#hope no one minds a different style for ask doodles too!!
muzzleroars · 2 months
Wine auntie minos is someone we all need frfr
he won't share with v1 and it can't reach :(((((( the blood :((((((((
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ozzgin · 5 months
I can't get your yakuza headcanons out of my mind, Daitou's got me in a chokehold and I'm not complaining, like--
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in regards to that doodle you made to show height difference between reader and the boys [I love your art btw (●♡∀♡)] - I can't picture myself in reader's style, I'm currently going through my goth phase in my 20s lmao; picture a big bitch with tattoos and messy hair who's listening to nothing but 2000s hits and screamo bands - so I'd like to request a headcanon of how Daitou would react to a gender-neutral reader like this :D I also like to incorporate the idea of them once being in a famous band that he's a fan of! (sorry if this seems like a lot, I have a huge imagination hehe)
but if he's more into the cute and helpless type, I'll just walk my ass out the door and yeehaw my way into another yandere's arms ✌😔
That's on me for not drawing the reader inserts as cartoonish cinder blocks :') In truth I'm a little bit embarrassed seeing how many likes that doodle has gotten, it was something I put together in a hurry and the clothing was meant to be baggy, shapeless, with not too many folds for the sake of simplicity. I myself am more of a pilgrim goth, just to emphasize the randomness of the choice.
Drawing reader inserts always leaves me a little anxious. If I use a light shade of gray, will people think I'm excluding poc? Will plus sized readers feel like they've been disregarded? What about masculine readers? As someone who's demiromantic I always struggle taking appearance or gender into consideration, because to me it has no influence whatsoever. Which is hard to express when you want to offer blank slate visuals as an extra to the story.
What I'm trying to say is that all of my characters would like you for who you are. Sure, they find your looks cute, but it's not the defining reason. Maybe you have similar traits to them, maybe you're the complete opposite and they find it intriguing. You could be a buff man and Daitou would be just as grateful to have someone who isn't afraid of him. I usually stick to a female reader for bigger stories to avoid messing it up long term, but in the grand scheme of things it makes no difference. I always imagine reader to be a shapeless blob that provides the dialogue I need for the story mood. There's no concrete preference or type for any of my OCs. I mean, ideally you'd like them back and not hang them upside down above a BBQ pit but I feel these are sensible requirements (?).
And now for the actual headcanons since my ramble is over.
First encounter is comically awkward but for reasons you’re unaware of yet. You’re obviously used to people staring at you (more so in a country like Japan), so you were expecting the curious glance every now and then. On the other hand, being under scrutiny, from a man even more unusual looking than you at that, is odd. Mildly uncomfortable. You’re shifting yourself from one leg to another, hoping to be done with the introductions soon.
On his end, Daitou is anxiously fidgeting and trying his best to focus. He’s seen this face before and he can’t shake off the familiar feeling. Where the hell…He obviously can’t downright gawk at you, and he isn’t sure how to politely formulate a question. After several sheepish peeks, it finally dawns on him: weren’t you part of that band he really likes? No, what would the chances be? Then again, how many people out there would look exactly like you? Is it rude to ask? He has no idea. He resumes his mumbled description of the apartment and hands you the papers to be signed.
Back at his place, he finally digs through his merch and sprawls out the available clues. “I didn’t know you were into this kind of music”, Kazuya comments as he looks over the man’s shoulder. He’d come over to ask about the new tenant. “I’m pretty sure it’s them.” He concludes, confidently placing his index over a CD cover. “Huh? Who? The tenant?” Kazuya holds back his chuckle. “Why would a celebrity show up for a shady apartment offer? You’re tripping, man.”
“I’m sorry, this is getting ridiculous.” You finally exclaim, annoyed by the persistent stares of the now two men facing you. You’re standing in front of the apartment building, arms crossed, huffing at the tall scarred man and his blonde friend. “No, I’m sure of it. Even the tattoo is the same.” Daitou turns to whisper to Kazuya, oblivious to your complaints. In turn, Kazuya lightly elbows him, mouthing something about being rude. “Just ask them, man.” He adds, this time louder. “Ask me what??” You groan. “W-were you…um…in this band by any chance?” Daitou manages to blurt out, searching his pocket for the CD case and ceremoniously laying it under your eyes.
Ah. It finally clicks and you exhale, relieved. You confirm their suspicions and show them some backstage photos to solidify your claim. You ask Daitou if he wants an autograph or something, then swiftly scribble your signature on a piece of paper and hand it out to him. He holds it with a wide, childish grin. “You’re a weird one, you know? You could’ve just asked. I guess I didn’t expect to find a fan in the wild, especially here.” Daitou carefully folds the souvenir, eyes lidded with nostalgia. “Oh yes, it’s great. Drowns out the screams.”
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reegis · 5 months
Yo! Do you have any notes/tips for your coloring process? I've always had trouble with that part of drawings looking good lmao and I really like yours! If not for your specific style, do you have any tips with that in general?
Iv gotten a few asks about how I color but iv always avoided answering because
A) I am absolutely awful at explaining things, and
B) I am a very Very lazy artist you should probably Not do the things that I do
BUT i feel bad gatekeeping(?) my horrible technique if it helps anybody ig ill try and explain so
✨✨✨Welcome to Reegis’ Probably Not Reputable (But Very Long Winded) Art Advice✨✨✨✨
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line art of a random character for the example, just pic whatever colors you have in mind for your base colors, you can try using palette generators or basing it off of existing palettes/characters/whatever I have absolutely no idea how color theory works (& this is why you shouldnt listen to me) so im solely going off of vibes. but it is Rough so onto step 2 & 3
(edit to add i usually start off with the skin hair & clothes on separate clipping layers and merge them together towards the end.. i think i forgot to say that at all here oops)
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I abuse the hellll out of layer blending modes. overlay, saturation & multiply mainly, but also difference, brightness & screen. (just doodle something & try all of em out to get a feel for them honestly ik theres a Lot and they can be intimidating) for this i just wanted a more cohesive warmer tone to start with so i added a peachy overlay & a slight ombré to the hair to add a bit more interest to the character.
then just the most basic of rendering, some blush & highlights just wherever i think theyd go.
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Another thing they tell you Not to do, my next step is to block out all my shading in a vaguely purpleish multiply layer!!! i cant be assed to do it any other way im sorry…. once i have the basic shading down, i lock the layer & go in with air brush eraser & also airbrush in other colors wherever I think the purple is maybe too harsh/clashing
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still wasnt 100% happy with the colors so messed around with some more layer filter/modes/whatever you call them then colored in my line art! i think this is honestly the saving grace for all of my art shshsdhhf color your lines people. doesnt have to be all (i dont, i like the contrast) but it usually helps to make some at least a little less harsh
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then with a little more color tweaking im done! one random sleepy dude, fully colored (by my standards)
and then if a piece needs more dramatic lighting you justttt
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im so serious play around with layer settings! these are just basic multiply & add(glow), there as so many others you can abuse the shit out of & nobody will know or care in your finished piece.
was this?? in any way helpful???? I hope so.
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Jiraiya x Reader. MDNI 18+ only. Ao3
You’re a waitress at a gambling club, and a fan of Jiraiya’s book, when he comes into your club you can’t help yourself from going home with him.
This was kind of inspired by the song Cherries by Annie Kemble, a good friend of mine. It’s a great song, give it a listen even if you don’t wanna read this fic. But I hope y’all do both. Love y’all as always <3 Doodle
Content notes: SMUT, smoking, drinking, pussy eating, uncut dick (b/c why would anyone in the Naruto universe be circumcised?), jiraiya is his own warning tbh.
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The sound of shouting players, and the smell of smoke was second nature to you now. You had been working in the parlor for two years, serving drinks, selling and lighting cigarettes, loading pipes and blowing on dice. You were frequently propositioned by customers for more salacious services, many offered money. Sometimes you would take it, if you were feeling comfortable enough, or the price was enough to tempt you, they never asked too much of you. Usually short encounters, over before the sun rose again. You had no problem making money this way, and why should you? You were working, you were talented in this regard, they had a good time and paid you well. As long as you kept yourself safe from harm, you rarely even got nervous anymore.
Tonight had been on the slower side, the middle of the week wasn’t often popular for gambling. You hadn’t been tipped that well, two different tables had stiffed you completely. You didn’t think you would be walking home pleased with your purse tonight. Breaking from the foggy main room, you slipped into the private bathroom reserved only for employees. Your makeup was immaculate still, but you applied another layer of ruby colored lipstick, patting it lightly with your finger before cleaning up the edges. You mussed your hair slightly in an attempt to give it more volume, before giving yourself one last look and smiling. You were beautiful, you were so grateful to know it and feel it.
While you were in the bathroom, Jiraya entered the parlor. His boisterous laugh gathered the attention of everyone, his hulking figure shook the table as he sat down at one of the games. The energy around him was light and fun, people of course recognized him and were excited to buy a man of such legend drinks, or play against him. Of course he wasn’t a great gambler, Jiraya was primarily here to get drunk and to flirt, shaking off another long day of training and mentorship. His eyes rose from the game table just in time to catch the most beautiful woman he had ever seen exiting from the back of the parlor. Well done up, makeup clean and vibrant, showing elegance with a clear personality that he would love to discover. Styled hair, pulled away from her working face, but falling perfectly where it could to give the appearance of casual effort. He was shaken by the man sitting next to him, and brought back to the game. Barely paying any attention, he offered a raised bet, and lost near instantly. He didn’t care, he took the last of his drink and shot it back, standing from the table and moving through the crowd over to where you were reloading your tray with drinks.
“Hello, gorgeous.” The alcohol had reddened his cheeks and lowered his already rock bottom inhibitions.
You gave him a practiced smile and began to lift the probably overloaded tray, “hello sir, is there something you might need from me?”
“I’ve got a couple ideas, but I’ll save them until you’ve dropped that tray off.” He took a seat on the available bar stool next to the drink well, “don’t worry about me, honey, I’ll still be here when you get back.”
You giggled flirtatiously, ever the professional, before passing him to deliver the bottles of sake and beer to your patrons. You swished your hips as you walked, knowing he was staring at you. You didn’t mind, he was a bit older than your usual type but you knew his reputation.
Master Jiraya of the legendary Sanin, you had even read one of his books. A girlfriend had recommended it to you, starting a scandalous book club you briefly belonged to. You were sure his writing was generous, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to find out for yourself. He was tall, and handsome, and fucking big. Everything about him was big: his body, his presence, his voice, his reputation. You wondered if everything else was just as big.
Clearing your tray, you turned back to the bar, he was still watching you. You assumed he had been the whole time. His dark brown eyes crinkled up at the sides following the line of a wide grin. The red markings down his cheeks bent and blending into his blushing alcohol fevered cheeks. You stood to his side, sliding in between stools and leaning your body against the counter. Flirting was part of your job, keeping the patrons entertained and engaged was just as much your work as serving drinks. Sure this may have had some selfish motives, but no one could say you weren’t working too.
“So….I have to confess something,” you flicked your eyes up at him, through your thick made up lashes.
“Oh sweetheart, I would love to hear a confession from you. Need me to offer you forgiveness?” He was becoming brazen, moving his large hand to your waist, which you leaned into.
“I’ve actually read a few of your books.” You moved your hand over the arm that he leaned on the bartop.
He watched you trail your finger over his forearm. He was flattered by your admission. His mouth was starting to water.
“Well, it’s always nice to meet a fan. Especially one as beautiful as you.” He watched you blush at his words, “do you have a copy? I’d love to sign it for you. Is it back in your bedroom?”
He started to stand up, but your hand was sturdy on his shoulder, pressing him back down onto the stool.
“Not so fast.” You smiled, your fingernails toying playfully with the hem of his sleeve, “I’m excited to meet you, Master Jiraya. And I’d be happy to continue spending time with you tonight. But you see, I’m still working. And I’m not finished here for another hour.”
You closed the distance between the two of you, fingers moving his long white hair over his shoulder and leaning in to brush your lips against his ear. He smelled like jasmine and pipe smoke, something else lingered as an undernote, something earthy and organic.
“I’d love for you to sign my book. I don’t live far, but you’ll have to wait until my shift is up. Think you can do that for me?” You pulled back, batting your eyelashes and pouting your lips, fingers still tangled in his hair and clothes.
His eyes were glassy but locked onto you, his heart pounding in his chest, if you looked hard enough you were sure you could see his pulse in his neck. He nodded and you nodded back, an agreement made and a promise to be kept.
“Can I top off your drink?” you offered, reaching across the bar top and not so subtly arching your back and grabbing a fresh sake bottle.
“Only if you share it with me,” his eyes licked over your body.
He couldn’t believe his luck. The most beautiful girl in the whole place not only was talking to him but knew his work, and seemed to be interested. You pulled an extra cup and filled both glasses, offering one to him. He accepted graciously, still struck by the ease of the whole situation.
“To your work.” You offered
“To your work.” He offered, tapping his glass against yours before drinking together.
You two shared the bottle over the next half hour. You would occasionally need to seperate yourself and assist your coworkers, who were also engaging in the night's entertainment and service. You didn’t have any more tables to yourself, so you were mostly running drinks and offering support. Everytime you left his side, Jiraya always waited patiently for you to come back to him.
“So what keeps you working here?” He asked upon one of your returns.
“I like it. The money's good, the hours are better,” you nudged his arm, “the people are interesting.”
“Are they?” He asked, catching your hand in his and running his thumb across the back of your knuckles.
His touch was hot against your skin, leaving little prickles of electricity in its wake. You weren’t sure when exactly it had happened, but you found yourself becoming more and more excited by the idea of spending the night with him. He was forward but had remained respectful, keeping his hands relegated to your arms and back, but never on your legs or hips. The conversation flowed naturally, he was actually very funny, giving plenty of chances for you to swoon at his wide smile. His good looks were filtered by age but he was still an incredibly handsome man, his strong nose leading up to his dark eyes, big lips growing wetter and looking softer at every passing shot.
“Yeah,” you answered, flipping his own hand over to run your index finger over the inside of his palm, tracing the lines, “although they aren’t usually so handsome. Or accomplished.you wouldn’t believe the amount of stories I’ve sat through about farming or markets.”
“You know, gorgeous, if I didn’t know any better. I’d start to worry you were playing me a bit. Are my stories boring you?” He watched your finger trace over his palm, and he watched when it stopped.
Your slender finger ceased its cartography of jiraiya's large palm, moving his hand over so it faced down. You slotted your fingers in between his. You let them linger for a moment, joined together, before bringing his knuckles up to your lips and kissing lightly. Your lipstick transferred lightly, leaving a red kiss mark across the ridge of two of his fingers. You met his gaze as you pulled away, his bottom lip was caught in between his teeth as he watched you.
“Not at all, Master Jiraiya. I feel quite fortunate to be talking to you tonight.” You set his hand back down on the table, but kept your hand tucked into his.
His voice shook slightly as he asked, “how much longer is your shift?”
Your eyes flicked over to the clock on one wall, “twelve more minutes. Think you can wait here while I wrap up?”
He nodded and breathed out, releasing himself from the previous moment of tension. He leaned back slightly as you stood up and walked to the back to settle your cash for the night and close out your final tabs. Besides Jiraya it had been a slow night for you, but despite the lower than expected take home pay, you felt giddy as you collected your final tabs and closed out with your bartender and manager. Before finishing up, you swung by the bar one last time. This time opting to not sit beside Jiraiya, but lean behind him, pressing your chest into his back and talking directly in his ear.
“You actually still have to settle your tab.” You reminded him, circling a lock of his hair around your finger.
“Ah, right.” He got the bartender's attention and closed his tab, leaving a hefty tip, “should I tip you as well? Or does that come later?”
He turned to face you, suddenly his ever confident aura had dimmed slightly, as though he had grown nervous.
“You're signing my book, that’s a great tip, especially after I sell it as a collector’s item for having a genuine signature!” You teased, laughing.
He laughed along with you before standing. You realized he towered over you, he was well above six feet, probably by another half. He looked down at you, your features enticing him in further and further. His mind raced, thinking of your eyes fluttering at him, how soft your lips felt against his hand, the smell of Cherry that followed you every time you walked past him.
“Why don’t you head outside, I’ll meet you out front after I grab my bag from the back.” You told him.
Just one more hurdle until you could finally have each other. The tension continued to build and build until you knew it would eventually compound in on itself. Hopefully in your bed, and hopefully again and again until the sun comes up.
“I’ll be waiting.” He said, and lifted your own hand to his lips this time. Offering a more dramatic, showman’s kiss before loudly smacking his lips off.
You hurried to the back to hang up your apron, grab your coat and bag, and say goodbye to your coworkers. You slipped out the back and walked around to the front of the building.
Jiraya waited patiently, but nervous. This wouldn’t be the first time he had been duped by a beautiful woman’s promise of a “good time”. When you finally emerged from the side of the building, his face lit up, shoulders relaxing as he took you in.
“I hope you didn’t think I was going to leave you out here.” You read his mind.
“Of course not, just enjoying the night air. It’s good to clear the mind.” He looked down at you, you had walked straight up to him, nearly chest to chest.
The two of you stood for a moment, then two. Breath syncing up, heart rate too. In the moonlight your features look softer, eyes sparkling up at him. Jiraya fought the urge to hold your cheeks and press your lips together, you were still outside of your place of work and he didn’t want to embarrass you.
“This way,” you finally took his hand and led him down the street.
Your conversations from inside the bar continued as you walked home with Jiraiya following you closely. Your walk home wasn’t far, only a few blocks, and he was right about the night air. You had only had a few glasses to drink, but the soft summer wind was already helping you feel more alert and awake. When you finally entered the grouping of apartments where you lived, you led him to your door.
“I wasn’t expecting company, so you’ll have to excuse the mess.” You said, you had actually just cleaned the previous day, but it couldn’t help to under promise and overdeliver.
Jiraiya couldn’t care less where you lived, or how, he was just so excited to be in the home of an incredible young woman who had invited him in. You opened the door, moonlight illuminating the dark living room. With him following closely, you moved to turn on a few lamps, brightening the space. Your place was nearly immaculate, not devoid of personality, but neat. You had drapery hung over your windows and around your light fixtures allowing the light to take on different hues. Purples, blues, and golds filled the space, casting patterned shadows over the walls.
“Wow, kid. Nice place. You do all this yourself?”, Jiraiya let out a low whistle, impressed with your home making skills already.
“Mhm,” you nodded, setting your bag down on your dining table.
You moved to undo the buttons of your coat, when you felt his hands slip around you from behind, his chest was right up against your back, his head stooped down to speak in your ear.
“Please, allow me.”, his fingers were quick to undo your buttons, moving smoothly up your lapels and sliding the jacket off of your shoulders, leaving them bare and chilled with excitement.
His smell of jasmine filled your space, you felt intoxicated with him already. His lips brushed the shell of your ear, then the juncture of your jaw and neck, then the side of your throat. You bit back a moan along with the urge to lean your head back against his chest.
“Are you trying to get out of signing my book?” You teased as his hand began to circle your waist.
He laughed, it shocked you a bit. The usually booming laugh, subdued and hot against your ear. He knew just how to play you. You turned to face him, stepping back slightly, not so subtly trying to regain your footing.
“Of course not,” Jiraiya smiled down at you, his large hands still in your waist, “you keep it next to your bed?”
You pushed his chest slightly, “you wish.”
You pulled out of his grasp and moved to a low bookshelf in your modest seating area, you had to bend over to retrieve it. You heard him suck in some air as you did so. Finally pulling the bound text from your shelf, you stood again and faced him. A blush crept up your face, you realized you had dogeared a few pages, which reminded you that you had actually made notes in a few margins. Maybe you liked this book a bit more than you let on. He noticed too, taking the book from you and opening to the first page.
“You have a pen?” He moved to sit cross legged on your floor over the coffee table.
You grabbed a writing utensil from your desk drawer and offered it to him, loving to sit next to him.
“Ah ah,” he tutted, hiding the book, “no peeking.”
You rolled your eyes and sat across from him instead. You watched him carefully as he thought of what to write, and with a devilish glint in his eye, started scribbling his autograph. He was taking longer than should be necessary for his name.
“You’re not writing something dirty in there, are you?” You tease, sliding your foot under the table to nudge his crossed leg..
“I already did, that’s why you like it so much.” He flirted back instantly, not even slightly shaken by your contact. He was clearly in his element.
Finally when he had finished his escription, he read over his own words. Giggling to himself, he brought the book up and mimed a kiss against the page, before blowing on it softly, to dry the ink.
“There you go, gorgeous. One of a kind.” He closed the book and set it on the table with his hand still over it, inviting you to try to take it from him.
You took the bait and reached over, he slid it just out of reach, “Almost.”
You got the game. Sliding around the table, you now were next to him, your hand fit next to his, fingers intertwining on the bound leather. You moved your body up his, with him seated and you on your knees, you were finally eye to eye with him. He watched you closely, pupils blown in excitement. You moved to sit on his lap, finally in a full embrace. He was so wide, it was hard to fully straddle him, but you managed. You could feel him getting hard underneath you, too many layers separated you from him. You could feel how wet you had gotten from the back and forth of tonight. You wanted him so bad. His large, delicious body, his experience, his charisma. It had all drawn you in. His hands moved from the table, abandoning the book and over slid your hips, then up your back and down again. The sensation was soothing and also titillating.
You felt yourself dampen further, and your breath increase. You moved your arms around his neck, leaning closer and closer, you could feel the tie that held his long hair back and you pulled until it came loose, allowing his white hair to fall freely. Your lips were so close to his, you could smell sake on his breath, you could feel his heart beating under you.
“Jiraiya?”, your lips were nearly against his as you spoke his name.
“Yes, gorgeous?”, His big hands squeezed your hips, keeping your firm against his clothed erection.
“Are you going to kiss me? Or are you going to make me beg you for it.” You looked at him under your lashes, catching his eye just in time to see him shudder a bit.
“All you had to do was ask.” He caught your lips in his, his hands on your hips pulling you closer to him.
His lips were so soft, but his kiss was so hard and passionate. His tongue immediately slipped between your lips, quickly mapping the inside of your mouth. He had the faintest taste of smoke, probably a pipe or cigarette from earlier in the night. His hands moved through his hair, tugging lightly, making him moan against your mouth.
“Such a pretty girl,” he mumbled between hot, wet kisses, “you don’t know what you’re doing to me.”
Feeling emboldened by his praise, you moved one hand between your joined hips to stroke his hardened dick, “I think I have a pretty good idea.”
His hips bucked at your touch, a half moan-half laugh sputtering from his lips. He cursed and pulled at the back of your shirt, removing it quickly. His hands were rough against your skin, decades of both training and writing causing his palms and fingers to callus. Your skin was so soft by juxtaposition, smooth and even, plump and vibrant. He removed your bra skillfully, your breasts spilling out for him to quickly latch his mouth onto.
You moaned, throwing your head back, “Master Jiraiya!”
He could barely hear you, he was completely immersed in how good it felt to have your bare chest in front of him, against his lips, against his tongue. He flicked his skilled tongue over your nipple, pulling back to watch it harden and peak.
“You’ve got such great tits, baby. Such a pretty thing for me.” He kissed up the side of your neck.
You were rocking your hips against his, trying desperately to pull more of those shocked moans from him in the process. Your hands moved under his tunic, unknotting the tie and pulling the sides apart. His chest was so broad, a large star shaped scar bloomed from the center outward. You had hooked up with shinobi before, you were familiar with the combat scars and various bruises to be found on their bodies. But this was unlike anything you had ever seen. It was expansive, and evidently distracting, as you had stopped your grinding to gawk at the large healed wound.
“Thought girls liked scars.” He joked.
You ran your hand down his chest, fingers exploring the topography of muscle and scar tissue.
“I do.” You leaned down to kiss the side of his neck, hand traveling further down to his hip bone and further to undo the tie of his pants.
“You work fast, honey.” He bit his lip trying to cover the moan your eager touch pulled from him.
You moved off his lap, now pulling his trousers along with you as you moved down his body, “worried you can’t keep up, old man?”
This struck something in him. Something competitive and cocky. Before you realized it he had you up on the couch, and he was kneeling between your legs.
“I hope you don’t mind if this old man takes a turn first?” He growled holding your hips in place as you tried to figure out just how he had moved you so quickly.
His hands pulled at the top of your skirt, undoing the zipper on the side and sliding it down your legs.
“It only feels fair after I so graciously gave you my autograph free of charge.” He removed your skirt completely, leaving you only in your red panties.
You were so wet already, the panties were sticking to you. You wanted them off so bad, you wanted him so bad. His hands ran up your thighs, Jiraiya delighting in the hot, smooth skin of a young woman writing under his touch. You were so gorgeous, a beautiful body, a beautiful face, charming and intelligent. He had no idea how he had gotten so lucky. You were looking at him so desperately, he could see how badly you wanted him. And if he wasn’t sure from your eyes and your words, you were practically dripping onto your own couch in front of him. He couldn’t wait any longer, he had to taste you for himself. Jiraiya leaned forward and took the front of your panties between his teeth, pulling them down, using his hands to roll the flimsy fabric off of your legs. A practiced move he had perfected over years, but never failed him.
Watching him remove your panties with his teeth had you moaning before he ever touched your aching pussy. He watched you gasp in awe and arch your back, body begging him to pleasure you. He knew exactly what he was doing to you. He slid your panties in his back pocket for later. He knew he was a pervert, but he couldn’t help himself.
Finally, with nothing separating him from your sex, Jiraiya moved your legs over his shoulder and pressed forward, giving you a long, languid lick all the way up your slit.
His tongue was devilish; skilled and wicked. Strong hands keeping your thighs in place as he devoured you. You couldn’t stop the wanton moans that spilled from you like a waterfall, he had barely started and you were already whimpering and pulling at his hair.
“Baby you taste so good, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop. How many do you think you can take?” You could barely hear him through the sound of him lapping at your dripping pussy.
He was talking about his fingers, thick and waiting to push inside of you. They were bigger than yours, bigger than anyone’s you had been with, and fuck you wanted them inside of you.
“Two. Two. Fuck, Jiraiya, please.” You begged him, needing more and more from him despite how good you already felt.
He pushed his first two fingers inside of you, tongue still slurping around your clit. Feeling him spread you open, you felt the white hot build up of orgasm approaching. Your voice was giving you away, panting moans, barely intelligible curses mixed with his name. You tugged at his hair, paying no kind to if it hurt him or not. He certainly wasn’t stopping, nor was he complaining. He was too drunk off of your taste. He hooked his fingers inside of you, deliciously hitting your g spot.
You nearly went blind with pleasure. You were cumming before you even realized how close it was. Not only cumming, but squirting. Gushing around his fingers and into his waiting mouth. He drank from you, everything you had. Leaving you a well pleasured, panting mess above him. The heels of your feet had dug into his shoulders so hard he may bruise. But tomorrow if he woke up with any mark of you left on him, he would be a happy man. Finally detaching his mouth from your puffy, spent pussy, Jiraiya sat back on his heels, watching you carefully, licking his fingers clean.
“Ever done that before?” He grinned cockily, your squirt still dripping down his chin onto his neck.
You watched him take great pride in cleaning his fingers of your cum, “once or twice.” You told him.
“Think I can make you do it again?” He leaned over you, his hands finding your waist again, pulling you forward, against the front of his barely done pants.
You shuddered at the thought. You had read his books, you were familiar with his proclivity toward having the heroines orgasm again and again, until they were begging for mercy. You had always assumed it was fiction, and that couldn’t, shouldn’t reflect on the desires and skills of the author. But the way he watched you as you came undone for him, the way he looked down at you now, you knew it was autobiographical.
He wiped a sweaty strand of hair from your forehead, tucking it behind your ear before leaning down to kiss you again. This kiss was softer than before, he cupped your face sweetly, not tugging and pulling you into him, but holding you firm and steady against his lips. You kissed him back, finally feeling grounded in your body again. He tasted like you, you were sure you tasted like him too. The experience of letting someone’s taste overpower your own was at times more sensual and pleasurable than the act of sex itself.
Your hands moved over his back, feeling the strong muscle, the divots and grooves of his body. Your eager hands moved to remove his pants, and he joined the effort, stripping himself completely before you. He joined you on the couch, kneeling between your legs, still kissing you. You felt his hardened length hot against you, sliding up and down your slit, he reveled in the fruits of his previous labor.
“Please Jiraiya, please.” You whimpered against his kisses, reaching down to stroke him.
He was diamond hard in your hand, long, and thick. Of course he was, of course this literary Casanova had the personal equipment to back it up. You could feel his heartbeat pulsing through his erection. You ran your thumb beneath his foreskin to pull the precum from him and coat your hand to lubricate his length. Jiraiya shuddered and lifted you back onto the couch again, joining you and slotting himself between your legs. Your lips were hot against his, spit and moans exchanged in between sloppy kisses. His thick, white hair shielded you from the light in the room, blocking out everything else but him. He reached down to join your hand on his length, his eyes meeting yours to confirm consent. You nodded again, rocking your hips against the head of his cock. You moved your hands to his shoulders. Jiraiya’s thumbs spread your folds apart for him to release a string of spit onto you. Spreading the lubrication of his spit and your previous release along his length and your slitc he started to inch himself into you.
You couldn’t help the arch that your back curved into. Nor could you stop the mewl that escaped you. Jiraiya groans above you, pushing deeper. Your vision went white as he packed his inches into you. You clawed at his muscles, whimpering as he filled you.
“I know, baby. Almost there.”, he cooed, smoothing your hair.
You squirmed at his depth, how he stretched you out, how he mashed against the wall of your cervix.
“Relax, baby. Let me in, it’s okay.” He kissed your cheeks where you had scrunched up your face.
You breathed deeply, trying desperately to relax your tensed muscles. Just as you would release slightly, he would push further and you would clench around him again. Finally after much stopping and starting, he bottomed out inside of you. His hips meeting the backs of your legs, your calves over his shoulders, and your fingers gripping his shoulders.
“Jiraiya…fuck…you’re so deep.” You trembled against him.
Jiraiya panted above you, running his hand up your leg soothingly. You were holding him so tight, he was struggling to keep from fucking into you further.
“Let me know when I can move, sweetness.” He pressed a sweet kiss to the ball of your ankle, petting your leg again.
After finally accommodating his size, you nodded. He pulled back carefully to the head of his cock before sliding into you again. He began an even thrusting pace, he rocked his hips against your sweet spot inside of you. You couldn’t help the broken, nasty sounds that fell from your lips. He was setting your body ablaze with pleasure. His head fell back as he maintained his rhythm, letting out a lazy, delicious moan. You felt electric, like all the energy in your body had illuminated and was glowing. His hands traveled from your thighs to your hips to your breasts and back again. You felt as though he was unstitching your every piece, taking you apart at the atomic level. And it was marvelous, his touch was practiced and methodical, he knew just how to touch and to please you. You couldn’t control the begging pleas that spilled from you.
“Raiya, please, yes, fuck, oh” in repetition again and again.
He was similarly babbling, “yes baby, so tight, so good, good girl.”
Your sweat transferred to his skin, and vice versa, when he finally leaned over you, closing you in against the couch, you couldn’t help but keen to kiss him again. His big, strong hand pulled your hip up to meet his thrusts, and you helped him, fucking yourself up into him. Your bodies worked in perfect sync, meeting his thrusts, him moving his fingers in between your bodies to circle your swollen clit. Your voice raised in pitch, eyes rolling back as he played you like a fiddle. You had no idea earlier in the night how incredible he would be.
You felt yourself inching so close to climaxing, and you made it clear.
“Please Jiraiya, please!” You begged
“You wanna cum, pretty girl?” He smiled, pushing deeper into you, making you arch further.
“Yes! Fuck yes please. Let me cum!”
“Cum all over this cock. Make a mess for me, baby.” He choked out, circling your clit and sucking into your neck.
He pushed harder into you, the combination of his cock and fingers finally bringing you to your desperate, whimpering, squirting climax. You coated his cock and abdomen in your cum, he shuddered against you trying to keep his pace as he reached his own orgasm.
“Fuck!” Jiraiya cried out slamming himself against your g spot, finally letting his release take him.
You could feel his cock pulse, shooting his long streams of cum inside of you, painting your walls white. Jiraiya collapsed his full weight onto you, which was not insignificant, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You stroked his fluffy, white hair as he caught his breath atop you. He pressed lazy, hot kisses to your neck, collarbone and chest as he caught his breath. Minutes passed with you two locked into this embrace. Finally the weight of his body was too much, and you tapped on his shoulder, urging him to sit up. He did, pulling you up with him, having you straddle his lap so he could stay sheathed inside of you. He stroked your back, still kissing your neck occasionally. You slumped against his broad chest, feeling spent, he let his head rest against the back of your couch. When he had finally caught his breath, he tipped his head back down, holding your face in his hands, and kissed you deeply. His tongue smoothed against yours, tasting your exhaustion. He moved your hair out of your face, and looked into your eyes.
You finally found your words, “I better not read about this.”
“If you think I’m not using this as research, I hate to disappoint you…” Jiraiya laughed heartily, holding you closer.
You kissed him again, laughing against his lips. You luxuriated in his touch, his warmth, and his kiss.
Sure enough, about nine months later when his most recent book was released you rushed to the local bookstore. You found there was a dedication at the beginning reading simply.
For Cherry, Page 73.
You quickly flipped to the listed page and found the beginning of a deliciously flowery sex scene, one where the protagonist picks up a waitress and spoils her the exact way Jiraiya had done to you.
You couldn’t hide the blushing smile. That bastard.
Okay y’all thanks so much for reading! I hope y’all enjoyed! I’m nasty feral for this big bad man.
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nnnyxie · 8 months
IZU ANON IS BACK!! So I spent the day in Paris and saw SOOO many couples so I felt inspired (that’s a lie I’ve been lurking around your blog but felt weird requesting so much so close together and didn’t want to overwhelm you so I waited😞) anyways
Hc’s for Soulmate!Izu x Tatooed!Reader because I’m sickly inlove with soulmate au‘s
Especially writing that shows up on the others skin<3 The reader just drawing super ugly cats and doodles all the time- I feel like Izu would be the more artistic one and reader would suck at it but still do it all the time (this is more me telling you my hcs rather than requesting them from you but i literally can’t talk to anyone else about this please bear with me😭) and Izu would like draw SUPER realistic and detailed all might portraits or something and then reader like get’s a villain tattoo because they’re ✨different✨like that and Izu freaks out and somehow finds them through that??? This is like half a fic omg i just got carried away😭 feel free to ignore this I just absolutely went off I’m so sorry ily
izu anon…… your mind….. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.
i’m utterly in love with this idea.
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i feel like the tattoos won’t transfer BUT!! the stencil that they USE for it does!! (ykwim?? the purple/blue ink they use??)
so one silly little day, he’s just relaxing yk. it’s his day off and he is using it to catch up on a show todoroki’s been raving about (which is unusual for todoroki so you KNOW it’s good!!)
our boy has his old ratty blue t-shirt and worn out grey nike shorts on. feet kicked up on his ottoman, his calves exposed. (do you see where i’m headed?)
now— imagine his surprise when he gets up and notices the purple/blue print of a villain on his right calf!!! (im thinking late 80’s)
he genuinely panics— like he’s seen these stencils before— a few were super badass honestly.
he kind of feels sick because like— what if his soulmate is a villain?? (you’re not, you just like tattoos)
he immediately takes a picture of it!! he plans on looking for you— aka stalking every single tattoo artistry page and the people they tag in their posts, also their criminal data bases, and looking at everyone’s right calf when he goes on patrol.
he’s hoping that IF you’re a criminal/villain, he could help you to become— well, NOT that.
he also goes to bakugo about this and asks if he saw anyone get a tattoo of it recently (because bakugo definitely would get tattoos, i just know it. it’d be all skull and fire themes too) (plus he recently got one) bakugo just says, “the fuck? you think i know everyone with a tattoo? what kind of dumb thinking is that?” and poor poor izuku is panicking because he upset bakugo (he actually didn’t, bakugo was just taken aback by the picture) izuku apologizes profusely (bc that’s his thing) and bakugo go just tells him to stfu and that he MIGHT know who tattooed the image because he recognizes the style. sooooo he takes izuku to the parlor and introduces him to…….
YOU!!!!!!! yes, you tattooed yourself!!!!
you’re bakugo’s tattoo artist!!!
“dumbass, show me your right leg” bakugo yells in your small parlor, like an asshole. this makes you roll your eyes— you’re used to him, you’ve been tattooing him since you both were 19, which was when you finished your ‘tattoo training’. “keep talking to me like that and i’ll drop you from my cliental list,” you turn around after you finished sanitizing your station (bc all good artists do!!) “just show me your damn leg for the sake of this idiot,” he points towards izuku, that’s when everything goes in slow motion, and pro hero deku shines bright. he’s omitting a vibrant color and it’s nearly blinding (omg maybe your quirk is seeing/sensing auras)
(also, we’ll just say you’re wearing shorts for the sake of this)
you walk out from behind the barrier of the station and put your right leg on display. that’s when izuku chokes— it’s full of all the stencils he’s seen and… the villain tattoo. “fucking idiot, why would you tattoo a villain on you? you hate them,” bakugo slaps the side of your head, cause he’s an asshole. “cause it’s badass! plus it’s an old school villain, no one really knows ‘em.” you shrug and smack him back, narrowly avoiding his fresh tattoo (you wanted to hit it so bad) “anyways, why did you wanna know? and speak fast cause i have a client coming in twenty.” he forcefully takes izuku’s phone out of his hands, and shows it to you. “why am i looking at a blank screen? bakugo i don’t have time for this,” you push his hand back. “you didn’t let me unlock it,” izuku secretly rolls his eyes, you caught it though. he pulls up his gallery and shows a picture of his leg with your stencil on it.
your eyes narrow— not wanting to believe it cause like, you’re a small business owner and there’s no way a big time hero could be your soulmate. “yeah no, i have no time for bullshit. did someone send you this or something? trying to turn me in for a damn tattoo?” bakugo grumbles bc he’s ANNOYING (i love him) and grabs a pen. “draw something.” “you know i can’t with no reference. i’m shit without one.” “JUST DRAW! ON YOUR HAND! NOW!” “stop yelling all the damn time.” you grumbled and begrudgingly drew a horrible looking bunny. like— absolutely terrible !!! looking bunny onto your hand. bakugo, being the ass he is, RIPS off izuku’s glove and shoves his hand in your face. “bakugo. there’s nothing there. seriously you’re wasting my time, i need to set up. i don’t have time for jokes.” you go back to your station and start getting the ink ready. izuku rolls his eyes again— at his friend, not you. “that was the wrong hand,” he says in a slightly sassy tone, which was funny to hear from a pro hero. izuku takes his OTHER glove off and walks to you. “here,” he places his hand in front of you and you drop your tattooing gun.
“oh,” was all you said before walking into the back of your shop. you screamed a ‘what the fuck’ and walked right back out. “well, hi.” your smile is very awkward because like— how are you supposed to respond to that?? it’s not everyday that your soulmate ends up being a pro hero. “uhm… so can we meet after your uhm, next appointment?” he asks, very very shyly, it was like he was a high schooler all over again. you just give a head nod and write your personal number on the back of your business card. “uhm see you.”
months after that fateful day, you and izuku are officially together! he’s drawn you many designs for tattoos. (either for yourself or your clients)
now— izuku may be a very talented artist but when it comes to tattooing? absolutely not. he tried tattooing a small heart in between your fingers as a little practice thing and— let’s just say, it looks like a jacked star. (pls he felt so bad)
while it was a little ugly, you still loved it because he was the one to do it <3
OMG AND THE FIRST TIME YOU TATTOOED HIM— he tried not to cry. like— THIS MF USED TO BREAK HIS BONES DAILY!!! THIS MF FIGHTS BAD GUYS FOR A LIVING!!!! but it’s okay!! not everyone can handle getting a tattoo and that’s perfectly fine!!
ps most of his tattoos are all might hero based.
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IZU ANON!!!!! i thoroughly enjoyed this <3
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the-wizard-writes · 1 year
Monster March! Out For Lunch//Orc X Human Female
//Monster March! Hello! I’m working on something for March called Monster March! Some of these stories will be basic urban fantasy stories while others would be romance based! I’m branching out into different stuff so... Hope you all enjoy// 
Day 1: Orc
Lunch was the only time, Carrie could ever catch a break. Between the endless spreadsheets and meetings it was nice that she could find some solace in something good to eat. Carrie walked down the sidewalk leaving the lobby of her place of work out into the bustling city street. She took a moment to take in the freedom away from her desk. Sitting down on her ass all day really puts a strain on her back but, she had a few minutes to spare so, she was going to take advantage of it. As Carrie maneuvered through the city streets passing by with her phone in hand scrolling through her socials.  “Hmm... Maybe I can try that  sandwich shop nearby than my usually place.” She mumbled to herself. She usually went to a small cafe closer to the office but, she wanted to try something different. She already had five cups of coffee all before 12 today, she really didn’t need another one despite how tempting it was. The tired office worker was soon  hit with the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the street. “Oh wow.” She mouthed to herself. She stood in font of a small restaurant with a small dragon gripping on a loaf of bread on the front in a cutesy art-syle with the name “The Golden Dragon Bistro” on the bottom. Carrie walked into the restaurant the smell of bread and fresh ingredients permeated through the small shop. The interior was warm having the appearance of an old style tavern with some modern elements. The light fixtures above had an appearance of small flames burning a bright red and orange. A chalkboard was on the side of the wall listing the different food items and doodles of dragons on the sides. “Aw, this is pretty cute.” She said to herself.  “Hey! May’s!” A powerful voice shook her from her trance. The office worker turned to see an orc with deep olive skin waved over to her. “Brugo?” She recognized the orc from her job. The two would pass each other sometime to chat for a bit. He worked in a department slightly above hers but, they would be in the same meetings with each other. Even though the orc was sitting down her was still pretty massive, the strain on his white collared shirt could also be an indicator on his size as well. Carrie furrowed her brow a bit and walked towards him with a quizzical look, “Are you on lunchbreak too?” She asked. The orc chuckled and nodded.  “Yep, I needed a break from that stuff office so, I’m getting some lunch in. I frequent this place often.” He said. “That’s nice, it’s my first time here so. I’m glad that I have a good recommendation.” She smiled. The orc laughed. “Why don’t you join me? I usually come here alone but, hey, the more the merrier, right?” He asked. Carrie smiled placing her hand on her hip.  “Well, aren’t you a gentleman?”   “Heh, Hey, We have 45 minutes until we have to go back. Why not make the most of it? I wouldn’t mind having some lovely company.” He teased.  Carrie’s face flushed a peachy pink. “Heh, alright. I’ll accept. But, at least let me grab some food first.” She said.   
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pillowspace · 10 months
I love your art lots and I love hearing people talk about their art so I'm asking some of my dca moots a bunch of fun art questions, no obligation of course
What is the art piece you are proudest of?
2. What is the art piece you've spent the most effort/time on?
3. What art did you spend the least amount of effort on?
4. What art piece/pieces has crazy lore that you could spend days explaining?
5. What piece is so completely different from your usual style?
If you want tag an artist who you also want to see answer these questions feel free to though of course no obligation
1. What is the art piece you are proudest of?
I have no idea what I'm proudest of, but I went through a bunch of my art and tagged some of them with #artfave!
2. What is the art piece you've spent the most effort/time on?
OH, I KNOW. I was gonna say "literally any y/nverse post," but this one in particular took so much time
3. What art did you spend the least amount of effort on?
Uhhh. Oh, I put zero time into this for the sake of quickly getting out a joke
4. What art piece/pieces has crazy lore that you could spend days explaining?
I've actually doodled this AU twice, but a year apart. I never talk about it ever, which is a shame because I am constantly daydreaming about it and it means sooo much to me. Basically you work some kind of legal job to fight for AI rights, and it's a whole lot of fun making up the legalities of different things. AI marriage and child guardianship aren't legal but you make do with what you can. I completely forgot the first drawing even existed actually
5. What piece is so completely different from your usual style?
Hm! I think this one differs a tad from my other Eclipse drawings, but not by too too much
Thank you for the questions, they were fun to answer!! ^^
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Marko headcanons? Please 🥺 am in much need of my trash baby cause am much sad
Of course, anything for you my love! I too am experiencing Marko brain rot!
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Marko loves pretty things, and by pretty I mean unique. Someone’s style, hair, makeup or lack there of. He notices all that stuff right away. It’s like he’s constantly searching for the next coolest person in town.
Cause we all know Marko is a platonic whore (as well as a regular one) boy could make friends with his eyes closed and his mullet on backwards. He’s just a really charismatic guy!
And that’s when he’d spot you, with your new blue hair! He thinks it’s possible the coolest thing he’s ever seen in his life. Before Paul or David can even tease him, he’s marching on over to you. Determined to at least leave with your number.
He probably uses the cringiest of pick up lines to attempt to flirt. “Are you a parking ticket? Cause you’ve got fine written all over you!” And don’t you for a second think it stops after just one. No, he makes it his mission to find the worst ones just to hear your laugh.
“Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?”
“Feel my shirt, wanna know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material.”
This is your life now. I hope you don’t mind a little golden doodle following around everyone, because you now have your own personal vampire body guard. The only time he’s not with you is when he’s hunting. He wouldn’t want to scare you off, but little does he know it makes him more irresistible.
Prepare for a lot of Paul time. Where on terror twin goes, the other fallows. He probably flirts as well, but Marko cuts him down with well places glares. He loves teasing Marko, and making you blush. So the behaviour again, won’t stop. Not unless Marko asks him too in the moment.
This man will drag you to EVERY concert on the board walk. If they’re selling t-shirts, prepare for a whole new wardrobe! Marko is a master Kleptomaniac. He could steal from five different people before anyone notices. What can I say, he’s got sticking fingers to go with the devious smirk of his.
Dates under the stars! He will fly you to the highest point in the city so y’all can look at stars together. He probably just picks up Chinese and turns it into a little rooftop picnic.
YOUR JACKET! That’s right, you heard me! Marko custom made you a jacket to match his iconic one. He pays attention to bands and colours you like and collected patches for months before gifting it to you. Sometimes you help him see new patches onto both of you jackets.
Dwayne whole heartedly approves of this. You mellow him out a Little. He’s not like a kid who’s on a sugar high, and claustrophobic, always needed to be on the move anymore. He doesn’t care how much you weigh, he’s content to have you sit on his lap. He’s a vampire after all, you weigh nothing to him. Get you a boy who can handle some skin!
David is wearing of you at first. But he sees how happy the two of you are so he lets it happen. But he’s probably had a chat or 100 about Marko turning you. David is impatient and would rather you be a fledgling than a human. Even if like Star and Laddie you don’t want to feed right away, he’d respect that. But he’s much more excepting of you after you turn.
And don’t worry, Marko would make it special. He’d be careful not to hurt you, and make sure everything goes smoothly. He can’t go with you, but Marko gives you an entire day to watch your last sunrise and sunset. He doesn’t want you to feel like you’re missing out by being with him. Please assure him your not, this poor Baby would have his heart broken if he continued to think that.
But you’re living your best life now with the boys, and Marko couldn’t be more proud of you. You’re Marko’s person, and he’s yours. And everyone respects that. Those other people better stay away, cause an angry hungry fledgling is not someone you want to piss off. You kill someone for flirting with Marko, he goes fucking feral.
Don’t expect to be getting any rest anytime soon. He’s keeping you up well I got he morning in that cave. Cue David yelling at Marko for his poor timing, why couldn’t he do this when they weren’t all stuck in the cave for the day.
Marko’s love languages are gift giving. He sees something that reminds him of you, it’s yours now. He’d buy the whole world if he could, but you’ll settle for an ice-cream and the random set of rings he thought would look nice on your fingers. But he’s keeping that one finger empty, so one day he can get you a real nice ring and start your forever together.
An: hope this was what you were looking for! I’m all soft and mushy now 🥺
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nian-7 · 7 months
hehehehe hiii yugeenn, I’m doing the thingg LMAO
anyways I’d like a matchup with Hypmic, (both romantic and platonic) ProSekai (platonic only) and honkai star rail (both romantic and platonic)
You already know my personality bbg.
I’m kidding here♡
nickname - mon!!
Zodiac - Aquarius
Character gender doesn’t matter bbg !!
-jewelry making (more just bracelets)
-collecting things ( lil Sanrio blind box figures :], manga, just anything that I like i wanna collect )
-anything cute
-Horror games
-jirai kei fashion
-the unknown
-how overly paranoid I am.
-hearing ppl eat with their mouths open
-ppl tapping their fingers.
Usually just kinda quiet if I’m by myself and even sometimes with friends, usually pretty paranoid, sleepy. I kinda struggle to express myself. sometimes I get kinda loud when I’m having fun with my friends
enjoy, mon!! i hope you like it!
I match you with... (platonically)
Jyushi Aimono!
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-Jyushi would be the perfect friend for you to have. He doesn't mind whether you're quiet or loud around him, just as long as you're a genuinely good friend of his, he will cherish you!
-Although he does have a different style than you, he really likes how you dress! He thinks it's cute and would like to try it for himself sometime if he builds up enough courage to ask you about it.
-He loves that you have plushies as well! It makes him so happy knowing Amanda can have some friends as well.
-He tells Amanda all about you and how much fun he has with you! She'd practically know everything about you with how much he tells her. He's just super happy to have another friend he can cherish.
-The poor guy can't handle any horror games and any time you try to convince him to play one, he psychs himself out and gets too scared to even attempt to play.
-He cherishes all the bracelets you make for him and he gets really upset when he thinks he's lost one. He'd doesn't want them ever to break because he'd feel terrible about it.
I match you with... (romantically)
Ichiro Yamada!
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-Ichiro is the perfect boyfriend for you. He also enjoys anime and would love to see your manga or figure collection! He lets you ramble on about whatever series you'd like as long as he can do the same!
-He'd be very reassuring for you seeing as he's got pretty stable. No matter how paranoid you are, he'll be doing his best to calm you back down, reassuring you that he's got you and nothing bad will happen.
-Not too into Sanrio but he's willing to learn about it through you when you show him it. He's not too sure exactly what it is and has probably only known about Hello Kitty but, he'll be sure to ask about it. His favorite is likely to end up being Gudetama.
-He'll wear any bracelets you make for him no matter what it looks like. Whenever someone asks him about it, he smiles and tells them that his lovely partner made them for him!
I match you with... (platonically)
Minori Hanasato!
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-Minori also loves cute things just like you! She hopes you and her dog are able to get along because well, he's quite cute!
-She probably also has an interest in Sanrio and would love to see your collection. She probably likes My Melody the most and thinks they're all just too adorable!
-She thinks it's fun to doodle with you or even just watch you draw. It's always exciting to her to see your progress on any of your drawings!
-She tries to help you express yourself better and always tries to be there for you when you need it. She doesn't want you to feel like she's never there or a bad friend so she can be a bit of a worry wart because of that.
I match you with... (platonically)
March 7th!
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-March just radiates cuteness and she loves all things cute! She's gotta love Sanrio and plushies.
-Says she can't pick a favorite Sanrio and she's just got a small plushie collection with a few of them. She always wants to show you any sort of new cute collectable she's gotten from her adventures.
-She'd love to make bracelets with you! Just teach her how and she'll make a bunch for you! She keeps them all in a special place in her room so that she can look back and remember how fun it was to make them with you!
-March can agree with you on the spiders part. She couldn't stand anything with that many legs and she'll be screaming with you the whole time. Dan Heng has to come in and kill it for the both of you even when it's the smallest one you've ever seen.
I match you with... (romantically)
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-Luocha is a kind man and so whenever you get anxious or paranoid, he's always there to talk you down from it, soothing your worries and helping you calm down.
-He enjoys listening to you talk about your interests and doesn't mind if you're loud. He's truly glad you're comfortable with him and it makes him smile.
-He'll attempt to make a bracelet with you, likely putting his name on it and giving it to you to wear. Make him a matching one with your name on it and he'll cherish it as he keeps it on his wrist for as long as he can.
-He enjoys seeing all your plushies and finds it cute when you show them to him while you both are laying in bed together. Whether they be characters or not, he thinks you're just adorable while you show him.
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Another lil writing~
Takes place not too long after Lawrence and Carylin meet.
“Mornin’, squid face.”
The verbal announcement of Carylin’s arrival came a fraction of a second after she knocked on the door and opened it as she always did - without waiting for a welcome, or any sort of permission. Lawrence turned from his desk just in time to see her sit down on his bed. As many times as it had happened already, he swore he'd never get used to his new assistant’s approach.
“It's near midnight,” the illithid said, neglecting to acknowledge the latter part of her greeting. He'd already reminded her of his name multiple times, and she stubbornly refused to use it. 
“Well, that's like morning for you if you're nocturnal, right?” The woman shrugged. “It just feels weird saying hi to someone who just woke up with ‘good evening’, y'know?”
“I've been awake for hours.”
Lawrence turned back to his desk and the various books and journals covering it just as Carylin pouted at him. He attempted to collect his thoughts, and his writing tools, but it was a halfhearted attempt. He'd hardly gotten anything down on paper since the night before, and he knew the presence of his assistant wouldn't be particularly conducive to writing.
“What’ve you been up to? Doodling more lines in your book?” The sound of the bed frame creaking and footsteps approaching led straight to Lawrence’s side. “Can I see?”
“They’re Qualith, not ‘lines’. And your last question is the very reason I write in Qualith, not Common.”
Carylin huffed and crossed her arms, and the illithid turned to scan her face carefully. She stared intently at the lines of ink crossing the paper, but not, it seemed, with understanding. Excellent, thought Lawrence.
He had put great effort into disguising his journal entries, more than she realized. Qualith was normally embedded into a surface with psionic power, not a pen. That magical energy gave the lines further meaning, which could be deciphered along with the lengths of the lines themselves.
But that raised a concern: if one was sufficiently skilled with magic, one could discern at least half of Qualith’s meaning. Lawrence didn't know much about his new assistant, but there was a chance, however small, that she could read his psionic signature. And he couldn't let that happen. So he wrote in ink, a long-form style of the script that couldn't be understood as easily. A coded version of a coded language - it would be impossible for anyone but him to read, or so he hoped.
“What’re you writing, then?” Carylin asked, turning away from the journal with a tilted head. “Is it about me?”
“It is, actually,” Lawrence said carefully, wondering if the woman had actually managed to read the script. But she couldn't have. It was just a guess, that was all. “I'm writing about your unusual immunity to my psionic abilities. Theorizing, trying to find out what makes you different.”
It wasn't quite a lie. That was what the journal had started as, a collection of hypotheses about his assistant's strange power. But that was back when Lawrence still wrote the Qualith with his mind, and not ink. Before he had something he needed to hide.
“Well, what've you got so far?” Carylin asked.
“Not much of any use, unfortunately.” The illithid reflexively moved to a more thoughtful pose, stroking a tentacle. “I've considered that your skull, and perhaps your entire skeletal structure, contains some sort of magic nullifying material, or that your brain itself contains the answer, if only I could get to it. But testing either of those would require doing you at least some harm, if not killing you outright. And I'm no murderer.”
“Right, you just defile corpses to get your food, like a respectable person.”
“...As I was saying, there are precious few hypotheses I can test without invasive procedures. If you can think of any suggestions, you're welcome to help. You are supposed to be working as my assistant, after all.”
Carylin pursed her lips and assumed her own thoughtful pose, with a finger on her chin and a furrowed brow. The room was silent for a moment as she worried at her lips with her teeth, in what Lawrence assumed was an expression of great intellectual focus. What ‘great intellectual focus’ would result in from a human, especially his assistant, was unknown.
“...Are you sure there's nothing you can test out?” she finally said. “Something that doesn't involve poking around in my skull?”
Great focus didn't count for much, as Lawrence expected. But he supposed he could run through his thoughts for her, just to organize them, if nothing else.
“There are a small handful of ways that I know of to resist psionic power,” he explained. “Certain races have an inherent resistance to it, but that of course does not include humans. Some magical items may grant psychic resistance, but those are quite rare, and I highly doubt that you have any. And lastly, the undead are entirely immune, but-”
“Wait!” Her eyes lit up, making him immediately wish he could take back his words. “Entirely immune! That's me, right?”
“Yes, but you're not undead,” Lawrence said slowly.
“You don't know that.”
“I don't-” Lawrence stared at her, his theory of something being off with her brain quickly gaining credence. “...You're clearly not undead. I don't see any bones sticking out of you, and your skin isn't dessicated and peeling off.”
“Well…” She put a finger back on her chin and paused for a moment. “What if I’m a vampire?”
“Then you'd have burned to death by now, with all the time you spend under the sun.”
“What if I'm a special vampire that doesn't burn in the sun? You can't prove that I'm not.”
Lawrence’s tentacles writhed in frustration. Judging by her smile, his ‘assistant’ was playing with him. He could’ve easily brushed her off, told her to get out of his room, and gotten back to work. He should’ve. But he couldn't let himself lose an argument, even one as foolish as this.
“I can easily prove you wrong,” he said. “You have a heartbeat and body heat, therefore you're alive. It's simple.”
“Hmm…” Carylin rubbed her cheek. “I think ‘heat’ is a bit of a stretch. My hands are always chilly. Vampirically chilly, maybe.”
Perhaps it was his irritation with her finally boiling over, or his need to win every argument, or something else entirely. But for whatever reason, Lawrence grabbed her hand.
“I know that you're alive,” he snapped. “Now, admit that you're wrong, or leave this place.”
Carylin's eyes widened and her other hand fell from her face, as she was seemingly stunned into silence. But Lawrence was quickly stunned as well, as the gravity of what he'd just done sank in along with her warmth.
She felt alive. And warm, and soft, and in the state of paralyzing shock Lawrence was in, he could even feel her heartbeat. It was faint, and faster than his, even as he thought his own heart might burst from sheer anxiety. Maybe that was just how humans were. 
It certainly wasn't the only difference between them. Her skin was dry, but as smooth as his. And her fingers, outnumbering his by one, perfectly interlocked with his own. 
He froze. Their hands weren't in the same position as before. When did they move? Did he shift to hold her closer? Did she? No, it must've been him. His already rattled nerves were barely holding together. 
But he couldn't let go.
“Yes, as I was saying,” he managed to get out, “you're clearly not undead. And your hands aren't nearly as cold as you claim.”
Tearing his gaze from Carylin’s hand to her face, he saw a smile. It relieved him, to some extent. At least she wasn't mad. But seeing her smiling down at him made something else boil up within his soul.
“Took you a while to figure that out, huh? Guess you've gotta be thorough with these things, though.”
“Indeed. Now, since you've done your job of assisting me, you're dismissed.” 
He finally loosened his grasp on her hand and began to pull back, eager to get her out of his room as quickly as possible. But his hand barely traveled halfway to his desk before it was seized.
“Ah, ah! Not so fast!” Carylin pulled his hand back up toward her, grinning. “If you get to examine me, I need to take my own turn.”
She bent down and stared at his hand carefully, using both of her own to tilt it back and forth while she put on her thoughtful face. She hummed and bit at her lips, and traced her fingers along his skin.
“...Mmm. Well, in my professional opinion, I believe this hand belongs to a mind flayer,” she declared. “You can tell by the sliminess, you see. And, hold on-”
She held tight to his hand, and used another to feel his wrist. His heartbeat thumped against her fingers, slowly for a human, but as rapid as possible for an illithid. 
“Yes, it's a living mind flayer too,” Carylin nodded sagely. “And with that, you're dismissed.”
She released him and straightened back up, and judging by the sound of her footfalls, headed toward the exit. Then, the door shut, and Lawrence was alone.
He stared at his hand. Slowly, his pulse was returning to normal. But the memory stained his mind and his vision, and as he looked down he could nearly see her hand there, could nearly feel her body heat. 
He wondered, when his thoughts were clear enough to wonder, if his assistant would ever come back after his embarrassing behavior. But she hadn't taken her wages for the day, so she'd surely come back for that, at least. 
But Lawrence had work to attend to, and couldn't waste his time, especially when he had gained such inspiration to write. He turned his attention from his body to his desk, and picked up his tools. His latest journal entry could take hours to compose, with all the material he had.
He carefully marked down the first line, spacing out each segment of ink to form an idea. The second, third, and fourth lines of his first sentence followed, taking far more time to compose than they would have if imprinted by mind. But secrecy was vital in recording these entries, so ink would have to do.
Lawrence hadn't lied when he said his journal recorded theories about what made his assistant different. The nature of this difference had changed over time, though. At first, he wondered why he couldn't use psionic power on her, why he couldn't detect her with his mind. Now he had other concerns.
He read over his writing. Even though it was only one sentence, it took up a large portion of the page, with each line segment possessing great meaning. Ideas, thoughts, feelings, all recorded in ink. The sentiment could hardly be expressed in Common without greatly diminishing its soul, but if one tried, it would read as follows:
She held my hand.
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debilchickennugget · 2 years
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Here’s my @mcytblraufest gift for @kihewsworld :D Hope you like it!
I decided to go with staged duo in a paranormal hunters au! Some more doodles, thoughts and stuff under the cut! :]
Hello there hahah
anyway I was thinking of a potential plot or some sort of storyline so here’s what I eventually came up with (please bear with me trying to explain stuff lmao)
Dream had a some sort of bad experience with the paranormal (coughcough paranormal creature!tommy probably coughcough) but like no one believes him that it was real. So he decided to start hunting the ghosties and creatures and stuff because of that. Either to prove that they exist and he’s not crazy or for revenge… or both!
Punz is the only person who believes him, sticks with him and helps him so they both go on their little paranormal hunting escapades and meet different paranormal creatures (which are the other dsmp members? 👀)
They also have a book (kinda gravty falls style) which they got/stole from a ram-like creature right before it had a fucking heart attack and died on one of their adventures. (Just thought it would be cool if they had some sorta book like in canon hehe) also the totem on the book is not only supposed to easter-egg-connect it to the revival book but I was also thinking totem-shark!Foolish gets to be like this big important semi-god or something, the big season finale paranormal creature hahah (yes it’s my way of somehow including all three characters you asked for hehe)
Hahah yeah but fr what I have in mind is like a “tv series” with like “creature of the day!” episodes thing going on so there’s a lot to go off of here!
Here I also did some meme doodles while figuring out their designs on the side so I’ll share these too cuz why not
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I wanted to go for a bit of forestcore thing with their clothes hehe the wilburfication of c!dream was accidental
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awesomedurraworld · 2 months
I am asking for questions 6, 8, 14, 21 and 22 for the marvelous little guy that is Edward Elric!
First have a tiny wee Ed doodle that i drew last night
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The doodle is so small which is why he is so pixelized Bahaha
NOW, moving on to the questions!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Ed and i have lots of similarities, and they were pointed out by you most of the time. besides us being the oldest siblings in the family and being a mama’s child ( him being a mama’s boy and me being a mama’s girl.) we also share the long hair in braids deal.
Ed Is smart and is gifted and loves books, and learning new things, and while I never like to sound as if I brag but i too, share these qualities with him.
Ed Is angry, and i hate to admit it, but i am also an angry person at times- promise i am working in being a better person in that aspect 🫣 my boy LOVES stew, i LOVE LOVE stew as well, both of us are protective of our people, and we will both make sure to give our 100% when it comes to helping people. If we can help we will 200% help as much as we could. Also there is the part where we both will stay up late to get things done 😭
I just feel connected to that fierce alchemist dude, but these facts are what came to my mind right now!
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
i hate when they just make him angry all the time for no reason? Or when they make him yell or be mean for no reason at times. I dislike when people call him shrimp when he is short or when he is cocky? He is brash don't get me wrong, but i dislike it when people make it his whole personality without looking at the whys of him acting that way.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
that is an easy one 😌😌
As a teen, the most famous outfit is the red coat leather pants outfit, and many would say that Ed is a punk- but to me, Ed is more of street style aesthetic, leaning lightly to punk when it comes to fabric texture and colors, tho we do see him in different outfits throughout the show/manga that scream “ street fashion.”
When he is a young adult, Edward is basically the Human of dark and light academia aesthetic. Shirts, dress pants, coats and sweaters alongside The calm colors and calm fabrics. They all play in showing how calmer Ed became during his late teen years and into his young adult years.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
To me, i use Ed a lot to project who i am in fics. While still adding that Elric boyish ingredients when it comes to writing him,( that is of course if that portraying can be written in that specific plot. Not very Ed i wrote is a projection Ed don't worry!!!) Ed And i are alike, so it is so easy to write him. What i don't like is the same thing as what i dislike the fandom doing to him- angry and mean for No reason and when people call Him short. I don't know why people think it is funny to bully Someone when they clearly get upset 😭?
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
same things as writing, but i also love seeing how people explore his character and what headcanons they give him, and often times i adopt those headcanons and evolve them to go with the characteristics that i give him.
Am i making any sense in this post? 😭 i hope so haha
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yumejo · 1 year
「sakasaki natsume x reine // natsurei」 ↳ for @riddlese !!
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With a pencil tucked between his digits, Natsume unremittingly sketched in his artbook—riveted on finishing up this assignment for his class that obscured him from participating in certain afterschool activities until completed.
Natsume had purposefully neglected this project, as he did with most of his schoolwork, but the neglect spiralled out of control until his beloved Reine instructed him to stay behind in hopes of motivation springing into him.
Of course they had more power over him than any other faculty member.
However, as Natsume sat in the vacant classroom, an inundation of ideas pooled through his fingertips and he couldn’t help but ceaselessly rifle through each and every differing idea. Until he had finally settled on the quintessential design.
He was also so absorbed in drawing that he didn't hear the clamor of the door being slid open——
"Natsume-chan, how is everything?" Tsumugi’s airy voice deluged the atmosphere, successfully rousing Natsume from his bout of concentration.
And when said second-year scrutinized Tsumugi peering down at his work splayed on the table, he couldn't help but abashedly seize it all up and occlude his senior from further seeing what was etched there. 
"Moja-megane⋯ you surprised me," Natsume heaved a sigh, "what are you doing here?"
An insouciant chortle flowed from Tsumugi’s lips as he simpered, and he simply answered, used to Natsume’s derisive comments, "Reine-chan sent me. I happened to see them when I was coming back, and they asked that I check up on you."
"Ah, is that so?" Natsume questioned whimsically, a burst of warmth permeating across his chest at the notion of Reine thinking about him while he’s not there.
There was a pause, a lull in the conversation as a gentle silence persisted. Yet Tsumugi was the first to rupture it. 
"That picture you’re drawing⋯ is it for art class? The one where you’re suppose to draw ‘the one sight you want to see no matter what’? I remember doing it last year, too," Tsumugi hummed, recollecting how he sketched little natsume-chan fine.
Abundant heat flooded Natsume’s cheeks as he realized Tsumugi had fully spotted and commented on his drawing. "It’s a bit embarrassing, so would you mind not telling anyone?" Natsume asked coolly, albeit it was the best veneer he could formulate without outright hissing. "I'm not actually submitting what I'm doing right now."
"You're not? That's a shame. It's a cute outfit," Tsumugi complimented earnestly, that plaudit only further suffusing a hot sensation through Natsume's veins, "and it really suits Reine-chan."
After saying his piece, Tsumugi sauntered back over to the door. "I'll see you at practice tomorrow then, Natsume-chan~" And he was off.
Upon confirming that Tsumugi had actually left, Natsume settled his artbook down onto the desk and stared at his drawing.
"That unkempt bastard sure is observant when you don’t want him to be," Natsume whispered to himself, reflecting on how said male shrewdly pieced everything together in a matter of moments.
"But⋯ I wonder if little bunny would really like this style." As Natsume added a few more finishing details, he took a step back and discerned the completed picture. 
With their hair pinned up by bow-shaped clips, Reine stood in ivory wedding attire—florets clinging to the fabric and magnifying their pulchritudinous appeal.
"I knew I'd end up just drawing Reine, but I really can't submit this⋯" Natsume sighed once more, cheeks glowing with rosy hues as he doodled in a speech bubble that made them say 'I do, Natsume♡'.
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cafemagie-magie · 2 years
Howdy! First I just wanna say you're a really great artist, one of the best I've ever seen, and I love every single one of your LWA fanarts! And if you don't mind, I just wanted to ask how you learned to draw? I've always wanted to learn, but I'm not sure how to learn the fundamentals and progressively get better until I'm as great as someone like you. If you know any books, videos online, exercises/habits, or any resource to look up and learn how to draw and slowly get better, that'd be great!
Hi! Thank you very much, I’m touched by your kind words ^^
I give you Diakko but theyre motivation coaches to wish you the best ! Have fun with drawing, it's one of the best thing on Earth!
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It took some time to answer because I wanted to write a document with a lot of resources, so you and other fellows can use it :
To answer the first part of the question, I always loved doodling with a pencil and replicating manga panels like Dragon Ball, Naruto... also I love scientific illustration and fashion design! Never took art classes, but went to an art club in high school^^
I have a pencil and watercolour self taught art background, drew since 9 but with a lot of art breaks (the most recent one lasted 4 years because of pharmacy studies), digital art came very late when I hit 23 (January of this year, got an iPad!🥳🎂) and I learned it with the resources stated in this shared document :D
Now for the second part, let's say every artist have their own art planet, like the Little Prince 😊
You have your art home,  and realism is the house foundation to you build up other skills on it. The first skill associatied with foundation is observation : when you look at something...how does it work? Why is this moving like that? What are the simplified shapes of it? 
Near you home, you can plant your favourite artists seeds from other art planets in your own art garden to be inspired by them. They'll bloom into different flowers, scents and colors... they'll inspire your work as you progress :D it's like pretty things to admire and look up to! To keep you on the go and learn from them! (It works with the library metaphor too, like having a collection of your fav artists, subjects, reference...)
 Then you build up solid walls for your house, by learning/practicing technical things like figure drawing, life drawing, drapery... with these, you can already have a lot of fun!
Adding windows will bring you some fresh air as you'll explore colour theory, light and shadow... at this stage, traditionally or digitally, you'll be able to create really cool sketches/llustrations! You can always use references and observe them to understand the light source, a particular scenery, or some tricky anatomy position, etc...so you can incorporate it in your drawing.
Then you can make your house bigger by adding new rooms: learning how to draw specific things like detailed backrounds, animals, weapons, machinery, everything you'll be interested in...if you started with humans only for example.
Later on, you can decor your house with things like art style, aesthetics, that little somtheing that makes people recognize your works...these come naturally as you progress so dont worry too much about it!
Building a comfy house takes time but it's your home and even if there will be struggles/frustration... enjoying the process is key to a happy artist journey ^^
Hope this helped, and you can always dm for more specific things, if needed (or ask anonymously again, I’m shy so I’ll understand lol)
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carpisuns · 1 year
For the artist meme -- 20 and 6! 🎨 if you like xx
20. how often do you get art block?
all the time 🥰 it's like clockwork lol sometimes i get sooo frustrated and cranky bc i hate all my art and i'm like "woe is me!! i've lost all my skills!! i'll never draw again!!" and then i'm like wait . i know what's happening here. i just gotta wait it out I'll be fine lol. it's nice that i also write bc then i can switch to writing for a while until the art block clears up 👍 i've found it's best for me to just take a break from drawing for a bit and not try to force it so my brain can like reset itself
6. tag your favorite artists/inspirations!
oh man there are so many!!!! i could name like 100 people lol but i'm gonna limit myself to the ones i think have had the most direct influence on my art style. hope u guys don't mind the tags<3
@ileniagennari was one of the first artists i latched onto stylewise. i used to study their work a lot because i am obsessed with the fluidity and softness of their linework and i just really like how they draw faces and bodies. their rendering is also amazing and feels sort of cinematic somehow? i've always wished my art could have a similar feel!
@anna-scribbles has also been a huge style influence for me and she's just also been a big inspiration in general as a close friend<3 i ADORE her work and have studied it specifically a ton. she draws the most blorby blorbos ever. blorbyness is her art trademark imo. and i want that for me too so i tried to steal it. i also think just sheer proximity to her and her art has made me pick up a lot of things from her automatically haha. in particular, i feel like the way she draws smiles is so perfect, and i always try to channel her when i draw smiles myself haha
@ladybeug inspires me so much and has taught me really valuable art skills! a while ago i came to a point in my art journey when i felt just really stuck and frustrated. like i could not for the life of me just DOODLE. i took everything too seriously, even if it was supposed to be simple and silly. i really needed to learn how to loosen up and enjoy drawing more. stephanie is like the most esteemed and delightful doodler i know so i came to her for advice and she DELIVERED. she gave me super helpful tips and invited me to make daily comics with her and it's been lifechanging! it's helped me focus on communication over perfection and feel more confident in my art, which i think had a visible difference in my style too. i learn SO much from just regularly enjoying stephanie's work, including her webcomic @datmcomic!!
@rileyclaw is a good buddy of mine and his work is so hugely inspiring to me! it's really educational to see his wips and learn from his process. and since he's an incredible animator as well as an illustrator, enjoying his work is part of what inspired me to finally take a leap and make my first animatic. i really love how he pushes/exaggerates body and facial expression to communicate emotion and how he makes such careful choices about comp and color and just Everything to tell a whole story with every piece of his art. i've learned a lot from riley on the storytelling aspects of art and that's something i continue to try to build on!
@knockknockknockingonhootysdoor's art is like an instant and intense shot of dopamine to my brain every time!!! i cant even tell you how HAPPY it makes me. i just stare at it and eat it all up and i'm always asking myself HOW does he do it?? how does he make me feel this way. and i think it's just like....how genuine it is?? i can just feel kryan's love for the story and characters in the way he draws and im not sure that is a stealable quality lol. but in particular something i really admire about his art is how SHAPE it is. i love how he builds each character with different shapes and how each design feels so unique and so fitting for them. i am trying to incorporate that more into my own art!
man i already have rambled so much and there are so many other artists i could go on and on about alskjdfjkla ok just real quick i have to shout out @picayunearts bc i intensely enjoy her work in both the ml and toh fandoms and her coloring and use of light and gradient always stands out to me so i kinda try to channel that sometimes! @smallpapers is another fav and i love how soft and simple her art feels! it's always inspiring to me. @raystel's work also inspires me a lot, whether it's fanwork or original stuff. she is so creative with character design and seeing the way she expresses her ideas in art is so cool!
and i would be remiss if i didn't shout out my sister @mozzys-studio who is the first person i came to when i wanted to learn how to draw and she taught me a lot! her art is beautiful<3
thanks for the questions! :D
artist asks
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lucywrites02 · 2 years
Lu Creative Time Challenge
I thought it would be fun to host another challenge! It's not like the challenge I did before because this one isn't limited to writing :3 Although my blog is mostly about Loki and Stephen Strange from Marvel all fandoms are welcome and everyone can participate!
You can choose from 4 cathegories (You can choose more than one!):
Deadline: no deadline! Take your time and don't feel pressured. You can join the challenge any time you want. I will make a masterlist of all the things you guys will create on August 7th, but if you post your work after that I will simply update the masterlist and add your posts!
Pick one of the songs from the list under the cut and a character/s of your choice. (all fandoms are welcome! You can use any characters and ships as your muses)
Send me an ask with your song and the character/s.
Use a part of the song ( one line, a paragraph) and insert it into the story.
There's no limit to the word count or the format of the story- headcanons, drabbles, one shots, chat scenarios; all are welcome :)
OCs, ships, reader inserts, platonic or romantic - everything is on board
It can be any genre, but if you write or draw smut it will be rebloged on my smut blog to keep my main one minor friendly.
Remember to write down potential warnings and tag your work correctly.
Create a doodle or a sketch to recreate a scene from the song with character/s of your choice.
Choose one song to be the beginning of your story.
Create a playlist by adding more songs to continue your storyline. (you can choose other songs and you are not limited to the songs on my list)
Write a description or a summary of your playlist (Basically just tell us your story with different songs and briefly explain the plot)
Team up with a writer or a playlist creator and make a moodboard for their story.
If you don't want to work with anyone else simply create your own moodboard and if needed write a short summary of the story behind it.
Tag me in your creation/s or use the tag #lucreatives02
If you change your mind and want to switch your song or your cathegory just tell me so that I can keep the list updated.
More than one person can choose the same song.
If you want, try and challenge yourself by choosing a song you haven't heard before!
And most importantly: Have fun.
I hope I explained everything well, but if you have any questions feel free to ask!
And now to the songs! (some of them are not in English, but you can easily find translations on youtube or somewhere on the internet. I also added links)
So Good- Halsey (@lucywrites02 )
Coraline- Måneskin (@whatafuckingdumbass )
Powerless- Linkin Park
Chilldspot- Monster
People watching- Conan Gray
All too well (10 min ver.)- Taylor Swift
Someone new- Hozier
As it was- Harry Styles (@funsized-mimi )
Iris- The Goo Goo Dolls (@kimoralov3 )
Midnight Love- Girl in Red
三文小説 - King Gnu
Ophelia- The Lumineers (@goldencherriess )
Is there somewhere- Halsey (@bakerstreethound )
Burning in the skies- Linkin Park (@celerrie )
Tourner Dans Le Vide- Indila (@french-vanilla-in-the-clouds )
Nobody- Mitski
Fire on Fire- Sam Smith
Santé- Stromae
Come back ...be here- Taylor Swift
1121- Halsey (@nekoannie-chan )
Red- Survive said the prophet (@wrenhyperfixates )
Niemożliwe- Kwiat Jabłoni
Lay all your ove on me- ABBA
Maniac- Conan Gray (@gaitwae )
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