#home in a hole
lapumpkinmusic · 2 months
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sketchy-tour · 4 months
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Beta playing pool beta playing pool beta playing pool beta-
ANYWAY! I brain rotted about this idea for a hot minute! Take these beta doodles. Putting them in your hands. Now I can properly beam Beta playing pool into your minds with a visual! Enjoy
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whatsupspaceman · 5 months
we could have mobile games like cool math duck life and papas pizzeria and bloonz tower defense and old masterpieces like original angry birds and jet pack joyride and small online games like webkinz home before dark and polar bear plunge and flash games like holeio and snake and we could have barbie dress up and horse riding and we could have them all without thousands of shitty 2 minute ads and microtransactions and unskippable popups and imbedded app store links and we could have new games new incredible story based adventures, puzzles, well designed mini platformers, we have an entire universe of unexplored medium right here in the palm of your hand! we could have REAL games! real wonderful games not misleading not clickbait we could have everything in the whole wide world and we could have them them on the phone! WE COULD HAVE THEM ON THE PHONE !!!!!!!!!!! DOES IT NOT MAKE YOU SICK???? DOES IT NOT SHATTER YOUR HEART !!!!
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poisonous-honey · 4 months
Fontaine Is Committing Childe Slander fr
Spoilers For The 4.2 Archon Quest
Content: Sagau reader insert (not the cult au), a lot of swearing
Note: Wrote this a while ago, just didn't post till now. This was written because of how frustrated I was with Childe's treatment in the quest. They did him so, so dirty.
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Hearing your scream, Neuvillette, Aether, and Paimon nearly flinched and gave themselves away if it wasn't for Skirk quickly turning around and staring them dead in their eyes.
They never liked hearing you get upset, but since this was a scripted event, they could do nothing but play their parts. Aether wanted nothing more than to jump in and find Childe for you, if even just to get you to stop yelling, but his hands were tied. And seeing the intense look the lady across from him was giving, he doesn't think he'd be able to get away with it even if he tried.
"No 'hey, how're you doing? What's up? Where the fuck did you go? How did you end up fighting a god-damn space whale? I was worried.' We really get to say none of that? Skirk just throws him away like he's yesterday's trash? At least, I think that's Skirk... Okay, fine, whatever."
The group notices a slight twitch in Skrik's expression, as if she was annoyed, but it's gone not a moment later.
"Skirk I hope you're kinda funny cause this is a terrible first impression."
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 
Skirk watches as Neuvillette sends the traveller topside, hoping that he starts the scripted conversation without any hassle.
"Was it necessary to throw him so aggressively into the portal?"
Of course, that's not what happened. If Childe's mad ramblings were anything to go by, all of those that become the players "characters" seem to grow inexplicably attached to them. She didn't hold his words in high regard since he was insane, but seeing the hydro sovereign already taking a liking to you gives some weight to his words.
"He’s fine. It’s nothing he can’t handle."
Neuvillette, still looking troubled, tells her that you really wanted to see him again after nearly 2 years of nothing.
"Didn't you also upset the player when you pounced on him and sent him to prison for no good reason?"
Neuvillette gave a slight wince, "I had no other choice. The Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale gave the sentence and the law must be upheld."
Skirk doesn’t look amused, Neuvillette just sighs "... And the action itself was scripted. I had my hands tied."
"Then you have no right to look so troubled over my actions. It was simply scripted, nothing deeper. I would not intentionally go looking to upset the player, especially since they can control whoever they want. I have no desire to go back to the surface, which I would be forced to if they ever felt like messing with me."
He hums, "The player has much less control than you think. Even if they wanted to take control of you, they wouldn't or shouldn't be able to do so for quite a while. Falling into their good graces is the only way to get chosen, and you seem to have only just piqued their interest."
Neuvillette was just stating facts. He heard you crying about how your latest wishing session for Furina took everything you had. He doubts even if Skirk’s banner was a couple patches from now you'd have enough to get her. Skirk herself looks a little frustrated at the mention of gaining your favour, but quickly lets it go. 
"As long as I have time to prepare, I suppose. Anyway, We should have our scripted conversation before time runs out. Unless you want them to start freaking out again."
"Of course not, let us continue."
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"The fuck do you mean he's already in Snezhnaya."
Lyney's eyes slightly widen in shock, not expecting that visceral of a reaction. Aether slightly shakes his head to try and get him not to worry about it while Paimon starts her bashful idle as a way to look elsewhere without arising suspicion.
"We don't even get to say goodbye, what the heck. Wait, we never even figured out what was going on with his vision either. They actually just threw him to the wayside! If he doesn't show up in the next interlude, I'm going to be ☆mad☆"
Aether tilts his head down as he starts to ponder. He was also a bit frustrated with how little they learned about what was going on with him. Obviously the whal- Narwhal was involved in someway, but nothing is explained outside their connection. He's suddenly ripped from his thoughts as you pick his next dialogue option and continue the story.
The story continues for a little bit as Arlecchino arrives to join the conversation. You add in some quips of your own as you're watching, but are mostly silent. They just take it as you being tired from the whirlwind of emotions the quest put you through.
Aether then realizes the next actions he has to take and struggles to keep a straight face.
*Actually, I just remembered something... Please help us deliver this.*
"I swear to god, don't give her Childe's vision. He hates her. He trusted us."
Aether can no longer hold back his wince as he holds out Childe's vision for Arlecchino to take. She almost looks amused as they hear you sigh.
🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 
Childe was in agony.
This pain went far beyond his physical injuries. The last words he heard from you were you crying out to him. It frustrated him to no end that by the time he gets to see you again, he passes out. He can barely remember your words of praise and cooing about how cool he was for fighting such a creature. Your worry and the fact he doesn't even get to talk to you after all this time hasn't left the forefront of his mind since he woke up. Injuries be damned, he wanted to find the Traveller. He wanted to get something out of that vacation, more than just one conversation, getting arrested, and an incomplete fight. He thought that as long as you still had his vision, he would surely see you again and his vacation would end smoothly, but of course the story seemed to have it out for him. All he could do now was lay here in pain, stuck in his mind while his family is off doing something else.
He's upset he didn't get to finish his fight and that you had to finish it for him.
He's upset his foul legacy has taken such a toll on his body, he can't do anything.
He's upset that his family has to see him in such a state.
He's upset he missed your first encounter with Skirk.
He's upset he didn't even get to talk to you again.
And more than anything, he's upset he can't be there for you.
As he was about to continue wallowing in self-pity and regret, he suddenly finds himself fully geared, standing in front of the Abyss, with no injuries.
"Such bullshit. I loved the story quest, but why was Childe pushed to the side. It's almost like they had no idea what to do with him after they got him to the whale. Oh! It's just one of the creatures he's been wanting to fight for nearly all his life. Do we get to know how he feels about it? Nooo of course not. My man just wanted to go on vacation, and he had to deal with all of this."
Hearing your voice almost washes away all his stress, and hearing you complain about how he was treated washes away all his sorrow. It pleases him to know you hated what happened to him just as much, if not more, than he did. He could tell from your ranting and the fact you've already gotten 36 stars that you were going to fight just to let off steam. That's perfect for him. Killing something is just what he needs to take his mind off of recent events, killing things with and for you makes it even better. He'll be sure to make the best of this before you log off for the day, and he's back to being bedridden.
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canisalbus · 3 months
how do you enjoy floor time? sitting, laying, etc
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ourfag · 4 months
one thing i think a lot of us including me are failing to sufficiently consider in our modern aus is that stede likes to break the law. as a lifestyle and hobby. like its not really a significant dimension of his arc since within the context of piracy crime is just normal but he did leave his wife and kids for a life of crime twice and he did get so excited conspiring with ed to not pay a restaurant bill that for a second his voice nearly ascended to a register that only other dogs could hear. i think stede would steal a horse off a carousel with the pole still through it and everything and then schlep it all the way up to their bedroom to surprise ed for his birthday. and ed would be genuinely touched to the point of happy tears
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poisoned-pearls · 6 months
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Ace vs the rest of the basketball clubs love life
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somerabbitholes · 5 months
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2023 in books, minus e-books, audiobooks, and borrowed and lent ones. a crisper list of favourites is on the rabbit hole
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thelone-copper · 11 months
Live Mob Colt And Rob reaction when no more Arby’s down the street
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A totally serious and tear jerking (off) collab between me and @clownsuu
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The reference image🤧🤧🤧🤧
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lapumpkinmusic · 28 days
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loveoaths · 1 year
force sensitive!din is cool, but imagine how funny the reverse would be. force negative!din. his very presence is actively hostile to the force. jedi can’t track him because he simply does not show up on their radars. you try to force throw him and he just stands there like 🧍🏻‍♂️. being around him as a force sensitive person is like entering a cellular dead zone. there are no signals going in or out. grogu’s rapid force development happens because being around din and then leaving with luke was the jedi equivalent of rock lee removing his ankle weights and beating gaara’s ass. if the force is a telephone wire, din is the fucking boulder stapled to it. his very presence causes a vacuum in the force that the universe tries to correct by throwing more force at it, which is why the man suddenly can’t walk without running into a jedi these days. force negative!din, y’all.
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always enjoyed the Chess Set In The Foreground perspective framing used here
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now also noting like, huh, a chess set in a general store just visited by marigold competitors who killed one of their guys and are now on the way back from their rendezvous point w/suppliers
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#and now to take a big sip of ''nothing suggests lackadaisy ft. people stuck / things repeating / death begetting death''#not like i suppose we're going to be hit with ''& then mordecai and viktor sat down at the defiance field office for every passing gangster#played chess and then went and properly slaughtered the lackadaisy crew and arbogasts at the funeral home / barn w/car-sized holes''#good reminder though that Viktor Is Now Active....left off with elsa managing to give him a phonecall; for good measure#lackadaisy#i have no lengthy Mitzi Mordecai Murder Mystery Musings posts for today (b/c not enough fresh musing insights) but no prommies#epiphanies are on their own schedule#quite the chess piece arrangement seen there too lol. can't tell if there's any Classic Configuration in the game b/w viktor & mordecai#not a chesshead and never was lol strategy games??? who's that#or i'll play them but not strategically. invented Flick Chess for indoor recess in elementary school#you flick a piece across the board and whatever you knock off the board = you took those pieces lmfao#though not like that has Zero strategy. thinking of my day enjoying tiddlywinks research#imagine my delight revisiting all this material like oh yeah the little pic of freckle tiddlywinking#let's squop; boys#i'm also supposing that chess sets? checkers sets? and etc. would be common general store features; like phone usage....real general....#but like; what; are we expecting this Not to bring a response from marigold lol#got the nervous twitch but they're like ''ah it's fine. cost of doing business''
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ratsalad · 2 years
i’m losing my WHOLE goddamn mind
> house challenges wilson to choose at least ONE piece of furniture for their new condo instead of letting other people make choices for him/define who he is, bc according to him, the kind of furniture you get says something about you
> wilson spends ages at a shop looking at chairs and tables but in the end he caves and hires a decorator 
> house calls him a wuss
> but oh, what’s this? wilson’s bought an ORGAN. FOR HOUSE TO PLAY. i’m going to die screaming the implication of this..... that this is what wilson chose, that he looked at an organ that house would love to play and thought “this is me”
> the HOPEFUL APPREHENSION on his face when house uncovers the organ
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and the pure childlike joy on house’s when he turns around to look at wilson after playing the phantom of the opera theme
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and of course this exchange
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love is stored in the organ
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koifsssh · 11 months
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ohhh, the update,,, very very very soon... i'm excited!!! but i'm trying not to think about it too much!
it's the kind of excitement where your chest gets all tight and you get all stupid with giddy... i just wish to see everyone again and their lovely little houses!
the secrets! i wonder what secrets we will find... bwah!!!
i drew wally to try to get some of it out of my system... but some of it is still there, bwahhh!
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cosmosnout · 1 year
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Returning to my kh roots
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