#hobie x transmasc!reader
memory-and-sky · 7 months
hey if youre still doing writing requests, could you do hobie helping ftm!reader with dysphoria? maybe helping him fix his hair in a more masc way or helping him voice train
thank you so much for this ask, anon! i love this so so so much :3 i tried my best, i hope you like it!!
word count: ~1.6k
containing: swearing, user is transmasc/ftm, user has dysphoria, hobie is literally the sweetest, i don’t really know how to voice train even though i am transmasc myself xp
the rest of the fic is under the cut!
dysphoria fucking sucks. hobie x ftm!reader
You were rotting away in bed again. Jesus, dysphoria was really kicking your fucking ass. You rolled over, checking the time on your phone. 11:06 AM.
The bedsheets were all hot, as it was a warm, humid day today. You'd been overheating like a dog for awhile now, but you had no real reason to get up.
Until, all of a sudden, you heard a window open, and boots walking in your living room. It was definitely—
"Oi-oi, love? Where are ya?" Hobie.
You quickly jumped up, pulling over a hoodie and pajama pants; your go-to dysphoria outfit, and greet him.
His gaze caught on you, and he looked confused. "Mate, are ya really wearin' tha' in this bloody heat? Yer gonna boil to death, hun." He walked over to you, and ruffled your too-long hair.
"Um.. yeah. I dunno, I kinda don't feel the best right now.. I feel pretty gross," You shoved your hands in the hoodie pocket, already sweating buckets under it.
"Well, yer hair is gettin' t' be quite long, mate. Wouldn't mind cuttin' it, y'know." He began to take his boots off. "'N I'd be plenty chuffed t'help ya with tha'. Jus'... take tha' shit off, love, 's too bloody hot to be doin' allat,"
You shake your head. "I-... I have.. pretty bad dysphoria today. I don't want to see my... my body."
Ah. Yeah, Hobie understands what's happening now. "I see, hun. Why don'tcha wear 'n oversized tee, and them shorts I gave ya?" He asks, crouching down to meet your eye level, offering a lopsided smile. "Go, mate. Be quick, yeah?" Hobie firmly pat your shoulder as you went to your room to change.
When you came back, Hobie put his closed fist out for a fist bump. You gave him one, and he grinned down at you, putting both his thumbs in the front belt loops of his pants.
"Ya look wonderfully masculine, love,"
"I don't feel like it." You sighed, looking down at your feet.
A shiver ran through your body as Hobie held your chin, and angled your face upwards. "Look at me, swee'heart." He examined your face. You were miserable in your own body, tired of feeling like a girl. "Tell ya what, love. We'll chop at ya hair, 'n I think I know a few tricks t'get ya voice soundin' deeper."
You glanced up at him through your eyelashes. "You do..?"
"Sure do, mate! Had plenty 'a trans bloke mates, even now," Hobie let go of your chin. "Ya still 'ave them scissors I gifted ya, don'tcha?"
You nodded. "In my bathroom."
"Let's go there then, yeah? Ya ready t' feel abso-fuckin'-lutely han'some?" He pat you on the back, still grinning.
You attempted to hold back a big smile, nodding. "Yeah,"
Hobie patted the cold countertop after he finished getting your hair adequately wet in your sink, his rings clinking and making a nice sound on the porcelain. "Siddown, mate. With yer back facin' the sink,"
As you sat on the counter, he rummaged through a few drawers, grabbing the trimming, layering, and normal scissors. "Oh, my good sir, what would you like? 'M at yer service," He bowed to you teasingly.
You rolled your eyes, smiling. "Whatever. Uh.. I dunno, somethin' that makes me look like a boy. Like myself. I definitely want it shorter," You looked over at Hobie, as he evaluated what would suit you best.
From your perspective, now, he was suddenly getting suuuuper fuckin' close to your face, and messing with your hair. You were surely beet red by now.
"Aight, doll, think I know wha' I needa do for ya," He finally backed up, softly chuckling at your flustered demeanour. Then, he grabbed a towel from over the shower rod, and wrapped it around your shoulders, so that hair wouldn't go down your shirt. "Hold righ' here, love,"
So you obeyed, and held the towel in place.
"Good boy. Let's see, now, hmm..."
You felt like you were going to explode. 'Good boy'? When had you ever seen Hobie call anyone a good boy?! Before you even had time to fully process that, he was getting close to your face again.
Hobie began to chop at your overgrown hair with the normal scissors, cutting big chunks of your hair and moving your head around a bunch as you fidgeted. But god, you couldn't help but stare at him. He looked so attractive when he was deeply concentrated, you couldn't deny it. Well, he always looked attractive, and confident... so effortlessly.
Hobie gave you serious debilitating gender envy, in addition to you maybe having a little tiny crush on him. You wanted to be like him so bad it hurt.
"D'you mind turnin' around fo' me? Needa cut the back of yer hair now," Hobie snapped you out of your daze after several minutes of him chopping off your hair.
"Somethin' wrong, love? Ya seem kinda ou' of it.." A sweet, lopsided smile spread across his gorgeous face, and he tilted his head slightly.
You shake your head. "I'm just.. I dunno. I'm happy that I'm finally getting a haircut again. I really feel like a girl with all of this hair, 'n.. this was long needed. And I'm tired,"
Hobie chuckled softly as you turned to sit criss-cross on the counter, back facing him. "I feel ya, mate. Jus'... yer not a girl, 'kay? You've never looked like a girl t'me, 'n ya never will, yeah?" He began cutting your hair, combing and messing around with it. "I love how ya look 'n present yourself. Yer so confident in yer style, ya look real peng, y'know."
"Yeah...?" You blushed furiously, so thankful that your back was turned to him at the moment.
"Yeah, mate."
It didn't take Hobie too long before he finished cutting your hair, and thinning the ends out with the layering scissors.
"Turn around, love," He ruffles your hair as you turn around, now leaning in close to your face to fix your hair up all nice. He grinned down at you. "Ya look proper han'some. 'Ere, c'mon down. Look in tha' mirror fo' me."
So you hopped down, and evaluated yourself in the mirror. You felt euphoric, and just really happy with your new haircut.
Hobie placed both his hands on your shoulders, leaning over so that his head was next to yours. "You happy with it?"
"Mhm! Thank you so much, Hobie,"
"Say ya look han'some. I wanna hear ya say it." He smiled his lopsided smile.
"I... isn't it a bit vain? Selfish?"
Hobie shook his head, standing back up to his full height to stretch. "Confidence ain't vain. It's quite alrigh' to be sickeningly confident in yerself, y'know. I am. C'mon, swee'heart, say it,"
"I... I look handsome..." You clearly didn't believe those words, evident from you looking down at your feet, and mumbling.
"Like ya believe it. Look yerself in the mirror, 'n say it, nice 'n loud fo' me,"
You groan. "Hobes—"
"(Y/n). C'moooonnn~" He shook you lightly, holding onto your shoulders.
"U-um... I look handsome..." You sighed, smiling despite yourself at Hobie's adorable excitement.
"Tha's more like it. Gooood boy," Hobie giggled like a little girl as he patted your back reassuringly. "Still wanna learn how t'make yer voice a pinch deeper?"
"Yeah, of course I do,"
Hobie smirked. "Aight, let's sit somewhere more comfortable then, yeah?" He gestured for you to exit before him, turning off the light after you both left.
As you both sat down, Hobie was manspreading. You took notice of this, and mirrored him.
"Y'know how t'make yer voice deeper, yeah? Tha's pretty easy," He smiled, and demonstrated it for you.
"Jesus! That's unnatural," you giggle, but test it out a little.
"Yeah! Yeah, you got it. Okay, so keep tha' in mind. How you do that wit' yer throat. Don't force it too much, don't make yer voice too unnaturally deep, kay?"
"Make yer pitch a bit more... monotone. Keep a plain, calm, controlled pitch, yeah?" He grins down at you, leaning in a little bit too close for a 'normal' distance for friends as he put his hands gently on your shoulders.
"How does this sound..?" You mumble, embarrassed.
Hobie grabbed your hand with both his hands, genuinely happy for you. "Yeah! Bloody perfect, mate! Awe, lookit you! Such a natural. A li'l louder f'me?"
"I sound stupid." You took your hand out of his grasp, groaning as you ran your hands down your face.
"Honey, no... you don' sound stupid at all." He gently touched your hand. "Sorry. Can I use 'honey'? Anyways, mate, you'll get the hang of it eventually. Ya don' have to use it righ' away, but... keep it in that noggin of yers, yeah?"
Hobie teasingly poked your forehead, and you couldn't help but smile, looking up into his big brown eyes, messily lined with black eyeliner.
"You, um... you can use honey. Whatever. Thanks, Hobie. I mean... yeah. I appreciate it a lot," You suddenly avoided his gaze, looking at the details and patches on his pants.
He smiled as he saw your eyes avoiding his.
“Awh. ‘n I’m happy t’do it for ya!” Hobie patted your shoulder firmly. “Yer perfectly masculine love, ‘n don’t you forget it,”
You smiled despite yourself at Hobie’s kindness towards you. How he was so caring towards you, no matter what. When you had came out to him, you’d been so fucking scared, and now… you really only felt completely safe with him. You could tell him anything, and even things you didn’t tell him, he’d gently coax what was wrong out of you with his stupid charm and tender personality.
Though he was sarcastic and cocky most of the time, Hobie could be really kind and gentle... which he definitely was with you, when you needed it.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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Jason Todd.Also Megumi Fushiguro.Also Percy Jackson but by P*rcicos and gods fuckers specifically.Also Todoroki Shouto.Also Sasuke Uchiha.Also Ichigo Kurosaki.Also Hobie Brown.Also Marshall Lee Abadeer.Also Prince Zuko.Also Nicholas D. Wolfwood-Y'know you guys get it
(Oh woah,almost 400 notes and like almost 100 at least don't realize i'm insulting you and calling you basic pick mes.Well,thanks for liking and subscribing anyway ig)
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eyesxxyou · 5 months
❝ nude bodies ❞ (artist!hobie x trans ftm!reader)
。゚・ ¡ content. friends to lovers, a little bit of awkwardness, oral (reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving), reader has a t-dick, very sweet sex (bordering on love making), creampie, hobie gets a little sappy at the end. you've been long time best friends with hobie for years, both secretly pining after each other. you both think nothing will ever come of your feelings until hobie asks to draw you nude.
wc: 5k
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The sun was hot on your face. The rough sound of pencil meeting paper tickled your ears. Hobie hummed a soft tune while his hand carved out the rough shapes of your face into paper. His eyes kept flicking from his sketchbook to you, his gaze lingering on your closed eyes before wandering a little lower to trace the shape of your honeydew lips.
He reached out, his hand tenderly caressing the side of your face to get you to turn your head to the slightest degree so that the sun hit your face at just the right angle to make you glow honey gold. He touched you like a masterpiece, one of the old greats, like you would crumble if pressed too hard. His thumb traced your lip and you shivered ever so slightly.
“Have ya ever though’ of letting me draw ya nude?” Hobie had a way of saying things. Careless or carefree, you chose because he doesn't have the energy to do it himself, too busy drawing or playing the guitar.
You open your eyes, a deep frown painting itself across your honeydew lips. “You want to draw me what?” You sat up on your arms and Hobie sat up with you on his knees, his hand on your chest to push you back down onto the smooth wood of his deck. “Nude. Was I no’ loud enough? Keep still, dove. ‘m no’ done.”
You sigh and relent, laying back in the sun with your head tilted towards him to catch the golden rays. Hobie settled back down beside you and began sketching again.
You won't say Hobie didn't rattle something within you. Nude was intimate, nude meant vulnerable, nude meant served on a platter with all your feelings splayed out so brazenly before him. You couldn't hide anything from him while naked, couldn't hide how every gentle touch of his warm fingertips made your heart leap and your groin ache with feelings you’re forced to call want. You couldn't hide from his wandering gaze powdered with the stark neutrality of someone who didn't care either way.
“Why would you want to draw me naked?” You try not to move too much while you talk, try not to make a big deal out of his request. Why would he want to draw your body? Your body didn't look like everyone else's, the crescent-shaped twin scars cupping your chest made sure of that. Not to mention all the changes gone on between your legs. You’re not the most ideal person in the world to draw nude according to every societal standard.
But Hobie wasn't one to care about a social standard. “Why wouldn' I? I draw ya all the time. Yer my lovely lil muse.” He touched his pencil behind his ear and set his sketchbook down closed beside him. He shifted himself, laid down right beside you with his head propped up on his hand, looking down on you as you lay below him.
Hobie reached out and pinched your cheek. “Jus’ think ‘bout i’. No pressure. I wan’cha to be comfortable with the idea.” He lied down completely beside you, just the two of you lying on the deck of his boat, shirtless, arms touching all the way from shoulder down to the backs of your hands. You could grab his hand if you wanted to. He could grab yours. Your finger twitches with the idea of it. But that's not what friends do.
“What would happen if I agreed?” You asked timidly. Hobie turned his head, eyes carefully tracing the lines of your side profile. “We’d wait a week before we did anythin’. Jus’ in case you became a chicken and wan’ed to back ou’.” He teased as he always did and that set you at ease as you turned your head to meet his gaze.
His deep-set eyes traced the contours of your face with dedication and admiration. If you hadn't known any better you might have said he did it lovingly. But he was an artist at the end of the day and your best friend. Any love he had beyond a platonic one was for what you do for his art. “You bring it to life.” He once said. He did not love you the way you loved him. You were sure of it.
“Lemme finish this piece then we can grab a bite, yeah?” Hobie sat up and placed his hand on your chest, patting you the way a friend pats another in the back. He doesn't let his touch linger even though every atom of your body begged and pleaded for him to just touch you, touch you anywhere, you didn't care where. Just let it stay there, let it linger a little longer, let it hold so you might know that he's real and he’s yours.
You consider it while he draws with your eyes closed and your hands resting on your belly, tracing imaginary lines and imagining it’s Hobie doing it with the tips of his nimble fingers. He wouldn't make it weird, wouldn't tease you about it for the rest of your lives, wouldn't embarrass you by telling others. That's not how he is. It would just be between the two of you, from one man to another.
Hobie sits beside you in silence, hoping he didn't ruin anything you two had, the soft progress you have made with each other years in the making. He’s been dropping hints for years now, the obvious ones only made in the last few months. Unnecessary lingering touches, brushing his hand against yours to give you the opportunity to grab on and stay that way. He holds your face so softly so fucks sake, leans in so close he might just kiss you but leaves it to you to make the final move. You never do. He called you his muse, told you his art is nothing without you and yet you still look at him with that blank, oblivious look in your eyes that makes him want to tell you straight up that he’s in love with you. You’d probably still tilt your head like a puppy, confused and unknowing.
His eyes lavish over your body, every piece of exposed skin being feasted upon by his greedy gaze. Your eyes are closed, you’d never know. He wants to trace his fingers along your scars, kiss them, kiss you, feel your skin on his and know you a little more than he already does.
“I’ll do it.” You concede. “You can’t show it to anyone though. I’d die of humiliation.”
“Never planned to, dove.” Hobie smiled. “It’ll just be between me ‘n you. It’s just anatomy practice.” Anatomy practice sounded good, sounded reasonable, sounded like he wasn't just trying to find any excuse to witness you naked. Did it make him sick, perverted, what he’d end up doing with that drawing as he did with nearly all his other drawings of you? Did it make him bad that he’d end up with his hand firmly wrapped around his cock, pleading for a single moment, a single chance? Did it make him wrong that he’d ruin the page with cum and would have to redraw it all over again?
You remind him, “I don't have regular anatomy.”
“I don't need regular, dove.” Hobie looks up from his sketchbook, flipping his pencil to erase a small imperfection in his work. “I just need you.”
Hobie gave you a week. An entire week to reconsider and yet you remained steadfast in your decision. It wouldn't be weird. Hobie has a way of making awkward situations completely comfortable with his light-heartedness. He never took anything seriously so why should you?
Boarding his boat meant accepting wholly that you’d be naked in front of him and a part of you, while nervous, was comfortable with that. If you were to be naked in front of anyone in the entire world, you’d want it to be your best friend, the person you trust most in this world.
Hobie was waiting for you inside, guitar in lap while strumming some cords to a melody he was humming. You kicked your shoes off at the door and let it slam shut behind you as if it were sealing you in. You can't back out now. You had promised.
Hobie put his guitar down on it’s display rack and tossed the pick into a small box of picks he had sitting on a small table beside his bed. “Mr. Punctuality ova here. I wasn' expectin’ ya fo’ anotha hour.” He hopped down from the ledge he was sitting on, stumbling a bit but ultimately landing on his feet. He came over and tossed an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his body for a half-hearted hug.
“You told me to come at 1.”
“But when I say tha’ I really mean 2. You know ion run on other people's time.” He offered a cheeky little dimpled smile across those dark lips of his that you adored more than you could ever say. He rubbed your shoulder a little before patting it and letting you go. You wanted to run back to him, to tell him to embrace you once more but fully this time. You didn't want to embarrass yourself by doing so.
“Are ya sure ya do this?” He offered you one last chance to back out before the two of you started. “We can always stop if ya feel uncomfortable,” he assured you.
You nodded slowly, lips curling into a soft, self-assuring smile. “I’m okay. Let’s do this.” Your heart beat so hard in your chest you could feel it in your throat and hear it in your ears. You balled your hands into fists, thumbs in your palms, squeezing with anxiety. You trusted him, knew he would do nothing to make you feel uncomfortable.
“I’ll be back in a momen’, you can get on the bed when you’re ready.” Hobie went to leave to afford you some privacy. You appreciated his thoughtfulness and watched him go with a shaky breath. You wrung your hands, grasping the hem of your shirt to sooth yourself before you began.
You started with your shirt, pulling it over your head and folding it up neatly before placing it on the edge of Hobie’s bed. That was soon followed by your pants, then your underwear. You’re not used to being naked, especially not in Hobie’s boathouse. You felt vulnerable, your hands immediately went to cup your love and cover yourself without so much as a second thought.
You climbed up onto Hobie’s bed and covered yourself with his duvet, waiting for him to return so that you can get this over with. You tell yourself it’s for anatomy practice, that it’s nothing more than that. But there’s something oddly intimate about being wrapped up in his planets, lying in his bed with his deep, musky scent permeating your senses and soothing your raging nerves.
You lay there with your face pressed into his pillow awaiting Hobie’s return. Your fingers gripped his sheets, twisting and fingering the fabric anxiously as you watch the door crack open and Hobie’s head poke inside to ensure you’re properly prepared. He saw you curled up in his bed and smiled with a tender softness. “You ready?”
You nodded, nipping at your bottom lip. Hobie came shuffling in, closing the door behind himself gently. He rummaged about his flat, grabbing his sketchbook and a sharpened pencil before coming over to you in his bed.
Hobie climbed in with you, shuffling over to kneel beside your covered body. He set his sketchbook down and carefully reached out to grasp the edge of the blanket you had covered your modesty up with. “May I?” His eyes were soft looking upon you, they ask for permission too, ask for you to let your guard down for just a moment. They ask for you to trust him
You do. You trust him wholeheartedly. With your bottom lip caught between your teeth, you nod subtly and let go of the blanket. You let him peel it away from you but your hands return between your legs to keep yourself covered.
“Jus' relax f’me, dove.” His slender fingers grasped your wrists, carefully and gently pulling them away from your tender lips. You don't resist him, you let him take your hands in his and remove them from the spot where you find yourself feeling the most vulnerable. There's something about his touches that feels more intimate than before. Your nudity amplified every caress of his hand against your skin. You could feel it linger throughout your body.
Hobie gazed at you, his eyes scanning down the length of your trembling body, hitching at your chest and groin for just a lingering moment. You don’t hear the way he murmurs soft prayers under his breath, a plea for strength, for the worthiness to admire such a sacred body in its most bare state.
Starting the sketch was the hardest part. Hobie was used to touching you, holding your face, dragging a finger along the curve of your jaw, his fingertips kissing your eyelids, tracing the underside of your lips. He was a physical learner and with time, he knew your face like he knew his own palm, all the lines and shadows that made it up.
But he didn’t know your body. Not the way he wanted to.
You could see the frustration crossing his face as he turned his pencil and erased his work for the second time, “Is there anything I can do to help?” Your voice was timid and beautiful, ringing with an air of genuine concern. You hadn’t expected Hobie to ask to touch you.
“F’r visual purposes only. I don’ – know ya body yet. No’ like I know ya face.” His hands wrung against his lap, refraining from making himself too comfortable with your pretty body. He imagined your skin would be soft beneath his palms, supple as he dipped his graphite-covered fingers into your flesh. “You don’t have’ta.”
“You can.” You say almost too quickly. Did he catch the desperation in your voice? Did he catch the way you leaned in just a little further, the way you crossed your legs at the mere thought of his hands stroking down the length of your bare skin. Had you given yourself away? Had you shown all of your cards like an amateur?
You watched Hobie place his things down and come over to climb back onto the bed with you. You sat up and let out a startled little gasp. Hobie was suddenly closer than you had expected, sitting beside you with his hands on either side of your legs to prop himself up.
“Jus’ tell me when t’stop, yeah?”
He couldn’t help himself, couldn’t help but to touch. Hobie started at your face, the familiarity of it offering you ease and comfort. His hand cupped your cheek. Brushing a soft thumb under your eyes, palm cupping along your jaw and his thumb moving up slightly to skim over your soft eyelid. The pads of his fingers move to your lips, tracing them left to right, right to left. His eyes flick between your lips and your coy gaze, too shy to fully meet his every time he looks at you.
His other hand skimmed at your waist. His fingertips touching at your chest, tracing your scars with such loving care. Hobie likes the way you shiver under his touch, likes the way your body rolls as he makes his way lower to your belly where your happy trail begins, leading lower and lower. He doesn’t go all the way though you so desperately wished he would.
His hand touches your thigh, the other trailing down your shoulder, to your elbow, to your hand where his fingers slip beneath yours. Before you know it, your fingers are laced with his. There was something so innocent about it, something so beautiful and soft. His hand on your thigh, tracing circles into your flesh felt just as innocent in the beginning. But his fingers were trailing .along your inner thigh, gripping the flesh there with something far darker that anything platonic.
It was hard not to melt into his touch, a touch so hot that it left your skin burning where he met it. Your chest burned with desire. Your gaze, a little more brazen now, showed as much. You swallowed thickly as you caught Hobie’s gaze and suddenly you were doing just the same as him, staring at that lip piercing that glinted under the dim lighting of his bedroom.
It was the same thought that crossed your minds.
“Can I kiss ya?”
“For your drawing, right?”
Hobie nodded slowly, leaning in with a subtle tilt of his head. His lips hovered slightly over yours, not exactly kissing you but not, not kissing you either. “Yeah…for the drawin’.” He whispered against your lips, taking them with his. He kissed you like he’s been waiting for this moment since he’s known you. Kissed you like he needed this, kiss you in a way that said “if you stop, I’ll die.”
He can't help the way his hands wander, touching you in places he'd never even dreamt of touching in the first place as his hands grow more greedy. His hands trail everywhere, feeling your skin grow warm under his touch as he commits every brush of skin against skin.
You could feel a heat pool between your legs, your pussy ached and your dick throbbed to attention with each inch gained by Hobie’s fingers closer to your wanton core. You spread your legs for him, silent permission for him to touch where he pleased and where you craved.
Hobie did not touch you there, not yet. His hand held your waist and his lips began to trace a trail down the side of your neck, placing sloppy, open mouth kisses on your exposed flesh leading down to your chest. He peppered kisses along the crescents of your scars, worshiping exactly where they cut into you and made you a little more of who you are.
His lips pressed kisses down your naval. His hand gripped yours tighter. “Lay back, luv.” His free hand pushed you back gently, coaching you to lie in the mess of pillows stained with his scent. Hobie held your smaller hand, pressing it into the mattress, his free hand still roaming and touching and studying your warm body.
How could he possibly go back to pencil and paper after this? His drawings could never satisfy him now that he’s gotten a taste of the real thing. His art was meaningless now, served no purpose now that your flesh was beneath his tongue, in his hands, gripping, touching, loving.
He’s come on your face a thousand times over in his mind, on his page. But he could not bear the idea of sullying your sacred body with such degeneracy. Hobie would only touch, only please. He would come last.
He settled himself between your legs, his hand parting them a little further until your pretty, wet lips parted with a nice, creamy sound. You turned your head away, embarrassed but Hobie found it quite lovely. You are hard and wet for him, your sweet, little cock firm behind the hood.
Hobie kissed your pelvis just above your t-dick, ending his journey to where you desired him the most. He glanced up at you and found your eyes cast away with what could only read as humiliation.
“C’mon, dove, look a’ me.” He kissed the tip of your dick and smiled as you shuddered with something of a pathetic moan. You willed yourself to look at him with timid eyes. Hobie kissed your tip again, his fingers pulling back your hood to give him more space to work. His tongue licked firm strokes between your soaked lips all the way up to your pretty cock which he licks then takes into his mouth.
He sucked on the engorged bundle of nerves, swollen and sensitive on his tongue. Hobie worships the way you cry a little, your back arching from the sheets, his tongue stroking lick after lick against the tip, each one sending jolts of pleasure throughout your heated body.
You placed one of your hands on the back of his head, not applying pressure but to give him a few encouraging scratches to his scalp. “Just like that, keep going.” Your body shows all its cards and you couldn't care in the slightest. Breathless moans and soft whimpers keep him going, keeps him sucking your pretty dick with his tongue occasionally lapping at your sweet little hole.
Hobie used his fingers to stroke between your pussy lips where you ached the most. It was easy to ease a finger in with how utterly soaked you were and with a few slow pumps, the second finger was not too far behind.
He took his time with you, unraveling you like a gift splayed out before him. He could rush, he could take what he needed but he wanted this to be slow, intimate. He needed to tell you just how much he worshiped his body of yours, how much he valued every piece of flesh you offered up to him. He needed to study you, inside and out.
Your hushed moans were beautiful and the whines the broke out between them were just the same. “My lil’ muse.” He hummed against your cock, kissing it and the flesh around it in an act of praise. His fingers worked in and out of you, curled in search of that gummy little ridge that would send you into orbit and make this all the better for you.
He knew he found it when you let out a nice, little, high-pitched moan and your whole body lept. Hobie chuckled softly, much to your dismay and rubbed you at your sweet spot right where you needed him.
“Why– fuck~ why are you always…so mean. L-laughing at me ‘n all.” You pant out, hips bucking against his soaked fingers, all your pretty, little parts rubbing against his knuckles.
“On the contrary, I think ‘m bein’ rather nice, don' you?” He kissed your belly, slowly making his way back up your body to find your lips again. “I only wanna be sweet wit’cha, luv.” His lips pecked yours once, twice, before he kissed you fully again. His fingers thrust into you, his thumb playing with your dick to keep you nice and stimulated. “You don't think ‘m bein’ sweet?”
You shook your head and he pressed his fingers into your sweet spot to make you gasp. “I-I think you’re the meanest person I know, Hobes.” You wrapped an arm around his neck to pull him in, your lips still stealing kisses from one another. “I think you’re mean peck ‘cause peck it’s your fingers inside me and not peck you.”
“I can change tha’. I can be so nice t’ya.”
You’re lucky he’s in his pajamas and not his entire getup. It’s easy to get him to pull himself out of his pants enough to reveal his length to you. He’s thick and long, nothing to make a passing statement at. He slips his fingers from your eager cunt and uses them to drag along the tip of his cock, spreading it down his length with a few sloppy strokes against his palm.
Hobie pulled you closer. You settled back against his pillows, whining a little when Hobie pulled his hand away from yours to brace himself against you. You toss your arms over his shoulders and around his neck. Your gaze is a bit more confident looking into his and Hobie kisses you softly.
You're dripping, trembling as he drags the tip of his thick cock between your soaked lips. He teased you, pressing the tip into your sopping entrance before pulling away. It coats him, your wetness, making it easier for him to slowly inch his way inside. He stretches you slowly and your nails sink into his back. You bury your face into his neck, muffling your moans.
His hands caress your body, holding you tight as if he craved that same warmth from you as well. His hips pressed flush against yours, his cock buried deep within you. He lets you adjust while he familiarizes himself with your tight cavern. Your walls hug him, imprinting every vein, every groove of him. Soft and welcoming like you've been waiting to invite him in since forever.
You two stare at each other, the warmth of one’s breath breezing over the other's supple skin. "Move." You encourage, nudging your nose against his. His hands tightened on your waist as he pulled his hips back until only the tip remained inside before surging them forward. He liked being soft with you, liked touching you like you were one of his drawings, like you would smudge if he pressed too hard.
You didn't mind slow or careful. It made you feel all that more special, like you were worth taking up that time where he could be doing other things. He kept his strokes paced, gentle. The soft slapping of skin mingles with your moans that fill the room.
"Hobie~" You claw at his back, leaving your mark on him in bright red lines that cover his skin. His cock filled you to the brim, pressing every point of pleasure along the way to his tip kissing your cervix. Hobie’s size was nothing to laugh at. He touched places never before discovered, his hips rutting into yours in firm, paced strokes.
He pressed his against the side of your head. Your shampoo was nice, lavender and vanilla he supposed. Hobie made a mental note to write that down in his sketchbook with all his other notes about you.
Hobie smelled like subtle cologne and natural musk. It's comforting, not overwhelming or violently invading your nose. You kiss his neck, along his sharp jaw, and over his prominent Adams Apple. Your teeth nip softly over his supple flesh, easily able to leave hickeys on his skin, smooth as paper.
Your moans are like music to his ears. High-pitched and uneven. With each thrust, he's rewarded with such a beautiful sound. You chew on your bottom lip in attempt to contain them but he doesn't like it. "Uh-uh, I wanna hear you. Don't deny me such a beautiful sound." He reaches up and pulls your lip from your teeth with his own. A spark.
Hobie took your hand with his much larger one and laced your fingers with his like before. He pinned your hand to the bed, rubbing off graphite onto your skin, his mark on you, his love on you. “Am I nice enough now?”
You nod, “so nice~”. You sighed out, pulling him in and tucking your face into the crook of his neck. “So good.” You murmured against his skin, sucking on that piece of flesh to calm yourself. His strokes were deep, solid, unquestionable in his dedication to his craft.
He kisses your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, then your lips, a innocent little kiss that belies the way he’s fucking you right now, his pelvis rubbing your dick with every roll of his hips.
His hand touches the side of your face, skimming it, holding it, worshiping it as if he were drawing. Your eyes fluttered softly, your lips parted to let out a shaky breath and your eyes admire him the way he admires you, like an artist looking at its masterpiece.
Hobie’s hand trails down the length of your body and reaches between your bodies to touch your dick. He strokes it between his fingers, smirking at the way you cry into the bend of his neck and take the time to bite. You sink your teeth into smooth muscle, tongue lavishing over smoother skin. You’ll undoubtedly lean your mark and he wouldn't have it any other way.
You were so sweet too, so sweet to tell him before you came in short, fast pants. You begged in soft “please”s for him to keep going. “Jus’ like that.” Your legs hooked over his slender hips to keep him in close.
Your mind went hazy with the rush of your climax, your body tensed and rolled with the waves of it. That pretty pussy of your clamped down around Hobie’s full cock, stroking him in beautiful subtly pulses that coaxed him towards his own orgasm.
“Ya wan’ me to cum wit’cha, pretty boy?”
You nod and whine, nails sinking into the back of his neck. Your legs tuck in and pull his hips closer and oh those silky walls of your milked him so nice and thoroughly he couldn't help but to cum.
Hobie didn't mean to cum inside, didn't mean to sully your body with his spunk. He didn't want to ruin you, ruin the temple of your body but God, he couldn't help it and you weren't letting him move.
And oh, he didn't mean to get so sappy, didn't mean to lift your intertwined hands and kiss the back of yours as he came deep inside, hot cum rushing to fill you to the brim. He sighed with pleasure and contentment and looked you in the eyes. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, luv. My lil’ muse.”
He rolled over with you still holding on to him, slipping from his little sanctuary between your legs with a wet pop. He readjusted himself, made himself decent before kissing you on the head.
God, what would this mean for your friendship? Would this become a regular thing? Did this make you something more. You were too afraid to say anything in fear of ruining the quiet serenity of the moment.
“You got what you need for your drawing?” You ask innocently, as if he did all of this for some damn drawing. Hobie scoffed against your scalp and pulled away to look at you. “Yeah, but ‘m no’ in the mood to draw anymore. Jus’ lemme hold’ja, yeah, dove?”
You could let him do that.
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prismuffin · 1 year
i plan to be ur #1 spiderverse x transmasc reader requester, esp for Hobie 🙏🏽 I had this idea in my head for a bit and was honestly nervous to ask again 😭 but, could you do a Hobie x ftm!reader askfic where Hobie just kinda remind him to stop binding since he had been saving peole all day in his binder? im so stimmy for this kinda stuff 😸‼️
Sorry it's finals week for my summer classes so I've been ignoring certain asks! Still, now that I'm (almost) finished with them I think that-
He has a specific time set in the day where he thinks you should stop binding. From the hypothetical time you get up to around now. If you were on patrols together he'd remind you to remove the binding device as soon as you were done fighting the most recent bad guy. Stopping on a nearby roof to tell you, saying that you should probably go home and rest as well. He knows it's not the most comfortable thing for you to be binding while swinging through the city all day and night and he doesn't want to passing out on him. If he wasn't patrolling with you that night he shoots you a text to remind you. Then sends another a few minutes later and then another until you respond saying that you did. If you still don't he'll call you and you better pick up or he's coming out there himself. Reminds you that it's not your appearance that makes you male and tells you to forget about the capitalists that say otherwise.
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badchoicesworld · 11 months
hello there! i just found your blog and i love your writing for hobie, so i’d like to request another thing for him.
would you mind doing something about a transmasc vigilante reader who tags along with hobie on patrols and late night hangouts? hobie and the reader could diy their own costumes together :) maybe reader is black cat, another spiderperson, or whatever you want to come up with. thanks in advance, and i’ll probably request again soon!
hobie brown with a transgender, vigilante reader (ftm)
RAAHH thank you so much :]
i chose for the reader to be another spidersona, probably anarchist and super cool, hope this is okay! let me know if not
warnings: unsafe binding (there’s a warning ahead)
pairing: hobie brown x transmasc!reader
requests: open ! PLEASE
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
for you and hobie to get along so well and hang out outside of missions n such, i imagine you’re a spider-man who rejected miguel’s “invitation” to spider society. this is what might have led to you becoming a vigilante who’s occasionally recruited by spider society after some begging- or you’ve just been a vigilante from day one in your dimension.
but ! who’s likely to notice such a person? hobie, obviously. you two become menaces and no one looks forward to being in a room with you. hobie destroys their faith in the constitution while you’re reinforcing everything
during missions, you make a hell of a team ! there’s somehow this real nonchalant feeling to the atmosphere even if you’re punching down baddies
banter, plenty of it back and forth while swinging about and fighting for ur life
probably makes fun of your form or something playfully, makes a comment or two about a punch you’ve thrown “you call tha’ a punch?” “Naaah, nahnahnahnahnah. watch this,” probably does worse let’s be honest, throws the dirties punch known to man but it does the trick
you’re more stealth while hobie’s way more out there, style n all that
hobie dropping in on some operation to take down the big baddies while shredding away at his electric guitar, meanwhile he’s able to see you picking off people from vantage points
whenever you’ve gotta wait about for some patrols or just observe for a night, you two will find some sorta rooftop to perch on top of and patrol from there. but the view kills
you two probably have a sort of routine: completing missions together for the spider society, hobie then tags along for some vigilante work, then you both kick back at his place once the days come to an end
chill night consists of hobie subconsciously strumming at a note occasionally on his guitar while you talk about whatever together
a lot of complaining about the institution, probably how much miguel fucking sucks
depending on ur current situation with transitioning, given that hobie knows, mans is probably the most supportive person you’ll meet
hobie lives in a society that he actively chooses to protect despite being apart of the margin of people that are still severely oppressed to terrible degrees, be it for his race or how he chooses to express himself (in my head, hobie’s also a boy kisser). so i think that he has a certain passion for protecting those minority groups. you, as a trans man, sometimes get the hobie brown special treatment.
let’s you crash at his place whenever you need it, let’s you borrow his clothes n shit if they help you feel more masculine, will give you tips n tricks that either he uses or has heard work great for presenting masculine
does your makeup if you want it, like making your face look more chisel, fake facial hair or brows more blocky- that kinda shit.
if you’re yet to go through the execution process (top surgery), hobie’s ur guy (a terrible terrible influence)
if you have a binder, good for you- hobie is going to find it and customise it for you because he’s hilarious
probably does some like web stitching into it, lil embroidered parts that match his pins or something like “hobie was here” in his clapped handwriting
this isn’t anything new, you two have this little game going on where you just steal and tag each others things for shits and giggles. his best work? punk-ifying your binders with those like spikes he has on his jackets shoulder pads
firm believer in trans men being shirtless in a binder is normalising something that should’ve been from the beginning- probably also marched a free the titties campaign for all body types and identities cause they aren’t inherently sexual and shouldn’t be (if cis men can, why can’t cis women, y’know?)
if he accidentally damages your shit he’ll either fix or replace it, maybe even make something to compensate
or it becomes part of the fit
these lil things have helped personalise your things greatly- there’s nice little details all over that make you both crack smiles
makes sure that throughout missions you’re good if you’re binding, which he honestly just doesn’t dictate. won’t be the type to tell you off for wearing it too long or during missions, it’s not your fault that you’re just doing what makes you feel more like yourself
instead just makes sure that you’re well rested after the missions over and does things for you so you don’t strain
if by some unfortunate twist of fate you don’t have a binder, hobie will probably diy you one. argues that they can be mass produced by corporations, why can’t he make one by hand? just one more win for the anarchists
diy binders are dangerous, especially if they’re not made right. i’d like to think hobie would try his best, but i imagine he doesn’t have access to the right materials
in this case, he probably rips apart his shit trying to find the right elastic cloths for your safety
that, or he makes a makeshift binders just a bit looser than it should be to reduce the risk of hurting you.
absolute worst case scenario ? could honestly fashion something out of webs (i have a spidersona that does this) mans a genius, he’ll figure something out
positive ? binder looks sick since he makes it
(ok ur safe, continue)
if you’ve got top surgery, good for u, hobie will have ur head if you don’t take the appropriate recovery time
if you are involved with spider society, he either takes your missions for you or absolutely terrorises miguel into not giving you any
you think it’s just a subconscious, casual thing that hobie does but he always manages to slip a “lad” “boy” “man” into his sentences whenever speaking to or about you. gender affirmations innit
that being said, hobie views you as a man wholeheartedly
hobie’s into physical touch so probably got an arm slung around your shoulder, tons of playfully nudges whenever he sees fit (often)
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i also wanna stress rq that the way i portray hobie; he’s so incredibly supportive, hype man, but he’s not this sunshine and rainbows thing i’ve seen some people portray him as
he’s laid back, nonchalant but can get excited (like w the whole “miles my guy” scene where he’s so hype)
thinks/knows he’s hot shit but it doesn’t make him arrogant. man just knows what he’s capable of and gets to be laid back thanks to it
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mcondance · 1 year
I didn’t know I needed more hobie x transmasc reader until I saw that holy shit
you’re so real anon hobie is so damn queer. sometimes he asks for a kiss n u tease him n say no and he goes into a multi-sentence rant about how two boys kissing is one of the most anarchic, system-destroying things in the world, so you have to kiss him or else you’re not really into destroying the government and all that. he always make sure you know he thinks of u as a guy, whether it’s with his obnoxious brit slang, “MAN LIKE Y/N”, or subtle things like showing you pics of two boyfriends and going “us.”
hello 2 all my transmasc readers!! i love u all sm n don’t ever b afraid to send me asks including transmasc stuff!! i’m hugging u all rn 🫂
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destructionray · 1 year
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electric-spider · 11 months
Hobie x transmasc! Reader
Pairing: hobie x transmasc! Reader
Warnings: mentions of transphobia, mentions of needles, mentions of surgery,sexual comments, ooc, implied smut, not proof read, angst, fluff let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: because I am transmasc myself I decided to write about what I think hobie would be like if you were transmasc.
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Usually you were ok with a few slight transphobic comments. But today was just too much, everything seemed to go wrong. First you woke up late for work then you spilled your coffee on yourself and had to change last minute. Next your car broke down and you had to walk to work because the busses weren't running yet. Then you let a co-worker see your scars because you had to borrow one of their shirts. You didn't mind thinking you could trust them but of course with life being against you today they told everybody.
Despite knowing that your boss is openly homophobic. He dug through your files when he finally found your dead name and emailed everyone to call you that plus he gave you a name tag with your dead name. You could quit but how would you pay your bills? You dealt with it in silence but the transphobic comments were really starting to get to you. A few of your co-workers even started saying things like "if I met you sooner I could have changed you~" and others got kinda handsy.
You hated everything and everyone. You started to pick at every single little thing you did. You didn't sound like a boy, you didn't look like a boy, you didn't dress like a boy, you didn't act like a boy, you didn't date girls like most boys would. You hated it. You walked home on shaky legs threatening to buckle underneath you. You blinked away tears for what felt like the 100th time. You had to stay strong. He doesn't know your trans. You can't be sad, he can't know. You finally made it to your apartment.
You grimaced as you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror before getting in the shower.
You tried to just put your old binder back on to help at least a little bit. It didn't. You glanced at your phone conflicted. Should you call him? You don't wanna bother him... He's spider-man he probably has better things to do than comfort you... You decide against it and begin thinking about how you are compared to hobie... What if he's playing you... What if- the tapping on your window interrupted your train of thought. You immediately knew it was hobie. You begin to internally panic about what he might be here for.
You got up and opened the window letting hobie in. Closing the window behind him "hey luv" you smile at him "hey bee" you tried your best not to sound sad, tired, like you were going to break any minute. (Key word: tried). Hobie seemed a little caught off guard by your tone "wha's wrong luv?". That's all it took for you to break. Tears streaming down your face and your legs shaking. Hobie caught you before you could fall to you're knees carrying you to your bed. "I-im sorry..." You manage to choke out between sobs.
"shhh, 's fine"
"can you tell me wha' happened?" You sniffle "work sucked ass" "tha' can' be all luv" "... My co-worker found out im trans and my boss is transphobic and made everyone call me by my dead name.." he stayed quiet for a second "quit, quit your job" "but-" "no, quit then you can cuddle and we can watch movies"
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You can probably tell I rushed the ending.
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hobie-enthusiast · 11 months
— hobie brown x gn!reader + specified reader hcs
— tons of fluff, hobie being ur bf hcs, mentions of injury and blood, petnames, hobie being so hopelessly in love, specific hcs at the end for transmasc, cultural, and dyed hair reader, plus one for bad parents
— some classic hcs for hobie being in a relationship with you
— i have a small section on hobie’s hair, so if any info about his wicks is wrong, pls feel free to correct me! also the last 4 hcs are “if you are/have” kind of scenarios but everything before that is for everyone!
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— starting off strong he definitely writes songs about you. he keeps his whole punk scene with his band, but these songs are written to himself. he keeps them in a notebook, with random lyrics scribbled in and chords to match them. his songwriting process is messier than most, so sometimes you can barely understand the order of the music or how it sounds. but this works in his favour; because then he’ll play it for you, gauging for your reaction and maybe that embarrassment you may show when he pours out his feelings.
— i mentioned this one in two fics before but i will do it again; he’s so for matching stickers and pins. both of your interests are smacked on his clothes, guitar, and whatever you chose to sport them on. he doesn’t care if they clash with his “punk persona”, after all, being punk means not conforming to societal expectations. so yeah matching stuff is definitely a thing for him. he’ll also match bracelets and rings with you if you’re down for that
— he is such a petnames person. his faves to use on you are sweetheart, darling, love, when it comes to the standard ones (with those he varies between throwing in a “my” in front of it and not just depends). he also likes referring to you as his “partner in crime” and “his/my star” (since he insists he doesn’t like labels ofc). he would also really like if you use petnames on him, or even a nickname. if you ever call him using “hobie”, he knows you’re upset and will fix things. now, if you call him “hobart”.. he’s running.
— okay please please hear me out on this; he’s such a flower boy. loves getting and giving flowers. picking them while he’s out swinging just to bring them back to you is one of his main love languages. and he loves receiving them back. please give him flowers please. surprise him with them. put them in his hair. FLOWER CROWNS TOO FLOWER CROWNS! he just loves flowers, all kinds of flowers.
— his love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. he loves being in contact with you. hobie loves holding your hand, putting his hand on the small of your back, or patting your head. but his all time favourite? intertwining fingers. he loves the small and intimate feeling it provides, as well as comfort. hobie will praise you a ton. always congratulating you, telling you how amazing you are, that sort of thing
— hobie is very protective of the things he loves, including you. he would never take it lightly if say one of his enemies threatened him with you. he tries his best to keep you out of his spider-man work, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen. but trust, he will pull out all the stops to protect you. if you’re threatened, he’s with you 24/7, eyes always watching for the enemy who had the audacity to say they were going to hurt you
— he’s actually so smitten about you it’s insane. will never stop talking about you and how you make him feel. he loves it. loves seeing the way his friends roll their eyes whenever he says “s’ [Name] said-”. everyone who knows him knows he’s crazy about you. there was a time where he felt so alone in his life, but now that he has you, he remembers he isn’t alone. he remembers what he’s fighting for after your pep-talks to him whenever he feels down. you’re his pick-me-up, so ofc he’s gonna brag about you to his friends.
— hobie hates making you his “guy-in-the-chair.” ofc he’s hella grateful for you helping and supporting his cause, fighting for what’s right. but, one of the parts of that is fixing him up when he’s hurt. he hates seeing your face so worried when he swings into your window, blood pooling at his side as you grab a first aid kit. hobie never wants you to worry, he feels terribly bad about it. but he forever appreciates how you always help him, always welcome him home, always manage to make him feel better
— hobie brown said it himself; he is not a morning person. he gets up everyday like after 10, and so he likes to have you in bed when he wakes up. on the weekends, he’ll beg you to stay in bed and sleep more, holding your body close to him and coaxing you with soft neck kisses and raspy whispers (his morning voice btw its gotta be- oh my god). on the days he does manage to keep you to himself, he wakes up in a better mood with a small pep in his step a good amount of the day
— okay so his hair. he’s very very picky on who touches his hair. i wanna say that he would trust you to touch it, but it would take a while. the way hobie grew up and has ideals that makes it kinda hard to trust people. so it truly does take a while. but once he starts trusting you, he realizes how much he loves when you take care of his hair. he loves feeling your fingers mess with his wicks, combing at his scalp. i wrote a whole fic about this but he also loves when you decorate his hair, especially flowers (fic found here!). and once he truly trusts you, he’ll ask for your help when he washes his hair, since it could be time consuming.
— okay so politics and ideals; it’s very important to hobie you hold the same beliefs as him. i really can’t see him with someone who won’t fight and protest like he does tbh. because he needs that support. sometimes things like that just don’t go right, so he wants his partner there next to him to help him fight for what’s right and what they deserve. this is really important to him, hence why i just can’t see him with someone who won’t support him like that. so yea definitely gotta agree like that, and fight for the cause with him
— THIS ONES FOR ALL MY FELLOW TRANS BOYS ive been needing some of this. okay he takes no shit from anyone about your identity or his own. he’s very supportive of you and anything you need. no surgery and no t? he’ll help you bind and assures you you don’t have to conform to any trans agenda anyone sets for you. if you got surgery, he’s constantly helping you, making sure you take care of yourself afterwards. his favourite affirmations are “you’re so handsome.” and “you’re my pre’ty boy, y’know that?” god he’s so-
— now this one is for all my fellow cultural people. he would love to be taught all about your culture. make the food for him. show him the traditional clothing. tell him the history. he wants to know it all! hobie fights everyday for minorities who aren’t heard, and he always wants to know more about who he’s fighting for. he genuinely finds this stuff interesting, especially considering the different types of people he met during his youth. so please, immerse him in that side of you! he’s all ears!
— here’s one for my homies with bad parents (we matchin fr i see you). oh man hobie will not let your parents treat you like that, ever. if he sees them, it’s not good for them. he’s going to ensure you know that you never deserved that treatment from your own parents. he reminds you that you deserve love and affection, and he will be the one to give that to you. he’s very good at helping you through anything you need, with affirmations and his physical presence, he will always remind you that you are safe and that your parents truly are a joke
— this one for all my fellow dyed hair besties. hobie is so down to help you dye your hair 1000%. get the supplies and invite him over and he’s going go help you out. and trust, he knows what he’s doing. i feel like hobie definitely experimented with his own hair in the past, which includes having crazy colours. so he’s got your back, and will also recommend any colour he thinks is gonna look absolutely sick on you
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connorswhisk · 1 year
and so it goes (miguel o’hara x spiderman!reader)
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hi note this is a fic specifically for transmasc readers. don’t come anywhere near this if you’re a cis woman. you have a million fics you can read that aren’t this one. thank you 🍻
@spokentothewoods here you go ☺️
WARNINGS: Angst, slightly sexual situations >:)
That ever-present tenseness is visible in his shoulders; in truth, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him without it, for as many years as you’ve been working with him. You’ve been working late tonight and could really use a break yourself, but with Jess away for an ultrasound, someone had to stay behind and keep an eye on Miguel.
Perhaps you volunteered for the job a tad too hastily, if the smirk Hobie had flashed in your direction was any indication, but Hobie’s always smirking at things. You’ve gotten pretty used to it.
In any case, even Margo’s signed off for the night. You know Miguel’s the Big Boss In Charge, but…couldn’t he benefit from some chill time?
“That’s it,” you say, yawning. “That’s the last of the logs done. Think I’ll turn in for the night.”
Miguel says nothing. He either is so immersed in his work that he didn’t hear you, or he’s ignoring you - both are likely in their own way.
After a moment’s more of silence, you frown, and web yourself up to his platform. He’s always brooding, that’s pretty normal, but…
Oh, you realize, because you recognize the video footage he’s watching. You’ve never seen it yourself, but you know what it is, where Miguel came from. You know why he is the way that he is.
You contemplate leaving and pretending you saw nothing, but then Miguel turns his head and fixes you with his dark, exhausted eyes, and it’s too late to act innocent.
“Sorry,” you say quietly. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. You just…”
“What.” He phrases the word as a statement, not a question. “I just what.”
You sigh. “I worry about you, Miguel. I mean, when you first found me in my universe…you were sad, sure, but you weren’t this angry. I don’t know what changed, but if you ever need to talk…”
“I don’t.” His stare is fixed somewhere past your shoulder, his jaw hard as steel. “Nothing changed. I’m fine.”
“Oh, bullshit,” you tell him, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. “How long have we known each other? I know when you’re lying to me.”
Miguel shakes his head. He’s been working with Jess the longest and all the Spiders respect him as their leader, but he’s never gotten as close to anyone as he has to you. You know this because he told you so himself, a year ago when MJ was killed and you were stumbling around HQ in a haze, the big empty pit in your stomach threatening to swallow you whole.
We all lose people, he’d told you, his voice the gentlest you’d ever heard it. But we persevere. You’re strong, Y/N. You can survive this.
I bet you tell all the Spiders they’re your favorite, you’d joked half-heartedly, desolate and depressed, sure you were right. But Miguel had given you this look that had told you plainly: I am completely serious. And then he’d started to say something, stopped as if he’d thought better of himself, and swung away.
You don’t know what he’d been about to tell you…though maybe you kind of do. The pair of you have never necessarily been the emotionally vulnerable types, but the connection between you is one that cannot be denied.
“I’m fine,” he’s repeating now, still hiding from the truth. “Just tired.”
“Which is exactly why you should call it for the night. You’ve done plenty.”
“I haven’t done enough.”
“Look, just…” You exhale deeply, pull off your mask so you can meet him eye-to-eye. You don’t miss the slight change in his demeanor when you bare your face, the fleeting look of quick relief. “Do you…want a massage or something?”
He blinks. “What.”
“I asked if you wanted a - “
“I heard you.”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Ok. So? Your shoulders could really use it, dude.”
“I…” You can pinpoint the exact moment he decides to give in, posture slumped and scowl deepening. “…Fine.”
He turns back to face the screens - thankfully, the video from before is long gone. Miguel says nothing for a long time, ‘til he finally snaps, “Well?”
You lay your hands on his shoulders. You’re no trained masseuse, but your Aunt May does a wicked back rub and you’re sure you can replicate her technique, more or less. And so you try.
Are all shoulder muscles this knotted? Or is Miguel just overworking himself per usual? You’re not sure, but you press as hard as you dare, first with your fingertips, then kneading in and out with your knuckles. Miguel is silent as you work. The only sound he makes is the measured course of his breathing, up-down, up-down, up-down. You can feel it thrumming through your neurons, slow and steady.
“What, sorry?” You didn’t catch what Miguel just mumbled under his breath.
“Can you - go harder?” he repeats, practically spitting the words. He sounds as exhausted as you’ve ever heard him.
Wordlessly, you begin to apply even more pressure, and Miguel moans. You’ve never heard him make a noise like that before, and in your shock, you start and almost back away from him entirely. You manage to keep your wits, though, and you press again in the same spot, feeling the knot aching to unravel beneath his skin.
“Y/N,” he groans - but before you can begin to wrap your head around that, Miguel’s body is freezing up under your fingertips, and suddenly, he’s wrenching himself away from you.
“Woah - you ok?” You drop your hands to dangle by your hips, but you can still feel the buzz in your head, concentrated and slightly painful like a migraine, a hit off a cigarette.
“You should go,” Miguel says quietly, his back to you. “This…you should just go.”
“Ok.” You’re finding it hard to breathe, beneath all the spandex and bindings and confusion. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Did I hurt you?”
“Then what the hell is the prob - “
“GO, Y/N,” Miguel seethes, his hands tightening into fists at his sides. “Just leave me alone.”
You scowl. “Fine.” Pulling your mask down over your face again, you shoot a strand of web over in the opposite direction, pull yourself through the air until you land against the wall and cling there. “Fine, Miguel. Whatever you want. As usual.”
If he looks back at you as you leave, you don’t know. At the moment, you’re too hurt and angry to waste another thought on him.
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brightbertalt · 1 year
also not to be horny on main (which i am going to be in just a sec) but could i request some nsfw headcanons for either a best friends who fuck and there's a lot of tension for hobie x a transmasc reader? (could have hobie being in a band and reader not being in his band and just attending their concerts and stuff might happen backstage who knows! and they could both be nonbinary he/they users i'm just suggesting stuff rn!) completely fine if you're not up for it and again gosh tons of love towards your writing and i hope u have a great day/night/morning/afternoon/wtv time of the day it is when you're reading this <3
love u spoinklo ❤️❤️❤️ i will try my best, as someone who loves presenting as femme 99% of the timez and does not know them gender identity so I hope u love this!!!!
hobie brown x transmasc!reader
everyone knew you two were friends
even then, you two hung out a great amount
you two would hang out alone, like a lot
no one knew quite why
surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, hobie has a high libido
often times, he’s just say, “me and y/n gotta head out. new anomaly.”
the new anomaly was in his pants
I’m sorry I really needed to make that joke anyways—
that was your cue to say goodbye, and follow him to wherever he see fit, which was usually a closet or the bathroom
“c’mon, just— aah, fuckfuckfuck-“
usually in public, he just wanted a quick bj
alone? oh lord,,,,
“c’mon handsome, you’ve taken it before. do it.”
he can be a real asshole sometimes
i also wanna say that he’d top like 105% of the time
he can get pretty aggressive, and loves having you with your head in the pillows, screaming
“yeah? you like me that much? go ahead, let ‘em know.”
forget it when it’s after one of his gigs OH LORD
you’ll always be backstage, waiting for him
when he comes off he’s sweaty and 100% adrenaline
“you’re here? good. waitin’ here like a good little pet. you’re like a damn dog.”
he’ll just pin you up against the wall like UUUGH
lift your legs up and just MMMMMMMM
you won’t be walking tomorrow
also here’s a song that I think fits the situation
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memory-and-sky · 6 months
hi I loved your dysphoria fic and I wanted to request a ftm coming out to hobie fic? Maybe somewhere pretty like a fair or a spiderman classic tall building?
yes!!! i love writing ftm fics! thank you so so much anonnnn :3 hoping you enjoy!!
word count: 666 (how cool!)
containing: swearing, mention of dysphoria, reader is transmasc, use of ‘girl’ to address reader (once), crying, a little emotional i will admit! also a little corny but as is life
the rest of the fic is under the cut!
coming out (finally).
hobie x ftm!reader
It had been a long day without Hobie.
He’s the only one that you really trusted, really loved, and the only one who really cared for you in return. He… yeah, he loved you.
Those words were heavy on your mind as you paced the streets of Camden, trying to calm yourself down before going back on Hobie’s houseboat where you knew he’d be waiting. You were currently wearing Hobie’s tattered shirt, jacket, and jeans.
He probably wondered why you were always stealing his stuff, too.
Putting it simply, you hated being a girl. You couldn’t dress like one without crying uncontrollably. You hated it more than anything ever.
That’s why you’d been favouring Hobie’s clothes over your own recently.
Also why your back hurt incessantly. All the slouching in an attempt to hide your chest did a number on you.
You weren’t a girl. You knew this. Have for a while, but subsided it because of the world you lived in. And other shit that was happening. It was too much.
You didn’t know how Hobie felt about trans people. He was gay, but that’s… different.
As you came up on the dock Hobie’s houseboat was at, where you had been staying, your heartbeat increased.
Could you even do this?
You had to. You promised yourself. And Hobie… Hobie’s not the type of person to hate someone like that. Not for who they are, and what they cannot change.
You walked over to Hobie’s houseboat, and climbed on. Was he even home yet?
You looked in the bedroom, under the deck, and he was sleeping. Climbing the stairs down, you went to go gently wake him up.
“Whuh…” Hobie rubbed his eyes as you shook him awake. “Oh, mornin’, pre’y girl,”
You shuddered at the use of ‘girl’, not in a good way at all.
“It’s evening. Can I…um… well, I just have somethin’ to talk with you… about.”
“Do I gotta get up?” He mumbled.
“Yes. Please?”
Hobie sat up, slid his slippers onto his feet, and then went upstairs with you, onto the deck.
You looked out at the setting sun, casting orange lighting on you both.
It was beautiful. As stupid as it might sound, it gave you a bit of confidence.
Like you had to do it now. It was so pretty, how could you not?
“Hobie, you… you’d accept me no matter what I told ya, yeah?”
He nodded without hesitation. “Barely anyfing you could tell me t’ make me hate ya, love,”
You avoided his gaze. Jesus, you were terrified.
“So, you know how I’ve cut my hair kinda short, and I’ve been stealing your boyish clothes…” You took a shaky deep breath. “I… I’m not a girl. I’m a boy. I’ve decided I want to go by (y/n) and use he and him or whatever. I wanna be recognized as a guy.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, and clenched your fists in anticipation.
“Oh… oh, han’some…” You opened your eyes to a big grin on Hobie’s gorgeous features, as he brought up a calloused hand to gently cradle your face. “I’ll do anyfing t’ help ya, aight? Anyfing, I promise. I’ll cut yer hair if ya want, I’ll help ya with getting new clothes, I accept ya, ‘kay? Even if you gotta change yer identity a million times ova’, I’ll support ya through all of it.”
You felt like crying out of happiness, and as tears sprang to your eyes, you hugged Hobie tightly, held him like he was going to disappear at any moment.
“T-thank you, Hobie…” You cried into his shirt that he had sewn himself.
You sobbed as Hobie pressed kisses onto the top of your head, rubbing your back gently at the same time.
“Of course, mate. ‘n I’m sorry fo’ callin’ you a girl, hope you can forgive me, swee’ ting.”
“I—I can. Y-you didn’t know, it’s not… on you,” You sniffled.
Whatever happens next, you were glad you did this when you did.
You loved Hobie, and he loved you, so… that’s all that mattered to you. You’d make it through together.
[sorry for the shortness of this, everyone! hope u still liked♥️]
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
"Hobie would be so embarrased to do cutesy things or be close to someone who does!"Oh my fucking god,shut UP-Not only does he walk around in lipstick and a crop top but he's also SpiderPUNK,not SpiderMAN.There is ZERO masculinity insecurity in him and punk isn't edgy for the sake of edge,it's about nonconformity and being yourself and standing up for people who don't fit in as much as it is direct action because you can't be anti-corruption and fight for equality by shaming people for being different from you in ways that aren't bad,that's dumb asf and misses the point!!If Gwen wants to do pastel transfemme things with him or Miles wants him to join in on sillykid activities or Pavitr has to ask him to give girl advice on Gayatri to the point it leads to him sneaking off on their date to help or Margo gets him a game emulator so he can play Animal Crossing and dressup games and dating sims with her or Peni needs him to take extra care of her post-canon event by making her feel like she did before with things like cooking her japanese sweets and giving her a lot of physical affection,then YOU BET YOUR ASS HE'S GOING TO AND LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM!!!!! Mans deadass canonically turns pink when he's happy,how tf do you get 'dosen't like cute things' from that?????Hobie's got too much street cred to give two shits about 'proving' to randos he's an actual punk,stop making him a normie because the only punk you know is that nigga from the Avril song💀
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eyesxxyou · 4 months
Req: perverted Hobie who's so SHAMELESS he literally does not gaf. Ofc all of this is consensual but also he really has no fear in his heart
Bro steals panties/boxers/thongs out of the dirty laundry and fucking SNIFFS em, jerks off into it and really wraps it around his dick. He'll call you up too, telling you how much he misses you and how your underweae just can't compare :( you just know when he gives it back it'll be all stained even if it's your fav pair :(
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💿 ꩜ ❝ perversion ❞ hobie brown x ftm trans!reader ꩜ 💿
❝ contents ❞ underwear sniffing, masturbation with underwear, phone sex
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Hobie found it ridiculously easy to get into your basket of dirty clothes. His nimble fingers pulling shirts from jeans, clothing from clothing, until he found just exactly what he was looking for.
He didn't discriminate. Briefs would work just as fine as panties and thongs would, anything that contained your scent on it. He would hold the cloth in his hands, fingers pulling apart the waistband that usually kept it secured to your hips, and find the part that held your pussy.
He’d shove his nose into it and sniff, letting out a long, shaky breath in the wake of his perversion. He’d get rock hard in an instant, just the smell of his favorite boy’s delicious cunt was enough to do it.
Hobie would get into your bed and let himself be surrounded by your scent, puffing his face into the crotch of your underwear once more to get a hit of the sweat, the tanginess of your essence. He’d moan as he sniffed and palmed himself through his pants, hands working his cock from out of their restraints just enough to let it rest against his abdomen. It would smear precum across his naval, let it pool just below his pierced belly button, the jewelry getting wet in the process.
Hobie would take the underwear after sufficiently suffocating himself in your delectable musk and wrap it around his length with his cock head pressed into the crotch where it was still wet from your juices leaving out from your sopping cunt.
His eyes flutter as he strokes himself. The fabric rubbing his in just the right places to make his back arch from the pillows of your bed. His hand tries to replicate the way you stroke him in yours, the way your fingers trace beneath the tip, the way you squeeze with just the right amount of pressure. He can still smell you, taste you on his tongue.
Then he gets such a sick idea. He rummages through his pocket and grabs his phone, fumbling about with it in one hand while the other continued to press your underwear onto his member. He was quick to dial your number and hold the phone to his ear, counting off the rings with a flick of his skillful fingers.
You picked up the phone with an enthusiastic, “Hey, Hobes!” The thrum of your voice makes him shudder, hand gripping his cock tighter, stroking harder. So blissfully unaware of the way he smeared pre into the thin fabric of your underwear, soiled them, the sacred beauty of them.
“How’s ya day goin’, dove?”
You, innocent, tell him in detail the ups and downs of your day and he loves every second of it. You know not the way he preys upon you, your sweet nativity. Every word fueling his building tightness in his lower belly.
Hobie bit his bottom lip, humming soft affirmations to assure you he was listening. But with each one you were more sure he wasn't.
You knew about his perversion. It was no secret that he liked to steal your underwear and do sick things with them. Sometimes he liked to do them in front of you. He loved the thrill of you watching, loved the way you’d take your soiled underwear with his cum soaked and sitting on the crotch, and put them on. You were just as sick as him.
“Do you have my underwear?” You’d ask with an air of patience. Finally, Hobie would let out a guttural moan, body rolling with the beginnings of a climax. He pressed the pussy area of the cloth into his cock, pressing so hard he might just tear a hole through.
He’d unload his cum into the crotch with something of a strangled cry while you cooed in his ear, whispering about how dirty he was for taking your briefs.
“It doesn't compare to you, luv. Not even close.”
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taglist: @hobs-kiss, @hoe-bie
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male-reader-haven · 2 years
Clothing has No Gender (BTS Imagine)
BTS with their boyfriend when he has a particularly dysphoric day about his clothes (ot7)
Tags: BTS x transmasc reader, wholesome
Warnings: Talk of dysphoria, mentions of transphobia
Suggested by anonymous <3
Sorry for the short break, I'm working on a longer more detailed story right now rather than churning these imagines out, but I really wanted to do this one. Let me know if you'd be interested in more trans reader stories in the future, maybe solo members and more in depth? If i got some things wrong I apologize, I myself am not familiar with the trans experience so I am willing to learn from those who do experience dysphoria, all I ask for is your patience as I am still learning! <3
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Namjoon would take you out shopping to find some clothes that would make you feel better. He would point out outfits and accessories that he thinks would look good on you, making sure to point out features on you that he loves and using masculine descriptive words such as "handsome," "dashing" and "fly." He makes sure to subtly use more gendered language when talking with you to make you feel affirmed and he makes sure you feel comfortable. He picks out clothes for both of you, and loves the idea of matching suits and clothes.
"I feel like this would accentuate your jawline and really bring out your eyes. What do you think? I think you'd look really handsome."
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Jin would ask you if you'd rather have a stay in day or go out, depending on if you are comfortable enough. Either way, he loves to dress in clothing that is generalized as more feminine and bright, so he would dress in clothes that are cute. pink and colorful to help you with your confidence. He would remind you that while clothing has no gender, the person wearing them defines them. He would cook food for you and remind you how grateful he is to have such a handsome boyfriend.
"If you're wearing them, then they're boy's clothes. Now get over here and enjoy this food I made just for my handsome man."
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Yoongi would sit down and listen to you, asking questions here and there about your feelings and specifically help you figure out why you think some ways and help you realize how your brain makes you feel like that. He would try to understand from your point of view, and based on your information he would do his best to accommodate to make you feel better. You two would have a lazy day of healing and watch movies and order takeout, wear comfier clothes and cuddle. He would reassure you that he sees you as a man and that he loves you, no matter how your brain tries to tell you otherwise. He may not understand why you feel so dysphoric because he honestly sees you as his perfect boyfriend and has a difficult time imagining you any differently, but he is there for you as a form of comfort and a listening ear.
"I don't see you that way. I see you as the man you are, stronger than most because of what you've gone through, no questions asked. Here, come sit with me and help warm me up, we can watch movies. Are you comfortable?"
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Hobi would definitely want to make you feel loved. He would compliment your outfit and tell you how handsome you look in your clothes, how it doesn't matter what haters say or think and how he loves you as the man you are. He would emphasize parts of your personality and mannerisms that he loves and he would get you off your feet and try to cheer you up by dancing and being silly. He gives the absolute best comfort hugs and you can't help but feel a little better after seeing his bright smile.
"Awww, my cutie boy, come dance with me! I want to see your handsome smile!"
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Jimin would have trouble understanding where you are coming from, since his view on gender is very grey and he himself likes to play with gender and representation in clothing, however he would do his best in making you feel more comfortable. Jimin's confidence in himself and his gender while presenting more feminine and wearing gender neutral clothes in general makes you more confident in yourself, as well as the way he looks up to you and admires you. He is clingy and subby, making you feel warm inside knowing that he relies on you and sees you as protection, which in a way, helps you with your dysphoria. Overall, he adores you and you find him adorable, enough to distract your thoughts.
"Y/N, what do you think, does this color suit me? I want to look pretty for my man."
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Tae tries his best to distract you, keeping you busy by taking you out on a drive with him. He lets you choose your favorite music that he knows all the words to also so you can sing together as you drive, and the two of you talk about how you feel a bit. He doesn't say things to help 'convince' you of your masculinity but rather showers you in compliments that directly battle your insecurities, making you feel a little bit better. He would stop by a cafe and go inside to order your drink for you, then drive you both home where he would offer you to go through his closet and try on anything you like. He has no issues at all sharing clothes, in fact, he thinks its cute when you wear his things, calling you "handsome" and telling you it suits you more than him.
"I'll have a hot chocolate, and he will have a chai latte please. Ah, careful Y/N, don't get it on your suit, it looks so good on you without any stains!"
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Jungkook cocks his head in slight confusion whenever you talk about your insecurities and dysphoria to him, simply because he forgets all the time that you are trans. He simply sees you as you, his amazing boyfriend, and treats you the same as any other man he is close to, except for the fact that he loves you. He compliments your build all the time, loving going to workout together and build up your body confidence. Anytime you ask him with teary eyes if you look like a girl, he looks at you with his famous confused face, telling you he simply cannot even imagine you as anything other than what you truly are. He gives amazing comforting hugs.
"Huh? Y/N, I'm at a loss here. I'm looking, and no matter what, all I see is my fantastic, handsome boyfriend. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. *sigh* My baby boy is too hard on himself."
Send me suggestions on what to write next! ~ <3
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badchoicesworld · 10 months
Hi i was wondering if you could do a male s/o that gets super insecure and uncomfortable when people look at his top surgery scars and he hates it when people miss gender him and Miles Morales Miles 42 Hobie Pavitr Prabhakar and Spider-Noir are there to defend or shut the people that miss gender him or glare at them to the point where the other person gets uncomfortable and stop looking at the male reader I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense i just type really fast and don't re-read it at some points
Anyways I absolutely love your writing work I really enjoy it and everything, have a lovely day or night ❤️💕
hobie, 1610!miles, 42!miles, pavitr and noir defending their transmasc partners
ok this took me a while i admit but i hope you enjoy !
established, separate relationships
warnings: i’m sleepy
pairing: hobie brown x transmasc!reader, earth-1610 miles morales x transmasc!reader, earth-42 miles morales x trans!mascreader, pavitr prabhakar x transmasc!reader, spider-noir x transmasc!reader
requests: check out the blog-guide for info !
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he’s rapidly approaching
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punk personified
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you two were getting ready for a sick concert you’ve been looking forward to for a small while now, moral is high and all’s good
ofc it’s punk, and hobie will be damned if you don’t dress the part with him
he started diying you guys outfits for this specific concert a few weeks beforehand, and he’s super proud of them ! very happy to show you and he hopes you like them
you like them . because i said so
however, it did include a shirt that looks like it had been torn up in every way possible
depending on what ur comfortable with, it can either be a crop top that rides up just a little too much when you jump about and stretch OR it’s one of those tank tops where the sides of your torso simply aren’t covered, very low cut sides
so yeah, your top surgery scars are in the breeze
intentional ? who knows, this is hobie we’re talking about
maybe hobie’s tryna get you to step out of your comfort zone and feel more comfortable in ur skin in an environment where he knows you won’t be judged
perhaps he simply did not take this into consideration because he doesn’t even think twice about ur scars
regardless, they’re out, you both look sick, im forever furious that we were deprived of tank top hobie in low riders PLEASE (he exists in my dreams)
the concert isn’t the problem- don’t call urself punk if ur a bigot we all know this
it’s the walk there that really sucked
you and hobie got some intense stares from people as you walked hand in hand to this thing
naturally, hobie ate that shit up, kept his head high the whole time and doesn’t bat an eye at this people
you’re not as confident, unfortunately . catching people looking at your scars makes you feel all sorts of insecure, which is valid man
hobie also gets this, and god knows he looks for every excuse to antagonise those closed minded people so he’s very content to start a fight
cant care less when it comes to people judging him, he knows who he is and he’s proud asf, not gonna waste his breath on that
but when hobie sees his boyfriend curling in on himself because of strangers in the street that aren’t shit, that’s when he can be bothered to pay some mind to them
it’s subtle, for your sake . doesn’t wanna draw any more attention and risk getting caught up in this when you’ve both been looking forward to this concert for so long
so instead of outright starting a fight, he uses that scary privilege he knows he has and just stared them down in such a disrespectful way
the way that you’re both dressed too, i’m sure that it works
doesn’t relent either, will stare until the other people stop staring
ideally ? he wants to make them walk away and stop bothering you, but he’s alright with exchanging a scowl for the person to look away instead, preferably in shame
when they’re taken care of, that’s that . he wants you two to forget about that and have fun at this gig, sound good ? he wants to see you genuinely enjoying yourself in your own skin, surrounded by the people that make him feel more like himself too
besides, scars are nothing to be ashamed of or to hide
the walk home is a lot more peaceful
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i’m sorry u were ever hurt
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you two are off to the water park (using the american word, sorry fellow brits :() together, enjoy ur youth
imagine how cool you two are rolling up in ur swimming trunks
i wholeheartedly believe that miles is an absolute sap and would wanna match- i die on the hill that he’s a born to “hi ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ” forced to “wsg”
anyway, go have fun at the baths
that’s what miles expects anyway, fun with no strings attached, as most would
but that’s not how the world works, unfortunately
some people live to be hateful and have sad, empty, boring, gloomy, pathetic, waste of space lives, and you have to go through the misfortune of enduring some really vicious stares . all because you’re a guy with a few scars on his chest
people talk, you might overhear some stuff about ur character that makes you really insecure and upset
takes miles a little minute to clock the way you’re trying to fold your arms to hide your scars, but he catches on pretty quickly that it’s because of the people around you
is immediately by your side and looking concerned as hell
initially assumed that you might be in some pain, maybe the chlorine is fucking w ur scar tissue
sympathetic and checking in on you in the gentlest way when he notices that sadness
“w-hey, what’s happenin? you good?” standing really close and tilting his head to make eye contact with you if you’re looking down or away, hands are grazing your elbows to hold you
miles cares, a lot
speak ur mind man, tell him what’s going on
looks over your shoulder and at the people making you feel uncomfortable with that determined look
ushers you away, doesn’t want you around those kind people . bad vibes, he doesn’t fuck w it
probably goes snitch to staff lmao
and that’s how much he cares, he’d get stitches for u (ノд`)
but miles isn’t about to let the day be ruined by transphobes- god forbid
so he’s gonna try hard to make you forget about that interaction, it’s like a switch when he suddenly becomes all energetic again and is basically dragging you back towards the water
wants to hear you start laughing real fast
if miles venom striked the pool would everyone fucking die ?
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PE class gotta suck with all those bitchy teens being closed minded for no good reason and thinking it’s funny to openly judge and mock the things they don’t understand
miles is very mature and knows that bullying just isn’t cool, downright stupid and bullies should honestly be embarrassed to show their face
but because the changing rooms are so small, he can’t even attempt to ignore the comments he’s hearing, all directed at his boyfriend who’s just trying to change for class
you’re minding your own business, why can’t they mind theirs ?
is another person that doesn’t wanna give you a worse time by antagonising those freaks and picking a fight, will instead just stare over his shoulder
works, miles 42 has a mean side eye, straight up vicious
he knows that won’t resolve the issue, people are so resilient w their hate and
gets insanely irritated if someone suggests you changing somewhere else . honestly would just prefer for there to be some tension in the locker room instead of isolating you away while you changed, couldn’t stand that idea because it’s flat out not fair . on top of a number of other things
can ignore the tension, doesn’t know about you
talks to you about not backing down, you have every right ro be in there and you shouldn’t feel in any way negatively about it
don’t give those closed minded people the satisfaction of making you feel bad about yourself and accommodating to them
makes an excellent point one day
“why are you watchin’ my boyfriend change..?” says it so slowly and it got real awkward after that
won’t tell a teacher unless you want to, then he’ll be moral support and be waiting for you outside the office
anyway, man’s got a killer deadeye to keep people in line and tries to not antagonise people too much
just get changed, that’s what you’re there to do people
stop being weird abt it
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please don’t die
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i’m a huge fan of those people that see a trans flag and immediately try to pull a “you’ll never be a real woman >:C” to a trans man
like yeah, thanks man, really appreciate it
it’s happened to you once or twice in the street, you or pav have some kind of pin or smthn and you’re literally just approached by strangers who have nothing better to do with their day
the most meaningful thing abt it is talking to you two honestly, ur just that cool
i can see him reading people just to point out their insecurities because violence isn’t the answer
it’s a last resort, but imagine you two simply minding your own business and this blank slate of a person decides to make a comment on your masculinity
“it’s okay sweetie, they’re just trying to overcompensate for their lack of a personality ! (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)” huh 👁️👁️
pays literally no mind to them, pretends nothing happens and keeps walking with you
it’s like an invisible force field, bounces right off of him and somehow hurts the other person more
walking embodiment of that “i am rubber you are glue, what bounces off of me stick to you” and he probably recites that, too
but yeah, so insanely unbothered that i would maybe check up on him from time to time ? how is he always so chipper ? is bro good ?
but it’s infectious, so you can’t let it get to you either, it’s hard to feel sad around pav
he will somehow coincidentally always find something to immediately take ur mind off if it
after a shitty interaction with someone talking about pronouns and how theirs are an inanimate object, he miraculously spots a food stand you guys haven’t tried yet
does that Σ(゚ロ゚) face of his while gasping and drags you over, no questions asked
interrupts the person with the longest gasp, one would assume he hadn’t had a breath of fresh air ever
“look look! we have to try it!” pointing like that fuckin Soyjaks meme and ur gone, bigot is left in the dust
i’ve heard food is great therapy, and he believes so too
so scran down on some good street food while pavitr looks like a beam of sunshine despite just ruining a persons self esteem for the rest of their lie
it’s deserved though, so you can both sleep well
yknow what else slaps ? some chai, go home and have some w his aunty who thinks you’ve a very handsome young man
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
why the fuck is he so broad hang on
Tumblr media
she/her a he/him and get shot, idk mans got a whole firearm for a reason
it’s takes him a little while to understand trans slander, but eventually it becomes like a fine art to him because i think he has a tendency to hyperfixate on things until he understands them in violent detail (autistic. he’s violently autistic coded. cant read a room, hyperfixated on his favourite colour, struggles to express himself through his tone.. yknow)
so if one day someone happens to catch sight of your scars and starts to talk shit in whatever 30’s slang from his dimension and modern slang from your own, he is so ready to give this speech on discrimination
theres a power point slide too but he doesn’t know how that works
gives up not even half way because he got frustrated and started cursing them out instead
“look, you seem like lovely people- no, no you don’t”
he has anger issues
there’s a lot of “and my boyfriend!” followed by a compliment, he managed to throw a few in there for good measure
says something about the colour purple at one point, i don’t know how that happened
please steer him away before someone gets shot over colour theory (surprised it hasn’t happened yet, ammarite fellow artists ? 😀 )
apologises for getting carried away, has to stop himself from talking about colours again he’s just such a peter and so unserious
“i’m sorry i- that must have been hard for you” clearly it was harder for u dear god
is likely the most insistent on doing anything and everything to make you feel better, is open to suggestions and is basically begging for them
while everyone else is low-key for ur own sake, this man’s about to buy you the world with his 4 dollars which is pretty impressive in his dimension
insists on doing your favourite things, is suggesting this and that, left right and centre
is convinced it’s the end of the world, this is reinforced since you seemed so upset and uncomfortable being misgendered by some people on the street
if you’re plenty happy to settle doing something, he’s thrilled and is giving it his 110% just for you
go watch a movie, careful not to point out the colours of noir will then realise that movies are no longer in black and white and starts asking you if everything is purple
“what a lovely purple :]” pan to like a whole pyramid
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
anyway, can you tell that hobie is easiest for me to write for and that i was running out of ideas ?
let me know how you feel about it !
if this flops i’m gonna have to go on a long stroll
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