#heartbreaker x stranger things
watsittoyah · 2 years
Heartbreaker- (Eddie Munson x Black Fem Reader x Steve Harrington Smut)
Warning- blowjob, handjob, 69, face sitting, some sexual innuendos, smut, edging, sub!Eddie? And sex.
(Previously , Next)
Welcome to your life..There's no turning back…
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You were in a nice deep sleep when you feel the blankets yanked off of you.
“Are you fucking Eddie Munson?” You snort and wake up dazed and confused as in why Lucas just disturbed your beauty sleep.
“Huh? What? Who?” You mumble as you rub the sleep out of your eyes. “Are you fucking Eddie Munson?” Lucas repeats.
“I mean technically he’s fucking me, but that’s besides the point. Who told you?” You ask as you see that it’s four in the morning.
Oh you are going to kill this kid.
 “Don’t worry about how I found out. How in the world did that happen? I thought you said that you and Eddie were just friends.” Lucas asks. “Well now he’s my special friend, can you get out? I want to go back to sleep. I mean not even God himself is up this early.” You mumble as you yank the blankets back from him.
“No, I’m telling my mom and dad. This shit is ridiculous.” You spring up so fast you almost make your cousin jump.
“If you tell them I will make sure they know what you have under your bed, to the left.” Lucas’ eyes widen and he steps back. “You’re lying.” He says trying to see if you’re bluffing.
“I know what I saw under that bed and I have to say, that is disgusting, and you better get a therapist while you’re at it. Ew.”‘ You shiver as you get back into bed. “Oh and Lucas?”
“What?” He calls over his shoulder. “If you ever threaten me again or wake me up at the fucking ass crack of dawn, I will murder you. And you know I can make it look like an accident. I watch way too many horror movies, you little butthead.” He leaves your room in a huff and you cuddle up with your pillow, letting sleep take you again.
Lucas wasn’t talking to you and you didn’t care. How dare he keep up with this behavior. You’re not some child to be watched after.
And so whenever you two are in the room you give each other the silent treatment. If he was going to play this game, oh you knew how to play it better.
It was Thursday afternoon and you were in the kitchen making a sandwich. After you cut your Turkey deluxe in triangles, you go sit on the back deck with your treat along with some sweet ice tea. You take a nice big bite out of your sandwich and relax.
“Olivia can you come here please?” You stare off into the distance hearing your Aunt calling you and you get up. Praying that whatever request she has doesn’t take away from your relaxation time.
“You rang?” You ask while taking another bite of your sandwich. “Lucas and his friends are over by the park. I was wondering if you could pick them up and drop them off to their D&D club. I would do it but I have a hair appointment.” You nod taking another bite. “Sure thing.”
“And whatever is going on between you and Lucas, please stop.” She says as she starts heading out the door. “Lucas started it, Aunt Susan!” You call off after her. But she was already out the door.
You roll your eyes and finish off your treats and then go change your clothes because you knew who else was going to be at that D&D club.
You were pulling up to the park and you stop by Lucas and his friends. “Your chariot awaits boys.” You call off behind your yellow ray-bands. “What are you doing here? I thought my mom was coming to pick us up.” Lucas asks with an attitude that you didn’t care or ask for.
“Well she had to get her hair done and she asked me to come instead. Are you getting in the car or not?” You ask, getting annoyed by the minute.
“Nope, we can walk. Come on guys.” He stops when he noticed Dustin and Mike aren’t following him. “I don’t want to walk.”
“Yeah my ankles are on fire from the walk we just took.” Dustin and Mike tell him. “Fine then I’ll walk. I’ll meet you guys there.” Lucas tries to walk off but you crawl the car beside him. “Lucas get in the car.”
“No, I said I’ll walk.” You stop the car for his friends and once they’re in you crawl the car besides him again. “Lucas stop being stupid, get in the car. If you don’t I’ll crawl this car beside you the whole walk there and pretend I’m an old lady trying to kidnap children. I’ll make it weird you know me.” He stops and glares at you. He simply yanks the car door open and gets in the back with Mike.
You drive down the street and turn on the radio. You glance at Lucas in the rear view mirror and he was staring out the window. You sigh to yourself and feel a hand on your knee.
“If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here.” Dustin says to you. You fake a smile at him and stop at the stop light.
“Dustin, you’re sweet, really. But if you don’t take that hand off of my knee I will twist those little fingers off.” He snatches his hand back and apologizes. You hear laughter in the back and see Mike and Lucas were laughing. You two lock eyes and he looks away.
You park by the meet up spot for their club and they all get out. You call out to Lucas and he stops in his tracks. “What Olivia?”
“I know you think Eddie is going to hurt me but I have this handled I promise you. I won’t let that happen. So please stop giving me the cold shoulder. I don’t know about you but I miss hanging out with my little cousin.”
Lucas gives a sigh. “It’s not Eddie that I’m worried about. I know how you get with guys and Eddie is my friend. I don’t want you to dump him when you’re bored. He’s a good guy.”
“I know he’s a good guy. And I like Eddie a lot. So I wouldn’t hurt him. Dumping him isn’t a thought in my mind, Lucas. Promise.” You tell him. He nods and leans in. “Alright, I guess I can forgive you. Eddie has been happy for these past few weeks, and the campaign has been going great.”
“See that’s good. Now go to your dweeb and dweeb club.”
“It’s D&D club, Liv.” Lucas explains. “I thought that’s what it stood for.” You two laugh and he starts to walk off but you stop him. “Hey we still on for basketball tomorrow? I wanted to ask you sooner but we weren’t really talking.” He gives a smirk. “Oh yeah, we are. I gotta wipe the floor with you.” You fake being offended. “Oh it’s on Lucas, bring your tissues because I’m sending you crying home to your mama.” He laughs and jogs off inside.
A minute later Eddie comes out of the house and he walks over to you, he leans down so that you both are at eye level and he smiles. “Hey Hollywood.”
“Hey pretty boy.” He leans in and you two kiss. “So, a little birdie told me and by birdie I mean Henderson, that you are a horror movies junkie.”
“Oh hell yeah, you should see my horror collection it is sick.” You tell him cheerfully. “Good, well I got us tickets to go see Chopping Mall. He mentioned that you wanted to see that and Little Shop Of Horrors.” You were beaming.
“Really?! Oh come here!” You pull him in by his shirt and you kiss him. When you two separate, Eddie looked happy with his reward. “I hope to get more of that tonight. I’ll pick you up around seven.” You nod and as he starts walking away you call out after him.
“Your ass is looking good in those jeans Munson!” You say as you whistle. He turns around and struts off into the house causing a fit of laughter to come from you.
You were stuck between your red leather skirt, and your plain black one, when Erica came into your room to see what you were doing.
“Where are you going?” She asks as she steps in looking at your choices. “Out. Which skirt would look good with this top?” You ask her. “With who? And the top looks best with the red one. Are you going to wear the jacket that goes with it?”
You nod at her choice and go with that. “With someone. Do you think it’ll look good with my Reebok and slouch socks?” She taps her chin and nods. “Is the who Eddie Munson or Steve Harrington? And put your hair up, it’ll make the outfit cute.”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to, Erica. You know what you’re right, my hair up will make the outfit cute.”
You two go back and forth with the why are you going out, until she just finally asks.
“So who is your boyfriend? Eddie or Steve.” You shrug as you twist your hair up into a mass of cute loose curls. “Both.” You simply answer as you look yourself in the mirror.
She makes a face. “Do they know that?” You avoid her eyes in the mirror and grab your stuff to shower. “They will soon enough, hey do you want me to bring you back some candy?” She shakes her head. “Nope, I’m spending the night at Tori’s and her parents already got us a lot of snacks. But you go and have fun with boyfriend number one.” She leaves the room and you roll your eyes at the girl.
Erica is something else and she is your favorite sassy cousin after all.
After you were, scrubbed, plucked, and shaved you were nicely lotioned up and slipping on your shoes. You do a little twirl in the mirror and grab your circle shades. “Liv, you are a goddess. All the boys are going to bow down to you in this outfit. Even Michael Jackson is going to ask you out on a date.” You kiss your mirror and grab your wallet on the way out.
When you make it downstairs you check the time and you see light in the driveway. You tell your Aunt and Uncle you’ll be back soon and you head out the door to see Eddie in his van.
He hops out and he whistles at you. “If you were a pepper you’d be a chili red pepper, Hollywood.” You give a smirk at his compliment and he helps you into the van. “Thanks pretty boy. And you’re looking mighty handsome over there.” Eddie was wearing a black leather jacket, his shirt was cropped a bit to show off his happy trail, and he had on black skinny jeans with old beat up converses.
“Well Hollywood I wanted to make sure I look good for our date.” He says as he pulls out of the driveway. “And you look good. I think you should wear crop tops more often.” You say still eyeing his happy trail.
“Oh yeah? Well maybe I’ll crop more of my shirts for you.” You eyes him up and down and hide the smirk on your lips. “You are such a dweeb.”
“I’m your dweeb.” He retorts. “Yes, that you are, pretty boy. That you are.”
When Eddie parks the van, he hops out and helps you down. Pulling you close to his side. His arm was around your shoulder and you inhale his scent. He smelled like good weed and some cologne. He smelled good to you.
As you two walked into the theater you see it’s lively for a Thursday night. “I’ll get the snacks, you get us some good seats okay, baby?” You feel a flutter in your stomach hearing him call you that. You nod and he hands you your ticket.
“You sure you don’t want help carrying the snacks?” Ask him before walking away. “Yeah, I’m sure, just get us some good seats.”
When you get to the room you look around and you find a nice spot in the back corner. You place your jacket down and sit there waiting for Eddie so you could flag him over.
As you watch everyone finding a spot and just shootin the shit you feel someone sit beside you. You turn and see.
“Dustin! What the hell are you-how did all of you get in here? This movie is rated R and last I checked none of you are even sixteen yet.” You hiss at the boys. “We told them that we were with you and they let us come in.” Lucas says with a devilish smile.
“Go find other seats, I am on a date. If neither of you could tell!” You snap at them. Mike was about to get up but Dustin stays seated. “Who are you on a date with?” He asks. “With me.” Eddie’s voice makes them all freeze.
“Hi, Eddie. You look nice.” Dustin says to him. “Come on, guys let’s go sit somewhere else.” Lucas gets up and Mike follows. Eddie was giving Dustin a raised brow and that’s when Dustin finally got the hint.
“Oh? Is this seat yours? Uh I was just keeping it warm for you.” Dustin quickly gets up and you grab your jacket off of the seat so Eddie can sit down. “Sorry about the wait, I didn’t know if you wanted skittles or starbursts. So I got you both.” He hands them to you and you accept them happily.
“You know the pink and red starbursts are the best in the pack. And if anyone tells you the yellow ones are the best, walk away from them immediately.” You open the starbursts and dig through to grab a red one. “I’m glad you’re a candy connoisseur, Hollywood. So I heard this movie was so gory a group of people left the theater throwing up.” You smile wide as you pass him a pink starburst.
“They said that about the exorcist, I went back for a double feature.” Eddie gives you a side eye. “You're more of a freak than I am, aren’t you Hollywood?” You nod as you take a sip of your drink. “Maybe I’ll be your Freddy Krueger and haunt your dreams tonight, is that freaky enough for you, pretty boy?” Eddie taps his chin and then shakes his head.
“How can you be my Freddy Krueger when you don’t even come close to being a nightmare on any street.”
Oh the kid is smooth tonight!
You touch his chin and pull him close. “Remember that when I appear in your nightmares from this day forward, Eddie Munson.” You go to kiss him but feel eyes on you. You glance over and see Lucas, Mike and Dustin staring but quickly look away.
“Looks like we got an audience, pretty boy.” You point out. He looks over at them and then back at you. “Those boys aren’t going to stop my show.” He captures your lips and kisses you, until the light turn off in the theater.
You felt a bit winded by this kiss. And he brings you close so you’re cuddled up with him. As the trailers play you whisper to him. “Do you like scary movies?” He nods and leans in to whisper back. “Oh course, and I especially love the bloody ones.”
“Oh really?” The trailer does a loud boom and Eddie jumps which makes you scoot closer to him. “Don’t worry pretty boy, if anything goes bump in the night your Freddy Krueger got it for you.”
“Oh shut up.” He says as you see a smile on his face in the dark of the movie…
You were on the edge of your seat as the killer robot searched for their last victim. You chew your popcorn and feel the thrill from the movie. Just when the final girl thinks she’s making it out of the mall the robot guts her and you lean over near Eddie. “That blood effect is so cool, right?” You ask chewing on some more popcorn.“Yeah…” He groans.
When the lights came on you stretched and stood up. “That was bitchin. Especially when the last girl got her head crushed under the mall gate. Her eyes looked like little tomatoes! But I have to say the killer shocked the shit out of me. What was your favorite part, Pretty boy?” You look over at him and his face was pale.
“Are you okay?” He nods and you look over at Lucas and his friends. They all looked pale. When you glance back at Eddie he had got up and he was holding his stomach. “So getting spaghetti after would be a bad idea huh?” He makes a gag noise and he runs out of the theater. You hide a smile with your hand and go after your dweeb of a boyfriend.
When he finally emerged from the bathroom you come up to him and he was pouting. “You said spaghetti on purpose.” You bring your hands up and cradle his face. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it. I didn’t know you’d actually hurl. I won’t say anymore about the movie. Is that better?” You say as you kiss his lips.
He shakes his head. “No, but you can make it up to me.” He pulls you in and leans you against the wall. “Mm, in public? You little pervert.” He brings his knee between your legs and you nuzzle your nose against his. “Maybe I am a pervert, but only when you’re around.” Eddie says as he leans in to kiss you.
“Excuse me.” You both move apart when you hear one of the attendants interrupt. You both laugh and leave outside. As you both get outside you hear Thriller from Michael Jackson playing from a car in the parking lot.
You start moving your hips and turn to Eddie singing for him.
“…You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run…you feel the cold hand and wonder if you’ll ever see the sun…”
You raise your hands like they’re claws and do the zombie dance from the music video and he rolls his eyes at you. “Alright spookywood, I don’t know about you but I’m not ready to go home just yet, you wanna go for a ride?”
“Sure, wait are you not ready to go home because you’re scared?” You wiggle your brows at him and he leads you back to the van. “You are something else, Hollywood. But how does pizza sound?”
“Make it extra pepperonis and cheese and you got a deal.”
The van was parked at the local pizza shop and you two were inside waiting for the pie to be done.
You were sitting on Eddie’s lap just talking about some up coming concerts and how you two wanted to go to some of them. “Kiss is doing a concert but the closest show is in New York.” He tells you. “Okay, do you wanna go?” He chuckles as he rubs your lower back. “You know what I love about you, Hollywood? You don’t hesitate for shit. I can say let’s go sky diving, and you’ll be like rad, let’s go. You are just amazing.”
“Awe come on, you’re pretty awesome yourself.” He shrugs. “I don’t know about that, Hollywood.” He entwines his fingers into yours and he looks off into the distance.
“Honestly other than the band, I don’t have much else going for me. Yeah the campaign is cool but you’ve heard the news, they’re calling it a Satanic cult. Like how is that considered a cult? Honestly sometimes I feel like a loser, and I’m not saying that out of pity, I’m just stating facts.”
“You’re stating fiction. That campaign stuff? Lucas and his friends love doing that with you and if I were a dweeb I’d join in a heartbeat. The stories sound cool. Like the one you guys did last week? The one with Vecna? That shit sounded wild from what Lucas told me. And he told me you. You made that storyline. That’s is some creative ass shit, Eddie. This brain of yours is dangerous and don’t ever call yourself a loser. My boyfriend isn’t a loser.”
Uh-oh you called him the b word.
“Since when I became your boyfriend?” He asks with a smile on his tone. You look away from him. “That pizza should be done now.” You go to get up but he pulls you back down. “No, no, no. Don’t try to be cute and change the subject. Tell me when did I become your boyfriend?”
“Do you not want to be my boyfriend?” You stall. “I do, you know I do.” You turn to him and give a little once over. “And what are you going to do when I leave? Would you do long distance?”
“I was considering it. I mean I graduate in a few months, and I’ve been thinking about going to college out there.”
“Really?! Because if you do oh my god I have so much to show you. The night clubs, the underground shows. Just- you’re going to have a blast in Cali.” You were so animated in talking you don’t even realize that Eddie was just staring at you like you were a precious diamond in his grasp.
He was in love with you. He didn’t know when it happened. Maybe during the second date when he saw you enjoying him up on that stage. Or maybe it was the day he saw you at the record store.
You came in confident and happy. And when he saw you he just had to find a way to introduce himself. So he was thankful that your album had dropped and that he walked over and picked it up. When your eyes met his, his heart skipped several beats and he won’t admit it yet but he was nervous. How could a gorgeous woman such as yourself like hanging out with him?
Eddie “the freak” Munson.
As he listened to you talk, he could picture it, you and him in California. Living together, painting the town red and maybe starting a family. Eddie sighs and he just knew when you went back to California, he wasn’t going to let you leave him behind.
“Eddie? Earth to Eddie.” You wave and he blinks. You smile looking into his eyes. “What were you thinking about so hard?” You ask him. “Just thinking about the future.” He says with a secret smile. “Well time traveler, I don’t want to interrupt but the pizza is ready. Where are we going with it?” You ask as you get off of his lap. “Just somewhere cool. Come on, let’s get the pizza and go.”
Eddie had parked the van and you look out and see a great big lake. “Welcome to Lovers lake, Hollywood.” You look back at him, after rolling the joint. “Are you trying to seduce me, pretty boy? I’ve heard stories about Lovers lake.”
“What? I don’t know what you mean, m’lady.” He says innocently. “Oh you’re such a dweeb.” You open the van door and he follows. You both meet at the back of the van and he opens the doors, revealing a bed in the back, as well as the pizza and a six pack.
“I bet you brought me out here so no one could hear my screams.” You say sitting in the back of the van. “Mm, in more ways than one, Hollywood.” Eddie says as he leans in between your thighs. You mush him away and grab the pizza box. “Let’s eat before the pizza gets cold.”
He sits besides you and as you both get a slice you sit in silence for a moment. You chew slowly and look up at the stars. “It’s beautiful.” You whisper. “Yeah…beautiful.” You already knew he was staring at you and you grab a beer and hand it to him.
“You know, pretty boy, you have this habit in staring.” You comment as you take a sip from your beer can. “I only stare when I’m fascinated by something. And it’s you.” He turns your face and the way the moon light shines on him made him look more pretty.
“Such a pretty pretty boy, you are Munson.” You say as you put your beer and pizza down and climb on top of him. “You really think I’m pretty?” He whispers as you lean over close to his lips.
“Baby, I think you’re pretty, handsome, gorgeous and all of the above. I knew it the moment you looked up at me to give me my album.” You kiss his lips, and feel him trail his hands down your hips.
His hands travels up your skirt and you feel his fingers find your wetness. “Mm, someone is excited.” He says continuing to kiss you. You move his hands and pin them above his head.
“You know, pretty boy, ever since I saw this rope back here I’ve been dying to use it on you. May I?” You ask as you reach and find the rope. “Wait, before you do.” Eddie tries to get up but your grip was firm.
“Hollywood, I need to take my clothes off if that is the case.” You don’t budge. “What if I want to make a mess of you? Keep some of your clothes on and make you squirm a little. I like the thought of that.”
“Come on, Hollywood. Let me just-” You grip him down harder. “I’ll let you up for a little bit, but once you’re done, I’m going to get this rope and tie you down. And after that is all done, I am going to take my sweet time with you. I want to make a mess of you, pretty boy. A begging mess.” You say as you bite his bottom lip and suck.
You let go trusting that he won’t try anything and he takes off his sneakers, as well as his jacket, his shirt and his pants along with his boxers. He was completely naked in front of you and you find the rope.
“Are you sure you want to tie me up?” He says in a deep voice that makes your pussy clench. “Oh I do. And I’m going to or else you don’t get to fuck me. Now lay back down for me, pretty boy.” You say as you stare up at him.
He could easily just flip this whole situation but you trusted him. So when he laid back down on the bed, you nod in approval and you tie his wrists above his head.
“Just as I thought, you do look even prettier all tied up. Now let’s see how you look begging.” You strip off your clothes and he eyes you, causing his dick to harden and you sit close to his dick. “Eddie, you know I really like you right? Like I really really like you. And in order for you to understand me, I need to show you this part of me. I love when you fuck me with your tongue…” You lean down and trail your tongue up his happy trail. Which causes goosebumps along his skin.
You stop at his nipples and you touch his chest. “…I love when you fuck me with this mouth of yours and I love when you just fuck me till I’m begging you to stop because it feel just that fucking good. But Eddie, I like taking control from time to time. And I’ve been dying to hear you beg for a while now.”
You go to kiss him but grab his face instead. “Say you want me to fuck you..beg.” Eddie had a confident smirk on his face and you knew in moments you’d wipe it off. “Please fuck me Hollywood.”
You tilt your head close to his ear. “That smirk just costed you, Munson.” You let him go and lean back revealing your pussy to him. “Did you want more pizza? Or do you want dessert?” His smirk leaves and he tries to lean up be remembered he was tied down. “That…I want to eat that pussy.”
You spread your lips showing him you’re wet and you suck your fingers in front of him. “Mmm, well I’m hungry too. So how do we solve that?” You eye his dick and crawl over to him. He was silent but you knew he wanted to taste you badly.
You hover your pussy above his face and you feel him trying to move but you grip his dick and squeeze. “Excuse me, don’t be rude. Ladies should always go first.” You stroke him slowly and you hear him moan. “Come on, Olivia, just sit on my face. I want to eat that pussy.” He moans as you continue to stroke him.
“Not yet.” You answer as you drool down his dick, making it jump in your hand. “I said ladies first.” You lower your mouth on the head of his dick and you hear him suck in a breathe and he moves his hips a little.
You use your hand and mouth to get him going. “Olivia, please let me eat your pussy. Please ba-fuck.” You cup him as you suck and you come up for air. “Now it’s your turn, I hope you can breathe back there.” You sit down on his mouth and feel his tongue immediately move across your slit.
Your eyes roll back as he eats but you get back to it and you suck him off deeper making sure to take your time. You feel him hit the back of your throat and he moves his hips but you pin them down and start to deep throat him.
You hear him groan as he eats your pussy. His nose sliding in as his tongue laps up your clit. You stop sucking for a moment and sit up just enough so hold your weight correctly. You start fucking his mouth as you have your hands on his chest.
“You wanted to…eat me then fucking eat me. Make me cum riding your face.” You moan out as he pulls at the rope. You know he wanted to touch you. He wanted to grab your ass and suck your pussy till you screamed. But you were in control. You really stared to move your hips and rubbed your pussy across his lips and tongue.
Eddie was moaning and groaning. But you weren’t going to please him right now. No you wanted him to eat you till you were satisfied. “Just like that, baby. Eat my pretty pussy. Eat it just like you begged.” You start rubbing your pussy faster against his tongue and your eye roll back as you feel yourself about to cum.
He sucks your lips and you let your weight go on his face and you feel your lower stomach start to tighten. “I’m coming…” You moan out as you move your hips. He shakes his head and he sucks what you give him.
You sag against him and see he had much more precum on the tip of his very pink dick. You move off of him and his face was slick from your wetness. He was smiling like he won some prize. “I thought you said I was going to regret that smirk.”
You don’t say a word, instead you search his pockets and you find what you were looking for. A condom.
You move back over to Eddie and run a thumb across the head of his dick. “Have you ever been edged before, Eddie?” You ask as you open the condom with your teeth.
“Easy there Hollywood, it’s sensitive t..there.” He warns. “Oh I know, now answer my question.” You ask as you continue to rub your thumb. “N..no I..haven’t.” You give him a cold stare and move your hand away from him and you roll the condom onto his dick.
You get up and position yourself over the head of his dick. When you slide down you both let out a moan. Your lean over and start to bounce up and down as you clench your walls.
“Oh sh…shit. Hollywood you’ve never done that before.” You bounce on him so he’s deeper and you grab his face. Sucking your remaining juices off of his lips and tongue.
He yanks at the ropes. “Mm, okay, Hollywood. You need to untie me because-oh shit. This pussy is too good to keep me tied up.” You shake your head and lean up, riding him faster.
You look down watching his eyes roll back and flutter closed. “Does this feel good baby?” You ask as you slow down your pace. “Yes, yes it does. Now please untie me.” He moans.
“Hm, no.” You slow down your pace more until you were just sitting there. “Wh…why’d you stop?” He moans out.
Instead of answering him you pick up the face and lean down to you can keep your weight in balance. You move your pussy so the only thing he could feel was you riding the tip.
He tried to buck his hips to make it go all the way in but you slide him out. “Oh Eddie, you don’t get to have the control. Do that again and I’ll stop and leave you with blue balls.” You tell him. You slide him back in and clench him harder making him grunt.
“You want to cum don’t you, Eddie? You just want to cum deep inside of this warm pussy.” He nods but you slow down. “Use those pretty words for me, baby.” You moan as your roll your hips causing him to yank at the rope.
“Yes, yes I want to cum. I want to cum inside of you Olivia. Baby please just untie me.” He begs which makes you smile.
“Not yet, I’m having fun.” You lean over and suck his neck, leaving your own mark on him, as he moans he’s about to cum.
You roll your hips again and you feel him shiver as he’s about to cum. But you stop. “No, no, no. Don’t do that, baby please fuck me. Let me cum inside of you.” Eddie moans out. “What? You’re not having fun? With me riding and edging you? I th..think this is fun.” You roll your hips faster and he lets out a moan that sounded cute.
“I’m coming.” You stop again and he lets out a angered groan. “Baby, baby please. Fuck me, I’ll be good. Just please don’t stop fucking me.” Hearing him say that made you extremely wet. “You’ll be good? Promise?” He nods quickly.
“Yes, I’ll be good, baby please keep going. I’m so close.” You roll your hips again and his eyes roll back, you feel his dick twitch but stop just to torture him. “Stop! Stop doing that! Olivia just fu-” You shut him up by rolling your hips and fucking him until he was a whimpering mess.
You soon after came and you rest your head on his chest. Both of you were breathing heavy. “Shit…that was fucked up and fucking amazing.” You hear Eddie say between breathes. You look up at him through your lashes.
“I’ve been wanting to do that to you since the first time, but I was kind of scared that I would scare you off.” You say as you sit up a bit. “What? You mean I could’ve gotten fucked like that on the first night? Jesus I think I would’ve fell in love with you sooner.”
There is is, him saying that to you.
“Do you love me?” You ask searching his eyes. He was quiet at first but then his eyes lock onto yours. “I do, and before you tell me I’m not. I think about you a lot. I honestly feel happy waking up on the days we have dates. I never want to bring you home. You’re fun to be around and you make me feel important. You see me Olivia, the real me, the heavy metal dweeb who plays D&D with his friends. I love you, and if you don’t love me back then please don’t say it, let me just dream a little longer about this beautiful Cali girl who came into my life for the past few weeks.” You shut him up with a kiss. “Eddie, you’re rambling.”
“I know, but that just how I feel when you’re around.” He kisses you back and you feel a flutter in your heart.
You’re a heartbreaker, you get a guy to fall in love and when you’re bored you dump him and move onto the next.
But you’re not bored with Eddie, or Steve. They make things interesting and fun.
I hope they both can understand how you feel. Because there is no denying you like them both. Maybe even lo-
“Hollywood? I don’t know about you but my wrists hurt and I think it’s your turn to get tied up.” Eddie says under you. You put that thought on hold and shake your head.
“Who says I’m untying you? I like you like this Pretty boy.” He yanks at the ropes again and you sit up. “Olivia, come on. It was cute in the moment but come on. Untie me.” You shake your head again and laugh. “Olivia, untie m-OLIVIA!”
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stevie-petey · 26 days
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episode two: vecnas curse
“Hey, guys?” Max gets everyone’s attention and points towards the boathouse.  Dustin is the first to start walking down, Robin and Max not far behind, and you stand back with Steve. “Yeah, sure. Let’s go into the creepy abandoned boathouse. Yay.” “We’ve done worse, angel.” You sigh. “It’s really depressing that you’re right.”
Summary: you and billy play marco polo, max interrupts a saturday morning breakfast at the henderson household, robin crushes steves dream of becoming a 1950s housewife, reefer rick has an odd taste in movies, boathouses are creepy in the dark, and eddie munson likes it when you pull his hair.
Rating: general, some swearing
Warnings: drowning, violence, swearing, fem!reader, use of y/n, blood mentions
Words: 10.5k (i wrote this in one day)
Before you swing in: hey gang !!! so i wasnt supposed to update so soon. and then i wrote this entire chapter in one day. so now here we are. anyways ! read the warnings, this chapter starts heavy. on another note: i start senior year of college on tuesday so updates will vary as i settle into my routine again so pls be patient !! for now, heres a very surprising and unplanned chapter 2, enjoy !
There’s so much water. 
In your mouth, in your chest, burning your lungs and swallowing every scream that scrapes your throat to escape. Every breath you take, more water spills into your body and quiets the desperate cries and gags you. 
Your head breaks through the water’s surface and you inhale so sharply it burns your lungs even more than the chlorine does. You choke on the air, it’s sickly sweet, and a hand shoves you back under the water before you can inhale again. 
Bubbles encase your screams, your arms flail up, your legs kick wildly to try and reach the surface again. But the arm attached to the hand is strong, it holds your body under the water without effort. In the rims of the ripples above you, the corpse of a boy you once knew stares down at you.
“I’ve found you.” Billy sneers, his voice muffled by the water that rushes in your ears.
His eyes are cold, his skin sunken in and littered with cracks. It’s yellowed, decayed, edges of his skin have turned gray as he’s decomposed. Billy’s hair is matted and his shirt is torn and yet his hand shoves you underneath the water again and again and again.
You try to scream, you try to fight against him, but he’s always been so much stronger than you. Even in death, Billy Hargrove’s weight on you anchors you to the rushing water that threatens to drown you. 
Your head breaks the surface again. Billy pulls you up by your hair, your scalp burns. Air wracks your lungs as you struggle to inhale anything other than Hawkin’s pool water. Coughs shake your body, bile rises in your throat, and Billy shakes his head at you in disgust.
“I’ve found you.” He shoves your head under, your nails claw at his skin but he doesn’t flinch. Blood drips down his arm, stains the pool’s crystal blue, and yet you’re drowning still. Again Billy yanks your head back up, for a brief moment you can breathe, before his breath ghosts your face and he hisses into your ear, “I’ve found you.”
Water. It’s all you can feel around you. Your lungs are on fire, you scrape your nails the concrete as you struggle against Billy, but you’re dying. 
You’re dying.
Billy pulls you back, air kisses your face. Your vision darkens, more bile rises. There’s so much water. You can’t stop coughing, you think you’re crying, the chlorine stings your eyes as it sears your raw throat. Billy slams your head down onto the pool’s edge. Pain explodes in the bridge of your nose, blood stains the water even more.
“I’ve. Found. You.” You take one final gasp of air before Billy shoves you back under the water. 
You’re weightless. 
Everything goes dark. 
Suddenly your body rips forward, jerking awake so violently that it makes you nauseous. Your chest heaves, your body struggles to inhale the air that was so cruelly taken from you in your dream. 
It had been a dream, though the water felt so real. The taste of chlorine lingers in your mouth.
Panting, you force yourself to look around your room, list all the things you see. It’s become a little game you play, every time you have a nightmare so vivid that it challenges reality. Your eyes find Steve’s old basketball hoodie, draped over your desk chair. You focus on the bite of bitter cold from the charm bracelet’s silver that rests against your wrist. Breathing through your nose, you try to name what you can smell.
The scent of your mother’s famous waffles wafts through your room. Notes of freshly roasted coffee accompany it. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, your heartbeat settles down. Your fists unclench, your body finally relaxes. 
It was only a dream. Billy isn’t really here. He didn’t really tried to drown you at the pool. It was all just a fucked up, horrible dream.
“Y/N! Breakfast is ready!” Your mother’s sweet, doting voice carries through your closed door. “Come join Dusty and I, please.”
You rub your face, sighing deeply. The nightmare bears down upon your shoulders, the weight of last night crushes your chest. “I’ll be there in a second!” Your voice is brittle, exhaustion evident.
Breakfast with your mom and Dustin is the last thing you want right now, but you know it’s better not to deny Claudia. She’ll worry, ask you if everything is okay. You’re scared she’ll notice that you aren’t at Family Video for the first time in months. Every weekend you’re there to see Steve, to tease him with Robin. 
But the hurt that marred Steve’s devastatingly handsome face last night… You can’t see him, at least not right now. You’re not even sure he’d want to see you, which scares you even more. 
You take your time getting ready, your movements slow. In the shower you scrub your skin raw, as if you can cleanse yourself of the memories from last night. The betrayal in Steve’s brown eyes, Jonathan’s raspy voice asking questions that made your head spin. Lucas and his heartbreak as your brother abandoned him. Dustin’s denial of your code blue. 
Pulling on one of Steve’s old t-shirts, the smell of his cologne lumps tears in your throat. It’s all too much. You miss him, though how can you be sure you haven’t really lost him?
When you finally sit at the table, Dustin doesn’t look up at you, and your shitty mood only worsens. Only your mother brightens when she sees you. “Y/N! Here, I saved you some bacon, I know you don’t like it crispy.”
She slides some food onto your plate and you try to give her what you hope is a bright smile. Your mother can see through people in a way only you can, an ability she passed down to you. Today, you’re afraid that if she asks you what’s wrong, you’ll break. “Thanks, mom.”
Breakfast is tense. Your fork scrapes against the plate. The food looks delicious, your mother is a brilliant cook, but there’s cement in your stomach and you can’t bring yourself to eat any of it. Dustin doesn’t look at you even once, and your mother tries her best to make conversation. 
“So, any big plans for spring break?” She asks, looking eagerly at you and Dustin.
You push some fruit around on your plate. “No, not really.”
“Hm, well why don’t the two of you go and build something together? Remember that robot set from Stevie? I’m sure you and Dusty could build something with what’s left!” 
“Yeah, maybe.” As if Dustin wants anything to do with you right now. You must not sound convincing enough because your mother starts to frown. Panicked, you clear your throat and try to change the subject. “Hey, have you gotten any new toys for Tews?”
“I got her some new stuffed mice, but she doesn’t seem to like them.” Your mother responds, setting her fork down. She looks at her children in front of her, sees the tension that brews between them. Dustin hasn’t said anything all morning, and the dark circles underneath your eyes worries her. Grasping at straws, she rushes over to the T.V. and turns it on, hoping one of your favorite programs is playing. “Here, let’s watch something.”
Only the Saturday morning cartoons don’t appear on the screen. Instead, Channel 9 lights up. Hawkins’ news channel. 
“We’re at the Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County.” A broadcaster announces as a swarm of people behind her gather around something. There are cops everywhere, and you get up from the table, curious. “We don’t have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins HIgh student was discovered early this morning.”
Your mother lets out a strained gasp, the shock ripping through her body. Your own body stills, your heart skips a beat. The broadcaster drones on, explaining how the police believe there’s foul play involved.
Someone has been murdered in Hawkins. 
Over by the table, Dustin’s eyes finally meet yours. You know he’s thinking what you are. Monsters have plagued Hawkins for years now, but there’s never been something as gruesome as a murder. Not in the six years your family has lived here. 
Something isn’t right. The news channel interviews a plethora of neighbors in the trailer park. One woman talks about Barb, all the suspicious deaths since 1983. How Hawkins is cursed. Your eyes find Dustin’s again and you both exhale nervously. The woman is right, although she can never know what really goes on in this town. Hawkins is cursed, but not in the way anyone thinks.
Then, terrifyingly too late, you remember that the broadcaster had announced that the body was found in Forest Hills. Max lives in Forest Hills, and the body had been a highschool student. The police haven’t released the name of who it was and panic slices your nerves at the thought that it could be Max. 
“My heart can’t take it anymore. It just can’t.” Your mother whimpers, holding Tews close to her chest. Your heart aches for her, she grew up in this town and all it has endured these last few years is pain and death. 
Dustin sighs next to you and when the doorbell rings, he goes to open it. You follow, nervous and fretful as you always are.
Max stands on your porch, and the moment you realize it’s her, you pull her tightly into your arms. “Oh, thank God.” She stiffens at the touch, you notice that she’s out of breath, panicked. A terrible, horrible feeling of dread takes a hold of you. Pulling away, you force her averting eyes to look into yours. She’s scared; she’s never scared. “Max. What happened?”
Everything falls apart quickly after that.
Max drags you and Dustin into your room and collapses onto the bean bag. Her words are jumbled as she tries to explain everything. You sit motionless on your bed next to her, listening to every word she says. Dustin paces the room, both of you try to make sense of what you’re hearing.
“The body… It was found in Eddie’s trailer.” 
Your breath catches at Max’s words. Dustin’s steps falter. Nausea washes over you, you place a shaky hand over your stomach to quell it. You’ve left your brother alone with Eddie hundreds of times this year, and now a dead body has been found in his home?
“No, that can’t be possible.” Dustin doesn’t want to believe it, he doesn’t want to consider the idea that his mentor could ever harm anyone.
Max bites her lip. “The police have his trailer taped up, it’s under lockdown. And the body they found, she was-” She pauses, takes a deep breath. “It was bad, guys.”
“You can’t seriously think it was Eddie though, right?”
You catch Dustin’s arm and give him a warning look. He’s antsy, you get it, but he needs to calm down. Turning to Max, you ask the question you’re dreading. “Who was the dead student, Max?”
The girl looks down, plays with her fingers, and you can see the remorse that drapes her shoulders. Fear plagues you again, it had to have been someone you knew. After a few moments, Max finally tells you. “Chrissy.”
An overwhelming sense of grief forces any air left in your lungs out. Chrissy had always been so kind to you. She was a ray of sunlight, you shared a class together sophomore year, she had given you daisies when she heard of Will’s disappearance. 
Chrissy Cunningham was one of the few good things in Hawkins.
And now she’s dead. 
Dustin can’t believe it, either. “Chrissy Cunningham?”
“A-are you sure?” You breathe out, eyes following his pacing figure as Max nods.
“Yes, she was in her cheerleader outfit. Same thing she was in when I saw her with Eddie.”
You frown at this. “She was with Eddie?”
Max nods again, and you’re struck by how odd the entire situation is. Chrissy is, was, the head cheerleader. While she was always nice to you, she never interacted with anyone like Eddie. Hell, hardly anyone ever associates with the guy, so you can’t believe that she would even talk to him. That she would willingly step foot in his trailer, especially after the basketball game last night. 
You had overheard one of the kids on the team mention a party to Lucas before he left. Chrissy should’ve been there, next to Jason as they celebrated the win. 
“Did you tell the cops?” Dustin asks, still trying to wrap his head around it all. 
Max shakes her head. “No, but I-I can’t be the only one who saw them together. I mean, they stood out.”
“Are you even sure they were together?” You also can’t wrap your head around the fact that they’d be together in the first place. “Maybe… I don’t know, Chrissy had a friend who lives in Forest Hills as well?”
“No, Eddie and I are the only two students who live in the trailer park.”
Dustin paces again, in complete disbelief. “Eddie, the freak, with Chrissy, the cheerleader.”
“You know, his name’s not in the news yet or anything, but–”
“Eddie is going to be the prime suspect for Chrissy’s murder.” You finish for Max, understanding where she’s going with all this. It’s the only logical conclusion that can be drawn from finding a dead girl’s body in the guy’s trailer. 
Anyone would be suspicious of that, and yet Dustin refuses to admit it.
“No, that’s crazy.” He glares at you, he can’t believe what you’re implying. “Eddie didn’t do this. No way.”
Max looks at you, she has a grimace on her face, and your expression mirrors hers. Sighing, you try to reason with your brother. “Dustin, they found a body in Eddie’s trailer.”
“No way,” Dustin hisses out, eyes burning into yours. He won’t back down from this, he knows you hate Eddie but he’s furious that you’d go as low as to accuse him of murder. You’re so fucking hypocritical. “And, FYI, your annoying vendetta against him won’t get us anywhere.”
“I don’t have a vendetta against him!” You scoff, hurt that Dustin would assume you’re only saying all this because Eddie mildly annoys you. 
Max, sensing an argument brewing, gets up from the bean bag and intervenes. “We can’t rule it out.”
“Yes we can!”
“Dustin!” You and Max berate him at the same time, now standing in front of him. He isn’t listening, he’s blatantly ignoring the fact that someone died in the same trailer Eddie grew up in. He was the only one with Chrissy last night. Dustin is refusing to see the glaring red flags presented in front of him. 
“Look, you guys don’t know him like I do, okay? Y/N practically wants the guy dead most days–”
“So I don’t necessarily trust her judgment on the matter.” Dustin doesn’t let you interrupt him, he’s adamant to defend his friend. “When we got to high school, Lucas made all his sports friends. Mike and me? I mean, no one was nice to us.”
Upset creeps up your neck. You had been there for the boys, offering them sanctuary their first day, but they had denied you. It hadn’t been enough for them. They didn’t want your help, not anymore. “Dustin…”
“No one except Eddie.” He finishes, eyes only on Max as if it’d make it sting any less. He recognizes what he’s saying, that it isn’t fair to you, but he’s too overwhelmed to try and clarify it all to you. Not right now.
Max’s shoulders deflate, her resolve dwindles but she still argues anyways. “Okay, well. They said the same shit about Ted Bundy.” 
“Ted Bundy was charming.” You snort, understanding what Max is trying to say, but it’s a poor example. “Eddie isn’t.”
She smiles briefly at you, the joke amusing her, but then she sees Dustin’s narrowed eyes and quickly defends herself. “I mean, he’s like a super nice guy, but then he’s murdering women on the weekends.” 
“So you’re saying Eddie is like Ted Bundy?”
“No, we aren’t saying that.” You mollify Dustin, although you can’t help but add in, “besides, Eddie could never lure in multiple women. We still aren’t sure how he even lured Chrissy in the first place.”  
Dustin is about to start yelling at you, you can see it in the way his mouth twitches and the enraged breath he exhales, but Max is quick to step between the two of you. She isn’t sure why you guys are at each other’s throats this morning, but she doesn’t have time to deal with it.
“No, we aren’t saying that.” Max glares at you, and you smile weakly back at her. “We’re-we’re saying that we can’t presume anything okay? But it doesn’t look good for Eddie.”
Dustin, now finally starting to listen, sits on the bean bag behind him. He lays there, looking small in the mass of the makeshift bed. He’s crestfallen, and your anger from earlier disappears. Sighing again, you sit next to him and nudge his shoulder. “Listen, I know it’s a lot right now, but maybe the police will find evidence that Eddie didn’t do it–”
“Why haven’t you told the cops this?” Dustin sits up, eyes on Max.
She crosses her arms, the question surprises her. “I… I don’t know.”
Dustin presses her, both of you notice how her body language changes. She draws into herself, she’s uncertain. There’s something there, buried beneath all the information she’s told you today. Something else happened in Eddie’s trailer, something she isn’t telling you. 
“Max,” you soften your voice, afraid. “What did you see last night?”
The girl’s knees find your bed and her body falls against it. Max’s eyes won’t meet yours, she almost seems scared. Her demeanor causes your stomach to drop. What could she possibly have seen that terrified her so much?
“After I saw Eddie and Chrissy go in the trailer…” Max looks up at you and Dustin, her blue eyes guarded, alert. “Something else happened.” 
She explains the lights flickering in her house. The static on her T.V., how the air felt thick. She tells you that she could hear a scream, Eddie’s fleeing silhouette ran into his car and the way the tires screeched on the pavement as he left. 
The more Max recounts, the tighter the fist of dread inside your stomach coils. Flickering lights, static… It can’t be what you think it is. You catastrophize everything in your mind, you always are the first to fear danger that isn’t really there. Hopper closed the gate last summer. He died saving the world. The gate is closed, the Upside Down is out of your life. For good this time. 
But then why does it feel like its spillage is leaking through the cracks you’ve desperately tried to glue over?
Max must see the panic on your face and she quickly backtracks. “Y/N, it wasn’t that weird or anything. Eddie always drives like a maniac and the power goes off at my place all the time. It’s a piece of shit, alright?”
“Then why did Eddie run?” The question taunts you, there’s something wrong with it. Shitty power grids and reckless driving can be explained, but why would someone scream while fleeing a crime they committed?
Max swallows. The question has been on her mind, too. “The look on his face… He was scared. Really scared.”
Dustin sucks in a breath, it’s subtle but you can feel it against you. He looks up, eyes meeting yours, and the dread that resides in your ribcage seeps into his. Max stutters out possible explanations, she tries to find something else to explain what it could mean, but you all know that it’s no use.
You realize why Max had rushed to your house. Why she hasn’t gone to the police with what she knows.
The fear on Max’s face when she arrived on your doorstep, how breathless she’d been from running over. That had been real, familiar. The same fear that crossed her face when you’d first unwillingly introduced her to the Upside Down all those years ago.
“Or maybe Eddie was scared because…”
“Something else killed her.” Dustin mumbles quietly, piecing it all together as well.
Your body is numb, your lips move but you don’t recognize the voice that speaks. “You think it’s the Upside Down.”
The words hang in the air, everything stills the moment they’re brought into the light. Beside you, Max nods, slowly, regretfully. As if she doesn’t want to believe it herself. “But, that’s impossible, right?”
Every year the impossible somehow becomes possible. Every year the wound that scabs over reopens, the blood of it chokes everyone you love. 
“I don’t know,” Dustin’s voice is soft, he’s scared, too. “It should be.”
“And yet we always end up here,” you laugh bitterly. It’s the same fucking thing, over and over again. 
Dustin’s hand finds yours, his touch is warm, yet unfamiliar now. He hasn’t held your hand in months, you almost forgot what it feels like against yours. “We don’t know that,” he squeezes your hand. He’s kind again, he’s your brother again. “There’s only one person who knows what actually happened.” 
Whatever he saw, it’s important. No one will believe him if it’s the Upside Down, no one will understand that he hadn’t done anything at all. That monsters haunt the shadows of this town, that the deaths in Hawkins hadn’t really been deaths. 
You have to find him. 
Steve doesn’t think he’s had a worse morning than the one he’s having today. He hadn’t slept, his exhaustion a reminder of how much of an asshole he had been to you last night. He had yelled at you; he’s never, ever yelled at you. Not in the entire three years he’s known you, not even when you’d hurt him so deeply by cutting him out of your life that fateful summer.
But last night Steve swears he saw the same look in your eyes that Nancy had in hers the night she told him she didn’t love him. He saw it, he knows he did, and he had been fucking terrified. He can’t lose you, he doesn't think he’d survive if you ever left him. Especially not if he’s the reason you leave.
Steve is miserable, and his foul mood only worsens when you don’t float through Family Video’s front door with a smile on your lips and a glint in your eye like you always do every Saturday. 
“Where’s Y/N? Normally she’s here by now.” Robin looks around the store, noting your unusual absence as she scans a movie to restock. 
Steve pretends not to hear her, he really doesn’t want to talk about it right now. He knows that if he tells Robin the two of you had a fight, she’d demand an explanation and promptly call him an idiot, regardless of whether or not he’s in the wrong. 
“Dingus, did you hear me?” Robin shoves the cart his way, causing it to hit his hip with a slightly painful thud. “Where’s that gorgeous girlfriend of ours?”
“She’s my girlfriend,” Steve grabs the cart and throws random movies inside of it as he starts to walk down the romance aisle. Fitting. 
His coworker doesn’t miss the way he avoids the question. Suspicious, she blocks Steve’s path and forces him to look at her. “You’re dodging. Why are you dodging? Where’s Y/N?”
“Robin, we should really be focusing on work right now–”
“Oh my God, did you kill her? Did all that hairspray rot your brain and cause you to kill Hawkins’ sweetheart and force the world to mourn the beautiful legacy she’d leave behind? Huh, is that it?”
“What! No, I didn’t kill Y/N. What is wrong with you?” Steve elbows the girl, he isn’t in the mood for her ramblings, yet Robin remains standing in his way. She raises an eyebrow at him, silently daring him to keep avoiding her questions, and Steve knows he has to fess up. Looking away, he clears his throat. “We, uh. Sorta had a fight last night.”
Robin frowns. “A fight?”
“But you two never fight.”
“Alright, so it was all your fault then.”
Steve rolls his eyes, he knew Robin would say that. “I didn’t even tell you what it was about.”
“And yet I know it was all your fault.” Even though she’s kidding, she sees the hurt that flashes across Steve’s face and eases up. Clearly whatever the fight had been about was bad. Bad enough that you don’t show up to Family Video like you always do. Taking pity on her friend, Robin flicks Steve’s forehead and prompts him to start talking. “Alright, I’ll bite. Tell me what happened.”
Steve leans against the wall, rests his head back. He knows he should talk about this, Robin will know what to do. He doesn’t have the best track record of communicating with his girlfriends, and for the first time in his life, he wants to try with you. Steve would do anything for you, even if it means being vulnerable with Robin in order to figure out how to make you laugh his name so softly again. 
“Y/N was… Upset last night. After the game. She’s been having some problems with Dustin lately, and, I don’t know. I was trying to be funny, I guess? Cheer her up, get her to laugh.”
Robin winces. “Oh, that never ends well.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” Steve huffs. He always somehow makes things worse, and last night he’d gone for a world record with you. “I just… I really wanted to see her smile, you know? So I joked about our future together, said we’d live in a shoebox apartment in New York after she graduates, and she just…”
“Lost it?” Robin shakes her head at him, trying to hide her disbelief. She wants to give Steve the benefit of doubt, but she thinks she knows where this is going. And it isn’t good.
“She told me I couldn’t come with her.” The words had branded themselves onto Steve’s chest, the flesh still raw and bleeding. You hadn’t wanted him to come with you; you didn’t want Steve anywhere near you. “She was just going to leave, without me.”
Robin stands next to him and she nudges his head with her hand, hitting him without any malice. He’s such an idiot sometimes, a hopeless, well meaninged idiot. “Okay, you’re being very thespian right now. I’m sure that’s not what Y/N meant when she said you couldn’t follow her to college. She’s like, crazy in love with you. Anyone can see that.”
“Then why was I the only one considering our future the entire time? I mean,” Steve scoffs, angry again. “I asked her what she thought we’d do after she applied to college, and she couldn’t even answer me. For months she was applying and she didn’t stop to think about us, about our relationship. She just… she was just going to leave.”
“And your solution was to… Follow her to college, unannounced?”
Steve recognizes how stupid he must sound, but he doesn’t expect Robin to understand. When you’re with someone, when you love them, your actions become theirs. How they breathe becomes your heartbeat, how they sleep becomes your solace. From the moment Steve’s eyes laid on you, he knew he’d follow you to the ends of the earth.
He just thought you’d do the same for him. 
“I wasn’t going to just show up at NYU unannounced, alright?” Steve pauses, he tries to find the right words. “But I thought… I thought she envisioned us together, for the rest of our lives. Instead she told me that I deserve better, as if I-I’m physically able to imagine a world where I’m not standing next to her, where I’m not a ten minute drive down the street.”
Robin bites her lip. She thinks she understands what Steve means, where his actions were coming from. She remembers the late night talks about Nancy, how the girl had hurt him deeply when she abandoned him. The surface level love that tainted his perception of himself for years afterwards. Robin knows that Steve clings onto any semblance of stability he’s presented. Years of being lonely and used have left him unwilling to let go of the ones he loves the most. 
But that doesn’t mean he should give up his entire life to do so. 
Robin thinks that this is what you really were trying to tell Steve, even if he’s too blind to see it right now. “Y/N wants you to live your own life. You gotta see that, Steve.”
“She is my life!” Steve throws his hands up in the air, he’s sick of explaining this to everyone. You’re his everything. You’re the blood he bleeds and the tears he sheds. His life is yours. He doesn’t care how pathetic it may sound or how dramatic it may seem. 
“Steve,” Robin places a hesitant hand on his arm, and when he doesn’t pull away, she takes it as a sign to continue. “Y/N loves you, she wants what’s best for you. Meanwhile, you have no idea what you want. You’re seriously considering abandoning everything to live in a giant, rat infested city, and you hate cities! I mean, what would you even do there? Lay around all day and wait for Y/N to come home like some 1950’s housewife? No offense, Stevie, but you don’t have the legs for a dress. Although, maybe if you wore heels and some lipstick–”
“Get to the point, Robin.”
“Sorry,” she shakes her head quickly, refocuses. “The point is that her not wanting you to follow her to college is nothing personal. If Y/N didn’t see a future with you, then she wouldn’t waste her time with you. Simple as that. But she does, and she’s totally, madly in love with you. Plus, we both know that the real reason you want to go with her is because you’re scared she’ll find some hot, 6’5 guy to replace you with and if you’re not there, she’ll be swallowed up by all those hot models and rich business men who prowl the streets of New York–”
Steve covers his ears, shoving Robin away from him. “Okay, okay! I get it, Jesus. There’s plenty of hot men in New York, you’re totally not making this worse for me.”
“So you admit that you’re scared she’ll find someone else.”
“Okay, no. I didn’t say that–”
Robin runs towards the other end of the store and grabs a VHS tape. “Ignoring you! I’m right, you’re wrong, and I’ve just found our morning movie: Doctor Zhivago.”
Steve lets her change the subject, he’s tired of arguing anyways. “You know I don’t do double VHS.”
“But it’s about doomed love.”
Of course it is. “Oh, well that’s relatable.”
“Precisely.” Robin starts to go on and on about an actress in the movie who’s hot, but Steve drowns her out as he returns the cart. She grabs the T.V. remote and clicks it on for their movie, but quickly their morning plan dissipates when Channel 9 comes onto the screen.
“... that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning.”
Steve and Robin stare at the screen in silence, the broadcaster’s words echo throughout the room. A Hawkins student is dead. The temperature in the room drops, Robin shifts uneasily next to him and Steve presses his arm against hers, silently offering comfort. 
They stand side by side as the broadcast goes on. Neither one of them speaks, listening quietly as the details are revealed. It’s a horrific murder, from the sounds of it. The more the channel announces, the more tense Steve becomes. He doesn't like it, violence has always made him anxious. As his nerves spiral, he gets the horrifying idea that maybe the body is yours. 
He knows it isn’t, he dropped you off at home last night, but he hadn’t stayed to make sure you made it inside safely. Steve curses, he’s a fucking idiot. He left you alone last night, and if you got hurt because of his selfish actions, he will never forgive himself. 
Suddenly the front door opens and you run in with Dustin and Max by your side.
“Hey, Steve.” Dustin tries to get his attention, but the teen is already hopping the counter, sprinting over to you.
Forgetting about the fight from before, Steve clings onto your shirt and hugs you. His arms shake, you can hear his heartbeat stuttering a mile a minute. Overwhelmed with the scent of him and the feel of his body against yours, you melt into the hug as relief sags your bones. “You’re okay,” Steve exhales against your ear, his hand finding your hair. He tangles his fingers through the strands, tries to pull you in even closer. 
“I’m okay.” You whisper back, clinging onto him just as desperately as he is to you. 
The moment is interrupted by Dustin, who pounds on the counter to break the two of you apart. “Hey! Assholes!”
Steve glares at the kid, he doesn’t let you go, but he reluctantly steps away. “Someone was murdered, you know that, right?”
Dustin ignores the sarcasm. “How many phones do you have?” 
“Two, why?”
“Technically three, if you count Keith’s.” Robin adds.
You make a disgusted face. “I wouldn’t touch his phone.”
Max tells Dustin that three phones will work and the younger teen quickly takes off his backpack before sliding it onto the counter.
Steve narrows his eyes, looking at you with slight panic. “What is he doing?”
Dustin throws the backpack over the counter and Robin yells as the kid jumps over and lands with a loud thud on the ground. He brings down a pile of tapes as he does so, and Steve tears himself from your side to try and stop him, but it’s too late. The damage is already done and Dustin has sat himself at one of the computers. 
“Dude! My tapes, what are you doing?” Steve cries, groaning as he bends down to pick up the ruined pile. 
Robin glares at your brother as she huffs as well. You quickly hop the counter, an apologetic smile on your face, and bend down to help. “I’m sorry about him. He’s Dustin. That’s the only way I can explain his behavior.”
“I’m setting up base of operations here.” Dustin’s fingers fly over the keyboard, ignoring Steve’s distressed cries. 
“Base of operations?” Robin looks at you, she likes you, she really does, but sometimes she hates Dustin. “Y/N, I love you, but I’m about to strangle your brother.”
You hand her a tape and blow a strand of hair out of your face. “Ya know, I get that a lot.”
“Stop, get off!” Steve pushes Dustin, but the kid is like stone at the computer. Max is beside him now, having chosen to walk around the counter like a normal person. 
“I need it.” Dustin responds, not giving much else for an explanation. 
Steve pinches the bridge of his nose and turns to you. “Y/N, please come get your dog.”
“He’s not my dog–”
“I need the computer for Eddie’s friends’ phone numbers.”
“Oh, you mean your new best friend that Y/N and I hate? The one you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?”
You step in between Steve and Dustin now. You’re getting really tired of being accused of hating Eddie. While it may not necessarily be wrong, hate is a strong word. “We don’t hate Eddie, you’re just dramatic, Steve.”
“I never said he was cooler than you guys,” Dustin tries to amend, finally looking at you and Steve.
Behind you, Robin slams a tape down while she rebuilds the ruined pile. “Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around here like toddlers, but it’s Saturday. It’s our busiest day.”
You help her pick up a dropped sign, feeling bad for disturbing their place of work so early. “I promise I wouldn’t take them here unless it was important, please don’t hate me–”
“What Y/N is taking too long to say is that this cannot wait until Monday.” Dustin jots down the numbers he ends up finding. Steve drops his head into his hands, exhausted. 
Robin rolls her eyes. “I’m not blaming your sister, she’s an angel, but is calling Eddie’s friends really an emergency?”
You drop your head onto the counter, defeated. Dustin is only making everything worse, like he normally does, and you’re tired. Steve stands next to you, allows a hand to fall onto the small of your back. Without thinking about it, he starts to rub soothing circles into your skin. 
“Want me to strangle him or you want to?” Steve asks Robin. 
“We could take turns.”
Not bothering to lift your head up, you leave your face smushed against the countertop as you speak. “Please don’t strangle him, my mom would be really sad and we can’t afford a funeral.”
“Can you just fill them in already, Y/N?” Dustin pokes your side.
“Fill us in on what?” Robin asks, exasperated.
Finally raising your head, you look at Max and swallow down any remaining uncertainty. The sooner you explain everything to Steve and Robin, the sooner you can find Eddie and figure out what the hell is going on. With Max’s help, the two of you give them an abridged version. 
“The murder happened in Eddie’s trailer.” You begin. 
“And the body was Chrissy Cunningham.” Max finishes.
Steve’s eyes widen. “What, so the freak killed her?”
“Unconfirmed.” Dustin snaps from the computer. He’s almost done writing down all the numbers.
“Not exactly. There’s some… details that we’re hoping to figure out, first. Before we go to the police about Eddie.”
Robin doesn’t like the way you say this. “What details?”
“The lights flickered in my house, I-I could feel static.” Max says, eyes downcast. Nothing else needs to be said, Steve and Robin understand immediately.
Now quiet, Steve’s hand finds yours. If it’s really happening again, he’ll be damned if he lets you go anywhere out of his sight. He’s not losing you. Surprised by the affection, you look and Steve and find that he’s staring down at you with so much tenderness in his eyes, even after you both maliciously hurt one another the night before.
It’s almost too much for you, the honey in his eyes that are meant for only you to see. Jonathan’s words from last night burn your skin. 
Do you ever wonder if we’ve made a mistake?
Steve doesn’t know what’s been said. Neither does Nancy. How could you possibly tell them what he’s done? The line he almost crossed? After everything the four of you have been through together, the deep history that divides you, how can you settle the ruins that Jonathan left in his wake? 
You can’t. Not without hurting everyone in the process. 
You’re torn out of your thoughts when Dustin calls your name. He’s giving out instructions, ordering everyone to call Eddie’s friends. 
“Y/N, you’ll call out the numbers we need to dial and write down any leads we get. Max, Robin, you’ll be with me on the phones. We need to figure out where he is, if he has any specific hiding places. Steve, you can bat your eyelashes at customers or whatever.”
Steve makes a disgruntled sound in the back of his throat and you squeeze his hand. “You heard the kid,” you lean against his chest, allow yourself to smile up at him. “Go bat your eyelashes, handsome.”
He laughs, and because he loves you, because he will always love you, Steve kisses the corner of your mouth, right where your smile line forms. It’s a quick, chaste kiss. Enough to remind you that he’s still yours, yet mindful of the fact that things may not be as easy as they once were between you. “Aye aye, angel.”
And then he’s gone, leaving you with such a rush of love for him within your bones. Later, when there’s time, you and Steve will talk, and he’ll still be yours and you’ll still be his. 
Everyone gets to work after that. Max, Robin, and Dustin spread out around the store and begin dialing the numbers that you read off from the list. Their conversations are short, all filled with the same set of questions. There’s at least eight people to get through, but dividing them up helps. 
Robin shouts at you to write down some kid named David who has a vacation home in Tennessee. Dustin tells you to cross off one of the phone numbers ending in 5823, apparently the guy and Eddie no longer talk.
Max, who stands the closest to you at the counter, hangs up the phone and turns to you. “I think I might have a lead.”
“Seriously?” Dustin spins around in his chair and Robin sets down her phone.
“Yeah, apparently Eddie gets his drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick–”
“Wait, Eddie actually sells drugs?” You thought that had only been a rumor, a stereotype from people who didn’t know any better. Why the fuck is a drug dealer hanging out with your fourteen year old brother? Alarmed, you grab Dustin’s arm and force him to look at you. “He hasn’t offered you any, right? I swear to God, I will stab his boney little body if he’s offered so much as even a whiff to you–”
Dustin rips his arm out of your grasp. “Can you not freak out for more than five seconds? Holy shit, no! He hasn’t offered me anything, he isn’t irresponsible with his business, he only sells to seniors.”
“So you knew he was a drug dealer?” You’re so going to kill Munson. 
“Guys!” Max claps her hands, breaking up yet another fight between you and Dustin. “The drugs aren’t important right now, what we should be focusing on is the fact that Eddie sometimes crashes at Reefer Rick’s.”
Robin pats your shoulder and nods at Max’s words. “Okay, that sounds promising. Where does this Reefer Rick guy live?”
“That’s the thing. No one knows. He’s more of a… a legend than someone people actually know.”
“Well that doesn’t sound suspicious at all.” You mumble under your breath, but Dustin hears you anyway and elbows your ribs. 
Ignoring your pained cry, he looks at Max. “What about a last name?” 
“I don’t know that either.”
“Bet the cops know a last name.” Steve says, back turned to you guys as he organizes some tapes. Max asks him what he means and he finally walks over. “I mean, listen, if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he’s been busted at some point. Means he’s in the system.”
Dustin throws his head back in annoyance. “The cops? That’s your suggestion?”
“I mean, at this point I think they should be filled in on what we know, what’s going on.” Steve defends himself, and honestly a part of you agrees with him. 
Technically speaking, this is a lot to hide from the police. If this had been happening last year, you would’ve been the first to suggest telling Hawkins police about everything. But last year Hopper was alive, this year he’s dead. He’s gone, and the new chief wouldn’t understand or even bother listening to what you’d have to say. 
Hopper would’ve believed you. He always believed you. 
“The police won’t help,” you say, and Dustin is surprised you’re agreeing with him for once. “At least, not like they used to.”
“You think Eddie is guilty, don’t you?” Your brother accuses Steve, and a fight breaks out between them. 
Steve brings up some weak point about believing in everyone being innocent until proven guilty. “I just, you know. I don’t think we can rule it out.”
“That’s precisely what we’re trying to do here, Steve.” Max points out, annoyed by all of this. 
Dustin nods. “And maybe we’d have a little bit more luck if you spent less time ogling my sister and more time trying to find Eddie.”
You flick the kid’s head and Steve waves his arms out, defensive. “I wasn’t ogling her, and even if I did, I have every right to as her boyfriend! Besides, someone has to attend to the customers.”
“And by customers, you mean Y/N.” Robin teases, knowing she’s right.
“I’m right here, you know.” You don’t like this conversation, you don’t even know how everyone ended up here in the first place. 
“Sue me for trying to find a movie for my girlfriend, alright? We’ve got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming, even if I’ve worked here for almost a year.”
You tilt your head at Steve. “You were trying to find a movie for me?”
He blushes, suddenly shy. “I mean, yeah. Figured we could… watch something later?”
“I’d like that,” you tell him shyly. Things will be okay between you, they have to be. 
Meanwhile, Robin types frantically on the computer, and Max asking her what she’s doing catches your attention. You walk over, lean down to stare at the screen in front of you. “Maybe we don’t need a last name,” Robin explains, pulling up the store’s video rental catalog. 
A list of Ricks pop up, and you quickly realize what she’s doing. “Oh, you’re a genius, Buckley.”
“Tell me something I don’t know, pretty girl.” Robin smirks, showing everyone else the screen. “There’s twelve Ricks who have accounts here.”
“That’s a lot of Ricks,” Max remarks. 
Robin nods, she expected this. “So, let’s narrow it down.” She clicks on the first Rick’s name and his movie rental history appears. “Rick Alderman’s latest rentals are Annie and Dumbo.”
“I doubt a drug deal would rent sensible children’s movies.” You say, and everyone agrees.
“Alright, Rick Conroy. Sixteen Candles, Teen Wolf, and Romancing the Stone.” In unison everyone says “no”, and Robin moves down the list. “Okay, Rick Joiner. Mask, Footloose, and Grease.”
You hum thoughtfully. “Grease, I like this Rick’s taste in movies.”
Dustin snorts. “But he isn’t the Rick we need.” 
Finally, Robin lands on a Rick Lipton, who has rented three Cheech & Chong movies over the course of a week, and immediately you all know that you’ve found the right Rick. Robin looks up the address and Dustin observes that it’s out by Lovers Lake.
Lovers Lake. Where you and Steve finally got together. 
As if thinking what you are, Steve’s hand finds the small of your back, where it permanently resides, and he shares a shy look with you. There’s fondness in his eyes, the memory from that night doesn’t burn him. The tension of your fight lingers, you both can feel it, but the memory of that July night causes you both to smile.
And it’s enough. 
Steve is the one who drives, he’s always somehow the designated driver, and everyone crams into his car. You sit in the passenger seat, he doesn’t let anyone else sit there when you’re with him, and Robin complains from the backseat. 
“One of these days I’m going to sit up front and no one will stop me.” 
“You sat in the passenger seat yesterday morning, Robin.” You remind her, smirking when you see how squished she is between Max and Dustin.
“Minor details. Please drive quickly, Harrington. I think Dustin’s elbow is lodged between my third and fourth rib.”
Lovers Lake is far. The house is in the middle of nowhere, the perfect place to hide, so by the time you arrive there it’s dark. Steve keeps a few flashlights in his trunk, a precaution he’s adopted since befriending you and Dustin. He hands them out to everyone with the warning to stay close. 
“I don’t want anyone slipping away, you hear me?”
“Okay, dad.” Robin shoves past him, causing Max to giggle, and you pat his chest in pity. 
Dustin rings the doorbell, figuring if Eddie is really here then he’d want to see a familiar face. When no one answers, he starts to repeatedly hit the doorbell over and over again. 
“Guess he’s not here,” Steve says after Dustin rings the bell for the hundredth time, but the kid ignores him and starts to pound on the door instead, now yelling. 
“Eddie! It’s Dustin!”
Still no one answers, and you begin to think that maybe you’ve gotten it all wrong. There’s the woods, the abandoned Hawkins Lab, and a million other places to hide. Reefer Rick’s house may have been too far for Eddie to run off to. 
Dustin calls through the door about how it’s just him and that there aren’t any cops. Robin tries to get a look inside the house through the window while you shine your light around the house. Max seems to get the same idea and the two of you wander over towards the side, trying to find another way in. 
Only you don’t find another way in. Instead, you find an old boathouse down by the water’s edge. It’s huge, masked by the trees and house in front of it. Eddie has to be hiding out in there, then. 
“Hey, guys?” Max gets everyone’s attention and points towards the boathouse. 
Dustin is the first to start walking down, Robin and Max not far behind, and you stand back with Steve. “Yeah, sure. Let’s go into the creepy abandoned boathouse. Yay.”
“We’ve done worse, angel.”
You sigh. “It’s really depressing that you’re right.”
Slowly the five of you approach the building, there isn’t any sign of life. The door is unlocked, which is both a good and bad sign. Robin pokes her head in cautiously, calls out into the darkness. “Hello? Is anyone home?”
Steve walks behind you, guiding you gently with his hands. Everyone spreads out, Steve grabs an oar that he finds hanging on the wall. He shows it to you, raising his eyebrows as he silently asks if it could be of any use, and you nod. Following his lead, you flick your knives out, eyes catching on a boat with a tarp draped over it. 
Wary, you point it out to Steve, and he understands. Raising his oar, he brings it down onto the boat with force, stabbing at the tarp. Luckily he doesn’t catch on anything, or anyone, but Dustin yells at him. 
“What are you doing?” Then, seeing the glint of your knives, Dustin scoffs at you. “Seriously, you really think those little elbow stabbers are gonna help?
You raise them at him. “I stabbed Billy with them, don’t forget.” 
Besides, like hell you’re taking any chances this time. Even if Steve’s oar isn’t the most ideal weapon, it’s still a weapon. You’re in an abandoned building with a killer on the loose. Neither one of you is willing to risk being defenseless, not after everything you’ve been through together. 
“He might be in here,” Steve continues to stab at the tarp, and even you have to admit it’s overkill. 
“Just take the tarp off!” Dustin says through clenched teeth. Steve tells him to take the tarp of himself and again they spiral into an argument. You watch with slight amusement. Some things never change. 
Robin and Max find something over by the table, alerting you that Eddie may have been in here. Dustin waves an arm out in front of Steve, who’s still jabbing his oar into the boat’s tarp. “Don’t worry, Steve will get him with his oar.”
“I know you’re being funny, little Henderson, but considering the fact that everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don’t find it funny in the slight–” A figure jumps out from behind Steve and grabs him. “Wait, wait, wait!”
“Steve!” You scream, extending your knives, following after them. The person shoves Steve into the wall, holds a broken glass bottle to his neck. Pressing yourself behind them, you bring your knife to the perpetrator’s face, digging its tip into his cheek. A mess of curly hair touches your face, the scent of leather infiltrates your nose. It’s Eddie. 
“Eddie! Stop!” Dustin exclaims, struggling against Robin’s hold. To your relief, she isn’t letting him get any closer, which you’re thankful for. “It’s me. It’s Dustin. This is Steve, and the girl with a knife fixation is my sister Y/N. She’s not gonna hurt you, right, Y/N?”
“Let go of him,” you sneer into Eddie’s ear, pressing your knife deeper into his face. The blade nicks the crest of his cheekbone, blood drips down, but you don’t ease the pressure. He has Steve in a chokehold, he could slice his neck any second.
Steve sees that you’ve cut Eddie and he knows you’re seconds away from gutting the guy, which would only escalate the situation. He needs you to be safe, he’s afraid that Eddie will turn the glass bottle towards you instead. “Y/N, angel. Look at me, I’m okay. Drop the knife, and I’ll drop my oar, alright?”
You hesitate, and Dustin screams at you to do as you’re told. Your eyes flicker between Steve and Eddie, lingering on the bottle that is pressed even deeper into your boyfriend’s neck now. A thud echoes in the room, Steve drops his oar. He looks at you again, his eyes pleading, and you reluctantly flick your wrist to put the blades away. 
The moment your knives are gone, Steve lets out a pained groan. Eddie only tightens his hold on him and the glass cuts his skin. In a heartbeat your hand fists through Eddie’s long hair and you pull. Hard. He sucks in a breath, clenches his teeth, and finally looks at you. “Cut him, and I will kill you.”
“She’s cool! I promise she’s cool!” Dustin shouts from across the room, doing everything he possibly can not to get both Eddie and Steve killed. He doesn’t worry about you, he knows you can handle yourself. He’s more concerned that you’re about to have blood all over your hands. 
“If you let me go,” Steve chokes out, careful not to move his mouth too much and cut his throat. “Y/N will be cool.”
Eddie doesn’t ease up, and neither do you. Despite the awkward angle of his head, he leers down at Steve. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We’re looking for you,” Dustin tells him, taking a cautious step forward.
Robin now speaks up. “We’re here to help.”
“Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band.” She pretends to play the trumpet to ease the tension, but it doesn’t work. “This is my friend Max, the one who never wants to play DnD. And you know Y/N, she used to hang out with Jonathan Byers all the time and I always talk about her.”
“I know all about Hawkins’ sweetheart.” Eddie sneers, flinching only slightly when you pull his hair even more. “She isn’t so sweet now.”
Your other hand reaches towards your back pocket, towards your knives, and Dustin’s heart skips a beat. He needs to resolve this. Now. “Eddie, we’re on your side. I swear on my mother. Right, guys?”
Robin and Max both swear, and Steve chokes out, “Yes, we swear on Mrs. Henderson. She-she’s great. You’d love her.”
Eddie doesn’t respond. Seconds pass, although they feel like hours. His neck must ache from the way you pull against it, and you see him staring down at you from the corner of his eyes. A crazed smile of interest crosses his face, his gaze lingers on your figure, blood drips down from his cut. You watch his every move, and when Eddie finally releases Steve, you throw him aside. 
“Are you okay?” Your fingers ghost over Steve’s neck, checking for any sign of injury. He’s panting heavily, finally able to breathe again now that there isn’t a sharp edge grazing his neck. Your touch is gentle, your hands shake, and you hardly even register that Robin is next to you. 
“I’m okay,” he breathes out, rubbing his neck. His shaking hands find yours, steadying them with your interlocked fingers. Mindful of the fact that Robin is present, he kisses the backs of your hands. “I’m all fine, angel. I promise.”
You want to carry him away, out of this town, away from anything that can harm him. You want to tuck him somewhere far away, where no one will ever find him again, alone with only you, safe and sound. 
But you can’t. Instead, all you can do is sit next to Steve, caressing his hair as your body slowly attunes to his again.
Eddie is crying a few feet away, his threatening persona long gone. His entire body shakes, his eyes are dark with haunted memories. Dustin crouches down next to him, and Robin joins. Softly, as if talking to an injured animal she doesn’t want to scare away, she tells him, “We want to know what happened.”
“You won’t believe me.” Eddie sniffs, sounding completely and utterly broken. Something horrible happened to him last night, something that will haunt him forever. The way he holds himself, how small he tries to become, how he shakes violently. They’re all signs of trauma, not guilt or remorse. He didn’t kill Chrissy.
Taking pity on Eddie, you reach out and rest a hand on his shoulder. He’s startled by your touch, only moments ago you held a knife to his face, and now your hand warms his body. “We’ll believe you,” you whisper.
He tells you everything. The details are gruesome, bloody and terrifying. 
“Her body, it just… lifted into the air and,” Eddie’s voice breaks as he cries again, and a part of you wants to tell him that he can stop, clearly he’s in pain. “And she just, she hung there. In the air. And her bones, they-they–” He stumbles over his words, but he clenches his fists and forces the rest out. “Her bones started to snap.”
Your heart stops. You can’t imagine how horrifying that must’ve been to see. The image of Billy’s body pierced by the Mind Flayer is still burned into your retinas. The same will be true for Eddie with Chrissy’s body. 
“And her eyes,” he shakes his head, he tries to get the memories away from him. “It.. it was like there was something inside her head, pulling.” 
Eddie describes the sound of Chrissy’s bones snapping, the squelching pop when her eyes exploded. “I-I didn’t know what to do so I-I… I ran away.” He stares at the ground, you see his fists tighten, he’s angry with himself. Ashamed. “I left her there.”
“There wasn’t anything you could do, Eddie.” You tell him. Anyone would’ve ran away. He’s human for being afraid, and you hope that he hears you through all the unnecessary shame. You know, better than anyone, how hard it is to hear anything over the roaring rush of guilt that floods someone’s mind. 
Eddie ignores you. “You all think I’m crazy, right?”
“No, we don’t think you’re crazy.” Dustin’s voice is gentle, softer than you’ve ever heard it. Eddie yells at him, he thinks you’re all playing some cruel trick on him. He’s stuck in a state of flight, panicked and ready to flee, and Dustin lowers his voice even more. “Look, what I’m about to tell you might be a little… Difficult to take.”
You sit next to your brother, everyone else stands behind the two of you as you face Eddie. Dropping your voice to its own soothing, comforting lilt, you lean in closer to the scared teen and offer whatever solace you can give him. “It’ll be difficult, but I’ll be right here, okay?”
Eddie stares at you, his hardened expression softening little by little. “Okay.”
Dustin takes a deep breath. “You know how people say Hawkins is cursed? They’re not… way off.”
“There’s another world, hidden beneath hawkins. And sometimes it… bleeds into ours.” You reveal, careful to make your words as clear and concise as possible. Even after all these years, it still feels impossible to explain it all. 
Dustin continues, beginning to explain the monsters that haunt Hawkins from the Upside Down. How you all thought they were gone, but that they somehow come back again and again. As your brother talks, memories flash before you. Billy’s death, Will’s disappearance, the darkness that infiltrated his tiny body. El, her powers. The Demogorgon, its cruelness and its tunnels.
Steve walks up behind you, your body falls against his, he draws you in. 
“They’ve come back before, that’s why we needed to find you.” Dustin explains to Eddie. 
Max steps forward as well. “If they’re back again, we need to know.” 
Robin asks Eddie if he saw anything that night, Max asks if he saw any dark particles. Any indicators that you’ve come to learn that signal the Upside Down, but Eddie can only shake his head. Dustin presses him further, describes what the particles would look like, but it’s no use.
“No, man. There was nothing you could see, or-or touch.” Eddie’s voice is hoarse, you can see the exhaustion in his eyes, but his words catch your attention.
“Was there…” You swallow, your mouth has gone dry. “Did you feel static in the air? Like an electric pull, almost as if lightning was about to strike?”
Describing the sensation is easy, it’s the same feeling you’ve come to associate with El. Her powers, they have a magnetic pull to them. It’s hard to miss, easy to feel. 
Eddie stares at you, and slowly, with hesitancy, he nods.
You fall back against Steve’s chest. Everyone else goes silent as the realization settles upon the room. It’s happening again. The dread crawls over your neck, settles into your throat. It will never end. 
“She couldn't move. It was like she was-she was in a trance or something.” Eddie says, unaware of the despair surrounding everyone. 
Dustin looks at you, his eyes reflect the grief that you feel. “Or under a spell.”
“Like El.”
He nods, before Eddie adds, “Or a curse.”
“Vecna’s curse.” Dustin says, eyes now on Eddie, and a cold chill creeps down your spine.
Steve asks who Vecna is, and upon hearing the name again, a pang rips through your head. Dustin explains who Vecna is, a character in Eddie’s DnD campaign, but you don’t hear any of it. You gasp in pain, the beginning stages of a migraine darken your vision and twist your stomach. Max notices, her eyes trail up your body and linger on the hand pressed against your head. 
Lost in the pressure building within your skull, you don’t see the way Max almost seems to know what’s happening. 
She doesn’t say anything.
⌑ series masterlist
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chaosgremlinmunson · 9 months
It was fine, this was fine, he just needed a moment to recollect himself. Surely he'd misheard the group, that couldn't be right. But then, wait.
Eddie had been distant lately, sneaking off from everyone and whispering into his phone a smile on his face. Had Steve really been so oblivious to his friends' changes?
He leaned against the wall in his room, his head tilted back as he tried and failed to keep his eyes from tearing up. This was a good thing if Eddie had found someone to love. I mean, honestly, how long was he expecting Eddie to be available, the man was sex personified, albeit dorky as hell, but still, it didn't take a rocket scientist to notice how absolutely gorgeous this man was, obviously he wasn't going to be single forever.
Steve breathed in deep, and wiped his face, rinsing it quickly in the bathroom to chase away the tear tracks on his cheeks and plastered a smile on his face before jogging back out to the living room of their apartment.
Eddie was sitting on the couch giggling with Chrissy as a knock came to the door of the apartment, Eddie shot up his grin even wider before bouncing over to the door and opening it. Steve couldn't believe the man he saw Eddie ushering in, he for all real intents and purposes was a carbon copy of Steve himself. From the polo shirt, the coiffed hair, light wash jeans, to his pristine white Nikes. The man smiled politely at everyone and turned to Eddie leaning in and kissing him on the cheek. Steve felt like his entire soul was shattering, he wrapped his arms around his stomach leaning against the kitchen counter, and looked out of the window watching the clouds pass by.
So, here he was, heartbroken all because he hadn't found the courage to tell his friend he was in love with him, and now he had to fake being okay, while clearly having to watch the man he loved, loving someone else.
Robin came and stood next to him, bumping her shoulder against his, an eyebrow raised. He shrugged, leaning his head against her shoulder and she placed a sweet kiss on his temple. Steve wasn't sure how he was going to survive this, but he knew he had to get it together. He was either going to have avoid Eddie or push these feelings down if he didn't want to lose his friend. He wasn't sure which option was worse, all he knew was that he was currently living his own personal version of hell.
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lovelyatomicpeace · 11 days
The silence between us
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Plot: Steve and y/n have been friends all their lives, separated during adolescence. Thanks to what happens in '83 the two will be able to meet again and build a stronger friendship than before. One day y/n proposes to Steve to go to the beach together, he will accept, but what will happen during this week? and especially once they return to Hawkins will the two have the opportunity to understand what happened between them or something horrible is going to happen?
Warnings: Steve Harrington x fem reader, fluff, angst, untold love, war, Hawkins upside down, Heartbreaking.
Hi guys! I've been thinking about writing a story based on this plot for a long time now. I'm very excited about the idea. Let me know if you like the idea so I can publish it soon the first part! (P.S. please reblog and share this)
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vintagehellfire · 1 year
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All For Show - Series Masterlist
musician!Eddie x showgirl!reader
Summary: 1955 New York City, where dreams come true. You get to dance and perform for crowds every night, bringing in good money for yourself and for daddy’s jazz club. The regulars love you, the women envy you, and the musicians are strictly banned from flirting with you (and the other dancers of course). This wasn’t a problem until your father up and coming musician Eddie Munson to perform at his jazz club. Eddie was the first man to catch your eye, and you the first performer to be worth his time, and your father’s wrath.
Warnings: implied female reader, mysoginy, eventual smut, swearing, no use of y/n, nudity, drugs, smoking, slow-burn, alcohol, anger issues, controlling father. 18+ only. mdni
Chapter I: People are Strange
Chapter II: Devil Woman, You’ve Cast Your Spell
Chapter III: Nightmare
Chapter IV: I’m Getting Nervous, but it Sure is Fun
Chapter V: Put the Blame on M(am)e
Chapter VI: Fallin' (Coming soon)
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will80sbyers · 1 year
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1asbrightasthestars3 · 4 months
what's wrong with me why do I look at the most problematic fictional men and go "that's so me coded."
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legendarydragonperson · 5 months
Thinking about Summer Child x Matilda ships
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annabethsrealwife · 4 months
all about me + my masterlist
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hi guys so welcome to my account!! im just a fifteen year old writer obsessed w percy jackson books, movies, and the show but mostly im just obsessed with annabeth!! pronouns are she/her if ur wondering and as u can see my favorite color is purple!! i do write i will do fluff and angst i also do any type of reader i prefer to do only fem!readers since i can work with that but i just want everyone to feel comfortable on my page!! i don’t do smut very sorry i just never written it so i’d prob be bad and i just think it’s weird to write sometimes but either way here’s what i write for
pjo tv series + movie
pretty little liars orginal sin
tarot movie
scream ( any one )
cobra kai
heartbreak high
the summer i turned pretty
my life w the walter boys
any fear street movie
avatar the last air bender ( live )
stranger things
so yeah that’s pretty much what i can do?? you can send requests for any of these things i will try and get to them but i hope you guys enjoy my stories if u can pls follow!! u totally don’t have to but either way i love you so much and have a great day — lexi
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watsittoyah · 2 years
Heartbreaker- (Eddie Munson x Black Fem Reader x Steve Harrington Smut)
Warning- blowjob, hand job, some sexual innuendos, smut, and pure sex baby.
( Previous , Next)
Rule number three, wear your heart on your cheek. But never on your sleeve, unless you wanna taste defeat…
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It was Tuesday afternoon and you were watching a bloody double feature with Erica while you two did skin care. “Don’t go in there, idiot! The killer is in there!” Erica shouts.
“He’s gonna use that axe on you! He’s going to kill you!” You and Erica warn the poor unexpected girl but as the scene cuts to the killer hacking her into pieces you both look at each other and shrug. “She should’ve listened to us.”
“Yeah, and maybe she’d be alive. If we were in a horror movie, we would make it to the end.” You give Erica a high five and get up to get grab some more juice boxes. “Hell yeah we would. I bet you that the killer would be afraid of us too.” You call out from the kitchen. You look at the timer and it’s just about time to take the clay masks off.
“Hey Erica you can wash the mask off now! I’m gonna start on mine!” You wash your clay mask off in the bathroom and just when you get half it off of the one half of your face the doorbell rings. “Erica can you get that?” You call out. The door bell sounds off again after a few seconds which pisses you off since no one was answering the door and the person behind the ringing was clearly impatient.
“Fine! I’ll get it!” You march out of the bathroom and walk right up to the front door. Ready to snap on whoever it was. When you yank the door open you were face to face with a mess of heavy metal hair and a pair of dark brown eyes.
“Hey Hollywood.” You slam the door in his face and let out a blood curdling scream as you wipe off the rest of the clay mask on the back of your hand.
Once the screams were out of your system you open the door to a very concerned Eddie Munson. “Pretty boy, what are you doing here?” You ask trying to not look like a doofus in front of him.
“We have a date remember?” That’s when you remember the phone call from Saturday and he did say he wanted to take you out Tuesday afternoon. “Right! I’ll just need like ten minutes. Come on in and I’ll be right back.” You invite Eddie in and he takes a seat on the couch.
Once he’s situated you book it to your room and you look at some clothes. Once you’re settled on a pair of ripped jean, a distressed t-shirt, a jean jacket and your beat up keds you fluff up your hair and quickly put on some cherry smacker lip balm as well as some mascara.
After you’ve found yourself to be somewhat presentable you go back to the living room to find Lucas standing there looking dumbfounded. “You ready to go, Hollywood?” Eddie asks as he stands up when you enter.
“Can I talk to her for a second?” Lucas grabs a hold of your arm and drags you into the kitchen. “How the hell do you know Eddie Munson?” He asks in a harsh whisper. “Why are you whispering? And I know him because he and I became friends.”
“Friends? Olivia please tell me you’re joking.” You shake your head and smirk. “Look this is cute that you’re so protective but I gotta blow this popsicle stand.” You go to leave but Lucas stops you again. “Look you’re my big cousin and I know you can handle yourself. But if he ever hurts you. I don’t care if we’re in the same club, I’m breaking his jaw.” You look to make sure Eddie wasn’t listening and you touch Lucas’ shoulder.
“Hey, I got this, just chill out okay? Eddie has only ever been nice and if things get crazy I’ll handle it. Thank you for looking out for me though.” Lucas sighs. “Alright, I just don’t want anything to happen to you. Eddie seems decent I guess. But he better be the only one of my friends you’re talking to. I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if you were talking to someone like Steve Harrington.”
What your baby cousin doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
After your lecture from Lucas you go back to the living room where Eddie was checking out some family photos. “Is that you holding up a barbie Malibu doll?” You look at the photo he’s talking about and it was the one where you’re showing off your Christmas gifts to your family while having two missing teeth in the front.
“Alright that’s enough of looking at my embarrassing moments for one day, pretty boy. Let’s get out of here.” You push him out the door and lock it behind you.
“So what’s the plans for this afternoon?” You ask as Eddie opens the van door for you. You get in and soon after so does he. “Ah, that is a surprise. And a wicked one. Just sit back, relax and listen to some tunes.”
He flicks on the radio and Nasty from Janet Jackson plays. “Don’t change it! I love this song!” You move your hips in the seat and start singing along. Eddie starts driving but you catch him watching you from the corner of his eye and you put on a show. Moving your hands around and snapping your fingers.
“Cause privacy is my middle name…My last name is control. No, my first name ain’t baby. It’s Olivia…Ms. Sinclair, if you’re nasty…NASTY!”
You give a wink to Eddie and he was loving the show for sure. When a red light comes up he fully stops and turns the radio down after the song finishes.
“Well now I’m curious, Ms. Sinclair. How nasty do you like it?” Eddie asks with some kind of dark meaning behind that question. You flick your tongue across your bottom lip which his eyes definitely watches and you smile.
“All depends, how nasty do you want to give it to me, Mr. Munson?” Eddie bites his lip and he leans over towards you about to test something but a horn blares behind you two, causing you both to jump.
Eddie rolls down his window flipping them off and driving down the street once again. You lean back over and turn up the radio again and squeal. “This has to be my lucky day! I love this song too!” Bananarama was playing and you were going to put on another one woman show for your adoring fan Eddie Munson.
Eddie had parked by a really old beat up building and you were curious as in where this white boy just brought you. “Relax, I know how this place looks but I promise you, you will have fun. A few of my band mates are here and they are dying to meet you.” Eddie takes your hand and you notice he’s running his thumb up and down your knuckles which does calm you down a bit.
“Eddie ‘Pretty Boy’ Munson, are you in a band?” You ask with tease in your tone. “Didn’t I mention that to you last time?” He asks with a smirk playing across his lips. “Hmm if I recall last time you were too busy singing to my hotbox.” You point out with your own smirk.
“Mm, and I’ve been thinking about that pretty hotbox of yours every night since then.” Eddie leans in close about to kiss you but gets interrupted by a guy with curly brown hair. “Eddie! Come on, we’re waiting on you!” The guy runs back inside and Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Rain check on this kiss, I gotta give the people what they want.” He says as he leads you into the questionable building.
“You are such a dweeb.” You tell him with a giggle. You look around the place and shit it was rad. There were musical memorabilia adorned across the walls. Huge poster of bands you’ve only ever listened to on your radio, and there was a great crowd of people.
Eddie leads you to a seat in the front of a stage and he leans in close to your ear. “Enjoy the show Hollywood.” Before you could ask what he leaves you there and jumps on stage with four other guys and he picks up a guitar. You cross your legs and watch what him and the guys are about to do next.
“Alright you rejects! We are Corroded Coffin and this is just a cover to one of the best songs to come from this decade.” Eddie looks at you and he winks as the crowd listens up.
He turns to his band mates and he gives them the signal. As the song starts you immediately recognize the beat. You lean forward in your seat to see if they can keep up to this song. “Come on pretty boy show me what you got.”
Eddie was feeling his guitar intro and when the crowd was getting into it, he grabbed the mic and started to sing which was impressive in your opinion. You see some of the girls in the crowd start dancing and you look back to Eddie locking eyes with you. You feel the electricity in the air as he leans down and sings to you.
“Come crawling faster, Obey your Master, Your life burns faster, Obey your master, master..”
You feel yourself get up and dance for him. Your eyes not leaving each other as the music builds. You run your fingers through your hair and mouth the lyrics back to him.
To you, it was just Eddie on that stage and he was putting on the performance of a life time just for you. As the guitar solo happens you hear the crowd cheering him on and you knew that he would be a rock god one day if he wanted.
As the last cord plays the crowd screams for them and you join along. Getting a blown kiss from Eddie.
When him and his band mates were done packing up their instruments, you run over to the Eddie and jump on him, he was holding you up by your ass as you wrapped your legs around his waist. “You were fucking amazing!” You look at his wide eyed band mates and point to them. “You all were fucking amazing! Holy shit!” You laugh and Eddie joins you as he puts you down.
“Guys let me introduce you to Hollywood.” Eddie says as he wraps his arms around you and holds you from behind. You swat him playfully. “My name is Olivia Sinclair. And it’s really nice to meet you all.”
“Oh you’re that Olivia.” The drummer says with a secret smirk. You look up at Eddie and he was blushing hard. “Shut up, Marvin.” He hisses. “Let’s watch a few more of the bands play and eat some burgers. Sound good to you, Hollywood?”
“Hey I get more entertainment and food? I’m always down for a good time. Let’s go.” Eddie leads you to a table and as you go to sit, he stops you and pulls you onto his lap. “Did you really enjoy the show?” He asks. “I did, you guys were great. I’m sure if the right people saw that performance and felt the energy, you would be signed like that.” You say snapping your finger.
“Really?” He asks looking up at you like a kid at a candy store and you lean down to kiss him. “Guys mind if we join you?” Marvin asks interrupting the kiss. You were annoyed and by the way Eddie was glaring, he was annoyed as well. But that didn’t stop his band mates from joining you two at the table.
As they talk you feel Eddie’s hand rubbing on the exposed skin of your side and you look down at him and steal a kiss, not caring if anyone was watching. “You know, since I did so well, how about a reward later?” He ask as his hand travels to your ass. “I can give you your reward but I’m sure your friends would be jealous.” You tease, kissing his neck. Your hand travels to his crotch and you feel a bulge starting to form.
“Hey Olivia, you’re from California right? So what’s it’s like over there?” Eddie whines against your neck as his other friend interrupts your moment. You put on a fake smile and tilt your head. “Well Cali is cool. I mean if you like bumping into celebrities from time to time. Last time when I was shopping for albums I had bumped into…”
As you tell your story you stroke your hand over Eddie’s crotch and you hear him clear his throat as he places your hand on top of his. Guiding you into his jeans. You feel the tip of his dick and it was wet from sweat and precum.
Just so it isn’t too obvious you use just your thumb to roll over the tip and you feel Eddie shift a bit as he enjoys your touch.
You feel him lean into your shoulder and you rub the tip faster, pretending to be into the story you’re telling the guys as Eddie tries to hump your thumb.
When you get to the climax of the story you feel something sticky squirt on your thumb and you feel Eddie relax. “What do you say Eddie?” You ask him so he can feel included in the story. “Yeah, definitely that.” He says as he looks at you, cum drunk. “Oh definitely that.” You say as you lick your thumb clean in front of just him.
He bites his lip and you turn back to his friends. “So if you guys get the chance to visit, please do. I’ll definitely be your guide there as well.”
“Are there more girls like you there?” Marvin asks. You shake your head. “Oh no Marv, girls like me come once in a lifetime.”
After the burgers and the good music Eddie was checking his watch and he leans up to your ear. “How do you feel about crashing a party?”
“Oh party crasher is my middle name. Let’s go.” You two get up from the table and you tell his friends again that it was nice meeting them. Eddie gives a few of them fist bumps and tells them that practice was same time tomorrow.
When you two get in his van Eddie takes out a metal box and hands it to you. “Can you roll one for us, babe.” He asks as he starts the van. You eye him as you take out the weed and clear your throat.
“So when did I become babe?” You ask as you sprinkle the weed on the paper. “What? I didn’t call you babe.”
“Yes you did. Just a moment ago. When did I become babe, pretty boy?” You ask licking the joint closed. He looks at you and chews his thumb. “You don’t like it?”
“Oh I don’t mind it. But I’d like to know when did I earn a new nickname.” You reach for his lighter in his pocket and he shrugs. “I don’t know, I just said it….but if I’m being honest with you, you've been babe every night since I’ve been looking at your panties.” You see the red in his cheeks admitting to that confession and you take a deep hit.
“Ooh, all you do is look at them?” You pass him the joint and he scoffs accepting it. “You know I do way more than just look, Hollywood.” You both laugh and he drives up to a loud house party. You two see the kids going in and out and you look at him sideways.
“You party with jocks and cheerleaders? Oh you are dark, Munson.” You tell him as you blow a smoke circle from your lips. “One, I’m going to need you to teach me that, and two we’re not partying with them. I’m just selling some stuff to one of the guys here. His name is Jason. He’s a total dick but his money is good so…” He stubs the joint out a bit and places it in his pocket for later.
“Eddie, are you really taking me on a drug deal? I feel honored.” You place your hand over your heart and he rolls his eyes, while leaning in kissing your lips. “Come on Hollywood, the sooner we get this over with the sooner we can get the hell out of here.”
Eddie holds your hand as you two enter the party. You see red solo cups and see a few couples on the wall practically having sex. “Maybe this is my kind of party.” You yell to Eddie over the loud music. “Don’t get any idea’s Hollywood. I see Jason over by the keg. I’ll be right back.” He kisses your cheek and he gets lost in the mass of moving bodies.
You find a space on the wall and hear Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and you grab a Solo cup from a drunk freshman. He trips and passes out right in front of you. “Party hard huh kid?” You sniff the concoction and wince pouring it out in a plant vase close by.
“What is this, gasoline?” You mutter as you bob your head to the beat of the song. “So-” You put your hand up at the towering jock. “Not interested.” You scan the crowd and see Eddie coming towards you.
As you push off the wall, and walk over the passed out freshman you pull Eddie in close and he was smiling like an old drunk. “You missed me?” You shake your head teasing him. “No.” He leans in and pulls your face close to his as he kisses you. His hands travels down your back and squeezes your ass hard.
As you throw your arms around his neck you feel someone knock into you two. It was the jock from earlier, but he has a cheerleader with him dancing way off beat.
“Come on let’s go somewhere more quiet.” Eddie takes your hand and he leads you to the bathroom. He checks to make sure no one was in there and he leads you inside, locking the door behind him. You flick on the light but the bulb pops. “Not my problem.” Thankfully the moonlight was bright enough to see each other.
You hop on the bathroom sink and lean back looking around. “You sure know where all the classy places are, huh Pretty boy?” Eddie stands between your legs and leans in. “I sure do.” He nuzzled against your neck and you let out a soft moan.
Before you can get into it he moves back and smirks while he digs into his pocket. “Tease.” You shoot at him. “Takes one to know one.” He teases back as he takes out the joint from earlier and he lights it. “You know Eddie you’re kind of gorgeous.” You tell him as you look at him taking a hit in the moon light. He blows the smoke and scoffs. “Oh please.”
“I’m serious, you are gorgeous. And I saw you on that stage, you’re a star in the making. Let me be your first fan, Mr. Munson.” You take the joint from him and he stands closer between your legs. “Well then you’re my special fan. You’re the only one who gets access to me like this.” As you go to blow out the smoke he grabs your face and kisses you. Filling up his lungs in the process and he blow the smoke out after. “Oh that was hot. Made you look like a dragon, pretty boy.”
“Really?” He smiles against your lips and you nod, flicking your tongue out. He flicks his back and leans in, tasting your tongue and lips. You feel him rubbing your inner thighs through your jeans and you let out a moan.
“Too bad you didn’t wear a skirt tonight, Hollywood. I’m pretty hungry right now.” You lean back and look at your button then back at him. “So is a pair of pants going to stop you from a meal?”
“Hell no.” You hear him unbutton your pants and unzip your zipper. You jump down for a second for him to yank your pants down but he stops you from taking off your panties. “Leave those on.”
He lifts you up and places you back on the counter while he gets on his knees for you. “You look good down there. Gorgeous even.” You say biting your lip. “Do I?” He flutters his lashes as you and as you go to laugh you watch him kiss your inner thighs.
He’s keeping his eyes locked on you, watching your body reacts to his kisses. As he kisses further your breathing seems to quicken. He gets to where your panties and thigh meets and his tongue tastes that spot causing you to let you head fall back and moan.
Eddie then nips there and sucks making a nice angry red spot appear. “Just so people know who’s spot this belongs to.” Eddie says as he centers himself at the wet center of your panties.
His tongue makes contact with the cloth and you slowly start humping for friction. His eyes flutter closed as he buries his face deeper between your thighs and you hump faster. You flick the joint in the sink and you use both of your hands to touch his head. “Just like that, Eddie don’t stop.” You moan out as his spit makes the wet spot in your panties soaked. You let go of his head and he moves your panties to the side flicking his tongue fast across your wet clit.
“Fuck…” You whimper as your pussy gets assaulted with Eddie’s tongue. You feel his fingers enter you and you grip the sink. “Eddie, yes…” He does his favorite move on you. Doing the come here motion while his thumb was pressed on your clit and you buck your hips, not caring if anyone could hear your moans in the bathroom. “That’s it, come for me, Hollywood. I know you can do it for me. I wanna taste your cum again.”
Your legs begin to shake and you lean your head back against the bathroom mirror as you're about to cum fast. “Almost there…” Eddie flicks his tongue on your clit and that’s what did it for you. You feel yourself coming hard and your legs locked around his head. You have fist fulls of his hair and you hump his tongue getting out your orgasm. He sucks and moans as your juice slick down his throat.
“Mmm, you just keep tasting better and better, Hollywood.” He gets up and you lick your juices off of his chin. “Please tell me you brought a condom.” You ask yanking him back between your thighs. “Oh I did.” He goes for his belt but you two hear several bangs to the bathroom door along with a handle jiggle.
“Hurry up in there! I gotta piss!” You hear a muffled voice sound behind the door and you lean your head against his chest, groaning. He kisses the top of your head and moves you off of the sink. “To be continued.” He tells you as he helps you with your pants. “To be continued.” You groan.
You both leave the bathroom and the person standing there rushes in and slams the door behind them. “An excuse me would’ve been nice.” You snap in their direction.
Eddie was chuckling at your outburst as he leads you back outside to his van. When you two are in the car you look at the time. “I really wish this night didn’t have to end.” You mumble as Eddie drives down the road.
Eddie was parked in the driveway and you were pouting a bit. “Are you mad you didn’t get to fuck me, Hollywood.” Eddie asks as he pokes your rib. You laugh and push his hand away.
“Oh I’m going to fuck you Eddie Munson. I’m not worried about that. It’s just I had fun today. I got to see you in your element and it was cool. Promise me if you make it big you won’t forget me?”
“What do you mean, I’m taking you with me, Hollywood.” He leans in and gives a peck to your lips and you sigh. “Thank you for today, Eddie. It was fun.” As you start to leave out the van he stops you. “Just out of curiosity. Which bedroom is yours?” You raise a brow at his question. “That room on the second floor. Why?” You ask pointing out the window. “No reason, just curious. Good night Hollywood.”
“Oh, okay. Well Good Night, babe.” You smile and get out of the van. After he makes sure you get inside you close the door behind you and you sigh against the door.
You could see yourself falling for Eddie, but that was against the rules of a heartbreaker.
You shake the thought away and go upstairs to go take your shower and get ready for bed.
After your hot shower, you were wrapped in a towel and in your bedroom, putting on some lotion and listening to the radio. You hear Run DMC playing and you pick up your brush rapping to the lyric. When you’re about to bang out you hear a tap to your window. You freeze while turning the radio down. You listen again and the tapping happens.
You walk over to the window and then you open the curtains you see Eddie smiling at you. “Are you fucking crazy! What if the neighbors see you?” You hiss as Eddie climbs in through the window. “The neighbors didn’t see me. Just you and I have to say if this is what you sleep in, my prayers have been answered.” Eddie says as he eyes you up and down. You put a finger to your lips and you lock the door.
“What are you doing here?” You ask in a low whisper. “You said you didn’t want the night to end so I’m sleeping over.” You scoff at his answer. “Eddie, sweet sweet Eddie. Are you dumb? If my Aunt or Uncle catch you in my bedroom they will ship me back to Cali so fast the bumper stick won’t even say or bust.”
He raises his hands and walks up to you. “They won’t catch me, because I’ll be quiet. You on the other hand.” His eyes keeps wondering to your towel and you can’t help but feel a new wetness between your thighs. “Hold on.” You go to your radio and you turn up the volume a little so no one can hear you two talking.
You turn back to him and tug at your towel. “Curious to see what’s under here, huh pretty boy?” He nods as he sits on your bed. “I dream about what you look like under those clothes you always wear, and now…” You let the towel fall and his eyes widen.
“Jesus H Christ, you are beautiful.” His hands cup your bare ass and he pulls you onto his lap. He kisses you and you kiss him back, letting your hums turn to moans. He moves back and his touch becomes greedy as he moves his hands from your ass to your tits. He looks at them and then stops. “What’s that?”
“What’s what?” You ask, already knowing what he sees. “That. Is that a hickey?” He ask thumbing the now lightly purple bruise. “No, clearly that is a burn mark from when I was curling my hair.”
“And you curl your hair topless?” Eddie ask. “Doesn’t everyone?” He chuckles and shakes his head. “I guess I should make your other boyfriend jealous and give you more of these.” He leans in and he sucks on the other side of your tit causing an even more angry red spot. “Wait, so you’re my…boyfriend now?” You moan out teasing him. He swats your ass to shut you up and he starts his assault on your other tit. Looking up at you to make sure you see who is giving you these love bites.
You moan against him and you reach down to feel his dick was hard. You push him off of you and you stand up. “There was a question you asked me earlier in our date. Do you remember what it was, pretty boy?” You ask as you cock your head to the side.
His eyes travel from your face all the way to what’s slick between your legs and he nods and you nudge your chin, letting him know you want to hear the question again.
“I asked you, how nasty do you like it?” He answers as he looks back up into your eyes. You get on your knees, in front of him and you rub his bulge, causing him to bite his bottom lip. “All depends, how nasty are you going to give it to me, Mr. Munson?”
He shimmies his pants down and you’re greeted by a bulge. You rub a finger over the head and look up at him. “Don’t forget these, big boy.” He yanks his boxers down and his dick springs, slapping his lower stomach. The tip was pink and it was thick. Not as thick as Steve’s but boy was it just so…
“You have a pretty dick, Munson.” You say as you take a hold of it. Eddie hisses and as he kicks his pants, sneakers and boxers away. “Well you have a pretty pussy and lips, so maybe they can-” You stroke him to shut him up and his eyes roll back as he pulls his shirt off over his head.
You see he has a necklace with a pick on it and you pull him close to you by that necklace, kissing him. He lets out a groan as you stroke him faster and rub your thumb on the head.
“Don’t close those pretty eyes, baby. I want you to watch me.” You tell him as you lower yourself down. His eyes are locked onto every bit of movement you have and when you flick your tongue his eyes seem to glaze over in bliss.
You then proceed to take him further in your mouth, still watching him and he was biting his lips hard trying not to be loud. You were enjoying that he was at your whim of not making noise.
You open your throat and sink lower and you hear him grunt as he takes a hold of your head. “Fuck your mouth feels so good, now I’m going to fuck this pretty little throat of yours, Hollywood.” And just as promised he starts guiding your head up and you feel a gag coming but you let it because that will make your throat tighten.
Eddie’s eyes rolls back as well as his head falling back as he whimpers how good your throat is. You move his hands and you come up for air, letting his cum and spit drip from your lips.
“Mmm you do like it nasty.” He runs his thumb across your bottom lip and you smile at him. “Kiss me.” He smiles back at you and he does just that. He kisses you and he sucks your tongue tasting himself on you. You push him back and go back to sucking him off and he bucks his hips and fucks your mouth vigorously.
“H..Hollywood, Olivia, stop!” He hisses as he pulls you off of his dick. “What’s the matter?” You say innocently as you look at his pulsing dick. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth this time. Come here.” He helps you up off of your knees and he holds you close.
“This pretty mouth is dangerous, you know that right?” Eddie says giving your lips a few pecks. “If you think my mouth is dangerous, just imagine how my pussy will be wrapped around this dick of yours, pretty boy.”
He leans you back towards your bed as he kisses you leaving trails of licks along the way. Once you’re on your back Eddie looks back and grabs his pants. You see him pull out the condom and you position yourself better so you’re in the center of your bed.
Eddie climbs up and he spreads your legs, looking down at your pussy and he leans down and licks the hood of your clit which makes you moan louder than you expected. You slap your hand over your mouth and he gives you a wicked smile.
“Careful there Hollywood. Someone might hear you.” He kisses your pussy lips and then he leans up and rips the condom open with his teeth.
You watch as he rolls the condom on from tip to base and you then look at his body. He had tattoos in various places that reminded you of your notebooks from college.
You were about to ask about them but stop when you cover your mouth as his dick head parted your pussy.
Eddie’s mouth opens as he rolls his hips into you and you place your hand on his lower stomach. “Fuck, you’re tight, Olivia.” He moans your name and he puts his full weight on top of you. “Oh god this feel so good.” You whisper as he rolls his hips again.
He takes your legs and puts one on his shoulder while he pushes the other back by your ear. You rub your clit while in this position and your eyes roll back.
Your walls tighten around him and he lets out a whimper. “C…careful pretty boy. S..someone might hear.” You comment. He narrows his eyes at you and he slams into you causing you to clamp your lips shut as you swallow a moan.
“What’s wrong Hollywood? Too much for you?” He moves out of your pussy and slams back in again. “Eddie…” You bring your arms around his neck and kiss him as he keeps fucking you hard. “Ju…just like that. Please don’t stop.”
The bed lightly shakes as he pounds harder and you bite his shoulder to keep from screaming out how good his dick feels inside of you. He lets your legs go and he does deep slow strokes as his thumb finds your clit.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna c-” Eddie kisses your lips as he holds you tight and you cum hard. He whimpers your name along with a few other swears as he cums soon after.
You were both breathing hard from the activity and he had his hands by the sides of your head and he leans back down and pecks your lips once again. “You are right that pretty little pussy is dangerous. Shit.” He slides out of you and you both let out a groan. You watch as he ties off the condom and throws it away in your trash bin.
You make a mental note to throw that away before the family wakes up in the morning.
He lays down besides you and he pulls you close. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” Eddie asks as you cuddle close. “No, but my guts will never be the same.” He laughs at that and takes your hand in his, kissing each of your finger tips. “Where did you park?” You ask pulling the sheets over the both of you. “Just down the street. Don’t worry no one will know I spent the night.” He says as he yawns.
“That’s fine. I had a great time today. Mostly the show and all the extra stuff.” You tell him as you feel yourself getting sleepy. “Is this the extra stuff, Hollywood?” He asks as he pulls you closer to him. “Oh this was the sprinkles on a sundae, pretty boy.” You now yawn and you lean over flicking off your table lamp.
“Good night, Eddie. Sweet dreams.” You whisper as you see he’s already fast asleep. “Good night, Olivia…love you..” He whispers. You feel sleep about to take over but your eyes spring open and you look over at him.
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chaosgremlinmunson · 9 months
Part two of this
Eddie couldn't get a read on Steve, he wouldn't look at them and seemed withdrawn, arms wrapped around his body as though protecting himself from whatever was going through his head.
Eddie looked over to Toby, the guy who'd agreed to portray exactly how Steve dressed. The man was sweet, but Eddie couldn't force himself to feel for anyone beyond Steve, he was it for Eddie. So why wasn't he taking the bait and being jealous? Did he not like Eddie back? He could have sworn he'd seen and felt the same energy from Steve that he'd felt for him himself. Toby reached over grabbing Eddie's hand and Eddie flinched, curling up into himself in the corner, he looked over to Chrissy and the plan was to a head. She nodded at him once, made a covert gesture to Toby, and he leaned in to Chrissy then whispered angrily just loud enough for everyone to hear.
“What the fuck is your friend's problem? He asked me out, he pursued me and invited me here, why is he acting like a fucking prude.” Toby hissed an angry entitled look on his face.
Chrissy reeled back and smacked him hard, and he grabbed her wrist, before tossing her hand to the side and standing up.
“Fuck this, you clearly asked me out because I look like your friend here.” Toby gestures to Steve, “Word of advice, don't be such a tease just because you can't tell your buddy there that you're in love with him.” He stormed out of the house turning at the last minute and looking at Eddie who was staring at Chrissy. They hadn't discussed this part of the plan, they put him in the spotlight and now Steve knew. How was he supposed to face his Best friend now?
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beep-beep-robin · 2 years
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ronance meets heartbreak high <3
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streamafterlaughter · 2 years
Fundamental Differing
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masterlist | playlist | chapter vi
Chapter VII: Soft But Estranged
summary: an off day on tour doesn’t mean an off day for partying! The entire touring family heads out for what’s supposed to be a fun night off on the Vegas Strip.
tags/warnings: so much angst it’s gross, mutual pining, rockstar!eddie x rockstar!reader, slow burn, hurt/slight comfort, pining, longing, break up, excessive drinking
a/n: i’m turning up the dial on this fic to 11. angst to the max. no fluff all pain. torture. enjoy! Disclaimer: I do not give permission to have my work reposted on other sites. Reblogs are more than welcome, but please inform me if you find my work elsewhere unless otherwise stated. Reblog to support the author!
October 1989
“Oh, honey, come here.” Robin pulls you into a tight hug, letting you sob and snot into her shoulder. It’s three in the morning, and you’ve been drinking yourself into a stupor. You left Eddie a week ago, and haven’t been able to breathe right since. Seeing the video for The Crawl on MTV this morning sent you into a dizzying depression, remembering the days when Eddie would sit at the kitchen table trying to put the chords together. You wished you were with him, on tour, greeting him with kisses after every set. But he left for tour yesterday without telling you, and you only found out when Dustin asked why you weren’t with him. You hadn’t had the heart to tell him you’d broken up with him, so Steve had to break the news.
“I just don’t get it. Why didn’t he try harder? Why didn’t he fight for us?” You weep into the fabric of Robin’s shirt as she rubs your back in soothing circles.
“I don’t know, love, but he’s a fucking idiot.”
Present day
Your POV
Your issue of SPIN comes out today, and your heart is slamming in your chest in line to check out. In your hands is a copy of the magazine, a picture of Corroded Coffin plastered across the cover. Eddie’s eyes seem to glare even from the glossy paper, his arms crossed over his bare chest while the rest of his bandmates stand behind him, looking equally stoic. In the top corner of the page reads, Femme Punk Takeover: An Interview with Death Dance Approximately. You read the words over and over, refusing to spoil the spread for yourself until you’re alone and safe to scream with your friends about it.
Once you exit the store, magazine clutched in your hand, you speed walk back to the hotel you’re staying in. Today is your off day, but tomorrow you play a show on the one and only Las Vegas Strip. Your plans include celebrating the magazine spread by drinking yourselves silly.
Back in your hotel room, you kick your shoes off and fling yourself onto the bed. Robin’s out shopping with Steve, and Sylvie and Lilith are getting lunch, so you have the afternoon to yourself. Instead of diving right into your own spread, you curiously turn the pages until you find the Corroded Coffin interview. It spans four full pages, including photographs and quotes in bold, big lettering. You swear to yourself you’ll only skim, but that promise is quickly broken when you read the first sentence.
Kings of Rock, Corroded Coffin, sit uncomfortably in their folding director-esque chairs, as if sitting for an interview is the least punk thing they could be doing. Their frontman fidgets with his gleaming silver rings, his lips pressed together in concentration or annoyance.
Jessie Stevens: So, on your new album Freak Show, there’s a song titled Sweetheart. It’s far different from the rest of the tracks, a calming break before the climax of Severed Thumb and Wiped Clean. What influenced this mood change?
Eddie Munson: Sweetheart is about someone that was once very close to me. It’s about love and loss, and a whole shit ton of heartbreak, and the one person that never made me feel like, the freak, y’know?
J: Do you still talk to this person?
The frontman’s face falls a little, like he’s reminded of something upsetting.
E: It’s… complicated.
You roll your eyes. It’s not complicated, the answer is a firm no. You and Eddie don’t talk, not more than you’re forced to. You continue scanning the article, until you find something else that catches your eye.
J: You’re currently touring with Death Dance Approximately, who are quickly moving up in the world of rock. What advice would you give them as seasoned rockstars?
Munson pauses, looking at his bandmates with a question in his eyes.
E: I guess I’d tell them never to let go of themselves. I lost myself for a while, honestly I’m still pretty lost. The industry is brutal, it takes so much of your soul away from you, and if I could go back and tell myself one thing, it would be not to let go of who I was. I miss that person.
You read Eddie’s answer, over and over, your eyes stinging. You miss who Eddie was, before signing, before giving in to fame and attention the way he has. Desperately, you want to believe that sweet boy is still in there somewhere. You think he is, after the events of last night, but you’re not sure how to yank him out of the steel shell he’s built around himself.
Further down, one more thing catches your attention.
J: Do you wish you’d done anything differently? Whether it be in your career, or in your life outside of it?
E: I wish I fought harder for my people. I lost someone I loved so much. I let them walk out of my life without any objection. I wish so badly that I could’ve made them stay, but… It was too late. I’ll never know now. I’ll never get to fix it.
Munson’s bandmates look to each other knowingly, clearly aware that the mysterious person he speaks of is the reason for his sour mood.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” It’s barely a whisper, despite no one being in the room with you. All he had to do was ask, and you’d tell him everything. Why you left, what would’ve made you stay, but he’d rather tell the whole world he fucked up than just apologize to you.
Eddie’s POV
His copy of SPIN lay open in his lap as he reads the Death Dance interview. His bandmates are god knows where, enjoying their day off while Eddie mopes in his hotel room.
J: How do you guys feel about touring with one of the biggest names in rock?
Eddie rolls his eyes at the question, knowing you probably hated hearing his band brought up in your interview.
Y: I mean, we knew them growing up. It’s really cool to see them all again, and we’re honored to tour with them.
Eddie’s surprised you’d even mention knowing him at this point, it makes his heart beat a little faster.
J: You know Corroded Coffin?
Y: Yeah! I moved to Hawkins my senior year, where I met Robin, and they were all seniors. We played DnD together, made music together. We lost touch after high school, but the world is so small.
J: Is that what Indiana is about?
Y: In some respects, yeah. Indiana was a huge change from where I grew up in Boston, a much smaller, more conservative place for sure.
Eddie puts the magazine down, and reaches for his CD player. He skips to track 5, and closes his eyes as the guitars wail in his ears. He only knows parts of the song, from hearing it live when he can stomach watching your set, but somehow it feels like listening for the first time.
I’m from a city where no one knows each other / where we walk down streets avoiding eyes and shoving by / and when I moved to Indiana, I began to understand why / I wasn’t meant for smaller towns, where everyone knows my name, / but you had been there, my saving grace, / and now I miss the comfort. / I miss the sounds of singing birds, and the crackle of a fire. / I moved back to the city, and though it’s pretty, / it’s no longer what I know. / Indiana wasn’t home, but I found my home there / In the warmth of your eyes and the smell of your hair / I let myself believe I could make my life here / and when I lost you, I lost everything. / Indiana wasn’t home, but I found my home there. Indiana wasn’t home, and I lost my home there.
He plays the song four times before he can bring himself to breathe right again. Eddie can hear your heart breaking through your voice, the way it cracks on the chorus, the way you belt the final verse. All at once, he understands why you left, why you felt you had no choice. He was drowning in the pressure of being famous, leaving you behind to watch him from the shadows.
Your POV
You finally throw the magazine down, and rush to shower and get ready to go out. Tonight is your night off, a night to relax and not think about the boy across the hall. It’s easier said than done, though, as your mind keeps wandering to that final paragraph. I’ll never know now. I’ll never get to fix it. All he had to do was ask. You’d tell him everything; why you left, what could have gotten you to stay. But he’s been so cold, so distant with you, and you can’t really blame him. It’s just as difficult for you to be on tour with him, but you’re still trying to be mature about it.
Your spiral is disturbed by a knock on your door. You clip your earrings in and rush to answer it, smoothing your shirt to make sure you’re presentable. You open the door to Robin and Steve, their arms linked together like best friends on the playground. Both of them are dressed up, Steve in a button down and black slacks, Robin in sequined overalls that scream Vegas! They greet you with gleaming smiles, and you move aside to let them in.
“I’m almost ready! Any idea where we’re going?” You ask them both before pulling your lipstick out of your bag.
“We’re taking the strip by storm! It’s a group outing, everyone’s coming!” Robin claps her hands together
“Everyone?” You quirk an eyebrow, looking at her in the mirror.
She bites her lip and glances at Steve, who only shrugs. “Yeah, Gareth and Jeff overheard us planning, and we figured some bonding was in order. But don’t worry! We can separate when we get there.”
You smack your lips together and shrug. “It’s not me you have to worry about.” You turn to face them, extending your arms to present your glammed up self. “How do I look?”
“Like you’re gonna rip Eddie’s soul out of his bod— Ow!” Steve rubs where Robin has elbowed his arm. “You look beautiful.” He recovers, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“Let’s get goin’ then!” Robin heaves herself off the bed, and you hold the door for her and Steve, following them out the door.
The casinos are the most insane thing you’ve ever experienced. The bright lights almost blind you, and the sounds of slot machines are so loud you can’t hear yourself think. It’s no wonder no one wins these things, it’s impossible to concentrate.
“C’mon!” Sylvie grabs hold of your wrist, leading you and your bandmates to the blackjack table. You glance behind you, sending a help me look to Steve, who shrugs in defeat as he follows Eddie and Jeff to the bar.
“Robin, I don’t know how to play!” You object, but she’s already sitting in a free stool by the dealer.
“No worries, babe, this is all on me. I just want you all to watch me win!” She’s buzzed, having gulped her champagne down in the car on the way here. You giggle at her confidence, knowing damn well she also has no idea how to gamble.
“Whatever you do, don’t bet our royalties.” Lilith nudges her, hiccuping on her own bubbly.
“Yeah, yeah. Hit me!” She slaps the table, and the dealer smirks like he knows he’s about to watch Robin lose all of her disposable income.
Eddie’s POV
“Whiskey, neat.” He orders his drink, flopping down on an empty stool. Steve sits next to him, while Jeff orders drinks for himself and Gareth. “Come hang out, man!” Jeff calls when he receives his drinks, already walking to the table his bandmates sit at with yours. Eddie nods a response, nursing his drink.
“You gotta at least try to enjoy yourself tonight.” Steve says, taking a sip of what looks like fruit punch.
“I am enjoying myself, Steven” Eddie holds up his whiskey, as if to prove the point. Steve glares at him, and Eddie takes a swig. “What?”
“You’re moping! You’re a famous rockstar on a cross country tour, and you’re moping. Had I known you were gonna be a drama queen this whole time I would’ve brought a goddamn book to read.”
Eddie groans, taking another sip. “I know, I know. I’m miserable.”
“You need to talk to them.” Steve says bluntly, not looking at Eddie.
“Why would I do that?”
“I know you want to.”
“I do not!”
Steve snorts, and Eddie presses his lips together in annoyance. “You read that interview, right?” Eddie nods. “So you know they talk about you now. You’re on their mind. You listen to the song they mentioned?” He nods again. “So you still care about what they have to say. What’s stopping you? Why are you so fucking scared?”
Eddie turns in his chair, back to where your band sits at the table, anxiously watching as Robin plays another round. Your face is pink, caused by the alcohol or the warmth of the building. Your shirt hugs your frame tightly, accentuating your features. You lift a glass of champagne to your lips, pinky extended, leaving a smear of red lipstick on the rim of the glass. Your eyes sparkle with excitement as your friends cheer Robin on. You have a happy glow to you, and it takes everything inside of Eddie to rip his eyes away. “What’s stopping me is the fact that they deserve better.” Eddie grumbles, gulping the rest of his liquor down and calling the bartender over. “I don’t want to ruin this for them. I’m already here, and that can’t be easy. I want them to enjoy this experience, I don’t want to intrude on it.”
“So, what, you’re just gonna drink yourself to death every time we have an outing? You think that isn’t causing them any distress? Your liver is gonna deteriorate soon, man. May wanna figure out a different strategy.”
“Will you get off my ass about drinking, Harrington? It’s rich, coming from the kid that shotgunned like sixty beers a week his freshman year of high school.”
Steve chuckles, and Eddie can’t hide the grin creeping onto his face. “Fair enough. But that was high school. I didn’t have a billion fans relying on me not to die of alcohol poisoning.”
“Nah, just the six hundred Hawkins High students. Big whoop!” Eddie emphasizes his point with a show of jazz hands. “Either way. If I’m gonna talk to them, I’m gonna be drunk when I do it.” Eddie gulps down his second drink in one go, feeling the effects of the alcohol starting to kick in.
“Whatever, dude. You wanna go play some cards?” Steve offers his hand, and Eddie takes it begrudgingly, yanking himself away from the bar and into the mass of the crowded casino. He’s forced to squeeze by you, apologizing under his breath as he brushes against your back, sidestepping between the tables. You don’t seem to notice. He takes his place next to Gareth, and Steve stands firmly between him and you, a bridge neither of you dare to cross. Eddie feels your eyes on him, and it takes everything inside of him not to look back. Instead, he’s dealt into the next hand, planning only to play one round as a distraction from your presence. The waiter drops off another round of drinks, and Eddie slaps his palm on the table. “Deal me in.”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Steve yanks on an objecting Eddie’s arm, hauling him away from the table. He’s already lost a good chunk of change, both at the table and to the expensive drinks he’s been gulping down. Despite his objections, Steve manages to drag Eddie out of the casino unscathed.
“Here,” Steve sticks a cigarette between Eddie’s lips and lights it for him. “Sober up a little.”
Eddie plucks the lit stick from his mouth and exhales, the cool night air bathing his warm face.
“Where,” Eddie’s eyes are glassy, his vision blurring as he takes in his surroundings.
“We’re outside the casino. Waiting for the car.” Steve lights a cigarette for himself, inhaling as Eddie does the same.
“Where’s Y/n?” He realizes suddenly that he hasn’t seen you in hours.
“Back at the hotel. They left a while ago, but you didn’t want to get up. Sometime around your fourth hand, when you accused the dealer of cheating.” Eddie looks down at his feet, seeing four of them, and hums in response. “They told me to make sure I get you home safe.”
He looks back up to his friend, cautiously optimistic. “They said that?”
Steve nods, a smirk on his face. “Told me they’d kick my ass if anything happened to you. So I’m keeping my promise.” The car pulls up, and Steve opens the door for Eddie. “C’mon, in ya go.”
Eddie lets his eyes slip closed as the car starts moving, promising himself he won’t throw up on Steve. He thinks of all the ways he could possibly tell you he’s sorry, how he could start to mend the wounds he’s caused you. He’s going to, he decides, as soon as he can manage to walk on his own.
Your POV
There’s a banging on your hotel room as you’re clawing your way out of your clothes. You pull your big t-shirt on, pause Breaking The Girl, and rush to answer it. You’re expecting room service with some wine, or Steve with tomorrow’s game plan. “Coming!” You call, finally opening the door, only to be greeted by Eddie’s wobbly figure. “Oh. Hi.” You look at his nose as you speak, afraid of what would happen if your eyes were to meet his. His face is flushed from the drinking, his eyes glazed over and his hair frizzy.
“Hi. Bad time?” He looks you up and down, causing your cheeks to warm despite your blood running cold. You realize now that the shirt you’re wearing is one that once belonged to him. “I’ll, uh, go. I can um… I’ll come back later.” His speech is slurring, and you can smell the alcohol as he speaks.
“No!” You say, too quickly. “It’s okay, I’m just getting ready for bed. You wanna come in?”
Eddie hesitates, but you step aside to let him enter. He stumbles forward, placing himself gingerly in the chair across from the bed, where you sit across from him, acutely aware of your current pantsless state. “I read the interview.” Eddie starts, looking at the floor. You cross one leg over the other, waiting for him to continue. “And I’ve been listening to the album. Your album, I mean. It’s great, by the way, really fucking great.” He won’t look at you, instead focused on fiddling with his rings. You don’t respond, unsure where he’s going. “I came to say I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widen. This was the furthest thing from what you were expecting. “For what?”
Eddie slides further into the chair. “Everything. I’ve been such an asshole since the tour started. Especially to you. I wanna say I didn’t mean it, but I did. I wanted to hurt you. Flirting with all those girls, playing that fuckin’ song in front of you. I meant all of it.”
You bite your lip, unsure of how to respond. You doubt Eddie will even remember this conversation tomorrow, so you refuse to let his words convince you of anything. You don’t answer, just blink at him as he continues searching for the words to explain himself.
“I was trying to ignore it, I guess. How I felt about seeing you again. I was hiding it, and probably really poorly. I can't imagine it’s been easy for you, either, but you seem so happy. And it’s made me realize how horrible I’ve been.” He looks up from the floor then, his eyes searching yours for an answer. His face is flushed, his hair disheveled, and his lips are set in the pout that always got your heart stalling.
You clear your throat quickly, knowing it will crack under the pressure otherwise. “Eddie, it’s not your fault. You didn’t force this tour to happen. It’s an unfortunate coincidence.” He winces at your words, and you rush to correct yourself. “I mean, we didn’t know we’d see each other like this. We weren’t prepared. The way you’ve been acting, though hurtful, is completely understandable.” You want to cry. You want to throw Eddie out of your hotel room so you can sob into your pillow. But you don’t move, and neither does he.
“Why’d you leave?” He asks after a long moment of silence. “What happened to us?”
You know he’s drunk, and you shouldn’t be indulging him, but you’ve wanted to say so much to him since breaking it off, and you’re still a bit tipsy. “I was losing you. To groupies, to the label, to whatever you had become, and I didn’t think it was fair to fight it. This is all you’ve ever wanted, all we ever talked about when we were together. And you got it! The only thing you ever wanted. And I am beyond proud of you, Eddie. Who was I to pull you away from it? I couldn’t hold you back from this, but I couldn’t live in the background either. I couldn’t make you choose between me and your dream, so I chose for you.” Your voice falters as you explain, eyes threatening to spill the tears they harbor. “You deserve everything you ever want, Ed. I truly believe that.” You don’t tell him you still wish he wanted you.
Eddie is less than graceful in his response. “I would’ve chosen you. Over and over again, Y/n. I wish I hadn’t made you feel like you were my backup, my plan B. I lost sight of us, I know that now.” You sigh, your heart breaking as he speaks. Years ago, it’s all you wanted to hear. But it’s too little, too late now. “It got to my head, having you and getting signed. I felt like I could have it all. It got overwhelming, and I didn’t realize what I was doing to you. You were right to leave, and I’m so sorry it took me this long to figure it out. I blamed you for my misery when I caused all of it myself.”
You get up from the bed, and approach Eddie, kneeling beside the chair so he’s forced to look at you. “I appreciate the apology, Ed. I know you mean it. But I needed to leave for my own sake, too. I couldn’t keep competing with you, with all of the attention you were getting. I needed to focus on my own dreams, and I couldn’t convince you to root for me the way I had for you. Now that I’m here, I’m glad it happened this way. I wouldn’t have gotten here any other way.” You rest your hand on his knee, and you feel a drop fall from his cheek onto your finger. “You’ll always be special to me. I need you to know that.”
Eddie nods, sniffling. You stand up and offer him your hand. He takes it hesitantly, and you feel the familiarity of his calloused fingers entwined with yours. You can’t bring yourself to let go as he gets to his feet, missing the way his skin feels on yours. “Let’s get you back to bed, yeah?” You lead him out of your room and down the hall. “You got your key?”
Eddie clumsily pats his many pockets before finding his key card in his vest. He swipes it, and you pull him into the messy room, the bed unmade, empty beer bottles lining the nightstand and entertainment center. Eddie collapses onto the bed, and you get to work yanking his shoes off the way you used to after a long night out. He’s still in his jeans, but you don’t make a move to take them off. He’s not yours to take care of anymore, and if he wakes up uncomfortable, it’s not your problem. “Okay. Goodnight, Eddie.” You’re about to leave when you hear him whisper something. “What was that?” You don’t want to believe what you think you heard, but he says it again, clearer this time. “I’d still choose you.” You press your lips together, stifling your sobs as you close the door behind you. You can’t bring yourself to believe him.
chapter viii
taglist: @children-of-the-grave @five-bi-five @wiildflower-xxx @beebeerockknot @champagne-glamour @xxgothwhorexx @therensistance @chonkzombie @brxkenartt @sidthedollface2 @bibieddiesgf @gaysludge @eddiesguitarskills @littlepotatobeansworld | send a message to be added!
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vintagehellfire · 1 year
The River
 E.M x reader
a/n: I’m tipsy and this is self indulgent as fuck and I’m not sorry at all. 
Summary: in which you realise you’re in love with best friend! Eddie and you destroy yourself in the process
warnings: alcohol abuse, pining, 18+ mdni, drug use, angst. Inspired by the song The River from Daisy Jones and the Six. And kind of by the book/series. Angst to fluff
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You didn’t know when you started falling but you did... and when you fell you fell deep. And that was effectively the beginning of the end for you. The tightness you felt in your chest was unlike anything you’ve felt before, heart squeezing so tight that it would hurt. Sometimes you even believed that maybe you’d end up with tears streaming down your face, unable to breathe from the constricting feeling. If you didn’t know better, you’d think there was a boa constrictor wrapping itself around your heart, preparing to devour it -- and frankly loving Eddie Munson was a little like that especially when you were in the dark about his feelings towards you. 
Eddie Munson and you had been friends since that faithful day he came up to you with a piece of cardboard and asked if you wanted to sword fight. You tentatively agreed seeing as nobody else seemed too keen on feeding into his little fantasy but you? You loved all things fantasy - sometimes you’d even play the fair elf that didn’t really need saving but Sir Eddie the Banished would come to your rescue nonetheless. 
Things changed in the many years of your friendship, at first it was puberty, Eddie became handsome and a lot more handsy, daringly flirtatious. He wasn’t ever popular with the women - he was the outcast after all - yet he had a suave charm that nobody could deny. Obnoxious as he was in the high school cafeteria, the man had a way with words and was brought up right by Wayne Munson. There was no denying he had a dreadfully beautiful heart. It was no wonder that he eventually started dating someone and yet you wished it was you. Secretly, so did Eddie, but he’d never admit that. 
That’s why you were curled up in your room, the emerald green reading chair being your temporary home as you sat with your book, headphones in, and lit joint. A warm lamp hung above your head, illuminating you in a soft glow that Eddie couldn’t tear his eyes away from when he would read along with you, splayed across your bed, focus drifting. You tried to lose yourself in a fictional world, opting to immerse yourself in fantasy than deal with the reality that the man you had set your eyes on since high school was someone else’s. With a sigh, you tore your eyes from the delicate pages of The Great Gatsby, bookmarked the page, and closed the book. Your joints creaked as you lifted yourself from the chair and threw your book down, running your hands over your face before setting your headphones down as well. 
Why can’t things be easy? You thought to yourself. What if I just, destroyed myself? What if there weren’t consequences to it? After all, the soft late night touches stolen away in the cover of Lady Night, the forehead kisses, holding you close, never wanting to let go at your departures, that wasn’t what friends did, much less when one of said friends had a girlfriend. 
You padded over to your cluttered nightstand, the lighter on the mahogany wood calling out to you. Help me drown the sorrows. And with that, you snatched it and lit your joint without a single second of hesitation. Inhale... Exhale... 
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The love was there with his girlfriend, sure. He had been with her for a year and some and now it seemed to be becoming somewhat an obligation, some promise of a better life than that which he had, it was the safe option but if he pried too deep, if he spent too many late nights, too many evenings drinking or smoking, his feelings crept through the dark cracks in his head and heart. They whispered to him that this wasn’t what he wanted, and the feeling of yearning for that which he couldn’t have would worsen until that yearning was satiated. 
“Babe? Are you even listening to me?” A voice broke through his thoughts, head lifting to meet her eyes. 
“Huh? Sorry, I was a little lost in my thoughts.” Eddie admit to his girlfriend, Ava. “Just got a lot on my mind lately.” He huffs out, hair bouncing as he lifts his head. 
“Whats going on in that pretty little head of yours?” She asks and comes to sit on the arm of the ugly brown sofa-chair. Eddie never liked that old thing. It itched, but it wasn’t his house, and it wasn’t his choice. He also never liked how she’d try to prod into his mind like that. With you it was different, no matter how much you poked around you did it with an air of amusement, a lighthearted way to let him know you’re there if he needs it, but Ava didn’t want to know. She’d ask but as soon as he’d tell she shut down or put up a fight. It looped around to her complaining about Eddie not opening up, but what was a man to do. 
“Nothing, just,” he sighs, “I’m stuck with my campaign. That and financial stress… My hours are getting limited- more so than I’d like.” He sighs out.
“Well it’ll be fine. I can cover for you and you can pay me back when you have the means.” Ava smiles sweetly at him, dismissing his complaint. “As for your campaign, don’t you think you could maybe spend some time away from it? I mean, look, we barely have time together and you want to play a silly game with your friends.” A pang of hurt ripped through Eddie’s chest, after all this game was the sole thing that kept him sane. It was his one pleasure in this capitalist world that aimed to work him until his bones turned to dust.
“It’s not- you know what, I think I’m going to go for a walk.” He huffed, pushing himself from the recliner and grabbing his jacket on the way out, the thin apartment door slamming shut behind him. He left Ava in the middle of the living room, dumbfounded by his reaction. It wasn’t typical of Eddie to walk out like that and it stung but a worse fear creeped into her and chilled her heart as she realised he didn’t say those three little words as he left - something he always did no matter how angry he was with her.
After that argument, or lack thereof, late nights became more and more frequent for Eddie, he’d sneak off to grab a drink with the Corroded Coffin guys, and you’d be there, his number one supporter, his rock, his best friend, his one that got away. His girlfriend thought his music was too loud and abrassive, she couldn’t understand why he was still writing this kind of stuff when there was the rest of his life to live but little time to finally settle down -- Afterall, that’s what she’d been waiting for, for a proposal, to marry him, to settle down and live happily ever after with their own little version of the suburban family with the white picket fence. Part of it was also a deeply rooted and ugly selfish desire to have the high school bad boy and town pariah settle down, to tame that wild beast, though one thing about Eddie is that he, and his heart, cannot be tamed when one seeks to.
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Your little apartment harboured you well enough from the world, but not enough from yourself. It wasn’t a safe haven like it should have been, no, it was the place where you hid while you took your pain out on yourself. You found a macabre solace at the bottom of a bottle of red wine, red to remind yourself of how your heart bled for a certain metalhead, red to remind you of the blood in your veins, red because you just saw your own anger at yourself for not having said anything sooner.
Besides, the wine and the drugs help you see the reality you so esire everytime you close your eyes and find solace in your dreams. It’s all the more painful when you wake up but at least it gives you a small reprieve of the reality in which Eddie doesn’t reciprocate how you feel. And why would he? That’s exactly why after you kill off the first bottle of wine you stumble through the apartment, tripping over slippers, clinging onto the walls for an ounce of stability if you could even find it. Framed photographs of you and Eddie, the gang, Hellfire, they all adorned the otherwise stark walls, yellowed due to smoke and old age and they sent a pang through your heart. You couldn’t bare the idea of taking them down and so they spurred your next action on.
Ripping open the top drawer of your desk, you shoved your folders to the side before pinching the one item you sought out. Eddie would kill you if he knew you were using and that you weren’t getting it from Rick, but anything that Rick knows about you gets back to Eddie and you couldn’t risk Eddie knowing about your little indulgence. Plucking the baggie of white powder out from it’s resting spot, you slammed the drawer closed and tripped your way back to the living room.
“Where the fuck are they?!” You let out, tears brimming your eyes as you frantically looked around for your keys. Just as your luck would have it, you stubbed your toe into your coffee table, falling to your knees in front of the couch. In a swift motion, you dropped the baggie onto the hard wooden surface before uncorking your second bottle of wine and chugging down a mouthful. The alcohol stung and yet felt all too familiar, it obviously wouldn’t add any clarity to where your keys were but for a second you thought it might help. Whether it was dumb luck or not, after the swig you took, you moved the couch cusion, and there it was, your set of keys... with a key to Eddie’s...
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A few nights later there you were with the metalhead, hanging out at the usual joint with the same ragtag group of misfits. The people stayed the same more or less but the conversations drifted into something more serious, more adult, and tonight Eddie had gone just overboard enough with drinks, and the offer of a bump of the little white devil certainly helped push him over.
“Okay Eds, lets get you home.” You cooed at him, holding his elbow gently, your touch burning him through the thick leather of his jacket. Momentarily he leaned into you, forgetting altogetheer that his devotions were supposed to lay with his girlfriend, his girlfriend who he’s been blowing off for the past  few months, his girlfriend who would care for him and clean up when it was needed, who  supported him through his bullshit.
“Don’t wanna.”He slurred out, eyes glassy as he looked over you. You sighed and shifted your gaze towards the guys, grabbing ahold of Eddie a little tighter so as to stabilise him, but he took that as a chance to lean closer to you. The smell of palo santo wafted into his nose, with hints of something a little warmer, more abrassive - it was a smell he fell in love with - it wasn’t overly sweet but it held delicate floral undertones beneath the musky earth smell. If he could wrap up your scent and keep it with him at all times, he would.
“Come on man, please...” Jeff all but begged. “You’re fucked up and I think it’s best that you ease up. If not at your home, then maybe...” He trailed off and looked helplessly to you.
“Maybe at mine?” You proposed, chewing your lip with hesitancy, eyes looking hopefully to your best friend. “You know how comfy it can be, you’d be safe... Just, let us take you home safe, Eds.”You plead, and with that he agrees.
As you drag him over to the first cab you see, you give the driver your address as you step in, following behind Eddie just in case. You rub soothing circles into his back during the bumpy ride and coo sweet nothings into his hair, knowing that he would most likely be a second away from emptying his abused stomach.
“Have I ever told you how I felt?” Eddie suddenly breaks the silence. You lift your nose up slightly so that it pokes his jaw.
“Let’s wait until we get home yeah?” He nods and closes his eyes, allowing the time to pass and before long you find yourselves in front of your apartment. You pay the cab fee with a nice twenty percent tip and stumble up the old rickety stairs, winding your way up until you reach the door, unlocking it with a desperation. Even in your hazy state you muster enough energy to pull out some food, heating up water, waltzing around the kitchen to create something that will hopefully ease the regret of the nights activities tomorrow morning.
There isn’t a thing that Edie isn’t grateful for when it comes to you. All his emotions, his heart, his soul even pulled him towards you -- the bond you both held was unbreakable and unlike any other anyone had seen. Wayne often wondered why his boy wasn’t with you, your parents did too, and yet your teenage fears of not being good enough for each other, not wanting each other the same way, planted themselves deep within, laying their roots in your hearts and spreading down to your lungs, constricting them at any moment where either of you were close to confessing your true feelings. That’s how Eddie ended up settling for Ava, because if he couldn’t have you, he supposed that she was the next best thing.
You sat with him on the couch, passing him a bowl of spaghetti once the food was ready, and once you’d devoured it, you placed both bowls on the coffee table before Eddie found a comfortable spot with his head in your lap - instinctually your hands went to his hair, scratching his scalp gently and in even motions. Neither of you felt more at home than in moments like this - you both forgot your worries. You even forgot the itching need for your sweet little helper, your angel in powder form.
“We need to talk about this.”Eddie broke the silence. “Sweetheart, please, I know I’m a coward, I know I have a girlfriend but... but I don’t have the guts to say this to you sober.”He rambled. You untangled your hands from his hair for a moment before resuming your motions slowly but surely. You nervously swallows, throat bobbing, would this be a conversation you need drink for? “I- I feel lonely without you by my side, and sweetheart, Jesus H. Christ, you damn near gave me a heart attack with how damn beautiful you are. Stole my soul and bottled it up to keep forever.” He confessed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, I don’t know what I can do but I’ve been a coward too long and,” Eddie turns to face you, “sweetheart, just say the word, please, say the word and I’m yours.” Your breath catches in your throat. This couldn’t be real could it? With glassy eyes you looked over the metalhead in front of you, and all you wanted to do was reach out to him but you were frozen. The itch was slowly coming back, was this a dream, was it reality? It all blurred together now.
“Eds, please, you- you don’t mean that,” you breathed out, unsure of what you were supposed to say, how to react, “we can’t, you have a girlfriend.” Any sense of reasoning was going to go out the window, it didn’t matter in the least to him, he was high and very drunk, and god you wish you could have been too.
“No, please just listen, tell me you don’t feel the same, that you don’t feel the pull. Tell me you haven’t felt it since we were teenagers.” At this point he grabbed your hands in his, his chocolate eyes meeting your bloodshot ones. You looked tired, worn out, and you shouldn’t have. “Look, one word from you, sweetheart, and I’ll end it. It wasn’t good, it wasn’t a smart choice, I shouldn’t have dragged her along. I’m an idiot, I am, I know, all of Hellfire knowns, but please, darling, give me a chance. I’ve been,” tears sprung into his eyes and you couldn’t help but tighten your grip on his hands, heart squeezing at this. You shouldn’t be tempted to agree, you should ask him to end it with his girlfriend first, to make sure he’s doing the right thing for himself and not because he would get something from this.
“I do, I do feel it Eddie, but I can’t be with you while you’re with her, I don’t want step into your relationship. I don’t want to be a homewrecker.” You then said the one thing that would shake him enough to want to take action for himself, for you, and for Ave - he couldn’t waste any more of her time. “It’s really hard to be around you knowing that you’re with her but you act like this with me. Eddie, I love you, but you need to do the right thing first.”
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A month passed by after that night, you attempted to slow down and yet things only seemed to get worse. Eddie didn’t call, nor did he come by like he promised you he would. Eddie was nowhere to be found until tonight. You were suffering the consequences of fucking yourself up beyond repair the previous evening, the drink and some drungs lingering in your system. The best remedy in your books? A joint. You grabbed your last preroll, one you’d ben saving for the right moment, plucked your lighter from the coffee table, residue of your previous nights turpitude lingering in the wood grain. It was the perfect day to smoke - overcast, calling for a thunderstorm. If you were in the mood, you’d have laughed. Oh how the weather seemed to reflect your inner musings.
As you swung the door open, you were met with the sight of your best friend, ring clad hand raised into a fist, about to knock on your door. You blinked long and hard, unsure of whether you were dreaming, yet it seemed real. 
“Hey, sweetheart.”He bashfuklly mused. “I thought I should explain why I’ve been away for a month.” He kicks the dirt with his shoes, looking down at his feet.
“No offence, Eddie, but you dropped a bomb on me and then fucked off for a month, what did you expect? That I wouldn’t be angry?” You started off strong, stable, but your resolve weakened the longer you spoke. “Did you think you could confess your feelings while with your girlfriend and think we could be okay?”
“No, sweetheart, I- I-  I broke up with Ava. This month,” he rubbed his face as he spoke, muffling his words, “this month has been rough. I - I moved out. I had to find a place last minute and I didn’t want to impose myself on you. But, darling, my love,” his voice dripped with honey, “let me start this off on the right foot. Let me start us out on the right foot. There’s not a moment I haven’t thought of you since the day we met. You occupy my heart, you’re the breath in my lungs and I feel like I need you to be able to breathe, so please, I’ll be yours if you’ll have me.” You hadn’t realised that you’d leaned in closer to him as he spoke, both his and your eyes welling up with tears.
“Please, Eds.” You whispered, voice broken with sadness. “No more hiding in the dark, no more running.” It was his turn to lean in closer, his wild hair brushing your cheeks, kissing the apples of them tenderly, his doe eyes flicking down to your cracked lips - day old lipstick still holding onto them.
“No more running.” He agreed before looking back into your eyes with the hunger of a starved man. “Just you and me, how it always should have been.” His breath of a promise lingered in the air, ghosting over your lips, his hands slowly coming to your waist, clinging onto your shirt as if you weere his lifeline, as if you’d disappear if he didn’t have you in his arms. “I love you, sweetheart. I’m in love with you.”
“Fuck, Eds,”the tension snapped and before you could control yourself, you slammed your lips into his, trying to satiate a hunger that you had even forgotten you had. There was nothing gentle about it, it was urgent, passionate, and loaded with fifteen years of emotions behind it. You tangled your hands into his hair and yanked, causing him to let out a moan with which he forced himself away from you. “I love you too, I’ve- I’ve been in love with you,” he cut you off.
“Since the day we met. Yeah, me too, sweetheart, me too.” A smile ghosted over both your lips and sudednly you had no problem dragging the man you’ve waited fifteen years to properly love back into your apartment. The itch for a joint long forgotten in the doorway.
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mordredisacoolname · 1 year
-not writing for characters under 16 (unless platonic)
-no sexual content for characters under 18
-no p3dophilia
-not writing for fem readers (only male/gn/nb)
-if you requested specify gender and AGAB (male or female bodied) if it's important (like n/sfw content)
*if there'd be a request for trans fem reader I can try to write it no promises tho
One piece
Grishaverse/shadow And Bone
Fear street
Criminal minds
stranger things
The walking dead
Alice in borderland
House of the dragon
The boys
heartbreak high
Interview with the vampire (series)
House md
Ghosts (uk)
Being human (both uk and us)
The fall of the house of usher
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loveronlineee · 2 years
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Willow’s Masterlisttttttt
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz - Cobra Kai 
Spencer “Spider” White - Heartbreak High
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