#her eyes and her signature nose scrunch
cosmopretty · 3 months
My Shorty
Paige Bueckers x fem
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Ice stands up and motions you to get up off of your girlfriend Paige’s lap. You shake your head no, not wanting to be embarrassed on KK’s TikTok live due to your height. The blonde behind you laughs and moves you off of her lap “Come on baby” she whispers.
You walk and stand next to Ice your head only reaching the higher part of her stomach. Everyone starts laughing around you both and you flip them off “Shut up the difference not that bad for real” you say shaking your head. Ice puts her elbow on your head and pretends to start reading comments you shoved her and walk back over to Paige and sitting back on her lap. KK laughs “Thank god Y/n came here because I used to get bullied for being short so thank you Y/n” the 5’9 basketball player laughs as you throw a pillow at her. ”I’m five foot four that’s not even short you guys are just giants like oh my fucking god” you get up and walk to Paige’s room and slam the door. Paige gives KK a look “Come on yall ain’t gotta do all that” the blonde gets up and goes to her room not before giving the live her signature rizz hands and a wink.
You lay on Paige’s bed your head stuffed in the pillow with your hands under it. You went mad at all don’t get it wrong, but it was annoying you how the lives comments were filled with short jokes like most of them weren’t the same height as you or shorter. Paige walks in and closes the door behind her, she climbs on the bed and straddles your hips her hands massaging your back. You turn your head and look at her “I’m sorry for slamming the door” you apologize. Paige shrugs “Baby I don’t care KK is out there telling the live to leave you alone” your girlfriends hands move up to your shoulders.
“Yeah it’s just annoying they point out I’m short for everything I do like it’s not the only thing about me” Paige nods at your words and flips you over so your lying on your back. She kisses you all over your face, you scrunch your nose and grab her cheeks pulling her off of your face “Your so pretty Paigey” the taller girl groans dropping her head into your neck.
“You know I love how your short right? I love how you only reach my chest when I hug you. How I can look over you when you’re standing in front of me so I can protect you. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen you my shorty” Paige tells you her head leaving on top on your stomach. You blush and kiss her nose before getting up from the bed “I love you my shorty” she says from behind you teasing you. You look at her “I love you too now let’s go back to the living room I’m hungry” you walk back over to the rest of the girls and sit next to KK on the couch.
KK hands you some blueberry TruFru and you smile at her before looking at the live and sticking your tongue out. KK words her arm around your shoulders “Your my bestie westie pookie” you make a disgusting face at her words and try to move away from her but she doesn’t let you. You make a fake scared face “HELP ME FROM THIS GREMLIN” you scream as KK starts tickling you. Azzi grabs your legs and drags you off the couch. You glare at her and she raises her hands in a fake surrender “I saved you” she says shrugging. Narrowing your eyes at her Paige lifts you up picking you up bridle style and sitting down on the couch out of the camera frame.
You lay your head on her chest and look over at Azzi “I’m gonna get you back” you point at her. Aubrey laughs at you “Yeah like you could lift more than twenty pounds” she says your head lifting at this.
“I might be short but I’m strong too” you say getting up. Paige nods and points at you “I have taught her well she is strong not as strong as me but she got little muscles” your girl backs you up. KK stands up and moves the camera so it’s facing you both. You look up at KK confused “Pick me up if your so strong tiny” the player says.
Paige nods “I bet twenty bucks that my girl can pick KK up” she says. Aubrey shakes her head “I bet twenty she can’t” the two girls shake in it before watching you and KK.
You bend your knees and wrap your arms around KK’s thighs. Paige smirks at you “Yeah baby just like that use your knees mama” she cheers you on. You pick KK and she squeals and grabs your shoulders shaking her no over and over “PUT ME DOWN YOU SMURF DOWN DOWN” she yells. You laugh and let her go before flexing at the live showing your small muscles “Told yall I got it like that” you smile and go back over to Paige.
She grabs your hand and you both go back to her room since it is around one in the morning. You lay down on her bed and Paige shuts the lights off and pulls you into her, spooning you. She kisses your neck “I knew you were strong baby. My little shorty” you turn your head to face her moving your body around “I’m your shorty but you’re my tall sexy girlfriend” you kiss her and she kisses back sliding her tongue in your mouth. You pull away and she smiles pulling you down into her chest “Go to sleep baby” Paige starts playing with your hair. Before you both slowly fall asleep you in her arms just how she likes it. Her shorty.
Please send requests and ideas
Also 2 story’s in one day WOW
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jasmines-library · 6 months
hi love! idk if you are interested or not but i had an idea of reader being friends with lilly and severus but also with the marauders untill the oh so fateful day were sev ruined his friendship with lilly and reader. i love the idea of lilly ending up in james's arms and reader in sirius's (they are my boys sorry sev🤭)
thank you and again, only if you want! have a wonderful day lovely!
Only Human
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Warnings: Slurs (mudblood), swearing bullying kinda, negativity but fluffy ending
Word Count: 1.7k
Severus Snape was resting against a tree when it happened. The castle sat opposite him, just a short way across the clear water. The small ripples created by the creatures in the lake and the summer breeze often distracted him from the book that he rested between his knees and his chest as he tucked them up closely. It was this exact reason that he hadn't noticed the band of robe-clad gryffindors trudging up the slope toward him. James Potter led the group, he wore his signature charismatic grin; a smirk that twinged the corner of his lip upwards and made his nose scrunch beneath his glasses, and he had his wand held loosely in his hand. He twisted the delicate tool between his fingers as you would a drumstick. Sauntering over to Severus, he chuckled at his friends, nudging them playfully with his shoulder. 
“Snape!” He jested, calling out to him. 
His head snapped up, but he kept his back planted firmly against the tree as the group of marauders ran up to him. He squeezed his eyes shut, just hoping that they would turn and leave. But they were bored and Severus, who had been particularly troublesome toward them, had caught their eyes. Severus inched himself up against the tree so that he rose to his feet and began to turn back in the direction of the castle. 
James frowned, a look of mock pity set on his face. “Leaving already, Snivellus?”
Snape reached for his wand, but kept his back to them.  “Fuck off, Potter. I don’t want trouble.”
“Don’t you know it’s rude to turn your back to someone when they’re talking to you, Snape.” Sirius asked him. 
Severus whipped around quickly, his wand poised to cast a spell at them but James beat him to it; with one flick of his hand Snape's wand went flying across the river bank. He paled, the four Marauders stepping closer to him. 
“Nice one, James.” Sirius cheered. 
The dark haired boy backed up slowly, setting his gaze. The four of them were edging closer, threatening him with their wands when you spotted them. You had just finished class and were heading over to the lake with Lily, arm in arm. The two of you were over there in seconds when you saw your friends threatening each other. Much to your boyfriend's dismay, you and Severus had been friends from the beginning of the first year. You met him on the train; a shy boy with long hair who didn’t quite seem certain of the world. Lily bonded with him quickly, and you followed soon after. It wasn’t long after that that you met Sirius Black. Charming, brave, daring; he was the complete opposite to Snape, but you supposed that was what drew you to him so much. It was their clash in personalities that made the two clash. It seemed as though they were always doing something to wind up the other.
This time it had gone too far. You were unsure of what Sev had done to wind up the Marauders so much, but you and Lily were skidding to a stop beside them in a heartbeat. 
James caught a glimpse of Lily’s fiery hair out of the corner of his eye. “Lilyflower-”
“Leave him alone, James.” It wasn’t quite a demand, Lily never had that sort of aggressiveness in her, but her voice was firm. She didn’t want her friend to get hurt. 
“Ah, Evans, Don’t make me hex you.” James sighed, a playful twinge on his tongue.
“I’m serious.” Lily repeated when James refused to lower his wand, letting it loll around between his fingers. 
“No,” Sirius smirked. “I am.”
You gave him a hard stare through narrow eyes, and his smirk dropped. “Siri. Please.”
The boy nodded, nudging his friend who promptly pocketed his wand. Severus seemed taken back, his steps faltering. He glanced gratefully in your direction, though his anger and embarrassment were unmistakable in his eyes. 
“You’re lucky that they were here to help you, Snape.”
“I don’t need help from filthy mudbloods.”
You had expected many things from Severus, but those words were not one of them. He spat them with venom; malice intending to bite deep. And bite deep it did. 
You froze, eyes glassing over with tears. Serverus Snape had made an incredibly low blow; as a muggleborn, it was safe to say that it took some time to come to terms with your letter to Hogwarts. You were excited, of course but your parents were far from keen. Lily experienced the same thing with her sister too. Things didn’t get much better when you arrived at Hogwarts either. Some saw you as ‘impure’. Unworthy. Sev knew this and he had chosen to use it against you. Perhaps it was in a moment of spite, perhaps he hadn’t meant to say it at all. But all that mattered in that moment was that Severus Snape was just like the rest of them.   
You could see Sirius glance your way out of the corner of your eye, but when he took a step toward you you backed away. 
“Fuck you, Snape.” You spat back at him, trying to hide the waver in your voice. 
“You should watch your mouth, Snivellus.” Lily glared at him before turning on her heel and making her way promptly back to the castle before anyone else could say a word. 
You were left standing between the two groups, both slightly shell shocked, in silence.
Sirius, now full of guilt, opened his mouth to talk, but you pursued Lily before he could even form the first syllable.
 The tears came flooding in quickly after that. 
Sirius hadn’t seen you for the rest of the day. and that was partly because you refused to come out of the girls bathroom. He had even tried to get Moaning Myrtle to coax you out to talk to him, but still you refused to show your face as you curled up on the bathroom tile. It made his stomach churn. 
His pit of guilt dug itself deeper as he sat in class. Sirius’ leg bounced restlessly during potions and there was just as much ink on the page at the start of the lesson as there was at the end. The detention he was also given didn’t help ease his thoughts. His mind wandered to the worse case scenarios. It was his fault for provoking Snape… What if you never wanted to talk to him again? He was up in an instant when the fateful day came to an end and he could return to the common room. He dragged his feet up to the portrait and muttered the words to open it. Every part of him itched to see your face mingling amongst the crowd. 
At first, he didn’t see you. But he managed to make out the crown of your head resting against an armchair tucked away in the corner by the fire. His face softened when he saw the tear tracks staining your face where you had failed to wipe them away properly.  
You had spent practically the last two hours crying. Everytime the flood stopped, it seemed to start up again. Severus was supposed to be your friend and he had discarded you just like that. The back of your eyes stung, glassy beads threatening to spill again. When you finally braved it enough to make it back to the common room, you couldn’t bear to go up to your room. You hardly spent any time there anyway because you spent much of it lounging around in Sirius’ bed with the other marauders…and you were angry and Sirius. 
No… perhaps angry was too strong a word. Hurt. Hurt by his actions and his and James’ thoughtlessness. Being up in your room would have just reminded you of that. So instead you settled down with a book by the fire trying to distract yourself and let the world move around you. 
It didn’t take Sirius very long to reach you. He crossed the common room in a few wide strides. 
“Love?” Siri asked hesitantly. 
You peeked up at him meekly. Your eyes were red raw and puffy, it made the boy frown. Sniffing, you wiped your eyes with the hem of your sleeve. “Oh.. hi Siri.” you mumbled, not quite meeting his eyes. 
“Oh Lovey. I’m so sorry.” He melted, sliding onto the arm of the chair beside you. 
“ ‘ts okay. It’s not your fault…”
Sirius scowled. You were far too kind for your own good. He knew exactly what you had been through and made him sick just thinking that you weren’t allowing anyone to take the blame for it. “But it is, Dove. I shouldn’t have provoked him. If I had stopped James and just kept my mouth shut then you wouldn’t have had to come over in the first place.”
A tear spilled from your eyes and all of a sudden you broke all over again. “He was supposed to be my friend, Pads.” You blubbered, voice wavering. “He’s just like the rest of them…”
Sirius took your hands in his, pressing a kiss to them. “You didn’t deserve any of this, my love. I am so, so sorry.”
“Maybe they’re right….” You trailed off. “Maybe I am worthless. If Sev thinks so too then-”
“Shh.” Sirius pressed another kiss to your temple as he scooped you up into his arms. Burying your face into his chest you continued to cry. He trailed his fingers over your back. “You’ve never been more wrong in your life, Lovey. You are worth so much more than that. You’re kind, brave and not to mention the most beautiful girl in the world. You’re worth everything to me. Who gives a crap what they think?”
You sniffled, unsure. 
“I mean it.”
You looked up at him, wiping away your tears; a ghost of a smile on your lips. 
“I love you.” Siri whispered, kissing you softly.
“I love you too.” You settled your head against his chest, shifting to curl against him. 
It was there that James and Lily found you later, entwined with each other and sleeping peacefully. Safe within each other's arms.
@hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx
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Just Another Win
I’d like to call it my victory lap
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Authors note: Y’all really ate the first one tf up soooo… (me acting like I didn’t read every Rhea ripley x reader on tumblr)
Also Rhea with long hair makes me wanna crawl to Australia 
Warnings: smut, hurt comfort, fluff, wrestler!reader, (twisted/noncannon storyline) Nia Jax, Rhea being stubborn, mommy/mami kink, oral, strap on (reader receiving), praise, choking, manhandling… that’s about it (not proofread, I’ll go back and fix it later lmao)
You were livid, you were positively fuming. You watched in gut twisting fear as Nia Jax went off script again and started to beat the ever loving shit out of your girlfriend Rhea. You knew that Rhea was in actual pain when her signature smirk wiped off her face as she got slammed onto her back again and again. You glance around, frantically making eye contact with a few of your friends that were sitting in front row with you. The mirrored horror and confusion that was on their face’s confirmed to you your very worst nightmare. None of this was planned. 
Nia just wanted to win. And she was going to do anything she could to secure that. What made it worse was when the mic and camera would pick up Rhea’s tortured facial expressions and pained groans. You were sick to your stomach as Jax slammed her onto the monitor covered desk, the ragged gasp that Rhea let out caused you to swiftly turn your head away from the match, scrunching your nose in apprehension. 
Nia’s plan failed in the end. You cheered every time Rhea kicked out of a pin, and when she won, you didn’t care that you broke character, When camera’s weren’t focusing on you, you blew Rhea a kiss, your smile growing wider as her eyes softened while she nodded back at you.
You showed more of your concern later when you both were back at the hotel. “I won didn’t I?” Rhea responds when you ask her if she’s okay. You smile before arching your brow quizzically. “If you say so hon…” you trail off kissing her cheek before wrapping your arms around her. “You worry too much.” Rhea says softer before pulling you in closer to her body. You can tell she’s flattered by the sentiment although when she kisses you quickly on the lips pulling you backwards onto the bed. “I worry too little baby,” you crow, climbing on top of her with ease. Rhea chuckles letting you straddle her, strong hands coming up to grip your waist. As she winces softly, ribs no doubt sore, you frown. “My point exactly.” You say more seriously leaning down to kiss at any skin you can reach.
You know you’ve done your job when you pull away slowly to find Rhea blushing heavily the back of her hand attempting to cover her mouth. You giggle at this scooting closer to her as Rhea’s arm snakes around your torso pulling you snug to her chest. “I love you.” She purrs smoothly, and no matter how many times you hear it, the words still make you beam, blushing as you mumble back “I love you more.” 
“You’re always so good to me.” Rhea whispers and the tone in her voice has you shivering, but nonetheless nuzzling into her to place several lewd and biting kisses to her neck. Rhea bites her lip, a whine falling past them anyways. “Are you up to this?” You say trailing your hands up— and much to Rhea’s delight, they dip under her shirt coming to massage delicate  circles to the sensitive skin of her boobs. “Fuck yes I do darling.” Rhea stutters as you lean your head on her chest, looking up at her knowingly, batting your eyelashes in a way you know she loves. 
She licks her lips as you scoot your body lower rolling up her band t-shirt as you do. “You don’t think I would want to celebrate with my girl?” She smiles, a hypnotic look of lust evident in her eyes as you kiss down her tattooed stomach. You shrug, hiding behind your hair while you pull her shorts and panties down smoothly. “Ah ah none of that my love.” Rhea looks down at you through hooded eyes. You moan softly as her hand wraps in your hair, pulling it away from your face. “Mommy wants to see you tonight sweetheart.” You laugh at her stupefied expression as you begin to suck at her clit. 
“Fuck you taste so good.” Your words are muffled and when Rhea’s thighs shake at your words, you whimper into her pussy. “Y-yeah—Jesus-you’re too-shit-too fuckin’ good to me.” Rhea repeats, her hand grips tighter in your hair and you know you’re eating her out the way she always craves. “Like this mommy?” You hum out before slowly licking down to her gushing heat. The way Rhea’s hips buck into your mouth is answer enough, but the unrestrained moan that she lets out has your own cunt throbbing with need.
Rhea’s eyes roll back when your middle and index finger slip inside her. You giggle quietly loving the reactions you can coax out of the usually stoic woman as you continue to pleasure her to the best of your abilities. And your abilities were good you thought, as Rhea let out a pleasured cry that distinctly had a mix of your name in it. “Fucking hell.” Her words are slurred as she pushes your head closer to her cunt not that you minded. 
You gasp as Rhea begins to grind against your face. A mix of curse words and praises fall from her lips as her hand comes down to grip at the sheets. You can tell she’s going to cum when her thighs start to close around your head. And when Rhea feels you moan her name softly into her she does. You can’t help but to stare, absolutely enraptured with your girlfriend’s pleasured expression.
You crawl back up to her slowly lips quirking up as Rhea swears at your debauched appearance. You were panting softly, pupils blown and darkened, a heavy pink hue painting your cheeks. Rhea groaned as she pulled you in to place a sultry kiss on your swollen lips. You lay partially atop her as she reaches to her bag on the nearby bedside table. Your smile grows absolutely unrestrained as Rhea smirks at you pulling out her purple and black strap. 
You strip as she puts it on, throwing your shirt into the room. Rhea’s longer hair falls into your face as she climbs on top of you. “Have I ever told you how much I like you with long hair?” You mumble as she kisses you once more. “Considering you tell me everyday I would think so love.” Rhea laughs, voice low and raspy.  You cling to Rhea as she rubs the tip of the dildo on your clit loving when you gasp out. “You’re so fucking sexy.” You hiccup as she finally thrusts into you. 
Rhea’s hand finds its place at your throat before she responds “That’s all you sweetheart.” You blush mouth forming an ‘o’ as Rhea quickens the pace of her hips. “Taking this so well darling.” Rhea coos to you whining when the sound of your wet heat reach her ears. Your back arches off the bed as you wrap your arms around her neck. Your voice is pitchy as you mewl out her name, Rhea muffles your cries as she drags her lips across yours yet again. 
“Such a good girl.” Rhea murmurs to you as her head dips to suck at your collarbone. Your moans warble unintelligibly as you clench around the girth of the dildo. “Rhea-I-oh my god!” You can’t even speak a full sentence with how good she’s rutting into you. Rhea knows this responding with a knowing chuckle. “Does that feel good baby?” She purrs to you lowly, hand gripping just a little bit tighter on your neck. 
You nod simply, already fucked completely dumb by her precise thrusts. Another keen slips from your lips as Rhea lifts up your legs, the position making her immediately find the part inside of you that had you writhing beneath her. “Oh there we fucking go.” Rhea sighs as your eyes roll back again. “Right there? Yeah?” She chides. She knows fully well that you couldn’t answer even if you wanted. But as you nod your head vigorously Rhea’s smirk deepens. “Right fucking there.” The gravelly timbre in her voice has you clawing at her back as she continues to pound into you.
“Fuck me…” you trail off in your wreaked state unable to get out more than a few words. “M-mommy please I- Rhea!” The tightened coil of pleasure winds deep in your belly, close to snapping. You’re so very, very close. 
“Don’t stop—don’t stop I’m-‘m gonna cum!” Rhea groans at your state grabbing gently at your face. “I don’t plan on stopping love.” She grins as you shudder. “Go ahead and make a mess sweetheart, mommy’s got you.”  Rhea squeezes again at your throat, and at her lewd words you moan out her name, coming with a hoarse cry. Rhea continues to piston her hips until you’re fucked throughly through your orgasm. As she stills, you pull her body against  yours. 
“All good?” Rhea asks smoothly, her breath hitches however when you press several love bites onto her bare chest. You nod tiredly but nonetheless brighten as Rhea draws nameless shapes into your skin gazing at you lovingly. “My pretty girl.” She whispers wrapped up in the feeling of just being with you. “My stubborn woman.” You coo back just as lovingly but you both laugh knowing how close to the truth it was.
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eveningepiphany · 1 year
go with it | H.S oneshot
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my masterlist!
summary: your ex boyfriend— someone you never want to talk to again— is searching for you at a party. trying to do anything to deter him or get away, you spot harry, and a plan comes to fruition.
warnings: cheating ex, surprise kiss, sexual tension, partial mentions of sexual stuff, love/hate relationship, protective! h, fluff, cuddling and lots of kissing
a/n: I’m sorry but this gif actually has me in a chokehold. his jawline, his chewing, his FROWN. literally melting 🫠
There was never a day you thought you’d be b-lining to Harry of all people.
Especially not with the intention of once getting there, that you would be slamming your lips against his.
However, you already know you’d rather face a pit of blood-thirsty snakes then be forced into a conversation with your asshole of an ex boyfriend.
Who you know is currently seeking you out, because when you’d caught glimpse of him scouring the groups of people inside the kitchen, after coming back from the bathroom— your stomach dropped, and someone tapped your shoulder.
“He’s your ex, right?” The girl had said this with a light scrunch of her nose as she looked over to him. Her face riddled with a sense of disgust you couldn’t relate to more If you tried.
You had nodded, to which she replied, “Well, he’s asking everyone if you’re here and where you are. Going by his personality I’m assuming you’re gonna want to avoid that.”
You’d never wanted to hug someone more then her in that moment.
At the information she’d so kindly shared with you, your first priority was getting out of the house.
The front door wasn’t an option since he is near the only hallway that leads it it. So out through the back patio, where a smaller group of people were mingling by the fire, was easily your best option.
You knew this was where he’d be likely looking next, so you ran out the door. Unsure if you are about to just find a way to jump the fence and make your escape or…
Either way, you knew if he managed to talk to you, you’d be getting an unwanted earful of advances.
He’d beg with his nasally voice for you to give him a chance, and then go on about the same bitter ending you’d both faced. To his own fault, of course.
He was talking to multiple other girls over the damn state while you were together. And once you found out, it confirmed your outlook on his person.
He of course was charming and nice at first. But it was almost in a sleazy way when you think back to it. He’d yelled at you when you bought up his adulterous habits, and you never looked back after that.
Once you were outside, you were considering your options, but you spotted a person on the other side of the decking.
The second your eyes locked on Harry, it was a done deal.
If you were to seem like you were in another relationship, he would be much more likely to back off. Much more likely to never contact or try to find you again.
He was petrified of other men. Always felt so inferior around them. So this would be perfect, if you could just make it work.
All your past with him fell from the forefront of your mind as you practically ran in his direction. Maybe you had argued countless times over college projects and he could be a bit of an ass, but you still knew you could trust him.
He was leaned against the wooden beam of the patio, skin casted with a warm glow from the fire a few feet away, down on the grass.
He had a signature frown. One that creased between his brows and pouted his pink lips. Creating his almost intimidating persona. Protective in a perfect way.
“Harry.” You state frantically, moving at a pace you’re not used to, shoes hitting the wooden decking hastily.
His scowl deepened as he heard his name, being pulled from his intense train of thought.
“What—” He looks honestly pissed off, but when his gaze snaps to you, it softens a tiny bit. Still annoyed, but just a sliver less.
Also confused at your frantic and rapidly approaching frame, which is now suddenly breaching the usual metre-wide distance you both would maintain on any other day.
“Y/N? What are you—“
You plant your hands on the side of his face, and the look of surprise in his eyes is evident.
His cheeks are warm and smooth under your palms, “I need you to just go with this okay? Can you do that for me?”
He is struggling to make sense of the situation, let alone get a sentence out without being interrupted.
“What do you—“
“I— I’ll explain later just—“ you take a final glance over your shoulder, and see your ex inside still, but seemingly headed for the sliding door to come outside.
This drives the final surge of adrenaline you need to tug his face to yours, melding your lips together. His are puckered in tense shock, and a noise of surprise sounds from the back of his throat.
His hands jump to your hips, gripping them like he’s not sure whether to pull you closer, or push you away.
Your mouth moves against his, and he reciprocates with a sense of hesitation.
His own brain is in absolute overdrive. The interaction far to short to go from being people who merely tolerate one another to people who are currently kissing.
And somewhere inside of him he acknowledges the feeling of how warm your lips are pressed to his.
He senses your urgency now though, hands tensing around his jaw at the sound of the access door getting slid open.
Parting his lips, he impulsively drags his tongue over your bottom lip. You sigh a sound of almost gratefulness at his action.
Harry turns his body swiftly, pressing your back into the railing, his lips moving harder against yours.
“Y/N! Are you bloody out here?” A grating voice sounds, and he quickly picks up the pieces of the story he was missing.
The voice also pulls him out of the half trance he’d gotten himself in. Your mouth so warm, he genuinely forgot his own name for a second.
One of your hands slide down to the neck of his black shirt, securing it in an anxious grip.
The pace quickly picks up, him plastering himself to you as close as physically possible. Clashing mouths as he shadows your body with his.
“Oi, mate!” He ignores the yell, and is met with the footsteps of this guy coming closer.
“Have you seen—“
Harry pulls from your mouth, turning his head to look at the dickhead who you’re clearly attempting to get away from. And who just hypothetically interrupted someone’s makeout session— which is just fucking rude anyway.
“Do I look like I have?” Harry scowls, an angry tone over his voice.
The guy frowns, an ugly look casting upon his features, he steps closer, “No need to be a fucking di—“
He moved just close enough to see you, frowning, making sense that you were just essentially making out with someone, “Y/N I—“
“Can you fuck off? We’re in the middle of something here, that you’ve just so kindly interrupted. Read the room you twat.” His sentences come out harsh, and it’s clear he means it.
Your ex tries his luck a final time, “look I just want to talk with—“
And Harry interjects it again, “She’s not interested.”
You stay quiet, and at this he gets a disgusted look. It appalls you that he thinks you owe him anything.
There’s a stare down between the two men. But you can see in his face he’s intimidated. Also humiliated, that you’ve seemingly moved on with someone else, and that he’s clearly got no shot at winning you back.
“Fucking ass.” He hisses, and turns around, storming down the patio and back inside.
Harry turns back to you, shielding your frame with his. A sigh of relief passes through you.
You look a little shaken up, and he loosens the grip he has on you slightly. Both your lips still puffed and shining from the exchange you unexpectedly shared.
“Thank you…” you pant out, not sure if you’re out of breath from the situation or because of Harry.
The reality of what just happened comes pelting down on you both.
And it’s quiet a moment as you both clock over in your brains that you just practically made out. It takes a second for him to break the silence,
“So, stalker? Ex? Random guy who can’t take no for an answer?” He quizzes.
Feeling embarrassed, you purse your lips— but are able to to taste the remnants of his own mouth on yours. “Ex.”
You nod.
“You sound surprised. Didn’t you think I could land anyone?” You scoff, trying desperately to bring back the usual snarky vibe between the two of you.
“No, not at all. Just that he was clearly batting above his level. He was a proper dickhead, and that’s rich when it’s compared to you.” You thank god he plays back into your banter.
But he pries further, “What exactly did he do to you?”
“Long story.” You attempt to brush it off, but he has none of it.
“Love, y’just came over here and slammed your bloody mouth over mine, and now you’re not going to tell me why?”
“No,” he interrupts, still very close to you as he shakes his head, “No buts. Y’said you’d explain after.”
A sigh rattles out of you, feeling a little pathetic you’re telling Harry you got cheated on.
“He cheated on me. Like with multiple girls.”
To this, his face immediately drops.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes. Unfortunately.”
He fights the overwhelming urge to go hunt him down and lay a hand into the side of his fucking face. An absolute scumbag.
“What a pathetic excuse for a man.” He scoffs, “Lucky to have even got a pretty girl like you, and he blew it.”
You flush, another brief wave of quiet falling over the two of you. His compliments throwing you.
You quietly speak again, “I’m sorry about the… kiss. Didn’t really get as much consent as I’d have liked.”
You did feel guilty, you don’t usually go forcing your mouth onto unsuspecting men.
“No, it’s okay. You did it for a reason.” He shakes his head at your apology, and in all honesty, he enjoyed it.
Somehow it meant more than many of his others have. And he can’t quite pinpoint why.
“I… I carpooled here so, I think I’m gonna call an Uber and go home ‘cause…”
You had no interest in sticking around, incase your ex comes back— and you don’t want to spend the rest of your night glued to Harry’s side, because you doubt he’d want that.
“You’re not catching an Uber home.” He scoffs aloud, fishing his keys from his back pocket, “I’ve only had one drink, I’ll be fine to drive, so I’ll take you.”
“Harry, no. You’ve already done plenty for me tonight, I’ll be fine—“
He grabs at your hand, lacing them together and beginning to walk you down the patio.
“I’m driving you home.” He states, leading the you inside.
He clutched your hand tight, eyes forward and uncaring of the heads that had turned your way.
You on the other hand had burned up at the curious— and quickly jealous— eyes.
Harry was by no means a whore. There were plenty of rumours of him sleeping with certain girls. Mostly outlandish stories that eventually fizzled out to nothing.
He’d had a few girlfriends here and there, but it’d been a while since. And he’s maybe had one actual fling over the last couple months.
It just seemed he was harder to get. And many women tried their luck around the school. Yet to no avail.
You cast your sight down, walking behind him out the front door. Relishing in the quiet surroundings of the front lawn, free of prying glares.
He unlocked his car that was parked on the side of the road, and he opens the side door for you to get in. Chivalry mustn’t be dead.
Once you’re both in the car, you fight the urge to say again that he really doesn’t have to take you, because it’s clear there is no other option on his end.
So instead, you let out a tiny thank you, and he nods while starting the car.
However, your self restraint only branches so far— matter-of-fact, you weren’t even out of the street— before you blurt out, “Everyone was staring.”
He veers his gaze momentarily to you, then flicking it back to the road. Silence stretches a moment, and he recalls the heat of your lips pressed to yours with no real prompt.
And when he thinks of it, the image doesn’t leave his head. It unwillingly transpires, into something that bubbles into the pit of his stomach.
He had to blink it away, grounding himself when he hears your nervous swallow.
“I— what?” He’s confused at what you mean, while you kissed? When you walked out?
“When we walked out.” You reply, and he makes sense of what you’re talking about.
“People will always stare. They’re nosey.”
“I know.”
There’s another breath of silence, until he laughs, so suddenly that it almost makes you jump.
“Where am I going?” He asks, still chuckling as he realises he’s literally just driving aimlessly.
“Oh.” You sputter out a laugh as well, rattling off the side of town he needs to start driving to.
You wish you had more to say to him. That’s conversation usually flowed easily— filled with the sarcastic retorts it usually is. But now all that sat between you was a thick, hot slab of tension.
It wasn’t bad— not by any means— but it was easy to tell both of you were stuck in your own head. And you fear you’ve fashioned a permanent problem between the two of you.
Your voice only cut through the quiet once you were a few blocks away from your house.
He hummed acknowledgements to your each set of directions, and before you knew it, you were pointing out your house to him.
As his car pulled to a stop in the driveway, he didn’t hesitate to turn off the engine and get out.
Confused, you follow suit anyway, but wondered if he was about to walk you to your door.
And you weren’t wrong. Somehow, the guy who seems hardly like a gentleman, is waiting to walk the maybe 15 steps with you from his car to your front door.
You get your keys from your small bag, looking at him with an undeniably curious gaze as you meet his side.
He follows in sync by your side, hands in pockets. All the way up the patio steps, and he falls to a stop when you do, still next to you.
“Thank you for driving me home…” you smile, and can feel an unwilling red colouring spread over your cheeks.
“Was nothin’. Glad you’re home safe.”
“Were you seriously worried about me?” You frown, yet it’s undeniably endearing his concern for you.
A tiny scoff sounds from him, “Obviously?”
“That fuckin’ twat of an ex you have hardly seems like a good person. And who’s t’say he wouldn’t follow you home from that party and…” he stares off in thought, jaw clenching.
“Harry.” You state, stepping forward, wrapping a single hand around his wrist.
“Thank you.”
His distant gaze was snapped away at your touch. He’s never really considered himself an overly violent person, but your ex was easily about to change that.
And he hardly can pinpoint why. Or not yet.
The only thing he knows he wants to do again in sudden clarity, is kiss you. It almost shocks him, because he hasn’t felt an urge as strong as this in forever.
“Can— I need you to just go with this.” He mutters, being the one now very suddenly invading the gap between you both.
He’s mimicking what you said when you kissed him, yet you don’t realise “I’ll explain later.”
His hand cups the side of your jaw, and he leans to brush his lips against yours, a breath of relief fanning out his nose after finally feeling the contact.
You’re stood on your porch, and Harry is kissing you.
And somehow you’re all the sudden kissing him back.
Not because there’s someone you’re running from. Not because you have to. Because you want to.
He pulls you closer to him, allowing his teeth to graze your lower lip. Causing your hands to card through the hair at the nape of his neck.
You both play a back and forth game. Full of lips against tongue and tongue against teeth.
Until you’re both panting and running out of new places to map out with your hands.
“Care to explain?” You retort gently, stricken of breath.
He hums in the back of his throat, barley a rumble as he trails his mouth along your jaw, and down to the base of your neck.
“Is this enough of an answer?” He asks, sucking the skin between your two collarbones between his teeth.
Your knees almost give out at the sensation, and even the pressure behind his harsh mouth.
A near whimper comes from you, and he licks over the slightly bruised spot before he pulls back.
He cocks an eyebrow, expectant of your answer, despite having such a skilled mouth you’re pretty sure you forgot your own name for a second there.
“I— yes. That was… plenty.” You nod.
“Did it because I wanted to, and y’have an incredibly hot little mouth.” He provides anyway, a laugh coming from him as he pecks your cheek. All gentle, all loving.
You’re lacking for words completely, and can only lean your head against his broad chest. Unsure what exactly you’ve sparked between the two of you this evening, but simultaneously not caring of the future right now.
“I’m also probably not going to be able to stop thinking about it…” he whispers.
“Stay.” You blurt out, and then clarify a few seconds later, “The night.”
He chuckles at this, “Are you trying to get in bed with me now? Moving very quickly, sweetheart.”
You flush, “Not everything is about sex, you fucking addict.”
“So you were inviting me to stay the night so we could cuddle?”
“I was.” You affirm, despite not being opposed to his idea either.
Grabbing his hand, you lead him to your front door. Unlocking it and making quick work of sneaking him inside without the one of your three lovely housemates hearing.
All the others were luckily out at varying parties, and the only girl still home— Grace— sleeps like a log.
“You seem like a bit of a professional at sneaking people in.” He smirks, kicking his shoes off and leaving them in the corner of your room.
With only the lamp turned on, he’s lit with a warm glow, and he looks beautiful.
“Comes naturally when you live with housemates that are like your best friends. They wanna know everything.” You go to your cupboard, pulling out a jumper to change into.
He watches as you pull it over your head, yet managing to unclip your top and bra off underneath it.
“Impressive.” He nods at your easy change.
“I’m taking my pants off.” You state, “and not in a sexual way, perv.”
He lets out a defensive laugh, “I’m not a perv! You’re the one stripping off.”
You unbutton your jeans, sliding them down your legs to change over to sweatpants. His gaze strays around your room and you smile at his respectfulness.
Once you’re changed, you sit on the edge of your bed.
You lock eyes, and he gives a sly smile, not waiting to tug his shirt over his head and unbutton his own jeans.
You cover your eyes, sarcastically scoffing, “yea well, I didn’t plan on getting fully naked, but you go right ahead.”
“No different if we went swimming, darling. Still have my underwear on.”
You don’t get to reply as his hands tap your knee, “Budge up.”
You uncover your eyes, being met with his toned chest and calvin klein briefs.
Obliging silently, as he gets under the covers with you. The two of you rearrange until you’re comfortable.
Your head perched on his side as you cuddle into him, arm over his abdomen. His own arm curled underneath you.
“This is… an awfully weird situation we’ve ended up in.” You laugh. Because you’re cuddling in your bed right now, and if you told yourself even yesterday that would be happening, there no way in hell you would have taken it seriously.
“Guess it is.” He shrugs, turned his head to look down at yours.
“Still hate your guts.” You whisper.
“Mm, i don’t think I ever even hated you.” He muses.
You laugh, “Is that so?”
“Seriously,” he nods, “you’re too pretty. And even though you’re annoying, and can’t admit when you get a project question wrong, i think I have a little bit of a soft spot for you.”
“Gross.” You say, but he can hear in your tone— and the way it nearly shakes— that you actually are a little worked up over his minor confession.
“Cmon, you can’t even admit you like me a tiny bit?”
You shake your head, blushing profusely as you try to hide it.
He tugs you further up, so he can look at you properly, “You’re blushing though. Like you always seem to do when I get a bit sappy. Which is my most recent observation of you.”
He doesn’t let you respond as he presses another kiss to your lips again. And you smile into it unwillingly.
He pulls away mid-kiss, letting you whine a little at the abrupt ending to it.
“Admit it, and we can keep kissing.” He says, and it draws an eye-roll from you.
But he somehow knows it will work, because you quickly crack under his ultimatum, “Fine! Yes. I like you— just a little bit.”
To your response he laughs, murmuring against your lips, “I’ll take it, I suppose.”
He presses another kiss against you, and you press back again.
It becomes another makeout session, but despite being the third one of the night, it’s the first time hands can skate against mostly bare skin.
Which his own palms find their way under your jumper, and one cups gently at your breast, flicking over your nipple while his tongue dips into your mouth.
That’s as far as it goes for tonight though.
He kneads the flesh there softly, until you’re panting into his mouth with a heat budding between your legs.
Somehow there’s an unspoken not tonight agreement.
And you know that despite how needy you feel for him, it’s definitely for the best. And you’re still shocked you made it this far with him.
You roll into him further, chest rising and falling quickly as you sigh out to him, “I lied.”
“When?” He sounds completely unconcerned, despite your risky sentence starter.
“Before, when I said I only liked you a little bit.”
He chuckles at your response, “How was that a lie, hm?”
“I like you more than a little bit.”
“You’re sweet, darling.” He strokes his thumb against your ribcage, “so do I.”
To this you smiled. Eyes growing heavy at his rhythmic touches and soothing voice.
And his gentle words are the last that you hear before you fall asleep against his chest.
Both filled with a warmth you haven’t felt in a long time.
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httpdwaekki · 4 months
bright | h.h.
summary: you have a light sensitivity and forget your sunglasses but hyunjin is kind enough to give you his.
wc: 800
a/n: i wrote this in hopes to reach more of stayblr, the lovely @astraystayyh and many other wonderful writers (including myself) are writing requests for anyone that is willing to donate to her fundraiser to help people in gaza! all you have to do is donate and send proof to one of the writers along with your request! (please do make sure you read writers rules for requests first! and be aware they have a right to say no to the request.) remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
it wasn’t a secret that you had trouble with any kind of light, the sun, lamps, phone screens, etc.
sometimes you were okay but other times any type of light could cause a migraine unlike anything else. because of this you always kept a pair of sunglasses on you just in case.
well apparently not always, today you had rushed out the door to meet hyunjin, the shaded lens forgotten on your counter.
you were sat outside at a small cafe, waiting for hyunjin to return. both of you wanting to enjoy the last of the spring before the summer heat. you were oblivious to the missing object, opting to go without them for a bit, but that didn’t last long. soon after your eyes felt strained, a familiar dull ache presenting itself behind your left eye. 
you look in through your bag, searching for the darker lens that weren’t there. you sigh, the ache still coming in waves, growing stronger with each one. luckily there was an umbrella so you decide to ignore it and enjoy your time with your boyfriend.
you place your bag back on your chair, as the pretty brunette approaches your table, drinks and food in hand. his signature versace glasses slipping down his nose, dopey grin present on his face as he places the tray on your table.
you return the grin, scrunching your nose as he flicks the glasses atop his head. he sets your drink and your food in front of you before sitting in the chair across from you. you both enjoy your drink and pastries, catching up and enjoying each others company.
the sun decided to shift, causing the sun to shine directly on you, the dull ache becoming sharper. you squint your eyes, attempting to hide the wince in pain with it. you place your hand above your eyes, giving yourself a bit of shade, focusing on hyunjin’s story.
“so he came to stay at our dorms for a bit to “escape the loud rage of felix because he sucks at league and it’s not changing anytime soon.” his words not mine.” he explains, as you giggle at the absurdity of his story. “ so seungmin’s solution was to go to the dorm that housed the loudest member in the whole group?” you asked, softly chuckling.
“that’s what i said!” you smile at his outburst, switching hands as your arm got tired. hyunjin tilts his head at the action. “angel?” you hum, looking at him, eyes squinted. “why don’t you put on your sunglasses?” he asks, pointing towards your bag.
“oh i forgot to grab them when i left, it’s okay though.” you give him a reassuring smile before leaning forward into the shade, taking a bite of your croissant.
he knew your eyes and most likely your head was hurting you, and you were trying to put on a brave face. he grabbed the shaded lens currently holding back his soft locks, leaning forward, sliding the lens carefully onto your face.
you jump in surprise, letting out a squeak before relaxing. you send him a small pout as he sits back in his chair, running a hand through his hair, pushing it back. “what’d you do that for?” you ask, pushing the glasses up your nose.
“because, i know your eyes are probably stinging and if you don’t have a headache now, you’re definitely on your way to one.” he replied, taking a sip of his drink. “what about your eyes?” you asked, frown still present.
“don’t worry about mine, do you want to sit over here in the shade?” he asks, moving as if he’s gonna get up. you shake your head, moving to stop him. “no no, i’m okay, you stay.”
he scoots his chair over slightly, still in the shade, “come on, move your chair.” he waves you over. you roll your eyes before getting up, moving your chair towards the dimmer area, sitting down.
“i was fine over there.” you glare at him over the black shades.
he rolls his eyes before leaning over slightly, wrapping his arms around you. “will you just let me take care of you please?” he asks, placing a quick kiss to the back of your head. “plus i know you were 2 minutes away from a headache.” giving you a knowing look.
now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “yeah yeah.” you concede, admitting defeat. “thank you, my love.” you say, turning to him, placing a kiss to his cheek. “anything for my muse.” he smiles, placing a chaste kiss to your lips before letting you go.
the rest of the day was spent walking around, enjoying the weather and a quick trip to the versace store to buy you your own matching pair of sunglasses.
do not repost
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Katrina Gorry x Baby!Reader
Summary: You're not very happy
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With Clara taking Harper to kindie, it meant that Katrina could focus on the sobbing baby that refused to settle.
You'd woken up in a foul mood with a sniffly red nose and a persistent cough that had you throwing up so much phlegm that even Harper knew something was wrong with you.
"Okay," Katrina says softly as she gently pats your back to help you clear your throat," How about a bath, huh? Would a bath be good, bubs?"
You screech in answer and try to push her away with your little uncoordinated limbs. You whine loudly when she takes you out of your onesie and slips into the bath behind you.
You usually take your baths with Harper so having Mummy sitting in the bath with you is different and strange. You screech even louder when lukewarm water is gently poured over your body in an attempt to cool you down.
You're overheated and your head is stuffed full of cotton. You try to wiggle away but Mummy's got a firm grip on you.
"You're a little grouch today, huh, bubs?" Katrina says softly when you out a particularly loud cry followed by kicking your little legs in a chance to escape. "What is it? Are you missing Harps? You know she's got kindie now."
You huff a little bit when you don't get free and opt to go limp instead. That relaxes Mummy a bit, you think, because she finally gets up out of the bath and wraps you in one of the towels nearby.
She holds you up at a distance from her as you begin coughing again, shaking her head softly. "Harps gave you a cough, huh?" She coos as she heads back into the living room," I told your Ma that kindie was a bad idea. Look at you, all sick and grouchy."
You huff again after another round of coughs.
"How about we get you a bottle, bubs? Nice, warm bottle of milk."
That's usually enough to stop whatever icky feelings you've got but you just refuse to take it today, turning your head away and forcing the nip out of your mouth whenever Katrina puts it in.
Katrina laughs slightly at your stubbornness and puts the bottle aside. You stare at her with unblinking eyes. You're still visibly sick with your cheeks burning red, bags under your eyes and the way you're taking big deep breaths through your open mouth instead of your nose.
She wipes the snot away and you scrunch your whole face up like you're insulted that she's even touching you.
"Ooh," Katrina coos softly, more than a little endeared at the little faces you're making," You're very grouchy today, bubs. Look at this little pout." She thumbs your bottom lip and you open your mouth.
She knows that this is her chance and she pops the bottle back into your mouth. Your eyebrows scrunch up at being tricked but you don't try to spit it out again while still making sure Mama knows you're angry at her as you stare unblinking up at her.
Katrina just smiles at you. Your little scrunch is just like Harper's and your even tinier hands are scrunched up like you're about to start swinging.
You break away from the bottle to drag in breath and sneeze.
"Oh! That's a big sneeze!"
You sniffle as Mama wipes your nose again and tries to give you the bottle. You refuse again and stick your tongue out and Mama laughs at you.
She's not yet gotten you dressed yet, just put you in your nappy, so you do tummy time like that.
You're not particularly enjoying it though and you make sure your annoyance is known again by letting out your signature screech.
Katrina rolls her eyes but still keeps her smile. You must be feeling pretty bad because you usually love tummy time but you keep smacking your hands on the ground and crying.
"Okay," Mama says as she picks you right back up. You don't settle quickly or easily but you're certainly calmer now that you're back in her arms rather than on your tummy time mat. "What are we going to do, bubs? You're a little funny today."
You grunt and lean against Mama's collarbone.
Katrina can feel the fever still racing through you but it's less hot than earlier. She knew that this sudden wave of sickness came from Harper's first week of kindie when she came home with the sniffles.
It hit you particularly hard because of how much younger you were than Harper and how much she loved you. Every time she went away, she came straight back home with cuddles for you and so many kisses that Katrina and Clara both had to drag her away at times to not overwhelm you.
"Are you just going to stay here? All nice and snuggly, huh?"
You grunt again but don't really do anything else and Mama has to reach down to grab a blanket and wrap it around you. She wipes your runny nose again and goes back into her bedroom.
Mama lies down in her bed and positions you so you're horizontal again. The change makes your eyes droop closed instantly, like suddenly your limbs are all weak and tired.
"That's a good girl, bubs," Mummy says, her voice low and soft as she runs her nails up and down your back softly," I think a little nap is all you need, huh? A nice nap to get this bug out of your system."
A small whine comes out of your mouth when she stops as she leans over to flick on the white noise machine. Her nails resume their gentle patterns though when she notices that you're fighting sleep again.
You drop off soon after, a combination of the soft hum of the machine, Katrina's gentle hands on your back and your general sickness.
She smiles softly at you, gently readjusting you so she can snap a picture to send to Clara. It's not often that she gets private time with you.
Harper's been enamoured with you the moment you were born, stuck to your side like a little shadow while Clara held you like you were surgically attached.
It was nice, sometimes, to just have you all to herself.
Even if you were a little grouchy.
567 notes · View notes
sreidisms · 7 months
Hey! I absolutely love your work, english is not my first lenguage so sorry for any grammar mistakes, but imagine season 1 Spencer and reader waking up after their first time, reader is all sleepy as she tries to find her clothes so Spencer is insecure if she regrets anything but she's like "baby, I'm only trying to find my panties, calm down"
I basically squealed when I read this! It's so cute and so reid <3 also no need to worry, I'm European so I know that being fluent in multiple languages isn't the easiest!
The Morning After
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Insecure!Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
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Summary: you and your boyfriend Spencer have sex for the first time, but he wakes up the next morning asking if you regretted it.
Genre: slight angst, fluff, slight smut
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: mentions of genitalia, mentions of female reproductive system, kissing, 'baby' used as a pet name, insecurity from Spencer's end, reader is mentioned putting on Spencer's shirt but it's over-sized to make it more body inclusive.
A/N: This took me a couple of days to write out because I kept on changing the way the drabble evolved, so I hope it makes sense now 😭
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The first thing you felt was the sensation of a super soft quilt draped over your body. You hummed and snuggled deeper underneath the warmth, squeezing your eyes tighter as you realised a sliver of sunshine had settled across your face. You hadn’t had this good of a rest in ages.
To lift the pressure off your right shoulder, you turned to the other side but hit something in the process. Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. What the fuck?
With sleep still gluing your eyes shut, you slowly pried them open to be met with an unfamiliar form beside you. It took a while for your brain to adjust to your surroundings and register that oh, this wasn’t your bed, and oh, that was your boyfriend Spencer.
His usually gelled back hair was ruffled and the different strands were standing in different directions across his pillow and forehead. His signature pout adorned his lips, the one you often saw when you had sleepovers, which you thought was the definition of adorable. Spencer, like this, in his natural state, could have you staring at him in awe for hours. Your gaze followed the dip of his collarbone until it met his naked shoulder that was peeking from beneath the sheets.
And then it hit you. Last night you had slept together for the first time.
You could remember it clearly now: Spencer had invited you over to watch a film and have dinner together, because he had missed you so much. Cuddling had led to kissing, that to making out, and after some shared words of reassurance and consent, you somehow stumbled to the bedroom and got in each other’s pants.
Vivid images of fumbling hands and smooth skin flashed inside your head: the feeling of his weight against your body, his thin hips digging into your flesh as he gently rutted into you before picking up the speed, his breath fanning against your neck; the sound of skin against skin and the struggling moans and whimpers that originated from the man’s open mouth. You had shared all of it with Spencer and he had looked so beautiful while doing so.
You couldn’t resist reaching a hand over to cup his cheek, rubbing your thumb along his cheekbone. His brows further knotted together as he stirred in his sleep, leaning into your touch unknowingly.
After a few more strokes of your thumb, the boy’s eyes fluttered open, his pupils dilating as soon as he recognised you.
“Hi,” he smiled.
“Hi there, sleepyhead,” you whispered in return.
You leaned in to press a soft kiss on his nose and then a few more on his cheek. He giggled and scrunched his eyes and nose, melting into the affection that only you gave him.
“You slept well, darling?” you asked.
“Mmm, I always do when you’re here.”
After one more loving kiss on his plump lips, you shuffled out of bed in search of your missing underwear and a shirt to put on. All you could remember was throwing it into an unknown area, because your priorities were evidently somewhere else at the time.
It didn’t register in Spencer’s mind at first, but once he caught a glimpse of your bare ass and back, his eyes widened in shock. He fumbled under the sheets until he managed to sit against the headboard of his bed, looking downwards and realising yes, he was naked too. Naturally, memories from last night flooded his head: your lips on the sweaty skin of his neck, the softness of your entire body pressed against him in the most irresistible way, and most importantly, the way your cunt had engulfed him and it was so warm and wet. It made his cock twitch, but doubt overtook his thoughts, making the next words tumble out of his mouth like a reflex.
“Do you regret what we did … last night?”
His question pierced your ears and halted you mid-scavenger hunt. The choice of words - regret - concerned you, because you had enjoyed every single second of it. Did he regret it?
You turned around to face him, the worried wrinkles on your forehead appearing in an instant. “Regret? Of course not. Why is that worrying you?”
From where he was sitting, Spencer had a perfect view of your naked body. His eyes traced your shoulders, the swell of your breasts, the smoothness of your stomach and hips, not being subtle about it at all. He cleared his throat in an attempt to gather his thoughts, mind racing between insecurity and the very beautiful woman in front of him, one who he had no idea why chose him over all people.
“I- I don’t know …” He fumbled with his fingers and looked down at his lap. “You left the bed so quickly and I understand if you’re disgusted by me and you want to leave, I hope you didn’t feel pressured to have sex with me-”
“Spencer please,” you sighed, pressing the pads of your fingertips into your eyes and rubbing them. “I’m just trying to find my panties, baby, give me a second.”
He nodded timidly, scared he had said the wrong thing, chewing on his bottom lip with anxiety. You managed to find your underwear and slipped them on, hopping on one foot and then the other. Then, to simply satisfy the desire, you found Spencer’s over-sized Doctor Who t-shirt that had been abandoned and shrugged it onto your shoulders.
You padded across the wooden floorboards groggily and crawled back into your place on the bed, crossing your legs and sitting beside your doubt-ridden boyfriend. You tucked your forefinger under his chin, making him look at you.
“What’s going on in that smart brain of yours?”
The boy let out a chuckle that sounded more like a scoff, giving you a small glimpse of his gorgeous smile. “I thought you regretted what w-we did.” His cheeks tinged pink in embarrassment but also fear. What if you had just had sex with him because he wanted to? He couldn’t stand the thought.
You tilted your head to the side, gently holding his face in your hands and staring at him with pure love. “I loved every second of it, baby. I said yes because I wanted to, I really wanted to. I’m really glad you felt comfortable enough to share that moment with me, we created such a beautiful memory. I think what’s more important is if you enjoyed it, as it was your first time.”
Spencer smiled giddily, his cheeks getting redder. “I- I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
You grinned back, placing a kiss on his nose again. “That’s what I like to hear. And if it’s of any solace, you’ve got the prettiest body, love.” The comment hit him in the heart, the flush spreading downwards to his neck and chest.
You moved a hand to the nape of his neck, scratching the hair there. “I’d love to do it again.”
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0cta9on · 6 months
Can we get a kinda fluffy mile high Winter smut while you're in the air pretty please!
I love it when girls do the nose scrunch thing, it's so cute and Winter is no exception :))) This is unedited btw but I hope you like it regardless!!
“Oppa… Manager oppa…”
You feel Winter gently nudge your shoulder while you’re trying to sleep. Annoyed, your eyelids creep open, glaring back at her.
“What is it, Winter?”
After SM assigned you to manage their newly debuted girl group four years ago, you figured it would be an easy job, and at first, it was. Rookie Aespa was fairly easy to handle. They were all pretty timid at first, and you were more than welcome to help them navigate the treacherous idol industry. However, once the girls got used to you being around, they immediately turned into little monsters. Always running around and screaming, it was less a manager job and more a babysitting job at this point. You were constantly exhausted, even more so now that their skyrocket to fame meant constant overseas schedules.
“Oppa~” Winter groans cutely, trying to ease the tension. “I need… help.”
“Help with what? Just ask the flight attendant.” You turn your body away from her and shut your eyes. She vigorously nudges your shoulder, the sensation not unlike a cat pawing you to get your attention.
“I need a different kind of help,” she whispers, a lilt of a smirk in her voice. The tickle of her breath against your ear is enough to fully wake you up. Without another word, you grab Winter’s hand and take her to the nearest lavatory, the petite girl struggling to hide her excitement amongst all the sleeping passengers. One of the benefits of working with Aespa is that their sexual appetites are insatiable. Even Karina, who recently snagged herself a pretty successful boyfriend, still asks you to fuck her in the hotel after overseas schedules.
After ensuring that the coast is clear, the two of you sneak into the cramped airplane restroom. She pushes you against the toilet and straddles your lap. Even with no makeup on and a mask covering half her face, you still think she’s the prettiest girl in Aespa.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” You say, smiling up at her. Winter giggles, scrunching her nose at you.
“Are you just saying that to get into my pants?” She teases,” Because it’s working.” She tosses the mask away and gently smashes her lips against yours. Even at her horniest, Winter’s movements are always so soft. It’s what you like most about her. Unlike the other girls, who prefer rough, senseless fucking, Winter enjoys taking her time and ensuring both of you enjoy the experience of lovemaking.
The taste of her cherry chapstick fills your mouth - her signature flavor. Your hands wrap around her petite waist as she begins to grind her hips against your crotch, moaning into your mouth. The chorus of whimpers is music to your ears. As much as you would love to stay in this position forever, you couldn’t risk getting caught in here. With a quick zip, you discard her bulky jacket that hid the real treasure underneath.
“You’re so pretty, baby,” you say. Her cheeks turn a princess shade of pink from the mere sound of a pet name. Pet names are Winter’s biggest weakness - baby, honey, love, the simple utterance of a single word will make her melt into your hands.
“Oppa~” she giggles, biting her lip. Like a switch flipped on in her head, her body reacts to the word immediately by grinding harder on your crotch, your cock begging to be broken free.
You gently take her off your lap and unzip your pants while Winter watches you excitedly.
“You like it, baby?” You smirk as you rub your length in front of her eyes. Without a word, she lowers her leggings and plants her hands against the wall, presenting her plump ass towards you.
“Please, oppa~” She begs cutely. “I wanna feel your thick cock inside me.” Her eyes watch intently as move her damp panties to the side to expose her dripping honey pot. You lubricate your length with her juices, enjoying the way Winter’s face twitches as you tease her entrance. Finally, you firmly grab her hips and slowly impale her onto your cock. Her mouth forms an “O” as struggles to keep herself from moaning.
“O-oh my god… Y-yes…” She whispers, her breath shivering. Each thrust is slow, but deep, savoring the grasp of her velvet walls around your member. No matter how many times you fuck her, each time is always better than the last. Your fingers sink into her soft flesh as pure bliss takes over your body.
“I love your pussy, baby,” you whisper sweetly into her ear. “Out of all the girls, yours is my favorite.”
“R-really?!” Her eyes light up at the compliment, inadvertently increasing the grip of her walls around your cock. A groan escapes your lips as you thrust harder and faster into her wetness, forcing you to cover her mouth to keep her from moaning too loudly.
“Of course, baby. Fuck, I love you so much Winter.” The sudden confession sends the idol into a lustful spiral. She bucks her hips backwards, meeting your every thrust, while she sucks your fingers like a pacifier. You prepare to pull out as the pressure in your loins begins to build towards your climax.
“Winter, I’m about to cu-”
“Cum in me, oppa!” She exclaims way too loudly. “I want you to fill me up! My pussy is yours to claim!” Your mind is too far gone to give a damn about the consequences. With one final thrust, you slam your entire length down her pussy, shooting your cum as far down into her as you possibly can. Winter reaches climax at the same time, her juices leaking out of her full pussy and onto her thighs. That single moment is the closest you’ll ever be to Heaven, both mentally and physically.
Your body nearly crashes against the other side of the restroom as you pull out. Winter catches the combination of your fluids leaking from her pussy and brings it to her tongue, swirling it in her mouth.
“Tasty,” she comments, winking at you. Once both of you catch your breaths, you peek outside the restroom only to be met with some scrawny looking boy who gives you a knowing smirk. Sighing, you rummage through your wallet and slap a $100 bill in his hand.
“You heard nothing,” you say to him before grabbing Winter’s hand and leading her back to your seats.
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polyo-nym-y · 2 months
Delightful Debauchery
[CH.1: When Tainted Souls Meet.]
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Human! Alastor x Human! Fem! Reader
[Word Count: 2,844 ]
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[Content Warnings: This Ch. is SFW, however, the story will delve into NSFW, So minors are still asked to NOT INTERACT. This story will eventually focus on exploring sex as well as darker themes revolving around Alastor being a serial killer (gore/blood/death). But for this Ch. there isn’t much to warn about!]
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Once you allow blood to spill on your hands it’ll become a stain you’ll never wash away. No matter how clean your skin may appear, the etching of your sin will forever follow you. Permeating layers of flesh and seeping into your very soul.
You know you’re damned to an eternity in Hell. It’s something you have come to terms with rather quickly. So, you thought, might as well spend the time you have left on earth however you please. You’ve already sealed your fate, now it’s time to enjoy life amongst the living whilst it lasts.
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The sky was clear, allowing the sun to beat down without anything obscuring its rays. Your skin felt sticky as heat weighed heavily in the thick and muggy air. You stood on an unshaded sidewalk, your eyes following the brick and wooden exterior of the building in front of you. A sign outside read in golden lettering ‘Crescent City Radio Station, WWNO 999 on your AM dial!’.
By now you must’ve read that sign a million times, your brain lagging trying to process that you were actually here. The folder you brought with you was being used as a fan, desperately trying to cool yourself off. The mix of the humid heat and anxiety had you teetering on overstimulation.
“C’mon, don’t clam up* now.” You quickened your fanning as the air you created lightly blew your hair back. “You came all this way...”
You continued muttering to yourself as you willed your feet to move from the sidewalk. Taking hesitant steps, you approached the building's front. Your eyes following the ornate etching on the front window. The interior curtains were closed, allowing no sneak peeks inside.
Your gloved fingers twitch over the door handle. After taking one last breath you force your signature smile, a tool you used often. Opening the door, you slowly entered as your eyes swept over the lobby space. The cooler air of the building soothed you as your shoulders relaxed. You stood in the middle of the lobby with curious eyes. Soft music played from a gramophone behind the front desk. The ceiling was high and the space was clean. Arguably, one of the fancier places you’ve seen as of recent.
So enthralled by the interior, you hadn’t noticed the set of eyes burning holes into you as you approached the front desk. As you turned and settled your eyes forward you flinched back as you were met with a cloud of smoke being blown at you. The receptionists' annoyed stare was accompanied by an insincere smile as she ashed her cigarette into the nearby ashtray. “Hm? Oh no I’m still here, love. Mhm, yeah.” She spoke into the phone that was wedged against her ear with her shoulder. “Just a drab dame* waltzed in so it’s nothing important.”
You couldn’t stop your nose from scrunching up as your eyes narrowed down on the seated women. But the receptionist seemed to pay no mind as she belted out a haughty laugh at whatever was said on the other end of the phone. Clearing your throat, you stepped up to the front desk and settled your gloved hands atop the shiny wooden surface. “Excuse me-” you hesitated as the receptionist's sharp glare shot back up to you. “This is actually something important, if you wouldn't mind?” Not like it's your job or anything, you thought to yourself.
You watched as her stare twisted into a sneer directed up to you. “One second, Val.” With a big huff she would drop the phone from her ear and press the mic end against her chest to ‘mute’ it. “Ugh, what do you want? I’m kind of busy here.”
Your gaze remained narrowed but you managed to bring back your smile, albeit tense. “Terribly busy, I can see.”
“Tch. Listen, girlie-“ The phone still in her hand was lifted to point up at you. “Whoever you’re here to see doesn’t have time to talk with fans no matter how important you think it is-“
You interrupted her with a laugh, “Hah! No- I’m not a fan- well, I’m not not a fan-“ you paused trying to stop yourself from tripping over your own words. The rude interaction caught you off guard, with your nerves already being high. “I’m here to discuss the possibility of employment.”
“The station isn’t looking to hire, hun.” The woman stretched her shoulders back with a scoff. “Not to mention all the high pillows* are very busy-“
You glanced past her to the clock on the wall. “Actually, it’s noon.” Your eyes met the womens once more as you softened your expression to match your faux-smile. “I was hoping to speak with Mr. Heartfelt specifically. Based on his broadcasting schedule he should be taking a coffee break right now-“ you saw the concerned and disgusted look on the receptionist's face as she slowly stubbed her cigarette out. “Or so I’ve heard, uhm. Just- Please, at least ask him.”
“Not a fan, huh?” She looked you up and down as she set the phone down on the counter without hanging it up. “If it’s that egg* then I could care less if he's busy or not. So, sure. Especially if it means you'll leave me alone.” She said with a small shrug as she rolled her chair over to an intercom. Bringing the speaker to her ear as she pressed Alastors call button. Waiting only a moment for it to be picked up before she was smirking into the mic, “Mr. Heartfelt~, you have someone here for a meeting with you.”
You bounced nervously on your heels as you tried to listen in on whatever answer she was given. The receptionist's eyes flickered over to you as she held a toothy grin and hummed into the speaker. “Mhmm.” She lifted her free hand up to inspect her nails, idly. “Yeah, no you didn't have this on your calendar, mhm.” You cringed a bit and tried to reach out to her but she just continued speaking into the intercom. “Oh no, she made it very clear she was in fact not a fan.” She gave you a mocking thumbs up.
Your mouth opened in horror as the woman before you barked out a snobby laugh like a small purse dog. Unconsciously, your fingers tensed on the paper folder you were holding. Your head begins to race with anxiety at the fact this wretched woman might have just ruined your first impression.
But you will yourself to take a deep breath as the receptionist hangs the intercom and rolls back to her original spot. Her dark slender fingers picking the phone back up as she waves you off and gestures to the hall at her left. “Fourth door.” Was all she said before turning her attention back to her phone conversation. Despite your annoyance you offered a thank you. To which she groaned in response, “Ugh, dry up*.”
As the receptionist spun in her chair to completely turn her back to you, your smile fell flat. If I do get hired then she’s going to be a problem, you weighed your options as you slowly stepped around the front and down the hall you were directed to.
Anxiety won the battle against annoyance as you felt it's nauseating grip settle back in your chest. You found yourself in front of the fourth door quicker than you would've liked as you nervously inspected it. A beautiful dark wood with a golden plate reading Alastors name. For a moment, as you heard the receptionist bark out another laugh in the lobby, you debated on just leaving. But you thought, what do I have to lose?
Gently knocking your knuckles on the door, you leaned forward to listen for a reply. A muffled ‘Come in.’ was given and you flinched as if you didn’t expect him to answer. Your gloved hands fussed with your clothes and hair. Once you felt somewhat put together you settled your hand on the handle and slowly pushed the door open. Taking a single step over the threshold your eyes glanced across the office that the door opened into. Your smile shining as you began your practiced speech, “I apologize Mr. Heartfelt. I know I’m interrupting your busy schedule- and I must thank you for even giving me a chance to speak with you.” Your words were laced with perfectly crafted faux-confidence. But silence fell between you two as soon as your eyes met Alastors. An ominous chill seemed to fill the already cool office as you felt goosebumps rise on your skin. A feeling consumed both you and Alastor at that very moment, weighing heavy in the air like the humidity outside. But you couldn’t quite put your finger on it- it was an odd queasy feeling that slipped down your throat and settled in your stomach like a hard pill to swallow.
But the instinctual warning you felt in your gut was pushed to the side when you really took in Alastors appearance. Because, by God, everyone knew Alastor for his charming voice and radio persona. But to find out he had the looks to match? Now that had your brain nearly short circuiting. Your eyes ran over him unabashedly. Tan hands, long arms, broad shoulders and a proud chest. Fitted button up beneath a red vest with a perfect black bowtie and rounded glasses that rested atop the bridge of his nose. Though, what really caught your eye was his hair, cut in a style you had never seen before. If you looked closely, between the dark strands you could see the beginning of grays peppering throughout. Really the only physical indication of his age. You had to assume he must be in his forties and yet the man before didn’t look a day over thirty.
Alastor sat behind a large wooden desk with his hands folded together in front of him. His eyes caught yours, forcing your wandering gaze into tense eye contact. Stunned, you watched his eyes crinkle as his neutral smile grew into a grin. The sight of your wide eyes and lightly tinted cheeks was enough to distract him from his own instinctual unease.
You watched as his eyes slowly raked down to your toes before rushing back up. Clearing his throat he pushed his glasses up as he sent a wide smile to you. “Oh, no worries about that, dear. You caught me at a perfect time.” You knew that. “Please, sit.” He gestured a hand to the chair in front of his desk. Keeping his eyes trained on you as you seated yourself. He paid attention to your movements, how you sat and the expression you gave him. “I know Velvette said you were here to inquire about a job? I hope you weren’t misinformed- but we aren’t currently hiring.”
With your ankles crossed you sat with a straight back. Hands fiddling with the edge of the folder as it lay in your lap, your only outward cue of nervousness. “Oh, no, I am aware the radio station wasn’t advertising for workers.” Alastors elbows rested on his desk with clasped hands. His eyes staring into your own with what felt like never-waning intensity. As you swallowed audibly, you swore you saw his smile widen.
“And yet you are still here.” He said amused as his eyes narrowed. He was intrigued and so even though he had no intent on hiring you, he let you continue. “Why is that, Mrs-?”
“Miss.” You corrected before giving your name. “And it’s truly an honor to be meeting you, Mr. Heartfelt-”
He rose a single hand up to stop you, “The pleasure is all mine, dear. But please, Alastor is fine.” He leaned back into his chair as you heard it creak. His eyes darted down to the folder in your hands. “But as you were saying?”
Your eyes shot down to the folder he was staring at. “Oh, yes, well-“ Gently, you slid the folder across the desk towards him. “I’m a writer- researcher- journalist. Whatever you may need I promise I can provide.” As Alastor picked up the folder and opened it you cringed inwardly. Seeing how crinkled it was now from your constant nervous handling of it.
“This is..” His eyes read reports and details about certain events he has already reported on. Scripts for news readings that happened recently, many of which having details he himself hadn’t gotten. But what had his eyes widening was the last bulk of paper all reporting on the string of serial murders that Louisiana has faced within the decade or so.
“It’s my work. As you can see I take my work seriously and I’m able to get details you won’t find anywhere else.”
“How long have you lived here?” There were testimonies from people within the local community, names he recognized. Yet, he didn’t recognize you.
“I arrived here last week.” You lied through your teeth.
His eyes shot up to you as one long finger pointed against your papers. “This was all done within a week?”
“Yes, sir.” You nodded as you began to internally panic. Was the lie too obvious? Usually you're better at this. “For the most part at least. The end which focuses on the Bayou Butcher has been more so a hobby of mine prior to moving here. So some research on that was done previously, I’ll admit.”
You didn’t notice the way his jaw clenched at your words. “Dangerous don’t you think? A sweet belle like you chasing after a killer.”
You laughed, earning a surprised look from Alastor. “I appreciate the concern but I can handle myself.”
His smile grew into a smirk as he stifled a mocking laugh. “I’m sure you can, darling, I’m sure you can...” He sighed deeply as he held the folder up to feign reading it more intently. One hand adjusting his glasses as he hummed. “But against a killer like this? Overestimating in one’s own abilities often leads to an early demise.”
“Underestimating in others will lead to worse.” You replied without skipping a beat.
Quick witted girl, he thought to himself. Such a young thing coming here with such a devastatingly good eye for this. Too bad, too bad.
“Your work is impressive, I’d be a fool to deny that.” He slowly stood from his seat as he slid the closed folder back to you.
You stood up abruptly to match him as you took your folder. “So does that mean-?”
“You’re hired? Heavens no!” He laughed as he rounded the desk and approached you. The height difference between you and him became alarmingly apparent as he stood beside you. Bending at the waist to ghost a hand on the small of your back as he gently ushered your frozen form towards his office door. “I did tell you we aren’t hiring, dear.”
“What- no, wait, Mr. Heartfelt-“ You pushed his hand away from your back and planted your feet. “But you said it was impressive. You read all the details I got- things you never got.”
His lip twitched at the attack to his own work. A bit of malice tainting the sweetness in his tone. “Come back when you have something actually worthwhile, darling. Cause that fancy writing? Ain’t nothin’ special.” For a moment you caught his transatlantic accent drop.
“Worth- WORTHWHILE?! I have connected deaths that the fuzz* haven’t even connected!”
“You’re theorizing. Nothing you have is substantial.”
“What are you expecting?? The killer's identity?” You asked, bewildered by his disregard towards you and your work.
A fire filled those beautiful eyes that looked up at him and he could feel their heat igniting something in him. Lifting one of his hands to rest his fingers over his grinning lips. A poor attempt to hide his amusement. “Yes, actually, that would be something worth my time.”
“Okay, fine.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’ll find the killer's identity. Then you’ll hire me, right?”
He straightened his back, caught off guard. But, who was he to push away a game he was certain he’d win? “Hah! Sure, why not-” He tensed as you yanked your glove off and extended a hand up to him. He raised a brow at it as if he had never seen one before.
“Shake on it. If I come back with honest to God proof of the Butchers identity. You have to hire me.” You narrowed your eyes up to him. “Deal?”
Oh, how fun. His hand took yours, completely enveloping it. “Deal.”
Let the game begin.
And without another word he watched you march out of his office, huffing and puffing. He trailed slowly behind to watch you leave through the front doors. A soft chuckle left him as he leaned against the front desk counter.
When he heard Velvette snicker with him he flinched and snapped his gaze down to her.
“Did you hire the dumb dora*?”
“Looks like you wanted to~”
He squinted with a strained smile. “Go home, Velvette. You don’t actually work here.”
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1920s Slang Used*
*Clam Up: To become silent suddenly.
*Dame: A woman.
*High Pillow: Person at the top, in charge.
*Egg: A man.
*Dry Up: Shut up, get lost.
*Fuzz: Police.
*Dumb Dora: A foolishly simple or dumb woman.
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Credit where credits due!
Art Deco Banners: @/saradika
MDNI Banner: @/cafekitsune
Yellow Star Banner: @/cafekitsune
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inuyashaluver · 10 months
jacket kisses - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which your girlfriend always shares her jacket with you - insisting it’s the only way you can get warm
warnings: swearing, suggestive media post teehee
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your girlfriend, leah williamson loved the cold weather. the only reason why she loves the cold weather is because she dedicated herself to being your personal heater.
whether it was at training, during games or just in general, leah HAD to have her body enveloping yours, she couldn’t let her baby get cold she claims.
“do you think i’ll need a jacket?” you question, looking over at leah, she was perched against the doorframe, arms folded over her chest as she watched you get ready for your date.
“nah, baby, we’ve got our jacket right here” she pats her chest, referencing the jacket she was wearing.
you roll your eyes and shake your head lightly at her with a giggle.
“when i die of hypothermia, will you speak at my funeral?” you pout at her, moving across the room to stand directly in front of her, grabbing her hands and swinging them side to side.
she smiles down at you, rubbing her thumbs lightly over your knuckles, “baby girl, if anyone dies of hypothermia, it’ll be me” she scoffs, “would i really let my girlfriend go cold?”
you laugh at her again, “my silly girl” you coo, lightly pinching her cheek, “off we go then, williamson chop chop!” she laughs and pulls you out of the door, giving your tangled hands a kiss.
as soon as you step outside. it’s cold. it’s really fucking cold - she knew straight away and moved to take off her jacket and holding it above your shoulders, waiting for you to slip in each of your arms. when your arms are in the jacket, she squeezes your biceps and places a sweet kiss on your cheek.
“now you’ll be cold lee, baby”
“this is a thermal shirt, i’m all good, baby” you give her a peck in appreciation. leah felt so accomplished in this moment, she knew she needed to keep this up.
both of you were extremely talented football players, hence why you both play for england as well as arsenal. you loved playing together - it strengthens your relationship as a whole and you just loved to watch each other do what you do best.
unfortunately, leah wasn’t able to get back to the pitch just yet, her acl preventing her to do so. however, this didn’t stop her coming to every game to watch her teammates and her lovely girlfriend.
it was game day for arsenal. a home game - leah could not be more excited to live out her wag life, wearing your jersey under her giant puffer jacket. the game had gone exceptionally well, you had managed to get two goals amongst the 5 from your teammates. an easy 5-0 win.
when the final whistle blew, you and your teammates hugged each other with exhaustion. staying in the middle of the pitch before doing your lap of photos and signatures.
“our little superstar!” katie yells as she picks you up over her shoulder, running around the girls as they laughed at both of you. “oh, here’s your missus, off you go!” she places you on the ground and spins you towards your favourite girl.
there stood your beautiful girlfriend, looking so warm and snuggly in her puffer jacket and tracksuit pants while you suffer in your kit. she outstretched her arms to you and you jog over to her, pulling her into a tight hug. she immediately placed her face in the crook of your neck, placing numerous kisses there. she moves her hand to scrunch the back of your head and faces you.
“i know i told you to score me a goal but two? i’m so spoilt” she boops your nose with her finger. your arms were still tightly wrapped around her waist, the cold breeze starting to pick up when your post match body heat goes down.
“gotta show off to my wag, baby” you wink up at her and she grins at you brightly.
“i’ll never get over you in this kit, arsenal suits you well” she unwraps your arms from her waist in order to hold your hand and twirl you around, taking in your appearance.
“baby, i’ve played at arsenal all my life”
“woah, show off! let me compliment my girlfriend please” she scoffs,
“baby, you’ve played with me, at arsenal, for majority of our lives, you’ve seen me in this kit more than regular clothes”
“you’re no fun” she pouts at you, you give her a kiss on the lips in apology. before you could pull away, she grabs the base of your neck, making the kiss longer but still keeping it tame as you were in public.
you pull away for a moment, both of you looking at each other with wide pupils and cheesy grins.
“is this appropriate baby?, i think we’re traumatising the children” you point over your shoulder, referencing victoria and alessia who was looking at you guys and grinning. she laughs loudly at that, bringing you close to her again.
“oh no, can’t have that, love, can we?” she places her hands on your hips, pulling you closer. she quickly unzips her jacket, grabbing your arms and wrapping them around her waist.
“baby, what’re you-”
“hush” she tutts with fake annoyance on her face
you hug her waist tightly and she pulls the jacket around you, holding it in place with her arms. hugging you tightly. she quickly lets go of you and puts the big hood over her head. you’re now in your own little cocoon. everyone knowing to leave you alone in this moment.
she moves down to place a passionate kiss on your lips, both of you moving completely in sync with each other. there’s so much love in the kiss, it honestly felt like the both of you had been away from each other for weeks instead of 90 minutes.
she pulls away from you. giving you a kiss on both of your cheeks, your forehead, your nose and a quick peck on your lips for good measure. you grin up at her and return the kisses in the same spots, both of you giggling with each other, still wrapped up in the puffer jacket.
“okay williamson, duty calls, baby, gotta sign some shirts and cheese for pics” you let go of her.
“hey! me first!” she grabs out her phone from her pocket, holding it out for a selfie. you both immediately share cheesy grins at the camera, leah spamming the photo button. before you move to run away, she pulls you back by your wrist,
“one more” she pouts, you pose again, this time grabbing her cheek at giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“okay, i’ve really got to go!” you quickly run away before she pulls you back. little did you know, leah was too busy staring at the picture and making it her wallpaper and profile picture on every social media platform that she had
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just pretend it’s youuuu - sorry jordy ily x
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liked by alessiarusso99 and 44,232 others
leahwilliamsonn: wag life couldn’t be better
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yourname: so nice meeting such a big fan today!
↳ leahwilliamsonn: oh fuck you
↳ yourname: oh fuck me yourself, gorgeous
↳ leahwilliamsonn: is this a challenge or something?
↳ yourname: whoops
↳ leahwilliamsonn: whoops
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diaco1968 · 10 months
Bully!Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings! 18+, mdni, Bullying (only in the beginning tho), broken nose(no major character), smut, unprotected, choking, riding... the usual.
.also, everyone aged up and past college
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"Whatcha hiding there pipsqueak?"
You immediately tried to get down to collect your scattered papers but he grabbed your shoulder and shoved you back up, your breath hitched as your back hit the lockers, the rattling attracting the nearby people's attention as they stared at you and started whispering amongst themselves.
You watched in dismay as he leaned down and grabbed the neat looking envelope and turned it to see the dried up flower taped expertly to its front, his nose scrunching up in disgust.
"What fuckery is this? Are you in a high school drama show?"
His eyes snapped on you with a glare before amusing himself further with the letter he pulled out of the envelope.
"He asked you out in a letter and still lacked the balls to sign it with his name, huh? Who is the loser? It's probably a prank."
You pursed your lips and he glanced at the letter again before pressing on.
"Or maybe he was forced in a dare."
"No he wasn't, give it back." You reached out to grab the envelope but he pulled it away holding it out of your reach.
"So you know him already. Been screwing around before, huh? Not as innocent as you look, are you?"
"It's none of your business."
"It's my business when I say it's my business." He dangled the letter above you but you narrowed your eyes and didn't bother play his game.
"So. If not for a dare then why the fuck is he asking you out?"
You frowned pressing your nails harder against your palm in a tight fist before pushing yourself off the lockers deciding it's not worth fighting over and with a huff turned around to leave but before you could take a step his hand slammed onto the locker next to your head, crumbling the letter in between his hand and the locker, his arm blocking your path and caging you in. You gasped and He leaned in to whisper in your ear, hot breath fanning the side of your neck. You could smell his signature caramel scent and you would have liked it if it wasn't for the current situation. He had never ever actually hurt you physically but he was still scary, and if he was capable of hurting you, you didn't want to find out. You gulped.
"This time I will let it slide. But you will not turn your back on me again. Got it?"
You very subtly nodded and he pulled away from you, the letter falling to the floor as he turned and walked away.
As you made your way through the crowd of students it became obvious that the commotion was from a fight and all these people were standing there to watch. You had waited for a long time for your date to show up and now you were going to go and find out what was the hold up since he wasn't in the habit of making you wait. And unfortunately you couldnt get to him without crossing from this particular corridor. You could just slip past the fighting people without being noticed and ignore them. You were almost at the opening in between the crowd when you looked up to see none other than your date. He was lying on his back, holding his nose with both hands while blood trickled out from in between his fingers and he writhed on the ground in pain.
"Get up."
Above him was crouched your own personal bully, Bakugou, watching his pathetic prey with a curious head tilt, not a scratch anywhere on his face.
"I said get up!" His hand shot out and he grabbed a fist full of the poor boy's hair and pulled him up on his hands and knees while he grunted in pain.
"What are you doing?! Stop!"
All eyes turned on you before you could process your interference, but your eyes were only locked on a pair of glinting crimson eyes as they stared back at you with excitement.
"Oh look! There she is. Is this the kind of whimp you're into? Really, (y/n)? You fancy weaklings, huh? Disappointing."
He then looked back down at the boy,
"why dont you tell her yourself?"
He grabbed your date by the scruff and pulled him off the ground, onto his feet and held him in front of you. It was a sorry sight, the blood dripping down from his swollen nose onto his chin, a violent red patch on his cheek slowly turning purple and watery eyes either from the impact to the nose or he was crying.
You looked him in the eye wondering how he got himself into this mess, the more you looked the more you feared Bakugou.
"Go on! Tell her!"
He barked making you jump and your eyes darted between Bakugou and the boy.
"I don't want to go out with you anymore..."
His voice sounded awkward due to his nose being clogged by blood and he was looking down avoiding your eyes. You didn't blame him, if this had happened to him just cause he was dating you, it was only natural he wouldn't want to continue.
"Good boy. Now scram, loser!"
Your eyes were becoming glossy as you stood there unable to walk away holding back tears of frustration not wanting to piss him off again by turning your back on him. You had so many mixed feelings. Bakugou had no right meddling with your business like that. Despite his dipshit behavior, you kinda liked him. But he had never shown any sign of interest other than giving you his homework sometimes and bullying you around when he was bored. To want to prove you're not worth anyone else's love or interest was just another level of low, you had assumed he wouldn't stoop to.
On the other hand you couldnt help the tiny feeling in your gut that he did all this for you. A more primal side of you was tingling excitedly to the feeling of Bakugou fighting another male away from you to keep you all to himself.
You pushed this side far back down, a tear escaping and rolling down your cheek as you glared at Bakugou while he loomed over you, staring you down for a while, not looking as smug as he did a few seconds ago.
His scraped fingers twitched and you wondered briefly if he wanted to punch you too but he just clicked his tongue and walked away.
You stared at the slender cigarette between your fingers, your other hand squeezing the lighter, looking around while you were standing next to the building after closing hours. It had rained all day and now it was cold and windy and everyone had already left so you were really in need of something to calm you down, your now-ex had once given you these and you doubted he was going to come for them after all that went down just a while ago.
With shaky fingers you put the roll between your lips and tried the lighter. The wind immediately blew in out, so you shielded it with your other hand and put it to the tip of the cigarette ready to inhale.
"What are you doing?"
Bakugou's voice startled you and in your horror your lips parted dropping the roll on the ground.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
You looked at the wasted cigarette on the ground that was now wet and soggy and looked back up at Bakugou staring intently at you waiting for a reply.
Wasn't it obvious what you were doing?
"I...needed to relax so... I was going to smoke?"
You sounded so unfamiliar and meek to yourself.
"Oh you were going to smoke, were you?"
He stepped forward and crushed the cigarette under his foot, getting in your face. You looked up at him wondering what he wanted with you now.
"Does it make you feel all grown up and tough? Smoking that shit?"
"I am already grown up... what are you talking about?"
His hands were immediately latched onto your collar and he pulled you to himself growling in your face.
"Oh you think you become so cool smoking, that now you can talk back to me?"
You frowned trying to free your clothes from his grasp.
"Bakugou...let me go..."
"You're not going to smoke again. You heard me?"
"It's none of your business! Let me go!"
You screamed at him, all the pent of frustration finally surfacing, but you regret it almost as soon as the words left your lips.
"Shut your mouth!"
He used his grip on your collar to shove you away and you stumbled backwards on the ground before plopping down on your butt in a huge puddle, the water splashing everywhere.
You immediately jumped out looking down at your soaked clothes, the wind freezing you to the bone.
"You're such a clutz..."
Your eyes snapped onto him in a furious glare.
"I was fine standing here on my own before a stupid bully decided he wasn't done with me yet after everything he did to me and started to push me around some more!"
By the time your yelling finished your whole body was shivering from the cold. He watched you for a few seconds in deafening silence, and you wondered if this time you angered him enough for him to hit you.
"Are you done?"
His tone was very calm and even kinda warm, so you nodded your head and he took off his coat and handed it to you to your surprise. Was that his way of apologizing?
"My house is way closer than yours for a cold walk. Let's go."
You watched from the window as the wind howled and lashed the branches against the windows and the rain drops poured down the glass, the sound of thunder making you jump a little and get out of your trance.
You sighed looking down at yourself.
You were wearing his shirt and that's all. A black shirt with a white skull on it, and very oversized for you. It reached down to the middle of your thighs, hanging loosely on your shoulders.
Your underwear was also soaked so you had to take it off too, now any kind of breeze would make you shiver and goosebumps rose on your skin.
"What are you doing there? Get out here and warm up."
You heard his booming voice slightly muffled by the closed door. You tried to ignore the heat rising to your cheeks and the tips of your ears thinking about your current style and how exposed you were and with a deep breath and a heavy sigh you stepped out of the bathroom to join him, your hands gripping the hem of your shirt and firmly holding it down over your thighs. When you walked into his room he was busy with his TV so you quietly sneak behind him and sit on the end of the bed feeling uncomfortable, he lived in a suite so there was no other place to sit.
"Did you hang your clothes up to dry?"
He didn't turn towards you but you instinctively pulled your legs closer to yourself and pulled the shirt lower over them.
"I forgot to give you these. Here."
He turned to the drawer and grabbed a pair of shorts from it then turned to offer it to you as you got up and reached over to grab it from him, his hands freezing mid air as his eyes locked onto yours.
You could feel your heartbeat rising as you watched his eyes rake down your body staring at his shirt on you, then his eyes moved down your legs and back up slowly again, his gaze so heavy you could almost feel it drag on you.
You grabbed the shorts from his hands but he snatched your wrist instead and pulled you closer, so close you had to raise your hand to press it against his chest not to slam into him.
"What are you wearing under it?"
His voice was significantly lower and much more sensual, for the lack of better words. You took in a big breath silently relishing in his caramel scent and the feel of his hard chest under your palm before looking up at him through your lashes, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Why do you ask?"
"How naughty of you."
"Watch it. you don't want to start something you can't finish." Even with the low growl in his voice he wasn't trying to sound threatening at all. You knew what he sounded like when he wanted to threaten. The opposite, he came off as very attractive sounding like that and looking at you through half lidded eyes. And you would bet he knew it too.
You leaned up on your tiptoes to get in his face as you looked straight in his eyes, your lips merely an inch away from his.
"And what if I can finish what I want to start?"
You could now feel his heartbeat under your palm making you wonder if you had previously missed it or was he just now getting excited.
"Then go for it."
You felt intoxicated by the heat and smell radiating off of him, the strong aura he had, it felt like you were too impatient to play him anymore. You leaned up and pressed your lips softly against his, closing your eyes. For a few seconds he didnt move at all, probably not expecting you to back your attitude up. The only contact he had with you was his hand on your wrist. But that changed in a blink of an eye. He let go of your wrist to grab your waist with both hands and pulled you flush against him, humming and deepening the kiss when you draped your arms around his neck. One of his hands moved up from your waist carassing your back from over the shirt before settling in a firm grip on the back of your neck, the other moved down squeezing one ass cheek from over the shirt before sliding under it to grip it tight and pull you into himself as he grinded his hips forward into yours. His tongue was in your mouth as soon as you parted your lips to moan, wrestling yours into submission.
It was too hot, too much, he was touching you all over, you tried to pull away from the kiss but his fingers carded in your hair grabbing a fistful and angling your face back up into the kiss with a demanding growl.
By the time you whined in his mouth you were almost completely out of breath and he loosened his hold on your hair to let you pull back to catch your breath, a thin string of saliva stretching from your lips to his tongue that he completely ignored, immediately latching back onto your jaw and moving wet hot kisses down your neck. His teeth were scraping over your sweetspots like he had known them for years before he sucked in your raw skin and licked over the abuse he left behind, he reached the collar and gently pulled it off one of your shoulders, sinking his teeth in the exposed skin, you gasped and gripped onto him tighter. He kept kissing and biting lower and lower until the shirt got in his way again. You pulled away from him and grabbed the hem to remove it but he stopped you.
"Keep it on."
His hands moved over your back again and felt up your sides pulling the shirt from behind to make it cling tightly around your form admiring your body from one step away before releasing the shirt probably enjoying how much bigger than you he was. With sudden movements he pushed you back on the bed and you landed on your butt looking up at him as he pulled off his own shirt, his toned body distracting your eyes. He noticed the brief disappointment in your mood and probably caught on cause he smirked and crawled on top of you making you scoot further up the bed.
"What? You thought I dont want to see what you're hiding under the shirt?"
His eyes had become so predatory that you had to bite your lower lip to hold back a submissive whimper. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back to him, making the shirt move up and crumple around your waist exposing much more than you intended to show.
"You should keep it on cause I want to see that you are mine."
His hand slid under the shirt and up your sides lifting it up and ducking his head underneath. It took him a few seconds to admire the view, his breath tickling your skin while he reached up and grabbed one of your boobs, squeezing and massaging it before he licked the rough patch of his tongue over your other nipple making you gasp and arch your back in surprise when he sucked the bud in his mouth.
When he tugged your nipple between his teeth you had to put your hand on his head and pull him back towards you but his free hand grabbed your hand and held it down by your side entwining your fingers. When his treatment of your boobs started becoming painful your protesting noises got louder and with a pop he released you from his mouth, moving his lips down your body leaving a wet trail. Letting go of your hand to grab your hips and lift you up, he pulled your lower half over his lap and placed your legs over his shoulders, bending you so far you could clearly see his face above you and between your legs, aligning your heat with his mouth. You couldn't grab his hair to have the slightest bit of control, your legs were in the way, so you just fisted the sheets and involuntarily clenched your thighs around his head as he licked along your slit roughly. His tongue rubbed up in between your folds, mixing your slick with his saliva before he sucked it all in harshly with your clit sending a sharp jolt up your spine.
"Ah Fuck!"
You couldn't help the loud moans and mewls that left your lips as your thighs started shaking in anticipation and you clawed at his wrists pleading him for mercy, but his tongue didn't seize fucking in between your folds.
"Ah... please! You don't have to..."
To your surprise he paused his movement to lift his mouth from you a little and when he started speaking his hot breath on your wet cunt made you shiver.
"No I don't have to, I'm doing this for me."
His hand reached out and grabbed a fistful of your hair yanking your head forward into an uncomfortable position were you could watch him eat you out and as he resumed his onslaught he watched you intently until your eyes roll back into your skull as you came undone in his mouth.
He layed you gently back on the bed letting you catch your breath, his eyes once again admiring the loose black shirt on you, half hiding some of the marks he had left on your neck and shoulders, your chest heaving underneath the skull print on the shirt.
His shirt.
Your face flushed bright red as you watched him wipe the glistening moisture from his lips and chin with the back of his hand, smirking at you when your eyes met, he held your gaze as he undid his jeans and pulled them down, making you avert your eyes.
"Ready to ride, pipsqueak?"
He flopped next to you on the bed, pulling himself further up on his back and rested his head on a pillow looking ready for a show with his hands under his head. Your eyes moved down his face to his tense abs to his hard on that was fully at attention looking all proud.
You bit your lower lip, wondering if you had ever felt so much heat in your face before, your face was probably beet red by now. You timidly got up on your knees and shyly lifted a leg to straddle his waist, holding the shirt down and hiding your naked lower half as much as you could, hoping you could hide your face if you got on him in reverse. His hand was on your leg in an instant pushing it back down and gesturing to your other leg.
"Nuh uh. I wanna watch you."
He didn't leave you room for more errors as he grabbed your waist and hoisted you up over himself, scoffing at the squeak you released when your soaked core rubbed onto his hard dick. You had to press your hands against his chest to hold your balance, and you very slowly started to get a feel of him slipping between your folds by rolling your hips over him.
Your grinding had his tip pressed into your entrance and his fingers twitched on your sides, holding them tighter as he hissed quietly.
"Gonna take your time, huh?"
"Will you shut up!"
You don't know what took over you, probably you've had enough of his teasing tone, but to further soludify your point you reached up with one hand and wrapped your fingers around his throat, squeezing the sides in warning.
The silence that took over made you gulp down the anxiety before you could look up at his face and you were immediately amazed; his cheeks were powdered pink, eyes half lidded but dialated pupils glinting with excitement and his lips were parted letting out shallow breaths.
He seemed to like it, so you kept your hand around his throat.
Not taking your eyes off of him you reached between you to grab his length and angle it before lowering yourself onto it slowly. once the head popped inside you and you engulfed it with your warm wet tightness, he let out the breath he had previously sucked in, as a long deep groan and closed his eyes, his face showing pure bliss for the whole duration you sank him deep inside you.
It took a while to get used to his size and his angle inside you, during which he didn't do anything to rush you, seemingly taken the hint that you were in control, but as soon as you started moving your hips his eyes snapped onto where your bodies were connected.
His hands carassed your sides as you timidly rose and sank back down on him again making you both release a satisfied sigh, then you started moving with a shy little rhythm. His fingers snaked under the shirt, his thumb hooking the hem and slowly pulled it up as his hands moved higher over your body, soon enough the shirt was crumpled right below your boobs, and he moved it higher holding it over your mouth.
You glanced at the shirt then at him before taking the fabric between your teeth. You were now mostly naked in full display for him beautifully, as he watched your boobs bounce and jiggle with every move, moving his hands back into a firm grip on your hips to provide you some extra balance, his thumbs carassing you, not as gentle as it was possessive.
His tip was kissing your cervix every time you sank back down on him, making you roll your hips back and forth to savor the painful pleasure of it. He didn't appreciate your slow rhythm for long though, his patience wearing thin as he gripped your hips, his other hand moving up your spine before gripping the back of your neck, using his grip combined with a thrust of his hips up into you, had you lurching forward bracing yourself with your hands on the bed on either side of his head. And just like that your little game of dominance was over.The hand on your hips snaked around your waist, holding you firmly against himself as he started a brutal pace thrusting up into your gushing pussy, the knot in your lower stomach tightening, The angle had you gripping his shoulders for dear life, barely able to breathe as rugged gasps left your lips. His fingers carded through your hair pulling you forward to crash his mouth onto yours. The possessiveness of the kiss had you pushed over the edge , clamping around his length as your orgasm crashed over you, creaming all over his shaft. It took you a minute or so to come down from your high, and realise while he was helping you ride out your high with shallow slow thrusts his lips had curled into a satisfied smirk against your mouth, so you pulled away from the kiss, your cheeks flushed.
"I don't have to look to know you've made a big pretty mess down there."
You whimpered, hiding your face in your hands in embarrassment making his grin widen. He grabbed your wrists pulling them away from yiur face while he rolled you over on your back, now hovering over you.
"Why you hiding now? Too late for that I've already seen how hot you look when yoh cum undone."
He nudged your thighs up with his knees, placing his cock back in your folds, sliding over the sensitive nub a few times making you squirm under him.
"I want to see more of that lewd littel face of yours."
You started to weakly push him on the chest but He grabbed both of your wrists in one hand and held them above your head.
"You have one more in there for me, don't you?"
grabbing your throat giving it a gentle squeeze while he pushed himself back inside you, you shut your eyes, biting your lower lip at the sensation of him filling you up.
"you're going to cream around my cock again, aren't you?"
"... move..." you whined trying to pull him in more with your legs hooked around his waist but he didn't budge.
"Ask nicely."
"Fuck me please! I'll cream all around your cock! Please!"
His grip tightened around your throat and your lips parted while your walls cinched around his dick making him hiss from the tightness as he thrusted into you, long deep slow thrusts sending you over into a toe curling release, milking him harshly.
"Yeah, that's what I thought,...fuck!"
He let go of your wrists to grab his cock and jerked it over you, cumming all over your stomach and chest as he watched your fucked out face.
You were both panting as you came down from your high, looking at eachother, kind of shy and embarassed before he grinned down at you boyishly.
"Aren't you glad I ruined your date?"
You pushed him off annoyed.
"You could've asked yourself... nicely."
"Nah too cheesy. Like the letter."
You rolled your eyes and started scooting off the bed before his arm wrapped around your front and pulled you back to him, whispering in your ear,
"I'll ask nicely for you to choke me again, if you be a good girl."
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happiest-hotch · 1 year
i think you did one of there with spencer and it was cute so i was wondering if you'd write one for aaron, a full fic or blurb where Aaron guesses she (his gf) is pregnant before she guesses? thanks in advance
i'm glad you liked it !! it's the type of scene i love writing
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Summary: basically as above, but they are married
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader (Fluff)
Content Warning: pregnancy (obviously)
Word Count: 1.5k
It's a quiet day at the BAU, and you and Aaron are in his office, having lunch together on the rare occasion you're not out on a case, there aren't any urgent consults, and he doesn't have a meeting.
He starts smirking when you complain about there not being enough pickles in your burger.
"What?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at his sudden change in demeanor.
He leans back in his chair, his hands clasping behind his head. "I don't know, honey. You've been acting kind of strange lately. Do you think it's possible that you're pregnant?"
You roll your eyes, playfully kicking him under the desk. "Haha, very funny, Aaron. You better watch your mouth." You say jokingly.
He chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm teasing, but if I'd take a bet on it. Seriously, you've been craving some weird foods lately, and if I was dumber, I'd say you were having some mood swings. Maybe you should take a test, just in case."
You shake your head, laughing at his persistence. "I highly doubt it. You know, with the birth control and all that? And you know it's a bad idea to offer me a bet." It might have been why he did it because you're both insanely competitive.
"Why don't we up the stakes?" He offers, the signature smirk that only you're privileged to lighting up his face.
You grin mischievously at him. "What do you have in mind?"
"Well, you know how the team bet on if we were dating?" He asks and you nod. "Let's include them. Only if you're comfortable." He's only joking, and you're so sure he's off the mark.
"A chance to show to prove your profiling skills wrong?" You ask with a giggle. "Derek would kill me if I didn't take it."
"You're on," Aaron says, holding out a hand to shake yours and make it official. "But when I'm right, you owe me."
You chuckle again. "Yeah? What will I owe you?"
He grins, his nose scrunching adorably as he thinks. "I'll get back to you about that."
You notice the team walking back in from lunch. "Let's do it."
Aaron and you walk out onto the landing, and he makes his announcement. "Conference room, everyone."
They look at you both with a high level of concern written on their faces, scurrying like something urgent has happened which, due to the nature of your jobs, is reasonable. "Don't use your Unit Chief voice." You scold, hitting him on the shoulder. "And don't even think about bullying anyone into agreeing with you."
"Deal, but you can't make it seem offensive for them to bet against you." He instructs.
"I won't." He assures you, placing a hand on your lower back and guiding you to the boardroom.
Penelope's jumpy when you two walk in and stand in front of the screen, not doing as well as everyone else to hide her worry. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong." You tell them all quickly, but it's a message to Aaron as well: that although you're sure he's wrong, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
"Y/n's pregnant," Aaron announces.
You hit him on the shoulder, quickly speaking before everyone jumps up to hug you and offer congratulations. "That's just what he thinks." You say.
Even Spencer had a puzzled look, but Derek verbalizes their thoughts. "What?"
"We're betting," Aaron explains. "I think she's pregnant, she thinks she's not, so like you all bet on whether we were dating or not, we thought you might like to bet on this."
For everyone who has known him longer than you have, it's astonishing to see Aaron so open with his personal life, but you bring the playful side out in him.
The bets are in, more in favor of you, although the doctor of the team bets against you which is a little worrying. Of course, Spencer isn't a medical doctor, but he knows more about pregnancy than even JJ, who has been pregnant.
"So when do we get the results?" Derek wonders.
"Right now?" You offer. "Well as soon as I go get a test."
Aaron shakes his head beside you. "No, no way. I want it to be just us because it's going to be a special moment."
You roll your eyes at him. "Okay, but you're not coming in the bathroom while I pee on a stick." You inform him.
"We'll see." He settles, looking at you fondly before dropping the smile reserved for you when he looks back at the team. "Let's get back to work."
Aaron stops at a drug store on the way home, determined and cemented in his position as he buys three boxes of pregnancy tests.
"I don't have enough pee for all of these." You inform him when you're getting ready for bed that night.
He opens each of the boxes, handing you one of each. "Get your cute butt in there." He directs.
"I'm not taking this for you." You remind him with a smirk. "I'm taking it to prove you wrong."
"So, for me then?" He jokes, chuckling at you.
You're not really sure why you are taking the test. Of course, it's gotten to be a bigger idea with the team's involvement, but now that you're doing it, you're kind of hoping you lose. The excitement engulfing you is a shock, but it's so unlikely that you don't want to give in to the delusion.
"Are you okay?" Aaron taps on the door after you've been in there more than a reasonable amount of time.
You open the door, trying to keep a calm facade, and welcome him in, handing over the capped tests and sitting on the counter.
"You actually want this, don't you?" He profiles within a second.
It's an annoying trait of his when it shows up in your personal life, but sometimes you are glad since you're feeling like you don't have all the words. "It just threw me." You admit. "I didn't realize that I do feel ready until today."
His face drops in an instant, guilt sinking in. "I'm sorry I pushed so hard." He says very apologetically, a hand going to his forehead. "And I got the team involved."
"It's alright." You soothe, taking his hand in yours. "It's not like we can't just make a baby once we know."
Aaron nods, a cheeky smile taking over his face. "I'll give you a baby if that's the prize you want for winning the bet."
"Did you figure out what you want?" You wonder. "If you're right."
He thinks about it for another moment. "Baby or not, I can't think of anything else I need in life." His hand rests on your thigh delicately. "Ready to look?"
You shake your head, the nerves overwhelming you. "Let's not bother. We can go not knowing."
Aaron chuckles, shaking his head. "We both know we can't." He doesn't give you much more of a choice, figuratively tearing the bandaid off as he flips over the test. He's usually so good at keeping his face neutral, having had years of practice, but he doesn't. Not in your tender moment where his eyes go glassy, and he grins broadly. "Mrs. Hotchner, congratulations, you're pregnant."
"Oh, my god." Your hand clamps over your mouth in shock, but you quickly tear it away to take the test from him, needing to see it to believe it. "We're going to have a baby?"
"Yes, we are." He answers.
"I can't believe you realized before I did." You chuckle. Without a doubt, it's going to become a story that frequently gets retold.
Aaron leans forward, pressing his forehead against yours. His warm hand rests on your lower stomach, and it suddenly feels very real. "I know you that well." He reminds you. "But I will still be collecting my betting money."
You giggle at him. "I would."
It's probably clear to the team when you and Aaron are late for work, the team likely assuming you're at the doctor's office. The team is already waiting in the conference room, Rossi waving you two in.
"So, who won?" JJ wonders, struggling to curb her enthusiasm.
You share a quick smile with your husband that no one can decipher if you're gloating about winning. "Fortunately... Aaron." You inform them.
Penelope grabs you in a hug first, and you're sure she's crying. Then you're passed around the team for more hugs, sharing delighted looks with Aaron between receiving congratulations.
He's the last person to wrap you in a hug, holding you tightly to his chest. "You're so incredible." He whispers to you. "And I was thinking we could get lobster rolls with my prize money for dinner."
You quickly pull back, shaking your head. "That thought makes me feel nauseous."
His mouth drops before he quickly recovers. "Alright, pickles it is."
You're in your own little world with him until Derek gets your attention. "So, when do we get to bet if it's a boy or girl?"
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papayadays · 4 months
you’re doing it wrong
summary: lando x tennis player!reader - in which you’re fed up of your boyfriend playing padel - 1.7k words
a/n: as a tennis girly, pickleball and padel for me are triggers lol (i’m joking), but fr though, i love this! also i use a babolat pure aero if anyone was wondering (no one will, but whatever lmao)
warnings: none, just fluff
smau + real life
face claim: emma raducanu bc yes
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y/nl/ntennis enjoying break, ready to be back in rome! 🧡 📸 landonorris
liked by wta, landonorris, and 7,138 others
big3stan so ready for rome open tbh, can’t wait for her to win!
liked by y/nl/ntennis
y/ntennis lmao not the evian ad
wtagirly ikr at least our girl’s making cash while playing piano
landonorris i feel neglected
y/nl/ntennis i was going to post you but then SOMEONE decided to play padel
gamesetace standing up for tennis 🙌 what a queen
papayagoals aww i love the orange heart for lando, y/n is  glowing!
liked by y/nl/ntennis
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you stared at your boyfriend in disbelief. “since when did you want to start playing tennis?” you questioned with narrowed eyes, dubious.
“well,” lando started, scratching his neck. “mclaren saw your post, and then after the interview, they want to film a video of you and me playing tennis.” you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
“i knew you wouldn’t want to play voluntarily,” you scoffed. “you and your stupid padel. what’s next, pickleball?”
lando placed a hand over his heart. “wow, y/n, words hurt,” he pouted.
“truth hurts,” you deadpanned. “c’mon, why are playing everything except my favorite sport?” frowning, you gave him puppy eyes.
“ugh, fine,” lando sighed, caving like you knew he would. “i’ll try to enjoy it. you’re lucky i love you.” you clapped your hands together happily.
“then we need to pick out outfits!” you cheered, making lando groan. “oh shush, you dress all fancy for golf. hell, you even made a golf quadrant line.” that shut him up.
you picked out some of his golf clothes that were suitable for tennis, and then you changed into a nike set of a top and shorts since they were your sponsor. you tossed lando a hat and grabbed a visor after putting your hair up into your signature braid.
as you grinned in the mirror, lando leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek. “i love you in your tennis outfits,” he smiled.
when your mouth curled up into a smirk, he realized his mistake. “well, if you played tennis with me more often, you’d get to see it more,” you responded.
“i set myself up for that one, didn’t i, love?” lando muttered, pecking your lips. you gave him an innocent shrug, as if you had no clue what he was talking about.
“anyways,” you said, grabbing your babolat bag and tying your nike sneakers. “let’s go. don’t want to keep mclaren waiting.”
when you arrived at the courts, you beamed at the filming crew. “wow, i love these courts, mclaren chose well,” you gushed.
“thanks,” the cameraman nodded. “i’m luke, and that’s bill.” you nodded at them, shaking their hands. after, they turned on the camera, not wanting to miss a single moment.
“it’s a lovely day,” you smiled. “perfect conditions, nice hard courts, what more can you ask for?”
lando snorted. “barely five minutes in and y/n has already started geeking out,” he commented, facing the camera.
“as if you wouldn’t geek out if someone mentions f1,” you retorted, playfully swatting his arm as you took out your racquet, a babolat pure aero. you handed your boyfriend one of your many racquets as he scrunched his nose up in disdain.
“do i have to use the same as yours?” lando frowned, making you roll your eyes.
“yes, your majesty,” you replied sarcastically. “it’s the only model i have because that’s how tennis works.”
“damn, no need to come at me, sweetheart,” lando responded evenly, a sweet smile on his face. you scoffed, a smile faintly on your lips. he knew that you couldn’t stay mad with that pet name.
“okay, so let’s warm up first,” you explained to the camera. “i do some jumping jacks, high knees, side shuffles, karaoke step, and some footwork drills as well as stretching out my upper body.” you pointed at lando. “follow what i do.”
“yeah, yeah, boss me around, why don’t you,” he mumbled, but a mischievous grin stayed on his face.
first, you did some jumping jacks, high knees, and light cardio exercises. then, you turned around and faced the net as you side shuffled. “lando, c’mon,” you sighed as you turned back, seeing his gaze snap up to meet your eyes, a light blush tinged on his cheeks as he gave you a smug look, knowing damn well what he was doing. from one doubles sideline to the other, you two side shuffled before transitioning into karaoke step. “here, i’ll go slow, lan. follow me, and don’t fall.” you slowly stepped over, letting lando copy you before speeding up.
“how?” lando asked, shocked. “you don’t fall over?”
“tennis players need really good footwork,” you told him, stretching out your arms and back. “alright, i think we’re ready to start with half-court.” you picked up your racquet, grabbing a ball and bouncing it on the strings.
“wait,” lando said to luke. “can you pause real quick, mate?” you gave him a confused look as he leaned down towards you, eyes wide with anxiousness. “promise you won’t judge me or anything if i’m really bad.” then it all clicked for you.
“so that’s why you won’t play with me?” you asked, expression softening at his genuine fear.
“i- yeah,” lando nodded, seeing no point in denying it. “i know how much love tennis, but if i’m really bad, i dunno, i just thought that maybe you’ll see me differently.”
“aww, baby,” you cooed, resting your hand on your boyfriend’s cheek. “i’ll love you no matter what. you could be the worst tennis player in the world and i’d still love you. and you’ll do great. tennis is a hard sport, so obviously no one can get it on the first try. but i love you, lan. not how well you hit balls.” he raised an eyebrow at your wording, but leaned into your touch.
“thanks, y/n,” he smiled, pecking your lips. “i love you more.” he turned back to the camera crew only for his jaw to drop in utter shock. “you were recording the whole time?” your hand flew to your mouth, laughter erupting as you watched lando’s eyes widen in panic.
“babe, they- i can’t believe it,” you wheezed, clutching your stomach. “oh my god, this is amazing.”
“now the whole freaking world is going to know what just happened,” lando whispered, glaring at your laughter. “whatever, let’s just play.”
you showed lando the basics: forehand, backhand, and the motions, guiding him through it. his cheeks were pink from your constant grip on his arm, showing him the swing. soon, he was able to get the tennis balls over the net. “that’s it, lan!” you cheered as he hit another one over. “now we can rally.”
you walked to the other side, gently feeding a half court forehand. you watched as he hit it back, a proud smile on your face as you hit a backhand, careful not to put spin on it. “hey, i think i got the hang of this,” lando grinned before promptly hitting the ball into the net. “dammit, i jinxed it.”
“don’t worry,” you smiled. “let’s go full court now.” the two of you hit a few, lando picking the skills up very quickly. you showed him your serve and decided to use more force, smirking as the ball sailed past him.
while you two took a water break, luke and bill told you that mclaren had also gotten a ball machine, making your face brighten. “really?” you exclaimed. “that’s perfect!”
you brought the machine out, setting it up before you stood on the opposite side of the net, bouncing on your toes. it fed out balls as you hit them with your full match-level power, lando’s eyes widening at the speed. after the machine ran out of balls, you headed back to them, wiping the sweat of your face with a sweatband.
“babe, that was incredible,” lando told you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “how do you hit it so fast?”
“training,” you deadpanned. “now, you think you had enough for today?” lando gave you a nod.
“yeah, today was nice, as much as i hate- ow! i mean, as much as i love to admit that you’re right, tennis was actually pretty cool,” he answered, rubbing the spot on his ribs where you had elbowed him. “maybe we’ll have to play again sometime soon.” your mouth stretched into a victorious grin as you turned to the camera.
“you heard it right here, everyone,” you said with a smug expression. “lando norris is a tennis fan now. thanks to mclaren for doing this, and hopefully see you next time!”
“that’s a wrap!” bill nodded as you started packing your things up.
“thanks for giving it a try,” you beamed at lando. “it means a lot.”
“you’re welcome,” lando replied with a cheeky grin. “also, i’ve decided. i’m going to watch you in rome. i mean, i’ll be in imola for the race anyways, so i can be there.” your face brightened.
“you mean it?” when he nodded, you pumped your fist. “it’s been so long since you’ve come to one of my matches. ooh, i need to introduce you to everyone. thanks, lan.” you slipped your hand in his, smiling as you walked back
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y/nl/ntennis we did it!! landonorris has been converted into a tennis fan 💞 new mclaren video spilling the details 🤭
liked by landonorris, mclaren, and 9,625 others
landonorris yeah yeah 💖💖
lanpastry pls they’re so cute 🤧
mclaren thank you for the content! 🧡
papayaorange that sweet moment was too much, i’m sleeping on the highway tonight
formulerone and not lando getting exposed by mclaren - “you were recording the whole time?”
landynando lando actually playing tennis was not on my bingo card
wta  new tennis power couple?
novakthegoat wta what are you doing here 😭😭
y/nl/ntennis lmao i wish, alex and katie would have nothing on us
katiecboulter oh really? are you sure about that?
cocogauff aww cute 😍
landonorris help y/n i don’t know anyone
y/nl/ntennis oh my god do you not watch tennis at all?
landonorris no? who do you think i am? i only watch your matches 🫶
y/nl/ntennis baby steps ig ily lan 🧡
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
This cute idea just spawned into my head but imagine the girls asking reader and hobie about their youth 🥹 like “how did you two meet?” And when they complain about having too much homework they say “I bet you didn’t do your homework when you were younger” to Hobie
Thank you for the adorable request!! 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Twin AU, Billie and Ramona AU, cw food mentions, FLUFF
You feel a gentle tug on your apron whilst you make dinner, the savory smell of spaghetti and meatballs wafting around you, covering you with a thin smoke that you had to fan away to get a good look at the disheveled curls below you.
“Mummy?” she tugs again and you fan the smoke away from her face. You should really turn on the exhaust.
Quickly pressing the on button, the fans roar to life making your daughter call you louder above the noise. You crouch down to her height, now eyelevel, you see Billie with her face scrunched up, pouting and with a crumpled paper clutched in her tiny hand.
“What happened to your hair?” You chuckle, trying to get it away from her pretty face with your palms. “Was your head all itchy?”
She stomps on her tiny foot, frustrated. “I can't do my homework!” Whining, Billie sniffs, clearly upset. You rub her arms lovingly, trying to calm her down. “And Mona fell asleep and daddy locked his door!”
The thought of Mona taking a nap before dinner has you internally groaning, knowing that you have to wake her up which is a job and a half for both you and Hobie. She clearly takes after her dad in that department.
“And I'm your third choice?” You feign hurt, joking to lighten her mood. It doesn't work when her frown deepens, brows knitted together. She takes after you in this department. “Okay I'm sorry, baby, what do you need?”
She raises her homework to your face, getting a facefull of her maths problems. Leaning away, you skim over the numbers: five plus seven, ten plus twenty and so on.
“I need help, mummy.” Her tiny broken voice sends your instincts into a frenzy, but you remain calm with your hands rubbing soft circles around her shoulder blades just like you always did when she was just a baby.
“And mummy will help you, okay? Can you grab your pencils for me? Then we can sit down and finish it.” You lift her chin up, pressing a sweet kiss on her chubby cheek. “And maybe I'll give you some ice cream for a job well done.” You whisper it to her like a secret to make your daughter giggle.
Truthfully, you were already going to give her some after dinner, if Hobie saw the entire thing he would've patted your back.
“Okie dokie.” Billie changes moods quickly, smiling and skipping towards the bedroom. She leaves the door wide open, giving you the opportunity to watch Billie hastily pick up her supplies from the messy pile on the foot of her bed.
You shut off the stove and the exhaust whilst peeking at the girls' bedroom. Spotting Ramona slowly sitting up, waking up from the ruckus that her sister was making. Yawning, her eyes droopy from sleep, she scowls at her sister but when she sees you peeking from the open doorway, she smiles, giving you her signature toothy grin.
Copying her smile, you scrunch up your nose and narrow your eyes, Mona giggles as Billie finally makes her way towards the kitchen table with her arms full of school supplies that are definitely not needed for a maths homework.
Billie huffs like she just climbed a mountain. She sits down on the dining chair with little effort, when just last year she still needed yours and Hobie’s help to get up on the chair.
“Mum!” She calls, legs swinging and tapping her pencil on the table.
“Coming, baby.” You wipe your hands on your apron. Sitting down next to her, you feel Mona lay her head on your arm wordlessly, sleep still clinging to her lashes.
Lifting her up, you place her on your lap. She embraces you, head placed on your chest.
“Mm-hmm, homework got me tired.” her words are muffled by your shirt.
If only Hobie can see you hogging all the attention from his girls, he'd probably be complaining jokingly, saying that his girls are playing favourites.
You help Billie with her homework and with every question answered her pout becomes deeper. She's so done with it already even though she still has an entire page left.
Mona has even started to help her sister, giving her extra fingers using her own hands so Billie can count higher using both her and Mona's fingers.
Nine questions left, Billie's on the brink of tears.
“‘m hungry” she whines, flicking eraser shavings off the paper.
“I know, cheese, just one more and we can have dinner then we can continue right after.”
“I bet you didn't have to do homework back then!” Billie throws a crumpled piece of paper across the table. Mona frowns, upset, looking at you for answers.
Hobie senses his girls' distress, he can't ignore it any longer while he was working on a new web fluid. With measured steps, he unlocks the door with a click. Making his way towards the kitchen, his heart melts at the sight, if only the twins were actually smiling it would've been better. Webbing up Billie's homework, he reads it out loud while closing the distance.
“‘If Charlie had ten cookies and his dad gives him eight more, how many cookies does he have?’” he scoffs, plopping himself next to Billie and across from you. “Diabetes, Charlie has diabetes.” placing the paper down, he watches the girls grin from ear to ear.
His girls giggles, music to his ears.
“Dad!” Billie slaps her dad on his arm, Hobie feigns hurt, groaning in (fake) pain. They laugh louder, Billie's frustration forgotten.
You smile at him, practically giving him heart eyes. He winks, laying his foot on top of your knee that's under the table. His way of saying ‘thank you’ and ‘you did a good job.’ So to show your appreciation, you wink back and he acts like Cupid's bow hit him right on his chest.
Mona laughs while Billie acts disgusted by the gooey scene in front of her.
Hobie sits up, or as properly as Hobie can. He places his elbow casually on the table, chin placed on his palm. He shakes his head, “not true at all, froggy, mum and I did a lot of homework back then.”
“You mean fifty years ago?” Mona jokes, followed by loud laughter from her and Billie.
“Rude!” You squeeze her in your arms, swaying her from side to side. “We raised rude children, Hobs.”
“This is what we get for letting uncle James babysit you eh?” Hobie pokes Billie on her side, earning a yelp from the younger twin. “You know who didn't do his homework? Uncle James, and look where he is now.”
“He’s living in a castle, dad!” Billie exclaims, excited to hear a story from before they were born.
“It's his dad's, scrunkly,” he pats her head before sloshing her head from side to side. She giggles again, holding his hand that's on top of her head. “not uncle James'” stopping his attack, he continues. “Have I told you that your mum and I’s first date was a study date?”
“No!” Mona and Billie shout excitedly.
You quirk a brow but you let him tell the story even though you know he might be telling it a bit differently than you remember.
“Yep, you see mum was havin’ a hard time with biology—”
“What's biology?” Mona asks.
“Study of plants, animals and humans.” Hobie says without elaborating or they'll be sitting there for hours.
Mona looks up at you from your lap, smaller hand tapping your clavicle. “Did you fall in love with dad during homework time?”
“Yes, he impressed me with his biology prowess.”
“Taught her anatomy—” You kick Hobie under the table before he could finish his sentence. He silently groans, staring softly at you.“—we held hands under the table.” Both girls listen intently while you smile at the memory. “I'd squeeze her hand every time she got an answer right.”
“Woah! You still do that!” Billie moves her head from Hobie and to you. Smiling delightfully at her parents.
“Yeah, we do. But with fewer biology questions.” Hobie taps the paper, “what's ten plus eight?”
“Eighteen,” Billie answers quickly and you look at her surprised. Hobie smirks triumphantly. “How'd you two meet?” she asks curiously, elbows on the table, and eyes sparkling.
Her twin does the same, her knees digging into your thighs. But you don't mind as you make googly eyes at Hobie.
“Tell you what, cheese, finish this and we'll tell you.” Hobie throws you another wink, sending you back in time when he used to pick you up from class.
You knead at his leg, tapping in morse code a simple ‘I love you.’ He appreciates it with a message of his own. Tapping Billie's eraser on the table, he sends a message through it. ‘Love you more, study anatomy later?’
Tapping a quick ‘yes’ he hides his smile when he pretends to look over Billie's homework.
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
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(not my gif)
pairing: robert ‘bob’ floyd x pilot!reader (call sign: rodeo)
characters: bob floyd, reader, dagger squad, penny benjamin, pete mitchell, some dick named john and his friends (who aren’t necessarily dicks)
warnings: fluffy bob, bob in a cowboy hat, fighting, drinking (of age), suggestive, i believe that’s it
word count: ~2.2k
a/n: this came in second place, but i love it just the same. and i’m very close to writing a part 2 for this ;)
quick summary: when your relationship with bob is reveal to the squad, hangman can’t help but wait for bob to stake his claim on you.
You sat in the Hard Deck, nursing your beer and playing pool with Phoenix when the bell chimed.
You glanced up and saw the Texan himself walk in, hat on and everything.
“Hangman, what the hell are you wearing?” Phoenix asked, leaning on her cue. You looked him up and down, chuckling when you heard his response, “I wear this all the time.” His accent had gotten thicker after visiting his family.
You had all just visited your families for Christmas. It was only two weeks but it had given you all plenty of time to slip back into your old accents.
“Nice buckle, Bagman,” Rooster commented, obviously teasing the fact that the buckle looked like it weighed down the front of his pants.
Jake puffed out his chest, a smile gracing his features, “Thank ya, Chicken. Thought I’d bring it back with me, I ain’t worn one in a while.” Rooster sipped his beer, “You get it at Bass Pro or something?” Jake’s face fell and you couldn’t help but laugh. “You did not jus’ ask me that.”
You glanced at it, looking at the details. 
“You rode?” Hangman turned to you, his smile returning, “Yeah, best there was.” You hummed, sipping your beer before sitting it down to line up your shot, “What made you quit?” “I wanted somethin’ different for myself. My older brother rode, my dad rode. I did it for the adrenaline, so I thought maybe I could get my high while doin’ somethin’ that had more meaning.”
Before you could retort, Jake had looked at Bob. 
“Since when do you wear hats?” You smiled glancing back at the WSO, who was wearing a reddish-brown felt cowboy hat, before looking back and catching the way his pilot looked at you. “Well, Bagman, you ain’t the only one that grabbed something from home.” Jake nodded in mutual respect before looking back at you.
He took a quick glance down at your belt line, seeing the lights reflect off your own buckle.
“You rode too?” You nodded, taking the final shot of the game, “8-ball far left corner pocket.” You gesture with the cue before taking the winning shot. “That’s game Phee.” Nat rolled her eyes and slipped you a 20.
“So, what was your event?” “Barrel racin’.” “Were you good?” “Best there was,” you winked and sat next to Bob. “How’d you think I gained the name Rodeo?”
Hangman donned his signature smirk, “I could think of a lot of things.” You shoved him, “You’re gross.” “Come on, Ro. That was funny.” Bob shook his head and draped his arm behind you on the booth.
“What made you quit?” Hangman asked as he slipped into the seat across from you. You sighed, “I raced for nearly my whole life. My brother Bryan did too. I could say I got out for the same reason you did, cause it wouldn’t be a lie. But I was always just Bryan's kid sister, or Darrel L/N’s daughter. I made somewhat of a name for myself, but by the time people saw me as me-”
You shrugged, sighing, “I didn’t enjoy it anymore. It became more about the trophies than the experience. So I decided to be the best at somethin’ I was proud of. That could give me a family, like the rodeo used to.”
Jake nodded in understanding, he patted your shoulder before moving on to bother Rooster and Coyote.
Bob sighed and let his arm fall around you and pulled you close to his side. “You didn’t tell me that.” You looked up at him, “Sure I did. Did I not?” He shook his head, “No, and you know I listen to every word you have to say.” You scrunch your nose, “I swear I told you.” He shook his head, “Nope.” You pouted, “Oh, well now you know.” He nodded, “That I do.”
You both smiled and he pressed a kiss to your lips. “Bob-” “I know Y/N, I just-” You cut him off by grabbing his shirt and kissing him again. “I’m tired of hiding it too.”
Meanwhile, everyone was watching the two of you.
“I can’t hear a word they’re sayin’,” Hangman said, straining a little to hear you both better. “Dude, when is that gonna go away?” Phoenix asked, in reference to his accent.
“Oh, it’s always there, trust me. It’s normally strong when he's drunk or really pissed,” Coyote confirmed, laughing a little.
“Plus, you never complain about Rodeo’s accent,” Jake commented. “Yeah, but it’s cute on her and gets Bob all flustered.” The group hummed in agreement before turning back to the (no-longer) secret couple in the booth.
They watched Bob kiss you, say a few words before being pulled in again.
“Damn, when will it be my turn?” Omaha asked, shaking his head. 
“Bob is so in love with her it isn’t even funny,” Phoenix revealed. “He always talks about her, and they went to see each other's families over our break.” “Really?” Yale asked, crossing his arms.
Phoenix nodded, “He’s been in love with her since the mission in May last year. And I’m sure it’s the same case with her.” Halo nodded, “Yeah, I had to listen to her talk about him all the time. And then Bob would talk to me if you were anywhere within earshot of Y/N. He’s fallen hard, they both have.”
Jake shook his head, his eyes trained on the couple as they talked, “We don’t know how in love he is with her though.”
Everyone just scoffed, “Do you not see how they are looking at each other right now?” Fanboy asked, looking at his fellow WSO and his second best friend. “It’s painfully obvious.”
Jake scoffed, “Cowboys have a special way of tellin’ each other a girl is off limits, other than a ring and a few hickies.” “Which is?” Harvard asked, stepping closer, intrigued.
Hangman glanced around and saw a few guys looking at you, “Okay, when Bob gets up and leaves her alone, one of these guys will try to flirt and Bob is probably gonna see. And being the silent and passive aggressive type-”
“Guys, Bob’s moving,” Payback caught their attention. Everyone shut their mouth and watched how you sat there, a grin on your face as you picked at the label.
Jake narrowed his eyes trying to pick out which guy was gonna make his move.
Coyote hit his arm, “4 o’clock.” Hangman turned his head, seeing a guy high fiving his friends before adjusting his posture and making his way to you.
You didn’t look up when someone sat across from you. 
“You weren’t gone very long.” “Well I just got here,” the guy chuckled, and that’s when you looked up.
You glanced around for Bob, but didn’t see him. 
“I’m John.” “Rodeo,” you said, leaning back in your seat. “Rodeo?” You laughed, “It’s my call sign. I fly for the Navy.” John tilted his head, “You’re not from around here are you? You sound funny.”
The pilots, who had discreetly moved closer, dropped their jaws. “He did not just say that,” Rooster hushed out. “Oh he totally just did,” Phoenix smirked, waiting for you to lay into the guy.
You just laughed, “You have no idea how to actually talk to a woman do you?” If that hurt John’s feelings, he didn’t let it show, “Oh, I can show just how I talk to women.” He winked, “If you wanna take a ride?” You scoffed, sipping your drink with an arched brow, “Sorry, pal. I’m not interested.” He scoffed, fidgeting in his seat.
The group knew he was getting frustrated and there was no sign of Bob coming back, so they had to prepare to jump in themselves. Especially Hangman.
“Look, John, while I appreciate the offer, I’m already scheduled for a ride.”
Omaha and Yale choked on their drinks. Rooster and Phoenix smirked proudly, both for you and Bob. “I wasn’t expecting that,” Payback said, leaning on the pool table.
“With who? That cowboy that just left you here alone,” John glanced around. “And doesn’t seem to be coming back.” He looked back at you, “Come on. I could show you a better time.” He placed his hand over yours, gripping it.
You sighed, really just wanting him to leave you alone, “John, you are aware of the rules in the bar right?” He scoffed, and tightened his grip when you tried to pull away, “Yeah, don’t leave your phone on the bar. What the hell does that have to do anything?” You glanced up, smirking.
“You missed a few. There’s also a rule against disrespecting the Navy and women,” Bob looked at the tight grip on your open hand, and the tenseness of your shoulders. “And from what I can tell you’re breaking both. I can get Penny’s attention right now, then you have to buy everyone a drink, or you can leave.” 
John stood up, being the same height as Bob he could look him in the eye. “And if I don’t.” Bob glanced at you and you shook your head, not wanting him to get into a fight when it wasn’t necessary. “Well-” John punched Bob. “Bob!”
Hangman, Rooster and Coyote immediately jumped into action as you reared back.
“Rodeo,” Maverick had appeared, moving from his seat at the bar while Penny moved to the guy's friends telling them they needed to leave. Maverick had caught your elbow, “He’s not worth it. Help Bob, we’ll take care of him.”
You nodded and moved quickly to help your boyfriend, helping him up and grabbing his hat. “Are you okay?” He nodded, wincing slightly when you brushed your thumb over his busted lip. “That doesn’t look okay.”
He shook his head, adjusting his glasses, “I’m fine, Sweetheart. I’ve dealt with worse.” 
As John’s friends dragged him out, calling him a ‘fucking dumbass’ and throwing out ‘I told you so’s, Penny came over with a small ziplock bag of ice.
“Thank you, Pen,” you took it and the damp napkin, pushing Bob to sit on the table. You gently wiped the blood from his lip, “Bobby, I’m sorry. I coulda-” “Stop, don’t do that.” You nodded, “Alright.” He smiled, but it was small so it didn’t irritate the cut.
The group watched. They saw how your tongue poked out in concentration, and Bob’s eyes looking up at you.
“So, Hangman, what’s the thing? How’s he gonna ‘claim his territory’?” Fanboy asked, crossing his arms. “It seems he already has, his eyes are basically hearts,” Payback commented. “That’s exactly why he’s gonna do it.” “Do what?” Rooster asked, propping himself on the table next to Hangman.
“Thanks for coming to my rescue, cowboy,” you said as you pressed the ice to his lip. He hummed, “Of course, Princess.” 
He grabbed your wrist gently and moved the ice away from his lip. 
“It’s gonna swell.” “I know a way to make it better,” he sat up straight to look at you and kissed you. You giggled and ran your free hand into the hair at the base of his neck.
When he pulled away, he tongued the cut on his lip, “I need a way to show everyone that you're mine. And I’m not allowed to give you visible hickies.” Both of you knew it was too early for marriage, not that it bothered either of you but you knew this wasn’t how Bob would propose.
You smiled against his lips, “I think they know now, Rob.” He adjusted his hat and chuckled. “Now, as much as I love kissing you, this will be sore without ice.” He nodded and let you place the ice back onto his lip.
“You know, I’ve got an idea.” You hummed, “What’s that?”
Jake watched with bated breath as Bob reached up to take his hat off.
Bob placed the felt hat on your head, “There, now everyone knows.” Your eyes brimmed with tears as you looked at him. “Bobby…” “I know we’ve only been together for 8 months but-” You pulled him in for a kiss.
When you pulled away, his glasses were askew and his cheeks were flushed. “I love you too.” 
Bob smiled and looked over, seeing Jake smiling and dancing a little. “I think Hangman’s more excited about me giving you my hat than you are.”
You looked over and laughed, “Oh wow…”
“Do that!” The blonde pointed over at you two. “He gave her his hat, so?” Harvard said, sipping his drink. “In the south, that’s like a proposal. It’s like a promise ring,” Jake was still pointing excitedly at the couple. “Wait really?” Phoenix asked.
“Yeah, really,” you confirmed when you and Bob walked over. 
Jake rubbed his neck, “Did you-” “See you dance like a teenager that just scored a touchdown? Sure did,” Bob said, ice pack muffling some of the words.
Phoenix smiled sadly at her backseater, “You okay?” He nodded, “I’ve been bucked off a horse and pull g’s everyday, a punch to the face is nothing.”
Hangman couldn’t stop smiling at the two of you.
“Hang? You okay?” He nodded, “Just happy for ya is all.” You smiled and hugged him, “Thanks man.” 
When you pulled away, you reached back for Bob’s hand. He grabbed it and intertwined your fingers.
“Now, if y’all will excuse us. I think my scheduled ride has been bumped up. See y’all tomorrow.” You tipped your Bob’s hat and he waved as you pulled him out the door and to his Jeep. 
thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed!
thank you to those that voted for this story and i will be posting the last one tomorrow. i really appreciate all of you that voted! 
if you want more polls for the ‘x reader’s that are just chilling in my docs let me know or if you have any requests for more fics please do so!!
love you guys <33
top gun tags <3: @milesdickpic​ @luckyladycreator2​ @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​ @sebsxphia​ ​
thank you guys for being here! i love you *mwah*
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lavandulai · 30 days
S.S Pines x reader
Episode 1: Lantern Festival
It's a beautiful day in Gravity Falls, and the Mystery Shack buzzes with activity. The sun beams through the windows as Mabel and Dipper finish unpacking their things for the summer. Soos hums cheerfully in the background, organizing supplies. Mabel, her hair in her signature colorful headband, skips down the stairs with a wide grin.
"I'm all unpacked!" she announces brightly.
Y/N, who has been helping with the moving, looks up from the cluttered room and smiles warmly. "Good job, Chiqui," Y/N says, ruffling her hair affectionately.
Mabel giggles and twirls, her mood infectious. Dipper trudges down the stairs a moment later, his face shadowed with worry. Mabel, noticing his demeanor, nudges him playfully.
"C'mon, Dipper! Don't be so down, Mr. Grumpy Grumps!"
Dipper looks up, his eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and nostalgia. "Have you ever liked someone so much that even after you stop liking them, you wish there was still something there?"
Mabel and Y/N exchange a glance. Mabel rolls her eyes, though there's a hint of sympathy in her expression. "I thought we were over this! It's been a year, Dipper. You need to meet someone new."
Y/N steps closer, her expression softening. "Don't take it too hard, Dipper. Things happen, but life keeps moving. You're a strong kid."
Dipper nods slowly, his shoulders relaxing a bit. He starts to walk away, but Y/N calls out, "Wait!"
Dipper turns, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. Y/N's face brightens with a smile. "How about a trip to the diner? I'll get you anything you want!"
Both twins look at Y/N, their expressions shifting from concern to excitement. "Really?" they ask in unison.
Y/N nods enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Now hurry up and get in the car. We've got pancakes to eat!"
As they head out, the sun continues to shine, casting a hopeful light on the day ahead. The Mystery Shack, filled with laughter and warmth, stands ready for whatever adventures the summer might bring.
Soos and Melody are bustling around the gift shop. Soos is restocking shelves while Melody manages the cash register with a cheerful smile. As the twins and Y/N approach the exit, Soos waves enthusiastically.
"Hey, dudes!" Soos calls out. "I heard there's a Lantern Festival tonight! Melody and I are going, and you dudes should totally check it out!"
Mabel's eyes light up with excitement. "A festival? Oh boy, I'm going to find so many cute boys!" She bounces on her toes, barely containing her enthusiasm.
Y/N chuckles, giving Mabel a playful boop on the nose. "I'm coming to the wedding," she teases, making Mabel scrunch her nose in a giggle.
"Whoever gets to the car last has to clean the bathrooms!" Mabel declares, taking off at a run.
"Aw, what?" Dipper exclaims, grinning as he chases after her. They both scramble into the back seat, laughing.
Y/N looks around the familiar town as they drive. The quaint streets of Gravity Falls feel both nostalgic and comforting. She smiles as they pull into the diner's driveway. "We're here, you goobers."
"YAY!" Mabel and Dipper cheer in unison, leaping out of the car and racing inside.
Inside the diner, Dipper's eyes widen in surprise. "W-Wendy?" he calls out.
Wendy looks up from her table with a grin. "No way! You guys are here already! I'm glad to see you, man."
Dipper's face brightens with a soft smile. "Me too."
"Dude, I'd love to chat more, but I'm hanging out with my dad. We'll catch up later!" Wendy waves as she heads back to her table.
Mabel and Dipper find a booth and settle in. Moments later, a familiar face approaches.
"Suzan?" Y/N says, her face lighting up. "I didn't think you'd still be working here after all these years."
Lazy Suzan, with a warm smile, recognizes her. "Y/N Ramirez! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you back?"
"I just had to come back and taste your amazing food again," Y/N replies.
Lazy Suzan laughs, giving a playful wink. "You're funny! So, what can I get you guys today?"
"I want pancakes!" Mabel exclaims, waving her hands in the air. "Pancakes, pancakes!" she chants.
Dipper nods, showing he wants the same thing.
"I'll have the same," Y/N adds with a grin as Mabel continues her chant.
"Alright!" Suzan jots down the order. "I'll get that right up for you."
As Lazy Suzan walks away, Mabel leans in with a teasing tone. "So, Y/N, do you have anyone special in your life?"
Y/N sighs, resting her elbows on the table. "Men are a waste of time. No matter how many times I try, they always disappoint me."
Mabel gasps, leaning closer to Dipper and whispering urgently. "We need to find her a match!"
Dipper glances at Mabel with a mix of amusement and concern. "Oh boy..."
"I cannot believe this!" Mabel exclaims, pacing back and forth in their shared room. "We need to find Y/N her perfect match!"
Dipper, lounging on his bed with a book in hand, glances up with a mix of confusion and concern. "Mabel... She seems happy. I don't think we need to be interfering."
"Hey!" Mabel stops mid-stride and plants her hands on her hips. "The Lantern Festival is the perfect time to find her someone! It's all about magic and connections."
"Whoa, Mabel!" Dipper sits up, looking more alarmed. "You might need to rethink this. What if she doesn't want to be set up?"
"There's no time to waste!" Mabel's eyes sparkle with determination "Waddles, fetch me my pen! I need to start a plan right now!"
Dipper shakes his head, sighing but unable to suppress a small, amused smile. "Alright, alright. Just... let's make sure we don't make things awkward for her."
Mabel's face lights up with excitement. "Don't worry, Dipper! This is going to be great.
Trust me!"
The scene pans to Mabel, who is examining her model of Gravity Falls. She peers through the tiny people in the model, her brow furrowed in thought.
"I'm starting to think no one is good enough for Y/N," she muses, resting her chin on her hand as she continues to look through the model.
Suddenly, she gasps and holds up a wooden figure with excitement.
"Perfect!" she declares, a bright smile spreading across her face.
Y/N is in her room, getting ready. She's wearing a pretty lavender dress that complements her features. She plays with her hair a bit, adjusting it until she hears a knock on the door. Confused, she goes to open it and sees Mabel on the other side.
"Hi, Y/N!" Mabel greets in a cheerful tone, wearing a cute sweater with a lantern on it.
"Something you need, Chiqui?" Y/N asks curiously.
"I just wanted to ask if my friends Grenda and Candy can come!" Mabel replies eagerly.
"Hm, okay," Y/N agrees.
"Yes!" Mabel exclaims excitedly.
"But on one condition," Y/N adds.
"Anything!" Mabel quickly responds.
"You meet me by the car after it's over. I don't want you running off," Y/N says with a smile.
Mabel nods enthusiastically. "I can work with that!"
hey arrive at the lake where the festival will be held. Y/N takes in the breathtaking scenery.
"I'm so excited to see the stars tonight," she says, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Well, sunset is about to happen soon," Dipper points out.
"We should go before it's too late," Mabel agrees with a smile. "Yeah! I gotta go meet my girls!" She and Dipper run off, leaving Y/N alone.
"I guess I'm alone for tonight," Y/N says to herself, but she doesn't mind. It's a beautiful night. She decides to get a lantern and heads towards the stand, but accidentally bumps into someone.
"Oh—" she exclaims, looking up at the person she's collided with. "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to bump into you like that."
The stranger turns around and smiles warmly. "You're all good! Sometimes we bump into random strangers."
Y/N smiles at his easygoing comment. "You can say that twice," she replies, her mood lifting.
The stranger grins. "What is a feller like you doing in a place like this?"
"I'm currently visiting family for the summer," Y/N explains.
"Well, I hope you have a good time here!" he says sincerely.
"Thank you," Y/N replies with a nod and heads towards her boat.
"Dipper!" A familiar voice called out, drawing his attention. He turned to see Pacifica standing nearby, looking both surprised and pleased.
"Pacifica!" Dipper said, tucking his journal into his jacket pocket. "I haven't seen you in a while. How are you holding up?"
Pacifica smiled, though she seemed a bit hesitant. "I'm good. I just came because the whole town is here."
Dipper raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Really? Not for any other reason?"
Pacifica chuckled softly, her gaze drifting away. "You know I'm not like that anymore."
Dipper's smile widened. "You've changed a lot since last summer."
Pacifica tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hopefully for the better."
Dipper pointed toward the lantern booth. "Well, I'm going to get my lantern."
"I'll come with you! I haven't gotten mine yet either," Pacifica said.
"Alright," Dipper agreed. They joined the line, both looking a bit awkward as they fidgeted and avoided eye contact.
"So..." Dipper began, shifting on his feet.
"Yeah?" Pacifica replied, nervously twirling a lock of her hair.
They both started to speak at the same time, stumbling over their words. "You go first!" Pacifica urged, her cheeks flushing.
"No, I mean I interrupted you," Dipper said quickly.
"Oh—" Pacifica began, but their conversation was interrupted by the booth attendant's voice.
"Are you getting your lantern or what? You're holding up the line," the attendant said brusquely.
Both Dipper and Pacifica turned bright red. Pacifica's eyes flashed with irritation. "Excuse me, but we're just trying to have a conversation. There's no need to be rude."
The attendant shrugged, looking unfazed. "Sorry, just trying to keep things moving."
Dipper, trying to defuse the tension, said, "It's okay, Pacifica. Let's just get our lanterns."
The attendant, with a smirk, guided them towards a boat. "A boat for the young couple!"
Dipper opened his mouth to protest, but Pacifica quickly added, "Wait, I didn't get my lantern."
"We can share mine," Dipper offered, helping Pacifica into the boat. They settled down as the boat started drifting away from the dock.
As they set their lantern in the water, their fingers brushed briefly, creating a moment of electric contact. Pacifica looked at the lantern with awe, while Dipper found himself captivated by something even more beautiful—the genuine, contented smile on Pacifica's face.
A man helped her climb into the boat, and she carefully held onto her lantern. As she settled into her seat, she looked up at the stars. "Wow," she whispered to herself, awe evident in her voice. "How beautiful."
She gazed at the starry sky, feeling a deep sense of nostalgia. "I've missed this," she murmured.
Looking around, she saw people settling in with their loved ones. Mabel was laughing with her two friends, and Dipper was sitting with a blonde girl. A warm smile spread across her face as she observed them, feeling reassured that they were doing well.
She turned her attention back to her lantern, watching as others released theirs into the night sky. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the tranquility of the evening. With a gentle release, she let her lantern float upward, merging with the constellation of glowing lights above.
Dipper and Y/N sat in the car, waiting for Mabel. Dipper glanced at his watch and sighed, "What is taking her so long?"
Y/N shrugged, looking around the parking lot. "I'm not sure. She might still be talking to her friends."
"I guess so," Dipper replied.
Just then, Mabel came running towards them, looking frazzled. "There you are! Sorry, I didn't realize how late it was!"
"You're fine, Mabel," Y/N reassured her. "I hope you had a good time."
As they all got into the car, Mabel suddenly burst out, "Dipper has a—"
Dipper quickly covered her mouth, a look of shock on his face. "Mabel! Did you just lick my hand?"
Mabel giggled, and Dipper rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling.
On their way home, the conversation turned to the festival. They chatted about how pretty and fun it had been, each sharing their favorite moments.
When they arrived home, Soos and Melody were waiting outside.
"Hey, Jesus. How was it?" Y/N asked.
"You won't believe this—" Soos started to explain, but Y/N cut her off with a yawn.
"Tell me later, Jesús. Estoy cansada. Me alegra que te hayas divertido," Y/N said with a smile.
"Goodnight, Tía," Soos added, waving as they headed inside.
Dipper and Mabel are in the bathroom, brushing their teeth. Dipper, with a thoughtful look, says, "You know what's weird?"
Mabel, glancing up from her toothbrush, asks, "What?"
"Nothing weird happened today," Dipper replies, his voice tinged with confusion.
Mabel bursts into laughter, "Besides seeing you and Pacifica getting all smoochy—"
"Ugh, Mabel! I'm being serious," Dipper interrupts, glaring at his reflection in the mirror. "What is going on?"
End of Chapter 1
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