#host nala
rwac96 · 13 days
Professor Au
8 months of carrying their first child, weiss finally given birth to the baby girl, jaune was there with her providing support, in the waiting room friends and family are waiting to meet Arc-Schnee love child, when nurse said it was ready to meet the baby, jaune's mother rushed in pushing her son aside.
"Oh, my Gods," said a relieved Jaune Arc, his ocean eyes staring at his newborn daughter with Weiss. "She's...She's beautiful."
"She is," Weiss nods lightly, holding the swaddled infant. "Hello, sweetie." The Middle Schnee coos to her baby.
"Hey," Jaune says in a similar tone, reaching out with his finger to touch his daughter's cheek, who gurgled in response.
"Gawds!" Nora groaned as she lay against one of the chairs in the waiting room, "How long does it take to squirt a baby out?!"
"Nora!" Ren calmed his wife down, "It takes time."
"Oh, Gods," the hammer-wielder grimaced, her teal eyes moving down to her own slightly swollen stomach. "I'm dreading when it's my turn."
"It's not so bad," Terra Cotta Arc said, sitting next to Saphron while their seven-year-old son was sound asleep. "I mean, it was painful when I gave birth to Adrian."
"Mama!" Squeaked a blonde, cat-eared toddler sitting on Blake's lap. "I'm tirsty."
"Okay, Nala," Blake reaches into her violet bag, pulling out a sippy cup and handing it to her daughter.
"I hope Weiss' okay," Ruby Rose said, clutching Oscar's hand as she worried for her best friend and teammate.
"I'm sure she'll be okay," the former host of Ozma spoke up, "she's been through worse."
"Childbirth's different, Oscar," Yang pointed out, "my first memory: Mom screaming like a banshee when Ruby was comin'."
"YANG!" The leader of Team RWBY's cheeks reddened at her sister, who snickered in response.
Then, the doors opened, and a nurse stepped out. "Ladies and gentlemen," she spoke, "you can now see the baby--."
"FINALLY!!" Juniper "Mama" Arc screamed as she rose out of her seat and rushed towards the delivery room, despite her age and the protest of the nurse. "I WANNA SEE MY NEW GRANDBABY!!"
"Uh," Adrian opens his eyes due to his grandmother's outburst, "is my new cousin here yet?"
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Cab you explain the Nala and jenni beef 🤣 I find it very funny how jenni was beefing with her a dog
ah yes. jenni vs. nala. the age old feud! 😂
first, let's take a moment to remember nala, truly the love of alexia's life, behind football of course. so jenni posted the below picture of nala with the emoji caption of angel and devil, and saying that nala was the devil. 😈 alexia then jokes that not even jenni really believes that. (the rumour at the time was that nala was a gift to alexia from jenni.)
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but of course, we learn that nala has some "devilish" tendencies. 😁so the name of nala's specific IG profile is "la nala la mala" with la mala meaning "the bad one." 😂 it all stems from the fact that nala was a naughty little puppy when she was younger. alexia talks about it briefly in an old el patio interview where she's asked about rumours that nala behaves badly.
in the video, alexia says that nala is very independent, but she doesn’t have a bad temper. and then jokes about where the hosts heard rumours that she was badly behaved (cough*jenni*cough). 😂 alexia then goes on to says like all little puppies, when nala was younger she was naughty and when you would come home you didn’t know what was waiting for you. now [nala] is really calm and independent, and sometimes she will come to give you kisses, and when she doesn’t want to she will do her own thing.
so around that time, fans were joking that nala was giving jenni a hard time and being naughty. but we know jenni is a big ol softie and loved nala too.
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and nala certainly grew out of it. even beloved babysitter sandra paños commented to both alexia and jenni about how well behaved she was 🥹
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so tl;dr it was all a joke, but funny to imagine nala behaving like an angel to alexia but a devil to jenni! 😂
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slylock-syl · 3 months
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Art Collab with @cinnamonnala!~
Idol themed event with two vastly different energies LMAO I did the sketch and line, Nala did the coloring and shading! ✨
It was fun working with you Nala! :D
Collab hosted by @creators-lounge~
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madameaug · 10 months
Turkey Turkey Day
Pairing: Jungkook x Jennette
Context: New parents Jungkook and Jennette getting food prepared with their little Peanut. Peanut is 3 months <3
Jennette listened attentively to the baby monitor to watch out for when Peanut woke up. Peanut was sleeping on her back with her hands resting above her temple. Her feet occasionally rubbed against each other, so she would be waking up soon. Jennette would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night just to watch Peanut breathe. It didn't matter if she was exhausted or just put the toddler down from feeding. She would get up again and make sure she was okay.
Lucky for the new parents, they just had to host Thanksgiving. Their parents were bringing all of the dishes that they would be eating. They weren't heartless. No way could three months postpartum could Jennete prepare a proper Thanksgiving dinner.
"Jungkook, do you wanna go wake up Peanut. It's getting close to her feeding time." Jungkook in the middle of brushing his teeth nodded. He rolled his neck to the side. He was dressed up semi-formally. A brown collared shirt, with khaki pants. A gold watch on his wrist and he was rocking his shorter hairdo. Jungkook cleaned up nicely.
"You look beautiful Jeanie."
Jennette was putting on more than a graphic t-shirt and maternity pants for the first time since Peanut was born. She still had a bump but was slowly returning to her pre-pregnancy weight. She wasn't too worried about losing the baby weight. It made her nostalgic. She grew a tiny human in this deflating belly. The same tiny human that had captured her heart since she came into the world a few months ago.
Nevertheless, soaking in the tub and getting gussied up still felt good. Going along with the brown theme, Jennette was in a puffy-sleeved maxi dress. Around her hips was a gold belt, that gave her that hourglass shape. The baby weight that she had was distributing itself nicely. Her breast went up a cup size, and she butt was more pronounced. She was a walking definition of a milf. An inside joke with Nala.
"Damn I look good."
Jennette shamelessly took pictures of herself. Her face card was valid with matte look. Her Coi Leray braids were freshly done two nights ago and her confidence was high. Now it was time to go see her baby.
She didn't expect to see her three-month-old newborn in a miniature. turkey outfit. Peanut was awake, bubbles coming out of her mouth. Jungkook was playing with her feet. Giving them rapid kisses.
"Why is my baby a turkey?"
"I saw it on Amazon and thought it was too cute not to buy." Jungkook gently lifted Peanut out of her crib. He supported her head as she laid her cheek on his shoulder. Peanut’s fat feet were sticking out of the turkey onesie. The hood was decorated to look like feathers, with a small peak on the top. Jennette wanted to coo, seeing how small Peanut looked compared to her father. She was a little bit bigger than his pecs.
"She does look adorable." Jennette snapped another picture. She would definitely send this picture to her family group chat.
"Come on let's feed her, before she everyone shows up.”
<3. <3. <3.
Peanut in all her turkey glory was the center of attention at the dinner table. Her travel crib was pulled up beside Jennette and Jungkook. This was the first time that the grandparents could touch their grand baby.
Jungkook and Jennette wanted a couple of weeks to themselves with Peanut. They didn’t want to be suffocate under the new baby attention. And now that Peanut had a couple of vaccines in her system, they were slowly introducing her to other adults.
Jungkook’s mother currently held Peanut in her arms, bouncing her softly. Peanut was staring at her grandmother, leaning forward to leave wet “kisses” on her cheek. In any other context the sight would be gross, and very unsanitary. But it was melting the hearts of the older adults.
Jennette ate the Korean-Soul food dishes. She had her favorites from each couzine. Mac n cheese, collard greens, honey butter cornbread, and her mother in law kimchi. She was eating good, and baby duty was being happily taken care of by her parents/ in laws.
Jennette was truly grateful and thankful for her family.
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kybercrystals94 · 4 months
What can you tell me about My Sister's Keeper?
Yes! This is a Fives Lives AU where Fives makes if off Kamino with AZI, but not without discovering Omega, and rescuing her as well. Here is an excerpt from my rough draft of chapter one:
The supply closet is too small for a full-grown clone and a medical droid to fit comfortably. And yet, here he is, knees practically hugged against his ears and AZI’s chassis gouging into his shins. The droid put himself in low power mode to conserve energy and hide his signature just in case they were still searching for them in the city. Which is unlikely after their very public and very fiery “deaths.”  “What are our next steps, CT-5555?” AZI asks, his audio volume so low that Fives has to strain to hear him.  “For the hundredth time,” Fives hisses irritably, “my name is Fives.” “Apologies,” AZI says. “What are our next steps, Fives?” “We’re going to wait until the graveyard shift, stow ourselves away on a ship, and get out of here.” “You mean we are going to leave Kamino?” “Well, we aren’t spending the rest of our lives hiding in storage closets if I have anything to say about it.” There is a long pause. Fives thinks he might literally be able to feel the gears turning in the medical droid’s head. “I am afraid I am unable to leave Kamino at this time?” “What? Why?” Fives fights to keep his voice temperate, but panic rises like bile in his throat. Without AZI, all of this will be for nothing.  “I cannot leave Omega,” AZI responds promptly. “She is my primary directive outside of the patients assigned to my care.”  Fives stares into the dim, yellow eyes of the droid. “Who’s Omega?”  “She is an unaltered, enhanced clone.” Fives vaguely remembers the rumors and stories that had been whispered through the barracks, a clone boy whose age wasn’t accelerated, who had been adopted by the host, Jango Fett as his son. “You mean like that Boba kid?”  “Precisely! Omega is the female counterpart of Alpha…or Boba, as he was renamed by the DNA source, Jango Fett.” As much as Fives enjoyed this little history lesson, it is not the point. The point is that AZI is refusing to leave with him because of this clone girl. Fives hates how frantic his voice sounds, that he is pleading with a droid. “If you stay, AZI, Nala Se will have your memory banks wiped. You won’t remember anything we learned about the inhibitor chip. You won’t remember how to remove them. I need you. Without you, my brothers will stay enslaved by whatever entity told the long necks to put these chips inside us. Without you, no one will believe me. Without you, people will die! My brothers will die! I need you, AZI, please!”  The droid tips his head thoughtfully, unmoving features surprisingly expressive. “I suppose, an alternate course of action would be to bring Omega with us. We have already determined that Kamino is not safe for those who have proven difficult. Omega’s life could soon be in danger.” Fives’ mouth drops open, and it takes him a moment to formulate words. “Are you crazy? We will be on the run! We’re wanted criminals, AZI. That’s no life for a kid.” “I will not leave Kamino without Omega,” AZI reiterates as firmly as his programmed bedside manner will allow.  Fives presses his forehead against his knees. This changes everything. He doesn’t even know how he’s going to take care of himself, let alone a kid! He looks up and AZI is staring down at him, waiting for the only instructions he will accept. Fives sighs. “Fine. We bring Omega. Do you think you can get her here without getting caught.”  “I am certain of it,” AZI says, voice tripping on the edge of excitement.  Fives nods. “Then the new plan is as follows: save Omega, save ourselves, then save the entire clone army.” He smiles grimly. “Sounds easy enough.”
I have vague plots for several stories for this AU, but probably won't get to finish this one until I get through a few of my other WIPs 😅
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I hear a lot of anti-Jedi and pro-Jedi going back and forth on this platform, but I wonder if we're only dealing in absolutes. That's it, everyone on tumblr is a Sith. Confirmed.
But, seriously (I was serious), are the Jedi good? Are they evil? Are they somewhere inbetween? And what is the system they support? Are they being their 'best selves' by the twilight years of the Republic? Am I a jerk? Are they jerks? Are you a jerk? Well... let's look at both sides and canon as it is, and see where it goes.
Should we ignore the problems and implications?
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Dogma: "No! We have orders! We have to go through with this!"
First things first, let's start with negativity, because that's life possibly. There are a number of criticisms which are levelled against the Jedi in the canon. The Star Wars writers didn't always just put scenes and lines in for fun.
Slick: "It's the Jedi who keep my brothers enslaved. We serve at your whim. We do your bidding. I just wanted something more."
The Jedi are accused of slavery in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which was created by George Lucas as Executive Producer, along with Dave Filoni and a whole host of writers working in collaboration. When Slick accuses the Jedi of being his and other clones' slave masters, it is never refuted by any of the characters, even Obi-Wan and Anakin who he is speaking to. It's never refused by the narrative at all.
Canonically, the Jedi as citizens and being military generals act as the clones superiors and also masters by proxy in the command chain. Slick's accusation is that the Jedi "keep [his] brothers" enslaved, not that they even necessarily enslaved them in the first place. He is indicating that the Jedi have power and agency, which they do as natborn citizens, but they don't direct it for justice and meaningful change in regards to clone rights.
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Satine Kryze: "I remember a time when Jedi were not Generals, but peacekeepers."
Now, people have argued that the Jedi do help the clones and they are "in charge of [the clones] care", as Master Shaak Ti says during a continuing arguement where her and Nala Se debated on who Tup, Fives and clones in general belonged to as "property". The Jedi could think themselves better caretakers of the clones troopers than natborn officers like Tarkin, although this verges on character speculation. Canonically, we do see evidence of care, such as Shaak Ti advocating for Domino Squad and calling them "living beings" that didn't deserve to be "cast aside", Mace and Plo Koon and other Jedi do show concern for their men's lives.
But, arguably it doesn't account for much when the Jedi are still working in the framework and structures of slavery instead of protesting it. Being kind to clones doesn't mean much when you prop up the meat-grinder of a system that uses them as cannon fodder.
This is exemplified in the show itself.
Ahsoka: "It's every citizen's duty to challenge their leaders, to keep them honest, and hold them accountable if they're not.”
Unjust actors and systems are to be challenged. The Jedi being nice isn't an absolution for their participation in this system, just as a slave master or a deputy slave master being nice in any context doesn't change the fact that they are still in command of slaves getting thrown into the meat grinder every day. If you support an unjust system, you bear responsibility.
And, moreover, despite moments of compassion from Jedi, for people who value life, the Jedi as an organisation still show a concerning ease with clone death as the war progresses. The Citadel Arc is a great example of this. As Clone Trooper Charger falls to his death and collides with a shock mine, Obi-Wan sasses "Well, they know we're here now" as the other clones still are reaching out in horror. Every time a clone dies on that mission, they leave them behind, even Echo (who turns out to still be alive and is captured by the enemy and tortured). However, despite the urgency of the mission, when Jedi Master Even Piell dies, the Jedi pause the mission to give him a funeral and burial even though the enemy is closing in. If there was ever a message that the Jedi value their slave soldiers' lives less, this is it.
Further evidence includes the fact that Jedi Master Pong Krell's casualty numbers were well-known in the military, to point Torrent Company were openly debating them, and yet no other Jedi General had felt the need to propose a military investigation. Additionally, when the Jedi were fed the cover story the inhibitor chips in their men's brain were just designed to make them less aggressive and more docile, there is no evidence they protested this mental violation. Another neglect in a series of many. Taking this into regard, I think the unfortunate implications are clear.
Perhaps the Jedi should find better use for their mind tricks and lightsabers than cutting up droids and planetary militias all while propping up an unjust regime?
Master enablers
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Jedi Master Dooku: "The Jedi blindly serve a corrupt Senate that fails the Republic it represents."
Canonically, the Jedi are deeply flawed as an organisation. They are politically centrist in a way that does not benefit either themselves or the Republic in end, shown to be enablers that uphold the system and law as it is, regardless of how unjust.
How can the Jedi have the high ground when they appease a Senate that supports slavery regardless of how the writers try to downplay it? How can they be morally righteous when they bow down, without much resistance if at all, to such system that uses slave soldiers? Clones die under Jedi command, they work in the Jedi Temple as both soldiers and technicians. The Jedi claim they just can't get involved in changing the system because it's beyond their mandate when what's on their doorstep, what's in their temple, is slavery, slavery that they even benefit from arguably to even maintain their transports and technical systems.
For any person or group in any system, there's a breaking point where things have gone too far, but how much one tolerates up until that point says a lot about their moral character. The Jedi were drafted by the Chancellor (Oh you) and perhaps they thought being 'kind' to the clones when they interacted with them was enough, but it wasn't. And while the Jedi continue to believe in the Republic far beyond acceptable, victims mount.
During the Wrong Jedi Arc, the Jedi Order also show themselves in bad light. It would have been one thing to believe Ahsoka was guilty and leave it at that, yet they practically threw Ahsoka under the bus for politics in reality. Mace kept talking about the politics, essentially showing Jedi PR was a more important factor than Ahsoka's life.
Mace Windu: "I understand your sentiment, Obi-Wan. But, if the council does as you suggest. It could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate. I'm afraid we have little choice."
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan advocated for Ahsoka briefly, expressing doubts at her guilt, but at best casts a vote in her favour when he knows it won't be enough. Give it to Anakin in this instance, at least he did an actual private investigate to prevent a wrongful conviction instead of sitting back. Like Asajj Ventress said when confronted by Anakin, the Order abandoned Ahsoka and appease a Senate that supports authoritarian policies, kangaroo court trials and a slave army. What a state to die for.
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Ahsoka: “This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. I had, too, until I was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need us.”
How can the Jedi believe in the Republic to the point they were surprised when they got inevitably screwed over? Again, the narrative supports the idea the Jedi have lost their way and become enforcers for the Senate, however fascist and dangerous it has clearly become. You kind of have to have in order to become key leaders of a slave army when you were peacekeepers beforehand. The Republic is failing, but so are the Jedi. They fight the war with the tools they are given, from their lightsabers to their slave soldiers, with no solution or appropriate concern for the legislative catastrophe happening at the heart of the Republic until they realise Palpatine's been in a little long with his executive powers. They enforce laws, unjust systems and follow orders.
Fives: "I'm sorry. I cannot just follow orders when I know they're wrong. Especially when lives are at stake."
Captain Rex: "You will if you support the system we fight for."
Fives: "I do support it. I do! But I am not just another number! None of us are!"
TCW shows us that following rules and regulations when they're immoral is the wrong course of action, yet no matter the signs and warning, the Jedi continue to play into Palpatine's hands with their misguided patriotism as the Republic becomes increasing draconian and despotic. The most problematic factor about the Jedi is that they don't acknowledge the problems and the fact the clones' situation is unacceptable on every ground. They don't acknowledge the clones' situation, they don't acknowledge the Republic is bad or try to think of solutions to that even if they don't work. The situation is complicated, but the Jedi went along with bad options when they should have known what the Republic was by this point. How can the Jedi enforce justice when they enforce the corruption of it?
The Jedi continue to believe in the Republic and their part in he hierarchy when it seems more akin to a hostage situation with slaves in the balance. If they're blind, they're fools. If they knew, they're knowing enablers.
A tight spot
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic... before the dark times... before the empire."
Now, the flaws in the Jedi are clear, but it's all well and good to critique them. What could the Jedi have done effectively instead? If the Jedi were more keyed in on the Republic's unsalvageable system and decided to be proactive in regards to it, what could they do realistically? Aside from the emotional weight of getting people to abandon their home and a multi-generation relationship the stretches back centuries and centuries, the logistics of getting 10,000 people to desert and transporting them without the Republic and GAR noticing and stepping in feels unrealistic. Not only this, but they'd be ditching the clones to slavery yet again, as it's not like the Jedi can all desert and take the clones with them like they're plushie toys. Each clone is a different individual and deprogramming child soldiers is difficult.
People like Dogma, Neyo and Bacara wouldn't canonically desert without the right circumstances, Captain Rex wouldn't just desert with Anakin, nor could Obi-Wan sashay Commander Cody and his troops away like some of the fandom thinks. A lot of clones were indoctrinated to be loyal to the Republic from a young age. If the Jedi had just flat out tried desert, Order 66 would have likely happened earlier and Palpatine would have easily painted the Jedi as traitors.
Of course, there are the inhibitor chips as also a factor, but we can only judge the moral character of the Jedi based on the knowledge they did have and what they chose to do with it.
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Barriss Offee: "An army fighting for the dark side. Fallen from the light we hold so dear. This Republic is failing. It's only a matter of time."
However, this is no excuse for the Jedi Order choosing the worst option out of a bad bunch. The Jedi crossed the moral precipice. They crossed it ever since AOTC when they decided that indoctrinated, slave soldier of dubious origin were just what they needed to throw into the desert meatgrinder that is Geonosis as the war started. There reasons make sense in their way, there's millions of units of droid army marching their way and the Republic and Senate have only a ten-thousand strong Jedi and the Judicial Forces. At the same time, the reasons for that humanitarian crisis aren't justifications. 'Cool motive. Still slavery' applies here.
Ethically, Yoda and Mace shouldn't have just gone along with the draft without any counter-strategy, especially if they cared about the clones as human beings and a people. They could have pretended cooperation and done discreet resistance at least. Of course, the Jedi even if they resisted weren't probably gonna have a happy ending, as generations under Republic thumb had neutered them and taken their passion and power, but they would have taken the moral and right action.
Instead, the Jedi remain the face of the war effort, using a Trojan Horse slave army just given to them with no real protest. If the Star Wars had truly wanted the Jedi to be wholly good, they'd have had them be more begrudging, cynical and weary at being pressured and coerced by the state. There'd be growing Anti-Republic sentiment, which would have been a start. Rebellion, dissent and mutiny would have been even more valuable and expected. Instead, the Jedi Order are loyal to the regime until the very last moments of the war.
In Conclusion
In the twilight years of the Republic, Palpatine really used every weakness of the Jedi against them. As an organisation, the Jedi really can't save themselves. Individuals can, as shown by Ahsoka leaving, but the Republic destroyed the Jedi, it took their soul, it bureaucratised and militarised their culture, and the Jedi just slid down that slope. That's part of why the people felt abandoned by the Jedi, as the Jedi were too melded to the system both functionally and idealistically, trapped in the snake, them and what they stood for slowly digested as they safeguarded and enforced unjust status quos. Even when Dooku was young, as The Tales of the Jedi said, they were already damned. Ahsoka left, every Jedi should have at that point. The Republic definitely would fight an en masse desertion, but it'd have been the right thing to do.
Some Jedi realised and left, others were too committed the belief of a Jedi Order that had become a shadow of what it was. The Jedi are a warning of what happens when governments, hierarchies and religion connect and influence each other for centuries. At the same time, adult Jedi were responsible for their actions, and each could have done more for the clones than they did.
Fives: "We must be trusted to make the right decision, especially when the orders we are given are wrong!"
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Nala runs into someone he hasn't seen since battling them when splitting creation and destruction
Willow: hello Nala...
Nala: t-the pale horseman!?
Willow: long time no see, well atleast for you.
Oof, yeah... And it's been a thousand years.
...Honestly, Nala's probably the longest existing ghost, now that I'm thinking on it. Most ghost's don't last too long- and if the last awhile, it's mostly for 100 years at the longest... before either they give up, or they simply fade...
But then again... Nala's body is hosting a GOD...
So it's not too surprising that the normal problem of losing magic or fading isn't the biggest concern... :3...
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deewithani · 7 months
So I had an idea after yesterday's episodes, regarding what it means to be "unaltered" and why Omega is so important.
Nala Se knew, without testing, what would be found with Omega's blood.
Rewind to Season 2, when she was talking with Lama Su. Notice they're talking about Jango's original genetic material and creating a "superior" clone. Also note that Nala Se says she needs a "direct source".
They're not talking about Gen 1 clones, they likely still have several Gen 1 clones that they could access. They're specifically talking about Jango and the unaltered clones, Boba and Omega.
They're special specifically because they're unaltered.
But unaltered is special because I believe they discovered Jango himself was special.
It wasn't ever necessary for her to test Omega's blood. She knew exactly what they would find because they tested Jango.
And if Jango wasn't special himself then there was no need to mention that his original genetic material was degrading.
I suspect that the Kaminoans already knew that it was possible to clone people with high midiclorian counts, you just did it like any other cloning. The test for them was removing high midiclorian counts from the resulting clones.
The next problem is "degraded genetic material". They couldn't use Jango's anymore. The problem is degradation. You know who else is probably actively degrading since being crispy fried by Mace Windu?
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This could also be because he's getting old as balls too, but it still stands.
We don't see who is in the clone tanks on Tantiss, but I've seen a couple of different theories. Whether it's dead Jedi or Palpatine clones, it doesn't really matter. What matters is that whatever or whoever it is, is degrading, and they're trying to find a suitable genetic host to allow those degraded midichlorians to grow and replicate.
(Personally I think it's Palpatine clones, since dead Jedi are shown in both 'Rebels' and 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'.)
And what about Boba? How does he end up working for the Empire so long but no one tried to come after him for his DNA? This is a fairly easy loophole, tbh. The only ones who really knew that he was a clone were the Kaminoans, the Jedi, and the othet clones, and how many of them knew he was unaltered, and if none of them said anything then how would the Empire ever know he was anything other than a natural born son of Jango?
And would Vader even know that Palpatine was looking for an unaltered clone of Jango? Could just be a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand was up to.
My big question now is what made them so special. It's not like Palpatine didn't have access to living people with the Force. I think that there is 2 different issues at play. The first is degradation, but the second is the dark side itself. Midichlorians from a degraded sample won't replicate in a dark side host. The Force is living, after all. I think there is some sentience here that the Empire is trying to fool.
If they could have used Inquisitors to do this, then they would have.
This is also why there were attempts to abduct force sensitive children in TCW and in Rebels. This is also why they're desperate to get Grogu in The Mandalorian.
Notice that they're all children. Too young to be tainted by the dark side and evil.
And there you have it. Omega is force sensitive, but so is Boba, and so was Jango.
It also means that probably every clone could have been force sensitive, and that it is genetic (I argued that on a previous post), but removing force sensitivity was part of their modification and was knowingly held back by Kamino until they thought that a "superior" clone was needed.
Also, Glitch is correct.
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catgirl-kaiju · 10 months
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hey folks, posting this on behalf of our dear, dear community member Badger
Unfortunately, the trailer the friends that have been hosting Badger were living in burned down yesterday. Badger's friends, Badger, and their cats (Simba and Nala) are all safe and sound, but they are all now in very dire straits with having to recover and rebuild from having their housing and belongings destroyed in the fire. They have set up a gofundme campaign to help with the financial side of getting back on their feet - please consider donating if you have some resources to spare.
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Jay, but he isekai-ed into one of those harem villainess stories.
how dare you call me out
Jay was reading a new series on request of his mom, called "The Siege of Sapphire".
It was a good read, the Villain being in a love triangle with the Princess and the Main Character.
The Villain was a Duke that was in love with the Princess, but since the Main Character swooped in as a national hero, they were loved by the royal family and the princess had an affair. (but wahhhh they're in love and the villain was sooooo bad /s)
Jay didn't like the villain cause he was a clingy, egotistical, insecure, immature young man that never understood why the princess wanted some independence (gee who does that remind him of?)
The Villain eventually tried raising a rebellion and was killed by the main character, and his entire family were exiled or executed for being related regardless of involvement.
Jay didn't like that, a lot of the family were elderly and young that had no clue what the Villain did until he was dead.
So when one mission gave him a good bonk on the head and some building debris fell on him- he woke up as Jullian Walek, Duke of the Sapphire Kingdom.
A lot of characters seem to look or act like his friends and family at home??? So it wasn't him, these other characters are like his own back in Ninjago.
His parents are his bio, but they've been busy doing their own stuff like partying an being unfaithful.
"Jullian" was instead raised by his loving grandparent, Edward and Eveline. The first to be executed in the og story.
The princess Nala (Nya) he tries to break off the engagement with as they grow into teens cause he 1. wants to support her and 2. wants to avoid meeting the hero.
Her older brother Kane (Kai) seems to be confused by "Jullian's" refusal to marry his sister.
A young servant Zeke (Zane) is his best friend and essentially his "lady in waiting".
And the hero, Corin (Cole), comes in and somehow still ran into "Jullian" and now Corin is being hosted at the Walek Mansion instead of the Princess' castle???
Something Jay skimmed over when reading the book was that it was written by a new author that hated how normal love triangles was always two guys directing their attention to one girl.
A new approach the author wrote was to bridge the gap between the two men.
What Jay failed to remember is that Corin and the og Jullian had something going on behind the scenes, but it ended without any resolution for Corin to immediately become engaged with Princess Nala. And og Jullian was pissed that both his love interests dumped him to be together.
(The author got heavily edited/censored, so og Jullain and Corin's romance was never properly explored)
So now it's not just a plan to avoid marrying Nala (even with the better relationship they have). Now he has to avoid that and getting involved with Corin!
Somehow Zeke and Kane are starting to harbor feelings towards "Jullian" too?????
Jay wants to go home...
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My Massive SHIP LIST
The following is a LONG list of all the ships I enjoy from a moderate to an extreme amount and have probably looked at fanfiction for at some point. Keep in mind this doesn't include every movie and/or show I've ever watched and I may make edits to this at a later time. Godspeed you unfortunate witness.
Agents of SHIELD
Coulson X May
Daisy X Lincoln
Fitz X Simmons
Bobbi X Hunter
Mack X YoYo
Caitlyn X Vi
Oliver X Laurel
Roy X Thea
Diggle X Lyla
Barry X Patty
Wally X Jesse
Caitlin X Ronnie
Kara X Mon-El
Alex X Maggie
Brainy X Nia
Attack on Titan
Eren X Mikasa
Falco X Gabi
Bertdholt X Annie
Ymir X Krista
Levi X Hange
Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
Katara X Zuko
Aang X Toph
Sokka X Suki
Aang X Katara
Bolin X Korra
Avengers (MCU)
Steve X Natasha
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Jane
Wanda X Vision
Peter Q X Gamora
Scott X Hope
T’Challa X Nakia
Matt X Karen
Luke X Jessica
Peter P X MJ
Bucky X Sarah
Ben 10
Ben X Julie
Kevin X Gwen
Guts X Casca
Ichigo X Rukia
Uryu X Orihime
Tatsuki X Orihime
Gin X Rangiku
Toshiro X Momo
Boku no Hero Academia
Izuku X Occhako
Todoroki X Momo
Bakugou X Kirishima
Eraserhead X Present Mic
Trevor X Sypha
Alucard X Greta
Class of the Titans
Jay X Theresa
Atlanta X Archie
Critical Role
Percival X Vex’ahlia
Vax’ildan X Keyleth
Scanlan X Pike
Sylas X Delilah
Fjord X Jester
Beau X Yasha
Caleb X Essek
Imogen X Laudna
DC Comics
Clark X Lois
Bruce X Selina
Diana X Steve
Barry X Iris
Wally X Linda
Hal X Carol
Carter X Shiera
Oliver X Laurel
Arthur X Mera
Constantine X Zatanna
Dick X Barbara
Tim X Stephanie
Garfield X Rachel
Conner X Cassie
Kate X Maggie
Hank X Dawn
Garth Ranzz X Imra Arden
Nura Nal X Thom Kallor
Jo Nah X Tinya Wazzo
Val Armorr X Princess Projectra
Kara Zor-El X Querl Dox
Lar Gand X Tasmia Mallor
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro X Kanao
Zenitsu X Nezuko
Giyu X Shinobu
Taichi X Sora
Koushiro X Mimi
Takeru X Hikari
Takato X Jeri
Rika X Ryo
Izumi X Junpei
Disney Animation
Mulan X Shang
Eric X Ariel
Simba X Nala
Tiana X Naveen
Tarzan X Jane
Rapunzel X Eugene
Hercules X Meg
Aladdin X Jasmine
Doctor Who
11 X Clara
Dota - Dragon's Blood
Davion X Mirana
Shinji X Kaworu
Fairy Tail
Natsu X Lucy
Erza X Jellal
Gray X Juvia
Wendy X Romeo
Final Fantasy
Zack X Aerith
Cloud X Tifa
Squall X Rinoa
Tidus X Luna
Lightning X Snow
Noel X Serah
Noctis X Luna
Fire Emblem
Byleth X Dimitri
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ed X Winry
Roy X Riza
Ling X Lan Fan
GI Joe
Snake Eyes X Scarlett
Kouga X Kaoru
Ryuga X Rian
Raiga X Mayuri
Ken X Jun
Domon X Rain
Shinn X Stella
He-Man (OG Continuity)
Adam X Teela
Adora X Sea-Hawk
Duncan X Sorceress
InuYasha X Kagome
Sango X Miroku
Sesshomaru X Kagura
Kohaku X Rin
Mark X Eve
Kamen Rider
Hongo X Ruriko
Godai X Ichijo
Shoichi X Hikawa
Shinji X Miho
Takumi X Mari
Kenzaki X Hajime
Yuuto X Airi
Wataru X Mio
Tsukasa X Natsumi
Shotaro X Tokime
Ryo X Akiko
Eiji X Hina
Gentaro X Nadeshiko
Ryusei X Tomoko
Haruto X Koyomi
Kouta X Mai
Kaitou X Yoko
Shinnosuke X Kiriko
Gou X Reiko
Takeru X Akari
Alain X Kanon
Emu X Poppy
Sento X Banjo
Kazumin X Misora
Gentoku X Sawa
Sougo X Tsukuyomi
Aruto X Izu
Fuwa X Yua
Touma X Kento
Rintaro X Mei
Keiwa X Neon
Kingdom Hearts
Kairi X Sora X Riku
Aqua X Terra
Lea X Isa
Roxas X Xion
Riku X Namine
Lucifer X Chloe
Maze X Eve
Magic Knight Rayearth
Hikaru X Lantis
Umi X Clef
Fu X Ferio
Marvel Comics
Steve X Sharon
Tony X Pepper
Thor X Sif
Hank X Janet
Reed X Sue
Peter X MJ
Wanda X Vision
Jean X Scott
Kitty X Colossus
Rogue X Gambit
Rachel X Kurt
Black Bolt X Medusa
Clint X Bobbi
Bucky X Natasha
Matt X Elektra
Luke X Jessica
Warren X Psylocke
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien X Marinette
Alya X Nino
Naruto X Hinata
Sasuke X Karin
Sakura X Rock Lee
Neji X TenTen
Shikamaru X Temari
Ino X Sai
Choji X Karui
Gaara X Matsuri
Kakashi X Might Guy
Asuna X Kurenai
Tsunade X Dan
Yahiko X Konan
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Haruhi X Tamaki
Yu X Rise
Chie X Yukiko
Kanji X Naoto
Ren X Makoto (or Kasumi if we're going with Royal canon)
Power Rangers
Tommy X Katherine
Jason X Trini
Adam X Tanya
TJ X Cassie
Andros X Ashley
Karone X Zhane
Leo X Kendrix
Carter X Dana
Wes X Jen
Cole X Alyssa
Taylor X Eric
Tori X Blake
Trent X Kira
Sky X Z
Doggie X Kat
Nick X Madison
Mack X Rose
Casey X Lily
Dillon X Summer
Ziggy X Dr. K
Kevin X Mia
Mike X Emily
Troy X Gia
Tyler X Shelby
Eddie X Vesper
Marv X Chloe
Amelia X Ollie
Ranma ½
Ranma X Akane
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena X Anthy
Rurouni Kenshin
Kenshin X Kaoru
Ruby X Penny
Blake X Sun
Weiss X Marrow
Yang X Weiss
Jaune X Pyrrha
Ren X Nora
Qrow X Summer
Sailor Moon
Usagi X Mamoru
Ami X Zoisite
Rei X Jadeite
Minako X Rei
Makoto X Nephrite
Minako X Kunzite
Saint Seiya
Seiya X Shaina
Hyoga X Eri
Shiryu X Shunrei
Shun X June
Ikki X Esmeralda
Deathmask X Aphrodite
Aiolia X Lyfia
Yato X Yuzuriha
Sasha X Tenma
Koga X Yuna
Souma X Sonia
She-Ra (Netflix Version)
Adora X Glimmer
Catra X Scorpia
Star Wars
Obi-Wan X Satine
Anakin X Padme
Ahsoka X Lux
Luke X Mara Jade
Han X Leia
Finn X Rey X Poe
Din Djarin X Bo-Katan
Super Sentai
Ryu X Kaori
Sasuke X Tsuruhime
Chisato X Kouichirou
Shun X Miku
Yuri X Tatsuya
Yosuke X Ikkou
Isshu X Nanami
Mari X Ban
Sen X Umeko
Doggie X Swan
Sakura X Akashi
Masume X Natsuhi
Rio X Mele
Sosuke X Miu
Chiaki X Kotoha
Takeru X Mako
Alata X Eri
Hyde X Moune
Marvelous X Luka
Joe X Ahim
Daigo X Mikoto
Tokatti X Mio
Hikari X Kagura
Yamato X Sela
Amu X Tusk
Lucky X Hammie
Balance X Naga
Keiichiro X Tsukasa
Sakuya X Umika
Koh X Asuna
Bamba X Asuna
Shigeru X Sayo
Tarou X Sonoi
Sword Art Online
Kirito X Asuna
The Dragon Prince
Callum X Rayla
Amaya X Janai
Lion-O X Cheetara
Bengali X Pumyra
Optimus X Elita-One
Arcee X Hot Rod
Bulkhead X Wheeljack
Silverbolt X Blackarachnia
Ken X Mari
Shiro X Matt
Keith X Allura
Lance X Pidge
Hunk X Shay
Winx Club
Bloom X Sky
Musa X Riven
Flora X Helia
Stella X Brandon
Tecna X Timmy
Layla X Nabu
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ao3feed-techphee · 4 months
Caught in the Crosshairs
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/smwPRzN by DisneyFanatic Project Necromancer had failed to show the desired results. The emperor’s patience was waning and Dr. Hemlock was growing desperate. Desperation leads to mistakes. However, the mistake during CT-9904’s latest interrogation session required reviewing older projects—which not only preserved the clone’s life and the knowledge in his head, but also provided the missing link for transferring a life force between hosts. Words: 28755, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: CT-9904 | Crosshair, Clone Trooper Tech (Star Wars), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Trooper Hunter (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Wrecker (Star Wars), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch, Clone Trooper Characters (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex, Ciddarin Scaleback, Kanan Jarrus, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Domino Squad (Star Wars), Royce Hemlock, Emerie Karr, Nala Se, CT-6116 | Kix, CX-2 | Sniper CloneX2 (Star Wars), Phee Genoa Relationships: Crosshair & CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & Hunter & Omega & Tech & Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CC-2224 | Cody & CT-9904 | Crosshair, Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & CT-9904 | Crosshair, CT-9904 | Crosshair & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & Kanan Jarrus, Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & Domino Squad, Domino Squad & CT-7567 | Rex, Phee Genoa/Clone Trooper Tech, Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & Phee Genoa Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Clone Trooper Tech Lives (Star Wars), Force-Sensitive Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch as Family, Soft CT-9904 | Crosshair, CT-9904 | Crosshair-centric, Domino Squad Lives (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Inhibitor Chips (Star Wars) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/smwPRzN
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
Revived Shifter Initiative - Case Files
A series of files found on an Imperial Outpost that was taken over and partially destroyed by a Rebel cell. The information seems to have been sent from an as of yet unknown sector.
EDIT: Updated some information pertaining Cody's shift.
Test Subject ID: SC-1010 (formerly CC-1010)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Vjun Fox Genetic Sequencing (Donated by Emperor Sheev Palpatine in the form of a rare taxidermy specimen)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Unsatisfactory. Test subject survived injection of serum F10-X and appeared to have grown an extra appendage (tail), but otherwise does not display any other significant changes or shapeshifting abilities.
Notes: This specific unit was requested specifically by the Emperor himself as a form of personal entertainment. However, due to failure to properly convert it into the desired product, the head scientist (Dr Sulu Ra) in charge of the Revived Shifter Initiative has decided to keep the subject contained as a case study. Whatever we may learn from this subject will help provide answers as to why this specific serum did not get rejected by the host body and end with catastrophic organ failure like with previous attempts.
Test Subject ID: SC-1954 (Formerly CT-1954)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Zillo Beast Genetic Sequencing (Acquired from the former Republic Science and Technical Center)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Unsatisfactory. Test subject survived the injection of serum Z11-L and suffered visual mutations that, while more significant and useful than those of subject SC-1010's, are still not what this project calls for. There is still nothing to show in terms of shapeshifter abilities.
Notes: Subject has grown highly durable (forest green) armored platting all over its body (reminiscent of the Zillo Beast's scales and crested spikes), as well as acquired a few reptilian features such as glowing green eyes and a forked tongue. A few tests have been performed to test the sturdiness of this natural armor and (thus far) the subject has endured extreme temperatures and even close range blaster fire without more than a few flinches and whimpers (likely a leftover reaction from when it was purely a Fett clone). An explosives test is in order to see if the armor platting will still hold strong even under the force of a powerful blast.
Test Subject ID: SC-6209 (formerly CT-6209)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Gutkurr Genetic Sequencing (Extracted from a fresh specimen encountered on a recent expedition to Ryloth)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Failure. Although subject has displayed less visual mutations (aside from eye coloration shifting to red, patches of carapace growing over certain areas of the body, segmentation of the digits and growth of claw like spikes instead of finger and toe nails) and partial shapeshifting abilities, it cannot control these changes and reacts violently to any sort of stimulus added to its cage. Be it tools of enrichment or even research team members. Due to the random nature of its shifting it has thusly been marked as a much less satisfactory result than previous test subjects.
Notes: The head scientist (Dr Sulu Ra) in charge of this project has argued fervently with his assistant (Dr Nala Se) over what caused this test subject's sudden behavioral issues. They are not in agreement as to whether it is the Gutkurr's predisposition for violence the true cause of these problems, or if the subject itself was simply not fit for this project due to unrelated trauma acquired during the war. Whatever the case, this test subject is to be locked up more tightly than the others due to it's unpredictability.
Test Subject ID: SC-2209 (formerly CT-2209)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Boar-wolf Genetic Sequencing (the acquisition of this particular specimen's DNA has not been disclosed)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Satisfactory. While not a complete fix from the last attempt (Serum GTK-0), subject has displayed no visual mutations and has acquired partial shifting abilities that are more controllable than its predecessor's. Serum BW0-F shall thusly be used as a secondary base for future serums along with serum F10-X.
Notes: This particular subject has no noticeable behavioral issues like its predecessor, however its appetite has greatly increased and it has gained a more carnivorous dietary requirement. Another noteworthy issue is that its teeth (even while in human form) seem to grow at the same rate as that of an actual Boar-wolf's. It is important to provide it with items with which it can naturally wear down its own teeth.
Test Subject ID: SC-4477 (formerly CC-4477)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Tusk Cat Genetic Sequencing (to extract this particular genetic sequencing, the research team was given by the Emperor a live specimen that bore the Amidala family crest on its saddle)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Unsatisfactory. Like with subject SC-1010 this subject displays no shapeshifter abilities, instead having a far too noticeable visual mutation and nothing more (its entire head has morphed into that of a Tusk Cat's). It is likely that serum TKC-4 was created with improper doses of serums BW0-F and F10-X, with the latter likely coming off stronger than the former. This imbalance should be worked upon before moving on to the next test subject.
Notes: This is not much of a perk, but it seems even with its head trans-mutated into that of a wild animal's, the subject is capable of perfectly eloquent speech (it has cursed out the entire research team in various languages, including huttese).
Test Subject ID: SC-6922 (formerly CT-6922)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Oggdo Genetic Sequencing (acquiring this specific specimen's DNA was no easy feat and has cost us three members of our expedition team)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Failure. Attempts to correct the issue with serum TKC-4 were made in the creation of serum OGD-0, however it seems the dosage balance issues were inverted rather than balanced, resulting in visually mutations much more drastic than in past test subjects. This subject is thus incapable of both shapeshifting and is permanently trapped in a half-way form. Neither man nor animal.
Notes: Unlike with its predecessor, subject is unable to speak due to its tongue having changed to become longer and prehensile, filling the mouth cavity rather uncomfortably (subject has nearly choked on own tongue several times until it acclimated to this particular change). It seems to also have issues with controlling its tail, as well as getting easily confused by the third eye it has grown. It rarely leaves a corner of its cage (subject has been recorded weeping).
Test Subject ID: SC-5052 (formerly CC-5052)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Carrier butterflies Genetic Sequencing (This particular specimen was not approved and the culprit behind tampering with this subject has been terminated)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Failure. Due to tampering by an unauthorized party, subject underwent a much more catastrophic transition than previous subjects. Not only is it permanently stuck in the diminutive form of a carrier butterfly (of highly unusual and incorrect coloration), subject has no shapeshifter abilities and is unable to perform any form of military combat due to the limitations of its form. Unlike with actual carrier butterflies however, subject does display incredible healing abilities that might be of use for the creation of future subjects. Serum CB-Y is thus not a complete waste of resources it seems.
Notes: Like with subject SC-4477, SC-5052 is capable of coherent and eloquent speech. This subject rarely speaks however, often sitting in the middle of its cage listlessly staring at the walls instead. No one is quite sure what has caused it to behave like this.
Test Subject ID: SC-2224 (formerly CC-2224)
Genetic Templates: Human DNA (Provided by Subject Jango Fett during the separatist war) + Greater Krayt Dragon Genetic Sequencing (this particular DNA sequence was acquired illegally from the Bounty Hunter known as Boba Fett) + Implantation of Control Crystal (to enable remote control by Lord Vader)
Objective: Convert subject into a SC (Shapeshifter Clone) unit with the ability to change between human form and animal form.
Results: Success. After several hundreds of attempts (and failures), we have finally fully converted an otherwise standard Clone Commander into a Shapeshifter Clone. Enough data was accumulated to eventually create not only a perfect serum formula (in this case serum GKD-4) but also to help our team realize that, to properly control both the subject in human and shifted form, a new measure (in this case the implantation of a kyber crystal tampered with by dark side energy encased within a pearl-like protective casing) needed to be implemented to substitute a functional inhibitor chip (seeing as most seem to have begun decaying over time). Subject SC-2224 has been dispatched for field testing, and the chosen handler for this unit is Lord Vader himself, who is the only one capable of establishing a Force bond with the "control crystal" due to having been the one to provide it in the first place.
Notes: It appears this unit was commissioned to hunt the supposedly still living Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi. Lord Vader appears to believe this subject's past working relationship with the fugitive Jedi Master, would make it the ideal weapon to both hunt and bring him down. Dr Sulu Ra does not believe this will be the case, but seems very pleased with the results of the perfected base formula.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Ok so we all know that The Black Coldron is the closest thing to a horror movie we have from Disney (aside from the movie Something Wicked This Way Comes, assuming I'm remembering correctly that it was done by Disney), but what if Disney made all their movies more creepy like? I'm not talking about like if they just dropped the fairy tales and made slashers, I'm talking about the films they've done getting a scary spin similar to the Black Coldron. Like Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, etc. How do you think your favorite Disney films/villains would turn out if Disney let themselves go into the dark side?
And for the other side of the coin, imagine horror films getting a more... Well, family friendly feel/look. The plots are still the same, but they get Disneyfied. How do you think they'd turn out? I'm personally willing to bet all my money that Jason would be a classic Disney prince(ss); lives in the forest, one with nature, seen as one of the more kinder/sympathetic of the slashers, etc (and Chucky would definitely have some Dr. Facilier thing going on with all the voodoo)
Oh I love this concept!! First of all- Disney movies getting a darker twist.
Considering most fairytales and mythologies are dark in the first place- it wouldnt be very difficult. Unfortunately though I can't think of anything original 😅 Most everything has been done before with dark disney. Sorry I can't be more creative!! Haha 😅
As for Disney-Horror though!! I actually do have some things in the works for that- silly crossover things XD Like:
Hercules with Y/N as Meg, Jason as Hercules and Freddy as Hades. (Just fits so well?? 😅 )
The Princess and the Frog with Y/N as Tiana, Michael as Naveen and (Yes!!) Chucky as Facilier. (This is for sure the most crack, but I love Michael and Chucky together as a concept so 🤷‍♀️)
The Lion King, with Y/N as Nala, Thomas as Simba and Hoyt as Scar (a la the creepy Madness of King Scar scene where Scar Hoyt will try to convince Y/N, Simba's Thomas' betrothed, to help create a 'Host of little Scar's' with him)
Apart from silly x reader nonesence- I can truly see some of these Slashers as Disney movies though!! Haha XD Maybe I'm crazy- but- Jafar's and Jasmine's whole slave girl scene is farr creepier then anything Freddy did in the first ANOES. He was still invasive in that movie of course, thats the scary thing about Freddy, but with less then 10 mins of actual screentime he was not the full-on, backwards ✌️ sign in front of his mouth kind of sexual predator character that he builds up to. They could definetly keep the 'I'm your boyfriend now, Nancy' line considering the way Hades talks to Meg in Hercules and mayyybe the phone thing too (After all... Greasy did full on stick his hand down Jessica's cleavage in WFRR and that is a Disney movie folks XDD)- it's just the actual slashing that's posing a real issue!! XD😅XD😅 But Freddy's method of killing can be cushioned, I guess- make it more ambiguous and fantastical? With the dream powers and all. ANOES definetly has the magical element+larger then life, handsy villain+memorable setting+memorable heroine, which seems to be a tride and true Disney movie sum XD I dunno, take this or leave this- I'm just talking! XD 😅
Also Freddy has the greeeeen element, you know?? The limeeee green?~~
... plus if ANOES is animated you can have the original cast back *cough*
AND I LOVE YOUR DISNEY PRINCESS JASON IDEA!! He is absolutely majestic enough. Imagine that's how he knows where all his victims are, though?? Squirrels and little birdies tell him XDD
Imagine that movie though!!! A backwards Slasher with Disney animation and a KILLER ZOMBIE PRINCESS. He can talk to forest creatures so you can't hide, he's hard-working so you'll never get away, and his mother is dead. Because, obviously. They're all dead.
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^^^^ this fucks me up (negatively) WAY WORSE THEN FREDDY'S SLIMEY TONGUE
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madameaug · 1 year
Who's He? || JHS x OC
Pairing: Older Rich Jung Hoseok (28) x RA Nala Coleman (22)
Featuring: RA Jennette Brooks (22) & RA Althea Miller (21)
WC: 2.7k
Context: Jennette and Althea "Thea" catch wind of a new guy in their best friend, Nala's life. They know how reserved Nala can be when she's talking to a new guy. With good intent, the two girls just want to know who the lucky guy is. What's the harm in that? Right?
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Jennette and Althea cleaned up the empty pizza boxes from their residential event that a few students attended. Or at least that's what the girls would write on their report to their boss. Part of their duties as an RA required planning and hosting events for their residents at least once a month.
Althea came up with the idea to have a movie night in the dorm's lobby. In hopes of getting some engagement from residents. The dorm held over 300 students, and no one showed up. Even the pizza was free. Not letting the New York-style cheesy pizza go to waste, the two women chowed down on the pizza.
Jennette rubbed her stomach. "Hi peanut." Althea laughed at the pet name. Jennette gave her food baby.
"They were made with cheese and love." The two women walked into the office beside the front desk. They pulled out their own laptop and started doing their individual assignments. The office walls were decorated with safe sex, alcohol poisoning awareness, and anti-drug flyers. Flyers that the RA's were required to create. Jennette, Althea, and Nala were the only female RA's in the dorm. And the only black woman RA's at that. Naturally, the job brought the girls closer together. When you saw one, you knew the other two were nearby. They were three peas in a pod.
"Is Nala coming?"
"I thought so, I knew she was meeting with someone before coming."
"Oh." Althea ears perked up. "Is it someone we know?"
Nala walked alongside a well-dressed man on the other side of the large office window. Completely unaware of the two pairs of eyes watching her. She was on her fourth rendezvous with Hoseok. A man she was introduced to at her internship at a Public Relations Firm.
Hoseok had always been kind to Nala since her first day at the firm. He brought her Starbucks whenever he went on a coffee run, invited her to lunch with his co-workers, and offered to walk her to her car late at night. Every gesture was appreciated and got the two talking. Due to her workload, Nala barely had time to sit down and get to know Hoseok outside of her hour lunch break, which unfortunately didn't align with his. So she was spending time with him outside of the office.
Tonight, Nala and Hoseok attended a spoken word session on campus. Nala loved the arts. Especially poetry. When she wasn't working at her internship or fulfilling her RA duties, she wrote her own poems. Many were quite intimate detailing her childhood growing up in a neighborhood stained with gun violence. The most recent poem she wrote was an ode to her older brother who recently passed due to gun violence.
Hoseok on the other hand, was a patron of the arts. His apartment on the Upper West Side had lots of expensive paintings. Collections that would one day be worth millions. Many people judged his exterior, stereotyping him as just another elitist snob. Maybe it was how he dressed that gave others that perception. It often led him being limited in his platonic relationships.
Hence the reason he found Nala to be so refreshing. Someone who had similar interests and could hold a genuine conversation with him. He hoped that there would be plenty more instances down the road for him to get to know her.
"No way that's Nala?" Jennette watched in disbelief. "Look there no space between them." Jennette lifted up a singular blind watching her friend. She was dressed in a casual attire. Dark denim jeans and a light sweatshirt. Her 'Barbie' ponytail is still elegant as ever and holding up in the wind. Jennette watched Nala speak to the man beside her with a smile.
"Tell me! Tell me! What's happening?!" Althea stood behind Jennette, curious as to what their friend was doing.
"I think she's on a date."
"Date?" Althea peaked through another row of blinds. "No way!"
"Yes way!"
"I hope I didn't bore you, with the spoken word. You can be honest and say I did."
Nala and Hoseok stopped in under a street light, which was in perfect viewing for Jennette and Althea.
"I enjoyed myself tonight. Thanks to you."
Nala smiled. She was fearful that poetry would bore Hoseok as it did with her previous dates. Which is why she pushed off the idea until the fourth or fifth hangout.
"Do you write your own poems?"
"Yes, but they aren't any good. Not really of the quality we heard tonight."
"I'm sure your poems are just as good. I would love to hear them." Hoseok had a smile on his face. He didn't really care if the poems were shit or Shakespeare's quality. He didn't want tonight to be the last time that they saw each other.
Nala was blushing; Hoseok was the first person to inquire about hearing her poems. She kept the hobby so close to herself that she felt self-conscious about performing her poems.
"I'll keep that in mind." She twisted her foot.
Nala just looked into Hoseok's eyes. The attraction between them was rising the longer they stared at each other. Although neither really cared at the moment.
"I shouldn't keep you out this late. I'm sure you have an early morning."
Nala didn't want to think about her 8:30 am senior seminar that was a constant fight to stay awake in. Her professor just read off the PowerPoint, so it was a bad start to her Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The only good thing is that once that class ended, she would go to the PR firm and see Hoseok.
"I'll see you tomorrow. And lunch will be on me this time."
"Nonsense. You're in college. Save your money."
"Well, I'm going to buy you a coffee or something. I feel like I owe it to you."
"Don't worry about it. That's what friends are for."
Hoseok felt compelled to throw the word out there. He didn't want to confine himself to the domain of friendship. Not to say that he didn't want to be friends with Nala. He just hoped he didn't shoot himself in the foot. Maybe one day he could invite Nala on a date. Not as friends, but perhaps as potential lovers.
The next morning continued as it usually did. Nala woke up and got dressed for her boring seminar class. Today she was back to her preppy attire. A floral crop top blouse with flared green pants. Tan four-inch pumps to match. Image was everything to Nala. She looked good, she felt good. A few squirts of her favorite spring perfume completed the flowery lotion.
Hoseok J. notification
Nala looked down, seeing Hoseok smiling, standing in line at Dunkin. The line was easily twenty people deep. She shook her head, knowing that he wasn't going to allow her to treat him.
She hearted the picture and made her way to her class. She smiled as she past her freshman residents. Most were a little 'special' in their own right, but were sweet at heart. Many students at the school were first-generation, so many common sense things to her were sincere.
Ten feet away from her dorm, a scrawny man carrying a bouquet of flowers rushed in Nala's direction. She was careful to avoid his path as the bouquet covered in his line of sight.
"Wait are you Nala Coleman?" He spoke breathlessly.
"Whose asking?" The question sounded alot more standoffish than she wanted. It was the few things that she took away growing up. Be cautious identifying yourself to strangers. Who knows what their intention is with that information.
"These are for you. For the prettiest girl on campus. From Mr. Jung Hoe-suck."
The man handed over the flowers. Nala didn't realize how heavier they looked, compared to how effortlessly the man carried them. She didn't even have time to correct the man before he spun on his heels.
Thankfully with her heels, Nala could see over the bouquet and continued her walk to class. An undeniable smile on her face. She caught the attention of several college students, wondering who was behind the sweet gesture.
Two of those people being her good friends.
"Omg! Omg!" Althea cheesed. She started rattling off questions, Nala not even sure were to start. Jennette was too busy reading the note hanging from the plastic wrap.
"Is that the name of the new man in your life?" Althea teased.
"Our life." Jennette corrected.
"He's not my man."
"Not yet." Althea chimed in. "He's clearly shooting his shot."
"An expensive shot. These must have cost two hundred dollars easily. He must be a trust fund kid or something."
"Well he's not in college." The statement caused both girls to jump.
"Wait. Nala, sweetie ... are you sugaring?" Althea whispered the last word, covering her mouth as if she said something scandalous.
"Thea shut up. No I'm not sugaring. And I'm trying get to class, that I'm currently late to."
"Oh who cares. Not like you even enjoy that class anyway." Jennette quipped in.
"This is clearly an emergency." Jennette looked towards Althea. She shrugged in agreement. "Clearly." The girls sandwiched Nala in the middle before walking in the opposite direction of where were seminar class was located.
Deep down, Nala just smiled and willingly walked with her friends.
"Tell us everything now." The girls reached their favorite spot on campus. The Student Union. There was always some tabeling or food promotion occurring in the five-story building. Scents of food always lingered, which is why the girls loved it so much. They sat in the food court-style room, munching on fruit parfait.
"There's not even much to say. He's just a guy at my internship that I hang out with sometimes after work."
"Is that what you were doing last night"
"How'd you know?"
"We watched you." Jennette said casually. Not caring that she admitted to stalking her friend. "Yall were standing in front of the office window."
Nala wanted to smack herself on the forehead.
"I found his Instagram." Thea revealed, leaning over to show Jennette. They swiped their finger, making internal judgments on Hoseok's public page. Nala bit her bottom lip, anxiously wanting to see the Instagram page.
"He's quite handsome, Nala." Jennette decided. "I approve."
"Much better than that computer science dude you crushed on."
"Aht Aht Aht. We promised to never speak of his existence."
"What was name, like Char-"
Like a child, Nala covered her ears. Embarrassment crept up her skin if her friends mentioned the previous man she dated and crushed on. He was six-four three hundred pounds with a full beard. A beard that connected! He had the prettiest hazel eye. He was hot, but, unfortunately was three years Nala's junior. She damn near cried upon learning that the 6'4 hunk was a freshman. She blocked him and hasn't spoken to him since.
"I gotta go if yall are just going to reveal all my secrets." Nala excused herself from the table. She would need to report to her internship in forty minutes anyway. And with how crazy parking can be in the city, she needed to leave now to get good parking.
"Catch yall later."
"Byeeee." Her friends waved goodbye in unison.
Nala found a decent parking spot in the firm's parking garage. She ran on two wheels, trying to catch the slowly closing elevator. Her morning huddle would start in ten minutes and it would take her forever in these heels to go up eleven flights of stairs.
"No-" She squeaked out, cursing internally at the closed silver doors.
"Just it time," Hoseok spoke out from within the elevator. His ring-decored hand, caused the walls of the elevator to separate.
Hoseok handed Nala her go-to Dunkin drink: Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew. Nala hummed, loving the vanilla taste on her tongue.
"Thank you." The elevator closed, carrying the two to the eleventh floor. This was the floor where interns and part-time staff were located. Hoseok who had been with the company for five years was on the twelfth floor, dealing with the more financial and accounting aspects. It was a quiet floor, and not as lively as the floor below.
"I'm treating you to lunch."
"Nala that's not-"
"AND you're going to accept it. No ifs buts about it." Nala gave a stern finger to Hoseok. He put his hands up in a surrender motion. He liked how feisty Nala was acting right now. Did she realize that when she got worked up, she spoke faster? Or that she spoke with her right hand more than her left. Hoseok did.
In five months that Nala had been working at the firm, Hoseok started paying more attention to those working on the eleventh floor. Who was the beauty sporting the ginger-colored cornrows? The whispy baby hairs, to match. And the distinct toffee-brown freckles across the bridge of her nose. Nala stood out on her look alone. The public relations firm was mostly Korean, with a few white and non-Korean workers. Despite not being dark complexion-wise, Nala was the only black woman in the firm.
Hoseok was drawn in by other factors besides her physical features. Her fashion always caught his attention. The preppy, 'old money' aesthetic complimented her well. She always looked put together with a tube of clear lip gloss in her hand. Constantly reapplying a layer throughout the day.
"Hoseok? You with me?" Nala waved her hand in front of his face. She stood out of the elevator with her head slightly cocked to the side. Hoseok realized that the reason the elevator had stopped is that he had yet to push a button for which floor he wanted to go to. So he stood in front of the 11th floor, a little dazed.
"Yeah, just got lost in thought for a moment." He pressed the twelfth button, before pulling away his tight button up away from his undershirt. His core temperature rising.
"One o'clock."
"One o'clock," Hoseok confirmed their usual time for lunch. And the elevator door closed.
Jennette Brooks and Althea Miller had officially signed their death certificate. Nala watched her two friends duck behind cars parked on the street. She was currently on a lunch date with Hoseok. She was treating him to a taco truck that she knew sold delicious birria tacos. They were sitting at a picnic table enjoying each other's company (per usual) when she heard Althea's undeniable Louisiana accent. Discreetly looking around, she noticed her friends about fifteen feet from the food truck.
"Nala everything okay?"
"You're like squeezing all of your toppings out of your taco." The juice from the ground beef was running down Nala's hand.
Now she could hear Jennette's southern twang. The two girls were bickering behind a rustic truck and their voices were only getting louder. "Oh gosh." She wiped her hand with a napkin.
Think. Think. Think.
"What do you think?"
"It's so flavorful. I wish I tried this sooner, but then I would probably go over budget for my eating out budget."
"You are an accountant I'm sure you can manage. That's why they pay you the big bucks."
"Jennette, move your big ass head. I can't see." An electric current shot up Nala's spine. It was hard for her to maintain her smile with Hosoek and plan how she would kill her friends. If they embarrassed her with their foolishness, she would never be able to look at Hoseok again.
"I wanted to ask you something."
"Anything," Nala responded faster than she probably should have.
"A good friend of mine is teaching a Salsa class and offered me a free class. I was wondering if you would like to take the class with me."
"Oh Hoseok I would love too, but I have zero coordination." Nala laughed.
"Did he ask her to dance? Oh god."
"Shut up! They can probably hear you. You're so loud."
Hoseok turned his head in the direction of Jennette and Althea's voices. Confusion was growing on his face. His face said it all.
"Actually, you know what, I would love to take that class with you." Nala stood up, causing Hoseok to pack his food and stand up.
"I'll scoop you up tonight then?"
"It's a date!" She walked shoulder to shoulder with Hoseok, looking behind her to see Jennette and Althea standing at their full height. The flashlight on both phones was on, and they both had a lip curl of the Grinch on their face.
"I. Hate. You. Both." Nala mouthed before giving them the bird and walking away with Hoseok.
Jennette and Althea blew kisses at Nala, smiling and laughing.
A/N: this may or may not have been me and my friends.
AHHHHHH my first Hobi fic <3
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freeing-the-man · 1 year
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Firstly I have; mad scientist and his #1 test subject (featuring definitely not a Tegu/j)
Items: Some dark brown or purple vest
A lot of hair gel/hair spray --or just fuck up your hair, if it stays--
tan/light brown button up shirt
Dark lip-stick
Probably drawn on facial hair/hj
Fabric marker for stars on the vest
Dark pants
Glasses/goggles bulked up with foam, or just any large goggles you have, sides painted. Optional painted black paper towel roll cut short on both, around where your eyes are.
A tegu ( "His name is Cheez-It, or Charlie for short.)
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Next, Nala- I- okay, I probably should have said this but we're not usually the people to ask for halloween costumes because it turns into some- over the top, kind of cheaply made, fixation. So if you have a hyperfixation right now; that's what it would be for us, via scraps and shit.
Nala drew a cosplay of a Chocobo from final fantasy as their example... They've made costumes this over the top before in person yes. Our hosts are like this and Foxy started it./lh
If you want a more in depth explanation, feel free to ask. But Nala takes their cosplays very seriously in getting as accurate as possible, and *never* cosplays humanoid things.
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VHS!!! This one is namely to get the creative juices going, a buggy little face!/pos
Alternatively you can have a younger sibling or --comfortable-- pet be a Cassette tape!!
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Worm Off the string! Featuring, me, a very loose drawing of me.
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Cal also chimed in with these two, classics.
I hope these are sufficient!
I'd also like to bring our attention to: A lot of halloween costumes you buy at the store are kind of shit; not only do they suck in visual in quality, but they're always Skinny white models, where men get the 'regular' costume, and women get the sexualized version.
I've also seen one too many costumes that are racist to specific indigenous groups.--One too many as any at all, but sadly this is not a one time occurance--
Anyways, Enjoy!!
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