#html5 game dev
timetocode · 2 years
How to mix vuex / vue with HTML5 games
Do you want a vue ui mixed with Babylon.js, Three.js, PIXI.js, canvas, Webgl, etc? Or maybe just to store some variables... or make reactive changes? Here's how it works in a few of my games... There are 3 main points of integration. These are mutating state in the store (writing to a variable in the store), reading state from the store (accessing the store variables from other places), and reacting to changes in state (triggering a function when a value in the store changes).
First, how do you expose the store? Well you can literally just export it and then import it. Or be lazy and stick it on window.store. You'll want to have a sensible order of initialization when your game starts up so that you don't try to access the store before it exists. But games already use loaders etc to load up their images and sounds, so there's a place for that. Load up the store first, probably.
For reading state from the store you can use a syntax like store.getters['setttings/graphicsMode']. It can be a little simpler than that, but this shows the synatx for a store nested within a store. In my game for example, I have a gameStore and a settingsStore just because I didn't feel like putting *all* of the properties into one giant vuex config. One can also access the state via store.state.settingsStore.someProperty but this is reading it directly instead of uses the getter. You probably want to use the getter, because then you can have a computed property, but either will work. For writing state to the store, the key is store.dispatch. Syntax is like store.dispatch('devStore/toggleDeveloperMenu', optionalPayload). This is invoking the *action* which means you need to create actions instead of just using a setter with this particular syntax.
So that's reading and writing! But what about reactivity? Well lets say your game logic dispatches some state which enters the store, you'll find that if that state is displayed in your vue ui it is already reactive and working. For example if you store.dispatch('game/updateHitpoints', { hp: 50 }) and there's already ui to draw the hitpoint bar on the hud that is going to change automagically. But what if you're pressing buttons in your vue-based settings menu or game ui? How does one get the game itself to react to that? Well there are two some what easy ways (among a million homegrown options). The first is to use the window to dispatch an event from the same action that you use to update the state, and be sure that you always use the action instead of directly accessing the setter. This will work fine, and I did it at first, but there is a more elegant and integrated way. That is to use store.watch.
The store.watch(selector, callback) will invoke your callback when the state defined by the selector you provide changes. For example this is how to setup your game to change the rendering settings in bablyon js (pseudocode) whenever someone changes the graphics level from low | medium | high | ultra. store.watch(state => state.settings.graphicsMode, () => changeGraphics(store.getters['settings/graphicsMode']));; The first arg is the selector function, which in this case specifies that we're watching graphicsMode for changes. The second function is what gets invoked when it does change. The actual body of my changeGraphics function is skipped b/c it doesn't really matter.. for me it might turn off shadows and downscale the resolution or something like that. Personally I create a function called bindToStore(stateSelector, callback) which sets up the watcher and invokes it once for good measure. This way when my game is starting it up, as all the watchers get setup listening for changes, that first first invocation also puts the ui into the correct state. So that's writing, reading, and reacting to state changes across the border between vuex/vue and any html5 app or game engine by integrating with getters, actions via dispatch, and watchers. Good luck and have fun!
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dailystrokes · 4 months
Game Dev Blog 05: Script Reader
created the ability to add in animated gifs between dialogue✅
created ability to swap backgrounds on the fly when characters are speaking✅
refactored code for readability✅
created enter functions for each character spot on screen✅
To do:
create a better looking textbox border🔲
continue to compile more scenes (trying to complete Arc 1)🔲
see where my code needs to be cleaned up and simplified🔲
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artmasiah · 6 months
Game Dev Blog 01: Demo RPG
Hi all, I want to start a mini dev blog to keep track of my coding progress⭐
Create a mini game engine for people to explore my digital sketchbook
In the future I will use this game engine to expand my visual novel to create more interactive elements
Working through Drew Conley's RPG tutorial on YT✅
Creating canvas✅
loading assets✅
understanding classes and object oriented programming✅
sprite class✅
game loop✅
update and draw to screen✅
sprite sheets and animation✅
Use mmbn sprite assets to test✅
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loressa · 3 months
Another month, another game jam. This one's theme was space and updating a minigame, so I took my very basic archery setup from Delve and turned it into a space western yeehaw game with an anti-capitalist story.
Learned a lot about svg and CSS. Box shadow and drop shadow are awesome!
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izicodes · 1 year
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+ Apprenticeship Project Update - 9-10.01.23
Day 1 & 2 🎮
[The last update] It has been long since I last updated you on how my very last apprenticeship project is going!
The Maze Game project officially started yesterday and I have 5 days to complete the project! Yesterday I focused on the design so just the overall HTML and CSS structure of the webpage and I simply added the game's background (which I created back in December) and that was all.
The project has to be done under working hours, so I can only work on it from 9-5pm and after that, they won’t count any progress so I have to do this a bit quick but I think I’m doing great so far, the design part was what I thought I would struggle with.
I’m also managing my project using Trello, which someone has asked about how to use it and don’t worry anonymous person I will try and answer that ask today hopefully, but yeah it’s really helpful! I mentioned it in my ‘Tracking your coding progress’ post cause it is a life-saver honestly~!
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To-Do List 📝
For Day 2/5, here is my to-do list I want to complete today:
▢ Redesign the HTML + CSS file
▢ Add the new modals that I came up wth 3 mins ago…
▢ Find at least one API that I can use on the webpage
▢ Start writing the brief document of the project
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That’s all and happy coding! 🙌🏾🤎
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man the death of flash really just like. marked an era for the internet in general huh. like i know the general web was on a consumerist decline beforehand but just the whole impalement of 'thing you can watch/play freely in your browser that some random guy made in a single afternoon' really just removed a whole avenue of creativity from the base up.... and from that the rest of the web's only further conglomerated
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Sunchasers (Somewhere in between)
Greetings Internet, I love art, off beat humor and games. Those three have been pulling at my heart and mind for the entirety of my existence. I spent the majority of the past decade, exhausting my mind, body and soul in exchange for capitol as a carpenter in the world of residential construction. In the best interest of both physical and mental health, we decided that wasn't the path for us anymore.
Here we are doing food app delivery work(YourDash, FrubHub, etc) for the past couple years now, trying to be our own boss. Then wham, wrong place, wrong time, some tesla runs a red light and due to a technicality, my car is on my bill. An unfortunate way to gain some wonderful insight.
The insight that life is too short for me to not at least try to do what I really want to be doing and not leaning on what feels safe. To hopefully start manifesting what really matters in this world. This is my first attempt and I hope the game can bring as much joy to others as it has brought me in developing it so far. The link in this post will jump to a a website that I set up to host and play my HTML5 Bullet Heaven Exploration. The project supports Desktop and Mobile [Though it still needs optimization, so at max runtime needs about 450mb video ram, please keep this in mind.} There is gamepad, touch, keyboard, and tilt support available. Everything essential is on the page and I expect nothing in return, though I would be grateful for any feedback and for other to join my community of open development.
I have learned so much and worked so hard on this game in the past month, giving this game a soul has seemingly asked me for a bit of mine in return to get the results I wanted in such short time. Very fortunate to have a significant other who doesn't think I have completely lost my mind making slaving away over such a strange project for no tangible reason loI. I have been seriously anxious about getting back on the road again, it was a scary accident and this passion project has been a serious outlet that I hope can become an opportunity to create a really super experience that can help mitigate some form of the suffering in this world.
I have been a fan of this site before and think it will make for a good place to post, devlogs, screen captures, AI Art Exports/Collages/Edits. So please follow if any part of this appeals to you. Thank you for your time you lovely people.
Wishing You Safe Travels, Tohn
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alcetheiii · 4 months
i didnt manage to end the game in time...
you can still play it (web browser)... or read the gdd if you wanna
you can also play on mobile
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toasterpanic · 9 months
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burning in hell programming rn
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joshuapaulbarnard · 11 months
Super Bowser Bros
Super Bowser Bros Version: 0.75 A game I made for my Game Design class at the Santa Rosa Junior College in the Fall of 2018. Your kingdom has been troubled by some rather pesky plumbers from another world.You have to make your way back to your castle collecting your coins and getting rid of those pesky Mario and Luigi who keep trying to steal what is yours.Made using JavaScript and the Phaser…
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View On WordPress
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multidimensionalsock · 9 months
Games engines and their pricings for Indie Devs
Based on Unitys recent changes to their pricing model, I thought it would be useful to put together a list of different game making softwares and their pricing models to compare which would be best for you.
Programming language: C++ and visual scripting.
Dimensions: 3D, VR and AR
Platforms: all platforms
Standard license: free to use, pay 5% of your revenue over $1 million over the lifetime of the game, due each quarter (as long as the game is still for sale or generates more them $10k per quarter)
Enterprise: $1.5k+ per seat per year, includes premium support and private training and/or custom licensing terms
Custom licenses: larger developers can renegotiate with epic for lower or waived royalty fees.
More about their licensing here
Programming language: GML and visual scripting
Dimensions: 2D
Gamemaker doesn't require any royalties made off of your game no matter which license youre on.
Free: access to gamemaker and export that can only be used on their games website (GX.games)
Creator: access to game maker, GX export and desktop export $4.99 a month
Indie: access to the above with web and mobile exports, $9.99 a month.
Enterprise: all of the above but with console exports as well $79.99 a month.
Programming languages: GDScript, C# and C++
Dimensions: 2D, 3D, AR and VR
Platforms: Not able to port to console due to it being open source unless you develop it yourself or via a third party.
Royalty free and free at point of purchase.
RPG maker
Programming language: Java and visual scripting
Dimensions: 3D (in some), 2D
Platforms: windows, mac, web
Doesn't ask for royalties from games, has a 20 day free trial. RPG maker MZ costs £66.99 initial purchase, costs may vary by which engine you buy.
Programming language: C++
Dimensions: 2D, 3D, VR and AR.
Platforms: Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, OSVR, PSVR, and HTC Vive. Mobile support is in development.
5% royalty fee over $5k a year, free to download and use.
Programming languages: C++, C#, Lua and javascript
Dimensions: 2D
Platforms: android, mac, linux, and win32.
Free to use, no royalties
Cocos creator
Programming languages: TypeScript and JavaScript
Dimensions: 2D and 3D
Platforms: IOS, android, windows, mac, HTML5
Free to use, no royalties
Programming languages: Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT
Dimensions: 2D and 3D
Platforms: PlayStation®4, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, Steam, HTML5, Facebook, Q3 2023 PlayStation®5, Q2 2024 XBox
Free to use, no royalties
Dimensions: 2D
Programming languages: JavaScript or TypeScript
Platforms: Web (HTML5)
Free to use, no royalties
Programming language: C#
Platforms: all platforms
Dimensions: 2D, 3D, VR and AR
Edit: unity has changed their policy you can see the new one here
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iron-shears · 8 months
Ignota's Top Surgery Fund Commissions!
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Hello! I am Ignota. I am a 25-year-old non-binary artist, known mostly for my pixel animations, my comics, the Godot games/interactives I've made/am making for the SCP Wiki, and TikTok videos. I recently FINALLY got my insurance to cover top surgery(I live in California, but my insurance is out of Florida)
I just found out my insurance kinda lied about my doctor being in-network. My insurance agreed to cover the top surgery itself but does not cover the surgical center I need to get it done at. I've been quoted at $2140, not including additional medical workup, prescriptions, travel, and temporary living expenses.
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I am trying to reach out to my insurance to see if it'll be covered, but I am about to age out of my current insurance and I am not in a position to afford new insurance. There is still a chance I can convince my insurance to cover it, but this is time-sensitive and I want to have the ABILITY to do it regardless. So, I am doing commissions now.
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Pixel animation $50-$400
$50(Art similar to the first image): Maximum of 12 frames. One character. Very limited movement. Canvas size under 135x135
$80(Art similar to the second image) Maximum of 24 frames at any framerate(Typically 4fps for 6 seconds or 8fps for 3 seconds), Simple Movement, 1-2 characters, maximum canvas size of 135x135. Price can be adjusted to accommodate more detail
$200(Art similar to the third image) a couple characters, a detailed environment, and a moving scene. Maximum canvas of 256x240. The scene can be converted to a simple one-room HTML5 format that can play in-browser.
$400+(Art similar to the fourth Image) A complex environment, multiple characters/moving parts, and the ability for a scrolling background.
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Illustrations $50-$250
$50(Art similar to the first image): A simple close-up shot in any style.
$100(Art similar to the second image) A simple scene or full body with no background.
$250+(Art similar to the third and fourth images) A complex environment. Alternatively, a detailed comic page.
All features are negotiable and individual requests might change the price. If there's something from one tier you want but don't want all the other stuff, chances I may be able to work something out that will fit your needs. These descriptions are suggestions to make it a little easier, not solid outlines of what they need to look like. Feel free to bring other ideas to the table. I have worked on background illustrations and pixel animations for indie devs making games, Dungeons and Dragons character sheets, individual character pieces, and many other things in the past.
Contact me through my Email([email protected]) or my Discord(ironshears)! Alternatively, I do have a Ko-Fi if you want to support my art.
Alex Thorley's Blind Date(The Dating Sim) by me under CC-BY-SA
Kuobach's Eyes(Orange Comic) by me under CC-BY-SA
Nacre Series by me under CC-BY-SA
The other pixel game in question is tentatively titled Brand New Colors and has not been completed yet, but you can find more of it on my blog. It will also be under CC-BY-SA
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magpies4nights · 28 days
Hi guys I’m back again lol (Dev log #14)
Hiiiii guyssssss, guess who’s back
I’m almost done with the semesterrrrrr
I barely passed my classessss
I’ve been sleeping for 10 hours since like Friday because April and March exhausted meeeee
I’m so damn done. Well, not done with the game, but done with life. I know employment is going to be hard and I don’t want to be someone’s housewife. I would have said take me to Mars but I can barely survive when temperatures drop to 16 degrees celsius and if I end up going there and surviving then that means the problems will come back to me. Sigh. 
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Well, Game dev time. Since the hiatus, I literally did nothing. I did finish Kyu’s base sprites, Father Figure’s base sprites and started on Priyah’s, but I’ll be honest I haven’t done much else because classes were getting tougher and tougher until pretty much I couldn’t do anything else except eat sleep and study. I think they have the least sprites because they have no line boil (I’d like to think the line boil means they’re getting affected by the game breaking down (I’d like to think the father figure is so damn powerful and immortal he literally sleeps through all the crazy shit that happens because that’s basically all what he does in the games except for punting his kid for eating chips loudly or disturbing his sleep)). So, what am I going to do? Continue Priyah’s sprites, then maybe do Orby’s, which probably would take me a bit longer because they would have line boil. Then maybe the diner cast, because Tiny Terson doesn’t deserve his own base sprites. If there is 1 million Tiny Terson haters I am one of them. If there is only 1 Tiny Terson hater that is me. If there are 0 Tiny Person haters then I am dead.  I’ll start with making the game actually playable after all the base sprites are done because right now it’s just a sandbox with nothing to do.
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I have put the demo to make you guys see what I’m talking about (it’s an HTML5 game. It’s really glitchy for some reason and some scenes for some reason can’t load the assets in smhhhhh. I’m going to make the full game downloadable when it’s out for windows because I have a feeling you can’t save on browser. Sorry Mac users. Not sorry. Also, I can't guarantee the downloadable thing at the bottom will run tbh.)
Here is the link to the demo: https://yal-armstong.itch.io/scaperat-the-demo
Is it exactly referencing if you’re taking like 2 lines of a song's lyrics? I don’t know but this song has been inadvertently been influencing the way I make jokes lmao deadass whenever I say anything about feeling sad this is how I expect the recipient of my message to read it like.
This song literally was what my early teens was like, like the basic lyrics that get the point across and the "emo" instrumental. Which honestly, it makes sense because this song was written by a 13 year old (which honestly, good for her). I’ll be honest, I really only miss my early teens a little bit because that's when I realized I wanted to be a game dev, but I didn't actually try making games until I was 19, which honestly thank god, because I just know I would make something angsty and cringey at 15. Also I LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW THIS SONG WAS A JAMSTER RINGTONE?! I literally saw the music video first and was like “holy shit now this is some good shit” (I was 11 ok, I wanted to look like her so damn bad back then but I knew my parents would make fun of me)
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I swear to god if any of you laugh at me because I used picmix instead of blingee I would have used it but literally could not sign up for blingee. We live in a society/j
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synthaphone · 1 year
i probably should have posted this before applications opened and closed recently, but i got burned pretty bad by my experience with moderneo, in particular their community management, so i’m not likely to recommend it for other people to join. i’ve said this before i think, but i don’t bring it up often- some lovely people have made some great custom art assets for the site, so i don’t want to discredit their hard work, and i know other friends and mutuals have been having a fun time there and i don’t wanna rain on their parade. i also don’t wanna look petty about stuff that happened a couple years ago.
my tldr advice is: don’t pay for an account there, because its not worth it. if you wanna sign up when applications are open again, its possible to have some fun there with the custom pet species and colors, but i would avoid the discord server.
anyway if you’re interested, these were my issues:
the mods and site runner’s ‘No Drama’ policies that would come down harshest on whoever spoke up about a problem (people getting called bullies for asking a user to stop making fat jokes was a memorable example)
the site runner won’t replace even the worst of the old racist site assets, even with placeholder images, because nobody can agree on the best way to do it. so they’re just. still there. and he doesn’t personally see the problem or really want to change them. i guess they hue shifted the green witch halloween pets to purple though
the site runner responding very poorly to my request that he not make a lynching joke, saying I was the racist for finding it racially insensitive, and only apologizing after multiple people patiently explained the connotations to him
everyone acting like i was crazy and overreacting for saying that it was creepy as hell that there was a guy my age, going on about how sexy 15 year old mega man characters were, just going around unquestioned in the discord server (a few months later they were finally banned because a callout from the mega man fandom surfaced that backed up what i was saying even further, and also that this person had a history of stalking)
 they have blocked other creepy people since then, to their credit.  however, i feel like those people were pointed out very quickly, before they had time to interact with the site runner and other people and establish themselves in the community- the person i pointed out had been very talkative and had made friends before revealing things like ‘having a self insert to ship with the 8 year old from paw patrol’, so they sided with him when i said his behavior and artwork was creepy
those were my biggest bad experiences. but like. it also has less html5 games than grundos.cafe and virtu.pet (they’re also buggier earlier builds- the site runner either no longer has access to the newer updates and games that the grundos devs share, or isn’t interested in implementing them), albums were never implemented and are unlikely to be added anytime soon, the site runner has a patreon for the site but has largely stopped updating anything, all while only accepting new members through patreon payments for the majority of the year (also i think applications are closed indefinitely now?? so it might be the only way to join now???)
oh also the economy is really really bad
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magz · 2 years
November to December 2022 Humble Bundle Deals
On Humble Bundle's 2022 Black Friday sale:
Celeste is $5, a 75% discount
Slime Rancher is $5, a 75% discount
RPG Maker MV is $12, a 80% discount
Monster Hunter Rise is $20, a 50% discount
Persona 5 Royal is $42, a 30% discount
Persona 5 Strikers Digital Deluxe Edition is $26.59, a 62% discount
Hitman 3 Steam Deluxe edition is $31.49, a 65% discount
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition is $30, a 70% discount
Asesprite (pixel art and animation tool) is $14, at a 20% discount
Cuphead is $14, at a 30% discount
Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition is $20, at a 60% discount
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is $7.49, at a 75% discount
Yakuza: Like A Dragon - Legendary Hero Edition is $27, at a 70% discount
Yakuza 4 Remastered, Yakuza 5 Remastered, Yakuza 6 song of life are $7 each, at a 65% discount
Bayonetta 1 is $5, at a 75% discount
Guilty Gear -Strive- is $30, a 25% discount
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega Mix+ is $23.63, a 40% discount
Night In The Woods is $10, a 50% discount
Code Vein Digital Deluxe Edition is $12, an 85% discount
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Remastered) is $7.59, an 85% discount
Sonic Generations is $5, a $75% discount
Noita is $10, at a 50% discount
Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & The Secret Hideout is $36, a 50% discount
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Game of The Year Edition) is $10, an 80% discount
…and more. Check the details.
Humble Bundle's Current Bundle Packs as of November 26, 2022
Black Friday VR Voyager's pack (game bundle). Pay at least $12 for all 11 games ($274 value) as minimum. Featuring Cook-out, Until You Fall, SuperHot VR, The Wizards - Dark Times, etc.
Unreal Engine, Ultimate Game Dev Assets (software bundle). Average cost of $25 for all 28 items (value of $1162). $1 minimum gives 2 items. Featuring different UI icons and 3D environment assets.
Image Comics, the '10s (book bundle). Pay at least $25 for all 28 items ($1290 value). $1 minimum gives 3 comic books. Featuring Saga volumes 1-9, Motor Crush volumes 1-2, Curse Worlds volumes 1-5, Nail Biter volumes 1-8, and more.
Unf*ck the Holidays by Microcosm Publishing (book bundle). Pay at least $18 for all 31 books ($300 value). $1 minimum gives 3 books. Books to get a better handle on life on a variety of topics. Featuring Unf*ck your anxiety - 2nd edition, Unf*ck your grief, The practical witch's 2023 almanac, How to resist Amazon & why, Radical Sewing, The transmasculine guide to physical transition, Un*fck your blowjobs, The Autism Relationships workbook, etc.
Mega Music Maker - Black Friday Special (software bundle). Pay at least $25 for all 54 items ($1701 value). $1 minimum gives 3 sample/loop types. Samples, Loops, and more for music production.
Anything But Ordinary Painter Bundle - Encore (software bundle). Average cost of $32 for 26 items ($1402 value). $1 minimum gives 1 item (1 year winzip subscription). Features PaintShop Pro 2022, Brush packs, paper texture packs, Corel Painter 2022, AfterShop Pro 3, etc.
Design and Develop For Web Apps by O'Reilly (book bundle). Pay at least $18 for all 14 books ($606 value). $1 minimum gives 5 books. Features books on Angular, HTML5, Data visualization, Flask, Typescript, etc.
The NaNoWriMo Writing Bundle (book bundle). Pay at least $18 for 20 books ($225 value). $1 minimum gives 2 books. Creative inspiration and advice for writing. Featuring Writing dialogue, Outlining your novel, Wonderbook (revised and expanded): The Illustrative Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction, etc.
Working With Audio - From Taylor & Francis (book bundle). Pay at least $18 for 18 books ($960 value). $1 minimum gives 4 books. Featuring Music in video games, How to make great music mashups: The start-to-finis guide to making mashups with Ableton live, Music Production: Learn how to record, mix, and master music, etc.
Learn IT Ops (Information Technology Operations) with PluralSight (Software bundle). Pay at least $25 for 20 items. $1 minimum gives 4 items. A selection of courses from PluralSight including topics of cloud computing, security, virtualization, and more. Featuring Kubernets for developers, Terraform Deep Dive, Securing AWS Infrastructure, etc.
IOS, Android, and Flutter: Mobile Development by <packt> (book bundle). Pay at least $18 for all 19 items ($1000 value). $1 minimum gives 3 books. A collection of books and videos on building mobile apps and games.
Learn to Create Game Art in Blender 2022 by GameDev.tv. Pay at least $25 for 12 items ($1525 value). $1 minimum gives 2 tutorials. Tutorials on 3D modelling and animation and texture painting, and game assets.
...and more, check the details.
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izicodes · 1 year
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+ Apprenticeship Project Update - 11.01.2023
Day 3 🎮
[My last update] Yesterday, I did a lot of progress on my game!
I managed to redesign the HTML and CSS, and I realised that I wanted the site to look a bit different than I originally intended it to look - and that’s okay. It’s okay to change last minute as long as you can make those changes within the timeframe, which I could because I was only on Day 2 of 5 of my project week! 
I made the wireframe for the webpage using PowerPoint, I was in a rush and didn’t want the use the fancy stuff on the online wireframe tools but that also means the wireframe looks god awful but it works!! I keep looking back when coding the various components of the game’s webpage!
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Today I want to quickly make the main screen, then move on to the JavaScript of the game. Been avoiding it a bit because I’m not 100% how to do it. I still need time to research properly how to do it. But I will get there no, worries!
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To-Do List 📝
What I completed yesterday:
▣ Redesign the HTML + CSS file
▣ Add the new modals that I came up with 3 mins ago…
▣ Find at least one API that I can use on the webpage
For Day 3 /5, here is my to-do list I want to complete today:
▢ Start designing the main screen for the game
▢ Add the timers for the game
▢ Plan the logic behind the game
▢ Start writing the brief document of the project
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That’s all and happy coding! 🙌🏾🤎
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