#homophobic abuse
arian-archivist-11 · 2 years
I love my mom so reaming the f slur and pretending that it's not a slur by making up a fake definition and claiming I shouldn't be affected because I'm not really gay.
Need her in a casket. The only thing keeping me from-[REDACTED]
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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gwydionmisha · 8 months
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indizombie · 1 year
The thing for me now is yes, you do see the happy story and the positive vibes, which is fantastic. But I can open my phone and see countless messages of death threats, and there were games where I got homophobic abuse. And this is going to come my way. But overall, I'm pretty strong. And whenever it happens, I think of the moments where I've had people stopping me and saying how much of an impact I've had on them. I try to turn it into a positive, and not to care what someone thinks about me, so long as I'm doing the right thing and helping people become themselves and live their lives. So you know what? You can send all the hate and death threats you want my way. I'm not going to change my behaviour.
Josh Cavallo
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self-loving-vampire · 3 months
Whenever I make a post about the catholic church saying something transphobic there's always a handful of people awkwardly trying to like, rehabilitate christianity in the notes going all "oh but the pope and the clergy are wrong about christianity, which is actually super progressive and good and loves trans people".
I wish those people a very "maybe actually read the bible sometime".
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ardentpoop · 1 month
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khaopybara · 1 month
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❝Tan taught it to me. He said you would like it. He said it would seduce... I shouldn't have listened.❞
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mickeym4ndy · 2 days
3x06 breaks my heart for a million obvious reasons but I think one of the many reasons it hurts that isn’t talked about that much is how innocent the whole thing starts out.
So much of their lives forced them to grow up way before they should’ve. Ian was being groomed by predatory men since he was 14 and Mickey was abused his whole life. That and a million other things forced them into adulthood so much quicker than they deserved.
But then they get this night.
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Then they’re together and even amongst the chaos and the awful shit in their lives, they get this little glimpse of a normal teenage relationship. Everything about it sounds so typical. Mickey’s parents are away for the night so he asks the guy he’s seeing over. Ian is so excited because he gets to sneak out of the house to actually spend the night with his maybe boyfriend that can be so distant and hard to read but has now actually invited him over to spend the night (and kissed him!!)- that has to mean something right?
They stick on a movie and sit together on the couch sneaking glances at each other wondering when the other is going to make a move. They’re both so nervous but so excited but trying to play it cool to the other. They laugh and joke together and spend time together before they have sex in an actual bed for the first time and actually spend a whole night together. Mickey made Ian food and they got to wake up together and eat breakfast together.
Up until a point, the entire situation is just so typical. They got to be normal teenagers on the cusp of their first real relationship for one night.
Then the next morning all of it was taken away and their entire lives changed forever.
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bigskydreaming · 2 months
Imagine if you were a gay or bi man who tried a certain firefighter show because of all the attention it was getting for one of its mains having a later in life bi awakening.....and between seasons you ventured into its fandom in search of material to tide you over til the next one. And you're greeted by a deluge of posts and fics that are just cheerfully homophobic towards one half of the newly out bi character's canon relationship on the basis of 'well he's not the RIGHT gay guy' and pushing the idea that actually its fine to cheat on him because Reasons and he's sexually predacious based on......behind the scenes implications people have divined like they're reading fucking tea leaves.
But don't get it twisted....this fandom, like all fandoms, really cares about representation!
Sorry not sorry, but we really need to kill this idea that fandoms are welcoming and inviting and inherently progressive when they're frequently insular and reductive as fuck. Every single fandom I've been in has had major trends of people doubling down on their own headcanons and fanon interpretations of the characters and willfully enacting trends aimed at running off people who like the 'wrong' characters (usually characters marginalized along one or multiple axes), like the characters in the 'wrong ways' or other bullshit.
Scott is a Bad Friend fics overtaking Teen Wolf fandom was not incidental, it was a FEATURE of the fandom, because the vast majority of that fandom did not want to share its space with anyone who had the nerve to like its main character. Survivors complaining about or criticizing the prevalance of rape fics in a certain fandom has in my experience always led to a reactionary UPTICK in those fics, with gems like 'this character can, will, must be raped' in the tags making it crystal clear that some of these fics exist because how fucking DARE anyone try and push forth a narrative not agreed upon by Fandom Main.
I could cite examples for so many other fandoms, with the commonalities always being that vast majorities in these fandoms are explicitly reacting defensively to being asked to be more mindful of fandom trends revolving around or exacerbating racism, homophobia, transphobia, rape or abuse apologia, ableism, etc....
With the most prolific fucking rallying cry across countless fandoms being "No the fuck we will NOT be doing that," because lolololol.....
Fandom is an inherently progressive space, didn't you hear?
#anyway this has been on my mind in general for a few weeks now#and its more about fandoms just being fandoms#and like....what if they werent though#these patterns migrate from one to another as fans migrate from fandom to fandom bringing their bullshit with them#like do people never get tired of just trying to call DIBS and claim fandoms for themselves while shutting out anyone else#who might have a lot to fucking offer if you werent being so gd intent on staking a claim instead of sharing perspectives#and exploring new possibilities?#and I know not everyone links certain problems with racist homophobic and other behaviors to my own issues with dark fic and rape and#abuse apologia but I do inherently see it as sharing large portions of venn diagrams even though I do not consider being a survivor to be#something that demarcates privilege in the way that axes of identity do#as its situationally based rather than inherently identity based#but the way it can affect and shape large parts of peoples' identities begets commonalities#but my point is just.....a big part of why I so often lump it in is specifically because of how people react to these things or#defend against criticism across the board#like most people know my stance on censorship and how my blood boils when its people who are throwing accusations of#censorship at those raising criticisms....#but the point is just.....think about what censorship actually IS in all practical senses of the word#its about shutting down conversations. limiting the flow of information the sharing of perspectives and experiences#THATS WHAT MAKES IT BAD#now......what about criticism inherently lends itself to any of those things if you DONT accept as a foregone conclusion that criticism#is only ever offered up in bad faith and meant as a silencing tactic#instead of just a request or offered avenue of ways for things to be done better rather than not at all?#who is ACTUALLY out here trying to shut down convos and limit possibilities?#is it really the people being critical of fandom behaviors and trends?#or the ones doubling down at the first hint of any criticism and aggressively ramping up how frequently and visibly they engage in#the criticized behaviors in efforts to drive people away or as a silencing tactic of their own?#just saying
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arian-archivist-11 · 2 years
‼️TW! Homophobic abuse‼️
Every couple of days I have an argument with my homophobic mom and absolutely crush her and put her to shame.
I call her the pathetic, homophobic abuser that she is and all she can do is threaten me and prove my point.
Only do it when you know you're safe But standing up for your makes you feel so much happier.
I don't hold any shame, guilt, or fear anymore. I walk away from the conflict happier then I was before. Remember there is no peace in abuse. You're not 'rocking the boat', they are. They are abusing you with their bigotry. They are not normal, not natural, not ecceptable; they are the problem. Not you. It's worth it every time you stand up for yourself and exist as yourself with no shame. There will be fear but that joy will grow and make you stronger, assured.
I feel more joyful and confident then I ever did before. I feel powerful. I can say without a doubt now that i love my queer self.
I can speak my mind with such clarity when before i would choke up and placate to make MY pain more ecceptable to MY ABUSER.
I won't be her victim anymore. I'll be myself, the real me, the me that is really happy. Not the cis-het idea she has of me.
I can say i don't love nor need her anymore and that it's okay for me to feel that way about my abuser.
She's a religious schizophrenic bigot who is very aware of her condition and refuses to get help just so she can victimize herself at my expense and has made my life miserable for years.
And my heart will be burned by her no longer.
I'm finally free.
You can be free too. It gets better.
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angellic-critique · 10 months
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Reminder that this is the level of drag 'representation' angel dust gives :/
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This is bottom of the barrel feminization towards drag performing arts :/
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And since helluva boss fans are only do passive as to read everything at surface level only here is the Spitting definition of drag queens/kings
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At no point is it intrinsically all about just sexual performance or sexual drive, it can be a factor or a small portion but it is not just a large generalization as much as people are trying to make drag performing seem to be.
Drag is an art form. It is a statement. It is a person of beauty and the love and appreciation of fashion and expression!
Angel Dust is the complete opposite of sex workers or drag performers at all! If AD is supposed to resemble the theme of abuse in industry [something she already failed to portray with fizzerolli] and the toll that sex workers and addicts within the industry for that matter, we have no clue how he will act in Hazbin but the sneak peek of him in leather gives me no hope if the implication is that he will purely be centered around valentinos abuse. Considering someone on the team ship's and actively adores the ship that is Angel x Valentino
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How can you claim to support sex workers while actively seeing them as purely fetishism gay yaoi bait THAT YOU ACTIVELY MERCHANDISE AS """SEXY""":/
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There is nothing to angel dust besides the appeal of a feminine man being sexually abused.
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deluxewhump · 26 days
Ethan Byrne
Synopsis/setup: Just after his high school graduation, Cameron gets jumped and robbed while attempting to sell a fair amount of drugs for a local dealer. He now is without the product or any money to cover the losses. Having already been beaten up and threatened that worse is coming by one of the drug dealer’s goons, Cam contacts his estranged half brothers Ethan Byrne and Edmund “Lou” Lewis to see if he can go visit them and hide out while he figures out what to do. He has no idea what Ethan is.
CW: Cam has recently turned 19 in this. abusive, incestuous overtones, mocking talk of incest, Ethan Byrne is vile, human furniture, homophobic language, misogynistic language, slurs (including the f word), black eye and bruised ribs, bystander does not intervene, abuse, creepy intimate whump, noncon vibes (but no noncon), crying
Edmund “Lou” Lewis had always been concerned with the way people saw him. It was important to him. He was always watching himself in the eyes of others, to the detriment of seeing anything but his own reflection. It was a weakness.
His half- brother Ethan had no such weakness. Unlike Lou, Ethan didn't give a single thought to what anyone else thought of him. Lou envied it sometimes. Ethan was a demon in highschool, getting into fights with anyone and everyone, with guys from the next town over and getting one of his teeth knocked out so they had to screw in a fake one. He set fire to the guy’s car the following week with a Molotov cocktail. He went to juvie once, but that was it. Nothing ever stuck to Ethan. At twenty-four, he had a clean record.
Ethan and Lou had a different mothers, and they were raised in different homes. Ethan was only a few months younger than Lou. Their father wasn’t exactly a faithful man, and only by virtue of small town gossip did they know they shared one. Lou’s mother had not given her son his father’s surname, but Ethan’s had.
When Ethan was twelve, he’d crashed his four wheeler into a tree. Everyone said he was different after that. Like he’d bumped his head hard enough to undergo some structural personality change. Lou didn’t think so. Ethan just came into his own around then, but it was always coming. When they were fourteen, Ethan carved ten inch-long tally marks into another boy’s arm because he wouldn’t pay up on the ten bucks he owed him. Everyone on their schoolbus called him Tally after that. When he’d been suspended for it, the principal kept asking for the knife. It had been done with a broken ruler.
When their dad left town, he never came back. Lou and Ethan knew they had a third half-brother, a kid five or six years younger than them who lived a couple hours down the interstate with their father. They’d never met him, never spoken to him. When he called and said he was in trouble, Lou hung up on him. The kid made the mistake of calling Ethan next. Ethan gave him his address, and he got on the next bus north.
Lanky and full of nervous energy, Cameron spent the first two days trying to impress them without letting on that he was trying to impress them. It was only a little pathetic, and mostly just sad. He had no idea Ethan was sizing him up, a skill he’d always had an uncanny knack for. Lou watched it like a familiar TV rerun. He knew Ethan’s every move. He considered warning Cameron, but decided to wait. Ethan might hold back for their own flesh and blood. He might be tamer, less wolfish. Who knew. It was uncharted territory. But that very night, the third night since Cameron’s arrival, there was a clear tension stirring between them.
Lou watched from the living room sofa with a mixture of apathy and resignation as Ethan prepared to do what he did best— probe the weak spots he’d mapped and observed.
“What’s so special about you, do you think?” Ethan asked when the conversation turned to their shared father. “Why did he stay for you?”
Cameron grew visibly uncomfortable. He shrugged under Ethan’s steady gaze. “You’re not missing much.”
“That so? Is he a dick?”
“Lately,” Cameron muttered. His black eye had gone down since he first showed up, not so much swollen now as just discolored. He’d been jumped by some drug dealer’s lackey, beaten up in his own living room. His lashes brushed his cheeks as he dropped his eyes.
Ethan lifted his chin to force him to look at him. “He hasn’t so much as called me or Lou since we were five.”
“I’m sorry,” Cameron said, clearly unsettled by the sudden physical contact. He looked down his nose at Ethan’s hand on his chin and pulled away slowly.
Ethan laughed under his breath. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Does daddy know you’re the local dealer’s bitch now?”
“I’m not,” Cameron said, anger flashing in his eyes. “I’m not anybody’s bitch.”
“I think if those guys that are after you caught up to you, they wouldn’t kill you at all. I think they’d see an opportunity. Pass you around like a truck stop whore.” He raised his eyebrows as if he’d had an epiphany. “Like your mother! You must look like her, because we don’t look a thing alike. She give you these green eyes? These freckles?”
Ethan cupped Cameron’s face, running his thumb over his cheek just under his bruised eye. Cameron tried to draw his head back but Ethan followed him, cupping his cheek with force. “I think they know you’re a little whore. I think they can smell it on you. I can.”
“Fuck off,” Cameron said with considerable venom, but Lou could hear the tremor in his voice. That was blood in the water to a thing like Ethan. Ethan’s violence was different than Lou’s own latent tendencies. It was calculated like a laser beam, where Lou’s had always been scattershot. Ethan was tireless. Ruthless.
He lowered his voice so that Lou almost missed his next words to Cameron. “So. Does daddy know you’re a faggot?”
Cameron looked over at Lou, his eyes questioning, desperate. What is this? they said. Get him off me.
“Must run in the family, Tally,” Lou called. Ethan ignored him in favor of his new victim.
“Why did you really leave? Did our daddy yell at you? He hit you, Cam? You can tell me.”
“You wish he would just love you again, don't you? Like he did when you were little. Why’d he stop, you think?”
“Stop it,” Cameron said. Lou could hear tight, angry tears in his throat. But there was fear, just beneath it. He finally sensed the danger all at once, like being in the middle of a frozen lake when you hear the crack.
“Did you offer to take mommy’s place when she left?” Ethan pushed. “He turn you down?”
“You’re fucking sick,” Cameron hissed. “There’s something wrong with you.” He attempted to shove Ethan away. Undeterred, Ethan grabbed his face, hard. Cameron grunted and tried to pull away, only succeeding in pressing himself against the wall behind him. His cheeks and mouth were squished in Ethan’s hand in an undignified, fishlike way.
“You’re right,” Ethan said. “I’m sorry. That’s too fucked, even for a budding little freak like you. You’d take it from me, though, I can tell. We’re only half, right? You don't even know me. Maybe we’re not even related. Maybe daddy lied, or someone’s mother did. It’s all kind of messy, isn’t it. Who’s to say?”
Cameron tried to push past him, but Ethan used his grip on his face to slam him back into the wall. “Sh-sh-sh. No. Relax. It’s just us.” With his other hand, he ran a finger along the waistband of Cameron’s pants, lifting his shirt so Lou could see his skinny waist trembling beneath it.
“Ethan,” said Lou. “I will come over there and break your fucking hand if you put it in his pants.”
“Chill out, Lou,” Ethan said. He traced an exploratory fingertip along Cameron’s lower belly so he twitched away. “I wouldn’t dream of it. He might, though. C'mere, Cameron.”
The fear and hatred in Cameron’s eyes was further pronounced by the tears still standing in them. He’d been so adoring of Ethan the past three days, too. Especially Ethan. Ethan wasn’t the one who’d hung up on him.
“It’s okay. Come on.”
Ethan started backing up. “Cmon,” he called, as if to a particularly dumb puppy. Reluctantly, Cameron took a step to follow him.
“Good. Keep coming.”
Ethan took another step back, hands at his sides, palms-up. Cameron took another shuffling step closer, looking like he half expected Ethan to switch tactics and hit him at any moment. Ethan backed up until he reached the sofa and sat down next to Lou. He pointed at his feet. “Right here.”
Cameron stood in front of him. This close, Lou could see that his whole body was trembling visibly.
“On your hands and knees.”
Cameron’s eyes snapped to Ethan’s.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. Hands and knees.”
Lou watched as Cameron obeyed, going to his knees first and then putting his hands out as if blind until he was on all fours. Ethan put his booted feet onto his back. “Good. Just like that.” He turned on the television, settling into the sofa with Cameron as his footrest.
After a moment, he lifted his right boot and nudged it into Cameron’s bruised ribs. He yelped and flinched, but hung his head and squeezed his eyes shut. Taking it. Lou wasn’t surprised. He’d watched Ethan in action his entire life. Still, it had been rather fast with Cameron. He almost felt bad for him. He was only nineteen, and clearly Ethan had zeroed in on something.
“Stay still,” Ethan cooed, grinding the toe of his boot in cruel little circles on Cameron’s ribs. “That’s it. I know you want to please, deep down, Cameron. That’s why you told us about those good grades you got in AP math. No one patted you on the head for that, did they? Well, I will. I’m gonna show you how to give in to it. What’re long lost big brothers for, huh puppy dog?”
Cameron sobbed through gritted teeth, his arms shaking with the effort of keeping still with the grinding boot in his damaged ribs.
“Shh.” Ethan removed his boot and set it back on the tabletop of Cameron’s back. “You’re okay.”
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Bungie will create a wlw couple and go “Everyone attached to them yet? Good, good… roll in the horrors and unbearable grief! At least one of them cannot make it out of this situation! GO, GO, GO!”
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intothedysphoria · 6 months
One thing I love about the harringrove fandom is the agreement both that Steve is dyslexic and Billy is a MASSIVE reader.
Because while Steve’s always been surrounded by teachers or his parents or exes who either believe that he’s incapable of appreciating reading or that he just doesn’t care, Billy thinks that’s bullshit.
Because when Billy gets told to tutor Steve in English, he doesn’t start with a book for toddlers or fucking Shakespeare. They start with Billy reading him Wuthering Heights.
And at first Steve does not fucking get it. He doesn’t understand the plot, the message and especially not the dialect. But he finds himself enjoying it a lot. Billy’s a natural storyteller. He could be on stage.
Billy’s taste in books is both eclectic and weird. He’s reading Finnigan’s Wake for fun. In Irish. He likes Portuguese romance books and German surrealism and a lot of George Orwell. So much so that Steve kind of feels that love rubbing off on him.
He’d used to like reading. Before he was told he was doing it wrong. And even though he despised the books set by Hawkins High with every fibre of his being, there was this fire set in his belly, a want to impress Billy.
So he starts with The Hobbit. Eddie “Freak” Munson’s the only other dyslexic Steve knew and he loved that shit. How hard could it be?
The Hobbit is fucking difficult. It starts with a map, Steve thinks is in Elvish and some of the chapters feel like they go on forever. The words still bounce around the page and switch constantly. He likes it though. It’s weirdly fun as a story and he finds himself rooting for Bilbo.
Henderson can never know. That is the one thing Steve is certain of.
Billy doesn’t laugh when Steve tells him that’s what he’d decided to start with. He just rolls his eyes, not meanly and says he used to read that with his mom. Back in Cali. Before Neil fucked everything up.
Billy reads a lot of Oscar Wilde. The Importance of Being Earnest is constantly tucked into his back, dog eared and well loved. Steve knows enough about Oscar Wilde to know what that indicates.
Billy’s a poof. A faggot. A queer.
Billy is like Steve.
He doesn’t have the courage to look out for anything gay. Nothing even that hints at the matter. Steve knows that his dad has The Iliad tucked away in his office. He’s away on business while his mom sits in the kitchen and complains about America. Even after 15 years in the States, she still misses Poland.
His daring heist after she goes to bed leads to him sitting on the kitchen floor, crying about Achilles and Patroclus. Billy’s right, classics are a fucking bummer.
Steves not as stupid as other people think. He knows that if this were a book, him and Billy are hurtling towards deaths door. Even in real life, he’s seen the guys on tv, worn down to the bone on hospital beds.
Gay does not equal a happy ending.
He resolves to never touch The Iliad again.
Billy comes to their next session with a black eye and his mullet chopped off. They don’t talk about it.
1984 is depressing. And surprisingly apt for how Steve feels that his 1984 has gone. He does feel like he’s constantly being watched. Like being in love is illegal. Like saying anything too far against the government will have consequences.
Steve asks if Billy thinks Orwell wrote 1984 about America or Russia. Billy snorts but doesn’t answer.
That’s the note they end on for the year.
Christmas comes and goes. So does New Year. Two months of not seeing Billy aches in his gut.
Then he comes back.
It’s the middle of February. Billy’s been kicked out for a week. Steves playing nursemaid.
He’s beaten up pretty bad. Still, Billy insists he’s had worse.
Steve hedges around asking why it happened. Like the confirmation might suddenly make the full scope of their plight real.
Still, eventually Steve asks. Billy looks at him like he’s particularly simple.
He’s gay. Obviously Steve. And he actually has the balls to go out there, meet men, dance. Even if it does mean getting caught by Neil.
During his explanation, Steve notices they’ve gotten closer together. Like significantly closer.
They’re grazing hands. Electric.
Then Billy moves.
Billy kisses him and Steve’s world turns into a fucking supernova.
They kiss and it doesn’t make Neil vanish in a puff of smoke, it doesn’t make the shopkeepers who sneer at his mother go away, it doesn’t make Steve magically able to read.
But it does make Steve feel like maybe they’ll survive.
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eydi-andrius · 28 days
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No because if you see otome games banning BL and what not, you should respect that. You all forgot that these games were created as FEMALE ORIENTED GAMES. A SAFE SPACE for all the girlies.
There are tons of other dating games which accept LGBTQ+. Play that and stop making an issue that doesn't even exist in the first place.
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sophsun1 · 2 months
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Queer As Folk – 1.16: French Fried
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