#herb candles
witchyautumns · 2 months
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freyja-lestrange · 4 months
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Candle Color Correspondences from Wicca Wicks Storefront - https://www.amazon.com/stores/WiccaWicks/Homepage/page/8C2DBB99-E443-49CF-84A2-A2E359778B07?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ast_store_VNGDJVC31BEW62V3H7K5&store_ref=bl_ast_dp_brandLogo_sto
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vanalex · 3 months
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sunflowersnsage · 3 months
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coven-of-genesis · 2 years
Spell casting basics
Intention -
What is the purpose of the spell, what are you trying to achieve?
Who -
Who is the target for the spell, is it for yourself or other people?
Location -
Where will you be preforming the spell or ritual, it needs to be a safe place where you will be uninterrupted.
Materials -
What do you need for your spell?Crystals, incense, herbs, candles.
Timing -
What time of day should you cast your spell for best effect and power.
Casting -
When it comes time to cast the spell use everything that you have gathered for the spell with intention.
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happyheidi · 2 years
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ig: folkwitch_
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whimsibby · 4 months
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🪽🌺self love saturday mornings🪽🕯️
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crystalcircle · 6 months
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psyches-love-nest · 11 days
𝓟𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓭: 𝓓𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓰𝔂 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓼𝓮?
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Hello! My name is Pao. For this PAC, I’m taking a different approach. Energy cleanses and chakra alignments are really popular in my home country and here in Chile, where I’m currently based. What about where you’re from? This reading will dive into all the specific benefits that an energy cleanse can bring to your life.
It doesn’t matter what your background is—whether by citizenship, religion, or whether you're a spiritual practitioner or a “muggle.” Everyone deserves to experience the incredible benefits of an energy clearing at least once! And trust me, once you’ve had a session, it’s hard to settle for just one. You’ll likely find yourself coming back for more, hooked on the mental clarity and sense of relief it brings.
English is not my mother language, so please be tolerant of my typos and odd grammar♡
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✧𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 1✧ 
You probably do, honestly. Your energy seems a bit opaque, and you are feeling tired, aren't you?
An energy cleanse could totally refresh you, bringing big changes like:
Handling anxiety better. Right now, you're juggling way too much, but not really getting anywhere. You’re running on empty, and it's making everything feel unorganized. You struggle with setting boundaries, which leaves you overcommitted and less productive than you'd like.
Opening your eyes to change. You've been running on autopilot for too long. It's time to switch things up and let go of old routines. You're carrying a lot of masculine energy, always feeling like you need to be doing something. The fear of not progressing — whether as a person, a professional, or an artist — is holding you back.
Getting out of fantasy mode. Your mind is always in the future, picturing yourself winning at life. But the mental clutter and your declining health are keeping you from getting there. It’s time to organize your goals, prioritize, and focus on what matters in the short term.
Would you like to receive an energy cleanse or chakra alignment? Discover more details here.
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✧𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 2✧
Maybe not! Your energy feels pretty stable, like you’re enjoying the results of your hard work. Still, if you go for a cleanse, it could boost your well-being by helping you:
Chill out with bureaucratic stuff. You'll stress less about all those annoying, drawn-out processes.
Practice patience. Especially in your relationships, patience will help you trust more in the strength of your connections.
Stop being so hard on yourself. Keeping up a flawless image for everyone is exhausting. You’re constantly reminding yourself of the status you want to maintain, which only adds to the pressure. Deep down, you’re worried about losing what you think gives you value.
Slow down that racing mind. You're always on the go, thinking about work and projects. Have you noticed how little time you spend just relaxing and enjoying what you've already achieved?
Would you like to book an energy cleanse or chakra alignment? Discover more details here.
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✧𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 3✧
You definitely do, but not for the reasons you might think! Your energy isn't really dense, but there’s a lot of resistance to enjoying life fully. A cleanse could help you:
Embrace life more. Even if things aren’t terrible, you always feel like you could be doing better. You’re stuck, craving more excitement and fun, but something is holding you back from fully experiencing it.
Boost your sense of self-worth. There’s a little voice inside that says you don’t really deserve all the good things you’ve accomplished. With this cleanse, you’ll start enjoying your wins as they are, instead of just ticking off another box.
Let go of control and grow. Sometimes, your self-criticism holds you back more than it pushes you forward. This cleanse will help you loosen up in a way that allows for real growth — without falling into self-sabotage or damaging your self-esteem.
Reconnect with your desires and your community. You'll rediscover your passions and feel a deeper sense of belonging with the people around you.
Spot new opportunities. Clearing internal blockages will open your eyes to opportunities that have always been there. Now you'll be ready to recognize them and bring them into your life.
Would you like to book an energy cleanse or chakra alignment? Discover more details here.
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✧𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 4✧
Not exactly, but I bet you're eager to try it. You're naturally curious and might believe that through this cleansing, significant revelations will come to you, or that it'll help you release everyday stress. You are absolutely right! I'll describe the benefits you'll be getting in detail:
Trust your intuition more. You’re super intuitive and can pick up on other people's vibes just looking at them. But you're still human, so doubt creeps in. This cleanse will help you trust what you’re sensing.
Bring harmony to your work life. You’ll feel more excited and lighter at work, making the whole vibe much better.
Let go of limiting beliefs. You know you can handle things on your own and don’t need anyone to fight your battles, but sometimes you still doubt yourself. This cleanse will help you ditch those old societal beliefs about vulnerability and strength.
See yourself for the powerhouse you are. You’ll start to appreciate yourself as someone strong, amazing, and full of beautiful energy.
Recognize your personal growth. You’ll see the areas where you've matured and feel more proud of your progress.
Feel more at peace at home. This cleanse will help you feel more aligned and at ease in your personal space.
Would you like to book an energy cleanse or chakra alignment? Discover more details here.
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the-inkstained-witch · 3 months
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ how to make a money bowl 。・:*˚:✧。
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
background: I've found that this money bowl has worked very well for me! for context I'm a high school student who has been looking for a summer job and struggling. I cast the spell on litha with the intention of attracting volunteer jobs and occasional gigs like babysitting, with a focus on work that I find genuinely fulfilling like babysitting, art and activist/community work. since then I've connected with new babysitting clients, gotten a volunteer gig that almost guarantees me a job in the future, been asked to paint a mural for a neighbor, and been given random cash gifts from family. however, I guarantee that this is not only the spell!!! you should still be working towards earning whatever you want to attract. hopefully after casting the spell, it will come easier!
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what I used (use what you have, few things are required)
candle (green or white are best, you can anoint this or use a candle with prosperity herbs, whatever works for you)
coins (you could probably do a money jar without this, but I've never seen it done)
slips of paper with intentions written on them
bay leaves (for luck)
cinnamon (for prosperity and abundance)
allspice (for prosperity and abundance)
What to do
place the candle in the middle of the vessel, you might want to glue it down or secure it in place if it doesn't stand well on its own
add whatever herbs into the vessel, use whole herbs if you can to minimize mess
add some coins into the vessel
write your intentions on slips of paper and add them into the vessel
light the candle, and begin adding in more coins, reciting an intention or affirmation for each one, and putting out the candle when you're done
every day, add or remove some money from the bowl
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
let me know about your results/modifications if you try this spell! blessed be!
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sappy-witch · 1 year
✨❤️ Attracting Love Spell ❤️✨
Creating a love spell can be a powerful way to manifest your desires and attract your ideal partner. 
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Here are some steps to help you create your own love spell:
🌹Rose petals 
🌹Rose quartz crystal
🌹Red candle
🌹 Incense (jasmine, rose, or sandalwood)
❤️ Begin by cleansing your space and yourself. You can use smudging herbs or burn the incense for this.
❤️ Set your intention: Before you begin any spell, it's important to know exactly what you want to manifest. Take some time to think about the kind of relationship you want to have and what qualities you'd like your ideal partner to possess.
❤️ Light the red candle and the incense.
❤️ Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hand and focus on your intention for love and passion.
❤️ Sprinkle the rose petals and cinnamon around the candle, forming a circle.
❤️ Visualize the energy of love and passion flowing into the circle and charging the ingredients.
❤️ Let the candle burn down completely, and let the incense continue to burn for as long as you like.
❤️ Thank the universe, your tools, and any deities or spirits you called upon for their assistance.
❤️ Close your circle or protective space.
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Remember, love spells should always be created with pure intentions and respect for free will. It's important to never try to manipulate or control someone else's feelings. Focus on manifesting love and happiness for yourself, and trust that the universe will guide you to the right partner.
With these steps, you can create a powerful and effective love spell that aligns with your personal intentions and desires. Best of luck in your magical endeavors!
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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wandoffire · 10 months
Ways to use Essential Oils:
Sleep -> a few drops of lavender on a tissue to help you relax and fall asleep
Perfume -> dilute with a carrier oil (coconut, caster) and place on skin
Headaches -> peppermint oil is known to ease headaches
Clothing -> add a few drops to laundry for slightly scented clothing
Hair -> rosemary oil shown to improve dandruff and promote hair growth
Nausea -> the scent of lemon / orange oil is known to help with stomach upset
Reducing anxiety -> lavender, jasmine, basil, chamomile, rose (carry scented item or dilute onto skin)
Colds -> eucalyptus oil for congestion
Air freshener -> mix with water in a spray bottle (lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass all work well)
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* look for 100% on the bottle so you know it’s not mixed with harmful chemicals.
* always dilute when placing on skin, should not be ingested without knowledge and caution, and can occasionally cause negative affects in some people.
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hacatestruth · 8 months
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leslie-redirects-here · 2 months
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Spell to increase health
Creating a spell to increase health is a personal and spiritual practice that can vary depending on individual beliefs and practices.
Here is a general framework you can use as a starting point to create your own health-enhancing spell:
1. Set your intention: Clearly define your intention to improve health. Be specific about the aspects you want to enhance, such as physical well-being, mental clarity, emotional balance, or overall vitality.
2. Choose your method: Determine how you want to conduct your spell. It could involve a physical ritual, visualization, meditation, or any other method that resonates with you.
3. Gather materials: Select any materials that you feel represent health and healing to you. This could include candles (white or green are often associated with healing), crystals (such as amethyst or clear quartz), herbs (such as lavender or chamomile), or any other objects you associate with well-being.
4. Create a sacred space: Cleanse and prepare your space to create a focused and positive environment. You can burn incense, use essential oils, or play calming music to set the mood.
5. Cast a circle (optional): If you follow a tradition that involves casting a circle, you may choose to do so to create a sacred and protected space for your spell.
6. Visualisation on and affirmation: Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a state of vibrant health. Imagine energy flowing through your body, revitalizing and healing every cell. Repeat affirmations or mantras related to health and healing, such as "I am healthy and strong in mind, body, and spirit" or "Every day, I grow healthier and more vibrant."
7. Symbolic actions: Use your selected materials in a way that feels meaningful to you. For example, light a white or green candle to symbolize healing and well-being, hold a crystal in your hand while visualizing your body's vitality, or create a healing herbal bath or tea to consume.
8. Gratitude and release: Express gratitude for the health you currently enjoy and for the healing energies that surround you. Release any doubts or negative beliefs about your health. Trust that your body has the innate ability to heal and restore itself.
9. Closing the spell: Conclude your spellwork in a way that aligns with your beliefs. This could involve thanking any deities or spiritual entities you work with, closing the circle if you cast one, or simply expressing gratitude and sealing your intentions.
Remember, creating a spell is a personal practice, and it's important to trust your intuition and adapt these steps to suit your own beliefs and preferences.
Additionally, while spellwork can be a valuable tool for healing, it's important to take practical action in your daily life to support your well-being, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, seeking medical advice when needed, and nurturing positive habits.
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