#hogwarts fanficton
teacupwithonion · 10 months
Here's a quote from the d.malfoy fanfiction I'm writing:-
"They say you can only love someone if you love yourself first,but I–I loved you before I could love myself...."
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 2 months
So, (again)
As You all probably know I'm writing a male hogwarts legacy fanfiction but I have another OC I've created and I wanted to share her:) (She will have her own fanficton but not in a some time. she's going to end up with Ominis for all my Ominis Girlies I'll update more pictures later. Please meet:
Evelynn Blair
a kind, tough, slytherin muggleborn.
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(sorry for bad quality:)
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greenmoons · 2 years
My fanfictions
Here are links to my fanfictions accounts, it will be nice if you would go to read some of them.
Most of my writings are one shots or drabbles but I also have several ongoing fanfictions. I'm very strict about canon and I love to write about minor characters.
In my fanfictons account you can find fanfics about the Wizarding world (Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and Hogwarts Mystery), Stargirl, Young Justice and the Big Bang Theory, The Dragon Prince, Avatar, Descendants, Grey's Anatomy and Power Rangers.
In my Archive account you can find fanfics about the Wizarding world (Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and Hogwarts Mystery), Stargirl, Power Rangers, School Spirits, DC, Descendants.
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spacegirlinorbit · 4 years
Fooling You? Series
Fooling You? Chapter 4: For when two are gone the third will speak
Warnings: swearing 
Taglist: @treestarrrrrrrr
Fooling you Masterlist 
A/N: so I changed Marlene’s story a little in this story to her transferring to hogwarts the summer before her 5th year not six for something later on in the story. Also for the sake of the story and something that will appear more important later we are going to assume that Grindelwald’s patronus is a phoenix like Dumbledore.  
(All rights to HP universe belong to JK Rowling)
I do not own the gifs (found edit on google)
Song: A Sweeter Place by Selena Gomez ft. Kid Cudi 
Chapter 4: For when two are gone the third will speak
“Sorry about Marlene. She’s usually worked up after Quidditch practice.” Says Dorcas.
“Oh that’s okay.” I get out before Lily who also steps in to diffuse the tension Marlene left in her wake.
“She’s going through some stuff as well, but she also transferred here last summer so she knows what its like to be in your position. She was excited to hear we were getting a new roommate.”
“Oh, that’s a bit of relief.”
“Yeah, should we head down to the common room? Maybe meet some of the students?” Lily suggests.
“Um would it be alright if I just rest for a minute?” I ask feeling slightly tired and uncomfortable at my new dynamic in life.
“Oh sure! Why don’t we, Dorcas, go get snacks and drinks and we can hang out here for the night?” Lily suggest to me and Dorcas.
“Sounds good to me, thank you Lily.” I reply. She seems nice enough maybe I won’t have to convince too hard on my story.
“Of course.” Lily smiles.
“We want you to feel welcome. I’m sure its all a lot to take in right now.” Dorcas chimes in with a smile. I return her smile and Lily and Dorcas leave. I sit on my bed and lie back as I put my arm over my eyes.
“Hey, you’re the new roommate right?” I hear the door squeak open and sit up to see Marlene drying her hair in a towel with her fluffy bathrobe on.
“Yes. I’m y/n.”
“Marlene. Nice to meet you. Sorry about earlier quidditch takes out the worst in me sometimes. It’s those slimy Slytherins.” Marlene explains.
“Oh, well I, um, might I ask what is quidditch?” I stammer.
“Darling you don’t know what quidditch is?”
“..no...” I say nervously. Am I supposed to just know this?
“Well, darling,” she starts and has a seat next to me. “It’s a vigorous sport that is kind of like lacrosse but on broomsticks and there’s this special ball called the golden snitch to which if the seeker catches it earns the team 150 points and therefore wins the game.” She rambles on. I’m still slightly confused at the explanation and she must see it on my face because she says next, “You’ll understand once you see it in person.”
“What else does Hogwarts have?” I ask.
“Well besides the one sport and the triwizard cup, the school works on a point system by the houses. Did Dumbledore explain any of this?” She asks.
“Not a thing.” I reply with a sigh.
“Oh hey it’s okay. I was new too and it’s a weird adjustment but you got the best roommates and just wait til you meet the boys.” She says getting up at the end with a big smile on her face. She gets her clothes and heads to the bathroom but leaves the door slightly cracked to keep talking to me.
“They are just the craziest motherfuckers you’ll ever meet here. Troublemakers they are, but nonetheless the best Hogwarts has to offer. Don’t even get me started on how they look! All of them are handsome in their own way. Oh but stay away from-“ she cuts short as we both hear the room door open. I sit up from the bed on my elbows to see Lily and Dorcas come in.
“Lily Fire is that you?” Marlene calls.
“Yes.” Lily replies and smiles at me. Dorcas comes over with a drinks in hand and lets me choose what I want. I go for a grape soda and thank her.
“I was just about to tell our new roomie about the boys!” She calls a bit louder as she turns on the blow dryer.
“Oh.” Lily looks over at me. “What did she say?”
“Handsome troublemakers.” I breathe after taking a sip of my drink.
Lily chuckles at this and nods agreeing with the statement. “That they are. Maybe you’ll meet them tomorrow.”
“Isn’t there a-” Dorcas tries to say, but Marlene quickly and loudly chimes in as she exits the bathroom, “PARTY!” 
“Oh! You came just in time for the party!” Marlene squeals out while the bottle cap makes a ‘pop’ as she opens it. That I did. I wonder if I can get my hands on that sweet drug again here, probably best I don’t since I was left passed out for a day… I think.
“Do you like parties?” Dorcas asks me drawing me out of my thoughts.
“Yeah. Parties are like my sweeter place.”
“HAhaha oh I like you.” Marlene laughs out. 
“We should take you to hogsmeade tomorrow with us to gather some supplies for the party and not to mention your school things as well.” Lily suggests. 
“Sounds great. I am low on ink and paper.” 
“Excellent. I’ll wake you tomorrow then.”
“Sure.” I replied with a smile.
“We ought to get new party clothes. I’m tired of my old ones.” Dorcas whines. 
“Good thinking Dorcas! You guys get the supplies and me and Dorcas will get us party outfits.” Marlene shares.
“Oh that’s okay I don’t-”
“Don’t you dare say you don’t need any, because you can never have enough party clothes.” Marlene points an accusing finger at me. I decide to not challenge it and let her be in her bliss. They really are a cool group of friends. I look at Lily who is laughing at Marlene who exaggerates how she’s going to make us all look hot and Dorcas tries to hide her giggling. I think we’ll get along fine. I hope that we can. I would hate to be alone in my last two years of school since after I graduate I will be all alone. 
I finally feel like I can flourish here and be a little more honest. I am so close to home now and I can feel the darkness in me wanting to seep out. I have to be careful around here for the next couple weeks until I can find a place to keep up my practice in the dark arts. I saw a woods right outside of school. I could go there. It's called the forbidden forest right? So I shouldn’t have to worry about being spotted. 
We all talk amongst each other, and they mostly ask if I'm comfortable. I appreciate their concern and hope I can adjust quickly to the change. Soon time flies by and its shortly past midnight. We all get ready for bed and I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and change quickly while I'm in there. I take a look at my right hip side and there my tattoo lays in all its glory.  A phoenix representing my patronus. How odd that me, Grindelwald, and Dumbledore all share the same patronus. Fate must know something I don’t. 
I head to bed saying my goodnight to the others and let the covers envelop me softly and I quickly draw my eyes close and sleep overtakes me. 
Marauders POV 
“Y/n.” Lily calls softly after a few minutes y/n goes to bed. 
“Y/n!” Marlene calls out a bit louder and lily quickly shoots her a glare and a shush.
“What? You were never going to find out if you whispered it.” She shrugs. Lily shakes her and gets out of bed putting on her slippers. 
“Let’s just go.” She whispers into the dark and the other girls shuffle out of bed quietly as they put on their slippers and robes to leave the bedroom. 
They descend the stairs from their dorm quietly and quickly to meet the others in the common room. There they were in all their disastrous glory. James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. James sat on the couch as Remus sat on the armchair of the couch on the other side. Sirius stood by the fireplace that is ablaze warming the room nicely while having a smoke. Peter sat on the floor hugging his knees near the fireplace. 
“Well hello ladies. Glad you could join us.” James announced making all the other boys turn their attention to them. 
“Let’s make this quick then.” Lily strikes back. James can’t help but smirk at her snarkiness. Lily and Dorcas both take a seat on the couch and Marlene pushes her way past Sirius to get to the chair across the room. You could say a cold lightning bolt struck between them leaving the room with a bit a tension no one asked for but got anyway. 
James commences the meeting. “Dumbledore sends his regards for not being able to host our meeting tonight seeing as he matters to attend to regarding our new student. He would like a report from you ladies soon about her behavior and what she tells you.”
“Of course.” Lily reassured. 
“Have you guys managed to find anything?” Remus questions. 
“No. She barely had anything with her when she came to hogwarts. Just some clothes and books. There is a picture of her and her mom. Nothing suspicious though. We already know about that.” Lily answered. 
“She does like parties though.” Marlene speaks up. “We are actually taking her out to Hogsmeade tomorrow.”
“You’re what?” Sirius perks up at this. 
“Open your ears, black.” Marlene spits out with a roll of her eyes.
“You don’t even know her.” He comments. He holds a deadly cold stare towards Marlene who pretends to not notice his existence. 
“That’s why we are taking her, dumbass. It’s our mission to get to know her and trying to do that by cooping her up in the room is not going to help.” Marlene claimed as she now returned his stare with a cold one of her own. Hell could freeze over with the look they are giving each other now. 
“She’s right, Sirius.” Lily starts. “Taking her to Hogsmeade can get her to trust us and she needs supplies.” Marlene gets a ‘hmph’ in triumph as Lily finishes. Black sighs and looks towards James. James shrugs knowing they are right. 
“Maybe we should go with you guys?” Sirius suggest. 
“Ugh no we don’t need you guys. We are going girl shopping.”
“Like i care about your shopping spree, but we could hang in the back.” Sirius and Marlene start to argue and as they go back and forth on the distaste for each other everyone else is already sighing and tryng to block out of the two, but they keep getting louder and louder and Lily just snaps, “ENOUGH!” 
“Me and the girls can handle y/n. You guys need to set up the party or did you forget?”
“How can you say that? We know she’s powerful and don't forget who got you the entail on her. If they want her, who's to say they won’t come after her there? Who is to say she isn’t already in contact with them and it’s a trap? She could hurt you guys.” Black responds in a single breath of all the things that could be wrong with the situation.
“Sirius, we appreciate your concern.” Lily speaks. Marlene scoffs at this. “But we can handle whatever comes. We are strong together and if she is as powerful as you think who is to say she isn't just as perceptive. She could catch on to the four boys who are following us around a small market area. If something is wrong we will call for you guys.” Dorcas nods in agreement which reassures Remus who finds himself nodding a little as well and then quickly stops with a slight blush realizing what he was doing. 
“That’s my girl.” James boasts and Lily hits him on the shoulder. “Not your girl.”
“I don’t like it, but fine. Goodnight everyone, except Muddy.” Sirius says using the ugly nickname towards Marlene who sticks her tongue out towards him as he throws his cigarette in the fire and walks towards the descending stairs to the boys dorm. 
Everyone says their goodnight to each other and walk away to their respective dorms. Little does y/n know about the meeting that took place as she has a vivid dream where she sees Grindelwald in his small cell. 
“Gell.” She whispers in her sleep before the others enter and fall asleep as well unbeknownst to her dream and her of their secret meeting.
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starlitsilvereyes · 3 years
18 Things I, Draco Lucius Abraxas Black Malfoy, learned at the ripe age of Eighteen:
CW: Mild Angst, Parental Issues, Scars, Implied handjob | Rating: M | Read 19 Things Draco Learned at Nineteen here
Mother is the bravest woman I’ve ever known, and the best friend I could ever ask for. She is far from perfect, I hear the others say, but I don’t think she has to be.
Father is a very complicated man with unattainable expectations.
I fear to disappoint Mother. I am already the son my Father didn’t want; my Mother is the only one who truly loves me. How could I ever repay the sacrifices she made during the war?
The second best spot to study constellations is by the Black Lake. I don’t go up to the Astronomy Tower anymore.
Muggle art is rather interesting. I learned about them from a book I found at the library; I would’ve liked to be friends with Monsieur Vincent (Van Gogh). I think we are alike in more ways than one.
Severus is more pleasant to talk to as a portrait. I will always miss him, though.
When did Potter become so hot? Potter has grown to be decent-looking. He’s taller now, and his hair is longer. His eyes shine like emeralds in the sun, I’ve noticed.
Apparently, I now need glasses. Mother has ordered some thin-wired frames for me. The first time I wore them, Potter looked at me for an unnecessarily long amount of time when he passed by me in the hall.
I can’t remove the Mark, no matter how hard I try.
I want to play Quidditch professionally after I finish with my N.E.W.T.S. Hopefully, they’ll look past the Mark that I bear, and the part that I played during the war. Although, I won’t blame them if they don’t.
My Sectumsempra scars still hurt sometimes. It’s okay, Pansy brews this rosemary balm that helps with the pain.
I still get sad sometimes for who I could’ve been if I weren’t my miserable self.
Both Blaise and Pansy are attracted to Potter’s now ex-girlfriend. Good Merlin have mercy.
Potter has nightmares too. We don’t talk about them, but we like to sit from a safe distance by the Whomping Willow to watch the sun rise in the horizon.
I quite like the idea of Muggle tattoos. I have seen photographs of them and I’m interested. Hopefully, Potter will tell me more.
I am, in fact, very attracted to men. And not just because they’re exciting to look at.
Potter is a rather good kisser. He does this thing with his tongue where— nevermind. He’s peering over my shoulder as I’m writing this. I don’t want to stroke his ego, I’m already doing that with another part of him.
Now that I’ve shooed Potter away, I can finally say that I’ll miss him when we finish this school year. I don’t know when I’ll see him again, or where to find him after all this. He doesn’t want to be an Auror anymore, and I’m the only one who knows. I hope I can see him again, preferably in the Summer. I already have a birthday gift for him.
I am NINETEEN today. What the hell. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my very self-indulgent 18 year old Draco. He’s much more exciting than I was at 18, though.
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Snape + Harry = Snarry
Another ship I heard about was Professor Snape with Harry Potter and, that is....... A little strange....... Right? 😕
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fiction-queen-blog · 6 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Naruto, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: NaruSasu, obikaka - Relationship, ObiRin, MinaKushi - Relationship Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto Additional Tags: Magic, Hogwarts AU Summary:
Sasuke Uchiha recently discovered he is a wizard and is send to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardly. Upon entering the magical world he discovers a great ordeal about his heritage, prejudice, corruption and the dark side that is slowly rising from the ashes. Together with friends he fights for the wizarding world. #HogwartsAU #NaruSasuNaru
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mgtorreoficial · 2 years
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Sobre «nós» um início de Romance.
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Get to know the writer artist tag. I was tagged by the lovely lovely @thesunandthestarss thanks Hay 😘
Name: helló you may call me Deedeh, nice to meet u
Star sign: Im a Virgo sun, Scorpio moon and Cancer rising, psa i have a LOT of watersign in my chart, im an emotional bitch - yes im very into astrology how could you tell?? (i know barely jack shit tho, had to text my friend cause i actually was unsure if i mixed my moon and rising)
Height: 165- ish?? idk i think thats 5′4 in feet
Hogwarts House: ... gryffindor - i think it was nearly a tie w ravenclaw - which is what i wanted *sigh*
Favorite animal: idk if i have a favorite, but bruh i love ferrets i want 2 at some point just cause i have some funny pun names, and cause theyre so adorable!!!
Average hours of sleep: 6 💀 - i try my fckn best to correct it but ya know - also like tumblr tho and fics 👀
Current time: 6:53 am, was filling this out last night but then i got tired cause ^ya know my sleep schedule is currently wack
Blankets I sleep with: i sleep with one comforter usually, (change between summer and winter comforter) sometimes i sleep with an extra blanket or two if im freezing, wait i did also sleep with just a sheet during this summer cause it was so hot
Cats or Dogs: cats. Ive grown up w cats, and just what lovely little sassy things they are, dogs are great dont get me wrong and i defintley want one at some point, just saw a video of a subway dog an teared up
Dream job: right now im feeling quite lost on that front, my internship just kinda sucks atm., but i wanna do freelance fashion, i would love to be able to just move around after jobs and live different places. Idk if im ever gonna be talented enough but working on wardrobe on tv shows, and movies - lol im even kind of nervous writing it here, but yeah thats a dream baby :)) also working on my art lately have made me dream of doing some comissions, not as a full time but a dream side job ;))
When I made my blog: ughh i a year or a year and a half ago? i think? - made it during last summer i think, i didnt really use it much tho, like i lurked around for a good bit, reblog some posts, but mainly without much comment. I posted my own post right after the 4x17, (to ask if i should watch it) lol a great place to start huh? 😂 after that i stared slowly using it more
Followers: 25, love my little bunch 😘
Why I made this tumblr: tumblr was kind of a thing id heard of a lot growing up, seemed so ‘mYstEriouSs’, ahhaha no but really id known of tumblr, and screen shots of funny tumblr post kept poping up on my pinterest, besides id heard of fanficton on tumblr, and so my interest reached a peak where i was like: “imma just go for it”
Reason for URL: Celandines are a special flower to me, they mean joys to come, and i wanted a *sPicY* tumblr name like id seen, so the “its a flower dickward” came from: i had changed my youtube name (no i dont have a channel lol) to Celandine and commented on a s3 sweetwater secrets video w Leanne Aguilera and she read it out loud and was like “idk if im saying that right sry” (she did ;) and thats where the its a flower dickward part came from 😊 My instagram idk, i just brainstormed some instagram names w Celandine and i thought Celandime was fun the _ was added cause the other was taken - My ao3 name was just another idea for my instagram handle that i just decided to use there. 
But also for all of my handles - i also just wanted something that wasnt tied to a specific fandom, cause i knew i wanted to fan over loads, and diffrent fandoms and also wouldnt have to change if i left one. 
Tagging: @stonerbughead  @literatiruinedme  idk if you have already done it but 💕
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tivafan-yupthatsme · 4 years
17 Questions and 17 tags
Tagged by: @mokkemusic 👀 I actually do some things when I return to this blog and I’ve happened to be on a binge on here so thank you!
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5’5” ish
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff! At least that’s what I got when I took the official quiz. I’ll never know what it truly is though cause the sorting hat decides that.
Last thing I googled: Uhhh I think it was The Order fanficton 🤷🏽‍♀️🤪
Song stuck in my head: Moral of the Story. I really, really like it. It makes me sad, nostalgic, and really think.
Number of followers: I think it’s around 725? I’m not sure. Though I am guessing a whole bunch is bots, dead/old blogs, and others who followed from a different fandom.
Amount of sleep: Uhhh it changes to often at the moment to give a accurate number but I’d say 5+ usually.
Lucky number: 1 & 6
Dream job: Hmm I don’t know honestly. It changes so often that I can never figure it out. Maybe a Zoologist?
Wearing: Shorts and a T-shirt.
Favourite song: It changes to much so I don’t have exactly one favorite song. Welcome to Wonderland is in my favorites list.
Favourite instrument: Piano! Classic music is the best thing to bless this earth when trying to get kids to fall asleep and I swear by it.
Aesthetic: Again something that changes a lot. I probably fall under some category of an e-girl, Fall related things, and whatever else. What do you think my aesthetic is?? (I’m seriously asking)
Favourite author: Yikes I’m bad at this! I read so much and often enough that I have favorite SERIES rather then authors but uhhh... C.S. Lewis I guess at the moment for giving us Narnia.
Favourite animal noise: None? I don’t think about this??? I’m really not sure. 😂
Random: Everyone should go watch The Order on Netflix (if it’s available... and we’ll if it’s not figure it out! 😂) so I can tell you how much I love Vera Stone and would die for her... oh WAIT. Wrong random fact right? Okay so one about me is that I cut my hair back in Novmeber? And I still can’t decide if I like it or not.
Tagging: @salty-af-ace @werealljustwinginit uhhh idk my mutuals anymore or who else 🤭 So if you would like to do this then say I tagged you!
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parkerspicedlatte · 5 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people.
1) Nicknames: Ria, Reetz, Moo (don’t ask...)
2) Zodiac Sign: idk i don’t keep up with this shit
3) Height: 5′4′″ (i only JUST measured myself, i thought i was 5′2′’ for the longest time!)
4) Hogwarts House: Geez i don’t know I’ve never read the books/seen the movies
5) Last Thing I Googled: I googled what “projecting” meant and how old the dude from disturbed is (he’s 46)
6) Fave Musicians: 5sos, Billie Eilish, Shawn Mendes, Black Veil Brides, Gerard Way, MATT CORBY, Milk Carton Kids, Jesse Cook, CCR, The Struts, Jonny Cash, Simon and Garfunkel. Yup lots of weird combos....
7) Song Stuck In My Head: Kiss This-The Struts
8) Following: 139
9) Followers: 760
10) Do You Get Asks: Not that often (i would it if you guys would interact, don’t be scared. tell me about whatever ;)
11) Regular Amount of Sleep: sometimes 3 hours sometimes 11 hours. it’s weird
12) Lucky Number: 20, i love the number 20, it’s smooth #OCD
13) What Are You Wearing: Ankel socks, plaid purple pj pants, and a tweedy bird crop-top (not even kidding, it creeps my lil cousins out.)
14) Dream Job: Musicians, baker/barista, butcher, artist, potter....arts stuff
15) Dream Trip: I’m going to Australia in a few years when i get married
16) Instruments: I sing and play guitar, i want to pick up piano and bass (mostly bass)
17) Languages: English, French, ASL, learning German
18) Favourite Songs: at the moment.... The Boxer-Simon and Garfunkel, My Boy-Billie Eilish, Ghost of You-5sos, Silly Notes and Gypsy Clothes-Ron Pope, Hazy Shade of Winter-Gerard Way+Ray Toro (cover), Belly Side Up-Matt Corby, Michigan-Milk Carton Kids,
19) Random Fact: I have never told a single person that I write fanficton (besides you guys obv.)
20) Aesthetic: Sitting out in my screened in porch, small pottery mug of hot tea, rain falling on the tin roof, acoustic classical guitar in hand, blanket over my legs (cause it’s cold), puppy by my side, grey skies. thunder in the distance. 
21) Dogs or Cats: I have a dog, i have always been more of a dog person but i do like cats, one day i swear i will get an Australian Shepard, Great Dane, and Bull Massive. I love those suckers. 
tagging these loveliee: @h0tsos @madformichael @misskarynie @hey-its-grey @softboyshawn @parkerpuffwrites @lovemelikeyou1997 @lokiislowkeyhot @katsens-writing @acebatmickey @harryandmolly @eyestheyseeyou @infiniteshawn @irwinkitten @starksparker @song-bird-shawn @lovely-parker @morningfears @hereforlukescruff @fanboy-tom @zachheroin @welldamnshawn @softforcal @converse-luke @golden-hemmings
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spacegirlinorbit · 5 years
Fooling You? Series
Chapter 1: We’re distant Stars pt. 1
Warnings: slight swearing, mentions of drugs and alcohol
fooling you masterlist 
(all rights to the characters and harry potter belong to JK Rowling. I just own the story) 
song: holy ground by BANNERS
Chapter 1: We’re Distant Stars pt. 1
It was like every other night I have been spending for the past few years since my mother’s passing. The room is dusty, grey and dark with some dim neon green lights emitting above me. There are crushed cups that spread across the floor along with broken white cancer sticks. I slowly pull myself up and look around the dark basement. A few people are passed out, some on the floor and some on the couch. I hear someone shuffle their feet and look behind me to see a guy holding a trash bag and picking up the cups that are scattered.
“Well well.” Is all they say when they make eye contact with me and then get back to work.
“How long was I out for?” I ask and get up from the dirty ground.
“Well seeing as the party ended around five hours ago, I don’t know, also maybe the fact that I don’t know you. Should be breaking dawn out there, though.”
“oh.” I reply, not really wanting to bite back with my own smart-ass remark.
“Yeah but the party started three days ago if you didn’t know…”
“Oh.” I get up and go to the sink across the room and rinse out my mouth. The tap water sucks down here, but its better than my mouth feeling like sandpaper as it does at the moment.
“Yeah, hey do you think-“ The guy starts to ask.
I leave the basement and ascend the stairs away from that dungeon of party hell and tread my way slowly back to my tower of Wampus. Man, those buggers from Scotland, England, and all around know how to party and bring the good stuff. I was in state of euphoria for three days. I’m going to miss them if they aren’t already gone back overseas, to Hogwarts no less. How I wish I could be back overseas. I’d loved to visit Austria, my beautiful home.
I haven’t been back home in three years. I lost my mom and attended her funeral the winter of 1973. It was the only time I’ve been home since going overseas to be a student at Ilvermorny. I wish I could just finish school now and just go back home. Even though I don’t have a home to go back to anymore. With my mom gone and us living in the prison she worked in, I don’t really have a solid home. I do have Gellert Grindelwald. That old man is still alive thankfully.
I get to my room which luckily for me is my own private room and lock the door behind me and fall back on my bed. I take a moment to settle and then sit up from the soft blankets. I look around my room which is in a state of mess. Typical. Then I see it there on the desk table of my room. An open letter. His letter.
Dear Kleine, (translation: little one)
I’m afraid this will be our last letter for a while. Someone has caught wind of your past and seeks you out and for your protection just do as your told. You may be coming closer to home if things go right. Our letters must be disposed of, so no one knows that we have been in contact. Its all for your safety, kleine. I hope you understand. Please remember to never stop suche wer du bist (looking for who you are). You are my girl almighty remember. Please be safe and never, never show your dark side until you feel the power is necessary in your bones. Mögen wir uns wiedersehen (until we meet again).
Your family
I let the tear roll down my cheek and hit the tabletop as I lay the letter down and then use my wand to perch it over to the trashcan and hover over as it burns away to ash. I gladly take a shower and relax my sore muscles from the euphoric trip I was on for three days and barely have much recollection. I get dressed for the day in simple clothing since school has not yet started and won’t for another week. After all today is Saturday, oh shoot no it isn’t anymore. Today is Tuesday, but thankfully I still have a few days before the new school year starts.
That’s when I hear a knock on my door. I go to open it and there is the teacher of the girl’s dormitory at my door, Miss. Radfoot. Miss. Radfoot is one of the esteemed professors here at Ilvermorny and well known for her generosity and kind nature, and not to mention part of the council of the school board.
“Ah hello, Miss. Radfoot.” I say with a small smile.
“Oh good you’re awake and up and at em.” She says with a big smile painted a glossy red.
“Yes.” Unsure of what she means by that.
“There’s been news that has come in for you that you are to meet the headmaster in his office.”
“Now?” I question begrudgingly.
“Now.” She replies emphatically.
“Okay, let me get some shoes and I’ll be there.”
“Perfect. Then I’ll take my leave.” She says with a big cherry smile on her face.
I close my door and sigh as I turn back towards my room and head to my closet and grab a pair of sneakers to put on. I grab my wand and I apparate myself to the doors of the headmaster. I knock on the large wooden doors of the headmaster Fontaine and hear loud scuffling as he makes his way to open the door.
“My dear, thank goodness you have come quickly. Big, Big news for you! Mmhmm!” Headmaster Fontaine says excitingly and anytime he is excited like this it is masked by some fear and I can only hope that whatever is behind this door for me is not my demise.
I walk in after the headmaster and see another man in elegant red robes with gold detailing and a long white beard and hair to match. Geez, the man looked like merlin himself right out the portrait. He had sparkling blue eyes and kindly smiled at me. I smile back and the headmaster ushers me to take a seat.
“Miss. Y/l/n, I have some news from across the pond.” Headmaster Fontaine says with a small laugh to ease the tension.
“Well what is it?” I ask, there are only a few things it could be. The foreigners at the party last night, the fact that there was party last night could lead in a lot of directions, and then of course my connections to Grindelwald. I hope it’s the latter, because I don’t know the hell I’m going to do if its Grindelwald.
“Well miss. y/l/n, you are being transferred.”
Oh shit, what have I done?
(A/N: it’s finally here I hope you like it )
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aanda20081 · 6 years
Fandom Survey
I was tagged by the wonderfully amazing @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash , Thank you hun!
Name: Abigayle
Preferred name: Abby/May
Age: 20
Location: Orlando, FL
First fandom you remember: Supernatural
Which fandom got you writing FanFicton: Supernatural/Walking Dead
Most active fandom: (atm)Taboo
Longest running fandom: Supernaural
Guilty pleasure fandom: None lol, love em all to death <3
Which fandom do you think you’d be the most successful in if you were thrown into that movie/book/TV show: I don’t really know, maybe Supernatural. I can see myself being a skilled hunter, and someone the boys could get along with quite nicely lol.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
MBTI Type: Mediator(INFP-T)
Who would play you n a movie of your life: Jennifer Lawrence
Top 3 characters you identify with: Katniss Everdeen, Groot, Furiosa
Top 3 characters to protect you: James Delaney, Daryl Dixon, Eddie Brock/Venom
Top 3 characters for you to protect: Winter, Spider-Man, Beth Greene
Top 3 characters to marry: Negan, James Delaney, Dean Winchester
Favorite dance move: Too many to count or name
Do you believe in magic: Hell yes!
Tagging: @succumb-to-your-king @may85 @ritualmichael @rooker-character-fics @sarcastic-writing @yes-sir-mr-tom @bamby0304 @iamkatehardy @hardyimagines @deartomhardy
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ragingroostero · 6 years
Tagged by the amazing @purple-heart-anon
Name: Kaytlin.
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Demi-Pansexual.
Why I made a Tumblr: When looking at some fanficton, I ended up finding that most of them came from Tumblr. I really wanted to read more so I made an account and I am ever so glad I did so. I have met some amazing people such as @purple-heart-anon , @crazyneoncupcake, and @the-blue-haired-boy
Hogwarts House: Slytherin.
Average hours of sleep: 4-6
Dogs or Cats: Doggos!
I tag @crazyneoncupcake @c-connor-murphy @quirkyheroimagines @cryptidsp00n @the-blue-haired-boy
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Thebitterbookeater's aesthetic
•It's Wingardium LeviOsa, not LeviosA! •Sings better than you and all the angels from heaven •To strangers: *is polite, kind and lovely*  To friends: hey you, Motherfucker son of a bitch! Carry this for me or i'll kill you. Love you btw. •Is not interested but when someone mentions it has to be the fist to say/do something •so: can you do this?  No.  So: you can't do this  Watch me while i do it. •No! We are not going to do that. That's a bad idea. I won't be breaking the rules. Nope. Not today *says while doing it* •Looks like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you, all your family, your friends and all who you love. •Swears a lot. "Son of a bitch" is another way to say "my loved friend". •Me: can you lend me a pen?  Her: here you have this eight pens i got this morning predicting you won't bring one. I know you will loose them so never mind inventing excuses. •You insult her and she will ignore you. Insult family/friends/Hogwarts house and you will be praying for dead. •Uses sarcasm with no criteria •"If i don't read it will be like it never happened" •Gets really philosophical and at the next second laughs at the most stupid thing. •If you don't like her you can sit and wait cause not changing for you opinion •*Someone insults friend* i am the only one who insults this bastard, leave my motherfucker alone. •Did i say a lot of swearing? •Knows who you are and won't get offended by you defects. Accepting no matter what. Seriously. You can be a serial murderer with anger issues and she'll buy you an ice cream if you are her friend. •"I'm weak" actually is strong, independent and capable of kicking ass. •Reads fanficton the night before the test and somehow passes. @thebitterbookeater here it is :) i could have written a book of these
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