVER EVER, lie to him, she was always genuine with him.
"The thing is Y/N - I lied to you" her smile faded, replaced with a saddened expression, much to Y/N's displeasure of seeing her unhappy. "I lied to protect you, when lying can put strain on relationships, I promised I wouldn't lie but... But this-".
"Mary" he placed a hand on her cheek, while his other arm was still wrapped around her neck, her wavy hair in the wind tickled his arm which he liked. "It's okay that you had to keep this from me" he eyed down the part of the lightning bolt on her outfit, which glowed in the shadow of him as she carried him and soared through the air. "I understand the rules of being a superhero, I mean... My mother was one back then".
"R-Really?" she asked with a surprised look.
"Yeah, she was a vigilante back in the 90s, but enough about that" he brushed it to the side for a moment. "I know you had to keep this away from me because you wanted to keep me safe, and that's okay" he rubbed his thumb on her cheek as the white caped brunette superhero with the full powers of Shazam began to smile. "And I gotta say... Dating a superhero is something I didn't expect until I began to suspect of you being a superhero, I know it was a wild thing to think, but when you kept disappearing, Mary Marvel - - you - - would show up to save the day, and I still remember you saving me a month and a half ago as well, I had a feeling that was your voice I heard, nice trying to cover it up by the way" he smirked near the end as Mary rolled her eyes with a groan.
"I thought it worked! Should've known you'd figure it out sooner than later" she grumbled before giggling away. "But of course, you know me very well".
"That I do" he smiled before looking out to the view as Mary Marvel soared through the air. "So this is what flying is like? The view is beautiful" his eyes lit up with pure joy, feeling the breeze hit his face as he was being flown by his girlfriend still.
"I know, I've always wanted to show you this" she exclaimed, Y/N looked back at her and smiled.
"I'm happy you are now" he said, the sky-blue sky around them as he smiled deeply at her with him closing his face in toward hers.
Mary's eyes saw what he was doing, she stopped herself from flying for just a moment to share the view with Y/N like she was originally going to do and met him halfway, closing the gap.
A spark of joy erupted between the two as their lips touched, strong senses of feeling sparking in them while it seemed the world around them just faded in the background, only the wind and the movements of Mary's skirt and cape being picked and blown around in the same wind could be heard.
Their eyes closed, lips softly pressing against each other's, it soon drowned out Mary's butterflies that were in her stomach while a loving sense of spark was sent through her body along with Y/N's as the two shared their first ever lip-to-lip kiss.
And it was at the perfect moment...
Soon the two pulled away, a smack of their lips prominent as all smiles were shared towards one another with their eyes slowly opening.
"I know we're in College still, but I can't imagine my life without you in it, and the fact I'm dating a superhero makes it so much better" Mary's smile turned bright and joyful upon hearing his words. "I really want to build a life with you after College, to one day have our own house, and everything we've ever wanted. The thing I've always wanted... Was to just be with the best and dare I say it, marvelous person I've ever met, who is in fact the most beautiful girl that's ever came into my life, who needed a friend in a time of need".
"Aww, Y/N" Mary puckered her lips. "You're gonna make me cry".
The young man softly laughed at her response, he couldn't help it.
"Mary... I love you" three magical words is all he needed, not the other magic word that could transform one person into a superhero form, or at least... Put a superhero suit on in Mary's case.
She choked up on hearing his three magical words, smiling ever so lovingly as she tried to hold back her tears from earlier. "I... I love you too!" she brought him into second kiss, her lips pressing against his firmly but gently, knowing she was in Shazam form, any wrong slip-up, she could break his nose accidentally... Though she had firmly crashed her lips with his without realizing.
"Ow" he muttered in her lips, prompting her to pull back quickly.
"Oh my heavens, I'm so sorry!" she panicked, her face scrunching up thinking she screwed up.
"Haha, it's okay" he gave her a smile. "I'm okay" his drew his face closer to her again and lightly kissed her back on the lips, continuing it for a brief moment before pulling back. "This is why I love you, you're so sweet".
"I thought I hurt you badly there, forgot we were in the air for a moment there that I thought I wasn't Mary Marvel there for a moment, which you probably know what my powers are" she expressed her worry.
"Lost in the moment type of thing, completely understandable" he reassuringly smiled at her. "Hey, are you gonna fly us back or... Continue flying me around..." he looked at her with a mischievous look. "Mary Marvel" he smirked the next, making her smirk back at him.
"Hmm, well... I've always wanted to take you on a flight, so..." she puckered her lips suggestively, before smiling right at him.
"Then, what are you waiting for? Let's go... My Hero"...
Word Count: 4145
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oneforblu · 3 months
kita shinsuke: the modern-day philosopher
one of my favorite things about haikyuu is how realistic the story is and how the messages can be applied to everyone. kita was one of the characters i felt impacted by. of course, many of the characters before kita's introduction impacted me, but kita's philosophy deeply affected me.
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kita is a character who played the sport diligently but wasn't in it for the glory. although he was raised by his grandma's words, "someone's always watching," he isn't concerned about being praised by others. being able to do stuff the right way is enough for him. before kita, we've been introduced to many characters who are willing to do anything to win and continue playing volleyball in the future. kita isn't concerned about any of that. playing to the best of his abilities and doing it correctly is more than enough.
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the importance of daily maintenance is something i will always think of when i see kita. he takes care of his body, cleans up, respects his traditions, and practices volleyball daily. it's a routine he follows every day without fail. to many, this seems tedious. doing the same thing everyday without a break? without fail? without anything to gain from it? most people wouldn't bother to use as much time and effort as kita does for no desired result. i'm one of the many that find it hard to keep up a routine, especially if it requires so much consistency and effort. but kita does it without complaint, without fail, and finds genuine joy in it.
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but even though kita didn't care about people's approval, the moment he was offered the captain's jersey brought him to tears. whether he cared or not, his efforts to improve himself did not go unnoticed. all that time he spent cleaning, taking care of his body, honoring tradition, and practicing volleyball led to this moment. but kita never had a goal in mind. being chosen as captain is a high achievement, but kita didn't join the team to eventually have this honor. he did what he believed was the best thing to do, and being chosen as captain was simply the result of his effort.
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this panel changed everything for me. i even used this as my college graduation quote because i have such a heavy attachment to this scene.
kita didn't do all his daily practices to gain anything. he did them because it felt right, doing his best no matter what was more important to him.
i have a habit of always determining my worth based on the results. if i don't get a good enough grade, i see my effort as useless; if i'm not praised for something, then i feel i'm not doing my best; if all my efforts don't give me the results i want, i see my time spent as wasted but reading this scene changed everything for me.
the time you spend bettering yourself is more valuable than a result. after all, the only reason you get a good result in the first place is because of your time and dedication to your work. even though kita was emotional about his hard work being seen and rewarded, his goal wasn't to become captain. at the end of the day, he spent all this time doing things for himself.
the little things I do every day might not be valuable in the grand scheme of things; the time I spend dedicating myself to anything makes me who I am. the small, everyday things make us who we are. we care for our bodies, study or work, unwind, and prepare meals for ourselves. It doesn't lead to anything extraordinary, but it does matter. it matters because it's who we are. every little thing we do is a part of us, and the good or bad things that come with it are simply the results of what we decide to do.
kita's philosophy of doing things right because it's the right thing to do is simple, yet it's one of the lessons of haikyuu that has stuck with me the longest. we, as people, believe we need to produce results that have meaning to us, but devoting ourselves to daily tasks is essential to who we are as people and how we live our lives. we do the things we do because they are necessary, and the outcomes that follow are just byproducts.
kita is such an important character to me, and I wish this rant could do him some justice. all in all, kita shinsuke, you are the greatest philosopher of our time.
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weasleyreidstyles · 8 months
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chapter nine
summary: it was only meant to be a purely transactional relationship. he would help her strengthen her abilities in return for her getting his friends out of his father's nasty path. he didn't mean to fall for her, but loving her was the easiest thing in his dark world.
no use of y/n, but your general nickname is Meadow. all characters are aged up to be over 18.
pairings: mattheo riddle x fem!ravenclaw reader; platonic!slytherins x fem!reader; platonic!golden trio x fem!reader
warning(s): mentions of drugging (love potion) and brief mentions of poisoning (like right at the end)
series masterlist; previous part; next part
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The library is your sanctuary. A place you can go to ease your mind and satiate your need for more knowledge. Usually you're not disturbed while your here, but Mattheo seemed to find a new joy in persistently annoying you.
You had been completing an essay for Defence that Snape wanted to be completely for two days time, when the calm air around you changed with the announcement of his chaotic presence.
"I thought you had Quidditch practice." you say, not taking your eyes off of your parchment as he takes the empty seat beside you, thigh brushing your's.
"Finished ten minutes ago. I got bored." he says noncommittally. His hand has found it's way to your thigh, tracing barely-there patterns with the tips of his fingers. You tense on instinct before relaxing almost instantaneously.
"Don't you have friends for that?" you snark as you spare him a single glance before you continue working.
"I'm offended that you think we aren't friends, sweetheart." he says with feigned outrage.
"Friends don't do what we do, Matt." you whisper. If it weren't for his already close proximity, he probably would not have heard you. His hand begins tracing firmer patterns, tracing longing lines of comfort.
"No, I suppose they don't." he muses with the ghost of a smile. He's tracing your figure with inquisitive eyes, now a honeyed brown in the sunlight reflecting in the windows.
"Do you want something?" you ask, turning your head to face him, your breath hitching in your throat at just how close he was to you – his lips a fraction of movement away from your's. "We're in public," you say, with a breatheless stammer.
"I'm starting to find that I don't care where we are, anymore." he says just as quietly, eyes flickering between your mouth and fluttering eyes. "What have you done to me?"
"I haven't done anything." you snicker, your nose brushing imperceptibly against his, gaze landing intently on his plush lips.
"We're lucky your favoured spot is so closed off between the shelves, Meadow." he mumbles, his voice dropping to that low rasp you've come to appreciate over the months. "Because that means I can do this, with little consequence."
He kisses you then. Hard and passionate and with entirely too much feeling for something that wasn't supposed to be anymore than a transactional friendship to help out a mutual friend.
Much to your delight, Mattheo stayed with you a little longer before the feeling of his quidditch gear, still dirtied from practice, became too much to comfortably bare. He left with a lingering peck to your cheek, something entirely too affectionate for you to properly process.
Not ten minutes later, your solitude was once again interrupted.
"What the hell is going on between you and Riddle?" Ginny's hissing whisper filled the quiet atmosphere, who landed in Mattheo's previously occupied seat with venomous grace.
"Nothing." you say with furrowed brows, lowing the book you were scouring for Siphon lore, to your lap. As far as you knew, Ginny was only aware of your tutor sessions with Mattheo.
But all these weeks of lies and deceit was bound to blow up in your face sooner or later, you just weren't planning on the most ferocious of your friends to figure it out first.
"Don't bullshit me." she snapped, keeping her voice low. "The tutoring sessions? The continued trips to the Room of Requirement? It's so bloody obvious, Meadow."
"I swear. Nothing is going on between me and Riddle." His name felt foreign on your tongue – he hadn't been 'Riddle' to you in months. Ginny only gave you a look that screamed her disbelief in you.
"Right and it wasn't him I saw leaving this little nook about ten minutes ago?"
"How's Dean?" you ask, swiftly averting the subject off of you. She sighs tiredly at your denial and relaxes into the cosy sofa, a contemplative look on her freckled face.
"I think we're over. The relationship is done and dead. We weren't compatible at all." she sounds resolute, but you could tell that she felt the pain of heartbreak. She leans her head on your shoulder and accepts the hug that you wrap her in. "I just wanted to feel something. I've pined for Harry for practically six years but-"
"I know. I know." you comfort her, quietly soothing her as she leans further into your embrace. Ron's younger sister had been a stellar part of your life for as long as you could remember. Her infatuation with your best friend was what prompted a friendship – at first she had been jealous of the attention Harry gave to you but when you confessed that you had a crush on a fellow Ravenclaw, she admitted to liking Harry and you sought to help her in any way you could. Of course the one thing you couldn't remedy was Harry's blatent obliviousness to his surroundings.
"I wouldn't be angry if there was something going on between you and Riddle, by the way." you hear her mumble into your neck. Your eyes involuntarily close with guilt.
You needed to tell someone you could trust in your circle of friends. It had been knawing away at you all this time.
The guilt.
"If you trust Nott and Parkinson as much as you do, and you're willing to be in Riddle's presence, then I trust your judgement." she says, sitting up with red rimmed eyes to look at you. She squeezes the hand that isn't still wrapped around her and that's all it takes for your resolve to crumble.
"Promise you won't freak out." you mumble and she looks at you weirdly before she agrees. With a deep breath, you do what Mattheo had been teaching you, and wordlessly you enter Ginny's mind. You can see the moment she realises what you're doing, but she doesn't flinch away like you expect; she watches you in awe instead.
He's been teaching me to better control my Legillimens abilities. You tell her cautiously. You can feel her disbelief and her curiosity at your words so you continue speaking to her wordlessly.
I've been teaching myself since the end of fourth year when He returned. Theo found out during one of our first patrols last year and that's really how I became better friends with him and Pansy too. Now that- Now that you-know-who is back they- Theo told me that he was going to have Mattheo teach me to do it defensively and keep my mind locked from enemies. In return, I'm going to help them all.
"How are you going to do that?" she says, her whisper so quiet you could barely hear her.
"I don't know, Ginny." you sigh. "With Harry so suspicious of Malfoy, I don't know how I'll convince him that they're on our side."
"Fuck what he thinks." she says, squeezing your hand again. "What your doing could help not only the Order, but it could save them, too. Have you thought about going to Dumbledore?"
"I have but-" you pause, hesitant to share the most vital piece of information you know.
"But what? Is there something else?" she asks, her curious tone edging to something else.
"There is. But you must promise not to tell a soul. Only me and Matt– only me and Riddle know about it. But I think Dumbledore knows– and Remus was acting strange when I asked him for help about it over Christmas."
She motions you to carry on and you know she'll keep her promise because she practically screams it at you mentally.
"I'm a siphon." you say and when Ginny goes to speak you swiftly interrupt her. "I know it sounds bizarre but it's true. Remember when Katie was cursed? I somehow absorbed some of that dark magic and fainted as a result. Mattheo figured it out first and we've been using the tutor sessions as a rouse to research about it."
"Siphons are rare. I don't think I've heard anything other than bedtime stories my mum used to read us when we were little. They're folklore." she says, awed. You sigh and throw your head back against the top of the sofa and groan in frustration.
"We keep getting the same information over and over again. It's incredibly annoying." you admit and you snap your head up when Ginny begins snickering. "What?"
"And how do you alleviate that frustration, Meadow?" she smirks, "A tumble in the Come and Go Room? How scandalous!"
You gape at her, but that only makes her laugh harder; the distant sound of Madame Pince shushing the two of you doesnt help either. "For Rowena's sake Ginny! Stop laughing!" you say but her laughter is infectious and you can't help but join.
"Hey I don't blame you, he's far too attractive for his own good."
Tell me about it. You say with a grumble and she lets out a loud snort that promptly ends with the two of you being kicked out of the sanctuary of the library.
"Your secret is safe with me, Meadow. I promise."
Somehow, admitting your greatest secret to someone lifted a giant weight from your shoulders. Perhaps having someone like Ginny in your corner was a good thing.
The Ravenclaw Tower holds an abundance of the best rooms in the whole castle; from the tall ceilings of the common room with constellations painted like glittering sparkles, to a miniature astronomy tower that over looked the Black Lake and the mountainous highlands that surround the castle grounds.
Or maybe you're just biased.
Your dorm room is another place of solace for you. It's a little different to the library, however. Your dorm is place where you find peace and serenity away from the troubles of schoolwork and the stress of keeping up with your friends' woes. Hardly ever are you disrupted once the door to your room is closed off to the outside world, only the occasional murmur of conversation from girls passes by to get to their dorms interrupts the quiet atmosphere.
You needed a break from everything. Harry had somehow managed to go from Professor Slughorn's favourite student to his most failured prodigy after asking him about Horcruxes as per Dumbledore's instruction; Hermione believed that the library had actually failed her when she (and you) had no such luck finding any information about them and Ron appeared to be so wrapped up in his relationship that you rarely saw him outside of lessons and meal times.
It was at times like this that you yearned for Mattheo's presence which scared you half to death. He had been attentive with you as of lately, no longer was he grueling and rough with his Legillimens lessons and he made an effort to help you search for books in the library to aid in your research for your siphon abilities. You hadn't told him about Ginny, but you had a feeling that he just knew somehow that she was now aware of the arrangement.
He had a knack for always knowing everything.
You did feel a little bad, since it was Ron's birthday and you always spent it (and each of your respective birthdays) with the Golden Trio. This year your friendships with them seemed distant and awkward, like the thread holding you altogether was strained and fraying. But when you got a frantic knock on your door to find Harry supporting the intoxicated redhead you call your best friend, you let them in with no hesitation.
"What the hell is wrong with him? Did he have too much to drink? It's not even gone lunchtime." you say frantically as you and Harry turn to watch Ron stare into space with starry eyes.
"The cauldron cakes," Harry muttered tiredly, scraping a hand through his unruly hair, "the ones from Romilda-"
"Romilda? Did you say Romilda, Harry? Where is she?" Ron turned his gaze to you, his eyes wide and unseeing. "Meadow! You're a girl. You must know her, can you introduce me? I love her."
"Merlin's beard." you say incredulously, mouth agape. "He ate the spiked chocolates, didn't he?"
Harry only nodded. "He ate them like ten minutes ago. I don't know what to do."
"Well you're the Potions master, Potter." you say with a grimaced smile and he only glares at you in response. You shake your head. "You'll have to take him to see Professor Slughorn or Madame Pomfrey for an antidote. Better to have someone who knows Potions inside-out to help."
"Okay. Okay yeah– good." Harry stutters as he drags Ron towards your door. "Are you coming?"
"Oh– no I'm doing some research. Or trying to, at least. Still not one mention of Horcruxes in anything I've read." you say as you stand at the threshold of your door. "But tell him I'm never letting him live this down once he's all cured."
An hour later, you eat your words as Ginny bursts into your room with tears streaking down her face. Because someone had poisoned her brother; if not for Harry's quick thinking, he would be dead.
a little bit of a short chapter, mostly because its only a filler before shit kicks off 😃😃
more soft matty for you all xxx
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sunderingstars · 1 month
☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
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sampo analysis m.list
— what the stars reveal: analysis, elation!sampo
— word count: 3.1k
— overview: (as of 2.3) a thorough dive into sampo’s voicelines on belobog, focusing on self-awareness, omniscience, and worldview (both specific and general)
— this does not include “mr. cold feet,” as i am doing a separate analysis for that!
— mostly elation!sampo
☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
One of the most apparent parts of Sampo’s character to many players of the game is his self-awareness. I would say this is one of the most straightforward topics brought up in Belobog — he has several obvious fourth wall breaks that indicate a deeper mystery. For example, he refers to himself as making “an entrance” instead of “intervening” or “stepping in,” a word choice that clearly sets up the idea of a performance for a third party (us, the players). He also seems to be aware of his own position in relation to Wildfire, calling himself a “contented lapdog.” Not only is he aware of his placement in the “game narrative,” but he’s aware of his own standing among others in-universe and how they may view him.
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Additionally, in the Adventure Mission “Survival Wisdom,” he mentions the phrases “fool you once” and “fool you twice.” Now knowing that he’s a member of the Masked Fools, this seems to carry an implication of awareness as to his identity and status, even subtly bringing it up in front of people who don’t know. 
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Now we get to the biggest “self-aware” moment of Belobog — the screen scene. Here, Sampo is seen talking to multiple television screens, mentioning things we now know to be associated with the Masked Fools (i.e. Epsilon and “the tavern”). He seems to be aware of his placement in the universe as “shadowy comic relief,” as well as needing to make a “curtain call.” Then he turns directly to the player, makes eye contact, and asks if he’s brought a “little more joy” into our lives. He’s dedicated his performance to us — the voyeuristic “other” — and seems to be fully aware of his placement as a performer and narrative character. He even says we don’t have to answer the question, likely understanding that as the player, we are physically unable to truly communicate with him through the screen. 
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This shows not just a staggering amount of self-awareness (going beyond awareness of the world and into meta awareness of the game itself), but an ability to interact directly with us, the player. This isn’t an awareness that is passive; it’s active, and he can intentionally choose to act on it and communicate beyond the game. This, of course, is not something a regular person could do, even a member of the Masked Fools who already have somewhat heightened awareness. Sampo has enough understanding and power to break the confines of the game itself, a kind of intentional interaction with awareness that most likely speaks to Emanator or Aeonic status.
Another point towards a status of “higher Elation” is his seeming omniscience. At several points throughout Belobog, he seems to be keenly aware of present and future events, as well as things he shouldn’t reasonably know. A good example of this is when he and Natasha are talking after he uses the smoke bomb in the Trailblaze Mission — when Natasha mentions Wildfire, he responds by implying the Crew will “come in useful” to them, then adds “I mean, you never know” almost as a sort of insurance to convince her of limited knowledge. I find this very interesting, especially since he pauses in the middle of a sentence before delivering this phrase (therefore calling narrative attention to it). Given that the Crew does come in handy to Wildfire, Sampo seems to be aware even from the beginning that they’ll be able to fix the problem. This fits Aha’s M.O. of subtly influencing events through small decisions that build to bigger outcomes.
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Additionally, when March 7th begins to mention the Stellaron to Seele, he interrupts with a (suspiciously spelled) laugh and says to “not recite your story to everyone you meet.” While he follows this with the reasoning that Seele doesn’t understand it so she should save the explanation for Oleg, it’s an interestingly-timed interruption. It almost seems like he’s aware telling Seele at this point in time may be a bad idea, so shushes her in the best way he knows how. 
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Then, of course, we have the screen scene again, which is arguably the biggest evidence for omniscience or something close to it. Not only does he seem to be aware of the nature of “us” as shadowy comic relief (likely meaning the Masked Fools or an identity intertwined with Aha the Elation) but there is also an implication that he knows a great deal about the Astral Express, Epsilon, and the way the Masked Fools operate. While this could be explained by a long life of being around the Masked Fools (and as such learning much about them), there is also the implication that everything he did on Belobog was planned. He knew where he needed to be to make his “performance,” knew exactly what to do to achieve the outcome he wanted, and now he can step off the stage having completed his job. The implication of intention reveals that he may know much more about Belobog than he lets on, as well as potentially parts of the “destiny” Elio and the Stellaron Hunters are wrapped up in.
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(He also seems to have an omniscient view of Elation that I will discuss in the next section — being able to understand the “whole” of a concept rather than just parts.)
This information paints his introduction scene in a new light; rather than being a meeting of “convenience,” it becomes something potentially planned and executed with an endgame in mind. Sampo, in this case, could have strategically placed himself in the exact right position to get the Crew’s attention, giving him an “in” to talk to us and intertwine himself with the narrative. After all, I find it hard to believe that Sampo was just laying around in a covered snowdrift for no reason. It really seems like he was waiting for something.
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However, this seeming omniscience isn’t all bad — in fact, it can be quite wholesome. Sampo seems to constantly, intentionally, use his knowledge to help us, whether that’s just because he needs to “use” us for something or he actually cares is up to interpretation. (I personally like to think it’s a combination of the two! He may need the Trailblazer safe and sound for whatever his larger plans are, but it’s clear he’s concerned for our wellbeing as well.) We can see this in the Cyrille mini-quest chain when we tell him about seeing her in Backwater Pass.
On a first playthrough, he may seem disbelieving, making his statements about seeing Natasha because he genuinely doesn’t believe us and thinks we have a medical issue. However, looking at it with the understanding that Sampo knows much more than he lets on, this scene reads more like concern. He pauses a lot as if carefully considering what to say, then tries to subtly steer us away from further interacting with something that may be dangerous. Namedropping Natasha specifically seems like a way to get us to a different location, away from whatever danger Cyrille may pose and into a space he considers “safe.” The way he phrases “… let’s not look into it any further?” as a question seems very much like someone trying to talk us back and convince us to leave. In this way, bringing up the potential of us hallucinating might be a way of diverting our attention and trying to make us lose interest. This continues as he doubles down on the “hallucination” idea after we arrive to an empty Pass — it seems like he’s really trying to discourage us from getting any more involved with the situation, even pulling out the “you made everything up” gaslighting bit.
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This omniscience also comes into play in the “Catch Me If You Can” daily mission. If you choose to hide in the alley and remain hidden, you’ll eventually pass out, only to wake back up in Natasha’s clinic after she nurses you back to life. You not only find out that you were on “death’s door” after not eating for three days, but that Sampo was the one who found you and brought you back. While he could’ve just been passing by, we also don’t know the exact circumstances of how he found us — it’s possible that he knew in some omniscient way, or had some hidden knowledge that allowed him to find us. This is especially notable because he actively uses his knowledge and abilities to save our life, finding us in a place no one else could and returning us to safety.
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Overall, my conclusion is that not only does this man Know Things, but he Knows A Lot Of Things, things that most others on Belobog (including the Astral Express Crew) don’t. Not only that, but he uses this to influence events for both his own benefit and ours, even though the extent of his knowledge is still up for debate.
Sampo has a rather unique idea of Elation. In my opinion, it reads as a cross between how Aeons view their concepts and how mortals view their Paths. In the Aetherium Wars dream bubble, he seems to choose his words very carefully when talking about his own views, the implication being that he doesn’t want what he says to get back to anyone it might offend. It’s notable that Giovanni says Sampo has never shared his own views on the matter — although he doesn’t want to offend anyone, Sampo doesn’t seem like the type of person to let that be the only reason for keeping things to himself. My opinion, once again, is that he knows and believes much more than he is letting on, not wanting to put too many cards on the table for people to use against him. He likely keeps things secret for safety reasons (which could match Boothill’s assessment of Emanators concealing their identities due to safety concerns). 
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However, he still gives expressing his feelings a shot. He starts with a very broad idea — “Everyone has their own way of pursuing Elation” — before going into the more specific — “A joke with too heavy a tone can bring trouble.” Note that he is indirect here: he doesn’t say “I don’t like jokes with heavy tones,” he says heavy jokes “can bring trouble.” Not even “do” or “will,” but “can.” He operates entirely in potentialities despite talking about something that so clearly hits close to home. 
To me, there seems to be something he almost can’t say. Something that may tie back to the restrictions of the Primum Mobile for Aeons, or an imposed silence brought on by Aha as an outside force. This becomes even more apparent when he says, “You understand what I mean, don’t you?” almost as if trying to push Giovanni (and by extension, the Trailblazer and player experiencing the memory bubble) towards a conclusion he can’t outright say. This is very similar to him trying to hint a “truth” to us through the dream bubble in Penacony, an attempt to guide us to something he so desperately wants to say but can’t. While I intend to further analyze this scene under a few of my specific theories, for the purposes of this analysis it’s clear that Sampo’s views on Elation run deeper than he’s letting on.
From what we can gather, he has a broad “Aeonic” perspective of the Path — that everyone has their own way of pursuing it, and that his individual view of it comes second to the wide variety of possibilities it encompasses. This would fit with how an Aeon or Emanator closer to the “core” of Elation might view it; not as something rigid and unchanging, but as something fluid and omniscient, a concept that everyone has their own individual idea of. Sampo still has his own ideas about it, though, which seems to hint at a worryingly traumatic backstory. “As this trouble builds, what was once funny becomes… no longer fun” has a sort of sadness to it, perhaps regret. He seems to be referencing something personal without stating it outright, whether that be a joke he himself made as an Aeon or Emanator, or a joke that was placed upon him from someone else. Additionally, Giovanni seems to imply that “that” person (most likely Sparkle, given Penacony’s storyline) has something to do with this event, giving potential rise to more conflict between the two. Sampo’s extended silence at the end especially seems melancholy and contemplative, as if whatever “heavy joke” was made still weighs on him. 
Sampo’s lines from the TV screen scene also give clues as to his specific view of Elation, mentioning Epsilon (a galaxy affiliated with the Masked Fools) to be a “giant vanity fair.” He doesn’t seem to care for those who use Elation as a means of showing off or shallowly boosting their reputation. The biggest revelation, however, is that he quotes, “True happiness always entails the manifestation of the dignity of mankind…” as something he lives by. This seems to be the closest we get to the core of his being, the inherent respect he gives all things regardless of power or status. He may be manipulative and deceitful, but he isn’t one to dehumanize others. He treats everyone equally, viewing “true happiness” — Elation — as the understanding that all living things have worth; not only that, but having active steps taken to realize that worth physically, emotionally, and materially. (An interesting note is that he uses “dignity” specifically; being worthy of honor or respect. Not just that people should be treated with respect, but that they are inherently worthy of it regardless.) It’s a surprisingly sweet concept. Unlike the Masked Fools, Sampo views Elation as “love,” as respect and consideration and empathy. Perhaps this stems from some facet of his own experience and existence, some past backstory that has lead him to understand how important it is to treat others with kindness, or perhaps it is something that has always been there in the back of his mind. Either way, his views seem to be unique (at least among Masked Fools). I would say this is another example of him setting himself apart from the average Elation follower — clearly, he has a more holistic and detailed approach to the Path. 
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(Although I might bring this scene back for other analyses, I wanted to give a few potentialities here: Aha!Sampo would most likely have this view after facing some sort of “cosmic karma” from a heavy joke They made — most likely something drastic or permanent, getting carried away before realizing They royally fucked Themself over. This could explain the combination between a “holistic” approach to Elation and specific views on it. Alternatively, Emanator!Sampo might find himself in a sort of purgatorial space between Aha’s consciousness and his own, leading to a blend of Aeonic perspective and individual perspective. And, we’re looking at Sampo potentially being the silhouette or a creation of Aha, then his view on the inherent worth of humans could come from the mistreatment he personally received at the hands of Elation.
I really like interpreting for Doll Theory here, since the idea of Sampo being created essentially as one big dark joke to be pushed around at Aha’s whim could clearly connect to strong feelings of wanting to respect others. After all, if his entire life has been spent as a refraction of an Aeon, a higher being, only to be used as a punching bag, of course he would be determined to give others the humanization he himself has never received.)
✩ ‧₊˚ ⌞ WORLDVIEW ⌝
First off, I would like to address the elephant in the room: Sampo loves drama. Despite his disdain for petty and vain theatrics, he enjoys “muddying the waters.” While he no doubt enjoys the confusion this causes, he also enjoys the conflict — the fighting, the “drama” — of what he describes to be “fierce words” and “fists flying.” He also believes in backup plans to backup plans to backup plans. Essentially, he believes being thoroughly prepared for any undertaking is a must. 
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He also doesn’t see the point in communicating with those that can’t “read the room,” as well as wasting energy sharing his own views when they may not agree. As mentioned in the previous section, he has a strong inclination towards seeing others as equal human beings deserving of dignity and respect — he doesn’t quite care for those (like many of the Masked Fools) who dehumanize others on a whim. Additionally, he believes firmly in “trust” (even though he often betrays it to get what he wants).
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(In terms of the screen scene, it is also entirely possible that Sampo is talking to Aha, or whatever form They are currently taking, since we don’t get any identifying information for who’s on the other side of the screens. Sampo as an Emanator or Doll would definitely have the connection and reason to be talking to Aha directly.)
✩ ‧₊˚ ⌞ MISC. ⌝
Sampo places a lot of emphasis on “friends,” as well as the trust and mutual reciprocation that comes with it. On the surface, it may just seem like he’s asking for favors, but the constant repetition of this theme leads me to believe there’s something deeper and more genuine to it. Otherwise, why would he have such a fixation on always making and dealing with “friends”? That combined with the fixation on “harm” and not letting friends be hurt makes it feel much more personal and potentially related to his backstory.
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He doesn’t seem to have a very rigid idea of it either, bouncing from “business” to “trust” to “protection” to “help” across scenes. While he views it as a sort of transaction, it’s clear that transaction also includes some form of loyalty and responsibility (even if he abandons those morals at times). 
Additionally, this man is devious. I mean, regardless of all the wholesome and sweet things that are also a part of his character, Sampo Koski is a menace. From the sheer amount of scams he pulls to the numerous lies he tells over the simplest things, it’s really hard to trust anything he says. Even though there are moments where he can plausibly be assumed to be genuine, there’s always the question hanging in the back of everyone’s mind: is this really true?
He also focuses much of his references to himself around oldness and age, something seen through many of the lines already shared in this post. “Big brother,” “old pal,” and “ol’ Sampo” seem to be the most used, with more specific situations like “For this old guy, the steps of the Furnace Core are a nightmare on the knees!” being used from time to time. Across all boards, its clear he sees himself as aged, another mark towards longevity and potential immortality.
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Overall, Belobog has a lot to say about Sampo as a character; not as much on the identity side of things, but definitely a lot on the worldview and self-awareness side. This is where we get our first true glimpse of what might be hiding behind the curtain, and I think it’s peppered throughout the quests in a way that’s not too obvious, not too subtle. 10/10 dialogue, love you Mr. Sampo Koski! :))
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ જ⁀➴ thank you for reading to the end!
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© analysis by sunderingstars. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
thing about rose, for me, is that she wasn't there first -- this in a "she was first in nu!who in the sense that this was the first person to travel with nine, and the first person since the timewar, and the last person that nine was with, to the point that ten was born out of that experience/modelled on her."
and in that framing, I am a big fan of her haunting of the narrative, because it start outs with her placing herself inside the doctor's ribcage and rebooting their ability to want to feel things, but unfortunately rose is still a human, like every human the doctor travelled with before, it's just that the doctor forgot how to steel themself against that inevitability because of the circumstances around meeting rose
this is The thing that I find tragic about martha, because I think she could have been that person, if she'd been the first person post-timewar to travel with the doctor, but because she's coming in during bleeding-heart times, she's got to deal with triage instead. and yes, there are wonders, and yes, there are good times, but for a lot of it, it's shrapnel, and I think if it hadn't been, she would have had a very different attitude towards *waves hands* space and time travel and aliens and the universe (one where she wouldn't be the person trusted with something like the osterhagen key)
and donna had a sense of that Space the doctor was in post-rose (she canonically stopped the doctor from dying in runaway bride) and stepped away from it, and didn't get back to the doctor until some of that hole-in-chest had been bandaged up, which martha did a great job of, but didn't get to really benefit from, and I think that's the sad thing about martha jones, is that she absolutely got a taste of the beauty and the splendor, but never without all the violence and heave weight that was put onto her
which, again, she seems to have been very aware of, considering she joined UNIT and Torchwood. her eyes were barely ever rose tinted (no pun here) during her whole journey in the story. martha really is in my opinion the most tragic companion (that I've met so far, I know Adric straight up dies, but maybe he had some fun times before that?), because yes, donna loses her memories and rose is in a parallel universe, but that's more tragic for the doctor -- they've both built lives
in donna's case there's probably a lot of imperfection in that life, but clearly a lot of joy as well, with her and her husband and her kid and her mum, and I'm sure she'd have preferred to be the donna who saw the universe and was splendid, but martha never gets to forget, and has to continue her life one step out of sync of everything she could have been
which, maybe her life is pretty flipping fantastic, but we really don't know, which is the biggest thing I side-eye about the first nu!who era. that whole weird ending with the sontaran and mickey is like... anti-character work, it answers nothing and it makes very little sense
all I know about her at the end is that she more than anyone saw the doctor's life and became a soldier (still a doctor as well, but...) because that was the work she saw needed doing, and she's the kind of person who does what needs doing. but is she... okay? youknow?
but going back to the original point, is that framing martha through the lens of rose is all well and good in the sense that rose is the reason the doctor is at that emotional point when he meets martha -- although donna absolutely had a very big hand in that as well -- but once we've established that, martha's arc is martha's arc, and it's dull to me to frame it as the "rebound" arc or even particularly about alloromanticism (including -- and this is why i get why people do it in fandom -- some shit said by rtd, which is just less interesting than what I get out of it, so shhhh)
she's got so much going on, and her relationship with the doctor changes the trajectory of her life, and it's in many ways a more interesting and far less straightforward trajectory of bad-to-better that many companions get -- it's a wonderfully complicated narrative that (and again, I get that some of this comes from within deliberate framings of the text, even though I think it's more than open enough to do more with, death of the author and all that -- but certainly not all of this is text either, some of it is ignoring what is actually there) is done a disservice by not going through the real messed up fascinating extraordinary shit that's going on during her era + arc in s4
but also... is she ok? I want to know. it's one of my top three burning questions, since we're getting a bit of best-ofs of the noughties DW era, some of your crimes can be righted by a simple bit of martha mr davies
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autistichalsin · 9 months
One of the most beautiful and understated parts of Halsin's arc is meaning.
In addition to showing kindness- like I mentioned in an earlier post- Halsin's love of nature symbolizes how he finds meaning in small things. It's why he loves honey; it's his little indulgence. It's why he loves ducks, whittling, and whittling ducks; because ducks are migratory birds, but they remind him of finding home.
In nature, Halsin sees life lessons. He sees meaning. He sees strength and protection and love in bears, he sees journeys and homecomings i ducks, he sees joy and simplicity in dogs. He sees strength and resilience and even beauty in trees, beginnings in roots, and wonder in the sky. It all has a meaning to him.
Even less happy things he acknowledges; he sees death as just as important as life, chaos as a necessary counter to order to keep balance (befitting his Druidic beliefs). He sees those who hate small talk as just as worthy of consideration as those who share his own love of rambling, and he sees monogamy as having just as much of a place in the world as polyamory even if the former will never be for him. Everything has a place, and he sees that.
He sees meaning in both the big and small things. He knows there is an underlying message behind so many actions and thoughts and beliefs, and those are important to him. He sees meaning in everything in the natural world, viewing it as a bounty from his deity.
And that actually reflects in his repeated choices to show kindness. It's his way of seeing the meaning of a child's laugh or a refugee's plight and knowing how to respond. It's part of why he's so flexible, because all of the different perspectives and attitudes matter to him.
I find it very telling that in the cut scenes where the characters would have been taunted in the Morphic Pool by hallucinations sent by the brain to dig in to their insecurities, Halsin's was saying that everything was meaningless. That the world should be allowed to burn while Halsin should give up. The taunt would have shown Halsin's struggles at that point in his life- his fight against cynicism (having given up cynicism around the age of 200), his frustrations with the ways cruelty is allowed to flourish (like his heartbreaking comments if Orin kills Yenna in the camp or his comments on the plight of the orphans in the city), his worries that perhaps his efforts are Archdruid were meaningless because he had few successes to show for his efforts. That image would have shown just who Halsin is- someone who wants so desperately, for better and worse, for everything to mean something.
And in overcoming it, Halsin would have shown one of his most beautiful traits- the ability to enact change in subtle ways, not obvious ones. Not in being a war hero or a folk legend, but in making his own meaning, for himself, and often for others too. When he sees children suffering, he makes a community where he can care for them. When he sees a Shadow Curse blight the land for 100 years while no one cares enough to fight it, he holds hope until he can break it himself. When others mock him for being a bear-man who loves honey, he indulges just as much, reasoning that as long as others are affected, he has a right to enjoy himself. When others sigh that he's talking about nature, again, and maybe he should talk about art instead, he turns it back to nature and saying that a tree is one of the most splendorous things in the world. When Halsin is, in his bad ending, left in the Shadow-Cursed Lands to try and break the curse on his own, he finds hope in his brief memories of traveling with the party, using those to sustain himself.
He makes his own meaning of the world. He refuses to believe that it's all without a purpose, even when he's miserable at the Grove or when he has no idea what his purpose is anymore once he breaks the Shadow Curse. He knows there's an answer- and if he can't find it readily, he will make it himself, and that's exactly why he ends up making a commune for those in need in the end, where he is adored by children and presumably adults alike.
Everything and everyone is important to him. He's a sentimental being at heart in a world that wants more than anything to toughen him up and stamp that out of him, and he refuses., and his devotion to kindness and meaningfulness are why he ends up so happy in his ending.
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invisiblegarters · 30 days
(Absolutely not) Micro BL and GL Reviews
I spent the last couple of weeks being ill in bed with very little energy. Not great, but also it meant that my limited ability to get up and move around much gave me endless time to catch up on a bunch of shows that I'd let fall by the wayside (or never even started in the first place), and now I have thoughts to share!
Joy? Joy! Welcome to yet another set of my talks about shows that is supposed to be small but never actually is.
Wandee Goodday: This wound up being way sweeter than I expected from the promo material, but I'm not complaining. I genuinely love shows where most of the people are just trying to get alone while being decent, and that was certainly the vibe here. I was happy with the sex positivity and the introduction of Kao being ace, although I will admit that I felt like it was a little too "let me educate you" about that bit at certain points. That said, it's a topic that maybe needs that kind of thing in this context? I also really really loved that Dr. Dee and Yak got it together and spent a bunch of episodes just being adorable and dealing with struggles that had nothing to do with their relationship. It's so refreshing to see adults being in an adult relationship and actually acting like it. There were several times when the show could have just manufactured drama for drama's sake and chose not to and I really respect and love that. It was also fun to see Title appear in a role that wasn't to cause problems. And Char and Yei were fucking adorable my god. 8/10
We Are: Way better than I expected, if I'm honest. It got a little draggy for me at the end, but Pond and Phuwin always give solid chemistry and I finally got to see what everyone likes so much about Winny and Satang paired together. I never watched MSP and I never will because it's just a little too young for me, but Toey and Q were fucking cute so I get it now, guys. I especially adored Toey - Satang plays endearing brat very well. I also really liked Tan and Fang - their teasing dynamic worked for me. Also Boom is so pretty my goodness. I do think that it was trying to juggle too many couples but as I already said it dragged a little for me at the end so I think they could have done it with better pacing. It seems to me that New has a thing for dramas driven by internal conflicts, and that was We Are all over. The plot advanced as the characters did, which I can understand might be frustrating but I find that if I'm in the right mood I eat it right up. Especially ones like this, with mostly sweet people just living their lives and trying to do right by themselves and each other. Cute, earnest, a really good friend group. It probably won't be something that I revisit much or that sticks in my mind for a long time, but I had a good time. Giving it a 7/10, mostly for the pacing stuff I already mentioned. It kinda lost me towards the end.
My Marvelous Dream is You: idolfactory's second GL and I think I wanted to like it more than I wound up liking it. The chemistry was good and I love the cast (even if I think my girl Silvy was way underutilized), but the plot was a little...not great. I'm still not entirely sure what it was going for, or why the shared dreams were important. I really liked Ae (Kim's mom). And Wan was my favorite. Girl was messy and brash but my kind of messy and brash if I'm honest, and I cheered aloud when she went off on Mawin's family. They were awful. Awful, too, was Mawin in the end. I get being hurt but I always get a little (a lot) irritated when people mess with someone's livelihood out of pettiness, so him fucking with Kim's business because she broke up with him (and yes, in a really shitty way but also lbr here he knew she wasn't into him in some ways he did that to himself) was never gonna do anything but piss me off. It does amuse me that Heng has now played 2 dudes in idolfactory GLs who very nearly marry one of our heroines when she really really doesn't want him and he's very aware, though. I find myself wondering if he's gonna go for the third in The Loyal Pin (I hope he does). 7/10
Love Sea: I loved this one. I knew I would. The premise had me from moment one, lol. And frankly, Fort and Peat deliver on chemistry so it was kind of a no brainer for me. I knew that Trongrak was gonna wind up being really messy the second love came into the picture, and I was absolutely right. I love how he was perfectly fine with Mahasamut holding him and defending him against his shitty dad and following him around and getting all jealous when he implies he's going out to fuck other people (and whether or not he'd have done it is up for debate - I think he would have forced himself to try and failed miserably because that's my favorite lol) and take care of his niece like family, etc...but the second the word "love" actually makes its way out of the dude's mouth he can't handle it. My only quibbles were Prin - why was she so awful for no reason, MAME? The dad - he was not an effective villain to me. I wish that he'd been a little more menacing but I guess it works that he just let Tongrak think that he'd done a lot of things that he hadn't, and I do like that he was basically squeezing money out of both Tongrak and his mom just by showing up on occasion and assuming that they wouldn't talk to each other (which they weren't, both trying too hard to protect their family from his sliminess). I also like that it was finding that out that made both of them snap out of it. And last but not least - what the FUCK, MAME. How dare you give me that lesbian side couple and make it SO COMPELLING and actually get me invested than then not actually offer a resolution because oops, we're on episode 10 now and it's time for the love issue between Tongrak and Mahasamut to rear its head? How very very DARE you. Genuinely this made me the angriest and dropped my personal enjoyment a lot. I haven't seen the special yet so maybe that gets addressed (it SHOULD I was INVESTED), but while I would probably have given it a 9 (I really liked it a lot okay) I am dropping it to a 8/10 for that. Tempted to drop it to a 7 because I am petty.
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans: Another one I really liked! The chemistry between Sailub and Pon is absolutely scorching and while I have noticed that actors are getting a lot better about it in general, I always take notice when they are so entirely comfortable with not just the steamier scenes but the emotionally intimate ones as well. I love when I am watching a show and I can believe that the characters want each other and like each other, and not like a part of them isn't flinching at the very idea of it (unless that's the character, but just go with me when I say that there's just a very specific vibe you get when one (or both) of the actors isn't comfortable and I think it actually happens more with the sweet, couply stuff than it does the steamy stuff. But I digress). Chemistry like that can help me forgive quite a bit.
I liked how obnoxious Wan was in the beginning - I did not expect that and it was annoying but also kind of delightful. He grew on me despite my initial annoyance. Oab was a little different - he annoyed me right out of the gate by not calling Kao Suay and telling her about her dad. I get the respect thing, I do, but also what if he died and she was abroad, none the wiser? How would everyone have felt then? Keeping it from her was NUTS, and I don't even care that Kluer called her and told her for nefarious reasons. Someone had to. Oab's wishy washiness with her when she came back annoyed me too - a personal failing of mine has always been that I don't have time for that kind of waffling. I just wanted him to make a choice and stick with it (and was doubly annoyed as it became clearer and clearer what his choice was and he still couldn't just say it). Thank goodness he had Nubnueng there to gently prod him into finally doing the thing.
I wish Kluer's turn to villainy had been more evil, but I guess that wouldn't have made sense for this show, since no one really was, not even Enemy No. 1 Methas. Speaking of which, I wanted to like him and JJ more than I did in the end. I did like them, but I guess I just wanted more development there than I got in the end. They were cute though JJ was hands down my favorite character. I understood Methas so much. I also really enjoyed his relationship with Wan.
One thing that I thought was utterly hilarious was Oab's pettiness. As a petty person myself I can't help but find opening a new restaurant to steal all of your ex's customers because he wouldn't just apologize for, you know, deceiving you for most of your relationship and initially planning to sell your restaurant to the one man in the world you emphatically never wanted to own it absolutely hilarious. No notes Oab you keep rocking on. 8/10
Currently Watching
The Loyal Pin: Everything in this show is so damn pretty it's hard for me to think about much else. Especially Freen, and it seems like all the show wants to do is remind us of her beauty at every moment. Which, well. I am not complaining the woman makes my breath catch.
But this week I finally started paying a bit of attention to something more than oooh pretty, and I am genuinely wondering if this show isn't going to be all pretty dresses and gorgeous women falling in love and carving mangoes and if maybe there aren't some extremely serious things swimming in the waters.
Watching Anin wield her power this week hit me way way harder than all the ways that she'd been doing it before, and in a way that made me think a lot harder about how she'd done it before as well. I think it's because usually she sticks to manipulation to get what she wants - she's charming, she smiles, she talks people around - but last ep she dropped all pretense a couple of times, and we watched it cut more than once. Anin is a woman who knows exactly what she wants and she has the means to get it, she is spoiled and she will do whatever it takes. Other people have talked about it better, but I will say I am absolutely fascinated, and am genuinely curious to see if this is going to be addressed or if it's just the way it is. I also want to see if there's something that will butt up against Anin's frankly terrifying amount of power. Something she can't either manipulate or brute force her way through (although in the end I bet she manages to do one or the other anyway).
Also, kisses. Teach Pin more things Anin! She's a good student.
The Trainee: This show was not really on my radar at all, and I'm genuinely not sure why I decided to pick it up. Maybe because I was finishing up another GMMTV show and it was next in the youtube queue?
Whatever the reason, I'm so glad I did because I fucking LOVE this show. it's my favorite thing airing right now and that I never would have expected or believed.
It really is so good though. I think for me it's that it feels realistic - maybe in a way that can be uncomfortable for some but I love it. No one here is perfect, it's not just the mentors constantly schooling the kids because even though they are older, they are still growing too, and still have things to learn. Especially when it comes to Jane, who is my favorite character in the show I think and is hands down the best Off character I have personally seen. I am so iffy with Off normally that my adoration for Jane is confusing me, but he's so good. He's an adult and he handles most of his problems like an adult (which frankly I think is sometimes missing from these shows), but still has moments where he fumbles because he's still human. And I like that when he does fumble, he apologizes. I'm also really in to the whole deal that happens in the workplace where people think he's a certain way and judge him for it, but he's really just...dedicated. Strict, yes, but not entirely uncompromising. I dunno he's just a great character.
I also really like how this feels like an ensemble show with the romance not at the forefront. I don't always want that but this is so well done that I'm happy for it. I like that we have gotten to showcase each intern, their struggles and their achievements and just...growing up and learning to handle that scary point in life where you're really starting to enter the adult sphere, with all it's responsibilities, but still not ones that are entirely on your shoulders. If you do things the more traditional way, that is - I know a lot of us were in that world well before college. Still, it does resonate with me.
I am also enjoying the insight we're getting into the background of production. Such as how much work and effort goes into even the smallest change in filming even something that seems as simple and straightforward as an ad. Imagine how hard it would be to reshoot scenes from something like a TV show, especially considering the stuff like location, OT, cast and crew...I had already guessed a lot of it, but it's always nice to be proven correct. I like being right, what can I say? And the Ryan's awkwardly trying to draw people out without directly asking them how they are After Work Corner is very charming. I like that it gives insight into the business but also Ryan, who I do sometimes feel is the weakest of the interns. Which is insane because he's played by Gun Atthaphan, but there you go. I did like that he was brave enough to ask Jane about his feelings last ep, and I'm looking forward to seeing him more in his element (or at least what he's used to) next ep.
I really hope this show continues to impress.
1000 Stars - This is a rewatch for me as I roped a friend into watching for the first time. I warm up to this one more each time I watch it. The first time I was annoyed with Phupha's everything but I feel like I get him more and more as I go on. I also love a show that has heart (heh, this show has heart ror sure (and this is why we can't take me anywhere)) and this has a ton of it. It also amuses me whenever Phupha and Tian start doing their intense staring thing and there are other people around. I bet they're all just like "welp there they go again we've lost them, best go about our business" and leave them to it.
I also always forget Khaotung is in this one. Every time I watch I'm like "oh yeah" when he shows up. It's so funny to me.
Looking Forward To:
Peaceful Property (28 Aug) - Is it BL? Is it bromance? Who knows. Do I care? I...don't think so. Whatever the romance situation it looks like a ton of fun, and I am excited to see Tay back in glasses and to see this cast, especially doing comedy.
Kidnap (06 Sep) - This one also looks like fun. I love Ohm, Leng looks like he's doing a good job matching him, they seem to have good chemistry from the trailer. And pettily I'd watch this anyway because some of the shenanigans of certain fans have made me that annoyed. Good for me that it looks like something I'll like regardless, I guess.
Pluto (???) - GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME. It has been 84 years I am DYING here. If it doesn't get released this year I might actually cry, but I am hoping that it will.
There are others I am looking forward to (honorable mentions if you will): My Golden Blood, The Heart Killers, ReVamp (still a stupid title), Friendshit Forever, Hide & Sis, Us - but all of these are either not filming yet or so early into their schedule that I'm not letting myself get too excited for them. And for The Heart Killers especially I don't want this to be an Only Friends situation where I got really hyped and then was inevitably kind of disappointed (at first - I shook it off and came back around eventually lol). I just wanna go in there and have a good time - I'm excited to see that entire cast do a romcom, I think it'll be fun, and that's about all I want to expect out of it. I'll get excited when we get an air date.
Also thinking of picking up 4Minutes since it's on Gaga now, apparently. And maybe trying to find My Stand In since it's over and I can inhale those deliciously toxic fumes all in one (or two) sitting(s). And maybe, just maybe, poke around for BL and GLs outside Thailand, lol. I feel like it's been all Thailand all year for me when I used to watch JBLs and KBLs too.
Any recs?
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
what are some of the strengths and weaknesses of 1987 Michelangelo’s character? I have the hardest time writing for him outside of the super obvious “surfer bro” persona honestly
tbh,, I rarely write for 87... they're too witty,,, I have some wips but as far as writing the 87 boys are definitely not my strength
That said! 1987 Michelangelo! Love that guy. hmmm strengths and weaknesses
-he can be clueless at times. needs things explained multiple times or doesn't pick up on things other characters were counting on him picking up on. this can be a very useful for plot reasons, he can simply forget what he was told or not understand it and therefore fail to act on it
-very obsessed with pizza. more so than the other turtles
-along that vein, generally not difficult to distract
-hard to motivate. he mostly wants to make himself and those around him comfortable, and he's very good at finding simple easy ways to do that. So whatever task needs to be done for whatever other reason, better find a way to make it comfortable and fun, he has a high threshold. For example during training sometimes he would simply rather enjoy the nice weather and there is nothing Master Splinter or anyone else can say
-this goes with hard to motivate, but in the ep where Leonardo leaves and the others have to try to lead, when it's his turn he's just very passive. he is pretty good about knowing what needs done, but he is definitely not one to take charge, and more than likely he'll wait to be told what to do unless the situation is very urgent
-he does not enjoy watching pro-wrestling, to his brothers' dismay
-sweetest heart of all time. brings home injured animals, takes them to the zoo so he can learn about how to take care of them or give them to someone who can
-btw he can talk to animals
-often is the one tending to his brothers if they're sore after a battle. not first aid, but like fluffing a pillow or just patting their back. He probably holds their hand while antiseptic is applied. Definitely hugs them when they cry
-very loyal. throws a birthday party for Irma. never believes something bad he hears about someone he knows (he'll say "no way, amigo" if someone who isn't present to defend themselves is accused of literally anything)
-strong moral compass, AND
-the ability to communicate persuasively about what he thinks is right. More often than not he uses the same sentence (what you're doing is majorly wrongiouso) (or something like that siahdhsj), but it's the way he says it amd the timing that's important. He understands people, and as much as he always sees the best in them, he also knows how to bring out the best in them. Idk I don't think I'm explaining it too well, but... he's not just blindly trusting. Trust is a choice he makes out of kindness, but then he will hold people to a standard. Does that make sense?
-great with kids
-he's a good mediator, hears out both sides
-faces his fears (he has the most stage fright of them all but by the end of the ep where they appeared on camera he was also handling it the best)
-he can put his foot down when he needs to. very cool trait for the Nice Guy character to have, y'know?
-not afraid to emote! sobs openly because the stove is broken! hugs! speaks up when he is upset! expresses joy for the little things! 🧡
-psychic (i think? probably? might not know it? i remember feeling like it was implied but I'd have to go find the episode(s) alskjdjvf) (pretty sure it wasn't explicit but like. he's psychic okay)
-so much patience
-everyone loves the way he talks. they're always mimicking him. i remember one time when Leonardo asked a question, Michelangelo was standing right there, and Donatello literally said, "Well as Michelangelo would say" and then said what Michelangelo would say and was in fact about to say, then Michelangelo went to say it and got all confused alfjshsjj. Also Shredder will do this too! And you know you're good when Shredder copies you. He had aspirations of being a writer before he turned to villainy, you know (or maybe you didn't but now you do)
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illwynd · 1 year
What direction would you have enjoyed most for Thor and Loki after TDW?
I recall in the long dry years between TDW and TR, a large part of the conversation in the fandom around this topic was on how pissed off Thor would be when he learned that Loki hadn’t actually died and had kept that fact from him (or “faked his death,” however you wanna phrase it) and how much trust would have to be rebuilt. And there is definitely that aspect of it. I think there was trust that needed to be rebuilt on both sides, in fact, and many long-overdue conversations about everything that had gone wrong to get them to that point. Conversations about Loki’s ancestry and his miscalculation with the Destroyer and all the questions Thor didn’t ask when Loki reappeared and not visiting him in the cells and ancient resentments and so many other things. 
But most of the fandom, in the discussions I’ve seen, seems to have been hoping for resolution between them, for things to get all healed and tied up in a tidy little bow and have their character arcs just ride off into the sunset and… yeah, I don’t want that. I never wanted that. There is way too much emphasis these days on “healthy” and “wholesome” and, goddamn, like what are y’all doing looking at these two if you’re looking for therapist-approved wellbeing? You’re digging in the wrong place. (Something that I feel is carried over from Norse mythology into their characters is the idea that there is value and importance in lives that don’t have a Happily Ever After, worlds ending in destruction and final defeat but with a deep integrity to what mattered. The world doesn’t promise healing. Sometimes, living with the knowledge that things will not be fixed in the end but it all matters anyway, and the connections between people matter, and the ability to find flickering moments of joy amidst the sorrows… to me that is far better, far more fitting to who they are than any tidy, happy resolution could ever be.)
One of the things that I love about many of their comics arcs is the sense that while things do change between them over time, with different emphases coming into focus and into prominence, there is an essence to both of them that keeps them in perpetual conflict and ALSO keeps the love strong enough that neither of them ever wants to go their separate ways permanently. They both have their own lives, with Thor doing his best at heroing and Loki doing his best at being himself, but Their Relationship is a constant, and it’s nobody else’s business, and whether they’re on opposite sides in their daily lives doesn’t really factor into it. 
So basically, in my ideal world in which phase 3+ didn’t suck, TR would have involved some of those long-overdue conversations and some working together against a bigger bad, but the kiss-and-make-up would have been incomplete, like an unresolved chord at the end of a phrase of music. Loki would have disappeared again but this time making sure Thor knew he wasn’t dead, and he’d have popped up again from time to time, always with uncertain allegiances, to have a few poignant interactions with Thor, or to absolutely destroy some big bad that’s threatening Thor’s life but in the meantime doing something that makes it seem like he got some material gain out of doing so (just to keep everyone on their toes), and if anyone questions this in Thor’s presence you’d get a very stormy look and a subtle suggestion that he doesn’t have to be slumming it on Earth. 
Loki would be there to be The Most Important Person in Thor’s life even when he’s not physically present, and the niggling itch that never quite goes away from the fact that things aren’t resolved and may be unresolvable. (Having a relationship like that—where it is possible or likely that things can’t be fixed—is actually really important to telling Thor stories that have emotional weight. Resolving the relationship or making the question null through death cuts off so many of the important questions that cling to Thor in themes and resonances. To a character who embodies the virtue of striving for heroism and goodness, an unquenchable love for such a liminal character as Loki, whose moral standing flits all across the field at any given moment, and having Thor see that not as a problem, as a liability or an inconsistency but instead as a value in itself—that keeps Thor from becoming an insufferable, inflexible moral pedant.) And Thor—Loki’s love and devotion to Thor, mingled with his resentment of him and the lingering frayed edges of his trust and the centuries-old anger and desire to win against him just once—would be there to rest like a base color underpainted beneath everything Loki does in his schemes and clever workings and, a gnarled anchor or a rusted root, keep him from wandering too far afield.
And, I mean, they’re gods. If you carry any story on long enough it ends in death, but in a story of superheroes and modern legends, the gods should still be there in the end, at the edge of the tale, perhaps, but continuing nonetheless, spinning against the stars, the huge half-invisible shadows of giants bordering the far horizon, the cycles of their lives so much longer than ours.
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mamashenanigans · 4 months
AFO’s last words to Yoichi are great inspiration for what I’m already doing with his character in my fanfic ‘Urges’.
I went ahead and got this out of my head and felt I would share it with you all. This is the beginning of AFO’s POV in the 2nd chapter. The only difficult thing is that I decided to not give AFO a name in this fic, so I have to be careful to make sure readers understand who is talking and acting. Of course, I may introduce a name he gave himself for other people to call him, but I think it’s extra weird that he only wants Yoichi to call him Big Brother/Brother.
To read the first chapter, click here.
He hated when Yoichi was late.
The world outside their nice apartment may be rebuilding, but it still was nowhere near safe enough for his precious Yoichi. Small and frail as a result of the syndrome they experienced in the womb, his little brother was a prime target for those unbothered by the reconstruction efforts of the populace.
Yoichi has always been a positive boon to their lives. Even when they were barely making it on the streets of a derelict society. Somehow, his little twin always found beauty in the dank corners of alleyways, and held an innocent, ignorant belief in the good inside the pathetic people around them. The individuals that scurried around like the rats the brothers had begrudgingly accepted as housemates.
As obnoxious as it could be, he cherished those memories of Yoichi’s optimism.
One such recollection always brought a nostalgic smile to his face.
It had been a particularly bad winter for the region. Luckily, he had come upon a most needed meta ability involving fire. It was nothing spectacular, only good enough for a small flicker, barely able to light a insignificant pile of trash. There was plenty of litter in the large, overturned dumpster he had found hidden down a long alleyway. Holes in its rusted exterior allowed venting of the smoke and the brothers had enjoyed cooked vermin as sustenance.
It was a delicious upgrade compared to their usual consumption of the rodents raw. His earliest memories involved catching them. As a baby already capable of crawling, it had been up to him to use the spike meta power he had always had to skewer the rats. He would then use the same power as teeth to mush up their bodies and bring the food to his frail, underdeveloped twin. Spitting up the pile in front of Yoichi, he would guide his mouth to the chewed up meat and pat his twin’s head as he eagerly consumed the slop.
The larger twin had fallen asleep late the night prior, but awoke with a start at the dinging sound of rain upon the decaying metal of their humble home, his arms empty of the person he normally awoke next to.
Yoichi was gone.
In a frenzy, he irrationally dug through trash in the dumpster to find him. With no luck, he had scurried out into the alley, whipping his head to and fro, scanning the lane for a mop of white hair. The atmosphere was muggy, even the young boy could feel the start of spring herald by a thread of warmth amongst the fall of water.
Then he finally found him.
Yoichi stood in the middle of the open street beyond their alleyway home. The older one’s building anger was extinguished as the melodic giggles of his small twin reached his ears. As he moved closer, he could clearly see Yoichi’s hands outstretched towards the overcast sky, his gleeful laughter starting and stopping as he filled his mouth with the naturally filtered water.
“Little! What?” Their vocabulary was small and raw like the meat he used to dine on, but enough for the tiny twin to be momentarily startled out of his merriment. His visage quickly changed back to one of pure joy.
“Brother! Wet! Good!” Yoichi clapped his hands then signaled for his older brother to come closer.
Unlike his twin, the eldest was on constant alert. Once one foot stepped out from the safety of their side street, he immediately scanned the open area for potential threats, eyes wide like a prey animal.
Yoichi grabbed his hand and pulled him out with him, pointing at the sky and smiling at his large brother. That smile. Wide and toothy. Filled with such wonder and naivety. One of the few things in this terrible existence that warmed him regardless of the season or the chill in the air.
“Brother! It pretty! Pretty! Watch!” Yoichi raised one hand to the sky now, his other clasped in his brother’s hand.
But he didn’t watch the sky nor the rain. His eyes were trained only on his precious twin.
“Yes. Pretty,” he whispered as he continued to gaze upon him though the other’s eyes were entranced by the shimmering drops. He allowed his twin to look at something other than himself. Maybe just this once.
Yes. His precious Yoichi is so pretty.
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word-scribbless · 11 months
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Opie X female OC (Dakota/Kodi)
Summary: Opie and his love talk about her feeling towards his Donna tattoo (it’s very sweet and fluffy)
Note: It’s been FOREVER since I posted and this is a new character and show for me to post about. I have probably a hundred half written SOA fics (most about happy) but this one just really hit me as something I needed to post so enjoy!
Kodi and opie lay in bed after an incredibly busy day and maybe finally in joying each other. She lay facing the man that never fails to make her smile and very satisfied. They had been together for almost 3 years now.
The first 2 they didn’t label what they were they just knew they needed and loved each other. Kodi was happy with that and it was what Opie needed then. After losing Donna and the mess that was how his relationship with Lyla ended, it was nice to just focus on the feelings not the expectations. I was Kenny and Ellie that finally pushed them to put a name to what they were.
The kids loved Kodi (or Koko and they lovingly named her) and her ability to add to their lives with out making things weird. A feat Opie was baffled by.
As they laid there Kodi began tracing her finger over his many tattoos as he watches her. Her finger trails over his tattoo of his wife with DONNA in beautiful through it. Asmile finds its way onto her face.
Ope breaks the post bliss silence “It never seems to bother you” she hears his deep voice rasp. Kodi’s eyes meet his and answers “It doesn’t. I like that you have it” she says lazily bringing a slightly confused smile to her biker’s face. “Why?” He can’t help but ask. Now it’s Kodi’s turn to look confused, thinking it’s obvious. “She’s a part of you opie, and this perfectly shows that.” She runs her fingers over the tattoo again. “She’s a part of this family and your life that should never and will never go away.” She tells him before adding, “Selfishly I like that I see a glimps of how you saw her and what she is to you.”
Opie can’t help the smile her words cause as he continues to listen to the woman in his arms. “I know I don’t really know her, or have the right to, but I’m thankful for all that you and the kids choose to share with me. “How are you real?” Opie whispers as he cups her cheek in his hand leaning to kiss her forehead in the way she loves.
Kodi only answers with a smile and small smirk before Opie recalls “I didn’t want to let you in at first…didn’t want you near the memory of her.” She sees the hurt of his past and slight guilt in his face.
Kodi nods kisses his nose. “I know and that was okay too… I’m honored to know what I do, but she’s yours and the kids fully. My only goal is to keep her memory alive for all of you, that doesn’t have to include me” she declares honestly.
Opie chuckled and said “you showed me pretty quick I could trust you with her.”
Causing Kodi to smile, and tear up just a little, knowing how much that statement meant from him.
They lay there snuggled for a few more minutes before opie says, “Do you ever get jealous?”
Kodi shrugs “Jealousy is a natural reaction… I think it’s more that I worry I won’t be enough for you guys.” She admits. “You had the love of your life, those beautiful kids had thier mom. I’m okay not being those things. I’m your Kodi and their koko and that’s exactly who I wanna be. Sometimes my brain just tells me you need more than I’ll ever be. But I’m never jealous of her or her memory.” She says looking up at the man she loves from his chest.
He brushes her hair from her cheek and says “Dakota there is no one on this planet as good for us as you.“ before pulling her up for a kiss and whispering, “I love you so much.”
“I love you” Kodi whispers back.
Opie, still holding her cheek says “i dont want you to not feel like you have my whole heart or aren’t the love of my life.” He says thinking about how much he loves knowing he has all of her.
She surprises him with a beaming smile before confidently saying “I’m a love of your life and I’m happy with that. Plus if I’m sharing your heart I’m glad it’s with Donna, she sounds like she was a badass and incredible mom”
They both are smiling now as Opie answers “she was”, enjoying the fact that this woman in front of him can embrace the first woman he loved.
“She will always be a welcome topic and presence in this life I share with you,and I will forever leave space for her.” Kodi says before reaching to run her hand over his tattoo again “So that’s why the tattoo doesn’t upset me. I want you to always have her.” Opie’s smile somehow turns serious and loving at the same time before kissing her and saying “I don’t know what I did to deserve you”. Kodi smiles while answering “you loved me” again this lips.
“always.” Opie tells her before Kodi adds “forever” before pulling him back into a kiss.
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leonenjoyer69 · 4 months
I really love your art and your artstyle!!! I'm trying to learn to draw and I'm struggling to find a way to draw faces and especially eyes that I like, could you maybe share some tips on how you draw faces because omg I am so in awe of how cool your art looks! :D
Honestly, the best advice I can give is to study tf out of art styles you like, bc that's exactly what I did with TGS. The amount of pages I just stared at and tried to lowkey memorize is ungodly, and once I started drawing the characters and trying to emulate sage's style, I kinda just kept getting better from there. My ability to draw poses and full body stuff also got exponentially better VERY quickly, TGS is just magic like that, I swear.
Also, for eyes specifically, referencing each characters eyes and testing different expressions is kinda the way to go. I use my physical copy of Vol 1 a LOT for referencing (especially for Hyde and Lanyon)
(A LOT more under the cut lmao)
Also, just drawing headshots of the characters over and over helps too, especially in pen! I have literal DOZENS of random 5- 10 minute pen doodles. The nice thing about the pen stuff is that, yeah, youll mess up a lot and not be super satisfied with most of them, but it forces you to be a bit more careful about how you place things and steadier with you hand, at least in my experience.
(The sillies)
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See? Most of them really suck, but they made me pay a lot more attention to what I was doing and what I wanted to do. It also helped me grasp quirks of the characters and drawing expressions a lot better. Plus, this isn't even all of them, I've got a bunch more in a little envelope I made.
Also, looking on Pinterest for pose references probably would also help, or taking pics of yourself for reference, but I'm built different (stubborn and lazy) so I rawdog my anatomy and poses 🗣️🗣️
Otherwise, I can also give a little doodle example with Whole Jekyll on how I currently draw in pencil and such :3
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Start with circle, then give it a nice center line and chin
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Then I throw in the neck and shoulders (which tend to change a decent bit bc anatomy is hard), the eye line, which goes through the middle of the circle, and then I like to do a line down the chest to figure out which way I want him pointing, since he's at a tilt. I also change this quite often, along with where I want the face pointing lmao. Once I've figured out direction, I draw the nose starting at the bottom of the circle and up to the eye line. I also then draw the top of the eyes first. The eye line (and apparently the center line 💀) is of course a suggestion, and I tend to mess around with the eye shape until it looks mostly right.
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Then the bottoms of the eyes and the pupils get thrown in, which I have to redraw pretty often to try and make them match better. I also usually leave the eyes blank bc I'm lazy af and can't draw pupils too well, I will shade them tho and that makes them look better.
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Then bbg gets ears (which I usually start around the corners of the eyes and go down to just above the little curve of the jaw), eyebrows (also just mess around with these til they look right) and a mouth (I HATE drawing mouths 😋😋), then they get their hair (also have to redraw a bunch)
Also, to show Whole Jekylls other eye, I pinned his hair back, so there's a treat, Whole Jekyll enjoyers <3 bbg can fully see 😍 (Mind Lanyon probably forced him too)
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Then I shade his eyes, give him clothes and fix up any quick things that were bothering me (in this his nose) and go back with the edge of a rectangle eraser and get those guidelines and extra lines out (sometimes they're still a little visible, but maybe just don't draw them as heavy handed as I do 💀) and Bada Bing Bada boom! Doodle done :3 of course its not the best, but it doesn't have to be, thats the joy of doodles
Heres another good pic to kinda show how I use my guidelines (and how messy my doodles usually are, it's part of my charm guys, I swear--)
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Otherwise like, my progress shots for drawings look goofy af lmao, like--
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Messy af, incorrect proportions, wrong anatomy, eugh. just takes time (and a lot of redrawing) to get to the final pieces.
But yeah!!! Eyes are annoying, it just takes a lot of tweaking and repetition.
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Like, I redrew some of these eyes a decent few times and some of them are still off, like cmon Lanyon, why you gotta be so hard for me to draw 💔
Anyways!!! Thats probably the best I can offer right this second lmao, sometimes I kinda wish I could record drawing and stuff but I don't do stuff purely digital often enough to. I do have a full speed paint for that drawing of Jekyll in Hydes mind clothes tho, so idk maybe I'll share that if anyone wants me to lmao.
But yeah! Thank you so much for the ask and the kind words, I hope this helps! or is at least entertaining lmao
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Got another question that might result in another novel-long response:
I learned "the truth" about Torts from RSV recently. How would the RSV townies react to walking in on the Farmer casually having a full-on conversation with Torts? Like they're talking about some deep, profound shit and playing with the water in his pond all the while treating him as if he actually understands what they're saying. He does, of course, but they don't know that, lol.
(maybe include vanilla SDV, and SVE characters, if you so choose :3)
I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by this turn of events with Torts :D
Got a lot of residents, so hopefully you won't mind if it's exclusively Ridgeside Village characters here. I also decided not to add Ray and Belinda because (⚠️ spoilers!), they have a special event where they learn the truth about Torts, hee hee... Anyway, thanks again for the question! Enjoy 🫰💕
The people of Ridgeside Village react to the Farmer talking to Torts:
This is no surprise to Keahi, Trinnie and Yuuma - the children themselves often talk to Torts when they are caring for or playing with him. And even if it's just ordinary chatting like "do you like these leaves, Torts?" or "how are you doing, Torts?" rather than philosophical conversations, most of the words of which the trio doesn't know yet, it's not strange for them. Even the opposite, the same Yuuma will thank Farmer for keeping the turtle company while he and the others were busy. Keahi and Trinnie will jump on the spot with joy, because yay, Torts has another friend!
"Yo, are you talking to a turtle? If you want, I can keep you company, hee hee!" Oh, here comes Blair. The curious girl couldn't pass up the opportunity to find out why Farmer was talking to Torts like that. Huh, that's a little silly. Especially since Farmer might enjoy talking philosophy with her, their future wife.... Okay, she's just kidding! Doesn't really pay much attention to Farmer's weirdness, except as an opportunity to tease them a bit.
The Amethyne family, accompanied by servants, happen to catch Farmer with Torts discussing about philosophical matters, and everyone's reaction is... different. Maive, for example, will be annoyed that the current youngsters are wasting their time, Louie will start muttering about how strange and idiot Farmer is, Irene and Zayne will be slightly concerned about Farmer's mental state. Sonny will remain unemotional, but deep down will be glad that the young farmer respects fauna (albeit a bit strange), and Ariah will find Farmer's conversation interesting and would like to discuss the complex topics of sociology, epistemology and ontology (it's a pity she is completely immersed in her studies tho).
The situation was so unusual that even Daia didn't tease Farmer, and only listened interestedly to what Farmer was telling the ordinary turtle. Questions about life and death, the flow of time.... Hmm, strange. The girl's gut tells her that something is not right. She's dying to find out what's going on... But after she does tease the Farmer a bit! *giggle*
The weird and annoying Farmer does weird and annoying things, and as long as it doesn't involve Dr. Aguar - he doesn't care at all. However, if he knows that the Farmer has an innate magical gift, he might be a little interested in it. Maybe they have the gift of talking to all animals? Aguar wouldn't mind using such an ability in his next experiments...
Aguar's assistant, Maddie, would just roll her eyes and snort at the stupidity of the situation. Talking to a turtle - they must have a lot of free time to spend on such absurdity... Don't you dare, Farmer, to even think about distracting her from work!
Hah, Jeric had never thought of talking to animals as something out of the ordinary, because the young man often cooed with his hens on the farm, but discussing questions about immortality and universal power was something new even for him. And it's as if the Farmer is waiting for the turtle to answer. A little confused, but leaves Farmer and Torts alone without giving it much attention.
"Um... Everything okay, Farmer?" Walking together, Paula and Anton worriedly glanced at each other, not knowing how to react to this. It just looked to them as if Farmer, unable to bear being alone, had started talking to the turtle. Taking a seat next to Farmer, Anton will awkwardly start a conversation, trying to see if Farmer is okay while Paula, sitting on the other side, observes Farmer's behaviour and reactions. Both convinced that Farmer is okay, they reminded lastly that they can always talk to them.
"Oh, it's a... little weird, but we won't bother you..." Shanice, Richard, Pika, Malaya, and Rorenzo were trying to be as polite as possible to Farmer, who is talking directly to the turtle. At the same time, Ezekiel, Burt, Olga, and Bryle will sincerely make a WTF face and ask what's wrong with Farmer. A group of residents that were trying to be polite, slightly shush the other group so they don't hurt Farmer's feelings. Well, they talk to the turtle, so what? That's no reason to be mean to them.
To be honest, the first thing Philip wanted to do when he saw such an unusual situation was to check on Farmer's condition. Because it's very hot today, and wonder if Farmer might be a little sick..... No offense to him, the doctor's instincts in him kicked it harder, so he decided to check on Farmer's health just in case. Well, as long as all is well, then Phillip won't keep Farmer from socializing with the, uh, turtle.
Lenny is sure to get a laugh out of this situation. "I see you've decided to befriend absolutely everyone here, ha ha!" Even though she is teasing the youth, deep down she is happy to see that the newly arrived farmer, whom Lewis had earlier praised, treats not only people but animals as well with kindness and respect.
Interesting, but Flor, Kiarra and June will ask permission to join Farmer to talk about different topics. Their dialogue with the turtle seemed quite interesting, and they would like to answer Farmer's questions directed towards Torts (which the turtle won't answer, naturally). Who would have thought such an interesting discussion could happen near a small turtle pond. Weird? Oh no, they don't think Farmer is weird.
"Don't even try to offer fish. He's quite fussy about food I gave him... Aye, did give this turtle some nice pollock - I could eat that fish myself!" Carmen will only smile radiantly at the Farmer, who will sit next to the turtle pond and play with the water. In the eyes of the industrious fisherman, the Farmer is exactly like her hija, not averse to playing, and therefore not at all surprised at the Farmer playing with Torts.
Man, Sean would have loved to stay with Farmer and ask why they were chatting and hanging out with a turtle.... Except Ian grabbed his coworker by the collar of the shirt, urging Sean back to their office. So much work and packages to do - and Sean's picking on the Farmer and the turtle! Ian doesn't have time to find out what Farmer is doing, and no, Sean, you don't have time either.
"Maybe he's... hungry? We've already had some fruit ripening." Kimpoi is still making attempts to learn how to communicate with people again without worry, but the situation where Farmer is discussing the meaning of life with the turtle caught him off guard. Well, he's trying at least...
"Good day to you, young adventurer." Given that Lola and Freddie had seen a lot of strange things in their line of work, a farmer talking to a turtle was not unusual for them. Though they themselves were assassins in their youth, the couple has seen all sorts of adventurers wielding magic: the elements of nature, the invisible, talking to animals and trees.... So Freddie and Lola just smile at the farmer politely.
"Farmer, I think your friend has left you." Shiro thought that Farmer was talking to one of the residents, and didn't even notice the person they were talking to was no longer with Farmer. Recognizing that it was the turtle they were talking to, Shiro let out a quiet "ok" and walked away.
"What are you doing, Farmer?" Faye, Ysabelle, Corine, and Alissa were discussing what dresses they would wear to the next party as Corine noticed Farmer sitting near a small pond. The girls literally take an interest in Farmer and Torts for a couple minutes, and then immediately leave Farmer alone and move on to more important matters. Except that Alissa will offer some fresh fruit or berries from the farm for the cute turtle, and Corine will offer some lettuce leaves that were definitely left at Pika's restaurant.
"Kiwi tried to climb on the turtle's back. Kiwi wanted to go for a ride! The turtle got angry and threw Kiwi off..... Kiwi will get revenge! Got knives!" Kiwi keeps her distance, watching Farmer and the Torts, but doesn't dare come any closer. After the 'Torts Rodeo' ended in failure, Kiwi still holds a grudge against the turtle. And will now keep an eye on Farmer: what if they and turtle are evil duo?
Depending on how well Jio knows Farmer, his reaction will be different : if they barely know each other and Spirit's Realm is still under Gabriella's control, Jio will just think Farmer is an idiot. But, after all the events... Hmm, there's a reason Farmer would be talking to a random turtle.... He need to follow up on that.
Kenneth remembers how he too used to mumble about his inventions to his dog, Buddy. Buddy always barked happily at all the stories his master told him. Kenneth misses him so much..... Farmer's philosophical discussion with the turtle reminded the electrician for these times. He felt a little sad at the memory. And no, it wasn't strange to him that the new Farmer was chatting with the turtle.
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kris-mage-fics · 7 months
1,3, 4, 24 and 25 for Kyrahlise and Blade for the OCxLI OTP asks!
When I saw your ask I had to do a double-take, because I figured that you’d ask about Kyrah and Chase! But Kyrahlise and Blade are fun too! And so frustrating before they get together, lol! Now, without further adieu, here are the answers to the Romance Asks *dramatically gestures towards the answers*
1. What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
Blade was drawn to Kyrahlise because she’s kind, hardworking, always trying to do what’s right, and keeps improving her combat abilities and magic. She also acts like she feels at ease around him and teases him. (Which gets to my headcanon that he likes it when people aren’t afraid of him and act normal around him.) 
Kyrahlise was drawn to Blade because despite all he’s done and seen, he’s still very kind and considerate. Also he’s incredibly fun to tease! He respects her abilities and knowledge, and she feels safe speaking her mind to him because he gives what she has to say due thought. What seals the deal is in Chapter 4 when he’s so angry about what happened to her. It’s been a long time since anyone has given a shit if she were safe, or wanted to protect her.
3. When they are having a fight, what is it about and how do they deal with it? 
The number one thing these two would fight about is Kyrahlise feeling like Blade is overprotective of her, and Blade feeling like she is too independent and reckless. Once Kyrah understands just how scared he is of losing her, and that he needs to know she’s safe, she’s going to take a long hard look at how she acts. She’ll agree to work on making her safety a higher priority, and communicating better before she runs off. When Blade realizes that she feels a little stifled and like he doesn’t fully trust her, I’m sure he’ll agree to reign in his protectiveness to some degree. Of course it’s something they both have to work on to find a balance, but they will eventually.
The silly thing about this argument is that she likes that he’s protective, and he likes that she’s independent and wants to tackle problems! They just both think the other takes it too far.
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other?
According to Lena, romanced!Blade loves MC’s eyes, hair, and lips (or just face in general), and we know he’s into a nice butt! I change my mind regularly as to which is his favorite, but right now I'm going to say her eyes!
Kyrahlise loves Blade’s smile! It fills her with joy to see him happy and relaxed enough to genuinely smile. She has an internal ‘got the stoic, ex-assassin to smile’ counter! Overall she thinks he’s a very beautiful and handsome man, but his smile is her favorite.
24. Is there any moment that happens between them that you know happens and just makes you melt? 
One time Kyrahlise sat on Blade’s lap briefly as he’s working to tell him something and give him a little kiss before getting up to read. (He’s a head taller than her, so she uses whatever she can to make it easier to kiss him!) But Blade doesn’t want her to go, so she’s like “fine, I’ll just read here” thinking that he’ll eventually get tired of her sitting on his lap. (She severely underestimates how much he likes having her close, lol) But he’s warm, and she feels very safe and cozy, so she falls asleep. Since he doesn’t want to wake her up, he stops working. And he’s probably having a hard time not staring at her because he thinks she’s very cute!
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship.
As soon as Blade lets her, Kyrahlise starts cutting his hair. She secretly thinks his haircut is atrocious. Though once she gives him a better haircut she realizes she played herself because now he looks even more handsome! (Kyrah’s been cutting her own hair since her mother died. Most people can’t be trusted to cut curly hair right, and she’s a touch vain about her hair.)
They trade books of poetry with each other and then talk about which ones they like and why. It’s like a little book club with just the two of them!
Blade’s office stops looking quite so bare, because Kyrahlise makes him some art to put up. If anyone dares to criticize it or make any disparaging remarks about it in his presence they get his death glare!
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