#healthful bones and teeth
shiraishi--kanade · 2 months
Unfortunately can't join in the "why do teeth decay so easily they are BONES" humor in good spirit because I've found out that given enough reason to bones also do that and I found that out in the worst way possible
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writingpuddle · 9 months
“I don’t remember inviting her,” Aaron snapped.
Betsy Dobson stopped a few feet away in her meticulously pressed blouse and slacks, expression mild. The courtroom hallway bustled with activity, lined by rows of benches where people awaited their turn in front of the judge. “I apologize for the intrusion,” she said. “I assure you, I will be quiet as a mouse. You’ll forget I’m even here.”
Aaron’s poisonous glare swung around their small group, seeking someone to blame. Neil tugged at his collar, high and uncomfortably starched, as Aaron landed, inevitably, on him.
“I never said you could bring a plus one,” he hissed.
Borrowed Time chapter 22 is up!!
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starfox313 · 1 month
Bon Appétit
I spent years making my strangeness
More palatable
For those with differing tastes.
I cut my very essence
Into bite sized pieces;
I watered down my soul.
I drowned myself
So as to remove any traces,
Any risk of intoxication.
They claimed,
"Rotten to the core."
I needed to cleanse myself,
Repent myself,
Make myself more bearable,
More sickly sweet.
And in that scramble
Of people pleasing,
I became a sample of any flavor in the world,
Any flavor they could want,
Any flavor except me.
Then came one extravagant night,
The table perfectly set,
Me, as always,
The main course.
But tonight,
That sickening night,
I had finally had my fill.
I would no longer dilute myself
For those too narcissistic,
Too self-righteous,
To enjoy the purity of my taste.
I was meant to be savored,
Relished, cherished even.
I vowed to no longer sit and wait,
Forbidden fruit forced in my mouth,
Contorting into the meal of preference.
I have embraced the delicacy
Of my very being.
I have finally become
An acquired taste of my own,
And any faux connoisseurs
Are more than welcome
To take an eager bite
And choke.
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seafoamreadings · 4 months
It is so interesting you would mention taking care of bone and teeth regarding venus sextile saturn. This got me thinking, I am in my saturn return and I have saturn conjuct venus. Since the beginning of my saturn return I have had teeth problems which never in my life I had before. I wonder if you could think of any astrological remedies for these issues? or should I just wait for my saturn return to pass?
first, definitely don't just wait for your saturn return to pass! never wait for that. saturn is always teaching you something and expecting you to mature in that time.
the remedies are more mundane than strictly astrological - saturn loves that too, that distilling down into the material world.
if they are the kinds of problems that require a dentist, you will need to go to a dentist about it. perhaps you already have done this and if so, that is the biggest thing - then get good help from a dentist you like and respect and go from there. for smaller issues just take really good care of them. oral hygiene and your dental care routine is now your religion. with venus involved cosmetics can also be auspicious but *not* at the cost of your teeth and their integrity so i don't recommend, for example, damaging whitening treatments. this will also extend to microbiome stuff so make sure you provide those teeth and gums a healthy environment to thrive in. do your calcium etc right and all that too. not to mention all your worldly saturn-y tasks will lead to healthier teeth and bones even if they seem unrelated; bills paid on time, debts paid, structures observed, sleep well slept, etc.
meanwhile don't neglect the bones just because the teeth have been louder lately!
the more magical/esoteric type remedies will have smaller effects but you can try wearing copper, finding a lot of time for laughter, and overall just enhancing the venus vibes and lightening up the damp sense of melancholy that can come along with saturn stuff.
hope that helps! good luck!
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littletrumpetcat · 2 months
i got my wisdom teeth out (abridged version, i was not put under, i babysat a half hour later. long story) and i am in PAIN. also taking out the bloody mess of a gauze every hour fucking sucks. i almost yakked every time i pulled it out of my mouth. the worst part? every time i burp i taste remnants of paper towel. i need to know if anyone else can relate. this is so gross. im tired
#long story short i was going to go to the consultation then babysit#and it turns out the dentist was like 'wanna just get it done now? it'll only take a half hour'#'umm no thank u i have to babysit :) what about tomorrow?' 'really? tomorrow? you're already here!'#your tooth is already infected. you don't want to risk having to go to the emergency dentist' or something#'you don't want to have to drive back out tomorrow. our clinic prefers to do same day procedures'#like sure ok !#this was all said assuming i'd be able to handle babysitting after and the family that i work with was so sweet (albeit so confused about#it all haha)#i don't understand why my wisdom teeth removal had less recovery time and i didnt need to be put under#especially because i essentially needed a bone graft as well because of my sinuses being right next to my teeth#this isn't like a scammy dental clinic though i think there's so many stories of regular dentists trying to upsell#i did get a several hundred dollar discount on the procedure because they didn't take my insurance#only place that'd take my insurance is 2 hours away lol#my mom has a health insurance card she has to put money on every paycheck and in this instance it really worked out#bc if not itd never be taken care of#the gauze part was so hard#also the mom didnt come home til 45 minutes after i was supposed to go home and i was lowkey in agony#because the numbness wore off#and the gauze was so disgusting#i was like. so fed up i lowkey wanted to cry while building blocks with the little kid lol#ibuprofen fully kicked in as im typing this actually we r okay
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pumaloafing · 4 months
Both would heal at wolverine speed to stay at perfect condition
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teethcalcium · 6 months
link between calcium and teeth
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and 99 percent of your body calcium supply support your bone and teeth structure and function. According to the american dental association calcium strengthen your tooth hard outer shell called the enamel and help your teeth fight off erosion and cavity
How much calcium do yo need ?
The national institutes of health recommended that adult between the ages of 19 and 50 consume 1000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day. Bone loss and tooth decay can increase as you age or have certain risk factors like like a family history of osteoporosis. other risk factors include taking medication that can weaken bones or being lactose intolerant.
Which food are high in calcium ?
You can take supplement if you have calcium deficiency. Milk , chees, yogurt, canned fish, seeds, Dark leafy green, Almonds, Beans, tofu, and you can also use this supplement link is below
click here
Thanks for reading.
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aqent8 · 7 months
they need to invent a place u go to where they actually fix you up and reset your issues so if you walk back out youre the healthiest u could be at that moment
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rossthren · 8 months
Need a sugar someone to pay for my dental work.
I can give cuddles, wash dishes and okay massages.
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lizzy-frizzle · 1 year
After getting hit by artillery, Mudrock gets left with 1400 HP, which coincidentally, is still more HP than Blue Poison has at full health.
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mygentledentistau · 29 days
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Get precise dental X-rays at Eva Care Dental Clinic, Hinjewadi, Pune. Our digital X-rays help detect cavities, gum infections, bone loss, and other dental issues early. Benefit from minimal radiation exposure and swift, accurate diagnoses. Schedule your appointment today for expert dental care and advanced imaging.
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chrimsone · 5 months
I hate owning (wisdom) teeth so much
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
⭐Vitamin Cheat Sheet⭐
Vitamin A: Vision, immune system, skin health.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Energy metabolism, nerve function.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Cellular energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Metabolism, hormone production.
Vitamin B6: Brain function, mood regulation.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Vitamin B9 (Folate): Cell division, DNA synthesis.
Vitamin B12: Nervous system, red blood cells.
Vitamin C: Immune system, collagen synthesis.
Vitamin D: Bone health, immune function.
Vitamin E: Antioxidant, skin health.
Vitamin K: Blood clotting, bone health.
Calcium: Bone and teeth health, muscle function.
Iron: Oxygen transport, energy production.
Magnesium: Nerve function, muscle relaxation.
Zinc: Immune system, wound healing.
Potassium: Fluid balance, nerve function.
Iodine: Thyroid function, metabolism.
Selenium: Antioxidant, thyroid health.
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discoverybody · 7 months
Do You Need To Take Calcium Supplements?
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Our teeth and bones require the mineral calcium to remain healthy. Our heart, muscles, and neurons all depend on it to function correctly. Many people do not obtain enough calcium from their diet, despite its importance. Supplements containing calcium are therefore now commonly utilized. This article will examine the pros and cons of taking calcium supplements.
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medicosutra · 7 months
केला और चूना से 10 चमत्कारी लाभ
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1. कैल्शियम की वजह से हमारे शरीर में मौजूद हड्डियां और दांत मजबूत तथा स्वस्थ होते हैं यह हड्डियों के बीच का ढांचा बहुत मजबूत बनाता है जिससे हड्डियों के जल्दी टूट जाने जैसी शिकायत नहीं होती है
2. शरीर में कैल्शियम की प्रचुर मात्रा होने से मांसपेशियों को ताकत मिलती है कैल्शियम न्यूरोमस्कुलर सिग्नल को ही तेजी से भेजने का कार्य करता है जिससे हमारा शरीर फुर्तीला बना रहता है।
3. पोटेशियम हमारे शरीर में न्यूरोमस्कुलर ट्रांसमिशन अर्थात न्यूरॉन्स के विद्युत प्रवाह के लिए उपयोगी माना जाता है जिसकी वजह से हमें संवेग का आभास होता है।
4. पोटेशियम का इस्तेमाल हमारे शरीर की मांसपेशियों को काम करने के दौरान फिलामेंटों में होने वाले रासायनिक क्रिया में किया जाता है जो मांसपेशियों को हिलाने-डुलाने में मदद करता है  Read more..
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