#how do you stay current with the latest technology
wordstome · 8 months
how c.ai works and why it's unethical
Okay, since the AI discourse is happening again, I want to make this very clear, because a few weeks ago I had to explain to a (well meaning) person in the community how AI works. I'm going to be addressing people who are maybe younger or aren't familiar with the latest type of "AI", not people who purposely devalue the work of creatives and/or are shills.
The name "Artificial Intelligence" is a bit misleading when it comes to things like AI chatbots. When you think of AI, you think of a robot, and you might think that by making a chatbot you're simply programming a robot to talk about something you want them to talk about, and it's similar to an rp partner. But with current technology, that's not how AI works. For a breakdown on how AI is programmed, CGP grey made a great video about this several years ago (he updated the title and thumbnail recently)
I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you watch this because CGP Grey is good at explaining, but the tl;dr for this post is this: bots are made with a metric shit-ton of data. In C.AI's case, the data is writing. Stolen writing, usually scraped fanfiction.
How do we know chatbots are stealing from fanfiction writers? It knows what omegaverse is [SOURCE] (it's a Wired article, put it in incognito mode if it won't let you read it), and when a Reddit user asked a chatbot to write a story about "Steve", it automatically wrote about characters named "Bucky" and "Tony" [SOURCE].
I also said this in the tags of a previous reblog, but when you're talking to C.AI bots, it's also taking your writing and using it in its algorithm: which seems fine until you realize 1. They're using your work uncredited 2. It's not staying private, they're using your work to make their service better, a service they're trying to make money off of.
"But Bucca," you might say. "Human writers work like that too. We read books and other fanfictions and that's how we come up with material for roleplay or fanfiction."
Well, what's the difference between plagiarism and original writing? The answer is that plagiarism is taking what someone else has made and simply editing it or mixing it up to look original. You didn't do any thinking yourself. C.AI doesn't "think" because it's not a brain, it takes all the fanfiction it was taught on, mixes it up with whatever topic you've given it, and generates a response like in old-timey mysteries where somebody cuts a bunch of letters out of magazines and pastes them together to write a letter.
(And might I remind you, people can't monetize their fanfiction the way C.AI is trying to monetize itself. Authors are very lax about fanfiction nowadays: we've come a long way since the Anne Rice days of terror. But this issue is cropping back up again with BookTok complaining that they can't pay someone else for bound copies of fanfiction. Don't do that either.)
Bottom line, here are the problems with using things like C.AI:
It is using material it doesn't have permission to use and doesn't credit anybody. Not only is it ethically wrong, but AI is already beginning to contend with copyright issues.
C.AI sucks at its job anyway. It's not good at basic story structure like building tension, and can't even remember things you've told it. I've also seen many instances of bots saying triggering or disgusting things that deeply upset the user. You don't get that with properly trigger tagged fanworks.
Your work and your time put into the app can be taken away from you at any moment and used to make money for someone else. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people who use AI panic about accidentally deleting a bot that they spent hours conversing with. Your time and effort is so much more stable and well-preserved if you wrote a fanfiction or roleplayed with someone and saved the chatlogs. The company that owns and runs C.AI can not only use whatever you've written as they see fit, they can take your shit away on a whim, either on purpose or by accident due to the nature of the Internet.
DON'T USE C.AI, OR AT THE VERY BARE MINIMUM DO NOT DO THE AI'S WORK FOR IT BY STEALING OTHER PEOPLES' WORK TO PUT INTO IT. Writing fanfiction is a communal labor of love. We share it with each other for free for the love of the original work and ideas we share. Not only can AI not replicate this, but it shouldn't.
(also, this goes without saying, but this entire post also applies to ai art)
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stylesispunk · 3 months
"But daddy I love him"
ceo!Joel Miller x f!reader
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summary: you made up a lie involving joel for the sake of both your companies. What would come out from all of this?
wc: 3k.
warnings: age gap and grammar mistakes because I didn't check my writing.
a/n: this is the mess that comes from my mind after a week of migraines and being sick. The idea is corny and stupid but I had fun and I know the rest is going to be fun too, so I hope you like it. (please read before I regretted it and delete) Reblogs and comments are always appreciated. Happy reading 💌
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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You sat at the head of the sleek conference table, your fingers drumming lightly against the polished surface. The room buzzed with a low hum of voice as the team discussed the latest financial reports and projections. Your mind, however, was elsewhere, focused on the challenge that lay ahead.
The company your father had built from the ground up was now facing unprecedented challenges. Competitors were closing in, and technological advancements were outpacing their current capabilities. Despite their best efforts, it was becoming clear that you needed a strategic partnership to stay afloat.
“Okay, what do you think?" John, the CFO, interrupted your thoughts.
You straightened in your chair, pushing a strand of auburn hair behind your ear. "I think we need to consider all options," you replied firmly. "Including a merger."
The room fell silent. Your suggestion hung in the air, heavy with implications. Everyone knew who you were referring to—Miller Enterprises, your fiercest rival.
"But your father..." John began, hesitating.
You raised a hand to silence him. "I know my father has strong feelings about Joel Miller. But we have to look at this objectively. Our future depends on it."
You could see the doubt in their eyes and the unspoken questions. How could they convince your father, a man known for his stubbornness and pride, to collaborate with the one person he despised the most?
The tension in the room was palpable as the team exchanged uneasy glances. You could almost hear the gears turning in their minds, trying to process the audacity of your proposal. The silence stretched on, heavy and suffocating, until finally, John spoke up again.
He called you by your first name to emphasize the gravity of the situation: "Do you really think there's any chance your father would agree to this? Joel Miller is his sworn enemy. They've been at each other's throats for years."
You nodded, taking a deep breath. "I know it's a long shot. I think their beef is stupid. I mean, my father hates Joel, and whatever the issue, they shouldn’t have passed it on to his son. And we have to at least try. If we don't, Carter Industries might not survive the next year."
Another voice chimed in, this time from Samantha, the head of marketing. "And what about Joel? Even if your father agrees, will Joel go along with it?"
"That's what I intend to find out," you said resolutely. "I'll speak to him tonight at the tech conference. We need to at least open a dialogue."
The room gradually filled with murmurs of reluctant agreement. The plan was risky, but it was the only viable option. The meeting concluded with cautious optimism, and you returned to your office to prepare for the evening.
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Later that evening, you attended a tech conference at the Grand Hilton Hotel. The ballroom was filled with industry leaders, investors, and innovators, all mingling under the glittering chandeliers. You moved through the crowd with practiced ease, exchanging pleasantries and making mental notes of potential allies.
As you reached the bar, you spotted a familiar figure—Joel Miller. Tall, with a commanding presence and sharp features, Joel was in deep conversation with a group of executives. His eyes met yours briefly, and for a moment, you saw a flicker of surprise before his usual confident expression returned.
You couldn’t lie and say that the man hadn’t caught your attention; since the first time you saw him, you developed a crush on him, looking from afar at how he had been able to save his father’s company after he got sick, which was something you truly admired from him. However, the man seemed to be despicable, only showing cold behavior in front of others and in front of you; after all, you were the daughter of the man, whom he hated the most, and you had to pay for the sins of old men.
With twelve years ahead of you, Joel never took anything you did seriously. For him, you were the spoiled little brat daughter of his enemy.
Your name came out of his lips in such a sultry voice that your back arched. You turned around to face him, and he greeted you with a wry smile as you reached him.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked.
"Joel," you replied coolly, matching his tone. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"It's always good to keep an eye on the competition," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "I was hoping we could talk," you said instead, lowering your voice. "Privately."
Joel raised an eyebrow but nodded. He excused himself from his group and led you to a quieter corner of the room. The ambient noise of the conference faded slightly, giving you a semblance of privacy.
"Alright, what's this about?" he asked, his tone more serious now.
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. "Our companies are in trouble, Joel.”
He widens his eyes at you, surprised.
“Yes, I know your company is in trouble, Joel. and we need to merge if we want to survive."
Joel's expression hardened, with a flicker of skepticism in his eyes. "You know as well as I do that your father will never agree to that."
"I'm aware," you admitted, your voice steady. "But I also know that you're smart enough to see the potential benefits. We need to find a way to make this work."
He studied you for a moment, his gaze intense. "And how do you propose we convince our fathers to set aside their differences and agree to this merger?"
Before you could answer, a waiter approached with a tray of champagne flutes. You each took one, the pause giving you a moment to gather your thoughts.
"We'll need to present a united front," you said finally. "Show them that we're serious and that this is the best option for both companies."
Joel took a sip of his champagne, considering your words. "And how do you suggest we do that?"
Your mind raced, searching for a solution that would make your proposal more palatable to your father. The idea came to you suddenly, reckless and desperate, but it was the only one that seemed even remotely feasible.
"We tell them we're having a baby," you said, the words rushing out before you could second-guess yourself.
Joel choked on his champagne, his eyes wide with shock. "What?!"
"It's not true, of course," you hurriedly explained. "But if they believe it, it might just be enough to make them put aside their differences and agree to the merger."
You held your breath as Joel's reaction sank in. His wide-eyed shock was exactly what you had expected, though it didn't make it any easier to withstand.
"It's the only way they'll take us seriously," you explained quickly, your voice low but urgent. "If they think there's a future together—both personally and professionally—they'll have no choice but to consider the merger."
Joel wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, disbelief still etched on his face. "You're suggesting we lie about something as serious as a baby? Do you have any idea how insane that sounds?"
"I know it's drastic," you admitted, stepping closer to ensure no one could overhear. "But think about it. They'd be forced to put aside their grudges for the sake of a grandchild. And once the merger is complete, we can come clean. By then, it will be too late to undo anything."
He stared at you, the intensity of his gaze making your heart pound in your chest. "And what if they find out before then? What if they never forgive us for the deception?"
You shrugged, trying to seem more confident than you felt. "It's a risk, yes. But it's a risk we have to take if we want to save our companies."
Joel ran a hand through his hair, his eyes never leaving yours. You could see the wheels turning in his mind as he weighed the pros and cons of your reckless plan. Finally, he sighed, a mixture of frustration and reluctant agreement in his expression.
"Alright," he said slowly. "We'll do it your way. But this better work, or we'll both end up paying for this."
You nodded, the weight of Joel's reluctant agreement settling over you. "Thank you, Joel. I promise, this will work."
He glanced around the room, ensuring no one was eavesdropping. "So, what's our next move?"
"We need to act fast," you replied. "We'll call a meeting with both our fathers and present the news together. We have to be completely united in this."
Joel's eyes narrowed. “And how is your father going to act when he finds out I touched his daughter?” he asked.
You took a deep breath, recognizing the concern in Joel's question. "I know my father is protective," you admitted, "but that's why we need to handle this delicately. We need to present a united front and show them that this decision is ours, not something forced upon us."
Joel's eyes remained fixed on you, the intensity of his gaze making your heart pound. "And what if he reacts badly?”
"That's a risk we have to take," you replied firmly. "But if we approach this with honesty and determination, they'll see that we are serious about our future—both personal and professional. They might be angry at first, but eventually they'll come around."
Joel sighed, rubbing his temples. "You’re a fucking child, and so stupid.”
Joel’s harsh words stung, but you squared your shoulders and met his gaze steadily. "Maybe I am," you said quietly, "but I’m willing to take this risk because I believe it’s the right thing to do. For our companies, for our future."
He looked at you for a long moment, frustration etched on his face, but something else too—perhaps a grudging respect for your determination. "Fine," he muttered finally. "We'll do it your way. But don’t expect me to protect you if this blows up in our faces."
"I don’t need your protection," you replied, your voice steady. "I need your cooperation."
Joel's eyes flickered with something that might have been respect, but he quickly masked it with a scowl. "Alright, then," he said, his voice resigned but firm. "Let's get this over with."
The following evening, you arranged a dinner meeting with both fathers at an upscale restaurant, choosing a private room to avoid any public scenes. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and unspoken tension as you and Joel waited for your fathers to arrive.
When your father entered, his eyes immediately narrowed upon seeing Joel. "What is he doing here?" he demanded.
"Please, Dad, sit down," you said calmly. "We have something important to discuss."
Mr. Miller arrived shortly after; his expression equally grim. "This better be good," he said, his tone icy.
Joel and you exchanged a brief, reassuring glance before addressing the room. "Dad, Mr. Miller, we have some news that will affect both our families and our companies," Joel began. "We need you to listen with an open mind."
Your father crossed his arms, suspicion evident in his eyes. "Get on with it."
You took a deep breath, bracing yourself. "Joel and I... we’re having a baby."
The reaction was immediate. Your father's face turned a deep shade of red, his eyes widening in shock and anger. "What did you just say?" he thundered.
Mr. Miller's expression was a mix of disbelief and confusion. "This better not be some kind of joke."
"It's not a joke," you said firmly, trying to maintain your composure. "Joel and I are expecting a child. We understand this is unexpected, but we believe this is an opportunity for both our families and companies to come together."
Your father's hands clenched into fists, his voice shaking with fury. "You...you betrayed me. With him."
"Dad, please," you pleaded. "Think about the future. Our child deserves a stable, united family. And our companies need to work together to survive."
You still had no idea of the phantoms your father withe
Mr. Miller, though still shocked, seemed to be processing the information more rationally. "If what you're saying is true, then perhaps we need to reconsider our priorities. For the sake of the future."
Your father glared at him. "You're willing to forgive and forget just like that?"
Mr. Miller met his gaze steadily. "For the sake of a grandchild and the future of our companies, yes. We need to find a way to move forward."
The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Finally, your father exhaled, his shoulders sagging in defeat. "Fine. For now, we'll discuss this further. But know this: if either of you are lying, there will be consequences."
You nodded, the weight of your father's warning settling heavily on your shoulders. "Thank you, Dad. We promise this is for the best."
Joel gave your hand a reassuring squeeze, his grip firm but gentle. "We'll make this work, Sir. I promise."
The tension in the room remained thick, but the initial storm of emotions had passed. The fathers exchanged a few more guarded words, agreeing to meet again to discuss the logistics of a potential merger. As they stood to leave, your father pulled you aside, his face a mix of worry and anger.
"I hope you know what you're doing," he said quietly. "This isn't just about business. It's your life, too."
"I know, Dad," you replied softly. "But I believe this is the right choice. For all of us."
With a reluctant nod, he let you go, and you watched as both fathers left the room, the weight of their expectations pressing down on you.
Joel turned to you, his expression a mix of relief and residual frustration. "Well, that went...better than expected."
You managed a small smile. "Yeah. Now we just have to figure out how to make this convincing."
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Please don’t say we need to spend more time together”
Joel's words hung in the air; his frustration evident. You took a deep breath, trying to maintain your composure. "I know this isn't ideal," you said gently, "but we need to make this believable. Our fathers need to see that we're serious."
Joel rubbed his temples, a look of resignation on his face. “They know how babies are made, but fine.” he muttered. "What's the plan?"
"We need to start spending time together publicly," you explained. "Go to events, be seen together, and show that we're committed. We also need to have private moments where our fathers can see us interacting genuinely."
Joel looked at you, his expression softening slightly. "Alright. But let's make this as painless as possible."
You nodded in agreement. "We'll keep it professional and focused on the goal. We don't have to be best friends, but we need to convince them that we're building something real."
“But please, don’t make it public” he begged. “I need to sort some things out first”
You recognized the seriousness in Joel's tone and nodded, understanding his request. "Of course," you replied softly. "We'll keep it low-key for now. Just focus on sorting things out on your end, and when you're ready, we can gradually start making our relationship more public."
The next day, you found yourself immersed in a crucial meeting, discussing the finer details of the potential merger with key stakeholders. Despite the weight of the situation, you maintained your composure and focused on the task at hand.
As the meeting progressed, an urgent knock echoed through the door, interrupting the discussion. You glanced up, surprised to see Joel standing in the doorway, his expression stormy.
"Joel, what are you doing here?" you asked, your voice tinged with concern.
He strode into the room, his jaw clenched with barely contained anger. "We need to talk," he said tersely, his gaze fixed on you.
Sensing the gravity of the situation, you excused yourself from the meeting, motioning for Joel to follow you to your office. The tension in the air was palpable as you closed the door behind you, bracing yourself for whatever news had prompted Joel's unexpected visit.
"What's wrong?" you asked, your voice laced with apprehension.
Joel paced the room, his frustration evident in every movement. "Your father," he began, his voice tight with anger. "He's made the news public. He's announcing our supposed relationship to the world."
Shock rippled through you at the revelation. "What? But we agreed to keep it low-key until you were ready."
Joel's expression darkened. "Clearly, your father had other plans. He's blindsided us, and now our private arrangement is splashed across every news outlet."
Your heart sank as you processed the implications of your father's actions. "I can't believe he would do this," you muttered, a mix of disbelief and betrayal washing over you.
Joel stopped pacing, his gaze locking on yours. "You need to deal with this now!” he said, pointing at you.
"Okay, what's so wrong?" you asked, trying to maintain a calm demeanor despite the rising panic within you.
Joel's eyes bore into yours; his frustration was palpable. "Do you realize what this means? Our private agreement is all out in the open now. We're going to be scrutinized and judged, and God knows what else."
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing thoughts. "I understand the gravity of the situation, Joel. But you can't panic. We need to think rationally and come up with a plan to handle this."
He scoffed with a bitter edge to his tone. "And what plan do you propose? The damage is done. We need to contain this before it spirals out of control."
"Why are you asking so crazily about it?" you questioned, a hint of confusion in your voice. "We're in this together, Joel. We need to focus on finding a solution."
Joel's frustration seemed to reach a boiling point as he paced the room, his movements tense and agitated. "Because," he finally spat out, his voice laced with bitterness, "I have a girlfriend, and she's not too pleased about being dragged into this mess."
Shock washed over you as his words sank in. "Wait, what? You have a girlfriend?"
He shot you a withering look, his anger barely contained. "Yes, I have a girlfriend," he snapped. "And she's not exactly thrilled about the fact that I'm supposedly having a baby with you, of all people."
The revelation hit you like a punch to the gut. You had never considered the possibility that Joel might be involved with someone else. The realization that you had unwittingly become entangled in his personal life only added to the chaos of the situation.
"I had no idea," you murmured, feeling a surge of guilt wash over you. "I'm so sorry, Joel. I never meant for any of this to happen."
He scoffed, his expression filled with scorn. "Well, it did happen. And now we're both in this mess, thanks to your brilliant idea.”
He scoffed with a bitter edge to his tone. "And what plan do you propose? The damage is done. We need to contain this before it spirals out of control."
"Why are you asking so crazily about it?" you questioned, a hint of confusion in your voice. "We're in this together, Joel. We need to focus on finding a solution."
Joel's frustration seemed to reach a boiling point as he paced the room, his movements tense and agitated. "Because," he finally spat out, his voice laced with bitterness, "I have a girlfriend, and she's not too pleased about being dragged into this mess."
Shock washed over you as his words sank in. "Wait, what? You have a girlfriend?"
He shot you a withering look, his anger barely contained. "Yes, I have a girlfriend," he snapped. "And she's not exactly thrilled about the fact that I'm supposedly in a fake relationship with you, of all people."
The revelation hit you like a punch to the gut. You had never considered the possibility that Joel might be involved with someone else. The realization that you had unwittingly become entangled in his personal life only added to the chaos of the situation.
You swallowed hard, the weight of Joel's words settling heavily on your shoulders. "I understand," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I never meant to cause any harm, Joel. I thought…”
“You didn’t think! That’s the  problem." He snapped, “You’re a spoiled woman, just as I always thought, and you don’t care about anything or anyone.”
Joel's words cut deep, slicing through your defenses like a razor-sharp blade. The accusation stung, and you felt a surge of pain and frustration rise within you.
"I do care, Joel," you protested, your voice shaking with emotion. "I care about our companies and about our futures. I thought I was doing what was necessary to save them."
He scoffed; his expression hardened with resentment. "Save them? You're willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to get what you want, aren't you? Including my relationship, my life?"
Tears welled up in your eyes, a mixture of guilt and anguish clouding your vision. "No, that's not true," you whispered, your voice trembling. "I never wanted to hurt you, Joel. I never wanted any of this."
He shook his head, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Don’t you dare to cry when you were the one who came up with this idea?”
Joel's words hit you like a punch to the gut, intensifying the ache of guilt and regret that had already weighed heavily on you. His anger was palpable, his frustration tangible, and you felt utterly defenseless in the face of his accusation.
"I'm sorry," you choked out, your voice barely above a whisper. "I never meant for any of this to happen. I never wanted to hurt you or anyone else."
His expression softened slightly, but the anger still smoldered in his eyes. "I know," he said, his voice gentler now. “I’m sorry for talking to you that way... It’s just... this girl; I haven’t felt this way about someone, and I don’t want to lose it because of you.”
Tension hung heavy in the air as Joel's words lingered between you. The raw honesty in his confession took you aback, softening the edges of your own guilt and remorse.
"I understand," you replied, your voice tinged with empathy. "I never intended to come between you and anyone else. I just wanted to do what was best for our companies."
Joel nodded, a sense of resignation settling over him. "I know," he murmured, his gaze drifting to the floor. "But we're in this mess now, and we need to figure out how to fix it."
You nodded in agreement, a shared determination filling the space between you. "We'll find a way," you promised, reaching out to place a hand on his arm. "Together."
As your hand made contact with Joel's arm, you both felt a sudden jolt of electricity shoot through the air, a tangible spark igniting between you. His gaze lifted from the floor to meet yours, and in that moment, you both sensed a shift in the atmosphere.
Joel's expression softened a flicker of something unreadable dancing in his eyes. For a brief moment, the world's weight seemed to lift from your shoulders as you stood there, connected by a string that threatened to pull the both of you together.
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myouicieloz · 10 months
Irene and you have been together for the past couple months, but have only gone as far as making out. But, this time is different and you tell her that you’re ready to go all the way, which leads to your first time together.(smut)
Show me how
Bae Joohyun x reader
Warnings: smut, nsfw
Word count: 2.9k
Notes: sorry for the wait!!! i wanted this to be sweet and cozy, almost like a hug from someone dear yk? i hope it is to your liking <3
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Dating Irene was like a summer breeze: it was easy, fresh, and cozy, just like feeling the sun on your skin, after spending too much time locked up at home. Unlike your past relationships, you felt completely comfortable talking to her about anything. You were always on the same page, and you couldn’t help but fall in love with her more and more each day as you observed her kind, caring and cheerful nature.
Even though you have dated people before, you’ve never gone too far beyond just a few kisses or touches, simply too insecure and scared to be that exposed in front of others. Besides, you’ve never actually trusted any of your past partners, either. They were clearly only using you for your body and your fame— trying to prove a point by attempting to ruin the shy, reserved girl from the group. As much as you knew that was how most of them saw you: merely a prize, waiting to be conquered, you couldn’t help but to feel used and lost, wondering if the problem wasn’t, in fact, yourself.
Which was the reason you were so insecure about evolving things with Joohyun, ever since you’ve started dating.
Truth be told, most of your hesitancy came as a way of protecting yourself. Being thrown into the industry by your parents so young— first as a child model, then as a trainee, and even now, as a senior idol— has pushed a lingering feeling of being constantly displayed to others on your skin, since that’s how you’ve always felt: exposed to tabloids and cameras in every way dimmed possible, from such a young age. Your whole life, ever since childhood, has always been rushed. Not once did you remember not being pushed to do things or act more mature than your age. In response to that, building up rough boundaries and ensuring your own peace and quietude were the first things you did, as soon as you managed to obtain full control of your life and your actions. You so desperately needed it; you’d accept nothing to be rushed, at least not anymore.
Which was why Irene and you were so perfectly matched. You felt it from the first time you were introduced to each other, through Joy.
You’d been talking nonchalantly in the girl’s parents’ cafe when Irene barged in, making you immediately drawn to her— as were everyone else at the establishment. She simply had such an angelical aura: like an untouched piece of marble, beautiful to look at, and too exquisite to touch.
“I think you’d get along well. You both seem like you need some company, you know.” Joy’s words made you both laugh awkwardly, at the time. Yet, she was right, in the end. Both of you had been alone for many years, longing for something that just seemed impossible to find in the current days. At least, not with such a technological world and people’s routine being so energetic, frantic, and intense.
After your first encounter, mediated by Sooyoung, you started seeing each other frequently. You enjoyed talking about art, and she’d even agreed to join you in your latest hobby: ceramics. The two of you spent hours together, getting messy with clay, laughing, going on coffee dates and walks in parks that were full of green— your favorite color, she quickly learned. It was easy to be in Irene’s presence, and, for you, it had been even easier to fall in love with her.
You shared sweet kisses by moonlight, stayed up until late watching the stars, and for the first time in so long, life felt right to you; like it wasn’t made of demands or expectations that left a bitter feeling in your guts.
For once, you felt as bright and happy as a butterfly, in a garden full of flowers. With Irene, life had a meaning, a purpose.
She’s also been nothing but respectful to you in all those months you’ve been dating, too. Not even once had she pressed you about sex, always making sure you were comfortable with everything and ensuring you two talked out your issues and boundaries. You got to know each other deeply before your bodies interlocked, and that was something you’ve never had with your previous relationships. You loved Joohyun for who she was: the kind, attentive, caring leader and friend with so many deep interests and hobbies. You could spend the rest of your days with her and still feel like there were so many parts of her to unravel. She was indeed pure art, an untouched angel.
And, while it had been crucial for you to take things slow, you now realized you truly felt ready to take a further step into your relationship. She was patient, calm, and just what you needed. As you stare at Irene, chatting ever so sweetly with her bandmates, your chest fills with warmth, knowing how much you absolutely adored being hers and how lucky you were to have her to yourself. You trusted your girlfriend more than anything in the world, and you desired her so, so much— in every way dimmed possible.
With that, couldn’t help but to gawk at her body as she walked towards the bar built in Yeri’s garden, the wooden structure put up to celebrate the maknae’s birthday. It was a simple and reserved celebration, yet your eyes were practically undressing your girlfriend right in the middle of the garden, for everyone to see.
You wanted her badly, like you’ve never wanted anything else in your life. And it’s not like you needed anything else, either. Not when you had her, making you feel so safe and secure. So right in a world full of wrongs.
Irene must’ve noticed the frown on your face— as you’ve always been pretty expressive— because she approached you quickly, placing her free hand on your waist in a delicate motion, “Hey, is everything ok?”
You take the drink she’s been holding in your hands and take a sip, nodding, “It’s all good. I’d like to go home, though. Do you think Yeri would be sad about it?”
You watch your girlfriend’s brows furrow, scanning your body in search of any signs of discomfort. When she doesn’t find any, her expression turns even more confused.
“I mean, we’ve just sang her happy birthday, and the girls wanted to—” You cut her by brushing her long, thick hair off her shoulders, fingers hovering her elbows as you bite your cheek to suppress a smile, once you feel her shiver. You’ve never touched her like this, specially in a semi-public space. Sure, you’ve fooled around many times, but you’ve never presented yourself with such assertiveness, such hunger.
Irene gulps. She feels her self-control escaping her body when your mouth brushes hers, mint breath caressing her skin. Yet, your sultry lips never found her mouth, and Joohyun finds herself opening her eyes— never even realizing when she closed them.
“Home, please?” You ask again, making a show of sipping on her drink. Irene’s gaze follows your mouth— all of her focus on the way you suck on the straw: so eagerly… much inappropriate for the scenery.
Safe to say, you find yourself humming happily in your girlfriend’s car not even five minutes later, as Irene eyes you suspiciously from the driver’s seat.
Despite nearly dying of curiosity, Irene doesn’t utter a word until you’ve arrived at your massive house, eyes still narrowed at your direction as if she expects you to regret your decision and tell her to go back to Yeri’s place immediately. She’s absolutely conscious of the anticipation working its way on her skin; it heats her to the core, and soon enough, it becomes impossible for her to stay put. Just the thought of having you, being the one who has the privilege to touch you, unravel you, make your eyes roll in pleasure… It’s enough for her panties to dampen and her hands close into fists, preventing herself from grabbing you by the hips and fucking you.
She licks her lips, staring at you through her lashes, still expecting. You’re the one in charge; with one word, your girlfriend will grant you all of your darkest, dirtiest wishes. The only thing you have to do is ask. Say it, even, and it’s yours.
You know it as much, as you interlock your fingers with hers and take your time going up the stairs, through the hallways as you kiss Irene without rush, ravishing her taste and her sweet, plumpy lips.
“I want you, Joohyun.” You breathe, guiding your girlfriend onto the mattress as you take your time untying your dress, letting it fall down your shoulders at its own pace. Even though you find yourself bare in front of her, you don’t feel threatened in the slightest. “Want you to make me feel good.”
If anything, you can only feel safe, respected, and loved. Feelings you’ve spent so long searching for. Far too long.
She extends her hand to you, holding you with such tenderness it nearly makes you melt on the spot. Soon, you find yourself under her, being smothered with kisses that trail down your chin to your neck and chest. However, Irene’s warm mouth stops just before touching you— to grant you plenty of time to process it all through, most certainly.
In fact, the words that brush past her lips reassure you of that, as she looks up, tone bearing a hint of hesitance. As much as she was nearly jointing with need, she wanted you to be completely clear of your wishes, “Are you really sure?”
You nod. “The most I’ve been in my entire life.” You murmur, scratching her scalp. Your touch is both reassuring and demanding, bringing her closer to your skin.
You let out a loud moan once her mouth is finally on you, and God was it worth the wait. Her saliva-soaked kisses leave a trail down your abdomen until every inch of skin is hers, and she’s reached your thighs. Her eyes are dark and don’t leave your piercing gaze, either, as she lowers herself until she’s reached your core.
You can tell she’s studying you: taking note of every touch, every kiss that has you gasping and stuttering. Irene takes delight in testing your preferences, attuning herself to what pleasures you the most. Ravishing herself with your body’s reactions, like the attentive woman she is.
“You are too beautiful, my love” She praises, grabbing both of your legs as she opens them, now presenting you completely exposed to her. You try to close them, involuntarily, but Irene shushes you, pecking the inner skin until you’ve relaxed enough for her to start teasing, once again. It’s only then that she bites, and even though her teeth barely sink in, it’s enough for you to jerk your body forward, a surprised gasp evading your lips.
It makes her laugh, adding another memory to her mind. “You’re sensitive, pretty girl.”
It’s the way she hums that provokes such sensations out of your body, you decide. The precise pressure her lithe fingers apply to your waist, the way she palms your breasts, twisting and pinching your nipples until they’re red enough to her liking— each time a little harder, to entice a louder moan. She’s playing with you as she wishes; as she’s always dreamed of, and it’s driving you absolutely crazy. You’re drenched, and Irene hasn’t even touched you properly.
She gathers your wetness with two of her fingers, going up and down on your slit until she’s gathered enough coat that she finds them sticky, noticeably wet. Only when she’s deemed enough, her fingers leave your sex and find their way onto her mouth, sucking without any rush. Your own throat starts to water as she does so, her eagerness dense enough to make you divert your gaze, feeling your face heatening up. You don’t keep your looks averted for long, since those same fingers gently tap your lips, gagging you as far as they can without making you choke.
“I’ll take care of you, Y/n.” She whispers, with her thumb caressing your mouth, encouraging you to continue. Which you do, with your eyes never leaving her hungry gaze.
Once she decides you’ve done your job of cleaning well enough, Irene’s attention returns to your pussy, as she lowers herself once again to your core.
“Do you want me here?” She blows on your cunt, smiling against your skin as she hears your loud whines. She does not pity you at all though, placing a languid, slurpy kiss on your pussy before moaning, too. This was heaven, for both of you, “Or perhaps here?”
You were sure you were mumbling too many incoherences, now. Not that you cared, anyway. You couldn’t, not with the way her nails were scratching your skin so gently, or her own wet, loud grunts that reverberated onto your pussy and made you see stars, not a single thought going through your mind. All you could think of was how desperately you needed to cum, how ardently you wish Irene’s mouth never leaves your skin.
You feel her hot breath fade from between your thighs. Thankfully, her fingers find their way to your dripping cunt before you even manage to whine, the mix of sensations making you press yourself onto her hand, so she’d reach further. You loved her so much. You needed more.
“S-so good.” You murmur, lost in pleasure. As soon as you close your eyes, dropping your head back to deepen your sensations, Irene places kisses onto your abdomen, now going all the way up until your lips interlock in a slow, deep kiss.
“Don’t close your eyes, my love.” She whispers, with her fingers still working onto building up on your pleasure. She squeezes one of your breasts as she says so, enticing another particularly loud moan from you—just as she intended to. Your sounds were the most heavenly melodies to her, and Irene simply couldn’t believe she’s spent a lifetime without hearing them. “Look at me when I fuck you. Fuck- you’re so tight, dearest.”
The low pitch in her voice makes you clench, humming as you keep your eyes on her.
Irene’s fingers are knuckles deep inside you, her rhythm intensifying as she nearly retreats them fully from your cunt to ram on you again. Your back arches, and she licks her lips, drinking from your reactions. It’s nearly unbearable, to have such focus on yourself; her sole attention, adoring and memorizing every inch of your body in her mind. Her gaze, so hungry yet compose, her light kisses on your burning skin, and her thumb brushing your clit without paying much attention to it—it all works you up to a hard, shaking orgasm. You can feel the waves of pleasure building up in your cunt, yet you can’t seem to muster the right words to tell Irene just that. It’s all glossy and unfocused, not even enough air to calm you down from the orgasm you can sense that is so soon.
“D-don’t stop, please. Oh my fucking— don’t stop, ’so close,” You manage to utter, gripping your girlfriend’s hair ever so desperately.
She does feel you, though. Before you even say it. Irene can tell, from the way your pussy clenches, tightening around her hold. “Come, princess. For me.”
The permission was all you needed to reach your high, and you nearly get overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure you feel. It escalates to your whole body until you find yourself as a trembling mess, chest moving frantically to adjust your fast breathing. You let out an even louder whine as Irene’s mouth is on you again.
“Shh, take it easy. I’m just cleaning you up, love.” She tells you, once you try to move her head from her cunt. And, even though her words add a bit of a scold, there’s a hint of a smirk on her face, as she adds. “Don’t whine. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I left you so messy like that?”
Now that you’ve come down from your high, Irene’s words make you blush. She didn’t have time to make a joke or give you a reassuring tug, as she usually would, though. Her focus is on your sex, as she pays long, sloppy licks to it. Her nose brushes your clit— the post-orgasm sensitiveness making the sensation twice as hard, and you bite your lip to keep yourself from moaning and begging.
“J-joohyun…” You try to get her attention, after what it feels like a lifetime. You can feel the pleasure starting to build up again, and your girlfriend is clearly dozed out, vigorously enamored with your cunt as she eats you out for her pleasure. With one last harsh suck on your clit, Irene abides to your wishes, her face now in front of yours.
You take a minute to brush her delicate features, before speaking anything. Her defined jaw, her long lashes, her lustrous eyes. You adore her; she truly makes you feel like the luckiest woman in the world.
“Perfect.” She murmurs, breaking the gap between you as her lips kiss you with gentleness. Her words make you smile onto the kiss, caressing her neck as you bring her even closer. “My love.”
“I could say the same of you.” You divert your eyes to the covers, insecure about your following words. Breathing deeply, you continue, “Thank you for this. And for not rushing me, even after so many months. I loved it, and I love to be with you.”
As you stare at Irene’s big, chocolate eyes, you find nothing but the purest form of love. There’s no possible way to not feel comfortable under such embrace.
“I’d wait many more. Years, even, if it means having you by my side. I’m in love with you, Y/n. Not just for sex, not for your body.” She clarifies, hiding her face on your neck as she always does, when you find yourselves tangled in a messy embrace. “I love you for who you are. Your qualities, your flaws, your passions… And I’m very thankful to feel loved in so many ways by you, too.”
You frown, playfully poking her ribs. “Are you saying I’m flawed?”
Irene rolls her eyes, silencing you with a kiss.
“Shut up, you idiot.”
And soon you’re making out again, with the promise of a long, long night. You feel respected, safe, and secured. As you run your fingers through your girlfriend’s small waist, you immediately know: there’s no place elsewhere you’d rather be.
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beatinginavoid · 3 months
There was something about new technology that many people seemed unable to resist. Whether it was the latest phone, watch, television, sound system, or any number of devices, they simply drew people in.
Some technology appealed to certain people more than others. It all depended on one’s likes and interests after all.
The newest commercially available gadget that had gotten you all giddy really didn’t look like anything special. It was a tiny device, about the size of a fingernail, and was powered by kinetic motion. It had the ability to wirelessly connect to any of your devices that supported it.
The one downside to this gadget was that it needed minor surgery to install.
For this special piece of hardware had to be placed inside the body to work. More specifically, it was carefully attached to the apex of the heart, where the muscle walls were thickest for safety and maximum grip.
You had just left the hospital after having the procedure done. Your chest felt weird from the local anaesthetic, though getting to see the operation had been worth it. The ultrasound they used to monitor and help locate the apex had been amazing to watch. There, on full view on the screen, was your heart – the hard-working muscle that pumped your lifeblood around inside you. The one organ that drew your attention time and time again.
You could see both atria and ventricles clearly, the valves visibly opening and closing between them, allowing the flow of blood currently invisible on the screen. You couldn’t help but stare, admiring the way your strong little pump rhythmically contracted. The movement flowed elegantly, if not a little violently in its raw intensity. It picked up speed, reacting to the touch of fear and the overwhelming anticipation.
Trying to stay calm in that environment, while indulging in the gift of actually seeing your heart in action in real time, had taken all of your willpower. You wanted the operation to go as smoothly as possible after all.
And it had. You couldn’t wait to get home and try it!
The moment your front door shut behind you, you raced over to your computer and jiggled the mouse to wake it up. The necessary program was already installed and you opened it almost feverishly. KineticLife popped up and you navigated to the Sync option. A quick scan was performed and the window asked if you would like to connect to the following devices: your phone, tablet, laptop, KineticLife implant.
Without hesitation you click on the last option and wait impatiently for the connection to be made. It prompted for a device number and, having the slip of paper ready, you carefully input the sequence. Number confirmed. Connection successful. The program became full screen and finished loading.
So many options! How could you choose which one to try first?
Best to start small, with the basics, and work your way up from there.
…it was a good thing that you and your neighbours had quite a bit of space between houses, otherwise this wouldn’t be nearly as fun. Your speakers were far superior to your headphones.
You select the Audio option and can’t help but gawk at all of the things you can pick from. Basic, keep it basic. You chose Stethoscope and were presented with a variety of auscultation points. This program was thorough. You turned the speaker volume right down and clicked Tricuspid.
A few seconds passed in silence and you slowly began to turn the volume up. A faint thumping could barely be heard and your mouth opened in a little ‘o’. You turned the volume higher, higher, higher, until the sound was booming, bouncing around the indoor space.
It was glorious! The sound was so crisp and clear. The valves sounded so clean, working beautifully. You poked the program and opted to Show Heart Rate. Numbers immediately appeared in a corner. 89.
You raised an eyebrow and started doing some squats. Your heart quickly sped up and you almost lost yourself in the drumming of the speakers. You stopped at twenty squats and looked at the rate.
It felt, and sounded, so amazing. You sat down in front of the monitor and let your breathing regulate. Every beat rang through the room, the pace slowing as your cardiac muscle recovered. You watched as the numbers dropped in time with the pounding. KineticLife made you grin widely.
You selected the Visual option, leaving the stethoscope and heart rate options running. Just like the Audio, the Visual section had quite a number of things to choose from.
KineticLife used a mixture of detecting electrical current and state-of-the-art sonar and echolocation technology that bounced off the pericardium to create high-quality images like an MRI. You had seen an ultrasound earlier that day, so you clicked on MRI then Sagittal.
Within seconds a side view, from the immediate left of your heart, emerged on the screen. The monitor was now filled, top to bottom, with a view from just above the right and left atrium, to just below the apex where the implant now lived, a small, dark square. You clicked and dragged your mouse, now enjoying a three-quarter top-down view so that all four chambers were visible.
The cardiac muscle walls and valves were dark, highly visible and contrasted wonderfully against the flow of blood that appeared milky on the screen.
You watch your heart pump, blood rushing in and out of the organ in rhythmic bursts. Each squeeze of the atria, each contraction of the ventricles was perfectly aligned with a ba-thump from the speakers. It was the most beautifully synchronised song and dance you had ever had the pleasure to witness. The rate was sitting at a nice and steady 78.
Twenty squats later you sat back down, enthralled by the fast undulations and whooshing blood.
From 138 down to 81. What a true marvel of nature’s mechanical engineering capabilities. Far better, cleaner, and more efficient than any man-made motor.
You stared, transfixed, as each part moved in sequence. The left and right atrium, full of blood, squeezed, opened up a valve each, and sent the fluid rushing into the ventricles. The valves snapped shut behind the gush of blood. BA.
The ventricles then contracted, as if a hand had wrapped around them and tightened its grip. The valves to the aorta and the lungs blew open as the blood was pumped through, delivering a new precious load around the body. They too snapped shut after the whoosh of blood. THUMP.
The cycle repeated, the pump working non-stop, each action happening again and again, a cycle lasting less than a second before the next one came along.
You grabbed the mouse and dragged it around again slowly, admiring your heart from every angle in a dream come true. You eyed every twitch and pulse of your cardiac muscle, thrilled at the detail the tiny implanted device afforded you.
And there were still so many options to play with! You were going to be there for a while. At least you had a great soundtrack.
I want tech like this. omg. Imagine how much it would cost! -cries in poorness-
Let me 👀 my 🫀
What would YOU do with KineticLife? What settings/options would you want it to have?
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
Writing Believable Teenage Characters: Dos and Don'ts
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Creating compelling teenage characters is crucial for engaging young adult readers and immersing them in your story. However, it can be challenging to capture the authentic essence of teenage experiences. In this blog post, I’ll explore essential dos and don'ts for crafting believable teenage characters that resonate with your audience. 
By understanding the unique mindset of teenagers, conducting thorough research, developing distinct personalities, mastering dialogue and communication, and navigating relationships and social dynamics, you'll be equipped to bring your teenage characters to life. I would also like to mention that a lot of these tips stem from the fact that I myself am a teenager, so I speak from experience. 
Understanding the Teenage Mindset
To create convincing teenage characters, it's crucial to grasp the complexities of the teenage mindset. Teenagers are undergoing a significant period of growth and self-discovery, facing numerous emotional and psychological changes. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Emotional rollercoaster: Adolescence is often characterized by intense emotions and mood swings. Your teenage characters should exhibit a range of emotions, such as excitement, fear, anger, and insecurity. Explore their emotional landscapes and provide relatable experiences for readers.
Identity formation: Teenagers are exploring their identities and seeking independence. They might question societal norms, challenge authority, and embark on journeys of self-discovery. Show your characters' struggles, personal growth, and the conflicts they face while finding their place in the world.
Peer pressure and self-image: Teenagers often experience the influence of peer pressure and societal expectations, which can impact their self-esteem and decision-making. Highlight the conflicts arising from these pressures and their impact on your characters' choices.
Evolving identities: It's important to acknowledge that the teenage years are a transformative phase, and who teenagers are during this period might differ significantly from who they become as adults. If you're writing a long-term story that spans several years, consider the potential growth and changes your teenage characters will undergo.
Research and Observation
In order to create authentic teenage characters, conducting thorough research and observation is vital. This enables you to understand the nuances of teenage behavior, language, and experiences. Here are some key steps to consider:
Immerse yourself in teenage culture
Dive into the world of teenagers by exploring contemporary media, such as books, movies, TV shows, and music targeted at young adults. Pay attention to how teenagers are portrayed and the themes that resonate with them.
Example: By reading popular young adult novels like "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green or watching coming-of-age films like "Eighth Grade," you can gain valuable insights into the lives and struggles of teenagers.
Engage with real teenagers
Interact with teenagers in various settings to observe their behavior, conversations, and interests. Volunteer at youth organizations, attend school events, or join online communities where teenagers discuss their experiences. Take note of their mannerisms, slang, and current trends.
Conduct interviews or surveys
Reach out to teenagers for interviews or surveys to gather firsthand information about their lives, experiences, and opinions. This allows you to capture diverse viewpoints and ensure your characters reflect the realities of teenage existence.
Stay updated on evolving trends
Teenage culture is dynamic and constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends, technological advancements, and social media platforms that shape teenagers' lives. Incorporate these elements into your storytelling to add authenticity and relevance.
Developing Unique Personalities
To create believable teenage characters, it is crucial to develop distinct and authentic personalities. Avoid falling into the trap of using stereotypes or clichés. Here are some dos and don'ts for developing unique teenage characters:
Avoid stereotypes and clichés
Do: Challenge common stereotypes associated with teenagers, such as the rebellious troublemaker or the socially awkward nerd. Instead, aim for multifaceted and diverse characters.
Don't: Rely on one-dimensional clichés that flatten the depth of your characters and make them predictable.
Example: Instead of portraying the teenage girl as a shallow cheerleader, consider a character who balances her cheerleading passion with academic ambitions and a talent for playing the guitar.
Individual motivations and aspirations
Do: Give each teenage character their own motivations, desires, and goals that drive their actions and decisions. This adds complexity and realism to their personalities.
Don't: Make your characters solely defined by their relationships or generic goals like popularity or romantic interests.
Example: Rather than having a character whose sole purpose is to pursue a romantic relationship, create a character who aspires to become an environmental activist and fights for climate justice.
Embrace a range of emotions and conflicts
Do: Explore a broad spectrum of emotions and internal conflicts that reflect the emotional rollercoaster of teenage years. Show their vulnerability, fears, and inner growth.
Don't: Present your characters as emotionless or overly dramatic caricatures.
Example: Allow your character to experience moments of doubt, heartbreak, and self-discovery. Let them wrestle with ethical dilemmas, confront their fears, and learn from their mistakes.
Show growth and change
Do: Portray character development and growth over time. Teenagers evolve, learn from their experiences, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world.
Don't: Keep your characters static throughout the story, ignoring their potential for growth and transformation.
Example: Begin with a shy and reserved character who gradually gains confidence and finds their voice, evolving into a leader who inspires change in their community.
Dialogue and Communication
Creating authentic dialogue and communication for your teenage characters is essential to make them believable. It helps readers connect with the characters and enhances the overall realism of your story. Here are some dos and don'ts for portraying teenage dialogue and communication:
Portraying authentic teenage dialogue and slang
Do: Pay attention to the vocabulary and speech patterns commonly used by teenagers. Incorporate slang and colloquialisms that are prevalent among the target age group and location. This helps establish a sense of realism and relatability.
Don't: Overdo the use of slang or rely on stereotypes. Avoid using excessive amounts of trendy slang that may quickly become outdated or confusing for readers. Remember to strike a balance between authenticity and readability.
Example: Avoid using every popular slang term in every sentence. Instead, sprinkle them sparingly and purposefully throughout the dialogue.
Balancing realism with readability
Do: Aim for dialogue that feels natural and mirrors real-life conversations. Use contractions, pauses, interruptions, and hesitations to mimic the ebb and flow of spoken language. Consider the rhythm, pacing, and tone of teenage conversations.
Example: "I can't believe she did that! It's, like, totally unfair," Lisa exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration and disbelief.
Don't: Overcomplicate dialogue or make it overly formal or stilted. Avoid unnatural speech patterns or overly polished language that doesn't reflect how teenagers typically communicate with each other.
Example: "I cannot fathom the injustice of her actions. It is thoroughly unfair," Lisa protested, her tone composed and articulate.
Addressing the role of technology and social media
Do: Incorporate technology and social media platforms into your characters' communication. Depict texting, instant messaging, social media interactions, and the use of emojis or GIFs. These elements reflect the reality of how teenagers communicate and form relationships in the digital age.
Example: Emma sent a quick Snapchat to her best friend, sharing a funny meme they had discovered, and eagerly awaited her response.
Don't: Ignore the influence of technology or limit your characters' communication to face-to-face interactions alone. Technology plays a significant role in how teenagers connect and express themselves, so it should be integrated into your storytelling.
Adapting slang to match the era
Do: Recognize that slang and language usage evolve over time. If your story is set in a different time period, research and incorporate the appropriate slang and language of that era. This attention to historical context enhances the authenticity of your characters and setting.
Example: In a story set in the 1990s, a character might say, "That's phat!" to express excitement, reflecting the slang of that era.
Don't: Use modern-day slang and language for characters in historical or past settings, as it will undermine the authenticity of the narrative and make it less believable.
Remember, the key is to strike a balance between authenticity and readability when crafting teenage dialogue and communication. By incorporating realistic language, capturing the nuances of technology and social media, and considering the appropriate slang for the era, you can create engaging and relatable teenage characters.
Navigating Relationships and Social Dynamics
One of the essential aspects of creating believable teenage characters is accurately portraying their relationships and navigating the complex dynamics of adolescence. Here are some dos and don'ts for capturing authentic relationships and social interactions:
Depicting the complexities of friendships and peer groups
Do: Showcase the diverse nature of friendships and the dynamics within peer groups. Explore the highs and lows, loyalty, conflicts, and the evolving nature of these relationships.
Example: Showcasing a group of friends who support each other through challenges, celebrate successes together, but also experience occasional disagreements and conflicts.
Don't: Present stereotypical or one-dimensional friendships. Avoid relying solely on cliques or popular group dynamics without exploring the complexities and individuality within them.
Exploring romantic relationships and the challenges they present
Do: Develop romantic relationships that are realistic and nuanced. Highlight the ups and downs, the emotional intensity, the exploration of boundaries, and the growth that comes with these experiences.
Example: Depicting a budding romance where the characters navigate uncertainties, communication challenges, and personal growth while discovering their feelings for each other.
Don't: Romanticize or trivialize relationships. Avoid portraying idealized or overly simplistic love stories without addressing the complexities and challenges that arise in teenage romances.
Incorporating familial relationships and dynamics
Do: Include meaningful interactions between teenage characters and their family members. Explore the influences, conflicts, and support systems within these relationships, capturing the range of emotions experienced in familial dynamics.
Example: Showcasing a strained relationship between a teenager and their parent due to contrasting values, but also moments of understanding and eventual reconciliation.
Don't: Neglect the importance of familial relationships or portray them as insignificant or nonexistent. Avoid relying solely on negative or stereotypical family dynamics without showcasing positive aspects as well.
By authentically depicting the complexities of friendships and peer groups, exploring realistic romantic relationships and their challenges, and incorporating meaningful familial relationships and dynamics, you'll bring depth and relatability to your teenage characters.
Creating believable teenage characters requires a thoughtful approach that captures their unique mindset, conducts thorough research, develops distinct personalities, masters dialogue and communication, and navigates relationships and social dynamics. By following the dos and avoiding the don'ts, you can craft teenage characters that resonate with readers, providing them with relatable experiences and enriching your storytelling.
Remember, authenticity and attention to detail are key. Embrace the diversity and complexity of teenage experiences, staying true to their emotions, motivations, and growth throughout your narrative. By doing so, you'll create memorable characters that captivate your audience and bring your stories to life.
I hope this blog on Writing Believable Teenage Characters will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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luv-loo · 1 year
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Study Date & Kisses
Masterpost || Bones Masterlist
Vincent Nigel-Murray x Fem!reader
Summary: Y/N’s having trouble with their uni assignment, luckily the classes Fun-Facts guy has decided to help. The same guy Y/N may or may not have a crush on..
Warnings: Swearing, some of info may not be 100% accurate.
Notes/Anything Else: Another repost, I promise I’m gonna other stuff ! I really like this fic, but be warn that Y/N comes off pretty pissy in this fic, but for good reason ! I’m promise Y/N still nice. I love this series so expect some more fics of them in the future &lt;3
° Tagging — @topguncultleader
The times currently 9:30pm, your eyes check tiredly to the screen of your laptop. The library closes in an hour and you’ve barely gotten half way in your assignment that’s due tomorrow afternoon.
The idea of going home makes you smile, but you know well that once you shut the front door your heading straight for your bed and sleep for the next two days.
That’s why your pushing through, multiple sickly sweet energy drinks as your right hand companion and the will to past this last assignment for the month, but this is just tedious. You much rather work directly with bones and the now of technology, than the history of how scientists and doctors discovered and identify bone parts from the 17th century. A fact you’ll never dare tell Dr Brennan.
So you’ve been putting this off. A dumb idea on your end. Making more time at the Jeffersonian was great, but breaks should of been made for finishing off these rather than chatting with Hodgins or watching Angela reconstruct the victims face while she talks about what type of past they might of had. You look back to the clock. 9:45pm. “Just great.” You whisper to yourself. Seconds felt like minutes.
You looked around the library. Barely anyones there. It’s quiet, besides soft footsteps, paper flipping and tapping on keyboards from other students. Your screen went black, so you pressed the on button to re-type your password. Soft footsteps were coming closer behind you. Your head snapped towards the sneaky stepped behind you.
“Woah! Hey, Y/N, don’t give me that look.” A British voice said, his hands in a defensive pose.
You quickly, tried to, soften your face while you pinched your nose. You sighed and looked back at him.
“Sorry Vincent. I’m just tired..” you yawned and looked back at him. “Do you need anything? Do you wish to trade my shift with Dr Brennan again?”
“Uhh… did you know the timing of our need for sleep is based on two things. The first is how long we have been awake. The second is our bodies clock. If we stay awake all night we will feel more tired at 4am than at 10am.  Scientists call the time between 3am and 5am the ‘dead zone’. It’s when our body clock makes us ‘dead’ tired.” Vincent smiled, making a small pointing jester with his pointer finger.
You raised your eyebrow. It’s not that you hate his facts, knowing that is his way of communicating comfortably (for some reason), but it’s currently 9:52 and you feel like your eyes are getting darker by the second.
“Can we skip to your point, Vincent? If I’m not mistaken you are usually in bed at this hour.” It came out harsher than you wanted, making Vincent subconsciously grab onto his laptop cases strap. Twisting it in his hands, making you cringe a little.
“Um, well, you see.. I notice that you hadn’t completed the latest assignment—“
“—What gave that away?” ‘Stop being pissy’, you think to yourself.
Vincent bit his lip, and nodded.
“Yo-your laptop is open and your in the library at 9:59pm on a Thursday. Our Assignment, that we’ve had two weeks to complete, is due tomorrow.” You gave him a weary look.
“Right… you were being sarcastic.” It was almost like he was shrinking in his shoes at that point.
You’re about to punch yourself at this point. The Brit’s obviously here to help, but because your tired ass is deciding to be mean he’s melting from nerves. Vincent was always the one to ask questions on any part of the project he didn’t understand or just wanted extra info on. His hand is always up during lectures to the point where the teachers just tell him to write all the ones he has down and than hand them a list at the end.
After all the questions he asked got answered he would hand most of the class pieces of paper with those answers. “Just in case I had asked something that you wanted to know and you didn’t write it down quick enough!” His normal answer when you ask.
You sigh at those memories, and point towards to the seat next to you.
“You may help Mr Nigel-Murray.” You smile as his eye light up a bit. Vincent went to sit down, pulling out the chair when he stops.
“Are you sure you want me to help you, Y/N.” His cheeks are a bit rosey red, it stands out from his pale, British, skin.
You chuckle a bit and shake your head. “Your not only here to help, I’m about to lose my sanity with my fourth energy drink. I could use the company.”
“Alrighty, Mrs L/N. I’ll keep you the company you need.” Vincent sits down and puts his laptop case on top of the table, pulling his laptop out before placing it on his chair like a bag. You smirk as you turn back to your laptop and re-enter your password once again.
“How far have you gotten?”
“Up to when the Andean Villagers strung up their dead’s bones like some festival decorations. This part is really boring honestly—“
Vincent slaps down a piece of paper, louder with how quiet it was.
“You find them boring? I rather find them very knowledgeable in the history to those people.” Vincent says, taking out two papers, fill to the brim with writing, and set them besides you. You grin as you take hold of a half empty can of a strawberry energy drink and take a swift. Before taking it back from your lips and turning it a bit in your hand.
“You all enjoy those things, well maybe besides Colin, but I don’t really. I study criminology so I can work on the front lines of a case. I take this class to help better my understanding, but some of this stuff kind of ticks me off. You know?” You finish your tired speech and place your can back down, facing towards Vincent.
You look up to see him with red cheeks again, but he’s staring straight at you. Your own cheeks heat up a bit, because god those eyes. His bluish-grey tinted eyes are just cute.
You shake your head. ‘Not when I have work to be done, Y/N!’ You angrily thought to yourself. Crush later, work now. ‘God..’
“I completely understand! I have certain things I do not enjoy others may. But when it comes to work I believe it’s best you priorities it. Even if it’s to your distain.” He smiled, god that smile. And god that accent. You never thought an accent could suit someone, until you heard Vincent Niguel-Murray.
“Well, as you Brits would say, let’s crack on.” You say, placing your hands on your laptop.
Vincent laughed.
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It’s currently 10:47 pm on a Thursday night.
You and Vincent are packing up the paper, books and your laptops so you could leave quicker. You’ve completed the work, a little half-assed, but it’ll make sure you pass.
As you both start walking to the door Vincent turns towards you.
“Hey, um… Y/N, if you’ll like, I mean, if you have any more trouble, you can always send me an email. I wouldn’t mind helping you out more.” His voice goes up one octave as he asked. You internally scream as your heart starts picking up pace. You both reach the front door to the Library, Vincent opens it and lets you walk through first. God your cheeks must been bright.
“I could just give you my number, so if you just wanna hang out that’s alright with me.” You say as you turn and stop. Taking out your phone from your pocket.
“That’ll be alright.” Is that another octave higher?
Vincent shuts the door and takes out his own phone. Opening the message app, you gently go and take his phone. You quickly put in your number and text it to your phone and hand it back to him. He looks down and his face turns beet red in an instant.
“Uh, Y/N, why did you save your name as ‘Y/N: Needer of help’?” He laughs a little as he looks up. You smile and walk up to him, getting inches to his face, you’re about the same height, and give him a peck on the cheek before stepping back.
“Because I’ll call you whenever I need help with anything.” You give him a wink and turn to start walking away, smirking while your heart thumps like crazy.
Vincent watches as you walk away, your bag bouncy a bit and your ponytail swinging. He reaches up and touches the spot you kissed him and his face becomes redder than fresh blood on a corpse.
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robo-milky · 1 year
Cloche: Steampunk AU
(AU by: @the-trinket-witch + Notable Creds to @/simpingseafood @/squidwen @/twstinginthewind | Do Check it out ^^)
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“For a housekeeper, she doesn’t seem to do a lot of house keeping…” - Townsfolk A
Meet Cloche, a housekeeper maid who can be seen anywhere and everywhere in Nightraven— with a basket of groceries in hand.
She’s known by many names, often addressed as:
• Miss Mouser
• Ms. Grimalkin
• Miss Felidae
but “Cloche” is the only name that stays consistent. Her actual age and surname is unknown.
Within the City:
Cloche is an outsider, but because of how often she frequents Nightraven— always running an errand, be it taking clothes to a tailor or buying the freshest pastries, she has been considered a local by most. Her knowledge of the current events, technologies and trends of Nightraven help integrate her with other locals. Which house she belongs to and who she serves is unanswered. If asked, she’ll curtsy and give a polite smile until the topic changes to something else.
Despite not engaging with the community too much, except for exchanging pleasantries about the weather and such— gossip circles her.
“Miss Mouser sure has a lot of free time! She’s the first maid I’ve ever seen in my life. Why? Cause they’re supposed to be working inside, aren’t they?”
“Ah, Ms. Grimalkin? She’s such a delight. It’s a treat whenever she drops by our store to buy detergent.”
“I got a feel of her sleeve once and let me tell you— no one in their right mind would distribute such a fine cloth for a simple maid’s uniform! She’s either one of those prissy girls hiding out and playin’ house, or she’s working under a madman with no concept of money.”
She can be found…
• Picking up lost items and returning them back to their owner
• Standing by the wall with her head down at an extravagant party
• Waiting outside the city hall or embassy houses
• Paying the Jubilee Port a visit
• Enjoying a light meal at the Monstro Lounge
• Reading the latest fashion magazine
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sombersummerskies · 4 months
A Champion's Love: Chapter 37
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Chapter 37: Interference
Word Count: 4005
CW: None
Want all the chapters? -> Masterlist
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“Alright fellas, we’re doing laps today! Sword training’s been fine, but what you lot need to work on is endurance! Let’s go!”
You’re stood atop one of the walls of Lookout Landing, looking down at the soldiers you were working on training. It had begun after the attack on the fortress, you’d worked with the Lucky Clover Gazette (Traysi’s newspaper, which she was currently printing from her small home in Hateno Village) to put out flyers all across Hyrule. Soon you began to get people pouring into the landing searching for work and asking to be taught by you.
Now, three months later, you had a formidable set of soldiers. Many of them were showing natural skill and proving their work ethic to you by training day and night. You weren’t cruel, of course, you’d allow them days of rest. You’d organized them all into separate groups and would cycle out who you’d be working with on a day-to-day basis. Admittedly you had a bias, as today’s group consisted of your favorite trainee: Link.
Of all your ‘students’ Link was showing the most promise, immediately adept with sword fighting. After some practice, he proved to have good aim with a bow as well. You watched as he, along with the rest of his unit, jogged laps around Lookout Landing.
You hear your name be called out and turn. Peering over the edge of the wall you see Purah waving up at you. She grins, “hey champ! How goes training?”
“Well enough, once I get their lazy butts off the ground,” you reply jokingly, “how about you? How’s the Purah Pad coming along?”
The Purah Pad, the latest project of the small scientist. With all of the Sheikah technology being dismantled, it included the old Sheikah Slate as well. Now all of the tech was being repurposed into new machines, and the first Purah was working on was a new handheld tablet with a working map and runes.
“It’s okayyy,” she drawls, shrugging her shoulders, “still needs quite a bit of calibration before I even want to try testing it out. But soon I’ll have it working in a snap! Oh, by the way, let your platoon know that breakfast is ready in the shelter!”
“Will do!” you shout back, giving her a thumbs up before you turn back to your soldiers.
Once they finish your laps you get their attention, letting them take a break to eat. The majority seem grateful, attempting to catch their breaths and hide how red their faces are from the running. You take count of each of them as they descend into the shelter, ensuring everyone is accounted for. The last person in line is Link who gives you a smile as he wipes the sweat off his face with his tunic.
“You alright?” you ask him, “a little jog won’t put you out of commission, will it?”
He shakes his head and grins, signing back to you: I - feel - great - but - need - water.
“Better stay hydrated, soldier,” you chuckle, teasingly pointing a finger at him before he descends down the ladder.
Eventually, you hop down into the shelter as well. You can’t help but smile at the sound of conversation amongst all your trainees. It reminds you of when you yourself were a soldier in training for the army. You take your portion of breakfast, which today appears to be veggie rice balls and a slice of meat pie.
As you eat your lunch you idly chat. Some people ask you about your experiences as a knight, others talk to you about traveling around Hyrule. With the resident chef you ask for cooking advice, and with the shelter’s nurse you arrange to place a new order for medical supplies (as some of your soldiers are more prone to injury than others).
“Oh, look, a new batch of papers from the gazette,” someone says.
Slowly the pile of newspapers is handed around the room, everyone interested in reading it taking their own copy. Someone kindly hands one to you, knowing that you’ve made a habit of reading every edition that Traysi publishes. When you turn the papers over, however, you’re shocked by what you see on the front page.
An illustration of Prince Sidon has been printed on the paper, one depicting him at the entrance to Zora’s Domain. Ceremonial Trident in hand and with a wide, cheerful grin on his face. In bold text at the top of the page it reads Zora Prince Returns To Hyrule. Your eyes quickly skim over the small text of the article, containing details of how the domain celebrated the prince’s return and how beloved he was, being one of the important figures that helped fend off Calamity Ganon.
Your fingers trace over the drawing, a small smile sneaking its way onto your face.
When you look up you see a multitude of faces looking back at you, cheesy grins on all of their faces.
“At ease,” you instruct your soldiers, “and keep yourselves out of my business. I should have you each do fifty push-ups for being so nosey.”
They respond with a symphony of ‘yes ma’am!’s ‘sorry’s and ‘please forgive us’s, all of which make you laugh and roll your eyes.
“I’m joking- partially, do make it a habit to not pry into my personal matters,” you respond, “however, you can count yourselves lucky. I’ll be ending training early today and making my way to Zora’s Domain. Just make sure all of our weapons are sharpened before we have our next sparring session.”
As you make arrangements for your journey East it’s hard for you to contain your excitement. You’re giddy, it’s been half a year after all since you last saw the prince. Did you look presentable? What should you wear? Should you bring a gift? What do you even gift to a prince who has all of the luxuries one could ask for?
You ponder these questions as you ride horseback on Persephone, thoughts swirling as she gallops toward the Lanayru Region. As you think about gifts, something on the side of the road catches your eye. You tug on the reins, bringing your steed to a stop.
In the grass was a group of blooming flowers, a mix of blue nightshades and violets.
‘A gift,’ you think, kneeling in the grass.
You pluck the flowers gently to keep their stems intact. Once you gather them all into your arms you walk down the path on foot, whistling for Persephone to trot beside you. Your fingers work deftly, looping the flowers together and tying knots out of the stems. As you walk you pluck more plants, adding armoranths to the mix.
Eventually, you’ve crafted a wreath of flowers large enough that once you see the prince you’d be able to place it across his shoulders.
‘Perfect,’ you think to yourself as you climb onto Persephone’s back once more.
“C’mon Persie, let’s go visit Sidon,” you murmur, patting the side of her neck.
Your boots pad against the smooth floor of the palace. You’d left your horse at the end of the bridge, allowing her to graze in the grass. It was the evening now, the sun just having set behind the mountains. You’re greeted by many of the Zora, all of whom seem to be in good spirits.
There’s a grin on your face as you say hello to everyone you pass. The flower wreath is draped over one of your arms as you walk. You make your way up the large staircases, past the goddess statue, and up to the throne room- only to be shocked when you find the room empty.
Your smile drops a little. “Maybe he’s in his chambers,” you mumble to yourself, turning on your heel and descending the staircase. As you attempt to enter the inner hallways of the palace, you’re suddenly stopped in your tracks by two elder Zora. You recognize both of them from a few months prior, one resembling a squid and the other a sawfish.
“Ah- Hylian-” one of the councilmen pipes up, “why are you here today?”
You feel your eye twitch but attempt to maintain your composure, “I’m here to see Prince Sidon, I’d like to welcome him back after six months away.”
“He’s busy,” the other elder shoots back dryly.
“O-oh,” you reply, “may I ask with what?”
“I should think that it is none of your concern, Hylian, it’s royal matters after all.”
You clear your throat nervously and nod, “I see, of course. Could you at least let him know that I’m here and would like to speak with him?”
The two men share a glance before one curtly nods his head, “of course, we will make the prince aware of his guest. Now please, vacate these halls, you have no purpose down here.”
There’s an odd tone to his voice, but you choose not to question it. You bow your head and reply with a quick thank you, even though internally you want to do nothing more than scream at the councilmen. You retreat from the halls and make your way up the stairs once more, eventually finding yourself at the tide pools beneath the throne room.
With a sigh you take a seat, removing your boots so that you can dip your feet in the cool water. Gently you set the flower wreathe aside, ensuring it isn’t damaged. You want it to be in pristine condition for when you present it to Sidon.
You aimlessly kick your feet as you wait. The occasional Zora who passes by stops to hold a conversation with you, the majority of them asking about how you’d spent the last half a year. Eventually, some of the children come to keep you company, Tumbo and Laruta excitedly talking your ear off about their various shenanigans.
The smile doesn’t leave your face as you chat with the kids, but internally you can’t help but worry.
Sidon was nowhere to be seen.
You’re not sure exactly how much time passes, but it’s enough for the Zora to enjoy their suppers. For the children to be called home. For the guards to swap to night watch. For the luminous stone lamps to glow brighter. For the moon to cross the sky.
Hours. Hours pass.
And Prince Sidon never shows up.
The tears start before you can stop them. One falls, then another, and very soon you have your face buried in your hands as you silently sob. You count yourself lucky that all the Zora had left for bed, meaning no one was around to bear witness. You curl in on yourself, hugging your knees as you weep quietly.
What had changed? Could six months possibly be enough time for him to forget about his affection for you? You understood that he had his princely duties, but to not even come and say hello.
Perhaps this was normal? You’d never been in love before, let alone in a relationship. Perhaps you were acting naive.
Sniffling you stand, grabbing your boots and the flowers and walking away from the tide pools. You move silently, walking to the front of the palace. The nighttime is quiet aside from the trickling of the various waterfalls. You pause.
The centerpiece of the plaza, Mipha’s statue, smiles down upon you.
“Am I doing something wrong?” you whisper, casting her a forlorn look, “was I expecting too much?”
There’s no response, of course.
You sigh, taking the wreath and placing it on the ground in front of her, arranging it delicately. Then you tug your bots on and hug your arms to yourself, walking away toward the bridge. You can’t bring yourself to look back at the palace, the tears threatening to fall again.
Unbeknownst to you, the prince had been in the Pristine Sanctum; a private chamber hidden behind one of the many waterfalls of the domain, known only to the royal family and its council.
“Father, an arranged marriage?” Sidon pleaded, looking up to the king with concern on his face, “how could you never have told me? Why must I have found out in such a way?”
King Dorephan sighed deeply, a frown on his face as he leaned back in his chair, “I apologize, my son. I hoped that it would never have to come to this. Had I known that Sola would be so diligent in pursuing this outcome, I would have informed you sooner.”
Beside the king, Muzu stands with guilt written on his face as he casts his gaze downward. He had been the one to tell Sidon about the arrangement- though the prince had never informed anyone of the conversation he heard in the first place.
Prince Sidon stubbornly confronts them both, “I will not go through with this. I will not be forced into a marriage.”
“But sire, the alliance,” Muzu retorts, “we have a long and storied partnership with our fellow settlement, it would be a historic upset to sever that!”
“Is there no other way to maintain our ally?” Sidon challenges, “is a marriage truly the only solution?”
Dorephan answers, “our standing was severely weakened after the calamity. With the heir to the throne, Mipha, dead, and Hyrule as a whole beaten down by Ganon, our allies saw no benefit in keeping their ties with us. The settlement Lady Yona hails from is our last Zora alliance. If we do not remain connected with them, we risk losing our connections to our history and culture. King Sola demands a marriage- he knows that our bloodline stems from ancient times and is well-respected. He believes that an engagement will heighten not only Yona’s legitimacy but his own as well.”
Sidon shakes in anger as he stares up at the king. “Father, this is not fair,” he responds, voice tense with emotion, “you chose your queen. You chose her out of love and compassion. Why can I not choose mine?”
“... every king must make sacrifices for the sake of fulfilling their duty,” the king replies sadly, “I fear that this must be yours, my son.”
“You expect me to sever my relationship? To sacrifice the love that I have for _____?” the prince says with gritted teeth, “you would like to see me heartbroken? To see me in despair? You expect me to break her precious heart as well?”
“Son-” Dorephan sighs woefully, but Sidon does not relent.
“I will not allow this, I will not lose someone whom I love so dearly again,” he argues, “I will find a way around this, I will find another solution.”
Before either of them can attempt to stop him, the prince turns and marches out of the sanctum. Even the coolness of the waterfall does little to calm his anger. As he walks out he’s surprised to see two of the councilmen awaiting him; Luve and Morato.
“My liege,” Luve, with the fins of a sawfish, says as he bows out of respect, “I trust that your meeting went well.”
Sidon’s shoulders tense but he forces a smile onto his face, “it was fine, thank you, gentlemen. If you excuse me, however, I will be on my way.”
“Ah, but sire!” the other, Morato who resembles a squid, pipes up, “you are needed in the library, you must write about your diplomatic travels for the archive.”
The prince does his best to hide the disappointment that he feels. “I understand, and I will do my due diligence to archive my journey, I promise. However, I’ve made arrangements to travel to Lookout Landing. I intend to visit Princess Zelda and the Hylian Champion.”
Luve and Morato exchange looks with one another as if they’re having a silent conversation that Sidon cannot interpret. “The Hylian knight is actually quite busy” Morato retorts, crossing his fins, “we hear she’s preoccupied with training the new army, and we suspect she is not accepting visitors at this time.”
Sidon feels himself grow more frustrated by the second and attempts to reply, “yes, I understand, but-”
He’s swiftly interrupted by Luve, “Your Royal Highness, we insist you maintain your responsibilities. The archives need to be updated as soon as possible, this is not a matter which can be delayed.”
Prince Sidon takes in a deep breath, forcing himself to remain calm before he says something he may regret to the two elders. “... Understood. I will go to the library. At the very least, could one of you get in contact with Captain Bazz? I would like for him to forward a message to the champion for me.”
Luve and Morato smile keenly, nodding their heads at the prince. In truth, neither of them intends to relay any kind of message. Just as neither of them had intended to inform the prince of your presence in the palace.
Thus, Sidon spends his evening in the domain’s library, unaware that you were waiting for him at the tide pools. Hours pass as he diligently writes on the parchment paper, documenting his journey to the allied settlement. He describes fanciful feasts, exciting festivals, and his thorough exploration of their cove- but he does not document the arrangement between the kings. He refuses to make note of the supposed engagement between himself and Lady Yona.
Once the prince feels satisfied, he rolls up the parchment and places it on one of the many shelves the library maintains. As he retires to his private chambers for the night, he is none the wiser to your presence- or the fact that at this same moment in time, you were walking away from the palace.
Sidon sighs as he sits in his room, placing his chin in his hands as he thinks. Why had the councilmen been so insistent? Documenting his diplomatic trip was important, yes, but it could have been done at any time. He would have far preferred to spend those hours traveling West toward Hyrule Field.
He misses you so dearly. After months away he longs to see your face, hear your voice, feel your touch. He can’t help but pine for you. “I will make my way to Lookout Landing tomorrow,” he whispers to himself, “nothing will delay me any further.”
The next morning the prince is in the plaza, the owners of the Seabed Inn and General Shop having requested his presence. They discuss inventory as Cleff, owner of the shop, seems particularly interested in establishing trade with the new landing in central Hyrule. As the three Zora converse, some of the children come running by.
“Finley,” the inn owner, Kayden, chastizes his daughter, “please be more quiet, we’re having a discussion.”
Sidon chuckles, waving a hand, “it is fine, I implore you, let the young ones have their fun.”
“Prince Sidon, Prince Sidon!” Laruta cheers, drawing his attention, “did you see the champion? She was here yesterday!”
His heart skips a beat, eyes widening as he listens to the child’s words. “Pardon? Did you say that the Hylian Champion was in Zora’s Domain?”
This time it’s Tumbo who speaks up, “yeah, at the tide pools! I was telling her all about our new game, where I pretend to be a big scary monster, and Finley and Laruta and Keye have to try to beat me up, and-”
As the young Zora rambles Sidon feels his heart begin to race. He looks up at the two owners and bows his head, “forgive me, there’s something I must attend to. I will be sure to reach out to the head of Lookout Landing to establish that trade!”
He quickly turns and spots Bazz at the entrance to the Great Zora Bridge. The prince immediately walks over and catches the captain’s attention, pulling him aside for a conversation. “Sidon?” Bazz asks, confused about the sudden urgency.
“Did you have a chance to send that letter to the champion?” Sidon asks, “if not, there’s no need to bother yourself with it any longer, I will be going to central Hyrule myself.”
Bazz stares back blankly, a look of confusion finding its way to his features. “... a letter?” he replies.
Now it’s Sidon’s turn to be confused. “Yes, the letter, did the councilmen not inform you of it yesterday?”
The captain shakes his head, “prince, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Prince Sidon pauses, shutting his eyes and sighing. He puts together the puzzle pieces in his mind, hands clenching into fists and a frown forming on his face. “I see,” he sighs, “it appears that there is some interference at play here.”
“Interference?” Bazz repeats, tilting his head, “how do you mean?”
“_____ was here yesterday, I can only assume with the intention of seeing me. However, I was never informed,” Sidon explains, “at the same time, I had asked the elders to contact you and have you send a message to Lookout Landing. It appears they deliberately ignored me.”
The captain sways to the side nervously, leaning against his spear, “well. This is certainly a predicament. You don’t think that… they’re trying to interfere with your courtship, do you?”
Sidon’s gaze, full of anger, is cast downward, “I fear this may be the case. If it is, I will confront the elders about it later. For now, however, I will be traveling Westward to the landing.”
Bazz salutes his friend, “good luck to you then, prince. Don’t let anyone stop you.”
The prince replies as he casts his gaze upward, eyeing the throne room, “I don’t intend to.”
“_____? Are you feeling alright?”
You groan, tugging the bedsheets over your face, wanting to hide from the world.
“Come now, you must eat something. It’s nearly lunchtime, and you’ve been in bed all day.”
With a grumble you tug the bedsheets off, looking up at the figure beside you. The princess gazed down at you with a face of concern. The both of you were in the soon-to-be laboratory, Purah having been kind enough to let you sleep here to avoid the communal shelter.
“Will you at least have some water?” Zelda asks.
You allow yourself to be dragged out of bed and guided to the table. You’re handed a glass of water which you sip on slowly, throat sore due to the fact that you’d cried yourself to sleep the night prior. Zelda stands behind your chair and you feel her fingers begin to pull your hair apart, likely attempting to make your bedhead appear more presentable.
The princess fills the silence by talking, letting you know about the progress with the schoolhouse in Hateno Village. You blink the sleep from your eyes as she speaks, grateful that she wasn’t seeking any responses from you. There’s a plate of pastries on the table and you reach out to grab a nutcake, which seems to please Zelda.
“The soldiers were awaiting instruction, so I’ve told them to spar for the time being,” she explains, pulling her hands away from your hair, “they were admittedly a tad worried about you, but I said that it was a personal matter… do you still not want to talk about it?”
You shake your head silently.
Zelda sighs, but nods her head, “alright. I will not pry. But whenever you’d like to talk, I’ll be here for you.”
This brings a small smile to your lips. You’re eternally grateful for her friendship. It helps to soothe all of your confusing and upsetting emotions, even if only a little.
‘Might as well make myself useful today,’ you think as you stand, ‘trainees are waiting to hear from me, after all.’
You wordlessly get dressed, tugging on your tunic and armor, strapping on your gloves and boots, and securing the Master Sword’s scabbard around your torso. You splash your face with water, hoping to get rid of the evidence of your tears and tireless night. As you dig through your travel pack you hear a voice outside the door.
“Hey champ!” Purah calls out, “you’ve got a guest!”
‘A guest?’
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duckapus · 4 months
Not sure how to start this so I'll just say that Mr. Crocker is down in his not-so-secret Crocker Cave, laughing evilly while working on his latest fairy hunting invention. Currently, it's just a grapefruit-sized sci-fi-looking metal and glass orb full of glowing blue energy.
"With the addition of Meme Energy to my Artificial Magic formula and a bit of respawn code I bummed off of Gohma, the Artificial Magic Core is complete! And with it, I will power the ultimate advancement in fairy hunting technology..."
He turns on the Cave's big computer monitor, revealing schematics for a small, winged android, then spasms while shouting, "THE FAIRY GODDROID!!!"
He begins to pace, petting the core in his hand as though it were a small, glowing metal cat, "Yes, no longer will I be caught on the back foot, forced to compensate for the reality warping power Turner and every other Godchild has at their fingertips. Soon I'll be able to fight Fire with Fire."
Another spasm, "FIRE!!! I mean, FAIRIES!!!"
He wipes his brow, which has gradually become more and more slick with sweat, "Ugh, speaking of fire, I really need to fix the air conditioning down here at some point. California heatwaves and underground laboratories do not mix," under his breath, he adds, "almost makes me wish I was somewhere that was cold year-round instead."
As you might expect, idly wishing when you're holding a device designed to replicate the powers of wish-granting magical creatures isn't a good idea, which Crocker realizes when the AMC's glow suddenly gets brighter...
"Oh shi-" he's rapidly engulfed in a cloud of sparkling blue smoke with the word "BEEP" written on the front in blocky letters, accompanied by the sound of an airhorn, and when it dissipates, the Crocker Cave is empty.
Somewhere in Desiderio, an airhorn calls out across the frigid wilderness, and a human with unsightly features and clothing far too light for the climate is dropped from a mysterious blue cloud in such a way that he faceplants into the snow, screaming all through his brief fall. He quickly gets back up, violently shivering as he clutches his invention close to himself for the small amount of warmth it brings.
"I w-wish I had s-s-some dec-cent w-w-winter c-clothes right n-n-n-now," with another Beep, his collared shirt, black slacks and matching loafers are replaced by a dull blue parka with the hood up, dark grey snow pants, and heavy-duty black boots and gloves. As he's warmed back up, he sighs in both relief and annoyance, "well, at least I know it works now. Where am I, anyway?"
While the sensible thing to do would be to go back home, Denzel Crocker is far from a sensible man, so he stows the AMC in one of his pockets and starts trudging his way in a random direction, eager to see what he might find.
As he goes, he discovers that he's near the shoreline of...wherever he's ended up, and he follows the beach until he comes across a camp of some sort on a long outcrop. He continues onward, soon discovering that the camp is inhabited by humanoid cats in what appear to be medieval knight uniforms designed to withstand the frigid climate. They appear to be guarding something, and the scientist and troublemaker in him just has to see what it is, especially since they don't seem to have noticed his approach yet.
"Hmm...I wish I was invisible."
Once the wish is granted, he slowly picks his way through the camp, doing his best to stay as quiet as possible so the soldiers' no doubt excellent feline hearing won't pick up on his presence (this close to the ocean there's more ice and rock than there is snow, so he's thankfully not leaving much of a trail).
Eventually, he reaches the object that's caught so much attention; a large, round stone structure covered in strange runes embedded into the highest point of the outcrop. From what he can see, it's ancient, but appears to have been tampered with recently, as if someone is trying to slowly cut it away from the cliff. Either the doing of the soldiers themselves or whoever they're guarding this place from.
As he tries to approach for a closer look, he slips on some loose pebbles, and if that didn't alert the guards the sharp "OOF" when he collides with the ancient stone definitely does. He hears the nearest ones shouting, though he's too disoriented to make out exactly what, and he happens to look down and see that his collision somehow managed to make a small crack in the stone, likely due to the AMC's sturdy metal frame based on the position. A green whisp of something shoots out of the crack, which knocks him back on his bony rear, cancels out his invisibility wish, and slips into his pocket.
Now back to his senses, Crocker takes stock of his current situation and finally listens to his common sense, "Well, I think I've just about overstayed my welcome," he pulls out the AMC, briefly noting that it's changed from blue to green but deciding to worry about that later, "I wish I was anywhere but here!"
And with another cloud (green instead of blue now, of course) and airhorn, he's gone, just as the Desidarian soldiers are closing in with weapons and instruments drawn.
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beekaads · 1 month
How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Course for Beginners
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Digital marketing is one of the most acquired skills in the current job market. For beginners, choosing the right course in digital marketing will create the right way to career success. With so many choices available, it gets overwhelming to decide on the right option. Whatever your expectations from a course, this guide can help you understand how to find the best one that aligns with your goals, learning style, and budget, be it for a digital marketing course in Kochi or something general.
1. Identify Your Learning Goals
First, define your objectives. Are you looking to understand it all—the overview of digital marketing—or do you want to go deep into things like SEO, social media marketing, or content marketing? If you're just getting started, you might want a course that gives a little overview of everything relating to digital marketing. Look for more local-based learning facilities; for instance, take a digital marketing course in Kochi that will arm you with knowledge of the local market and be at the top of what is trending globally.
2. Course Content
The main thing to consider while taking any digital marketing course is, of course, the content. A well-built course is definitely going to have certain fundamental issues in digital marketing. It will contain search engine optimization through which you know how to optimize better your content for different available search engines. It will also go into Pay-per-Click Advertising, where you will be able to learn how to create and manage a paid campaign. The next important element would be Social Media Marketing, providing ways to build and engage the audience across multiple platforms. In addition, Content Marketing should also be a focused area, guiding one on how to create and distribute valuable content that is aimed at attracting and engaging one's target market. It should also focus on email marketing, detailing how to effectively structure an email campaign to resonate with the recipients. Moreover, Analytics is very instrumental in learning how one can measure performance and analyze it. Relevance to trends and technologies means that the course needs to have the latest information and material on these digital marketing landscapes because they are fast-changing, and a course that reflects all these developments would be more valuable.
3. Consider Instructor Expertise
The quality of the course can be severely affected by the instructors. Courses taken by industry veterans who have proven experience should be considered. Experienced instructors bring to the table real-world insights and practical knowledge beyond theoretical concepts. They will further give you valuable tips on how to apply the skills you learn in real-life situations.
It's also good to see whether the instructors are active within the industry. Do they have a blog or a YouTube channel, or are they active on social media, where they share knowledge? This can be an indicator of their commitment to staying current in the field.
4. Check Reviews and Testimonials
Knowing the quality of the course is a good starting point for reading. Reviews and testimonials give firsthand information from people who have gone through similar courses. Check for reviews on independent platforms and testimonials on the institution's website. Observe the comments on the quality of the course content, instructor quality, and the whole learning experience.
5. Prefer Practical Experience
Digital marketing is a very practical field; therefore, it has to focus on getting your hands dirty. Look for courses that have real projects, case studies, or even internships where you can get hands-on experience. This will let you test in a real-world context what you are learning and help turn abstract knowledge into concrete knowledge that one can easily grasp. Courses with assignments or projects will help you develop a portfolio, which is useful, particularly when applying for jobs.
Practical experience while attending a digital marketing course in Kochi would involve working on real projects for local businesses or interning with companies in the region, thus availing valuable exposure to the local market and helping students build connections in the industry.
6. Assess Support and Community
Digital marketing is not easy to learn, let alone if one is a fresh starter. Having the support system in place may all make the difference. Not all courses have forums, and Q&A sessions are a good addition, while others come with mentorship programs in their package. This learning community may be able to further enhance your experience by sharing your ideas, asking questions, and networking with people in your line of business.
If you're attending a course in digital marketing in Kochi, local support could be of immense help. Keep in touch with other fellow students and professionals in Kochi who will build a support network for you beyond the course itself.
The best digital marketing course for beginners is one that carefully considers the factors surrounding your learning goals, course content, instructor expertise, and availability of practical experiences. Be it a general course or a more specific digital marketing course in Kochi, it is always advisable to take a moment and evaluate your options. You want a course that will give you a solid digital marketing foundation and get you on the move to success in this dynamic field. If you make wise choices, you shall have invested in your future and acquired competencies to thrive within the digital marketing industry.
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beardynerdsposts · 2 months
Navigating New Trends and Jargon in Today’s Workplace: What You Need to Know....
In today’s fast-evolving work environment, staying abreast of the latest trends and jargon is improtant for professionals who want to remain relevant and connected. From new concepts in employee engagement to modern work styles, the workplace lexicon is expanding rapidly. Understanding terms like “Promotion,” “Resenteeism,” “Coffee Badging,” “Flexible Fidelity,” “Office Peacocking,” and “Digital Nomadism” can offer valuable insights into current organizational dynamics and employee behaviors. Let’s delve into these intriguing trends and what they signify for the modern workplace.
Promotion: More Than Just a Job Title
Traditionally, a promotion has been associated with a job title change and an increase in salary. However, in today’s context, promotions are evolving to include various forms of recognition. Beyond vertical moves, promotions now often encompass lateral shifts that provide employees with new skills and experiences, reflecting a broader view of career development and personal growth. Organizations are increasingly recognizing that meaningful promotions can also involve expanded responsibilities and increased visibility within the company.
Resenteeism: The Hidden Cost of Unhappy Employees
Resenteeism is a term used to describe employees who continue to do their job despite being unhappy or dissatisfied. Unlike presenteeism, where employees show up physically but may not be productive, resenteeism involves staying put while harboring resentment toward the workplace. This phenomenon can lead to decreased morale, lower productivity, and higher turnover rates. Addressing the root causes of resenteeism requires organizations to foster a supportive work environment, provide opportunities for feedback, and ensure that employees feel valued and heard.
Coffee Badging: The New Networking Trend
Coffee badging refers to the informal practice of using casual coffee meetings or virtual coffee chats as networking opportunities. This trend reflects a shift toward more personal and relaxed interactions in the workplace, where employees connect over coffee to discuss ideas, collaborate on projects, or build relationships. Coffee badging highlights the growing importance of networking in a less formal setting, emphasizing the value of building connections in a way that feels more natural and approachable.
Flexible Fidelity: Balancing Flexibility with Commitment
Flexible fidelity represents the balancing act between offering employees flexibility in their work arrangements and ensuring they remain committed to their roles and responsibilities. With the rise of remote work and flexible schedules, organizations are exploring how to maintain engagement and loyalty while accommodating various work preferences. This trend underscores the need for clear communication, goal-setting, and trust between employers and employees to ensure that flexibility does not compromise organizational objectives or team cohesion.
Office Peacocking: Standing Out in the Workplace
Office peacocking is a term used to describe the behavior of individuals who go out of their way to draw attention to themselves or their accomplishments within the workplace. This can manifest through flamboyant dressing, boasting about achievements, or making a concerted effort to stand out in meetings and interactions. While office peacocking can sometimes be seen as a way to gain recognition, it also highlights the competitive nature of modern work environments and the desire for individuals to make a memorable impression.
Digital Nomadism: Redefining the Traditional Office Space
Digital nomadism refers to a lifestyle where individuals use technology to work remotely from various locations around the world. Digital nomads are not tied to a specific geographic location and often embrace a travel-centric lifestyle while maintaining their professional responsibilities. This trend is driven by advancements in technology, increased connectivity, and a desire for greater work-life balance. Digital nomadism challenges traditional notions of the workplace and offers a glimpse into the future of work where flexibility and location independence are paramount.
The modern workplace is characterized by a dynamic blend of evolving trends and innovative jargon that reflect changing attitudes and practices. From new promotional strategies to the rise of digital nomadism, understanding these concepts can provide valuable insights into the current work environment and help individuals navigate their careers more effectively. As these trends continue to shape the way we work, staying informed and adaptable will be key to thriving in today’s professional landscape.
Read more about :
latest trends and workplace jargon
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tasnjewel · 3 months
How do you stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in jewelry design?
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In the area of jewelry design, being current with emerging trends and technologies is essential for any serious designer—it's not just a matter of choice.
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Analyzing Trade Exhibitions and Industry Conferences
Making Use of Software and Technology It is essential to adopt the newest design software and technologies. Designers may efficiently and precisely build elaborate designs with programs like RhinoGold or MatrixGold.
Taking Part in Online Forums and Communities Communities and online platforms that provide a plethora of knowledge and peer assistance.
Subscribing to Industry Publications and Blogs
Continuing Education and Workshops
Following Influencers and Trendsetters
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doumadono · 1 year
I've read in one of the replies to precious asks that you're a doctor. How would you describe the experience of being a doctor, what type of doctor are you, and what aspects of the profession do you find particularly engaging or compelling?!
Hey, Nonnie :) Well, you've hit on a topic that I could talk about for hours on end, because I'm so passionate about my work. So if you're ready for a bit of a rant, I'm more than happy to oblige!
Being a doctor can be a rewarding and challenging experience. We play a crucial role in the healthcare system, working to diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries, and improve the overall health and well-being of our patients.
Those who know me personally are aware that I'm a certified neurosurgeon, but I haven't limited myself to just one specialization - I'm currently working towards completing my second specialization, which is clinical neuropsychiatry ❤️ 👩‍⚕️
Ability to help people: One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a doctor is the ability to make a difference in people's lives by helping them overcome illnesses and injuries
People and their stories: Another great aspect of being a doctor is the opportunity to work closely with people and to learn about their unique stories and experiences. As a doctor, you become intimately involved in the lives of your patients, and you have the privilege of helping them through some of the most challenging and difficult times of their lives. You get to witness firsthand the resilience and strength of the human spirit, and you have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others. There is truly no greater feeling than helping a patient overcome a serious illness or injury, and seeing the joy and relief on their face as they recover ❤️
Dealing with critical situations: Another imprtant aspect of being a doctor is the training you receive to handle extreme situations. I have seen and dealt with a lot of drastic things in my career and life overall, and I can confidently say that nothing really scares me anymore. It's a unique skill set that you develop as a doctor, being able to remain calm and focused in high-stress situations (it helped me oh so many times!)
Job security: The demand for doctors will always exist, which means there will always be job opportunities for qualified professionals
Opportunities for lifelong learning: As a doctor, you never stop learning. New treatments, technologies, and procedures are constantly being developed, and we must stay up-to-date on the latest advances in our field. This can be intellectually stimulating and rewarding!
Varied career paths: There are numerous specializations within medicine, which allows doctors to pursue a career path that aligns with their interests and strengths
Respect and prestige: Doctors are often held in high regard by society, which can provide a sense of respect and prestige
Collaborative work environment: Neurosurgeons work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as neurologists, radiologists, and nurses, to provide the best possible care to their patients. This collaborative environment can be both challenging and fulfilling
Deathbed phenomena: As a neurosurgeon, I am frequently confronted with the reality of death. Many of my patients come to me in critical condition, and while I always do my best to save their lives, sometimes the outcome is not what we hoped for. Working with dying patients has given me the opportunity to explore the intricacies of the human body and mind during the dying process. It might sound morbid to some, but understanding the physiological and psychological changes that occur in a person's brain as they near death is a fascinating area of study. It's not just the physical processes that interest me, but also the psychological and spiritual aspects of death. I'm currently working with my team to gain a better understanding of what happens in the brain as a person approaches death, and how we can use this information to provide better care for our patients and their families
Long working hours: (OMG, how much I hate the night shifts!) We often work long and irregular hours, including nights, weekends, and holidays. This can make it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance and can lead to burnout, and it becomes even more challenging when you have young children at home
High stress: The job of a doctor can be incredibly stressful. We are responsible for the health and well-being of our patients and may have to make life-or-death decisions on a regular basis
Emotional toll: We are often exposed to the suffering of our patients and their families. This can be emotionally draining and can lead to compassion fatigue. As a doctor, it feels like a personal failure when I am unable to save someone's life. I often experience intense remorse and replay the entire situation in my head, on and on. I constantly question whether there was something more I could have done? Maybe I could have applied a different medication, or ordered another blood test? The what-ifs can be exhausting, but they drive me to constantly learn and improve so that I can provide the best possible care for those in need
High expectations: Doctors are held to a high standard of performance and are expected to be knowledgeable, skilled, and compassionate. This can be a lot of pressure to live up to 🤷‍♀️
High cost of education: Becoming a doctor requires a significant investment of time and money. Medical school and residency programs can be very expensive (I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved grandmother here, who sadly passed away last year. Her unwavering support (also the financial one), encouragement, and unwavering faith in me have played a significant role in getting me to where I am today. Despite doubts and skepticism from others, including my own parents, she never wavered in her belief in me. She often told me, "If you ever think about giving up on your dreams, just remember that I'll be watching you from the other side, so make sure to think twice before making any rash decisions - or I'll come back and haunt you until you change your mind." Thank you, Nanna ❤️❤️❤️)
So, that's the end of my long rant. For those who made it through to the end, I want to say thank you for reading!
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amparol12 · 9 months
Unveiling Expertise: An Interview with Dr. Elon, a Database Homework Help Maestro (+9 Years of Experience)
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Welcome to the insightful world of database management! In our exclusive interview today, we bring you face-to-face with Dr. Elon, a seasoned expert in the realm of database homework help, boasting an impressive track record of over nine years. Dr. Elon is not just a name; it's a synonym for proficiency and passion in navigating the intricate landscapes of SQL homework assistance.
Q1: Dr. Elon, could you share a bit about your journey and what inspired you to delve into the world of database homework help?
Dr. Elon: Absolutely. My journey began with a profound interest in database systems during my academic years. As I delved deeper, I realized the challenges students faced in grasping SQL concepts. This realization ignited my passion for aiding them in mastering the art of database management.
Q2: With over nine years of experience, you've witnessed the evolution of database technology. How has this experience shaped your approach to helping students with SQL homework?
Dr. Elon: It's been an exciting ride. Over the years, I've seen technology leap forward. This experience has allowed me to adapt my teaching methods, ensuring students are not just acquainted with the fundamentals but are also well-prepared for the dynamic, real-world applications of SQL.
Q3: "Help with SQL homework" is a common plea from students. What, in your opinion, makes SQL assignments particularly challenging, and how do you assist students in overcoming these challenges?
Dr. Elon: SQL assignments often involve intricate queries and a deep understanding of database design. The challenge lies in translating theoretical knowledge into practical application. I guide students through this process, emphasizing hands-on practice and offering step-by-step assistance tailored to their learning pace.
Q4: Can you share an experience where you witnessed a student's "aha" moment while working on their SQL homework, and what strategies do you employ to foster such breakthroughs?
Dr. Elon: Oh, absolutely. There was a student struggling with a complex JOIN operation. Through patient guidance and breaking down the problem into manageable parts, the student suddenly grasped the concept. It's about building confidence through small victories and celebrating those "aha" moments.
Q5: The field of database management is ever-evolving. How do you ensure your assistance aligns with the latest trends and technologies, keeping students ahead of the curve?
Dr. Elon: Continuous learning is at the core of my approach. I stay abreast of the latest industry trends, incorporating relevant updates into my teaching materials. This ensures that students not only understand the foundational principles but are also prepared for the current demands of the field.
Our interview with Dr. Elon, a stalwart in database homework help, has unveiled a wealth of experience and insights. From inspiring journeys to overcoming SQL challenges, Dr. Elon's expertise has proven instrumental in guiding students toward mastering the intricacies of database management. If you find yourself uttering the words "help with SQL homework," rest assured, Dr. Elon is the beacon of knowledge you've been seeking on your academic journey.
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accountcloud · 5 months
Navigating the Landscape of Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping Services- A Guide to Choosing the Best Agencies
Tax preparation and bookkeeping are integral parts of running a successful business. However, for many entrepreneurs and business owners, these tasks can be daunting and time-consuming. That's where professional services come in handy. In cities like Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and NSW, agencies like Account Cloud offer comprehensive tax preparation and bookkeeping services to alleviate the burden on businesses. But with so many options available, how do you choose the best agency for your needs? Here's a guide to help you navigate the landscape:
1. Assess Your Needs: Before you start your search for a tax preparation and bookkeeping service agency, it's essential to assess your needs. Determine the scope of services you require, such as tax filing, payroll processing, financial reporting, or general bookkeeping. Understanding your requirements will help you narrow down your options and find agencies that specialize in the services you need.
2. Experience and Expertise: When entrusting your financial matters to a third-party agency, it's crucial to ensure they have the necessary experience and expertise. Look for agencies with a proven track record in tax preparation and bookkeeping services. Consider factors such as the number of years in business, client testimonials, and the qualifications of their team members.
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3. Industry Specialization: Different industries have unique tax and accounting requirements. Whether you're in retail, hospitality, healthcare, or any other sector, consider choosing an agency that specializes in serving businesses similar to yours. Industry-specific knowledge can ensure compliance with relevant regulations and optimize tax strategies tailored to your business.
4. Technology and Innovation: The accounting landscape is continually evolving, with advancements in technology reshaping how financial tasks are performed. Seek out agencies that embrace technology and leverage innovative solutions to streamline processes and enhance accuracy. Cloud-based accounting platforms, automation tools, and data analytics can significantly improve efficiency and decision-making.
5. Communication and Accessibility: Effective communication is key to a successful partnership with a tax preparation and bookkeeping agency. Choose an agency that prioritizes clear and transparent communication, keeping you informed about your financial status and any regulatory changes that may affect your business. Additionally, consider their accessibility and responsiveness to inquiries or concerns.
6. Compliance and Security: Compliance with tax laws and regulations is non-negotiable when it comes to financial matters. Ensure that the agency you choose adheres to the highest standards of compliance and stays updated with the latest regulatory changes. Moreover, prioritize security measures to protect sensitive financial information against unauthorized access or data breaches.
7. Scalability and Flexibility: As your business grows, your accounting needs may evolve as well. Select a tax preparation and bookkeeping agency that can scale its services according to your business growth. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, flexibility in service offerings and pricing structures ensures that you receive tailored solutions aligned with your current and future needs.
8. Cost and Value: While cost is undoubtedly a factor in the decision-making process, it's essential to consider the value proposition offered by the agency. Instead of solely focusing on the lowest price, evaluate the services, expertise, and support provided in relation to the cost. A higher upfront investment in quality services can often yield long-term benefits and cost savings through improved financial management.
Choosing the best tax preparation and bookkeeping services agency requires careful consideration of various factors, including your specific needs, the agency's experience and expertise, industry specialization, technology adoption, communication practices, compliance standards, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. By conducting thorough research and due diligence, you can find a trusted partner like Account Cloud to handle your financial affairs efficiently, allowing you to focus on growing your business with peace of mind.
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sellfeetpic · 5 months
Feetfinder Story: How We Started and Why We are the Best?
In this article, we will delve into the captivating story of Feetfinder and uncover why we have become the best choice for all your foot-related needs. From our humble beginnings to our current position as industry leaders, we have strived to provide top-notch services and products to our valued customers. Join us on this journey as we explore the essence of Feetfinder and what sets us apart from the rest.
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The Birth of Feetfinder
It all started with a simple idea – to create a platform where people could find the perfect footwear for their unique needs. Our founders, Jane and Mark, both passionate about shoes and foot care, saw a gap in the market for a comprehensive and user-friendly website that catered to all foot sizes and preferences. And thus, Feetfinder was born.
Why Choose Feetfinder?
1. Extensive Selection
One of the key reasons why Feetfinder has earned a stellar reputation is our extensive selection of footwear options. From stylish sneakers to comfortable sandals, we have a diverse range of products to suit every taste and occasion. No matter what style or size you are looking for, you are sure to find it on Feetfinder hacks.
2. Expert Advice
At Feetfinder, we understand that finding the right pair of shoes can be a daunting task. That is why we have a team of expert shoe-fitters who are dedicated to providing personalized advice and recommendations to our customers. Whether you have wide feet, high arches, or any other specific requirement, our team is here to help you find the perfect fit.
3. Quality Assurance
Quality is at the heart of everything we do at Feetfinder. We handpick each product to ensure that it meets our high standards of comfort, durability, and style. When you shop with us, you can rest assured that you are getting top-quality footwear that will last you for years to come.
What Sets Us Apart
Customer Satisfaction
At Feetfinder, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We go above and beyond to make sure that every customer has a positive shopping experience with us. From seamless online shopping to speedy delivery, we strive to make your experience with us as enjoyable as possible.
We are constantly innovating and staying ahead of the curve to bring you the latest trends and technologies in the footwear industry. Our team is always on the lookout for new brands and styles to add to our collection, ensuring that you have access to the best products on the market.
Community Engagement
Feetfinder is more than just a shoe store – we are a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for footwear. We regularly host events, workshops, and social gatherings to bring our customers together and foster a sense of camaraderie within the Feetfinder family.
In conclusion, the Feetfinder story is one of passion, innovation, and dedication to customer satisfaction. From our humble beginnings to our current position as industry leaders, we have never wavered in our commitment to providing the best footwear solutions for our customers. So why settle for anything less? Choose Feetfinder the best place to sell feet pics for all your foot-related needs and experience the difference for yourself.
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