#hunk garrett voltron x reader
First Meetings~
Voltron x reader drabble about the first time they met each other 💖💖💖 Gender neutral reader ALWAYS !
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This cheeky boi. He first laid eyes on you back at the Garrison when he saw you and Pidge talking one day at lunch in the cafeteria. Hunk and Lance came strolling in to find Pidge, presumably to bug them and mess with their current technology fixation. Before the two boys have even sat at the table, Lance has his eyebrow cocked, a smirk on his lips and a hand slowly running through his hair.
"Hey...name's Lance." He looks down at you, leaning on the table to get closer to you. You smile at him politely, unsure of his motive with such a flirty tone.
"Hi. I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." You offer him your hand to shake and your smile widens. Right then, as his hand fell into yours and you were being so nice to him (and he was lowkey admiring your smiling lips), he felt it. It was kind of like he had to throw up, but also like he wanted to run a marathon. You'd think he'd go for the ol' kiss on the back of the hand cliche, but not with you. He just stares, in awe of how cute you look. You were different...he didn't know why, but he just couldn't keep his cool around you.
"I-I like your name. Heh...uh yeah. Nice to meet you, too." He mumbles, now a shy blushing mess. Your hands parted, but he kept staring at you. You couldn't help the blush that crept up on your face as you quickly looked away from him. "Oh brother..." Pidge mumbles as they roll their eyes, still tinkering with their device. "Dude, you good?" Hunk whispers to him as he watches the awkward staring contest happening between you two.
"Uh I should...get going actually." You stand slowly, smiling at the two boys again before gently nudging Pidge's shoulder. "See ya later, Pidge." Pidge simply nods, not looking up from their current project. And with that, you quickly run off to your room to scream into a pillow because OH MY GOD WHO WAS THAT CUTIE AND WHERE HAS HE BEEN ALL YOUR LIFE??? And Lance...yeah, he just starts screaming right there in the cafeteria...in front of everyone because the boy is S T A R S T R U C K.
Aww space dad is so sweet and polite. You and Shiro met when you helped Keith rescue him when he landed back on Earth after the failed Kerberos mission. You had befriended Keith just after Shiro had disappeared and while you knew who Shiro was, you had never actually gotten the chance to meet or interact with him before you were dragging his limp body off of that medical table.
As soon as he woke up, Keith was by his side. "Shiro? Hey...how are you feeling?" Keith stood from his seat and quickly approached the bed Shiro was laying on. He sat up slowly with a groggy groan. "I'm alright." He replies softly before rubbing his eyes.
"Hey, Keith. You haven't eaten all day. Come on, why don't we-" You stop in your tracks upon seeing Shiro awake and standing slowly. You had been concerned that Keith was just rotting away in his seat waiting for Shiro to wake up, but all thoughts left your mind when you saw him. He reaches his long, strong arms above his head to stretch and you just watch, taking note of how much taller than you he is. Seeing him up close like this had your heart doing back flips. His eyes look so soft and his hair is a bit disheveled and he's smiling at you. Oh god, he's smiling at you...
"Oh, uhm. Hi. I'm (Y/N), Keith's friend." You blurt out nervously, fidgeting with your fingers. Shiro nods and holds out his hand to you. "(Y/N). Nice to know Keith is making friends. I'm-" You cut him off as you slap your hand into his, shaking it excitedly. "Shiro! Yeah, I know who you are. Everyone does." His smile becomes bashful as your eyes meet, giving you a firm hand shake. He can't find the strength to let go of you, not when you were looking at him like that, his smile growing by the millisecond. The way he repeated your name made you forget how to breathe for a second. It was like in the movies, a slow motion love-at-first-sight scene.
Keith simply raises a brow and crosses his arms as he watches you guys get lost in each other's eyes for a moment. "Uhm..." Keith's voice brings Shiro back to reality. He quickly pulls his hand away, averts his gaze and clears his throat. His once soft and lovely expression has turned more serious. "I have so much to tell you, Keith."
Let's be real...Matt TOTALLY hooked ya'll up. You were Matt's friend before you met Pidge. He was nice and funny and hella nerdy just like you. You guys just got each other. One day, he invites you over to help you with some very challenging homework because he's obviously way smarter than you and he could tell you were struggling.
You sat across from him at his family's kitchen table, your head in your hands as you sighed. "I'm gonna fail." You groan, causing Matt to chuckle. "No you won't, (Y/N). Come on, let's go over it again." You sigh and try to follow along in your textbook as he reads to you. A small figure sneaking to the cupboard catches your eye. You glance up to see who it was looking for a midnight snack. Matt stopped reading and smirked a bit. "Pidge, you better brush your teeth after you eat all that sugar." You watch the younger of the siblings turn towards you, their arms full of different candies and chocolates. "You're not the boss of me." They reply in a snarky tone, making Matt whip his head around to look at them. "I'm the oldest person in this room, that makes me the boss of both of you." Pidge simply rolls their eyes as you struggle to look away from them.
Pidge approaches you guys, slowly sliding a mars bar across the table to Matt. "Don't tell mom I'm eating sugar this late, please?" They mumble shyly as they attempt to bribe their sibling. You can't help but stare. This adorably small person with long, messy hair and tired eyes was the most gorgeous person you'd ever seen. Matt snatches the candy bar with a cheeky grin. "Only if you share with (Y/N), too."
Pidge glances over at you and sighs. "Fine. What kind do you want?" You panic, barely able to function with them standing so close. "Uh...you uh...got any Reese's?" They go to slide the candy over to you and as you reach out for it, your fingertips touch just for a second. That's all it takes for you two to make eye contact and you both become blushing messes as you both yank your hands back. The eye contact doesn't last long because Pidge is just a shy little bean, but Pidge definitely keeps glancing over at you as you reach out and pull the candy closer. You open it and take a bite, smiling a bit. "Mmm, I love peanut butter." And Pidge just can't look away now. You like peanut butter, they like peanut butter and the way your face looks as you chew. Wow, they think you're too cute.
Pidge just stares as you take another bite. The silence, at this point, is too much to bear. Finally, Matt chimes in, "Geez, Pidge, stare much?" You blush as you look up and meet their gaze. You flash them a small smile, watching them get flustered. They quickly look away and angrily snatch the candy bar from their brother's hand. "I hate you." They grumble before walking off back to their room.
"They totally like you. Oh ho ho! I'm never letting this go." Matt snickers as your face grows more red.
Baby boy met you after you were rescued from a galra prison. Pidge, of course, needed to search every cell for her father and brother and they stubbled upon you, dirty, weak and starving. You looked exhausted but hopeful. Pidge calls for some help in getting you and the others in your cell back to the castle. At this time, Keith was much too busy being the protector to really help you all escape.
Once back at the castle, all the others who were held captive with you were doing fine, but you were in much worse shape. The galra seemed to really despise humans so you were thrown in the ring to fight and man handled the most. Bruises littered your body, scrapes and dry blood painted your face. You had a hard time even making it off the galra ship and to the castle, so Shiro and Allura thought it would be best to put you in a healing pod.
It wasn't long before all the paladins were surrounding your pod, wondering how another human ended up all the way out here in the hands of the galra. Finally, as the pod begins to opens, the group goes silent as they watch you. "Someone better grab them. Last time I did, Allura nearly ripped my poor ear off." Lance shoves his hands in his pockets. "Don't look at me! They're like twice my size!" Pidge protests, their arms crossed now. "Guys-" Keith tries to intervene. "Just do it, Lance." Pidge argues and suddenly, the blue and green paladins are full blown shouting at one another. As Shiro tries to deescalate their fight, Keith notices that your eyes are still closed, but you're slowly leaning forward. He jumps forward to catch your weak body before you nearly face plant. You fall into his arms with a grunt, slowly opening your eyes.
"Hmm? Where...where am I?" You ask the boy holding you, his eyes looking deep into yours. "You're uh...We're uh..." Keith just couldn't come up with any words as his pretty purple eyes bore into yours and your hands clutched the sleeves of his jacket. Your lips began to stretch into a shy smile as he slowly came down to his knees, still cradling you in his arms (lmao bonding moment <3). He gently rests you on the ground, nearly scrambling to get away from you and back to his feet. You look around at the others, a confused look on your face. As Allura begins to explain where you are and who they all are, Keith is just staring at you down on the ground. He rubs his arms where your hands were just resting, a blush quickly tinting his entire face and neck. If God is real, Keith is pretty sure he just met them.
You stand slowly, feeling tired but better than before. "Wow, no way I was saved by the paladins of Voltron. Cool!" You smiled brightly as you clasped your hands together behind your back. "Uh, sorry. I'm (Y/N)." You look around the group as they all begin telling you their names. When your eyes landed on Keith, his eyes went wide with embarrassment. "Keith..." He mumbles shyly, making your stomach drop. "Thanks for catching me, Keith." You watch as he looks down at his shoes, his long dark hair covering his beet red face. You are so damn cute, what the hell? He's never felt this way before and neither have you. The way his name rolled off your tongue made him want to punch something, but also made him want to cry? He is such a dense guy, but something about you softened him just a bit that day.
You and Hunk met back at the Garrison. Lance was no doubt out trying to impress some cute pilot while Pidge sat up on the roof, looking for signs of their brother and father. So, that left Hunk to go on a mission of his own. It was late, far past curfew, but when your stomach is grumbling you decide to sneak into the cafeteria in hopes of finding a late night snack. It was dark and quiet as you tip toe through the halls, constantly looking over your shoulder for anyone who might catch you. As you scurry into the kitchen, you slowly open the large industrial sized fridge. The light from the fridge illuminates the room around you and as you look back once again to check for anyone who might catch you, you nearly yelp as your eyes meet Hunk's. He's sitting up on the counter with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon, his eyes wide when he sees you.
"Geez, you scared me" You both whisper in unison. The way the dim light lit up his cute chubby face had you seeing stars. There was a bit of peanut butter on the corner of this mouth and his cheeks were turning red as he stared at you. He couldn't see much detail with the way the light was shining behind you, but just the way you were standing with your hands behind your back and the way your voice sounded tired and the way you wouldn't tear your eyes off of him. Boy was whipped. "I-if you tell anyone about this-" You whispered before he jumped down from the counter to get a closer look at you. "No, its okay. I come in here all the time after curfew. It'll be our little secret."
Now that he's this close, he can see the color of your hair and the shape of your jaw and the curve of your smiling lips. You looked back and forth between his kind eyes and the jar of peanut butter in his hand, your heart racing. "You...want some?" He holds the jar out to you and you shake your head. "Uh no thanks. I was looking for something salty like chips or something." And before you can finish your sentence, he's opening cupboards to help you find a good salty snack. You watch him for a moment before you realize your heart is POUNDING in your chest. He was so...big. Not that you mind that, you just couldn't help but wonder how warm and comforting his hugs must be.
"Ah ha! Hope you like salt and vinegar chips." He turns to hand you the bag, a bright smile plastered across his tan face. You took the bag from his hand and nodded. "You really know your way around the kitchen, huh?" Your voice is still soft, just above a whisper. He lets out a soft laugh as he nods his head. "I mean...I'm not trying to brag, but I do whip up a mean apple pie. Do you...like pie?" He watches as you stare up at him. He wanted to look away because we all know Hunk is a shy babe, but he really loved the way your hair was messy right now and the way you looked at him made his knees feel weak. "Apple is my favorite pie." And at that, you're both full blown smiling at each other.
"I'm (Y/N)." You offer him your hand and he's quick to grab it, shaking it gently. "Hunk." He lets your hand go, but he wishes the contact would never end. Your hand was so cold in his and now he was picturing you two cuddled up in bed, his warm body bringing you comfort. You both stood in a comfortable silence for just a moment before you both hear talking and footsteps coming from the hallway.
"Goodnight, Hunk!" You whisper shout before taking off back towards your room. He watched you scurry off, not even worried about getting caught right now. He couldn't look away, not when you had just said his name so soft and panicked.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He sighs dreamily.
You met the princess during a mission in which team Voltron had to sneakily board a galra ship in order to deactivate a weapon that would soon be used to try and capture their precious lions. The galra were using you to their advantage- you were a weak human but you were feisty and a decent fighter so they forced you to protect and serve them and, in return, you were treated a bit better than the other prisoners.
As sirens blare in the ship, you run to where you were told to go. You were simply following orders. As you quickly round the corner, your body SLAMS into another, sending you both falling back on your butts. You quickly regain your footing and reach for your dagger before realizing the hard collision of your bodies sent it flying off in another direction. As the other figure stands, you lift your hands and take a wide-legged stance, ready to fight with your bare hands. Before the fighting began, the tall woman in front of you takes off her helmet, making you nearly gasp. "A human?' She asks, her eyes wide. Your hands fell back to your sides as you watched her. She was so tall and pretty. Did you just die and go to heaven because you are so sure she's an angel.
You shake your head to regain clarity and raise your fists again. "Yeah, and who the hell are you?" She steps closer to you, her hands up in a nonthreatening way. "I'm Princess Allura, I am with Voltron. How did you end up here? Why are you working for the galra?" You blink in shock, your hands once again falling to your sides. "Voltron?" You repeat, realizing this could be your savior. "The galra are keeping me here, forcing me to work for them. I-" She cuts you off by grabbing your hand and leading the way. As you run along behind her, you're quick to grab your dragger off the floor and return it to it's sheath on your hip.
You couldn't help but let your eyes wonder the back of her figure, admiring her long legs and slender fingers wrapped around yours. Your hand was sweating but not as much as your face was. This beautiful lady was rescuing you after you nearly punched her just seconds ago. You simply followed along as the rest of the team took out the weapon and soon returned back to the castle.
Once back at the castle, you introduce yourself, explain your situation and sheepishly apologize for making their mission harder. "Well, I'm glad you're here, (Y/N). If the galra were utilizing your talents then I'm sure we can make good use of you, too." The way your name sounded on her voice made your mouth dry. You gulp nervously, staring up at her bright blue eyes. "Y-yeah. I'm glad I'm here too, Princess." She smiles sweetly at you, causing both of you to blush slightly. For just a moment, everything else disappears and it's just you and her, eyes locked, lips slowly turning up into a smile, cheeks growing more and more red. She realizes that the moment is becoming awkward and tense so she looks over to the others, noticing their smirks. They all knew you two were falling for each other. "Well then...are you hungry?" She asks you before glancing at you once more. "Starving." You reply softly before following the team to the dinning room.
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cateyeswrites · 4 months
The feeling of Falling, a feeling I thought was set in stone.
(Ambiguous partner for Lance) One late night Hunk and Lance chat
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It’s late when Lance answers Hunk's video call, he still has a mountain of students' assignments to finish grading but he could always get them done at home or in the morning if he came to school early enough. Sometimes it felt surreal to Lance that he had his life, that he had, speaking with his friends and former paladins didn't make it feel any more real. 
He had been talking to Hunk about intergalactic laws that made it hard for him and Shay to adopt different alien kids that weren't Balmera when the conversation shifted to him. 
"And how is teaching going?" Hunk asked, "Are you still enjoying it?" 
He shrugs a small laugh slipping out, "Let's just say I kind of understand why Iverson was the dick he was to me" he chuckles sadly as that nagging feeling in his chest appears. 
"Lance," Hunk says his name softly, eyes no longer shining with happiness. “ We have talked about it, what he did, the way he treated you, that is not how you treat a kid.” Hunk said, “Or am I wrong? Do you ever try to speak to your students like that? Do you make them feel small and insecure?” 
Lance shrinks into himself, he knows that he would never speak to a kid the way Iverson did to him-  the unnecessary cruelty that man inflicted on Lance, the way he made him feel so sad and lonely not only that but for many years Lance truly thought he had been a useless asset, a seventh wheel, some spare thing that the rest of the team had to deal with him and God was it hard to deal with those feelings but more than anything it had been so much worse to confront his teammates about the way they had made him feel, specially Pidge. 
Pidge and he had been close at the beginning, they were part of the garrison trio with Hunk, they had been friends for a while back then but then after the revelation that she was a girl and Shiro disappearing, she did a 180 and had almost made it her mission to make Lance feel like an idiot and now as an adult he could understand that she was going through her own hell and dealing with her own demons, losing both her brother and father, looking through them in space but it most definitely didn't allow her to speak to him in a way it made him want to never speak again or how every time they interacted he wanted to hide. 
He wishes he could have talked to Allura about it too, even in the short time they were together they never really talked about intimate things like his feelings and his experience in space or… the time he died. He didn't regret, saving Allura but till this day sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night frightened, surrounded by darkness and the feeling of falling. 
“No,” he whispered and shook his head, “Of course not.” he sighed and wrapped his arms around himself. 
Hunk gives him a small smile, “Have I ever told you how grateful I am for your sister?” he says as he picks up a picture on his desk.
“Huh?” he reacts confused, “Rachel?” he asks, he knew Hunk had asked for Rachel’s help once or twice for diplomatic reasons when dealing with other planets' governments.
Hunk snorts, “ NO, Veronica,” he says putting down the photo, at the new angle Lance could see it was a picture of his family and Hunk at his engagement party.
“Oh? No, I don't think we have ever talked about it.” 
“When Allura died, no one knew how to help you or truly even really speak to you.” Hunk admits with some regret but there is also some acceptance like he had enough time to make peace with it. “What we went through, being kids fighting in a war changed us, and maybe not for the better but it did nonetheless.” He states, “But the way Allura and space change you Lance, it frightened me.” 
Lance froze not knowing how to react to this admission. 
“I had known you for so long but after coming back to earth you had shut yourself and now that years have gone through I can admit that maybe I could have done better on my end but I was also a kid.” he admits with a small smile, “ I had this fear that you were ready to give up and that Allura dying was the last straw, that you would lose everything that made lance, my best friend.” Hunk whispers and there is a sniffle and he can see Hunk whip some tears away. “ No one knew how to talk you through your grief and then you started speaking about the farm and Alluras life and message and what Allura wanted and what you wanted for her memory” 
Lance can't do more than just stare at his hands hearing about this. 
“ I rarely heard about you,” Hunk says and Lance nods feeling the tears build up in his eyes. “ About what you wanted to do”
“But one day on one of our group calls, you talked about Veronica and how she had told you about becoming a pilot teacher and all the help that was needed at the garrison and I saw it for a moment I saw the spark of the boy who found the Blue lion,” Hunk stops and takes a breath. “ Then you got the job and Lance…” He pauses again, “ It was like you were back.” 
Lance remembers he remembers very well how Veronica was the only one who didn't tip-toe around him and his emotions. How she one day burst into his room and ripped his sheets away from him and yelled at him, crying, feeling scared because even tho he wasn't dead she felt like she had lost her brother. That day he got up and spent the whole day at the garrison helping out, by accident meeting the new cadets. It had been love at first sight. He laughs thinking about Allura and his supposed love for her, yeah not even his spouse could rival his love for his job and the kids. 
Lance tries to say something but it gets stuck in his throat and gives Hunk a teary smile, hunk gives him one back, and they stay in silence for a bit when he feels his phone vibrate and there is a new message 
1 new text message 
Hey I know is a late night at the school but the kids are asking for you.
1 new text message 
And I miss you 
1 new text message 
And they are asking for your cooking. 
He snorts and wipes his eyes with his sleeve.
The sound catches hunks attention, “ Everything okay?” he asks but he has a huge smile on his face having a suspicion of who was texting him. 
“Yeah yeah dude,” he answers with a bright smile and a more cheerful tone.
“ Your other job?” Hunk jokes, amusement, and endearment in his tone. 
“Well you know what they say,” he shrugged, “ Being a dad is a full-time job even when you already have a full-time job,” he says packing some stuff in his bag, to him seems like he had done enough work for today and honestly the only thing he wanted was going home and be with his family. 
His kids and his spouse.
Hunk laughs and observes Lance getting ready to leave, he smiles proudly at his best friend. 
“You know Hunk,” he says looking at his best friend leaving on the desk, “I'm also grateful for my sister,” he says. “If it wasn't for her who knows where I would be,” 
Hunk decides to avoid thinking of that, “ I don't know buddy but you are here, you are happy and that is the most important thing.” 
“ Yeah, you are right,” he says, “ I'll see you, buddy, I expect you to come over soon, I miss you,” he says honestly. 
“I will try my best to be home soon,” he replies, “ Love you, buddy,” 
“ Love ya, buddy,” he answers and hangs up the call.
After he presses the button, he stays there thinking, where would he be if Veronica hadn't dragged his ass out of his grief? Would he be happy? Would he be alone? No partner and no kids? Would he have a purpose or a career? 
He shakes his head and smiles even when some tears make it out and go down his cheeks. ‘
He is happy, very happy. He has proved everyone who doubted him wrong. 
He is very successful as a teacher and earth's best snipper, he is the favorite teacher and sometimes the favorite parent. 
He is no seventh wheel, he was voltrons blue paladin. 
He breathes in calming his urge to cry and looks down at his phone with a picture of his kids. 
And if he feels a very cool sensation surround him almost as if blue was there again with him, hugging him. That's just a bonus to how good he feels after his conversation with Hunk.
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despacito-uwu16 · 3 months
Hai Hai Haiiii :3
author here! i was so occupied with work and projects for school, that i didn’t get to write at all today 😭
i want to give yall a sneak peak of some stuff that im working on hehe
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i cannot wait to get started on them!!
if you have any requests, feel free to submit them!! my inbox is open and ready!!
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cherry-romper · 4 months
K. Kogane - Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place
Warnings: Alcohol, misunderstanding trope, Keith has a sister.
Contains: F!reader. fluff.
not my best work :(
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"You will not believe the night that I've had, big guy," Y/N ranted into the room. She was stumbling and slurring her words, clearly intoxicated, as she approached the couch. Her hair, that was once combed into a ponytail, now flowed messily over her shoulders and down her back. Its natural waves framed her face perfectly, and accentuated her large, sweet eyes. Mascara ran down past her rose coloured cheeks that were dusted with faint faux freckles. The eyelashes that she had spent hours expertly applying were now discarded in some bathroom, in whatever bar she was in last. She dressed in a satin black maxi dress that hugged her figure. She thought it went well with the new red-bottoms she he splashed out on last week. Those same heels were now being clumsily removed and tossed carelessly into the corner of the room.
Hunk, Y/N's co-worker-turned-best-friend-turned-flatmate, was sat watching her. He asked himself how she hadn't broken her ankles walking, if you could even call it that, in those heels all night. He had been on his phone, waiting, in his baggy grey sweats and his hand stuffed into a bag of Cheeto's, for her too come home safe. It was an agreement they had; if one goes out, the other would wait up for them.
Before he could ask what was wrong and who ass he'd have to kick, Y/N had launched herself onto the couch with an oof. She wiggled her way up towards were Hunk was sat. "Dude," she started, scooting up to his large figure, he could smell the alcohol on her breath. "Why didn't you tell me Keith had a girlfriend?" She asked woefully, as she began to play the the strings on his hoodie.
Hunk's big brows knitted in confusion, "because he doesn't?"
Y/N blinked a couple times to make sense of what Hunk had just said. "Que?" she asked comically.
"Keith does not have a partner. He isn't involved with anyone, at all."
"Yes he issss, you liar!" Y/N cried out, a bit too loud for the time of night, hitting Hunks chest lightly. Hunk only chuckled at her mannerisms.
"I was at the bar, and d'ya know how I've always liked 'im? Wellll, the alcohol was working miracles, I'll tell ya, I've never had so much confidence in my life. Soooo, I went up to 'im, started chatting 'im up. He seemed kinda into it, so that just boosted my ego. Then," she scoffed, "a woman walked up to the table, two drinks in her hand! She set them down on the table, and sat next to Keith. I looked over to 'im, all confused like, and he was smiling at her! Like he loved her or something! She asked who I was, the audacity, then...then she put a hand on his shoulderrrr," she barely got through the last part of the story before she started balling her eyes out.
Hunk smiled on the inside watching Y/N dramatize the nights events. He began stroking the woman's hair to console her. "You don't need him, gorgeous, he has no idea what he's missing out on." Y/N responded with even louder wailing. "What did you do next, if you don't mind me asking?" he queried.
"I did the only appropriate thing one could do in that situation," she sniffed, jutting out her bottom lip. Hunk raised an eyebrow at her, asking without asking. "I ran away and drowned my sorrows in liquor."
Hunk let out a sigh, hanging his head a little. "Don't sigh at me, mister! I don't see you trying to make anything happen with that bandit guy you like!"
Hunk gave a dramatic gasp, "woah, uncalled for, miss! Plus, that's different!" Aurelia sat up on the coach, ready to argue her case.
"How?" she demanded, "pray tell, how is that any different?"
"Well, for one, HES A BANDIT! He'll break my heart if I go near him. Two, he's always on the run! Three, we are in the military! Do you know how that would look if word got out the we were dating? I'd be relieved of my duties! And not to mention, I don't even know if he likes guys," he said the last part a bit more serious than the rest.
"Yeah but, you'll never know if you don't try!"
"Yeah but, what if he's like, homophobic or something?"
"yeah but, what if he's gay and really likes you?" Y/N encouraged.
The two sat in silence for a second, looking at each other before they both gasped in unison, "What if he's gay and homophobic?"
The two friends burst out laughing, Y/N a bit too loudly, when they were interrupted by a stern knock at the door. The immediate silence was deafening. They cautiously looked between one another.
"Its 3 am, who the hell could that be?" Hunk questioned, a mix of annoyance and fear laced his hushed voice.
"Hell if I know," Y/N got up to answer it, the false confidence of the alcohol still making its rounds in her blood.
Hunk jumped up to stop her, "woah, wait just a second. Its 3 am," he repeated, "we shouldn't answer it."
"Don't be such a wuss! We're trained soldiers for Christs sake!"
"Pilots! We are pilots, Y/N, not fighters!" Before he could protest any further, Y/N had swung the door open so hard its hinges jolted. In the doorway, stood Keith, who looked as though he'd ran all the way to the apartment. Sweat coated his forehead and his chest rose and fell as he desperately tried to steady his breathing. His jacket sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows. His hair, that Y/N could have sworn was slicked back earlier that night, was now wispy and some loose bits were stuck to his forehead. He looked like he was straight out of the 80's. That was just his style, and Y/N found it amusing.
"Y/N, oh my god! are you okay? what happened?" His face changed to a concerned one when he noticed the smudged mascara streaming down her cheeks.
Y/N's once confident façade dropped to an unimpressed deadpan. Without a word, she slammed the door closed in Keith's face.
Hunk stood slack-jawed in the middle of the room. "Y/N, babes, what the fuck?"
"What? I don't have time for 'im! You told me yourself, he's not worth it!" she defended.
"Yeah but, maybe don't slam the door in his face. Are you forgetting he's our superior!?"
The two were once again interrupted by knocking at the door. Y/N let out an angry huff and, once again, marched, albeit clumsily, to the door.
"What do you want, Lieutenant Kogane?" she mocked his name. Keith was taken aback slightly, almost at a loss for words.
"I just wanted to ask if you were alright. You left so suddenly back there, I didn't get to introduce you to Kaylee."
Y/N scoffed, throwing her arms in the air. "Oh, hallelujah, she has a name." Hunk fought back a laugh, wiping more Cheeto dust off his fingers. 
"What's with the attitude?" Keith sounded offended. "I go out of my way to come here and check on you and you're being rude to my sister?"
Silence once again filled the air. Hunk shrunk into himself with how much he was cringing. Y/N just stood, shell-shocked at what she'd just heard. A million thoughts and emotions whizzed through her mind like go-carts on a track.
"Im sorry?" She questioned, breathless.
"Yes, you should be. Kaylee was worried all night she'd done something to upset you. I had to calm her down more than once," Keith was seething. He shifted his weight and ran a hand through his mullet, the other resting on his hip.
"Pause. What did you just say?" Y/N asked, still stood, mouth agape.
"Kaylee was worried?" Keith asked.
"No, the bit before."
"You're being rude to my sister?"
"Yeah. She's ya sister?" Y/N's face lit up in anticipation.
"Yes? What about it?"
Relief rushed over the woman like a wave. "Thank fuck for that!" She responded without thinking.
"Why does that matter?" Keith queried.
Y/N sobered up in that moment. What the hell was she going to tell him? She wanted to say thousand things, she was usually good at making lies up on the spot, but in the face of someone she's admired for years, all that came out of her mouth were a string of gargled excuses.
"Erm, yes, well, uh, you see, I didnt mean- what I was trying to say- I meant that- " Her hands waved around frantically, as though she were swatting away a fly. She looked too Hunk for support.
He held up a dismissive hand in the air, "you made the mess, you get yourself out of it." With that he walked away and into his bedroom.
"Erm..." she started, trying to give herself time to think.
"I'm waiting," Keith edged, impatiently.
"I thought," Y/N sighed in defeat, "I thought the two of you were on a date."
Keith's defensiveness dropped instantly. His angry demeanour now replaced by an apologetic one. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry you thought that."
"Yeah, I thought she was your girlfriend. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I've been drinking and I kinda over reacted back there. I shoulda given you the chance to explain. I reacted emotionally, and got upset over it."
"That's why you're crying? Because you thought I was dating somebody?"
'Shit' Y/N thought. She had to admit, she did feel a little bit uneasy. Yes, she had overreacted but that was because of the alcohol. If she was to admit her feelings here and now she was sure it wouldn't feel genuine, or even worse, they wouldn't be reciprocated.
"I'm sorry, Keith. I don't feel comfortable saying anything right now, even though you can probably already tell. I'm just not acting like myself, I don't want to make the situation it any worse."
A candied smile grew on Keith. His eyes crinkled a little and he let out a small chuckle. "I remember when you used to be such a push over. Always saying yes to things you didn't want to do, and admitting to things you hadn't done, simply because it was easier than to say how you really felt. It's nice to see how much you've grown, Y/N."
She couldn't lie, she was both offended and honoured by that comment. Y/N gave a nod in agreement before Keith continued. "We can talk again when you've sobered up."
"Thank you for understanding," Y/N was grateful that he didn't push her. God knows what she might have said.
"How about you tell me Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place?" Keith chuckled at the look of astonishment on her face as he lent again the door frame.
"You heard."
"You wanna take me out?" I must be dreaming.
"Yeah. I want to take you out. Shall we call it a date?"
"A DATE?!" Y/N's volume had once again gone above and beyond the acceptable level for the time of night. Another string of noises made its way out of her mouth, much to Keith's amusement.
"Shall I take that as a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes!" Y/N had to stop herself from acting too happy for fear of looking desperate. This cannot be happening she thought to herself. She felt giddy, like a child on Christmas.
"Ill see you there, Y/N." Keith's charming smirk sent the woman's stomach spiralling. He backed away from the door, and took a moment to soak up the woman's form. He bid her goodnight as he began down the hall.
"Goodnight!" She called to him, waving him away. "Be safe getting home!"
"I will."
Y/N then closed the door and lent her forehead against it.
"My my, I don't believe it," Hunk was leaning against the door to his bedroom, arms crossed and a look of disbelief plastered ono his face. Y/N turned to look at him, her expression matching his own.
"Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place," Y/N stated.
"Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's place," Hunk repeated, nodding his head a little.
The two ran too each other, squealing like school-girls, slapping their hands together repeatedly. They both began doing an overexcited jig, Hunk span Y/N around hyping her up, before they crashed into the couch. They lay there for a second, relishing in the moment.
"I'm so happy for you," Hunk said, Y/N smiled up to him. "Maybe now I won't have to listen to your rambling about 'I hope Keith notices me', 'why won't Keith notice me?'" Hunk mocked.
Y/N let out a laugh, "I do not sound like that."
"Uh, yes, you do."
"Shut up and go to bed." Y/N demanded playfully.
"What ever you say, Mrs. Kogane," Hunk teased. Y/N went to chase him to his but stopped when she found she had no energy. Instead she lay on the couch, a peaceful slumber slowly taking hold of her body. 'Friday, 8 o'clock, Terry's Place,' she smiled to herself. 
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v3ra-v10let · 1 month
this is my voltron Pinterest board
it has a bunch of the characters as moodbaords sort of.. you could check it out.. if you want.. :/
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rainytomorrows · 1 year
Hunk x GN!reader | Leaping for Love Letters
Hey, y'all! I have had no willpower to write my ao3 fics, so I thought I'd throw up a cute little one-shot. I've had violent Hunk brain rot for a while now, so I made him ANOTHER fic. He totally deserves it. Enjoy! Gender neutral as always. (1,995 words)
Letters had begun showing up from under your door. Beautiful colored envelopes closed with cute little stickers. Though, miraculously, whenever you opened the door to check who had sent them the hallway would always be hauntingly barren. A particular silence overtook it each time as you’d return to your room to read them. The paper was always decorated in a way that pertained to you. A faded print of your favorite flowers in the back, a pretty color you liked, never dull white paper. They read like old-time poets and Hozier songs, yearning dearly for you in such a beautifully worded way you couldn’t do anything but wonder who sent it. Realistically, there were only three people who could be sending these. Unless one or more of them were in cahoots with some alien and indirectly handing these off to you. You continued to sit on your bed, thinking of each and every possibility. Any singular way that it could be anyone but Hunk.
It’s not that you didn’t want it to be him, you dearly hoped so. There were just risks with getting your hopes up. You were stuck in space with him- with everybody. Making things awkward would be so much worse.
The endless cycle of overthinking was killing you. Who could it be? It ate at you nightly like a dog gnawing on a bone. A deep part of you seemed to find hints that didn’t truly exist, the same part that hoped desperately that it was Hunk behind the correspondence. You’d wake up in the mornings wishing, and spend waking nights hoping. Though with no hope, as every night that the letters came in there seemed to be no trace leftover. You were one letter away from performing high-level espionage.
Then came the fateful afternoon, you were reading another letter when you heard a knock at the door. Setting aside the letter you called out, “Come in!” and Pidge walked their way into the room. They could see a particular air around you, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside you. Having solved many problems on the ship with Hunk, they began to notice whenever someone was trying to mentally figure something out. Seeing this they moved from the other side of the room to sit next to you.
“Whatcha thinkin' about?” Pidge questioned, their usual voice quirk raising at the end of the sentence. Their head in their hands as their legs dangled off of the bed beside you. “Well,” You hesitated, unsure whether or not to bring Pidge into this. “I’ve been receiving what seems to be love letters, and I have no idea who is sending them.” You admitted, picking up the said letter and handing it to Pidge. “…Do you have someone you hope it is?” Pidge asked, almost seeming as if to interrogate. You turned your head a little, looking off in thought. “…Maybe”
The two of you talked for a while, you had some unshakeable feeling that they knew more than they let on but you tried not to test it. Ever since the letters started you were suspicious enough of everything as is, it’d be best not to jump to suspect any single person you talk to as some sort of accomplice to the letters.
Pidge had talked with you every so often, but not all of the time. It almost seemed obvious, but at the same time, it could just be your predisposed hopes. The letters were loving and well thought out. They had attention to detail and were tooth-rotting-ly sweet. The only people on the ship around your age were Hunk, Keith, and Lance. High hopes on the former, Hunk. Keith was too much of an edge lord. Sure he could have a soft side, and maybe you were being judgemental, but the letters just did not seem his style. Not to mention, the way they were written just seemed too, intricate, for Lance. He was flirtatious for sure and you could see him writing daily letters way easier than you could see Keith doing it, but something told you any love letter written by Lance would be a lot less formal and a lot more amorous.
Then again- what if Hunk was simply helping them write their letters? That would be a real punch in the gut. Or back to an earlier suspicion- what if an alien you met on another planet was simply getting these letters delivered to you? You relayed memories, trying to remember any alien that was any sort of a romantic. Admittedly there weren’t many you could think of, but it still wasn’t a crossed-off possibility. Hunk seemed more the type for these kinds of letters, but the concept of it was stuck behind a mental jail cell. That possibility entirely depended on him even liking you back. The concept seemed too foreign. The idea that a guy such as him, a total catch, had reciprocated such feelings. Not only regularly, but to the degree to send secret letters and on occasion even well thought gifts alongside them. It was unthinkable. He was amiable and adorably friendly to you- but that didn’t mean squat. I mean, he was friendly to most people. He was a nice guy. You had no right to assume based on just that. Sure you were also a total catch, and no doubt incredibly attractive. Though still, with any crush there’s a sense of doubt.
Days dragged on and hints grew thin, you had no real valid proof or reason. At this point, it wasn’t far-fetched to imagine you hanging up a corkboard littered with pins and string in your room. The same way they do when they solve mysteries in the movies. Letters stockpiled within your desk, notes in journals. You were desperate to find who was sending them, in the same breath desperate for the author to be Hunk.
More weeks passed and no closer. It was a Saturday, and by the time noon had shown itself on your clock nearly all you did all day was try and figure out who was writing you. By now, everything about their handwriting down to the exact way they dot their i’s was memorized. The way they spoke, their mannerisms. Exhausted, you dramatically sat up from your chair. Cracking your back, stretching your arms and legs. It was time for a break. You fixed yourself a snack and roamed the halls, whoever you spotted first you’d likely try and join them out of boredom. Taking miscellaneous sips of your drink whilst looking into any doorway you came across.
On your way, you cross Hunk’s room. The door was left open but he wasn’t there. Strange. You were about to leave when a pile of various colors spot your eye. It was a pile of cute decorative paper. Similar to the ones used for the letters you were receiving. Next to it, the same cute envelopes you always found them in. And a sticker book, the ones they always got closed with. Next to all this, a piece of cute paper with an unfinished letter. Was this the final hint? Was it truly him? Not yet, you told yourself. One more hint though, one more sign, and you might just lose it. Finally, you leave without poking around too much. Continuing your journey to find people.
Just your luck you finally spot some people, it just happened to be Pidge and Hunk problem-solving at a blackboard. There had been some issues with the ship that Allura and Coran couldn’t figure out. It was very minimal, but nipping things like this in the bud was always good. You sat yourself down before taking a good look at the board, leaning back in your chair and asking Pidge what was going on. Hunk was busy on the blackboard writing down some equations alongside some notes to try and solve the aforementioned issues.
“Well, there are some navigation issues and general glitches. Doors won’t close when they’re supposed to, the food machine is being weird again, and on top of all that the map seems to be-” They didn’t even get a chance to finish their sentence before you suddenly spat out your drink, hopping out of your chair and running towards the board. Your gaze shot back and forth between him and the board fervently, placing your drink and snack down to run a lap around the room. Once you were done you returned to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him in excitement.
“I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT!” You shouted eagerly, spinning around and pumping a fist in the air. Part of you wanted to stop- to think of what other explanation there could be for the similar handwriting. All silenced by your overflowing joy at the possibility of it realistically being him. “What? Knew what??” He asked confused, unsure what about his equation could be sparking this sort of revelation in you. “YOU’RE THE ONE WRITING ME ALL THE GODDAMN LETTERS!” You exclaimed vehemently, throwing your hands up before gesturing at the board. “I’ve been studying them this whole time! All day every day! I’ve memorized the handwriting, it’s the same! The same way you dot your i’s, the same way you write your a’s, it’s identical!!!” You laid out your observations. Unaware of how crazy you sounded. “You uh,” He started nervously, a light blush only further proving any point you had. “You memorized my handwriting that- acutely?” He questioned, impressed with the dedication you had clearly put forth. You were unsure from your perspective how he felt, however. “Well, yes.” You began, now a lot less energetic and confident than before. “I uh, I really wanted it to be you.” You backed off a little, unsure of how to read his expression.
“I TOLD YOU!” Pidge responded for him, also jumping from their seat now. “I TOLD YOU THEY WERE TOTALLY INTO YOU! BUT ‘NOOOO THERE’S NO WAY’!” Pidge asserted. As it turned out, Pidge was in on it the whole time. Pidge delivered all of the letters, and while they had no input on what went into the letters they were deadset on it working. Absolutely sure that the two of you were uselessly pining for each other. Hunk was a blushing mess, hand on the nape of his neck while he tried to gather his words.
It seemed Pidge had enough of this, as before he could successfully do so they were pushing y’all out the door and shutting it. Not without struggle, as they still hadn’t fixed the doors, but they did so. You were stuck, also without words, with the man you had only now learned had reciprocated feelings for you.
“GO ON A DATE ALREADY!!” Pidge shouted, muffled by the door they had just managed to shut. Leaving you alone without any sort of plan to follow up with. Or your food. Hunk turned to you slowly, clearly also unsure of what to say. Until he noticed at the same time you did that your food was stuck in there.
“How about for our first date,” He began, gaining your full attention. You were so alluring, he choked on his words for a minute before gaining the ability to speak again. “I cook you some more food to make up for the stuff you lost in there?” He offered, hands shaking and face going red. “I’d love that.”
Y’all hung out in the kitchen for a while, him cooking and you giving the rundown on all the notes you took on the letters. An impressively long conversation in that regard. He returned it by mentioning the work it took to find all your favorite things. Your favorite flowers, colors, snacks, and interests. All the things he mentioned and used in his letters.
The two of you started out starstruck, and as you started to date that never seemed to go away. ♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡ Hope you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing it, lord knows I'm a sucker for big strong men with a soft spot. I just know he could throw me around like a paperweight and would totally care about you. What else do you need in life? Anyhow, have a good day/night, and a great life!!
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fictional-addiction · 2 years
hello my little creme soda cans,
I JUST HAD TO HOP ON HERE AND SAY that im watching voltron and im so obsessed and immediately agree that we need more voltron moots to revive the fandom
so yeah if you have voltron requests... send em through 🧚‍♂️💛
okay cool have a good day/night xx
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dimensionalscorpion · 2 years
This is my Masterlist, please look at ‘The Rules’ before requesting.
My Hero Academia Izuku Midoriya Denki Kaminari Katsuki Bakugou Hitoshi Shinsou Eijirou Kirishima Mezo Shoji Shouta Aizawa Hizashi Yamada
Seraph of the end Mikaela Hyakyua Yuuichiro Hyakyua Shiho Kimizuki Yoichi Saotome Shinoa Hiragi Guren Ichinose
Fruits Basket Kyo Sohma Momiji Sohma Hatsuharu Sohma Yuki Sohma Tohru Honda Hatori Sohma Ayame Sohma
Voltron: Legendary Defender Lance McClain Keith Kogane Takashi Shirogane Katie “Pidge” Holt Tsuyoshi “Hunk” Garrett
Demon Slayer Inosuke Hashibira Zenitsu Agatsuma Tanjiro Kamado
Sword Art Online Kazuto “Kirito” Kirigaya Eugeo Tsuboi “Klein” Ryoutarou Alice Synthesis Thirty
The Disastrous Life of Saiki. K Kusuo Saiki Riki Nendou Shun Kaidou Aren Kuboyasu
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Edward Elric Alphonse Elric Roy Mustang
Stranger Things Eddie Munson Steve Harrington Robin Buckley Argyle Nancy Wheeler Jonathan Byers
NON X READER ONLY Dustin Henderson Erica Sinclair Jane ‘Eleven’ Hopper Max Mayfield Mike Wheeler Lucas Sinclair
The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Glenn Rhee Maggie Rhee/Greene Michonne Hawthorne Paul ‘Jesus’ Rovia Tara Chambler Negan Smith Eugene Porter Enid Carl Grimes
The Umbrella Academy Viktor Hargreeves Klaus Hargreeves Five Hargreeves
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soulsbleedink · 3 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝙍𝙀𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙎𝙏𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙍𝙐𝙇𝙀𝙎
[ requests are open for blurbs, oneshots, aus & headcannons, but i tend to write the requests i feel inspired by! ]
would you like to check whether i got your request? check my wip list to make sure it’s there :)
R U L E S ★
★ please do not request smut, this is a sfw blog.
★ sometimes i may not be well rehearsed with the lore, so i may have to research beforehand.
★ i don't think i'm ready to write 'x readers' yet, i can do ships or pairings.
★ i will also post my own works of characters and such, so don't be surprised please :')
★ please let me know if anything i mention in the fics is wrong, i will try to make it more accurate!
★ feel free to send an ask requesting an imagine, headcannons, or drabble and be as specific as possible with your request! <3
★ i may forget to mention some characters or so in the lists below, but if i find it so, i will update this! [these are the characters i can write from these fandoms!]
★ for some characters, i may only accept platonic requests at the moment.
★ i do write oc x canon, but at the moment, am not taking requests for it, so i hope you don't mind. :')
★ when i do post oc related content, i'd rather no one steal my ocs :') feel free to draw them or something, if you ever want though :)
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kamisato ayato
al haitham
takashi shirogane
keith kogane
lance mcclain
hunk garrett
pidge gunderson / katie holt [platonic]
matt holt
princess allura
ezran [platonic !]
ballister boldheart
ambrosius goldenloin
nimona [platonic !]
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I live for active VLD blogs
anyways I love your writing style! could i please request going with the paladins on a space walk and admiring space and telling g each other they love them? preferably she/her pronouns but they/them is fine and thank you :)
HELLO ANON 😏 thank you so much for requesting! So, I only write x readers as gender neutral and with they/them pronouns. I just want anyone and everyone who reads my writing to be able to imagine themselves in the story, regardless of their gender or lack there of. I also try not to add any detail about skin color/race, weight, height, ect. I just want to be as inclusive as possible! Thanks for understanding and I hope you enjoy 💖
Ps: I only included the main 5 paladins cuz this was getting soooo long and I wanted to finish this in one day!
It was a nice day off for you, rare but greatly appreciated. You’re happy that your day will be calm and stress free, but…you’re kind of bored. Besides training, what else was there to do with yourself? Just as you’re racking your brain with ideas of what you can do with all your free time, you hear a knock at your door. You’re quick to jump up from bed and open it, your favorite person on the other side.
“Hi.” “Hey.” There’s a brief moment of silence as you stare at each other. “Wanna…go for a walk?” You smile a bit but raise a questioning brow. “Like…around the castle?” “No, out in space.” You laugh softly for a second. “Oh…oh wait. You’re serious?” “Yeah, let’s find a nice looking planet and take a stroll.” A dreamy smile forms on your face as you nod slowly. “Sounds like a date.”
Keith had taken you in the red lion to a tiny planet not too far from where the castle is now. It was so small, in fact, that you two began walking in silence and found your way back to the lion in a matter of minutes. You walked the entirety of the planet in literally 12 minutes. The planet was small and simple, having light blue skies and grass similar to Earth. Keith finally breaks the silence as you stand still now. “Welp…I guess I picked the tiniest and most boring planet ever.” This causes a soft laugh to leave your mouth as you step closer to him. “No, that’s not true. This is so cool! We can tell everyone back on Earth that we walked the entire planet in mere minutes! That’s hella cool! It’s perfect for a first date.”
You sit down in the lush green grass and let your hands gently run over it, the texture reminding you of when you were a kid playing in the grass at the park. It was quiet again, so you look up at Keith who is still standing beside you. “What are you thinking about?” You question, seeing his face turning pink behind his long dark hair. “You said…first date.” You nod and watch him glance down at you then quickly avert his gaze when he sees you staring up at him. “Yeah, and?” He slowly sits beside you, his arms resting on his knees. “Does…does that mean…we can go on more?” His voice is so soft now, you have to lean closer to hear him. “Of course. But you’ve got a busier schedule than me, Mr. Red Paladin. So, you let me know when you’re down for a second date.”
You’ve never seen such a huge grin on his usually grumpy face and that makes a huge, dorky grin form on your own face. “You’re cute.” You tell him before your hand gently rests on his shoulder. “No, you.” Is all he offers in response before he removes your hand from his shoulder and holds it tightly in his own. It was often like this with you two, short soft spoken phrases with gentle touching. “You really are though.” You give his hand a squeeze as you watch his lips move. “What?” “Cute. You’re…r-really cute.” And suddenly, the words just began to flow from his mouth. “I love being alone with you, (Y/N). You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met and I adore you and you’re always so easy to talk to and you just get me and I…I just love you so much.”
Your once smiley face has turned to one of shock. “You love me?” You ask, voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah. Like…a lot.” He responds just as quiet and you’re at a loss for words now. You’ve loved this stubborn boy for so long now but you were never sure how he felt about you. It was obvious he liked you as more than a friend but love was a strong word. “You don’t have to say it back. I just need you to know that I love you.” You struggle to find the right words now. “I love you too! I’m sorry…I just…wow. I don’t know, I’m just…” He is staring at you now, trying to read your expression. “I’m sorry. I’m not good with words…and you’re making me nervous.” You say before chewing on your lip nervously. He moves his hand in yours to interlace your fingers. “Shit…I’m sorry. Maybe it’s too soon for me to have-“ You’re quick to stop that train of thought. “No no! I really do love you too, Keith. I guess I just thought I’d be the one to say it to you first and now I’m just…speechless.”
“I’m not good with words either. Let’s just shut up now.” He keeps his hand in yours as you both embrace the silence once again. He’s staring at his shoes now, the smallest smile on his lips and you watch his face, wondering what he’s thinking now. All that’s running through his dense head is “I really do love you too, Keith.” He can’t get your voice out of his head for weeks. The way you followed the ‘I love you too’ with his name just made him feel all gooey inside. He’s got it soooo bad for you.
Of course Pidge takes you somewhere cool as fuck. “Look! There’s four moons! Isn’t that the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?” They are excitedly pointing and rambling, long scientific words spilling from their mouth at a rapid pace. You were always a little lost when Pidge got like this and they knew that, but you always listened and nodded along and they loved that about you. You never interrupt, you just listen and try to follow along. “Wow, the air here is safe for us to breathe.” They check the info about this planet on a gadget attached to their wrist before they pull off their helmet. You copy them, pulling your helmet off with a sigh.
“Wow. It’s beautiful.” That’s all you could come up with after the long rant Pidge just went on about this amazing planet and it’s many moons. You’re looking around, admiring the dark and barren land surrounding you as Pidge’s gaze locks onto you. As you turn your head, your eyes meet. “What?” You tilt your head at them as they continue to stare. Like…hardcore stare until they finally speak up. “You’re the only one who listens to me.” Your lips slowly turn to a soft frown. “What? No way. Hunk is always more responsive with this stuff than I am. And what about Matt? You guys literally complete each other’s sentences.” Pidge looks down at their shoes, gently moving some dirt around with their foot. “Yeah, but you’re missing the point. You actually LISTEN. You make me feel heard. You never talk over me or try to out smart me or even ask questions when I know you have no idea what I’m saying.” This causes an embarrassed blush to appear on your face. “Yeah. I just…like your voice.” They look back to you, their lips turning up into a grin. “I like /your/ voice.” They shoot back in response before they step closer to you.
Now only inches apart, eyes gazing into each other’s, you’re both consumed by red hot blushes and shy smiles. “So…is this…like actually a date?” You ask at a low volume, nervous for their reply. “Do you…want it to be?” You nod as you clasp your hands together behind your back, still keeping eye contact with the green Paladin. “Then it is. The first of many. Uh…I-I mean if that’s what you want. Is that…is that what you want?” Suddenly, the little genius seems to be stumbling over their words, obviously nervous about the lack of space between you and the way your sparkling eyes won’t look away from them. “More than anything.” And your response has them giggling with excitement. “Cool. Cool.”
You begin to wander, bending down to pick up interesting rocks and looking up at the dark blue sky. You look back, seeing Pidge glued to their spot. “I thought we were gonna walk.” Your voice brings them back to reality, making them scurry over to your side. “Right. Sorry.” They loop their arm in yours, walking slowly with you. It was quiet for a bit before Pidge began ranting again. “You know, the gravity on this planet is just less than on Earth.” You nod and look over at their face, noticing a smirk on their thin lips. “Yeah? What’s with the face?” “I bet I could pick you up.” “No.” “Come on, let me try!” “No, Pidge. Pidge! Don’t you dare- AH!”
A yelp rips from your throat as Pidge sweeps your legs out from under you, picking you up bridal style. “Oh my god, YOU BETTER NOT DROP ME!” You can’t help but laugh at the face they’re making right now. Their whole face and neck are turning red, they’re holding their breath and you can feel them shaking. All they ever want is to impress you. “Wow, my Prince Charming.” You lean in to kiss their cheek just as their muscles give out on them. Instead of dropping you completely, they fall to their knees with you still in their thin arms. They smile sheepishly, admiring the way you’re laughing, taking note of your squinted eyes and the small wrinkles around them.
“I love you.” They blurt out, their smile never dropping. “What?” “I love you, (Y/N).” They repeat plainly, watching for your reaction. “I love you too, Pidge.” You feel them sink down to the ground more, still holding your legs in one arm and your back against the other arm. They’re not the strongest on the team, that’s for sure, but seeing the deep sincerity in your eyes when you declare your love for them made them sooooo weak~
Lance had brought you to the first planet he saw and after landing, you sat in his lion for longer than expected, just chit chatting and enjoying alone time together. “I thought we were gonna go for a walk, lover boy. Stop flirting and take me on a walk already.” He flashes a cheeky grin before standing from his seat, dramatically gesturing towards the exit from his lion. “After you, darling.” His multitude of pet names for you always made your heart race when he said them, always different and ever changing. You walked down out of blue’s mouth, gasping slightly when you realized the gravity here was similar to the moon of Earth. It took several seconds for your feet to gently meet the ground, making you and Lance get all giddy and excited. “Oh my god, this is so sick!” He exclaims before he’s trying but failing to run to you. He forgot for a second that he couldn’t run at the same speed here that he could on Earth. This leaves you laughing so hard you’re gasping for air. Lance never failed to make you smile and laugh and feel genuine happiness when you two were together.
You watch with a smile still stuck to your face as he tries to make his way over to you, his lanky limbs swimming through the air. He reaches out for you, huffing when you ignore his hand just inches away from yours. “(Y/N)! I wanna be close to you.” He whines, finally making you grab his hand and pull him to you. He’s fast now as he pulls himself up against you, his arms wrapping around your shoulders. “Mmm I love you~” He sort of moans, finding great comfort in your embrace. You’re silent now, eyes wide with surprise. “Huh?” He pulls back to look you in the eye, his typical flirty facial expression causing you to blush all over. “I said…” And he leans in to your ear, whispering in a deeper voice now. “I love you.” As he tries to pull back and get a good look at your dumb and flustered expression, you hide your face in his neck, hugging him tighter. “Shut up.” “I mean it.” “Yeah right.”
Now as he pulls back, he looks very serious, almost concerned. “I’m serious, (Y/N). You think I’m messing with you?” You look up at him now, biting your lip as you think of what to say to him. He flirts with everyone, even with Keith sometimes. How were you to know if he was truly into you or not? Sure, you were head over heels for him but…are you enough for him? “Oh my god. And they say I’M the dumb one.” His comment causes you to lean away from him. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m in love with you, stupid…like so hardcore. Listen…” He sighs. “The flirting with other people…I’m sorry, it’s just a nervous tick for me. I’m not good at making friends so I flirt and try to be funny. That’s all I really know how to do. I’m…I’m really only into YOU though, (Y/N). Seriously. You gotta believe me. I swear-“ You stop him. “I love you too, Lance.” And now he’s smiling again, nearly melting out of your arms as he admires your plump and smiling cheeks. “You do?” He asks in an excited, high pitched tone, making you laugh again. You can’t go a single second without laughing when you’re around him, he just has that affect on you. “Obviously.” You reply, watching him wiggle with happiness. He pulls you against him tightly, nearly squeezing the air out of you. You didn’t mind, you’d happily let him crush you to death in his arms. It would be the best way to go.
“I want you to be my partner. Let’s go steady.” He says in all seriousness and now you’re pushing him away. “Ewwww you’re so cheesy. ‘Go steady’.” You mock him. “You’re straight out of an 80’s romcom movie, I swear to god.” He laughs as you push him harder, making him float away from you. “Hey! Get back here! I’m not done expressing my feelings for you! Come on, (Y/N)! I love youuuuu.” He continues to pester you as you both swim through the atmosphere, your cheeks hurting from how hard you’re smiling.
Shiro totally let you decide where to land and took soooo much time checking to make sure it was safe for you two to exit the black lion. Finally, without speaking, he grabs your hand and pulls you out into the vast openness of space. The planet you chose was huge and pretty dark, it was almost spooky. Shiro watches you for a moment, smiling sweetly as you examined your surroundings. You could really see the stars around you due to the lack of light and it took your breath away. “Wow…the stars look so pretty! I’ve never seen the stars like this.”
Suddenly, you feel his big arms circle loosely around your shoulders from behind. “Isn’t it wild how different things look this far away from Earth.” He speaks softly to you, his helmet gently resting against your own. “It’s truly remarkable.” You respond before turning around to look at him. Usually Shiro knows all the right things to say, but similar to Keith, his throat goes dry and his mind goes blank when you look him in the eye.
It’s quiet for a moment before you finally decide to speak up. “This is so-“ “I’m glad we got the chance-“ You speak at the same time before you both break out into laughter. “Sorry, sorry you go-“ “You talk first-“ You laugh more as you continue to talk over each other. “I was gonna say…I’m glad we finally got the chance to sneak away from the others. I love spending time with you like this, Takashi.” You see his lip quiver as his face begins to feel hot. He wants to respond but he forgot what he was even gonna say in the first place. Shiro is malfunctioning at this point. No one has called him by his full first name in quite some time but the way you say it makes him lose it for a second.
He leans in towards you, his eyes fluttering closed as he wraps his arms around you more. You can’t help but smile as your eyes mimic his, leaning in closer. Your palms are resting on his hard chest and you’re standing on your tippy toes to get the best angle. Suddenly, your helmets collide and all that’s heard is a plasticy “thump”. You both begin laughing as you realize you were so caught up in this special moment together that you forgot you even had helmets on. “Hahaha! Oh my god, we’re so dumb.” Your laugh rings out into the air, making Shiro laugh along with you. Sure, the moment was funny and laughable but Shiro just found your laugh so sweet and infectious. Even in the most serious of moments, if you began to laugh, so would he.
Now, you’re impatiently yanking on his arm, trying to get him back to his lion. “Whoa, what? We just got here.” “Yeah, but I want that kiss.” His smile widens as he rubs the back of his neck with his other hand. “Geez, you’re so eager.” You scoff, pulling on him harder. “Psh! YOU leaned in to kiss me first, sir!” He nearly chokes when you call him ‘sir’ and now he’s totally running with you back into his lion.
You push him into the pilot’s seat and plop down in his lap before yanking your helmet off, watching as he follows along. The kiss was hot and very eager and almost comedic. You’d always thought your first kiss with him would be super romantic and serious and soft but here you are, giggling against his lips as his hands gently tickle your torso. “I love you, (Y/N).” He pulls back from your lips for just a second to see your reaction to his words. You throw yourself against him once more, kissing him harder than before. “I love you more, Takashi.” You mumble against his lips, his breath lingering on your skin. You’ve never felt so safe and warm in your entire life.
You and Hunk sort of argued for a bit over where to land. Not like a full blown argument but he’s a worry wart and would never forgive himself if anything happened to you so he’s double checking EVERYTHING. “I guess this seems fine. You can take your helmet off here if you want.” And at his word, you yank your helmet off and toss it behind you before you’re running out of his lion. “Hey, wait up!” He throws his helmet off and chases after you. The planet you landed on was mostly water but it was all very shallow, maybe a foot deep at the most. You splash around and laugh, loving the feeling of the warm water on your legs. “Oh my god, babe! This is sooooo coooool!” You continue to play in the water as Hunk just watches you, a goofy smile plastered across his tan face. “Did…you just call me babe?” You stop abruptly and look back at him. “Noooo….” You reply shyly but before you know it, he’s running towards you, water splashing up with each step he takes.
You squeal with joy as he swoops you up in his arms, twirling you around before he plops down in the water, soaking both of you from head to toe. You playfully flick water at his face, smirking as he returns the gesture. Within seconds, you’re in a full blown wrestling match, trying to see who can dunk the other’s head under water first. “Ah! Hunk! No!” You yell and laugh and try your best to overpower him. He takes you down easy, pushing your face under the water for just a second before you pop back up and rub the water out of your eyes.
“I adore you, (Y/N).” Just as you open your eyes again, you are greeted by his shy blushing face just inches away from yours. “What? Me?” He chuckles and nods. “Yes, absolutely.” He responds whole heartedly before he leans in to gently kiss your wet forehead. You’re both kneeling on your knees now, the water coming up to your waist. You slowly crawl even closer to him, his heart pounding in his chest as he watches you with nervous eyes. You gently cup his face in your hands, giving him an innocently sweet smile as you lean in closer. Once you see his eyes close and his lips pucker, you use all your strength to push him backwards, cheering triumphantly once he’s full submerged under the water.
You jump up to your feet, hooting and hollering as he sits up and huffs. “That was so mean! I thought we were gonna kiss.” You offer him a hand to help him to his feet. He takes it and once he’s standing in front of you, you gently grab him by the shoulders and pull him in for a soft and short peck on the lips. “Happy?” You ask softly, watching as he blinks a few times, completely dazed by this whole interaction. “No. I think I need another one…to make up for you pushing me so hard.” You laugh softly as your lips meet again and this time he’s wrapping his thick arms around you and lifting you up off your feet. “I love you so much, (Y/N). You’re the only thing keeping me brave and sane out here.” He stares up at you with a look of such fondness and comfort.
Your playful smile disappears and is replaced by a mushy gushy expression of love and gratitude. “Aww. You…you really mean it? You really love me?” He sets you back down on your feet and slides his hands down your arms until they fall so perfectly into your own. “With all of my heart. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.” And now he’s just examining your laughing face, noticing your pink cheeks and shiny teeth and wet hair. “I love you too, Hunk. More than I could ever explain.” Eventually, you found yourselves laying back in the water, side by side, floating on your backs while holding hands. What a perfect day with the perfect person.
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maandags · 5 years
Fixable Mistakes (Hunk x reader)
fam im jsbdcjs
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Summary: When you show up at the Castle of Lions with a heartbreaking story and a request for help, Hunk accepts immediately, not thinking anything except the fact that you needed help and he could give it to you. But as schemes begin to unfold and errors are committed, Hunk constantly needs to remind himself of something: that not every mistake can be fixed...
Word count: 11.2K 
Genre: angst/fluff
Notes: masterlist - yalls idek what to say. i show love by making my babies suffer
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At first, Hunk thought you were a hallucination.
He was in his room, minding his own business, when his wristband went off and Keith’s face appeared on a little screen hovering over his arm, telling him to get to the briefing room right now. Before Hunk could ask why, Keith broke the connection.
So Hunk sighed and pushed off his bed, trudging towards the briefing room with a scowl. He had stuff to do, damn it–he needed to show Pidge some inconsistencies in a program he was working on. Maybe she could help him. There were dozens of other things he needed to do, and there had been no meeting scheduled until two days from now. It made no sense, he grumbled internally as he pushed open the door to the briefing room.
He froze, one hand still on the doorknob.
There you stood, looking regal as anything, your hands clasped behind your back, your feet standing solidly on the ground and your shoulders drawn back. A strange thing he immediately noticed was how your hair seemed to flow behind you as if you were underwater, the ends dissolving into golden dust–as if you were a sand statue seconds away from crumbling.
You turned your head, two eyes that seemed forged out of hot embers casting him a surprised glance before your lips curled into a tentative smile. “Hello.”
“Hi,” said Hunk, voice squeakier than usual.
“Hunk? Sit down, please,” said Allura from the head of the table, and somewhere in the back of his mind Hunk noticed how shaky her voice was. His mind was completely entranced with your image in front of him, though, so he didn’t pay any attention to it until Lance brought it up later.
He ripped his eyes from your form and quickly sank into his seat, Pidge at his side. She leaned towards him and whispered, “Don’t worry. We all had the same reaction when we first saw them.” For some reason, that didn’t sit well with Hunk at all.
Everyone was there. Everyone looked at you, seated opposite Allura at the other end of the table, your body giving off its own golden-orange glow, your hair turning to stardust behind your head. You looked like… well, Hunk thought, somewhat embarrassed, you looked like royalty. Yet you also looked slightly nervous, your eyes darting from Paladin to Paladin and your shoulders drawn up to your ears as if you were expecting to get yelled at. The opposite of how you'd looked only minutes ago.
After a moment of silence, Keith spoke up, and you jumped. “So. Are you going to introduce yourself?”
Shiro’s eyes snapped to Keith, a careful warning lying in them. “Keith–”
“No, it’s okay,” you interrupted him. Your voice was quieter than Hunk had expected–twinkling. Like a melody from a music box, back on Earth. Or a star.
You took a breath, bringing delicate hands onto the table and lacing your fingers together. Even your nails seemed to give off that strange golden glow. “My name is Y/N. I’m a Comet, and I’ve come to ask for your help.”
There were exactly two seconds of dead silence, and then everyone began to speak at once. They bombarded you with questions or simply said, “What?” Lance practically jumped over the table and shouted in your face, Pidge right by his side, and you shrank more into yourself with every word they uttered. Keith had grabbed Shiro’s arm and was saying how much he didn’t like this, how he was sure this was some kind of scheme from the Galra to infiltrate them, how there was no way this was going to end well–
No one paid any attention to how you felt, and when Hunk locked eyes with you over Pidge’s head, all he saw was absolute terror and confusion and desperation. The fire he’d seen earlier was still there, but it didn’t glow as brightly as it had before–they were frightened little flames, grasping and reaching for any bit of air they could get before they were completely suffocated.
“Everyone SHUT UP!”
He surprised even himself with his shout.
But it worked, because the room went so silent you could hear a fly drop dead. Lance and Pidge slid back into their seats, having the decency to at least look a little embarrassed. Keith still held on to Shiro’s arm but cast an annoyed glance at Hunk. But Hunk’s eyes were on you only, and the look of gratefulness you sent him made his chest churn.
“Can you explain who exactly you are and what you need our help for?” he finally said.
“I still don’t like this,” whispered Keith angrily.
“Let them talk,” muttered Shiro back. His eyes were back on you again, but not before they slid over Hunk with a new sort of interest.
You nodded, chewing the inside of your cheek. “I’m–I’m sorry for barging in like this, first of all. But you must know I would never seek your help if I had another choice,” you said, your voice strained and your eyes pleading as you kept your gaze firm on Allura. The princess’ expression was guarded, but held also something that was almost reverence, and Hunk got the feeling she knew exactly who you were–or at least what you were.
“As I said, I am a Comet. You have probably heard of my people, whether the ones talking about us knew what they were saying or not, but you probably have never made the connection between the comets you know and beings like me.” With these words, you burned your fiery gaze through Keith’s as if defying him.
“Well,” said Lance hesitantly, “we do know of comets on Earth–but they’re nothing more than lumps of ice and space dust and gas that burn up in our atmosphere.” But his tone was questioning as he said it.
You smiled faintly. “That’s what we made you believe.” Hunk could almost feel five pairs of eyebrows lift at the same time. “You know of falling stars, yes?” you said patiently, and when they all nodded, “All falling stars are comets–and some are, indeed, lumps of ice and dust and gas.” An amused look towards Lance. “Others are Comets–capital C.
“We’re a nomad people. Pacifist. We travel across the universe, needing nothing but starlight to survive. Sometimes we touch down on a planet and mix with its population for a while. One lifetime. Two lifetimes. Maybe more. But we always return to the space between the stars. It’s where we belong.”
“If you’ve always been around,” began Shiro cautiously, eyeing you as if he didn’t quite know what to make of you, “why has no one ever heard of you?”
“They have,” you stated simply, ember eyes flicking to Allura and Coran. “We stay out of wars. We don’t have a home for belligerents to conquer or destroy–we’re perfectly happy roaming between the stars. We don’t fight.” The words were tinged with a sadness Hunk couldn’t quite place. There’s a twinge in his gut.
Allura cleared her throat. “Comets were always regarded as deities, back on Altea. They represented everything important to us–freedom. Peace. Tranquillity.”
“Whenever a Comet touched down on Altea, they were treated with the utmost respect and were offered hospitality in the Castle of Lions,” continued Coran, a sad smile upon his face. “They always refused, wanting to be among the people instead. They never asked for anything in return, and what could we give to them? They lived so much longer than us. They were so much wiser than us. There was nothing we could give them except for kindness.”
“We never wanted anything more,” you said in that twinkling voice of yours. But then your eyes grew sad, the embers dimming to nothing more than a slight glow.
“Why did you come?” asked Allura–the question that had been burning on everyone’s lips from the moment you stepped inside the castle.
Your lips pursed themselves into a straight line, and as you screwed your eyes shut a single tear slid down your cheek. It was black and seemed to suck all the light into itself instead of glowing with it like the rest of you did. “The Galra found a way of harvesting a Comet’s quintessence,” you said shakily. When you opened your eyes again, they were blazing with a fury that almost has Hunk shrink back in his seat. “My people have been disappearing from all over the universe. We don’t know how to fight, it’s not what we were meant to do–how are we supposed to resist?” You balled your fists. “I don’t even know how many of us are left.”
Allura had her hands clapped over her mouth, and Coran had gone stark white. Looks of confusion were painted across the other’s faces, mixed with sympathy and anger. Shiro ran a hand through his hair. “The Galra have been capturing your people for their quintessence?”
You sighed shakily. “A Comet is aeons worth of starlight and energy. If you can harvest that much power all at once…” You shivered, looking suddenly very small and weak.
A spark of anger ignited in Hunk’s chest and he clenched his fist underneath the table. This was just another example of how the Galra would stop at nothing to get more power. They would just keep on destroying and harvesting–even if it meant wiping an entire people from the universe. But he remembered with a shock that it wasn’t the first time they’d done that, either; Allura and Coran were living proof of that.
“We’ll help you,” he found himself saying. Now everyone turned to him, and Keith shot him a murderous glare, and he was probably right to do so–it was way too quick to agree to something like this. But now that the words were out there he couldn’t take them back anymore. Hunk tried for an encouraging smile your way.
“Of course we’ll help you,” said Allura after a moment of silence. She took a breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, determination glinted in them. Hunk had seen this look on her before. It was the one she wore just before going to battle. “Coran and I know what it’s like to watch your people fall right before your eyes better than anyone. Of course we’ll help you.”
And that was that.
You were given your own room, at the end of the corridor and opposite Hunk’s. Everyone agreed you shouldn’t be left to roam the universe on your own when the Galra were rounding up Comets left and right, and you seemed beyond relieved that the team had decided to help you. When Hunk asked if Comets even slept, you merely smiled. “Not as far as I know… but there’s a first time for everything, right?” Your ember eyes, burning into his.
He grinned, expression a mirror image of your own. “Right.”
You arranged a meeting with Allura, Coran and Shiro first thing the next day and left the room. Everyone sagged in their seats and released puffs of air. Hunk pushed back his chair and prepared to get back to his own room, but a hand on his arm stopped him. He looked up right into Keith’s scowling face.
“You were stupid to just agree to help them like that,” he hissed, voice low so only Hunk can hear him. The rest talked in hushed voices, their heads close together. He opened his mouth to retort but again Keith cut him off. “I’m not gonna say anything to them–but know that I’ll keep an eye on them. I don’t trust this. I don’t trust them.”
“You still think this is some scheme from the Galra to try and infiltrate us?”
“They’re insane enough for it. But, Hunk?” He paused, violet eyes hard and steely. “If this all goes to shit, and any one of us gets hurt? That’s on you.” He let go and joined the others before Hunk could answer.
Despite Keith’s bitter words from the first night, the others seemed to warm up to you pretty quick–including Hunk himself.
You were the type of person anyone liked to be around: cheerful, always kind, always trying to help in whatever small ways you could. You glowed, lighting up a room by simply being in it. Hunk caught himself staring at you more often than he’d like to admit. Sometimes you’d meet his eyes. Smile. Hunk would look away, cheeks tinged red in embarrassment.
Around two weeks passed before there was another meeting. There had been small missions; gathering intel, trying to find out where the Galra took the Comets once they’d been captured, how they were captured, what was done with them. They’d all been working themselves to the bone to get all the information they needed to craft a solid plan. Now seemed they could at least lay down a base.
Shiro pressed a button and a hologram map sprang to life in the middle of the room. “This is where we think the Comets are taken once they’re captured,” he announced. Straight to the point, Hunk thought. All right.
“It’s a base in the Kianre quadrant, section KV-23. We’ve searched out for it. Found nothing but a whole lot of radiation emanating from this exact spot.” He wrote down some coordinates. “They’ve concealed the base, but now that we know it’s there, that’s not a problem anymore.”
Lance raised his hand. “So. This might be a stupid question, but why don’t we just form Voltron and blow the base up? Boom. Problem solved.”
“It’s what we would do if there wasn’t the slightest chance that there are actual alive Comets still being held captive there. We just can’t risk it,” said Allura.
“All right, then.” Pidge puckered her lips. “So it’s a stealth slash extraction mission then?”
Shiro nodded. “That’s right. The plan is to go in, find the Comets, take them to the lions, find out how the Galra harvested their quintessence and destroy it.”
“Sounds awfully simple when you put it like that,” muttered Keith from behind his crossed arms. A wave of irritation washed over Hunk and he bit back a retort. Why couldn’t Keith just relax? He saw threats where there weren’t any.
They discussed strategics. Hunk pitched in here and there, scratching the back of his neck and casting looks at you every now and then. You were a little off to the side, fiddling with your fingers. You looked, for the first time, unsure of yourself. As if you didn’t quite know why you were there. The glow permanently surrounding you had dimmed.
“Y/N,” called Allura.
Your head jerked up. “Yes?”
“Do you know how to fight?”
You pursed your lips. “I’ve never had to fight. I wasn’t trained.”
“So that’s a no,” said Lance helpfully. Hunk kind of wanted to punch him.
Allura looked torn, trying so hard to keep a straight face. “There’s nothing you can do to defend yourself?”
“I mean… I can manipulate my light a bit,” you mumbled, drawing your hand to your chest. shy under the sudden attention. “I’m only a young Comet. I have yet so much to learn…” Your fingers opened and closed, a little ball of pure golden light dancing between them. It was hypnotising. “It’s not much of a weapon, though, I don’t think.”
Allura and Shiro shared a look between them, and Hunk sensed that in that look a whole debate took place. Finally Shiro lowered his gaze and sighed. “Y/N, I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to come with us on the mission.”
You pursed your lips, clenching your hands into fists at your side. You looked like you wanted to say something, but thought better of it in the end: the decision had been made. You sat down, your gaze firm on the floor and your fingers entwined.
Shiro put a hand on your shoulder. Your body tensed ever so slightly–Hunk didn’t think anyone but him noticed. “I’m really, truly sorry.”
“No, I get it,” you muttered. “It’s okay. Really.”
You didn’t say anything more after that. You stayed until the end of the meeting, and Hunk was impressed with you for that because he could see how much it hurt you, the knowledge that everything could go wrong in a second and you would be powerless to do anything about it. But when Allura declared the meeting over, you were the first to exit the room.
It made Hunk’s chest ache. Seeing you like this–shoulders hunched, glow dimmed, completely deflated–made his chest ache. He wished there was something he could do to help. Just make sure the mission goes all right, he told himself. Just make sure their pain isn’t for nothing.
Hunk could feel the anticipation building inside the Castle as preparations were made. Their training schedules were altered, so every moment they weren’t resting or out and about they were holed up on the training deck, working their asses off.
Shiro yelled, “Training sequence over!” The sound of the training bot deactivating was the most beautiful sound Hunk had heard all day. He blew out a breath and let himself fall to the floor where he sat cross-legged, grinning at Lance who was splayed out on his back and making sure everyone knew how tired he was.
“I swear to everything that’s holy,” he said, staring up at the ceiling from where he starfished on the floor, “once we get the Comets out of that base I am rewarding myself by not doing any form of exercise for a week.”
Shiro frowned. Hunk knew you were supposed to stretch your muscles out after exercising. Technically. Shiro was the only one doing it. “That’s not a reward. You’ve gotta keep in shape, Lance.”
“Shut up. My limbs are jelly.” Lance demonstrated this by meekly flopping his arms.
Behind Shiro, sitting against the wall, Keith rolled his eyes. “We’re probably all going to die anyway in this stupid rescue mission. So I don’t see the point.”
Pidge sighed audibly. “Okay. So I know you never liked this idea to begin with but can you please don’t be a dick about it?”
Lance now sat up. “Yeah, I mean, what is your problem? Not to be passive-aggressive,” he added quickly, “I’m actually genuinely curious.”
Keith pulled his knees up to his chest, eyes pointedly to the wall opposite him. “I just don’t trust Y/N.” Now it was Hunk’s turn to sigh and roll his eyes.
“Why not, though?” Pidge asked, eyebrows knotting together. “They’ve been nothing but kind and helpful.”
Keith shrugged again. “I don’t know. Just a feeling.” There was a pause. “It’s just–don’t you think it’s weird that they just… showed up? Like, there was no warning, no distress signal, no nothing. None of us except for Coran and Allura have even heard of Comets before. And yeah, I get it. They need help. Their people need help. But still.” A defiant look Hunk’s way. “It doesn’t sit right with me.”
And with that happy thought, he pushed himself up and left the room.
“Well,” said Lance after a while, “paranoid much?”
But Shiro’s eyes had taken on that sheen that screamed doubt. His jaw was set, and Hunk could almost see the gears turn in his head. Even though it wasn’t clear if he actually believed Keith, the fact that his words had let Shiro doubt whether what they were doing was the right thing was enough to make Hunk past uncomfortable. He narrowed his eyes.
“You don’t actually think he’s right, right?”
Shiro turned to him, everything about his expression masked with doubt. “He might have a point, you know.”
“Oh my god,” Hunk choked out. Scrambling up, he grabbed his bayard and threw up his arms. “Y/N needs help! When have we ever refused anyone help?” He glared at Shiro. “They watched their civilization get destroyed. We’re their last resort! And you’re starting to doubt if they’re even telling the truth?”
Pidge stood up now, too. “I’m with Hunk on this one. Y/N doesn’t seem the type to be a traitor or something. A spy? They can’t even fight to defend themselves! And I don’t think I’ve ever caught them lie.”
“Maybe they’re just good at their job,” muttered Lance.
The words hit Hunk like a truck. “You too?”
Lance gave an apologetic shrug. “I’m not saying I don’t trust them. But Keith does have a point when he’s talking about how randomly they just showed up. You’d think we’d hear about it if beings as powerful as the Comets were being rounded up en masse.” He sniffed, rubbing his arm. “I’m just saying we could be a little more careful.”
Hunk bit his tongue, knowing that if he let his emotions spill over now he would say things he was for sure going to regret later. Instead he turned and headed for the door, making sure to slam it shut behind him.
He had the whole trip to his room to calm down, taking deep breaths and shaking his head as if he could shake the others’ words out of his mind. There was nothing wrong with a healthy dose of suspicion–but you?
Cheerful you, who Hunk was sure had never hurt a fly in your life. You, who made him laugh every evening at dinner, talking animatedly to anyone who would listen. You who were always keen to try whatever new concoction he’d come up with in the kitchen and tried your best to convince him he’d done a good job, even when he could see the strain in your grin. You who could make him feel better by simply being by his side.
One hand on his doorknob, he bit his lip. You hadn’t been much out of your room since the meeting; only for food (and even that was just out of politeness since Comets didn’t need to eat) and occasionally for a chat or two. It was clear you didn’t want to be reminded that the fate of your people lay in the others’ hands and that you could do nothing about it. But there was an itch in Hunk’s chest–he wanted to see you. Hear your voice.
So he spun on his heel and marched to the door opposite his own.
He had to knock twice before he got an answer. Your “Yeah?” sounded slightly irritated, and Hunk pulled back his hand, but before he could decide if this was actually a good idea you opened the door, eyes widening ever so slightly at the sight of him. “Hunk! Hi.”
“Hey,” he said, fighting the urge to awkwardly balance on his heels. There were smudges of something dark under your eyes and on your cheeks. Hunk frowned. Had you been crying? Your eyes weren’t rimmed purple like they had been when you’d cried that first day you were here, but there was still something about the darkness on your face that made Hunk the slightest bit uncomfortable.
“Um… did you–uh–want anything? Or…”
Hunk jumped, feeling his own face heat up. “Oh, uh, no? Not really. I just wanted to check on you.” Your gaze softened and he suddenly really wanted to wipe away the smudges on your face. But he didn’t. Because that would be weird. “Are you okay?”
You grinned. Carefully. As if smiles were a fragile thing. And in a way, Hunk guessed they were. “Mostly. I’ve just been… you know. Stressed out. About stuff.”
Hunk sensed there was something you weren’t telling him, but he didn’t want to pressure you. If you wanted to tell him, you would. End of story. But your eyes were full of insecurities and doubt and there was something you weren’t telling him and it was something important. He opened his mouth to ask about it–but you cut him off with a question of your own.
“Hunk, do you ever feel like you’ve made a horrible, terrible mistake?”
The question caught him so off-guard he was rendered speechless for a second. But you were looking at him expectantly, almost desperately, so he thought about it before answering. “Well, I mean–of course. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes. But, you know, that’s okay. Everyone does.”
You nodded, chewing on your lower lip. You avoided his eyes as you mulled over his words. “And… when you realise you’ve made a mistake. What do you do?”
Hunk cocked his head. He didn’t quite understand what you were on about, but if he could help…
“Well, I try and fix it, don’t I? Almost every mistake can be fixed. Even trying goes a long way.”
Again you nodded, your eyes distant and your eyebrows furrowed. Your lips were moving, but whatever you were saying Hunk couldn’t make out. Your fingers fiddled with something dark but shiny, almost subconsciously. Upon closer inspection, Hunk saw it was a piece of fabric. It looked a lot like silk–but it also didn’t look like anything Hunk had ever seen before. The fabric was shimmery and seemed to shift between hues of blue and purple and black, glittering here and there with silver stars, as if someone had pinched a piece out of the universe and wove it together.
You saw him looking. Quickly withdrew the piece of cloth from sight. “Oh, that’s just–I’ve had it for ages. It’s like a good luck charm.”
Hunk nodded quickly. “Right.”
There was something else. He could tell. There was something else and it was bothering you and all he wanted to do was help–but if you wouldn’t tell him… Maybe this was something you needed to deal with on your own. He resisted the urge to pout. “Well, if you need anything else…”
Your eyes widened and snapped back to his face as if you’d forgotten he was still there. “Yeah. Sure. Thanks.”
He smiled. You smiled back. Before Hunk closed the door to his own room, he swore he could see a tear track down your cheek.
– – –
It was finally the day, and the tension could be felt throughout the entire castle. Hunk bounced on his feet, repeating the plan in his head, rolling his shoulders. Lance and Shiro were practising hand-to-hand combat. Pidge checked the wirings inside their helmets. Allura spoke with Coran in hushed tones, frantically waving her hands around. Keith sulked in a corner.
You were nowhere to be seen, and it made Hunk uncomfortable.
He’d thought you’d see them off, at least. You wouldn’t be completely alone during the time the rest went on the mission; you’d have Coran to keep you company. But still–your absence was unnerving, and he was positive the others felt it too. They were lingering, hoping you’d show up without having to go get you. He could almost hear Keith biting back some snarky remarks.
At last, Shiro sighed. “We have to go.”
Hunk kept hoping you’d come until his lion shot out of the hangar and joined the others. No sign of you. He ignored the disappointed prick in his chest. Maybe it was too difficult for you to see them leave without you, he told himself. Maybe you’d fallen asleep. Maybe, maybe, maybe. It didn’t give him any certainty. It didn’t make him feel better.
The ride was silent. Everyone was alone with their own thoughts. There wasn’t as much nervous chatter as there usually would have been. It only added to the ominous atmosphere pressing onto them. Something was askew, and yet no one wanted to mention it.
So they kept going.
The view was nice as ever, yet Hunk couldn’t bring himself to enjoy it. His mind was filled with worry; for you, for himself, for his friends. So much could go wrong. He should speak up. They weren’t ready enough. They weren’t prepared enough. It was going to go wrong.
If this all goes to shit, if any one of us gets hurt–that’s on you.
He groaned, lowering his face into his hands. When he closed his eyes, all he could see were your own staring back, blazing embers forged out of pure starlight. It made his thoughts muddy and his actions sluggish. He started doubting his every move. Things he used to be absolutely certain of weren’t so clear anymore.
He hated it. He wanted it to stop.
It was probably the stress, he thought. The pressure of this one particular mission that could determine an entire civilization’s fate, and yet… they’d done missions of an even more important scale before, and he had never reacted like this. A voice inside him murmured, but this mission isn’t like the others. Because the others weren’t about you.
“Dammit,” he muttered, rubbing his temples. He vaguely noted how hot his forehead felt.
“All right folks, we’re getting close to the Kianre quadrant. We probably have ten minutes left to go before we reach the concerned sector. Get ready,” said Shiro’s tight voice over the speakers. It wasn’t like him to sound this nervous, Hunk thought. But then again–they’d all sounded nervous. Nothing made any sense anymore.
There was a flash and a kind of humming sound. The air charged with energy. It pressed down on Hunk and he yelped in surprise, squeezing his eyes shut against the bright light suddenly filling his lion’s cockpit.
“Call off the mission,” you said in a hurried voice.
Hunk almost fell out of his chair. “Wh-what?” he spluttered, blinking furiously to get at least some of his sight back. When he did, and he focused on the figure standing behind him, he blinked a few more times for good measure. To make sure what he was seeing was real.
You grabbed his arm, fiery eyes burning into his with an intensity he hadn’t seen before. “Hunk. Call of the mission. Now.”
“I can’t just do that,” he said weakly, head still spinning from the rather unexpected turn of events.
You exhaled sharply. “Right. Okay. But Shiro can.” There was a flash again, and you were gone.
Hunk shook his head, still dazed, and pulled his lion to a halt. In his helmet, Pidge’s voice piped up. “Hunk, what’s wrong?” He didn’t quite know how to answer.
Then the comms crackled. “This is Y/N. Turn around and get back to the castle as quick as you can. The mission’s cancelled.” The connection broke.
There was exactly one second of silence before everyone started talking at once, but there was a flash again and something shot past Hunk’s window. It went too fast for him to make out anything more than a yellow-golden streak, but the resemblance to a shooting star was too big for Hunk to ignore. It was you. Somehow, this stripe of light was you. He was sure of it.
“Wait, wait–what just happened? Was that really Y/N?” Lance squeaked, his face appearing on Hunk’s screen along with all the others. They all looked at Shiro.
He nodded grimly. “I don’t know what that was all about. But they seemed genuinely distressed–”
Hunk interrupted before he could think better of it. “Well, actually, I don’t think they were distressed as much as they were angry. Frustrated.”
“You know. I’ve seen them actually distressed. Scared, and everything. This wasn’t that,” he said, shrinking back in his seat because of the looks his teammates were sending him.
“They came for you too?” said Keith sharply. “I knew we couldn’t trust them–!”
“They came to me,” Hunk corrected, irritated. “And we don’t know what they’re on about. Maybe Coran got hold of some new information that changed the whole situation completely. Stop being so quick to judge.”
“Okay, so let’s assume that’s the case,” said Keith angrily. “Coran couldn’t have sent us a message?”
“Maybe there was interference! That’s happened before!” Hunk threw up his arms. “I don’t know, damn it!”
“Guys.” There was a warning in Shiro’s voice Hunk didn’t want to challenge. “We’ll discuss it back at the Castle. Let’s just get going.” He frowned. “Y/N has some explaining to do.”
You were pacing, waiting for them in the hangar. Hunk noticed now that you did look distressed, but as soon as you looked up and met his eyes a huge weight seemed to lift off your shoulders. You still acted strange–a little scary–but you hurried towards him, only stopping in front of him at the last second, looking like you had to restrain yourself from throwing your arms around him. “Thank the stars,” you breathed when every lion touched down.
Keith was out first, and he stomped up to you, yanking off his helmet and pointing an accusatory finger at your chest. “You better start explaining right now–”
“Keith,” hissed Lance from behind him, looking equally cautious and curious as to what you had to say.
You cringed away slightly. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“Where’s Coran?” Allura’s eyes grew increasingly worried as they scanned the hangar for him. Then they snapped back to you and filled with fury. “If you’ve laid a single finger on Coran, I swear to–”
“He’s fine,” you assured her quickly, a dark blue blush creeping up on your cheeks. “He’s–in his room. Asleep.” You flinched when you said the words. “He wouldn’t let me go warn you, and, well... not many people know Comets produce a kind of sleeping dust.” You held up a hand. Something resembling sparkly golden sand swirled in between your fingers. Everyone took a step back, their hands hovering around their bayards and their gazes fixed on your hands. “I won’t use it on you!” you said hurriedly. “I never do, when I can help it, but I had no other choice.”
“Like you had no other choice coming to us for help?” Shiro’s voice was dangerously low. Hunk could see the fingers of his prosthetic hand flexing and curling. “It’s time you start talking, Y/N.”
You took a breath. “Most of what I said is true. My people are getting captured by the Galra and they are being drained of their quintessence.”
“But you also lied.” It wasn’t a question, yet Allura glared at you as if she expected an answer.
“I did.” You stuck your chin up slightly, your hands curling to fists at your side. “I was captured by the Galra too. And there are no more of us left. Not free, at least.” You sighed shakily. “The Galra decided they could use me for more than just my quintessence: luring Voltron into a trap. With bait they can’t resist.”
“You,” breathed Hunk. The heavy weight of betrayal settled on his chest, the floor suddenly pulled out from beneath him. His whole world had been turned upside down. You threw him a pleading look. A look that screamed I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.
“Someone in need of help,” you said quietly. “They knew you wouldn’t throw me back out. Because you help people–it’s what you’re here to do.” Tears brimmed your eyes and you blinked them away angrily. “Anyway. You were supposed to find the base and ambush it, except they would be ready. You’d be captured along with the lions and eventually killed.”
The simple way you said it made Hunk want to throw up. Or maybe it was the thought of having been so close to death and not even knowing it that made his head spin. He grabbed onto the nearest pillar to steady himself.
“So all this time you knew,” said Shiro in a low voice. Again, it wasn’t a question.
You nodded stiffly. “I couldn’t–I couldn’t let you get killed.”
“Well, that’s a nice sentiment, isn’t it?” Keith growled, making half a step forward. He looked as if he physically wanted to fight you that very second. “You were going to let us get killed. While we were fighting for you.”
“But I didn’t,” you whispered pleadingly. “I know that doesn’t make up for the lies I’ve told. I really truly am sorry.” You looked directly at Allura now. “The Galra General–I don’t know his name–injected a tracker inside of me before sending me here. I managed to cut it out without destroying it.”
On your open palm lay a little metal object, about the size of a pill, covered in your strange night-sky-black blood. It was flickering with a little orange light. “It would have alerted them if they saw I left the Castle. I don’t know how long will go by before they realise you won’t be coming.”
Allura took a step back. “Keep that thing away from me.”
“I’ll take it,” said Pidge quietly before she plucked the little tracking device from your hand. She was the one who looked the less shaken by the whole situation. The one who acted the less hostile towards you. Which Hunk found strange–he’d thought Pidge would be utterly devastated, especially after having expressed her trust in you when everyone else had their suspicions.
Keith had pulled Shiro aside and was whisper-yelling to him and Allura, a mix of anger and smugness on his face. Smugness because he’d been right from the start, Hunk suspected. Lance was awkwardly hovering close enough so he could hear what they were saying, but not be an actual part of the conversation. Lance had liked you from the very first moment. He looked torn between anger and sadness, having run his hands through his hair so many times it stuck up in all directions.
You rubbed your collarbone absent-mindedly. A bandage was wrapped around your chest, barely peeking out from beneath your shirt. Hunk wondered if that was where the tracker had sat before you cut it out. You saw him look. “I kind of ruined one of your knives when I took it out,” you mumbled. “Comet blood’s close to impossible to wash off of metal. The stains are nasty.”
Hunk nodded dumbly. “Good to–good to know.”
“I think I can trace the signal this thing’s reacting to,” Pidge said as she studied the little device. “If I’m careful.”
“I’ll help,” said Hunk. Anything to take his mind off of you.
Pidge smiled at him. “Thanks.”
“Hunk?” Your voice was small, but when Hunk’s eyes met yours, he saw nothing but determination. There was a pause in which neither of you said anything, and Hunk almost lost himself in the fire that burned in them, brighter than ever. “I know you're mad at me, and you have every right to be--but this is my way of fixing a mistake.”
Hunk nodded. There wasn’t much else he could do.
Allura and Shiro decided, despite Keith’s protests, that it was best to keep you in the castle at least for a while. You still knew things that could be of possible use to them, and you didn’t show any signs of wanting to leave. As a matter of fact, when Allura informed you that you were basically their prisoner now, all you did was shrug and say “Okay.”
Not a very villainous thing to do, in Hunk’s opinion.
You were escorted to the cells, Keith and Shiro by your sides. Keith had his bayard drawn, probably because he wanted to look intimidating, because Hunk suspected you could get away from them any second you wanted, if what he’d seen in his lion was anything to go by. But you didn’t. You stayed. You were cooperative. It puzzled Hunk beyond belief.
When you were safely stashed away and Shiro and Keith had come back they all flunked down around the big dining table, plates of food goo waiting for them. It was silent for a good while. Allura had gone up to check on Coran, only returning when she was sure you had been telling the truth and he was merely asleep. With a few taps on the cheek, he was up and about again. A relief, even though Hunk had never thought you’d actually hurt Coran.
Finally Lance threw his fork down. “I just can’t believe…” His voice trailed off. “I mean, Y/N? They’re not like that! None of this makes sense.”
“They confessed, Lance. End of story.” Keith kept his gaze firm on his own plate of goo. He didn’t eat, though. Merely pushed around bits of goo with his fork.
“You know, there are parts of this that don’t make sense,” Pidge chimed in. Hunk didn’t understand how she could just chow away at her food, not with everything that just happened. “There are parts that do. And then there are parts that don’t.” She swallowed. “I get the feeling Y/N’s not telling us everything.”
“I know, Pidge,” said Allura. “It’s bothering me as well.”
“You can just ask them, you know,” Hunk muttered, sagged in his chair. “It’s not like they show resistance. They’ll answer your questions.”
“Do you have something to say, Hunk?” There was the hostile edge to Keith’s voice again.
Hunk exhaled. “No. I just don’t think it was necessary to throw Y/N in a cell.”
“They’re dangerous–”
“Okay, listen. We’re all upset, but we’re forgetting one thing here,” said Hunk, slamming down his fork, finally giving in to his irritation. “Y/N made the right choice in the end. No one got hurt. They answered all our questions and explained themselves. They cut the tracker out of their body to come warn us.”
“They’re still a traitor–!”
“Because you’re not looking at it from their point of view! I’m not saying we should immediately forgive and forget, but we can afford to go a little gentler on them, you know. Their people are being slowly killed and robbed of their quintessence, in case you forgot.”
Hunk hadn’t intended for the snide tone to edge his words, but it had crept in there anyway. He was worked up, and as he pushed his chair back and stood up, he had to curl his hands into fists to keep them from trembling. He snatched a towel up and wet it under the sink. “Don’t follow me.” And he left the room.
You were sitting with your back to the glass wall of your holding cell when Hunk pushed open the door. You immediately straightened, eyes darting around–but there was no fear in them. Only curiosity and caution, but no real fear. He pressed the button that made a panel to your cell slide open and he stepped in.
“You’re not scared I’ll kill you?” you said, a ghost of a smile on your lips and a twinkle in your eyes.
Hunk snorted, crouching down and tugging at the bandage on your chest. “Nah. Not that you’re not capable of doing so,” he added, “because I totally think you are. But I’m not worried about it.”
Your sleeve fell down a bit, and when he pushed aside the last layer of the bandage a gaping black wound was revealed, just between your shoulder and your neck. He flinched slightly at the unfamiliarity of it–but you gently pushed his hand away and tugged the bandage back into place. “It’s okay. Don’t mind that.” Hunk pretended not to see you grimace in pain.
So he twirled the wet towel in his hands and said nothing for a while. He pointedly avoided looking you in the eye.
“You don’t have questions?”
Hunk’s head snapped up. “What?”
You shrugged. “Well. I wasn’t really expecting anyone for at least a bit longer. But you’re here.” You regarded him curiously. “That must mean you have questions.”
Hunk hesitated. “Just one, really.” You waited, eyes expectant. “Why did you save us?”
You raised an eyebrow. “That’s not the question I was expecting.”
“I’m still curious.”
You mulled it over. “I guess… I don’t know. I’d started to care about you. You were so keen on helping me, and you didn’t even know who I was before I showed up–lying to you grew more painful by the day. I hated every second of it. Hated myself every second of it.” You cast him a tired look. “They promised me they wouldn’t harm her if I did it, you know. My sister.”
Hunk almost choked on air. “What?”
You sagged, back against the wall and arms crossed. “They said–they said if I refused the operation they’d kill her and make me watch. I didn’t hear anything she said, but the walls are clear. They like to be able to see their specimens.” Your voice was strangely monotone, carefully devoid of any emotion. Hunk listened with horror, unable to speak. “She was begging me not to do it. Begging. Screaming and crying and clawing at the walls. I could read her lips. ‘Don’t you do it, Y/N. Don’t you dare.’ Kyra’s always been a firm believer in peace.”
You pulled out the piece of dark cloth and started rubbing it out of habit. “This is her handkerchief. She made it herself. Used to carry it everywhere she went.”
Hunk took all of that in, mind racing with the bomb you’d just dropped. “You needed to protect your sister.”
“Twin, actually, as you’d call it. We were forged out of the same star.”
“Forged out of the same–”
“It’s Comet birth stuff. It’s complicated.”
A pause. Then you grabbed his hand. Your fingers curled around his, palm pulsing with a heat that coursed through his entire body from the second you touched him. If starlight was an emotion, he was currently experiencing it. He didn’t want it to ever stop.
“My sister is the only one in that facility, Hunk,” you said quietly. “They needed leverage and Kyra was perfect for it. I don’t know where the others are. I doubt they’re even still alive. But I’ve been having–I’ve been having these visions…” You shivered. “She’s getting worse. I don’t think I have much time left. I don’t know what to do.”
Hunk knew he should have been suspicious, or at least cautious to a certain degree–you had just lied to them for a month. This could just be another ploy from the Galra to make the team trust you again, but then he looked you in the eye and there was nothing but honesty there. As if you knew what he was thinking, you pulled your hand away, a dark blue blush dotting your cheeks. His hand felt oddly cold without yours in it.
“I wouldn’t lie to you, Hunk. Not now. Not about this.”
“I believe you.” And he meant the words with every fibre of his being.
– – –
“They only wanted to protect their sister.”
Pidge looked up from where she was fiddling with the tracker still covered in your blood (they’d tried cleaning it, but you weren’t exaggerating when you’d said that Comet blood was impossible to get off of metal), her eyes huge behind specialised magnifying glasses. “Say what now?”
Hunk plopped down in front of her. “They were set up. The base we found is the place where the Galra are holding Y/N’s sister. They threatened to kill her if they wouldn’t cooperate.”
Pidge’s face went white. Hunk knew he’d made the right choice to tell her–they were still looking for Matt, and even though she was utterly convinced he was still alive, Hunk could see how scared she was for him. She put her tools down, fingers shaky. “You’re sure about this? How do you know they’re telling the truth?”
“They wouldn’t lie about this. Not right now,” Hunk said, echoing your words from earlier. “We have to help them.”
“We have to tell Shiro and Allura about this is what we have to do.”
“That too. And then help them.”
He started pulling her up but felt she was a little bit reluctant. He frowned. “What?”
She shrugged. “I’m just saying… They’ve lied to us before. This could just be another ploy.”
“Not this time,” Hunk said with all the confidence he could muster. And that was a lot. There weren’t many things that he was sure of at the moment, but you telling the truth about your sister was one of them. “I swear. I can swear on their behalf, they’re telling the truth.”
Allura reacted about the way Hunk had expected.
“It’s a lie,” she snapped immediately, but Hunk could sense something in her crumble. “They’re trying to finish what they started. It’s bullshit.”
“I get why you’d think that,” said Hunk, “but please just hear me out. Or better yet, hear Y/N out. It’s the truth–and it makes perfect sense. It explains why they couldn’t say exactly how they’d found us. It explains why they always were trying to do something; to take their mind off their dying sister. It explains why I found them crying on multiple occasions in their room. It explains everything, Allura.”
Allura looked torn, on the verge of tears. “I don’t want any of us to get hurt, Hunk.”
“But we know what to expect now! We can do this.”
“Wait–what’s this all about?” Keith and Lance stood in the doorway, caution painted upon both their features. Keith’s expression immediately grew guarded as Pidge quickly explained what was going on, but Lance looked, if anything, relieved.
“I knew it. I knew they weren’t a bad person.”
“No,” said Keith flatly. “I’m not having this conversation again.”
“Then don’t. You won’t even try and understand where they’re coming from,” Hunk said, irritation stinging his throat.
“Why don’t we go ask Y/N themselves?” Shiro interjected. “I wanted to go talk to them anyway.”
Keith still looked set, eyes steely. “Fine. I’ll come. To prove to all of you they’re lying again, and stop this once and for all.”
So all seven of them trudged down the stairs again to your cell. If Hunk hadn’t been so worked up, he would have made a comment about how they looked like a herd of sheep looking for their shepherd. But now wasn’t the time for jokes. His mind hummed with anticipation.
You were pacing in your cell when Shiro punched the button for the door to slide open. You looked up, eyebrows raised.
“Get out,” he said. You did. “Explain.” You cast a look at Hunk, then you did.
Everyone listened intently as you told your story. It wasn’t much different from what you’d told Hunk, so he allowed himself to look at the others’ expressions. Allura was closed off. Shiro and Lance were sympathetic, Pidge was wringing her hands–no doubt thinking about Matt–and Keith, of course, being Keith, was scowling, a few feet away from the rest of the group with his arms crossed.
“Y/N–I want to believe you. I really do,” said Allura when you’d finished talking. “But you’ve lied to us before and I don’t know whether to trust you on this.”
You gave a resigned nod. “I know. I’m not blaming you. This time, though, I’m not asking for you to trust me or to help me. I’ll be going back anyway.”
Hunk’s heart skipped a beat. “What?” he blurted.
You looked at him–really looked at him, and he felt like his knees could give out any second. “I failed the operation I was given. That’s okay. But I owe it to my sister to at least own up to that. She’ll die–I will, too, probably–and the last of the Comets will be gone forever. But I’ll go out with a bang, take the base with me and as many of the Galra as I possibly can. I won’t go peacefully. I owe that to my people.”
“No,” Hunk said before he could think better of it. “No, you don’t–you can’t do that. Why would you do that?”
“You don’t get to make this choice for me.” You stood your ground, fists balled at your sides. Before you could go anywhere, though, a hand came to rest on your shoulder.
“Y/N, Hunk’s right,” said Keith–of all people, Keith was the one trying to talk you out of this ridiculous idea. Hunk didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry. “I’m sorry I was a dick to you. But I don’t–there has to be another way. You don’t have to do this.”
You smiled before gently shoving his hand off your shoulder. “Apology accepted. Still gonna do it.” You started marching for the hangar. No one moved for a second, stunned as they all were. Hunk snapped out of his daze first, and he sprinted to catch up with you.
“Y/N! Wait.”
You stiffened. When you turned around, dark blue rimmed your eyes, sorrow and anger and determination swirling in your ember eyes. “Let me do this, Hunk.” You brought a hand up to your chest, taking a small step back when Hunk approached you. “I want to do this.”
“No, you don’t.” Hunk didn’t know exactly what he was saying, but the words started pouring out before he could stop them. The only thought looping around in his mind was Stop them. Save them. Don’t let them get hurt. “You think you don’t have a choice. You do. Let me come with you. Let us all come with you. We can save your sister and we can destroy the base. Together. Please.”
“Y/N.” He took another step closer to you. You were close now, looking up at him through your eyelashes, dark tears spilling onto your cheeks. The stone-hard determination in your eyes was starting to crumble. He took your face in his hands, pressing his forehead to yours. “There are mistakes you can’t fix. Let me come with you. Let me help you. Please.”
And then he was kissing you. Your lips were warm, warmer than he’d expected–but he was revelling in it, and when you brought a shaking hand up to his cheek and kissed him back, he felt invincible. Like nothing could touch him, because he was here and he was kissing you.
He pulled away. “Please,” he whispered.
You took a shaky breath, fingers tracing his jaw, chewing the inside of your cheek. Then you nodded, pulling back completely. Again you nodded, more sure of yourself this time. “Okay.”
A noise sounded behind Hunk’s back. He turned to see the rest of the team hanging around the doorway, looking unsure of whether they wanted to come in or not. Allura looked slightly embarrassed, avoiding eye contact. Shiro’s eyes seemed to say: Really? Right now? But he was biting back a smile. Hunk had to hold back a grin of his own as he reached for your hand. He didn’t need to look back if you took it; the heat suddenly slipping in between his fingers was all he needed.
“C’mon,” he called to the others. He couldn’t imagine they’d still refuse to come. All resistance had completely vanished from their expressions. “We have a sister and a species to save.”
You rode with Hunk in his lion, pacing behind his chair as he shot out of the hangar, wringing your hands and muttering under your breath. Hunk cast you a look over his shoulder, eyebrow raised. “You okay?”
You gave him a tight smile. “Yeah. Just–worried. About Kyra.” The handkerchief had made its appearance in your hands again.
“We’ll get there soon,” said Hunk. “Kyra’s gonna be fine. You’ll see.” He hoped he was right.
During the trip, they worked up a makeshift plan. As soon as they started talking strategy, you hurried up to the front of the cockpit and steadied yourself on the back of Hunk’s chair, engaging in the conversation with sharp remarks and useful information about the base, the security there, the general layout of the place. Hunk felt a small burst of pride at how quickly you seemed to be able to readjust to a completely unexpected situation, though he also knew you were good at hiding your emotions. He would probably never truly know what went on in your mind–not unless you and him had time to work out… whatever it was that needed to be worked out. He didn’t quite know what you were to each other yet, but if the both of you came out of this in one piece…
He tried to push back the dopey smile threatening to creep up on his lips. This wasn’t the time to be thinking about an eventual future with you, damn it. There were other, more pressing matters at hand.
But your hand was warm on his shoulder and he allowed his mind, just for a moment, to wander and imagine the life you and him could lead. Together.
They arrived at the base way too soon.
They set the lions on a nearby asteroid because it would have moved closer to the base by the time they would need to get out (not much–but anything was something) and all of them piled into Pidge’s lion so she could get them to the base unnoticed. According to you, there was a blind spot at the underside of the base that wasn’t equipped with surveillance cameras, because you’d destroyed them prior to starting your mission.
Shiro had raised an eyebrow at that. “Were you planning something like this?”
You smiled a mischievous smile, and Hunk’s heart fluttered at the sight. “It’s good to be prepared.”
They touched down seemingly unnoticed. You had found some dark rags in Pidge’s lion, and Hunk had helped wrap them around your body, to at least dim the permanent glow that seeped from your skin. “How’s it look?” you said, voice muffled, from behind multiple layers of cloth that kind of made you look like a mummy, leaving only a slit for your eyes to peek through. In cases like these, it was nice that you didn’t need to, like, breathe.
You rolled your eyes, but they crinkled at the corners, and Hunk couldn’t hold back a smile of his own. It probably wasn’t the best idea for the two of you to act all lovey-dovey in the moments before destroying a Galra base and causing general havoc, but hey–it might also be the last chance either of you had.
“Seriously. It looks fine. Very mysterious. It does the job.”
You nodded, eyes pensive. “What if we don’t find her? Or we do, but it’s too late?”
Hunk set his jaw. “We’ll blow up the base and everyone in it.”
You looked at him for a moment, ember eyes ablaze. “Sounds good.”
You were very stealthy when you needed to be.
Footsteps nearly soundless, you didn’t carry any weapons with you except a long knife the size of your forearm you’d borrowed from Keith, and you got rid of the guards you encountered quite effectively. Hunk didn’t even need to unlock his bayard the first two times. He raised an eyebrow at you. You grinned. “I might not be quite as helpless as I made it sound.”
No shit, Hunk thought.
They were lucky to have you. You mumbled to yourself as you led them through the corridors–you’d insisted on taking a small team inside (consisting of him, Pidge, and Keith) while the rest waited for your signal–as you tried to recall exactly where your sister was kept. You had to backtrack a few times, and almost caused them to run into a chattering group of Galra soldiers, but you were doing fine.
You skidded around a corner and halted, looking around, eyes suddenly bright and hopeful. “I know this. I remember this. We’re close. I can feel her.” Hunk almost smiled. They were almost there.
But then the alarms started blaring.
“What,” muttered Pidge as she furiously tapped her wristband. She looked up. “I lost control over the system. I don’t–that’s never happened before.”
“It’s okay, we have enough time,” you said quickly, making a beeline for a particular door on the far edge of the corridor. “Wait here.” And you exploded into dust.
Hunk stopped in his tracks, not quite sure of what just happened. Keith and Pidge looked just as stunned. But on the other side of the door, he could hear grunts and surprised yells, and at one point there was a clang as if something hit the door on the other side. “Uh..”
A minute later, the door hissed open and you beckoned them in. “She’s here. Come on.”
Kyra was trapped inside a cell that looked like a glass tube–but a glass tube filled with liquid and so small she had to twist herself into weird shapes to even fit in. There was almost nothing left of the glow that usually surrounded all Comets; it had dimmed to barely a shimmer rippling across her skin. Her jaw was clenched, and Hunk could see how hard she was trying to break the walls of her confinement, and when he eyes settled on you they went wide and a huge smile spread across her features. Her lips moved.
You ran up to her, pressing a hand to the tube. “Kyra.” You balled your hand to a fist. “I’m getting you out of here.”
Pidge was already moving for the control panel. Her fingers hesitantly moved over the buttons, pressing here and there and waiting for anything to happen. “I have no idea what I’m doing.” She pressed a button again. Something puffed and hissed out steam, but nothing happened.
In the distance, the rumbling of multiple Galra soldiers approached with every passing second. You launched yourself at the panel next to the door, slamming your hand on it so it closed, and then you hacked the panel off the wall with your knife. You’d successfully locked them in.
“It buys us time,” you said in response to Keith’s glare before running back to Pidge. “Can you get it to work?”
“With time. This is different from the other control panels I’ve seen, and everything is in Galran, of course… I can get it to open. How long do you think we’ve got?”
The first bang sounded on the other side of the door. It didn’t dent, but Hunk could have sworn the walls shook. His hands itched for his bayard, and he summoned it, just in case.
“Maybe five minutes,” you said, face steely but nerves lacing your voice. “Lucky us they had to reinforce the insides of this place so we wouldn’t wreak havoc.”
“Then how did you get in?” said Keith, off-topic, more out of nerves than anything else, suspected Hunk.
“They had to worry about us getting out, not getting in.”
A hiss. A splashing sound. And the tube retracted, liquid spilling out of it in waves and Kyra flopping onto the ground, hacking a lung out coughing (did Comets even have lungs?) and throwing her sopping hair out of her face, blinking furiously. You screamed, skidding onto your knees and slamming into her like a freight train, pressing your face into her shoulder and almost squeezing her to death.
“Y/N, Y/N,” Kyra choked out, weakly tapping your arm, “watch the ribs. Ow.”
You immediately let go. “Of course. Yeah. Sorry.” You pulled down the cloth hiding the bottom part of your face, revealing your massive grin. You frowned, pushing strands of sopping wet hair out of your sister’s face, turning her head this way and that to check if she was okay, fussing over her as you sat in front of her on your knees. Hunk suddenly felt like he was watching something very intimate, and he looked away, just for a second.
But then there was a crashing sound, and a dent appeared in the door. Pidge scrambled up, pushing her helmet back on. “We need to go. Y/N.”
You nodded. “Right. Right. Can you walk? Can you streak?”
“Walking, sure. I think. Running, maybe. Streaking, probably not,” said Kyra with a wince. She held on to your arm for a moment before taking some wobbly steps forward. “Whoa. Funny how months locked in a tiny tube can mess up one’s body.” Hunk pretended not to see how you flinched at that.
You caught his eye and nodded at him. “Now.”
Hunk gestured for everyone to flatten themselves against the wall, then told Shiro to hit them with the lasers. Not them, obviously, but the room they were in. And sure enough, a humming sound filled the air, slowly growing louder. It made the hairs on his neck stand up. Then a scorching laser beam blasted the wall next to him, only feet away from his face, and when it died down there was a smoking, red-hot round passage for them to fly through.
You went first, giving your sister’s hand a squeeze before streaking out of the vessel. (Streaking was apparently what it was called when you moved so fast that he couldn’t see anything but–well–a streak of light. Creative naming, right there.) Hunk grabbed Kyra’s hand as he fired up his jetpack and made his way to Lance’s lion, who was on his way to pick them up. You, on the other hand, were planting explosives all around the base.
Sirens were blaring. Galra fighters were pouring out of the base. Everything had to happen quickly.
Lance took them all back to the asteroid. Everyone took back their own lions. In the cockpit of his yellow lion, at the controls, knowing Kyra was sitting in the back and alive and okay, Hunk felt instantly better. He allowed himself to hope–maybe this would work out, after all.
Whilst everyone else joined the battle, he waited for a number of agonising minutes for you to return. Nobody was to engage the base before they knew for sure you were out of range and safe, and the best way to ensure that was for Hunk to wait for you. He tapped the controls with his index finger, muttering under his breath, “Come on, come on, come on,” until he saw a familiar stripe of light zoom towards him.
He opened the hatch and a split second later you came tumbling in, slamming your body against the other side of the cockpit and making the entire lion rock with your speed. You didn’t seem fazed as you scrambled up and yelled “Go! Go, go, go!”
To Hunk, there was nothing more morbidly satisfying than watching the base that had caused you and your sister so much pain blow up in a bajillion little pieces. He actually smiled at it. And he meant it. He was the last one to turn back and follow the others back to the castle.
A familiar weight settled on his shoulder. He turned his head, pressing a kiss to your hand, ignoring Kyra’s startled but smug “Oh?” in the background. You looked down at him, the fire in your eyes not quite died down–but more at peace. A light flickering, as opposed to the violent blazing he’d gotten used to. He liked it like this. It made him feel warm in the chest.
“So where are you going to go after this?” he asked softly, recalling how you’d said Comets were a nomad people. The thought of you leaving was painful, but if that’s what would make you happy…
You grinned, placing your hands around his face. “I think I’ll stay a while.” And then you pressed your lips onto his, hand leaving his face only to flip your sister off who whooped in the background. He giggled against your mouth, pulling away to kiss you on the cheek and pressing his forehead to yours.
“What?” you whispered, a smile of your own curling your lips.
He nuzzled his nose to yours. “Nothing. I’m just–glad. That everything worked out.”
You closed your eyes, muscles finally relaxing. “Me too.”
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quadballz · 2 years
I. 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚
next: ࿔*:・゚i. | table of contents
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THE MISSION was supposed to be simple— a quick infiltration to gather some intel and search for the Holts, maybe free a few prisoners if they had the chance. Albeit simple, the mission was still risky and Allura had decided (with much forethought) that pairing Keith and Lance together would be their course of action. A terrible choice that could have been avoided with little to no hindsight had Allura not been insistent that the paladins had to get along. That insistence, of course, was what had gotten them into that mess.
"We have to take a left! No... a right! Wait, yeah, left!" Lance vacillated through grit teeth as he and Keith looked through the corridors that surrounded them. "Well which is it?!" spat Keith while trying to pull up the map, to no avail, "we aren't getting anywhere closer to the main deck! Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you with the map!" Lance scoffed as he slapped his arm, making the map that hovered over it visible for a few seconds before fizzing out into nothingness.
"You can't even get the map out!" Lance pointed out, smacking his arm again to get a mere blip of the screen which disappeared yet again afterward, "Quiznak!" Keith let out a short, dry laugh while pressing himself against the wall of one of the corridors. "How was I supposed to know that the signal would get jammed?" Keith sighed as static and Shiro's broken speech crackled through his helmet. "At this rate, we'll get caught." Keith missed the look of fear that crossed Lance's face as Keith fiddled with the screen on his arm.
"Yeah? Well, it'll be your fault, Mullet," scowled Lance, bristling under his armor as his hands clenched into fists, shaking. Keith grit his teeth, spinning around to face Lance with newfound vexation. "Oh, my fault? That's funny coming from you," Keith hissed as Pidge's voice sputtered around his helmet in short, quick-tempered bursts. With another sigh, Keith fidgeted with the screen on his arm, ignoring Lance's piercing gaze at the side of his head. "Fuck you." Keith didn't even bother looking up, paying little heed to Lance's footsteps which grew softer with each passing second.
If Shiro had been with them, Keith was sure Lance wouldn't have been as annoying as he had been. Maybe even tolerable. But Shiro was with Pidge and Hunk, all three of which were on the side of a nearby rock formation with the camouflaged Green Lion. And had he not been with Lance, Keith knew he would have been able to navigate through the Galra base without walking into an area where all their communications were jammed. Keith grumbled curses under his breath as he tried to get the map to clear up on the screen above his arm until he heard a set of frantic footsteps.
"Keith! Keith- there's a shit ton of noise coming from over there," Lance said, stumbling against the wall with blown eyes. Keith shot Lance a look of derision— was Lance not aware of the type of mission they were on? "Great, so we know not to go that way," Keith huffed as Lance raised his hands to his head in disbelief, and had he not worn his helmet, Lance would have pinched the skin between his brows. "No, no, it's cheering, Keith," Lance clarified, expecting Keith to come to the same conclusion. "Uh, okay? Nice," Keith replied with a deadpan, "anyways, let's head away from the noise, yeah?"
Lance groaned loudly and grabbed Keith by the back of his armor, dragging him in the direction of the cheers. It wasn't until Keith had heard them that he realized the implications. "A...fighting arena..?" Keith managed to say as Lance shook his head frantically. "Keith, look, I know you're all," Lance paused to gesture at Keith, "you. But we should keep this to ourselves. If Pidge found out her family was here... who knows what she'd do." As reluctant as Keith was to agree with Lance, Lance was right. Plus, Shiro wouldn't take it well in the slightest.
"Fine," Keith replied after breaking away from Lance's grip, slapping the gauntlet on his arm to try and pull up the map for the hundredth time. "Let's go back to-" Keith stopped short at the sound of heavy footsteps heading from two of the three corridors they were at the crossroads of. "Shit." Lance shot Keith a glance before looking at the empty corridor beside them. "This way," Lance whispered, just loud enough for Keith to hear, and rushed down the corridor with echoing footsteps that blended in with the others. Just as they reached the end, however, the looming shadows of Galran druids appeared.
Lance took a sharp breath, looking back and forth until he spotted a door a few feet away. "Go, go," he screeched as softly as he could, tugging on Keith's arm frantically. Keith quickly slapped his hand on the scanner and he and Lance slipped in before shutting the door immediately. "Lock it," Lance cried as Keith twisted his palm, sighing in relief when a lock symbol appeared over the scanner. "That was way too close," grumbled Keith as he tested his comms, receiving nothing but static, "but, of course, you thought going towards the noise was a smart idea." Lance grimaced and spun around to shove a finger against Keith's chest plate.
"I told you the map said to go that way before it went, poof!" Lance spat, shoving his finger harder against Keith's armor, and pushing him back against the wall. "The soldiers and the druids being there wasn't my fault." Keith scoffed, swatting away Lance's hand with a furrowed brow. "What? Are you saying it's my fault now?" Lance cradled his chin between his thumb and his forefinger, tilting it with a sarcastic hum before nodding. "Yeah. You were the one who was rushing me earlier! If we weren't practically running to our deaths, I could have been able to memorize the route!"
"Fuck off, Lance," Keith seethed with grit teeth, shoving Lance back, making the blue paladin stumble back harshly. "Come mierda, cabrón!" Keith had no time to react when Lance shoved him back against the wall, his hand slamming against a small control panel. A sharp, almost ear-piercing, beep stopped them in their tracks, Lance paling as the wall adjacent to them slowly started to rise. Without a second to waste, Keith and Lance pulled out their bayards, transforming them and holding them tight as they awaited what would come next with anxious stares.
"What the..." "...Quiznak."
The cheers they had at some point blocked out had now hit them at full force as they scanned the arena the room had overlooked. It was filled to the brim with Galra, their fucked-up excitement piercing the air. In the middle of the arena were two aliens, one drastically larger than the other. It was heartbreakingly obvious who was going to win. The smaller of the two aliens swung their weapon feverishly, heaving as they tried to hit the larger alien. It wasn't even moments later that the alien was nothing more than a corpse. Lance felt sick to his stomach.
"Keith?! Lance?! Come in!"
Lance was dead silent as Keith gritted his teeth, fists tightening until he could feel a sharp stinging in his palms. "This is Keith...we..." Keith faltered in remembering Lance's previous warnings about telling Pidge the truth. It was all futile when the crowd erupted into cheers so deafening, that the comms had heard them loud and clear. "Is there a... a fighting ring?" Pidge's weary voice made Keith shudder and it was Lance's turn to respond. "There's no way Mr. Holt and Matt are here," Lance began while crossing his arms, "they're too smart to be put in a fighting ring of all places." Pidge let out a soft 'yeah' that made Lance and Keith frown.
The cheers of the arena were still echoing through the comms and Keith fidgeted while waiting for Shiro to break the radio silence. "I... I didn't think this place was a...a fighting ring," Shiro finally managed to say, pain audibly visible in his voice. Lance could faintly hear Hunk comforting Pidge who was tapping away at her screen and when he glanced over at the glass, another alien had been pushed out into the arena— he turned back around before he could see much more. Allura was next to speak, clearing her throat awkwardly. "Paladins...maybe we should call off this mission."
"No! We can't! The information we got said a human was being held here!" cried Pidge through a voice crack, "what if it's Matt...or- or Dad? I can't leave them here. Even if it's not them, we're the defenders of the universe aren't we?" Allura sighed as the comms went silent again, "you're right, Pidge. Paladins, continue the mission. Keith, Lance, if you find Pidge's family, bring them to the castleship immediately." Lance half-smiled yet before he could say a witty comment or flirt with Allura, the echoing voice of a Galran announcer interrupted him. The language was translated through their helmets, making both Keith and Lance grimace.
"What a fight! Seems like our reigning champion lives another day," the announcer said as laughter bled through the glass of the windows, "but now, it's time for your favorite part of the evening!" If the cheers hadn't been deafening before, they certainly were now. Keith and Lance approached the glass as the cheering died down, and the announcer chuckled. "A glorious intermission led by the only one of her kind—" Pidge let out a 'huh?', "— the charming enchantress you all know and love..." There were wolf whistles and screams of delight as some fog rolled out into the arena, blocking their sight.
"Que mierda-What the hell is happening?!"
"The marchioness..."
"How the fuck would I know?!"
"...of the Galran Empire..."
"Both of you shut up!"
"...Lady Andromeda!"
The arena went dark, a single purple spotlight falling in the middle of it. There, in the dreadful beam of light, you laid. "Guys, you might want to see this," muttered Lance, pressing a button on the side of his helmet to show the others what he was seeing. He and Keith watched as around twelve other aliens surrounded you, trembling as you raised your head from your crossed arms. The silence that had just loomed over the arena ceased when an eerie rendition of Clair De Lune resounded through it, sending chills down Lance's spine. You were on your feet now, arms raised above your head before you lowered them down gracefully to the beat of the music.
Lance's gut wrenched when you raised your leg— the metal one that consisted of just a small coil that mirrored the shape of ballet shoe ribbons and the metal 'foot' built to resemble a ballet slipper. You were a ballerina and you were dancing in the middle of a fighting arena. Lance could already see his younger cousins performing their recitals in the living room with cheap tutus, pink stockings, and no ballet slippers in sight. He could feel the smile tugging at his cheeks when his cousins would try to imitate the ballerina on the tv behind them while looking back far too often. He could hear their laughter and their stupid little jokes as they tried to be as elegant as the prima ballerina.
Yet, there you were, the pinnacle of perfection.
Lance nor Keith could take their eyes off of you, even with the frantic conversation of their teammates in their helmets discussing their next moves to save you. You didn't seem fazed by the aliens rigidly dancing around you as you twirled softly onto your toes Keith couldn't help but wonder, for a moment, what it was like to dance with a prosthetic while Lance stared at the black fabric of your tutu which glittered like the stars that shone over Varadero. While Lance started thinking of his cousins again, Keith could feel anger bubbling in the bottom of his stomach as you danced without a care in the world— you reminded him too much of Shiro.
Shiro, who pretended that he wasn't affected by the constant fights or the need to survive as 'The Champion' in the middle of space. Shiro, who came back to Earth screaming and thrashing about the Galra only to get sedated and quarantined. Shiro, whose disappearance was covered up as a failure on his and his team's behalf. Shiro...who was completely silent. "Shiro?" asked Keith, the realization of Shiro's silence settling in, "what's wrong?" Shirt let out a choked noise and Keith's breath caught in his throat, "Shiro?!" Lance turned to Keith with a furrowed brow which Keith mirrored as Shiro took deep breaths over the comms.
"I... I know her. Lady Andromeda, I- she and Zarkon watched me fight once but I didn't know she was... human."
Keith turned from the glass, walking to the corner of the room to open a private comm between him and Shiro. Before he could, however, Lance shouted. It wasn't one of contempt like it usually was between him and Keith, but a guttural one that made Keith rush back over towards the glass. "Lance, what-" Lance had clamped a hand over his mouth so tightly that Keith was concerned that Lance might inadvertently suffocate himself. But when Lance pointed shakily at the arena, Keith (sadly) immediately understood why. At your feet was an alien, its head nowhere to be found.
"What the fuck."
Lance curled in on himself, breathing heavily as Keith's eyes stayed glued to the arena, watching as you moved toward the alien behind you, its arms shakily lifting you into the air. Not even moments later, its head was gone, tumbling down into the fog. It wasn't like Keith wasn't used to such violence (war was war after all), but you looked so unfazed that it made him sick. Any pity he held for you was gone as he grit his teeth, fists clenching as he stood and watched you send more innocent aliens to their deaths. Keith tore his eyes away from the glass before his anger got the best of him, pulling Lance along with him.
"We aren't going to save her," grumbled Keith as cries of confusion rang through the comms but he stayed firm in his judgment. "She's a lost cause. She could try and save those innocent aliens but she isn't! She's probably been brainwashed by Zarkon," Keith insisted as Lance stood, flabbergasted. "B-But Keith...she's still," Lance hesitated— it wasn't like Keith was wrong but there was something about the way you were dancing. Lance's gaze floated over to the arena where you leaned into an alien's arms, mouth moving just clearly enough to make out one word: sorry. You weren't doing this willingly, you couldn't have been.
And Lance wasn't going to leave you behind.
Lance grabbed Keith's arm just as he was unlocking the door of the room they had locked themselves into, a knot in his brow. "What Lance," asked Keith exasperatedly while Lance gnawed on the inside of his lip. With a deep breath, Lance pulled Keith over to the glass, forcing him to watch as you stood amidst a ring of aliens, not a spot of blood on your dress. But your ballet slippers were soaked in blood, a sickening hue of black. You slowly sunk in on yourself, wrapping your arms around your midsection as you gracefully sat in a circle of corpses. While the Galrans cheered and whistled, you looked up in the direction of the balcony they stood in, a strained smile on your face.
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crybabyddl · 2 years
Arsonist’s Sunlight
Keith Kogane x Fem!Reader
Chapter 15: “When I was a man I thought it ended, when I knew love's perfect ache...” (Arsonist's Lullabye)
Warning: swearing, angst, sexual tension (We've arrived pals! Don't worry, it's not smut) enemies to lovers, voltron-level violence (aka not bad)
Word Count: 5,165
Author's Note: Hi friends! Here we are, Chapter 15!!! This is the longest series I've ever made! I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with it. I'm not the best writer, but I do enjoy writing. Hopefully you guys enjoy it too! :) Tbh, I only started writing because I wanted to make fanfics for specific scenarios I had in mind. It's half self-indulging, half me being creative and obsessed with fictional characters to the point where I create scenarios that I feel the need to publish for the entire world to see. Luckily, nobody irl has discovered me yet and I hope to keep it that way. Anyway, I'll let you read now lmao.😚
        “I suppose that's a good idea. If we're lucky we might not even remember it.”
    “Right. Should we go to your room? Everyone's asleep, but it just feels weird to be out in the open like this.” Keith admits, looking down at his slippers. They're just like everyone else's; plush robotic lion heads in the paladin's respective color.
        “I was actually thinking yours, since I'm not sure if Allura is going to check on me again. Plus, you have a mission tomorrow so nobody is going to bother you if they think you're asleep.” I suggested, beginning to walk in that direction. Keith caught up almost immediately, taking steps in time with mine as he stood on my left.
   Of course I was nervous; how could I not be? I was about to act out a pheromone-induced fantasy with the one person I have a tumultuous relationship with. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach begin to flutter, the nunvil not doing nearly enough to keep my nerves down. Soon enough, we were stood in front of the door to Keith's room. He placed his hand on the scanner, and we waited for the doors to slide open with a whoosh.
    “Should we look over what that page in your book said one more time? You know, just to make sure we don't miss anything. It would help ensure we get it right the first time.” The red paladin spoke up after a period of silence. I reached into my pocket, retrieving the tiny novel I'd just recently become reunited with. I held it out, showing Keith I had it with me.
        “Looks like we're on the same page... eh?” I joked, giving a small chuckle. I mentally whacked myself with a bat for making a stupid joke, but I couldn't help myself. At least I wasn't sober; then it really would've been embarrassing.
    “I am this close to making your dream of getting thrown out of the airlock come true.” Keith deadpanned, a the ends of his lips slowly curving upwards after a couple seconds.
   This was maybe the second time I'd seen this guy smile, and let me tell you; it doesn't get old. I liked being able to make him smile, especially since he wasn't known to do so. It made me feel special, and I obviously made him happy enough to not care what his face was doing. I wondered if Keith was aware of the pleasant look painted on his lips.
        "Speaking of dreams..." I flipped to the bookmarked spot with the dream interpretation I'd talked to him about the other day, skimming the sentences in front of me. I watched as he looked over the words on the page, silently mouthing the words as he read.
    “Okay, so we've already addressed the issues we had with each other. What do we do now? There's nothing about how to fix the issues.” Keith scratched his head, a hiccup escaping him. The little sound he made was so adorable that I started giggling, my drunkenness making everything funnier than it really was.
        “S-sorry Keith,” I paused to laugh, trying to regain my composure and taking a deep breath. “That was just too cute. Who would've thought a tough guy like you would make such an adorable noise?” I managed to rein in my laughter, looking to Keith with an apologetic smile.
    “S’okay,” His words slurred a little bit, the effects of the nunvil were still active. “It was pretty funny.” He cracked yet another smile, with teeth this time. They were only visible for a split second before his lips reconnected, his grin dwindling into a peaceful expression. I reciprocated, giving a soft smile of my own. We basked in the glow of his bedside lamp for a short while before I came to my senses.
        "Oh, right, back to this. I'm not entirely sure what to do. Should we just go for it?" I asked, looking to Keith for approval.
    "I guess so," he shrugged. "First, I think we both need a good luck charm." He opened the drawer of his nightstand, grabbing what appeared to be a small bottle of nunvil. 
        "Where'd you get that?"
    "Apparently, they don't check IDs at the Space Mall." He smirked, briefly disappearing into his bathroom before emerging with two little cups. He poured half of the nunvil in one cup, handing it to me, the rest going into the other cup.
   He held out his cup to say cheers, and I repeated the action. After we knocked our shots back, I felt the burn of it travel down my throat and into my chest. I already felt much more at ease, the strong alcoholic-adjacent concoction working its magic within an instant.
   Once we were finished, he took the cup from me, putting it down on the nightstand along with his. Quickly grabbing my hand, he led me to his door.
   ‘Right, the dream starts out with me coming to his room to talk.’ I thought to myself. Keith closed the door and I took some deep breaths, mentally preparing myself. I knocked gently, but still loud enough for Keith to hear. The whirring noise filled my ears as the panels slid to reveal the room I'd been in just seconds ago.
        “Keith, we need to talk.” I thought back to my dream, grateful that I'd written it down just in case. It was so vivid to the point where I woke up thinking it was real. That made it a lot easier to remember what happened and what was said.
    “Yeah, I know. Is that why you're here?” I watch his toned arm fall from its perch on the doorframe, the muscles contracting. He turns, his back facing me as he leads us further into his room.
        “It is. Am I allowed to sit or is that reserved for people you respect?” I asked, using the same sickeningly sweet yet sinister tone, just as I'd done in the dream. Keith scoffed—he seemed to have remembered the details just as clearly as I did.
    “I'd rather ask you to leave, but I'm not some sort of monster, McClain. Just sit somewhere and let's get this over with, alright?” He huffs, following me as I mimic the scene playing in my head. He sets himself down beside me shortly after I've sat down on the end of his bed, my hands in my lap as I look around the room in the awkward silence.
        “Obviously, we need to talk about the problem you have with me.” I state, looking over at Keith. He's fidgeting, picking at the skin around his nails. 
    “I'm the one with a problem? How about you, with your high and mighty attitude and constant need to start a fight? I'm pretty sure that's the problem here—you're the problem here.”
        “Oh, is that how you see it? Well, I'd be happy to give you another problem, Red.” I say, shooting a fiery glare in his direction.
    “You always do.” Keith looks over at me as I rise abruptly to my feet, swiftly heading towards the door.
        “Whatever, I'm not doing this. Just keep being a fucking jerk, I don't care anymore. I can't do this.” I shout angrily at him, thankful the castle's rooms are semi-soundproof.
   Before I reach the motion sensor, I'm tugged backwards by a strong grip on my wrist. The movement turns me 180 degrees, crash landing into my enemy's grasp, feeling his hands as they clutched my shoulders. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through Keith's mind as we played out this scene.
   I feel just as I did in the dream; a perfect mixture of practically every emotion. I felt nervous, vulnerable, even a bit angry as I became further immersed in the dream scenario. I awkwardly backed away, trying to create some distance between the red paladin and I, only to find myself locked in place by the strong arm that found its way around my back.
    “Wouldn't I just be more of a jerk if I let you storm out of here? You're angrier now than you were when you knocked on my door.” Keith was doing really well, as if he was used to acting out moments like this. To be fair, we've had plenty of practice with all of our real-life arguments like this one.
        “Why do you care? It's not like you can do anything to fix it anyway.”
   I looked up into his indigo eyes, noticing the way the lighter shades transitioned like splashes of water into the cool, darker shade that took up a majority of his irises. I had never looked at Keith this way before. How did my mind know exactly how I felt? This wasn't part of the dream, not even remotely! I was frozen, too overwhelmed to voice my concern.
   Keith's eyes flickered down to my hands, which had subconsciously moved to the front of his shirt, clutching at the soft fabric. I noticed how his pupils dilated—he knew something was off too, but we knew neither of us were in the right state of mind to do anything about it.
    “Maybe we're not supposed to fix anything,” His voice is soft, but it crashes into me like a wave from the ocean that lies within his eyes. A gentle wave, one that holds me tender yet allows me to float freely. “I think... I think we're supposed to move along and follow wherever the universe decides to take us.” We're drunk, that's all it is. We're just drunk, acting out a dream we both had, taking a few creative liberties as we go along.
        “Keith...” I start, but I'm left with nothing to say. All that swirls in my mind is a single thought, repeating itself over and over, alternating between shouts and whispers. I couldn't make out the words, but it gave me reassurance; that everything would be just fine.
  “Please let me kiss you.” He whispers gently, leaning closer. I do nothing to stop him; I find myself moving closer, meeting him in the middle. The space between us is small, but still felt too far.
   That's all it took for Keith to hold my face in his hands, bringing us as close as we could be to one another. Our lips were touching, moving, and it just felt right. I could feel my heart pounding, my fingers twisting the neckline of his shirt that I'd been clinging onto; anything to keep him here with me. This was something I'd never experienced before, and I already craved it. We held each other tighter, almost afraid of what would happen if we broke apart too soon. Something about this moment felt so utterly right; the strength of our passion outlasted the fragile passing of time.
   Memories of every interaction we'd had flashed through my mind at lightning speed. It only slowed during the good parts, even parts I didn't associate meaning to. I could feel the wind, the sun, the ocean, the grass under my feet. Images of my home, under a blue sky with raindrops dripping off the overhang. A wooden door with two openings. The yellow swing my father used to push me on as a child. It went by in a split second, and yet I saw it all. Every detail made sense.
   I could feel the warmth leaving my body as we disconnected, needing a moment to steady our breathing. There were a million questions and worries scattered about my brain, but the afterglow of our kiss kept them quiet for the time being. It was safe here. I was safe with Keith. All I felt was warmth—pleasant and rejuvenating like sunshine, fervent and insatiable like a fire. I knew both would burn brightly until my final breath.
I thought I would panic in a situation like this. Why wasn't I panicking?
   ‘Because it's him,’ I thought to myself. ‘It's just you and him. Here. Together. Holding each other tight, your lips are brushing against his.’ And it felt right. I couldn't even finish all the questions I had in my head. It was as though Keith's lips held the remedy to my worries.
  The sound of his breathing was surely an antidote for the lustful. Pulling away from his embrace was necessary to breathe, but the pure, spellbinding air between us made it hard to let go.
  I fastened the belt of my suit around my waist, checking in the mirror one last time before leaving my room. Shiro asked me to report to the command center, before he and Keith departed for the Blade of Marmora headquarters. I took a deep breath before entering through the automatic doors, my eyes adjusting to the lighting in the room.
  “Y/N, there you are. How are you feeling today?” Shiro asked, his tone a bit more chipper than usual. I scratched behind my left ear with my index finger awkwardly.
        “Truthfully, I've been better. Was there something you needed me for?”
  “Actually, yes. I know you drank last night, but the Blade of Marmora just contacted us and requested we bring you to the base.” The black paladin addressed me sincerely, putting a hand on my shoulder.
        “Hold on a tick—me?” Shiro nodded. “How do they know about me?” I was confused. I'd never heard of the Blade of Marmora until the other day. How could they know who I am, and what did they want from me?
  “I'm not sure, but they asked for you by name. I would never make you do anything you're uncomfortable with, so you can totally say no, but in order to get the information we need from the Galra, you'd have to come with Keith and I.”
  I took a moment to weigh my options. I could either deny the Galra's request and screw up Voltron's chances of getting vital intel on Zarkon, or I can go on a highly awkward road trip with Keith and Shiro and potentially put myself in danger by meeting Galra spies...
        “And they didn't provide any explanation as to why I was summoned?”
  Shiro shook his head. How was I supposed to come to a rational conclusion when both choices seemed like a dead end?
        “Fuck it, I'll go. Voltron's objective is much bigger than any individual. Besides, what could the Galra need from someone like me?”
  “Thank you. I know this is a tough situation to be in, but you won't be alone.”
  I felt better after hearing Shiro's words. I knew I'd be safe with the paladins.
        “Thanks, Shiro. And don't worry, I'll be careful.” I reassured the resident older brother figure.
    “My offer still stands, number one!” Coran piped up, sure to make his point with a raised index finger. Shiro and I turned to look at the eccentric Altean. “I have all different types of costumes and wigs if need be!” I looked back over at Shiro, whose eyes were wide with alarm.
        “That's very noble of you, Coran, but I think I'll be just fine. I do appreciate your willingness to help though, so thank you.” I offered my praise to the older alien man, who nodded, his brows furrowed with concern.
— Time skip bc I literally can't think and I have to move past the plot or else I'll go insane. Maybe I’ll just delete the entire story bc I have no idea what I'm doing. Would anyone care? Like if I just left this fic unfinished permanently like it'll be completed but it doesn't have an end, would y'all be mad? Like, can I pull a One Direction? P.S. this time skip was written a few months before the note about me taking a hiatus. I literally said in that note that i would never do to you what One Direction did to me. I plan to keep my word on that, but this whole thing was just too ironic and funny to delete. —
Third Person POV
  The journey back to the castle was painfully awkward. Keith's entire silhouette was stiff as he focused on piloting the red lion out of the space pocket. Shiro sat on one side of the ship, while Y/N sat on the other side. The two kept their heads down, deep in thought. Explaining everything to the rest of the team was going to be uncomfortable to say the least.
    “I beg your pardon? Did you just say you're half Galra?”
  Allura stands from her seat abruptly, storming out of the room. A moment later, she returns, letting out a heavy sigh and keeping her head down.
    “I'm not pleased to hear about this. The last time someone Galra became a paladin, it resulted in the destruction of my planet; nearly my entire race.”
  “Princess, he can't help the fact that he–”
    “You have no idea what I've been through! Expecting me to be okay with this information is ridiculous.”
  The rest of the team was shocked. Nobody had anticipated the possibility that one of the paladins could have Galra heritage. Coran hadn't spoken a word since the revelation, but he looked beyond somber.
  Shiro elbows Y/N; an unexpected move that causes her to stumble forward a couple steps. He then coughs in his fist awkwardly, as if nothing happened.
    “So, would now be a bad time to mention that I’m also part Galra?”
  The question was rhetorical, but that didn’t stop the resounding answer of ‘yes’ to flood the room.
 “Wait, if you’re part Galra, doesn’t that mean…” Lance can’t even finish his own sentence before choking up at the thought. Not that he even fully understands what that would mean for him, but if Allura didn’t like it, neither did he.
   “Oh yeah, about that… we’re not twins. I suppose we technically are, but not in that way. I’m part Galra, you’re not.” Y/N responded sheepishly, keeping her gaze pointed down at the floor. It would hurt too much to see the disappointment on her friends’ faces.
Keith’s POV
  “Basically, Keith had to do this trial to prove that the knife was his. After he almost died, he decided that the Blade of Marmora could just take the knife because he didn’t need it to know who he really was. It was actually pretty cinematic, but I digress. Then, the knife begins floating, like, levitating in mid-air, and it transforms into the giant machete thing it is now. Cool, right?”
  Pidge and Hunk look at each other, then back at Y/N, who held a cheerful expression. The group decided that they wanted to hear the gist of what happened from her instead of me. I’m not entirely sure why, but Shiro assured me that it would all be okay.
 “That still doesn’t explain how we’re related but not.” Lance pouted, folding his arms while he leaned back in his chair.
  Unfortunately for him, he underestimated his stretch, causing the chair to wobble and almost fall over. Unfortunately for my amusement, he managed to catch himself before disaster could strike.
   “I’m getting there! It’s like Shiro always says, ‘patience yields focus’.”
  Y/N’s brother grumbles a ‘fine’ and allows her to continue her rundown.
   “Then, when as we were getting ready to leave, the Blade agents said they had something for me. I was confused, obviously. So, they gave me this cute little dagger,” she pulls out the object, smiling to herself as she admired the craftsmanship on the weapon. “And explained that my mother was Galra. Apparently my mother went to Earth, got with your– well actually our dad, and returned to space and had me. Since space time and Earth time are different, I was actually born at the same time as you,” Y/N paused, gauging the reactions of everyone in the room. Picking up on the confusion, she continued.
   “I know it sounds crazy and totally not plausible, but that essentially makes us ‘half twins’ because we share a parent and were born at the same time if you were to convert Earth time to space time or space time to Earth time.” She has a nervous smile on her face, her eyebrows are curved the opposite way. It’s clear she’s anxious to hear what Lance will say. I find myself worrying for her as well.
 “Listen, I really want to be like ‘O.M.G. We’re half twins!’ and make a cool handshake with you, but this is just a lot for me to take in all at once.”
  Lance swiftly turns to leave, Pidge and Hunk quickly following after him to avoid the awkwardness that lingered in the room. As soon as they’re all out of hearing distance, Y/N sinks into the sofa. She puts her hands over her face and her shoulders jerk as she begins to cry.
  My first instinct, as someone who grew up alone, is to run away. I’ve learned to combat that instinct, but my second instinct isn’t much better. I look to Shiro, expecting him to know what to do. It wasn’t until after five seconds of expressionless, wide eye contact that I remembered he grew up alone as well, and therefore had a similar response. Usually, we’d rock, paper, scissors it out to see who would deal with the issue at hand, but this really wasn’t the time for that.
  So, as I thought about what the best plan of action was, Shiro decided to take matters into his own hands… by running out of the room. To be fair, he’s technically only six. Even so, that left me with the task of consoling Y/N.
  I thought back to when we were at the pool. She’d comforted me that day. Surely I could do the same for her, couldn’t I? It was worth a shot.
 “It’ll be okay, Y/N,” I spoke softly, not wanting to startle her with the sudden noise.
  The memory of her putting her arm around me was brought to the front of my mind. Maybe it would help her feel less alone if I did the same. I extended my arm behind her, but stopped midway.
 “I’m gonna put my arm around you, if that’s okay.”
   “Alright. I just,” Y/N sniffles, still keeping her head down. Her face is shielded by her knees.
  A moment passed before she spoke.
   “He probably hates me now. Lance, I mean. Allura and Coran probably do too. I’m sorry, this is selfish of me. These are people you’ve known longer and literally save the universe with. I should be asking you how you’re holding up.”
 “Stop, you’re allowed to be upset. Just know you’re not alone. This is yet another shared experience between the two of us. And, just like before, we’re going to get through it and help each other along the way.” I squeezed Y/N’s shoulder, hoping it reassures her even slightly.
   “Thanks,” she exhales. “I really appreciate you doing this. I know this type of thing isn’t your strong suit.”
 “Are you kidding? I’m the best at cheering people up!” I offer sarcastically. I hear her chuckle softly, finally lifting her head.
   “Oh for sure,” she quips. “But seriously, thank you. If you ever want to talk, I’m here. Us Galra have gotta stick together.” Y/N smiles at her pun, the corners of her eyes scrunching.
  I find myself returning the expression, but catch myself before it becomes too noticeable. I don’t smile easily, and even though everyone has seen me laugh and flash a grin, I’d prefer it to be on my own terms. We stand up from the sofa, preparing to go our separate ways.
 “Thanks, Y/N. And just so you know, Lance will come around. He can’t hold a grudge for as long as he thinks. Just give him some time and he’ll arrive to the right conclusion.”
   “Good to know. I’m gonna get some sleep, it’s been a long day. Good night.” She nods, turning and heading towards the bedroom corridor.
 “Sleep well.”
  Despite how draining the day had been, I found myself lying wide awake. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t keep my eyes closed for very long and my mind was filled with concerns over how to win back the trust of the paladins, Allura, and Coran.
  I swung my legs over the side of my bed, slid on my slippers, and put on a sweater. If I wasn’t going to end up sleeping, I might as well tire myself out. It couldn’t hurt to do a little training, could it?
  The hallways were empty as I walked to the training deck. All that could be heard was the purr of the ship’s engines and the whir of the crystal’s power that kept the castle up and running. Luckily, the deck was unoccupied, which meant I could practice using my new dagger in private.
   “Let’s see how much of a Galra fighter I really am.” I muttered under my breath, pulling the small knife out of its sheath. The purple gem with the Blade of Marmora symbol glowed as I secured my hold on the grip.
  You’ve completed Level Two of hand-to-hand combat training. Would you like to try some willpower exercises now?
  “Sure!” I responded to the artificial intelligence. I wasn’t sure what ‘willpower exercises’ entailed, but I could certainly use a break from the workout I was currently enduring.
  Okay. Starting up willpower exercise number one. Would you like me to explain the exercise?
   “Yes, please.”
  Okay. This willpower exercise will require you to put on the device that will appear on the table in front of you…
  I notice a white, almost crown-like headpiece materialize in the center of the table. I take it and place it on my head.
Great! Now, get in a comfortable, seated position, close your eyes, and await further instruction… Our motion sensors have detected that you are seated. Now, our device will allow your thoughts to be used in your willpower training. Would you like to proceed?
  Okay. Beginning conscious and subconscious scan… Scan complete. Are you ready to start willpower exercise number one?
 Okay. For this exercise, please imagine you are in a room with a member of your family, or a loved one that you trust…
  My mind immediately pictures Lance. He’s my brother after all, the only family I know I have.
  Great! Now, you will be shown a number scenarios with this person. Your job is to respond as responsibly as you can. Your evaluation will be based on a multitude of factors. Each scenario will test a different factor. After these scenarios, you will be tasked with imagining other people in the same circumstances in order to ensure the accuracy of your emotional responses regardless of the subject.
 “Y/N!” Lance smiled, waving frantically. I felt the corners of my mouth tugging in opposite directions as I pictured myself running towards my brother.
  We smothered one another in a warm embrace. I felt safe, happy. After a moment we pulled apart, beginning to talk about our adventures in space.
 “I have to tell you something.”
   “You know you can tell me anything, Lance.”
  He takes a deep breath, his eyebrows furrowed in contemplative thought.
 “I’m not sure how else to say this, so I’ll just come right out and say it. Y/N, I’ve been assigned to kill you.”
   “What? Lance, what are you talking about?” I can barely speak. I feel frozen. I’m tempted to take the headpiece off, but keep forgetting because of how immersive the technology is.
 “Allura said that because you’re Galra, you cannot be trusted. I’ve known her longer, and after the experiences I’ve had with the Galra, I have to agree. This isn’t easy, but I have to do this. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
   “Lance, you don’t have to do this! I’ll just leave! This isn’t fair to you. Allura shouldn’t have burdened you with such a task.” I tell him, placing a hand on his shoulder. I feel tears stream down my face.
 “No, no. That’s the thing,” he steps back, causing my hand to fall down at my side. “I accepted the mission. I brought you here. I want to be the one to do this.”
   “You sound nothing like yourself! What happened? The Lance I know would never kill someone, let alone VOLUNTEER to do it!” I try to reason with him, but his face remains expressionless.
 “You’re wrong. The Lance you knew was the one that trusted you. Now that I know the truth, I’ve had to change my mind about things; about you.”
   “Stop! I know you’re not capable of hurting innocent people! I haven’t done anything! I can’t control the fact that I’m part Galra, in fact I wish I never found out that I was! But those are things I can’t change. Lance, you have to believe me. I would never do anything to hurt you, the paladins, Allura, Coran, or anyone!” I was sobbing hysterically. My own brother was set on ending my life, and I was failing to talk him out of it.
 “Just shut up! You talking is only going to make this harder for you. Just forget everything and pretend I’m a stranger. It was quite easy for me, since you practically are one to me now.” I could tell Lance was on the verge of tears himself, his own willpower being tested.
   “That’s like asking me to forget who I am, Lance. All I’ve ever known is being your long lost sister. That’s how everyone else knows me, how you know me. I know that there’s a part of you that knows the truth. Somewhere deep down, you still believe in me.” My voice was hoarse as I struggled to hold myself together.
 “I wish it didn’t have to be this way. Goodbye, Y/N.”
Third Person POV
  “Y/N! Y/N, are you there? It’s me! I’m right here, it’s okay! Y/N, it’s not real!”
  The distraught young woman took in her surroundings. It took some effort for the paladin to get the headpiece off, since the person wearing it usually has to be the one to do so. Luckily, her guard was down enough that it was easy for him to remove it.
   “Oh my god!” She cries, burying her head in the paladin’s chest.
 “Shh, it’s okay,” he tried to calm her. “I’ve got you. It’s okay, I promise you’re safe.” He holds Y/N tighter, hoping to ease the pain the simulation caused her.
   “It– it was Lance, and he–”
 “Shh, it’s okay. None of it was real. Lance is asleep. Everyone else is asleep. Nobody is going to hurt you, I won’t let them.” The words seemed to ease Y/N’s mind a little, her cries becoming quieter, softer.
   “Please don’t leave. I don’t– I don’t want to be alone.”
 “I won’t. I’m staying right here. You won’t be alone.”
Omg hi guys I’m so sorry for not posting in so long. I know I just announced a hiatus, but I was kind of late on that and I should’ve done that a couple months ago instead of just ghosting you all. Either way, I’m here and I’m so happy to be posting this chapter for you! I hope you found it as exciting as I did! Please let me know what you thought. I always appreciate feedback, especially since it’s been so long! I love you all so much, thank you for supporting me and my stories! <3
P.S. I originally posted this a few months ago on Quotev, so if you want to read my content a bit earlier (Usually not as early as this, but who knows I might accidentally do this again) feel free to check out my Quotev, @crybabyddl
Voltron Taglist: @biqherosix @txrii @hellophantoms @reggies-eyeliner @bexxy @morganayenneferburnham @darlinqserenity @ranaita @scorpio-echo @suki-keith @acethecardsblog @meepopmi @grvngefroggie​
109 notes · View notes
the-wisteria-house · 4 years
The paladins of Voltron X Reader: PDA (+Matt and Lotor)
Shiro isn't really big on PDA.
He prefers to stay professional around others.
But he does stand closer to you than he would with other people.
He might also occasionally hold your hand here and there.
He believes things like kissing should remain personal and private.
But he is totally fine with cheek kisses in front of people when you are parting ways.
Keith isn't totally against PDA, but he does like to keep somethings personal.
But he does put his arm over your shoulder.
Whether you're alone or in public he'll have his arm around your shoulder or your waist.
It's his Galra side shining through. He has to make sure that people know he's your mate.
He believe things like kissing should stay behind closed doors.(There can be exceptions though.)
If he feels as if you're in any danger he might stand in front of you slightly, or gently grab your arm .
If he gets jealous he might kiss you or flirt with you in front of the person he's jealous of so they get the hint to back off. If they don't he'll call them out.
Also when it's Galra matting season he'll be super cuddly in public. He may also be flirty and romantic. Though he's not as intense as other male Galra are during matting season.
Lance loves PDA, like a lot.
He loves of being sure everyone knows you're his and his alone.
He will openly flirt with you.
He loves holding your hands and kissing you.
But he will always respect your boundaries.
If you tell him to stop he will.
He never wants to make you uncomfortable.
Hunk is a innocent little bean.
He might give you a little peck here and there.
He also loves holding your hands and seeing you smile.
If he's feeling confident he might flirt with you. But it's never anything graphic.
He will always respect your boundaries.
He loves you unconditionally.
He wants you to always be happy.
The last thing he'd ever want is to make you uncomfortable.
Pidge prefers to keep some things personal like making out.
But she totally fine with pecks, hand holding, and flirting.
As a joke sometimes she will say funny robotic, or space-related pick up lines.
She loves leaning against you and holding your hand.
She will do whatever she can to make you smile.
The last thing she'd ever want to do is to make you uncomfortable.
She loves you too much to purposely hurt you.
She will always respect your boundaries.
Matt doesn't mind PDA.
But he will tone it down if his family or superiors are around.
He loves holding your hand and kissing you.
But he prefers to keep some things private like making out and cuddling.
He loves using ridiculous puns to make you smile.
He will always respect your boundaries.
He'd never dream of hurting you.
He loves hugging you from behind.
He also likes having an arm around your waist in public. He likes to show that you are his.
Lotor isn't really big on PDA.
He prefers to keep things professional.
He can't show any weakness.
But you both are supportive of one another.
During mating season he can become big on PDA.
He doesn't care who's around he has no self-control.
Well unless if you tell him to stop.
He will respect your boundaries always.
963 notes · View notes
Hello! :D I know it’s a silly question..but i was playing sims(as one does) and I wondered if you had any hcs of the paladins interior style? Like what colors (not only their signature I guess)and type of furniture? What type of home/apartment?I’d appreciate the help! Have a nice day!
okay absolutely have not had mental capability for like anything creative but I’ve also started a job in real estate so interior design make me go brrrrrrrr lately-
Shiro I feel like is either really plain and like necessities only or really homely. Like he either has the most basic cheap couches and tables and chairs and like, the plain white plates you can by at Walmart for like 10 bucks (you know the ones) and all the walls are just whatever color the previous owners/renters had them as so he has a random light pink room, a green room, etc. OR OR OR you walk in and get smacked in the face by comfort, like he has knick knacks and pictures and random antiques littering every surface, he has a china cabinet with the fancy dishes, he has a cabinet dedicated to coffee mugs and like only two of them match cause the rest of that set broke ages ago, all the other Paladins have their own designated mug, like it’s never specified but like, you KNOW the teal one with the cow that god knows where came from is Kieths, and that’s just how it works. I don’t think he has a specific color pallet bc it’d depend on like what the house looks like, and it’s either minimalistic or the vibe of the house.
Kieth has an apartment, his bed is on the floor, the only reason he has a couch is because Lance and Hunk just showed up with it one day and left it there. His cabinets are boxed Mac and cheese and canned beans, he uses paper plates/bowls and plastic cups/silverware, and there’s only like two pictures in the whole place, one of him and the other Paladins (and Allura and Coran) and one of him, his mom, and Kosmo. He’s not much of a stay in one place type so he doesn’t have a lot BUT if he were to decide to settle and make a home it’d have a garage, a huge backyard, and enough space for any and all of the Paladins to visit, and let’s face it, Lance probs did most of the decorating, as long as Keith has a place to sleep he doesn’t really care much what it looks like.
Lance is Aesthetic™️ and you can’t change my mind. He’s full on redecorating his house for every single holiday, his attic is a maze of shit only he knows how to navigate. His kitchen is probs black and white with a pretty accent color and his dishes all match the kitchen color scheme, like the fancy ones with the swooshy designs, ya know? So. Many. Throw pillows. Lol. Has pictures of his family and the paladins everywhere, along with various pieces of art. Walking in is like stepping in a magazine but at the same time feels so comforting.
Hunk plants everywhere. I don’t know how to explain it, but he’s a total plant dad. His kitchen is immaculate, the kind of place you love to hang out in, also has mismatched mugs bc he likes to collect them from places he’s gone and it’s a go to gift for him. I think he has a bunch of books on everything from How To guides to the entire Riordanverse. Tools scattered everywhere and various projects littering almost every surface. Has a blanket his grandmother knitted him draped over his couch. Random Voltron merch everywhere bc he can’t help himself when he sees it.
Pidge is either a clean freak with a perfectly put together house (as long as you don’t open those drawers) or it’s a fuckin mess and a half with a walking trail from one room to the next but otherwise there’s no way in hell. Also has projects literally everywhere, collections of random space tech, we’re not gonna question it. Probs a fairly monotonous place, lots of whites and greys, has an entire bookshelf for family pictures and sentimental things but aside from that, it’s the house of a scientist. Has a plush green lion on her couch. Has two perfectly cleared out mostly untouched guest bedrooms in case her family or any of the paladins visit.
~Admin Rori💜
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