#hemlock cliffs
dopescissorscashwagon · 2 months
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Robert took a trip to a local waterfall, Hemlock Cliffs.
📸 by Robert Breeden @kapohoBob
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🪨Hemlock Cliffs🪨
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clanborn · 6 months
Origins of the Bay Clans: Stone and the Lynx (Part 2)
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The tracks led inland, further than the cats of Stone’s little clan had yet dared to travel. She followed the river upstream, skirting the thrashing current as it threw itself against the banks. The forest grew denser, the hemlocks thicker, the sharp peaks of the mountains taller, casting the valley in deep shadow. All was silent but the river, and the sound of strange, buzzing bird calls that rang eerily through the trees. Though her heart trembled, Stone trekked on, her pawsteps guided by purpose and the tracks that still sat unmistakable in the mud.
Stone had never followed a river to its origin, had never even thought of it as a possibility. Water–rivers, oceans, rains–lived outside the boundaries of a lifespan, within birth and death. Rivers weren’t something that just began, or ended, they simply cycled–at least, that’s what she had believed. 
After hours spent unceasingly hiking through the valley, Stone emerged from the edge of the treeline. The pebbled ground spread flat in front of her, before abruptly spiking upward to form the range of mountains. Two peaks pierced the sky, and nestled between them was a landform unlike anything Stone had ever seen. The river rushed forward from the base of a giant white slope, a crystalline mass carved deep with blue crevices. 
The wall shone like a piece of the moon itself, bleeding into the valley, its essence spilling into the forest before winding its way to the Bay. As Stone drew closer, she realized with a shock that the structure was made of ice, frozen solid despite the warmth of late spring.
She halted at the river’s edge, looking upon the structure in wonder. Was the moon made of ice? Had a shard of it fallen from the heavens upon the mountains? What else could create a fortress so massive, so imposing yet nurturing, whose icy waters fed the land and the bay?
These questions swam through her mind, but she tossed them to the side with a flick of her ears. For now, the answers were unknowable, and she must remain focused on her task.
She shook out her pelt and continued her path: the ground now had turned to gravel, and she tracked by scent instead of footprints. The slope turned steep, then rocky, a gray mountain face broken only by patches of unmelted snow and determined shrubs. Below her, the mass of ice gleamed, stretching out beyond the peaks like a blinding white sea. 
As she continued along the mountainside, she noticed an opening in the cliff face, a dark entrance where the ice field met the mountain. She quickened her pace until she reached the cave entrance, standing on the barrier of darkness. Here, the scent she was tracking hung in the air, strong as ever, leading her into the blackness. She slipped into the cave without a second thought
Inside was a large cave, and she quickly crossed the open stretch of ground to the back, where a darker shadow lay. A tunnel.
Curiosity drove her forward, driving away any fear she might have felt. Down into the tunnel she tread, deeper and deeper into the veins of the mountain. For ages she was guided by scent alone, and the narrow tunnel walls pressing on all sides. An eternity of darkness. 
Finally, Stone saw light, a blue glow that softly spilled into the end of the tunnel. Her footsteps quickened, and the cat entered into a cavern. Her breath hitched as she stepped into the light, awed by the sight before her. A medium sized cave rose around her, walls of smooth, layered stone arcing above her. The stone was washed with blue, for one wall was made not of rock, but entirely of ice. It was a deep, rich blue, as sunlight filtered down into the fragment of icy moon.
Within the ice wall’s bubbles and cracks hung an even stranger sight. A giant skeleton, ancient and fragmented, was trapped frozen in the ice, the remains of a creature Stone had never seen before. Though it’s thick bones and long, curved fangs were utterly unfamiliar, something in Stone knew it had once called itself catkin. A forgotten ancestor.
In front of the ice, sitting still and gray as the rocks around it, was a towering feline silhouette, its tufted ears outlined by the cold light. Stone’s fellow, wild catkin cousin. The Lynx.
The Lynx turned its gaze towards her slowly, expectantly, like it had known about her presence even before she did. Stone approached it, wary. 
“I admire your tenacity, cat” Its voice was a gravelly purr. “I thought you’d stop at the treeline.”
Stone skirted the wall carefully, keeping several pawsteps of distance between her and the creature. “Why did you assume that?”
The Lynx wrinkled its nose in a wry smirk. “Well, look at you. You’re an imitation of a cat. This wilderness is unfit for your kind.”
Stone flattened her ears, attempting to keep her voice level. “What exactly do you mean?”
“You call yourselves ‘cats’, yet your kind feeds by human hands. You have grown small and thin-furred, distant from your nobler origins. You can only survive in little packs, reliant on the work of others, unable to face nature with your own merit—A true ‘cat’ walks in solitude, you know nothing of the sort.”
Stone looked beyond the Lynx to the ice wall behind it, where the massive bones of their great ancestor lay suspended in time. “You say my kind has fallen, but have yours not? Have you not also grown smaller than this god, your fangs short, your bones thin? It too lived in solitude, yet here it lies, dead, its life unremembered by its catkin. You mock my community, but we have lived this long despite this lands’ harshness, and will continue to do so.”
The Lynx’s smug expression faded, and its gaze grew intense as it stared at Stone. “Even gods die, housecat. The only thing life guarantees is an ending.” It curled its lip. “Your ‘community’ is not exempt from this.”
Stone met its eyes, unwavering. “If we are catkin, what bars me from the same powers you possess? Surely I can learn to survive by your means, surely I can find access to your blessings.”
The Lynx almost laughed, but the scoff caught in its throat. It narrowed its eyes, suddenly thoughtful, the smirk creeping back up its muzzle.
“Maybe I can offer you a taste of godhood, little cat. The lives of my predecessors run through me, from the tip of my tail through all ten of my claws.” The deity sat back on its haunches and held up its massive paws in demonstration. For a brief moment, its claws twinkled with a faint light, like stars plucked straight from the sky.
“One of these is mine, of course. But I have nine to spare.” It tilted its head down at her, its fangs gleaming in the blue cavern light. “Provided I deem you worthy of them.”
Stone raised her head in challenge. “What would make me worthy?”
The Lynx paused to consider, eyeing her up and down. 
“To you alone I will grant these lives, thus you alone must face me.” The lynx narrowed its eyes. “Prove to me your will and strength, and defeat me in battle. If I submit, I grant you these lives, and the chance to explore this bay with greater distance between death and yourself.”
“Your loss, of course, will cost you your life.” It dipped its head towards her. “Is it a deal?”
Stone paused, hesitant, her heart fluttering in her chest. How could she face this creature in her state, small in stature, weary from her climb, completely alone? Despite her apprehension, her curiosity was stronger. There was only one chance for an opportunity like this, and even if she declined, what would stop the Lynx from killing her anyway?.
She nodded once. “I accept your terms.”
The lynx nodded back. Its fangs flashed. It stretched its claws. 
They leapt into battle.
Stone was swift, but the Lynx was strong and skilled. It battered her with massive paws, slamming her into the cold rocky floor. Stone dodged and weaved through its attacks, but the cavern was small, and every leap Stone made seemed to send her into another faceful of claws.
Her opponent threw a powerful swipe, tossing her against the ice wall with a thud. Back against the blue glow, Stone crouched low, struggling to catch her breath. Her strength was waning, and Stone knew with every moment her chances of victory grew slimmer. Her paws shook slightly. The Lynx had noticed her waver, and began to pad towards with calm, sure steps. It smiled–it was eager to finish her off. How could she win this?
She thought of the cats–the clan–she had left behind, who likely waited anxiously for their wayward leader’s return. Would they falter without her guidance? Would the glimmer of hope she had lit in their hearts snuff out with fear? If only she could lead them to the majestic moon glacier, show them the ethereal ancient glow of the blue cave, renew their spirits with wonder at the wilderness they were trapped in. Stone suddenly stiffened, steeling herself as she lifted her gaze back toward her foe. Though she fought alone in the cavern, her mind conjured the presence of her clan behind her. She would not die here. She would die among the cats she had befriended, who had banded together in their time of need. The cats she needed, who needed her to return alive.
With a burst of vigor, Stone launched herself toward the lynx’s head, her weight and confidence catching it off guard. She clung to its face, slashing its ears, her momentum sending it crashing hard into the floor. It flailed its huge paws, but Stone stood steadfast upon its chest, pressing her own paws down forcefully against its throat. Her claws dug in, blood welled up around her toes. The lynx grew more panicked, struggling wildly, its breath stuttering in strangled gasps. Stone pressed harder.
Stone leaned close into its face. “Do you yield?”
The Lynx thrashed its head, attempting to nod frantically. “Yg-Yes!”
Stone slowly lifted her paws, releasing pressure off the creature’s throat. It gasped for air, then shoved her off its chest, throwing her to the floor. She scrambled to her paws, watching the Lynx heave. After it had caught its breath, the Lynx pressed its paw deep into the stone floor. It did so with strange power, impressing into the rock like it was mud, leaving the crisp outline of its giant pawprint. It beckoned her over. Its breath was hoarse. “Come.”
Stone approached the Lynx. She eyed it warily, nervous that it would decide to ignore the deal and kill her anyway. But it didn’t move as she stood above it, her paws settling on the edge of its pawprint, which seemed to sparkle slightly in the dim, cold light. 
The Lynx glared up at her, its cool demeanor vanished, its eyes blazing with controlled fury. “Touch your nose to the floor,” it growled. “You will receive your reward.”
Carefully, Stone dipped her head down, until her nose brushed against the floor’s icy chill. For a brief moment, all was still.
Suddenly, she was blinded by overwhelming light. The force of the glare threw her head back, and her vision was assaulted by an oppressive blur of color and noise. Images flashed in her mind, landscapes, memories, creatures she has never seen before. Each streaked by, too fast for her to fully process the scenes. Waves of emotion crashed in her, sending her reeling, thrown into a raging sea of grief and joy and fear and wonder. She felt all of time as it had crept by, millions of years of the past and future stretched out infinitely, lived all at once in a single instant. She felt everything. She felt nothing. It was the most agonizing pain she had ever experienced, swept in a flood of sheer euphoria. She knew places and beasts and times she had no name for, all lived through and known by the catkin before her. It was the longest moment of her life, but as she crouched, trembling, blinking her eyes back to the sight of the blue cavern, she realized only seconds had passed.
The Lynx had stood, and had begun moving toward the cave’s exit. It turned to look down at her, and Stone returned its gaze, panting heavily, her fur on end and buzzing with strange energy.
It was silent for a moment. “You now have eight more lives to live along with your own. More than any little cat has had before. Your blessing and your curse.” It lulled thoughtfully, its expression had settled back into its neutral stare. 
Its voice was cold, though laced with an undertone of contempt–and perhaps, Stone thought, respect. “Do not treat this victory lightly, Stone. Every day you live here will be another test, another gamble with your life. Living here is a game with no winners, and you and your fellows can only stall the march of nature for so long.” 
The lynx turned, padding toward the exit. “The gods here will meddle where they like, and though you have bested me, I can not guarantee my kin will be deterred from entertaining themselves with playthings like you.”
The god stopped in the entrance, then glanced back toward her, its face in shadow.
“Good luck, Stone. You will need it.”
It disappeared.
For a moment, Stone stood alone in the blue cavern.
She was not Stone anymore. Something had changed within her, the Lynx’s stars sat heavy in her chest, glittered on her whiskers. Just as an icy piece of the moon had fallen to the earth and become one with it, fragments of the stars had melded with her being. She was Stonestar, and her pelt glowed with the new (old?) lives that settled under her fur. 
And she was alive. More than she had ever been before. 
And it was time to return to her clan.
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middleland · 6 months
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Foggy Morning, Hemlock Trees Growing on a Rock Cliff by Christa Binder
Via Flickr:
Hocking Hills Forest in Ohio on New Year's Day.     
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miss-musings · 16 days
The Mystery of CX-2's Rifles (A Remnant of CX-Tech Theory or a Fun Headcanon?)
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I'm not sure if I'm the first person to point this out, but CX-2 has two different rifles in "The Bad Batch" Season 3. I'm not sure if this was a choice by the creators/animators to help CX-2 stand out more, or if this is a remnant of the CX-Tech theory.
Let me explain:
The first time we see CX-2 in 3.06 "Infiltration," we see him use what I'll call the black rifle.
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It's an all-black military-style rifle, and it's the exact same model that Crosshair uses.
Throughout the show, we see how Crosshair can take the "base model" out of his backpack and then add his scope, a longer barrel and other accessories to it. CX-2 does the same thing.
Now, CX-2 loses this black rifle in 3.07 "Extraction" during his fight with Crosshair, who shoots it out of his hand while they're on the cliffs. Then they go tumbling down the river, and CX-2 ultimately goes over the waterfall.
It's unclear whether CX-2 ever goes back for his black rifle, because the next time we see him armed in 3.11 "Point of No Return," he's using what I'll call the brown rifle.
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Like the black one, it has a base model that CX-2 can add little accessories to like a scope and a longer barrel. However it is distinct from the black one. The butt is different in shape and color -- it's specifically brown and almost looks like it's made of wood with a little circular symbol on the side.
Even the barrel looks different too. I think it's longer than the black one's, and considering some of the shots CX-2 makes on Pabu, I wonder if it's better for super-long-range shooting.
You can also briefly see him carrying the brown one in his backpack when he drops Omega off on Tantiss in 3.12 "Juggernaut."
Now, it makes sense that, if CX-2 didn't go back for his black rifle on Teth after 3.07, that he'd need a replacement gun.
But why give him a different-looking one? Why not just give him the same model of gun? Why give him a second and very distinct gun from the first? Doesn't that just make more work for the animators?
Now, here's where it really gets interesting:
CX-2 is using the brown rifle in the hangar fight in 3.15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived." He's also carrying the brown rifle when Echo sees the CX operatives carting the defeated Bad Batch away.
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BUT when he accompanies Hemlock to the CX lab, where he later dies, he's carrying a black rifle instead. This is the one Hunter picks up after killing CX-2, and this is the one Crosshair uses during the final confrontation with Hemlock.
(Side note: YouTuber Cardo assembled all of CX-2's appearances, and you can easily track when he's using the two different rifles.)
My question is: Why does CX-2 have his black rifle in the CX lab when he was just using the brown one during the hangar fight? When and why did he switch them out?
Even if the brown one was better for super-long-range shooting, why did he have it in the hangar fight at all, considering the Bad Batch was never than 100 yards away at any given point? He wouldn't need to make insane shots like he did on Pabu, when he sniped his own pilot from like a quarter-mile away.
Shoot, he barely even used his rifle at all in the hangar fight!
He shot at Hunter one time, and then let the other operatives handle the majority of the fight. We don't see him again until he chops off Crosshair's hand, and then his rifle is in his backpack!
So, why was he using a different rifle in the CX lab when he dies? Well, here are the only two explanations I can think of:
1. CX-2 has two different guns because something happened during the Season 3 production process.
Maybe it was a mistake on the animators' part. This happens from time to time. If you watch scenes enough, you'll notice things like characters' backpacks missing in one shot but reappearing in the next. Animators are human, and if anything little mistakes like that just prove this show wasn't made by AI or some shit.
Perhaps CX-2 having two different rifles is a remnant of some plotline that got scrapped. Maybe there were, at one point, two operatives who used two different guns, and they cobbled them together. Or scenes that were already animated got shuffled around in the editing room.
It's also possible the animators had to work backwards from the final confrontation with Hemlock. Maybe that scene where Crosshair is using CX-2's black rifle was already animated and "locked in." Thus, when things got reshuffled, they had to work backwards from there and had CX-2 use his black rifle in the CX lab.
Admittedly, this is all complete speculation, but based on how several other things were handled in Season 3, I wouldn't be surprised if some fairly big items were changed last-minute.
2. CX-2 is a petty bitch.
This is basically a headcanon, but it would fit with the little we know of his character:
For whatever reason, CX-2 has this weird rivalry with Crosshair. He actually engages him in conversation, which we've never really seen the CX clones do: "You had your chance to be one of us. You chose the wrong side"
Then takes note of him on Pabu: "And the clones she's with?" ... "Stay alert. I neutralized the other two clones with her, but not the third."
And, of course, he seems to take a great deal of pleasure in torturing Crosshair in the hangar fight: "You should be more careful with your shooting hand."
We don't see it, but evidently, Hemlock told the CX operatives to bring in the Bad Batch alive if possible so he could try turning them into CX operatives. But, despite that, CX-2 thought Hemlock wouldn't care if he chopped off Crosshair's shooting hand EVEN THOUGH HE IS A SNIPER!!!
(Yes, I know they have robot hands and stuff, but I can't imagine Hemlock was thrilled to see that his operatives had just needlessly chopped off Crosshair's shooting hand, which not only de-valued him as a potential operative but maybe also endangered his life??? "Last time we met, you'd just lost a member of your squad, and it appears history may repeat itself.")
Anyway, what I'm saying is CX-2 saw Crosshair in that hangar and said, "This shit is personal." He was out for blood, quite literally.
So, considering that Crosshair's rifle was nearby when they defeated him, and considering it's the same type of rifle we see CX-2 using in the CX lab when he dies, I wouldn't be surprised if he took Crosshair's rifle as a trophy.
Meaning that when Hunter kills CX-2 and picks up the black rifle and gives it to Crosshair for the final confrontation with Hemlock, Crosshair is actually using his own gun.
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Granted, this would mean that CX-2 had to go back to the hangar or wherever to grab Crosshair's rifle, because no one seems to have it on them when Echo sees the defeated Bad Batch in the hallway. But, I just can't find a logical reason for CX-2 to suddenly have the black rifle in the CX lab when he's been using the brown one just fine the last two or three times we've seen him.
Even if the black rifle is better at mid- or close-range shooting -- which doesn't seem to be the case because it's the one Crosshair "Best Sniper in the GAR" BadBatch uses -- I imagine he could still use the brown one's base model just fine, just like he does with the black one's base model.
It really makes sense to me that he stole Crosshair's rifle and kept it as a trophy.
Maybe the black model is somehow better than the brown one, and he was pissed that Crosshair made him lose his black one on Teth so he returned the favor.
Other than weirdness with the animation/production process (which isn't impossible) that's the best explanation I have.
So, feel free to accept this headcanon for yourselves. I just wanted to throw it out there because it's been bothering me all day! Let me know if y'all have any thoughts on this, because I'd love to hear what other people think about all this...
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I like how they knew we couldn’t be trusted not to think Hemlock and Scorch weren’t dead so they shot them a dozen times and then also had them fall off a cliff. lol.
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orion-tyche · 14 days
“It’s not what you think”
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Summary: Omega has been running missions for Echo’s rebel cell, and none of her other brothers know. She gets back late to Pabu one night, in need of more supplies, and Hunter catches her in the act.
Word Count: 1001
Prompt: “It’s not what you think” (alt prompt)
Notes: FINALLY GOT THIS DONE. I had 0 inspo for this prompt but I really wanna do all 26 for this event, but I got through it and got some ideas from @twinsunstars !! I hope you enjoy. (Banners/dividers by @summer-of-bad-batch )
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Omega quietly crept out of the Marauder II, careful not to make much noise. It wasn’t like anyone was down in the cavern where she left her ship, but she couldn’t be too cautious. She wasn’t sure how Hunter would react if he knew she’d been running missions for Echo and his rebel cell. She’d been doing it a few years now, and he hadn’t found out, but she didn’t want to push her luck too far.
Omega checked over her supplies outside, and suddenly she heard footsteps. She considered running back inside the Marauder II, but didn’t as Batcher ran up to her. The lurca hound happily licked her hand, and Omega gave her a soft scratch on her head. She gave a sigh of relief and went back to her supplies. Her next mission was in a few days, and she noticed she was running low on power cells. Omega’s ship had gotten damaged more than once on these missions, and having extra parts around was quite helpful. She walked with Batcher out of the cavern and up the cliff, heading to her supply of parts she had stashed away in the rocks. Phee knew about Omega working for Echo’s rebel cell, and supplied her with parts and whatnot when she needed them. Omega kept them hidden in the cliffs near the cavern, making a shorter trip for her and not risking Hunter finding out why she needed those parts.
Omega grabbed the power cells from the stash and shoved them into her satchel. She began making her way back down the rocks, back to the cavern to drop them off.
Hunter couldn’t sleep that night. He’d had a bad nightmare, the kind that made him forget Tantiss was a thing of the past. He was off on a walk along the shore, trying to calm his nerves. The waves lapped calmly against the sand, giving him a nice ambience for his time alone in the dead of night. Hunter was deep in thought, considering the past few years. Pabu was nice, their little slice of heaven. It was home, it had always felt like home. And he knew Omega enjoyed being here, but he also knew how much she wanted to fight the Empire. He knew how resilient she was, but he didn’t want her going off so soon. He still wanted to keep her safe. Hemlock may be gone, but the Empire was still incredibly dangerous. So when the cavern came into view and the lanterns were on, Hunter got a sinking feeling in his stomach.
Omega walked up to the cavern, flipping the switch to turn the ground lanterns on so she had some light. She began walking to the ship, dragging some more supplies inside, when she heard his voice.
Hunter was standing in the cavern entrance, looking confused and concerned. “Omega, what are you doing?” Omega instantly set the supplies down, looking at Hunter, attempting to defend herself.
“Hunter! I was just, uhm, doing repairs on the Marauder II. Upgrades, not repairs. Why would I need to repair it?” She laughed nervously, but Hunter’s expression was unmoving as he stepped further into the cavern.
“Omega, are you running away?” He asked, his voice nearly breaking. Omega’s anxious smile was instantly wiped off her face, she looked at him in slight horror.
“What? No, no! It’s not what you think, I swear!” She quickly said, doing her best to convince him. She sighed and walked towards him. “I’m not running away.”
“Then…then why are you filling the ship with supplies? What’s going on?” He placed a hand on her shoulder, now right in front of her. Omega glanced aside, feeling a little shameful.
“I was restocking on supplies.”
“For what?” Hunter’s concern did not leave his voice. Omega looked back at him, putting her hand over the one holding her shoulder.
“For…missions. I’ve been doing missions for Echo and his crew.” Omega said. Hunter’s eyes widened, and then he pulled her into a hug. Omega hugged him back, close to tears. That went a lot better than she thought it would.
“I should be mad. I should tell you that you’re going to be grounded forever. But…I’m just glad you’re not leaving.” He said. Omega laughed softly into his shoulder, holding him tighter. She was so glad he wasn’t angry, but felt terrible she’d made him think she was running away.
“I know, I’m sorry. But…why’d you think I was running away? Why would I want to run away?” Omega asked. She pulled away from the hug and looked at Hunter with concern. He let out a sigh.
“I…you’ve talked so much about joining the Rebellion. About leaving. I…I don’t want you getting hurt. You’re our kid, Omega. I don’t ever want you to relive what happened on Tantiss. And I…thought you felt like we were forcing you to stay here. And I don’t want you to think that, and I don’t want you running away because of us.” Hunter’s voice began breaking, tears in the corners of his eyes. Omega put a hand on his shoulder.
“I wouldn’t do that. I love you. You’re my brother. I understand the risks something like this comes with, but I believe it’s worth it. For now, I’m just helping Echo. Maybe later I’ll find a larger group, uniting different cells to create a stronger effort. But, right now, I’m perfectly content here with you.” Omega smiled at him, and pulled him into another hug. She could feel her jacket sleeve growing damp as Hunter softly sobbed into the hug. She felt tears fall from her own eyes too. They stood there like that for a bit, in understanding and love. This conversation was certain to come up again, but it would end the same way. In just a few years, when Omega would go off to do exactly as she said—unite more rebel cells, train pilots, and always visit her brothers as often as she could.
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isurrendertoclones · 2 months
Scorch-related rant:
Ok. Make it make sense.
They re-canonize all of Delta Squad (for 0.5 milliseconds, not even establishing their personalities or anything)
Scorch reappears after Order 66. Only Scorch, and he’s confirmed both in and out of universe as Scorch.
None of the other Deltas are even mentioned
Scorch is completely stripped of personality and turned into an almost-mindless attack dog (I mean it’s Scorch!!!)
He’s then thrown unceremoniously off a cliff
Like…why??? There were over 10,000 commandos in the EU. Why Scorch? Why not just make up one of the ~9950 who aren’t named???
Why Scorch?
(And then Scorch’s jetpack activated and he flew away to safety, shooting Hemlock on the way down!)
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waywardsou2 · 21 days
Summer of Bad Batch 2024
Week 1
Alt Prompt: “It’s not what you think”
A/N: This is a snip it of a later chapter in my fic that is currently in the works. I purposely jumped forward in time to write this and will come back to it later when I get to that part of the story. I thought it fit kinda nicely although the actual prompt doesn't fit until near the end of this segment. Still I hope you enjoy it
Tags: Slight Angst, Truama
Tech was sitting on the edge of a cliff over looking the bustling village of Pabu below, the night sky a deep radiant blue as the full moon shone its light down onto the people below. It was so bright you may have mistaken it for daytime. The light from the houses set a contrasting orange glow from the bright white light from the moon brought a homely feeling to the environment around him. He was so used to the sterile walls of Kamino and the stark, blank, white lighting the filled the building. It was tranquil and not like the empty barracks or the still empty calm from roaming the halls in the dead of night. No this was a calm that was full of life. Full of sweet calm and air fresher than any he had ever breathed before. This felt like living. Not like surviving and fighting for life day in and day out. This was truly living, reveling in the moments as they came and being able to fully enjoy what was right in front of him. He was a solider, had been all his life. Face paced, desperate, determined, with one goal in mind. Serve and Protect. But now he could question his existence, enjoy it without anything being constantly expected of him. Tech was free at last.
At least he was mostly free, there was one sad reminder of these years past that he could never let go of. Because now they were a part of him. After his rescue from Tantis Tech’s new augmentations had been badly damaged, and he had damaged them even more during his period of rehabilitation. They needed to be maintained and fixed long ago but he had not had the heart to tell his family of what had happened to him, how badly he had been injured after his fall on Eriadu, and how Hemlock had “helped” him. He didn’t want to worry his brothers, it was a burden for him to carry not them. So what was the point in worrying them? What’s done is done and he cant changed it, even if he wanted to.
Right now he was just trying to rewire the servers. Once he had been fully conditioned he remembered how Hemlock had rewired his new armour to allow him to use the full range of functions his augmentations had. He was currently focused on his right leg, his pants pulled all the way up to his thigh his leg entirely exposed so he could see everything. He wished he was in a more sanitary environment than the earth he was sitting on but he didn’t have a space in their shared home where he wouldn’t be disturbed.
He unlatched the main compartment of his legs wiring and began refitting anything that had been damaged and altering the flow of electricity so that his leg would work at a higher capacity. He then moved onto his knee joint, he loosened the bolt a little big. He struggled to move his knee sometimes and figured that the joints had wounds the suspension up to tight and wasn’t giving him full range of movement.
Briefly he wonders if that was intentional.
A fun thought crossed his mind, if he could get Rex to get him the right parts he could install propulsion jets into the soles of his robotic feet that would allow him to hover and fly around Pabu. Although that would defeat the entire point of keeping his new body a secret.
He continued to work down his leg until the whole thing had been carefully checked, modified and replaced. Maybe next time he would bring a few more spare parts to properly make the adjustments he wanted.
He rolled down his right pant leg, folding the cuff, once, then twice and replacing his book over the top. He then moved to his left leg, only needing to slide his pant leg up a little ways, to his shin and remove his boot. He looked at the titanium of his foot.
He considered it a moment, the way he had when he first saw it. He didn’t know how to feel about it. It worked just the same as the rest of his body. He had to hand it to the droids they had done well. And now he didn’t have to worry about standing on things he couldn’t stand the feeling off or bumping them with his foot, that issue was one he was thankful to live without. But the cost, the cost of his humanity, the cost of his autonomy, the cost of his freedom…was it worth it.
He knew the answer should be simple. That the answer should be “of course not, it was because of Hemlock that he fell from the rail car and had been turned into a machine, that was never worth it” But…part of Tech felt better, better than he ever had. The parts of him that were machine worked so smoothly and he never had to worry about his body failing him in ways he that he couldn’t fix. If anything did ever fail him he could simply replace the part or rewire the mechanics and he would be good as new again.
He knew that wasn’t the right way to think about his situation but he couldn’t help it. That was simply how he felt.
After he had cleared away some dirt from the joints in his foot and made sure that it was working he rolled down his pant leg folding the cuff two times like he had with his right one and replaced his boot. It was still strange to him, knowing what the sensation of putting on a boot or having material slide over your skin felt like but being unable to feel it. He didn’t know if he liked that or not just yet.
Now it was time for the difficult part. He didn’t exactly know how he was supposed to examine his own spine but if he could open and close the servos without any additional pain then he would have to assume that everything was fine. He was also unable to check the state of his wounds and their progress. He would merely have to hope that his body was doing its job as designed by the Kaminoans. He knew that his time in the Bacta tank, as much as he detested the feeling and the memory, would have helped his body immensely. He hoped that there were no infections or still opened wounds, but he assumes he would have noticed by now if that were the case.
Gently so that the fabric would not catch on the exposed notches, Tech begins to pull his shirt over his head. He had managed to find where Hunter had confiscated his CX armour and stolen the remote access panel.
He picked up the access panel and stared at it. It was a different design to the one Hemlock and Emerie had shared. It was wider, and the base was grey. There was a red and blue button accompanying the black ones. Part of him desperately wanted to throw the remote into the sea below and watch it plunge to a watery grave but he knew that would not be a good idea.
He told himself that he should be used to the pain by now, those months of rotaions under Hemlocks “care” should have him build up some sort of resistance to the pain and fear.
But it hadn’t, he could feel his heart racing and his breathing become rugged and quick. His flesh hand shook slightly as he continued to stare at the remote, his fingers clutched the metal as he shook, he could feel that hollow feeling build in his chest as his stomach filled with liquid dread. Like black ink pooling inside of him.
He clicked the button.
33 clicks sounded as the notches popped up from his back, releasing the mechanism that held his spine together. Tech cried out and clenched his eyes shut. He felt a stinging fill the inside of his eyelids as he held them shut. Once the final click had sounded he hunched over, unwillingly.
The fear clouded in his mind and he was swallowed by the memory of his first encounter with Hemlock, how badly in pain he had been in those first few days, how fear was the only thing he could remember. He knew at first he had been defiant but he was afraid. So all consumingly afraid that he would never escape, that he would be forever stuck by Hemlocks side. The image of Hemlock’s gloved hands floated in front of his face and he wanted to bat them away.
He had to remind himself there was nothing there. He needed to get this over quickly, he took a deep breathed and tried his best to centre himself/
He took a moment to feel his back trying to get a sense of the sensations he could still register in his skin. After he was sure nothing was wrong, he braced himself again and pressed the button once again.
He hissed at the pain and sat upright, almost as if he had been pulled by someone else.
Except that it wasn’t “like he had been pulled” he had been pulled. In the moment.
“Tech?! What the hell?!” He felt a strong hand clasped around his shoulder and he was being pulled to the side. His head snapped up, his eyes opened underneath his goggles and he could feel the sting in his eyes more clearly now, they were tears and as soon as he had opened his eyes they had spilled into his goggle. After looking up he was face to face with Hunter. Omega standing just over his shoulder.
Hunter was crouched down in front of him at lines of worry in his face deeper than usual and his brow furrowed so far Tech was surprised he could still see Hunter’s eyes. He could feel Hunters hand gripping his shoulder, he wanted to shake it off but he couldn’t move. He was frozen, staring into Hunters face. His hand was still clenching the remote and his entire body was now shaking.
His vision begun to swim as Hunter’s face morphed into Hemlock’s and then Emerie’s. Tech gasped and tried to push them away but the attempt was feeble. Whoever was in front of him wouldn’t move. Faintly he could hear someone calling his name, but they sounded so far away, he couldn’t tell who it was.
“Tech?! Tech!” Suddenly Omega’s face had taken up his field of view and the hand on his shoulder was gone. “Tech listen to me ok. You aren’t on Tantis anymore. See it’s me and Hunter”
He felt himself sway and then he was forcefully yanked back to reality. He was sitting on the cliffside over looking Pabu, and Omega and Hunter were standing there with him.
Defensively he brough his hands up to cover his exposed chest. “It’s not what you think” he said staring up at Hunter.
Omega reached over and retrieved Tech’s shirt handing it to him and he slid it over his torso.
“Tech, what happened?” Omega asked him tentatively but he couldn’t answer, not yet.
He took several minutes to sit as still as he could and breath, taking in oxygen and expelling that dread and fear. Omega was right, he was safe, he wasn’t on Tantis and he was with his family. He could see Omega she was right there. They had saved him. He knew that.
Once he was ready to speak again he gave Omega a small nod and looked over a Hunter. A mix of worry and anger was twisted onto his brow.
Hunter spoke first “Tech what the hell? What were you doing?”
All Tech would respond with was a “It’s not what you think"
Somehow Hunters brows furrowed ever more and he folded his arms in anger “What should I think then Tech? Because it seems pretty black and white to me? You are covered in machinery that we had no idea about? You kept this from us?! Why!?”
Hunters voice had gradually raised as he had spoken and each time Tech flinched.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, just don’t hurt anyone”
An eerie silence fell between the three of them. The words had fallen out of Tech’s mouth before he could think about what he was saying.
The anger faded from Hunter’s face immediately and a lump formed in his throat. Dread filled his own stomach now and horror clouded his mind.
“Tech…no ones going to hurt anyone. We are worried for you is all” Omega says softly
Tech closes his eyes again, why did this have to happen, he had everything under control without them interfering. Deep down he was irritated that they had come looking for him. If they had only waited a few more minutes he would have been done and this would have never had happened.
“I didn’t tell you because it is not your issue to worry about Omega” he says it quite coldly but neither of them back off.
“Tech we are family, we’ve been doing everything we can to help you since Tantis. You didn’t have to-“
“Yes, I know that and I am grateful but this was one thing that I did not want to burden you with. There is nothing you could have done anyway” What else was he supposed to say? What did they expect him to say?
Hunter turned away and ran a hand over his face. He was in a state of distress one he had never even been in on the battlefield. His brother, had been his usual self and kept a serious issue to himself, he had allowed himself to, once again, carry a burden that he knew he would never have had to carry alone.
All his creation he had done everything he could to protect his family, and now he had realised how badly he had failed. Not just when he had failed to convince Crosshair to stay with them, or when he lost Omega. He had failed to save Tech and he had left him to a fate worse than anything he had imagined. And now after all of that, even after Hunter had done his best to right those wrongs he had discovered another thing he had failed to do for his brother.
Tech never told anyone about anything that was bothering him until it was so bad it was obvious to everyone around him. But something a sever as this? How had he kept this hidden all this time. And why had Hunter never figured it out. That was his job!
He had failed his family…again
Breaking out of his caging thoughts he listened as Omega talked to Tech
“Omega, it is not what it looks like. I was not intentionally causing myself harm; I need to make sure that everything was functioning to its fullest capabilities so I would not get hurt in the future”
Omega frowned but nodded at Tech. “Are you going to tell the others?”
Hunter cuts over her with another questions “Were you ever planning to tell us?”
Tech looked down at his hands, guilt filling his throat “I do not know, but most likely not”
Hunter sighed and walked over to crouch beside Omega. “Tech I know we don’t know what you went through on Tantis…but we don’t want you to feel like a burden. Because you aren’t. We would never hold it against you for being different or whatever you believed our reactions to be.”
Hunter sighed not knowing how to convince Tech. Tech would rival Crosshair in stubbornness at times and it wore him down, especially in instances like this.
But Tech was his brother, his family. He couldn’t just let this go.
“Tech? Can I give you a hug?” He heard Omega whisper
Tech nodded and carefully wrapped her arms around Tech and collapsed into his legs. He put his arms around her and for a while they just sat there, Hunter sitting beside them both his hand on Omega’s back
(obviously not a full chapter but enough for the prompt. You'll see the rest of it in chapters to come)
(If you would like to see the other work I have done for Summer of Bad Batch then you can follow this link)
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lightwise · 3 months
TBB S3E7 Reactions
Alright, in lieu of an analysis this week, you guys get some extra long reactions from me. Spoilers for Extraction under the cut!
- Of course the operative is still alive after being completely buried by rocks
- You okay there Rexy boy?
- Aww, Crosshair helping him up
- “There’s always another way” feels like foreshadowing
- CX does sound awfully like Tech when he’s grunting. Either that or DBB has only one way of making groaning noises 😂
- The rim lighting in this episode is such a pain for making screenshots but so satisfying for watching
- The modified clone theme when Wolffe lands 😭
- Wolffe was really getting 3PO flashbacks there with that disgusted sigh
- Isn’t Hilo a canon commando?? Or is he from legends?
- I will never get over how realistic light looks in this show
- There’s no way that CX just caught himself with his hands
- “We’re waiting on you” they’re not leaving Crosshair behind this time 🥹
- Lol Batcher. Licking cute clones faces. Always the priority
- How is this CX such a good shot??
- Oh Wolffe definitely has a constant headache. Idk how he’s actually put up with being in the Empire this long.
- This purple atmosphere is so pretty
- “I’m much worse” — SCREAMING. And the little tilt with his helmet to make his point clear? This man can have me however he wants. Anytime, anywhere. Call me, baby (I hope someone laughed at that lol)
- So Hunter does hear the ships. I wonder if his senses are more tuned for mechanical vibrations and animal life than people
- Lol Howzer is this really the time for a heart to heart?
- “Loyalty meant something to me” 🫡
- Lol that TK Trooper sounded like a mid-Atlantic 50s movie star
- How is the operative this nimble? Seems suspicious
- Smoke bombs are CF99s signature
- Interesting that for once the stun bolts are being used ON the Batch instead of by them.
- Wrecker and Batcher are a great team
- Hunter just dropping that TK and then Crosshair taking out their ship. Phew
- Also not suspicious at all that they’ve neutralized all the TKs and left the clone troopers for later.
- How did Crosshair sense the operative coming up behind them?
- RIP Nemec 😓
- “Too bad” 😩😩😩
- Oh Cross, you know you’re not the best at hand to hand combat. This is a very bad idea
- That waterfall is pretty though
- Dear lord why did they have to make these scenes so dark
- Oh fuck. I can’t even tell who threw who off the cliff
- The whole squad going after Crosshair even though he told them to get to the extraction point 😭
- CX obviously knows Crosshair and has beef with him. Again, for the millionth time—WHAT THE HELL DID HEMLOCK DO TO ALL OF THEM
- “You had your chance to be one of us. You chose the wrong side”. Really can’t wait for this to be explained.
- Crosshair’s reflexes are so fast for being all gangly limbs
- Okay I seriously almost had a heart attack here (this is a rewatch so my reactions aren’t immediate but holy cow I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing watching Crosshair almost drown. Don’t you dare do it Jen!)
- It is v suspicious how fixated on Crosshair CX is even after he’s neutralized him
- Thank GOD for Howzer
- Okay, I can breathe a little again
- That’s…an awfully long fall for someone to survive
- The TBB team took the water scenes from The Crossing in season 2 and said, yeah, how about we just make that a million times better 🤯
- “That’s not Echo”. No, no it is not
- Good to know that Rex is still considered dead by the Empire (although that honestly seems strange that CX in season 2 knew who he was). That’s heartbreaking that Wolffe thought he was dead this whole time though
- Wow. The respect these two men have for each other
- “Oh I did. Lost a lot of good men that day” *cries in TCW season 7*
- Idk how Rex keeps going honestly
- His voice may be gentle but his face means BUSINESS
- Rex 🤝 Omega - believing the power of friendship can save anyone and anything they come across
- Fuck your orders Wolffe
- “I’ll make sure you’re given a fair trial” you really have no idea who you work for Wolffe do you
- Hunter being willing to stand down when Rex asks him to
- “I know you. As your brother, I’m asking you to do the right thing” the brotherly reunions this season are just paralleling all over the place
- Gregor the handsome fellow that you are. I swear his pauldrons get bigger every time we see him
- “Let my people go” the Exodus vibes are strong here too
- Guess we’re gonna be finding out what makes this CX so special. Still can’t believe he survived.
- Rex just lost almost all of his men again 😣😭
- The sheer respect and care that Hunter and Rex have for each other. The hand on the shoulder. The losses that tie them together. The worry and earnestness in Hunter’s face and tone when he tells Rex he can’t win. He doesn’t emote this much to people he doesn’t consider family.
- The ways Hunter still is hesitant to do anything but run and hide, and Rex still can’t give up. Not quite yet.
- How Hunter won’t be able to either until they know what is really going on with Omega.
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purgetrooper77 · 2 months
Hello there, fellow Bad Batchers (yes that's what I'm calling Bad Batch fans now) since we are gonna be approaching the Season 3 finale soon, I would like to share some of my predictions of how certain episodes are gonna go. I did this when Season 2 of the Bad Batch was still a new thing. With that being said, here are my predictions
Into the breach:
Rampart, Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair find someone who knows how to get to Tantiss Base.
We see Captain Wolffe again
Omega talks to Eva and becomes close friends with her.
Hemlock terminates an Imperial deserter as a demonstration
Flash Strike:
Rampart dies during a mission
Phee hatches a plan to get to Tantiss
Wrecker Hunter and Crosshair have an encounter with CX-2
CX-2 is revealed to be Dogma
Crosshair finally explains why his hand shakes
Hunter fights Crosshair
Gonky and AZI-3 dies
Dogma/CX-2 dies
Phee falls out of the cliff (presumed death)
Hunter and Wrecker find their way to Mount Tantiss
The Calvary has arrived
Jax and that Pantoran child gets separated from Omega and Eva
Hunter and Wrecker breaks into Tantiss
Hemlock puts his special gas in (like in Tipping Point)
Hunter kills Commander Scorch in a rage
Wrecker rescues the children
Hemlock kills Emerie Karr
Hunter and Crosshair kills Hemlock
Howzer, Rex and other Clones go into Tantiss
Jax, the Pantoran subject, and Eva dies
Howzer gets blown up
Hunter becomes John Rambo and kills everyone
Crosshair meets an Imperial version of Tech
Tech reveals almost kills Crosshair but was stunned by Hunter
Omega learns the truth about Crosshair
Crosshair sacrifices himself to save Hunter Wrecker, and Omega (hopefully that really doesn't happen)
Gregor kills all the Clone Commandos that work for Hemlock
Hunter Wrecker, the Clone Underground members and Omega escape Tantiss
Omega blames Hunter for allowing Crosshair to die
Palpatine learns about what happens to Tantiss and dissolves the Advanced Science Division
Last but not least... a new series will rise that take place after the events of the Bad Batch (basically the final episode leading up to a special event or a new series)
These predictions may change but they may also remain the same. Have a nice day and I'll see you all whenever I do.
This is PurgeTrooper signing out
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zaptrapp · 2 months
Ea’s Bad Batch Finale Rant
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Here we go, doing this as I’ve done for ep.1. Of course SPOILERS AHEAD for the last episode (sigh, it’s all done and gone isn’t it?). Warning, this is going to be chaotic and emotional... so yeah, deal with it haha.
The intro… the eerie music… chills.
Is something bad about to happen or…?
Please leave Wrecker alone.
We are not starting on a good note, why’s Wrecker so beaten up???
This is not good, I’m not good.
I mean I know why, because of last ep beast, but c'mon why Wrecker...
“Clone Force 99 ended when Tech died” fuck If I’m not crying wow….
Crosshair shaking so much… nah I’m out already what the fuck is this.
Crosshair wanting to sacrifice himself, YO CHILL?!?
Hunter please discipline your children.
Dr. Hemlock x Rampart or did I just imagine the sexual tension?
But what if...
Enemies to lovers Dr. Hemlock x Rampart lmao please someone, anyone?
Kids please beat the shit out of miss Dr. PLEASE KIDS!
Omega being so smart, her character development, the courage! SLAY GIRLIE
now we're talking
"Is it Omega's or Echo's handiwork?".... "Omega's." LMAO they know Echo doesn't fuck around that much hahaha
Emerie i give you one last chance.
green kid I feel you so much, I'm also afraid of heights hahah
here we go with the Incredible 4 (aka the super clones? enhanced clones? brainwashed clones? whatever....)
they give off a lot of "Avengers Unite!" vibe
ready to slay aren't we?
When I said slay I didn't mean slay the bad batch, just to be clear.
annd Hunter is a goner
Annnnd Crosshair is a goner too i guess?
Creepiest point the show has ever been what the actual fuck is this supposed to be a children show?
Yup Wrecker is done too.
Yo the scene where Emerie and Echo see his squad being taken away. I got chills, you can fucking see his reaction, the shock.
Emerie don't fuck this up and get those kids to safety thank you.
Nala Se and Rampart too?! slay
Omg Rampart stfu for one second or just go away you're useless anyway
Not the squad being tortured
"We'll survive, but you won't" -> OOOOOOHHFFFFFFUUUUCK
Hunter be mine
Oh wow Nala Se I see where you're going with this.
Too bad we didn't have more Hemlock x Rampart interactions, boyfriend died, sad.
Aaaaaand 2 are down.
Bye Rampart and Nala Se, you actually were on my dead bad batch bingo list.
Rest In Peace Nala Se🙏🏻 you got redeemed.
Rest in Sass you bitching ass imperial Rampart 🖕🏻
UH Hemlock this was such a bitchy thing to do.
and here goes the chaos
Wrecker is so fucking menacing. HE IS PISSED
OK WRECKER IS MAD MAD and also scary scary now…
Hunter with that spear makes me feel things.
Uhhh he got it coming from a mile away
And Clone CX-2 is down….
So, uhhhh…. That wasn’t Tech uh……
Tech was….
….Dead dead?
Like actually dead this whole time?
NO ECHO fuck god
“Take a shot everytime the bad batch is on the verge of getting killed”
-> not me being absolutely wasted and with my nerves asking for mercy
Please Hunter, Crosshair, kill that bitch ass Hemlock
major disney villain vibe in the storm with the hostage secured to his wrist yada yada...
"DROP YOUR BLASTERS" well well well
Why is Hemlock’s screaming voice kinda sexy tho
I'm so sorry for what I've just said.
CROSSHAIR PLEASE bciakwnfbhc I’m dying too here
You can do it YES you can do it
Crosshar leaning on Hunter like he did with Tech in the clone wars season 7 HAHAHAHA YUUUUP I've been fed.
Uh that was personal
Guys... that's enough. Yup I-I think he's dead now. Yes, definitely gone. Uh, you can stop shooting, he's cold. He also just fell off a cliff... HE DEAD DEAD!
evil space imperial boyfriends reunited in hell
The way Omega chooses to hug Crosshair first, as a DadHunter! stan I feel a bit betrayed but comprehensible… he just saved her not missing the shot.
with one hand tooo, kudos
group hug I'm so teary
Wait so they did it?
Oh wow I bet my money on Hunter and Crosshair to die but I was wrong?? This is… refreshing.
Look at them kids!! And the clone cadets, and the rescued clones!!!
Look at them all cozy and happy
Nah Echo my man where are you going?
Rex mention pt. 2 or something...
Rex should have been there in the finale but ok i guess... a bit disappointed but still
Nah Echo should have been there for the last shot.
It’s over uh?
look at them, finally happy and free. WE DID IT.
Not the flash forward I cannot handle it
Ok Pabu!?
YOUNG ADULT OMEGA fuck yesssss
oh she looks awesome
deceased. dead on the ground. dead like hemlock.
She’s a rebel pilot
"You're our kid" I'M SCREAMING
he chose to be a dad, I knew it
She chose to keep fighting
They should have included Wrecker and Crosshair in this where are they??
But also it’s as it began, Hunter and Omega and their father-daughter bond
“Bye dad, imma be a pilot and save the galaxy” aka “imma move out from the basement and live on my own”
Oh Hunter you’re an old man now…. My heart is aching but also it means he got to live a peaceful life until the rest of his days.
the beard, the long hair, the gray hair.... i wonder how crosshair and wrecker are doing? and echo?? and howzer? AND CODY?
like you cannot leave me like this? hello?
This is gone full circle now.
Goodbye Bad Batch! It’s been a pleasure!
(I’m still crying)
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badbatcher-99 · 3 months
This weeks episode theories ✨ 🧠
So we have two ✌️ episodes this week!!! “Identity crisis” and “point of no return”. Let’s start with Identity crisis!!!
Identity crisis:
More than likely this is an omega centered episode (based on what she experienced with Ventress). Even though omega is told she isn’t force sensitive I think she finds out that she is. I think it would be interesting if she finds this out in a dream or through a force vision experience (like Luke on Dagobah where he fought the vision of Vader). I do think either Cad Bane or CX-2 (or both) show up as a prelude to the empires presence on pabu. Aka we see omega struggling with her identity and at the same time we see cad bane and CX-2 infiltrate the island. The bad batch have all their attention on fighting off bane that CX-2 is able to do whatever he wants and HE is the one that calls in the empire.
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In the trailer I notice that CX is approaching the storm troopers and is not WITH them, that’s why I think he infiltrates the island alone. The house cad bane is in looks kind of like pabu idk. 🤷. Anyway, I do think the empire invading pabu is a cliff hanger at the end of this episode.
I am curious on which CX clone this is. It’s more then likely CX-2 but it’s obvious that there are more then 3 shadow clones. I don’t think CX-2 would return to the empire after failing a mission, I think he would be immediately terminated if he did. I think CX-2 being on pabu is him completing the mission. I think the shadow clones pursue a mission until it’s completed or they die trying.
It would have been interesting if the injuries and fall CX-2 sustained in the other episodes undid his brainwashing or idk jogged a few brain cells for him to start questioning his purpose and who he was and THAT would be the identity crisis. (Cause I’m like 80% certain it’s tech after the early reviews responses lolllll) buuuut I doubt. I think it could be explored in the future tho.
Point of no return:
This whole episode is the invasion of pabu and omega getting taken. I think the “point of no return” is the bad batch joining Rex on his clone rebellion group. It makes sense to me. Like once they join that group there is no going back, they are 100% enemies to the empire. (They always have been in some way, but not to this extent being actual rebels) I say this because the only way they’re going to find tantis is if they work together with Rex/echo and the other clones. They’ll need help and Rex and echo need help too. That’s why we see the batch going on missions. Though I also suspect that phee is working with them on finding all the pabu civilians??? I think they rescue Shep in the trailer.
I am highly HIGHLY suspicious of whether tech comes back or not. I think the most popular topic of discussion at the moment is whether tech is alive or not and some of the reviewers said that many of us would be very happy. Also I think the yellow heart is a little wink I’m not sure.
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If tech does come back I’m assuming it’s closer to the end of the show. Like OOO SURPRISE I’m no longer brainwashed and hemlock didn’t factor that into his evil plans and now I can help omega escape from the inside muwhahaha iddddkkkk I went from being 50% about him returning to 80%!!!
I’m bringing this back but I really do think he will cause it’s The bad batch!!! The theme song has hardly been played and when it has it’s been fractured (since tech and echo are gone) I firmly believe that the finale will be the gang all together! THE CALVARY HAS ARRIVED!!!! IDK I’m delusional
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delta-the-mando · 1 year
I’ve seen some people theorize that maybe Hemlock found Tech (who is somehow alive) and decided to keep him prisoner, using the broken goggles and mockery of Tech’s “death” to touch a nerve and make Hunter think he died. It’s definitely a possibility if you ask me, though I would ABSOLUTELY HATE for our poor boi Techie to be in the hands of that monster..
My dad, however, thought of another possibility, and idk if anyone else already thought of it too or not but I just really wanted to mention it because I really like this idea.
Tech might’ve grabbed onto something on the way down, like maybe he caught on a tree or maneuvered himself to fall towards the cliff wall and grabbed onto the rock or something, and managed to survive the fall. His goggles were knocked off in the process (OR, as my alteration to this theory, he intentionally broke his goggles and left them as a decoy) and he fled the area to the best of his ability. That’s why Hemlock said the goggles were the only thing salvageable, because that was all they could find.
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myownau · 1 year
Alone Tonight
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
18+ MDNI
Summary: Your best friend is getting married tonight.You should be happy for him, and you are but… you’re also kind of in love with him.Luckily you meet someone at the wedding just as love lorn as you are.Maybe you won’t really have to be alone tonight.
Word Count: 9914
Warnings: strong language, terribly written smut, size kink, suit kink?, breeding kink, daddy king, angst, fluff, strong language, canon upside down, unprotected p in v, use of y/n, lots of nicknames, reader called a whore at one point, that’s all I think???
A/N: hello 😅 this is the first fic I’ve written in around 10 years, so please go easy on me. I’ve also never ever ever written smut before. I’m a little insecure about posting this because I’ve been silently admiring all of the incredibly written fics on here and y’all are such amazing writers!! So anywayyy, I’ve also posted it on AO3 as well, I’ll add a link at the end if you’re interested in reading there. Thank you for reading!
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You don’t know why you’re here. Who convinced you this was a good idea? Oh right, it was Will. You could never say no to that kid. Jonathan being your best friend at college, and you having no contact with your family anymore, it made sense that you’d follow him home for every holiday. Just like that, Will was the little brother you never had and always wanted. Jane was like a little sister to you as well, but you were closer with Will.
This, however, was even harder than you thought it would be. You loved him. Jonathan that is. Obviously, he was your best friend. But it was more than that. You were IN love with him. Of course, you’d never tell him that. You’d never hurt Nancy like that.
She’d come to be a good friend of yours too. Picking you and Jonathan up from the airport, taking you out on girls nights when Jonathan wanted alone time with his family, trying to be your wingman when guys would look your way at the bar. She was just a beautiful person, inside and out. You could see why Jonathan loved her. And when he asked her to marry him on the Hemlock Cliffs in Hoosier National Forest, you were there to take the pictures. Memories set to film forever.
Your heart ached in these moments, but they were the only family you had and you loved them too much to run away. So even though you tried to make excuses to get out of going, you were here, sitting on a white bench 4 rows back at their beautiful outdoor wedding. Because Will convinced you it was the right thing to do. That kid. He was too intuitive for his own good. You could tell he knew how you felt about his brother, but you also knew he’d never spill your secret. Just like you’d never spill his.
The vows were made. The bride was kissed. The cake was cut, and you were glued to your seat in the reception hall. The majority of guests were either eating dessert and mingling, or busting a move on the dance floor. Including Will who was timidly dancing near Mike and Jane after you all but forced him to leave your side.
But you, you were looking around the room, trying to find any sort of distraction to keep you from thinking too hard. Your eyes had welled up several times in the night but you refused to let them spill. There was no point. And you were happy for them really, it was weird. You were mourning your love but you were happy that two people you cared about were living their fairytale.
As your eyes danced across the dark room you noticed someone. Standing alone in a dark corner of the room, drink in hand. He was taking large gulps and staring at the dance floor like it kicked his puppy.
Sad man? At a wedding? Sounds like good company. You grabbed your camera, putting the strap around your neck and walked over to him. The closer you got the more you could actually see his features and, oh goodness, you were fucked. He was gorgeous. Long, thick, unruly brown hair. The manliest square jaw you’d ever seen, smooth like he just shaved. Tall, and thin but you could tell there was muscle under his suit. And you didn’t notice until you were right up on him but he was covered in the most beautiful freckles with a light splattering of moles. Your heart jumped when he looked up at you.
“Hi” you said smiling, offering your hand to him “I’m y/n”
He put his drink down on the nearest table, then took your hand and shook it “Steve” he replied.
“Steve,” your smile only grew “You look like a Steve” there was no point not flirting. He was pretty and you were sad. And he looked sad too. Why not be sad together?
“What does a Steve look like?”
“Like you” you laughed, knowing it was the most obvious and dumbest answer. You thought you’d probably heard it somewhere before but you didn’t much care.
“Good one” he smirked, picking his drink back up and staring at the dance floor again. You thought, he was probably trying to dismiss you, wanting to wallow alone, but you weren’t having it.
“So, who are you here for? The bride or the groom?”
“Technically?” He cleared his throat “I guess both? We went to high school together. All of us. But really I’d say, I’m here for Nance.”
His eyes shot to the floor, jaw clenched, adams apple bobbing lightly. “You know her better?”
“We uh, we used to date actually.” He admitted, finishing off his drink and placing the cup back on the table.
Bingo. You could see it, in his mannerisms, in his eyes. He still loved her. “You still love her.”
His eyes shot up to your face. He looked worried all of the sudden, he looked like you just told him his nana died and you were the one who killed her. “No” he whispered “no I don’t.”
“Yeah…” he was down bad. But so were you. “You do. But that’s okay” you put your hands up in a defensive position “I won’t tell anyone I promise” you mimed locking your lips and throwing away the key.
He cleared his throat again “thank you.” And as if realizing you weren't going anywhere, he finally turned fully towards you. He brushed his hair back out of his eyes and looked you up and down. “So who are you here for then?”
“Both, technically” you repeated his words back to him, smirking when he caught on “but really I’m here for Jonathan.”
He looked at you and waited for what he thought you might say, seeing the look in your eye that he felt in his heart.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
“Sure” you could barely hear him over the music.
“I’m in love with him.” Your eyes welled up again but you pushed them back as best you could, taking a deep breath “so. You’re not alone.” You smiled softly at him. He smiled back, just as soft. Grabbing your hand and squeezing for just a short moment before letting go. He was warm. You wished he would have held on a little longer.
“How did you meet Jon?”
“We go to college together.” You looked around the reception hall, finding Jonathan happily holding Nancy close as they swayed to the music “although I wonder if he’ll go back now that he’s married.”
“I’m sure he will. Nance is a stickler for education. Even if it’s, camera education.”
You laughed at his description of your college degree “You know I’m also getting a camera education?”
“No kidding, is that why you have a camera around your neck?”
“Yes! Actually it is! Wow, you are observant! Pretty and smart. We’ve got ourselves a double threat!”
He giggled along with you, biting his bottle lip. “So why aren’t you taking pictures? You’ve got the camera…”
“Well, I didn’t want to work the event, since they’re my friends and all. But I always want to be ready in case I see something inspiring.”
“Inspiring eh? So you don’t take pictures of like, models?”
“Why? Are you offering to be my model?”
“No no” he huffed a laugh “definitely not.”
“I mean you are very beautiful, come on let me take some pictures of you pretty boy.” You giggle putting the camera in front of your eye and flashing him with the flasher attachment “Pose for me.”
Steve throws his hand up in front of his face and tries to push the camera away as it flashes in his eyes “Stop that,” he laughs. You put the camera down leaning with your hand on his shoulder as you laugh with him “See, now you’ve wasted all that perfectly good film on pictures of my hand.”
“Nah, it was just the electronic flasher, no actual photos were taken, although now I kinda regret it because you do have very nice hands.” You wink at him. He looks down at his shoes, blushing and trying hard not to smile. You give him a gentle nudge with your shoulder “Come on Steve. You’re allowed to have fun. Even if the love of your life just happens to marrying someone else.”
Steve looks up at you, face solemn as he remembers the reason he’s here tonight. Lost in the moment with you for the last few minutes. “Yeah, you’re right” the corner of his lip tips upward and you count that as a win.
“I know I’m coming off a bit… aggressive. Or I don’t know. Optimistic? But I’m honestly feeling pretty fucked up too.” You look down, your smile gone, a serious expression taking over. “And I know it’s not the same, because Jonathan and I never dated. But I feel like, unrequited love might be on the same level of painful. Different. But it still hurts.” You take a shuddering breath and try to smile again. “So I say screw that. No more sorrow for what will never be. Let’s live and be in the moment. What do you say big guy?”
His face lights up, he looks at the ceiling as if in disbelief that you’re real. His fingers reach out towards yours, just tickling finger tips. “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
“Yes!” You fist pump the air, a little dramatic but you just want to make him smile. You take the camera strap off from around your neck and grab his hand, pulling him to the dance floor.
He follows behind you, hand in hand, a little hesitantly “I’m not a very good dancer.”
“First of all” you turn towards him, grabbing both his hands and putting them on your waist. “I don’t believe you.” He laughs at that, shaking his head. “And second of all, you’re lucky because I’m a FANTASTIC dancer.” A total lie but he’ll find that out soon enough.
He hesitantly places his hands on your hips, and with the same hesitation you put your hands on his shoulders. You sway, full arms length apart like you’re at a middle school dance. Laughing at how stiff his arms are on your waist “How old are you Steve?”
“I’m 22” he says, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Then hold me like a man” you step up closer to him, knee almost slipping between his legs. Your hands leave his shoulders, slipping down to his broad chest.
He sharply inhales, looking around the room like he’s looking for a chaperone to swoop in and scold him. But like a good boy, he wraps his arms more tightly around you, gripping the back of your dress tightly before letting go again. Tapping your back with his hands nervously before laying them flat. “Is that uh, is that, that better?”
You’re looking up at him from your much much closer position and humming in approval “yeah” you whisper. The truth is, it’s too good. Your hands are pressed into his chest and you can feel the rapid beat of his heart. From this close you can smell him. His soap and his expensive cologne. You want to rub your nose into his neck but you don’t know him well enough for that yet. You’re rocking with him to the music. Feeling the rhythm of the beat as you make slow circles.
You slide your hands up his chest and push them into the hair at the nape his neck. He looks down into your eyes, he looks a little dazed and you feel it too. Like the air is thicker than it was before and you’re sneaking glances at his lips. His perfect lips, with the most attractive cupids bow. You can see the gears turning in his head as he looks at you. “What’re you thinking about” you break the silence.
He takes a deep breath, letting out slowly through his nose. “I’m thinking that, I don’t want to be alone tonight.” He whispers, loud enough to be heard by you and only you “I’m thinking that you are so incredibly beautiful” you watch his adams apple bob again, like it’s hard for him to say these things, “I’m thinking that you were sent to me on one of the hardest days of my life so far, by my guardian angel” he gently presses his nose to your nose, rubbing against you with the softest of motions “and I’m thinking that I don’t want to hurt you.”
Your breath stops short in your lungs. Hearing all the things that you were thinking too. “You won’t hurt me.” You whisper against his slightly parted lips “I don’t want to be alone either.”
You push up on the balls of your feet, closing that small distance between your faces and pressing your lips to his tender kiss. You pull back just slightly, let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. A jolt of arousal shooting straight to your core. Looking up at him, you can see the heat in his eyes too.
Using the hair you’re still holding onto on the back of his neck, you pull him back to your lips for a searing kiss, pushing past his lips to feel his tongue on yours. And before you can even comprehend what’s happening you see a flash to your left. You both break apart and jump back. When your eyes readjust from the flash you see the actual hired photographer smiling at you with a thumbs up.
Your jaw dropped and you look over at Steve who is just as stunned. When you realize your rendezvous born of mutual pain has been captured on film and will be immortalized in the photo album of both your unrequited loves wedding album, you can’t help but laugh. Doubling over and grabbing for Steve’s arm to keep you from falling. Steve covers his face with his hand, smoothing it through his hair again, and laughing like he just got in on the joke.
You're clutching your stomach, cheeks hurting from smiling. “Come on,” you say, lowering your hand and intertwining your fingers with his. “Let’s get out of here.” You’re once again pulling him behind you, but this time it’s out the door, only taking a brief detour to pick up your camera from the table.
“My place or yours?” He asks.
“Your place, I don’t live here remember?” You smile up at him.
“Oh right” he looks around the parking lot “so I’m guessing you don’t have a car either?”
“Okay good. We won’t have to come back for it then in the morning.” He gives you a wicked grin before grabbing you by the hips and pulling you in for an intense kiss. It’s all tongues and teeth and you can’t help the moan that escapes the back of your throat. You can feel all of him pressed up against you, but it’s not enough.
Without a word he’s picking you up, you squeal but wrap your legs around his waist like you’ve done it a million times. Your mid thigh dress rides up, leaving your clothed core vulnerable against his fancy dress shirt. “I knew there were muscles under that suit.” Your words are more breathy than intended. “I can’t wait to see them.” He groans at your words and walks as quickly as he can to his car with you wrapped around his waist.
“Can’t say things like that right now or I’ll fuck you in the back of my car instead of on my California king.”
“Ooo I knew you were a rich boy,” you chuckle “I could tell when I smelled that fancy cologne on you.”
“Oh yeah?” he said finally reaching his bmw. He placed you back down and opened the door for you “just wanted to go home with a rich guy, huh?”
“Mm no, I wanted to go home with a handsome, funny, strong guy. Rich is just a bonus.”
He smirked closing your door and walking around to get in on his side. Once he sat and turned the car on, he looked over at you again with a serious expression “well that’s good. Because I’m not rich. I live in a one bedroom apartment, in a tiny town, and Im the manager at the Family Video. My parents, they are rich. And they’re kind of the awful. So sometimes, they try to buy my love with weird random expensive gifts. But me? I’m nowhere close that. I’m a loser. Thats why I knew I’d never be good enough for Nancy. Why she didn’t pick me.”
You look at him from the passenger seat. Deep frown on your face. “You’re not a loser.”
“You don’t even know me” he whispered, huffing a humorless laugh without looking at you.
“I know enough.” You get up on your knees in your seat, reaching out to him with your right hand. You place it on cheek and pull his face to look at you. “I haven’t known you for very long, but I know you’re not a loser. A loser wouldn’t have been so kind to someone calling them out for pining for the bride at her wedding.” You looked between his eyes “a loser would’ve decked her for being so forward and like kind of rude.”
“You weren’t rude,” the side of his lip quirked “you were just being real.”
You smoothed your thumb on his jaw and licked your lips. “I’m so tempted to just, crawl into your lap right now and prove to you what a fucking winner you are.”
He surged forward, driven by your words, kissing you deeply. You moaned openly into his mouth, pressing your thighs together. Chasing any kind of friction you could get as your arousal built.
You didn’t want to pull away but you were also getting pretty desperate for him, and you really didn’t want to fuck in a car at the reception of your best friends wedding. “How far do you live from here?”
“Like five minutes”
“Oh that’s the best news I’ve heard all night, let’s go.” You sat back down properly in your seat, trying hard not to look at the growing bulge in Steve’s pants.
Steve opens the door to his apartment, hands shaking slightly as he hangs his keys on the hook by the door. Both of you take your shoes off and leave them on the rug by the door. He looks over at you as if waiting for your approval.
Your eyes are taking everything in. It’s small but clean. And it feels like home. The ambiance is warm. Small lamps on side tables by his worn leather couch. Plants in pots scattered around the room and hanging by the windows. Framed photos placed lovingly around the room. You walked in, smile on your face as you walked over to the nearest photo. It looked like a family photo but it was just a bunch of teenagers.
Steve walked up behind you, placing one hand on your hip and the other he used to point out each person “Thats Lucas, Max, and Dustin.” He looked at your side profile “and I think you know the rest of them.
“Nancy” you pointed “Jonathan, Will, Mike and Jane. But I don’t recognize this guy. He is really handsome though, could you introduce m-“ he cut you off with a quick kiss to the neck and you squealed and giggled as he grabbed you with both arms. He held you close from behind and you melted in his arms.
“Yeah I’ll introduce you.” He leaned in again, smoothing the hair off your neck before coming in to nip at you. You breathed out a low hum.
“Well where is he? I’m ready to meet this guy.” You pushed you ass into his ever growing erection and he hissed at the contact.
He let go of your waist and grabbed your hand. “Come on, he’s right through here.”
The moment the door closed he was on you. Pushing you up against the door and attacking your mouth like he would die if he didn’t get his tongue on yours. You pulled him by his belt loops, craving more contact. He growled into your mouth, grinding his clothed cock against you. “Fuck,” you moaned into his mouth. He pulled back to look at you, eyes black with lust “I haven’t been this worked up in,” you took a second to think but your thoughts were too muddled with thoughts of getting Steve naked “Years.” You whispered up at him.
“Me either” he shook his head, reaching down between you and loosely gripping the bottom of your dress. You nod at him in approval and he pulls it over your head. “Fuck” he moans looking down at your bare chest and cunt.
“The uh” you cough, a little embarrassed “the dress fabric wouldve, uh wouldve showed my panty lines and well I mean, the straps are just these little strings so obviously I couldn’t wear a bra either” you can’t stop rambling. And he’s listening, like actually listening.
“You’re really fucking cute.” His fingers trace up your side, you’re shuddering under such light touch. “And so hot. Like so hot. I don’t know how I got so lucky” he emphasizes the last word with a pinch to your nipple. You mewl grabbing his arm to keep you on your feet. “Bed” he orders kissing you once and pulling you over.
You walk over to the side of the bed and sit, fully exposed as he stands in front of you. You open you legs for him to stand between them. He’s still fully clothed. “Take this off, I want to see you.” You help him push the suit jacket off his shoulders, and get to work unbuttoning his shirt. “I may or may not have a suit kink” you mumble looking at the toned expanse of his stomach. Reaching out to touch the moles that have come into view. You want to kiss each one you find, but that would take too long. You bite your lip hard at the sight of his chest hair. Running your hands up his chest to run your fingers through it.
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles “so you want me to keep this on for you?”
“No, no” you lean forward and bite the softness of his tummy right under his belly button. “Maybe just the pants for now.”
He starts pulling of his shirt, seeming a little unsure. You’re not sure why until he pulls it off fully, determination written all over his face. Large white and light pink scars decorate his sides. They’re not ugly but you can tell he’s a little self conscious about them. You reach up with both hands trickling your fingers slowly down his sides. Looking up at him with your face pressed against his stomach “You are stunning.”
The air shifts again, thick with anticipation and arousal. He grabs you by the hips and pushes you further up onto the bed, crawling over you and settling himself between your legs.
He grinds down on you experimentally, his suit pants rough fabric rubbing against your clit and the moan that escapes you is almost pornagraphic. You’ve been worked up for what feels like hours now and this was the first bit of real friction you’ve gotten. Your pussy clenches hard around nothing. Your moan only encouraging him to continue as you kisses you hard. He starts working kisses and bites down you throat and chest. Leaving little purple marks along the way.
Cupping your breasts in his big hands, he looks you dead in the eye as he sucks the right one into his mouth. Your hips buck up into him unintentionally when he nips at the nub. Gasping into the air. Your hands fly to his hair pulling just a little too hard but he moans and pushes himself down into the mattress, searching for friction. Mm he must have liked that.
He looks like a lust filled mess. Hair in every direction, lips wet and swollen. You pull him back up to you by the hair. Biting his lip and pulling. “You like it rough huh?”
“Mm yeah” you’re writhing beneath him.
He pins your arms above your head, continuing to grind his clothed clock against your bare pussy.
“Mm you want me big boy?” You breathe. Steve stops for a second. Looking at you with this look in his eyes. This look like he’s known you, like hes been in love with you for years and you don’t know what to do with that. It feels almost to intimate. Too beautiful. Like you’re not about to have a one night stand to forget about the wedding. Like you’re about to make slow, passionate love.
He leans down, nuzzling his nose into yours and whispers “when you say stuff like that” he presses the softest kiss to your lips “you remind me of someone. Someone I used to know.”
Your brows furrow, you’re a little lost. “Oh?” Your chest is still heaving, heart rate excellerating as you start to worry.
“Yeah. A really good friend. It’s a good thing, I promise.” He smiles as he starts to trail kisses down your neck. Biting when he gets to your pulse point. You whimper against him and he kisses the spot, hot and sloppy. “He was outgoing and funny and sweet, like you. And he’d use those same type of nicknames. Always truly himself.”
His hips are meeting yours in a gentle rhythm and you’re starting mewl with every thrust. Wanting to cry out for the ache in your empty hole. “He sounds like a great guy.” You pull your hands out from Steve’s grip and go straight to unbutton his pants. The dress pants are soaked with your arousal.
“He was.” Steve smiles down at you. You stop trying to pop his button when says that. It becoming clear that this friend is no longer wandering this earth. Your chest grows tight. He’s kissing you again but your hearts not in it. Until he’s biting your lip and pulling it. He lets go and smiles with his teeth biting at his bottom lip “I told you. My guardian angel brought you to me.”
A tear escapes your eye before you even realize you were about to cry. Steve wiped it away with his big beautiful hand and rubs it down your cheek, looking at you with such adoration. You’ve never been looked at this way. Granted you haven't really dated much but you just met this guy tonight and it’s hard to understand this undeniable connection you have with him. “Steve,” you whisper, barely audible over your heartbeat “I need you.”
“I’m here” he starts trailing kiss down your chest and you know he’s about to go down on you but your past the point of waiting.
“No, I need you right now.” He stops his ministrations and looks up at you unsure. “I need you to fuck me, right now.”
“Fuck, okay” he sits up and climbs off the bed unbuttoning and kicking of his pants and boxer briefs in one go. The first look at his cock leaves you breathless.
“Oh shit” you breathe out quickly, “never wear those pants to bed again, hiding that monster is a tragedy.”
Steve looks dumbfounded but breaks into a laugh “what happened to your suit kink?”
“I take it back. I take it back so fast, fuck. Never wear a suit again. Only ever be naked, here. With me.”
“So you like what you see?” His grin is so wide and so beautiful.
His member bounces of its own accord slapping against his belly button as he crawls back up the bed and over you again. “I’m obsessed.” You know you’re stroking his ego but you don’t care “I’d call animal control on the beast but I don’t want to loose my opportunity here.”
“What are you even saying?” He’s smiling so hard you swear you’re discovering his dimple for the first time.
“I don’t know, I’m sorry I was just so taken off guard when you whipped out that 2 liter like it was the most normal thing in the world to have a cock bigger than my forearm. Fuck me.” You giggle against his lips. He kisses you deeply. Getting lost in the feeling of his mouth.
“I plan to,” he whispers “condom?”
“I’m clean. And on birth control.”
He hums into your mouth, “good. Me too. And I want to feel all of this.” He reaches down between your bodies and grabs himself, lining his fat head with your hole. “Are you ready me?”
“Well shit I hope so. I might need surgery in the morning but I want you to destroy my pussy.”
He groans at your words, cursing under his breath as he pushes past your barrier. You both let out a load moan. Finally feeling each other the way you’ve been dying to since you kissed on the dance floor.
He’s slowly pushing into you inch by inch and by now you’re thinking you might regret not letting him go down on you, but when he hits the special spot inside of you… you change your mind. You arch you back groaning. Your fingernails digging into his shoulders. He’s not even all the way in but you’re gushing around his thick length. “You okay?” He asks, concern filling his eyes.
You nod quickly “more, ah, more than okay. Please don’t stop.”
He presses his forehead to yours when he bottoms out. You feel so full. More full than you ever thought was even possible. Every bit of your cunt feels the pressure of his cock and the pleasure of it is causing your legs to tremble already. He kisses you once, gently. Just a peck. Rubbing his nose against yours and then tucking his head into your neck. “You’re so fucking tight.” He grunts.
Your eyes are filled with tears of pleasure and they start to spill as you laugh a little, “I feel like, I feel like anyone would feel tight to you with this mighty hog.”
He huffs a laugh into your neck, biting at your pressure point. He hums in agreement “Maybe. But I’m not fucking anyone.” He pulls out a little bit and thrust back into you hard and fast pulling a noise from you you’ve never heard before. “I’m. fucking. You.” He thrusts between each word and you forget everything you’ve ever said. As he starts to set a rhythm you completely forget your name, who you are, where you came from. All you can think about is your impending orgasm. All you can hear are the moans escaping both your mouths and the slapping of his balls against your slick covered ass.
Steve pushes up, holding himself with both arms as he looks down, watching himself fuck into you. “Look at that” he says smoothing his hand over your lower torso.
You pick your head up to watch and you're not expecting what you see. “Oh my..” you gasp “I didn’t know that was possible.” You see his tip poking up from inside you. The sight of it brings a deep heat to your core and you’re starting to feel the cord tighten. You drop your head back down to the soft duvet as he continues thrusting into you.
“I wonder if I just..” he starts to say but stops and presses his palm against your lower stomach, essentially pushing the head of his cock further into your vaginal wall and holds it there. You can’t help it, it feels unbelievably good and you scream. You scream so loud you can’t believe the sound came from you and you cum on the spot. The edges of your vision go white and you think you’re going to pass out. Electricity rushing through every part of you body. It takes you a second to recover and remember what was happening. When you do you look up and see Steve red faced and sweaty and looking far too sexy. “Fuuuck” he groans thrusting into you harder. “Oh shit you’re gripping me so tight I don’t think I can l-last much longer.”
It feels so good, the sensitivity is almost overwhelming but you don’t care for him to stop. You want him to cum inside you. You don’t realize until this moment but you NEED to be filled by him. “Mm yeah Daddy you gunna cum?” You whimper. He cursed under his breath and moves his arms under your knees, folding you in half as he pushes into you with unrelenting force. You keep talking, his thrust breaking up your words and making it hard to understand, but he does “Gunna fill up my aching pussy with your cum? Put a fucking baby in me and make everyone jealous that I got your fat cock all to myself.” He moans louder, fucking into you faster but his hips start to falter and you know he’s getting close. “You like that? You like when I call you Daddy? Thinking about your cum dripping out of me? Wanna cum inside my pussy and go back to the wedding with it dripping down my legs?” And that’s what does it. He cums hard, pushing deep inside of you and thrusting once, twice more.
He collapses on top of you. Completely spent. And you smile against his hair. Wrapping your arms around him, petting his hair and caressing his back. “You really do want kids don’t you, big boy?”
He laughs against your chest “what gave me away?”
“Well, could be all the photos of all the kids around your apartment and you saying you're not close to your parents. So that tells me your family is one you made. And usually people with made families like big families of their own.” You hug him closer to your chest. “But more than that, your dick twitched when I called you Daddy. And twitched even harder when I told you to put a baby in me.” You giggled, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Mm” he leaned up on his elbows, releasing the pressure of you holding all his body weight. “You’ve got me all figured out, huh? All that just from one look around my place and sex?”
“Psychology is a prerequisite. See, we do more than take pictures at camera college.” You bite you lip, looking up at him as he hovers over you, his soft cock still resting in your bruised cunt.
He kisses you so gently, he kisses you like this isn't a one night stand. Like you’ve been in love for years and he can’t get enough of you. It should scare you, but it doesn’t. You feel more relaxed and open than you have in years. Since before you even met Jon.
After a few minutes of this, Steve leans back and sighs heavily. Removing himself from your center. You feel his cum start to spill out of you, but he uses two fingers to stuff it back into you. He really does have a breeding kink, you think. You hum in satisfaction, “you want me to put my legs up on the headboard? Make sure these swimmers have a chance?”
He smirks at you, a little sadness in his eyes as he gets off the bed to get dressed. “Don’t tease me now.” He opens his dresser and throws you a pair of boxer briefs. “Put these on, I’m not ready for my swimmers to drip down your legs yet.” He smiles recalling your dirty talk. “This too. Although I’ll be sad to cover up so gorgeous tits.”
“Whatever you say, Daddy” you slip on the underwear, biting your lip. You throw on the yellow sweater he hands you just as quickly.
“I could get used to that.” He thinks for a moment. Leaning against his dresser in just his underwear. “You look really good in my clothes.”
“Well,” you say, playing with the loose threads at the end of his sweater, “you look really good, out of your clothes.”
He snorts, “should’ve seen that coming.”
You’re both quiet for a beat. It’s comfortable. Still reveling in your activities. Until, Steve clears his throat. “So, uh, y/n. Where uh, do you live?”
“Everywhere, nowhere. Santa Barbra, California is where Brooks Institute is though. So I guess that’s where I live for now. Did Jonathan never tell you about where he went to school?”
“Nah, we’re really not that close.”
“California. That’s really far.” He looks down at his feet.
“Yeah,” your voice comes out a little sadder than you were expecting, you inhale deeply “yeah, it is. But, I’m only one semester away from graduation actually. So. Who knows after that. I could go anywhere.” You look up at him suddenly feeling shy. “Could go to New York, or Florida, or I don’t know… Indiana.”
“Yeah?” Steve smiles up at you.
“Yeah! I mean why not?” You get up off the bed and stand in front of him, leaning back to sit on the end of the bed before him. “I mean. I know a little something about found family. I’m not close to my real family. The Byers-Hopper clan welcomed me with open arms and they’ve been my family since the moment we met. So my only family is… here.”
Steve nods like he understands. Watching you with glossy doe eyes.
“Plus, there’s this really handsome guy I met at a wedding in Indiana. And I mean, I’ve only known him for like, a few hours but he’s really cool and he really helped me in a tough time in my life. And he’s like really good in bed, although he doesn’t really have to try. I mean you should see this guys dongle. It’s HU-“ Steve cuts off you rant when shoves his mouth onto yours, smiling and laughing against your lips. “Oh my gosh stop” you say pushing him away and laughing “you’re going to ruin my chances with the guy from the wedding!”
He grabs your arms and kisses you again, but this time you let him. Falling easily into the kiss. His lips are so soft and you try to commit the feeling and taste to memory. “You are,” he huffs “unbelievable.”
“Yeah” you put your palm on his cheek, pushing some hair behind his ear. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“You might change your mind after I wake you up in the middle of the night with my loud, obnoxious snoring.” He nuzzles into the hand on his face, kissing your palm.
“Mm, so you wanna wake me up in the middle of night?”
He laughs, backing up to lean on the dresser again. “You really do just hear what you want don’t you?”
You put your finger on your cheek like you’re thinking about it really hard, “mmm… yes. I guess I do.” The light in the room is low and warm and as you're admiring the soft look on Steve’s face, the lean muscle of his chest and arms, you can’t help but want to take a picture. “Hey, I know you said you didn’t want to be my model…”
“Oh geez” he smirks, shaking his head.
“Hear me out, hear me out. You look incredible in this lighting. I want to immortalize this night. Can I? Even if it’s just for us. Never to see the light of day or the inside of my working portfolio” you snicker, “you just look too good, I can’t pass this moment up.”
He licks his lips, and nods “Okay, okay sure.”
You get up from the end of the bed and stand in front of him, leaning up on your tippy toes and grabbing his chin with your index finger and thumb, “Don’t move” you whisper into his parted lips, kissing him as you go to leave the room.
You pick up your camera from where you dumped it on the leather couch. You probably should have laid it down with more care, but you didn’t much care in the heat of the moment.
You give it a quick once over, seeing that everything’s fine. Thankfully. You throw the strap over your head and start walking back to the bedroom. When you look up, you notice a photo on the bookshelf against the wall by his bedroom door. You hadn’t noticed it before, being so preoccupied by Steve’s mouth. The picture is a blown up yearbook photo of young man with long curly hair complete with bangs. He has, quite frankly, a dazzling smile. You wonder who this is, having not seen him in the group photo by the door. But that’s a question for later. Right now it’s time for you to take someone else’s photo.
You take one last look at the picture and head back into the bedroom. Steve is still exactly where you asked him to stay. “Good boy.” You whisper in his ear, nipping at his lobe. He grunts his approval as you jump up onto the bed.
“So, uh, what do you want me to do? Like do you want me to pose or something?” He looks nervous.
“No baby I want you to stay exactly as you are, but you’re all cramped up and nervous looking now” you chuckle “loosen up handsome. I want that post-coital glow back.”
“Post coital glow?” He arches an eyebrow.
“Yeah! Where you’re all hopped up on endorphins and just blissed out and lose.”
“How do I do that when I know you’re about to take a picture of me?”
You pull the strap of the camera off of your neck and drop it on the bed. “You want me to come over there and loosen you back up?” You slide off the bed again, walking over to him.
He still looks nervous “how’re you going to do that?”
You place your fingertips gently on his toned stomach, slowly trickling down down down. Goosebumps are popping up all down his tummy and arms. His breath becoming uneven. Your left hand drags down his thigh and right hand lightly grips at his half chubbed cock. You look him in the eye as you grip him a little harder in your hand, “are you still nervous now?”
His forehead comes to lean on yours, “no” he whispers on your lips.
You kiss him gently, stroking him halfheartedly. “What do you feel right now?”
“I’m feeling,” his breath stutters from his chest, “like I want to bend you over and fuck you into my mattress.”
“Mmm good, keep that feeling” you peck him on the cheek and run back to the bed. You jump up on it, sitting on your knees and grabbing your camera. “Oh yes. Yes. This is perfect, keep that fucked out expression.”
“I thought you wanted post-coital glow.”
“Yeah, we can take more like that later, but right now I’m loving this look. It’s like you want to eat me alive and I love it.”
A small moan slips from his lips, “I do”
You take a series of photos. Full body, just his face, just his body. His hands death gripping the dresser he’s leaned against. His predatory eyes. His juicy wet lips. The fucking monster bulge that’s growing wildly in the his boxers briefs… that one is just for you. Definitely. You want that one framed and hung in your closet. The more photos you take the harder it is to focus, you feel yourself becoming more wet as the seconds pass. “You are… unbearably attractive.” you whine.
“Please tell me you’re done because I don’t think I can stand here another second while you're straddling my bed in my clothes.”
“Oh fuck me, okay yes yes I’m done.” You take the camera off and gingerly place it on the side table. “Come take me, pretty boy.”
That’s all he needs to hear and he’s pouncing. “I need to taste you baby, please let Daddy eat you out this time.”
You’re nodding so hard you’re getting dizzy. “You can do whatever you want to me.”
He groans deep in his throat, “it’s going to be a long night.”
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed, the smell of bacon and coffee filling the space. You look over at the clock on the side table and groan. It’s 11am already and you never told Joyce or Hopper or anyone you were leaving or where you were going or that you wouldn’t be going home that night. They’re probably worried sick thinking you wandered off drunk and fell in a ditch somewhere.
You stretch your arms and back as best you can on the bed. Throwing the covers off, you slide off the bed. Immediately noting your cunt throbbing. It was a long night. And you did tell Steve you wanted him to destroy your pussy. He did his job, and he did it well. 10/10, 5 stars, Excellency Award, Employee of the month.
You walk sluggishly out into the main area, seeing Steve in front of the stove, dish towel thrown over his shoulder. Now that you’re in the open space you hear the quiet kitchen radio playing ABBA. Steve moves his hips to the sound, singing along slightly out of tune “gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight…” he still hasn’t noticed you as he slips a piece of bacon into his mouth and continues to hum the song. It’s so domestic it almost hurts.
You slide up beside him and he smiles when he notices you, bringing you into his side for a half hug while he has to focus on not burning the rest of the bacon. “Good morning, beautiful” he says after a moment. He turns off the burner and kisses the top of your head.
“Good morning handsome” you smile up at him. “Anything I can help with?”
“Nope, I’ve just finished up. How do you take your coffee?”
“Cream, 6 sugars” you cover your face with your hand.
“6… 6 sugars?” He looks baffled but prepares your coffee anyway. “Sugar fiend.”
“Coffees like, kinda gross without it. I just ugh, I just love sweet things” you’re smiling so hard your cheeks start to hurt.
“You are ridiculous.”
“Yeah… but you like it” you poke him in the side.
“I really do actually.” He’s looking at you in that way again. The way that makes you feel like you’re in love and have been for a century. You’re starting to crave that look. It’s like you’ve been starved all this time and never knew until he fed you. “Here’s your coffee, now go sit on the couch and I’ll bring you your breakfast.”
“Thank you” you take the coffee in one hand, and pull him in for a soft peck with the other hand. “Oh wait, can I use your phone? I don’t want Hopper sending out a manhunt thinking I’ve gone missing.”
“Oh no you’re good, Will called earlier. Said he figured you’d be here since everyone saw us leaving together.” He looks up at you through his messy hair, “guess we were pretty obvious” he blushes.
“I’m not mad about it” your cheeks feel hot but you cover it by sipping your warm coffee. “Okay, good. As long as they know I’m alive.”
You walk around the island to the living room and set the cup of coffee on the coffee table. But you don’t sit right away. Instead you’re drawn again to the bookshelf with the yearbook photo.
You’re still analyzing it when Steve walks in with your plates. He sets them down by your coffee and joins you by the bookshelf. He wraps his arms around your waist and sets his chin on your shoulder. “That’s the friend I was telling you about” he whispers “his name is Eddie.”
“He was incredibly beautiful.” You whisper just as low.
“Yeah” he chuckles, but there’s no joy in it “Inside and out.”
You clear your throat, starting to get choked up “H-how did he umm” you swallow hard “how did he die?”
He sighs, pulling you harder into his chest. “It’s a long story for another time, but he was a hero. And he saved my life. He saved a lot of people’s lives.”
You turn around in his arms, gently caressing his sides “is that how you got these?”
He presses his face into your hair, you can tell he’s getting emotional thinking about it. “Sort of. What caused these scars, is what killed him. It’s a lot to explain. And maybe I will one day. But it’s too much for now.”
Tears silently roll down your face, “you were in love with him too, huh?”
He looks you in the eyes, choking on a wet laugh “How do you do that?”
You look down, away from his wondrous gaze. “I don’t know, I guess I can just read people really well.” You shrug.
He pulls your chin up with two fingers and gives you a sloppy wet, teary kiss. He pulls back and looks you in the eye again, searching. “I didn’t know him that long. But yeah, I think that, given the chance, I would have loved him.”
You nod, brow furrowing. “I’m so sorry you didn’t get that chance.”
He presses his palm to your face, thumb smoothing over your cheek. “So, it doesn’t scare you? That I… that I could’ve loved a man?”
You huff a laugh, brows raising “Not at all. We can’t help who we love.” You press your palms to his hairy chest, fingers gripping loosely at the hair there. “I think you and I both know that. Hints our night together.”
He licks his lip, shaking his head, “Guardian. Fucking. Angel.”
“What?” You laugh.
“You were definitely sent to me, by a guardian angel.” He kisses you on the tip of your nose and you can’t help but to smile at that “or shit. Maybe Eddie sent you to me himself.”
You look back over your shoulder at the photo on the shelf. You can almost feel him winking at you. A chill runs down your spine. “Yeah” you look back at Steve “I definitely think it was him.”
“What, are you communicating with him now?”
“Yeah” your expression goes very serious “he told me to call you sweetheart.”
All the blood drains from Steve’s face, he goes stiff and his face looks as if he’s seen a ghost.
“Oh no way, did he call you sweetheart?? I was just guessing because you said he called you all these little nicknames I kept using.”
“That-that was a joke?” He mumbled “you were so spot on I…”
“Oh shit Steve I’m so sorry. It was just a joke, oh man what an insane guess.”
“Don’t do that again” he pushes his hand through his messy hair.
“Yes sir.”
“Fuck, I’m all frazzled now.”
You grab him by the arm and pull him to sit on the couch, “come on then, let’s eat breakfast. I’ve got a lot of questions to ask about you.”
“Oh no,” he rubs his hand over his face.
“Oh yes, I want to know everything about you mystery man. Because so far as I can tell, Nancy messed up letting you go.”
He pulls you into his chest, running his fingers through your hair. “ I could say the same. Jonathan has no idea what he missed out on. But honestly, I’m really glad he did though. Because I’m selfish as hell and I want you all to myself.”
Four months later
“Hello, Steve Harrington speaking.” Steve answers the phone the same way every time. And it gives you butterflies every time.
“Hello Steve Harrington. This is y/f/n y/l/n speaking” you giggle.
“I was hoping it’d be you.”
“Who else would it be? Who else calls you? Is it other girls? Are you seeing other girls behind my back Mr. Harrington?”
He laughs hard, covering the mouth piece so he doesn’t blow out your eardrum “Hundreds of girls, calling out at all hours. I can’t sleep with all the ladies I’m drowning in.”
“Okay, see I was joking. But I fully believe it when you say that because you a massive co-“
“Yes yes alright” he sniffs “to what do I owe the pleasure of todays call Ms y/l/n ?”
“Well, I want to first thank you again for allowing me to use that photo I took of you in your bedroom for my senior art show.”
“You are welcome baby girl. If it wasn’t so artfully taken, by such a beautiful woman, I never would have agreed.”
You smile broadly into the receiver “Mmhm yes yes, well, you’ll never believe this, big boy.”
“Yeah, I’m listening.”
“That photo won 5 local awards, an offer to be hung at an exhibit in San Francisco and I was offered a book deal. They want me to create a book of my photography Stevie. Me.” You’re practically buzzing.
“Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. Y/n. I’m so proud of you. We’ve got to celebrate!”
“Thank you baby. I’m so happy I could fly. And it’s all thanks to you.”
“No way, I definitely can’t take the credit here. It was all you and your incredible eye. I’m just grateful I could be your muse.”
“And you will continue to be my muse… that is, if you still want me to move to Indiana.”
“I would love nothing more. Please say you will and that you’re coming soon.”
“How does 2 weeks sound?”
“Not soon enough”
“Thank goodness,” you sigh in relief, “because I’m actually here now.”
“What?!” Steve almost drops the phone, adrenaline rushing through his veins.
“Yeah” you take a deep breath, your chest is tight with emotion “I wanted to surprise you. I just got here, and I couldn’t wait. I literally just walked in the door not 10 minutes ago.”
“Where? Where are you? I’m coming right now.” Steve looks around the room, searching for his pants and grabbing his keys off the hook by the door, phone precariously pressed between his ear and shoulder.
“I’m at the Byers-Hopper residence, my new home. I’m staying in their basement until I can get on my own feet.”
“I’ve never been happier to live in such a small town. I’m leaving now sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”
“I can’t wait.”
3 years later
Byers-Hopper Residence
Nancy and Jonathan walk in, hand in hand and you’re genuinely so happy to see them. You greet them at the door hugging each of them “hey! So good to see you! I’m so glad you could make it.” You tell them, grabbing Nancy’s hand and squeezing it.
“Wouldn’t miss it” Jonathan said, patting your shoulder.
“Well get on in there and mingle! Steve’s out back at the grill. There’s beer in the cooler and chips on the table.”
“Oh beer sounds amazing right now. It’s such a hot day.” Nancy says fanning herself.
“A scorcher.” You wink at her.
Once everyone’s arrived you make your way to the back yard, beelining straight for Steve. He’s wearing his classic kiss the cook apron and you don’t mind if you do.
“Hello handsome” you push up on your toes and kiss his cheek.
“Hello my love,” he turns to you fully and presses his hand to your swollen tummy, “and hello to you too my little love.”
7 months along and you’re still not over how sweet it is when Steve addresses your baby bump. You pull his chin to you, kissing him gently. “I love you, you know that?”
He breaths a laugh “I’d hope so. Wouldn’t want to be married to someone who didn’t love me.”
You bite your lip, “yeah well. I just like to remind you.”
“I love you too, baby.” He kisses you again. So soft and sweet. You just can’t believe how lucky you are.
“Alright lovebirds, enough mackin, let’s eat!” Hopper calls from the fold out table surrounded by the family you’ve made. And unfortunately, Steve’s terrible parents.
“I was just so shocked when I heard you were already pregnant, I mean you’d barely been married a year.” Steve’s moms voice is shrill.
“Oh yeah” you put on your best fake laugh, “I wasn’t surprised at all. Your son has a breeding kink. He’s wanted me fat and pregnant since… well probably since we met.”
She stares at you, mouth agape, obviously in shock.
“And I mean, have you seen your son's penis? Sure like when he was a kid I’m sure but did you know it was going to get so big?”
She blinks at you and tries to stutter a response.
“That thing is massive. I didn’t stand a chance with that semi trunk pounding into me. I think he actually just like, came straight into my uterus once. Like busted right past my cervix and came right on my eggs. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t get pregnant sooner.”
She put her hand on her terrible husband's arm, “Let’s go. I can’t stand to be here any longer. Your son married a whore.”
“A whore?” You mock outrage, “I’m only a whore for your son, which is allowed, hints the ring.” You point at it, wiggling your left fingers to watch the ring sparkle in the dimming sunlight.
Steve just smiles and waves “Bye mom and dad! We’ll let you know when our bundle of joy arrives.”
“Great thanks.” His dad shoots back, exiting through the front door.
“Well” Hopper huffs, “that was horrific. But you’re not my biological children so I think the trauma of hearing that will affect me a little less than your parents Steve.”
“Sorry Hop. You weren’t supposed to hear that.” You can’t help but laugh.
“Well then you probably shouldn’t have said it so loud” Will comments.
“Alright fiiine, I won’t speak publicly about my amazing, insane, adventurous, mind blowing sex life in public anymore.” Everyone groans at the excessive adjectives, Steve again just laughing silently, only ever encouraging you. “But when you all stop getting boners, or your sex lives get boring, don’t come running to me for stories tips or tricks. And definitely don’t look at my photo album.”
“We won’t, trust me.” Mike rolls his eyes.
“Hey Mike, did I see you sne-“ you start.
“Hey hey y/n what uh, have you come up with any baby names yet?” Mike cuts you off, finishing with a nervous cough.
You look at Will's frozen expression and wink at him. “We have. Go ahead baby, I’m ready to announce it if you are.”
Steve pulls you close, one hand around you, the other sitting on your belly. “We’ve decided to name him Eddie.” He kisses your hair.
Eddie Harrington. You know it’s cliche to name your baby after someone like this, but the man saved your husband's life. And his family. And the town. And after you’d heard the full story of what happened to them all, you knew you didn’t have any other choice. Steve’s hero, his almost love, his guardian angel. Yeah, you know it's the right choice.
Edward William Harrington. You can’t wait to meet him.
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Tup: Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Hunter: There are seven chairs and ten kids. What do you do?
Echo: Have everyone stand.
Tech: Bring three more chairs!
Wrecker: The most important ones can sit down.
Crosshair : Kill three.
Hunter: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Echo: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Hunter: Three of us saw it, Echo. How do you explain that?
Echo: *points at Tech* Sleep deprivation. *points at Wrecker* Paranoia. *points at Crosshair * Delusional personality disorder.
Hunter: I’m an idiot.
Crosshair :
Echo: If you’re waiting for us to disagree, this is going to be a long day.
Hunter: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Echo: 'Prettiest Smile'
Tech: 'Nicest Personality'
Crosshair: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
Wrecker : 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Hunter: What does 'take out' mean?
Echo: Food.
Tech: Dating
Wrecker: Murder
Tech: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Echo: ... You're what?
Tech: My friends.
Hunter: Are they saying “friends”?
Wrecker: I think they're being sarcastic.
Crosshair : No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Tech! All of your friends are in this room.
Tech: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
Mayday: Crosshair, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power!
Crosshair: Well of course I have.
Crosshair: Have you ever tried going mad without power?
Crosshair: It's boring.
Crosshair: I turned out perfectly fine!
Mayday: Crosshair, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
Crosshair: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Mayday: You and me!!!
Crosshair, tearing up: Okay.
Crosshair: Mayday and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Mayday: Sentences.
Crosshair: Don't interrupt me.
Crosshair: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
Mayday: You need to stop.
Nolan addressing the squad: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Crosshair: But – that’s just a trash can.
Nolan: It sure is!
Crosshair: If you had to choose between Mayday and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Nolan: That depends, how much money are we talking about?
Mayday: Nolan!
Crosshair: 63 cents.
Nolan: I'll take the money.
Mayday: NOLAN!!!
Crosshair: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Tech: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Crosshair: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Mayday: wow
Crosshair: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Tech: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a house.
Mayday: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Tech: Good thinking.
Crosshair: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Tech does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff?
Mayday: If Tech were to jump off a cliff, they would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Tech jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Tech: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Crosshair: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Mayday isn’t
Crosshair: Don't worry, I got a plan.
Tech: Alright.
Crosshair: TraitorSayWhat?
Hemlock: Excuse me?
Crosshair: What?
Crosshair: No wait-
Crosshair: *Screams*
Hunter: *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Echo: Should we do something?!
Tech, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.
Tech: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Phee: What?
Tech: like, U R A Q T.
Phee: Awwww!
Phee: You believe me?
Tech: Phee, you’re the last good person on this planet. I‘d believe cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.
Kidnapper: I have your partner.
Tech: What? I don't have a partner...
Kidnapper: Then who just spit in my face?
Tech: Oh my gosh, you have Phee.
Phee: What the hell were you thinking?
Tech: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic!
Phee: You released OSTRICHES!
Tech: Wait, you like me? For my personality?
Phee: I know, I was surprised too.
Phee: Tech told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Phee: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Tech: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Phee: That one. I want that one.
Phee: So I was just having a conversation with Tech about Star Wars; particularly, about the choice of architecture. The amount of people who die from falling down bottomless pits is TOO HIGH! Like, who designs architecture like this? Catwalks with no guard rails whatsoever, just zigging and zagging through enormous voids. Giant holes to nowhere!
Tech: It's by design. It's a cleaner look, for a more elegant time.
Phee: Like... who put this hole here???? And why????
Tech: Exhaust?
Phee: Darth Maul falls down a hole, Palpatine falls down a hole, Solo falls down a hole, everyone falls down a hole! Star Wars universe needs OSHA.
Tech: Luke falls down a hole, Boba Fett falls down a hole…
Phee: Yes, yes, I forgot about those! R2-D2 falls down a hole in the Millenium Falcon after he fixes the hyperdrive.
Tech: We're onto something here!
Phee: Obi-Wan almost falls down a hole.
Tech: C-3PO falls off the barge into the sand. Pretty close to falling down a hole.
Phee: His lightsaber does though.
*Tech thinks hard about what other Star Wars Characters fall down holes*
Phee: What if the hole is symbolic? The hole represents the dark side.
Tech: Nah, doesn't work. Luke chooses to fall down the hole instead of joining Vader/The Dark Side.
Phee: Fair point.
Phee: Did you buy eggs like I asked?
Tech: Even better!
Phee: What did you-
Tech: *holding up a chicken* Her name is Fluffy.
Tech: What’s your favorite color?
Phee: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature.
Tech: How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
Phee: My favorite color is pink.
Tech: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Phee : Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Tech: ...
Tech: You mean ring bearER, right?
Phee : ...
Tech: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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