#her body though? holy shite
dkniade · 11 months
Can I just say that I’m glad to see more fans of datsugoku here? LIKE ITS SO SO GOOD AND GOD SO TRAGICC THEY DESERVED BETTER!! Also also your analysis on Oktavia’s cover was FUCKING AMAZING HOLY HELLL/pos
(If anyone’s curious about the song mentioned here, note that the first link’s music video contains flashing lights and rapid motions, and the themes include violence and character death)
Thank you so much!! I really love Datsugoku’s MV for telling such a story in a mere 3 minutes and 47 seconds while combining music/lyrics/visuals together well. I remember how I used to really look up to sidu for her work on Datsugoku, particularly for its lighting and video editing haha. Over the years her artstyle has changed but Datsugoku is one of my favourite “phases” of her art style I’d say
(I think to this day if I’m trying to get someone into Neruke I’d just send them the MV haha)
But as a song it’s just really cool to listen to as well. The riff at the start, that guitar solo in the middle (I wrote a post about my interpretation of the solo’s narrative significance) IT’S SO GOOD. One of the best—or most memorable?—solos Neru has written I think. I like that you can get one interpretation based on the music/lyrics themselves, and another slightly different interpretation based on the MV (since what’s described in the lyrics don’t exactly match what’s happening on-screen even though they’re describing the same event.) This mismatch (?) in how the media forms are staggered (?) is so cool, like when the LYRICS say (using my translation)—
Slamming down on the rusted throttle
with all that I’ve got—
so hard that I’d break my bones—
Right now, let’s break through reality
—but the ANIMATION shows the moments before, where Kawasemi throws the knife to rip off Kuina’s blindfold, mouthes something in a cocky way, and runs away to start the chase…!
(Note that the next link here goes to a post which links to a video with flashing lights and rapid motions.)
AH speaking of a tragic ending that deserved better, back in 2021 I was able to participate in a Neruke 10th anniversary fan medley MV, and did the illustration for Datsugoku! The section chosen was of course the very guitar solo itself so I tried to depict a scene of freedom and happiness in the illustration. Whether the smiling and relaxed Kawasemi is alive in the illustration is up to interpretation, haha…
It’s to match lyrics like—(note that this section of the lyrics kiiind of alludes to metaphoric drugs, and again character death)—
“Increasing the altitude without a change in your expression, you laugh”
“As the engine heats up, I don’t care about what’s happening to the plane’s body, so high I was in the blue heavens”
(“エンジンがヒートして 機体がどうしたって気にもしない程に トリップしてしまう大空は偉大さ”)
UE UE UE KAWASEMI YOU BASTARD WITH NO SELF-PRESERVATION (affectionate). Looking at it again, as a loanword from English,トリップして (trip-shite) likely refers to tripping (on drugs)… as in he’s in such a state of ecstasy—in seventh heaven, if you will—it’s like he’s high. ….oh my god hence Oktavia’s line:
“Though the engine overheats, the plane begins to dive / I don’t care, it’s right in front of me / The Seventh Heaven finally on the bright side”
(Long ramble about Oktavia’s lyrics, Japanese lyrics, English translyrics, melody, and phonology here)
As for my initial reaction Oktavia’s encore cover, thank you!! As I’ve mentioned in the reaction/analysis post I really like how she writes lyrics. Rhythmically, I’ve realized that it’s not just about fitting the Japanese lyrics’ syllables to English words while retaining the meaning, it’s about sonority (relative loudness of a speech sound) and how the sonority of the English lyrics should sound with the melody—and as a poet and occasional (English cover) lyricist who tries to rhyme and keep the rhythm, THAT’S REALLY DIFFICULT. I think… a vocal melody written for a song in Japanese would probably take advantage of how Japanese is mostly consonant-vowel (e.g. Datsugoku can be split up to da-tsu-go-ku, but don’t quote my on the technicalities), but rewrite the lyrics to English without thinking of rhythm and suddenly it’s hard to sing lyrics when they’re all mushed together, be it because the sonority just don’t work, or that there are too many consonants…
For example, it’s easier to sing
(Ano koro bokura yume o miteita nda)
than it is to sing, say,
“Back then the two of us would dream of better lives than this”
even though the syllable count matches (do you know how hard it was to intentionally write a line that’d mess with the syllabic stress in relation to the melody)
“Tell me you remember when we’d dream of another life.”
The way the consonants at the ends of the words follow the vowels at the beginning of the next word makes it flow SO WELL. It seems she writes the lyrics based more on the melody’s ups-and-downs itself instead of the Japanese syllables, if that makes sense?
Oktavia’s mentioned something similar about rhyming and syllables in Japanese vs English lyrics once
“it is interesting though that rhyming is so integral to english lyrics but like in other languages (japanese) that sort of culture doesn't exist
my theory is that it's because english has so many different pronunciations to learn rhymes are more appealing 'cause they're rarer? vs japanese where because of the syllable system you can write lyrics that rhyme MUCH easier so it's not as prioritized???? idk”
The syllable system in Japanese is different from English so maybe it sounds nice in English when a (relatively) complicated syllabic system suddenly has rhymes where it usually wouldn’t…?
Ahaha, anyway, thank you for the ask! I was able to ramble about Datsugoku’s lyrics and gain more insight on the song even after a year…
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vierandancer · 1 year
No matter how far she traveled or how many different kingdoms (or worlds) she found herself staying in, Ishgard would always be her second home. Although she had not had a chance to stay as long or as often as she liked, walking through the Gate of Judgment never failed to remind her of everything that had transpired.
She would be sure to pay a visit to the Fortemps Manor and try to drag Ser Aymeric out of his office for a break, but she had one very important stop to make first.
She was amused to find Sidurgu in the Forgotten Knight, but not quite surprised. He was very much a creature of habit. She was surprised, however, to find him there alone.
"I hope you're not still rentin' a room here when you've a perfectly good apartment a very generous someone gave you th'key to," she teased as she approached.
Sidurgu, who had seen her walk in the door, set down his glass and shook his head. "Can a man not drink in peace?"
"Never." With a grin, she moved around the table quicker than he could react and gave him a brief hug. He froze up awkwardly, as expected. She released him and stepped back. "M'sorry it's taken me so long t'visit. World's always in need. No whisperin's o'any other blasphemies runnin' about, I hope?"
"None that I've heard. Ishgard's skies only burned for a few days before returning to normal. But it was mad for awhile there. Then again, it was mostly the clergy who were affected, so..." He shrugged, expression blank. "I didn't lose too much sleep over that." His gaze then focused on her, taking in her appearance up and down. She didn't appear to be worse for wear despite her burdens. "Are you well?"
Meiko nodded. "Aye, fully recovered from battlin' a deity o'despair at th'end o'the universe. Able-bodied an' sound o'mind, as far as I know." Her smile softened as she added, "Thank you for askin'. I worried fierce about you an' Rielle when everythin' started to spread towards Eorzea. But I knew neither o'you would succumb to misery; not after all you've been through. An' like you said -- it was mostly holy men turnin'. You an' Rielle don't exactly frequent the cathedral." Sidurgu snorted and took another drink from his mug. Meiko looked around the familiar bar, then asked, "Where's Rielle, then? She take the apartment for herself finally?"
He hesitated. Then he shook his head slowly, averting his gaze.
"No. She... she's been avoiding home for the last few days."
"What?" Meiko's brow furrowed. "Did you two argue?"
"Not exactly." With a sigh, he looked back at her and put his mug down again, hitting the tabletop with a heavy thump. "She's being a brat. Or just a teenager, I don't know. Don't take any of it to heart, all right? She knows you have important responsibilities, she just..."
"She's mad at me?" Meiko felt her heart drop into her stomach.
"She's upset you don't visit as often. When I told her you planned to come by in the next few days, she got upset and said she didn't want to see you." He waved a dismissive hand. "I told her that was stupid because she clearly missed you. She was praying for your safety every day during all of it. But she's -- I don't know."
"I mean, would I like you to visit more too? Of course I would. But I know--"
"Sid," Meiko reached out and touched his forearm, stopping him before he drew the attention of the rest of the bar. This had clearly been bothering him, too. "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to--"
"No, I do," she insisted. "I agreed t'help you raise Rielle. An' even though I've had good reasons for not bein' here, it doesn't change th'fact that you've both suffered for it. You need support an' she needs a guardian that isn't you on occasion. I've not been able t'provide much o'either these past years, an' I can't promise you the same shite won't happen ever again. So...I do have to apologize for that. An' for th'fact that nothin's likely t'change."
He opened his mouth to say something. Then shut it. Conflicted, remained quiet and frustrated, struggling to come up with a response. She would give him time.
"Is Rielle upstairs?"
"...Aye. She rented out our old room."
"All right. We'll talk more again after she's yelled at me." At his nod, Meiko turned and jogged up two flights of stairs to where the private rooms were settled. Navigating down the famiiar narrow corridor, she stopped before the door marked 3 and gave a few sharp knocks.
"Rielle," she called when there was no immediate response. "S'Meiko. Can we have a chat, please?"
"No," came the sharp response. Even when upset, hearing Rielle's voice never failed to warm her heart. She waited. Eventually, there was a shuffling and the door unlocked before opening up just enough to reveal the teenager's torso. "You don't have to keep visiting, Meiko. I know you have more important things to do."
Ouch. Meiko fought the instinct to over her heart with her palm. Those words stung.
"It's not a matter o'importance, Rielle. It's a matter o'safety. Makin' sure there's a tomorrow for the world so you can live in it," she sighed. "But you've a right t'be mad regardless. I've not been 'round when you needed me. It's my failure, but you're the one that pays for it. Sid, too."
It hurt to know that she had let them down. It reminded her just how unreachable she could be. How any relationship outside of the Scions was doomed to follow the same pattern.
"If it's too painful to only see me now and again, then I can stop comin' around. I'll sign the apartment to you an' Sid only an' give my copy o'the keys. And I can stop comin' to the Knight, too. Won't say hello in the street, either, if that's what you want."
She doubted Sidurgu would be happy with that. But she could always meet him outside of Ishgard and keep in touch with letters.
Rielle, however, only seemed to get more upset. Her grip on the door tightened, voice breaking.
"...That's it? You'll just -- you'll just go away, then? Just like that?"
Ah, fuck. She'd said the wrong thing.
"I don't want to, Rielle," she insisted, running a hand down her face and shaking her head. Damn it all, she was getting choked up, too. "M'tryin' to offer -- to offer whatever'll make you happy."
"That won't make me happy! What'll make me happy is you staying with us! You said you wouldn't abandon me, but you weren't even around when the world was ending! You didn't even come back when everything got better!"
"Rielle, I can't just --!" Meiko bit back what would have been a shout. She didn't want to shout at her. There was just so much she wanted to say, and for the briefest of moments, she was standing back in Ultima Thule standing on the walkway paved by the lives of her friends.
An Elezen poked his head out of his room down the corridor, looking perturbed. Meiko gave a wave of apology and sucked in a breath before looking at Rielle.
"Can we go inside, please?"
Rielle nodded numbly and left the doorway, moving inward to sink down onto the untidy bed. Meiko followed, shutting the door behind her. Not wanting to invade the teen's space, she sat down in an uncomfortable armchair across from her instead.
When Rielle didn't speak, Meiko took a shaky breath and started again.
"Rielle. I cannot begin t'describe everythin' I've faced since I left for Gyr Abania. I know we've seen each other here an'then in th'in-between, but... it..." She shuddered, her breath catching. "I... I needed time away, by myself, after the End of Days were stopped. I needed that time to get my head on straight."
She leaned forward, elbows on her knees.
"I can't escape my fate, Rielle. Titles an' glory an' adventure aside, I will never have a normal life. Only brief respites between th'horrors. If I could settle here in Ishgard, make a home for myself with you and Sidurgu, I would. But that isn't possible. I didn't know that when I promised to take care o'you. I know it now. So as much as it would pain me to be out of your life, I understand why you would. That's all I meant. I'm not givin' up on you. I want to visit you whenever I can, an' I promise t'make a better effort to do so. I'll even try t'write you more, even if it's a struggle. An' I will always, always love you, even if it's from the other side o'the world. But...that's all I can offer. I wish I had more."
Rielle didn't say anything. Meiko, too, could only manage to sniffle here and there. The silence felt like it stretched on for an hour, but it didn't. It only lasted a couple of minutes.
"...I don't want you out of my life," Rielle said finally, voice soft. Fragile. "I'm just...I'm mad that you're not here when I wish you were. And -- And I know it's always for a good reason. I just...I just wish the reason was me sometimes, too. I know it's not your fault, but I'm still upset -- it -- it's just so unfair, I can't stand it! Can't you just retire? I thought the Scions of the Seventh Dawn disbanded!"
"We..." Meiko felt so useless. There was nothing she could really say to comfort her. "We have, Rielle, but ... there's still a lot going on. And it goes beyond the Scions' business now. I..." Gods, she didn't have the energy to explain to her how the world came to be and her connection to Azem. She didn't even know if she was permitted to. "I can't retire. Not while I'm still breathin', at least."
She would die on a battlefield. Or in an infirmary succumbing to her injuries. Or in a great big ball of light, a heroic sacrifice... nothing anywhere as peaceful as she would have liked. No seaside cottage listenng to the waves gently lap against the beach, watching the sun rise for the final time. No comfortable bed and nurturing partner.
She would burn out like a falling star. Brilliant and terrifying. And gone in an instant.
Rielle pulled her knees up onto the mattress and hugged her arms around them, still sulking, but at least more miserable than angry at the moment. Meiko guessed this was her cue to join her, and cautiously put an arm around the girl's shoulders.
"M'sorry, Rielle."
Rielle sighed and leaned her head on Meiko's arm.
"I'm sorry, too."
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
How do you think the companions would react if Sole had to cut off their own limb to get out of a trap or otherwise save their life?
Another interesting one, I like these! Thank you Anon.
Situation/scenario- Sole found themselves in a hard place between a rocky wall and a fallen boulder, their beloved arm caught between the two. Their arm below their elbow was far from saving, bone turned into dust and flesh mashed into a paste-all that jazz!
So after enough chems to kill a deathclaw and a grizzly few hours later, Sole stumbles homes, missing an arm but still alive and conscious.
“Shite, you look like you’ve been through the ringer.”
Despite the playful words, Cait is an absolute mess of stress, worry, and panic.
She’ll be running around bossing and barking command at people despite not really knowing how to go about fixing up a wound this massive.
She can’t offer much help asides for tons of booze and moral support.
There’s some correlation here with what Cuire said back at the memory den after she became human and the situation presented-I’m too dumb brain to figure it out tho.
Panic 100%. Flurry of words that make no sense but she knows what she’s doing.
Immediately takes charge upon the situation, no explanation needed.
Despite this, she has a hard time telling the others what to do and considering the situation at hand, everyone a mess. She depends on a louder voice to voice her request and commands.
“You’ve got guts, I’ll admit that soldier, but was it really necessary?”
He’s seen some shit in his life so this doesn’t have too much of an effect upon him(unless they are dating in which case, he’s a fucking mess.)
He only retains basic medical skills so he helps with what he knows that he’s capable of but leaves the rest to medics.
He won’t leave Soles side unless asked to via a medic or sole themselves. Fancy lad cakes and moral support.
“Alright, alright, alright, I get it. I won’t complain the next time I get a splinter.”
Humor. Lots of humor.
Asides for splinters and the occasional gun shot, he has no idea how to help other then tons of stimpacks and Med-x.
Laugh away the pain. Laughter is the best medicine after all.
“Holy Shit Boss...”
Rather then seeing this a weakness, he sees this as a strength. Sole’s got the gull to do shit like that, the they certainly got the gull to whip Nuka-World into shape.
He’s, shockingly, has some experience in medical care but no one really trust him to help Sole. 
Hes there by Sole’s side but like no one really wants him to be there, they have no idea when he last cleaned himself. 
“I hope the reason why you had to do this was a good reason, like it was bitten off by a deathclaw or something, now take this, it’ll help with the pain until we can find you some help.”
On the outside he’s cool as a cucumber but on the inside, he’s a shit-show and a half. a few nervous leg jitters here and there and lots of chem usage. though he tries to be mindful about how much he uses, never know when sole will find themselves wishing for the sweet release of death.
He’s too chemmed out to even entertain the idea of being a doctor, one fuck up could be the difference between life or death.
Whether Sole asked for it or not, he’ll start to make up sorties about how they lost their arm. No body believes him but its funny at least. 
“Heh, that's uh...that's quite the wound wouldn’t ya say?...we need to find you a doctor, like now.”
Like most others, he’s seen his far share of blood and bone and normal it doesn’t effect him too much but since its Sole, someone he cares about, he’s a nervous reck.
He has no confidence in his medical skills while being nervous, afraid that if he had to stich up the wound, he’d jerk and snag something important like a nerve or some body thing.
Concerned Father watching over their severely ill child. 
“Well isn’t this quite a predicament we are in? Guess I’ll start working on your mechanical hand.”
He’s not shocked that your missing an arm, he’s more shocked that you actual had the guts to do it. He’s being serious too, he’s got some connections that could help in making you a function prosthetic.
in terms of medical skills, he has none. On top of being a robot, his hands don't offer very much help, sure he can be super technical like stiches but his metal hand has done more damage then he’d like to admit. 
He’ll inquire about the situation after the dust has settled until then, he just offers some advice for living without a limb. 
She’s. A. Fucking. Mess.
A Incoherent and in shambles mess.
She’s the last person you would want to be around in situation such as Sole’s. Remaining clam is the best way to go about this and Piper is the farthest thing from clam.  
“General! you were gone for a day! A single DAY!” 
Everyday, his will to live shrinks. 
 He has no idea what he’s doin when it comes to a wound that big. Yeah sure, just like everyone else, he can patch up a bullet hole or stich up a slash if needs be but he has no idea where to start when it comes to a missing limb.
He’s good company, offers great moral support and lots of “eat the pain away.”
“You’ve got guts ma’am/sir, it will only help to prove that you’re willing to do anything to help further improve the Institute.”
Sole, whether or not it was their intentions, has more of X6′s respect and admiration for this feat.
He’s pretty skilled with medical care and definitely prefers it if he the one who take charge in patching up the wound.
Not very good company. 
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙨.𝙘𝙤𝙢/𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙍𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡
sᴛᴇᴠᴇ ʀᴏɢᴇʀs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ᴘᴇᴛᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴋᴇʀ
ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛᴇᴅ: (ANON) a part two of OnlyFans where Steve takes them up on their offer would be 🥵🤤
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: Smut 18+minors dni, threesome! (my first time writing one im scared), also it’s uh… it’s a lot. it’s probably the filthiest thing i’ve written; so out of my comfort zone so go easy
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ’s ɴᴏᴛᴇs: i got a lot of people in my inbox asking about a part two but holy shite balls ive never written something like this omggg i can’t believe it aviajbgvi8gahahaha, anyways plz don’t let this flop i worked really hard to write this and imma cry if it does
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Steve sat on the bed nervously. He had no idea what came over him agreeing to this.
“Are you ok?” you asked him softly as Peter set the camera up.
“Yeah, just out of my element; very out of my element.”
“You can always say no; at any time. Even after we film and take pictures, you decide that you don’t want this out there we’ll delete it right away. I promise,” you reassured.
“Thank you, but I want this. I don’t trust anyone more than you two to do this with.”
Peter looked up from the camera and smiled at you both; he wasn’t gonna lie, he was really excited when Steve came up to them saying he wanted to be a part of this. He was expecting you and Steve to do something together but when he asked Peter to also be a part of it he was very ecstatic and aroused about it.
“Ok,” you cupped his face.
“Well the camera’s ready if you want to start slow, maybe some pictures first?” Peter suggested.
“Sure, you’re the experts,” Steve shrugged.
“Ok, Pete, what should we do first?” you turned to your boyfriend.
“Well, maybe we can shoot some of just you guys, and then just me and you, and after all three of us,” he said standing behind the camera.
“Sounds like a plan,” you went up quickly to Peter and kissed before turning back to Steve holding a mischievous gleam in your eyes and made him feel wanton.
You slowly walked closer to Steve, your hands reaching for the tie that held your silk robe together and unveiled the most sexiest lingerie set that Steve’s ever laid his eyes on. His eyes could help themselves staring directly at your nearly exposed chest. You noted his inner battle to not reach out and touch without permission and Peter chuckled from behind.
“You can touch her, Steve. She doesn’t mind, do you princess?”
“Not at all,” you whispered sensually.
Steve reached out and pulled you close to his body. He sported simply a pair of black boxers and a black leather choker with a silver ring in the center. You curled your finger over the silver ring and pulled him closer to your face. Peter saw this as a great shot and the shutter of the camera alerted Steve pulling him out that momentary spell you have on him.
“It’s ok,” you whispered against his lips.
Steve swallowed audibly shoving his nerves down before bringing his large hands up your thighs. You smiled beautifully and teased him barely brushing your lips against Steve’s. As Peter continued snapping pictures, he was embarrassed to admit that he was growing hard at the sight of you teasing Steve; biting his lip having to remind himself to keep snapping pictures.
Steve was slowly getting the hang of things and trailed his hand up your front to wrap harshly around your throat. You giggled at the feeling making direct contact with the lens putting on, which wasn't hard at all, your sexist face before all three of you bursted into giggles.
“Too much?” Steve chuckled.
“No, it was perfect,” you giggled.
You took some more pictures; you sat between Steve’s legs looking innocently into the camera and you could see the visible tremble in Peter’s legs. Another was you sitting with your back against Steve’s chest, his lips pressing faintly to your skin and his hands wrapping around your body closely both looking into the camera seductively.
“These are fucking hot, guys. People are gonna lose their shit,” Peter told you guys.
“How ‘bout one more,” you winked at Peter.
You crawled over Steve straddling his waist and pressing your hands against his pecs. He leaned back on his elbow, his expression taken back yet aroused and excited. Peter watched carefully, his finger resting on the button to snap the perfect shot. You rubbed your nose along Steve’s and you could feel his breath quicken.
You pressed your lips against his and lightly grinded down on his crotch feeling his large member poking your center. Steve fluttered his eyes closed as his lips moved against yours softly moaning. You pulled away to find his cheeks reddened and his eyes blown out with lust. You crawled off but Steve pulled you back in already addicted to your taste.
“Alright hands off, it’s my turn,” Peter walked up, making you giggle.
Peter practically pounced on you once Steve stumbled his way to the camera; waddling from his raging erection.
“You look so fucking sexy; I haven’t gotten to tell you,” Peter whispered in your ear.
“Thank you; you still ok with this?” you asked him.
“Of course I am,” he grinned.
“I figured, considering you’re hard as a rock under these,” you pressed his erection firmly with your hand making his groan lowly and shifting his hips.
He kissed you ravishly and Steve snapped the shots quickly. He shifted from side to side attempting to take his mind off of his painfully boner but the sight you and Peter practically devouring each other’s mouths was incredibly arousing.
Peter’s hand cupped your breasts squeezing the flesh softly pulling soft barely audible moans from you. Peter laid you down on the bed and kissed down your body softly looking sensually at the camera. You arched your back and pointed your toes for effect but that didn’t take away from how Peter’s lips felt so good against your burning skin.
“Hey Stevie,” Peter practically purred.
“Why don’t you start recording and come help me please our little princess,” Peter’s words made your skin break into chills.
Steve practically skipped to the bed after pressing record and you made little grabby hands to pull him into a kiss. He came over your head and pressed his lips against yours placing his hand on your breast while Peter’s resting on your other one. Your lips tasted so sweet and they felt so velvety Steve could spend eternity against your lips and not complain.
“Fucking hell, so pretty,” Steve whispered.
Peter’s one goddamn lucky kid, he thought.
He lifted you by your shoulders and sat behind you as Peter continued to kiss down your legs pulling your panties down your legs. Steve rubbed your arms softly before circling your waist and nuzzling his face in your neck.
As Steve pressed kisses to your neck Peter pressed kisses to your inner thighs and you could do was breathe heavily and indulge in the attention. Peter slowly licked from the bottom of your entrance grazing your clit with his tongue and you tossed your head back on Steve fluttering your eyes closed. Steve’s hand moved up to wrap firmly around your throat and nibbled on your ear.
“Look at him baby girl. I want you to look at him as he makes you fall apart,” Steve said, his voice laced with lust and domination making you whimper pathetically.
“You sound so fucking pretty for daddy, don’t you,” Steve spoke smoothly; you hadn’t thought of him much of a talker, let alone any other kinks and honestly it make your knees weak.
Peter on the other hand, was having way too much fun. He brought his fingers and circled them teasing you just a bit. You always made the prettiest whines when he did and he knew your viewers loved it too.
Painstakingly slow, he pumped his fingers in and out of you and sucked harshly on your clit making you squirm and wiggle under him. It took him a while but he realized your moans and cries sounded muffled and when he flashed his eyes open he saw Steve’s thick fingers in your mouth as you sucked on them lewdly.
Your eyes were still trained on Peter and he moaned against your core; the vibrations stimulating you more, tightening your muscles and tears brimming your eyes. Your toes curled and your legs squeezed Peter’s head but he didn’t stop his assault on your core. Your legs started shaking and you could hear Steve’s dark chuckled low in your ear. He took his fingers out from your mouth and you practically screamed from the overstimulation. You pushed Peter off you, tears falling down your cheeks. There was a prominent wet spot left on the silk red sheets and Peter’s chin and mouth were covered in your arousal.
“Come here, handsome,” Steve reached for the back of Peter’s neck and kissed him sloppily, tasting you on his lips; both moaning in arousal. You could feel Steve’s sizable erection poking your back firmly as you stared up to the boys who kissed beautifully. You felt yourself calm down a bit and Peter and Steve pulled away before Peter attached his lips to yours.
“Holy shit,” you said, making the boys chuckle breathlessly.
“You did good, baby. But I think you can do more yeah? You gonna be a good girl for daddy?”
“Yes,” you whimpered.
“Yes, what?” Peter said, pulling your bottom lip from your teeth with his thumb.
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.”
You leaned forward again pressing a brief and chaste kiss to your boyfriend. You rubbed your hands all over his chest and whined like a brat before you felt Steve’s hand strike your cheek suddenly. You and Peter never dove into the spanking territory so it caught both of you by surprise; a good surprise though.
“Hey Petey, you gonna let daddy fuck your little girlfriend? I’m dying to feel how good this pussy feels.”
“She’s perfect,” Peter said looking lovingly into your eyes. You smiled shyly at him and felt yourself grow bashful at the compliment. You peered behind you quickly shooting Steve a wink before you wiggled your ass. Steve chuckled, smacking your ass playfully making you gasp before giggling.
He pushed his boxers down and gripped his aching cock desperate for attention. You felt his tip brushing against your hole and you whimpered clenching around nothing. You scratched your nails over Peter’s abs, digging harshly when Steve pushed himself past your folds.
Although Peter was already big and you loved it so very much, Steve did feel substantially bigger; almost too much. You hissed, breathing sharply through gritted teeth and Steve rubbed his hands gently over your back. Peter also soothed you pressing soft kisses to your cheeks and whispering praises.
“You’re taking him so well baby.”
“Such a pretty girl, aren’t cha.”
“You look so fucking sexy, princess.”
“Fuck,” you cried.
You practically clawed at Peter’s boxers pulling his dick out. You wrapped your hand around it and pumped up and down his shaft pulling quiet grunts and sighs of pleasure. You leaned down finally wrapping your lips around the tip of Peter’s aching cock making toss his head back in pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re sucking my cock so good baby,” Peter rubbed your head softly.
You moaned softly around him resting your hands on his thighs. Steve continued his languid thrusts in you pulling soft moans from you that stimulated Peter even more bringing him closer to his release. Steve’s pace sped up little by little until his thrusts became sloppy and wild practically jostling you around like a rag doll.
“Holy shit, Pete. Your girl feels amazing.”
“She really does; my little angel,” your stomach fluttered at the compliments.
“She’s so warm, and wet. God, such a perfect little pussy,” Steve smacked your ass making you shudder under his touch and moaned around Peter’s dick.
Peter’s legs began to shake and not long after you felt the hot ribbons of cum spurting down your throat. You released his dick with a pop before pressing lights kisses to Peter’s tip and down his shaft to his hips. You look seductively at Peter who carried a blissed expression but your own expression didn’t last long.
Steve grabbed your hair harshly pulling you up flush against his front. Peter chased you, standing to his knees in front you pressing kisses and nipping at the skin along your collarbones. He snaked his hand down and swiftly circled your clit making you scream.
Sweat lined your forehead lightly and you breathed unbelievably heavily; whimpering pathetically in both their arms. Steve groaned lowly in your ear, chasing his orgasm as yours approached quickly too. He whispered obscene things in your that only you and Peter could hear, almost like he wanted that to be your little dirty secret.
Eventually, your body spasmed between two bodies and you damned near screamed in pleasure. Stars clouded your vision and your eyes rolled back from euphoria. Your back arched pressed your hardened nipples against Peter's chest.
“Come on, princess; one more,” Steve grumbled. He quickly tore his boxers off his body as did Peter hardly giving you time to recover from your shattering high.
“I can’t,” you whimpered.
“Yes, you can, pretty girl. I know you can. You’ve been doing such a good job for me and Stevie,” Peter soothed.
Your knees rested on either side of Steve thighs; your back against his chest as you faced Peter. Steve pumped his cock quickly circled it around your tight hole making you shiver with anticipation. Peter wedged his legs between yours and Steve somehow before lining his own dick with your folds.
You felt Steve’s hands resting on your hips and Peter’s on your waist right above Steve’s. They peppered skins and whispered praises to you waiting for you to give them some kind of signal that you were ready.
This was completely new territory to you and you didn’t really prepare much prior to now. You steady your breathing and relaxed against the bodies that pressed softly against you. You briefly nodded your head and Peter pushed himself into you knowing you could at least handle him like you have hundreds of times before.
This was of course very familiar to you. You and Peter had sex many, many times and you love the familiar feeling. His cock stretching you out just right, the pressure already building with how big he was. But when it was Steve’s turn, your body instinctively tensed.
“Relax, princess. I gotcha, I’m gonna make you feel so good,” Steve nibbled on your ear.
“I know,” you bit your lip.
Peter pressed his forehead against yours and whispered softly so only you and Steve could hear his voice.
“You can always tap out and we’ll edit the video, ok? Your comfort and pleasure is most important to us.”
“Yes, I’d hate myself if I were to hurt you,” Steve whispered too.
“Ok, I’m ok.”
Steve undid your bra that you still wore and Peter tossed to the side. Steve kissed between your shoulder blades cupping your breasts from behind; he played with your nipples, pinching and twisting your perked buds. He gathered the slick that oozed from you and his own precum circling your puckered hole. He slowly pushed in making you gasp and hiss sharply. Peter kissed you softly and as Steve slowly bottomed out.
The two boys stayed still as you adjusted to the extremely new feeling. Your stomach fluttered from nerves but also arousal. You eventually couldn't take the stillness and whimpered, begging for someone to move.
Steve and Peter moved in rhythm with one another and you moaned loudly feeling overwhelmed with pleasure. Your bit your lip harshly; probably enough to draw blood. You were beginning to feel tired at this point but the pleasure building in your stomach felt like none other.
“Feel so fucking good, princess. So tight,” Steve mumbled.
“Feels so good, daddy,” you moaned.
“Yeah? You like daddy’s cock fucking that tight hole?” Peter mocked.
“Yes! Ugh!” you cried out.
“How she feel, Steve?” Peter asked.
“Fucking perfect,” he breathed out. Steve leaned over your shoulder to press his lips briefly to Peter and you watched closely with pure adoration for the boys. That quickly subsided when Steve and Peter shifted your hips slightly hitting new angles making you moan loudly again.
You moved like a ragdoll becoming exhausted, whimpering and whining. Steve groaned loudly biting your shoulder and Peter crashed his lips against yours. Everything became sloppy and messy. The sound of skin slapping against each other echoed in the room. The pleasure was too distracting; all three of you forgot about the camera.
“Fucking shit, I’m gonna cum! Fuck!” you squeaked.
“Let go, baby girl. Cum all over Pete’s cock,” Steve practically growled in your ear.
Tears brimmed your eyes and you suddenly became hyper aware of everything at once. The feeling of fours hands rubbing everywhere all over your body just right. Both cocks stretch you perfectly drastically and you feel like you were being split in half. The delicious feeling of both their lips trailing your hot skin. It was all enough to push you, no throw you off the edge.
Your orgasm ripped through you and you shook between their bodies. The boys grunted and with closed eyes rutted their hips in you one last time simultaneously, coating your walls in their hot white cum.
You looked lazily into the camera before smiling tiredly and relaxing completely in the boys’ arms. They breathed against your skin heavily, desperately catching their breaths. You brushed your fingers through Peter’s hair, lightly scratching his scalp. Your other hand traced small shapes into Steve’s hips behind you, bringing goosebumps to his skin.
Eventually, after what felt like hours, Peter removed himself slowly from you and turned the camera off swiftly.
“I think that was a great shot,” he said, tiredly making you and Steve chuckle.
“Take care of our princess; I’m gonna get some things to clean up. And you, just rest. You did so amazing,” Peter kissed you before disappearing into the bathroom.
Steve’s hands ran over your skin softly before carefully lifting your tired body off of him. He moved extremely slowly, extra careful pulling himself out to not hurt you although you hissed from the soreness that was already apparent in your body.
He flipped you delicately so you rested on your back and he pressed soft kisses all over you making you giggle and squirm a bit under him. Peter came out and picked you up bridal style to carry to you to the bathroom where he ran a bath for you; something he always did after a recording. Steve was preparing to leave with a waddle in his step when Peter stopped him.
“Don’t leave before she gets out. Here, help me with the bed and putting things away.”
They quickly put their boxers on and Peter put the camera away, setting it on the desk for later. He ran to the closet as Steve removed the sheets placing them in the laundry basket by the closet. He helped Peter change the sheets to a light color that was a complete contrast to what was there before. It was definitely more fitting for you and Peter though.
You bathed yourself basking in the afterglow of the most amazing sex you’ve ever experienced. If you were being honest with yourself, you really hoped that Peter and Steve would be up to the idea of doing this again, even without a camera or for anyone. You’ve always thought of Steve as a very attractive and amazing person; someone that you and Peter often gushed over together.
You couldn’t bother to think about it anymore as the tiredness was becoming too much; unable to think much about anything but a comfy warm bed. You struggled to  get yourself out from the tub wary that Peter would scold for doing so but whatever. You wrapped yourself in a warm robe that Peter left for you and walked slowly to the doorway watching Peter and Steve practically giggling like teenagers as they changed the sheets.
“I thought I told you you were supposed to wait for me to help you. What if you got hurt getting out? You could’ve slipped.”
“I’m sorry,” you pouted, walking over to Peter who just couldn’t be mad at you.
“You ready to sleep baby?” he asked you, and you nodded.
You undid your robe opting to stay nude tonight. You noticed Steve wasn’t joining you in bed and seemed like he felt out of place.
“You want to stay here tonight?”
“I don’t want disturb-”
“You’re not,” you interrupted, making grabby hands at him. He smiled softly before climbing in bed with you and you snuggled between both of your boys.
“Thank you, Stevie,” you pressed your lips to his before finally shutting your tired eyes.
Steve and Peter held you closely between them tracing patterns onto your silky skin. Steve kept his eyes trained to the ceiling and he could tell that Peter wasn’t asleep yet.
“So, when’s the video gonna come out?” he asked quietly.
“Well, usually we take the night to recover but after just now we might need a couple days,” Peter chuckled as did Steve.
“But then, we’ll edit the pictures all week and the video or videos. And after a couple weeks of promotion and letting people know about the upcoming release, we publish and let the money rack up. If you want we can give you fifty of the profit we make from this. It really means a lot that you did this for us,” Peter turned to look at Steve.
“It’s nothing. Was something I wanted to try being in this new century and all; you guys gave me the perfect opportunity and wouldn’t have trusted anyone else,” Steve said sincerely.
“You know, we wouldn’t say no if you wanted to keep doing this. Without the camera, you know?” Peter said shyly.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude on your guys’ relationship. Besides, I’m an old man. You guys don’t want that,” Steve chuckled.
“Nothing about what we just did says old man; you’re far from that. And like you said it's the new century, but if it’s not something you want we respect that.”
“And if it is?”
“Well, then we can talk tomorrow morning; I’m more than sure this one isn’t gonna mind not one bit. She never stops talking about you, granted neither do I but-”
“You two talk about me?” Steve smirked.
“Uh- maybe once or twice,” Peter stuttered, suddenly feeling shy.
“What do you two talk about?” Steve teased.
“Fuck off, man,” Peter defended making him chuckle.
“Goodnight, Peter,” Steve said, reaching over to intertwine his fingers with Peter’s.
“Goodnight, Steve.”
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
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ackerfics · 3 years
the parent trap — levi ackerman (iii)
part one | part two
— levi ackerman x female reader (modern au | the parent trap au)
— warnings: angst if you squint??? and another original character that was annoying to write
— summary: caelum was too excited coming back home to london but found out that there was someone ruining their plan with their advances.
— word count: 6.6k
— author’s notes: this has been updated yey !!! i’m so happy to finally write for their series again. i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it.
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London was an entirely different world for the boy of eleven, blue-gray eyes memorizing every building and street as their car drove past the city.
The trip back home finished without a hitch; the only thing perplexing Caelum was that he was directed to the first-class section of the plane by one of the stewardesses. If there weren’t many people behind him, waiting for their turn to board on the plane, he would’ve stood longer at the entrance. The entire flight was spent vibrating with excitement on his seat, thoughts revolving around finally meeting you, his mother. His anticipation remained until he went out to look for Oluo at the airport, neck craning and standing on top of an airport seat to get a glimpse of the butler. Everything was going smoothly, Oluo never suspected anything when they did their handshake, however, the older man questioned him on his hair. Even though he practiced it a dozen times, Caelum froze in front of the narrowed eyes of their butler. Something was underlying in his gaze that made the gray-eyed boy nervous, managing out the reason for his undercut with a crafted smile.
“Now you remind me of someone I used to know when I went with your mother to a university overseas.”
Caelum was praying to any deity that this will not foil the plan.
If the first-class ticket and London’s bustling streets didn’t make Caelum awestruck, the house bearing the name [Last Name] in the gates definitely did. It was exactly like what was described to him and more. The first thing that came to his mind when he laid his eyes on the cozy home was that it looked like it belonged in a fairy tale. There were vines placed immaculately on the walls, presenting flowers with the color palette of lilacs, carnation pinks, and baby blues. The garden was a sight to behold and for Caelum, all the flowers he could remember were present there and taken with utmost care. Butterflies drifted in various areas of the estate, making it look magical than it already is.
It was a refreshing sight after all those years of seeing maroon and deep green walls. 
When he heard the car door close behind him, Caelum jumped an inch in the air and composed himself. The tips of fashioning this aristocratic persona ringing in his head and reminding him of what he was here for — his gaze unknowingly going to the window above the front door, its curtains flying because of the wind. Oluo placed a gentle hand on the little boy’s shoulders, a smile painting the man’s lips as he gestured for the little master of the household to greet his awaiting family. With an excited smile, he went up the pathway and reached the door. When he placed a hand on the doorknob, he could feel his heart beating erratically in his chest with his cheeks hurting from how widely he was smiling since he landed from his flight.
A small, shaking hand was placed on top of his heart, a deep breath was released, and finally, Caelum opened the door.
A hallway greeted him, paintings coloring the plain background, and carpet leading to a set of stairs. There were two doorways on either side of the hallway. Caelum glanced at the closed door to the left side of the hallway before peeking excitedly at the doorway with a tantalizing smell emanating from it. As if he was about to enter Wonderland, the onyx-haired boy took careful steps into a vast living room. The couches were arranged to be surrounding a low table and facing a fireplace that was between two open doorways, which Caelum noticed was leading to a study or mini-library.
A vase with white roses behind the long couch caught his attention, making his way over there the moment he saw the card dangling from the stems. It wasn’t in him to be nosy but the scented card with romantic connotations was enough for him to feel nervous. The roses now didn’t sit right with him the more he stared at it. It was much too flamboyant for the eleven-year-old’s eyes after seeing the flirty card. He hoped to God that it wasn’t what he thinks it is.
Caelum looked up at the top of the wall presenting an open kitchen and dining table. There hung a banner with an explosion of colors saying, ‘Welcome home, Caelum’, in everything glittery that the kid snickered at. It sent a wave of warmth through his little body.
Then, there were giggles coming from the study — a series of small laughter that made Caelum abandon his curiosity of the feast dedicated to his homecoming. He followed the sound towards the library beside the living room, the rustic atmosphere reminding him of the library from the Beauty and the Beast. Even though a whole wall was covered with books from all generations, there was still an armchair positioned under the wide window letting in the cool breeze. A small laugh once again rang through the room. Caelum hesitantly glanced at the desk at the other end of the study, a person holding a newspaper piquing his interest.
Caelum remembered a name.
A messy array of brown hair, shining glasses, and a lopsided smile were behind the newspaper. The person had stars in their eyes as they planted both hands on the desk, standing up from the chair with a squeal.
“Little bean! My, have you grown in those eight weeks. You’re practically a gangly young man now.”
Hange rounded the desk, arms wide open for the little boy running towards them. They let out a playful huff when Caelum wrapped his arms around their waist, the brown-haired person cooing. The little prince was like a koala, making Hange’s heart melt at the sight. They swayed the two of them back and forth, humming happily under their breath, smile so wide that they didn’t care if it hurt their face. Hange was so happy to finally have the boy home until their mood dampened a little when they felt their button-down shirt becoming wet by the second. Peering down at the onyx-haired boy, Hange panicked at the steady stream of Caelum’s tears, with the boy ducking down to hide his cherry red cheeks that seemed to bloom after realizing he carelessly cried.
“Holy shite, are you alright, little bean? Hey, you can talk to me, you know?”
The gray-eyed boy’s hug tightened around them, taking note of the warmth exuding from the person’s body and welcoming. “I’m home,” he muttered against the shirt of the family friend.
Hange smiled softly at the eleven-year-old boy, planting a kiss on the crown of his head. “Welcome home. Uhm, what are you doing, little bean?”
Caelum stopped from taking a deep breath against the crook of Hange’s neck, his face erupting in a pretty shade of rouge as he looked up at the brown-eyed person. His gaze bounced back from left to right, avoiding any eye contact with Hange. It was rarely that he could express his emotions freely like this and for once, it felt good. His whole life, he always kept his expressions in check when out of the comforts of his house, he hid them behind those scowls his classmates feared or the blank face he perfected under a certain someone’s guise. Caelum smiled brightly at Hange, eyes carrying an entire constellation map that the person gushed internally at. “Just smelling.”
“I’m creating a memory,” Caelum whispered only for the two of them, the books their witnesses.
Hange lightly tapped the boy’s nose with their finger. “So what do I smell like?”
“Years from now, I’ll always remember the person who taught me how to read and write short stories, acting them out before my eyes and making me see the beauty of the world. I’ll always remember this person and how they smell like,” he paused to inhale the older person’s scent, “old books, lavender, and orange marmalade.”
Hange snickered. “I miss you!”
The two pulled away, looking at the doorway towards the hallway. Hange had a knowing smile on their face, nudging the gray-eyed boy encouragingly to the direction of the melodious voice. “The queen is here, little bean. Go greet her.”
That gesture flew by Caelum’s head as he took careful steps out of the library and to the living room with wide eyes. It was finally happening. The moment he was waiting for all his life. The moment his father across the oceans was waiting for all those years of being separated. Caelum could barely contain the magnitude of feelings circling his stomach, going up towards his chest in the best way possible. He was nervous at the thought that what if you wouldn’t like him. He was excited to finally get a glimpse of your face in real life rather than in pictures. He felt like flying at every step leading him to the hallway that presented the winding stairs. Caelum gulped down his saliva before taking one step nearer the stairs.
There you were, looking like a seraph descending from the heavens with your white flowy, long-sleeved chiffon dress reaching to your toes. Or a fairy gracing the presence of the mortals as you stood barefoot on top of the stairs with the most beautiful smile Caelum received in his lifetime. Your hair was styled in effortless waves that framed your oneiric visage, eyes gleaming from the windows and hand pressed against your heart. Simple pieces of jewelry decorated your neck and wrists, making it seem like you were royalty. He could see how your breath hitched the longer you stared at him, almost as if you remembered something that was supposed to be locked and forgotten. He hoped it was because of this father that you smiled in a bittersweet manner that took Caelum’s breath away.
One thing was certain in the little boy’s mind — the pictures his dad owned didn’t do you justice.
“Mother,” Caelum managed to breathe out.
He can see Hange and Oluo peeking from the living room, the latter being the one tending to the finishing touches made by the cook of the family, but Caelum didn’t mind them witnessing the reunion of two pieces of an incomplete puzzle.
“You’re back,” you gleefully stated, carefully running down the steps of the stairs to engulf your son in a much-awaited hug. You planted a kiss on the side of his head and shoulder, feeling the boy nuzzling more into your figure.
You noticed how much he’s grown the past eight weeks he was away. Even if this was an opportunity for him to make some friends aside from the ones residing in your home, you didn’t want the only piece of your ex-husband to be away that long, much less with seas separating the two of you. Hours before Oluo told you through the telephone that Caelum’s flight just landed, you were mindlessly touching your bare ring finger, the silver band enclosing around it long gone and stored in the confines of your drawer. The blank sketchbook on top of your lap is forgotten with the unfinished sketches of beautiful wedding gowns that your clients requested. If this were set in the times when you were still a university student, the pages of this sketchbook would be filled with defined jawlines, soft light-colored eyes, and a small smirk that you loved so dearly. That person’s face can now be seen on your son, the undercut making his Ackerman features more pronounced.
You pulled away, placing both of your hands on the sides of Caelum’s face. “And with an undercut. Who helped you with this haircut?”
Caelum was crying when he answered, “A boy I met at camp. Do you hate it?” His face was contorted into a grimace since he knew looking like his father would probably affect you.
“Hate it?” You searched his face, kissing his forehead. “No, I absolutely love it. You look so much like someone I know.” Your eyes caught something shiny in his ears. A delighted gasp came out of your lips as you ran a finger on the silver stud earrings decorating Caelum’s ears. “Well, are there any other surprises? Bellybutton rings? Tattoos?” You shared a laugh with Caelum, only for the boy to start crying again. You caressed his cheek, wiping away a tear trickling down. “Oh, darling, what is it? Are you feeling blue at seeing me again?”
Caelum shook his head. “I just missed you so much, Mummy. Don’t worry, these are happy tears.”
You cooed, pulling the little boy in your arms again, patting his back soothingly. “I know.” You can feel him nuzzle his face on your neck, rubbing his back to help him calm down. “This summer has been too long without you, my little prince.” Your eyes met with Hange’s at the entrance of the living room and smiled when you saw them wiping away a stray tear.
“You have no idea, Mum.”
You pulled away from your son, cupping his face delicately on your palms. “Shall we have the feast that was waiting for our prince to come home? I’m sure you’re pretty famished from the flight.”
“Yes, little bean!” Hange exclaimed from the living room. “Oluo prepared the roasted beef especially for you. How about we murder that with our appetites?”
“Please don’t, Hange,” Oluo sighed at the animated person. “I don’t want to clean another mess in the dining table from you and the little prince’s small eating competition.”
“You spoilsport!”
Caelum laughed heartily. “I think that sounds amazing.”
Lunch was divine.
Caelum was hungry after that flight and all the pretending that he gobbled everything that he could place on his plate. It started with the mashed potatoes and gravy, something that he didn’t have for a long time. Then, he tasted the roasted beef Hange mentioned earlier and it took everything in him not to hum in satisfaction. He didn’t want his family to notice that he ate this dish in years when in fact, it was a certain someone’s favorite food. Hange continuously placed some more lunch on his plate that by the end of the meal, Caelum thought that there wasn’t any room in his stomach for dessert. You laughed at the boy’s remark and teased him that if he caught a glimpse of the sweet, he would think twice. And he did. The dessert that followed was a tall, clear glass of strawberry parfait that smelled heavenly for the onyx-haired boy. His father wasn’t too fond of sweets, which meant that whatever his old man was eating, he will entertain it, too. Parfaits after a hearty meal were just the cherry on top of a sundae.
“So you’re saying that you gained a friend in that camp?” Hange asked through a mouthful of the parfait. For some reason, Caelum still understood them despite the unintelligible blabber coming out of their mouth. “And that he’s like your soulmate?”
Caelum nodded as you scolded Hange. You took the napkin on your lap and dabbed it in the corners of your best friend’s mouth, making them presentable and not the mad scientist that they were known for in the university that they worked at. “Hange, at least use the napkin provided by Oluo.”
“Why would I do that when I have you?” Hange cackled after swallowing the full strawberry they plopped in their mouth.
You threw a playful glare their way. “Say that one more time and I won’t hesitate to throw you out of the house.”
“Oh, but you won’t! You love me too much to do that, [Name]!”
You shook your head with a smile before facing your son again with sparkling eyes. “So how did you and your friend meet, little prince?”
“We had a fencing match one time at camp,” he started, vibrantly ready to relate the story.
“Ooh!” Hange interrupted as if they were guests in a quiz show on the telly. “I bet you kicked your friend’s ass at first! You always had a knack for fencing even before Mike taught you the basics.”
Caelum choked on a strawberry, incredulously staring at the brown-haired person. Was he that weak compared to the person he was trying to be at the moment? Judging from the grin of Hange and the proud gleam in your eyes; that would be the case. The little boy they knew took private classes in fencing with a talented family friend, with his life homeschooled (the teacher in any field other than sports being the exuberant scientist just sitting across from him). And there he was, learned fencing because of a show his father was watching. He recalled everything that was told to him back at camp before engaging in an engrossing conversation with the members of his family.
“Uhm, he did a pretty good job parrying my attacks and I have to say, I was impressed when he managed to corner me in the pavilion. To think we managed our way there from the fields.” He prevented the grimace from surfacing. “But I was the one who pushed him in the washing area. His words were too colorful for the whole camp to hear — they gasped.”
Hange’s chortles rang through the dining area. Even Oluo smiled while he poured you another glass of iced tea. Your look of surprise was then replaced with a laugh, joining Hange, though yours weren’t as loud as theirs. “Little bean, now I need to see that!” The brown-haired person spoke in between laughs.
“It is quite funny,” you admitted with a light chuckle. “But think about it, we’re laughing at a boy’s demise.”
“What can I say, Hange’s happiness is too shallow these days,” Oluo interjected from beside the said person, making them stop for a moment to pout at the butler’s statement.
“At least I didn’t always have a stick up my arse,” Hange huffed. “You’re always moody, Oluo. One would think you won’t have any chances in picking up a partner in the future.”
Oluo gasped, a hand placed on his chest.
“Okay, you two, leave the fighting for when Caelum’s not in the room,” you reminded them with a cool stare over the rim of your glass. “This is his day after all.” When you saw them resort to glares to not spoil the atmosphere, you nodded in satisfaction. Placing the glass of iced tea on the coaster beside your plate, you turned to your son who was holding back his amused laughs. “What happened after that—?” Then, your phone rang and everyone’s eyes fixed on the device sitting at your side of the table. With a sheepish mutter of apologies, you stood up and answered the call from your wedding gown studio. “Hello, [Name] [Last Name] speaking.”
“Ma’am [Name], thank God you answered immediately,” Armin, your secretary, practically shouted in relief. “There was a problem here and we would like to ask for your inquiry. I know Caelum just got home today but Historia’s gown has some minor complications.”
You hummed, taking a glance at your son laughing at something Hange said (probably another one of their experiments that they recently tested out), and fixed a smile on your face. Armin was a sweet soul who always had a talent for managing your wedding gown business — being the brains of the whole team. You were kind of lucky when he applied to be your secretary because the way he organized everything around the studio and the way he conversed with your clients was just sent from the heavens. “How bad is it? What exactly did Historia say?” Your client, Historia Reiss, was one of the kindest people you welcomed in your studio. You only hoped this wasn’t as bad as you conjured in your mind because there’s not a negative thing that came out of that young woman’s lips. 
“She said that the veil covers too much of her gown,” Armin sighed. There was a faint chatter in the background and you discerned Sasha’s voice asking if there was free lunch because Caelum came home. “Sasha, no, I won’t ask her that. Just buy something from the bakery down the road,” Armin exasperatedly answered his colleague’s question, his voice too far away from his phone. “Hello, Ma’am, I’m sorry, Sasha asked me something.”
You laughed. “No, it’s alright, Armin. Good to know that you’re all lively there. How about this, I’ll be right over the studio in about ten minutes to fix the issue with Historia’s veil and bring you some packed food. Is that alright with you?”
“Fuck, yes!” Came from the other line, followed by a “Sasha, she can hear you, mind your language! Ah, yes, Ma’am! We will be waiting for your arrival. Have a safe trip going here!” 
“Always, Armin,” you replied, the call cutting off. You turned around and faced your little family with a bright smile. “Sorry, I bet that was a loud call.”
“Was that from the studio, Miss [Name]?” Oluo voiced out the collective question of the people at the dining table.
You nodded, taking a seat beside your son again. “They have some small problems with my current client’s veil. Didn’t specify the problem because Sasha asked Armin if I should bring some food over to them. They must be hungry from all those clients coming over for a photo shoot.”
“Ah, I miss those little rascals,” Hange sighed, leaning back on the chair with a satisfied hum.
“They’re not little, Hange. Connie is practically taller than all of us here.”
“Ah, I miss those rascals.” Oluo snorted from behind Hange’s chair. The brown-haired person turned around to give the butler a playful, narrowed look. “I heard that.”
You chuckled at their little banter, eagerly facing your son. He rose an eyebrow at your hopeful face so you told him with an arm wrapped around his shoulder. “Hey, little prince, want to clear your afternoon schedule and come with me to the studio? Everybody there has been dying to see you after eight weeks.”
“Really?!” Caelum brightened at the invitation. Too much that Hange and Oluo stopped their bickering to stare at the boy with surprised faces. Of course, their little prince always held an excitement whenever you invite him to your studio but this time, it seemed like he was too eager as if he never stepped foot in your safe haven of tulles and silks. Upon realizing the mistake, Caelum let out a nervous laugh, scratching his undercut sheepishly. “Uhm, because I miss them, too. Being away from home for eight weeks is taking a toll on me. Makes me forget the little things here.” He didn’t meet any pair of eyes around the dining room, hoping that they wouldn’t pay too much mind in his little slip-up.
It was always your son’s enthusiasm that made you cherish him his whole life. He was rather closed-off with strangers, making his first meeting with the people in the studio rocky. Seeing him express such joy at the prospect of meeting Armin, Sasha, and Connie again sent a smile on your face. You pinched his cheek endearingly, kissing the crown of his head right after. “I understand, sweetheart. Whenever I go overseas for a client, I would forget what home feels like, too. Well, then,” you turned to the two people smiling at your interaction with Caelum, “will you two hold the fort while we go visit the bridal shop?”
Hange flashed a huge grin that made you wary for a second, two thumbs-up for the dining room to see. “Don’t worry, [Name]! You know I’m more than capable of keeping this place squeaky clean and free of malignant atmosphere.”
“I find that hard to believe,” Oluo murmured.
“Again, I heard that, Oluo!”
“So we’re just going to forget how you nearly set the kitchen on fire because you wanted to try baking? Or that time where the house looked like a pigsty because you stayed inside your lab for who knows how long while we’re away for Miss [Name]’s client in Greece? Or—“
Hange waved their hands around. “Okay, okay! You don’t have to remind me of those, Oluo!” They all but whined. 
“We don’t have to worry about those anymore because Oluo is here to make sure nothing of that sort happens again,” you told them, standing up from your seat and offering a hand to Caelum. “And, Oluo, can you pack some food fit for five people? I bet Sasha didn’t eat her lunch yet.” The little boy took your waiting palm with a warm smile, returning it with a grin of your own. “I’ll head first to my room to pick up my sandals and handbag, then we’ll be good to go.”
Caelum followed you out of the house after changing into a baby blue suit. He didn’t have any of this clothing in his closet back home, fidgeting with the collar of his undershirt that was buttoned up because he couldn’t breathe properly. The two of you were inside the family car, the chauffeur following your instructions of heading straight to the studio when you noticed how he kept fiddling with the top buttons of his white button-down. Reaching a gentle hand on his neck, you unbuttoned the too-tight undershirt, chuckling in disbelief. “You always unbutton the top button of your button-down whenever you wear your suits. What made you change your mind today?”
The gray-eyed boy froze for a second before laughing at his mistake. “I just forgot, I guess? I’m so excited to be in the studio that it completely flew from my mind.”
You hummed, putting this aside as you looked out the bustling city passing by. You felt a small hand subtly clutching your own, making you turn to Caelum who was also staring into the buildings outside their vehicle. You smiled, squeezing his hand tightly to let him know you’re always there for him. You didn’t miss the small smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. The steady playlist emanating from the radio made you relax until you reached the white establishment that carried all your hard work.
“Have a good day in the studio, Miss [Name],” the chauffeur bid you goodbye.
“Thank you so much, Marcus,” you replied, going out of the car with Caelum in tow.
The studio was breathtaking just like your house. Caelum had to prevent the look of awe sprawled on his visage. The building was pristine white with a huge window showcasing the many gowns you designed through the years, some of them were made after the original dress was sold to remember the people who you made happy on their wedding day. There was a glowing chandelier visible through the glass and a huge space between hanger racks of white gowns. Caelum took the front of the studio in with a proud smile until his eyes stopped on the gold, cursive letters on the building and the glass windows. There was only one person in his mind who fits the letters L.A. and he was across the sea with his twin. Caelum glanced at you, a spark of hope flaring in his chest at the sight of your loving smile directed at the letters.
The plan will be sailing perfectly in no time.
“You know who would look really beautiful in that gown?” Caelum looked up to you with a wide smile. “Like breathtakingly beautiful?”
You stared at Caelum incredulously. Did Hange say anything? Knowing your best friend, if a secret is shared with them, they wouldn’t hesitate to spread the good news. Despite that, they were still the most lovable person you know in your lifetime. You ruffled your son’s hair affectionately. “Did Hange say something? I was hoping I would be the one to tell you the news.” The look of confusion on Caelum’s face made you smile. “You know, eight weeks has been a long time, and,” you trailed off, staring into the initials on your studio, “I think it’s time for us to have changes in our family. Let’s go inside, yeah?”
What you didn’t notice when entering the studio was a pale, horrified Caelum following you.
Surely this isn’t what he was assuming at the moment. But the image of the bouquet of white roses sitting daintily in the living room back home was plaguing his mind. That flirty card he accidentally read. He couldn’t help but say,
“Fucking hell.”
You glanced at your son with raised eyebrows. “Did you say anything, sweetheart?”
An innocent smile replaced the scowl on Caelum’s face. “Nothing, Mum.”
There was some clamoring in the next room that attracted your attention. You squeezed Caelum’s shoulders before entering the main studio that housed the people you grew to care about. Connie was manning the camera and lighting, Sasha trying her best to help Historia with adjusting her veil, and Armin pacing in the middle of the room with a hand on his chin. Historia’s fiancé, Ymir, was standing at the side clad in a white suit, worried for her lover’s situation. At the sound of your laugh, the blonde man looked up and instantly brightened, almost as if you were a goddess relieving them from their hardships, which is exactly why you’re there.
“Ma’am [Name]!” Armin exclaimed with brilliant sapphires directed at you. “I’m so happy you’re finally here!” He turned his head to the side to catch the attention of his coworkers. “Guys, she’s here!”
“Yey!” Sasha cheered.
“Miss [Name],” Historia breathed. “You’re finally here.”
“Don’t you worry, Historia,” you reassured, walking towards the small group of people. “Can you tell me what the problem is? Oh, and Sasha, there’s some food for all of you in Caelum’s bag.”
Caelum lifted the lunch bag in the air, jumping back when the brown-haired girl dashed in his direction with stretched arms. He let out a yelp when he felt a bone-crushing hug from the woman. She reminded him of Hange when he arrived home earlier. Caelum shakily laughed at the grip and swaying of Sasha. He could tell she was a lovable person and when she pulled away from him, a large grin mirrored his. “Hello, Sasha,” he greeted.
“Caelum, little prince!” she squealed. “Aw, you’re still so cute as ever. And you got an undercut!” She gasped. “It looks so good on you, champ.”
“Thank you.”
“So the veil is covering the backside of the gown,” you noted as Historia wore the train of fabric. Caelum and Sasha looked on to where you were standing, hair now tied in a high ponytail, locks curling against the back of your neck. “But if the veil isn’t there to accentuate the dress, it feels bare. Historia, love, can you try turning sideways with your chin up?” Historia followed your instructions, revealing the back of the dress where flowers were sewed on top of a see-through fabric covering the blonde’s back. You hummed, “Darling, is it alright if we change the veil?”
Caelum stared at you, eyes shining as you started to wear the façade of being the known designer in Europe. It clogged up his throat that he finally saw you like this. Years and years of talking to the stars and asking them if they can align your fates together to meet you for the first time were all worth it. Caelum bets that if it’s nighttime at the moment, the little dots making up the cosmos would shine even more, and they would rain their lights down on you. Because you were so beautiful that Caelum felt like crying. His mother is finally at his reach. He truly loved his dad but a motherly lullaby will be the one completing his dream. His dad would be over the moon seeing you this way, with your flowy dress and genuine smile, Caelum hoped that it was enough to make Levi fall in love again.
“Your mum is amazing, right?” Sasha knowingly told him. The boy was out of his trance, facing the woman who was munching on a piece of chocolate chip cookies. “Every time you would visit the studio, you always have that look on your face while watching your mum. It’s like, to you, Ma’am [Name] holds the entire universe in her hands. And I agree.” The brown-haired girl smiled, looking at you picking out some tulle in the nearby rack, Armin helping you decide. “You know that feeling where a person feels so far away yet they’re there in front of you? That describes what Ma’am [Name] is like to us. She sometimes got this faraway look that it’s hard to bring her back to us.”
Caelum pursed his lips. “I think she’s just missing someone.”
“Oh?” Sasha was surprised to hear that, especially since you have someone at the moment. “Do you know that person?”
The onyx-haired boy looked up at Sasha with a sad smile. “It’s a person across the ocean, longing for her, too.” He looked down at the carpeted floor. “It would take years for them to meet again but I know this time, something will kindle again.”
“That’s the person behind the name of this bridal shop, isn’t it?”
Caelum nodded. “I hear he’s an amazing man.”
“I think so, too.”
“Caelum, sweetheart,” you called out. “What do you think?” You gestured to Historia, intricately woven hair decorated with the veil you made at the last minute. It was a shoulder-length veil of a single-layered tulle, the top bunched up to imitate a band holding the fabric together. There were pinpricks of small gems in the veil, making it lovelier than before.
“It looks amazing, Mum,” the boy whispered, the response a signal enough for you to continue the photoshoot. There was movement in the corner of his eyes and Caelum found himself looking at an awestruck Ymir, eyes solely focused on her fiancé. Did his dad ever look at you like that when you were still together? Will he still look at you like that after years of separation? 
“Can you check these shots, Ma’am [Name]?” Connie asked, showing you his camera screen. 
“That’s beautiful. I love how Historia shows the gown like that. Historia, love, can you do those turns again? And smile the widest, think of this as your wedding day and Ymir is standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for you. There we go! Did you get that, Connie?”
“Yes, Ma’am!”
“Darling, are you still here?”
An unfamiliar voice came from the entrance. Sasha groaned in distaste, making Caelum curious as to who would barge in the studio without an appointment. It seems like it wasn’t only Sasha who expressed their dislike to the person, Armin had a wince on his face and Connie rolled his eyes inconspicuously because you were by his side. Caelum turned to the sound of the voice and a tall man clad in a three-piece suit greeted his eyes. The man’s face was contorted in a smug, cocky expression that screamed he was above everyone else. The gray-eyed boy heard Sasha mutter, “Arsehole,” under her breath. He furrowed his brows in confusion and irritation as the man sauntered inside the studio, making his way to you. His jaw fell to the ground when the unknown man wrapped his arms around your waist. 
Caelum missed the way your form tense under the embrace of the man.
“Lucas, I’m working,” you told him in a flat tone, the earlier atmosphere dissipating at the arrival of this Lucas person. “I told you through the phone that I’m unavailable today. Why are you here?”
“Aw,” Lucas cooed, planting a kiss on the side of your neck. “I just miss my bride-to-be. Is that too much? I went into your house and asked that boisterous scientist friend of yours. Hannah? Is that her name?”
“Their name is Hange and don’t refer to them with a specific pronoun or call them boisterous,” you reminded him in a tired voice. “You know the reason, right?”
“Of course, silly me,” he laughed. “I texted and called you too many times this afternoon. Why aren’t you answering?”
“I had my phone on silent because I’m working.”
“Why have a phone if you don’t even use it?”
“Why come here if we don’t want to see your face?” Sasha murmured, hiding it behind a bite of a cookie.
“Who’s that?” Caelum asked no one in particular, his incredulous face showing a multitude of emotions.
“That man is Lucas Williams,” Armin answered since Sasha was too busy grumbling and eating at the same time. The blonde gave the boy a sympathetic smile. “Maybe your mum didn’t tell you this yet but that man over there, clinging like a koala to her, is her fiancé. We were actually surprised one day at the start of summer when your mum entered the shop with him following her like a clueless child. I heard from Ma’am [Name] that Lucas was the man your grandparents wanted her to marry when she was young. I think they set her up with him the moment you went away for summer camp.”
“No,” Caelum breathed, repeating it like a mantra. 
“The little shite is here?” Lucas asked, looking around the room until his eyes met with dull gray irises. “There’s my future son. How was camp, Your Highness?” That nickname immediately settled a bad taste in Caelum’s mouth. It was too mocking for his liking. “It’s boring, right? Your mum insisted to let it happen because you were deprived of social interaction your whole life. Oh, stop looking at me like you’re ready to murder me. That’s so cute.”
The boy’s eyes transferred from the annoying man to your worried ones. His glare softened into a pleading pair of eyes, wordlessly asking you if what Armin said was true. You could only look away with a hurt expression and a hand over your arm, answering all the questions in his mind. No, this can’t be. If you’re to be married, what was going to happen to the plan? He was sure that you still love his dad, that you long for him, but why did you accept this proposal? What’s more distasteful was that this man had no care in his surroundings, being too loud that even Historia retreated to where Ymir was. 
If looks could kill, This Lucas person would have been too deep in the ground for it to be called a grave.
And the more Caelum glared at him, the more he noticed things that are amiss — just like that faint imprint of pink lipstick on his neck, just below his ear. His eyes widened in realization, analyzing the way Lucas looked at you.
It wasn’t like the way Levi would look at your pictures.
There wasn’t any lingering affection and adoration in Lucas’s eyes.
Caelum will do anything to cut off Lucas from your life. A new plan will be set in motion, he hoped the other boy in California will accept the changes Caelum will be making.
The next morning when breakfast wafted through every part of the first floor of the [Last Name] residence, his phone rang with a very mysterious caller name, ‘Weatherby’. He excused himself from the dining table and locked himself in his room, leaving behind the questioning pairs of eyes following his running form. Sitting on the plush mattress of his bed, Caelum leaned forward until both elbows settled on top of his knees. 
A posh voice that he was trying to imitate rang through the other line of the call, “It’s me. We have a major problem here. A pest made herself known. What’s your situation over there?”
Altair took a deep breath, losing the British accent. “Please don’t freak out, Cae, but,” there was a pause, “Mom’s getting married.”
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fuckinsteverogers · 4 years
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Rating: 18++++++ Seriously, come on. You know the deal.
Warnings: Dick pic, nudes, size kink, bucky being a jealous beefcake, sam being low key annoying af, steve mentioned, tony mentioned, fluff at the end.
Synopsis:  You’re on a dry spell and looking for a good fucking from one of the burely members of your team, and when Bucky notices you haven’t considered him, he takes it in his own hands… Literally, in the form of a dick pic.
Author’s Note: Welp, I’ve got a whole list of fics I should be writing, but this was because I saw a photo that a Tumblr I follow reblogged and well... I couldn’t help myself. It’s kind of shite, but oh well. I hope you guys like it.
Tumblr media
You and Bucky have been friends from the moment Steve brought him home, but you’d never considered him as an option, even with T’Challa helping in relieving Bucky of Hydra’s hold on him, knowing his trustworthiness.
Even when you went searching for someone to take away the ache between your thighs, you never looked at Bucky and seriously considered him as someone who could take away every ache, stop your thighs from rubbing to relieve the pressure, stop your fingers from finding your soaking centre and ridding yourself of the uncontrollable arousal.
Bucky noticed your wayward eyes, scrapping across Sam and Steve, even Tony, but never him; not that you noticed him noticing you. The plan was to show you what you’re missing with not considering him, to show you what you’d miss with Sam and Tony, to show you that he can fulfil your primal needs unlike Steve who would only want to ‘treat you right’. Bucky could surely treat you right, but he isn’t going to do that in the way Steve would; cooing over how gorgeous you are, which you fucking are, or holding you tight against him while he fucks you slowly, softly, romantically.
Bucky wants to hold you tight against him, sure, but he wants to fuck you with reckless abandon, give you what you so desperately need... A good, hard fuck.
So, when Bucky noticed Sam’s hand graze to wrap tightly around your upper thigh, sending your body into shivers, he knew he had to work quickly before Sam actually got the balls to do something other than simply touch you and grin about it.
Moving from his seat on the stool, he dismissed himself to his bedroom, keeping the door open until he noticed you walk past towards your bedroom... Alone.
Grinning at Sam’s pussy attempt at flirting, he thinks; what will do the photo justice? What will make her come running to me the moment I send it through?
His eyes flicker up, closing in around the empty bottle of wine that Natasha had left in his room the last time they watched a movie together; clearly not his because it’s a waste of time drinking the shit when it doesn’t do anything to him.
He moves across his room, buzzing with anticipation, the blood from his face travelling down to his crotch, hardening the behemoth to full length. Bucky grins to himself as he shuts his door, pushes his pants to the floor, kicking them off and holds the wine bottle against his erect, throbbing cock.
The contrast is incredible, just how fucking big he is. He wasn’t small before the serum, but now, he was a fucking giant; he thinks that to fit inside your small body he might have to use an entire bottle of lube and loosen you with his tongue first.
Without regret, he takes the photo, snapping it with his free hand, and throws the wine bottle onto a pile of clothing. He attaches the photo into a text message addressed to you, he thinks a moment and then types out the message. His cock throbbing at the thought of being inside you soon, feeling your warm, throbbing wetness, feeling the ridges grind against his steel-like cock.
Your phone buzzes across the room from your position on your bed, your fingers buried inside yourself, moans drawn from your mouth as you try and satiate the desire in your belly.
You’d been ready to fuck Sam the moment he touched you, but he wanted to play hard to get and you weren’t willing to wait, convincing yourself you’ll make yourself cum and then go find your Captain and beg him, even get on your knees if you have to, which surely would make any man’s blood start pumping to his nethers.
The thought makes you giggle as you stand up, your fingers slipping out from inside you as you pull your hand from your pants. You tap the screen of your phone and look at the messages someone has sent you.
Buckinator: Sent a Picture.
He always sends you pictures, of landscapes or of the team, or simply a selfie that he likes, so it wasn’t uncharacteristic.
Another message comes through before you have a chance to look at the picture.
Buckinator: Come get me if you want me.
You scroll up after reading the message and click to download the photo, and what graces your eyes all but makes you faint, your knees get weak and your entire body turns to liquid, because holy fucking shit, he is fucking big.
Will he even fit in you? Will it hurt? Of course, it fucking will, but with how your body vibrates with arousal, you don’t fucking care. He could bruise all the skin on your body and you would not fucking care.
There’s no decision-making process, you had been ready to fuck your superior, but this, you hit yourself for never thinking of Bucky; of course, Bucky. How had you never thought of it? The delicious soldier, the beefcake, the man that could lift you up and down his gigantic cock with ease.
You run to your bathroom, wash your hands and don’t bother to change from your simple cotton panties and a big t-shirt, because you doubt they’re going to remain on your body much longer with how fucking hard he is.
You don’t even knock when you get to his room, you enter and throw yourself at him, earning a pleasantly delicious grunt from his lips.
“Doll,” He says, silky smooth.
“Shut up,” You reply, shoving your mouth against his hand wrapping a secure hand around his length, feeling the rock hardness in your palm. “I can’t wait. I can’t wait. I can’t wait.”
You ramble against his lips, lifting your shirt with your free hand, breaking the kiss to toss it across the room, and shove your panties down and do the same.
“So sexy,” He mumbles as you mount him, sitting on his lap, your thighs on either side of his. His hands roam across your hot skin, feeling, caressing, cherishing the short time he has with you.
You groan at the praise, it sending shockwaves through your body, down to your stomach, achieving in producing more lubrication to help take the wine bottle sized cock you were currently hunched over.
“Lube,” You whimper when the tip of his cock brushes across your clit, swollen and aching to be touched. Bucky passes the bottle he had beside him, clearly knowing you’d come running, and usually, you’d never be so blatant, putting yourself completely in the hands of someone else, but not having a cock inside you almost a year has been driving you fucking crazy.
You squeeze practically half the bottle into your hand and lube him up, wiping the excess on a discarded towel and shift until you feel him scrape against your entrance.
You lift your eyes to look at Bucky’s, losing yourself in the blue, trying to be brave enough to lower yourself.
“Slow, doll. I’ve got you,” He comforts, fitting his flesh arm underneath your ass, supporting your weight which is probably something you won’t be able to do once you feel him enter you.
Nodding, you begin to lower yourself with the help of Bucky’s arm, gripping his shoulders and scrunching your eyebrows up at the stretch.
It doesn’t hurt too bad, just an ache from the large intrusion, but Bucky helps take your mind off of it as his head drops forward, groaning into the valley between your breasts, his hot breath sending shivers down your body as you continue your descent.
“So fucking tight, doll,” Bucky groans, as if you don’t already know, because anyone would be tight around his cock.
You bury a hand in his hair as you feel the tip of his cock hit your cervix; luckily just as you seat yourself onto his lap fully. If this isn’t an indication to you, then you don’t know what is. Though, Bucky vocalises it before you can even start thinking again.
“Made for me, doll. Fuck, sweetheart. I fit perfectly in your tight, little pussy. You were fucking made for me,” He groans deeply from his position between your breasts. His arms wrapping fully around you, the coldness of his metal one incredible against your blazing flesh.
“Help me, Buck,” You reply, squeezing his shoulder. You don’t trust your legs to lift you up and down on him. The ask makes him lift his head, looking into your desperate eyes. He nods shakily, tightening his grip on your small body, lifting you up and down, up and down, until you’re a flurry of tears and screams.
“Holy fucking shit,” You say, throwing your head back as Bucky thrusts up into your bounces, moving in rhythm to send you into a boneless mess.
“Gonna move, doll. Better position,” He says, and the promise is fulfilled the moment he shuffles, still connected to shove you onto your back on the bed, and begins his assault on your body.
Thrusting sharply into you only proves to draw a scream from the back of your throat, your body withering beneath his as he grips your hips in an attempt to keep you still. Your orgasm draws closer the more he thrusts, the harder he smacks into you, the more he groans and spews dirty words.
“I’m so close already, sweetheart. Your pussy is so fucking good,” Bucky is staring down at you with lust blown eyes and you want to feel him cum, you want to cum with him.
You nod, moving to fit your small hand between your connected bodies, and rub against the swollen, abused clit. The pleasure makes you throw your head back and screw your eyes shut, feeling his cock assaulting every inch of your insides and your fingers push against the button that’ll push you over the edge.
“Cum in me, Buck. Please. God, you feel so fucking good,” You ramble, words spewing from your mouth as you get closer and closer to the sweet, sweet release.
“Doll, Jesus. I’m going to cum in you soon. Are you going to cum with me?” Bucky asks. You flicker your eyes open to look at him, a gasp falling from your lips as he wraps his arms underneath your back and lifts you against him in more of a riding position, but you have no control. He’s sitting with his ass against his feet, holding your body securely against him, bouncing you on his cock and thrusting up into your body.
You bury your face in his neck, your fingers still assaulting your clit as the coil in your belly begins to tighten dangerously, and you feel your release move quickly to full-blown euphoria.
“Bucky. Bucky. I’m cumming,” You scream into his skin, your entire body starting to tighten and tense, as the coil snaps and your body begins to clench and unclench around his.
You feel his hands scramble to keep you against him as he slams his hips into yours a final time and bites down onto your shoulder to keep from screaming out his release.
You’re stuck in a world between euphoria and relaxation as your body shakes against him, the aftershocks of your orgasm rattling your body, as you roll your hips down against his cock, drawing it out until the last second, feeling the spurts of his cum release inside of you.
“Fuck,” He says simply. You bury your fingers in his hair as he sits back on his heels and holds you tight against his chest, your legs tangled around his waist.
“Feel free to send more pictures like that,” You say finally, brushing your lips against the skin beneath his ear. He shudders at the words and the action and just secures his arms tighter around your soft body.
“Will it result in this?” He questions, kissing the bite mark he’d left on your shoulder. A warmth fills your stomach at the sweet kiss and you lean back to look at his face.
“Undoubtedly.” And it goes like that, he sends photos at the most inappropriate times, so you sleep with him every day, fucking yourself down on his cock, orgasming and screaming to the high heavens, the team begin to complain about the screaming so Tony gives you and Bucky your own floor.
One day after fucking each other into a state of almost comatose, he asks you if you’d like to see a new movie out. You are shocked, not thinking that was an option. You hit yourself again for not thinking of Bucky as a companion rather than just a fuckable supersoldier.
Two years after your first date, he asks you to marry him. You stare down at the velvet box with his mother’s ring in it, and furrow your brows, never thinking that this was something you wanted, but it’s Bucky and he is everything you’ve ever needed, not only because he satiates your needs, but because he is your need.
You say yes and it’s a flurry of tears and screams from the team. You marry your best friend in the most beautiful white dress and wake up the morning of the first day of your honeymoon in a pair of cotton panties and a big t-shirt, which he rips off of you and fucks you until you scream.
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guacam011y · 4 years
So I’m still processing everything but holy shite that ep was wild...
So sit-com wise, it seems they were referencing Malcolm in the Middle as the twins broke the fourth wall and talked to the audience, like Malcolm did
However, the theme song has told the viewer to stop questioning the reality of Westview - which could be a little reference to Mystery Science Theatre 3000? - When Pietro first shows up in the title sequence, along with his name title card, the lyrics say “Though there may be no way of knowing who’s come to play” - Istg, I do not trust Pietro
Vision says to Wanda that he had to wear his Halloween costume because there were no other clothes in his closet, Wanda is trying to move the plot along and forcing Vision to play along
Evan Peters’ ‘Mom’ tattoo is shown, which is a tattoo he actually has in real life ! But could this stand for ‘Multiverse of Madness’ or some other red herring?
Pietro mentions to Wanda that if he had found ‘Shangri-La’ he wouldn’t want to leave either - Shangri-La is a real place on Earth-616 that was founded by a version of Vision
Tommy refers to Pietro’s speed as ‘kickass’ and then Wanda repeats that, saying ‘kickass’ again - Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Evan Peters (both versions of QuickSilver) were in Kick-Ass together
The ad for this episode was freaky af - the character on the beach who starved and decomposed could be a little nod to Indiana Jones, where a Nazi’s face melts in - and it could also be reference to Wanda being all alone and struggling to process her grief. The shark in the ad could also be Nightmare or Mephisto or just someone more powerful than Wanda offering her a new beginning with Vision or trapped her in some way - and is feeding off her magic? The flavour of the yoghurt is strawberry flavoured and strawberry’s are red on the outside and pink-ish on the inside - much like Wanda’s og costume and her magic being red 👀
Pietro and Wanda talk about their Sokovian accents at a point in the episode and how neither have them anymore. Wanda’s, as we know, has disappeared over the course of the MCU movies and Pietro’s just doesn’t exist - another nice little nod to Peter Maximoff from the fox X-Men films? Also, Pietro states that “I’m just trying to do my part, okay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with the Rugrats (a 90’s cartoon 👀) and ultimately give you grief.” - in reference to the grief part, could Pietro be killed off again? Stir up trouble with the rugrats, being possible shards of the demon Mephisto’s soul, could this be Mephisto trying to influence them on a deeper level? It’s also many many common sitcom clichès
Pietro talks about how “I got shot like a chump on the street for no reason at all” - nice little nod to how Pietro was killed off unnecessarily and how we as a fandom still talk about how regular bullets shouldn’t have killed him
Herb is dressed as Frankenstein’s monster - Dr. Frankenstein created his monster and soon lost control over him, and he was created using electricity or lightning - much like Vision was created and brought to life by Thor using Mjolnïr to bring lightning down to his incubator thingy majig. Could this also be a reference to either Wanda slowly losing control over Westview or someone else controlling Wanda/controlling the citizens of Westview - we saw in episode 3 that Agnes told Herb to be quiet as it seemed he was about to spill the beans 👀
Vision goes towards Ellis avenue and is at a ‘crossroads’ of sorts - in folklore, crossroads are often used to speak to or summon the devil and are also used when an important character is making a decision that could change everything. He spots some citizens repeating certain actions and/or just standing completely still, could these be npc’s (non playable characters)? And now that the barrier of the Hex has spread, will those citizens now start to move? 👀 Also I know that all stop signs look like it, but the stop sign is also a red hexagon 🛑
Darcy scrolls through Hayward’s computer files and goes past a file called “Project C4-113” - it could reference Avengers Issue #113 in which Wanda and Vision both appear on the cover and she says she’s going to make the world pay for Vision’s death. There’s also another file called “Project M5-247” which could be a nod to Avengers Issue #247, which shows the origin of the Eternals and in the same vein, Scarlet Witch and Vision trying to help Captain Marvel. And when Darcy emails Hayward’s cataract plans, you can see the names of “James Alexander and James Gadd” - James Alexander is a visual effects producer on Wandavision and James Gadd works on post production at Marvel
Also: Agnes pulls as Mrs Hart and repeats the same phrase over and over again
After Wanda blasts Pietro, you can see on a fake grave stone the name of “Janell Sammelman”, Janell is a first assistant director on Wandavision
When Wanda moves Westview to save Vision, she turns S.W.O.R.D and it’s agents into clowns + a circus - I just love that the agents turned into clowns 😂 but there is a nice little plot line in the comics where Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Hawkeye join the circus - and this COULD be stretch, but earlier in the episode there is the number #22 which could be Avengers Issue #22, which is the Issue that they join the circus
As soon as Vision was brought back into Westview, he was healed - which means if he was to exit again, he probably wouldn’t survive 😭
The episode title is ‘All-New Halloween Spooktackular!” - which “All-New” is a designation that is often used on covers for comic books. And the first issue of the second The Vision and the Scarlet Witch series takes place on Halloween night - but the events in this comics didn’t influence this episode’s plot
Pietro points out that he has the “XY chromosome” - X for X-Men? Plus there’s the X gene 😂
He mentions “Uncle Peter to the rescue” - Peter is the name of Quicksilver from the Fox X-Men Franchise
Pietro and Tommy quote the movie Top Gun (1986) by saying “I fell the need, the need for speed”
Wanda almost seems hesitant to trust this version of Pietro (rightfully so, in my opinion) and is wary of him being around Tommy and Billy
Pietro says some very Mephisto/Nightmare-like things this episode - “Unleash hell, demon spawn!”, “The kids need a father figure”, “Damnit, if Westview isn’t charming as Hell...” - And if Pietro isn’t Mephisto/Nightmare, it HAS to be Agnes or her other half Ralph and Pietro is probably Ralph tbh...or could Pietro just be a scapegoat and Hayward is Ralph? 👀
The theatre in town, which is playing the Incredibles and The Parent Trap, is called the Coronet. There’s a classic poem called “The Coronet” written by Andrew MARVELL (Marvell, is also the true name of the first incarnation of Captain Marvel in the comics) and is about a guy who knows that the sins of mankind led to the death of Christ. He attempts to create a new crown for Christ’s head in an attempt to atone, but finds that there is sin in the crown as well, as the devil is within the crown and therefore he may achieve glory and success with his new creation 👀
Hayward’s confidential project “Cataract” included experimenting on Vision’s body, as was revealed by Darcy (my wife 💙 and Monica is also my wife 💚 and so is Wanda 💛, I just love women, you know? 😂). A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of the eye that leads to a decrease in vision - is Hayward trying to weaponise Vision? Or maybe even trying to bring Ultron back? Or do what Tony wanted to do in the first place, and make a suit of armour that’s around the world? Either way, it’s for nefarious purposes
Who is Monica’s guy? Jimmy and Monica are off to meet him - could it be Reed Richards (Mr Fantastic)? Or could it be Victor Von Doom (Dr Doom)? Could it be Hank McCoy (Beast)? Or even Adam Brashear (Blue Marvel)? Or if it is a woman, could it be the Skrull daughter of Talos that Monica befriended at the end of Captain Marvel? Could it be Abigail Brand (A major character in recent S.W.O.R.D comics and an Alpha Flight Member)? Or even Toni Ho (Iron Patriot, and could she be introduced to help lay the ground work for my other queen, Riri Williams/Iron Heart?)? Or could it even be Sue Storm (Invisible Woman)?
In the background of the episode we see a number of children and adults dressed up as many different characters, which includes: Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat, Jason Voorhees, with a sweater striped like Freddy Krueger’s and even a kid that looks dressed in an off-brand Charizard costume 😂 Pokèmon has always been popular, but saw an increase during the 90’s
Pietro and the kids are drinking “Kane Cola” which could be a reference to the 90’s drinks “Jolt Cola” or even “Surge” - it could also, with all the X-Men Easter eggs, be a reference to Garrison Kane, who was a member of Cable’s mercenary team “Six Pack” and is sometimes also known as ‘Weapon X’
The kid that Wanda mentions having a “skin thing” in the orphanage - could that be a reference to her Brotherhood of Evil Mutants co-worker Toad? Or maybe even Mystique? Maybe Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)?
One of the houses has a sign up that says ‘Macabre Mansion’ - another possible reference to House of M?
During a flashback, it’s shown that the twins are playing Dance Dance Revolution, which came out in 1999. Also this might be a stretch, but the boys have a dog plushie in their room the right - which is coloured red and black - could this be a reference to Dogpool? 😂
I love this show 🤣💙
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god-of-entropy · 3 years
sorry this is my first time doing a req, but since you like iida tenya, i was wondering if you had any knight iida tenya headcanons?
So I was re-enacting a bakuiida hurt/comfort scenario I made up for exactly 2 hours since I started during 10:00 pm and it is 12:00 AM
gist of it: bakugou’s inferiority complex acts up and so he doesn’t take care of himself bc he’s too busy training and iida tells him how much he (Katsuki) means to him, (Tenya) and that there aren’t enough numbers that exist that could tell him (Katsuki) how much he (Katsuki) meant to Tenya
and then I remembered my tumblr account and one of the asks I got was “do some knight Iida Tenya headcanons this is my first time doing a req” and I was like oh wow I am v blessed that I am the person who took anon’s req virginity so here we are
CW: few times of cursing, mention of me talking about a car kink
Knight Iida Tenya Headcanons
Part of the King’s guard no I do not. Take criticism
If he isn’t he’s most likely in a very high position of knight rankings in the fantasy AU
His chivalrous spirit could rival canon Kirishima’s
But since Kiri’s a dragon hybrid here,,well
Did I mention
Like. Bumping his head on every single fucking doorway kind of tall
He is a staggering 6”6
anyways so like bc he’s so tall he learned the very hard way (literally) that you should not wear a metal cone hat while sliding down ladders
Was this inspired by that one (1) video on YouTube where this guy’s character slid down a really long ladder wearing a golden metal cone hat
I will not agree nor will I deny this accusation
So bc he’s so tall he grudgingly cannot wear a fancy Iida helmet from the prestigious and noble Iida family line
ofc his brother was a knight before him, it’s so obvious
(Speaking about Tensei, his brother wore it anyways even though his brother is taller than him because he was always on horseback anyways, but having to patrol the streets of the kingdom on a daily basis trailing after the King or Prince or whatever he can’t let a helmet hinder him from going after people
Anyways so like because he is So Tall people often make jokes about his height and how rectangular his body was
So poor bby got insecure about his height and prefers not to talk about it, stays silent when someone thinks he can’t hear them whispering and making jokes about his bulky stature
speaking about bulky things his canon costume is lightweight in design because if speed and leg strength makes up 100% of your quirk you can’t have stupid accessories and additional weight.
But of course since what he’s going for (the Ingenium title) is pretty much set in stone, there’s a heavy emphasis in visuals (in canon) so like 90% of his fucking costume is for Decor
And I hate him for that
Even if you were put the pressure on yourself to become like your brother, don’t feel burdened to make sure your hero career is 100% like his
OK I kind of swerved away from topic but since we’re talking about hero costumes and knight armor
Since this is fantasy and most fantasy-ish things are set in a European medieval style because of fucking Hollywood and not in a more traditional Japanese style since apparently fire spitting dragons are cooler than Kitsunes with ten tails, power over nature elements and are literally considered deities—
Knight armor is made of metal, right?
So in that case..his armor would really weigh him down.
But because this is FANTASY and science and physics can go fuck themselves here,
It’s possible that there’s a chance magic could make his armor more lightweight, like Uraraka’s quirk
but like there’s a chance that his armor is ALREADY lightweight because again, canon Tenya really went after the design of his brother’s costume
And his brother’s costume was inspired by his parent’s and grandfather’s own costumes, which kinda looked the same since it had the white modern accents and holes in the helmets kinda aesthetic
And his brother did copy whatever his parents and ancestors’s armor was or whatever
And they’re noble, right—so they’re rich. Because magic exists, plenty of wizards mages and other magic people for hire also exist
Enchanted lightweight metal armor
there’s a reason why you shouldn’t trust knights in shining armor and that’s because if their chest plate is too pristine, that means they’ve never went to battle
Here’s a rule for all you y/ns: don’t trust a knight in shining armor if it’s not enchanted
what I’m saying is if you wanna date Iida, the knight in shining AND enchanted armor, go for it bestie TT
Also His Boots
Assuming he doesn’t have his sexy engines on his calves in this AU
(Or perhaps the sleek, modern looking engines are replaced with steampunk ones O.O)
Because holy shit that’s such a cool fucking concept??
Oh you bet your y/n messy buns that steampunk iida hcs are next
so since fantasy usually goes with at least one (1) “primitive” tribe with their own kind of technology centered around weapons and battle
And that one (1) “”tribe”” that’s an entire fucking kingdom/city like the Carja in the game Horizon Zero Dawn
Speaking of Horizon Zero Dawn, the “primitive” tribe with their own kind of technology centered around battle and more battle are the Banuk
They’re hardcore fam
They give me Bakugou Katsuki vibes because those people would literally rather die than say a challenge is too big to overcome
again going back to the topic: Steampunk
In “”fantasy”” medieval AUS there’s always that one steampunk inventor that’s a Mei Hatsume ripoff (Tangled The Series I’m looking at you)
And of course the Support Students need their time to shine too, so like — Steampunk City let’s gooo
(The closest Horizon Zero Dawn’s “tribe” got to steampunk is whatever the hell the Oseram are doing.)
So now Tenya has sexy, sexy steampunk mufflers that are very well taken care of
god I’m so sorry but me talking about mufflers like they’re a full course meal is reminding me of the time where I joked to my friends that I had a car kink
and not that I had a kink to have sex inside the car, but to be fucked BY the car itself
like your ass being just wrecked by a fucking shalon poofa
if you get that joke get off this site
one of my messages was very specific
It read:
“I eagerly lick car-senpai’s oil of his exhaust pipe”
And Yeah
unsanitary and a health hazard
While discussing about simpable men one of my friends were like
my man has a CAR your man, Tenya Iida, doesn’t
And I just stared at her
Because bitch MY MAN IS THE CAR
anyways if you actually read this may god have mercy on you
Because I make the rules
Wouldn’t they be a hindrance to him bc of his metal boots?
So Let Me Tell You A Story
you know the Ingenifoot (the boots in canon Iida’s costume)
It’s special since it has holes punched into it for the mufflers to retract out of
Who says Ingenifoot can’t be steampunk as well?
But it can’t be steampunk bc this is a Knight Iida hcs and not Inventor Steampunk Iida Hcs
So it’s plain boring white carved steel or smth with a small section where a part of the boot flexes for the mufflers to stick out
Speaking of carved steel, Knight Iida’s armor def has intricate details and shite on it
Maybe even his family crest
OK so it is 12:45 AM rn I am gonna sleep
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thc-wrong-side-of-heaven asked: [ SHIELD ]:  in order to protect them from physical harm caused by a third party, the sender shoves the receiver against the wall and shields them with their body.
II @thc-wrong-side-of-heaven​
Richard was just about to jump up in front of Nita. Face the blade himself. Better him than her, as far as he was concerned. That was the thing with Nita, though. She was always ten steps ahead of him.
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It happened in a flash.-- Just as Richard was about to push her away, Nita grabbed him by the arm, and pinned him against the nearby wall using her own body. It was there that Richard felt a wet splatter of red stain against the front of his jumper, as he watched in horror as the blade drove in deep against her side. “Holy shite.... Holy shite!” That was all his mind managed to get out.
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whumper-boi · 4 years
demon whumpee
Ooh, yes!
Whumpee blinked awake, finding themself in a completely white room. Groggily, they sat up, bare skin burning the longer they had it against the room’s floor.
They tried to recall what happened before they ended up here, and more importantly, tried to figure out where in the hell they were.
No, it definetly wasn’t hell. Their body tinged with a specific pain, something that only consecrated ground or holy water could accomplish.
“Ah...” Whumpee muttered morbidly as they answered their own question. They were in Heaven.
Before they could even begin to think of what to do next, a door opened.
Well, less like a door, more like a portal that Whumpee quickly recognized as the angels making their entrance. Maybe they’d get some answers...
“Would you look at that! My old fledgemates!” Whumpee grinned, sharp fangs reflecting in the white room. “Listen, I know I was a blast, but I’ve moved on to bigger things now guys, you can’t just pull me back here when you get to clingy.”
Whumpee felt a thin layer of sweat coat their face. The purity in the room was really making their skin crawl, and they were worried it would get worse the longer they were here.
The angels didn’t smile. Their faces remained angry and stoic, standing in a uniform formation at the door.
“Fine, no time for jokes then.” Whumpee walked to the entrance. “Why am I here?” They asked, stopping in front of the angels.
The angel in the front spoke up. “You’ve been arrested on several accounts of violence and treson against Heaven.”
Whumpee stopped, then let out a loud cackle. “Yeah, I know what you guys had me thrown out for.” They suddenly glared. “What I didn’t do, but it’s not like you listen to me. Holy justice, and all that shite.”
The front angel glared back at them. “You cannot deny your sins, scum. You are simply serving the punishment.”
“You didn’t even give me a fair trial! You didn’t even run it by the archangels, or Princess Michael!” Whumpee felt their wings raise defensively, gaining unimpressed looks from the front angel.
The others, however, raised spears, no doubt going to attack if Whumpee were to do anything. “You’re drenched in evil, Whumpee.”
The demon growled at the use of their name. Two could do that. “Don’t, Whumper-“
“And that’s why we brought you here. We want to fix you, return the purity in you.”
Whumpee frowned. “You can’t raise a fallen angel?” It was impossible, unheard of.
They remembered being on earth again, screaming to the sky for the Heavens to take them back. It had been months since the fall, and they didn’t know how much more of Hell they could take.
Lucifer had come up to them, gently explaining that no matter how much she and Michael tried, neither of them could bring a fallen angel back into heaven.
Eventually, they’d gotten used to the cunning and adventurous personalities of the other demons, and come to find out that it was nothing like the horror stories Heaven told.
Whumper gave them a cruel smirk, switching back to their stony facade in almost the blink of an eye. “We’ve got... a process that we’ve been working on.”
They materialized what was unmistakably a collar. Whumpee frowned, noticing a little symbol.
A symbol that made their heart drop.
The sigil of Solomon.
Demons passed along stories about the horror they endured when the human had gotten his hands on the ring. The ring that could make even the strongest demons submit.
Even though Whumpee fell some time ago, they knew that this sigil was banned by all of the Archangels, both Heaven’s and Hell’s.
“You- you can’t!” They gasped, backing away quickly. Terror filled the demon’s body as the group on angels filled the room, surrounding them on every side.
They tried to use their powers, but the time spent in Heaven weakened them severely. “The Princess wouldn’t allow this! None of the archangels would!”
“What Michael doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Whumper said, shoving Whumpee into a corner.
They tried one more time to escape, sending a spray of hell fire in Whumper’s direction. Then they were wet, and suddenly their entire body felt like it’s atoms were deconstructing and being lit on fire.
Whumpee let out a shriek, smelling their own burning flesh. They recognized it as Holy water, thankfully unconcentrated, but still awful none the less.
Whumper took this time to snap the collar around their neck, pulling them up.
“Don’t worry,” they said, that cruel smirk once again on their face. “We’ll turn you back into the perfect little angel you once were.”
Whumpee felt their brain fog, and then everything went black.
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
Omg would you write for mean!twin step brother’s Ransom and Steve. I absolutely loved step brother Ransom so imagine both of them domming-
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Holy shite...
Can you imagine though? Double trouble?
What's worse than one hot, bad-boy, trust fund prick?
Two of them!
So your dad is dating Linda, and along with her, her two good for nothing sons walked into your life
The notorious Drysdale brothers; identical twins - Ransom and Steve
In the beginning, you managed to ignore them alright
But they both had their eyes on you since day 1.
And they were persistent because they always got what they wanted
And now the brothers wanted you
They had absolutely no problem sharing a woman
And soon, the thought of sharing you became a fantasy of theirs
You did your best to stay away but...
They were both just so irresistible with their bad boy charm
Ransom was definitely the biggest flirt, he'd always hug you for too long, or he'd be relentless with his pickup lines
And Steve was the one who would always "accidentally" touch your thigh, or brush against your arm or just happen to sit really close to you.
Ooh but imagine one day you finally give in, and finally ask them what they want
And they'd reply with just one word
You should've been offended
You should've smacked them both across their pretty faces and ask them to fuck off
But you didn't
Instead, you were intrigued
"Show me" you said to both of them
And good lord did they show you just how much they wanted you...
Oh but imagine taking them both at the same time...
Steve would definitely prefer to have you from the back
As for Ransom, he liked looking at your face while he pounded into you
They'd both be equally rough and selfish; using you as they pleased
You'd be a complete mess caught in between them
Dripping, whimpering and very aroused while they both pushed into you at the same time
They'd both be equally as relentless
But the thing is, you'd never once complain
As sinful and scandalous as it was; you bloody loved every moment you spent in bed with them
When they were done, you thought it was a one time thing
But you were wrong...
Ransom and Steve only got more needy and possessive after that night
They simply couldn't stay away
They claimed you as "theirs"
Ransom liked to be called "daddy"
While Steve preferred to be called "sir"
And handling both of them was quite hard in the beginning, but then you got used to it
Omg imagine pissing them off? Because why not?
So you'd step out of your bathroom after getting ready only to find both of them in your room
Ransom lazily lying on your bed while Steve was sat on your couch.
Steve was closer so you ran to him first.
"Steve!" you'd hug him, then get comfy on his lap. He'd smile and pull you closer for a kiss.
"Hey baby, you wanna play?" he'd ask, kissing your neck softly.
You'd pull away and tell both of them that you were meeting a friend for lunch.
They'd ask so many questions, and upon finding out that your friend was a guy, they wouldn't allow you to go
"But he's only a friend!" you'd whine at both of them.
"I don't care, you're not going out to meet a guy! Definitely not dressed like that." Ransom would try to reason with you, while Steve nodded in agreement
But you'd just pout and whine again
"Screw both of you, I can do whatever I want"
And that, was a wrong move.
Because that would just make them even more determined to show you who you really belonged to
Ooh but can you imagine each of them taking turns in fucking you, but not letting you cum even once?
Because that sounds like something these two would do
Ransom would tease you with his fingers and tongue, and each time you'd come close, he'd just stop
And he'd love how you'd whine for him
"Daddy please..."
He'd chuckle.
"Not so sassy now, are you?"
He could go on and on
"Such a dumb little baby"
"Shh, babygirl you're gonna take all that I give you because you've been a brat." he'd say as he pushes himself into your mouth
He noticed how your hand slipped in between your thighs
"And don't you dare touch yourself"
Steve on the other hand, he'd be much more rough
Yet, he'd leave you wanting more each time
Maybe he'd make you ride him while your mouth was still filled with his cum from earlier
"You're my little slut, aren't you?" he'd ask, pushing his two fingers into your mouth
You'd nod a bit too quickly, parting your lips further
He'd be the type to grip your jaw and make you look into his deep blue eyes while he pushed himself into you
"You're gonna take all that I give you, yes?"
"Yes." you'd reply.
And immediately after, you'd hear a smack and feel a hot burn on your ass
"Yes, sir" you'd immediately correct yourself
Oh but they would both mess you up, to a point where all you could do was beg them to let you cum
One would make you cum hard and fast, he'd make sure you came around his cock again and again
While the other would just tease you for a while longer, taking his time and toying with your body as he please
One would shove his tongue past your lips, kissing your open mouth while he came in you
While the other would bite down on your shoulder to keep himself from moaning to loud
I'll let you figure out which is which...
a/n: sorry it's a little long. I... um, i got carried away.
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord - First impressions
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For the first couple of months after he swanned into the COV, Seifa is 110% convinced he's just a con artist - and a shit one at that.
"Oooohh I can see the future with my magical arm, pls hire me oh majesties and I'll guide you to your destiny UwU"
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Then again.. the twins did fall for it, so... 😒
She won't rat him out though, that’s not her style. Ven’s just another Pandoran trying to survive out here, and whatever risk he's decided to take ain't her business, is it. The twins are according to themselves, grown ass adults “With money and power an' shit, yoooo” so need to learn how to not be taken advantage of one way or another, and he seems an easy first lesson in her eyes. 
Either he'll play his game well and leave them frustrated, a hell of a lot poorer, and with slapped egos, or his gamble will turn sour and he’ll end up getting ripped apart by Troy when Calypso grows a brain that’s not located in his pants and works out he's being taken for a run by the slimy shite-hawk.
She won't be part of it either way.
Sei likes him though, right from the get go. It's impossible not to have some admiration for a man this self confident and thick-cheeked to pull a scam on this scale, I mean, are the twins really Gods? Fuck no. Do they already have the support and control over billions? Yes. He’s admirable, and while she's not on 1v1 friendly terms with him, she'll chat. She'll stop and play along, poke gentle fun with him in a Cathedral hallway, ask how he's settling, if he's seen anything interesting, when’s he going to feel alright exploring the city, if Troy has decided he needs an escort or not.
She's rooting for him really, he's funny, he's clever, and he's got heart. Hopes she won't wake up to him being a well dressed smear across the throne room's floor one day. He’s too good looking for that, would be a reaaaal shame.
Seifa’s opinion of him takes a massive shift a few months after he takes his position as Oracle, when while eventually trying to work out if the striped git is getting paid more than her (unacceptable), Troy lazily mentions he's not really getting paid... at all. He’s taking down a basic enough salary for someone in touching distance of the Holy Twins most days, cash wasn’t part of his negotiation. His contract is for med tech access... And suddenly Ven becomes a lot more interesting.
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She likes him immediately. The man has that effect on people it seems.
There's something untouchable about someone delicate enough to shatter who somehow radiates positivity the way he does, and while she's got no claws in the broadcast department and tries to avoid Mouthpiece as much as any sane person would, the little run-ins with his latest staff member have been memorable.
A genuine "How are you today?" from someone who wants nothing from you bar a smile in return and a chat is... rare here.
Its rare for her, ever.
She'd liked Eli before she found out who he was, why he was here. She'd remember him, and Sei has trouble recalling any of the Mechanicum’s acolytes let alone staff in other Saint’s departments.
Hes special. How Ven’s face lit up whenever he spoke of his brother was something he couldn’t hide, even under the practiced smarm and confidence of his act. Eli feels like he doesn’t belong in this place, good people rarely do, but he is shockingly thankful for his position in broadcasting, and the respect in how he speaks of the twins and other Saints warms her heart.
And maybe Sei has a soft spot for tall, dark skinned, delicate men with smiles wide enough to beam joy through like sunlight.
Best not to think about it.
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She’d not come into direct contact with them till Troy had elevated them from their position as a raid leader to one of his personal guards, about a year after she’d taken his invite to accept her Saint role. They scared her for longer than she'd admit, and it wasn't for the reasons people generally would assume..
Yeah they were massive, yeah they were a dominating presence regardless of their movement or reassuring silence, yeah the mask made getting a read difficult.. but.. that’s baby mode for her.
That's easy to deal with, she's been around people who ticked those boxes for years, and running parts deals with Bandits have never been an issue for Seifa.
Regardless of their relatively deserved reputation, Bandits are excellent traders, she'd take 50 over some smug fucking suit from Harrier any day. Superstition and a penchant for honorable fairness make them easy to work with, and there's a reason so many trade towns have off record areas for Bandit caravan docks that aren't hassled out of the area when they set down. She doesn't mind Bandits. She likes them more than half the people she's forced to deal with in the COV, that’s not what scared her about JK.
It was how they carried themself.
It was the coiled, tense control in their limbs. The practiced "relaxed" stance that was anything but. The way their mask would tilt subtly as they'd scope out every room they entered, count and note weapons. The way their open palm was always inches from a relatively concealed blade under their well kept hand crafted gear.
How clean they were, how quiet they were. The way this person listened and pretended they were too dumb to understand. Saw so much and acted like they hadn't picked things up...
That's terrifying when you appreciate what it means about the mind behind these actions.
She saw plenty of her own tricks but in a body three times her strength and speed. Jak-Knife was someone she'd prefer to not be alone with regardless of Troy's insistence they would behave, that they were completely trustworthy and someone he'd stake his life on. She remained polite but distant with them for months, till he sent them to guard her that night and they were forced into a closer conversation.
They click, neither quite what the other had expected. By the time years later when they spend the evening in his quarters, discussing concerns neither had raised but both had been worried by, she'd firmly slotted them into one of the empty spaces she hadn't been aware was so close to her heart.
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Ven and Eli belong to @hieroglyphix​ and JK belongs to @godkingsanointed​
Asks are open!
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thebmatt · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 Prompt #26 - Free Day!
Herein I commit the chronicle of the Traveler. Shepherd to the starts in the dark.
Thought the world be sundered and our souls set adrift, where you walk, my dear friend, fate shall surely follow.
For yours is the Fourteenth Seat – The seat of Azem.
Rheika held the orange crystal before her as the golden light sunburst pattern shimmered and shined on the floor of the Tower’s throne room. Four circles of white light were formed at the edge of the sunburst, two on either side of her, one before, the last behind.
Franks looked around at the spectacle. “Uh…Rheika? How are you doing this?”
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“Don’t think it’s her. It’s that crystal she found…the one that mighta belonged to her” Dahkar hadn’t taken his eyes off Elidibus since his transformation into the Warrior of Light. His greatsword was drawn.
“He’s right. If Elidibus is gonna summon people to empower him, I figure it’s only right we bring in a little help of our own!” Rheika said, smirking.
She pressed the crystal to her breast, and columns of light erupted from the circles, empowered version of the very summoning circles G’raha had used to bring aid to her during her battle against Emet-Selch.
The Warrior of Light, Elidibus, stared at her in wonder. “An invocation of eld…thought not of Hydaelyn’s making….what ARE you?”
Rheika started to think of a smartass remark to throw at him, but before she could, he continued. “No-it matters not! You are the enemy, and you will fall! Even should it cost me everything, I will not forsake my duty!”
He lifted his sword to the heavens, and a pillar of light of his own flashed into and out of existence. “For my people-for our world, I will strike you down!
The team drew their weapons as the columns faded, revealing four people. In front of Rheika stood a raven-haired elezen dressed in the gleaming armor of a paladin. “Well, well. Not sure how you all called us here, but it seems like this is a problem we can certainly do something about.” Her voice was refined and smooth, more akin to an Ishgardian than a Gridanian. She turned to look behind her. “So who exactly- What the HELLS?”
The others all recoiled slightly, startled.
The Elezen looked over to the people to their left and right. Rheika naturally followed her gaze. “Holy…shite…”
Standing to her left was….herself…clad in the garb of a Thavnairian dancer, carrying weapons she immediately recognized as the chakrams Fearless made use of as a dancer herself.
To her right was….another Fearless that had the familiar teal undercut hairstyle, but was clad in black robes and wielding a thuamaturge’s staff.
The two of them were staring at their counterparts in open shock. The other Rheika was the first to speak. “Are you…me? Damn, that is awesome. Stuck to the bow, did you? This is trippy. Holy shit, Syhrwyda, check it out, they have a you! Damn, black hair is a good look on you, girl!” Her voice mirrored Rheika’s own, though slightly raspy.
Fearless turned to look at her counterpart. “Did you say….Syhrwyda?”
Her counterpart looked confused. “What…is that not your name?”
“Class 12 aetherial deiform entity present! I suggest we table this discussion and initiate anti-eikon combat procedures first and deal with the cosmological implications of this after! Unless you all would prefer this thing destroy us?”
The new speaker’s voice was clipped and precise, almost…imperial. The four Warriors in the middle turned. A midlander with sandy blonde hair, carrying an Machinist’s weapon and aetherotransformer stood there, holographic screens deployed in front of him as he read the data that scrolled across them. Though he wore goggles, all of them could clearly see no third eye in the center of his forehead.
A conscript? No he’s right, fight now, talk later.
Dahkar strode in front of Rheika to stand next to the Elezen woman. He looked over at her. “Dahkar Darkspear.”
She smiled, shield raised. “Veilette de Liis. That’s a big sword for someone named Darkspear” she said with a slight teasing lilt.
Rheika reached her mind into the Armory, finding her Ninja soul crystal there and quickly re-established her connection to it. With a quick *pop*, she was glad in her shinobi uniform, twin daggers in hand. “Franks, Fearless?”
“We’ve got the healing, Rheika” Franks said from behind her as two more *pops* sounded behind her, followed by Frank’s fae companion winking into existence.
Elidibus raised his sword, and moved to attack.
Rheika thought Hades had been the toughest battle that they had ever fought.
Elidibus put lie to that statement.
He was every fighting discipline they group had ever seen in one massive primal. Swordplay, thaumaturgy, summoning, he threw all of it at them and more. What was worse, he kept bringing more of those spectres into the fight to help him.
Luckily, the allies she’d summoned with Azem’s crystal were every bit her group’s equal. More than once she’d had to remind herself to stop staring at her counterpart whirling and dashing around the battlefield, constantly throwing and catching her chakrams, using the magic of the Kreigstanz to empower them all. She’d seen Fearless do this more than once, but watching herself do it was…amazing.
Didn’t help that she now knew that she looked really hot in the outfit, either.
Fearless’ counterpart was a terror, herself. Elidibus’ magic might have been devastating, but he was an Ascian, or a primal, or…..well, both, she supposed. Other-Fearless was a mortal, and the devastation she struck him with, massive explosions of flame and boulders of ice, even calling an explosion of pure void energy into existence. More than once she spotted her Fearless watching her in wonder….and the Other-Fearless admiring her mastery of Astrology. Dahkar and Veilette worked in perfect synchronicity, back and forth trading the deflection of blows dealt by the Warrior and harrying him from multiple angles.
In the end, he’d fallen. And when he didn’t stay down, G’raha had sprung his trap, wielding the massive energy of the Crystal Tower to contain Elidibus’ soul…and disintegrate it.
She had given back the Convocation’s soul crystals to the echo of the real Elidibus that remained. He deserved to bid farewell to his friends, one last time, before he too was reduced to aetheric dust, leaving behind the soul vessel he’d taken.
Luckily she had picked it up, for the strain of destroying the final Unsundered had proven too much for the Exarch’s body, which was slowly growing more crystalline. But he’d transferred his soul into the vessel , asking her to take it back to his original body. She’d agreed, and he’d become a sentinel, standing atop the tower on the First until…well probably forever, unless something catastrophic happened.
She hugged her friends, her sister and brothers, then turned to the foursome she’d brought here. “Thank you.”
Other-Rheika ran and jumped into her arms. “No sweat! It’s what we do after all!” Rheika hugged her back, adamantly refusing to let her hands wander, but damn, is this what other people felt like when they hugged her. Cause it was nice.
Her counterpart pulled back. “Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking”
“That I’m suddenly extremely tempted to explore a new and intriguing meaning of the phrase ‘go fuck yourself’? Yeah, more than just a little.”
She giggled. “Oh, it’s very tempting. But if this works like how it did with G’raha did it for us when we fought Emet, I’m guessing we don’t have that long before we go back home. Plus….I don’t think I could do that to Moen and Uri. I mean they’d probably understand, but it feels wrong, you know?”
Rheika looked at her in shock. “Did…did you say Moen? As in Moenbryda? She’s alive in your universe?”
“Yes? Oh fuck, did you lose her? I’m so sorry!”
“She died making sure Nabriales was felled. Used all her aether to make a blade of light strong enough to destroy him. I didn’t even get to know her that well.”
Other-Rheika hugged her again. “Fuck. We all managed to make it to her in time. Between the four of us, we had more than enough spare aether to do it. We’ve become….really close, and through her I got closer to Uri, too. We….we’re really in love. I haven’t felt anything like it with anyone else, really. Wasn’t sure I could for a while. But I guess you know what that’s like, right?”
Rheika shook her head. “I don’t, actually. I’m aromantic. Sounds like you’re demi, I’m guessing?”
“No shit? Huh. Guess we’re not exactly alike.”
“Yeah, I’m not trained in the Kriegstanz either, for another. Now I wanna be though!”
“Really? So what else do you know?”
While the pair of Miqo’te had been talking, Fearless had approached her own counterpart. “So….Syhrwyda? Guessing you had better luck than I did in the parents department?” she asked, sadly.
Syhrwyda shook her head. “By that tone of voice, I’m guessing we both had shite experiences. Mine always demeaned me until they decided I was useless as anything but marriage collateral. I fled, stowed away in a merchant caravan until I ended up in Ul’dah”
Fearless nodded, smiling as she did “Yeah, same here actually, except I ended up in Limsa. Decided I didn’t want any part of them in my life anymore, so I changed my name to just go by the translation. Got father’s name away from me and if they came looking, well, no one would know who ‘Syhrwyda’ was. It worked for a while, at least.”
Syhywyda chuckled. “Smart, that never even occurred to me. I got taken in by a Hellsguard, a captain in the Flames. I think he saw how lost I was and took pity on me. He…treated me like I was his own daughter. Made sure I knew how to make it out there, life lessons my…that they never bothered to teach me. I owe him more than I can ever pay back. So one day, same day I got accepted to the Thaumaturge’s Guild I came home and gave him a copy of my new identification papers….changed my last name to Saztiwilfwyn. Never saw him cry so much, but we were both real happy.”
“Did they ever come lookin’ for you?”
As the duo continued, Dahkar and Franks walked over the Veilette, who was speaking with the hyur. As they approached, she smiled and walked over to greet them. “You boys fought well, not that I expected you wouldn’t. I imagine you have to, tryin to keep up with your own Rheika and Syhrwyda over there.” She nodded in their general direction.
Dahkar laughed. “We do our best.”
Franks likewise chuckled, then extended a hand to her “Aleister Franks. Pleasure.”
She took it, shaking with a firm grip. “Veilette de Liis”
“….why does that name sound familiar…wait, Dahkar, didn’t we fight Hades alongside someone with that name?”
His eyes opened wide. “THAT’S why it sounded so familiar! But…well she didn’t look anything like you. Dark blue skin, purple and red hair, punched like a freaking battering ram, and she was from the Shroud. Your accent…I’m guessing Ishgardian?”
Veilette nodded. “Formerly, at least, my family got exiled and lives in Ul’dah now. Part political maneuvering by the Dzmaels that we didn’t foresee, part discrimination because, well, we might not look it, but we’re Duskwrights and we’ve always faced some semblance of discrimination over it. Not ‘proper’ Ishgardians or some such tripe. Sounds like that other Veilette and I share a love of punching people though. Was she trained in the Rhalgr’s Fist style too?”
Franks shrugged. “No idea, we didn’t get to talk to her that much, and none of us are trained in it ourselves, so we wouldn’t have recognizes it”
Dahkar looked past her to the hyur, who was ignoring the conversation in favor of meticulously inspecting his equipment. “Uh…hey, man. Just wanted to say thank you for the help”
Veilette intervened “Ah, don’t mind him. That’s B. Short for Brorthon, but we all just call him B out of habit at this point. Tripped over his name a few too many times. He’s not rude on purpose, he’s just…been through things and isn’t good with people he doesn’t know well. He’s from Dalmasca, but they conscripted him into their schools when they conquered the place. Discovered he’s a magitek prodigy, so they basically tried to erase his whole past. Got ‘adopted’ by an Imperial family who basically brainwashed him into forgetting a lot of his past. He got out when a couple of other prisoners escaped and came to the Shroud, but the pursuers killed a woman he was close to during the getaway. He’s….been wary of getting close with anyone ever since. Absolute genius with magitek, and fights like hell with a gunblade, but…yeah. “
Franks nodded. “I’m something of a magitek user myself. You think I could try…”
Veilette held up a hand, shaking her head. “I’ve no doubt you could, given time, but I think I feel the spell’s hold on us fading, and I’d rather not agitate him.”
Franks stepped back. “I understand.”
Dahkar threw a salute her way. “Good luck back there.”
She smiled. “You as well!” Then she turned to the others. “Hey, you two! Finish up, I think we’re heading home soon!”
The two Roegadyn women exchanged hugs before Syhrwyda walked over to her friends’ sides. The two Rheikas did likewise.
“You sure you don’t wanna try a kiss before you go?”
The Rheika in the dancer’s costume giggled. “Bye, sweetie. Take care of those guys. I can tell by the way you carry yourself you’re the leader of em. Another difference between us, I don’t think I’ve got that in me.”
Rheik really wanted to offer some encouragement about that, but there wasn’t time, as the four summoned Warriors of Light began glowing. Their Rheika and Syhrwyda reached their companions and each took a hand of the other two (forcibly in B’s case). Pillars of light erupted from the ground, and the group was gone.
Rheika turned to Franks. “Any luck on doing that whole universe jumping thing?”
He laughed. “Not hardly, not sense I got us all here anyway. I think that’s pretty amazing.”
“Yeah yeah. I wanna visit their universe, though.”
Dahkar elbowed her. “You just want to watch yourself with Moenbryda and Urianger.”
She blushed. “You uh…you heard that, huh?”
Fearless put a hand on her shoulder. “You….weren’t exactly quiet, hon. Either of you.”
Rheika covered her face with her hands. “Uuuugh, okay look, maybe you’re right, let’s keep this to ourselves. I can hear the others coming, we’ve got some explaining to do, so let’s leave that part out. Kay? Kay”
The others chuckled, but also added their assent.
They all turned at the sound of the Scions approaching from within the tower.
It turned out they didn’t need to explain much at all. At least not right away. The sight of the Exarch converted and Elidibus gone definitely spoke volumes.
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publickoccurances · 4 years
Female companions react to being severely injured while on the road with Sole.
Cait: On the road again. Not that she’d have it any other way. Being out here with Sole sure did beat being stuck in that cage in the Combat Zone.
“Where is it we’re headed again?” Cait grumbled as she fell in step with Sole. They walked so fecking fast.
Sole glanced over at their friend, giving them a cheeky grin. “Oh, just somewhere a bit spooky.” They teased.
Cait rolled her eyes and made a disgusted noise. Spooky? What could possibly be considered spooky in this fucked up world they lived in. “Oh come on, stop fecking about.”
Sole sniggered ever so slightly. “We’re headed to Salem Cait. They had the witch trials there, supposedly very haunted.” Even though it seemed ridiculous, Sole liked holding onto the thought of anything pre-war.
Cait raised an eyebrow. Witches? Haunted? What the fuck was Sole playing at here.
Cait kept her hand on her gun as they approached the Museum of Witchcraft. It was very unsettling. She didn’t like how quiet it was. “Sole this was a bad fecking idea I’m telling ye’.” She breathed, eyes darting around as she tried to catch her bearings.
“You’re just letting your fears get to you. Come on Cait, it’s just a museum.” Sole shook their head as they took confident strides towards the decrepit building. “I just want to see if they have any books or something left behind.”
“My fears are not-.” Cait was cut short by a horrific sight in front of her. “Holy fuck- he’s been torn apart.”
Laying in front of them was the corpse of what appeared to be a Gunner. They had been torn apart by something, their torso split open, one arm half hanging off. A terrible sight.
“What the feck could do that to someone.” Cait whispered through gritted teeth as she looked towards the entrance to the museum.
Sole took a deep breath and shook their head. “Hell I don’t know...but this is fresh. And Gunners never run alone- there could be people trapped inside.” They looked towards Cait. Despite how scared they were, Sole couldn’t just walk away if there was a chance there was any survivors.
“Shite.” Cait muttered. Sole was right. Gunners never worked alone. If she could have it her way they would just turn around and walk the fuck outta there. But she knew Sole well enough now to know that wasn’t an option.
It didn’t take the pair long to find a way inside the museum. The front door had been chained from the inside or something, but they eventually found a basement they could enter through.
The building was silent as they decended down the stairway. It wasn’t the normal kind of silence. It was more of an terrifying one. The kind that makes you think something is gonna jump out at you. But that wasn’t going to stop them.
“Whatever it is... it’s killed these guys as well.” Sole whispered as the pointed her gun towards more tore up bodies. These seemed fresher than the one outside. The metalic smell of blood filling the air around them.
“Yeah... I reckon a couple of hours at most.” Cait agreed quietly, looking up to notice a large hole in the ceiling. “Seems like whatever it is found a quicker way up than the stairs.”
Cait did not like this. Not one fecking bit. She was all for danger. But this. This was something else entirely.
Just as Cait was going to suggest they leave a rumble came from the floor above. Something big was moving up there. Something real fecking big.
“What the fuck is that?” Sole’s eyes were wide with fear. Suddenly this fun little trip was definitely not so fun anymore. They looked to Cait, giving a slight nod before slowly walking up the stairs.
Whatever was moving around up their was causing the unstable building to rumble. The floor creaked, the windows (that hadn’t already shattered) were shaking. Surely this place wasn’t really haunted?
“Listen Sole- whatever that is... I think we should leave.” Cait suggested, though she knew that Sole wouldn’t agree. If there was a chance of saving people, they would. So as they stepped up onto the ground floor she took a deep breath.
What happened next came out of nowhere. The pair had barely been on the ground floor before there had been a ungodly sound ringing through both of their ears. Whatever had ripped those people apart had spotted them. And it was mad.
“What the feck-.” Cait turned and her eyes widened. A Deathclaw. Shite. She was just about to take a shot even suddenly a giant claw had swiped at her.
Cait was thrown back down the stairs at the force of being hit. She could feel a large gash open in her abdomen, blood beginning to pool out of her. Fuck.
She could hear Sole screaming out for her. She could hear that monster letting out it’s horrendous sounds. But she was helpless. She couldn’t feel anything. Her vision going blurry.
“Cait! Cait!” Sole continued to scream. They were cornered. This monster had seemingly killed Cait. And now it was going to kill them. All they could do was keep pulling the trigger, keep taking shots. Keep fighting.
“S-Sole...” Cait gasped, finally regaining some function over her body. Her hand moved down to her injury. It was deep. She was bleeding. Bleeding out maybe? Fuck. Was she dying?
The commotion caused by Sole and the Deathclaw filled the building with gunshots and roars. Whatever was going on up there was intense.
Cait patted her pack desperately trying to open it. If she was going to die it was going to be on her terms. She took a deep breath, injected a stimpack directly to her injury. “Fuck...” She hissed in pain.
If she could just get up the stairs she could help. Help her friend. If she was going to die she was going to die fighting. Not bleeding out in a basement alone.
After a few deep breaths Cait managed to muster up enough strength to begin to drag herself up the stairs. Each step she pulled herself up cause her agony. But she was going to do this. She wasn’t going to die down there. Not while her friend was facing getting ripped apart.
“You fucking demon!” Sole screamed at the Deathclaw as they took cover behind a display case. “I’m gonna see you fucking rot for what you’ve done!” As if the Deathclaw knew what they were saying. But it was making them fight harder. Each shot they took landed in the beasts thick hide, but it didn’t seem to be doing much damage. Cait was the one with a shot gun, all Sole had was a pistol. They were fucked.
Cait could hear her friend fighting for their life and it seemed to create a new burst of energy in her. She dragged herself up the remaining steps, letting out grunts of pain as she did so.
The stairs were only the first hurdle. Now she was up them Cait had to somehow get on her feet. If she could just stand she could get a shot on that beast. It was in her sight now, but she couldn’t get it from down on the floor.
“H-hold on Sole... I’m gonna get this blighter.” She breathed out, shifting herself into a sitting position. “C’mon Cait... stop being a fecking flower- get up.”
Cait pressed her back firmly against the wall and with every remaining ounce of energy she had in her pushed herself to her feet, using the wall to hold her up. “Over here ye’ ugly bastard!”
Both Sole and the Deathclaw looked over in Caits direction. Soles eyes widening. “Cait! No!” They cried out helplessly as the beast charged Cait.
With a deep breath Cait cocked her gun. “Hail fecking Mary.” She breathed as the beast approached. And just as she was within its reach...
The Deathclaw hit the floor, it’s body going limp. It lay there. Gapping hole in its chest. Cait had blown right through the fucker.
“Fecking haunted my arse.” Cait grunted as she slumped back down to the floor. “Sole get me the feck out of here before I bleed out. There’s no fecking way I’m dying before I get a chance to beat yer arse for convincing me to come out here with ye’.”
Curie: Being on the road with Sole was an experience Curie was thoroughly enjoying in her new human form. It opened up the opportunity for her to feel a range of emotions. And she had been making note of each one.
As they made their way along the dusty Commonwealth road Curie couldn’t help but have a slight skip in her step. Sole had promised to show her somewhere extremely interesting, somewhere that she would be able to learn so much.
“Ah Sole.” Curie began, her voice rather chirpy. “Why ave’ you kept where we are going a secret?” Secrets. This was another thing Curie was new to. She found them rather exciting.
Sole glanced to their friend and shot her a cheeky smile. “Because, the look on your face when we get there is gonna be priceless.”
Curie took a few moments. This was a new saying. How could the way her face looked be priceless? What would cause such a thing? Ah well. She was far too excited to question what her friend was saying.
“It as’ been a rather quiet day, no?” Curie commented as she looked around her.
This was a very true statement. Usually when they would make such long journeys like these each day would have some sort of setback. But surprisingly to the two of them it had been very quiet.
Sole nodded, a slight frown forming on their lips. “Yeah... you’re right.” They said quietly, glancing around. “Maybe a bit too quiet.”
One thing the Commonwealth had taught Sole was that you couldn’t trust the quiet. It may have sounded a stupid statement. But it usually meant that something was brewing. Something bad.
“Maybe we should take a break.” Sole mumbled. Usually they would ask Curie whether or not she would like a break. But right now they were deciding. There was a strange feeling in the air now. They needed to catch their bearings.
A exasperated sigh left Curie’s lips. A break now? She was becoming rather impatient. Ah! A new feeling to make a note of.
“Very well.” Curie nodded her head. “But a short one, yes? I am feeling rather excited for wherever it iz we are going.”
Sole gave a slight nod towards and empty diner they had been walking towards. “We’ll catch our bearings in there. Better make sure we have a bit of cover just in case.”
The pair made their way into the long since abandoned diner. There was no sign of anyone being there in a long time. The perfect spot to sit down, get some food in them and all together recharge before they got a move on.
Sole allowed about an hour to pass before looking to Curie. They hadn’t been able to shake that feeling that something was going to go wrong Since Curie had mentioned how quiet it was. It was making them uneasy.
“I think we need to be extra vigilant when we’re back on the road.” They commented casually, trying not to let on just how uneasy they were feeling.
Curie tilted her head ever so slightly to the side. “If you do not mind me asking... why must we be more vigilant?”
Sole shrugged their shoulders. “Oh no reason. It’s just you know how it is. When it’s quiet that’s usually a good indicator that trouble is gonna happen.”
This was not something that Curie knew. This was actually new information. And she was making a mental note of it. “When it iz quiet that means there iz a pozzibility for trouble.” She nodded.
Curie stood up, brushing off some of the dust that had fell on her since they had stopped at the diner. “Well my friend... I think it iz about time we get a move on, no?”
What neither of them had realised that the whole time they had been sitting in the cover of the diner a group of mercenaries had been scouting them out. And Curie standing up had given their sniper a near perfect shot.
“Yeah... yeah let’s get a move on.” Sole agreed. But before they could even get on their feet a shot suddenly zoomed through one of the windows.
Curie had been turning to look at Sole as this happened. But that didn’t stop the bullet from striking her in the neck.
“Fuck! Curie!” Soul quickly grabbed her by the waist, pulling her down under the cover of the walls before another shot could be taken. “Shit... shit...” They hissed, quickly applying pressure to the wound.
“I-I ave’ been shot...” Curie gasped. Suddenly she was feeling a range of new emotions she had never felt before. So many that she couldn’t even make a mental note of them.
“It’s gonna be okay... just... Curie tell me what to do.” Sole practically begged as they cradled Curie. They knew whoever had taken that shot was still outside the diner. But right now all they could think about was how much blood was currently pouring out of the bullet wound.
Curie was trying to take deep and slow breaths. She knew that were she to panic as well both of their lives would be at risk.
“You must- you must make us safe, no?” Curie looked into Soles eyes, her own filling with tears. “P-put my and’ on the wound... I will ave’ to keep pressure on eet until we are safe.”
Sole did as Curie instructed. They laid her down, taking one of her hands and placing it over the wound. “Just hold tight okay Curie... I’m gonna kill that bastard and then we’re gonna get you sorted.” Sole assured before they moved away from Curie, to draw any more fire away from her.
It was funny. As she laid there Curie felt peaceful. She knew that she had been shot in a very dangerous spot, and by the amount of blood she had lost she was well aware this could be it. Her life could very well be ending.
She had completely zoned out from the sound of gunfire. She forgot Sole was even there trying to kill whoever had shot her. This was what death felt like? Surely not? Curie had always heard people speak of death in such a negative way. Yet as she lay here she couldn’t help but feel happy.
Curie allowed her eyes to close. Memories running through her mind. A specific one was sticking out. And she didn’t hesitate to allow herself to relive it.
‘Curie! Curie!’ Sole called out, a cheery smile on their face as they entered her new laboratory. ‘Look at what I found for ya.’
Curie let out a gasp of disbelief as she looked at what Sole was holding in their hand. ‘It eez a vault tec Bobble Head?’ She couldn’t hardly believe her eyes.
‘Yeah but look!’ Sole grinned as they pointed to the labcoat the little figure was wearing. ‘It’s a medicine one... I thought you’d like it for you desk.’
A gift? For her? Curie had never received a gift before. And she could hardly hold back her happiness as she took the small figure into her hands
‘Thank you my friend.’ She breathed as she looked up at Sole.
“Curie! Curie!”
Suddenly Curies eyes shot open. She was no longer stood in her laboratory with her friend. She was laying on the hard floor, bleeding out.
“God... Curie don’t close your eyes... please.” Sole begged as they once again took over placing pressure on Curies wound. “We’re safe now yeah- I killed them.” Sole assured.
Curie managed a faint smile. “We are safe.” She agreed, her eyes meeting Soles. Such kind eyes they had. “I don’t believe zhe bullet as’ it’ a major artery...” She breathed. “Otherwise I would not ave’ woken up from that dream. You must patch me up my friend. And zen we may return home, yes?”
Piper: Piper couldn’t help but grin as her and Sole walked along. They were doing one of her favourite activities, following a distress signal.
Understandable this seemed rather odd to be a favoured activity. But Piper couldn’t help it. A distress signal meant one of two things: they were going to save someone or they were going to be too late but there would be a decent news story about what had happened.
She was just glad it was her and Sole out on the road together, following the beep of the signal.
“You know, I don’t think we’ve ever headed this far north before Blue.” Piper commented as she glanced around her. She didn’t recognise this area. This was exciting. Somewhere new!
Sole nodded their head in agreement, matching Pipers grin. “You know I think you may be right Miss Reporter.” They teased, giving her a playful nudge as they continued on their way.
Piper rolled her eyes. Yeah yeah. Back at it with the Miss Reporter. That was something Blue had got into a habit of calling her when she stated the obvious. It was all in good jest of course. She wasn’t really annoyed. In fact ninety five percent of the time she would go along with the joke.
“I’m willing to bet a night of drinks at the Dugout that the signal is coming from over there.” Piper joked as she pointed towards a stretch of the highway that had been turned into a rather rough looking settlement. It was surrounded by cars and trucks, looked pretty fortified from where they were standing.
Sole chuckled and nodded. “You know what Miss Reporter. I think you’re right.” They teased, giving Piper yet another nudge as they walked towards the settlement.
As the duo approached the settlement it seemed as though it was empty. There wasn’t any sign of people, ghouls or mutants. Not even a Bloatfly buzzing around. Strange. But not out of the realms of possibility.
“Maybe whoever it is got lost out here.” Sole commented as they checked the map on their PipBoy. “We’re pretty far out from anywhere. I know a few Minutemen are stationed close by- but if you didn’t know that I guess you’d assume you were all alone.”
Pipers eyebrows raised. She was impressed. Very impressed. Sole wasn’t usually this good at coming up with theories. They usually left that job to her.
“Well Blue... I reckon you might be on to something here.” Piper nodded her head in agreement.
They were getting closer now. There was still no signs of anyone. It was quiet as well. Sole was starting to doubt that whoever had set up the distesss signal was even still out here. It did seem a bit odd but they shrugged that feeling off.
The closer they got the louder the beep got. The distesss signal was definitely coming from one of the shacks situated out here. There was no doubt in either Sole or Pipers mind about that. They had definitely found the right place.
“Blue. I don’t think anyone is out here.” Piper mumbled, slightly disappointed in the outcome. She had been hoping for either a wastelander in need or rescue or at least something interesting she could make a note of. “Damn it, we really walked all this way out here for nothing?”
Sole frowned and nodded their head. “Yeah I think-.”
“STUPID PUNY HUMANS!” A mutant roared as they suddenly came barging out one of the shacks.
Well. This was going to be more exciting than finding nothing at least? That’s whag Piper was thinking to herself in that moment.
“Shit! Mutants! Duck down!” Piper called to Blue.
The duo dived behind seperate cars. It was the only cover they had from the onslaught of bullets the mutant was currently firing at them.
“Brilliant! Just brilliant!” Sole shouted over to Piper, an excited grin spread across their lips. “At least we didn’t walk all this way for nothing now, huh?!”
Piper shook her head. “Oh shut up and start shooting! I can hear more of them... if we don’t hurry up they’re gonna slaughter us!” Even though she was trying desperately to hide it, she was just as excited as Sole.
Piper had been right. There was at least five super mutants shooting at the two of them now. It was a good thing these pea for brains had terrible aim the reporter thought to herself.
What happened next neither of them had expected. One of the mutants had ran over, live bomb in hand. And just before it reached them it’s bomb had gone off. But this set off a series of events. The first being the car Piper had been using for cover also exploding, there had been a mine inside of it. The next thing to happen was the car explosion then setting off a series of mines.
The next thing Piper knew was she was laying in the dirt, caked in blood and grime, staring up at the sky. She couldn’t hear anything. Her ears were ringing. Holy shit. What had just happened?
Piper tried to push herself up, but to no avail. “My legs... I- Blue my legs! I can’t feel them!” Piper screamed. Though she couldn’t even hear herself. Her hearing was muffled. Her lower body numb. Fuck.
Where was Blue? Piper frantically turned her head, trying to catch sight of her friend. But nothing. All she could see was smoke and dust from the explosions. Was she still where she had originally been when hiding? Had the blast been strong enough to send her flying.
Piper began to panic. She couldn’t see Blue. They were dead. The explosion must have killed them. And now the mutants were going to come over and finish her off. Oh god. Poor Nat. She was never going to see her big sister again. She was going to have to fend for herself, the same way Piper had done when their dad had died. No. No! This was cruel. This wasn’t fair.
Just as Piper was ready to cry out for help something grabbed her collar. Fuck. She was being dragged through the dirt. Who the fuck was dragging her? Was it a mutant. Was she being taken by mutants?
Piper dug her hands into the ground. All she could hear was ringing but that didn’t stop her from shouting. “No! No! Blue! Blue help!” She cried out. Trying her hardest to fight against whatever was dragging her along.
Suddenly the dragging stoped, her back was pressed against sometbing metal. She looked up to see the familiar shape of a car. Only difference was this was smouldering and falling apart. Must have been the one that exploded. She couldn’t help but think how mutants had a sick sense of humour.
It was when Piper looked up some hope returned to her. It hadn’t been a mutant dragging her away. It had been Blue pulling her to cover. Oh Blue. She shouldn’t have doubted them.
Good news was her hearing was slowly coming back. She could hear gunshots as she watched Blue shooting from behind cover. They were still fighting. Still trying to save her. She couldn’t help the helpless feeling she had right now. But she knew Blue would do everything they could to keep her safe.
Sole suddenly slumped down, letting out some deep breaths. “That was the last of them.” They breathed, running a hand through their hair.
Just like Piper Sole was covered in dirt and blood. The explosion had been enough to knock them back, but Piper had been at the epicentre. It was a miracle she hadn’t been blown to pieces.
Sole looked at Piper, moving slightly so they could assess her injuries. Fuck she was in pretty bad shape. Her legs seemed to have taken the brunt of the injuries.
“Hold on Pipes... Im Gonna set off a flare.” Sole mumbled as they pulled out the flare gun Preston had given them. They knew there was minutemen in the area. Which meant help would be on the way.
Piper winced as Sole shot the flare up. Wait. That was good. She heard the flare. She wasn’t deaf. “Fuck- Blue.” Piper gasped. Now the initial shock was over she couldn’t suddenly feel the extent of her injuries.
Sole rummaged in their pack, pulling out a Stimpack. “Hold still.” They mumbled softly before injecting Piper. “Help will be on its way okay? We’ll get you straight to a doctor.”
Piper looked up at Blue, tears in her eyes. “Blue... Blue I can’t feel my legs.” She sobbed, the realisation hitting her that this very well could be permanent. “Why can’t I feel my legs? Are they still there?” She hadn’t even looked at them yet. She was too scared. And it was showing.
Sole nodded, moving their hands to her cheeks. “Don’t worry Piper... theyre still there okay? It’s going to be okay.”
Piper nodded slowly, letting out cry of pain as she lifted her hands. Oh god. Her hands. They were... well... they were barely there anymore. She’d lost half of her fingers and she hadn’t even realised. “Oh God Blue... we should have never come out here.”
20 notes · View notes
Kingfield's Fourth Anniversary - Day 3
Your Hand in Mine
The Entity had grown tired of her usual show. Trials were efficient, but now a tad dull. So, she looked for inspiration, and found it in the games and stories humanity had created. Their purpose was to elicit emotion, so they would serve The Entity well until she decided to go back to doing Trials. Thus, this is how David and Dwight found themselves in a new game. But some things never change. Stakes are high, death is always nearby, and a foe stands in their way. [Basically, Kingfield but it's the video game ICO. And they got turned into teenagers. R.I.P.]
AO3 Link
Dwight awoke, prepared for another trial. But, he quickly noticed that something was different. He was in a cage with no means of escape. He began to panic, shaking against the bars. The Entity never did crap like this. After seeing the futility of trying to escape, he took deep breaths to calm himself down. He looked around to see what he could notice… a long way down and a set of spiraling stairs too far away to reach, even if he could break out. At least he seemed safe, for the time being. He didn’t doubt for a second that this wasn’t The Entity’s doing, and hell and despair was bound to break loose eventually.
Dwight sighed and waited with a fearful anticipation for things to progress. As he nervously chewed on his nails, he noticed something about himself. Something was on his teeth… braces. He quickly prayed that what he thought was happening wasn’t happening. He felt his face, feeling the telltale bums of some acne, got up and noticed that he felt shorter, and sunk back to the floor of the cage with a groan. Yup, that thing turned him into a teenager. The Entity was undeniably cruel, but this was a new low for her.
He wondered why The Entity would do such a thing. Had the sight of blood and gore finally become tiresome? What did she have to gain from what she was doing now that she wasn’t already getting before? Dwight almost didn’t want to think about it. Then, he heard another call out to him.
“Oi! Someone there?!” the other boy called out from below. Quickly Dwight scurried to the bars of the cage to see who could be.
“Yes! Yes! Someone's hEre!” he frantically called out, his voice cracking as he screamed “here.” He couldn’t be bothered to care. The sight and sound of another person was comforting.
“All right! Just ‘old tight then!” the boy said. Dwight noticed that it seemed familiar, and a spark of hope emerged.
“David! Is that you!?”
“…Holy shite, Dwight?! ‘M on my way luv!” David assured, shifting from a jog up the stairs to a full on sprint. By the time he reached where he was level with Dwight, David was out of breath. “Is it… is it really you?” he huffed.
“Yeah, it’s me.” Dwight confirmed with great joy. He felt so happy to see David he could cry.
“Well, a sight for sore eyes I’ll say, and a new sight at that too.” he said, noticing Dwight’s younger appearance. Dwight blushed away at the compliment, hiding his face behind his hands. Then, he realized that David must also be in a younger body as well. He shifted his fingers away from his eyes to get a look at his boyfriend in teenage form.
“Aww, David, you’re so cute!” Dwight exclaimed as he moved closer to the edge of the cage to get a better look. Don’t get Dwight wrong, he loved how rugged David looked, but he couldn’t help but fawn over the teen David.
“God, don’t bloody remind me…” he said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Even his voice was kinda cute now, nowhere as deep as his adult self. His face was a bit softer from having yet to deal with trying to heal from fighting so much. It was even a little chubbier. And of course, he was a lot shorter, but shorter than expected. His hair was in a simple style, cut a similar length all around rather than a fade on the back and sides with a tuft of hair on top. He also seemed to have the beginnings of some muscle definition, rather than the well defined body his adult self had. None of that really mattered to Dwight though. It was David, and he was gonna love David no matter what.
“But you are cute!”
“How ‘bout we get you out first ‘fore we start this.”
“Oh, right, right! Hmm…” Dwight hummed as scanned around for something to help in that regard.
“You know, you’re pretty cute too.” David said as he awaited orders from Dwight. He too was shorter, but had a similar haircut to his adult self. His face was softer, A little lankier too, but still obviously Dwight. None of it really mattered though. It was Dwight, and he was gonna love Dwght no matter what.
Even if their bodies had regressed, their love and memories with each other persisted.
“How ‘bout wE-” Dwight began in a mocking tone, but then his voice cracked. He quickly covered his mouth. “Don't you dare.” Dwight said.
“Wasn't gonna say nothin’ luv.” David responded as he held in a fit of laughter. He knew he wasn’t in any position to laugh either, but seeing Dwight like this was fantastic, fun even. He imagined that his boyfriend felt the same way anyhow.
Eventually, Dwight spotted a lever higher up. After jumping through a window and a bit of navigation, David finally reached it. And thankfully, it did the trick, slowly lowering the cage.
“Nice!” Dwight celebrated with a hop and a fist in the air.
“Right. See you down there luv!” David happily nodded.
David felt as if he couldn't get there soon enough, perhaps because of his shorter stature now. But, he did. Once back at the floor level, Dwight directed him to a spot where he could jump and land on top of the cage. Hopefully, they could both jump on it at the same time and break the chain, and hopefully the lock too or a bar or something.
On the count of three, David jumped to the cage as Dwight jumped up. They landed at about the same time, causing a chain to break under the sudden force. The cage fell a few feet with a loud clang. David slipped off as it hit the ground, fortunate to land on the stone with his behind rather than his head.
The lock was broken upon impact, and the cage door creaked open.
"Yeah, we did it!" Dwight celebrated as he took a step out. Unfortunately, his foot got caught on the lip of a platform, causing him to trip, landing right on top of David. Embarrassed, they both remained in a quiet shock for a moment.
"You, uh, come 'ere often?" David joked. Dwight laughed at the cheesy line.
"Nah, but maaaybe I will if you're here. Maybe." Dwight quipped.
"Ahh, cheeky. Sounds like y'need a little convincin'."
"Do I? I'm not sure you can." Dwight said, knowing very well what he was doing.
"Sounds like a challenge. I like a challenge." David smiled, and closed his eyes as Dwight leaned in. But, that kiss did not come.
Suddenly, Dwight's weight was lifted off of him. He opened his eyes to see that Dwight was just as surprised as well. A shadow lifted him up and over its shoulders in a familiar manner.
"Hey, lEt gO!" Dwight shouted as it carried him away. Quickly, David picked up an unlit torch and dashed over to the shadow.
"Fock off bugger!" David yelled as he slammed the makeshift weapon over its head. It fell to the ground, releasing Dwight in the process. With one more good swing to its back as it lay stunned on the floor, the shadow disappeared into nothing. Swiftly, David cast aside the torch and rushed to Dwight's side.
"You good Dwight?" David asked, looking him over to make sure nothing was amiss.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm alright. What was that?" he wondered, looking past David to where the shadow was felled.
"I don't know, but I don't think we're in a trial, not a normal one anyhow." David noted as he helped Dwight up.
"Yeah… Say, how did you end up here?" Dwight wondered, hoping some light could be shed on the situation.
"Don't know. Woke up in one a them caskets over there. Managed to knock it over and break free. You?"
"Woke up in that cage." Dwight pointed. Still in the dark.
"Any reason she might do this to us?"
"Probably a million reasons. But for now, we have no way of knowing." Dwight sighed. "But, at least we're stuck with each other." Dwight said on a more positive note, and pecked David on his cheek, making him blush.
"Stuck with me huh? 'M wounded Dwight…" David said, turning his back to his love, pretending to be hurt.
"Aww, can I ever make it up to you?" he wondered, knowing the answer already. He embraced David from behind, throwing his arms around the other and resting his head on top of David's.
"I dunno, maybe." he teased. Then he realized what was happening. "Wait a bloody minute… are you taller 'an me?"
The realization hit Dwight like a truck. He backed away to confirm their suspicions, and a happy smile spread across his face. He even giggled a little.
"I'm am so going to enjOy this!" he cried as he pulled David in for an embrace one more. Dwight was about a little more than a head taller than his boyfriend, so David's head came to rest at Dwight's chest.
"Well don't get used to it luv. We both know how we end up. M' late growth spurt is gonna kick you in the arse." David said, trying to sound annoyed and angry as he leaned into the hug. He wasn't though. He was going to enjoy this while he could too. With one final squeeze, Dwight let his boyfriend go.
"Alright! Let's see… how are we going to gEt out of here…" Dwight said as he scanned the surroundings. The dim light by torch gave just enough light to be able to see.
"How 'bout behind 'ere? Looks like there's another room." David noticed with a light kick to the bottom of the pillar-wall.
"Oh yeah, you're right. Maybe we could…" Dwight began to wonder. But, once his fingers grazed the stone, a bright light shone, blinding them for a moment. Once the sudden spark of light faded, the pillars moved to reveal a corridor to another section of the place.
"Well damn. I knew your fingers could work some magic, but not like that."
"David!" Dwight yelled, his face reddening with embarrassment. David chuckled as Dwight gave him a light slap on his arm.
"Sorry babe, couldn't resist." he said, a devious little smile on his face. Then, he took Dwight's hand. "Well, we should get a move on luv. Doubt our benefactor 'll be merciful if we sit 'round twiddlin' with our thumbs. Don't think she'll be giving us answers to much either."
"Yeah, you're right. As long as we got each other, we'll be fine." Dwight affirmed, tightening his grip. With a kiss, they proceeded onto the next room.
After a series of steps to help Dwight navigate the area and fending off more shadows that began to look familiar upon closer inspection, which they tried not to dwell on, they finally made it outside. They were still hand in hand when the fresh air hit them. Their hands rarely broke away from one another during the ordeal.
"Wow, It's nice out here." Dwight said quietly.
"Yeah. Wouldn't expect something like this from her."
The place was beautiful, with no ominous vibe to boot. They guessed they were stuck in some kind of castle, an old looking one at that. They didn't recognize it from anywhere, and David distinctly didn't recognize the architecture. Didn't seem like a place built in the future or modernity either, unless complex stonework made a comeback. Then, Dwight noticed a bench nearby in the shade.
"How about we rest for a moment? She probably wouldn't make a bench if she didn't want us to use it." Dwight reasoned. His experience told him that The Entity was quite the minimalist. While her recreations of trial settings were faithful, her additions were bare, and her subtractions were many. The result was a place that was exactly what it needed to be, nothing more, nothing less.
"Yeah, I could use one. Legs are bloody killing me after all those stairs!" he rightfully complained.
He took a seat first, Dwight taking the one next to him. They leaned against each other, taking in the peacefulness of their surroundings. There was a light breeze. Birds chirped as they flew by, and the air was a comfortable warmth. Eventually, they closed their eyes and fell asleep on the cool bench, hands still intertwined.
It was their first truly peaceful sleep in a very long time.
They eventually awoke, feeling refreshed. They stayed together on that bench for only a few moments longer. They didn't want to give her a reason to interfere with an otherwise relatively acceptable ordeal. They'd take this over a trial any day. They briefly hoped the others were alright too, off on their own odd but agreeable adventure.
They continued on with their journey, David helping Dwight get from point A to point B because he wasn't exactly a physically strong guy, and defeating shadows that threatened to not only take Dwight, but also pull at their heartstrings. Many times, David swore he would never let them take Dwight into that dark with them.
Many more times, they found comfort in simply being with each other. That lay in their rest stops at the benches, gazing at the serene scenery, and even in exploring the sprawling castle. For all its concerning mystery, it's grandiose couldn't be denied. Thus, they chose to enjoy the exploration too, in part out of spite against The Entity. By comparison to the trials, this place was a heaven.
But, people make mistakes. Ancient, and Great gods don't.
David was the first to wake this time, stretching with a loud groan that awoke a still sleepy Dwight.
"Five more minutes…" Dwight sleepily moaned.
"All right luv, five more." David agreed, and curled up closer to Dwight. He blindly searched for Dwight's hand and took it into his. By then, it was instinctual. Didn't want any shadows sneaking up and taking away his love. It was a damn good excuse to always be holding hands, even if they got sweaty and clammy easily. Neither minded though.
What they imagined were five minutes , the couple was up and continuing their journey. They crossed a bridge into an assault by the shadows. It was the most shadows they had encountered in a single attack. But, Dwight was confident in David, and David in himself.
However, that confidence proved to be their mistake. David had strayed too far from Dwight.
"David! Help! Oh god. David!" Dwight cried out as he beat his fists on the shadow's back. He tried kicking it as he flailed, but to no avail.
"Dwight? Dwight!" David screamed once he saw what was going on. He beat his way through the shadows as fast as he could, fueled by the desire to save his love, by the fear of losing him. He clawed his way through the horde more and more frantically as Dwight grew closer and closer to the void from which the shadows emerged, and into which he would surely disappear.
It was not enough. It was too late. As Dwight was submerged into the portal, he could still glimpse what lay outside of it. He saw David continue to struggle, tears running down his face with a pained and intense expression on it. Then, a wave of energy, and he froze, that despairing look on his face forever etched into Dwight's mind as it was onto the stone corpse.
"No… No no no no no!" Dwight hoarsely screamed, tears of his own flowing relentlessly. He futilely tried to reach out for David's outstretched hand, but he couldn't reach, couldn't feel the warmth from that small act of intimacy anymore.
This place was different. What if death here truly was the end? Both men would have been alright with that at one point. But now, they had each other, a great reason to live .
He was eventually dropped off somewhere by the shadow. He almost didn't notice with grief consuming him. But then, he heard it, a familiar song.
La la la la la la laa
Laa la la la laa la la
He quickly got up, wiping his tears away even though they continued to flow and blur his vision. He could make out the thing in front of him. The lullaby that was anything but a comfort made it clear it was the huntress. Yet, it didn't exactly look like her. She was shrouded in much darkness. She only seemed to retain her pale mask and skin.
Her head methodically swayed to her song like a slow metronome. He readied a fighting stance like David had taught him. She got up, and slowly walked towards him. Inch by inch, his stance weakened, along with his will. He then found himself falling to the floor, curling into a ball.
Finally, she stood before him. Gently, she picked him up, and held him close as if he were a small child and not a lanky teen.
La la la la la la laa
Laa la la la laa la la
Despite knowing, he leaned into it, holding tighter. Perhaps it was selfish, but he focused on trying to fool himself into thinking it was David. Back in his strong, comforting arms, something he was sure he would never feel again now.
He wailed in despair. Eventually, his weeping stopped. He too was stone now. Yet, the shadowy huntress continued her lullaby, and continued to cradle him in her arms, happy and content that the little one was calm now. Finally, a success in the one hunt that eluded her.
"Five more minutes…" Dwight sleepily moaned.
"All right luv, five more." David agreed, and curled up closer to Dwight. He blindly searched for Dwight's hand and took it into his.
Refreshed, the couple continued their adventure. Soon, they came across the largest horde of shadows that had come across yet. They were defeated soon enough, David sticking close enough to Dwight to be able to protect him in this instance.
Their journey continued. Brave David clearing jumps that made Dwight quake, Dwight jumping after some coaxing from David, David catching him and pulling him up when he came up just a bit short. Taking care of more shadows, opening more pillars with magic. Eventually, they came face to face with their antagonist for the first time. She appeared in a spark of light and dark.
Hm hm hm hm hm hm hmm
Hmm hm hm hm hmm hm hm
Still holding hands, David put himself between her and Dwight, his trusty stick drawn.
"Fock off you bloody monster!" David yelled at her.
Dwight. I'm waiting for you, dear child. she asked in a sickeningly sweet voice and smile, arms outstretched towards him to welcome him. Come to where you belong! Yet, as she spoke, her lullaby did not stop. She also spoke in both her mother tongue and the one they both understood.
"Fuck off!" David yelled. With a scream, he charged at her with the stick. It proved effective against shadows, why not her? The answer was magic. A field of energy simply made him unmajestically flop back, knocking the stick out of his hand.
"DavId!" Dwight yelled as he rushed to his side.
This is the thing you follow? What are you doing with something like that? she said to Dwight.
Dear Dwight lives in a far different world from you. Know who you are, and leave him for that reason. she ordered David, and in a spark of light, the shadowy Huntress vanished.
"Are you Alright?" Dwight was quick to ask. "'M fine. Had my arse handed to me there," David groaned, "but I'll live. A better question is what the 'ell’s she on about?"
"I don't know. Who ever knows what those monsters think." Dwight said. They both figured she was someone who wouldn't make much sense if she spoke anyhow.
So, they went onward, now knowing of their greater enemy in this game they were thrown into by The Entity. Since their trusty stick, now partially burnt, had proven to be slightly less trustworthy, they were unsure of how they would defeat the huntress, if they could, or if that was even the endgame of his ordeal. There were still many things unknown about The Entity and this game.
After the usual fanfare, they came to rest at a bench looking out to the ocean. Despite the overcast sky as well, it remained comfortably warm. With the time for repose upon them, their minds wandered. Dwight still held onto David's hand, letting him absent-mindedly rub his palm. Eventually, their wordlessness was broken.
"Hey Dwight?"
"I love you, y'know?"
"I know. You know I love you too, right?"
"I do."
"Good. I'm glad."
Their journey to find a way out of the castle continued on. The threat of various types of shadows, small and many, flying, and the normal ones, persisted. Traversing the place was a team effort neither minded.
For such moments when it was just them, they could imagine they were teens living a grand, fantastical adventure together like those of storybooks. They both wondered how their lives could have turned out if they had known each other when they were younger, before The Entity. Realistically, they both knew that their meeting probably wouldn't have resulted in anything meaningful, all things considered. But, they dreamed of something wonderful all the same.
"No… No no no no no!" Dwight hoarsely screamed, tears of his own flowing relentlessly. He futilely tried to reach out for David's outstretched hand, but he couldn't reach, couldn't feel the warmth from that small act of intimacy anymore.
This place was different. What if death here truly was the end? Both men would have been alright with that at one point. But now, they had each other, a great reason to live.
Dwight continued to try and break free of the shadow's grip, to escape and run back to David. And do something, anything. But, they came out of the portal soon enough, and Dwight was at the feet of the shadowy Huntress.
La la la la la la laa
Laa la la la laa la la
Dwight screamed and rushed at her, hitting her repeatedly as she did not react to his weak blows.
"Give him bAck to me, damn yOu!" he bawled as his voice cracked.
She tried to comfort him with an embrace, but he pushed her away. He began to run. As he did so, he began to turn to stone.
She calmly walked over to him, and saw the saddening expression on his stone face.
Another failed hunt of that which is elusive. She hoped there would be more successes in her future. She knew that feeling of success in this elusive hunt now, and wanted it more and more.
"You think it's bad I wouldn't mind staying here forever?" David wondered. Dwight gave it some thought.
"Nah. I don't think so. This place isn’t sO bad. A lot better than any trial, that's for sure."
"Well, more than that. I don't 'ave a lot going for me back home. At least 'ere, I don't 'ave to worry 'bout that."
"Yeah… I get what you mean." Dwight replied. He didn't have much going for him either back home. He wasn't even sure what would happen if he got back.
Would he end up when The Entity picked him up, or ten years into the future. Either way, a lot of adjustment would be in order. The only thing he did know was that he and David would be able to find one another since they came from about the same time. That also begged the question if they would remember each other. Dwight didn't want to remember all the terrible torture and death he saw and endured. But, he didn't want to forget David and the friends he made while there.
"But, I still think I want to go back. I still want to be somebody. I want to live a real life. I think I'm brave enough to do that now." Dwight said with quiet pride.
"'M sure you'll do great luv." David was happy for him, but this also made him sad. Maybe that thing was right…
"Thanks David, for believing in me." Dwight gratefully said, and leaned against David as they say.
"Welcome luv. I'll always believe in you." he replied with a smile. It quickly faded though. He could believe in Dwight, always would. Couldn't say the same for himself.
Dwight felt David hold onto him more tightly. At first, he interpreted it as an act of affection more than anything else. But, he couldn't shake the odd feeling that something was up with his boyfriend.
"What's wrong David?" he asked, pulling apart so he could look at him. David averted his gaze.
"… You wouldn't leave me, would you?" he asked after a moment of hesitation. Such moments of vulnerability were difficult for him still. Though, admittedly easier than before.
"What? No! David, I-" Dwight began, realizing what David was really talking about. "David, come on, look at me." Dwight begged, and gently lifted David's chin.
He looked into Dwight's eyes for only a moment before returning to look down.
"I'd never leave you behind, alright? Wherever I go, I want to be by your side. Now matter where or when we are, that's not gonna change. I love you." Dwight finished, placing a kiss on David's forehead. David returned the gesture with a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks babe. Needed that." David said, returning to cuddling with Dwight. He smiled and felt a warmth spread across his body as Dwight enveloped him. It was a good feeling to know that Dwight wanted to be by his side.
"Well, this place looks 'bout right." David noted. It appeared to be a gate leading to the outside. Behind it, a bridge. "Wanna work you magic again luv?"
"Here goes nothing." Dwight said, and cautiously grazed the door. And just like last time, a spark of light. But this time, it's magnitude and intensity was far greater, eliciting a scream out of Dwight.
David yelled for him, but was pushed away by the light. When it faded, the gate began to open. David ignored it, and rushed to Dwight's side as he lay on the ground.
"Dwight. Dwight!" David said with great worry as he tried to shake the other awake.
“I’m alright.” he grumbled as David helped him up. “Come on. We should hurry.” David hummed in agreement, and led the way, holding Dwight’s hand as he ran behind.
At the bridge’s midpoint, something unexpected happened. A beam of a spark of light hit Dwight, holding him back and sending David tumbling forward and off the edge. He just barely caught the ledge, and hurried to pull himself back up. Then he noticed that the bridge was retracting, separating him and Dwight.
With a grunt, he jumped the gap, narrowly missing the ledge. But Dwight was quick to act despite being zapped, and grabbed onto David’s hand. Dwight struggled to pull him up. As David struggled too, Dwight felt a terrible feeling. It began with his feet, and spread up his body, taking his legs, waist, torso. It was a literally heavy feeling. Despite this, he continued to try and help David up, as he had done for him many times during their adventure. Then, he sensed another. He didn’t need to look up to see who it was, nor did he care.
From below, Dwight could see the shadow Huntress looming above Dwight, staring down at him with a smile. Then he saw it. She was turning Dwight to stone. It was too late.
“I’m sorry. I- I love you.” Dwight said through tears, and let go of David before the petrification wave could take him too. David plummeted to the waters below, a range of emotions overtaking him before he blacked out.
When David awoke, he was on the rocky entrance of a cave. He’d lost his trusty stick in the fall, and was left with nothing now. There was only one way to go, so David went into the cave. All there was for him to do now was find his way back to the castle, and save Dwight. Or die trying.
That thing was right. He wasn’t like Dwight. He wasn’t strong in those wonderous ways that Dwight was. Maybe it was a tad pathetic or unhealthy, but it's who he was. But so what? He could always work on that later. And he loved Dwight, and Dwight loved him. For now, he would do all that he could: focus on saving his boyfriend.
The cave and subsequent areas proved to be more daunting than the castle. But, David persisted, even managing to find an axe that carried the spark of light and dark. It would surely prove useful later when he beat that thing to bits for what it had done.
The whole time, David could not help but notice that his hand felt so empty without Dwight holding onto it.
He tried holding the axe in that hand, but it did not provide any comfort. The handle was hard and cold, like stone. Nothing like Dwight's warm and soft hands. He quickly switched the sword back to his other hand and pressed forward.
Many more shadows manifested as he found his way back into the castle. Without Dwight and his insight, David found the place to be more puzzling. Now that he was alone, he couldn't help but focus on the fact that these were more like shades than mere shadows. Many of them were in the image of fellow survivors: friends and acquaintances.
He saw them emerge from the caskets, the same kind as the one he broke out of. He really hoped this was some sort of cruel joke by The Entity, and not really them. Regardless, at the end of the day, it was them or him and Dwight, so David did not hesitate to force the shades to dispel. He appreciated the axe since it took care of the enemies quicker. He would have appreciated it more back when he had Dwight to protect.
And eventually, he found Dwight, frozen in place, reaching out to David and surrounded by those shadows.
"Get away from him!" he ordered the wretched things. That got their attention, and they went for him, only to quickly be dispelled.
Solemnly, David walked up the steps, and fell to his knees in front of the statue, letting the axe fall too. He placed his hand into his love's. What was once alive with warmth and love was now dry and cold and hard. He began to weep.
"I'm sorry Dwight… I'm sorry…"
How long he stayed there, he wasn't sure. But eventually, he picked himself up, and the axe.
"I'll be back. I promise."
With that, he proceeded onward. He held the axe up to a set of stone pillars. A spark of light, and they moved to reveal an elevator. He could hear the Huntress's song echoing from above.
This struggle would be over soon, and he and Dwight would be united. That's how these kinds of things went. Beat the bad guy, and things would be fine.
The elevator reached the top with a clang. Past the wide hall and in the open room at the end of it, the shadow Huntress sat.
Hm hm hm hm hm hm hmm
Hmm hm hm hm hmm hm hm
You come for the release of death. It is not an escape. she revealed to David as he angrily walked down the hall.
You come for a love you don't deserve. Love is not eternal. she told him as he stared her down in the middle of the room.
"And wot in the blazes do you know about love, either of you?" he questioned with a rage in his voice.
She laughed, and the lullaby was the only sound of hers to remain. A field of energy then surrounded her. From it, a wave flew out. David braced himself, with the axe in front to shield him.
And it worked. The wave flew around the axe, and a quick glance showed that the two nearby pillars could be used as protection too.
With a battle cry, David charged at the Huntress. The axe clashed with the force field, knocking the weapon out of his hand and sending him flying back. He saw her charging up to send another wave out, and hurried to take cover behind a pillar. Once the wave of light and dark passed, he hurried to the axe and rushed at the monster again.
Once more, he was thrown back. Though this time, the sword landed closer to him. He blocked another wave, and attacked again. All the while, she swayed to her song as she sat on the throne.
David rushed at her once more. With a roar, the barrier shattered, and the axe embedded itself in her chest. She stopped her lullaby for a moment before weakly resuming it.
Sing 'nonomori'
Say 'nonomori'
It's all we have left
She gently said. And with one final, bone-chilling laugh, there was a flash of light, and the shade huntress was simply gone. The force sent David flying backwards into the air. His back hit a wall, and he fell to the floor, unconscious.
Dwight woke to a thundering roar. He didn't know where he was. As he got up, he noticed he was a shadow now, sparks of darkness flying off him. He looked around, and saw that two blockade pillars had been opened. He knew it was David, hoped it was anyhow, and rushed over, going up the elevator.
His suspicions were correct. David lay in the center of the room. Dwight ran to his side. He wasn't dead, thankfully. Just unconscious. Another rumble, and Dwight realized that the place was falling apart. Quickly, but gently, he scooped David up. It took less strength than he thought, likely because of his condition.
Running on intuition, Dwight traversed the area, finally coming to a lone boat tied to a dock. Carefully, he set David in it. He considered getting in, but decided against it. He had the feeling he was done for, or would be soon enough. He didn't want to cause David any more pain. So, he pushed the boat, and let it drift away towards the nearby shore away from the island. He hoped for the best for David as a sadness enveloped him while he watched the boat become smaller and smaller.
David found himself waking up in the boat, which had since landed on the beach. There was a dull pain at the back of his head, but he ignored it. He got up and stepped out of the wooden boat, but tripped and landed face first in the sand. A real great way to start things.
He picked himself up and dusted himself off, scanning the beach as he did so, and saw nothing at first. But then, in the distance, he saw something lying on the beach. With nothing better to do, he began to walk towards it. As he neared it, he realized the figure looked familiar, and began to sprint towards it. Even closer, he saw that it was Dwight.
"Dwight! Dwight!" he called out as he shook the other awake.
"Five more minutes…" he groaned as he turned to face away from what awoke him. David laughed, and began to cry tears of joy as he picked Dwight up, thoroughly waking him up in the process.
"Huh? David? David!" Dwight exclaimed as he realized what was going on and tightly embraced him back. He too began to cry tears of joy.
They briefly broke apart to look into each other's eyes, and kissed.
Hand in hand, they sat together, watching and listening to the waves, and sharing a watermelon they found growing in a patch not too far away. They did not know how long they would have this moment, where they felt love and contentment so intensely. They didn't ponder on how long they would have this anyhow. They just wanted to live in that moment then and there, so they did.
"Hey, you think we can count this as our first real date?" Dwight asked before taking a bite of a piece of watermelon.
"Do y'want it to?"
"Do you?" Dwight asked in return. David pondered the question for a moment.
"It's a nice place, innit? Nice for our first date." David answered. "Would take you somewhere fancier, but, y'know." Dwight chuckled at that.
"As long as you're here, this is perfect." he smiled. David pecked Dwight's forehead in response.
Hand in hand, the lovers leaned against one another, feeling a love they thought they would never feel.
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britishboystm · 4 years
For Sure- Matt Edition
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Warnings: End of smut, swearing, angst, bad parents, pregnancy, labor, fluff
A/N: Okay this is cute. Based on the song ‘For Sure’
August 3rd, 1987
“Yes, yes, yes, right there! FUUUCK!” You cry out before your legs clench on top of Matt and you collapse down beside him onto your bed.
“Holy shit.” You breath out as the two of you lay sprawled out naked, breathing heavily and staring up at your white ceiling. Did it seem a little cliche that the two little best friends that lived in the same neighbourhood all their lives started dating when college began? Maybe, but you guys loved each other so it didn’t matter
“Holy shit indeed.” He chuckles trying to catch his breath. The back of his hand swipes across his forehead to get rid of any sweat.
You see, Matt had come knocking on your door earlier in the evening. He had just gotten off of work and was looking for some comfort from his loving girlfriend after a fight he had with his dad.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask as you open the door to see your boyfriend standing there, shoulders slumped forward and on the brink of tears.
“Can I come in?” He asks.
“Of course.” You say concerned, pulling him into the small home. Your parents were sitting in front of the tv watching some program you’ve never seen before.
“Matt’s here.” You call out. Your dad responds with a grunt of recognition and your mom turns her head.
“Hi Matt. How are you, love?”
“Fine thanks.” He wasn’t fine. You sigh and grab his hand to bring him up to your bedroom.
“So is everything okay?” You say while closing the door. He was already on your bed crying into your pillow.
“Matt baby what happened?” You coo, climbing on top of him and placing tiny kisses all over his tears stained cheeks.
“My dad. He just went in on me today. I tried to explain to him that I needed the weekend off to do a gig in Manchester. He said I couldn’t because of work.”
“Okay?” You didn’t really see why this would be enough to cry over. There was probably more to the story though. Matt didn’t cry over just anything.
“He told me I didn’t have talent and that I should focus on having a real job. Then he said I was going to end up like my mum, no goals and no future. I can’t believe he talked about her like that.” You were honestly shocked. He never really talked about his mom. She left when he was little and so he resented her. It was a sore subject for him.
“I’m so sorry my love. Do you want to talk about it?” He shakes his head.
“Can you just hold me?” He sounded so run down and defeated, it truly broke you inside.
“Of course.” He sniffles like a small child and starts to remove his shoes and gets under the covers. You give him a sympathetic look and get in with him. He moves the blanket so you can shimmy up against his chest and his steady breathing almost puts you to sleep.
“I love you.” He muffles in your hair.
“I love you too Matt.” He then lifts your chin to look at him in the eyes and he leans in to capture your lips in his. The kiss was innocent enough until it wasn’t.
And well, you know the rest.
You both took some time to regain normal breathing once you were done. His hand sneaks across the bed to grab yours in his and he gives you a thankful look. With a squeeze of your interlaced fingers he leans in and kisses your forehead.
“You’re too good to me.” You smile widely and place yourself against his chest.
“Stop.” You blush.
“It’s true. You and my music are the only positive things in my life right now.” You look up at him and place a kiss on his lips.
“Go to Manchester. If your dad asks I’ll cover for you.” He quickly sits up and looks at you with shock.
“Are you serious.” You nod and giggle.
“You would do that for me?”
“Of course I would. I’ve got your back Matt. Go play your music and get us out of here once you sign a record deal.” You laugh. He then jumps on top of you and peppers you with kisses.
“I love you, I love you, I love you. Hey Y/N? Have I ever told you that I love you?” You roll your eyes and smirk before pushing him off of you.
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too. Now get out of my house and pack your shit. You have a long drive ahead of ya.” He beams and goes in for another kiss before you push him off once more. He shoots up out of bed and starts to walk out of the room but you yell after him.
“Hey, you forgetting something?” He frowns in confusion then looks down, noticing he isn’t wearing anything. All out on display for you. It was a nice sight sure but you didn’t want to distract him by pulling him back into bed. It didn’t hurt to look though.
“Oh right my clothes.” You giggle as you watch him quickly collect them and struggle to get into his pants, hopping around your room. His excitement radiated which got your stomach bubbling with happiness as well. You loved to see him happy and content so this was nice for you.
“Bye love.” He walks over to your side of bed and places a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Bye rockstar.” You whisper as he runs out the room leaving you naked and disheveled. In a good way though.
August 5th 1987
It was now Sunday and it would be safe to say that this would be a Sunday you would never forget.
You were currently sitting on the closed toilet seat in your bathroom as your best friend Lizzy sat on the bathtub edge.
“Is it time yet?” She asks, shifting forward to try to get a better look at the object in your hand.
“Lizzy, stop I can’t see if you're in the way.” You say nervously, your leg shaking and your thumb in your mouth, biting away at the nail.
All of a sudden the timer sitting on the sink goes off and you jump slightly. Your stomach churns and you grip the stick a little harder before flipping it over.
Your breath catches in your throat and tears brim your eyes.
“Well?” Lizzy asks, clearly impatient. Without saying anything you hand over the stick and put your head in your hands, sobbing.
“Jesus Christ.” She mutters after looking at the result.
August 6th 1987
“Matt I’m pregnant.” You say. No, that was too abrupt.
“Matthew, I’m having your kid.” No, that sounds awkward.
“You knocked me up and now you got to pay child support.” That’s just uncalled for.
“I am with child.” Who says that? You honestly didn’t know how you were going to break the news to him.
You paced around your room waiting for your boyfriends return. It was now Monday and his time in Manchester was finally over. Usually you would be ecstatic and ready to greet him with open arms.
This time it didn’t feel like that. This time around, you felt this awful weight on your shoulders and this dull ache in your stomach that wouldn’t go away. And it wasn’t just the baby.
How were you going to explain to him that he got you pregnant and basically every dream he ever had would now be crushed by a little crying, shiting alien. Oh you were going to be an amazing mom, you thought sarcastically.
Sure you had a job at the college radio station and Matt had the clothes stand (probably not for long though). But none of this was the plan.
You were taken out of your thoughts as one of Matt’s band members' car screeched down the road, synth blasting through the speakers. The car abruptly stopped in front of Matt’s and he jumped out, then pulled out his keyboard and bag, completely oblivious to the bombshell you were going to drop on him. He laughs at a joke and you can’t help but admire his smile before he waves his friends off and enters his home.
You assumed he was going to come right out to see you but he didn’t. You frowned and waited a couple minutes but nothing. You thought about going over to his but you were honestly so nervous you just layed on your bed and stared at the ceiling.
About ten minutes later, a loud banging could be heard from downstairs, you waited a second until the door just opened and the figure ran up the stairs.
“Y/N?” It was Matt. Your heart was racing as he entered your bedroom, fuming. Uh oh, you thought. He knew.
His nostrils are flaring and his hands are clenched.
“Fuck him!” He yells. Nevermind
“I come home, super happy. Gig went great by the way. But why would that matter when the first thing I hear when I come home is my dad screaming at me? I am so sick and tired of being pushed around by him. He doesn’t respect me and I don’t want to live under the same roof if he,”
“Just because I don’t want to live out his dream doesn’t mean he can treat me like that. Honesty you and me should just leave. Get in my car and never come back. London sounds nice doesn’t it. That’s where I can hand off my demos. It will be perfect. Just the two of us.”
Not exactly, you thought.
“Matt.” You then say louder
“And another thing. He barely does anything when he isn’t working. He has the audacity to say I don’t have goals when he lays around all day while I’m-“
“Matt!” You yell finally.
“What?” He seems a little agitated at the fact that you weren’t listening.
“I’m pregnant.” You just had to say it. His face drops then almost becomes angry.
“Seriously Y/N, I don’t have the time for this. I’m already super pissed with my dad. I don’t need you joking around and pulling my leg about something like that.” That response does you in. Of course he thinks it’s a joke. Even though you have been living with the reality of it for the last 24 hours. All of the pent up stress finally leaves your body and you break down.
“I wasn’t joking.” You whisper out through your cries. His face drops again.
“Oh.” Now he didn’t know what to say. It was quite for a while, just your sobs as he stood there completely flabbergasted. He never thought about having kids. Didn’t even occur to him.
“You're not joking?” He finally says.
“NO!” You yell chucking a pillow at his face. How could he not get it through his thick skull. Seeing you in distress makes his heart hurt so he sits down beside you on the bed. He didn’t really know what to do so he just pats your back weirdly.
Then almost out of natural instinct he moves his hand to slide onto your belly.
“That’s our baby?” He asks quietly. Almost like he couldn’t believe. You look up with red, glossy eyes and sniffle.
“Yeah.” He could see how hopeless you were. He couldn’t leave you alone.
“I love you.” He says. You close your eyes, absorbing the words you always loved to hear. He was still your Matt.
“And this baby.” He says after which shocks you.
“Matt you don’t have t-“
“Shh.” He put a finger to your lips.
“Just shut up and kiss me.” You smile weakly and lean in for a deep and loving kiss.
“Matt I need to tell my parents.” He sighs and leans his forehead on yours.
“Your dad is going to kill me.”
“Well you should have thought of that before you ca-“
“Yeah okay I get it.” He rolls his eyes and grabs your hand to go out back where your parents were enjoying glasses of lemonade.
“Mum? Dad?” You said while standing, Matt right beside you.
“What is it dear?” Your mom asks, moving her sunglasses down her face. She always thought she was posher then she really was.
“Matt and I are having a baby.” And with that, the glass in her mother's hand dropped to the ground, spilling all over to the grass, leaving a feast for the ants.
Her father just looks at her in disgust and gets up and walks past them. Not even acknowledging what was happening. He was in denial.
“Oh that won’t do.” Her mother says.
“It isn’t really your choice now is it mum?” You say.
“Oh but it is. Because when the women at the book club ask about the family I will not tell them about my whore of a daughter.
This stung. A lot. You never got much support from your parents so you were almost numb to their shitty parenting.
“Okay well, um nice chat. We’ll be off then. Good luck with everything.”
“You’ll be back.” She says leaning back into her chair. No care in the world.
“Without a baby and your deadbeat boyfriend.” She continues.
Matt’s fists clench and you have to hold him back from him blowing up. Once he calms down you turn and start walking back in the house, Matt trailing behind you.
“What was that?” He says shocked. You crack a smile and grab your boyfriend's cheeks.
“We are free Matt.” You whisper. He scrunches his brows.
“What do you mean?” You pass him and run up the steps.
“I’ll call my aunt Helen in London. Go pack everything essential and meet me out front.”
He stands there for a second, surprised at your burst of energy but follows your instructions, leaving out the front door.
You worked on your room for a good twenty minutes and finished up the call with Aunt Helen before rushing downstairs with your bag.
“Where do you think you're going?” Your father says from the living room.
“Away. Thanks for everything or lack thereof. Hope all goes well.” You say bitterly.
“You're not leaving.” He says sternly, getting up and slamming the door as you open it. He towers over you and you stare him down like a little ferocious chihuahua.
“I loved you, and still do. It saddens me you couldn’t be a proper dad. I hope you learn from your mistakes and get your act together.” And with that you opened the door once more and closed it behind you, leaving your stunned dad.
Matt sat in the car patiently, then giving you a wide smile when you threw your stuff in the back and hopped in beside him.
“I love you.” You say.
“I love you too.” He grabs your hand before backing out of the parking lot and towards your new future.
April 7th 1988
“Matt get down here!” Your aunt yelled. She had been helping you and Matt out in your new apartment as you prepared for the baby. But there wasn’t much prep left to do since your water had just broken.
Loud footsteps could be heard coming down the steps to reveal your shirtless boyfriend with headphones around his neck.
“What, what happened.” He says frantically grabbing a crewneck sweatshirt and covering himself.
“My water broke.” You say calmly, not understanding why everyone was panicking.
“Oh god. Um Helen why don't you grab the bag. Y/N my love let's get you into the car yeah?” He tries to put his hand on your lower back but you swat it away.
“I’m fine. Stop grabbing me.” He sighs and lets you waddle down the apartment stairs, clearly struggling but too stubborn to ask for help.
Everything was fine until the end of the car ride. That was when the contractions kicked in.
All in all the process was awful. You asked for an epidural the second it was offered and you were chewing on ice to distract from yourself from the pain. Matt was an absolute travesty of a human . He was constantly putting his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth. Throughout the pregnancy he had become a homebody. He didn’t seem like a party animal anymore. Just a man who loved his music and his girlfriend who would occasionally hang out with his old friends from Luton and new ones in London. He had proved to you during these past nine months that he was ready, even if he didn’t think he was. Watching him pace almost eased the gut wrenching pain. He was a dad.
When the actual birth happened, you weren't the nicest. Swearing at everyone and gripping onto Matt blaming him for everything and how he caused all this. It did hurt him but he knew you weren’t coherent. You couldn’t control your feelings.
But once your child was born though everything seemed to be right in the world. You were barely conscious but enough to ask for your baby.
“Congratulations, Ms L/N. It’s a girl.” Matt was a blubbering mess when he saw his little girl be passed to you. She was so small and it almost scared him just how much he loved her already. He never thought someone could match you in his ranks. He was wrong. The small baby cried and cried. The nurses came around to give you their best wishes and your aunt finally came in to check up on you. After all that was done, Matt and you were left alone with your perfect creation.
“She looks like you.” You say as you look down at the sleeping baby, her hand curled around your finger.
“You think?” He asks, cuddling in more on the hospital bed.
“Hmhm.” You say.
“Look what we did.” He chuckles to himself, in awe of everything happening. He then raises his hand and you roll your eyes before giving him his high five, a proud look on his face.
“Daddy loves you Hayley.” Matt whispers before giving his daughter a small kiss on the forehead. She yawned in return.
“And I love you Y/N.” You smile up at him and place a kiss on his lips.
“I’m so proud of you.”
July 17th 2005
You sighed deeply as you leaned against the wall and removed your paint splattered converse. For the last decade you have been a commission artist who has actually made a name for yourself in London and even out of the city.
You could hear synth coming from the office which made you roll your eyes. He better not be doing this again.
You walk down the hall and open the office door to see Matt on the computer with Hayley who was home from school for the summer.
“See right there. Isn’t that amazing! Nothing like it.” You smirk at your family.
“Sure dad. But let me show you this.” She leans over him and types in a song in her music library. ‘Since U Been Gone’ by Kelly Clarkson starts playing, a song she has already shown you. Matt thinks for a minute.
“Eh not bad, not Duran Duran but you know.”
“If I’m not mistaken, people thought your music was odd when we were young.’ Matt and Hayley turn around to see you leaning against the doorframe.
“Hi love, how was work?” Matt gets up and brings you in for a kiss. Hayley doesn't even flinch because she was so desensitized at this point when you guys showed each other affection. Even after all this time you two were still madly in love.
“Eh fine. Not getting stuff done as quickly as I like but you know.”
“Hi Mum.” Hayley calls out.
“Hey baby, how was your day?”
“Fine. Hung out with Jason.”
“Jason?” You repeat confused.
“Don’t even ask.” Matt says rolling his eyes. He was always the protective type.
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