#heirs of avalon
omgkatsudonplease · 3 months
Here’s how I try to look at it, and this is just me. This guy becoming Minister for Magic, it’s like there’s a basilisk loose at Hogwarts. It’s like there’s a basilisk, loose at Hogwarts. I think eventually everything’s going to be okay, but I’ve got no idea what’s going to happen next, and neither do any of you, and neither do your parents, because there’s a basilisk, loose at Hogwarts. Now, we’ve had snakes at this school before, and some of them have been very scary, like that one slithery little fellow during the 17th century—yeah, very scary eyes on that one—but this one’s a confirmed basilisk, and we confirmed that back in the 1980s! We sent some people out to figure out what’s going on and they said, yep, definitely a basilisk, and now for some reason we’ve let him back into the castle! And he’s got all his little snakes following him like knights, and we know he’s going to petrify someone, because what else does a basilisk do at Hogwarts? Take a Potions class? Improve New Blood relations? Merlin, no, he’s a basilisk doing whatever he wants at Hogwarts! All the experts on the previous fellow are dead. So they try to find new experts on the wireless. They’re like, “We’re now joined by a witch who saw a hag redeeming herself to Mother Magic.” Get out of there with that shit! We’ve all seen a hag beg Mother Magic for redemption! This is a BASILISK, LOOSE at HOGWARTS! When there’s a basilisk at Hogwarts, you’ve got to stay updated. So all day long you walk around, “What’s the basilisk doing?” The updates, they’re not always bad. Sometimes they’re just odd. It’ll be like, “The basilisk is mandating the Trace be put on pregnant mages.” I didn’t know he could do that.  The creepiest days are the ones when you don’t hear from the basilisk at all. You’re in the Great Hall having pudding like, “Hey, has anyone… has anyone heard—” [hissing noises] Those are those quiet days when the Purebloods go, “Oh, I don’t think it’s a basilisk at all. I think it’s just a very large, very respectable snake!” And then ten seconds later the basilisk goes, “I’m going to slither into the library and turn all the children into stone! I’ve got nice shiny petrifying eyes and a body the size of Salazar’s ego, I’m a basilisk!” That’s what I thought you’d say, you bloody fucking basilisk!
—John, of the Risible House of Mulaney
For more context: The Whispers of Lady Polixenes, June 1996
Thank you to @hearseire for helping me write this parody ;)
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sboochi · 1 year
Read chapter 3 of Heirs on AO3!
The four finally have a plan. A faulty, hidden with secrets, unexpected plan, but still a plan.
I swear the real adventure is about to start, just setting up for future conflicts!
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void-kissed · 1 year
Hello friend it's ya boi Berry I saw the post abt what fandoms would ship irt your SIs and as someone who spent hours looking at ships in this fandom I have thoughts.
Sapphire: Nia would def be a ship w her. Mythra as well, I tend to see most characters shipped w one Aegis often shipped w the other. Her excitable nature playing of Mythra being more guarded would intrigue people.
Calanthe: Shion/Koshion ot3 deffo would happen. That fandom is wlw paradise for ships lol. Helps she and Shion have a lot in common -- invested in KOS-MOS, glasses for reasons other than eyesight, Zohar shenanigans.... T-elos in saga and 2 both would also happen. Similar to the Aegis situation I find.
Aline: Def would be shipped w Haze as well as prolly her and Lora as an ot3. Her and Brighid also feels possible -- jewel of Mor Ardain and a village girl would go hard for ppl. Curve ball here but Avalon as well. Blade Driver pairings are super popular and I figure that'd extend here too -- they're friends so some ppl would ship em.
Citri: Fiora and Shulk predictions are spot on. Reyn would also be a potential one bc of the similar childhood friends angle, tho might be more popular w her in ot3+s. Melia also feels incredibly possible, actually -- people in recent years have really been feeling her wlw vibes and chances are she'd have cute interactions with Citri, making her a potentially popular choice. Linada might also be one of only bc she and Vanea are somewhat shipped -- ship her w one gf why not the other? Lots of ot3+s here specifically would happen I think.
This has been berry can't sleep and is autistic about ships in xc fandom hour. Thank you
HELLO BERRY THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THESE and also I really hope you were able to sleep. Sorry that they took so long for me to write out responses to!
Sapphire with Mythra would be pretty interesting actually, especially with the context of Mythra first appearing in XC2 not too long after Sapphire joins the party in Chapter 3. Not perhaps the best of introductions Plus, with Mythra’s connection to Poppi, that’s another way the two can kind of come together despite being quite different personality-wise! And, I can also definitely see shipping happening with Nia, haha. Not only out of catgirl solidarity, but there's also a Blade Eater/Flesh Eater contrast, which is made more fun by the fact that the Blade whose Core Crystal is in Sapphire was a healer Blade~
Today I found out that Shion doesn't wear glasses to correct her vision either, huh. I didn't realise they were a sentimental thing for her (from what I read on the wiki)! Anyway - yes, you're right that Calanthe and Shion do have possibly a bit too many similarities, oops, but you're right that it would definitely make them fit ships! Shoutout to Xenosaga for all the wlw ships, honestly. t-elos is someone I had not considered, but honestly now you mention it I can absolutely see it. Calanthe is not an overly confident self-insert, so that combined with t-elos' general demeanour would be quite the contrast, hehe. Plus, if going by her XC2 version: glasses solidarity again!
I would definitely call Aline with Avalon a curveball for the reason that Avalon isn't attracted to girls (I keep considering shipping them with Minoth, or possibly one of the other two male Blades), but at the same time I can see it persisting despite that, given what some people are unfortunately like. I will readily admit I hadn't considered Aline with Brighid, but I can definitely see the logic in it, haha - you're right that that kind of trope can be pretty fun! And, yes, Aline with Haze does definitely sound very cute, I can definitely imagine it ^-^
Regarding Citri, I don’t know how I forgot about Melia! My first attempts at making an XC1 self-insert was to selfship with Melia, actually - that self-insert was a fellow half-High Entia, also called Sapphire but without XC2 Sapphire's energetic-ness. Citri has actually probably turned out somewhat similar to that initial iteration, now that I think about it, despite her lore now being different (and me thinking of her as an alternate version of Calanthe, not of Sapphire). In terms of the others, I can definitely see them happening through OT3s specifically, as those would give more opportunity for more dynamics to develop properly, you could say.
..Sorry that this took me so long to properly get to, but thank you so so much again for sending this in, friend!! It really means a lot that you took the time to write this out in such a way, so thank you ^-^
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Excalibur is known by name in many other sources too. To the Welsh it was called Caledvwlch or Caliburn, and was said to have been made in the Isle of Avalon. After Arthur pacified his kingdom the court champion wielded Excalibur for many years while Arthur ruled. Gawaine was King Arthur's oldest sister's oldest son. According to the Celtic inheritance system Gawaine was, therefore, the heir to the king. He was also the champion and war leader.
"Swords of Pendragon" by Greg Stafford, illus. Martin McKenna, White Dwarf 85, January 1987, summarizing the stories of The Sword in the Stone, Excalibur, The Sword of King David, and Balin's Sword
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the-colourful-witch · 10 months
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Lord Harry Potter and the Cursed Cup
Fic by @omgkatsudonplease I made these two illustrations for Lily and her series the Heirs of Avalon on Ao3. You can check out her story here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48150085/chapters/121420435
This commission was so fun to work on. We talked a lot about costumes and story and I'm very happy with the end result. It definitely challenged me to think more three-dimensional, which I like. So thank you, Lily. For this lovely commission. I hope you'll enjoy it for a long time to come.
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writerdream22 · 3 months
THE GREAT- Jujutsu Kaisen x OC
Can be found on Wattpad through my profile: @ avalonant
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Yutaka Endo had taken a drastic decision. He was well aware of the fact that it was frowned upon to teach Kage to a female member of the clan, but his granddaughter was his last resort in order to keep the family's traditions alive and restore its name in the Jujutsu World.
Chizuru was indeed way too young to be taught the technique. But she had shown a great aptitude in the manipulation of cursed energy since the day she was born, so Yutaka knew that he had made the right choice.
Not that he had any other options, anyways.
His only son, Hansuke, had refused to learn how to use Kage and opted to craft a technique of his own.
His daughter Hekima, on the other hand, had been deemed unsuitable for the task by the other members of the family.
This, along with the fact that he knew that he would not have been alive long enough to teach it to his grandson, led the leader of the Endo clan to appoint Chizuru as his heir.
The only thing left for the man to do was to announce it to the other members of the family.
"Are you crazy?" the scream of Hansuke Endo resounded in the living room of the clan's main residence "She cannot be the last one to be taught Kage, let alone the next leader of the clan! What has gotten into your mind?"
Yutaka sat in front of his son, unfazed by his words.
"Considering that it was you who refused to learn it, and thus are now unable to pass it down onto your children, you cannot come here and make any demands on the matter. Your son is yet to be born, and even though Chizuru is just six years old she has proven to be up to the task" he paused "I have taken my decision. She will begin training with me next year"
Hansuke groaned in annoyance. He knew that he couldn't do anything to change his father's mind, so he sat up and got out of the room, soon followed by his wife.
It was clear that from that moment on Chizuru was not going to live an easy life. But it was, hopefully, for the best.
Yutaka stood in front of his granddaughter, in the middle of the old training room which he hadn't walked into in a long time.
"You need to pay attention, Chizuru. As next leader of the Endo clan, you will have to know Kage like the back of your hand" he explained, to which the young girl nodded in response.
"You will learn the art of Jujutsu and master the use of cursed energy. I don't have much time, so you will need to catch on as quickly as you can. Understood?"
Chizuru smiled widely, holding up the wooden replica of his grandfather's katana, before exclaiming "Understood!" and copied his motions as he got into a fighting stance.
Yutaka hoped to find some sort of interest in her eyes, and he got exactly what he wanted.
Chizuru grew up to be magnificent.
She had great potential, her grandfather could see it. His other grandchildren were similarly powerful, but it seemed like they were unable to understand the seriousness of their role.
If only Yutaka could be there just a little bit longer, he would have been able to teach her even more.
But fate had other plans.
If you're reading this I, Yutaka Endo, son of Haruki, have departed from the mortal plane.
Even though it was disclosed that you would be my successor, I know that it will be your father who will take on the role of clan leader until you become of age. It will hopefully be for your best, as you will be able to get a proper education and strengthen yourself even more.
I have already arranged for you to start attending Tokyo Jujutsu High as soon as you turn 15, which is very soon.
You have a great burden on your shoulders, one that I have imposed on you, and I hope that you will not divert from the correct path and fall victim to your family's wrongdoings.
There is much that you still have to learn, but you have to let time run its course.
I have faith in you, little dove, and I trust that you will do great things.
Farewell for now,
your grandfather.
And so began Chizuru's story.
If you have any suggestions or would like to point out any mistakes in my writing, please do
Feedbacks are always appreciated!
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For FSFS if it's still open:
Anything with Marcus Flint? I love how you write him so much! And the whole concept of house Flint is so interesting. Maybe fem! Marcus?
Thank you for your writing 💛
I've never written female!Marcus before. So, naturally, now that the idea has been put in my head, I had to pick this one next. ❤️
Heiress Marcella Flint genuinely and truly believes that no one will ever want to bond with her; she's brilliant on a broom, a superb dueller, and excellent at estate management, but she's also very tall for a witch, much more muscular than most wizards in Avalon, and describing her face as "plain" instead of "ugly" would be a generous kindness.
Most magicals consider an appealing physical appearance to be in the top three most important traits when seeking someone with whom to bond, so ... she keeps her expectations realistic, in the hope it'll stave off the worst of the heartache that only deepens with each new engagement announcement in the Daily Prophet when she's never once received a single offer for a preliminary Courtship Date.
So, when Heir Blaise Zabini approaches her at Pomegranate as the cafe is about to close, and extends a Bouquet of Intent to her, Marcella jams the tip of her wand in his throat before he can even speak a word and hisses, "I don't care who dared you to do this, or what bet you lost, Zabini, but if you think I'll let you humiliate me like this, it's the last thing you'll ever think in this life."
Blaise leans closer, not even flinching as her wand digs more deeply into his skin, and says with a smirk, "Zabinis have always been attracted to lethality above all else, Heiress Flint, and I've never met a more dangerous magical than you; I'll offer whatever vow you want to prove my sincerity."
The ice Marcella has spent a lifetime packing around her heart cracks clear through, and only time will tell if that weakness will destroy her utterly or save her from her lonely prison.
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littleladybaker · 2 months
Stricklake Month Week One: Myth
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“Mum! Why would you tell her the truth!?” Walter muttered, “I had her convinced there were no baby pictures of me. I was SAFE!”
“Walt! Really!” Barbara laughed, “It’s not that bad. You were adorable!”
Morgana rolled her eyes and adjusted her hold on her daughter, “Of course there were paintings of you, Walter. You were the heir of Avalon. Arthur had many paintings done of you when we first brought you home.”
AN: I run on the assumption that the painting in the middle is of Morgana and a Baby Walt. Considering their association with the Arthurian Legend, I figured this would make a nice addition to Stricklake Week!
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moonlight-prose · 2 months
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a/n: this started out as a biker!mickey one shot i was writing, but eventually it just became something bigger. so rather than make this a whole series and drag it on (and possibly never finish cause let's be real it's me), i figured it would be easier and more fun to write small one-shots for each character. below is the masterlist. enjoy!
each fic has their own warnings, but they are all 18+ only!
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Thieves & Kings | {COMING SOON}
summary: he's the heir to the throne, the would be king. only he doesn't want it - but that's before he meets his queen.
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Let It Burn | {COMING SOON}
summary: two households both alike in diginity...is where we meet our lovers. where hatred burns deep and rivalry is worn like a second skin.
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A Star In The Dark
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Tu Corazón Es Mío
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Nothing Breaks Like A Heart
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The Sweetest Thing
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Reckless Driving
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omgkatsudonplease · 4 months
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The Whispers of Lady Polixenes: Hogwarts & Allegoric Alley, March 1996
“Draco!” shrilled the voice of Lady Malfoy from the shore, startling Harry out of his less-than-pure thoughts about the waterlogged Slytherin currently in his arms. Sheepishly, he hauled himself and Draco onto dry land, where Lady Malfoy was waiting for her son with a slew of Drying and Warming Charms. Other people in the park had also rushed to the shoreline, pointing and whispering under parasols and fans. Under their gaze, Harry felt like he didn’t need a Warming Charm on his face at all.  Lady Malfoy was now insistently checking Draco over. “Oh my poor little dragon, I’m so sorry—I was simply off shopping for treats for you, and now—are you hurt? Was Lord Potter acting presumptuously with you?” She flashed a look at Harry that made his insides freeze. Of course. She hadn’t been there to see why the boat had capsized… for all she knew, Harry was the one overstepping by rescuing Draco from the lake… 
Read more on AO3!
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buttercupyellow · 4 months
BBC Merlin Timeline (canon info only)
Kilgharrah born - over 1000 years ago
Ashkanar hides a Dragon Egg in his Tomb - 400 years ago
7 of Camelot's knights are seduced by a sorceress and become The Knights of Medhir - 300 years ago
Uther conquers/usurps/is a laughing heir to Camelot
Morgause born to Vivienne and smuggled out of Camelot
Gaius begins working as the Court Physician - 25 years ago
Gaius and Alice meet - 25 years ago
Morgana born to Vivienne
Uther uses magic to conceive Arthur, Ygraine dies in childbirth, Uther begins the Great Purge of magic
Uther tricks the Dragonlords (Balinor) and Kilgharrah into coming to Camelot "to make peace" but kills them and captures Kilgharrah - 20 years ago
Balinor and Hunith concieve Merlin in Ealdor - less than 20 years ago (max 19 min 16)
Balinor is hunted into hiding by Uther/Camelot
Gorlois dies on the Northern Plains, Uther adopts Morgana as his ward - Morgana 10 yro
Uther holds a tounament in Arthur's honour, The Sarrum attends - Arthur 10 yro
Arthur leads an attack on a Druid camp but is unable to control his men and a massacre occurs
Arthur is challenged by Odin' Son to a duel, asks him to withdraw, and kills him in the duel
Elyan leaves Camelot - 4 years before S3, ep7
Season 1
The Dragon's Call
The Mark of Nimueh
The Poisoned Chalice
A Remedy to Cure all Ills
The Gates of Avalon
The Beginning of the End
Excalibur - Arthur's Coming of Age/Arthur's Birthday (approx April)
The Moment of Truth - Harvest time (August - September)
The Labyrinth of Gedref - Harvest time (August - September)
To Kill the King
Le Morte D'Arthur
Season 2
The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
The Once and Future Queen
The Nightmare Begins
Lancelot and Guinevere
Beauty and the Beast, pt 1
Beauty and the Beast, pt2
The Witchfinder
The Sins of the Father
The Lady of the Lake
Sweet Dreams
The Witch's Quickening
The Fires of Idirsholas
The Last Dragonlord
Season 3 - "Over a year" since S2, ep12
The Tears of Uther Pendragon, pt 1
The Tears of Uther Pendragon, pt 2
Goblin's Gold
The Crystal Cave - Morgana's Birthday
The Changeling
The Castle of Fyrien
The Eye of the Phoenix
Love in the Time of Dragons
Queen of Hearts
The Sorcerer's Shadow
The Coming of Arthur, pt 1
The Coming of Arthur, pt 2
Season 4 - "A year" since S3, ep12
The Darkest Hour, pt 1 - Samhain/Oct 31st - Nov 1st
The Darkest Hour, pt 2 - (Nov contin.)
The Wicked Day - Arthur's Birthday (approx April)
His Father's Son
A Servant of two Masters
The Secret Sharer
Lancelot du Lac
A Herald of the New Age
The Hunter's Heart - Ostara/Spring Equinox/March 20th
The Sword in the Stone, pt 1 - Beltane/May 1st
The Sword in the Stone, pt 2 - (May contin.) Arwen Wedding
Season 5 - "For three long years, we have been blessed with peace and prosperity"
Morgana and Aithusa captured by The Sarrum - 2 years
Morgana and Ruadan begin searching for the Diamair (at Ismere) - 3 Months prior to S5
Gwaine, Percival and some knights investigate Ismere - 6 Weeks prior to S5
Arthur's Bane, pt 1
Arthur's Bane, pt 2
The Death Song of Uther Pendragon - Anniversary of Arthur's Coronation, possibly Beltane/May 1st
Another's Sorrow
The Disir
The Dark Tower
A Lesson in Vengeance - Arthur and Gwen's Wedding Anniversary, possibly May
The Hollow Queen
With All My Heart
The Kindness of Strangers
The Drawing of the Dark
The Diamond of the Day, pt 1
The Diamond of the Day, pt 2
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nocifer · 2 months
Lore Dump the Third: The Origins of Witchcraft
Chaos lies in all things, it is ephemerality, energy, being. All things change, sometimes so imperceptibly that it seems as if everything is still. The life of a mortal being is chaos in its purest form, transience, evolution, movement. Beyond death and through the mortal coil, in all things, over and over again, without end.
Everything changes, everything except... nothing. The absence, the void, nonexistence. Everything changes, but never darkness, never emptiness, always the same, as it always was. Is it not comforting to know at least... something will never change? Is there anything more absolute, anything more worth giving in to?
In the eternal. In the infinite. In Nihil. The first and final curse of the universe unto itself. A solution to chaos.
The first curse, for the first witches.
Old History:
From the age of ruin and through every age after, no matter how far back one casts their gaze, should they look carefully, they would notice the faint shadow of witchcraft.
The Harbingers of the first ages have often been seen as the precursors of black magic, the true heirs of the dark arts. Yet it always seems as if the elusive witches are more ancient still.
Yet there was one among all others, that history remembers as the first witch. The mother of all witches, the seedbed of curses, the mistress of darkness and the first of Hexweaver witches. Cereza, the first witch.
Once known only as a companion of the hero Radamanthe, he who led the armies of the living against the Wraith King. Yet it was her who slew the undead king, her who pried open the gates of the abyss and cast the old shade unto the void, never to return.
She who slew the Holy King Radamanthe, betraying her own lover, and became the infamous Witch Queen of Avalon, before being defeated and cast down by the Archwizard Grey and Radamanthe's loyal paladins.
Though she faded into the shadows, never to be seen again, her legacy would remain. She taught her craft far and wide to all who shared her desire to delve into the depths of magic, and her students scattered to the wind with her defeat, hunted and reviled, but unbroken.
Yet time comes for all of us, and the remaining children of Cereza found their paths straying from each other, splintering into their own factions. So were born the witch covens.
A witch coven in essence is nothing more than a gathering of witches brought together through common goals, ideals or beliefs.
Witches are used to the scrutiny, distrust or outright fear they inspire, and so do they understand just how isolated, how vulnerable they would be should they face the world alone. Covens were the solution. A network of like-minded witches, augmenting their power, their reach, their knowledge... assistance, protection, teaching, the covens allowed witches to flourish like never before. And made them all the more terrifying for it.
Many covens also use the concept of triads, three witches joined through bloodbound oath, sworn to protect and aid each other no matter what, shielding against the inherent treachery and cunning of practitioners of the dark arts.
Though throughout history the vast majority of witches have been human women, anyone may become a witch, and few care to uphold this so-called "tradition" at all except for the most conservative covens. The majority of covens readily accept men and other species among their ranks.
It also happens that witches of different covens move between them, though many covens are dedicated to particular profiles and goals they certainly would hesitate to turn their back on a fully trained witch, or even a competent apprentice. Many covens are far more diverse than they appear on the surface.
There are covens of all sizes, some overwhelmingly powerful, others completely insignificant. These are but a handful of them:
The Daughters of Cereza: One of the largest and easily the most dangerous coven. True believers in the cause of the great witch Cereza, they consider themselves her only true heirs, the only remaining witches still loyal to her and her ideals. They are by far the most conservative coven but also the most actively malignant, no other coven wages bloody goethic war against their own than the daughters of Cereza.
The Raven's Answers: The Raven-of-Ways' followers are as enigmatic as the culprit itself. The Answers are all too fond of gleaning secrets, and make extensive use of phasmiurgy among the Raven's various boons.
The Locksmiths of Infinity: A peculiar gathering of witches dedicated to uncovering the ways of the Black Gate and other such aspects, eager to explore reaches of the void that none other have. They are masters of pathways, and eager to throw themselves at any and all obstacles.
Evil Eye's Bloody Hags: Some of the Raven Queen's favored children. The Hags embody the violent and vengeful nature of the queen, they may be the most aggressive coven against the enemies of witches and pursue reckoning with reckless abandon. They are known for their particularly vicious use of the more physical aspects of Sarkothurgy.
There are a few ways to become a witch, each coven has its own rule concerning what kind of apprentice they are willing to take on, but though it's very useful, being recognized by a coven isn't strictly necessary so long as you are able to claim the title.
Apprenticeship is a very important part of witchcraft, and though it's possible to be self-taught it's a difficult path that would test one's determination at every turn.
Usually, another witch will claim you as their apprentice if you desire to be taught and are found worthy. Every witch would have their own ways to teach you, but unless you have magical capabilities of your own, she will also arrange a pact for you, negotiating the terms in your stead for an entity to pass on a fraction of their power to you, until your own grow strong enough to thrive without their help.
If no witch claims mentorship of you, it is possible to seek a mentor in a demon or fae, who are often more than willing to make a pact of mentorship and pass on some of their powers to you, in exchange for your service.
Once you are ready, a trial will usually be arranged by your coven, triumph over which will earn you the title of witch and the recognition of your peers.
To call Witchcraft a discipline is a disservice to just how dedicated witches have been to the study of many forms of black magic and even more conventional magic as well. Witches have been known to practice Hexcraft, Curseweaving, Sarkothurgy, Demonology, Phasmiurgy, Necromancy, and most of all things forbidden.
Above all witches are pioneers, in the same ways as a wizard may be. They seek to tread paths uncharted and uncover secrets hidden in darkness, at the core of every witch's goals is usually the accomplishment of a great work.
The ways of Goethy are too many to list, but some notable examples are:
Hexcraft: Hexes are often known as lesser curses, a discredit to their power and usefulness. A hex can take many forms, but it tends to share the strange but inescapable nature of a curse. They come in various forms, some of them merely hindering, others outright deadly, but they usually center around fulfilling certain conditions to unleash devastating consequences on one's enemies.
Curseweaving: Curses may be the essence of witchcraft itself, they are absolute, inevitable, in ways only spells of such a nature may be. Curses are difficult to use, often requiring many conditions to cast upon their enemies. But once cast, it will stop at nothing to fulfill its purpose, it cannot be escaped, it cannot be dispelled, save for a very particular way. They are rightfully feared by all, and one who masters curses is one that should never be crossed.
Sarkothurgy: The magic of blood, flesh and bones, beloved of many witches for its incredible powers. Capable both of manipulating the body of others to heal or inflict harm, or a witch's own to enhance it, Sarkothurgy is a complex, and incredibly painful, discipline to master, but should one have what it takes, the could become nearly immortal and have complete mastery of their form.
Demonology: The study of the infernal plane and its denizens as long been a staple of witchcraft, the summoning and contracting of demons is so essential that few witches go without at least basic knowledge of demonology. Those who focus on the discipline could even have powerful archdemons at their beck and call.
Phasmiurgy: Though not outright goethy, Phasmiurgy is of great interest to many witches both for its powers of illusion and divination. A witch who focuses on Phasmiurgy would be a terrifying foe capable of divining and altering infinite pathways of the future.
Necromancy: Necromancers are beasts of their own, but it remains a discipline of Goethy, and many witches are quite adept. Necromancy is the magic of death and souls, reanimation, communication with the dead, withering, transference of life, the applications are myriad and some witches would not hesitate to make it their main source of power.
These old beings the witches commune with are varied in nature, and said nature is often difficult to parse, but they are fierce allies of witches and easily willing to part with powers for witches they are pleased with.
Cronemother: Possibly the most personable aspect, and the most mysterious. Cronemother as been likened to an aspect, a spirit, a fae, even to a primordial goddess, but no one can truly pretend to know the nature of this old monster. She presents herself to witches as an aspect of wisdom, power, bonds and teaching, she loves all witches but she is an elusive being whose motives are difficult to discern. For your path to come across her wandering abode is a chance no witch should ever squander. Her boons often come in the ways of sound advice.
The Red Grail: One of the most infamous aspect, its domains are life, renewal, sacrifice and rebirth. It takes the form of a black chalice, its base a tangle of roots and its cup constantly runneth over with a spill of blood. It is known as the foremost patron in the ways of sarkothurgy.
The Black Gate: An aspect of thresholds, transition, pathways, obstacles and trials. It often appears as a towering black gate, devoid of locks, impassable, all witches are confronted with the gate, at least once in their lives. It seldom offers boons, for they are to be wrested from beyond it, some witches say that the trial itself is the gift of the gate.
The Raven-of-Ways: An aspect of knowledge and its pursuit, secrets and journeys, the Raven is an elusive aspect who loves its riddles but is all too willing to show the path to witches looking for answers. It is known above all for its mastery of phasmiurgy, especially its prophetic aspects.
The Raven Queen: An aspect of retribution, grudges, balance and bloodshed. The Raven Queen is known to be a vengeful creature, of whom vicious and warlike witches are beloved. One of the few aspects to directly interact with witches, she is known to hunt down and slaughter those who betray their oaths. She is known for her violence and boons of might.
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
I was working on the requests but I remembered a conversation I had with my sister the other day about an interesting topic,
How Nakaba WASTED THE GOLDEN OPORTUNITY of using Morgana Le Fay as the VILLAIN of 4kota(Even if it's cliché)
and it could have been implemented much earlier!! After all, in the Arthurian legends, Morgana is Arthur's half-sister, she could have participated in NNT as an ally who little by little went to the dark side (like Cassandra from Tangled but without a happy ending).
Imagine this, Morgana was just born to Uther Pendragon, having a great ability for magic, but he decided that she could not inherit his throne for x or y reason (being a woman, some profession, being a daughter out of wedlock) and sent her away to Avalon, where She lives her entire life away from her father's influence, but with great resentment towards him for having pushed her away (maybe even killing her mother too?) so she hones her magic with the fairies and wizards of Avalon.
So time passes and Morgana becomes a very strong magician, but she learns from others that her younger half-brother, Arthur, has just pulled the sword from the stone, and that he will be crowned king of Camelot.
NOW, Morgana would like to believe that her hatred is only reserved for Uther, so she goes to Camelot as soon as possible and the whole way she doesn't stop thinking about all this: how long has it been since she went to Camelot? What is her younger brother like? Is he like his-their- father? Although in general I think that Morgana did not want Arthur to be alone running the kingdom, whatever it was, he was her brother after all.
I think Arthur wouldn't even know he had a sister until shortly before Morgana arrived, like "oh by the way, your sister is coming to visit, your half-sister from the king" and Arthur would obviously be nervous about Morgana rejecting him but VERY EXCITED once he hears that she is a powerful mage.
And when do they meet? It's like putting a black cat with an orange cat, but surprisingly they would get along, at first.
Arthur would take Morgana as an advisory figure as she was more in contact with the political environment and helped him adapt to the royal environment, they shared tricks for fights, etc. Everything seems to be going smoothly, they both get along well.
Arthur has a STABLE and loving figure who is willing to teach him and be a family figure at the same time. and Morgana has someone who listens to her and makes her feel important.
but during the series the problems begin.
As the series progresses and Arthur becomes stronger and more mature, Morgana feels that the hatred she had towards Uther is no longer enough, as she begins to doubt whether or not she should love Arthur as HE is her replacement for a "proper heir", yes, she knows that's fucked up to think like that, but on the other hand, is it really wrong if it's your birthright?
and Morgana may have had these moments of weakness where she questioned her recently found platonic love for Arthur and her former bitterness with the Pendragons, having her ups and downs.
She loves Arthur, but she's also very recent about what her father did, and she's trying SO hard not to let it affect him.
But that's not the only thing that pushes her to the limit.
Let's say when the holy war begins, Morgana has a thousand and one doubts about her place in the world and then Arthur DIES.
and what's worse! When he revives, she realizes what Merlin wants to do with him.
(It would be especially horrible if Morgana and Merlin end up having a relationship as friends or as a pupil and teacher themselves).
Morgana pleads, BEGGS, Arthur not to trust what Merlin tells him, that what she wants him to do will not be for the greater good, but for her own benefit and Arthur is confused.
On one hand he wants to believe that after everything he's been through with Morgana she wouldn't lie to him, but Merlin is the closest thing he has to a mother...and the baby is very confused about what to do.
and here two possible endings and how Morgana reappeared in 4Kota:
Arthur ends up bringing chaos, realizing that Morgana was telling the truth, Camelot is destroyed (maybe even Avalon too?) and that makes Morgana lose faith in wanting to help Arthur and the deadly sins, since THEY were the ones who brought that destruction to HIS HOME, and decides to do what has to be done.
which means that a plot begins against the Monarchies, especially against Liones and the Demonic kingdom, seeing them as the main causes of the destruction of Camelot (Meliodas and Zeldris), at the same time that he would try by all means to usurp Arthur's throne. . Even if he tries to make her reconsider.
(good alternative, Sunshine Arthur with wife Guinevere but that has some congruence in the canonical story, but I have a better one:)
Morgana applies a Cassandra from Tangled and obtains chaos instead of Arthur, becoming an antagonist who, although she helps defeat the demon king and so on, at the end of the conflict becomes a full-fledged villain.
having been devalued and pushed aside her entire life NOW even by her brother, and finally having the power to have what rightfully belongs to her makes Morgana very power-hungry. At the same time, Arthur would be having a lot of regret for not having believed his sister at the time and wants to redeem her, but it is difficult when Morgana begins her sale to all those who do not follow her to her "new Camelot."
Arthur here would not have Chaos but he would have Escalibur, which would be his advantage against Morgana in a certain way. although she is working on a "bastard sword" to change that.
Arthur is still a cinnamon roll, only with trauma and above all WITHOUT THE CHAOS, so he thinks things through better and is not corrupted.
Morgana, on the other hand, suffers a great mental decline due to Chaos, but she disguises it under the face of a smiling Queen.
Can you imagine if she created a Mordred from Chaos? ☠️ she says he is her son but trains him so that he can face Arthur and win the crown for her (because Morgana knows she couldn't handle all the allies Arthur has in this reality).
or she just wants to make Mordred do her dirty work because deep down she still loves his little brother...
(it would be especially creepy if said Mordred is similar in appearance to both her and Arthur ☠️ as if she wants a child, but also a version of Arthur that if he had listened to her and joined her...)
anyway...what do you think?
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regardless of that, FUCK YOU NAKABAAAAAA!!
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iamalasagnagirl · 5 months
hey :),
I just read your recommendations for wlw books (thanks so much for those xD), but wanted to asked if you knew any sapphic fantasy books as well (preferably high fantasy/books with great worldbuilding). Sorry if this is too specific and thank you <3
Hei, the only book that comes to my mind is The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon -> The premise of this book is a bit hard to describe because it tracks the perspectives of multiple characters from East and West, but essentially: Ead has been a transplant at a foreign court and is meant to protect Queen Sabran, who is the current ruler of the Virtudom and claims descent from the supposed defeater of the Nameless One (a big scary fire-breathing wyrm). She protects the queen using forbidden magic, which comes from her training as a mage in the Priory of the Orange Tree.
The world building is just intensely lush. It is so richly detailed, and while I spent a lot of time in the beginning having to double check where I was, the chapter headings with "East" and "West" simplified a lot for me.
It has sapphic romance in it, but I have to say that that's not what the main plot is about at all
I have other titles but i don't know if they're what you're looking for..
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir -> The Emperor needs necromancers. The Ninth Necromancer needs a swordswoman. Gideon has a sword and is ready to abandon a life of servitude and an afterlife as a reanimated corpse. She packs up her sword, her shoes, and her dirty magazines, and prepares to launch her daring escape. But her childhood nemesis won't set her free without a service. Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Reverend Daughter of the Ninth House and bone witch extraordinaire, has been summoned into action. The Emperor has invited the heirs to each of his loyal Houses to a deadly trial of wits and skill. If Harrowhark succeeds she will become an immortal, all-powerful servant of the Resurrection, but no necromancer can ascend without their cavalier. Without Gideon's sword, Harrow will fail, and the Ninth House will die. Of course, some things are better left dead.
Queens And Monsters by Cleo Evans -> Butch Perseus and her femme Medusa. This book has: two women that have been secretly pining for centuries. Demigods, monsters, and gods. SPICE. Sapphic monster romance and SO much more. Not really my thing but maybe you'll do.
A Song of Silver and Gold by Melissa Karibian -> For the past year, Princess Kaelyn of Avalon has disguised herself as a man, Captain Kae, and led her crew into tumultuous waters to eradicate sirens on a journey fueled by revenge. Aqeara is a siren warrior of Meyrial, an underwater kingdom hidden from humans. When her negligence during the Avalon harbor attack causes the death of Meyrial’s princess, she seeks the help of a sea witch to overturn her banishment. Aqeara is given a human body and has until the next full moon to carve out Captain Kae’s heart in exchange for a spell to bring the dead princess back to life.
I'm sorry but i haven't read many fantasy books in my life 🙈
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the-colourful-witch · 2 months
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Lord Harry Potter and the Whispers of Lady Polixenes
a fic by @omgkatsudonplease
A little while ago, I had the pleasure of illustrating the banner for Part Five of Heirs of Avalon by Lily Winterwood. I like being challenged with commissions and this one did not disappoint! Check out Lily's story HERE on A03.
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This illustration was a lot of fun! I got to play with depth and colours and a LOT of detail, which you all know by now, I love very much :)
Thank you Lily, for another wonderful commission!
And here is official the banner for the story, text placed by Lily :)
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midnightsun-if · 8 months
I had a couple questions about the Academy, if it's alright to ask more than one in the same ask.
Firstly, with Vampires, how does the Academy ensure they have enough blood on hand for them? Is it donated via blood bags?
Secondly, is there a dress code at the Academy, or will the MC and each RO be wearing an outfit that's representitive of the House/Coven they belong to?
Aurelian Academy has quite a bit of funding— partially from the families that have children attending, from House Aurelia, and from various other pursuits. Clarissa, along with a few other staff members, take stock of how many vampires will be attending Aurelian in the coming year and have enough supplies allocated accordingly. There are also vendors that come to Aurelian and sell various goods; like blood lollipops, blood infused tea, and various other things. So a vampire wouldn’t have any worry of running out (and if it ever truly got dire, which would mean even bigger problems than simply running out of blood if Aurelian got to that state, there’s always Avalon too).
There isn’t a dress code exactly— students are just expected to be dressed appropriately when it comes to a learning establishment as a whole. There are specific jackets that some classes will have you wear to distinguish you from the other (like charmer classes have silk jackets), and only heirs get a specialized jacket that distinguishes them from other people. Though that’s typically only when an event, such as the one that’s happening this year, occurs where knowing someone’s social standing needs to be apparent.
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