#hopefully I don't get tired of this anytime soon
keyetomyheart · 7 months
haha just realized that I didn't need to delete my family tree post like 5 times and I could've just edited it... one day Tumblr will make sense to me. no but this is fun! I am having so much fun making all this content actually.
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wabblebees · 2 years
#cw for health/medical talk in the tags!#<- just fyi in case u wanna scroll past. nothing super huge or scary or anything like that#finally went to the doc last week bc my joints have felt like theyre self-destructing for months#and got my xrays + lab results back today#they couldnt see anything on the xrays which is good -- & all the scary-ass shit they were testing for came back negative which is a relief#but according to the nurse on the phone my rheumatoid factor was v high ((didnt say How high but! enough that my doc was surprised.))#so theyre referring me to a specialist ''hopefully within the month'' before i leave for school again.#im. tired#im v glad there was Something in my results at least. smth to point to and go ''ah! thats why i feel like shit''#at least partially anyway#but even with all that gratitude. im fucking tired#i don't have the spoons to do more research on this shit rn but. fuck. ig im really gonna have to bc this isnt going away anytime soon huh#well. glad to have One answer at least#tbh im. fine? like. im kind of just over it atm; its not a huge shock or anything & its not a 'wailing and gnashing of teeth' moment either#my mom had a v strong reaction when i told her -- not strong like bad like didnt believe me or smth; just strong like immediately sorry#not in a pitying way which i appreciate -- just. yeah#bc she reacted so strongly to the news tho i keep trying to decipher what *im* feeling abt it and getting... nothing??#zip zilch nada. zero. error 404 file not found#which is weird bc i can TELL theres *also something else* happening beyond that static. ig ill just have to wait for it to hit me?? maybe??#hm. yeah.#anywayzzz im gonna go take More ibuprofen and pretend my head and joints feel Fine until they actually do#headache who?? never met her#bee speaks
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sunnysana · 6 months
Park Chan-young x F! Neohuman reader
Summary: Eun-yoo left Chanyoung in the trap.
Warning(s): None
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"Eun-yoo!" Chanyoung yelled for the 10th time knowing he wouldn't be able to get out any time soon with his sprained ankle, and that if he'd wait it to heal he would probably die of starvation.
"Damn it" he muttered under his breath while letting himself slide to the floor. He knew she wasn't gonna come back for him.
He sighed and closed his eyes giving up on doing the impossible.
Hours later he felt a change of scenery, he felt soft plush against his cheek when gained consciousness.
He opened his eyes.
He checked his surroundings first, noticing that he was lying in a makeshift two person bed that was probably a sleeping couch. He faced to a wall with a window shut with a curtain in presumably a camper.
it was getting dark outside. As he tried to sit up, he noticed his ankle bandaged up and taken care of.
He sat up and looked to the front. There was a girl standing at the kitchen counter making some food.
"Hello?" He said, trying to gain her attention. "Ah, I see you're awake." She then grabbed a bowl, showing some type of soup in it. "Drink up," she said. "You need it if you wanna heal anytime soon," he took it. "Oh, thank you," he replied, bowing his head slightly.
"How did I get here?" He asked still in a polite manner like he always did. "Oh right, I found you in a trap made for the infected or so-called 'monsters', I guess I felt bad for you so I decided to help you out." she said. She however left out the part that she saw Eun-yoo leaving him in there.
Then she grabbed a bowl for herself aswel and sat across from him on the side of the bed.
"So what's your name?" She asked him before eating a spoon full of the warm soup. "I'm Park Chanyoung from the Crows platoon. Nice to meet you." he bowed his head slightly again. "That's probably a thing in the army right?, well my name is L/N Y/N nice to meet you too." I bowed my head as well.
"Now drink up so you don't die of starvation, I didn't put anything weird in it if you're wondering" she smiled slightly. "If I wanted to do anything to you I would have done it already".
Chanyoung then put a spoon full of soup in his mouth tasting it. "Hm, it's good".
A little while later, after having a great conversation with him, you finished the food, so you placed the dishes in the sink. You felt something new inside something you hadn't felt before but couldn't quite place your finger on it.
"Thank you for your care, but I probably should go back I don't want to be a bother for you," Chanyoung said preparing to get up "No no no it's fine, you should take some rest I bet you won't come far like that also then my effort would have been for nothing"
Y/N replied back. As much as she doesn't wanna admit it she enjoyed having his company after all she's been alone for a while.... well since she turned. But what he doesn't know doesn't matter right?.
"Go rest now," the tired girl said, settling at the table. "I'm gonna aswel. "Wait, let me sleep at the table at least, I can't just take your bed like this. That would be rude of me".
"No, it's fine. Really, you need it more than I do, I'm not letting you sleep at the table" she said insisting and resting her head against the wood. "I'm not letting you either" he replied back to her not wanting to make her sleep on there, cause what gentleman would make a girl do that?
"I can take it really" she said not wanting him to sleep uncomfortably at the hard table.
But he couldn't let her "Alright then how about this you don't want me sleeping at the table but you don't want me to either so how about we share this bed? It's two person sized so we can have our own side that we stay on so it's hopefully less uncomfortable" he suggested a small blush tinting his cheeks "And no weird stuff ofcourse if you're worried about that" he added.
Her cheeks also got a little pink tint on them "If you insist then fine" she then clomb onto the bed onto the left side and got under the covers.
Both of them were flustered as they lay there together. "...Goodnight," she says softly, trying to look away. "Goodnight" he said back positioning himself confertably as they both drift of into a deep sleep.
This is my first fic on here, so I hope you liked it. Also, I will be making a 2nd part soon, so I hope you look forward to that. Thank you for reading!
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th3secr3th1story · 11 months
can you do one of geto and gojo when they say i love you for the first time??
gojo and geto saying "i love you" for the first time
of course, thank you for the request, anon! and whewww sorry for being mia but im back (hopefully.)
warnings: none, just fluff! some angst in gojo's if you squint?
words: 1,060
he had to physically restrain himself from saying it after just a month of dating. it was a struggle.
he didn't want to rush you or make you feel like your relationship was on full blast, but he was so smitten! he knew he loved you practically right away.
he wanted to save it for the right moment, maybe after a romantic outing at your favorite restaurant, but it slipped out during one of your fights after you caught him neglecting his well-being yet again.
"my god, satoru, you're not listening to me, i swear," you mumbled, rubbing your eyes with the palms of your hands.
you weren't sure how long the two of you had been fighting, but you were so tired, just wanting to get your point across and go to bed. however, you couldn't see that happening anytime soon, as gojo wasn't even trying to acknowledge what you were saying.
"really? because i think my ears are working just fine. and it sounds like you want me to quit," he retorted, hands on his hips as he looked over at you.
you knew he was sensitive about the topic of overworking, but there was only so much you could ignore before stepping in.
"i'm not saying i want you to stop going on missions! we're both sorcerers, for fuck's sake. it's our job. i'm just asking you to be more careful. you're relying too much on your infinity and you're barely taking care of yourself," you breathed, trying to keep your tone even and measured.
you pressed on, more softly this time, "did you really think i wouldn't notice your eye bags or the fact that sometimes you don't come home until 2 in the morning covered in god knows what?"
"that's not true! why do you have no faith in me?" you didn't think it was possible for your fist to clench anymore without either breaking it or throwing it at gojo's face.
"why can't you see how terrified i am? it's only a matter of time before you don't come home, satoru."
gojo's words died in his throat, finally catching sight of the fear and dread in your eyes. his heart tightened a little.
"i love you too much to let anything like that happen to me, baby."
"i know, but- wait, what?"
he walked up to you, placing his hands on both sides of your waist, pulling you into him.
"you heard me. i love you so much, baby. you're everything to me. i understand what you're saying now."
you placed your hands on his chest, the entire fight forgotten with just those three words.
"i love you too, satoru."
gojo pulled you in tighter, afraid that if he let go you'd take those words right back.
"say it again. please?" he asked.
"i love you so much," you smiled, half-whispering.
gojo moved one of his hands up to the back of your neck, pulling you in for a gentle kiss.
"so...are you still mad at me?" he quipped, smiling softly.
"this is a nice moment. let's not ruin it."
similar to gojo, he also wanted to find the right time to say it. but unlike the other, geto can actually wait for the perfect moment.
it took him a little longer to come to terms with his feelings for you due to his fear of vulnerability, but once he realized how deeply he loved you it was practically the only thing on his mind.
you and geto had slept in longer than usual that morning, seeing that it was a saturday.
"baby, wake up," he whispered, trailing soft kisses down your neck, pulling your back into his chest tighter. he had successfully convinced you to spend the night at his place (although, you hadn't resisted at all).
"nooo," you whined, melting into his embrace. "it's saturday, we can just stay here all day!"
"i was going to take you to that one cafe you love down the street, but i guess this works, too."
you huffed. "why do you hate me?"
after a nice breakfast spent over pastries and coffee, geto walked with you down the street to your favorite bookstore, letting you pick out a few novels to bring home. he paid, of course.
now, the two of you were seated together on the couch, your legs straddling his waist as you played with his soft hair. his hands held onto your hips, somehow pulling you in closer with each passing minute.
you noticed how his breath kept catching in his throat. "are you okay, suguru? something you want to talk about?"
finally, with a mix of courage and fear, geto took a deep breath and whispered in a soft tone, "you are the most important person to me."
"above satoru? i'm honored," you chuckled, hoping to distill some of his fear.
he merely smiled, continuing on with his speech.
"i've always been scared of opening up. i mean, of course, i have satoru and shoko, but vulnerability was never something that came easy to me," he spoke, a light blush dusting his cheeks at those last words.
you listened attentively, taking in everything he was saying, noticing how he was struggling to get his thoughts out. you gently stroked his neck, hoping it would encourage him to keep talking.
"but with you, it's different. i've always been drawn to your presence. this feeling i have, it's confusing and so complex, but absolutely undeniable."
he paused momentarily, perhaps bracing the both of you for his next words.
"i love you, y/n. you don't have to feel the same way, and you also don't have to respond right now, but i needed to tell you."
you cupped his face, rubbing your thumbs over his cheeks.
"i love you too, baby. more than you'll ever know," you whispered, the impact of his confession clear in your expression.
he (somehow) pulled you even further into his embrace, a hand coming up to the back of your head to rest it on his shoulder as he buried his own in your neck.
"move in with me?"
"huh??" you gaped, pulling yourself away from his neck to look into his eyes, seeing only sincerity and adoration.
"baby, you basically already live here. this would just make it official. what do you think?"
"...of course."
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xoxoluka · 1 month
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jschlatt x streamer!reader
summary: you wear the same ring every day, every stream, in the same direction. your fans notice one day that the direction of it changed.
warnings: swearing, not a very descriptive fic
a/n: for those not familiar with claddagh rings, they are rings from Irish culture that are most commonly used to show your status. right ring finger upside down means single, right ring finger right side up means taken. look into them if you are still confused or would consider buying one <3
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gummygone: what's the ring say today???
CelestialCat: SHOW US THE RING
alwaysstar: what are we today
"chat," you giggle, holding up the upside down ring on your finger for the camera to see. "it's the same thing today, i promise. nothing's changing anytime soon."
the chat was flooded with 'aww's and 'why not's and crying emojis, making you laugh again. your audience had a nightly routine before the end of stream where they would bug you about your relationship status, especially since you wore it so freely on your hand.
you got used to giving them disappointing news, although you were hoping that you'd be able to tell them something else very soon.
you end stream soon after your nightly conversation with the chat, and stand up from your desk to close down your office and get ready for bed. once fully showered, washed, and clothed, you got a text as you were plugging in your phone.
'you looked good tonight, toots.'
you smile, biting your lip subconsciously.
'you saw?' you respond, laying back on your bed as you held your phone up.
'of course i did. i could never pass up seeing your face.'
you turn red at his flirtatious words. 'you can see it in person tomorrow, if you're up for it.'
you stay up for nearly another hour talking to Jay, making plans to meet up for lunch tomorrow.
you enter the small coffee shop, the warm atmosphere surrounding you and comforting you immediately. you spot your date and give him a wave, rushing over to meet him.
"i missed you," you say as you smile, sitting in the chair across from him.
"'missed you too," Jay smiles back, pushing a plate and a cup towards you. "i ordered your favorite, i hope you don't mind." he spoke in a tone that told you he knew you weren't going to mind either way.
"how could i?" you respond playfully. "thank you."
you banter lightly back and forth for a while, until you notice Jay pause, an unfamiliar glint of hesitation in his eyes. it goes away quickly, allowing him to speak confidently.
"you know," he starts. "we've been doing this for a few months now, right?"
"like.. going on dates and stuff? yeah, i'd say so," you nod, taking a sip of your drink.
"so then.. how'd you like to make it official? about time, right?" he asks, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.
you sit up in surprise, but a smile breaks onto your face anyway. "yeah! yeah, i'd like that."
"jesus christ, dude," you exclaim, jerking the plastic steering wheel to the side, evading the car that you had drifted too closely too in-game. you were playing truck driving simulator tonight, which was one of your (and your audience's) favorites. it was late, so your real-life self and in-game self were both entirely too tired to be driving a truck.
as you took a moment to yawn, you glanced at chat, noticing a few standalone comments about your ring. you quickly readjusted yourself, pretending like you hadn't just read the comments, and continued to drive. 'as long as they don't all see it...'
you hadn't realized that the way you drive had your ring fully on display, you right hand on top of the steering wheel as your left supported the bottom. a keen eye would've noticed the difference, but hopefully not all of the eyes. you quickly finished up the level, parking the truck and gaining the money and XP. you paused the music and closed the game window, bringing your facecam back to fullscreen. you noticed the usual ring comments, and the few people who had noticed the difference.
"oh, man, chat. i totally forgot to put my ring on this morning," you lie, slipping the ring off with just one hand strategically. "but i'm telling you it's the same. no changes." you'd never been a good liar, the tips of your ears going slightly red, your face flushing, and your small laughs as you spoke.
TheyCallMeDawg: yeah okay buddy
"woah, woah, chat, what's with the attitude tonight?" you jokingly ask after reading that comment. "y'all are crazy, go to bed." you say your final goodbyes to the stream for the night and do your nightly routine. although, tonight, you were going to text Jay first.
'they totally know.'
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not rlly a fan, but it was for fun
lmk what you think! <3
© property of xoxoluka. do not repost.
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perrywrites · 7 months
yoo, thoughts on bllk boys who'd probably be in a 'die for you' (by the weeknd) coded relationship/situationship? 👁👁
Oh, that's definitely the Itoshi brothers' anthem. From the vibes I'm getting from a cursory lookover at the lyrics (I've heard the song before, just never paid attention to the lyrics before) correct me if I'm wrong about what they mean lmfao. Very much Sae, and also Rin - especially Rin. The emotional constipation and communication issues paired with that kind of intense and desperate love... Yeah, that's definitely Rin.
But let's start off with the 'colder' of the two - Sae. You just know that he's not going to give you enough in the relationship, especially in the start. Honestly, I think in terms of attachment styles (if you don't know about those, look them up and take the quiz! very fun and illuminating experience... lol), he's definitely very much on the avoidant end. He comes off as icy and distant in the start, impassive and bored, and although most of the angst would be dealt with before entering into a relationship with him (hopefully...) that doesn't mean things become that much better when you guys actually become official. Not in the beginning, at least. He's definitely softer, noticeably. He teases you with that trademark dry and sarcastic wit, bestows you with lingering touches, rare and precious smiles, but that's not enough. It's just not enough. At first, you cling to every crumb like a rain-soaked shirt to skin, desperate and lovesick for any ounce of affection, and his acknowledgment of you as his girlfriend sends you soaring. But of course, as a relationship starts progressing, one would want more, and it's no different in this case. Except, trying to ask a stubborn man like him for more is difficult, and eventually, tiring. It makes you feel crazy, trying to beg him for more than the bare minimum he offers. It's not necessarily so much so that he refuses to give you more, but more so that he thinks it's pointless. He doesn't see the point in complimenting you often (that would dilute their worth and effect, he would explain), or telling you that he likes you, I mean, you should know that, right? Otherwise he wouldn't be dating you in the first place. So when you start asking him for affection and for more of his time (to go on dates and whatnot... what? You knew he was a busy guy, stop asking to go out so often especially when you know the amount of precautions he'll have to take) and all of that, he starts feeling annoyed and cornered. You're asking for too much. What, do you want him to change for you? Is what he's giving you not enough? And before long, your need for affection is dismissed as neediness by him, and he declares you to be clingy and suffocating.
And we all know Sae doesn't hold back with his words, he's harsh and cold with what he believes to be true, and although he doesn't think he's being mean he totally IS mean when he coldly dismisses you as clingy and tells you that he wants an independent partner. And when your face crumbles like that, hurt visible now where it had been brewing subtly for weeks, if not months, Sae feels something that makes him feel even worse. Guilt? Yes, guilt. But he genuinely doesn't believe he's at fault for this, for expecting you to not be so dependent on him and expect him to be the kind of lovey dovey person he just isn't. And so when you ask him if he even cares about you, in that kind of pitiful broken voice, on the verge of tears - he snaps. He tells you if what he's doing for you isn't enough, you can leave him anytime and go to someone else. Of course, that's not what he really wants. What he's really hoping for is that you'll realize what you're asking for is stupid and childish, so you'll shut up about all of that and just accept what he's giving you. And you do, you shut up. And you're quieter after that, not as affectionate anymore, withdrawing into yourself. And although he felt relieved in the beginning, soon enough your weird behaviour starts making him antsy. At first, you don't message him that much after that argument, and then soon enough, you're not messaging him first anyways. He's the one starting all of your conversations (and he realizes, then, that until then you had been the one initiating most of the conversations), and although you respond, they get drier and drier with each passing day. And now you're the busy one, and he finds himself doing the chasing - albeit subtly - for your affection and attention. He finds himself doing the exact things you were asking for back then, but it's like you're completely unaffected by it, numb to it, and he realizes with a kind of late desperation that he's losing you. And he doesn't want that - but at the same time, he doesn't know what to do anymore. I mean, isn't he doing what you asked for then? He's doing that, so what else can he do? He can't be vulnerable, so he doesn't know how to ask - beg - you to stay when he can feel you slipping through his fingers. And it kills him, to watch you grow cold towards him like this, as all he can do is seem impassive to it when he is anything but.
After all, don't you know? He might not know how to tell you that he loves you, but he would die for you. So don't just leave him like this.
Now, Rin... He's an interesting case, and he's definitely more attuned with his emotions (uhm... in a slightly twisted kind of way...) and more capable of being vulnerable than his brother (ISTJ!Sae VS INTJ!Rin). So he's definitely more introspective and willing to communicate, and if you tell him you need something/want more, he's willing to accommodate you (saying that like he wouldn't like giving you the affection you want, because he loves every part of it - although he would never admit that. Fucking embarrassing as shit) and listen to your feedback, honestly. He's even fine with a certain extent of behaviour that is very clearly and outrightly clingy or needy (in fact, considering Rin's abandonment issues and loneliness, it would soothe a large part of him even if he's a bit troubled by it in the beginning, in contrast to Sae where it would make him largely uncomfortable - at least at first. The way the two would approach affection they're not used to is very fascinating especially with the whole younger and older sibling difference - Rin wouldn't know how to react at first, but he would definitely love and crave it, since he did receive it in his childhood from Sae. Sae would probably feel more uncomfortable with it, and I feel like he's more of a giver anyways, even if he's not doing a whole lotta giving in the sense that you would want him to 💀💀💀). That's until it interferes with his soccer, though. Although I believe Rin is the type of person who would pick his partner over soccer any day if he had to, that would come after a bit of dating/a while of him being in love with you tbh. But anyways, getting back on topic.
This happy too-good-to-be situation can only work so long as you're communicative as well, though. Because as honest as Rin tends to be, blushing and glaring at you as he calls you an idiot comes more naturally to him than 'I love you's. So if you want something and you're unable to tell him, things are going to go sour quick. He's not a mind reader, so as much as he's able to pick up on your moods and so on, he doesn't know what's going on in your mind. So if you want more affection, want him to hug you and kiss you more, express his love for you more, want to go on more dates, tell him. If you don't he's not going to know that. And although he's constantly trying on his own, scheduling movie nights, inviting you out to places he thinks you'd like, holding your hand in public because that's about the only kind of PDA he's comfortable with, if you need something more, you need to tell him. If you feel lonely sometimes because he doesn't respond to you much on days with practice, that his responses end up being more dry on those days, that you want to see him more often, then tell him. Otherwise, things are going to start crumbling. Good for you, though, because Itoshi Rin is not the kind of man that goes down without a fight. If he notices you're not telling him something, as much as he'll be annoyed at that, he'll push that aside in favour of trying to get you to open up to him - after all, don't you know? How soft he is for you? He might not be all that delicate about it, but he'll try to probe and get you to communicate with him - and although he seems relatively calm and collected, you don't understand how anxious he feels, how scared he is that everything could fall apart like this. Don't you know? He'd die for you, if he had to. So stop it, don't put him through this, please. You're crying now, and it feels like his heart is being ripped apart, and all he can do is hold you gently, like you're so fragile, like what the two of you have is so fragile, and run his fingers through your hair as he calms you down. It's okay, it's going to be okay. You two can work this out - no, will, work this out. Because this has to work out, and he's not giving up without a fight. He's in your corner, he's your pillar, don't you know that? So just tell him what's wrong already, dammit. And when you open up to him about all of your worries and insecurities, that you're scared you're a burden to him and his career, or that you're a bother to him, or whatever trash you're spewing, all he does is hoarsely call you an idiot and hug you even tighter. He assures you how untrue all of your insecurities are, but he knows that's not enough, so he promises to do whatever he can to prove to you how wrong your own mind is. After all, you're unbearably precious to him. He's already so attached to you, it's too late. Whatever you need, he'll give it to you, so please, just don't leave him.
Honorary mentions; post-wildcard Kunigami, and Barou.
Post-wildcard Kunigami definitely has intimacy issues, and he'll be closed off and mentally retreat inside, making him distant in your relationship (even though he loves you so much).
Barou would be similar to Sae here, except he'd be a lot more gruff and blunt about it, although tbh if it's something he's not necessarily against (like PDA - no way in hell are you convincing him to do PDA unless you're, like, to the point of engaged or something, and even then only a little bit) you could convince him if you can make him see your point.
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
Can I request NSFW prompt 7 (Persona A: “I’ll fuck you until you’re too tired to sleep”) where Vegeta is Person A?
Hopefully I’m not too late sending this in and congrats for 5K!!
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, mentions of rough sex, Vegeta is horny yet annoyed.
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All day you've been a brat. You were certainly getting on Vegeta's last nerve. He was trying his best to keep his cool but you weren't letting up anytime soon. He knows he doesn't want to start a fight with you but he's growing more and more irritated as it goes on. He decides to leave you at home and go train in the mountains.
Once there, he begins his training. But all he can think about is you mouthing off to him. It's driving him crazy. He begins imagining just how he could shut you up. His thoughts are lewd as he imagines you with his thick cock in your mouth. He laughs to himself triumphantly.
That would certainly shut you up. The more he trains, the more he gets riled up just on the thought of shutting you up and putting you into your place. Vegeta has to frequently stop to adjust his raging boner in his suit. It's beginning to make him even more irritated with you even though you aren't even present. Thinking he'd be able to have a little peace up here in the mountains, it jut makes him even more riled up to be thinking of only you.
"That vile woman!" He growls. "I'll teach her a lesson she soon won't forget!"
Vegeta makes it back home so quickly. He's blind with rage but also consumed by his lust for you. He finds you on the bed, trying to rest and relax. This makes him smirk as he realizes how easily he'll be able to overpower you.
He slams the door open, making you jump. You snap at him, only making his cock even harder. He's not even sure how he's going to draw this out right now. He's just so pent up.
"Where the hell have you been?" You ask, getting up from the bed. You have your hands firmly planted on your hips, a look of anger on your face.
Vegeta shoves you against the wall, pinning you there. You gasp as he tears the little nightgown off your body. You feel his erection pressing up against you as he pushes up against you. His lips crash down on yours, and a low growl rumbles from his chest. You feel a surge of excitement deep inside you.
He keeps you pinned against the wall as he maneuvers himself out of your suit. His hard and leaking cock presses against you. You're moaning softly as he continues to kiss you roughly.
"You wanted to mouth off all day, huh?" Vegeta goads you on. "Where's your brattiness now, hm? Tell me!"
You're rendered speechless as he suddenly impales you onto his thick cock. Your mind goes blank as he begins such a rough pace. You want to tell him to slow down, but all that comes out are such pitiful and pathetic little whimpers and moans. This makes Vegeta chuckle darkly.
"Don't worry, I've got many ways to shut you up."
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0rah-s · 1 year
Hii I have a request to make!!
You do magi right?
I want a jealous judar x reader who is obvious
And the reason judar is jealous is because someone is flirting with reader
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Jealous!Judar x reader
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A/n : thank you for requesting! You have no idea how exited i was when i saw that you wanted a magi fanfic! Feel free to request again anytime soon mwah!
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It was a saturday morning and you woke up fresher than ever, unlike the human rag sat beside you at the dinner table. You were finishing your breakfast and were getting ready to go out grocery shopping hoping to get some fresh fruits.
You were now in the bathroom fixing last details as your grumpy boyfriend came from behind you, laced his arms around your waist and rested his head in the croock of your neck - peppering it with kisses in the hope to sway you into getting back in bed, "was there really a need to wake up this early for grocery? I could just ask those useless royals to get your stuff" he grunted. You smiled wondering how you've not yet gotten tired of his daily antics? "I don't want to lose my habits and get over-dependent on your acquaintances dear". You turned around to reciprocate the hug, hopefully temporarily satisfying his clinginess.
Flash forward, the both of you are at the market. Smells of spices, perfumes and nectars are brought all around you by the wind of the kou empire. Being close to the sea ment that you could hear the waves crashing the shore and the boats ariving closer to the docs - the sensory experience making waking up early all worth it.
Bored out of his mind, Judar stood in a corner as you were bargaining with a marchent for a fairer price of sindrian canddles (you might have been carried away from the main objective of this outing again). Then suddenly, as swiftly as the wind, someone gives money to the marchent "who would dare to make such a fine person pay on this beautiful day" the stranger said.
He had looks above average and had was quite tall, probably the popular type, you would be lying if you denied you found him attractive. A soft smile never leaving his face he turns back to you inching closer "please let this be on me, and perhaps a drink ?".
Took by surprise you try to decline his kind offer "please keep your money, I can't accept." You gave a bow. For the worst, this interaction did not go unnoticed by judar, he marched while the poorly hid scowl on his face could have created a storm.
"Taken." Is all he said. His hand griped your waist twice harder than this morning and more than his love - you felt his possessiveness. With his free hands he shoves some of his money back to the man. The marchent had already fled to the back with the money the stranger had given him while waiting for the argument to difuse.
"Umm..." Stuck between two men, you couldn't help but get flustered - something that Judar did not like.
You're his to gaze at, his to kiss and admire, his to worship . You are only his.
You hurriedly gathered you belongings "Haha...well as much as i appreciate we have places to be at bye!!" An awkard laugh escapes as you push judar away.
The both of you are quickly teleported to your living room. Before you can try to appease your frowning partner he holds you by the wrist and wordlessly take you to your shared bedroom. He takes off your coat and shoes for you while mumbling curses at the unfortunate stranger.
"Judar...are you alright my love?" He rose at your words and embraced you, you both fell on the bed due to the sudden shift in weight.
One, two, three, four, you stoped counting the amount of time his lips met your skin.
By cyclical irony, he found himself here he started his day - cuddled up with you with his head hid in your collar. With some effort you moved the both of you underneath the blanket and stroked his hair, if you payed close attention you could hear him mutter 'mine' and words alike.
"I'm yours as you are mine, I won't let go of you"
The certain and confidant way these words rolled off of your tounge must have given him the comfort he needed to fall back asleep with one last kiss to your lips.
"Rest well "
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
Say You Want Me and I'm Yours
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Pairing: Rick Flag x F!Reader
Summary: A prequel to Nothing Will Ever be the Same
Word Count: 3.6K
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, language, p in v sex
A/N: Thank you so much @a-reader-and-a-writer for the prompt, and for beta reading 💖
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Rick follows you into the staff locker room but you pretend not to notice. He’s barely exchanged two words with you since your argument onboard the helo and judging by the steely scowl you just caught a glimpse of in the mirror, that isn’t likely to change anytime soon.
This suits you just fine. You’re too tired and sore to engage with him right now anyway, and besides, you've said all you needed to. The mission was a success; who cares if you went a little off-script to get the result?
Certainly not Amanda Waller. You could practically hear her glee over the comms when Rick had informed her the asset had been retrieved. That was all thanks to you – a fact that Rick had deliberately failed to mention.
While you might consider yourself the hero of the hour, Rick hadn't seen it quite the same way. Stupid and rash, he'd called you. A liability.
None of this is new. In fact, lately most of your missions have ended in a similar fashion: the two of you embroiled in a blazing row while the rest of the squad watches on in bemusement. Rick accuses you of being sloppy and undisciplined; you tell him he's a control freak and too tightly wound, that perhaps he needs to get laid.
The sparse facilities of Belle Reve along with the life-or-death nature of the job leave little room for modesty and you can hear Rick moving behind you – the sound of his tact vest and t-shirt hitting the floor. As tempting as it might be to poke the colonel-shaped bear further now that you find yourselves in the privacy of the locker room, you truly don't have the energy. Instead, you strip out of your own filthy vest and shirt and start to examine the extent of your injuries.
It could have been much worse. There’s a dark bruise forming around your left bicep where Boomer had pulled you out of the way of a grenade, and an array of scratches and scrapes across your forearms and knuckles, but nothing to write home about. The only thing bothering you is your ankle. You suspect you must have landed badly jumping off the roof of the compound, though it's probably just a sprain.
Continuing to ignore Rick’s presence, you sink onto one of the benches and start to unlace your boots, until eventually you sense the weight of his gaze settling between your shoulder blades.
"You should get that checked out."
You twist around and spare him a cursory glance. A rapid assessment reveals no new injuries to his thick, muscular body. All differences aside, you're relieved he seems to be in one piece. Not that you let it show. “So you’re speaking to me again?”
Your words appear to find their mark as usual, the large vein on the side of Rick’s neck bulging as he works his jaw and grunts. "Who says I wasn't speakin' to you?"
You shrug, kicking off your boots and gingerly rolling up your pant leg to assess the damage. Sure enough, the skin around your ankle is swollen and inflamed. Hopefully nothing that aspirin and a few days rest won't fix.
When you don't respond, Rick places himself in front of you.
"What?" You snap at his feet, hoping he isn't planning for round two. A faint headache is beginning to bloom at your temple and you want nothing more than to go home and collapse into bed.
"Why have you always gotta be so goddamn confrontational?" You can hear the exasperation in his voice and when you tilt your head to meet his eye, his lips are turned down into a customary frown.
"Why do you always have to be such a jerk?"
Rick folds his arms across the expanse of his bare chest. A thin sheen of sweat is glistening on his tanned skin. He'll be heading for the showers any moment now. You know his routine like the back of your hand. Straight-laced, predictable Rick Flag.
"That is exactly what I'm talkin' about." He sighs audibly, nostrils flaring. "Straight in there with the childish insults. Why can't we ever talk things out like grown adults?"
"Because you don't listen."
"Like hell I don't." Rick shifts his weight from one foot to the other, drawing his lips into a thin line. It's his default expression; you can't remember the last time you saw him smile. "You're the one never listenin'. You're the one ignorin' orders and tryin' to get yourself killed."
Your rise from the bench, planting yourself squarely before him. A pulse of anger flares through your chest. "Don't act like you give a fuck about me, Flag. All you care about is bossing the squad around. You'd rather fail the mission than let anyone else take the lead."
"You got no idea what you're talkin' about," he growls, hazel eyes flashing with a fury to match your own.
"Don't I?" You take a step closer until you're standing toe to toe. With barely any space between you, Rick’s scar-flecked chest is directly in your line of vision, rising and falling with each heavy breath. You’ve never noticed the latticework of thin silver lines marring his skin before. That one man could walk away from battle so many times is nothing short of a miracle.
But you don't tell him this. Instead, you fold your arms to match his stance and continue. “Why didn't you let me take the credit with Waller today? You know we never would have succeeded if Boomer and I hadn't gone up on that roof."
A muscle in Rick’s jaw ticks. "Is that what you really think? That I give a damn about who gets the credit?"
You shrug half-heartedly. It certainly seems that way lately. Constantly down-playing your achievements and speaking over you in briefings with Waller, it’s like Rick wants you to fail. "Prove me wrong."
"Prove you wrong?" He's barely a hair's breadth away from you now. So close that when he huffs out the last remaining whisper of his anger, his warm breath flutters across your cheek.
"I'm tryin' to protect you," he mutters quietly, as if he's suddenly worried about being overheard. "If Waller learns the truth… if she learns just how fuckin' fearless and capable you are, she'll take you away from me."
"I'm not a possession." You bristle at the implication, fingernails digging painfully into the flesh of your arms so he can’t see just how much his words are affecting you. "You can't keep me all to yourself."
"I don't want to own you," he grumbles, unjustly annoyed that you can't seem to decipher the inner workings of his mind. "I'm tryin' to keep you free from Waller. She'll set you up with your own squad. I won't be -"
"I don't need you around to save me all the time, Flag." You cut him off before he can do further damage to your already precarious relationship. "Didn't I make that clear today?"
"Fuck. Darlin', that's not what I'm tryin' to say."
In Rick's honey-coated southern drawl, the pet name causes you to falter. He's never called you by anything other than your last name before. He seems to notice his mistake too, because he's scrubbing a hand over his jaw, gaze focused anywhere but you.
"Darlin'?" You repeat with the arch of a brow. You'd intended for it to sound condescending, but even you can't deny the surprise in your tone. "That's a new one."
"You just…" Rick stumbles over his words like he’s been knocked off course by an invisible force. "I can't think straight when I'm around you."
If you were on top of your game, you'd have snapped back with a cutting remark, teasing him for showing even a hint of weakness, but something about the sincerity of his words leaves no room for mockery. "What?"
Rick's eyes shutter, dark lashes kissing golden skin, and suddenly you’ve lost all direction too – can barely remember why you were so pissed at him in the first place.
Recovering from some internal conflict, Rick pins you with a heated gaze. "You heard me."
When your back hits metal you realise he's stepped even closer, his large body looming over you as a pair of tattooed arms reach out to keep you caged against the lockers. You read the hunger in his eyes a split second before he leans in.
His lips have barely brushed your own when your hands fly to his glistening chest, pushing against the solid wall of muscle. He staggers back instantly, wide-eyed and panic-stricken, like he can't believe what he's done.
That makes two of you.
"What the hell was that for?" you demand, heartbeat racing furiously while your brain fights to catch up.
"I…I'm…" You can sense him stumbling again, grasping blindly for any kind of excuse he can offer you, anything that might justify trying to kiss you.
Ultimately though, it doesn’t matter; he's too slow to respond. Because in that moment, he's breathtaking. So beautifully flustered and unlike the Rick you thought you knew that you have no choice but to grab his dogtags and drag his mouth back down to meet your own.
Your action awakens something in Rick, or at the very least it chases away his doubts, because he seals his soft pink lips to yours and he's really kissing you now.
It’s angry and it's messy and your teeth clack together as you tug him closer, fingers rising to thread through the lengths of his golden hair. His battle-worn hands have dropped to your waist, burning against your bare skin as he squeezes you tightly, pulling you flush against the hard planes of his body.
If you were still of sound mind it might have occurred to you to question whether this was wise: a colonel and his lieutenant overstepping every boundary in the book. But all sensible thoughts are driven from your head when Rick wedges one of his legs between your own. The insistent pressure of his muscled thigh against your centre forces all the heat in your body to rush south, stirring some long dormant desire you'd thought had been buried by the battlefields and bloodshed.
As your fingernails rake over the sweat-slick skin of his impossibly wide shoulders, Rick grabs your ass and drags you roughly along the length of his thigh. The friction against your core is so delicious that you find yourself whimpering into his mouth.
His tight hold on you falters and he pauses, seemingly startled by the sound.
"What are you waiting for?" you hiss, pulling back to find wariness written in the fine lines of his brow.
What you really mean is don't stop now.
Rick’s eyes have turned almost-black with lust, but there's an edge to his rasping voice that forces you to listen. Even now he commands your begrudging attention. "I don't want you havin' any regrets."
Your fingers head south, tracing the path of silver scars along the ridge of his abdomen, causing him to tense beneath your touch. "No mistakes, no regrets," you murmur, echoing the wisdom he'd shared before your first mission together two years earlier – wisdom that has served you well up to now.
Rick huffs out a laugh, a sound so foreign that it's hard to believe he is the source. "Beautiful sentiment, darlin'." But it seems to satisfy him, because he's closing the distance again, his lips finding your jaw.
Trapped between the press of Rick’s warm body and the cool metal lockers against your spine, your nerves are set alight. All the anger you were carrying around has faded now, giving way to pure, unfiltered desire.
His large hand replaces his thigh, swiftly parting your legs and cupping your covered core. "Been dreamin' about this," he admits roughly, dragging his fingers along your aching centre. "Dreamin' about all the ways I could stop that pretty mind of yours from racin' for a while. All the ways I could make you feel good."
Your head falls back, clanging against the metal, and all sense of reason abandons you. "Make me feel good, Rick."
Your breathless command unleashes him. He has you out of your sports bra and pants in a matter of seconds, that military efficiency apparent even in moments like this. “Should’a known,” he growls, as he palms a large hand over your breast. “Everythin' about you is so fuckin’ perfect.”
As you stand utterly naked before him, Rick's calloused thumb brushes over your peaked nipple, sending another pulse of heat straight between your legs. The white-hot need for him to touch you is almost unbearable, but instinct tells you that he's going to make you wait.
"Even better than I imagined." He continues in earnest, lowering his head and sealing his lips around your delicate pebbled flesh.
You barely recognise the sounds leaving your mouth as he worships your breasts with his wicked tongue; licking and sucking and teeth grazing until you start to come undone. He's expertly breaking you into pieces, leaving behind nothing but a flustered, needy mess.
When he pauses his ministrations to capture you in another claiming kiss, you seize the opportunity to reach for his belt. Your attention is centred on his arousal, which is visibly straining against the rough material of his tact pants. "Take them off,” you whine against his mouth, fingers frantically fumbling at his buckle.
Rick withdraws from your lips and steps back, flashing you an uncharacteristic smirk that has your thighs clenching tightly. "Still as impatient as ever."
Any quick-fire retort you might have planned dies on your lips as he complies with your wishes. His thick, capable fingers swiftly unfasten the silver belt buckle and you're left to stare unashamedly as his pants and boots join your own in a heap on the floor.
You can't believe it's taken so long for you to notice: Rick Flag is a study in perfection. You shouldn't be surprised to find that every part of his body is as long and thick and beautiful as the rest, as if he'd been carved by the gods themselves. You drink in the sight of him like you've been dying of thirst since the day you first met, your mouth watering when you try to imagine how good he'll feel buried inside you.
Because that's where this is going to end. The fuse has been lit and there's no choice now but to let the sparks fly.
Standing on tiptoes, you loop your arms around his neck and pull yourself closer, until you can feel his scorching length pressed against your stomach. He's bigger than you could have possibly imagined.
As his hands rise to cup your jaw, Rick’s dark gaze meets yours and tension crackles in the air. "Kiss me," he rumbles.
For the first time since you met him, your colonel doesn't have to tell you twice. You kiss him deeply and thoroughly, running your nails through the short hair at the back of his neck and revelling in the soft groans you're able to elicit from him. This new side of Rick steals your breath; his harsh lines and stern frown melt away beneath your touch, causing you to question everything you thought you knew.
It should scare you. It should fill you with doubt – how you've already crossed so many lines in such a small amount of time. But your brain has been short-circuited. The only thing you know with any certainty is how good it feels to be right here in the moment, wrapped up in Rick’s all-encompassing embrace.
But if Rick thinks he's solely in control here, he's very much mistaken. Catching his bottom lip between your teeth, you tug playfully. It earns you a deep growl, the sound vibrating through your chest as dampness continues to pool between your thighs.
"Touch me, Rick."
Rick proves himself just as capable of following orders as he is at dishing them out. His hand slides between your two bodies and when he finally reaches your centre, deft fingers glide along your wetness. The intensity of the pleasure catches you by surprise and you cry out desperately, legs buckling as you clutch at his shoulders.
He repeats the action, over and over, gathering up your slick until suddenly he pushes a finger inside you and lets out a string of filthy curses that makes your head spin. "Oh fuck, darlin'. Think this pussy's gonna destroy me."
If he carries on like this, he might just destroy you first.
In true Rick-fashion, he's diligent and methodical in his actions, carefully working you open until you can take two of his fingers, then three. He curls them up inside you, hitting that sweet, sweet spot over and over again, until the sounds of your desperate pants and moans rapidly fill the locker room.
Rick brushes his lips over your jaw. His breath is hot and his words are laced with a molten desire that surely matches your own. "If I knew it was this easy to get you to quit bitchin' at me, I wouldn't have waited so long."
Prickling at such a comment despite your building pleasure, you drop your hand and wrap your fingers around his shaft, squeezing tightly. Rick curses again, and when you run your thumb along his weeping tip he bucks his hips into your hand, shuddering beneath your touch.
"I think I like you better like this too," you smirk against his lips.
Deciding you're ready, that he's prepared you just enough, Rick spins you around roughly, pushing your chest into the lockers. Your nipples pebble against the cool metal and a surprised yelp bursts from your lips.
Rick doesn't seem to notice. He's too busy squeezing your waist with a bruising grip whilst his other hand forces your legs apart. Despite the forceful nature of his actions, he pauses for a moment to press a wet kiss between your shoulder blades. "Say you want me, darlin'," he rasps against your skin. "Say you want me and I'm yours."
Your palms hit the lockers, readying yourself for what's to come. "I want you."
Rick guides his cock between your folds once, twice, three times before he breaches you, filling you with a single stroke. The pressure is almost overwhelming but you take everything he gives you. In that respect, he has you well trained.
"Perfect," he grunts, buried to the hilt inside your pussy. "How could you not be?"
You bite down on your lip as he drags his hips back slowly before slamming into you again. The lockers rattle from the force.
"Don't go easy on me, Flag," you tease breathlessly, feeling your walls flutter around his throbbing length. "I'm a big girl. I can take it."
"I know you can, darlin'. You're gonna take it so fuckin' well."
The hand not gripping your waist traces the curve of your spine, rising higher until his fingers wrap around the delicate column of your throat. He applies just the whisper of pressure as his hips snap into you again, but it's enough to have you crying out for more.
In credit to Rick, he doesn't hold back. As he plunges into you at a relentless pace, you’re reduced to strangled sobs and moans, your fragile relationship with him breaking and reforming with every drag of his cock through your soaked channel.
You're not too far gone to understand that this might simply be an outlet for Rick's anger. A way to disperse whatever fear he felt towards your reckless behaviour on the mission. You are, however, too far gone to worry about that for now. You tuck the thought away, saving it for examination much later, focusing instead on the way he stretches and fills you so exquisitely.
"You're doin' so well, baby." Usually, Rick’s compliments are tinged with condescension, but not today. With each stroke of his cock he offers soothing praise that causes your cunt to convulse around him. "You look so fuckin' good like this."
You've always believed it a weakness to show emotion on the battlefield, but any thoughts about saving face in front of Rick are swiftly dissolved as he chases after your relief and his own. You cry out loudly when he tightens his grip on your throat, his other hand reaching down to strum your clit.
"Need you to come for me now, darlin'. I know you can do it. You're so good. So perfect."
He continues to coax you towards your climax, never faltering with his rhythm or his praise. Just like the countless missions he's led you on over the years, he's singularly focused on the outcome. You should have guessed he would make an attentive lover.
"Never gonna get over how fuckin' amazin' this pussy feels, baby. You've ruined me."
The band inside you suddenly snaps and your hands fly from the locker, fingernails digging into the flesh of his forearms as you ride the wave of your release. "Oh god, Rick."
As his name leaves your lips, his hips stutter violently and you feel him spill inside you, coating your walls with his spend. As he falls forward, his head tips against the curve of your neck and he presses another open-mouthed kiss to your skin.
All at once, it's a promise and a plea. A prayer and a curse. There's so much to unpack in that one little word. But maybe it doesn't matter. At least not right now.
Maybe, like the kerosene and cloth of Harley’s beloved Molotov cocktails, you and Rick were always destined to ignite.
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Joel Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @sociiallydiisoriiented @yespolkadotkitty @weallhaveadestiny @bewitchedignition @lavenderluna10 @lacontroller1991 @ed-baldwin @phoenixhalliwell @immyownlittlebitch @mayhem24-7forever @s-u-t @littlefreakingfangirl @katjnordstrom96 @kirsteng42 @heresathreebee @christinasyellowflowers @xoxabs88xox @fairchildflag
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
Swap AU:
Val wasn't too slow, he didn't come at all to Vox's distress call. He thought Vox could handle it. He spends the first 4 years as Alastor's thrall dead, as do most of the soul that Val owns. (Angel included.) Killing Valentino and the souls he owns gets old, however and sinners are getting tired of the same old pornos, so Valentino gets to go back to work, but thanks to their multiple horrible deaths, Valentino and his contracted souls are alot closer. They even have a discord server dedicated to bitching about Alastor. Now that Vox is back, they've added a sever dedicated to getting pictures of Vox for Valentino so they all don't die horrible deaths--and also, Valentino rewards everyone with every new picture with a raise of 50 dollars, so it's nice incentive.
Alastor on the other hand beside killing Valentino and his contracted souls for the first 4 years, made a shrine with Vox's heads--except for the very first one. That one he slept with. That one remain's in his (formerly Vox's) bed everyday, waiting for Alastor's return everynight so he can curl around it and murmur the words he never got to say to his beloved Vox one last time.
When Vox returns, Sir Pentious joins the hotel because Vox has always been his favorite of his favorite of the Vees, and if he's joined another Overlord and started something else, the Sir Pentious will try it out!
Angel Dust is there because he doesn't want to go through the absolute HELL the first 4 years under Alastor was, he wants no repeats. No one Valentino included DOES!
Husker actually loves working with Vox, and loves sending smirks at the very pissed off shadow Alastor (not knowing Alastor is watching from the Shadow's eyes.) and the side hugs, the cuddles, Yeah, they might piss off the Shadow and Alastor even even more but he deserves it--Vox still has nightmares about his near death.
OHH okay okay i see. that clarification. Actually made things 1000x worse for me actually im gonna throw up. this val trusting in voxs abilities to the point where it made him lose one of his best friends for years vs show val jumping to vox the moment that it became clear the other couldnt hold his own..... so sickening what the hell. the guilt that val must feel in specific for voxs disappearance and presumed death- honestly hes probably glad for dying so much those first four years because it took his mind off the fact that it was HIS fault all this happened to vox and him and vel. i just want an oddly tear filled reunion scene with the two vees where vox is like "i thought you guys just didnt think i was important enough to come help" and voxvel start actually bawling bc theyve missed him so much and theyre so glad he's back and *safe*. also the discord server inclusion is hilarious as hell thank you for that mental image nonny
oh my GODD thats actually so sweet im gonna be sick. i just know those former heads are kept clean and swept everyday both by niffty and alastor himself, and the one in his bed is probably propped up by all the most comfortable pillows while alastor himself just goes without a pillow.... WHAT WORDS. what FUCKING words if it was i love you ill actually just implode on the spot nonny ill get raptured and itll be all your fault /lh
+ pentious finally gets an audience with his idol! aww this is so sweet im gonna get cavities. hopefully he doesnt get hit with the kys this time but oh well if he does cause i support my wife committing crimes
Also. Vox having nightmares about the time he nearly died.... do you think that he has like ptsd flashbacks or something everytime he sees a radio. im gonna be SICK fuck oh my god. do tou think ohe day he just . meets al again and immediately tries to run away or something while the other hotel members go to his defense because they know the shit hes been dealing with from al....
p.s. nonny are you planning on turning this into a fic or something anytime soon? because if not.... can i write one based off these ideas 🥹
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twstfournights · 1 year
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A Very Important Update
Sorry for the radio silence folks, it's been what, two months now?
I am so so so sorry.
Development for the game has not been entirely halted, it's had to take its pauses. I personally have gotten a few sprites worked on that will be needed for the prologue, and was even working on the extra special cg that will hopefully set the tone for the game.
There's just been one teensy problem... my health.
For those who just want a quick summary, I've had a string of unfortunate health issues, that while manageable at first, has now led to a very severe wrench into development plans for now. If you don't want any details, skip the cut. Especially if you're sensitive to the topics of cancer and heart problems.
With that in mind, development has NOT stopped entirely. It's just made me more glad I said not to expect the game anytime soon. I still want it finished, God himself can not tear this game out of my hands. I just have to be a little careful with how I go about it for a while.
I see we've gotten so many more followers, and there are plenty of messages for me to parse through, and I'll be getting through those! I hope to be more active now that I'm on what we could call the road to recovery, and I hope to deliver more content to you soon. For those who want more in-depth answers and insight into what's going on. The cut below has it all. I felt awful keeping you all in the dark, and Salt has suggested I finally tell y'all. So here it is.
To start with. I have Thyroid cancer, have had it for a little while, and I'm set to begin the real meat of treatment and chemo and all its fun stuff within the year. With that, it doesn't actually impact my life too much. I'm more tired yes, and I can only really do things in my free-time on days I don't work, since I work 10 hour days and those take up nearly ALL of my energy, so far it's been a good cycle.
I've found my rhythm, and I was working on the game through it! ....So, what changed? About almost 3 weeks ago now, I had a heart attack at work. It went untreated since I was unaware of the signs of a heart attack at the time, and due to that, I merely just finished my shift and went home. Yes, that's right. I had a heart attack and kept working.
I know. It was so so so stupid at the time, but I was so worried about inconveniencing my coworkers that I stayed. Thankfully it was not a severe one, more on the light to moderate side. I passed out for a few seconds, but mostly just felt like my heart had been kicked by a horse, starry vision, numb left arm, the works.
The next day I felt so awful I skipped work, but the day after I went back in, still feeling bad, but due to how my dad raised me... If I'm gonna suffer, might as well make money while doing it. Turns out, I was nowhere near better! I passed out at work, several times, and finally decided oh shit.. I should go to the hospital. They were able to diagnose that yes, I had a heart attack, and that I probably had caused some damage to my heart, damage they at the time couldn't see, and basically sent me home with a doctor's note to avoid work.
That's fine! Just a few days off, and I'll be better right?
Hahahaha, no.
I kept continuing to pass out, and as the days passed, it was happening more frequently. I'll save you some time, I was in and out of ER's, and finally two days ago, I was in-patient in a hospital for over 24 hours.
They found out that my heart is seemingly fine, but for no reason they can tell at the time, my BPM drops below 50, and sometimes even below 40 when I pass out. Walking, standing, heck, even sitting, can cause me to pass out. And even just laying down (I was marked as a high fall risk patient so I was basically locked to my bed the entire time watching Bluey ((I may be someone who writes awful things but even I love Bluey))) I still continued to pass out.
Literally just yesterday I was cleared to go home, with a little machine patch on my heart, that will record my heart rate for the next week, and if i pass out, I'm to hit the button on it, and record in their journal what happened, when, and why. Seems easy stuff, and for now I'm totally home-bound. I can't even walk out to my shed without having a severe fainting episode.
There's just one problem, besides moving around, and I feel like such a weak Victorian maiden saying this. But if I get too wound up or excited, I also grow faint. I literally. Faint at the sight of ankles now. I am so weak and dying.
What this means for the game is a little rough, since the game itself makes me so happy, heck, just talking ideas with Salt has me bouncing off the walls, and I have to take breaks from doing so to go lay down cause I'm gonna pass out from happiness.
For a... spicy game. With spicy elements. It means I have to pace myself so so so much cause my ass swooning harder than the girls over Gaston just cause I drew Malleus shirtless.
Good news is with this patch on me, recovery should be coming soon, they'll HAVE to find something. It can't last forever. I initially had an awful arrhythmia, and that went away, so the future is open! They've already determined it's not fatal, so I won't perish, but if I do go...
I hope I go out because I saw a spicy fanart of Malleus and got so excited I passed out and cracked my head open.
It's the only way to go.
Thanks for listening, and I hope to be able to give more updates soon, on the game, not me, please do not worry for me. I am literally immortal until proven otherwise.
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musi-creatively · 1 year
Just a Breakup 2
Part 1
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"What do you mean I can't be here?" Villain demanded.
They'd darted into a familiar, and currently crowded, bar. Hopefully Hero wouldn't find them in the chaos anytime soon... but only if they didn't get kicked out.
Bartender sighed and sat down the glass he was wiping. "You don't got cash, and even if you did you don't have your i.d.! We ain't running a charity here!"
"I used to be a regular! Preston can vouch for me."
Bartender's eyes rolled, "Preston don't own the place anymore. He sold it and cut ties!"
"What?" Then Villain remembered, "Oh! Wait. Right. He wanted to go clean after he and his husband adopted that kid."
They'd been at the wedding. Preston had friends from all sides. There were some tensions, but thankfully no fights... Though that might've been because Hero and Sidekick were playing interference all night. It was the first time they'd seen Hero out of uniform.
"Exactly!" Bartender huffed, "So now we gotta follow the new boss' rules."
Villain snapped back to the present, "Who's the new boss?"
"That would be me."
Villain didn't even have to turn to know the voice.
Supervillain took a seat at the bar with his drink. "Breathe, Moonlight."
Villain hadn't realized they were holding their breath.
"What can I do for you, boss?" Bartender asked.
Supervillain smiled, "How about we start with getting my friend here a drink. Do you still prefer light and fruity?"
"Um, yes. That's fine." Friend. Villain felt a bit of pain at the label he'd given.
Bartender nodded and got to work.
Supervillain turned to Villain. "So! What's got you back in this part of town?"
"That's complicated." They admitted.
He sipped his drink. "Oh? Just tired complicated, or on the run complicated?"
Villain flinched. "I am tired, but... On the run complicated."
"Really? I heard you've been hanging off a Sunbeam. Why couldn't you go to them?"
Sunbeams. Supervillain's term for heroes. Blindingly bright and equally as likely to burn you.
Villain had been in the sun too long.
"Ah- they're the reason I'm on the run." They sighed, "I don't really want to talk about it here."
Supervillain nodded. "What about your home?"
"Compromised. They know the escape maze."
"I see."
Bartender slid Villain their drink.
"Thank you."
"Don't worry about it."
And then Bartender was gone, waved over by a customer farther down.
"I didn't know you bought this place." They changed the subject.
"Yes, that was rather obvious." He laughed.
Oh how they'd missed his laugh.
"Can I ask why?"
"You just did." He leaned onto his elbows. "But, sure. There were a lot of reasons. I was planning to come back anyway, Preston wanted it to be someone he could trust, I already had most of the connections he was cutting... It made the transition smoother for everyone involved."
Villain nodded.
"Do you have somewhere to go after this, Moonlight?" He asked.
"What?!" They jumped a little in their seat.
"You said your house is compromised, right?"
Oh. Right.
"Right! Yeah. That." Villain took a long sip of their drink as the embarrassed panic was replaced with real panic.
They didn't. Hero knew all of their safe houses. It was information shared in case of emergencies, but now they regretted it. And without their wallet....
"I could get you a hotel room for the time being?" He offered. "Or you could stay with me. Whichever is more comfortable for you."
That was both the best and worst thing they could do.
"I don't want to drag you into this more than you are already!"
His eyebrows raised, "And how am I 'already' involved?"
They breathed out. "Yeah."
"Would you follow me somewhere if it wasn't outside of this building?"
"Yes." They said faster than intended.
"Then follow me."
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@holygoddessofvictory @laffy-taffy-creations @creweemmaeec11
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imaginmatrix · 2 months
hiiii i think ur the coolest and i love ur cosplays <3
are u going to update your fics anytime soon :) i totally get it if u don't have an answer because ik art takes time!
I want tooooo
Every evening I tell myself I’m going to write, but I’ve been working 50+ hour weeks for the past few months and I’m so tired when I get home that I can’t bring myself to do much of anything 🥲
But my schedule is starting to get under control and some of my energy is coming back, so hopefully soon I’ll be able to start posting stuff again!
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trickscourse · 23 days
yes i CAN see the words! I CAN! I CAAAAAN!!!!
Despite the harassment campaign going on for literal years and I don't think it'll end anytime soon based on how certain people like to take up drama and lie incessantly, I've been trying to change myself for the better which has been very hard to do, not because I don't want to but because old habits die hard and certain things are just generally hard to change.
After going inpatient therapy for a while last year I realized I am tired of being angry because it's an unnecessary emotion and does more harm than good to me physically and emotionally and I try my best to be nice which often does not end up for the best because I overextend myself and I'm trying to people please more than anything else.
Despite what a lot of people on here think I do go to therapy, twice a week with two different therapists when I'm able to get out of bed and physically go and I've talked about compulsions and stuff like that and how this is affected me, my family and friends and even my job and how even though I want to change people's opinions on things I really can't without making things a lot worse in the long run.
There's also a lot of weird attention between myself and myself with admitting that I was wrong about things or trying to see a situation I don't remember from a perspective that I can't really see that well and that sometimes others people's feelings or opinion on things don't outrank mine but the experiences just?? Different?
I'm not going to say I didn't hurt people because I did. Even without meaning to. I never want to hurt anyone and even if the intention to be peaceful is there that may not be the outcome. It's not my place to say if someone got hurt by my actions because I don't control their reaction.
The same goes the other way. @thalassomania can deny grooming me all they want, but they have no say in the matter and insisting that they didn't just downplays how I feel as an abuse victim. They were the adult, they were in control of everything and there's certain things I still avoid talking about that they did that were really skeevy.
This also goes for Sunny! People have given the mods, Arty and I information about her I don't feel comfortable sharing because I don't want her to stomp her feet and insist I'm a stalker for trying to keep myself safe. I think posting about two of my jobs, my department in one of them and the place that I work is doxxing, but since she wants to play the victim I've given up arguing.
Hopefully one day I can put all of this behind me, and I'll stop having my stupid compulsions and nightmares about it and it does suck I can't change peoples minds but there's also a lot of people who love and care about me.
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martsonmars · 2 years
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Hello friends! Happy Wednesday! I had queued this for later in the day but I woke up due to Mosquitoes so you're getting an early post. I decided I'm going to use this banner now because I love it too much.
Three WIPs today! Strap in.
1. From tomorrow's chapter of where I belong:
I certainly do not need to know [...] that last summer he had the time of his life with a couple of sirens — at the same time! — and now he can no longer have fun with them without endangering their lives with a very peculiar illness.
I do not need any of these details. I have my life, my books, and a boy with no self-preservation instincts to educate. I do not have the time nor the will to deal with an over-enthusiastic, over-sharer bird-horse.
From tomorrow, I will be updating this fic only on Thursdays! I haven't written the last 5 chapters yet, and November will be an insane month between uni and fic deadlines, so it's better this way. + I'll hopefully have a new WIP coming out in November to make up for the lack of Sunday updates 👀
2. New old WIP (started ages ago, abandoned, etc). I wrote the first part tonight, I'm planning to write two more, so hopefully it will be done soon.
Fuck, I can't believe I was falling asleep. It's only ten. Twenty-year-old me would be appalled if he knew I get tired anytime before four in the morning. (Twenty-year-old me would've never believed that one day he'd be married to the love of his life and building a family with him, though, so maybe I shouldn't envy him.) (I should just tell him that we'll be all right, one day. That growing old is the point of it all, and it doesn't matter if it comes along with greying hair and going to bed before midnight.)
3. The Christ WIP! These are the first sentences of chapter 2.
“This is bullshit,” Simon says, eyeing the display of rings suspiciously, as if they were responsible for world hunger and all the wars ever fought. (Christ, they might very well be.) “We don't need this.”
“Of course we do, Snow.” I wiggle my hand in front of his frowning face. “I would never agree to marry anyone without a big rock on my finger to show off.”
I almost used “fuck” instead of Christ in the first sentence, but then I was like wow Marta so disappointing.
@wellbelesbian @urban-sith @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @johnwgrey @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @whatevertheweather @jbrrring @confused-bi-queer @moodandmist @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @dragoneggos @captain-aralias @takitalks @excalisbury @shemakesmeforget @starwarned @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @gekkoinapeartree @bazzybelle @bloodiedpixie @stardustasincocaine @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @angelsfalling16 @basiltonbutliketheherb @messofthejess @ivelovedhimthroughworse @nightimedreamersworld @artsyunderstudy @foolofabookwyrm-activated @ionlydrinkhotwater @yellobb @orange-peony @ic3-que3n @whogaveyoupermission @bucketfishy @katmiscellanious @yeonjunenby @erzbethluna @larkral
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messedupfan · 2 years
I'm With You Chapter 8
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Summary: Y/n is struggling with understanding her feelings.
A/N: Why I keep this story going, I don't know. But I hope someone is enjoying it
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Unfortunately, Y/n and Wanda aren't able to see each other for days. Steve wanted to get to know the newest additions so he was occupying all of Wanda's time. He had her and Pietro run various drills and assessments to understand what they know about their own abilities and help them learn what they can.
As for Y/n, she was Tony and Bruce's latest project. The two ran test after test on her while she continuously reassured them that she was fine and the tests were unnecessary. They, of course, ignored her and insisted that there were more tests to run to cover all of their bases. At the moment, she wished that she was as far away as possible from them. The free moments that she did have were occupied by Natasha trying to make up for all of the times that she mistreated or pushed Y/n away. 
However, Y/n found it weird having Natasha be so caring and attentive with her. She was aware that she was finally being treated the way she dreamed the redhead would treat her one day but Y/n realizes that she doesn't want it anymore. Not from Natasha. "... Steve says that Wanda and Pietro are adjusting well. Thought that you might want to know since you're the reason they stayed. He also wanted to ask if you ever saw a guy with a metal arm—" 
"Why would he want to know about the Winter Soldier?" Y/n interrupts. Her jaw hurts saying the name. If she never had to see that guy again she would live a very happy life. But out of nowhere she answers her own question and she knows that he will be in her life again in the near future. Hopefully not wanting to harm her anymore. "He wants to know if his friend James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes is alive. Right?" 
Natasha eyes her girlfriend oddly, still not yet accustomed to this new ability. Y/n was practically a walking computer at this point. “Right,” she confirms. 
"He is, but I don't know where he is if you guys didn't find him when you found me." 
"So you did see him?" 
"See him?" Y/n scoffs. "Cheap bastards used him to put me to sleep most of the time. Other times, they used him to break a bone here and there which usually made me pass out. So yeah, he was the worst dose of Ambien I’ve ever had." Natasha winces at the reminder of what her girlfriend was being put through because they failed to find her time and time again. "Hey," Y/n says while reaching for her hand. "I'm okay now. With this thing in my head, I'm untouchable." 
"What happens when they figure out how to remove it?" Natasha asks. 
"I hate to break the news to you but they won't. The stone chose me to protect it. To harness its power. I don't know why Tony and Bruce insist on trying to remove it. I like the way I am now. I'm finally special like the rest of you." 
"You were always special," Natasha corrects. 
"Well, now I'm even more special." Y/n kisses Natasha's knuckles. "Tell them that I'm fine and that I'm tired of being in this place. I want my own room. I want a real bed that doesn't have me hooked up to machines. They'll listen to you," she pleads. Natasha swallows the thought that she wanted to share a room with Y/n and figures the girl has earned some privacy for the time being. Besides, she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Neither of them were. They had time to discuss taking those steps. 
"Okay, I'll go tell them while they're still up. You get your rest," she pecks the girl on the lips and walks away.  
Y/n feels tears stinging in her eyes from the action. She doesn't know why the kisses don't make her feel the way she used to before. The flutter in her heart and the craving for more doesn't happen anymore. She doesn't understand how she left prepared to tell Natasha that she was still in love with her and return wanting to end whatever was between them for good. 
That was her only real problem at the moment but there was no way for them to help with that. Y/n didn't need the round the clock doctors because anything that was physically damaged in her time with Hydra was repaired and strengthened by the stone. They even knew that already. Strucker was sick enough to document everything done to you. Sadly, Tony was the one to discover the file that was filled with x-rays of every bone they had broken in her. Including video footage of each encounter. 
No, what she needed was a therapist to help her understand what was going on in her mind. Anything that was wrong with her had to be in her mind. It just had to be, she wasn’t sure if she could accept anything else.
As she is silently crying herself to sleep, she wills away the urge to answer her own questions. She didn't want to know without giving Natasha a chance. Natasha has always, though reluctantly, given her a chance. It was only fair that she extended the same courtesy to her. 
“Hi,” Wanda says at the threshold of Y/n's bedroom door. She was out of breath and her hair stuck to her face from the sweat. Y/n snorted at the sight. 
“Steve working you that hard?” Y/n asks as she rises from her desk chair. It took a lot of convincing for her to be released from the lab and brought into her own room. She finally moved in the previous night and she was jotting down a few thoughts into one of many journals she owned. 
Wanda shakes her head, “Na-ta-sha,” she pants out as she has to lean her weight against the door frame. “She's a tough one.”
Y/n laughs as she presses a button on the wall and a cold bottle of water arrives. She opens it and hands it to the out of breath girl, “Would you like to sit down?” Y/n asks after she watches Wanda chug half of the bottle. The other girl nods fervently and Y/n helps her friend to sit on the lounging chair. “I can't help but be surprised that you're so exhausted from a workout.”
“She wanted to find my limit,” Wanda gasps out. “We found it!” This makes the young Stark laugh. “I have been exercising since four! In the morning!” Y/n checked her watch and let out a low whistle noting that it was a little past four in the afternoon. When she looks up, Wanda is fighting to keep her eyes open and Y/n tentatively rubs her knuckles against Wanda's cheek. A small white energy emits out and Wanda's breathing normalizes. “What did you just do?” She asks, still in shock from how fast her body relaxed when she was aching and struggling just seconds ago. 
“I made you feel better,” Y/n shrugs in a comforting tone, not having a better explanation. 
“I didn't know that you could do that,” Wanda takes her friend's hand to look at it. There was one time they had crushed it so bad that Y/n worried she may never use the hand again. Wanda did her best to repair it with her powers, but she wasn’t allowed to use much power because they kept a special bracelet on her that monitored her abilities at all times. She had felt so terrible that there wasn't much else she could do other than leave Y/n with a slightly misshapen hand for the rest of her life. Now, as she observed and moved her fingers on it with a light touch, it's as if nothing bad had ever happened to her once. 
“None of what happened to me there was your fault, Wanda.” 
“I was not as much help as I could have been,” Wanda frowns. “You became my friend and I didn't get you out of there. I only patched you up enough to allow them another day of torment. I feel like I should have done something. I'm so sorry.”
Y/n soothingly quiets her and hands a few tissues over to her, “Wanda, you can't carry that with you forever. Please, forgive yourself because I've already forgiven you.” More tears fall out of Wanda's eyes as she asks her why. “Because I know that if I was put in your position, I wouldn't have known what to do other than what I was told to do. I was a soldier for some time. When I was given an order, I followed it without question. In fact, you're a better person than I am. I'm not so sure I would have attached myself to the person they had captured. But I know that if I did, I would have worked hard to earn their forgiveness and never forgiven myself until they asked me to.”
Wanda holds Y/n's face in her hand, lightly caressing her cheek with her thumb. “You're too good for this world, Y/n.”
She offers a small smile, “No I just–” Y/n gets cut off by a knock on her bedroom door. She walks over with a confused expression as she answers the door. Natasha walks through to boast about how great training went when she sees Wanda on the sofa whipping tears. 
“Oh,” she stops in the middle of the room. “Did I interrupt something?” 
Y/n steps in before Wanda says a word. “We were just talking. Checking in on each other. Was there something you needed?” 
Natasha looks at Y/n, taken back by the question. “I didn’t know I needed something to visit my girlfriend.” Her tone doesn’t hide how upset she is and it makes Y/n feel bad. She promised she wasn’t going to hide anything from her girlfriend anymore and she was following through with it. But she wanted to spend time with Wanda. However, she had to pull away from those thoughts. 
“No,” she smiles at her, “of course you don’t.” Y/n gives Natasha a kiss on the lips and steps back to look at Wanda. “Do you think we could finish this another time?” She asks with an apologetic expression. “I promise to make it up to you soon.” She sends her thoughts to Wanda who just nods as she stands. 
“Yeah, I have to meet with Steve. He has a few assignments that he wanted to go over with me,” Wanda excuses herself. “I’m going to hold you to that.”
Y/n takes her girlfriend's hands and guides her over to the bed, “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to hearing you call me that.” She gives her another kiss that makes Natasha blush. 
“Well, you better because I’m not going to stop.” The Black Widows thoughts continued further but she didn't verbalize them and Y/n chose to ignore. 
The two of them spend a few hours together, making up for lost time and Y/n is reminded of all of the good things about her relationship. Afterwards, she convinces her to get dressed so the two of them can make it in time for the team dinner. Natasha complains, telling her girlfriend that she would rather stay in the bed and have Jarvis have food sent to the room. Y/n reminded her that she has been confined to a bed for far too long and that she needed a true reunion with her teammates. The people that were practically family. 
Natasha understood and removed herself from the room after getting dressed. She gives a departing kiss to her girlfriend and when she’s gone, Y/n waits for the longing feeling she used to get whenever Natasha left her. It doesn’t come. Instead, she feels relief in her absence. The excited feeling she used to get at the thought of seeing her again is replaced by dread. All of these feelings were confusing her and she missed being certain and confident in what she felt. 
Frustrated, Y/n jumps in the shower to rid herself of the dirty feeling she now had crawling all over her skin. In the moment it felt good and right. But now that Natasha was gone, every trail her lips made left her feeling gross. Like she should have never allowed her to. It didn’t make sense as she did her best to scrub the memory from her skin. When she steps out she looks at herself in the mirror and for the first time in her life she is comfortable with who she is seeing. She had thought that she wasn’t going to recognize herself. And although there is a significant change. She feels as though this is who she was always meant to be. 
“Hey guys,” she greets happily as she joins everyone for dinner. “Oh my, Pepper?” She has tears in her eyes finally seeing the woman that has somewhat filled the void her mother left. Pepper herself has a watery smile as she approaches Y/n to give her a hug. 
“I’ve missed you,” she says through her tears. Pepper steps back to look Y/n over. She doesn’t recognize her in the slightest but she’s happy to see her healthy instead of the alternative. “You look amazing. Did you do something with your hair?” Y/n laughs through her tears at the small joke as she says that’s exactly what she did. The two share another hug before wiping their own tears and apologizing to those around them for the emotional reunion. 
Instead of reassuring them with words, the group of people that missed Y/n dearly gather around the two women and bring them in for a group hug. “Damnit, you guys need to stop. I don’t want to cry anymore!” Y/n pleads which makes them smile and they all separate. 
“Welcome home,” Steve says, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze. 
“You’ve been missed, young one,” Thor says and awkwardly ruffles her hair, making her laugh. 
“I’m sure you’re tired of my face, but I’m really happy to have you back,” Bruce jokes and Y/n snorts as she continues to wipe her tears. 
“Come on, let’s eat,” Tony puts his hand on her back to guide her to the dining table that was set up for the special dinner. 
Wanda and Pietro sat awkwardly side by side at the table as they watched the reunion. Not really knowing what to do with themselves. So they talk amongst themselves, checking in on each other about the adjustment until Y/n is walking towards the table and Wanda gets noticeably distracted. Pietro can’t help but try to poke fun but his mind reading sister stops him before he can even get a word out. “That’s against the rules,” he grumbles. Wanda shrugs, her eyes still on her friend as she wishes that she will sit next to her. 
Y/n smiles and moves from the chair Tony was pulling out for her to the other side of the table. “Mind if I sit here?” She asks the brunette. Wanda fumbles on an answer as Y/n slides into the chair beside her. “Pietro, right?” She extends her arm to Pietro which he gives a quick and sturdy shake to as he confirms that he is. “Nice to finally put a face to the name. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“All horrible things I bet,” he jokes. “In my defense, my sister tends to… how you say? Exaggerate!” Wanda swats at his chest to get him to shut up and he laughs. 
“Good things only, I promise,” Y/n replies as she leans her face in her hand. “Although, I do wish she had talked about herself more,” her words are to Pietro but her eyes are on a flushed Wanda. 
Pietro flits his eyes between the two in amusement. “She can be shy, but she is worth getting to know.” He speaks in his native language to create some privacy in his attempt at being a wingman for his sister, who shoots a killer glare towards his direction. 
Y/n opens her mouth to respond but a tap on her shoulder interrupts her. Natasha has joined the table and she wanted her girlfriend’s undivided attention. Much to her dismay, she gives it with her thoughts elsewhere. The Sokovian girl has to hide her concern from overhearing her friends' thoughts against the ex-assassin. 
When dinner is over, Y/n says her goodnight to Natasha before she can try to invite herself to the room for the night. Y/n needed the space, needed a night to herself. Natasha didn’t try to push, she said her goodnight and went to her room. Y/n went to hers and once she was in more comfortable clothing, she tried her best to get some sleep. In the observation room she had access to a drug to put her to sleep. This would be the first night in a long time that she had to put herself to sleep without any assistance. It was proving to be a tedious task. 
She huffs as she tosses the covers off of herself and sits up in her bed. She needed the assistance, at least for a little bit longer. Y/n goes to her door with the intention of breaking into the lab but when she opens it, she finds Wanda wandering the hallway. “Can’t sleep?” She whispers, startling the other girl. 
“No,” she admits, “I haven’t been able to get much sleep lately.” 
“Want to hangout?” Y/n offers and it takes less than a second for Wanda to accept the invitation. Once the two girls are in the room with the door closed, Natasha steps out of her hiding spot and pockets the letter she had written to her girlfriend. She holds back her tears as she makes her way back to her room. She could feel Y/n pulling away and she knew that there was nothing she could do about it.
Chapter 9
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