#hi lolo!!!! thanks for stopping by^^
ambivartence · 1 year
hi Siyuan 💗 how about 🎵, 🎹, and 💪 for the ask game?
🎵 - what's a song that made your summer playlist?
Hurt by NINE.i! I'm soooo into this song and their title track Turn it off was also amazing! i always love nine.i's comebacks they never disappoint <3
🎹 - did you see any concerts?
I saw Mamamoo and Twice in concert in June! They were both amazinggggg and i'm lucky to say it wasnt my first time seeing either group so I was happy to see them again^^
💪🏻 - what's something you worked on that you’re proud of?
i'm really proud of how this drawing of Vanner Gon came out! i was really struck by this moment in the Performer music video and tried really hard to capture that same feeling of wonder that i first felt when i saw it^^ he has such beautiful body lines when he dances
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> summer recap asks! <
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annaesterella · 3 months
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Since almost every good fan of Yan-Batfam or something like that is getting into this (and I'm a fan of that kind of thing) LET'S HAVE A NEGLECTED READER
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. ☆
But I saw that a lot of people liked the other fic, seriously people, KISSES DIRECTLY FROM ANNA! SERIOUSLY, I FELT LIKE A Celebrity (<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> ehehe) And this was the first time that a fic of mine gained so many views and I'm very excited, thank you to everyone who liked it!
F/reader (sorry guys, I don't know how to write M/reader)
I'll write a part II, bcuz is too long!
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“Don't be silly! I would never be a Wayne.”
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Well, first things first, when did it all started again? Haha not 500 time loops ago, but some years ago.. like the first child, you were from a circus, the difference is that.. well? Your parents were magicians, at least your mother... your father until you were 6 or 7 years old was just another distant memory but sweet, not yours, but your mother's... the incredible magic of the circus “Joie nocturne” a beautiful woman, yet another victim of the charms of the heartthrob, philanthropist, billionaire and owner of Wayne companies, Bruce Wayne. Of course, your mother, like almost all women, never forgot him, having him as her beautiful memory, after all, he gave her everything she needed.. you, her lil bunny! That's what she called you, before she was gone, like him, she turned into your distant but sweet memory, like a magic spell..
You felt so alone, the circus wanted to keep you, after all, you were their family too, but even so, he found out about you, and being a child, You wanted to meet your father. Still, feeling the pain of abandoning what you knew, you went. You had your 10 minutes of affection and then never saw him again. You met your two brothers, half brothers, Dick and Jason, and the buttler, Alfred, You thought your life would be like a funny family sitcom, HAHA, WHAT A JOKE. Of course, the oldest was excited to meet you, you were just like him, from a circus! The youngest was curious about the situation, yet he was kind to you and didn't mistreat you. The oldest gentleman, Even with little time, he treated you like your grandfather treated you, you then created an innocent affection for him, after all, he reminded you of your grandfather! After 1 or 2 weeks, they disappeared. Only you and "grandpa" are left.. Just like your mother, you developed an affection for magic... but just those stupid tricks left you bored... even so, it was affectionate to see Alfred pretending not to know about the tricks, just to see you smiling... soon you realized.. you weren't really a Wayne.. at most a visitor. They didn't have time for you, Alfred was still a buttler at the end of the day.
Time passed and you felt more and more alone, of course, you had Alfred, but... he didn't always have time for you. Soon more people appeared... and others disappeared... Jason was the first to go, and even with the short time, you suffered, he was kind... your brother for such a short time, you wished you had played with him more, and after that the house, which was already abandoned, became even emptier, soon another boy appeared, Tim, from a rich family.. and soon Dick went to another city.. you don't remember when, but now there was also Cassandra, Damian, Duke.. Steph.. you remember Barbara from a long time.. Even though the house was full, it was still empty... and you could only comfort yourself with the magic and the things your mother had left for you. Your little stuffed rabbit and its "magic" materials. Even though If you were his biological daughter too, Damian seemed to have more of Wayne than you,maybe because he was a vigilante, maybe because he was a boy? did not you know of course... so why bother? Soon, you stopped trying, you didn't want that anymore... crawling for affection? At your eighteen You made your choice. You wouldn't be a Wayne, you'd be a joie nocturne again. But would they let you? That night, you went to visit the circus, that was your favorite time of year... Halloween, and circus mixed together? Wonderful! So you saw that... the villainy... and for a split second, you wanted to.. do something.. Playing like a good girl, you approached the large bearded man and tugged on his sleeve, asking what that was all about. Maybe this was your chance to be something. It was funny at first, seeing their despair, your second family, trying to explain themselves, but you soon gave a smile, before stamping your foot on the floor, making a crowbar appear, helping to open it. That was the beginning of everything... you were finally someone... even if on the wrong side. Soon, the decisive moment arrived, when you returned "home", packed your bags, and like a magic spell, you disappeared, leaving only a white rabbit and everything you did in that house, in your room, every magic award, every cheap magic materials.
After a Patrol day, Dick he noticed something unusual in the mansion, perhaps because Alfred was visiting his homeland, but it couldn't be that, after all, Alfred had already done that before... Oh right! Birthday girl, his ittle bunny sister. He ran upstairs, knocking on the bedroom door, before entering and seeing only a stuffed rabbit on the bed, and the various magical things around the room, if not for the empty drawers and things, he would say you still lived there by the decoration and the fact room looks good, everything is well maintained, warm
Dick: Bunny?
He called, looking around the room, before looking around, seeing the various magic prizes, photos, top hats and magic kits. All given by Alfred or someone called "Mr. Joie nocturne" Could he be a friend of yours? What do you mean you had participated in so many contests and won? Why didn't you call? Or did you call? Where were you now? Why was everything empty? You went away. He started walking in circles, until Tim entered the room.
Tim: You will make a hole in the ground. I called you several times, why are you in this room exactly?
Dick: Y/N, she is gone.. and we didn't even notice or whatever, we didn't receive any notification, why didn't she notify us that she was moving, we... damn... we weren't going to help probably because we were on patrol, did we waver? Did she know we were on patrol? Does she know the truth?
Tim: Wait, too much to process.. what does it mean "She is gone" she left? Is that it?
Dick: Yes. Dumbass
And well, we can say after that, what happened was like "Oh shit" and then everyone was like "OH SHIT" while you were home.. happy! Getting ready for her first show, her first real show... too true. You thought as you put on your gloves and applied your lipstick. Then, with slow steps, you walked onto the stage, smiling, while waving to everyone, who murmured and whistled. So you decided to do your first trick for the night, the "bullet trick" The difference? There was no trick behind it, just you and your skills... after all, it was in your blood. Just as the bullet was about to go through your skull, you snapped your fingers, and then the bullet turned into a beautiful, bright purple butterfly, flying through the circus, soon coming back towards you and turning into your bow tie. Okay, a bit of a show on your part for the first trick, but you have to show that you have morals. Funny that meanwhile, his family was desperate, going so far as to call Alfred, who was now just as desperate. Then, the special time came, the circus then closed the lights and when it opened, all the valuable belongings, inside the boxes, Of course, you had to feign shock, some clowns trying to calm the audience, and of course, you were also feigning surprise, making your things "disappear" to join in the fun. You looked at the children, snorting slightly, as you made the toys re-appear, seeing some calm down, while the others widened their eyes in surprise. Soon, the "incredible" Bat-family appeared... seriously, for such an idiotic cause they came...? Soon you saw them walking towards you and everything fell into place.
Nightwing: — Y/N! I mean.. Young Lady.. we were notified of your disappearance, we will ask you to return home.
You frowned, as you looked at the audience. Hearing their screams increase, some of relief that the "Bat-family" was there, others of confusion at the situation.
: — I believe, I'm already eighteen, so there's nothing to worry about, Still, I'm with my family at the moment, so I don't understand why the complaint. Not to mention that we were robbed at that moment, so why specifically did they come to resolve a case like this?
You questioned calmly, while pointing at the audience, smiling, before rushing to disappear with your family, leaving the problem to the bats, after all, they were the "professionals." You could say that the shock was written on their faces.. you were so big, poorly dressed.. those presentation clothes didn't suit a little girl like you.. but still.. what you meant by "your family" Were you referring to those circus freaks? They weren't as good as they were, they were just.. ordinary people! Well.. now they had to solve the problem of theft... but that couldn't end like that, nope.
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sebscore · 1 year
Omg LL idea!!! Him bringing her up on the podium with him in his karting days🤭 He is in like the teenage “inchident” years, and he wins a race that LL attended with the family, and he beckons her over and onto it with him in her cute little summer dress, adorable!!
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pairing: leclerc family x leclerc!reader (+ gasly fam cameo)
warnings: toddler tantrum. crying. 
author's note: toddler leclerc is back!! huge shoutout to @champomiel for making me obsessed with a baby little leclerc :))) and also thank you to each person who send in a request regarding baby leclerc!! 
• • • • • • •
''When Charles drives by, you have to yell his name very loudly, okay?'' Pascale told the toddler in Lorenzo's arms, smiling as she saw her daughter respond enthusiastically. 
Her older brother nodded to their mother's words. ''Yeah, you have to scream ''Go Charles!'' so he can hear you.'' He added. 
The young girl nodded to their words, all her attention back on the track in front of them. It was her first time at Charles' karting race- or at least the first time she was consciously experiencing it. 
Y/N was still only a toddler so everything is still quite sensitive to her, like the loud sounds of the kart engines. Pascale had taken several ear-protective gear with her, hoping her youngest wouldn't throw a tantrum like Arthur and Charles used to do at the F1 races when they were her age. 
''There he is!'' Hervé exclaimed, grabbing his family's attention. ''Allez, Charles! Keep going! Come on, Charles!'' The man cheered his son on from behind the fences. 
The young teenagers cruise by in their karts, the place drowned in applause and noises from their family and friends as they pass the crowd. The sudden booming voices caused Y/N to get distracted and glance around her instead of screaming for her brother, who was running in first place. 
The toddler whimpered as she glanced back at the track and saw that all the small cars were gone. ''I missed Charlie.'' She sniffled, which rapidly turned into bawling. 
The Leclerc family's focus turned from Charles' P1 to the youngest's sobbing. ''What's wrong, bébé? Do your ears hurt?'' Pascale's impression was that the combination of the loud cheers and engines were too much for the little one's ears. 
Y/N frantically shook her head, making Lorenzo tighten his hold on her. ''I missed Charlie! I didn't say ''Go Charles'', Maman!'' She whined to her mother, calming Pascale's worries that her daughter wasn't in physical pain. 
''It's okay, it's okay! Don't worry about it, chérie.'' Hervé attempted to comfort her, endeared by the girl's concern for not cheering her older brother on. 
Her father's words didn't seem to have any effect on her and she kept crying her eyes out. She reached for the headphones on her head, trying to get them off her head- too much stimulation around her at the moment. 
''Wow! Be careful, you have to keep those on.'' Lorenzo gently scolded her, with Hervé stopping her and keeping the headphones on her head. 
''No! They're too heavy!'' Y/N continued whining, struggling to take them off. 
Pascale watched on, navigating on what she should do as her daughter carried on with her  adorable yet frustrating temper tantrum. ''Chérie, take her with you to the finish line.'' She instructed her husband, pointing to where the person with the chequered flag was waiting. 
Hervé nodded at her, releasing her from Lorenzo's arms. The small girl continued shedding tears, but nestled in her father's arms. ''We're gonna see Charles, okay?'' He asked her, smiling down at her as he walked away from their family members. 
Y/N timidly shook her head up and down, loudly sniffing her stuffy nose. ''Is Cha gonna be angry at me, Papa?'' 
Her father frowned at her question. ''Why would he be angry with you, bébé?'' 
''Because I didn't yell for him, and Lolo and Maman told me to yell for him when he passed us.'' In her mind, her older brother would be upset that she didn't cheer him on. 
The man chuckled, the innocence of his daughter's explanation warming his heart. ''Charles is not angry with you. He knows you're his biggest supporter! We're gonna wait for him at the finish line so you can be the first one to give him a hug.'' Her father told her. 
His assurance that her brother wasn't cross with her, making her stop crying and let out a small smile on her lips. ''Did he win?'' 
''He is currently in first place and Pierre is right behind him so we'll see when he finishes the race.'' Hervé responded to her, giving the side of her head a kiss. 
The pair arrived at the busy part of the track, somehow making it to the front of the fence so they could watch Charles take the chequered flag. ''Make sure you keep your headphones on, bébé- we don't want your ears to hurt.'' He adjusted the gear on her head. 
''Okay, Papa.'' Y/N politely answered, not having a problem with the headphones anymore. ''When does Charles stop driving?'' She asked him, not seeming to have much patience. 
''A few more laps around the track and he's done.'' They had only brought her to the side of the track towards the end of the race, her parents knowing she would otherwise be sleeping through the whole thing and be upset that she missed it. 
The sounds of the engines became slowly louder and louder, indicating the drivers were passing by again. ''He's coming again, Y/N- make sure to yell for him.'' Her father signalled to her. 
This time, the toddler only held her focus on the track, screaming her brother's name as soon as he came into her sight. Hervé and the people around them laughed at the little girl's small voice, finding it adorable as she was the only one screaming for a few seconds. 
''Go, Charles!'' Y/N and her father chorused, cheering on Charles who was still in first position. She rested her face in his neck, having grown shy by her own yelling. 
A few laps later, her brother was the first one to cross the finish line and win the race, with Pierre coming in second behind him. 
Y/N started fussing in her father's arms, wanting to go to Charles and give him a hug. Hervé chuckled at her excitement, but told her to wait until he got out of his kart, and took off his helmet. Pierre's father, Jean-Jacques, joined them, pinching the little girl's cheeks and giving Hervé a handshake. ''Good race.'' He concluded, giving them a nod. 
''A nice battle between them today.'' Hervé confirmed, satisfied with the results and the performances of the two young boys. 
The toddler tugged on his shirt. ''Papa, can I go to Charles now?'' She whined, not a fan of how long it seemed to be taking. 
The two men chuckled at her impatience. Her father glanced at his son and saw that Charles had already climbed out of his kart, and was in the process of removing the helmet off his head. 
''Charles!'' Hervé called for the young boy, waving his free arm at him. The winner of the day spotted his father and sister, his smile becoming wider at the sight of his family. 
Charles tapped Pierre's arm, pointing to his own father. The two boys made their way over still in full adrenaline from the race and their podium finishes. Once they were close enough, Hervé put his daughter down and gave her a light push towards them. 
Y/N jumped over to her brother, her arms already spread. Charles got the message and took a big extra step, embracing his sister and easily picking her up. ''Cha, I yelled for you! Did you hear me?'' She asked him, her arms firmly around him. 
''Yeah, you were very loud!'' He replied, pretending that he had heard her through all the noise even though he hadn't. 
''You were super fast! You went like zoom~'' The little girl imitated the sound of the karts, making both Charles and Pierre laugh. 
''We are supposed to go zoom~'' The French boy impersonated her. 
''Good job, boys! Nicely done, Charles!'' Hervé praised them as they made their way back to where they had been waiting. The rest of their families had also found them and gathered together. 
Charles put his sister down so he could give everyone a hug of his own. After Pascale embraced her son and gave him a congratulatory kiss on the cheek, she motioned for Y/N to come to her. ''You gave your brother a hug?'' She said to her daughter as she lifted the girl up. 
''Yes, I was the first one.'' She proudly told her mother, hugging her neck. 
Pascale grinned, relieved her husband was able to calm the girl down. ''Wow! The first one? That's great, chérie.'' 
A tap on Pascale's leg brought her attention from her daughter to her youngest son. ''Maman, can I have ice-cream now?'' Arthur asked her, a pout present on his face. 
''I want ice-cream too!'' Y/N exclaimed upon hearing her brother's question. 
The woman put her daughter down, next to Arthur. ''We're going to eat with Pierre's family after the boys get their trophies. You can get ice-cream as dessert.'' She explained to them. 
''But I want it now!'' Arthur continued. 
''You're gonna have to wait, Tutur.'' Lorenzo told his little brother, chuckling at his impatience. 
The young man noticed the Gasly family, his father and Charles moving to where the trophy ceremony would take place. He glanced at his little siblings. ''Cha is getting his trophy, come on!'' 
Arthur listened to his older brother's words and grabbed his sister's small hand, guiding her to the podium as they walked next to Pascale and Lorenzo. The mother and son duo swooned at the sight of Arthur acting like an older sibling to the young girl. 
''Why do you walk so slow, Y/N? You have to go faster.'' The boy complained, having to reduce his speed so his sister could catch up. 
Lorenzo chuckled. ''She has small legs, Tutur! Go at her pace.'' He reminded his little brother. 
''That's not my fault.'' Arthur answered, matter-of-factly. He kept walking at his pace, ignoring his sister practically running to stay next to him. 
''Thur!'' Lorenzo stopped him, grabbing his shoulders. The older one then focused on the toddler and picked her up, not wanting her to grow tired from simply walking. ''Alright, let's go.'' 
The podium ceremony wasn't something too extravagant. They called out the names of the top three and handed the winners their trophies, often with some flowers as well. 
As the families waited for the presentations to start, Charles grabbed his dad's attention. ''What is it, Cha?'' He asked his son. 
''Can I bring Y/N with me on the podium?'' 
Charles had done it countless times when Arthur was younger and he had seen many other winners bring their siblings up on the podium with them- he wanted to include his little sister somehow. 
Hervé smiled, touched by his son's sentiment. ''That's okay with me, but ask your mother to be sure.'' He knew Pascale wouldn't have a problem with it, but he didn't want to surprise his wife with Charles suddenly taking their daughter with him. 
Upon hearing his father's answer, Charles walked over to his mother. ''Maman,'' he tapped her waist, having her bow down to be on the same level as him, ''can I bring Y/N with me on the podium? Papa says it's okay.'' 
Pascale glanced at her daughter for a few seconds, checking if she still had energy left. ''Of course, but be careful, okay? She's small.'' She agreed, nodding at Hervé who was looking at them. 
''Thank you.'' Charles thanked her, skipping back to his father. 
The mother of the family approached her oldest and youngest child, gently grabbing his shoulder. ''Ma petite, Cha wants to take you on the podium with him. Isn't that fun?'' 
The youngest's mouth made an o-shape, bewildered by the news. ''Really? Wow!'' 
''Yes! So let's put you down.'' Lorenzo kneeled, letting his little sister stand on her own two feet. As soon as she was stable on the ground, she ran off to Charles. 
''Cha Cha!'' Y/N exclaimed, catching her brother's attention. ''I'm going on podium with you.'' 
''I know! Just follow me, okay? I'll help you.'' He told her, not wanting her to get distracted and do something she shouldn't do. 
''Okay!'' She gave her brother a thumbs up with a bright smile. 
It didn't take long for the various ceremonies to start, but the Leclerc Family had to wait until the end since Charles participated in the oldest age category at the competition. 
''In second place, we have Pierre Gasly of France! Well done, Pierre!'' The presenter said into the microphone, inviting the French boy onto the podium. 
The family clapped for him as he strutted over to the second step, accepting the trophy and flowers he was handed. 
''And our winner of the day is Charles Leclerc of Monaco! Congratulations, Charles!'' 
The race winner grabbed his sister's hand, and unlike Arthur, walked on her pace to the podium so she wouldn't have to run next to him. He momentarily let go of her hand as the presenter handed over his trophy and flowers. Charles gave the trophy to Y/N, being less heavy than the bouquet of flowers. 
Charles stepped onto the top step with ease, meanwhile his baby sister struggled with her small legs to even get onto the third step. 
Pierre immediately noticed. He placed his trophy and flowers on the ground, and signalled to the girl to walk over to him. He picked her up and placed her next to Charles, who thanked his friend for helping his sister out. 
The Monégasque crouched down. ''Y/N, look at Maman.'' Charles pointed at their mother, who had a big smile on her face as she held her camera. Upon seeing Pascale smile, Little Leclerc mirrored her mother's expression- proud of the trophy she was holding, despite it being her brother's. 
The rest of the family watched on fondly, the sight of the small girl swooning everyone. ''She's going to steal that trophy from his room.'' Lorenzo told Hervé, chuckling at the way his baby sibling was holding onto the plastic prize. 
''Charles will let her.'' The patriarch grinned, knowing his son would take the trophy away from her. 
After a few minutes of posing for pictures, the ceremony was done and they made their way back to their families. 
''Pierre, you are a gentleman.'' Pascale complimented the young boy, ruffling his hair. 
He shyly glanced down at the praise. ''No problem.'' Pierre brushed off, his mother pinching his reddened cheek. 
The giddy toddler jumped in Lorenzo's arms, still a strong hold on Charles's trophy. ''Look what Cha gave me, Lolo.'' She showed the prize off to her brother. 
''Wow! You have a trophy? How cool!'' Lorenzo told her, excitedly. 
''Can we get ice-cream now, please?'' Arthur whined, having everyone look at the young boy. There was an adorable, impatient tone to his voice, making both families smile at him. 
The parents all glanced at one another, nodding in silent agreement that they should start packing up, and go have dinner. 
''I'm going to get 5 scoops!'' Arthur declared. 
''I'm going to get 6 then!'' His sister one-upped him, mischief written all over her face. 
''Y/N gets 2. Arthur gets 3, and Charles and Pierre will get to choose since they got a podium together.'' Hervé stated, chuckling at his two youngest's disappointed faces. 
The little girl huffed. ''But Papa, I want 6!'' 
''You're like 6 scoops tall, how are you gonna eat all of that?'' 
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taglist :: @missskid @maxiel-jpg @glitterquadricorn @stillbreathin @obsessed-fan-alert @booknerd2004-blog @kageyamama-hinatatata @reblog-princess-blog @maezenin12 @gly-exe @lighttsoutlewis @topguncultleader @jaydensluv @nora_moon @erinisrightheree @7leb-kakaw @theamazingsimp @lovelyxlily @princessmiaelicia @mehrmonga @champomiel @rowansshit @mbappebby @maemaesthoughts @g4ns3y @im_mi @gracesferrari @67-angelofthelordme-67 @harrysdimple05 @ijustwantavacation @livinglifebeingme @Judgemental-Raven
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starlightdreaming · 6 months
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader! Ch. 4!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel!
Content warning: more blood! *Niffty’s manic laugh* i guess maybe some comfort this time (not from Lucifer lol) also more angst but a smidge bits of it, also LONGESTT CHAPTER YET and small implications of Season 1: Ep. 2 of Hazbin Hotel. (not proofread)
Synopsis: after waking up in hell, you try and find help of any kind.
Chapters!: Chapter 1 ✧ Chapter 2 ✧ Chapter 3 ✧ Chapter 4 (you are here) •<•)b ✧ Chapter 5
this chapters song is:
(optional but recommended to improve reading experience!!:!)
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“Lucifer, do you want to play with the stars with me?” You ask him, him turning to you and taking your hands into his, him looking at you with loving and caring eyes, you looking deeply into his as well, “I’d love to!” He says, dragging you to the oak tree you had agreed upon to be your hangout spot from now on.
You both rolled into the grass together, told stories at night and used magic to display your dreams of creations, everything was perfect, he was perfect, everything felt perfect.
“I never want to see you again,” He snapped, “And I fucking mean it.” He says as he looked at you with pure hatred in his eyes, oh those eyes, once full of love now full of hatred. Your heart began to beat harder as it ached, ‘this whole mess was your fault wasn’t it?’ you thought as your breath hitched, staring at those eyes he gave you, oh how you never wanted to see them again but here you were. You tried to breathe again but you just couldn’t, those eyes were staring deeply into your soul, you just couldn’t find a way to breathe as you began to hyperventilate, your body felt frozen in terror as you stared back into those careless, dull, hatred fueled eyes, breathe, breathe, breathe!
You sit up quickly, coughing out golden blood before gasping for air desperately, coughing out again before regaining your composure, groaning from the metallic taste in your mouth, you looked down at your hand to see the lavender blue star Emily gave you, seeing that was your only comfort now, it was stained in gold blood as well as you winced in sharp pain behind your back, you look at your back to see a lot of damage was done to your wings, golden blood covered all your feathers as you can see the clear cut Sera did, she attacked your two middle wings as they now seemed split, it made your skin crawl from how horrible they looked, you then looked up to the sky, your stars were barely raining anymore stardust, trying to heal your injured state, they began to fade, if it weren’t for the sentient stars you made during the extermination, you don’t think you would have survived the fall.
You looked at your stars with a tired and weak smile before they could crumble away into dust, thankful that your creations saved your life, you then looked at your surroundings, seeing cities in the distance, followed with screams and cars crashing, you sat for a moment trying to endure the pain that was coursing through your body, you held a wing to ease the pain but all you felt was a wet liquid that now covered your hands, more blood. You needed to find help or something but who in Hell would want to help? Maybe you could try and find a place to stay or hide so you could focus on healing yourself, you didn’t have any attributes to regeneration, so you needed to try and find someone or something to stop the bleedings.
You recovered a bit of mana from resting but it wasn’t enough for you to completely focus on healing since you weren’t very good at it, you decided to try and finally get up but your body was so sore you stumbled a few times before you could manage to even stand, you slouched to your side, limping as you tried to walk out of wherever you even were.
You decided to try and seek help in the city, hoping there might be a blessed heart willing to assist you but just a precaution, you made a little bit of stardust and with Emily’s star she had given you, you made it sentient with the little bit of mana you had left, thankful for her gift and her warm comforting smiles.
The little star chimed to life, floating around you, it was your only sort of defense it wasn’t much but it can for sure pack a punch you wanted it to, you hugged yourself as you limped toward the city, a trail of golden blood dripping behind you as your wings dragged behind you. The lavender blue star floating next to you calmly.
Upon entering the city, you expected monsters and sinners to be in chaos but… no one was here. “Hello?” You called softly, walking into the city, the emptiness making you feel uneasy, the star chimed next to you for comfort, floating around you as it kept watch of your surroundings, “Is anyone here?” You called out again more loudly, “please, can anyone help me?” you begged, not receiving a single answer in the abandoned city.
You held yourself more tightly as you walked, leaving a trail of gold as you looked around, high and low, left and right, you’d hear a sudden noise but it the source or cause would be long gone before you could turn around, I guess it only makes sense seeing as you were an angel and it was extermination day to them, the lonely and uncomfortable silence made you feel like an outcast, something you were used to in a way but it still hurt nonetheless, tears formed from your eyes but you tried to not let them escape from how lonely you felt in your situation and once again, you feel completely helpless as you walked down the empty streets, the silence was completely loud.
You wiped your tears as you passed by stores, broken glass and blood, it really showed a difference between Heaven and Hell, it made you wish you were back in your bed for all eternity, it was better than the pain your were enduring currently. You passed by a store full of televisions, you looked at it- it being the only thing that was making noise in the silent city, you watched the screens as it showed a thin waisted lady in red, her voice loud and clear, “Greetings, my name is Katy Killjoy, here to discuss to you about last weeks extermination, after deep analysis and investigating, we can officially confirm it was canceled thanks to an none other than an Angel itself!” She says before it showed a video of you making it rain stardust in stars in Hell’s skies, dragging every exterminator back into Heaven, your eyes widened as you didn’t expect to be shown to all of Hell.
“And thanks to that, we now have more information about how our deadline is cut in half, down to six months! do you know what that means Tom?” She says as she turned to face him, giving him the chance to finally speak, “yes it-“ “it means we are completely fucked!” she shouts through the screen, your mouth agape from shock, Adam and Sera- despite trying to stop them, they decided to continue this meaningless chaos? the thought of Sera ignoring your words, your voice, it made your blood boil unexplainably, especially on how she tried to kill you behind Heavens back.
You were so frustrated and in so much pain because of her, it made you want to cry and lash out at her angrily but trying to kill her back, the thought of killing her made a smile crawl to your face but you shook that thought out immediately, it was not the answer. If you tried to use violence like she did, you were no different than her and that’s worse than the thought of her death. You snapped out of thought to look at the television again, it was another video of you, of how you fell from the sky, you stared in shock again, they really have their eyes on the skies don’t they? It was you falling practically to your death! but that made you realize, oh- they evacuated the city because you arrived.
That alone, made you realize how lonely you are now, no one was going to help you, familiar feeling eh? history just doesn’t seem to stop repeating itself with you. Your head began to ache as your stomach grumbled, all that stamina you had used was getting to you for sure now but there was nothing you could do, you didn’t have food, shelter or any help, there was nothing here in this place of damnation for you. You were pathetically helpless, at rockbottom, completely.
You wiped the tears that escaped, your lavender blue star pressing against your cheek for comfort, it chimed to you, trying to tell you something, you gave it it’s attention, floating toward the window full of televisions, “Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, where all sinners are welcomed and redeemed, if you want to escape the extermination and get up into Heaven, please head to the building on the top of the hill in the pride ring.” A White haired woman spoke, with other figures who stood there and a glitched out man who was facing away from the screen which was quite concerning- but that wasn’t important, what was important was that they were willing to help and once again, that small sliver of hope reignited in you as you smiled to yourself weakly, you just had to go find that hotel, if they didn’t accept you then… maybe you could just live in a box? that thought made you shudder, not the box but the fact you would be out of luck.
You tried to find the hotel, quickly limping down the streets as you tried to find that said hotel, “Can you help me find it?” You ask your star as it chimed, swiftly floating up in the air, looking around, it wasn’t long before it went back down to you and started guiding you as followed, gold blood still following behind you, you tried your best to keep it together, try to make it to the hotel, it wasn’t much long as you panted heavily up the hill, once upon making it, you collapsed in exhaustion and pain, you sat at the door for a moment to recollect yourself.
It took awhile but the sentient star waited with you patiently and that was enough for you to get back up on your feet, you took a deep breath before knocking, stepping back from the door, hugging yourself in anticipation, shaking a little from exhaustion.
The door opened and you saw a tall blonde female, she looked down and gasped in surprise, “Welcome!- oh- oh my gosh, are you alright?” she says quickly, cutting her introduction off after seeing your terrible state, “Is… this the Hazbin hotel?” you ask politely and kinda desperately, “Yes, yes this is! do you need uh, do you need to come in for a moment? theres a trail of blood coming from you.” She pointed out with concern, “please.” You say weakly and nervously to the stranger in front of you, feeling completely light headed from the blood loss, you felt like you were going to faint any second.
“Oh goodness, just sit here for me okay? I’ll go get something real quick-“ she stammers before running back inside after making you sit and lean on to the door, you waited as you heard the same voice shout “Vaggie!” and “Emergency!” You rested your eyes as you leaned your head against the door, you began to hear static, and it got only louder the longer you had your eyes shut but as soon you opened your eyes the static disappeared, ‘that was weird’ you thought as the tall lady came back and immediately tended to your wounds with another person behind her, you backed away when the blonde tried to touch you, “Oh don’t worry, i’m just trying to help.” She says as she waited for your permission this time to tend to you, her smile was oddly calming and it let you give in as you slowly turned your back, allowing her to touch your wings, the purple female also assisting her, you winced in pain after some places they touched, a “sorry” escaping one of their mouths as they kept going, you all were silent the whole time before the blonde moved to sit in front of you, leaving the other lady to focus on your wings.
“My name is Charlie.” She smiled at you, reaching her hand out for you to shake, you looked up to her, her red eyes staring back at you, “Y/n.” You say as you took her hand to shake, “Nice to meet you, Y/n! Now if I may ask, why were you so injured?” She asked, you looking away, “Oh uhhh, I fell..?” You say not tell her the full truth, she tilted her head confused, “fell? fell from where?” she said confused, “Uhhmm, fromm.. Heaven?” You laughed coyly, as she gasped, “You’re fallen?” She says quietly, “I guess,” pausing now acknowledging that you were actually fallen now, “yeah, I guess so.” you finished, feeling a little ashamed.
“Vaggie, are you almost done?” Charlie asks as she looks over your side to see that she wrapped your last wing up, a tug was felt and you winced a bit, “Yup, finished.” She says after she tied the last knot, Charlie bend down to help Vaggie up before they both helped you up, “Thank you.. for helping me.” You say with a tired smile, your star bouncing on your head, “Oh who’s this little guy?” Charlie says pointing to the star that chimed, “Oh this one of my creations or like a child of mine, same thing.” You say as you put the star in your hand, “I could only make this one sentient because im so tired.” You say, your eyes obviously showed that to them, black circles and all, “Well we can give you a place to stay in the Hotel!” Charlie smiles as she walks in the building, you following after Vaggie but as soon as you stepped into the building, your exhaustion you endured collapsed all at once, making your face plant into the ground with a ‘plomp’
The stared at you in surprise, “Oh, she was that tired.” Charlie responds, walking up to you, “are you alright?” she asks as you just muffled a reply, “foof.” “Uh, what was that?” Charlie asks, turning you to the side, “food.” you say, falling back into place, “Oh, okay just one sec.” She says before getting up to running off, leaving Vaggie to watch over you, she crossed her arms as she stared at you, “So uhh, who’s dis?” A new voice spoke, “Fallen angel, probably same one from the extermination on the news.” Vaggie replied as someone spat out their drink of something, you didn’t bother to get up to look up who was talking, too tired to care, “the hell you mean the angel from da news?” the voice shouted as you heard something rapidly approaching your body but your tiny star pushed them back, launching whatever was going after you, “That thing just launched Niff across the parlor! why are you allowing angels into this place?” The voice shouts again, “Angel, look at her, she’s defenseless, well, except that thing.” she pointed to your star.
Your star stuck to your back, trying to move you but it ended up just dragging you across the floor as everyone silently stared, “Okay i’m back!” Charlie says with a plate of food, walking to you and giving it to you after your star dropped you to the floor again.
You raised your head, resting your arms as you ate on the floor, not caring who’s watching, she also gave you water and that made you feel all the more better, with something finally in your system you managed to sit up, looking up at your surroundings, seeing everyone stare at you in silence, “uhh, hi.” you say awkwardly, with a small wave, as one of then waved back at you.
“Are you feeling alright now?” Charlie asked as you nodded, “Yeah, I just really need to rest, if you would let me please?” You ask as she gave you a hand to help you up, you thanked her as you tried to pat down your tattered dress, it was completely stained with blood from sinners during the extermination and your own as well, “Maybe let’s get you cleaned up?” Charlie asks as she took your hand to help you up the stairs, Vaggie following, “We can introduce you to everyone else once you’ve recovered.” She offers as she guides you down a hall, taking you to a room that was themed with red and black, “you can rest here,” she says as she walks into the room, you following suit along with your star.
You sat on the bed before falling back into it, your sore body finally feeling that euphoric comfort of a bed for who knows how long, your small lavender blue star rested on your head as you stretched a little, feeling your muscles ache, it hurt so bad it felt so good, “Do you need spare clothing or anything?” Charlie asks, Vaggie standing at the front of the door to the room, “Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.” You say shyly, sitting up again, you weren’t used to such hospitality, “thank you.” You say genuinely, extremely grateful that you found this place in this upside down world, “It’s no problem, you just get some rest alright? Vaggie can you go get something from my dresser?” She says, Vaggie nodding and leaving the room.
“So, can you tell me what happened? about why you’re here perhaps?” She questions, trying to start a conversation in the meantime, waiting for Vaggie to return, “Oh.. that..” you say looking down, away from her gaze, “oh! you don’t have to tell me anything if you want to,” she says, seeing how your expression has changed, “no, its just- it’s kind of a lot? I’ll just cut it short.” You smile at her, waving off her sudden intrusion of a question, “long story short, I asked for for a job and my, err, ‘manager’ gave me one,” you say scratching your cheek, the thought of Sera made you itch, “it was the extermination and I was so shocked on how Heaven was allowing the people to slaughter, so I used up so much of my power to drag every exorcist back to Heaven, leaving a bit of healing, hoping some sinners would recover,” You say as you as you rub your shoulder, still feeling guilty about the lives you witnessed being lost from the angels attack, “I’m really sorry about that by the way,” you apologized on behalf of the angels, “I tried to talk to my leader and it just got.. messy.” you sigh, Vaggie walking back to the room with clothes in hand, Charlie held your hand into her own, making you look up her, her comforting and sympathetic smile made you feel at ease from your riled up stress and tension, “hey, its alright,” she says, trying to soothe your nerves, “i’m just surprised an angel actually went out of their way to stop the extermination, it’s a complete first for anyone in hell to witness,” She smiles again, “i’m really glad you did, it shows that maybe not all angels are as bad as they seem.” she finishes, Vaggie walking up to you both giving, putting the clothes next to you, on the bed.
Charlie stood up, taking Vaggie’s hand into hers, “We’ll leave you alone for now, feel free to join us when you’re ready.” she waves as she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.
You got up from the bed after she left the room, changing out of your tattered dress and robes, the clothes they gave you were kind of big on you, the shirt was maybe too big, it was like a short night gown on you but you weren’t complaining since it was comfortable, the pants didn’t even fit so you tossed them to the side along with your tattered dress, wanting to deal with it later, you jumped into the bed, sighing in relief again, you laid on your stomach as you hugged the the fluffy pillow, the coolness of the sheets making you feel relaxed, best feeling ever.
Your star chimed as it floated off your head again, it was telling you it was going to keep watch as you slept, that was enough for you as you quickly drifted off to sleep, hugging the pillow as comfort.
“look at that one, it looks like a duck!” Lucifer says under the oak tree, pointing to the clouds that drifted by, “Yeah, it does!” You say in awe, “that’s cause I made it be.” he giggles, showing you his pure golden light in his hands, you admired it as you giggled as well.
He laid in the grass as he continued to stare at the sky, his smile was so pure and full of life, “I’m so glad you came into my life, Luna.” He says before looking at you with adoration in his eyes, you stared back at him with a sparkle in your eyes, sitting up next to him, “everyone in my life thinks i’m a problem and avoids me cause of that,” he vents, looking back up at the blue sky, “and ever since you came along, everything just feels so… right.” he smiles, as you continued to stare at him with doe eyes, “I don’t think I could ask for anyone better, you are the first person to believe in me and my dreams for so long and I don’t think I want to lose you,” he says, sitting up and looking back at you, taking your hands into his own, “ever.”
You smiled at him comfortingly, “I don’t want to lose you either, Lulu.” you say as you look back into his eyes, you both stared into each other’s eyes, the silence between you was calm and comforting, “hey I know!” he says, brightening more from an idea, “lets make a promise,” he says, leaning closer to your face, “let’s promise each other that no matter what happens, we will stay together, we will help each other out in the time of need.” he says, pulling out hand in front of you, his pinky finger out, waiting for you to intertwine your finger with his.
You look down at his hand, back to him, you smiled more, “okay, I pinky promise.” you say as you brought your pinky out to hold into his, you both stared at each other with admiration for one another before he quickly pecked your forehead, leaving a warm kiss, your eyes widening in surprise at the sudden gesture, “I love you, my Luna.” he says, you felt your face heat up as he gave you a closed eyed smile, it became silent for a moment again before you spoke, “what’s a love?” you ask, breaking the silence as he looked at you bewildered, going back to smiling at you gently, “maybe one day, you’ll understand.”
Your eyes fluttered open, as you groaned from a nights rest, you laid there for a moment before sitting up, groaning from the soreness in your body, you rubbed your eyes as you looked around, beginning to remember where you were. Upon waking up, your lavender blue star chimed as you awoke, happy to see you awake, you put your hands together for your star to rest in your hands, “oh, hey there,” you smiled tiredly, as it floated down into your hand, your used a bit of your mana to make cosmic dust, feeding the little star as it began to glow brightly again, after feeding it, it went to rest on your hair, seeing as your aren’t completely defenseless anymore.
You say in the bed looking around again before turning to your dress, it wasn’t filthy or dirty anymore, it looked clean and new, curious, you shifted out of the bed and went to collect it, they must have cleaned this for you while you were resting, you smiled, thankful for that, seeing as walking around in a shirt and undergarments in public was rather… explicit and embarrassing.
You turned around in the, realizing there was another door in your room, you went to open it curiously, behind the door was a sink and a tub, a personal bathroom, you smiled about that, you can take a bath without any worries now. You went into the bathroom, locking the door, deciding to take the chance to clean the blood and grime that stained your body. You sat on the hem of the tub, your clothes and bandages discarded, you were now scrubbing yourself clean, trying to avoid your wings soaking into the water, after cleaning your body, you focused on your wings, trying your best to not make them sting in pain as much as they already did in the contact with water, you washed them carefully and delicately.
After your relaxing bath, you changed your set of clothes, careful to not hurt your wings that looked like an absolute mess, the feathers were everywhere but you didn’t really bother with them, you’d groom your wings when they were healed up enough, with that thought out of the way, you went to leave the room, walking past a dresser with a mirror, you halted for a moment, stepping back and looking at the glass, your reflection showing, your hair was absolutely frizzled, your eyes were covered with black circles, like you just put black eyeliner around your eyes, you looked like an absolute mess and thing is, you were, emotionally and physically.
You saw a brush on the dresser, you decided to try and brush your hair, trying to look a little more presentable, a small chair sat underneath the dresser, pulling it put to sit down, focusing on your tangles.
You sat the brush down, looking at your now somewhat more clean state, there was nothing to do about the bags under your eyes, so you would just have to let that go, you got up from the chair, pushing it back under the dresser and walking to the door, exiting the room.
You explored the vast empty halls, taking in the details the hotel had, heading down the hall to the lobby, recalling that Charlie said you could join them anytime when you were ready, when you turned the corner, you saw some of the demons gathered in the corner of the lobby, you stood there quietly observing the people who were doing their own things, after scanning around the room, you saw Charlie talking to Vaggie in the parlor, on a sofa, it wasn’t long before Charlie spotted you as well and waved, “Over here, Y/n!” she calls to you, getting up to walk toward you to the stairs, you smiled nervously as everyone’s attention turned to you as you walked down the said stairs.
“How are you feeling?” she asks after you took your last step down, “I’m feeling much better, thank you,” You replied with sincerity, “and thank you for your hospitality.” You say as you bowed a little in respect, “just to make sure,” a male voice spoke as you turned away from Charlie’s to follow the voice, “you ain’t here to kill us right?” a tall feminine male asks, approaching you. You were taken back by his question but it made sense for them to worry, seeing as angels were sent to slaughter the poor souls, “what? no, i’d never-“ you tried to explain, being cut off quickly, “seeing on the news, she was the one who stopped the extermination, I don’t think those are her ideals, Angel.” Vaggie deadpanned to him, defending you.
Charlie laughed awkwardly, “Before we go into details any questions or details, how about a few introductions?” She asks, seeing how the atmosphere quickly turned, she guided you to the parlor, calling everyone to gather around, “Okay, so we have a new uhh,” she pauses trying to think, “guest at the hotel,” She says pointing her hand toward you, you waving shyly, “This is y/n, she arrived here yesterday as we all know and saw but welcome her nonetheless.” she smiles, only you getting stares and glances, “And these are our staff and residents,” she says, showing you the other three that were there, “this is Husk! our bartender,” she pointed to a cat with wings, who only stared at the distance, unfazed, “this is Angel, who is our single resident aside from you,” she says, pointing to the tall male who only scrolled through his phone before smiling and waving at you, “this is Niffty.” she says, pointing to a short woman with one eye who was staring into your soul, she ran up to you quickly, “are you an actual angel? why do you have so many wings? do you casually just wear eyeliner like that?” she says, pointing out your darkened eye bags, intruding your space, you only smiled nervously at her, she was asking to many questions before you could answer them, “and lastly, this is Alastor,” she says as you look at a man covered in red she pointed at, you were surprised about the male since you hadn’t seen him at all until now, he looked at you with an intimidating and intense gaze, smiling at you, making you feel uncomfortable, “he is our facility host.” She says, clasping her hands together with a smile.
Alastor walked up to you with a cane and his hands behind his back before bending down slightly to greet you properly, “it’s a pleasure to meet you, dear.” He says, stretching his hand out for you to shake, his hands had red sharp like claws making you hesitatingly take it with a nervous smile, “pleasure..” you say, shaking his hand lightly, you got more nervous than before when you began to hear radio static coming from him, the same static you heard when you first arrived here.
“With that out of the way, I was wondering- since you’re an angel and all- what do you think about sinners and redemption?” Charlie asked as Alastor backed away, trailing off to do his own thing as Charlie began to speak to you again, “what do you mean?” you asked curiously, requesting she’d go into more detail, “Well as you see, I began this project a few days ago,” she says, sitting next to you, summoning a pile of paper before taking one in her hand to show you hand-made drawings.
“What I want is to save my people and I thought maybe if they were given a second chance they could be redeemed and go to Heaven,” she says as she points to the drawing but your mind trailed off as soon as she said, ‘my people’ “wait- wait-“ you tried to cut her off, “your people?” you asked, “uhh, yeah?” she answered, confused about your reaction, you then stared at her, noticing her facial features, red cheeks, white skin and blonde hair… Your heart began to twinge a little from the thoughts that began to bubble your mind, “What’s your name..?” You ask, hesitatingly, afraid to find your suspicions might be correct. “Charlie… Morningstar.” she answers, putting down the drawing to respond, your eyes widened as you leaned back from her for a moment before leaning toward her, “You’re Lucifer’s daughter?!” you shouted completely shocked and somewhat… hurt? You felt a pain that couldn’t be explained in your stomach.
“Yeah, my parents are Lilith and Lucifer Morningstar,” she states, answering the truth you tried to avoid for so long, you were just lost in thought as she began to ramble about then both, “and that is why they call me the princess of hell- oh, are you alright?” Charlie asks genuinely, seeing the hurt expression on your face, you snapped out of your thoughts as you shook your head, putting up a facade, “huh? yeah- yeah, I was just surprised, sorry.” you tried to exclaim, “I was just not told about any of this is all, y’know? since being in Heaven and all?” you tried to excuse, not really convincing yourself, Alastor gave a side eye to you, interested on how you were baffled from the mention of Charlie and her parents, “Where are,” you trailed off, hesitating to finish your next question, “your parents?” you asked, nervously.
Charlie looked away from you, thinking momentarily before speaking, “My mother has been gone for quite a while,” she says as she looks back at you with a tinge of sadness in her eyes, “she’s only been gone for like.. seven years now? but i believe she’s off on some sort of business trip,” She says as she tried to smile and wave it off like it wasn’t a big deal, “and my father… we don’t talk much.” she says as she hugs her arm, rubbing it slightly and awkwardly at the topic of her parents but to you, knowing that they don’t have much contact, it all just put your nerves at ease, you don’t think you could handle randomly seeing either of those two… ever.
You sighed, regaining composure, “sorry if I intruded on your personal life,” you apologize, looking at Charlie, “I uhm,” you paused, thinking if you should tell her anything about you, “you see, I used to be best friends with Lucifer,” you smiled, “and I am just happy to know that he’s alright.” You say with a half lie, you weren’t happy about him and Lilith, you never were and you never wanted to let him go like you did, like you had to.
Charlie smiled from surprise, “wait, are you Luna?” she asks, the name being said in so long, you felt rather uncomfortable with it, “I don’t really go by that name anymore but yes, I used to be..” You admit, trying to avoid saying the name yourself as it became more of a haunting of the past. She jumped in her seat on the sofa with a radiated smile, “my father told me so many stories about you when I was younger!” she says as she began to shake in happiness, “it’s so nice to meet you! I didn’t even know it was you!” she continues as she shook your hand suddenly, surprising you with her sudden enthusiasm, “he told me how you’re the daughter of the universe, the way you make stars and constellations align,” she began to ramble, “he even told me about the stars you make are always and are more beautiful than any other angel would ever create.” She smiles as she leaned in toward you with admiration.
You sat there with mixed feelings again, Lucifer said all this about you? the compliments she stated out made your heart flutter and you didn’t know why, surely he’d hate you by now after everything you did? the thoughts began to stress your mind and you just didn’t want to deal with them, you look down at the desk and remembered Charlies hotel project, so you decided it was best to change the subject, “I’m glad he seems to see me that way,” you smiled, “but how about you tell me about your project? I think we trailed off.” You stated, pointing to her drawings, she gasped as she picked up her paper drawing again, “that’s right! as I was saying before, I was thinking of maybe we could try and redeem sinners and try to bring them to Heaven! that way we can stop overpopulation in Hell,” she continued as you listened, taking a liking to her idea, “and if we find a solution to the overpopulation,” she says, bringing up another paper for you to see, “we can end all these exterminations and everyone will be smiling and happy!” she finishes as you smiled to her ideals, “So what do you think?” she asks as she puts down the drawing and looked at you eagerly awaiting your answer, “I actually think this is a great idea!” you say as you sit up in your seat eagerly, loving the idea of second chances, Charlie smiled more at your response as she squeed in excitement, having an angel finally agree on her passion project, “I’m so happy you believe in my cause!” she shouted in happiness, Vaggie smiling that someone else agreed who was the same as her.
“I was so upset when I found out extermination was allowed, it’s completely terrible as a whole.” you say as you leaned back into the sofa in distaste for the thought of ‘divine judgment’ amongst Charlie’s people, “So do I! None of them deserved what was given to them.” she says as she frowns, “I agree,” You say empathetically, “If you would let me, I’d like to stay and help with your cause.” You offered, Charlie smiling once again, “Really?” She asked with pure joy, “Yeah! I believe this could work!” You say with full confidence.
This made Alastor raise a brow at you and Charlie as he subtly listened in your whole conversation, he turned away with a ‘hmm’ as he thought to himself, he then shadowed up behind the sofa you and Charlie sat, nudging Vaggie away a little, “So we have a new staff member now?” Alastor smiled, Vaggie rolling her eyes at Alastor and walking around the sofa to sit next to Charlie, you blinked at him in surprised from his sudden join in on the conversation, “Yes we do!” Charlie says as she sat up, to gain everyone’s attention to announce you were now part of the crew, “everyone, everyone, I’d like to announce that we have a new staff member on our team!” She says as she points to you, they weren’t very enthusiastic as you had expected but not really expected them to but it really didn’t bother you since you preferred to avoid attention. Not to mention that Alastor had left the lobby before Charlie even began.
“We can discuss what you can do later,” Charlie says to you, before heading toward the middle of the lobby to pace around, “right now, what we need to do is discuss how we can try and bring sinners in,“ she began as Husk walked off to the green creepy area at the back of the lobby, drinking whatever green glass he held, “extermination is coming in six months instead of a year, it’s no big deal, just a little set back,” she says as a cat appears and follows her before jumping over to the sofa to sit next to you, you stared at it in surprise as it tilted it���s head at you, blinking its one eye and all you could process in your mind is- oh my stars its so cute.
You stared at the cat as it walked further to you, you didn’t want to move to touch it, afraid it might run off, she sat right next to you, you hesitated to pet it but it leaned into your touch and you never felt so much serotonin fill your body all at once, you pet her head gently as the kitty purred and you were squealing on the inside as you continued to pet her. You picked up the black cat, carrying her in your arms as you walked toward Charlie and Vaggie, “don’t you think if the next extermination deadline is sooner than expected, wouldn’t sinners be desperate?” you asked, while petting the cat in your arms, “yeah,” Vaggie thought, “maybe desperate enough to try and do anything to escape the extermination.” Vaggie spoke with a smile appearing on her face making Charlie gasp, getting the idea she was leading on, “this is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!” she shouted, raising her arms in the air, you smiling as you thought the same as well, only to frown when the kitty jumped out your arms, feeling the world shatter again inside your soul.
“Cute idea and all,” Angel says, tapping through his phone, “but you really going to go out in all of this?” He asks, showing a video of demons screaming through the city with fire everywhere, “well, it’s not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep-“ she says before being cut off from a loud explosion, making you jolt in surprise, hiding behind Charlie and Vaggie.
Everyone ran outside to see what the ruckus was about, you following last, you weren’t sure what to expect being new in Hell and all but when you saw outside was a massive war machine and Alastor at the top of one of the hotels balcony, talking with the attacker who damaged one of the hotels walls.
Well, needless to say, your ‘first day’ in Hell was going to be quite the ride to your new step in your new fallen life but you couldn’t complain, it was much more freeing than it ever was in Heaven.
@ag-cookiebat800 @meow-meowo @kyo-kyo1 @darling-may-i @pink-apples001 @sparkleyfishies @mollzaj @glowymxxn @hyperkaiperrose
thank you for reading!!:!/!
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cowboybarzy · 9 months
congratulations on 1k followers!!!! <3 can i please request 🏒 with "Can you come pick me up?" for my sweet boy barzy please? thank you so much :3
hii thank you!! you’re sweet💗💗
still time to send stuff in -> lolo’s 1k celly
Today was just one of those days. One of those where everything went wrong. From your alarm not ringing and you having to rush through your morning routine, to the spoilt milk in your coffee which of course you didn’t realize was spoilt until you took a big sip of it, to just everything going wrong at work.
It was just one of those days. But it was over now. Your work ended and you were able to finally go home to your boyfriend. You left the building heading towards the bus stop that would take you over to Mat’s building in a not so short 30 minutes. But of course it was pouring rain outside and you had no umbrella. The hood on your winter jacket only kept you dry for so long so by the time you reached the bus stop you were soaked and extremely annoyed. But you told yourself to hold on just a few more minutes. Then you’d be in Mat’s arms and everything would be better.
You saw your bus approaching and got your ticket ready, which turned out to be useless since it didn’t stop for you. “Hey!,” you called and waved, but the bus kept driving. To make matters worse, some asshole sped along the street through a huge puddle that soaked your entire lower half.
That was it. You had it. This day seriously could not get worse. With shaking hands you reached for your phone and called your boyfriend.
“Hey! You on your way?” The second you heard his voice you broke down crying. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Maty,” you sobbed, “can you come pick me up?”
“Yeah, yes, of course. Are you ok?” His concern warmed you and brought you some comfort already.
“Today was just…,” You could barely finish the sentence. “Everything went wrong and now I was finally on my way to you and this stupid bus didn’t stop and it’s raining and I’m wet and cold and soaked in dirty street water. Help.”
“I’m coming. At the bus stop?” You confirmed and hung up after a mumbled ‘thank you’.
You did have to wait a few minutes longer for him to get there, but when you finally saw his car pull up you were ready to burst into tears again.
“Hi.” His smile was so beautiful you never wanted to stop looking at it. The car was blasting hot air and he held up two towels for you which you gladly accepted. You were a shivering sobbing mess but he still passionately grabbed your face to give you a kiss. “I love you. It’s going to be ok. The day is almost over. Tomorrow is a new day.”
You nodded and went back for another kiss. “I love you, too.”
He gave you an encouraging smile and a kiss to the forehead before turning in his seat to drive off. “Now let’s get you home and into a hot shower. Start thinking about what movie you want to watch and what I should order us for dinner.”
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Would you write a smut fic with ghost x dom reader x soap??(reader can be fem or gn and make both boys submissive maybe a moment where they fuck each other and the reader watches them and controls them).IDK WRITE IT HOWEVER YOU IMAGINE IT. I just dont have the skill to write so i am requesting it here.I hope its not weird.
I got you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Ghost x Dom!Reader x Soap
Ghost and Soap find themselves crushing on the same woman on their team, a friendly bout between two comrades to see who you'll choose, only your answer's not one they'd expected to hear.
NSFW 18+, Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, very little plot, MMF, P in V sex, Tons of Teasing, Steamy Makeouts, Groping, Grinding, Double-Penetration, Anal, Ceampie, Explicit Description, Graphic Language, Dom!Reader, Sub!Soap, Sub!Ghost, Sexual Tension, Some Ghostsoap moments as well, Playful Banter, Bickering, Flirting, Build-Up, Jealousy, Soap and Ghost are fighting over the same girl, but it's friendly competition, ends in a three way too so, will do more proofreading I promise!
WC: 7k ~
Author's Note: This took me way longer to type than it probably should have. I hope it makes for a good read. It's total nonsense, and probably not very realistic (though I do try). It's not exactly like the anon, I'm sorry! But hopefully, it's still good. Please, please, please enjoy, and thank you so much for reading my things!
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The front door shut close, leaving the living room just a bit more silent now that its previous company had just departed. You look back towards your remaining two house guests, the smile already unable to stop from forming on your face. You'd been hoping for some alone time with both Ghost and Soap, and it seems fate would smile on you tonight, for now, you had both of them here.
You invited the whole team back over to your place for the weekend, after having just come back from an op with both Price and Gaz, which lasted damn near over a month. The whole thing had been rather uneventful, to say the least; some reconnaissance and leads which went mostly nowhere (well, nowhere for your team; Laswell definitely had a heyday from the sound of things).
With how mind-numbingly dull the whole assignment turned out to be, everyone couldn't be happier to finally sit back and relax with some drinks and good company once back home. All night you spent recapping the events of the mission, including all the monotony which had conspired.
At one point, the most entertainment you could find out there had been both you and Gaz slowly "misplacing" Price's things -- unimportant items that wouldn't do any harm if left unnoticed. You had bets on how long it'd take for him to notice things slowly going missing everyday.
Surprisingly, you nearly got away with it for a whole week, until one morning when he finally questioned the funny look you two had on your faces when he'd been scratching his head, completely perplexed by the absence of his things. Price was in a better mood retelling the story than he had been in the moment.
Eventually, everyone started to disperse as the night went on -- Price got tired and left first, maybe an hour after that Gaz called it a night as well. Once they'd left, you found yourself in your living room with the only two mates you'd been thinking about all day, Ghost and Soap.
Only unbeknownst to both you and each other, both men had deliberately been trying to stick around, having shared the sentiment in wanting some long-awaited alone time with you... except the night keeps getting later, and they both keep giving each other increasingly odd looks, impatiently waiting for the other to leave so they could finally make a move on you.
Both Ghost and Soap have wanted you for a long time now, longer than either men cared to admit. Funnily enough, it was Ghost who'd caught feelings first.
It came to him as randomly as a Tuesday morning. You were just doing what you normally do. However, it had been your mundane actions that somehow drew him in initially. How you go about life with a smile and good attitude, the way you look at him when you found something funny, and the slight lilt to your voice when you talk and get excited. He would feel a lucky man indeed to be yours.
However, Soap had been the one to be more upfront about his interest in you, after developing feelings of his own. The Sergeant's likings to you came suddenly and without warning, but once they'd developed, it couldn't be more obvious that he was down BAD.
More often than not was he finding little excuses to touch you, whether it be a passing hand on the small of your back when squeezing by, or a congratulatory hug after a successful mission. Soap's suave charisma made it easy to do. And with the touching, it was always followed by some sly little line that would have you blushing and pulling at the fabric of your sleeve all shy-like.
He's slowly ramped the flirting up the more time passes, and Ghost knows if he doesn't at least say something now, then it won't be long before Soap takes the chance himself. Tonight had felt a perfect enough opportunity to finally make some waves, though, Soap was fast proving to be a formidable opponent.
"Jeez!" You stretch your hands over your head and yawn dramatically, both men's eyes luring a bit longer than they should have on you as you did so. "I didn't realize how late it was getting."
"Aye, same," Soap lets out a little yawn as well, making himself more comfy on your couch. "You don't mind though, no?"
"Not at all," you say. If only they knew how many nights you've spent letting one of the two men be your idle bedtime fancies into slumber. Wondering what it was they could be doing at that moment in time, and if they'd been thinking of you too. "I missed you guys."
"Aw, we missed you too, lass," Soap smiles at you, before his gaze drops over to Ghost's, who'd begun to glare.
He often forgoes the mask in more domestic environments like this with the team, the others having already seen him before. Though it didn't stop the man from forgetting not to wear his emotions on his face like he still had one on. You thought his eyes were expressive, but little had you all known it was only the tip of the iceberg.
Keeping calm and remaining stoic in combat is one thing, however, anger and disapproval came easy to him, in which case he rivaled for having the worst poker face you'd ever seen.
The Sergeant had taken this fouled expression for disagreement in his statement, even as the look had been for an entirely different reason altogether. Soap merely goes on, "Or, I missed you at least. Ghost might feel differently."
Bastard. Putting him on the spot like this; Ghost almost chuckles, the cheeky fuck. He knew what Soap was trying to do: subtly make himself look better in your eyes so that you choose him over the other.
Had he known better, Ghost would think Soap might actually be aware of the lieutenant's crush on you, by the way he smirked in his direction after saying it. He admits he hadn't expected Soap to partake in such petty games either; then again, this was a first, the two of them liking the same woman like this.
If this is how he plays, then Ghost thought only one thing -- Game on.
"Oh I'm sure you missed me too," you stand up from the couch now, twirling over to face him. "Right, Si'?"
"And then some, love," Ghost says.
Your smile brightens, and the man is ashamed to say that it gives him the warm fuzzies in these late hours. The way the living room lighting curved over your neck had also been a sight worth eliciting something deep within him.
Ghost takes a quick glance over at Soap, catching his less-than-excited reaction to the lieutenant's successful line. He has to remember not to grow too expressive at that moment. Not with you here at least.
You excuse yourself to the restroom shortly after, having paid no mind to the growing tension between your comrades. You'd all but taken the soothing atmosphere with you, leaving instead an awkward aura Ghost and Soap willfully drowned themselves in.
It's Ghost who speaks first, his dark eyes having watched your backside make its way down the hall and round the corner. The more drink he had in him, the less subtle his staring grew. Soap has noticed as much tonight especially.
"It's gettin' rather late." Ghost straightens up in his seat before finishing off his Bourbon and placing it back down on the coffee table. "Damn near one in the a.m. Yet you look proper cozy, mate."
"Aye, I am," Soap says rather proudly, further making his point by getting comfortable on the couch and taking another swig of his tequila. "Been too long since I been 'ere. Was startin' to miss layin' on the ol' thing," he rubs the cushion as though he were petting an old dog.
Ghost leans back in his seat now. "You stay over this late often, then?"
Soap pauses, having to double take that question, until his blue eyes fell on Ghost's brown ones, and he saw clearly what he was asking him.
He asks the man right back, "Do you, mate?"
A cocky little grin forms on the Scotsman's face. Had Ghost not been so wrapped up in you, it might have brought him to a pause there. Soap always did have a nice smile.
Soap didn't have to be a genius to know Ghost liked you though; he goes all but slack-jaw anytime you walk by him. Not to mention it wasn't a common thing for Ghost to be the one sticking around late during a get-together. He's normally the first to call it a night, in fact.
Only tonight, that hadn't been the case for him at all. No, Ghost was as planted in his chair as Soap was; they both might as well have sprouted roots. And they both had enough drink to muster up the right amount of bravado needed to keep this sudden, little interrogation going.
"I asked you first, Johnny," Ghost says, his deep voice laced with something more playfully cunning.
"And I answered you," Soap teases back.
"With a question."
"It's still an answer, no?"
Now Soap was just being deliberately obtuse. Ever since he knew he could do it, Soap's enjoyed pushing the lieutenant's buttons and getting a rile out of him. It's only increased tenfold over the last year, not that Ghost has tried to stop him.
Ghost leans forward now, resting his arms on his knees and furrowing his brow. "A'right, out with it, then," he says. "What's your game 'ere?"
Soap's brow furrows rather facetiously. '"I'm sorry, sir?"
"Don’t play dumb Johnny." The playful tone Ghost once used before has now since cooled, growing darker. "You know wha' I'm askin'."
Soap merely smirks, resting his arm back against the couch. "The same game you're playing, yeah?"
"And what game is that, Johnny?"
Soap can't help but laugh now, growing more and more cocky with each loaded exchange. On a normal day, Ghost might manage to intimidate the Sergeant every so often with his sheer presence, let alone his words. However, when it comes to women, Soap couldn't feel more in his element, especially up against his superior.
"One I'll beat you in."
Now it's Ghost's turn to have a laugh. A subtle thing, trapped beneath the burliness of his chest, though its deep rumble is audible enough, having warmed the Scotsman's cheeks at the sound.
"I doubt that," Ghost says.
"You underestimate my charm L.T."
Soap puckers his lips and kisses the air between the two men mockingly. As much as Ghost tried to hide it, the sight had made the air catch in his throat for a second. It's that usual, competitive nature about the Sergeant that really gets Ghost's blood pumping during these mutual bouts of bickering.
"My last statement still stands," Ghost chuckles. "So what? You thought I'd leave and you two would just go at it then?"
"I wouldn't say it like that," Soap says. "...But I was hoping to have some alone time with her, yes."
"And you figured on waitin' for the rest of us to vacate before making a move..." Ghost shrugs with affirmation. "...Clever man."
"Yeah, well, what about you?" Soap asks. "Clearly we're both still here for the same reason. What's your "game", L.T.?"
"It's not your concern."
Soap groans, sinking back in his seat, though he hadn't been surprised by his response. "Suppose it isn't, then," he says. "It's hers."
"That's right," Ghost agrees. "We can't both have her."
"Can't we?"
Ghost brings his eyes forward to Soap's, having thought his comment been a mere joke. However, once their gazes matched, Ghost could see that his Sergeant was dead serious.
Personally, Soap's never been opposed to the idea of a threesome. He'd even be lying if he said he hadn't fantasized about it from time to time, as boyish as it sounds. Adding Ghost into that equation hadn't tripped him up much in the slightest either; Lord knows the lieutenant would be next on Soap's list if you weren't at the top of it already.
Still, Ghost had a hard time even picturing a scenario where something like that could happen, let alone with all three of you. No doubt the man had been interested in you, and for a while, he'd even felt something for Soap as well, feelings that haven't necessarily gone away.
Something with all three of you would no doubt be perfect, however, it just seemed...
"Let's be real here, Johnny." Ghost leaves it at that.
"Suit yourself," Soap merely shrugs, before a light bulb moment suddenly lets off in his eyes. "How about we bring this to the source then? Hey Y/N!"
"Oi, calm down, mate," he smiles at him. "No point in beatin' 'round the bush, aye?"
You reemerge from around the corner, having heard their voices vaguely through your door this entire time, but not being able to put full words together. Not without having your ear pressed to the wall. From the "uh-oh" look you had on your face, though, something told the two men you were already preparing for them to say something crazy.
"What's up?"
Soap gives Ghost a final look, waiting to see if the man will protest. However, when he sees that he doesn't speak, Soap grins, turning back to you.
"If you had to pick between Ghost and I, who're you choosin'?"
"Pick for what?" you ask, certainly needing clarification. "For battle?"
Soap bursts out laughing, just now feeling how awkward it was going to be explaining this to you. "No," he says. "Like if you had to pick one of us to... I don't know, go out on a date with, who would you pick?"
You keep smiling at Soap like he's joking, waiting to hear him laugh, but once you see he hasn't budged, you feel your heart begin to race.
Your eyes grow wide, now suddenly embarrassed to have the spotlight on you. "You're seriously asking?"
Soap nods. "I am."
You look over at Ghost now. Surely this was just another one of Soap's antics. "You too?"
Ghost shrugs. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious."
You were hoping he wouldn't say that. But, if they were asking, then may God be your witness as you answer them.
Placing a hand to your chin, you pout to yourself and look back and forth between your teammates, sizing both men up for every physical feature they had to offer.
Your mind immediately goes to the gutter, not being able to help it. You've found them both distractingly good-looking ever since you joined the team, and you've more than thought about this before. Just never in comparison. Or out loud.
Soap looks like he'd be fun to play with -- he's eager, energetic, and even better, open-minded. Not to mention he was cocky too; you always liked a man who could talk his shit and back it up. With those big arms of his, he could just box you in against the bed and pin you down good and firm, as he drills into you, cooing that sweet little accent of his in your ear like he would. It made your body tingle just thinking about it.
And then there was Ghost; if there was any voice you wouldn't mind having growled in your ear while being fucked senseless, it was his. Unlike Soap, you just knew you wouldn't get it rough like you would from Ghost. You've lost count of how many times you've caught yourself gawking at him during sparring sessions or while out in the field, watching that bulking mass of muscle of his he called a body, manhandle any and everything in his way. Having him do the same to you in a more intimate sense never failed to make the lower parts of yourself start to throb at the thought.
After giving both men a good, long look, you sigh, letting your arms fall back to your sides.
"I can't choose."
"Ah, don't be shy now, lass," Soap says. "If you're worried about hurtin' our feelings-"
"No it's not that," you cut in. "It's just not an easy choice, you know?"
Ghost raises an eyebrow now. "Oh?"
"Oh, don't act all surprised, Simon."
"You like us both then?" Soap asks cautiously.
"I'd say so." You begin to smirk. "Why? What's going on here?"
The two give each other a look, before Ghost goes to explain things to you.
"We're just trying to figure out which one of us has a shot."
"Figures you should be the deciding vote, seeing as you're the subject of interest, lass."
You imagine you look pretty stupid standing at the center of your living room all wide-eyed like you do, but frankly, this just feels too good to be true. It hadn't been one of them that was supposedly into you, but both of them. If you could do a backflip, you'd do twelve right now, no questions asked.
But before you get head over heels about this, "So you're saying you both want me then?"
"In more ways than one, darlin'," Soap teases.
You glance over at Ghost this time, having taken note of his sudden silence. "You too, Simon?"
He hadn't necessarily been prepared to confess his feelings to you, not like this, and much less in front of an opposing audience. Still, Ghost wouldn't have his own Sergeant show him up so easily. Plus, the way your eyes lured at him this whole time had a chill running down his spine, making it hard to concentrate. So he nods, "That's right."
A devilish smile slowly creeps over your lips.
"Well, can't I just have you both?"
"Aye, that's what I'm sayin'!"
"Problem solved then, right?" You laugh.
"If only," Soap says. "Ghost didn't seem up for it when I brought it up earlier-"
"You puttin' words in my mouth now, Johnny." Ghost cuts in.
"Oh, don't switch up now L.T.-"
"Boys," you cut in before they've started going back in forth again, a playful smile still painting your lips. You were eating this up, if you were being honest. "Relax," you say. "We can... get to the bottom of this, yeah?"
Both your eyes shift over to Ghost, who now sits awkwardly to himself on the couch, hands resting motionless on his large lap.
"Well Simon?" You ask him. "Are you down?"
"I'm not one for sharing, love," Ghost coos at you.
You slowly make your way over to the lieutenant, your eyes looming over him like a panther that's just found its next meal. Ghost feels himself hold his breath, watching as you've paused just in front of him, your back now facing Soap, though you can feel his eyes on your backside, taking in the nice view of you, and feeling himself grow harder in his pants.
This close, having smelt your scent on the way over, and felt the remnants of your breath in the air between you two, Ghost could feel his mind beginning to slip out from itself, heading into dangerous territories.
He could see in your eyes you knew exactly what you were doing too. Exactly what you wanted to do. The ball was in your park, and that made you in charge from this point on. The only thing they needed to do now was listen. And Ghost was sitting at the edge of his seat, waiting to hear you.
"Come on, Si'," you say so playfully. "Don't be greedy."
Ghost merely scoffs, an awkward smile forming. "How can I not?"
As though to then challenge the man, you step even closer, placing yourself right at the brink between his legs, having now rested your dainty hands over his muscular thighs like a ledge to lean on. The man can't even stop himself from letting his hands rest on your hips, your body naturally shifting just a little closer as he's done it. Every little thing you did had him ready to tear you out of your clothes and devour you whole.
No, the man knows he's too greedy for his own good. If he had even the smallest taste of you, he wouldn't want your attention on no one other than him. Howbeit, looking back over towards the Sergeant only made him want to throw that caution out the window.
Soap doesn't see the man staring daggers into him at first; his blue eyes have been glued to your ass since you turned your back to him. For the short second he does glance up at the lieutenant, he grins daringly. Taunting him to go home and tuck tail so he could have you all to himself instead. Make this easier for him tonight.
That's just what Soap wants, Ghost thought. Here the opportunity was now to have you, and he's fumbling it away all because he feels he can't share with Soap. Saying it again in his head like that gets him thinking though. If that's the only hurdle between him and you fucking, then it seemed easy enough to step over.
He won't back down that easily, even if he has to "share" you. If you want him like he wants you, then you'll have him, however way you like, just as he'll have you.
Ghost brings his hands down and lets his fingers graze your ass just enough for the Sergeant to see since he couldn't keep his eyes off you. Sickly enough, he hopes the sight is driving the Scot mad. God knows Ghost feels mad enough himself.
The minute you've felt his touch on you, you hum pleasantly, stepping even closer, so that he could take better hold of your bottom and have your small body caged between his large arms and legs like walls, his face only inches or so from yours.
Ghost could feel himself getting more comfortable with the idea of sharing. At least when he had you to himself like this. Especially with how your hands have begun to leisurely rest over his shoulders now, keeping the man just as close.
"I knew you'd come around," you praise, your words now having the man feeling giddy, ready to take them to further levels.
"Just takes the right convincing," he hums.
"I'm feelin' awfully lonely back 'ere," Soap chimes in, doing the best he could not to sink so low as to start touching himself before being given the OK by you first, wanting to hear the words leave your pretty, little mouth. Even as his cock was already throbbing in his pants for some relief.
You merely chuckle, cocking your head back to look at the Sergeant. "I haven't forgotten about you, don't worry," you coo. "You just be a good little lad and wait a moment, yeah?"
Though he wanted to protest, step over, and take you all for himself, Soap did as you told him to and stayed put, continuing to let his eyes have their way with the parts of your body he's all but only been able to steal quick glances at before. He could only hope his patience would be rewarded; and so long as you keep talking to him like you are now, he'll wait until the sun rises if he has to.
You turn your attention back to Ghost, not having forgotten about his hands which oh so nonchalantly groped the cheeks of your ass, kneading and massaging his fingers into the backs of your thighs. He wanted nothing more than to keep letting his hands roam until they've found the center of you, his mind already playing the short gasps and moans you'd make with his fingers knuckle deep in you.
He knew you'd only make him regret it if he so much as did anything without your say-so first.
You reveled at seeing both men so eager and receptive to listen, given how fast this all went down. Frankly, it's got your head spinning so fast that you feel like you've just been drugged. However, rather than let that adrenaline crumble you down, you instead use it as chaotic fuel to your lustful actions.
You climb onto Ghost's lap like a backward chair, straddling him down with your thighs and rocking yourself against him. As he's felt you grind generously so, a tattered breath escapes his lips. Broken and faint. His expression does all it can do to remain as still as possible, only to fail, as his gaze lowers, bouncing between your eyes and lips.
Having his hands grow a mind of their own, Ghost lets them slide to your back, encouraging you to keep moving against him, which you do gladly, the lust bubbling down your lower half like a chemical reaction.
"Fuck, love," Ghost huffs out. "You're really takin' me for a ride right now, aren't you?"
"Hope you're buckled in," you tease, following it with another smooth sway of your hips, giving the man a deep grind hard enough to leave him breathing heavy.
Just when he's about ready to kiss you, you look back over at Soap, smiling. Your index finger lifts innocently, beckoning the man. "Come along now, big boy," you say.
You don't have to tell him twice.
In a matter of seconds, the man is behind you, towering over you and keeping you now sandwiched between both him and Ghost.
When you see they're both waiting on your next word, you chuckle to yourself, the power now starting to go to your head. To think, you had two of the deadliest men on your team damn near drooling, ready to fuck you. How could you not let it get to your head?
"Well," you give both men a final lurid, look, and say, "I'm waiting."
Soap and Ghost exchange wary looks, suddenly unsure of what to do with themselves now that they had you like this. Evidently, despite you already sitting on the lieutenant's lap, it's Soap who swoops in for the kiss first.
You feel his large hand push past your hair and curve around your jaw, his fingers grazing your neck before he's cocked your head back to give you a proper eye-fucking, before he's leaned down and smacked his mouth against yours, Ghost be damned.
You wiggle on Ghost's lap, your legs tightening over his thighs in an attempt to keep balance as the Sergeant all but swallowed you whole, his hands cupping around your face, keeping you from escaping.
Using the Sergeant as further support, you stretch your arms over your head and let them rest against Soap's shoulders like a warm wall, your hands cupping his face and keeping him just as pulled in, your tongues trading the taste of each other and your body unconsciously rocking over Ghost's crotch, feeling two sets of arousal brim in you from top to bottom.
Having you bouncing over his cock like this was driving Ghost feral, getting off on just the sight of you. Of course, watching you make precise work with Soap's mouth soon had the lieutenant wanting more, growing impatient waiting for the Sergeant to let up.
Ghost instead lets his hands cup over your breast, groping and massaging them generously through your shirt. His mouth finds your neck bare for his teeth, sinking them in lightly each time before he's left a heated kiss in its place, letting his lips travel down your neck until he's felt his tongue graze your collarbone, complimenting the kissing Soap gave you above.
Your mouth may be occupied by the Sergeant's, but your body belonged to the lieutenant, so long as you continued to bounce on top of him like you were.
He lets one hand leave your breast, sliding his fingers and letting them dig against your clothed skin, until it's ducked between your legs, beginning to fumble with the buttons of your pants.
It's here you've parted your mouth from Soap's, the man looking down at your doe-eyed expression, hungering for more. You see the tinge of excitement that lights up in the sky-blue of his eyes as he watches your hands make their way toward his belt, swiftly undoing it and pulling it from his waist. If Ghost would have his way with you, then you would have yours with Soap.
Ghost has slipped his hand into your pants just as you've sprung Soap's cock free of its trouser, his large member sitting in your palm like a heavy, third limb. Soap can barely enjoy the sight of you holding him so close before you've let your tongue tease over the head of him, sucking lightly at the tip and tasting the remnants of his precum on your tongue.
Soap lets his head cock back pleasurably, groaning out to himself with a smile. "Ah," he groans, "You're too good to me, Bonnie."
Soap lets his hands rest at the side of your head rather brutishly, lightly nudging your mouth further down onto his cock, his abs tensing as he listened to the light gags you let out. Despite his persistence, you kept control of yourself, making sure that your movements had the man locked into your touch. It hadn't helped that your mind was caught in two places right now.
Ghost let his two fingers massage against your clit as though he were tasked with his life to see the job done properly. The tips of his fingers dip between your folds and tease your hole, before letting your slick lubricate him, soon to return rubbing against your bud in ways that made the entire lower half of your body feel sore with lust.
And it hadn't been enough to have his hand down your pants making a ruined mess of you. Ghost's other hand very much continued to pluck and roll at your nipple, having slipped beneath your shirt at some point during the interaction, holding against you as you rocked yourself against his hand, your moans humming over the Sergeant's cock and sending a wave of euphoria down him as well.
With one hand still free, you decide it's time that Ghost enjoys himself as well. He watches your single hand with hungry eyes, slightly shaken and erratic from both his fingering and Soap's cock a mere inch away from hitting the back of your throat, the man's groans of approval like music to your ears. Your hand travels down to his belt and undoes it with ease before you've slipped him free of his jeans as well, your fingers taking in the very shape of him.
Your thumb grazes his dripping tip, letting it slick down his shaft before you've begun to pump at him, feeling the man's body tense at your touch. It makes his fingers against your clit lose their rhythm, but only momentarily.
"Fuckin' hell," he breathes out. "Just like tha', love."
The Sergeant glances down at the lieutenant, catching his dazed eyes locked on your bobbing mouth, taking in a full review of your work on the Sergeant's cock.
He could see it in the man's eyes, he was jealous, envious that he had your mouth all to himself while he had to settle for your hand. Granted your fingers danced about his shaft like an angel in her craft, though even he couldn't resist the allure that was watching your saliva dribble down his subordinate's cock, imagining the warmth of your throat struggling to take his entire length. You've felt his cock throb in your hands just at the thought, his hips faintly chasing your purposefully coy grip on him.
Soap chuckles, not being used to seeing his superior so awestruck and drunk with lust, hearing all sorts of noises and groans from the man he could never have imagined.
"Enjoyin' the show there, L.T.?" Soap teases, quickly following it by readjusting his hand on the side of your face, taking light hold of you to help further steady your already perfect rhythm.
In response, Ghost slips a third finger in you, listening to the carnal noises your cunt made at each thrust of his fingers, watching your mouth twitch over the Sergeant, momentarily struggling to suck him off through the moans that clawed out of you. That gets you to put more attention back on Ghost, your hand taking better hold of his cock and dancing over the large girth of him, keeping a steady motion until you've seen the wave-like rising and falling of his chest.
Through his light panting, Ghost taunts, "Got the best seat in the house, Johnny."
"Oh, is tha' righ', mate?" Soap licks his lips, and lets his eyes drop noticeably down to the lieutenant's cock, watching your single hand continue to pump at him, barely able to hold it all in one hand. It makes the Sergeant let out a teasing groan. "Shall we put it to the test then, L.T.?"
Ghost stares at the Sergeant, hungry for the man just as much as he starved for you.
"Be my guest, Johnny."
Hearing the two go back and forth had you giddy to see what both men had in store for each other. However, it had you just as eager to join in on the fray yourself.
After what felt like an eternity of having your drool dribble itself over the Sergeant's cock, you let your lips part from him, and with your other hand, remove yourself from Ghost as well, giggling at their kicked-puppy-dog expressions.
"I have a better idea," you say. You reach for the bottom of your shirt before pulling it over your head and discarding it at the edge of the couch. Once removed, both men fell on the same page rather quickly.
Soap's hands hastily fumbled at the clasp of your bra, before the fabric has fallen loose and your chest now lay bare for Ghost's full perusal. He hardly any time to truly enjoy it before you've momentarily climbed from him to rid yourself of the rest of your clothing, now standing a dripping, naked beauty of a woman.
Both men could do nothing more but stare, hands subconsciously stroking oneselves at the sight of you.
"Now," you say. "I can't have you both feeling so left out while the other fucks me."
"It would be cruel," Ghost quips gruffly, his eyes having been glued to your chest since he's seen your breast bounce so freely before him.
You step back over to Ghost, retaking your place over his lap and letting his cock rest thick beneath you, your sopping folds hugging warmly over him, sending a shiver down his entire body. You grind slowly, letting your fluids paint him, and wetting yourself good for what you were dying to have.
Ghost leans in, letting his hand rest on the small of your back and his lips caress the shell of your ear. "This is much crueler," he whispers. His hands immediately cupped over your breast again, recapturing the feeling of you and letting his hips lightly rock, chasing every part of you he could.
You lean forward until you've felt his nose brush the tip of yours and his breath tickle your lips.
"Don't get pouty now, Si'," you coo.
"Aye," Soap chimes in. "You're the one goin' first."
You look over at Soap playfully, leaning forward to pull him back in close by the hem of his shirt.
"I already told you two not to be greedy," you let your hand retake hold of him, your fingers curving over his girthy length gently. It shuts him up quickly, coming back in so closely to you both. "You two can share."
"What's your plan then, love?" Ghost asks, already having let his hand dive back down between your legs, gripping over his cock so the tip of his head could tease at your hole, wetness and slick coating you both.
You take your hand and you rub it against yourself, making sure every bit of your parts below had been lubed. You bring that same, dripping hand back up to Soap, before dressing his cock with your warm fluids, massaging the man, and feeling the grooves of his veins against your fingers throb.
"Now be a good little spotter and watch my back," you say playfully, before letting your eyes dip back down to Ghost. "I think the lieutenant's got the front covered."
Soap chuckles to himself, before you've felt his large hands rest gently against your bare shoulders, his callous fingers running down slowly to take a hefty handful of your ass, gripping the cheek tightly. He spreads you roughly, his eyes growing large at the sight of you, already knowing his cock would be more than a tight fit for you and devilishly longing for it.
As you've felt Soap rub his cock between your ass, letting your cheeks hug him, his hand digging possessively into your skin, you feel Ghost's hand lock over your neck, holding you there gently in front of him. That way your eyes could stay on him as his cock continued to gently nudge at your hole, only a single thrust away from finally entering you.
"You sure you can take us both?" Ghost asks.
"Wouldn't want to hurt you, lass," Soap adds in.
You position yourself better over Ghost, ready to retake your seat.
"I can handle myself, boys," you say. "Now, show me who wants it more."
You lower yourself on Ghost's cocks, feeling your folds begin to stretch and the grooves of your walls run by every vein and shape of him. It's too much at first, and he can see it in your wincing face, however, you keep lowering yourself, powering through that initial pain and instead letting that pressure boil in you like nothing you've ever felt before. It was overwhelming, and it had your lips quivering with silent moans already.
Just as you've felt your pussy start to take the full length of him, you've felt Soap tease at your second hole, his cock rubbing playfully at you, the tip dipping in ever so slightly, giving you a completely new feeling altogether. His cock stretches you just as much as Ghost's, both men easing your body to the shape of them all at once, and both waves of pleasure complimenting each other in ways that had your body shaking over them, unable to string words together.
"Fuckin' Christ, you're tight, Bonnie," Soap groans.
"Don't... stop...," you say desperately, wanting to squash any reluctance they may feel. The pleasure your body ached for was just now beginning to reach its peak. "...I can take it."
Once your body adjusted, it hadn't grown long before this slow easing had turned into an organized attack, both men pounding savagely into you.
You sat, nearly sandwiched between two men, your chest pressed against Ghost's as he hugged you to him, his cock bullying into you powerfully, the base of himself smacking against your pussy at each thrust.
In rhythm, Soap rests his chest against your back, planting kisses at your spine each time he's let himself thrust just a bit deeper inside your ass. Your hole gripped his cock so tightly it nearly pulled at him each time he came out, only to crash another orgasm-inducing thrust into you, both him and Ghost going back in forth like well-trained machines.
"That's right lovey, there you go," Ghost praises you, his breath fanning your ear. "You're takin' us so well."
In the midst of both men's vicious pounding, it felt as though every bit of you all had been entangled in some way. Hands clumsily felt, hugged, and tugged at one another, chests heaving and moans forming an opera within your living room.
When your tongue wasn't dipping itself into Ghost's mouth, then you're head was cocked back, having a few more kisses be stolen from you by Soap. At some points even, when you're face was buried in Ghost's chest attempting to muffle your moans, you've felt both men lean in to keep each other company in the meantime, rough lips pressed harshly to one another in a passionate kiss you only wished to mirror once they've parted.
Mouths part just enough to concentrate on breathing, each gasp of air being halted by yet another thrust from both ends of you.
Both men have felt an animal-like fury come out of them at each orgasm they've pulled, feeling your body tighten over their cocks and your limbs shake with pleasure, drool, and tears leaking from you, your mind completely scrambled after eleven straight minutes of this.
It isn't until Ghost has opened his eyes again, finding your face twisted with pleasure, and seeing the Sergeant's love-drunk expression -- eyes half-lidded with lust, biting his lip -- that Ghost feels himself finally at his end.
His fingers claw harshly into your skin, his pace growing punishable. Seeing the lieutenant move so carnally clicked in the sergeant's mind quickly what that had meant, already being at the brink of a climax himself.
You hug yourself over Ghost's shoulders, your body so exhausted you could pass out right now before they've even finished. Even so, you couldn't get enough of this sensation; this could go on for another hour if they wanted it to.
"...I'm ready for it," you moan. "Give it to me..."
Both men's cocks pulsate in you, your holes being filled to the brim with their cum, as it drips from you sloppily once they've pulled themselves out.
With heavy huffs, everyone in the room falls back onto the couch, taking a moment to themselves to regain their air. You still couldn't believe that just happened... that any of this had happened.
"So," Soap pants out, about ready to crash on your couch again. "Which one of us did'ye think wanted you more?"
You give Soap a sly look, baffled he would even ask you that right now. "I don't know."
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Author's Note: The behemoth has been slain! I'm NEVER typing a request that is longer than 3k words ever again (this took me almost a month and a half to type due to my schedule). However, I am open to any requests for prompts with the CoD boys, though preferably none that are straight smut (I'm kind of burnt out on it atm :/).
I do hope you enjoyed this, however, and please feel free to leave a comment or any feedback! Thank you again!
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Charlos + falling sleep together
The post-race debrief is one of the worst ones in a long time.
Carlos yells a bit. He knows he does, and it's not the first time. He yells when he's upset, but he always catches himself on time, or just on the line, not daring to cross it too much and be labeled as too problematic. There is also the whole "hotheaded Latino" stereotype he has had to contend himself with throughout his whole life, so he usually stops before it's to late. It is a horrible briefing, and he does raise his voice a couple of times.
He has nothing on Charles.
Charles is seething. Charles is furious. Charles is magnificent and beautiful in his fury, and Carlos finds himself keeping his mouth shut and his palms under his thighs, because this isn't an every-race week occurence. Charles gets upset, but he rarely loses his composure.
By the time the briefing is over, Charles is shaking.
Carlos takes one look at Charles, leaning against the wall as he waits for Andrea to finish his phone call, and turns to Caco. Before he can even make a sound, Caco rolls his eyes and says "I'm going home, don't be completely stupid," then leaves.
When Carlos approaches Charles, he doesn't even register it. He's staring down on his phone but Carlos can see he isn't really seeing it. He looks as exhausted as Carlos feels.
"Hey. Want to go for a walk?" he asks, because straightforward approach is always the best one with Charles when he's like this. His guess is confirmed when Charles raises his head and there is nothing in his face. He stares at Carlos for too long. Then, he takes a look at Andrea, and nods. "Do you need to-" Carlos tries ro ask, but Charles shakes his head.
"I'll text Lolo," he says, then does. When a message comes in, he nods distractedly and puts the phone in his back pocket and looks uo at Carlos. "Where to?"
Carlos leads him out into the Catalan night. They don't speak as Carlos leads them away from the track, which is now almost completely deserted. "We can walk to where I parked my car in the private garage," he says just to say something.
"How far?" Charles asks.
"Around three or four kilometres. Caco drove me to the track from there."
Charles only nods, exoressionless, and Carlos has nothing left to do except lead the way.
They don't talk as they walk. Too many times, Carlos thinks kf a possible thing to day, a topic to open, but it all feels like too much. The night isn't too cold but there is a slight wind, and the longer they walk, the closer they are, until the back kf Carlos' hand brushes Charles' with every step they make.
It doesn't take them long to walk to Carlos' car. It's not his Competizione, thank God. It's too distinctive to be driven around in Barcelona.
"Are you hungry?" he asks, turning on the AC. Charles shakes his head. His cheeks are flushed, and he looks somewhat more present than he did before.
"Sleepy," he says. "Take me to that stupid hotel so I can break my back some more." Carlos thinks his voice should be full of some sort of emotion but there's nothing there. He nods, and guns the engine.
Charles leans his head on the window three minutes into the drive. By minute five, his eyes are closed. By minute ten, Carlos is pretty sure he's in a light sleep.
Carlos drives carefully, slower than he would otherwise, and thinks on whether it's a good idea to go with his gut, or no.
When Charles wakes up, it's sudden. One moment, he's dreaming of gravel and fire and the next his eyes are wide open.
He's in an unfamiliar bed. Unfamiliar comfortable bed, though, which rules out his hotel room. Arthur and Lolo's, too. The sheets are dark blue, and there is a smell he recognizes all around him.
There is also a heavy, hairy arm wrapped around his waist.
He shuffles. He has a shirt and his boxers on, still. That's good.
"Lolo knows," a sleep-heavy voice says into his neck and makes him erupt in goosebumps. "Andrea approved of you sleeping on a real bed before you have to travel tonight. My apartment is small."
Carlos' voice always sounds heavier when he's just awoken, but it somehow feels much more intimate here than it does when they're on the plains and in cars and in Maranello. His arm around Charles' waist is warm. His breath kn Charles' neck is even warmer.
"Time?" he rasps, then coughs.
"Early," Carlos says. "Sleep now."
Charles contemplates getting up and leaving that moment. He doesn't knkw how long he's slept, but it should be enough to get him back to the hotel withiht passing out. He glances at the bedside table, where his phone is charging. Charles doesn't remember anything from last night, except being cold, then warm, then hot. He thinks about getting up and going back tk the real world, and the obligations, and the problems he has to start dealing with.
Charles closes his eyes and relaxes into the bed. Carlos' hand on his waist squeezes once, slowly, and then they're both already on their way back to sleep.
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(so happy your bringing back the birthday takeover interactions for Rollo/Roro/Rolo/Lolo (i give up) i just want to remind you that I love you Miss Raven🫂)
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY TO OUR DEAREST PRESIDENT!!! Ehem, excuse my volume, just doing my best to keep the joyous atmosphere.
I hope the decorations are all to your liking, the others and I have done our outmost to keep the room neatly decorated😌 Though... I couldn't stop those Night Raven College students, it was his idea not mine.
*points at NBC Vice President*
As for my gift to you~ Here~
*presents a tiny music box, when turned plays the instrumental to 'Everyone Go Yahoo!' by Neige and the Dwarfs from VDC*
And once again, Happy Birthday to you!
The wording on this interaction is a little confusing; I'm not sure if it comes from a general NBC mob, the student council aide, or another NRC student??? For ease of writing, I'm write from the perspective of a NBC mob. (Fun fact, the Snow White music box image I used for this post is a rare item that sells for several hundreds of dollars 🤑)
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Rollo produced his handkerchief and coughed stiffly into it. “I understand what you are trying to communicate. There is no need to raise your voice. As for the decorations…”
He gave the looks a cursory glance—to give the impression of evaluating it.
There had been painstaking care in the color coordination of the balloons, streamers, and banners: Noble Bell College’s violet, maroon, and black, spackled with golden glitter. Confetti had made its home on the rug and crevices of the floor, and his desk and coffee table hosted platters of cake, bread, cheeses, and grapes. A large bell-shaped piñata hung overhead, waiting to be batted around. And flowers—flowers everywhere.
“… It is beyond my expectations,” he said carefully. Yes, it is beyond my expectations because I never expected this interruption to begin with!! “I must thank you and the others for organizing this celebration. I am humbled to have received such thoughtful attention.”
You flushed with pride at his praise, not recognizing it for the tailored politeness that it was: an act. Your president had always been cool, reserved, and controlled with his emotions.
His face subtly shifted when you presented him with your gift. A slight widening of the eyes, a tick in his jaw. This, you knew, was his “surprised”.
The music box was a marvel. Shaped like a sturdy coffin, it was painted in the earth browns of tree bark, the blues of halcyon skies, and the greens of open grassy fields. Detailed animals eagerly climbed up its sides, while a parade of seven dwarves adorned the lid. The craftsmanship—as much as Rollo loathed to admit it—was impressive.
When you turned the crank to demonstrate its song, the box sprang open, revealing a tiny prince and princess set spinning in an eternal dance. A familiar tune flitted out, at once nostalgic and cheery to the ear. Rollo recognized it immediately.
“This is that popular children’s song.”
“Yeah! It’s going though a huge resurgence in popularity right now. Have you heard the cover Neige and his friends performed of it? It’s sooo cute!!” you gushed.
“Cover?” Rollo’s brow creased. “I apologize. I’m not aware of what you’re referring to, this… Neige-kun character.”
You did a double take. “Wait, seriously? He’s, like, THE biggest celebrity right now! All the outlets call him ‘the fairest one of all’.”
“I’ve never heard of him.”
Your jaw dropped.
Rollo-senpai is such a workaholic that he doesn’t even know Neige at all?! What dedication…! I only wish I could work half as hard as he does!!
Your admiration for him kindled anew.
“Oh gosh… You’re missing out then, Prez! You need to give it a listen when you can. It’ll get the song stuck in your head all over again!”
“I find that I am not a fan of modern renditions of the classics.” Rollo offered a strained smile. “Perhaps I can give it a chance when I can find the time in my busy schedule.”
He doubted it.
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 12 here / Series Masterlist
Chapter 13
Summary: Loki kissed you and now he can't stop kissing you. A life changing offer might comes your way.
Warning: Kissing, Extreme dark themes, Sexual abuse, physical abuse, public sex, Rough violent sex, 18+, Steamy stuff, age difference ,Rough language, mention of suicide, talk of virginity and slut shaming, manipulative behaviour, mention of trauma, smut, toxic relationship between main characters. Dark themes, cult stuff.
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"I'm scared Lolo" your eyes brimmed with tears as you looked at him. You stood at the gates of the orphanage where you were supposed to live now, they said that momy died and she won't come back, you didn't want to believe them but lolo said the same thing and you always believed him.
"I know sweet buttons..but I'll come see you okay? You'll be safe here I promise" he was on his knees to match your height, he wanted to see you one last time before you go in there, they told him that he wasn't allowed to meet you or even talk to you from now on, not until you're an adult. Something about trauma bonding and how it could be damaging for both of you were their reasons but Steve promised him that he'll keep an eye on you and inform him if something goes wrong.
You hugged him tightly and he wiped his tears before you could see them.
"You promise you'll come see me?" You asked him, making his heart clench.
"I'll do my best sweetheart, I promise I'll do my best and you'll always have me..never forget" He said to you so you nodded. The warden lady took your hand and started to walk away, you didn't truly understand that feeling of walking away from him but now you knew it was your first heartbreak.
As he entered the apartment you looked at him, you were in the kitchen making dinner. Did he get your message? He must have, you didn't check to see if he read it or not, you felt so nervous after sending it, you just wanted him to come back and forget about everything that had happened in the past few days  because you really didn't want him to be upset with you or push you away more. You shouldn't have said those things to him either, you had no right.
"Dinner is almost ready" you mumbled as he walked into the kitchen, you could feel his eyes on you, he grabbed your arm and turned you towards him, your eyes teared up immediately.
"Why were you scared?" He asked you softly as his thumb brushed over your cheekbones while his forefingers caressed your nape.
"Just ..don't want to be alone..don't want to be without you Daddy" you could barely whisper as you felt your throat tightening, his eyes teared up too, you were eager to fall back into the toxicity you both shared before, you were willing to sacrifice your happiness for him and that's what pierced through his cold stone heart. He can't hurt you like that anymore, he never wanted to, he had done enough, he always fucked those women and shoved them in your face because you did the same to him, you always told him about your dates and how many times you got fucked to piss him off, now he knew that you were just trying to make him jealous and hurt him because he was hurting you. 
"Yeahh?" He whispered in a questioning manner, he placed his fingers of the other hand on your chin and made you look up at him then he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"Mmhmmm I'm sorry for what I said" 
"I am sorry too baby" your eyes flickered as he said that, he hardly ever apologized to you and whenever he did you knew he meant it truly, it wasn't just a senseless word for him to calm down the situation.
"It's okay..thank you for coming back..let's just..forget about the last few days okay?" He smiled but then he shook his head, leaving you all perplexed and wide eyed.
"I don't want to forget..I want to remember" he pressed his lips on yours and kissed you tenderly, making you gasp into his mouth, you weren't expecting that "Want to remember what happened between us so I can treat you better" your heart skipped several beats at once at the confession, you got on your tippy toes and flung your arm around his neck to kiss him passionately.
He lifted you up as he kissed you back he felt as if he was starving for a taste even though it hasn't even been twenty four hours since he had kissed you last. He put you down on the counter as his tongue slipped past your lips, you sucked on the tip of his tongue like a candy and you could feel your whole existence falling apart, his every little touch sent shivers down your spine and you wanted more, you wanted everything. The word obsessed couldn't suffice what you felt for him.
"Wow" you whispered as he pulled away for a moment, his lips traveled down from your jaw to the side of neck, he sucked on your skin softly while you sat there panting and breathing heavily like a sodden whore "Is this going to be a regular thing because I love it" you smiled as you pressed your face between the crook of his neck to inhale his intoxicating scent. Four years of torture and he finally had you on his mercy. 
He didn't know how long this feeling would last for you, it took Jolene a while to lose interest in him, not sexually but definitely romantically, the mirage was broken everytime he unveiled a layer of his past and the mystery that surrounded him. With you however at least he knew that you knew he had issues, you knew about his past, at least some of it and you still wanted this, it gave him hope.
The dinner burned because he didn't stop kissing you, he pulled away everytime he needed you two to breathe, but in the meantime his mouth traveled to other places and every touch of his lips made you drip more and more. 
"Ohhh goddd" you whispered as he wrapped your legs around his waist, you could feel his bulge rubbing between your legs and you wanted to hump against him like a slut who has been edged for years. 
"God doesn't exist sweetheart but you can chant my name instead" the deep rumbling voice came right from his chest, he could ruin you just by using that voice on you. He took you to the bedroom and laid you down and then he kissed you again, seconds turned into minutes and none of you wanted to stop but he didn't want to take you like this either. Not so soon, not so frivolously when you have kept yourself untouched just for him. He wanted to treat you so good but he didn't know how, he wasn't a gentle lover.
He tried it with Jolene and it felt good in the moment but as soon as his orgasm washed over him he felt extremely pathetic, he felt disgusted by himself, he felt weak, he could see his father asking his slaves to lash him for being such a frail boy, he felt their floggers ripping his flesh open ,burning his skin, and as soon those memories hit him he wanted her to hurt him so he could feel better, she obliged sometimes but other times his requests bothered her so much that she'd just get up and leave him to sleep in the other room, and as soon as she'd leave he'd cry himself to sleep because he felt so rotten from the core. 
He didn't want to ruin you like that because if he would then you'd leave him too and he didn't think he was strong enough to lose his sweet buttons.
"You're lost" you caressed his scalp with your fingers and he snapped back to reality, he propped himself on his elbows and laid on his side next to you so you turned towards him too.
"Just thinking about this" you smiled as he said that.
"What changed your mind?" you bit on your lips as you mumbled, your fingers played with the chest hair peeking out of his dark green t-shirt.
"That text you sent" 
"What about it?" 
"Just you willing to do that for me, I don't want to hurt you darling" he leaned down to kiss your forehead. He really didn't want to but he knew that he'd hurt you one way or another.
"I know " 
"But I will" 
"I know" you answered as you understood what he meant, he didn't just mean that in an emotional sense but sexual too.
"You don't know" 
"I do..but it doesn't matter..I'm yours to hurt" 
"Shhhh don't say that" he whispered as he kissed you again, a sick perverted part of him felt turned on by that statement, you wanting him to hurt you, asking him to mark you, blood rushed to his cock at the way you just wanted to serve yourself to him no matter what. You pulled on his hair slightly and he moaned in your mouth, you knew he liked hurting and being hurt during sex but you were not going to do that to him, not in the ways he was used to being hurt, he never talked to you about it but you knew he was abused as a child, physically, mentally and sexually. You knew that's how he developed this need to feel pleasure through extreme pain but you won't allow him to punish himself like that forever. 
"It's okay.. it's okay.. I promise it's okay..I'll take care of you, we will be okay. Youuu and meee for life. Right?" Yours eyes became moist and so did his as you said that.
"You and me for Life. I promise, I'll never let go, I'll never leave you" 
The next morning he woke you up with tender kisses, you bathed together and he fed you, then he kissed you again before he took you to the set, you couldn't focus on the work because your thoughts were interrupted by the man of your dreams who continued to give you "I want to kiss you right now" eyes, as soon as the director yelled cut and you got a few minutes of break he grabbed your hand and took you to a secluded corner of the set, in a second you found yourself pressed against the walls and trapped between his body. 
"I couldn't focus at all, I got yelled at by Nick" Nick was your director and he wasn't happy with you today.
"Mmmhmm want me to beat him up for you?" You moaned into his mouth as he said that.
"Noooo I think we should let him go since it's my fault " you chuckled so he pulled away and cupped your cheeks.
"Focus on the work darling, we can do this at home, it's just you and me there..be a good girl for me yeah?" 
"Yeahhh daddy" You kissed him feverishly and then you stopped because of this one thought that continued to bother you.
"Are you going to fuck other women still? Because Karina from the crew is waiting in line" Your eyes teared up as you questioned him, he did it before but at least you didn't know how it felt to have him suck onto yours lips this way, you didn't know how good he tasted or what a fine kisser he was, you have been jealous of women in his life for as long as you could remember so even just the thought of him still wanting to fuck someone else filled you with extreme contempt and sadness.
"Do you want me to?" He smirked as he questioned so you tried to unhook your legs but he grabbed them and kept you pinned against the wall "Just joking baby.. the only woman I'm going to touch from now on is you..only you..i promise..i know it won't be easy to trust me but you know I keep my promises" He really did and that's was the one thing he at least liked about himself.
"okayyy..I trust you" 
Then he kissed you again. And again. And again.
While you were working he received a call from that casting director that you auditioned for yesterday, he wanted to see you, alone. That never was a good sign, the audition was for a film and it's something you have always wanted to be a part of so he really wanted you to bag this. 
"Something wrong?" You asked him as you caressed his shoulder while he was driving you to the studio where you were meeting the casting guy Stephen.
"He wants to see you.. alone" he sighed as he answered. You knew what it meant, you have been here before. They wanted to see you alone when they wanted you to fuck them.
"Ohh" you felt sad but then you were so giddy with this new development in your personal life that you really didn't care about the professional one at the moment. As you reached the destination you took your seat belt off and climbed over his lap, taking him by surprise but he wasn't complaining
"It's okay..we will get other offers" you mumbled softly as you kissed the tip of his nose "Thank you for always keeping me safe and protected from them, I don't think I have ever told you how much I appreciate not being exploited by every perv out there" you whispered in his ear as your hands rubbed over his crotch.
How could you say something sweet like that and accompany it with such a naughty gesture? He moaned and you felt him hardening at your touch. His hand sneaked inside the shirt you were wearing and you gasped as he touched your bare skin.
"Want to thank me for real? Maybe someday you can show me how you use my briefs to get yourself off" 
"Daddddddy" you gasped at the sudden filth coming out of his mouth but you really wanted to bathe in the said filth.
"Isn't that what you did, hmm? Been thinking about it. Did you wear it while you touched your wet little cunt or you humped yourself against it sweetheart?"
"Ohhh fuckk..the second thing" you palmed his bulge and he let out a shaky breath.
"You're a desperate little slut aren't you? Always craving my attention..well you have it now baby..you have all of my attention on you" You cupped his cheeks to kiss him deeply and he responded with equal intensity but then he pulled away soon after, it still felt like a dream if you were being honest with yourself. "Mmmm we need to stop sweetheart, you have a meeting to attend" he reminded you why you both were there so you tried to calm yourself down, it was harder for him to calm down though. 
As you met the guy he asked to just see you so you looked at Loki and he nodded, you were auditioning for a side role anyways so It didn't really matter. As you went inside the room, there were three other people, one of them was Jane foster, you recognised her, she was a former A lister and was a big name in the industry now as a producer. You were surprised a little to see her, they immediately gave you a a few lines and asked you to enact it, 
"Ummm I'm sorry I'm a little confused..what is happening?" You asked Jane so she smiled at you.
"Y/n I think you are packing a lot of talent in there, I saw your tapes from yesterday and I'm very impressed, that's the script for the main lead, I'd like you to read a line or two for me if you don't mind" she smiled at the end of her sentence so you nodded. 
You felt nervous because you weren't prepared for this, you read the lines and they sent you right away, they said they'll call you in a day or two.
"What's special about her?" As you left, Stephen asked Jane so she smiled.
"I received an anonymous email yesterday and it intrigued me.. remember that psychopath from NYC..that major cult scandal like 12 years ago?" She asked him.
"Ohhh yeah didn't he escape a few days ago?" 
"Exactly..she's that girl from that cult, the last sacrifice thing..she's y/n y/l/n" Stephen's eyes widened in realization, you had changed your last name and that's why he wasn't able to recognise you before.
"The publicity we will get if we launch her is going to be insane.. especially with that psycho on the loose, we can reel in a lot of people by using her tragic past" She smiled at him and he agreed. They just wanted to use you for their own good.
As you came out Loki seemed a little worried, you were in there for a long time.
"What happened?" He asked you so you told him everything and he was surprised too, it's not that he didn't believe in your talent as an actress but he knew how things happened in Hollywood in this day and age, one either needed to sell their soul or have a strong connection to bag such a film, rarely people got big just on the basis of their talent. 
He took you out for dinner first, it felt like a date to you. Then he took you home but he couldn't stop thinking about this, your safety was his responsibility and he had to know if those people had your best interest in heart.
"Lost again" you mumbled in his ears as you climbed on his bed after showering, he smiled as your freshly showered wet half naked body laid on top of him, you just had a tank top on with a pair of booty shorts.
"I'm right here" he pushed your hair aside and grabbed your neck to flip you under him. 
"What if I get this movie? It's going to be a huge deal right?" You asked him, you felt nervous about the possibility, as much as you enjoyed acting you weren't sure if you really wanted to make it that big, considering your past and everything - you knew things will come out if you get famous and you knew he'd be dragged along with it too, that's the last thing you both needed in life, people's judgment.
"It will be..but that's what you want right?" He asked you so you nodded, you always convinced him that you wanted this in life, you wanted to be an actor, to work in films, to be famous and maybe you really did want that but now as he was on top of you, sucking on your lips ever so softly, you wondered if that was really what you craved or needed in life.
"Yeahhh" you lied to him because you didn't think you were supposed to talk about this yet when you two had just started this thing with each other. Besides, it's not as if you'll get the film for sure. 
"You must be tired sweetheart..get your sleep okay? Need a massage?" He asked you softly and your eyes teared up. Yeah you loved him so much it was unreal. 
"Yess pls daddy" you responded so he kissed your forehead before he got off the bed then he came back with hot oil, as soon as his hands rubbed your legs soothingly you couldn't stop yourself from falling asleep, unlike all those times before there was no manipulation involved this time, he truly just wanted to help you relax, and as your little snores reached his ears his eyes softened.
He turned the lights off to lay down next to you and held onto you tightly, he was terrified about everything - this relationship, your feelings about him, That bastard Odin running free in the world, everything made him wish that he was able to hide you two somewhere far away so you'd be safe with him but it wasn't possible. 
As his arms wrapped around you, your sleep got disrupted a little, you felt him pressing soft little kisses on your neck and it made you smile. This was probably the best day of your life, you didn't remember being this happy before.
"I love you my sweet sweet buttons" And the sweet whisper of the forgotten petname as well the love confession made your breath hitch in your chest. Truly the best day ever.
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nunlucky-novel · 2 months
Chapter 1 - The Visitor
October 25th - Madison Hills, Main St
The telltale arrival of Halloween rode into Madison Hills on the scent of amber and cinnamon, black candles in windowsills, and intricately carved pumpkins by storefronts. BèBè always loved the sound of crunching leaves under her boots this time of year on her walk to the Temple, warmed by the festive buzz about the town despite the autumn chill.
The Western Temple of Collybus ran through her family history like an arrow- straight back to the very founding roots of Madison Hills. It had such a subtle elegance, her temple, her sanctuary, directly facing the town hall’s more ornate front like two siblings with a cobblestone well between them.
The town itself was built as a safe haven from the ancient war between demons and angels- as well as their followers. Steadily, over the years, it shifted from a symbol of resistance to a bustling oddity of tourist fame. But, it put food on the table, so ever-pragmatic, BèBè couldn’t much complain.
It wasn’t until BèBè arrived at her favorite coffee shop just before the temple, hoping to pick up morning treats for herself and her two lifelong friends and fellow Lux, Lolo and Amber, that the most garishly dressed man she had ever seen disrupted the peace of her morning, dressed in furs and gold, and attempting to overpay for a latte by a startling amount.
‘Oh God...’ BèBè groaned internally ‘Not him.’
“Sir, I don’t have change for $300!” the poor barista cried. They had been fighting with this man for several minutes now. “I don’t even have change for $100! We just opened! Don’t you have a card or something?”
The man huffed, frustrated. “Jeez Louise, you people need to do better with your money management!”
BèBè scoffed. The one man she didn’t want to see. Koda Dorado, the Mayor’s very strange and annoying (at least to her) adult nephew. He had no idea how the normal world worked. While he didn’t exactly flaunt his wealth in your face, he would remind you that the gap was there. Rumor has it that he was actually quite generous with his money! Almost to the point where people were concerned that he’d be taken advantage of.
But that’s not reason BèBè disliked him. It was annoying attempts to get her attention. All summer long Koda had been, in her opinion, bothering her. Trying to shower her with gifts, or requesting her to take his confessions as an attempt to strike up a conversation. It started out simple with him just visiting the Temple for service on Sundays or him offering to buy her a small coffee. It was cute at first, then he started to become somewhat overbearing. She tried to let him off gently, saying that while she appreciates all that he’s given her, he’s going overboard. That did get him to back off, but not completely.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t interested in dating, it’s just not what she’s focused on right now. He did stop trying to buy her attention, but he would still come by the Temple for confessions. Her friends said he was trying to wear her down, but she wasn’t going to let him.
After what seemed like an eternity , BèBè finally stepped up to the register and offered her card to the cashier. “I’ll pay for the drink, Marte. And could you get me the usual? Thank you.” She said waving her card over the card reader. BèBè gave a side eyed glance at the other. “Isn’t it a bit too early to be causing trouble, Mr. Dorado?”
“Dollface~!” Koda exclaimed. He immediately perked up, completely forgetting about his order now that his favorite person was in front of him. “I ain’t causing no trouble! Not my fault these guys don’t know how to make change!”
Marte the barista glared at Koda but said nothing. They went about fixing BèBè’s order while silently cursing Koda.
“Well this isn’t like the coffee shops in St. Fortuna where they have money to break $300 first thing upon opening.” BèBè said. She sidestepped past Koda towards the other side of the counter. He followed behind her. He leaned against the counter, trying to look cool in front of her. She thought he looked uncomfortable leaning on that short counter.
“So, uh, where ya heading this early in the morning, hm?” Koda asked.
“You should know since you’ve been stalking me since June.” BèBè said sarcastically. Koda put on a offended expression, placing a hand over his chest as if he just heard the most shocking piece of gossip.
“Stalking? Me? Oh I’m hurt, Dollface.” Koda said, wiping away a non existent tear. “Just hurt, boo-hoo!”
It wasn’t untrue. His previous behavior could be categorized as stalking. Knowing her schedule, her daily route to work, the excessive gift giving. He had no idea why that would get this girl’s attention. He’s lucky he didn’t get a restraining order! That would have definitely put a pin in his plans. Lucky for him, BèBè was nice enough to give him another chance. A fresh start as he put it. This was much more work Koda had ever done to catch anyone’s attention.
Marte the barista walked to the end of the counter and set down four drinks along with a medium sized brown with the shops logo printed on it. The scent of something sweet wafted through the air.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but here are your orders.” Marte said, not sorry at all “A pumpkin spiced latte with whipped cream and extra espresso and pumpkin sprinkles. And two blonde lattes and one decaf caramel macchiato along with three breakfast sandwiches. Thank you and come again.”
BèBè grabbed her drinks, and the bag then strode past Koda without so much as a goodbye. She knew this was rude, but she needed to get to work. She would mind her manners next time. It took the other a moment to realize that he had just been snubbed. He turned around frantically as he tried to catch up with her.
“Hey wait up, Dollface!” he called out. He quickly went back for the coffee he left behind unaware that the lid wasn’t secure. He spilled some of the drink on the counter in his frenzy.
Koda chased after her, running into the door. His head bounced off the glass making the little jingle bells that hung above rattle like maracas. Some of his drink splashed on his gaudy fur coat, but it seemed to magically drip off without so much as leaving a stain. He ignored all this however as he jogged up to BèBè. She was very fast despite all the things she was carrying.
“Hey, Doll, let me help you with that! It’s the least I could do since you bought me breakfast.” Koda said. He reached out to take one of the items. BèBè refuse as she could carry it just fine. She’s done this since high school. But it was nice of him to offer.
“No thank you.” She said “Its not that heavy.”
“Well at least let me give you a ride?”
“But we’re already here.”
Koda looked up. They had arrived at the front entrance of the Temple. He looked between it and the coffee shop, surprised at how close they actually were. Then again this town wasn’t very big to begin with, so he didn’t know why he was surprised. It was weathered brick building that had been around since at least the early 1910s. The windows had iron bars over them, keeping out intruders. The building was simple, and much smaller than the giant glass monstrosity that was the Eastern Temple of Collybus in St. Fortuna.
The building next to it, the old Town Hall, stood next to it’s twin fully decorated in spooky bats, pumpkins and such. The Temple had a few pumpkins near the big stain glass doors at the entrance, but was devoid of any Halloween whimsy.
“Can you get the door please?” BèBè asked, tilting her head towards it. She let out a small sigh a second later. “If you are here to confess then please wait in the lobby. Please do not touch anything or sneak around, ok?”
“Whatever you say, Dollface! I’ll be the perfect little gentleman~!” Koda grabbed the old brass handle, and pressed down in the little switch to unlock the door. He ignored the stinging sensation he felt as he held the knob. The holy power surrounding the building was strong. Strong enough that he could feel it through his human disguise.
“Ladies first!” Koda said with his best movie star smile. He did a gentlemanly bow. BèBè rolled her eyes and stepped in. Koda merrily skipped behind her.
“So I saw you walking around with your little boyfriend this morning.”
“He is not my boyfriend! Stop saying that!”
BèBè glared at her friend as she giggled to herself. Her eyes narrowed angrily in her direction while the other looked away with faux innocence. It was late into the afternoon, and BèBè was already irritated. Koda had made his 45th? Maybe 46th confession? She wasn’t sure, but she knew he had been there enough times for her to count on both hands and then some. BèBè huffed as she ungracefully flopped in the wore leather chair in her father’s office. It was a decent sized room, filled with cardboard boxes full of old papers, photos, with a big oak desk that has seen better days. The computer was the only modern thing inside the room.
A woman, tall with tan skin, green eyes and blonde hair pulled into a braided bun, leaned over against the desk. She was grinning mischievously as she watched her friend type away on the computer in front of her. BèBè ignored her, keeping her eyes glued to the screen. She was busy going through today’s schedule. It wasn’t a very busy one but occasionally the Temple would host short tours around the grounds. It wasn’t a big place, but people liked taking pictures in front of the decorative statues near the altars. There was also an old graveyard a few feet behind both the Temple and Town Hall.
BèBè skimmed through the scheduling app. There was a meeting later that evening, and a retirement party for the financial advisor on Saturday. Nothing else was booked for the week, which offered some relief. Noe she could just focus on preparing for the retirement party. “Lolo, did you order the banner yet? Brother Franklin’s party is coming up soon. Bastian took care of food, and drinks. So we just need to get the daycare cleaned out, and..”
The blonde woman, Lolo, pouted, “You can’t ignore him forever, you know. Sooner or later, he’s gonna wear you down.”
“Never! I told him that I’m not interested right now.”
“And yet you gave him another chance!”
“I believe in second chances. Besides I think he’s more of an idiot than a murderous stalker.”
Lolo pulled out a foldable chair from the corner and sat it in front of the desk. She twirled a loose braid between her fingers. The silence between them was broken with the clicks and clacks of the mouse and keyboard. “I think you should give him a chance! I mean, he seems like a good guy! Not to mention that he's the Mayor’s nephew so that’s an advantage! Oh! Maybe we could hire him to replace Brother Franklin!”
BèBè let out an airy laugh. Koda? The financial advisor? Just this morning he tried to pay for a $2 coffee with $300 dollars cash! Just from that alone she felt that he could run her family’s legacy into the ground within days of employment. Maybe in seconds! No, he wasn’t suited to do financial work. Never.
“Father already said he has someone in mind so I’m letting him handle it. We just need to handle the party planning. By the way, where’s Amber?”
Lolo’s expression soured a bit. Amber, the third member of BèBè’s friend group, was always off somewhere or worse, running late for work. Both ladies loved her very much, but neither could deny that she wasn’t really suited to be working at the Temple. It was a miracle of the Goddess that she barely graduated high school.
“I saw her trying to flirt with Koda before he left. I don’t know where she went after that.” Lolo scoffed. She pretended to examine her nails. Her sparkly fuchsia nail polish was chipping and her manicure was ruined from her picking the nails into uneven ridges. She peeked out the corner of her eye watching her reaction.
Anger flashed across BèBè’s face. She was always short tempered. Even back in high school, when an angry outburst got her banned from the varsity tennis team for two months. Poor dude need stitches. Now, even as an adult with a temper having been cooled with maturity, you could see that she was close to exploding. Amber had been ditching her job, the job BèBè painstakingly fought for her to do who knows what. It gave her a headache.
“I wouldn’t put it past her if she went to go see Koda. He’s always hanging around Main Street or at the Countryside Club.” Lolo said, leaning back in the chair. “When is she gonna get the hint that he’s taken?”
“Lolo, I don’t want to talk about them right now. Please just help me plan this damn party.”
Prologue -— > Chapter 2
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the-geek-librarian · 10 months
12, 15 and 25 for Vanica, Dante and Zenon :D
12. What's a Headcanon you have for this character?
Dante: He can't cook for SHIT. like as much as I love him (which is more then I will ever openly admit) bro can't make a sandwich or boil and egg so Vanica runs him out the kitchen with a wooden spoon. Also he can't drink. Homie is a lightweight and he hates that so much
Zenon: He really likes dancing! Though no one (except Allen) knows about it. Not even Vani and Dante. Plus he has a REALLY big sweet tooth, if their is a box of sweets in his field of vision he will leave nothing for the rest the siblings (this annoys Dante beyond belief )
Vanica: She is (somehow) a really great cook! She kicked Lucius out of cooking duty a month after she learned the basics. Dante has made the "Haha, your a woman and you cook" joke only once in his whole life because Vanica put rat poison in his food and uhhh it wasn't a nice experience. And she can sing too! Most of the time she acts like she can't just to annoy ppl
15. What's your favorite ship with this character? ( Doesn't matter if it's canon or not)
Dante: OHHHHHH BOYYYY UHHH. Sweet rat man, I love you (regrettably) but your ass is so fucking bitchless. The closest thing he has to a relationship is the fact that he is fuckbuddys with Lucifero, I won't count Yami x Dante as a ship bc it's literally just rat man being a weird ass mother fucker and getting his ass beat which is funny as shit. However I will say he is pansexual and he will get into a relationship with literally anything and anyone.
Zenon: There is only one correct answer. Allen x Zenon for LIFE. Because come on BC fandom that man is not attached to Wemon in any way, only thing he feels for them is fear bc of Vanica and his Mom. But moving on they are soulmate-coded and I will die on that, Golden retriever bf and Black cat bf
Vanica: Listen, all of Vanica ships are fucking soulmate coded ok??? (I'm dilulu shut UP) and I love them with my heart (except Vanica x Acier, not soulmate-coded but annoying cat x Tired mother of 4). I have three I would die for bc I am insane. 1) Vanica x Megicula and Vanica x Lolopechka really they give off SUCH old married couple energy I wanna DIE. 2) Vanica x Lolo x Gajah, it's the "We can fix her" mentality AND THEY SECSIDED THE MOTHER FUCKERS. They are very funny and funky but not everyone's cup of tea but it's ok.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Dante: My first impression was "OHHHH, he looks cool! (I also like the beard shot me) wonder what he can do" and now it's "Cring ass motherfucker pls stop being weird for the love of god (affectionately, I'm afraid), can you not have beef with an 18 year old?". Can you tell that I like him but wanna throw him of a clif?
Zenon: First impression "Emo boy, with a sad backstory incoming" I didn't care about bonehead at the start, I thought he had BANING magic but beyond that meh. And now "UHHH BABY BOY LIL WET CAT MAN BONE ASS IDIOT. can someone get this mans husband pls?" now I put him in my pocket and take him as far for house Zogratis as I can
Vanica: First impression "WEEEEEEE WEMON, IF HOT WHY EVIL???" I was uhh it was love at first sight honestly, same with Lolopechka so now I call them BOTH baby girls. Now "Oh baby- I would feel bad for what I put you through BUT I DONT SUFFER, then I wack her with the angst stick in almost all my Aus" really can you get more baby girl then Vanica? ( yes you can but SHUT up) she is both insane and has her mental health hanging on a thread, she really needs some tits to lean on and a tea to drink.
Thank you for the asks Cr!!
Asks for this are always open for any fandom I'm in!!
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Hi hi Eve! I hope you’re good! For some reason I can’t get the Lions as kids out of my head lately, I bet they were the cutest ever! So I wanted to ask if you could write something with the Lions firsts at hockey when they were little, maybe Leos first time in the goal or Logans first hat trick, Dumo learning to skate, Finns first goal ever or something along those lines? Please and thank you! ❤️
Fic O'Ween Day 12: Trick or Treat! In the wake of the newest Vaincre chapter (which left me screaming, crying, and shaking in my boots), here's our favorite Frenchie's first hat trick <3 Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Skates scraped on the ice as the players found their spots. Logan bent, keeping his stick close and ready when the time came. The boy opposite him was shuffling a little to keep his balance—he favored his right side. Logan made a mental note to move left while the referee skated over.
“On three, oui?” he announced. A small chorus of ‘ouais’ answered, but Logan kept his eyes on the ice between them. His feet were steady. His muscles were starting to get sore from standing still for so long. Maybe that squat competition with Noelle had been a bad idea.
“Go, Lo!” Sydney cheered from the bench. Logan’s neck heated under his pads; didn’t she know how embarrassing that was? He was almost eight. He didn’t need his sisters yelling for him like he was a baby.
“One, two, three!”
The puck made a satisfying clack on Logan’s stick when he snatched it out from underneath his opponent and made a break for the goal. It was easy to swerve around their first line—that kid was tall, but skinny. He yelped when Logan’s shoulder found his rib, too slow to grab at him before Logan was well out of reach.
His shot sailed in perfectly, because of course it did. A wave of cheers went up from his side of the bleachers. Logan smiled.
One night, Logan had been up past his bedtime and heard his dad on the phone in his office. He had stopped to listen and heard words like prodigy and talent and prospect, in a couple years. The pieces weren’t hard to connect after that. Whoever was on the other end of the phone liked his skating—there had been similar conversations about Noelle two years ago, and now she had scouts at every single game.
Logan wasn’t a hundred percent sure what a prodigy was, but it had sounded good when he whispered it in the darkness before scampering upstairs.
It sounded even better in his head when he tapped the puck between the bent legs of a smaller boy and snapped it across the ice to Peter, who passed it just before bouncing off one of the other team’s enforcers. Logan pulled it back to himself and looped around the back of the goal for an easy tip-in. His lungs burned with the sparky, wonderful feeling being on the ice always brought, the one that made him want to stay there forever.
“Deux!” Noelle hollered, pounding on the glass while their sisters cheered and their mother shook her head with a smile. “Un autre, LoLo! Un autre!”
Coach patted the back of his helmet when Logan swung back to the bench. “You know what a hat trick is, Tremblay?”
“Ouais,” Logan panted around the spout of his waterbottle.
“Ever gotten one?”
Logan shook his head, pushing his helmet up when it slipped.
Coach raised a brow, then tilted his head toward the glittering, perfect ice. “Wanna try?”
It was a little unfair that one more goal was so hard to score. Logan wrinkled his nose when another shot went wide—they had swapped their goalie out, and the new kid was a whole lot better. He met Logan’s glare with one of his own and settled into a crouch. Logan’s scowl deepened.
Marc slipped him a quick, sharp pass right near the crease and Logan went for it, but the puck bounced off the goalie’s left blocker and was gone in half a second. “Merde,” he hissed. One of the other kids gasped and he ignored them; it wasn’t his fault other people didn’t have sisters to teach them fun new words. That sounded like their problem to fix.
There wasn’t much time left. He had seen it happen on TV a million times, three gorgeous goals and then a rain of hats coming down, but he had also seen the disappointment on players’ faces when they got so close but still not there. Logan wanted it. He wanted it bad. And that goalie wasn’t going to give it to him, prodigy or not.
Sirius Black got a hat trick when he was seven, he reminded himself as he hung back, away from the muddle of players tripping over each other in front of the goal. Sydney had warned him against that: don’t play bunchball, LoLo. The puck will go to whoever can catch it when it tries to sneak away.
Their dad liked to keep tabs on all sorts of Quebeçois players for them to watch; Black was a growing favorite, but Logan was pretty sure nobody would ever be better than Dumais. At only 26, he had been skating longer than Logan had been alive, and was already becoming a hockey legend. Logan loved watching him play. It was like seeing a magic show.
But—but maybe it wasn’t fair to compare himself to Black and Dumais. They were older, after all. Dumais was a professional. And Black was better than everybody at everything, always had been, probably always would be. Logan hopped back onto the bench when the whistle blew, out of breath and overheated.
Coach tapped his shoulder with the edge of his clipboard. “You okay?”
“Mhmm.” Something in his chest hurt when he thought about his earlier goals. They had felt easy. Why was this one so hard?
“Need a breather?”
Oui. Logan bit the inside of his cheek. “Non, I can keep going.”
“Have some water, kiddo. I’ll put you in for the last shift.”
He made a face at the floor, but didn’t protest. Arguing with Coach never ended well. If he wanted a chance at that hat trick, he’d have to keep his mouth shut for just few more minutes. Begging for shifts would get him nowhere fast, and sass would make sure he was benched until he left Juniors.
Stupid goalies.
24 seconds remained on the clock when Logan was finally allowed to skate again and he hit the ice running, sliding right up against one of their D-men for a good shove to take the puck. They fought for it—Logan was littler than most of the kids his own age, let alone the ten-year-olds on the verge of aging out—and he dug his elbow into the bigger boy’s side. A yell, a flinch, and the puck was Logan’s.
Marc caught his eye and then his pass, carrying it past two more defensemen before Logan shouted for it again. Fifteen seconds. So close. He was beginning to understand what announcers meant by ‘puck-hungry’ players, because he could feel the need in the pit of his stomach.
Ten seconds. Logan reached the blue line and went for it, eyes trained on the sliver of space between the goalie’s glove and the post.
He didn’t make it.
The goalie’s gaze locked on his own once the puck was knocked away and Logan saw him grin, smarmy and mean behind his visor. Some furious noise slipped out and he lunged for the rebound. Mine. The goalie braced. Sirius Black liked sneaky, perfect shots. Pascal Dumais was the master of wraparounds.
Logan reeled his stick back and slammed the puck into the net as hard as he could.
He could hardly hear the buzzer blare around the shouts of his teammates and his sister’s shriek still echoing in the rink. He managed to stumble free of the huddle and scrambled toward the bench, launching himself over the side and into his mother’s waiting arms. Distantly, he remembered they were supposed to shake hands with the other team, but Logan was sure he was about to vibrate right out of his skin while his family yelled a million and one perfect things directly into his face.
“—great look—”
“—that’s three!—”
“—proud of you, mon cher—”
“It’s a hat trick!” He grabbed the front of his father’s coat, giving him a clumsy shake. “Papa, that’s a hat trick!”
The whole world went dark in the depths of a thick wool sleeve; Logan let himself be hugged so tight he could hardly breathe, feet dangling off the ground, every muscle worn out. “You did so good,” his father whispered. Logan pushed his face deeper into scratchy fabric and listened to his own heart beat rabbit-fast in his ears. A big hand came up around the back of his head, trembling slightly; he felt a bump on the top of his helmet, like someone’s chin resting on it. “Oh, Lo, we’re so proud of you.”
Logan wanted this feeling forever. The rush and burn, the fight and the sweet, sweet victory. His teeth chattered at the flood. He felt like he could skate forever and ever and ever and never stop again. It was so much and yet he still wanted more.
“I want this,” he said when he could breathe again. His hands were still clenched tight in a coat that smelled like home. His father’s dark eyes were so very bright when Logan looked at him. “I want this, papa.”
A slow smile spread over his face and he heard his mother chuckle. “Oh, god,” his father laughed, squeezing him once more. “Of course you do. Three out of four. Just our luck.”
Logan couldn’t wait to see how far he could go.
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piedoesnotequalpi · 1 year
ok for the au thing !! i got Western AU and Dark AU !!
Thank you for the ask! I got distracted talking to my partner!
Anyway a bunch of this is yoinked from a book series I never finished due to it being a bit too politically conservative for my tastes (specifically the book Nowhere to Run) and I also spent far too much time browsing Wikipedia for locations. Not sure if this is what is meant by "dark AU" but it's late at night so
TW for some mild gore and death
Carbon County (MT; there's also one in Wyoming) game warden Jack Kelly was reassigned to temporarily work in Granite County, MT and he's finally almost due to go back to his normal post in Red Lodge. He'd left it in good hands--the Stillwater County game warden (Finch) and county sheriff (Charlie) have most of his duties covered and give him near-daily updates. But he'd rather be back in Red Lodge, where he knows most of the people and their habits and can use his friendship with Katherine, the editor-in-chief of the local newspaper, as an excuse to stop by the office and flirt with one of the staff writers.
However! The week before he's supposed to leave, he starts getting reports of disappearances and campsites being attacked and mysteriously murdered wildlife in Lolo National Forest, so he very reluctantly goes in to investigate. He has a penchant for getting caught up in far more murder mysteries than any self-respecting game warden should, so he's resigned himself to dealing with this nonsense yet again. On the other hand, despite the looming threat of who (or what) ever's behind all this, it is kind of nice to be out camping in the woods.
Jack had made plans with Sean Conlon, the game warden from the neighboring county, to separately make their way through the national forest (both on horseback) and meet somewhere in the middle, with the goal of covering more ground and hopefully finding more information about whatever's going on. But he's struggling to get a hold of Sean, so he resigns himself to investigating alone--he hasn't run into anyone so far--even though part of him knows he should turn back.
The day he decides to turn around, he finally finds Sean, accompanied by a backpacker with a mischievous smile who won't give his real name.
"I've been looking for you everywhere," Sean says. "We have murders to prevent."
"I've been helping," the backpacker says. "We have murders to prevent."
Jack is skeptical of the backpacker, but he's annoyingly charming and Sean seems to trust him, so what else is he supposed to do? They start investigating together, and the backpacker, who still won't give them a name beyond "Racer" and won't say where he's from beyond the UP ("What's that? The Union Pacific?" it's the Upper Peninsula of Michigan but Jack and Sean haven't paid enough attention to Michigan to realize that), brings them to a campsite, where they find a whole bunch of dead elk and also the bodies of a couple of the people who have gone missing. There aren't a ton of clues, but it's the first new information they've gotten the whole time, so they're feeling a little better about the whole thing. Being game wardens, they're used to seeing dead animals, but the decomposing human bodies are a little (a lot) unsettling.
The problem is, when they try to signal the local authorities with the location of the campsite, their radios keep running into technical difficulties. Racer seems unbothered by the whole thing, weirdly, but they decide to note the coordinates as best they can, keep going, and see if they can find anything else.
The thing is, Jack and Sean have been feeling the effects of all this time outside--they're getting sunburnt, they have scrapes everywhere, and they're definitely going to need a shower when they get back. After they find the campsite, they start to notice that Racer is as pale and clean and un-scratched as he was when they first met. And now that they think of it, they haven't seen him eat or drink anything the whole time he's been traveling with them...
And now they're in the middle of nowhere together, with malfunctioning communication gear, and it's been a week since they entered the national forest, and they haven't encountered any other living humans during that time.
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tathrin · 1 year
can I break the rules? I know Oropher isnt an oc but since he's got almost no page time imho that means the way you write him makes him your oc so (if youre not made im breaking the rules lolo) can you do 18 22 30 or 43 for Orpher pls?
Anon, you may absolutely break the rules thank you. Especially for Oropher; I have a feeling that Oropher would always come down on the side of breaking rules, tbh. (Questions taken from here.)
18. What embarrasses them?
Nothing. Literally nothing. If Oropher ever had a sense of shame once upon a time, it didn't make it out of Doriath alive.
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
Okay, so picture how a gorilla goes around beating on their chest... No, wait. Picture how a Stereotypical American (or Australian) Dudeboy goes "hold my beer!" and then throws himself into Doing Something Really Dumb For Attention. Now replace that image with Oropher, First King of the Greenwood, elf with famously bad impulse control, handing his wine to Galion and probably taking off his shirt. He is going to get your attention, and you are going to think he looks cool if it kills him, dammit! And if it does, he'll just do whatever it was again but twice as hard when he gets back out of Mandos!
Do you think he looks cool yet? Because if not, he will do something even bigger and stupider until you do!
30. Who do they most regret meeting? 
Curufin. Without contest. Because I decided it's fun if it was Curufin, specifically, who killed Nellglind during the Kinslaying in Doriath, and then Oropher who killed Curufin. (This makes things extra fun for everybody when Gimli and Celebrimbor become BFFs in Aman!)
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
He would start talking about Nellglind, gushing about him and describing him in great and intimate detail. Oropher would have a fantastic time doing this, thanks so much for the excuse hapless person who now regrets asking! Everyone except for Gandalf would be horrifically embarrassed and uncomfortable. Nellglind's ears would be so red. Legolas will threaten to walk into the Sea. Oropher won't care. They will have to gag him to stop him.
And then everyone very quickly regrets the fact that Gimli taught him Iglishmêk...
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
Greece with the one and only Mathew Barzal. I would love a little blurb with him and a specific scene I think would be great is Mat & reader chilling in a hot tub/pool/ hotel tub/ looking out at a nice view of the city and the seaaaa ☺️☺️ thank you Lolo! ❤️
tysm💗 nothing more I want to do than go to greece with mat <3
come along the rest of the trip
📍milos, greece with mat barzal
"Ugh! I'm jumping right in the pool!," Mat groaned as you made it back to your little house from a long day of exploring the island in the hot Grecian summer sun all day.
"I'll follow." You dropped your things on the floor and made your way into the bedroom to change into a bikini. Mat already had his trunks on so when you finally got out on the private deck, you found him already splashing around and cooling off in the pool. "Hey, hot stuff. Good?"
"Would be better if you'd join." He grinned and then splashed you with water when you took too long to get in.
"Hey! This isn't going to get me in faster!" After a few moments of getting used to the water, you finally joined him and climbed on his back. "You're the perfect pillow."
"Yeah, well, enjoy it. I'm too tired to kick you off." You chuckled and reached to kiss his cheek before getting comfortable again. He was leaned over the edge of the pool, looking out at the view of the mountains and the ocean below you.
Your timing was good too, as the sun began to set. The sky began changing colors and the sun turned an intense orange as it slowly sank into the ocean. It was so relaxing as you sat in comfortable silence enjoying this beautiful peaceful moment.
You floated around in the water and made out a bit of course until the sun disappeared. You went to make a simple spaghetti and meatball dinner afterwards, which you had grocery shopped for a few days earlier since you didn't feel like leaving the house again, which you enjoyed with a nice cooled bottle of white wine out on the deck.
"No, we are not getting a cat."
"Why not? They're so cute. We could probably steal one from here, no one will know." He shook his head, slurping down the rest of his spaghetti. You had been begging him to get a cat pretty much the day you got to the island. There were so many little stray kittens walking around and you stopped to pet every single one of them. Mat on the other hand wasn't so pleased with all the cats, not being an animal person, but you swore you saw him pet one a few hours earlier when you weren't looking.
"One day, babe. One day I'll convince you to get a pet. You just wait."
"We'll be waiting for a long long time," he replied with a smug smile.
"I'm a very patient person." You leaned over to kiss him, before getting up and clearing the table. Mat did the dishes while you watched, then he took you outside to the hammock where you watched a movie on your iPad in his arms. To end the night, you jumped in the pool again to cool off before going to sleep in the most comfortable bed you'd ever slept in.
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dannyisdone · 2 years
Day 7: Clowns
Roman replayed the conversation he had accidentally overhead in his mind, his regressed brain trYing to process it as best that he could.
“He’s such a clown.” Janus had said to Remus as soon as Patton left the room. Roman had started to follow after his Dad, but stopped just outside of the threshold when he heard Janus speak. Immediately he was on the defensive. His Dad was notta a Clown! He was silly sometimes, maybe even goofy-silly a lotta times. And he knew some magic tricks…
“Yeah, but he’s your clown.” Virgil had responded back.
“That he is. But don’t tell him that.” Janus said with a chuckle. Roman frowned. Was his Dad really a clown? And did he perform only for Janus?
Roman sat on the floor as he pondered the conundrum. A whole lot of minutes had passed since he’d started thinking about it, probably even more than 8, and that was so many minutes! And he still didn’t know! Was his Dad a clown?
Clowns were funny, and his Dad was funny. But clowns also wore makeup, and Patton didn’t do that very much. But they juggled sometimes! And Dad kinda knew how to juggle. And he knew how to fit a lotta stuff in a tiny car. Maybe Dad was a clown…?
But how could he prove it?! And how could he do it without Janus finding out? He didn’t think it was very fair that Janus got to keep Patton’s clownery all to himself. He wanted to see his Dad juggle and dance and OH! And his Dad’s shoes are MASSIVE. Of course his Dad was a clown! It all made sense now!
He was just missing one thing…
A honk!
All clowns honked. It was clown law, Roman was fairly certain. If he pinched his Dad’s nose, it would honk really loudly, and surely that would be such convicting evidence his Dad would have to admit it right on the spot! It was the perfect plan!
Roman stood up and hurried off towards the stairs, eager to know once and for all if his Dad was a clown! It was the question of the year! No, the decade! No!! the century! He’d wanted to know since forever and now he was for sure going to find out!
Roman found Patton standing outside his room chatting with Logan. Well, that was no good. If Logan heard Patton honk, he would definitely go tell everyone! Probably claim it was a science-tific discovery. Roman would have to be super clever to figure this one out.
“Dad!” Roman yelled, gaining the two’s attention. Patton smiled brightly at Roman, and that was only making him feel more and more confident that his Dad was a secret clown.
“What’s up, kiddo?” Patton asked. Roman bounced over, standing right behind Patton and setting his chin on his shoulder.
“Lolo, I saw Remus playing with one of your ruby cubes down stairs.” Roman feigned tattling. He knew the ruse wouldn’t last long, but he just needed Patton to himself long enough so he could test his honking abilities.
“My rubix cubes? That’s quite alright. I know he enjoys stimming, and so long as he’s taking care of them properly I don’t min--”
“He gots it in his mouth! He’s trying to solve it with his tongue, like dis!” Roman stuck his tongue and wiggled it a bit, but Logan immediately turned his gaze away.
“The visual presentation was unnecessary, Roman. But thank you for informing me. I’ll have to go talk to him. If he’s going to put something in his mouth, he needs to sanitize it first. Excuse me.”
Logan quickly left. Patton let him go with a wave, but turned slightly, maneuvering Roman off his shoulder and facing him.
“Is that all you wanted? My big brave prince protecting Logan’s possessions?” Patton teased, poling Roman in the tummy. He giggled and shook his head, before leaning in close towards Patton, lowering his voice.
“Do you have a secret, Dad? One that only Janus knows?” Roman asked. Maybe his Dad would just tell him. After all, Roman was an amazing secret keeper, the bestest in the world! And this was his DAD. Dads told their kiddos everything! Patton’s face turned a bit red.
“W-what are you talking about, buddy?” He asked. Roman rolled his eyes, wasn’t it obvious?
“You know! The secret! The thing you only do for Janus?”
Patton’s whole face went red and he looked away. Roman frowned. Why wouldn’t his Dad tell him? It wasn’t a big deal! He loved clowns! And he loved his Daddy!
“Honey, I don’t think I’m fully understanding what you’re talking about.” His Dad continued to deny it. Well, fine! Roman would just have to reveal it, and then he’d know and then his dad could show him all his jokes and tricks and stinky Janus wouldn’t get them all to himself anymore!
“This!” Roman declared, before reaching forward and pressing his finger down on Patton’s nose.
The two stood in silence, staring at each other.
“Why didn’t it work?” Roman asked, beginning to tap Patton’s nose repeatedly.
“Roman, what in the world--”
Patton was interrupted by footsteps climbing up the stairs. Roman turned around and saw Logan and Janus standing behind him. Logan had his arms crossed. Uh oh…
“Would you care to repeat to Janus what you told me, Roman?” Logan asked. Roman felt his face burn with shame and he shook his head no, smartly not saying a word.
“Remus was taking a nap, no Rubix cubes to be found. Pray tell, little one, why did you lie?” Janus asked in his mean old caregiver voice that wasn’t actually mean but made Roman feel smaller and guilty. Tears pricked his eyes.
“I just wanna’d know wha’ Daddy does for you.” Roman whimpered. Janus’s eyebrow quirked up.
“What do you mean?” He asked. Roman opened his mouth to answer, but Patton was quick to intervene.
“I don’t know if that should be said out loud.” His Daddy said, his voice cracking a bit. Janus and Logan looked really confused, and now Roman felt very very very guilty.
“I love you Dada,” Roman wept, clinging to his Daddy tightly. “Even if you’re a clown. M’sorry! M’sorry I lied m’sorry!” Roman cried and cried. He didn’t want his Daddy to be ashamed of being a clown, he didn’t want everyone to be mad at him for telling a fib because he wasn’t trying to be mean he just wanted to know!
“What?” Everyone else said at the exact same time. Patton wrapped his arms around Roman and hugged him close.
“I know. I know it. I hearded Jana call you his clown. M’sorry!” Roman cried, burying his face in Patton’s neck. The room was quiet for a moment, before he felt his Daddy’s chest rumble with laughter.
“What?” He barked out with a laugh. Roman peeked out of his Daddy’s neck and looked over at Janus, his face burning.
“It was…In context it…I…” Janus was at a loss for words, which was pretty rare. Roman sniffled and looked back at Logan.
“Sorry for lyin’. Wanted t’see if Daddy would honk.” Roman explained, which elicited more laughter from Patton, and Roman caught Logan smile slightly. He wasn’t sure what he was saying that had everyone laughing so much…
“I know you’re sorry. Thank you for apologizing, and I forgive you.” Logan said, and Roman felt so so so much better. He would never ever ever lie again, not even to find secret clowns.
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