#his hairstyle transformation is so important to me
steamclouds · 4 months
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Voradras throughout the years, he sure went through a lot.
13 & 25 are during his upbringing in Menzoberranzan, 47 during the campaign I played him in and 52 during/post BG3
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uva124 · 8 months
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So yeah, I finished the drawing of Asha's redesign from Wish :D, maybe I'll make some changes in the future, but I'm happy to have finished it, it should be noted that I haven't seen the movie. , so I can't give my opinion on it yet, but I found it very interesting that their fandom is mainly made up of people who rewrote or made their own version of the movie, they are all very creative and it got me out of an artistic block. that I had a few months ago, but above all I found the rewriting of @annymation which is the one I have been most hooked on, so I wanted to do some redesigns of the characters coming out of its rewriting, that's why everything that has to do with the story of this version of Asha, as well as her personality and her world on which I base my drawing are the ideas and work of this account: @annymation
I'm just making a drawing of her character and how I would design her as well as sharing part of the process I had to do to draw her because, why not?
The first thing I had to do was put together a table full of references that reminded me of the character and things that I would like to add to her design, so I used milanote to do it:
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-Looked for some Asha's concept art and save the ones I liked the most, and add the main colors that I used in the design. -I also created notes to write down the personality of the character and some of his data to have a better guide, I did a little research and found publications that talked a lot about Asha's discarded designs and how Disney workers had put that she had tribe ancestry Amazigh on his mother's side and since his father was from the Iberian Peninsula, that's why the next thing I wanted to do is research more about their culture. -I am not an expert on this topic, nor do I belong to the cultures from which Asha has ancestry, so you can comment on any correction regarding this topic, I wanted to implement details of this culture to her design and I would really like to give a correct representation :)
Continuing with the theme, I saw that the hairstyles in the Amazigh culture mostly had this type of colorful decorations on their braids and dreadlocks, that's why I also posted these reference photos for Asha's hairstyle.
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-Finally I decided that Asha would not have all her hair full of braids or dreadlocks, but only a few accompanied by these decorations with a great variation of colors, although it was fun to sketch the many hairstyle options that I had in mind based on these concept art and other photos that I had saved
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-Another detail that I liked was giving Asha some tattoos with designs from the Amazigh culture, because I saw that it was quite common for women to get them, the tattoo on her forehead is a symbol of protection against bad influences, that's why the The middle symbol is responsible for deflecting it in the 4 directions, I also added a similar one in Asha's right hand.
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-An important part of Asha's rewrite is her knowledge of astronomy inherited from her father, especially with the stars for obvious reasons xd, so in addition to adding constellations to her dresses, research the meaning (or something like that) of the planets. Only 3 really reminded me of the character, which were: -Mars: Symbolization of the internal conquering function of moving forward, independent, self-determined, enduring failures with new energy, courage and energy to fight for your desires. -Saturn: Maturity, effort to solidly build realistic criteria, frustrations are transformed into objectives to continue growing, critical and realistic, far from getting frustrated when an objective does not work, you strive to move forward and obtain even more resistant and solid achievements, perseverance , and tenacity (I feel like yhis it the most similar to Asha :D) -Moon: protective role, feeling very vulnerable outside your known areas, feeling of security with your ties, importance of family ties. The one that reminded me the most of Asha was Saturn, that's why I drew those Saturn-shaped earrings :).
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I looked for references and placed some on milanote, I noticed that the concept art was mainly divided into whether the dresses have lilac colors or warm colors, I decided to draw 2 models based on the discarded designs, although at first I thought of using only one color palette lilac and bluish, I realized that the reddish colors of her dress reminded me of Mars which has certain meanings that in my opinion coincide with Asha's personality. In the end I didn't decide what wardrobe she would primarily have 😅, but I like to think that in this version of Wish, Asha would have wardrobe and hairstyle changes like in some older Disney movies.
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-These are some of the concepts that I mainly used for my version of the dresses
I am satisfied with the result, it was fun to make all this, although what I researched mostly seems little, it actually cost me several hours and I did it at night, so as a funny fact the next day I was explaining all this information to my mother and I felt like I looked like that:
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(Make this drawing was so funny LMAO)
(Apologies if there are errors in my writing, English is not my first language and my writing is very basic)
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miquellaluciscaelum · 7 months
A bunch of brainworms about dlc. Speculations, theories, my personal opinion, which I think I will stick to until the release of dlc.
(1) The main plot is that we go after Miquella. It is not yet very clear for what purpose and who sent us there, but judging by the voice at the end, it could be Ranni or Melina, or even Miquella himself. Voice is quite feminine.
(2) Miquella is likely to be our companion, as Melina was, or we will follow some messages from him, maybe meet his followers who will guide us, since the announcement says that we will be "guided by Miquella" and "meet others who follow in miquella footsteps".
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(3) I'm not sure if we will have the opportunity to fight with him or not, but the last scene where we see the first shot of him where he's literally SHINING, can be both the ending cutscene of the dlc and the beginning of the bossfight.
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(4) It's likely he will look the same with his first concept art appearence, because the hairstyle with braids and his skin, they are very similar.
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(5) If this tree in the Shadow realm is the Crucible of life that I explain below in my theory, it is quite possible that Miquella came to this world for obtaining its power or something like that, it is also quite possible that he goes there because he knows that Marika has hidden something in this world, something very important.
(6) Overall, Miquella's trip to these lands seems like a pretty desperate move to me. He literally commits a very terrible sin by "divesting himself of his flesh, his strength, his lineage. Of all thing Golden". It sounds like he finally broke all his connection with the golden order and his family, including his blood connection with MALENIA that sounds crazy, and he also renounces his power, as I understand, magical and which is hidden in his blood. In my head, it looks very similar to what Ranni did, killing her body and moving her soul into a doll. It's just that Miquella killed his body or left it and moved his mind into this hidden world with the help of the power of sleep and dreams. I repeat, it seems to me some kind of desperate last step, perhaps he felt that his transformation was interrupted by Mogh and was no longer possible to complete because of his poisoned body, maybe he felt that his tree had died or something like that.
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(7) Most likely, based on the words that Miquella is "awaits the return of his promised Lord", he cannot leave this realm on his own, either because he is captured by someone, maybe Messmer, either because his initial plan failed and he simply does not have enough power to return. So he's waiting for the promised lord. Here we have at least two options:
- This opens for us consort ending, but with Miquella, he will essentially be an alternative for Ranni, because he is also an Empyrean just with other purposes. And can replace Marika as a vessel of the Elden ring like Ranni. This is also supported by rumor that From software wanted to make another extra ending - the Age of Abundance, but either they cut it out at the end, or maybe abandoned the idea.
- I also saw the option that it could be Godwin as promised Lord, to whom Miquella could bring the true death, it can be the reason why he came to this world initially.
(1) We are going into the world of shadows and it seems that this is not Miquella's dream or the Erdtree afterlife or something else, as many assumed earlier, but some kind of hidden realm that is not accessible to ordinary people and may be either under the map, or as some people suggest, either be at the intersection of all towers where we activated great runes, behind a large cloud on the map.
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(2) Very important, some kind there once was Marika in this shadow realm, as mentioned in the summary of the game's plot in the announcement: " a place obscured by the Erdtree where the goddess Marika first set foot". Perhaps this world was her home before she became a goddess, or she ruled these lands before they were hidden, apparently during some kind of war: "a land purge in an unsung battle". It was quite possible that it was the war with giants, given some of the symbols hinting at it in Messmer + flame magic.
(3) Looking at the baldachin over the tree and keeping in mind its similarity to Marika's chambers in the capital before Morgott, I think that perhaps Marika herself made these lands forbidden or closed from others with this baldachin barrier, so the theory that Messmer may be an unwanted or forgotten demigod-child of Marika, left in this shadow world, as Marika's dark secret, has some basis. This is also hinted at a special dungeon in Leamgrave, Impaled Catacombs, thanks super lore guys in twitter!
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(4) Speaking of the secrets of Marika, the tree at the center of this realm. I have a lot of thoughts about this. It may be wild, but I assume that this could be the Crucible of life or what's left of it. That golden liquid that flows down is the power of the Crucible that goes out into the world. In the Lands between, due to the overwhelming influence of the Erdtree and the Golden order, its power is almost not felt, and can only manifests itself in the birth of Omen children, but in THIS world, the world of shadows, we see signs of the influence of the Crucible: horns, spells and etc in almost all creatures. Thus, Marika could lock the tree in a separate dimension, hoping that it would soon die on its own and its influence would finally dry up, but it is still alive. Or, of course, it can simply be a reflection of the Erdtree in the dark world, if we consider the theory that the world of shadows is a reflection of the real world. I definitely don't think it's Miquella's tree, because it has absolutely no reason to be one.
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(5) I also want to note the time in this story, chronology is quite a mess in Elden ring in principle, but according the trailer, a significant place in this shadow world is occupied by some faction associated with Saint Trina, and therefore with Miquella. That suggests that either Miquella came to this world quite a long time ago to be able to organize and build his own order or something like that, either time goes faster there than in the main game, which is quite interesting.
(6) Speaking of factions in this world, there are at least a few: the faction of Saint Trina (we saw a knight who fought with some kind of sleepy magic, although it could be a gravity spell because of lightning🤔) but there were lilies on his armor🤷), we also saw someone very similar to a Carian woman in a room similar to Raya Lucaria, more than that there are architectural elements of the Carian architecture and the architecture of Sellia, which means Kariya faction. Almost forgot, we also can see Moon in one shot.
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Perhaps Messmer has his own faction, most likely ruling in this dimension. And also there are some coincidences in how the branch that the elderly man pulls out of his body looks, with the shape of candlesticks that some enemies fight with and the symbol on the black knight in the form of a pointed branch or rune. These all symbols are black and golden. Probably this is some kind of pro-erdtree faction, followers of the Great order and Marika. The color scheme echoes Marika and Maliket at least. From the voice lines we can assume that in this shadow realm there are followers or Erdtree faithful and those who opposite them, perhaps it can be even active conflict in present time and wars in the past.
I see for myself two working variants of his origin:
(1) Marika and Radagon. Since he has a rather distinctive appearance, the theory of butterflies in the game, where the smoldering butterflies actually refer to him, and not to Melina; more than that when he addresses to his mother and talks about Lordship, I don't think anyone other than Marika has the authority to make a man the Elden Lord; and in the scene with him, there is a statue of a woman with a child behind his back, the woman is difficult to see, but by the location of the bracelets on her arm, you can compare her with the statues of Marika in the main game;
(2) Gloam-eyed queen. The portrait of a woman with an elderly man refers to this, the woman in the picture with dark hair, she holds her hand on her stomach as if she is pregnant; Messmer has some similarities with the "children" of Gloam-eyed queen - the apostles; he uses a very strange black and red flame.
(3) The theories that Messmer is some part of Miquella or he himself look strange to me, considering that we have known for a long time from the main game that there was some other child of Marika that we don't know about, we just used to think this was Melina. According to the announcements, although indirectly, we can assume that this shadow world and Messmer existed for a long time, perhaps even before the birth of Miquella and Malenia, probably Messmer was exiled there for blasphemy or something like that.
(4) l also don't think Messmer is Miquella's son or Mogh and Miquella somehow had a child together. I think all the influence of Mogh in this dlc will be directly related to his influence on Miquella. I don't think he's affected the world around him, everything that happens in this world, I think should be the influence of the Crucible of life and Messmer directly, perhaps some other forces, but not Mogh.
I'm sorry all of this is such a mess, like in my head after trailer. I'd be glad to see your comment and theories too, maybe you can challenge some of my theories, it gives them extra development and I could add something later. So thank you for attention.
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sk-lumen · 4 months
Hi Lumen, hope you’re doing well 🤍 I have a question, what are some essentials for a physical glow up? I love your advice so I’m curious on your thoughts
Hi flower,
In my personal experience these 3 things make the most difference for glowing up physically:
1. Lash extensions
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Lash extensions can make such a difference! They're a staple in my own look.
I love how they can give an instant "doll" or "princess" or "luxurious" vibe no matter what you're wearing, and considering it takes 1-2 hours to install, it's very time effective and practical.
It instantly elevates any outfit and you always look put together.
In my opinion the best way to use extensions is by going for a "natural but better" look, and using them to complement your face and eyes (important), this can level up your beauty and appearance x10 if done right. You can also go for higher volume, but I find that exagerating/going past 6D is too much and looks offputting to most people.
2. Nails
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Nails are also a game-changer, they make or break a "look" when you glance at a woman and she has a manicure that looks put together, it instantly elevates her look.
It doesn't have to be complicated, you can do them yourself regularly or go to a salon, you can stick to neutrals and reds and you'll always look classy! As for shape and length, short to medium is most elegant and pactical, personally I like almond (long) and square shapes (if short).
3. Hair
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The third factor that transforms your look is taking care of your hair. Whether your hair is straight, curly, wavy or otherwise, simply following the necessary treatment for it - deep conditioning, brushing it before leaving the house, and hairstyles that complement your face/style/hair type make a big difference, and don't cost a fortune. For instance, sleek straight hair always looks classy. Or a smooth ponytail or bun if you're in a rush. Or if you have big, curly hair you have more options and use the volume to play around for a beautiful look.
In conclusion, when your nails, hair and lashes are done, you immediately give off a more luxurious, feminine vibe (if you have the time and resources of course). Next I would add clear skin (a symbol of beauty, health and wealth as well), and exercise (fitness, dopamine, clear mind, confidence, overall health).
But I found the most effective results and difference in how I feel, and how the world perceives me, based on these three main aspects.
Hope this helps 🕊
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stanlunter · 10 months
Why Amity is a bad character
Not my post, Ive just translated it, but I can't agree more
This can be called not even a hate, but a perplexity, since Amity as a character is not integral with us. It's like a solid plot hole hastily glued into a ready-made idea of the series. Let's take it in order.
In the first episodes with Amity, she is shown as a bully (when she poured shit on Willow), always competing with everyone's nerd (remember the episode where she couldn't stand that at least someone was better than her in abominations?) and in general, something like a kind of Draco Malfoy from the world of the Owl House. Even the twins Edric and Emira Blite quietly disliked her, as they considered her an arrogant reptile, shitting other students out of boredom. And so it was, in fact.
But then they started showing us Amity from the other side, and then the first inconsistencies began. In the series with the library, where Amity read books to little witches and other fabulous creatures, it struck me for the first time - like, all this time, Amity had a soft nature hiding under a mask of arrogance, but her brother and sister didn't even know about it and considered her just a harmful bastard? Okay, okay, let's say. But then we learn from Amity's memories that she was always good and Willow left only at the request of overbearing parents who were against their friendship. I'm sorry, what? I remind you that at her first appearance, Amity mocks Willow when no one is around, clearly enjoying it herself. Who forced her to do nasty things then?? And anyway, if Amity had a kind nature from the very beginning, why would she mock and laugh at others? She would have walked around with an arrogant look and that was it. My parents told me not to be friends with witches of a different status, and not to bully everyone who doesn't like them.
And after Luz and Amity start dating, Amity transforms incredibly radically and quickly. And I'm not talking about the hairstyle (which was much better in the original version, imho). She completely changes her worldview, her behavior, her plans for life, after all. And everything would be fine, but... These events take place in one summer. One summer, Carl! In one summer, an arrogant witch who loves to bully others, trying to be the best at everything, dreaming of becoming part of the imperial coven, turns into her absolute opposite. And do you know what I can't understand about such transformations? Footing. What is it like here? Okay, Amity fell in love with Luz, but why did she suddenly change ALL her principles for her? After all, she had somehow justified her dreams, her goals for herself before? Before, she really wanted to be the best, to join the imperial coven. Or how did it happen according to the creators - the evil mom ordered Amity to wish for certain things and zombified her, and as soon as the good Luz came, Amity immediately realized everything in the world and was filled? The same Hunter is shown much more realistically, we see he has an incredibly strong motivation to change, and then he doesn't do it in two episodes.
Damn, how much Amity doesn't fit into the story can be seen by the end of the first season, when we have an awesome important event and the main characters have to risk their lives to rescue Ida from captivity. And Amity did it in this fucking important episode in the finale... absolutely nothing. A few episodes before that, we were shown how Amity falls in love with Luz, worries about Luz, is already crazy about Luz, but when Luz risks his life in the center of events, Amity just lies at home with his injured leg and watches everything on magic TV. Like, seriously, man?? They didn't even bother to put it in the plot. Logically, she should be one of the main characters, but in fact she looks like a typical cardboard "girlfriend of the main character", like helpless half-naked girls from films about some Indiana Jones (I have nothing against Indiana, but the girls of gg in those days were really mostly cardboard in the background). In the following seasons, there is a place for Amity, but it doesn't get any better - she continues to look cardboard, a girl who can only scream about her love for Luz. Who gave up all her goals for the sake of Loot, but she didn't come up with new ones, and now her whole life revolves around Luz, while Luz, like gg, quietly lives her life and solves her problems. In the last episode, she has a job, she succeeded her father and works with abominations, but kamon, did it ever mention before the third season that she wants to take over his profession?? No. Starting dating Luz, she loses her personality, and all that remains of her is the delight at the sight of Luz and perfectly correct conscientious decisions, which do not go well with the image of Amity from the first series.
And it's impossible to call it Amity hate, because if you hate, then who exactly? We have three completely unrelated witches: The arrogant bully Amity, the kind Amity, Who Suffered From Evil Parents/Friends'/"Substitute An Excuse" and finally A Madly In Love Amity Without Her Own Goals And Principles. Which one of them to focus on, speaking of the image of Amity, is not in my heart. And yes, it's kind of sad to realize that at the beginning of the first season, Amity had a normal image that had chances for good development, a gradual realization that she treats people incorrectly, a GRADUAL transformation from a spoiled pest into a good friend for Luz and company, into a good secondary character. Even with falling in love with Luz, it was possible to do something interesting - to show how Amity rushes between two fires, tries to date Luz without quarreling with her family, wants to combine an affair with Luz and joining the imperial coven, eventually realizes that this is a failed idea and suffers from having to quit either a family and a dream, or a loved one... And as a result, all the potential was poured into the toilet for the hyper-accelerated development of a "serious romance for life" between two 14-year-olds. And Amity just follows Luz like a goat on a string, completely changing her life and her personality for the sake of a man she has known for less than three months. Yeah, very plausible.
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neednottoneed · 1 year
ganz unerwartet - chapter 7
summary: One year after the events of ganz besonders, Mrs. de Winter struggles with balancing her ongoing affair with Mrs. Danvers and her devotion to Maxim. When Rebecca's boat is finally found, though, she must finally decide who is right for her, and what her future at Manderley will be.
chapter 7
As Mrs. Danvers had suggested, I changed into a different outfit than I had worn to the inquisition. It was one of the newer ones I had purchased, only a few months before the costume ball. One of the final things that had completed my transformation into Mrs. De Winter, so I thought to myself. It was not an outfit Rebecca would have worn, of that I was certain, but neither was it the sort of thing I would have purchased upon my arrival at Manderley. 
I took one last look at myself in the mirror, smoothing my skirt. Tucked my hair behind my ears, then smoothed it back forward again—it was not flattering to my face, something Beatrice had told me once that had unfortunately stuck. 
Maybe when this whole wretched business was over I’d cut it short, like a boy’s. Certainly, it would be easier to deal with. 
Maxim would hate it, I knew. Danny would sulk too, if only because it would all but eliminate our hair ritual, but something in me thought she would like it. At any rate, it would be more flattering than my current hairstyle. 
With a sigh, I left my room, trying to internally steel myself for what was to come. If there was another good thing my fainting spell had brought me, it was perhaps that any faults in my behavior could be excused from that—at least by the colonel. Maxim was another story entirely, but with the colonel around, what could he do? 
I found myself desperately wishing that I had asked Beatrice to stay, too, if only as a buffer against everyone. But she had not been able to hide the worry on her face as she attended to me that afternoon, and I was concerned the trial had caused her more stress than she had let on to me. Maxim was still her brother, after all. 
The fire in the library was lit when I entered, one of the great doors to it cracked, and I could hear men’s voices from inside. Maxim and Frank stood by the fireplace talking, their heads bent low together. To my surprise, Jack Favell stood near them, holding a whiskey. He lifted his glass to me when I came in, his lips curving into something almost like a smile.
“I see you’ve recovered from your fainting spell, Mrs. de Winter,” he said. “How fortunate for Maxim, the timing of it.” 
I pressed my lips into a thin line, not giving him the satisfaction. 
“What are you doing here?” I asked, and Favell smiled. 
“I have important evidence for the case, and was told the colonel would be here. As Rebecca’s closest living relative, I do have a right.” 
“If you have evidence, why didn’t you bring it up at the inquest?” Maxim asked, his tone clipped. He glanced over at me, and I made myself go to his side and slide my arm around his waist, hoping he didn’t feel my hands shaking. 
“Because I thought we might reach some sort of agreement, old boy,” he said. “There are certain things I require to be comfortable in this life, and I don’t see why, as a relative of Rebecca’s, I shouldn’t have some of them.”
Keep reading on AO3
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thatninjacat27 · 2 years
Suit & Tie
Summary: Sonic tries to help Tails dress up nice.
Notes: So I wrote this for Wholesome Wednesday and i don’t think I met all of the requirements. Because it’s mostly wholesome with other stuff. But I’m posting this anyways. I’ll try again next time. Warnings: This does not go the way you expect, character death, light angst. If you don’t want to read those parts then don’t pass the dashed line.
(Above is the link and below is just the same stuff)
“Alright, Tails. I think I’m done.”, Sonic said as smoothest out the shoulder of the fox’s suit. He then step back to observe his work.
“Well? How is it? How do I look?” Tails asked excitedly. His two tails were wagging.
Sonic looked at his brother. This was probably not one of the blue hedgehog’s best assists.
Tails’s hair was covered in so much gel it looked like he was out in the rain. There was no way Sonic could save that hairstyle on his own. All of the pockets were somehow inside out, like someone had been digging in them to take something out and didn’t bother fix them correctly. His tie was tied up like a bow, and not a very good bow either. The cuffs were not cuffed up and one of the cuff links had gone missing. The pants hung loose and the belt was backwards. Overall, Tails looked like he had been mugged and partially homeless.
Sonic took a sharp intake of breath with gritted teeth. “Uhhh, you know what? Let me give Amy a call.”
“Oh come on. We’ve been at this for hours. At this rate I’m going to miss the event.”, Tails complained. 
”It’s going to be okay. I know Amy is a wiz at this stuff and if anything, I can just drop you off instead of you going on your own.”, Sonic said. 
”But Sonic…”, the fox whined.
”No buts. You’ll get to your event on time and everything will be perfect. Don’t you worry.”, the older sibling reassured. Sonic tried to ruffle Tails’s hair but the hair gel got in the way and made his gloves dirty.
”Eww.” Sonic wiped off the glove on a t-shirt close by. “Gonna put those in the dirty close bin later and calling Amy now.”
The blue hedgehog grabs his phone and dials up the number. “Hey Amy.”, Sonic greeted. “Do you think you could swing by my house right now?”
”Hi Sonic.”, Amy greeted. “Swing by your house like right now?”
”Yeah. It’s pretty important and I could use your expertise.”
”Ok. I’m not busy at the moment.”
”Cool. So I’m going to pick you up now?“
“Yeah, I’ll wait by the front door. Bye.”
“Bye.” And then Sonic hung up the phone. He went to the front door to grab his outside shoes. “Tails, I’m getting Amy.”, he said as he put on the shoes to leave.
“Okay.”, Tails responded. 
Sonic ran out. Tails went to the bathroom mirror to look at himself.
Dang he looked like a disaster. Tails could see why Sonic needed to bring someone else in to help. Not a minute later, he hears Amy and Sonic come inside the house. The fox starts to head towards them.
“So what’s the emergency?”, Tails hears Amy asks.
“I think you just need to see this yourself.”, Sonic told her. “Tails!”, the blue hedgehog calls out.
”I’m coming! Also, Hi Amy!”, Tails yelled. The fox walks towards them. He stopped a few feet away. Amy gave the fox an appraising look and turned back to Sonic. “I see why you asked me to come by.”
“Can you fix it?”, Sonic and Tails both said at the same time. They took stared at each other and then said, “Jinx.” “Double Jinx.” “Jinx you owe me a chili dog and a soda.”
The brothers get a little bit into a little verbal match until they hear Amy chuckle.
“Yeah, I can fix it, you two.”, she said still laughing some.The pink hedgehog grabs the nearest hairbrush and sits Tails on a chair. “Let’s do this.”
What took Sonic hours to do, only took her a solid 25 minutes just to fix all of the blue hedgehog’s mistakes and perfect the look. Tails’s tie was tied on correctly. His pockets weren’t out. By some miracle, Amy had managed to style the fox’s hair into something more fancy. The pants now fitted nicely. And somehow Amy found the other cuff link. Tails no longer looked like a somewhat homeless mugged Mobian anymore, but a dapper looking fox.
Amy backed up once she felt satisfied with her changes. “There we go. Such a handsome young man.”
Sonic have him a thumbs up. “You look good, bro.”
“Thank you Amy!”, Tails hugged her. 
“Yeah thanks for this Ames.”
“No problem boys.”
”Anyways, Tails , don’t you have somewhere important to be.”, Sonic asked.
”Yes. I have to go now so I won’t be late.”
”Where exactly are you going by the way?”, Amy asked. 
”Somewhere.”, Tails said vaguely. Both Amy and Sonic exchange a look. “Okay.”, they said slowly.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to just drop you off? It would be alot faster.”, Sonic asked as he started to pick stuff up.
”I’m fine, Sonic. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be back home at around 8-9 pm.”
And then Tails stepped off confidently out the door.
Tails steps inside his house feeling exhausted, drained, and soaking wet. He had return from attending the funeral service. It was a quiet thing and only close friends and family were allowed. It was also raining pretty badly.
The service went by too fast and everyone went their separate ways. Tails had stayed there much longer than allowed. The fox had felt the gravestone and no matter how many times he ran his hand across the name, Tails still couldn’t believe it. How could Sonic have died so soon?
After all, the funeral was his. Everything had been going so great. So why now? Tails honestly didn’t have an answer.
He went by the bathroom to clean himself up. In there, the fox saw his reflection in the mirror. Tails looked like a disaster. Just like that time when Sonic tried to help him look nice.
The fox laughed and held back a sob that threatened to come out. He needed to get out of this suit which was the same one he wore for the event that Sonic had almost made him late too.
He stripped out of his wet clothes and put on some dry ones on. Then he curled up in his bed.
The phone was ringing with the messages Amy and the rest of his friends were sending. Tails puts it on silence. He’ll answer them in the morning.
One thought the fox had before he drifted into the land of sleep was that he wore the that suit, the one that Sonic tried to help him put on, to funeral. His brother’s funeral. What an event indeed.
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Core Disaster Week-- Day 3
Mission Report: May 23, 20XX
Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne, Robin
Mission Completed: Young Justice Mission XXX
Summary: First of all, I kind of hate the 90s now. Like, I really hate them. If I have to hear “Just a Girl” once more time I’m going to cut my ears out of my head. The mission that we went on– to recover some kind of glowing sphere that Captain Marvel was worried about– ended up transporting us to another dimension where not only was it the 90s, but we were all the same age. 
Notes: Never make fun of Impulse for his hair ever again, it could be so so much worse. I have no idea what 90s Bart was thinking with that horrendous mop of a hairstyle, Bart’s fluffy look is so much better. Also, convince Kon to go for the studded leather jacket, undercut, and one piercing look because it’s hot as hell. Also, that tight-belt? Yes please! 
Notes For B: I’m sorry for any “non mission important” details included in this report. Please don’t yell at me. It’s really had to keep on task when you have the image of your boyfriend in tight leggings and a studded leather jacket taking up most of your mind. 
Report: Captain Marvel sent the team to retrieve a small glowing gold sphere that he said would be dangerous in the wrong hands. He gave us a containment chamber to keep it in and clear directions on what we were supposed to do. Directions that Bart didn’t follow. Why am I not surprised? 
Bart grabbed the sphere with his bare hands, something he’d not supposed to do. When he realised he chucked the thing at Kon, who caught it before chucking it at Cassie who chucked it at me. I managed to catch it, forgetting that I’d removed one of my gloves to use a fingerprint recognition device a few minutes previous. I managed to contain it, but not before it was able to wreak havoc. 
The three of us were transported to another universe where it was the 90s. While there, we met our 90s selves. Cassie was… different. She had straight dark hair, big glasses, red skin-tight shorts, a wonder woman shirt, a leather jacket and white knee pads and gloves. Kon, as I’ve mentioned, had an undercut and a studded leather jacket, which was hot, like, so hot. I think I was drooling. Kon was giving me weird looks. Bart had the worst hairstyle known to man, it will haunt my nightmares, but other than that, he was pretty much the same. 
Anyway, out 90s counterparts helped us get back, though 90s Kon spent too much time showing Kon 90s music he didn’t know about and torturing my poor ears. I was praying for when we could get back home and I could play Alex Benjamin and get the horrible sounds out of my ears. The two Impulses at least kept each other busy talking, which meant that I didn’t have to worry about him bugging me the whole time while I was trying to plan. 90s Tim appreciated this too. Cassie and Cassie seemed pretty wary of each other. Also their Cassie hadn’t been working with their team as long as our Cassie has. 
We eventually found a way to reverse-engineer a way back to our world. 90s Tim helped me build it and get it running, and then returned home. So far I haven’t seen any further reactions to what happened now that we’re back, but I’m keeping an eye out since we still don’t know what Captain Marvel’s ball actually does.
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some-creep · 2 years
Bayonetta 3 thoughts in no particular order:
Most of the music was mid. Some of it just sounds like movie score to me.
Let's dance boys third climax is a better song but a worse dance than the first game.
Lumens are mentioned once at the start of the game as creating the island and they are never brought up again.
Too much of this game's plot was shoved into files I didn't read.
Seriously the game reveals that Sigurd is Singularity but it's revealed in a file that no actually he isn't. What was the point of that
There should have been a lumen bayonetta. That's such an obvious au I don't know why they didn't do it.
In fact bayonetta probably should have just been singularity. No I haven't thought this through it would require plot restructuring but it would be more interesting if still incredibly stupid.
This game really hates Jeanne. The first alt Jeanne we see dies. China and France don't even have Jeannes.
Egypt Jeanne and Bayo switching princess roles could have been interesting except Egypt Bayonetta is fucking annoying.
Why do you only play as e girl Bayonetta in Japan and this never comes up again.
China bayonetta is in the trailer and barely features in her level even though her design was the most interesting.
Bayonetta never reacts to uhhhhh well anything really. But especially seeing her other selves die.
She kills a bunch of humans and this is kinda just a thing that happens and doesn't matter.
Rosa existed just to die again only they never interacted so who cares.
I like Viola :)
I hate PLAYING as Viola. Changing the button for witch time just confuses me so I do very badly as her :( #skillissue
Bayonetta 1 2 and 3 all being different people with baby cereza from 1 specially being bayo from 3 suggests that as a child bayo from 1 had a beehive haircut since apparently they never change their hairstyles.
The part you play as b1 bayo in the singularity fight at the end with the HUD from b1 was cool if not shameless nostalgia bait. But why didn't 2 get a feature? That was disappointing.
Luka being a magic fairy werewolf is so fucking stupid and he isn't a substitute for a proper rival fight I don't care what anyone says
Luka being a magic fairy means his dad died like a bitch for no reason and that's funny
Apparently seeking the one truth is why he became an investigative journalist meaning it had nothing to do with the very obvious things he was investigating in 1
Viola being able to do witch time suggests that umbra magic is passed through hereditary when it isn't. Umbra and lumens are just humans who learned magic
I guess bayo could have taught her but I don't think it's ever mentioned and since fairy transformations are hereditary I guess so is being a witch
One of the cut chapters was another Jeanne chapter. The game really really hates Jeanne and I don't know why.
Enzo's family is killed and it's played for a joke I guess even though it's not actually very funny it's just tonally really weird.
Was Bayonetta always an important title you pass on because I don't think it was and none of my friends seem to remember that either.
A lot of individual parts are really good but this game is truly less than the sum of its parts.
Bayo saying she and Luka have always been together is just straight up actually not true. It's actually weird how not true that is.
I don't care if it's an au that doesn't mean it has to be bad :(
Viola still could have been bayo and Lukas daughter from another universe without them getting together in the one we play in. What's the point of an AU if the outcome is always the same
No one mentions jpegnetta at the end of the game because they're not on screen very long but am the extra bayos are just crude jpegs of concept art it's really funny
Is no one gonna talk about the optics of rodin being a demon slave. No? Alright
Secret chapter was cute I liked the outfit but it looks bad in the main game. Actually she kinda looks like Katzy (?) From sailor moon
I assume the fairies + this are setting up for dlc or a sequel but it'll be incredibly funny if neither of those things happen.
"You bitch!"
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g0reoz · 2 years
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-thank you women. for everything🙏 insanely hyped for an Impotant Female Character, and quadra looks rly cool!!! love the outfit, love the transformation sequence, love the whole vibe. can't wait to find out more :]👍
-like mach said, uhhh. the hasbro models are kind of ass. they look. how do i put this. Bad :(
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-that being said, i fuckin adore a lot of the returning character designs :)))))))
-the pale blue works surprisingly well with kensuke's whole outfit, and so do the white pants. look at him. the coat is straight fire too 🔥🔥🔥 only thing i'm not sure about is the same scarf w the same color scheme from s1.
-i like that they gave xhaka a necklace :) if u can't have a stupid little necklace in life what are u even doing. we stan one (1) fashion icon in this house.
-important revision: son. What Are Those. whydoes it look like he's wearing those mary jane-lookin doc martens but with No socks. who does that. sometimes it is hard being a xhaka apologist but someone has to do it /j
-uh the other design changes r kinda small in comparison, but they work well imo !
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-HELLO. IM SO EXCITED FOR PAX. also his hair is down here?? which it wasn't in the official art. i hope we get, like, multiple hairstyles for him.
-i'm also really glad we get kit, aiga, and drum back ^^ the twins & valt..not as much. idk. that's just me tho :/
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-in conclusion: swag like ohio😎 i cannot WAIT!!
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honey25 · 2 years
Here I upload obeyme fanart,
on my instagram account you can see other fanart as well as anime characters and obeyme drawings that I do not want to upload here.
I also have an extra obey me account. Where I will upload obeyme comics in the future.
Main_account: Janine_gandy
2 account for Obeyme, Winx and co: Winx_club_2024
Obeyme account: Obeyme_yuna
I use the hastage Obeyme_art, Honey25_art
for all my pictures. So that you
& I have it easier to find the pictures.
Obey me:
Oc yuna
Character Introduction
Outfit concept
Different Hairstyles
New outfits idea for yuna
Chibi yuna
Yuna as adult
Basketball training
Valentinesday & Short Comic (2024)
Under the starry sky (sketch)
Yuna bakes (sketch)
Yuu & cloud togehter (Profile picture)
Nephele & Yuna in the school
Luci x Yuna Valentinesday (with Oc)
Merry Christmas 2023
First Mammon drawing by phone
Levi and Yuna at Christmas (with Oc)
Levi chills Underwater
First Transformation
Beel and his food
Beel bakes a cake for mc
Photo time
Barbies birthday picture
Little Luke in a Jumpsuit
Sol and Yuna see again (with Oc)
Chip pairs:
Valentines'day girls edition (barbie+belphi)
Reha Strokes yuna's head
The important thing for Oc's
Hands drawing
Favorite Angel (question)
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phddis · 2 years
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Intro Post
Hi, I'm Max (24, she/they, gmt+1), if you wanna plot with good old Charles like this post or send me a message xx
character’s full name: Charles Francisco Xavier character’s nickname: Professor X, old friend Age: 43 MBTI: infj zodiac sign: Aquarius powers: omega level telepathy
Physical appearance
Height: 1,78m Body build: lean, strong shoulder strength Shape of face: angular Eye color:  dark brown Glasses or contacts:  glasses when working, usually toys with it if not working Distinguishing marks: days old beard, kind eyes Predominant features: greasy hair Hair color: brown Type of hair: straight, curly at back of neck Hairstyle: often let down, strands stuck behind his ears, will sometimes tie it up when it gets too long Voice: clear and calm Physical disabilities: paraplegy (both legs paralyzed), needs a wheelchair to move around Usual fashion of dress: old man style Jewelry or accessories: always his Swiss watch on his right wrist, a hairtie next to it
Good personality traits: empathetic, generous, loyal Bad personality traits: manipulative, secretive, stubborn Mood character is most often in: tired but contempt Sense of humor: bright and sarcastic with his close friends Character’s greatest joy in life: knowing he was able to help others, no matter the way Character’s greatest fear: being responsible for someone's death Why? I don't think the worse would be the guilt, honestly, it might be the fact that other people's opinion about him could change Character is most at ease when: teaching, sleeping Most ill at ease when:  his team is off fighting, he has to debate in public with morons Enraged when: injustice happens under his nose Depressed or sad when: stuck in a loop about his past or hearing a student of the school talk about their own shitty past Priorities: the school aka all his kids' safety (he's a father of hundreds yes) Life philosophy: "you have to die a few times before you can really live" If granted one wish, it would be: for durable universal peace Why? so he could get a good night sleep once and for all Greatest strength: the fact he truly believes peace can happen between mutants and humans Greatest vulnerability or weakness: his kids Biggest regret: not opening the school earlier Biggest accomplishment: opening the school
Hometown: New York Type of childhood: very privileged but also very lonely, would spend ages without seeing his parents and had no close relationship with them (or anyone for that matter); quite estranged from his childhood and doesn't like remembering it Pets: none Most important childhood memory: his last birthday celebrated with his father, right before his death Childhood hero: Noam Chomsky Dream job: owning an ice cream empire Education: went to Harvard and Oxford, got PHDs in genetics, biology and biophysics, as well as a doctorate in psychology
Current location: still his family mansion at Westchester, which he transformed into a sanctuary for mutants, he also has a flat near the Columbia University where he teaches thrice a week. Religion: atheist Occupation: Professor of genetics, advocate for mutant rights, Headmaster of his school of gifted kids Finances: wealthy as fuck
Mother: Sharon Xavier Relationship with her: very conflicted, she was a violent woman who went through hardships, and Charles was often at the end of her wrath. Died alone and drowning in alcohol, she truly fucked him up Father: Brian Xavier Relationship with him: Charles' father died when he was still quite young, and the memories he has of him are pretty nice, He was one of Charles' childhood heroes and he made him fall in love with science Siblings: depends uwu Spouse: none Children: none that he knows of for the moment
Hobbies: reading/writing, playing chess,doing research Plays a musical instrument?  learned piano and cello as a kid Plays a sport? not really, does exercise when he has time though How he/she would spend a rainy day: either catching up on paperwork or gossiping with the kids in the common room Smokes: not anymore Drinks: has a few glasses of whatever's in his cabinet every day, used to get completely trashed during the day but had to stop, will get completely trashed whenever possible Other drugs: not anymore What does he do too much of? worrying What does he do too little of? sleeping, eating well, resting Usual body posture: leaned on his side, elbow on an armrest and chin resting in his palm
Thanks for taking the time to read everything!!
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Samantha Michel Q&A
Kara: Hi Sam. Thank you so much for answering some questions. Sam: Yes of course, fire away. Kara: Cool, so um first off what made you want to become a hairdresser and how was your journey to get here? Sam: Yes um I knew i wanted to be a hairdresser ever since i was young and would go to work with my mom in the salon where she was a manager that's where i fell in love with all things hair watching the other stylist or being their Guinea pig for all the new trends and styles. I always knew i wanted to do hair but like most normal 18 year olds i wanted to try college for like you know the experience and after 4 short days at college i decided to leave and knew with 100% certainty that this job was what i was meant to do and would make going to work everyday joyful and exciting. Kara: That's amazing, um besides your mom who are your other inspirations in the industry? Sam: Of course my moms been an inspiration but I have a ton of inspirations in the industry that are big name stylists but I think the people who inspire me the most are all the wonderful girls I've worked under over the years. Seeing how much they still love the industry fifteen plus years in while also raising families is what i have always wanted and am still striving towards. Kara: What's the most rewarding part of your job? Sam: I would say one of the most rewarding things in my job is when relatives or friends of my clients go out of their way to tell me how their new hair gave them a new sense of confidence that wasn't there before. Making people feel more confident and bringing out their natural beauty is always my goal. Kara: That’s incredible and must be so fulfilling. What's your favorite hairstyle or treatment you most love to do?
Sam: While I love all things hair I think my favorite services are all things balayage and blonding! Kara: why are those your favorites Sam: Those are the ones where I can be the most creative and see you know uh the best transformations sometimes. Kara: What accomplishment are you most proud of? Sam: the accomplishment i am probably most proud of is after just six years getting out of school i started my own business with the support of my friends and family. Kara: Yay that's awesome congratulations. Sam: thank you thank you. Kara: Do you have any goals or plans for the future? Sam: education is always a goal of mine. I try to get the best education in new and upcoming techniques so I can deliver the best results I can for my clients, so I love to stay up to date with continuing to go to classes and learn as much as I can.
Follow Up Interview: Kara: Hey, Sam, Thanks so much for letting me ask some follow up questions. Sam: Of course. Kara: So, you mentioned you grew up watching your mom in the salon, what exactly about this experience made you fall in love with doing hair. Sam: Yeah so um, I’ve always had a close bond with my whole family especially my mom. So, seeing the person I love doing something she loves so much ignited a passion for it for me as well. Seeing how much she both loves her family and her job is something that I always wanted. She would always have a smile on her face in the salon and is such a people person, I just knew it would be my future. Kara: You mentioned you went to college for a few days, tell me about that experience. Was there a specific moment you knew it wasn’t for you. Sam: Yeah, I knew immediately it wasn’t the path I wanted to take. I just went to college for the experience because everyone says how important it is. But the whole time I was there I was thinking about how I just wanted to go do hair. Kara: Amazing, yeah, I think it's so important to listen to yourself and what you want in your own future. You’re so successful so young. What led you to owning your own chair at RG salon? Sam: I think just constantly going to classes and keeping up to date with new styles allowed me to build a strong customer base who I was lucky enough to have followed me once I had enough money to own my own chair. Kara: And what exactly does owning your own chair mean? Sam: Yeah so there is basically an owner of the building, and there are a few stylists that buy a spot, or chair in the building that they own and have their own clients. Kara: That’s so impressive so young, what does your schedule look like during the week? Sam: I work long days, but I absolutely love it. My work week starts Tuesday and Tuesday through Thursdays a lot of times. I work twelve hour days from 8 to 8 and on Friday and Saturdays I do half days a lot of the time. Most of my clients are blondes so I spend a lot of time foiling and doing extensions which I love because of the transformations. Sundays and Mondays I spend a lot of time working even when I’m not working. Those are the days I like to take classes or research new trends and methods
0 notes
teenz-stories · 6 months
Teen-Z: Forever Young #1-I Don’t Wanna Be Your Ex (Part 8)
Scene changes into Creepy and Mermaid getting to the closed for the night spa. Mermaid lights up the hairdressing room as Creepy stares amazed. Ninelle now wears black top with long sleeves,black skirt,black stockings and black high heels. She also has now choker on her neck. Mermaid meanwhile has on herself orange dress and same colored D’orsays.
Ninelle: gasps This place looks beautiful at nights!
Mermaid: Well. I can’t agree more. She gets her keys from her black apron as she opens the doors to the shelf with hairdressing tools There we are!
Ninelle: confused There we are what?
Mermaid: smiles widely Which hairstyle do you wanna have,dear? I’m all yours.
Ninelle: shyly You know. I always wanted to try pigtails.
Mermaid: nods This can be settled up dear.
Mermaid gets two rubber bands in her hands,gel and hairbrush. Creepy watches amazed her transformation. Finally Mermaid puts back her tools as she looks amazed at her work. Ninelle then smiles and hugs Mermaid. Seconds later Camilla’s body is wrapped in beige magic glow as she floats in the air. Song ,,Helping Hand” starts as she transforms.
[Female Singer]
A helping hand
Is enough to make someone’s day better
Look around.
There’s still so much more to you
Spread these wings and fly!
You’re still young and bold!
We’re sparkling in the midnight
We’re teenagers after all
Song ends as Mermaid steps out coughing. She has now on herself pink,teal and stone blue with golden accents top,same colored sarong skirt and black-pink sandals. Now she also has some glitter on her face.
Mermaid: looks in the mirror as she gasps in shock Oh my gosh! This isn’t happening.
Ninelle: scared Are we a victim of something weird?
Mermaid: starts to panic  I hope not! She tries to wash the glitter from her face but the glitter stays No! She then notices beige necklace sparkling on her neck I could swear I didn’t had it here few minutes ago.
Ninelle: sighs Look. Maybe it’s result of failed experiment? We had alchemy yesterday. Or maybe something happened when we were making that slime?
Mermaid: Impossible,darling! I checked the ingredients thrice! None of them would have this effect.
Meanwhile to the spa comes white pegasus woman with red,bob cut hair. She has now on herself camouflage colored vest,shirt,pants and kitten heels. On her hair can be visible same colored as her outfit bow.
Dia Paradise: shocked Camilla?! What are you doing at this hour?!  She looks at her watch It’s... almost 9 PM!
Mermaid: looks shocked at her boss  Dia?! Oh my gosh,I didn’t knew you will come here! I'm sorry!
Dia: giggles raising her eyebrow up You’ve been doing makeovers?
Mermaid: laughs nervously You can say it!
Dia: looks calmly at Mermaid’s beige necklace I love this necklace. It suits you. I got nothing against you giving your friends a favor.
Mermaid: shocked You don’t?!
Dia: shrugs Nah. Makeovers are like stories to be told.  The more peoples can understand the story you speak to them. The better.
Mermaid: If you love telling stories more. Then why did you opened the spa?
Dia: smiles gently Because during massages I can tell my clients amazing stories my mother used to tell me when I was little. Once they are okay with me telling them stories. I am telling them. It helps peoples to relax.
Ninelle: look amazed You need to teach me this!
Dia: looks gently at Creepy Maybe someday,kid. She then turns to Mermaid Once you’ll be done with your makeovers. Please clean up and close the building for a night. We don’t want burglary,trust me.
Mermaid: salutes Sure thing,boss!
As her boss leaves Mermaid is scared.
Mermaid: Call Pinky. Tell her that before we will start shooting tomorrow ,we will have serious talk.
Scene changes into Pinky and Luvboy sitting near computer. Luvboy opens his animation program. Then he imports Pinky’s puppet rig from his folder.
Pinky: You already made puppet rig of me?!
Alvin: I told you. None of you wanted to be in my video because you were busy. And I decided to instead do animation.
Pinky: shyly Can I try?
Alvin: moves his butt Sure. Just don’t ruin anything.
Pinky notices many dots on her puppet rig. She moves a bit her model’s leg. Luvboy khms.
Alvin: It’s better to invest in timelines. Just so your model can move well. He clicks with his right side of mouse ,,add timeline" Now you can move your other part.
Pinky moves her model’s head. As she understands now,she moves her hands,legs and once again head. Finally Luvboy sees result. He gives Pinky thumbs up.
Alvin: Not bad for the first time.
Seconds later he feels purple glow assaulting him. He gasps in shock.
Alvin: scared Pinky,what’s happening?!
Pinky: scared trying to move the glow from her ex Hang on! I will fix it!
As she tries to,the light consumes Luvboy as his transformation starts. Song ,,Helping Hand” resumes.
[Female Singer]
You feel the light?
Don’t need to worry now
Mission’s complete
Now enjoy the results
Look around.
There’s still so much more to you
Spread these wings and fly!
You’re still young and bold!
We’re sparkling in the midnight
We’re teenagers after all
Song ends as Luvboy steps out coughing. He has black t-shirt with pink bunny on it,black and pink vest,same colored pants and same colored sneakers. On his neck he has purple necklace and on his face he has glitter.
Alvin: That was strange... he looks at his new outfit scared Pinky?! What’s going on?!
Pinky: Hate to tell you this but this outfit isn’t the only new thing in you. She gives him mirror
He notices he has necklace and glitter on his face and hair. He goes to the bathroom to wash it. Seconds later Pinky hears groan.
Alvin: leaving bathroom It can’t be washed! He sits on the bed sadly At least I taught you something today.
Pinky: unamused At least I gotten rid off something heavy from myself today. You think Charlie will cry to have me back?
Alvin: giggles Knowing him? Definitely.
Pinky: smiles Don’t worry too much about this small glow-up. I kinda like you this way better.
Alvin: gently teasingly Even with glitter on my face and hair?
Pinky: laughing Yes. Then her face turns serious But we need to talk about it with Wiccy before we will start shooting music video.
Alvin: How do you know it won’t wear off untill tomorrow?
Pinky takes a pic of Luvboy.
Pinky: Even if it will. I have a proof now. Definitely Nerd will be up for some testing. She’s always up for that.
Scene changes into already morning. Mermaid’s asleep on her spa couch. Dia comes to the building smiling. She creeps on Mermaid as she whispers to her ear.
Dia: Camilla. Wake up.
Mermaid wakes up screaming. She looks at herself. She again wears her outfit when she arrived here and glitter is gone from her hair and face.
Mermaid: shocked noticing necklace is also gone It’s...gone?
Dia: Yeah. I am surprised you gotten rid of that gorgeous outfit. It suited you. You were in the middle of dress up and I disturbed you yesterday?
Mermaid: confused No. Actually something magical happened to me.
Dia: sits amazed next to Mermaid Oh,tell me with details!
Mermaid: I helped Ninelle and suddenly some weird force transformed me! Weird.
Dia: presses her thumb against her chin Indeed,weird. You didn’t thought about speaking about it with expert?
Mermaid: blinks confused I thought you have knowledge about all magical shenanigans.
Dia: she raises up from couch Nah. I only know magical stories my mother used to tell me when I was little. She goes to get her spa uniform Mermaid? You don’t have school today?
Mermaid: No. We have week off. Demiloon is sick and Brav is out with his class for few days.
Dia: Don’t you have other teachers?
Mermaid: Maybe there is,but Brav and Demiloon are our main.
Dia: blinks confused Okay.
Mermaid: I promised Pinky to arrive on the set in an hour. She said something weird happened with Alvin yesterday. She gasps Maybe same thing like with me?!
Dia: giggles Relax. Take it easy. Maybe your friend will know the answer then what happened?
Mermaid: gasps again Darling,I hope so! She then looks for the Ninelle at the spa but she didn’t found her You seen anywhere Ninelle?
Dia: she points at the doors I seen her leaving when I arrived.
Mermaid nods as she leaves the spa building running to the movieset.
0 notes
oakdll · 9 months
my favorite straw hats ranked :3
01 robin - she is genuinely just so unbelievably well written, her concept as a character is insane, but my favorite trait of hers is how she thinks so similarly to luffy. this place is also interchangeable w luffy
02 luffy - i normally don’t like main characters this much, but luffy is just so likable, i love his backstory so much, and having him be the emotional core of the paramount war saga + him losing ace is a stroke of genius. one of the best written characters literally ever
03 zoro - he’s cool as fuck and his tits are the biggest on the whole crew
04 nami - her character arc in east blue is so perfect, and seeing her be so happy in the straw hats is just amazing. her character interactions with the rest of the straw hats are so entertaining, her faith in luffy (like w her fight against ulti) is undying, and the fact she is so frightened yet so brave is super cool. she normally gets very afraid by the situations luffys antics get them into, but when things get serious, she knows she can’t stop luffy and suddenly gets very brave. i love her
05 usopp - i hope after elbaf this ranking will be a bit higher, but having such a human character in contrast to literal gods like luffy is so cool. his bravery and character moments are peak, water 7 in particular might have the single most emotional and realistic moment in one piece with his argument and fight with luffy. i just wish he had more character moments post time skip. the only time he really had a standout moment was dressrosa and i hope elbaf can give him some needed character development
06 sanji - he would be so much higher, maybe top 3, but the whole “pervert” gimmick sucks and i hate it. not only is his backstory amazing in east blue, but he is SO CLUTCH ALWAYS. he is constantly making super important decisions behind the scenes and saving everyone constantly. mr prince in alabasta, sea train in water 7, not to mention his importance being the cook of the straw hats. his backstory was already good enough, but then he got a SECOND ONE in whole cake, one of the best arcs in the whole series. one of my favorite moments of his is when he was kidnapped by black maria in wano and asked robin for help, his sheer faith in robin makes me so happy. his emotional moments are incredible, his fight scenes are amazing, the only issue is how annoying the “perverted” gimmick is.
07 franky - SUPER!!! he’s just so fun, his personality and dynamic with the whole crew is amazing. him being a cyborg and everybody being so enamored with his silly mechanics is an incredible bit. him being able to press on his nose to change hairstyles, and his massive hands post time skip having smaller hands inside of them is hilarious. the moment with robin and the big robot transformation on thriller bark where she rejects their transformation is one of the best jokes in the whole series. he doesn’t have too many emotional moments besides his backstory and his fight with senor pink (incredible fight btw) but he’s one of my favorites because of just how fun he is
08 jinbei - jinbei is kind of tied with franky, i love him but he has only really been a straw hat for like 1-2 arcs. him being so nice and noble is amazing, his relationship with nami and feeling guilty for arlongs actions, and his backstory with fisher tiger is absolutely phenomenal, i just wish there was more of him. he hasn’t had too many defining character moments as an actual straw hat besides showing no fear in front of big mom (but even then he wasn’t really a straw hat at the time). i love him as a character i love him though
09 brook - brook is also just a super fun character, his skeleton puns never get old, and his moments on whole cake and wano were COLD (literally). calling big mom “young lady” is a moment for history books and him actually getting the road poneglyph is amazing. his backstory is tragic, maybe the saddest on the whole crew, and him being a musician makes me very happy (as a musician). he is a great character but he also has the “pervert” gimmick which kinda sucks. it’s definitely less bad than sanji though, it doesn’t really interfere with his character much, he just blushes and asks to see women’s panties (asking to see big moms panties is insane btw) and it’s definitely a big character flaw, but it’s not as irritating as with sanji.
10 chopper - chopper is the only straw hat i’m kinda disappointed by. he’s a great character, but as a straw hat he barely has any defining moments. his personality is kinda basic, and the last really impactful moment for me was monster point on enies lobby. the interesting thing about monster point is that he can’t control it, and then he only uses it like one more time for a tiny bit on sabaody before he gains control of it over the time skip. other than that, he’s just kind of a nice person with a really sad backstory. this feels a bit too harsh on him, i do really like him as a character, but for being one of the main characters, he is a little lackluster.
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 1 year
Sakura Mochi - Chapter 3a
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*Warning Adult Content*
Hatchday - Part 1 - Kamihara Rin 
"Onaeni, please," I whined.
"Hush, child. You need to look good for Akira's celebration. There will be lots of important people there," my nursemaid said as he fussed over my outfit.
Looking into the mirror made me scrunch my nose. My hair, long and silky black, was tied up the way I hated it. The robes Onaeni was helping me into were heavy and far too fancy. I just wanted to shrug them off and go play until Akira showed off their dragon form. 
A knock at the door caused me to turn my head. Yuki stood in her outfit, looking as beautiful as ever. She was always really pretty. She suited the fancy robes and hairstyles and I didn't. Yuki grinned when she saw how uncomfortable I looked. 
"Onaeni, Akira needs your help with his ceremonial robes," Yuki announced.
"Oh, that dear child," Onaeni sighed. 
He glanced at me, giving me a silent warning to stay still and wait for him, before leaving my room. Yuki giggled, walking further into my room to stand in front of me. 
"You look so nice in fancy clothes. I don't know why you don't wear them more often.”
"Because they're uncomfortable. I don't like how heavy they feel," I explained.
She shrugged. 
"If you say so, Bug."
Noni, Akira and Yuki walked ahead but I dragged along behind them. Parties were fun but we couldn't party until the ritual was done, which was at the temple. The only fun part would be when Akira transformed for the first time and presented their dragon to the guests. Then, they would be presented with a mate. I always hated that part when our parents or our instructor talked about it. Dragons had destined mates but they rarely met. 
Because our lifespans were so long, we often settled for pairing with someone that was matched with us by the local temple. I thought it was dumb. There was a fated match right there and all we had to do was look. But, dragons didn't leave our realm and our mates could be any creature, dragon or not. Plus, the dragon realm was vast and expansive. They were just lazy. That's what I always thought. I certainly wouldn't mind going on a journey to find my destined mate. 
"You should be smiling for your brother," Nobi spoke up softly.
I didn't realize she was walking beside me. 
"What's there to smile about? They're going to be busy doing adult things now," I answered.
"But, he'll still make time to play with you and Yuki. You should be happy for him. As his sibling, you should support him."
I remained silent. Nobi sighed, reaching out to offer her hand. I took it, allowing her to guide me to the temple. Maybe she didn't get it because Noni was someone she loved. They were matched, too but they instantly fell in love.It was a quiet walk to the temple after that. It was near our estate, but far enough away that we had to take a small trail to it from our property. 
Once we arrived, I could see the crowds of people outside the temple. It was shaped like a crescent moon. There was a grand entrance on the largest outer curve and once inside there was a stretch of open hallway from one end to the other. There were a few smaller buildings attached to the temple's crescent but the biggest part was the amphitheater. The hallway, with arches making up the inner walls, opened up into circular, tiered seating that slowly sunk level by level. 
At the center was a circular pit with a large holy fire surrounded by a platform big enough to fit a dragon. That's where Akira would go and Yuki and I when we came of age. Scattered within the general seating were small booths for nobility and other important people. We went to the one closest to the pit but Akira didn't follow us.I watched as my brother walked down to the pit where an elegant chair waited for them. They sat down, their ceremonial robes seeming to swallow them up. 
Nobi tugged on my hand gently, making me realize I hadn't sat down yet. I sat down in a chair next to Yuki, letting Nobi let go of my hand so she could sit next to Noni. Soon enough, people began filing in from the crescent and making their way to open seats. The seats were more like long, circular benches that stretched around each tier, so people crowded in. All to get a look at Akira's dragon form.I noticed another family dressed in fancy robes make their way to a booth of their own nearby, two adults, a dragon about Akira's age and someone who looked like mine and Yuki's age. 
The kid was really pretty, I found myself noting. Fluffy, white hair framed a young face and bright, blue eyes. I must've been staring too much because the kid turned and looked at me. But instead of being angry, they flashed a wide smile and waved. Flustered, I looked away, my ears burning. I heard Yuki giggle from beside me. 
"Oh. Rin's got a crush..." she sang.
"Shut up," I grumbled, pushing her not-so-lightly.
"Children," Nobi said. "Behave. We are here for Akira. Present your best selves so as not to dishonor him."
"Yes, Nobi," we both mumbled, going quiet.
I looked back to Akira down below and caught their eye. They smiled, waving to me. I waved back enthusiastically, a smile on my face mirroring theirs. Their attention got pulled away, however, a tall woman with dark skin and long, curly hair that was piled high on her head walked across the stage to them. Gold ink swirled across her skin and seemed to move as if it were alive. 
She was our high priestess, Ifema. I didn't know much about her except that she wasn't from our land. She came from across the sea, sent by the grand priesthood to bless our land. I didn't care about her status but I was always fascinated by her and how she conducted ceremonies. High Priestess Ifema suddenly turned to face the crowds, smiling. The dragons in the temple silenced themselves immediately. 
"Welcome, everyone. Today, we are gathered to witness the coming of age of Kamihara Akira, descendent of Kamihara Aiku and Kamihara Hibiki. May the great god Ryūjin give Akira his blessings."
Akira stood up from their chair, looking calm and collected as usual. Ifema put a hand over her elegant robes and drew it away, her golden flame following. 
"With this flame, I shall awaken your dragon. Are you ready?" she announced, directing the question at Akira.
They nodded firmly. 
"Yes, I am ready."
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