#historic palestine
the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
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because--palestine · 6 months
Gaza and Colonialism - by Bisan
Story telling about unsubmissive Gaza history by Bisan around a campfire yesterday in Rafah with the nonstop buzzing sound of drones in the background
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
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peacefullyraging · 8 months
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suetravelblog · 1 year
May 15 Nakba Day Amman Jordan
Nakba Day 2023 – Radio Pakistan Yesterday was the 75th anniversary of The Nakba “catastrophe,” when Palestinians experienced the “dispossession and loss of their homeland”. Amman has a large Palestinian population, and throughout the day, lamented messages echoed from mosques in the city. They were especially noticeable after dusk. I didn’t understand exactly what was being said, but the words…
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barrenceallence · 11 months
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motherofplatypus · 2 months
Historical women from Palestine.
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good-old-gossip · 3 months
Symbols of Palestine
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seeker-of-peace · 10 months
A death toll higher than the Nakba and people have nowhere to run to this time. That so called ceasefire is not a ceasefire, it's just a means to make Israel look merciful in the eyes of the hypocrites. Give the land back to palestinians and free them from this dictatorship and genocide
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no-passaran · 10 months
In the weeks since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack, Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip have killed more than 15,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza's health ministry, and destroyed thousands of homes in the territory.
And there have also been tremendous losses to the region's ancient and globally significant cultural heritage. The region was a hub for commerce and culture under Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine rule. It remained influential for centuries thereafter.
A recent survey by the group Heritage for Peace details the damage done so far to more than 100 of these landmarks in Gaza since the start of the present conflict.
The casualties include the Great Omari Mosque, one of the most important and ancient mosques in historical Palestine; the Church of Saint Porphyrius, thought to be the third oldest church in the entire world; a 2,000-year-old Roman cemetery in northern Gaza excavated only last year; and the Rafah Museum, a space in southern Gaza which was dedicated to teaching about the territory's long and multi-layered heritage — until it was hammered by airstrikes early on in the conflict. (...)
"If this heritage be no more in Gaza, it will be a big loss of the identity of the people in Gaza," said Isber Sabrine, president of Heritage for Peace, in an interview with NPR. (...)
"The people in Gaza, they have the right to keep and to save this heritage, to tell the history, the importance of this land," he said.
The 1954 Hague Convention, agreed to by Palestinians and Israelis, is supposed to safeguard landmarks from the ravages of war. But landmarks in Gaza have been destroyed by Israeli strikes in earlier rounds of fighting. Dozens of sites, including the now-obliterated Great Omari Mosque, suffered damage in 2014. A report by UNESCO, the United Nations body that designates and protects World Heritage sites, cites further destruction to cultural and historic sites in Gaza in 2021. (...)
Destruction of historical sites and other cultural sites is part of genocide, it's the destruction of the proof of a people's relationship to the land and a horrible emotional blow at the community. UNESCO must act immediately against Israel's destruction of Palestinian heritage, and every country and international organism must expel Israel and impose sanctions to make the genocide and apartheid end.
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animentality · 10 months
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A young American woman posts online about her summer vacation in Israel.
She visits Jerusalem, Haifa and Acre. She goes on a pleasant cruise along the Mediterranean Sea.
Nothing about this would be particularly noteworthy except that the tourist in question is Nerdeen Kiswani, one of the most radical anti-Israel activists in the United States today.
Why is Nerdeen Kiswani in Israel?
As someone who once condemned a “normalizing trip” to Israel, what is Nerdeen Kiswani doing gallivanting around the Jewish state?
Kiswani is one of over 2,000 Palestinian-Americans who have taken advantage of a recent loosening of border restrictions by Israel as it bids to qualify for a US visa waiver program.
Under the new regulations, Palestinians with American passports can apply to enter sovereign Israel through Ben Gurion Airport and West Bank crossing points.
Kiswani, who was previously denied entry due to her anti-Israel activities, told reporters that she “decided to use the opportunity” to visit her family. However, this has not stopped her from continuing to demonize the Jewish state.
In the Instagram posts detailing her travels, Kiswani tags Israeli cities like Haifa, Acre (or, per Kiswani, Akka), and Jerusalem as being in “Palestine.”
While she basks in the Mediterranean sun, Kiswani explains to her followers that she is visiting “historic Palestine” and that it’s important to visit these places in order to know “what we are fighting for.”
After the hypocrisy of a radical boycott activist visiting the Jewish state was highlighted on social media, Kiswani sought to have her cake and eat it too by claiming that “it is not normalization or crossing a boycott line for Palestinians to visit every single inch of our homeland.”
Despite her attempt to besmirch the Jewish state, Kiswani actually did it a favor. By showcasing her ability to visit the sights and sounds of Israel in peace, she has provided a more nuanced picture of the state to those who otherwise would not be exposed to it.
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because--palestine · 5 months
The Green Party's Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Exposes Zionism on CNN
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ace-hell · 2 months
Oh this makes me so fucking mad
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So SO fucking mad
You mean israelites, hebrews ffs you mean CANAANITES
If the tatreez originated 3,000 fucking years ago it makes it jewish, israelite. NOT palestinian
This horrendous cultural and historical erasure of a whole ass ethnic group is absolutely sickening
This accepted activity of rewriting and changing jewish history is so fucking disgusting
This is the kinda shit that makes it so hard for me to feel sympathy and accept the modern palestinian identity
I Just fucking hope for the sun to blow us all up soon ffs
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sayruq · 10 months
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motherofplatypus · 16 days
[Original video. Downloaded for easier access.]
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