#his answers always give off dual meaning
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Milkvans complaining about bylers not mentioning Finn’s response about about the monologue is so funny, as if it didn’t support byler endgame even more 🤣
Finn saying I think he knows she thinks all this, bc I think there’s a reason why he says it, is because she— she— he’s been waiting to say it for a long time and she’s been waiting for him to say it for a long time. I think it’s an interesting thought, having that reciprocated. Yeah I think so. I don’t… I don’t know. I would hope… idk… great question and thought tho…
Like he literally cuts himself off before implying that Mike knows how El feels and that she wanted him to say I love you for a while, which is the very reason why he said it in the first place, despite seasons of attempting to say it, stalling repeatedly, only to fail each time up until now when there was literally no option not to in his eyes…
How is that a milkvan win?…
Not only that, but he didn’t make it sound hopeful for their future either. It’s still up in the air according to him. He makes a point of just saying interesting question over and over, only to not actually come up with an answer…
The assumption for many viewers, specifically milkvans, is that everything is great for Mike and El right now bc the monologue fixed everything. If that’s the case why does Finn end that question on a sort of question mark with it still up in the air? Least of all when you’re dealing with a queer ship on the other end, with him making much more of an effort to imply that it will be addressed. It’ll pay off vs. idk?…
This is like the casts reaction to the monologue all over again. The interviewer asked about Mike and El’s future and Finn basically danced around it saying he’s looking forward to all of their endings and is mostly interested to know if Mike will stay in Hawkins, adding at the end that he hopes Mike and El you know, find… happiness.
He’s always giving answers that work both ways. Byler endgame still fits in with whatever he says, whether milkvans want to acknowledge that or not.
Otherwise there would be no reason for him to try so hard to be ambiguous about Mike and El’s feelings, as if it’s this big spoiler… unless what’s about to go down is something most the audience won’t expect…
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authorluvgxbby · 2 years
Mystery Girl
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A/N: hello my luvs! I am happy to say that I am finally back. I had decided to take a break from writing due to school being a bit overwhelming, but overtime I have come up with a lot of new stuff to share with you all! And for now, I'll continue to deliver current and future requests sitting in my mail cause i love doing those for ya'll so, by all means, enjoy!
Genre: Fluff, slight crack
Rindou x Reader
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Everyone could agree that Tenjiku, along with its four heavenly kings, were made of the strongest and, quite literally, the most brutal gangsters of the S-62 generation. However, within the gang, everyone could only see each other as nothing more than a bunch of idiotic misfits. 
For example, in the eyes of their fellow gang members, the Haitani brothers may be the supreme rulers of roppongi, but deep down they were just two siblings who got on each other's nerves and made it everyone else’s problem.
It was no secret that the older Haitani was a menace to his little brother and took every opportunity he had to tease Rindou. At first, it was annoying, but over time, it was like daily entertainment for Tenjiku to watch the two brothers bicker. 
Today was no different. 
Rindou was peacefully slouching along one of the beat up couches of their dingy warehouse hideout, eyes glued to his phone, while Ran stared holes into the back of his brother’s blonde and blue locks. The silent question bubbling in his mind: what is he doing so long on his phone? 
This matter particularly disturbed the Haitani, since his brother was less of a socialite, especially when it came to social media. Yet, here he was, messages open, while texting an unknown individual that HE didn’t know about? This was indeed quite odd. 
“Rindou,” he calls. 
No answer, just the sound of his thumbs tapping against the device’s screen.
Huffing, he calls once more, “Rindouuu.” Still nothing.
“What could he be so fixated on?” Kakucho voices next to the older Haitani.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like how this person is getting all this attention from my little brother.” 
That’s when the lightbulb goes off, sparking an idea from the older brother’s mind, his signature mischievous smile spreading on his lips. Sighing in pity, all Kakucho could do was watch as Ran carried out his usual wicked deeds towards his little brother.
One swipe was all it took to snatch Rindou’s phone from his hands, which he quickly responds with an empty grasp of air.
“What the fuck Ran?!”
Ran ignores his sibling as he takes a closer look at his current messages to the unknown stranger. He gasps, and there’s a temporary silence that swells in the air.
“Who is it from?” Izana questions, turning everyone’s curiosity to the brothers.
“R-ran, give it back dammit!” Rindou growls, trying to land a hit on his brother but failing miserably.
Squinting at the bright screen, he takes a moment to register the conversation. His eyes widened,“It’s…”
Izana raises a brow “It’s?”
Ran clears his throat, “….it’s from…a girl?”
The gang was silent, mildly in shock, as they turned to the currently blushing dual-colored younger brother.
“Wait Rindou…,” Mochi voices, breaking the intense silence, “since when do you talk to girls?” he questions.
“Damn straight!” Ran says. “And more importantly, why didn’t you tell your dear big bro?” he whines, throwing a puppy look in his direction.
“Cause’ it's none of your damn business!” Rindou groans, snatching his phone back from his menacing brother’s clutches.
“I always thought the dude was more on the other side of the fence…if you catch my drift,” Shion says in wonder, while Mucho nods in agreement as he glances at Sanzu.
 “I AM NOT GAY!” Rindou shouts, heat growing to his cheeks. “And even if I was, I would rather take the information to my grave than tell any of you idiots.” 
“That’s rather offensive Rindou.” Kakucho frowns, folding his arms and shooting him a pointed look. “We may have our differences, but we’re a gang. Comrades, actually. You could’ve at least said something.” 
“What he said,” Ran interjects, throwing a thumb over to Kakucho beside him.
“So who is it you are talking to that has your undivided attention,” questioned Izana.
Ah, the big question.
Everyone stares, waiting for an answer from Rindou.
He sighs dejectedly as his shoulders slump.
“You know what…you guys already know too much anyway so I might as well…” pinching the bridge of his nose, he breathes in deeply. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Safe to say everyone was completely dumbfounded by the news. 
Especially Ran.
“OH THE HORROR,” he cries dramatically, hand clutching his over his heart as he raises a hand over his head.
“Well…that was…unexpected.” Mutters Kakucho.
“Didn’t think he had it in him.” Mochi shrugs.
Just as fast as the comments swirled, so did the questions as well.
“So…what’s she like?” Shion asks.
Now everyone had huddled around the couch where Rindou had seated himself back on, as he continued to text you. 
“An angel from heaven,” he quickly slaps a hand on his mouth. 
“Gross.” Shion sticks out his tongue. 
“You really are smitten huh?” Ran quips, grinning like a fool. 
“Please, shut up.” 
y/n: you mind if I drop by? I wanna see you before I go home.
Rindou smiles.
Rindou: Sure babe, I’m at the hideout. I’d like to introduce you to the gang if that’s all right?
y/n: sure! On my way  <333
“She’ll be here soon, so stop asking me about her already. You guys are annoying,” Rindou shoots glares at everyone before going back to staring at his phone. 
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“Rin rin? Are you here?” you called out sweetly, voice reverberating throughout the rusty walls of the warehouse. 
Everyone pipes up at the new voice, with Rindou being the first to greet you with open arms and softness in his smile. You run towards him, crashing against him as your arms immediately encircle around his waist, burying your face into the warmth of his tenjiku uniform. 
“Rin! I’ve missed you!” 
“I’ve missed you too bubs,” he mumbles in your hair, planting a kiss on your crown. 
“ ‘Bubs’?! Rindou what the fuck type of lovey dovey shit are you on dude?!” Shion cackles from behind.  
However, it isn’t long before he is face-to-face with you, slack jawed at your beautiful appearance.
Before he could even hit you with one of his newest pick up lines, he immediately hits the ground, face smooshed into the harsh, dirt floor with an imprint of fist on his exposed cheek.
Meanwhile, you stood above him, your once soft gaze now darkened with a menacing aura surrounding you. 
“Don’t you dare talk shit about my boyfriend you prick. You got something to say, you say it to my fuckin’ face.”
The sudden change in attitude was one thing, but having the ability to knock out Shion was different. Especially a girl.
“Did she just…knock out Shion?” 
“Way to state the obvious Kakucho.” Izana mocks, grinning at the misfortune of an unconscious Shion.
Ran gasps, pointing an accusing finger at his little brother. “She’s beautiful AND can fight?”
“At least she isn’t like his previous relationships where he ends up getting used or dumped.”
The blatant statement wasn’t too far off either. Ever since Mucho had joined Tenjiku, he had taken notice to Rindou’s frequent change in women overtime in the gang.
Shrugging, he ignores the whole scene while continuing his game of shogi with Sanzu.
“Alright, enough you guys!” Rindou sighs, walking over to you and embracing you from behind. 
“Sweetheart, please don’t worry about them, this is normal. No need to get upset,” he whispers, kissing the shell of your ear. You pout, turning to face your boyfriend. “Rindou, if I were you, I’d beat their asses, but since it’s fine with you then it’s fine with me.”
Nodding, Rindou kisses you on the forehead, smiling sweetly. “Thanks beautiful.”
“You two mind go getting a room, because I can’t stand that new couple shit. Makes me nauseous.” Mochi groans.
“Agreed,” everyone said in unison.
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alienguts · 1 year
Picking Up the Pieces (Bruce Wayne x f!Reader)
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Summary: Bruce and Selina have broken up again, leaving Y/N to comfort him.
Warnings: angst, breakups, unrequited feelings
Request?: No
A/N: technically, this is a comics!Bruce fic, but I used a Batfleck gif simply because he's pretty.
1 - Picking Up the Pieces | 2 - Kintsugi | 3 - Stay with Me
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Are you home? I could use someone to talk to.
As soon as Y/N read the text from Bruce, her heart sank. She’d already received messages from Alfred and the boys about what had happened, but once the message from Bruce came through, her gut feeling was confirmed.
Bruce and Selina had broken up. Again.
Every break up was exactly the same. Y/N would sit and watch Bruce be happy with Selina and then their dual lives would ruin everything and he would end up moping on Y/N’s couch for two hours until he got over her for a year and then they would be together again like clockwork.
Y/N sighed deeply and tapped out her response.
Yeah I’m home, come over when you’re ready.
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“I just don’t know what happened this time, Y/N,” Bruce sighed as he ran his hands over his head, his gelled hair sticking up from being ruffled so much.
“I don’t think I’ve got an answer for you this time,” Y/N said. She sat next to him on her tiny sofa, their knees almost touching. “That Selina’s a tough one to figure out sometimes.”
“Everything was going so well; she said she would marry me, moved in, the wedding was planned and people were invited and then…” He trailed off before taking a sip of the water Y/N had given him.
“Listen, none of this is your fault, Bruce,” Y/N said and rested a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She wanted him to know that she cared, but didn’t want to give him the wrong message. The guy had just gotten left at the altar, he didn’t need another woman feeling him up so soon.
“I know, but I can’t help but feel like it is,” he said.
Y/N’s heart twisted in her chest. She could hear how watery his voice was, just how emotionally run down he was, as if he was just seconds away from breaking into tears. And the worst part was that no matter how many times they landed in this exact same situation, it never got any easier.
She wanted Bruce to know that she had feelings for him, but it always seemed like someone else was getting his heart instead of her. She’d been there for all of them: Julie, Silver, Talia, Vicki, and of course, Selina. So many girlfriends, so many broken hearts. So many times she’d comforted Bruce on her couch. So many times he’d called her a ‘good friend’.
But she didn’t want to be a ‘good friend’, she wanted there to be more between them. She knew he could feel that spark between them, even if it was just a tiny jolt of static. They’d shared so many lingering glances, let their fingers touch for just a beat too long, had almost kissed at one point, but there was always someone else on Bruce’s mind.
Just once, she thought. Just once I wish it was my turn.
If thoughts of being held by Bruce didn’t keep her up at night, they would be the only thing she would dream about. His arms around her, his mouth on hers, telling her such nice things, but they were just dreams. Every time she would wake up and swear that she could still feel him, only to find that she was still alone.
“I should go,” Bruce said after a while, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts. “I’ve bothered you enough with this.”
“You haven’t bothered me, Bruce,” Y/N said, flustered. “I’m here for you to vent about your problems.”
Vent about your problems? Bad choice of words, Y/N she told herself.
“No, wait, I mean-” she stuttered, trying to force better words out of her mouth.
“It’s okay,” Bruce said and shot her a warm smile. Her stomach flipped when he looked at her, her heart fluttering as she lost her train of thought. “I know what you mean.”
“Oh, right.” She shuffled awkwardly in her seat as Bruce stood up to grab his jacket from the back of the sofa. “Could I give you a hug before you go?”
Bruce stopped, as if he was surprised by her question.
Why would his best friend ask for permission to hug him?
He turned to face her and smiled again before holding his arms out to her. 
“Of course, you don’t need to ask.”
Y/N gingerly hopped off the couch and made her way to Bruce, circling his waist with her arms and hovering her face just over his heart. She hoped he didn’t notice how her breath hitched when he pulled her closer into his chest and held her tightly, his cheek resting on the top of her head. She let her head fall onto him and listened to his steady heartbeat as her senses were completely taken over by him. 
Y/N had known Bruce to always be clean and well kept, but in that moment it was as if he’d arrived sparkling new. She breathed the scent of his cologne in deeply and savoured it, her eyes fluttering closed as she lost herself in him. It was just a hug between friends but to her, it was something she’d been waiting for for a long time.
When he pulled away, it felt like it was over too soon. She felt cold without him, even though his hands were still on her shoulders. Y/N watched his face as his eyes turned hazy and drifted down to her lips and his tongue briefly darted out to wet his own. Her heart jumped into her throat as they both looked at each other, daring themselves to look away.
“I’ve got to go,” Bruce said finally as his hands slowly dropped from Y/N’s shoulders. “Thanks for this.”
“Yeah, no problem,” Y/N said and led him to the front door of her apartment. “You know I’m here for you any time.”
“Yeah, you’re a good friend, Y/N,” he said and pulled his jacket on as he lingered in the doorway. “I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon,” Y/N echoed as she watched him go down the hall and out of sight.
When she reentered the apartment, she closed and locked the door before resting her back against it and letting out a deep watery sigh. A single tear finally rolled down her face as his words echoed in her mind.
You’re a good friend.
She kept telling herself that it was the wrong time to be crying over being called that, but it was all she could do. All she wanted was to tell him that she loved him and to hear him say he loved her too. But he was grieving a relationship that was doomed from the beginning.
What would make her any different?
She wasn’t Selina, or Talia, or Vicki, or Silver, or Julie. She was just Y/N, his childhood friend who was always going to be there for him whenever he either broke off another relationship or got dumped. And it never got easier. Trying to tell him how she felt never stopped feeling like an impossible mountain to climb.
Once she had run out of tears, Y/N picked herself up from the doorway and was about to go into the bedroom when she heard her phone chime. She’d considered ignoring it when she heard it again. Assuming it was important, she picked it up from the coffee table in the living room and was surprised to find two messages from Bruce.
Want to go for coffee tomorrow?
To make up for me moping around tonight
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yuusishi · 2 years
Hiya~ I love your works 🥺 May I request a headcannon about Sectoral heterochromia!Reader (The reader have a pink w/ mint green colours eyes OR A yellow w/ purple) i don't mind any genders
'They never show their eyes and always wear a mask (like Gojo's) until one day,after they became *the characters mention* s/o they decided that they're ready to show their eyes'
w/ Vil,Azul,Jade and Rook
Ignore this if you want,If you DO do this then Thank you!!
Vil, Azul, and Jade With a Reader With Sectoral Hererochromia!
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pairings: Vil Schoenheit, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech x gn!reader (separate)
genre: fluff
cws/tws: ooc Jade?
a/n: hi anonnie I didn’t include Rook in this (for once) cuz in my rules I said I’ll only do 3 characters per request! Also I’m still not totally familiar with how Jade acts so he might be pretty ooc
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¡ Vil Schoenheit !
He was amazed when he first saw your eyes, one being one-toned then the other two-toned, he’s rarely seen anything like this on social media much less in real life.
Was definitely happy that you trusted him enough with something that you usually cover up from other people!
Whenever you two are alone in either Ramshackle or in his room in the Pomefiore dorm he always faces you in bed just to admire you, whether or not you’re awake.
He loves you a lot and thanks the Seven for letting him meet someone as unique as you.
If someone suddenly bursts in the room (usually one of the Adeuce duo or Grim if you’re in Ramshackle) either one of you rush for the blindfold to cover your eyes again if you don’t want to show others yet.
This doesn’t happen at all if you’re in his room in Pomefiore though because everyone knows how to knock there <3 that’s why he prefers for you two to spend time in Pomefiore.
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¡ Azul Ashengrotto !
Azul’s deathly aware and experienced in things such as insecurities, he was over the moon when you let him see your eyes for the first time because that means you trust him a lot and that makes him happy!!
The tweels tease him sometimes for being the only one in your little friend group without a form of heterochromia to which he just scoffs at.
If you two are just sitting in his office or in one of each other’s beds I feel like he’s the type to just suddenly pinch your cheeks impulsively
“What was that for, Azul” you whined while you rubbed your cheek ‘You just look too cute for your own good’ was what he wanted to say but what came out was “I just wanted to” as he buried his face on your shoulder, but you got his message either way.
If you two are in the same class he likes to just sit and stare at you lovingly but as discreetly as possible if the teacher gives some free time, not just admiring your dual colored eyes but the entirety of you in general.
Does the same thing as Vil where he rushes to cover your eyes if someone suddenly comes in, but in a less panicky way to not cause the other person to ask any questions, especially if it’s a person that you’re not comfortable seeing your eyes yet.
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¡ Jade Leech !
Jade knows when it’s time to joke around (though a lot of his jokes end up sounding like threats) and when to be serious, and of course trusting him enough with something like this is something he’ll take seriously.
He thinks your eyes look like the painted pebbles that somehow survived to sink to the depths where he and Floyd live, they look beautiful.
Heterochromia couple!!
Respects the fact you’d rather hide your eyes from others, though he doesn’t understand why since he thinks it’s the prettiest thing he’s ever seen but even if he doesn’t get why he won’t pry for an answer.
Even if you both have heterochromia he thinks yours is so much more beautiful because it looks like one of your irises is painted which makes you so much better!
I feel like he’d keep accidentally covering your eyes with his hand instead of your blindfold if someone suddenly walks in the room without knocking, it takes him a while to go for the piece of cloth first before his hand.
Whenever he goes out shopping by himself he’d sometimes buy you one or two blindfolds that have designs on it unlike your plain black one to just change things up a bit, but of course no design that would make you look like a fool, he doesn’t aim to humiliate you.
If someone keeps overstepping your boundaries and constantly asking to see what’s under your blindfold Jade’s there in an instant to stop that person, by force if needed <3
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
Finished reading that s/o being stalked and I must admit it's a chef kiss. If you have free time can you do part 2 with Fyodor,Nikolai and sigma if you write for them? Or if you can't, can you do where the stalker still stalks the s/o ?
!Nikolai Gogol With An S/O Who Has A Stalker!
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Scenario:Nikolai finds out you have a stalker!how will he deal with it??
Pairing: nikolai gogol x gn!reader
Genre: im rly not sure tbh...
Type: oneshot
A/N: Hi anon! Okay soo,here’s the deal,i dont rly write for any of them but i also dont think the stalker would ever come back...buttt i also dont wanna ignore your ask or just not give you anything sooo,imma do a nikolai piece!also disclaimer it might be ooc cos im not rly sure i hv his personality down right so apologies in advance :’) i hope you like it and feel free to lmk what you think if you want!
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Nikolai gogol was an observant individual,and even though many people just took him to be an eccentric and impulsive clown(which he was) he did in fact have the ability to be calculated and observant,he just didnt wanna be~
So when he came home from a looongg assignment,he noticed how on-edge you seemed.how scared,uptight and jumpy you were.
He also knew you wouldnt tell him what it was for fear of either boring him or coming off as bitchy and childish.
So he dug;his curiosity was piqued and he was bored soooo he made it his mission to find out what was haunting you.
After not a lot of digging he found the root cause of your paranoia!
A stalker~
Honestly when he found out you had a stalker he was overjoyed!
Now he had a new plaything~
The next day your stalker was preparing themselves to send you another 'love' letter.
But after they'd dropped it into the box to be collected and delivered the next day,they ran into a young man.
He looked to be in his early to mid 20s and he had dual coloured eyes and snow white hair.
Your stalker excused themselves and was about to be on their way when the young man grabbed their wrist and ,whispering in a happy tone, said, "do you like quizzes????? " before enveloping them in his coat.
Your stalker then found themselves in a dark room that smelled like dust.
They tried to get up,but were repeatedly knocked down by an invisible attacker,eventually they stopped trying and just crouched down.
“WHO ARE YOU!” Your stalker asked, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!”
‘Ha!’ Nikolai thought to himself, ‘they look really upset,the audacity on this one is marvellous!’
But all he said was “Shhhhhhh, i’mmm the one asking the questions here~”
“And if you’re even hoping to escape,you’ll listen and answer them well”
He heard a gulp and a shakey breath being drawn,which caused him to smile from his hiding place.
“Now then, why dont we start with an easy one, what do you want with y/n l/n?”
“Who??i dont know what the hell youre talking about!!”
A golden vortex appeared and swallowed your stalker’s leg.
they were left one leg short.
After realising what had just happened, they screamed out!
“Hehehehee sorry,did i forget to tell you the rules????? Oh silly me!always forgetting important things! The rules are simple! Tell the truth,”
“Or lose a limb!”
He cackled maniacally and your stalker broke into a cold sweat.
They were in deep shit now...
“So~ go on, second chance! What.do.you.want.with.y/n l/n.”
Nikolai wasnt even asking anymore,he was demanding.
“AEK!! WRONG AGAIN!Gosh i really thought you’d answer when you knew the stakes....But i guess your appendages must mean nothing to you~”
Your stalker’s other leg was swallowed up.
Another scream pierced the air.
Nikolai yawned.
“Ooohh suddenly compliant are we? Well then! Sad to say you’re answer wont save you~”
“Oh yeah.i cant have you bothering my love now can i?? Sooo you’ll have to die!”
And with that another vortex appeared but this time a man pointing a gun stepped out.he pulled down the hammer down and cocked the gun before holding it right to your stalker’s head.
“Ehhh no~ id much rather kill you.eases my conscience~”
“Sure sure,threatening letters arent anything wrong but also,regardless of if you did that or not id still kill you.because i want to.its my will.and unlike you im not restricted by the bonds of morality.I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!”
“And right now,i want to shoot you”
Nikolai gogol got home that day and saw you sat at the table doing some work.
He hugged you from behind and burried his head in the crook of your neck,his stray hairs tickling your ear.
“Hello y/n~” he said,peppering kisses all over your your cheek,neck and shoulder.
You raised your hadn to let it sit in his hair,ruffling the white floofles you loved so much.
“Hey kolya....how was your day?where were you?”
“Oh you know,taking care of some business.”
“Hmm” you sighed at his response.
“Oh and about that stalker of yours,”
You suddenly went stiff,you hand which had come down to lay over his arms which were wrapped around you,gripped them with sudden tension.
“Dont worry,i took care of it.gave them a stern talking to!they’ll never bother you again!” He said.
And you deflated at that,sudden tears of relief streaming down your face.
You got up and turned around in his arms to face him.the smile on your fave was as radiant as ever.
“Thank you,kolya” you said before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
You both smiled into the kiss.
“Anytime dove~”
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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elycore · 2 years
I don't know if requests are still open but I've been thinking about Raiden Shogun's ability to create clones of herself in her boss battle and I was thinking about how hot it would be if Scaramouche could utilise that ability for more entertaining purposes
hi, anon!! thinks about sex immediately (to be fair, thats the appropiate context) yes, requests are open~ 3p scara x reader? sure can do! i'm thinking this will work like seele and veliona (breedable waifus, search them up) where 'kunikuzushi' is like part of scara, like veliona is with seele but instead of both sharing one body like seele and veli, scara can let kunikuzushi out in his own physical form so theres two of them at the same time...
fem!mean!dom!reader x two.. sub!bottom!scaramouches? (they fuck in the living room because they're all degenerates)((scaramouche = jealous))
can you tell i died at the porn part.. hha also this is like too long you dont have to read it LMAO this so rushed;))
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"hey, you know how your mom can makes clones, right? like the raiden shogun." you blurt out. the weather in inazuma is cool today, the cool breeze blowing through the air.
scaramouche flinches at the wording. "not my mom. but uh, yeah, what about it?" he gives you a look, scrunching his nose up.
you cup his cheeks, squeezing them and kissing his the tip of his nose. he yowls, startled by the sudden show of affection and jumping off of you. people are staring now. "hehe, well, can you do that too? since you're like her son."
"not her son." scara repeats, glaring but with a tint of pink on his cheeks. "but... i kind of can."
"whaddya mean kinda?" you tilt your head, urging him to go on. scaramouche sighs, and grabs your wrist to drag you into an empty alley to explain.
"um," he starts awkwardly. "i can only create clones of 'myself'. so like, i can't make another raiden shogun; only another 'me'. does that make sense?"
"so i can have two scaramouches? double holes?" you cling to his arm in excitement. scaramouche sputters at the wording.
"double what? ...anyways, you got your answer. i'm not doing it. not even for money." he turns to you, giving you his "that's final" look. of course, that didn't seal the deal for you.
"cmon please? i always give you stuff. you haven't repaid me for the two-hundred dango pack i ordered for you." you shoot him with a teary, puppy-eyed expression.
"that was literally a gift. and i..." you squish your breast against his arm, giving him your (attempted) most seductive look, sticking your tongue out just barely and lowering your eyes.
"we can have a lot of fun. you want that, right puppy?"
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"this might take a bit." scaramouche took a deep breath as he rubbed his temples. "cover your mouth, (y/n)." with only that as a warning, you shriek as a cloud of dust suddenly envelopes your sight. you cough, slightly annoyed. your nose stung, and your eyes watered to the extent that it looked like you were crying (though you were sure scaramouche wouldn't have minded).
fanning the smoke away, you squint your eyes. scaramouche's shape is present with another person next to him, sitting on the floor. the smoke cleared after a moment, and you gasp.
a beautiful boy is sitting on the ground, looking confused. he had the same feautures as his lover, but his eyes were softer and he didn't have the looming aura of homicide. his long hair gathered around him like a puddle. "scaramouche, why did you call me?" even this boy's voice was angelic, unlike scara's who was rough (outside of the bedroom, at least).
"there's somebody you'd like to meet. kunikuzushi, meet (y/n). (y/n), meet kunikuzushi. she's my girlfriend. " scaramouche seemed more polite with his dual's presence, not wanting to be himself rude in front of kunikuzushi.
"kunikuzushi." you repeated, getting used to the long name. "it's nice to meet you!" kunikuzushi seemed less tense, shoulders relaxing as you smiled at him.
"to you, too. it's an honor to meet scaramouche's beloved." he returns the smile, eyes crinkling.
"you should be more like him. maybe i'd fuck you more," you whisper in scaramouche's ear, and he flushes, hissing a weak 'shut up'. kunikuzushi is staring at you both, confused.
"ahem. we need to get you some clothes, kuni." scaramouche interrupts, about to walk away.
"actually, he doesn't." you set your plan in action, violently tackling scaramouche to the floor by surprise. he's stunned by shock, before groaning in pain with the hard contact.
"(y/n), please do not hur-" kuni's cut off by you pouncing on him, locking your lips with his. kunikuzushi lets out a little gasp, before melting into the kiss. scaramouche glares at the sight of you engaging with his other self, trying to drag you down by the shoulders, but you return his glare.
"good boys get rewards, and this one's been pretty good. not you, of course," you start furiously making out with kunikuzushi again. kuni seemed confused, but stayed pliant as you started to toy with his dick. the blush on scara's face was left unnoticed as he sat on the ground, watching you and wishing he were in kuni's place for once.
too enchanted by his facial features before, you didn't kunikuzushi's body. his nipples were puffy and pink, like scaramouche's (you were sure his were rock hard, though). as one hand teased his erection, another was toying with his equally sensitive chest. kunikuzushi let out small pants, not used to this feeling. you could hear squelching behind you, an obvious sign that scaramouche was finger-fucking himself.
"(y/n)." scara's voice calls, a bit breathy. "if you're going to fuck him, make it good." he really thought kuni was the only one that was going to get wrecked tonight?
you return you attention to kuni, fumbling for your strap under the couch (scara had insisted on putting some around the house. a waste of money, but convenient at times). "(y/n), that isn't going to fit." kunikuzushi whispers. at least he knew what you were about to do.
"it will if i want it to." you reply with a sweet smile, before thrusting in raw. kunikuzushi chokes, although it wasn't the reaction you were hoping for. for some odd reason, he was unbelievably wet (later scaramouche had explained it as 'puppet perks').
as you fuck scaramouche's counterpart ruthlessly, scara spreads your ass and puts a finger inside your cunt. "you can't ignore how wet you are, darling. let me." with only that as a warning, he dives into you, licking into your pussy. your pace stutters, kunikuzushi letting out quick breaths while you stop. "you really thought i was going to ignore this?" scaramouche teases as he licks your clit. you grunt in response, bucking your hips up into kunikuzushi.
the three of you cry out in ectasy, two of you chasing your incoming orgasms. it didn't help for you that once you opened your eyes to take a break from the unrelenting pleasure, kunikuzushi would stare up into you with the lewdest expression, cheeks dusted with light pink. you finally caved in, gritting your teeth as you squirt all over scara's face. at the same time, kunikuzushi lets out an unholy mewl as he falls over the edge, cumming on his chest. the room is silent with heaving breaths, all of you exhausted.
"scaramouche," you breathe out, looking back at him. "you're not done yet."
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yeah im stoppinghere
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Hi! I read all your ideas about Rhaenys and Corlys and I do like them, so I'd like to ask to you this: do you think that Rhaenys's rings have a meaning or represent something?
Ps: I read also your fanfic and they're amazing! Can't wait for others
I've had this ask in my inbox for a while and I'm so happy to answer it! I love her rings sooooo much.
I should just preface this by saying these are my personal opinions and I have no actual idea why these rings were chosen or what they mean. Feel free to add your own thoughts!
There are 4 rings that Rhaenys wears throughout season 1, which you can see here:
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Photo credit to @evebestonline
#1 - The simple gold band, which I'm fairly certain belongs to Eve (the woman also loves her rings). As discussed on this thread here, Rhaenys NEVER takes it off, even when she's removed the others.
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(Thank you to @sovesmeleys for that second screenshot because it saved me the trouble of finding it myself)
I like to think this is a ring from Corlys. The Westerosi don't do wedding rings, but it could easily be any kind of love token, engagement ring... or maybe Eve just decided to give her a wedding ring! I love that it's so simple and practical. She's able to always wear it, even under her dragonriding gloves, so she can always have a piece of Corlys with her.
The other 3 are from a company called Ottoman Hands, meaning none were made specifically for the show, which I think is something to consider since custom jewelry would be much more intentional.
#2 - The turquoise ring. It's a sea of blue with a pink-red center. To me, it looks very much like Corlys' Velaryon blue surrounding and protecting Rhaenys' Targaryen red. ~*symbolism*~
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You can buy the turquoise ring here at Ottoman Hands (I got one for my birthday and I LOVE IT).
#3 - The square gold ring. This one I'm not as sure about, but the pattern does appear to be similar to the gilded filigree of Meleys' saddle and the Velaryon ships! They do love to match.
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You can buy the square gold ring here at Ottoman Hands (thank you again to Tori, @evebestonline and Mar, houseoftargaryen_ for finding these pieces!).
#4 - My favorite ring. It's a dual stone, one larger light blue/white, and one smaller blue. Again, Velaryon colors. It reminds me of the jewelry some mothers will wear to represent themselves and/or their children (my mother, for instance, has a 3 stone necklace for 3 daughters). I can definitely see it as something Rhaenys got after Laenor was born.
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+ bonus: THUMB RINGS!
Because she's a badass dragonrider who means business.
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blackevermore · 2 months
x Secrets of The Lake: The Company of Misery and Pain ( Also on A03)
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{ Chapter 16 }
Summary: Vladimir Masters’ family tree has always been tainted by secrets swept under the rug. From generation to generation there have been countless reasons the Masters’ family had seemed to keep private from the public. Even to this day, Vladimir was no exception. But what was one to do when a restless spirit from the settlement years finally breaks free from restraints and demands you answer for your ancestor’s crimes? Vladimir doesn’t know. However, Clockworks does.
Notes: We just having fun, rewriting some of the canon, new adventure new characters. I will apologize now for any grammar, spelling, weird sentence structuring in advance. My brain writes faster than my fingers and even when I go back through to reread it I still miss things. Sorry about that!
Word Count: 4.2K
P.s: Chapters will be taking longer to get out which means they will get longer to read as well
Vladan was lost in thought as his hands went to work cutting away at the softwood with his pocket knife. He was thinking. His brother was seemingly getting better and that ceased his fear of his sibling’s becoming. Tayonna had played a major part in doing so, making Vladan grateful she was there. However, the more he became interested in Tayonna the more he found himself being unable to stop thinking about her. The other housemaids liked her and took kindly to including her in their chores, his mother held a weird air about having the woman around despite being overly welcoming towards her before, and Vladan’s father was too caught up in his work to have a say in anything that regarded the woman other than asking her for his gloves and where he left his letters. 
None of their opinions mattered though, Luther was the only one that Vladan had the urge to listen to when it came to the woman. Luther had nothing but good things to say, he praised her ability to help him and her company more than anything. She would tell him stories from her homeland and how much she missed being able to go about her day doing whatever she wanted. Luther at times felt bad that Tayonna was there with them. He admitted to Vladan that he even thought of sending Tayonna back to the islands and giving her dual citizenship so she would be free under Western law.
“How do you think you can do that?” Vladan asked. He was a scholar of business and science, he had simple knowledge of European affairs when it came to the business of slaves. But the colonies were something different. England had more power here than Prussia or any of the Germanic states.
“Well, I can’t marry her. I’m dying.” Luther let out a bellyful laugh that quickly rolled itself in a fit of coughs. Vladan was quick to his brother’s aid with a cup of water and a rag for him to cough into.
Vladan didn’t need Luther to say out loud that he was aware of his eldest brother’s allurement towards Tayonna. It seemed everyone was more and more aware of it while Vladan thought he had kept to his stoic and blank nature. Despite never raising a brow in wonder or smiling at kind gestures, Vladan's (awkward) actions screamed. When the woman was around he stiffened up and fought himself not to look at her. When someone said her name he was quick to distract himself with something and pretend he was busy. If he did have to interact with her he would move them far away from anyone else as if he had a secret to share. It wasn’t Luther who saw it first but rather his mother, Luther was just more vocal about it. And by vocal he was blabbing about taboo things that Vladan was sure even if he held the purest intent with wanting Tayonna’s hand the world would destroy it. 
When they first arrived at the new land Vladan quickly took note of the behaviours of the other settlers and the dos and don’ts. Do take pride in your culture and what boat you came off of. Don’t show too much interest in political affairs unless you want to be dragged into it. Do take part in the social trade of goods that benefit everyone. Don’t treat your slaves like people. That is why the Mægisters’ family house was farthest from the town and prying eyes. 
He wanted her. He wanted to hold her, listen to her stories, see her powers and magic, and be amazed that someone like her could ever exist. The few times he found himself alone with her when she showed him her powers his heart cried out for more. He was becoming greedy. She was something special and for once Vladan felt like he didn’t have to think about his responsibilities. He didn’t have to worry about his schooling, the family business, or his brother’s health, she took it away without touching him or even acknowledging his budding feelings that grew like wildflowers.
Vladan felt his heart sink with the idea of never having Tayonna in the burning way he wanted her. Vladan hands stopped moving and he looked down at the wooden figure he had mindlessly been cutting at. He was kinda impressed with his subconscious making sure he didn’t nick himself in the process. He placed his knife down behind him and turned the figure in his hands. He had made a rose unbeknownst to his conscious attraction to a certain servant who held his heart on a string. After seeing all the flowers Tayonna could create from thin air, roses had become the symbol of Tayonna's presence and Vladan had made a mission of surrounding himself with her one way or another. His victim today was wood, yesterday was his mother’s flowers at the dining table, and last week was a tree he began picking at while taking a short walk in the forest. 
Just like Tayonna, the wood was rough in a few places, smooth where the blade made simple cuts but sharp on edges that should have been curved. But it was still appealing, still something to be amazed by, the wooden rose was in many ways a form of art that few wouldn’t appreciate but many would. 
Nature had become beautiful to Vladan in the months he had stayed in the new lands with his family. This world was so fresh and hardly seen the industrial boom of farm hands and metal parts. Everyone here was starting over which gave nature time to adapt to its new invaders. Vladan looked up from his work and took in the scene of wildlife before him. In the back of the family home in the distance was a river that he knew connected to a pond somewhere beyond his eyes. He saw a few bunnies hopping by and the call of the birds swooping through the air. At times when the world seemed like it was still he had caught sight of deer that crept by. Despite not being a land he knew by heart. The new world was beauty hidden beyond the waters of Europe and destined for something great, Vladan was sure.
“Vladan!” The call of his name brought Vladan back to reality and he quickly snapped his neck towards the side of the house. Tayonna came running at a speed that made him cautious. Her face said all he needed to know as he dropped the wooden figure and began to close the gap between them. When she ran into his arms he gripped her wrist and tried to calm her down. She was speaking in a language he didn’t recognise which made it hard for him to pick apart the few words that did sound like English or Deutsch.
‘Tayonna, calm down! I can’t understand what you’re saying.” Vladan shook the girl gently and that seemed to work to bring the girl down from her adrenaline. The girl's face fell, tears were spiking in the corners of her eyes and she looked away as a few fell. Vladan clenched his jaw as he could only imagine the news she was about to tell him. Luther was dead. Luther had finally chosen to pass and Vladan oddly enough was okay with hearing that news. But when Tayonna opened her mouth to speak Vladan’s face ran pale and his body turned cold.
“Your father is dead.”
Vlad's eyes shot open and he felt a strong need to cry. His breathing was heavy, his throat felt clamped and his eyes burned every time he blinked. He fought the turn of his lips into a frown as he gasped again and choked down a cry. Vladan’s memories were stronger than before and the emotion that came with it almost made Vlad's heart break. He could only imagine getting a call saying his father was dead. Senior Master was a fine gentleman who ran his businesses and made sure his boy was ready for the world when he sent him off the college. He was a strict father but was fair when it came to his love for his son. Vlad could only imagine what Vladan had with his father, if his sadness was this substantial then their relationship was beyond important. As soon as Vlad was able to overcome the sadness a new emotion set in, one that made him anxious and terrified. He didn’t know why all of a sudden he felt like the world was crashing in on him. He raised his hands to his eye level, opening and closing them feeling the slight trimmer every time he opened them.
His breathing was getting harsher as if he had run miles on end and was finally coming to a stop. He rolled to his side and tried to catch his breath but it only made it worse as now he felt like his muscles contract and ache.
‘What am I going to do?’
‘What will I do with my mother?’
Vlad’s mother was dead.
‘Luther? Is Luther next?’
Vlad shut his eyes but the darkness that normally lay behind his lids turned into an out-of-body scene of him watching Vladan having a breakdown in the middle of a field. Vlad was horrified as he watched the man gripping at his hair and then turned to him. Vlad felt his core begin to burn him and he hissed, grabbing at his chest and falling to one knee. Vladan continued to look beyond him and then down at him with a worried look.
“Tayonna,” Vladan’s voice was broken as he spoke towards Vlad who was still hunched in pain. “Protect her, please.” Vladan reached out and clasped Vlad’s shoulders.
“L-Let go of me!” Vlad barked between groans of discomfort.
“Save her!” Vladan screamed in his face. 
Vlad tried to pull away from him and create distance but the pain in his chest kept him at the mercy of the other man. Vladan grip finally let go when the man shot to his feet and turned towards the distance.
“Tayonna!” He screamed and then vanished in the air.
Vlad peeked through his lashes and saw the world around him beginning to change. The sun was blacked out by something in front of it which made everything dark with a red haunting tint. Vlad managed to get back on his feet and staggered a bit, he looked around and was utterly alone. A chill ran down his back as he felt that he was being watched but by whom he had no idea. He turned around trying to see if the area he was in was from his dreams and when he caught sight of the house he fell to his knees again. The house he had seen constantly in his dreams was up in flames with a mass gathering of angry-looking towns folk with weapons and torches in their hands. Vlad’s emotions began to run again as he felt a broken defeat ghost over him as if he was watching his legacy be burnt to the ground. He felt helpless and destroyed. The flames danced in his eyes as flickers of colours painted over him. With each lap of fire crawling around the edges of the house Vlad felt his heart crack and crumble. He was watching his legacy burn down, his bloodline, his ancestor, his family. 
A woman in red looked back at him as she stood in the crowd of town folk. She smirked, overjoyed with his misery and watching everything he had go up in flames. Vlad felt the eyes on him and slowly raised his head but before he could lock eyes with the stranger his core pulsed again and he shut his eyes as a sharp pain crossed through him and then there was a feeling of peace. His core didn’t hurt anymore, the negative feelings that were drowning him were gone and he felt an overpowering drive of security. He felt a pair of arms grab onto him and pull him into an embrace that buried his head and steadied his heart. Vlad let out a staggered sigh and brought his hands to hold onto the body of whoever was holding him. In this moment he didn’t care who it was, he only cared that they were calming him down and surging out the distress he had experienced moments before. He nuzzled his face and took a deep breath inhaling an aroma of a pleasant earthy smell with hints of something sugary. His hands caressed the body and he felt a ping of fear that if he let go they would too and leave him.
Vlad finally dared to open his eyes and when he did he saw he was back in his bedroom. He hadn’t noticed he was pressed against someone until he felt a hand running through his hair. He looked down at the arm that wrapped around his shoulders and saw pale purple skin.
“He came to me,” Tayonna spoke before Vlad could say anything. “He was screaming and you were gasping for air.” Tayonna sounded tired but Vlad could tell that if he saw her face it would say something else. Was she worried? An uncertain conflict between being upset at the man who caused her trouble or uncomfortable with having to calm down a man she didn’t know. Vlad only hummed but didn’t try to pull away. He could hear the sound of her core thumping against her chest and it sounded almost like a lullaby. Neither of them pulled away and as if they had a silent agreement just stayed in each other arms until the following break of day.
When Vlad woke up from his alarm Tayonna was gone and the spot in which she laid last night was cold. Vlad couldn’t tell who was upset that she was gone, him or Vladan, or if they equally wanted Tayonna to stay for different reasons. Vlad could only admit to himself that when the girl was in his bed he felt the utmost relaxation he ever had. Tayonna made his body heavy with comfort and his mind went blank which he hadn’t had in a rather long time. He rolled his eyes at the idea of actually having the ghost in his bed. Maybe she could stay on one side and that would be enough for him to have a good night's rest without any memories that didn’t belong to him or impending dooms that threatened his sleep schedule more than it already did. He hadn’t shared a bed in years, never felt the need to or the want, he was fine being able to stretch out any which way. The few times he had taken someone to bed they were either gone in the morning before he woke up by their own will or the instructions he had given them the night before. Vlad had only ever thought of waking up to one person since college. She would sleepily greet him and kiss him and many more things his wicked mind indulged in. But Maddie would never be in his bed and Vlad was not going to simply walk up to a restless ghost and ask for a snuggle buddy.
Vlad kicked his feet off the side of his bed and rolled his neck. He ran a hand up his shoulder and tried to rub the knots out but gave up when he realized he couldn’t. Last night was a shit show and he would need to book an appointment with his masseuse. He turned back over to the other side of the bed and reached out a hand to rub the sheet. Despite now hosting another person’s mind within his body he did enjoy the company Tayonna gave him. Rather if it calmed his mind or night, being held by someone else lit something inside him he hadn’t had in years.
The imitated intimate nature was not something Vlad got often even with his rare and few late-night partners. They didn’t hold him or run their fingers through his hair with innocent intentions. At times Vlad only craved the partnership that left kisses on his cheek and small touches on his hand. 
When Vlad felt his mind begin to race again with his own saddening needs he snapped forward and got to his feet to start his day. Enough with the melancholy and more with the businessman he was. 
It had been his silly idea to invite the ghost to dinner which left a bad taste in Dani’s mouth. After almost a month of having the ghost lingering around, Vlad had finally asked her to join him in the final days of dinner before he packed up everything and went back to Wisconsin. Although the ghost could not eat living food he had set up a plate of ectoplasm arranged in a fancy way for the other to enjoy. Once dinner was in full swing Vlad took note that Tayonna hardly picked at her food. He didn’t say anything and just blocked out the way she looked between him and Dani as best he could.
“Does that mean she’s staying here?” Dani asked. Vlad wanted to scold her about talking about Tayonna as if she wasn’t there with them. Vlad swallowed, placed his fork down and crossed his leg over the other.
“It doesn’t seem that Tayonna can go anywhere without me. Her injuries were caused because she tried to leave. From what I understand she can not go too far without something happening. So, she will be coming with me back home.” Vlad gave his daughter a mannerly smile and Dani was unduly relieved. 
Then Dani became curious, “Wait, how come she can’t leave?”
Vlad didn’t want to tell Dani that Tayonna and he were bound by the core. That would raise too many red flags and likely send the girl off in a fit. Dani was still on edge about Tayonna being around, finding out her parental figure was damn near ball and chained to the ghost would freak her out.
“I can not leave until it is resolved. I must stay.” Tayonan cut in and Dani shot her a nasty look. The ghost held Dani’s eyes but did nothing. Vlad cleared his throat to gather Dani’s attention again and narrowed his eyes on her rudeness. Dani apologized.
“She is correct,” Vlad begins, “It has been placed upon me to figure out what is keeping her restless. Thus she must stay close. But you have nothing to worry about since you’ll be spending the summer with Daniel and his family. Before the winter comes back around and you are back home, Tayonna will be properly rested or at least back in the ghost zone.” Vlad felt upset with himself for saying that but quickly shook it off as Vladan tried to get inside his head. Vlad looked towards Tayonna and she looked away, gazing at the room around her then sighing in a defeated manner.
He felt her core pulse with a pang of sadness, he closed his eyes, took a moment, and then swallowed it down as he tried to continue eating his food. Dani didn’t like that answer, she didn’t like the idea of Vlad being alone with a ghost who could easily get inside his head. She made a mental note to talk to Danny, he would be the only one who could come up with some plan of what to do before he was packing and moving to college. Oh yeah, Danny was moving to college at the end of the summer and that was the whole point of Dani staying with him. 
Dani hated how Tayonna came during a time when things were supposed to be peachy-sweet. Danny was leaving, Dani was growing up, Vlad was settling into different businesses and being a dad. Then here came Tayonna and her girl issues while dead and Dani wanted to gag and tell her to suck it up. Dani had heard how annoying Amber and Kitty were months before she was born and how Danny hated having to deal with them. Now it felt like history was repeating itself and cursing Dani to deal with almost the same things her male counterpart dealt with, but worse. Stupid ghost with stupid feelings fucking up her family and all the things they had going for them. Dani could feel her anger bubbling and she was sure it was not due to any mind tricks. Ugh! 
“Danielle?” Vlad cocked a brow. 
“I’m tired, I’m going to bed.” Dani took a final bite of her food and then roughly placed her fork down. She pushed the plate forward before pushing out her chair. She ran over and hugged Vlad tightly and the older man was confused but quickly settled into the embrace. Dani gave one last squeeze then pulled away.
“Love you.”
“Same to you,” Vlad responded, mentally kicking himself for not being able to say it back.  “Make sure you are fully packed so I can drop you off tomorrow.” Vlad hated yelling at the dinner table but the young phantom was already out of the room.
When it was just him and Tayonna the ghost seemed almost pleased.
“She’s uncomfortable.” Tayonna poked at the food in front of her.
“I would be too if an unwanted ghost came into my house and caused trouble.” Vlad retorted sharply. He didn’t mean to sound so harsh but it was the truth. 
“I apologize.” Tayonna locked eyes with Vlad and he gulped then quickly cleaned his mouth with a napkin. He could feel that she felt bad for scaring Dani.
“With due time she will come around to the idea that you’ll be here for a while,” Vlad smirked more for himself. It was almost like playing a very strange game of house. Dani’s short temper mostly came from Vlad in his former years. Danny was a lot better at controlling unnecessary undirected anger than Vlad. Vlad would just shoot off until there was nothing left of his mockery. Dani, now going through the necessary steps of her angsty teenage years, was very much like Vlad. 
“Sometimes I wonder if our daughter would have had her father’s stoic nature or my temper.” Tayonna didn’t mean to share that with Vlad but the pull on her core begged for a connection. She secretly hoped her actions of bounding them wouldn’t backfire.
“Did he want children?” Vlad bit the inside of his cheek when the question left his lips. He felt nervous asking.
“He wanted many, I told him one would be just enough but he wanted two. A girl for whom he could teach business and a boy for whom he wanted to live freely.” Tayonna's core lit up with happiness, Vlad could feel it and it felt lovely.
“Isn’t that a bit backwards for your time?
“Forbidden by nature, not by nurture. He didn’t live by nature, he enjoyed its benefits but never truly lived by it. He followed the way his heart told him.” Tayonna gave a small smile and looked down at her hands.
“A girl learning the ways of her brothers would allow her the ability to fight. A boy learning his sister’s gives him the ability to learn to care for the things that matter most.” Vladan had spoken through Vlad and it was clear both he and Tayonna were aware of it. The girl looked uncomfortable but kept her eyes on Vlad to see what else would happen. The man felt his mind rush and then settle and he quickly reached for his drink to down it.
“Does he talk to you?” Tayonna asked just above a whisper.
“He annoys me.” Vlad tsked.
Tayonna looked always hopeful to talk to Vladan but when Vlad’s face fell to a disgruntled expression she quickly shook the feeling away. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to talk to him anyway. Vlad could sense she strongly longed for the man despite wanting to also kill him. Love was a dangerous feeling Vlad knew all too much about. Love could get scary to the point you would hurt anyone including the one you promised to cherish. Tayonna was in love just as much as she was in pain. Vlad was unfortunate to feel every ounce of that as they sat across from each other. 
“Tayonna?” Vlad called to the woman and she looked back up with him.
“Can you remember what he did to make you so upset?” Vlad could feel the beating of his heart begin to race. He could hear a very faint yelling in his ear telling him Vladan was innocent. Vlad tried his best to drown it out as the woman in front of him struggled to think. Tayonna looked away trying to gather her thoughts but the more she dug through her mind she came upon blanks. Tayonna could not pinpoint any memories but rather just her anger and her sadness towards Vladan. She was restless for so long and it felt like her reason for being so became a phantom of itself. But something wasn’t right. Tayonna knew herself better than anyone else and knew that she would never be mad at Vladan if there wasn’t a good reason. She loved him more than anything in the world. She tried to think again but nothing came about it.
Vlad raised a hand to his chest and gripped his shirt as a shot of anxiety came from Tayonna.
“Tayonna?” Vlad called again and the girl began to cry.
“I don’t remember.”
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subby9411 · 10 months
“Tonight you will act like the submissive you are, do you understand?”
“Yes sir”
Since I last dominated Sir. He has cuffed me a couple times with just cuffs and nothing else. Until the last time before tonight is when he fucked me hard, with pleasure. He was so gentle when he cuffed me. I wore my white canvas keds and my hot pink sweat pants. He handcuffed me behind my back at medium tightness and honestly I was not prepared. I know that’s not what you want to hear right now. But it was almost dual. Yeah he fucked me hard because I’m shallow. But I wasn’t fully turned on.
When he finished fucking me I left and that was the last time I spoke to him. But tonight I’m in trouble because apparently I have an attitude.
You know me, always a brat 😈.
I don’t know what he has planned tonight besides shackles, which we know are my least favorite.
“Wear a skirt, and your white keds”
“Yea sir”
“Get here at 8pm”
“Yes sir”
Well I did not get there at 8pm and because of this I was in more trouble.
When I arrive I walk to the basement door. The path is no longer muddy because some maintenance was done and there’s a stone walk way now. This is very nice, my keds won’t get muddy anymore! I stand at the sliding doors with my hands above my head waiting for him to open the door as I face the other direction.
“Step back towards me”
He handcuffed me tightly behind my back. And then he guided me into the house and closed the door. He changed my keds one at a time. He put all black canvas keds on my feet. Then he guided me to the room where He put a thick bite gag in my mouth strapping it to my head like a collar.
He instantly bent me over the side of a seat, pulled up my skirt, and lube my ass up. That’s when he inserted a butt plug. I’m not sure how big it was, all I know is the air left my body as he was pushing it in.
He fixed my skirt and then pulled me standing straight up and then pushed me into the seat to sit for a moment of reflection. He put shackles around my ankles at medium tightness. He left the room and all i could think about was if he was going to give me shackle punishment. The whole reason for being punished is for having an attitude. I mean I’ve been on my period so the whole attitude was without intentions.
Shortly after he leaves, He walks back in the room again and he has this aura about him. Like he’s playing a game.
“Are you enjoying yourself”
I really feel like he has a camera in this room. I seen a red light when the lights were out but who knows.
“Yes sir” I try to reply with the bite gag in my mouth.
I feel like I look so silly right now and the way I sound when trying to talk. I mean if you’re gonna ask questions Atleast take the gag off.
“Stand up”
He walks over and instantly puts his hands around my torso. I stand up just to feel the shackles tightening. That’s when he leaned down and made them tighter.
“Spread your legs and tighten the chain”
I do as he says and he then leaves the room and comes back with another pair of keds. He helps me to sit down. And he tries to put a smaller sized pair of keds on my feet and they do eventually fit me. I’m not sure what the pattern is because we are in the dark.
“Stand up” he says sternly.
When I get to my feet the shackles are tight I am slightly leaning forward to keep my balance with my hands cuffed behind my back.
“You do not make any noises you are to bite down on that thing do you understand”
“Yes sir”
“Do you understand!” He says as he steps on the chain.
“Yes sir!” I have to push the gag out of my mouth to answer.
The chain being stepped on made my ankles feel like they were being stabbed. These shackles are the only thing that really makes me anxious when coming to meet sir. I cannot stand them. I don’t always disobey him but the smallest things I do because of life inconveniences causes punishments.
He finally removes the buttplug and then steps on the chain one more time to remind me that he is always in control no matter what. I don’t need reminding though. I already know, and I’ll never forget.
He walks me to have a seat. He removes the shackles and he puts my white canvas keds back on my feet. He stands me up still cuffed behind my back and he pulls the cuffs hard so my back is pinned against him as his mouth is near my neck.
“When I tell you to be here on time, you’re gonna come on time correct?”
“Yes sir” I say with a hoarse voice after being gagged.
“You’re going to obey me from now on correct?”
“Yes sir” I say.
“You will stand here outside the door with your hands on your head. When your phone vibrates you may leave, understand?”
“Yes sir” I reply lowly.
As soon as my phone goes off I storm out the huge gates to my car. I have tears stained on my eyes and cheeks. I am ready to go home to shower.
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darsynia · 1 year
Trust Fall | Ch 14b
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ARC image by Eury Escodero
Story Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: Tony/OC, ‘terrorists made us fall in love;’ IM1 timeline. In this chapter, Tony gets home and starts his campaign to find Emory, and Emory meets Nick Fury.
Length: 2,794
Tags (please don’t hesitate to ask!): @starryeyes2000 @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @starksbf @themaradaniels @chickensarentcheap @tiny-anne
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“Ready and waiting for your instructions, sir.”
“Good. First: Use any and all means, including illegal ones, to lock down the non-essential medical records of a Miss Emory Autumn for the next twenty-four hours. Be obvious. I want them to know it’s me.”
This is a gamble, because there’s a tiny chance she’s actually in some kind of a medical crisis and that’s why there’s been no word. After all, he has no legal right to know anything about her. Tony’s sure that she’s fine except for the abnormal test results which show evidence of her new abilities, however. They were rescued by US forces, and the US forces tested her blood, found out something interesting, and from that point, the woman he loves disappeared. He’s not going to take that lying down, and he wants whoever has her to know it.
“Shall I also inform your lawyer that you may be brought up for charges sometime before the end of the year?”
“If you like, honey buns,” Tony replies.
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Chapter Fourteen: [weather redacted in report of unexplained incident in Afghanistan]
No one brings her dinner.
Honestly, that feels like a pathetic power play designed to force her to use her powers. The only thing Emory respects about the decision is that it seems like they actually do believe she won’t try to escape anytime soon, so this is the best they can come up with.
Two hours later, after she’d spent time running the most annoying scales she could think of, knowing that someone is required to listen to them, the lights shut off. Without a window, there’s no way to know whether it’s actually dark, but she’s been tired for hours anyway. The only things keeping her awake are the dual fears that she’ll dream of Tony and generate power in her sleep unless she’s fully exhausted, and the idea that they can manipulate her by exploiting her jet lag from the time difference. This isn’t a military base, she’s sure of it. She’s back in the States.
Pushing away thoughts of Tony is harder when she’s sleepy, but she does her best, and eventually drifts off.
Emory wakes up to a room darker than she’s been in for at least three months. It’s terrifying at first; the cave had always been lit, likely because the terrorists had needed to make sure they could always see the room, even though that hadn’t stopped the escape, in the long run. The good thing about the room being dark now is that it gives her confirmation that there is indeed a hidden window. Across from her bed there’s a ‘closed bedroom door, illuminated hallway’ effect along the whole wall, at the ceiling. The very darkness of the room makes this line of light obvious. It's exactly the sort of detail that is easy to miss. Who would bother checking the room at night, especially if you don’t tell the people modifying the room the reason for its modification?
As she lays in the bed and stares at the evidence of a hidden window in her room, Emory almost feels like she’s absorbed some of Tony’s and Yinsen’s situational intelligence. Again, she asks herself what Tony would do if he were in her place. The answer that comes to her is that he would seek to eliminate weaknesses and amplify strengths.
An obvious weakness is the IV, as is the surveillance. The three of them had never sought to block or destroy the cameras in the cave, because the consequences would have been too risky, with little to no reward. Here, Emory doubts she could reach them even if she could figure out where they were. Here, she’d spent a lot of her singing time changing positions on the bed so she could examine the walls for their location, but the drop ceiling has multiple stains and defects that could all be hiding cameras. In the dark, there are no discernible lights except for the red one over the door, and the green one at the badge scanner. She doesn’t know much about surveillance technology, but assumes that if Tony can build a suit that can do all the things he’d managed in Afghanistan, it’s likely that there are low-light/no-light surveillance cameras.
Then, it hits her. The IV is probably a test, by now, as they haven’t put anything in it in many hours. They’re probably waiting for her to pull it out herself, and noting how much time passes before she does so. If she takes it out now, and no one comes rushing in, that would reveal that her captors can’t see her (or aren’t watching at night, which is unlikely), wouldn’t it? She could kill two birds with one stone, although Emory’s always hated that particular phrase.
She wishes she had any light to go by, or extra tape, because it would be even better if she could pull out the IV and then tape it so it looked like it was still set up, but that’s not feasible. Slowly, carefully, Emory tugs off one pantleg and presses its inside-out hem against the place where the IV goes into her arm. She won’t be able to see if removing it gets really messy, but the scrubs she’s dressed in are dark navy blue, and the hem is a full inch, the fabric doubled. It’s as sneaky as she can be.
When she’s satisfied that her arm isn’t bleeding, Emory lets the tubing drop, puts her pants back on, and lays back in the bed, her heart pounding.
No one comes.
In her mind, she pictures Tony smiling at her. Emory rolls over with her back to the IV pole and gathers up the energy that simple thought has generated, tossing it up so that it ruffles her hair, just like the song she’d sung so many weeks before.
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Stane offers to hold a second presser with some rudimentary information, mostly what Rhodey’s commanding officer has okayed about the rescue and Tony’s arm injury. Obie tells him he’ll even add something about Tony’s experience in captivity, how he’s concerned that by continuing Stark Industries’ current path, he’ll be doing what the terrorists wanted-- namely, making more weapons, the use of which will cause more strife in the region.
It’s an ingenious compromise, really. Obie’s powers of persuasion and spin have always been legendary, even if he has acted like a corporate father (with all the selfish, capitalist behavior that naturally entails) rather than a surrogate one, to Tony. He even persuades Tony that any disparity between their messages today about Stark Industries and weapons is just a hint that things are moving so fast that no one should panic yet.
Tony hands off his sling and jacket to a guy in finance who has the same hair and build as he does and sneaks into Happy’s car with Pepper.
The whole car is silent for the first five minutes, though Tony notes that Happy looks in the mirror to check on the two of them a lot, and Pepper’s facial expression seems frozen into deep concern.
“So none of my letters got through?” he asks, feigning confusion to break the ice.
“You mean you got to write--” Pepper starts to say in a squeaky voice, before she realizes and stops talking. Happy chuckles, up front. “That’s not nice. We were really worried, Tony.”
“Yeah, so was I,” he says, tipping his head back and sighing. “So who was the guy talking to you earlier? Looked like a government stiff?”
“Something like that, long department name, wanted to debrief you,” she says, shaking her head. “We’ve gotten a ton of requests from basically every agency.”
“Say yes if it’s Health and Human Services, have you seen the new undersecretary? I think half of the Senate voted yes just so they could get to see her in the news more often,” he teases. “Speaking of which, do you have my phone?” Tony tries to sound casual, but Pepper knows him, so she gives him a look. He wonders if she thinks he’s trying to make up for lost time or if he’s pretending to so he can con the phone out of her and start making changes at the company.
It’s neither. He wants to ask Rhodey about Emory. Tony can’t shake the feeling that the official who spoke to Pepper knows something about her. The phone he had in the Hum-Vee is gone, sure, but even his backups have backups.
“Did any of the other agencies send someone in person?” he asks her.
“No. I assume this guy is so junior that he didn’t get out of the personal visit. You know, haze the new guy by sending him to ask to speak to Tony Stark,” she says, offering him a sweet smile.
“Hmm.” Tony looks out the window to see where they are. Almost home. “He give you his number?”
“Don’t threaten him, okay? He was just doing his job.”
“What, me? Threaten?” Tony feigns utter shock, which is successful, because Pepper starts to laugh. “No, seriously. I get a sense that I ought to talk to at least one out of the multitude. He showed up in person, that takes guts. Gimme.”
Tony takes the way that Pepper allows herself to roll her eyes just a little when handing the business card over as a sign she’s starting to adjust to his return. As Happy pulls up into the driveway, Tony sees the two of them make eye contact in the rearview, and decides to be magnanimous.  
He waits till the car stops, and before Happy turns it off, he says, “Hey, so, it turns out I haven’t been alone in about three months, so how about the two of you go expense a fancy dinner to my account tonight, give me a little space?”
Before either of them respond, Tony opens the door and gets out awkwardly, hampered by the arm injury. As usual, the door unlocks as he walks up, because JARVIS is always watching. He considers going up and laying on his bed, but angles toward his basement workshop instead.
He almost gets emotional when he settles into his chair for the first time and sees the three monitors flicker to life.
“Welcome back, sir. It’s really good to see you home safe and sound.”
“Good to hear your voice, JARVIS,” Tony says. It really is. “Not sure about the ‘sound’ part, though.”
“Yes, well. That was always somewhat in doubt, wasn’t it?”
Tony breaks into a grin. “Damn straight.” He grabs the mouse, opens up a search engine, and starts typing. “All right, I have a few directives, all of which are top priority, house on fire stuff.”
“Ready and waiting for your instructions, sir.”
“Good. First: Use any and all means, including illegal ones, to lock down the non-essential medical records of a Miss Emory Autumn for the next twenty-four hours. Be obvious. I want them to know it’s me.”
This is a gamble, because there’s a tiny chance she’s actually in some kind of a medical crisis and that’s why there’s been no word. After all, he has no legal right to know anything about her. Tony’s sure that she’s fine except for the abnormal test results which show evidence of her new abilities, however. They were rescued by US forces, and the US forces tested her blood, found out something interesting, and from that point, the woman he loves disappeared. He’s not going to take that lying down, and he wants whoever has her to know it.
“Shall I also inform your lawyer that you may be brought up for charges sometime before the end of the year?”
“If you like, honey buns,” Tony replies.
“Very well.” 
He’s not going to pause for passive-aggressive reckoning from his artificial intelligence. “Second: I want a rolling notification on any and all instances of the name ‘Emory Autumn’ in all media, police band, and available military radio frequencies.”
“Acknowledged. You should also know, sir, that in your absence, you have been upgraded to the latest version of cellular phone. Your previous backup has been copied over. The device is in its box in the drawer on your left.”
“Thanks, J,” Tony says, not reaching for it yet. He’s got a search he’s about to hit enter on, but he needs to collect his thoughts first, because they’ll be scattered as soon as it populates. “Third: I need an intensive search on all airplane manifests, public and private, domestic and international, on the name ‘Emory Autumn’ for the last forty-eight hours. Use our codeword clearance to unlock the military manifests as well.”
“That will ALSO merit attention from the government, do you still wish to proceed?”
“Yes,” Tony says flatly, suppressing a smile. He loves it when JARVIS gets testy.
“Estimate thirty minutes for full access to military flights. I will send the rest of the results as they appear.”
“Thanks,” Tony says. He hits enter.
The three monitors display three different tabs’ worth of search results on the name Emory Autumn. The middle one shows images. It hurts to see Emory and not know where she is. He clicks on one of the images, a candid red carpet photo that is focused on Rory Fall but shows Emory in a modest but stunning gown standing beside her. She looks gorgeous; her friend beside her is wearing something more expensive and flashier, but she looks gaudy and overdressed in comparison. Even Rory’s hair looks dull next to Emory’s, Tony observes.
“Damn,” he says aloud, realizing. He’s pining for this woman, loading up pictures of her like some weird kind of stalker. What he should be doing is finding out where the fuck she is. Tony gestures, and the picture magnifies on the screen. He has to stop himself from reaching out to touch it.
“Ms. Autumn was the person taken alongside you after the ambush in Afghanistan?”
“Yes.” He doesn’t elaborate. He doesn’t want to know what words might spill out.
“She was listed on a military plane coming into New York yesterday, and an hour later on a flight from New York to Washington, D.C.”
He’d suspected that Emory had been flown out before he was, and this is the confirmation. “D.C.? She lives in California! Get me Rhodes on the phone. Now.”
Rhodey won’t appreciate the pressure, but Tony owes it to his friend to start there before going over his head. And he’s definitely going to go over Rhodey’s head. He’s going to raise hell until he finds out what the fuck is going on.
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Emory’s been awake for an hour and a half and her stomach is growling when the light above the door flashes green and it opens. A man walks in. He’s wearing an eye patch and a trenchcoat, and Emory suddenly wishes she had never gone to Afghanistan.
She’s a fraud. A doormat. She can’t see herself being strong enough to stand up to this man, and she never should have pretended like she wanted to.
She’s terrified.
“You asked for the boss. Well, here I am,” the man says. His voice is authoritative and compelling. Emory wishes she could fall through a trapdoor on the floor. She can’t even risk thinking about Tony to make herself feel better, because that’s just what this man wants her to do. “I see you’ve removed your IV.”
“I see you’ve removed--” Emory starts to say, but before she can finish, her visitor holds up a hand.
“I think you have me mixed up with someone else, someone a lot more brave and ten times more disrespectful,” Emory says, almost laughing. “I was going to say ‘my food privileges,’ for the record.”
“Ah,” the man says, frowning. “That has to do with a stunt your boyfriend pulled on us. He’s figured out how to lock down your medical records, including allergies.”
Emory feels a breeze ruffling her hair, knows its origins, but is nonetheless grateful for the unintentional confidence booster in the word ‘boyfriend.’ Tony’s sabotaging them, in her defense. She could walk on air!
She… actually could. Emory gathers up the excess energy and, carefully, without moving her hands as she ordinarily would, she starts to mentally picture unraveling the ball of energy into a ribbon and tossing it along the floor, hopefully to butt against the fake wall that covers the window and maybe dislodge it a little.
At the same time as she releases the burst of energy, Emory says, “You couldn’t feed me bread and water in the meantime? Or maybe a Dixie cup of water and a vending machine egg salad sandwich would be more situationally appropriate?”
The energetic ball of air strikes the wall with a thump at the same time she says ‘Dixie cup.’ To his credit, the man in the trenchcoat turns his head slowly to look behind him, and then turns back to fix her with a penetrating look.
“Did you do that?”
“If you mean, ‘did I build a fake wall to cover up the fact that the room has a window,’ no, sir, I did not,” Emory says. She’s grateful that she’s sitting in the bed with her hands in her lap, because she’s able to clench her hands tightly around the sheet covering her legs, hopefully without looking like she’s desperately holding onto her sanity.
“I see,” the man says, with gravitas she’ll never be able to accomplish. “Let me start over. My name is Nick Fury. You have information that I need to know. I have information that you need to know. I feel certain we can come to an understanding.”
“What’s in it for me?” she asks, once again channeling Tony.
“Those injections are killing you.”
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Next chapter, Emory has a tense stand-off with SHIELD, during which she discovers her new-found confidence thanks to Tony's influence.
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chronurgy · 7 months
Texture hair and favourite for Vesper please! So interesting!
Ooooo let's see, a lot of these have dual answers, one for before and one for after they lose their memories so I'll include both
Texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
So pre-amnesia I think there's a big strain of "my body is the tool by which I slaughter, not something to be decorated and enjoyed" in their thinking and they're willing to wear more or less anything. They generally dress neatly in public because it attracts less attention and will put on whatever they need to get into places without notice, but they don't really tend to think of clothing and fabrics in terms of like and dislike. I think the one thing they do insist on even then is no long sleeves, because before we had synthetic stretchy fabrics sleeves often didn't have a lot of give and could restrict arm movements and as a wizard hand and arm movements are essential to them. I think once Gortash tried to get them into some fancy outfit with tight sleeves and Vesper just took a knife and cut them off above the elbow while looking him dead in the eye. They may have also implied he was trying to fuck with their casting on purpose for his amusement. After that display he made sure everything he gave them had loose sleeves.
I also think it's through Vesper's acquaintance with Gortash that they slowly start to have opinions about fabrics beyond just the practical. He's always asking them questions about what they like and are they enjoying this and putting them in fancy fabrics and that does cause them to slowly (very slowly) start to form opinions of their own. They like the cool softness of silk and don't like velvet (they hate the feeling of dried blood crusted onto velvet). They prefer looser clothes for ease of movement and don't like stiff fabrics. I think there's a lot of internal conflict for them when Gortash learns their preferences and gifts them clothes (both for parties and more everyday wear) that are exactly what they want. And then wearing whatever they would wear in the temple which they didn't notice before but now know isn't properly tailored for them and isn't made of the fabrics they like best and think longingly of the clothes Gortash had made for them and how much better they feel and how much nicer they look and are shaken by it, because this wasn't really something they thought about before, or if it was it was something they could easily dismiss. But now they're out there thinking about clothes and their body not just as necessary tools but as sites of beauty and pleasure and it isn't something they can repress anymore like they could before. They can't even escape it by studying magic (which has always been their great love and great escape) because now they notice that the clothes they're wearing aren't cut properly for their shoulders and they can feel it when they practice somatics!
Once they lose their memories, their preferences remain the same though it takes them some time to rediscover them. They're also significantly less ashamed of them because, well, they don't know that they should be.
Hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
(I have pics of their styles in their tag, if you want a visual) They've always worn their hair short, partially as a consesion to the practicality of keeping their hair out of the way, partially because they just prefer it that way. Pre-amnesia, their hair was sort of their one little vanity. They could have cut it shorter but didn't because they liked the way it looked. It did tend to slip out of its hold as the day went on and fall into their eyes just a bit so they'd often impatiently brush it back into place, often with bloody hands that would result in red-brown streaks that stood out very obviously against their white hair. They usually had to wash their hair again before going out in public because of it.
In game, their hair is a little shorter and not quite as nice looking because Kressa hacked it off to make it easier to manage while experimenting on them in the mindflayer colony. They did feel a sense of loss when they first saw their hair after escaping the nautiloid but couldn't have explained why. It's growing back out and they'll likely go back to a similar style to what they had before.
Favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
Pre-amnesia, it's a pair of boots that Gortash had made for them very soon after they start working together (and the first gift he gave them). I think he saw the shitty, ill-fitting shoes they wore and maybe even saw them trip during a fight due to them being too big and getting stuck in some gap in the cobblestones and was like. No. Absolutely not. Not in my house. And had a nice, well fitting, properly cushioned pair of leather boots made for them. It's a gift that's so eminently practical that Vesper was actually able to accept them without being too weird about it. The second gift they receive from him (and another piece of clothing they treasure) is a pair of the thinnest silk gloves enchanted to retain heat. This is an extravagant gift and Vesper feels that they should refuse because one practical and not massively expensive gift is one thing but this is a completely different thing and establishes a pattern, but he offers them the gloves in the middle of winter and they want them so badly because they can't wear normal gloves and cast so their hands are always freezing. So they do take them, even though they kinda feel like they shouldn't, and I do think it's this moment that both opens the floodgates for Gortash to keep giving them gifts and marks a point where their relationship really starts to intensify. Both of those gifts hold a lot of meaning for them and they wear the boots basically all the time (and the gloves all the time in the colder months).
Post-amnesia, I think it's their collection of earrings that they come off the nautiloid still wearing. They're the only things they have from their previous life so they cling to them because they have nothing else. Most of them are from Gortash, but a couple of them come from previous victims that they respected in some way (someone who fought well, someone who threw himself at them and managed to distract them long enough for his lover to escape, someone who was kind to them). They know none of this, just that they feel very protective over them for reasons they don't quite understand.
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sigilsmut · 1 year
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I drew this small reference sheet for Honeko 🥺 + some updated info! I can’t tell you how many days or months it took me to make this character, but know that her google doc notes being 14 pages long should tell you everything you need to know.
Name change. Before, his name was Honeko Krueger because originally there was gonna be a horror theme for him. However, I changed his last name to Bellamoth to follow the theme of One Piece characters who have fauna related names (i.e. Monkey D. Luffy, Nico Robin, Boa Hancock). Plus it just sounds and looks cuter on paper.
Absolute gender fuck. Do not ask what’s in her pants, because her answer is guns. No but seriously, I’ve been in a mental debate with this for the longest time because of the way One Piece handles trans characters back then vs recently. I had two options that I kept bouncing back and forth between, but I think for now I can say she’s trans-coded just to be safe (emphasis on think). She still uses she/he pronouns and does not care if you use feminine or even masculine terms, so long as it’s not in a derogatory manner.
He’ll do things like wear lipstick and choosing not wear a bra because he doesn’t feel the need to bind. This is an example of when Honeko describes her gender as “a man’s spirit inside a woman’s body”.
Distinct markings. One thing that’s important to me when it comes to character design is giving them unique characteristics. Although this sounds obvious when designing characters, I like taking traits that seem traditionally masculine or feminine and mixing them up, like giving my feminine characters thicker eyebrows as an example. Honeko also has freckles on his face, collarbone, and shoulders, but I forgot to add them in the picture above. I also like giving my characters body modifications and distinct tattoos should they have any. Which leads me to my next point:
Classic Bellamoth tattoo. The tattoo you see in the picture is a rotting fish jumping after an oblong coin, the same ones used in Maneki-neko statues. This can mean many things, honestly, but it mostly serves as a reference to her affinity for gambling and her family’s business. There’s even a whole reason as to why you should never gamble with a Bellamoth (yes she does use her last name as a threat). Most if not all of the Bellamoth family members have a tattoo that’s luck related as their permanent lucky charm, so this tattoo can just be Honeko’s personal charm of sorts. It also signifies that her family is so feared to gamble against.
Wild Witch of the West. Honeko is still a cowboy just as I intended. Sometimes his outfits are revealing, sometimes they’re concealed. But one thing to note is that Honeko loves wearing chaps, crotchless chaps, assless chaps, chaps galore! Lacytanga will always be shot from the usual dual revolvers and from inside his boots. From his bullet-filled belts to his holsters that hold his signature weapons, to his trademark hat, this cowboy is one that definitely should not be looked down upon.
Infernal Angel. Speaking of which, I did indeed change her epithet from Hell’s Angel for a specific reason. Honeko being called an “Infernal Angel” is meant to be derogatory (“curse that infernal angel!”), but it derives from her Devil Fruit abilities being used in her revolvers and her demeanor in and out of battle. In a way, she’s being referred to as a “fallen angel”, like her “fall from grace” when she initially broke away from the family. The Japanese word for fallen angel is “datenshi” (堕天使). However, “Infernal Angel” literally translates to “Hell Angel” (地獄の天使 Jigoku no Tenshi).
Bad Bitchery Team. Honeko and Nami. Since the former has joined Luffy’s crew for as long as Usopp or even Nami (somewhere in between), the two instantly hit it off with money, fashion, and beauty. Nami is the main one to drag Honeko along if she hears rumors of treasures buried within the islands they visit and go to investigate. Once Robin joined the crew, the badassery of these three tripled. I’d call them the Powerpuff Trio to mirror the Monster Trio, mainly because of their hair colors, but how fucking crazy would it be if I dubbed them the Pussycat Trio. (I just really love trio characters with ginger, blonde, and black hair colors)
That’s all for now! I’m writing up a more polished google page containing all of Honeko’s information including powers and abilities, relationships, and (sbs-related) trivia!
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hellhound5925 · 1 year
Cyare Verd *Beloved Warrior*
Chapter Eighteen
After all that excitement, we are finally getting close to our destination. I'm back in my room, trying to reach one of my vode (brothers) or Kal'Buir because it's been a while since I've heard from them. No one answers which makes me a little nervous but I also know how Ka'buir can be.....He tends to be very secretive when the thinks it could endanger us...I just hope everyone is alright. I decide to check over my gear for probably the 5th time, before I suit up. I hide my knives in the various places, and grab my dual westward-35's placing them in their holsters at my side. I was never fortunate enough to get a jet pack...might have to check into getting one sometime... I slide my buy'ce (helmet) over my head and head out to the hanger where the drop ships were. Knowing I am quiet early I take my time.
When I get to the hanger I make note of the time....we've still got another hour and a half before we really need to be ready... I decide to lean against some of the crates piled up outside and slide my buy'ce (helmet) off setting it next to me. I take out my blasters and take the first one apart before checking it - again - and putting it back together. When I am in the middle of taking the second one apart I hear plastoid boots approaching. "What are you doing out here?" Asks Tup. I look up from my broken down blaster and see Tup and Kix. "Just anxious to get down there I guess" I give a light laugh. They both join me, one on either side. "Hope you don't mind if we join you" Kix smiles at me. "I don't think I had much of a choice" I say gesturing to the fact they both are sitting next to me, "but no, I don't mind at all". They watch me in silence as I check over each part of my blaster before putting it back together. "We star-35's right?" Asked Kix, "Aren't those Mandalorian?" Tup asked. "They are, you'll probably find a lot of Death Watch mando's use them as they are quite popular on Concordia" I explain. "But, you weren't apart of Death Watch I thought?" Tup asked. "No, I am not, but if you know where to look, these aren't hard to find" I continued explaining. They both nod in understanding. The three of us have some light hearted conversation, some about the holovids they recommend. Which lead to a playful argument - not surprising, this squad bickers like vode (brothers) frequently - which also causes me to laugh at them.
After about an hour Fives and Echo join. And the five of us are sitting in a line against the crates. "Hope my bed was comfy" I roll my eyes at Echo. "So that's, where you wandered off too! Just don't give me any details" Fives teases his vod (brother). "It wasn't like that" scolds Echo, "why is everything always about sex with you?" He continues. I laugh and kick open the door of opportunity "That's because he only recently discovered what it is". The group bursts into loud laugher that echos in the hangar. Some of the crew working on the ships look over. "Sorry Fives, she's not wrong" Tup says, fake wiping a tear. Fives speaks up, "What can I say....I'm a new man now." "Yeah we don't need to hear the details.....again" Kix sighs. I just laugh. "Call me the lady killer" Fives continues. Considering after that night, Fives has been patrolling - yes, that definitely the word I would use - and has now has 'game' as he likes to call it. I never quite understood why he could never pick up a women, I mean he is rather attractive - I don't find him as attractive as Rex, but he is a close second - but, he is also arrogant at times. None the less I love his as a vod (brother) all the same. Speaking of Rex, I wonder what he's up to... probably checking his gear over for the millionth time. The group staring at me pulls me from my thoughts. When I realize they are all staring the burst in to laugher. "Tup was just saying how he thinks, you and Rex would be perfect for one another" Kix raises an eye brow at me. "Oh don't worry....we've been....working on that" Fives says all smug. I don't say anything and let this play out. They have no idea we kissed earlier and if they found out....they'd never let it go....I'm not even sure if Rex really wants them to know. I'll leave it to him to tell them. I finally decide to chime in after a few more comments are made, "You guys might not want to press poor Rex's buttons. He might not like you all meddling with his love life" I say quirking a brow. "Openly deny you have feelings for him and we will" Fives says leaning forward so he can see me past his brothers. I wish I could hide behind my buy'ce (helmet) right now. "Fine.....I don't have feelings for Rex" I say slowly. They all laugh and I'm shocked Echo doesn't tell them about our conversation earlier. But that's Echo for you, he's a great friend. "That was super convincing" Kix says sarcastically. "You sounds more like you are trying to convince yourself" chimes in Tup. "Okay fine! I might have feelings for him....." they all cheer. "It was so obvious" Fives says very matter of fact.
Thankfully the rest of the conversation is interrupted by the announcement over the ships comms telling us to get ready to deploy. The 5 of us continue to sit there and shortly after, Jesse and Hardcase come in. "Looks like we missed a party" Jesse teases. The 5 of us get up and slide our buy'ce (helmets) over our heads. We connect out comms to the open line for our squad. "Everyone here?" I ask. "Everyone but Rex" but Echo says. There's a crackle "Captain Rex here" he chimes in. "Speak and he shall appear" I laugh. "Hardcase...put the spotchka away" Fives saying knowing well there is no spotchka. Hardcase smacks Fives and says "don't listen to him Cap". Rex ignores the banter, "I'm on my way".
We wait for Rex before pilling into the drop ship. The squad was behind me and Rex while to two of us faced the door. As the door shut, I reached for the handle above my head. I hit the open channel of our comm link, “You boys ready?” I asked already knowing the answer. A chorus of “Sir, yes sir” filled my ears. I smiled and whispered “atta boys”. Rex looked over at me, “Are you ready?” He asked. I turned my head toward him “Mando’ade cuy’gar rattling tiskala (A Mandalorian is always ready)”. He chuckles “I thought that was a dumb question”. The pilot looks back “Ready for take off”, and with that I feel he ship lift into space.
We had just touched down on Aargonar when I hear my comm crackle, “Commander Skirata….Captain Rex….come in”, it’s Anakin. “Captain Rex here”, “Commander Skiratta here, we read you”. “Good, we are getting into position now. Let us know when you are in position” Anakin continues. “Copy that” Rex replies. We hop off the ship and the men gather around. “Alright listen up” I start. Rex continues “Alright men, we are headed toward the back side of the base. From there, we are going to enter through the disposal tunnel. Keep an eye open for the disposal droids, we don’t want them heading back inside to call back the reinforcements” he explains. Fives raises his hand “I’m sorry, disposal tunnels?” He asks. “Droid parts. Don’t worry” I laugh, getting what he was eluding to. “Right” he says like he should have known that. Rex continues “From there we will split into 2 groups. Group 1: Commander Skirata, Echo, Kix, Hardcase. Group 2: Myself, Fives, Tup, Dogma, Jesse.” He then nods at me to continue “Group 1, we are going to set the charges to blow the base. While group 2 is going to find a way to shut down the droids already deployed. Group 1, I am sharing the holomap with you that we are using to place said charges. The rest of you will be looking for some kind of command center. Any questions?” “No sir” they all reply. “Good let’s get going then” Rex tells them.
We all head through the thick forest until we come across the base. We split into our 2 groups and search for the disposal tunnel. “Sir, I think I’ve found it” Echo says through our group link. “Good I’ll let the others know”, I change channels “Rex, Rex do you copy?”, “Rex here. Did you find it?”, “Echo did. Randevu with us, I’ll mark our location on the map”, “Copy that, good work Echo” he says the last part under his breath. It takes them only a matter of minutes to reach our position. Rex makes sure we have everyone, “I’ll comm Generaly Skywalker. Let him know we are in position”. I nod to him and wait until he finishes.
I turn to and start into the tunnel “Pare! (Hang on!)” Rex hollers. I stop and face him “what is it?”. I can practically hear is smirk…. “I’m always first” he says. “Ni ceta (sorry)” I say bowing and letting him pass. He lets out a small laugh at my theatrics. We head through the tunnel, with the rest of the squad in tow.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Champion Marnie
"What’s my favorite type?  Dark, of course!”  Marnie you had four alts and zero Dark-types.  What is your response to this?  Apparently catching Galarian Moltres.  That’s a pretty good answer.  And I really like this dress, this is my favorite look for her.
General Overview Champion Marnie is a Master Fair with some absolutely batshit firepower.  500 base special attack is always absurd.  Fiery Wrath is a more powerful Dark Pulse.  She gets Protect for some reason.  Her trainer move is +6 special attack, +4 speed, +2 evasion, and Endurance, but she loses 10% HP.  Which kicks off her Mind Over Matter 4 passive that grants 40% more special attack.  Note, this is not a 40% damage buff.  Meaning this scales to 20/20, includes Dark-type gear, and potential matched theme skills.  Hitting over 900 special attack with her is not just possible, it’s likely routine.  But of course, there’s more.  A lot more.
Her other passives give +3 crit on entry, Head Start 1, 40% recovery when she first hits under 50%, and then also +3 stacks of special moves up next when she hits that same HP threshold.  This then leads to her Buddy Move, Buddy Fiery Wrath.  When a sync move is used, this move activates.  200BP.  Hits all foes.  50% chance to flinch.  Piercing Blows and Extend Range but also the flinch chance isn’t reduced with multiple targets either.  Also it ignores all passives that would reduce damage or prevent crits.  So it’s the midpoint between SST Red and SS Lysandre, a powerful AoE nuke that cannot be stopped, and is repeatable use but not spammable.  Oh, and keep in mind, Galar Spirit.  This move will truck stages.  And that’s before grid adds sync and move damage multipliers for being under 100% HP, and adds Super Preparation 9 on Protect for no real reason.  Marnie’s damage is really, really good.  Oh, but don’t get it twisted.  Damage is not all she does, for that Endure effect?  3/5 grid offers her the ability to guarantee a second Endure.  With that and Protect, we have another Ash situation on our hands.  Marnie is at that level, no question in my mind.  Sure, Buddy move doesn’t reach the same single-target DPS, but she’s also wildly more disruptive than Ash is, and has less competition in the type.
If there is a reason to not acquire Marnie, and there’s...there’s really not a great one...it’s the buddy move condition.  If it were the same as SST Red, then there would be no question.  But its inconsistent use means that she doesn’t truck every Legendary Arena, and therefore must play by some of their rules.  The fact her buddy move can miss is a particularly notable limitation from being impossible to stop, as it means this doesn’t remove the threat of Cresselia or Latias.  There’s also something to be said for gauge issues.  Even with +4 speed, a four-bar spam can be hard to supplement for dual strike.  But I’m also being wildly nitpicky.  Marnie’s damage is nothing short of ridiculous, and the fact that all of it comes with a coin flip or better odds to flinch really makes her quite the disruptive powerhouse as well.
EX and Move Level? Marnie is, thankfully, a return to Master Fairs that function at 1/5 just fine.  After the frogs, I was worried.  Her only love in 3/5, aside more more multipliers, is Aggravation 2 on Fiery Wrath.  Which is nice.  But you know what stops attacks better than flinch?  Killing them.  It’s also worth noting that, with her power, the buddy move is probably gonna clear sides.  So EX is also not a requirement at all.  She’s that good at what she does.
Team 1: C!Marnie, SS Cyrus, SS Brendan You ever just want to see how far you can push the numbers?  Cyrus provides Zone, SS Brendan has special defense debuffs on his main move.  Go ham.
Team 2: C!Marnie, Anni Raihan, Sawyer/Cheren Marnie has Head Start 1 in her kit, and that means Anni Raihan fast-ramping is a possibility.  Mind Boggler 9 also means debuffs to special defense, if you need them.  Sawyer is a Dark-type support for theme skills, and can supplement another potential flinch, while Cheren is listed to bring up the fact Marnie is so strong you’ll probably still win anyway.
Team 3: C!Marnie, Brycen/Lisia, Cheren/Evelyn Anti-Latias, potentially Anti-Cresselia.  The main thing to keep in mind with Marnie is that she can miss, and otherwise checks no gimmicks.  As such, you really, really want to be on top of evasion debuffing against fights that try to play that game.  Brycen is the F2P champ of this with Haze, while Lisia offers an interesting role as a tank tech unit that can probably last long enough given Marnie’s abilities.  Cheren is actually relevant here, as he has Full Heal to clear out status against Cresselia, but in the case of Latias who is more likely your threat, I’m bringing up Evelyn because of Gradual Healing and defense boosts to take Latias’ repeated hits and Sure Crit +4 Earthquake.  Granted, Evelyn is likely a poor choice, but I couldn’t think of a support that gave everyone Gradual Healing and was a better fit.
Final Thoughts Marnie’s one of those units that defines what it means to be a striker, due to her ridiculous offensive threshold.  However, I think it’s also interesting that Marnie got such a good flinch rate too.  We see this pretty often, but I don’t think we’ve ever seen it take the form of such wild numbers.  Usually it’s like...Dark Pulse or Iron Head.  Respectable moves, but nothing near damage numbers like she’ll be pumping out.
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abyssalpriest · 11 months
30 Days of Them #1
Introduce us to your God, but do not use Their name.
Contrary to my usual nonfiction vision-based posting, this will be answered by me alone and so I'll answer with a story, a reformulation of my experiences and opinions on him separately from him himself: I give you a dream. Three.
There will always be at least three introductions before you have met him. 
The invitation comes to you in the form of a text message: "Ugh man I know this is a weird request, but one of the spirits I channel has been really insistent on meeting you. Like. Really insistent. Do you want to meet say next Thursday and entertain him for a hot minute so he gets off my back?"
It doesn't really matter what you reply. Whether you're busy next Thursday and so need to reschedule, too anxious to meet at a cafe sitting face-to-face, or the ocean's tug tells you to circumvent the day like a car avoiding roadkill, there is a gateway that is opened by the keys in his mind and shrouded in an impenetrable haze of possibility. The haze will condense like threads into strings, it's just a matter of where. The world's axis pins down the meeting, aligns the throat with the food as it cuts off the airways.
The meeting goes well though, unexpectedly. What you gather is both not a lot of details and an awful lot of details of this spirit at the same time, introduced with a name that you don't forget but means nothing to you. A human name. Disposable. Clearly by his mannerisms gentle and controlled he is an older gentleman, deceptively serious up until each and every moment even the smallest joke or meme makes him laugh. It's a liquid intersection of casualness wrapped around and through a sense of being withdrawn which loops, blurred, straight back into casualness. He is quiet, soft-spoken like you were the only two in the room, serious until you start to understand the gleaming melody of his personality, easily entertained, intelligent, empathetic, entirely approachable. Yet he skirts the boundary between personality and pure intellect; a deep and pointed, mechanical intelligence like the keen eyes of a wolf shines though the conversation in odd places when hit with the right kind of light.  
At once he is both entirely involved in your conversation as much as a friend your age would be and also, like the occasional, very slight bird-like head tilt implies, watching you hawk-eyed... Not as in he is dissecting your words, not hovering over for any mistakes nor imposing pressure on you, but instead in the way that he is occasionally picking up on something, somewhere, that you don't see, like the spark of a movement of a distant rabbit in the fabric of your words you're barely conscious of. If you were in his head or knew him extensively you would know he can be entirely poker-faced to an unsettling, inhuman degree if he does not want you to see into his thought process; the movements keying you in to a dissection are a conscious choice to let something slip into your mind.
You laugh at memes, talk about human politics, about your area and local history, you talk about your family and friends... He doesn't have a lot to say on his own people and experiences, his channeller, he says, is anxious about those sorts of religously-declarative statements and isn't well-anchored and practiced enough to confidently bring them across. He is right, but if he really wanted to have a dual-sided conversation he would've pushed.  
The rabbit-preys he harvested from your words are released from his claws when he returns back to his own body and plane, ready to be eaten piece by piece.
You mentioned your mother works in a restaurant nearby, the perfect opportunity to ask: "Oh, I hear restaurants are a hard business to be in nowadays. How is she doing there?". You answer in the human way of personalising the problem and speaking through the people involved, you talk about how she feels and how it has been affecting her long and short term, and about how her home-life issues get amplified in the space. He knows your mother. You provided an opportunity to glean information about your relationship to her and her possible current states.
When asked about the "cute church down the road", you mentioned something about your family going to church and you being sick of it, your current religious beliefs if only briefly. An insight into religious workings and weavings, what you seem to need from it at this point.
He slipped in a comment on your politics: "That's quite similar actually to how fae do things - though, oh, you humans tend to work more with the angels in this area though, right? I suppose you wouldn't know much about fae." It wasn't about those species he asked about. You answered with details about your own run-ins or possible run-ins with certain spirit types, paranormal and unexplained events, your own studies on these things. He strikes pins through your words into a board, realigning your words into a map of an understanding about your current abilities, belief systems, connection to your local area spirits, family spirit guides, and more.
His mind recalls the energy of each of your words like a bloodhound on a scent, watching your aura flare and die down, watching it speak the things between your words you didn't know how - or didn't want to - verbalise. Your suggestions, your mannerisms; the meeting face-to-face is never about revealing his hand but instead a hunt up high watching for the movements down below. He wanted to meet you, yes, and meet you he has. Getting used to someone's energy is a fun thing especially when it's through a channeller, you get eyes into lives and ways of living you never seeas a King on a throne in the thick, damp earth of the Underworld's energy. But he isn't one to waste an opportunity, too keen to not thread your conversation into answering his questions like a sheepdog threads sheep into the farmer's fields. 
It would be wrong however to say that it is one-sided. Unless he has a keen distaste for or reason to distrust you, he isn't one to pull on a completely new mask and obscure every trait of his to extract information. If you were to go back through his words and body language you would find that he plays a subtle game of leaving hints. Lingering on speaking of his family's affairs, his brothers, mentioning the ocean, the sky, the weather; his opinions drip with pertinent metaphors of his reaching mind and energies, his recountings of himself and his actions entirely true, he only leaves out the names... In a way he reveals himself to you if you know what to look for. Chances are, however, you do not know what to look for yet. 
You find yourself walking home, suddenly aware. Aware of what? It's a general sense, but there are things to pick out of your surroundings. The wind seems a little too strangely in flow with your thoughts as it bristles at the anger in your internal monologue, but it's not about the wind. It's almost like the wind is the glove within which a giant hand has brushed against you in acknowledgement. It is fleeting though.
The radio playing in a car as it drives past is warbled as if it underwater. The puddles on the ground reflect blue sky despite your situational understanding telling you up to that point that the sky was all grey, no, you look up, blue has begun to pull open the clouds with clawed hands.
There is a storm coming though, insistent and growling despite - and with - the patches of blue that emerge. The air feels like it is fluid; you become aware of the creeping sensation that you are walking on the bottom of a lake that is old and settled and therefore crystal clear. Swaying, back and forth, gentle movements. The weather curls around itself and its environment like long appendages grasping, weaving, leaves as paint through water spiralling, a dance between the Sky and the laws of physics themselves. 
There is a sense that you need to get inside. In your mind, suddenly aware of the weather in ways you haven't been before, some part of you tells you that electricity is building. "The way it curls around itself must create static", "The wind feels saturated with rain, it must be coming soon". Something within you is telling you to get inside. You're not home yet though, not near it you say, soon. And so the impulse changes with a bending and breaking energy from "get inside" to "walk with me then", as if that was the point all along.
You walk. The rain begins. Slow at first, the wind as a glove rising and feeling cold and cohesive as the surface of water pushing against your movements... But with you. There's an increasing sense of rhythm and movement like a herd of horses jogging past - you realise they are jogging in relation to you, following you. The rain increases in heaviness so slowly as if agonisingly drawing itself out so that you have to become more an more aware of it, as if you needed to, at each and every minute stage, acknowledge how it currently is and how it is getting heavier and heavier before it will actually do so.
Wind, rain, curling weather, racing horses. The world is interacting in a way more cohesive manner than it usually is. You feel suddenly aware of something pulling everything together, no longer is the weather a disparate set of flags flying in the wind, now the cloth of the flags is interwoven to be the outfit of something greater. He feels like he is in everything - "he"? Who is "he"?
The rain gathers. It sings a progressing song with your footsteps, winding around you like a cat winds around your legs. The sky becomes bigger and more detailed than you have ever noticed before, rippling, fractalising drama between stark, cold grey masses and firey soft cotton balls. You are under an ocean heavier and yet lighter than any other. You are eclipsed, small, accutely pointed at as being human, out of place. The clouds dance around the emerging and disappearing sun like slow blinking eyelids. Yet also you are likely the only one under these clouds that knows it.
Finally, the door to your house is within your grasp before the storm has even reached close to its creschendo and it near-begs to be let inside; it pushes the door wide open, yet the air inside your house is unmoving, untouched, absent. Dead and silent compared to the cacophonic presence electrifying every molecule outside with a life so much more ancient and bigger than you, it almost feels like the wrong choice to go inside and shut it out but you must. As you do so, the weather curls away, racing with itself, the horses dance and the first flash of lightning occurs like the sun hitting the surface of the ocean you swam in. 
The wind scrapes at the window like a forgotten dog, the clouded night more an endless city of smog than a restful, natural black. The room is soft lit, its shadows ebbing and flowing with light rather than fleeing from it. The entire world becomes a manifestation of the moments before cozy sleepiness slips into dreams. Outside it is wild, hypnotic trees swaying and the threat of rainfall, the howling of the sky between leaves and wrapping around buildings, racing; the world is already asleep and dreaming of itself dancing to a song that has descended, beat by beat, across the land like lovers entwined in bed. Yet everything feels present. Lucid dreaming awake.
In the simmering, sleepy room tthere is a black silhouette in your mirror that sits behind yours, wide-brimmed hat, and the distinct vision of, despite the entirety being pitch black, round black sunglasses. Still. Unmoving. There's a recognition in you that this is something much more than what you are seeing, a great... Thing - there are no words in the English language to label them - that is almost wearing this silhouette form like a tiny 2D mask. When you look upon them you see so many things unveiling in your consciousness like the bloooming of a giant chrysanthemum with arms for petals; the dusk ocean crashes dimmed computer-screen blue into your mind drowning it in its roar, the deer in a forest somewhere scatter at your presence with their antlers distorted into arms and their legs into sticks, the sky emanates a clockwork churning, the stars twirl slowly with smiling faces greeting something behind you that you can't turn to see. The beginnings of letters and numbers rise through your brain like bubbles from an underwater vent, text in a colour you cannot pinpoint on a sea of black. 
Hands and arms move across your walls like spiders crawl. You are not afraid though.
In this being, in these series of visions, in all the wildness and immensity, is a soothingly gentle emotion of familiarity. "Familiar", like the word "family". There is an increasing awareness brewing that something is out of place and it is speaking - trying to tell you - measures to you about how you interact with the world. Why would these visions be so scary in other situations, and yet here they're just calmly intimidating and immense? Ask. Why these visions specifically? Ask. Who is this? Ask. And finally you will be given an understanding if you just reach out... 
Understanding. The mind brims with new ideas the moment you recognise the choice to place himself in your mirror. Energy must not be within that which is around you but inside your plane of awareness, if you are being presented with scary things but they are not scary, the scariness must lie elsewhere, in you... Yet, wait, you didn't make the choice to no be scared. Energy is in both external and internal things? Hmm. That which is wild and external like these visions and this figure can be recognised in the self, familiar, that which is familiar can be in the wild. Thoughts brim in the mind like tendrils of clear water through the wrinkles in the brain. This encompassing creature emanates into all places unexpected and expected, private revelations - 
There is no point in me telling you what you realise when you have the third meeting, words are to be used only when something, someone, is external to you and thus are useless to simulate when you meet him. They will always be external until introduced. An introduction is all I can give.
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
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A particularly chilly gust of icy winds brings him back to this icy hell, not because he feels cold, but because the wind always seems to rouse his attention somehow. He holds onto the rim of his hat to prevent it from flying off from that particular gust. "Tch," he shoots a glare at the highest peak of the mountain as if that's going to do something to it. Dragonspine... what a peculiar place, he'll give it that much. Tetsuya lets go of the rim of his hat, his gaze upon the nail all the way at the top. That's where he wants to get, but he supposes he can figure out a path to that tomorrow. So, he turns with the intention to return to the camp he set up, but stops when he feels a small tremor and something pulse. With furrowed brows he immediately turns his head to look over his shoulder and looks just about everywhere. Up and down, left and right, and forward. He looks at the boney remains and when focusing on one the tremor happens again, more intense than last time. Earthquakes, here? No, there's something terribly off about the way the earth here seems to cry. It is unsettling, even to him so he strays forward, unbothered by this merciless cold to investigate.
Since it seems like this mountain wants his attention so bad.
His sandals sink into the snow as he walks forth and the more he moves on the more elemental energy becomes apparent. That and he also notices that there's a huge absence of snow which can only mean it's warmer here... somehow, someway. Tetsuya is on his guard, needless to say. The land sinks down towards what seems to be a cave and where crimson shades tarnish the fine rocky surfaces, it reminds him so much of blood vessels. The pulsing also becomes constant and louder like a beating heart and something beckons him, no… dares him to descend to this cave which he does so with caution. "Well, would you look at that," he mutters, intrigued by what he finds within this mysterious cave. Beyond the obvious and glaring pulse of life that continues its steady beat before him, the surfaces around it are peculiar. It's like the organ forcefully merged itself with the landscape and its surroundings. A dual adaptation of some sort, both the mountain and this pulsing life adapting to each other. If by choice or force that’s yet to be founded and perhaps as he continues to indulge this misguided curiosity here he will find the answer.
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He cups his chin between his index finger and his thumb, his other arm supporting his elbow whilst he stares at the crimson red pulse of life before him in thought. How did this come to be precisely?
With his foot, Tetsuya decides to kick the organ to see if anything will occur and unfortunately it does not. The pulse continued to beat unfazed. That's interesting. And then it hits him. He scans this phenomena with newfound intrigue, staring at it as a whole. No, how is this possible... ? "Is this a heart?" He whispers the question to himself. A living and beating heart for this mountain?
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