#his story was funnier because he listened and didn’t say anything until After I had explained and showed examples
cr0wc0rpse · 5 months
My brother asked me the difference between lemon clover (aka wood sorrel) and regular clover, because he forgot, and I explained it and showed him images, and after explaining and showing. He said that he had remembered that lemon clover is edible and that earlier today he was eating some clovers (he was at a park sports field w friends) because he thought they were lemon clover. And ate several. And I said “if it didn’t taste like lemon the first time why did you keep eating them??” and he said “I thought maybe it was a bad patch”. Insane thing to do but normal coming from him
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cherryspikes · 9 months
You know you love me
‧₊˚ 📸 ✩ ₊˚ Multiple ships - EAH Gossip Girl AU
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⭒ desc: After a rat infestation shuts down the school, students from Nottingham High get transferred to different schools all over New York. Sparrow and his friends ended up being part of the unlucky few who were sent to Ever After Prep. Being thrust into the world of the disgustingly rich felt like diving in head first into a pile of rocks. Tensions between the students were high enough, but after an anonymous blog starts spreading gossip it all rises to another level. Secret relationships, millions of dollars, and nosey teenagers were already a recipe for disaster. But it seems someone is trying to make every student's life a living hell.
⭒ content: this is a story with a full plotline!! please read the first chapter before reading this. you do not have to have seen Gossip Girl to understand but there are some references that are funnier if you have. mentions of drugs and alcohol. - THIS IS NOT A FULL RECREATION OF GOSSIP GIRL - its eah characters in a gg inspired universe with reimaginings of iconic gg plotlines.
⭒ wordcount: 3,645 
cross-posted on ao3 !!
⭒ note: sorry this took so long to update school is kicking my ass 😭
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Lost in Some Tension
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The loud pop music was starting to make his head hurt. It’s not that Sparrow didn’t like it. All of his closest friends knew about his secret love for Nelly Furtado. But you can only listen to so many electronic beats until your brain turns to mush. 
He was starting to get a headache, and that, with the feeling of being out of place, was not a good pairing. He awkwardly stood in the corner, drink in hand. Parties like this weren’t his scene. Social gatherings in general, weren’t his scene. Faybelle had dragged him out to an Upper East Side party because she said he needed to talk to people more. He agreed to it, thinking it would be fun to explore other sides of the city, but now that he's actually there... He kind of regretted it.
It's not like he didn’t want to talk to others; he just didn’t know how. He was a fish out of water flopping around the ground. Faybelle tried her best to include him in conversations, but whatever he did, it seemed like they just weren’t interested. So he let her go and hang out with her friends. He didn’t want to drag her down with him.
His moping was depressing. If he wasn’t going to do anything, he needed to leave. Once he mustered up the courage to leave, he immediately felt himself bump into something. Of course, he would knock into someone the second he decides to move; just his luck. He frantically apologized, but the white-haired girl he talked to shook her head. “Ah, don’t worry about it! I didn’t like this dress anyway.” She assured, looking at the stain his drink left on her white iridescent dress. Once she fully turned to face him, her hair's black and lavender strands distracted him. 
She kept on talking, but it wasn’t really a conversation. He wasn’t saying anything. She seemed to notice this and stopped talking about the fashion designers her dad had invested in or something like that. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you before... Where are you from?” He took a second to respond, not realizing he was even asked a question. 
"Oh, – Uh, I’m from Nashville, but I, uh, just moved into my dad’s last week.” 
“Well, welcome to the city! Feeling homesick?” She asked, turning her head to the side.
“Eh, I’ve been visiting for years, so it’s like a second home.” 
She hummed in response and looked for something else to ask. Usually, this is where whoever he’s talking to would say: ‘Well, it was great talking to you! See you around!’ But it seemed like this conversation was actually going to last. He didn’t really want it to end, either. Judging by her outfit, she had money. A lot of it. He was intrigued. He needed to know more. 
“I'm guessing you’re a student, right?” He nodded. “Do you know what school you’re going to?” 
“I'm not 100% sure. My dad keeps flip-flopping between his options. But I think Nottingham is starting to win him over.” 
She flinched jokingly at the mention of the school. “My mortal enemy…” He looked confused. “I go to Ever After, Nottingham’s like our biggest rival.” 
“Rivals as in ‘we compete against each other, but it’s whatever’ or rivals as in ‘we literally hate each other’.” 
“We literally hate each other. Seniors tp’d their court right before their last game last year, and the bleachers were drenched in eggs.” 
“Wow, I never imagined that actually happened in real life.” 
“New York doesn't feel like real life most of the time.” 
He let out a small laugh. They stood in silence for a little bit. 
“I’m Sparrow, by the way.” He held out his hand. She shook it, but before she could reply, a blonde girl came and interrupted them.
“Duchess!” She screamed loudly. “I didn’t know you came back!” The white-haired girl looked startled. “Uh – Yeah! It’s nice to see you too! Listen, um, let me finish this up, and I’ll go catch up with you and Daring.” The blonde replied with a loud Okay. You could tell she could barely hear herself over the music. 
Duchess sighed. “Well, I’m Duchess, as you heard.” Sparrow nodded. “You can go with your friends if you want. It was really nice talking with you.” 
“Same! Hope to see you around.” After she walked away, another figure replaced her spot immediately. Faybelle stood behind her, mouth agape. 
Sparrow's face contorted in confusion. 
“You talked with Duchess Swan… And you gave her a handshake ?” 
Detention was anything but new to Ramona. Even back in Nottingham, she’d get into trouble. It has improved over the years, but her temper management still needs work. She gets passionate about little things quickly, and those strong emotions can take over. She sticks to her values and never surrenders. If you upset her about something, it’ll probably take a year for her to not be angry about it anymore. This even included teachers sometimes. If it weren’t for her above-average grades, athletic prowess, and her willingness to go through any punishment the faculty chose, she would be expelled by now.
However, her fighter spirit was starting to die down once she started high school. She was getting ready for college. She needed to be ‘more serious,’ whatever that meant. After everyone was surprised by all her honors awards at her middle school graduation, she realized she needed to change her ways. She needed to focus on school, and getting into a good college. Plus, being stuck in a classroom after school hours turned into the most tedious part of her everyday routine. 
Detention was a very new concept to Justine. Getting into trouble was very unfamiliar to her. Having a huge family of 12 siblings made it hard to hide anything. This wasn’t a problem when she was younger. What big secret are you hiding when you're 7 years old? But now that she’s 17, there were many things she didn’t want her family to know. She didn’t want them to know she had failed her chemistry test. She didn’t want them to know she didn’t get a callback for any of the Broadway shows she had auditioned for during the summer. And she especially didn’t want them to know that keeping these secrets led her to smoke weed as a coping mechanism. 
"I hope you two understand why you're here. This school takes its policy very seriously. I’m especially surprised at your behavior Justine. I expected better from you," Madame Yaga lectured while she sat behind her desk. 
The words hit her like a truck. She bowed her head down and spoke so only she could hear. “I’m sorry, Miss, it will never happen again.” 
The older woman returned to the paperwork on her desk after mumbling, ‘Good.’ “Now, normally, this situation would’ve led both of you to the Headmaster’s office.” She looked back up to both of them. Ramona was calm, while Justine looked terrified. “However, you’re both great students, and I would hate for this to damage your relationship with this Academy. Can I trust that this won’t happen again?” They both nodded. 
“Well, I have some paperwork to deliver. While I do that, you will write an apology and an explanation of your actions. Both must be done by the time I return.” 
As the teacher left the room, an uneasy silence settled. Justine tried her hardest to write her apology. But the words didn’t come to her. She didn’t know what to say. She wanted it to be simple yet genuine. Despite her reluctance to apologize, she wasn't ignorant that she was in the wrong. She just wanted to write the stupid note so this would all be over.
Justine turned around to find Ramona engrossed in her writing. With her head tilted to the side, she seemed intensely focused, piquing Justine’s curiosity.
Regrettably, Ramona glanced up, catching Justine’s lingering gaze.
"Do you have a staring problem?" Ramona frowned.
"You're the last person I want to be looking at, let alone be stuck in detention with," Justine swiftly retorted.
"Same here. If you hadn't been such a bitch, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation," Ramona reclined in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You were the one that started it!”
“I’d say you got yourself into trouble the second you decided to smoke weed at school,” Ramona replied. 
Justine didn’t reply. She turned back to her paper. Deciding that was more important than arguing with her. Yet Ramona wanted it to keep going.
“I don’t get why you’re so worried over all this. Madame Yaga said you're off the hook even though you were doing drugs at school. If I were you, I would be ecstatic.” 
Ramona finished writing her apology and dropped it off at the desk. She sat on the roller chair and propped her feet on the wooded surface. 
“Well, I’m not someone like you, so I’d never do that.” Justine scoffed, slowly losing her patience. She was starting to sound a lot more conceited. 
“Someone like me?” Ramona prodded while playing with a Rubik's cube she found in between Madame Yaga's things. 
“A troublemaker, a punk, maybe even a nuisance.” The dancer listed.
“Is that what your daddy told you poor people are? Maybe you should focus all that brain power on writing your paper.” 
“Whatever, you don’t know me,” Justine argued.
“People talk, princess. I think I know enough.” Ramona challenged.
“Okay, then you should know things are rough for me right now, so I don’t want to deal with your bullshit.” Justine quickly replied. Ramona stayed quiet for a second. Looking her up and down. 
“Don’t you think it’s a little hypocritical for you to be angry that I’m making assumptions about you when you did that same thing to me earlier?” Ramona retorted.
Justine didn’t respond. 
“Yeah, I don’t know you, and I’m glad I don’t. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t even fucking be at this shit hole right now.” 
After saying that, a lightbulb went off in Ramona’s head. She walked toward her desk, grabbed her things, and left. 
“Madame Yaga isn’t here yet!” Justine yelled. 
“Who cares!” Ramona responded halfway down the hall.
Justine was left alone and confused. Looking down at her blank piece of paper. 
“Who the hell is this ‘Gossip Girl’?” Briar asked. Whoever they were, had contact with nearly everyone in the Upper East Side, so word of Duchess’ return spread like wildfire. Briar was supposed to be helping Apple get ready for her mom's monthly friends & family dinner, yet the sudden ringing of their phones interrupted them.
Briar’s messages were flooded with thousands of people asking her if she had any idea who it could be. So she had to type out ‘No’ a thousand times. On the other hand, Apple was trying her hardest to keep calm. Sure, her so-called BFF disappeared for a year without letting her know. She then returned without letting her know again. But the more she thought about it, she realized that wasn’t why she was worried. 
Gossip had always been a massive thing among EAP students. Rumors about students dating and parents getting divorced had all been discussed before. Gossip Girl just made it more accessible. One of the biggest rumors that floated around the school was that Daring had cheated on Apple with Duchess. No one knows exactly how it started, but someone had started saying they went on dates together at his dad’s hotel, and it all escalated from there. It wasn’t true, of course. When she first heard it, Apple questioned them both for hours. But Daring was too confused, and Duchess was too disgusted for it to be true. That’s what she told herself, at least. She told Daring the situation didn’t bother her. She trusted that he told her the truth. But deep down, she had her doubts. The day she realized Duchess had left, a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. 
The days were those rumors were the main topic of conversation at school were the most anxiety-induced days of her life. She couldn’t help but analyze everything Duchess said. Her paranoia made her want to be with Daring at all times to ensure her nightmares weren’t becoming a reality. Apple believed the rumors, disregarding everything Daring had done to reassure her it wasn’t true. She managed to find the tinniest of holes in every story he told her. She made up reasons as to why Daring didn’t love her anymore, and that Duchess actually hated her. The elaborate stories she told herself were eating her alive, but no one could know about it. Especially her parents.  
The idea of Apple and Daring being a couple existed since before they were even born. Ever since Apple understood the concept of romance, she’s known Daring was the one . Ever since she understood how marriage worked, she made moodboards of what her marriage with Daring would look like. Ever since she saw pictures of her parents dancing at the Cotillion ball, she knew she would dance with Daring when it was her turn. It was what she wanted the most and Duchess was trying to ruin it.
What did Duchess have that she didn’t? They were both beautiful. They’ve both known Daring since they were kids but Apple knew him since birth. They’ve practically been dating since kindergarten, them getting married is like a prophecy for both of their families. Why did Duchess try to rewrite it? She could (and has) have any man in the world. Rockstars, monarchs, and even unknown, average, regular people. What made Daring so enticing? Or, what made Apple so easily replaceable?
‘Is it my style?’ She could change it. She could wear more makeup and dye her hair. With all the comments made about her not looking like her mother, she has definitely considered it before. 
‘My humor or hobbies?’ She could be more reckless and be more impulsive sometimes. 
Then it clicked. That was what Duchess had that Apple didn’t. Bravery, courage, the ability to be bold and take the next step. Duchess was never afraid of ‘what ifs’. The consequences of her actions never seemed to matter to her. That’s what made being in a relationship with her so fun. Dating Duchess was like going on a roadtrip without a map, while dating Apple was like following every little detail of a recipe down to the exact utensils they use. Apple had always been more traditional. No rough partying, very focused on school, and absolutely no sex before marrige. Duchess was more “modern” in her ideals, which meant the exact opposite. That was what made Daring want her. At least according to the story Apple kept telling herself over and over again.
It died down after Duchess left. Their relationship sailed smoothly. But now that she’s back and with the ball being 4 months away, she needed to lock in their relationship before it drowned. Even if that meant disregarding her ideals.  
Frantically, she left her room. At the top of the staircase, she looked through the guests in her home. She managed to pick out her boyfriend in the crowd and ignored Briar’s warnings. She smiled brightly as she got closer to him and the other men he was talking to. They were discussing college football or something. Whatever it was, it needed to wait. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but can I borrow Daring for a second?” 
“Ah, of course! Oh, Apple, we need to talk about your next charity gala. I think I have some amazing people you’ll want to invite.” Daring’s father chimed in. 
“Oh, perfect! Can’t wait to hear all about it!” She dragged Daring upstairs. 
The second they got away from everyone, she kissed him hard. He followed along even though he was confused. It wasn’t until she locked her bedroom door he realized what was going on.
“Whoah, okay! What’s up with you right now?” 
She sat close to him on the bed. Still with a brightly fake smile on her face. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, this is so not you. You said you wanted to wait.” 
“Well,” She sat on top of him. “Not anymore.” Daring was shocked.
“Now?” Clocks ticking. 
“Yes, Daring! I'm 100% sure.”  The second her lips touched his again, there was a loud knock at the door. It startled her, and she immediately backed away. Was it a sign? Was this an omnipotent being telling her to think before she acts? To think before doing something she knows she’ll regret afterward? 
She ran up to the door on nervous, shaky legs and opened the door. It was her mom and her message was far worse than anything any deity could’ve told her. 
“Apple, Duchess is here!” 
When the elevator doors opened to reveal Apple’s penthouse, a wave of discomfort drowned Duchess. The marble floor, glass chandelier, and roses decorating the entryway felt way too familiar. 3 years ago she probably would’ve been excited to enter the house unannounced. A pleasant surprise for her best friend. But now, all she feels is fear. 
Apple isn’t one to confront people. If she didn’t like you, you wouldn’t know. She tries to be open with everyone and ever since she became a freshman she was set on changing how students interacted with each other. She didn’t like the name-calling and the gossiping. She tried her best to make everyone get along but some things are just impossible to change. The straight-up bullying did end, at least. But gossip was still a rampant issue. It made Apple feel like her hard work was never enough, (typical since she puts way too much pressure on herself) but she can’t be that angry about it. Sure, Apple didn’t outright hate anyone. But she also went out of her way to separate herself from those she doesn’t like. Duchess didn’t blame her though. No one’s perfect. Especially not if you can afford going to Ever After. 
But this is different. Apple didn’t confront those who called her a spoiled brat. But she might confront her “best friend” who disappeared for a year when she suddenly decides to walk right into her house like it's nothing. Duchess felt fear while walking down the hall. Not because of what people were mumbling to each other. 
“Boarding school my ass! She went to rehab or something.” 
“She definitely had work done. I mean, look at her!”
“I heard she’s pregnant…” 
That last one did give her goosebumps. But the main source of her terror was not knowing how Apple was going to react to her arrival. She knew what she did was shitty. She deserved to be the first person Apple publicly yelled at and that’s what scared her the most. 
Her legs felt like jelly as she walked up the stairs. At the top, she took a second to breathe and think. ‘What do you say to your best friend after abandoning them when they needed you most?’ She didn’t have time to answer the question because of the piercing gaze she felt on her. She turned around to find Daring staring at her. Instinctively, he fixed his messy hair and shirt. The implication made Duchess wonder what changes had happened since she left. But their eye contact was broken by the door to Apple’s room opening.
“Duchess! So good to see you!” She knew Apple could see the goosebumps on her arms. She knew she was lying to herself about not feeling the tension between her best friend and her boyfriend. Apple could swear her fake smile fooled everyone, but Duchess has known her long enough to know what her genuine smile is like. On top of that, the hug she gave her felt a little too tight. It felt less like a ‘Welcome home!’ and more like an ‘I’m watching you’. 
“Yeah, we really missed you,” Daring added. “Want to join us for dinner?”
Duchess’s face contorted in a way Apple couldn’t decipher. Shame? Embarrassment? 
“Yeah, about that. Um -  I have to get home and talk to Dad. He doesn’t even know I’m here really! So uh, yeah..” 
“You’re leaving?” Apple could hear the disappointment in Daring’s voice. 
“Sorry, I just wanted to drop by for a second to let you know I’m here. But I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow!” 
“Oh great! We have so much catching up to do.” Duchess agreed and quickly walked down the stairs. Just like that, she's gone. 
Daring kissed Apple’s forehead and mumbled something about continuing what they were doing later. She nodded even though she wasn’t fully paying attention to his words. She looked around the room while walking down the stairs, spotting Briar and Ashlynn. 
“Well, she’s back for good. She’s coming to school tomorrow.” Slightly gritting her teeth.
Briar was busy answering the thousands of messages she had received inquiring about Gossip Girl. Ashlynn on the other hand was shocked by Apple’s words. “Did she not tell you she was coming back?” Her fake smile reappeared immediately. 
“Oh, of course, she did. I just… wanted it to be a surprise.” 
e-blast #2: Best friends for never?
2/8/07 - 7:45PM
Poor Apple White, always trying so hard but it never seems to be enough. Wipe that fake smile off your face, boo. It’s okay to yell at people sometimes. Especially if they mess with your man. Queen D’s arrival seems to have shocked everyone. Even her so-called BFF... Wake up Apple! Broken friendships fail. Drop her before ‘MVP’ Charming drops you. 
[ click to view foto ] 
Who’s going to be Apple’s prince charming if Daring runs off to another maiden? Maybe his brother will finally have a date to the ball afterall…
                                                                                                                                                                - XOXO, Gossip Girl
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tellthemeerkatsitsfine · 10 months
So, listening to Do the Right Thing led me to listen to a few episodes of Margaret Cabourn-Smith’s podcast Crushed. I only listened a few of them that looked interesting – Isy Suttie, Danielle Ward, and Nish Kuamr. The format is talking about “crushes”, so mostly from childhood and adolescence when this sort of thing is prevalent. Nish Kumar’s episode had this exchange early on that made me like him so much I had to stop and write it down:
Margaret Cabourn Smith: First crush, who springs to mind? Nish Kumar: When I told my girlfriend I was doing this podcast, she said, “Are they expecting you to largely talk about fictional characters? Because it’s going to be an hour of you talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Who wants that, Nish?”
Guy, I like Nish Kumar so much. I love that the comedian I find funnier than almost anyone else, also happens to come across as an incredibly likeable person. He’s always had significant One of Us energy when he talks about being a comedy and music fan; I think his reputation should be at least as much for his relatable nerdery as for his (also relatable) righteous political anger. Quite a lot of this came across in listen to him talk for an hour with Margaret Cabourn Smith on that podcast. I’d listen to Nish Kumar talk for an hour about anything.
But anyway, I did like that specific quote, which he proceeded to expand on later in the episode, because that is a fairly specific thing that I seem to have in common with a lot of those comedians. Josh Widdicombe once went on a panel show and explained that he spent his teenage years doing math to work out his and his friends’ chances of marrying Sarah Michelle Gellar. And there was, obviously, this. All of that. I guess coming of age while being in love with Buffy the Vampire Slayer is hardly an uncommon experience for this generation, but still, I enjoy when comedians give me relatable content like talking about coming of age while being in love with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Actually, the comedian I most share this with is probably Rosie Jones, as she played Willow in that Amusical that I linked to (if you haven’t seen the pictures and videos at that link before, please do yourself a favour and click on it, it’s fucking delightful and I rewatch this video like once every few weeks), and at the end made a speech about how that show helped her know it was okay to be gay. Which is such a common story for queer woman of the millennial generation (I’ve just looked it up and Rosie Jones is only four months older than me) that it’s almost a running joke, among the ones I know, to say that of course you grew up with Willow/Tara and The L Word and your only scraps of representation, which you watched with headphones on and your door closed so no one would know you were discovering the forbidden lesbianism.
But for me, I didn’t get into Buffy the Vampire Slayer until a couple of years after it had finished airing. So it wasn’t the thing that made me realize I was gay as a teenager. I’d already done that. I’d had my few really difficult years from ages 15-18, as I worked out that that horrible word that I only ever heard in the context of students at school using it as a horrible insult applied to me. I did my journey from denial, to acceptance that I might have been attracted to like one girl one time but that’s it and it doesn’t make me gay, to realizing that some sort of LGBT label might apply to me but not knowing which one; from hating myself for that, to slowly accepting it; from insisting that I’ll never ever tell anyone, to whispering it to a couple of very close trusted friends while swearing them to secrecy because I was convinced that everyone knowing would ruin my life, to finally being okay with it not being a secret.
That coincided with when I got into Buffy – just as being gay had finally become something that wasn’t an internal struggle and conflict and source of pain, I’d figured out that this was what I was and it was okay, and I could finally start to enjoy it a bit. Buffy was the first thing I watched where I could find a female character attractive and it didn’t turn into “Oh my God this might mean I really am gay, how do I know if I’m really attracted to her or if I’m just straight and imagining it, I’ll have to add this to the data as I figure out my sexuality, and it seems to be evidence in favour of the option that scares me.” I was able to look at that show at just think, “Wow, Alyson Hannigan is hot, I’m going to enjoy looking at her. I would sure like a girlfriend named Buffy who could kill a guy with her bare hands. This high school sure is full of attractive people.”
And it was so exciting! I jumped right in to take full advantage of finally being able to feel attraction without hating myself for it, and the first thing I did with that was develop a crush on every single female character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. To different degrees, maybe, but all of them. Including Jenny Calendar, the teacher. Including Dawn, who was a rare case of a teenage character playing by a teenage actor, but it’s okay I was a teenage myself at the time. Obviously Buffy and Willow. Faith. Oh my God I had the biggest crush on Faith. I fell in love with Tara the moment she was introduced. Anya. Cordelia. Drusilla. Even Kennedy. Faith. Did I mention Faith? I mean Eliza Dushku was gorgeous but I definitely also had a thing for the character of Faith. Then right after I finished Buffy, I watched Angel and Firefly and Dollhouse, and also fell in love with every female character on those shows.
I’ve felt mildly weird even writing this out, as when I’m 33 and have been out for years, I’m a lot more conscious of whether I’m just objectifying women who have been objectified throughout their whole careers (especially how that we’ve heard about how gross Joss Whedon was and how a lot of those women were treated badly while making the shows in question). It doesn’t seem quite as fun and exciting, and I think it’s probably a good thing to have at least a little bit of restraint in talking about which strangers I find sexually attractive. But as a teenager, after spending years with attraction to women being a source of nothing but confusion and self-hatred, I still remember how fucking cool it felt to enjoy it with no shame or hesitation whatsoever.
…I mean, obviously it was also a good TV show. There were lots of TV shows in 2008 that were full of attractive women, I could have watched any of them, I watched Buffy and the other Whedon shows because they were really good, and a huge part of why they were so good is that the very attractive women were also very good at their jobs. That seems worth acknowledging. I picked those shows to watch because they were made by people who were good at their jobs.
Anyway. Hearing Nish Kumar say that if he’s going on a podcast about teenage crushes, he’s just going to talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer for an hour, made me remember all this and want to write it down. And made me want to say, I love Nish Kumar’s righteous political anger, but I also enjoy his relatable nerd side so much. Also, during the episode he fell over himself several times to try not to sound horribly objectifying, in exactly the way that I do when I talk about these things (including, for example, in this post). Such a relatable thing to try to find a respectful and feminist way to say “Jesus Christ Sarah Michelle Gellar was fucking hot”.
I know it's a problem for a fan to think a person they've never met is as perfect as I think Nish Kumar is. I don't need him to be perfect forever, I promise. I personally promise to not cancel Nish Kumar if it turns out he said a homophobic slur in 2006 or something. Everyone said homophobic slurs in 2006 (I was there at the time and can confirm this). But if he could manage to not do anything massively disappointing for the next while, that would be great, because he's really propping up my tiny scraps of faith in humanity these days.
While I'm at this, I may as well also say that I've been re-watching some Good Place episodes in the last few days, which is reminding me of the phase I had just after my Whedon phase, which was my obsessed with Veronica Mars phase, and involved being incalculably attracted to both Kristen Bell and the character she played. She deserved far better than Logan.
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list ☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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moemammon · 4 years
When I was in High School, my crush and I got into a fight and neither of us were talking to each other. One day I was headed up the stairwell to get to my science class, when I saw them coming up from behind... I don't think they had even noticed me yet considering that they were busy talking to their friend BUT I am slow going up stairs so even if I rushed up the stairs roadrunner style they would have caught up to me, well; the little corner that connects the steps going up to the second floor and the steps heading down to the ground floor had a large open window... and I jumped out, like I literally just jumped out. I didn't even think it through, I just saw the window and my body was like "Yep, IK what to do." I landed on a bush or tree? It's too big to call a bush but too small to call a tree, landed in a squat before my feet gave out and I fall onto my knees and got two large grass stains on my jeans knee part, couldn't walk right either after that landing, I was shaky all day lol but it was a risk well calculated bc the whole thing would have been so awkward. I mean we used to be like BFFS before the rumors began and then they started and we just stopped talking without warning, we couldn't even look at each other. Our science partners, bc we were in groups of four, literally got fed up of our bullshit bc we literally refused to acknowledge the others existence... anyway, I digress...
Anyway, this whole story is a long winded way of me requesting how the brothers would react to an MC that literally just jumps out windows to avoid awkward moments, or to dodge people that want to ask them for favors, or when they straight up want to avoid someone?
And sorry about the large ass message, but thanks for letting me vent
You have a special place in my heart, window-jumping anon. Just uhhhhhhh look down next time okay? Ily
The Demon Brothers react to GN!MC jumping out of a window to avoid an awkward moment
(Mario jumping sound effect)
He approached you after class to ask exactly what you were snickering at your D.D.D. about during class.
Must've been real funny if you weren't listening to your lecture, huh?
"I imagine you've somehow found something worthy of laughing about in Demonology 101?"
You do not have the guts to tell him that you and Mammon were texting back and forth, abusing a new photo editing app to alter pictures of the eldest himself.
I mean, take a wild guess about how he’d react to seeing how big you edited his head to be-
The avatar of pride lets his eyes pierce into you, like he's trying to stare a hole through your blanket of "uh"s and "um"s,
You don't exactly see a way out of this one, but you can NOT let Lucifer see your photo gallery.
So you glance to your left to the open classroom window, and do the only thing you can think of: you jump.
Luckily you're on the ground floor so you??? really didn't have to jump so dramatically. But the fact that you yeeted yourself into a bush JUST to escape has left Lucifer speechless.
Honestly? He so impressed with your dedication that he's not gonna stop you. Besides, he's gonna see you back at home anyway so-
Also thinks you might be hanging around Mammon too much because that 100% seems like a stunt he’d pull.
He KNOWS Lucifer told you to bring the credit card to him, and he demands to know where it's hidden! He's positive you know where it is!
But you don't really though?? You just brought the card to him like you were asked. If anything, you're the victim here!
But Mammon isn't having that. The avatar of greed is circling around you like an angry cat, patting you all over like airport security to see if you've got his beloved card.
"Where is it, huh?! Ya really think you can steal from THE Mammon?! Even if Lucifer told ya to, who do ya think you are?!"
When he has confirmed that you don't in fact have his previous Goldie, he's now cornering you up against a wall.
If looks could kill, you would've exploded into a fine powder
And you feel like your mental strength is about to do just that. So what do you do after you notices the slightest of breezes caress your face?
You jump outta that open window, before Mammon can even finish his "Wh- Oi! What're ya-"
Even though you just face planted into the garden, you're up on your feet and making a mad dash for somewhere that wasn't here.
Mammon lets you run for ten while seconds before he's hopping out after you. You think you can outfox the Great Mammon?! Think again!!!
You... weren't interested in this movie in the slightest, but you didn't have the heart to tell Levi that. Especially not after he’d begged/harassed you for the past week about watching it with him!
Reluctantly you agreed, and now you were suffering,,,But Levi was ecstatic! This movie was a classic! Sure it was an old one and the acting was a little bad, but you could overlook that if you watched it with your heart, not your eyes!
According to Levi.
You managed to keep your eyes open for the grueling one and a half hour movie, enduring every corny line of bad acting, horrible CGI, and lame sound effects straight out of a 90s super hero movie, and now the hell was finally over...
Or so you though, until Levi followed that up by immediately pulling out a cosplay outfit worn by one of the supporting characters in the show.
Funny how it seemed specifically tailored to your measurements. Even funnier how Levi was looking at you with those damned eyes.
You knew what he wanted without him even having to say it. But one look at the gaudy outfit he presented to you made your heart burn with a sudden indescribable urge.... to escape.
Honestly you caught him so off guard by suddenly getting up and sprinting out of the room, that he makes a sound that's pretty much the noise equivalent of "?!?!?!?!?!?"
He watches you run down to the end of the hall, throw the window open, and fuckin JUMP. Pretty sure he just witnessed your death??
Also this kinda solidified his 'gross otaku' mentality, seeing as you literally jumped out of a window to get out of cosplaying with him. A simple no would've sufficed, MC.......,.,,..,,,
Hey gamers... can we get an F in the chat? 😔✌️💦
Satan lent you a book to read last week that he was sure you'd be interested in! He found it pretty interesting himself, so he wants to see if you'd like it as much as he did.
That being said, you don't have the heart to tell him that you,,, didn't read any of it. Well you kind of did, if the cover counts for anything.
You doubt he would accept that as an answer, considering how you told him how much you appreciated receiving the book, and how you'd definitely read it and let him know how it was.
So now, Satan had come into your room with two cups of tea, ready to settle down and have a nice, long talk about your thoughts on the riveting plot that you promised you would indulge in.
"I'm really glad you decided to read it. I found that the protagonist reminded me a lot like you. I'd like to know what you thought about it."
Satan sets down the tea cups, and one sip tells you that he brewed it exactly the way you like.
His expression is eager and warm as he waits for you to begin gushing about just how deeply the story touched you... how absolutely moved you are by the sheer majesty that was the book he lent you...
Okay yeah, you're sweating bullets. You can't imagine how the sparkly eyed avatar of wrath would react to learning that you chose the company of your D.D.D. over Satan's book.
You don't have such an ice cold hard that you can just crush this book nerds dreams like that! And every time you look at his expectant face, the weight of your crimes weigh heavier on you until... you break.
Satan watches in shock and awe as you almost perfectly reenact the big scene where the main character leaps out of the window of a building rigged to explode, before making their escape. And you did just that.
Wow.. he never thought you could be so moved by a story, but he completely understands...
He's made you model TWELVE outfits so far, and you swear if you see another ascot, you're gonna lose your mind.
Asmodeus doesn't seem to notice the way the light slowly fades from your eyes, because he's pulling out outfit number thirteen with that cheery smile of his.
"Isn't this one absolutely adorable? Look, this part will look lovely around your waist! This part here hugs your body in all the right places, and this-"
You can't do it. You've gotta get out of here. You'd love to stand around and get mild rug burn from trying on a billion different clothes, but-
Actually no you wouldn't.
You DID promise Asmo you'd hang out with him today, but this wasn't really your idea of a good time.
"-Oooh, just thinking about it makes me want to eat you up~! Here, put it on for me, will you? I'll give you a kiss as a reward!"
You would do no such thing.
You make a mad dash for his ornate window and push it open. He has no time to stop you as he helplessly watches you vault yourself out like the room was on fire.
"MC?! Wh-where are you going?? Come back here! Grass stains are impossible to get out of that fabric!!!"
He means well. I swear he does. It's just that Beel can be a little... overbearing when he's worried about you. He cares, okay?
But he hasn't seen you eat anything all day! You tell him it's because you've got a stomach ache from who knows what, and you promise you've had little snacks here and there to keep from starving, but he can't accept that!
Eating is important, and you need it to survive. So Beelzebub was currently trying to nudge your mouth open with a pizza slice, while you vehemently refused. "Just one bite. And then another after that. You have to eat, or you'll go hungry... and I don't want that."
Beel knows the true pain of being hungry, and he’d never wish that on you! So just forget about your stomach ache for two seconds and open up-
Not that you really can. The aroma of that pizza was not sitting well on your stomach, and you were pretty sure you needed a fast escape or you'd risk losing your lunch. Greasy foods didn't exactly mix well with sour stomachs...
Beel still won't let up. He has a strong hand planted firmly on the small of your back, as if trying to prevent you from leaning back any further in your attempt to escape the pizza.
"If you eat this, I'll treat you to dessert at Madam Screams," he says, as if bribing your refusal of food USING food will somehow work out.
You can't break his heart, but you seriously can't eat that! Your head is spinning, thoughts racing, face becoming greasier and greasier from the pizza pressed against it, and-
You snap. In a sudden burst of strength you break free from Beel's grasp, and sprint toward the nearest window. All you see is your chance for freedom, and you're taking it.
You leap out and tumble into the ground, all while Beelzebub wonders what?? Just happened???? Did you really hate pizza that much...?
He never knew you were such a picky eater... To think you'd go so far as to jump out of the window though...
You thought it was cute at first, when Belphegor wanted you to join him for his naps. And you didn't mind much. It was the weekend, you were tired, and he makes a pretty good body pillow.
But you didn't realize he planned for this to become an everyday thing. The youngest might not act it, but he sure could be spoiled.
But seriously, if you slept any longer, you might never have a normal sleep schedule again! It never occurred to you just how often Belphie sleeps.
He's definitely not human, because there's no way you can keep up with that, and maintain a normal lifestyle.
But the way he quietly, gently grabs your sleeve to cue your next nap session makes your heart clench. Why was it so damned hard to say no to this gremlin??
You were trying your best though, but the words always seemed to get caught in your throat. Belphie picked apart your excuses, doing everything in his power to take you back to the attic.
"You can study when you wake up." "Mammon wants to go shopping? Reschedule." "Lucifer told you not to be late to the board meeting? Just hide."
You're starting to get sucked into the sleepy lull of his voice, and it feels like your entire body is becoming heavy with fatigue. But no.... you resist!
Since there's no escaping this through words, you have to think fast. Fortunately, your fast thinking has led to an amazing solution!
Jump out of the window, baby
Belphie is just??? Did you fuckin???? Are your legs okay??????????????
He probably stops asking you to nap with him for a while, since you're willing to almost break your legs just to get out of it. You're gonna make him have weird dreams....
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chickenscript · 3 years
Could you write a scenario for each of the turtles where they sneak into to a hospital through the window and visit the reader who is staying the night after they broke their arm?
A/N: i feel like i could've wrote this funnier but hope you enjoy!
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Least to say, you weren't expecting any visitors when you ended up bedridden in the hospital.
Well, it wasn't all that serious really. You got a bone fracture in your arm after a little skateboarding incident but, the doctors wanted to keep you overnight for observation and to help ease you through those first hours of sheer pain.
Back on topic though- you wondered why you didn't think that you wouldn't see any familiar faces pop by during your stay considering the company you kept.
And by that you meant they would 100% be the type to break into a hospital just to visit you.
Leo: - You honestly thought he would've tried to sneak in dressed as a nurse knowing Leo and his ideas.
- But no, this time around he had snuck in through your window and did so, so stealthily that he nearly gave you a heart attack when he cropped up right next to your face sudden.
- Thankfully you realized it was him before you could let out a scream that would've alerted a nurse or doctor.
- You laughed the fright off and he took a seat on your bed next to you.
- He started off idle chatter about how you were feeling and the specifics of how you ended up here, and you enjoyed the company as much as you knew he should've waited until you left tomorrow for his own sake.
- You couldn't not appreciate that he had come to check on you.
- You're not sure that you had known anyone before the turtles that would've found a way into your hospital room after visiting hours to make sure you were absolutely okay themselves.
- You made sure to let Leo know that too.
- He smiled sheepishly and ruffled your hair; he'd break into a hospital any day for you. You were one of his best friends after all. (Of which the turtles only had you and April).
- The sentiment made you snort and you smiled back at your goofy friend with a giggely thank you.
- You wouldn't have it any other way.
- Regardless, you had to admit that he probably should've left for the lair before the morning rolled in instead of staying so long into the night getting caught up in nighttime conversation with you that he wound up passing out like you did.
- He had to narrowly avoid being caught by the staff and you tried not to bust out laughing at his "timely escape".
- Which was Leo having to scramble out off the bottom of your bed where he'd sprawled out on so he could launch himself out the window when the nurse came to tell you that you were ready to be discharged.
- The sound of a yowling cat as he landed in the dumpster outside didn't help your case either.
- You...you weren't expecting the impromptu doctor costume.
- Or for him to immediately start out his sudden visit by prodding at your cast the second he was done clambering through your room window.
- Donnie insisted he just wanted to check on the sturdiness of it, but you still had to swat him away so he wouldn't fuss over it.
- With a sigh, you let your arm fall back across your stomach. You didn't have to ask to know why he was here because you had a good guess already.
- You invited the turtle to sit on your hospital bed and after hesitating for a moment, he plopped down.
- He cleared his throat and asked you how you were feeling.
- You smiled and told him that they were giving you plenty of painkillers, Dr. Dee. It wasn't a gnarly break, so you were lucky in that regard and didn't need any heavy duty treatment.
- Donnie nodded with closed eyes and folded arms.
- He told you everyone was worried about you and you poked his bicep, telling him to tell them that you definitely weren't dying or anything.
- Donnie looked down at you and poked you in the nose, telling you that a broken arm still wasn't anything to laugh about.
- You wriggled your nose with a puff. You knew that but you also knew that you would be able to recover just fine.
- Even though Donnie didn't show it like his brothers would've, you knew he had come all this way to make sure you were getting treated properly. (Even though you certainly were).
- After his fussing, you and Donnie played a few rounds of Mario Kart on his switch while chatting. You were sure he was going easy on you because of your arm but you didn't say anything about it because well, who could ever complain about winning?
- When you wrapped up, you let him sign his name in an almost obnoxious purple that glinted neon in the dark on your cast and he told you not to break anything else.
- You laughed and replied that you didn't plan on it.
- The answer seemed to be good enough for him as he left and after the nurse came to turn out your lights for you, you laid back in your bed and stared for a long while at the glow in the dark signature on your bum arm before falling asleep.
- You had to shush him the moment he launched onto your hospital bed.
- He was immediately poking and prodding at you, and asking about whether or not your arm still hurt.
- You laughed softly and shook your head. You reassured him you were doing much better compared to earlier.
- Mikey was happy to hear about that, settling down a bit and sitting down.
- He asked if he could touch your cast and you gave a nod.
- He touched it very gently, wrinkling his snout at the coarse feeling texture of it under his fingertips.
- Then he looked up at your face and asked the question you knew he was probably waiting to since he got there.
- You gave another soft laugh and said yes, he could sign your cast.
- With a wide smile he whipped out some markers he was carrying with him and got work scribbling on your cast.
- You quickly got the feeling that his "signature" was going to be much more elaborate than just that.
- And you weren't wrong as he spent the better part of an hour, chatting with you as he drew.
- Truthfully, you hadn't been able to get to bed at all before Mikey dropped by and having him here was nicer than tossing and turning, waiting to fall asleep.
- Eventually, he's done and you're amazed by the graffiti style doodle now on the corner of your cast.
- Mikey beamed at the look on your face and asked you what you thought. To which you were quick to say it looked amazing.
- You ended up having a chat about art and you two did some doodling in one of your notebooks before he had to go back to the lair so you could call it a night.
- He wished you a goodnight and you promised to be over the next day to spend some time with your favorite turtles, and when you let your head rest on your pillow, sleep found you much easier than you thought it would before Mikey got there.
- You were surprised a herd of staff didn't rush to your room as he had to all but force himself through the window and knocked over an IV pole and those little carts that held nurse supplies.
- Of course, a sweet little nurse did pop in to see if you were alright and you told her that a strong breeze must have done it all.
- She bought the story and Raph, who had ducked under your bed and raised it a good foot or two higher, crawled out.
- He asked you how you were doing and whatnot, and you waved off his worries.
- Still, he didn't seem very sated by the look on his face.
- You reached out with your good arm and gave him a pat on his. - In truth, Raph felt bad that he nor his brothers could've been there to prevent your injury; as stupid as that might sound.
- And he seemed to think you would laugh at him as he admitted that to you.
- You didn't think it sounded stupid in the slightest though. A lot of people feel that way when it comes to people they care about, you reassured him.
- You felt the same every time the turtles had altercations with the villainy lurking in New York.
- That seemed to work and you were glad to shake some worry off of Raph's big ole shoulders. He had enough of that while trying to lead the gaggle of turtle brothers.
- You patted the side of your bed and almost regretted the gesture when it groaned in agony at Raph's mass.
- You tried to laugh it off, hoping internally that the bed would turn out okay. You were just happy that it was holding up for now. But, you were surprised that Raph didn't notice the potential problem.
- You two spent a while just idly chatting and Raph recanted the brothers' recent encounter with some villains last night. You eagerly listened and enthused about it alongside the behemoth of a snapping turtle whose giddiness about things always reminded you he was truly a softie.
- After some hours, he got around to leaving once he signed your cast in big, blunt red letters and the hang out session made you feel like you really did have friends looking out for your more than you realized before.
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Clone Wars Character on TikTok
Anakin- Poor Anakin, man does not have a that many creative ideas, but his life and ideas are strange enough that he gets a lot of followers easily. He’s also almost constantly videoing things too, so he’s able to get real time. There are so so many videos showing the reactions that Obi-Wan has because of his dumbass plans.
Everyone, literally everyone, thought he was an f-boy until he made a post, super confused, saying that he has a wife?? That he loves so much? So, coincidentally, the next videos he posts are him and his wife, who doesn’t show her face but there’s a poll going on about who it is. Most people have figured it, though, because some of his videos are him just listening to Mrs. Skywalker rant about people in the Senate when she comes home to him.
He also tries to convince everyone that he’s the best husband in the world by videoing himself cooking her dinner, which he always burns. In those videos, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, staples on Anakin’s account, are heard in the background giving him absolutely terrible advice on how to fix it. They usually end up with burnt pans and a whole bunch of frantic clips of Obi-Wan trying to turn off the oven, “My dear, your time is up.” And Anakin in the background “Force, that’s not going to kriffing work, Master. I’m coming in with the water gun.” (No one questions why there’s a water gun.) Ahsoka is just….chilling in the background. She’s just as clueless as the rest of them, but it’s funnier to watch them almost burn down Padame’s kitchen before she tries to step in and make things worse.
Ahsoka-Her feed is a more controlled chaos than Anakin’s, but chaos nonetheless. She does a lot of dance challenges with Fives, and is sometimes able to rope in Anakin, who tries really hard but is terrible at it, and Rex, who doesn’t actually dance and just stands there staring at the camera. There was one time she got Obi-Wan to do it with her, and he absolutely crushed it. All that grace has to help him somewhere else, right? Because she does dance videos, though, sometimes she get inappropriate comments or duets, which Rex, Obi-Wan, Plo, Fives, and Anakin all duet or make a video about explaining that she’s a minor and how unacceptable this is. Well, that’s what every but Rex does. Rex won’t let anyone, anyone, talk to his little sister like that, so he makes a super menacing video of him cleaning his guns.
Needless to say, she does a lot of videos with Rex. They do a lot of random videos of their conversations and pointless arguments. They also do so a lot of competitions with each other, rather it’s staring contests or sparring matches. Their sparring match videos are actually super popular, and they get more and more intense and complicated as they go on. There are never any weapons involved, but they get to show off combat skills and have huge fights across the ship or compound. Their usually filmed by a hysterical Anakin or Fives. Obi-Wan has made his disapproval clear, but there’s a video on Ahsoka’s account of him betting on the outcome.
Obi-Wan- Mostly on Cottagecore TikTok and posts aesthetic videos of him meditating, making fancy, pretty tea drinks, or any other mundane thing he does. He also posts self-defense videos to teach people how to protect themselves, and gives tips of how to use the force and how to help meditate. I think he posts once a week, but posts a bunch at one time because he’ll have one day of silence where he can get stuff for himself done. Basically, his account is to comfort people, to help people, in perfect Obi-Wan fashion.
He also posts encouraging videos to cheer people up when they need it. Cute messages like “Today’s going to be a good day” with that award winning Negotiator smile that get galaxy wide comments and duets. Sometimes the messages border on him illegally sharing decisions that the Senate’s made, like when he announced on his feed that a certain Planet should get ready to party because a certain vote had gone a certain way.
Sometimes, though, he posts videos of Ahsoka, Anakin, or Cody doing incredibly stupid things. It’s become a series, he shows the person do or say the stupidest things, and then he zooms in on someone else’s face. The most common duo is Anakin and Rex, but sometimes there’s Waxer and Cody, once or twice, Obi-Wan and Cody.
Rex- He doesn’t post a lot, and when he does he’s usually not really in them. People only know him specifically because he’s in so many of Ahsoka��s videos. His are mostly “the stuff I have to deal with videos” showing petty fights between some of the 501st or some animal that a soldier decided they wanted to sneak into the ship. That, of course, lead to a blowup on his account, so he started posting lots of content with his brothers. Ahsoka has the notion that he’s doing it to help the way people see Clones, but he does seem to enjoy it a lot.
He, like Obi-Wan, posts hand to hand combat training video to help people in the galaxy, put his training to more use. He makes sure to show how to hold your first in a punch, how to safely clean a blaster, how to take a punch. Some of his posts are to teach people about clones and mando’a traditions. But he’s not all serious. He likes making videos of him and his brothers when they go out to do things for fun or they go out to 79’s.
This one might be a bit far fetched, but I think he would also post videos of him and Ahsoka doing mundane things together, repainting their armour, making bracelets or some stuff on the floors of the bunks during hyperspace. It’s calmer than what Ahsoka posts, and purposely so.
Fives-Oh man. Fives’ account is a wreck. Half of the videos are him running away from something he’s done and the other half are him running into things that he shouldn’t about to be doing. Shakily filmed, someone (usually himself) screaming in the background, you can hear him panting and out of breath. A lot of the times Anakin is with him or chasing after him, and as you can almost always hear Rex cursing and yelling at them to stop, especially if they haven’t done the thing yet because that means they have a plan. When Fives has a plan it ends up being worse than when he makes it up on the spot. 
He also posts videos of him giving people in the streets compliments, because he’s sweet like that. He usually gets pretty funny reactions most of the time, and the few times they’re bad reactions he simply flips the camera and grimaces, then, of course, starts laughing because he’s not going to let one person put him down.
He also has a series of him painting the Bi flag all over the ship and waiting to see people’s reactions. The cutest was that one time Ahsoka walked past and ran her fingers along it softly and smiling. Also notable was the time Obi-Wan caught him midway through and just pretended he didn’t see him. All of those are posted with the persons permission, of course.
Aayla and Bly- They share an account where they do ALL of the couple-y stuff. Any couples challenge that they’re asked to do, they do. It’s hard to do the challenges like “You could’ve been nicer to me today” because they’re both on it all the time and have definitely heard of it, but they make do with all kinds of others. Aayla and Bly are definitely one of those couples that adopts all the kids that follow their account, and they’re ready to fight anyone who says anything bad the Clones or the Jedi.
There’s also a large amount of videos that some of the 327th takes of them cuddling together, training together, polishing weapons together. Basically, their account is them being cute and the rest of the 327th either being incredibly supportive of them or gagging at all the PDA. They start a trend where they go up in front of random people around the ship and start making out to get the reaction. Some examples of the best reactions are franticly running outside of the room, slapping Bly across the back of the head, and wild cheering.
Cody: You’re kidding, right? He does not have time to do the TikTok, nor does he understand TikTok at all. He is in most of Obi-Wan’s videos, and he’s sometimes in Rex’s too. Most of the time he’s telling all of them not to do whatever they’re about to do, or he’s sitting on the floor and crying with Rex.
Anakin actually started making videos called “When you see your dad and your other dad be romantic.” Where it’s just him finding Obi-Wan and Cody doing cute things in random places, followed by Anakin or Ahsoka making faces at the camera.
Plo- Parent side of TikTok for sure. His account features so many, so many, videos of him doing fun things with the 104th. He may seem like an extremely serious man, but put him with all of his kids and has almost no impulse control. They ask to stop at that restaurant they saw on the way to their mission, and he makes it happen. Everyone pretends not to notice because they wouldn’t dare go against him.
This account is also mostly run by everyone in the 104th because A. Plo doesn’t have a password and B. That’s how they get a bunch of footage. The phone is passed around throughout the day, but all of the content focuses on the Plo’s Bros relationships. Anything that he does, from giving a shiny a thumbs up when he comes up with a new plan, to teaching some of the older clones who are a little overworked how to take deep breaths. All the followers also a learn the Plo is absolutely terrible at any kind of card games, which is shown when they post video after video of the bets he looses.
Next for Star Wars I’ll be doing Bad Batch, then, because this got so long, I’ll do one with some more characters! Sorry it’s so long, this ran away from me a bit.
Some clone wars beautiful mutuals @radbatch (Who is the absolute best person to talk to about Ahsoka ever period end of story) of course and @maiseey (Who is now my my mutual? How?)
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
Little Border Town Pt. II
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Summary: Harry starts to find himself more and more drawn to the bookshop owner. She’s maybe not as annoying as he first thought. And maybe Harry isn’t the worst like she thought either. A little notebook, drinks, shoes, and a boat begin to show each other that. 
AKA: Harry and Y/N are neighbors that fight all the time, the whole town wants to know when they’ll just fuck. 
ello loves,  part 2 is finally here pls let me know what you think!! barely proofread sorry... also i think theres gonna be quite a few parts to this because i keep not getting all i want to say said in each part. and im trying to keep the chunks relatively short. — also I made one direction lowkey exist bahaha
Word Count: 9.2k | Warnings: flirty fighting/banter, slowburn 
Part 1
The next day Harry found himself walking into the bookshop next door without really thinking about it. He hadn’t seen Y/N again for his early morning run and he had his list for her of the Paul Simon albums he already had. They hadn’t had their windows or shades open last night either so it was the first night he didn’t give her a salute and she didn’t flip him off. The jostle in routine seemed a little weird to him so as he walked through the shop's door and the bell sounded, he thought the smile on his face was because he was well rested and unbothered by anything.
Y/N had slept in this morning. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but the beginning of Fall always put her in a cozy sleepy mood. She wanted to go to a pumpkin patch and watch a fire burn out in a fireplace. She wanted to listen to her halloween playlist and plan out an intricate costume with her friends. All of this was a wistful dream though. She had quickly learned that the little border town didn’t celebrate Halloween how they did in the States or any major cities. It was okay, at the end of the day, even if she was a little bummed about it. This was her new life and she would have to adapt to the new customs.
After she walked downstairs and unlocked the door, she went back over to her front counter. Yesterday, right when Harry had come in, she had found a booklet of Marie’s. It was leafed over to the point that all the pages were crinkled and dirtied from hand debris. Each page was filled with her loopy handwriting, all of it in French. She must have only liked blue pens because even if the type changed over different pages, the color was always blue. Each page was headed with a name, a customer’s name Y/N was starting to realize as she leafed through the pages. She sat back on the wooden stool she had gotten for behind the counter and propped the book in her hand. After the name of the customer there were extensive details on them. Not their purchases specifically, but their preferences, their personality, and just tidbits about any quirks they had or interesting things Marie had decided were of note.
She found many names that were now familiar to her after her few months of living in the little border town. There really weren't that many people to get to know and the tourists were starting to die down now that the school year was getting back in. After a few minutes of pouring over Monsieur Friedfrickson’s page, who lives across the street from her and runs the flower and gardening supplies shop, she flips to an even more familiar name’s page.
“Harry Styles.” The page had the name written out in strong tall letters. Marie had used a blue inky pen for his page, not a ballpoint. “Likes Music. Poetry. Love stories. Romance with a happy ending, but also likes the practical love too.” The interests are laid out plain and she purses her lips at the idea that Harry is interested in romance novels. She wondered what type of poetry he liked since Marie didn’t seem to think that had to be elaborated on. “He’s a special one,” it reads and Y/N scoffs to herself, really Marie? She reads on, “His heart is in the right place, but he’s got a mouth on him. Quick-witted and charming, but kind-hearted and sincere.” She pauses, and flicks the page back and forth, checking that it still reads Harry’s name when she gets back to it. Was she really the only one who found Harry vapid and annoying? Sure she had softened a little towards him since she had arrived, but they were by no means friends. “While seemingly perfect in every way, Harry is actually-” it reads and she mutters to herself, “Ok, now we’re getting somewhere.” “While seemingly perfect in every way, Harry is actually scared of his own shadow.” “This can’t be real!” She once again scoffs at the book and looks up to the ceiling like Marie is going to talk back to her from beyond. “His exterior persona is very strong, both physically and in his personality, but it seems like he’s just waiting for that right person that he can really be vulnerable with and let them into what he’s really thinking. He’s looking for his Angie.” Now she’s just confused. Who the fuck is Angie? She almost doesn’t finish reading the page because honestly it’s just making her mad, but there’s only a few more lines. “Lots of tattoos, why so many tattoos? Thinks he’s funnier than he is. Flamboyant Harry is best.” And beside that last sentence is a star. She tries to hold in her laughter. At least it wasn’t a complete page of praise for Harry.
Thinking back to her knowledge of Harry, she realizes that Marie must have known him for about three years. Maybe more if he had come to visit before moving there officially. She agreed with Marie that Harry had a lot of tattoos and that he thinks he’s funnier than he truly is, but she was yet to see flamboyant Harry. She knew he painted his nails and wore rings, as well as interesting clothes, but she wouldn’t say he was particularly flamboyant for any of that. That comment definitely piqued her interest. When would Marie have seen Harry where he was being flamboyant?
Her eyes scan over the page once more and realize that this book is only for the most current year. Marie re-did the customers' outlines every year. So this was this past year before Marie died. She wondered where the other books might be and if Harry’s outline had changed over time and also if her name was in the one from when she had visited. That would be interesting to read. It’s strange to read a dead person’s private musings. To her knowledge, no one else alive knew the contents of these pages and these pages seemed especially personal since they spoke of people’s lives and who they were at their core. Maybe that’s why she didn’t hear the chime of the door this morning when the first customer arrived.
Her eyes don’t shoot up from the page until two ringed hands enter her eye line on the counter. The tanned skin, with the gold and silver dazzling rings on each finger and the cross tattoo all register in her mind as her eyes go wide. She snaps the book shut when her eyes meet Harry’s almost ivy green eyes - they’re darker in the foggy fall light streaming through the window today. She hadn’t even turned on the lights yet in the store, the natural light being enough for her this morning. The book is clutched in her hands as Harry’s smile widens to a grin of amusement.
“What have you got there?”
There’s no cover on the book so he can’t make anything out about it. He assumes it’s some novel she’s embarrassed of and has chosen to slip the cover off of to keep anonymity of it. This assumption is why his tone is so teasing and why she grimaces at him in response. Her cheeks have also tinted themselves, she’s flustered that the man she had just been conversing about with the book was now in the store.
“None of your business.”
“I guess not.” He replies easily when she responds curtly and places the book out of sight somewhere under the countertop.
“Why are you here again?” She’s avoiding his eye contact now, feeling like she’s been caught doing something she shouldn’t have been even though it was perfectly within her right to read something that now belonged to her.
Harry’s smile falters with her followed curt reply. Annoyance settling in, Harry straightens up and removes his hands from the counter. The familiar feeling doesn’t exactly feel nice, but familiarity is better than discomfort. “You wanted a list of my Paul Simon records? So you could order me one I didn’t already have?”
She looks at him curiously as the conversation comes back to her from yesterday morning and she nods. That conversation was real. “Oh yeah, I said that.” She replies, still not looking at him. “Okay,” she says when he doesn’t move or do anything. Her eyes widen, silently asking him to get on with it.
His hands shove into his pockets, searching around for a list he apparently had made. They come out empty. He pats over his jacket pockets and feels nothing but his phone and wallet, no list. “Fuck,” he mutters beneath his breath. She scratches at her eyebrow and sits back on her stool, seeming like she might be waiting awhile. After a few more minutes and no produced list, she sighs. “Do you just want to go next door and grab it since you obviously forgot it?”
“I didn’t forget it…” His voice is low and he shoots a glare at her, the annoyance that had come back had now doubled.
“You did, but it’s okay if you can’t admit that-”
“It must have fallen out of my pocket!” He insists.
She rolls her eyes and stands up. Walking to the front door, she looks on the ground and then a little ways outside. “I don’t see it, just go back and get it. You probably left it in your boudoir, it’s fine.” Her tone is a little less condescending now and more understanding. She forgets stuff all the time and she really wasn’t trying to be rude when he first came in. He had just startled her is all.
He turns around to face her. Her body is now completely out in the open area of the front of the store. His head tilts and one of his loose curls flops over his forehead while he takes in her appearance. “Why do you do that?”
She wets her lips and steps closer to him, more on her way back to the counter than anything. “Do what?” She’s oblivious to what he’s taken note of.
“When you have a conversation in English you’ll swap in some words that are French. They’re easy words to figure out and you don’t do it a lot, but you’ve done it enough times for me to notice.”
“Oh...I don’t know. I prefer French to English. It’s so much sexier.” She walks closer to him and utters her next sentence as she brushes past his shoulder. His gaze follows her every movement. “Would you prefer a girl to whisper in your ear, “let’s go back to my bedroom” or “let’s go back to my boudoir.”?” Her French accent hangs in the air with the word and compared to the hard American accent she had employed for ‘bedroom’, ‘boudoir’ sounds far more dirty this time than before.
A shiver rolls down Harry’s spine, but he doesn’t let it show. She shrugs her shoulders, “I think the answer is clear.” He clears his throat in response and a smile grows on her face. “Don’t you agree, monsieur?” She leans her head into her hand now that she’s behind the counter and looks up at him sweetly. He knows she’s teasing him now, her smile more of a sultry smirk.
“Piccola diavola,” his Italian rolls off his tongue and she squints at his words. She knows “devil” but the first word troubles her - it just means little. Her Italian really wasn’t strong and it hadn’t improved that much since she’d been in the little border town. But she also wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of asking what he had said. Harry chuckles at her confusion and relaxes now that he feels the playing field has leveled once again.
“So your list… Do you want to go grab it? Or if you can just list it off the top of your head? As enthralling as your conversation skills are, I actually don’t have all day.” She trails off again, her questions lilting from her mouth after regaining some composure.
“I wasn’t the one teasing about taking someone up to their bedroom,” he huffs. Her face colors with crimson. While she had been teasing him, she didn’t want to be called out for it.
“Wasn’t teasing…”
“So it was a serious offer?” He inquires with a lop-sided grin, changing the meaning behind her words in one fellow swoop.
“That’s not what I was saying! Shut up and give me your list.” Now her blush was all over her face and neck, and she was totally and completely flustered by Harry.  She glanced down at her hands that were fiddling with a pen and paper, ready to write his words down.
“I can either shut up or tell you my list. But it’s sadly one or the other, love.”
She groans and takes her free hand to run it over her face. “Just tell me what you already have, Harry. Please.”
“Okay, okay,” he chuckles and spreads out his hands in front of them both. He crosses back to the counter and leans on it once more. They are in close proximity once again, only the counter between them now and she can feel his hot breath fan over her softly. Smells of wintergreen gum, her favorite.
She glances up at him and their eyes hook together for a moment before she tears hers away to look back at the paper. He rattles off a good amount of Paul Simon’s albums and she nods approvingly as she scribbles the names down. She would have to look through his discography to find the ones Harry didn’t have and she probably could’ve made Harry do that and then give her that list, but she didn’t. It was too late now to do that as well, so she’d just have to live with her decision.
When he finishes, she glances at him once again. His eyes are very large. A detail that isn’t really important about him is seared in her mind. They’re big and they’re staring right at her. His pupils are almost as big as his irises, it was interesting. Her eyes shift under his gaze after a beat and she straightens up again. While they went over his list, she had indulged in the close proximity, the mingling of warm breath and brushed hands as she scribbled and he pondered. She nods a farewell, “I’ll let you know when I order next, but I won’t say what album you’ll get. It will be a surprise.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything else from you,” his smile snaps back to his face and he scratches absentmindedly at his side. He hesitates before exiting the store. “I have a question.”
“Don’t need my permission.”
He emits a half-laugh, half-scoff from his parted lips. “Wasn’t asking for it...How come you never go out?”
She stares at him curiously, her head tilting to the right. “How would you know I don’t get out?” She challenges him.
“There’s only one pub in this little town and I’m your next door neighbor. I know.” He’s insistent on being right.
She scoffs, but only in an attempt to cover up her embarrassment. Her skin had finally cooled from all the excitement that had happened earlier and she wasn’t in the mood to grow red once again. Today was the first day she had ever felt flustered by Harry. It was annoying, it made her feel out of control. She liked to go out well enough, maybe more than the average person. But she’d only been in the little border town for a few months and going out hadn’t been on the top of her list of things to do. Sure, it would be nice to go get a drink out in the town, but she didn’t really have anyone to go with. Meeting people wasn’t hard in the town, but there weren't many people who were her age and she hadn’t particularly clicked with anyone where she would want to go out on the town with them. It was embarrassing to face the fact that she wasn’t flourishing as much as she had hoped. She was happy, but being confronted with the truth that she hadn’t gone out yet dampened her belief in her success in the little border town.
“I - It’s not at the top of my list of priorities,” she stutters, her chin raising a little in indignance.
One of his shoulders shrugs and Harry makes a little face as if he was indifferent to her answer, even though she knew much better than that. Harry always wanted to get a reaction out of her, maybe that was all he gained from their interactions - entertainment. She didn’t know, but she didn’t feel like giving him the satisfaction and left it at that. His eyes meet hers again, his stare far more intense now. “Ciao, diavola.” He simpers, repeating the little nickname. It was far more sultry of a nickname than ‘Shrimp’ but she wasn’t going to complain. She rolls her eyes in response, the only correct one at that.
That night, she found herself feeling pulled to journey down to the pub. It was on the Italian side and like she had acknowledged to Harry, she hadn’t been. She wouldn’t admit to anyone, especially not Harry, that his question had been what had pushed her towards the establishment when night fell. Yet, here she was. Her pants were dark red silk that matched the black tank top with red embellishments that she wore over her chest - the only part of her it really covered. Her boots were a matching black with gold metal bits, they were knock-off horsebit Gucci shoes, the closest she could get to the real thing with her modest budget. She was having to be more frugal lately, after buying her car here in September, she had really seen how little money she truly had.
The heels of her boots clicked against the cobblestones as she stalked up to the front of the bar. There was happy chatter seeping out the open door, the warm but dimmed light also flooding out along with the sounds of people within. Taking a deep breath and fiddling with the waistband of her pants for a second, she made her way into the bar. Stepping off the deep end and making the plunge. She knew there was nothing to be afraid of, but after months of not going there, she felt a little sense of apprehension now.
The warmth was the most surprising bit of the bar that she felt when she stepped past the threshold. Some Italian song was buzzing below the words of the patrons and she smiled at the automatic welcome she felt upon entering.
At the tables, there was a mix of younger and older patrons. At the bar, there wasn’t much of anyone. The young bartender leans across the bar to talk to another man, who had dark brown wavy hair and a dark linen shirt on. He’s seated at the bar and his back is to her so she can’t make out anymore than that. She doesn’t notice the myriad of tattoos gracing the patron’s arm that rests casually on the bar as he laughs at something the bartender had said, just for him.
She smiles, thinking it’s a cute little flirtation between the two and hates that she has to go over to break it up. Her movement gets the bartender’s attention easily and has the patron glancing her way as well. The smile she had once had falters off of her face and her eyes go wide at the realization of who she has settled herself beside. She had left a seat open between her and the man, but now she wished she had chosen a spot across the bar and simply flagged down the bartender. Better yet, she wished she had stayed home. As her smile falls away, Harry’s only grows wider. He’s grinning down at her as he moves his whole body to face her.
“Ciao!” The bartender starters, not noticing her discomfort at seeing Harry. He begins to ask what she would like in Italian, but her eyes widen even further. He’s speaking far too fast for her and she blushed in embarrassment. In her fluster, she forgets to even try French and she just stares dumbfoundedly at the handsome man behind the bar, who’s now looking at her with great curiosity. Harry has watched the entire thing and chuckles behind his glass. She has no attention span left to allow her to even try and guess what he’s drinking.
He interjects for her, actually saving her any more embarrassment, surprisingly. “She doesn’t speak Italian. She’s from the French side and new in town, so she hasn’t been able to refine her Italian.” The bartender gives a smile and nod of understanding in her way and she wishes she knew what Harry had just said. Whatever it is makes the bartender switch to French for her and her jaw goes from being dropped back into a normal position.
“What can I get for you, mademoiselle?” He transitions smoothly and she smiles, his French accent sounding practically perfect. She’s recomposed herself, but Harry is still watching her intently, like a reality television show that he can’t wait for the trainwreck finale to occur on.
After she orders, the bartender gives her a wink and then walks off to get what he needs to begin preparing her drink. Harry slides over, eliminating the courteous one seat between them. Her eyes watch the movement and she refrains from the letting out the sigh festering in her chest. She really had hoped he would not be here tonight, at least that’s what she believed. She truly felt embarrassed that the night after Harry had accused her of never going out, he had seen her out. But it also was nice not to be sitting in the bar alone. It seemed that Harry had been sitting alone at the bar before she had come in,  but she also wasn’t Harry and didn’t know how much enjoyment she would have  gotten out of being alone.
“I see my words had some effect on you.” He says out of the corner of his mouth after running his tongue over the bottom of his lip. Her scoff once again dies in her throat because she knows he’s right and he knows it too. There is no being proud right now. He essentially caught her red handed.
“Thought I’d come out and see what all the fuss was about. I see you’re alone tonight, but I assume that’s how most nights go.”
“You should know by now that is simply not true.”
“Just because you leave with someone doesn’t mean you come with someone.”
“I guess…” He trails off.
She picks up when he doesn’t seem to have any more of a response. “How do you even meet people here? Isn’t it all locals?”
“Not always. Not all of the people here are locals tonight,” He scans the crowd. “She’s visiting...So is she...that whole group actually. Look French. So we’ve got a group from Nice tonight…” He looks a bit more. “Eh, that looks like it tonight, but still. It’s plenty.” He finishes with a smirk and she grimaces, understanding the meaning behind his words.
The bartender returns with her White Russian, which Harry had cocked his head at, but had kept his opinion to himself for once. Expecting Roman to return to their conversation, Harry turns his attention back to him, but he is only greeted with the side of his head because Roman is still staring at Y/N. He coos something to her in French, that Harry can’t pick up and his nostrils flare when she emits a giggle following their exchange. The two people he was last talking to were now ignoring him to talk to each other. How rude.
After another moment without their attention, he huffs loudly. Roman seems too entranced in Y/N to notice, but her eyes slide over to him. “Yes?” She inquires, albeit disdainfully.
Harry isn’t sure what to say to her now that he’s gained her attention. He was on his second drink and her stare has made his mind go blank. All he had wanted was for her to stop flirting with Roman so that she’d pay attention to him. But he hadn’t thought of his next step yet. He takes a sip of his beer to grant him a little more time and she rolls her eyes at his action. His mind rattles through possible things to say, but every single one is coming up as not good enough.
“I used to be in a band.”
Her head tilts and she swivels more to Harry. His comment is unexpected and rather intriguing. She had expected something annoying or rude. Truly she had just expected him to say “Nothing” once he had swallowed his drink so he could distract her from enjoying her night.
“You were in a band?” She asks incredulously, her voice pitching slightly higher than normal. While Harry was many things, including handsome, she just didn’t think he had the right persona to be in a band. He dressed like a grandfather most days and he tended to a little shoe shop, he didn’t come off as a guy who would enjoy traveling around performing. The constant praise would be on brand though, she conceded.
Harry nods and bites back his smile, knowing he had struck the perfect chord. “I was...it only took off in the UK but we were pretty popular.” He boasts.
“So what do you play?”
Harry’s eyes widen, expecting more of a question about the name of the band or something. “Well, it was, like, a boy band…” He says.
She was taking a sip of her drink and she contained her little laugh behind her glass. Another hum as she swallows the liquid that burns her throat a bit. “Oh. Interesting. So no instruments.”
“Well I can play a bit of guitar and piano!” He adds quickly, seeing her eyes shift away from him, like she thinks the conversation is over. “I was thinking of trying a solo thing, but then plans changed...”
“And now you’re here?”
He echoes her, affirming the question. “Now I’m here and I’m not leaving.”
“You don’t miss it then?”
“Didn’t say that. I miss it at times, but this is where my life took me and I’m happy to be here. Maybe happier than I ever was in the band.” His eyes stare at the liquid in his glass and he swirls it lightly, determined to study the way it moves as he ponders something quite personal to him. He never really talked about his past with anyone here. Saying he was in a band and retrospecting that time are two very different things to share with someone. She’s just watching him now, not trying to make a quip or bug him. His demeanor shows that’s not something he’s very interested in hearing right now.
She experimentally puts a finger on his knee when it seems that he’ll never raise his gaze from his glass. His eyes move down to the tiny pressure he feels and sees her painted nail poking in to him. His tongue darts across his lower lip as he raises his head to meet her eyes. He notices the sparkle in them, she finds amusement in the childish gesture and so does he.
“I do miss the stage though,” he admits, smiling more now. “Performing. It was like nothing else.” Instead of a sad state of mind, his look is far more wistful now and she actually feels the smile growing on her face.
“You’ll have to sing for me sometime, then.” She says resolutely after taking the last bit of her drink and then pushing the glass across the bar. Roman had wandered off, much to Harry’s pleasure, but now they both needed another round so she was looking for him.
Harry slides over a chair so that they’re sat side by side. He had originally done it to reach across her for a napkin, but then hadn’t retreated to his original seat after he was successful. They talk as they drink, but most of it seems to be flirtatious teasing even if neither of them recognize that fully. Harry just wanted her attention earlier and now he found that he wanted to keep talking to her all night. It was a Friday and usually he would be looking for someone to take home. The group of women at a table that he had observed were visitors would be a perfect place to start his quest, but that wasn’t on his mind. He liked watching the different shades of blush Y/N’s face kept turning as she drank more and how silly she was getting with each passing drink.
She was enjoying her time out, she had only gotten wine drunk in the confines of her little home since she’d been in the little border town. And that endeavour was all by herself. It was much more fun when you had someone to talk to, so joking around with Harry was a nice surprise. She no longer felt embarrassed about showing up after he had teased her for never going out earlier today. Now she felt empowered, like she could come to the bar whenever she pleased. He was nicer than she had realized. His hand was quick to encircle her back respectfully when she laughed a little too hard at a joke and began to tip off her stool. His smile was genuine and his eyes didn’t flit over her body more than once. His jokes were funnier than she had first thought or maybe that was just the alcohol clouding her mind, that one she wasn’t sure about. But, truthfully, Harry was exceeding expectations tonight and being a stand up human being for once, in her eyes.
A couple at the end of the bar, locals, watched on as the shoemaker and the bookkeeper threw back their heads in boisterous laughter and placed their hands on each other chastely. The older women smiled to themselves as Y/N smacked Harry’s bicep after an especially cheeky joke he told her. They were going to have a field day with this interaction once they told their friends tomorrow morning.
After drink three, she definitely felt drunk. Not completely out of it and can’t walk drunk, but I haven’t drank anything stronger than wine in months so three cocktails are kind of hitting me drunk. And because of that buzz that’s enclosed her mind and body, it makes perfect sense to her that Harry’s hand is resting casually on her knee as they talk. It also makes perfect sense to her to cross her legs, causing two things to happen. Harry’s hand shifts up further on her thigh and her boot is now dangling right next to Harry’s shin. The fabric of his cream linen trousers look especially soft and so the next logical move in her mind is to rub her foot against the fabric. She hooks around her foot easily and the patent leather of her shoe slips softly against the pant leg that flows over Harry’s calf.
He hums lowly at the feeling, but makes no other notion to acknowledge what she is doing. After the hum he gets back to the story he’s telling her about his boat. She had been extremely interested in the boat initially, but not she was transfixed on the feeling of the fabric slipping past her boot. When he shifts his leg, absentmindedly or not, she almost squeaks because this movement has Harry’s foot brushing around her ankle. The footsy was occurring without any acknowledgement of it besides small sounds the two had made in their chests. No knowing looks, just the presence of each other’s bodies against one another.
He had switched to a Manhattan after his second beer for some reason that she didn’t ask, but he was enjoying it nonetheless. When she slipped her foot against his calf, it had sent a spark of electricity from the point of contact up to his alcohol muddled head. It felt nice so he went with it.
Around midnight the two of them were practically in each other’s laps, nursing their fourth round. Brains a million miles away while their glassy eyes stared at each other. Harry’s arm nestled around her waist while hers played with the stir stick in his glass. Their heads inches away, closer than they’d ever been before.
Somehow they decided they should walk home about then. Maybe Harry had checked his phone and decided he was done. Maybe she had glanced at the clock above the bar and realized she needed to go to bed. Either way, they slammed down the last bits of their drinks and stumbled into the street. With only each other to hold them up, they had some trouble gaining their balance. They could walk just fine if they wanted to be serious, but Harry kept trying to step literally on her toes and she kept throwing all her weight into his side. Both of their actions would cause them to stumble one way or another along the empty streets. Their blurred minds thankfully didn’t get them lost, but the travel time back to their places was far greater than the travel time to the bar initially.
Finally arriving at the border of Italy and France, their shops and homes, she stared up at Harry under the glow of the streetlamp across the street. His hair looked more dark brown than his usual caramel chestnut in the light. His linen outfit billowed across his pectorals that were exposed. A tan golden color that he seemed to maintain from his frequent runs and trips on his boat. His jaw had a bit more stubble on it now, his morning shave no longer sleek on his skin. His mustache was still the most prominent bit of facial hair he had and she wondered what he might look like without it. She also thought if she’d ever kissed a man with a mustache, her mind was pretty sure she hadn’t.
As she stared, she moved from his side and took a step closer to her door. His hand reached out and grabbed her wrist, stopping her and bringing her attention to his eyes. He dropped her hand and stepped closer to her. They had been laughing about some weird encounter she had in Nice the other week. But now their laughter had faded out, the conversation all but forgotten.
“Hi.” She says meekly.
“Hi,” Harry laughs.
“I had fun tonight,” she muses and takes a step forward. She began swinging her arms back and forth, rocking on her feet. She felt antsy now that it was so quiet. The silence made her realize it was really just her and Harry together right now. Which wasn’t unusual, they had been alone together plenty of times. Maybe it was the time of night, but it felt far more intimate to her this time which made her squirm a little. Why was she nervous with Harry right now?
Harry nods and laughs again at her actions. “Yeah, you’re not so bad.”
Neither of them realized the proximity of their bodies until her hand swung a little higher and hit Harry’s hip bone. “Oh! Sorry!” She moves to take a step back, but Harry grabs her hand once again and tugs her even closer. Bringing them chest to chest under the lamp light. Her eyes flicker between where their bodies touch and Harry’s face. He’s looking down at her sweetly, gently. She feels safe with the way he’s looking at her. The warmth radiating from him was a nice contrast to the dark cold of night. The open expanse of skin that lived between the two sides of his mostly unbuttoned shirt seemed to have the most heat coming off of it. He had a jade cross that hung between the two muscles and she almost reached out to play with it. If it hadn’t been so dark and she hadn’t been so inebriated she would have realized the color matched his eyes almost exactly.
He’s not quite sure what he’s doing, but for some reason it feels like he might kiss her. The mood that was set by their surroundings made it sound right. Romantic even. Her lips look precious too, plump and puckered, flushed from alcohol and the brisk night air. They look a little glossy too from the last time she had wet them. He wanted to feel them for himself. His head ducks to move his lips to touch hers.
Upon registering his movement, she moves her hand from his grasp and places it on his chest, causing him to take a small step back.
“I think...I think this should be goodnight, Harry.” She breathes out. She’s trying to clear her mind enough to have conviction in her decision.
After a little intake of air, less than a gasp, Harry agrees, running a hand through his hair, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Her hand slips from his warm chest, immediately curling in on itself to maintain the warmth his body had just provided. She watches her tendons in her hand ripple before looking back at Harry with heavy eyes. He doesn’t seem to want to make eye contact with her, but she’s determined to leave on a good note.
“Thank you, Harry.” He looks up from beneath his lashes at his name, like a shy toddler. “You gave me the push to face a fear of mine.” With her final words she crosses the little distance between them once again and places a chaste kiss to his cheek. Immediately, his cheek flushes and she can feel the heat beneath her lips, as well as the light prickle of his stubble. Harry swallows, causing his Adam's apple to bob quickly, at the contact. His senses get overloaded with the sweet kiss and the smell of her perfume. It all swims through his consciousness.
She smiles as she pulls away and then turns to let herself into her place without another word. Once unlocked, she gives one last glance to Harry who’s also busying himself with opening his door. She doesn’t see that his free hand is caressing over his cheek where her lips had just been.
The next day, she woke up and groaned feeling the stiffness in her body. Especially her head. Oh god, her head. It was like she was back in college, but worse because she wasn’t as young. At least she didn’t have to roll out of bed for an 8 am lecture. For that, she was thankful. Still, the pounding needed to stop or subside at least. Grumbling, she threw her legs off the side of her bed, the fuzzy socks she had slipped on in her drunken stupor settled on the hardwood. She dragged her body to her window and raised the shade. Her window was fogged from the difference in temperature outside and in her room. Kneeling down, she began to pull open the window, in need of the cool fresh air on her clammy skin. Three drinks, or was it four? She couldn’t remember, either way, it was too many.
Her eyes glanced around the view of the window. It wasn’t much since it was so close to the building right next door. Peaking up, she could see the already clouded sky. To the left she could see the street and to the right was more buildings. The scene most easily accessible was the window right across from her. The shade was mostly closed, a little bit of the floor could be seen where Harry hadn’t lowered it completely. It was just the same hardwood as what she sat on staring back at her. She sat there, breathing in the crisp morning air. After a night of drinking, she usually woke up rather early, today was no different.
It dawned on her, far too slowly, that a pair of feet had entered the plain hardwood scene she had been staring at outside her window. A tiny stage now filled with two matching characters. The pair of feet were tanned and large. Little tattoos seemed to be sprinkled both on the toes and the ankles of the feet. She couldn’t read them even if she tried. But upon realizing what these feet might be doing, she had been discouraged from staring any longer. Still, her brain was foggy and her body was not nearly quick enough to hide her from view as the owner of the feet did something to open his shade as well. Then, once again, like deja vu, she was staring at her naked neighbor. Thankfully, this time, he had briefs adorning his hips to keep covering the part of him that would keep her up for weeks trying to forget again. The briefs were, just that. Brief. Low on the hips and barely touching his thighs, it seemed they really only existed to keep that one appendage covered. Still, she had to tear her eyes away from the lower half of his body and let the embarrassment wash over her when she met his eyes.
The knowing smirk of his has him nibbling at the inside of his cheek. She had been checking him out. It was a nice confidence boost after last night. The awkwardness of her stopping him from kissing her had him spiraling in his mind when he went to bed. He didn’t know why he had even tried to kiss her in the first place, probably just because he was drunk. Yeah, he was drunk and feeling needy on a friday night. That’s what it was and she had been there.
He’d have to thank her today for putting a stop to that colossal mistake. They were barely just friends, he hated to think what would happen if he’d done something so reckless as to kiss her out of the blue. Still, he couldn’t shake the thought in the back of his mind that he had gotten the vibe from somewhere. Why else would his drunken mind tell him to kiss her under the glow of the lamp light. He thought back to the bar and what they had talked about. He wouldn’t categorize it as overly flirty. He thought back to their physical interactions at the bar, okay, maybe his hand on her thigh and her playing with his drink was a little flirtatious. But that could be boiled down to him being close to hear her in the bar and her idle fingers wanting something to do while she was drunk. The footsy, though. He wasn’t sure if he could explain that one away. Instead, he would choose to ignore it. If he didn’t think about it, did it actually happen? Was it something he had to worry about? Not in his mind.
Returning his focus to the girl in the window across from him, his smirk was now fully fleshed out on his face. She was still sitting on her knees as Harry looked down at her and if they were in the same room this might have seemed like a rather compromising position. Her cheeks were still red, noticing the difference in height, she clambered to her feet.
“G’morning,” Harry’s voice is groggy and deep. Scratchy almost from the alcohol he had drank last night. It rings through her ears lowly and seems to have her blushing even more. It’s a different feeling than how his voice used to make her feel.
“Hey,” She clears her throat before responding, not wanting her morning voice to crack in front of Harry. Usually she would talk to herself a bit or sing along to her music before going downstairs, not wanting her first customers to hear her as if she just woke up. For some reason, she makes a little wave along with her greeting, feeling especially awkward at this moment. Harry chuckles and repeats her motion. His large hands mimicking the same daunting motion makes her laugh and releases some of the nervous energy she had been holding in her body.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he openly flirts, placing one hand on his naked torso and the other against the frame of the window, leaning towards her. His movement flexes just about every muscle in his body and she keeps her eyes trained on his face, determined not to be caught gawking once more.
A roll of her eyes and she’s back to staring straight into his green ones that he’s still blinking awake. “It’s almost like we’re neighbors.”
He scrunches his nose at her deadpan. “You’re no fun,” he mutters.
She sighs, “I’m fucking hungover after last night…” and runs a hand through her tousled hair.
Her foot rests itself over her other, causing her hip to just out slightly. The movement of her body that accentuated her curves and her words have Harry blushing now. The red flowers at the center of his chest and begins to spread up his neck and cheeks. He’s once again presented with the almost kiss last night.
“Big night out for you,” he laughs, “I’ll admit I don’t usually drink that much, bit of a lightweight myself.”
She only hums in response, her fingers beginning to twiddle with the hem of her t-shirt. It reminds her of what she is precisely dressed in. The big t-shirt and tiny pajama shorts that Harry can’t even see are the only things on her body besides the socks on her feet. She glances down at her legs and takes in the expanse of fleshy skin that is showing just below the shirt. Harry’s eyes follow hers and admires the skin there, wondering what it would feel like underneath his big hands.
“I should probably start getting ready for the day,” She says finally, shaking herself from the random thoughts flitting around her mind about bare thighs and the man across from her. “Are you open today?”
Harry emits a noise from the back of his throat at her question. He draws his arm back from the window and stands up straight. His head tilts as he thinks about her question, his mind still muddled this morning.
“Er..no, actually. I was planning on going out on the boat today, switching my closed day to today instead of tomorrow. Why?”
“I’m in need of shoe repair,” she smiles, her eyes catching the glimmer of the sun starting to peak out. Harry swears it’s her eyes genuinely sparkling on their own accord. “But if you’re out today, it can wait.” She begins to walk away from the window to go to another room in her apartment.
“No!” Harry steps forward, but is restricted by the screen, which keeps him from falling out of his window. She swivels around, looking at him curiously. “I can - you can just come over. I’ll fix it up for you before I head out.”
“Really?” She’s truly surprised that Harry would do such a nice thing for her. She knew they were getting along better, but for him to open shop just for her repair seemed overly nice.
“I mean,” and Harry’s once again blushing under her gaze and he’s hoping she can’t see it. “What are neighbors for?”
“I guess,” she’s still unsure. He seems like he’s nervous, his body tenses and one of his hands twisted in his curls. Harry’s so weird. “Thanks.”
She jogs the short distance from her front door to Harry’s once she’s ready. The pair of deep teal almost navy loafers she needed new soles in - she was pretty sure - in hand. A red pinstripe blouse half buttoned falling over her figure perfectly, hugging the right spots and flowing over the others. She’s in white jeans today that are flared slightly but also cropped. As it gets closer to Halloween she keeps having to remind herself not to dress festive and it’s a struggle everyday.
When she reaches the door, it doesn’t open. The cream door doesn’t budge as she tempts the handle with her free hand. She looks between the handle and the inside of the shop. Her eyes search for Harry’s figure. She had been inside his shop only a handful of times, never for a repair before. Maybe less than a handful, once to check it out and once again when she thought she needed a new pair of shoes and then decided against it. Oh, and that one time she went over to yell at him about something. Maybe the planters, maybe the shade, she couldn’t remember anymore.
Now that she thought about it, she had been in the bookshop once more. Two and a half years ago when she had visited the little border town for the first time. It was a little fuzzy for a memory, but she was sure she had at least peaked into the shoe shop after her lengthy visit with Marie the second day there. It looked just as it did now, maybe it used to be a little more vibrant, but she couldn’t be sure. She remembered an older man in the shop greeting her in Italian and her offering her sad ‘Ciao’. Back then she was even worse at Italian. He had looked at her with kind eyes and a sweet smile. It was a similar lopsided grin that she had now grown accustomed to on another man’s face. After beckoning her over to him the old man had turned away from her and shouted into the back of the store in quick Italian. It blew over her head completely. There must have been someone in the back of the shop who he had talked to. She was sure of it, because after she had perused the cute boots and shoes he kept, she saw a swish of hair coming around the counter. It was just as she was turning around to exit the shop, after she had bid farewell to the man she now connected as Joe. Whoever it was had long hair and was tall, slinking out into the main shop floor. The mysterious stranger was whoever Joe had shouted to in the back.
Y/N wasn’t the quickest when it came to timelines and how people could change over time. She didn’t connect the year she had visited with the year of someone else's arrival or the same chestnut waves cascading around someone’s face, just now much shorter. It made perfect sense who would be in the back of the store, but for some reason the idea of time and hair length were standing in this girl’s way. Oh well, maybe Harry would spell it out to her someday.
Harry finally rounds the counter that separated the back room to the front. The shoe shop was set up a little different from the bookstore. Her counter was right when you came in while Harry’s was about halfway through the shop. He shakes his head and laughs at her expression. The sound brings her out of her memory as well as a grimace on her face.
“Sorry, I was a million years away.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s ‘a million miles away’, love.” Harry continues chuckling while correcting the girl in front of him.
She holds up her pair of shoes, ignoring his teasing. “Fix my shoes, shoe man.”  
His smile drops and he walks back from the door. His feet taking back steps as he beckons her into the interior of the shop. When they reach the corner, he takes the shoes from her hands and places them between their bodies. The teal loafers stare up at them. Harry inspects them, a serious expression falling over his features. His brows scrunch together slightly, the wrinkles in his forehead growing more prominent as he examines the shoes. Large hands reach out and begin to finger over the patent leather on the top and the leather soles. After a few minutes of silent deliberation, he places down one of the shoes and then holds the other up as if to showcase it.
“These,” he juts out the shoe in his hand, “need new soles. What did you do to ‘em?”
“I wear them a lot.” She insists while Harry looks on quizzically.
“I’ve never seen you wear these.”
Her brow quirks at his comment. “I wore them a lot before I got here,” she corrects. “They’ve been feeling wonky every time I try to wear them, must be because they need new soles.”
Harry nods, now satisfied with her answer. He hums, regarding the teal shoe in his hand once again. “Alright.”
She looks at him confused once again. “Alright what? Can you fix them?” What does he mean by ‘Alright’? “I’ve honestly missed wearing them these past few months.”  
Harry bites his tongue, a quip ready to be voiced. He’d gotten so used to fighting with her, he was confused how it had slipped away all so easily. His fear of them not talking if they stopped fighting didn’t seem to come to fruition so he could rest easy on that front. But now he was going to have to retrain his brain not to be rude after every comment Y/N made.
“Yeah, of course.” He sighs, placing the shoe next to its mate and then turning his face to her. She had been chewing on her bottom lip, actually worried for her shoes. They really were her favorites. She’d had them forever and it would be heartbreaking if they had to be thrown out. If she couldn’t wear them though she was almost sure she’d just let them collect dust in her closet rather than dispose of them if it really came down to it.
“But it’s like a good amount of my day to replace soles…”
Her face falls, but she tries to hide it. She knew Harry was doing a favor by taking a look right now. If he could fix them it didn’t matter when he did it. What he says next though truly throws her off. No normal enemy-ship turned somewhat friendship overnight would engage in what Harry was about to propose. If any such relationship other than her and Harry actually existed.
“Do you want to come out on my boat today?” His brow arches, his lips in a soft smile, he’s being genuine.
“Why would I do that?” Her brows raise along with her voice, taken off guard by his suggestion.
“More fun waiting for me to fix your shoes on a boat than in your shop.” He says simply before taking the shoes and placing them in a little cubby hole behind the counter for safe keeping. “Trust me, you’ll love it.” Her expression doesn’t change. “Just say yes,” He pleads now.
She sighs, “Fine.” All of the reasons not to go out on Harry’s boat are at the forefront of her mind, but she still finds herself saying yes easily. His pleading really wasn’t necessary to get her to agree. The bookstore could live with being closed today, it wasn’t going to hurt anyone.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Kibum is very good at picking up at your hints, knowing exactly what sort of affection you need from him and then. He prides himself on always being able to be there to give you affection whenever it is that you need him with you.
He loved getting to know you before he decided to think about dating you. The most important thing to Kibum was that the two of you had a close bond before doing anything major. He’d be with you most of the time when he had a few free hours, he was fond of your company from the moment he met you, and that never changed.
After a couple of months and a few mixed messages, you began to distance yourself around Kibum as you struggled to find where you stood. When Kibum noticed that you didn’t want to be around him as much, he knew that he had to step in and make sure you knew exactly how he felt before he risked losing you. When he eventually managed to get hold of you and encourage you to meet up, he told you exactly how he felt.
Your dates with Kibum were usually quite romantic, he loved to have you round the evenings, take things nice and slowly, with music always playing in the background. Like his affection, he can pick up on your mood a lot and know exactly what sort of date you want. The usual answer is Kibum’s cooking. He loves to cook for you, and you love to be able to sit back and let him take care of you, especially as his meals are usually so delicious. Time at home is enough for your dates, just as long as you’re with each other.
In his years in the industry, Kibum had had a few brief relationships, he tended to keep as much of it out of the limelight as he could. But you were his first serious relationship since his debut, and he was determined to keep you as protected as possible. If anyone ever asked him about dating, he’d be quick to shut them down before any rumours could be spread about you both which you were incredibly thankful for. He’d learnt over the years exactly how to keep you safe, and so that it what he always put first.
Whenever the two of you argued, it didn’t tend to go on for long. Kibum tended to get quite emotional when you both argued, he hated the feeling of not being able to talk to you or feeling like he was the one that hurt you. He’d usually tend to give you some space for a while, and then when you’d begin to drop clues that you were ready to talk, Kibum would appear straight away, desperate to try and sort things out between the two of you. To most people, he was incredibly blunt, but when he knew he was the one that had caused you to get upset, he would apologise immediately and admit that he was the one at fault.
Kibum didn’t feel too much pressure in letting you meet his family, because his family wasn’t that big. He saw being in a relationship with you as rebuilding his family. Even though she wasn’t with him anymore, he’d tell you the most about his grandmother and plenty of stories about growing up with her care and love.
As many of your dates tended to be at Kibum’s apartment anyway, it didn’t take long for him to consider moving you in permanently. He loved having you around, and the fact that you bonded so well with his dogs too just seemed like another pro on the list to having you move in with him as soon as you possibly could.
Kibum was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ at the end of his latest comeback. You’d been there through it all, supporting him through everything, and on the last night of promotion, he was desperate to make sure that you knew exactly how thankful he was. He knew it before that he loved you, but at the end of the shows, he knew he was finally ready to say it.
His stare was enough to let anyone know when Kibum was feeling jealous, he wouldn’t shout and cause a scene, but his side eye would be enough to let someone know they’d crossed the line. He was incredibly protective of you, perhaps sometimes even a little bit possessive, but he could read a room well, and he’d know if someone was trying to come onto you. So, before they could, he’d make sure that they stayed firmly in their lane and made sure that they were very aware that you were already taken.
Being an only child, Kibum was desperate to have at least a family of two kids with you. When he first told you that he didn’t want just one child, you were a little bit surprised, but as he explained to you about how he felt growing up as an only child, you could only sympathise with his reasoning for why he wanted to make sure that if he had a child, they’d grow up with a brother or sister who would stand beside them.
The two of you would laugh whenever you were around each other, a lot of people always commented on how well suited the two of you were, and that definitely became obvious in your humour. The two of you watched the same programmes, listened to the same music, which meant you were always laughing at the same things together. Whenever the two of you started laughing together, it was impossible to get you to stop. The boys would often sit for a very long time and wait until you’d both finished giggling before continuing the conversation.
Kibum trusted you with his life, but that never stopped him worrying about other people when he was on the road. He hated that he wasn’t there to hold your hand and keep you safe, it was always an incredibly hard time on him. Whilst he’d never get upset around you, the boys would often walk past his hotel room and hear little snuffles escaping. Whenever he was asked about it, he’d always reassure everyone that he was fine, but when he came back home and reunited with you, everyone who was on the road with him knew the reason behind his tear. It was always you, and the torment of having to spend any time away from you.
The two of you tended to call each other ‘bub,’ it would confuse everyone else around you how you had the same nickname for each other, which only made things funnier for the two of you, winding the others up.
He was obsessed with your body, not necessarily in sexual way, but just in a way of always wanting to hold you and be able to cuddle up tightly against you.
The two of you aren’t well known for your affection in public, Kibum works hard to keep you safe when you’re in public, so he’ll never usually do something to over the top. You’ll usually feel at least one of his hands rest up against your body whenever the two of you are out, he likes to keep you protected, and more importantly, by his side.
He loved to chat to you, so Kibum’s questions could quite literally consist of anything. The element of surprise was definitely something that you loved about him; you never quite knew what he was going to say to you next.
Kibum absolutely adored his dogs, which you learnt very quickly, but what nobody else knew was how he loved to buy outfits for his dogs, and for the two of you. Every holiday, he’d get the four of you to dress up in something to stick on the front of a card. Even though the rest of your families thought that the two of you were bonkers, you loved including the two of them in every little thing that you did together.
It’s always romantic whenever you’re with Kibum, neither one of you tends to dominate, you trust each other to know exactly what you want from the other. His hands would often wander around your body, he loved to rest against your hips or play with your hair. Kibum didn’t tend to say a lot when the two of you were intimate with each other, but as soon as the two of you laid down after, he’d make sure to fill you with a lot of love.
You’d often give him pup updates whenever he was away, he loved receiving texts from you to make sure that you and the dogs were alright. He hated being away from the two of you, even if it was just for a few hours, so your texts were always welcome.
The two of you were like two peas in a pod, it was scary watching the two of you sometimes, you just always managed to make the perfect team. Most others around you were jealous of how well matched the two of you were.
Kibum didn’t like to go away too often, he much preferred to stay at home and be with you. If he ever had a lengthy holiday, he’d use to either go and visit his family or yours, usually switching turns each time. Family was everything to him, so he’d much rather use it visiting them then exploring the world without them.
If he didn’t have your attention, Kibum would usually moan by making a comment under his breath, refusing to apologise until you finally gave him your attention.
Whilst Kibum was a lot more of a cuddler than a kisser, that didn’t stop him from often trying to sneak up on you and give you a kiss. It was almost like a competition to him, the more he could make you jump, the better. He’d often end up kissing you with an elbow jabbing into his chest from the surprise, or an arm striking at his bicep as you scolded him yet again for terrifying the life out of you so unexpectedly.
You were his best friend, Kibum loved everything about being with you.
Falling asleep with you was Kibum’s favourite thing about being in a relationship. He always felt so comfortable when he could hear your light breaths or feel the rise and fall of your chest as he slept, sending him off into a nice dream.
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weebswrites · 4 years
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The Demon Bros: Their Dark Side (combining these two asks because they have very similar energy^^)
- if anyone is interested I can write a part 2 to this where MC and the demons reconcile hehe -
Lucifer (TW: attempted physical assault (not sexual))
He’s the avatar of pride, so the event that causes him to snap is when you accidentally tell the bros about how the two of you like to unwind (rated pg)
You didn’t think it’d be a big deal, they’ve been brothers for how many thousands of years?
But Lucifer erupts, suddenly in demon form
He stands over you, roaring his hand back as if he were going to slap you
Beel stands up and intercepts Lucifer’s hand, grabbing his wrist with all his strength and saving you
You wince, falling back a bit into Asmo’s arms, and he hugs you close
“MC!!!” he yells, rage obvious in his voice
“Asmo…what did I do…” you whisper, voice quivering in fear as the love of your life just snapped and almost hit you
“I think he wanted that to stay private, he doesn’t like us to know that he relaxes…” he whispers, “Don’t feel guilty, he shouldn’t be reacting like this”
“Lucifer…” you say, standing a bit straighter and looking into his dark red eyes, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know”
“You should have!” his voice booms, anger not subsiding at all
You look at him, eyes full of confusion and regret. You plead for him to calm down, to talk to you rationally and listen to your apologies
He growls, “The rest of you, out!” he yells, and they obey instantly. Asmo squeezing his shoulders around you quickly and Beel giving you a small smile before leaving
You ramble on for as long as he lets you about how you’re sorry and you didn’t mean to upset him
After a few minutes he cuts you off, “You didn’t upset me, you betrayed me”
His voice was cold, and without hesitation he turns and leaves the room
You didn’t think Mammon, the avatar of Greed, would get mad about anything. You’d never heard stories about him turning into demon form, so you assumed it basically never happened
That is, until you take Levi’s side and scold him for taking more of his games and selling them
“I thought you were supposed to take my side no matter what!” he yells, two bat-like wings appearing before you
Your face gets red, and you take a step back, “Mammon…” you whisper, completely in shock
“What? You’re actually surprised that I’m pissed off right now? Humans really are idiots!”
You take a small step behind Levi, and he puts his arm in front of you, a bit of a shield from Mammon
“Mammon, calm down. They’re right and you know it, you just let your greed override your sense sometimes. Listen to your partner, they’re trying to help you” Levi defends you
“Yeah, Mammon, please. I don’t mean to insult you, I just don’t like seeing you always hurting others and stealing their things just to get money”
“I’m the avatar of greed, damnit! What do you expect?! You knew that before you started dating me, you can’t act like this now just because we’re dating”
“Mammon, I just want what’s best for you. There are better ways to get money than backstabbing your family!”
You’re definitely a bit afraid, but you’re not going to let him walk all over you
You bicker back and forth, arguing in circles before he storms off to his room, slamming and locking the door behind him
You’ve been hanging out with a new friend more and more, and he gets envious
You reassure him that he’s just a partner that you got assigned for a class, nothing more, but Levi can’t help but be jealous that its not him
Until one night when he asks if you can binge the new anime that came out, and you tell him that you have to meet with him to work on your project
“Why!! Why are you constantly with him, talking and laughing and working and everything!” he screams, voice cracking with emotion as he transforms into demon form
“Levi, I’ve told you it isn’t like that! The professor assigned us together, I didn’t even know him before this!” you defend yourself, exasperated with your boyfriend’s jealousy
“I don’t care!! You need to make time for me instead of him! He’s probably funnier than me, and he’s obviously handsomer than I am, you’re probably ashamed of always being seen with me so you’re trying to be with him more!”
“Levi, please. You know I love you and only you” you say, voice half caring and half irritated
“Yeah, right! See if I care, go be with your real boyfriend then, see if I care” he says, crossing his arms and exhaling aggressively
“Levi, no. I can reschedule if this is going to be a problem tonight, but he’s my partner. We have an assignment to do”
“No, go. I’ll watch the new season on my own. You probably don’t even like anime, you liar!”
“Levi!! Please, love, you know that isn’t true”
“I can’t trust you, not after this. Just go, have fun with your real boyfriend” he sneers, turning his back to you
“Fine!” you snap back, leaving his room and slamming the door behind you
Satan (18+ language)
You’re chatting about a book that’s supposed to be released sometime this year
“I heard that the ending is super cliche, the main character was unconscious the whole time or something overused like that”
“You what?!” he exclaims, transforming into demon form
“Fuck…Satan…I forgot…” you whisper, stepping a bit back as you remember how each brother took time to tell you to avoid spoilers at all. costs. with satan
“You sure as hell did!! I can’t believe you!!” he screams, running a hand through his hair in anger
“It’s probably not even true…I doubt the author would do something like that” you mutter, trying to save yourself from his wrath
“I don’t care!! There’s the chance now that that’s how it’s going to end, you know how my head works, now that’s all I’ll be able to think about while I’m reading!! Damn it!!”
He’s pacing back and forth, heat radiating off his body as he tries to control his anger
“I can’t forgive you for this” he states, voice cold
“Satan…” you whisper, stepping towards him a (tiny) bit
“Get away from me…” he scoffs
“Satan, please…I’m so sorry” you plead with him, desperate for him to forgive you, “I know how badly I messed up, I know. I would do anything to undo it, or to make you feel better. Please just forgive me”
“Anything, huh?” he retorts, smirking at you
“Yes, anything, please” you say, resisting the urge to step towards him again
“Then leave. Get out, I don’t want to look at you right now”
You feel your heart break and sink in your chest. Tears well in your eyes, but Satan stays silent, eyes unwavering at your emotions
You leave, walking slowly to your room, tears rolling down your cheeks
Asmodeus (drinking mentions)
You’re out one night at a club, dancing together and drinking (just to loosen up, not to get wasted)
You go to the bar to refill your drinks, and let a stranger hit on you, flirting back a bit until he offers to buy you a drink
You let him, because hey, a free drink is a free drink, and it’s not like Asmo hadn’t done the same thing before
Suddenly you feel a tight hand on your shoulder and you’re ripped away from the demon
Asmo drags you outside the bar, to an isolated spot beside the building
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?? Are you cheating on me??” he explodes, putting his hand against the building behind you, trapping you beneath him
“Asmo, I was just getting him to buy me a drink, I don’t even know who he is” you explain, “Why are you in demon form? It’s not like you haven’t done the same thing, you have no place to be mad”
“Excuse me?! I’m the avatar of lust, I can’t help myself from flirting with everyone, you have no excuse!” he yells, gritting his teeth
You go back and forth, him angry at you for flirting with someone else, him enraged at you for thinking he can control his urges
“Asmo, I’m always understanding of when you flirt with others, because I know it’s hard for you to control yourself. It hurts me to watch you do that, but I let you do it. I bite my tongue. I do that for you every time we go out, you should be able to let me do what you do every time at least once”
“I don’t care, I don’t want you flirting with other demons. Now let’s go, you’ve ruined the night and I want to go home”
You’re snacking in the kitchen on some of his leftovers, scrolling through your D.D.D.
He walks in, “MC…”
You look up, instantly freezing when you see the anger in his eyes
He erupts, “You’re eating my food!! How could you!!”
You drop it, “Beel, I’m so sorry, I thought it was okay…”
“Why, because we’re dating? That means nothing when it comes to food!”
His words hit deep in your heart, and you feel tears start to well in your eyes
All you can do is quietly apologize
“Damnit!” he yells, slamming his fist on the table hard, but not hard enough to break it
“I’ve made it so clear not to eat my food! Ever! Under any circumstances! And no one ever does!! What makes you think you’re special?”
“Beel…” your voice is quiet, “I mean…yes. I love you, Beel, I thought it would be okay…I’m sorry”
“It isn’t okay!! I’ve been looking forward to this all day and you ruined it…” he ranted, “Whatever, I’m leaving”
“Beel, no, please. Let me make it up to you” you say, getting up and chasing him out of the kitchen
But he doesn’t stop, he storms off and locks you out of his room
He’d never snapped at you before, much less turned to demon form because of something you’d done. There had been plenty of stories about Lucifer and Satan turning to demon form, and some of the other demons, but never any of Beel
You didn’t know what to do
He’d been sleeping more than usual, and you missed him
You knock on his door, eventually letting yourself in when he didn’t answer
“Belphie…Belphie…wake up” you whisper
He slowly wakes up, “MC…what…is everything okay?”
You reassure him that everything is okay, and that you just wanted to spend some time with him
He rubs his eyes and shakes his head a bit
Suddenly, he’s in demon form, and you have no idea what is happening
“You woke me up for that?? Because you want to spend time with me?? Ugh!!!” he yells
“Belphie…” you whisper, stepping back towards the door
“You know how much I need sleep, why would you wake me up for something as unimportant as you wanting to spend time with me!”
He’s steaming, “And don’t call me Belphie!”
You start shaking a bit, “B-Bel…Belphegor…” you whisper, feeling hurt and betrayed
“Leave!! I don’t want to spend time with the person that disturbed me!” he yells, walking towards you quickly
You flinched as he approached, not sure what he was going to do, but he just opened his door and shoved you out
He locks the door behind you, the click of the lock causing your heart to sink a bit
You place the palm of your hand against his door, “I’m sorry…” you whisper, sinking to your knees
A/N: This got a bit general angsty, so I hope it’s okay! Thanks for the request, anon :) My inbox is open for anyone who wants to request! You can send in more than one per person, about any of the fandoms found in my post here. Love you guys <3
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rocketink · 4 years
In which you kiss Wonwoo twice at a party while getting over your ex and now you have a huge crush on him while you try to look for your soulmate. Or, your soulmate mark means how many times you’ve kissed them and now you have to ask your exes around while trying to accept there’s no way Wonwoo’s kisses have something to do with you.
Pairing: Wonwoo x gender neutral reader
Genre: angst + fluff
wc: 2.8k (I’m sorry I keep making them so long!!)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and maybe a curse word around there + a very hateful ex that says mean things to y/n :(
notes: credits to tiktok for this type of soulmate!! I found it very interesting haha // mingyu’s minghao’s soulmate aus! I’ve been a little lost I’m sorry, I just need to find inspiration sometimes and I wasn’t feeling like writing:( also!! Shall I continue with soulmate aus or should I start thinking about the gossip girl series?
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You still don't know what to do with the number two next to a pair of drawn lips that you can see on top of your head when you watch your reflection in the mirror. This can only mean one thing: you've kissed your soulmate two times. Your mother already warned you, this type of soulmate is almost exclusively from your family, and if your counter says 0 you're in a risky position because you don't feel like kissing random people in any place of their body until you find your other half. But when the day comes and your counter already has the number two in it, you feel nothing but relief. Initially, of course, because that could only meet one thing: you have already kissed that person, a low number of times.
You want to tear your hair apart before dialing Seungkwan. He would either make a big deal out of it or be completely chill and transparent. You don't know if you like what he could tell you, but you decide to take the risk.
"I've got some big news," you say right when he picks up.
"Oh really? Me too!" He seems happy today, that's good.
"On the count to three, we'll say what we have to say, okay?" Seungkwan hums in approval and you sigh.
"I got my soulmate mark today,"
"Vernon has finally asked someone out... WAIT, WHAT?"
"It's so good that Vernon has finally risked his life asking someone out! He still has all the parts of his body doesn't he?"
"Vernon's unlucky love life is not important now, tell me everything about your mark!"
So you tell him, knowing you can explain yourself to the fullest because Seungkwan is fond of details. You tell him how you almost fainted this morning, how glad you are for not having to kiss some stranger's ass, how unsure you are of your future right now and how you can't start the list of how many people you've kissed on your own.
"Let's make a list together, then!" Seungkwan's too giddy about this, he's teasing you, and you know it, "where should we start?"
"Jeon Jungkook."
"Wait, really?"
"Yep, the first year of high school was wild, not much kissing but it was there. Then there's Im Changkyun, but we were still too young so we didn't kiss much, we mainly held hands. And then there's..."
"Kyungho..." Seungkwan whispers his name as if it was forbidden, and you almost laugh at your friend's hatred towards your latest ex.
"Seungkwan, breaking up with someone because you are not compatible is not a bad thing."
"It's not. Doing it over a text message and two weeks after you started dating and then blocking you is."
"Yeah, right." Seungkwan's right, Kyungho was an asshole to you, he behaved like a kid when you were acquaintances and it didn't change when you began dating. Throughout your two weeks of relationship, you saw him like five times because he barely made time for you. You can't remember how many times you've kissed him, but you wouldn't be surprised if only two times happened.
"Aren't you forgetting someone?" You close your eyes. This is what you didn't want Seungkwan to remind you.
"Jeon Wonwoo," You say his name in a whisper and you're afraid Seungkwan hasn't even heard you, but he always does. "What happened doesn't count, he... is not available now."
"Y/n, the universe does not care if making out with Wonwoo one night counts or not, or if he's available or not. It happened, there's a possibility, it's there."
Seungkwan is, once again, right, but you don't want to be reminded of that night, or else your feeling for Wonwoo will hurt more than they do now.
It happened the night Kyungho broke up with you. Your feeling for Kyungho weren't the big thing, but you did spend your time and effort trying to make it work. You felt tired of giving and not receiving and ashamed of him being the one to break up with you and not the other way around. Seungkwan said Mingyu was going to a party with a few friends and he invited the golden trio (you, Vernon, Seungkwan) and he didn't let you complain.
You met Jeon Wonwoo at the party. You had seen him around campus a few times, in Mingyu's group of friends, he was incredibly eye-catching. That night, Mingyu introduced both of you properly and you don't know how you started talking. You don't remember much of that night in general, your brain preferred to forget all the traumatic experience of the breakup as the shots you took with Wonwoo kicked in (not many, but you were tired and they hit hard). What you do remember is pouring out your heart to a handsome stranger, him listening to you with beautiful eyes and speaking careful words. You remember kissing him first and Wonwoo following your lead. You remember him stopping you and you almost wanting to cry as you felt his touch all over your face.
"You just want revenge, Y/n. I can't give you that," you closed your eyes, you just wanted to sleep for a while. "Come to me when your head and your heart are completely sobered. Meanwhile, we can be friends." You nodded, a little ashamed. He gave you a sweet peck on the lips and a tight hug. When you got home and thought of what had happened that night, you knew your heart didn't need Kyungho anymore, your heart needed Jeon Wonwoo.
A few daws later, Wonwoo was seen around the halls with a beautiful girl by his side, too close to him, wishing for the same lips to kiss her as you had been kissed. You know from Mingyu that they lasted for two weeks, Wonwoo broke up with the girl, but Wonwoo told you he never liked break-ups. He must be feeling sad.
It's been two weeks ever since, and you are just like you were the first day.
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"So your plan is talking to each boy, one by one?" Seungkwan raises his eyebrow. He's judging you.
"Yep, do you have anything better?"
"Are you asking if I have a plan that might not damage your integrity? I'm afraid I don't."
"Then shut up, when the time to find your soulmate gets to you I might not help you." He rolls his eyes and looks at the list you've made with the four names."
"And how are you going to approach them? Do you even know where they are?"
"Jungkook is friends with Mingyu, I'll try to talk to him without Mingyu knowing... Somehow. I still follow Changkyun on Instagram, that won't be hard. The only hard one is Kyungho, I don't know anything about him, thank God"
"And Wonwoo is the most approachable one, isn't he? Why don't you talk to him first?"
"No damaging my integrity is what we are looking for, remember?"
"I still don't understand why you don't want to talk to him. He is a nice guy, he'll be very chill about anything."
You almost tell Seungkwan that that's the problem. That night shouldn't have happened, not when you were heartbroken and Wonwoo was into someone else. Maybe that's the thing that hurt you, Wonwoo liking someone else and being heartbroken because of the break-up.
"I'd better talk to Changkyun now, the sooner the better, right?"
Talking to Changkyun was both a victory and a loss. He was a good friend of yours when you were younger and it's been a lot since you last talked to him. He wasn't weirded out by the sudden soulmate topic and instead he spoke freely about it, you suddenly remember how he had always been an open-minded guy. However, he had already found his soulmate.
You move on to the next person on your list almost immediately. Talking to Jeon Jungkook without Mingyu knowing was harder than you thought it would, mainly because you know nothing about him ever since he moved a few years ago, and you can't find him on Instagram or twitter. You know the only thing you can do is ask Mingyu directly, so you get Seungkwan to do it for you.
"Why do you want Jungkook's number?" Seungkwan looks at you after Mingyu pops out the question, you expected him to just give it to you, he is not the type to get into someone's business. He must be really curious.
"Just... Woozi told me... he's looking for a singer for his new song... Yeah... that,"
"Aren't you and Dokyeom his singers?"
Seungkwan looks uneasy. He is too honest, he doesn't like lying. He keeps on looking and you and you decide to help him help you because this is not looking good.
"You know how stressed he's being lately, Mingyu," You feel Mingyu's, Seungkwan's, and Wonwoo's eyes on you, "He thinks that trying a new voice will help him,"
"Then why isn't he asking me himself?"
"Mingyu, just give them Jungkook's number, it's not that deep," Wonwoo steps in "Excuse him, ever since he found his soulmate he is not as nice as he was."
Mingyu complies as his hyung tells him and you feel your heartbeat rising. You don't talk to Wonwoo a lot after that night so listening to his voice feels like reliving the events. Especially when his eyes don't leave yours, almost as if saying 'I know you're lying'. That night, he sends you a text
Wonwoo: Have fun with Jeon Wonwoo is typing... Wonwoo is on line
Whatever he was writing, you'll never know. You couldn't answer the text either
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You don't know what's funnier, Kyungho trying to delete himself from your life or you trying to locate him back. Jungkook was not your soulmate. He actually gave up his soulmate life after a very tragic story with his supposed-to-be soulmate and now he dedicates his life to art, in any of the ways. It was a sad story, you cried like a baby at your situation and then at his while he laughed softly and told you soft thing like he always did. It was gratificating.
But now, your list only points towards one direction, and that is Kyungho's old working place, a café near some beautiful parks, and an outdoor basketball court Kyungho himself used to play in. He did a lot of things but being a good boyfriend or friend, actually.
You feel scared for a second 'will he be there?', 'How will he react?' 'What if he's my soulmate?' You stopped in your tracks. You didn't want to have such an awful person as a boyfriend. Great, another fear added to your list! But when you find the guts to come inside the café and he is right there, wearing the same clothes and same hairstyle he always had, you feel like ending all this as soon as possible.
His gaze changes when he recognizes you, surprised.
"Hi, Kyungho. I know you don't want to see me, but can we talk?"
"My shift ends in ten," he speaks after a few seconds "wait for me outside"
You do as he asks. For a second, you think he might run away through the back door or something, but he complies and meets you outside the café.
"What are you doing here?" Straight to the point, as he's always done.
You roll your eyes and he keeps a straight face.
"Have you found your soulmate?"
He laughs as if you had told the funniest joke.
"What now, baby? You want me as your soulmate so bad?" You want to slap him in the face.
"Just answer my damn question."
"Why do you think I left?" Your eyes go wide. Does this mean that he... You almost feel like crying, why does your soulmate have to be him and not Wonwoo? You shouldn't have, but you must admit you had gotten your hopes up for a second. "I'm joking! You should have seen your face!"
"So... No soulmate then?" You ask, pretending to find his joke boring when you're just furious.
"No, no soulmate Y/n. I feel nothing when it comes to you." Your hand moves faster than you think, and you surprise yourself when he grabs your wrist before your hand can reach his face.
"Nice try, Y/n. Maybe try again?"
"What if I do it for them?" You could recognize that voice everywhere. Kyungho turns around and there he is, Jeon Wonwoo. He is so close to Kyungho it's almost comical: Wonwoo is a bit taller, so Kyungho looks like a defenseless animal. "I play basketball nearby, you know? I wouldn't mind using you like a ball."
Kyungho is going to make another comment, you know that, but Wonwoo doesn't let him.
"Let's go, Y/n. We have better things to do." Wonwoo puts his hands in his pockets and begins to walk and you follow him, without looking back at a very scared Kyungho.
"Do you always go around asking exes if they've found their soulmates?" He asks and you blush.
"Not really"
"I'm guessing it was not just some random thought?"
You sigh, you didn't want to have this conversation.
"No. My soulmate mark has appeared and I had to do something about it."
"Oh, how random, mine has appeared too." You want to ask him directly about it, but you can't find your voice. "It's a number, what about yours?"
"A number too"
"That's nice!" He smiles sweetly, your heart is about to burst "Which number?"
"Oh." He looks lost in thought for a second "Well, at least it's not Kyungho"
"Yeah, I don't even know why I dated him"
"I'm wondering the same thing. You deserve so much better," how can he be so chill about all this? All you can think is how he is the last person on your list.
"Jeon isn't your soulmate either." It wasn't a question, he was just confirming it.
"How do you know... about that?"
"I told you, Mingyu is not as nice as he was. He likes to gossip now, with his soulmate. Jungkook told him how he wished you found a soulmate who treated you nicely and how comforting he found your chic-chat"
That guy...
"I guess the universe thought I deserve something else, but what could be better than Jungkook?" You joke.
"Maybe try with another Jeon?" He chuckles when you don't answer him.
Does he know...?
"Aren't you going to ask me what my number is?" He knows.
"What is your number, Wonwoo?"
"Ten." What? If Wonwoo isn't your soulmate then... You will never recover from this low blow. "You seem surprised."
"I just- I thought that maybe... You know since that night... And I might be wrong but I'm sure I've never kissed anyone else apart from my exes and you... I'm sorry, I must have made this uncomfortable."
"Oh no, absolutely not" He is trying his best to stay calm, but you can tell he's a little nervous "so your soulmate mark is how many times you've kissed them?"
"Mine too" Could this be possible? That much of a coincidence?
"That's... Curious, I think"
"It is." He is looking at you again with that look, the one that says 'I know everything about you even before you do' but this time you catch up.
"You think that we..."
"There's only one way to try."
When his lips meet yours just like they did that night, you find the same comforting feeling. It's like being pulled, like magnets. You feel safe.
And then you remember something you had forgotten about that night. You were feeling sad and tired, but Wonwoo's presence made everything better, your eyes were closed. You had kissed Wonwoo for the first time but then he cut you off and told you to come back when you were sober (but you were sober!). You thought he was caressing your face slowly with his fingers, trying to comfort you, but he actually gave you a kiss.
One on your right cheek, then another one on your left, then another one at the tip of your nose. His lips moved your jaw and placed a small kiss there, then on your chin and another one very close to your mouth and finally he planted a kiss on your forehead and you opened your eyes. He then kissed the back of your hand which made both of you laugh.
It is true that you kissed him two times, and it is true that he kissed you ten.
When you parted, a small eleven was placed on top of his head with a pair of drawn lips just like yours.
"I see a three there, soulmate." He pointed to the top of your head.
"And I see an eleven there, soulmate." You do the same thing he did. He hugs you "I'm so glad it's you, Wonwoo. You don't know how confused I was, I thought you were broken-hearted because of a break-up!"
"You just made that up by yourself! You should have asked me first instead of Jungkook or Kyungho."
"I know. I was scared you would end up being my soulmate but you wouldn't like me back"
"Y/n, I'm head over heels for you." You smile and he leans closer "You know what? I hate odd numbers."
"Me too."
He kisses you one more time.
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Ashes Chapter 15: Same Old Story
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021
Pairing: Liu Kang x Reader
Summary: Some history for Y/N and some brotherly love from Cole.
A/N: when you so busy writing smut that you forget to update the story so you can get to the smut lmao. enjoy, fellow nerds.
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You were uncomfortable talking about personal things, particularly your history, but Cole deserved answers and he was a patient listener. Being a father, you weren’t really surprised by that. “When I was a kid, like… nine I want to say? Honestly my childhood is pretty blurry. Feels like another life.” You cleared your throat. “Anyway, yeah, around then I fell ill. I had these… fits, for lack of a better word. I didn’t understand what they meant at the time because I was well, nine. No one else understood them either. As an adult I know that I was experiencing prophetic visions. Honestly, they weren’t really prophetic then, I guess. That’s a word Raiden uses a lot for them. Back then they were rarely of future events. It was more like gaining deep insight into the lives of others. I could touch someone or something that someone else had touched and I would disappear. I’d see a glimpse of their history or their present. I was too young to interpret it.”
“Like touch telepathy? I’ve seen television shows about that concept. This stuff is hard for me to wrap my mind around. Too much like fiction.”
“I suppose that’s a good thing to call it. When I saw things, I would also black out. And have a fit. Like a seizure, I suppose. And when that was happening, I would often say things about what I was seeing or hurt myself. It frightened people. My parents took me out of town and I stayed with my grandmother. I was homeschooled after that. My parents saw it as an embarrassment if I recall.” You laughed at the idea of that now. That life was so far behind you that it didn’t matter how stressful it had been. Back then it had felt like the end of the world but as an adult, it was a distant memory. Those experiences had made you different and strange but they had also made you unique and special. You had embraced the things that had separated you from normality since then.
“Well, that’s awful.”
“Oh, no, no pity. It’s fine, really. That was world’s ago.” You waved off his disapproval of a parent being embarrassed by their child for things they couldn’t control. Cole really was a good guy. “I stopped having the visions at around twelve and while I was weak from being so sick, I fought to be normal afterward. My dad ran a dojo and so I grew strong again. I focused on martial arts. It was something that helped me find strength and determination back then.” You smiled at the memory. You’d always had a fondness for it in your heart. That was one of the first things you and Kung Lao had bonded over. Your father had taught Wing Chun and that was what Kung Lao specialized in. “With time my father could no longer teach at the dojo so he moved in with my older sister. I took over the dojo and then opened a shop in the old storage space to make extra money. I had every intention of moving away. I would never be more than a weirdo or a witch there. It was too small a town.”
“Did you ever get to?”
“I mean, I’m here now. That’s a long story though. I’m trying to keep this brief.” You chuckled. “We can talk about that stuff another day.” That was a more casual and personal conversation. This was personal but definitely not casual. If you didn’t have to share these parts of your life then you never would have. Much of it was still too raw. But Cole Young was curious about your past and you were curious about his. It was nice having another friend who wasn’t Liu Kang. You really did get along with him and his family.
“Fair enough.”
“About five years ago I was still doing the same. There had been a robbery across the street and the thugs came into my shop afterward. And, well, I’m not the type to roll over and be robbed.”
“I’d say not.”
“It escalated. There was a man who came in to pick up herbs I had imported for him every month who came in after. He ended up helping me out. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I killed one of those would-be robbers. He’d been trying to kill me so… I have come to terms with that. That’s how I got the dragon mark.” You pointed to your back. Yours was on your lower back on your left side. “The man who helped me was Liu Kang. I knew him then and he was kind enough to help me deal with the fallout at the time. It took ages for him to convince me to that there was any truth to any of this… Mortal Kombat and arcana nonsense. It’s kind of embarrassing looking back at it.” And the story was far more complicated too. You’d been attracted to Liu Kang from very early on. “I guess that’s why I’m so patient with Johnny. It’s easy for us to know what’s the truth but when you spend your whole life believing that fairytales are made with computers and science? It’s difficult to believe anything else.”
“Yeah, I get that. Not everyone had Sub Zero rushing them into the truth.” He joked. That was true enough. But Johnny Cage had had his come-to-jesus moment that afternoon you were pretty sure. You hadn’t had a moment like that in the beginning. Just Liu Kang’s word and his arcana.
“Liu showed me his arcana but I thought it was a trick. He was very persistent at the time. Tried to talk me into leaving everything I had ever known for what I thought was a trick. I was scared, I’m not too proud to admit that. The part of me that wanted to leave home and never look back had grown smaller over the years. I’d become complacent. I’d grown comfortable being known as a witch and honestly, the next generation of people in town hadn’t treated me so terribly. The kids even thought it was funny that everyone thought I was a witch. But then… I found my arcana.”
“The ink?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty and under control now but in the beginning, it was a nightmare. The first time I used it had been on accident. I nearly destroyed my store. Then I fell and had a fit and I was suddenly seeing things again. Those things I saw didn’t make any sense. None of it. I saw flashes of people and places I didn’t recognize. The best way that I can describe it is… nonsense. It didn’t mean anything.” You sighed heavily. Those moments had been terrifying. “The second time had been even worse. If Liu hadn’t been basically stalking me then someone would have gotten seriously hurt. I’d hurt him but he’d been tough enough to handle it. I felt terrible about it. By then I’d more than grown fond of him.” You didn’t want to get into the details but it hadn’t exactly been difficult to fall into Liu Kang’s arms and it hadn’t taken very long either.
“There’s a lot of history there, huh?”
“Yes. Focus.” You wanted to get this story over as quickly as you could. “After that I decided to go with him. It wasn’t worth the risk of hurting people in town with something I didn’t understand. I didn’t want to leave but I was glad that I did afterward. Raiden’s Temple was where I had needed to be for what came next. It was awful at first. The ink and the visions made me sick. I had little to no control over any of it. Raiden helped me. He could unravel what I saw even if it was just spaghetti to me. My visions helped him. At least he said that they did. Liu helped me get control over my arcana. There I met Kung Lao and I was happy. About a year later the visions stopped altogether and I was stronger than I’d ever been.”
“And now you’re having them again? Out of nowhere?” Cole didn’t sound terribly concerned. He had handled all of this very well. It was nice not to be taken too seriously or looked at like you were about to fracture. You didn’t think the visions were out of nowhere. In fact, you thought that the visions were likely triggered by Kung Lao’s death. Trauma did funny things to people. The things that happened to you were a little funnier than most.
“I confess that I didn’t realize I was having them at first.” You shrugged. It was difficult to explain but it seemed as though, at some point, Cole had abandoned his disbelief and had embraced chaos. “They were more like nightmares. It was difficult to decipher what was guilt and grief and what wasn’t. It wasn’t until the other night on the roof that I even considered they were visions. Well, that and I feel terrible. I haven’t felt this terrible since the last time I had them.” You were a little embarrassed to admit that. If you’d been honest about what you were feeling from the beginning then maybe you could have done things differently. You just hated being weak. It was a hot button for you.
“And that was when you saw what happened this afternoon?”
“Kind of? I saw the beach and a wave of corpses coming for us. Does that count?” You tried to joke. Cole tilted his head as if to consider if it counted or not.
“It does at least explain why you were extra creepy this morning.”
“Implying that I’m always a little creepy.”
“The ink is a little creepy, I decided.”
“I guess that’s fair.”
“But you’re okay? This morning was wild.”
Did you not seem okay? You supposed that you were feeling out of it after seeing Kung Lao’s death. You definitely weren’t feeling yourself but you thought that you’d hidden it pretty well. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sound a little morose.” Cole looked to the door like he had somewhere else to be. He probably did. He had a family and all that. “I can’t say we know each other very well but whatever happened back there must have hit hard… and I mean… you were so different at the end of it.”
“I’m fine, Cole.” You reassured him with a forced smile. You were a little morose. That was a good word for what you were feeling. You wanted to sleep for the rest of the week until you had to go back to China.
“Ally, Emily, and I are going to go grab dinner. You’re welcome to join us. You could probably use some food.”
“No, no. Thank you but I think that I have encroached upon your family time enough this week.”
“We really don’t mind. You’re good company. Allison asked if you were joining us, even.”
“Really, Cole. I appreciate the offer but I’m not up to it. My social battery is completely drained.” You offered a weary smile. It was nice to be wanted. “I’m going to rest.”
“You’re just… so off. I feel bad leaving you alone.” Cole pulled his phone from his coat pocket. “I’m considering asking if Ally wants to grab food and then bring Emily here to watch a movie with you.”
“It’s okay, Cole. I need the time alone, I think. Besides, I’m allowed to be a little under the weather after that.” You smiled even so. You didn’t want him to pity you. You didn’t need that. You really would be okay. That morning had been difficult but you weren’t prepared to say the real reasons why. You were a mixture of angry and hurt but you’d trudge through it.
“Hey, look, you don’t need to feel responsible for me just because of what happened with Kung Lao.” You would happily absolve him of any guilt he felt in that regards. He was guilty of nothing but being a good man.
“What?” Cole was genuinely surprised and you internally winced at how you’d miscalculated. You’d read the whole situation wrong and instantly regretted your words.
“I thought you might be feeling some misplaced guilt about it. I don’t want that for you.”
“Oh. Maybe that was why I approached you on the street that day but I think we’re past that. We’re friends now. Am I wrong about that?”
“Not at all. It’s been lovely getting to know you and your family. I really mean that, I’m not just saying it. You’ve managed to get me a little out of my head which is nice. And you like my jokes which I appreciate. I’m sorry about the way that came off. I wasn’t trying to diminish our friendship. I just didn’t want you to carry around that guilt, either.”
“That goes for you too.”
“It’s been a hard day. I’m not coming across the way that I mean to. Let’s say lost in translation.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. Your English is pretty good so I’m not sure that excuse works, but I’ll let it slide.”
“I know, I know… I’m being cold without meaning to. Like you said, I’m a little morose right now. I do this thing when my feelings are difficult to process where I kind of shut off and… I can come off as cruel without meaning to. Honestly, even in Chinese it doesn’t sound much better.” You couldn’t help but laugh at yourself. “I’m sorry.”
“No need. Today was a reality check. It scared me too. And you’re clearly going through something. I wanted to help, is all. Sometimes when I get too far into my head things snowball and become an avalanche.”
“I appreciate that.” You kicked your shoes off next to the bed and laughed. You had no plans of going anywhere else for the rest of the day. “I used to have Kung Lao to keep that from happening. I appreciate you trying to help but you can go get food with your family and enjoy your afternoon. I’m exhausted. I’ll probably nap or meditate on what happened today.” What you really meant was that you would do whatever it took to get it out of your head. You were going to try and forget the awful things you’d seen today. You weren’t sure you could forget it. His death was burned into your mind’s eye. It would haunt you for the rest of your life.
“I will but before I go, I wanted to talk to you quickly about Liu.”
“I would very much prefer if you didn’t.” You scrunched up your face in distaste.
“I know that I’ve been teasing you about it.” He laughed and you rolled your eyes. “But is everything okay with that? I know, I know… it’s not my business, you’ve said it a dozen times now. It’s clearly complicated. You don’t owe me any details but if you need help with it then say the word. I’m happy to help.” Was Cole Young offering to be your wingman? Or was he offering to beat up Liu Kang? Either scenario was kind of hilarious.
“I’m obviously defensive about it. I’m sure that it’s hilarious from the outside looking in but Liu and I have more history than I care to explain. I’m not ready to get into it with anyone. Not you and definitely not with Liu, either.”
“But that’s okay?”
“Yeah, it will be. I’m a pretty tough lady.”
“On a scale of one to ten just how supportive do you need me to be?”
“No scale. Just be yourself, Cole. You’re doing fine.”
“Even teasing you?”
“I’ve had worse teasing, trust me. I dated Kung Lao for years. Besides, it kind of lessens the frustration of it. Sometimes I get too serious and scary in my head. The joking grounds me a little.”
“Good to know.” Cole patted you on the back. It was nice having a friend to talk to. A friend that wasn’t Liu Kang. Not that you didn’t enjoy Liu Kang, things were just too complex between you right now. There was so much hurt and grief that you weren’t sure how things would pan out or if they would ever be fixable. And Cole was a good man. You enjoyed talking to Allison too and Emily had taken a shine to you. You hadn’t had the opportunity to be around kids in years and you were good with them at most ages. That was part of why you’d enjoyed running the dojo.
There was a knock at your door. You made to get up to answer it.
“I’ll get it. I’m on my way out anyway.” Cole stood and so you sat back down. You wouldn’t argue with him. Cole opened the door and there was Liu Kang, which was no surprise to you. You’d been expecting him to show up at some point. Who else would it have been, anyway? You were pretty sure that you’d rubbed Sonya and Jax the wrong way with all your talk of kidnapping. Cole stared Liu Kang down instead of greeting him and you tried not to laugh.
“Hello Cole.” Liu bowed his head politely in greeting. “I was hoping that I could speak with Y/N for a few minutes. Is she here? Did I come to the wrong room?” Liu peered around him and made eye contact with you. You offered him a curt wave.
“That’s up to her.”
You tried very hard not to laugh at the look of confusion on Liu’s face. He was bewildered.
“Of course it is.”
“You can come in, Liu.” You stopped that conversation before it got any weirder. Cole meant well, but wow.
“I was just leaving.” Cole clasped Liu on the shoulder as if to wish him good luck and then left, closing the door behind him after Liu had stepped past him. Liu watched the door close and then turned back to you. His expression was priceless. You’d have to thank Cole for that later.
Next Chapter >>
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cdt12345 · 4 years
Here are some of my rambling thoughts on Shameless 11x09. My only real issue with this episode is the way it ended. For some reason these episodes have been ending awkwardly. I feel like the episode isn't finished yet, but then it ends. Like, what the hell happened to Gemma and Amy? We never saw Kevin find his children! It's like whoever is in charge has never ended a show before and don't know where to stop.
I hate that Mickey was in pain and crying, But I did love that he was allowed to cry and grieve. He had a safe space and safe person he could cry in front of and go through all his crazy range of emotions with.
I loved that Ian gave Mickey the space he needed, brought him coffee, and kept Mickey's perspective of Terry in check. All the while still letting Mickey grieve and helping him through.
The scene with them going through Terry's stuff was a reminder of what Mickey said to Ian in season 7. Ian always had his back more than his family ever did.
Mickey is left to deal with Terry's arrangements and going through his stuff and all the Milkovich's are gone. Where was Sandy, where were the other Milkovich's who were actually living in the house with Terry? They wouldn't even take care of him when he was alive. Not a single one is there to help Mickey. Only Ian!
Ian was there through everything. Ian always has and always will have Mickey's back. I don't know what more proof people need to see how the Milkovich's just aren't close and Ian is the only one who was and will always be there for Mickey. I need no more proof of Ian's love for Mickey. Haven't needed it for a long time.
People wanted Mickey to be close with Sandy when she was introduced last season, but they hardly even interacted. How is it, that people like to point out how Mandy and Mickey weren't close, but actually believed Sandy and Mickey could be close?
I agree Mandy and Mickey aren't as close as we'd like them to be. Especially not as close as she was with Ian. But if Mickey was close to any of his relatives, it would've been Mandy. They grew up in the same house with the same father. Sandy didn't. She may have lived with them from time to time throughout the years, but it was not the same. Not to mention she was never even mentioned before, just like the rest of the Milkovich's that showed up this season.
I didn't expect it, but I thought this would be one of the last chances they had to at least mention Mandy. Maybe saying they talked to her and told her about Terry's death over the phone. Anything! But still not a single mention. Like the writers forgot she existed. Even when Mickey is reminiscing about dodge the dagger, he mentions his brothers. If someone was watching the show from season 7 on, they'd never even know he had a sister.
When Mickey described the nun as "A cold blooded killer in a nun costume. We don't actually know that yet." that made me laugh. Ian stopping him from ranting any further was hilarious!
I loved how @annatrow pointed out that Ian still thought Rachel could've married Terry after he killed her father because Ian would've, had Mickey done the same to Frank. Ian's like that's not a deal breaker for me and Mickey! 😂🤣😂🤣
Omg the knife scene at the funeral home! When that guy was behind them and they get all awkward and Ian tells Mickey to put the knife away! I laughed so hard at that! That was fucking hilarious! These two are so embarrassing, you can't take them anywhere! 🤣🤣🤣
Another time that Ian took charge for Mickey. Like finding Terry a nurse, he was talking to the guy at the funeral home about Terry's wishes and asking what the most affordable package they had. I love that Ian takes charge for Mickey like that, even when it's for Terry and Ian could care less about the man. Ian knows, seen, and has been a victim of Terry's. He even knows about Mandy's rape by Terry. I don't even think Mickey ever found out about Terry raping Mandy. Only Ian, Lip, Mandy, and Terry knew about it. Wonder if that would've changed the way Mickey grieved Terry? The love of Ian's life has suffered so much because of Terry. Ian has every reason to hate this man. It continues to amaze me how he still keeps helping take care of Terry and makes arrangements for him because he knows that's what Mickey wants and needs right now.
THEY SANG AGAIN!!!! I know some people find it odd. But it was a final fuck you to Terry. Ian even said I know what Terry would love. Obviously he was being sarcastic because he knows Terry would hate that. Maybe if it hadn't been right after they just sang in the bathroom, it wouldn't have seemed so odd to people. Maybe if it had been more spread out from the last time they sang. But I do love that it's canon that they sing together pretty often now! They're free and happier than they've ever been before. Who is to say that it's ooc for them now that they can be themselves and their happy for the first time in their lives.
The song Ian picked?! Fucking perfect! It was Mickey's life story in that song! And the fact that Ian picked that song shows how Ian really sees Mickey. As a survivor who has been through so much, tormented by a father who wanted to knock him down, but Mickey persevered. He sees Mickey for who he really is and how much he's gone through in a way that no one ever has or ever will.
Mickey deserves that. He deserves Ian and vice versa really. They deserve each other and in moments like these I'm so freaking happy they have each other for the rest of their lives. When Ian lost his mom, he was alone in his grief and that broke my heart. Not anymore!
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Okay, and the whole time they're at the cemetery, I was watching that guy behind them. I was thinking, Ummm are you going to do this with that guy right there?! I'm sure he's gonna notice the fire behind him! 🤣🤣
I didn't notice until a GIF was made about Mickey touching Ian's butt at the cemetery! When re watching, I realized Mickey wasn't holding Ian until the guy yelled at them. I don't know why that made it so much funnier to me, but it really did! The guy yells at them, Mickey grabs Ian's butt in response and then they run off. That's fucking hilarious!!! Love the parallel from them running off after Mickey punched Ned in season 3. Even laughing when they ran away at the cemetery! I wish we could've seen them laughing and running away in this one instead of just hearing them laughing.
When discussing this episode with @luckyshazmrsmonaghansblog we spoke of how everyone seems to be more stupid this season, especially Lip in my opinion. When watching season 8 & 9, I forgot that Lip was supposed to be the genius of the family! I literally forgot! There were easy words that I knew, that he would ask what that meant. And I was like what? How does he, the genius, not know what that means? Even I know what that means! Not to mention remodeling a house he didn't own this season! The writers have really dumbed everyone down. Probably for comedy sake but it's just frustrating.
Other character points:
• Debbie had the nerve to ask Liam if he wanted to ask her what she was doing, after she told him she didn't have time for his shit when he had real concerns about being homeless. She won't listen to him but she expects him to listen to her. Then she tells Lip about Liam's fear! Meaning she knew what was bothering him and she never tried to console him or talk to the others about it.
• I did find it weird that Lip said he and Tami talked about it and wanted Liam to come live with them. I thought when did they have time to have that conversation? Lip didn't even know that Liam was worried about that until Debbie told him. Then I saw a few posts about people even doubting that that conversation even happened and I now feel like that is a real possibility. Lip has spent this whole season lying to Tami and keeping things from her. So, it's not far fetched to think he didn't talk to her about it. If they did, why not talk to Liam about that sooner? Also doubt Tami would be okay with it. Though Liam is just a kid, she never cared for the Gallagher's and only cares when it's her own family that needs something. Like wanting the Gallagher's to chip in on her sisters medical bill. I'm never gonna get over that! I know she was scared but what the hell was that?! You know she wouldn't do the same for the Gallagher's. She's the kind who only cares about her side of the family and not her significant others family.
• I know they're going to sell the house and I would normally be okay with that. But I hate that Lip is making the decision for everyone. He doesn't live in the house, it's not even under his name, Carl paid for the house when they almost lost it, and the rest of the Gallagher's have been paying the bills while he's been out of the house. Lip is not the all mighty one in charge of the house or their lives. He makes me not want them to move out of the house only so he doesn't get his way. Especially after he tells everyone they're not talking about it anymore and he starts tearing down walls to a house his siblings and niece are still living in and when he doesn't even live there anymore. Fucker needs to not get his way every once in a while.
• Vee keeps telling her mom, she's not going to last in Kentucky and she'll be back in a few months. That's a sure fire way to make sure her mom never moves back to Chicago. Could just be me, but when someone says shit like that to me, it makes me want to prove them wrong even more!
• I'm not usually a fan of Frank, but I did like seeing him with Serena. It showed a rare moment of his humanity, hugging her and even putting on his mask before doing so. I thought that was thoughtful of him.
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4lix · 4 years
lee felix. friends to lovers
➳ hi i was just in the mood to write felix, i love him, that is all. ♡
you two spend practically every waking minute together
and when you’re not he’s spamming you with memes and funny tiktoks 
honestly 90% of your phone notifications is just felix tagging you in funny posts
you’d have like a million and one inside jokes with him just like the most obscure things that would always raise some eyebrows from the people around you
he was your other half really, whenever something exciting came up in your lives you immediately wanted to tell each other
felix would definitely have a bunch of pet names for you as well, just variations of your name, or teasing nicknames in relation to something embarrassing that happened to you
he can’t really pinpoint just when exactly he fell in love with you, because truthfully, you’ve always made his heart race with excitement, you’ve always made him grin so big his cheeks would hurt. 
he’s always been an affectionate person, cuddling with his friends, playing with their fingers mindlessly, he did it subconsciously, without much thought. but unlike when his fingers are twiddling with jisung’s or jeongin’s, with yours his skin feels lit aflame. his heart contracting when you push your back against his chest, nuzzling into his warmth.
he’s never felt the overbearing urge to kiss chan or minho before, but with you, it’s all he can think about really.
falling in love with you was possibly the easiest thing he’s ever done. he already thought about you throughout the majority of his day anyways. anticipating the next time you’ll be together, the next time you’d fall asleep on his chest and he’d pray you couldn’t hear how loud his heart was hammering in his chest.
he’d think about how hard he’d laugh at your overly dramatic expressions to the cookies he baked for you, how you always acted like they were god sent delicacies, which they were but felix was pretty humble about his knack for baking.
the way you always know what to say to him to get him to double over in uncontrollable giggles
his happiest memories are with you by his side, his best naps are always with you entangled in his arms, everything always funnier when you were by his side, laughing along with him
the moment it hits him like a ton of bricks though, is when you're animatedly telling him a story that is too hilarious for you to choke out without giggles interrupting every other second.
he hasn’t processed a single word you’ve said, his thoughts only filled with your laughter, such a wonderful sound, the way you smiled at him so unabashedly, just for him to take in and admire.
wow he’s really really in love with you huh.
with his heart pounding in his ears he’d lean in and kiss you, mid-sentence, and you’d be so taken aback that you couldn’t do anything but stare in disbelief as your best friend kissed you with so much fervor it winded you.
despite your lack of response, felix would be so overwhelmed with emotion he’d just cup your cheek and kiss you further, deepening the kiss with the tilt of his head, his lips slightly chapped but so warm and inviting you’re just about to kiss back before he pulled away once realization hits
his entire face burning crimson, and he’d just open his mouth and close it over and over again like a dead fish 
god he’s so cute 
“i-i … i can explain-” his eyes would search yours for some kind of response but your facial expression would be too difficult for him to decipher. his brain is panicking and going like a mile a minute because you’re still just looking at him with eyes all wide trying to process what happened because you swear a second ago you were telling him about your ridiculous coworker and the argument they had with a customer today but then he kissed you? and kissed you hard at that? 
“f-felix y-” he’d interrupt you immediately,
“w-wait listen- i’m sorry- i just, you look so cute when you smile and i love when you laugh and i think i’m in love with you sorry if that’s weird, or like, creepy, i didn’t mean to kiss you i-i- mean you just looked really really cute-” he’s blabbering on again and only seconds into his sentence, you’d give him that smile again, the one that leaves him breathless and he’d finally shut up not because he’s talking too much but because he kind of forgets how to function when you look so beautiful right before him. 
cupping his cheeks in your hands you’d rest your forehead against his, eyes flickering over the freckles that paint his cheeks before resting over his own that were filled with worry and guilt and so much love. he always looked at you like that, with so much love and affection and you cursed yourself inwardly for never noticing it until now.  
“you’re so stupidly adorable felix, if you wanted to kiss me you should’ve just said something.” you’d rub your thumb over his cheek gently, feeling the flustered heat radiating off from them and laughing softly to yourself. 
he’d blink, once then twice, opening his mouth again before closing it and yeah he was at a loss for words but he’d manage out a “i’m… just- wait what the fuck is happening-”
just like that any anxiety or worry that filled the air dissipated, you snort in disbelief at the situation, unable to hide your amusement as the two of you broke out into fits of giggles 
after a few moments, you’d catch your breath, managing to clarify “i like you too!”
nuzzling your nose against his and he’d just burn red all over again, a shy laugh escaping past his lips, he’d hide his face in the crook of your neck trying to calm his racing heart because wow his best friend liked him too? what the fuck happens now?
thinking on it for a while, he’d finally gain the courage to ask what’s lingering on his mind, “does that mean i can kiss you again?” his voice is all muffled because he’s still hiding against your neck, arms wrapped around your waist squeezing slightly in anticipation for your answer. 
you’d lift his head up by his chin, forcing him to meet eyes with you and the sight of him so flustered, hair disheveled and a dopey smile on his face, it was you this time overwhelmed with the overbearing urge to kiss him
so you did, and he wouldn’t waste a second to kiss you back, that grin of his interrupting the kiss every now and then, causing the kiss to become a bit messy and uncoordinated but it was perfect nonetheless
he’d be so elated he’d push you down on the couch and start kissing your face everywhere because let’s face it kissing you on the lips was just a clang of teeth at this point, neither of you capable of completing the ministration properly from excitement.
“i cant believe i get to do this 24/7-” kiss “i should’ve done this sooner-” kiss “why do you smell so nice–” kiss
with a content blush capturing the apples of your cheeks, you brushed his fringe out from his face before placing a kiss of your own in between his eyebrows.
p.s happy 3rd win to our babies skz !!! keep streaming stays ♡
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that-damn-girl · 4 years
Our love
Sequel to Our Pup. Can be read as a stand alone too.
Pairing: Alpha!Dad!Bucky x Omega!Female!Reader
Words: 2200+
Type: Fluff.
Warnings: Mentions of sex(no smut). Not proofread.
Summary: Rebecca, Riley and Sarah get to hear a bedtime story, to which they have their own inputs to add.
A/N: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club 's HBC Dad AU Day. Inspired by this video. Hope you like it!!
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It was warm and nice, having your face pressed against Bucky's chest and legs tangled in comfort under the covers. As you both lay on your sides, the soft material of his night shirt felt slightly ticklish under your cheek. Your face was tucked under his chin and arms were thrown over each other's waist. It was the your and Bucky's prime cuddle time.
Though nobody else was in the room, his hold was a little possessive over you. You loved it, the weight of his hand on you, holding you tight and close. His embrace felt safe and secure, automatically relaxing you like nothing else.
The sweet melody of the music from his time dancing in the air was soothing after a long and tiring day. It hadn't been your taste, but having listened to them for years now felt familiar in a way which eased you in a sense of calmness everytime you heard it. Before you knew it, you had started humming along the gravitating tune.
Bucky felt your chest softly vibrate against his before he heard your sweet humming sound. Your toes tapped on his shin in accordance with the high notes. His smile widened further when the lyrics came on and you started singing along it in a low voice. He couldn't see you from his position, so he pulled a little back and adjusted so that your face was clearly in his view.
He enjoyed it, watching the peaceful look on your face and hearing you. The soft yellow light from the bed lamps cast such a beautiful glow on you that he swore he could just gaze at you like this for the rest of his life. His hand came up and brushed off the locks of hair shielding the side of your face from him. He cradled your cheek in his metal palm.
"Omega," Bucky called out to you gently. The cool vibranium thumb softly brushed your delicate features. You purred lightly.
"Yes, Alpha," You responded with a wide smile of your own.
"I love your voice." He said. You looked up at him to find his eyes, blue and brimming with love for you.
"Really?" You asked, heart thumping with giddiness at the praise.
"Yeah, but only when you talk. Cause you sing like a walrus, babe."
A quick slap to his chest and Bucky burst out in laughter. His eyes crinkled with mirth and his chest rumbled. His arms tightened around you again, bringing you close to him, "Babe, you're great in so many things, but singing is not your cup of tea."
"Yeah, alright, you don't have to rub it in my face, grandpa." You smirked, mischief shining in your eyes.
Bucky instantly stopped laughing looked at you with a teasing smile on his face, "Did you just call me what I heard you call me?"
"That's what you call a man over a hundred years old, grand-"
He flipped you on your back and held himself on his beefy arms above you, "That's how it's going to be?"
Your own teasing smile stared back at him, "That's exactly how it's going to be."
Painfully slowly, he leaned down. You wrapped your arms around him as he seductively whispered, "Well then, I guess I'd have to prove you wrong, 'mega."
"I'd love to be proven wrong, Alpha." You pulled his forehead down on your. As you were about to kiss him, a chorus of loud giggles, louder than the music playing in your room, reached your ears.
You head instantly turned towards Rebecca's room. Wide eyed, you turned back to face Bucky, "The kids are still awake?"
Bucky tried to stifle his chuckle, but couldn't, "Have been for the past hour, honey. Glad you noticed it now."
"Stupid enhanced hearing," You muttered under your breath before demanding, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Bucky placed a sweet kiss on the tip of your nose, "Relax, doll, it's not everyday they get to have a sleepover. Let them enjoy," He bent down and started kissing your neck, "And let us have our fun."
You struggled not to pull him up and have him kiss you senseless, "Bucky, it's way past their bed time. They shouldn't be up so late."
Bucky sighed against your neck. He didn't want to leave you, or the feel of your arms around him, or this bed drowned in your scent, but he knew you were right. He gave you a quick peck on the lips, "But we'll start right from where we left after that."
"Gladly," With one last peck on his plump lips, you shooed him out the door and to the kids.
For the second time that night, Bucky opened Rebecca's door to find three kids dressed in colourful pyjamas at three different corners of the room. Each had a big fluffy pillow of nearly their own height clutched tightly in their short fingers. They were lively with energy rushing through their veins and a joyous glow and gleeful grins on their chubby faces. Bucky knew sleep was the Hitler to their Captain America.
Upon seeing Bucky enter the room, one of them screamed, "Attack!"
He didn't know who it was, but he was soon tackled to the ground by a bunch of barely five year olds raining down blows of pillows from different sides. Half his body lay in the hallway and the other half inside the room. He could hear the tension free giggles erupting fron them.
He laughed as well and played along with them, giving out dramatic 'ooh's and 'aah's when the pillows hit him now and then, as if their assault seriously affected him. He covered his torso with his arms, contorting his face as though hurt.
After it went on for a short while, Bucky asked them to stop. Did they listen? Of course not. Bucky trapped each pillow under the weight of his limbs. The children tugged at it with all their might, but nothing happened. He said, "Come on, buddies, bed time."
Dejected, the kids left his side. Rebecca went back to her bed while Riley and Sarah moved towards the fluffy mattress laid out on the floor for them.
"Can we play for five more minutes, please?" Riley tried to negotiate.
"You said that an hour ago, champ." Bucky ruffled Riley's hair as he made his way towards Rebecca.
"You're no fun." His daughter made a pouty face at him.
Before he could clear yet another, incorrect if he may add, accusation thrown at him, Sarah piped up, "Yeah, Uncle Sam's much more fun!"
Oh no. Oh hell no. Sam was not going to be the funnier or the cooler uncle until Bucky's last breath.
Bucky wouldn't let that happen. Never.
Keeping a calm facade over the brewing storm underneath, Bucky very politely asked the kids, "Okay, let's do something fun." His teeth did not grind. Not at all.
They were each about to suggest something, but Bucky continued, "Which results in all three of you sleeping quietly. But don't worry, tomorrow we're gonna you whatever you wish."
The three shared glances with each other, contemplating the proposition. It must have appealed to them, because their eyes shone with such playfulness, Bucky was actually scared for a second.
"Anything we want?" Sarah prompted.
"Anything." Bucky shrugged, making himself believe that he was the coolest uncle, or father, anyone could dream of.
The children squealed in excitement. It gave a boost to his ego, knowing that he was the cause of their happiness. However, with the looks on their faces alone he understood he had signed himself up for a tiring field day tomorrow.
Bucky sighed, "So what do you want to do now?" He had his hands on his hips, imitating the dad pose perfectly.
"A bedtime story!" Rebecca spoke, which was followed by eager nods by the other two.
"Perfect," Bucky walked to the colorful shelf lined with books for occasions such as these. He mulled over the titles before pulling out one and sitting at the edge or the Rebecca's bed. The three children sat patiently across him.
"So today we're reading, 'I love you to the moon and back'."
"I love you too, daddy." Rebecca said. His heart burst with joy hearing his little pup say that.
Riley and Sarah joined as well, "We love you too, Uncle Bucky."
Grinning widely, Bucky opened the first page and skimming over the words, he turned the book around for the kids to see the illustrations.
In a much slower pace, and with a side of exaggeration to each word, Bucky started, "I love our time together as we start each happy day."
Riley started too, "Oh, I'm sure you'll love tomorrow." Bucky thought about how Riley was a spitting image of Sam not only in looks but in brains as well. The three kids passed giggles around and he already dreaded the coming morning.
Regardless, he continued, "I love our bathtime silliness - the way we splash and play." Leaning over, he booped each of their noses.
Sarah's eyes lit up with an fun idea and Bucky could almost see the bulb glowing on over her head. She clapped her hands, "We could go swimming tomorrow." Eager heads nodded again and confirmations were done.
Bucky moved on, not wanting to know what other ideas would spring up. He slowly raised his arm high as he spoke, "We'll climb the highest mountain tops," And a dramatic pause later, "Hold tight and you won't fall."
Rebecca, who was in the middle, looped her arms around her two best friends and smiled contentedly at them. Bucky his own smile.
Giving equal attention to each word, he proceeded slowly, "I love to share the magic of the shining skies above." He glanced up.
The three children animatedly craned their necks and glanced up along with him. Only finding the plane white ceiling of her room, Rebecca peered out the window, at Bucky, and up again, "Uh, daddy?"
"Yes, baby?"
"The sky is outside the window. Why are you staring at the ceiling?" The rest snickered behind their fists.
Bucky sheepishly looked at them. Sarah said, "Silly, it's because we can't see the sky due to the roof, but it's actually above us."
Slowly nodding, Riley and Rebecca looked at her as if she had solved the most important mystery of mankind. Thankful for the explanation, Bucky resumed, "And think of all the different ways that we can show our love."
"Like when we're touching noses." This time Bucky leaned forward as captured his daughter's nose between his index and middle fingers and gave it a firm shake. She scrunched her nose and attempted to grab his wrist but he pulled back in time.
"Playing chase," Bucky outstretched his arms made grabby hands at the children They squealed and giggled with innocent joy as they scrambled backwards to avoid his hold.
"Or seeing friends,"
"You're both my best-est friends in the world!" Sarah screamed.
The other two replied as high pitched as her, "You too!" And hugged the blonde with such force she fell back on the bed. The duo kept hugging her still. Arms were entangled one over the other, and they broke out in a fit a giggles.
"Our love is always with us, and it never ends." Rebecca made her way to Bucky and made herself comfortable on his lap.
"I love you again, daddy." She kissed Bucky's chin. Bucky's heart melted at the pure adoration in her voice. Her eyes were gleaming with fondness for him. Kissing her head hard, he looped his metal arm around her pudgy stomach.
"So snuggle safely in my arms;" Rebecca circled her short arms around Bucky's metal arm and rested her head against his shoulder. He placed his cheek atop her head and tightened his hold around her, keeping his princess in his protective hold, "our day is nearly done."
"I love you to the moon and stars, my precious little one." Bucky closed his eyes and basked in the feeling of having his pup in his arms, safe and secure. Forget the moon, he loved his daughter to all those galaxies Carol had travelled to so far and back. You too. He'd never let anything happen to his dolls. Ever.
Soon, the three kids were tucked under the covers and the lights were dimmed. Giving each of the lovelies a kiss to their forehead - with a longer one awarded to Rebecca - Bucky came out of the room only to find you standing in the hallway. A gentle smile adored your face as you leaned against the wall, "They love you, you know."
Bucky glanced at the trio through the slightly parted doors, his gaze lingering on the one brown haired princess. It was such a bliss to count the blessings he never thought he'd have. Another broad smile lighted up his face.
"Someone's going soft." You cooed. Bucky turned to you and grabbing your hand, he led you back to your room. Once the door was shut, he pressed you against it and took in your comforting scent.
"Let me show you Omega how not soft I am." Your neck was attacked with hungry kisses as his hardness pressed against you, "Don't think I forgot where we left from." You closed your eyes in ecstasy, fully intending to enjoy what you were about to get.
"Show me, Alpha," You whispered huskily in his ear. Growling, he took your lips in a heated kiss.
And man did you get some that night.
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elles-writing · 4 years
Ghost stories - Kili x reader - Day 13/13
Ghost stories
Pairing: Kili x reader
Warnings/triggers:  Kili being a jerk, injured reader
Genre: fluff, a bit angst
Word: Ghost stories – Day 13/13
Word count: 1733
A/N: I swear, this was supposed to be only drabble, different pairing (maybe Fili x reader), more into ghost stories topic and together with a request I should maybe write and post already, and with ansty end, but like...isn’t it a problem already? No, it isn’t.
A last day of 13 days of spooky writing event, I really liked this event and can’t believe is the last day! It was really quick.
Tags: @dumbassunderthemountain​ @moony-artnstuff​ @artsywaterlily​ @trxblemaker​ @red-riding​ @claraofthepen​ @sleepy-daydream-in-a-rose​ @guardianofrivendell​
Message me if you want to be added/removed from taglist.
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gif is from We Heart It, not mine
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„Once upon a time, there was a scary, very scary creature,“ Kili started one of his ghost stories. The fire was creating deep shadows in his face, his voice, deeper than usual, was sending a shivers down your spine.
„A squirrel,“ You pointed out and the dwarves chuckled. Kili shot you a glare, but didn’t said anything.
„This creature was a hideous, evil, hateful man. He seemed to be hating everything and everyone,“ You rolled your eyes and noticed Bilbo looking uncomfortable.
„Until he have seen a fluffy rabbit and named it Sir Raisin Maker II., because the villagers were idiots and he wanted to prank them.“ The dwarves royared with laughter, Kili’s glare making it all even funnier. You gave him a smirk and looked away.
You and Kili never got along really well. In fact, you hated each other. The Company has already tried to make you two go along, but no, it never worked. You would always do some remarks, just to annoy him for fun. Today, it was not different – especially because Bilbo was afraid, and you knew Kili was doing this on purpose, to scare the poor hobbit.
And you won’t let him.
Before he could say anything else, Bombur said that the dinner was ready. You were on cooking duty with him today, and didn’t wanted to let Kili get away with this, of course. You took a bowl for him and Fili, and adding to his a bit more pepper. Noone noticed, and you quickly mixed it, so he wouldn’t be souspicious.
You handed the bowls to Fili and Kili. Once they started to eat, you’ve overheard Kili’s sneezing (maybe you left some dust of the pepper on the handle of the spoon), and quietly giggled. You took your own bowl and sat down between Bofur and Bilbo. You quietly asked Bilbo,
„Are you okay?“ He quickly nodded and whispered back,
„Thank you.“ You only nodded. Then you whispered again,
Meantime, Fili frowned, when his brother was slowly eating his dinner, and frowning at you, sending you angry glares.
„What’s goin‘ on, Kee? You usually eat quicker,“ Kili turned his face to his brother.
„She gave something into it, it’s too spicy, it’s burning my tongue,“ He quietly complained. Fili was holding back laughter. You surely knew how to get back for things his brother did, plus something extra.
„If anything, you will finally shut up,“ Fili murmed. Kili’s eyes widened.
„What did you said, Fili?! Wha-“
„SHUT UP, YOU CHICKEN!“ You yelled at him, wanting to listen to some stories that Bofur was telling you, Bilbo, Ori and Nori. Kili’s eyes widened. You would always bring up some nickname, that had to do something with his scruff, because you knew he hated it (or the fact the acted as a child sometimes, but he didn’t wanted to admit that). Thorin had enough of your bickering.
„Go and fetch some firewood, you two and Fili. Don’t wake the whole forest and come back early,“ He said, his voice not allowing any argument. Once you were deeper in the forest, Fili mourmed.
„Very funny, amralime,“ You turned to him.
„What did you said?“ Fili smirked and nudged his brother. Kili hissed.
„Nothing.“ You narrowed your eyes and Fili said,
„It’s a word in Khuzdul we call a person, who’s annyoing.“ You nodded in acknowledgement, being a human and having no idea what Khuzdul sounded and was like. Kili’s eyes widened and Fili rolled his eyes. He could clearly see in his brother’s behaviour what was the problem.
When you were coming back, you went first, because you were quicker. Kili hissed at his brother,
„I don’t know what are you trying to do, but stop it,“ Fili innocently smiled.
„Oh, me? Nothing.“
Back in camp, you sat back near Bilbo, Bofur, Ori and Nori and listened some cheerful stories. Fili noticed his brother’s stare, his eyes reflecting the flames and anger, his blood was most likely boiling. Fili chuckled.
„You can go and tell her, how you did you tried to put whole bowl of strawberries to your mouth when you were a dwarfling. I’m sure it will sweep her off her feet,“ Kili’s eyes widened and his face got red. He tried to cover it, but Fili noticed and laughed. Dwalin, sitting next to them, also laughed. Oin was confused, as he couldn’t hear them properly.
„What’s goin‘ on, lads? Who was weeping?“ Kili noticed Dori and jumped up, his cheeks covered in blush, trying to stop him.
„No, Dori-“
„He said the lad should go and sweep lady Y/N off her feet,“ The whole camp went quiet, but most of the dwarves laughed a second after. Kili glared at them.
„Why would I did it?! She’s the most annoying person here!“ He glared at you, being in shock, but you quickly rolled your eyes.
„Oh, calm down, amralime.“ The whole camp went silent, confused laugh escaping them. Bofur rose his brows.
„When you were planning on telling us?“ He looked at you and then at Kili. You frowned.
„What?“ Bofur sighed.
„That you two are in love with each other, obviously. But that doesn’t matter, we already know now. Just don’t -“ You stood up and walked towards Fili, purpose in every step. Your eyes were angry and Fili gulped.
„You,“ You growled and firmly held his collar, so he had to look in your angry eyes. You could see true fear in his eyes.
„What does amralime really means?“ Fili nervously chuckled.
„Uhm, it means...well...“
„I’m listening, Fili. You better talk quickly.“ You growled out slowly, the whole Company staring at you. They’ve never seen you so angry, dangerous, and there was something wild in your eyes.
„It means something like ‚my love‘ in Khuzdul,“ He said, almost whispering. You let go of his collar and he fell on his butt. Your hands were shaking, and you looked at Kili. He noticed a surprise, fear and softness he never seen on you before. In a second, you looked away.
„I need a walk,“ You mumbled and runned into forest. The whole Company was now staring at the brothers.
„Give the lass some time,“ Balin said.
„She might be in a shock.“
They were waiting for you, and when you didn’t came in an hour, two, two and a half hours, they got up and decided to find you.
A loud scream from the forest caught their attention.
Kili’s face paled and he quickly runned into the forest. He was trying to figure out where did it went from, and thought about you. Whenever he annoyed you, whenever he was making you angry, he wanted your attention. You always seemed to be around the hobbit, talking to him and protecting him. He had no idea why, but he was jealous, so jealous, and he wanted your attention only for himself, he wanted you to be his. But he was an annoying prick to you, a dork you always just rolled your eyes on and gave him some witty comeback.
If he wouldn’t do it, Fili wouldn’t be in his ‚protective, annoying and big brother‘ mood, wouldn’t try to pair you, you would stay in camp and he wouldn’t be worried sick if you were even alive.
He noticed a voices near, and whimpers. The voices were quickly away, the wimpers were growing more quiet. He heard sobbing, and it was breaking his heart.
„Y/N?“ He whispered. Your name rolled off of his tongue so easily.
„Kee?“ You whispered, careful. He quickly walked towards you, moonlight illuminating your wet, dirty and scratched face. It was all his fault.
He kneeled down to you.
„Are you injured anywhere?“ You pointed to your stomach and he carefully rolled up your tunic, you both blushing.
A cut was there, with a blood around. He hissed.
„I will take you back, just stay awake. Please,“ He whispered. You nodded and he took you in bridal style back to the camp, where Bilbo, Ori, Oin and Balin stayed, just in case someone would find you and you would need help, which was handy now.
„What happened?“ He asked you in whisper. You fluttered your eyelids to cover tears.
„Two orcs,“ You whispered.
„I would kill them, if I took a weapon with me, but I didn’t had any.“ You scrunched your face in bitter expression.
„They...they were talking about murdering me, but...I don’t know, maybe they heard you, but they went away...“ Kili’s body filled with anger.
„I will find them and kill them, for hurting you.“ He said deadly serious.
„What happened back in camp,“ You whispered carefully.
„Do you-do you-“ He sighed.
„I’m sorry, but I...I was jealous, because you and Bilbo were always together and I didn’t knew how to talk to you, so I just tried to catch your attention by annoying you, and it worked.“ You giggled.
„You’re an idiot, Master dwarf,“ He snorted and rolled his eyes.
„Oh, amralime,“ You raised a brow and he blushed.
„I’m sorry, I’m not gonna call you like this, I promise-“ You snorted.
„And I just wanted to tell you I love you,“ You murmed. His eyes widened.
„Wait, you-you love me?“ You laughed.
„How couldn’t I love you, you dork?“ He huffed.
„You’re wounded, amralime!“
„Luckily, it’s just a scratch and there’s a lot of blood and dirt around.“ You both smirked at each other and when you entered the camp, Kili carefully placed you on your bedroll and Oin came to take care of your wounds. Kili pecked your lips softly and let Oin to do what needed.
When the other members of the Company came back, they noticed you, leaning on Kili’s chest, him playing with your hair and you enjoying the warmth. Fili rose his brow.
„Wait, what happened?“ You and Kili looked at him.
„They bumped their heads into a tree, I cannot explain it differently,“ Nori mourmed and you all chuckled.
„Well, not really.“ You smirked and kissed Kili shortly. Some of others did a gagging sound.
„I’ve liked ‘em more when they hated each other,“ Gloin murmed and others chuckled. Fili sat down to you.
„But wait with children ‘till we reclaim Erebor-WAIT NO DON’T THROW IT!“ Fili quickly covered his head when you threw a shoe at him.
It seemed like you will never be bored with the Durin’s family.
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