#hope this version is sfw enough for tumblr
telvess · 9 months
Record of Ragnarok Poseidon (relationship headcanons) 🔞
My first attempt in writing anything in… eternity. I’m not a native English speaker but trying to improve myself, sorry for all mistakes I've made. I didn’t write any major spoilers but used knowledge from manga. Also + still no clue how tumblr works.
Poseidon is such a adorable idiot.
SFW Not gonna lie, to catch his eye (not to mention eye-to-eye contact) there will be needed someone really specific. Someone similar to him in general, but unique in details. I think Poseidon is really good observant. Just because he’s indifferent to others, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t pay attention. He would notice nuances in behaviour, manners and gestures. His future s/o must be elegant, self-contained and pride. Maybe not in the haughty way but undoubtedly confident in her position as a goddess. Definitely not ‘damsel in distress’ type, she has to have guts to rule her sphere, protect her opinion and status. No other god or goddess shall stick their nose in her business. Unless they’re ready for harsh words or worse. In summary: a less extreme version of Poseidon. On the other hand, I don't think these qualities are enough to draw Poseidon's interest. It’s good base but potential s/o must get under his skin. Intentionally or no, she has to do or say something that would get his attention, and annoy him… He wasn't seeking her subtle chitchat, nor did he want to end up witnessing her fight! Congratulations, miss! You accidentally annoyed Tyrant of the Seas! Choose a burial place. Jokes aside, the best thing s/o can do here is ignore Poseidon. He thinks he wants that, but hey! Looks like he played himself. Now s/o annoys him even more and he cannot understand why. Such a useless bottom feeder and he can’t get over her?
She was like a sea: capricious and unpredictable in nature, always remained resistant to the expectations of others. But sea bend to his will like tamed puppy. He stamp his foot and it humbly part before him. That’s what he couldn’t stand - how little control he had over her, how unbearably free this woman was compared to other gods who ran away in terror as soon as he merely frowned.
Poseidon would catch himself thinking about her in the least expected moments. He used to almost never leave his realm, now suddenly is more present in social life. Still doesn’t care much, usually just staying in loneliness that nobody dare to disturb and observing from distant object of his contempt. As if nothing had changed, yet it did. Probably the only people that would notice he’s different will be Hermes and Hades. When first one won’t act on it nor share his observations, the eldest brother definitely won’t resist to make some ambiguous comments.
— Well that’s unusual of you, dear brother — said Hades. He toyed with his glass of wine, watching carefully Poseidon, who looked as unconcerned as ever. However he honoured him with one short glance. Hades couldn’t stop the corners of his lips to lift up. Did his little brother seem… disturbed? Or was that just his imagination? If Hades could pick one thing out of everything known in the universe that was unshakable and untouched by time or any other matter Poseidon would be his choice. Unaffected stability that did not leave any room for doubt and yet… something… someone push his stern brother out of his safe zone. Hades couldn’t wait to see what else the future may bring to them. He just hoped the intruder will be able to keep up with the challenge.
It will actually take a lot of time for Poseidon to realize that he isn’t annoyed with s/o but himself. Idea of being attached to another person is almost physically uncomfortable. It’s new and suspicious. The moment of understanding is the flash point of the relationship. At this point Poseidon would abandon distant admiration and start acting. He is still slightly annoyed but what’s more irritate him is the absent of that unbearable mouth of s/o. Poseidon would sit next to her or stand much closer at any events. At first she won't notice, but over time she'll start to connect the facts. She’s not dumb. Quiet neither. If she point it out, he may mock her.
— Why don't you just ask me to dance instead of deterring others? It would be a graceful way to start a relationship. Poseidon gave her almost cold look. — Such a audacity — his voice teetered on the verge of indifference - he thought so. She snorted. Her eyes weren’t darkened with anger, sparks of mirth still shone in them. Maybe even more after his refusal. Then she turned to face him and, with a subtle but promising smile, began to close the distance between them. Poseidon remained calm as she came within inches of him. He could feel the warm breath of hers, the smell of fresh air… — You know you want me — she whispered without hesitation. Something unbearably nagging was born in Poseidon’s belly. And that annoying heat under it… almost as someone wounded him. He frowned but didn’t move away. — How are you going to win me over if you can't stop fighting with yourself? — she asked innocently and didn't wait for an answer - just left him on the balcony.
Truth be told, Poseidon wasn’t made for small talks so s/o is doing most of the part and - to provoke a reaction - teasing him a bit. After a while, they both find the silence in their presence pleasant. Poseidon’s seduce tactic would mostly navigate around small gestures such as gifts. However he won’t send them like every normal suitor. If his s/o lives near the ocean or is often near it, she would probably find many beautiful pearls by chance. All of them in her favourites colours of course. Is she basking on the beach? The finest shells surround her. Is she admiring shoal of fish, coral reef or just the sound of the sea? There are no storms. And go on… It’s hard for Poseidon to overcome his pride and openly talk about his desire. When he finally bring himself to it, he’ll sound angry as if he’s doing something unworthy of him. Once s/o assures him that she wants to know more, Poseidon would relax.
— I want you to remind me every day how unbearable I am. How capricious… how impertinent… — she kissed his hand without taking her eyes off him and then put it to her cheek. Poseidon liked the cool touch of her skin — And still watch me with that quiet yet deep fascination.
Yeah, s/o has to make it official by saying out loud how she feels and Poseidon generously accept the offer…
NSFW For Poseidon to be in any relationship, especially romantic is almost impossible. He doesn’t get involved with others because, in his opinion, they’re not worth it. So nobody would force on him arranged marriage. He must be the one choosing that path. That’s why I don’t believe he would ever degenerating his s/o. The reason is simple - he would treat his wife with the same level of respect he treats Hades. Otherwise she wouldn’t be his wife; she cannot be someone less. I also don’t think he would praise her much, probably only when he’s in right mood she would hear complement here and there. His s/o must be good at reading his minimalistic facial expressions and body language. She may notice how his eyes widen in admiration, how he holds his breath for a moment or tightens the jaw muscles when feels really good. He’s not vocal; purrs or growls only on occasion. Poseidon has his moments where he shows desire for s/o. He won’t say it loud but won’t take his eyes off her as she undress in the evening. Yeah, she definitely gonna feel that burning look on her back. The only place where he become caring and warm is in bedroom, in private, far from servants’ eyes. These kind of moments are rare. Mostly because they both take their responsibilities seriously, which means they've been separated for a long time. Poseidon is calm, methodical lover. He’s detail-oriented - would leave no curve or plane untouched from his hands or tongue. He’ll enjoy every sound, shaking and blush s/o make, and act in accordance with the mentioned gestures. Poseidon prefers variants of missionary position to share eye contact though he wouldn’t say no to his s/o if she wants to ride him. In intimidating moment he enjoys challenging her to not close eyes when he thrusts deep into her. He starts with slow and almost annoyed pace that soon becomes raw and firm when they both chase their release. Afterward they usually lay in bed in silent, both satisfied and tired. Poseidon won’t say it loud but he really likes when his wife show him affections at that time. Slowly almost lazily massaging his chest, touching his neck and jaw, putting small kisses on his ear or cheek. Her tender words soft him. Poseidon doesn’t entirely return the favour but when she does all this to him, he caresses her back, pretending to be indifferent.
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𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐆𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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Thanks so much for 500 followers! To celebrate I'll be writing some headcanons specifically for this version of Gyutaro. Most of these headcanons will be relationship headcanons since that's what his simps enjoy the most. This will be Gyutaro x gn!reader. SFW headcanons will be first, and the NSFW headcanons will be below it separated and marked as 18+. I hope you enjoy these special headcanons! And if you ever want more writing for tumblr Gyutaro, feel free to ask me here or on my main page ˚˳♡
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𝐒𝐅𝐖 ꒦‧₊ ꒷
Gyutaro is weird. He isn't just your typical guy. I feel like first I need to establish why this man is so fucking weird.
At first things were normal. He was completely "canon" until his sister convinced him to join tumblr to meet his simps. After that, things changed for him. He was meeting new people and trying new things. It was the first time he did something on his own, before this all he did was kill, eat, repeat.
He had almost no social skills and didn't know how to function properly in this new environment. He's 126 years old, but it was like he was an infant again, and he felt lost and clueless. The only thing he had to teach him how to behave around people was tumblr. Can you imagine an infant being taught social interaction by tumblr? Yeah, and you wonder why he's so weird.
Not to mention the first person who he really trusted to show him the ropes and take him under their wing. Driptaro. Who else would Gyutaro trust more than himself? Another version of himself of course! And that's how their bromance started. Most of Gyutaro's relationship knowledge he learned from Driptaro too.
Since joining tumblr Gyutaro has had his fair share of relationships. And man, is it difficult to be in a relationship with him. Especially if you're a human.
Getting into a relationship with him is hard enough, because he rarely catches feelings. Most the people that show interest in him are just straight up thirsty for him, and that can push him away. He'll just label them as another thirsty simp like everyone else. Since so many people are flirting with him and trying to get with him, it's very rare that he would develop feelings for someone.
But if you do things right he'd fall for you. He'll deny it but he really wants to be loved.
If you're able to get into a relationship with him it's going to be difficult. He may be a cool guy but let's not forget that he's still Gyutaro. And he can be an asshole sometimes. You'll need to be extremely patient with him if you want things to work. Even one fight could end it for good. His anger gets the best of him sometimes and if he gets pissed off enough, he'll just end things and pretend he never cared about you in the first place.
Never tell him what to do. Especially if you're a human. He'd snap and blow up at you for thinking you have authority over him. He's upper moon 6, no human has the right to tell him what to do. The only people who are allowed to do so are Daki, Muzan, and maybe some of the upper moons.
If you're a human, he's going to think he has all of the authority. He thinks you're just a silly human, and you need to listen to him because he knows what's good for you. He thinks he's actually protecting you by doing this.
He prefers dating humans because they're weak. Gyutaro may be "ugly" but he knows that he's strong. And nothing makes him feel more fulfilled than being able to protect someone he cares about. He wants his partner to come to him for comfort and protection. That'd make him feel so happy.
Not to mention he's a bit of a yandere, though he HATES being called a yandere. This side of him really only comes out if he really is falling for someone.
He has a lot of flaws when it comes to relationships but he has a lot of great qualities too. Like he's honestly a sweetheart. He'll take you on romantic dates, bring you gifts, and tell you cheesy jokes so he can hear your cute laugh.
When you're around he'll be a blushing mess. Always wanting to be close to you and taking care of you. He'll never admit it, but he falls in love quickly. All he really wants is to be loved.
His favorite thing is cuddling. If you were his partner he'd cuddle you all day in his bed. And when you try to leave he'd hold you tighter and beg you not to go. You'd have to pry his heavy body off of you as he pouts and lays on top of you, trying to get you to stay.
He craves the love that a relationship brings, but at this point he doesn't believe he'll ever get it. He's had his fair share of heartbreak and he thinks he doesn't deserve love. Since everyone just cares about his eggplant he thinks that that's all he's good for.
He thinks he isn't cut out for love, and that the only way he can get affection is through hookups. It makes him really sad because he wants a partner, but he believes he doesn't deserve that.
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𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 ꒦‧₊ ꒷
When Gyutaro first came to tumblr, he wanted nothing to do with sex. He had lived for so long convincing himself that it was something he could never have, so he also convinced himself that he hated it.
But in reality it's something he really enjoys. He only learned that when Driptaro taught him about sex and told him how awesome it was. Only then was he willing to give it a shot. After trying it for himself, he found out it was actually pretty fun and something he wouldn't mind doing again.
Since people throw themselves at him all the time, it's not surprising that he's had a few sexual partners. But by no means does he want to hook up with all of his simps, sometimes things just happen you know? He's mostly done it with people he had romantic feelings for, but he has had a few hookups with people he barely knew. He's slept with women, men, humans, and demons in the past. So he knows what he's doing.
He much prefers to have sex with someone he's in a relationship with though. But if he isn't in a relationship he's ok with hooking up too. Especially if he's had a rough day and is feeling bad about himself. He'll do anything for some affection to drown the pain. This is when he's most likely to have the casual hookup.
But he really enjoys that intimacy, and the feeling of love he gets from having sex with someone he loves. Honestly, if you date him he may try to do it all day with you. His stamina is infinite so he could literally go forever.
He can be pretty rough. And we all know he's big downstairs too. So if you ever sleep with him, it's something you'll never forget.
He really does try to be gentle though, especially if he's with a human. He'll go slow and ask you if you're ok. Soft moans leaving his lips as he slowly thrusts into you while holding your hand.
He's definitely more dominant in the bedroom. He'll be a sweetheart and take things slow for you, but at the same time he'll be holding your hips and bouncing you on his cock.
He loves to just pick you up and do as he pleases with you. With your okay of course. Consent is very important to him.
Gyutaro has a very high libido, if you're in a relationship with him you'll never have to worry about a boring sex life.
Touch him below his belly button and he'll instantly get hard. That spot is sensitive and being touched there is an instant turn on for him.
He quickly gets overwhelmed by pleasure when he has sex. His cheeks will be red, sweat dripping down his temple, as he's moaning loudly and pounding into you. His hip bones slamming into you as his thrusts get harder and harder.
The chances of him filling you up with his cum are very high. This man's pull out game is weak. He just gets so overwhelmed that he's not able to use his brain and his cock at the same time. Everything within him is telling him to cum inside of you, and that's exactly what he's going to do.
Afterwards he's going to spoil you and treat you like royalty. You'll most likely be too fucked silly afterwards to clean yourself up anyways. He'll pick you up and carry you to the bathroom to clean you up, he may even run a warm bath for you. And afterwards he'll tuck you into bed and hold you in his arms.
He's going to watch you sleep for a while before he falls asleep too. He'll just sit there thinking about how much he loves you and how happy he is to have found someone like you.
Gyutaro just wants to have a partner who loves him for who he is and not just because they want his dick. If he can find someone like that, then trust me, they'll get plenty of it.
He gets in his head a lot though. And right now he thinks he's not cut out for love. But even if he's convinced of it, we all know it's not true. And that Gyutaro has the ability to be a phenomenal boyfriend if he found the right person.
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sindows10 · 10 months
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Nightgown au ra wol for a friend <3
(i hope this is sfw enough for tumblr).... Other versions on my twitter 😁
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
i was thinking about you (and ovipos!morax...again) earlier, and i just want you to know that your writing inspires me to throw caution to the wind.
like, i used to hesitate and ask myself how will this be received? will ppl get mad or offended if i write my wildest fantasies? will i alienate certain readers if i go too far?
but i've realized while writing this zhongli scent thing that you've given me the courage to just let it all hang out. to write what i'm passionate about and put it out there. it takes courage (or is it madness?) to throw your creation to the wolves in hopes that it won't be torn apart. i've also taken a few pages from your book, as it were, and fkd,dmdjdkddk CRYS? my depravity has graduated to a whole new level and it is exhilarating.
so...just...thank you. for being a fearless writer and an amazing human! i give you kitheth mwahmwah! 🧡
hahaha omg I really did give you brainrot huh welcome to my world//HIT
I mean I would say it depends on what you want to do, what you hope to achieve or what direction you wanna go with your blog, most people write sfw with a dash of nsfw around or half and half. I specifically just do nsfw and hyperfixate on zhongli only (hehe) but that's bc idk I never expected to have "an audience" even less actually find friends!
I genuinely just expected to like leave my weird ass posts and stories here floating in tumblr and get no notes just oh I'm anon I can do whatever I want just go wild go feral LOL and if ppl like it cool, if ppl don't like it cool too, not my problem.
I never though I'd found this lovely precious community and I LOVE it!! <3 I love everyone here.
And tbh finding friends here is both an incentive but also quite honestly it makes me a little scared/self conscious bc yeah like you say what if these ppl I now care about get upset or something. I actually made a small rant exactly about this some months ago (not me bringing attention to my own cringy rant acfsxgsavbhjabj)
point is, I TOTALLY get your. for reals. 100% but I've learned people here are so welcoming and nice and accepting and we all just have fun being chaotic and horny and loving our characters and our writing in the craziest ways!!
And like you say it's just idk it's fun!! All liberating and exhilarating LOL I just ask minors not to follow me/interact why is that so hard sckbjasnclxa
and like
you'd be surprised....
ppl really do enjoy the craziest things we write like I made two versions of the same story more or less and to my absolute SHOCK the one tagged with rape/non-con has DOUBLE the amount of notes as the angsty/bittersweet one. HMMM??? Dark content enjoyers be thriving I guess???
also not your piss post getting almost 100 notes LMAOOOOOOOOO
I've seen enough weird shit to be desensitized at this point (I mean even before coming here, genshin shippers community in general be SOMETHING ALRIGHT and Zl just attracts all the kinks HAHAHAHA)
Anyway GODS this got so long I'm sorry but I just wanna say I fully 110% support you and I'm suuuuper happy we're friends sharing the same one braincell that's horny for zl 24/7 it's so much fun!! Do what makes you happy, don't feel pressured, and I know you have a genuine passion for writing so yeah follow your heart go wild!!
Love ya!! <3<3<3
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Hey! Uhh just a thought, maybe a separate server for the nsfw stuff?
Why? I don't see the point in making a whole separate server because I'm gonna bet that not a lot of people are gonna be interested in joining a server that would be focused on game design Eggman ns4w and f*tish. I barely know anyone that's actually interested in classic and modern Eggman ns4w, only Boom and the movie (I'm pretty even sure most of my followers of my ns4w blogs aren't but still follow anyway ;w;) and it's sad but true lol. And already making two is a bit much for me, it's enough just to make one for the first time.
It really doesn't feel like it'd be worth it just for maybe a handful of people or less to join it but I still really want a Discord space to get to talk about it and locked restricted access channels for general ns4w and f*tish would be a good way to do that. That way it's fine if there's only a few people, they'll still be other people in the other channels. I've found there's a way to lock the ns4w channels so the wrong people can't get into them. (And whether I allow minors in sfw channels or not, I also don't want to let every adult in the ns4w ones too easily) Plenty of servers I've been in have seemed to manage this quite well, it should work out okay.
The whole point of the server is for the opportunity to create a place of comfort and freedom to discuss this version of Eggman, as there aren't any servers focused on them that I know of. Part of that freedom is also to have the place to discuss ns4w in different ways than Twitter and Tumblr, so to not include them would pretty much defeat a huge part of the purpose, as the ns4w space is also important to me. I want to believe that it can work out being in the same server with careful management and restricted access in place. I really hope it does.
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luckyshotwrites · 1 year
Why are you writing Widfali the way you are? First and third person, just curious. I love it all the same though!
You're fine, don't feel shy about asking me anything, I don't mind little homie! Unless you did the clown thing, then we beefin' xD
The funny and short version of this story, Widfali was written out of spite. Lol. A friend commissioned a first person story of a girl who gets ate in a pizzeria. I wrote some backstory for her and thought it would be a fun idea to write from the males perspective using third person at the end as a bonus. (Alexander wasn't designed yet).
Then, after that my friend was telling me that it's pretty much impossible to write a Vore story without including a small list of things they wrote. (I can post it for anyone who's interested). And I took that personally. I started working on Widfali from then on. I do regret writing it in first person and third person, but I think it's far too late to change it. I don't want to confuse everyone reading it. I can come up with a reason for it if need be and have it tie in with the ending if I have too? I also disliked slice of life stories, and Widfali is similar to that, if not classified as one. I like a good plot in it, which all the threads I've placed so far will come to a close by the end of it. Or they were red herrings. >:D
(FORGOT THIS PART- this was before I found that Tumblr had a thriving community of talented Sfw vore writers. I never knew there were people like me who enjoyed the sfw side of it).
I hope that answered your question well enough! THANK YOU AGAIN FOR IT AND HAVE A FANTASIC DAY~!
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unknownzapy · 2 years
Smut Profiles must read Pinned Posts/Bios/carrd/etc of a person who’s either a minor and/or uncomfortable with Smut/18+ before interacting whatsoever (Liking a blog, reblogging, Sending an Ask/Question, etc). This goes for Minors as well: LOOK at their profile before doing what I just stated before interacting.
Longer version:
Okay, let’s get serious for a second here, I’m a person who hates seeing smut, but I won’t go around hating on people who write about it and instead avoid them as best as I can. I’ll put filtered tags in my settings, block accounts if needed, ect.
I’m not mad about 18+ or MDNI (Minors Do Not Interact) accounts, they can do whatever they want for all I care and minors/anyone who’s uncomfortable with 18+ mind their own business (including myself), I’m only mad because SOME people can’t respect boundaries. I’m not calling out usernames or anything, but the thing is that Smut Accounts shouldn’t be going around liking whatever posts they want (especially when they’re a real life human instead of a bot).
I don’t care if you have a main blog or a side blog of porn, YOU 👏SHOULD 👏NOT 👏INTERACT 👏WITH 👏CHILDREN👏. Be a RESPONSIBLE Adult and read anything such as a pinned post, a carrd, or something related to them being comfortable or not with Smut such as such before sending a like/reblog/comment/etc. I don’t care if you really enjoy that certain character or fandom that you’re actively a part of, just don’t start liking a post without the knowledge of coming into contact with a child. However, I don’t mind adults NOT making Smut/18+ content entirely, this is not directed towards them in any way possible.
I’d like to add that this is also about people who are uncomfortable with it as well, whether they’re an Adult or a Child for that matter. Smut accounts should seriously consider that Tumblr is also a place where not everyone is horny and just want to share silly, little purely sfw doodles, despite this app being geared towards 17 and up, but that’s not an excuse for anyone to blast porn on whatever account they’re on.
But I think that’s enough talking for one blog to handle, I just hope my point got across as best as I intended it to be.
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tddyhyck · 1 month
I’M SORRY THIS IS LIKE 700 WORDS, i don’t know how to shut up 😭😭😭😭 ok first. i didn't mean to make u feel bad for not replying “quickly enough”, just got worried that i might’ve said something weird ejsjdkwjsa. i’m glad that was not the case, and i am sorry i projected my insecurities onto u and hurried u 😭 that said, ur replies brought much joy. 😌
i have not seen the recording yet 😭 i’ve barely been able to watch anything 😞 i’m sure u’re more than “okay” with it, wink wonk, and yes omg,, truly so nice. U’RE EVIL… the “you” was such an unnecessary attack, u knew what u were doing with that 😭😭 (unless u don’t nd i read too much into it, like i often do 🫶🤪) our fruity fighter 🥺 our fruity fighter protecting us 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 why r u getting me so soft for him!
re: renjun. change ur mind from what.. am i forgetting something 😭 i love this though 🥳 i was reading something the other day and it went like “do u like renjun? are u a masochist?” and aurgh that hit,, idk what it is about him but something about him is so !!!!!!! 🥵 CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THE PATTERN… NGTAHGHHGBGRGGAABNHNHNN i’m so normal. that’s such a gigantic brain idea u have.
i screamed when i saw u say “i don’t make the rules but i will enforce them” because in a totally unrelated thought i was thinking yesterday about how i’m the type who may not make the rules but follows them (sfw thought LMFAO) and it was so amusing to read what u wrote. BUT YEAH U’RE SO RIGHT… normalise panty stuffing ‼️ 😠
u can change font size by selecting the text and going through the million options tumblr gives, the little <s> button 🥰 but wahhhh okay i’m glad 🥺❤️
NAURRR the anime lover in me thought of that too when trains got mentioned 😭😭 except like. a cute version of that, let’s say hjsgshrjba. jeno doing god’s work <3 thank u for sharing ur beautiful thought with the world though, the song hasn’t left my head LMAO i haven’t even heard it in… 8 years?!
RIIIIIIIGHT U GET MEEEE, “doing everything to make u cry” RIGHT RIGHT… so many thoughts. like he does it because it makes him hard (going with ur headcanon of him) but he also does it cus he just wants to be mean so bad at first and not let u think he’s nice or anything… taking out all his anger on poor u. then he makes u cry because he wants to convince himself that he’s not falling for u. then he finally admits he’s whipped for u and both of u are crying lmaoooo
“he’s all grown up and obnoxious and breaks my heart 😭😭” WHY IS THIS SENDING MEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 the way u worded that is SO funny. also idk what u’re talking about because i read mean dom chenle in 2022 and i never went back to normal after that 💗🦋 i’m kidding, i get what u mean. he’s positively adorable in the best way. i keep having my dream phases every single year the past 4 years before i stop keeping up? (some context; i’m also rlly bad with consuming content from my favourite groups. more context; none of my friends are super into them so i just never get to Talk about them) but i feel i might finally be ready to commit 🤩 because i like this album so much and it made me feel A Lot.
re: lipgloss. that was NOT the image in my head but it is definitely an image i can work with 🤩🤩🤩🤩 he gives u a little kiss on the lips right after that.
thank uuuuu i’m doing okay 🥹 i hope u are too, and work isn’t being too tiring ❤️ (random but ur cousin post was so cute. u’re a nice cousin 😔 i hope ur cousin appreciates u! and they’re a funny little kid for the permission thing.)
omg you didn’t rush me!! do not fret 🫶🏻🫶🏻
i hope u get to watch it soon it’s so good like one of my fav things is the recording bts jeno’s part ,,, was saur good ,, maybe i did add the you 🤭🤭
LOL i just meant if i thought of renjun and dumbification on a random afternoon i would be a changed person 🤭🤭 DO YOU LIKE RENJUN ARE U A MASOCHIST LMFAO,, those go hand in hand tbh thinking he has an album on his phone with just pics of your skin after some rope activities…
i miss him sm my little babie 🫳🫳🫳
omg anime lover i must know what you’re watching currently 🧐
oK but fwb!jeno who never gets mad so he keeps his anger all pent up and takes it out on you when you fuck,,, and it’s the best sex of your life lbr,,, like maybe he has a shit day at work and spilled his coffee and missed the bus and he texts you to link up and ,,, just ruins you GRRR but then he realizes he really goes over because you make him feel light and comfortable and it’s easy being with you,,, but he isn’t ready to admit it yet 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
he’s just annoying and pretty and obnoxious and talented and i want to enemies to lovers with him fr omg i know what you mean i have 1 kpop friend and she isn’t super into nct but she kinda keeps up for my sake but not to the point i do lol,,, def time to commit i am team commit to dream 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
he SO would smooch and pat you on the head 😵‍💫
work isn’t too bad! it’s our event season so a little busy but that’s better than being bored lol,, my cousin is so funny he’s 10 and i think he thinks i am too 🤣🤣
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pastafossa · 3 years
Flufftober 2021, Day 24 - Caught in the Rain
You can track my progress here on my Flufftober list, and you can find the official flufftober tumblr here! Anyone who’s read my TRT series knows how much we love some Hide-and-Seek/Devil-Hunt with the Devil, so I figured even the non-TRT readers deserved some, too! Also Matt is in the black suit because Matt + black suit + rain is a combo I can’t resist.
Ship: Matt Murdock x Reader         Rating: SFW         Wordcount: 1,080   Warnings: some sexy kissing because it’s required for rain scenes ok I don’t make the rules
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When it started to rain, you almost called the game off.
You played Devil-hunt, this wild version of hide-and-seek, often enough that it wouldn’t have been some great loss if you’d both decided to stay in for the night instead. You’d have missed the fun of it, of course—there was something about hunting for a good hiding place in the entirety of Hell’s Kitchen, knowing Matt would use every last one of his heightened senses to track you down, that left you eager and breathless. Besides, a light rain could actually help him as he hunted for you—something about it, he’d told you, helped stir up scent, making it easier for him to follow a trail.
You’d decided against it. You were already wet by that point, soaked by the rain, and there was still a chance you’d chosen a decent hiding place. Tonight you’d chosen the inner courtyard of a small, empty apartment building under construction. Though you hadn’t been able to get into the building itself—instead using the fire escape outside to climb up to the roof, cross over, and then clamber down the scaffolding—you’d hoped the surrounding walls of concrete and wood might help block your scent and your sound, muffling the signals your body gave off. You were out of the way, and suitably hidden.
You should have known he’d find you anyway.
Fortunately for you, that was also the moment the light rain became a downpour, the heavens above opening wide. And that seemed to throw him off.
You forced your breathing to flow slowly and calmly, remaining as still as possible as he swept the courtyard, hunting for you. He tilted his head, moving like liquid shadow and huffing at the air in great exhalations of steam, the image calling to mind an ancient predator, hungry and wanting. He was searching for your scent, you knew—a scent now struck from the air, drenched and splattered down across the cracked flagstones by the flood of water. You had at least three minutes left on your timer, and the amount of rain coming down was only increasing, pouring from the sky in great, heavy buckets. It rattled and rang along the metal scaffolding around you, poured from half-built gutters to spatter loudly onto the ground. It was just enough noise to hide the racing of your heart and the unsteadiness of your breathing. But this kind of disguise would only work if you stayed calm and didn’t make any more noise than you were right now.
He prowled past you, coming with inches, a heat you could feel as he moved by. You didn’t turn your head, didn’t dare move a muscle to keep him in sight when the creak of bone and sinew might give you away. You’d even flattened your hands against your thighs so the water that trailed down your arms transferred to your legs rather than dripping off the tips of your fingers.
He circled the courtyard again, hunting endlessly.
I’ve got him this time.
He stopped, maybe ten feet in front of you, tipping his head back to inhale slowly. He hadn’t replaced his ruined red Daredevil suit yet, which meant he was once more in sleek, form-fitting black cloth. In the rain, that fabric hugged him even more tightly, clinging to each and every muscle. That definition was only enhanced by the way he was standing—legs apart, his head back as if he were simply enjoying the rain, his powerful, broad chest expanding on a deep inhale before he breathed out a swirling trail of steam. Running hot, even in the rain.
God, your Devil was beautiful. Part of you wanted him to catch you just so you could kiss him in the rain when he was like this, primal and wild and somehow, all yours.
And that was enough to give you away.
The tiniest shiver ran down your spine. That motion was enough to stir up the droplets that had collected on your skin, sending a fresh shower of water falling to the ground. That, combined with the heavy skip of your heart, produced more noise than the surrounding rain. It wouldn’t have been enough for anyone else, but this wasn’t anyone else. 
Matt’s lips curled up as he slowly rolled his head back down to face you. The mask might have hidden most of his face, but you knew his blank eyes were staring right at you.
You tried to run, you did, but you didn’t get far. He skidded through the puddles, sliding across wet stone until he was in front of you. He growled playfully, snapping his teeth as you yelped and tore off in the opposite direction, your breath caught in your throat, your adrenaline surging. It was instinctive to run, not because you were afraid but just because, just to see if you could, just because it was fun to see how far you could get when you had the Devil at your heels.
There was no outrunning him. Not here.
You didn’t get more than two steps before he had you. Powerful arms snaked around you and promptly scooped you up off your feet with ease, despite your struggling, his voice low and warm as he laughed in your ear. “Mm-mm, found you.” He swung you around in a circle, raindrops scattering as your alarm went off and you let out your own laugh. “Found you, sweetheart. All mine, now.”
You squirmed around to face him, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders and getting your legs around his waist, soaking in the rasp of stubble as he kissed and nuzzled at your throat with a satisfied purr, lapping away the droplets of rainwater, drinking from your skin. You tugged on the end of his mask until he willingly tipped his head back, chuckling warmly as you kissed him. You pushed in closer, nudged and nipped until he parted his lips for you with a quiet hum, letting you in. He tasted like rainwater and cinnamon, tinges of burning, molten copper on his tongue. You sighed happily, pulling back until you could breathe against his lips, one of his hands sliding up under the back of your shirt so he could stroke the back of his fingers fondly down your spine. Like this, your clothes both soaked, your bodies pressed close, he somehow felt warmer, the lack of space between you all the more intimate.
“My Devil,” you murmured, kissing him again as he held you tighter. “I’m gonna beat you at this, one day.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
Tagging 🔥The Church of Saint Murdock🔥 taglist (to be added, click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​@juniebugg. @starry-ocean-floor.@strawb3rrydr3ss​@bohemianrhapsody86​@moonyinthestars​ @caswinchester2000​@thequeenofthefallen @elementec​ @phantomkindalikejaiden​@greatmoonchild​ @lov3vivian​ @mackycat11​ @ownerofthehighground​ @melodicmel​ @vx-vexedvixen​ @bellamy-barnes​ @junipermurdock​ @claire-of-asgard​ @tripletstephaniescp​ @fanfictionreblogs​ @smemento @coldwetbasementnoodles @fuckingcams @pantaeudaimonia @janesofia7​ @catsnow14​@navs-bhat​ @hopplessdreamer​ @onemarvelouscleric @fulloffeels​ @belladonichaze39 @theheartshaker​ @lady-loves-a-lot​ @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehave1​ @janesofia7​ @aquamarinerose​ @youcandalekmyballs​ @shen-hongzi​ @pastamomma​ @lykaiosmedia​ @glxwingrxse​ @inaretuza​ @scorpiowidow @theoneonly-huntress​ @elizabeth-or-lily​ @untraveled-road​ @lavenderluna10​ @shoppingcartlover69 @stardust-galaxies​
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call-me-reynolds · 2 years
☆ [ Welcome! ] ☆
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Hello Y'all! As my Profile says, you can call me Reynolds! I'm a 24 years old Demisexual Brazilian Girl, I don't have much to say about me, so have only this for now ♡
I'm your Average Giant/Tiny [Vore Included] Tumblr Artist, who will most likely draw Giant Versions of Characters I like; such as:
Byakuya Kuchiki [Bleach]
Makima [Chainsaw Man]
Mikhail Jirov [Sirius the Jaeger]
Merlin [Fate/Grand Order]
Lord El-Melloi II/Zhuge Liang [Fate/Grand Order]
And many more!! These are just my favourites ♡
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But before we go any further, here are some Questions about what you will see here on my Profile!!
What kind of G/T you draw? R: I draw only SFW G/T, most likely with Vore included, I also only draw Size-Difference G/T, my favourite size being: The Tiny is small enough to fit entirely on the Giant's Hand;
What kind of G/T you like? R: As I said, I love SFW G/T with said Size-Difference,I simply love the Scenario where the Tiny is getting Big Kisses from the Giant for example, or how the Tiny is asking to be eaten, etc etc etc, I have a lot of scenarios in mind that I LOVE, but if I get to say all of them, I'd stay here all day
What kind of G/T you don't like? R: I personally don't like G/T with the Tiny being almost the same size as the Giant [Or as they call, Mini-Giants], I absolutely don't have anything against it, if you like it, go for it ♡, but sadly, you won't find any of this specific G/T here
What kind of Vore you like? R: I LOVE Size-Difference Vore, like, how the Tiny is small enough to fit entirely on the Giant's Mouth, their tongue being a bed for their Tiny, and no issues or whatsoever when they swallow them, I love it ♡, and as always, Non-Fatal Vore, simple enough
What kind of Vore you don't like? R: Fatal-Vore and Same-Size Vore, as I said before, I have nothing against it, but sadly, if you're looking for these here, you won't find any
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I'm also a G/T Headcannon Writer!!
[I WON'T WRITE ANY REGULAR HEADCANNONS, My Profile is entirely made up only for G/T]
If you want some, My Asks are: Closed! Sorry!!
Fandoms I'm in:
Sirius the Jaeger
Persona [3 and 5]
Genshin Impact
Cookie Run Kingdom
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Fate/Grand Order
Kimetsu no Yaiba
There's more, but these are the Most Important ones;
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And that's it by now!! Thank you a lot for coming here; I hope you like my artwork, and I just ask one thing: Always Reblog!! It helps me a lot to grow here!! Thanks a lot, and Welcome ♡
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plaidbooks · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Mike Dodds
A/N: Hey y’all! This was requested by @caracalwithchips​! I forgot how fun these are--I know Mike a little better now than when I did the NSFW version, so a lot of these headcanons I’ve had in my brain. Hope you all enjoy <3
Holy fuck, how did I never notice that none of these have an S?? It took Tumblr breaking this post for me to realize.... Oh my god?!
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart​  @beccabarba​ @thatesqcrush​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @permanentlydizzy​  @ben-c-group-therapy​ @infiniteoddball​ @glowingmess​ @whimsicallymad​ @lv7867​  @storiesofsvu​ @cycat4077​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @glimmerglittergirl​ @joanofarkansass​ @redlipstickandblacktea @caracalwithchips​ @berniesilvas​​  @averyhotchner​ @qvid-pro-qvo​
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) While out in public, Mike will stand close enough that he’s brushing against you. Depending on what’s determined “okay” in social situations, he may have his hand on your arm or around your waist (like at a gala). When he can’t touch you, though, he’s giving you long, emotionally charged looks.When you’re both home, however, Mike is all over you. He has you pulled against him on the couch, holding you to his chest, fingers playing in your hair. Or he positions you so that he can gently massage your neck. He makes up for all the time he couldn’t touch you in public.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) You probably met at work, or in the gym (or on a jog). Mike is incredibly kind and will listen to you rant about something stupid happening in your life. But he will crack jokes about it until your problems seem so much smaller than you first thought they were. He’s also one to take you out to go do something fun after a rough day, if you need it.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)Boy does he! That broad chest and big arms are made to cuddle! His favorite position is on his back, with you curled against his side, head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. But after rough days, he needs something—or someone—to hold onto. Days like that, he’ll be on his side, snuggling into you, his face pressed against you (whether your back or chest).
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Mike wants to settle down, but with someone he chose, not his father (but he also needs his father to at least like you). He’s on a self-made diet, and will cook things low in fat and high on protein. Thankfully, he has a way to season it, so it tastes good. He’s a relatively clean guy, but he’ll do things like vacuum and dishes on the weekends/days off.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) In person for sure. He’ll come to your place—out in public is too…public. He doesn’t want to embarrass you (or hurt his family’s reputation). He’ll tell you why it’s not working out and be civil about it.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Mike’s in no hurry to get married. He wants to know that you’re the one for him before he’ll even entertain the thought of proposing. You need to be able to not only deal with his work and his workout regiment, but also with his family—especially his father. He knows that William will make snide comments directed at you, and while Mike will do his best to defend you, he also can’t go against his father.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Mike is a teddy bear! He’s incredibly gentle, sometimes too much so. He has a big, strong body, and he’s accidentally hurt too many people in his life, especially in childhood. When you first get together, his touch is feather-light. At first, you thought it was something about you, that he was treating you like a china doll. But after talking to him about it, you learned that he thinks light and easy is better than accidentally hurting someone he cares about.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Outside of emergency reasons (hostage situations or long stints out of the city), then Mike doesn’t really hug in public. You may get a side hug or something if you’re far in your relationship, and maybe a quick peck. Once home, though, he gives you massive bear hugs (he won’t squeeze tight, not unless you give him the okay).
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Definitely not on the first date. Probably a few months into a relationship. He’s not afraid of love or anything, but he’s a busy man and he wants to be sure you’re sticking around before he’ll drop the word.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Mike isn’t a jealous type. But, like most SVU detectives, he’s wary of other men. He’s protective to a point—he’s not possessive and he trusts you completely—and will definitely stick around you if he notices too many eyes in your direction. He also teaches you basic self-defense, just in case he’s not there.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Again, out in public, it’s a quick peck on the lips or cheek—maybe a kiss to the back of your hand. Behind closed doors, however, Mike loves kissing you. He’s the master of slow, deep kisses, memorizing each other’s mouths while your lungs burn for air. Outside of your lips, he likes kissing your forehead or the top of your head; it’s intimate and sweet. But he loves loves loves when you kiss his jaw down to his chest. Any marks you leave, he can blame on sparring.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Mike’s super sweet around kids! You know that Big Brother program—where only children get to hang out with an “older sibling” (usually volunteer college students)? Mike is that kinda guy! He knows how to connect with children, especially little boys. And they love him!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Mike’s up early taking a jog and hitting the gym. You usually catch him after he comes home (unless you join him). By the time he’s out of the shower, you have a protein shake for him and one of the breakfasts he showed you how to make (the shake is for the day, the breakfast for now). You usually get an hour to chat and catch up before he’s giving you a kiss and heading out the door.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) He usually comes home late—he is second in command (first, once he’s transferred from SVU). If you’re still awake, you’ll catch up on the day, chatting into the night. You know once he’s in bed, he’ll be out like a light, so you sit on the couch and talk. But he’ll eventually get that glazed look in his eyes, and you’ll have to convince him to go to bed, no matter how much he insists on wanting to talk to you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) It’s not that he reveals things about himself on purpose, but you’ll start to notice little things (like how soft his touch is). When asked about these things, he’ll sit you down and tell you…if he knows the answer, that is. Somethings, he doesn’t know why he does them; it was just something to survive as a kid that he never really thought about.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Angered isn’t the correct word; Mike gets frustrated. It mostly is things about work, but you learn that he has a shorter fuse every now and again. He’ll never admit that it’s stress from his father, instead blaming the cases he’s working on. But you know the signs.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) Depends on when you tell him. If he has a lot on his plate, his mind turning, he’s more likely to forget something. He knows the basics (birthday, allergies, favorite color), but things like an ongoing issue at work, you may have to remind him of the details.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) It was before you moved in together; the first night he stayed at your place. A little girl had been kidnapped, and the squad found her body the next day. Mike was on the scene, and it hit him hard; it was the first child case he had in SVU. He was really broken up about it and he asked if he could come over. You, of course, accepted, and Mike flew to your place. It was a) the first time he told you details about his job and b) the first time you saw him cry. You calmed him down and hugged him throughout the night, running your fingers through his hair as he slept, his head on your chest. He thanked you for that, but he never told you just how much he appreciated it.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Mike’s afraid that he’s not around enough. As such, his dates are incredible. He’s also the type to leave you little trinkets; either something useful, or something that reminded him of you. And if you’ve been cleaning and doing all the chores, then he’ll wake up super early on his day off and do everything before you get a chance to. He’ll call it a spa day for you, and while he’s waiting for something (laundry or food or what have you), he’ll massage you or rub lotion into your skin for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Hopefully you like chores, because Mike doesn’t do them often. He works so much and is on call on his days off. It’s not like he doesn’t want to help around the house, but if you had a dollar for every time Mike got called away while he was halfway done with something, you could afford a bigger house.He also will do anything his father asks, whether it’s in Mike’s best interest or not.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Very concerned—he has a reputation to keep. Even on his days off, he’s in nice slacks and a nice shirt. The only time you see him “off” is when he announces he’s not leaving the house. He’ll be in sweats and a tight shirt on the couch (unless he’s called in, and he has to quickly change).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) Once you own his heart, he can’t imagine life without you. Sure, he can remain polite at galas you couldn’t make it to, but inside, he’s missing you. It’s just not the same without you by his side, to make fun of all the pompous people around you. He definitely has a well-worn picture of you in his wallet that he’ll look at if he’s stuck at work super late.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) Mike knows his father is overbearing, but he doesn’t know what William does to him. He grew up with his father’s expectations weighing down on him, so it’s all “normal” in his mind. You’ve tried talking to him before about it, but Mike will brush it off as “that’s just dad being dad.” It kind of makes meeting up with William weird, because you want to tell him off. You can see how he berates Mike, and you now understand why Mike likes to be praised so much; he obviously didn’t get it as a child.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Anyone that can embarrass him/his family. You need to be able to fit into the high social circles (whether you’re in them or not). You need to be eloquent and polite, ready to bite your tongue when someone says something incredibly sexist at an event (at least until you learn how to clapback without drawing attention to yourself).
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) Ever since he was in the Army, Mike normally sleeps on his back. The only time he doesn’t is if one or both of you need the cuddles. It took you a while to get used to laying on his chest—it’s much higher than your old pillow, and it takes some adjusting. Otherwise, Mike is quick to sleep, his arm around you.
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writingoneshots · 3 years
Hey uhm first of all I just wanna say, your fics are really good!😭❤ secondly, I appreciate the amount of effort you put in to your fics so thank you so much!
How about having an argument with Zoro, Sanji, Ace and Law and f!s/o accidentally says "i hate you", what would their reaction be like?
Angst but fluff and comfort ending if u may omg agsjsvs
N e wayz, have an amazing day bub!❤🥺
Sensitive Topic
Hello softiebadbitch :) ! love this name.
I wasn't really sure how to add 4 readers into one story but I think I found a good solution. It's clear to me that you wanted to have 4 separate stories but this would have been too long for one post and you can't use one request for several posts.. sadly. Hope this fixed it - I made one general story and continued with 4 different endings. All of them are in the reader version but the 'extra girlfriends' have their specific names to not make it too complicated.
Kind of like this way of writing.. wouldn't mind more requests like this :) ! Thanks for letting me explore this new style even though it probably wasn't intended.
And thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it <3 especially because I don't know if anything I write is good enough for Tumblr or literally any request. Thank you, thank you, thank you <3 !
- Ace x reader - ZoroxRey, SanjixAna, LawxValeria (if one of these names is yours.. you're welcome) - 2,774 words (but it's a 4 in 1 story) - lovey-dovey, little pain in our chest, signs of smut, still SFW, cute moments
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Spending some girl-time with your closest best friends was a really rare occasion after spending years on many pirate ships. Especially bonding with female human beings was hard. But since you were dating Ace, you finally got the chance after meeting his friends. Some of them were already in a relationship with their current partners and the rest just started dating. After a successful shopping day, you spend the rest of the evening in the fanciest diner on this island and booked a whole room just for you and your better halves. The men were probably still training or doing something unimportant, but none of you cared. "Can you believe the guy from the bakery? He dared to follow us around just to carry our bags..?", Rey laughed and finished her second glass of wine. "Just please don't tell Sanji about it. He is already heartbroken because I went shopping without him.", Ana pouted and sighed a bit sad. You rolled your eyes, "Stop whining. This is the first time after eight months that we could hang out together. And we didn't have to worry about carrying something." "Plus, the guy seemed to be really into you, Ana.", Rey smirked and gave her a flirty wink. "Stop saying that! Sanji could come here any minute! You know how jealous he can get!", Ana warned Rey and glared at her. This was the worst timing ever. "Jealous? Why?! Did anyone touch you?!", Sanji's eyes were already in flames and he almost teleported himself to his girlfriend after hearing these words. The men decided to join you all on the right - or maybe wrong? - time and chose to mock the conversation. "Probably some weird girly things, we don't wanna know about.", Ace grinned and sat down right in front of you. The men sat down on the other side of the table and didn't even choose to greet them with a hug or a kiss, except for Sanji, who could barely let his fingers of Ana. You raised an eyebrow at Ace's comment, "What?" "Just kidding! You had probably something important to talk about.. like which nail color you're supposed to get next week.", Ace added and high-fived Zoro. "Or what hairstyle you should make to match your earrings!", Zoro couldn't stop laughing at his own comment. Ace turned to Law for another high five but he just glared at the topless pirate. "What? You're leaving me hanging like this?!" "Don't drag me into this.", Law turned away from him and faced Valeria, who seemed pleased by his answer. The others were not though. You were still confused by Ace's behavior but slowly understood that he tried to be as manly as possible in front of the others. Sanji sat down on his place after failing to convince Ana to have her sit on his lap. "What do you mean? An hour ago you were talking about how Valeria tried to draw her eyeliner but ended up looking like a panda!", Ace laughed and high-fived Zoro again, who seemed to feel a bit unsure about Ace's comment now. Rey looked down at her drink, already realizing how quickly the mood changed since they started making fun of all of you. Valeria was shocked. She didn't know how to respond and just shook her head, ignoring Law's desperate look on his face. "That's enough, Ace.", you talked silently and poured yourself some wine, not caring about the waiter offering to do it for you. "What.. I-", Ace froze after seeing your face. It pained him to see you being disappointed and he didn't know how that happened. "I am sorry if I have offended anyone.. we were just talking.. ", he cleared his throat and began to feel uncomfortable. He didn't see that coming. "Then maybe you should stop it", you were still not able to look up. "Stop what? Talking?" "Yes.", your eyes flashed up to him now. He didn't expect to see the anger in them. Ace has never seen that glare directed at him. It felt way too painful. "Okay, everyone. Let's calm down now and enjoy this dinner.", Sanji tried to cool down the situation and looked at the food, which didn't look good enough for his girlfriend. "Gonna be hard when you're here.", Zoro commented under his breath and was already eating his meal. "Huh?!", Sanji clenched
his teeth and tensed all his muscles to not smack Zoro for that comment. "Can you just calm down, you two?!", Ana took a deep and annoyed breath, trying to stay calm in this uncomfortable scenario. Ace couldn't stop but to look at you, ignoring him now. "Valeria-" "Don't.", she stopped Law from whatever he was trying to say. Everyone was quiet. Nobody was eating. "..anyone want some extra bread?", the waiter whispered and stood behind you, holding up a basket with fresh bread.
Ace x reader When you arrived in the room of your hotel, you still didn't dare to say a word. You were still furious about his behavior, especially because this wasn't the first time he dared to say something like that. "(Y/N), I am-" "I don't want to hear it." "Please, just let me-" "I said, that I don't want to hear it.", you hit your jacket onto the bed and let go of it a few seconds after. Taking a deep breath, Ace pressed his lips together and didn't know what to say or do. You two never had a fight like this and he feared to say something wrong, which would make you leave him. "I don't want us to go to bed angry.", he whispered sadly and stepped closer to you. You just froze and closed your eyes, trying to remain calm. "You always do this.. every time you make fun of something I do. I stopped talking about my hobbies and literally anything that makes me happy and you caught a glimpse of us having fun, and immediately you chose to mock it..." Ace frowned at that and thought back to all the times he tried to have fun with you. He never understood any of your hobbies or what girls liked, which is why he tried to spend some time with you by making jokes but it never occurred to him that it was actually hurting you. "Why did you never tell me that? I didn't know that it hurt you.." "Because I shouldn't need to tell you! I hate when you try to make fun of me or other people like that! You literally took the joy of me doing my hair, trying to learn how to skateboard or even baking muffins! I hate this, I hate the fights and I hate yo-" Both of you froze right on your spots. "Oh my God..", tears were rolling down your eyes and your knees weren't able to support you any longer. You immediately went down to your knees and hid your face in your hands. "I didn't want to say this.. it slipped.. I don't hate you, Ace!" Your heart was aching at what you were about to say. Ace didn't feel any better. He sat down right next to you and watched you wiping your tears away. "I have caused this... I am sorry, (Y/N).. This will never happen again, I promise. I just wanted to be a part of something in your life.", he took a deep breath and pulled you onto his lap. "I will find another way. Just please.. don't hate me." You shook your head and hugged him tight back, hiding your face in his neck and never ever letting him go. --- Zoro x Rey Zoro came out of the shower, just a towel around his hips and water still dripping down his naked chest. This was usually a sight, which made you jump right onto him but not this time. The pirate hunter had hoped for you to fall for it because he was really bad at apologizing but he knew you had a stronger will than him. He would have fallen for it. You were already in bed, cuddled into your pillow and ignoring him professionally. "Rey.. I can feel that you're not sleeping.", Zoro approached the bed and sighed when you didn't respond. "..are you mad at me?", he whispered now carefully. You raised an eyebrow at this provocative question and pressed your lips together, trying not to give back a stupid answer. But your mouth responded faster than your brain. "No, I am super happy about today's events. We can repeat that tomorrow again, if you feel like making fun of women-things.", you added in a sarcastic tone. "So.. that's a yes?" You turned around, the pillow tight in your grip and pulled the pillow with a loud thud onto his face. When you took the pillow away, you narrowed your eyes at his provocative smirk. "Definitely, yes." "Shut up.", you sighed and were about to turn around again but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the other side of the bed until you were facing him. "Stop running away from your problems all the time, lady." "I really hate when you are doing this!", you tried to free your arm from his grip. "What?" "Using your strength to make me do whatever you want to!" "This is literally the reason, why you started dating me. Because I am not a weakling, who gets dragged by everyone like your stupid exes. But if you really hate it, then that means you must hate me
too, right?", he leaned forward, making sure not to miss any sort of reaction in your eyes. You looked at him surprised and didn't know what to say. After a few seconds, you shook your head and sighed a bit. "I couldn't hate you for being you. I hate the fact that you're making fun of girl-things all the time." "Alright, I'll stop then.", Zoro promised and let go of your hand. He turned around and went to the pile of washed clothes on the couch to pick out something to sleep in. Right.. I forgot how easy it can be in a relationship. You talk, promise and go on. Not believing what he just did, your brain had a thousand thoughts about what would happen during this night but it did not involve any sort of clothes. You stood up, went to him, and pulled away his towel. Zoro turned around, surprised by your decision, "Oj.. bad girl." --- Sanji x Ana After this emotional and very unusual dinner, you decided to have some tea. Sanji was still in your bedroom preparing a bath for you even though you've told him that you weren't in the mood for it. You hid in the kitchen and cooked some water, while preparing the rest. While you were looking for the honey, which he was hiding from Luffy, Sanji entered the kitchen. "Oj, what are you doing?", he approached you and immediately figured that you were making some tea. "Just something to warm myself up with a sweet taste.", you smiled a bit exhausted and felt Sanji's arms around you in an instant. "I am sorry for today.. I know that I promised you to not get triggered because of that marimo but his bare existence is to annoy me.", Sanji tried to brighten the mood and gave you a soft kiss on your head. "No, it's okay.. I am already used to it. I just wanted to have a chill day with the girls and this fight kind of ruined everything again.", you shrugged and leaned softly onto him, enjoying his muscular arms supporting you. "Oh.. so you don't hate me, right?" You laughed softly. The relationship had only just begun and Sanji had to question every move of yours. "I could never...", you looked up to him and kissed his warm lips softly, forgetting about everything that had happened in the last hour. --- Law x Valeria Law used his room ability to create a bubble surrounding the two of you. He carefully stepped closer and put his arm around your waist only to see you turn your head away from him. He tensed his jaw, trying to hide the sudden strike of pain in his chest and just decided to ignore it for now. "Shambles." You found yourself in your and Law's bedroom. After a few seconds, you just freed yourself from his arm and went straight into the bathroom, locking yourself in. Law just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. He had definitely hurt your feelings but he didn't know how to apologize for it. "Val..", he closed the distance slowly to the door and tried to listen to whatever you were doing inside. It sounded like you were throwing something away and sniffling quietly. Fuck.. "Valeria.. what are you doing?" "Cleaning.", your response was sharp. Law knew that he was a genius, who could solve the hardest puzzle on this planet or even have a detailed discussion with Robin, but even Luffy or Kid would have been able to figure out what you were doing right now. "Stop throwing away your things. I like it when you put on your make-up." "Are you sure about that? Or are you going to call me a dog or a salamander the next time you talk to others?!", you wiped away your tears and threw away the rest of the make-up, which you bought today. "Stop overreacting. I was just talking about your eyeliner the other day and you hated it too. Take out the make-up again and forget about it.", he sighed and knew that this wasn't something he should say but he also knew that it would trigger you enough to get out of the bathroom. "You know what-!", you opened the door harshly and stepped out, pointing your index finger at him. Law had a hard time hiding his cheeky smile because he already knew you well enough. "I hate what you're doing! Always talking about me behind my back! I hate
you for it!", you crossed your arms at your chest and took a deep breath, trying to control the last brain cells, which are still able to hold you back from kissing his cheeky smirk. The pirate captain raised an eyebrow at that and needed a second to choose his next words wisely. "Did you just tell me that you hate me?" "I said that I hate you for it! Not that I hate you!" "This is literally the same..", Law tilted his head a bit and couldn't quite accept that. "I hate it when you talk about me behind my back before talking to me personally. You were the first one to say 'I love you' but not directly to me.. no! You said it to Bepo first and he told me. Then you said that you preferred my soft cookies more than the brownies but again: you didn't tell me! You told Sanji! And to the newest 'Law is a wimp and can't tell his girlfriend anything personally', you told the boys that I looked like a damn panda!" "But a cute one..", Law smirked now and stepped closer, putting his hand on your cheek softly. You were just about to smack it away but Law was faster. He pushed you against a wall within a second and pressed his body against yours. His hand rested on your neck and he pressed his thumb against your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "Say it again, Valeria..", he purred your name in his dangerously sexy voice. "Say that you hate me." You frowned at his reaction and didn't really understand how this turned him on. "No, you weirdo." "Say it.", he commanded now and leaned closer to you, your lips barely touching. "Make me.", your last brain cells just said their goodbyes. A harsh sound of him pulling out his belt appeared beside you and you couldn't look away. His eyes were focused on yours as if he'd die if he'd miss anything for a second. "Don't tell Bepo.. but you're my favorite panda." "You fucking... I really hate you now.", you spoke through your teeth and tried to push him away. The most heartwarming laugh escaped Law's lips and he immediately locked his lips with yours, not giving you a chance to respond to him laughing. Law pulled your arms behind your back and tied them with his belt. "That's my girl.", he whispered in between your kiss and didn't let go of you for the rest of the night.
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lightning-things · 3 years
Hi, could I please request general relationship headcanons for the octopath boys (p.s. I hope you feel better and might I recommend drinking some lavender tea before bed I know how it feels not being able to sleep)
Hello and thank you for your concern. I’m a little better, still with some sleep problems but improving my sleeping schedule step by step. I don’t like tea but I’ll try it and see how it works ^^
Also, I hope I didn’t take too much time for this, I don’t know when you send me this asks >_< Tumblr should put dates on this kind of things.
Hope you’ll enjoy this and will have a wonderful day <3
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Fandom: Octopath Traveler.
Summary: Relationship headcanons for the traveler boys.
Characters: Olberic, Cyrus, Therion, Alfyn, Reader (no poly).
Theme: SFW, romantic relationships, fluff, no gender mentioned.
Inspiration: Octopath Traveler OST, Character’s Themes.
Words: 981.
Warnings: Mentions of stealing.
Read also in: Ao3, soon in Wattpad.
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The most traditional one, as expected. True gentleman who will open doors for you, help you sit and/or take the heavy things out of your hands even if you’re clearly capable of doing everything on your own. Olberic means no harm nor disrespect, he’s only trying to make you comfortable so if you don’t like this kind of behaviour, just tell him and he’ll gradually stop doing it -just give him time-.
Out of the four boys, he’s one of the two who is not exactly fond of PDA. Olberic will never -hear me, never- turn you down if you want a kiss, a hug or hold hands or any other sign of affection, but he’ll be rather embarrassed of doing it in public -you can tease him a little, but don’t pressure him too much-.
I picture him like a great storyteller. If you have a fireplace you two can have dates at home where you enjoy exchanging stories -or listening to his tales if you prefer to listen instead of to tell- while drinking and having snacks.
Dating with this man is a full courtship. From the obvious things such like getting you flowers to having fancy dinners, scorting you to places and giving you little presents. He’s a humble one so nothing he’ll give you will be too fancy, but every single thing is chosen or even hand-made with great care.
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You know that meme “I know how to kiss, I read it in a book”? He’s exactly like that. Cyrus has zero experience with this kind of relationship and even if he knows what love is, he only knows the theoretical part of it. Because of this, it will be you who will take the initiative until he gets some experience.
 Cyrus will learn firstly from books, and secondly from you, so expect to correct him in some parts since we all know books tends to exaggerate or put a “beauty filter” in everything, especially romantic novels that are his primary source.
That being said, Cyrus is a good man, even if a little oblivious, he’ll never do anything with the intention to offend or brush off your advances. PDA is fine for him but don’t be too clingy at first, take your time to get to know each other before doing anything bold.
Library dates and picnics are a must with this man. Just the two of you, with some books to pass the time and sandwiches to eat while you comment your different points of views about a novel or a research. But don’t worry, if you’re not the scholar type or reading is not your cup of tea, he’ll understand and will try to balance by doing things you enjoy even if he doesn’t.
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First of all, congratulations. Getting this dork into a romantic relationship and not getting stuck in the pinning/crush phase is a feat in itself. Therion will deny any kind of feeling at first but don’t give up, if you’re sincere and he likes you too, Therion will come around, eventually.
No PDA for him, sorry. He’s worse than Olberic. Where the knight will let you be and only try to keep it at the bare minimum, Therion will openly refuse the bolder displays. You’ll get lucky if he lets you hold hands out in the open. Don’t blame him though, he had a rough life and is not used to being with someone, much less receiving affection. But Therion will also try to compensate you, giving you little trinkets -some of them stolen, he’s still a thief- and cuddling you in private.
He’s a smart ass. Even if he doesn’t have any experience, unlike Cyrus who will have no issue admitting it, Therion will deny it and even proclaim he has experience, which can only lead to some embarrassing situations but let him have this. Therion’s pride will thank you if you just let it pass.
Dates with Therion are rare, since he’s not exactly the romantic type and doesn’t like things like meals at fancy restaurants. If you want to spend time together, take a stroll with him, go sightseeing to places you like and just enjoy the day with him in a natural way. Share with him snacks on the way, let him steal things for you -even if you later pay them without him knowing- and be together, even if it’s in silence.
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PDA master. Prepare yourself because when he gets over his shy phase you’ll have him attached to your hip. Holding hands, cheek kisses, hugs, a hand on your waist or shoulders, playing with your clothes or hair… He’s bolder enough to give you a french kiss in front of someone so be warned.
Don’t even think about having an unhealthy life-style with him around. Even if you don’t like it, Alfyn will make his personal goal to make you change your bad habits using tricks and being subtle or direct when needed but never by force. He wants you to be healthy, but not at the cost of your happiness.
Boy sure is talkative, and if you let him talk he will start rambling about everything while doing other things like organizing his herbs or massaging your shoulders -let him do it, he knows how to use his hands-.
Every single date you have in mind, Alfyn will try it. He’s not picky at all, though it’s true that he prefers simple things, especially those related to nature. Like Cyrus, picnics are one of his favourites, but he also likes walking with you through town or going searching for herbs with you. Alfyn is a countryside boy, if you are too he will be happy, but if you’re not don’t worry, just tell him the things you like and he’ll try them. As I said, he’s not picky at all and can adapt quickly.
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savnofilter · 4 years
Busty S/O w/ Nipple Piercings HCs
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Tamaki x Reader // Mirio x Reader // Bakugo x Reader // Todoroki x Reader
warning(s): sexual content, hint of debauchery.
a/n: tumblr had originally decided to delete the whole draft to this after working on it all day. :D also big shout-out to @kingtamakimurder​ since it i(wa)s her birthday so happy birthday my beautiful goddess! i hope you enjoy this one~ but i was so excited to write this. thank you anon! 🎂💖
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Tamaki hadn’t seen you in what felt like ages and he was so glad to see you again.
when you were abroad for about 7 months and he missed you so much he was practically bouncing in anticipation to see you back again.
when youre finally at his house and in his arms hes ready to have you in his arms and smothering you in his embrace.
it was when he had finally seen you in his eyes again, in the flesh and he could tell something was... off about your appearance.
not in a bad way, but for some reason he found himself staring at your chest but it isnt long until you tell him the news.
“Tamaki I got nipple piercings!”
“N... What?!”
he’s honestly surprised at first that you got something like that, eyes almost jumping out of his skull when you show him the piercing an immediate erection is brought to his dick.
it was hard enough for him to hold back the need to look at you with your normal shirts, but they were calling his name.
“W-Wow... i-it looks l-lovely...” He mumbles not really sure what to say, eyes trained on the silver studs that allured him more than he was anticipating.
he couldnt wait to get his hands on them.
when Mirio first sees you youre in the healing process.
and it takes him a minute to really process the news, eyes watching pure curiosity as to why and how you would even get the piercing.
“Oh wow... It looks super good!” Is all he can really say, speechless for the first time in his life.
without it having any sexual context behind it, he is one too touch them, curious as to how they feel under his fingers.
“Wow! They feel so cool.” 
he’s a tease so he’ll be one to just come up behind you and feel em’, using them to tease you.
“M-Mirio!” “Oh come on, they were staring at me first~”
hes such a dog, you have to make sure to keep an eye on his hands in public so he doesnt do anything risky.
same story as before.
“Heh, you better careful before you have get them done again-”
this boi cannot behave. him. self. basically the actual perverted version of mirio. this boi aint pure, he just likes to mess with you.
lets out an obnoxious whistle when he sees you come around, thoroughly enjoying the embarrassed look you get when you try to shut him up.
always has a raging boner cos’ his hot girlfriend makes it stand up.
hes one to try and convince you some other piercings~
to say in the least, hes very supporting and offering to help you heal!
its only what a horny amazing boyfriend will do~
shamelessly stares and doesnt care if youre in public or not.
he makes sure to be discreet about it, relishing in the feeling of having it under the pads of his fingers makes him so incredibly hard, its basically torture before he can play with them the way he wants to.
Todoroki is amazed, really.
he cant fathom the thought or feeling of having a needle and some other metals going through his nipples -- for any reason at that.
even with that, he cant stop the small bubbling in his stomach at how it fits you so well he doesnt have really much to say.
“It looks... nice.”
“Thank you Sho~”
but he has the weird impulse to want to touch them?
the way they provactively poke out from your shirt (and emphaszied by your breasts) makes him almost on the edge all the time.
he always had a habit of just admiring your looks and looking at you, but it seems like a much bigger distraction with the piercing teasing at the fabric of your shirt.
admittedly he does get a lil hard looking at your chest-
even though most of thoughts are vanilla about your piercings, theres a part to him that just really wanna how sensitive your nipples are now.
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he tries taking it slow but he is so eager to just play with them.
at first hes just softly touching them, trying to help you ease the feeling actual pressure of someone else’s fingers.
“D-Does this feel okay~?”
boi is soft.
likes to flick them and watch how sensitive your bundle of nerves are now that youve got piercings.
is very eager to suck on them and use anything he can to tease you and hear all the noises he can get from you~
his favourite thing to do with them is to suck on them, since he doesnt get too wild (most of the time) he likes to give them good sucks.
definitely moans and groans feeling them on his tongue.
he also thoroughly enjoys fondling them and playing with the nipples because of the way your body responds to him.
you getting nipple piercings are probably one of the best things that you have ever surprised him with.
hes a little careless with his handling, but he doesnt hurt you.
mirio is such a dog, he likes tweaking and pulling at your nipples enough to get small moans from you and presses to get louder ones.
most of the time he doesnt really use his mouth in fear he’ll get too carried away.
“Fuck you’re so sexy like this, Y/N~” 
tit fucks you more often to watch how your tits bounce so alluringly because of your piercings.
if you want to get cock up instantly, just wear one of your see-through shirts because it will give him an instant boner.
(he does prefer thing more tho)
hes just so much of a perv, he likes the thought he has to elude what really underlies underneath the top~
definitely prefers you to be on top so he can see them bounce.
avid fan of flicking your nippies cause why not? more opportunities to hear you whine~
goes feral if you wear his favourite piercings.
so his emo ass LOVES the piericings on you.
his hands are basically glued to your chest.
is not innocent or soft (unless teasing you), hes usually rough and unforgiving.
likes to pull and bite at them, his cock rock hard when you plead for him to be softer but you get wet anyways~ what do you REALLY want, y/n~?
“You’re so wet~ I bet you like me playing with your tits like this huh~?”
isnt afraid to get rough, is calculated tho -- dont get him wrong.
hes a beast but not a full on sadist.
loves to suck on them and roll his tongue over the studs, sucking roughly on your nipples.
(vocal on how addictive it is to suck on em’)
is definitely a moaner when fucking with them.
likes to poke his dick on your tit to tease them and also increases in tit fucking you.
just know that your nipples may now always be oversttimulated now because of all of the attention he gives you.
be prepared to share the same fate if you ever fall through with him convincing you for clit piercings-
hes like Tamaki, is slow, sensual and soft.
so soft it makes you more sensitive without him knowing it.
“Tell me if I’m being too rough.”
no sir, youre being too soft.
unintentionally edges you and makes you so frustrated!
when he catches on he is easily one of the cockiest teasers on earth.
he doesnt really change anything in the bedroom, but he definitely gropes you more.
also loves to *change* your studs and give them a nice rub when hes finished, a suck each one for you sitting and obeying him without any complaints.
yes, change. 
Todoroki’s are a different breed of fucking perverted.
isnt much of a titty fucker but does enjoy cumming on your tits because it looks nice~
Shouto is indifferent, but not really.
just keep on your toes for when he’s ready to pounce~
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donnerpartyof1part2 · 3 years
Haha wow the mobile browser version of tumblr is even more fucked up than the android app!
I got two questions.
1. Does anybody know of an archiving tool BESIDES the Wayback Machine, where I might be able to see saved versions of one of my blogs? Sadly the Wayback saves aren't recent enough. And I was right in the middle of applying for a really hopeful dream job kinda thing, using newly revised writing samples I've been posting here since 2009, when @staff suddenly deleted me for no apparent reason. Not sure what I can do about that now.
2. Does anybody have an alternative blogging platform that they like? I know everybody has been asking themselves that question since the porn purge started making everyone's lives impossible including random SFW casualties. I just wondered if there were new answers. I'm going to have to move *at least* my writing off of here permanently, even if tumblr unfucks themselves and restores my blog like they obviously should (and like they did the last time they deleted me for no reason). I'm not crazy about moving over to Medium or whatever, but I'll take what I can get. Let me know if you use something you like!
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katthekitkatlord · 3 years
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Hope this is sfw enough for tumblr. The full version can be found over on my twitter. 
Geralt and my monster boy Calixto. Of course Geralt is a monster f4cker XD
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