#hot i messed up the light source direction on the ears
potatemotate · 1 year
hi @silversupremacy I like the furry spoon 👉👈
I know this is coming out of nowhere because I don't exist on Tumblr pls forgive me
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arellian · 6 months
I was tagged by @astrearl! I had to take a break from my fic writing so I think this will be the perfect thing to get me back into the swing of things. :)
The rules are simple - find a sentence, or excerpt, that includes the words you're given and paste it in, and include a link to the finished story if you want. But honestly, these are guidelines at best - do what you want.
My words to find: Slight - Panic - Glass - Confined - Breathing - Hot - Want - Courage
I'm tagging: @katesofheaven - @bbraefairy - @magicalotterlady
Your words are: Heavy - Voices - Anxiety - Giggle - Right - Again - Mug - Feeling
His eyes flicked to her and quickly away as he shifted from foot to foot. Raven studied him for a moment, her heart fluttering. Standing this close, she could see the subtle bags under his eyes. She wondered if he had slept at all last night. She gave a slight nod and opened a cupboard, pulling down the honey and adding a bit to the tea. She stirred it and took a sip. “Perfect,” she said quietly, as she started to walk away. “Thank you.” “Wait!” Gar said, a little too loudly. Raven turned to look at him, eyebrows raised.
Gar furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at himself. What appeared to be leather straps spanned his chest, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles, binding him to a cold, metal table. He attempted to lift his head and choked, a strap also across his neck. The man wandered toward one side of the room, messing with something on a steel tray. Gar took a deep breath. Something familiar cut through the room’s sharp scent. His eyes widened slightly as his head snapped in the man’s direction. “Where is she?” he breathed. The man hummed again, turning to look at him with an arched eyebrow. “Where is who?” “I know she’s here, I can smell her, now where the fuck is she?!” Gar snapped as panic started to take hold. The man stared at him for a second before a light appeared to come on in his head. “Are you referring to the violet-haired one? She calls herself Raven.” “Yes,” Gar growled, straining against the straps. The man tutted. “I told you, it is no use. You won’t be able to escape.”
Turning, he walked back the way he came, eventually finding and re-entering the elevator. He pressed another button and was taken one floor up. The door slid open, once again revealing an oppressive darkness. Dick stepped out and paused, listening. It was much of the same, which only deepened his dread. Feeling around, he found the emergency lights and turned them on, the red illuminating Batman’s laboratory. The place was wrecked, like there had been a massive struggle. Equipment had been smashed and glass littered the floor with liquids and other specimens dripping from various surfaces. Dick took a tentative step further into the room, scanning the area. His stomach dropped. Black boots poked from around one of the lab’s counters. Dick steeled himself and approached the spot, turning and glancing down at the boots’ owner.
Confined (I don't have this word so I looked up synonyms and picked cramped):
The door hissed open and Kori stepped inside. Dick glanced sideways at her but said nothing. She looked around the room. It was as large as their bedrooms but the clutter made it appear cramped. There were no windows, giving it a claustrophobic feel. Filing cabinets and servers lined one wall, while shelves full of books and other source materials occupied another. Beside the door was a large safe that contained various hard drives. Maps, blueprints, gadgets, and stacks of paper were strewn about without rhyme or reason. Organized chaos is what Dick called it. A hoarder’s prison cell is what Kori thought of it. She stepped over a stack of encyclopedias and leaned back against Dick’s desk, watching him with her arms loosely crossed. He didn’t look up at her but raised his eyebrows by way of acknowledgement. “Richard,” she said softly. “Koriand’r.”
Gar slowly came back into himself, his sensitive ears picking up the steady beat of Raven's heart, her even breathing, the quiet drone of the TV. The dreams faded but remained somewhat vivid, like distant core memories. He kept his eyes closed and took a deep breath through his nose, warmth flooding him at the smell of her. She was still holding him tightly, his head nestled against her chest, and he couldn't remember the last time he had felt so relaxed. All of the tension was gone from his body and he was pretty sure if she shifted her weight, he would slide off to the side and form a puddle. Raven peered down at him. "Are you awake?" "No," Gar whispered, hugging her tightly.
He moved closer, smiling at her, his arm once again snaking around her waist. She happily leaned into him, basking in his warmth. “Now what?” he asked. Raven looked up at him. “It’s getting a little hot in here.” “You wanna go out to the balcony?” Raven made a face. Sarah said this should be easy but she was already messing it up.
Raven felt her heart flutter and tried to glare at him but was unable to stop smiling. To hide it, she went to take another drink of tea but found her mug empty. She sighed in frustration and set it back down. “Green bean, if you want to keep all your teeth, I suggest you back off while you still can,” Cyborg said, clearly amused. “Nah, Cy, she adores me,” Beast Boy said, his face still inches from Raven’s. “She just hasn’t come to terms with it yet.” Raven opened her mouth to protest, heart racing from feeling his breath on her face, but was promptly booped on the nose by the changeling. Snatching up his dishes, he made a mad dash for the kitchen sink.
Courage (I have discouraged):
He flitted forward and swept Raven’s legs out from under her. Raven reached out as she was falling and grabbed his upper arms, bringing him down with her, and twisted her body. She rolled, using her momentum to briefly pin him but was quickly flipped onto her back, the air forced from her lungs a second time. Gar pinned her wrists next to her shoulders, her arms flush to her body. This time, no matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t break free. “Okay,” Dick called, walking over. Gar let her go and sat back. Raven lay there and stared at the sky, feeling incredibly discouraged. “Not bad,” Gar said, pushing his hair out of his face. Raven glanced at him. “You really were holding back.” Gar shrugged and scratched behind an ear, avoiding her eyes. “Yeah, I guess. Heh. But I honestly didn’t mean to.” Dick stood over Raven and offered her a hand. She just stared at him. He gave her a half smile. “C’mon, Rae. This was your first match. Did you really think you’d win?” “I thought I’d last longer than thirty seconds,” Raven muttered.
Excerpts from Covert and Insomnia.
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hymn-of-muse · 11 months
A Haunted Mind 4 | Nightmares
[a haunted mind 4, nighmares]
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chapter 4 in whats now a series. see below for announcements!
parts one(link) / two(link) / three(link)
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A murky coloured dust brushed through vacant and still air, settling on the ground at her feet before a sudden hot breeze lifted it up and created a thin haze in front of her, obscuring her vision.
Some sort of light source from an unclear direction shone through the misty dust clouds, a stench like smoke filling her nostrils and clogging her lungs as she stepped forward to try and find some sort of sense of direction. 
Catra placed an arm in front of her face to shield her, squinting against the tossing dust and raising heat. Had an explosion gone off? Something was burning... machinery was burning. This was familiar, she'd been here before.
"Catra?" A voice called out in the midst of the flurries of hot dust. Worried at first, soft and inviting, beckoning even. Then it came again. "Catra."
"Adora?!" Catra called out in response, steps picking up pace in the direction of the voice. "Adora, where are you!?"
"Catra!" She called again, a figure vague in the haze of her vision. "Why?"
Why? Why what? What did she mean why? Why wasn't the question to be asking right now! 
"Adora, what's going on, can we-" she paused, two figures becoming clear as the dust parts and clears away to the sides. Before her stood adora, red jacket missing and replaced with some fabric over her back to hide the horde symbol on her back, the other person...was her. 
She'd been here before alright.
"Why didn't you tell me?! You knew?!" Adora shouted, voice more angry and accusatory than the inviting tone from before.
The catra she saw, her younger self, took a few silent steps back before fleeing.
"No, idiot, go back, don't leave her!" Catra hissed at herself. But she had no effect, things still played out in front of her.
"Why?!" The adora before her turned her gaze directly at her, a glare that sent a cold chill down her spine despite the heat around her. "Why did you lie to me!? Why did you leave me like that!?"
"I-i didn't- I...I was hurting! I didn't know how to handle it! Things were changing and I was scared!" She blurted out, taking a cautious step back as her ears flattened and fur stood on alert.
"You lied to me catra!" Adora shot back.
"I wanted to keep you around! I was scared you'd leave if you knew and you did!" She cried out, holding her arms around herself and shutting her eyes tightly. 
A hot gust of wind surrounded her, blowing back her hair and wiping it around until it settled and she reopened her eyes to see adora gone, replaced by she-ra, harsh glare still on her face and bow and glimmer at her side with the same expressions.
"You lied, you hurt us, you fought us, YOU ruined things. You should be glad we even keep you around, you belong in a cell for everything you've done." She-ra scoffed. "Who am I kidding?" She laughed threateningly "you don't even deserve that much, we should honestly just forget about you" she turned her back to catra.
"What? Wait! No! Adora please!" Catra made and attempt to reach out and catch up but the dust returned, particles hitting her face with sharp pricks and slowing her steps as well as clouding her vision again.
"Wow, kitten, you really messed up, huh?" No, not them too. Not again.
A hand slid softly and gently under her chin and tilted her face in the direction of the voice, a toothy grin flashed her way. "Poor, catra, so alone. And it's all your fault too." 
Double trouble chuckled in amusement as catra stumbled back, retracting from their touch. "Stop it! Back off!" She snapped.
"Awe, throwing a fit again, kitten? You really need to stop driving people away, no wonder no one wants to be around you" they snickered, stepping around her and shifting their appearance.
Scorpia walked to her other side, a hurt frown and sad eyes locked on her. "I would have stuck around for you kitty cat, you know that. But you were so...mean, the worst friend. I can't believe I called you a friend in the first place, I was nieve.."
"What? No I know, I should have done better, I get that! But-" her please were cut short by two hands softly combing the Tufts of fur at behind her ears. 
"Sweet, sweet, idiotic, dear child..." The sickeningly sweet motherly voice of shadow Weaver rang through her ears like a toxic honey. "Stupid fool of a girl, you're such a failure. Adora would have achieved so much more if you hadn't gotten in the way." 
Her hands clawed into her shoulders and the air went icy, almost sufficatingly cold. "I had hopes for you, you know? You turned into SUCH a disappointment." The woman growled into her ear before releasing her hands.
"Stop it! Just stop! Why are you doing this!? I said sorry, I'm trying! Why is this still happening?!" Catra cried, curling in on herself and clutching her hair at the sides of her head and pinpricks of tears threatened to sting the corners of her vision.
"Why!?" A pitchy laugh rang out through the dark dusty area she was in. "Why do you think?! You did this after all" 
Catra looked up to see herself, wicked grin and half obscured by a purple, glitchy sort of corruption, the reality around them seeming to break with the same effect.
"You know exactly what we did, don't deny it" her voice came out choppy like a call with bad connection. "The power, the destruction...it all felt so good to do, to let it out and control...you still want that."
"No! I'm DONE with all that! I don't want to hurt anyone! I don't want any of that I never wanted any of that! I don't want to go back!" Catra whimpered, stepping back like a frightened kitten.
"You fear the pain, you're still suffering..." A calmer, clearer version of her voice rang out from the other side. Turning her head catra saw herself in white and green, eyes glossed over with an eerily familiar green light that made the pit in her stomach boil and the fur on the back of her neck raise on end.
"All that hurt and longing, that fear...you were set free once, he can set us free again, if you just let him" she spoke smoothly, extending her hand like offering an olive branch.
"No! No I'm not letting that-that THING back in my head!!" Catra screamed. Desperate now to break from whatever situation this was.
"But you know how nice it is to finally let go, be free of worry, if your mind is at ease. And you know it can be-" a hand appeared on chipped catra's shoulder and catra felt her heart raise as she watched him step out and finish her sentence.
"If you just joined me." He mused, a threatening look in his eyes as he gave that chilling smile. "You know I'm still here. I will always be here" he stepped closer, glowing green lines spreading out from his steps and reaching for her as his low voice grew closer.
"I'm here, you just need to give in. I'll always be here, because I am a part of you now." He grinned maniacally.
Catra felt the green toxic corruption crawl up her limbs, a pain on the back of her neck. "NO!!"
"NO GET-" she bolted upright and her eyes shot open to a dimly lit room. "...away.." her voice fell.
"Mmn? Catra?" Adoras groggy voice could be heard from beside her, limbs still tangled over her body. She had been cuddling her girlfriend before falling asleep with adoras arms and legs wrapped around her like a bear hug.
Adora lifted her head and sat up, noticing catra's heavily breathing and tension. "Hey, hey, you okay? I-do you?"
"I'm fine" catra sighed. "I'm okay...just...just a bad dream" she told her, attempting a smile. A frequent nightmare, something she couldn't shake no matter how many variations played out, they just seemed to get worse.
"I'm here for you catra" adora wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple. 
"Thanks.." catra said softly, fighting back tears that wanted to soak her cheeks and replace the dried streams that matted the fur on her face. 
"Wanna just lay here for a bit? I think it's bow's turn to make breakfast" adora said softly, leaning back against her pillow as catra placed her head on her shoulder and nuzzled into her.
"Yeah..." Nothing could chase the nightmares away..at least she got to be in adoras arms when she woke up from them...but for how long would that last? Or would that become part of her nightmares too?
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hey! so, i turned this oneshot series into an actual story! and its now available on both quotev and wattpad as a book!
links below!
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tagging: @mariabrightmoon
i may have stayed up late putting this together and just threw a book cover together this morning
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reblogs are appreciated!
feel free to request more angst, fluff or whatever comes to mind!
be sure to check my pinned post!
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cynettic · 3 years
Hey so I just read the Laser Tag AU and maaaan, now I really want to play Splatoon smh aksksjjdjs
Anywayyy my point is: may I request more hcs but with the other boyos (Childe, Albedo, Bennett, Razor, Chongyun, Xingqiu and maybe Aether if you do him too xD)
Laser Tag ( genshin x reader )
Summary - Genshin characters playing laser tag with you their s/o.
Pairings - Reader x Childe/Bennett/Razor/Chongyun/Albedo/Scaramouche
Warnings - Mention of guns and shooting.
A/N - Added in Scaramouche- But I couldn’t think of anything for Xingqiu. I can surprisingly see the majority of the Genshin boys being good at wielding guns, even though they’d probably suck lol
Laser Tag
Childe is a beast.
Whether it’s in the terrain of his battlefield, or the streets of Liyue playing laser tag, Childe plays to win. He’s always been the competitive type, enjoying the thrill of battle, or in this case, laser tag.
He loves the game.
And of course, you just have to end up on the opposite team as him.
This game is the perfect setup for an enemies to lovers kind of vibe btw. With him shooting at your comrades and eliminating them from left to right, and you doing the same for his team. Very few people stand against him in this game, and his accuracy and sense of battle.
The two of you will spend the entirety of the game playing cat and mouse. Childe chasing after you while you simply escape his sights every time, taking down his teammates while you’re at it.
Childe isn’t as interested in winning, and once you prove to be worthy of a decent laser tag battle, he tries his best to force you to confront him.
Of course you on the other hand take his reckless behaviour to your advantage to turn the game in your favour and strike down his team. You know it’ll piss him off later when you win.
However, it Childe does manage to catch you…
The two of you will fight, that much is obvious. Dodging and attacking him, he will get very into it. Maybe a little too much, but you don’t give in, not until the very end.
Not until he’s on top of you, the two of you toppled over a bunch of hay that cushions your fall when he crashes into you. Not until he’s holding the plastic revolver against your temple, staring straight into your eyes with his signature smirk.
He might sneak a little kiss in there just to throw you off.
But in the end he will make sure he wins, or rather, he eliminates you. He doesn’t care if he doesn’t win the entirety of the game, taking you down was satisfactory enough, and he feels well accomplished and content after.
Would definitely rub it in your face.
If you brush it off as something you didn’t really try in, be prepared to be pinned against the wall and kissed until you admit that you were in fact, doing your best. And yes, he won fair and square.
Omg this precious boy-
Bennett will try his hardest, stick by your side and shoot at any approaching target. Considering that the two of you are on the same team, he will promise to protect you.
With one problem.
No matter how well he aims, whether it is going to hit his target or not, the lazer disagrees. Rather, his terrible luck absolutely ruins it and somehow his lazer point ends up somewhere completely else.
“It changed its direction completely!”
Well… you never know, maybe it’s the gun that sends the lazers ray so far off, but considering it’s Bennett, you know it’s no coincidence.
So you end up protecting him.
Dragging him from place to place and shooting down your opponents, the two of you spend your time tripping over random large ass rocks ( with only Bennett’s terrible luck to blame ) and attacking opponents.
You make sure that Bennett is not shot, no matter what. And you give everyone else a terrible glare that basically screams that if they shoot him, they’ll face your wrath.
Nobody shoots Bennett.
By the end of the game, he’ll be grinning ear to ear. And even if he didn’t manage to eliminate anyone, he’ll boast about how his amazing dodging skills pulled him through the game. You’ll agree, lacing an arm around his shoulders and pulling him to the good Hunter to get a good meal.
Just to buy one though, the poor boy can’t cook for his life.
“Razor… very confused.”
The wolf boy has difficulty with the rules of the game, but the concept of pointing the gun at an opponent and shooting them with a lazer isn’t too hard to grasp.
You find out very quickly that Razor is actually pretty good with aim.
His hands don’t shake for one, and he is so adept to his surroundings that people struggle finding the source of their depleting health. Despite being overall confused at how to play, Razor easily becomes one of the main players taking opponents down.
As someone on his team, he makes sure to keep you by his side the entire time. He understands the elimination part, and he doesn’t want his lupical to get taken out, even if it’s a game.
He can be oddly affectionate at certain times, pushing your face against his chest as he takes out the remaining players in the field you both are in. He will carry you, and take no hesitation when pulling you out of the way, even if it’s a little too rough.
When the game ends, it might take a while to explain to the poor boy that your team won. And that it was a good thing.
Razor will begin to smile when he notices how content you are with it.
This man has the audacity to wield a gun while licking his ‘popsicle.’
Like goddamnit Chongyun, being good at shooting is already a flex, you don’t have to nibble at your popsicle while you’re at it.
You can’t really blame him though, it’s hot outside, and with the sun beaming down on the poor boy's head you know he can’t stand it. Especially with all the adrenaline and yells from opposing teams.
As someone on the same team as him, you take on the job of Chongyun’s personal popsicle restocker, and shooting anyone down once he gets tired. As good as the boy is at shooting, he sucks at keeping himself unknown to the other players.
So you take on the job to make sure they don’t shoot him down.
The two of you are a good team, and if it gets too hot, Chongyun might even let you have one of his popsicles. Of course you don’t have his talent of being able to shoot while having a popsicle in your mouth-
Your team will end up losing though, and even though Chongyun isn’t bothered, he will be slightly worried if you care. The two of you were obviously trying your best, and as long as you both had fun that’s all that matters to him.
But if it really bothers you that much…
He knows you feel comforted by physical contact, so he’ll hold your hand and offer a comforting smile. Tell you that you played well, and that he had fun.
That cheers you up right away.
Kiss him on the cheek please, even though he will flinch at the contact, his cheeks are flushed red and he won’t admit it. But he likes it.
Why is it so easy to picture Albedo as a hot sexy stoic mafioso wielding a gun?
Anyways, Albedo is terribly good at wielding a gun. So good at that he only holds the plastic revolver with one hand, never missing a shot as he walks down the streets of Monstadt.
He knows the area well, so good luck trying to sneak up on him. The way his eyes so carelessly sweep the buildings, it hardly looks like he’s trying. Eliminating players with his lasers as he mindlessly strides past the fountain.
Of course, you’re against him.
Albedo isn’t really motivated to play, he’d rather be in his lab experimenting or recording down his discoveries. But he was dragged into this mess, he might as well play his part and support his team.
Albedo won’t hesitate to shoot at you and take you down.
As much as you may be important to you, he plays this game fair and square. He will take you down, or rather, he will try, because you get creative :)
He knows Monstadt well, but he can’t possibly keep his eye on all angles around him. So you’ll aim for his blind spots, throw yourself at him and tackle him to the ground. Simply eliminating him isnt satisfying enough, you need more.
So you turn this into a little game to fluster him.
Tackle him and pin him down, watch him scramble for the gun and then give him a peck on the lips. Watch as his grip loosens, and one of his hands instinctively come to nestle against your hair to pull you closer, and then you pull away.
Watching his idle confusement turn into a light blush on his cheeks is just too good, and how he grows even redder when you start laughing is even better.
Of course his team wins, not that he cares.
The minute the game ends he’s back in his office, conducting experiments. You can go interrupt him though, sneak into his office and press a kiss against his neck. He doesn’t often react or do much to it, but after your linger kiss at the game, he will pull you close and sit you on his lap. Have a proper make out session after you left him hanging with that peck earlier ;)
This little man is ‘terrifying’.
It’s scary enough that whether you’re against him or on the same team as him, you keep your distance.
“Are you avoiding me Y/n?”
You play on the same team, and even if he’s your boyfriend, you know better than to stay too close when it comes to battle. He shows his cruelty, and you really weren’t looking forward to be put in the middle of that.
‘Unfortunately you didn’t have a choice-‘
Scaramouche will literally drag you, a hand looped around your waist to tug you to his side and take you along with him as he takes down opponents after opponents. He doesn’t ask for your praise, but you still give him it knowing he appreciates it. Mentally.
When he’s tired or bored, he will lean his head on your shoulder, wait there for a bit before jumping back up and shooting a random straggler on the sides. Heavens knows how the boy knows he was there, it’s like he has some sixth sense.
We don’t even want to get into his accuracy and precision, Scaramouche is born a mafioso.
At the end when your team wins, no surprise, give him a hug. Tell him he did well and even if he tries to push away, hold him tight. Even though he could easily pull your arms away if he wanted to, he’ll just pretend to give a little struggle and then give in to your warmth.
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yanderedanganronpa · 3 years
Hello! I love your blog! May I request a yandere!Kokichi punishing his darling? Preferably female? Thank you!
Yandere Kokichi punishing his darling 
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TW: kidnapping, name-calling, knife, restraints, burns
ty for the request and sorry it took so long!! I hope you like it and sorry if it was too much, lmk what you think :D
“Oh where has my darling s/o gone off to now?”
That was the only thing you heard between the thing wall that separated you and the man who has kept you captive for..you’ve lost count how long by now.
The taunting tone sending chills down your spine. You’d managed to escape the basement and found yourself in one of the many rooms of the house he kept you hidden away.
“If you wanted to play hide-and-seek you could’ve just asked me, y’know~”
You watch diligently through the panes of the closet door, as he scraped the large kitchen knife he wielded in his hand against the wall, making a harsh metallic sound as you cringed at the thought.
Brandishing a kitchen knife the glint of the knife catching your eye as he walked past.
You prayed in your head over and over
“Please, please, please, please don’t let him find me.”
Luckily enough he walked right past the dark closet which had you hidden inside.
You listened intensely until the door shut and hesitantly opened the wooden panel with shaky hands.
Stepping out of there, you had to get out of there quickly, it’s only a matter of time before he found you. Striding towards the door wondering to yourself if you should open it. After all you had no idea what could be outside, for all you know he could be waiting outside that very door with his knife.. shivering again.
Deciding to just do it before you back out, you slowly turn the knob, very slowly and peak out of the crack and it seems like there’s no sign of Kokichi, all you see is a dark hallway, you could barely see. He probably turned off the lights to mess with you, he knows you don’t know how to navigate.
You felt as if your feet couldn’t move but you forced yourself anyways, moving one after the other, stepping into the hall. Suddenly the adrenaline kicked in, you were escaping, you’re gonna be free, finally free away from this hell-hole. As if your feet were moving on their own they carried you far you had no idea where you were going, you went inside the first room you saw, hoping to find anything to help, a window or something, anything.
You swung the door open, thank god it was unlocked, you breathed a sigh of relief. Scanning the room side to side upon entry, a small dark room a little crowded with boxes seemed to be a storage room.
Your ears perked up at the distant sound of footsteps. As the noise grew closer it followed with a soft humming of a cheerful tune, it sounded like it was heading straight in your direction. You had to think fast.
Spotting a tall shelf you decided that was your only choice, your options growing short. Quickly you quietly stepped on the wooden floor as fast as you could and curled up behind it for cover.
Just your luck, the doorknob immediately began to rattle and steadily open with an eerie creek. You felt your breathing unsteadily increase.
Your eyelids shut, along with your hand over your mouth to cover your harsh breath, repeating mantras of safety in your head.
“Boo~” you heard a quiet whisper so close to your ear you could feel his breath.
You let out an ear-splitting shriek, jumping up and falling on your butt from shock. “I guess this means I win!” He announced childishly. Eyes widening, looking back onto the deep purple of his eyes. You can’t get caught so easily, you weren’t losing this chance, who knows if you would get another one?
You stood up with trembling legs, so fast your head felt dizzy from the adrenaline and booked it, turning on your heels in the only direction you could, only to be soon yanked by the hair backwards, your neck straining from the position.
“Now, now.” He said through gritted teeth, holding you next to himself by the roots of your hair. “Just where do you think you’re going, darling?” his tone dangerously low.
You winced from the pain he held over you, trying to get out of his hands. “nngh” you squirmed, “Let go!” you demanded.
He laughed at your request, “Now why would I do that, hmm?” he snickered.
You did everything you could to get away from his grasp but it was pointless, you didn’t want to accept that fact.
Only then did you remember the knife he was carrying, swiftly glancing down to his other hand which in fact tightly gripped the handle of the weapon.
“Did you really think i was that dumb?” He mockingly stated. “The closet was such a dumb place to go, I just had to wait ‘til you found a new hiding spot.” The liar traced along with a devious giggle.
That’s when your vision went hazy, unable to hold your eyes open any longer. Drifting off to unconsciousness. sorry for the cliché
When you awoke you found yourself right back where you started, in the dark and dusty place you’ve been confined to all this time. Bound by your joints, unable to move.
You try to struggle against the ropes desperately, doing anything you can but it was to little use, they weren’t getting any looser.
As if someone heard the noise from you squirming around, the door opened, enlightening the entry way with light and in walked a short figure. Too dark to make out but you knew who it was, it was all too clear when you heard his signature voice.
“Well, look who’s finally awake.” an audible smug grin adorning his lips.
Light footsteps walked over till he was standing right in front of your immobile body, to the point you could now see Kokichi clearly.
That’s when you smelt it, the familiar nostalgic smell, it made you sick. Cigarettes. You didn’t know Kokichi smoked.
“Y’know,” he started, “I do all of this for you!” preforming a pout on his lips.
“I never asked for this!” you shouted in retaliation. “You-“
That’s all you could say before you felt a hot sharp sting on your cheek, not even processing it until a few seconds later.
The sound reverberated on the concrete walls, your head turned to the side, rendered by the initial shock of the impact.
Kokichi let out a sigh, turning to face you with disappointment, “How many times have you I told you not to run away? Hmm?” Looking you straight in the eyes. “Twenty.. Thirty… Huh?” Demanding an answer. You didn’t want to give in, looking in the other direction, trying to ignore what he’s saying.
“You’re not getting away with it this time.” no discernible emotion opposed to anger in his voice, still with that arrogant smirk., his eyes narrowed.
You shot your eyes back at him, putting on a brave face to show you’re not scared, even though you know what’s to come.
Kokichi shuffled forward so close to you that your nose was almost touching his.
A grin so wide it sent chills down your spine spread across his face, “I’m gonna make sure you never get the idea to misbehave again..” Kokichi taunted clearly enjoying himself.
Moving his right hand to his mouth to take a long drag of the cigarette with a deep inhale, staring you down.
The smoke going straight into your lungs, causing a coughing fit in your throat, much to Kokichi’s amusement.
He took the cigarette out with two fingers, still with an evil grin.
You looked at him with begging eyes, tears welling in your eyes. He wasn’t going to what you’re thinking, right?
You were proven wrong, seconds later when a burning hot sensation pressed deep into the side of your neck. That’s when the tears in your eyes raced down your face as you let out a painful yelp at the initial collision.
Moving your eyes to the source where you see Kokichi pressing the lit cigarette into your skin with all of his strength.
Seeing the piercing smoke waft off of your skin set waves of panic down your body. Clenching your eyes shut as rampant tears found their way out. Screaming in terror and from the excruciating pain. Your cry earning a chuckle from the supreme leader. “Awe, does that hwurt?” He patronized with faux sympathy as he mercifully stopped pressing the cigarette into you.
Answering his question you nodded your head up and down, not wanting to face him again, as he flicked the used ash off of the cigarette.
Hearing a sudden change in his voice, “Good, you deserve every second of this, bitch!” he replied, with genuine sounded anger.
He soon pressed the now shorter cigarette into your collar bone, feeling more painful the second time as you screamed in pain once more. When will this torture end? “Please!” you begged with a trembling voice, almost unable to speak through the pain. “I’m sorry!” You felt as if you can’t take anymore, beginning to get lightheaded. He continued pushing it on your skin for a few more seconds before letting out a long disappointed sigh. Slowly letting it back up and throwing it on the ground, squishing it under his shoe.
The same fingers lifted your face by your chin, making you face him once more. Where you expected a scowl there was a light innocent smile, worrying you further.
All he did was wipe the hot tears from your swollen eyes, you cringing at his touch.
Soon, he stood up and cheerfully walked to the door he came from, leaving you still tied up.
“Bye, bye, s/o.” He swung open the door and walked out “Sleep tight!” You heard from behind the shutting door, and then you were all alone in the dark once again.
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goingmorry · 3 years
The Art of Domesticity [Trafalgar Law x Fem! Reader]
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Synopsis: On a whim, Law decides to indulge you with a hot bath. Feeling lethargic despite your nap, you are more than delighted to take him up on his offer.
Tags: domestic fluff, sexually suggestive themes, male and female nudity, established relationship
Word Count: 2,161
In the depths of the Grand Line, deadly sea creatures swim idly by, patiently waiting for the next unsuspecting shipwrecked pirate to serve as their next meal.
Not long after, an unknown object of immeasurable speed barrels across the ocean floor, whirring past the mess of Sea Kings. Intent on chomping down on the foreign entity, the creatures join together in pursuit.
A yellow submarine, adorned with a Jolly Roger resembling a smiley face and inscribed with the words "DEATH,"  shakes beneath the water pressure.
The Polar Tang, home to the notorious Heart Pirates, aggressively reverberates in response to the Sea Kings' pursuit, mimicking the chaos inside the ship.
Meanwhile, in the control room, Captain Trafalgar Law stands at attention, face impassive as he calmly assesses the situation. In contrast to the rest of the crew's panicked behavior, Law had complete confidence in his crew's ability to make it out of this predicament unharmed. Right on cue, Law watches as his navigator, Vice-Captain Bepo, expertly maneuvers the ship away from dubious underwater beasts and excess debris. Under Bepo's supervision, Shachi and Penguin carefully operate the numerous controls to keep the sub afloat. In the engine room, Ikkaku and Jean Bart attend to the ship's generators, air compressors, and fuel pumps, ensuring their pristine condition during the onslaught.
After weeks of being submerged, the Polar Tang steadily heads to the surface. And with every second that passes, the distance between the pirates and the monsters increases until the vessel can no longer be seen by their pursuers. Sure enough, having lost sight of their target, it became apparent to the Sea Kings that they were no match for the submarine's speed. Where the ship once was, only faint bubble traces remain.
Unbeknownst to the pirate crew, loud rumbling sounds vibrate across the sea bed, the Sea Kings' roars echoing across the deep oceans, scaring away small fishes that dare to come close.
"We've lost sight of them, Captain," Bepo exclaims, swiveling his chair in Law's direction.
"So it seems," Law says, grabbing the nearby Den Den Mushi to announce their successful escape to the entire crew.
Almost immediately, Penguin and Shachi cheer in conjunction with the rest of the crew's boisterous laughter. To celebrate their victory, the Polar Tang resurfaces, providing an opportunity for the crew to receive some much-needed sunlight.
The turbulent atmosphere moments ago can no longer be found, replaced by a serene calmness. In celebration, the Heart Pirates gather in the upper deck, engaging themselves in various recreational activities. The perfect time to disappear for a bit, Law thinks.
Voicing these thoughts, Law directly addresses Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin. "I'll be in my room."
Shachi nudges Penguin, suggestively wiggling their eyebrows at each other. Bepo curiously looks at the duo, sneaking glances at his captain, while Law scowls at their childishness.
"Don't worry, Captain! We'll make sure no one bothers you two!" Penguin blurts out, earning a swift elbow to his ribs.
"You idiot! Be more discreet next time!" Shachi angrily whispers in Penguin's ear, looking around to see if anyone was eavesdropping on their conversation, before continuing, "They're still in the honeymoon phase."
"More like hornymoon phase," Penguin huffs, causing both of them to break out in uncontrollable giggles. Bepo lets out an innocent smile.
Choosing not to respond since nothing he could say could convince Shachi and Penguin otherwise, Law hurries to his quarters, leaving the two to their incessant bickering.
- - - - - - - - - -
Standing in front of his bedroom,  Law raises his hand to give two light raps to the door. He frowns at the lack of response, turning the door handle to reveal your upper body sprawled on his desk. He pauses for a moment before walking over to your slumped form. Upon closer inspection, you were sleeping soundlessly, seemingly unaware of earlier's events. Your head was nestled atop your forearms, an expression of serenity overcoming your features. Sheets of paper and various writing instruments were strewn across the corner of the desk, haphazardly pushed aside to accommodate your slumbering figure.
Law lifts his tattooed hand, gently brushing the stray hair that had fallen on your face. He runs his fingers across your unruly hair, noticing several tangled knots that had formed. Despite your less-than-ideal appearance, however, you never looked more beautiful in his eyes.
Deciding to let you sleep for a moment longer, Law saunters over to the bathroom, intent on running a bath for himself and you, should you choose to wake up in time to join him.
The sound of the water steadily splashing as it fills the tub is enough to rouse you.
Your eyes flutter open, turning around in search of the source of the noise before landing on the ajar door leading to the bathroom. A familiar lanky figure - sporting his signature leopard jeans - crouches over the tub. You couldn't see the top half of his body, but you were pretty sure he was monitoring the tub's water level. Not long after, you hear the sound of the faucet turning, and the water stops. Law stands up, walking over to lean against the doorframe. His golden eyes meet yours in amusement, mouth turning upward in a slight smirk.
"Mmm... Did something happen?" you mumble, voice raspy from your nap. You stretch your arms over your head, groaning in satisfaction before leaning back against the headrest of the chair. Despite the needed rest, you didn't feel as refreshed as you'd hoped. You felt so exhausted, your lips dry and your mouth parched.
Law must have noticed your tiredness in your appearance and voice. He reacts almost immediately, enveloping you in a familiar blue film. "Room," he says in that low tone you've come to love before a mug of water appears on the desk in front of you. You blink at him in surprise, humming appreciatively.
"I... Thanks," you say, gripping the mug between your hands before taking generous gulps. He can be so thoughtful when he wants to be, you think, unable to hide the smile gracing your lips as you do so.
He returns your hidden smile with a smile of his own. "Nothing important," he vaguely adds.
You look at him in confusion before realizing his was response was to your previous question. You nod in acknowledgment, deciding not to pry, before setting the now empty mug aside.
Law walks over to his side of the bed, pulling his cap off to set it down on the nightstand, keeping it relatively safe and away from tonight's activities.
"I ran you a bath. Get in it."
He glances at you before striding over to the bathroom. You cock an eyebrow at his retreating figure.
Before you have the chance to retort, he pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it over to the laundry basket. The sight of his muscled backside, inked with his jolly roger, makes the words die in your throat.
Before you can stop yourself, your tongue peeks out from the corner of your mouth to moisten your chapped lips. Your thirst was for an entirely different reason now.
"Don't keep me waiting." As if seemingly aware of his effect on you, Law disappears behind the door, the sound of clothes rustling reach your ears, no doubt the sound of the remainder of his clothes being shed. You can hear the amusement dripping in his honeyed tone, can picture the full-blown smirk evident on his face.
You reflexively gulp, feeling your body flush in response to his invitation. You've seen Law naked plenty of times by now, you reassure yourself. Have become well-acquainted with each other's bodies. Know firsthand how the heart tattoo inked on his chest ripples under your teasing touch as your hands trail down his chiseled abs. How the sweat glistens his toned skin and how his usually impassive face contorts in pleasure as he thrusts into-
You shake your head to keep the dirty thoughts at bay.
We're just having a nice relaxing bath together, you think, not entirely convincing yourself.
Following his lead, you stroll over to the laundry basket, stripping yourself of your clothing to join Law in the bath. Your head peeks out from the corner of the open bathroom door while the rest of your naked body remains in the bedroom, away from his prying eyes, your nervous gesture making it appear as though you were an innocent virgin.
Adorable, he thinks.
You look at each other expectantly, your eyes admiring his perfectly relaxed posture. His jet-black hair was in disarray, poking out in all directions, evidence of his combing through them in a careless fashion. His arms were stretched to the sides, slim fingers gripping the edges of the tub. His naked upper body was in full display; the dark ink of his tattoos was a stark contrast to the white bubbles that formed on the surface of the water, obscuring the lower half of his body.
You clear your throat, eyes returning to meet his golden ones that were alight with apparent amusement. "Sorry to intrude."
Law chuckles, the sound of his baritone voice echoing across the bathroom walls, only for your ears to hear. When you take a step forward and close the door behind you, his eyes drop to your naked form, shamelessly admiring your breasts and derrière.
"You look like you're enjoying yourself," you say indignantly, pausing right in front of the tub, his brazen admiration of your nudity quickly restoring your confidence.
"I am," he says without hesitation, golden hues darkening with desire at your bold gesture.
Leaning over the tub, you bring your face close to his, lips a breath away from touching. For a moment, you pull back to admire his rugged handsomeness, fingers ghosting over his goatee to his cheek before settling on the back of his neck. Lightly tugging his hair, you pull him in for a chaste kiss, your free hand grasping the edge of the tub for balance. Law has other plans, however, as he reciprocates by licking the bottom of your lips for permission to dive into the wet expanse of your mouth. You let him, of course, moaning at the feel of his demanding tongue as it fights against yours for control.
His hand snakes across the back of your head, grabbing a fistful of hair and tugging, mirroring your previous actions, while his other hand firmly kneads your breast. You groan against his mouth at the display of dominance in his rough handling of your body, loving how depraved he can be when aroused by you.
After what seems like an eternity, his hands gently encircle your waist, coaxing your body to join him into the warm pool of the tub. You oblige, breaking off the kiss to positioning yourself in between his legs, facing toward him. You sigh in contentment at the feel of the bubbled water and the warmth emanating from his bare body. Making an executive decision not to escalate further should both of you decide to forego the bath in favor of more risque activities, you avoid the softness of his lips. Instead, your mouth latches onto his neck, leaving trailing kisses to his jaw before stopping to rest your head at the crook of his shoulder. In response, Law sighs in defeat, hands rubbing reassuring circles against your back. The heated passion of your earlier kiss was replaced with soothing affection.
"Will you wash my hair?" you ask, voice slightly muffled against his skin.
Law looks down at your head nuzzled against him, eyes softening at your vulnerable state. "Honestly, you're hopeless without me," he says before nudging you over to turn around.
You do as your told, adjusting yourself into a comfortable position. His hands reach over the side of the tub for your shampoo, squeezing a sizable portion onto his hands, lathering it up into a foam. His hands weave into your hair, softly massaging the shampoo into your scalp in circular motions, careful to avoid your ears.
You can't help the wide grin that stretches across your face, thankful that your lover can't see your smile from the way you're positioned away from him. Trafalgar Law - a notoriously fearsome pirate, Captain of the Heart Pirates, and a former Warlord of the Sea - is the perfect picture of a doting boyfriend as he methodically applies shampoo onto his girlfriend's head, eyebrows furrowing in deep concentration.
"I love you," you say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
His hands still for a moment before resuming their ministrations. And though you've said it plenty of times before, he can't help the wild beating of his fragile heart in response to your sincere declaration.
While words fail him, actions don't. Law pulls you into a comforting hug, wrapping his strong arms around your shoulders as you lean back against his defined chest, blissful in each other's embrace.
- - - - - - - - - -
Please like and reblog if you enjoyed my writing! I'd love to hear feedback. 💖
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easychan · 3 years
Through the Storm (m)
Chan x reader. Established relationship. 18+. CW : unprotected sex.
A flash of light, an angry thunder roaring through the heavy raindrops knocking on the window, and you were jolted awake from your sleep. Right cheek pressed to the pillow, warm, unlike the rest of your body that were in equilibrium with the temperature of the surrounding.
“Cold.” you muttered, hand blindly sweeping under the covers, looking for your primary source of warmth, of comfort. But the space next to you was bare and cold, indicating said person had not been there for a while.
You squinted, the darkness of the outside a clear sign of the time being way too early to leave the bed, the lack of light coaxing you to keep your eyes shut and resume resting. The coldness from the rain creeped into your skin, your body desperate for an embrace into a deep slumber.
But the angry storm outside had a different effect on you than it did on him.
Rubbing your eyes, you left the bed, in search for warmth and to provide comfort for him. The harsh lights coming from his makeshift studio stung your eyes, but the blurry figure, typing busily in his laptop, too engrossed in his work, was too beautiful for you to look away.
You walked towards him, the telltale sound of your feet scuffing through the floor making him spare a glance, a tired smile gracing his face. Standing behind him, you carefully wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his shoulder. His shoulders tensed for a short while, before he relaxed under your touch.
“The storm woke you up?” you asked, voice muffled into his shirt. He smelled good, he always did. It was the lingering, faint smell of his cologne, but it was also just the familiarity, instantly making you feel safer around him.
“Mhm,” he nodded. “I couldn’t fall asleep in the first place, but when the storm started I gave up trying.”
“But you’re tired.. I can hear it in your voice..” you whined, feeling bad. You really could hear it in his voice, and if you could see his face you were sure there were creases under his eyes, from lack of sleep.
Gently, you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
He giggled, shuddering as he spoke, “Your lips are cold.”
“Yeah, I’m freezing.” You tightened your hold on him, slightly shivering when you felt the cold air on your legs, your sleeping shorts doing almost nothing to keep you warm.
Chan took your hands in his, rubbing them together to warm you up. You rested your chin on his shoulder, looking over to the paper strewn over the table. “New song?”
He blew hot air onto your hands, head cocked to the side slightly, “Hmm maybe?”
“Sing for me?”
He laughed, “Nice try, but no spoiler.”
“Not even for me?” you giggled, your breath tickling his neck.
"Don't want the neighbours to hear. You'll really get in trouble then."
Giving up with a roll of your eyes, you pecked him on the lips as you unwrapped your arms around his neck, pulling away, “Alright, alright.”
Sensing your movement, Chan held tighter onto your hand, “Where are you going?”
“It’s cold. You don’t want to sing for me,” you moved your gaze towards the window, “-the storm is so loud though. I’m pretty sure no one can hear anything but the storm for a while.”
You’re cold, I can’t sleep and the neighbors can’t hear us.
He gave you a lopsided smile, “You’re right.”
Tugging your hand, he directed you to walk towards his front, pushing his chair back slightly as he held you between him and his table, the back of your thighs meeting the wooden board. His hands were quick to find your thighs, running his fingers through the cold skin, effectively warming you up in more than one way.
“So cold..” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to your thigh, his hands now squeezing more aggressively. You tangled your fingers in his hair, immersing yourself in the feeling of his warm, large hands running through your cold skin.
He pressed a kiss to your thigh again, “Actually you were right.”
“Hmm?” You questioned, not quite sure you were following him.
Chan nestled his face deeper into you, “No one can hear us for a while.”
Tightening his grip, he started nipping on the soft skin of your inner thigh. You held your breath subconsciously, your hands now finding his firm shoulders.
Nipping, licking and sucking on your skin, he smiled, brazen as he felt you gradually warming up. He pulled back, looking at the faint marks he left, running his fingers over them as he gazed upwards to see you looking at him through hooded eyes.
He inched his face closer to your center, nuzzling his nose, brushing it over the wet patch forming on your shorts. He tugged his fingers into your shorts and pulled them down, with you obligingly kicking them off your legs.
He kissed your bare, sensitive core, briefly, teasingly and you shuddered, feeling everything in your system wavering. Holding your hips, he hoisted you up, sitting on his table. He pushed his chair forward, hands spreading your legs open and trapping himself between your legs.
Running his hand over your thighs, he looked at you with an unabashed smile, “I can’t spoil the song for you, but I can spoil you in another way.”
Your attempt at rolling your eyes got caught short as he delved in, kitten licks on your inner thighs, moving closer to your center. His hot breath was right in front of your opening, but he stopped moving, waiting until he heard your soft whines, begging for him, and then he pushed his face closer, tongue licking between your slit teasingly slow, the tip of his tongue ghosting over your clit.
Your thighs clamped around his head, and he grunted disapprovingly, pushing your legs back open and wrapping his arms under you thighs, the sheer strength forcing them to stay opened. He licked between your folds again, the sound sinful to your own ears, the occasionally rumbling thunder adding to the intensity of your drumming heartbeat.
A soft groan escaped you the moment you felt his tongue prodding your entrance, the deft muscle tasting your walls at various angles, and you squirmed in his hold, your fingers now finding purchase and tensing in his curls. His lips moved an inch upwards, pressing a kiss to your clit before gently sucking on it. Your response was almost instant, back arching, moans leaving your lips, wiggling your hips closer to his face.
Pausing, you felt him smirking as you slowly grinded against his face, desperate to feel any sort of friction. He sighed into your core, before claiming your clit back in his mouth and sucking again, this time carefulness thrown out of the window, catching you offguard. You tugged on his hair, a little bit harsher that you intended and he grunted, the vibration to your bud going straight to the pit of your stomach, and you felt the familiar fire coursing through your body, your hips rolling as you came, moaning his name through your high.
Chan stood up, letting go of your thighs and rubbing your the skin over it gently. You took off your shirt eyes on him as he stood in front of your panting figure, placing his hand in the small of your back, hovering over you, pushing you down slowly to lean backwards, until you laid flat on his table, his face right above yours.
He kissed you, knocking the air out of your lungs as he inserted his tongue inside your mouth, and you smiled, tiredly kissing him back, tasting yourself as your tongues swirled together. Your hand travelled from his chest, downwards until your palm was flat on his abdomen.
Chan groaned, shifting his leg, and you felt his erection pressing into your thigh. You blindly reached down and tugged, freeing him from the confinements of his pants, his warm, thick member heavy on your skin.
He kissed you deeper, groaning into you as he felt your fingers, lithe on his erection, slowly pumping him, your thumb grazing his tip every now and then. He nibbled on your bottom lip, and you shuddered, both your eyes shut as you got trapped in each other’s mazes, never wanting to leave.
A particularly bright light flashed once, followed by a deafening thunder, and your heart jumped against your ribs, your squeeze on him tightening as you pumped him faster as a response of shock, him hissing into the kiss from the stimulation.
He untangled your hand that was wrapped around his member, moving to kiss your collarbone, words hot and broken on your skin, “Can’t make a mess here.”
Gripping your hips, he positioned himself in front of you and pushed in, grunting with bated breaths, “Can’t let my releases spill through your small hand and drip on the floor.”
When his words became more vulgar than they usually were, you'd get goosebumps, as you knew it signalled the beginning of him losing control over himself. When Chan lost control, it made him fuck like an insatiable man. He'd take as much of you as he could, imprinting as much of him on you, cursing at the way his energy heightened when fucking you. Somehow there was a line between being compliant yet assertive and you were exactly there, on the line, laying down, inviting him to take what he wanted, but putting up your own fight, not fully yielding to him.
It drove him crazy. You drove him crazy.
His pace had your senses going haywire, barely able to focus on one sound, between his low groans, your whimpers, the wild storm outside and the dirty sounds of your skins meeting each other’s. Somehow in the midst if it all, you could still make out the sound of his pens rolling down to the floor, the table shaking with every snap of his hips.
Standing up, he splayed his hand on your lower belly, pressing down to keep you in place as he continued ramming into you. Your hands grasped onto your own breasts, stopping them from bouncing with every thrust, squeezing them to pleasure yourself even more. You heard him cursing under his breath, “Fuck, look at how beautiful you look, and how good you feel around me.”
Your hand traveled south, but Chan beat you to it, as he pressed his thumb on your bud and rubbed circles into it, the stimulation from the delicious spots both inside and outside of you causing you to let out a particularly sharp moan, clenching around him. He bucked his hips upwards, and you clawed at his hand, gripping onto his wrist, losing control.
“That’s it love, cum for me, let me know how good I make you feel.”
Struggling to hold on any longer, a series of whines escaped you, each only causing him to snap his hips harder. And then you felt it again, the warm feeling spreading through your body, your eyes seeing tiny sparks, your walls convulsing around him, drawing out more broken grunts.
When you opened your eyes, Chan was still thrusting in and out of you, chasing his own high. You squirmed, whining from the discomfort of overstimulation, reaching out to take his hand in yours. You entwined your fingers together, eyebrows knitted to hold yourself together for a few more seconds just for him.
The sight of you so fragile, already disintegrated in front of him yet adamant on holding on a bit more for him tipped him over the edge, hips stuttering as he reached his own climax.
His fingers dug deeper into your pelvic as he released into you in warm spurts, chest heaving with his head hung low to catch his breath again. When his hold on you loosened, you sat up, bodies still connected as one, wrapping your legs around his waist as he picked you up, bringing the both of you back to the bed.
Looking him in the eyes, a smile formed on your lips as you whispered, "The storm has stopped.”
Chan yawned, fatigue fully taking over his system now, “Great, it’s perfect for cuddling now.”
You laid facing each other, him playing with your hair, you drawing circles on his arm, “Get some rest.”
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cheesygroove · 3 years
With a roll of the ice
pairing: Wheein x f!reader
c & ws: smut; ice play; sensory deprivation; mentions of alcohol; a lil swearing.
wc: 2k~
requested by anon
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Round ice cube molds. You could have just gone for a regular plastic ice tray, the cheaper option at the store. But if it can serve a sexual purpose, why not? The process of moving to a new place with your girlfriend had you overanalyzing the simplest home utensils you needed. It was good to have that kind of freedom to choose.
Wheein just had the simpler intentions for it, though. One night, you came home to find her drinking alone at the still empty living room, lights all turned off. The lighted up fireplace was the sole reason you could see her, sitting with legs crossed and a glass in hand. A bunch of bottles, a second glass and her sketchbook, as well as her drawing materials, were all scattered around the floor.
"Whee, what are you doing...?" you asked while taking your shoes off. "I thought your group photoshoot was tomorrow," you worried about her drinking; better to not have to deal with a headache on the next day.
"I'm just having some coke. The alcohol is for you," she explained. "Can you get the ice for us?"
Not wanting to ruin the mood she set up, you used your phone flashlight to walk to the kitchen. There, you grabbed an ice bucket and emptied the silicone trays inside, shaking it a little to prevent the round cubes from sticking together.
"I would have picked it up before, but I didn't want it to melt before you arrived," Wheein said when you came back and placed the bucket on the floor.
"It's okay, babe," you assured, kissing her cheek tenderly after sitting by the fireplace with her. "Anxious because of work?"
She let out a sigh. You knew her really well.
"Getting better already, actually. It's good to have you here." Wheein smiled at you, stroking your knee with her hand. "I just needed to relax a little. Tomorrow is going to be a full day."
You nodded, reaching for a glass and the bottle of flavored vodka. Being so close to the fireplace, you reconsidered the idea of picking a drink that would burn you up even more. The current warmth was nice and it felt cozy, but it could be too much if you added more heat to it.
"Settling for the coke too? What a saint you've become," Wheein teased. A soft drink could be nice too, you thought, leaving your now full glass on the floor to look at her. She held a round ice cube between her thumb and index finger, rolling it slightly by moving both fingers in opposite directions. Well, now that brought you some thoughts back.
"This kind of... feels good," Wheein said, puppy-like eyes entertained with the water now dripping from her thumb, "it doesn't get sticky when it melts a little. And it rolls."
Right. It rolls. You pictured something like that, back at the store, wondering if it really would have this effect against her skin. Not simply dragging the ice across, but rolling it, gave a different perspective to everything. You bit your lip in excitement, now knowing your fantasy was real.
And well, why not feel this for yourself? One hand went to the bucket, but you needed both to get the ice out — it got stuck together. You appreciated the round shape inside of your mouth, rolling it around with your tongue, feeling your warmth slowly melting it. You sucked on the ice a little bit, stopping when Wheein's eyes met yours.
"You look really sexy doing this," she remarked. A side smirk allowed one of her dimples to show up, which turned into a laugh after you touched your own cheek, feeling the small ball formed by the ice. "So pretty."
You admired Wheein for a moment. Weak shadows danced around her figure, following the movement of the flames; hair recently dyed red held up in a neat bun, leaving her neck fully exposed. Around it she wore a bandeau, neatly positioned so that it didn't cover her Caddo tattoo. You found that detail particularly inviting, and added to the fact that she clearly wasn't wearing a bra...
"Why don't you try this too?" you suggested. The ice had melted already, but the cold sensation it left in your mouth, somehow, had you feeling hotter between your legs. "You'll find the temperature contrast sexier than me."
Wheein's gaze went down to your mouth, filled with desire for your humid lips.
"Can I try it from your source?"
"Please do."
Wheein really did move first. The coolness of your mouth warmed up in hers, as she simply stole that from you by chasing the kiss with all her greed. You felt like the flames from the fireplace itself had engulfed you when her legs wrapped around your waist, pulling you to the floor with her. Although when your lips parted, she was the one craving to cool it down.
"Oh my," she was able to say while gasping for air. Holding you by the back of your neck with both hands, she placed a few more quick presses against your lips before speaking again, "Hmmmm. I liked that it was... unexpected. Your mouth felt so soft from the cold."
You smiled when her fingers delicately caressed your cheek, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear. Wheein had her eyes on something else while doing it, though. Still holding your weight over her body with your elbows, you looked over your shoulder to discover that she eyed the ice bucket.
"Wanna try that again? With more than a kiss?" you asked, full of a smug satisfaction because the question wasn't even necessary — Wheein's pleading face spoke for itself.
"Love, you really trust me a lot for this, huh," you said while tying the bandeau to the back of her head to use it as a blindfold. Depriving her from the sense of sight was part of your original fantasy, a way to allow her to have a better focus on the hot and cold feeling.
Wheein sat between your spread legs, backing herself into your lap after you moved closer to the fireplace. The orange light of the fire was now able to fully glow on her naked body. The air felt thick and hot when you breathed in, and a little sweat started building up on your back.
"I trust you more than I probably should," she whispered, leaning on your shoulder to place a few kisses along your jawline, "but you always repay it well."
"Right," you agreed, gently undoing Wheein's bun and letting the hair fall on her shoulders, making contact with your bare chest. One hand gave it a gentle tug, while you stretched the other arm to reach for the ice bucket, taking a round ice out. It quickly started wetting your palm, being just perfect for what you wanted to do. You got her hair out of the way with a harsh pull, pressing the ice against her neck. "I always make you feel so good."
Wheein's first reaction was to recoil at the sudden cold feeling, gasping loudly, but you held the ice in place with a strong grip on her neck.
"Shhhh, Wheeinie," you whispered on her ear as her gasping slowly turned into moaning, pleased with you using your palm to roll the ice against her skin, "this is just a massage. We haven't even started yet."
When it melted into a piece too small to be rolled, you simply dragged it across her chest, stopping at an already hardened nipple. The sensation of her skin under your cooled fingers felt softer than usual, the increased sensitivity having you muttering a curse against the back of her neck. Your other hand fetched for more round ice while you still held her boob, squeezing her nipple. Water dripped from your fingers and rolled down her stomach.
"More. Please," Wheein begged impatiently. Her hands were on your thighs, which were reddening from her burying her nails on them every time you did something right. You hoped to see a mark there by the end of the night.
"If you keep hurrying me up, I won't be gentle," you warned, shoving the ice against the boob you had neglected before and holding it strongly. Wheein's scream at the sudden shock ended up in a loud cry, her back arching at you circling the cube around her nipple. "Is that what you want, huh?"
"Uh-huh," she was able to shout out in agreement between her delicious moans, head now dropped backwards onto your shoulder. You moved your body to the side so you could whisper directly at her ear.
"What a slut you are."
Wheein lustfully mumbled a few yes yes yes I am when you stressed that word, like she had done many times before. She gasped in surprise when you stopped rolling the ice on her nipple, and gasped even harder when you took that same nipple in your mouth. Sucking the cold out of it. What was left of that cube you used to roll down her body, leaving behind a trail of water and stopping just before her pussy.
"Did you make a mess on the floor, Wheein...?" you asked.
You had inclined your head forward to look at the space between her legs. With all the action, Wheein had her knees up and under her chin, throbbing cunt fully exposed to the hot air. She was dripping on the floor, so much was the arousal.
"Hmmmmm, no. There's a lot of ice melting here," she lied. You smirked while thinking of how you would punish Wheein for that, one hand drowned in the bucket and getting really cold. The round cubes were now slowly turning into water altogether, coming out already humid — which meant that you didn't need to wait before using it on her.
"I would've been way nicer to you, Whee," you said, "but you don't deserve it."
Ring and middle finger squeezed her labia on each side, making the hole wider for the ice. Her reaction to the intimate contact with the cold immediately showed that she wanted you to put it in, her nails definitely leaving your thigh scratched this time. Instead, you simply stimulated her entrance, rolling and rubbing the round ice against it, even letting just a tip in. Wheein moaned sweetly, whispering your name, almost begging you to fuck her.
You took the ice into your mouth before it fully melted, wanting to taste her liquid even if the water was mixed in. Wheein grunted in annoyance from that, but there wasn't time to take her protests further — the same fingers which squeezed her open before now slid with ease inside of her, producing sweet wet sounds with each pump in. Part of you wanted to grab more ice, to roll it on her skin, to do anything, but you couldn't do much when her moans and then screams of pleasure filled your ears. Your hand was soaked with her climax in almost no time.
"Mmmmhm... Can't believe you didn't..."
You laughed when her words kept trailing off — Wheein was absolutely spent. She tiredly dropped into your arms after her orgasm, trying but failing to sound her complaints. Now any warmth was welcome, yours or from the fireplace, her hands pressing yours against her body to hug her tighter.
"What? You really wanna complain when I left you in this state?" you scoffed while gently removing the bandeau she wore as a blindfold.
Wheein sat up to face you, narrowing her eyes and pouting her mouth. She trembled a bit, still lacking the necessary balance, but kept her posture.
"I... I... Fuck." She gulped and shook her head, recollecting herself. "I just wanted you to roll the ice inside of me!"
ao3 link
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acapelladitty · 3 years
Mouth: Part Ten (nsfw)
Pairing: Heisenberg/Female Reader
Warnings: punishment, spanking, rough sex, dirty talk, cockwarming, come marking.
A bored mind makes stupid decisions and your decision to wind up the Lord of the factory as he worked on a fresh project within his main invention room fell into that category. Idle hands were most definitely the devil’s plaything and your devil of choice was pointedly ignoring you.
“Can I help with anything?” You ask, standing behind the metal chair which he preferred to work from as you whisper the question into his ear, ensuring that you are as close as possible without physically touching him. He’d been locked in this room for hours and it was about time for some distraction.
“Would you like me to hold something for you?”
“No,” he repeated, twisting his head away from your lips as he focused on his task, “now fuck off, please.”
Unwilling to budge, you ignore his pointed tone.
“How about I make us something to eat?” You purr, moving forward so that you are kneeling to his side, keeping out of the direct path of his gaze, which was focused on the metal floating above his workbench, “A late night snack. Something,” you pause, “delicious.”
“Not right now.”
His voice was firm as his attention refused to leave the pieces of metal before his eyes as they bent into unnatural shapes at his whim. The metal looked red-hot in some areas as it was folded into various positions, slotting together before coming apart in rapid succession.
“Come on, my Lord,” the words are little more than a whine as you stand again and run a hand along the firm muscle of his thigh, “your subject requires your attention for a little while. It’s been so long since you’ve serviced her.”
As your finger moves to brush lightly against his crotch, a high-pitched squeal from the intricately woven floating cogs were the only indication that something had went wrong, even as a loud “Ah, fuck!” escaped his throat.
At his exclamation, the metal gears before him seemed to contract for a moment before exploding in place and, as you ducked away from the grating noise and bright light, a sharp pain registered against your hip as you recognised his open palm shoving at your body to remove you from the danger zone.
His impressive strength matched with his momentary panic proved too much for your body and you found yourself being thrown to the floor, your ass colliding against the hard stone making you release a loud grunt of pain as he stood up from his work seat.
Surveying the residual mess of his work, his lips pulled back to bare his teeth as he stomped his foot in open frustration. His coat flared behind him with the movement and you watch the fabric settle as his hands slam into his hips.
“A whole day of work, up in fucking smoke!”
“All because of you and your goddamn hole!”
Ah, shit.
There was a genuine anger in his expression as he turned and approached your fallen body, the harshness of his gaze causing your heart to stutter for a moment as you froze like a rabbit caught in headlights. The smart thing would be to give him some space and scarper away but as his presence loomed over you, you knew that escaping was out of the question.
“Would it help if I said sorr-”
Your words were cut off in a sharp gasp as he moved quickly to scoop you up from the floor and hold you to his side with one arm as he moved back towards his work seat.
Dropping into his makeshift throne, he pins you to the floor between his thighs and your knees crash off the hard flooring uncomfortably as you gaze up at him. His eyes are covered by his glasses but you can sense the anger behind them and you attempt to look as apologetic as possible, hoping to avoid his wrath.
“I said I was sor-”
“No, shut the fuck up.” He cut you off once again, his hand coming to cover your mouth to prevent any further speech, “You’ve done it now, kitten. A whole day of wasted time and resources all because you wanted to play.” His tone was curt, irritation barely restrained, and it causes a fresh spark of anxiety within you, “Well, you have my attention now and I hope you’re happy with what you’ve earned.”
His fingers are warm against your mouth, and you slip your tongue out as much as possible to flick at them playfully. The damage was done but you knew how to appease him, and you shuffle your head forward and tilt your head towards his groin in a show of penance. He was not a man to deny himself a free blowjob and you were certain that would take the heat out of him for the moment.
“Nice try,” he growled, pulling at your hair to force your head back away from his crotch, “but that’s not going to work, buttercup. You have ruined my plans and no amount of head is going to get you out of this punishment.”
“Let’s see,” he hummed, one hand wrapped around your hair while the other traced soft lines across your exposed throat, “I’ve been in here since 6pm and it’s now midnight. That’s six hours. I will also need to source three new gears for this manipulation so let’s make that the multiplier.” His expression is thoughtful as he considers the math, “Brings us to eighteen so let’s round it to a solid twenty. Twenty strikes as a fair punishment”
Unable to speak, you allow your eyes to widen in recognition at his words.
“Think you can handle twenty strikes? Shall we find out?”
It has been a while since he’d reddened your skin in such a way and there were alternative punishments which you enjoyed much less so you nod your consent, the small movement making the burn in your scalp worse.
“Would the little slut like the switch or the palm?” He asked, releasing your mouth to allow you to answer. The switch, a thin metal bar he could fashion at a moment’s notice was much more painful than his hand and the fact that he was even giving you the option was a good sign, “Or should I choose for her?” He continued.
“The palm, my Lord.” You answer, eyes downcast in a show of penance as you throw in his title to sweeten the deal and play your role, “Your hand should be my punishment.”
“Good choice.” He grunted and you inhale in surprise as his hands grip your upper arms in a tight grasp so that he can lift you from your knees and place you over his knees.
Your stomach lay against his firm thighs as your feet plant themselves on the ground, giving yourself some purchase as he runs his hands up your bare legs. A shudder trails down your spine at the softness of his touch, knowing what it was a prelude to, and you press your thighs together as his commanding voice booms out from above you.
“Place your hands on the legs of the chair and if you let go I’ll double your punishment.”
You follow his command, wrapping your palms around the thick metal of the chair legs and you can feel the blood rushing to your ears as your head remains upside down. Your breasts hung free just past the edge of his thighs but they remain covered by the shirt which still clung to your upper half as you settled yourself as comfortably as you could against him.
The warm air of the room hit your exposed lower half as your skirt was pulled up over your ass. His hand felt huge against your skin as he immediately palmed your ass roughly through your panties, calloused fingers running along the globe of your ass to admire it before the real fun began. A soft whoosh of movement caught your attention and you tilt you head in time to see his hand grasp around the hilt of his knife and a thrill of nervous anticipation rockets through you.
Before you can question its use, you feel the dull edge of the blade against your hip as the sharp edge sliced through the thin fabric of your panties before moving to the other side to repeat the process. With a flourish, he drops the knife to the floor and rips your underwear from you, the aggressive pull leaving a warmth in its wake as it dragged across your trapped skin.
Now fully exposed, you can do little but keep your hands clasped around the legs of his metal throne as you await his next move.
“Count for me.” He demands, his voice rough with undeniable lust as he adjusts his knees to bear your weight comfortably, “And if you fuck up the count then I start over. Understand?”
“Yes, my lord.”
The slight whisper of air as his hand draws through the air is the only indication you have that he’s started as he targets the exposed curve of your ass.
A grunt escapes you at the impact; it was painful but not unbearable as he was obviously trying to gauge holding back his impressive strength since a full-power hit would probably do some irreparable damage. Regardless, you hold your position steadily as your fingers remain clasped around the metal chair.
Stronger than the first, the blow takes the breath from you as you jerk in place. Positioned in the same spot as the first, you can already feel the growing heat from your ass as the second smack only adds a fresh sting to the underlying discomfort.
“Good girl.” He grunts, pausing in his blows to run the tips of his fingers along your slit and you’re ashamed at the slickness there after only two smacks but your soft sigh turns into a quick inhalation as he swats at your cunt roughly, encouraging you to spread your thighs, “Are you ready to scream for me, sweetheart?”
He doesn’t give you time to respond before his hand once again connects harshly with your ass, the heat there barely dulling before it was inflamed again and, even as the blow pulls a pained gasp from your lips, you push your ass out to meet him, encouraging him.
Building into a steady rhythm, he continues to decorate your ass with patches of red as his hand abuses the flesh there. Groans and sharp squeals are all you can manage between counted numbers as the pain grew more apparent with every hit; the flesh growing more irritated as it continued to be assaulted without pause.
Continuing your count as each new smack sent fresh waves of heat across your ass, you let out a high squeal of surprise as he angles his hand downwards for one hit, the tips of his fingers catching the edge of your cunt as you stiffen in place.
The pain in your flesh, the sting and heat which only grew with every hit, was intense but with it came an undeniable pleasure which coated your thighs with your own juices and made your core ache for stimulation. Every harsh-sounding slap was intercut with your own sharp yelps and needy whines as he alternated random strikes by pausing to grope roughly at your stinging flesh, kneading it between savage fingers to test the sensitivity.
You can feel his hardness pressing against your side as you remain in your prone position. Soft grunts escaped his own throat with every blow and were occasionally punctuated by soft mutterings which were too low to be picked up.
One particularly harsh blow catches you across the globes of your ass and fresh tears spring into your eyes as you give a pained yelp. The pain overshadowed the pleasure as the unyielding sting of your flesh and infernal heat seemed to spread across your body, making your limbs tight and your fingers claw against the metal of the chair leg.
“One more, kitten.” He informed you, his hand coming to rest atop the back of your head as he pulled your head back, surveying the pained look in your expression.
Squeezing your eyes closed as his hand once again struck the searing skin of your ass, which you could guess was a stunning shade of red given the heat you could feel, you cry out the final number.
Having served your punishment, his hands are quick to wrap around your waist and pluck you from his lap as he deposited you in your earlier position between his thighs. Your heels dug in painfully to the heated flesh of your ass and you whine at the rough contact as he takes your face within his hands; the heat from his left hand, the hand used to punish you, clear against your cheek.
“Well done,” he drawled, and you can see that most of his anger has dissipated, replaced with a strange mixture of pride and obvious lust, “but we’re not over just yet.”
His hands are quick to unzip his fly as he pulls free his cock, the length looking painfully hard as it juts free of his opened slacks, and he pauses to give it a leisurely stroke.
Releasing himself, he secures his hands around your upper arms and pulls you up into his lap so that the length of his cock is resting against the cleft of your core as he wraps an arm around your waist. The pressure of his groin against your abused ass is uncomfortable but bearable as you lean forward slightly to take the pressure off.
“I’m going to fuck you, kitten,” his voice is rough and low, “and I’m going to do it right here in my work chair. This is the second part of your punishment.”
Not quite seeing the negative here, you nod demurely just to play into his game.
“Of course, my Lord.”
His hand slips into the space between you as he cups your mound.
“Tell me what hole you want me to use,” he growls in your ear as two of his fingers glide across your slit before sinking knuckle-deep within you, “and I’m not going easy so make sure you choose wisely and tell me why. You need to earn your forgiveness and I want to make sure you feel it.”
“My cunt,” you gasp out your choice, pressing down on his fingers as they probe you roughly, your body delighted at finally receiving some stimulation, “your thick cock forces me to stretch around it and it hurts.”
Only partially true but you know it’s what he wants to hear.
He removes his fingers and uses his hand to brush his cock against your slit, wetting his tip with your juices as he prepares to enter you and a shiver runs down your spine with anticipation.
You don’t have long to wait as he impales himself within you with an animalistic grunt; the unexpected fullness and force of his insertion as he buries himself fully drawing a low scream of pained pleasure from your lips.
Making no effort to move just yet, his free hand comes to clutch at the fabric of your shirt, tearing the buttons there with one swift movement and exposing your chest to his leering gaze as he pushes the torn fabric to the side.
Capturing your nipple between his teeth, the worries the sensitive nub there for a moment and the sensation is so intense that your fingers snake through his grey hair and pull at it almost desperately. A move which earns you a low growl as he repeats the move with your other nipple, clearing enjoying the sensation of being sheathed within you as he torments your chest.
He begins to move within you, using his strength to pull you free of him until only the tip of his cock remains inside before plunging within you once again. It’s pleasure and pain rolled into one as the stretch mixes with the wonderful sensations of his cock brushing your most sensitive spots and you whine out your anguish.
Writhing against him, the pressure of his thrusts is almost too much as it feels like he is trying to split you in half with his cock. Every nerve within you is firing off and your legs hang limply to the sides of the chair, toes curling with every powerful stroke, as you allow yourself to be used. His hands on your hips prevent you from moving too much but you push back against him as much as possible, movements frantic as the burn in your ass only adds to the growing pleasure alighting across your body.
Rough growls are the only noises coming from him and they mingle with the whines and moans which you can’t prevent from escaping your own throat. Particularly when he resumes his assault on your chest, his stubble rubbing against your breasts as he nips savagely at the sensitive flesh there with sharp teeth, his cock never slowing in its brutal pace.
Your orgasm almost catches you off-guard as one of his fingers come to rest against your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves there with an almost cruel pressure. Combined with the delightful stretch of your core plus the torment of your chest, it was too much and your vision seemed to white out for a moment as the band of arousal snapped; your hips snapping against his groin as your fingers clawed desperately at the leather of his coat which covered his back.
“I love it when you buck against me, kitten.” He snarled against your neck as he continued to thrust within you, chasing his own pleasure with little regard for how overstimulated it left you, “So wet and warm, and so fucking tight just for me.”
A garbled sequence of agreements is all you can manage as your body spasmed against his, his cock continuing to draw out your pleasure far beyond what it had to as the waves of ecstasy seemed unending. But even through your euphoria, you can feel the tell-tale jerking of his cock as it seemed to twitch within your walls and you knew he was close.
Just at the point of no return, he pulled his cock free of your core and the sudden emptiness drew a mournful wail from your lips as he instead drew his hand across his cock frantically. It took less than a moment before his orgasm hit, his release arcing high between you as it splattered across your exposed stomach and chest; one drop catching you just above your right nipple as he released a low, guttural groan at the sight.
Your legs were still twitching from the aftershocks and the burn in your ass seemed more intense than before, obviously disturbed by your writhing against his groin, as you fought to catch your breath.
A gasp stole your breath as you felt his fingers against your core once again but before you could question him, you felt him slip within you once again, his cock still hard but having wilted slightly due to his release.
At your questioning glance, he spoke.
“You’re going to wear those trophies until I say otherwise,” he growled as he indicated the mess of his release, spattered across your chest, “and if you touch them I’ll bind your hands to this chair until I am finished.”
“Finished?” You ask, not quite understanding his intent. His cock was welcome within you and you couldn’t help but clench around it as you once again enjoyed the fullness.
“I need to work,” his grunt was low and, with a flick of his hand, a handful of scrap rose from behind his chair and moved towards his workbench, “and since you can’t be trusted to not interrupt then you can stay here. Exactly where I can see and feel you.”
Thinking of your earlier boredom, you can see the appeal in his command and you nod your consent.
“Think of it as serving your Lord by keeping his cock nice and warm while he works.”
Leaning forward, you lay your head against the wide expanse of his shoulder as you settle against his body. Your body feels wonderfully used and abused and this position allows you to take the pressure off you ass while also providing a very comfortable resting place. His cock within you doesn’t move and you don’t imagine it’ll be too long before he gives in to the temptation of another round.
“Sounds good to me.”
He chuckles at the enthusiasm and settles into his task.
His attention is focused beyond you, on the metal which he manipulates with unmatched skill, but with every slight jostle of your bodies you can feel the fullness of his cock as it remains sheathed within you. His punishment had been fair and you knew that the sight of your reddened flesh would inspire him to lust for days until it healed up.
He loved leaving his little marks on you, be it with his hands, teeth, or even his cum. It was a sign of ownership that you allowed; just as he allowed you to claw your ownership into his back or bite it into the flesh of his chest and thighs. It was important that you gave as good as you got as neither of you could stand weakness.
Your thoughts were broken as a soft humming emitted from his chest, some unknown tune which you couldn’t place, and you sighed against him, settling in to the rare moment of pure intimacy.
Full fic available on AO3 @ DittyWrites
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hobidreams · 4 years
april 1869.
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the night brings with it the moon, rippling waters, and truths silenced with his mouth hot on your skin.
pairing: joseon king!yoongi x reader genre: smut, angst words: 2.2k contains: historical au, exhibitionism (but more indirectly), rough sex, dirty talk, name-calling, hurt feelings, hair pulling, a very unhealthy (but historically accurate) relationship, yoongi is an ass
moonlit throne index. this is drabble two. start from the beginning?
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The chilly evening wind of coming spring sweeps a scattering of fallen leaves across the courtyard. It ripples through the sleeves of your jeogori as you descend from the stone veranda of your quarters towards the private palace gardens. The two guards who stand at the entrance move wordlessly aside upon seeing you, offering you slight bows that you return. Past this barrier, the tall, reaching trees hang against the darkened sky, heavy branches scratching invisible marks over the moonlight. You follow the set path with steady footsteps, passing blooming shrubs with a yawn on your lips. The day has been long and your eyes are sore from studying medicine with only a dim lamp for company. But the breeze - it whisks away fatigue with an enviable ease.
The path winds along the expansive pond. Water lettuce and lily pads cover most of the liquid surface, lining the makeshift island that houses your favorite: the grand pavilion. Recently renovated on the king’s direct instruction. You move closer, slippers leaving stone to scrape the thin wooden bridge.
Something in the dark shifts.
Your eyes fall upon a shadow. Your steps stutter, then quicken.
The king sits on the left bench, near the open front that has yet to be replaced, with a casual arm draped over the intricate banister. He doesn’t stir at the sound of your deliberately soft voice, his gaze remaining mired on something in the distance, far beyond the pavilion’s, or perhaps even the palace’s, reach. His hat is abandoned beside him, the topknot slightly loose where it is bound on his head.
“May I join you?”
He waves his hand absently.
You consider your options, but ultimately take advantage of the pavilion’s half-finished state and sit on the very edge with your legs tucked under you in a traditional kneel. You cannot even remember the last time you’ve sat together like this - out in the open outdoors, away from the tightly-drawn curtains of his chambers and away from prying eyes. Only now do you realize how much it had been missing. “The willow trees have grown out nicely,” you offer, what you hope is a safe topic. You watch a lily pad drift idly by. “I hope the lotus flowers bloom well this year. The pond truly felt so empty last season without their color. I—”
“Is it commonplace for subjects to inflict idle chatter on their king?” The ice in his voice is a slap across the face.
You shut up immediately. Nervously swallow too, but the heaviness in your throat remains stuck. You’ve become uncomfortably familiar with that tone, the quick temper that flares up in seconds but takes its time to dissipate. A part of you wants to retreat and hide; the other can never bear to leave him. Ever so slightly, chewing on the inside of your cheek, you turn your head instead. Take your first good look at him and almost gasp at how gaunt he looks in the sparse light. Nor do you expect the deep purple settled beneath his eyes. If this had been ten or even just two years ago, you wouldn’t hesitate to mention it but with things as they are, you are so nervous to speak and…
“Have,” you bow your head slightly, “have you not been sleeping?”
“Jeonha?” You press. “Please.”
When he finally looks at you, it’s with a glare. “I haven’t the time.”
“And your meals?”
“Not hungry.”
Your fingers knot. “But rest, sleep is essential. As is food. Without it, to make important decisions—”
“Hah!” His scowl deepens, the scar stretching down with his lips. “It would make little difference in how they are received.”
You should’ve known it was impossible to miss the rumors rumbling through the palace, their source the restless palace occupants faced with a ruthless king. He can’t stop the rampant thievery brought on by the grain shortage, yet executes the thieves themselves. His petty rejection of treaty with Japan left threats of war looming like an open wound that refuses to heal. All this, the former king would never have done. Or so the gossip goes.
“Still… Jeonha, you cannot, simply cannot, live like this. The people need you to be strong. They need their leader. Every hour you spend pushing yourself too far is an hour taken off your life. ” Saying the words alone puts a tremble in your fingers. The thought of his death could keep you awake right along with him. Has. But every syllable you speak is an overstep of your boundaries and rank. “I-If something is weighing on your mind, tell me. Use me. Tell me what you need and I’ll try to help however I can.”
He laughs then, but it’s an ugly, mocking sound. With a thud, he drops to the floor. “Spare me your fucking idealism.” His tight fist finds the roots of your hair. He yanks, hard. Your plain hairpin clatters to the floor, teetering wildly off the pavilion edge. “You, help me? What power do you have?” He drags you backwards, your eyes wide and quivering as they find fury in his. “What can you really do?”
He all but rips open your sash and you let him. You let him throw aside the layers that cover your chest until you’re exposed to him, torn white fabric pooling around your arms. His breath is hot at the shell of your ear as he growls, “this is all I need from you. This and nothing else.”
“T-Then use me,” you repeat, despite the dagger stab of pain in your heart. If this will lessen his burdens, you’ll do it. If this will have him in your arms if only fleetingly, you’ll do it.
He grabs a breast and smirks when you tense, then cry out when he pinches a nipple pebbled from the wind. Take it all, you think deliriously when his fingers tighten with an almost unbearable strength, and again when he dips his head low, sucking hard at the nape of your neck to give you a dark ache to remember come morning. He leaves one mark then another, and another, as if threatening to consume you entirely with his desire. And you? You’re addicted to that jolt of pain, the heady wetness of dominance that says he wants you. He wants nothing but you right now, and you tuck that precious knowledge away with a moan.
When he flips you onto your back, you don’t hear the quiet splash as your hand knocks the pin over. All your focus is stolen by your king between your legs, demanding obedience even from his knees. He wastes no time in forcing your skirt up, undoing the ties of the shorts beneath and throwing them aside. You don’t think you breathe until his nail rakes across the scrap of cloth covering your heat. “Look at you,” he mutters. “So wet. Shameless.” He doesn’t bother taking off the sokgot before fucking two fingers into you, deep enough for you to feel the ridge of his knuckles. The way your tight cunt opens and molds to him makes him sink his teeth into his lip in appreciation.
You already feel pressure building when he curls his fingers. It spikes up when he scissors, pushes you apart to hear you gasp. The noise travels far, echoing across the water while he makes a mess of you with each rapid pump. You don’t need to see to know that clear arousal is running down the sides of your lower lips. The sound of slick is as lewd as your whines, pitched at a tell-tale high.
“Fast, too fast,” you groan. But when you shift back, you’re only met with open air beneath your hands. You turn your head in panic and yelp when you realize just how close you are to the edge, with nothing but murky water below. “J-Jeonha, let me bac—”
“No.” His eyes glimmer with something possessive at the sight of you stretched out over the precipice, moonlight’s glow painted across your bare skin. All that pliant softness for him to ruin.
And you do break, when he hits that spot and punishes it without a second’s pause. “Please, oh god, please.” You don’t even know what you’re begging for but his palm slaps against your skin with reckless strokes. Your spine curves back, head going with it until all you see is the night and burning stars and everything in this palace that belongs solely to him. You let go. You cum with an errant hand flung out, fingers skimming across the water, the rest of you pinned beneath him. Uncontrollable.
His smile is sadistic as he leans over you, still fully clothed in his royal robes as he watches you tremble. “Think the guards can hear you?” You want to shake your head but all you do is grind your hips into him. “If they turned their heads, they’d see you like this. Needy. Desperate.” He spits the humiliating words through set teeth. “Why don’t I call them over and show them what the esteemed physician is really like?” His cocksure grin stretches even wider when he feels you clench in response. It seems to make up his mind; he doesn’t extract his fingers even though bliss has turned sharply into soreness. Just fucks you through the last of the aftershocks and then some until he brings you to peak for a second, noisy time.
Only then does he draw back, swiping his tongue slowly up his soaked hand. His eyes never leave you, even as he strips enough to pull his thick cock from the folds of gilded silk. You don’t get much of a glimpse before it’s sheathed in you, much fuller than his fingers. Your overstimulated cunt reacts despite the sensitivity, wetly clinging to his shaft as he bottoms out. He doesn’t stop to savor, doesn’t even let you catch a breath before he’s moving forward. His thrusts now, angry and quick and deep  - they’re for him.
The low grunts of effort drop alongside sweat down his neck, topknot bobbing back and forth and he keeps going, nimble hips pistoning with none of the precision of his swordplay. Where that is beautiful, controlled movements, he finds himself the exact opposite when he’s inside you. A damn slave to the pleasure surging through his body,  and he seems to hate that he needs it. A loathing that he leaves in the bruises on your ass every time you smack to the floor.  “Always this tight for me,” he mutters in a low register.
You’re trying your best to hold on, and survive the acute ache of him battering against your deepest core because you could never ask him to stop. Your fingers cling to the stone boundary, holding you to solid ground when everything feels like it’s been tossed clear up into the air. You almost can’t bear to look at him like this. It’ll make you believe in the intimacy shared between lovers when this is—
He snarls your name, draws your attention back.  “Say it.”
He must like what he hears and finds in your gaze, for he smirks. “You’ve become a nice little whore for me, haven’t you?”
And that’s it. That’s when you feel the hot sting behind your eyes finally overflow. It’s a word that’s you’ve become well-acquainted with these past few months but to hear it from his lips is... The tears slide backwards down your cheeks, rippling the pond but he doesn’t notice. Or if he does, maybe he pretends they’re of pleasure. If only you could follow suit.
He takes two almost-unbearably deep strokes and then, suddenly, you’re empty. He’s gasping, surprisingly undone as his hand slides frantically on his own cock. Sticky cum soon splatters all over your stomach, staining your skirt with his conquest. Panting, he looks at you through loose strands of blonde hair and doesn’t pull away. Instead, he leans forward. For a moment, you forget yourself and expect him to kiss you. Instead, he hauls you up from the brink with a sweaty hand on the back of your neck.
“What? Want something else?” He snaps when he finds your puffy eyes staring at him.
You think about asking him if he’s alright. Maybe he would listen if you tried again, just once more time. But your body is sore, your thighs and core between them especially so. A lingering reminder that this is perhaps all you are good for in his eyes. Whore.
“No. Nothing.”
He stands, wiping dust off his sleeves, but otherwise not bothering to fix much of his wrinkled robes.  “Then you are dismissed,” he says, then walks off. Likely to his private quarters, the back entrance connected to this garden.
Alone on the floor, you curl yourself up and still feel the emptiness, a dissatisfaction. You hadn’t noticed it before, but a songbird has been singing, marking the terribly late hour. On a sigh with fingers trembling, you pull the scraps of your jacket around your nakedness and try to shield yourself from the wind.
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ac3id · 4 years
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bnha: tomura shigaraki x fem! reader
warnings: suggestive themes
word count. 1k+ 
a/n: based n this req:
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i was gonna keep it short but then i went over 1k words so here it is 😽
tagging: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love​​
“Hey.” Dabi’s rough voice cuts through the air drawing your attention to him almost immediately. He takes a seat beside you on the bar counter of the league’s dingy hideout. Another voice greets you; this time it’s cheery and girlish. You turn to your right seeing Toga take a seat beside you too. It doesn’t take a genius to know you are trapped. “The mission went well, huh?” Toga asks, eyeing your drink, there was nothing special about it other than the fact it was free. Whenever someone returned after a successful mission, Kurogiri always took it upon himself to make them a free drink in a form of praise. “Yes, it went well.” You replied avoiding eye contact with either of them. You knew what they were doing, they did this often. They liked to corner you and make you do things you didn’t like, they liked teasing you until the point tears were pricking the corner of your eyes. Their reason to torment you was always the same, they were taking a test to see how tough you really. A little different from the rest of the pack of criminals, you were a little timid and soft-hearted. Your meekness often perceived as cowardness of fear made Dabi and Toga think you were not the right fit for the group, maybe your quirk was strong but that was all the pros of having you. They’d repeatedly remind you but you knew better, they bullied you just because. The degenerates were no better than highschool bullies, maybe even worse.
“Good to see you are actually making yourself useful,” Dabi remarks abruptly making you shrink in your seat. You want retort but you have to say, he’s right. The majority of your mission ended badly, you were a new villain with no experience, it was not all your fault. “Oh, forget that!” Toga chirped, pulling you by your shoulder, forcing you to face her. “Do you know Shigaraki Tomura?” she asks. You look at her dumbfounded, not believing her question. “You know, the leader? With hands all over his body? Handsy freak?” Dabi encourages making you scoff. Were they seriously serious? Did they just ask you whether or not you knew your own leader, your employer? Of course, you did!
“Really!? I have never seen you talk to him, you always seemed to avoid him. So, I thought you didn’t know who he was,” she pouts explaining herself, “Are you scared of him or something?” Scared? Of Tomura Shigaraki? Of course, you were. You were terrified of everyone in the league but Tomura stood out the most. With his rude and cold demeanor, he intimidates you. The cold, pale hand which sticks to his face at all times adds to his eerie appearance, his vermillion eyes glowing from underneath it, sending death glares to everyone. A glance towards his direction is enough to tell you he's someone you don't want anything to do with. His quirk, his personality all adds to it. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to anyway, your shyness and fear of rejection would never let you open up to anyone else other than your friends. You don’t answer Dabi’s question, “I will take that as a yes,” he smirks cruelly. You try to retort but before you can say anything, he changes the topic.
“Tell me,” He calls out your name grimly, “are you a pussy?” What? “I don’t understand,” you ask nervously. The perplexed expression which scans your face makes Dabi cringe, he clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth before speaking, “It’s a simple question. Are you a pussy? Or you got balls?” You are still confused but get the basic idea, they were here to bother again. You have a bad feeling about this. You know what you should do; give him a reaction he does not want so he can leave alone and stop bothering you but you also know your pride won’t surrender that easily. There is no way you would ever admit to him that you are a weak, pathetic coward. So naturally, you make the wrong decision. “No I am not a pussy,” the word almost feels wrong when you say it out loud. It's not as degrading as when Dabi had said it, the need to drag it down the dirt and toss it back up is missing when you say it and Toga notices as she snickers. Dabi quickly catching on sends you a devious smirk, “Atta, girl!” he pats your head jokingly, you push his hand away annoyed. They liked sending you praises as one would to a kid, you found it revolting but they enjoyed tormenting you. “We have an important job for you,”  toga begins, flashing her taunting canines at you making you shudder. Oh, this was up to no good.
“So here’s the thing,” Dabi begins, “Boss has been kinda’ very annoying recently, if you talked to him you’d understand,” eyebrow twitching at the comment you wonder whether it was necessary. “And it gets hard to work with him so would you mind helping out, ya’ know what I am saying?” You look at him still confused while he just gives you an oblivious look, what was he on about?
“Helping out?” you quote, curiosity ridden in your eyes. Toga snickers before leaning in towards you, her breath fawns over your ear as she whispers a dirty, little secret. “You know, get him all hot and bothered. Help your leader out here,” you almost choke at her words. There was no way in hell you would ever do that! You never even want to stand closer than three feet from your boss, what Toga is asking for is downright atrocious. You push her away from you, creating a safe distance. You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment before you start speaking, “There is NO way I am going anywhere near that man!” you exclaim confidently. Dabi looks disappointed but he’s not given up yet while Toga pouts, “What!? Why not?” she asks and without giving you a chance to speak she continues, “I always catch you staring at him! Do you not like him? I thought you did, so we asked you,” her tone is apologetic but she is not wrong. Often you would find yourself zoning out and staring at your leader. Shigaraki always attracted your eyes. He was like a mystery, there was no wonder you wanted to know more about him. About how he thinks, lives you want to know so much more. Your curiosity about it unfortunately gets pulled out by your fear of him, you can’t imagine staying in the same room as him. Too conscious about his judgemental eyes ghosting your figure and searching for flaws which would make him want to leave you.
“I don’t like him, though.” You finish. At this point, you believe that you have beaten Toga and Dabi at their own game as you watch their faces fall. You feel pride enveloping you for the second time that day knowing that you had the crazy duo speechless. “Okay then,” Dabi still has to say. He throws a  devious smirk, “It’s a dare. I dare you to seduce Tomura Shigaraki.”
You are speechless. “C’mon, you’re not a chicken are you? You do this and I’ll do a dare you give me,” was he really ‘daring’ you to seduce the most dangerous man you have ever met for fun? “I- How would I even do that?” You ask. Your experience in the field of ‘seduction’ was absolutely zero. You couldn’t just walk up to someone and ask them to sleep with you. They have to be mocking you, right? This was a joke- a silly little prank, right? “Aw, c’mon! You don’t even have to go all the way, just kiss him maybe a hand job or something then leave! Shouldn’t be that much of a problem.” Toga spoke sending you puppy dog eyes making you cringe, “You are not going to do it?” Dabi ponders his brow raised, his eyes wait patiently for your answer. You think for a moment if you say no to them; you know for a fact a nasty rumor about you will go around no doubt ruining your reputation and if you say yes..well, you get to kiss your boss and as Dabi promised: you could ‘dare’ him to do anything. Maybe you will make him dance around naked.
“Fine, I will go..” The way their faces light up sends a cold shiver down your spine and your gut kicks in telling you it's a bad idea, but you cannot take your word back now. You reluctantly head into the dark hallway to your leader’s room where he had been locked in since the morning. Probably playing games or making plans for the league, you couldn’t care less. You knock on his door, fidgeting with your fingers while you wait for him to open the door, you didn’t want to barge straight in. It would be very disrespectful to your leader and you’d die before you know it. “He is not going to open the fucking door! Just go in.” You hear Dabi’s faint voice, guess they have been counting your steps. You hesitate a moment before reaching out to the doorknob, you twist it and it unlocks. A nervous sigh leaves your lips as you push the door ajar, stepping into the room and closing it behind you gently, trying your best to not make noise. You find Shigaraki adhered to his devices, his focus is completely planted on the game he plays. The bright screen deceiving shots of violence while he grunts and curses into his earphones. You stand there, next to the door, taking in his entire and it’s a mess. The lights are out, the only source coming from the iridescent screen of Shigaraki’s gameplay. There’s trash everywhere, his bed hasn’t been made. The covers and blanket almost fall off his bed, there are a desk and chair in the room which hasn’t been organized either.
Damn, he really be living like this.
You wait for Shigaraki to notice and you presume he won’t be noticing you until you let him know you are there but you are proved wrong as he glances in your direction, the most astonished expressions falling on his face. Shigaraki sits without father covering his face so you can see his features. Little scars are running everywhere, two significantly larger ones stretching across his left eye and lips. He scans your body head to toe as you shirk back under his heated gaze, “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asks and honestly you wonder the same. You don’t answer his question but move forward towards him changing the subject entirely, “Mr. Shigaraki, there’s something I need to tell you…” You stand right in front of him, your knee touching his as he is seated down on his gaming chair holding his control with his pinkies lifted. Your face heats up in embarrassment as you stare down at him with glassy eyes, your heartbeat picks up with him looking back at you with those murderous, red orbs confusion still written all over. You can get that he has picked up the slightest idea about your here as his cheeks pinken the closer you move to him. Your hand slides up his tight slowly, settling close to his crotch making him grunt. You lean down until your face level with his, “Shigaraki…” you utter softly before connecting your lips with his. The action catches him off guard as his pinkies fall on the controller turning it into dust within seconds, but he lets himself get lost in the feeling of your lips squished against him. Honestly, he has no idea what’s gotten into you but he is so glad he’s getting to experience this. Your lips are soft, and warm against his cold and chapped ones. The comfort he feels when your lips mold against him sends him into heaven, it’s a feeling he could use too, a feeling he wants to keep to himself. As you keep him hungrily, he takes the pleasure of running his hands over your body. With his pinkies raised his hands map across your curves, ass, and end upon groping your tits making you gasp into the kiss. Shigaraki takes this as his chance and nips at your lips, drawing a pained moan from you before pushing his tongue into your mouth. You let out choked gasps as his tongue licks away into your mouth greedily, you try to put up a fight but it’s no use. Your leader is much rougher, he kisses you like it's the end of the world. He is almost feral at the way he used your mouth leaving you no place to strength making you submit to him. When he pulls away from the kiss to regain his breath, he wastes no time in throwing you on his dirty bed and climbing over you. You look up at him, his cheeks flushed, eyes dark and clouded with lust, you remind yourself to thank Dabi and Toga later.
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ober-affen-geil · 4 years
Since I, a Damn Yankee, am currently sitting in a southern state freezing my toes off (and this is NOT THE FIRST polar vortex nor will it be the last) I thought I would share some cold weather tips for y’all as someone born and raised in snowy places. Please share or add as you see fit.
- Dress. In Layers. They are the key to success. I’m talking undershirt, shirt, cardigan/sweater, knee socks, ankle socks, leggings, pants, scarf, jacket, hat, thin pair of gloves, thick pair of gloves, WHATEVER YOU NEED. Wear it all at once. Trust me. Layers. 
- Black ice. It’s a super shitty type of ice that is basically totally clear and as a result almost completely invisible. You will not see it unless you are really looking for it. You will slip on it just as easily. Watch out.
- Touching a Very Cold Thing with bare skin, especially if it’s metal, is a Bad Idea. Even if your skin is dry, there is a very real possibility you will stick to it. This is why you need gloves. If you do, for some reason, touch a Cold Thing and you stick to it, DO NOT YANK. EXHALE on the stuck thing (don’t blow, exhale, the key is warmth) until it comes unstuck. If you need to, spit or drool on the thing (DO NOT LICK, this will leave your tongue stuck too) until it comes off. This technique will work with frozen locks as well.
- Learn the difference between between “cold fingers” and the beginnings of frostbite. Redness is good, even if they are feeling numb. It means you still have circulation. You should should be trying to warm them up though. If they start turning white and waxy it is Bad and you need to get them warm ASAP. Get inside and soak them in water (LUKEWARM, NOT HOT, YOU WILL BURN YOURSELF) at the soonest possible time. The circulation returning will HURT. Do not let it get to that point. 
- Wear sturdy and/or water resistant boots outside in the snow. Remember, snow is just frozen water and when it starts to warm up it will be wet.
- When you’re clearing your car off (get an ice scraper and a snow brush if you can, trust me) the FIRST THING you should do is get in your car and turn the heat on full blast. Turn on the rear window heater and turn the windshield blower (the thing you use if it starts fogging up) on FULL. Then go out to clear the car. Not only will the car be toasty when you get in to drive, but it will heat the windows from the inside and it will make the ice scraping SO MUCH EASIER. It helps if you give yourself an extra 5-10 minutes in the morning to clear as well. (also DO NOT throw hot water on your car to get ice off, this will CRACK YOUR WINDSHIELD. GET A DAMN ICE SCRAPER.)
- If you are doing a physical activity in the snow (skiing, snowshoeing, snowboarding, shoveling, anything) recognize that the activity will warm you up and be prepared to shed layers. If you start sweating, cool yourself down. If your clothing becomes sweatsoaked, it will be wet and therefore become cold. Wet, cold clothing will not keep you warm. This is a Bad Thing. Often just opening your coat will help.
- It is possible for it to be too cold to snow. Bright, sunny, clear days are often THE COLDEST ONES in the winter. Cloud coverage, especially at night, acts like a blanket that keeps the heat in. If there are no clouds, there is less heat. Also, you will use your sunglasses in the winter. Snow blindness, being physically “dazzled” by bright sunlight reflecting off of fresh snow, is a thing. Do not trust sunny days. You can and will get sunburned.
- Remember to cover your ears. It’s a thing most people don’t think about but your ears are one of the first things to get cold if exposed, along with your fingers and nose. If you don’t want to wear a hat because it will mess up your hair, get an earband or ear muffs.
- If you have a shovel, clear your sidewalk. Packed snow will basically become ice, it is not safe. Put down salt if you have it too. Note, the warmer it is when snowing the wetter the snow will be and the heavier it is. Don’t throw your back out shoveling because you tried to lift a shovelful that was too heavy, be smart. (The wet snow is good packing snow though, that’s the kind for snowballs and snowmen.) 
- When driving in the snow, do not panic. A light to medium snow is like driving in a heavy rain except you can see better. DO NOT drive faster than you are comfortable going. Turn on your hazards if you need to. Trust your gut, you can FEEL when your car is losing traction. If you start to skid, steer INTO it. Take corners slower than you would normally, and start braking for intersections WAY before you normally would. Drive in the tracks of the car in front of you, get your tires as close as possible to direct contact with the pavement. DO NOT. I REPEAT, DO NOT, drive in ice. No one can drive in ice. Don’t fucking do it. Carry kitty litter in your trunk, if you get stuck, put it under your back tires for traction. If you are stuck stuck, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR. Wait for help. Keep peanut butter or pretzels or other non-perishables in your car to eat in emergencies. Only go out if you absolutely have to.
- If the power goes out in your house, pick ONE ROOM and hole up in there. Pile on blankets and use any non-electronic heat source. Try to make it a room with no outside walls. It will be easier to keep that room warm enough to be tolerable.
- It will be dry. Chapsticks and moisturizers are your friends. Watch out for nosebleeds.
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cyraclove · 4 years
“I hit you with my car and was the only one to visit you in the hospital” with modern BotW Zelink would be amazing :') (you can choose who gets hit and who visits! it works very well both ways)
Link stared into the windows of the flower display, his eyes traversing the plethora of multicolored blooms for the hundredth time. He’d been standing there for a solid ten or fifteen minutes, the tinny muzak of the hospital’s gift shop threatening to drive him out of his mind. The furled petals of a bouquet of yellow roses shook softly as the refrigerated case’s motor kicked on, looking almost as though they were laughing at him.
He decided against those.
Swallowing hard, he absentmindedly rubbed his palms together as he took stock of his ribbon-bound options yet again.
Sweaty. Why was he so sweaty?
Just pick some, you idiot, barked a voice in his head.
“Excuse me, sir,” said a foreign female voice that startled him from his thoughts, “Do you need some help?”
He turned to see an older, brunette woman with the roundest eyeglasses he had ever seen smiling pleasantly at him, her hands clasped behind her back. ‘Alma’, her nametag read.
He shook his head, scrambling for words. “Oh, uh…no, ma’am,” he stammered, attempting a sorry excuse for a smile, “I’m just…browsing.”
“Are you looking for something specific?” She asked, peering into the cooler. “We have flowers for just about any occasion. Flowers can say a lot just on their own, you know.”
How about some that say, ‘Sorry that I hit you with my car, complete stranger,’ he thought to himself. Link chuckled uncomfortably, knowing that he was definitely going to have to lie to this woman. “I’m here to visit my, er, friend. She was…in a car accident.”
Read on AO3
Alma nodded solemnly, clucking her tongue. “Oh, how terrible. I’m very sorry to hear that. People really can be such careless drivers these days, can’t they?”
“Yes,” he said through his teeth, “they certainly can be.” His eyes were drawn to a bunch of sickeningly pink ‘It’s A Girl!’ balloons, a nearby oscillating fan causing them to bob violently every minute or so. The screech of the colliding mylar made his stomach churn, and he silently wished for death.
“Well,” Alma began, a cool burst of air escaping the display when she opened the door, “I’m sure that we can pick something perfectly lovely that’ll have your friend feeling better in no time.”
The woman pursed her lips as she surveyed the case, humming thoughtfully. She eventually gathered up a bouquet of light blue lilies, their pointed petals tipped with white.
“What do you think of these?” she asked, “We just got them in from Necluda. This variety is called the ‘Silent Princess’, I believe.”
Before he could answer, Link’s phone began to ring, the shrill tone making him jump a bit. He grinned sheepishly at Alma as he fished it from his pocket, groaning inwardly as soon as he glimpsed the screen. Tapping his thumb on the red ‘ignore’ button, he tucked it away.
“Those are great,” he replied, “I’ll take them.”  
Alma smiled brightly, motioning for him to follow her the checkout counter. “Excellent,” she chimed, “Can I put them in a vase for you?”
His phone rang again. Link felt his eye twitch.
“Uh, sure. I mean, yes, please.”
“Would you like to add anything else? We have these precious sand seal plushies that would be just ador—”
“Just the flowers will be fine, thank you,” he said, more hurriedly than he’d intended. Snatching his phone from his pocket, he turned away from the counter and held the cell to his ear.
“What do you want?” He hissed.
A jovial cackle came from the other end of the line.
“Well, if it isn’t CHU’s resident asshole.”  
Link pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger as he inhaled deeply. This was, decidedly, the last thing he needed right now.
“You called me, Revali,” he snapped, “Do you actually need something, or did you just want to be a dick?”
“You wound me, Link,” the other young man drawled, “Oh, no—wait. I’m not the one who’s wounded, am I?”
Link clenched his jaw, the snip of Alma’s scissors on the flowers’ stems suddenly and inordinately loud. He glanced up at the woman only to have her swiftly look away, feigning focus on her task.
“You’re quite the hot topic on campus,” he heard Revali sigh, “I’m almost envious, what with the way everyone’s got your name in their mouths.”
“Who’s talking about it?”
“Who isn’t talking about it? Link, you hit a woman with your car. In the quad, for the love of Hylia. How’d you even manage that, anyway?”
“Okay, look,” he nearly seethed, “It was not in the quad, it was the intersection next to the quad. And it was an accident! I had the right of way, I didn’t see her, and the—the walk sign wasn’t even on!”
“Was she on the crosswalk?”
Link balked as he conjured up the memory from the other day. It had all happened so fast; one minute he was putting on his turn signal, and the next a young blonde woman was sprawled out on the road in front of his car. “I mean…well, yeah, she was on the crosswalk.”
“Then she had the right of way. Pedestrians always have the right of way, genius.”
“I’m hanging up now,” he muttered, disconnecting the call to the sound of Revali’s raucous laughter in the background. His near equal on the university archery team, Revali and Link were self-proclaimed rivals; well-known ‘frenemies’ to the rest of their teammates. While Link undeniably respected him for his skill, he could also be a real pain in the ass.
Releasing a weighty sigh, he faced the counter again, only to be met with a piercing glare of disapproval from the woman standing behind it. His blood ran cold as he and Alma locked eyes, hers narrowed in wordless acknowledgment of his sin. Approaching the register, Link flipped his wallet open and removed his credit card before sliding it toward her across the grey acrylic.
“Ring up the seal.”
The ride up the elevator was gruelingly slow, the jarring ding! of the door opening on what seemed like every damned floor made Link’s head throb. The air inside the garishly carpeted box was stuffy and stagnant, the scent of antiseptic stinging his lungs with each inhale. He looked down at the overpriced stuffed animal in his arms and frowned, its judgmental button eyes boring into him. The sluggish chug of the ancient machinery as it whined to a stop was nauseating, jostling him just enough to make him dizzy.
He finally stepped off and onto the tenth floor, referring to the clumsy, smeared numbers written on his palm in red pen. Link wandered down a white linoleum hallway, the idle hum of incandescent lights buzzing overhead as he peered at room numbers; the water in the vase sloshed softly as he went. With the plush tucked under one arm and the flowers cradled in the other, he raised his fist to knock tentatively on a door marked 1003.  
“Come in,” responded a quiet voice from the other side. Link instinctively held his breath as he pressed down on the door handle, inching it open.
The room was cold and clinical, painted and furnished in subtle greens and dull blues. Aside from several dim wall sconces, a large westward-facing window adorned with heavy curtains was the only source of light. Pushed up against the center of the back wall was a slim hospital bed, and in it sat a woman that Link had seen only once before—unconscious on the asphalt in front of his sedan. Her eyes flickered up toward him as he entered, darkening with realization mere seconds afterward.
“What are you doing here?”
Link froze, his thoughts scrambling as both his legs and tongue refused to move. All he could do was stare at her, eyes trained on the clunky, neon-green cast that enveloped her left arm. A purply-green bruise around the size of golf ball sat just below one of her eyes, swallowing the tiny freckles that peppered her cheeks. Her bottom lip puffed out, an angry cut splitting it vertically down the middle.
She looked awful.
And she had somehow managed to be strikingly beautiful at the exact same time.
“Well, I came to, uh,” he started, his words leaving his mouth before he had time to appropriately process them, “I came to see…how you were feeling.”
The young woman scoffed, turning her head towards the window. It was then that Link noticed the sutures running along the underside of her collarbone. Guilt roiled in his stomach for the millionth time that day as she began to speak.
“Let’s see; I’ve got bruised ribs, a couple of chipped teeth, and a concussion. Oh—and my arm is broken,” she replied in a biting tone, “So, I’m not great. Thanks.”
After a moment, he took a few tentative steps nearer to her bedside. He watched her gaze gradually slide in his direction, meticulously studying his movement. Link sighed, looking down at his feet with a shake of his head. His chest felt suffocatingly tight, as though someone had his lungs trapped in an ever-tightening vise.
“Look, I know that nothing I say right now is going to make any of this less shitty,” he told her, “and I’m sure that I’m the last person that you wanted to see today. That being said, it would’ve been even shittier of me to not at least try and come apologize to you. Because I messed up, big time, and I’m really, really sorry.”
The young woman said nothing in response, absentmindedly picking at her fingernails as she considered his repentant declaration. Her brows knitted above her sea-like eyes, consternation marring her delicate features. Link’s resolve just about shattered when he saw the impending tears brimming at her waterline.
“And I brought you this seal,” he blurted out, placing the patchwork creature on the bed near her legs, “You just seemed like, uh…a seal person.”
To Link’s relieved surprise, the corner of her mouth quirked up as she looked at the stuffed animal. Picking it up and setting on her lap, a watery giggle burbled from her chest as tears slid down her cheeks. The chuckle soon morphed into a full-on laugh, a bright, contagious sound that filled the room. Unable to help himself, Link smiled, and was soon laughing with her despite not entirely knowing why.
“It’s cute,” she sniffled, wiping at her eyes.
“Yeah, it’s really cute. Thank you.”
They smiled through the remnants of their laughter as it faded out, leaving the two in silence again. The setting sun bathed the room in rosy amber and cast fractured, pinkish shadows on the walls. Unsure of what else to do, Link set the bouquet on her curiously empty bedside table. It was then that he paused to take stock of the rest of the room, realizing that it did not resemble what he imagined the hospital room of someone who’d just been hit by a car to look like.
It was devoid of any other flowers save the ones that he had brought, and missing were cards and balloons from well-wishing friends. He furrowed his brow, and his heart sank when the most likely reason for the lack of gifts dawned on him. She must be in Central for school, he thought, and all of her friends and family were wherever home was. Or, even worse—they were around, but couldn’t be bothered to come and pay her a visit. Turning back to face her, he gestured to her plaster-clad arm.
“No one’s signed your cast,” he noted.
She gave him a queer look. “What do you mean?”
“Uh, that’s the thing to do isn’t it? Have your friends write their names on your cast? And put, uh, I don’t know…stickers on it.”
She shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never broken an arm before,” she replied, shooting him a sly look. “I haven’t got many friends, either, I guess,” she added under her breath, face falling.
“Do you have a Sharpie?”
“Oh, um, I think I have a few in my backpack. It’s just over there, on that chair. Should be in the little side pocket.”
Link made his way over to a grey pleather armchair and unzipped the pocket in question, reaching inside to pull out several permanent markers. Returning to the bedside, he held them out to the blonde, presenting her with her choice of color; black, red, or blue. She looked up at him from beneath delicate lashes, grinning as she selected the blue one. She extended her arm, and he sat on the edge on the bed as he gingerly braced it with his free hand. After popping the cap off with his teeth, he scrawled his name on the lime-colored cast as gently as possible.
“Link,” she murmured when he’d finished, “I just realized that I didn’t even know your name until now.”
It was true. He knew her name, simply because he’d had to ask for it at the front desk, but they had never been properly introduced. Not surprising, considering the circumstances under which they came to know one another in the first place. He’d never seen her around campus before the other day, leading him to assume that they must not run in the same circles. That had to be the case, because hers was not a face that he would’ve forgotten.
“My name is Zelda,” she said, “Even though you probably know that already.”
“I do,” he admitted, “but it’s nice to officially meet you. Zelda.”
Her eyes crinkled at their corners when he reached out to lightly shake her fingers that poked out of the cast. He stood up from the bed, shooting her a quick smile before crossing the room to return the markers to her bag.
“Thank you for the flowers,” he heard her say from behind him, “Oh, and for my seal.”
“It’s the least I could do, I think,” he responded, “I mean, considering.”
“Still,” Zelda went on, “It was kind of you to come. I just…I appreciate the company. It was getting a bit lonely here.”
Link stilled at that. So, she really was alone. He almost didn’t want to believe that not even her own parents had bothered to stop by, that not a single friend had sent a card. It had to be a mistake; there was no way that such an enchanting person had no one to call on.
“The, uh, food here must not be very good, huh?” He tried.
She cocked a brow at him. “What?”
“Hospital food. It’s notoriously bad,” he clarified, attempting to mentally signal to her that he was, in fact, going somewhere with this. “If you want, I could bring you something. Later, I mean, for dinner. I think I probably owe you that, don’t you?”
It could have been the sunset, but Link swore that a blush darkened her cheeks ever so slightly when she smiled at him, nodding. “That sounds great, actually.”
“Alright, it’s a date, then,” he announced without thinking, wincing immediately afterward, “I mean, uh, sounds like a plan.”
“Here, let me put my number in your phone,” she offered, holding out her good hand. He fished it from his pocket and handed it to her, watching as she tapped in her contact info with her only her index finger. After a short discussion about what kind of food she’d like to have, they said their goodbyes with the promise of seeing one another later that evening. Link closed to door carefully behind him, glancing back into the narrow window to see Zelda admiring her flowers.
He shuffled into the elevator, wedging himself in between a group of nurses and weary-looking man with a fussy toddler on his hip. It was humid and it was loud, and anyone else might have wanted nothing more than to go home and go to bed. Link stared at Zelda’s name in his phone as the elevator made its agonizingly long descent back down to the lobby, already counting the minutes until he’d get to ride back up again.
I adored this prompt so much, I made it its own thing on AO3. Thank you for the ask! This was so much fun!
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terramous · 3 years
fire so hot at their backs; better to hit the ground
not another 2x12 fire spec fic... i would never..... title: lily kershaw - ashes like snow word count: 1.7k AO3
Carlos had always imagined that he would know what to do if he was ever caught in a fire. After all, his boyfriend had been a firefighter for seven years.
Smoke rises.
Fire spreads faster than you think.
Air can get so hot and full of irritants that every breath feels like swallowing a branding iron.
You can be surrounded by sources of light and still not be able to see two feet in front of you.
“Carlos, I need you to breathe!”
It was hard to hear them over the inferno raging all around but he could tell they were desperate.
“Breathe. C’mon, baby. Please.”
He was his father’s son, he could never refuse an order. He took a deep breath that sent his lungs and chest spasming with coughs that forced their way up his throat.
“Good job,” TK said with a watery smile. There were the tell-tale tracks of tears cutting through the dark smears of soot and ash on his cheeks and Carlos could see that half of his shirt was smouldering but he seemed to be paying it no mind.
“I know it’s hard. I know you’re tired. But you gotta keep your eyes open and you gotta keep trying to breathe for me, okay?”
In a flash of motion that blurred in the tears gathering in Carlos’ eyes, TK pulled off his shirt and was pressing the balled-up fabric over Carlos’ nose and mouth who gratefully took a deep breath of the surprisingly clearer air. It smelt like ash, and burning, and sweat, and TK.
“It’s not the best but this should help.”
Carlos didn’t have the energy, nor the ability to think clearly enough to reply. He wanted to say a lot of things: it helps, thank you, I’m sorry, I love you, I’m so tired.
Instead he just tried to focus on breathing because TK seemed to calm down every time he inhaled. The last thing he wanted to do was scare TK but he figured they were both beyond that point now.
Here they were, on the ground as their home and all the memories that they had tied to this location went up in literal flames. TK was shirtless and kneeling in front of Carlos, cradling his face in his hands as he coaxed Carlos through every breath he took.
And it wasn’t like Carlos couldn’t see the burns marring TK’s torso. Red angry wounds wrapping around his ribcage and undoubtedly more that Carlos couldn’t see. But he swore if he stretched out his hand to touch TK’s side his fingers would connect with the familiar curve of TK’s ribs, unguarded by the skin he had spent hours trailing his fingertips, his knuckles, his palms and his lips over.
They were going to die here.
There was no doubt about it. TK was trying to keep Carlos’ eyes on him but he could tell that the fire was getting closer to the both of them, and Carlos was barely holding on to whatever shreds of consciousness he had left, and he could tell that despite how TK was trying to keep a brave face, that he was losing strength too.
At least, after all this time, turmoil and near-death experiences, they weren’t going to be alone in their final moments.
Carlos had always been afraid that he would die alone.
He’d had countless nightmares as a kid that he was trapped alone in a burning car or calling out desperately for his parents, his sisters, anyone, to come help while he held a shaky hand over a deep wound but no one ever came.
It’d only gotten worse after he’d come out. Fearing that he’d lie bleeding in the street and only after he was gone that his parents would accept him. That everything he wanted to tell them would hang unsaid forever. That he wouldn’t get the chance to mend whatever he had broken between them.
And then he’d become a cop. It brought him a little comfort to think that if he died on the job he’d at least have a partner there. He didn’t have to be alone.
He’d long moved past fearing death, it was an inevitability and it did him no good to be afraid of it. It was always the idea of being alone that killed him.
But after all those dreams and nights of stress and fear, he didn’t have to be afraid of anything because TK was right there and he wasn’t going anywhere.
There was probably more he should be thinking about in his final moments. His family, his parents who would have to bury their son. TK’s parents. Their friends who had become family.
Nothing really mattered other than TK leaning down to press their lips together.
It wasn’t intense, or fiery, or passionate, as Carlos had gotten used to. It was just contact and a soft pressure. Carlos could taste TK’s tears as he trailed his tongue along his boyfriend’s lower lip, hoping that if they deepened the kiss he could lose himself in TK.
The distraction would have been nice but it was clear that neither of them had the strength for that.
This wasn’t a moment of lips locked in a physical affirmation that screamed ‘I never want to be without you’ or half-asleep lazy kisses they shared at the start and end of every day.
TK didn’t move, didn’t dare breathe as they lingered there. In any other instance it would have been awkward, but neither of them wanted to draw away.
This was goodbye.
The last thing Carlos felt before he slipped into unconsciousness was TK running his fingers through his hair as they finally separated.
TK could tell that Carlos had passed out, his head becoming heavier in TK’s hands.
This was the end.
TK could probably have found it in him somewhere to resent the fact that their story had come to an end so soon, but there would always be so much more of him that was grateful that despite everything he had been lucky enough to even know Carlos Reyes, let alone to be able to love him and be loved by him.
Every moment with Carlos had been the best of TK’s life.
Carefully, he eased Carlos onto the floor, lying him down on his back. He looked almost as if he could be sleeping. There was a sting in TK’s chest that knew that wasn’t the case.
But he could pretend.
He could pretend that he was crawling into bed after a long shift, joining Carlos who was already asleep. He lay down next to Carlos and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling their bodies together.
Settling his head on Carlos’ chest, TK pressed his ear to his lover’s skin. He let the soft pitter-patter rhythm of Carlos’ heart lull him into darkness.
When they were found, they would look almost peaceful, curled up together like the remains of ancient lovers who could not fathom being apart for even a second in their last moments. If anyone had stopped for a few seconds to study them before pulling them apart, they were sure to find a picture of serenity on TK’s face.
After all, there was nowhere he’d rather be in his death than by Carlos’ side.
The darkness was brief.
Death hurt, and everything was so bright.
Death looked a lot like the lights on the ceiling of an ambulance.
TK’s brain finally managed to grasp the concept that he wasn’t dead as his chest hitched and he choked on the breath he was trying to take. There was a flurry of motion that he couldn’t quite comprehend.
“Carlos,” he forced out between laboured breaths, his voice so scratchy and hoarse that he couldn’t even recognise it anymore.
“Shh,” someone cooed. “Just breathe. You inhaled a lot of smoke.”
That wasn’t Carlos’ voice despite how much TK craved to hear it and it’s absence brought tears to his eyes. He knew it though.
His vision pieced itself together slowly and he could see Tommy hovering over him, pressing an oxygen mask over his face. He was alive but Carlos wasn’t there. They should have left him in that burning room, at least then Carlos wouldn’t be alone.
“Carlos-” he tried again.
“Just focus on breathing,” Tommy instructed. There was something she wasn’t telling him.
“He’s alone,” TK whimpered, reaching out blindly for where Carlos should be. Carlos should be tucked into his side, that’s where he belonged. “He hates being alone.”
As much as Tommy tried to calm him down and keep him on the gurney, TK writhed and fought against her, he ripped the oxygen mask off and kept pushing her hands away until he was falling and the darkness came racing up to meet him once again. They shook hands like old friends.
This time unconsciousness didn’t come with the comforting presence of Carlos next to him.
The lights and noises came back like a tidal wave slamming into him. He bolted upright before anyone could stop him, not even the dizziness that threatened to send him in any direction that meant down.
“Carlos!” he cried out in a blind desperation.
There were hands on him. So many. Too many. None of them the ones he wanted to feel against his skin, the ones he would recognise anywhere.
Where was Carlos? Why were they keeping him away from TK?
Despite his efforts, he could not fight against the hands forcing him back onto the bed.
There was a mess of beeps and other white noise that blurred in TK’s head, all of it fading out in comparison to the words he needed to hear.
“He’s alive, TK. He’s alive.”
He couldn’t do much more than lie there and let hot tears run from his eyes and onto the thin and uncomfortable hospital pillow underneath his head. Everything hurt and TK couldn’t find the strength in him to do anything other than cry in relief.
Carlos was alive.
That’s all he needed for now.
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Choi Beomgyu x Reader
Summary: Nothing bad happens when you visit presumably haunted houses on Halloween, absolutely nothing.
Genre: Horror, I guess some angst as well, sprinkle of fluff 
Warning: Blood, demons, nightmares, visions from nightmares, screaming, crying
Walking side by side, hand in hand you and your boyfriend got closer to the dark house as you started clutching the flashlight in your other hand with each step you took. This was such a bad idea. 
Why did you say yes to this? 
Why did Beomgyu say yes to this? 
There must be something seriously wrong with both of you. Going to the supposedly haunted house on your favourite holiday might just be the stupidest idea you agreed to. 
“Ready to go in?” Beomgyu asked you as you two stepped up to the front door of the house.
“Sure, but you know we could just not.” You tried reasoning, “We don’t have to.”
He hummed, “We kind of do. Yeonjun dared us.” You immediately rolled your eyes at that statement. Just because that clown dared you to do something doesn’t mean you have to actually do it. You were never playing Truth or Dare with him again.
“Ugh let’s just get this over with.” You pointed the flashlight at the door, grimacing at the old wood that was rotting away. Your boyfriend however walked up to the door and opened it, albeit with a little more force, and suddenly you were in.
The inside of the room looked like any other haunted house you saw in horror movies. Dusty, dark and ominous. There was old furniture covered in white sheets, but some uncovered and as you stopped at a couch the first thing you thought of was that your aunt has a couch like this, both were very unattractive.
“Hey baby come check this out!” You jogged to where Beomgyu was standing holding a frame with an old looking photo inside it. It was a picture of the previous owners, or so you suspected, but your eyes caught something in the corner. “Look, you see that in the corner?”
You nodded, “I was actually just looking at that,” you took the photo from his hands, Beomgyu walking away from you to another room of the house, “What even is that?” You questioned as you moved the picture up and down, a face showing in the corner whenever you moved it up. “Creepy.” You said putting the frame back down. Turning around your eyes followed the flashlight as you moved it around the hall in search of your boyfriend. 
“Beom? Babe?” Your feet seemed to carry you on their own to the direction where you last saw your boyfriend go as the floor creaked under them. Suddenly you turned towards the grand staircase after hearing a thump over there. You tried squinting your eyes to see better while you shined your light towards it. “Hello? Anyone there?”
You now understood the characters in horror movies more when you yourself started walking towards the sound to investigate it. A shiver ran down your spine at the gust of wind that seemed to pass you, carrying your hair with it, yet you saw no open windows anywhere. “Beom if this is you it is not fucking funny!”
A scream fell past your lips at the voice whispering in your ear, then another scream but this time it was not one from you. You ran to the source of the scream you recognised as Beomgyu’s, getting into the room you desperately called his name, shining the light around the room in search of him. Walking over to what seemed like a cabinet you jumped with yet another scream as your boyfriend jumped out yelling, “BOO!”
You put your arm on your heart to steady it’s fast beating as your ass of a boyfriend laughed at your fear stricken face. “You complete idiot,” you hit his shoulder with the flashlight, “You could have given me a heart attack. You know how worried I got when I heard you scream?”
You were pulled into his arms, relaxing when you felt the warmth from him, “I’m sorry babygirl, but that was part of the bet.”
“Ugh I’m killing Yeonjun when we get back to the dorm.” Putting your head on his shoulder you started breathing normally again, scratching your arms. Taking your hand in his, he led the two of you out of the house and back to the dorm.
 “So that thump on the stairs and the voice was you?” You questioned after a few minutes of silent walking.
He looked at you quizzically, “What are you talking about?” 
You rolled your eyes at him, “The thump and voice saying ‘careful’, that was you right?”
He stared blankly at you, “Babe I waited in that room the entire time, I didn’t even walk out until you came in.”
You thought it through, if it wasn't you and it wasn’t Beom, then either you experienced a real paranormal activity or he’s teasing you to scare you more. Deciding on the latter option as the correct one you simply laughed and bumped his shoulder with yours. 
The 25 minute walk passed quickly and soon you were back in the safety and warmth of TXT's dorm. After punching Yeonjun in both his shoulders, you decided to make some hot cocoa for yourself. Grabbing all the ingredients around the kitchen, and the mug from the cupboard, you started making the cocoa. Placing the mug on the counter you went on to heat up the milk. 
Humming you waited for the milk to warm up so you could put the cocoa powder in, except you were cut off from the process by a loud bang which pulled a surprised little scream out of you. Looking towards the source of the bang you found the mug broken on the floor. Many footsteps came towards the direction of the kitchen to see what happened.
"(y/n) everything okay in here?" Soobin's voice spoke first while the rest looked at the mess in front of them. In an instant Beomgyu was next to you and helping you pick up the broken pieces.
You looked at Soobin giving him a short nod, "Yeah, I must've put the mug too close to the edge and it fell off." Throwing away the pieces you pick up another mug, this time keeping a hold on the handle. "Sorry for the mug everyone," you gave them a sheepish smile, scratching your arm.
"It's alright Noona, we have more mugs." Kai waved it off.
"Kai how many times have I told you that you don't have to call me that?"
"Enough for me to remember, but ignore." He laughed, walking to the living room with the others to continue watching the movie.
You felt a hand on your waist, turning to look towards the person you were met with Beomgyu's smile, "Are you sure you're okay?" 
You gave him a smile of your own while nodding your head and a kiss on the cheek for good measures. The night continued on with you watching horror movies, you all finished the movies around midnight, opting on going to sleep as they had a packed schedule tomorrow, even if you tried convincing them they should go earlier. 
You could’ve sworn the dreams you had were placed there to mess with you even more than you already had been through the night. Images of dark hallways that spun in circles, shadows following you and screams emanating from the end of the hallways were swimming in your dreams, pulling you from sleep. 
Opening your eyes after not being able to fall asleep again for who knows how many minutes you slipped from your boyfriend’s arms, scratching your own and looking at his sleeping, peaceful form one more as you left the room to not wake him or any of the members up. Deciding to get a water bottle and turn on the TV to watch something, you got comfortable on the couch, watching until you got tired enough to fall asleep again.
As it seems God wasn’t on your side as you couldn’t even close your eyes without remembering your dream, flashes of the shadows and various other terrifying faces screaming in your face flashed through your eyes, ringing deep in your ears. You dropped the water bottle as you covered your ears in an attempt to drown them out, eyes tearing when none of it stopped, only getting louder. The ringing in your ears was too much, the high pitched screams that made your skin crawl pulled a choked sob from your throat.
As fast as it came it disappeared, leaving you shaking on the couch expecting the worst, expecting something to happen again but nothing did until you uncovered your ears, seeing red on your palms. With a shaking hand you brought it to your ears, feeling a wet spot and when you looked at your fingers you confirmed what you thought.
Rushing to the bathroom you grabbed a clean cloth, soaking it in water as you cleaned the blood that was dripping from your ears. Tears build up in your eyes once again, falling freely down your cheeks as you cried, in confusion, in fear.
Cleaning your ears and making sure they weren’t bleeding anymore you washed your face from tears and to wake you up more, there was no way you could sleep after what just happened and you weren’t even going to try. Drying your face with a towel you looked at yourself in the mirror only to see another face behind you.
Dark bangs covered its eyes but not enough to not see them, it didn’t even have any eyes! Only holed out sockets that were spilling a dark crimson blood from them, its mouth was pulled into a sinister smile showing off the razor sharp teeth that were hiding beneath.
“I told you to be careful, didn’t I?” Its neck cracked painfully to the side, a bone sticking from it. You couldn’t move, couldn’t scream, couldn’t do anything except watch this thing in the mirror. Gathering some courage you glanced behind you only to be met with an empty space where the thing should have been standing. Confused you turned back to the mirror only to see the creature still standing there, still giving you the same sinister smile. 
It started stalking towards you, you desperately looking behind yourself to catch it and back to the mirror as it was moving in closer. A hand was stretched out to you, boney long fingers with sharp nails coming through the mirror to scratch at your cheek.
“Stupid child, you should have never went into the house.” The voice terrified you beyond anything you've seen in horror movies, it opened its mouth, skin around it stretching and breaking until it was opened as large as your head. In one swift motion it clasped its teeth around your head as a scream finally reached from somewhere within you.
The guys woke up when they heard your screams, Beomgyu jumping from his bed to hurry to where you were and they found you on the floor of the bathroom, screaming, crying and thrashing around. Beomgyu was by your side trying to get you to calm down but you wouldn’t let him touch you, screaming whenever you felt a hand on your body. He watched with a heavy heart as you were forced to calm down on your own without being able to hold you close and console you himself.
“Baby are you okay?” Beomgyu asked worriedly.
You looked dead in his eyes before saying, “There was something in the mirror.” A chill went through all five boys, your voice so low and groggy from crying yet so serious at the same time.
Yeonjun’s voice caught your attention as you slowly moved your gaze to his, “What do you mean something was in the mirror? What was?”
You hang your head, your body starting to shake once again. All of them thought you started crying again, until they heard a low laughter coming from you.
Beomgyu grabbed you by your shoulders, “(y/n) baby are you okay?” But the laughter only grew louder.
“Stupid humans,” you jerked your head to look at them, dark crimson blood oozing from your eyes and a menacing smile on your lips, “she’s mine now.”
“Wh-what are you? Leave her alone!” Beom was screaming, tears falling from his eyes. He was shaking the thing’s shoulders because he refused to believe that was still his sweet girlfriend.
“You should watch what house you’re entering next time, Choi Beomgyu.”
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astrablossom · 4 years
Reacting To MC Pulling Out NSFW Part 3
Fandom: Shall We Date? Obey Me!
Character: Leviathan
The MC has a penis. No pronouns are used, 2nd person pov.
You were so strung out from last night's activities you didn't even notice the envious look Levi shot you every second. It just wasn't fair, he kept telling himself. His brows furrow at the memory of you screaming Lucifer's name. He could hear through his headphones and had paused his games to hear better. It was embarrassing for him to admit he might've jerk off to your voice. When he closed his eyes it was almost as if he were right beside you.
But of course it had to be Lucifer. You wouldn't want to be near such a dirty, disgusting, otaku like himself. He pushes his food away and sighs loudly.
"Is something the matter Leviathan?" Lucifer asks and Levi didn't need to look to know his older brother was smirking.
"This is so unfair!" He whines out. Asmodeus nodded in agreement, prodding your cheek. "What did you do to our human Lucifer? It was a question they all knew the answer to.
The whole day was a entire wreck for Leviathan. Not only did he lose in a raid but the days he spent splurging on buying packages to increase the odds of getting special tickets to a concert ended up being for nothing. He was in an irritable mood and was stomping down the hallway not paying attention of what was ahead, his mind far away as he mumbled something that sounded like Ruri-chan. It wasn't until he bumped into you did he look up. You turn around to see Leviathan staring down at your, his eyes wavering.
"Is something wrong-" you didn't get to finish speaking, Leviathan's grip on your hand surprising you. He had a firm grip on your wrist and you look closer to see his eyes dilating akin to a lizard or so.
"It's not fair..."
"What?" His face begins to blossom into a full shade a red and before you know it you're being dragged by the purple haired demon right into his room. Your vision is swept into darkness save for the neon lights that illuminate Henry 2.0's tank. "Did you enjoy it?" The hot breathe beside your neck made goosebumps pop up and you turn to the source, only able to hear the demon's breathing.
There was something incredibly unnerving about your current situation and you felt the need to make some space. As you go to move you pause when something scaly starts to slither up your pants leg.
"Did you enjoy it?" The tone he spoke with wasn't shy anymore. Maybe borderline calm and a hint of anger? Envious? You feel the the snake like appendage making its way up your body, the thicker part slipping around your neck and squeezing just enough that you could still breathe. The edge of his tail poked a bit at your mouth and hesitantly you open it to lick the tip. It was the right course of action since Levi immediately pushed the length of his tail down your throat before pushing you against the back of the door.
"H-Haa...you feel so nice. You must have incredibly low standards if you're doing this right?" The voice teased in the near darkness and all you could do was simply buck against Levi's body, your hands traveling down to his waist and slipping up underneath the sweater. He gasps out in surprise. By this point you'd figured out why Levi had been staring you down all day and decided that you would show him some appreciation. Carefully you run your hands under his sweater, squeezing the soft pudginess his body had to offer. He felt so soft and you hum against his tail, enjoying the small moan he let's out.
Nimble fingers travel around his body and Leviathan could slowly feel himself losing himself to the touch, small gasps erupting when you cup his chest. He pulls his tail out your mouth, salivia parting from the tip and your lips.
"Levi, were you jealous?" You asked in a low and husky tone, your fingers pressing softly against his semi budding nipples.
"N-no..." he moans out, completely confused at how the tables turned. You chuckle softly and move to kiss whatever part of his face you'd touch.
"If you want my attention then you'll have to work for it."
Your vision was still dark as you now lay on the bed naked. But this time your vision was hidden because of the blindfold you wore, he didn't want you to see him in such a gross state. Your legs were spread open as you awaited for Leviathan to do as he wanted with you.
It was only mere moments until you felt the slickness of a thick appendage wrapping around you, reflexes forcing your hip to buck. Was this his tongue? It was far different from what you experienced before. It wrapped around you like a hand and it felt thicker than usual. Either way you let out a soft shudder as Leviathan begins running his tongue up from the base and to the tip, the split in his tongue flickering over the sensitive slit.
Moans started to fill the room, mostly yours as you started to buck around in the warmth of his mouth. "L-Leviathan- ah damn...you better hurry up-" your toes curl and you grip the sheets tightly when Leviathan moans in response, the vibrations doing wonders as he drags his teeth against the throbbing veins on your cock. He pulls off with a small pop and you wished you could see his expression as you sense him hovering over you. You bet he was embarrassed, his face a heavy shade of red. How adorable.
Because you currently wasn't using your sight you had to rely on you ears, the sound of Leviathan breathing over you, the slight shuffles of the sheets made you very aware of what was about to happen.
"You ready?" You wait patiently as you hear a small yes and exhale when sweaty palms grab your dick, directing into another very tight hole. The moan you let out was so loud and long, it made Leviathan blush. He was the one who made you moan. Him.
"You're really big..." he closes his eyes and adjusts to the stretch before placing his arms on both sides of you, lifting his ass up and slamming it down onto your swollen cock. You grit your teeth, head turning sideways as he makes a quick pace.
It wouldn't be long until precum started to dribble from his cocks, the mess getting on your stomach but you didn't care. Your dick felt extremely sensitive in his hole and your body was already showing signs of coming close to a orgasm. Cussing, you blindly reach a hand out and push Levi off, your cock slipping and bouncing in the air as you exhale.
"Levi I'm so-" you go to reach for the blindfold on your face only to feel a hand shoving you back down. The sudden move made you still and you stress your ears to listen to the low growl coming from Leviathan. A chill runs down your spine.
Exasperated, the demon climbs back up on you but not to slip you in him. No, he decided to move further up and you could smell the salt scent of precum near your mouth. Confused you tilt your head up when you feel Leviathan prying your jaw open with his fingers.
"It's really unfair...I was just about to cum and you go ahead and pull me off!" He pushes a sharp finger in you mouth, enjoying how your tongue felt against his index finger. "You'll do this for me right? No you have to! It only seems right anyways." And with that you feel your mouth being opened even wider, you jerking up suddenly when two large objects enter your mouth. You gag against whatever it was, your hands flying to grip Levi's waist so you can at least breathe a bit better. When you move a hand to touch what was in your mouth, your eyebrows rise up from under the blindfold.
Oh. That was his cock. Two of them.
The sudden push in your mouth made you whine softly, precum dripping into your throat as you suck the best you could. Leviathan, strangely more dominant, sighed from above as he rocks himself in your mouth. Carefully you rub your tongue over whatever you could, taking your time as you suck down both cocks that were stretching your mouth. Ignoring your own needs, you realize the stretch was unavoidable and you were sure you wouldn't be able to speak after this. You make a reminder to never piss Leviathan off again when suddenly he grabs your head tightly, the only warning you received before he plowed into your mouth.
You couldn't speak for the next few days. And Leviathan kept avoiding eye contact when you walked in the room. Anytime the the brothers tried to hold a conversation all you could do was shake your head or write what you needed. And secretly Leviathan wasn't even upset about that.
Next: Belphegor
Lucifer Asmodeus Mammon Satan Beelzebub Diavolo Simeon Solomon Barbatos
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