#hook queen
yellowbugifs · 7 months
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73/365 days of regina mills
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aksandvks · 2 months
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According to the Book Disney Descendants: Up Close! Mal was born in 1999.
She was 6 years old when she wasn’t invited to Evie’s 6th Birthday Party, which took place 10 years after all the villains were banished to the Island. Which places it in 2005. (Isle of The Lost Novel)
That means that That Auradon was created in 1995.
It also means that Rise of Red takes place in 2025.
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spaceinvadeeer · 1 year
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na na na na na na
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ellstronaut · 7 months
not to be that person but fuck
n don’t get me wrong I love smut as much as the next person but I cannot stand meaningless smut. With no substance just mindless sex with no passion or any ounce of affection attached to it. No buildup, no pining, no tension so thick it’s palpable no “fuck why are these jeans glued on” no “clumsiness or characters being awkward because sex is awkward sometimes and intimidating” no characterisation, character development or poking fun in a lighthearted way because
“dino boxers really?”
the way they’d be so unapologetic about it too maybe not even vocal but the look that fucking look that screams “yeah? n what you’re gonna do about it?” or maybe they’re flustered but that’s hot either way because it’s them, it’s their quirk
It’s the little details
The vulnerability? The insecurities—trying something new but being afraid to cross or plunge into unknown territories
but it’s their touch—guidance—that unspoken “you’re safe with me”
Subtle hotness/intimacy man
But yeah sex sells. Let’s be real. It’s a cheap way to get views especially when not mindful of how characters would react in such situations
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aurelia-art · 18 days
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Jude Duarte ⚔️
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bananaactivity · 1 month
I have him… Chad Charming.
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Some new things… his scars and chipped tooth…
Those are injuries from advanced sword training. He had a bad teacher who pushed him way too hard. He came back really banged up so his parents fired that lady.
The gold embellishment on his chest is his name CAC. “Chadsworth Ameal Charming”
If you’ll notice his rats there names are Patch and Rajah, looking at the fur patterns and the names I think you get the references.
Like I said before he’s roommates with Carlos in an annoying brother way. He’s really sweet in my version and don’t ask about Chloe… they are good siblings ofc.
I kinda don’t like blue hair Chad or hair dye Auradonians so non of them have that. He’s a himbo blond and Carlos is his genius dorm mate.
I’m gonna get some duo pics of him and Carlos done too 😁
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c-rose2081 · 2 months
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Pretty things…
“The King and his men….stole the Queen from her bed…”
“And bound her in her bones…”
Guys I’m thinking about them 🫣
I really need to figure out how I want to proceed with Sweet Indulgence for ya’ll, I got so many amazing comments asking for more 🙏 I promise it’s on my mind, I hope to have something to give soon.
Does Hook x Bridget have a ship name? Lmk down below cause I don’t know it. I guess we could just call them Brook lol, but I’m looking for something more interesting than that XD
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whimsi-clown · 5 months
A New Form of Psychological Torture Discovered.
Part 2 of the Reverse Isekai Disney Villains x Modern Reader AU
(Or RIDV AU for short)
Warning: Still a whole lot of swearing and OOC
"So... What would you like to know first?"
You asked with your hands clamped together, gathering the energy of minimum wage customer service workers just for this moment.
Those people have the highest patience, and you so badly need that right now.
The rest of the villains remained silent, glancing at one another until Dr. Facilier spoke up.
"How about you start by telling us how we got here... Wherever here is..."
He spoke, leaning forward against the back of the couch, the rest of the villains nodding and muttering in agreement.
"Well, to borrow your words, Dr. Facilier... You're in my world now, not your world... And you guys are the friends on the other side that I seem to have... Accidentally summoned??"
Dr. Facilier raised a brow at that, wondering how you knew that phrase. The rest of the villains, however, either rolled their eyes or groaned in irritation.
"Yea, we know that, babes. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out. What we wanna know is how we got here."
You turned to Hades, whose flaming hair was now turning light orange at the tip, showing how quickly he was losing patience with you,
You nervously gulped at that. You're gonna have to speed this up if you want your mansion to remain intact, hoping that reason will save you from 3rd degree burns.
"Alright, alright. Look, I really don't know how you guys got here, but I can tell you what I've been doing before, and you can take away whatever from there. Is that fine with you all?"
Thankfully, most of the villains agreed with reason, turning to Maleficent, who had been silent for most of this entire exchange, for the final say.
"Very well, speak."
With the mistress of all evil's confirmation, you began summarizing the events before their unexpected arrival, from your employer's death, you moving into their mansion, the mysterious door you found, the random junk on pedestals, how you cleaned them, and then the wierd lightshow that happened after that which resulted in their arrival.
By the time you were done enumerating, you were already out of breath, panting as your mouth felt like it had just gone through a marathon.
Was this karma for all those times you didn't speak up during those group presentations?
The villains contemplated your words, processing every detail (including the ones they deemed useless and unnecessary) before Jafar finally decided to speak up.
"You mentioned having cleaned some... Random junk before our arrival, correct?"
He asked with a raised brow, the other villains turning to face you for confirmation and a silent order for you to fetch those items for them.
You nodded at that, wordlessly running back to the mysterious room to gather every item in your arms and rushing back to the living room, laying them on the coffee table.
Most of the villain's eyes lit up in recognition of some of the items, snatching them off the table and inspecting them closely.
Maleficent held onto her staff, watching as the crystal orb at the top glowed a soft green. (1st mistake, letting the tall dark fae hold onto what is the equivalent of a lethal magical weapon)
Grimhilde didn't seem too fond or attached to the mirror in her hand, but she appreciated still being able to admire herself in its fractured surface.
Hades didn't seem too attached to the item he held too, inspecting the lit torch with a raised brow.
Jafar on the other hand was all too eager with the lamp in his hold, aggressively rubbing its surface with the cloth of his wrist, only to let out an irritated huff when it did not yield the results he desired.
Captain Hook was carefully inspecting the silver hook and the iron hook he had on him with a critical eye, and after careful contemplation, he decided to trade his rusty iron hook for a clean silver one, disregarding it over his shoulder as he gleefully applied the new hook onto his arm. (2nd mistake, letting the fancy ass pirate attach a deadly weapon onto their person. At least you won't get infected with tetanus when he makes good on his promise to slice your throat)
Gaston was checking his hunting rifle for any marks or scratches on the surface, doing mock firing poses before letting out a hum of approval. (3rd mistake, does not need an explanation whatsoever. He is a big dumb man with a big gun) As he was about to set the hunting rifle down, he accidentally pulled on the trigger, causing everyone within the vicinity to flinch in surprise at the loud bang, looking up to see the large bullet hole that was made on the ceiling of your home, some debris falling off. (Case and point)
Shaking his head at Gaston's mishap, Dr. Facilier continued to shuffle the deck of tarot cards in his hands, effortlessly doing card tricks like it was second nature. (You may or may not have been momentarily entraced by the smooth and eye-catching movement)
Shan Yu, who had not said a word since the "summoning incident" stood at the far side of the room, leaning against a wall as he simply watched the scene before him, the sword now kept on a sheath that was strapped around him. (4th mistake, again, very self-explanatory. Big man who's literally and probably the only person in this room with the largest body count) Shan Yu's head turned to your direction when he felt your gaze on him, his gold eyes seeming to pierce through you, causing another unsettling chill to crawl down your spine.
You decided to quickly turn your gaze away from the ruthless hun leader and focus your sights back on the rest of the group.
Watching Scar boredly play with the lion skull like it was a sock puppet of some sorts, Ursula and Cruela already wearing the nautilus shell necklace and the exotic fur coat respectively, and finally Oogie Boogie rolling the pair of die around his pointy stub of sack he called a hand. (How the dices remained on his hand despite his lack of fingers is a mystery you will never learn the truth to)
"Great. Now that I've satiated your curiosity. I'm gonna go..."
You mumble aloud, not really caring if they heard you or not. You just wanted to escape to the kitchen right now. You were starving.
Before you could make your great escape, however, a gloved hand grabbed a hold of your shoulders.
"Now hold on just a moment darling, you haven't completely satiated our curiosities just yet..."
Cruela stated, her grip surprisingly strong for someone of her age and stature.
"She's right. We've still got one thing left to ask."
Says Ursula as she comes closer to you, a tentacle wrapping itself tightly around your leg, preventing you any chances to bail.
You begin to grow nervous as they all begin to crowd you once more.
"Uhm... And... What exactly... would that be?"
You hesitantly ask.
"You referred to us as... Disney Villains... Why?"
Grimhilde commanded, glaring down at you.
"And you best not deceive us, little one, because I'm starting to get quite... Hungry..."
Threatened Scar as he licked his tongue over his canines, eyeing you like you were gonna be his next meal.
Oh shit.
Gods you and your big mouth, why did you have to say that before them? They obviously don't have any idea that they're works of fiction and entertainment like in Mickey's House of Mouse or Once upon a Studio.
Actually, how would they react to that?
It was never really shown how the characters coped with the idea of being created for the purpose of entertaining children.
So how would they respond to the realization that their lives had been depicted for them from the very start and that they had no actual say in the course of their stories?
A morbid curiosity begins to settle in your mind as a smile spreads across your cheeks, making the villains unconsciously flinch at the uneasy feeling that came with your wide and ecstatic grin as you look up at them.
"How likely are you all to suffer from an existential crisis?"
End of part 2
Previous Part, Next Part
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dizzydizney · 1 month
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EEEEEEven more incorrect quotes! Merlin Academy Gang! AND MORE. Kinda long? Idk
(and ships)
Hook: Okay, who's turn is it to give the pep talk?
Uliana: It's Hades's turn.
Hades: Don't die.
Uliana, wiping a tear away: Truly inspirational.
(so beautiful 😭 I don't know how to explain, but this is canon now)
Maleficent : Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter. You go first.
Fay: *sobbing*
Maleficent : Look, I'm not sure where to go with that.
(She's used to her and Hades banter and fights. Fay still needs to get used to that)
Fay: What the hell is wrong with you?
Hades: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I’m better than everyone else.
(mm. Yeah.)
Hook: Goodnight to the love of my life, Morgie, and fuck the rest of y'all.
(just a normal day)
Morgie: *is throwing stones at Ella's window*
Ella: You have a phone for a reason, Morgie!
(Love my little chaos goblin. He absolutely knew what he was doing)
Ella: Hey, I was wondering, have any of you guys ever seen Morgie’s bedroom?
Bridget: No, they refuse to let any of us visit. You know what that means.
Maleficent, nodding: Dungeon.
Hades, nodding: Rich.
Uliana , nodding: Homeless.
Ella, nodding: Secretly in the mafia.
Bridget: What? No, I meant they’re messy. What the hell is wrong with all of you?
(Hook not being there because he's in Morgie's bedroom right now. they are cuddling)
Ella: I apologize for saying 'fuck' in front of Bridget.
Fay: You just said it again.
Ella: I am not a role model.
(don't worry Ella. She knows worse. She just doesn't use them)
Bridget: Accidentally indulged in too much ‘free time’, turns out I’ve been reported missing for over six months and presumed dead by most local and national authorities.
(once she went back to wonderland and didn't text anyone anything. Just sulking in her feelings for Ella)
Hades: How do you do that?
Charming: I'm fearless.
Hook: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.
Charming: I'm mostly fearless.
(Mhm. But fair)
Bridget, on the phone: I better go…kay, call me later… byeeee!
Hook: Friend of Yours?
Bridget: Nope, wrong number.
Hook: ???
(Hey. She's not gonna pass on making new friends 🤷)
(add some glassheart)
Chloe: What do you call quantums of electromagnetic radiation that don’t get along?
Red: What did you just say-
Chloe: Foetons! *Laughs*
Red: Wh-what?
(love how Red is just confused. Chloe making puns/dad jokes. Canon, actually)
Ella: Please pray for Chloe.
Bridget: What happened to them?
Ella: Nothing, they’re just very stupid.
(not her own mother saying that (he doesn't know tho lol). But honestly that's after the vase incident.)
Red: Chloe, you're my best friend.
Chloe: Best friend? BEST friend?! Bitch, I'm your only friend.
(oop- true)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Morgie/Fay: Would never stab anyone.
Ella/Charming: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Hook/Maleficent: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hades: Would stab without warning.
Uliana/Bridget: Would stab as a warning.
(I wanted to put Bridget in the last one lol. Like if someone went too far and hurt one of her friends she'd be like *stab* don't do it again or next time it will be worse)
Uliana: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
Bridget: Those are wanted posters!
(yeah. Still)
Maleficent: *looks at Hades*
Maleficent: Baby boy. Bad Boy.
Maleficent: *looks at Fay*
Maleficent: goody two shoes
(changed it a bit lol. Also Me just randomly shipped Maleficent and Fay because gay. Just a crack ship lol)
Red: I got an idea!
Chloe: Does it involve breaking the law?
Red: By now don’t you think that’s a given?
Chloe: I was just trying to be optimistic.
Red: Don’t bother.
Chloe: You're not my friend anymore.
Red: I was your friend?
(Red. You just called her your best friend a few seconds ago! She's just trying to play it cool. She's screaming on the inside.)
Red: Sometimes I talk to myself for no reason.
Red: Me too!
(oh no. She's mad. PSST. I HAVE THREE ACCOUNTS ON DISCORD AND ACTED LIKE TWO OF THEM WEREN'T ME. I HAD CONVERSATIONS WITH MYSELF, BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WAS ONLINE AND I WAS BORED 😭 I was very invested in my own dramas that I created. It also started with only two accounts 🫠)
Queen of Hearts, to Red: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Red: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Queen of Hearts: You just told me you're pregnant.
Maddox: Congratulations Red, you're glowing!
(Red can speak Italian and Spanish and also has a hidden British accent. There, my new headcanon)
(a little surprise)
Mal, staring lovingly at Evie: I would die for you.
Evie, doing their own thing: Then perish.
(Mal, you know not to interrupt Evie while she's working)
Mal: As a responsible adult-
Evie: *chuckles*
Mal: … As a responsible adult—
(Eeeviee, don't do Mal dirty like that. Even if you aren't wrong)
Evie: What do I get?
Mal: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Evie: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one.
Mal: It won't be you.
Evie: I'll get my coat.
(what are they planning o~o)
Cinderella: What’s your greatest weakness?
Red: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics.
Cinderella: Could you give an example?
Red: Yes, I could.
(why does it feel relatable even tho I don't remember actually having done that)
Red: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
Chloe: Ok.
Red: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
(Same Red, same Qvq)
Red, digging their grave: Long story short, this is ma grave.......Want me to make you one too?
(Omg Hunter! Is that you? ✨ love the owl house 😭😭😭. This is making me think Red fucked up a mission from her Mom. Like Hunter did.)
Red: I’m going to get so much done today.
Queen of Hearts: I’ll hold you to that.
*8 hours later*
Queen of Hearts: So how much did you get done?
Red: One thing.
Queen of Hearts:
Queen of Hearts: Well, that’s one more than usual.
(QvQ me TvT)
Mal, at Evie: You're my significant other.
Evie: Yeah I am!
Mal, at Celia: You're my child.
Celia: Yes boss.
Mal, at Uma: You're my bitch.
Uma: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Mal, at Carlos: My bestie.
Carlos: Naturally.
Mal, Jay: HA, GAY!
Jay: Fuck you.
(Jay x Gil 🤸)
Chloe: Wow! Celia made you cry?
Red, holding back tears: Yes, and they said some really mean things that are only partly true.
(Daaamn. She can do that tho. Wow fr)
*at an awards show*
Chloe: Can I carry you on my back like Mal did?
Red: I don't think Evie would like that.
Chloe: *pouts*
Chloe: *carrying Red on their back*
Evie: What the hell??
Red: What was I supposed to do? Say no?
(Evie was panicking over Chloe's suit/dress because she made it for her. Do not ruin her designs. She will not take responsibility for what happens after that)
This was gonna be longer but I shall post it now anyway.
Hope you liked it.
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herstoryheaven · 1 month
Descendants James Hook x Reader: Insecure Reflections
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Request: Can you please do one where the reader is dating James and is Bridget's sister and he gets jealous when she starts to hang out with Morgie. So James thinks that she is cheating on him and goes to Bridget to ask her what is going on with her sister.
Reader: Female
Word count: 4484
Average reading time: 16 min 20 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Among the grand halls and ancient towers of Merlin Academy, students learn to master their powers, navigate alliances, and discover who they truly were. It was a world where friendships were forged, rivalries blossomed, and most importantly love found its way even in the most unexpected places.
Y/n, the younger princess of Hearts, was one such student. Her dorm room, tucked away in one of the quieter corners of the academy, was her sanctuary. It was a space filled with different shades of pink, white, and gold decor, a reflection of her royal lineage, yet softened by personal touches that made it uniquely hers. A small heart-shaped window overlooked the lush academy gardens, and her desk was littered with half-finished letters and books of spells.
It was in this room that she often found herself daydreaming about James Hook, the pirate who had stolen her heart. They had been together for nearly a year now, their romance the kind that others whispered about in the halls. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the thought of him, his teasing smirk, the way he always called her nicknames in that irresistible accent of his.
But as much as she loved him, she couldn't deny that their relationship had its challenges, like the time it took for her to get close to his friends. James, Uliana, Morgie, Maleficent and Hades were a tight-knit group, and it had taken some effort for Y/n to break through the guarded exteriors of his friends.
Now, things were different. She got closer to them and had found a close friend in Morgie, who shared her love of adventure and often teased her about how hopelessly in love she was with James. It was all in good fun, but Y/n couldn't help but notice the way James's eyes darkened every time Morgie made one of his jokes.
It had been a long day of classes, and Y/n was sitting on her bed, flipping through her spellbook, while being lost in thought, reminiscing about the moments she had shared with James. Her mind drifted back to the time he had surprised her with a moonlit picnic by the sea, the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore as he pulled her close, his hook resting lightly on her waist. She remembered how his deep, smooth voice had sent shivers down her spine as he whispered stories of his adventures, his eyes always fixed on hers with that intense gaze that made her feel like the only person in the world.
She smiled to herself, recalling the way his fingers had brushed against hers when he handed her a flower he had found, an almost bashful expression on his face as he confessed it reminded him of her, delicate yet strong. Those quiet moments, where the world seemed to fade away and it was just the two of them, had become the highlight of her days. Every touch, every stolen kiss had streghtend the bond between them, making her feel a warmth she had never known before.
Just as Y/n was about to lose herself in another memory of James, the soft knock at her door snapped her back to the present.
"Come in!" Y/n called, her voice light and carefree as she glanced up from her spellbook. She expected the familiar face of her sister Bridget, her boyfriend James, or maybe Ella, Bridget’s roommate and close friend. But when the door swung open, it was Morgie who stepped into the room, his mischievous grin already lighting up his face.
"Hey, Y/n," he greeted, his tone as casual as ever, though his eyes sparkled with his usual mischief. He walked into the room with the kind of confidence that only Morgie could pull off, plopping down on the armchair across from her. "Busy with daydreaming about your pirate prince?"
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, but despite her best efforts, she couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at her lips. Just the mention of James was enough to make her heart flutter. "Maybe... Anyways, what's up?"
Morgie stretched out, his long legs draped lazily over the armrest as if he owned the place. "Just thought I'd check in on you, see how the lovebirds are doing. You're practically glowing, you know."
Y/n felt her cheeks warm at his words, her mind immediately flooding with images of James, his intense gaze, the way his voice sent shivers down her spine, the gentle touch of his hand as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Am I?" she teased, though she couldn’t deny the truth in his observation. There was something about James that made her feel alive, more herself than she had ever been. And yet, the depth of her feelings for him made her shy, almost hesitant to speak them aloud, even to someone as familiar as Morgie.
Morgie grinned, clearly sensing her bashfulness. "Yeah, you are. And don’t even try to deny it. It’s written all over your face." He paused, his grin widening. "What about you? Trying to avoid Hades’s wrath after the prank you pulled last week?"
Morgie laughed, the sound echoing through the room like a melody. "Oh, come on, he deserved it! And besides, I think he's secretly proud of me. But we're not talking about me." he said, shifting the focus back to Y/n. "We're talking about you and James. He's got it bad for you, you know?"
Y/n’s blush deepened, her thoughts once again drifting to James, the way he looked at her like she was the most precious thing in his world, the way his voice softened whenever he spoke her name. "I guess you could say that." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "We just… fit, you know?"
Morgie leaned forward, waggling his eyebrows in exaggerated amusement. "Fit like a hand in a hook, huh?"
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh, grabbing a pillow and tossing it at him in mock annoyance. "You're impossible!"
The banter between them flowed easily, filling the room with lightheartedness, and for a moment, Y/n was able to push aside the shyness that always crept in when she thought about her feelings for James. But as they continued to talk, neither of them noticed the door slowly creaking open behind them.
James stood in the doorway, his tall figure framed by the dim light from the hallway. His dark eyes immediately took in the scene before him, Morgie sprawled comfortably in Y/n’s room, making her laugh, making her blush. A sharp pang of something unwelcome twisted in his chest. He knew she loved him, he could see it in the way her eyes softened whenever they were together, in the way her hand lingered in his, as if she never wanted to let go. But seeing Morgie with her, hearing her laugh at his teasing, brought a surge of jealousy he couldn’t quite suppress.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, or even Morgie for that matter. But Y/n meant everything to him, and the mere thought of anyone else making her smile the way he did unsettled him more than he wanted to admit.
Later that evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky turned a deep shade of indigo, James returned to his dorm room. The familiar space he shared with Morgie and Hades felt different tonight, smaller, more suffocating, as if the walls were closing in on him. Normally, their room was a place to rest, a place where they could be themselves, free from the expectations and judgments of the outside world. But tonight, every shadow seemed to loom larger, every creak of the floorboards seemed louder.
Morgie was already there, sprawled out on his bed, lazily flipping through a comic book. He looked up as James entered, immediately sensing the tension in his friend's posture. James’s usual confidence was absent, replaced by a tautness in his shoulders and a brooding intensity in his eyes that Morgie rarely saw.
"Hey, James. Everything alright?" Morgie asked, his tone casual, but his sharp eyes missing nothing. He knew James well enough to recognize when something was eating at him.
James didn’t answer right away. He tossed his leather jacket onto a chair, the movement almost aggressive, and sat on the edge of his bed, his back to Morgie. He ran a hand through his unruly hair, a habit that always betrayed his inner conflict. "Just thinking." he muttered, though his voice was tight, strained.
Morgie raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. He had seen James in all sorts of moods, angry, cocky, even vulnerable, but this was different. "About Y/n?" he guessed, a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He couldn’t resist a little teasing, though he had a feeling this wasn’t the time for it.
James shot him a look over his shoulder, one that was sharp enough to cut. Morgie’s smirk faded, and he sat up a little straighter, realizing that whatever was bothering James wasn’t something to joke about.
"I saw you two together earlier." James said slowly, his voice measured, as if he was trying to keep it from breaking. "You seem awfully close."
Morgie blinked, taken aback. The implication behind James’s words hit him like a slap to the face. He had known James for a long time, long enough to understand that jealousy wasn’t something he succumbed to easily. But the way James was looking at him now, with a mix of hurt and suspicion, made Morgie’s stomach twist. "Whoa, wait a minute. You think… you think there's something going on between me and Y/n?"
James didn’t respond immediately, which only made the silence between them more oppressive. Morgie felt a surge of frustration, mingled with disbelief. He had grown to view Y/n as a sister, nothing more. The idea that James could think otherwise was almost insulting.
"James, seriously?" Morgie’s voice was laced with exasperation. "Y/n’s like a sister to me, you know that. Besides, she’s head over heels for you. Anyone with eyes can see that."
James wanted to believe him, truly he did. He knew Y/n cared about him, her eyes lit up whenever they were together, and her touch was always tender, filled with unspoken affection. But the image of Morgie making her laugh, of her blushing at something he said, gnawed at him, a dark cloud of doubt that he couldn’t shake. The thought of anyone else, even Morgie, bringing that look to her face, filled him with a possessiveness he didn’t know he was capable of.
Instead of responding, James simply stood up, his movements abrupt. He grabbed his jacket, the tension in his body clear, and without another word, stormed out of the dorm room. Morgie called after him, his voice tinged with concern, but James didn’t look back.
Before he knew it, James found himself standing in front of Bridget's dorm room, his hand hovering over the door. He was breathing heavily, his heart pounding in his chest. He wasn’t sure what he was doing here, but something in him needed answers. Maybe Y/n’s sister might know what was going on, or at least help him make sense of the storm of emotions raging inside him.
He hesitated for a moment, questioning whether he should even be here, but the growing jealousy wouldn’t let him walk away. With a deep breath, he knocked on the door, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts of Y/n and what he might learn once the door opened.
After a moment, Bridget opened the door, her warm smile fading slightly as she saw the worry etched on his face.
“James.” she greeted, stepping aside to let him in. “Is everything alright?”
James hesitated before stepping inside, the room cozy and welcoming, much like its occupants. “I need to talk to you about Y/n.” he said, his voice tense.
Bridget motioned for him to sit down on one of the plush chairs near the window. She sat across from him, her expression filled with concern. “What’s on your mind?”
James ran a hand through his dark hair, struggling to find the right words. “It’s about Morgie. Y/n’s been spending a lot of time with him lately, and… I can’t help but feel like there might be something going on between them.”
Bridget raised an eyebrow, her expression shifting from concern to something more akin to amusement. “You think Y/n is interested in Morgie?”
James shrugged, his shoulders tense. “I don’t know. It’s just… they seem close, and I can’t shake the feeling that she might be slipping away from me.”
Bridget sighed, leaning back in her chair. “James, Y/n loves you. You know that, right?”
“I do.” James replied, his voice softening. “But what if… what if she’s realizing that Morgie is better for her? He’s fun, and they get along so well. What if I’m not enough?”
Bridget’s expression softened as she leaned forward, her tone gentle. “James, listen to me. Y/n has always been my little sister, and I know her better than anyone. She’s crazy about you. Morgie is just a friend, nothing more. They’re comfortable around each other because they’re friends, but that’s all there is to it.”
James nodded, though the worry still lingered in his eyes. “I want to believe that, Bridget. I really do. But it’s hard when I see them together, and it feels like they have this connection that maybe… I don’t.”
Bridget reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm. “James, the connection you have with Y/n is special. She chose you, and she chooses you every day. But you need to trust her. Don’t let your insecurities ruin something beautiful.”
James let out a long breath, the tension slowly leaving his body. Bridget’s words were reassuring, and deep down, he knew she was right. “You’re right. I’ve been a fool.”
Bridget smiled, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. “Just talk to her, James. She loves you, and she deserves to know how you’re feeling. And if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me.”
“Thank you, Bridget.” James said sincerely, standing up. “I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime.” Bridget replied with a warm smile. “Now go to her. I’m sure she’s wondering why you have not visited her today.”
James hesitated at the door, his hand still on the knob. There was a sense of relief in Bridget's words, but something inside him wasn't completely settled. He turned back to face her, an uncertain look in his eyes.
"Bridget." he began, his voice soft yet urgent, "what if... what if it's not just me? What if there's something I'm missing, something about the future that I don't know?"
Bridget regarded him for a moment, her expression unreadable. "Are you asking if you’re missing a sign or if fate has something else in store for you and Y/n?"
James nodded, struggling to articulate the swirl of emotions within him. "I just feel like I need to know for sure. I can't shake this feeling, and it’s eating me alive."
Bridget sighed and stood up, moving toward a small wooden box on her bookshelf. "You know." she said quietly, "there’s a way to see the future, or at least get a glimpse of it. But it's not something to be taken lightly."
James’s heart skipped a beat. He had heard rumors about Bridget's abilities, whispers in the corridors about her possessing something... otherworldly. "What do you mean?"
Bridget opened the box, revealing an antique hand mirror with an ornate, golden frame. The glass had a strange, ethereal quality to it, almost as if it were alive, reflecting not just the present but something more.
"This," Bridget said, holding the mirror delicately, "is a looking glass that shows possible futures. It’s not definitive, what you see is just one of many possibilities, shaped by your actions and choices. But it might give you some clarity."
James stared at the mirror, his curiosity battling with a sense of apprehension. "How does it work?"
Bridget smiled softly, sensing his hesitation. "You need to focus on the question you want answered. The mirror will show you a vision, but remember, it’s only a possibility, not a certainty."
James swallowed hard, his mind racing. Did he really want to see what the future held? What if the vision only made things worse?
But before he could second-guess himself, he found himself reaching for the mirror. Bridget handed it to him gently, her gaze serious. "Be careful, James. What you see might not be what you expect."
James nodded, his grip tightening around the handle of the mirror. He took a deep breath, staring into the glass, focusing on the question that had haunted him for days.
'Will Y/n leave me for Morgie?'
The mirror's surface began to shimmer, swirling with mist that gradually parted to reveal a scene. James watched as the fog cleared, revealing himself and Y/n standing by a lake. They were older, perhaps a few years from now. Y/n’s smile was as bright as ever, her hand intertwined with his. They were laughing, a carefree sound that made James's heart swell.
But then, the scene shifted. Morgie appeared, walking toward them with a grin on his face. Y/n’s smile didn’t fade, but James noticed something else, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes as she looked between him and Morgie. She said something to James, and though the vision was silent, he could see the sadness in her expression as she spoke. James’s heart sank as he saw himself pull away slightly, his own face clouded with doubt.
Then, the vision changed again. This time, it was a different future. Y/n was sitting alone by the same lake, her face lined with sorrow. James wasn’t there, nor was Morgie. She looked lost, as if searching for something, or someone who wasn’t coming back.
James’s breath caught in his throat. The mirror’s images continued to flicker between the two futures, one where they were together, happy but with underlying tension, and another where Y/n seemed to be mourning a loss, alone.
Finally, the mirror went dark, its surface stilling as if nothing had happened. James blinked, the weight of what he had seen crashing down on him.
Bridget gently took the mirror from his hands, placing it back in its box. "The future isn’t set in stone, James." she said softly. "What you saw… it could happen, but it doesn’t have to. The choices you make now, how you handle your fears and insecurities, they’ll shape what comes next."
James nodded numbly, the images still vivid in his mind. "So, if I don’t confront this, if I don’t trust her…"
Bridget’s eyes were filled with understanding. "You could lose her. Not because she wants to be with Morgie, but because your fears might drive a wedge between you. But if you talk to her, if you’re honest about how you feel… you can build a future together, one without regret."
James stood there for a moment, letting her words sink in. The future wasn’t fixed, he still had a chance to change it. With newfound confidence, he nodded and headed for the door.
"I need to talk to her." he said firmly, more to himself than to Bridget.
"Good." Bridget replied, her smile returning. "Remember James love is about trust, not just passion. Trust her, and she’ll trust you."
As James left Bridget’s room, he felt a sense of clarity. The path ahead was uncertain, but he knew what he needed to do. Tomorrow, he would speak to Y/n, not as the worried boyfriend, but as someone who trusted her completely, determined to build a future together, one that the looking glass hadn’t shown him yet.
That same night, after everyone had gone to bed, James found himself wide awake, his thoughts a relentless swirl of emotions. The dorm room, usually so calming, felt stifling, too quiet, too full of the lingering echoes of his doubts. He couldn't bear it anymore, not when his heart was pulling him elsewhere. Before he knew it, he was out of bed, slipping into his clothes, and heading down the dimly lit corridors of Merlin Academy. His feet moved almost instinctively, guiding him to the one place where he knew he could find peace.
Y/n's dorm.
The moonlight filtered through the tall, arched windows as he walked, casting soft shadows on the stone floors. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a reminder of the uncertainty he had allowed to make its way in his head, but also of the clarity that had finally started to form. When he reached her door, he hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering just inches from the wood. He could turn back, wait until morning, but the thought of spending another moment in doubt was unbearable. Taking a deep breath, he knocked softly, his knuckles barely brushing the door.
It creaked open after a moment, revealing Y/n, her hair slightly tousled from sleep, eyes blinking in the low light. Concern immediately replaced the drowsiness in her gaze when she saw him standing there.
"James? What’s wrong?" she asked, her voice a gentle whisper in the stillness of the night. She stepped aside to let him in, her expression a mixture of worry and affection.
James entered, and as the door clicked shut behind him, the reality of the moment settled over him. He didn’t answer right away, instead reaching out to take her hands in his, pulling her close until her body was pressed against his, their heartbeats aligning. He could feel the warmth of her, the steady rhythm of her heart, and it grounded him, anchoring him to the moment.
"I’ve been an idiot, love." he murmured into her hair, his voice thick with emotion, a raw honesty that surprised even him.
Y/n frowned, her hands squeezing his as she pulled back slightly to look up into his eyes, searching for an explanation. "What do you mean?"
James sighed deeply, closing his eyes for a brief moment as if trying to gather the courage to speak. When he opened them again, there was a vulnerability in his gaze that he rarely allowed himself to show. "I let myself get jealous. Over you and Morgie." he confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I thought… I thought maybe there was something more between you two, something I couldn’t see."
Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise, but then, to his astonishment, she laughed softly. It was a gentle sound, filled with affection and a touch of amusement. She shook her head, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "Oh, James. There’s nothing between us. Morgie’s just a friend, more like a brother. You’re the one I love."
Hearing those words, hearing her say it with such certainty, made the tension that had been coiled tight inside him finally unravel. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off his chest, and he could breathe freely for the first time in what felt like days. "I know, darling." he whispered, his voice full of relief and remorse. "I know that now. I’m sorry I doubted you, even for a moment."
Y/n’s smile softened, and she reached up, her hand cradling his cheek, her thumb brushing against the rough stubble of his jaw. "It’s okay." she said, her voice a soothing balm to his troubled soul. "I’m glad you told me. I don’t ever want you to feel like you can’t talk to me, James. We’re in this together, always."
Her words, simple yet sincere, struck a chord deep within him. They summarize everything he had ever wanted, someone who saw him, truly saw him, and loved him anyway. Without hesitation, he leaned down, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. It was not just a kiss of love but one of deep yearning and a declaration of their love. His lips roamed across hers with passion, trailing down to her neck, where he planted soft, possessive kisses that marked her as his.
Y/n’s breath hitched at the intensity of his touch, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink. She felt a shiver run down her spine as his hands traveled down her body, tracing her curves with a gentle but firm insistence. Her initial shyness melted into a warm, accepting glow. There was something undeniably thrilling about the way James’s kisses spoke of his desire and need for her, and she found herself responding with equal passion, her hands threading through his hair, pulling him closer.
As James’s kisses grew more fervent, Y/n’s heart raced, but she felt utterly cherished and adored. She melted against him, allowing him to mark her with his affection, her shyness giving way to a deep, encompassing love. Each kiss, each touch, was a way to prove his devotion and a promise of his unwavering commitment.
When they finally drew apart, their breaths mingling and their foreheads resting together, James’s arms remained securely wrapped around her, as if he were afraid that letting go might shatter the fragile peace they had found.
"You’re my most important treasure, Y/n." he whispered, his voice full of conviction, each word carrying the weight of his love. "And I’m never letting you go. Not for anything, not for anyone. You’re everything to me."
Y/n’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, not of sadness, but of overwhelming love. She cupped his face with both hands now, her touch warm and reassuring. "And you’re mine, James. Always."
They stood there, wrapped in each other’s embrace, the rest of the world fading into the background. It didn’t matter that they were in a place filled with magic and uncertainty, or that the future was still a vast, unknown place. All that mattered was the love they shared, a love that was strong enough to withstand anything life threw at them.
James knew with absolute certainty that he had found his forever home. The visions from the looking glass no longer haunted him. Instead, they served as a reminder of what he had to cherish, what he had to fight for. The future was theirs to create, and he was determined to make it a happy one, filled with laughter, love, and the kind of connection that couldn’t be broken by doubt or fear.
Finally, after a moment of shared silence, James took her hand and led her towards her bed. As they settled under the soft covers, the moonlight spilling gently through the window, they felt the promise of their future together in the quiet intimacy of the night.
As James held Y/n close, they drifted into a peaceful sleep, their hearts content and their souls at ease, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, heart to heart, forever and always.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: @midalantics12
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