#her expressions ans hand gestures
quimichi · 11 months
Hello there.
I wonder, how would Archons comfort Creator!Reader, when Creator!Reader has nightmares? Like, when Archons sitting or doing something, they noticed that Creator!Reader is crying and whispering their names in their sleep?
Anyway, have a good day/night.
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>>> and the Archon's take care of you ♡
Archon's x Creator!Reader
"Shh." Venti lays beside you. "Shhh... it's alright, it's alright." He pulls you close, so that you can lean against his body. With his hand in yours, he traces his fingers across your face gently, calming your breathing. "It's alright, you're safe, your Grace. You're home. It's okay." "Venti...." that's all you mumble in your deep sleep.
His breathing grows heavier as his heart begins to beat faster. He strokes your hair, his breath close to your ear.
"Shh, it's alright, it's alright," he repeats, trying to console you. "Don't worry, my Grace. I'm here." A small sigh escapes him as he lays his head down on your chest, listening to your rapid heartbeat, gently hugging you while he tries to get ahold of his own breathing.
"Shh," he whispers softly, repeating the same gesture he just did, "don't worry, my Grace. Everything's going to be okay." Despite the anxiety that seems to be wracking his body, Venti seems dedicated on doing everything he can for you, even if it means he'd get no sleep on your behalf.
His eyes are closed and his fingers entangle with yours, his breath still shaky and uneven.
Although you didn't wake up, his presence alone helped more than anything....
Zhongli's face becomes increasingly more worried looking. He can see your fingers curl into your palms. Your lips press together tightly and your teeth bare down as if grinding against each other.
He reaches forward to take your shoulder, but he's forced to step back as your eyes open with a jolt, your whole body tensed. They are wide, the pupils dilated by the stress that's coursing through you.
The muscles along your jaw become as tight as if pulled taunt, your body trembling but still. Your entire body has stiffened and your breathing has become quick and shallow.
"Zhongli...." Your voice is soft and breathless, yet you seem to carry some small bit of fear in your words. You call out Zhongli's name, and his eyes snap up to look at you once again. He blinks, staring at you like he doesn't quite recognize you for a moment. Yet, a light seems to come on in his eyes once again, his expression growing from worry to concern.
"My grace...," he breathes, and it is evident in his tone how worried you make him, "I'm here to protect you you" You fall forwards, finding yourself caught in Zhongli's arms. You feel him catch your weight, holding you against his chest comfortably. His breath catches in his throat and he seems to freeze in place, not sure how to react to your action.
He seems unable to voice his thoughts, his worry, and instead simply squeezes you tightly against him.
"I'm always going to be there for you..."
She stays awake, watching you as you sleep. She is silent in the darkness, laying fully awak beside you. If you were having a nightmare, she would do whatever it took to keep you safe. She would protect you. And if the nightmare would get to bad she would wake you.
Her eyes burn, and her muscles ache. She wishes he could hold your hand and press her lips against your forehead in gentle comfort ans support. "R...Raiden..." is all you can manage out in your sleeping state "Yes?" Her voice is soft, so quiet that you might hear it only as a whisper in the back of your mind.
Raiden leans closer, her movements gentle. She is still and quiet, but he cannot help the way that he is looking at you. Her eyes are soft and gentle, and there is a concern in her gaze.
Is there something bothering you? Do you call out for her protection? She wants to know how you are feeling, how she can help. Please...she wants to help.
She's relieved you're still fast asleep, although not in a good state. If youd wake up and look at her, you'd only see a worried Raiden ready to strike anything for you. She doesn't wants to upset you in a way, that's why she only pulls you closer to her chest, holding you in her much powerful arms...
Nahida is instantly alert, having heard the sound of your troubled breathing the moment it changes. She kneels by your side, watching you closely and studying your face— your expression seems calm and tranquil, but she can tell that you're in great distress. Without hesitation, she strokes your cheek, her fingers gentle and soothing, as her voice lowers to a whisper.
"It's alright, my flower," she says, "you're dreaming. Whatever it is that ails you, I'm here. You're safe now. Friends protect each other" 
"Nahida..." you call out for her in your sleep, you can feel her presence. Nahida strokes your hair gently, her soft words meant to soothe you and calm your troubled mind. "I'm here, I'm here," she whispers to you again, knowing instinctively that you're calling for her even in your sleep.
"Shh, it's alright. It's just a dream. I'm here now." Nahida wraps a protective, reassuring arm around you, her own body heat radiating in your direction. Her other hand is firmly wrapped around yours— he's not going anywhere.
"You're safe now," the Dendro Archon whispers, her voice soothing, "just relax and let it go." She leans in and presses his forehead against yours, her eyes closed.
"I'm always here for you, my bestest friend"
Your mind races, your body trembling as your thoughts are overwhelmed. It is hard to make sense of anything. You want to scream or run or just curl up and be done with this feeling. Your eyes burn, your throat aches like you've been choked, and you can't seem to pull your breathing back to normal.
You want to wake up, and you try— oh how you try— but you remain trapped here in this dark place. And then— and only then— you finally realize that it is a dream. You wake up.
"Furina-!" She leaps up as soon as he hears you say his name.
"I— what happened?" he asks, her eyes taking in and adjusting to your presence once more.
"My love, is there something wrong?" She still seems slightly unsteady, and it's clear that he's just woken up, but her worry takes over, clearly.
"You're not hurt are you?" You shake your head in response to her question, no, but you're not well either. "My love..." she calls you, taking you rapidly in her arms holding you so close you might drown into her protection...
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mxdimitrescu · 5 months
Synopsis: Mina couldn't hold her anger and slight jealousy at the girl who was flirting with her secret girlfriend.
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Pairing: Myoui Mina x GP!Minatozaki Seiko
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Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as I reclined in my seat, my eyelids drooping as the gentle hum of conversation among my fellow members provided a comforting backdrop.
"Ane..." Sana's soft voice pierced through the haze of fatigue, eliciting a slight warmth in my weary eyes.
"We're almost there."
Glancing out the window, I caught sight of the glimmering lights of the Billboard awards venue. With a grateful nod to Sana, I turned my attention inward, taking a moment to appreciate her outfit choice for the evening and stealing glances at the others as they engaged in conversation. (I'll leave the outfit descriptions to the pictures.)
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As our car rolled to a halt, I mentally prepared myself for the whirlwind of paparazzi and noise that awaited us. A hand slipped into mine, and I glanced over to meet Mina's comforting gaze, her soft eyes offering a reassuring anchor in the chaos.
With a gentle squeeze, she murmured, "You've got this."
Drawing strength from her words, I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car, my tall figure drawing attention even amidst my exhaustion.
With Mina's encouraging words echoing in her mind, Seiko took a deep breath and reached for the door handle. As she emerged from the car, she smoothed out the wrinkles in her suit with practiced ease, a flicker of nervousness dancing in her eyes. With a quick fluff of her hair, she was ready to face the spotlight.
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As I emerged from the car, the deafening roar of fans reached a crescendo, enveloping me in a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. Standing by the door, I extended a hand to each of my fellow members, their expressions a mix of gratitude and excitement as they exited the vehicle. Sana's infectious smile tugged at my heartstrings, prompting me to plant a protective kiss on her forehead, a silent affirmation of my affection for my beloved "imouto."
Then, my gaze locked with Mina's, her eyes sparkling with a hint of shyness as she slipped her hand into mine. Assisting her out of the car, I watched as she joined the rest of the group, her presence a soothing balm amidst the chaos of the red carpet.
With a final glance around, I closed the car door behind us, falling into step behind my bandmates, my senses alert for any potential hazards.
As we stood together on the carpet, posing for photos, I found myself sandwiched between Sana and Mina, the camera flashes illuminating our faces. Despite my reputation as the quietest and least expressive member of Twice, I stood tall and composed, my towering height of 192cm making me a striking presence among the group.
After enduring what felt like an eternity of flashing lights and posing for the cameras, our manager finally whisked us into the venue. I trailed behind the group, stifling another yawn as we were guided to our designated seats. Taking my place at the round table, I found myself sandwiched between Sana and Mina, the familiar comfort of their presence easing my exhaustion.
Glancing around, I realized we were seated amongst some pretty big names—Madison Beer, Cameron Dove, Olivia Rodrigo, and others.
As I scanned the room, my gaze inadvertently locked with Madison Beer's, who gave me a cheeky wink. I blinked in surprise, feeling a bit like an owl caught in headlights. Looking around for any possible explanation, I saw Madison giggling to herself and gesturing in my direction.
A soft growl drew my gaze, and I turned to see Mina's hands clenched tightly, a spark of anger igniting in her eyes. My heart softened at the sight, instinctively reaching out to gently pry open her fists before lacing our fingers together beneath the table.
Mina and I had always shared a special bond since the early days of Twice, brought together by our mutual interests and personalities. Nowadays, you could often find me crashed out in Mina's room, snoozing away while she battled virtual foes in her video games. Or vice versa, with Mina cradling my head in her lap as she conquered levels on her phone.
Two years ago, we finally confessed our feelings and took the plunge into dating. The rest of Twice, along with our managers and JYP, were in on our secret and fully supportive. But for now, we were content to keep our relationship under wraps, waiting for the right moment for Mina to feel ready to go public.
Mina's gaze shifted from Madison to me, her smile soft and filled with gratitude as she gently rubbed her thumb against my hand. The room fell into a hush as the lights dimmed, signaling the imminent start of the awards ceremony.
Hours stretched by in a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation as we watched talented female artists claim their well-deserved victories. Finally, it was our turn, and the thrill of winning the Breakthrough award sent a surge of elation through our veins. With the trophy clutched tightly in my hand, I stood before the crowd and delivered a heartfelt speech on behalf of our group.
As we made our way back to our seats, a sly grin tugged at Madison's lips as her hand brushed against my leg, a silent challenge in her eyes.
As we settled at our table, my blood boiled at the sight of Madison's brazen attempt to cozy up to Seiko. Sana's annoyed huff echoed my own sentiments, her solidarity offering a small comfort in the face of Madison's audacity. With a determined nod from Sana, I knew I wasn't alone in my resolve to protect Seiko from unwanted advances.
The awards ceremony eventually drew to a close, but before we could make our exit, Madison's voice pierced through the crowd, calling out Seiko's name. We turned to see her swaggering over to our table, her eyes locked on Seiko with unsettling intensity. Despite Seiko's stoic demeanor, I could sense her discomfort beneath the surface as Madison laid on the flattery thick.
"So, you were great up there, looking handsome as ever."
Seiko, ever the picture of composure, offered a polite but curt response, eager to put an end to the encounter. With a nod of acknowledgment, she turned to leave, but Madison's persistent presence lingered like a foul odor in the air.
However, despite the subtle indication, she persisted and stated once more, "I was wondering if you would like to spend some time together...perhaps in my hotel room? We can engage in an activity together," Madison implied with suggestive undertones.
Madison's not-so-subtle invitation hung in the air, casting a shadow over our group. The mixture of disbelief, anger, and disgust on my fellow members' faces mirrored the turmoil in my own heart. But it was Seiko's pained expression that spurred me into action.
With determination fueling every step, I approached Madison and squared my shoulders, ready to defend what was mine. As I stood before her, a silent understanding passed between us, the unspoken question hanging heavy in the air.
'Are you sure you're ready?'
With a nod, I reached up and gently grasped her chin, pulling her closer until our lips met in a defiant kiss. In that moment, the world fell away, leaving only the warmth of her embrace and the knowledge that we were finally together, against all odds.
The girls behind us erupted into a chorus of squeals and cheers, Sana even chiming in with a playful "GO SISTER-IN-LAW!" Seiko and I couldn't help but share a soft laugh as our kiss broke, a moment of shared joy amidst the chaos.
Leaning against her, I closed my eyes, relishing the warmth of her embrace. Seiko's hand traced soothing circles on my back as she responded to Madison's proposition with a teasing smirk, "Thanks, but I'm already booked for the night with Mina..."
Before I could fully process her words, Seiko added with a mischievous grin, "We've got big plans later." My cheeks flushed crimson as I playfully swatted her chest, exclaiming, "YAAA, don't say that!" Laughter erupted from the girls behind us, their mirth filling the air with contagious energy.
Madison's jaw practically hit the floor before she hastily made her exit, leaving Seiko and me engulfed in a sea of hugs and congratulations from the rest of Twice. My heart raced as I glanced at Seiko, her eyes soft with emotion.
Our brief moment was interrupted by our managers, who reminded us that our ride was waiting. As the other girls paired off and left, Seiko hesitated for a moment before reaching out her hand.
"Are you sure about this?" she asked, her concern palpable.
I smiled reassuringly. "I've already told my family, and they're cool with it. That's all that matters. Let's do this, babe."
With that, I took her hand in mine, fingers interlaced, and together we stepped out onto the flashing carpet, ready to face the world as an official couple.
No One POV
The door flew open with a bang, revealing Mina and Seiko locked in a passionate embrace as they stumbled into the room, their hands fumbling in a frenzy to shed each other's clothes. Mina's lips parted from Seiko's, her eyes smoldering with desire as she guided Seiko towards the bed, a hunger burning in her gaze.
Seiko sank onto the mattress, her chest heaving with anticipation, a telltale bulge straining against her pants, sending a shiver of excitement down Mina's spine. With a barely contained longing, Mina bit her lip, her gaze fixated on Seiko's enticing form.
Seiko's hand reached out, grasping Mina's head, pulling her in for another searing kiss, their lips melding together in a fervent dance of desire. Each touch ignited a fire within them, fueling the intensity of their passion.
Breaking away for a moment to catch their breath, Seiko's fingers trailed behind her, deftly pulling the covers from the bed in a silent invitation. With a swift motion, she stripped off her shirt, tossing it aside with abandon, baring herself to Mina's hungry gaze.
Mina wasted no time, her lips finding the sensitive skin of Seiko's neck and collarbone, trailing kisses along her heated flesh. With practiced ease, she worked to remove Seiko's bra, her movements fueled by a primal need to possess and devour.
Soon, both women stood naked before each other, their bodies trembling with desire and anticipation. Seiko's gentle push signaled a brief pause, her desire burning bright in her eyes as she leaned forward, capturing Mina's lips in another fervent kiss, sealing their union in the heat of the moment.
Mina tumbled onto Seiko on the plush hotel bed, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. With a hunger born of desire, Seiko trailed hot kisses down Mina's trembling form, igniting a fire within her with every touch.
As Seiko's lips found their mark on Mina's tender nipples, a shiver of ecstasy rippled through her, her back arching in eager anticipation. The soft moans that escaped Mina's lips only spurred Seiko on, her own desire matching the intensity of her lover's.
With expert precision, Seiko traced a path of longing down Mina's quivering stomach, pausing tantalizingly at the edge of her panties. With a swift motion, she discarded the barrier between them, casting it aside in a fervent frenzy.
Returning to her lover's trembling form, Seiko lavished attention upon Mina's trembling legs, bestowing tender kisses upon every inch of her supple skin. But it was Mina's pulsing core that called to her with an irresistible allure, drawing her in like a moth to flame.
In the dimly lit bedroom, Seiko's skilled touch sent shivers of pleasure coursing through Mina's body. With each flick of her tongue against her clit, she arched her back, desperate for more of her tantalizing caresses. The room echoed with the symphony of Mina's moans and the rhythmic sound of their breathing.
Seiko's fingers, deft and knowing, teased and explored every inch of her, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over her. As she delved deeper, Mina's hips moved in sync with her ministrations, a symphony of desire building between them.
"F-fuck," Mina gasped, her voice raw with need, as Seiko's relentless attention pushed her closer to the edge of oblivion. Her chuckle, a melody of affection and desire, only fueled her hunger for more.
With every suck and stroke, Seiko brought her to the brink of ecstasy, their connection a wildfire consuming them both in its passionate embrace. In that moment, as pleasure rippled through her, Mina knew that with Seiko, every touch was a symphony of bliss, every kiss a promise of eternity.
The air heavy with anticipation, Mina's voice echoed off the walls, her cries of pleasure filling the space as Seiko's skilled fingers worked their magic. With each teasing touch, Mina's body arched in ecstasy, her moans mingling with Seiko's name in a symphony of desire.
Seiko watched intently as Mina reached the pinnacle of pleasure, her release painting a picture of bliss across her flushed face. As she collapsed onto the bed, breathless and spent, Seiko moved closer, her desire burning bright in her eyes.
They lay together in the aftermath, basking in the intimate moment they had shared. Mina's hand found Seiko's, their fingers intertwining in a silent promise of more to come. With a playful grin, Mina brought Seiko's fingers to her lips, tasting the remnants of their passion as she licked them clean.
Seiko's laughter filled the room as she watched her, her heart swelling with affection. But soon, the playful mood shifted, desire igniting once more as Seiko hovered over Mina, her gaze smoldering with intent.
"It's my turn now," Seiko declared, her voice husky with desire as she guided herself to Mina's waiting lips. With eager anticipation, Mina welcomed her, her mouth enveloping her in warmth as she took her in, inch by inch.
As the sensations washed over her, Seiko couldn't help but let out a low groan, her fingers tangling in Mina's hair as she worked her magic. With each expert movement of her tongue, Seiko's pleasure mounted, her body trembling with need.
"Mmm, you taste so good," Mina murmured, her words sending shivers down Seiko's spine as she worshipped her with her mouth. Lost in the moment, Seiko surrendered to the blissful sensation, her world narrowing down to the exquisite pleasure of Mina's touch.
Seiko's voice reverberated through the room, sending shivers down Mina's spine as she gripped her hair firmly. She tried to suppress the urge to choke as Seiko thrust into her mouth.
"Coughing?" Seiko's concern broke through the haze of pleasure as she withdrew, her hand gently stroking her cheek. Mina nodded, the intensity of the moment leaving her breathless.
"Good," Seiko's voice was low and commanding, sending a shiver down Mina's spine. "Now, climb on top and show me what you've got," she instructed, her eyes smoldering with desire.
With a shaky breath, Mina rose from the bed, her movements deliberate as she straddled Seiko's lap. The anticipation hung heavy in the air as she lowered herself onto her, a soft moan escaping her lips as they connected.
Ecstasy surged through Mina as Seiko filled her completely, every movement sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her hands found her breasts, the sensation electric as she squeezed them firmly.
Seiko's words spurred Mina on, igniting a fire within her as she rode her with abandon. Their cries of pleasure filled the room, blending together in a symphony of desire.
As they reached the pinnacle of ecstasy, Seiko's release flooded Mina, their bodies entwined in a moment of pure bliss. Collapsing onto the bed, they lay together, breathless and spent, their hearts pounding in unison.
"That was incredible," Mina whispered, her voice barely a murmur as she gazed into Seiko's eyes. Her smile was tender as she pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, their connection deepening with each passing moment.
Seiko and Mina found themselves enveloped in a cocoon of contentment. With heavy-lidded eyes and hearts still racing, they melted into each other's embrace, limbs intertwined in a tangle of love and warmth.
In the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window, they lay entwined, their breathing slowing in sync as sleep beckoned. With a whispered exchange of sweet nothings and tender caresses, they surrendered to the embrace of slumber, their dreams intertwined in the gentle rhythm of their love.
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The Assistant 10
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Warnings: this fic includes noncon/rape, cheating, creep behaviour.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: As an assistant at the Daily Planet, you’re rarely noticed. Until you are.
Characters: Clark Kent
Note: I had to get this out of my head.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like Lord Farquaad loves unnecessary vowels. Take care. 💖
You drop your phone, shaking with panic and horror. It’s not real. It can’t be. Lois isn’t dead, it’s just an argument, just a fight. You don’t know what you saw.
You were so surprised by the call, you can’t possibly have understood what was going on. It was just so sudden. It didn’t happen.
You stand dumbfounded, unsure what to do next. There's a sickening silence filled with the echoes of Lois' struggle and the piercing timbre of Clark's wrath. You shudder and it rolls through the floor. It takes you a moment to realise that the reverberations are really. Your phone vibrates violently between your feet.
Shit! Shit! What do you do? 
You grab it out of instinct but can't bring yourself to answer the call, knowing before you look who it is. You search the room as if you might find an escape. There is none.
You rush to the bed and shut off the lamp, casting yourself in darkness. You don't think, you let your adrenaline guide you. You roll under your blankets and nestle down, clearing your throat as the call times out. Fuck.
It isn't long before the rattle begins again. You wait a few rings and answer, the small frame where you should be filled with shadow. You murmur groggily, not sure how convincing you really are.
"Hmm, what's going on?" You babble as you rustle in the bed. Clark watches you with an addled expression, his brows furrowed, his eyes almost seem to glow.
"I just called," he gristles out ans rubs the apple in his throat, "you picked up…"
"Wha–I've been sleeping," you cough, pressing yourself into the pillow as your ball your other hand. Your heartbeat hammers in your temples, "my phone was in my bed, maybe…"
"Sleeping?" He mutters as a line dips in his forehead.
"I was waiting for your call and must've fallen asleep," you utter.
"Turn your light on," he demands.
You wince, happy he can't see the fear coursing through you. Now is the real test, you have to play this right. You sit up, doing your best to mess up your appearance before you reach to the lamp. 
"I've been sick all day," you lie and lean back against the headboard, "sorry…"
He's quiet. You try not to look at your image in the corner, instead you focus on him. He's trying to figure it all out.
"Baby," you make your voice as soft as you can, "maybe it's going around. Are you feeling alright?"
He seems struck my the question. He swallows and there's a shift as he sits down, letting out a sigh. He flicks a curl away from his forehead.
"Maybe," he relents as his shoulders drop, "you miss me?"
You stare into the deep blue pools of his eyes. You don't know if he believes you. You put your hand below your throat, his gaze follows the gesture. You rub your chest and force another cough.
"Ugh, yeah," you make yourself lie, "I just feel so cruddy."
"Aw, honey, I wish I was there to take care of you. Maybe I can come home early," he offers, "things aren't going so well here. Lois… is off doing her own thing. I may as well have just stayed behind."
"Oh," you try not to react to her name, "I'm sorry–"
"Sorry…" he repeats, quiet but with a hint of resent, "she… you… you're too sweet." He moves his phone as he hangs his head, "you care so much about me, I just wish… wish it didn't have to be this way."
"Just… get some sleep," you coax, "I'm sure we'll both feel better in the morning."
"You're probably right," he croaks and sits up with a deep snort, "hard to sleep without you here."
"Yeah, I know," you eke out.
"Will you… will you stay on until I fall asleep?" He asks, almost pathetic as his tone cracks.
"Sure," you whisper, "I'll stay on."
You fight the swell of fear deep in your stomach and turn onto your side. You watch the screen as he stands and moves around slowly, almost as if he's dazed. You focus on breathing, on counting each inhale and letting it out slow. You try not to think of what he could do to you if he knew what you saw. 
You don't sleep. Not even after you end the call at Clark's rumbling snores. You just sit there and stare at the shadows cast against your wall.
You can't just wait for him to come back. This might be your only chance. Didn't this all start because you were afraid of just that, missing a once in a lifetime chance.
You get up before the sun. You don't have a plan, just a first step. One you're not even sure is a good idea.
You draft your resignation and schedule it to be sent on Monday. You pack a single bag, not much, just what you need, and leave your apartment with your phone in hand. You won't miss it, he tainted it.
You head down to the street and walk a full block before working up your courage. You don't know if you should even try. He has no obligation to you. You wouldn't blame him for laughing in your face. But… he was nice.
You hit Richard's profile and wait for the dial to pick up. It's late, or early. You lean against a building as you watch the sky change.
"Brant," he answers with his last name, voice sandy and thick.
"Hey," you squeak, second thoughts bubbling up, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't–"
"What's wrong?" He asks, his languid tone rising to urgency, "hey, what's going on?"
"I… I can't…"
You can't tell him. Even with how much you want to. You can't say the words and he wouldn't believe you. Who would? 
"It's… barely three," he yawns, "must be important, so…"
"I…" you sniffle and drag yourself away from the wall, "I need help and you're… the only person I know…"
"You know, I've had a lot of writer's ask me for favours, but they're usually a lot more to the point–"
"I need to hide," you blurt out, "please, before he gets back."
"Who?" He asks.
You're silent. You can't get your thoughts straight. You don't blame him for thinking you're crazy, you must sound it.
"Kent," he says bluntly and you quiver. "What did he do to you?"
You don't answer. He says your name. You can't. You feel like your choking.
"Where are you?" He demands and you can hear him shifting and moving around. 
"I shouldn't have–"
"Tell me," he says as fabric rustles beneath his gravelly voice. 
You whimper and look around. You're by some pawn shop. You give him the name and he sighs.
"Stay there," he orders over the jingle of keys, "please."
You're numb as you sit in the passenger seat of Richard's car. You remember the last time you were in that very spot. When he dropped you off after dinner and Clark was waiting for you. How long had he truly been waiting to strike? 
How could it have ever got to this?
Richard drives without a word. You barely recall him arriving or getting into the car. Everything around you is blurry. Your own hands feel like weights attached to your arms.
The car slows as you sink back against the seat. His window rolls down with a whir you barely hear. You don't look. He continues on, the motion soothing as you close your eyes and hiccup.
He idles again, motor humming as he daintily touches your arm.
"Got you a tea," he says gently, "hey, take a breath."
Your eyes snap open and you wipe your face, only realising then you're sobbing. You sit forward and sniff, inhaling until it hurts. He lifts a cup from the plastic holder and offers it. You accept it with a murmur and peel back the lid.
"You don't have to go into detail but I'd like to know what is going on," he says as he puts his hand back on the wheel, slowly stepping down on the gas.
You blow out a shuddery heave and gulp. You sip tenuously, wetting your throat as you try to sort through your thoughts. Where do you begin? What do you even say?
"He's scary," your voice creaks, "he's dangerous…" you shake your head and cradle the tea, trying to feel the heat of the cup, trying to cling to it. "He won't leave me alone."
"I kinda figured but Clark's just a bit strange, isn't he?" Richard says, "office flirt."
"It's more than that, he's…insane!"
"He's married, he's not going to do anything more than talk," he scoffs.
Your chest cranks and your stomach lurches. You look at him, sight pinpointing on him, "you…"
"A bit of an overreaction–"
"Why did you come if you don't believe me?"
"Believe what? I have no idea what's gone on. By the sounds of it, he's only having some fun on the side."
"Fun?! He– he is stalking me. He won't go away and now–" you stop short and huff. His chuckle makes you want to scream. He's laughing at you.
"You're laughing at me?" You reach for the door, "stop the car. Now. Let me out."
"It just seems a bit absurd, calling me at the crack of dawn because you have a horndog for a boss–"
"You're not listening to me. It's not just that," you insist, your body buzzing with anger. "Stop the car. Let me out. You–"
"Calm down. Fine, I'm all ears, did he get handsy at the water cooler?"
"Just stop the car."
"Don't be–"
"Stop!" You fling the cup at him and it lands in his lap, exploding and leaking down his pants.
He veers in surprise and the car slides sideways. Suddenly, your seat jolts as something falls onto the roof, crushing it so you're forced down in your seat. You look up and whine, fumbling to undo your seatbelt as a red glare slices through the metal.
Sparks rain down as the laser changes directions, confusion stirring your wits as you watch in dread and sink down onto the floor of the car. Richard grunts beside you and jams his fingers into the buckle of his seatbelt, swearing as it repels.
"What the fuck was that? Fucking–" he gestures to his wet pants in frustration, clueless to what's happening above him.
The metal peels back loudly as you cry out. You shield yourself and holler for Richard to watch out as you see the eerie figure floating above in the half-dim of the early morning. His eyes glow red and his veins are dark beneath his skin. Yet this is not Superman in his rippling cape but a villain in an undone button-up and slacks. It's Clark!
The vaunted caped crusader, the saviour of Metropolis and earth, the elusive good citizen. All along, he's just another twisted monster. He's a nightmare come to life. 
He tosses aside the shorn square of metal as if it's nothing. He grabs Richard and wrenches him off the seat, clutching his jaw and dangling him like a ragdoll. Richard writhes and squirms as Clark's eyes flash. Suddenly a red beam sears into Richard's skull and a rain of bone and tissue tain down around you.
You shriek in terror as blood oozes down onto the interior and Clark drops Richard's corpses into the ruin. His feet plant on the hood and he bends, reaching blindly down to grab you from beneath the dashboard. He hauls you up effortlessly by your arm, lifting you before him as his eyes continue to flare.
You grasp onto his thick forearm as you hang from his unbending grip, "you're supposed to be a hero…" you gasp in disbelief.
"And you're supposed to love me," he snarls.
You close your eyes and raise your arm, waiting for your turn. This is it. The end.
"But I love you," his voice shatters.
He snakes his arm around you and pulls you close. The world bounces and the air tunnels around you. A scream erupts from your lungs as you barrel into the void.
You bury your head in his shoulder, peeking out from the slits of your eyes to see the vast and endless sky all around you. You're flying yet you've never felt so trapped.
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gojoislaive · 4 months
beloved in-laws x reader
A bittersweet encounter. Aden x noble!oc
trope- Comfort, strangers to friends, love at first sight
It was after the festival and the confusing conversation I had with my eldest brother Felix , that I had encountered her.
With a hand going through his blonde caramel like troughs of his hair, he let out a sighed and started walking around the main center of the country where the festival was still bright and young in the night.
He had very troubling and contrasting thoughts about the fiance of his brother , Reina holmwood. He knew it was wrong , forbidden to even have a twinge of romantic or any type of feelings for her but he coudn't help it, especially if its her, i mean who woudn't?
It was night and the darkness was hollowing out the trees around him, he was distracted to not notice that he had reached the end of the mainpoint of the festive area.
Just as he was about to retreat to return back to the car for the family manor, he heard rustling and whimperings of...perhaps a lady?
At this late hour of the day , why was there a lady murked up in a corner? moreover was she ...crying?
The young lord walked further to the noise for a better understanding of the situation. And there she was, with hair as black as opal , and light pink eyes as bright as the stars that witnessed the start of a love story between two confused humans.
He widened his eyes-
She looked so divine, sitting under the embrace of the moon's displaced rays of light. Her mellowed long black eyelashes that were drunk with her tears, and those same tears that rolled down her rosy , pale skin.
He blinked before stumbling backwards a bit with surprise when she looked up at him with those flushed eyes. His dark blue eyes contrasting her red flush of an expression. Slowly he bent down with one hand over his chest as curtesy.
"I-I greet the lady of....?"
She fumbled around, straightening her white plain dress that just acts as a catalyst in the element of her purity. She hastily wiped her eyes and got up.
With a low bow and and spreading of her pearl satin dress, she replied with her gentle and shaking voice.
"I am [Name] Vadenburg, the second youngest child of the house of vaden."
She didn't dare look up to meet those alluring blue eyes, she can't face him after he had found her in a such a disheveled state. Oh it was so embarrassing!
At such a close proximity between the two , The beige haired male took her dainty hands in his and kissed the palm of the back of her hand. Such a gesture can only bring an equal amount of blush to the young lady.
He looked forward to meet the gaze of her shell-pink eyes, she flinched for a fraction of the second before nodding her head at acknowledging his sweet courtesy.
The young dispenser smiled gently, he couldn't believe that [Name] vadenburgh, the flower of the empire, the emboidment of elegance, the lady that was always composed quite contrast to her age in any social gathering he had seen her. She was the trend setter for ladies of the nobility, with both beauty and brain's, she was the only lady of the Vadenburgh house.
But she was out here in the young of night with no one to guard her, and more so she was weeping so sadly, it would make one believe she was a stubborn child stuck in an adults body.
"Pardon me if i'm overstepping my limits with this question, but..why is the lady out here with no escorts? especially in this night?"
They both were sitting on the bench near the fountain where he had found her crying, [Name] was feeling anxious sitting near such a ...infamous and pretty young lord, and it only increased her stress when she heard he was from the Dispenser house.
Her hands were clammy in the white ruffled gloves she wore , as she fidgeted with her fingers.
And with a familiar calm expression that Aden had been so familiar with she spoke out, again , with that addicting and enticing voice.
" It's...Alright , you aren't overstepping any boundaries sir Aden , do not worry, and to answer your question...I-"
With a sigh she hid her face between her slender hands, seeing this, he spoke out.
"You don't have to say anything, indefiantly I was going over the limit with that sensitive question."
To be sorely honest , Aden only wanted to know what made her cry so much , or more importantly who? , he doesn't understand why her, a stranger, and a noble he had briefly met eyes with before enticed such emotions within him by just looking at her.
He felt the urge to hold her in his arms and never let her go.
Maybe its her gentle loving eyes that spoke with emotion, or maybe its her ebony hair , those silky wavy threads that had a waft of such a sweet smell. Else it's her pretty lips that were swell with the color of a plum pink.
He had to stop himself , but god how can someone make others feel this way? do other lords feel the same way with her?
"No no! it's more than fine, I just..had snuck out to visit the festive, i wanted to run along with the children and dance with the women and enjoy my time , that's the reason i don't have an escort."
"But why sneak out? is it perhaps...the fact that your family doesn't favor the festivals of the commoners?"
She slowly shifted her head towards him and with a small smile she smiled and nodded her head.
"Its exactly that my lord."
" But your very perceptive with your surroundings sir!"
She laughed softly with her hand covering her face, his eyes unconsciously moving towards her supple lips. His eyes widened again.
'What am i doing?? such disgraceful thoughts, i mustn't..'
He quickly swerved his head to the side and covered his rosy face with his hands.
[Name] stopped laughing when she heard no input from the lord and got worried quickly, in a tensed but softer voice she asked.
"Are you alright sir? is..is it something i did?"
Hearing this a fluttering felling bloomed in his chest, god, she was simply adorable. He calmed down and looked at her, and his hands slowly reached her's , when she flinched , he asked.
"May I, my lady?"
She looked at him with such a bewildered expression, the young woman wasn't expecting him to reach out his hand to her's, let alone having physical contact. She couldn't possibly ignore such a lord, and it wouldn't hurt to latch for bit more affection and comfort, right? after all no one had ever stood by her truly for who she was, her only identity was the young lady of Vaden.
Her eye's softened and she smiled, nodding her head.
He laughed out loud at her response, only if he could freeze this moment, did god pity him? is that why such an angel was bestowed to him?
"Please my lady, call me Aden."
The lady frantically moved her hands around and only replied in a enigmatic tone-
"Then It-it would be only fair for you to call me [Name] then , sir Aden!"
And the day ended with two young teenagers bound to fall in love, one could tell what love could do to you, and how it shows through the flushed expressions of both the young nobles.
Love is such a beautiful thing.
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madam-melon-meow · 1 year
The Good, The Bad, ans The Alternative: a homestuck fanfic. Chapter 19, an excerpt.
Karkat frowned. He was beginning to worry this whole endeavor was going to permanently crease his face with the expression of distaste.
He watched as the Hunter instructed Kanaya in front of a set of weights- the kind the gyms were filled with. Bars and bells of a cartoonish variety of colors were laid out like instruments on a surgeon's tool tray.
"Broderick, is this really necessary?" Mama said tiredly, watching from where she was seated a polite distance away from Karkat.
"Yeah. How the fuck did you even get your hands on this many weights so fast?" Karkat asked. The Hunter had disappeared up the elevator for what seemed like less than half an hour, and come back with this whole ridiculous assortment.
"Of course it's necessary." The Hunter said with obnoxious seriousness. "We need to know the limits of her strength, not just for our safety, but her own." But there was a way that the light reflected off of his glasses that made Karkat wonder if he wasn't doing this for some childish motive of determining her power level.
"Now, Kanaya." The Hunter turned to her. "You're going to execute a deadlift, moving up on the weights progressively until you find it difficult, at which point you're gonna tell me."
Kanaya looked uneasy, but nodded. She glanced over to Karkat, who cocked an eyebrow in question.
"I wish to test this as well." Kanaya said. "The more quickly I get a grasp of my strength, the sooner I might learn to control it."
"Great." The Hunter interrupted, as though she'd been talking to him. "Place your feet just shy of shoulder-width apart. Reach down just how your arms fall naturally." Karkat watched as Kanaya stepped up to a bar loaded with 160 pounds and did as he instructed. "This is around John's body weight, by my estimate. Don't hunch your back, keep it straight, squeeze your core muscles-" he pressed his finger just under her ribcage, slightly off to the side. "-like you're trying to push this off of you."
With a barrage of prodding and correcting, the Hunter eventually got Kanaya into a form he was satisfied with. Kanaya looked like all the muscles in her body were confused with what they were doing.
"You mess up the form and you'll hurt yourself." The Hunter said. He clearly had some kind of experience with this.
"Well-" Kanaya said, strained. "That would be quite catastrophic. For me to hurt myself. If it's a truly dramatic injury it might last for five whole seconds."
The Hunter nodded thoughtfully. Karkat snorted a laugh at her sarcasm.
"Now just stand up straight." He gestured for her to stand up. She did. Easily. "Hm. Okay, you can drop it."
She did. It hit the floor with a loud clang.
"This is ridiculous!" Karkat stood up. "I'm not gonna sit here for three hours as you add pounds one by one. You said she shattered your sword with her fucking wrist, just make it as heavy as you can, you probably don't even have enough weight to make her struggle!"
"Don't blow your load, bud. Kanaya, how heavy did that feel?" The Hunter asked.
"Like picking up a throw pillow, to be candid." Kanaya said, looking down at the heavy metal bar at her feet.
Want to see what happens next? Click the link!
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terinour · 1 year
Mary / Lucienne
Stephen opened a box of mushrooms. It was all he had left in his cupboard. He looked furtively out the window. He didn't have a view of the Eiffel Tower but of a suburban neighborhood.
At what point did the memories begin to resurface? He was sitting in front of his plate of mushrooms. The lights of the city and everything around him were fading. Now he was in the woods. He was about ten years old. Mary, his great-grandmother, was walking beside him, slowly, with the help of a cane. She spoke little, stopped sometimes, searched the ground with the tip of her cane and turned over the leaves. Stephen remembered his great-grandmother's gestures, the smell of the undergrowth, the colors and the roughness of the trees.
From far and wide a mushroom would appear, as if it could be caught. Mary knelt down to pick it up. Stephen was watching her. Her gnarled fingers would slowly release the foot to cut it. Then she would hand her catch to Stephen, who would carefully put it away in a bag.
Mary was born in 1901 and Stephen sixty years later. A century, almost, separated them. He had always known her to be old, and it didn't matter whether she was a hundred or a thousand years old. It seemed to him that she had infinite wisdom and rights over death, which had become her confidant. Mary was the friend of time, she was time itself and had the penetrating gaze that all those who can see between worlds have.
Time had worked like a river and dug a gap between these two beings. But mushrooms, even if fragile, had the power to create a complicity between them. In his apartment in the Parisian suburbs, Stephen was alone. It seemed that mushrooms did not have the same power. Yet Mary was always there, in his memory.
Stephen closed the shutters and packed his bags, taking his time, smiling. When you know where you are going and where you come from, the present becomes lighter. He had long hours of road ahead of him. He was beginning to understand that what his great-grandmother had to teach him could not be expressed in words. It had taken thirty years for it to become obvious.
The teaching hidden in Mary's silences had always been within him, and only by paying close attention could it be discovered, like the mushrooms in the forest.
It was enough to bend down inside oneself to pick up all the power in the world.
Teri Nour
Note: I had translated my own text below in french. I apologize for this appoximative translation with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).
Stéphane ouvrit une boîte de champignons de paris. C’était tout ce qui lui restait dans son placard. Il regarda furtivement par la fenêtre. Il n’avait pas de vue sur la Tour Eiffel mais sur un quartier de banlieue.
A quel moment les souvenirs ont-ils commencé à ressurgir ? Il était assis devant son assiette de champignons. Les lumières de la ville et autour de lui tout devenait évanescent. Maintenant il était dans les bois. Il avait une dizaine d’années. Lucienne, son arrière-grand-mère, marchait à ses côtés, lentement, en s’aidant d’une canne. Elle parlait peu, s’arrêtait parfois, fouillait le sol avec le bout de sa canne et retournait les feuilles. Stéphane se souvenait des gestes de son arrière-grand-mère, de l’odeur des sous-bois, des couleurs et de la rugosité des arbres.
De loin en loin un champignon faisait son apparition, comme s’il se laissait attraper. Lucienne s’agenouillait pour le ramasser. Stéphane la regardait faire. Ses doigts noueux dégageaienMaryt lentement le pied pour le couper. Alors elle tendait sa prise à Stéphane qui le rangeait avec précaution dans un sac.
Lucienne naquit en 1901 et Stéphane soixante dix ans plus tard. Un siècle, presque, les séparaient. Il l’avait toujours connu vieille et peu importait qu’elle ait bientôt cent ou mille ans. Il lui semblait qu’elle possédait une sagesse infinie et des droits sur la mort, qui était devenue sa confidente. Lucienne était l’amie du temps, elle était le temps lui-même et avait le regard pénétrant qu’ont tous ceux qui peuvent voir entre les mondes.
Le temps avait œuvré comme un fleuve et creusé un fossé entre ces deux êtres. Mais les champignons, fussent-ils fragiles, avaient le pouvoir de créer une complicité entre eux. Dans son appartement en banlieue parisienne Stéphane était seul. A croire que les champignons de paris n’avaient pas le même pouvoir. Pourtant Lucienne était toujours là, dans sa mémoire.
Stéphane ferma les volets et fit ses valises en prenant son temps, en souriant. Quand on sais où on va et d’où l’on vient alors le présent devient plus léger. Il avait de longues heures de routes devant lui. Il commençait à comprendre que ce qu’avait à lui apprendre son arrière-grand-mère ne pouvait passer par des mots. Il avait fallu trente ans pour que cela devienne évident.
L’enseignement caché dans les silences de Lucienne était en lui depuis toujours et seule une attention profonde permettait de le découvrir, comme les champignons dans la forêt.
Il suffisait de se pencher en soi pour ramasser tout le pouvoir du monde.
Le 14 février 2021
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thought-i-to-myself · 5 years
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GENTLEMAN JACK // Anne Lister + walk & talk
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pariahsparadise · 3 years
nav. | masterlist
requested - Could I request an angsty, fluff Fred and the reader and dating and she brakes up with him and she is pregnant and he doesn’t know after a year she go’s to visit her parents and she decides to go to the W’ W W. And she says hi to Fred and the baby is touching everything and he is like is this you baby and the reader says yes and he says how old is she and the reader says 8 months and that how many months they have been broken up and he does the math and he says is that my baby and the reader says nothing and Fred says Y/N!! IS THAT MY BABY and … and you can do the rest if you want to. And the baby has red hair just like Fred. Ans it’s up to you if you want to right in. Love u <3
word count- 1.1k
pairings- fred weasley x fem!reader
author’s note- i’m very much against the pregnancy trope, which is why it took me so long to get to this request, but hopefully i did it okay? idk, it's not proofread (as usual). leave me any feedback you might have in the comments :)
warnings- none really, a bit of angst and fluff?
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Fred Weasley had always been a light in your life, red hair always glowing around his head like a devilish halo, the twinkle in his eyes a constant in your memories. The brave Gryffindor had a stake on your heart since the day you met, and the two of you fell hard and fast.
However, you two were now in the middle of a war. And Fred wanted to fight.
It broke your heart. Just the mere thought of losing Fred Weasley was enough to send you into a fit, enough to trigger a panic attack, to make it feel like oblivion was crashing down on you. In a desperate play, you broke up with him, hoping maybe he would realise what he was risking, maybe he would decide not to fight. Maybe he’d send you an owl admitting his foolishness, maybe he’d choose to be safe, maybe he’d stay alive for you.
Errol never arrived.
You left for Romania at your parents’ insistence, you found lodging in their safe house there. You spent your time dealing with the aftermath of Fred Weasley and occasionally your studies, as you were practicing to become an Alchemist. However, all that soon came to a halt with the startling discovery of your pregnancy- and even less of your time was spent productively after the arrival of your daughter.
Joy, you named her, after everything that her father gave you.
It was 8 months after her birth, and your parents decided that they simply could not wait any longer to meet their granddaughter. Having been influential pawns in the war, it was far too risky for them to travel outside the safety of their home, and so they summoned you back, insistent on seeing their flesh and blood once more. You laughed at their piling letters on your mantelpiece, and finally made arrangements for a trip back home.
Jubilant yells filled the hall as you pushed open the door and made your way through, a barricade of warmth and comfort forming around you as your family embraced you.
“Y/N/N!” exclaimed your father, hand affectionately ruffling your hair as your mother practically (but carefully) snatched your child up into her arms, “It’s been far too long, dear, you look so mature!”
You laughed at your father’s awestruck expression as he looked down at you, leaning up to press a kiss on his cheek. “It really has, Dad, I’m sorry I couldn’t visit earlier. Harry warned me about lingering Death Eaters on the border, and-”
Your father cut you off with a curt wave, hand stretching out to pull you into yet another hug, “Nonsense. You did the right thing for you and your child, which was to wait till it was safe. Besides, you’re here now! And that’s what matters!”
Your watery smile was hidden by his soft sweater, but you knew he understood how you felt. Pulling away from the hug, your father gave your shoulders a gentle squeeze before shouting to your mother, who was already across the room, “Oi! That kid isn’t yours, stop trying to kidnap my granddaughter!”
She replied with a gesture that definitely would not have made a good impression on Joy, and you were glad that your daughter was already fast asleep.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
It had been your idea to head to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, hoping to catch a glimpse of the tall redhead who had stolen your heart. Out of this trip, the very least that you wanted was closure, and you were set on earning it. Taking a deep breath at the door, you gathered your courage and pushed it open, the jingling bells announcing your presence in the store.
And nearly crashed into a child. Resisting the urge to yeet the wailing toddler, you carefully hefted your own kid from one arm to the other, hand gently supporting her back and covering her ears, in case the noise was too much for her. If it was, she certainly didn’t show it, her voice a happy babble as she pinched your thumb with her two tiny hands. You giggled, tickling her under her chin. You were so distracted, you didn’t even notice the tall man approaching you until he was standing right in front of you, handsomer than he had been.
You nearly crashed into yet another child, but this time it was because of the shock that came with the sight of Fred Weasley. He had grown more muscular, and a new scar dotted his eyebrow. He was the first to speak, as you found that your voice had decided now would be a great time to head out. “Y/N?” he asked, doubt laced in his words, as if he couldn’t trust his eyes. When you nodded in response, a face-splitting grin took over his features, transforming his features completely. You stumbled a little at the sight, and even more so when Fred grabbed your arms to steady you. It was then that he noticed Joy.
“Oh!” he said, recovering quickly, “Who’s this?”
“She’s my daughter,” you answered, holding her out to Fred, who took her from you wordlessly. “Joy.”
“Oh,” Fred says again, a lump visible in his throat as he swallows, “Congratulations. How old is she?”
You hesitate slightly, the silence filled by Joy’s babbles and squeals, her hands reaching up to try and grab hold of his hair, the same hue as hers. If Fred hasn’t been able to figure it out by now, he certainly will soon, the likeness between the two of them is uncanny.
“8 months.”
You can practically see the wheels turning in his head, and his mouth comically drops open, only to quickly snap shut when your daughter tries to stick her hand inside it. His eyes hold thousands of questions, and a simple nod from you is all it takes to answer them. He looks down at Joy with all the childlike wonder and bafflement of a 5 year old on Christmas, and you force yourself to take a mental photograph of this moment, not wanting to forget it anytime soon.
“How- what- you didn’t tell-,” he sputters, his gaze travelling from you to Joy and back rapidly, trying to process. Shutting his eyes, he takes a deep breath and opens them, letting out a startled laugh when he finds your daughter trying to mimic his expression. He looks at you like you’ve given him the world, like you are his world, the same way he used to look at you back in your Hogwarts days. You finally allow yourself to acknowledge the truth you’ve hidden from yourself for so long-
You were never going to get over Fred Weasley. And that was fine, because you would never have to.
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quest-draws · 4 years
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[Image description: A black and white comic titled Adventures in Re-Veth-ification: It's Been A While. Luc Brenatto, a white passing 20 year old halfling with a curly dark ponytail and short beard, a loose fitting shirt, and a button earing, is sitting in the kitchen of the Xhorhaus with Beau Lionet, a scarred asian woman with short hair who still looks in her twenties despite being much older.
 In the background Fjord, an older half-orc with graying hair and beard, both loosely tied into tails, is pouring himself a cup of tea while Caduceus Clay, a firbold with a long mohawk piled into an updo, chops vegetables at a counter.  
“...And that's when she shot me in the ass,”  says Beau, smirking.
“Holy shit,” Luc replies. “That's pretty crazy.”
“Heh, c'mon kid, you know your mom.” Beau says. She makes a dismissive gesture, “Though she was still a goblin at that point. She calmed down a bit after she changed back”
Luc stares at Beau, confused. “When she... sorry what?”
“When Caleb turned her back into a halfling?” She says. She smiles a little awkwardly. In the background, Caduceus stops chopping to look at them, concerned. “... After we lifted the curse?” Beau continues. 
Luc just looks baffled, bordering on alarmed, “Lifted the- Mom got cursed!? When the fuck did that happen?” He says
Beau, Fjord, and Caduceus all freeze, looking at Luc with pained and awkward expressions as he waits for them to answer his question. 
Fjord breaks the silence first. “Well, this will be terrible,” he deadpans “I'll get Veth.”
“I'll make more tea,” says Caduceus. 
“I'll be real with you-” says Beau, putting her hand on Luc’s shoulder. “This conversation is gonna suck balls.”
A short jump in time later, Luc is sitting with his head in his hands, yelling a long drawn out “Aaah” while his mother Veth, a chubby halfling woman with partially braided hair and facial tattoos, tries to comfort him. 
“... you were just so young, Luc, and it was confusing enough with me just showing up again and I was so worried I would scare you- I was scary! And you were so young-” she rambles. Fjord and Beau are beside them, with Beau leaning on the back of Luc’s chair and Fjord gesturing emphatically by Veth. 
“I mean, you knew she didn't come home right away, what did you think she was doing when she was Nott? Why'd you think we called her that?” Fjord says.
Luc slams his hands down on the table. “I was five I thought fuck all!” he shouts. “ And even if I had thought about it I wouldn't have gotten to 'goblin curse' from 'Nott the Brave' because that's fucking insane! That's like expecting me to get to 'Ex-Wizard Assassin' from 'Caleb'!”
“Wait, you know about the wizard assassins?” says Veth. Beau looks at him from over the back of the chair. 
“Damn, how'd you get to wizard assassins before goblin curses?” She says. 
"I don’t fucking know, Beau!” Luc yells. Caduceus takes Veth’s empty tea cup without comment. 
Veth puts her arm around her son. “Oh, baby, I'm so sorry,” she says. “If it means anything, it's not just you I kept it from- It took months to tell the Nein. Hell, I didn't tell you're father everything until...” She trails off, a look of realization creeping over her face. “Until, uh....”
Veth suddenly hops down from the table and rushes off, speaking so fast her words slur together “Fuck, okay, hang on a second i'm gonna go get him-” 
Many cups of tea later, Yeza, a halfling man who looks like an older version of Luc with no beard and large glasses, and the rest of the Mighty Nein have joined the others in the kitchen. The Brenattos are all at the table- Yeza and Luc are staring off into space, while Veth has both hands on the table ans is looking to the two of them with a slightly manic expression. Beau is still leaning against Luc’s chair, now with a cup of tea in hand. Fjord is sitting with Jester, a middle aged tiefling with short dark hair and one broken horn, on the counter eating sandwiches. 
Yasha, a middle aged aasimar with white hair braided with flowers and an eyepatch, sits on the far end of the counter, straining to see over the people closer to the table, namely Caduceus, who is pouring more tea to add to the plethora of mugs now littering the table, and Caleb, a middle aged human with glasses and long hair in a side ponytail, who is standing behind Veth with his hands on her shoulders. 
“And that's everything!” Veth shouts, far to excitedly. “All on the same page! Everyone good?”
The rest of her family look profoundly nonplussed. 
Luc leans back in his chair. “Ah,” he says. 
End description.]
Being in your twenties is just like *accidentally unearths repressed family trauma in a casual conversation* *accidentally unearths repressed family trauma in a casual conversation* *accidentally unearths repressed family trauma in a casual conversa-*
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necromancer-mango · 3 years
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[image description: Ten traditional drawings colored digitally of characters from the game Blaseball. The first image is a drawing of Edric Tosser. Edric is Cantonese/Jewish. He is wearing a large dark grey jacket with pins ans patches decorating it. They are holding a basket of tangerines and their hair is dyed blue and styled into a mohawk mullet. The second image is of Edric and Atlas Guerra. Atlas is facing profile right while Edric is further back in the picture smailing at her. They are having a conversation while wearing firefighter jackets. Atlas is a filipino woman with short brown hair and brown skin. The third image is Edric again wearing a black jacket with studs and spikes around the shoulders and sleeves, Their hair is cut short and died a magenta color. The fourth image is Edric and Joshua Butt, who is Polish with brown hair. Edric is hugging Josh from behind, one arm going over the shoulder. Both of them are facing away from the camera. The fifth image is of Edric and his sister Mira. They are both seated against a brick wall eating cookie rolls with juice boxes. The sixth image is of Mira Erika and Lily. Lily is carrying a few grocery bags while Erika is carrying a sleeping Mira on her back. Lily and Mira are talking to each other. The seventh image is of Lily Tosser. She is wearing a grey hoodie and is looking to her right. Her hair is cut short around her ears with long bangs. The eighth image is of Anna Edric and Mira. Anna is talking to someone not depicted in the picture and gesturing at something also not depicted. Edric is facing away from the viewer and is leaning on Anna’s back while Mira has a hand on their back and is talking to Edric. The ninth image is of the twins Anna and Lily. Lily is taller than Anna and is gesturing at a jumping spider in her hands while Anna observes and listens with a concentrated expression. The tenth image is a line of drawings starting from left to right of; Erika, Edric, Anna, Lily, and Mira. Next to each of them is their names and from left to right the words; “大家姐, 二哥, 二弟, 三妹, 三姐, 四妹, 四姐, 五妹, 五姐, 妹妹.” /end image description]
ok i have had this sitting here for awhile b/c of the length so uh. here u go.
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in relation to my drowsy share, anyway can we have the rfa + minor trio's take on an mc that is so crazy for a fictional character meanwhile they are in love with mc? they be like: hELLo - crackhead anon
Hey there crackhead anon! I’ve missed yaaaaa
RFA+minor trio with an MC who is in love with fictional characters (instead of them *insert sad violin music*)
Part 2 here!
Aight listen
At first he’s chill about it
He just thinks you don’t know how to pick up hints, because he’s literally been flirting with you for a while now
But then, after time passes and you still don’t realize he’s hitting on you, and you’re still sort of fangirling over this fictional character, he WILL be a bit mad
I mean why do you need to romance 2d boys when he’s there??? Do you just not like him??? What was wrong with him, mC pLeAsE
Truth be told, he will try and act like your anime/game character. He WILL do it, all he can to get you to understand he LIKES you
You like angry bois? He will become an angry boy. Tsunderes? Well, it’s not like he l-likes you or anything baka! Cool flirty type? He will up his game
Although it takes a while, Zen finds out one of your favorite confessions from your favorite game, and decides to copy it! He will be all romantic and everything
Thankfully you were FINALLY able to understand that he likes you, and it’ll probably be a funny story you tell everyone in the RFA
Angry boi angry boi
Yoosung has never flirted in his life
Well, he’s not good at it, it’s not something he has really done before
Imagine the PAIN this poor guy must be through when he finally takes the courage to flirt and...
You don’t get it
Zen has even tried giving Yoosung some advice, which usually works,but you’re still not picking up his hints!
One day Yoosung finds you smiling at your phone screen and he’s lowkey ready to fuck a bitch up
But then he sees you’re playing a game... ANS GETS EVEN MORE JEALOUS
I mean, come on! You’re choosing an AI over him? Why MC WHY T_T
After curling up in his bed and crying for three hours, Yoosung decided to just tell you and get it over with.
He was really scared, and his hands shook as he dialed up your number.
You immediatly answered, which made him let out a little yelp, and after a bit of stammering Yoosung decided to confess his feelings for you.
“I...I love you Y/N. And, I-I know I’m not exactly your type of guy...like the ones in your game. I’m not really like...like them but I, I promise I will do my best to become the type of man you want to be with!”
“Y/N please speak I am panicking.”
You laughed. “It’s alright Yoosung. Truth is...I like you too...and you’re exactly like the guy in my game, why do you even think I was romancing him? You don’t have to change, I love you for who you are.”
Yoosung tried his best to hold back his tears, and after the two of you hung up he gave a little WHOOP
So, Jaehee was really taken aback when she realized that she had feelings for you. After all, she never really thought about having a partner before
She was really new to the experience. Sure, she had been confessed to in her high school days (I mean look at her she probably got so many love letters AHG) but that was all she knew.
So she went to Zen for advice, which was great! The thing neither of you had planned though, was that you would be far too focused on your anime waifus to realize that Jaehee was flirting with you
Honestly she isn’t even mad. She’s just confused. I mean, she gets what it’s like idolizing someone, but I mean, Zen was real.
So Jaehee lays low for a while. To be honest, she feels a bit jealous whenever you gush and fawn over this character, or this other character, because your eyes light up in such a beautiful way, she can’t help but want them to light up like that for her.
After months and months, Zen finally decides to tell you that Jaehee likes you. He had taken you out to dinner, and you almost dropped your fork when he told you.
Immediatly, he drove you to Jaehee’s house. She came out in her cute pijamas, with no glasses on. You were honestly about to die.
After saying bye (and thanks) to Zen, you went to sit with Jaehee in her living room, and there you confessed your feelings for her. Jaehee was super confused,after all you would never shut up about the character you liked, and she really believed she had no shot. Yet, here you are, confessing to her. Jaehee can’t help but smile and blush.
She will always tease you about your character crushes, but she understands you. She has even found a few of her own! (But she’ll never tell you.)
Jaehee thinks it’s really funny how you never understood that she was trying to give you hints, or even the time she used a pick up line on you (Zen’s idea) and you two laugh about it when you lay in bed, cuddling.
He is very confused
First of all, he’s dealing with a LOT of emotions right now
And then second, when he decided to express his feelings for you, you don’t really understand?
Which is super confusing, I mean, it always works in his soap operas
Instead though, you are in love with a fictional character.
Excuse me what?
Jumin really doesn’t understand
MC he’s fake pls love me
Honestly I think this would lead to a really funny montage of Jumin buying you super expensive things, and making the biggest romantic gestures, while you just remain clueless as to what’s going on lol
He gets a whole orchestra to play your favorite song, he always gets you your favorite flowers or chocolates, he’s always doing the most romantic things he can find on the internet! (Yes he had to look up how to flirt lol)
One day, you’re both talking on the phone, and it’s late at night. The moon and stars are getting the both of you super sentimental, and at one point while Jumin is looking out into the balcony, he smiles and then whispers your name.
You immediatly stop talking and blush like crazy. Then, before you could say anything else, he starts speaking again.
“Y/N. There’s something really important I have to tell you. In all my life...no one has ever gotten to make me...make me feel so much. I’ve always been told to bury my emotions, to never show them. Then you came along and I found that I could never stop myself from...from feeling...I’ve never felt like this before, the feeling of loving someone, of cherishing someone. They weren’t feelings I hadn’t known until I met you. You have changed my life. And I mean it, Y/N. I have become more open, it’s as if my heart was a frozen lake and then you came and melted me away and well, what I’m trying to say is that I love you.”
“Jumin that was the best confession ever, I- I love you too!”
Afterwards Jumin is fine with you going crazy for a fictional character, as long as he always ends up getting tons of hugs and kisses too.
Jumin was never really jealous, except the times when he left for business trips, because he knew that some games had these audios to help you sleep (you told him a while ago) and that was the only thing that made him a bit worried.
One time when he came home early, you jumped up from your bed where you were playing and ran up to hug Jumin. Your phone screen was still on and he could see the character smiling seductively at you. He may or may not have stuck his tongue out at it for a split second (he had all the right to though, I mean why would you want a fictional character when you have JUMIN ajfbdbsb)
So, after the whole ME ordeal was over, you two still hadn’t really tied the knot. You weren’t even together.
Saeyoung had realized that he liked you, more than he’s ever liked a person before, and he felt that it was alright now...after all, there was no more agency, or weird cults or whatever.
He thought it would be fine.
Oh how wrong he was
Saeyoung does have his own way of showing his affections, by bulding apps or robots, anything of the sort! Yet you still didn’t seem to understand that he liked you
Instead you were head over heels for this one guy in a stupid game.
Listen, Saeyoung was pretty jealous alright? He kept trying to flirt but you didn’t understand, and you actually seemed to be in love with a fictional character! What was he supposed to do now?
Well eventually he figured out how to make his feelings clear for you.
One night, you opened up your game after a long day. You loaded your file and hummed the games background music as you progressed through the story, and giggled whenever your favorite character would appear.
Then, when your favorite cutscene was about to happen, your computer froze.
You frowned and gently tapped the screen, seeing if that would make it work. But no.
You panicked and clicked your screen, trying to restart your computer, to close the application, just to figure out what was wrong.
Then suddenly some text appeared, as if from the game, and a sprite you had never seen before (but was familiar) appeared on the screen.
You raised an eyebrow and went out into the living room, looking at the camera and trying to ask Seven what was going on, but he didn’t seem to reply.
You then grabbed your computer and kept clicking through the game.
“Y/N” it said. “It’s me! God7! Aren’t you feeling so grateful right now? Knowing that the one and only Savior of Justice is right here, inside your computer! Not everyone gets this sort of treatment you know? Anyway, the thing is, I hope you’re not mad that I hacked into your game. Oh, don’t worry though! I will fix it as soon as we’re done talking...well...the thing is....Y/N. I know it’s really weird that I’m talking to you through this, but I feel like it’s the only way I can get you to understand how you make me feel. Thanks to you I got my brother back, and the RFA is closer than ever. I don’t even have an agency to work for anymore. You’ve done so much for all of us. And the thing is, during that process I...I fell in love with you. I love your smile, your voice, your eyes, your face, everything. Yet you only seem to have eyes for that game character, hmph! How dare he try to get between my beautiful 606 and me!? To be honest...I don’t know if you like me back. For all I know you’re ready to marry that one guy, but I just have to be honest now, and tell you how I feel. That’s all. You don’t have to reply yet though! I’m sorry I can’t be like those guys in your games, but I’ll show you that 707 can be way better than them! Anyway, I think I’ve kept you for too long. I’ll go now...bye!”
A woosh sound effect was heard, and then your computer turned back to normal, your character smiling up at you, the romantic music playing on the background. But you just sat there, blushing.
Seven....liked you?!
Holy shit! And you didn’t even realize!
You quickly turned off your computer and ran over to the living room, getting in clear view of the camera. You waved your arms frantically and smiled at the lens as you said “I love you Saeyoung!”
Did he hear? You didn’t really know. Well not until you heard a knock on your door and when you opened, Saeyoung quickly ran over and hugged you.
He lets you still be crazy for fictional characters, the only rule is that you can’t buy any body pillows of them.
“Why buy them when you have me! Y/N, you know I’m the best quality for a body pillow” he winked at you, and you rolled your eyes.
In conclusion, the two of you always laugh remembering how you never got that he was flirting, and how in love you appeared to be with the fictional character.
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bibliocratic · 4 years
tim and jon
part of a series of archive polycule oneshots (minor cws and mentions in the tags - ask if you would like anything added. these cws are explained in more detail in the ANs on A03)
“Would you hurry up?” Jon hisses at him, his eyes scattering skittishly to dart and interrogate every night-echoed noise. His expression is bow-strung and embroiled in a hundred outcomes where they get caught, and he furiously shakes his head when Tim indicates through rough and basic mime the next stage of this impeccably-organised plan. There is a flurry of disagreement about who gets to take the starring role in the next part, performed entirely through gestures and whispers before Jon, snapping a ‘fine, fine’, takes the leg-up Tim’s offering. There’s a medley of ‘shit’ and ‘woahwoahwoah’ as both of them adjust to balance and Jon clings to the wall for a moment, psyching himself up prior to shimmying his lanky body worm-like through the open letterbox-shaped window.
There is a clattering, a worrying thump. Tim winces, and cautiously calls out “Boss?” as loud as he dares.
He gets a seething cats-hiss of “Keep it down!” so he presumes Jon’s not too badly damaged.
A minute or so later, Jon is opening the lock from the inside to let Tim into the building. His jumper is rumpled, his hair and face caked with dust like a talc bottle’s gone off in his face.
“Bit grubby there,” Tim grins. Jon gives him a look that promises untold violence and an unmarked grave if he doesn’t behave himself. Tim mimes zipping his lips shut before passing Jon the spare torch.
Despite Jon’s protestations, this outing was his idea. The security tapes and records are in here somewhere, the owner was cagey enough that it’s practically a given, and if they can use them to prove a case of a possible active entity, well, a little sneaking around can’t hurt. Jon had avoided calling it exactly what it was (‘It’s just some looking around’ / ‘It’s trespassing, boss’ / ‘It’s harmless, we’ll be in and out, we’re not really stealing anything valuable’ / ‘It’s breaking and entering and trespassing on private property’) so much so that Tim had laughed, declared it a case of Schrödinger’s illegal and told Jon he’d buy them both some gloves for their night-time ‘looking around’.
Moving further into the property, the flashlights they’ve brought arc with echoes of illumination a split second slow, like the dragging light of a Bonfire sparkler, eventually casting over to a metallic-walled office tucked off to the side. This place looks like a pre-fab, out on an industrial estate somewhere, and from contents inside, has spent the last few years being a motorcycle showroom. Gleaming structures are displayed proudly and buffed to shining in lines, the large open-plan room interspersed with load-bearing pillars. Off near the end, there’s the accessories part of the space, with metal shelving and stands and racks where helmets and gloves and leathers are clustered.
The office is locked.  Jon wordlessly pushes the torch over to Tim, who holds both it and his own pointed at the lock, and pulls out a black rectangular carry case. Kneeling down, he unzips it with a quiet tug, revealing its contents as an honest-to-god lockpicking kit.
“Are you serious?” Tim expels in a high breath, his mouth curved high in delight.
“Childhood hobby,” is the only thing Jon will say, and any further questions are refuted with a ‘I am trying to concentrate’ or a stone-wall silence. Tim files all a hundred and one of his follow-up questions for a later time. He’s half tempted to snap a photo for Sasha, but then remembers with a guilty jolt that that would probably be a bad idea if anyone catches them.
The office is no better than their archives, and Jon is visibly disappointed at the lack of an easy job. Stowing away his kit back into his pockets, they settle into a routine after a few muttered back-and-forth suggestions. Tim takes the paper-drowned desk, the stuffed layers of the in-tray and the desk drawers, while Jon braves the rattling filing cabinets taller than he is.
For the most part, they work in silence, which means it’s a surprise when, after a few moments rifling, Jon says in a painfully faux-casual way:
“So. You and um. You and Martin.”
“Hmm?” Tim replies. His eyes flick over several receipts, a few carbon-copies of CBT papers and full licenses.  He tries to separate some, only to find that they’ve started to stick together, and he sighs with irritation.
Jon remains quiet. Tim turns to look at him, and he’s still got his hands in the stomach of the highest and dustiest filing cabinet, obviously no longer looking with the entirety of his attention but still trying to keep up the charade.
“Was there a point you wanted to make, or…?”
Jon pulls his hands out and swings his face around, and Tim can’t read his expression.
“At the… At the Institute party. You seemed… close.”
No closer than usual, Tim had thought. Martin’s efforts hadn’t been enough to completely vanish his anxieties over the socialisation. He’d stuck close to the other three all night, tugging at his new jacket at intervals, running his fingers over the fabric to settle himself. He’d avoided the alcohol entirely, and had picked at the snack foods. Tim had been as free with his affections with Sasha as usual, casual touches to her hip, the small of her back, calling her ‘babe’ and ‘love’. Sasha had pressed a kiss to Jon’s cheek and dragged him over by the hand to their merry band when he’d arrived later than the rest of them. Tim and Martin hadn’t touched because Martin had confessed earlier that he’d prefer if they didn’t, not in this setting, not where other people could see or comment or judge, and so Tim respected that and kept his distance. Apart from once, when they were sat off to the side on plastic-backed chairs pulled out of some store cupboard somewhere, unnoticed by anyone else. Sasha had been drawn into conversation with Rosie about something political, and Jon had been extricating himself from talking to Elias after being summoned over to meet a few of their investors, and Martin had nudged Tim’s hand with the back of his own and murmured ‘Thanks. For, um, convincing me to come’ and then he’d glanced around before leaning in and kissing him demurely before moving back, his cheeks clawed with pink.  Tim had felt a bit like a firecracker going off.
“You’re a bit late for any juicy office gossip,” Tim replies slowly, uncertain of where this conversation is going. “I mean, it’s not a new development.”
Perhaps Jon had seen him and Martin, although it wasn’t a crime, what they did, wasn’t inappropriate for work. He’d assumed Sasha would have told him, on the nights when Jon stayed at hers. Martin doesn’t tell anyone about them, but Martin doesn’t tell anyone about a lot of things, and they’ve spoken about his insecurities and fears both unfounded and painfully historical. Tim doesn’t mind Martin’s reticence, doesn’t mind the slow-building thing between them. Martin pretends not to smile at his jokes and beats him at Mario Kart every time and oversalts his chips and undercooks his eggs and finishes Tim’s onion bhajis when he’s ordered too much and scolds him for forgetting about the bins again and has started to kiss him for the first time like this isn’t something he’s going to lose. Martin hasn’t said he loves him, and that’s alright. Tim’s pretty sure he’s been gone for Martin for months now.
“Does he know?”
Jon’s follow-up is flint-strike, whiplash-corded. He’s set his jaw and his mouth in a tight line that looks like a wound in the unsettled torchlight.
“What do you mean?” Tim asks nonplussed, and if anything, Jon winches his body tighter and says, almost impatiently.
“Does Martin know about Sasha?”
“What about her?”
“About you and Sasha?”
“I mean… yes?”
“And does Sasha know about you and Martin?”
“Have you talked to her about this?”
“Well, no. I wanted to ask you first.”
Comprehension rocks him tidal with a sudden drenching wave.
“Christ, Jon!” Tim hisses out, and Jon gestures him to be quieter and it’s only with real effort that he manages: “Of course she knows. They both know about each other – I’m not a complete bastard!”
“I didn’t say that!” Jon counters defensive. A coil of embarrassment has begun to wind its way through his tone.
“Is that what you think? That I’ve, what, started seeing Martin on the side and just… what, haven’t told Sasha about it? That you’ve uncovered some sort of sordid little office scandal? The fuck, Jon!”
“Keep your voice down!”
“You’re the one who wanted to have this conversation right now,” Tim snaps back.
“I – ” Jon huffs, irritated with himself. The torchlight makes his expression stretch, take on more weight. “That wasn’t what I meant, and I didn’t intend it to come across that way.”
“What way did you intend it to come across then?”
“It – it doesn’t matter.”
“Well, it sounded a lot like you were a second away from accusing me of cheating on either one or both of them, so no, actually, I do want you to give me an explanation. Like, right now…. Is this some jealousy thing, with Sasha?”
“What? No! No, Sasha can, Sasha can date who she likes. It doesn’t bother me that you two are together as well.”
“So, what, Jon? What’s the problem?”
“I…” Jon makes an aggrieved noise. “I’m not explaining myself well.”
“You can say that again.”
Jon breathes hard. He fiddles with his fingers and Tim waits, making Jon be the one to speak first. Because for all Jon’s protesting that he didn’t mean it like that, Tim’s hurt,  slighted by the idea that Jon might think that of him, might read callousness or deception into his actions so easily.
“I don’t think that of you,” Jon says eventually. “I know – you wouldn’t hurt Sasha and you wouldn’t hurt Martin. I didn’t think you were cheating. I just… I didn’t know that you and Martin… I thought that you and Sasha, not that you were exclusive, but that … and then I saw you with Martin and I wanted to make sure, because I don’t… so, I get that Sasha, she likes you and she likes me and that’s – I get that. But I don’t understand how you – what, you were with Sasha, and then you just… what, started dating Martin? How does that work? How are you with one person, and then you meet another and then you want to be with them as well?”
Tim does not have time to teach Jon Polyamory 101, considering they’re in the middle of something that, pretty euphemisms aside, is definitely a crime. If Jon was better at communicating, this was something he might have been able to broach with Sasha, or with Tim at literally any time other than right now.
Jon’s intensity is misplaced. He’s always been good at that, reflecting the inward out to something he feels he can tackle. Tim privately thinks that Jon’s had these little boxes in his head of what he understands poly to be, and that Martin’s involvement has jostled them out of alignment. That Jon might not be as monogamous as he’s previously considered himself to be and is having to work through all the baggage which comes with personal growth.
Tim’s seen the way Jon looks at Martin when he thinks no-one is looking.
“Jon,” he says, and he does well to strip the irritation from his voice. “Me and Sasha, we talked about it, early on when we first started seeing each other. About the whole exclusive thing. And like adults, we came to the agreement that we were happy for the other person to be in a different relationship if they felt drawn to be so, as long as all parties were informed and consented to the arrangements. And then, this thing with Martin came along… and I told Sasha about it, and she suggested I try seeing if he’d be interested. And luckily, you know, he was, and the three of us have talked about the logistics of it all, and it’s working out. I’m not sure what you’re finding difficult to understand.”
“So… Sasha and Martin are together too?”
“Nah. They’re, um – how did they put it… ‘incompatible in a few key areas’. But they love each other in their own way, and they’re happy, and that’s all there is to it.”
Jon ruminates on this for a bit before he seems to mentally prepare himself for another question.
“And how did you feel, when Sasha started seeing me?”
“Er. Fine. Questioned her taste in men a bit, but…” Jon’s face is a picture at that moment. “I’m joking! I was fine about it. Is… is that was this is about?”
“It’s… not exactly…” Jon looks at the dust on his shoes, rubs at a grubby spot on his face that he’d missed with his sleeve. “When she told you that she wanted to see me, it didn’t… it didn’t make you feel, I don’t know, hurt? That you weren’t enough for her?”
Tim loves Jon dearly but god, he can be an idiot.
“It doesn’t work like - Look. You’re not – it’s not about one person being ‘enough’, yeah? It’s not a finite resource, kay, people can love their friends and pets and family and partners and it’s not… it’s not going to run out or anything daft like that. When Sasha started seeing you, and going to pub quizzes with you, or when she’d be at mine one night and then she’d leave in the morning to go on one of your museum jaunts or whatever…. You being there didn’t reduce how she felt about me, or make our relationship any less meaningful. And when you’re with Sasha, you don’t feel she cares about you less because I’m in the picture, right?”
“Exactly. She loves you differently, not less. And the same when me and Martin got together.”
“I… I understand,” Jon says slowly.
“Then, what about this is bothering you exactly?” Tim says, and his voice has quietened now.
“Sasha wouldn’t feel… hurt. If I wanted to, um, hypothetically see someone else. She wouldn’t think that I – I wasn’t happy, or that I wanted more than what we had together, or that she wasn’t… enough for me. And if I did see someone else, they wouldn’t feel like I was, I dunno, messing them around?”
“Jon,” Tim says. “I think this is a conversation you should really be having with our girlfriend, yeah? But… personally, I wouldn’t worry. Wanting to date another person isn’t bad. You just need to be honest and communicate.”
There is a long pause.
“Thanks, Tim.” Jon looks tired, mulling over things, but his face is plastered over with something like relief compared to his earlier tension. “I do – er. I do appreciate you. Talking to me about… about all this.”
“Don’t get soft on me, boss,” Tim says, and he gives Jon a wink. A deliberate gesture that says ‘it’s alright’. “I know I’m a delight to be around.”
Jon relaxes and his expression flint-sparks into a small smirk.
“Whatever Sasha and Martin have been telling you, you’re absolutely not that charming.”
“Please. I’m a catch. Irresistible.”
“I seem to be immune.”
“You sure about that?” Tim teases and Jon rolls his eyes and gives him a put-on look-over.
“You aren’t my type.”
“It’d be different then, if I was, say, a winsome-looking redhead?” Tim says. “If I looked like I’d fallen backwards into a tragically retro clothes shop. Would that, perhaps, be a little bit more your type, boss?”
It’s too dark to see if Jon’s complexion has flared with embarrassment.
“Where are you going with this, Tim?”
“Nowhere!” Tim sing-songs and turns his attention back to the desk. One of the drawers is stuck and he yanks at it before it opens with a complaining screech. “Nowhere at all.”
Jon doesn’t respond. For a few moments, they sink back into their search.
“He’s seemed happier recently,” Jon says after five minutes or so. “You’re good for him.”
“You could be too,” Tim says.
“Well. Ahem.” Jon has definitely gone a different colour at that thought.
And then his face hardens. He clicks off the torch sharply, and he's yanking Tim forwards by the arm, tugged him next to him into the cramped space next to one of the filing cabinets. Tim would have yelped, but Jon gives a sharp 'shhh', and grabs at Tim's torch to press it off as he pulls them both down crouching. For a moment, there's nothing but breathing, Tim trying to ask Jon what's wrong with his limited movement and Jon equally communicating that he needs to shut up immediately.
Then Tim hears the noises outside.
He thought they'd have more time. The doors to the office and the main building aren't locked, and they won't be able to get out now, not without facing whatever is out there that the statement giver warned them about.
"What'll we do, boss?" he whispers to Jon, the words threaded onto one breath.
"Plan B?" Jon suggests. He passes his torch to Tim, and goes for the inside of his bag again, bringing out the items Tim had argued repeatedly for bringing and Jon had repeatedly shot down.
Tim grins despite himself.
"Plan B," he affirms, and helps Jon light the firework.
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ezrasarm · 4 years
Ezra and Cee end up living together because Ezra is totally a cool uncle/willing to train her in prospecting (less dangerous jobs only now that he has a psuedo daughter ans one arm). But he also encourages her to complete her studies. Enter a private tutor who is going to help Cee complete the equivalant of Space!A levels/GED. Ezra can't help but be smitten and won't stop interrupting the lessons. Cee is irritated at Ezra's brainu flirting, tutor is mostly oblivious until she isn't. 😉
Electrostatic Attraction
Pairing: Ezra x Reader
Word count: 2.5K
Warnings: 10 ply super soft fluff, chemistry both literally and figuratively, a lack of proofreading
A/N: Sorry it took me a bit to get this out! I had to dig back deep into the traumatic memories of studying for IB chemistry for this one. Also it’s been a while (and I sucked at it then) so don’t quote me on any of this stuff 😂.
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“I didn’t know we were expecting company.” Ezra said, a charming grin gracing his lips as he appeared in the doorway with a hefty bag slung over his shoulder. He’d been away on a job for the past week. Nothing too complicated. Just enough to keep the two of them afloat while Cee was finishing up her studies.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until Thursday.” Cee said, glancing up from her textbook only slightly surprised to see him so soon.
“Finished up early.” He said, allowing the bag to slide off his arm onto the floor as he made his way inside. “Nice to see you too, Kid.” Ezra prompted her only to get an eye roll in response. “You gonna introduce me to your friend here or am I gonna have to make our acquaintance myself?” He asked with a charismatic chuckle as he nodded over at you. He’d swear he was being discreet but Cee didn’t miss the way his eyes dragged over you where you were sat in the seat next to her. She’d never seen Ezra’s interest peaked like this so the shift in behaviour caught her a little off guard.
“Right...” Cee squinted at him skeptically for a moment before shaking off the initial shock. “Ezra, this is (Y/n), my tutor. (Y/n), this is Ezra, my...” Cee scrunched up her face a little to consider her words for a moment before shrugging. “I don’t know, he’s just Ezra.” She finally decided.
“Pleasure to meet you.” You said with a polite smile as you got up, extending your hand to shake before realizing his wasn’t there and quickly switching hands. This earned you a hearty laugh and a wide smile as he accepted the gesture.
“The pleasure is all mine.” He responded, shaking your hand for a tad longer than customary only for Cee to cough and give him a chiding glare from over your shoulder which told him it was time to let go. “Right, don’t let me distract you two.” He nodded curtly with a smile, his hand raised in mock surrender before disappearing into the galley.
“Sorry about him. He’s not usually like that.” Cee said as the two of you got settled again.
You weren’t quite sure what she meant by that but you shrugged the comment off with a “He seems nice.” Before nodding back at the past paper the two of you had been going through. “Where were we again?” You asked, still slightly flustered by the interaction. You could feel a flush had risen to your cheeks and you weren’t entirely sure why.
“sp3d hybridization.” She reminded you. There she was. Always on the ball. Why did she need you here again? You thought before snapping back into it.
“Right. So you know what I’m gonna ask you.” You said and she peered back at you expectantly. “Bond angles?” The blank expression on her face persisted and despite knowing she knew what you were talking about you folded. It was your job to solidify this information in her head after all. “Okay, so say we’ve got a substance like phosphorus pentachloride. So that’s a single phosphorus atom and five chlorines bonded with polar covalent bonds. And they’re polar because...” You prompt her.
“Chlorine has greater electronegativity than phosphorus.” She finishes for you and you give her a subtle high-five and an approving nod as you go on.
“Right, and each of those chlorine atoms have equal partial negative charges which makes them want to get as far away from each other as possible while still clinging to that phosphorus.” You explain and she nods as though that’s obvious. “So how are those five chlorines going to configure themselves around that phosphorus so that they are all equidistant from one another?” You ask and she squints at you for a moment as she tries to work it out. “Sketch it out.” You remind her, tapping the pad of paper in front of her already filled with scribbles of chemical formulae, Lewis structures and ball and stick models, knowing she works better when she can visualize what she’s talking about. Unbeknownst to either of you Ezra had since appeared in the doorway a fond smile toying at his features as he watched the two of you giggle over the way you tripped up saying “trigonal bipyramidal symmetry” and you challenging her to try saying it five times fast if she was so keen to make you laughing stock for it.
“Okay, you win.” Cee laughed, hands raised in surrender when she blundered her first attempt. Cee liked you, Ezra noted. He noticed the way that she actually acted a bit like a kid around you. She treated you like a friend, not a teacher and he wondered how you did it. He could see you had invested a genuine care and concern in your work which was a rarity nowadays, one which gently tugged at his heartstrings as he took the scene in.
“Alright, review time!” You declare as you notice the time. You always liked to round back to some basics when you finished up your sessions so that she left things on a high note and you really cemented those foundational concepts in place. “So hydrogen bonds.” You cue her and she sighs.
“Haven’t we gone over this five times today?” She asked.
“Then you should be five times better at explaining them than you were when we started.” You say and she gives you a challenging stare for a moment before she nods in defeat and rattles off an unsurprisingly accurate definition of the intermolecular force.
“And London dispersion forces?” You ask and she astounds you once again.
“Last but not least, dipole-dipole interactions- and if you don’t get this I’ve completely failed you as a tutor.” You say.
“The electrostatic attraction between the positive and negative ends of molecules with permanent dipole moments.” Ezra speaks up from the doorframe and you jump slightly at the sound of the baritone in the room before a smile sets on your face. He couldn’t seem to rip his gaze off of that upwards quirk to your lips. Even after such little interaction there was something about you that drew him to you like a magnet. You were smart and quick witted. He could tell that already from watching you bicker with Cee, not unlike he usually did himself. Not to mention you were devilishly good looking, especially in that sage green wrap dress you were wearing that hugged you in all the right places and showed off just the right amount of skin. Few people wore dresses anymore, at least not in his circles, and the custom was striking to him. It made him nostalgic and reminded him of home.
“That’s... correct.” You say after turning to face him fully. You hadn’t had the time to notice how good looking he was when you were first introduced but now that he’d changed from the bulky suit he was wearing when he first came in and he’d cleaned himself up a little, you could actually take in his ruggedly handsome features. Soft warm eyes, a patch of platinum blonde just at the cowlick where his hair parted, a prominent nose, a faint scar on his cheek and a smattering of facial hair across his jawline and upper lip. Maybe it was the laugh lines around his eyes or the seemingly constant perk to the corner of his mouth but something about his demeanour commanded you to be completely enraptured by him.
“Please, make no mind of me, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” And it’s only now that you realized you must have been staring at the poor man. Your face burns bright red with embarrassment as you try to collect your thoughts again.
“No, not at all! I uh- we were just wrapping up.” You stammer out as you begin collecting your things into a neat pile in front of you.
“Cee,” Ezra says and her head flicks up immediately from where it had been buried in her palms the moment he started speaking. “I was about to order takeout, have you got any preferences- say, (y/n) was it?” He asked, even though he knew quite well what your name was. It hadn’t stopped playing on his phonological loop since the moment he’d heard it. God, his voice- the way he said your name almost made you swoon as you went to nod. “You should join us.” He says simply and Cee’s eyes widen like a deer in headlights before she just about snaps her neck turning to look at you.
“Oh, I shouldn’t-“ You begin but he’s waving the the excuse out of your head before you can even come up with it.
“That is if a bewitching woman such as yourself doesn’t have any prior arrangements.” He suggests and Cee is just about ready to hurl her textbook at him if that will get him to shut up any faster. Have you mentioned that you’re blushing yet?
“No, no plans. I-“ You start to say before glancing over at Cee who has a look of controlled horror adorned on her face. ‘She’ll forgive me’ you think to yourself before speaking. “I’d love to.” You say. Ezras pre-existing smirk widens into a broad grin.
“Ezra, come help me find the menus!” Cee declares almost immediately, before leaping up and dragging him by the wrist into the kitchen leaving you slightly dumbfounded in your place.
“You can’t just invite her over for dinner, she has a life of her own-“ She manages to simultaneously whisper and shout once their out of earshot. “Why is your hair wet? Did you shower?” Cee asked bringing her hand up to jostle his mop of damp hair. “For her?!” She just about hissed, pointing back out in the direction of the living/dining area where you were sat.
“What? I just got in from a dig! You expect me to sit around in that filth all day?” He questioned, attempting to deflect her accusation.
“Normally you just pass out on the couch the minute you get in- Ugh, Ezra! My tutor? Really?!” She scolds him and his face softens before he speaks again.
“Just humour me. It’s been...” He pauses a moment as he considers the last time he’s felt this way about someone. “Too long.” He finally decides and Cee scrunches up her face.
“Ew!” She exclaims remembering the way his eyes had traced down your body when you first introduced yourself.
“Not like that!” He reprimanded her, giving her a light swat on the shoulder. “Although, that too.” He shrugs after second thought. This time Cee is the one to whack his arm with the rolled up stack of takeaway menus, but far harder than he had her. “Ow! You pack quite the punch there little bird!” He winces through a soft chuckle before his face falls again and they enter an undeclared staring match, Ezra straightening up and squinting at her slightly when he realizes he’s being challenged.
“Fine! But you have to quit it with the ‘bewitching woman’s and the poorly veiled chemistry innuendo.” She points a finger at him.
“Chemistry innuendo? I gave a definition!” He exclaimed defensively.
“Really Ezra? Electrostatic attraction?” She drawled out like he had. “You don’t think we already know perfectly well where you want to put your lone pair of electrons?” She retorted, eyebrows raised accusingly.
“I don’t sound like that- What does that even mean?!” He squeaks out before he shakes the thought away and refocuses. “Cee,” he sighs. “I do not supplicate much of you often...” he drags out, eyes pleading down at her, who has her arms crossed on her chest.
“Don’t fuck this up.” She says after far too long and Ezra doesn’t even care to correct her language. “I have to see that woman on a daily basis and I will not have you coming in and screwing up my chances of passing chemistry.” She says, waving the menus threateningly at him once again.
“You have my word.” He nods diligently, raising his hand to lay against his chest before Cee storms back out of the kitchen with almost the same intensity as when she entered and Ezra takes a moment to collect himself before following.
It didn’t take too long for the three of you to decide on your order. There wasn’t all that much variety to choose from on the station, no matter how large it boasted itself to be. Your order was ready in a manner of minutes and Cee practically sprinted to the door claiming she would pick it up to escape what she swore was the most embarrassing interaction of her life, watching the back and forth between you and Ezra like the worlds most awkward ping pong match. She was surprised you hadn’t run screaming from the room at Ezra’s completely unsubtle and unpracticed flirting and his off the cuff, frivolous compliments to you but the truth was, you found them extremely endearing. His entire face lit up with pride when you commented on the book collection you’d noticed last time you were here. When you pointed out a favourite or yours that you’d noticed the spine of which was almost completely worn down on his eyes just about bugged out of his head as he pulled it off the shelf to show you that almost every single page had been filled with scribbles and annotations he’d added in the many times he’d reread it. By the time Cee got back, the two of you had managed to inch closer together from the opposite ends of the couch you’d occupied earlier. You were both keeled over in fits of hysterical laughter at some story you were telling about a misunderstanding that occurred with a pupil and their father when you first started private tutoring sessions. You hadn’t even realized your hand had come to grasp his knee as you tried to steady yourself. Just looking at the two of you Cee could have sworn you’d known each other forever. Something about the scene in front of her seemed so natural as she tried to remember why she was so horrified by the idea of you getting along so well in the first place. When you could finally breathe well enough to acknowledge her she set the bag of takeout on the table in front of you before jerking her thumb over her shoulder.
“I uh-“ she gaped for a moment. “I just ran into a friend outside the uh... place. I was gonna go hang out with her for a bit- but you two should eat without me while it’s still hot.” She suggests before either of you can even protest.
“Sure thing.” Ezra nods, still beaming from his most recent laughing fit, he almost misses the wink Cee shoots him before bouncing out the door. ‘That little minx’ he thinks to himself as she disappears from sight leaving just the two of you and the makings of what you would later refer to as your first date.
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added)
@ezraslittleblondestreak @agirllovespasta @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @wickedfrsgrl @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
alright, but consider this: Yandere Ares. He’s a towering man who knows his own strength a little *too* well and will break both of your feet if you try to run away
I’m not Ares’ biggest fan, but… damn, he’d just such a *perfect* Agressive-Possessive. In terms of jealousy alone, really. It’s just how Gods of War are, and Ares certainly isn’t going to make ane effort to be any different.
TW: Implied Kidnapping and Physical Assult.
Ares was an imposing man. If nothing else, you’d give him that. He towered over mortals and Gods alike, his weapons always sharpened and his armor always polished, despite those eyes being enough to make most of his enemies crumble faster than the cities he demolished. His rage could be felt across a continent, and even the gentlest of touches would leave their recipients sore. He was strong, all-encompassing, his presence alone becoming suffocating after more than a second.
You weren’t imposing. You weren’t strong or impressive and you couldn’t make someone surrender just from looking at them the wrong way. But, you were scrappy, and luckily, that seemed to be the one tactic Ares didn’t have a strategy to defend against.
Even after weeks of the same routine, months of it, you could still hear him tripping over the decorative spears you’d torn off the wall, stumbling to avoid the tables and statues you’d overturned to slow him down. Evasion wasn’t an option, not when Ares knew his fortress better than the back of his hand, but you’d never had a problem with slipping out of your restraints and reeking havoc until he managed to catch you. Of course, you wanted to escape properly, to find the court of the nearest peaceful kingdom and beg for hospitality in a place where Ares had no power, but that hadn’t been your goal since the first time you failed to do so. Making his life a little harder was good enough.
Making him suffer meant you were good enough.
But, all good things must come to an end. As you rounded another corner, a pitch-black wall replaced empty space, the hall forking into two distinct paths with little warning. You froze, instinctually, wondering which you should choose and where you’d taken a wrong turn, but even the smallest of hesitations was enough to seal your fate. Just as you broke into a sprint, strong fingers rooted themselves in your uncut hair, pulling you back just as quickly as you’d started to run. You were jerked in front of him swiftly, Ares’ grip iron-clad and unwavering despite how deeply your nails were embedded into his skin, or the small slivers of it you could get to through copper gloves, rather.
“I told you to behave,” He grunted, his breathlessness becoming apparent as soon as he started to speak. You couldn’t help yourself, smirking proudly, the fact that you’d exhausted an Olympian filling you with a well-warented confidence. But, Ares was quick to wipe the expression off your face, another light tug forcing you onto your toes. He seemed to want to tear your scalp off, but you’d grown used to the constant threat. “I could snap your ankles like twigs, I could break your neck in a moment.” He paused, sighing, shaking his head as you failed to react. “You know how forgiving I’ve been, don’t you? Any pathetic, lesser deity would be honored to take your place at my side.”
“And yet, I don’t see many candidates lining up.” The comment slipped out easily, not that you made a considerable effort to stop it from doing so. Ares’ glare refocused, but you knew better than to meet it, averting your gaze to the ceiling with a light shrug. “I suppose I could count Mrs. Aphrodite, if I’m being generous, but she hasn’t been around lately. Did you manage to drive her away too?”
There was growl, guttural and fierce, but you didn’t give-in. Ares was as fond of your stubbornness as he was every other part of you. “I should have you thrown into Tartarus--”
“What you should do, what you could do… you’re always talking about possibilities, aren’t you?” He faltered, baring his teeth at the words, but the moment of hesitation allowed you to slip through his plated armor, your nails soon burrowing into a soft spot near his wrist and ripping through his skin, blood washing over your fingertips as Ares released you, more out of reflex than pain. You regained your footing immediately, but you didn’t run, your stance remaining passive as you continued. “We both know you’re not going to hurt me, Ares. You’re not going to touch me, and do you want to know why?”
“Because I’m merciful--”
“Because you’re a coward.” This time, you didn’t try to keep your tone calm or compliant or civil, gritting your teeth and taking a step forward. You were tempted to stab at his chest, to make a grab for the sword strapped to his waist, but you crossed his arms to suppress the urge, settling to let him fester instead. “That why I’m here, right? Because you’re scared of people you can’t control, and that makes you need to feel big. You probably thought I’d be too busy trembling to ever see through your stupid little show. Or, were you just hoping I’d be too meek to call you out?” He opened his mouth, but you only scoffed, gesturing to your chest and daring him to try something. “Go ahead. Maim me, scar me, send me to Hell. Even a pit full of monsters would be preferable to spending one more minute putting up with your bullshit--”
You didn’t get to finish, a fist closing around your throat in the blink of an eye. You were off the ground in a moment, back slammed into the nearest wall and windpipe all-but crushed by the metal suddenly weighing down on top of it. You kicked and struggled and writhed, attempting to hold yourself up by his wrist, but Ares only grit his teeth and dragged you further up, uneven stone tearing at your tunic as he did so. He didn’t stop until you were at his height, forced to meet his stare. Aversion wasn’t an option, not when he was practically breathing down your neck. You wondered if he’d go through with it, if he’d finally, finally end you, but he didn’t.
You knew he wouldn’t. The would be too kind for Ares.
The remaining air in your lungs disappeared as he leaned in, Ares sparing no brutality as his teeth lodged themselves in your jugular vien. You could feel the puncture wounds form, the bruising start, blood beginning to drip over your collar by the time he pulled away. The pain was minimal, but your own apparent helplessness was agonizing, red stains soon forming on white cloth, the blots carrying an uncanny resemblance to the eyes boring into your own. “For my hand,” He explained, as he pulled away, his lips stained with the carnal color. “I hope you think twice before doing something so disrespectful again.” 
You moved to respond, to curse him out or spit something vile, but all it took was a flex of Ares’ hands to silence you, his grip smothering any words that could’ve formed on your tongue. “You’ve never been respectful, have you? Always running your mouth, running away, always making me look like a fool. But, that might be my fault.” Ares rolled his eyes, tapping his index finger against your jaw. “That’s why I have to do these things. You see that, don’t you? I never taught you to respect me, and now I’m dealing with the consequences. We both are.”
He dropped you unceremoniously, letting you fall into a heap, gasping and gagging and rubbing furiously at the marks he’d left, each attempt to clear the carnage only making the injury sting more. If Ares noticed your panic, your distress, he didn’t seem to care, a grin breaking out on that horrid face as he crouched in front of you. His hand returned to your hair, but there was no roughness, this time, no unfeeling cruelty. Only gentle, careful strokes, each one dripping with more patronizing affection than the last.
It might’ve scared you more than his former actions had, honestly.
“Clearly, you need a proper lesson. We should start right away. There’s no point cleaning you up for a task so dirty, is there?”
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do you still take prompts?? i would love a lou and reid “kissing in public” one 🥺❤️
I’m always taking prompts! This came in such a good time because I have been trying to write a smutty Loureid scene and is just not coming out the way I want, so the break from it to write some fluff was blessed. Hope you like it!
Word count: 1800 
Reid wasn’t a social butterfly, Louise knew that.
And it never really bothered her, not really. She loved her boyfriend the way he was— quiet, brooding and intimidatingly smart. Reid was loving and caring for her in the privacy of their apartments or their friends’ apartments. He had a complete soft spot for her and, the few times someone did see him smiling in public, it was usually at Lou.
Despite hating large gatherings, Reid would always go parties with Lou. He wanted to make sure she was safe all the time, and he knew Lou wanted him there. His presence was never a bother, always a soothing company. Lou could get extremely drunk and Reid would be there. She could not drink at all and he would be there. She could go to spend hours in that party or only five minutes and he would always gladly follow her.
He wouldn’t dance or even talk to that many people, and although his eyes would never leave her body while she danced.
Lou couldn’t really complain about her handsome boyfriend staring at her dancing as if he was going to devour her.
As she said, Reid’s personality didn’t bother her one tiny bit.
But apparently his behavior annoyed the hell out of him.
“Good morning.” Lou said lazily, padding out of Reid’s bedroom. He was sitting with his back to her at the table but she could notice how tense his body was. Lou walked up to him, hugging him from behind. His body immediately relaxed, and she pressed a few kisses to his neck. “Did you wake up too long ago?”
“No.” He said, pulling her around the chair so she could sit on his lap. He gave her a quick kiss before Lou turned to the table to grab a toast and put some grape jam on it. “Maybe half an hour ago? I didn’t want to wake you.”
Lou merely hummed, taking a bite of her toast. She offered it to Reid but he gave her a shake of his head, gesturing to an enormous cup of coffee by the table. “That much coffee will kill you one day.”
He laughed, but it was clipped. Lou fully turned to him, analyzing his features. Reid was the tallest man she had ever seen, so even on his lap she had to look up at his face. Ivory skin, deep cobalt eyes and coppery hair, the sharp lines constructing his face could have landed him in a model agency if Reid wasn’t such an academic. His features that were usually relaxed when it was only the two of them appeared tense.
Lou raised an eyebrow, smoothing the crease between his brows. “What happened, Chass?”
“Do you regret dating me?”
Lou blinked. “What?”
He sighed deeply, running his hand through his hair. “I’m not really your type, Lou.”
Reid knew about her ex boyfriends. Knew that they were all as social and open as she was, but Lou never thought that it was something that bothered Reid or even made him think that he wasn’t her type. She liked smart, loyal men. Liked someone trustworthy and that would always be able to match her sarcasm and jokes with sarcasm and jokes of his own. Reid was perfect for her.
“Of course you are my type.” She said as if stating the obvious. “Why all this now?”
He sighed again and turned his head, ignoring her gaze. “Yesterday…”
“Oh. Oh.” Lou said, her gaze softening. They had been to a party yesterday, and everything was going as always. She had talked to everyone and Reid was content to just observe his girlfriend on her habitat. Everyone liked Lou, he knew, and it gave him enormous satisfaction to know that despite his reserves she had fallen for him as hard as he had fallen for her. He was thinking about that the night before when he watched a guy approach Lou from behind and start dancing with her. She immediately got away, saying something to the guy and then pointing at Reid’s direction.
The man looked Reid up and down, then Lou. And then he snorted and Reid could see his mouth forming the word “Him?”. Lou nodded, and the guy laughed again but left.
“No one understands how we’re together, Lou. Some don’t even believe. And there’s a fucking reason for that.” He looked back at her, his expression almost pained. “You couldn’t be more social if you tried, and if I tried to be more recluse, I wouldn’t even leave the apartment. I— I just… I don’t want to hold you back.”
“You don’t fucking hold me back.” Her voice was harsh. She knew she should be nicer to Reid right now, it wasn’t really his fault he had insecurities about their relationship. She did too. “And the same way you think that, I do too. But I know it’s stupid because I love you and you love me and that’s all it matters. We never cared about other people’s opinions on our relationship. Let’s not start now.”
He snorted, not at all convinced.
“Would you leave me for a chemistry genius? The type of girl who can probably resolve problems in record time, undoubtedly watches those boring ass documentaries you do and most definitely has won about twenty seven awards on her field?”
“No, of course not. I would never leave you”
“Then why the hell would I leave you for someone that’s more like me?” She crossed her eyes and stared at him.
He stared right back, his features relaxing little by little. Lou never knew Reid even thought of these things. He had never even as much hinted jealously or doubt in their relationship and Lou was terrified that this would make him break up with her because he would think that he was doing the best for her. As much as Reid was a science genius, his grasp on other people’s emotions was a disaster.
“I love you, Reid. Part of me has loved you since the first time we met through Beau and you blurted out what my name meant when I introduced myself.” His cheeks became a rosy pink and Lou smiled. “You’re the best I could ever hope for. Your personality never bothered me, and if you decided to never go to a party again it wouldn’t bother me either.”
He nodded, resting his face on the crook of her neck and taking a deep breath. Lou’s arms came around his shoulders, and she just hugged him.
“I love you too, you know.” He murmured against her skin.
Lou smiled broadly, turning back to the table to eat another toast. “Of course I know.”
The rest of the day went by without too much problem. They spent the whole Saturday together at his apartment, eventually ordering food because Reid didn’t feel like cooking and Lou was a disgrace in the kitchen. When the night came and Coco swept by to pick Lou up to a party at Beau’s fraternity, Reid accompanied both women regardless of Lou’s earlier statement. He usually took care of Coco as much as he took care of Lou. And also Beau.
“Coco.” He said and Lou’s best friend smiled at her boyfriend. Coco and Reid had became close friends after he and Lou started dating. “Looking dashing. I’m sorry for my brother.”
Coco laughed at Reid while looping an arm through Lou’s. “I’m sorry for him too.” Coco chirped. Her and Beau had been playing that strange game of theirs for years now to Reid and Lou’s immeasurable entertainment.
When they arrived at the house, Coco left Lou with Reid to find Beau. Ansel wasn’t coming today, having an anatomy test tomorrow. Reid offered to help him study, but Ans just brushed him off and told him to go have fun with his girlfriend.
Lou expected Reid to go to his usual spot while she combed through the party, but instead he surprisingly slid his hand into her and took a step closer. Lou didn’t comment anything on it, but she would certainly bring it up later. He followed her around as she greeted people. She stopped to talk to a few, gesturing with a hand to the man behind her and introducing him as her boyfriend. As much as Reid wasn’t one for social interactions with strangers, he couldn’t help but be happy at the smile on Lou’s face every time she introduced him or got comment such as “You are such a pretty couple!”.
When even she tired of greeting everyone, she dragged Reid to the bar, grabbing one of those red cups filled with cheap beer. She offered one to Reid, but he merely shook his head and bent down to whisper on her ear. “I’m the DD tonight, baby. Can’t drink.”
“You’re always the DD.” She pouted but didn’t insist further. “I would be majorly pissed if I was always the DD.”
He laughed and pulled her to one of the armchairs near the beer pong. He sat down, looking at her standing in front of him a second before pulling her close to his lap.
“You were never one for PDA, Chass.” She mused against his ear so he could hear her voice clearly. His hands were on her hips, and she rested against his chest, one arm around his shoulders.
“I was going to let you roam around like the social butterfly you are as per usual.” He also said against her ear. “But you seemed so happy by holding my hand and introducing me to your friends that now I think I’ll keep you here for the rest of the night.”
She laughed, taking a sip of her beer. It tasted like piss as always.
“So I have the green light for PDA tonight?” She asked, smiling against his ear.
She could hear him snorting, one of his hands going up and down her back. “I am yours, Louise le Blanc.”
Her smile widened, and she pulled back to look at Reid. Even among this many people, he seemed for the first time completely relaxed. Reid wasn’t one for holding hands in public, or constantly hugging or kissing. She didn’t want him to change but it was so good being able to show her boyfriend off.
“Well,” she said leaning in. “Let me enjoy you then.”
His smile was as big as hers when she touched her lips to him. It wasn’t anything as hot or deep as they usually did in their apartments, but not even Lou would be comfortable doing that in public. No, the kisses were sweet and soft, and Lou couldn’t stop smiling as Reid kissed her through the night, completely at ease with her in his arms.
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling
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xmalereader · 5 years
Mob! Mandalorian X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Male Reader is the husband of the most powerful Mob leader located in the outer rim. ( Slight moderation )
Warnings: Fluff, husbands, semi-violence, protective Mando, baby yoda.
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Art work belongs to artist
He was traveling to Sorgan, meeting up with some old friends and staying in a small village where one of his friends was staying. He earned this vacation, he’s been working his ass off everyday at the repair shop and he deserves to relax for awhile so he decided to close up his place for a couple of days and spend them in Sorgan.
A very lovely country side located far away from Nevarro where he could rest away his troubles. But of course his bad luck always caught up to him, he was helping some of the villagers with repairing their own homes when all of a sudden a group of three men were walking around. Searching for him, of course.
The smaller male could easily recorgnize the hint of blue and red helmets, as the small group made there way through the crowded village. The other could only groan under his breath as he climbs down the ladder and wipes his hands on his pants, turning around to approach the strangers.
“Paz.” He muttered out, glaring at the larger man.
“Y/n.” Paz says back with a small nod.
The mandalorians are considered to be one the most dangerous mobs. It was easy to tell who these people were since they were always wearing helmets to keep their faces hidden and wearing very expensive suits that could only make them look attractive.
“The boss wants to see you.”
His brows rose at the mention of their boss. “I’m sorry—I didn’t hear you, what?” He blinks a few times and crossed his arms.
Paz was one of the most important mandalorians to their boss, he was larger and stronger which was a good thing for them since they needed that strength for when it came to fights between different groups and he was considered as the second in command in case anything were to happen to their leader.
“He doesn’t have time for your games, he wants you to return.” Said Paz, his voice going stern as the other two mandalorians that stood by his sides stiffen.
Y/n could only glare at them, he knows not to mess with Paz but he’s known him long enough. Not feeling afraid around him anymore, “Well you and your little minions can go back to your ‘boss’—“ he air quotes. “And tell him that he can come pick me up himself, once my vacation ends!” He exclaims.
Under the helmet, Paz was giving him one of his most deadliest glares but of course y/n couldn’t tell but he could sense it. The tension between the two was deadly so Paz simply sighs and relaxes his shoulders. “Very well then.” He says and turns around, gesturing for the other two Mandalorians to follow him back to the car.
Y/n watches the group disappear into their car and ride off, allowing him to sigh in relief. “I am not letting him ruin my vacation.” He hissed out ans grabs a rag, heading back up the ladder and onto the roof top of one of the homes.
He looks Over the roof to see his friend standing at the bottom with a nervous look on her face.
“Yes, Lang?”
He crawls over to sit on the edge of the roof, looking down at her as she bites her lip.
“Y/n, those mandalorians—they—they knew who you were...” she twiddles with her thumbs. “You aren’t in trouble are you?” She finally asks getting his attention as y/n chuckles. “Don’t worry, I’m not in trouble or anything. Everything is fine just, trust me okay?” He reassures her with a wave of his hand.
“Okay, I’m trusting you with this but if you are in trouble—“
“I’m not.” He says again, ending the conversation as she nods silently and goes back inside the house to finish what she was doing.
Y/n huffs as he leans back and looks around the village, he just hopes that his ‘boss’ doesn’t come back by and ruin his vacation, along with scaring these poor villagers who he deeply carried about, they were like his second family and he wasn’t going to allow some Mob hurt them.
He had spent the rest of the day fixing up his friends roof, he was sweating and dirty. He was in desperate need of a shower and rest.
“You should sleep, the sun is already setting so stay in bed and I’ll pass by and leave you something to eat.” Said Lang as she dusts off his shirt and giggles. Y/n could only groan and rub his sore neck, “You sure you don’t my hell with anything else?”
“Y/n you came here to take a break, not to work.” Said Lang as she hands him some clean clothes. “Go wash up and sleep, you deserve it and then tomorrow we can head into town and buy some of your favorite sweets.” This gets his attention and hums. “Sounds good, we’ll then I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says his goodbyes and heads towards his own lodge.
He’s had his own little space for years since he’s traveled back and forth to Sorgan many times that the village had actually made him his own place to stay in so that he wouldn’t have to share with Lang anymore.
He didn’t mind sharing really, but the villagers thought it would be appropriate for Lang to have her own space since she was a lady but he wasn’t interested in her in that way. They’ve been childhood friends since he can remember, she was like a sister to him. He grew up without knowing his parents and was an orphan for awhile until the mandalorians took him in.
They took notice of him when one of their Mandalorian entered his repair shop, asking him if he knew anything about repairing weapons which he responded back with a small ‘yes’, only to get hismelf involved with a gang located further out into the outer rim.
Since he was taken in by them he didn’t really take their oath. Keeping their faces hidden in public and only being allowed to show themselves to their families and spouses, the mandalorians are the most intimidating people to ever come across, their helmets always giving off a harsh tension since no one could ever tell what they were thinking or what expression they were making.
The mandalorians had their own blacksmith, she was always standing tall next to their leader, giving off a scary vibe since everyone found her intimidating. She was the brains of the mob, always making them new specials weapons and gifting them with signets—unless they earned it.
But y/n wasn’t afraid of them, all of his life he grew up around fear that he’s gotten used to it. So when he went up against those three mandalorians he wasn’t afraid. Already being used to their threats and postures, he was used to it all.
As y/n enters his lodging he tosses the spare clothes on his bed and turns on a lamp by the nightstand, yawning tiredly as he moves around the small place. He makes his way towards the shower room and began to strip out of his clothes, leaving a trail of dirty and work out trousers behind as he stumbles inside the shower and turns on the cold water.
Letting out a deep sigh as he lets the cold water cool down his burning hot skin. He was standing out in the sun for too long, he must’ve gotten a tan from standing out there. He makes sure to clean hismelf properly, getting rid of all the dirt and sweat that had gathered around his body.
It’s takes him awhile to finish his shower. He had dried hismelf and changed in the shower room so when he came out his hair was still damp and the towel was wrapped around his neck as he uses the towel to dry up his hair.
His window was opened, allowing the cool air to breeze inside. He felt much more relaxed and comfortable now that he was cleaned and dressed into comfortable clothes, it took him awhile to notice the tray of food left on his desk, smiling in gradatiude at the small gesture that Lang has done.
He takes the tray and sits on his bed, taking out a book he flipping it open as he reads the book and ears at the same time. He allows the tiredness to take over him as he sets the empty tray aside and sets his book down on the nightstand before turning off the lights and falling asleep on his bed. He was comfortable and finally relaxed.
The next day he decides to sleep in a little longer since he has no work and would rather have a late start than an early one. He was gripping his bedsheets close to his body when he feels a slight dip in his mattress, causing him to open one eye and raise a brow in questioning as a current pair of big ears catch his attention.
It takes him a few seconds to process the situation.
The child was standing in front of him with a goofy smile on his face, his ears moving up in surprise as he reached out and pats one of his cheeks.
“Kid?” He moans out tiredly as the child responds back with a coo.
“What are you doing here?” He finally sits up, taking the child in his arms and setting him down on his lap. “How did you get here exactly? People are probably searching for you and are probably dead worried!” He says as the child ignores his words and snuggles his face into his stomach, cooing happily as his little hands grip his shirt.
Y/n sighs softly. He can’t be mad at the kid, he was innocent and had done nothing wrong he was still a kid and had attachment issues.
“I missed you too.” He finally whispers out and lies back down, allowing the child to lie down on top of his chest as he snuggles further into him.
Y/n was so distracted into the child’s actions that he didn’t hear a pair of shoes stepping inside his lodging.
“He really missed you.”
He gasps in surprise and is startled by the sudden voice. He sits up and faces to entrance where a currency Mandalorian stood, he was wearing his beskar helmet and a nice three piece thay actually showed off muscle.
“What are you doing here?”
“I should be the one asking that.” Mando approaches the two and stands in front of his bed with crossed arms, his body Langauge giving off a scary vibe but of course y/n wasn’t afraid. Instead of back down he sits up and groans, “Why didn’t you tell me that you were here? I had to search the whole grid to make sure that you weren’t dead—“
“For your information I left a note on your desk, saying that I was going to be gone all week, now did you get my note?” Y/n shot back as he stands up from his bed and holds the child close to his chest, hearing him coo in delight as he’s facing the two people he likes most.
The Mandalorian was silent for a few seconds, staring into y/n’s eyes before letting out a defeated sigh. “No.”
Y/n smacks him behind the beskar helmet, glaring. “So next time, don’t come yelling at me!” He hears the child giggle at the two and clings onto Y/n’s shirt.
“You just disappeared!”
“I left a note!” He hisses out.
“AHH!!” The child screams out , joining in the argument as he bursts out into fits of laughter. The couple stopped their complaining and looked down at the child to see him smiling at the two. Y/n sighs in defeat as he stares into the child’s big dark eyes. “Okay,” He whispers out. “No more fighting—next time ill tell you were I end up going, personally.” He tells the mandalorian.
Mando smiles under the helmet and nods. “Good.” He says.
Y/n smiles too and sets the kid down who was wiggling and desperate to be set down, he watches as the child heads outside. Spotting the playing children as he waddles away after them.
The two stand outside the lodge, y/n still in his sleeping clothes and with bed hair. “You should leave him here with me, ill by back tomorrow morning since you can’t seem to be away from me for too long.” He teases the mob leader as he watches the child play with the other children that lived around the village.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure, we’ve been taking care of him together for a couple of years now.” Said Y/n
Mando lets out a small chuckle and walks over to y/n, pressing his forehead against the other, the cool material of the helmet makes him sigh in relief. Taking in the kiss that his own people have created. “You better be home by tomorrow.” He hears the mandalorian say.
Y/n rolls his eyes and pulls away. “I already said that I would.” He shoves him in a teasing manner as the mandalorian shakes his head as his shoulders shook from the small laugh. “Also I better not see any of your guys roaming around the place or else I’ll kill them.” Y/n warns him.
“I’ll make sure not too.”
With that the mandalorian bids his farewell and heads towards his own ride, getting inside as he drives away from teh village. Y/n watches the car disappear into the distance, smiling softly and turns back to see the child standing next to him. Whining a little as he tugs on his pants. “Don’t worry little guy, will be seeing daddy tomorrow morning. So, for now you are spending the night with me.” He bends down to pick him up.
The child squeals happily at the news and nuzzles his cheeks.
His best friend slowly approaches him after a few minutes. “Wasn’t that their leader? Y/n, what did you do this time?” Asked Lang as she crossed her arms in disapproval. Y/n turns to face his friend and laughs. “I did nothing wrong, besides they wouldn’t hurt their leaders husband.”
“Oh.” It takes her five seconds to realize what he just said. “What—Husband?!”
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