#health teaching
blakbonnet · 11 months
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"I love you... I love you." "I know. I know that."
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 11 months
ed is absolutely panicking in 2x7 bc he’s seeing stede having the time of his life being a famous pirate and he’s genuinely happy for stede but also he wants out of this life and he’s afraid stede will choose piracy over him and so he’s leaving first before stede can leave him again, all of which is bc deep down ed still thinks he’s unlovable and he’s scared to get hurt by stede again and he’s handling everything very badly
all that being said
the fact that ed has already decided that he can’t choose piracy for stede’s sake is so important to me
piracy was slowly killing ed long before stede entered the picture. and now that ed’s decided that he wants warmth and food and orgasms and he wants to live he’s not going to force himself to do a job that makes him fucking miserable. he still might not think he’s worth love and not worth choosing, but he’s at least moved past thinking he deserves to die. he’s past making himself so miserable that he wants to die. ed still has a lot of work to do but he’s making good progress and i’m proud of him.
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growing up with a perpetually anxious primary caregiver is such a mindfuck. that shit will rewire your nervous system
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everybodysinvited · 11 months
Binder Safety Guide
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Binders are wonderful, transformative things! BUT there are a lot of things to consider and prep yourself for if you want to wear a binder safely. So here's a quick guide on the top 10 tips for binder safety.
Your health is paramount and wearing a binder incorrectly can really damage your skin, and lead to breathing problems or back pain etc, so please listen to your body, and if it hurts, stop. Binders aren't for everyone but their are alternative methods to a flatter chest!
For more tips and guidance on binder safety, check out Point of Pride, Spectrum Outfitters, Amor Binders, Mermaids or my previous post, An Intro to Binders!
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thepeacefulgarden · 3 months
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rebouks · 19 days
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Byrd: Dad? Oscar: Morning, bud.. miserable day, huh? I’m not looking forward to packing up in the rain. Oscar: Did you sleep okay? Byrd: Erm… Oscar: GO GET YOUR HEARING AIDS! [Byrd fidgeted guilty, implying that he’d lost yet another pair] Byrd: [sobs] Why do I have to be deaf without them, papa-.. s’not fair. [Oscar held Byrd tightly, stroking his back until his sobs subsided somewhat] Oscar: LET’S SEE WHAT WE CAN DO… [Oscar plonked Byrd outside as he rummaged through his bags, eventually producing a backup pair of hearing aids] Oscar: Better? [Byrd nodded gratefully, burying his snotty nose in his father’s hair as he threw his arms around him] Oscar: Maybe you ought to think twice about learning SSL. Byrd: What’s the point? No one else knows it. Oscar: Robin does, and we all know bits n’ pieces, don’t we? [Byrd grumbled disinterestedly] Oscar: I think it’s long overdue, pal-.. what if we all learn it together? Properly this time. Byrd: I guess… Oscar: All I heard was yes. Byrd: Are you deaf too? Oscar: [snorts] C’mon, we’ll probably find the other pairs as we clear up. Wren: Daaaaad, it’s raining! Oscar: The faster we get goin’, the faster we’ll be in the car-.. I bet Wren can pack up faster than you. Byrd: [gasps] NO WAY! [rain pattering]
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babyspacebatclone · 4 months
One of the newer daycare teachers at my center was complaining about a specific child - who has a lot going on we’re still trying to map out, but definitely some type on developmentally divergent on top of attachment issues with their single mom.
Anyway, said kid, a little under 4 years old, was resisting doing art, which was really upsetting the one one teacher when the other (who’s worked with this kid for over 2 years) was basically like “Ok, not today, this isn’t a good day for you.”
One thing I do when I find kids at the center resisting my instructions is asking “Why” - on me.
Why am I asking this child to do something?
“What they are doing isn’t safe” and “What they are doing is harming another child” are obviously good reasons for me to pursue my point.
“Maintain structure” is, honestly, generally a good reason, where “structure” is the regular rules and expectations of the class and schedule.
Having a predictable structure helps most children feel safe, because they don’t have to be the adult and decide what is going to happen - their teachers are the ones that set boundaries for safety, have their physical needs met, and create expectations that allow them to develop patience and delayed gratification.
But forcing a child to participate in an activity? Not just “now it is art, because we do art every day” but “you must do art??”
Asking my “Why, what is the child getting out of this” devolves down after a few levels to:
The child has to learn to comply over their own mental health.
Even the more experienced teacher who let the one kid sit out and rest from art is irritated when children refuse to sit quietly during Circle Time, which pisses me off because all the trainings I’ve taken on Circle Time say “have a quiet activity optional for children who don’t want to sit and participate.”
Sadly, as I was discussing this with my other Autistic coworker at closing, we agreed that “Conformity despite mental health” is a primary rule in modern education, and both of us despite being aware of the obvious issues with this are powerless to even motivate major change within our own center without taking “Room Lead” roles.
Which we both agree would break either of us. 😓
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
in a completely non-joking, genuinely narrative and writing analysis way, i do seriously believe we may get to "see" stede and ed have sex this season. there have been 2 explicit and one kinda implied mentions/discussions of sex so far: the first is obviously when ed tells ghost Hornigold how two of the pros of choosing to live are "intercourse" (nerd) and orgasms. on the one hand, yes, that's an easy joke to make that will be sure to get a laugh out of it. on the other hand, the writers could have literally written anything else in the entire world. they have so many options for other jokes that would've landed just as well or better than what they went with, and yet they chose to have Ed mention those two things. how interesting. the second example is, of course, anne and mary ribbing Ed and Stede about them clearly not having sex or any sexual experiences with each other yet. again, there are sooooooo many ways the writers could drive home how deranged those two buckwild lesbians are and yet they went with the call out on the status of Ed and Stede doing it. very interesting indeed. The last, more amorphous example is Ed breaking his kiss with Stede and asking if they can take things slow. granted, that could be related to a bunch of different things that aren't sex related, however we know Stede has already basically confessed how in love with Ed he is to his face and they were already best friends basically as soon as they met each other, which starts to narrow down the options for what Ed is referring to pretty quickly. he also only broke the kiss after Stede grabbed Ed to intensify the kiss which further supports this theory. sooooo tl;dr - i think we're gonna see those two middle aged dads do it bc the writers have been seeing the seeds for the past 3 eps
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spirker · 5 months
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Have you looked at this beautiful angel yet today?
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Nobody taught me how to be a person the right way
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cybertron-after-dark · 3 months
We were robbed of a Rescue Bots episode where chief Burns, doc Greene and Optimus hang out and do middle aged dad things.
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gentlebeard · 9 months
Wake up in the morning feelin’ like Stede Bonnet // The party still won't stop on The Revenge
For @bizarrelittlemew 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 2 Music: TiK Tok by Kesha YouTube || Season 1 Version
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st-asya · 1 month
I know this is gonna sound weird (cuz I don't know how to word it so it could make sense), but can we agree on the fact that Taika's eyes alone deserve an Oscar for the performance in this ep? They're so expressive. Never once did Blackbeard miss while gazing at Stede in every single scene, I could dedicate a couple of books to The Look.
I mean ofc there's also just a regular eye contact, but I'm talking this
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djarin · 1 year
you know what was so important to me about seeing ed spiral from his mental health in this season? his mental illnesses weren’t used for comedic purposes. they weren’t the butt of a joke, they weren’t there to “lighten the mood” by being ridiculed, and we didn’t see a demonization of mental illness. instead, what we got was edward being raw and vulnerable and lost in a way that was purely authentic and true to what he was going through.
all of that, along with the “let’s list the pros and cons of staying alive” is something that is so important to so many of us who have struggled with depression, anxiety, suicide, etc in our own lives. i know for a fact that i’m not the only one who’s had to sit down to think, “what are the good and bad things about staying alive right now?”
ed lists warmth, good food, and orgasms as his pros. “orgasms” is there to give us a good laugh, sure, but guess what? it’s also there because ed, unfiltered and desperate, is blurting out what makes him feel good, and therefore, want to stay alive.
it doesn’t have to be a massive list of pros and cons. sometimes, it’s the simple things that keep us going, and that’s more than enough.
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thepeacefulgarden · 6 months
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fangirltothefullest · 3 months
Hey um can everyone please send good vibes or magic or prayers or whatever it is you do my way? My dad and I REALLY need good paying jobs right now and NO ONE is hiring us.... no one will even get back to us and we're getting kind of desperate.....
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