#honestly I could workshop this tho
schrodingers-android · 3 months
To the iPad kid. A melody of a zoomer
Listen to your Father for he knows what you need
What is the is The Algorithm but the Hand of Your Creator giving you content
Like a Mother nurses her child, You, O Lord, give me those sweet YouTube vids (Selah)
Like a Shepherd comforting a lamb in his bosom, you comfort me with hours of mindless TikTok’s
What is my For You Page but your breath on my Phone.
I listen to you O Algorithm, for you are my Lord
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woolydemon · 2 years
ema skye voice Fuck the gavinners I listen to Real Music (blasts the entire Here Comes Science album by tmbg in klavier's face)
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hope requests aren't closed. Could I request Gepard, Argenti, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan with a s/o who is an excellent inventor? Toys, machines, they can make anything.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ They weren't when you requested so you're good! Also, I don't write for Argenti so hope you don't mind me changing him for Serval! She just suits here so well and I need more of the girlies so you can say I kinda took the opportunity there~ Anyway, hope it's still up to your liking!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Dan Heng probably knows both a lot and a little about subject of inventing
✧ he read about it and even saw few constructions due to adventuring from planet to planet, but he also never really did it himself
✧ you'll have to introduce him to all the shortcuts while inventing something because he knows just the long and boring way, like instructions said, he'll do the exact steps
✧ he doesn't really mind and find it actually quite interesting to help you around
✧ but if your workshop is loud... he may not be big fan... and if you're trabilazer like him and all the noise is coming from the next room? Yeah, he'd loose it...
"Y/N. How about we go grab some sweets and you finish your work later? I need a break..."
✧ don't get him wrong, he's happy you're working on your skills but he just doesn't like the noise and would much prefer go on a walk while you work
✧ but at least he helps you with cleaning and quieter parts of inventing!
✧ tho if you live on planet and he rarely visits you we it is... he may not mind the noise as much. He's simply more focused on spending some quality time with you than that
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Gepard is honestly happy for your achievements and you probably met each other through Serval
✧ but... let no one ask him who's better inventor... he's not gonna be able to choose between you and his sister so he'll end up with basic answer, simply saying you're both great which he's not lying about
✧ but if we can avoid that, he knows quite a bit about it so he'll often drop by and see how you're doing
✧ and if you need help, he wouldn't mind doing so we long as he's not busy
✧ if he won't know something... he can always ask you or Serval if you'll need some professional advice too!
✧ this boy is so busy and now he also has 2 inventors to help... he often leaves you or Serval mid day to go to another one, so he won't seem like he's playing favorites because he loves you both equally, just in different ways
"Hey love, I'll go see how Serval's doing, okey? I'll come back later so I can help you more since I know you're busy. I'll be back in 1 of 2 hours."
✧ but... Serval often kicks him out to help his partner, she's like tou cupid if you think about it...
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✧ Serval is too!! You guys either met through work and bonded OR became close and just later realized you're both inventors
✧ when you were far enough into relationship, she definitely wanted to combine your two workshops so instead of "competing against each other", you could work together
✧ and lemme tell you... if you do it, your business is going CRAZY since you're both one of the best inventors in Belebog
✧ if you ever struggle with idea, fixing or making something, she's the one you should go for!
✧ she knows you're a bit better than her and will often mention it, not because she had low self-esteem but because she's proud girlfriend and wants to compliment you
"Hehe~ C'mon, you're the best at it! You need to teach me your trick someday, alright? In exchange... I could take you on a date next week! I'll clear my schedule so we can spend entire day with each other."
✧ expect her to be a little flirty from time to time when you work, sneaking little notes between not important machines so you'll wonder why it's not working just to find love letter there, or send some flying little robot with hear or chocolates on it... many can happen when she's in the playful mood!
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✧ Jing Yuan most likely knows every citizen of Xianzhou Luofu, some worse some better... so he definitely knew you even before you got into relationship
✧ but your relationship either developed by him hiring you one day or him getting w little crush and visiting you often
✧ and when you're together, he'll often drop by to see how you're doing and he'll you around
✧ and when he can't come check up on you because of his work... he'll simply send someone to you! It can be either Cloud Knight on patrol or Yanqing passing by
✧ he loves seeing how much you can do with just the idea and materials. So he'll sometimes sit down next to you and watch you work
✧ his favorite thing is to see the project developed all the way from simple scratch to finished product
✧ he'll also remind you of breaks, taking you out for something sweet or to restaurant whenever you finish project you've been working for days
"It looks great, my dear. Now let's go eat something. My treat. Trust me, you deserve it for all the good work you did there."
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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Fic Idea (no pressure obviously) Thomas struggling with his self image and ego, and in response Roman ends shapeshifting all the time, fluctuating between the masculine beauty standard (lean, muscular, hairless) and what society considers “ugly” (pudgy, hairy). And based on how he looks, Roman will interact with the others or hide away – anon
hihi!! had this random idea for a sanders sides fic- something along the lines of- a while after Remus and Roman split, Remus comes back (when the dark sides start to get more involved) and confesses that he hoped Roman was doing better after he joined the light sides? that all he wanted was for his brother to be happy, away from the darkness for once? angst sadness ykyk :)) – can-you-hear-me-axhilles
hi, so I just read your wings series and I was wondering if we could have something with Remus and his tentacles? Like maybe him thinking they are ugly or something, I’m not really sure. Maybe Roman has animal characteristics too and they’re “prettier” or “better” so he gets insecure? Mainly focused on these two but I don’t mind if it’s all of them together. No pressure to write this tho! – anon
I’ve been reading your Sanders Sides stuff for the longest time and I was wondering if I could get some Roman angst with a side of creativitwins? – meandmacats
Read on Ao3
Warnings: non-consensual body modification, self-esteem issues, self-hatred
Pairings: gen
Word Count: 5481
Or, five times Remus helped Roman out when Thomas's self-esteem issues change his nature, and one time Roman helps Remus.
Remus looks up from his knitting to see Patton standing over him. “What’s good, Pat-Pat?”
“I’m, what’re you doing?”
“Oh, I’m knitting this patchwork sweater out of hair.”
“Oh…how cool.” Patton gives himself a shake. “Anyway, I was wondering if you’ve seen Roman? He was supposed to come down for lunch but he never showed.”
“Like, at all, at all?”
“Yeah. Neither hair nor hide! Or—well, I guess he did do the hide since he’s hiding from us, and you’re the hair!”
“Ah, Pat-Pat, never stop with the dad jokes. You’ll make all of us go into pun-withdrawal.” Remus carefully sets aside the needles and bounces to his feet. “I’ll go look for him, see if he needs to be pried out of the dragon’s gullet again.”
“Oh, thanks so much, Remus, I really—wait, ‘again?’”
“Gotta blast!”
Honestly, it’s not like Roro is known for missing deadlines, that’s Remus’s thing. Especially when it comes to things like meals and remembering to eat—well, Ro’s not exactly the pinnacle of healthy practices when he get absorbed in his work, but he’s better at it than some people give him credit for. Which means he’s either deep in the middle of something he’s keeping to himself, he’s asleep because the time zones in the Imagination are all kinds of wackadoo, or he really does need to be rescued.
Which isn’t Remus’s thing, come on, Ro, you’re ruining his reputation.
By the time he gets to the Imagination, he’s already pulling out his acid-proof gloves and sharpening his Morningstar. He stops dead, however, when he sees the doors are still locked from last night. That’s weird. Maybe Ro just used his personal gate instead of the main one? But that just takes him right to his little workshop area, that’s not anywhere near where the dragons are…
He’s about to go for his gateway when he hears a quiet noise coming from Roman’s door. Frowning, he turns. Roman’s door is only a few feet away. He glances up and down the hall to make sure none of the resident sneaks are nearby—Janus and Virgil—and knocks on the door.
“Uh, busy!”
“Ro, it’s me.”
“Oh. Did you, um, did you need something?”
“You weren’t at lunch. Pat-Pat’s getting worried.”
He hears a muffled curse and the door glimmers slightly. That’s Roman’s cue that he can sink in. He stows the acid gloves and the Morningstar and sinks in, expecting Roman at his desk or on the floor puzzling over some bit of a story he can’t quite get right, but instead he sees an empty room.
“Where are you?”
Remus pops his head through the door and blinks. “Whoa.”
”Yeah, yeah,” Roman mumbles, already reaching for the bandages curled up on the counter, “you don’t have to say it.”
”That looks—“
“I said you don’t have to say it.”
Remus slams his mouth shut, but he can’t stop staring at the acne. Throbbing red pimples that look like they’re causing Roman pain every time he so much as breathes, bigger whiteheads that have already started to ooze, blackheads that litter every inch of skin that isn’t already covered, some of which look like they’re almost on top of each other…
Roman turns his back on him and hunches his shoulders. “What do you want, Re?”
“I, uh…well, now I want to help.”
Roman laughs. It’s not funny. “There isn’t any helping this. Not until Thomas feels better.”
“Whoa. Back up. What?”
“This.” He waves a hand at his face. “This is a thing, remember?”
“Oh. Oh, right, fuck.”
Remus scrubs a hand over his face. “Can I help make it less painful while it’s going on?”
There’s a pause. Then Roman’s head turns slightly. “Would you?”
“Shit, yeah,. Roro. You’ve helped me with stuff more times than I can count on my fingers and toes, let me help you.” He gets a small huff that might be an actual that-was-kind-of-funny-I’m-feeling-better laugh. “Yeah?”
“…yeah, okay.”
“Wonder-bats! Okay, I think I still have that stuff from when we had those sores from the poison experiments…where did I put that?”
“Did you leave it in your room or my room?”
”We cleaned up here, so it should be…aha!” He takes a big plastic case from under the sink. “Go sit your perky butt on the edge of the tub, I’ll be right there.”
“…thanks, Remus.”
“What’re brothers for?”
The very first time it had happened, it had been well before Thomas had learned what it was to be attractive.
Remus had found Roman crying in his room, curled up under all the blankets he could find with tissues covering the floor.
“Ro-bro? What happened? Do I need to fight someone for you?”
“It won’t come off!”
“What won’t come off?”
Roman had peered out from under the blanket cocoon and Remus’s mouth had dropped open when he saw the words FREAK and LOSER written all across Roman’s face in permanent marker.
“Who did that? Was it Virgil? I’ll fight him!”
“No,” Roman had sniffled, “it wasn’t—wasn’t Virgil. It wasn’t any of them.”
“Did you do it? That’s more my kinda thing, isn’t it?”
“No!” Roman had wailed. “I didn’t do it! Someone—someone hurt Thomas!”
“Someone hurt Thomas? But nothing happened! We didn’t get into any fights!”
“Not like that! They were just mean. They were really mean and they said he looked ugly and they called him a f-freak and a loser and—and—“
Remus had scurried forward and wrapped his brother in a hug as he broke down in tears. “You’re not a freak or a loser, Roro. Neither is Thomas. They were wrong, you know that, right?”
”Then why won’t it come off?”
Sure enough, up close, Remus had seen the red and raw skin where Roman had scrubbed it with whatever he could find to make the words go away. Bits were even coming off on the blanket as Roman rubbed his cheek against it.
”Hey, hey, stop that. You’re hurting yourself.”
“I don’t care.”
“I care! I don’t like seeing my brother hurt!” Remus had given him a shake. “You don’t have to hurt yourself more on top of this, okay? Come on, come into the bathroom, I’ll help you.”
“Y-you will?”
“Yeah, Roro, come on.”
The twins had gone to the bathroom where towels and washcloths were still strewn around from Roman’s previous attempts. Remus had made Roman sit on the stool and reached for the soap, getting one of the washcloth more suds than cloth and trying to wipe off the words.
“That tastes so bad.”
“So keep your mouth shut.”
“But you keep wiping it over my mouth!”
“No, I’m wiping it over your cheek, which is next to your mouth. And you talking isn’t making it any better, so shush.”
Roman had grumbled silently until Remus accidentally went too roughly over one of the sore spots and Roman yelped.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,. I didn’t mean to.”
“Wash it off! Wash it off!”
“Okay, okay! Come here!”
They had stumbled over to the sink and Remus practically shoved Roman’s head under the tap. He had spluttered and flailed out, splashing Remus.
”Hey! Don’t splash me!”
“I’ll splash you all I want!”
“No, you won’t!”
“Yeah, I will!”
It had…devolved from there.
The bathroom had been sopping wet by the end of it, not a towel nor tile had been spared from the twin’s water war. Their clothes were just as soaked, their hair dripping like they’d just walked through a hurricane. The sink and the bathtub still ran as if nothing were wrong and the detachable shower head in Remus’s hand sprayed as merrily as ever.
”Whoa, hey!”
“It’s gone!”
Roman had run to the mirror, touching his face. Sure enough, the words had vanished.
”It is gone!”
”You’re welcome,” and he had taken a big bow with the shower head still spraying everywhere, “I think that means I win.”
“Whoa, wait, no, it doesn’t.”
“Yes, it does.”
It took a while longer for the war to end and even longer for the bathroom to dry.
Someone says Thomas eats too much junk food and Roman can’t stop dripping oil.
Remus finds him sitting on his bathroom floor, the drain in the shower covered with a towel. He’s sitting on towels too, towels soaked and heavy with oil as Roman’s tears fight to get out from his eyes and through the slick covering his skin.
“The others are worried,” he says quietly, lingering in the doorway, “they want to know what’s wrong.”
Roman doesn’t say anything. Remus peers a little closer and sees the telltale sheen over his mouth too. Even just thinking about how it must feel to have that much oil on his lips makes Remus shudder. He summons a washcloth from his own stash and a bottle of soap.
“Just like old times,” he says as he crouches down in front of him, “I’m gonna wash off the oil on your face, okay?”
Roman manages a small nod and Remus gets to work. Normally when he’s washing oil off stuff, he scrubs at it like he’s trying to grind it with sandpaper and the soap foams up around his wrist. But this is Roman, not some metal piece of equipment, so he goes as gently as he can without suffocating him with soap or making no progress at all. He has to stop a few times when Roman lets out a pained noise or winces at the rasp of the cloth, just holding a blotting sheet there to soak up the oil as best he can while he waits for him to settle. He makes a note to work on the heavy duty blotters in case something like this ever happens again.
At last, when Roman looks like he’s about to cry for a very different reason, the space around his lips and nose is clear enough for him to gasp out a few words.
“Sorry, thank you, sorry—“
”Shh-shh, Roro, you don’t need to apologize. Just tell me what you need.”
”’S so gross.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I’m right here.”
Roman lets out a frustrated whine and Remus quickly pulls out his phone.
“If you tell me what Thomas needs to stop thinking about I can get Lolo on it.”
“No, then he’ll—“
“I’m not gonna tell him what’s wrong with you, okay? I’m just gonna prod them into getting Thomathy’s brain on the right track away from whatever-the-fuck-this-is-station.”
More oil starts to build up and he shoves his phone in his pocket, working on washing it away again. His presence seems to have calmed Roman down a bit; the oil comes in smaller waves this time, concentrated more around the naturally oily parts of his face rather than every inch of his skin. When he’s cleaned off the areas around his nose and mouth, he goes and starts moving to the rest of his head.
“Junk food,” Roman mumbles, as if saying it too loud would make the oil return with a vengeance, “saying bad stuff ‘bout Thomas…unhealthy…gross…”
Remus whips out his phone and sends a text to Logan about food not having a moral weight and how eating something was always better than eating nothing. He gets a text back a few seconds later that just says on it.
“Lolo cavalry is assembled, he’s going.” He tucks the phone away and keeps washing Roman off. “And I’m gonna stay right here until we get all this oil off you, okay? We can even do your thirteen-step skin care routine once it’s gone.”
“It’s not thirteen steps.”
“Whatever you wanna tell me, Roro, at least you’re not as bad as Snakey.”
It’s the first time Roman manages to laugh that day, and Remus makes sure it isn’t the last.
When Patton and Logan have near simultaneous nervous breakdowns after someone calls Thomas lazy, Remus makes sure Virgil’s wrapped around the Mindscape’s padre and Janus has Logan in his little snake den before he goes off in search of Roman.
The Imagination door is covered in cobwebs that retreat as he approaches, a few spiders waving hello as they disappear. He runs his hand over the keyhole, checking to see if it’s just an affectation, or if Roman really hasn’t been using it. He knows he has, is the thing; Roman’s had more projects on the go this month than he’s ever had before and if it weren’t for Janus and Logan dragging him out of it to make sure he didn’t completely lose touch with the Mindscape, he bets his left barnacle that Roman would’ve been living there too just so he wouldn’t miss an opportunity to keep working. And sure enough, the keyhole glows red as soon as his fingers brush it and he carefully pushes the door open.
He walks into the most statistically average middle class sitcom home he’s ever seen. Needless to say, he hates it.
”Ro? Are you here?”
There’s a faint noise coming from what he guesses is the direction of the living room and listen, as little time as he has to spend in this painfully mediocre place, the better. Seriously, he can feel the whispers of white picket fences and PTA meetings lingering ominously over his shoulder with every second he walks through these beige walls. Snatches of TV dialogue becomes audible as he makes his way through the house.
He comes to a stop.
He tilts his head.
There’s certainly a person in the living room, but it doesn’t really look like Roman. They look like every Sunday cartoon about a husband and wife where it’s terribly misogynistic and heteronormative, recliner out, bag of chips in lap, staring vacantly at the TV. It’s only the fact that they’re crying at the paid advertising programs and that Remus would recognize his brother anywhere that he knows it’s Roman.
He sits down on the plastic covered couch and tries not to look at the soulless photos of smiling families perched on the dusty mantle. Roman doesn’t look away from the screen but the hand nearest Remus twitches slightly.
“Hey,” he calls, and Roman’s head turns a little, “hey, Roro. I’m here. It’s gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
The TV blares something about a crockpot that cooks fancier meals than a normal crock pot.
“I know how shitty it is when people accuse you of being lazy. Especially when they’re just complaining that they haven’t seen anything from you.” He shuffles and the couch squeaks. “And we all know how hard you’re working. How hard Thomas is working.”
Roman’s eyes flick to his. Remus smiles and takes his hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze.
“Giving yourself a break isn’t being lazy. Having a hard time doing things isn’t lazy. Not being able to work on something because it’s just covered in the fucking ooze isn’t being lazy. You aren’t being lazy, okay? You wouldn’t even be lazy if you decided you didn’t want to work on any projects for the next year.”
The TV glitches out. Static fills the room and it actually feels like Remus can breathe. He squeezes Roman’s hand again and shifts closer. Roman stares at him with wide eyes.
”I mean it, Roro. You’re not—I know we’ve gone over this and I’ll keep giving you crowbars for as long as you need them—“
The smallest smile appears on Roman’s face.
“—but you’re not—your worth isn’t in what products or content you can make. You know i love you because you’re my brother, because you’re funny and clever and ridiculous and there’s no one I’d rather make stuff with. You could decide that you don’t want anything to do with Thomas’s career anymore—“
Roman makes a devastated noise.
“Calm down, calm down, I know that’s not true, I’m just spouting a wild hypothetical, okay? If you decided to do that and I made sure it was really you and you hadn’t lost some sort of bet, then yeah, I’d still want you to be my brother. We’d still do stuff. I don’t give a shit what everyone else thinks.”
Remus could sob with relief at actually hearing Roman’s voice come out, and he grins so wide his cheeks start to hurt. “I promise, Roro, I promise. You’re not lazy, you’re resting, and even if you were, I wouldn’t care.”
‘’M not trying to be lazy. It’s—I’m just—“
“Shh, shh, Roro, it’s okay,” The bag of chips falls to the ground and catches fire as Remus tugs his brother into his arms. “I’m right here. You’re doing so good, okay? Thomas is too.”
Remus doesn’t burn the house down because he’s had too many lectures from Janus about that, but he does get a big cartoon wrecking ball to smash the whole thing into smithereens.
He does burn the recliner though. And the plastic-covered couch. They deserved it.
The latex gloves snap on as Roman sits on the edge of the tub with a grunt. He picks up the rest of the kit and sets it on the stool.
”Do you know what it’s about this time?”
“Someone said something about how immature Thomas is being about criticism and how he can’t take care of things, something like that.”
“Why did it manifest as acne, then?”
”I don’t know, maybe something about how teenagers who are hormonal and don’t really know how to take care of their skin get acne?”
Remus snorts. “Do people still not understand that acne happens and can happen to anyone regardless of age?”
‘Apparently not.”
“Well, they can go lick the Kraken’s crack.”
“Ew, Remus.”
“Just trying to keep the mood light.” He picks up one of the cotton swabs and a paper towel and leans down. “I’m gonna try and clean up some of the wet stuff first, okay? Then we can actually get onto some relief.”
“You’re not gonna pop any of them, are you?”
“I don’t think so. At least not right now.”
”Because I really don’t want this to scar.”
Remus hums, carefully running the swab over a particularly inflamed part of his cheek. “Can you give me a pain rating?”
”Like a 6? It’s not that bad but it’s not a pain I’m used to it’s…freaking me out.”
“Understandable, have a nice day. If it ever gets too much, let me know and we’ll switch to a cool pack, okay?”
Roman hums as Remus goes to work. A pile of discarded swabs and other trash accumulates at Remus’s elbow as he works patiently around the various, uh, ‘zones.’ They have to stop a few times when it gets to a point where Roman’s whole face just aches, waiting for it to subside enough that Remus can keep going.
“There are a couple down here that look like they’re ready to go, do you want me to just get ‘em out?”
”Be careful.”
“Sure, yeah. If it starts to hurt lemme know and I’ll back off right away.”
He gets a few of them, a few more putting up too much of a fight so he leaves them be. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Roman heroically stop two or three whimpers before he lightly jabs him in the stomach and tells him to knock that posturing shit off, he doesn’t need it here.
“…thanks, Re.”
“I told you, it hurts too much, I stop.”
“I know.” He shifts on the tub. “I think it’s just…hard to remember.”
Remus frowns, glancing up at him. Roman fiddles with the hem of his prince costume.
“You know…with the others?”
”No. I don’t know, Ro.”
“They don’t—they’re—they want Princey, Prince Roman. Not…the rest of this.” He waves his hand to indicate the cotton carnage. “So it’s hard to…”
He trails off when he sees the expression on Remus’s face.
”You mean they don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“That this—“ he waves at Roman— “happens to you. Any of it.”
“I mean, they know I’m the Ego and it makes sense that I get hurt when Thomas feels bad, but—“
”But not how much.” Roman won’t meet his gaze. “Fuck, Ro.”
“…it’s complicated.”
“Shit, no, I’m not—look at me, Ro. I’m not mad at you. I’m just—this wasn’t what I’d hoped.”
Roman frowns. “What do you mean, what you hoped?”
Remus sighs. This is turning into way more of a conversation than he’d ever anticipated. Glancing around, he picks up the cold pack and hands to to Roman before taking a seat on the counter. His legs swing and kick at the cabinets with a quiet thunk-thunk, thunk-thunk.
“When the Split happened, and we went to the Dark Sides, I…dunno, I guess I thought it would be…better.”
“Because we were separated?”
“What? No, no, because I had the stuff like Deceit and Anxiety with me, so they couldn’t make any of this stuff worse—not that they would,” he says when Roman opens his mouth to protest, and wow, have they come a long way, “but just ‘cause…well, yeah. You had Logic and Morality, who were—doesn’t that make sense? That they would be able to help?”
Roman sighs. He picks at the edge of the ice pack. “It’s not that simple.”
“Then explain it to me.”
“Logan’s thing is object impermanence, you know that.” Remus winces in sympathy. “But having someone tell you something isn’t real when you can feel it and it is real, to you, that’s not…that’s not helpful. It’s better if he just goes right to Thomas than coming to me.”
“And Patton?”
Roman lets out a humorless huff. “Thomas is feeling bad and Patton is Thomas’s feelings. How do you think that normally goes?”
…yeah, probably not great.
“It’s not all bad,” he continues, softer now, “they’re at least good when I tell them I don’t want to be disturbed. They don’t ask questions if I tell them I don’t want to talk about it.”
“That feels suspiciously like the bare minimum.” Roman shrugs. “I know I literally just said the opposite, but do Janus and Virgil…?”
“They’re both better at comforting the others. It’s okay, Re, I have you. I really only want you when it’s…bad like this.”
“Me? Why?”
“You get it.”
Remus chuckles, getting back up and picking up the next tool. “That simple, huh?”
“Sometimes it’s just that simple.”
”Aw, I love you too, Roro. You’re the specialist baby brother any Side could ever ask for.”
“You—what the hell do you mean, ‘baby brother?’”
“You’re the baby brother.”
“I am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too. Now hush so I don’t accidentally poke your eye out.”
“I’m gonna get you back for this.”
“Oh, I’m so scared about that. Now hold still, Roro, let’s get this out of the way so you can feel better.”
“…love you.”
“I love you too.”
The Imagination is upset. Roman feels it the second he steps foot through the door and forgoes his normal prince costume for a rougher tunic and boots, strapping his sword to his hip and an emergency pack to his back. The wind blows frigid and punishing over the grass as he starts down the trail, squinting through the dust clouds whipping up around him. The clouds frown around the edges of the tree line, darkening to a stormy black near the edge of the coast. As he nears the black cliffs, rocks crumble beneath him and tumble into a churning sea.
He edges carefully around the craggy rock face, keeping his movements light and careful. Spray whips him in the face as thunder rolls in the distance. The chill near rips his fingers from their precarious handholds. He grits his teeth and keeps going, even as the wind howl so loudly his ears near split from the pain.
There, a little ways down the cliff, is a small cove. He inches his way around the edge of the bluff and drops onto a larger path leading him along the coast. There isn’t any sand here, only rough and unyielding stone. Froth and foam given them gleaming white teeth as the waves churn furiously around the mouth of the sea. He follows the path down, down towards he massive cracks in the sheer rock face, one eye on the black water below him. Despite being so close to the shore, there’s no sign of a bottom and he doesn’t want to risk how deep it is. There’s no telling what current might rip him into the open ocean if he falls in.
The cove is shaped like a spear’s point, the crack in the cliff at its very point as though some massive weapon had shattered the rocks themselves. As Roman nears it, the shadow at the base of the path slowly grows more and more defined, until he realizes that it’s a path through the cliff. The cove is an inlet leading into a hidden sea cave with a vast black lake in its center. Roman peers up at the glistening wet walls, hand on the wall as the wind whistles angrily by.
The water moves. He looks down. Something massive slips just underneath the surface, sending ripples to the shore. He crouches down and sees a huge shape getting closer and closer to the surface. An eye the size of a dining table glares up at him through the water and long arms with rows and rows of hooks reach up toward him.
“Ollie, it’s me. It’s Roman.”
The Kraken pause. The hooked arms retreat and he pokes his head up, letting out a mournful burble. Roman reaches over and taps the water. One of his other arms comes up and Roman pets soothingly along the skin.
“What’s the matter, buddy? What’s going on?”
Ollie burbles again and Roman suddenly realizes why the hooked arms were the ones to reach for him. Beneath the surface, the Kraken’s arms form a cradle of sorts, holding something close to the Kraken’s massive body. As the water shifts and ripples, the thing comes closer and closer to surface, slowly moving to reveal its precious cargo.
And there, nestled in the Kraken’s grip, covered in his own writhing tentacles, is Remus.
“Oh, Re,” Roman murmurs as his brother twitches and whimpers, “what happened? Who did this?”
Ollie burbles again, holding him out, and Roman balances on the edge of the shoreline and stretches to hold on. The Kraken lifts him up and into the cradle too, letting him touch Remus’s frigid skin and shake him awake.
“Re? Re, wake up, it’s okay, I’m here to help.”
The tentacles writhe as Remus stirs, blinking through a pained haze up at Roman. “…Ro?”
“Hey, Re, it’s me. It’s okay, you’re gonna be okay. What happened?”
“Thoughts got too loud.” A tentacle leaves a thick trail of slime across his arm and he shudders. “Sorry.”
“What could you have to be sorry for?”
“‘S gross.”
“You stop that,” Roman chides gently, running his fingers through Remus’s wet hair, “I don’t care if something’s gross, I care if it’s hurting you.”
Remus whimpers, clutching at one of Ollie’s arms. The Kraken squeaks back, trying in vain to warm him up, but there’s only so much he can do in this freezing cave. Roman glances around and bites his lip.
“Does it feel better in the water? Is that why you came down here?”
“Yeah. Ollie came and f-found me.”
Roman pats the worried Kraken. “What do we need to do? Is it like caring for Ollie’s arms?”
“N-no. Like helping the jelly—jellyfish with the twisted—twisted ones.”
He’ll bet just about anything that this frigid water isn’t helping Remus do that, and it’s not like Ollie has opposable thumbs. He goes to slide into the water himself but Ollie chirps in alarm, hoisting them higher.
“What’re you doing?”
“I’m trying to help.“
Remus shakes his head, more slime trailing across his shivering body. “Too cold for you.”
“Well, then it’s definitely too cold for you. Can we get you somewhere warmer?” Remus curls up a little more. “What about that pool near the glowstone trees?”
“That’s all the way on your side.”
“Ollie can take you. I’ll meet you over there.” Remus stays quiet. Roman leans down and brushes the wet hair from his eyes. “What else is bothering you, Re?”
Two of the tentacles glob onto Roman and start leaving trails of slime across his tunic. Remus whimpers and reaches out a hand to yank them away. It’s no use; the roiling mass just keeps smearing slime onto Roman as they try to pull him closer, no matter how hard Remus shoves them away.
“Re, you’re not too gross. You’re not going to ruin anything. I want you to come with me so I can help you. I care about you. Let me help, please?”
It takes a painfully long moment for Remus to peek up at him and nod. Roman can’t stop the way his shoulders sag in relief and he sits up, patting Ollie’s arm as the Kraken burbles happily.
“You…you really wanna help?”
“Of course I wanna help you, Re, you’re my brother.”
“Have Ollie take you over to the pool, okay? I’ll meet you there.”
“How are you gonna get there?”
“I have my ways.”
Remus grumbles and he sounds just enough like his normal self that Roman has to reach down and ruffle his hair, no matter how much Remus squawks about it. He climbs back off to the shore and watches Ollie sinks below the surface before he makes his way out to the ocean proper. Taking the charm from beneath his tunic, he closes his eyes and concentrates.
A screaming cry and the massive thudding of wings splits the wind.
Roman’s dragon lands just on the other side of the bluffs and he climbs on, taking off and soaring over the stormy sea. The dragon calls out over the waves and far beneath, he can see the shape of Ollie swimming through the depths. The clouds begin to part as they near the opposite coast, sun rays splitting the worst of the storm as the glowing trees appear on the horizon.
Roman’s dragon sets him down just on the edge of the shimmering pool. He pats its snout and it huffs, lying down on the sun-warmed grass and closing its eyes. As he walks toward the pool and begins to take off his boots, he spots Ollie’s shade moving through the inlet into the warmer water. He chuckles at the way the water vibrates with the Kraken’s pleased rumble.
Clad in just his boxers, he slips into the water and through the tangle of arms to draw Remus into the warmth. Remus immediately tuns and clings to him like a limpet, shivering from the temperature change.
“I know, I know,” Roman murmurs as he starts to work his hands patiently through the mass of tentacles, “just hold onto me. I can still kind of stand here, I’ve got you.”
”You gonna take care of me?”
“Yeah, Re, I’m gonna take care of you.”
He’s rewarded with a sleepy hum and Remus snuggles into him. “You’re the best.”
“No, you’re the best. The best baby brother anyone could ever ask for.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Remus might mutter an am not back, but it’s muffled by his tired slump into Roman’s arms. Roman just chuckles. He’s sure it’ll come up again at some point.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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Romantic Capture? (Pt 2. Romantic Escape)
(Tommy Shelby X female reader)
Summery: Y/N's successfully managed to con her way to her husband's car keys. Now she's free to have the fun she's been missing for the past week. But with an unexpected call from Polly, will her plans actually go to plan? Part two of Romantic Escape!
A/N: Hi y'all! No TW's for this (Tommy does get accidentally scuffed up tho) but I do think Tommy may be a bit OOC because this part has him talking about his feelings to the reader and I'm honestly not too sure how to write that, so idk if I did it well, but I tried! I kinda see him as someone who doesn't like admitting his fears and mistakes so when he actually does he's unsure of what to say as opposed to his usual suave self and tried writing it like that. So it's definitely got a bit of a different tone than the last one but it's still got good fun bits! I hope y'all enjoy!❤️
WC- 2.9k
Main Masterlist
The phone in Tommy's office rang.
"Polly? That you? I just started those papers you wanted, was there something else?"
You giggled to yourself as you internally relived about your grand success, checking your mirrors one last time before getting ready to drive off. Silently, you thanked your husband for filling up the gas tank on his way back today.
It took months for most people to even try coming up with a plan to win one over THE Thomas Shelby. Keyword try. But you'd managed a successful caper in under an hour. And to top it off, if everything went as planned you'd have some fun with your "poor victim" when you returned. Maybe you should try this thing more often. You had been trying to convince him to let you redo the washroom for a while now. You thought the space would look just lovely with a new coat of paint and padded benches for you and the maids to sit on while talking and folding clothes. Or the garage. There was an empty space there you would have loved to turn into a workshop for the gardener and handyman. It was perfect for tools and lunch. OOH! Or maybe you could finally get the rolling ladder you'd wanted in the library, since you'd first moved in! You always wanted one as a kid! Yes, you would definitely have to try this thing again, especially if it went so smoothly the first time!
But that was for another day. If you left right now you'd make it in time to find good seats. Had this been a film, it would be the part where the captive finally gets out of their cell and starts joyously yelling "I'm free! I'm free I'm fr..."
A hand shot through the window and grabbed the steering wheel. Screaming, you did the first thing that came to your mind. Reaching out the window to grab the collar of your attacker, you yanked them forwards as hard as you could, while simultaneously stepping on the gas. You heard a head hit the car's roof as it made contact with the shiny metal.
 You knew that voice. And the tie wrapped between you fingers....
Oh no.
"Tommy? What the hell are you doing?" You questioned, quickly letting go of him and looking down at you husband who was cradling an injured nose and making sure his toes weren't broken from you almost running them over.
"What the hell am I doing, eh!? What the bloody fuck are you doing," he exclaimed as he got to his feet, using the side of the car to stabilise himself so he wouldn't stumble. He didn't know if he should be frustrated or proud of what you'd just done. On one hand he was happy to know you wouldn't freeze up when surprised if someone came out of nowhere. But on the other hand....that fucking hurt. He could already feel the headache forming and it took a solid minute for his vision to clear. The car was still running and once again your husband reached through the window, trying to grab the keys from the ignition. 
"No," you smacked his hand away from the keys, gently but firmly. Tommy gave you a confused look and tried again.
"No. Tommy, no. Leave it. No. Thomas no." accompanied by another few gentle smacks until he pulled his hand back. You used one hand to guard the keys while the other remained slightly lofted, ready to bat again if needed. Tommy looked at you perplexed. In a manner only you could accomplish, he was left with absolutely no idea what was going on. 
"What do you mean 'no'? What are you doing, I thought you were going upstairs eh? And Polly called said there were never any papers she needed," he'd questioned. If it was anyone else aside from you he'd probably be very angry by now. Because you'd lied to him, and Thomas Shelby didn't like being lied to. You also nearly ran him over, but it wasn't a first for that and he was honestly more annoyed at being lied to. That wasn't something he took lightly.
Especially when the lies involved stealing his car. But this wasn't anyone else. This was you. You looked at him for a moment before sighing and turning off the car, but remained in the drivers seat. Well, if you couldn't get out through trickery maybe the truth would work. And a little guilt tripping possibly?
"I'm taking the car out," you replied. "I wanted to go to the movies with Lizzie and maybe have a few drinks after. I haven't been out all week and my head feels fine. It's felt fine since the third day, but even then no one let me do anything. None of my friends or anyone else was able to come over either so I've been stuck all week and I'm bored and it's been getting lonely too." You looked at you husband whose face had softened and continued, "So I called up Lizzie and I've got to meet her in half an hour if we want to get good seats. And Thomas I love you, but I am doing this. I know you're on edge because of what happened a few months ago, but I promise I'm all good now. You aren't able to control every little thing that happens to me. I'll get hurt sometimes and so will you, and that's just life. You can't make me live in a bubble after every little bump and bruise." 
Reaching one hand out the car window you gently grabbed your husband's chin and ran a finger over his cheek, where an increasingly red mark had begun to form. Thank Heavens, for once he hadn't had a cigarette in his mouth when you'd yanked him. He's probably have a burn on his face too. You really didn't intend to hurt him, thinking it was someone else trying to grab you. 
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I thought you'd make another fuss if I told you and I really didn't want to argue again. I know you care about me but you have to understand Thomas, I'm a grown woman and can make my own choices about then I feel better. It's the same thing you do when you decide to go back to work after being shot or beat up. When we got married we promised to go though life together. And together means side by side, equal steps. It doesn't mean one gets to drag the other along choosing each path alright," Caressing his cheek one last time, you sighed and moved to exit the car. You were still going out of course, but you wanted to take a quick look at Tommy's face in the house where the light was brighter before you left. You knew you'd be distracted and feel slightly guilty all night, not knowing how much damage your unintentional attack truly caused. 
But before your hand made it to the car door, it was Tommy who gently knocked your hand away this time. He placed you hand gently on the steering wheel, holding it there, while he closed his eyes for a moment and thought. Then he released you hand, before making his way around the front of the car and moving into the passenger seat. For a few moments the car was silent before Tommy grabbed you hand again and turned slightly so he could face you better. 
"Love... Don't feel sorry for what you did, it's not your fault. You weren't... wrong," Tommy started, slightly unsure what to say. He knew the words you had said were right, but he didn't know what to say next. Tommy never was to good at expressing his emotions, especially the strongest ones like love and pride and fear; and he was feeling all of those right now. But since meeting you he'd gotten a little better. At least it got easier to try. And that's what he did now, sitting besides you in the car while the last rays of the sun's light left the horizon for the day. "I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to control your or our life together. I'm not. I just want you to be safe. I don't know what I'd do without you," he continued, trying to remember what you'd told him one day about how he didn't have to be charming or precise when telling you his feelings. You told him they could be as messy and unorganized as he could manage if it meant he was telling you the truth. As long as he trusted you enough to try and let it out you'd be more than happy to listen. He knew you'd never fault him for telling the truth even if you'd still scold him for hiding it. 
"The truth is... the truth is that the day you got hurt something else happened. I got a call from a man telling demanding I sign over half the company or else he'd make you pay for me," Tommy paused for a moment trying to press down his anger at the man, "I wasn't worried at first, figured he was just making empty threats. Didn't think anyone was stupid enough to touch you. Then Francis called about your fall and even then I didn't think much about him, I was only worried you were alright. But then, later that night after I saw you, I was looking at the mail. This fucker also sent a letter to the house with the same fucking demand and I didn't see it until then. There was a photo in it too. It was you and your friends sitting in that restaurant you're so fond of. The one where we always get Finn's birthday cake? I don't know how he got that photo," Tommy stressed running a hand through his hair. He knew the man was dead, but it still made his skin crawl thinking of what he could have done. "I don't know what it was, but that photo and you being hurt... it scared me. I don't want to lose you. So since you were already hurt, I used that as an excuse to keep you at the house yeah? The maids really were to make sure you rested your head, but the cars were so I could try and keep you at the house where it was safer. I even had more men posted around the premises during the day." Tommy took a breath gently rubbing his thumb over your hand. He wasn't use to talking this much, even with you. But seeing as you didn't pull back, maybe he hadn't said the wrong thing yet. "But he's gone now, I got word he was taken care of today and he won't hurt you... No one will hurt you. So we don't have to worry about him. I was going to tell you today, I promise I was. But I'm ...I'm sorry Love. I didn't tell you the truth earlier and you got lonely... I should have found a way for your friends to come here or asked you to drive around with one of me men but I didn't yeah? And that.... that may not have been the best plan but it was the only one I could think of to keep you safe. Because you are the most important thing in the world to me Love and I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt because of me."
Tommy had finished now. He wasn't sure what else to say. He'd lied to you and he knew you hated that. But in his mind it was for a good cause. He didn't want to burden or stress you with problems created because of him. So he'd hid the truth until he couldn't anymore and after admitting his secrets he was left without a script. Most men would promise it wouldn't happen again, but Tommy couldn't do that. He knew that if you were ever threatened like that again he wouldn't hesitated to hide you away where he knew it was safe, even if you were mad at him for it. And you knew it too. So he wouldn't by make a promise he wouldn't hesitate to break. Not today anyway. 
The car was silent for a few moments and Tommy wasn't looking at you anymore. He did that sometimes after admitting something to you. Like he was scared to look into your eyes, and see that you didn't like what he said. And honestly, sometimes you didn't. Sometimes you wished your husband never told you the things he'd done that day or whose blood you were washing off his hands in the middle of the night. But most times like tonight, when he'd finally look up he'd see the same love he saw the day he married you and many days before that. You gently took his face in you hands and guided him to look at you again.
"Tommy, I can't say I'm not mad you didn't tell me the truth sooner, but I'm glad you did now," you started, "I'm alright and so are you and no one is going to hurt us. I get why you wanted to hide it from me, I don't always want to tell you what's scaring me either." Tommy averted his eyes and scoffed briefly at the implication of being scared. Yes, it was true but he still didn't like admitting it. "But I'm glad you told me now, yeah? It's better to get it out eventually than hold it in forever. So I wish you'd told me sooner but for now I'm glad you did. And thank you for apologizing, I forgive you... but I just ask next time someone's threatening ME, that I be the first one you tell yeah? Who knows maybe I can think of a better plan to get rid of him than you huh?"
Tommy closed his eyes briefly, leaning to rest his head on your shoulder. Talking had allowed a weight to lift from his shoulders. Not just because he knew the man was gone, but because he'd finally told you the truth. And apparently, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Yes, he knew you'd still probably lecture him slightly for lying more later, but for now he was just happy for you to know the truth. 
"Yeah Love, that I can try to do. Fuck, I can try."
Your fingers pulled the back of his hair lightly as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"'Try,' Thomas?"
A small huff of laughter came from his mouth as he pulled back to look at you again. Now that you'd both told the truth there was a lightness there, which hadn't been present all week.
"Promise, I promise you'll be the first to know if any rat bastard ever thinks of threatening you again eh?"
"That sounds more like it, my dear darling."
This time it was your turn to rest your head on his shoulder for a few moments as silence once more overtook the car. When you looked up again, you moved to gently kissed your husband on his still reddened cheek. As you went to do it a second time he turned his head, allowing your lips to connect with his as he returned the kiss gently. It took a few seconds before he tried deepening it again, and his hands had just reached the hem of your skirt when he was once again stopped. Panting slightly you resting your forehead against his, slightly brushing the loose strands on the back of his neck. He let out a soft groan at that. He loved the way your fingers felt playing with his hair like that, especially if it was late at night when you were both in bed after a long day.
"Yeah Love?"
"I still am meeting Lizzie tonight. If I stay at this house for one more minute I may actually set something on fire," you finished, readjusting your skirt and turning the car on again. If you left now you'd still just barely make it. "Like I may actually give Alfie Solomons a run for his money with the fight I'm going to put up if I don't get out within the next five minutes. Or I may pay him to do it for me, the lovely man. He use to be a boxer you know. "
Tommy rolled his eyes at the Alfie comment before smirking and leaning back in his seat, putting one arm around the back of yours, "Alright then Love let's get going."
You laughed, pushing his arm back and turned to him, "Oh, no chance in hell you're coming with me. I may forgive you for lying to me, but you're still not out of the dog house yet. Besides, this is a night for ME and Lizzie. Not me, Lizzie, and YOU."
"Come on Love. I'm sure Lizzie wouldn't mind. After all, it still could be dangerous out there. It is getting dark after all."
"Well then it's a pretty good think I can protect myself isn't it? Remember the gun Esme got me for Christmas? And so can Lizzie. You aren't the only one with tricks up your sleeve. So you. Hop out of the car before I'm forced to make you and," You leaned closer, "how about you spend the time I'm gone planning another apology eh?"
Tommy let out a huff of laughter, but complied. He walked around the front of the car again before leaning down to the still open window. 
"Another apology eh? I thought you'd already taken the first one."
"Of course, but you still have to make up for earlier to remember? After all, I won't be out with Lizzie all night and you did say you'd stay in your office until 10:30. That's something else to make up for isn't it? You didn't even give me time to start a bath to hide, cheater," you teased lightly as you played with Tommy's tie and his eyes light up like they had earlier when you'd sent him to the office.
"Oh that's the kinda apology you want isn't it? I can manage that. I can manage that very well Love. How about this time I hide for you to find me? Change up our little game eh?" Tommy kissed your hand teasingly before finally stepping back to let you leave. "Though I did help Curly clean the horses earlier at Charlie's yard, and that was a bit messy" Tommy restated your words earlier, "So when you're done why don't you start by looking in places one can get a little less...dirty eh? Maybe the bath will still be warm...."
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So for once, nothing angsty, but something more fluffy! ANd its based on food!
So I think, if I remember right anyway, canon Alastor does not like fast food or like food similar to it, and that kind of implies to Radio Guard Alastor too. To a degree tho. He very much would rather cook than have take-out, but also he is not complaining if you wanna give him the egg and spring rolls from the Chinese takeout. It is mainly when he super tired though or had an exhausting day and just has no energy to cook for the gang, since I imagine he may have took over the cooking duties of the hotel.
And now for everyone's favorite types of foods and or flavors of stuff! Alastor-Def prefers more homecooked meals, doesn't matter what, if its homecooked, he will probably enjoy. Does however lean more towards spicy stuff. Man loves spicy dishes, be it a painful spice or a comforting one. Def knows all types of Louisiana cooking and is so happy to share them to others.
Charlie-More on the sweeter side of things. Probably has a love of homecooked food too, mainly like breakfast foods I imagine. But probably also likes fruity stuff too (haha get it because she's the daughter of the Morningstar aka the Devil, the one responsible for Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit //bonked). Probably loves more baked good spices too? So like cinnamon apple stuff would be her favs
Vaggie-Spice and bitter girlie I imagine personally. She will take her coffee black with a spot of cream or milk while chomping on ghost pepper dusted chips like it was nothing. Can also, for some reason, see Vaggie was a soup girlie. Idk, she gives soup girl vibes. Probably loves spicy veggie soups that just warm you up. Ignoring the fact they are in hell and hell is probably already super hot.
Angel Dust-Def ate like junkie munchie foods. Like cheap, really gross and greasy food. Didn't like it, but it hit the spot. If not that, then super healthier, lean foods, since lets be honest, Valentino would his workers on extreme health diets so they would stay "pretty", so the whiplash of foods probs wrecked Angel's stomach. Now, while trying to go sober and in a safer and healthier environment, Angel def enjoys trying to cook Italian food he remembers his pa or ma making. Would like baking more me thinks
Husk-Bar food. Husk is like Angel, he is eating junkie bar food to use the grease to curve his later hangover. Maybe not as much anymore, but its still there. Alastor does get on him, now more so in a place of concern for Husk's well being. Honestly probs better just making drinks but I can see Husk knowing how to work the kitchen too. Def the type to go to if you have the late night munchies since he knows how to make the most killer late night meals
Nifty-Sugar. Just. Pure. Sugar. She is the type to dump marshmallow fluff on a pizza its that insane. She knows how to cook, sure! And she can cook well with others, yes! Alone in the kitchen? Haha no. Your food is gonna somehow end up in lime jello and taste like you liked the bottom of Willy Wonka's boot. Just dont.
Sir Pentious-Probably doesnt really mind anything. As a snack he def has a more meat based diet which took some time to get used too. Probably likes more mild to bitter foods than anything else. Like the Brit he is, he is def drinking tea with everything. Probs also likes egg based dishes since some snakes do eat eggs. Probably mainly bird eggs, like quill or chicken. So egg bois are safe!
Lucifer-Dont think Luci has a pref. For a good long while it was just whatever he could find in the kitchen after staying locked up in his workshop for days on end. So bowls of dry cereal or pb&js to name a few. It took being forced out of his workshop by Alastor (and seeking therapy by Alastor and Charlie's request yeas later) that Lucifer started to eat more. Like his daughter he loves fruity sweets, and as a given likes pancakes. Probs makes killer cinnamon apple pancakes.
Vox-Probs cheating to say Alastor's cooking, but it is Alastor's cooking. Def has more of a spice tolerance than other Voxs hfdsjkf. Outside of that, probably any more homey foods. Or cheaper stuff like ramen since he never wanted to leave his room at V Towers. Def survived on energy drinks that tasted horribly sweet but kept him going at the tower too. You can imagine his utter joy when at the hotel when he just got to eat proper cooked food again, especially Alastor's
-⚔️ anon
Cinnamon apple for Charlie makes so much sense, she'd probably have begged to get that one cereal that claimed to be cinnamon apple but was kinda mid
All of this feels so incredibly canon and accurate, your MIND
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digitaldoeslmk · 8 months
Okay, so I have a question about Lady Bone Demon in this AU - how did she manage to stick around this long? Is she just a random new bone spirit? Or, if she's the original one from the Journey, are you going with the LMK explanation that she was imprisoned rather than killed? Because if that's the case, I'm very curious how the original White Bone Spirit arc went. If Tripitaka imprisoned her, that means he actually believed Wukong that this was a demon with malicious intentions, which would turn that whole arc upside-down! It gets the brainworms going sjgafs if she stuck around, does that mean that Wukong didn't get wrongfully banished from the group that time?
Or did she actually die and just escape from the Diyu afterwards? (Now that I think about it, I get the feeling that you mentioned something along those lines before, whoops!)
but yeah, the White Bone Demon arc happens as in canon, Wukong bonks her to the Diyu but Macaque is the one who helps her escape along with several other demons with a vendetta against Wukong. most of them are no better than bodiless spirits after the breakout, so lots of time is spent just, finding bodies and vessels for these guys to inhabit so he can put things into motion.
I always thought the revamp LMK did for her was rly silly, and her arc would have been better with a bigger and more powerful enemy. she's memorable for the emotional manipulation she uses on the group and the arc immediately after hers. it's good drama! but not enough to slap a "end of the world" arc onto.
I do wanna incorporate the skeleton key into my au tho cus that was an interesting premise and, honestly so much more could have been done with this particular mcguffin artifact??? still workshopping it tho, but I think the group deserves this little gimmick power up xD
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you don't have to write this, just a request so yk,
if possible could you write Alador Blight x Reader smut?
specifically that Alador and Reader have been friends since hexside and at some point reader maybe suggests Alador take a break from work?
honestly it makes me a bit red to request but it's similar to "say no to this" from Hamilton
So yea :') take creative liberty if you wanna write this, you don't have to tho
have a nice timezone writer !!
Well damn- of course i will write this! Thanks for the lovely request anon!
I have never written smut in my life, i just read it so this shall be interesting
Here are some words that you my need for this fanfic: y/t = your track, h/c = hair colour
Alador Blight x afab!reader (they/them pronouns)
Warnings: smut
Contains: oral (m receiving), a bit of hair pulling, afab reader
Minors dni
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It all started with two young Hexside students, one was in the abomination track, a kid named Alador, and the other in y/t, A kid named y/n, they were good friends, maybe even had crushes on one another, but both of them were too shy to ask the other out
Alador soon cought feeling for another girl and in the future they got married and had three children, but his love for y/n never seemed to disappear, and that created deep regrets
When the collector showed up and changed everything, he got to see his first lover again upon teaming up with Edalyn
"hey Alador! We accidentally broke one of your abomination creation, can you fix it?" Eda said as she walked in to the base
"of course Edalyn." Alador said as he went towards the entrance and picked up the broken abomination
"oh and before i forget y/n wanted to talk to ya." Eda said as she walked away, Alador seemed to not hear what she said and walked over to his workshop
He dragged the abomination in to the workshop and slammed the door behind him, locking it so that no one would bother him
"uhh, hello." A voice was heard behind him, he quickly turned to see y/n sitting on the desk
"y/n? What're you doing here?" He asked as he walked over to you, the tips of his ears turning a light pink
"just wanted to check in on you, you seemed kind of distant lately." They said as they got off of the desk
"I've just been busy." He states as he walked over towards the desk, pulling the brocken abomination creation with him
"with what?" They asked
"things." He answered
"well i could help you with those things." Y/n said as they looked at Alador, wiggling their eyebrows. Alador turned bright red as his pants seemed to be tighter than before
"so what can I do?" They asked as they pulled a chair next to Alador and sat down
"well for started you can screw these bolts on to this metal chest plate." He said as he took the chest plate off of the abomination and gave it to you
"that's not the only thing I can screw." Y/n mumbled, but Alador heard it, his pants tightened even more
They worked together on the chest plate, but Alador's pants never seemed to loosen up
"you good there?" Y/n asked, seeming to notice Alador's sweating
"yup- just fine." He breathed out
Y/n raised their eyebrow but shrugged it off and continued to work
Soon y/n was done with their part of the chest plate and they decided to check out Alador, i mean who wouldn't?
Untill they spotted it
Alador had a tent in his pants, they smirked
"oh so that's why you're sweating." Y/n said, Alador's face turned red as he just ignored y/n ad continued to work, thinking they would drop it
"well you could have just asked for my help." Y/n said s she got up from the chair and kneeled down in front of Alador
His eyes widened as he looked down to see you smiling innocently at him
"may i?" They asked
"please do." Alador breathed out
Y/n smirked and started to unzip his pants and pull his underwear down
Alador gasped as his length sprung up
Y/n grabbed his length as she started to pump him, he panted as y/n's movements quickened, they put their lips on his tip and slowly circled it with their tongue
Alador grabbed the table tightly as he bit the sleeve of his coat as to not make any noise to alert the others
Y/n slowly started to push his length down thier throat as alador bit harder on his sleeve, panting heavily
Y/n giggled seeing his reaction and that sent vibrations up his shaft as he groaned and grabbed y/n's hair and pushed them down his dick
They gagged but continued their motions, Alador's hand still in between their h/c hair
Alador felt as if he was going to explode, his dick pulsating in y/n's throat, but before he could finish y/n pulled away from him
"w-why'd you stop?" Alador panted as his and left their hair
Without a word y/n stood up and sat on Alador's lap, catching him by surprise
"though I'd try something else, but i have to have your consent of course." They claimed, smiling innocently
Alador rolled his eyes as he stood up and put y/n on his work desk, y/n's eyes widened as he tugged at their pants/ skirt/ whatever you're comfortable with, looking lustfully in their eyes
They smiled lightly as they nodded and alador quickly took their pants/ skirt/ whatever you're comfortable with off withe their underwear
"well someone's needy." They teased, propping themselves on their elbow's, alador groaned as he slowly started to insert himself inside of y/n' wet heat
They moaned as alador put a hand over their mouth
"Quiet they might hear us." Alador whispered, they nodded as they grabbed a clean cloth near them and tied it to heir mouth, bitting on it, getting alador a bit more turned on, but he wasn't going ti admit that of course
As he slid himself all the way in he gave y/n time to adjust before rocking them back and forth at a snow pace
Y/n's needy moans were muffled my the cloth as they barely mumbled something and pulled at Alador's coat, signaling him to go faster
He sighed and went a bit faster as their muffled moans became more frequent
Alador being lost in pleasure began to speed up a little more ad he quietly moaned and groaned in to y/n's ear, they squeezed his coat as their tight heat tightened even more around him, slowly but surely y/n was feeling a knot tighten in their stomach, they released with a moan as Alador groaned he thrusted harder in to them, making them whimper and moan as they grabbed on to Alador, feeling weak after their orgasm
Alador's thrusts became more sloppy, y/n knew he was about to finish and with one final thrust alador pulled out and came on their stomach
They both planted as alador reached and untied the cloth around y/n's mouth
"we better clean up before anyone sees us like this." Alador stated as he pulled away from y/n's grasp
"I'll get you a towel and clean clothes." Alador said as he out his pants on and unlocked the door to his workshop, leaving it and closing an locking the door behind him
"seems like you had a fun time." A voice was heard, he turned to see Eda
"Edalyn! Were you listening in on us?!' he panicked
"yeah thought you were gonna talk crap about me or something but instead i got free porn audio that i will use to blackmail you." Eda said as she waved a scroll around that showed a voice recording
"Edalyn, don't. you. dear." He said
"catch me if you can!" She yelled as she got on owlbert ad flew away
Hope you liked this story sorry if it is a bit cringe, i mean it is my first time writing smut sooo
But again hope you like it and i hope you have a great rest of your day
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mushroom-for-art · 2 months
Ghost Ice type first stage bunny pokemon thingy I designed, not a free to use design nor concept ect, still workshopping the name hence the different name options around, ft regular and shiny, probably won't design an evo tho so forever baby
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They're a baby bunny who froze to death that's basically their whole deal didn't develop all their fur a naked little grey sausage that died when it got too cold because they weren't in the nest or mom wasn't there idk Hisuian Zoroark inspired of course with the ghostly fluff except that gained ice type because they are frigid to the touch. Dark paws based off of a Ultraviolet redesign with his extremities darkened because yea ur fingers probably blacken off first same to the ear tips and a pale underbelly because it's cute. A dark morbid concept yea but I kinda needed to make it. Could also just be a hisuian inspired Eevee if I get lazy since a friend suggested they did look that way and honestly banger not wrong
Morbunny from morbid and bunny cause they're dead that's pretty morbid also probably mortician work with the dead
Bunnearly as a sort of parallel to Buneary a nearly bunny because they died weird idk convergent evolution/similar naming must have been a cruel scientist
Bunise from bunny and demise
Lagumise lagu from the scientific term for rabbit and demise
Lagution rabbit execution I'm pretty sure it was
Lagusis rabbit rigamortis
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Courtesy of Duke Aventry, we seem to have one more Story Time.
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Yeah, Aventry mentioned her. He seemed to have strong feelings for her.
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But then the Dweller of Woe came, killed everyone in the mansion, and turned the town into a hellpit. I assume this is going to be the story of how that happened.
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Sounds like Ewilda was the actual power on the throne while the Duke was just her enforcer. No wonder he slid so easily into that same position for Roro.
Does he have a name? Or is he just Duke Aventry?
Or. Wait. Is that his name? I've been taking it for a surname but is his name just... Aventry?
Or. Shit. Is Duke his actual name? I thought it was a title but a duchy would imply the existence of a larger kingdom to which it belongs and we don't have anything like that. There are no kings... pretty much anywhere, in fact. Ours is a world of isolated city-states with no significant form of large government of any kind.
I think Duke is his name.
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Oh, they knew about that? Huh. I kinda figured the first impression anyone on Wraith Island had of the Fleshmancer was when the Dweller suddenly emerged and ruined everything.
But it sounds more like there was an actual war going on between the Fleshmancer's forces and Wraith Island for a while. Like they were leading the charge in keeping the horrors at bay or something.
Where were we while all of this was going on?
Oh. Wait. Dead, probably. This might have been in the decades between Moraine returning as sole survivor to Mooncradle and now.
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Ominous. Arrival of the Dweller? Is that a thing they would have had warning of, or....
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Okay, so that's where we were. Killing everyone. SURE. THAT'S FINE.
Solar warrior sealed away Torment and then forgot everything and couldn't be arsed to even write anything down. Solar warrior randomly killing everyone on Wraith Island. And. Just. Erlina.
Why do Solar Warriors suck so bad? No offense, Zale.
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Okay but why tho. Like. Erlina, I get. She did the only thing that made sense given the hopeless situation she was in. But what could this guy possibly think he was accomplishing by scorching the island at random? Was he looking for Woe?
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Uh. Yeah. We're awesome. I'm more impressed that Aventry was able to hold his own and not die horribly.
This does explain why he was able to offer those tips to Zale way back when, though. He had experience fighting a fully realized Solar Warrior in the past so he could see where the gaps in Zale's style lie.
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I'm still impressed that he was able to hold his own like that. He really didn't seem that tough when Zale and I were double-teaming him. I mean, there were two of us plus Serai so that might not be fair. But also, we were very green at the time.
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Two has a gender
I don't think any of them have had genders identified until now. Huh.
Also, that is clearly the, uh... the thing... the mabobber thing....
Fleshmancer plants these seeds and they grow into Dwellers. I don't remember what they're called, but that's it. That's the seed for Woe.
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Oh, nope, it's crystallized curse mojo.
"One day" here having the definition of "for fucking ever hahahaha sucker". Unfortunately, this curse meant to shield Woe from solar magic ultimately peeled away like it was nothing when faced with the might of the Eclipse, because our bullshit > immortal alchemist bullshit.
Torment made the right decision by opting to use the goddamn earth as a physical obstruction instead.
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Honestly, no blame for Duke Aventry. He was in a bad spot and the Acolytes preyed on that vulnerability. Seems to be their M.O. They did the same thing to Erlina.
Like proper cultists, they hunt among the disenfranchised and the hopeless.
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That's how Roro's swamp came to be. And, presumably, where she got all those bodies for her workshop.
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You know, I never thought too highly of the Acolytes but that's because my main interactions with them up to this point have been:
Acolyte: *whining noise* Don't do that thing! Me: LOL Stop me fucko. Acolyte: *body pile*
For me, my favorite punching bags have just been goobers who show up to offer me stress relief. This story's offering me a whole new side to them. These guys are pretty capable manipulators and effectors of political upheaval.
They just aren't very tough in a fight.
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And now we've set his spirit free, destroyed the Dweller of Woe, and driven the Acolytes from Clockwork Castle for good measure. I'm glad that our Order was able to put right all of his hardships.
...that, uh... that we caused....
I don't feel good about this one.
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signedkoko · 5 months
hello! i would like a hazbin hotel matchup pls
ima straight woman, my mbti is estp and ima aquarius sun virgo moon and cancer rising if that means anythin to u lmao
im 5'0 (sadly 😭) and i have long wavy black hair w red streaks, i usually straighten it tho. idrk how to describe my style but if i had to id say like the stereotypical y2k grunge girl look (think tara yummy) im also rly into makeup n wear eyeshadow n big ass lashes like everyday 
im kinda all over the place personality wise, but most of the time im rly energetic and always making jokes n laughing, i also love partying n going out but i need to have sum time at home too or else i get burnt tf out, im always there for the ppl i care abt even if we aint that close if someone ever comes to me for advice or anythin i always help as much as i can, i also am very very anxious but i usually keep it underwraps unless somethin triggers it and i also have a lottt of trust issues n lowkey be thinkin everyone out to get me sumtimes
i honestly dont have a lot of interests, i rly love music fashion n makeup tho, i take any excuse i can to dress myself up even if i aint goin nowhere, i listen to almost any type of music but my favs are the weeknd, lana del rey, rob zombie, and stunna girl
in a relationship im also pretty all over the place, i love very intensely n i overthink a lot n need a lot of reassurance but i tend to focus on my partners needs a lot more than mine, but if my partner brings it up i wont lie to them n if the overthinking gets rly bad to the point i cant ignore it ill bring it up, im also very clingy n always wanna be w my partner or talkin to them in sum way, im very thoughtful n love spoiling my partner w affection n gifts (usually homemade cuz im broke 💀)
ik this is rly long i tried my best to make it as short as possible mb 😭 but i hope u have a great day n thank u for doing my request :)
You got…Lucifer!
No need to worry about height because you are both the same! If not an inch or two apart, His hat, fortunately, makes it seem like he's the taller of the two of you.
Lucifer is very...fashionable? Man himself, so he really likes seeing the time you put into your outfits. They are a lot less crisp and white than his, but what's more interesting than things he isn't? Your make-up is a lot more mature than his, though, so you have two completely different dressing and makeup areas so as not to mix up his bright colours with your shadowy palettes.
When it comes to people, he has plenty of trust issues. After his wife left him without much explanation, followed by his descent into depression, it takes a lot for him to really be open to people. This made a lot of your relationship-building quite awkward, which in turn made it funny.
He loves your laugh, and he's glad you enjoy jokes because he really has way too many to count! He's got a pun for every letter in the alphabet. Even if it isn't appropriate, if it means cheering you up, he will go to some crazy lengths. He loves it when you laugh at his jokes, and he will definitely get competitive with anyone who tries to compete.
Lucifer really could use your advice, and in turn, he has a lot of wisdom. Some of your longest conversations are those where you both sit in a quiet, dark place after a long day and share feelings, worries, and solutions. He's lived a long life and seen almost everything the world has to offer, and if you ask him for a taste of his knowledge, he is absolutely thrilled that he can be of use to you.
Dedication is what he feels. Lucifer has every love language and accepts any at all in return; he has everything in his grasp, so what you want is all yours. The fact that you are clingy is just a plus, because it assures him that you do actually love him and that he does actually get to enjoy his days with you.
Any homemade gifts you make are met with utter delight. All he does these days is craft rubber ducks, so you are free to venture into his workshop and use what you need to make your items. Lucifer believes what is made by an individual is the most vulnerable gift to give. 
Expect a lot of fast, loving emotions and busy days every day! Lucifer will make you feel loved and special, and he will make sure you smile at least once a day in his company.
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Author’s Note - Your runner up was Valentino! But if you ask me, Lucifer is a much better bet.
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Part 4 I believe, of the lucid-dream-allucination-but-it's-actually-time-travel- AU(?)
Gaius manages to stay calm to wash Merlin up and to check on him to make sure there's nothing wrong with him (physically), and put him to rest in his room. And the breaks down, he honestly thought that this one might be the one. The one time where Merlin goes to defend the kingdom and her king, and does not comeback.
Lately keeping the secret that made sure he was not to be killed immediately was sitting heavier and heavier on Merlin's chest, ever since Arthur's crowning, and he had told Gaius so. He had asked for Gaius's opinion on the matter and had promptly closed up when Gaius said that he hadn't changed his mind.
Obviously the matter of the death of the former king and Merlin involvement in the issue were the main problem now but he didn't think that helped Merlin's mood.
Gaius felt wrong but he honestly didn't know what to do. He remember the worst of the Purge, he remember watching his friends die one after the other and that couldn't happen to Merlin.
When he had informed Merlin that the livestock attacks report that they were receiving were likely from magical creature Merlin just stood up and walked to the door, saying goodbye to Gaius lightly. Like a routine, like he had just assumed that this was gonna be his life, moving in the shadows, protecting his friends from danger by putting himself in danger, and protecting himself from his friends, and everybody really, without help, alone.
By the third day Gaius was cold with worry, he feared that the beast bested Merlin and nobody, not even himself knew where to find him. So he told Lancelot.
It was unusual to involve Lancelot in anything since his knighting ceremony, even if Lancelot really wanted to help, Merlin didn't want to divide his friends loyalties.
He had been distancing himself, from everybody, and nobody actually noticed until he disappeared forcing his friends to remember the last time that he actually spent time with them.
Lancelot changed his patrol routes subtly, and then not so subtly went looking for him in his free time. He couldn't really tell everybody until he was sure that Merlin wasn't caught red-handed, the last thing he needed it's to be found and rescued from a dire situation just to be executed. He didn't have to wait much tho, because Gwaine wasn't as patient.
He loudly demanded Arthur for a explanation on Merlins absence, and when Arthur answered with Merlin's alcohol problem, well... Gwaine laughed a lot... Lancelot tried to buffer, to delay, to stop, but in the end he too was worried for his friend, so he asked too.
And once Arthur was convinced, well nothing could stop him. In the end Lancelot had to search for Merlin while throwing everyone else off the right path.
And Gaius had no better idea than make Merlin look like a mess, in Arthur's eye. Lancelot suspected the overcompensation was not working like Gaius wanted.
Gaius spent all that day besides Merlin. He could do it's thank him for coming home.
Once Arthur received word that Merlin was in Camelot he had to give notice to the knights to stop the search, word to the council that was already on his back for calling the search in the first place.
Then he was nervous which was weird. Gwen told him the news excited, and then Lancelot came to report them. So it was confirmed. He been busy, and everybody else seem to have lost hope, so he was unprepared.
He ought to stop everything and barge into Gaius's workshop, demanding explanation. But that made him feel anxious. He knew, because of Lancelot's report that Merlin was not fine, nobody knew exactly what it was or why, not yet anyway. And Arthur felt... guilty.
Even when Gwaine insisted that something was wrong, even when he knew that Gaius's stories didn't really match, even when Lancelot raised up his worries, he stubbornly denied help.
And everyday that passed since then weighted heavy in his conscience, what if he was ill, or hurt, or lost, or dead, and he denied help.
So he delayed the visit as much as he could.
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butmakeitgayblog · 7 months
Hii I'm so sorry about the ageist ask,,, I truly hadn't meant it to be patronizing, but i couldn't get that across! I meant it in a "hey isn't that interesting how artforms can transcend age barriers and how lovely it is that we can share love for something so niche even if there's a good decade between us!" I didn't mean to make you feel attacked about your emoji use, I was only pointing it out to appreciate the difference! Language tends to change between generations, internet lingo even more so but it's quite wonderful and precious when you see it together. Unfortunately my autistic ass cannot get through with tones 🤦🏻‍♀️ Though I do want to say I absolutely appreciate what you're saying and I do not think life ends at 30, obviously. I like to read yours and other writers in this fandom's aged up modern au fics because it makes me feel better about my anxiety about growing up which is such a cliche but I hope you get what I mean,,, even if I could use some communication workshops or something. I am very excited to be 30, 40, and so on. You guys give me a lot of hope istg ❤️❤️ I'm so sorry!!!
Don't worry babe I'm not mad at you. I do appreciate the clarification on your intentions tho. And I get it, it can be hard sometimes to vocalize your thoughts right in text. Tone and all that, it's tricky. But honestly, if what you said here is actually what you meant, then just say that in the first place! This ask doesn't feel ageist or condescending, the first one kinda did. So I'd say just be more open to expressing your thoughts as they are rather than trying to restructure them. It only ends in losing your message in translation, which is a shame because you sound articulate and thoughtful and heartfelt when you actually express you, ykwim?
And I meant what I said, I'm not offended because I have been where you are. I vividly remember being 21, 23, 25, hell even 27, and thinking "omfg what am I gonna do when I'm 30?? 30 year olds are fuckin oooold 😩" and not understanding how I could still be "me" at that age. Like hwo would that look? How could still like what I like? But you'll wake up at 30 and 33 and 35 and realize you're exactly the same person you've always been, just... a lot smarter (hopefully. some of these mfs never learn a damn thing 😒). But internally you'll still feel exactly like that same person you always have been.
And then some damn kid will be like "you're cringe" and you'll be like "get tf off my lawn ಠ_ಠ" and then everything starts fallin apart
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heartshapedbubble · 7 months
Welcome back!!!!! Missed you so much. Hope you're doing well :)
Was wondering if I could request Burke being a grandpa to little girl. Since you aren't taking oneshot or fanfic reqs I was wondering if it could be lile in headcanon form? Idk, anythibg that you're comfortable with :)
Hope you aren't uncomfortable with the ask and if you don't want to do it for whatever reason thats ok!
Have a nice day 💖💖💖💖
HI ANON!! life's alright rn, hope ur doing great too💓💓
of course! here you go and enjoy ^_^
burke lapadura being a grandpa to memory hcs🔨🧸
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burke is a very carefree but nontheless a caring grandpa!
beneath the surface burke really loves kids :) he just sucks at displaying affection in general
some hunters would call his behavior irresponsible
...like letting memory stick her finger into his bottle of vodka and taste it
to which he responds with a simple *shoo* motion with his hand
like would you rather have her try a harmless drop of alcohol or learn how to pallet stun you to death at 8 years old smh🙄🙄young people these days
refers to himself as "old man" and "grumpy old"guy", even "fossil" occasionaly
always fixes memory's dolls once they tear!
^proposed installing mechanical limbs and laser eyes but took it back once he saw the concern in her eyes
when he falls asleep grandpa style™ on the sofa while watching TV he often wakes up with a face full of badly applied makeup
(by memory, of course)
and he'd let her bake his face even if he was awake 🫡‼️ he'd go on and call himself a "pretty princess" for her
jumping back to burke's irresponsibility, back in his workshop he has a shit ton of prototypes and weapons eagerly waiting to be tested
..and, honestly, is there a better person to test them other than his beloved granddaughter? there's no child out there that dislikes pushing colorful buttons and detonating bombs! (safety first tho)
his babysitting is 50/50 honestly. either he watches over her every move like an eagle or he peacefully reads as she runs around in circles
rule no1 in the manor: never, and by that i mean NEVER let burke in the kitchen.
it's not even the fact that he sucks at cooking, it's just that he's so used to the speed and precision of his machines that he rages whenever the freezer gets stuck or the oven is not hot enough
^so it's a bit of a hassle when memory wants some warm milk alongside her cookies.
"keep away from the kitchen for some time sweetie, grandpa is trying not to give himself 3rd degree burns while using a microwave!"
sometimes memory ends up spending the entire day in his workshop helping him
and trust me, working with burke is a BLAST (literally and metaphorically)
burke likes fishing in his free time so i believe he and memory would go on fishing trips together :)
definetly has one of those funny snapbacks that say stuff like "fish want me women fear me"
even if they don't catch anything it's the quality time that matters!
reads memory her favourite bed time stories! of course, his narrating isn't as good as orpheus's, but he tries to voice each character differently so that's immediately a plus
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mattypattypinky · 4 months
in response to the ask game below this post, for funzies
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1. Matt - He/They
2. He is similar in personality and body language, but style is different because he is more of what I wish I could afford to look like than what I look like IRL.
3. Yeah, mostly full/done backstory as it's been working and changing over the years. Every now and then I workshop it to change a bit, but it stays roughly the same.
4. Gonna be honest, I first felt scared but intrigued by him. Then it went from there. He was sort of a forbidden friendship thing! Then it just kept evolving. 💕
5. Honestly both first and third person interchangeably.
6. MAJOR design changes, he originally was just me in a P@pyrus hoodie, but I changed him to be more pink. I kept the scarf/bandana thing though! It's a trademark /hj
7. In my lore he fell and was raised in the ruins w tori, so he has a tendency to share a lot of tori's mindsets when it comes to the king of monsters. - When he finally goes out of the ruins, he's treated like a legend, because he's the first human in years, it goes to his head - He's kind of self absorbed and thinks of himself incredibly highly because of it (ego is SKY ROCKETED.) - Despite being in the underground a majority of his life, and a majority of monsters having encountered him at least once, the king isn't aware of his presence. This is on the behalf the fact that Matt gave before he went to the CORE, as he didn't want to go to the surface anymore at this point. It's quite funny, because M3ttaton wasn't informed by the doctor that Matt had turned around to go back to snowd!n at this point, so there was probably a period where m3ttaton was standing in that room waiting for hours, confused why he wasn't in the fucking core yet, until he got the memo by alphy$. M3ttaton and Matt hate eachother actually but they pretend to be friends whenever they're around each other they r fake as fuck. Also, Matt always hides when the king comes to town, or leaves town in general. The king hardly checks the UNDER NET, so he misses the docs constant posts about him. If the king were to find out, he'd be heart broken that his people, and even the head of the royal guard, were keeping this human from him for a large time.
8. Not really..?? His soul is a fan-made SOUL, Dedication.
9. When he finally leaves the ruins after years of staying in it, up until around adulthood, he meets paps. He finds Paps the most amazing monster ever (well, second best to 🌻.) and takes up any hobbies that paps has that he can smack himself into. This goes for cooking with undyn3, and long walks w paps.
10. I have too many to count, but the one I'm talking about here is und3rtale. Most of my s/i's look the same.
11. A few, the main one I draw him in is a orange sweater w a hot pink scarf, blue pants and hot pink / or magenta boots. He mock up copies paps look w different colorschemes and a more chill and fuzzy vibe to it. Tho before he left the ruins, his wardrobe consisted of cute fuzzy pink sweaters and pajama pants, and stuff tori put him in.
12. sure
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13. If I could afford I'd dress as him all the timeee.... 💔💔💔
14. Yes he does get jealous easy
15. Yes he does, so far in my universe canon he interacts w @fenny-self-ships 's self insert, who selfships w paps and mettat0n ^^ We hate each other in the lore but IRL we r dating.
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safyresky · 6 months
This was the most anticlimactic finale I have EVER seen in my life??
On that note, tho, things I actually quite liked, maybe even LOVED???? I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. Well, MOST of it. Especially:
Betty and Olga's whole toymaking thing lol that was cute and sweet
Kris tagging along, lol, what a vibe. "Holy crap! Ice bergs???!?!?!?!" (chokes on a bug)
Mad Santa and Olga acknowledging their toxicity with one another
Sandra calling Cal Buddy, THANK YOU QUEEN
Sandra's whole VIBE tbh. The witchy/goth prom look, her powers being like. Based on Christmas spirit!
Betty and Olga AGAIN, I really really REALLY loved how that went and LOVED how they were like "we're really quite the same"
Meanwhile Noel and the rest of the gnomes are like "Oh! Glad y'all caught up! Tea?"
Good for Magnus, going back and performing!! Good for him!!! I loved seeing him THRIVE with the sax!!!
and I'm really glad Magnus was like "Kris's place made me feel JOY", we LOVE TO SEE PEOPLE WITH CHRISTMAS SPIRIT REASSURED AND VALIDATED!
Everything about Mrs. Claus tbh. Carol, my belovedddddd~ freaking out about Buddy and and and having the RANGE, GOD, Elizabeth Mitchell fans, you are all SO RIGHT!
So basically everything that DIDN'T involve Santa? I'm kinda shooketh. Why was that episode so chill compared to all the other ones??? I obtained MINIMAL psychic damage (perhaps I have an immunity now??? WHO'S TO SAY!)
Santa's lines are all delivered so unenthusiastically and he just. GOD. You know how in The Christmas Invasion Ten looks at Harriet Jones, Prime Minister, then goes over to her assistant and is like "doesn't she look tired"? I feel like we could totally do that to Tomothy and just. End him. Then and there.
KRIS. He's really cool. Like I unironically enjoy him. He a little naive but BOY DOES HE HAVE THE SPIRIT! AND I LOVE THAT! Honestly, they could've had him be the next Santa and he'd be AMAZING at it tbh! he was very underused and that was a SHAME. Remember in episode 1 when we saw his dad for like 3 seconds and I thought "wow we could have a whole father figure angle here!" as if the writing in this show could actually decently do something like this
Get his ass count for this episode: about 5
Again, I keep getting hung up on the weird choices and the lore????????
Weird choices: having the underlying theme of Betty/Olga fight being I WANT THAT TOY NO IT'S MINE was weird?? You could've done it differently to get them to the Workshop to chat. you could have had them call one another out with their toymaking skills? And go from there?????? IT WOULD'VE BEEN EASY TO DO
Weird choices: Bringing Kris up??? I LOVED it, he was perf comedic relief--like, if anyone in this universe should have loony toon powers (see: him appearing in the cell behind Mad Santa and everyone being like OH YOU'RE HERE TOO), it's Kris. 100%
My mood @ Kris is very much:
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yes. I made a meme about it. I just really appreciate him, especially in this episode? HE'S JUST FULL OF CRIBMAS SPIRIT!!! FUCK!
Lore things I had issues with:
1. "But a witch...born at the North Pole...could!"
2. "You've got a history"/"I've read your history! You were a GREAT Santa!" and also "Way to go Noel! I always KNEW you'd make a great head elf!"
3. "Storied apex of the globe"
(not direct quotes)
"But a witch...born at the North Pole...COULD"
As a disclaimer: I quite like Sandra having cribmas witch magic, and I like the idea that she's a lil different bc of being born at the Pole. HOWEVER. The execution/explanation is...mid. WHY is it that Sandra being a human witch born at the NP CAN un-nutcracker Cal??? Where is the EXPLANATION!??!!? WHAT ABOUT IT MAKES HER DIFFERENT FROM OTHER WITCHES? IS IT BECAUSE OF THE "storied apex of the globe" COMMENT NOEL MAKES WHEN HE'S BEING A BAMF AND HYPING UP THE GNOMES? IS IT LEY LINES??? LIKE. WHAT IS THE EXPLANATION?
I would be FINE with suspending my disbelief if they had maybe just GIVEN THE CONCEPTS AND CHARACTERS TIME TO GROW!!! You could've rewritten the whole entire "we're stealing doing Easter!" episode and instead SOLELY FOCUS ON MAGIC. Have Befana react more mildly and go "this is different, come along" and bring Sandy to her lil cabin while they try to figure it out and THEN drop the "she was born at the NP and this is why she ca do such a powerful spell" and then have someone go what why?? AND BOOM. BEFANA GIVES US EXPOSITION, WE LEARN, SANDRA CAN HAVE A PLOTTY ARC WHERE SHE'S LIKE "no, I can't do that, that's. Girl that's crazy" to have the build to her un-nutcrackering Buddy have more of an OOMPF, you know? IT'S THAT EASY. ARGH.
2. "you've got a history/I've read your history" (A) and "I always knew you could do it Noel!" (B)
2. b)
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3. "The storied apex of the globe."
Whew! Glad I got all that out of my system!!!
Other odds and ends that did NOT hit:
Mad Santa about 100 times: "I'M NOT A DUMB STUPID HUMAN LIKE YOU" THEN WHAT ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?
I figure he was patient 0 for Curtis-itis, hence the name! Maybe almost 'sploded but instead went nope! I need to kribble krabble!
I mean, he would uphold it, of course, the MOMENT after he became head elf bc he loves rules so heckin much lol
Regardless, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
An aside: I read an article talking about that piece of info and the person who wrote it was like "Curtis stans will be happy to know (we know you're out there!)"
(me, squinting) where. where. I don't see them. I see the Elizabeth Mitchell/Carol stans (on occasion. I stumble into them like I made a wrong turn lol). The Bernard stans (how could you NOT see them they're everyone lol), The JACK STANS (guilty as fucking charged), but have yet to see CURTIS STANS. Mostly just Curtis appreciators??? y'all are cool tho. He is a funky lil stressed out nerd. Deffs NOT a management guy lol. Give him a couple hundred or so more years first :-)
Just. Just let Cal go to prom. Don't bring prom to him. Please. Please let him and Riley have ONE brain cell at LEAST. Technology isn't rotting our brains THAT badly. It's just pushing censoring and making younger gens forget what critical thinking skills are!
God, now I sound like Tomothy. VIBE CHECK ON AISLE SAFYRESKY!
Also, Riley, stop trying to steal @snowqueenjacqueline's DRIP GIRLIE. LIGHT BLUE? SNOWFLAKES? WHAT'S JACQUELINE SUPPOSED TO WEAR TO NORTH POLE PROM NOW?!?!!?
And I think that's it?? I think I got it all out of my system. WHEW.
And now. I end this lengthy ass review with some snips of my FAVOURITE part of the entire season:
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