#hello old blog my old friend
firestia · 2 months
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Little pony princesses 💗
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meltedmush · 6 months
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vmpyrgal · 4 months
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hello kitty~
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puffpawstries · 4 months
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hello 2024 my friend has dragged me back into my Osomatsu-san brain rot,,,so have a wip
also happy birthday neets this is so crazy
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paradoxical-ataraxy · 2 months
Fear is a constant.
Is there room for one to grow, change, evolve?
Where there was pain now there is love.
Although clouded by the past.
How can one forget?
Fear is a constant.
Will I be hurt again? Will I ever experience love again?
Is this it for me? Is there more I can experience out there?
Will I be happy? Am I missing something? In me? In them?
The world is a sinister place that makes you ponder in wonderment of what if’s.
Humans can never be satisfied. Always wanting more. Always giving less.
It is a cycle. Neverending.
Fear is a constant.
Will I be hurt again?
Is being hurt a part of growing?
Do I need to endure this to grow? Be better? Become the version of myself I want?
Are we made to suffer?
To enjoy life’s pleasures?
There has to be more.
For me.
For you.
Fear is an illusion.
Make that change in your life and create your happiness. Whether farce or true. Create it. Live it. Breathe it.
For when the end arrives,
And it will arrive.
You are fearless.
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memewife · 1 year
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most regular teenage friend group
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neverceasetoamazeme · 6 months
I realized that I made a similar post like this back in 2019, and at that time I was neck deep in college stuff so I never really followed through.
Fast forward to 5 years later (holy moly) and I've graduated and started my career back in 2020. Needless to say, adulting sucks and I miss the easy days of just waiting for HTTYD movies and series seasons to come out.
With all the media that's being forced down our throats nowadays, I want to be more intentional with what I absorb so I think I really wanna hang around tumblr again and maybe tidy up this account, back to its former glory! Maybe not like before, but just to dust off the cobwebs and whatnot
I can't promise that I'll be online all the time since the real world still calls for me, but I definitely will be popping in and out every couple of days!
Like before, this will be a HTTYD blog and my other fandoms will be in @alittletooaddicted (kinda wanna update that username so I'll just keep y'all posted on that)
My feed has also become a bit scattered so I might need to clean that up as well.
If you're a HTTYD blog, I'd love to become mutuals with you! Additionally, if we're mutuals and used to communicate a lot back then, do say hello! I miss our exchanges back when I was still in high school hahahaha.
Looking forward to see how this little revival project goes!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Spontaneous Headcanons #26
✨Angst Edition✨
Spoilers for the end of Blue Lock Season 1 below the cut!
Some hurt/comfort ReoNagiri for the soul cause I need it thank you :D
-So Kunigami got locked off. Everyone witnessed it but only so many saw the absolute shattering of Chigiri's heart when he didn't show up. Of course being Chigiri he's not the type to make a scene or draw attention to himself- he like everyone else knew the risk of Blue Lock and that anyone at any time can get eliminated.
-That didn't mean it didn't destroy him though.
-On the flipside- Reo and Nagi are united, kinda? Still some tension and words needed to be said but now they're all kinda living in the same setup I'd imagine so they have time to actually like- interact. Reo's living that "To be or not to be petty, that is the question" life as he finds Nagi one evening leaning against a door. Better time then ever to confront him, yeah?
-Only when he shows up Nagi looks him dead in the eye and says in a quiet voice: "Not now."
-???? The hell? Reo's about to go off when he hears it. It's soft and sad and muffled, but it's without a doubt crying. Someone's trying desperately to hide it and has hidden away in the empty locker room of Blue Lock. Reo doesn't recognize it right away but then he hears the small but definite give away- the little hiccup sound Chigiri makes when either his knee is being extra irritating or there's a storm.
-Almost immediately Reo's anger and hurt towards Nagi take a back seat- he's a comforter; it's always been that way. No matter how hard he tried to pretend Kunigami and Chigiri were just means to get back at Nagi, he can't help but care and get attached to them. Now the hero's gone- someone who'd always be there whenever the redhead needed him.
-He and Nagi share a look, and a testy peace is made. They enter the room as quietly as they can. Sure enough, Chigiri's tucked away furthest from the door, face in his knees as he tries to muffle the sound of his tears with a sweatshirt. It's big and soft looking and it cracks Reo's heart when he realizes it's Kunigami's.
-They don't talk- at least Nagi doesn't. Reo's beside him almost immediately, pulling Chigiri into his chest and hugging him tightly. Maybe he's scared he'll bolt- maybe he's preparing to get elbowed or shoved off, but the redhead freezes up like a scared deer at being caught.
-"I'm so sorry." Reo can only breathe out, and that just destroys any resolve Chigiri had to stay together. He let's out a heartbroken sob and clings to Reo as the foot drops. Kunigami is gone. He's not coming back. He's not gonna walk down the hall quoting All Might or teasingly call him Princess or tell him he did good that day or anything. It's so bad even Reo's tearing up, squeezing him tighter against him as he blinks back tears he doesn't want to shed.
-Nagi's kinda scared- he doesn't comfort people and never had to before, but he hates seeing two people he's so fond on upset and can't leave them there. It's also when he has a revelation; if Reo were to be locked off like Kunigami was- their last words would have been their fight. When Nagi told him he was past caring about their promise and he was a hassel. That he was done with him. The idea of Reo leaving with that...it hurt worse than he realized it would.
- So he does what he he can for now- sitting in front of them and taking hands. He grabs Chigiri's bone white knuckled fist and soothes a thumb over it until it's no longer shaking. He's hesitant, but he reaches out and offers a hand to Reo, not touching him but within reach so if he wanted to, it was there.
-Reo stares at it briefly and then him. Then he's reaching out, taking Nagi's hand in his. The touch, once so easy and comforting, feels clammy and awkward, like something was amiss. But it was there- it was a small blooming flower in the vast wasteland of unyielding destruction. They couldn't fix it overnight, but it was a start.
-Eventually, when tears start to dry and Chigiri's sobs lessen to soft hiccups; when Reo's own tears that he didn't expect to fall finally slow and Nagi's hands are no longer shaking- they're all kinda sitting there like:....now what? Chigiri's a bit embarrased, wiping at his face with Kunigami's sweatshirt, Reo's hand's still in Nagi's, and they're all kinda...tense.
-"Man, even when you cry, you're pretty." Nagi decides to say. It's unclear who he's talking to. "Over-achiever."
-And Chigiri let's out a wet laugh that's hoarse sounding and tired but genuine, and Reo's starting to smile in relief, the hand in Nagi's starting to ease into it. It's not the time but. "I'm sorry. For all of it." Again, it's unclear who he's talking to.
-But Reo just looks at him with eyes that say "We're talking asap" and Chigiri's shaking out his shoulders and gathering himself. "This is a bit awkward but...thank you." He's about to leave, probably out of embarrassment, but neither Reo or Nagi are letting him go and he's not exactly rushing to get away. "Sorry, I'm a mess."
-"A real beautiful disaster." Reo grinned, and Chigiri flips him off and their laughing and Nagi's smiling and for a brief period, things feel like they're gonna be okay.
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tackyink · 3 months
Guess whose dumbass forgot they have a sun allergy and went outside without sunscreen!
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jils-things · 3 months
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broth-y · 1 year
I absolutely love your username
And to this I propose
oblivious Kazuichi towards a Yakuza and animal breeder silently hitting on him (kuzusoudam if not obvious)
Like like like they both gather under a sakura tree to confess their feelings to the mechanic after a long grueling 10 months of school and he does NOT know what they're there for, real!!!1!1!!! And Kazuichi the whole time they start their monologue of “So we were thinkin’..” and “We'd bestow upon you meer mortal our time, in exchange we want...” yada yada oh damm Kazuichi still doesn't know what they're there for (hiko and gundy spoke to eachother and decided to confess together btw)
Partly cause Gundham speaks in riddles and Fuyuhiko barely mutters loud enough for him to hear (both are cherry tomato red as they speak btw)
- Someone's Truly, 🎀🌙 anon
ahh !! hello !! it is so funny that this ask comes to me at this time - i am recently thinking about danganronpa again as i just started v3. i have vowed to stay off of tumblr to avoid spoilers but shh this is sdr2. it's fine.
anyways !! thank you anon - so much !! i dearly miss the days of brothy asks. (and thank you for the compliment!! i have become quite attached to the broth brand)
but !!!! eee !! i have not thought about this is So Long i love it !!!! kazuichi souda is so fucking stupid i truly believe the whole time these two implode kaz is just,,, "damn, why are they here" in his brain. dumb boy.
dumfounded stupid man watching gundham speak in half poetic, half nonsense speech - unable to actually vocalize how he feels with normal words because. he is a fool. gundham tanaka is a shy coward of a man. at least when it comes to pretty boys. kaz desprerately tries to kind context from fuyuhiko but he is no better - he just spends most of his time stumbling vulgarly through what he thought was a carefully planned monologue.
kaz just :] whats going on ???
i believe a problem may arise when the oblivious man still cannot decipher the riddles presented before them - one of these men must open their mouth !!! fuyu would likely get frustrated and just !!! tell him. while lovingly calling him a fucking idiot <3
tysm for this ask anon!!! ahh i love thinking about this again.
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zosonils · 1 year
the old pinned post is starting to get moldy so! new one!
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spore or zoe or any mangling of zosonils you like. she/they but i don't really care, australian, very queer and very autistic. 20 as of this post; minors are welcome to interact as long as you're sensible about talking to adults you don't know on the internet
main blog for reblogging stuff i like and spouting whatever silly shit comes to mind. i also have an artblog, which you should follow, but i reblog most of those posts here anyhow
speaking of that artblog, i take commissions!
i don't engage in discourse, i don't post about real world misery, i kill reblog bait with my bare hands, and unless i know you personally i won't signal boost fundraisers or donation posts. i'm just on this stupid little website to hang out and have fun and to have a nice little internet house with all the things i like in it. if you really desperately need to know my opinion on a serious topic, ask off anon so i can respond privately.
i block empty blogs [as those tend to be bots], nsfw or fetish oriented blogs, discourse, and people who annoy me. if you think i've blocked you erroneously, feel free to shoot me an anon with your url and i'll be happy to unblock you, or at least tell you why if i don't want to
asks and dms are always welcome! there's no guarantee i'll answer because i have very bad executive dysfunction, but i promise i am trying my best. things i am somewhat good at talking about are the various fictional characters and scientific topics i'm into, my ocs, and my pet turtle
my about page has more details, though it's much longer and this post covers the basics fine. liking this post to indicate to me that you've seen it is appreciated but not required. enjoy your stay on my webbed site! :]
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I'll do anything for you, and the only thing i'll ever ask in exchange is that you don't make me feel like i'm not enough. Like you are here with me because you pity me. Like you'd rather be with anyone else, right now. Like you can't stand me but you are still with me because i'm still useful, and then you'll leave me.
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queen-simia · 1 year
going to try for like the 50th time to read One Piece, if for no other reason than to understand what The Youths are talking about
if I can get into skibidi goddamn toilet I should be able to read at least the first few volumes of this verkakte manga
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companion-chronicler · 6 months
t w o
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syoish · 1 year
I'm sorry to everyone who knows me, I think I'm about to revert back to my 12 year old self and be really into one piece again
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