#he's very anti-religion tho.
eldritch-nightmare · 5 months
Okay this is kind of random(and I may have missed it but oh well)
But like is Liu really religious? And if so what religion?
Again I may have missed somewhere where you wrote about it but I'm just genuinely curious now
i'm pretty sure he is?? a lot of the art i've seen of him involves religious imagery, and the only reason he survived is bc he was able to choke jeff w his rosary.
i personally view him as religious, at least. i view him as a non-practicing catholic, but you can make him believe in whatever religion, or lack thereof, that you want.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 13 days
read amebedkars the annihilation of caste, plus arundhati roys book-length historical preface. in honesty i prolly learned more from the latter, which is more than anything a screed against the cult of gandhi as mahatma, tho she does give the impression of a writer willing to selectively present historical facts to paint a narrative. still, its facts shes painting with, and in many cases its very hard to imagine any context that could exonerate gandhi from the relevant charges. certainly a helpful pov to finally read in depth rather than as offhand iconoclastic remarks
the speech itself i think left me more flummoxed. ambedkar is at his best when he is railing against the evils of the caste system and the implausibility of various defences and concessions made on its behalf. this is a pretty easy pitch for me tho, growing up as a westerner without any reason to be invested in the chatuvarna. its like the cagot, such an obviously perverse system from an external vantage point that it hardly seems fair to award credit for thoroughly denouncing it unless youve been raised to see it as natural. still, its very stirring as a bit of skewering, especially of the "moderate" and "reformist" casteist positions it attacks, and of the "caste-blind" socialists and liberals who ignore the internal divisions and acrimony the caste system imposes on their envisioned base
he is more compelling as a symptomatologist than as a diagnostician or prescriber/prognostician. he takes by the end what seems like a maximally anti-"materialist" view of the causes of the persistence of the caste hierarchy: the social phenomenon of caste is due entirely to vedic dogmatism, to the point that advocating social rather than doctrinal reforms (primarily: inter-dining and inter-marriage) is futile and self-defeating. this is the context for his remarks about the need to reject the authority of the shastras. this interpretation of the basis of caste discrimination is accompanied by a shocking proposed solution: a purified and democratised hinduism as a state religion, whose new priesthood and scripture/dogma are to be administered by the state itself. only thus can the plague of casteism be stamped out effectively at the root (retrograde religious beliefs)
the blow of what reads to my own usamerican sensitivities as a brand of revolutionary theocracy and state control of religion is somewhat softened by his apparent lack of ambition in implementing it. he is upfront that he thinks the kinds of anti-caste reform he is advocating are simply impossible in the face of hindu society, a demoralisation bolstered in part by a top-down view of social change on which it is only possible as guided by a societys intellectual class—which he identifies with the class least incentivised to upend the system: the brahmins. obviously i had seen ppl draw the analogy between usamerican antiblack racism and indian dalit suppression, but it had never occurred to me that the topic would invite the obvious caste analogue of afropessimism
on the topic of ambedkars predictions about the future of hindu society, its sort of interesting to place him in the context of the current ascendancy of hindutva on the subcontinent. where ive seen ppl (roy in the preface included) speak of modi and ambedkar in the same breath, its usually (when not simply whitewashing ambedkar) been to take him on board as an ally against the hindutva menace. but im not sure how well the text of the annihilation of caste supports that reading? not in terms of what ambedkar would think of modi and hindutva, ofc; its not at all hard to imagine which side he would come down on there. but at the core of much of his criticism of the caste system is its inflexibility and incompatibility with a modern, cohesive, mobilised nation state and nation-building project. a house divided against itself etc etc. on his view, the system introduced social resentments and hostilities too deep to permit a hindu identity that could effectively unite the national public. one is inclined to say: would that it were so!
anyway these are just rough first thoughts, its very much not a topic where ik a huge amount. still wanted to put them on paper for an audiencxe, just to help clarify them to myself more than anything
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sidebaxolotl · 3 months
If this isn't too personal, how did you come to Christ?
If this comes off disjointed or rambly im sorry lol.
Uhh when me and Sibling were really young we did go to church. Did not understand anything that was going on but I do recall wanting to know more and wanting to know God. I understood the concept of sin and being a sinner and i know i didn't want to be that. I considered myself Christian at that time but I probably wasn't tbh. I did pray a lot tho.
Up until high school i was basically living that same nominally Christian life--i was aware of my bible, didn't read it. Family stopped going to church years ago. I was hanging around a lot of athiests and it was that cringe ahh era of anti-sjw youtube which had a lot of athiests as well. Didn't really agree with the anti Christian things they were saying but i was very bothered by the fact that i couldnt refute any of it. No one i knew irl could answer my questions and i couldn't find anything. It was extremely distressing for me. Like if God was real then it should be able to be demonstrated and proven. Theology should be able to be defended.
Became agnostic for like. 10 minutes. It just felt so wrong and bad like in my body that i was like Nope Not Doing that. Basically stayed Christian out of spite during this period of my life but desperately begged God to show me proof that He was real.
Skip to college: I joined a really solid college ministry and discovered based Christian tumblr. My mentor and a bunch of tumblr Christians were able to answer all my questions and teach me about the faith. I was serving in that church and consistently reading my bible and hearing the gospel. I wanted to believe so bad but I wasn't sure I did. Not bc i believed that Christianity wasnt true, but because I doubted my own belief in the truth.
I remember the moment I really believed though. I was chilling in my freshman dorm on my laptop, reading about apologetics. And i think id found like a list of arguments for the existence of God. I read them and like. Something clicked in my head. Like my whole world shifted. I ran outside and was just staring at everything like God made that!! And that!! And me!! Like the full weight that nothing could exist without God hit me with full force and I couldnt go back to thinking or even existing the way I had before. I also remember calling my parents and excitedly trying to explain everything I'd learned to them and also just repeating God is real over and over. I probably sounded crazy and they definitely did not understand what i was saying but they seemed happy for me. I knew if God was real then the gospel and Christianity had to be true. No other religion compared.
Not too long after that, the head pastor at the time called me and asked if I wanted to be baptized and join the church. I was still a little doubtful of my own belief--what i didnt realize was that I was putting my trust in God to be who He said he was and do what He said He said he would do despite my unbelief, which is what true faith entails--but I said yes. I met with my mentor and pastor. They shared the gospel with me again, and I was baptized.
I didnt realize i was gay until like a couple years after that but yeah thats the story :)
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none-house-left-grief · 5 months
no please share your Bloodbourne AU with us….im glad im not the only one thinking about this
Hey sorry I'm only getting to this now! I never get asks for this blog so I don't bother checking often.
I don't have any particularly detailed thoughts, and a lot of things just don't fully add up unless you ignore some lore on both ends but here's re a few ideas I've had (they're all just very very obvious connections tbh they're not super interesting I think):
Obviously the religion of the Ninth is the Healing Church
The Cathedral Ward, specifically Oedon Chapel, would be the Ninth/Drearburh equivalent
It gets a bit complicated when we get to talking about the Lyctors, Resurrection Beasts, and BoS, however
I think the best option for BoS to be would be the hunters (Wake being the much sexier and much much less creepy version of Gherman (would that make Pyrrha Lady Maria?) as the leader/founder)
The Byrgenwerth Scholars could be the Lyctors (or necromancers more broadly)
The Lyctors would be the known bosses and scholars we know of (Maria, Micolash, Rom, etc.) although they could also include hunters like Gascoigne
The RBs would be the bosses that are not human (Amygdala, Blood Starved Beast, (potentially Vicar Amelia idk how I feel about including her tbh)
Here's the tricky part:
John and Alecto could be Willem and Laurence, but I see Jod as Laurence in this (because he would use the blood (which in this case it would be the necromantic equivalent ig??) to "help" people but Alecto would not vibe with it)
However Willem was essentially the founding figure of Byrgenwerth, which, if we didn't do a 1:1 comparison could also work
Laurence could also be Anastasia the First, being the respective founders of their churches
Another issue is that I don't know what to make of the necro/cav duos. Admittedly, this is what makes the AU fall apart for me a little, although I'm sure there's a way to make it work
The easiest thing to do would be to make them Hunters, but then the BoS thing would have to be different
We could pull a Soul Eater and have the cavs be the Hunter weapons because the healing church also has hunters, but that doesn't quite fit for me
The Cainhurst Vilebloods could be the BoS equivallent, going against the church founded under Laurence/John
This lets the hunters be necromancers and their cavaliers, provided they hunt in pairs
This also lets Pyrrha be Maria and have some ties to BoE through Wake
Some characters might not have direct connections tho
Nona is hard to account for on account of the whole Nona thing
Characters like Patches don't seem to fit with tlt either
The House system would have to be potentially scrapped, although they could be allied/paired off based off of branches from the Scholars
Magic is also a challenge, as the closest thing are the Arcane Hunter Tools and Blood which isn't the same as necromancy (especially not TLT necromancy with the intricacies of the River, thanergy and thallergy, etc.)
Lyctorhood would also be a challenge, although it could be as simple as "the soul/body/blood is absorbed when 'ascended'" or something
The whole "Bloodborne is full of references to the horrors of womanhood and pregnancy and femininity and blood" thing also doesn't fit quite as neatly with tlt because it has a more anti-imperialist bend to it and gender-fuckery happens, but it's not quite like in Bloodborne
For this reason, the whole Pthumerian part of the lore doesn't fit in any way that's easily apparent to me, although I'm open to ideas on all of this, particularly I would love to find a way to fit Queen Yharnam into all this without just making her Wake because they're both the only ones who are prego.
Anyway yeah that's about it lmao hope it's as interesting as you thought it would be
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
I was not on leftbook, entirely, but my friend joined a leftbook messenger group chat for mutual aid and communism and stuff, typical anti-cap, and since I had messenger app (to talk to friend), I joined the group chat and bruh I remember the antitheist, the body shaming, the anti-sex work, intersexism, etc. there was a conversation about religion at some point, religion and faith and one of the group chat leaders there was atheist and he said there would be no room for ANY religion post-revolution because “all we have is each other, not some fake person in the sky”, and I was like “okay but for some, they Need that faith and for many, their faith and religion actually inspires the hope needed to do xyz” “no they don’t because all religion is *blah blah*”. It made me feel incredibly uncomfortable because that meant Islam and Judaism would be obsolete in this persons dream world. I remember the barely disguised antisemitism, tho I wasn’t, at the time, as learned about antisemitism because I only knew The Big Stuff and was tbh still really just barely leaving libertarianism at this point. (I knew it was bad but I was raised to believe that was the only possible actuality, so I didn’t believe in it to be a good thing, just inescapable necessity so I was trying to learn how to challenge capitalist thoughts by being around leftists and then realized leftists are whew god VERY racist, antisemitic, and ableist). There were some good ones in the chat too but yikes.
oh yeah leftbook was so fucking antisemitic it was actually nuts. one of my jewish friends was called a racist bc they said that there were some antisemitic tropes in a song that came out that everyone was raving about. i’m like 75% sure it was a kanye song which like is hilarious considering he’s a nazi sympathizer now and has been deeply racist and antisemitic for years. but yeah. being a jew in leftbook was scary.
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mothgardens · 8 months
it is 2am and i am feeling so much sam winchester love rn so here is a list of taylor swift songs i think resonate with him:
1. Anti-Hero
I feel as tho all the lyrics work towards his character.
Mr. Samuel “It’s me, Hi, I’m the problem it’s me… everybody agrees,” Winchester
I should not be left to my own devices -> Dean constantly implies that Sam shouldn’t be left to figure things out on his own. He does this so much that Sam actually confronts him about it, multiple times.
I wake up screaming from dreaming -> Sam used to wake up from his visions freaked the hell out.
The second verse is also very fitting; he always felt like a freak or monster compared to everyone else.
2. Clean
I think it works really well for his addiction arc because the song is about toxic relationships (aka RUBY).
The drought being the worst -> Being locked in Bobby’s panic room.
The flowers that we grown together died of thirst -> The powers that grew and developed during his addiction and slowly disappeared when he was sobering.
I screamed so loud but no one heard a thing -> Sam was shouting and banging for hours down in the panic room and no one came to check on him until he was quiet.
Ten months older, I wont give in. Now that i’m clean, I’m never gonna risk it -> He never went back
3. Nothing New
Honestly, the whole reason this song is on the list is because of the lyric:
How can a person know everything at 18, but nothing at 22 -> Sam left for Stanford at 18. That was his first taste of freedom; it was his first time deciding something for himself. He was his own person. He had finally escaped. But, then at 22, Dean came and brought him back in. Jess dies. Everything feels lost again.
In general, I think Sam has lost of teenage girl vibes to him tho. This is probably self projection, but I think its true and this is MY analysis so <3.
4. My Tears Ricochet
This song is about Sam and John’s Stanford fight, and general dynamics that they share.
This one is going to get it’s own in depth, dedicated post <3 but some highlights are:
Even on my worst day, did i deserve, all the hell you gave me -> Sam was a child. No matter how arrogant or frustrating he could be, John should have never been so harsh on him. Telling your kid to never come back just because he wants to go to college is INSANE.
And I can go anywhere I want, just not home -> THIS LINE IS SO AHHHHHHH SAMMY.
Cursing my name, wishing i stayed -> John. John. John. Cursing Sam to never return, while simultaneously wishing he had never left.
Cause when I’d fight you used to tell me I was brave -> Parallel, John telling Sam he being brave on a hunt VS John condescendingly saying Sam was being brave for standing up to him.
You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same -> John realizing that Sam might have to die if nothing changes. John giving that responsibility to Dean by giving his life for Dean’s; selfless selfishness.
5. Mirrorball
Mr. Samuel “And when I break, it’s in a million pieces” Winchester
I’m still on that tightrope, I’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me -> Sam continuously tries to do his best under every circumstance. Even though most of the people around him have such little faith in him. He won’t stop trying.
And I’m still a believer, but I don’t know why -> His faith is God and the stereotypical Christian religion in general throughout the series fascinates me. He has very little reason to keep his faith, but he does. Even in later seasons, I think it was s11, when he prays and believes that Lucifer’s visions are actually messages from God.
I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try try try -> Sam doesn’t actually know what he is doing. He uses his training, but that only can get you so far in mental battles with Lucifer or physical battles with God. He does what he thinks is right. He just wants to help.
6. This Is Me Trying
This is also in the works of developing its own post. Highlights include:
I didn’t know if you’d care if i came back, i have a lot of regrets about that -> Sam never got to know if Dean wanted him back. All that time spent at Stanford he had to wonder if his father and brother actually missed him or not.
Could’ve followed my fears all the way down -> This just screams Lucifer trauma to me
THEY TOLD ME ALL MY CAGES WERE MENTAL, SO I GOT WASTED LIKE ALL MY POTENTIAL -> *violently screams and shakes* The visions, Demon blood, Hallucifer, literally anytime Sam is struggling it is brushed off as him being too worked up about it. Dean literally COMPLAINED to Bobby about how much work it was that Sam was mentally ill. LIKE DUDE.
AND MY WORDS SHOOT TO KILL WHEN IM MAD, I HAVE A LOT OF REGRETS ABOUT THAT -> Sam does say shit that is hurtful. He does shit that is bad. It’s usually out of frustration from someone else’s actions towards him. AKA it’s usually towards Dean, when Dean belittles him.
pouring out my heart to a stranger, BUT I DIDNT POUR THE WHISKEY -> Sam vs Dean (this is NOT me belittling Dean’s alcoholism bc i get he has an issue)
That this is me trying, AT LEAST IM TRYING -> Again, Sam is just doing his best.
And it’s hard to be at a party when I when i feel like an open wound -> Sam has to just behave and go through his life normally even when he is struggling with abandonment, addiction, 180 years of every abuse imaginable and unimaginable, guilt, and just so much suffering.
It ’s hard to be anywhere when all i want is you, you’re a flashback -> Sam’s feelings about Jess. I constantly think about that scene in the impala when he tells Dean that he still thinks about her. It had been like twelve or more years. Its so painful.
please excuse my typos
i am yet but just a girl
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kienansidhe · 8 months
hi, im kienan! im the current host of the disaster hearts system. we are a korean american body with dissociative identity disorder and have had multiple diff hosts over the course of this blogs run. i or some variation of me have been host since around 2017-18ish. for transparencys sake, the body is 25+. do not ask abt age specifics please.
we are a survivor of csa trauma, parental abuse, religious and cult abuse, and generally very traumatized, and our experience of life is irrevocably colored by that lens.
we are disabled and unable to hold a job ever since we got long covid in april of 2020. we are fully dependent on our partners, working on our disability application, and still coming to terms with the reality of being probably permanently disabled.
unless otherwise specified it is probably some variation of kienan speaking.
i, kienan, am queer and i prefer to be addressed by strangers with he/they/it or fae/faeself pronouns. i dont rlly care which of those you use, tho, no need to rotate or anything.
some other labels that generally describe me: nonbinary, transmasc, gnc, cuntboy, [redacted], [redacted], femme, femboy, genderweird, bi, aro/ace with a couple exceptions, sex favorable, kink obligate, freak, degenerate, pervert.
i currently have 4 partners, referred to here as prettyboyfriend, nesting boyfriend, girlfriend/daddy, and moirail.
no dni, i think theyre stupid and the only ppl i would not want to interact would not respect dnis anyways lmao. if i have a problem with you i will just say so or block you or whatever.
some of my beliefs and what to expect on this blog are under the cut.
i believe in rehabilitation and compassion, full stop. yes, even for those people. i think that othering and dehumanizing others sucks, that thoughts do not define you (yes, even those thoughts), and that the only thing that matters is your actions.
i think callouts are never helpful, ever. ive literally never seen one do anything helpful or good.
i try my best to interact with others in good faith, and i expect the same in return.
we were homeschooled in a cult and our education was heavily ~moderated~ to keep us brainwashed, and every time i think ive rooted out all the misinfo new stuff comes up. please be patient with me if i ask stupid questions, i literally am stupid. i have so much literal actual brain damage. i will do my best to be open minded, i rlly want to learn!
i believe that the best ways to combat csa are better sex education, breaking down the sanctity of the nuclear family, youth liberation (more legal rights and self advocacy for children), and not clogging child abuse report portals with fucking fictional art, jesus h christ.
medicalization of identities sucks. sysmeds, transmeds, im sorry youre miserable but thats not an excuse for trying to make everyone else miserable with you.
labels are only useful insofar as they help you connect with others like you and form solidarity in order to combat systemic oppression. if labels make you angry or miserable, consider not taking them so seriously.
its okay to just dislike ppl. its not always that deep. trying to come up with moral reasons to justify disliking ppl is rlly fucking catholic.
dont talk to me abt christianity. im aware that my trauma affects my ability to be compassionate in this area, so im staying in my lane. in fact probably dont talk to me abt religion in general.
im not a proshipper or an anti i touch grass <3, HOWEVER:
antishipping / purity politics / anti-kink / whatever you wanna call it, ppl equating fictional depictions of Obvious Bad Things with condoning, supporting, or normalizing them in real life are fucking stupid and have done unbelievable amounts of damage that has now reached far beyond fandom and kink circles. get a life, for fucks sake.
ppl who call themselves proshippers and then go around harassing antis are fucking stupid and have lost the original spirit of the term proship / anti-anti, which hinged around not harassing or harming others over fiction. get a life, for fucks sake.
just be kind. dont be a dick. treat others how you wanna be treated. we are all traumatized but thats not an excuse to be cruel. leave the world better than you found it.
youre gonna make mistakes. you just are. youre not perfect and also the world is complex. remember that you cant help everyone. try your best but dont lose yourself in the process.
art is everything. the act of creation is holy. more progress is made by creating -- building communities, making art, growing plants, building houses, building relationships -- than by tearing things down. there is probably a time and place for violence, destroying oppressive systems, bombing weapons factories, but if we arent creating a positive, healthy society alongside the destruction we are just leaving fertile ground for new oppressive structures to take root. create. create. create.
many hosts has left a chaotic mess of tags on this blog but here are some we use pretty consistently:
#headspace: original posts. diary rambling, random thoughts, actual semi coherent opinions, anything
#my face: the body
#humans are good actually: reminders
#recovery things: mental health help
#important: there is so much stuff in this tag
#bookmark: too much here too lol
#feel better: just fluffy stuff
#vine: general funny video tag
#about, #me kin id, #i ghostwrote this post: stuff we relate to rlly hard + uquiz tags lol
#posts that are funnier when plural
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Question about religion & politics nowadays if it's within your purview. I have seen it said that Catholics are among the most liberal denominations within an expanded definition of Christian (tho opinions seem divided as to whether they, Jehovah's Witnesses & Mormons actually count as such). I remember a news show host telling a Reagan staffer that as a Catholic she wasn't part of the Religious Right. And I think you cited Steve Rogers Catholic background for his liberal politics.
Let’s be careful about this: I cited Steve Rogers’ Catholicism as an explanation for his partisan politics, which is a bit more complicated than ideological politics.
There is some important history behind this: ever since the first Irish Catholic immigrants started arriving in New York City in the 1840s, the Democratic Party became associated as the party that was open to Catholic voters, thanks largely to the efforts of Tammany Hall. This steady partisan identification could be remarkably fluid in terms of ideological content, as the Democratic Party made historic shifts on everything from the income tax to a national bank over the course of the late 19th century, and then changed even more dramatically with the advent of first Al Smith in the 1920s and the New Deal in the 1930s.
So within the context of the Catholic Church in the 1930s, a young Steve Rogers could have been exposed to a number of different ideological tendencies, from the Catholic Worker Movement on the left to pro-fascists like the blueshirts on the right. However, my strong belief - given that he was from New York City, that he was working-class, that his later politics were left-leaning, etc. - is that Steve Rogers grew up with very strong pro-New Deal politics in the home.
Tumblr media
As to whether Catholicism is the most liberal denomination in the U.S, it really depends on when you're talking about (Catholic voting behavior started to change in the 1970s when the Church began to emphasize anti-abortion politics in the wake of Roe v. Wade, although Catholic voters still tend to be more Democratic than Republican), who you're talking about (not only do white Catholics vote differently from non-white Catholics, but there's a sharp distinction between more conservative and more liberal Catholics), and what issues you're talking about (economic issues, abortion, gay rights, etc.).
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mx--mario85 · 23 days
Welcome to your worst nightmare, plaything...
(Welcome to my blog for MX maybe sometimes roleplay, who knows 🤷)
Anyways, here's what's I allow and don't allow...:
please be 13+...(this doesn't include Lucas since he's stuck here)
Any religion or beliefs or whatever it is you playthings call it...
The lgbtq, furries and therians and stuff of that sort...
Some ships or what not...(for example, powerland, power Forest and many others)
(I'll personally roleplay powerland for the most part)
12 and younger, young children irritate me...
Homophobic/transphobic, even tho I kill anyone, I at least respect this stuff...
Discrimination on anyone's beliefs or religions, let people believe what they want...
Anti-furries/therians, let people be what they want...
Feel free to ask me whatever questions you want...I don't bite...often...
Just don't be an annoying nuisance on here and ask stupid things...
(I don't mean that in a weird way, just trying to make this very mx themed)
Please feel free to check them out!)
Now enjoy your time here, plaything...and remember, innocence doesn't get you far...
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shirayuki7 · 6 months
Ok your tags on the reblog were very cool, would love to hear more about this project. Also, this is entire based on vibes of just existing in or near PA and having incredibly revisionist (and religious) history books, yeah. Sounds right.
Yeppppp! Get ready for a long answer cause i am in the thick of it! I'm pretty much a complete outsider to this topic. USA history doesn't interest me as much as ancient history does. The whole theme of the project is religious in/tolerance, and I picked Pennsylvania because my in-laws are all in Pittsburgh and I thought getting to know the state more would be fun! I've already got a pretty good background in religious history, so most of my research has been contextual colonial history. But the primary source I'm basing my project on is AWESOME. It's "Gottlieb Mittelberger's Journey to Pennsylvania" (free in the Library of Congress btw) and it's just so full of amazing information about colonial PA and how it was viewed by outsiders at the time (for Gottlieb, it was pretty godless and not worth the hype despite how beautiful the country is. He lived in Lancester county for about 4 years before returning to Germany).
The basis of my research is that in Europe, most Protestant sectarians (Quakers in particular) were seen as anti-state/anti-authoritarian. Being a dissenter was the same as being a treasonous terrorist because religion was the basis for most if not all laws and public policy within a country. So dissenters like William Penn were heavily discriminated against based on their beliefs and punished by the state as tho they were public enemies number one (spiritual danger = real danger). So quite frankly, because the America's were the place for criminals to be sent anyway, it kinda made sense to let dissenters leave and rotten themselves and their communities else where. So William Penn gets permission from his buddy King James 2 to create Pennsylvania as a "holy experiment" for liberty of conscience (and Quakers) to go. Penn advertises in England and Germany for the most part about this land of religious freedom and opportunity. With a little censure from the crown about how he sets up the colony, Penn makes it law that people can believe what they want and therefore worship and do what they want (within reason). From the outset of the colony, we have a very diverse environment full of very diverse people. No single people's settled PA, despite Quakers being a majority for a time and even when they weren't the majority they still held most of the power in the colony.
Anyway, all the secondary literature I've read all say the same thing: Penn's holy experiment was a success. Religious tolerance helped make PA economically and politically successful and set up all the American colonies for an equally successful revolution. But I've noticed that they're all ignoring, or just plain forget because 'MURICA, that the colonies were not completely separate entities from their parent country and are enabling the narrative of usa supremacy and individualism that DID NOT EXIST at the time. Individualism sure as hell did exist, but not in the sense of "im an american." It was "I'm an English Quaker" or "I'm a German Lutheran" or other ethnic or religious identification. These historians make it sound like everyone thinks PA was a great thing... but here we have over 100 pages of a German immigrant's travelog that heavily criticizes Penn's colony, telling his fellow Germans that it's just not worth the risk and they're better off at home. Obviously there's a ton more nuance to the account than I'm giving here, but the whole book is him saying "here's this bad thing, here's this good thing but here's the dark side of the good thing that isn't immediately obvious but I will explain it to you for your own good, and here's another bad thing." Most of the negativity he gives about PA in particular is religiously based: anarchy and atheism (exaggerations, but it was how he saw it as a faithful Lutheran). He tells stories of women running the show (heaven forbid!) And how the courts and laws are so lax that everybody does what they want even if theyre sued! These are seen as bad things to him, but obviously to a modern person (and to many a modern Pennsylvanian) it sounds like libertarian paradise. The idea of "success" is what I'm challenging with the Gottlieb account; we as historians are always needed to challenge the narrative. Complicate the story. The 13 colonies as a melting pot and overall success story is a good story and we use it to reinforce murican values in our public schools (something i greatly disagree with but it is what it is). But it's not the whole story and never will be. We've got the puritans in New England doing their thing and the Quakers in PA doing theirs, but what did that actually mean to people at the time? Did they see it as success? I should probably stop now haha! This is getting long. Thanks for asking about my project, it helps me articulate it for my prospectus due in a few days. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nonhumanmoth · 1 month
Welcome to my page, new comer.
Hello ! my name is Moth/Tovi, i am a Intersex queer nonbinary indigenous voidpunk fanfic and political author and musician, i write about whatever the hell i really want, meaning this is a **18+** ONLY space, if you're a little one, buzz off, or wait for me to make a SFW account lol.
↓About me↓
My names Moth, i also go by Tovi, my pronouns are She/They/He/It, i am a Intersex nonbinary genderfluid indigenous american, i have a large variety of interests which can range from webcomics, to early 2000s - 2010s internet culture, to miltech and guns, i am very much pro-ship and consume, as well as create, "problematic fiction" (it is very much your choice on whether or not you choose to complain about that) i am a nonhuman alterhuman and therian with multiple forms, i have Autism, Borderline Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, and show many traits of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, no this does not make me an abuser. I am convinced unironically that i am God, i am religious and may post about my religion and it's ties to my Godhood, please do not attempt to harass me regarding my Godhood delusions, it will cause me to enter an episode. I am Pro-Para but Anti Abuse, Pro and Neutral Contacts can fuck off and eat dirt. i am married and not interested in starting a polyamorus relationship.
↓Stuff im into↓
Five Nights at Freddy's
Drugs (yes i am a pothead)
Morale Patches
↓My Politics (if you're interested)↓
Pro Palestine🍉
Anti Fascist
Post Leftist
Pro Gun
Insurrectional Anarchist
Queer Anarchist
Philosophical Anarchist
Religious Anarchism
Indigenous Anarchism
Anti Imperialism
Anti Colonialism
Digital Anarchism (no, not Crypto Anarchism)
↓List of my Labels↓
Aromantic Flux
Asexual Flux
⚠↓!!!Potential Trigger Warnings!!!↓⚠
Mentions of graphic violence
Body g0r3
↓Do Not Interact↓
Pro C
Neut C
Authoritarian Communists
Colonizer Apologists
Imperialist Apologists
Okay, i think thats all, if i end up changing this at all, you'll know in the future. for now tho, stay weird, and:
Disturb the comforted, comfort the disturbed.
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luthwhore · 1 year
I loved Maggins Quora answers and how wholesome it was that redemption is always posible and that everybody in the canon of Superman had different religions and kinda got along despite it (plus I loved Superman being Jewish as Maggins and the original authors). But now Im kinda confused about Lex religion. In the current continuity is he supposed to be jewish or atheist or something else? I have not read any DC comic book since Forever Evil (tho I want to catch up with the lasts days of luthor) and I'm not too much into American supes to know how DC cannon realy works, asides the fact that there are like several authors and retcons, so I wanna really know what its the deal with lex religion. Sorry for sounding like if I have three braincells or I'm trying to offend Jewish or atheist people (I respect all faiths), I'm just very intrigued/confused. Also sorry for my ugly English I'm still trying to learn it ;_;
you’re good! the last time i can remember lex mentioning anything about religion was back in paul cornell’s action comics run, where lex self-identifies as an atheist. imo i don’t think anything from the last few decades has ever coded him as jewish.
pre-crisis on infinite earths, back in the silver/bronze age, lex’s character was fairly different than the lex in the comics now, though the lex in mark waid’s “the last days of lex luthor” is about as close to the bronze age lex luthor you’ll find in any modern comic book. originally he was a scientist, first and foremost. this is how elliot maggin wrote him, and is generally the era when you’ll see jewish coding applied to the character.
in 1987, after the crisis on infinite earths event, john byrne and marv wolfman rebooted superman and made a lot of changes to lex in particular, which was when he was reworked from a mad scientist to a corrupt billionaire ceo. john byrne’s luthor is a lot more overtly evil, and is primarily motivated by greed, compared to the silver/bronze age luthor, who more fueled by envy and insecurity.
i’m not sure if anyone in canon other than paul cornell ever referred to lex as an atheist in so many words post-crisis, but i would agree that is generally the vibe that most modern versions of lex give off. (paul cornell’s action comics specifically says that he is an atheist but still believes in hell, which to me very much implies he was raised christian.)
with the way that the character has evolved over the last few decades, i think making him textually jewish would probably read as playing into a lot of anti-semitic stereotypes, so it’s probably for the best it didn’t carry over into current continuity, but i do imagine it’s probably frustrating for maggin, given that, from what he’s said about him, he clearly put a lot of himself into his version of lex.
tl;dr: silver/bronze age lex was implied to be jewish, but in the modern comics he self-identifies as an atheist and was likely raised christian.
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maychild · 2 years
TROLL (2022)
listen--i know, i know, it's netflix (they haven't been slapped with a good series they havent wanted to cancel after only one season) but if i may rec the new-ish movie that just came out?? (lord knows it hasn't been as heavily promoted as something like bullet train)
why i like troll and why i think some of you might too:
father/daughter relationship that made me teary-eyed (will never think of the phrase "the adventures of big and tiny" the same way)
it's norwegian but plenty of english is spoken too (if u like that sort thing)
it's a norwegian monster film tho
as a big fan of pacific rim and the alien franchise, there are definitely vibes of both in here, but it's also its own pretty cool monster film
apparently it's directed by the same guy that did the new tomb raider??? but i never watched tomb raider so that means nothing to me, but it is a fun fact
THE SCENERY IS SOOOOO PRETTY (I mean, of course norway is a pretty country, i say, not having ever set foot in it, but if the movie is anything to go by IT'S SOOO PRETTTY. and the troll wall/peaks is apparently a real thing?? a very beautiful thing. ANYWAY, nature lovers will appreciate the many beautiful shots of the beautiful scenery and mountains and the Troll Wall--which, again, IS REALLLLL AND SOOOO PRETTY)
our main heroine is so pretty and badass but, most importantly, A PALEONTOLOGIST who has to remind all the sexist men in the room to call her Dr. Tidemann, gdi
sure, it starts off a bit slow (and we dont really get a good view of the monster until like a half hour in) but it's worth sticking through
so many geeky jokes
there's a character called captain kris holm who reminds me of stephen amell and in my head he's the norwegian oliver queen
MOST IMPORTANTLY ALL THE GOOD DOGGOS IN THIS MOVIE SURVIVE (tho the same cant be said of the humans in this movie, but, ehhh, we dont care about them)
suuuure, there's some anti-christian propaganda but they deserve it (speaking as a christian, technically, it's okay for me to say that, seeing as christianity as a whole organized religion has done a lot of harm in the world and IN THE MOVIE THEY KILLED OFF ALL THE TROLLS!!! URGHHH HOW DARE U, CHRISTIANS)
the troll just wanted to go home????! but the stupid christians killed off all of his family??? aND IMPRISONED HIM IN SOME FAR AWAY MOUNTAIN like, booooo, christians, BOOOOO
ANYWAYS, was it a perfect movie?? no, and it didnt reinvent the genre of monster films bUT I CRIED FOR THIS TROLL.
I'm sorry for spoiling that relevant plot point, but i have to acknowledge how utterly poignant this movie makes me about this troll
it def. leaves room for a sequel which i hope they make (if only so i can get more of captain kris and nora together. ok, i ship them. even if nora and the egghead are kinda cute too...)
SO ANYWAYS DEF RECOMMEND if only to be on the troll's side 100% and yell at the tv and the stupid human characters
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aldor-der-wear · 7 months
Ok I'm gonna do the thing.
(This is about to be long so strap in)
Random things:
My actual posts are under the hastag #<femur arts>
I play flute, learning the guitar
I also go by "Ember's market", reason being is I don't want anything femur arts related monetized. If you want to buy shit from me go to Facebook and look up Embers_market
I am a creature maker, tho I don't post most of my guys, im very iffy when it comes to furrys, specificallythe community specifically cuz yall fucking sane in a bad way, I just like monsters.
I'm a female but I'm not a woman! He/they :]
I have two fursonas being alador and femur,
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Things I like/ that interest me
Animals/biology in general
Space/nature or reality/religions
Titans from the owl house
Drawings /music/writing/ arts of any kind
Texas holdem (or just card games, Texas is my favorite tho)
Dice games (just the dice, nothing else)
Dark stuff/fantasy/sifi
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Medias I think are cool (shows, movies, music makers, all that)
The owl house
Dead end paranormal park
Brand new animal
System of a down
Ghost and pals
Creep p
Vane lily
Rip producer
Alex g
Mushroom head
Star dust legend.
Other things I forgot about
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Just know if you fall into one of these categories I hate you and will block you
Pedophiles, and those who apologize or excuse (for) it
Those who are hateful to those in a outside group to them (ie racists, sexists, homo/trans phobic, anti cringe culturals etc etc)
Those who are Ultra (insert whatever political power here) (mainly applies to the United States) and post about it
Those who can't have a mature disagreement
Ai people
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My people's I love
tism warriors (autistic people cuz yall just understand)
Adhders (again cuz yall just understand)
Animal lovers
Creature makers
People who share my interests cuz yea obviously
Also I am very stupid so don't take it personal
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
i think my problem with dune and the “cultural appropriation” was that the man didn’t even get inspiration from certain languages and cultures and religions, he really just copied and pasted without changing much, if anything. isn’t one of the books literally titled ‘jihad’? and i get it’s supposed to be a good commentary on anti-imperialism and the time in which it was written, but it always trips me up to see straight up arabic and certain aspects of islam unchanged and prominent in the books without having been altered to fit a more sci-fi narrative.
i can totally get that, because yes, its not just influence, its v heavily based. dune tho is an interesting case in this bc isnt just a,, wholly parallel and different world to ours as in many stories whose using real life infleunce; it takes place in our universe, but thousands of years in the future. humanity invented AI and high technology which got out of hand, and a huge revolt and war happened. at the end of this war, all computers and "thinking ai" were destroyed and there was imposed a ban on their creation. thus, in dune religion, ritual, and culture are very important and hold a lot of weight and infleunce, and everything mostly runs on this, and human "supernatural" abilities - even when they use ships and such, they are controlled by humans which have trained and ingested high amounts of spice (basically space lsd, and the thing that the planet arrakis is being imperialized and exploited for) which has mutated them, and which control the ships w mind powers, and use their minds to bend time and space for travel. instead of computers to hold databases, trained people hold on to memories and history. this is why dune too is not a "classical scifi" and it is somewhere... in between almost like a.. medieval setting, but in space? bc technology in the classical sense no longer exists, and unlike in the vast majority of scifi, religion, tradition, belief in god, abilities like mind reading etc etc is very important
so, in dune islamic words and concepts are used not just as infleunce or inspiration, but bc thats what islam has become thousands upon thousands of years in the future - and i think particularly shia islam. it has over all this time changed and also been blended with other religions; islam is not the only one around which exists in our world (and theres some new ones too). for example there is catholicism, and catholicism has been adopted into the "orange catholic bible" which is one of the most important religious texts in dune - this religious text isnt just catholic, but rather it is a blend of many if not most earth human religions which existed, and which became widely known after the war faught against AI. so, bc of that, several concepts and words are used straight from many of the religions that currently exist, even tho theyve changed in this future - new-islam is a promiment infleunce in particular however across the universe. idk theres many examples but another too of another nonislamic infleunce would be the bene gessarit religious sect which is shady af and very powerful, based on jesuits and catholic nuns, and which use the term "reverend mother" as is used now. other words such as "massiah" are used too, and pauls relationship w his mother is paralleled to an extend to jesus and the virgin mary
and on the use of arabic; it has itself survived in dune, not just certain words. not another invented sci-fi language like it in infleunce, but the arabic we have which has changed over thousands of years (i think from what i remember its actually an arabic-farsi combo). the ppl on arrakis, not in the movie but in the books, speak a local and unique form of future-arabic, in which words such as jihad, sunna, etc etc still exist with semi-similar meanings
but also. yea youre right, and i can understand how thatd be jarring. bc no (aside from argument on the use of word jihad and broader islam to send a anti-colonial message), its not just loose influence or inspiration, its actual forms of islam and real world religions re-imagined in a thousands of years in the future scenario; and while in some regards all these religions have not only blended together but changed, as has new-space-islam itself, space-islam (sounds silly lol) is the most prominent one in the book, and it has held on to a lot of the actual essence of (from what i know particularly shia) islam. and i can see how that could be something which comes w certain issues or is uncomfortable or weird
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universe-of-mogai · 1 year
Pinned Post!!
[PT: Pinned Post!!]
Hello! This is mogai-reblog's coining blog!!! We collectively go by Cryptid Collective or Achilles!!
Main Posters:
Jeremy ; he/it +neos ; aphroflux transmascfem!
William ; he/it/they + neos ; truly purple
Michael ; he/it + neos ; ungendered gendered freak of nature
We have OSDD, have BPD, npd, aspd, avpd, am mid-high support needs autistic, and just lots of disorders.
BYF PT 1: We are 18 and are planning on coining mogai after dark terms! However, that isn't what this blog is just for, so minors can interact, just not with those posts (I don't consider liking interaction btw! I'm talking about rbing and commenting, and even then if the rb is just so you can have it in your hoard then idm bc I did that too lmao)
BYF PT 2: we are antiship(aka anti romanticizing abuse, incest, etc.), against transx but thinks some of their terms aren't as bad as the other stuff, against radqueer, pro-para, anti-acting on non-consensual Paras, pro-clusterb, believes "narc abuse" doesn't exist, transspecies is not hace not and will never be apart of transx/radqueer, pro BIID anti-transabled(as in anti the way transx/radqueer ppl have been using it), and I'll add more as I see fit
Will do:
gender and sexuality coining,
pronoun(including 2nd and 1st)/name/title/honorifics suggestions,
pronoun(including 2nd)/name/title/honorifics checks,
very specific genders,
headcanons (but not a lot of flags),
disorder pride/awareness flags(tho might "pass it on" if i dont have it),
NSFW terms,
para flags/terms if theres no term for it yet,
objectum terms,
conceptum terms,
POSIC terms (including genderpanion terms! And orientpanion terms!),
vesil terms,
ficto terms,
alterhuman terms,
Won't do:
terms related to cultures/religions I'm not a part of,
transx terms (will be coining reclaimed/recoin versions of transx terms that are separate from transx such as disso-,chronision,etc.)
📞📺 :: terms I've coined
📞📸 :: requested terms
📞👀 :: asks
📞🎁 :: ask games
📞💚 :: rbs
The throat of delusion is speaking :: Michael is speaking
flag resources :: flag templates, symbols, etc. basically, flag making resources
gender resources :: suffixes, term systems, etc. basically, term making resources (not just genders)
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