#hmm i still recall this scene fondly
lunarwednesday · 4 months
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"But in my eyes, Furina's humanity was what made her perfect. She was perfectly human in every way...the person I always wanted to be."
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baconcolacan · 1 year
I remember in regimen, Tord recalled "fondly" When they lived together, waking tom up, and tom nearly stabbing him with a bottle cuz of it, any interesting stories to say about young tom and tord? Any times where tords small "obsession" With tom got them in interesting situations/adventures?
Stay au, i get that their relationship is hidden, but do they brag about eachother to anyone? If so, who does the most bragging/showing eachother off
Would, lets say, a rebellion group or another army be able to get a bunch of info were they to get access of Tom's VR (stay au) in a hostage situation. Is there anything Tord can do to stop that? Or Tom in that case?
You're probably sick from hearing this since your community is surprisingly wholesome af, But every day i check your tumblr its got me BOUNCING on my feet, You give me confidence
I see you're art and im like *chefs kiss* mm succulent.
but I'll stop rambling
Any video games, books, or movies you're into?do you think you'll start those stay au oneshots you mentioned before?And how are you? Cant help but feel concerned after u fell down the stairs, and then got sick (p.s. sorry for writing so much again, cant help it)
HAHAHAH Nawww its okay buddy! I'd be happy to answer your questions again ^^
I remember in regimen, Tord recalled "fondly" When they lived together, waking tom up, and tom nearly stabbing him with a bottle cuz of it, any interesting stories to say about young tom and tord? Any times where tords small "obsession" With tom got them in interesting situations/adventures?
Hmm, let me think of something I'm not gonna put in the fic itself. Probs will be in regiminis tho, just more in depth.
Well, as teenagers, Tord often tried to get an explosive reaction out of Tom in public, especially when they were in school. At this time, Tom still somewhat cared about his image in front of other people, yknow cause teenager lol, so even if Tord tries to tease/bully him he wouldn't react too much in fear of making a scene.
One day though, Tord decided to kick it into overdrive, to the point where he finally got Tom to snap and lunge at him in the middle of the cafeteria. They got into a really nasty brawl that ended with both of them getting sent to the headmaster. Surprisingly though, even if witnesses say that Tom was the one who started the fight, Tord actually- happily- admitted that he was the aggressor, and that Tom was defending himself.
"....Why did you do that?" "It's the truth, Thomas. Why should you be punished for something I started?"
And that started Tom off on his confused and mixed emotions about Tord, but don't be fooled though. Tord didn't say this out of goodwill. Remember, even at this point, a small obsession with Tom has already blossomed. Meaning what he said is actually; Why should you be punished by someone else who doesn't even deserve to touch you?
Stay au, i get that their relationship is hidden, but do they brag about eachother to anyone? If so, who does the most bragging/showing eachother off
They can't. No matter how much they want to they can't tell anyone. This applies more to Tord, as Tom is content with only having people he loves/is close to know about his relationship, Tom has always been more private out of the two of them. Tord on the other hand....he wants to brag about his husband so bad. Especially during the times Tom succeeds in any of his field operations. Paul and Pat could be talking about how well Tom is doing and Tord is literally vibrating in his seat like 'Thats my husband thats my husband thats my husband that my husband THATS MY HUSBAND-'
Unfortunately, this means Matt is the only one Tord gets to rave to, which makes Matt's life a living hell, because he has to listen to his boss/maybe old friend foam at the mouth for his best friend.
"He was so cute this morning!! I had him in my arms when he was still sleeping and- and he smiled at me when he woke up and whispered 'Good morning, Elskede'!! AAAAAA I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM!!!!"
"Thats...nice, Tord."
"Omg also did you know that he likes to cuddle?? HES SO CUTE FUUUUCCCKK!"
"Yes Tord, I know Tom likes to cuddle you have told me this a million times, also Tom is my best friend I KNOW he's a cuddler."
"AND THE WAY HE SMILES I JUST- AUGH, And his laugh?? *SIGH* I don't know how I ever managed- *keeps rambling*"
"This is my hell."
Would, lets say, a rebellion group or another army be able to get a bunch of info were they to get access of Tom's VR (stay au) in a hostage situation. Is there anything Tord can do to stop that? Or Tom in that case?
It wouldn’t really work tbh. Tom’s visor is strictly registered to his biometrics. If you saw my drawings that have him in it, his temples have ports where the visor connects to, thats how he’s able to access and see through the visor, his eyes are actually glass eyes.
If there were attempts at hacking into his visor, it would self-destruct. Just fizzle out when it’s still connected to Tom, and straight up explode if it isn’t connected to Tom.
Of course, Tord would get a distress signal if Tom was ever captured and he can’t handle it alone. In which case he would send out Red Sentries first, troops second, Paul and Patryck if the first two don’t work, then come himself last. (This is for the sake of their safety, Tord would WANT to go first, but they have to go through command chain to maintain their personal lives.)
For Tom, if the situation gets desperate, he will resort to using his hellhound (again, his monsterform in this AU) but like I said, as 3rd gen the shifting is agony, so it really only is a last resort.
You're probably sick from hearing this since your community is surprisingly wholesome af, But every day i check your tumblr its got me BOUNCING on my feet, You give me confidence
DHAJSJ NAWWWW I don’t get sick of hearing it, it REALLY REALLY warms my heart that you guys are so supportive of me, it gives me confidence in my works knowing someone enjoys it.
AND YEAH!! Everyone is so SWEET!! You guys are such kind-hearted people, I’m so glad the people who came to me so far are the kind of people I would be happy to associate with! My mutuals are all good, kind, and talented people, and you guys like I said are so so sweet! I like to think I’m cultivating a little corner that’s soft and calming, it really costs me nothing to be kind, especially in today’s climate, when I’m here I want to forget the bad things and rave about the stuff I like, so I’m glad you’re all here to do that too ^^
I see you're art and im like *chefs kiss* mm succulent.
*hides in a bush to scREAM /pos*
Any video games, books, or movies you're into?do you think you'll start those stay au oneshots you mentioned before?And how are you? Cant help but feel concerned after u fell down the stairs, and then got sick (p.s. sorry for writing so much again, cant help it)
OOOOH! Well I like the Bioshock series, Dishonored, Journey, Sky: CoTL, Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, Pokemon, Don’t Starve, and lately I’m getting into Hades but haven’t gotten that far yet ^^;
For books I’ll always recommend the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld, if you’re into historical war retellings with steampunk aspects.
The Monstrumologist series by Rick Yancy if ya fancy some monster horror
The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa if you’re into faeries and smoochin faeries I guess lol
Steelheart series by Brandon Sanderson and Villains series by V.E. Schwab if you like post-apocalyptic/dark superheroes stories.
aaaand Ascendance series by Jennifer Nielsen which is a series I read when I was younger which is about war, royal conspiracy, and all that funky stuff lol
Of course I also love some of the classics like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes plus lots of the Shakespearean plays bc I’m a stupid theater kid wjsjfjsnd
So yea,,,,,my book tastes are….inconsistent. As long as the story is cool, I will eat it lol. Plus, all these authors and books practically raised the type of writer I am lmao.
And, I’m not much of a movie fan? I think the Ghibli movies are cool though, and I like silly goofy movies like Knives out and Bullet Train so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As for how I am, tired, overworked, still a little sick, I was born pretty weak with a broken lower respiratory system so thats just how it is lmao. The studio also has been piling work on top of me so thats….neat, but at least I can afford food??
But thank you for asking!! I hope you’re doing well too ^^ And don’t worry, I never mind when you guys write to me a lot.
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foli-vora · 4 years
more than words, pt.3
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A/N: Thank you for all the love! 🥺🥰 overwhelmed by the reaction I’ve had to this story! Super excited that so many of you are coming along for the ride! There is a tag list for this—let me know if you’d like to be added! (I apologise if I’ve missed anyone!) I hope you enjoy! ❤️
Pairing: Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x f!reader, best friend!Benny Miller x f!reader
Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, general first date nerves that trigger my anxiety x10
pt.1 / pt.2 / pt.4 / pt.5 / pt.6
He was trying to listen. He really was, but God, how many times can you hear the same thing over and over and over again before you start to drift away from the conversation? He knew the answer. He had a very short attention span when it came to certain subjects – he’ll admit that freely – so when you continued to gush about his best friend, his main man, naturally his attention fell to the couple seemingly having an argument by their truck in the parking lot. Hmm… wonder what they’re fighting about? He purses his lips, watching the girl deliver one hell of a slap across her boyfriend’s face and strut away, tears streaking mascara down her face. Cheater. Definitely a cheater.
“Benny? Are you even listening to me?”
His eyes roll back to you, taking in your narrowed eyes and angry chewing as a slice of pizza dangles from your hand. Was he listening? Well, he did for the first few minutes… does that still count?
He finally answers, tone flat and uninterested. “No.”
He shrugs, gesturing to the scene outside the window with a flick of his head. “Malibu barbie just smacked the shit out of her beau.”
Your head snaps to where he was looking, shamelessly curious. “Cheater?”
“That’s my bet.”
You both fall quiet, watching the strangers play out a scene that really should belong in a cringe-worthy daytime reality show while you chew. It’s almost depressing, how eagerly you both watch someone else’s life seemingly crumble in public. But the longer they scream and cry, the longer they yell and fight, the harder it is to tear your eyes away.
“Shit.” Benny sighs, reclining in the booth and stretching his arms up and behind him once the couple in conflict goes their separate ways. “That was the most interesting thing that happened to me all week.”
“Not me,” you sing with a smile, fondly remembering the phone calls and texts you had been sharing with Frankie the past few days. Benny sighs in irritation, neck cracking as he rolls his head on his shoulders.
“I swear, if you talk any more about Fish, I’m gonna throw myself out of this fuckin’ window.” He levels you with a challenging stare, lips twitching as you eye the glass critically. “I’ll do it, too. Try me.”
Deflating, you sag in your seat and fiddle with the peeling label on your beer bottle, realising with a wave of slight shame that you had been talking about Frankie ever since you sat down at the table. “I’m sorry, Benny. I’m just excited. He seems really cool, and nice, and –”
“Alright then.” He stands abruptly, kneeling on the worn leather to brace a shoulder against the glass panel with a look of severe concentration.
“Okay! I’m sorry, I’m sorry – sit down, you idiot!” Laughing loudly, you tug at his shirt until he sits with a lazy grin and you shake your head. “God, you are such a child, Benjamin.”
He snorts, pinching a cold fry from the basket in the middle of the table and waving it at you. “You love me.”
Grinning, you snatch it from his fingers, and chew it loudly, grinning at his pout. “I sure do, especially when you set me up with your gorgeous fri–”
He groans loudly, “Enough, woman. I’ll throw you out of this fuckin’ window in a minute. Get me another beer.”
“You’re callin’ the wrong friend, angel.” Benny drawls lazily, “I’m no good with these kinds of pep talks.”
“Benny, I’m freaking out, please –”
The car feels small, cramped. The open windows letting in the cool evening air does nothing for you trying to suck in a lungful of oxygen as you pull nervously at your jacket. Have you overdressed? Underdressed? What would he be wearing? You hadn’t been on a first date in months.
“Look, I can almost guarantee you he’s somewhere having this exact conversation with another friend of mine. You’re both stress heads. Just relax – he’s gonna love you.”
You stare vacantly at your steering wheel, swallowing around the lump of anxiety stuck in your throat. “I think I’m gonna puke.”
He snorts in amusement, “Well, if you’re gonna do it, do it now – puking on the poor guy isn’t a first date thing. And don’t forget to rinse your mouth out.”
Leave it to the younger Miller to make you feel ten times worse. “Oh God. Ben –”
“You’ll be fine. Now get out of your car.”
“But –”
“Get. Out. of your car.” He waits, listening intently to the mechanical whirr of your windows as they close, smiling when he hears the loud thump of your car door shutting. “There we go. Now breathe, and get marchin’ – you got this. And don’t call me again – I’m watching a fight. Pay per view isn’t cheap.”
“Right. Sorry. Thanks Benny.”
“Anytime, angel. Have fun.”
You ring your hands as you start walking the short distance to the bar, running through a last-minute check of your appearance. Nothing in your teeth. No stains on your clothes. You fidget with the hem of your skirt, brushing the non-existent dirt from the fabric and making sure it’s not horrifically tucked in to your underwear at the back.
Oh God, your palms are so sweaty. What if he shakes your hand? His hand will slide right off. He’d be mortified. Who even goes for a handshake on a first date anyways? You’re being silly. Everything’s fine. You look great. Did you put deodorant on?
The twisting of your stomach and panicked rush of thoughts thankfully pause when your eyes catch Frankie standing outside the bar, hands buried deep in his pockets and dark eyes flickering around at the passers-by somewhat nervously. When they land on you, the apprehension seems to melt from his shoulders and he grins. Unable to stop the smile creeping on your face in response, you now walk without the sick feeling of anxiety creeping up your throat.
He strides forward to greet you, and for a brief second, you wonder how you should greet him. It’s not like you were strangers, per se, you had been talking on the phone all week, but where did you stand in the physical sense? Certainly not a handshake.
Throwing caution to the wind, you bounce forward and greet him with a hug, hoping to high heaven he doesn’t push you away and call the whole thing off.
He doesn’t.
Inwardly screaming, you melt at the feeling of a pair of strong arms winding around your waist, a small quiet chuckle brushing past your ear. Oh shit, oh fuck… he smells divine.
“Hi,” you mutter shyly when you pull away, a flush of warmth flooding through you from top to toe when he smiles kindly and hovers only a step away.
You can’t help but admire his features up close; the ones that were lost on the photo Ben had shown you when first trying to convince you into this arrangement. His eyes were a lot darker, tousled curls longer than they had looked when they were hidden under a well-loved hat. A light flush of pink sweeps up his neck and along his cheeks, and you watch it fondly with a wild flutter of your heart.
Okay, you could just stand here all night and stare at him, but that might freak him out a little… maybe try speaking. Talk. Just talk. Say something smart – something stimulating. First date impressions and all that.
“It’s fucking freezing.”
What? No. You did not just say that. Seriously? That’s what had to bubble from your mouth? Are you kidding?
You want to face palm, want to just turn around and march right back to your car with a text to Benny saying ‘thanks, but we can’t be friends anymore’ and just disappear from the face of the Earth. God, he’s going to give you so much shit for this.
Thankfully though, Frankie doesn’t seem bothered by your blurted out statement in the slightest, and even grins, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, it is.” He watches you shift on your feet, smile widening just a little more at the look of complete horror that had just washed your features before he had spoken, and then half turns, “Shall we?” Oh God, what was that? Pope’s gonna kill him. You’ve got his head in a complete spin and now he’s forgotten Pope’s whole pep talk. Shit. Shit. Be cool. Be cool... what the fuck does ‘be cool’ even mean?
The bar’s warm when you both walk in side by side, Frankie’s hand placed softly on your lower back as he leads you to the bar, and then through to a spare table, nestled out of the way and tucked into the farthest corner after he buys your drinks. He lets you sit first, and you’re pleasantly surprised when he stays close and, instead of sitting opposite you, he sits to your right, knees bumping yours softly under the table.
It’s not until you both sit, quiet and fiddling with your beers while sharing nervous smiles, that you remember something you had been meaning to ask all day.
“Oh. How did Mena’s appointment go?” You ask immediately, recalling his slight worry the day before over her slightly warmer than normal forehead and uncharacteristic crankiness. Your stomach plummets when he shoots you a startled look.
Oh no… have you blown it? Were you not meant to ask about kids on the first date or something? What were the rules for this kind of thing? You’d never dated someone with a baby, you had no idea what was okay to ask and what wasn’t. You guys had literally only just sat down, and here you were, ruining it already. That’s got to be the quickest end to a date, well… ever.
Panic creases your features and you frown in worry, “Sorry, should I – should I not have said anything? I’m sorry, I’ve never –”
“No, no – you’re fine! I just… I didn’t expect you to remember.” And then he smiles. Blindingly. The dread crushing your chest quickly morphs into something sweeter, something that has your heart quickening. “She’s okay – she’s getting her molars. Thank you for asking.”
You smile, turning bashful under the pure admiration shining in his eyes, and shrug lightly.
“It’s alright. I was worried for you.” You’re quiet when you admit it, unsure if that’s something you should be upfront about with only knowing him for such a short period, but he seems to take it in stride, smiling fondly at you and reaching a hand to cover yours softly. The immediate heat from his skin encompasses yours, shooting wave after wave of electric tingles up your arm and straight to your chest.
If your pulse was racing before, it’s downright wild now.
He flushes when your fingers part ever so slightly, letting his nestle in between yours, and then you’re smiling at each other, laughing quietly as the awkwardness all but evaporates.
You talk about everything. Growing up, moving around, Frankie’s time in the military being a pilot. You have so many questions, but pick up on the wave of tension that rolls through him at the mention of flying. For a short moment, you wonder why he didn’t want to talk about such an achievement – being a pilot was incredible, but not wanting to ruin the easy-going atmosphere that had fallen over you both, you leave the topic of flying instantly, and switch for talking about Mena, thankful to see the light return immediately to his eyes as he gushes about his little girl.
“Can I ask a question?” You ask sometime later in the evening, now comfortably closer to Frankie as your legs tangle under the table.
He hums, sipping on his third beer and nodding, “Of course.”
You watch your fingers play with his on the table, before grinning up at him slyly, “Why ‘Catfish’?”
He groans, throwing his head back with a chuckle, and wipes a hand across his face.
“My whiskers.” He finally admits with a playfully defeated sigh. When you frown in confusion, his grin widens, and he scratches his fingers along his jaw and through the patch of facial hair. “The guys used to give me shit because I can’t grow much more than this.” He gestures to his face, rolling his eyes. “Used to say I had whiskers – like a catfish, apparently.” He chuckles, shrugging light heartedly. “It just seemed to stick after a while.”
You’re laughing, and it keeps the smile planted firmly on his face. What a sound.
“Well, it’s an interesting nickname, but I think I prefer Frankie.”
He softens, unable to resist melting closer to you, and nods, “Me too.”
He likes the way you say it… sweetly, softly. He’s desperate to hear it fall from your lips more, in all sorts of ways.
Disappointment floods you both when you notice the late hour, Frankie explaining dejectedly that he should probably go and relieve his babysitter before said babysitter gets too comfortable with his refrigerator and the beer in there. You can hear the fondness in his voice when he tells you about his sitter for the evening, Mena’s tío – another close friend of Benny’s apparently – as you leave the bar, his hand automatically falling to tangle with yours.
“I’m this way,” you point a thumb over your shoulder, fully expecting to say your goodbyes outside the brightly lit bar, but frowning in slight confusion when he merely nods and starts to walk the way to your car.
“Oh – are you parked over here, too?”
He shakes his head, pointing to the complete opposite direction. “No, I’m over there. I don’t want you to walk to your car alone.”
Your insides turn to jelly, smiling to yourself as you grip his hand a little tighter. Thoughtful. He returns your smile, but hates that you seem so surprised by the notion of being walked to your car in the dark. What kind of losers had you dated previously that either didn’t walk you safely to your car?
“Thank you for tonight, Frankie.”
He grins, thumb rubbing soft circles over your knuckles. “Thank you – I had a great time.”
“Next time, it’s my treat.” You say, hoping you weren’t thinking too much of something that wasn’t there. Would he even want a second date? Was he just being polite saying he had a good time? Is that what people said before never calling them again?
Unbeknownst to you, Frankie was having a hard time reigning in the enthusiastic excitement that had flooded through him the second you had spoken. You wanted another date? With him? He had to mash his teeth together to stop the eager grin threatening to break his face completely in half. Thank God he hadn’t blown it. You were… God. You were fucking incredible. He owed Benny – big time.
“I can deal with that,” he eventually agrees, face warm and giddy at the prospect of taking you out again.
You turn and envelope him in a hug when you reach your car, breathing in one final lungful of whatever delicious aftershave he had used, and smile to yourself against his shirt when he folds his arms around you, a hand cupping the back of your head to keep you pressed tightly against him.
Pulling back to say one final goodbye, you’re struck by how close his face seems, eyes flicking across his face before meeting his dark ones.
Suddenly trapped in a gaze that had a fire licking up your spine, your breath goes in a stuttered exhale. Rough fingertips trace your jaw, and then you’re holding your breath entirely as he leans in closer. Anticipation kicks in, heart thumping through your chest as he closes the distance much slower than you would like, and you fight away the wave of impatience that screams at you to just push forward and kiss him.
You don’t expect him to stop however, only a breath away from your lips, and you panic for a small second, wondering if you’re doing something wrong, but when he murmurs a quiet question, it takes all the strength in your legs to not fall to the fucking ground in a lump of melted goo.
“Can I kiss you?”
God yes. Please.
Unable to stop the shy smile that tugs at your lips, you try not to nod too eagerly and definitely fail miserably. You want this, more than what you’ve ever felt with anyone else. Frankie had you feeling like a giddy teenager with a huge crush and you were desperate to feel more of it, to see where it goes and what it could develop into.
At your nod of approval, he moves in the rest of the way, hand moving to cup the side of your neck below your ear, and he sighs lightly when your soft lips finally meet his. The kiss is tender, warm, and does nothing to soothe your raging pulse. He can’t hear your heartbeat, can he? God, can you hear his? He briefly worries, but when your lips move against his, his mind blanks.
His moustache tickles your lip, nose bumps gently with yours. Your hands find his chest, fingers gripping at the soft material, and for a moment it feels like you two are the only ones in existence, floating in a hazy whirl of space.
You take a minute to open your eyes when he eventually pulls away, and when you do, you find him gazing at you with a shy smile and a rosy flush across his cheeks. Lashes fluttering as you blink, you try to get a hold of your heart beating heavily against your ribs while your lips tingle from the aftershocks of his kiss.
Holy shit.
Before you can even think it through, his shirt tangles in your scrunched fist and you pull him back to you, replanting your lips against his with a desperate urgency he meets head on and returns eagerly. His hands, previously gentle, now grip at your waist, squeezing the flesh greedily as you let him walk you back into the side of your car. The metal is cold, even through your jacket, and you arch into him, moaning softly when his tongue traces your lip.
Your knees buckle when his tongue tangles with yours, and he presses you harder into the car to stop you dropping.
“Holy shit.” He breathes huskily after separating, lips widening into a grin when he sees you mirroring his breathlessness. You giggle softly, the fire roaring in your stomach turning into an affectionate warmth that floods your system when he brushes his nose along yours tenderly. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Stop.” Your smile turns shy, teeth digging into your lips as he chuckles again, dark eyes shining. He watches you wrangle your breathing into something semi normal, glad he wasn’t the only one that got swept up and carried away with the moment. 
He traces your cheek, planting one more, less hungry and more affectionate, kiss to your lips.
“Goodnight, mystery girl.”
“Goodnight, Frankie.”
He backs away, face split as he smiles, eyes admiring you before he turns and starts to meander away to wherever he was parked, turning to look at you over his shoulder every few steps. You climb into your car, grinning at the final wave he sends you before disappearing around the corner.
Finally alone in your car, you let out the disbelieving chuckle you’ve been keeping in all night, face feeling hot as the aftereffects of such a great date rests pleasantly in your stomach, mind running through every little moment of the night. Starting your car, you start the drive home, unable to stop touching your lips every so often, insides clenching at the memory of his lips moving against yours.
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed @emilykjh @peterhollandkait @sara-alonso @starlightsearches @bookishofalder @empress-palpat1ne @shadowolf993 @rosiefridayrogersunday @canyonmirrors​ @eoz-stuff @blackonemasie​ @layniapetrovnaaa @alberta-sunrise @goldielocks2004 @betterthanbucky​ @linkpk88​ @afootnoteofhappiness​ @livilottie​
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guqin-and-flute · 4 years
[You know how there’s a set of fics I promised to work on first? Apparently that was a lie! 😘 This is just epilogue, Post-Reconciliation fluff with teenage Jingyi--he’s probably 15-16 CW: Moderate descriptions of dead bodies and injuries in reference to a game they’re playing]
[3zun Raise Jingyi AU] [Main Fic][Ao3 Link]
“Are you you cold?”
“Oh yeah, very.”
“Are you animated?”
“Do I know you?”
“Hmm.”  Yellow-Father flipped the page of the book he was examining, eyes still on his work. “Are there obvious wounds?”
“Yup, my organs are all chewed up, throat torn out, and...let’s say my nose is gone.” Jingyi thumped his chin into his hands, sticking his legs straight out under the low table in the middle of Yellow-Father’s office, idly waggling his feet. 
Next to him at the table, Gray-Father looked like he was falling asleep, his cheek all smushed against his propped up fist, eyes mostly closed, but he still grunted, “Shape of the teeth marks?”
Jingyi squinted into space and wrinkled his nose, considering. “Oblong?”
Yellow-Father twitched a half smirk without looking up from what he was signing. “Oblong teeth?”
“No, oblong...jaw shape or whatever,” Jingyi waved his hand dismissively, wiping away his previous words before drawing a long, thin U-shape in the air with his index finger. 
Gray-Father cracked one eye open to take in the sketch, then closed it again. “Not a fierce corpse, then.”
With an air of exaggerated mystery, Jingyi shrugged, then sprawled backward on the floor so he took up the rest of the walkway in front of the door. “Whoooo’s to say? Is that your guess?”
“Boy, I said it wasn’t a fierce corpse, why would that be my guess?”
“Well, you’re trying to fish for unauthorized information, Chifeng-zun, you gotta play by the rules,” Jingyi shot back sternly, jabbing a serious and admonishing finger in his direction.
Though his eyes were closed, it was very clear that Gray-Father rolled them.
Yellow-Father heaved a sigh and drummed his fingers idly on his desk, gaze roving over the piles of paper as he sucked on his teeth in thought--though, Jingyi had to admit, probably not just about their game. Yellow-Father seemed to operate on several levels at once at all times. “Are there deep puncture marks?” 
“Uhhh...sort of?”
Finally, Yellow-Father looked up to shoot him an amused glance over his desk edge.  “’Sort of?’ That’s hardly fair or specific.” Rising, he gathered a stack of scrolls and came around his desk, stepping easily over Jingyi’s supine form before rapping smartly on the door with his knuckles. 
“Like...teeth marks are technically puncture marks.”
After a moment, the door slid open and a harried looking Jin courier took the pile without a word and disappeared down the hall. Yellow-Father closed the door and turned back. “Yes, I suppose. I’m asking specifically about fangs.”
Lolling his head over, Jingyi watched as he stepped back over him without even looking, robe hem brushing over his belly. He barely fought the sudden urge to grab his ankles as he might have when he was younger. He managed not to--but it was definitely a close thing. “It’s not a snake.”
“What?” Gray-Father demanded, sounding offended.
Jingyi lolled his head back to see his eyes open, glaring at him in mock reproach. “You’ll tell him it’s not a snake but you can’t confirm it’s not a fierce corpse without threatening to take away my guess? How is that playing by the rules?”
“Aha,” Jingyi raised his finger straight into the air again as he proclaimed, “But it is.” Then, he pointed back down at himself. “Because I make the rules.” 
Gray-Father gave a derisive huff through his nose, but smiled. “Yeah, that was cute when you were 5. Not so much anymore.”
“Um, whatever, I’m adorable. Dieeee, are you done yet? I’m bored. When is Blue-die done with his meeting? I wanna gooo.” 
“Patience, Jingyi, I need to clean up. And he’s coming.” Yellow-Father rustled about on his desk, neatly packing everything away into drawers and piles that Jingyi thought were a little excessive--like, why did it need to be that clean? “Where did we find you, again?”
With an exaggerated scoff, Jingyi shook his head slowly, feeling the hard floor beginning to dig into the knob at the back of his skull. He’d have to sit up soon. “Wooow, you find a dead body and you don’t even care enough to remember your surroundings. This must be just any other day to you.”
“In the woods, he said,” Gray-Father betrayed him easily, so Jingyi raised his head to shoot him a glare, but his eyes were closed again. Wriggling closer, he punched the side of his rock of a thigh, earning him a chuckle and Gray-Father leaning down to flip the ends of his fanned out hair over his face.
“Woods, thin, oblong jaws, deep tooth marks, throat torn out, organs and nose gone--or at least chewed on,” Yellow-Father ticked off precisely down an imaginary list as he turned from shelving to continue puttering around. “I’m guessing; wolves.”
Heaving himself upright, Jingyi crashed his hands together just as the gold, white, and blue painted door slid open once again and he bellowed. “GUAAAUAUAUANG!” 
Framed in the doorway, Blue-Father stopped short and blinked at the sudden noise but smiled in amusement. “’Guaaaung?’” When Jingyi thrust out his hands demandingly, he stepped in and obligingly gave him custody of one of his arms. “Hello.”
“Almost done, Er-ge,” floated Yellow-Father’s voice from the closet.
“Clearly, it’s a gong noise.” Jingyi used his arm to haul himself to his feet--Blue-Father didn’t even sway. “They won; I was murdered by wolves.”
At this pronouncement, his blue father cocked his head down at him, smile turning quizzical as Jingyi dusted off the seat of his robes. “...Ah?”
Gray-Father blew out a breath and shook himself awake, unfolding slowly from the table.  “We were playing Dead Body while we waited for you and A-Yao to be done,” he explained, then gave a hugely expansive stretch, scrunching his face up. “I was thinking it was wolves, but I was waiting for the usual twist.”
Yellow-Father emerged from the closet with a smug smile and murmured, “Mmm, of course you were,” to which Gray-Father leaned over the desk and swatted at his butt--he easily dodged. 
“The twist was that there was no twist, this time,” Jingyi said sagely, hands on his hips. “Are we good to go? Finally?”
“I...yes.” Blue-Father still had on that ‘I still don’t know what’s going on here’ smile as Yellow-Father closed the shutters against the streaming sun and joined them. “How does one play Dead Body, exactly?” he asked curiously as he leaned down to let Yellow-Father kiss his cheek hello just before they made their way out into the hall.
Pretending to hold back barf was something Jingyi did less because he cared about them kissing and more because it was his job as annoying teenage son to do things like that. In any case, he was rewarded by Gray-Father wrapping him in a casual headlock, then ignoring him when he flailed to escape as Yellow-Father locked up his office. “You mean you’ve never played Dead Body with him?”
“Mm, not that I recall--and I feel like I would remember something like that.”
From his chaotic and squished vantage point, he saw Yellow-Father look down at him--all captured and partially strangled and sputtering under Gray-Father’s arm. He rolled his eyes, and fondly scolded, “Let him breathe, Da-ge.”
Easily, Gray-Father complied. Wonderful, blessed air flooded back into Jingyi’s lungs--which he immediately used for retaliation by leaping onto Gray-Father’s back like a monster spider and wrapping him in a headlock of his own. Yellow-Father winced and hissed, “Mind Baxia, Fufu, for gods’ sake--”
“Dead Body isn’t a Lan game,” Jingyi panted dismissively, tightening his grip and bracing himself when Gray-Father planted his feet to take stock of the situation. 
His other 2 fathers continued to walk on, out of range of Such Antics. It was a good thing, too, because in a whirl of walls and ceiling, Gray-Father managed to very neatly flip him over his shoulder onto the ground. With a smack, all the breath stuck in his lungs for a few agonizing moments while his horrible, rotten Gray-Father grinned down at him and laughed, “You little ass. What did you think was going to happen?”
“Vengeance,” Jingyi wheezed back several seconds later when he could breathe again again. The ring in his ears hadn’t completely left, yet. 
“--and then you have to diagnose what killed him. It was very popular back when he was around 7 years old,” Yellow-Father was explaining to Blue-Father ahead of them, ignoring the intense drama of betrayal and revenge happening just up the hall. “Though, what on earth makes it not a ‘Lan game’ is beyond me.”
Staggering to his feet with the grudgingly accepted hand of his gray father, Jingyi caught up to them 2 of them. “Right, like shu-gong would want me lying around shouting about my limbs being torn off. He doesn’t even like me yelling about normal things; I would get so many lines.” He flopped down onto his yellow Father’s shoulders and leaned as they walked, even though he was just a little taller, now (and oooh, didn’t Yellow-Father hate it).
 Automatically, his father reached up and pet his head, even as he said, “You’re crushing me, Fufu.”
Transferring over to Blue-Father, he hung from his shoulders when he patiently slowed to allow him to do so. “You find a body,” Jingyi intoned, dramatically. “It’s Lianfang-zun.” He spread his other hand wide as if painting the scene. “He’s folded up like a letter in the halls of Koi Tower! Cause of death?”
“A ridiculous son,” Gray-Father chuckled from behind them, and Jingyi twisted to kick up a foot and stuck out his tongue.
“Usually, there was a lot more posing, as a child,” Yellow-Father informed Blue-Father in a heavy tone over Jingyi’s head. “And props. It was a whole ordeal. I’m forever grateful it’s now entirely theoretical.”
“Ahh, I see,” Blue-Father shook his head and put a steadying arm around his shoulder as Jingyi hopped along on one foot, waggling his other one behind him as bait for Gray-Father to take amused, cursory swipes at. “Is there a reason I never got to play Dead Body?”
With exaggerated patience, Jingyi put both feet on the ground and reached up to pat his blue father’s cheek, smiling sympathetically. “Die, whenever I wanted to play war, you always asked if there was a peaceful solution--and I just wanted to stab people.”
All 3 fathers burst out laughing as they rounded the corner of the hallway, the sun shining warmly over their sides from the garden windows. “Oh, so you decided that I just didn’t have the stomach for it, is that it?” Blue-Father asked with a grin.
Jingyi heaved himself off, spinning around to walk backward in front of all of them. “I mean, sort of? I think maybe I figured it would make you too sad to imagine me dead?”
At this, Gray-Father’s eyebrows shot up with a sharp, incredulous laugh and Yellow-Father reared his head back in offended bafflement, demanding, “Oh, and for some reason we wouldn’t be sad to imagine you dead?!”
Shrugging aggressively, Jingyi held up his hands in defense. “I dunno! He seemed like he would handle it worse! I was 7, what do you want from me? It doesn’t have to make sense, I was an idiot!”
“Oh, you were not an idiot,” Blue-Father protested, tilting his head and crinkling him a smile. “You were wonderful.”
“You were 7,” Yellow-Father agreed with Jingyi’s first statement, darkly. Apparently, he was still highly offended, because he muttered, “’Handle it worse’...” under his breath before saying, “You’re about to run into a vase, Jingyi, turn around.”
Instead of obeying, Jingyi just veered away from the obstacle and continued to shrug at him when he sighed and looked to his blue father for help. Before it could come, Gray-Father nudged Blue-Father with his shoulder, teasing, “Congratulations on being the only one to actually care about our son, apparently.”
“Holy hell, fine, if it’s going to be A Thing, we’ll all play and mourn my death together. Happy?” As he rolled his eyes, Jingyi nearly ran into the wall as the last corridor before the outside door ended, but Yellow-Father caught his sleeve and steered him right with feigned annoyance in his pursed lips.
Blue-Father laughed, the light sparking off his spikey guan when he shook his head fondly. “Alright, I’ll play if you turn around. What do we find?”
Obediently, Jingyi spun back around and waited to fall into step with them, pondering the details of his gruesome demise. Beside him, Yellow-Father rolled his eyes to the ceiling with one dimple showing and Gray-Father shook his head with a grin. Then, Jingyi snapped his fingers and spread his hands theatrically just as they all rounded the corner of the hallway. “Alright, so, I’m face down in a river and I’m covered in boils--” 
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ticklygiggles · 4 years
A little help | BoKuroAka (n$fw)
Or “Lewd Side” pt. 2
A/N: Aaahh, I'm sorry for the long, long wait, Dani ( @danibby )! I honestly had so much trouble writing this because I felt the pressure of "Lewd Side" sjdkdkf, but it’s here now and I hope it meets your expectations!
Thank you very much for your support ☕!!
Summary: Akaashi woke up with a headache after partying the night before with his lovers, but it seems that he’s forgetting something big that happened last night?!
Words: 5791 (wow! Under the cut!)
Here it is dkdnf
He still didn't even open his eyes and already felt his head throb.
He knew it wasn't a good idea to go out to that party last night; especially because Kuroo and Bokuto had been abstinent from alcohol for a few weeks now, of course they would go crazy and drag Akaashi with them.
And Akaashi could never say no to them... so these were the consequences: a headache and a blurry mind with little to no memories of the night before. 
The only thing his tired brain allowed him to remember was Bokuto whispering in his ear while the three of them were in the bathtub:
"Keiji, don't fall asleep here," Bokuto said, his lips brushing against Akaashi's ear, making him shiver even as he remembered.
Why were they in the tub?
"You should do that to wake him up," Kuroo purred behind Bokuto and a chuckle puffed against his ear.
What was that?
"I think I will," Bokuto said with a teasy tone and then Akaashi heard himself giggling, the sound making him cringe as it echoed inside his head. 
That was definitely a dream. He didn't make such sounds in his right mind and he was sure he didn't make those sounds even when drunk. No way.
But that didn't matter right now, what mattered at the moment was the fact that not only his head was hurting, but also his arms and hips; he recognized that hip pain, though, they definitely had some fun last night, but his arms, why did they ache? Even the muscles of his stomach felt tense and sore.
He thought it was weird, but he couldn't recall anything from last night and thinking so hard was not only making his temples throb, but it also chased away his sleep, forcing him to open his eyes only to discover that someone had already open the curtains and the sun filtering through the window hit him directly in the eyes, making him shut them close again.
His head didn't hurt that bad, but it was hurting and, even though he had high tolerance to pain, headaches were the worst to him. They made him slow and couldn't let him think properly and- for God's sake, what was that damn sound? 
"WAHAHAIT! T-Tehehetsu! I don't- AHAHAH! Not thehehehehere!"
Akaashi's eyes went wide immediately, the sun blinding him a little, but his eyes quickly focused on the source of that loud laughter and his breath hitched: it was Bokuto. 
Torso bare, back perfectly arched, head thrown back as loud laughter bloomed past his lips. His hands were reaching down, trying to push those hands away from his stomach, where Kuroo clawed at the tight muscles around Bokuto's belly button, right where both Kuroo and Akaashi knew Bokuto was so painfully ticklish.
Had they been right there all this time?
"Calm down, Bo. You'll wake Keiji up," Kuroo purred and Akaashi felt his insides fluttering at the teasing tone of his voice.
"I cahahahan't! Plehehehease!" Bokuto cackled in hysterics and Akaashi couldn't take his eyes off from Kuroo's hands torturing Bokuto's belly; they were almost mesmerizing, knowing the exact techniques needed to make Bokuto shriek with laughter.
What was going on? Why were they doing this so early in the morning? On the bed. With Akaashi right there!
Akaashi gulped, feeling a certain part of him starting to react at such a scene. His brain screamed at him to leave like he always did when Bokuto and Kuroo started to feel too playful, but his hangover body wouldn't move at all, it was as if he was glued to the bed.
Akaashi gasped, his eyes quickly looking up, finding Kuroo looking at him and a shiver ran down his spine. Why was he smirking so much?
"Did we wake you up, Keiji?" He asked and Akaashi thought that he didn't look like a kitten right now, but more like a panther ready to jump on his prey.
A sudden thought assaulted his head: he'd seen that same look before, perhaps last night? He didn't remember, but by the way heat started to pool at his lower belly, he knew that he did see this face last night.
"I told Kou to keep quiet," he said, his eyes turning back to look at Bokuto who was losing his mind, his hysterical laughter and shrieking turning wheezy and silent. "But it looks like he's too ticklish for that, don't you think, Keiji?"
"Ohmygahahahad! Stahahahap, Tetsu!" Bokuto begged, trying to roll on his stomach.
Akaashi's mouth nearly watered. His whole body tingled, his heartbeats picked up in speed, causing his cheeks to blush brightly.
This was bad. Akaashi was usually extremely good at hiding this, after all, there had been some other times when he couldn't escape a situation like this and he could keep his poker face and just live through the whole thing, but now, his body was reacting so wildly and so different, even his mind was going a little crazy, feeling ghostly tingles around his armpits and ribs-
Oh no.
Akaashi gasped.
Could it be that… no!
"What's this?" Kuroo said and Akaashi looked at him again, his eyes a little wide. “Are you hard, Keiji?”
No. Yes… he definitely said something. As his body finally reacted and he tried to cover up his arousal, Kuroo was giving him that know-it-all grin and Akaashi felt his face burning up, his mouth going dry.
Meanwhile, Bokuto was finally shaking with silent laughter as Kuroo did that vibrating claw that had always been Bokuto's perdition, tears of laughter already running down the sides of his face as his hands held Kuroo's wrists weakly, not even trying to push him away anymore.
"Bo, Keiji is kinda getting turned on looking at me tickling you," Kuroo said, and even though Akaashi's heart was beating like crazy against his chest, his tummy fluttered as he noticed how fondly Kuroo was looking at Bokuto as he tickled him to pieces.
"Should I continue?" He asked softly and Bokuto shook his head, snorting once, twice and Kuroo finally stopped, letting the former Ace take a break.  
Akaashi wondered if he should escape right now, but he was suddenly curious about what exactly happened the night before. Did he actually confess his secret (a secret that he said he would take to his grave, mind you) to them? Did they make fun of him? Were they making fun of him right now?
No. They're not like that... Yet again, you hardly meet someone who isn't a five years old admitting that he likes to be tickled; even worse! Someone who likes to be tickled and gets off for it!
But... If he confessed and they didn't mind it... Did they actually t-t-tickle him last night and he can't remember?!
"K-Keheheheiji." Akaashi flinched. "You- yohohohou are s-so strong stahahanding that!" Bokuto said breathlessly as he cleaned the tears clinging to his lashes.
Kuroo laughed, sending a playful poke to Bokuto's tummy, making him giggle. "Why, of course! Keiji likes his tickles, right?" He said, wiggling his fingers at Akaashi, but Akaashi couldn't even flinch as he stared at them, blinking a couple of times and noticing how a soft pink blush started to cover their cheeks.
"Did we have... A shared dream?" Bokuto asked, looking at Kuroo.
Kuroo looked at Bokuto and then at Akaashi, also blinking a couple of times. "Hmm, could it be that you don’t... remember what happened?"
"I-" Akaashi finally found his voice, even though it sounded a little raspy, "I think I don't... Did I- What- What happened?"
The room was silent and Akaashi felt like he wanted to become one with the mattress as both his lovers looked at him intently, perhaps not believing his words.
"I'm- I'm truly sorry," Akaashi said, raising a little, his body still feeling heavy. "I'll... I'll try to remember," he quickly sat on the bed, feet touching the cold wooden floor. “Meanwhile I’ll- hah!” He gasped when he was dragged back to the bed by the shoulders and his face turned scarlet when both his lovers were looking at him with big grins.
"Oh no, Tetsu," Bokuto said. Kuroo was off him now, so he slowly started to kneel beside Akaashi. "Keiji forgot what we did!"
"That is a shame...," Kuroo answered, also finding his spot at the other side of Akaashi's body. "I think it's only fair if we remind him what we did, don't you think so, Kou?"
“I do think so,” Bokuto mumbled and Akaashi could only look at them with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. Bokuto licked his lips. “You were so naughty last night, Keiji.”
“W-Wha- Naughty-
“I think I’ve never seen you acting like that before, ‘Kaashi,” Kuroo said, not letting him speak. “It was really hot.”
“I don’t- I don’t remember, so-
“Don’t worry,” Bokuto said, holding Akaashi’s hand. “You’ll remember.”
They shared a look and right in front of Akaashi’s eyes, flashed the same scene, but it was dark outside and the only thing that illuminated the room was the dim light of the moon. 
Kuroo and Bokuto moved at the same time, each grabbing one of Akaashi’s wrists and lifting his arms up towards the bedposts. Akaashi shrieked, and he heard himself giggling hysterically in his mind, again: 
“We’ve done anything yet, Keiji.”
“We’re just going to cuff you up. Why are you suddenly so jumpy?”
He shivered heavily, licking his lips when he found his lovers’ lustful eyes staring at him. 
“Does this ring any bell, Keiji?” Bokuto asked, raising one of his eyebrows as Akaashi let out a soft sigh.
It did ring a bell, but his memories were still a little blurry and messy, but now he could tell that he did share his secret, and not only that, Bokuto and Kuroo indulged him with it; to what extension? He didn't know, but they were already at it again, and Akaashi's head was starting to feel light, his heart racing against his ribs, his lower belly heating up, his cock getting harder - might as well enjoy the moment. 
He hummed, “Are you not going to cuff me up?” He asked, a teasy grin pulling at his lips: if they already knew, why would he act all shy? “I still can’t fully remember, so maybe you should continue, don’t you think?”
“Bo,” Kuroo said and Bokuto hurriedly stretched out towards the drawer to pull out the cuffs, letting out a soft squeak as he almost fell off the edge of the bed. Akaashi bit his tongue to suppress a laugh, Kuroo actually laughed and Bokuto threw a pair of cuffs at his face, making Kuroo cry and Akaashi finally let out a quick laugh.
“Don’t waste your laugh on this, Keiji,” Kuroo teased as he grabbed Akaashi’s wrists and pulled at his arm. “You’ll definitely need all of it in a moment."
Akaashi felt his belly fluttering, nervousness growing in chest, making his lips tremble before a surprised little giggle escaped his mouth when Bokuto pulled at his other arm and cuffed his wrists to the bedpost. 
"There we go," Bokuto said with a smile and Akaashi shook his head a little, biting his lower lip and reflexively pulling at his trapped arms. "Do you remember now, Keiji?"
Akaashi shook his head. He was not lying, he really did not remember 
"Ah, but it looks like your body does," Kuroo mumbled and Akaashi gasped when he felt a hand cupping his arousal, his legs immediately closing together. "Oh? These legs didn't hide anything yesterday. Are they going to be like this, 'Kaashi?"
"Well then."
Akaashi let out another giggle when his legs were suddenly pulled apart and pressed to the bed so Kuroo and Bokuto could sit on them, straddling his thighs as they leaned down, hovering over Akaashi. 
For a moment, he couldn’t actually believe that something like this happened a few hours ago. He really must’ve been out of his mind to stand the anticipation these monsters were making him feel right now. He knew Kuroo and Bokuto enjoyed to tease, but they usually never teased him that much, not even during sex.
This new side was definitely so exciting to him and he couldn't help but softly start to thrust his hips.
"What did we learn yesterday, Bo?" Kuroo suddenly asked, eyeing Akaashi with a dangerous smirk and Akaashi tensed his legs under his lovers' weight. 
"Akaashi loves getting tickled," Bokuto started, smirking just as hard. "He really, really loves it,” He mumbled and being the soft boyfriend he was, he ducked his head down to press a tender kiss to the corner of Akaashi’s lips. “And he’s so hot because of that.”
"He really is," Kuroo nodded, letting out a soft chuckle, and Akaashi smiled softly at feeling Kuroo’s warm lips kissing him too. “What else did we learn?”
Akaashi let out a bright laugh when he felt a surprise tickle attack against one of his armpits; Bokuto’s fingers gently vibrating right at the middle of his underarm, making him jump to the side as laughter bloomed out of him.
“He’s got ticklish armpits,” Bokuto said excitedly, enthusiastically scribbling against Akaashi’s armpit. 
"Oh, yes," Kuroo said with a chuckle. "These armpits are just as ticklish as last night!" 
Akaashi shook his head, feeling his cheeks starting to warm up as a deep blush assaulted them. “B-Bohohohaha! Bokuto-sahahahan! Wait! WahahAHAHA!”
Akaashi shrieked when he felt one of his arms being pinned down to the bed and pushed up to expose the sensitive skin a little more; with a gasp, he saw Kuroo leaning down and he cackled, loud and bright as Kuroo started to nibble at his underarm.
“Kuroo-sahahahahan!” It tickles so bad, he wanted to say, but it really tickled so bad, he was tripping on his own laughter. 
“Oh! I want to try too!” Bokuto said, also pushing Akaashi’s arm further up to make his skin taut. 
“N-NO! NAHAHAHA! Ahahaha, n-not th-thahahat! Unfahahahir!” Akaashi cackled, feeling the maddening sensation of teeth gently grazing his skin travel all the way down to the tip of his cock. 
He tried to close his legs to hide how much this was affecting him, but Kuroo and Bokuto settled down on top of his legs quite nicely, preventing him from moving at all.
This really was getting into him already, but he was surprised when a moan escaped his mouth, before shrieking cackles bloomed past his lips as playful fingers suddenly found his ribs; mouths still eating his armpits up. 
“Oh,” both tickle monsters purred against Akaashi’s skin, only adding to the tickly sensations as thumbs rubbed deep circles from his lower ribs to the highest. 
“W-WAHAHAIT!” Akaashi begged, shaking his torso and pulling at his arms, trying to break free from his restraints. 
“Aren’t his ribs more ticklish than yesterday?” Bokuto asked, his lips brushing against Akaashi’s skin, making him shiver heavily as his head tipped back with a soft snort. 
“They really are,” Kuroo answered, his thumb finding one of Akaashi’s highest ribs, the closest to the hollow of his armpit, and rubbing deeply against it, sending Akaashi into a fit of silent laughter. “Oh? What’s this? Does it tickle so much, Keiji?”
Akaashi could only nod as his hips thrusted weakly, the fabric of his underwear making the tiniest of frictions against his cock, precum leaking from his tip as he started to go a little insane thanks to the tickling.
Shit, he's been wanting this for so long. 
"Mohohohahahare!" Akaashi cried out when he recovered his voice, his skin covering in goosebumps. "Plehehehease, mohohohore!"
"Ah yes, this is exactly what you said last night, Keiji."
"I think he's remembering."
"Ah but there's something I do remember, Kou… Akaashi said that we didn't find his worst spot yet!" Akaashi moaned between his laughter. "And I think he wants us to find out," Kuroo purred before blowing a raspberry against Akaashi's armpit, making him shriek and flich to the other side, only to earn another raspberry that made him jump back to Kuroo and Kuroo raspberried him again.
"Ohmygahahahad!" Akaashi cackled, bouncing on the bed a little and flexing the muscles of his stomach when the fingers tickling at his ribs moved to the lower ones, making him giggle hysterically. "Plehehe- ah! Nngh!" 
A sudden suck to his armpit made him cross his eyes a little and he let out that delicious moan he made every time he was about to cum. Yes, so close to release, but a hand quickly wrapped right around the head of his cock on top of his clothes and he gasped.
"Wh-Why?!" He cried, circling his hips to chase that wonderful sensation, but it was gone and he couldn't do anything else but whine pathetically.
"You cannot come yet, Keiji," Bokuto said. "You did come yesterday night after we played with you for a bit… but today we should see how long you can take it, don't you think?"
Akaashi shivered heavily. He's never seen Bokuto looking at him with those eyes, there was nothing but desire and lust in them. He was looking at him hungrily, ready to eat him up at any second. 
He loved to be looked up like that. 
"Sounds like fun," he answered, his tongue lazy as he raised his chin a little, tensing the muscles of his jaw and exposing his neck, spots that he knew Bokuto loved to kiss. "Please drive me crazy, Bokuto-san," he mumbled, finding Kuroo's eyes when he raised from where he was kissing Akaashi. "Kuroo-san, too. Please wreck me."
Akaashi smiled as Bokuto and Kuroo shared a look and a giggle escaped him as they both looked back at him. In a blink of an eye, they both launched at Akaashi, one hand vibrating against his ribs, another one clawing at the center of his tummy. 
"Oh looks like this tummy is very sensitive," Kuroo chuckled as bright, hysterical laughter poured out of Akaashi's lips along with loud moans as two hands sneaked under his underwear: one hand massaging his balls, the other one rubbing against his erection.
Who was touching what? He didn't know, it just felt like more than two people were making him feel good all at once: tickling him, teasing him, wanting to draw every laugh and moan from his very core. 
It felt insanely fantastic. 
"Haaaah," Akaashi gasped. "N-Nohohoho! D-Don't- anghh, tohohouch thehehere!" He begged, his hips circling and wiggling as he grinded against that warm hand cupping his dick. 
"And why's that?" Bokuto asked, and Akaashi tried to answer back, but a soft cry bubbled past his lips when Bokuto's mouth closed around his hard nipple 
"No! Nohohoho!" Akaashi moaned and laughed, throwing his head back when the fingers vibrating against his ribs (now he knew it was Bokuto), found the highest ones and the ones at his tummy, (that was probably Kuroo), wiggled into his belly button, making him shriek and give a thrust to his hips, his cock trembling under the hand cupping it.
"Oh? Is your cute belly button sensitive, 'Kaashi?" 
Akaashi shook his head, cackling hysterically as Bokuto kept tickling his ribs, sucking on his nipples and, highly probably, massaging at his balls the exact way he knew it made Akaashi see stars. 
"It's not! It's nahahahaha- nngh!" Akaashi arched his back when he felt Kuroo's lips over his navel. "A-Ah! Kuroo-s-saaangh!" He babbled, desperately jerking his hips, feeling himself reaching the edge. "Your- Your tohohohongue!"
"What is it? Do you like it?" Kuroo asked, blowing a raspberry to Akaashi's belly button just as Bokuto grazed his teeth against his nipple.
"Hah!" Akaashi gasped. " Nnghh! I'll c-cum- I'll- aaaah, pl-please!" Akaashi nearly sobbed, feeling himself so close to his climax, but all attention he was receiving stopped at once, even the maddening tickling. 
Akaashi whined, his dick trembling and he thought he'd make it, he'd cum… but he didn't. "P-Pleeease!"
"What's wrong, Keiji?" Bokuto purred, his fingers gently teasing Akaashi's nipples. "Did you want to come already?"
Akaashi nodded, looking at Bokuto with pleading eyes. "Yes, please! Pl-please! Let me c-come, yes?"
Bokuto licked his lips and Akaashi followed his eyes as he turned to look at Kuroo. Kuroo was staring at Akaashi just as hungrily.
"What do you think, Tetsu?" 
"I'd love to let you come, baby," Kuroo said with a fake concerned voice. "But, you'll see, these pesky hips of yours… they just wouldn't stay still!"
Akaashi was not ready. He couldn't even understand Kuroo's words until it was too late. 
"WAIT! Wahahahait plehehehease! N-Nohohot there!" He shrieked when he felt a squeeze to his hip bone, his whole body jumping as loud giggled poured out of him. 
It was just a squeeze. A single squeeze to one, only one, of his hip bones. 
"I think we found the spot."
Akaashi widened his eyes. That was, indeed, his most ticklish spot. He knew it and he tried to keep it as safe as possible from every single person. Especially from his boyfriends, he knew that they wouldn't let his poor hips be until they made sure to draw all the laughter out of Akaashi. 
Fuck… he really wanted that. 
"I- that- that spot isAHAHAHAHA! Wait! Ohmygahahahad, wait!" There was absolutely no waiting. 
Hands were already latched to his hip bones, one of them (Kuroo's) squeezing and pinching at the sensitive spot, the other one (Bokuto's), rubbing deep circles with his thumb. Akaashi was sent to hysterics right away. 
He tried to hide that spot, and he did. He hid it for so long that even the gentlest of touch would make him go crazy, but now he had a full on tickle attack going in his worst spot and Akaashi almost forgot how to breathe.
It tickled. It tickled. It tickled. It tickled. 
It tickled so fucking bad! 
"So Keiji's hips are this sensitive, huh? Did you know, Bo?" Kuroo asked, noticing how the squeezing made Akaashi shriek.
"I didn't, but it's good to- oh!" Bokuto said and he stopped tickling Akaashi as he raised from the bed. 
"Bo?" Kuroo asked, also stopping.
Akaashi whimpered when the tickling stopped and he flushed brightly- it tickled so much, but it seemed like he really wanted the tickling in his hips to continue. 
"B-Bohohohokuto-san," he whined between pants and residual laughter. "W-Whahahat are y-you-
"Tetsu, why don't you take off Keiji's boxers, hmm?" He asked as he opened the drawer, rummaging inside, looking for something. 
Akaashi gasped and Kuroo chuckled, looking at Keiji with playful eyes. 
"As you say," Kuroo purred, lifting himself from Akaashi's leg and easily pulling off his underwear. 
Akaashi moaned as soon as his dick was freed. It looked painful: red, wet, pulsating. Akaashi loved the way Kuroo licked his lips and he teasingly thrusted his hips, making his dick shake a little. 
"Nnnghh, sh-shit!" He moaned deeply as Kuroo held his cock from the base and leaned his head to suck the tip into his mouth. "F-Fuck, Kuroo-s-san! AH!" A cry left his lips when Kuroo's tongue pressed against his glands in a hard lick. "Yes! Y-Yes! Keep going, please! K-Keep- aaah, no!" 
He sobbed when Kuroo let go of his erection with a smirk. Akaashi whimpered and shivered - he wanted to come. Why weren't they letting him come?! 
Bokuto hummed when he finally found what he was looking for. Both Akaashi and Kuroo turned his head to look at him and Keiji widened his eyes when Bokuto raised his hand, showing a bottle of lube with a smirk. 
"N-No mohohore!" Akaashi jolted, giggling already. "No more, plehehehease! I- I cahahahan't! It's- It's too bahahahad!" 
"Huh? Did you hear something, Bo?" Kuroo said, smirking at Akaashi. 
"I certainly didn't hear anything, Tetsu. Especially not a safe word," he said and Akaashi let out a strangled sound.
"I'll die!" He said, shaking his head and sobbing when they both sat on his legs again, pulling them apart, fully exposing him.
"It was nice to meet you, 'Kaashi."
The coolness of that thick liquid against Akaashi's heated skin made him shiver. He had to bite his lip, giggles building up in his throat as Bokuto poured lube on his hips, dick and even his inner thighs. 
He was not ready. He was still in time to use the safeword, but fuck, he didn't want to. He wanted to see how long he could stand this, he wanted to see- 
"SHIT!" He shrieked in a very high pitched voice before loud, hysterical laughter bloomed out of him. 
He didn't think the tickling would be worse after the lube, but it was. It was terrible! The fingers abusing his hips moved so easily and smoothly against his skin: rubbing deep massages, pinching, squeezing, vibrating, scribbling, just every single technique they could think off to tickle those poor hips. 
Akaashi was laughing, but he was also screaming and, for God's sake, he was moaning so much. 
"PLEHEHEHEASE!" He begged desperately, his cock sticking up, bouncing and wiggling to the shimming of his hips. "NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!" 
"Does it tickle here, as well?" Kuroo asked as his free hand found that very sensitive bone that connected Akaashi's legs to the hips at his inner thighs. 
"KAHAHAHA!" Akaashi pulled harshly at his arms and he jerked his legs so hard, he almost, almost, throwing his darlings off him, but he didn't and soon enough Bokuto's hand was joining in the fun, tickling his other inner thigh as they kept tickling his hips at the same time. 
He wanted to cum. He was going to cum. He was going to cum. He was going to cu-
"I have an idea," Kuroo said, gently touching Bokuto's arm.
The tickling stopped at once and Akaashi shrieked, residual laughter still making his body shake as he tried to catch his breath. He was a mess: Tears of laughter were rolling down his face. He was completely flushed, sweating, voice hoarse and his ears were ringing a little from laughing so hard. 
"Pl-Plehehease! N-No m-more tihihickling to that spohohohot! It's- it's too tihihihicklish, I- AH!" Akaashi thought that he never heard himself moaning so hard.
"Oh?" Bukuto mumbled.
Kuroo was suddenly holding Akaashi's dick again, moving his hand up and down, thumb teasing the little 'v' at the base of his tip.
"N-No! W-Wait! I'll come! I d-don't- ah!" Akaashi arched his back, fingers and toes curling when Kuroo pressed his thumb against the slit, rubbing it with a swift move that made Akaashi see stars, tears filling his eyes and saliva drooling from the side of his mouth.
"Already?" Bokuto asked.
"You'll see, Kou."
"Stop! I'll cum! I'll c-c- nnghhh!" Akaashi gritted his teeth, his eyes crossing and rolling back as he finally reached his peak.
It felt so painfully fantastic. Shit, he's never had an orgasm like this before. His body shook heavily and it felt as if he wouldn't stop to come never. He heard someone whistling and then someone chickling, but his mind could only focus on Kuroo's hand still pumping him, overstimulating him until Akaashi was squirming and whimpering.
"N-no! No! Stop!" He babbled with a soft cry as Kuroo teased his tip, it kinda tickled, but it also made his skin prickled with goosebumps. "K-Kuroo-san!"
"Okay, now," Kuroo purred and Akaashi was definitely not ready for what happened next.
Warm hands were back to his oiled hips and thighs and Akaashi never felt that overwhelmed before.
He gasped loudly and the sensation was so intense that he couldn't immediately laugh, but instead, a loud scream echoed through the whole house. He cried and then, after a few shakes of his hips, he finally erupted into loud, hysterical laughter.
"Oh, fuck," Bokuto whispered.
"No please! It's too bad! Too bad!" Akaashi screamed with laughter. He bounced and shook his hips, trying to dislodge those fingers from his ultimate worst spot.
"I once read that one person is more sensitive after an orgasm," Kuroo explained to Bokuto, Akaashi couldn't listen to anything beside himself.
He was going insane. He really was losing his mind, the tickling was so electrifying, it made his brain scream. It was torture, he never felt something like this before, he-
He came again, but Akaashi couldn't enjoy that orgasm because the tickling didn't stop and Akaashi didn't think it could feel more intense than what already felt, but it did and that was his breaking point.
"Cream Puff! STAHAHAHAP!" He yelled and the tickling stopped right away, but Akaashi's laughter continued and his hips kept twitching slightly as he relaxed into the bed.
"Keiji, all good?" He heard Kuroo asking, but Akaashi could only nod weakly as both his lovers moved away from his legs. "Are you alright?", Kuroo asked again and Akaashi nodded once more, panting heavily as he felt his wrists being freed. 
"You did so, so good, Keiji," Bokuto said with a warm voice, making Akaashi open his eyes to sleepily look up at him. "You were amazing!" 
Akaashi puffed out what sounded like a soft chuckle before sighing when something cold was being pressed to his forehead. 
"Water, Keiji," Kuroo whispered, gently holding Akaashi's head to help him drink from the water bottle. Akaashi drank the whole thing at once, letting out a pleased sigh when he finished. 
"You are amazing, Keiji," Kuroo praised him, gently carding his fingers through his wet hair. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
Akaashi nodded, ultimately, that was the only thing he could do while he came back from the tickly subspace he was thrown in. He smiled softly and wanted to tell them that he really did enjoy himself and that he wanted to do it again very soon, but he couldn't speak. 
"Let's clean you up, baby."
Akaashi was cackling as they cleaned him up. He was so sensitive right now, that the mere touch of fabric touching his skin was enough to make him laugh nearly in hysterics. 
"Stop squirming so much, love," Bokuto said softly, a gentle smile in his face as he tried to clean up Akaashi's inner thighs. 
"It t-tihihihickles! Wahahait!"
"Hold it for a little, Keiji," Kuroo asked him, also smiling lovingly. "We're almost finishing."
Under his arms, his stomach, his hips, his inner thighs, even his dick, it all felt extremely sensitive and Akaashi thought he was going insane again, but they finished before he could blurt out another moan, (his cock hard again). 
"You're such a good boy, Keiji," Kuroo mumbled, laying down beside Akaashi and bringing him close to him, chest to chest. 
"You are so beautiful, baby," Bokuto purred behind him, sandwiching Akaashi between them. "You are so wonderful."
Akaashi felt his ears heating up at the compliments and he hid under Kuroo's jaw. "Th-Thank you… for indulging me."
Kuroo giggled, his hand gently cupping Akaashi's cheek. "Aren't we all in a relationship? Of course we would indulge you, Keiji. There was no need to hide something like this from us."
"We'll now have to do this many times because you were holding yourself back for so long!" Bokuto promised and giggled against Akaashi's ear when Akaashi let out a soft whimper 
"You would love that, wouldn’t you, Keiji?" Akaashi nodded, there was no need to hide it now. 
"Oh, I think he'd really like that," Kuroo said with glee and Akaashi squealed shyly: he was fully hard again. 
"Uh-oh, what to do?" Bokuto asked behind him, pressing kisses to the back of Akaashi's neck, making him moan softly.
"What should we do, baby?"
"Make me cum," Akaashi whispered, lifting his face from where he was hiding and looking directly at Kuroo's eyes, making him shiver. "I'll make you both cum as well," he promised, reaching down, inside of Kuroo's underwear to touch his hard cock. 
Kuroo grunted as he reached down to also touch Akaashi's. 
"Nngh, yes! B-Bokuto-san," he moaned, moving his hips back a little so his ass could rub against Bokuto's arousal. "F-Fuck me, please."
"Shit, Keiji," Bokuto mumbled and he quickly started to prepare Akaashi. 
"Ah! Y-Yes! Don't stop, please!" Akaashi begged, feeling another finger entering him and teasing that sweet spot within him as Kuroo's thumb rubbed his tip. 
"Don't t-tease! A-Ah, Bokuto-san! Please! Put it in a-already!"
Akaashi cupped Kuroo's tip and rubbed gently at it, making him moan deeply as one of Akaashi's fingers played with his nipple. 
"Kuroo-s-san, aah! K-Kuroo-sangh! Touch me m-more, please! M-More!"
Akaashi moaned deeply against Kuroo’s chest when Bokuto finally entered him, filling him completely. 
“K-Keiji, you feel amazing,” Bokuto said through clenched teeth, thrusting inside Akaashi, making him let out the filthiest of sounds.
Kuroo grunted deep in his throat and Akaashi looked up at him through teary eyes and bright red cheeks, “Kuroo-saaan,” he gasped, rolling his hand against the tip of Kuroo’s cock, just the way he liked it. “C-Come for me, ple-ah!”
Kuroo widened his eyes as he shuddered heavily. “F-Fuck, I’m-” Kuroo came first, hard and spurting his seed all over Akaashi’s stomach.
He gently tensed his hand around Akaashi’s dick and with a cry, he came next, trembling and holding onto Kuroo as Bokuto kept thrusting inside him, hitting that tender spot over and over, until Akaashi was drooling again, his eyes rolling back.
With a soft growl, Bokuto finally came inside Akaashi, his nose nuzzling on the back of Akaashi’s neck, breathing him in as Akaashi stopped trembling and his eyes could focus on Kuroo once again.
He was smiling at him. His cheeks a little flushy. 
“How was that, Keiji?” He asked, catching a stray tear falling from Akaashi’s eye. “Did Bo fuck you good?”
Akaashi nodded, his smile dreamy. “You both always fuck me so good,” he whispered, feeling his eyeslids heavy, his eyes rolling back for a different reason. 
“Don’t fall asleep, Keiji. We need to take a bath,” Kuroo whispered and Akaashi heard a soft chuckle from behind him.
“Maybe we should do that to wake you up?” Bokuto asked and Akaashi giggled, shaking his head. After all, he did make those sounds even with a sober mind. 
“Carry me there, then. I don’t think I’ll be able to walk in a while.”
The three of them laughed and didn’t immediately move to the bathroom, instead, they started a fest of gentle kisses and sweet words for each other: endless I love you’s and thank you’s whispered into each other’s ears as playful fingers made the other let out sweet giggles and perhaps some other little sounds.
Akaashi was still not completely sure how everything happened, but he couldn’t be more happy to share this little secret with the two people he loved the most. 
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cellard0ors · 3 years
Fic: Movement (2/?)
Still dedicated to the wonderful @peachworthy. you read part one than you know - GMM Rhink AU - College Student Link/Pornstar Rhett AU
“Got it right again, man! You’re going to ace this test!” Rhett crows as he tosses down another notecard and Link pumps his arms in triumph. The two of them are settled in the kitchen, piles of books and notecards spread around as well as few bottles of beers and some bowls of chips.
Link picks up one chip and pops it into his mouth, grinning at his roommate fondly, “Well, couldn’t’ve done it without you, pal. You are, without a doubt, the best study buddy I’ve ever had.”
“Aw shucks, gonna make me blush,” Rhett laughs even though it’s Link who feels his cheeks actually grow warm, his friend’s laughter a common cause of the occurrence.
They’ve been living together for over a month now and it’s been beyond amazing. Link would’ve never guessed a guy like Rhett and a guy like him would work so well together.
It’s like they’re the world’s weirdest, most convoluted puzzle yet all the pieces click together to form a full picture that is nothing short of a masterpiece. True, there’s a lot about Rhett Link doesn’t know yet (and gosh is there a lot he wants to know) but their friendship is running smoothly.
Well, smoothly save for the massive crush Link has on the guy, albeit he’s doing his damned best to squash it. Yes, Rhett’s attractive and yes, he’s the first guy Link’s ever met that he’s felt a real zing for, but the fact of the matter is – Link would much rather have him as a friend and roommate than lose him as a…well, Link’s not sure if he’d lose him, but the mere possibility keeps Link’s lips sealed.
Besides, it’s okay to crush on someone and never act on it. People do it all the time. Not to mention that it’s a bit…odd to crush on someone in Rhett’s line of work. Isn’t it?
Link can’t think of too many people who will admit to crushing on an adult film star. Regular, mainstream film stars, sure – but adult film stars?
Although, to be frank, Link’s sure there are some that do. And, hopefully, some of them are not the creepy internet troll-y kind of people, but genuine salt of the earth folks like himself. Because, okay, he is crushing on one so…
Rhett is toying with the cards, maybe looking for the next question to quiz Link on when he asks idly, “Y’know, Link – I gotta say, I admire your stamina.”
That remarks makes Link choke on the drink he’s just been consuming, a cough clearing it up some as he croaks, “I’m-I’m sorry?”
Rhett hums noncommittally, as if not noticing the gaffe, “You’ve had yet to grill me about my job. Normally, once folks hear about it, that’s all they want to talk about.”
“Oh,” Link breathes out loosely, “Well, ah-? It-? It just…seemed rude to-to ask…”
“Been over a month living with me now. You telling me you ain’t interested?”
“I didn’t say that!” Link quips back much quicker than he would like, but Rhett just gives him the most perfect smile. All sincere and warm beneath his beard and remember, Link, you’re doing you’re best not to crush on him!
Rhett is still toying with the cards, eyelashes downcast, the very visual definition of shy as he murmurs, “Just sayin’…I don’t mind if you wanna ask some stuff.”
Link’s eyebrows rise in such a way as to damn near bump his glasses off, “Y-You sure?”
Rhett draws in a deep inhale and then sits the cards down. He crosses his arms and leans back in his seat, looking quite serious even despite the casual red flannel and jeans, as if this was more of an interview (or perhaps an interrogation?) than anything else, “Shoot.”
The a million and one questions that Link has kept at bay about Rhett’s job and more personal life threaten to cave his skull in as they crash about in his mind. However, he has to go with the obvious, “Know this’ll be predictable, but…why?”
Rhett just bobs his head in an understanding nod even as Link pushes on, “Why and how?”
Rhett sucks on his teeth before picking up his own beer and taking a fortifying sip before continuing, “The two are kinda interconnected to be honest. Had a fallin’ out with my family. Think I mentioned it in passin’ to you once. But, to clarify; they weren’t too happy with my chosen living destination nor with the fact that I’d come to terms with the notion that I’m attracted to both the ladies and the gents.”
Link’s mind immediately (and joyously) clings to ‘the gents’ remark, bookmarking it for future reference, even as Rhett continues his tale, “You grew up where we did. So you get it.”
Link does. And then, to nail the point home, Rhett adds, “Probably get it a lot more than others. If my…instincts are to be believed.”
Link’s whole body immediately bursts into flame, the tips of his ears so hot he’s sure they’re glowing bright red.
Rhett knows I’m gay. He knows. I thought having a radar for that kind of thing was bullhonkey, but he knows and oh, lord, oh lord – do I give off some sorta vibe? I know that girl in my screenwriting class, Stevie, she teased me about being an A-Level twink or something, but I didn’t think-!
Rhett’s laughter carves right through Link’s insecurities, “Take a breath, brother! Look like you’re about to pop!”
Link does and Rhett just shakes his head, still grinning, “Point being – I was pretty much a babe in the woods when I came to LA. Not two nickels to my name, so I took whatever gigs I could get. Managed to snag a few commercials and things of that nature, but you know the drill. Jobs are hard to come by. And a guy of my height?”
He blows out a big breath and tosses all of those luxurious curls about with a rueful head shake, “Yeah, most people fingered me for a baller, so – again – jobs were hard to come by. But then, wouldn’t you know it? A friend of a friend of a contact told me about this part they thought I’d be perfect for.”
Another deep barrel chested chuckle emerges as he reminiscences, “Mighta been nice of ‘em to let me know it was actually a part of me they thought would be perfect.”
Do not zero in on his crotch! Do NOT zero in on his crotch! Charles Lincoln Neal the Third DO NOT-!
Link keeps his eyes so steadfastly forward he probably looks like some bug eyed zombie. If Rhett notices, he doesn't comment, “Anyway, when I found out what the role was, I had planned to politely decline but, y’know, the money they offered…”
There’s an easy shrug and this Link can look at. He looks at Rhett, who looks a bit sheepish as he scratches at one side of his beard, “I mean, again, you grew up where I did. So, you know how the whole ‘wait until marriage’ thing was drilled into your head, but I figured it wasn’t like anybody would know. My family’d cut me off, my friends were few and far in between, and the people on set…”
Now he looks a bit happier and Link can’t help but smile along with him, “The people on set were all right. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the kind of stories people tend to spin – the exploitation, the drug abuse, other questionable stuff…place I was at wasn’t like that. I mean, maybe I just lucked out or something, but it was…”
Another shrug and he goes for his beer again. Link figures this is as good a time as any to get in another question, “So, you did that and then you…? Just kept going?”
Rhett nods as he drinks, the bottle leaving his mouth with an obscene pop that Link is going to do his best to forget all about right now and certainly not recall at any point in the future (and most certainly NOT when he’s jacking off later), “Yeah, I did the one and the director really liked me. He pull me aside and told me about this company he was trying to set up with a couple of buddies of his. They wanted to go in a classier direction – know how funny that sounds, but he was serious.”
“So, what? No, like, blockbuster porno knock offs? Like ‘Sex in The City and ON the City’ or ‘Arma-get-it-on’?”
“Think you stole that last one from an episode of CSI.”
“I did, doesn’t change the question.”
They’re both smiling like a couple of fools, but the mood is good and the atmosphere light as Rhett sighs, “Yeah, nothing like that. I’ve actually worked with a few female directors, shot some things with great budgets, nice lighting, good costumes…”
“Oooo, costumes,” Link teases in the silliest voice and Rhett swats out at him. Link avoids the hit even as Rhett rolls his eyes, “I’m serious, dude. Some of the things that department pumps out looks better than anything you’d see in Hollywood.”
“Hmm, some kinda wood,” Link snickers and this time Rhett’s swat makes impact, brushing Link’s shoulder and Link would be embarrassed by the giggle he lets out, if it weren’t for the way Rhett’s nose is all scrunched up, making him look beyond adorable, “You’re sucha brat!”
Link sticks out his tongue and Rhett just laughs. They turn their attention to the drinks and chips for awhile before Link circles around to another question, “You like it then?”
“It’s a living,” Rhett confirms, not really answering one way or another, “Like I said – make great money, work with some really nice people.”
“Uh,” Link scratches behind one ear, “Hate to ask, but, um…clean people?”
Rhett doesn’t seem offended, “You bet. Have to be. Another reason I’ve done this as long as I have. Money's great, but the safety is even better. I’m currently under contract with that same company I told you about – the one that director brought me under. On top of wanting to,” he air quotes his next words, “be classier’-”
He drops the quotes, “They wanted to provide an excellent work environment. Heck, me and the other actors and actresses probably have a cleaner bill of health than the entire state. Can’t shoot scene one until you’ve got the A-Okay.”
“Huh,” Link absorbs that with some surprise, but then, he supposes it really shouldn’t be. The adult film industry is a big lumbering beast right alongside it’s more recognized counterpart. No reason one shouldn’t be as cautious as the other. If anything, one has more right to be cautious.
Thinking on this, Link suddenly feels an odd pang. It’s a shame in one way that’s one viewed as more reckless than the other, more questionable. But, when viewed through a mostly puritan lens…
Not wanting to get too philosophical, Link switches gears, “You been in a lot of films?”
“My fair share.”
Another dodge, but Link will let him have it. However, he can practically feel devil horns rise as he asks with a naughty gleam to his eye, “Win any awards?”
Rhett’s practically preening, “Several.”
“Really?” Link asks with some surprise, but Rhett suddenly looks quite naughty himself. Naughty and…a bit too hot for Link’s liking as the heat that always seems to surround him when he’s near Rhett rises and woo boy, he’s really failing at this squashing-the-crush thing.
“If you’re a good boy, maybe I’ll show you one of my trophies some time…”
Everything in Link melts into a puddle and he’s not sure what expression he’s wearing, but it’s one that makes Rhett’s whole face light up, “…or maybe, just maybe, I’ll show you a little somethin’ else…”
If it’s possible for a melted puddle to also explode, then Link’s just done it. Rhett bursts into guffaws as he reaches forward and, very smoothly, pushes Link’s jaw up because Link’s jaw? It dropped. He didn’t even feel it drop.
And then, to just add more fuel to the fire, Rhett rubs the pad of his thumb along the bottom of Link’s chin, right below his lip, “Damn, son…you’re just too much for words.”
That’s it.
That’s all that Link can offer.
Just one sound, one vowel.
Silent and stunned and Rhett draws back, looking like the cat that ate the canary as he lets him go and rises up from his seat, “Think you need a moment. I’ll be back in a bit.”
And – just like that – Rhett saunters out of the room.
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mystery-salad · 3 years
OC Interview: Matthias
Tagged by @just-eyris-things 💖 and I'm late to the party but here we are!
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1. Can you introduce yourself?
He offers a charming smile, "Matthias , Commander of the Pact."
2. What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
"I'm a bisexual man, and very much a free bachelor still." He gives a wink
3. Where and when were you born?
"Right here in Divinity's Reach twenty five years ago. Wonderful city to grow up in, made a lot of connections that got me to where I am today."
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
"While the standard sword and shield are the usual for soldiers like me, I prefer dual swords. I'm not one to take a defensive stance when I can charge right in against danger. It's good to take charge on and off the field of battle."
5. Lastly, are you happy?
He lets out a soft, charming chuckle before answering. "If I wasn't happy I surely would've moved on to other job propositions by now, my parents surely would prefer I took a safer role after my time in the Seraph. But there's something fulfilling about being able to travel and help people in a way I couldn't if I'd remained here."
1. What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
"Oh they're wonderful, despite their status they love to keep a low profile though, so I'll avoid dragging this question out too long. We get along well and I try to write or visit when the opportunity arises."
2. Have you ever ran away from home?
"Never even had the thought to, there wasn't much to regret or bemoan of my childhood." He smiles fondly as he recalls, "There were night sneaking out with friends of course, boys will be boys, but I'd always come back by morning. Hopefully to parents none the wiser I'd even left, though I was not as stealthy as I'd thought."
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?
"While I'm in such a dangerous line of work I wouldn't dream of raising a family. I'd hate to be one of those absent fathers off to war. But perhaps, when retirement inevitably comes knocking and it's time to pass the torch on, I may settle down and find The One."
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
"Of course not! I've had nothing but the most trustworthy and kind friends here. And while I know rumors spread that I and my co-Commander, Aildyn (@ascalonianpicnic), had a rocky start to our partnership, I can assure that the two of us work wonderfully together. Just a small cultural conventions bump was all."
5. Which friend knows everything about you?
"Oh, telling any friend everything leaves little to still keep each other on your toes does it? We all have our stories and dalliances we save for more private moments." His smile softens a little, as if fondly thinking of someone. "Nevertheless there is someone who knows the most about me, I'll keep her name secret to avoid any unwanted attention it may garner for her."
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?
He feigns insult before offering a smile softening any potential misunderstanding on the action, "Me, illiterate? Id never hear the end of it from my family if I was, with how expensive the schooling I received was. And I highly doubt Logan would have put forth someone lacking in the ability to hold up the more tedious side of running an organization."
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
"I'm not one for predictions really, I prefer to live in the moment and enjoy what surprises may come."
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
"Hmm, I like to pride myself on being observant, so this isn't a particularly easy one to recall. But as a child, it took me quite a few years to realize that not all 'bite sized food was actually bite sized. Had some hilarious moments at dinner parties my parents hosted, not that they'd agree with the results."
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?
"I'm quite proud to say I'm in tip top shape, physically and mentally. The safety of the world is in very stable hands." He holds his hands out slightly for flourishing emphasis before settling back for the next question.
5. What is your current main goal?
"While we are between dragon threats at the moment, a wonderfully relaxing place to be, we do in fact have some behind the scenes research going on in a few various matters. I'm not at public liberty to talk about then yet, but rest assured when the Pact makes another move you'll be the first to know the scoop."
1. Drink or food?
"Drink of course, a nice drink with friends can happen anywhere at any time. And I'm quite the amicable socialite if I say so myself."
2. Cats or dogs?
"I enjoy both, though I prefer the independence of cats. They know what they want at all times, and I'm afraid I'm far too busy for the training a dog would require of me."
3. Early bird or night owl?
"I'm an early riser by nature, nothing like getting a solid mourning routine and breakfast in before starting the day!"
4. Optimist or pessimist?
"I fancy myself an optimist, this job would get oppressively depressing otherwise wouldn't it? You've got to be able to focus on the bright side as you look forward."
5. Sassy or sarcastic?
"I enjoy some sarcasm here and there, sass has little use in mature conversation aside from hindering the mood. Sarcasm meanwhile, can still let things roll forward with intent thrown in."
1. Been caught sneaking out?
He laughs, "While I'd underestimate the count of how many times my parents caught me either sneaking out or back in after a fun night with friends, I'm sure they'd overestimate it. But yes, they've caught me at least once."
2. Broke a bone?
"I've broken an arm or leg here and there, sometimes you just slip up or fall the wrong way of course. Especially when your enemies would like to cause far worse harm. But thankfully we have access to wonderful healers, and I've never been down for long."
3. Received flowers?
The admirers of the Pact and the hard work we do are very kind, they certainly make their adoration and appreciation known. I've received more flowers than I'd have room for even if I filled my office with vases."
4. Ghosted someone?
"Of course not, I'd hate to leave someone hanging and wondering what happened. Anything I enter into, I intend to see through to however it ends."
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
"We all have moments of polite convention, and not every joke appeals to every sense of humor. I try to be discerning when necessary, but I've laughed at a fare number of jokes I simply didnt get."
He stands up, giving a polite bow to the interviewer. "Thank you for extending this invitation to me, it's always wonderful knowing how admirers feel and being able to share with the general public that we heroes are just like everyone else."
It's important to know that 99% of this interview is a bold faced lie
I think pretty much everyone's been tagged by now! At least those who want to do it! So I simply extend the invitation to say I tagged you, and mention me if you do this too! I'd love to see others who haven't gotten to this yet either 💜
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In my opinion, the most impactful scene I’ve ever written. (An excerpt from PoM: Solace Arc)
He was waking up…somehow, he was waking up. His eyes slowly came into focus to see someone familiar yet no. Solace, the voice in his head said fondly.
His body moved under the spear’s control—he knew now, that the spear was in control of his body…This time, the control was total. His own muscles didn’t fight against unwanted stimuli. It was in control. The Soul Spear.
It didn’t realize he was there anymore.
Something came into view in the distance. A line. Strange…
As it came nearer…it was people. Four, to be exact, and perhaps someone further off, hidden by the others. They had come for him…?
His parents, Riku, and even Haru? They had come to find him? No…it was too late. They needed to run. He had no control. He couldn’t even move his eyes.
No! Akio tried to scream as he grew aware of what would happen. No voice came from within. You can’t make me do this!
Not a single person heard, as the Soul Spear intended…not even the Spear itself.
He tried to fight against his body, but it was no use.
Had Solace destroyed him?
Was he really gone? Was this…
Was this the end?
“I’m sure you all recall why I chose Akio for the Soul Spear to use.”
“Solace!” Haru growled.
“The answer is simple. The spear only works under the power of light. He has this strength above all--the determination to move forward though all was lost, through his fractured heart. He never once lost hope. He chose to be strong. Now that choice is gone.”
Akio tried to shout once more. Nothing worked.
“Your Akio is gone. Not a fragment remains. Even the darkness I shoved out of him is gone. That is your proof.”
“You’re wrong! Akio’s okay!” Kairi’s voice was desperate, as if spoken for herself.
“Of course, you’d say that, princess. If he’s gone, you’ve failed. You all have failed.” Solace laughed. “You were supposed to protect him. And you failed. So you want to believe the he’s fine. What a pretty lie.”
Solace continued, “Your Akio…your dear friend, child, love…he’s gone. He has no choice left, and when that faded, so did he.”
“What did you do to him?” Sora’s voice wavered.
“Hmm…I did nothing but place the spear into his hands. The spear is what caused all else.” Solace paused only a moment. “The spear would surely enjoy causing what would make him more suffer.”
The spear indeed laughed in his mind, and Akio’s body moved forward. He could not fight it. Finally he had gained control of his eyes, but it was pointless. No one could see his terror—perhaps that was the only blessing there was. They would not know he suffered.
“Will it start with who he holds most dear? Who would that be, then?” Solace shrugged.
No! Akio tried to scream again and again, but he could not fight. He was lunging toward Haru. The spear…the Soul Spear. He couldn’t let it hit any of them. It devoured not just hearts, but souls. It existed only to destroy. Now his body was the tool it used.
But…Akio wasn’t one to give up. He would stop this. He was awake! Surely he could! The spear still hadn’t noticed.
Sora leaped in front of Haru, blocking the attack with his Keyblade. “Akio! Snap out of it!”
Akio tried, but he couldn’t attempt words. That would draw attention.
But he saw from Sora’s eyes when they met his own…his eyes betrayed his pain and terror.
He would not hurt them!
Sora’s guard faltered. He had to—he had to stop this. Somehow. He couldn’t do it alone—
“Stop!” Akio heard the last voice he expected scream as a plain, wooden staff shoved between Keyblade and spear.
Tori glared into his eyes, her green gaze full of fire, pain, and love. But not a moment of fear. “Akio…if you’re in there, you have to snap out of it!” The spear tried to move, but Tori’s staff was pressed too strongly to allow for it. “The Akio I know would never hurt anyone he cared about! And unlike them, I will not hesitate to fight someone with his face! Akio would be willing to die to save those he loves. I will not hold back!”
“Tori, what the hell are you doing?!?” Sora tried to grab her shoulder, but she dodged his hand. “You’re not a fighter! You don’t have a weapon!”
The spear was furious, and Akio was losing his tiny manner of control.
Tori blocked another attack from hitting the distracted Sora. She shoved the spear back, swinging her staff to push it away from her body. The spear slipped from Akio’s grasp.
Tori moved the staff to his throat. “What’s it gonna be, punk?” She glared daggers. “I bet you weren’t expecting that!”
“What the hell? Who is this girl?” Solace growled.
“The name’s Tori!” Her eyes did not move from Akio’s. He’d never noticed before…just how beautiful they were. “I’m the ace in the hole that no one expected!”
“It’s pointless anyway.” Solace glanced toward the spear.
The spear…it was gone! Akio didn’t take the time to process the moment he regained control of his body. He only acted.
He turned on his heels and rushed for the spear, stumbling along the way, having to catch himself, Tori hot on his heels. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Riku grab her around the waist and pull her back.
“Let me go!” she shrieked, punching Riku. “You aren’t going to fight him! I will!”
Akio reached the spear and picked it up just as Tori broke free. Solace grinned triumphantly…The spear, laughed.
But Akio took it in both hands and snapped it over his knee.
“What…? What did he just do…?”
The Soul Spear let out a shriek of agony as it left his mind.
Akio heard himself laughing, pained laugher instead of tears, as he collapsed to his knees on top the fading spear. He fell silent as he stood, summoning his Keyblade and facing Solace. He did not hesitate for a second as he dashed at him and swung the sword.
“What…? How?” Solace barely dodged attacks. “Your heart—it was gone! Your body was yours no longer! You must be in unbearable pain!”
Akio shook his head, teeth clenched. There were no words without screaming out in agony. He did not bother speaking. This was his final choice. Solace had not taken that away. He could always make a choice.
And he chose to end this here and now.
He flung himself at Solace, not bothering to block any attack. There was no point. He was dying anyway. All that mattered was stopping Solace.
A Keyblade through Solace’s heart was all it took. “Impossible!” Solace screeched. The others were still far away. Akio pinned Solace to the ground to stop his escape. The was no way he’d let him go anywhere near his family.
Akio removed his Keyblade and shoved it back down. “How are you—Akio…”
Solace disappeared in a burst of light, but Akio kept stabbing the ground, mechanically, until the burst sent him flying into the distance. His body was limp, like a ragdoll. He saw blood running in front of his face, but all was numb. Only numb. No pain remained. His heart was shattered, and even when he landed on the ground with an audible thud, he did not move. Not even when his family reached him.
The stopped in front of him. “Is he…” Tori asked softly. “Is he really gone? Was Yami right?”
Haru clenched his teeth. “Why does this keep happening? What did he do to anyone?”
“I’m fine…” Akio mouthed, but no voice emerged. Sure, he was numb. He had thought he was gone. But somehow, he was alive…right? His heart…somehow, though it was shattered, his will remained.
Tori put a hand gently against his head. “Akio…” she whispered. Her voice wavered. She pulled back her hand with a gasp, looking at the blood on her palm.
“What the hell, Tori? What were you thinking?” he managed.
“Huh?” Tori breathed.
“Akio?” Haru asked cautiously.
Akio’s thoughts faded to darkness…As was meant to be.
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Of All the Places
Chapter 10
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: Washing up in a small town in Oklahoma was definitely not part of Loki’s plan when he came to conquer Midgard. There is one good thing about it, though: No one recognizes him as the one who just wreaked havoc in New York. So, Loki plans to recover from the battle and move on with his life. The only problem? He’s not sure he can leave you. Chapter Summary: The time has come for Loki to tell you how he feels, and he insist on doing it right. Now he just has to hope that you feel the same way he does. Chapter Warnings: zip, zilch, zero A/N: This was a really fun chapter to write, and I’m so excited to share it. Want to tell me what you thought of it or what you think will happen next? I’d love to hear it! Updates every Friday. Happy reading, all :) 
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @marvelousdaydreams​ @parkastoria​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​
✥ Start at Beginning ✥ | ← Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
His promise to John was one Loki intended to keep. He’d gotten hardly any sleep these past few nights, trying to think of the perfect way to tell you how he truly feels. And, he had to confess, he already missed your warm mortal body snuggling up against him while slept, and waking up to your arms wrapped around him, safe and content. Well, that was all terribly off topic, and Loki refocused on the task at hand, which, in addition to figuring out his dilemma, was not burning breakfast.
The atmosphere in the kitchen was very awkward right now. Papa had stepped out for a minute, so it was just Loki and Mama. They hadn’t spoken since the confrontation in the barn, and he wasn’t sure if it was because she still hated him or felt bad about what she said. He sighed, knowing if he were to ever be with you, it would certainly hurt your relationship with your mother more. It pained his heart to think that you’d never get to meet his mother. That he’d never get to see her again, either. The thought gave him all the confidence he needed to do what he knew he must.
“I am sorry,” he said.
“What?” she said, utterly surprised. Then more hostilely, she added, “What did you do.”
“I have, perhaps, not been as polite to you as I should have, and for that I am sorry. But I need you to know that I mean it when I say I would never do anything to hurt this family. I could not live with myself if I did.”
“You know what James always said?” Mama asked after a moment of silence, her voice breaking and tears welling in her eyes. “He said everyone deserved a second chance. That we’re all just trying to do the best we can, and we shouldn’t judge anyone too harshly. I’m thankful every day that he wasn’t as cynical as I am. So I’m sorry too, for not giving you a chance.”
Loki fetched her a tissue to dry her her eyes. He never had been very good at dealing with emotions and was unsure of what the correct procedure here was. In the end, he just bowed his head and gave her a moment to compose herself.
“I know what you’ve been planning, and though you didn’t quite ask for it,” she began once her tears were dry, “you have my blessing. I really do want my babies to be happy, it’s just so hard to let go.”
“I understand,” he said. “And thank you. My sole mission in life shall be to make them happy.”
Mama gave a sad little smile, almost like she did not believe him. Or perhaps she was just upset for herself at having to move on. Either way, he was grateful they’d come to an understanding. Hopefully a lasting one this time.
“Loki, one more thing,” she said.
“Your waffles are burning.”
He quickly saved the batch before they were ruined completely. Thankfully, Papa came back to help him soon. Though they were a great deal harder than pancakes, they still came out pretty well, making Loki’s chest swell with pride that he was assimilating so well. He smiled to himself, thinking how this could be the rest of his life with you. Maybe the two of you could even get your own plot of land one day, right near this one. This whole mentality of thinking optimistically was much easier than constantly preparing for the worst, Loki decided.
“Morning, Loki. Did you make those?” you asked, spying the plate of waffles. “They smell great.”
“Thank you,” he blushed. “Would you like to taste one?”
You nodded, and he impaled a small piece on a fork. He held it to your lips, and you ate it, the interaction making his heart stutter.
“It’s delicious! You’re quite the chef, if you ask me,” you complimented him, grabbing the whipped cream and syrup to put on the table.
“Again, thank you, my darling. I’m sure it’s nothing special, though.”
“Sounds to me like you should try it, too,” you said, mimicking his actions from before and feeding him. Needless to say, his cheeks went bright red. “See? Delicious.”
“Morning guys,” John said, walking in. “Congratulations, Loki. I’m glad you finally did it.”
Loki started motioning for him to shut up, immediately understanding that John thought your behavior was due to him telling you how he felt. Alas, that was just how the two of you behaved with each other. Though, perhaps it was good, and he should see it as a sign that you reciprocated his feelings.
“Finally did what?” you asked, completely perplexed.
“Oh, uh, just making waffles. Big step up the breakfast ladder,” John said, giving Loki a subtle thumbs up.
“Indeed! That’s it,” Loki heaped onto the cover up. “In fact, we should eat them before they get cold.”
He shepherded both of you to the table where the rest of the family joined you. He could tell you were all being genuine when you said how much you enjoyed the food. Lies were his specialty, after all, and he couldn’t spot a single one. Except his entire reason for being there, obviously. There was always that untruth hanging in the air, ruining what would otherwise be bringing him bliss.
“Sorry about this morning,” John said as they headed out into the fields later that day. “Hope I didn’t spoil anything.”
“No need to worry. It was a close one, but we covered it up just fine,” Loki replied. “In truth, I have not even found the right words to tell them. And believe me, I’ve been wracking my brain.”
“Well, maybe that’s the issue.”
“What is?”
“That you’re thinking so hard. Just speak from the heart.”
“Perhaps, but the scene must be set just right. I insist upon having that planned out, at least.”
“Fair enough. Don’t worry, we’ll think of something.”
They set about the usual chores, and Loki thought about the situation the whole time. It wasn’t until they were heading back in for the evening that inspiration struck. You were waiting for them on the porch, waving as they came in. Besides the fact that it was rather picturesque, it made him realize you'd had some important moments there. Like that day when you went to the creek, the first time he’d really felt close to you, it had started with you talking on the porch. When you’d almost kissed the day of the party, that was on the porch, too. Perhaps it was just the place to start the next phase of your relationship.
“John,” he whispered as you walked inside. “I believe I have the perfect idea.”
“What do you think, little one? Is it perfect?”
“Hmm,” Matt said in reply, then adjusted a napkin ever so slightly. “There. Now it is!”
“Thank you. Everything must be just right for tonight.”
“And it will be,” Ana said, laying a comforting hand on Loki’s shoulder.
“She’s right,” John added, coming out of the house and placing a kiss on his wife’s cheek. “You planned it out all week.”
“I know, but these nerves will not settle.”
“Well, maybe it’s time to just go for it.”
“He’s right,” Ana encouraged. “Once you do it, there’ll be nothing left to worry about.”
“I suppose you are right. No time like the present.”
He shook himself out, feeling more nervous than he had in his whole life. Even with the encouragement of his friends, he wasn’t sure he could do this. Though, the fact that he even had friends did give him a boost of confidence. On the flip side of that, he was saddened by the fact he could not share this with his family. Because even after all this time, he still thought of them as that. Well, Thor and Frigga anyway; Odin, not so much.
“You can do this, Loki!” Matt cheered, hugging Loki’s legs.
He fondly smiled down at the boy and pat his head. “Thank you, little one.”
“And don’t forget, no one can resist a god,” John said with a wink after Ana and Matt were gone, then headed in himself.
Loki waited a minute before going in, too. As he traveled the halls to your room to invite you down, he recalled all the time he’d spent in the house. Before he came here and met all of you, he was convinced he was doomed. But now, he thought happiness was possible again. He’d been so broken, but you’d healed him with your gentle touches and kind words.
This world around him, he owed all to you. You’d showed him a way to live he’d never even considered before, extended the offer of a place in your home to him. He deeply wished he could do the same for you, raise you to the level of the gods in Asgard. He wanted to show you the gleaming, golden city, give you a tour of the place where he grew up. It was pointless, though, for he knew it could never be.
“Darling,” he said, knocking on your door. You opened it up, and he tried to calm his wild heart. “Do you suppose you could meet me on the porch in, say, ten minutes?”
“Oh! Yeah, sure. What for?”
“You will see,” he smiled before going back down to check over everything one final time.
After giving everything a once over, Loki conjured a bouquet of your favorite flowers on a whim. It felt almost strange to use his powers after keeping them hidden so long. It came back to him rather easily, even so. He hoped that one day he would be able to show you all the tricks he could do. To amaze you with magic out of your wildest dreams. If tonight went well, he was certain he would.
“Loki. I’m here. I-” you paused, taking in the set up on the porch. “What is all this?”
He gulped, hoping he didn’t go overboard with the twinkle lights and lanterns. Your family had said that it wasn’t too much, but maybe they were wrong. For once, your face was unreadable. Although, maybe that was just because he was going through a million emotions of his own.
“It’s for you. I was hoping we could dine together this evening,” he told you, presenting the flowers, which you gratefully accepted.
“Of course we can. But, if you don’t mind my asking, why just the two of us?”
“To be perfectly clear, my darling, I like you. I like you as more than just a friend, and I want to be more than that. So, I suppose this is me asking you on a date.”
“Then, this is me accepting.”
You both stood there grinning like idiots for a minute before he cleared his mind. He pulled out a chair for you and then sat in his own. Papa had been enlisted to help Loki cook one of your favorite meals. You raved about how good it was, and Loki had never felt lighter. It was like he was floating on air. The dessert, too, you thoroughly enjoyed. Everything was going swimmingly, but Loki was still not satisfied with his confession when there was so much else he wanted to say to you.
“My darling,” he began, circling around to your side of the table. You got up, too, and invited him to sit on the porch swing. “I must admit, I do not think it sufficient that I have not completely expressed how I feel. You see, when I first came here, I was so lost. But then there was you, so kind, so accepting. You became my direction, the only place I want to be, regardless of where I was before all this. You’ve said before that you do not think your life would be complete with me in it. Well I have yet to tell you that I feel exactly the same way, but I do. More than I can even express.”
You whispered his name, and he yours in reply. It was both a question and an invitation, full of desire and longing as his hand cupped your cheek. He leaned in towards you. A part of him did not want to do this until after he’d shared the whole truth, something he’d originally planned on doing tonight. But right now, the overwhelming majority of thoughts in his head were urging him to follow through with this. The second before your lips were going to meet, the front door slammed open.
“I thought you two might like to come inside,” Mama said. “It’s going to rain, and it’s getting awful late.”
Whether the part about the rain was true or not, Loki did not know, but either way he did not appreciate the interruption. After all, sitting on the porch you did have protection from the elements. He thought she was okay with him dating you, but apparently not. It didn’t particularly matter though, since he wasn’t going to call her out on it.
“Thank you,” he said instead. “I guess we should be heading in then.”
You nodded and began the trek up to your rooms. How he wished you could have finished that moment on the porch, but it was too late now. You bid each other goodnight, and he cast a longing glance over his shoulder at you. Before his hand could touch the knob of his door, you spun him back around and placed a kiss to his lips. It was hasty and sloppy, but it was still perfect.
“Goodnight, Loki,” you whispered breathlessly and leaving him in a daze.
He flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling, quietly laughing to himself once he fully processed what had happened. Tonight had gone better than he ever could have imagined. Except for one thing. He realized he never told you the truth about who he was. His heart sank, thinking how he might ruin what he’d just gained if he did come clean now. But he knew he must. And soon. Because if there was one thing he’d truly meant, it was that he never wanted to hurt you. He could only hope that telling you wouldn’t do just that.
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
The Art of Observation
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2.5K (sorry again!) Warning: None Author’s Note: The coffee house scene from book 1, chapter 7 from Ethan’s POV.
Catch up here.
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_______ A rational man would keep his distance.
But Ethan discovers, with some dismay, that he is nothing close to a rational man because he finds himself in her presence again. This time in line at his favorite coffee house and at his own invitation.
“What's your poison?” he asks, unsure of what else to say as they wait.
Lilac looks up at him, quirking her lips in thought, the gesture entirely too lovely.
“Surprise me,” she tells him at last, breaking him from his wandering thoughts. “I trust you.”
His chest swells at the words and he clings to them for a second longer. The smiling barista waits patiently and Ethan schools his features with practiced expertise.
“I’ll have the Vienna and she’ll have…” He glances down at her smiling yet intrigued face as he considers what to order for her. In the span of a second, he recalls the cloud of misery swirling over him that morning as he marched towards Naveen’s room, feeling as helpless as ever. Until she found him, kind eyes piercing him completely as she said, “I wanted to ask how you’re doing.”
“...the espresso Romano.”
Lilac’s brows furrow with curiosity but she doesn’t ask. Instead, she hurries to dig her credit card out of her purse. “I’ll pay.”
With a shake of his head, he places a hand over hers, gently pushing it back.
“Don’t even think about it,” he says, shaking  his head again when she opens her mouth to argue. The barista smiles fondly at them, her bespectacled eyes falling on their joined hands. Abruptly, Ethan jerks it away, feeling his neck flare with heat.
“I know how much interns get paid,” he adds quickly, inwardly grimacing as soon as the words leave him. His addled, panicked mind blurted them out in a misplaced effort to appear nonchalant. God, why was he such an imbecile around her?
After he pays, he leads her to his usual table by the window. Lilac settles in her seat with an easy comfort that he almost envies.
“Do you come here a lot?” she asks, glancing around appreciatively.
“Fairly often. Sometimes I need a moment where nobody needs anything from me. No one here recognizes me, no one cares who I am.” He vaguely gestures toward the many patrons around them. Many of them rush out in a hurry, caffeinated drink clutched in hand. Others occupy the bar stools or tables, too engrossed in newspapers or screens to pay them any mind. The only eyes on Ethan are a pair of striking green ones, watching him with silent admiration.
He ignores the pleasant swoop of his stomach. “Thirty minutes with a good roast and a new book works wonders. I didn’t bring a book, however, so I suppose you’ll have to entertain me.”
He meets her eyes in the charged silence. Lilac's lips begin to lift in a smile, a sure sign she is accepting the challenge. Just then, however, the friendly barista arrives with their drinks. Lilac observes the curly lemon twist adorning hers with amusement.
“Lemon, huh?”
“Espresso Romano is a double espresso with sugar and Meyer lemon, both squeezed into the brew and rubbed on the rim. It brightens the espresso and cuts the edge off the bitterness.” Once again, his mind travels to the icy dread in his stomach earlier as he walked down the construction zone towards Naveen, almost too afraid to face him. Before he can dwell on it, Lilac's gentle smile captures his attention, as incandescent as the beams of the sun burning through fog. “Try it.”
Keeping true to her declaration of trusting him, she takes a sip. Her eyes light up as the flavor hits her tongue. “Hey, not bad! Certainly an interesting mix of flavors.”
The reaction is entirely too pleasing to Ethan, so much so that he rants, “Just don’t ask for it in Rome. It’s a misnomer, and they won’t know what you’re talking about.” Ethan stops with a private cringe at the senseless rambling. Bravely, he adds, “But I thought you might like it.”
Her eyes light up with interest.
“What made you think that?”
The question is entirely too coquettish to be innocent.
“Simple observation.”
“So what, you’re studying me?”
A swift flush travels from his neck to his ears.
“I study everyone, Rookie. I observe everyone. As should you,” he deflects. “In fact, that’s one of the reasons I most enjoy coming here. The clientele can be… intriguing at times.”
To his surprise, she wrinkles her nose in distaste.
“No way, I like to tune out the whole world,” she explains. “If I have a good book, I’d rather be curled up on the couch with a blanket. I don’t want any distractions at all.”
Ethan smiles at the impassioned declaration, realizing it coincides with everything he has learned about her.
“I suppose that’s fair. I mostly read historical nonfiction in what little spare time I have.” Lilac matches his smile with one of her own, perhaps knowing that much about him, too. “Being out in the world adds to the experience for me. Everything around us is part of the same fabric.”
What was he talking about? Ethan couldn't sound more like an arrogant ass if he tried.
He rushes on, “But the art of observation...it’s critical to our work as diagnosticians. You’ve already begun to understand that.” Ethan glances around the tiny but crowded shop until his eyes fall on a man around his same age. “For example… that man there, the one reading a book. He’s deeply troubled. Something’s gnawing at him.”
Lilac follows his line of sight. “How can you tell?”
“He hasn’t turned a page the entire time we’ve been here.”
Lilac stares at the man a bit longer to verify his claim. When the man continues to glance at the same page, she allows an impressed nod.
Ethan doesn’t have time to feel smug because as her eyes fall back on his, she fixes him with a very sharp and serious expression. Green eyes study him astutely, almost as if they can see right through him and conclude that something is gnawing at him, too. Could she read the anguish at failing his friend, weighing heavy in his chest? The grave set of her mouth as she studies him tells him that she might, despite his masterful efforts at keeping his emotions hidden. The beat of his heart spikes up as he remains motionless, transfixed.
Hastily, he tears his eyes away from hers, making himself busy with drinking from his mug.
“You give it a shot,” he prompts quietly, desperate to change the subject.
Lilac blinks but recovers by straightening in her seat. She pushes a lock of hair behind her ear as glances around. Ethan's eyes linger on the small tress she missed, falling weightlessly against her cheek. He has the wild urge to sweep it away, his calloused fingers lingering against the freckles that taunt him so often.
He is pulled from that silly fantasy by her imperceptible nod towards the entrance. A blonde woman, looking to be a few years younger than Lilac, rushes into the store, hand nervously tugging at her coat. Her hair sticks wildly in all directions, the back of it reassembling a nest of some sort.
“I think she got laid last night,” Lilac says casually.
Ethan's mug freezes halfway to his mouth. He is grateful for that or half of his drink would be sprayed all over the grinning young doctor before him.
“Come again?”
“That’s totally sex hair,” she explains wisely. At his aghast expression, she laughs and adds, “Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”
Their eyes fall on the woman now waiting for her order by the pick-up counter.
“Besides, that look on her face?” Lilac continues wickedly. “Pure satisfaction.”
Ethan's eyes fly back to hers. “What makes you so sure?”
“I know it well.”
Throat dry, he struggles to keep his thoughts decent with herculean effort. He wavers for a second, wondering briefly what a satisfied Lilac might look like, breathless, cheeks flushed, and looking at him through heavy lids.
Mercifully, Lilac is no mind reader, no matter how well she proves to read him. Her attention is on the woman, now making a beeline towards the exit with her coffee. They catch an undeniable glimpse of a sequined dress under her coat. No doubt worn to a nightclub the night before and worn again this morning in her haste to leave her lover's bed.
“Okay, you win that one.”
She brings her mug to her lips but the victorious smile is still evident in her eyes. The chime of the entrance door bell rings loudly over the acoustic cover of a Michael Jackson song playing through the speakers. Bearclaw Man strolls in and lines up at the counter.
An idea strikes as Ethan suppresses a euphoric grin.
“Try to top this,” he tells her. “Based on how he carries himself, I bet that gentleman is going to order two venti macchiatos, one with almond milk, one coconut. And, hmm…” He feigns deep thought. “Let’s say a bearclaw. To-go.”
As if on cue, Bearclaw recites Ethan's words verbatim to the barista. He couldn't have done it better if Ethan had paid him.
Lilac's mouth falls open comically. “What?! There’s no way you predicted that!” She turns to Ethan, at once sensing his stifled laughter. “That’s total B.S.! You cheated somehow.”
He stops fighting back and allows a deep, genuine bout of laughter, his shoulders feeling lighter somehow. “Indeed. That man comes in with the same order nearly every day I’m here.”
“So you were just trying to impress me.”
“Hardly,” he lies shamelessly. “I’m trying to impress upon you the importance of observation and memory. My point stands. Observation is key. The subtle signals, the hidden details...all the secrets in plain view.” His attention is entirely on her, all pretense and humor gone from his face. She is watching him just as attentively. “Everyone throws a curtain over their lives, hopes it will smooth out the edges and hide the flaws...but the truth always shines through.” As he speaks, his words begin to lose steam, an earth shattering realization beginning to stir him as he looks at her. “Always.”
Neither of them breaks eye contact, maintaining the spell—the illusion of being the only two in that shop, mere feet apart.
“You just have to learn to look for the light,” he finishes quietly.
As he watches her, he can see a silent realization dawn on her face. Her eyes widen slightly with a multitude of emotion before she hurriedly casts her eyes away.
“Everyone?” she asks with pause. She seems to be mustering up the courage to meet his eyes again and when she does, she says, “You’re right. I know I always try to seem more together than I feel. If people knew what was going on inside… well, let’s just say it’s good they don’t.”
The finality in her words feels forced to Ethan, as though there is so much more she is not saying.
“Precisely. If you’re self-aware about it, at least that brings you one step closer to some sort of truth.”
It's as if the words are spoken by someone else. They echo in his mind as he finally acknowledges the inexplicable, maddening feeling that constantly pulls him towards her. At long last, he accepts it, recognizing he lost that battle a very long time ago.
Lilac takes another drink of her espresso as patrons mill about them, uncaring that the world had entirely shifted on its axis mere seconds ago.
“Alright,” she says after a moment, plastering a cheerful smile on her face. “Let’s up the ante. What do you see when you observe me?”
Ethan drinks the last dregs of his coffee as he thinks, studying her over the rim of his cup. The first memory that finds him is the night Dolores died and Lilac staying by his side like no one ever had before.
“You’re too selfless,” he says. “You care more about your patients than about yourself. One day, that’s going to get you in trouble.”
A heavy silence ensues in which he swears he can see brief shock cross her face.
“So how’d I do?”
Her answer is in the form of a courageous smile that doesn't entirely reach her eyes. “You’re way off the mark.” The taunt is almost credible but Ethan knows better. “Swing and a miss. Sorry, you’re completely wrong.”
He humors her with a chuckle. Kindly, he says, “I’m not sure I am.”
Very subtly, she straightens in her seat saying nothing.
“Now do me.”
This makes her almost choke on her espresso. After fighting back a small cough, that cheeky smirk makes a reappearance, much to Ethan's utter confusion.
Whatever that was about, Lilac doesn't explain. She instead scrutinizes Ethan thoughtfully, lush bottom lip caught in a bite. He's not certain what will kill him first, the sight of it or the anticipation of her response.
“You’re lonely,” she concludes.
“I am not lonely,” he returns at once. “I’m desperate for any moment to myself.”
“I’m not sure about that,” she deflects, waving a hand. “You could go read in your office on a break. But instead you come here to people-watch.”
He opens his mouth to argue, but the truth of her words catch up to him. Solitude had always been a rare gift for Ethan, particularly when so many people had demands on his time. He had always relished a drink in silence or the comfort of a book. He had never needed or craved companionship until… until the people he loved the most left his life forever— his mother, Dolores, and now Naveen.
Ethan meets her expectant gaze.
“Did you feel this way before Dr. Banerji retired?” she asks kindly.
Stomach clenching tightly at the question, Ethan stares at those knowing green eyes for a long moment.
“Well? Am I right or what?”
“As usual, Rookie, you’re only half-right. And in medicine, that counts for nothing.”
Lilac looks wholly unconvinced. When she opens her mouth, Ethan is certain it is to continue arguing the point. Mercifully, his pager interrupts.
“Come on, then. My pager is buzzing. We should be getting back.”
As they trek through the crowded streets of Boston, Ethan glances down at her, unable to suppress the half smile she inspires. She had definitely been wrong in her assessment of his loneliness because at that moment, as she smiles brightly back at him, he does not feel so lonely anymore. 
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! A bit shout out to @thegreentwin​, @aestheticartwriting​, @apphia12​, @chasingrobbie​, @vallerwhoas, @mvalentine​ for the title ideas! 
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litwitlady · 4 years
Date Nights (5/5)
Read on Ao3.
Alex wakes up on Christmas morning at 4 am, unable to fall back asleep due to a mixture of nerves and excitement. Sliding out of bed slowly, he tucks the duvet around Michael and pulls on sweatpants as quietly as possible before heading into the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee.
While the coffee maker works, he plugs in the Christmas tree and the garland over the mantle, admiring the twinkling lights and carefully chosen ornaments. For Christmas this year, they’d gathered with their friends and family early and exchanged ornaments. Liz’s gift had been a cowboy alien, glow in the dark and bearing no resemblance at all to Michael. Rosa’s had been a beautiful glass bulb she’d hand-painted with the cosmos. Kyle’s a simple wood-carved Merry Christmas. Rosa had gotten a hold of it and painted it with various iconography of the holidays - lights, Santa hats, and reindeer faces.
Max’s had been a collection of simple red Christmas bells, their jingle light and tinkling whenever either of them accidentally bumped into the tree. Isobel’s expensive and crystal - a star with swirls that reminded everyone of the console tech in Michael’s bunker. Maria had given them a giant, purple eggplant ornament as a joke, but they’d still hung it on the tree anyway. Smiling fondly every time their eyes landed on it. She’d followed the joke with a gorgeous, brightly-beaded patchwork that she said reminded her of how she felt when their love bled over into her sight - colorful, lacking definition, and like the calm that only comes after the storm.
Michael and Alex had chosen the rest themselves. A mixture of whimsy and classic Christmas. It was hodgepodge and lacked any real thematic structure, but it was also beautiful, filled with love, and theirs.
Back in the kitchen, Alex hops up on the corner of the counter and sips at his coffee. He had planned to let Michael sleep in for once, to cook him breakfast and spend the rest of the day either in bed or wrapped in a blanket on the couch. Keeping his gift for Michael a secret until sunset. But that’s not going to happen. He’s too keyed up. Too anxious to wait.
Pouring a second cup, he heads into the bedroom and sets the coffee on Michael’s nightstand. He finishes getting dressed so that it’s less likely Michael will be able to seduce him back into bed, and then gently shakes him awake. It’s not even 5 am yet so he’s not surprised when Michael mildly panics at being woken up while it’s still dark outside. ‘What’s wrong?’ He reaches out to palm at Alex, needing to make sure he’s okay.
‘Nothing’s wrong, but I need you to wake up.’
Michael’s eyes crack open and he blinks away the sleep before responding. ‘What? Why? We were going to sleep in.’ His voice is soft and groggy.
Alex grabs the coffee and hands it to him, hoping the warm drink will lure him into a sitting position. ‘I know, but I’m too excited to wait. I want to give you your Christmas present right now.’
It works. Michael sits up to sip his coffee and stare at Alex skeptically. ‘You’re making me nervous. You’ve got that look Isobel gets when she’s about to do something she loves but everyone else hates.’
‘Wow, Guerin. And to think I was going to scramble eggs while you showered.’
‘I’m much rather you join me. Eggs can wait.’ He slides his hand very suggestively up Alex’s thigh but gets his hand lightly slapped before he can do any real damage.
‘Nope. I’m not letting you get me naked. Not yet anyway. Now, go get ready.’
‘Okay. Now I’m definitely worried. When have you ever turned down sex? I can’t recall a single time.’ Alex swats his ass as he heads toward the bathroom.
A few minutes later, Michael pads into the kitchen where Alex hands him a bowl of scrambled eggs smothered with melted cheese and freshly chopped chives. ‘Eat fast.’ Alex’s own bowl is already half empty.
He only takes a couple of careful bites. Not because the eggs aren’t good - they’re great. It’s just that Alex is not the big gesture type, and Michael’s not great at receiving gifts of any kind, large or small.
‘Alex?’ He doesn’t know how to ask what he’s about to ask.
‘Hmm?’ He’s finished his breakfast. Sitting on the counter, phone in hand. Probably texting all their friends Merry Christmas.
Michael takes a steadying breath. ‘This isn’t...I mean, this gift isn’t...a proposal, right?’ The thing is he’s racked his brain two days trying to figure out what Alex has been so anxious about. Two days of his brain circling back to this conclusion every time. A proposal. Some giant gesture. Something so unlike Alex.
And to be honest, the idea of marrying Alex isn’t what makes him nervous. It’s the idea that Alex is only doing this because he thinks that’s what Michael wants him to do or needs him to do or some reason equally as unsatisfying. Because Alex’s meticulous, risk assessing brain cannot possibly think getting engaged so soon is a good idea.
The look on Alex’s face is hard to read. He’s tucked his phone back into his pocket and his lips have thinned like he’s trying to smile but forgot how. When he finally speaks his voice is low. Undeniably sad. ‘No, Michael. It’s not a proposal. Not really. But I guess you could say it’s not not a proposal.’
Alex slides gingerly off the counter, landing on his left foot and unable to meet Michael’s eye. That’s when he knows he’s messed up.
‘I didn’t mean anything by that. I just don’t want you to feel pressured to do something you aren’t ready for yet.’
‘You still doubt me. That’s fair.’ He rinses his bowl in the sink, keeping his back turned. ‘Well, it’s a good thing I hadn’t planned to propose then. Maybe we should just head to the Pony instead. Help Maria set up the charity lunch.’ There’s a tremble in his voice that Michael hates.
Alex starts to walk past him, but Michael grabs his elbow, spinning him back around. ‘Hey. Hey, hey, hey. I don’t doubt that you want this as much as I do. But I do think you’d ignore your own feelings to put mine first. I want us to be on the same page. That’s all.’
Tears burn at the corner of Alex’s eyes. Michael reaches his hand up to brush them away, but Alex takes several steps back, swiping at them with the back of his hands. ‘You’re right. I don’t make big gestures. They terrify me. This terrifies me - that I did this thing without your permission. So I’ve been a nervous wreck for weeks. Worried that you would say no or laugh or something else you would never do but that my brain wouldn’t shut up about. And now, I’m pretty sure I messed up. Let’s just forget about it and go help Maria.’
He leaves the kitchen, grabbing his coat off the dining room table. Michael doesn’t move until he hears the front door open and close. The door slams shut hard enough that the windows rattle over Alex’s keyboard, and Michael’s knuckles whiten as he grips the countertop.
This scene an all too familiar memory. Emotions high and Alex skittering away.
Taking a deep breath, he tells himself no. This is different. They are different.
Alex hasn’t run away. He’s just outside waiting, getting some fresh air and calming down. Clearing his head. Because that’s what they do now. They take breaks when needed, but there’s no running.
Michael stuffs his feet inside his boots and drops his hat on his head, coat in his hand. He finds Alex exactly where he expects to, huddled inside his Explorer and the engine already running. When he opens the passenger side door, Alex even manages a weak smile. ‘Sorry.’
‘No sorrys.’ He buckles his seatbelt and reaches across to squeeze Alex’s thigh. ‘We have plenty of time to help Maria. I want my gift.’
Alex nods but doesn’t move to leave. He drums his fingers on the steering wheel, biding his time. Michael settles back in his seat to wait.
‘Promise me something.’ His fingers stop their tapping.
He shifts toward Michael as best he can with his seatbelt fastened. ‘If you don’t like the gift for any reason whatsoever, you’ll tell me.’
There’s no running and there’s no lying. ‘I promise.’
The drive out to wherever they’re going is quiet. Christmas music plays faintly through the speakers, but neither of them says anything. Michael’s not a fan of the tension between them, but the lack of anger or sharp words proves -- at least to him -- that they’ve really accomplished something by working hard to get to this softer place.
He watches Alex out of the corner of his eye. Eyes fixed on the road ahead and mind whirling. Every so often he takes a measured breath, loudly exhaling. The most obvious sign that he’s been back in therapy for a couple of months now. Michael aches to climb into his lap and soothe away all his worries, all his fears. But until he knows what this gift is, he knows he can’t.
About half a mile from Foster’s Ranch, Alex pulls the car off the road, coming to a sudden stop at the chained gates of the old Ellison property. Michael watches him climb out of the car and walk a few feet onto the ranch, ignoring the half-dozen no trespassing signs.
Worried that he’s about to have a panic attack, Michael follows him. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder and studying his face. Nothing seems wrong, his breathing even. ‘You alright?’
‘Yeah. What do you know about Ellison’s Ranch?’ His eyes dart back to the locked gate.
It’s a strange question, but maybe he needs a distraction. Michael’s happy to comply. ‘Uh, Old Man Ellison was a bigger dick than Foster. Died earlier this year. No family so the property was supposed to go for auction. About a hundred acres, give or take.’ He shrugs.
‘Hundred and one.’
Alex motions to the wide open expanse ahead of them. ‘One hundred and one acres exactly. Homestead property, used by the Ellison’s for horse breeding mostly.’
‘Okay.’ Michael’s not sure where he’s headed with any of this. ‘Ellison hated trespassers.’ He points back to the signs. ‘His ghost is likely to murder us if we stand here too long.’ He laughs at his own joke knowing how much Alex hates even the mention of ghosts.
But Alex just keeps staring straight into the distance. ‘We’re not trespassing.’
‘Signs beg to differ. We should just keep going, Alex. There’s nothing out here but dirt.’ He turns to head back to the Explorer, hoping Alex will do the same.
‘I bought this place at auction last month. Signed the final papers Wednesday morning. We’re not trespassing. It’s ours. Merry Christmas, Guerin.’
Michael stops dead in his tracks, spins slowly around. Alex’s hands are now in his pockets, shoulders tense. ‘What?’ He rejoins him, wrapping his fingers around Alex’s bicep. ‘You had this kind of money?’
‘No.’ He risks a quick glance at Michael and then back out toward the mountains. ‘It’s the money from my dad’s estate.’
‘Your dad left you his estate?’ That’s the wildest thing he’s said all morning.
Alex snorts. ‘Fuck, no. He didn’t leave me anything. Left almost everything to Clay, a bit to Greg. His weapons collection to Flint. Nothing to me.’
That checks out. Entirely expected. But rage boils just beneath the surface of Michael’s skin anyway. Alex is and always has been the best of them. And even if he is biased, that’s still the truth. ‘Then how?’
‘The auction notice was in the paper one morning when I was having breakfast with Greg. We talked about it. I mentioned how perfect the acreage was -- meant more for residential living than farming or ranching. Mentioned wanting something like this for me and you.’ He smiles, a real one this time. Full-bodied and bright. ‘A week later they wired me the money. Greg wanted nothing to do with dad’s legacy, and Clay wanted nothing to do with any of us, really.’
Michael gawks at him. Mouth agape and eyes wide. ‘It was enough?’
Alex nods. ‘For the property, yeah. Razing that old farmhouse and building a home of our own? That’s going to be up to us.’
‘A home of our own?’ He knows he sounds like an idiot. Repeating Alex’s simple words back at him. But that’s the best he’s got at the moment.
‘I thought maybe we could design a space that works for both of us. A space adaptable to my mobility needs, roomy enough to have friends stay whenever they want. A home meant for a family with a couple of kids.’ He pauses, lets that sink in. ‘A dog or two. Maybe some chickens and goats out back. Horses, even. Since there are already stables.’
Michael steps behind him, pressing his chest into Alex’s back and wrapping his arms firmly around his waist. ‘Keep going.’
‘A workshop for you. One that’s not buried in the ground. Where the sun shines on your face and the stars guide you at night. A soundproof studio for me so I don’t bother anyone trying to sleep. And anything else, Michael. Anything else you want.’ His voice falters the tiniest bit, low and strained with emotion. Another measured breath. ‘It’s too much. Right?’
But the thing is, Michael can see everything Alex described. The house, the workshop, the studio. Even the goddamn horses. And all of that is nice. Perfect. The best dream imaginable. But what sells him is the mention of kids. Their kids. Their kids growing up here. Safe and loved. Chasing after chickens and crying over skint knees. Michael holding his little girl’s hand as she wobbles down the steps desperate to run after the dog while Alex follows with their son in his arms.
Suddenly, his mother’s words come to him, unbidden from where he’d locked them away. The words he’d kept for himself. Don’t be afraid to fight for your own happiness, my love. How easily she’d seen through him and known exactly what he needed to hear.
So, he fights.
‘Yes.’ He whispers the words directly into Alex’s ear. ‘But we’ve always been too much. Me and you. Why stop now?’
Michael kisses down Alex’s neck and holds him tighter while the sun climbs higher overhead, illuminating the desert morning stretching out around them. Cars pass behind them on the highway and somewhere in the distance, a rooster crows. He replays the scene in his head again -- their little girl tumbling down the stairs, Alex snuggling their son into giggles.
Alex has made him this promise, and now it’s his turn.
‘Hey, Alex.’
‘Hmm?’ Michael knows he’s lost in his own daydream. Perhaps the exact same one.
‘Marry me.’
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deathlikesdeep-dish · 4 years
Heat (Zoro x Reader)
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I’m new on the One Piece fanfic scene but I had a ton of fun writing this first little story for the One Piece of Summer Writing Challenge! (also please forgive me if there’s multiple submissions i’m returning to tumblr after like an 8 year hiatus lol) (also also i’m sorry i’m verbose i hope this isn’t too long)
Warnings: some language
Word Count: 3628
Word Prompt: Heat
You can hardly believe that it’d been two whole years since the crew had been together. Two years. Holy shit. You feel a lump in your throat as you approach Shakky’s place. You have no idea who, if anyone, had already arrived. Your heart races excitedly at the thought and a small smile creeps over your features. You make yourself sit on a nearby bench and breathe before you hike the last flight of stairs to the bar. It’s a hot day, impossibly hot and you sit and take a sip of water from your hip flask. The cool liquid pours down your throat and you sigh happily as you wonder what the very near future would hold.
Would it be Franky? You imagine the blue-haired madman, and laugh. Maybe he’d found another way to fuel his cyborg frame other than cola. You laugh again.
Who am I kidding? You think to yourself. The reason he runs on cola is because he wants to run on cola.
Or maybe it would be Usopp or Chopper? The last time you saw Chopper, it had been so frightening. He was vast and out of control from using those rumble balls. A shudder runs up your spine at the thought, but you push the thought away shaking your head. Your h/c hair ruffles at the motion, and you push a strand out of your face as you stare at the ground beneath your boots. Usopp, you are sure, will be one of the early ones, not wanting to be one-upped. You roll your eyes, your mind’s ear imagining him shouting, “Well, of course I’m here first! I’m the great captain Usopp!”
You already know what Brook--you mean “Soul King” had been up to. You laugh. You had to admit that his stuff was pretty catchy, and you wonder if he’d even want to come back to the pirate life after all that fame and fortune. It had been nice over the last two years to follow him in the papers whenever you could; a small link to your old life had been comforting and familiar.
Nami and Robin were almost certainly already here--Nami, probably off conning some shop owner into giving their store away half-price, and Robin wandering around looking at architecture, reading a book, or saying weirdly cryptic lines to passersby. You sigh fondly, reminiscing about the times the three ladies of the Strawhats spent together. Not having had many female friends to speak of before the Strawhats, it had been nice to have some badass women to bond with over the months before your separation. In your two years alone, you’d missed the companionship.
Maybe Sanji is at Shakky’s already, cooking up some delicious concoction for you to devour. Your stomach grumbles on cue, and your mouth waters thinking about it. If Luffy was already here, then any food would be gone twice over. Of all the changes that are sure to have occurred, your captain’s appetite is the least likely to change. You can only imagine what power he has achieved in the last two years. Your stomach sinks a bit thinking about when you learned of Ace’s death in the Paramount War. The pain Luffy must have endured. Alone. But, he was not one to dwell, and wouldn’t want you to either.
So you don’t. You’re strong--much stronger than you were the last time the crew saw you. You’re not the same girl that you were two years ago. No, not even close. You’re taller, with broader shoulders and hips. While you were once slender due to malnutrition, you are now toned and muscled after two years of hard training. You felt vitality that you once never thought you’d feel coursing through your muscles. Your top, frayed at the hem, falls to just above your naval and drapes over one shoulder, leaving the other uncovered. Your s/c flesh is exposed to the waistband of your khaki shorts. The leather of your boots is soft and worn, the same pair you’d been wearing when you were launched away from your crew by Kuma. The holster dangling from your waist carried some of your throwing knives, which you twiddle absently at your side in nervousness. You had become adept at hand to hand combat since the crew saw you last. You are nimble, fast and lethal. You smirk and let the confidence roll over your body. You can’t wait to see how skilled everyone else had become.
You flex and stretch, standing up from the bench and begin your ascent up the stairs. They groan under your weight and you shift the bag on your shoulder, securing it more tightly against your body. You feel your heart beginning to race again at the thought of the final crew member. You can only imagine how strong he’d become.
You think of his green hair, and his white shirt, the top buttons always haphazardly undone. His slim black pants and boots, the sound of his earrings jangling in the sea breeze. You see his tight, intense gaze and that smirk that always weakened your knees. The knot in your stomach tangles more at the thought as you crest the top of the stairs. You recall the days that you sat in the Crow’s Nest together as he worked out. He never paid you much attention, but simply tolerating your presence in his sacred space made you feel important.
You feel the heat rise to your face and you can’t tell if it’s because of the sweltering sun of the Archipelago or the indecent thoughts that have begun to flood your mind. You take a deep breath as you nearly reach the doorway of Shakky’s place, when you stop in your tracks at the silhouette in the doorway. The sun is bright, so you can’t make out who it is right away, but as the figure takes a step, there’s no mistaking that green head of hair.
“Well,” You hear Shakky’s voice from inside the bar.
“Wow, I didn’t think you’d be the first,” You hear Rayleigh’s voice chime in.
The greenette stays silent for a moment and then replies, “Oh yeah? Nobody else has shown up.” He pauses. “Well damn, guess they got lost.”
You can hear the smirk in his voice. It’s unmistakable.
Before you can stop yourself, you call out to him. “Zoro!” You immediately flush, but you know this time it’s not from the heat.
You see Zoro stiffen at your voice, but he quickly turns around and meets your gaze with his own.
You immediately notice that your eyes only meet one of his, a scar running from forehead to cheekbone on the left side of his face, his eye tightly shut. It makes him look even more ruggedly attractive, if at all possible, and you allow yourself to stare for a moment.  His jaw, still angular and chiseled, is formed into a lazy half-smirk. Your e/c eyes trail down from his jaw to his throat and his collarbone, a body part you became intimately familiar with when you’d spent long moments staring at it over the top of his unbuttoned shirt, wondering what it would be like to nuzzle your face into its contours.
A part you are not used to seeing so casually, was the rest of his broad chest, which is exposed under the deep green coat he was wearing, the trademark Mihawk scar that ran from shoulder to hip still proudly displayed. You are glad to see that his haramaki remained unchanged over the last two years along with the three swords he carries at his side. He shifts his weight to his left side and leans his forearm on the hilt of his swords.
“Y/n!” He replies with a broad grin of recognition. He jogs toward you, and you find yourself moving towards him too.
Zoro is stunned to see you. In all honesty, he is stunned to know that he’s the first to arrive in the first place. Although, he did leave several weeks prior. Just in case.
You are...so different. His eyes move across your body, and he coughs, a slight flush spreading across his cheeks. He grits his teeth frustratedly.
Shit...get it together. He thinks to himself.
“I can’t believe we’re the first ones here!” You say, before pausing. “Actually...how the hell are you the first one here??”
You laugh and he manages to chuckle too. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He jokes.
“Shakky and Raleigh inside?” You ask, jabbing your thumb towards the open door to the bar.
Zoro nods, rubbing a calloused hand at the nape of his neck. “Yep, they’re in there. Waiting like the old gossips they are.” He laughs quietly, shaking his head.
You can’t help but watch his arm move behind his head. His worn bandana is tied around his bicep over the top of his coat, and you can’t help but imagine how his tanned skin stretches over the muscle there. You realize, too late, that you had been silent for a beat too long.
“Y/n? You good?” He asks, raising a brow.
Your attention snaps back like a rubber band and you laugh nervously. “Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry. Just can’t believe how long it’s been.” You say lamely.
You walk into the bar, Zoro trailing behind you and you greet Shakky and Rayleigh with a wide grin. Shakky compliments your new look, making you spin around as if to show off your outfit. You can’t help but feel confident and a surge of pride wells within you. She pours you a drink, having already poured one for Zoro, and invites you to sit down at a far booth. You sit next to Rayleigh, playfully bumping him and he wraps an arm around your shoulder. He gives you an affectionate squeeze as he tells you how pleased he is to see you guys again. Zoro takes a seat at the far corner of a booth. He props his feet up and takes a long drag of sake straight from the bottle. He’d already finished the drink that was poured, naturally, and stopped Shakky before she could pour him another. He asked for the bottle, shrugging and said that we should just “cut out the middleman.”
You regale the three others in your tales of the last two years. You speak about your Master, your training, the island you’d resided on, everything. Shakky gives updates too, about some of the rumors that had been floating around in the Strawhats’ absence, particularly about Luffy and Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro. Shakky, never one to be subtle, asks Zoro pointblank about what he’d been up to.
“Eh, not too much excitement,” He says vaguely. “The usual. Swords, drinking, naps.” Shakky rolls her eyes, unsatisfied, but you just laugh, knowing that he was not one to talk too much about himself.
After a long while, the four of you notice that the sun has begun to set. You are beginning to feel the drinks you’d consumed, your laughter a bit louder, your tongue a bit looser, your hair a bit wilder. The bar is illuminated in deep orange and red hues and you glance over at Zoro. Half of his face is cast in shadow, while the other half colored the same tint as the room. It looks almost as if he is on fire and you are mesmerized by him. He’s staring at you intently. You see beads of sweat along his hairline, and you notice that he has removed his outer coat.
“Damn Shakky,” He breathes, not breaking eye contact with you. “I don’t remember it being this hot two years ago.”
Shakky laughs. “Well, we’re going through a bit of a heatwave right now. It’s unusual for this time of year, but occasionally the weather currents bring a front in. It’s supposed to be like this for the next few days.”
His knees are propped up and he rests his forearms on top of them as he breaks your gaze and looks out the window. HIs profile is immaculate, and your eyes trace each feature--his straight nose, his angled jaw, and his full lips. Your lips subconsciously part, and it isn’t until you feel your tongue on them that you notice how you’re staring. Shakky, however, has noticed how the two of you have been trading stares at each other the entire evening. She smirks and stands with a yawn.
“Well Rayleigh,” She starts. “It seems likes it’s about time to close up shop for the evening. You good?”
Rayleigh looks confused at first, however, when Shakky gestures quickly to you and Roronoa, Rayleigh nods knowingly. He looks down at his nearly full drink and smiles. He tips his head back and swigs down the rest, placing the empty glass resolutely on the hard wood. “You know what, Shakky? You’re absolutely right. These old bones can’t drink like they used to. I’m headed down to my place at the docks. It’s cooler there anyway.” He stands up and bids the room farewell. The doorbell jingles behind him as he exits the bar.
You get the feeling that they’d been watching you and Zoro, and you feel embarrassed. But you don’t want to complain. You just hope that Zoro wouldn’t be ready to turn in yet either.
Shakky approaches Zoro and gives him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Night, Roronoa. If you get lonely, my room is always open.” She winks at him, entertained by how he squirms at the unexpected contact.
“Uh, yeah, sure…” He mutters, flustered. Shakky laughs.
“Shit Roronoa, just relax. I’m only kidding.” She walks over to a door behind the bar, presumably that led to her sleeping quarters, and opens it. “Or am I?” She grins slyly.
This time, Zoro knows better. The greenette shakes his head with a chuckle. “Goodnight, Shakky.”
She, too, disappears. The door closes behind her with a soft click, and the two of you are left alone. The sun has finally set beneath the mangroves and the sound of crickets fills the room. Despite the sun having set, the room is humid and very warm.
You reach a slender hand up and wipe beads of condensation off the back of your neck with a nervous sigh. “You’re right, Zoro,” You say after a moment. “It is absolutely stifling in here.”
He hums in agreement and holds up the bottle of sake questioningly. You nod and he tosses the closed bottle to you. However, his toss is a little short and to the left. But you’re fast and you catch it without a problem, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Aim much?” You joke as you pour yourself another drink before tossing it back to him.
He catches it easily and smirks. “Well, just checking to see if all that training you were going on about actually paid off.” He takes a swig. “Seems like it did.”
You were unbelievable. Zoro marvels at your agility. He had been enthralled as you told your story of the last two years. He watched the way your eyes lit up in excitement at certain parts or when your tone shifted to something more sinister. This was the y/n he’d always known--vibrant, curious and powerful. Zoro has always admired your tenacity. It was something of himself that he saw in you. He admired your intelligence as well, and your quick wit. It had always been a little intimidating, but now you were a force. It overwhelmed the swordsman. And thrilled him in the same way a new enemy excited him, got his adrenaline pumping and his heart racing.
He watches as you take a sip of your drink. His gaze follows the long line of your neck down to your collarbone, which he finds himself lingering on for longer than what was appropriate between nakama. You had always been objectively attractive, but Zoro never really paid attention to things like that. But now, you made that impossible to ignore. He is very attracted to you, entranced by your confident aura that pours off of you like cool sake.
The alcohol warms your blood and before you know what you’re doing, you prop your elbow on the table and say, “Seems like your training paid off too. I mean, look at you. All extra-muscley and shit.”
Zoro’s eyes widen slightly before he laughs out loud. “Thank you? I think.”
The liquid courage you’ve consumed does little for your filter (or your shame) so you continue. “I remember when I used to hang out in the Crow’s nest while you worked out. You were strong then, obviously. But it’s different now. You seem...invincible.” You breathe.
Zoro takes a moment to consider. “Invincible, huh?” He chuckles. “Hardly.”
You scoff and roll your eyes, but don’t reply.
Zoro stands up, his coat remaining in his seat. Your eyes follow the contour of his chest and he notices you watching him. He loves knowing that you look at him the same way that he looks at you.
“Come on,” He says after a moment, holding out his free hand, the other still holding the bottle of sake.
You take it without thinking. “Where are we going?” His hand is rough and cool to the touch, despite the heat in the room. He’s never held your hand before now. His good eye lands on you with a smirk that turns the knot low in your stomach.
“Up,” He replies in a whisper.
You nod wordlessly and stand up, trailing behind him as he walks towards the back door of the bar. When you exit, you sigh happily when a cool breeze flows along your damp skin. He echoes the sentiment with a contented hum, and continues towards the side of the building where he finds a ladder.
“Ladies first,” He grins, gesturing for you to climb the ladder up to the roof of the bar.
You raise an eyebrow, but comply nonetheless. As you climb, you make sure to move your hips more exaggeratedly, knowing the view you were providing him.
He knows exactly what he’s doing, of course, and admires your ass as you climb the ladder. You really are something. He wants to do more than just hold your hand. He wants to trail his hands along your curves, feel your strong body against the planes of his chest. He wants to know what your lips taste like, what your h/c hair feels like entangled in his fingers. But he knows that he needs to take it slow for both of your sake. It’s been two years. A lot has changed, and you are still his nakama first and foremost. There’s nothing that he would sacrifice to keep that.
The ladder is taller than you think it is by looking at it and when you arrive at the top of the bar, you are surprised to find an expansive platform.
“Wow,” You look open-mouthed. “How’d you know this was up here?” You look to Zoro who hops up onto the platform.
He shrugs. “I didn’t. I just saw the ladder earlier and figured it would be worth exploring.”
He walks up behind you in all of his shirtless beauty and sits, his legs apart as he leans back on his forearms. You’re still standing, looking up at the vast mangroves all around you, the stars peeking through the tree-tops. He lets you admire the scenery because it gives him a few moments to admire you. He clears his throat to get your attention and pulls you down to him.
With a light gasp, you find yourself sitting between his legs, your back against his chest and his arms wrapped around you. You are blushing furiously now. He hums contentedly, moving to nuzzle your hair and inhale your clean scent.
“What are you doing?” You manage to croak out.
“Enjoying the company,” He murmurs into the side of your neck.
You feel his heart beating swiftly against your back as you lean into him with a deep sigh. Your brain wants to overcomplicate this.
What does this mean? What does he want? Does he feel the same way about me that I feel about him? Does he...you gulp. Does he...want me, the way that I want him?
He feels you stiffen. “Y/n, hey,” He says. “It’s okay. This doesn’t have to mean anything that we don’t want it to mean.”
It seems like mind-reading is on the roster of new super powers he’s acquired. You grumble internally.
He laughs, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before he moves away. You whimper softly at the loss of contact, and turn to face him with a confused look. Though he did shift backwards, he didn’t move all that far away from you, so you’re surprised that you’re nearly face to face when you turn around.
He gently touches his thumb to your parted lips. “We’ve got time, y/n. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. So let’s just take the time and figure it out.” He smiles.
You feel your heart swell in your chest as you meet his intense stare. “Y-yeah, o-okay.” You stutter, still not quite believing that Roronoa Zoro has anything he wants to figure out with you. Your reverie is interrupted by Zoro’s gentle kiss. It’s a kiss that foreshadows what else could come of it, one that’s slow and burning and brimming with possibilities. He pulls away with a shudder.
“We’ve got time.” He says again, seeming to convince himself with the second iteration. “Besides,” He pulls back fully this time, taking in your lovely face before he smirks. “It’s too damn hot to be this close right now anyway.”
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vhsrights · 4 years
Hi hi, um, not sure if you’re taking requests for writing but... could you write a little blurb where we see how JJ deals with Elle leaving? You don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with writing it!!!
hii :) i am and i love writing this! (it’s kinda sad but also happy at the same time?? hard to describe) anyways, here :) (also they were girlfriends in this one)
WC: 1k (sad but also sweet)
Summary: Elle left in a moment, and JJ was left to pick up the pieces. How will she hold herself together? Were the moments they shared even enough?
tag list: @ssa-jareaus @hmm-wanky @temily @jelle-jareau @altsvu @jay-writes-jemily @ssakayprentish69 @dimitrescus-bitch @alexandrablake @coramvobis
Instantaneous, defined as occurring or done in an instant or instantly. To JJ, that word was how Elle left. She had vanished in the blink of an eye and JJ was alone once more. JJ hadn’t even had the chance to say goodbye. William Lee had died, sending off Elle in his wake. It was a moment that baffled her. Elle was so level-headed, always making the right move. But that night, she had cut loose and done the one thing JJ never thought she would. She wished for answers, hating the futility that blinded her understanding.
Her fingers traced over the clothes that Elle often borrowed when she came over. It had been 5 days. There was no sign of her girlfriend. JJ had hoped that time would bring Elle back to her. But now, having been in the shroud of mourning, JJ thought she understood. Her hands gripped the shirt and brought it up to her face. Elle’s earthy scent still lingered on it. Overcome by emotion, JJ threw the shirt to the side. Sitting another minute amidst the very apartment that Elle used to come to was torture.
After all, Elle wasn’t the only one to blame. JJ had pushed it down, but there was only so long that she could deny it. Her mind flashed back to those moments that she had seen the hurt in Elle’s eyes. Her body shuddered at the realization that she had seen that before with Roslyn. Tears began to stream down her face. I should have said something. I should have stopped her. I should have talked to her. I should have-
The choices that she could have made were endless. Alas, she picked the wrong one, and now she was left to deal with the consequences. She stood up from the bed and took slow steps over to her dresser. The intricate gold frame held a picture of her and Elle. Elle was holding the camera up for them, smiling with her arm pulling JJ in close. JJ was tucked into her side, looking up at Elle as if she had hung the stars in the night sky. It had been their first date after JJ had managed to stumble out the proposition, late one night in the BAU bullpen.
Elle had helped change her as a woman. It was beyond the maturity of growing up. Elle had shown her that strength was not compliance, but rather standing for her own in the face of adversity. She had taught JJ more she would ever, enough by her actions alone. The blonde managed to crack a smile and remembered Elle’s words.
Live in the moment, because there’s only ever one like it.
Even now, after leaving, Elle was teaching JJ. She decided that living the wallow of what happened would never be the right answer. Elle wouldn’t want her to, and neither would JJ allow herself to. Breaking out into a jog around her apartment, she searched for her keys. JJ couldn’t relive those moments, but she would do her best to never forget them.
She drove in a frenzy to the mall where they had hung out for the first time, alone. JJ walked through the grand doors and took in the scene. Suddenly, it felt like she was back there with Elle. She could remember the pure happiness on Elle’s face. It was mesmerizing to see such peace and wonder in the woman’s eyes. Until then, JJ had always wondered if Elle knew how to let her guard down.
Walking through the halls, scents and sights that she had pointed out to Elle touched her once more. The thought of the Auntie Anne’s pretzels that they had shared that day brought a smile to her face. Elle had looked extra cute with the little bit of marinara that she had accidentally gotten on her mouth. JJ hadn’t been brazen enough to kiss her at that moment, but still grinned at the sight.
That was how the day went. JJ went to places that she and Elle had frequented. She thought back on the memories fondly, distracting herself from the present. JJ knew that eventually, reality would come crashing back onto her. She couldn’t help but forego that when she had their polaroids in her hand. The pictures were ones that they had hidden in all of their favorite places, some more raunchy than others. It was the adrenaline rush and the daunting smile that graced Elle’s face from then that stuck in her head.
JJ decided to collect the pictures and take them home. Home. It was something that they’d often talked about and Elle had become a part of hers. She felt the tiniest piece of her heart begin to mend as she laid the polaroids to rest in a scrapbook. Perhaps, this was the way to heal. Taking her own advice, JJ curled up in her bed beside Elle’s clothes and promptly fell asleep.
Some days were harder than others. JJ would shut down around the team, blinding them with a smile that they all knew was overtly fake. She walked a little slower, her eyes dimmer by magnitudes. The files that piled up seemed like mountains and she cursed out the vanished agent, wherever she was. JJ would drown herself in Elle’s favorite whiskey, and let her tears splash against the scrapbook she had created. Curses to the woman flowed from her, many in a stupor, and none genuine. On those nights, no one could get through to her except Penelope, that too, occasionally. They ended with her passed out in her bed, clutching the few items that she had of Elle tightly.
Other days, the pain felt numbed and JJ could focus on the good. She could think about the time that she had spent with Elle. She could recall the peace and the true happiness. She could remember the way that Elle’s lips against hers made her heart flutter and mind blank. They were fleeting moments, but ones that she would cherish forever.
She still felt bitter for a while, but soon it started to fade. Elle became but a figure in her head, guiding her as Roslyn did. She became a token of the past. JJ never gave up on her, but the pain was never nearly as much. She moved on, grew up, and marked away that chapter of her life.
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doctorgerth · 4 years
One Piece of Summer (Heat ZoroxReader)
(I apologize if I did this wrong! First time submitting to things lol)
I’m new on the One Piece fanfic scene but I had a ton of fun writing this first little story for the One Piece of Summer Writing Challenge! (also please forgive me if there’s multiple submissions i’m returning to tumblr after like an 8 year hiatus lol) (also also i’m sorry i’m verbose i hope this isn’t too long)
Warnings: some language
Word Count: 3628
Word Prompt: Heat
You can hardly believe that it’d been two whole years since the crew had been together. Two years. Holy shit. You feel a lump in your throat as you approach Shakky’s place. You have no idea who, if anyone, had already arrived. Your heart races excitedly at the thought and a small smile creeps over your features. You make yourself sit on a nearby bench and breathe before you hike the last flight of stairs to the bar. It’s a hot day, impossibly hot and you sit and take a sip of water from your hip flask. The cool liquid pours down your throat and you sigh happily as you wonder what the very near future would hold.
Would it be Franky? You imagine the blue-haired madman, and laugh. Maybe he’d found another way to fuel his cyborg frame other than cola. You laugh again.
Who am I kidding? You think to yourself. The reason he runs on cola is because he wants to run on cola.
Or maybe it would be Usopp or Chopper? The last time you saw Chopper, it had been so frightening. He was vast and out of control from using those rumble balls. A shudder runs up your spine at the thought, but you push the thought away shaking your head. Your h/c hair ruffles at the motion, and you push a strand out of your face as you stare at the ground beneath your boots. Usopp, you are sure, will be one of the early ones, not wanting to be one-upped. You roll your eyes, your mind’s ear imagining him shouting, “Well, of course I’m here first! I’m the great captain Usopp!”
You already know what Brook–you mean “Soul King” had been up to. You laugh. You had to admit that his stuff was pretty catchy, and you wonder if he’d even want to come back to the pirate life after all that fame and fortune. It had been nice over the last two years to follow him in the papers whenever you could; a small link to your old life had been comforting and familiar.
Nami and Robin were almost certainly already here–Nami, probably off conning some shop owner into giving their store away half-price, and Robin wandering around looking at architecture, reading a book, or saying weirdly cryptic lines to passersby. You sigh fondly, reminiscing about the times the three ladies of the Strawhats spent together. Not having had many female friends to speak of before the Strawhats, it had been nice to have some badass women to bond with over the months before your separation. In your two years alone, you’d missed the companionship.
Maybe Sanji is at Shakky’s already, cooking up some delicious concoction for you to devour. Your stomach grumbles on cue, and your mouth waters thinking about it. If Luffy was already here, then any food would be gone twice over. Of all the changes that are sure to have occurred, your captain’s appetite is the least likely to change. You can only imagine what power he has achieved in the last two years. Your stomach sinks a bit thinking about when you learned of Ace’s death in the Paramount War. The pain Luffy must have endured. Alone. But, he was not one to dwell, and wouldn’t want you to either.
So you don’t. You’re strong–much stronger than you were the last time the crew saw you. You’re not the same girl that you were two years ago. No, not even close. You’re taller, with broader shoulders and hips. While you were once slender due to malnutrition, you are now toned and muscled after two years of hard training. You felt vitality that you once never thought you’d feel coursing through your muscles. Your top, frayed at the hem, falls to just above your naval and drapes over one shoulder, leaving the other uncovered. Your s/c flesh is exposed to the waistband of your khaki shorts. The leather of your boots is soft and worn, the same pair you’d been wearing when you were launched away from your crew by Kuma. The holster dangling from your waist carried some of your throwing knives, which you twiddle absently at your side in nervousness. You had become adept at hand to hand combat since the crew saw you last. You are nimble, fast and lethal. You smirk and let the confidence roll over your body. You can’t wait to see how skilled everyone else had become.
You flex and stretch, standing up from the bench and begin your ascent up the stairs. They groan under your weight and you shift the bag on your shoulder, securing it more tightly against your body. You feel your heart beginning to race again at the thought of the final crew member. You can only imagine how strong he’d become.
You think of his green hair, and his white shirt, the top buttons always haphazardly undone. His slim black pants and boots, the sound of his earrings jangling in the sea breeze. You see his tight, intense gaze and that smirk that always weakened your knees. The knot in your stomach tangles more at the thought as you crest the top of the stairs. You recall the days that you sat in the Crow’s Nest together as he worked out. He never paid you much attention, but simply tolerating your presence in his sacred space made you feel important.
You feel the heat rise to your face and you can’t tell if it’s because of the sweltering sun of the Archipelago or the indecent thoughts that have begun to flood your mind. You take a deep breath as you nearly reach the doorway of Shakky’s place, when you stop in your tracks at the silhouette in the doorway. The sun is bright, so you can’t make out who it is right away, but as the figure takes a step, there’s no mistaking that green head of hair.
“Well,” You hear Shakky’s voice from inside the bar.
“Wow, I didn’t think you’d be the first,” You hear Rayleigh’s voice chime in.
The greenette stays silent for a moment and then replies, “Oh yeah? Nobody else has shown up.” He pauses. “Well damn, guess they got lost.”
You can hear the smirk in his voice. It’s unmistakable.
Before you can stop yourself, you call out to him. “Zoro!” You immediately flush, but you know this time it’s not from the heat.
You see Zoro stiffen at your voice, but he quickly turns around and meets your gaze with his own.
You immediately notice that your eyes only meet one of his, a scar running from forehead to cheekbone on the left side of his face, his eye tightly shut. It makes him look even more ruggedly attractive, if at all possible, and you allow yourself to stare for a moment.  His jaw, still angular and chiseled, is formed into a lazy half-smirk. Your e/c eyes trail down from his jaw to his throat and his collarbone, a body part you became intimately familiar with when you’d spent long moments staring at it over the top of his unbuttoned shirt, wondering what it would be like to nuzzle your face into its contours.
A part you are not used to seeing so casually, was the rest of his broad chest, which is exposed under the deep green coat he was wearing, the trademark Mihawk scar that ran from shoulder to hip still proudly displayed. You are glad to see that his haramaki remained unchanged over the last two years along with the three swords he carries at his side. He shifts his weight to his left side and leans his forearm on the hilt of his swords.
“Y/n!” He replies with a broad grin of recognition. He jogs toward you, and you find yourself moving towards him too.
Zoro is stunned to see you. In all honesty, he is stunned to know that he’s the first to arrive in the first place. Although, he did leave several weeks prior. Just in case.
You are…so different. His eyes move across your body, and he coughs, a slight flush spreading across his cheeks. He grits his teeth frustratedly.
Shit…get it together. He thinks to himself.
“I can’t believe we’re the first ones here!” You say, before pausing. “Actually…how the hell are you the first one here??”
You laugh and he manages to chuckle too. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He jokes.
“Shakky and Raleigh inside?” You ask, jabbing your thumb towards the open door to the bar.
Zoro nods, rubbing a calloused hand at the nape of his neck. “Yep, they’re in there. Waiting like the old gossips they are.” He laughs quietly, shaking his head.
You can’t help but watch his arm move behind his head. His worn bandana is tied around his bicep over the top of his coat, and you can’t help but imagine how his tanned skin stretches over the muscle there. You realize, too late, that you had been silent for a beat too long.
“Y/n? You good?” He asks, raising a brow.
Your attention snaps back like a rubber band and you laugh nervously. “Hmm? Oh, yeah, sorry. Just can’t believe how long it’s been.” You say lamely.
You walk into the bar, Zoro trailing behind you and you greet Shakky and Rayleigh with a wide grin. Shakky compliments your new look, making you spin around as if to show off your outfit. You can’t help but feel confident and a surge of pride wells within you. She pours you a drink, having already poured one for Zoro, and invites you to sit down at a far booth. You sit next to Rayleigh, playfully bumping him and he wraps an arm around your shoulder. He gives you an affectionate squeeze as he tells you how pleased he is to see you guys again. Zoro takes a seat at the far corner of a booth. He props his feet up and takes a long drag of sake straight from the bottle. He’d already finished the drink that was poured, naturally, and stopped Shakky before she could pour him another. He asked for the bottle, shrugging and said that we should just “cut out the middleman.”
You regale the three others in your tales of the last two years. You speak about your Master, your training, the island you’d resided on, everything. Shakky gives updates too, about some of the rumors that had been floating around in the Strawhats’ absence, particularly about Luffy and Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro. Shakky, never one to be subtle, asks Zoro pointblank about what he’d been up to.
“Eh, not too much excitement,” He says vaguely. “The usual. Swords, drinking, naps.” Shakky rolls her eyes, unsatisfied, but you just laugh, knowing that he was not one to talk too much about himself.
After a long while, the four of you notice that the sun has begun to set. You are beginning to feel the drinks you’d consumed, your laughter a bit louder, your tongue a bit looser, your hair a bit wilder. The bar is illuminated in deep orange and red hues and you glance over at Zoro. Half of his face is cast in shadow, while the other half colored the same tint as the room. It looks almost as if he is on fire and you are mesmerized by him. He’s staring at you intently. You see beads of sweat along his hairline, and you notice that he has removed his outer coat.
“Damn Shakky,” He breathes, not breaking eye contact with you. “I don’t remember it being this hot two years ago.”
Shakky laughs. “Well, we’re going through a bit of a heatwave right now. It’s unusual for this time of year, but occasionally the weather currents bring a front in. It’s supposed to be like this for the next few days.”
His knees are propped up and he rests his forearms on top of them as he breaks your gaze and looks out the window. HIs profile is immaculate, and your eyes trace each feature–his straight nose, his angled jaw, and his full lips. Your lips subconsciously part, and it isn’t until you feel your tongue on them that you notice how you’re staring. Shakky, however, has noticed how the two of you have been trading stares at each other the entire evening. She smirks and stands with a yawn.
“Well Rayleigh,” She starts. “It seems likes it’s about time to close up shop for the evening. You good?”
Rayleigh looks confused at first, however, when Shakky gestures quickly to you and Roronoa, Rayleigh nods knowingly. He looks down at his nearly full drink and smiles. He tips his head back and swigs down the rest, placing the empty glass resolutely on the hard wood. “You know what, Shakky? You’re absolutely right. These old bones can’t drink like they used to. I’m headed down to my place at the docks. It’s cooler there anyway.” He stands up and bids the room farewell. The doorbell jingles behind him as he exits the bar.
You get the feeling that they’d been watching you and Zoro, and you feel embarrassed. But you don’t want to complain. You just hope that Zoro wouldn’t be ready to turn in yet either.
Shakky approaches Zoro and gives him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Night, Roronoa. If you get lonely, my room is always open.” She winks at him, entertained by how he squirms at the unexpected contact.
“Uh, yeah, sure…” He mutters, flustered. Shakky laughs.
“Shit Roronoa, just relax. I’m only kidding.” She walks over to a door behind the bar, presumably that led to her sleeping quarters, and opens it. “Or am I?” She grins slyly.
This time, Zoro knows better. The greenette shakes his head with a chuckle. “Goodnight, Shakky.”
She, too, disappears. The door closes behind her with a soft click, and the two of you are left alone. The sun has finally set beneath the mangroves and the sound of crickets fills the room. Despite the sun having set, the room is humid and very warm.
You reach a slender hand up and wipe beads of condensation off the back of your neck with a nervous sigh. “You’re right, Zoro,” You say after a moment. “It is absolutely stifling in here.”
He hums in agreement and holds up the bottle of sake questioningly. You nod and he tosses the closed bottle to you. However, his toss is a little short and to the left. But you’re fast and you catch it without a problem, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Aim much?” You joke as you pour yourself another drink before tossing it back to him.
He catches it easily and smirks. “Well, just checking to see if all that training you were going on about actually paid off.” He takes a swig. “Seems like it did.”
You were unbelievable. Zoro marvels at your agility. He had been enthralled as you told your story of the last two years. He watched the way your eyes lit up in excitement at certain parts or when your tone shifted to something more sinister. This was the y/n he’d always known–vibrant, curious and powerful. Zoro has always admired your tenacity. It was something of himself that he saw in you. He admired your intelligence as well, and your quick wit. It had always been a little intimidating, but now you were a force. It overwhelmed the swordsman. And thrilled him in the same way a new enemy excited him, got his adrenaline pumping and his heart racing.
He watches as you take a sip of your drink. His gaze follows the long line of your neck down to your collarbone, which he finds himself lingering on for longer than what was appropriate between nakama. You had always been objectively attractive, but Zoro never really paid attention to things like that. But now, you made that impossible to ignore. He is very attracted to you, entranced by your confident aura that pours off of you like cool sake.
The alcohol warms your blood and before you know what you’re doing, you prop your elbow on the table and say, “Seems like your training paid off too. I mean, look at you. All extra-muscley and shit.”
Zoro’s eyes widen slightly before he laughs out loud. “Thank you? I think.”
The liquid courage you’ve consumed does little for your filter (or your shame) so you continue. “I remember when I used to hang out in the Crow’s nest while you worked out. You were strong then, obviously. But it’s different now. You seem…invincible.” You breathe.
Zoro takes a moment to consider. “Invincible, huh?” He chuckles. “Hardly.”
You scoff and roll your eyes, but don’t reply.
Zoro stands up, his coat remaining in his seat. Your eyes follow the contour of his chest and he notices you watching him. He loves knowing that you look at him the same way that he looks at you.
“Come on,” He says after a moment, holding out his free hand, the other still holding the bottle of sake.
You take it without thinking. “Where are we going?” His hand is rough and cool to the touch, despite the heat in the room. He’s never held your hand before now. His good eye lands on you with a smirk that turns the knot low in your stomach.
“Up,” He replies in a whisper.
You nod wordlessly and stand up, trailing behind him as he walks towards the back door of the bar. When you exit, you sigh happily when a cool breeze flows along your damp skin. He echoes the sentiment with a contented hum, and continues towards the side of the building where he finds a ladder.
“Ladies first,” He grins, gesturing for you to climb the ladder up to the roof of the bar.
You raise an eyebrow, but comply nonetheless. As you climb, you make sure to move your hips more exaggeratedly, knowing the view you were providing him.
He knows exactly what he’s doing, of course, and admires your ass as you climb the ladder. You really are something. He wants to do more than just hold your hand. He wants to trail his hands along your curves, feel your strong body against the planes of his chest. He wants to know what your lips taste like, what your h/c hair feels like entangled in his fingers. But he knows that he needs to take it slow for both of your sake. It’s been two years. A lot has changed, and you are still his nakama first and foremost. There’s nothing that he would sacrifice to keep that.
The ladder is taller than you think it is by looking at it and when you arrive at the top of the bar, you are surprised to find an expansive platform.
“Wow,” You look open-mouthed. “How’d you know this was up here?” You look to Zoro who hops up onto the platform.
He shrugs. “I didn’t. I just saw the ladder earlier and figured it would be worth exploring.”
He walks up behind you in all of his shirtless beauty and sits, his legs apart as he leans back on his forearms. You’re still standing, looking up at the vast mangroves all around you, the stars peeking through the tree-tops. He lets you admire the scenery because it gives him a few moments to admire you. He clears his throat to get your attention and pulls you down to him.
With a light gasp, you find yourself sitting between his legs, your back against his chest and his arms wrapped around you. You are blushing furiously now. He hums contentedly, moving to nuzzle your hair and inhale your clean scent.
“What are you doing?” You manage to croak out.
“Enjoying the company,” He murmurs into the side of your neck.
You feel his heart beating swiftly against your back as you lean into him with a deep sigh. Your brain wants to overcomplicate this.
What does this mean? What does he want? Does he feel the same way about me that I feel about him? Does he…you gulp. Does he…want me, the way that I want him?
He feels you stiffen. “Y/n, hey,” He says. “It’s okay. This doesn’t have to mean anything that we don’t want it to mean.”
It seems like mind-reading is on the roster of new super powers he’s acquired. You grumble internally.
He laughs, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before he moves away. You whimper softly at the loss of contact, and turn to face him with a confused look. Though he did shift backwards, he didn’t move all that far away from you, so you’re surprised that you’re nearly face to face when you turn around.
He gently touches his thumb to your parted lips. “We’ve got time, y/n. I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. So let’s just take the time and figure it out.” He smiles.
You feel your heart swell in your chest as you meet his intense stare. “Y-yeah, o-okay.” You stutter, still not quite believing that Roronoa Zoro has anything he wants to figure out with you. Your reverie is interrupted by Zoro’s gentle kiss. It’s a kiss that foreshadows what else could come of it, one that’s slow and burning and brimming with possibilities. He pulls away with a shudder.
“We’ve got time.” He says again, seeming to convince himself with the second iteration. “Besides,” He pulls back fully this time, taking in your lovely face before he smirks. “It’s too damn hot to be this close right now anyway.”
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WOW WOW WOW this is absolutely amazing, my darling!!!! I was totally enthralled the entire time and was really hoping it wouldn’t end any time soon! And you painted the scenes so beautifully, it felt like I was actually in the story!! All the characters are so well written and gah I didn’t think it was possible to fall more in love with Zoro but damnnn this story had me swooning for the swordsman 🥰
I really really enjoyed this and I’m honestly so glad you took part in this little challenge! Could I add this wonderful story to the masterlist? 💕
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xhanisai · 5 years
Can I be that one annoying fan that spams you every day with basically the same question? That being Kiss AU frightningale. If you would be so kind.
Well, since you kindly gave me that Ko-Fi UwUwUwU, I can spare an ounce of kindness~~~ 
This will be a long one~ Enjoy! (P.S. I have made a lot of changes here to make this, hopefully much more interesting…) 
The episode starts off with Gabriel dragging his son away to the venue for the Chat Noir costume fitting. Adrien’s trying everything to escape, ranging from faking he’s sick to clinging to the railings on the stairs. Gabriel and Nathalie struggled to get him to let go but Gorilla comes to their rescue, managing to pluck him off with ease. 
“You’ll never take me alive!” Adrien hollered out childishly, kicking his legs and banging his fists against Gorilla’s back as he was held like a sack of potatoes, the group making way out of the house and to the limo. 
“Never make us do that again, Son.” Gabriel grumbled out, running his fingers through his unruly hair before quickly straightening the locks back. A frazzled Nathalie handed him a comb with a huff.
“How about, don’t force me into doing things I don’t want to? Hmm?” Adrien sassed, looking as intimidating as a caught kitten. He could feel Plagg cackling in his jacket, the cursed being doing nothing to help. 
“It’s just a fitting Adrien- plus it’s a very good opportunity for you! You get to meet an international popstar and perform in her music video, dressed up as one of those superheroes you adore.” 
“B-B-But…I’m just a stick! I won’t do any justice to Chat Noir’s muscles and abs!” For effect, Adrien poked his shoulders. “See? Skin and bones.”
“Nonsense~ my stylists have commented about your developing muscles during your shoots. All those fencing and basketball lessons have been paying off,” Mr. Agreste chirped with a cheesy grin, pushing his glasses back against the nose. Adrien was immediately reminded of those dopey glasses characters in the hundreds of anime he’s watched. 
“Besides, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng will be picked up by Vincent and his crew in five minutes to meet up at the venue and dress as your counterpart.” Nathalie added, scrolling through her tablet. She then flickered her eyes towards the boy’s curious face, glasses glinting under the light for a split second. “You wouldn’t want her to be paired with any other random Parisian, right?” 
You see, Adrien is usually a very bright boy, evidenced by his top grades, ability to adapt and so on.
This is not the case right now.
Completely dismissing the disastrous problem awaiting him, Adrien’s mind was clouded with utmost jealousy. Images of his talented Princess being oogled by some…some random KID in HIS costume…making her SMILE and even…HOLDING HER HAND??? 
‘Oh my God…what if they try to make the boy kiss my Marinette?’ Adrien screams internally, dismissing another important factor before jumping out of Gorilla’s grasps (who coincidentally loosens his grip) and darted inside the vehicle. 
“TO THE VENUE! ONLY I CAN BE THE CHAT NOIR TO MARINETTE’S LADYBUG!” The boy beeped the horn for good measures. 
“Why didn’t you use my daughter-in-law’s name to coax him in the first place, Nathalie?” Gabriel’s eyebrow twitched with irritation. His assistant simply mirrored the look. 
“It was one way I was able to get you to do some workout, sir.” Her eyes narrowed further but inside, she was fighting a grin when Gabriel spluttered. “After all, someone has been gaining a few extra pounds ever since we got friendly with your future in-laws.” 
“I-I have no idea what you mean!” Her boss harrumphed, entering the limo with a grumble. Nathalie didn’t miss the way he clutched his stomach with a pout. “It’s not my fault that they don’t let me leave till they’ve fed me three helpings of dumplings…”
Meanwhile, Marinette is kidnapped hauled away by Vincent, Alya and the rest of the girls from her class, much to her protests. Sabine and Tom watches the scene unfold with a cup of tea in hand and some sweets. Their smiles only broadening. 
“Alya-aaaa! Lemme go! Lemme go-ooooo!” What good was being Ladybug when she can’t seem to escape her best friend’s shoulder, getting carried away like a THING? Marinette let out another huff as the girls finally made way outside, a car waiting for them. 
“You can keep wriggling and fighting but you’re no match with Mama Bear Alya’s muscles~!” Her best friend hooted, flexing her free arm with exaggeration as the rest of the group giggled. “And gurl! You’re light as hell! What the heck? No wonder you can’t make me budge.”
“I am big and strong! I can take you all in one go! I’ll prove it right now!” Marinette retaliated. No one took her seriously. “I just wanted to be a backup dancer and so did Adrien!!!” The girl resorted back to whining again, flopping in defeat.
“Really? He was actually pretty adamant in taking the Chat Noir role.” Mylene nodded as did the others. 
“What? Since when? We both agreed to be backup with you girls yesterday night during a call.” 
“Someone call Barbie Doll right now,” Alya suggested whilst shoving Marinette inside the car unceremoniously, ignoring her groans. Alix rolled her eyes, whipping her phone out and got inside the vehicle, purposely squishing Marinette against the car’s door on the other side so that she had no means of escape. 
The model finally picked up when the girls were on the road, his annoyance clear through the speaker.
“Don’t tell me you girls are already at the venue and some loser stole my role- the traffic here is mental!” Rose and Juleka hid their snickering at this. 
“What role? Adrien! We agreed to be backup dancers- what’s with you wanting to be Chat Noir now?” Marinette butted in, glaring at the phone despite the recipient not being able to see her face. 
“O-OH!? Morning Princess~”
“Don’t ‘Princess’ me you big, annoying, dummy-”
“Okay, Sweetcheeks it is then,”
“But Darling~”
“Hey, now listen here. I didn’t do this on purpose ya know? I was all decked up and ready to be a backup dancer but Pere and Nathalie had other plans!”
“And you went along with it?” 
“They had to get the Gorilla to literally get me out of the house! Give me some credit here, Marinette!” Adrien groaned, slumping against his seat, knowing very well that his trio of guardians were all wearing matching grins under that poker face of theirs. 
“A-Ah, okay, so basically the same thing as me then, right?” Marinette almost felt bad for going off on him.
“Mmhm, besides,” 
“I refuse to let any dumb boy take away MY woman.” Marinette could literally feel the cat radiating from him, annoyance pumping through her veins. Of COURSE he relents into his father’s whims due to jealousy! A tiny part of her brain was rather flattered, making her heart flutter but the raven haired girl immediately brushed those thoughts away. 
“You never really put up much of a fight after you found out I was gonna be forced to play Ladybug, right?” The baker girl’s tone was dry as hell. 
“Your point?” She couldn’t believe Adrien had the nerves to answer like that.
“Oh please do be gentle~”
“Love ya~~~mwah!” With a triumphant grin, Adrien hung up the phone. He knew very well of how much trouble he’s in but he’ll focus on that hurdle when it comes to it. Gabriel and Nathalie only eyed the teen incredulously, the former pinching the bridge of his nose. Why oh why is his son like this…?
Both cars simultaneously arrive at the venue, making Adrien realise how much danger he’s in. He could literally feel Marinette’s rage seeping out of the car. Nathalie pretty much kicked him out so that he can face his responsibilities. Both he and Mari have a stare off- the latter itching to throttle him whilst the boy whistles innocently. 
Marinette doesn’t get a chance to drag Adrien away as they’re both led into the venue by their peers, finally seeing people trying out the superhero roles. It was then that Adrien recalled why he and Mari settled to be backup dancers in the first place.
“Oh shit…” Adrien finally uttered when a boy slipped on the Chat Noir mask. His eyes then drifted to Marinette, wincing at her pointed glare before averting his gaze again. He fucked up. Their identities are screwed! 
The duo were too preoccupied with their thoughts to process Clara’s enthusiasm and squeals, babbling about how they’ve been going through hundreds of candidates for hours. 
“Wait- how come those two get the role immediately? We don’t even know if they’re good enough!” One of the teens exclaimed, hands on hips and glowered. Clara sweatdropped at this. “We’ve been waiting here for ages! Is this all for nought?”
A light bulb appeared on both the secret heroes’ heads, both wearing a matching grin as they turned towards each other.
‘You thinking what I’m thinking?’
‘You bet so, Princess~’
‘Don’t call me Princess. I’m still mad at you.’
‘Oh boo…’
Marinette and Adrien were quick to agree with the teen, claiming how they should wait like everyone else so that there’s a fair chance without paying mind to Gabriel’s glares. The rest of the girls lined up for the backup roles, wishing the duo good luck whilst the adults were pulled away elsewhere. 
“Thank God…” Marinette sighed in relief. She vowed to give the teen an autograph the next time she’s transformed. The girl looped her arm through Adrien’s, both of them sticking with the Chat Noir line (the staff knew they were going to perform as a packaged deal so they didn’t necessarily have to wait separately). 
“You got a plan Bugaboo?” Adrien was met with a snort but all he did was roll his eyes fondly. “Aight, still mad, no nicknames. Got it,” With a smirk, he tried kissing her cheek to soften her up but his lips met her hand clasping his mouth instead, blocking him.
“Adrien…” The boy deflated at her disappointed tone. This is what he was worried about, disappointment. “Ugh- I can’t even be mad at you for long. We were both forced into this.” He almost perked up. “But you didn’t even attempt to sneak away when your father was distracted. You’re usually really good at that, dummy.” She playfully punched his shoulder.
“Forgive me?” Adrien’s eyes twinkled like a kitten. The aspiring designer found herself melting. 
The model considered her blush as a win, engulfing her in an ecstatic hug despite Mari trying her best not to care. 
‘They really do make a perfect Ladybug and Chat Noir…’ Clara mused at the front. She’ll endure another hour of the other candidates trying out the roles happily if it meant that she could get THOSE two in. 
Marinette’s plan involved not only losing the masks in the changing rooms but also messing up their try out as much as possible. The duo were also quite shocked to see Chloe audition and actually do a good job! As much as she’s a pain, that’s one less hurdle to jump over for them. However, Chloe’s attitude and rudeness really put Clara off so she didn’t make it through the auditions.
By the time it’s our superheroes’ turn, they put the plan to action. The masks were conveniently hidden away and the duo botched up everything they were meant to do for the auditions.
They clasped their hands like a handshake when asked to hold hands, they flopped on their faces after every acrobatic move, Adrien even fell off stage at one point, only bruising his knees and a blow to his pride. Clara and Gabriel didn’t give up on them; they found the masks and beckoned the duo to put them on.
We have the tense moment where time goes still as Marinette and Adrien eyes the masks in their hands. Silent apologies are given to each other as they slowly brought the masks closer to their faces. 
As per canon, Chloe barges in with the Mayor in tow, piles of paper in hand, claiming that Clara has no permission in shooting in France. The poor singer gets her mike thrown on the floor, much to Marinette and Adrien’s protests. Alya and co try to help Clara up but the singer runs off crying. Gabriel quietly shuffles inside one of the bathrooms, locking it and transforms into Le Papillon to akumatise the woman. 
Soon, Frightningale makes her debut, whipping everyone with her wand and turning them to statues if they didn’t sing in rhymes and dance. Marinette lures herself and Adrien into one of the changing caravans so that they can transform.
“Once again, Butterfly Breath and Little Miss Brat saved us. I thought they’re the villains as well,” Marinette hummed. 
“Hey.” Adrien flicked her nose softly. “Don’t be mean to Chlo’,” His shit eating grin only grew at Marinette’s gaping face.
“E-Excuse me!? Don’t be mean to the girl who made Clara Nightingale CRY-” She stopped mid rant and scoffed, refusing to play into anymore of the boy’s teasing. Tikki and Plagg floated out from Marinette’s twin ponytails, admiring their costumes once more. 
“You should really do something about your childhood friend, Adrien.” Tikki scolded.
“Hey! My kitten isn’t obliged to parent that bossy brat into a decent human being. He tried to anyways and it’s like she’s deaf to anything that’s humane!” Plagg countered back. The kwamis fell into an argument in a language that neither teens could understand. 
“I’ve reprimanded Chloe about her behaviour so many times, I’m starting to feel like a broken record. The more I tell her to stop, the worse she gets,” Adrien fiddled with the mask as a gloom settled in the vicinity. “Maybe she’s a lost cause…” The idea of losing hope in a friend he’s known since he was born was enough to have his chest tighten in pain. 
“Or maybe we’ll have to give her a wake up call.” Marinette suggested with a smile, laying a hand on his forearm. “This isn’t your fault. It’s her parents’ responsibility to discipline her- not you. From what I’ve seen, you’ve told her off more in a week than her father probably has in her entire lifetime. That’s better than nothing.”
“What’s the point if it doesn’t do shit?” 
“The point is that you’re trying, you’re doing your best. You’re doing what you can to help her rather than being a doormat or letting her walk over people in front of you. I don’t think you’ve realised that the torment she used to spread has lessened in school ever since you’ve arrived.”
“…” Adrien bit his lip before glancing back at Marinette, swiftly turning her around so that he could embrace her from behind. He rested his forehead on her shoulder and pressed her back into his torso. “If it weren’t for you in my life, I wouldn’t even be half the person I am now…thank you Marinette…”
All the words disappeared in her throat, face redder than a tomato. Marinette mustered the will to put her hand on his head and let her fingers comb through the tresses. 
“Where’s all this coming from?” The girl finally asked. 
“Nothing…just super grateful that you exist, Bug.” He slowly picked his head up and puckered his lips against her cheek with a pure, innocent, softness that could be rivalled by silk. Both of their hearts sped up in sync as they tried to decipher each others feelings. Is this just a grateful kiss?
Is it something more?
Feeling like her heart was about to burst out of her chest, Marinette promptly spun around to face Adrien and crashed her lips against his, pushing the boy against the wall. She was deaf to the kwamis’ sudden protests as they were pulled into the miraculouses, transforming the teens into their original suits.
Ladybug tugged and tugged on Chat Noir’s bottom lip, eyes squeezed shut as both her slender hands cradled his face. The sweetness of their lips was a huge contrast of the ferocity and passion of their feelings, evidenced by the gasps they let out. 
She didn’t pull away, no. She kept going after his lips over and over again. His touch was like fire on her body and she was burning. 
“Mm- Bug…Mari…Hm- Marinette-” She cut him off with a kiss everytime he uttered a word. Chat Noir knew that if he were to die now, he’d die happily. Ravished and thoroughly kissed by the one he loves. When his Lady’s swollen lips trailed down his jaw, teeth barely grazing his skin, Noir gripped her shoulders and gently pushed her back. 
His entire face was flushed and his eyes were glazed, as if he was in a dream like state. He let out an exhale, leaning his forehead against hers when she wrapped an arm around his middle. From all their past experiences, Ladybug knew that his silence was due to embarrassment, especially when she took the reigns. She decided to put the nail in the coffin.
“I’d be nothing without you,” Ladybug whispered into Chat’s human ears, lips brushing the shell before skipping out of the van. A sly smirk escaped her when the sound of a body tumbling on the floor and a soft groan was emitted by the boy. 
“Hnnnn that girl is gonna be the death of me, godammit!” 
Just like canon, they attempted to fight Frightningale but ended up getting zapped by the whip. They sing and dance their way through, using the lucky charm to their advantage and even waltzing at some point (whether that was to deter the akuma or just an excuse to hold each other close, neither of them admitted). 
Once purified, Clara is quick to coo and thank the heroes, even flustering them when she mentioned how much of a cute married pair they are. The Heroine whispers an alternate plan for the video so that not only would Clara not get in trouble for shooting, there’d be a way to incorporate many people. Ladybug and Chat Noir are quick to leave when she asks how many kids they have and if their children had the same costumes as them.
The episode ends with the whole class watching the video at the library, commenting and cheering whenever one of them showed up. The video ends with Marinette wearing a Chat Noir mask and Adrien wearing a Ladybug pair. This gave Alya and the girls the opportunity to tease the lovebirds about their terrible auditions before the shooting. 
“You’re right! I’d make a terrible Ladybug. Besides, I think black is more of my colour, don’t you agree, Buggaboy?” Marinette teased, eating up the way Adrien’s cheeks reddened for a split second. He knew she was never going to let up the fact that he almost combusted on the spot when she wore his mask.
“Always knew you were a furry, Marichat,” He delivered with a wink, his ego boosted with the way everyone else burst into laughter despite Marinette’s incredulous disagreements. 
“I didn’t sign up for this! Hmmph! Not even the real Chat Noir would be this mean,” She blew a raspberry and crossed her arms, slouching on her seat. 
“You’re right, he’d treat you like the princess you are,” Adrien quickly swooped in, kissing her brow. The crease between her brows softened as a result and a light blush decorated her cheeks. They darkened when everyone else quipped with how ‘smooth’ or ‘cheesy’ Adrien was being. 
“Just get married already!” Kim sighed in mock disgust. “Your flirting has put all of ours combined to shame, Agreste,” 
“Wasn’t aware that you guys knew how to flirt,” The cheeky boy clicked his tongue, quickly darting off whilst his boy group gave chase (along with Alix). A few mock threats were heard before the noise faded away, out of the door.
“Think they’ll keep him alive, Mariboo~?” Alya nudged her best friend’s shoulder, stealing Adrien’s seat. 
“I think they’d do me a favour if they killed him.” Marinette huffed.
“You don’t mean tha-aaaaat,” 
“You’re right, I don’t,” Marinette dropped the hard to get act and squealed, the rest of the girls joining, huddling her into a group hug. 
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vln-vibes · 4 years
The Raven and the Robin:  (2)Legacy Day
Thanks for reading this dudes, I didn’t think it’d get alot of traction. Onto the story,
Summary: It’s Legacy Day but Raven knows her heart isn’t set on signing her book, perhaps Maddie knows what to do.
@justafanwarrior @insomniac-nerd-posts-things
Mara Queen walked the halls of her castle, well her and her husband’s, trying to find the little prince and princess.
“Where are my little birds?” Mara called out, keeping an ear out for any giggles.
Underneath the dining room table then.
“Oh where could my birds be? Surely they have not flown out the window!” Mara dramatically wept out, her platinum blonde, practically white, hair with varying shades of purple streaks, swaying as she quickly ducked underneath the large mahogany table. Her violet eyes twinkled in mirth as she heard the two children yelled in surprise.
“Mommy you found us!” her youngest, Robin, giggled as Raven pushed her way out from behind the chairs before helping Robin along. The Tornado Twins, she heard some of the castle staff call them fondly with how quickly they would appear and leave disaster behind. It made things better and worse that they had magical powers.
Robin had her white hair while Raven had James’s ebony locks, both had wavy hair. Both her children were faired skin though that was no surprise. While Raven had cerulean eyes, Robin’s were seagreen, a bit darker than her own before she signed away her destiny.
They were little troublemakers but they were hers.
“Look at you two, you look like a mess” Mara sighed, the grass stains and dust on their faces and clothes not looking like they’d be easy to clean up by hand. Luckily she had just the spell.
“From rags to riches, dull to shine, Clean these twin royals of mine”
“Aww but mommy we want to play here” Robin whined as his little golden crown tilted on his head, Raven following behind her with little prompting.
“Well you could stay here” Mara teased “Or you could accompany me for lunch with the Badwolfs and Hunters”
“Are our friends going to be there mom?” Raven shyly asked, taking a hold of Robin’s hand.
“We’ll find out when we get there”
And with that the three King-Queens headed out for a play date, one of the last they’d go to as a family.
Raven found herself in a state of unease as she walked down the halls of Ever After High on the morning of Legacy Day.
Ever since she was outed as the daughter of the Good King, therefore also the daughter of the Evil Queen, she’d been outcast by most of her classmates; suddenly she was an unpredictable evil witch instead of the quiet but sassy girl most assumed would be a royal. Apple and Headmaster Grimm had even tried to remove her things from Maddie’s room and Raven did not regret the hex she placed on them then or when they tried messing with her schedule a month into the school year.
She hated Legacy Day.
“Maddie, you have to help me.” Raven sighed as she grabbed onto her BFFA,“ I don't feel like I can sign the Storybook of Legends, but I don't wanna let everyone down either.”
“And do not forget the whole, ‘If you don't sign, your story disappears—poof!—and you may vanish into oblivion!’” Maddie emphasized with a large gesture of her hands before taking a large gulp of air “That's a thing you know, and it's gotta hurt.”
“But we don't know if that's true.”
“But what if it is?”
“But what if it's not?”
“But what if it is?”
“You're not helping.” Raven sighed once more, beginning to think that refusing to sign was a hopeless endeavor.
“Wait a tick! I think I know who can help.” with a snap of her fingers Maddie began to bounce excitedly and began to gesture to the library wing of the school. Not a moment too soon as Raven could see Apple White begin to wave her hand at her and make her way towards the duo.
“Ooh! Raven! There you are. We have to talk.”
As they hid behind one of the library shelves Maddie began to knock on the door behind them, a mist surrounding the hidden duo before taking them into another room.
“If anyone knows the truth about the Storybook of Legends, it's Giles Grimm!” Maddie laughed, gesturing across the curtain to reveal a lanky graying man, she could see some similarities with the Headmaster though their way of presenting themselves was like night and day; Giles was casual if a little more hobo looking while Milton always made sure he looked as crisp and pristine as possible.
“Feathers and friends! Together, alone.” Giles Grimm bowed to the young princess.
“He's speaking Riddlish! He was cursed with the babble spell. Makes him sound, you know...cu-roo-coocoo!” Maddie explained as she waved her fingers around her head, “ He says it's nice to have us here.”
“Ask him about the book! If I don't sign, am I really gonna... uh, disappear?” Raven requested, feeling her nerves build up.
“Mmhmm! Can the musical chair change its tone when the tablet of granite is inscribed with a bone?” Maddie translated for her friend.
“Hmm...the constellation lays incomplete in the sky tonight, does this mean the night will not arrive?”
“Oh” Maddie’s demeanor seemed to droop for a second as she turned to Raven “He knows that your story doesn’t have all its active roles but he doesn’t know how the storybook will take it if it finds out”
“Bu-But what about signing? Even if the story doesn’t have all its roles do I still need to sign or will something happen?” Raven could feel as her throat began to constrict, an invisible bile going up her throat as she recalled the missing piece of the story.
“The king who sings with pages of sky fears too much the dawn that rises with lies.” Giles gave a sympathetic look to Raven before talking to Maddie.
“He says there's something wrong with the book, and that if you don't sign, your story will…”
“What? WHAT?” Raven opened her eyes to see Maddie already having set up a tea party and serving a cup to Giles.
“Oh, sorry! If you don't sign, your story will continue.”
“Ah, really? Oh that's great.”
“...I think.”
Raven had to stop herself from glaring at Apple as the girl only stared her down; everyone was surprised when she arrived in her “Good King” outfit.
It was a bit of an old style for Raven’s style but a little bit of magic helped adjust to her taste, just a bit. Raven proudly wore the same white suit all the Good Kings had worn, her father included, a 19th century styled German army suit that the original Good King wore, with golden accents on the shoulders, buttons and embroidery, the original loose white pants with golden embroidery on the side of the leg becoming more form fitting, shiny black leather boots, with some added heel, and white gloves tying it together before adding the finishing touches. Raven had made sure to correctly adjust the clasps on her carmine velvet cape with white fur on its trims and that the crown, a golden trimmed crown with different colored jewels carefully placed on it and a velvet cap underneath it.
“Shouldn’t you be wearing the same thing all Evil Queens wore before?” Apple asked in a forced polite voice, after all her Evil Queen couldn’t be wearing the suit her grandfather wore for Legacy Day… even if her mother never liked talking about him.
“Shouldn’t you be wearing the same clothes the Snow Whites have before?” Raven stared at Apple’s dress, clearly tailored for today even though it was not the way Legacy Day worked; they were supposed to be wearing the suits the Originals wore in their stories. For someone all about tradition, Raven couldn’t help but think that Apple was just full of it.
At that Apple just went back to the unofficial “Royal” side of the courtyard. Raven made her way with the Rebels.
“Fables and Gentletales! It is my honor to welcome you to the newest generation of Legacy Day”
This was so unfairest.
Raven had been clapping politely as her friend’s turn was coming up only to be thrown a curveball.
They were not going in order of Author or even Fairy Tale title; they were just going in random order.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was up first, as it had been during rehearsals.
“I, Alistair Liddell-Wonderland, son of Alice from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, promise to fulfill my destiny as the next Alice and resolve every riddle that stands in my way!” The crowd cheered as Alistair finished his speech, silver key appearing over his hand before placing it in the book. Raven winced from her seat, recalling the fact that Alistair and the other Wonderlandians couldn’t go back because of the Evil Queen’s spell. Well Alistair already completed his story; all Alice’s did before Legacy Day even happened. Every Alice would fall in a rabbit hole and into Wonderland after being spied on by that White Rabbit by the age of seven. It was an Alice thing according to Maddie.
Bunny Blanc was the only “Role” that was unavailable during the ceremony. She didn’t escape with the others and was still stuck in Wonderland.
Kitty Cheshire, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Hearts and Maddie each signed the Storybook of Legends after Alistair was done.
Then Headmaster Grimm just had to meddle; Snow White was going up next.
“I am Hunter Huntsman, son of the Huntsman from Snow White and Red Riding Hood, and I am here to pledge… my destiny” Hunter forced a smile on his face, it's not as though he was ever ashamed of his destiny but well𑁋 As a vegetarian he couldn’t help but dislike certain aspects of his role, namely the slaughter of animals. He faced the crowd as the bronze key appeared before him and inserted it into the Storybook of Legends. The flipping of pages giving a small breeze to his forest green hood as he watched the scenes before him.
He was strolling through the woods, animals on the look for him. The animals rushed to him and gestured to a familiar looking cottage; he had to pull Ramona and Cerise away from a fight, neither looking too happy at old Ruby Hood, the Red Riding Hood before their mom. He just walked away from the cottage with the girls before he received a message on his mirror phone from an unidentified number that “requested his services”. It showed him at the steps of a castle… wait what? The pictures after that were all blurred, as though water had spilled on top of them.
Hunter was snapped out of his stupor as the feather appeared before him; Hunter Huntsman was officially the next Huntsman for the two stories.
“Raven Queen” Headmaster Grimm called out, much to Raven’s annoyance as she walked up the staircase.
“I am Raven King-Queen, daughter of the Good King and the Evil Queen, and I pledge um…”
Raven took the golden key before her, a small crown with a ruby crystal on top, inserting it in the Storybook. With a sigh she twisted the key in the lock as the pages began to fly.
Raven couldn’t control the whirlwind of emotions she felt as the story unfolded before her. She hadn’t realized the magic she unleashed, all the mega mirrors now showing what she looked at.
Raven, at ten years old, stood side by side with a boy with white hair, the duo walking through the halls of the King-Queen “Good” castle. Eleven year old Raven watched as the white haired boy, both now having streaks of royal blue and regal purple in their hair, seemed to be bossing around a younger Hunter Huntsman. Raven was now thirteen years old, watching from her room as a crystal object was being carried away by castle staff. Seventeen year old Raven (this year?) watched as an armored figure leaned forward, a crystal coffin people realized, and gave a kiss to the unseen person inside of it.
Raven had enough. She knew what she had to do.
“I am Raven King-Queen, daughter of the Good King and Evil Queen, here to announce that it is my destiny to become the next Good King” Raven ignored the shocked looks or cheers coming from the Royal side as the Rebels just continued to stare.
Raven shut the book.
“But I will not be signing the Storybook of Legends; I’ll find my own Happily Ever After”
“Oh my…”
“Raven did it!”
All the mirrors shattered once the book was closed. Raven looked around she realized that nothing had happened after that. She was still alive, everyone was still alive.
“You lied! I didn’t disappear” Raven’s fury was directed at Milton Grimm, cerulean eyes lit up
“Are you here to make a fool of me young lady!” Milton barked, his skin gaining a red tint to it, similarly to Apple as she glared at Raven.
“I told you I wasn’t the Evil Queen” she huffed back
“Ho-How could you be so selfish! If you’re not the Evil Queen to my story then who is!” Apple demanded.
Raven stopped herself from losing grip of her emotions again, she turned back and gave Apple a solemn look “That’s another story ever after”
Raven King-Queen stepped down the staircase, towards her awaiting friends, and never looked back.
After the ceremony was postponed until further notice, Milton Grimm stormed up into the hidden entrance of the tower where the Magic Mirror was kept.
She would be talking to him whether she was willing or not.
“What is the meaning of this! Where is the new Evil Queen! What have you𑁋”
Milton Grimm was shocked at the sight within the mirror. No longer did she wear the bird skull crown or have black, purple and magenta hair, or even the same dress she had when destroying the other stories.
It was as though the Evil Queen many had come to fear was gone.
Crying within the mirror was the same Mara Queen he had recognized from her own days at Ever After, amethyst eyes she only gained after Legacy Day looked at him in distress and horror.
“What have I done?”
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