#huntlow Drabble
mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Since I haven’t done crap for you guys in weeks. Here’s a short huntlow Drabble.
Just fluff tho. No angst this time, promise!
Hunter stared up at the falling snow. He’d seen it plenty of times when he’s go to the knee and stuff. He knew what it was. It was nothing new to him.
And even on the human realm it seemed to be the same. Hmm. Maybe only the rain and plants and beasts and major population was different.
But apparently someone out of their fateful group of friends hadn’t been there before.
“Oh my titan! It’s so cold!” The plant witch giggled merrily. She was graced with a larger than average white coat that made her look endearingly like a large snowball. She wore a yellow scarf and green earmuffs. Black boots and lights to go with it.
But that wasn’t what had him staring. Aside of the obvious contagious and lovely laughter as well as occasional snorts, her round cheeks and nose turned red. Especially her nose. It was so cute.
Titan he was starting to feel cheesy the more and more he hung out with Luz.
But he couldn’t help himself.
She looked adorable.
*splat* Hunter gasped in shock and discomfort at the sudden smashing snow that was thrown in his face.
Those melodic giggles. “Sorry! You seemed so lost in thought, had to make sure your reflexes worked. Apparently they don’t.” Willow cooed triumphantly. A challenging glare in her eyes.
Oh it was on.
She laughed and ran as he chase her. A large scoop of that frozen fluffy water melted a little between his warm gloves, causing slight discomfort but that didn’t stop him.
He chased her around the yard relentlessly, gasping when she tripped eighth in front of him.
-his reflexes weren’t fast enough to stop himself from tripping and falling after her.
A soft *oof* was heard and Hunter shook his head. He hadn’t expected the snow to be this warm.
He opened his eyes.
“Oh titan I’m sorry!”
Hunter tried to pull away and get off of the plant witch, but she gripped his shoulders in place, he couldn’t move.
Out of shock and confusion- and well. Her death but gentle grip.
She smiled up at him in the most fond way possible. He could see every individual eyelash, that’s how close he was. Her red nose and pink freckles cheeks. And her eyes. Oh titan, were they always that close in color to peridots?
He felt himself continuing to heat up as she shifted a little under him. One hand leaving his shoulder to he didn’t know where, and the other reaching towards his face.
“Oops.” She replied. Her face seemed to be getting closer to his, or was he moving? Was she? His eyes flashed to her perfectly shaped lips and back to her eyes.
She her lips quirked up in a fond smile, though something mischievous lurked in her eyes.
“Oh titan! That’s cold.” Hunter whined as a scoop of snow was smooshed into his air.
Willow threw her head back. Letting his face go and grabbing more snow from around her. So that’s where her other hand went!
“Oh no you don’t!” He laughed in a barked challenge sort of way. He reached behind her head and plucked his hands into the thick snow. Pulling it inwards, causing the plant witch to squirm and laugh and snort and protest. Soon her face was surrounded by snow and she shook her head in laughter, trying to free herself as she pushed Hunters arms away from the snow and off her.
This only encouraged him more. Using his position to his advantage and grabbing more snow from around them.
“Nooooo!” She giggled violently.
Hunter started to laugh some more before he was pulled back down, her hands gripping behind his ears and his lips crashed into hers.
She kissed him sweetly and fervently.
If she had wanted him to stop covering her with snow, and this was her way of doing so? It definitely worked.
Hunter was shocked at first. The foreign feeling that shot electricity through him at even the softest touch. They were kissing! Titan, she kissed him! And boy was he melting.
She then pushed him away from her slightly, her hands gripping his face had let up and her face was now redder than it had ever been.
She quickly used her weight and threw him off her before running towards the house. “Eep! I’m sorry!”
Hunter was left shocked, in shock, laying against the cold ground now. That was. That was amazing. He wanted to do it again.
But wait. Where did she go?
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
If the Owl House was released in 2016 the very SECOND Caleb was confirmed to have been a character that existed we would’ve gotten 20 Hamilton animatics within the week. Don’t look away. Look at me. We’d have had countless animatics to The World Was Wide Enough with the Wittebane brothers and some would go hard. There would be that one It’s Quiet Uptown animatic about Evelyn after Caleb died and it’d send everyone into shambles. Aaron Burr, Sir would be Luz meeting Eda with the hexsquad done 8 different times and they’d all be made in the same month. Burn. Do you know how many would be made from Burn. I could go on. I need you all to understand that Little Miss Perfect was the tamest plague we could’ve hoped for
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lollytea · 1 year
Imagine if Willow sprinkles Hunter with pixie dust, and she's about to explain he needs to think happy thoughts to fly, only to see he's already floating off the ground.
"Whoa, what happy thought were you thinking?"
"Well, nothing really, I was just listening to you."
Her just being there is his happy thought.
[Now on AO3]
"It doesn't work on me," He claims, like the Know-It-All he is.
Willow is already coaxing a daisy into existence as he says it. It pokes through the forest floor, unusually exuberant for dusk hours, dimly illuminated by a fairy's magic touch.
"Are you calling my dust faulty?" She scoffs, plucking the flower out of the ground and twirling it teasingly beneath her chin. "How presumptuous."
"No," Answers the pirate. If you could even call him that right now. He's shed his immaculate gold coat and that large and ridiculous (but oh, so funny) hat of his.
He's taken every measure to be as inconspicuous as possible. Nobody aboard that ship can know about his little late night rendezvous with a fairy. Especially not if he doesn't intend to bring her back in a jar.
He has long since retired that ambition.
"It's no different than any other fairy's dust," He says, slow and cautious. "The crew has....obtained it a few times in the past...."
Willow doesn't say anything but her presence still makes him squirm. She already knows what becomes of fairies that pirates get their hands on.
"And it doesn't work on me...." He concludes.
"You sound disappointed."
"I'm not."
He's a liar, among other things.
Willow opts to not mention how transparent he is in his longing to get tangled up in the stars, to test the feel of foamy cloudstuff in his hands, to soar the way the Lost Boys do.
He's so enraptured with winged creatures, she notices.
This boy wants to fly. This boy wants to become Lost in a way that matters on this island. And the only thing stopping him is his own stupid heart.
He's my uncle, he had whispered the last time she begged.
"I refuse to believe you're immune to dust," Declares Willow. "You are no different from any Lost Boy."
She means that in more ways than one. He even looks like one tonight. Young and sloppily dressed, his bare hairless face spotlighted by the fat silvery moon hanging overhead.
It bothers him that it's so difficult to grow a beard. It makes her heart sink a little every time he laments how impatient he is to grow up.
"I'm nothing like a Lost Boy," He retorts for the billionth time.
If she felt a little more argumentative, she'd ask him to state their exact coordinates on the map. And he'd flounder for an answer, because he's never been in this part of the island before. Willow led him into the depths of the forest by the hand in the dead of night.
He's a boy.
He's lost.
It would make him all mad and huffy if she pulled that on him. Which would be funny. But she doesn't want to make him mad and huffy right now.
Willow shimmies closer, rustling the leaves underneath her. "I think you just never learned the trick of dust. It's not like fairies to give the secret away to just anyone."
He's not looking in her direction. Which is annoying. She could get drunk on how it feels to have his eyes poring over the sight of her.
It was once an impish sort of delight. A delicious satisfaction that he found her such an irksome creature yet he was unwillingly attracted to her shape, to her smile, to her eyes.
It's different now. Less unwilling on his part. And at some point or another, she found herself blooming pink roses beneath the skin of her cheeks when he looks at her like that.
She likes being looked at. But she now understands that she likes being looked at by him. She wishes to hear the thoughts in his head as his eyes hang off her bare shoulders.
"So..." Willow croons, her fingers finding the sharp bend of his jaw. She brushes the skin, gingerly avoiding the sensitive edges of his scars.
"How about...." her palm connects to his cheek and she still marvels over how perfectly fitted her hand is for cupping his face. She guides his gaze towards hers. The eyes that she finds pretty to settle on the face that those eyes find pretty.
"You trust me on this...." Her soft spoken utterance is emphasized with an affectionate rub of her index finger on the sweet spot behind his ear.
He likes being touched there. She found out back when he was trying very hard to not like her.
Once his eyes are set on hers, confused but hopelessly soft, Willow lifts the daisy to her lips and blows.
A string of glowing pollen rises from the buttery pistil and drifts in his direction. It's as though it already knows tonight's assignment is proving a Know-It-All wrong. It's the only way to needle a big pretty smile outta him.
Willow is gonna get that smile, whether he likes it or not. She's a rascal like that.
Dust clings to his cheeks, spilling down his neck and sinking under skin.
"I promise you're not immune to dust," Says Willow, because she won't allow him to be. If he wants to fly, he'll fly.
He's staring at her with wild eyes now, every blink an agonizing interruption of his beholding.
She hasn't realized until now just how close their faces are. Nose to nose.
Feeling the tickly heat of his breath makes her smile.
"All you have to do is..."
He gasps.
Willow gasps.
They are no longer nose to nose because he is jerkily rising off the ground.
Amusingly, once he's a few inches into the air, he awkwardly tips forward and his feet continue to ascend. He's floating upside-down now, startled and confused yelps erupting from his throat. Willow stands up, trying to swallow her giggles as he desperately stretches his arms out to claw at the ground for some sort of anchor.
He's wobbling further and further away from her now and with a flutter of wings, she rises to meet him by the heads of the trees.
"Hiiiiiii~" She singsongs in an imitation of something he said to her so very long ago when things were so very different.
His flipped body has caused his shirt to hitch. It hangs in a baggy pool at his armpits.
Willow cannot help herself. She pokes his bare belly with a silly sounding "boop!" making him squeak ("Willow!") and scrabble to yank the fabric back over his figure. His legs are kicking erratically, attempting to put himself to right.
She doesn't indulge in the antics for much longer, instead opting to take pity on him. Lost Boys are like this sometimes too. But only in those first few minutes before they realize that they're perfectly safe, just a little inexperienced.
"Don't you worry," Says Willow, taking him by the waist and flipping him rightside-up. "You just haven't got your sky legs yet,"
She lets go of him once his position has been righted but he is not having it. Willow lets out an embarrassing noise herself as a pair of arms awkwardly throw themselves around her. His breathing rattles in her ear, his heartbeat a thick pound against hers.
Willow blurts out the first thing she can think to say. "First time?"
"Obviously!" He snaps, though there's a tremor to his tone.
She laughs to hide her brain's stubborn fixation on how defined the arms around her are.
"Hey now, I gotcha," She says comfortingly. With a bit of effort, she manages to rearrange their entangled bodies so it's not so...so much.
They now float at the respectful distance of any two teenagers having their first dance, complete with his arms loosely looped around her neck and Willow's hands rested against his hips.
Hm. Well. It's no longer so much but...
Now it's not enough.
To right that wrong this instant, Willow hums mischievously. "After all...."
Those respectful hands slide up his sides,
"I finally got my diabolical little fairy hands on a pirate."
They linger on his ribs.
His breath gets caught.
"I'm not gonna let him go."
They travel back down to his hips.
He's frozen in the way he tends to freeze, but it doesn't deter the heat. It blotches his face, his ears, even seeping down his neck.
He used to slap her touch away when she got playfully handsy with him. That stopped a lot time ago.
Instead, his grip around her tightens, though his gaze falls bashfully.
Willow grins.
He liiiiiiiiiikes it.
"How does flying work?" Asks the pirate.
"Well, it basically means not being on the ground," Answers Willow intelligently.
"No. I mean....why am I flying right now?"
She had forgotten that he went blasting off before she could even explain the trick of it.
He looks troubled, a little bit on the scrunched up side. She expects that the reality of his situation will sink in sooner or later but...he needs answers first.
He's wanted this. He's wanted to fly. But it isn't like him to be satisfied without knowing the How and Why.
"Well," Says Willow. "What were you thinking? Before you began to fly?"
His eyebrows shoot up. "I-I wasn't thinking anything specific."
He's out of his depth and it's making him panic.
"Why? What was I supposed to be thinking?"
She smiles. "Your happiest thought."
"Why?" She asks, leaning into his space. "What were you thinking?"
His brain is bizarrely shaped and she's obsessed with the idea of rummaging around in it.
She likes it when he allows the makings of the contraption to sputter out through his lips.
What are your happy thoughts, pirate?
But he never gives her an answer.
He doesn't need to.
What that boy does instead is give her a look. It's a strangely quiet look for such a loud face.
She can't gather together the words to describe that look because it feels too much like a secret. What she will say is that it's hers. It's all hers.
Her secret pirate.
His secret fairy.
"Oh..." She doesn't like how her voice shakes but what can she do?
He makes her feel so very fragile sometimes.
It's happening.
Aw thorns, it's happening.
Willow's wings speed up without her say-so and the two bodies shoot higher into the sky, the pirate howling in surprise.
She laughs. What else can she do but laugh?
But now that she's laughing, it's very difficult to stop. It's getting to the point of hysteria.
She's his happy thought.
She's his happy thought.
She's his happy thought.
And you know what? He might be hers too.
The sudden lift has made him lose his grip on her and he's now paddling through the sky, reaching out his hand to hers.
Willow takes it.
And while she's at it, she takes his other hand and gives him a giddy twirl.
He's accustomed enough to the weightlessness by now that he doesn't react with horror. But rather, it surprises a giggle out of him.
Terribly encouraged by the bubbling sound, she spins him again and he laughs harder.
He makes those dumb snorty noises.
She's going to spin him unconscious if he keeps doing this to her.
It's in his eyes now, she can see it. Something is beginning to kindle, the realization that this is it.
He can fly.
He can fly.
He can fly.
His smile is gold.
She never would have taken the air above the forest for a dance floor but there's nothing conventional about anything she does with this boy.
Their bodies rotate across the stars, like the little dancers in that music box she found once.
They try to imitate the grown-ups in those books he likes to show her. It's his idea.
Two hands, one small and round with short fingers and a cushiony palm, and one long and narrow, fingers all lean and knobbly. They find each other and the mismatched fingers intertwine.
Willow's other hand is on his shoulder while his is on her waist. It's loose, no longer fearing his life up here.
He can't dance while standing on the ground, so he certainly has no footing in the sky. But that's alright, floating and touching is enough.
He tells her stories.
She listens.
She flirts and she jokes.
He blushes.
Sometimes he responds with something just as immaculately phrased.
She blushes.
Her cheek is resting against his chest when she utters the words. "Guess what..."
"There was a fairy ball tonight."
She wasn't supposed to tell him that.
The subsequent silence leaves her to wonder why she told him that.
"So why are you here?" He asks, which is even worse.
Willow doesn't give him an answer.
She doesn't need to.
It's her lips buttoned in an pointed 'You know why' sort of way that spells it all out. As wrung tight with nerves as she is, her lips quirk up with amusement as that heart of his begins to riot against his ribcage.
"Oh..." He says.
"Oh..." Willow responds.
The night dances on. The stars observe with indifference.
Neverland itself doesn't care if a fairy waltzes with a pirate.
Its only those with a pulse that take issue.
He doesn't say the words. Not exactly.
Instead, he says "Willow. I think...I think there might be a problem...."
The warmth of his body is soaking into her. It's making her sleepy.
"And what's that?" Willow asks, looking up.
After a moment of contemplation, she adds "Hunter,"
The pirate's name is Hunter.
She likes that his name is something that's allowed on her tongue.
She feels his shoulder stiffen beneath her hand at the mention of that name. It seems to tangle up the words he already had on the tip of his tongue.
She squeezes the spot she's holding, hoping to relieve a little of the tension.
"I..." The hand holding hers is damp. She can feel it tremble. "I don't think I can get down,"
"Is that so?" She teases with a tilt of her head.
Like she's forgotten. He's her happy though. It's so cute she almost wants to let loose an undignified squeal.
But the lines of Hunter's face only tighten. Every worry etched into his features is naked underneath the moon's glow.
"I don't think I can ever get down again," He states, simple and soft.
His eyes are on her and they burn like always. She doesn't know what kind of fire Hunter was born in but his eyes never stop burning.
Willow's mischievous smile dips as his words pierce her through with the viciousness of a dagger, yet her stomach doesn't fill with blood, but warm liquid gold.
You don't fall in love in Neverland.
You don't fall at all.
You fly.
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thebest-medicine · 1 month
prompt 102 with hunter pranking willow?
Prompt 102 - “You are so going to regret that!”
A/N: i literally love huntlow so much ugh here’s him being a very dumb flirt with plant queen
Hunched over in the Noceda garden, Willow finds herself more content than she has been in a long time. It also helps that Hunter is out here with her, though he’s gone to fetch some more tools from the back shed. She smiles to herself as she awaits his quick return. They’ve been getting to spend a lot more time together since being stuck in the human realm.
“Hey Willow?” Hunter calls out, not far off now.
“Yeah?” She says without turning around.
“I think it’s starting to rain again!” He says. Suddenly she’s being sprinkled with hose water as Hunter shoots some into the air above her, it falls like rain, making her jump.
“Ahhh! Ha haa!” Willow shrieks, starting to laugh. She dodges to the side but the ‘rain’ follows her. Hunter is grinning as she yelps out another laugh and then starts directly toward him. “You are so going to regret that!”
Hunter grins and speeds back toward the house, laughing as Willow bolts right after him.
As he goes to grab for Flapjack, he finds himself tripping over the already shaped staff that has appeared in front of him. Flap shifts back and chirps in amusement as Hunter splashes down into the mud. He gets up onto his elbows just as Willow leaps onto him pressing him into the dirt with a laugh.
“Thanks for the assist, Flapjack!” Willow chuckles, and then her fingers are all over Hunter’s sides, pinching down to his hips.
Hunter squeals this time, kicking and throwing his arms against the ground dramatically. He starts laughing within moments, shaking his head as Willow gets more than enough revenge for the prank he just pulled.
“I-I heheheheehee ‘m sorryhehehe!” Hunter cries.
“Yeah, you’d better be.” Willow giggles, slowing her hands down. She shifts her weight onto her knees and off of him, letting him turn over. They lock eyes for a moment, blushing. She fumbles and stands up quickly. “Heh, don’t try that again.”
Hunter sits up, takes her outstretching hand and gets to his feet, still giggling. “Don’t worry. I’ve learned my lesson.”
“For now.” She gives him a skeptical eyebrow raise before laughing. “Come on, let’s go get cleaned up.”
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further TOH drabbles on ao3]
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This is NOT a hetero couple their asses are NOT STRAIGHT ❌❌❌🚫🚫🙅🙅🙅
this man is NOT straight he is BISEXUAL he thinks men are ATTRACTIVE he is a FRUIT he says why not BOTH
and she says why not ALL she is NOT a hetero she is a PANSEXUAL she loves EVERYBODY and honestly
I love that so much for them
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emsprovisions · 2 years
15 for huntlow please!
15: trembling hands
"Hey," Willow whispered softly in Hunter's ear. "You've got me. I'm right here."
Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, he was pulled into her, his head tucked underneath her chin. It was safe here. It smelled like Willow here. She was soft and wrapped all around him like one of her vines.
His whole body still trembled, unable to shake off the nightmare that had once again plagued his sleep. His hands trembled the most, and his lip quivered but he didn't want to cry. He felt like a scared and lost little boy. But Willow was strong right now, and she was here to share his agony with him.
Her hand found his, tightening around it and squeezing with reassurance.
"I'm here, Hunter."
He buried his nose in her neck and wrapped his arms tight around her waist. "Tell me a story," he mumbled into her skin.
There was a smile on her lips, he could hear it in her voice. "Well did I ever tell you the story of how I first met my awesome, amazing, super-handsome boyfriend?"
Hunter snorted, the first smile he'd been able to crack so far. "No," he said, grinning. "Tell me more."
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haystarlight · 2 years
Hunter really liked working at the tattoo parlor. He got to meet interesting people, he got compliments on his talent and it paid really good. Most of his clients did make a point of letting him know he had a strange sense of fashion, but he always ignored them.
It was true, in a way. Most people expect a tattoo artist to be covered in black leather and piercings like some hot bad boy. Not a pair of crocs and a Hawaiian shirt in the middle of Connecticut autumn. Hunter was always quick to say, he liked wearing what was comfortable, not caring about style, letting his work speak for him.
He was getting ready for work when he heard the little bell, announcing his first costumer of the day.
"Welcome to The Owl House!" he said, smiling but not really looking at the client "what can I do for ya?"
"Oh, hi! I actually called ahead, I'm Willow Park," said the young woman, with a sweet cheerful voice that he did remember from the phone a few days ago.
The young lady was short but she looked at him with an air of determination that made him feel like she was not the type to get scared easy. And her smile was like sunshine, filling the room with warmth and light. The kind of person that made other people more confident by just being next to them.
Fuck, it was way too early for this shit.
"Oh, yeah! I remember, you had an appointment!!" he tried not to sound so loud "sit down, I still have to get my equipment ready."
Willow sat down and took off her jacket, which allowed him a better look at her. She was chubby, in a cute way. But her arms... fuck, they looked strong. Hunter briefly wondered if she'd be strong enough to carry him....
No! Nope! No! Professional!
"I'm Hunter Noceda, by the way,"
"Yeah, I know, you said your name when I made the appointment."
Fucking idiot.
"Y-yeah, you said you wanted a sunflower tattoo?" he tried to recall.
"Yup! Right here, on my left bicep!" she said, flexing to emphasize.
He was not going to survive this.
"Is this your first tattoo?"
"Well then, I should warn you. The pain can be a little too much for first timers," he always tried to be gentle when he said this "if you feel like you can't handle it, just tell me and I'll stop. No judgement and I won't charge you if you don't let me finish it,"
"That's sweet of you, Hunter," she smiled kindly at him "but I think you'll find I have a higher tolerance for pain than expected."
She fucking winked at him. This had to be a fever dream. Did Luz spike his coffee with something that morning?
"Yeah, okay, let's get started then."
He started, fixating on his work. Concentrating as hard as he could on the drawing and not on the muscles he was lucky enough to have his hands on.
It wasn't like this was the first beautiful customer he'd ever had. Most of his clients were young and attractive; Hunter had suffered many bisexual freakouts, especially if a client wanted a tattoo in an unusual place. But something about this girl made her seem different from the others. Like, this was going to be more than just a fleeting crush.
"So, how long have you been working here?" she asked, breaking the silence.
It wasn't out of the ordinary for clients to start conversation when they got bored. Tattoos did take a long time to get done and sometimes talking was the only thing they had to pass the time.
And he might as well get to know her better.
"For, like, 2 years," he said "what about you? What's your job?"
"Oh, I work next door actually," she revealed "Willow's Wonderful Weeds, the new flower shop. We opened up pretty recently, it makes sense we haven't really been introduced."
Oh yeah, he knew that place. Of course he did notice when they opened a new shop next to his a few months back but he never paid close attention. He'd certainly pay more attention now, that was for sure.
"Yeah, I wouldn't forget about you, you seem like an unforgettable person," he instantly regretted saying that.
And then he saw her blush and stopped regretting it.
"Sooo, Willow's Wonderful Weeds, huh? That's a funny name."
She laughed. He made a mental note to make her laugh again.
"Yeah, my friend Gus came up with it. I thought it was stupid at first but it grew on me."
"It GREW on you?" he smirked at the accidental pun.
She groaned, but she didn't actually seem upset with him. He allowed himself a laugh.
"Oh, you're just as bad as him."
"You should introduce us, I think we'd get along," totally normal suggestion, not weird at all.
"Please no," she begged.
He laughed a little more before returning to work.
"So, flowers, huh? Is that why you're getting a sunflower tattoo?"
"Yeah, I've always loved plants," she said "ever since I was little, I felt connected with nature and I knew that's what I wanted to have on my skin to represent me. I wasn't sure what kind of flower I wanted at first since there are so many pretty ones, but I knew for sure I didn't want a rose, that one's been used to death."
"Oh yeah, totally," he nodded "take it from me, I see a million roses a day, it gets boring real quick. It's like, there are other flowers, people!"
"Exactly! Valentine's Day is coming later and I'm thinking about all of the roses I'm gonna have to grow, as if other flowers aren't romantic enough."
Hunter didn't think of telling her how the sunflower perfectly fit her, as she seemed to shine brighter than the sun. He was totally not thinking that, no.
"And you? You got any tattoos?"
"Yeah, I have one on my back of the starship from Cosmic Frontier, I don't know if you've read that."
"My friend Gus read it," she said "he keeps trying to get me to read it, but it doesn't seem like my thing. Maybe I will introduce you to him after all, give him someone to talk about it."
He now actually wanted to meet this Gus, he sounded like a cool guy. And the idea of spending more time with Willow wasn't bad either.
"I also have this one," he showed her his left arm for an instant before going back to work.
It was a big gray wolf, howling at a full moon, surrounded by bright stars.
"Wow, it's beautiful," she said, starstruck.
Totally not a big deal that she just said something about him was beautiful. Totally normal. Yes sir. Nothing weird at all.
"And this one," he showed his right wrist, where there was a picture of a little red cardinal bird.
"Aww, he's so tiny," she cooed.
"I actually did this one to myself, the other two are from some friends, fellow tattoo artists," he explained "can't exactly draw on my own back."
"Wow, that's actually pretty badass, I didn't know one could tattoo oneself."
"You can if you know what you're doing," he tried not to sound too braggy.
Willow took a deep breath, almost like she was hipping herself up to ask the next question.
"You don't have any tattoos that you share with your partner?" she asked, kind of quickly. As if she was scared.
"Uh, no. I don't. I don't have a partner."
Willow tried to hide her joy. "Oh, okay."
"Do you have one?" he asked, his fear even more evident.
"No, I'm single."
He quietly celebrated in his head.
"I don't really like matching tattoos anyway, you won't believe how many couples I've seen come in and get matching tattoos only to come back and remove them," he told her, quietly.
"Aw, that sucks so bad," she frowned.
"Yeah, it's not fun thinking something is gonna last forever only to realize it won't."
"Definitely not getting a matching tattoo with anyone now," she decided with finality.
"Yeah, I didn't even get one with my sister when she suggested it."
"Your sister wanted matching tattoos?"
"Yeah, she wanted ones that said 'La Banda de las Chicas Malas', which means 'The Bad Girl Coven' in Spanish," he recalled.
"That's so dumb, I'm glad you didn't go through with it," she laughed again.
"Yeah, she's like that," he rolled his eyes "she's annoying, but I do love her, don't get me wrong."
"Aaww," she sighed "I always wanted a sibling. I guess I have Gus, he's kinda like a brother, but that's not exactly the same."
"You're not missing much," he promised her "just constant invasions of your privacy and walking in on her and her girlfriend, neither of which is fun."
Willow laughed again. Hunter was suddenly reminded that, if Luz found out he now had a crush on the girl next door, who owned a flower shop, he would never hear the end of it. Her little fanfiction loving heart would explode with evil plans trying to get him and Willow together and it would be terrible for them both. Mostly for him.
He would try his best not to let her find out, although part of him knew he would simply be delaying the inevitable.
"So, tattoos... science fiction novels... what else are you into?"
You, he might've said if he was braver. Or crazier.
"Well, the tattoos started because I liked drawing and I also know how to sew," he regretted not wearing one of his shirts with patches, he would've wanted to show them. Oh well, next time.
"Ooooooohhh, a man who sews, that's nice," she said, her tone light and flirty.
Holy shit.
Well, two can play that game.
"How about you? You work out? Because your bicep game is ridiculous," he tried to sound cool.
He also tried to sound like he didn't get that phrase from Luz.
She blushed again! Fuck yeah!
"Yeah, I do a lot of heavy lifting when I'm working the plants but I also go to the gym pretty regularly and I like roller skating and jogging and soccer."
"It's called fútbol," he muttered under his breath.
Curse his wonderful, latino family.
"Yeah, that," she nodded "I also love photography. I have a camera that I carry around everywhere. It's super old but I love it, I love developing the pictures and seeing them come to life. I have sooooo many photo albums back home, it's crazy."
"I'd like to see them," he confessed.
"I'll show you some time," she promised.
Not too long after, the tattoo was finished.
"Okay, it's ready. Look at yourself in the mirror."
She did and she immediately squealed at the sight. She spun around, looking at herself from different angles, her smile kept getting bigger.
"It's nothing, I enjoyed doing it," he admitted.
He told her the price and she paid for it. He did still need the money, unfortunately.
"So, I'll see you around, right?" she asked, hopeful as she put her jacket back on.
"Yeah, if you ever need me, I'm right next door. You can just let yourself in here or you can call me, you have my number."
"Yeah, I do have your number," she said, as if she had forgotten "so I guess I'll call you soon, then."
"For another tattoo?"
"No," she smiled, as she opened the door to leave "for a date."
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sailahina · 2 years
(DISCLAIMER: this shit is stupidly long and I blame @secretly-of-course and @lollytea for these particular brain worms. Look what you’ve done to me. I put the bulk of it under the cut so you all don’t hate me)
OKAY SO. okay. the huntlow miraculous au brain worms have been WRITHING.
I know a lot of people have been putting Hunter as Ladybug and Willow as Chat Noir, but I DISAGREE. (respectfully)
1. Willow is terrified of ladybugs and it would be REALLY funny for her to get the Ladybug miraculous
2. She just...she IS Marinette! I know that Hunter being all blushy parallels Marinette, but with Willow it could be interpreted as her shyness/insecurity during the Abomination track. Meanwhile, her true confident badass self emerges once she’s Ladybug.
3. Hunter and Adrien are both blonde bois growing up and existing under the authority of an abusive father figure. Both are highly trained in order to live up to the expectations put on them. (Though in this AU to keep up with canon a bit I imagine he's escaped to live with Luz and is adopted into her family)
4. Hunter and Adrien both infodump and it's adorable
5. I 100% believe that Hunter, if he had met Willow during his GG era, would flirt mercilessly with her. Masked confidence and all that.
I think Willow would be into Hunter but in a sort of detached way? Like he's just the brother of her best friend Luz. Sure he's cute but why would he be into half-a-witch Willow? (Are they also witches in this AU I don't know man I'm just brain melting on main)
Hunter meanwhile is a little clueless. His entire focus is on Cosmic Frontier and sewing and wild magic and and and...
Willow is really charmed by this and finds herself able to listen to his ramblings for as long as he'll talk to her (mostly when she comes around to the house and Luz is getting ready or something)
Hunter is just happy to have someone listen to him, since even Gus can get a little fed up with the constant AUs and theories about O'Bailey and the crew. He'll call Willow from time to time just to rant about whatever current fixation he's gotten into.
Their masked selves though?? Oh Hunter is head over fuckin heels for this girl. She's strong and smart and kind and did he already say strong? Titan this girl works out. Like his good friend Willow! :)))
Ladybug!Willow is kind of annoyed with this overly flirtatious partner of hers, but she sees the genuine nerd underneath peek out from time to time, especially if she's close enough to get him flustered and sputtering, completely dismantling the persona he obviously puts on for her. Sometimes she'll catch him rambling about random facts he knows and the sparkle that appears in his eye reminds her of her very good friend Hunter! :)))
She tries more and more to get this genuine, blushy side of him to appear, eventually getting so comfortable in the dynamic that it starts to spill over into her interactions with Hunter. He and Chat are so similar, after all!
This is when something clicks for Hunter. His sister's friend is much more than just someone who listens to him ramble, and all at once he's a mess around her. Luz picks up on this immediately and teases him CONSTANTLY about it. Willow, on the other hand, is pretty clueless about Hunter's feelings towards her. If anything she's worried he's starting to pull away
Hunter, entirely hopeless without his mask, finds himself showing up at Willow's balcony as Chat Noir. He's comfortable with her. He's able to relax without dissolving into a spluttery mess, and in turn Willow is able to be herself as well, while occasionally flirting back just for fun.
After months of these two idiots dancing around each other maybe a reveal would go something like this:
"So, wildflower, if not this handsome cat who's the lucky person you've got your eye on?" Hunter asked. He was perched lazily (and precariously) on Willow's balcony, leaning forward on his staff with a crooked smile, eyes glittering green behind his mask.
Willow rolled her eyes and pushed him away playfully with a hand.
"Wouldn't you like to know, my mysterious midnight caller." She teased, laughter subsiding a bit as she thought about Hunter. He had gotten so distant lately and she worried she had been coming on too strong. Maybe his feelings weren't what she thought after all.
Chat frowned at the sudden drop in enthusiasm, studying Willow's face. "Hey, Titan-to-Willow." He nudged her gently to rouse her from her thoughts, "are you alright?"
Willow started a bit but recovered quickly, giving him a soft smile that nearly knocked him off the balcony.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Sorry kittycat, just...thinking." She frowned again.
"Oooooh so there is someone else!" Chat fake-swooned, lying back on the railing making Willow laugh which was his favorite sound.
He turned his head to face her, eyes softening. "You know you can tell me anything, wildflower."
She smiled at his nickname for her and sighed. "I know, it's just...such a weird situation and I'm not really sure how to go about it. I don't even know for sure if he feels the same way, I..." she bit her lip, unsure if she should say more.
Chat gave her an encouraging nod, quietly waiting for her to continue.
All at once, everything Willow had been holding back for the last few months fell out in a tangle of words. She talked about "this guy", *gushed* about him, really. How he was kind and thoughtful, funny and nerdy, a little awkward at times but so endearingly sweet. How he cared for his siblings, how brave he was for escaping a bad situation and how proud she was of him for slowly coming into his own.
Willow's eyes were shining, talking about this boy, who to Chat's astonishment sounded like...him? He continued to listen, leaning forward and brain running through every scenario in which he could have POSSIBLY missed this. He could feel his face burning with the blush that must've reached the tips of his ears. He didn't know if he should laugh or cry.
She trailed off, tugging on her braid awkwardly, eyes on her shoes. "Anyway, I—" she dragged her gaze back up to meet his, only to find him practically inches away from her face. Their eyes locked and something in Willow's heart stirred. She leaned forward, squinting at him, causing Chat's eyes to widen as he leaned back in alarm.
"Who are you really?" She asked, hope and fear swirling in her chest.
"Willow, I—AH" he leaned back until suddenly there was nothing to lean on but air and he was falling. "Well," he thought, "at least I'll die knowing the most beautiful girl on the Isles has feelings for me."
Fast reflexes as always and a mumbled "oh no you don't," Willow conjured a soft bed of moss for him to tumble onto. She poked her head out from her balcony to assess the damage.
"You alright!?" She called, already scrambling down a hastily made vibe towards him.
A black-clad arm raised itself in the air with a shaky thumbs up.
He was still laying face-down in the moss, lest he look at her and burn his mask away completely. She flipped down comfortably on her knees beside him, her dress poofing out around her. She poked him with a vine, “Alive?” She asked.
"Hunter's not home right now leave a message." He mumbled out and then froze.
Willow caught her breath, staring down at him in disbelief. "What did you say?" She squeaked, feeling a blush creep dangerously close to her ears.
"I uh, haha! whaaaaaat? I have a concussion! Probably! Who knows what I'm saying! Byyyeeee—" Chat tried to scramble to his feet but Willow grabbed his hand pulling him back down next to her on the moss. She searched his eyes and, holding her breath, placed her fingers under his mask, drawing it gently up and over his forehead. She was struck by how beautiful he was. Blonde hair tousled, cheeks flushed, mouth slightly agape but that was just Hunter. She found herself smiling, and then laughing over how ridiculous everything was.
Here she had been confiding in her closest friend about the boy she liked, only for him to BE the boy she liked. It was too much. She was bordering on hysterics, as the fact that she had just CONFESSED to the BOY SHE LIKED sank in and she started to panic.
Hunter, who had been sitting there waiting for her to finish, (he knew from experience that there was no stopping Willow’s laughing fits) sensed the change and placed his hands on her shoulders, urgently turning her to face him again.
“Captain.” Her eyes met his and he thought he might melt into them but he needed to focus. Needed to make sure. “Did you really mean what you said back there?” He swallowed. “A-about me?”
The laughter had gone away replaced by a mouth so dry Willow didn’t think she’d be able to speak, so she nodded silently instead.
She was leaning forward again, placing a hand on his knee to steady herself. His eyes flitted to her lips and back up to her face, flushing at their closeness. Hunter backed up a little, “I-uh-can I maybe um.” He cleared his throat and tried again, his next words coming out in a murmur, “may I kiss you?”
Willow nodded again, more vigorously this time, which made Hunter laugh softly, raising a hand from her shoulder to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear before he pulled her in.
It was like fireworks were going off in Hunter’s brain with information overload. His hand was tangled in her soft hair (how many times had he daydreamed about running his fingers through it?), her skin warm in the cold night air as if she glowed from within. She smelled like flowers and earth and sun. His other hand found its way to her waist as he drew her closer, meaning to deepen the kiss, but he must have been a little too eager because he just threw them off balance instead. They landed in a heap on the soft moss, Willow looking up at him in shock while Hunter looked down and beamed at her, a huge grin splitting his face, tooth gap on full display.
They both burst out laughing, holding onto each other for dear life as the pure insanity over the last hour hit them fully.
As the giggles subsided, Hunter sighed contentedly, pulling Willow close as she snuggled into his shoulder. He shook his head and chuckled again, looking up at the stars.
“Titan. Next thing you’ll tell me is that you’re Ladybug.”
* * *
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avariantflaire · 1 year
Was it a moment? Hunter wondered often. Did it only take a moment – one moment – to dedicate his heart?
O Captain, My Captain.
“You’re good at doing what you told,” Darius had said to him once, matter-of-fact, without malice. Somehow that was worse, to be told within reason that you were the sum of someone else’s parts. And in an effort to prove himself, there she was.
Willow Park. He knew her first as the eager captain of a future team, looking for the best and brightest. She had seen best and brightest in him, and made sure to never let him go.
At first, he needed that. He didn’t know it yet, but he sorely needed the faith she had placed in him without even thinking twice: a chance he needn’t have earned, only fulfilled.
It was the same for everyone in the Emerald Entrails, in hindsight. They were all overlooked, misjudged, and seeking to prove themselves in some way; Willow – the Captain – had seen the best and brightest in them too. With her there were no chances.
Willow Park never did anything in halves.
“I didn’t know how to say it yet. But –”
“You mean a lot to me too.”
And it was so Augustinian of him, so devoted of him, so goddamn faithful of him, to always reach for her and be by her side. For his loyal heart, this was no difficult feat; it was merely a testament to everything that came before and everything she promised in the after.
He looks at her, now, with her cropped hair and her still bright eyes. She is the best he’s been looking for, all of his life.
“For love of thy love I do it.” - lifted from St. Augustine’s Confessions
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locketletters · 2 years
the clouds drift by, lulling willow into a hazy peace, warm afternoon sun drifting over her. the weather is perfect today, which means everyone has been sprayed down with sunscreen before they all drove out on the beach. ms. camila supplied them with ice pops- all gone by now- willow’s mouth still tastes like berry punch. hunter and amity are with Luz still trying to figure out swimming, gus and vee have gone off with ms. camila to find them a good spot for lunch. 
she can hear the drop next to her as someone collapses in the sand and when willow turns her head she doesn’t expect hunter to be right there. his hair is wet, flopped over his face messily and willow wants to sweep it aside but her bones feel as if they've melted away. “i can’t do it,” he says, frustration heavy in his tone. there’s no space to get a word in. “i can’t figure it out, i can’t figure anything out.”
her brows furrow. “we’re not just talking about swimming are we?”
hunter turns away, his eyes quickly cast to the sky. 
“hey,” she stretches her hand out, setting it on hunter’s cold arm, “we can figure it out together, okay?”
his eyes are hard, but he seems to relax a little and willow opens her mouth to say something else but he lifts himself from the sand, and offers her his hand. “let’s figure it out.”
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zyrafowe-sny · 2 years
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I absolutely love the haircut scene from Thanks to Them. It inspired me to write for the very first time in so many years - first a 100 word drabble that turned into a drabble sequence, then another fic, then another, and then two more that need just a little more polishing. I needed to write a second version of the haircut scene for one of my WIPs for thematic reasons, so I am offering my first take to Tumblr. The first 100 word drabble is posted below; there are three more 100 word drabbles and a double drabble in the AO3 link.
Belos made the first cuts in a panic. Long strands of blond hair fell to the ground. With a ragged breath, he forced himself to look in the mirror again. His hair no longer brushed his shoulders. The green scar vanished. Caleb struggled with the unfamiliar scissors, attacking that one stubborn lock that had been passed down to all his clones. He ran a hand through his choppy hair. The Grimwalker's pointed ears were more visible now. He raised the scissors again.
"Hunter?" Willow stood in the doorway.
"I… I… my hair was too long," he rasped.
"Let me help."
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
*yeets this into your inbox*
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I had already tagged you so you'd see the original comment but I kinda wanna see this be written out by the master herself soooo
@valorianknights (tagging them so they'll see this, also original credit goes to them)
ngl i forgot all about this :')
The gang continued to rummage through the old boxes of stuff, talking endlessly about the outfits they'd wear and the strange holiday that humans celebrated. Gus was more than happy to know people dressed up as them, that humans celebrated witches and demons. They had their own day in the human world!
Hunter seemed to forget all about the earlier situation, ecstatic about the changes he could make to everyone's wardrobe. Only a few needed to be done of course.
He'd already finished his and Gus' the night before. Luz only needed help on the hem of her skirt and Amity with her cape and sleeves.
He had never really been used to physical contact so luckily Luz got Amity's measurements and vice versa.
That just left Willow.
Her outfit that she had presented to him left a few places for him to work on. But it just seemed so... plain. His mind was already at work for all the adjustments he could do and such as he rummaged through the tub of fabrics and materials.
He remembered Camila saying that he could easily become a fashion designer or open up his own boutique shop. Something like that. He had to give it to himself, he did do one heck of a job. A pretty amazing job.
"Ok. I'm all done. Where do you want me to stand?"
"Oh yeah!-" Hunter stopped rummaging, frozen in place as she presented herself.
She looked. Nice.
Not that she didn't always look nice- of course she did! She was always so pretty... Black. Not exactly her color, she could probably rock any color too be honest, but something about it made her peridot eyes pop even more with her dark hair.
Sure. Her school uniform was indeed a dark grey tunic and pretty much black but-
Tweet Tweet~ Flapjack nuzzled him meaningfully.
Ah. He was mind rambling again and Willow probably thought he was acting weird.
"Uhm. What all do you need adjustments with?" He asked, grateful he was able to get a full sentence out without stuttering or sounding like a girl.
"Oh well, you're the expert, so I was kind of hoping you'd fix it up however you wanted- well saw fit?"
Hunter glanced over the attire. He subconsciously put a finger to his chin, designer mode activated, and walked around the girl for inspection.
It was simple.
Add a longer hem, different color, maybe a darker black or green. Add a colored waistband so its not so dark.
But for that he'd need measurements.
"Hehelooksfinetomeyouregoodtogo!" He blurted out.
Willow frowned slightly, disbelief raised in her eyebrow she lifted.
"You really think so? I kind of don't feel like it's... me?"
Definitely not. You need more green. You're a witch but you're not dark and evil at all, you're life...
"Whaaaat? Noooo you're perfect!- I MEAN IT'S PERFECT Hehe" Titan he could feel his face burning now.
Willow looked confused for a second before a small smile graced her face. "If it has to do with measurements and stuff, i can do it?"
Wow. She was so smart and observant. She already figured him out. He groaned inwardly.
"It's not that i don't want to touch you- not that I do!" Unless it meant holding her hand or something... he thought momentarily. "I just. I'm not used to uhm. Well it's just-"
The plant witch then placed a hand on his shoulder ever so lightly, a knowing yet amused smile played at her lips. "It's ok Hunter, you don't have to touch me." Her face flushed slightly at that, "I just need your help walking it around me or well I'll show you. Where's your measuring tape at?"
"It's riiiiiight here" Hunter smiled gratefully as he picked it up out of his pile of sewing materials.
Willow then placed the end of it against the front of her waist and held it with one hand, holding out the other end to him. "Now i just need you to walk it around me and hand it back."
Hunter nodded. He grabbed the end of it and began his circle, ever so conscious of the wetness of her hair and the strange sweet scent that radiated off of her. He wondered what kind of shampoo she had used.
He knew Camila had bought quite a lot to go with their different hair types and dyed hairs. He wondered which one Willow used. This smelt different than the honey one-
"..unter? You can stop wrapping it" Willow giggled. "What you thinking about in there?" She asked, head cocked to the side as she poked his forehead playfully.
"What?" She snorted, bursting into giggles again.
"Eh. Sorry. I got distracted." He then quickly walked back around her until she put a hand up for him to stop and grabbed the tape. Putting it next to the end of the other and quoted the measurements. He quickly went and wrote it down.
She then did her arms and stated she thinks the rest fits just fine.
"So. Any ideas on what to do with it?"
"Of course." He smirked as he sat down and got out the things he thought would do perfectly.
"Great! Imma go take this thing off and let you work your magic." She winked and ran up the stairs.
He noted a small patch among the cluster of cloth. It had a 'W'.
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
Frothing at the mouth okay everyone I’m mostly speaking to myself but we need to put the Caleb and Golden Guards down for two seconds because oh jesus christ on a cracker do you understand how much content we can write now. In just two forty-five minute episodes do you understand how much we could create.
Look at the first ten minutes of Thanks to Them. Look at literally everything that happened off-screen in For the Future. Do you understand. This is not a tragedy but a silver platter of unfathomable proportions of writing material. We never got to see all those episodes of the kids learning to adjust to the human realm. We never got to see all those episodes of the Boiling Isles crumbling apart and people getting turned into puppets. I’m 95% certain we were never supposed to know the full story behind Caleb or the Guards, and so there’s physically nothing to miss. What could we possibly write, knowing the creators likely never had the intention of it being written in the first place?
But everything else? Oh baby that’s a GOLDMINE of content right there. There is no canon, therefore we can craft it with our own two hands. Do you see it. Everything we ever wanted the kids to do in the human realm, we can now create it, and canon cannot tell us it didn’t happen like that. Everything we thought would happen in the demon realm we can create, because canon cannot tell us it didn’t. We can write what didn’t get the chance to be completed. We can shape it. We can literally make our own canon. I’m going to start biting the wall
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raspberry-muffin · 2 years
For the drabble prompt, Hunter x Willow, where she cuddles with him and scratches his back and it's the first time he's ever gotten this much affection
Ok! I don't know paragraph breaks, so if I get one wrong please tell me.
Willow walks into the living room, en route to the kitchen for a snack when she sees Hunter curled up on the couch, fast asleep.
Never one to miss an opportunity, she curls up next to him, unaware of him waking up.
Hunter curls inward, unused to physical affection. Willow seems to sense this, and suddenly there are arms encircling him. Hunter starts to cry, because his uncle never gave him much attention, let alone affection.
"It's okay." Willow murmurs.
Hunter leans into her, slowly falling asleep again.
Willow soon follows, snack forgotten.
Luz finds them later, takes a picture and warns everyone away from the living room.
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thebest-medicine · 7 months
Day 11: Squeal
Tickletober 2023 - The Owl House - Emerald Trio - lee!Hunter 
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[read on AO3]
A/N: (now for a brief break from critical role lol) based on the cute photo from the thanks to them end credits. [continued here]
Words: 300
“No way!” Gus cried triumphantly. “Captain Avery would never lose to Chief Engineer O’Bailey!” His arms hooked around Hunter’s ribs, heaving him backwards and nearly on top of the other witch. 
“Heh- that’s what you think!” Hunter chuckled, maneuvering his arms so that he could reach back and grab Gus around his middle. Hunter pitched forward with a laugh, tugging Gus up over his shoulder and onto the sleeping bag beneath them. 
They struggled back and forth a moment, Hunter impressed but still moving a little slowly in this close sparring range to give his friend a chance.
Maybe he underestimated Gus’s hand-to-hand combat ability, he realized as Gus locked one arm around Hunter’s neck. 
A moment passed. “Heh not bad, but—” Hunter’s eyes bugged out as he felt a scribbling set of nails against the back of his neck. Before he could stop it, a surprised squeal escaped his lips. “AHHHHIIIII HAH-”
“You forget, I know your weakness, O’Bailey!” Gus chuckled with an evil grin.
“Nahahahaha- Gus- thahahahat’s cheating- ahahahahahah-” Hunter whined.
Gus’s fingers on the tickling hand skipped about, tweaking at Hunter’s ears and shoulders and neck and even the backs of his armpits. Hunter found himself giggling, hunched over, weakly slapping every so often at Gus’s hands when he could reach them or they tickled a particularly bad spot along his back or neck.
Hunter’s laughter grew as Gus’s fingers crept down his spine, tickling from the base of his skull to his shoulder blades. “Ahahaha- nooooohoho!” Hunter wheezed. He wriggled under Gus but let him continue his game, despite the allegations of cheating. Feeling more carefree and silly than he had in a long time—maybe ever, Hunter lost himself to giggling.
— That is, until Willow barged in moments later to even the odds. 
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[HUNTLOW] [SONGFIC] right where you left me
Friends break up, friends get married
Strangers get born, strangers get buried
Trends change, rumors fly through new skies
But I'm right where you left me
Amity Blight and Luz Noceda  cordially invite you to their wedding. 
Willow walks over the table and sits awkwardly waving at everybody. Her gaze doesn’t stop to look at Hunter who’s right next to her. Shivers go through her spine as she remembers that the last time they were at the same table everything kinda fell apart. 
Matches burn after the other
Pages turn and stick to each other
Wages earned and lessons learned
But I, I'm right where you left me
"Willow you look so pretty “Luz’s mom says and she smiles politely back at her. 
“Total bloom!” Amity’s sister comments “I still remember when we were all at school and you were just a little sprout.”
Emira doesn’t mean it in a bad way, but it’s still rude and they all notice. Willow dismisses the comment as if it was nothing. Hunter clears his throat.
“She was the captain of our senior year roller-derby team. Plus, top student. How does that make you a little sprout again?”
Help, I'm still at the restaurant
Still sitting in a corner I haunt
Cross-legged in the dim light
They say, "What a sad sight"
“Willow… I’m going to NY. I just got the letter today.” He says. Her body stiffens. 
“Congratulations” She says, putting her glass down. Feeling suddenly too young to have a glass of wine in her hand. “That’s what you wanted. I am happy for you”. 
Her gaze gets blurry. 
“Why don’t you come with me? I’m sure you’ll have a bright future no matter where you go. “
“I can’t, Hunter” She looks for the waiter. Maybe they should just leave. This place is too fancy for them anyways. 
“Yes, you can. I’m sure your dads will support your decision. Willow, I’m getting a scholarship. I know I could work too, come with me, we’ll figure it out, but I know this will work. We could even… ” He stars looking for something in his pockets. He looks so dazzling with his hair combed backwards and his cheeks blushed. 
“I don’t wanna leave my hometown” She lies. She’s just too scared that things don’t turn out well for both of them. He’s brilliant. He’s handsome. He’s got dreams. She just has him. She’s gonna miss him so much when he’s not here anymore. 
I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop
Right when I felt the moment stop
“This shouldn’t be this ways” He says. 
He’s crying. 
“Willow you’re making me choose”.
“You’re wrong. That’s exactly what I would never do” She pleads. “I’ve made out my mind for a while, Hunter… this is going nowhere. You will be leaving anyway. We better spend this last summer apart.” 
She runs to her home that day. She was kind of expecting he would come around, but he did not. That’s good , she thinks. 
Glass shattered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on
I, I stayed there
Dust collected on my pinned-up hair
She cries all summer. She doesn't see her friends. She is too scared that anyone could persuade her to go back to him. To accept, just to end up in an even sadder ending. 
And months goes by. 
She can’t help it. She goes to his house the night before he left. 
They talk, but he’s too hurt to look at her in the way she would like. Willow can’t blame him. 
They say their farewells. He’s gone. 
They expected me to find somewhere
Some perspective, but I sat and stared
Right where you left me
Willow goes to NY. One year later she’s been offered a scholarship that she’s eager to accept. 
She walks the streets every day wondering if that would be the day they finally meet again. 
You left me no, oh, you left me no
“Willow… I ran into Hunter the other day” Gus says on the phone after they have been talking for almost an hour. Her heart stops. She’s been here for almost a year. 
“Really? Woow … Haven’t heard of him for ages. How’s he doing?” She says casually. Keep it cool. 
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
“Good morning beautiful” He says with a smirk next to her locker. She pecks him on the cheek.
“I made notes for your presentation today” She says, handling the cards at him, and he kisses her on the lips.
“Have I ever told you how amazing you are ?
“Not today” she sings.
“You’re the most amazing girlfriend on Earth, Miss Willow Park. And I am the luckiest bastard to have you. See you at the library later?”
You left me, you left me no, oh, you left me noYou left me no choice but to stay here forever
“He seemed fine” he says… “He said it’s been crazy here…and… “
“...And?” She repeats.
“He… he’s seeing someone, Willow. I saw them together. I’m sorry”. 
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
He’s got a new girlfriend. Someone new to love. Willow cries her eyes out that night. 
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be
“Stalking your ex again?” Skara, her roommate asks her as soon as Willow shuts the laptop when she enters surpresively in her bedroom. 
She has tried several times to check on him. Sober and drunk. Mostly drunk. She even tried to have Skara befriend him on facebook one time when they were both tipsy.  She didn’t acceppt, though. 
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
She sees him, crossing the street. A red scarf around his neck and his hair has grown longer, but suits him. She panics and goes back to the shop where she was buying a new book. Waits for him to pass the windowshop. When he’s gone, she still waits inside half an hour. She gets late to work that day.
Break-ups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
“You look so beautiful tonight” The guy in front of her is saying. She can’t get a single word of what he’s blabbing. Her eyes are focused on Hunter, who’s about to take a seat two tables far from her with a blonde girl. When he sees her, he waves at her so happy that she feels she’s passing out. His smile hasn’t changed a bit since they were 17. 
He looks dreamy. He’s coming over.
But he notices she’s not alone and walks backwards. 
The blond girl rubs his neck and takes him to a farther table.
The flashback takes her to the day they had their first date. 
He was too nervous to even look at her. She rubbed his hand that time and they both smiled. Then kissed. They dated for two years. The best two years of her life.
And you're sitting in front of me
At the restaurant, when I was still the one you want
Cross-legged in the dim light, everything was just right
I, I could feel the mascara run
You told me that you met someone
Glass shattered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on
“I’m sorry” she mumbles  “But I’m feeling unwell”. She grabs her purse and runs out of the restaurant. She never hears from Hunter -or the other guy - again.
Help, I'm still at the restaurant
“Willow, I love you” He whispers. He’s too nervous. His face is  two centimeters from hers.
“I know” She smiles. “I love you even more” and kisses him hard, feeling how his weight covers her and fills her and makes her feel complete.
Willow goes over the memories one hundred times, and they never fail to shutter her heart into pieces. Time goes by, but she can’t move on. 
Still sitting in a corner I haunt
Cross-legged in the dim light
They say, "What a sad sight"
His fingers feel tight around her waist and his mouth on her neck. The world is spinning around. He’s moaning her name, hot waves going all over her body as they make out in his car.
She kisses him again and again, and feels blessed for loving him so much and for being loved in return. 
 I, I stayed there
Dust collected on my pinned-up hair
I'm sure that you got a wife out there
Kids and Christmas, but I'm unaware
'Cause I'm right where
“So… “ he talks to her in lower voice when dessert in being served. The brides are already dancing. Amity and Luz look beautiful and she tries to think on them to keep her eyes apart from him.  “How’s life going, Captain?
Her heart races. Goddamned Hunter and those nicknames that would melt all her bones.
They chat. After the awkward first five minutes they get into it as if seven years were just seconds.
“I wasn’t sure if you kept living in New York” He admits after he has finished his second drink. She can tell he’s not drunk, not even tipsy. He just wanna play the cool guy part. “Luz told me some time ago”.
“Oh, so you guys talk about me?” She jokes. He doesn’t laugh. 
I cause no harm, mind my business
If our love died young, I can't bear witness
“Yeah…I’ve been there for a while. I used to live with my roommate but now I’m on my own. Finally independent” She says, a little pride in her voice.
“I’m glad. ” He replies. He’s honest, she can also tell that. 
“What about you?”
“Same. Used to live with some friends but I recently decided that I wanted my own place. I'm renting an apartment here…” He shows the place on google maps. She goes pale at the discovery they are almost neighbors. 
“Wow that’s crazy” he says “I guess life doesn't want me to move on…” His voice sounds bittersweet. 
He looks at her and smiles. Offers his hand to dance.
And it's been so long
She breathes in and accepts. They dance, and it seems time is frozen as she can only look at those beautiful eyes again. He asks her to be honest and tell him if she had ever regretted what happened. Because he does every day.
But if you ever think you got it wrong
“I even tried to have a friend get your address once, because I knew he was from your same school” He admits. She bursts into laughter.
“Because Willow… Time has passed, and we have grown up, but… when I close my eyes I still remember the day you were everything to me and I was everything to you. I can’t move on, no matter how hard I try."
I'm right where you left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
They leave the party together and he drives her to the old court they used to go to after school.
They are kissing in his car. She runs her fingers through his hair and it remains as soft as the last time she did so.
He kisses her cheeks multiple times.
“You have always been the most beautiful woman on Earth to me” he whispers. 
Her heart is in her throat. She has dreamt about this so many times that it is still hard to process. 
But he’s being honest. You can always tell when Hunter’s being honest. 
“I missed you so much” She said at last. And they kiss again. 
You left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
Amity gets the mail that morning. Her eyes scan the envelope and when she reads the card, goes running crazy back into the house, calling for her wife.
Willow Park and Hunter Wittebane cordially invite you to their wedding. 
Lots of time skips over here
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