#how we gonna recognize the queen
incarnateirony · 2 years
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naturesapphic · 24 days
What abt a fic related to Tara yummy saying that billie is her crush then invited her to a party with queen and yn getting mad/jealous
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Party Crush
Billie eilish x fem!reader
Warnings: jealousy, hurt/cofmort, billie being a sweetheart to you
Word count: 1,333 :)
A/n: thank you to my sweet baby @xoluvx for the pictures I adore her sm <3
You were in the bed scrolling through tik tok when you came across a video with quen and Tara yummy. They were in a car talking about their crushes when you heard your girlfriend’s name come up. “Celebrity crushes. Billie eilish. Duh.” Quen said and Tara looked over at her with a smile. “One time actually five years ago I did like a YouTube video with my friend Kevin and he asked me if he could change places with one person for a day who would it be and I said Billie eilish.” Tara said while looking in the camera. “Well duh.” Quen commented back.
“But that was five years ago.” She said and quen looked over at her. “Would it still be true?” She smiled and Tara smiled back. “Yeah. Like I would do anything to wear her as a suit.” She said seriously and quen agreed. “She’s definitely one of my celebrity crushes.” Tara confess and quen nodded then the video went off. You grumbled In annoyance but it got worse when Billie came through the bedroom door with a big smile on her face. “Tara yummy has invited me over to her party tonight and she said I can bring you.” She said with a big grin on her face.
You saw how genuinely happy and excited she looked so you didn’t wanna mess it up so you agreed. “Great! I’ll let her know we said yes and we can go ahead and get ready.” She said as she pulled out her phone. You put yours away and got up from the bed to go to y’all’s closet. A few minutes later you came out with a skirt and a crop top on. Billies eyes widen at you and she whistled loudly. “Damnnnnn mama you looking fine as fuck!” She exclaimed loudly as she went over to you and turned you around slowly making you blush like crazy. “I’m gonna go ahead and get dressed now babe.” She said as she leaned down to give your forehead a soft kiss making you smile. “Alright. I’m going to the bathroom to put on some makeup.” You said and she nodded, disappearing to the closet.
You went into the bathroom and started your makeup and a few minutes later bilkie came out with a baggy button up shirt, her glasses, some baggy jeans, some bulky shoes, her hit me hard and soft belt, and her bandana. Your eyes widen at her appearance and you felt yourself drooling at her making billie smirk. “You good babygirl?” She chuckled as she came in the bathroom with you, standing beside you in the mirror as she started to put on mascara and eyeliner. You didn’t say anything but nod your head fast making her giggle. “Cat got your tongue?” She teased and you rolled your eyes playfully. “More like you got my tongue.” You said with a smile and Billie laughed. The two of you finished getting ready and headed out the front door outside to dragon.
Billie drove y’all to the party and parked near the house where there could have been at least over two hundred cars outside. Billie stepped out of the car and went to your side to help you out, making you smile. “Why thank you, you’re such a gentle lady.” You say playfully and Billie playfully smirked as she bent forward in a polite teasing way. “Of course m’lady. Right this way.” She said in a British accent, making you giggle. The two of you went up to the house and knocked on the door. Tara opened it and let out a gasp and immediately pulled Billie into a hug which made your insides feel weird. “Oh my gosh y’all made it! Come in come in!” Tara said excitedly as she pulled Billie in and you hurried up behind them.
Once inside, Billie was pulled through by Tara while you were behind them trying to catch up. Tara took her to the group of people that included Gracie abrams, Zoey, Nick, Alex, quen, etc. you were relieved that you recognized some people and you immediately went up to Zoey as Billie and Tara was talking to the others. “Is it bad that I’m jealous?” You said to Zoey shyly and she gave you reassuring smile. “I would be a little jealous too especially after the video she posted with quen and how she’s clinging onto Billie but I wouldn’t worry about it. Billie is literally head over heels obsessed over you. If you aren’t with her she talks about you all the time. She completely adores you y/n.” Zoey says and you look over at her, giving her a hug. “Thanks z…” you said and she hugs you back tight, rubbing your back in a comforting way.
“Don’t mention it. I promise there’s nothing for you to worry about.” She said and you nodded and decided to stick with Zoey for the rest of the party. An hour later you were dancing with Zoey on the dance floor trying to get your mind off of Billie when you saw Tara and her dancing. Tara had her hands on her and that’s when you snapped. You couldn’t stand to look at them anymore so you excused yourself from Zoey and went to the bathroom. You went in a stall and had your face in your hands trying not to cry . A few seconds later you heard the door open and a familiar voice. “Babygirl? Are you in here? I saw you come in here.” Billie said and you slowly opened up the stall door to see your girlfriend staring at you with a worried expression.
You closed the stall behind you and stood in front of her as she looks down at you. “Is everything okay?” She asked quietly as she could tell how upset you are right now. You didn’t say anything and just stared at the bathroom floor, playing with your fingers nervously. Billie took her fingers and gently lifted your chin up to look in her blue eyes. “You know you can tell me anything darling.” She said softly as she rubs your cheek softly. “Tara has a crush on you.” You spat out and Billie gave you a shocked expression. “She said it in a video with quen…they both like you…” you said quietly and Billie still had the same expression plastered on her face which made you nervous then she let out a loud cackle.
“Babygirl I don’t give a rats ass if they like me. They aren’t my sweet girl are they?” She said gripping your chin again making you look straight into her blue eyes making you feel weak in the knees. “You’re my girl and you always will be. No one will change that. Ever and you know you can always come to me if you are having those thoughts okay?” She said, leaning down to press a gently kiss to your forehead making you blush like crazy. “T-thank you bils…I’m sorry…” you apologized and Billie shook her head, smiling down at you. “No need for that babygirl. Why don’t we head home and we can cuddle while we watch the office yeah?” Billie asked and you beamed up at her, nodding your head fast. She giggled and led you out of the bathroom with your hands in hers as she tells everyone she’s leaving. She doesn’t even give Tara a hug bye which makes you smirk to yourself. You knew that being jealous was stupid and even when you feel it again, you know you can count on Billie to make those thoughts go away, becuase to her, you are her sweet girl always.
A/n: thank you anon for this request. I hope you and everyone else enjoyed it! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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luvyeni · 7 months
❛LOVING THE COMMONER❜ ( k. sunoo )
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— authors note. i did it, i finally did another sunoo smut
p. prince!sunoo x commoner!reader w. 2.9k+
— 𖦹 warnings. modern royal au, bully!sunoo but he softens up, angst (gasps luvyeni😱), unprotected sex, fingering, public sex (?)
— 𖦹 ( after seeing you break down sunoo realized he officially crossed the line ) !
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The day they intergraded the royal kids and the common kids at the school was an interesting day to say the least — sunoo was a young prince; 8 or 9.
All he could remember was his parents, the king and the queen were not happy ‘why do we have to do this, they aren’t like us’ ‘because we have to show that we are with the times, the outside world thinks we haven’t progressed at all.’ And now at 18, sunoo could say that no, they haven’t progressed at all.
The school was intergraded so the common kids were free to go to a good school and get a good education — but that didn’t mean the royal kids made it easy for them.
Sunoo specifically made it harder for you— he hated you, and he made sure to tell you everyday when he cornered you in the hall; students and teachers walking past— I mean who’s gonna check the king’s son, the future king; besides you were just a commoner, in his eyes you should be glad he's even acknowledging you.
You didn’t want to go to the intergraded school — your mom a seamstress for the queen and your dad working as the cook at the castle, you kind of had no choice but to go, seeing the boy every single day— where he and his friends would subject you to their bullying, making fun of your dresses that were old and worn, or your hair that was sometimes messy from your morning chores at your house.
Sunoo specifically would always talk about how your whole family worked for his— “I don’t know why you’re trying to get a good education, we all know where you’ll end, cleaning my chambers when I become king.” Is what he would always tell you, laughing along with his friends as you picked your falling books off the ground.
“You could poison him.” Kyujin said, taking a bite of the food provided to you by the school. “I mean your dad is the cook.” You stared at her. “yeah, i’ll poison the future king and have my whole family killed.” She shrugged; “just trying to help.” You shook your head, standing up holding your full tray in your hands, not bothering to eat. “just eat your food, im gonna go to the study and get some work done.” You said, stood up with her face food. “wait i’ll come with you, for support.”
“hurry then.” You said, turning on your heel not knowing someone was behind you— not knowing he was behind you. “yn watch–” it was too late, you had crashed into the person, dropping the food all over you, the person in front of you; the tray hitting the floor. “what the fuck.”
You recognized the voice, cursing under your breath. “sun-sunoo im so sorry.” You always kept your eyes on the floor when talking to him— scared of what would happen if you looked at him in the eyes. “i-i wasn’t p-paying attention, it’s my fault.” Ready for one of his berating comments that would make the entire canteen laugh at you— but it never came.
Sunoo watched you smile and talk to your friend, laughing when she told a joke, your nose crinkling up, your smile bright— that’s what he hated, how happy and free you were, how you could always be so happy, despite your living situation, despite he and his friends torment— how he wish he could be like you, not having to please everyone— he wished you could talk to him how you talked to the teachers and other students— no he wanted you to like him how he liked you but hid it from everyone. “She’s leaving.” He sighed getting up, not even wanting to bother you today, but people expected it— and had to give the people what they wanted.
Looking down at your trembling body— he felt a pang at his heart— he did this to you, he instilled this fear into your heart, trying to impress people who he didn’t give a fuck about. He listened to his friends shout curse words at you with disgusted— how could he ever say those things to you, and you just took it, he felt so horrible. “That’s enough.” Hushed voices fell, leaving the canteen silent once again. “Yah.” You were ready for whatever he was gonna give you.
He grabbed your wrist, you felt it tightening. “come.” He dragged you away, leaving everyone with the suspense and your heart thumping out of your chest in fear, unaware on what he was gonna do to you— you two were never alone, his friends always behind him, so it frightened you even more.
He pulled you into the empty art room, closing the door. He turned stepping to you, you took a step back. “im sorry your highness.” Your upper lip trembled. “I don’t have any money to replace it, but my mom is a good cleaner as you know.” You pleaded. “please I didn’t mean any harm.” dropping to your knees, he took a step back, watching as you burst into tears. “please just don’t hurt me.”
He didn’t know what to do; he’s seen you cry, but this was new; you were having a full break down. “stop.” He said, but you didn’t hear him, your cries too loud. “I said stop!” he shouted, you bit your lip trying hold back the noise. “please stand up.” He said. “please.”
You heard his soft voice— something you’ve never heard before, slowly getting up from your kneeling position, standing in front of him, eyes glued to the floor. “look at me.” He said, you didn’t out of fear. “I said look at me.” He grabbed your cheeks, lifting your head, forcing you to look at him, you whimpered at the sudden force. “stop crying.”
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” He said. “I promise I won’t hurt you.” Before you could even react, you felt his arms wrap around your body, your eyes widened, body still nonreactive as you listened to his heart beat, surprisingly that calmed you down, your sobs, turning to sniffles— then you were silent, pushing him away. “what are you doing?”
He didn’t know what to say; he couldn’t explain why he hugged you, so he stood there silent. “please if this I just to tease me, just get it over with, I have to get to cook classes.” You said, voice barely a whisper. “I already said im not gonna hurt you.”
He took his handkerchief out his pocket— reaching his hands out. “it’s not a lot, but it’s all I have.” He said. “clean yourself up before you go to class.” He took your hand placing the fabric in your hand, you were so confused right now— what was his game. “wh-what about you?” you still were worried about him, even after all he did. “im going home, I don’t feel good anyway.” You normally wouldn’t think about it, he often left just because he could— who was gonna stop the prince from leaving?
He didn’t say anything else, walking to the door, turning back. “I wont bother you anymore.” He said, before walking out leaving you alone in the class.
That was the last time you seen the prince— he just stopped coming back to school, leaving people wondering what happened in that classroom that day. Many suspected you told on him, which didn’t help your case at all— you almost had to leave school due to the constant bullying from the other students who thought you ran the prince away— yeah it didn’t make sense to you either, but who was gonna think rationally when there’s someone to pick on.
You asked your parents did they see the prince when they went to work, but they just said he was sick and didn’t leave his chambers, so you left it like that, washing his handkerchief, keeping in your skirt pocket, just in case he’d come back to school.
“it’s been three months.” You were being cornered by one of the popular maidens in the school. “he still hasn’t returned.” She pushed you up against the locker. “he-he’s probably just sick.” You said, felling the lock dig into your back. “he’s fine, now I have to go.” You tried to walk away, only to be pushed to the floor, scrapping your elbow, making the arm of your dress tear. “if he was fine, he’d be here no?” she said. “and why are you so secretive about what happened in that room?”
Your silence made them angry, but you yourself couldn’t explain what happened. “answer me you bitch.” Her hand flew up, colliding with your cheek. “what happened in the class?” You looked for help— but was met with nothing but the looks of people who were also waiting for answer. “it’s none of your business.”
You heard him, the voice that you thought about for three months for some mysterious reason. “I was sick.” He said, the girl immediately exchanged her death glare with a soft and submissive one. “can I not be sick?”
She and her friends scrambled. “o-of course your majesty, but were just worried she did something— what could she do? Make me sick.” he looked at you. “stand up.” You don’t know why, but you did what he said, standing up. “apologize.” He said, her eyes widened. “sunoo, she’s a commoner.” He saw you frowning out the corner of his eyes, anger boiling within him. “so, she’s not like us, does that mean treat her like that?” everyone was shocked, this wasn’t the sunoo they knew, stepping to the guy, his eyes low. “now apologize.”
She turned to you. “im sorry.” She said, you could tell she wasn’t sincere, but you were so desperate to get out of there, you shook your head. “now go.” He said, and haul tailed out of there, whispering under their breaths. “everyone go to class, now.” He said, everyone immediately obeying, scurrying along to their schedules. “you stay.” He pointed to you— stopping you in your steps. “come with me.”
Those words felt so familiar, as you followed behind him, until you reached the infirmary. “your highness.” The nurse let you both in. “her arm is bleeding, fix it.” She nodded, ordering you to roll up your sleeve, cleaning up the blood, putting a bandage over it. “keep replacing the bandage until it heals.” She said. “good now leave us.” He said, she bowed, leaving you both. “are you okay?”
You nodded, silently. “that’s good.” He let out a sigh. “oh.” You said softly, reaching into your pocket, pulling out the handkerchief, handing it to him. “i-i w-washed it for you.” He looked down at the fabric, most people probably would’ve threw it away; or kept it as a keepsake from the prince. “I got all the stains out too.” He watched you smile proudly to yourself, smiling to himself. “thanks.”
“Are you okay, being sick for three months must’ve been hard.” He wasn’t really sick— he was embarrassed with himself, after seeing you break down like that, he went home and really thought about what he was doing, he felt like he could only show himself when he was ready to accept what he did and apologize to you. “im sorry.”
You were surprised; he stood in front of you head low, how yours normally was, eyes to the floor, apologizing. “im so sorry, i am such a horrible person, it took me too long to realize it, and I didn’t know until that day in the classroom.” He said. “seeing you break down because of me like that, made me realize how much of a horrible person I am.”
You stood there, letting him ramble. “please forgive me.” You were silent, sighing. “why did you do it?” he looked at you? “what did I do to you that made you treat me like that?” you wanted an answer, why did he treat you like that. “because I was jealous.” He said. “jealous?” you said. “you’re the future king, you said it yourself the only thing im destined for is cleaning your floors, so why would you be jealous of me?” he was silent. “answer me.”
“because you’re you.” He said. “you can be who you want , never having to be someone you’re not to impress people, — you’re nice to everyone and I wanted you to be like that with me, I wanted you to like me the way I like you, and I was afraid because I liked you so much and I was too worried about what people would think.” He confessed, spilling his guts on the floor.
You didn’t know what to say, it was a lot to take in, so you tried to run to the door. “wait.” He grabbed your hand, pulling you back. “please let me go.” You said. “what’s wrong, did I say something wrong.” He said. “yes, yes you did, please let me go.” You tried to pull away , but he was stronger. “what was it?” he said. “everything, you aren’t supposed to like me, all those maidens out there, im sure one of them would like for you to like them, go do that.”
“but I don’t want them to— yn please stop trying to run out the door.” He said. “you hate me that bad?” he said. “I never hated you, it was you who tormented me for years, now you stand in front of me, saying you only did it because you were jealous and liked me.” You said angrily, probably the most angry he’s ever seen you. “you didn’t even bother to ask me if I liked you back or not, because you were too worried about other people would think about the prince liking a common girl.”
You were going on and on— and he couldn’t help it anymore, grabbed the sides of your face, smashing his lips against yours— you grabbed his shoulders, pushing him away. “you’re a bad person kim sunoo.” You said. “I know.” He pulled you into another kiss, a much softer one, since this time you allowed him to kiss you. “im sorry.” He said, breathless, pushing you against the medical table. “im such a bad prince.” He said pushing your legs open, slotting himself in-between.
You shouldn’t let him do this, the way he treated you was unacceptable— but as his hands crept up your skirt, lifting it past your thighs, all your sensibility flew out the window. “sunoo.” You sighed as his fingers rubbed your soft clothed folds. “sun-sunoo.” He said nothing, pulling your undergarments to the side, sliding one of his long slender fingers into your dripping cunt. “fuck, you’re so wet.” He groaned, his forehead pressed against yours. “so warm.”
He slid another finger inside, scissoring you open, curling his fingers up inside you. “fuck sunoo.” You moaned out as his fingers repeatedly hit that spot over and over, making you see stars. “sunoo, im gonna cum.” You threw your head back, you looked so pretty, grinding your pussy down on his fingers, desperate trying to reach your peak. “fuck cum, please cum on my hand, I need to see you cum.” He encouraged. “cum for your prince.” He hit the right spot, that had you cumming all over his hand with a squeak. “fuck.”
You heard the shuffling of his belt of his expensive pants— they felt to his ankles, his hard cock jumping, the perfect size, not to big, not to small, his tip red and dripping with pre-cum— his cock was pretty and ready to fill you up. “ready?” you nodded, his held his cock in his hand, giving himself a few strokes, before pressing it against your hole, both of you letting out a moan of pleasure as he stretched you out perfectly. “fuck so tight.”
“please.” You moaned, as he sunk his cock further into you. “please fuck me, your highness.” that name coming out your mouth like that made his cock twitch. “fuck call me that again.” He groaned, as you repeated it over. “please harder.”
Knowing the nurse would come back, he wasn’t gonna waste time, wrapping your legs around him, fucking into you at a faster. “fuck sunoo!” you yelled, forgetting all about the outside. “we gotta keep it down -fuck- people can still hear your pretty moans from the outside.” He pressed his lips against yours, swallowing all your moans, your cunt clenching tightening around him— he wasn’t gonna last long.
“fuck im gonna cum.” He pulled away, lips swollen. “m-me too.” You moaned. “oh fuck!” he cursed, pulling out stroking himself as he came all over your pussy, bringing his fingers to your clit to finish you off. “sunoo fuck!” you gasped, cumming. “fuck I’m sorry.” He said. “I got too overwhelmed, next time I promise to let you finish first.”
He quickly searched for something to clean you, gently wiping the cum from your cunt and inner thigh. “next time?” you said, he hummed, smiling, something you’ve never seen him to you, it was nice. “but first im gonna get on your good side for good, by apologizing until you really forgive me, then im gonna court you.” He explained. “and what about the people, your dad the king?” you said thinking realistically.
He kissed your lips, pulling your skirt down, helping you to your feet. “he’ll deal with it or he’ll have to look for a new king to rule.”
“and those people out there don’t matter, now that im gonna do what I want for now on.”
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sky-high-standards · 1 year
Yandere!!Fairytale characters!!Dark Reverse harem xFemale reader
I recently edited this
Part 2 here
You always loved stories for as long as you could remember because every night until you turned 8 you had dreams about coming to visit these story book characters but strangely they were your age in these dreams and were incredibly possessive and kept going on about how you would have to get married to one of them when you grow up.
When you were 9 you stopped reading fairy tales and these dreams stopped too.
8 years later~
You where just minding your own business when your mother came in and told you that you had to donate some old toys to a charity shop, you lazily got up and went to your attic where you kept most of your childhood things. As you searched you picked up the story book that you haven't seen in 8 years, a wave of nostalgia came over yo as you flipped through the pages. Suddenly aa portal came from the book and sucked you in.
Story 1 Cinderellis
You found yourself in a castle when someone suddenly bumped into you. You were surprised to see a beautiful woman wearing gorgeous clothing and a crown probably the queen giving you her hand to help you up she apologized and then gasped taking a closer look at you.
Queen: y/n is that you?
Y/n: Um yes?
She beamed and hugged you.
Queen: y/n my dear its been so long you're all grown up and so beautiful!
y/n: Queen Charming?
Then it all came back to you .You where in the castle where you used to play with your old friends Ellis and Johnathan. The queens son Johnathan saw you as a little sister and the queen saw you as a daughter but Ellis was the son of a wealthy man who was very kind and had a close friendship with the royal family. You remember Jonathan was vey protective and teased you a lot while Ellis was very sweet and incredibly shy and was very clingy towards you but he had this dark side and hated competition.
Queen: Just call me Caroline dear.
She smiled warmly at you seeming euphoric to see you again.
Caroline: Come quickly we must tell Jonathan you returned he will be so happy to see you.
So she lead you to the vaguely familiar room belonging to Jonathan
When he turned around you could barely recognize him he really has grown up.
Johnathan: y/n?
You nodded and he then tackled you into a hug like when you were kids.
Johnathan: I knew you'd come back dummy!!!
y/n: You really haven't changed a bit huh Johnny.
After you three caught up you found out Ellis's dad had died after you left and he now lives with his stepmother and his two stepbrothers they stopped seeing him after they met his stepmother.
Caroline the told you that she was gonna plan a ball for your return and to find a wife for Johnathan she sent out invitations to everyone in the land including Ellis and his family.
Ellis's home
Ellis was doing his usual labor because his mother treated him like a slave ever since his father died. His step family now just calls his Cinderellis due to him always being covered in soot. Ellis barely got anything to eat and was always given ragged clothing to wear. His stepbrothers mad sure to make sure he feels and looks terrible because they are incredibly jealous of Ellis because of his looks and all the female attention he gets.
After all these years Ellis hadn't forgotten about you but how could he ever since he met you he had been madly in love with you so much so that he worships the ground you walk on and would do anything to get your attention and much much more to get you affection but after you left a piece of himself left too he was absolutely devastated but he never lost hope that someday you'll return.
When an invitations to the ball came Ellis didn't care but he jumped for joy when you saw that this was for your return finally, he'd see his beloved again.
He told his Stepmother, and she told her sons to try and get you to fall for one of them now Ellis didn't like this and poisoned his family that day, after all Ellis never liked competition.
After the murder he disposed of the bodies he then dressed in one of his fathers suites and daydreamed about how soft your lips where or how happy you'll be to see him he can already picture you running into his arms proclaiming your undying love for him and how you'd never leave him again you'll be his in a matter of time.
Back at the castle
You were getting ready for the ball when a blinding flash of purple light came, and you saw a woman with a wand and beautiful purple wings in front of you.
???: Oh hello dear.
y/n: um who are you ma'am?
???:I'm your fairy Godmother I'm here to help you get back home.
y/n: Why? everyone is so nice here.
She went silent for a moment looking at you sympathetically.
Godmother: Things aren't always as they seem my dear...you have to save Jonathan if you want to make it to the next story.
Godmother: Keep it down, yes he's in great danger and you have a few more stories to complete before you get to go home.
y/n: what do you mean?
Godmother: I mean in each of the stories you will live in you will have a task when you complete it you will be sent to the next story but if you fail a task you won't be able to leave when you were younger you made every one of the male leads fall for you and now their obsessions have grown in an unhealthy way so be careful I'll see you soon.
and then she left just like how she came with without warning and in a poof of purple light.
The ball had begun and you couldn't stop worrying about Caroline and Johnathan. You were shaken out of your train of thought when a young man asked to dance he seemed pretty exited even euphoric and...love sick?
Nonetheless you agreed and he swiftly took you to the the center of the ball room as you two danced you couldn't avoid his stare it was so intense but those gray blue eyes were just` too familiar then it clicked.
Y/n: Ellis...?
He smiles at you and nodded.
Ellis: Did you miss me little mouse?
you smiled back at him and hugged him and he was in pure bliss finally you're back in his arms oh how he's dreamed of this day everything was perfect until he saw those pretty eyes of yours start to lose focus on him as you kept glancing at Jonathan this made his blood boil he was always second place to Jonathan when it came to you he always got your attention but now he's finally snapped he's had enough.
When you left to go check on Caroline he pulled out a vile of poison the very same he used to kill his step family.
Ellis: I didn't think I'd have to use it so soon.
He mumbled coldly.
He was about to pour it into Jonathan's glass when he heard your voice and he quickly his it into his pocket smiling at you, you asked to speak to him privately and he was taken back when he saw you crying and he immediately went forward to comfort you only to be pushed away.
Ellis: Little mouse what's wrong.
You stared up at him with a mix of hurt betrayal and confusion.
Y/n: I saw what you were about to do Ellis...I don't understand, Why would you try hurt him.
Ellis: why? because I love you y/n I love so much that it drives me insane I love you so much that I'd kill anyone in a heartbeat just for your attention I love you more than you will ever know little mouse~
All you could do was look up at him in fear as he caressed your cheek smiling at you with a sickly-sweet smile.
y/n: what happened to you? You were so sweet so kind and so selfless.
Ellis: Oh y/n you happened to me.
you saw a deranged glint in his eyes and his smile turned more sinister.
Ellis: You turned me into this.
At that moment you knew there was no reasoning with him so you had to be with him until you get sent to the next story.
y/n: Ellis I'll be yours if you promise not to hurt anyone else.
You could tell he was more than euphoric hearing those words come out of that pretty mouth of yours it sent him over the edge.
Ellis: I promise Little mouse.
For about 5 months things where perfect for Ellis waking up and knowing you are there being the only one able to kiss your soft lips it was pure bliss until there was a flash and you were gone.
You were falling out of the sky and splashed into the water you tried your hardest to swim but couldn't you were about to drown but you were rescued by a strange being and all you could remember was its voice.
Tell me if ya want me to continue and please give my other yandere stories some love.
God loves you get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated
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kalki-tarot · 10 months
Love & Career in 2024 🖤🍷💸
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I'll be using tarot cards and my own intuition so it may not resonate with everyone. Keep in mind that this reading is purely for entertainment purposes so be mindful of your own actions and choices. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings.
Pick a pile masterlist 🖤
Pile 01
8 wands, 6 wands, page of swords, queen of swords, knight of pentacles
Hello beautiful souls 💓
Let's talk about your career first. I'm seeing you getting praised or popular very fastly. If you're manifesting something career related then it's your sign it's gonna enter your life soon! You'll get a promotion at your workplace and if you're still studying then I'm seeing you're gonna be the top student of your class. Everyone will praise you and you'll be in Everyone's talks and gossips about how did you achieve it.
If some things got stuck or stagnant then a change is coming soon. All this stagnant energy will flow away and new creative and inspiring energy will lead you towards success my dear pile 1. Don't worry just be consistent and your efforts will be recognized and appreciated very soon.
New ideas will be put into action or will be manifested in reality. If you wanna start a new course then it's the right time to do so. I'm seeing communication for you too. You'll get new opportunities and will make new contacts and connections in your work life which will help you alot leveling up more.
Your overall energy is the Queen of swords which tells me that this year, you'll just focus on your goals and won't spend too much time thinking about the bs. Your plans would be clear cut and will be put into action. I'm not seeing you procrastinating or smth like that. It's a very fast, quick and easy going energy, but stable throughout.
New opportunities on the way! I'm seeing you getting a job letter or something like that. If you're struggling with getting a job then an opportunity is out there in 2024! So be ready ♡
2 wands, 8 wands, 9 pentacles, Temperance, 6 swords, 9 swords ( 5 pentacles, the devil, 4 pentacles, the moon, 5 swords)
Woah! You know what pile 1, we need to let go of some things before before it's too late. We need to let go of things even if it hurts only for our own good. The bad or good news is I'm seeing you breaking up or finally letting go of a toxic relationship or love. You've held it in for so long and in 2024, I'm seeing you releasing all of that. It's better to leave than being left out in the cold, right?
2024 is the year of a fresh start and ending the cycles. It's the year to relax and heal. It's great that you're walking away from such people. I know it takes a lot of strength and courage to do that and you have the guts to leave someone so toxic and unhealthy for you. I'm not necessarily seeing someone new entering in your life. I'm seeing YOU, choosing to walk away from this situation.
You'll know that the grass is greener on the other side. You'll explore new things in love. Maybe go on a few dates? By the end of 2024, you'll be balanced spiritually and physically. You'll be properly healed and you'll discover much more about yourself rather than other people. It's necessary to know ourselves before trying to understand some one else. That's it for you, please reblog this post if you liked it. Thanks ♡
Pile 02
3 of swords, page of pentacles, ace of swords, 6 of wands, the devil, 8 of wands
Career wise, Things may get a little rocky for you this year. But don't worry, with extra caution and mindfulness you'll be able to thrive through this. The advice I'm getting for is to not take any shortcuts for success to come fast, as it'll only result in your own downfall.
Be careful of people who look very nice and popular as they're not what they seem from their outer side. Just focus on grabbing opportunities and working truthfully for yourself and your loved ones. Your creative energy would be at peak this year, it's time for you to realize your potential and work with it next year.
Your 2024 is the year to hustle hard so be dedicated to your work/study. Lot's of success will be at your door if you don't fall into any traps.
Knight of cups, wheel of fortune, 9 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, the hermit, 7 of wands ( 9 swords & 8 pentacles )
Wow babe! You've done lots of healing and lot's of self care in 2023! And now it's the time for love finally coming into your life through divine intervention in 2024. As we have the wheel of fortune here, I'm seeing You've finally let go of the old cycles and karmic patterns.
The old thinking patterns and attachment wounds will be healed. You'll fight your way through this very powerfully. You've done a lot of self introspection and self discovery in 2023.
You are one step ahead of pile 1, you're asked to just go with flow and let the universe guide you through the vast ocean of sadness to the never ending love. A romantic, water sign energy may approach you with love 👀 next year. Abundance and clarity will flow through just don't complex your emotions any more. Trust your intuition and let it guide you.
That's it! Pile 2 ♡ If this helped you a little bit please comment and reblog xoxo
Pile 03
The magician, Temperanc, ace of wands, 8 wands, ace of cups, the fool (king of cups)
The year 2024 will bring you lots of emotional satisfaction in terms of your career. You would be a successful person, but with the right actions and decisions. Create a path for yourself and walk on it. You should have the desire amd commitment if you wanna achieve something in life.
In 2024, there is a need for you to have a clear mindset snd step wise approach. Do everything in a proper balance. Good things take time to manifest. Your dedication and ability to stay composed under pressure will help you stand out.
Whatever you're thinking about, go for it. Just "go for it", don't think too much if that gives you happiness. Whether you've been thinking about launching a project or reaching out to a new networking connection, 2024 is the time.
Next year would be an year of swift progress and rapid growth. Everything will seem so fast and would gain momentum. You may even travel for work.
Something would be headed your way in your professional life, whether that's a new job, a new responsibility within your current role, or even a new business partner or connection, a new and promising path may be opening up.
You'll overall enjoy this year in terms of your professional or career life.
10 swords, 2 of wands, knight of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, queen of swords, 5 of wands, the tower ( 9 swords, 7 cups, magician )
Listen pile 3, to be honest 2024 would be rocky for you, you know. I channeled that you should not go alone in clubs or pubs or take any drinks with strangers. Be careful guys.
For some of you I'm getting that you guys are just staying single this year and focusing more on your self growth and options in love. You may solo travel or go on solo dates. You know loving yourself and all.
You may actually reach out to a therapist if your experiences were not so good in love before. If not, then I'm seeing you reaching out for yourself, my love. You're giving yourself the love and warmth you've never received from anyone else. You're now, not letting bs people get into your life and make a hell out of it. You're tryna stay healthy and happy.
For some of you, there's an advice of manifesting new love in your life. Get into that mindset. List down all the qualities you want in a partner and visualizing would also help you.
I'm seeing a divorce for some of you, or even a legal matter that involves a person you once loved. They probably lied and deceived you. You may fight for yourself in the court this year. Sending Lots of hugs and love to you dear if this is happening to you. Stay strong and you'll be more blessed. 💓✨️
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s4toryuu · 9 months
12:37 am — gojo satoru; sashisu
gojo satoru refuses to drink his medicine…
reblog to help gojo get better
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out of everything you could call satoru, you think dramatic takes the top spot. so when you wake up in the middle of the night, you listen out for what could possibly have waken you up.
“koff! koff! UGH!” you recognized gojo’s voice from the dorm building behind yours.
oh my fucking god. you sighed. that morning, that idiot had to get sent to his dorm because he kept coughing every time yaga spoke. he sneezed and sniffled, so you assumed that he was actually ill and didn’t just decide to up his antics for no reason. besides, he was a little quieter than usual today.
you got up to put on a jacket and practically stomped to gojo’s dorm, where you were met with his open door and geto standing against the door frame.
“satoru, I told you the medicine wouldn’t be as effective later on.” geto sighed. you noticed his socks. they were pastel with characters on them. you ignored it to yell at who probably gave it to him.
“gojo! if you’re gonna cough just cough! you don’t have to yell after!” you said before sliding one of gojo’s slippers. there that idiot was, laying down faced up with arms stiff on his side and his comforter raised up to his chin. “are you playing dead?”
gojo groaned. “guys.” he sniffled. “I think this is it for me. suguru, I always loved you. y/n, I did steal your marshmallows last movie night. shoko—where’s shoko?” he looked up, illness suddenly voided for a second until shoko appears behind you. her dorm is a couple doors from yours after all. the snow-haired drama queen’s head fell back on his pillow and his sickness returned.
“eh, what?” she muttered to him before stepping inside. gojo started coughing again.
“are you contagious?” you asked before shifting away from gojo’s bed. geto took the medicine he got from gojo’s counter and placed it on the latter’s nightstand.
shoko walked over and sat on his bed. she placed her hand on gojo’s forehead before snickering. “you’re burning up. you really are gonna die.” she laughed.
you all chuckled, except gojo who whined again. “can’t you use reverse cursed technique on me shoookooo…”
“nope. I’ve only done it on physical injuries. why won’t you just drink the medicine?” she took the plastic little spoon and wiggled it to gojo’s face for emphasis.
gojo screwed his eyes shut and shook his head like a child. “don’t wanna.” if it wasn’t 12:37am on a school night you might’ve found it adorable.
“you might really die, satoru.” geto shot from the foot of gojo’s bed. he definitely woke up from his coughing and subsequent yelling, seeing as geto’s room is right next to gojo’s.
the next morning after your first class, the three of you gathered in the cafeteria and geto stirred up a plan.
“he’s probably not drinking it because he thinks it’s bitter.” you conclude.
suguru sipped on his tea. “ah, I know. that’s why I got the honey flavor version.”
“how are we gonna force him to drink it? it’s not like we can force feed it to him.” shoko shook her lollipop. you were just glad it wasn’t a cigarette.
“he’ll just turn on his infinity. I think we have to ambush him.” you laughed at the image.
“geto, summon a cursed spirit to hold him down.” shoko joked.
the cold breeze practically slapped you while walking to the dorms. geto was sure your victim was still asleep. he had the spare key when you thought to take off your shoes for maximum stealth. the two followed.
geto stood in front of the door to block the light while you and shoko slithered in. it was dark except for the nightlight by satoru’s night stand. you could make out the important things. the untouched medicine, and gojo sprawled over his bed under his sheets. he faced the left side cuddling a pillow. tissues filled the trash can dragged by his bed and some on the floor. poor kid.
geto tiptoed to the other side of the bed where satoru was faced while shoko prepared the poison. you got in position across geto and stifled a laugh at shoko trying to break the seal as quiet as possible. she tiptoed next to you and nodded to geto.
“satoru” geto called out. “satoru, wake up.”
“sugu…” gojo whined. he didn’t open his eyes. geto gestured for the syrup-filled spoon. shoko handed it to him promptly and again, you stifled a laugh at your plan.
“satoru-kun. aaah,” geto opened his mouth. geto using “-kun” was too funny.
surprisingly, satoru opened his mouth slightly too. what the hell? this wasn’t even part of the plan. suguru took the spoon to satoru’s mouth.
shit, it would probably just spill out with the way he was faced, you realized. you lunged to push satoru’s shoulder to the right so that he would face up. you decided him choking on it was better than it spilling. because that way it would at least get in his mouth.
gojo woke up. he made eye contact with you and immediately tried to get up. he moved his hand to push yours off but you held his shoulders down with your weight and geto got all the syrup in.
“MMGHFHG!” gojo yelled with his mouth closed. he struggled against you, and you gave it 5 seconds before his strength took over and even less before he activated infinity.
“geto!” you called and he took over your hold on sicko’s shoulders.
gojo started kicking, and you straddled his shins.
“swallow!” geto exclaimed as gojo tried to push his hands off. shit, this wouldn’t work.
“geto! get on!” you yelled and geto straddled gojo’s stomach.
“swallow it!” suguru grabbed gojo’s arms and held them against the bed by his head.
“HHNGNGGHH!” satoru shook his head.
“satoru! it’s honey flavored!” geto argued.
shoko laughed and you heard her camera shutter. she stood far enough to snap a picture and you realized what it looked like. you were straddling gojo’s calves while suguru was straddling gojo’s, uh… lower stomach with his hands pinned by his head.
then, as if on queue, the door opened. your heads snapped to the door and you saw your sweet (to you, at least) junior nanami for about .7 seconds before the door closed again.
you flew off of gojo’s calves. “nanami! wait!”
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this ended with a lot more stsg than I thought lol
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drvscarlett · 6 months
Sweet Nothings (2)
Carlos Sainz x pageant queen!reader
Summary: All that they ever wanted was sweet nothings but everything changed like midnight rain.
Sweet Nothings: 1, 2, 3. 4
A/N: i indulged a lot with catriona so expect a lot of her faces. i like to build up things hehe.let me know your thoughts
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YNjpeg posted a photo.
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Liked by CarlosSainz55, LewisHamilton, and 543,456 others
YNjpeg thank you for the opportunity for the roundtable to discuss different issues faced by our society [link]
User4 the way she speaks says a lot about her character
User6 I dont need to see any other queen, Y/N is my Miss Universe 2024.
User7 i never knew Y/N is this knowledgeable
User9 right?? i mean before we all knew her as just Carlos' partner User10 is it bad for me to say that i think Carlos and Y/N break up is a good thing? User9 true bestie.
LewisHamilton Wonderful insights, thank you for using your voice!
YNjpeg honored to be appreciated by you Lew! LewisHamilton 👑☝️ User12 real recognize real!
User55 anyone notice that carlos is still liking?
User90 omg i just noticed that! User77 my divorced parents
F1News posted an article.
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Carlos Sainz sits down talking about championships, end of contracts, and relationships.
The hottest topic in the paddock at the moment has been Carlos Sainz. He is the driver that has been to watch out for as he becomes the El Matador that crushes Red Bull's streak of victory. The soon to be ex-Ferrari driver thanks the team for building a good car and creating new strategy that allowed them to best Red Bull several times already.
It was no surprise that him and teammate, Charles Leclerc has been chasing Max down for the championship. When asked about how does he deal with the pressure, he mentioned that he kept himself grounded by a note tucked inside of his helmet. He said that the content of the notes cannot be discussed (as well as the writer of the note) but he is very grateful for it for keeping him in touch with reality. The Spaniard is currently sitting at the second place with only 2 points difference from the current champion.
"It has not yet been decided" this is what Carlos has to say regarding where he would sign next. Carlos assures everyone that there are offers but he is still weighing which will be a better option. His focus at the moment was not on the signing because as he states "if I'm a good driver then the offers will just keep coming." He wishes to focus on doing his best with his current team and reiterates that he has no ill feelings with the team.
Another hot topic that Carlos was asked about is regarding his love life. There were rumors about his split with long-time girlfriend and now running for Miss Universe, Y/N L/N. Carlos explained how he is very proud of Y/N and that he wishes all the best for her. He refused to answer questions detailing more about her since he explains that "focus on Y/N as a beauty queen and not because of her relationship. She deserves more than just being someone's girlfriend."
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CarlosY/N4ever me realizing that Miss Universe 2024 and the Las Vegas Grand Prix is happening together???!!!
User5 wdym together???
CarlosY/N4ever It will both happen in the 24th,the gp will go first at 2pm while the Miss Universe will start at 6pm. User5 OHMYGOD????
User7 So are we going to watch miss universe or f1???
User8 Im gonna watch both User9 rip to us with a different timezone
User10 i love how we can use Y/N's reactions for this
User11 girlie is a walking meme User13 walking meme but still elegant
User22 what is barbenheimer when we have this going on!!!
QueenYNUpdates just posted a reel
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Well my gowns and my costumes have been carefully selected. Everything has a meaning. It is an homage for my country and of course to the best parts of myself. [Can we have any more insights about your evening gown] All I can say is that I want to make Filipinos proud and the color has a very personal meaning.
User10 Im excited to see her final look!
User12 agreeeee,her attention to details is everything!
User7 Our filipina queen! PERIODT!
User13 the color has a very personal meaning + that smile.. anyone wanted to bet with me that its ferrari red???
User15 I might cry if its really red User18 and its carlos' last year to ferrari as well User90 I just want to have a good time on this app
User55 Go fight for the crown!!!! Bring home the crown!!!
QueenYNUpdates posted a reel
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[What can you say about your relationship with Carlos, everyone is curious about what happened] This is the only time, I'll talk about this. If you are looking for drama, there is no drama between the two of us. Carlos and I met when we were still young people and we grew up together. We matured as individuals..Its not a bad thing. I am extremely happy and proud of where he is right now. Were both chasing our dreams. What we are, what have been. Its all good. That's all that I have to say.
User5 This basically confirms it.
User6 we are really children of divorce
User11 Its the miss universe curse. If the girl really wants the crown then they will undergo heartbreak
User14 why do we have to sacrifice someone?? User15 so miss universe is just like ferrari strategy? here we sacrifice a boyfriend, in ferrari we sacrifice leclerc User17 that comment got me gagged.
YNjpeg posted a photo
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liked by CarlosSainz55, LandoNorris, and 876,525 others
YNjpeg I am ready to represent!!! Flying to Vegas!!!
Charles_Leclerc goodluck Miss Philippines!!
YNjpeg thank you charlieee
LandoNorris can't wait to see you take the crown
YNjpeg lando you believe in me too much LandoNorris I SAID take the crown!!! YNjpeg ON IT!
User5 im so happy that she is still being supported by the grid
User67 bring home the crown Y/N!
User8 Mark my words, she will come back with the crown!
User9 safe flight!!!
CarlosSainz55 just posted a photo.
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CarlosSainz55 You always hated flying. You told me that there is a certain discomfort and uncertainty when you are a thousand feet from the ground. Right now, you are flying. I know it has a certain discomfort and uncertainty of what's to come but I believe you can find some joy in it.
You will always be the most beautiful in the universe.
User7 OMG????
User8 bro really went to tell the whole world that he will be here no matter what
User15 were always talking about how Y/N is Carlos' biggest fan but Carlos is also Y/N's biggest fan
CarlosSainz55 just deleted the post.
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heich0e · 9 months
touya should NOT get in bed with you when you have as much as an hint of a cold, that man has the immune system of a wet rag, always heaving and wheezing. one sneeze and he's GONE, just a pile of bones and staples amen
but he DOES. (based on this post)
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"thirty eight point three."
your eyelids feel heavy as you peer up at touya, standing over you at the edge of your bed. between his fingers is the thermometer he'd just plucked from your lips once it beeped to signal it was ready to be read, and upon his brow is an unhappy furrow. his bright eyes flicker from the digital screen of the device to you.
"that's a fever," he says solemnly, as though delivering the gravest possible news.
"barely," you rasp, your throat somehow both sticky and dry at the same time, though you're not quite sure how that's possible.
"'s a moderate-grade fever according to Harvard Health," touya replies immediately, holding his phone out towards you. there's a webpage pulled up on the screen, but you're too tired to look at it properly. you recognize the insignia from the famous university in the corner, though, so you take his (and their) word for it.
"i told you: i just need to sleep it off," you mumble, squirming around under your blankets to get comfortable. "if i rest i'm sure i'll be better in a day or two."
you finally allow your leaden eyelids to flutter shut.
"you comfortable?" touya asks after a moment of letting you get settled. it's not the first time he's asked you that in the past hour since you came home from work feeling unwell. he'd helped you strip out of your work clothes, crawl into bed, then gotten you cool water, and some cough and cold tablets and the thermometer from the medicine cabinet. he's asked you if you're comfortable no less than four times in the process.
"yes, touya. this is perfect," you reply, cracking one eye open to peer up at him. he looks a little directionless as he stands at your side, a bit lost. "thank you."
"okay," he breathes out a little sigh, kneeling at the edge of the bed and moving to lift the blanket, just like he does every night as he crawls in beside you.
"wait!" you croak, holding the edge of the blanket down against his efforts to raise it. "you can't be in here! you'll get sick!"
touya looks affronted. mortified even at the suggestion. if he didn't love you so much you might even think he looked mad.
"the hell i can't," he scoffs, tugging the comforter a little bit rougher than before. you know you have no chance in a battle of strength, especially when you're sick, so you let it slip from your grip. instead, you sit up (with considerably more effort than it usually takes) and place your hands on his shoulders.
"touya, no," you insist, pushing with all your might against his frame to keep him out of the bed. "you're gonna get sick!"
"i don't care!" he counters, pressing all his weight against your palms as he endeavours ever forward into your shared queen-size bed.
touya was always sick as a kid, spending time in and out of hospital throughout his preteen and adolescent years. his immune system has never been strong, and though any major risks of compromise are unlikely now, you still don't want him to catch your cold—he'd likely suffer more, and take longer to recover than you will.
"i'm full of—ngh—germs!"
"so what? they're your germs. we're supposed to share everything, aren't we?"
touya's not particularly hulking, but his strength proves no match for your weakened state, and before you know it he's tumbling into the bed right atop you—nose to nose, chest to heaving chest, and one of touya's hands on either side of your head to keep you from a properly calamitous collision.
"you're impossible," you mutter to him sullenly, but you can't help but appreciate how nice it feels to have his warm body in bed with you. you shiver a bit, in spite of your fever, and relish in the relief his warmth brings.
touya wraps you in his arms, slipping easily into place beside you under the cover of your soft cotton sheets. you're not quite side to side nor front to back—you're on your side with one leg thrown over his own, your cheek pressed to his chest, and he lays facing the ceiling with his arm wrapped around your shoulders to keep you exactly where you are. it's familiar. comfortable.
"yeah, yeah," touya replies, his tone easy and lilting smugly with triumph as it rumbles through his chest. his grip tightens a bit more. you don't mind it. "i know."
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rookerchu · 10 months
Dude I had a train of thought while I was at work that was cracking me up. FYI iron flame spoilers.
So Tyrrendor had its own king before the unification right and now it has a duke ruling over the province. And technically that duke is Xaden, or at least he's next in line. So when the third kingdom/country/whatever shows up and they play a critical part in defeating the venin at the end of the series, this third party sees the shit Navarre has put Tyrrendor through and announces that should Tyrrendor choose to secede they will formally recognize the new tyrrish king. And Xaden not wanting to be king starts to protest but before he can Garrick cuts in with something like "your majesty" because unflappable, unmoveable, unyielding Xaden Riorson is for once distinctly out of his league. Not to mention Garrick knows his friend would be a great king. And Xaden looks at his friend with just the utmost betrayal because how could he. And it's like
Unnamed foreign dignitary: we will recognize the new tyrrish king
Xaden: no thats not....
Garrick (grinning while lowering into a over exaggerated bow): your majesty
Xaden: stop
Bohdi (also bowing) your highness
Xaden: why are you doing this to me
Garrick: well you've already been filling the role just figured you should get the perks that come with the title.
Xaden: what perks? Bickering with council members?
Garrick: who are you bickering with we're in a time of peace?
Violet: me were gonna argue about what color drapes to hang in the throne room.
Xaden: black end of discussion
Garrick: so you accept?
Xaden (grinning his own wicked grin): i will make you my right hand and drag you into every council meeting for the rest of our lives
Garrick (grimacing): shouldn't that be Bodhi's job?
Bodhi: nope all you
Garrick: what about violet?
Violet: what about me?
Xaden: oh yes, you're coming too.... my queen *pauses* ok maybe I can get used to that
Then it would get more serious about how yes he would be an excellent king and all that he's given of himself for his people. Which of course ends with bowing/kneeling before him
And even though I think that if Tyrrendor seceded they would become a democracy, this was cracking me up for hours
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amongussexgif · 1 year
Howdy folks. I’ve said I’d make a rant about this for a while. It’s time.
Let’s start with the basics. Mesopomatia is the earliest known human civilization. Humans existed before them, but this was the first “city”. They also made the first writing. This rant also kinda covers Sumerian tuff, because the two groups had a bit of a merging.
You know what transgenderism is. You’re on tumblr dot com. Chances are you are a transgenderist yourself
Transphobes often say that transgenderism is a “new concept” and that “nobody was trans 20 years ago”. For the record, you don’t have to go as far back as Mesopotamia. There’s Greece, Egypt, Hawaii, and tons of others I fail to remember. But yeah, we date back to The First City.
The First People believed in many gods, one of which you’ve likely heard of. Today’s subject: Inanna/Ishtar, The Queen of Heaven (I’ll be calling her Inanna, as it’s her original name). She was the goddess of Sex, War, and Justice. The most notable things she was believed to do were changing people’s genders and being an absolute queen. Like fr she slayed-
Anyways, the “transgender power” as I’m gonna call it because it's funny, is well documented in poetry fragments, with the direct quote “To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inanna.” This was written by Enheduanna, Inanna’s High Priestess from Ur (Ur is a city).
Speaking of Inanna’s Priests and Priestesses, they were actually known for their androgyny. Poems and Dedications to Inanna often included them, with the direct depiction of the goddess transfer-ify-ing them. It’s unknown if these and the Gala are the same priests, so I’ll add a little space and talk about them for a bit.
The Gala were priestesses for Inanna created by the god Enki (who is really fuckign cool for non-trans reasons (might talk about him sometime)) to sing for her. Mourning Rites previously sung by women got taken over by the Gala, and as men joined, they adopted ALL societal roles and expectations of women, switching to female names and singing in the Sumerian eme-sal dialect, which was reserved for women trying to render the speech of female gods. The Gala looked after the sick and poor, and were highly respected by the rest of the Mesopotamian peoples.
Time to talk about the Pilipili! They were a group of cultic performers who worshiped Inanna, with the name coming from a person named Pilipili. They were raised as a woman (according to Mesopotamia’s gender roles), and were blessed by Inanna and given the name Pilipili. Inanna gave them a spear, an item associated very heavily with masculinity “as if she were a man” and they are only referred to as “The Transformed Pilipili” from that point on. “Spear'' is also thought to have phallic meaning here, which is even more directly saying that Inanna trans’ed Pilipili’s gender.
How about we move beyond the cult on Inanna now? A statue (or technically statuette but honestly whatever) found in the city of Mari depicts a singing woman. But wait! The name of the depicted person is “Ur-Nanshe”, a masculine name! This might mean nothing, but honestly, you’d assume transgenderism too if you met a woman named Steven. The statue has a soft face with traces of makeup, and it’s got tiddies!
A statue in the British museum (which for the record should not be in there. give it back) has a label translated as “Hermaphrodite of Inanna”. Hermaphrodite has a different meaning now, which a different translator, Cheryl Morgan, recognized, stating that “person-man-woman” would be more accurate. We don’t know specifics about their gender, but clearly this was a person outside of the gender binary who was not only significant enough to have a statue of them made, but also assumedly well-liked!
So, to summarize, Ancient Mesopotamia viewed genderqueer individuals as:
often blessed by the Queen of Heaven
transgender-ify-ed by said Queen of Heaven
well respected enough to be priests
said cult of trans priests was also said to be made by another god in devotion to Inanna
significant and well-liked enough to have statues of them
sounds like we should take some notes from our ancestors, huh?
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11queensupreme11 · 16 days
Hi again queen! Ive come bearing gifts 🤲😊
Since we're coming to a close with act 1, I felt it would only be appropriate to draw some memes again to celebrate 🎉 I started drawing all of these a few weeks ago but school + my gachas have been pounding my accs with all the banners so....yeah, here🗣️🔥
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Also, I will soon be sending you drawn memes for each yan too + a baldur one (because for some reason i really cant get their ship out my head lol idk if im projecting my HC but i think he wouldve ADORED her  – what would their ship name even be? balcy 😭??? (cuz it wouldve been pretty fucking ballsy of them to get into a relationship knowing Loki is there to do…Loki things, LMAO). I will send 4 of the yan drawings um later and if not later, then tomorrow or the day after! Then the rest will be sent a day or an hour after those. I just need to finish some things before sending them out
(tbh it wouldve been better to drop it at the end of act 1 but school has been horrendous lately so im not taking my chances 😭 better early than late)
++ read the new chapter too – QUEEN I AM SO SCARED 😭 when you first introduced anubis i thought he was super cute!!....then you dropped this chapter, and now im worried 😭???? Wym by others??? Wym screaimg for him to stay away or trying to escape??? HES CREEPING ME OUT AND WE WERE JUST DONE WITH UNCY HADES, like this went from sweet to…extremely unnerving 😭 BRING US BACK DADDYSEIDON I MISS HIM, HOW IS HE RN?? IS HE ABSOLUTELY LOSING HIS MIND LMAOOO
+++ saw that comment about Ra - i am foaming for a tsundere grandpa PLEASE
Also, welcome back! I wish you all the best w your exam results!
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YEAH WE'RE GONNA HAVE A TSUNDERE/YANDERE GREAT GREAT GRANDPA-IN-LAW RA 😂😂😂😂😂😂 i'm gonna enjoy this so much, it's gonna be like the ares and percy beef except ra's not a fucking dumbass 😭
thank you for the drawn memes 🥺💖💖💖 i actually recognize some of these lmao thank you 💖 the beelcy one is very accurate considering beelzebub 1000000% stalks her socials lol
(also omg you drew cú chulainn with his doggy 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
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franzkafkagf · 5 months
okay so i want to hear about your take on aegon i know you like him and all (so do i no matter how much i wish not to) but whyy
yess thanks for asking, I love being insane about him<3
I think Aegon is such a wildly tragic character– many asoiaf characters are but I'm so drawn specifically to him; he didn't want power or responsibility or the crown. It all was bestowed upon him against his will, and he shouldn't; putting on the crown is his definitive death sentence. The coronation scene has got to be one of my favorites in the season– he is quite literally walking up to be butchered like a sacrificial lamb, there are tears streaking his cheeks in the scene! I love the tragedy of it, the way it couldn't have been avoided anyways; his fate was sealed from the very start! He was quite literally dead from the very beginning.
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I'm going off a mix from the book and the show but I actually love what they did with the character in the show? The book version does have some hard-hitting moments from him that are missing ("What sort of brother steals his sister's birthright?") but there wasn't that much there in terms of characterization and relationships. And wow, did they deliver on that in the show; I'm gonna give whoever came up with his mommy issues a forehead kiss.
Because YES! He and Alicent are reflections of one another– Alicent suffered under the heavy boot of Otto, turned into the perfect daughter, turned into the perfect queen for him. She recognizes that this was wrong and abusive of him, then she turns around and does the same thing to Aegon– the poison DOES drip through, the wheel is NOT broken!! It's BRILLIANT.
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@atopvisenyashill put a GREAT tag under one of my posts–
#he looks like her and he’s weak like her so why can’t he get strong like her.
While Alicent persevered, Aegon crumbled under the pressure. He is miserable when we meet him– and he should be! He is unfit for the role of king, but it is his destiny nonetheless, everybody tells him so. It destroys him.
It's so sad too and I cannot help but to feel bad for him. No one knows where he is in ep 9, I don't think he has anyone to confide in; it must be lonely. Everybody seems to have written him off already– he is a drunk and a failure at being heir, being a son, being a father. He tries to prove them wrong later, and does in some aspects.
His loneliness plays into another aspect of him that I really love; his desperation to be loved. He will never be enough for anybody, he probably knows it deep down.
"[Aegon is] desperate to be loved but destined to be hated." – Tom Glynn-Carney
Obviously there is the carriage scene with Alicent that shows this. But I also really love the moment in his coronation, where he basks in the people's affection and cheers. He is poised to bleed out in front of the throne, he was crying and fighting for his life not to take the crown just minutes before. But now he's here and they love him and he can't help but love that.
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He takes the crown to protect his family (the show does hint at that with Alicent telling him as much in ep. 6– in the book it's much more explicit with Criston pressuring him on the day of the coronation itself) and then his son DIES because of it! And he drinks and rages and drinks some more; he must've blamed himself. He goes to battle, flies too high (figuratively), and he FALLS; he burns and falls to the ground. He isn't made to be king. He knows. He does it anyways.
"You have already written yourself into legend, you survived dragonfire" – Larys Strong in season 2 (probably)
He survives, he is gone for over a year, unable to do anything but he SURVIVES. He escapes the capital, takes Dragonstone, he falls AGAIN, he loses most of his family; but he still goes on. Fueled by what? Maybe anger, or bitterness or just pure lust for revenge. It doesn't matter. He must've realized somewhere on the way that this was always meant to go this way, ever since he put the conqueror's crown on. It doesn't matter.
And then he dies and it's not grand or spectacular or anything like that. He drinks poisoned wine, nobody even sees him die, they only find him after. It's so uniquely lonely.
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imasoftieforbarb · 10 months
OHMIGOD HI!!!!!! can i drop off a little john dory x reader request?? where reader is also an ex-celeb, but ran away from the public to get away from all the crazy fans and excessive fame? perhaps they were friends before, then reader ran away and JD's emotional stress w/ reader leaving added to him wanting to leave brozone/them breaking up? n mayyybee reader n JD meet up after the events of band together?? or somethink idk!!!! thank you bug :3
- paperclip anon 🖇️
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John Dory x ex-celeb Reader
You low key are each others pillar
He would rant to you about how it sucked to be the eldest and all the responsibilities
You complained to him about the crazy fans and the stress of being famous
He noticed that you were acting weird the last time y’all met
So when he got to the meeting place- and only found a note?
He got super stressed out
He also felt betrayed and had a lil cry
This is when he decided to start stressing on being perfect
Maybe you’d come back if you saw how perfect the band was
It got too much, and he left
You’d left to go explore and be yourself
So he was gonna do the same thing
Totally wasn’t gonna look for you
After the band was back together, his brothers were asking about his girlfriend and where she was
He was like ?????? What girlfriend???
“You’re not dating Y/n?”
He’d be so gagged
Questions everything in the span of three seconds before his brain reboots
Has a quick vent about it to his bros
Everyone decides to go look for you cause obviously you gotta reunite the long lost lovers
Queen Barb rings up and is like “heard you were looking for my cousin?”
Now everyone is questioning everything
They found you on a little island off the lava coast of Rock
John Dory stays outside cause he wasn’t sure if he was gonna shout at you or cry
You came out side after the brothers told you what was going on
Y’all had a heart to heart, you apologized for leaving without saying a proper goodbye- explaining that you did so because if you saw him you wouldn’t be able to leave
He tells you the impact it left but also apologized for not being the best friend he could’ve
Then you pause-
“We weren’t dating?”
It takes a while for feelings to be recognized and trust issues to be solved
But y’all end up being the cutest goddamn couple ever
You rent your cabin out for steady income and stay with JD in Rhonda
She likes you
More than she likes JD
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libby-for-life · 5 months
Ok I’m officially convinced that there is some kind of drug in your works, because I am an addict! It’s incredible!!! anyway what I wanted to ask you about you know how eventually Lilith and Lucifer are sent to Hell for their actions, what if Adam was sent with them as to make sure they never rise up against Heaven. and think about it, Lucifer gets not one but TWO queens!
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Why thank you. I do happen to put coke in the stories so that's probably what you're experiencing!
I really like this idea!
Adam died after a long and fruitful life. He had many many children and he was alive to see those children become parents and then grandparents and then great-grandparents. He died at the ripe age of 989.
He closed his eyes, his family surrounding him as he passed on. He opened his eyes to a bright light.
"Adam." A familiar voice said. "Welcome, to Heaven. We have much to discuss."
Adam didn't have much of a chance to gain his bearings before he was grabbed and hauled up. "What?" Adam muttered.
"Hush. Be silent." A gruff voice said and it made Adam look over to see a familiar angel. "Michael?" Michael gave him an unreadable look and pushed him forward. Adam was guided roughly toward a building. "Michael, what's going—"
Adam yelped as he was pushed into the building and came face-to-face with Sera. "Sera. What's going on? Why is everyone being so weird?"
Sera grimaced as suddenly chains bound Adam to the floor. "Sera!" Adam cried, a look of betrayal on his face as he was hauled up onto his knees.
"For what's its worth, you were meant for Heaven." Sera began as a gag was fitted over Adam’s mouth. Tears gathered at the edge of his eyes as he glared at Sera. "But I have to think of what's best for Heaven and that means sacrifice." Micheal picked up Adam and they all stepped onto some pad. Glowing light filled his vision as the room was replaced and they appeared in another room.
The air no longer smelled sweet and Adam coughed into the gag.
"Lucifer. Lilith. It seems that you have already arrived. "
Adam's eyes widened at those names and began to violently shake. No. No! Not them! Not the people who abandoned him! More tears fell to the ground as Michael jostled him.
"That's him?" A smooth voice said and Adam immediately recognized it as Lilith.
"Yes. In exchange for you and your people never going against Heaven, we give you what you've requested. Adam's soul." Adam tried to fight out of Michael's arms but his hair was harshly pulled making him whimper in pain. "Stop squirming. Be grateful. You're helping Heaven stay strong."
He risked a glance at the two people he feared the most. They both were glaring at Sera and it made Adam pale. 'They're gonna kill me.' Adam thought as he let out a choked sob.
"Then I suggest you hand him over," Lucifer growled. Micheal scoffed at his brother before holding out Adam like he was some sort of disgusting pet he no longer wanted. Lilith glided over and Adam flinched when she touched him but was somewhat surprised when her arms held him gently.
Lilith guided his head to the crook of her neck and Adam could smell Lily of the Valley, cinnamon, and something distinctly Lilith.
While his mind was still in a frenzy, his body relaxed in the gentle hold, her pheromones making him calm.
"Good. Now leave."
Adam could feel the angels leave and he whimpered at being left alone. He was always being left alone. Why? Why?!
"Oh, Adam. What have they done to you?" Lucifer crooned as he rubbed Adam's back. "Let's get these nasty chains off you." Adam held back more tears as Lilith and Lucifer began unwrapping him from the golden chains. Adam didn't understand the looks they were giving him.
They looked...soft and loving. Adam must be hallucinating it. His mind was trying to come up with an explanation and this was what he had always wanted so of course his mind went there.
Soon, all he was left in was a gag and the tunic he arrived in. His white wings shivered as Lucifer caressed them. "So beautiful." Lucifer murmured.
Lilith chuckled before taking the gag off. Adam gasped and immediately asked, "Are you going to kill me?"
Lilith and Lucifer looked surprised but then angry making Adam close his eyes in fear. "Is that what they told you?" Lilith demanded, her hand finding hold of his brown locks. It was gently rubbed through with delicate fingers.
Adam whimpered. "N-no. You hate me!" He cried but was silenced as he felt lips meet his wings, no, the base and it made Adam shiver in Lilith's lap. "We don't hate you, Adam," Lilith said with a sultry smile as she kissed his cheek. Adam blushed heavily. He was very confused but a warm feeling filled his belly and he couldn't help but hide in the crook of Lilith's neck.
Two chuckles filled the room. "Don't worry, Adam. We have an eternity to prove it to you."
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amxrany · 1 month
Ya'll thought I forgot? Nah I was just busy (Floyd's Dream):
Ok so we start off at the ocean, where Ortho's carrying everyone, but Jamil and Silver create a boat and oar using ice. They all get in, Silver mentions how cold it is and Grim agrees. Grim also proceeds to get closer and snuggle with Yuu (like the bitchass mf he is /j) then Sebek's just mad on how much Yuu spoils Grim. Everyone's wondering who's dream they entered, and Jamil proceeds to get starting apprehensive; because they're only a few people we can associate with the ocean (and he does not take to them too kindly)
Then the boat gets attacked and everyone panics, Ortho assumes it's a shark and the gang proceeds to get thrown off the boat. We all end up under the sea with the scene changing to the sunken ship that Ariel explored in from The Little Mermaid
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Being thrown out of their boat, everyone starts freaking out because they're gonna drown; but it never comes. Turns out that Idia gave them bubble shields using STYX's technology to make them breathe underwater. But Ortho senses someone close by, he senses that it's an eel that is 4 meters in length.
That's when Floyd finds us, we find out it's his dream because Silver's bird surrounds him. It turns out Floyd doesn't recognize the group, because the moment he finds out that they were humans, he sighs (very dramatically i might add) of boredom. Everyone's confused cuz this isn't the Floyd they're used to, as the Floyd right now sounds very depressed and emotionless.
It turns out that Floyd left the land because he wasn't interested in it anymore. When Silver asks him about Azul and Jade, he mentions that they're still in land; with Azul opening another Mostro Lounge with and Jade being Azul's right hand man. Apparently, Floyd felt that the land got too boring as everything was going a little too perfect. With everyone falling for Azul's contracts and Mostro Lounge having multiple branches, he just found it too boring and decided to start traveling around the world instead.
First, he lands in Vil's hometown where he was offered a modeling gig from a famous brand because of how handsome he is (even Silver thinks he's handsome too), but declined because it would get boring to wear clothes of the same brand. Next, he traveled to Sunshine Land where he was hired as a chef by a famous restaurant. For that, the chef really liked the meal that Floyd threw together on a whim and served it in the menu, it instantly became a popular hit. But when the chef asked for the recipe, Floyd can't give it cuz he just made it spontaneously so he just quitted on the spot 😭.
Then he went to Scalding Sands to check out their desert, in which he found a cave. He went in and found a supposedly "black teapot" inside, he took it and wiped the dust and accidentally summons a black ghost, this being a reference to Jafar being trapped in the genie's lamp. When asked about his three wishes, he proceeded to use all of them on food 💀. He also traveled to Sunset Savannah, Queendom of Roses and Briar Valley but still nothing was keeping entertained, as he found all of them weak and boring.
Of course at the mention of Briar Valley, Sebek immediately got defensive; stating that Queen Maleficia and Malleus wouldn't lose to someone like him. Then Floyd just goes "bruh I can't just go fistfight royalty" and Sebek's like "You only get common sense now?!". That's when Idia comes in with his take that Floyd isn't the type of person to go fight people to build up his reputation nor is he the type to seek out things to get stronger...
Floyd also tells us that he literally just threw us off the boat out of curiousity, but it turns out it was all just for nothing as he's getting bored again. That's when Idia mentions that Malleus' magic isn't working for Floyd, because the magic was set to give people infinite happiness; but because Floyd likes things difficult, the magic won't work right.
Jamil then mentions that Floyd likes strong opponents, like during a tournament in basketball where the team was losing; but the only who was motivated to win was Floyd. He relies heavly on his moods, as he sometimes like tormenting the weak but also going up against the strong.
Malleus' magic simply eliminates all negative emotions, which isn't really Floyd's style. But because Floyd can't escape, he became depressed in his own dream. Ortho also says that that would have also been the case for Idia if he never woke up. That's when Silver suggests giving Floyd a "strong shock" (or in other words fight him) and everyone's just like "Why is that always your idea?" like he's just trying my guys 😭.
But then Floyd starts getting suspiscious when they tell him that everything's just a dream. Until Jamil and Silver mentioned what happened during their first year orientation, where Silver was about to fall asleep but woke up to Riddle flinging Floyd around the room because Floyd touched Riddle's hair and Jade laughing his ass off in the background
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It apparently got so bad that Riddle had to be restrained by the teachers 😭 (but Silver was grateful for that incident cuz he stayed awake)
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This causes Floyd to start waking up, so they remind him of his past failures as well. Where he lost to Cater in a battle, as his unique magic is not capable of hitting multiple targets. He also battled Malleus and Leona AT THE SAME TIME and obviously lost
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The final straw was Grim and Yuu tell him that they defeated him during Azul's overblot, this causes Floyd to start remembering what happened during that incident, but then the darkness creates fake versions of Jade and Azul that try to convince that everything he heard was all false
(Also Azul merform reveal ayeeee)
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The fakes tell him to forget about the people from the land because the three are always together, but that causes Floyd to fully wake up cuz he knows that Azul and Jade would not say that. The fight starts and Floyd wins, but he's now throwing a fit and just hitting the sunken ship out of anger. Idia got scared and asked Jamil to do something, that's when Jamil's like "why me?" and Ortho replies with "well you don't want us first years to get hurt right?"
When Jamil tries to approach Floyd, he immediately asked if Jamil wanted to get strangled. But thankfully Yuu yells at him to listen to them as Ortho shows Floyd the video. Now that Floyd knows he's in a dream, he proceeds to abuse the crap out of the dream by teleporting to random places
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Sebek's just yelling at him to stop it because it's gonna be obvious that he's awake. That's when Floyd goes "this means I can summon Malleus right?" and everyone's like "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" 😭😭😭
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Floyd is offered to join the group to go into Jade's dream, in which he agrees because he's curious about what his brother is dreaming about, probably a lot of mountains he assumes. Since they're still dreaming, Floyd could simply change his form and off to Jade's dream we go
Holy fuck why was this so long lmao, but yeah guys I'm still alive and no college hasn't eaten me alive yet, but stay tuned!
Next: Jade's Dream
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la-pheacienne · 3 months
I saw Sara Hess saying that 1) Daemon and Rhaenyra feel like the same person in different bodies and 2) Daemon is a man so he can do whatever he wants (🥺) while poor Rhaenyra is stuck in a castle giving birth so she feels helpless. This does come across in their fight scene. This is so incredibly stupid it is actually painful.
First of all this "same person different bodies", cognitive dissonance thingy where a woman completely identifies with a man that is her relative but can't live the way he does is a Jaime x Cersei thing. Exclusively. This is their theme and cannot be applied to Daemyra. And that's because:
1) They are twins. The "same person in different bodies" vibe makes sense here. Self-explanatory. Daemon and Rhaenyra are both Targaryens and they have this obvious, visceral connection (in the book anyway lol) but they don't literally feel "the same person" to the point that they are unable to understand their individuality, in the sense Hess uses. At least there is nothing in the source material to suggest this. Fanon territory.
2) Cersei never held the same amount of power and authority Rhaenyra did because Cersei was not a Targaryen heir to the throne of the 7 kingdoms. Cersei was just a noble woman, a queen consort and a mother of a king. Rhaenyra was a Targaryen heir and Queen of the 7 kingdoms. Not gonna open the debate of whether or not a monarch can have more legitimacy than any other monarch. I think we can all agree, by following common sense, that the circumstances under which Cersei and Rhaenyra obtained power are substantially different so the authority of these two women is substantially different.
3) For that very reason, the dynamic that Cersei has with any other male in her life is not comparable to the dynamic Rhaenyra has with her father or husband/uncle. Viserys made Rhaenyra heir to the throne. Daemon is her consort, and he is set to serve her. The situation is entirely different with Cersei and her relationship with her father, brother, husband, and son.
3) Rhaenyra was eventually able to marry the man she wanted. The man she wanted. She was also able to have the family she wanted. Not the same situation with Cersei. This is extremely important lmao. Rhaenyra could have had any man she wanted, anyone, and she chose that man. For some reason the show wants us to forget this.
A lot of words to explain that Rhaenyra feeling "trapped" in her womanhood as opposed to Daemon enjoying his male privileges, and the frustration that causes her since she feels "they are the same person" with different gender roles, is an extremely reductive copy paste from Jaime x Cersei that completely misses the mark by neglecting that 1) Rhaenyra is the Queen and Daemon serves her, 2) Rhaenyra is in a marriage she chose freely against everyone's wishes, 3) Rhaenyra has the family she chose and is perfectly satisfied in her role as mother.
Book!Rhaenyra does not feel "trapped in a castle making babies while Daemon is out there fighting". Book!Rhaenyra is overjoyed with the fact that she can rule in Dragonstone, be a Queen, be a mother, raise her children, and on top of that have a man like Daemon at her service, as her sword and an extension of her will and power. Not only that's not causing her frustration, that's precisely what she likes about him and their relationship lmao. Yes they have a final fatal conflict, but not at that stage in the narrative. I'm sorry if this doesn't seem "progressive" enough to Hess or to you guys.
Also even in the context of the show Daemon's arguments are actually solid. Rhaenyra accuses him of not letting her consider the terms of their foes... girl, what terms? That her sons will become cupbearers? Lmao. Also, who is raising an army for her? Who crowned her? How did we go from show!Daemon fucking up with BxC to questioning whether or not he even recognizes her as his Queen? How did that happen? This fight feels so entirely detached not only from book canon but also from show canon.
For all these reasons their fight scene was incredibly stupid despite the good performance of the actors, and their bond, that should be at the core of the narrative, is hollow and flimsy. It's also incredibly boring and unsexy, sorry. It would have been better if they had at least established a firm, passionate relationship beforehand but they didn't even do that. Now I don't even know why she married him in the first place. It's not clear. I never saw genuine passion between them. Y'all love can yap about the gEnDeR rOLeS all you want but the truth is that the writers can't write romance to save their lives.
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